#this is based on another post i made but I'm too lazy to go find it lmao
Jon, during college, going into a small coffee shop to order a drink: hi can I get a-
Martin, the barista who is a giant fan of the mechanisms and has seen them play live like three times already and has a minor crush on Jonny DeVille: are you Jonny DeVille?
Jon, his hands going up to his hips in pride: I- yes, yes I am :)
Martin, is visibly shaking from excitement desperate to ask for a photo but hates the idea of being an annoyance for asking: cOOL
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lilly-onthevalley · 30 days
Tips for my girlies in university and early work
I decided to make this post based on what has made my life easier these past few years. Every woman wants to cultivate beauty; make themselves put together, be taken seriously, and find a partner who is equally yoked if you're into that. As an old tumblr girl shifting in and out of the scene, I wanted to make another tip post like the old times that's accurate to what helped me.
A lot of the older/retired girlie's where amazing advisors, however one thing that created a barrier was that they were were endowed with large wealth and their society paved a path for them, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, I love to see it actually. I wanted to make a post looking back to what has helped me make my own steps to now be able to utilise the old girl's advice as it was supposed to.
Learning a basic blow out is necessary. If you're starting out, you don't need all of the fancy brands, and you'll notice that technique is what differentiates the quality of a blowout. Get a good round brush that conducts heat well, mid range but reliable (Babyliss) blow driers, flat irons, and curling rod. Invest in a heat protectant too. Sweet talk the hair dressers and ask where they get their stock from. Get yours hands on some pro hair sheers to get your own trims and layers going.
Silk scrunchies and pillow cases are an underrated and feminine must-have. I'm a lazy girl who always has a silk press if my hair is out and I can get away with collapsing onto a silk pillowcase with no head wrap and still manage to have a lovely style in the morning. I would say order these from a small business. Many girls have businesses dealing with small textile projects like scrunchie packs and average size pillow cases, support them! :)
Learn to do your own cornrows and invest in a half wig especially if you're busy with classes and don't have time for the whole round brush ordeal.
Don't be scared of wigs, and don't be ashamed of not having enough time to pull off a dazzling natural masterpiece. There's a reason why wigs are in high demand from women of all races. People are all over busy. You can start with a natural synthetic and move on to better hair.
I learnt the art of hair when I was 15, so I've been doing it for a while. However, because of this, I can tell you the importance of having a lovely crown on your head. I have received hundreds (not joking) of compliments from years, whether my hair was real or fake, and that shows how important it is for a first impression.
Don't forget to take care of them. Walking all the miles, wearing the mandated courts, sitting in one place. You will indeed develop calluses, perhaps even athletes' foot and hyperpigmentation from a lack of circulation.
Get yourself a basic pumice stone or a scrubber and use them when need. Massage yourself as well to maintain mobility and flexibility.
If you can, get yourself an affordable gel set. It might seem a bit expensive, but it'll save you the time and money of the upwardly costly nail appointments. You'll find out when you get up and socialise more that what tops the cake of classy is a glossy basic nail. Natural nudes and whites are always a go to.
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Scent connoisseurs are going to absolutely hate me for this, but girlie's, if you can't get that Jean Paul Gaultier or Baccarat Rouge, get the damn arabic fragrance. Back in high-school when me and my girls were starting up, setting ourselves apart and getting invited to important places, Lattafa was our favourite. Social media is currently finally going crazy for them. (The African/Arab girls got them first 🤭.) I loved my floral Haayati with a mix of Zakra (other brand, heavy masculine oud tones for my peace of mind), and my best girl loved her gourmand Yara and her vanilla oils.
I love to talk about fragrance because it talks first for you. Nothing is better than a delicious light smell accompanying your presence. It shows you hold yourself to some esteem.
Face Essentials - gua sha stone, gentle cleanser, exfoliating cleanser or serum, sunscreen, thick moisturising butter, anti fungal or bacterial essential oil, lip moisturiser, clean cloth.
These will help you start out on a basic level to having healthy looking skin. Exfoliating is very important towards a glow. When you're stuck working with a bright light in your face, soaking up the harsh morning air full of car exhaust, sweating as the hours go by - what will make the difference is making sure that you get rid of that excess dead skin every 3-7 days.
Gua sha is amazing for getting rid of the stress if you clench your jaw during moments of stress. Say you have to present an assignment or address and debate a crowd, that takes a tole on the jaw and the facial muscles. Using a gua sha is great for ironing those knots and that tension out.
On the topic of massage, spas can be unaffordable at times, time is could also be a problem. Get into a habit of using every minute you have. That 5 minutes that you sit and doom scroll on tik tok, take out a wood tool, grab a moisturiser, and press those muscles to release built-up tension. Taking care of the vehicle you have is so important. Your body and mind are separate but complimentary. Take care of her, and she will take care of you. Don't forget that every second, she's pumping the blood that facilitates your social meetings and work hours.
When it comes to body, get yourself exfoliating mits or an abrasive rag. Once again, exfoliation, exfoliation, exfoliating. It's great for blood flow and circulation as well as moving your muscles and tissues that may be constantly seditary from a desk.
Dry brushing is something I also swear by. Once again, absolutely wonderful for circulation and waking the skin up.
Get yourself a foam roller... I press such an emphasis on these tools that stimulate the muscles because we often forget how much our bodies are taking multiple hits from working. Joint issues are something that's prevalent when you're a working girl, coming straight out of high-school and going into the world outside the home of your care taker. Roll those legs out, release that back into the grooves. It makes a world of difference!
I loved to dress like a blank canvas back in my early days when I decided I want to make something of myself. Nothing beats good denim pants and a white t-shirt. Especially when you're starting out and want to begin establishing outfits for everyday, you'll notice the blank canvas approach will prevent you from looking crazy on crazy days. Stock up on 3 white tees, white and blue jeans, yoga pants, well fitting good quality skin tone lingerie, a belt, a watch, some fake pearls, black or white dress, a ring and a necklace and my all time favourite, a pair of shades.
Ugh, I can't get enough of combinations like this. I grew up and was educated by women who followed this but fancied it up with a bold Goyard St Louis, a 3 stone engagement ring with a gold band, a local pure and heavy polished silver bracelet and some Loro Pianas. Absolutely gorgeous women, who knew how to constantly present themselves as nothing less than reliable, stylish and beautiful.
You might say that, 'Omg Lilly, that's so boring', that's not the point here 😂. As a green girl with a good head on your shoulders, you're going to get a lot of new opportunities. Whether it's internships, parties, socials with the girls or the guys, dates, fund raisers, club representative workshops, you're going to be expected to show up well and put together. Say you have a social evening at a club house, in the morning you have an internship and the next day you have to manage and represent your society. Those 3 white shirts paired with a rotation of basic bottoms and versatile shoes will make things a lot easier for you especially if you're starting out in a foreign country where you don't know what is to be worn exactly.
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Those who have known me are well aware that I'm a retired goth girl and was killing it with the cut crease and James Charles tutorials back in the day. Makeup is something that has seamlessly became part of my life. Unfortunately or fortunately, I grew out of that creative phase and started wondering what actually makes my natural features and face pop. What presents me as healthy, bright, and hyper-feminine (in contrast to the basic clothing)
I came up with the recipe of 'Biology' makeup. Blush because it signifies healthy blood flow and interest in the person you're interacting with. Healthy full eyebrows, non-matte evenly toned skin with naturally bronzed dimensions. A healthy hydrated pink lip. Some extras are a little liner to enhance the eye, flirty lashes from carefully applied mascara and/or lashes and some depth and glitter to draw attention at the eyes.
Very basic, very safe, very attractive, very reliable. This is a routine that can be executed within 8 minutes.
Moisturiser -> sunscreen base -> full coverage foundation or concealer watered down with sunscreen to make it more glowy and allow the natural dimensions of the face to peer through->bronzer/darker powder-> semi heavy blush combined with some loose banana powder to calm down the concelar-> light wing-> lashes-> wipe the lips and eyebrows-> fill both in and end with a natural colour applied to both.
Inspo below
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Other important notes:
Yoga, cardio and pilates to maintain mobility, lubricate those joints, crack those bones back into place. Sweat is amazing to get those toxins, lose a bit of unnecessary weight, blow off steam, improve skin health, get your blood pumping and much more.
Save your money, all these things are meant to make life simpler for you so you are in a place where you are investing into things that are truly important like rent, food, tuition, remittances, dental work, medical aid, insurance, etc till you have someone who could assist with that :)
Remember to keep a balanced diet. Oh lord, when I went out to a new country, thank god I was young, but I became close friends with the local McDonald's and knew all of the door dash delivery men by name. Please, for the love of God, buy your fresh food and meal prep. The temptation is so real after a long night, to drop a bunch of pounds or euros on a quarter pounder and some zinger wings but it will not nourish you to survive another active day with decent cognition and drive. Especially if you were living alone and stressing out about making your own path, don't feed the delivery demon. You'll lose useful money, and mess your hormones up.
Instead to reward yourself, buy your place some flowers. If you want to eat go to a restaurant which serves whole food. Buy some new fancy stationery, party, get a spa or cosmetic treatment that you've been wanting, travel or take a train to somewhere scenic! Perhaps I'm too harsh but addiction to quick fixes is real when you first drop into a state of independence whether it's financially or physically. Don't abuse it by splurging. Understand moderation through strict monitoring then after a while, go get that Wingstop or whatever after knowing how to access real food and that it's an affordable and doable option first! (me and my guy friends literally never ate any real food for a month straight while gallivanting in Europe because we were so codependent on Taco Bell and used our lack of knowledge of the city as an excuse to take the easy way out 🤣.)
If you can do something really well, make a mini business out of it.
Network, network, network. Ask questions, ask for opportunities, get numbers and business cards.
Self defense starter kit (Google it according to the laws of your nation)
Lastly, make friends, call family, volunteer at an animal shelter every now and then to remind you of what love is 😂 because in the fast paced assimilation into new environments, you do forget and only notice when suddenly you're sadder than usual, and have anxiety during basic interactions.
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fishrights69 · 2 years
My Top 5 GARBAGE fish that suck
Here we go again. After receiving a very high ammount of notes!! (61 UwU) on the last fish list, here's another top 5 no one asked for. I've tried to use the reasoning of ''all fish are good'' but let's be honest, we'd be better off without these. 5. Monkfish🙏
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So these things are weird as hell. Their ugliness alone landed them on this list. Not only are they ugly as shit, but they're also mean motherfuckers that eat basically anything. They like to cover themselves in mud and just chill there until something crosses their path which imo is fucking lazy. Some people do eat them as a delicacy apparently(ew?). Props to them for getting over the looks. Ugly/10 5/10 for laziness 4.Hairy Frog Fish💇‍♀️
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If you wonder wtf are you looking at, this fish is the living embodiment of that feeling you get when you find hair in your food. This girlie loves to swallow as it's mouth can open to make space for fish almost twice her size so don't go sitting too close 💦 Still, it doesn't take away from the fact that she looks like a mistake. 4/10 appearance 8/10 for the deep throating skills 3. Goblin Shark 👺
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First of all, these sharks look like if someone designed a fish based on a child's drawing of a shark. Instead of going the terrifying route and choosing one of these pictures, I opted for a derpy yet still creepy photo. Besides being quite good at ambushing prey, these dudes still tend to eat man made garbage which further argues their position on ''the garbage fish top5™''. They also are basically living fossils since they're old af and most of their body is atrophied. 3/10 appearance 6/10 for still living so long despite everything.
2.Bony-Eared Assfish🍑
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This fish is for all ass obsessed fuckers. Grilling this baby and enjoying it counts as eating ass. Some cool facts about him: -The bony-eared assfish has the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio out of all vertebrates. -Assfish are soft and flabby with a light skeleton (so like a real ass) As for personality, they are not what I'd call assholes. They are quite sluggish as they prefer to sort of flap around with short bursts of energy instead of swim. They don't do much besides that which makes them a very underwhelming fish despite the sexy name :( Apparently they were given this name to make up for how utterly boring they are. 2/10 appearance 1/10 Interest in them or what they are good for (spoiler, nothing)
If you're a fish enthusiast, you probably know what's coming at nr.1 🥁 🥁 1. Ocean Sunfish☀️
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There are far, faar too many reasons for this fish to be on the first spot. Not only are they the dumbest fish in the whole world, but they also are not good swimmers AT ALL (wtf is with these poorly designed fish who cannot swim??). Scientists are still perplexed at how this fish continues to stay alive. If you want more shitty facts about them, here's a link to a very famous post trashing these bitches. BUT, I have my very own reason to hate the sunfish. One cursed morning, I decided to go get educated about animals and visit Naturalis, a museum in Leiden, The Netherlands. I was having a blast looking at all the beautiful animals showcased, along with the cool facts and atmosphere. I excitedly get to the aquatic creatures floor and mesmerised, I try to take in all the beauty. At the long corridor nearing the exit, I look around admiring the fish that were displayed. Thinking I had seen it all, I move further when I turn a corner and out of nowhere.. . . . . . . . BAM
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this GIANT motherfucker, hidden in a corner makes it's presence known. I'm not kidding when I say this thing is huge. Here's a picture of the replica from another angle for size reference. As you can guess, I was legit extremely spooked and actually screamed. :( 0/10 appearence 0/10 fuck this thing. useless and it gave me a heart attack
BONUS: I'm sorry but I think I've tortured myself and you enough, so to make up for it, here's a cute fishy instead: (take him)
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Alright thanks for reading and follow for more fish content. Suggest me some more top5's I could do, be it fish related, or whatever your mind decides to curse me with. Still need to cleanse yours eyes? My top 5 coolest fish
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jessiarts · 1 year
I posted this in an art discord & they said it should be a post so others (both non-artists & artists) could see it too, so I'm pasting it here with a just few edits to add context:
Having feelings about capitalism and art.
Like, got an unexpected Redbubble sale today. Unexpected because I genuinely never expected to see another after I took some advice and did the whole "raise your margins to 50% in protest so people will use Redbubble less because 'prices are too high'" (For those unaware, Redbubble is introducing a tier structure for artist accounts, where Redbubble will now be taking up to 50% of an artist's monthly earnings as an "account fee" if they end up in the "Standard" tier. Artists are upset about this and are finding various ways to protest the change.)
And it got me thinking about margins, and what it takes to run the company, and how much CEO's take home and just-
Ok so say base price for a product is $10. If your margin is 20% it sells for $12 and you take home $2. Redbubble takes 80%, and uses that to buy materials/print/pay workers. Ok, no argument. I want workers to be fairly compensated.
But you look it up, and the highest paid Redbubble executive makes $950,000 a year. Average executive salary is around $235,000 a year. You can't really find the info for the positions of workers (meaning those who labor to print the products) only that "the lowest compensated makes $34,000" -aka roughly $16 an hour at 40hrs a week. And good on them for paying the workers a decent wage if this info is correct. Hope they keep it up. Or pay them more even.
But then I keep coming back to the fact that the company needs the artists' work to even exist. So why, if the CEO is making nearly a million dollars a year and the company obviously isn't hurting for any money to compensate it's workers or run itself, why does everyone make artists feel greedy just for asking to not have our cut eaten into with added fees? Why are we made to feel bad if we express any disappointment that a CEO makes so much money off the designs of so many artists in comparison to the artists' cut?
Idk how to say it right. It's like we're just expected to collectively fork over our work, let someone else get obscenely rich off it while we make barely anything from it (or in the case of many social media platforms, make literally nothing from it), then then smile about it. Anything else is seen as artists being entitled or 'lazy' or idk what else.
Or we're told to "just raise your margins" like competitive pricing isn't a thing that exists. Not to mention that fact that whenever prices do go up, especially with art, those same people complain that the prices went up and look for something cheaper.
I always see people saying that artists are just jealous that they don't make more sales, or saying "well maybe you'd make more if your art was better" but they're completely missing the whole point that is: Maybe if a company literally depends on the creative 'content' of individuals to exist/profit, maybe don't treat them all as disposable?
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fishnapple · 2 months
Hello love 💕
Your blog literally introduced me to lithomancy and I've been interested in trying since. I practice divination myself and I really resonated with the type of reading you do,
I was wondering how you learned/practiced it and what resources you used to study
Thank you in advance and have a blessed day 💕 💕
Hi, I'm so happy that you're interested in this art, it's not very well-known like the other types of divination. I will highlight some of the essential points of Lithomancy here, hope that it can help you in some way 🌼
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Thanks to the power of friendships and dreams lol.
I've had an on and off relationship with Lithomancy for the past 10 years. I was first introduced to this art by a friend. I would read Tarot for her and she would read crystal for me. At that time, I tried to dabble in it a little but didn't connect well with it. Likely due to my lack of knowledge and the right timing.
Then, last year, the year of my Saturn return, I had a dream about going to a shop selling handmade crafts and crystals with my nephew (you could say that he was the embodiment of my inner child in the dream). Not long after that, another friend of mine brought me to an actual crystal shop where I bought my first set of crystals and began to seriously study and practice Lithomancy.
The content is rather long so I put in a "keep reading" to shorten to post. Please click "keep reading" to continue below.
1. The book:
The only learning resource I had was from the book Lithomancy: the psychic art of reading stones by Gary L. Wimmer and from watching my friend do the readings. The book was a good starter, the author explains several key concepts that are essential for reading stones.
2. The stones:
In the past, I used sea shells, pebbles and even clay to substitute for the crystals. The things I used were beautiful, but it didn't feel right, some were too heavy while others too light. Seeing them together raised no emotion or insight in me.
Only until last year, when I went into a crystal shop for the first time and bought a set of crystals, did I feel a connection to the stones. I chose the crystals purely by hunches with near zero knowledge about the meaning of each crystal. It was like a blind casting, you only saw the candidates but you didn't know anything about them and you didn't see their performance beforehand. You just picked based on their looks lol.
Not to say that you have to use crystals to read, it might depend on each person's aesthetic, way of pattern recognising and interpreting. For me, colourful crystals help me see the connection, the interaction better, you just need to find whatever work for you. Heck, I even made a random chart generator on Excel to read at some point.
There's no fixed number for the stones nor rules for choosing which stone for what. But in general, you would want to choose something with the size that can fit a dozen nicely in one palm of your hand, and with distinct shapes. Avoid rough crystal because they can fragmented easily after numerous tossing.
3. The surface:
Any surface smooth and even enough to allow the stones to fall on without excessive tumbling, the background colour should allow you to see the stones clearly and doesn't give your eyes fatigue after staring at for too long.
In the book, the circle was form by a strip of leather, lace or some similar material with a knot tying the two ends together. I was lazy so I just drew the circle on the fabric lol.
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Unlike some other divination methods, which have certain rules of interpretation and meaning that you should follow. Lithomancy is quite free-form. There's lots of rooms for improvisation and creativity.
The method I use for reading is based loosely on the guide in the book with lots of personal modifications. I read the stones like how I read an astrological chart with each stone represents a planet plus other meanings (10 stones for Sun ~ Pluto, 2 for South and North node, 1 for Inner child, 1 for Fear, 1 for Life). The circle is divided into 12 sections, representing 12 houses.
Another time, I use a different set and assign a completely different set of meanings to read for specific topics. You can tailor the stones, the layout to your need freely, as long as you can connect with them on an intuitive level.
In short, it's all about how you assign the meaning to each stone and read the interaction, the relationship between them. Very much like watching a play, a movie where characters interact with each other in different scenes and you get the messages through them.
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Well, that's the general idea of crystal reading, if you have more questions or any other insights, feel free to share, I'd love to chat. 💓🐋
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dynared · 7 months
Hello! I'm sorry if you're tired of this topic, but I can't help but be glad that I'm seeing more and more people criticizing IDW comics!
Once I also wrote a post about criticism of these comics, and my main problem was that there is absolutely no lore in these comics, and if there is anything, it is very little.
I just can't believe that for so long the authors haven't brought anything to the transformers lore. During this really huge amount of time and an impressive list of issues, I expected just a ton of worked-out world and everything else. And as a result, the depth of the lore was approximately equal to the depth of the drying puddle.
I don't understand why many fans praise these comics for the politics and the worked-out world, when this is absolutely not the case. Politics is mainly based on some personal conflicts and intrigues, we practically do not immerse ourselves in the structure and work of the political apparatus, ideas, influence on social structures and lifestyle, the response of different segments of the population to this. No, I understand it's difficult and the age audience is not suitable, but maybe you can't make the central theme of comics something that you can't describe and don't understand how it works?
The authors do not know how to describe a truly alien race and, despite their hatred of human characters, have made Cybertronians so similar to humans that it is absurd.
For example, why is functionalism bad? I understand why this would be bad for humans, but why for another species whose lifestyle should be completely different? In fact, this is the most logical way of life for an alien race, because what is the alternative? Is there an alternative? Can Cybertron switch to equipping itself with conventional technology? What will the Cybertronians who are released from work do, what other jobs and activities are there? The authors do not go into this much and we do not see clear ideas of what a Cybertron society should be without functionalism. Well, or I didn't have enough of what the authors gave me.
But well, we have functionalism. Why is it that the elite of society under this regime are mostly the owners of "useless" altmods? Why not those who transform into scientific or very powerful military equipment? In general, under such conditions, the power on the planet would have been seized by the military part of society long ago.
It's not worth talking about the fact that the usual daily life of Cybertronians is described in almost no way. Along with the culture, we have received very little information about it.
Oh, maybe we know something about the transformers themselves then, right? Not really. Basically you can only find headcanon materials. And what about IDW? Maybe they offered us their glossary, terms, schemes? No, there's nothing. Moreover, already at that time, fans on the forums came up with everything and drew the structure of transformers, and the IDW authors were too lazy to even steal any ideas, except for a few.
But if the authors can't work with these topics, do they describe relationships and love well? Again, no, literally all relationships are either built from scratch, or do not develop, or are full of manipulation, deception and emotional swings (yes, everyone's favorite "the only good" pair of Chromedome X Rewind), or end in nothing, as if nothing ever happened. And it doesn't depend on whether it was a gay relationship or a completely straight one, all the relationships there are very poorly written. If this, like Arcee, is a representation, then it looks more like a direct insult.
And, by the way, if love is for everyone, then where is the love between a transformer and a human? Oh yes, authors hate humans. Love is not for everyone!
And in general, it's good, the authors want to add love and romance, but it needs to be justified! Love relationships are not a necessary phenomenon for species, a lot of stars have to come together for this kind of social interaction to be like that. How did the Cybertronians come to this when they don't have any prerequisites for it? How did they get the Conjux Endura ritual (or did you want to say "bonding"? ;) ).Why does such a strict government, as we were told, disapprove, but not prohibit such types of relations, if in all other respects it is totalitarian and cruel?
How do Cybertronian diseases work? Why did Ratchet die of this disease, but not the characters older than him? This point is generally very similar to a cheap way to soften the reader.
I can go on like this endlessly, but I'll stop here. Roberts is not just a fanfiction writer, he is a very mediocre  fanfiction writer who may have a couple of interesting ideas, but lacks the talent to show them. And then, ordinary average writers understand what they are doing and why, and do not get paid for it. It's even more insulting for the authors of fanfiction, who, even for the sake of their strange plots and ideas, try and spin like they're on a frying pan, go out of their skin, coming up with a justification for everything inside the fanfiction. Roberts can't do that.
In the end, I respect the Kiss Players more because the author knew perfectly well what he was doing and wanted to anger the audience, and the audience reacted appropriately. The authors of the IDW comics thought they were doing something smart and great, but they weren't. But the audience presents it as something great.
P.S. I apologize for the mistakes, I use a translator.
There is no need to apologize, you managed to point out the issues with IDW Transformers and why no one really bothered to read them outside of that specific hardcore audience, and not even a general hardcore audience, but an audience that agreed with one specific interpretation of the material, and everyone who had other interpretations could go suck a lemon.
I’ve said it before, this is a prime example of “Writing a comic about a comic” where the use of lore and specific characterizations is so specific to the franchise that any story that is told is Greek to anyone outside of the bubble, which accounts for IDW’s horrible sales. Skybound’s story so far has been criticized by some hardcore fans as a G1 redux, but even if it is, it’s still a well told story with universal themes, consistent, easy to understand characterizations, and characters that are likable for the heroes and hatable for the villains. It has a clear tone, something both IDW and IDW2 failed at utterly. Roberts, meanwhile was a terrible writer, but he was good at engaging the audience the same way fanfic writers do, focusing on the relationships that get the most dialogue, and leaving openings for others to fill in, via discussion or their own fic. But that’s useless when it comes to engaging a general audience. Most of the audience didn’t want to do the work of filling in the holes themselves, they wanted to have the story do that, or at least provide enough context to paint a picture.
As for Kiss Players, while I don’t know if he wanted to purposefully offend the audience or just create shock value, it was a side story comic. It didn’t shape shows afterwards causing them to tank, and doesn’t have people looking at the last show aired and yawning out of sheer boredom.
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redreart · 2 years
Everything we know about Staci Pratt
Some time ago, I wrote all the stuff you can possibly know about Staci Pratt (everything that was deleted and hard to notice from the first play). But it was in another language so I decided to translate it lol.
Also, I'm really inspired by @lulu2992 posts, because I'm still obsessed with fc5 lore as well
So, let's begin. I'm going to use some materials from other people on Tumblr and I'm going to leave links to their original posts and mention them in the credits later on.
Everything we CAN find in the game
At the very beginning of the game, while still in the helicopter, Pratt jokes about our Dep and offers Hudson to drink something from a flask, maybe an alcoholic beverage. (maybe the flask is to blame for the helicopter crash, lol). And note that Pratt is the main pilot of the helicopter (because he sits on the right).
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Screenshot by @llazyneiph
Based on everything, we can conclude that Stacy is not affected by depression and probably is not a part of Eden's Gate at this point in the game. Although from another angle we can see that the flask he holds in his hands has an Eden's Gate cross on the other side, I assume Ubi were just too lazy to create another texture just for that scene.
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Screenshot by @llazyneiph
While leaving the helicopter to go follow the sheriff Pratt may say something if you stay there for too long.
Staci Pratt: Suck it up, rookie! Get your head out of your ass and get up to the church. The fuck you doing? Follow the sheriff. Jesus...
When we meet Stacy after the failed attempt to put Joe in jail, he is already serving Jacob it is not clear why the box does not work on him, although then in one cutscene Only You from the loudspeaker has an effect on him. The game does not provide an answer to this question, although hypothetically this can be associated with deleted content, which will be discussed a little bit later.
Please this this amazing post by @lulu2992 because it summarizes what I want to say here
And just a quick thing about Jacob.
In oasistrings (you can find it here text.farcry.info) Jacob call's Pratt "peaches" just once and I found no explanation except my own assumptions.
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But the most obvious reason is that Jacob uses this to break Pratt. I mean he's already in a bad state but Jacob is just pushing it further. But also It's interesting that Staci likes Peaches the cougar. She's the only animal companion that he's positive about. This part is kind of cut from the game though because Pratt usually stays in the bunker. But if you'll have him as a companion with the help of the Resistance Mod he'll def comment on the animal you're with.
Another interesting thing was noticed by @hopecountyradio. Idk myself, but it is really worth mentioning. In the very first cutscene with Jacob, someone is carrying our Dep. @hopecountyradio thinks that it is Pratt who does it.
I've made a little collage so you guys can compare the shoes.
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Just a bunch of random short facts that ARE in the game
Staci is 26 years old
He wears a wristband
He used to be or is a catholic because he knows the "Ave, Maria" prayer (you can listen to him praying here, Ave, Maria is the second one) which is most common amongst Catholics in the US (thanks @noire610 for telling me this)
Content that was deleted from the game
Let's start with the analysis of audio. Interestingly, not all of this ended up in the oasis strings.
Let's start with this interesting thing provided by @voices-of-hope-county. There are several dialogues between the peggies, Pratt and peggies, and even Jacob and peggies. All of them are united by the fact that they took place (should have happened) in the Veterans Center. Only one of them is available in oasis strings. I could not find the rest in the text file. Let's start.
Audio 1
Dialogue 1 | Audio 1:
Female peggie: Can you fucking believe that guy? Male peggie: Who? FP: The Deputy… Pratt. He was wandering around behind the cages. MP: The fuck was he doing there? FP: Who the hell knows? Jacob's probably got him off doing some shit. MP: Hahahah… He's lucky to put two words together after what Jacob did to him. FP: Seriously… Sometimes I think it's a mistake to put so much trust in this converts. You should come willing to the light, or be struck down. MP: Amen to that, sister.
Dialogue 2 | Audio 1 (can be found in oasisstrings):
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Dialogue 3 | Audio 1
Staci Pratt: Hey… I need to get in. Male Peggie: Seriously? Didn't I just let you out? SP: There's a new prisoner… I gotta go get him. For Jacob. MP: Fine… Get going. Just leave me the fuck alone.
Dialogue 4 | Audio 1 (It sounds like Pratt knows the person he's talking to well)
Male Peggie: Don't this fucking dogs ever shut up? Staci Pratt: They're called Judges. MP: They are still fucking dogs. SP: Have you ever seen them kill? Those are more than just dogs, my friend. MP: Well… They still stank like dogs. Good Lord… Huh… Anyone cleans those cages? SP: Are you volunteering? MP: Fuck no! Haha… Are you kidding? SP: Then stop complaining.
Dialogue 5 | Audio 1 (It sounds like Pratt knows the person he's talking to well)
Staci Pratt: How does it look? Male Peggie: Not good. SP: What does that mean? Do we need a new one? MP: Not sure… We might be able to get away with just replacing the belt. SP: Right… And how long will that last? MP: Well… It might buy us a couple weeks. SP: Or… It may just blow up tomorrow. And then where will we be? MP: Up shits creek without a paddle. SP: So what do we tell Jacob? MP: We'll replace the whole fucking thing. It's the only way to be sure.
They're probably repairing a car because they're discussing timing belt.
Although the last dialogue in the audio does not involve Pratt, it does include Jacob and an explanation of how the converts are treated.
Dialogue 6 | Audio 1
Jacob Seed: Anything to report? Male Peggie: Sir. Truck just pulled up n' dropped of a bunck of new prisoners. JS: Recruits. MP: What? JS: We call them recruits. Soon they'll be a part of our army… Part of the Project. You need to respect that. MP: Ye… Yes, Sir. Of course, Sir. JS: I'm going down to see how the process is going. I'll be back soon.
As we can see there was plenty of stuff that should've happened in Jacob's region.
Audio 2
Staci Pratt: It's just gonna get harder… They want an offering. A sacrifice… I'm trying… I'm trying my best. You have to know that!.. I'm sorry.
Probably was talking to our Dep.
Audio 3
Starts after the prayers somewhere around here
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Staci Pratt: The whole time I was locked in that room I just kept thinking about how I got here. You know why I became a cop? To get laid. That was it. It was a whim. And then... after awhile, I tried to convince myself that I did it for the greater good. To help people. But I can't. I know that now. Jacob taught me that... I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore... I don't even know who I am. I don't know what we're supposed to do now. Protect and serve? Out here? There's no law anymore, Rook. Look around! Someone should've been here by now. Nobody gives a shit about what's happening here. We're on our own. Survival of the fittest. Weak and the strong.
(I would love to meet these badge bunnies in Hope County ngl. Probably Adelaide eas one of them)
Also as @lulu2992 notices Pratt's name in game files is spelled Stacy.
Previous character designs
@hopecountyradio extracted a bunch of videos of Pratt's confession.
The first version is this one:
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Also in this vid Jacob has greenish eyes
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The second version is this one
Has an amazing Eden's Gate intro
And Staci looks like that:
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A general conclusion can be drawn from all three versions, incl. the one that was included in the final version of the game, even though the water is hard to see there. Stacy was electrocuted here, so when we rescue him in the Armory that's another reason why he blows the control panel.
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Thank ya'll for reading 🖤 I would love to chat about it and add info if you know something/can provide something I haven't mentioned
I used materials from @lulu2992 , @hopecountyradio , @voices-of-hope-county and text.farcry.info
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westmeath · 2 months
lol since i was asking before about social media alternatives and what people like to use i went to look up two old ones i had likeee probably in 2015/2016 but never used which was ello and peach and it turns out ello died last year and the peach app is like... apparently people still use it but it's "not available for [my] device" on the play store, their twitter hasn't updated since 2019 and when i go to their website it redirects to this. interesting
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anyway for my own resource i'm putting a list of other ones i'm aware of here. if any of you use these and have any thoughts on them feel free to let me know i'm interested in this :]
mastodon - having countless different "instances" that all require a different login is confusing. i made accounts in 2018 on mastodon.social (the main one) and one on mastodon.cloud and i don't even know what the second one is or how it's different. also can't change your username so i have a danganronpa one forever
bluesky - another twitter clone. just fine idk
cohost - i Like This One because it's cute and does something different (i.e. isn't just twitter again like the others LOL) more blog-like i find which i enjoy. and fun personalisation where i think you can do almost basically whatever you want with html/css? it seems to have a much nicer atmosphere among the userbase than mastodon and bluesky do too
the only thing i really don't like atm is how the likes/shares on posts are completely invisible even on your OWN posts... like whatever about other peoples posts that's fine but i'd like to see on my Own Post if it's being shared around with someone else's comment on it or something? i dunno... it'd be nice if it was an opt in/out thing but idk if they'd ever even do that since having that stuff be invisible is their Whole Thing
telegram - ?? i have no idea about this one. i thought it was just an instant messaging app like whatsapp but i've seen people talk about it like it has some kind of feed so....? dunno!
plurk - been around much longer than the others (2008) yet i've never seen anyone talk about it before. based in taiwan so a rare non-american social media site which is always a plus. i made an account last night out of curiosity but i find it a little hard to navigate and it has an.. interesting layout
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^ using this guy as a way to break up the post a bit. heart emoji
then there's the art-based social media apps.. i think there's probably quite a few of these but the ones i Personally know are cara.app, sheezy.art (cheers janssi JDNJDF), artfol.co
i don't know if artstation counts but i didn't like how professional that one felt LOL bit too scary for me. cara kindaaaa gives off that vibe too but i haven't had more than a cursory glance at it so! i have an artfol account but i would always forget to update it so it's not been used for 2 years.. i WILL make a sheezy so soon just been busy/lazy
anywaysssss idgaf about the others i mentioned honestly but I REALLY LIKE COHOSTTTTT MAKE AN ACCOUNT AND FOLLOW ME ON COHOST
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crazykuroneko · 4 months
What I like about IWTV is it forces me to re-evaluate my relationship with media and fandom as well. Through S1, I learnt how far I want to distance myself from the media yet still be able to enjoy it (too lazy to link my old post, but it thanks to S1E5). Now, I find myself paying attention to the connection between the media and the fandom's "voice".
Back then, I went into S1 completely blind, and I have to admit I wasn't (am still, I think) that familiar with Black media, Black stories, or Black history. I literally didn't know even one (1) individual in the fandom. So a lot of my initial conclusions and impressions of S1 mostly came from what I saw on my timeline/dashboard aka the things people reblogged/retweeted the most, the "popular" contents. And as the time goes by, I realized those contents are actually fanon; They're made based on someone's interpretation and expectation of canon, and they get blown out, and they eventually shape the fandom's "consensus". And I found that to be so misleading. Especially in a lot of cases they're contradictory and feel like an overcorrection to another. And it took me like months of curating my own timeline - blocking and being blocked, applying my newfound distance with media, reading/watching opinions from different kinds of people and rewatching the series until I could say this is my core opinion/beliefs of this media and these characters.
And it's happening again this season. IWTV is a very rich story which is open to very different interpretations, and it's easy for you to just want to "go with the flow". Go with the metas you see the most on your timeline. But as much as I appreciate good metas, and I have shared them all here, sometimes there are nuances that I can't agree with. So, I don't want to read them too much. I feel like the writing in this show deserves to be judged as itself - free from previous fanon, book canon, theories or expectations. I don't really know where I am going with this actually, but I think "let the tale seduce you" is really the right way to process this show. Like, watch it, write down what you take from it, stick to what you wrote, and see how the show evolves your perspective. Anyway, idk, I'm just looking forward to rewatching S1-S2 and making my own conclusion.
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stergeon · 6 months
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Last updated 5/3/2024
What is this?
This is a collaborative story about Hubert von Vestra from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. The goal of the game is to help Hubert have a perfectly normal day without too much excitement or fanfare.
The story progresses based on the results of the poll at the end of each chapter. The gameplay is intended to emulate old text-based adventure games (and, yes, Homestuck).
Mostly, this is an excuse for me to draw silly stuff and make stupid websites.
What do I do?
Be Hubert.
Vote for the action you want Hubert to take.
OK but seriously how do you play this?
I'll draw a panel and write a post. The end of the post will contain a poll or other question to decide where the story goes next.
You can help direct the story by:
Voting in the poll
Providing a custom response in the post tags or replies
Asking for clarification or details via ask or by replying to the post, ex. in the replies on this post
In each post, words that appear in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS have definitions in Hubert's JOURNAL. The first time a defined word appears in a post, it will link to the part in the journal where the definition appears. Any subsequent time the word appears in the post, it will only be BOLDED AND CAPITALIZED.
The post may also contain links to minigames I've made (ex. the coffee game) or to other pages on my website that are related to the game (ex. Hubert's inventory, aka his pocket). I don't intend to link to any other websites, but if I do end up linking to another site in the post, I'll give a heads up.
Depending on the choices made in the story, Hubert's mental state may be affected. You will want to keep that in mind when voting. Remember: YOU are Hubert. And you want to have a perfectly normal day.
How does voting work?
Options for Hubert to take will be listed in a poll at the end of each post. The poll duration will be one day. When the time has elapsed, Hubert will take the highest-voted action. I'll write/draw how it plays out, then post a new poll to choose the next action.
Polls will have a minimum of four options representing potential actions for Hubert to take. Three or more will be preset options, and the last will be an "Other/Write-In" option for a custom response.
How does the Other/Write-In/Something Else option work?
If you vote for Other in the poll, please provide the action you want Hubert to take by leaving a reply on the post or in the tags.
If the Other/Write-In/Something Else option wins, how will a response be selected?
I don't know yet! We'll find out together. Either I'll take the most common response, I'll pick one at random, or I'll just choose the one I think is funniest.
How will the story play out?
I have an outline for the story. To the best of my ability, I'm going to try and keep it on track, but I'm leaving most of it to the winds of chance. If things start to really get off-track, I may eliminate the write-in option and just give three preset choices, but here's hoping it doesn't come to that.
When does the game update?
The game will update after the current poll has expired and whenever I get around to drawing and writing the response. I'm making an attempt to turn things around in 24-48 hours after the poll ends, but who knows how long I'll keep that up.
Note that many of the pages for game mechanics, such as the JOURNAL and Mind Wasteland, are updated almost as often as new posts are made, depending on how the story plays out. You might want to keep an eye on those.
Something is broken/not working on one of the webpages.
UH-OH! That's not good!
If you run into any problems with the site(s), please refresh the page and, if it's still not working, check back in 5-10 minutes. I'm coding this like a lazy person (read: rawdogging it without version control—yeehaw!) so it's entirely possible that if something is busted, it's because I'm actively tinkering with the site.
If it stays busted for more than 5-10 minutes, or if you run into responsiveness or accessibility issues, please shoot me a DM or an ask and I'll try to get it fixed shortly. Your help is appreciated!
I have a question about the current poll options/a game mechanic.
Send me your question via a reply on the post or an ask and I'll get you an answer :0)
What knowledge do I need going into this game?
The game is set just over two years after the end of Fire Emblem: Three House’s Crimson Flower route. Consider that route utterly spoiled.
There may be references to events that have happened in my post-war fanfic series, In the Days After. However, you don't need to have read the series to know what's going on in the game. Hubert will also keep notes on anything that is relevant in his journal and you can reference the information there.
(FYI: the journal, minigames, and related tools are not hosted on tumblr and are instead on my own website for formatting/organization purposes. I'll give a heads up if linking to any pages not on this blog or my own website.)
Does this include DLC or FEW: Three Hopes content?
Sorry, I’m a fake fan. I haven’t played Three Hopes or the FE3H DLC and have a child’s knowledge of what happens in either of those games. I’m sticking with my area of expertise.
What ships appear in this game?
It's my story and I'm gonna make it gay. As of, uhhh, right now, these are the confirmed ships:
Hubert / Ferdinand
Edelgard / F!Byleth
Dorothea / Petra
Beginning of the story
All posts up to this point
Tools and mechanics
The tools listed below are updated almost every time a new post is made, depending on how the story progresses.
Hubert's Journal
To-Do List
Mind Wasteland
Games probably won't get updated again unless I get a sudden burst of inspiration or if there's a bug. If there's a bug, please let me know via ask or emailing me at [email protected].
Make a cup of coffee
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ntls-24722 · 1 year
hello lgbtq community its ur (almost) daily music man content
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Scopophobia and general body horror beware!
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WD Gaster DJMM!
Honestly, this was literally just based off the fact I saw WD gaster artwork. For a guy with multiple hands Gaster just makes sense to be my latest victim of Music Man'ification. He was going to be a centipede because centipedes are terrifying but I opted for a snake because i was too lazy to draw a kajillion little hands (even though i've made millipede music men... two)
Buuuut the snake aspect also helps with another little detail - as a focus on Gaster's experience on being yote across time and space, his body extends infinitely, across the cosmos, different realities, different timelines. His body is likely to be found as a black line across space but as he gets more lost his face remains almost never seen.
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@linxprime's Space Guard DJMM!
I notice more details that I missed the more i look at this. I missed two whole arms! and i wish i could've shown his freaky two-thumbed hands, but these were all done in school and i had limited references. I'm probably redrawing your guy tomorrow because there's just simply TOO MANY mistakes.
Though I seriously have to ask you how you came up with the pant contraption. I feel like spiders are one of the the most ridiculous creatures on Earth you could attempt putting pants on and somehow you figured it out.
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Pink Legacy! One of the few music men in my roster whose story i can actually explain in a single post.
They're not Music Man - They don't take the role or name of him. But they did take his head and are now wearing it like a trophy!
Way back before Pizzeria Simulator, before Music Man was even auctioned, someone noticed his suspicious demeanor and began to work at the company that created him to be able to secretly inspect him. They cracked him open one night and realized in classic FNAF fashion, "oh shit, there's bodies in this robot" and said robot proceeded to smash their skull between his cymbals before they could squeal about it to anyone, leaving their body to rot in secret.
The insects that aided in their decomposition, for some weird reason, ate them and received their memories. Memories of how to move, how to think like a person, and the very last thing they remember - getting totally murdered. Taking over the rest of their corpse they became this horrific bug colony and turned Music Man into scrap metal and wore his head as a trophy like the freak bug colony they are.
However, while they had their revenge, now as this new being they were haunted by the memories of not what was within him but the person they used to be, with attempts to come back to the friends and family ending in said friends and family being horrified of what just arrived at their doorstep. Eventually they had to flee to the wilderness and leave their humanity behind, though this bug colony began to embrace their new existence (Despite their appearance, Pink Legacy is just a creepy ass hippie).
But eventually humanity finds them again with a high schooler named Tillie finding Pink Legacy in the wilderness, and, despite the creepy haunted atmosphere constantly oozing out of PL, Tillie is admittedly too fascinated by them to not try and fuck around a little.
Despite PL's creepy vocabulary and... everything about them, somehow Tillie is able to discover that PL is harmless and the worst they will do is accidentally cause an ant infestation in your home.
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rakassauce · 8 days
A weird ass idea came to me suddenly at 2 in the morning
So. I have this old touhou AU that I made in like...8th grade, I think? It was basically an aftermath AU of a fan game that interested me, called Concealed the Conclusion. Basically the gist™️ of it was that Gensokyo was all in Reimu's head, and she's dying so it was all falling apart so Marisa's trying to find her before it's too late—sorry for the shit explanation but hopefully you get the idea, I have not touched a thing related to it in ages
Idk why but I want to revamp it? It's a very, VERY vague au, I never did much with it, but like I kind of wanna build on it for funsies—and instead of it basically being a direct fan story for a touhou fangame (fan work-ception?) it'd be like...loosely based off of it. Or maybe heavily. You decide at this point
But see. Here's the part that makes it questionable imo;
Based on what I repost AND the art I rarely do post, y'all already know I've been in the Yu-Gi-Oh obsession hell hole for a year straight. It's been a comfort to me in tough times, as has Touhou in the past. I actually got into Touhou during a rough patch of junior high. Been in love with the world of children's card games and youkai ever since. (I've just never posted my touhou fanart lol, it's all old) That being said, I am a fucking SUCKER for crossovers. I LOVE the idea of seeing two or more of my favorite cartoons, books, or games, interacting or even working with one another. It's just difficult to find a good (or active) fic / official work that satisfies my strange niches
So. Onto the AU (please keep in mind this isn't fleshed out at ALL, I thought about this in the shower randomly) :
Gensokyo has...not been doing so hot, as of recent. Terrible weather, weaker youkai, and hell, even weaker magic. Worst of all? Aweakening Hakurei Barrier. Many are perplexed—even Gensokyo's sharper, more cunning minds. It seems the land of eastern fantasy has only been falling apart—so our beloved Hakurei shrine maiden takes it upon herself to investigate, thinking it's just another incident to be handled and dealt with.
Then she disappears. No where to be seen.
Marisa for once is actually...kind of worried. As soon as things seem suspicious, she's out searching, looking for her dear friend. Sure she was a lazy bum at times, but she wouldn't up and leave with no explanation, right?
Alright, this is where things get vague, since what I just typed was basically a synopsis of the AU—and now that I'm reading it over, BASICALLY CONCEALED THE CONCLUSION. MOVING ON, somewhere along the line, Sakuya and Yukari get involved. They find Reimu, weakened by whatever it was (forgive me I'm sorryyyy) hurting Gensokyo. Her powers are dull—but with some help, she does sort of get back on her feet.
Things seem to be getting better.
And then they weren't.
At the end of it all, Gensokyo is...frozen. Stuck in stone, sealed. The only surviving residents? Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya. Why? Because with what very little strength she has left—without so much as a warning—Yukari opens a gap to the outside world from underneath them.
With that, comes the end of Gensokyo. Or so it seems. One can't be so sure.
The three are separated. Where, is hard to say. All Marisa knows...is that she's just an ordinary girl, living in Domino City with a foster family—after being found lost in the streets with no living relatives to contact.
Will I go the amnesia route? I have no idea yet—though the idea DOES seem interesting (to me at least)
Not sure WHY this spawned in my lil brain. All I know is that the idea of Reimu and Marisa NOT being able to bounce back A-OK from an encounter has always got the gears in my head going. Probably why I liked Concealed the Conclusion so much (even though I WILL admit it IS kind of mid)
Jesus I need to put this in an obsidian vault
OK that's all for tonight, thank you for reading :D I MIGHT add more, this took more courage than I thought it would—idk how you writers manage to do this
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jondoe297 · 2 years
i missed regularly sharing all the toys an junk i get on here. i had fallen off the wagon of doin so an thanks to an all too familiar mix of laziness,procrastination an just puttin off doin somethin even if want to for some reason. i thought i'd get back to it with this post of all the stuff i've gotten so far since this year started. yeah almost no one sees these posts but doin em makes me happy so here we are. most of these are thrifted.
these aren't in order of when i got em but let's start with Superman figures
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we got the Mattel DC Multiverse Super Friends Superman. (Mattel's DC Multiverse is the superior one btw. still sour they lost the license. especially with McFarlane bein generally lackluster) i've wanted this one for a long time since they were announced. got im second hand but in the box! he's really classic Superman from Mattel's DC Universe Classics line with Super Friends themed base an packaging. display background comes with part of the Super Friends logo(that you collect the whole wave to form)an a José Luis García-López drawn Superman on the other side! best part is that an the Kenner style cape😍 it's like they made this figure specifically for me lol
also got a Smallville Clark figure! not really the biggest fan of the show but it's pretty nostalgic an a Superman figure is a Superman figure(even if he's just wearin a leather jacket lol)plus these go for bonkers prices online an i got this one for like,9 bucks. Score!
also a cute lil Superman and a Man of Steel cake topper figure. can you believe it's ten years this year since Man of Steel came out?!
Batman figures next
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okay so i found not one but TWO toybiz 1989 Batman figs. and on the same day too!! definitely a highlight.
a Battinson bobble head cinema cup topper. i was stoked to find any Battinson in the wild lol.
plus lil New 52 an Rebirth Batman figurines
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some Robins. these were found in the same place. makes me wonder if it's from the same person who lost or gave away or sold their Robin collection. makes me pretty bummed tbh :/
i think about this aspect of thrifting a lot. Anyway..
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a navy blue variant of the new 'Tooned' '66 Batmobile Hot Wheels. i love it!!
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Green Lantern movie ring. was pretty jazzed to find this! movie is.. meh. it's not that bad it's the studio interference that really grinds my gears. toyline is top-notch though i always loved it!
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now this is a McFarlane DC Multiverse figure i really wanted to have. ZSJL Cyborg!!
back when it just came out no one where i live got the Cyborg except the version with the helmet thingy for some reason(if there is a reason i have an idea what it might be but anyway)but i got im now an i'm pleasantly surprised how good he is given McFarlane's track record. Very happy❤
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and another lil Cyborg. found in flea market but originally from a Kinder egg.
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not many Marvel stuff as it happened. but some real fun stuff! especially that gem of a Spidey figure. from the Spider-Man 3 'Webworld Racers' sub-line who came with motorcycles. he has like 14 points of articulation an can fit in the palm of my hand(unintentional reference lol). texture on his suit is bonkers too. like Hasbro didn't have to go that hard for such a small figure but they did. i've also always really really wanted im but the prices for them were ridiculous back in the day so to find im in the wild all these years later.. yeah :')
we also got an Invisible Woman figure from 1997 that is so good you wouldn't believe it was made by KFC. and a Hulk as War,Horseman of Apocalypse from the 'Handful of Heroes' from like 2009-10. always love finding these lil guys an unpainted figures are generally a win for me.
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Star Wars stuff
we got a Clone Wars Obi-Wan action figure. seller had a bunch more Clone Wars an other Star Wars figs but i uhh had to hold my hand an only got Obi-Wan.
a 1983 Kenner Chief Chirpa fig,without his headdress thingy. but funny enough,what are the odds,i found another one with his headdress and a 1984 Gamorrean Guard in the same day at another shop! i gave those to someone else i know who loves Star Wars figures.
we also have a Darth Vader keychain,a lil Hologram Palpatine and a few Micro Machines.
now this is the 'other/miscellanious' category
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we have a Raph as The Mummy from the TMNT/Universal Monsters crossover toyline Playmates did from 1993 which just.. checks so many boxes for me. he also glows in the dark!
a gorgeous figurine of Obelix with a little dog friend💕
a lil Guile from Street Fighter who looked real nice an probably vintage so i grabbed im. looked it up an apparently he's from 1990 an from a gumball machine. NICE!!
the green fella i grabbed cuz i like alien figures an stuff an he's from '98. later looked im up an he's from a Fisher Price space set. fun stuff!
the lil orange friend is a Chimp from an animal themed sub-set of a line called 'Glyos Bit Figs' that are pixel-styled lil vending machine figures. again,so many boxes checked. i also found another one from the line before,both times with their ball/capsule,so of course i grabbed it.
last but not least that lil car i got from a chips packet lol
thanks for readin me blaberring about toys for a bit if you did. Hope you have a nice day regardless💕
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quohotos · 1 year
I'm assuming you've played some ttrpgs based on your posts so what are some of the characters you've played?
It is true, I have played a lot of TTRPGs, however most often I was the forever DM, so a lot of times the characters I was playing were NPCs or villains.
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Here's a set of some villains from from one of my first campaigns. They are a species called "Nocturns" and are based on bats. These ones have all had their wings amputated which sure as heck made it easier to draw them. I don't post a lot of these guys because, again, they're part of unpublished works that will get a big art drop if I ever manage to find a publishing solution.
In order from top to bottom:
Commander Symeraks is a flamboyant diva who writes and directs plays when he's not busy leading armies. He's incredibly skilled and incredibly dangerous, but easily distracted. Commander Glyph is cunning, ruthless, pragmatic, and not actually that skilled. He's a mediocre commander, but he attaches himself to Symeraks and keeps him out of trouble as his handler. He hopes that he can ride Symeraks' coat tails into a higer ranking position. Don't ship them, Symeraks is gay for someone else and Glyph would rather die than kiss anyone. Lomedia is a burning spirit of chaos who everyone hates, including herself. She's been demoted a million times but always finds some way to cling on and make everyone's lives a little bit worse. She's constantly betraying, backstabbing, and lying and yet somehow the rest of them always give her another chance.
Those are some memorable villains from one of my campaigns, but here are some more memorable characters I've played, in order of most favorite to least favorite.
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Bradly Arbor is a 19 year old who's just out of highschool. He was captain of the football team, but also got all the lead roles in the play by virtue of being one of the few guys who enrolled in the school plays (he was not a good actor). He did that all to get closer to a girl who he was infatuated with... unfortunately she came out as a lesbian and his heart was crushed. Rather than go to college he got a deadend job at a little emporium that reopened in town and accidentally got embroiled in the supernatrual.
It was a monster of the week game, and his class was "Professional", interpreted very sarcastically and very loosely. That sword he carries is The Phoenix King (a perk of the job). It can speak and has deep lore implication that he's just too much of a dumb himbo to really grasp or care about. What's important is that it lights ablaze when he says "Hey, do the thing where you're on fire".
Other notable parts of his character design are his Marry Poppins briefcase (another perk of the job), and his cracked iphone 5 (not a perk of the job). He's dumb as rocks, but his heart is in the right place, specifically in his rib-cage
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Morgan is a Dragonborn barbarian that I made for a friend's campaign set in a homebrew setting. I was feeling lazy with character designs that day so I adapted the character of Morgan from my unreleased serial to the 5e setting, thus she has hair instead of a frill.
Same backstory though, an exhiled princess who refuses to work out her feelings and instead cuts people's heads off while moralistically spouting about a religion that basically no one but her believes in. She has some cool homebrew heart-eating mechanics that my DM gave me because no one wanted to play a healer in that game, so this interpretation of Morgan also gets up to some Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom shenanigans.
Of notable importance, I was basically done with the drawing and then asked my DM "Hey, where do you stand on the lizard boob debate?" after a hilarious conversation in which they lost all respect for me, my DM decided that, yes, lizards have boobs in his setting, so I haphazardly added some cloth to her chest to be compliant with his lore.
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Lastly is Rythian, an elf Monk that I threw together for an ill-fated game that only lasted like one session. He's an elf monk, named after a yogscast member because I really struggle with originality sometimes. His body was horribly burned in an incident so he wears these cool wraps to cover it up... why he doesn't wear just regular clothes is beyond me. He's special like that I guess.
It's been a while so I don't remember much more of his lore, but I do remember how much I miss adobe illustrator draw... fuck that was a good app. Why the fuck did they have to shut it down? Is there anything else like it?
Some of my coolest characters for ttrpgs were from games that I played with a close group of friends who never want to speak to me ever again... so out of respect for them I'll omit all the cool art I made for those games.
Thank you for the ask!
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edenverse-archives · 1 year
Tabitha Turbot
Note: This post is from a wiki created by @lord-eden in the Adventure Bay Amino, and is recreated by me (ares-ariborn) with their permission. Unfortunately, the original source was quietly deleted by them. Thus, this Tumblr post is a recreation of said wiki, based on the screenshots and artworks I have managed to save, as well as the details I could recall in the AU.
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Warning: Contains homophobia ⚠️
Full Name: Tabitha Jolie Turbot
Likes: Money, herself, Tammy Turbot (daughter), her career, wine, intellectual discussion, Tilly Turbot (mother), traditional marriage.
Dislikes: Running low on money, Horatio Turbot (son), breaking traditions, small talk, filth, Jake Hunter-Turbot (son-in-law), breaking a sweat, fish, the beach.
Age: 56
Gender: Female
Occupation: Business Woman
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Widowed
Catchphrases: "I'm on a call right now!" "I could go for a glass of wine right about now," "Quiet dear, mommy is talking!"
Residence: Paris, France and parts of Canada
This woman makes me want to hurl. I always wondered why Horatio and Tammy's mother never appeared in the show (as of now). So I decided to make my own version of their mother in their AU. I wanted to make her an antagonist that brings conflict into Horatio's new life in Adventure Bay. In this wiki, not only will I be discussing her background but also a bit of Tammy and Horatio's backstories as well.
The Turbots originated in France. Tabitha's childhood was complicated though. She juggled from Europe to Canada every so often due to her family constantly moving. She was raised into business and had a set plan when she grew up. Tabitha was determined to keep her family name, so she kept her surname after marriage. She only married to keep the bloodline going and to have children. To her success, she had a set of healthy twins. Tammy being older than 6 minutes. She have them have her last name as well. I'd like to point out that Tabitha's husband was often too busy in the military to visit his children. He eventually passed away from an illness.
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She chose favorites, and liked Tammy more for her intelligence. Horatio was smart as well but Tammy always outshined him (even though she never meant to). Since Tabitha was a business woman, she would be busy every so often. Because of this, she left Horatio and Tammy with their grandmother, Tilly.
Horatio was often scolded by Tabitha because she always thought he could be like Tammy who is a successful paleontologist that helped bring back dinosaurs. She even laughed at the idea when Horatio told her he wanted to live a peaceful life as a fisherman. Although he's interested in Marine Biology, he never went to school for it because he saw it as a hobby more than a career. How lazy, she thought. However, that's what Horatio wanted to do. He came to Adventure Bay but moved into his sister's place until he was able to afford a ship and a place of his own. Tabitha and Horatio lose contact when he bought the Flounder.
When Tabitha heard of Horatio getting married, she was thrilled. Upon finding out she wasn't invited to the wedding, she also found out that she wasn't invited to the wedding, she also found out Horatio was marrying another man. She felt so disappointed in her son. On the bright side though, everyone in Horatio's family, except for her, was so accepting of him. Tabitha was so disgusted, she threatened to make the other Turbots disown Horatio. His family meant so much to Horatio, so he tried to talk and compromise. Tabitha said, "If you join the navy or the military like your father, I'll reconsider,". With that said, Horatio went straight into the academy and got into the Navy. It was a huge price to pay, but at least he got to keep his family close.
Tabitha only met Jake once. Unfortunately, Jake made a bad impression when he came from the back of his lodge covered in dirt. Seeing the 'filth' on him made Tabitha cringe. They never got along, and it was for the best. Jake even refused to invite Tabitha over for dinner around the holidays even when Horatio tried to convinced him otherwise. When Horatio passed serving the navy, Tabitha felt no remorse for her son. Yes, she was sad, but she never shed a tear. To make things worse, Tabitha didn't even attend her own son's funeral. Jake's hatred for her only grew more from that point on.
Geez, what a callous woman.
Franklin Alinsky - Husband
Horatio Turbot - Son
Tammy Turbot - Daughter
Francois Turbot - Nephew
Taylor Turbot - Granddaughter
Tilly Turbot - Mother
Jezebel Hunter-Turbot - Granddaughter
Benjamin Hunter-Turbot - Grandson
Francette Hunter-Turbot - Granddaughter
Jake Hunter-Turbot - Son-in-Law
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auspex · 2 years
aaa thanks!! What about your VtM OC? I'd like to hear about them, if that's okay! I'm especially intrigued about the whole Blood Bound thing,,,
IT IS ALWAYS OK TO ASK ABOUT MARK!!!!! I'm obsessed. I am so sorry it took so long to answer this. i wanted to do it properly.
If you want like, a Lot of info, here are posts I've already made about him.
General/pic: https://www.tumblr.com/quoww/702626718060560384/quoww-i-posted-this-awhile-ago-but-never?source=share
Sire info, this also mostly is about the blood bond!: https://www.tumblr.com/quoww/705312672352272384/whats-marks-relationship-with-his-sire-like?
Recent history: https://www.tumblr.com/quoww/705293137062543360/whats-mark-vela-up-to-in-more-recent-nights?
BUT i'll talk a lil more now
Mark Vela. What a guy. Before being turned, closeted introverted gay. Lucky enough to find a bf. Roman history professor, desperately trying to get tenure.
He unknowingly caught the eye of a powerful Tremere Julius who was looking for an unassuming kindred to be a spy for him in the area. Mark's writings on Roman History and Roman Occultism had attracted the attention of another vampire clan, the ventrue, who used his work to introduce members of their clan to Roman history (as they considered it their history).
Julius got another kindred (he's too important to do shit like this himself) to ghoul mark's bf and force him to spy on mark, preparing him to be turned.
Mark caught on though because the kindred got lazy/careless and had to be turned prematurely.
The Tremere, before 2007, always were blood bound to their sire, and then to the 7 (the heads of the clan). Our ST has more variation in blood bonds than in the base game. But for Mark, he basically has an artificial adoration for Julius and literally cannot disobey many of his commands.
It was so strong that he couldn't even by bothered by it much, but Julius has been happy with his work lately and recently lowered it SLIGHTLY.
Mark also has experience with bonds because he accidentelly blood bond his ghoul/ex named Sampson. They Hate It. It is almost worn off, but for a time Sampson had to do what Mark said and Mark had to be careful not to give accidental commands. On the bright side it helped Sampson overcome a drug addiction i guess?
but it made things weird between them.
Anyway Mark does a lot of things for his sire and has to send him weekly reports, but Julius helps him out a lot so thats Fine Right :)
Older/powerful kindred in the area know about his sire, who is a really powerful and important Tremere, Lord of several states, so Mark gets away with some stuff others don't, but also inherited a lot of enemies. Such as the tremere primogen in the area. Whoopsie.
Personality wise Mark is pretty classic professor. He's a lil awkward. He's not the worst at lying but not good at it either. He likes to say "Very Funny" sarcastically and "be that as it may" and "regardless". He still wears glasses even though he doesn't need to. He's bothered that other kindred don't call him Dr. Vela (last name) anymore cause they don't respect his doctorate, and one day will work to change that. He loves Sampson but isn't sure in what way and worries Sampson will resent him. He's Just Some Guy. He thinks if he never lets himself get too hungry again Everything Will be Fine and he won't ever Accidentally Murder a Random Homeless Person again (THAT WAS A BAD NIGHT). He still thinks about his first BF. He was a street racer in high school (that's the most cool thing about him). GOD. I could go on.
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