#this is canon behind the scenes for ep 12
bnhaobservation · 1 year
BNHA Observations, speculations and assorted info: Todoroki Mansion (Part 4: Dining Room)
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
Chap. 192 “The Todoroki Family” (轟家 Todoroki-ke) Chap. 249 “The Hellish Todoroki Family” (地獄の轟くん家 Jigoku no Todoroki-kun-chi) Chap. 250 “Ending” (エンディング)
Ep. 90 “Vestiges” (面影 Omokage) Ep. 105 “The Hellish Todoroki Family” (地獄の轟くん家 Jigoku no Todoroki-kun-chi) Ep. 106 “The Unforgiven” (許されざる者 Yurusarezaru-mono)
The dining in the Todoroki Mansion is a washitsu (和室), which means "harmony room" but which is the name used to mean "Japanese-style room".
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It's a room characterized by a tatami flooring (Tatami (畳) is a type of mat used as a flooring material in traditional Japanese-style rooms)...
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and sliding doors, be they Shōji (consisting of translucent or transparent sheets on a lattice frame) or Fusuma (vertical rectangular panels often painted)...
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....and, if the particular room is also meant to serve as a reception room for guests, it may have a tokonoma (床の間), an alcove for decorative items.
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In the manga from the Genkan, taking the corridor on the left, though we aren't shown more about how to reach it...
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In the anime it's possible to speculate it's reached always taking the corridor on the left but then we're shown you've to walk through the engawa...
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We know that in the anime the Shōji door with a lower door panel of the room doesn't open on the open part of the Engawa because, outside of the door, we always see a closed corridor.
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Natsuo takes the way on the right and then curves again on the right and then we'll see he has reached the engawa so we can assume that's the way one has to take to reach it.
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It's a little harder to say if the same applies to the manga as what's behind the characters entering in the room is left white... but since the wall isn't drawn it's possible the room opens on the outside...
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...but let's look at how the dining room is in details.
As said before it's a large Shōji door with a lower door panel and some small Shōji windows above it.
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In addition to the two small windows on top of the door, we've a marumado (円窓), a circular window with a flat bottom edge, on the left.
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Outside the Marumado there's another corridor, which is probably not the engawa as we don't see it having round windows. By the way, that corridor lead to the Butsudan room, though it's evidently in opposite places in the anime and in the manga as Enji is walking in opposite directions to reach it.
On the wall opposite to the door, on the left, there's a Shōji window the Shoin (書院) with, below it, a power point.
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The Shoin (書院) is considered a decorative window-style structure which is usually located to the left of the Tokonoma in formal ones (since the Todoroki one is collocated to the right I guess their own isn't formal). A Shoin with an overhang toward the porch area is called “Tsuke-shoin” (付書院), and those without an overhang are called “Hira-shoin” (平書院).
In the anime is clearly of 12 tatami mats.
In the manga is harder to say but maybe it's 10 tatami mats?
As shown in the images above and as said before, on the wall in front of the door there's a Shōji window, then an alcove, which I'm not sure could costitute a Tokonoma as what's displayed in it is a television.
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The anime also adds, hung on the wall on the side opposite to the window, a picture.
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As said before and as shown in the images before, on the wall on the left there's only the marumado window.
The wall on the left is the one of the Tokonoma. A formal Tokonoma structure is called Hondoko (本床) and consists of the following three parts: the Shoin (書院), a decorative window, the Tokonoma (床の間), an alcove and the Tokowaki (床脇), a space with shelves.
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In the manga we've already seen that the tokonoma structure isn't a formal one as the Shoin window is placed in the opposite side. Let's focus now on the Tokonoma, which contains a kakemono (掛物 "hanging thing"), more commonly referred to as a kakejiku (掛軸 "hung scroll"), and a vase on the right. We can also catch a glimpse of a flower arrangement which should be in front of the scroll.
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As for the Tokowaki, instead than an upper and lower cupboard with, in the middle some shelves, we've what seems to be a closet with a lower cupboard.
The anime instead went for a traditional Tokowaki.
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It has in the middle a Chigaidana (違い棚) which is decorative shelves consisting of two different levels and two cupboard-like shelves with sliding doors placed above and below the Chigaidana, which are called Tenbukuro (天袋 "top shelf") and Jibukuro (地袋 "bottom shelf").
The ceiling is a Japanese Saobuchi tenjō (竿縁天井 "rod edge ceiling") ceiling, a flat wood ceiling supported by narrow wood beams.
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In the anime they're always sitting on Zaisu (座椅子) chairs, Japanese chairs with a back and no legs.
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In the manga, when Enji comes home after beating a Nomu and when he dreams his family eating together they're all sitting on Zabuton (座布団) Cushions.
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Only Fuyumi seems to be sitting in a seiza (正座) position (on her heels with her legs tucked underneath her). As she's a female her other option would be to sit with her legs tucked on one side. Males can also sit in a seiza position but the Todoroki males all seem to sit in agura (胡坐) position (cross-legged). Stretching the legs directly out in front of themselves is something one must not do so nobody does it.
The table should be a Zataku (座卓) table, a low, rectangular table suitable for sitting on Zabuton or Zaisu.
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Seating arrangements is very important in Japanese culture: The guest-of-honor is seated upon the kamiza (上座 "Chief seat" or "seat of honor") which is typically situated farthest from the entrance. The middle of the table is the most honored position, and the second most important person is seated next, at his right, the third most important person at his left. When there is a tokonoma in the room, the guest-of-honor is seated in front of it. The host or lowest-ranking guest is seated closest to the shimoza (下座 "lower seat").
So let's give a look at how the Todoroki sit...
To make things simpler I made a scheme showing the floorplan of the dining room and the seating arrangement.
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Enji, the family head, is always at the head of the table. I'll assume the first time they put him near the door because otherwise he wouldn't have been able to watch the tv.
The second time in fact, when the tv is not turned on, he's at the chair farther form the door.
The first time Shouto is placed at his right, which is the second most important place. It might be because Shouto is being a guest in a way, as he's temporally living at the dormitory, or it might be because this, in a way, remarks Shouto's status as Enji's heir, despite Shouto being the youngest.
The second time at Enji's right there's Bakugo, which makes sense as he's a guest. Technically the third most important place would be the one at Enji's right, but they've probably left Bakugo, Midoriya and Shouto all seated at the same side of the table so that they would be more comfortable. From what I could understand in theory in such scenario, Enji should have seated opposed to them, between Fuyumi and Natsuo (the middle place is the most important spot in this kind of arrangement), but this is no business dinner so I guess they didn't bother.
So the most important spot after the one Bakugo is having goes to Fuyumi's Enji's eldest child.
Interesting enough, when Enji came home from fighting the Nomu, that spot was given to Natsuo.
What's interesting to notice though is that the Todoroki's dining room comes with a problem.
Guests should be placed facing the Tokonoma but this here doesn't happen. In order to place Bakugo at Enji's right, they give their back to the Tokonoma.
That is unless Enji gives up his place as the head of the table and sits on the middle of the table between Fuyumi and Natsuo.
Now, Enji's dream in the manga.
The manga doesn't give us a way to figure out how the characters are placed in the room but the anime confirms the scene is seen from Enji's point of view as he enters in the room, so Rei and Fuyumi are next to the tv. In this arrangement, there's no spot for him and no head of the table.
In theory the most important person should be Rei, as she's the oldest (and she's placed far from the door)... which makes Shouto the second most important person again with Fuyumi coming third.
The anime added a dream sequence which has Rei seated at the head of the table but this time Natsuo would get the second most important place, then Fuyumi, then Shouto.
On a sidenote there's to say families might chose not to be so strict about seating arrangement and just go with what makes them comfortable so...
Still, to sum it up, manga and anime this time are pretty similar in how to represent the room, the biggest difference being merely how the anime, differently from the manga, decided to go for a traditional Tokowaki.
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bi-bard · 6 months
Original Characters Masterlist [Vol.2]
This masterlist feels both sudden yet incredibly expected. Over the years, I have created original characters (OCs) for a variety of fandoms. I adore them all, but many of them were not made with the intention of being more than a one-off story. That led to some stories that I am simply not as proud of as I would like to be. Also, they were written when I was a coward and was terrified of changing known canon. Now that I am much more comfortable doing that, I want to make something that I can feel much prouder of.
This will serve as a new beginning for many of my OCs and as the new official masterlist for all of the stories in those current timelines.
I have remade an OC before. I am not remaking all of them. This is merely a way for me to keep moving forward and not get stuck in one spot.
The remade OCs are the Hannibal OC, the Criminal Minds OC, and the Supernatural OC.
The other OCs will be left as they are, though I have done a lot of work behind the scenes in order to get those characters to flow much better than they did before.
I hope you all enjoy these stories!
If you want to read the original stories for the remade OCs, click here.
If you want to go to the main navigation guide, click here.
Special Note: Some stories feature other original characters outside of the reader. I utilize face claims for such characters as to have physical descriptions to separate them throughout the stories. No such face claims are used for the reader (main oc).
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Criminal Minds OC - Spencer Reid X Gideon!Reader
When Jason decided to take in a newly orphaned child after a particularly rough case, people had many thoughts. Some called it kind, some impulsive, some even called it fate. More begin using that last term when (Y/n) and Jason begin working alongside each other.
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
Season 4:
Season 5:
Season 6:
Season 7:
Season 8:
Season 9:
Season 10:
Season 11:
Season 12:
Season 13:
Season 14:
Season 15:
Season 16 [Reboot]:
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Criminal Minds/Supernatural Crossover OC - Emily Prentiss X Winchester!Reader
Changing your name and running away doesn't always free you from your past. (Y/n)'s past rears its head just as they're making a name for themself. (Y/n), their brothers, and their team learn a very important lesson: "monster" can be both literal and figurative.
Season 1:
Reunion [ep. 1 - Supernatural]
The Moment Spencer Reid Became My Best Friend
Season 2:
Tragedy in a Pair [ep. 1 - both]
Revelations [ep. 14 & 15 - Criminal Minds]
Season 3:
Season 4:
Season 5:
If the World Was Ending... [ep. 22 - Supernatural]
Season 6:
Season 7:
Just Between Us, Did the Love Affair Maim You Too? [ep. 2 - Criminal Minds]
Rebuilding [ep. 23 & 24 - Criminal Minds]
Season 8:
Season 9:
I Didn't Mean To
Season 10:
The Retreat [ep. 8 - Supernatural]
Season 11:
Season 12:
Season 13:
For Those Who Don't Know Who I Am [ep. 15 - Criminal Minds]
Season 14:
Season 15:
Season 16 [Criminal Minds Only]:
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Doctor Who OC - The Doctor X Timelord!Reader
(Y/n) spent most of their early life as nothing more than a weapon. Continuously called the Savior by the Time Lords training them, (Y/n) knew all too well about the weight sitting on their shoulders. However, when Time War comes and (Y/n) fails their very purpose, they have two choices: hide away from the universe forever or travel the universe and help as many people as possible.
Other Important Original Characters
The Savior Fails
Series 1:
Plastic Promises [ep. 1]
Familiar Foes [ep. 6]
Special: Reckless [2005 Christmas Special]
Series 2:
Series 3:
A Normal Life [ep. 8 & 9]
Series 4:
Series 5:
Series 6:
Series 7:
Clever Boy [ep. 1]
Series 8:
Series 9:
Series 10:
Series 11:
Series 12:
Series 13:
60th Anniversary Specials:
Season 1:
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Hannibal OC - Hannibal Lecter X Reader [Sunshine Character Trope]
(Y/n) had been sheltered for quite some time. When they finally get a chance to see the world around them, they did not know how vulnerable they truly were. If they had, maybe they would have turned away from the first man to show them affection.
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
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House MD OC - James Wilson X House's Sibling!Reader
If you were to ask anyone at Princeton–Plainsboro Teaching Hospital how the House siblings ended up working at the same place, then there would rarely be a straight answer. It went without question that it wasn't because Greg had put a good word in. And in the end, maybe it didn't matter how they both got there. All that mattered was that they both stayed there... and didn't end up killing each other.
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
Season 4:
Misdiagnosis [ep. 9]
Season 5:
Season 6:
Season 7:
Season 8:
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The Last of Us OC - Joel Miller X Reader
(Y/n) and Joel had never meant to cross paths. However, when (Y/n) and Tess meet, Tess's protective side rears its head and forces the two together. Ellie's presence pushes Joel and (Y/n) together in a very different way.
Season 1:
Changes [Episode 4 & 6]
Those Three Months [Between Episodes 5 & 6]
Something Good [Between Episode 6 & 7]
God’s Plan [Episode 8]
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Shadow & Bone OC - Kaz Brekker X Sun Summoner!Reader
Ketterdam had been the closest thing to home that (Y/n) had known. With that home came the Crows, the closest thing that (Y/n) had ever known to a family. When their secret is exposed in order to protect their family, it's all stolen from them. Now, (Y/n) needs to find a way to tear down the Fold and get home to the people they care about.
The Easiest Way to Steal a Man’s Wallet is to Tell Him You’re Going to Steal His Watch
No Saint Ever Watched Over Me
Season 1:
They Tell Each Other Who to Look After and Who to Watch Out For
When They Took Everything from You, You Found a Way to Make Something from Nothing
You're the First Glimmer of Hope I've Had in a Long Time
Season 2:
Stay till the End... And After, And Always
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Supernatural OC - Winchester Brothers & Adopted!Cambion!Reader
The Winchester brothers find themselves caring for a being far more powerful than they had ever known. In a story of about the constant battle between good and evil, the question of nature versus nurture is taken on in the most extreme of examples.
Other Important Original Characters
Season 4:
Season 5:
Season 6:
Season 7:
Season 8:
Season 9:
Season 10:
Season 11:
Season 12:
Season 13:
Season 14:
Season 15:
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briwates · 9 months
little things I noticed in ep 1 & 2 while rewatching tdj
gaon has a large carton with "cucumber" written on it on his balcony. at first i thought it was where he was growing them (gaon growing vegetables himself ?) but then i realised it's just a box he probably re-used for storage
gaon also has the same stress medication on his desk that yohan had in the mansion's kitchen. was it gaon who bought more and put it there ? would be amusing if he did it as in "girl fuck you im getting grey hairs thanks to your nonsense". or maybe he thought yohan needed the pills :')
edit: no actually yohan also had them on his desk in his office in ep 2...he had TWO bottles 😭 also two hourglasses, one big and one small, they both get blown up with the desk etc when the bomb explodes
we see lee youngmin in ep 1 going down the stairs of what i assume is the venue for yohan's first speech. ig his parents dragged him there
jinjoo has a hair brush on her desk, some pink/blue/red pens, an hourglass too ? as well as a hairband with pearls, and a bunch of other objects i could not see clearly, while gaon, aside from classic desk stuff, has a large thermos, the stress meds and also an hourglass. is it common in korean offices or just a symbolic detail for the characters ?
btw that cardboard cutout of yohan jinjoo has on her desk means that it's canon that at some point in tdj universe, kang yohan had barcode bangs 👍🏼scan him at the self checkout
it's interesting that during the ep 2 restaurant dinner, gaon assumes yohan was /born/ in a rich family (at least that's what the subtitles say, idk about the actual word used in korean). the wording is important when you know the circumstances of yohan's birth
yohan says his father was a second generation moneylender. kang grandpa lore ? then i wonder if isaac and yohan's grandparents were still alive when they were kids
Also about Yohan saying he cant taste things, in my first watch I thought he had ageusia due to trauma. No he's just a liar + fed by ms ji
the basketball scene in ep 2.....foreshadowing of ep 15. gaon asks min jungho "how could you, the judge min jungho, cheat ?" after his feint to catch the ball, and mjh says "it was a feint, not cheating". sounds familliar doesnt it 😅
gaon wears blue sneakers with his suit in ep 2. im almost sure he has dress shoes later on
the guy who posted on the online forum abt yohan being a demon is a bit crazy because what do you mean "i know him well" and then when gaon goes to him he says "i was in his class when we were 12"
The actor for child yohan has little fangs it's cute
In the back section of Yohan's office, behind the glass door, there are a couple photographs of a monument with a dome roof ?
The fact that the bug Gaon planted under yohan's desk glows red and bright....not very smart
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minijenn · 2 months
Getting a lot of asks about my apparent plans for UF2 based on the old chapter list, so I went through and wrote out everything I could remember for these chapters based on only their titles and the very sparse handful of notes I still have on hand. Enjoy!
Arc 1: A Wheel in the Woods
Prologue: Welcome to the Universe: Idk, establishing a bunch of behinds the scene shit particularly with Homeworld I guess
Chapter 1: Back to the Falls: Reunion, everyone coming back to Gravity Falls and meeting up again
Chapter 2: Journal 4: Dipper starts writing his own journal (Ford probs gives him a blank one) ala what the end of Journal 3 implies
Chapter 3: Prior Engagement: Soos and Melody get engaged?? I think?
Chapter 4: Gravity Falls Noir: A Noir mystery story idk about what tho, mostly for fun
Chapter 5: Film Festival: Everyone teams up to make short films for a film festival
Chapter 6: Normal Kideon: Gideon (now reformed) asks the MK's help in teaching him how to not be a fucking little meglomaniac
Chapter 7: Techromancy: Something featuring Ford and Fiddleford and Peridot idk what
Chapter 8: Speed Demon: Zoom makes her triumphant return
Chapter 9: Twenty Zodiac Tales (temp): Very short stories featuring all the zodiac characters
Chapter 10: A Wheel in the Woods: The gang fucking discovers that goddamn triangle's statue and they're all fuckin scared
Chapter 10: Trust No One: Idk Bill gets freed somehow but he's not as powerful as he used to be
Arc 2: That Will Be All
Chapter 11: Fusion Foretold: This one was gonna be fun! So a group of magical creatures, pixies I think, saw Stonipbel fighting during Weirdmageddon the previous summer and believe them to be a prophecised hero, without knowing they're just four kids in a tall trenchcoat. Hijinks ensue
Chapter 12: Back Into the Bunker: Return to the bunker, this time with Ford and Fiddleford, basically a flashback on how Rose and the Gems helped them build it
Chapter 13: Summer Snowfall: Fuckin snows in Gravity Falls, its basically just swinter iidk winter hijinks
Chapter 14: Monster Shack: Return of the Monster Falls designs idk how I just wanted to see them again, would have probs featured Monster Stevonnie, Maven, and Stepper bc im obsessed
Chapter 15: Revenge Tour: Stan and Amethyst up to illegal hijinks again, this time roping Wendy and mabel Lapis in?
Chapter 16: A Shoulder to Cry On: Steven/Pacifica fusion, Connie and Dipper are jealous little shits
Chapter 17: A Pines Bros Mystery: Flashback chapter adapting the chapter of the same name from Lost Legends focusing on the young Stan Twins
Chapter 18: Steven's Dream: Same as the show, the gang goes to fucking Korea I guess (said gang including all four of the Pines)
Chapter 19: Adventures in Light Distortion: More or less the same as canon
Chapter 20: Gem Heist: Hinjinks in the zoo, the zoomans also think stan and ford are hot along with greg imo deadass they're right
Chapter 20: That Will Be All: same as canon this time featuring Stonemason foreshadowing
Arc 3: Wanted
Chapter 21: The New Crystal Gems (temp): would have had a name change, same as the ep but featuring Pacifica, Wendy, Soos, and Fiddleford filling in for the Pines, hijinks ensue
Chapter 22: Room for Ruby: Fuckin little shit comes to earth, only Stan and Lapis are able to tell she's sus as fuck
Chapter 23: Tie the Knot: I think this was when Soos and Melody were gonna get married???? Yeah UF2 was gonna have 2 weddings lol
Chapter 24: Alternate Ending: Same as the ep, Steven imagining what it would be like if he did have a sister bc he's a lil jealous of Dipper and Mabel's dynamic
Chapter 25: Alone in the Woods: Something Dipper and Lapis related??? idk
Chapter 26: Doug Out: Same as the show more or less, Aquamarine and Topaz fuckiin around
Chapter 27: Brotherly Shove: Stan and Ford focused, probs would have resulted in them both getting captured by Aqua and Topz
Chapter 28: Are You My Dad: Same as the show, more GF characters captured alongside the SU characters
Chapter 29: I Am My Mom: Same as canon, but with Dipper and Mabel getting taken to Homeworld with Steven and Lars, would have also included Stuck Together
Chapter 30: The Trial: Same as canon, more implications of Rose being a Shady Bitch who worked with Bill in the past; ends with Dipper pulling a self sacrifice essentially so Steven and Mabel can escape, thus officially kickstarting the Stonemason arc
Chapter 30: Wanted: Mabel and Steven desperately trying to find a way to save Dipper, Lars fucking dies, Maven maybe shows up? The kiddos go home and break the bad news that they're now one short oop
Arc 4: Stonemason Unmasked
Chapter 31: Within Without: Aftermath of the Wanted arc, Pines family is a fucking mess, not even knowing if Dipper is still fucking alive; Steven is a guilt ridden disaster
Chapter 32: Gemcation: The gems take everyone on a trip to try and both cool down and strategize; Stan and Ford get into a fight bc they're stressed, everything is bad
Chapter 33: Kevin Party: More or less same but Kevin wants Stevonnie, Maven, and Stepper at his party (lol kinda impossible for that last one atm imo); Mabel runs into Gabe Bensen at the party and tells him to fuck off, feeling guilt once again for the events of Sock Opera especially now that Dipper is gone
Chapter 34: Shipping and Handling: I think this was gonna focus on Pacifica's feelings about Dipper being missing? Was probs gonna be sad as fuck tbh this entire arc was
Chapter 35: Lars of the Stars: Same but with Mabel trying to convince Lars and the Off Colors to take them back to Homeworld so they can look for Dipper; they don't get far before Emerald attacks tho
Chapter 36: Jungle Moon: Same as before but this time it has a subplot with Mabel being lost on her own on the Jungle Moon, and her first encounter with Stonemason (she doesn't realize who he is yet)
Chapter 36: Sweater Sewing: Gang is back on earth, more focused on Mabel's huge well of emotions about missing Dipper, writing him letters so she can fill him in on everything once they find him/her doubting if they will
Chapter 37: Mindless Education: All our remaining MK have Angst for days and fusion aint gonna help them work through it this time, basically, the MK aren't complete with Dipper ahahah
Chapter 38: The Assassin: Stonemason officially arrives in Gravity Falls and fights the Gems (they still dont know who he is yet)
Chapter 39: The Mask: Second encounter with Stonemason, ends with the dramatic face reveal ahahaha
Chapter 40: Stonemason Unmasked (p1 and p2): deadass just retelling how Dipper wound up as Stonemason in full, introduces Amber and shows how he lost his arm, was conditioned/brainwashed, etc. Was gonna be told as a series of vingette scenes
Arc 5: Break the Chain
Chapter 41: Show Yourself: Reactions to Stonemason's real identity, failed attempts from the Pines and the Gems to basically break Dipper out of the brainwashing I guess
Chapter 42: Deep Cut: Outright fucking war between the Stans and the Gems basically with the Stans blaming the Gems for what's happened to Dipper and Steven and Mabel trying their best to get them to reconcile and work together
Chapter 42: Lullaby: Probs Stonemason focused, showing that Dipper is still in there and is trying to break free but cant bc of YD's conditioning
Chapter 43: Puppet Strings: Bill fuckin returns after like 40 chapters, absolutely taking advantage of this fucked up situation to try and broker a deal with Steven. it doesn't work. Yet
Chapter 44: Crash and Burn: Stonemason attacks Gravity Falls directly, without the mask which will have huge repercussions later
Chapter 45: Forever Together: Maven focused; they go off on their own to try and track down Stonemason, probably having an emotional breakdown or two along the way
Chapter 46: Don't Let Go: Possibly Lapis focused??? How the whole Stonemason thing is impacting her (not well)
Chapter 47: Burnout: Everyone fucking just hits rock bottom unsure of what the fuck to do
Chapter 48: A Final Farewell: Essentially that oneshot I wrote that one time, Amber sending the Gems and Pines a message from Dipper that encourages them to keep going
Chapter 49: Hide and Seek: The gang finally captures Stonemason and restrains him but they have no fucking idea how to help him
Chapter 50: Find the Key: Potentially calls back to both Dreamscaperers and RMD, with Steven and Mabel going inside Stonemason's mind to save Dipper
Chapter 50: Break the Chain: They fight Stonemason in there, break Dipper free, and he's back yay! but he's a lil fucked up actually lol
Arc 6: Rise and Fall and Rise Again
Chapter 51: Yes, My Diamond: Aftermath of Dipper struggling to fully break out of the conditioning ahaha angst city babyes
Chapter 52: The Golden Rule: I have no fucking clue something Stonemason related I guess, maybe the reveal that he's still runnin around inside of Dipper's mind and isnt actually gone like everyone thinks he is
Chapter 53: Blackout: Also don't know about this one, I guess its like emotional reconcilation from other characters?
Chapter 54: Your Mother and Mine: Finally getting back to SU eps, learning about how Rose started the war
Chapter 55: Pool Hopping: Garnet has even more angst bc boy howdy she did not see any of this Stonemason shit happening and she is hella guilty about it but at least she adopts a cat imo
Chapter 56: Raising the Barn: Lapis wants to leave now that Dipper is back, Dipper begs her to take him with her so YD won't find him and control him again; she says she's going to but doesn't imo fuckin ruins her relationship with her son nice going idiot
Chapter 57: Legend of the Dragowl: Dipper sad about his mom leaving, basically finds a cool dragon/owl hybrid in the woods and its basically HTTYD from there as that becomes his pet (names her Luna, she's cool)
Chapter 58: Save the Light: Adaptation of the SU game, Hessonite (who was involved in the Stonemason process) comes to earth and wooo boy everyone wants to beat her shit in
Chapter 59: Knock, Knock: Something something Bill I think? I have no fucking idea
Chapter 60: Rise and Fall: Imma level with yall i Have no fucking idea what this arc ender was gonna be; probs more Dipper angst? That sounds about right.
Chapter 60: And Rise Again: ^^^ Ditto
Arc 7: Dimensional Duel
Chapter 61: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Stepper, my sweet fusion son, returns after being away for so long as Steven tries helping Dipper recover emotionally but oh boy it doesnt work
Chapter 62: Alone Forever: Something else having to do with Stepper, idk what
Chapter 63: Rifts and Memories: More Stepper bc we can never get enough, probs plenty of RMD callbacks
Chapter 64: Open the Door: Ok yeah this one was def Bill making his full comeback, possibly using Steven as a pawn
Chapter 65: Twinning: This was an AU chapter but I honestly couldnt fucking tell you which one imo
Chapter 66: The Home in Homeworld: This was supposed to be the Crystal Falls AU chapter but then I swapped it over to UF itself and then also never wrote it so this is just redundant
Chapter 67: Mother Knows Best: Water Mom AU! Makes Dipper feel even worse about his Lapis being a fucking negligent runaway!
Chapter 68: The New Mystery Kids: Time travel into the MK2 future, old MK meets new MK its very cute and wholesome
Chapter 69: The One Who Watches: Axolotl introduction, idk what else besides that
Chapter 70: Portholes: AUs collide, basically a bunch of various AU characters from all the AUs we've seen fuckin Interacting
Chapter 70: Dimensional Duel: More of that ^^^ But there's fighting involved??? They all beat the shit out of Bill???
Arc 8: Change Your Mind
Chapter 71: Can't Go Back: They find Lapis on the moon, her and Dipper fight bc what else are they gonna do; Lapis still doesn't go home oop deadbeat mom over here
Chapter 72: A Single Pale Rose: Pink Diamond reveal and also the reveal of the deal Rose made with Bill during the war for her Gem
Chapter 73: Now We're Only Falling Apart: Reactions to the reveal; basically the same as canon as we learn more about Pink becoming Rose
Chapter 74: Reconnect the Chain: Stonemason (who's still in Dipper's head) and Dipper decide to reconcile their differences bc they're mad as fuck that they went through all this bullshit for nothing and decide they're gonna allign to a mutal goal: shatter all the remaining diamonds (except steven for obvious reasons)
Chapter 75: The Question: Rupphire engagement, cutie pies
Chapter 76: Made of Honor: Bismuth angst, fully bringing her back into the CGs (remember she gets unbubbled during Weirdmageddon but she keeps her distance from the CGs out of shame)
Chapter 77: Reunited: Rupphire wedding; Blue and Yellow come to Earth, big fuckin battle and they discover who Steven is
Chapter 78: Legs from Here to Homeworld: Shit awkward as fuck bc the Pines wanna fucking mutally murder Yellow for obvious reasons lol otherwise same as canon
Chapter 78: Familiar: Steven angst with a side of Dipper and Stonemason angst ahaha
Chapter 79: Together Alone: Stonipbel at the party, cute until it isn't; fucking blaze through Escapsim bc that episode sucks
Chapter 80: Battle of Heart and Mind: Dipper/Stonemason try and spectacularly fail to shatter Yellow, the others find out about his plans and are mix of semi supportive (the rest of his family) and not supportive at all (Steven bc he wants to heal the corrupted gems and that cant happen without Yellow) (so basically we get a fight between Dipper and Steven hahaha oh no where have we seen that before)
Chapter 80: Change Your Mind: Confrontation against White, even more dramatic than the actual episode if you can believe it
Arc 9: Ursa Major
Chapter 81: Back Then: Basically adjustment to the post CYM status quo, corrupted Gems are being healed and the MK all finally feel somewhat emotionally OK but there's still an arc left of this shit sooo
Chapter 82: Meet the Pines: Pines parents arrive in Gravity Falls for a surprise visit and are shocked to see what utter hell their kids have gone through; they ultimately decide to let them stay though when they realize just how happy their kids are here despite everything
Chapter 83: The Call: Bill fuckin around one more time, plotting to fuckin just destroy everything out of sheer rage alone; something something Axolotl
Chapter 84: The Unknown: I dont fucking know msot of my plans for UF2's final arc are very hazy
Chapter 85: Without Within: Dipper trying to find a way to make Stonemason his own person bc they've become friends?
Chapter 86: Glow Gem: Something to do with Steven idk what though
Chapter 87: Encore: I dont fucking know
Chapter 88: Sixty Degrees Come in Threes: Was gonna be Bill's backstory until Book of Bill came along and made me look stupid
Chapter 89: The Axolotl's Chosen: So in the Adventures in the Multiverse chapters of UF, the oracle tells Ford that the Axolotl has a "chosen one" that'll take Bill out once and for all and impliies it to be him but it aint lol its Dipper bc this kid hasnt been through enough already fuck
Chapter 90: Ursa Minor: Something something remnant trauma Dipper has not just from the Stonemason thing but shit Bill did to him like RMD and Sock Opera but still deciding to fucking end that motherfucker anyway
Chapter 90: Ursa Major: MK vs. Bill you know how it goes
Chapter 90: Polaris: That stupid motherfucking triangle finally dies for good
Epilogue 1: Mystery and Magic: Cool down from the climax, lots of cute interactions and character moments
Epilogue 2: Of Pines and Gems: Peaceful final resolution, conclusions, foreshadowing to the Movie probs with a scene hinting at Spinel idk
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questforgalas · 1 year
Thoughts while watching Ahsoka Ep 5!!
There was a lot of yelling into my hands in just the first 15 minutes
WOWEEE we haven't event started to watch and we're already emotional because HAYDEN IS THERE IN ALL HIS ANAKIN GLORY ON THE HOME PAGE BANNER *sobs in prequel fan*
"Ahsoka confronts her past" we have still not even started and the episode description has me on the edge of my seat for the crumbs I'm desperate for
Yes those crumbs are live-action Rex. Don't worry I have my clown hat ready next to me.
Oh my god was that a clone trooper helmet???
Dear god i need to calm down
Dave loves his samurai vibes
Jacen and Chopper will continue to make me emotional until I die
Hera and Din Djarin should meet about parenting styles
Jacen popping out behind Chopper
"I told them to stay together" OH MY GOD I NEED TO GIVE HUYANG A HUG 😭
The title is "Shadow Warrior"?????? Fuck this is giving Maul crumbs
She's still so excited to see him oh my god I'm still not ready for this
Oh my god we're getting live-action Anakin teaching Ahsoka guys we ARE GETTING LIVE ACTION PADAWAN AHSOKA AND MASTER ANAKIN
Is this like the ghost of christmases past but Star Wars?
"I'm here to finish your training" alright, now actually crying. Why do these two do this to me dear god Tay
"It's a little late for that"
Every time Hayden says "Snips" a year is added to my life
I desperately hope Hayden did all that saber work because that choreography was siiiiiick already and we just started
"We have no hope of following" USE THE PERGILL
How fucking funny would it be if Din and Grogu just showed up and Carson was like "This is my buddy I call whenever something weird happens"
Heyo love Jacen saying there's something about the water and then the little force trill plays when Hera turns
Let you weird force sensitive kid tell you about the water
Seriously, I feel like Hera and Din need to start a "force sensitive kid" parent support group. They're the only two members. It's just the two of them talking about the weird shit their kid pulled off
Ok yeah fucking cool with the lightsabers in the waves. You go Jacen!
LOLOLOLOL at Carson just going "Yeah ok fine whatever"
Now that wasn't very nice Skyguy
Seriously, is this the night before christmas Star Wars edition because I'm here for it
Ok ok ok, hitting play
We are only 13:22 into the episode and I've paused yet again because Hayden Christensen is in Clone Wars Anakin armor and I'm so overjoyed and overwhelmed by the site of it and there's baby clone wars snips right there and oh my god the jaig eyes are right around the corner I know it and I'm not ready
Her green saber 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
So help me if those jaig eyes show up
Hayden looks so amazing I'm so happy
"What if I want to stop fighting" "Then you'll die" ok stab me in the heart Dave that's fine
It was a crumb but it was the most scrumptious crumb
Oh fuck the flash to Vader DAM
I'm serious I would fucking die laughing if Din and Grogu showed up like "Hey, we're here to help the search party. Carson beeped us"
Errbody talking about Anakin this episode huh
"Intense" lol Huyang was not an Anakin stan
The Jacen-Chopper friendship is everything I needed without knowing I needed it
LIVE. ACTION. SIEGE. OF. MANDALORE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? LIVE. ACTION. SIEGE. OF. MANDALORE??????????????????????????
We are 21:32 into this episode and I've had to pause (not exaggerating) 7 times to yell into my hands
We got past the clone wars flashback and I made peace with myself we wouldn't hear him speak but oh my fucking god what if he speaks now
Yes we're still paused, yes this episode will probably take twice as long for me to get through purely because of Rex sightings
Why am I crying why does Star Wars do this to me
Hearing Temeura Morrison refer to Ahsoka as Commander in Rex's armor makes me want to cheer and cry at the same time
Awwww Hayden's Canadian came out when he said "about"
Ok these fucking flash cuts to Vader's suit are fucking sick
Bye Hayden I love you
Ok so this is the Star Wars A Christmas Story, you can't tell me otherwise
Mysterious goop rising up? That's a nope from me dawg
Seriously holy fucking shit everyone say "Thank you, Dave" holy shit holy shit this is is Mona Lisa, this is his Last Supper, this is his Pieta, he loves these characters and Star Wars so much oh my god
WAH so jarring to see her without her little headpiece thing
It's like when Echo showed up in TBB without his Kama I was like "SIR YOU ARE NAKED" I'm having the same feeling with her
"We were hoping you could explain what happened" well, ya see, we were stubborn per usual
She's so Gandalf the White right now
Yas force visions for the win
Like literally the Gandalf imagery is so obvious
My babygirl needs so much therapy I love her
I swear if I was in Star Wars they'd all have their answers in 1/4 of the time
Ahsoka is so dramatic I love her freaking lineage so much they love overdramatic entrances my god
Oh hello Gandalf
She could honestly get me to do anything with her little side smile I love her so much
What a fucking love letter to Star Wars this show is
Carson if the friend of all friends. "Hey make sure the fleet doesn't get near us" "yeah sure I can do that" stalls said fleet via ridiculous chatter
Hera tells Jacen about Ezra 😭😭😭😭
Cannot wait to see all the cosplay of this fit of Ahsoka's, this grey and white is siiiiiiick
Would fly to wherever Dave Filoni is to shake his hand if it ended with the purgill just taking a chomp and thus killing them. Would be so freaking funny
Oh hello shot tribute to inside the asteroid worm in ESB
Look at her learning her little Jedi lessons
"Jacen's too young to fly through galaxies" fucking mom of the year
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bl-inded · 1 year
Our skyy 2- Wrap Up
Since this is an anthology and I, being the simp that I am, have watched all of the original shows, I thought it'd be fun to rank all the episodes.
The thing is, even though I have watched all of the shows, my opinion on these episodes are very reliant on my opinions of the original show as well. Meaning if I loved the original show and the our skyy episode was meh, it might be ranked lower than shows I didn't feel so highly about, but the our skyy episode delivered. Anywho-
7. Sky in your heart (ep 3-4)
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Tbh I wasn't the biggest fan of the original show, but this episode was very in tone with said show. It was overall, cute. The greenflags were greening with the communication and lack of jealousy. You go boys! Live your happiest life.
But I did miss the other pair of the show (idk if you can technically count it as this show since they were two 7 episode series, but I would have liked to see even a cameo from them). Good vibes. I liked it.
(what i didn't like in a side note is the chunky ring design)
6. My school president (ep 9-10)
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To anyone who hasn't already, you havvvveee to go watch the original show. It is so sweet it will give you diabetes. And I loved the concept of this episode.
As a fanfic author I was mostly here for the validation that all our headcanons are canon. But, it felt like a highlight reel with roles reversed. Which is interesting but 2 episodes wasn't enough time to develop that story.
For what they attempted they did aight! I kinda wish we got something more post canon in their universe, happy cute boyfriends™, but yk. It's okay. More Fourth and Gemini always makes me happy. Plus the cast seemed to have fun filming it if the behind the scenes are any indication.
5. A boss and a babe (ep 11-12)
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Listen, half the excitement of our skyy is missing these characters. So it was surely a choice by gmm to time this episode riiiighhhttt after the finale of the show.
That being said, this episode was pretty dang fun. Am I still mourning the loss of multiple unresolved storylines from the show they set up and literally forgot about- yes (Drake, you deserved better🤧). But considering our skyy 2 is the biggest "who took my FANFIC out of ao3 and into YouTube" plot ever, I'll overlook it.
This episode managed to do what neither enchanté nor abaab did- show me the appeal of forcebook. They are very cute in light-hearted settings. I'm yet to see them thrive in the drama, but only friends is happening soon... Soooooo
4. Never Let Me Go (ep 1-2)
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Now thiss was a perfect soulmates AU for TV (or YouTube in this case) if I've ever seen one. We got the time travel, the drama, the classism all wrapped in a ball of all fluff and no angst. They understood the assignment.
Again. I missed my second couple (I am Perth Stan, I can't help myself. The 6 of us who demanded justice for Chopper, I see you!) But I didn't miss them too much, coz the premise was fun.
(I also loved the house set that they had!! I wanna go visit it if it's real!)
3. The Eclipse (ep 5-6)
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These two episodes are single-handedly responsible for increasing the average number of kisses in Our Skyy. I wasn't even expecting this many? Even if it was basically just prep for Khao and First in Only friends, I'm still here for it.
It was also surprisingly an episode that caused a lot of debate about Akk and/or Ayan being out of character, which I didn't expect, but have my opinions on.
But overall, it was an extremely sweet episode with political and social commentary that the show had, but commentary lite. The locations were fantastic! I honestly just want more First and Khao in everything, please and thank you.
2. Bad Buddy x A Tale of a Thousand Stars (ep 13-16)
(please don't kill me)
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Speaking of who took my fanfic out of ao3, OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. I knewwww we can trust in P'Aof for delivering a story. BUT DID I EXPECT HIM TO PUT ALL MY FAVS IN THE SAME SCREEN AT THE SAME TIME???? What great times we're living in *sighs in bl*.
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Watching EarthMix slip back into phuphatian was a pleasure. Ohm and Nanon are sooo awesome! I missed Pat and Pran so much. The crossover could have easily gone into the forced-for-fanservice territory, but they had a plot for it!🤌🏼
They brought back characters that felt like home. Even the conflicts were so lived in. It is self aware in what small things can blow out of proportion.
Watching Pat and Pran in their college years hiding their relationship after reading countless fanfics about it- just, tears. Thanks! I love them. I missed them. I'm living for this. I see why this was at the end. Worth all the hype and more.
Still screaming about this, and have been for two weeks. Will keep you updated on when or if I stop.
Buuuut the reason I didn't rank this at the top is because we didn't get enough bad buddy in the crossover. I loved both the shows, but i feel like pat pran were slightly overshadowed. I was lowkey cringing by the end too with the second atots recreation of the series!? Oh god. But we got a proposal! And the confirmation it's an open secret?!? And whatever tf it was that korn and wai were doing backstage🤡. So it was almost in the number one spot, it's just that I preferred my actual number one spot episode more.
1. Vice Versa (ep 7-8)
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Did I expect vice versa to be this high on my list, nope. Did I fall and virtually adopt this kid as soon as he came on screen... Maybe👀. Are Jimmy and Sea climbing up on my couples i can't wait to see more of this yes- also maybe.
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But even otherwise, I think this episode had the most solid and cohesive storyline. Everyone felt familiar and acted in character. They even wrapped up the whole random-kid-showed-up-at-our-front-door plot surprisingly well. Like if you watched the episode, they left very clear hints.
They even kept the colour theme (even though multi colour isn't technically a colour, would have gone with white or black maybe, but that's just me).
I did not expect this to be my number 1. Actually, i was barely even looking forward to this episode. But it was a pleasant surprise.
And I was shooketh, considering my biggest complaint about the original show was that they left too many threads loose.
Jimmy and Sea were so good! Got me even more excited to see them in Last Twilight (in P'Aof we trust).
Now that that is over (and if you're reading this far) can we talk about how many birthday plots there were??? I feel like every other week there was a birthday. Just confused about it, that's all.
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S01E01 We Gotta Get Out Of This Place
First off, apologies to the 12 people who followed this account back when I was camping on a SpiderDevil themed Marvel account name. This is now a Space Cases tumblr, feel free to unfollow if you're still around.
I decided to start writing here because I am, to this day, still in love with the 1996 Nickelodeon kids' show Space Cases. I'm a.) starving for content and b.) desperate to put my thoughts down somewhere and so here we are.
I'm going to use this space to do an episode-by-episode rewatch, go though the official website and show bible, find and curate other content I stumble across on the internet, post some old magazine scans I have that haven't seen the light of day since Livejournal, etc etc.
Today, I'm starting at the start and watching S01E01 "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place." I have the old VHS rips saved to my computer, HOWEVER, for this I'll be watching the uploads on the youtube channel "thespacecases" (link below) which has them in much better quality. My thoughts under the cut!
I'm going to be scribbling down my thoughts as I watch:
(For trivia and behind the scenes info, check out the episode guide on spacecasestv.com)
I'm trying desperately to read the Starcademy motto but I can't make out the first word. So something Sine Fronteras - ...Without Borders? I took a quick look around the wiki and spacecasestv.com but couldn't find it. Darn!
The opening intro to the characters is ICONIC. I can still quote it to this day.
Davenport: I believe in regulations and procedure, Mr. Band. If you added those two words to your vocabulary you could...
Catalina: Double it?
Hello, police? I'd like to report a murder.
Here we learn that Radu is the first Andromedan at Starcademy and it seems via context that he is the only one. Probably hasn't been there too very long. What a difficult thing to do, and then to end up in the remedial class at least partly because the students are prejudiced against Andromedans because their parents fought against them in Spung-Andromedan War. I believe I also read somewhere (maybe in the show bible??) that he was chosen to go by the other Andromedans because he didn't fit in with them. Maybe I made that up.
Anyway, fair warning, Radu has always been my favorite and I'm endlessly fascinated by the potential I saw in developing the Andromedan people.
I've also developed a soft spot for Harlan and his character development/potential for growth, and the development of his relationship with Radu, who he initially hated due to his prejudices against Andromedans. And I also ship it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(@shmeiliarockie posted their thoughts after a season 1 rewatch awhile back and has a head-canon that Andromedans don't have gender which I LOVE and have not stopped thinking about. Click this for the post.)
Ok, I have got to be more brief I think, I'm only a minute and a half into this episode. BUT THIS EP IS SO GOOD.
Davenport: The vacuum of space isn't fair either, Mr. Band. It can destroy anyone who doesn't have what it takes to survive. And...none of you has what it takes.
I want breakdowns of all the different symbols on their uniforms and what they mean. Maybe the prominent shoulder ones symbolize the planet they come from? Harlan has three polyhedral like pillars which I've only just now thought may stand for Earth and the Lunar and Mars colonies.
Catalina is the eye roll champion.
Radu's "What is your problem?!" to Harlan. Yes, bby, don't take his shit.
Yes, why IS the Christa named after an Earth teacher, why IS Thelma a Techno-HUMAN emulating machine?? I do wonder if the creators knew or if they were just planning to figure it out if they ever got that far.
Personally, I subscribe to the time loop theory wherein the crew in the future sends Thelma and the Christa back in time to pick up their younger selves.
Thelma has the best gags.
Goddard: Band, Helm. Catalina, Engineering. Rosie, Bova, Scanning and Tactical. Radu, take Navigation.
I love this scene, chills.
They end up going through the White Circle anyway: 7 years, 4 months, and 22 days from home. Definite Star Trek: Voyager vibes, which had begun the year before in 1995.
Davenport is complaining that she had theater tickets for tonight. Where, ma'am?? The wiki says that Starcademy orbits Pluto.
Harlan is yelling at Radu and Radu looks INDIGNANT. I love him.
Goddard: I was three weeks shy. Three more weeks and my career as a teacher would have been over. I'd have been back out in space with a crew. Instead I'm...
Catalina: Back out in space.
Radu: With a crew.
Interestingly, a similar line was used against me in a DnD campaign when my ship captain then-Warlock was bemoaning his fate. :)
This episodes rules. What a great start to a series. The creators wanted Space Cases to be a "Star Trek for kids" and as someone who is also obsessed with Star Trek, well, well done, you hooked me as a child.
If you've made it this far, thank you very much for reading. And if you want to talk Space Cases, feel free to reblog/reply to this post or send me an ask. I'd love to chat about SC!
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paalove · 11 months
seats of my car are filled with cigarette burns - oneshot, 2913 words. post-episode 1, semi-public face-fucking behind the bar. explicit. sand/ray.
treat me like a habit that you have to break - oneshot, 1437 words. a jealous nick handles the idea of boston not wanting to hang out with him reasonably and normally. boston/nick.
hangin' on the memory of what we would become - oneshot, 1401 words. written immediately post episode 5, jossed scene where ray returns to the apartment to get his car. sand/ray.
the world is spinnin' and i wanna know why - oneshot, 3215 words. sand's mini birthday party ends a little bit more happily... or at least more fun. explicit. sand/ray, boston/nick, kiiiiind of sand/ray/boston/nick.
fire under your feet burning (moving at a pace that i can't take) - oneshot, 3151 words. episode 9 sliiiight canon-divergence au, where top doesn't interrupt sand and ray kissing in the music room. explicit. sand/ray.
well, i've been deep in this sleeplessness - oneshot, 3516 words. another episode 5 canon-divergence, in this one bostonnick never arrive at the party and sandray have high, fluffy sex on the balcony. explicit. sand/ray.
fire-walk across all time with me - 3/3 chapters, 6096 words. episode 11 ending extension - they fuck in the pool, of course. explicit. sand/ray. sand/ray/boeing.
searching for the answer buried in his heart - oneshot, 2953 words. episode 11 missing scene, in which ray actually asks sand to be his boyfriend after the bath. explicit. sand/ray.
embrace the past and you can live for now - oneshot, 3759 words. post-canon debate between ray and boston over whether something counted as sex. they do a live demonstration so nick and sand can help decide. explicit. ray/mew mentioned, boston/ray, boston/nick, sand/ray.
all these leftover feelings - oneshot, 2070 words. episode 12 minor alteration - ray goes to comfort boston, after everything. minor sand/ray, mainly boston&ray.
till the tears run red (and stain the sheets upon your bed) - 2/5 chapters, 3696 words. mew is high for the first ever time, and he has a brilliant, fantastic, amazing idea. everybody has to pick up the pieces, after. explicit. mew/top/ray. sand/ray.
it's so fake this world of ours (aka: who called the cops on the halloween party? four perspectives): just what it sounds like! there were a few theories running around in the fandom following ep 8 about who might be responsible for the cops breaking up the party, so i considered four possibilities (one per fic).
more satellites than shooting stars - oneshot, 1025 words. it really was just a neighbour. background mew/ray.
broken hearts on the boulevard - oneshot, 1072 words. it was sand - complying with a promise. sand/ray.
you know this world will leave you scarred (and let you down) - oneshot, 1069 words. top is desperate, now. top/mew.
by leaving here with you, what a view - 1363 words. maybe april has some thoughts on her girlfriend's friend group, and maybe she decided to act on them. cheum/april.
could end your world with just one look: zombie apocalypse au - diverges pre-canon, but with the same character backstories up to near episode one.
meet you in the river down below - 2/2 chapters, 2596 words. after the end of the world, sand and ray meet in a petrol station; sand decides not to shoot ray. sand/ray.
sea of guilty-hung stars - 2/3 chapters, 3404 words. sand gets to know the guy he saved, and ray gets to know the world he's running from. pre-sand/ray.
getting laid but not to rest (sand impulse control divergences): also known as the sand feral divergences. the goal is to make one of these for each episode, taking a moment where sand could/should have lost his shit, juuuust a little bit. some of them, he does this sexually, others... not so much. teehee.
together, we have the callous heart - 2/2 chapters, 2330 words. episode 1 divergence in which sand, pissed off at top interrupting his set, doesn't let him finish asking mew out. some top/mew, more sand/ray.
so forgettable and miserable - oneshot, 4017 words. episode 2 divergence. ray was being really annoying that episode, and he really wanted sand... here, sand is a little bit kinder. explicit. sand/ray.
(ain’t worth) your precious time - oneshot, 2293 words. episode 3 - sandray fuck in the car before ray goes to pick up mew. explicit. sand/ray.
sweet to me (you rot my teeth) - oneshot, 1068 words. nick doesn't interrupt the parking lot fight, and things don't end up... not sexual. sand/top(/nick) (kind of).
tell me your truth and crash (on the couch) - oneshot, 3142 words. sand saves ray from the guy at the bar, and ray asks him to take him home... the next morning, nick (grin in place) asked ray if he'd had a rough night. here's what got them from a to be. explicit. sand/ray(&nick).
so fix your eyes and get out - oneshot, 1901 words. ray doesn't quite make it to his car to drink-drive away from the bar - sand is with him when he leaves. not exactly a fixit. explicit. sand/ray.
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perereiii · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel for the ask game?
Eisen you just opened a can of worms that will not shut for *checks notes* about 12 paragraphs. Good job!
Oh, Hazbin. Dear, sweet, Hazbin. Butchered by Twitter, and in some cases, elsewhere. There’s a lot I could talk about—including but not limited to character design, art style, world design, storytelling, arcs, villainy, moral grayness, Heaven’s rules, etc—but for this “mini” gush-a-thon, I’ll go with the latter two: Moral grayness and Heaven’s rules. Funny, because the show is set in Hell, right? Even in Helluva Boss, its sister series, a recently killed woman says, “… Get sent down here with all the Hitler’s and Epstein’s of the world,” after recounting her story as to why she was sent to Hell in the first place. It’s Hell! That must mean everyone is a rape loving, pedophilic, communist bastard dead set on killing as many people as possible! Right? Well… Maybe some of them. Valentino comes to mind, with his repeated rape and sexual assault of his staff, Alastor’s abuse and downright slave-owning tendencies to those he owns (i.e., Husk, Ep 6—though being an Overlord, as far as canon is concerned, requires owning at least a few people, so the owning people thing a wider issue regarding those in power. (The scene in Ep 6 has a little more nuance to it that I’m not going to explain to save this from becoming a 12 page essay)), or Vox’s mass hypnosis, keeping people attached and addicted to his technology. These are all objectively (and subjectively, too, I guess) bad things, and sure enough fit that belief of “all people in Hell are bad people who do terrible things.”
Then there’s the other end of the spectrum. Heaven. The glittering star of pure holy light against a sea of darkness and brimstone. Only the good go there, only the good run it. Except… Not really. Heaven is filled with good, no doubt, but there’s also corruption. Examples include Adam, the first man and certified Biggest Narcissist Ever. He swears, he fucks, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he drank too. All sorts of debauchery and sin. On top of that, he leads an exorcist army. Another prime example would be Sera, the head Seraphim of Heaven. She runs the show in place of God, keeping Heaven safe, which just so happens to include crushing any possibility of “rebellion” by Hell with an iron fist, her dearest exorcist army.
Heaven plays into this stereotype of “all people in Hell are bad people who do terrible things” to a. Make itself look better against “sinner filth”, and b. Lessen the blame for attempted genocide. This sort of mindset is common when a group is trying to kill another. Making them seem less than human (like when the European colonizers deemed Natives less than human due to them “being behind technologically,” or when Hitler took advantage of an already antisemetic Europe and killed millions of Jews because they “infected” a “pure Aryan race”) or like vermin, or filth (like with Donald Trump’s rhetoric of Muslim’s and Mexican’s (among many others) being vermin that seek to commit crimes and felonies). The strategy that Hitler uses, taking advantage of an already biased group filled with prejudice fits well with what Heaven has done and the message they convey. People are a lot more willing to oppress another group of people if they see that other group as “not like them” or lesser to them, be it for one reason or another. In this case, angel’s aware of the oppression are content with what they’re doing because to them they are killing a lesser, a pure evil, something threatening peace.
So, we’ve established that the stereotype came from somewhere, and that Heaven plays into it specifically to further its own goals of extermination. But where does moral grayness come in? Well, person who has already devoted too much time to reading this, it comes from literally everyone else. While people are more willing to engage in kinky shit in Hell, or snag a pinky finger or two from Cannibal Town, they aren’t that bad overall. Two examples really stand out to me; Rosie, the Overlord in charge of Cannibal Town, and Angel Dust, a famous porn star under Valentino.
Little is known of Rosie’s past, but she really shines through as a character in Episode 7. Right off the bat, we’re introduced to her as a cannibal—kind of a taboo, or so I’ve heard!—which rings those “all people in Hell are bad” warning bells. Yet, once Charlie starts to converse and connect with her, she’s shown to be a confident, empathetic leader that helps Charlie both in public, trying to convince the cannibals to join her cause, and in private, acting as a pseudo-therapist when Charlie expresses difficulties in her relationship. She’s genuine and warmhearted, and outside of her indulgence in cannibalism, she would be a joy to be around, as far as society is concerned.
Angel’s past is more set in stone. He was born into a mobster family, and died in the late 1940s from OD—most of the sin in his life being out of his control. Even in Hell, his life slips from him, when he sells his soul to Valentino. Shit just doesn’t work out for him, until he’s given grace at the Hazbin Hotel, and is allowed to breathe again, which is where his true colors start to show. He’s not hypersexual because he just adores being a bad and sinful person that does terrible things, it’s a trauma response. After some rehab, and living in a safer environment, he becomes happier, less overtly sexual, and builds connections with people who care and aren’t going to hurt him out of sick, twisted desires. He’s messed up, and definitely leans more on the darker gray than the lighter, simply from all the hardships that he’s faced, but at his core, he’s not the bad person that Heaven wants to paint him and so many others as.
As a small note, this moral grayness is also seen in Heaven, as mentioned earlier. Some are better than others, and some are there for a very specific (albeit theorized) reason, despite displaying so many acts of sin:
Heaven’s rules. Heaven plays into the stereotype of Hell being pure evil for a few reasons, but there’s one I’ve neglected to mention: It furthers their agenda. Heaven relies on order, and while that order sometimes aligns with goodness, it will never abandon its roots. It seeks a perfect garden, in a perfect world, in a perfect universe, created by a perfect being, God. Only when Lucifer established chaos, while initially small, was Heaven’s order threatened. Free will, by nature, is chaotic, and with Lilith leaving Adam over Lucifer, and Eve eating the apple, chaos was established.
Hazbin Hotel also plays into the narrative of Lucifer establishing evil, not chaos, in it’s opening scene, directly stating, “For with this single act of disobedience [of eating the apple], evil finally found its way into Earth. With it, a new realm of darkness and sin, and the order Heaven had worked to maintain was shattered.”
With no other choice, in order to protect what slim perfection Heaven had left, they banished Lucifer and Lilith into a place of pure chaos, lest it spread into their domain. Earth seems to serve as a middle ground, where all extremes and all shades of gray fester. More importantly, this balance of order and chaos explains why Adam is seen in Heaven, while Eve is not, and why good people go to Hell, and bad people go to Heaven.
Adam’s sin was seen as a byproduct of Eve’s sin, the original sin. He only ate the apple because Eve coerced him into doing it—under the hand of the devil, of course—as the story goes. In Hazbin, it’s clear that Adam is devoted to Heaven, despite engaging in acts of sin. He leads an army in direct service of Heaven, and enacts their duties once every year to exterminate and control those that threaten Heaven’s order. While little is known of Eve—though theories point her to being Roo, the Root of All Evil—it can be reasonably assumed that she fell to Hell, as she started the chaos, right by Lucifer and Lilith, who were both banished to Hell. (TL;DR: Adam followed Heaven’s order much better than Eve, thus he went to Heaven, while Eve’s likely in Hell, despite Adam being a total douchebag.)
This also applies to those now, long after the Adam and Eve story. Angel was a mobster who OD’ed. Guess what mobsters typically aren’t? Those who follow order. Alastor practiced voodoo and killed people, most certainly not in the name of God. Niffty is alleged to have killed her husband, again, an act that probably wasn’t in the name of God or to maintain Heaven’s order. On the flip side, while very little is known about the “winner” population, Seraphim’s can technically fall to Hell. The only reason Sera and the others haven’t is because they seek to maintain order, not threaten it. The list goes on.
BIG TL;DR: Hell and Heaven aren’t two sides of the same coin and don’t fit into nice, clean boxes of goodness and evil. Rather, they fit better into order and chaos, as per how the Hazbin series and a general, amateur viewing of Christianity’s Heaven and Hell is set up.
Also of note, a lot of Heaven’s order stems from the Church, or the ones who effectively “promote” the Bible and Heaven’s ideals in the first place. The Church (Christian is what’s referred, but this can be generalized for many religions) is set up largely to maintain order and in part of maintaining that order they put lessons into their religious stories, such as being a good person and helping the community in the name of God rather than turning to selfish ambition, often said to be lead on by the Devil. Since this order is established by the Church, and it is generally a reflection of its time, it explains away why things like homosexuality used to be considered sin and aren’t anymore.
Also also of note, another great example of this order vs chaos mentality appears in Nimona. Highly recommend.
0 notes
Vincenzo: Okay, yeah, I LOVE Ms. Hong! I have loving feelings for Ms. Hong. But does that mean that I am IN love with her? No-
Vincenzo: Oh my god. I’m in love with Ms. Hong.
Vincenzo, to Mr. Nam, Mr. Tak, Mr. Lee, the Monks, Larry, Mr. Park, Chef Toto, Mr. Ahn and Mr. Cho: Why didn’t you guys tell me?!
Mr. Cho: We thought you knew.
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fuu-miku · 2 years
Gus Porter is autistic - Meltdowns and self-esteem.
 So. Season 2 episode 18, Labyrinth Runners, huh. Tbh I’ve never seen Gus as autistic even tho I saw a short headcanon post here and there, but this new ep? Holy hell guys. This is as canon as it’s going to get, I cannot be convinced otherwise, and I’m pretty much convinced it’s intentional. This single-handedly made me love Gus much more, and I now hold him dear to my heart. If you wanna skip to the new ep stuff, go to the keep reading section.
First of all, let’s have a rundown of possible autism traits Gus has shown so far: 1- Like the others, he’s somewhat of a misfit and doesn’t have many friends. 2- Special interest in humans. Leads to rambling/infodumping and excitement, I’m specifically thinking of the whole “human” nickname scene but there are tons of examples of that. 3- His special interest in human culture is driven by a curiosity, the want to amass knowledge about it, and he likes to makes theories about it, like why humans get wires to their teeth. It’s kind of like a puzzle, but it’s also a whole rich world and culture to explore and, relatable. I couldn’t find a clip of it but iirc he explains what he likes about illusion magic at some point and it felt very in that same vein as well. 4- Speaks to himself pretty regularly. (Irl with asd it’s usually either to help sensory/emotional processing, but can also be because of a lack of awareness of social norms or even control) 5- Socially awkward gifted kid nerd trope. Self-explanatory. 6- Sometimes says rudely blunt things, seemingly not knowing it’s the wrong thing to say. Ex: Willow: “We weren’t going to leave you behind.” Gus: “I was.” Willow: “Gus!” -elbows him- (important to note it wasn’t in a sassy or bitter manner) / “Don’t worry, we’ll get you out, dead or alive!” -Willow looks at him and shakes her head. Gus sees that, his eyebrows rise and his expression shift- “Okay, alive!” / Even thought it’s magic, the “Better luck next time!” and “goodbye forever!” messages feels like an instance of this as well 7- That goes hand in hand with not being able to read a room. Ex: Willow, worried/horrified: “Luz is in a witch’s dual!” Gus, excited: “Yeah, and she can win it all! Yeah yeah!” -epic finger guns- 8- Generally a stickler for rules and knows a lot about cultural history of the Boiling Isles. He can remember specific rules and dates, etc. 9- Strong moral code, thinking of the illusion graveyard ep specifically. (that’s not a diss, rigid morality and unlikeliness for corruption really is extremely common in autism and a diagnosis trait) 10- A certain social obliviousness. With overcrowding Willow, getting betrayed by fellow illusion coven students, and I couldn’t find a clip of it but iirc most Human Club members weren’t as excited about human stuff as much as he thought 11- ”Gus chomp”? This boy just dissed every existing social norm ever 12- Self-esteem issues due to social problems and perfectionism, as well as feeling like his special interest/skill (illusions) is useless/dumb and wanting to change that about himself. Here’s a good compilation to see many of those in clips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISSkcKdzN6s&ab_channel=Milasia
Ok. Um... I didn’t think that’d be so long. Well that used to not be enough evidence to sell me on the headcanon, so below the cut we get to the new ep! Beware spoilers! 
The angst? Delicious. Relatable. 
There’s obviously the obliviousness and naivety + hard time reading people of Gus thinking he’s friends with a classmate after they teamed up to work on 1 project together once and said classmate left all the work to him. Gus didn’t notice him/think much of him not working on the assignment at all and said “we’re practically best friends now!” before he learned the truth from accidentally eavesdropping. To think you’re best friend-level getting along with someone who was obviously using him, like let’s be honest the dude didn’t look like he’s a very good actor and the vibes are very much rather that Gus is very easy to fool, especially since Gus says he “did it again”. “Why does this keep happening?”. This isn’t a “kid learns a lesson that some people will pretend to be his friend for their own gain” thing, this is a “it happens again and again but Gus can’t see the warning signs”. He’s confused. He doesn’t get it. This is a fundamental social thing that he cannot identify, that he does not learn from no matter how often it happens to him. “What’s wrong with me, why can’t I learn?”. I’m sobbing y’all. Undiagnosed autism right there. He knows something is wrong, but social cues just do not click, and he doesn’t have the tools or knowledge he needs to know why he can't read them. He can’t tell when someone likes him or not, leaving him to wallow or overanalyze social interactions or friendships sometimes, like when he was sad over overcrowding Willow.  And it’s not like he never got any trust issues either, after all he pushes away Willow at first, and wouldn’t believe Hunter’s comfort until he did the breathing exercise.
The confusion, the trauma, the anxiety, the sheer emotional turmoil of hurt and betrayal and the crushing of self-esteem for not being able to tell. “Everyone thinks I’m the smart one, so why do I keep acting so dumb?” “I can’t even trust myself [my perspective of what’s happening] anymore.”
Meltdowns share similarities with anxiety and panic attacks, because it comes from what I listed just above. This? Is a meltdown.
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This isn’t just a panic attack. This is an outburst, a coping mechanism, even if it is characterized by intense emotions and stress and a loss of control.
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Source: https://www.rdiconnect.com/what-is-an-autism-meltdown/ (don’t mind it being mainly written for autism moms) It isn’t necessarily written the best way for the purpose of highlighting Gus’ situation, and meltdowns can also be from sensory overload and others, but Gus’ is obviously because of an emotional overload. Hunter coming in with the breathing exercise shows that he had to calm down for it to stop as well. This may be one of the most powerful visual representations of a meltdown I’ve ever seen. Meltdowns cause you to explode and often lash out, it’s not just internal or even crumbling down alone in a corner, it’s compared to temper tantrums and you can hurt others. Which is why the illusions are affecting others as well, not just him, despite them being caused by him because of his emotional state, and that he doesn’t want it to happen. It sucks for everyone involved and it’s very overwhelming.
As an autistic who only got diagnosed at 18, who learned that she had 0 friends when she thought she was bestie with all her classmates because everyone pretended, who when I look at memories of being tricked I can see obvious signs of dishonesty when it just didn’t register at the time, this resonates so, so much. Result: I got social anxiety, but overanalyzing everything and bending myself for other people didn’t help, I still got taken advantage of and thought of as annoying, though self-improvement and learning more about social stuff did help as I grew up. I was a gifted kid academically, but couldn’t tell who’s a bff and who literally could not wait to get away from me. Time and time again. And yeah, most of the time I learned through accidentally hearing something they didn’t want me to.
If you’ve watched She-ra and the Princesses of Power or you know a fair bit of pop culture, you can see huge similarities in Gus and Entrapta, who is confirmed to have been intentionally written as autistic. And that similarity is the confusion when it comes to social situations and betrayal. It’s not that they’re not trying, or that they’re dumb, it’s that they genuinely can’t tell when someone likes them or not and such. In both cases, it causes deep self-esteem issues and trauma. It’s honestly heartbreakingly relatable to see their eyes widen in realization when the bubble gets popped and it becomes obvious and explicit that the friendship they thought they had was a lie. It’s even more heartbreakingly relatable when statements such as “I’m supposed to be smart, so why do I keep acting so dumb” and “I can’t even trust my vision of the events” and “I just wasn’t suited for friendship” be like... True, y’know? It’s not just an exaggeration of their feelings or 1 bad experience, it’s how we are, and we just have to cope with it, accept it and find a good entourage we can trust. This is a good compilation of Entrapta angst if you’re interested, huge spoilers beware: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrW54RZFTAQ&ab_channel=tlr748
Also on the note of several main characters showing numerous signs of autism or other neurodivergences: Neurodivergent people tend to gravitate to each other, which makes our main TOH cast of misfits all/most having some neurodivergence not surprising or “unrealistic”. A diagnosis shouldn’t make them any less loveable to you. Though, of course, we’re all entitled to our own opinions and visions of them & that’s valid. /gen
Thank you The Owl House, for keeping delivering with the great rep
Not me crying writing this, no u, nothing more to see here
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
I am wondering how did JW get through the first couple days or weeks after DS’s and HGH’s arrest? We watched the drama for 16 episode then many developed the serious brainrot. What does it feel like for JW who has spent the last several months in the case, developed the deep relationship with DS and Manjang people, twisted and turned and endless late nights…then all of a sudden everything came to an end at that night…. Cannot imagine the hollowness he must have felt. How did he get through with just himself ? I bet Hyuk must be there for him but must still be very very hard. I am wondering how YJG and SHK feel after this project. Have they experienced similar withdrawal like us? #mental-dump #just-want-to-chat-with-someone #it-is-good-to-see-jw-smile-after-a-year-but-he-must-have-gone-through-a-lot-of-xxx
Firstly, thank you for your message. I appreciate that you took time out of your day to contact me <3
So... Heartbreak interlude/Post-Canon Han Joo Won? The man of my (albeit minor) worries and concerns? The small baby cherub himself that... gosh, simply put, he needs therapy.
Let's get into it. I'm going to overshare my headcanons and hopefully give satisfactory answers to your questions along the way...
[grab all of the snacks and stay hydrated. I go on about it for about a decade because I don't know how to stfu. As always, excuse my dyslexia pls]
[EDIT 12/07/22: I added some more thoughts because i cannot be stopped... someone stop me pls]
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Okay, firstly, look at that gif, look at the Joo Won we are being presented in the ending scenes and tell me he's okay. He looks so worn out, emotionally suffocated; as if he has put all of his emotions into a glass jar and has been huffing on it just to get a hit. Joo Won is vein and yet, he hasn't had a haircut, he's wearing the same clothes, he has bags under his eyes, he walks with a shyness that isn't like him, etc, etc.
Han Joo Won is a confident (not to be confused with his arrogance) man. We do not see that confidence at the end of ep. 16. I read his body language as someone who has been strung up to dry, through his own doing. He has spent an (almost) year emotionally self-flagellating because of what he did. Joo Won is semi-responsible/directly involved in three people's murders. The guilt must be weighing a tonne on him. That, including his overwhelming feelings of guilt/complicated feelings toward Dong Sik... well, I don't think he would be dealing with it in a healthy way.
Joo Won doesn't scream like he's a "i go to therapy and take my meds and openly talk about my trauma in a healthy constructive way, whilst learning to slowly forgive myself" kind of guy. Quite the opposite.
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(yes, hit your chest with a loaded gun whilst you have an anxiety attack... people, his finger is on the trigger!!! what are we going to do with his man?)
How did JW get through the first couple days or weeks after DS’s and HGH’s arrest? (my thoughts only, based on my wild imagination and lack of knowledge) Joo Won was one of the lead investigators in the national /international scandal of the decade: the murder and cover-up case of Lee Yu Yeon, involving the lead suspect, General Commissioner of South Korea's police force, Han Ki Hwan. He was not the arresting officer but he was a leading detective of that case, working undercover/behind everyone's backs with his colleague from the Inspection Inquiry department at headquarters (from my understanding, it's basically Internal Affairs), who also happens to be the deceased twin brother. [He's also the arresting officer for Lee Chang Jin, Park Jung Je, Jo Gil Goo, and Do Hae Won. that's a lot of paperwork and a lot of court hearings.] Yeeeah..... that's a sticky situation. I fully believe that the South Korean version of the CPS (crown prosecution service) would have wanted Joo Won off that case as quickly as they could because his involvement will make it very messy in court. [Personally, I think HKH would have a solid appeal and I think it might even go through because of Joo Won and Dong Sik's handling of the case. A half-decent lawyer could make a meal out of the relationships/dynamics at play here.] He is also the arresting officer of his partner/ his father's arresting officer... Which is just... yeeeeeeeah. a. lot. So, he'll be doing a lot of paperwork, following procedures, answering SO many questions and I think, just going through the motions, completely and utterly numb to it all. Emotionally, he would have checked out in order to assure he brings justice to the victims and their families.
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But that emotional numbness won't last for long...
I fully believe he would become a media sensation but not because he wants to be. I think the press would follow him around and dig every ounce of his life as they can, so they can sell more papers/get more clicks regarding HKH's case. (they follow him to and from work, sit outside his flat, find all of his favourite spots, contact everyone and anyone who could have dirt on him... basically, make his life a living hell). Also, the fact that Joo Won is handsome and annoying is a factor. He was also correct about the Manyang serial killer, investigated his own father and arrested his partner- gosh, well, there's a lot to be said about him.
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(come on, the insta pages created in his honour would be bountiful. he has nice clothes, great hair, that face, a nice arse that doesn't quit, and a funny personality... He's the young "star" of a modern Shakespearean scandal. it's bound to happen.)
So, I think he would be harassed by the media/public throughout the duration of his father's trial. He'll be ostracized by MANY people within the police force because he's uncovered the extent of the institutional corruption. He'll be a very busy boy, who is on the edge of falling apart 24/7 because life is a lie/gone to shit.
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How did he get through with just himself? I bet Hyuk must be there for him but must still be very very hard.
Okay, so let's get to my headcanons and talk about my juicy (unhealthy) theories of what Joo Won's (almost) year away could have looked like.
It's either he:
He works very hard and keeps his head down. He's quiet and tries his best. He applies himself to prove that he's not his father's son. Perhaps, over time, he reconnects with his mother's side of the family and that helps him develop an identity outside of his father's shadow. Or.... my preferred theory... (it's dramatic, just HJW)
Joo Won is a fucking mess. He is someone who cares more than the average person, he holds himself to a very high standard and is his own worst enemy. He is suffocating with guilt, it drenches him to the point he is soaking; heavy and unable to move. His day-to-day life is a slug that he endures because it is the right thing to do. But at night, or when he's alone, he's a trainwreck. I believe Joo Won has substance abuse issues (as hinted with his drinking in the show) and I think that would get much worse post canon/the interlude. Joo Won drinks to punish/numb himself, he drinks alone and during the day. We never see him drunk but that could be because he's very good at controlling that side of himself... Well, as someone who has control issues like him (wanting to be in control but also, has a very bad temper/easily loses control with the right pressure/if Dong Sik pushes his buttons), what if something so traumatic happened to him that it forces his self-control out the window? What then?
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(this boy loves to punish himself. He's a masochist, I tell ya. Maybe he'll get into BDSM, who knows? it might be cathartic for him; losing control in a controlled setting)
I think he would allow the sides of himself that he's been repressing his entire life to come exploding out. It's messy, ugly, and painful but germination isn't a pretty process. It's a cold undertaking that happens alone, in the dark corners of one's mind, and doesn't always succeed first-try. But like many seedlings, Joo Won can survive in the dark and has an abundance of perseverance. He just needs to spread his roots and keep reaching toward the sun; with patience, he will eventually see the sky.
But he can't do it alone.
There are three important men in Joo Won's life:
His father: Han Ki Hwan
His partner: Lee Dong Sik
His other: Kwon Hyuk
He sent one to prison (who gave him massive daddy issues, let's be honest), he arrested the second (who he had a complicated/queer-coded relationship with) and that just leaves one behind. One left out of three... and you know what? I think in pure Han Joo Won style, he would have become desperate, compulsive and obsessive over Hyuk.
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(there aren't enough gifs of Hyuk. It's a crime. I love him so very much.)
They are the remaining sons of a dying dynasty*; a defamed house that is burning down to the ground, ignited by the molotov cocktail that Joo Won threw himself.... lit with the aid of his partner. HE WOULD BECOME SO RELIANT ON HYUK, I can't even begin to explain it.
*someone play Dynasty - Rina Sawayama
Hyuk would become his everything. He would do anything; he would self-sabotage to hell and back if it meant he got to keep the only person left to him. (his last remaining family member) Hyuk is his friend, his forced rival, his pseudo brother, his sore spot, his sweet spot, and someone (depending on your interpretation of the text) he may felt some non-platonic feelings for, at some point in time (i.e, adolescent crush/sexuality awakening/first love kind of situation.... they gave each other funny looks, okay? don't blame me, the Han family is weird!) Joo Won means a lot to Hyuk. He would LOVE Joo Won relying on him, so he would really step up. [[ I think that in the future, this would cause tension between Hyuk and Dong Sik (kind of like: I picked up the pieces you left, bitch. ) ]]
Anyway, anyway, anyway, in summation: I think Joo Won will have a horrible time of it. He would be so focused on keeping himself accountable that he'll end up punishing himself through self-destructive means. He would reach a point where Hyuk is like "enough is enough" and drags Joo Won's self-pitying arse home and sets him straight (lol). Joo Won would try to reconnect with his Lee family (his mother's family) either physically, or privately/mentally, so he can try to find his true identity (outside of his Han heritage/father). I think they'll be a lot of self-discovery, punishment, and an explosive release of 28 years worth of tension. He'll make many mistakes and it'll be a very sad and lonely process. But through Hyuk's guidance and his own need to carry on, he'll learn to grow and uphold his promise: to never treat anyone the way he treated Dong Sik (never hurt ds again). (ep. 12, 34-ish minutes in) I fully expect him to gradually (over many years) finally accept to go to therapy but I think it would take a very troubling (police) case to get him there. I also believe that it would take years for him and Dong Sik to get to a point where they could even consider exploring what the hell they had going on. They need a lot of time to heal and grow; to accept and forgive each other, and themselves.
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I LOVE the idea of them being messy idiots for years. Who continuously make mistakes and drive the other insane. But they both stubbornly stay by each other's side like glue because they're cut from the same cloth. (Come on, let's be real, has Joo Won been ever been this comfortable with anyone else? So open and real, so himself in every way; even the ugly and immature parts. Dong Sik has seen every side of him and still accepts him. beautiful. and Joo Won wants to be in Dong Sik's life so desperately, he wants to be good for him and bring him happiness- he wants to make his life easier. according to the script, Dong Sik sees Joo Won as his saviour...... that's heavy. what a beautiful bond) No one understands them the way they understand one another. No one will accept them the way they accept each other. No one else will have the shared trauma and therefore, the patience they need to be with one another. I love the idea of them developing a deep friendship. I read their dynamic as romantic, so I would suspect that at some point along the way, they would explore that side of it. Whether they could make it work or not... I don't know (I hope so)
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I am wondering how YJG and SHK feel after this project. Have they experienced similar withdrawal like us?
I'm not too sure. But considering Shin Ha Kyun received an award for his wonderful performance and made a rare appearance on social media to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Beyond Evil, says that he hasn't forgotten about it. Yeo Jin Goo, on the other hand, can't escape it. He's currently starring in Link: Eat, Love, Kill which is basically a (headache of a show that has massive problems with its tone but is still very charming) het romantic comedy version of Beyond Evil, including basically the same storyline, just told from a different perspective, even including a few of the same actors. So... I don't think he's going to be forgetting any time soon. [We need a season 2, mainly so we get more of these wonderful characters and 10/10 cast/crew. but also because we didn't get an editorial fashion shoot with these two (SHK & YJG) and that is a crime. I said it, someone needs to do time. Joking aside, I don't think they ever will (make a season 2) because if they were to follow jwds's story, they would have to explain some stuff... the actors could see, the audience can see, and the creative team leaned in towards it... so, do they have the bravery to make the show queer? like 100% canon no-second guessing queer. I don't think so.]
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So.... yeah. Before I write a 20-million-words about Han Joo Won (which would make me more pathetic than him lol), I'm going to leave this here. Joo Won is a delicious character with so much depth that he can be interpreted in many different ways. I think that's just wonderful.
Just because I see him as a little weirdo who uses kinky sex, drugs and alcohol to punish/explore himself, whilst pretending everything is fine on the outside, and still somehow making it to work (just) on time, *inhale* doesn't mean you or anyone else has to see him that way. He's fab, this show is fab, and you are fab.
Thank you for your message. I hope this answers your questions. I also love talking about this show, so thanks for choosing me to be the person you chat with.
[EDIT: I should include that I think the majority of Joo Won's grieving and destructive behaviour will happen during the almost year-long interlude. I do believe that once he knows that Dong Sik doesn't blame him and actually still feels affection for him, the weight will be lifted and he go down the path of self-forgiveness. He'll mess up and be silly along the way but I fully can see him one day living a relatively normal life, living with someone (preferably a certain someone) who understands and supports him. His future is FULL of love and discovery.]
As always, if anyone wants to add to the conversation, please feel free to do so. I'm sure many will disagree with me and that's okay, this is just my opinion of one of my favourite fictional weirdos.
May he grow and learn to love himself (he deserves so much love, bless him).
Bye for now!
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becomewings · 3 years
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BTS Universe Timeline
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Content warning: contains references to death, suicide, suicidal ideation, child abuse, domestic violence, blood, homicide, depression, trauma, PTSD
This guide contains major spoilers from all BU media
Revisions and additions will be made as necessary, so please visit the original post for the most up-to-date version (update log is included at bottom of post)
All names are provided as fully as known
Bracketed dates are inferred or calculated from references in the text
While the timeline is presented here as objectively as possible, I acknowledge that there is a level of subjectivity in choosing which information is significant enough for inclusion and in certain connections drawn between entries
Please inform me of any suspected errors; I will investigate and correct them
Do not repost, copy, or quote without permission
School Years: Together & Apart
    - March Year 19 through 10 April Year 22 -
2 March Year 19 Notes 1 (SJ)
Ten days after returning from the U.S., SeokJin and his father visit the principal’s office at his new school. SeokJin learns that he will start one grade lower due to the different education systems. SeokJin’s father grips his shoulder while the principal explains that school is a “dangerous place” that needs to be “tightly controlled.” He asks: “You know you have to keep me informed, right? You’ll be a good student, right?” SeokJin squeezes out a “yes” and his father lets go. Both ChangJun and the principal laugh. SeokJin looks down at their shining shoes, wondering from where the light is coming.
Note: SeokJin’s 25 June Year 19 entry in Notes 1 specifies that his father attended the same high school. JiMin’s 23 July Year 22 entry in Notes 2 reveals that, according to a comment he finds on an online news article, ChangJun and the principal were in school at the same time and fought with each other “as if it would only end when one of them dropped dead,” but they appeared to get along later due to politics.
3 March Year 19 BTS Universe Story: The Boy on the Threshold, ep.1
On the first day of school at Songju Jeil High School, the Dean of Students berates the six latecomers lined up outside: SeokJin, NamJoon, HoSeok, JiMin, TaeHyung, and JungKook. YoonGi arrives even later. The Dean assigns them one month of community service as punishment. When he notices SeokJin, he clears his throat and says he is letting them off because it’s the first day: they must all assemble after classes to clean the annex, a classroom turned into a storage room. This room becomes their meeting place and hideout even after their punishment is finished.
Note: Their punishment for being late is referenced in JiMin’s 12 March Year 19 entry in Notes 1, when he escapes to the old classroom again and finds the others already there. He observes that it feels as though they’ve been “hanging out together forever.” The punishment scene is also similar to a moment in the BTS Begins Middle Scene VCR. Although it includes a few extra students and cannot be confirmed as BU content, it does mirror the canonical detail of YoonGi arriving last.
28 May Year 19 Notes: Answer
In the classroom hideout, JungKook asks everyone what their dreams are because he has to write a paper about future hopes. SeokJin wants to become a good person, and YoonGi says it’s okay to have no dream. TaeHyung poses on a chair and says he’s going to be a superhero. HoSeok scolds him and adds that he wants to find his mom and live happily. JiMin asks him if he is unhappy now, and HoSeok pulls an exaggeratedly worried expression. “Is that how it works?” JiMin is flustered when HoSeok asks what his dream is and remembers that when he was in preschool he wanted to be president, but didn’t know what he wanted after that. Everyone looks at NamJoon, who shrugs and confesses that while he wants to say something nice, he doesn’t have a dream either and just wishes that his part-time job pays more. JungKook looks down at his assignment, divided into sections for “student” and “parent,” and wonders what he hopes to become. He can’t think of anything to write.
12 June Year 19 — The Sea Notes 1
YoonGi’s entry:
All seven boys cut school and decide to go to the sea. They have little money between them, so they must walk to the train station. As they leave, YoonGi almost bumps into JiMin and realizes that he is standing frozen with a trembling face. JiMin stares at a sign that reads “2.1km to Grass Flower Arboretum.” YoonGi flatly tells him that it’s too hot to go to the arboretum. He has an “instinctive feeling” that they should avoid it. He observes that JiMin walks away like a little kid, head bent and shoulders hunched.
JungKook’s entry:
The boys arrive at the beach. They hang around under a torn parasol until HoSeok holds up a discovery on his phone: a large rock that is supposed to grant your dream if you stand atop it and shout your dream out to the sea. TaeHyung encourages them to go. While they grumble in the heat on the long trek, JungKook reflects on how he had recently asked the others what their dreams were. (See 28 May Year 19.) None of them really have a dream to pursue.
YoonGi tells JungKook to stop biting his nails or else they’ll become like his. Then he asks JungKook what his dream is. Having never thought about it, JungKook doesn’t know. He hesitates and then asks what a dream is. HoSeok rattles off a few definitions from his phone. YoonGi questions, “How can something that you want to achieve most in your life and something that is unlikely to come true both be called a dream? … Don’t ever try to have a dream.” JungKook asks why. At his glance, YoonGi stops biting his nails and puts his hands in his pockets. “Because it’s tough having one.” JungKook is curious about why YoonGi bites his nails but doesn’t ask. He recalls that it has been a habit since his childhood to hurt himself. He remembers cutting his finger on a knife badly enough that his mom took him to the hospital, but she didn’t take care of him after they went home. His wound healed slowly because he kept pressing it; the pain helped him feel awake. Even now, he sometimes feels hollow.
TaeHyung asks how much longer they have to walk. HoSeok is puzzled, saying they should be close. They gaze around the empty, pebbled beach. JiMin sighs and reads aloud from an article on his phone. A resort will be built on this beach, and the construction company blew up the rock. They notice the cordoned off construction zone. They try to reassure each other to remain positive, but they all feel the disappointment of walking all that way for nothing. JungKook notices YoonGi biting his nails again and tries to stop him, but he is interrupted by a loud drilling noise. JungKook looks past him at the sea and all that remains of the dream-granting rock, the pebbles under their feet. “Is the world tough for you, too?” he asks, but YoonGi can’t hear him. JungKook screams again. “Do you want to give up on this world, too?” HoSeok and TaeHyung laugh at their mimed conversation. They all look out to the sea and shout their dreams. The drilling is so loud that they can’t hear each other. JungKook cannot even hear his own dream. When the noise stops, they cut off abruptly and laugh. SeokJin suggests that they take a photo. He sets the timer and runs to join their row, the sea behind them. They walk back to the train station. JungKook asks if he can keep the photo. SeokJin writes “June 12” on the back and gives it to him, telling him that his dream will come true. JungKook asks if SeokJin knows what he shouted to the sea, and SeokJin merely taps his shoulder and strides ahead.
BTS Universe Story : The Boy on the Threshold, ep.3
JungKook’s memory of the beach trip follows a similar structure to the scene in Notes 1, plus a notable addition. After they fail to find the dream-granting boulder, JungKook climbs up on the pier railing. He thinks: “I’ve always liked walking on the edge of walls or on top of lines. Focusing on centering my gravity means that I don’t really think of anything else, and the boundary—not quite a part of either place—always felt like where I should be.” Someone grabs his arm while he precariously balances. YoonGi tells him not to do that, and JungKook assures him that he won’t fall.
“YoonGi would often grab my arm when I walked on railings. The others would look after me, too, after seeing him do that. I liked their helping hands. It felt like they were telling me that I should go to them. That this wasn’t my place. Maybe their hands were why I walked on the railings.”
25 June Year 19 Notes 1 (SJ)
Alone in the classroom hideout, SeokJin finds a plant by the window. He takes pictures with his phone but doesn’t think they capture what the human eye sees. He notices that “HoSeok’s plant” is scribbled on the floor beneath the pot and then realizes that the window sills, walls, and ceiling are covered with graffiti and drawings, messages left behind by the students who once passed through that room. He wonders if there were past teachers who used violence and endless tests or students like him who ratted out their friends to the principal. Since his father also attended that high school, SeokJin looks for his name on the walls and finds it with a phrase written underneath: “Everything started from here.”
Note: TaeHyung, JiMin, NamJoon, and YoonGi discover several other familiar names near Kim ChangJun (SeokJin’s father) on the classroom wall in TaeHyung’s 23 July Year 22 entry from 7’s album Notes and the extended version in Notes 2.
30 August Year 19 Notes: Her
JiMin plays in HoSeok’s shadow while he is on the phone, reflecting on how HoSeok has accompanied him on the two-hour walk home since the beginning of the school semester. JiMin eventually realized that HoSeok didn’t live in the same direction but never questioned him, simply hoping that their time walking together would stretch the day out a little longer. HoSeok finishes on the phone and chases after him while the cicadas sing and their ice creams melt. Suddenly, JiMin is afraid, wondering how many of these days are left.
20 March Year 20 Notes 1 (TH)
TaeHyung sneaks up on NamJoon in the hallway by their classroom hideout. He stops when he hears SeokJin’s voice inside, apparently informing the principal about how TaeHyung and YoonGi had ditched school and got in a fight over the past few days. SeokJin throws open the door, phone in hand, and looks flustered to see NamJoon standing there. TaeHyung hides in a corner and is shocked to hear NamJoon assure him, “It’s OK. There must’ve been a good reason.” HoSeok and JiMin find TaeHyung in the hallway, and HoSeok pulls him into the classroom. NamJoon beams at TaeHyung as though nothing strange has happened. Believing that NamJoon “must have his reasons” because he is more intelligent and mature, TaeHyung decides not to tell anyone about the conversation he overheard.
15 May Year 20 Notes 1 (NJ)
NamJoon visits the classroom hideout on his last day of school. Two weeks prior, his family decided that they needed to move due to complications with his father’s health and their overdue rent. NamJoon tries to write a message on a piece of paper. He scribbles “I must survive” before the pencil lead snaps. He crumples the paper and writes in the dust on the window instead.
“No farewell message would be enough to let the others know how I felt. At the same time, no farewell message was needed to make myself understood. ‘See you again.’ It was a wish, rather than a promise.”
Note: “I must survive” is a recurring message tied to NamJoon in the BU MVs. See also 17 December Year 21.
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7 June Year 20 Notes: Persona
TaeHyung’s two month old puppy Dubu slips out of the leash and disappears while he is distracted on his phone. TaeHyung runs around the neighborhood looking for him, first angry at the puppy and then blaming himself. When Dubu returns on his own, TaeHyung is filled with the unfamiliar feeling that he is someone who can be relied on.
11 June Year 20 BTS Universe Story: The Boy on the Threshold, ep.5 Everyone’s Place
In the classroom hideout, JungKook listens to YoonGi playing the piano. The sound of the music makes him feel as if YoonGi understands how he feels and is trying to console him. The Dean of Students forces the door open, demanding why they are there. He berates and slaps JungKook, knocking him to the floor. YoonGi steps between them and shoves the teacher’s shoulder. The dean warns him that he had better be prepared for the consequences of putting his hands on a teacher and then leaves. Despite his throbbing cheek, JungKook smiles because it is the first time someone has protected him, and the feeling of getting closer to YoonGi makes him giddy. For the next two weeks, YoonGi does not come to school.
25 June Year 20 Notes 1
JungKook’s entry:
JungKook tries to play the piano in the classroom hideout, unable to make it sound like YoonGi did. He reflects on the rumor that YoonGi was expelled after the events of 11 June and wonders if YoonGi would still be here playing the piano if JungKook had not been there that day when the teacher appeared.
YoonGi’s entry:
Breathing hard, YoonGi arrives at his bedroom, removes a half-burned piano key from an envelope in his desk drawer, and throws it into the trash can. He remembers a day four years ago when he returned to their burned down home and found a skeleton of the piano where his mother’s room used to stand. He noticed several piano keys on the ground and took one of them, wondering what note it was and how many times her fingers touched it. In the present, YoonGi thinks how unbearable living under his father’s rule is and recalls what happened that day: he is officially expelled from school. He picks up the piano key again and hurls it out the window.
“I couldn’t hear the piano key hit the ground. Now I’d never know what note it made. It’d never make a sound again. I’d never play the piano again.”
17 July Year 20 Notes 1 (SJ)
At the end of the last school day before summer vacation, SeokJin tries to leave quickly but is hailed by HoSeok and JiMin. No one knows that he was pressured by the principal and revealed their hideout, which led to JungKook and YoonGi being discovered (11 June) and the latter’s expulsion (25 June). HoSeok wishes SeokJin a good vacation and to keep in touch, but he can’t reply.
“My first day at this school crossed my mind as I passed through the school gate. We were all late and got punished. But we were together, so we could laugh together. I had ruined all those memories we shared.”
Note: Variations of the sentiment “we can laugh when we’re together” recur throughout BU.
15 September Year 20 Notes 1 (HS)
In the hospital emergency room, HoSeok wants to explain how JiMin had a seizure at the bus stop to his mother, Sim SeonMi. When the doctors wheel JiMin’s bed out, HoSeok begins to follow until SeonMi thanks him and touches his shoulder. He feels like she has drawn a line between them that he cannot cross. He falls to the floor, and when he looks up, JiMin’s bed is gone.
Note: The name of JiMin’s mother is specified in his BTS Universe Story arc, Stopped Time. JiMin’s 11 May Year 22 entry in Notes 1 reflects that he blacked out at the bus stop after seeing the window of the Grass Flower Arboretum shuttle bus open. His 12 August Year 22 entry in Notes 2 reveals the real cause of JiMin’s seizure at the bus stop: he sees the boy that he left behind at the arboretum warehouse on 6 April Year 11. Though the boy’s empty eyes no longer speak to JiMin, this chance encounter awakens his memories of that day.
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28 September Year 20 Notes: Her and Smeraldo Books Twitter
JiMin, heavily medicated, has lost track of how long he has been back in the hospital. But he considers this a special day because he lies to the doctor for the first time about not remembering anything.
Note: He is lying about not remembering what triggered his seizure at the bus stop on 15 September and/or what happened at the Grass Flower Arboretum when he was a kid (see Notes 2 comments above). This lie is also referenced in his 11 May Year 22 entry in Notes 1.
30 September Year 20 Notes 1 (JK)
A teacher hits JungKook with an attendance book when he refuses to admit that he still visits the classroom hideout, reminding him of when YoonGi was beaten. Later, JungKook stands outside the room and imagines that the others are waiting for him on the other side. He opens the door to only find HoSeok, clearing out what remains of their belongings. HoSeok walks him out, and JungKook realizes that those days are gone and will never come again.
25 February Year 21 Notes: Her (HS)
HoSeok watches himself dance in the mirror. He has danced since he was around twelve and discovered an ecstasy that came from inside himself. Outside of the mirror, HoSeok is a person who collapses everywhere and takes medicine he doesn’t need, who smiles even when he hates it and isn’t happy. But when he dances, he truly becomes himself, casting away all that weighs him down and feeling that he can become happy.
2 May Year 21 Notes: Persona (JK)
Biking along the Yangjicheon riverbank, JungKook thinks about how his friends left him one by one and that no one at home or in the world smiles at him anymore. He stops in the shadows under a bridge. Nobody comes to this kind of ruined place, and maybe that is the reason no one comes to him either. He feels most comfortable alone in the complete darkness where no one will look for him and wants the moment to never end.
9 August Year 21 Notes: Persona (SJ)
SeokJin walks along a Los Angeles beach and photographs the ocean. It has been a year since he fled Songju and moved to his mother’s family’s home, where he grew up as a child. He doesn’t photograph people anymore and didn’t bring any photos from high school with him, afraid to remember who he was at that time or to wonder about how his friends are doing and whether they still think of him.
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17 December Year 21 Notes 1 (NJ)
This lengthy entry details events that transpired since the autumn of Year 20 when NamJoon’s family moved to the village, framed by moments on 17 December itself as NamJoon leaves on his own. His family chooses this village because it has a nearby hospital for his ailing father and employers who will hire someone without a high school diploma. NamJoon serves as a delivery boy for an eatery, competing for work with the other local boys. They grow a strange sense of solidarity, and he privately dubs one of them “TaeHyung,” even though the boy’s discontent, outward behavior is more akin to YoonGi’s. (Quotation marks added to the name here for clarity.) Competition slackens when snow falls in winter. NamJoon and “TaeHyung” are the only ones poor enough to risk the road up to the mountain town’s rest area when orders are phoned to the village below. On an afternoon forecast to have heavy snowfall, the restaurant owner dismisses “TaeHyung” due to his bruised face and gives the deliveries to NamJoon. The old delivery scooter fishtails on NamJoon’s third trip down the mountain, throwing him off. More anxious about the scratched scooter than his cut ankle and aching body, NamJoon finally gets it to restart and returns to the eatery. “TaeHyung,” who has been hanging around this whole time, approaches and asks for a favor. Before he can answer, NamJoon receives a call from his mother relaying that his father went outside alone and fell, requiring a trip to the hospital. NamJoon understands that his father was only trying to keep his dignity but is still frustrated because he can’t earn any more much-needed money this day. He hands “TaeHyung” the keys and leaves to take his father to the hospital.
The next day, NamJoon learns that “TaeHyung” was in a fatal accident during one of the deliveries up the mountain. The police officer blames him for being a poor driver and not wearing a helmet. NamJoon does not speak up that he has never seen the helmet the owner now has placed out on the counter. He visits the scene of the accident, thinking that the white outline on the road could be his if he was the one to make the next delivery—just as it could be his family mourning in the village instead of “TaeHyung’s” mother. On a later trip carrying his father home from the bus stop, NamJoon pretends not to hear his father’s frail voice over the noise of barking dogs. A week after that, NamJoon is making steady deliveries up the mountain. During what is ultimately his last delivery, he speaks with a stranger at the rest area, who cautions him to take care. “Do you know what’s really dangerous? Calcium chloride and wet leaves, not the snow itself,” the stranger blurts as NamJoon departs. NamJoon drives carefully back, not looking at the scene of the accident. This is not out of safety, as he tries to convince himself, but guilt: guilt for surviving, for his relief of being the one alive, for not defending “TaeHyung’s” driving skills. He also wonders if he is “a hypocrite pretending to have a guilty conscience.” Because he scattered wet leaves and sprinkled calcium chloride to prevent the road from icing over where he fell that afternoon, believing that he would be making the next delivery. If he did not do both those things, would “TaeHyung” be alive?
Mind and body numb, NamJoon makes it home from the delivery detached from the world around him. The barking dogs snap him out of the daze, and he remembers his father’s words that he pretended not to hear and dwelled on daily despite trying not to think about them: “Go, NamJoon. You must survive.” The next morning (17 December), NamJoon sneaks away to the bus stop. He is running away from his family’s misfortunes, from his own resignation to his fate, from poverty. The bus is scheduled to arrive in Songju in a few hours—the city he left with no notice and is returning to once more with the same. NamJoon wonders if his old friends still live there and how they are doing. On the frosted window, he writes with his finger: “I must survive.”
Note: The village boy’s real name is JongHun according to NamJoon’s 12 June Year 22 entry in Notes 2, which also reveals that he visited JongHun’s home to give his condolences before he left town.
1 February Year 22 Notes: 7 (SJ)
Summoned by his father without explanation, SeokJin flies back to Korea from Los Angeles. Although he has addresses in both LA and Songju, neither place feels like his home.
Update Log
Posted May 5, 2021
Do not repost.
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sortasirius · 4 years
what makes you think the writers want deancas? not trying to be an asshole, i'm just genuinely curious as to why you think that. i know berens' episodes are pretty heavy with subtext so i can see why you'd say that he wants it, but i'm not so sure about the rest of the writers/dabb. it seems like meghan isn't a huge fan either, given her "they twisted it so fast" tweet :/ of course she's a very new writer (think she's only writing one ep this season?) but still
OKAY this is a great question, welcome to my dissertation.
I’m going to address the end of your question first. Meghan is actually DeanCas positive, she has been for quite a long time. She actually, a few years back, posted a picture of her reading a literal book about Destiel and captioned it “writing reading” or something like that.
This whole thing just comes out of a boiling over of tensions because of how nasty fandom twitter can be. Like I said here, I think this has just gotten blown out of proportion, they shouldn’t have posted all this randomly disparaging stuff, but also like...can you blame them? The fandom is a lot, we always have been, and they’re probably also under a gag order not to talk about the finale, and are annoyed that people keep asking.
So nah, Meg is not anti Destiel.
To the first part!! So let’s take a look at the show runners since Cas has been around.
Seasons 4 and 5: Kripke
Seasons 6 and 7: Gamble
Seasons 8-11ish: Carver
Seasons 11ish-15: Dabb
So starting with Kripke. Okay, yes, I will be the first to admit that we have some pretty incredible Destiel moments in these seasons, but it’s less directly written into the plot and much more from Misha and Jensen’s uhhhh ~chemistry~. The only times it was directly written into the script was when the episode was handled by someone like Edlund (“On The Head Of A Pin,” “The End,” “My Bloody Valentine”). And you have to remember, if in season 5, there are moments here and there where you’re like huh that’s suspiciously romantic dialogue, remember that Cas took Anna’s place. Anna was supposed to be endgame for Dean, but due to a myriad of issues and Misha’s general greatness, Anna was replaced with Cas.
Onto 6 and 7. Hmmm. Gamble. 6 and 7 are my two least favorite seasons and that’s no secret, and that’s not only due to the plain old weird shit in the overall storyline, but also that homegirl killed off Cas in s7 and then Bobby like four episodes later. (Also it ALWAYS rubbed me the wrong way they couldn’t have Baby in that season lol). We still had some great DeanCas moments, but again, it wasn’t really written into the overall arc (until they had to change the end of season 7 because of tanking ratings and bring Misha back lol, anyone remember the fact that Dean kept Cas’ jacket and would randomly dream of him? Yeah.). But we still had those moments, those distinctly romantic moments, probably the best example in these two seasons is from Edlund again, specifically “The Man Who Would be King,” I wrote a little about that here.
We move onto Carver, who gave us, at this point, the most overt DeanCas season with season 8 (season gr8 is a better name imo), and this is the first time Dean and Cas’ relationship is directly written as an arc of the season.  I mean, you have everything in Purgatory, Dean “seeing” Cas everywhere, the fact that he felt so guilty that Cas stayed in Purgatory that he manipulated his own memories to think that he was the one that failed Cas, because he couldn’t comprehend that Cas would want to leave him, and let’s not forget Dean snapping Cas out of Naomi’s hold on him in “Goodbye Stranger.”  It was a very obvious shift, not enough to alert the general audience, but more than enough for most of us in fandom.
It’s also important to note that this is when Andrew stopped co writing with Loflin and started writing his own episodes (”Hunter Heroici” anyone?)  I like Loflin fine, but Dabb was able to stretch his legs a little bit more once he stopped co-writing, and we also began to see some DeanCas themes in his solo episodes.
In any case, them and their issues being a big part of the seasons continued with Carver, and Berens entered the scene, his first episode (”Heaven Can’t Wait”) is one of my favorites, with human Cas and the fanfiction gap and Dean and Cas just generally being awkward and funny and sweet.  This is Bobo’s FIRST episode, remember that.  He comes right out of the gate with it.
Also in Season 9, this is when Dean takes the Mark of Cain, and the Cas/Colette mirror is born, so obviously, Dean and Cas are the fabric of the season once again.  This is also the season where Metatron says Cas is “in love with humanity,” and then immediately refers to Dean as Humanity so uhhhh yeah.
Onto season 10, Dabb and Berens continue with their greatness (I could write pages on the DeanCas date in “The Things We Left Behind” alone).  And then we have one of the best scenes in the entire show in “The Prisoner” where the Cas/Colette mirror continues and Dean, driven by grief and pain and rage and the Mark, still doesn’t kill Cas.  He still can’t kill Cas.
Season 11 is important because it takes choice away from both Cas and Dean, and shows us, as the audience, how much losing each other takes out of them. We saw in season 10 how much losing Dean takes from Cas, but what about Cas losing Dean?  Dean loses his choice with his connection to Amara this season, and loses even more when Lucifer reveals he’s been possessing Cas, and plays on Dean’s connection to Cas like a mockery.  It’s also worth noting that, similarly to season 8, Dean breaks out of the connection with Amara when he’s worried about Cas, and that’s something that even SHE is surprised by.
But then season 12, the beginning to the Renaissance.  This is when we get the writer’s that become important for what Dean and Cas are today, and, truly, why I believe they want canon Destiel as much as we do.
This is the first season with Dabb’s writers: Davy Perez, Meredith Glynn, Steve Yockey, and of course Bobo all come in with their incredible talents and gave us episode after episode of good content.  “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets” is probably my favorite, probably the best example of what I’m saying.  An episode where Dean is called out by an enemy directly, told to “roll the dice” on Cas’ life.  And Dean won’t, it’s not even really a hesitation.  And this comes from a character that has known Dean for ten seconds.  I also wrote more in depth about this episode here.  There are also some.....distinctly domestic details we get this season, specifically in “The Future” (written by Berens and Glynn) with the mixtape.  The most tropey of tropes mixtape.  Yeah, I’ll just leave that one here.
And then season 12 ends with Cas’ death, but also with the parallel between Sam and Dean with Jess and Cas.  Sam literally has to drag Dean away from Cas, just like Dean had to drag Sam out of his burning apartment in the pilot.  The episode drives it home in every way that it can: Dean is the one left kneeling by Cas’ body, while Sam goes to find out what is upstairs.  Dean is the one who stares at the sky, finally broken.  This isn’t a random thing, this is Dean’s whole arc, it’s the entirety of the beginning of 13.  Dean’s pain, his anguish, his anger.
Season 13 starts with them burning Cas, with Dean, who has begged God to bring him back, who has split his knuckles punching a door, standing, staring at Cas’ pyre with brokenness on his face.
I mean.....
Anyway, season 13 is where it gets interesting (well, I think all of this is interesting but I’m a writer nerd so).  So Cas comes back from the Empty in “Advanced Thanatology” written by Steve Yockey, and then a wombo combo of “Tombstone” by Davy Perez next (”Brokebacknatural” as the PR said at the time).  Listen.  This is the part that SPN crossed a line that they couldn’t come back from.  With Cas being Dean’s “big win,” the fact that Dean and Cas watch movies together, “I told you, he’s an angry sleeper.  Like a bear.” Talked about it here.
This is where, in my opinion, the network stepped in, but the damage was already done.  They had already established that Cas was Dean’s big win, that Dean’s poor coping was not due to Mary’s disappearance, but solely due to Cas, and that Dean and Cas have more married energy than anyone else.  The network had nixed blatant canon at this point, and they writing room had been pushing the boundaries of what the network would allow. 
After these episodes, we see a marked drop off of DeanCas heavy scenes.  They’re still there, still a part of the fabric of the season, but not as...obvious as it had been in early season 13.
And this continued through season 14, we’re back to scraps of Destiel scenes here and there, but to me it always felt like there was something bubbling under the surface, something distinctly unsaid in the themes of the season, even after the walk back of obvious “Dean and Cas are in love” scenes.
And then we get to season 15, which, y’all know I talk about all the time.  What’s important here is that Bobo and Glynn are both executive producers, calling more of the shots than ever before.  Additionally, it’s important to note that, though they only co write occasionally, Glynn and Berens refer to each other as “work husband” and “work wife.”  Each episode has just turned up the volume, and, not for the first time, but certainly the most obvious, Dean and Cas ARE the season.  Sure, they’re trying to beat God, they’re trying to finally find peace, defeat the final big bad, but really?  This season has been about Dean, and Dean’s relationship to Cas.
And not only do we have obvious and clear Destiel in nearly every episode, but we have episodes like “Last Call” which canonize bi!Dean (wrote about that here).
And, maybe most importantly so far, we have “The Rupture,” the breakup, and “The Trap,” Dean’s confession (both written by Berens).  And here’s the thing.  These episodes feel connected, but also feel like they’re missing something.  Beren’s last episode is 15x18, “The Truth.”  We’ve all spec’ed about what could happen in this episode, and I think *I* know what it’s leading to.  But for it to be leading to that, it means that the network has to have approved what we’ve all been waiting for years for.
Who got this change to happen?  Who got the network to change their minds?  It wasn’t us.  It was them.  I am fully convinced that Dabb and Berens quite literally put their careers on the line for Dean and Cas.  They believe in them, they’ve shown that from the beginning, but the only thing standing in the way was the network, never allowing them to take the final step. 
So, to answer your question: I think the writers want canon DeanCas because they’ve already shown us that they do.  Take a look at their episodes, at Dabb’s, at Beren’s, at Glynn’s, at Perez’s, at Yockey’s.  They’ve been telling us what’s going on with Dean and Cas for years.
Sure, I’m not in their heads, I guess I don’t know for *sure* that this has been their thought process, but if we put it all together, from the marked shift when Dabb fully took over in s12, to the change right after “Tombstone,” to the new shift, the blatantly romantic shift in season 15, what else is there?
I’ve said for a long time that we, the SPN fandom, are beyond lucky to have the writer’s that we do.  They’re all going to go on to have prolific careers and we were lucky to get them at the end of our little show.  I give them a lot of credit for what we have in the show today.
Just remember, they’ve been telling us in all of s15 who Chuck is.  He says he’s the writer, right?  But a writer who doesn’t have control of his characters?  A writer who wants to do the same ending over and over because it “works”?  That doesn’t sound like a writer, it sounds like a network exec.
They’ve been showing us what they want for years, and the way s15 is going?  I think they may have convinced the network to let us have it.
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fallindomino · 3 years
hsmtmts s2 ep 12 THOUGHTS
~end of post~
jk alright it was SO TRAGIC when ej canceled in the most awkward way possible i had to pause like five times to make it through the scene
and OMG thank god that miscommunication shit only lasted for this ep, bless ashlyn for helping clear that up. and omg gina WENT FOR IT AHHHH YES GIRL GET THE HOT CARING BOYF U DESERVE i can’t believe they cut to black before portwell kissed but PORTWELL IS CANON so i’ll take it :DDDD
lmao i am so tired of miss jenn being a shit teacher like i get stress but that’s not an excuse for being shitty. u could tell she felt bad for telling ricky to jump off smth high but she never actually said “im sorry” to him so thats p sus. also when carlos and seb went to get their cards signed and she was like “when ME and zack perform” instead of including the whole cast i cant deal w her self centered ass
on that note i mean im kinda glad they decided to drop out of the menkies cause that choice to enter at all was so last minute and really it was all for miss jenn’s benefit and not the kids’ at all so im glad they just went lol fuck it at the end even if it (literally) burned most of what the season was building up to
im glad gina and nini rlly cleared the air and gina was so right that nini has been rlly supportive of everyone and lifting them up so it was rlly cool when gina did so in turn, lifting up nini’s music career by connecting her w jamie which i am SO EXCITED FOR THEM TO EXPLORE if theres a season 3
also second chances (the song) WAS SO GOOD like it oozed parallels between ricky and gina (not sure of who they are anymore) and ej and nini (starting a new journey and just as scared to fly as they are to fall) along w prob a bunch of other stuff i didn’t pick up on as well
honestly if we get a season 3 it better start w ricky telling us him and lily tried dating for a month and then broke up cause that shit was weird??? like at the very end of the ep too??? it could have worked but they just shoehorned in some awkward convos and idk it feels way too forced and one sided for me to get behind i dunno
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bsd-elle · 3 years
Thoughts on the SK8 The Infinity Episode 12
So the final episode just aired. And I’m having majoorrr mixed feelings.
This show was truly something that kept me going, with it’s story, animation and the whole found family thing. I have loved this show from the beginning and I will till the end.
But as a lot of people in the fandom I do have some strong opinions on the finale
First off, I just want to say that everyone is allowed to have their own opinion but please do not send hate or any negative energy to studio Bones and Hiroko Utsumi. They have worked incredibly hard on this series. In fact I put them on a pedestal for giving us something so poignant and wonderful during such trying times. I looked forward every Saturday to watch the new episode and that feeling, that rush while watching it, never changed throughout the show’s run!!
Now on to my thoughts on the finale.
1. Shipping
I saw many people in the fandom criticizing the studio for queerbaiting. Now I can definitely not give an accurate perspective on this, as I am not part of the LGBTQIA community, though I am a strong ally.
Let’s talk about the main ships: Renga and Matchablossom
Renga: In my opinion they’re pretty much canon. All the hints, the loving looks, Langa jumping to hug Reki, Langa basically saying Reki is his happiness, Reki wanting to skate beside Langa (Infinitely). In my eyes, they’re canon.
Of course it would’ve been amazing to have a canon queer relationship, but we have no idea what happens behind closed doors. The rules in Japan, unfortunately are totally different from other progressive countries. As someone who lives in a country where they just decriminalized gay marriage, seeing canon queer relationships is honestly rare.
I think they did whatever they could to show that Renga is canon.
I mean come on, Langa basically said he liked Reki in episode 8
I think it would be very very cool and progressive to have a them outwardly admit to it, but we know both these dumbasses never finish their sentences. lol
I’m happy with the way their relationship evolved.
Matchablossom: I honestly can’t give a clear reasoning to this, because personally I don’t ship them. But the thing is, they could be canon, who knows?
I mean everyone was talking about how Joe went out with 2 girls in the end sequence and because of that they aren’t canon. But by that logic we couldn’t ship them from the beginning, since Joe kissed girls in the first episode.
I mean I totally headcanon that Joe is a bisexual king, so that means he could be hanging out them girls while still majorly crushing on Cherry.
Who knows, maybe Joe brought the girls to Cherry’s signing on purpose to make him jealous. Lol
Let your imagination run wild, people. It’s up to your own perspective. I personally don’t ship them, but I don’t think it’s queerbaiting when you pretty much have several hints to them caring deeply (love) about each other.
2. Story
This is where the critiquing comes.
One of the main reasons why I loved and still love Sk8 was one, obviously because of Renga and two because I absolutely loved the story.
From eps 1-11 the story was so compelling and written in such a fantastic way. Every week I’d have some assumptions and every time it would completely blow my mind.
In particular ep 10. When I originally saw the title “Dap not needing words” I was so worried.
They need to talk, they have to communicate. But wow, that episode was just phenomenal, if you guys want me to make a review on each episode I would be happy to, I have so much to say.
Sure, ep 10,11 was wayyy too rushed, but I just know it’s because they had to fit a lot of story in such a little time period. If they had maybe 24 episodes, they would’ve knocked it out of the park.
Either way I had no complaints.
My issue with ep 12 is the beef: Adam Vs Snow
I thought animation wise and as a beef it was really impactful (similar to Reki Vs Adam)
But why God, why did they give Adam a redemption
I’m sorry but he doesn’t deserve it.
I knew for a fact that as much as I wanted Adam to go to jail (so badly), I knew it wouldn’t happen. That was just not possible (in my eyes). I thought they would take a page from Fugou Keiji: Balance Unlimited, where his family (those evil ass aunts) and send them to jail (for clear mental, physical abuse and who knows what else), and Adam would go in isolation somewhere.
There he could properly heal from his trauma and abuse, work through it, heal his relationship with Tadashi and just work to be better.
There was a part of me that expected the show to end with a typical “oh we’re all friends and everything is forgiven” bullshit and I prayyedd that wouldn’t happen
But boy was I wrong
Why did they try to sympathize with him?!?
I get it, he’s clearly had severe trauma and abuse, and he uses skateboarding and entering the “zone” to get away from his terrible reality.
But why did they have Langa say this to him??
“Skating is fun because you can do it with your friends!”
It’s sweet that he’s trying to teach Adam what Reki taught him, but this implies that Adam is his friend. Or atleast that’s what he wants
“hey, you’re a crazy monster and you assaulted my friends (boyfriend), but I still wanna skate with you, cause it’s fun with friends”
I’m sorry, in what universe is this.. your friend?
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Your actual friend, Langa, who taught you everything you know, who’s been with you from the start, he has been attacked and traumatized multiple times by Adam. Not to mention several other people.
I could’ve accepted it if they used the line
“Don’t ever end up on your own”
That makes more sense in this context, it’s like saying “hey you evil monster, you’re crazy but don’t end up alone, treasure the people in your life”
I think that implies more on the sense that Adam has to figure shit out on his own, by himself. Not with Langa and the people he’s assaulted.
Then it would make atleast a bit more sense to heal Tadashi and Adam’s relationship.
You just cannot build up a character like Adam, for 12 episodes and then completely forgo that for the sake of “friendship”, that just makes no sense
Not to mention, Kirako the detective, the fact that she worked so hard and got absolutely nothing, is preposterous.
That whole thing put a really bad taste in my mouth.
Also, during the beef, like I mentioned, Langa basically implies that they should have fun because they’re skating with friends.
This basically just throws out Langa’s friendship with Reki.
I mean Reki was so badly hurt and injured after their beef, both the times.
Yes, he did have a lot of fun and that was the point of ep 10, 11 to show Reki that he didn’t have to skate to be the best (like no one ever wass.. dun dun dun. If you know that reference, here’s a chocolate) he skated to have fun(even though in my eyes, he’s the best)
Ep 12 was that arc for Langa, for him to realize he also skated to have fun.
But when you’re condoning and encouraging Adam, idkk.. it just rubbed me the wrong way.
I didn’t like it at all. They made him into a gag character in the end scene, which is literally the opposite of what he’s been pictured for the past 11 episodes.
3. Side characters
Shadow did not deserve that in any way whatsover.
He was completely glossed over. I thought his injury would be a pivotal plot point for improving his relationship with the manager, but they just used it as a way to remove him from the tournament
Tadashi, babyy, that’s Stockholm syndrome
When I saw that dog comment:
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Godd... he deserves so muchhh moree..
So, overall the finale, honestly disappointed me. But my love for sk8 is everlasting and the finale will never change that
4. Future
Hopefully, and I pray for this
A season 2, movie, OVA or anything tbh.
There’s so much potential
Reki and Langa go to Canada, they visit Oliver’s grave, Langa teaches Reki snowboarding
Kirako finally arresting Adam
Tadashi becoming true friends with Langa, Reki and the gang
Shadow getting the love he deserves
Matchablossom canon
Renga canon
Miya getting the apology he deserves
But whatever it is, Sk8 the Infinity owns my heart and I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life.
Other than reading Renga fanfiction
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