#this is completely unfiltered
ohnoitsthebat · 2 years
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Happy Friday! We made it!
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columboscreens · 4 months
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urfavcrime · 28 days
dsmp is still SO insane to me. still not completely convinced it wasn't a social experiment. it is something that can never be replicated again due to the really specific circumstances that attributed to it's creation and popularity
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seri-tonin · 25 days
My beautiful son with a disorder
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chiprewington · 3 months
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Hi, frat boy!
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rapidhighway · 2 years
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dsffsfdgaf ok here's this. it was all just one giant excuse to draw a really pissed off metal
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tomeebear04 · 3 months
i feel like tord would kind of have an incel mindset, not badly but he still makes any woman want to run for him after he speaks two words to them
i wouldn't say that tord has an incel mindset. politics are a big part of who he is. communist theory isnt all that compatible with incel ideology, although i dont doubt there are some maniacs out there who have managed to be both somehow. tord is a military larper at heart. he's into the odd brainrot that body builder influencers tend to have. tord's talking about hunter eyes and starting paleo diets. he's too smart to fall for the full on incel stuff but not smart enough to not do whatever a scantly clad (clearly roided) beefcake selling protein supplements tells him to. women do not find this charming at all
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aces-to-apples · 1 year
Frankly I think Alistair being mildly shitty to that mage in Ostagar seems pretty in-character for the guy he is before the massive, life-altering trauma that is the Ostagar massacre wherein he sees all of his Grey Warden comrades, his beloved mentor/father figure, and his beloathed half-brother/convenient-target-of-projection absolutely torn to shreds by literal Thedas boogeymen. IIRC Morrigan and Flemeth both comment on his wack behavior after Ostagar and then by the time we get to Lothering Alistair just fully surrenders any and all responsibility (and, frankly, agency) to the player's Warden for the foreseeable future. It can then take anywhere from a couple IRL hours to the entire second act of the game for him to retake almost any amount of it back. And depending on the player's choices in dialogue, and especially whether or not they choose to romance him, we may only see flashes of that guy we met at Ostagar before he potentially morphs into almost someone else entirely (hardened!King!Alistair). All that to say, I don't actually think it's a useful criticism of "characterization" to bring up Alistair's glibness as compared to his behavior in the majority of the game because from where I'm standing (looking directly at his snottiness about Cailan, his complaints about being assigned to the Tower of Ishal, his Templar-esque focusing on Morrigan and Flemeth being apostates, his generally pretty brusque manner with the Warden recruits) it seems fairly in-line with the rest of his behavior at Ostagar.
#like seriously he's a bit of a dick (more than what becomes usual) while at ostagar#before his world is shattered and his brain (and personality) is completely rearranged by seeing everyone important to him slaughtered#he clings so hard to the warden as a lifeline that he kind of goes full-on fawning mode for a little bit there#just giving up the reins completely and following orders as (imo) a method of coping with massive loss and trauma#throughout the course of the game he recovers somewhat and goes back to being kind of a dick#and/or growing up pretty extensively and becoming a much better and more tolerant person as a whole#but the idea of him being a dick to a mage because he's being moved around like a chess piece rather than a person#by someone who should NOT have the authority to do that and that fuckin ANNOYS him and then this dude's getting all up in his face about it#as if this was HIS decision and then being accused of harassing this random ass dude he could not give less of a fuck about for funsies#and thus him going full obnoxious shithead teenager about it is somehow OUT of character?? for ALISTAIR??? wack#like nah bro i know we all love ali but our vision is being obscured by that love and also how sweet he is in a romance#just being besties with him unlocks an incredible amount of unfiltered BITCHINESS that is fully in-line with ostagar!alistair's shenanigans#dragon age: origins#alistair theirin#by apples#da meta#anyway there's been disk horse on my dash for the last couple days and this is my take on it
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flowersandfashion · 3 months
It's always "ooh I crave sapphic romance" "I want a girl to write poems about me"
what if the poems are really bad? what then?
(not a hypothetical. help me)
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tcfactory · 5 months
Okay smartass how would you fix Bingqiu if you had your way?
If you actually want to know you could do to be less of a rude little shit about it, anon, but all right.
This is not about 'fixing' anything. Bingqiu is a wildly popular ship and a lot of people enjoy the exact kind of delusional insanity these two have about each other and that's honestly great. Love it for them. Not my cup of tea though.
I think the easiest and fastest way to make them sort their shit out and maybe put them in a position where I might actually be interested in what's going on with them is to take the protagonist halo away. Maybe the System short circuits, maybe it just gets automatically turned off after the extras, don't know don't care.
A lot of Shen Qingqiu's self delusions are fueled by his unshakeable belief that Luo Binghe, being The Protagonist, is Perfectly Fine the way he is. Binghe is the Protagonist, so when there are no character development or obligatory angst events going on he is happy and healthy and a slightly charred good boy and Shen Qingqiu is The Happy Wife who dotes on his hubby and Everything Is Right In The World. Endless honeymoon with their responsibilities only coming to bother them every once in a while. And it makes it way too easy for Binghe to cover up that he's still hurt, still unstable and still insecure by what went down because Shen Qingqiu is willing to take him at face value when he presents his insecurities as just being shameless neediness for his husband. Of course he happily indulges Binghe! But that isn't really helping with the core of the problem now, does it?
Like, Binghe takes steps towards ensuring Shen Qingqiu's mental wellbeing even at the cost of his own as soon as Maigu Ridge is over when he takes him back to the sect. Shen Qingqiu tries too, in his own way (the entire segment in the tombs is all about him putting himself in very real danger for Binghe's sake) but at the same time, this is a guy who completely missed the writing on the wall that Bingge was deeply unhappy in PIDW. As long as he can hold onto his internal picture that The Protagonist Suffered A Lot But He Is Fine Now I don't think he can really offer the right kind of emotional support for Binghe to actually heal from what happened to him and move on to a healthier frame of mind.
If you take the protagonist halo away, then first of all Binghe can, you know, suck a little. Or a lot, actually. The world not making excuses for him and him being a little defanged would be good for him. He gets really nothing he actually wants from being the protagonist - Shen Qingqiu will love him anyway. Mobei-jun will still stick around to back him up and help him out, because he's still Shang Qinghua's favorite fictional son and Qinghua is happy to see Binghe happy, just, you know, somewhere way over there where he can't get jealous tsundere over Cucumber bro and maybe murder him about it. Sha Hualing is still going to be his buddy because he's her best source of human trivia and the writing inspiration for her girlfriend. Not having to be demon emperor and getting more time to spend with his husband would be a relief.
But he would have to be more aware of other people because he's not above them anymore. Maybe even forced to make a few new friends to get by. And his mask will fail and Shen Qingqiu will have to see him for what he is: just Luo Binghe, still hurt and still confused half demon, who loves him very much, but can't make sense of him and is afraid that he will be left behind or pushed away without explanation again and that's kinda Shen Qingqiu's own damn fault.
And Shen Qingqiu can't hold onto his delusions about The Protagonist. He can't willfully ignore that things are not fine with Binghe because he's not the Protagonist anymore and the world only allows that special privilege for the Protagonist. Binghe is just a guy now and he has so many heart demons he needs help with. His trauma from the abyss or Xin Mo can't be brushed off with 'oh that's just part of his blackening he's fine now' anymore. And it might need a little bit of adjusting to internalize that these problems have always been here just below the surface, but Shen Qingqiu genuinely loves Binghe and would want to help him become happier and more stable in any way he can.
Binghe becoming part of the world in a way that's one person among many - building a support network! maybe befriending new demons or actually getting to know and making up with the QJ disciples or finding common ground with LQG and becoming sparring buddies - rather than a protagonist in a sea of NPCs is a lot more interesting to me than whatever he has going on at the end of canon. And Shen Qingqiu can be there with him on that journey, because he already started unlearning the sense of unreality the System conditioned into him, but he still has a long way to go.
#i feel like a lot of very real hurt and mental scarring Binghe suffered just get brushed aside as 'oh it's just part of his blackening'#like the aftereffects of Xin Mo alone would deserve a mention but Binghe Has The Love Of His Life Now So Everything Is Fine#also I think people really undersell how hard SQQ can delude himself when he tries#he already had practice in it convincing himself that he's absolutely het and not even a little gay at all#but then the System really fucked up how he sees the world#made him see things structured completely around the arc of a harem and then romance protagonist#and neither of those frameworks ALLOW him to see how mentally scarred LBH is by everything#like he would occasionally get a moment of 'oh LBH might actually need more friends he looks lonely hanging out with just me and NYY'#but then his idiot reader brain reasserts itself and he convinces himself that it's FINE because the protagonist can't be maladjusted#I joke a lot that Binghe is a red flag and that's Shen Yuan's favorite color#but it's more a case of “you say that it's a red flag but I won't see it because the narrative can't allow it to be red”#Shen Yuan's attachment to the source material and the roles he constructs based on it are actively harming both of them#and I don't feel like it really makes things better that by the end he moved himself from the role of the Villain to the role of the Wife#they are still roles that impact how he interacts with reality n still constrict how well he's able to understand or be understood by Bingh#tl;dr.: Shen Yuan needs to become less of a delulu millennial trashfire bc it's holding both of them back from healing#anyway these are my unfiltered Bingqiu thoughts take it or leave it
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ratatatastic · 11 days
"When you guys are playing and, like, we all got podcasts and there are big podcasts out there, you know, are going from series to series, and they're critiquing teams and what not—like, at the end, do you know who's chirping you? Do you pay attention to that shit? Do you know who's on your side? Do you know who's, you know, rooting against you? Do you guys pay attention to that kind-of stuff? I'm just curious." "Yeah, I think this might be the first podcast I've ever done—I'm not the biggest fan of podcasts to be honest. I think—I'm friends with that, you know, [Shane] O'Brien, and [Scottie] Upshall (2 out of the 3 cohosts of the Missin' Curfew podcast), I love those guys... so if they ask I would do it but... again they, I think—I think negativity flows through media so much that it just kind-of disgusts me and I want nothing to do with it to be honest. So I hate the negativity, I think it's crazy, I think negativity in media steers guys away from certain teams... it's like, 'Why do you want that?' right? So I don't know, I'm a huge fan of the positivity, finding the positives in players and not putting guys down especially in podcasts and stuff like that where it should be for the players, right? It should be a positive thing, something that we rally around. Especially as ex-players!" "Yeah! We're gonna pump your tires!" "That's it!" "Well, you still gotta be real though!" "No, I know!" "You know if you have a bad game—" "It's gotta be real! For sure!" "—You gotta be real! You can't fake out your audience either so it's still a business." "One hundred percent! One hundred percent, one hundred percent... and I get that but—Yeah, I mean, I saw all those Spittin' Chiclets guys all over Edmonton's bandwagon so..." "That really bothered you guys, eh? Like, I mean, you guys were paying attention to that. I mean, as evidence as well on what took place on the ice after the game... you guys weren't, like, fucking around, you were being serious, right? You guys—that really bothered you guys?" "Hundred percent." "What was it? Like, the most that bothered you about it? Just the fact that, 'Hey, you guys are rooting for them... why are you trying to celebrate with us?' I mean, was it—is it that simple?" "Exactly. Yeah, get the f—we won, get off... right? Get out of here. That's uh, yeah. I don't know, I don't want to be too controversial or anything like that. I'm a happy guy, I like everybody so... whatever." "They're all good dudes, man. Listen if they're into hockey and they're talking about hockey thats a positive one way or the other!" "Oh, they're growing the game! They're growing the game! Huge! And they're doing a great job and I've spoke with Biz [Paul Bissonnette] a few times and I know Whit [Ryan Whitney] (Cohosts of Spittin' Chiclets) and I've got no issues with any of 'em. Truly."
The Cam & Strick Podcast | 7.30.24 (x)
#aaron ekblad#florida panthers#i love when ekky gets petty i think he should be petty more often#“im a chill happy peace loving guy” NO YOU ARE NOT SWEETHEART LMAOOOOOOO#its the way ekky tries to portray himself and the way he actually comes off thats so special to me#matthew “we dont listen to outside noise!” vs ekky “i remember the names of all my detractors and will write them in blood”#“negativity flows through media so much that it just kind-of disgusts me and I want nothing to do with it to be honest”#said like a man who went first overall to a team that was basically seen as a suffering hellhole for years#and has so much negative media focused on him for fucking ages#“wow that really bothered you” “yep (refuses to elaborate)”#“so like what about THAT bothered you? (proceeds to sus out his feelings)” “exactly” ITS LIKE PULLING TEETH WITH THIS GUY#“get off—” you absolutely know he was gonna say “get off our dicks” oh you know he wanted to say it. thought about it.#and went i cant be that crass in public despite the fact im allowed to say fuck multiple times.#i would pay so much money to get a completely unfiltered conversation with ekky SO MUCH MONEY#unfortunately i think you should be more controversial ekky#say what you really feel baby!#i love the podcast that shall not be named slander like yeah ekky im glad we're on the same page about this#the whatever after he goes im a happy guy i love everyone you doing a great job convincing us this didnt affect you at all#i love ekky so much you dont understand
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dragons-library · 2 months
The cruel prince rants:
Okay maybe I’m just too paranoid about Locke or already love cardan too much lol
But when Nicasia said “he ruins things” what I understood was:
She was supposed to marry cardan and Locke ruined it because that’s what he likes to do.
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scoutpologist · 4 months
sorry for the irls who follow me now and are being exposed to my hater nature. i love to do nothing but complain
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babymorte · 4 months
Kinda curious, is it autism?
i don’t really like talking about it but yea
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donnatroyyyy · 9 months
When Mitski wrote “I will wash your hair at night/ And dry it off with care/ I will see your body bare/ And still I will live here” do you think she’d been thinking about Donna and Dick while writing it?
#For any weird Donna/Dck shippers NO NO NO in a purely platonic way#no but seriously I know that fro some reason canon doesn’t really delve too deep into their relationship and it’s mostly fanon and that sho#but to me I think it’s the relationship so obvious it can go unsaid like how the first few Disney movies’s princes didn’t speak cuz their#actions spoke for them y’know? to me dck and Donna’s friendship is one that’s such a universal constant that it only needs to be seen a han#ful of times to be understood. and to me those handful of times told me that their relationship was that of a sister and brother’s (cliche)#but honestly these 2 r the kind to be able to stick with each other through ANYTHING and have. when no one else was allowed to see them for#who they truly were in their complete unfiltered selves they saw that in each other and they stuck by one another#because of that their bond is unbreakable the kind of bond built when you know the other will never even think of abandoning you.#Their relationship is so important to the both of them because before it they’d each thought they needed to always hide a piece of themsel#to be wanted even when it came to those closest to them. their friendship to each other taught them that people could know and see who you#completely and still love you and stay by you. their friendship built their ability for friendship with the other titans then their ability#for love in general. they’re each other’s safe space.#dc comics#comics#robin#dick grayson#donna troy#wonder girl#troia
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throwaway-yandere · 1 month
Heyo! I just found your blog and gotta say, your writing hits the spot! Really enjoy the way you depict the story and each of the characters! Been really into "O Capo, My Capo!"
sorry i've literally been dead for like 7 months now so I didn't saw this but thank you!!! I appreciate your kind words <3. OCMC will forever have a special place in my heart since it was one of my first experimental fic works and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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