#this is as close as i've gotten to taking pictures of my new room
thetimelordbatgirl · 3 months
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Tfw your town has finally got a car boot again every sunday and you managed to find someone selling various dolls for cheaper prices then Ebay would do.
#where i live our towns regular car boot died years ago as it became a ghost town over time#like last time we went to it before it died there were barley cars selling stuff#but this car park they used is in position where they wanna take it down for flats#but havent in fucking years#so they allowed another towns car boot to take over it for now#as that towns car boot lost their car park spot after it was closed down for some new building stuff#and that car boot always had a shit ton of stuff so uh there was alot this car boot as a result#including dolls like there were so many cars and ahh i would have gone broke knowing me if i had access to all my money#but i managed to get stuff including these#aka £10 each#would have grabbed one of their rainbow highs...if i liked the looks of any of the ones they had#but uh they had one EAH...so i got it#which is funny since i do not like apple...#then again i also got mal but like i dont mind her in D1...its D2 onwards i dont like her lol#and also i forgot i had £2 in my pocket as i didnt have a purse so my pocket became that and if i had remembered that#i would have grabbed the £12 carlos lmao#robecca is one i've been after for ages but i had to order her boot and a skirt thing on ebay for her...no sign of her goggles yet sigh#i did find a non-pictured tinkerbell but ehhh not sure why i brought her beyond i knew it was tinkerbell lol#then again i also grabbed a small toy i recognized from when i was a kid but its a lil broken so i wasnt thinking lol#you'd think with not much room i wouldnt buy more dolls#but i've gotten so far two eah dolls i found for cheap on ebay so like....aka briar and legacy day maddie...
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alotofpockets · 6 months
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Roommates | Kyra Cooney-Cross x Gorry!Reader & Katrina Gorry x Sister!Reader
Where you start dating your sister's bestfriend after she becomes your roommate.
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.8k
"You're still going to pick up Kyra from the airport and drive her to her introduction at the Arsenal training grounds, right?" Your sister has asked you this question at least ten times now. Her Matilda's teammates, and one of her closest friends Kyra Cooney-Cross was making the move from Australia to the UK, just like you had done two years ago, and your sister had asked you to look out for her there. 
"Yes Mini, don't worry. I will pick up Kyra and drive her to London Colney. You can go to sleep and stop worrying, I promise I've got her." 
Katrina seemed to finally relax a bit, "Okay, text me when she gets there? I told her to do that too, but she'll probably be too tired from the flight to remember.” Your sister loved Kyra like family, and it was sweet to see how similarly she cared for Kyra as she does for you. 
“I will text you when I see her at the airport, now please go to sleep.” You laughed at the slightly annoyed sigh that escaped her mouth. “Thank you again, and goodnight.” You hung up the phone after wishing Katrina a good night as well.
You finish your workday, and run some errands, before you head home. You made a funny poster to welcome Kyra to London before you head to bed for an early wake up call to head to the airport.
When you saw Kyra walk down the gate hall, she looked exhausted from the long flight, a feeling you knew all too well yourself. She was wearing a pair of sweats and a hoodie, combined with a messy bun. When she laid eyes on your poster her face lit up. Welcome to London, my favourite Tillie!
"Oh we're so showing Mini your sign." She greets you with a hug. “Yeah, let's send her a picture. I promised I'd text her when you landed.” The two of you pose together with the sign, while someone next to you takes your picture. 
“Are you hungry?” You ask while you take half of her bags. “I ate on the plane, but am in desperate need of a coffee.” In the coffee shop you catch up for a bit over coffee, and breakfast for you, before Kyra gets a call. She walks out of the shop to take the call, while you scroll on your phone.
“What’s wrong?” The panicked look on her face as she walked back in immediately grabbing your attention. “That was the landlord of my apartment, he just let me know that he accidentally double signed. In other words, I don’t have a place to stay anymore.” Without a second thought you had a solution for her problem. “I’ve got a spare room that I never use. It’s yours if you want it.”
The following week you helped Kyra get settled and went with her for her introduction meeting at Arsenal. Initially you would just drop her off and pick her up later in the day, but she had insisted you’d join her. Together you got the Arsenal tour, and you sat to the side for all her video and picture moments. All in all, it ended up being a fun day.
The two of you had gotten close quickly over the days that passed, sure you had known each other already, but now living together brought you on a whole new level of friendship.
Tomorrow would be Kyra's first training session at Arsenal, as well as meeting the team for the first time. Besides her Aussie teammates Steph and Caitlin, she didn't know anyone more than a familiar face. You had known she was nervous, but you didn't realise just how much until she knocked on your bedroom door.
“Hey Ky, what's up?” The usual smile the girl was wearing was replaced by a frown. “Were you homesick when you first moved here?” You had been so adamant that she was just nervous, that you hadn't taken the move to another continent into consideration. “Yeah, I did. Come here.” Patting the spot on your bed besides you, you offered her a place to sit. 
You talked for a while before you both fell asleep. The next day you drove Kyra to her first practice with Arsenal. You were just going to drop her off, but when you saw Caitlin get out of her car, you had to go say hi. You knew all of the Tillies from the many times you had met them in the family and friends hall after matches. 
“Y/n, hi, what are you doing here?” She greeted you with a quick hug. You point back to your car where Kyra appeared from behind the trunk. “Ky has been staying with me.” 
On queue Kyra appears beside you, and drops her bags to hug Caitlin tight. While the two of them embrace, another player walks up to greet you. You knew it was Katie, but as far as you remembered you had never properly met. “Hi, I'm Katie, nice to meet you.” She extends her hand. “Y/n, nice to meet you too.”
Katie inspects you, trying to figure out where she knew you from, until it finally clicked. “Oh you're Gorry’s little sister, aren’t you?” Kyra stepped out of her hug with Caitlin to defend you. “She's her own person you know.” It was really sweet, but you really didn't mind. “It's fine Ky, I am.” You rolled your eyes at her defensiveness, but behind that facade you secretly loved how she stuck up for you. 
From then on Caitin and Katie picked up Kyra for practice, since you basically lived on the route to the training centre.
Kyra joined you in your room on more days than not over the next few weeks, and you would be lying to yourself if you didn’t enjoy the moments you spent together. You were quickly falling for her, and every part of you hoped that she felt the same way. 
Then one morning you woke up with Kyra cuddled into your side, and her leg draped over yours. You lift your hand to gently play with her hair, she hums with enjoyment and cuddles further into your side. “Good morning to you too.” You were like a deer in headlights, caught by the fact that she had, unbeknownst to you already been awake. “Don’t stop.”
You release the breath you were holding and continue. You must have laid there for another hour before you got out of bed. “Can I maybe take you out for breakfast?” The way her eyes lit up at your question was enough for you to realise that she did indeed feel the same way. “I would love that.”
The two of you had been together ever since, just keeping it to yourselves to enjoy your time together away from prying eyes. Which is why you were stressed since your sister had called that she was coming to visit with her family, because she was meeting with the West Ham United team. You had offered your home as a place for them to stay while she had her meeting, and while her and Clara would be looking at homes for their family. 
“Relax babe, we never changed my room back to a guest room, so they won’t notice a thing if we act like just friends for a couple days.” Kyra tried reassuring you. You had talked about telling her, but ultimately you decided that you weren’t ready to tell her yet, and Kyra was fine with that. 
Kyra offered Mini and Clara her room, while she took the couch, and your niece Harper was overjoyed to be having a sleepover in your room for a couple of days. It was nice having your family around, and you were excited to have them closer after the move as well. 
Mini and Clara were out house hunting while you and Kyra spent some time with Harper. Harper insisted on some painting, and you could not stop laughing when the girl had started painting Kyra instead of her paper. While Harper was dancing and singing her little heart out to Frozen, you cleaned Kyra’s face. When you were done you placed a quick kiss on her lips. “All done.”
Meanwhile a few blocks over Mini’s mind was on something besides house hunting. “I think they’re together.” She stated to Clare, who was busy inspecting the kitchen of the place they were currently in. “Who?” 
“Y/n and Kyra.” This got Clara’s attention. “What makes you think that?” Mini went on and on about how Kyra’s room looked like it hadn’t been touched in weeks, that you looked so comfortable together, the glances she had noticed between the two of you, and just the general vibe when the two of you were in a shared space. “Well, if they are, what would you think of that?” Mini thought for a moment before ultimately deciding that she thought the two of you would be cute together and good for each other. 
Mini had not expected to get answers to her question on if the two of you were together or not, but when she put Harper to bed, her little girl snitched on you right away. “Did you have fun today?” The girl nodded her head enthusiastically before telling her mom all about the things that you had done today and finished her story with, “Oh and Auntie and Kywa was kissing.” Mini smiled to herself. “Oh did they now, sweetheart? I am glad you had a good day. Sweet dreams.” 
The next morning you head out to breakfast all together, before your sister and her family fly back for a couple more months. “This place is great, y/n. Where did you find it?” You’re glad that they are enjoying the food just as much as you do. “I took Kyra here when she was all settled in.” You were soaking in all the time with your little niece as much as you could, so you were helping her colour in her drawing while you were speaking to the adults at the table.
“Oh, did you go here for your first date?” Since you were so focussed on the colouring you didn’t think before speaking. “Yeah- oh.” Your head shot up at your older sister, though you relax when you see the proud smirk on her face. “You knew?”
Mini points to Harper, “We’ve got ourselves a little snitch on our hands, she saw you two kiss yesterday. I did also have a feeling already.” You felt relieved now that your sister knew, because she was the person you were most scared of telling, with Kyra being one of her best friends and all.
You drove Mini, Clara, and Harper to the airport with Kyra, where you said your temporary goodbye’s. Knowing that they would be back in two months to move to London. You couldn’t wait to have your family close again. 
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coffeeghoulie · 3 months
I'd love if you wrote more hockey dewther. You mentioned they shared an apartment when starting out so there had to be moments where those oblivious idiots acted like a couple or others thought they were already one. Any backstory insight would be lovely though.
so I knew exactly what to write for this one, the only person who knew this scene existed before you sent this ask was @askingforthesun, but you're right, there were so many moments that those fools acted like a couple long before they knew they had feelings.
featuring the beginning of Aether's journey into being a cat dad, Dew growing out his hair, and Swiss lovingly starting trouble.
also tagging @forlorn-crows and @nocturnalghoul for hockey shenanigans (though there's no real hockey in this lmao)
divider by @ghuleh-recs <3
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"You looking forward to playing in the big leagues, Dew?" Aether asks, folding the last of Dew's many, many band shirts into a cardboard box, folding the flaps shut.
"Moving cross country again for hockey?" Dew takes a deep breath, slumping back against the back of the couch. "No's not the right answer, huh?" He says, packing his own box full of stick wax and tape and skate laces. "It's the majors. Of course I'm looking forward to it. I've been working for this for my entire life. I'm excited. Just. Um. I don't want to leave you all by your lonesome. You're codependent."
He snarks, but Aether's been in close quarters with Dew for two years, has lived with him for a season and a half. There's the bite of worry there.
Aether hums, eyes darting over as he hears the skittering of tiny claws on vinyl. A kitten scrambles into the living room, big amber eyes and red fluffy tail, as she chases a toy she's been playing with on legs too long for her body. Aether sets the box down, scooping up the kitten he'd gotten a few weeks ago. She's tiny, or Aether's hands are just huge, because she fits perfectly in his palms.
"Hello, little Lady," he coos, grinning as she purrs, rubbing her little cheek against him. He turns back to Dew. "Don't worry about leaving me, Dewey, I've got your replacement right here."
Dew's expression softens as he looks up at the tiny cat in his hands. "Gimme," he says, reaching out to Aether. "Gimme the baby."
Aether's never been able to deny Dew anything. He sets Lady down into Dew's waiting hands, her paws splayed out as she settles in his lap. Dew scratches under her chin and smiles at her, warm and toothy. The way he smiles when he thinks Aether can't see.
Lady's delighted by the change in location, meowing loudly and little ears flicking as Dew pets her. "Gonna miss you, little girl," he whispers, and Aether looks over at the boxes in their living room, pretending he can't hear. Most of them will go in storage, but the rest will get shipped to Dew's new apartment several states away.
"Yeah, probably shouldn't have gotten a kitten right before the season starts," Aether says. He sits down on the couch next to Dew. Not touching, but still close.
"She'll be good for you," Dew says, not looking up at him. His hair's just beginning to brush the tops of his shoulders. "I know you'll make a great cat dad."
His lips quirk up. "Aw, so sweet of you."
"Yeah, you know me, bruiser Dewdrop, so sweet," Dew says absentmindedly, reaching for one of the bundles of skate laces he'd thrown into the box. It unravels as he grabs it, and they both laugh as Lady's eyes lock onto the aglet. Her pupils blow from slits, fascinated.
She bats at the lace, little, white needlesharp claws extended. Dew smiles warmly, not looking up as Aether pulls his phone out. He makes sure that his phone is silenced before snapping the picture of two of the most important things in his life right now.
Eventually, Lady rips the lace from Dew's loose grip, rolling onto her back to bat at it with her hindpaws, ever the little hunter. Dew lets her play, turning to face Aether as he slips his phone back into his pocket.
"For real though, are you going to be good out here?" He asks, real, genuine concern slipping into his voice. "I mean, I'm sure I'm going to be seeing Kärnan on the back of a Ghouls jersey before long, but you good?"
Aether shrugs. "I mean, I got by just fine before I met you." He chuckles, and Dew turns back to the kitten. Soon, they will finish packing up Dew's things, and the apartment will be half as loud.
And because Dew's halfway across the country, there's no way that he will know when Aether gets that picture printed in a little glossy 3 by 4 and tucks it into his wallet. And it stays there.
It stays when Aether gets the call not even six months later, the Ghouls' first line defenseman having suffered a severe knee injury and needing a replacement while on injured reserve. Dew's right about his name on the back of a Ghouls' jersey. They're both surprised about how quickly he was right, though.
The picture stays for the four seasons he plays with the Ghouls, stays when he's voted captain twice in a row. It stays when he falls in love with his best friends, is accepted into their arms as one of their own.
It stays completely a secret until one winter night, warm lights on in their apartment. Snow's piling in the corners of the window panes, and Lady, full grown now and elegant, curls up on the couch next to Aether. He's got his laptop on his lap, one hand idly petting through her russet fur, the other typing as best he can. There's music coming from the kitchen, Swiss playing something from his phone as he finishes up making a bagel, late night snack. Water runs in the other side of the apartment, Dew taking a long shower.
Aether pats at his pocket, cursing softly under his breath when he remembers where he put his wallet when he got home that afternoon. "Swiss," he calls. There's the clatter of silverware in the sink, and he sticks his head into the living room, licking cream cheese from his fingertip.
"Yeah, Aeth?"
"Would you be a dear and grab my wallet?" he asks, smiling warmly. Swiss matches his grin.
"Sure thing. You getting the tickets?"
"Mhm," Aether hums as Swiss steps back into the kitchen. "It's not going to be that good a view to be watching hockey from, but it'll be nice to surprise them regardless."
"Very much so," he calls. It only takes a moment before Swiss is back, paper plate with his bagel in one hand and wallet in the other. He doesn't have a good grip on it, and it falls open, revealing that secret picture of Dew. "Oh, what's this?" he teases, jovial. "Who's that handsome young man?"
Aether snorts, even as color comes to his cheeks. "He doesn't know about that one, I'd like to keep it that way."
"Well," Swiss chortles, plopping down onto the couch on the other side of Lady. She mrrps, disturbed from her sleep, but she happily presses her face into Swiss's hand as he pets her. "I believe I recognize my step-daughter. This must be from before the big leagues, huh?"
Aether sighs, ignoring Swiss's favorite joke. "Dew'd just been called up. Half a season before me."
"God, how did you not know you were in love with him then," he teases, taking a big bite of his bagel.
Aether snorts and rolls his eyes, pulling a card from his wallet and typing in his information. "I don't know," he admits. "But I know now."
Swiss wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulls him in close over Lady's curled up form. "Yeah. We know now."
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notafragilething · 5 months
Late Night Buck & Tommy Ramble: I'm Feeling Good About Thursday
I know I haven't posted one of these in several days, I had a super busy weekend with lots of fun events. But I'm back now and super excited about the stills that dropped today. With only about 46 hours left until the finale, I'm feeling really excited as a BuckTommy fan.
Now, I know there are a lot of people out there saying that BuckTommy is bones or saying Buddie is happening but I'm fairly confident that is not happening. In fact, I think a lot of people have the timeline wrong. Please keep in mind that everything I say here is speculation and I may be wrong. But I spent a lot of time today looking really closely at these pictures in an attempt to put a timeline together.
So let's get into it:
Let's start with my timeline of events, that is pretty different than what most people are going with. I've seen really heavy speculation that the date is the opening scene but based on the end of episode 9, all the stills we have, behind the scenes photos and the promo? I think that's wrong. It simply does not work with the timeline.
I think the episode starts with Athena waking up in the hospital, talking to an unconscious Bobby in his hospital room and then taking off to find Amir and try to solve who started the fire. Note that we don't see her with any of the other characters in the hospital. She's likely gone before they show up.
I think after that, we're going to jump to Eddie's house that morning. He's clearly wearing a different outfit than what he got caught with Kim in. I think those stills of him and Buck talking in the living room are him explaining to Buck what happened. After that I think his parents will show up and we find out that Christopher called them the night before and they flew in. That will lead to Eddie telling his parents about Kim and showing them a picture in the kitchen. Buck will interrupt because he will have gotten a phone call about Bobby (the still of him entering the kitchen from the living room with his phone) and the two will take off.
Next we'll get all the hospital scenes that we've seen. I actually think this is going to be shorter than we expect (kinda similar to bachelor party and the medal ceremony). I think people who said it's Bobby waking up in the promo and trying to remove his breathing tube were correct. Everything we've seen from the hospital has those four in the same outfits. There is a no second day there. I think he wakes up sometime that afternoon. Pretty sure Bobby waking up super early is one of the many twists we're getting and is meant to throw us off about what is really happening this episode.
Which means I think the Buck and Tommy date? It happens after the hospital when Buck gets home. I was initially thrown by Buck looking so happy but if Bobby had just woken up? He'd be happy. Similar to how we see Hen, Chimney and Maddie looking really happy in other stills from this episode that clearly happen after the hospital. So I actually don't think we're going to see Buck leaving this date early.
In other good signs for Buck & Tommy moving into season 8:
The official instagram posted 4 stills from this episode not that long ago. Of the four, one of them was Buck and Tommy. It was also the first one so it shows up first for everyone. That most definitely was not accidental and is another shift showing they're using BuckTommy to promote the show.
The Reel of the BuckTommy hospital kiss is about to hit 1.5 million. It was at 1496k when I checked it. It's currently the 5th most viewed reel out of the 147 on the account.
This isn't BuckTommy related but I'm very intrigued that the Kim/Eddie boat BTS reel has hit 10 million. Which is a crazy outlier for this show when it comes to reels. I think it's because they invented a new technique to make it look like they were sailing on the water and it's cool to see the technical side of things so it likely got shared by a lot of people in the field. Very cool thing to see.
That's it for now. I'll definitely pop in tomorrow and let you know if there is anything new. Since we got the photos a day or so early, I'm really hoping that means they have something in store for us tomorrow as well.
If you have any questions or just want chat send me messages. I have so many thoughts and feelings that I'd love to talk about.
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year
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Read part 1 here
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Rockstar!San x Fan!Fem reader
Word Count: 2.1K
Tags/warnings: sex drugs & rock n roll life, alcohol, unprotected sex, smoking (joints), dacryphilia, oral sex, fingering, namecalling (whore,slut), squirting, rough sex, Loud sex, overstimulation, breeding kink, cum eating, masturbation (kind of??), split second of a handjob, doggy style, bit of biting, bit of fingersucking cuz San loves it
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @lemonhongjoong @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @glintneon123
You wandered the streets of Paris late at night. You had just landed in the city and taken a cab to Le Marais, where your hotel was located. You checked into your room first, but decided to go out for the night.
Tomorrow was the night of King Ruby's concert in Paris and San had asked you to be there. You couldn't help but wonder if he would remember you or would've moved on immediately. Knowing his lifestyle he might've fucked ten other people in the meantime.
You remembered the way his fingertips grazed your thigh, the way you licked across his chest, the way he pumped you full of his seeds. You couldn't remember everything as you had gotten so drunk on champagne you must've blacked out.
The past two weeks had been awful, you couldn't possibly get him out of your head. You had been so horny but you couldn't statisfy yourself the way he had. Even now you were finally in your beautiful hotel bed, ready to play with yourself again. It wasn't good enough. It wasn't San. You were kind of worried he ruined your sexlife forever.
At the night of the concert you were filled with joy, worry and a raging libido. You didn't have tickets, but you got dolled up anyway, planning on staying near the concert hall to spot your one-time-lover.
Your eyes were smokey and glittery, black dress short and revealing. Daring. You wore high leather boots with high heels on them, making you look even more desirable than ever.
You waited near the venue for a while, trying to find San after the show but no luck. You ordered a cab back to your hotel as it was too far to walk. You paid the driver and got out of the car, noticing a man standing in front of the hotel.
You got closer as you watched him turn around, a huge smirk plastered on his face. He took off his beanie, revealing his bright red hair. You had seen his new coupe online, but he looked even better in real life. "Missed me, star-girl?" He asked as he got close, running his fingers through your hair, his other hand holding a joint.
"How... How did you find me?" You asked as your hands ran over his chest. "You posted a picture on your socials... You know you really should not post that stuff, someone could see it and come up to you to do really bad things to you..."
"Well, maybe you should protect me then, or... did you come to do bad things to me?" You teased. "After I've smoked this big boy, I plan on ravishing you, my pretty Ruby," San smirked, taking another puff of his joint.
"So you remembered?" You asked. "How could I forget?" San answered, hand grazing your hip slightly, feeling the fabric of your dress on his skin. "You kinda ruined my lipstick with writing on the mirror," you grinned. "I bought you new ones," San said as he grabbed a little bag from the pocket of his jacket.
He handed it over to you, making you curious to see if he got the right one. To your surprise there was the exact same one in there, but also two similar ones. "Three?" You asked, raising your eyebrow. "Well I found the one you used but I thought the others might look nice on those lovely lips of yours. But don't use it tonight, it'd get so ruined. Or maybe... Put it on so I can see how messy you get."
A blush striked your cheeks as you remembered the mess on your face in Amsterdam, two weeks ago. You were certain you'd have black tears running down your cheeks tonight and it made you wet in anticipation.
You took a little handmirror from your purse and put the darkred lipstick on. "How does it look?" You asked. San smiled, admiring your face as he gently cupped your cheek. "Like a perfect doll, my Ruby."
"This one doesn't really smudge though," you said, looking at the packaging. "It will if I'm rough enough." Your heart and pussy seemed to flutter at the same time. San finally finished his joint and threw it away. "Let's go inside then, shall we?"
You entered your hotelroom, still feeling the handprint of the bandmember on your ass. He couldn't get his hands off you all the time you were trying to get to your room. San pushed you down on the bed, landing on top of you himself.
San's hand slid under your dress, pushing your panties to the side and slipping his fingertips through your wet folds. His lips attacked your neck as he toyed with your clit, making you arch your back.
"O-oppa~" you moaned out, sounds muffled by San's tongue entering your mouth. The kiss was wet, messy and sloppy, lipstick smearing everywhere. He grunted as he looked at you. "My pretty little doll, for me to ruin."
San slipped off your panties as you lifted your dress over your head, dropping it to the floor. His mouth grazed over your breasts, tongue circling your nipples. "Fuck, San, I've missed your mouth so much," you whined softly.
"Yeah, babydoll? Missed me?" "Yeah... Nothing and no one makes me feel as good as you." San smirked as his fingers slid through your folds again, spreading your wetness. "Please," you begged him.
''Okay, sweetie, it's okay, I'll make you cum so many times you'll forget your name,'' he grunted as his clothed crotch rutted against your thigh, trying to get some friction. San pushed two of his thick fingers into your throbbing cunt. You cried out his name when he pumped them inside you, curling them slightly to find your g-spot.
''My precious Ruby, you're so gorgeous like this, my little whore,'' he smirked, fucking his fingers into your sopping cunt, ''So ready, everytime.'' ''So fucking ready for you, always, for you,'' you whined as he repeatedly hit your g-spot.
''Fuck, yes!'' You moaned out, body squirming beneath him. ''Feeling good, babygirl? You love my fingers in your cunt, don't you?'' "Oh god I love your fingers so much, San!"
Your moans grew louder gradually until you could barely breathe, the stimulation of San's fingers becoming too much, causing an mind-shattering orgasm. Your loud pants must've been heard throughout the entire hotel as you squirted on his hand. San only worked harder, overstimulating your precious, sensitive cunt.
"Please, San, i-it's too much, Please!" You begged and begged as you felt sweat collect on your forehead and the valley between your breasts, where you felt his hot tongue on your skin.
San didn't listen for a single second as he continued to pump his thick fingers into your cunt, his thumb still playing with your clit, making your body shake.
It didn't take long before you felt the familiar tightness in your abdomen again and yet again you came hard, juices flowing out of you. "Good gracious baby you're so fucking slutty for me, look at that, coming all over my fucking hand? My slut...," he grunted as he finally rode out your orgasms.
Tears formed in your eyes as your hips moved against his hand. "Oh? I thought you were begging me to stop, princess," he smirked, rubbing your clit between his index-finger and thumb.
"I-I- Yes, please," you whined. "Hmm, your body is moving on it's own baby, it's definitely disagreeing with your words." "C-cock, g-give me...your cock," you breathed out as he licked your nipples.
Three of his fingers found their way back into your cunt, the squelching noise making his length hard as a rock. "S-San, San, San!"
Tears flowed from your eyes as his fingers pumped inside you. Your back arched and your legs trembled as he pleasured your sensitive pussy. "San, please, it's too much!" You cried. Your arousal gushed out of you as you squirted again, your orgasm making you moan louder than ever.
He really stopped this time, wiping your tears away from your face. "Such a messy baby," he cooed. "Open up," The rockstar said as he undressed and positioned himself above you. Your mouth opened and San slid his big cock in.
San fucked your throat and enjoyed all the gagging sounds coming from your throat. His balls were in your face but it couldn't even bother you, because it was San. It was San. He used you like a fucktoy and you didn't want it any other way.
You had trouble breathing through your nose but you didn't want it to end, loving the way San was moaning and grunting because of you.
"Yes, baby, my beautiful fucking Ruby," he grunted as he pulled his cock out, hovering his balls over your mouth now. You sucked and licked at them as San jerked his cock off.
Soon enough San's dick was pulsating, twitching as he came loudly, squirting his sperm all over your tits and stomach. He panted out and got off you, admiring your cum-stained body.
San was dragging his tongue all over your torso, licking every drop of sweat and cum off your body. He kissed you passionately and you tasted the salty mixture on his tongue. You moaned into his mouth as he groped your breasts, fingers playing with your sensitive nipples.
You broke off the kiss and panted, "Please fuck me now, I cannot wait any longer." Your hand reached for his cock, pumping it slowly so he'd be fully hard again for you.
"Yeah baby, I'm gonna fuck you so hard, so full," he groaned. He flipped you over and you propped yourself up on your knees and elbows, ass up in the air. San smirked as he watched you prepare yourself for him. He reached in the pocket of his jeans, pulling out another joint and a lighter.
He positioned himself behind you as he lighted up his joint. The male pushed his dick into your awaiting hole, filling it all the way, balls deep. You let out a long moan as you felt your body heaten up.
The strokes of San's hips were long and slow, making you yearn for it more and more. "Please, harder, harder," you whined. San smirked as he smoked his joint, the smoke clouding his brain. His hips moved faster and harder, pounding his cock into you.
You whined as he repeatedly hit your g-spot. The way his cock twitched inside you every now and then made your eyes roll back. You feel your elbows get weaker as San's thrusts get more aggressive. His body leans over yours and the smoke of the joint intrudes your nostrils. You take the joint from between his fingers and take a few puffs yourself.
San smirked as he bit the sensitive skin in your neck as he held you in his embrace. You moaned loudly as you felt him pound you in a way you never felt before.
"Yes! God, yes," you moaned as you passed the joint back to the male. He finished smoking it as he kept pounding you. You felt yourself getting closer and closer to another orgasm, your breath picking up. "Yes! Gonna cum!" You cried out as his hands groped your ass. "Good girl, cum on my cock, fucking clench on it, beautiful Ruby," he moaned.
You moaned loudly and came hard, you swore you nearly saw stars - How ironic. San kept pistoning his cock in and out of you at an inhumane speed, chasing his own orgasm. You were crying out his name over and over, feeling so sensitive after your orgasm.
"Gonna fill you up baby, you're gonna take it, right? My precious Ruby's gonna take my fucking cum, fucking all of it," he moaned, speech somewhat slurred. "Yes! Pump me full San, breed me, put it all in me!"
"That's right baby, take it, yeah, fucking take it," he grunted as his thrusts got sloppier, which told you he was about to cum. You felt two of his fingers in your mouth and you sucked on them as he came hard, deep inside you, letting out an animalistic groan.
He pulled out of you, admiring your cunt stuffed with his cum. He laid next to you and panted. The two of you looked at each other but didn't have to say a thing. Right when you wanted to say something you noticed him drift off to sleep. You grinned and grabbed your polaroid camera, taking a few pictures for him to take on tour, so he could admire the mess you were when he was away.
Just in case you wouldn't see him again.
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hongcherry · 11 months
webisode: two || j.jk
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Jungkook speaks to you for the first time, and the outcome shocks him.
📸 Pairing: spiderman!Jungkook x girlfriend!Reader(afab)
📸 Rating/Genres/AUs: PG-15; fluff, strangers to lovers, SBaFL au, Marvel au
📸 Warnings: Bullying
📸 Word Count: 1k
📸 Timeline: Before Tangled Thoughts, Jungkook is not Spidey yet c:
📸 Author’s Note: This has been a long time coming! I'll try to work on more high school-related fics of this couple since a lot of you guys have been asking for them thru my SBaFL survey. I greatly appreciate all the great feedback I've gotten, whether through the form or on here directly! 💖
SBaFL masterpost | bts masterlist | main masterlist
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“Jeon! You’re late!”
Jungkook scrambles to grab the camera bag from its cabinet. There’s a thin layer of sweat on his body from having run from the library.
“I-I’m sorry, Mr. Jay! I got caught up with ho—”
“I don’t want excuses, Jeon. I want pictures!” he exasperates while pointing to the door. “The play starts in seven minutes. You better haul it before they shut the doors.”
“Y-yes sir,” Jungkook exclaims before rushing out of the room.
Jungkook sprints through the halls, dodging students left and right. He wouldn’t consider himself completely non-athletic. He’s not as clumsy as he looks, and he can run a decent length without getting tired. However, he’s still grouped with the “weaker” students. He blames his narrow frame. 
Jungkook’s a few feet away from the auditorium doors when he suddenly trips over something. His body slides across the tiles, and there’s a small crack as his face collides with the ground. His vision is paired with an annoying new line now that his glasses lenses are cracked.
There’s laughter behind him as he staggers back up. He doesn’t need to look back to know his fall wasn’t accidental.
“Awh, even he’s falling for you, Flash,” one of the students chuckles.
Jungkook glares at them. He wants to scold them, but the play is about to start.
“Are you speechless over my looks too, Jungpoop?” Flash smirks.
Jungkook rolls his eyes as he turns to rush toward the now-closing doors. He doesn’t have time for a pointless argument.
“Wait! Please!” he calls out.
The doors keep closing.
Jungkook pumps his legs faster and shoves his foot in the small gap. He curses mentally as the door crushes his foot. Pain shoots up his leg and instincts make him want to cradle it. Though, he pushes past those feelings and shimmies his way in.
“Excuse me, thank you,” he mumbles hurriedly even though the student worker doesn’t help him or say anything. They simply stare at him blankly—bored and unbothered.
Must be working for extra credit or something.
Jungkook takes a seat in the back while he pulls out the camera. He messes with the settings for a bit before taking a test shot. However, he fails to remember the flash is on due to the dark setting.
Heads turn to glare at him at the sudden burst of light.
“Sorry! Sorry!” he whispers loudly and quickly turns the flash off.
“Dammit,” he huffs to himself as he readjusts his settings.
The house lights dim and music begins to play over the speakers.
Looks like he made it just in time.
He puts his student worker lanyard and the camera’s strap around his neck. Time to get to work.
He carefully descends the aisle, getting closer to the stage.
“Stop right there!”
Jungkook halts in his movements, glancing around to see who said that. Then he realizes it was someone from the play.
Jungkook’s gaze drifts to the stage and his heart stops.
It’s you.
You’re the lead?
Jungkook watches you perform, amazed by your talent. You’re embodying your character well.
He had no idea you were going to be on stage.
He mainly knows you from class, but he’s also seen you in the halls occasionally. Your bright personality caught his attention, along with others. You’re not the most popular, but you’re definitely not a shadow either.
He’s never talked to you and doubts you even know who he is.
Jungkook has always thought you were pretty. Though, not only that, you were also top of the class. Brains and beauty.
And now, you’re a great actress? He wonders what you can’t do.
Once Jungkook finally snaps out of his surprise, he begins capturing photos. He moves to and fro of the stage, getting different angles. He finds a spot that provides a good view and makes a home there. He watches the play with rapt attention, taking a few pictures during interesting scenes.
Before he knows it, the play is over and everyone is taking a bow.
The house lights turn on and people start filing out of the auditorium.
Jungkook grabs his belongings and then follows the stream of others. He spots you in the corner surrounded by a handful of people.
People you seem unfamiliar with come and praise you, and as always, you give them your dashing smile.
Jungkook adjusts his camera settings and after a deep breath, makes his way toward you.
“Excuse me, Yn,” Jungkook hesitantly calls out.
You turn from your group of supporters. Your eyes shine so brightly that Jungkook feels his breath get stuck in his throat.
“Yes?” you respond politely.
Jungkook blinks rapidly. “I-I’m with the school’s newspaper. Can I get a p-photo of you?”
You smile and nod, then point to the flowers in your hands. “Should I give these to someone?”
Jungkook shakes his head quickly. “No, it’s okay. You look pretty with them.”
You raise an eyebrow at his comment, and it’s then Jungkook registers what he has said.
“I-I mean they look pretty! They’re nice flowers,” he corrects hurriedly.
You giggle. “They are.”
Jungkook nods but doesn’t say anything.
“Where should I stand?” you ask after a few awkward silent seconds.
“Oh! Over here is fine,” Jungkook points to a blank wall.
You move to stand in front of the wall and hold up the flowers. Tilting your head, you smile at Jungkook.
Jungkook’s heart is beating quickly as he snaps a few pictures. He just hoped his hands were stable enough; Mr. Jay will be more mad at him if his pictures turn out to be crap.
“Thank you,” Jungkook says.
You start walking slowly backward toward your friends and family.
“Anytime… Jungkook, right?” you question.
Jungkook nearly drops the camera at his name from your mouth. You know his name?”
“Y-yeah. You k-know me?” he stutters pathetically.
You smile kindly. “Of course. You’re the awesome photographer for our school’s paper,” you gesture to the camera.
“And,” you continue, “you’re in my chemistry class. You always get the questions correct.”
Jungkook’s too stunned to say anything. He didn’t expect you to remember his name. After all, he’s never really spoken to you, let alone told you his name directly.
“I hope you liked the show. I’ll see you Monday,” you say with a wave, then turn away.
Jungkook’s delayed wave goes unnoticed, but he’s too amazed you know his name to care.
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A/N: Has anyone seen/played the new Spidey game? It's so amazing!!! I loved it so much! I'm also a big Venom fan 🤭
©️hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Send Off (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You, Bob and the rest of the squad get ready to send your kids off to school and let the shenanigans ensue
"Okay Daddy I'm ready now!" Auggie chirped as he stepped out of the bathroom.
Bob sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Auggie, though he had tried, couldn't quite match his own clothes yet. "C'mere bud," Bob told him.
He went into Auggie's room and dug around in the dresser for a hot minute, pulling out a little white t-shirt and a blue checked flannel to go with Auggie's jeans. "Put this on," Bob told his little mini-me.
"But we're gonna miss the bus!" Auggie chirped again.
"Buddy we've still got plenty of time," Bob assured him.
"What's he buggin about missing the bus?" you asked, poking your head in the door.
"Just a little," Bob answered. "And might I ask why you're up Mrs. Floyd?"
"Bob, I've been taking it easy for three weeks now," you told him, the dishtowel in your hand coming to rest on your ever growing bump. "The only thing that your sister's allowing me to do is eat, sleep, read, watch t.v or use the can."
"Hey, Reagan's been doing this for the last nine years," Bob reminded you with a grin. "Trust me, you don't wanna brush off her advice."
You laughed a little, neither of you having noticed that Auggie had disappeared and come back a minute later. "Daddy I can't brush my teeth."
"Why not buddy?"
"Patrick's parked on the shitter!"
You and Bob both burst out laughing at Auggie's response, but at least three-year-old Patrick had finally gotten the hang of using the bathroom on his own.
You got Auggie's toothbrush and the charcoal and mint toothpaste out of the bathroom and had him scrub his teeth in the kitchen sink before Patrick was done, having just washed his hands. As soon as Auggie's backpack had been packed up, he followed Bob out of the house to wait for the bus.
It wasn't long before the rest of the squad had begun making their way down. Maverick was the first to drop by with Danny and Thomas while Rooster was close behind him with Nicky and Pete.
"You guys get outta the house ok?" Bob asked.
"Never better," Maverick yawned. "These two little demons though, woke Penny and I up at six-thirty while Amelia was doing her makeup in the bathroom."
Bob snickered a little, more so when he noticed Rooster in his black basketball shorts and a mismatched shirt. "You didn't sleep did you?" Bob chuckled.
"I couldn't even a coffee before we left," Rooster groaned. "These two are like bottomless pits......they just wolfed down their cornflakes and called it a day."
Coyote came striding up just a minute later with Paloma and Carla giggling like crazy but the exasperated look on his face saying it all.
"Hair......" he interjected before anyone could say anything. "That's all you've gotta know."
Bob looked over at his giggling nieces whose thick hair had been put into tight cornrows with white and turquoise beads at the end. "How'd you do it?" Bob asked him.
"I don't have a clue," Coyote said, throwing his hands up. "Those two cannot sit for two seconds to save their lives and my mom and my wife are the only ones who can do their hair. But somehow, Daddy did it!!!"
Payback crossed the street with Geneva and Neveah some time later while Mickey trailed along with Isabella in her new dress with a bright sunflower pattern. Hangman came around the back of his house with the twins while Phoenix was the last to arrive with Gabe in tow.
"Holy shit," Hangman groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. "Is it the first day of school already?"
"Unfortunately," Rooster answered.
"God help us all," Natasha said, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Couldn't get the coffee in on time?" Jake asked her.
"This little knucklehead woke up and tried to bring the dog to school with him," Natasha answered. "First time I ever saw Cole jump outta bed in his shorts."
Everyone had a good laugh on the morning shenanigans while everyone had begun taking pictures of the older kids all lined up with their backpacks as they waited for the bus. It felt like forever but finally, the little yellow bus that had the name of their school stenciled on the side, pulled up and let the kids on. All of them waved goodbye to their parents, ready for the first day of school as the bus pulled away down the street.
"Are you crying?" Bob asked Jake.
"No," Jake insisted. "I've got allergies, that's all."
Bob rolled his eyes as everyone dispersed and went back to the house. His father's truck pulled into the driveway to bring Patrick down to the nursery school, where Auggie had gone, leaving you and Bob with the whole day ahead to get the nursery decorated for your daughter.
"What?" you asked when you heard Bob chuckle a little.
"Hangman was crying at the bus stop when Missy and Molly got on the bus," he answered.
"Did he really?"
"Oh yeah," Bob laughed. "Tole me it was allergies."
You both had a good laugh on the matter as you began putting the nursery together and attempting to paint it the way Patrick's nursery school had done. You looked over at your phone, noting the time, but hoping all the same that Auggie and your nieces and nephews were having the time of their lives on their first day of kindergarten.
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foolforharrry · 1 year
H. S.
Word Count: 1.5k words
Summary: Fluff and Harry personalizing his new robe
Basically. I miss Harry and Amber. If you haven't read it, they're the characters from my oneshot called Off The Deep End. And I felt like using them for this. I got the idea from the photos of Harry we got where he was wearing the robe with the H.S on.
I am very weak for Harry in a robe.
This isn't carefully written at all but I hope you still like it!
if you wanna read more of my work, I have it all linked on my masterlist.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and if you have any requests please feel free to give them to me and I will do my absolute best to do it.
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Descending the staircase and rounding the corner that leads into the cluttered living room, I'm met with the sight of Harry sitting hunched down on the floor with his back to me. Humming a song I can't recognise to himself with his head bopping along to it.
He'd already left the house when I woke up today, a note stuck to his pillow informing me that he went out for a run and would be back by lunchtime. That was just before 9 am.
Pulling my phone out, I turn it on. 12:17 pm. Maybe I spent a bit longer laying in bed before I headed to the shower than I thought I did.
The room smells faintly of the mixture of his fruity body wash and expensive shampoo I've gotten so familiar with and it makes me feel at ease the second I register it.
Before stuffing my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants, I snap a quick picture of Harry like this. His brown hair looks damp, curling at the back of his neck. The warm lights from the ceiling reflect the muscles in his bare back and shoulders. Highlighting the way they twitch every time he slightly moves his arms.
Padding across the wooden floor and onto the soft carpet, I stand behind him so close my knees nearly brush against the back of his shoulders.
With a slight smile on my face, I twirl a lock of his hair around my pointer finger, "Hi, baby."
Harry tilts his head back and the grin that instantly replaces the concentrated pout on his face when his eyes meet mine damn near takes my breath away.
"Hi sleepyhead. Gimme a kiss." He takes out his AirPods, leaving them on the floor as he pouts out his lips for a kiss.
My stomach is tight with butterflies as I take a small step backwards, giving myself enough room to sit down on my knees behind him and press my lips against his, giggling when he cups the back of my head to keep it in place and pecks my chin. Then my cheek before he smears a final kiss to my lips, a bright smile on his face when he lets me go. "Just so pretty darling."
"Stop it." Blushing profusely at his compliment, I wrap my arms around him. Hands folded against his stomach as I prop my chin on his shoulder. "Why didn't you shower in our bathroom?" I change the topic before he gets the chance to protest.
Harry places his warm hands on top of mine and I can feel the heat radiating from his skin through the thin material of my t-shirt as he deadpans; "They're all our bathrooms, Ambs."
I bite the inside of my cheek to keep in the laugh that would only encourage him further. However, when he opens his mouth, I wish I hadn't. "Could hear you having a karaoke session when I got home and didn't wanna interrupt your fun."
Hiding my burning cheeks in his neck, I groan. "No, I didn't."
"It was really quite wonderful," Harry tries to assure me through his snickering even though we both know he's full of shit. I only shake my head and press my nose further into his skin. "If I ever get sick, you can just fill in for me on stage."
"That would be a bad idea," I tell him, dragging my head out of his neck. For oxygen, but also so my words would be intelligible. "How come?"
"By the time they left, all your fans would love me more than they love you."
Harry hums as if he's in deep thought, his thumb mindlessly running over my knuckles. "That would be bad for business," he muses.
"What are you doing, anyway?" I ask, at last taking in the mess in front of us.
There's a pair of scissors and the packaging to what looks to be about 10 different coloured threads scattered on the carpet, a set of graphite pencils and a pack of needles. His bag is by the foot of the coffee table. I also recognise the beige robe I got him for his birthday in his lap.
The purple bathrobe he loved so dearly was starting to tear at the seams after years of avid use. He had been sad to part ways with it, but he eventually recognised that it was time to switch it out with a robe that doesn't have a split in the seam that goes all the way from the bottom to his hips.
Taking the shoulders of his new robe between his fingers, his shoulders shifting against my chest when Harry lifts it off his lap to proudly show off his work. "Art, honey. I'm doing art."
I wouldn't be able to keep the admiration out of my mouth if I wanted to when I take in the red tread that's stitched through the beige material of his robe. A tall H with a nearly finished S next to it. The S is slightly longer than the H and the difference in size has my smile growing tenfold as I take in his handy work.
"It's amazing, baby," I praise him, planting a kiss on his shoulder. "Now you have a backup plan for when I steal your career."
Harry laughs, his shoulders shaking with it. "Is that right? Give up singing and become a seamstress?" he questions as he picks up where he left off, pushing the tiny needle with the red thread tied to the back through the fabric.
"Mhm," I hum, detangling myself and getting off my now sore knees despite Harry's whiny protest. "You could start an Etsy shop and sell personalised clothes and stuff. Would be a huge hit, I'm sure."
My body bounces from how I practically throw myself onto the couch before I rearrange myself so I'm laid on my stomach, my head propped on a throw pillow and my arms around it.
"Especially because you would promote it, right?" Harry raises one eyebrow while keeping his eyes trained on the task in his lap. "You know, since you'll have stolen all of my fans. I think you'd owe me at least that."
"If you do all your work like this, you bet your little ass I would," I gesture to where he's sat on the floor of our living room in only his grey sweatpants. The muscles in his torso look delicious as ever with his sun-kissed skin. His soft hair falls messily across his forehead, free of gel and hair clips.
The left corner of his mouth quirks into a crooked smile as he tilts his head at me. "You're only with me for my body aren't you?" he teases without missing a beat.
"That and your pancakes. Sorry to break it to you, babe." I end my sentence with an exasperated sigh.
"I guess it's better to know now." Faking a sniffle, Harry pauses his work to wipe a non-existent tear with a smile threatening to break out on his face. "Before we're married, you know."
"Since when are we getting married?" I ask in a higher pitch than usual. Sitting up straight, my cheeks burn as he acts like he didn't just mention marriage as casually as one would talk about apples. When he pretends like he didn't hear my question, I take the pillow I was just using and chuck it at him, watching the way it bounces from his shoulder and to the side. Out of sight.
"Don't act like you're shocked I'm planning on putting a ring on that pretty finger of yours, Amber," Harry says matter-of-factly as he seals his masterpiece with a knot before chopping off the excess thread with green scissors. "Gonna have to make you one of these with AS."
Getting up on his feet, Harry shrugs the robe on, tying the string around his waist. The HS is on the left side of his chest and I can't lie and say I don't love it.
"Cat got your tongue?" Harry closes the distance between us in two steps, towering over me so I have to crane my neck to see his face. His handsome, smug face.
Swallowing hard, I say comment on the less heavy thing he said, "I want it on my ass, then."
"Whatever you want, my love."
Harry tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, a soft smile on his face when he brushes the pad of his thumb across my cheekbone so softly I almost can't feel it. "You're so pretty," he says in a whisper so quiet I almost can't feel it.
"It looks pretty," I thumb over the embroidered letters, my cheeks burning crimson from the compliment. Only Harry can have me blushing like a schoolgirl over a compliment.
Bashful, Harry thanks me and gently takes my wrist in his hand before he places a soft kiss on each of my knuckles.
His lips linger on my ringer finger for a few seconds longer than the rest.
I missed Harry and Amber and just wanted to write fluff but I still hope you liked it.
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hockybish · 1 month
An Ice Cream Date with a Group
aka the first time Jack asked Ava out
l nightingale au l jack x ava l masterlist l
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May 2023
"And they have the best ice cream, you should really check it out if you like ice cream." Jack rambled getting extremely nervous at that moment.
He was going back to Michigan in a few days so this was going to be his last appointment with Ava hopefully for forever. But he really liked her and wanted to get to know her more.
So he was going to shoot his shot.
"Do they have zanzibar chocolate? Like the good stuff, not the kind with marshmallows?" Ava's laughed tugged at his heart strings, making the nervous pit in his stomach do a little spin.
"The best you've ever had" He had no idea if the ice cream shop had what she wanted, but he would fib about it until she said yes and he will find out later.
"Thanks for the recommendation Jack, I'll have to check it out sometime." The physical therapist wrote up more notes to send off to Michigan with her patient.
"Or, if you'd like, we could go try it out sometime, maybe tonight?" Jack let out the breath he didn't realize was stuck.
"Oh Jack-"
The smile that once adorned Ava's face had fallen and she looked almost scared and nervous. Her eyes bounced around the room until they landed on the picture on the cabinet. She wasn't expecting that.
"Please hear me out Ava. In about ten minutes I won't be your patient anymore so it wouldn't be weird. I've gotten to know you a little bit the past week and I need to know you more. And I've just got this feeling like we could be something, something good." He reached out for her hand with the hand on his non injured arm, but she pulled it away.
"Jack, I can't. I have a boyfriend. I'm sorry" Jack's face fell and he felt so stupid taking a chance. Ava couldn't help but apologize. She felt bad, she liked Jack but she was taken.
"We can still be friends! I wanna be friends, you seem cool." Ava quickly scribbled down her number on piece of paper for Jack.
She hoped he would message her in ten minutes. Maybe they could set something as like a group before they all left, that way her boyfriend wouldn't get too jealous, hopefully.
Jack did. He got Luke, Svea and a couple others to gather at the little ice cream shop in JC, just so he could hang out with the girl he had major feelings for.
"Are we like here to supervise them or something?" Luke asked Svea, pointing his mint ice cream at Jack and Ava. They were off from the main group in a little booth laughing at something Jack had said.
"Awe they're in love though. Just look at them Luke's. Sitting side by side, close enough for her to lay her head on his shoulder, or for him to give her a kiss." Svea thought about the Captain, her last real boyfriend while Luke couldn't get that cute photographer out of his mind.
"So is it as good as you hoped it would?" Jack took a lick of his ice cream cone. The tip of his nose hit cold creamy treat and he got a bit on his nose.[
Ava shook her head yes while laughing at Jack's silliness. "You've got a little something." She laughed a little too hard letting out a little snort. She quickly cover her mouth and look at Jack horrified.
It was too late Jack had already heard the sound and couldn't contain his own laughter. Jack loved it, It was adorable, she was adorable. Why did she have to be taken. He really just want kiss her and call her his. Maybe even take him home to Michigan with him.
"Earth to Jack, what cha thinkin bout?" Jack was staring off into space so Ava waved her hand in front of his face to gain back his attention.
"I want to take you to Michigan, you'd love it, me and my brother's house is right on water and we spend the majority of our time on the water and playing pool." He explained.
Ava bit her lip nervously, she couldn't do that with him. Joe wouldn't be too happy about it and she didn't want to get yelled at for wanting to have fun with her new friends. "Maybe."
He'd take a maybe.
"I'm really glad you said yes. I- " Ava and Jack locked eyes. The tension was thick, Jack started to lean in, and would have gone all the way had he not been interrupted.
"Hey love birds" Luke and Svea slid into the opposite side of the booth.
"Oh we're not" Jack shook his head. Maybe one day when she didn't have a ..
"I have a boyfriend" Ava added. Luke gave Jack an apologetic look, he didn't mean to imply something that wasn't happening, Jack shrugged.
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ts1mp0ne · 2 years
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dad!Kylian Mbappé x wife!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Kylian and y/n are taking a break from their marriage but that doesn’t stop them from going on trips together with their 3 daughters
𝑪𝑾: Fluff, kinda angst
author note: so hey, yes this was something that was requested by an anonymous person, i deleted the ask accidentally tho, luckily I had the whole request in my head so yea, thanks the person for requesting🥰, sorry for accidentally deleting your ask I'm so clumsy istg😭 but anyways let's start
Kelila Mbappé - 13yo
Kaori Mbappé - 11yo
Kalina Mbappé - 7yo
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So, you and Kylian had gotten into a bad fight, causing you to not separate but get a break from the relationship, this was exactly 6 months ago, you had totally forgotten the fact that you had planned a trip together, this is where you currently were, waiting in the airport for him
Your two youngest daughters were matching outfits while your eldest wanted to match with you, she always was the closest to you
Out of all of her sisters she is probably the only one who probably understood what was going on between her parents although she never asked
She would sometimes look at news on the internet that would say that her parents were filling for divorce but she knew better than to trust the tabloids, deep down she knew her parents still loved each other they just needed time to realise that
"Maman, où est papa? (mom, where is dad?)" Kalina asked, she was already tired, we had to make up kinda early because we wanted to get to our destination asap
"I don't know baby l'll try to call him" I said and immediately started dialling his number in which he answered very quickly
“Kyky where are you the girls and I are ready to leave" | said to him in which he replied *I'm already in the parking lot, sorry I had forgotten something at home"
"Alright just be fast we're already in front of the jet waiting for you" | didn't wait for his reply and just hung up the phone and sighed, my eldest daughter looked at me and asked if everything was okay in which I replied that it was
After sometime Kylian finally arrived, he hugged the girls and gave them kisses, then he carried Kalina and came over to me
*Hey, sorry I was late I just had to make a quick sto-" he started but was quickly interrupted by me
"it's okay you don't need to explain yourself also you weren't that late so it's okay really, how have you been?'
At that point we were already entering the jet *I've been better but l'm good" he replied back
"That's good, I've been good too"
After that we sat in an awkward silence until Kelila decided to break it
"Mom, dad, let's take a picture" she said and moved in the middle ready to take a selfie, she really wanted her parents to become close again, because her dad moved away and staying at his mom's place
His clothes were still in their house tho, which means that there is still a chance of them getting back, that's what she thought
Skip to when they arrived
So they had arrived and immediately went to the house they had rented to spend the holidays, it had 5 bedrooms, in which 2 of them were master bedrooms
Your oldest daughter stayed with one of the master bedrooms, you and Kyky were supposed to stay in the same bedroom but now you weren't really sure if you wanted to share one
You can stay in the master bedroom, I have to stay near Kalina anyway so l'lI just stay in the bedroom near hers” I said while looking at Kylian
"No it's okay I can take cara of Kalina you can stay in the master" he said back in a tone of sadness, Kylian really wanted to talk to you about their relationship but he was just waiting for her to bring it up, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable
After some time he decided to take the master bedroom just to make you happy
You decided to go and rest for a while, your two youngest were also asleep meanwhile Kylian was with Kelila in the opened living room
"Papa" Kelila said to her father as he looked up at her " miss you and mom together, I know you're not divorced but what if it becomes too much for you both and you decide to separate, I know you both don't usually talk about your problems with me but I know you're both hurting and so am I, I just want you guys to be better"
Kylian looked at his daughter and pulled her closer to him as she was holding back tears at that point
*Look Kelila, me and your mom we love each others we won't separate but even if we do, nothing will change I will still love her and you guys vous êtes mon monde (you guys are my world), everything I do is for you guys and your mom, we will always be a family, even if me and her are not together he replied while his daughter was cuddling him
"Je t'aime papa" she whispered to him
" Je t'aime aussi chérie" he whispered back and kissed her temple
Kylian was thinking about everything that happened this past few months, about his career, his friends, but most importantly his family
He was thinking on how to get his wife back, he really did miss her and the kids, although he saw the kids most of the time, he still kissed her, being able to hug her and kiss her and wake up next to her
He'd just have to respect her wishes and just wait for her to talk to him
Unbeknown to him, y/n was listening to their conversation and she felt a wave of sadness wash over her
The next day
Y/n was the first to wake up, she prepared breakfast for everyone, then she went to wake up her husband, her goal was to show him that she wanted to be with him still
She went to the master bedroom and knocked
"Kyky, Kyk's, Kylian, wake up" he wasn't a heavy sleeper so after less that 30 seconds he woke up and looked very confused
"Hey? Sorry did I oversleep?are the girls awake yet?" He asked her, they were spending the first day there in the house just relaxing and maybe later take a walk in the beach
"Oh no no just I made breakfast for us and I wanted to wake you up first before we wake up the girls and start officially our day but if you want to sleep you can" she was immediately interrupted by him saying "no I- I it's a great idea yea we can eat together and wake the girls up later" so that's what you two did
At first it was awkward but then you warmed up to each other and continued laughing and talking making up for the lost time
Skip to nighttime
So you guys spent the whole day, you and the girls basically just watching tv, then you went swimming in the pool, then you had dinner and went to bed
You and Kylian slept in different bedrooms, although you had that interaction before, unfortunately for you that was a bad idea because later on it started to rain really badly, and there was thunder too, and let's say you were scared of thunders
You couldn't sleep, you tried again but you just couldn't, minutes passed and still, at that point you were shivering almost in tears, the only person who could calm you down in this situation was
But right now you two were in a complicated situation
But you decided to put your pride aside and go to his room
You left your bedroom and walked to his bedroom, you didn't knock because you were sure he was already in bed, you opened the door and saw his sleeping peacefully, you took a deep breath and walked over to the bed
“Kylian, Kyks" you said shaking him, he hummed and you continued "can I stay with you, I can't sleep because of the thunder" you said in a whisper and he saw you shaking
"It's okay mon amour come here" he said and u went to lay on his chest “it's okay baby l'm here, I'll keep you safe" he said and kissed you temple
"Kyky, im sorry" you said in a whisper it's okay baby we'll talk about it tomorrow now I need you to rest" he said while caressing your cheek, you immediately went to sleep, Kylian smiled a bit and also went back to sleep
Skip to the next day
"Shh don't make noise Kaori they'll wake up' i neard a faint whisper "sorry sorry it's just I'm so happy, papa will finally be with us" | heard a voice that sounded like Kaori
"Girl what are you doing here* I said(Kylian) slowly waking up "sorry papa it's just we woke up and went to mommy's room and she wasn't there so we came here and found you two here, together, sleeping, in the same bed, cuddling" said Kelila with a visible smile in her face "does this mean you are coming home with us papa?" Said Kaori
"Okay don't make noise your mom is still sleeping, and baby I don't know we will see” I said to her, I really don't know I still need to talk to y/n "okay girl you can go and get ready l'lI be down in a bit, where is Kalina?"
"She's still sleeping" answered Kelila "okay I'll wake her up later, now go and prepare yourselves"
"yes papa" they both answered
After some time y/n woke up "hey" she said "hey, how'd you sleep" "very well actually, thank you for letting me stay here" she said and got kinda shy
"no it's okay I mean you're my wife after all im supposed to protect you always" | said and I saw her smiling
“I also wanted to talk to you, I thought about us, I think you should come back home, the girls miss you and I do too, I miss seeing you every day at home after you come home from practice, I miss seeing your games and just being in your presence, this stupid argument we had almost ruined everything we built, I wanted to say l'm sorry and I love you and I never stopped loving you" she said looking down, I was trying to make eye contact with her so I lifted her chin and smiled at her, which made her smile back
" love you y/n, no matter how many times we argue I will always love you, l've loved you since we were kids, I'm sorry for the argument, I also miss seeing your pretty face every day and having you and the girls cheer me up after I lose in games, I miss our home and I miss our girls, please let me move back in, let us put this argument behind us and move forward continue enjoying this trip with our family" i said and smiled at her at the end, she smiled back and pecked my lips, I gave her a proper kiss and stood up
"Ok now let's go get ready" I said walking to the bathroom, finally everything has fallen back into place
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𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙉𝙖𝙤𝙢𝙞, 𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙜𝙖_, 𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙧𝙖𝙛𝙝𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙢𝙞 and 15,827,936 others
tagged: 𝘆/𝗻.𝗺𝗯𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲
𝗸.𝗺𝗯𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲: À toi, pour toujours❤️
(Yours forever)
𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗮𝗳𝗵𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗺𝗶 we can finally go on couple trips again
𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙮/𝙣.𝙢𝙗𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚, 𝙠.𝙢𝙗𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚, 𝙝𝙞𝙗𝙖_𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙠_ and 5, 937 others
𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗺𝗯𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲 I miss you🥺
^ i miss you too🥺
^𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙢𝙗𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚 oh I meant her but I miss you too I guess
^^^𝙮/𝙣.𝙢𝙗𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚 miss you too Eth🥺
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬�� 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝....
(𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑧𝑦)
𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨: Heyy guys so this is something l've been working for 2 days on, I didn't have imagination for this so I hope you liked it, sorry for the spelling mistakes, for the person that requested thank you for requesting, I'll try to do as many requests as I can but please be patient, anyways I hope you enjoyed this one
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mxlktxa · 1 year
ᴛᴀɪɴᴛᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
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ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ!ᴀᴜ, ᴄᴏʟʟᴇɢᴇ!ᴀᴜ
ᴀʙʙʏ ᴀɴᴅᴇʀꜱᴏɴ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ ꜱʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴅᴇᴀʟᴇʀ!ᴇʟʟɪᴇ ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍꜱ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ; ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ*, ᴀʙʙʏ ᴀɴᴅᴇʀꜱᴏɴ (ʜɪɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ/ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ), ᴇʟʟɪᴇ ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍꜱ, ᴊᴇꜱꜱᴇ ɴᴏʟᴀꜱᴛɴᴀᴍᴇ
ᴄᴡ; ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴅʀᴜɢꜱ (ᴡᴇᴇᴅ), ᴅʀᴜɢ ᴜꜱᴀɢᴇ, ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ɢʀᴇᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ, ɢʀᴇᴇᴋ ᴍʏᴛʜᴏʟᴏɢʏ ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀꜱᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ, ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ɪᴍᴘʟɪᴇᴅ ꜱᴛᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ
ᴡᴄ; 1.2ᴋ ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ, 6.0ᴋ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ
ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴍᴇꜱꜱ??
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It had been a few weeks since I had left Abby in that bathroom, alone with her thoughts. Over those few weeks, she harassed me less and met me at my dorm less. At one point, she texted me on my socials to ask if we could meet up at some point. Of course, she never received a response from me. That led to Abby sending people to me to ask about how I've been and if I've gotten her text.
The last person that she had sent my way didn't even want to do what Abby asked her to. Her name was Ellie. I knew about her, of course, she was a drug dealer, but she kept a low profile somehow. She minded her own business, did her own thing, and pretty much just... well, that's all really. We even ended up getting close and she did not give any fucks about my situation.
We met up often, Ellie always bringing around a joint for us to share. Most of the time it just turned into her I suppose 'teaching' me how to smoke. She even tried to get me to do a bong rip, which is fucking terrifying. I eventually got the hang of it-- the joint, I'm not fucking with a bong, not yet-- so Ellie got me to smoke with her almost every time we met up.
"Ellie?" I whined, looking around the room. I felt like how TV static looked, my mind all foggy and not a thought behind my eyes. Except trying to figure out if I could overdose on the drug.
"What's up?" She replied with a low, monotone attitude, turning to me. I was staring at my hands, crying, and more than just a little freaked out, "Are you good?"
"Ellie, am I dying?" I whimpered, crawling to her and curling up in a ball, "Fuck, I don't wanna die! I have a test tomorrow! And I'm so hungry, I want food so bad. What's happening?" I hugged her waist, sniffling and shaking my head.
Ellie snorted before laughing her ass off, rubbing my back. I only cried harder at her cruel response, burying my face in her stomach, "You're not dying. You just greened the fuck out," she reassured me, hands now resting on the back of my head as I started to calm down and just lie there, "That's on me, I forget that you're new to this."
"So I'm not dying?"
"No, dude. You're fine," Ellie lifted my head carefully, winking at me, "You want some Cheetos and frosting?" I looked at Ellie with a confused face. The combination sounded so nasty but so good at the same time.
"Please," with a raspy voice and a small yawn, Ellie left me to lie on her bed while she ran off to get the snacks for me, "Can I have some juice too?"
"I only have fruit punch."
"I'll take it."
I loved being around Ellie. Not only because she was sweet to me, but because she hadn't exposed my actions or state to the entire campus. She had no pictures or videos of me, and she even refused to let me leave her dorm that day. Not until I was back to myself. I would like to go as far as calling her my best friend, but I've only known her for so long.
Anyways, here I sat in the library with Ellie and her friend Jesse, all of us sitting in silence and reading what we had in front of us. Ellie was trapped in a book that had all sorts of facts and information about space, Jesse was tangled up in a cookbook oddly enough, and I had my head shoved into a book about the Greek Goddess, Aphrodite.
"Alright," Ellie huffed, setting down her novel, slouching in her chair, and sinking as well, "We've been all been sitting here reading for what? An hour and a half? Tell me something interesting you guys found."
Jesse chuckled, crossing his arms to lean against the table. I glanced at him ready to hear what he has to say, "I just learned how to bake cinnamon roll sugar cookies," he shrugged, glancing at his book then at me, "What'd you learn, Ellie?"
"You have any idea how many Earths can fit into the sun? And keep in mind that the sun is an average-sized star," Ellie scoffed, pulling her hoodie up over her head, "About one million Earths can fit into the sun."
"Jesus, fuck," I huffed, sitting with a shocked expression. I wasn't a huge space nerd like Ellie, but I could always be easily entertained by the facts that she shares, "You're next, little lady," beneath the table, Ellie nudged my leg with her knee, grinning at the book I was going through.
"Uh, well... Aphrodite came from sea foam. Quick lesson, she's the Greek goddess of love, beauty, procreation, and pleasure. She was the one Goddess that was considered to be one of the most beautiful. Her husband was Hephaestus, who was thrown down a mountain because his mother took one glance at him and was like 'This baby looks wack as fuck'. Uhm, it's rumored or known that she had an affair with Ares."
"Who's Ares?" Jesse asked, closing my book to quiz me. I raised a brow at him, shaking my head.
"Ares is the God of war, not like Kratos from the franchise that's not the same thing. Though he shares that title with Athena, even if she is the goddess of war strategy. Another fun fact is that nobody likes him because he was disturbingly bloodthirsty. The only people who like him are Aphrodite and the Spartans."
Jesse nodded softly as he opened the book back up and shrugged, "Alright. Girl knows her Greek mythology."
"Of course, I do. Athena started this," I leaned back in my chair, pulling my knees up to hug them, "only because she just popped out of Zeus's head and was like 'what's up, fuckers, I'm Athena and that's all you need to know, later'," I giggled. Ellie's jaw dropped and she got all up in my face, confused.
"Seriously? Like she just fucking made an entrance and dipped?"
"Well, she was just a headache that Zeus had which was a gnarly headache by the way, and then she popped out and dipped. Fully clothed and armored," I shrugged. Ellie sat back, nodding at the information she had just received.
"That's fucking cool, honestly," Ellie laughed, "Wait, who's Athena?"
As much as I wanted to answer Ellie's question, I stopped myself and looked around uncomfortably. It felt like somebody was watching me and I needed to see who was watching me and where they were.
"Uhm... She's, uh," I whispered, looking at every person that wasn't Ellie and Dina, "Athena is the goddess of war strategy and she," I ended up making eye contact with a familiar face yet they were too far for me to make out, "Can we leave?" I asked, picking my things up and getting out of my chair.
Ellie looked in the same direction I had been staring at, getting to be defensive and understanding, "Yeah. Let's go back to your dorm or something."
"What's going on? Can somebody fill me in," Jesse searched our faces, getting up regardless.
"I'll tell you when we get to my dorm," we all picked up our things, damn near bolting out of the library.
I don't know who it was but I've got a hunch it's either Abby or one of her crazed exes or friends. I don't know nor do I care. What I do know is that I don't need this bullshit right now.
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ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ!!; @macaroni676 @uraesthete @machetegirl109 @elliesbabagrill
ᴀɴ; ɪᴋ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴘᴛ ɪꜱ ᴘʀᴏʙᴀʙʟʏ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ʙᴏʀɪɴɢ ʙᴜᴛ ɪᴍ ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴘ3 ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛɪɴɢ/ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴛ!!!!! ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴇᴅ ɪᴛ ɪᴍ ꜱᴏʀʀʏʏʏʏʏʏʏ!!!!
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couldntbedamned · 1 year
I see your stars begin to shine
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Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: You and Stephen are having a date night in at the Sanctum. Somehow, during conversation, Stephen reveals he has a tattoo, much to your disbelief. So why not confess you have one as well?
Word Count: 1.9K
AO3 Tags/Warnings: Date Night, Tattoos, Teasing, Fluff, Hoodie Stealing
Author's Note: Just a fun, fluffy little fic where Stephen and the Reader bond over tattoos and plans to get more.
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"You're lying!" you accused with a laugh.
You were with Stephen in what passed for a living room in the Sanctum. You'd both planned on a date but with the pouring rain, decided to have an evening in. You'd ordered Chinese for delivery, played board games, watched a movie, and eaten popcorn. ("Need some more popcorn to go with your butter, Doc?")
Everything was still pretty new and aside from some kissing, light petting, and a particularly frisky necking session in the Sanctum's library you two hadn't gotten overly physical. Not for lack of interest, just, you both had some things to work through.
"I'm not," Stephen insisted, reclining on one of the couches. Cloak was draped over him like a throw blanket.
"There is no way you have a tattoo!" You were sprawled out on the other, content to pull his Columbia hoodie close around you. (He wasn't getting it back and you hoped he could make peace with that. And with the fact that you were keeping the long-sleeved Columbia shirt, too.)
He shrugged. "I do," he said. "I've had it for years - got it right after I graduated med school. It's just covered up most of the time."
That piqued your interest. "Why? Is it near your dick? Is it on your ass? Oh!" You lit up at a sudden thought. "Did you lose a bet? Or were you drunk?"
"No, no, no, and no," he answered, amused at your delight. "It's on my back and I assure you, it was very intentional."
"What is it?"
"You are a lot more interested in my having a tattoo than I thought you'd be." He said in lieu of answering. Knowing Stephen, that could be either because he was embarrassed or because he simply enjoyed riling you up.
"I just can't picture you staying that still for that long while getting pricked hundreds of times," you confessed. "And letting someone else take a needle to you?"
Stephen scoffed. "Are you trying to imply that I'm too impatient and that I have control issues?"
"No, I wasn't trying to imply anything," you teased.
"Honestly, I don't remember much about it; I fell asleep because it was my first day off after six days of sixteen hour shifts," he said. "I woke up, it was done."
You recalled your tattoo experience. There wasn't a snowball's chance in hell you'd have been able to nap through it. "Lucky you! Mine hurt like a bitch and I was awake the entire time."
"I'm assuming it's not on your ass?" Stephen asked. He was fond of your ass, you knew. And it had some padding, so no, a tattoo probably wouldn't hurt so much there.
"No, it's on my rib cage." You ran a hand over it through the hoodie.
He chuckled. "No wonder it hurt!"
You stuck your tongue out at him like the very mature adult you were. "I was nineteen and so sure I'd be able to handle it and then it was just too far in for me to call stop. But I was also very brave about it and the shop manager gave me a lollipop." You relaxed further into the plush couch. "Do you only have the one?"
"For now," he said. "There's another one I want. Something to represent this part of my life." Cloak perked up at hearing that and with a stroke of his hand Stephen settled the relic down.
You had considered the same, wanting to honor your journey into the mystic arts when once you'd had a different calling. The mystic arts were good for collecting broken people and piecing them back together in a new but undoubtedly meaningful fashion. You and Stephen were both far from the first lost souls to visit Kamar-Taj and you certainly wouldn't be the last.
"Do you know what it will be?"
Stephen pulled out the Eye from under his grey T-shirt. He traced along the curved grid. "This."
You grinned. "We should make a date of it." At his curious look, you continued. "I was thinking about getting the Seal of Agamotto, too."
"And where would you get it?" Stephen asked. He wiggled his eyebrows. "Because I have a few ideas."
You felt your face flush. "I was thinking of either my ankle or wrist."
"Oh, that's boring!" he claimed derisively. "So lame!"
"Oh? Where are you putting yours?"
"Right where it usually lays," he said, cheeks a little pink. "That way, I always have it."
"Aww, that's sweet," you said with a smile. "Much sweeter than what I was going to suggest."
"Near my dick?" He asked dryly, shaking off his embarrassment.
You shrugged playfully. "It's just an idea!"
"No one's idea is worth a potential infection that close to my dick, not even yours. And you seem to think a lot about my dick for someone who hasn't even seen it," he teased.
"What about me, hmm? Where would you put it?" You asked, wanting to neither confirm nor deny how much you thought about Stephen's dick. (A lot. The answer was a lot, more than was probably healthy.)
"The tattoo," you clarified hastily when you saw the glittering in his eyes. "Where would you put the tattoo?"
Stephen sat up and leaned back, studying you. "What side is the other one?"
"My right side," you answered. "And again, it hurt like a bitch, so don't suggest I do it on the left side." You weren't a fan of pain.
"No, not the rib cage," Stephen agreed. "But on your left breast, perhaps. I've only gotten some tantalizing peeks at the pair but I think you would look perfect with the seal on your breast." He smirked. "It would be the greatest challenge to keep my eyes respectful, knowing it's there just under your robes."
"Oh." You liked that idea, liked the thought of him doing his best to avert his gaze when all he wanted was to stare at the mark you both would share. It would be like you'd marked each other.
"It would," he agreed, voice low.
You'd said that last bit out loud?
"You did," he confirmed. "Is that something you want, for me to mark you? For you to mark me?"
"I..." Heavens, the idea of it appealed to you. You wouldn't trust anyone else with it, but Stephen? You'd do anything for him. "If you trusted me enough, yes."
"I do," he said. "I know it may not seem like it, given that we haven't found our way into each others' beds, but I do trust you."
"I'm not worried about that. I know we'll get there," you assured him. "I just- I-"
"You don't need to explain yourself to me, Darling. I have a few hang-ups of my own, least of which is these." He held up his scarred hands, which trembled. He didn't hide them, but he rarely showed them off.
"They're beautiful," you say instantly. "You might hate them but I love them. They've saved lives in your past and continue to do so in your present."
"Is that why you're always massaging them?" he asked.
"And why I made that cream for them, to help keep the scars from drawing too tightly." It had been why you'd been so insistent on learning about the gardens at Kamar-Taj in the first place. Mystic herbal remedies were an interest of yours and if you could help Stephen at the same time, even better.
"It helps."
"I'm glad." You opened you mouth then closed it. Should you really say it? It was such a sensitive subject.
"What if you tattooed over them?" You asked. "The scars. Not because they're ugly!" You added quickly. "But because I was studying some of the history of the mystic arts' sacred geometry and how many practitioners of the mystic arts have used tattoos to enhance or channel their magic."
To your relief, he didn't look offended, but intrigued and studied his shaking hands. You hadn't been lying; they were beautiful in your eyes. "I'm guessing the average tattoo parlor wouldn't be able to do such work."
"Nope. But Master Delrai can." At his raised eyebrow you admitted "I might also be considering a few little tattoos on my fingers to help my green thumbs."
"You do realize-"
"That the tattoos themselves aren't a solution, I still have to put in the work and continue mastery of the skills, yes. I'm well aware, Master."
"It's Doctor," he corrected. He didn't miss the way you shifted your legs at his stern tone. "And what sygils are you planning on?"
"Well, Doctor," you said with emphasis on his title - you knew he got a thrill out of it. You listed a few off the top of your head.
"Not a bad start." He offered a few more suggestions, including one that nearly had your eyebrows hitting your hairline.
"Vine control?" The thought had never occurred to you. You'd never considered using your love of plants and herbs as a weapon.
"It could be useful, in the right situation," Stephen said. "Most things we think of as harmless are."
"I could tie you up," you mused, delighted when he smirked. "But knowing you, you'd find a way to turn them against me and tie me up."
"I can neither confirm nor deny if that's the plan," he said.
"So can I see it or not?"
"My tattoo?"
"Yes!" you exclaim. "What else would I be asking about?"
"I don't know, you've been pretty interested in both my ass and my dick this evening."
"Stephen!" you whined. Yes, whined.
"Fine," he eventually capitulated. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."
Rolling your eyes, you hopped up and pulled off the the faded and stupidly-soft Columbia hoodie. Then you teased your shirt up to reveal the tattoo.
His eyes went wide as he took in the ink on your right rib cage, the artful blues and greens bleeding into each other along with some dashes of black in an elaborate watercolor style.
"Butterflies," he breathed, standing up. "They're butterflies."
"I've always loved them," you admit. "When I found the style I liked it was an easy choice."
"It's beautiful," he said, letting a scarred finger trace the butterflies inked in mid-flight.
"Okay, now you." As if you'd forget his deal.
Chuckling, he stepped back and removed his sweater and shirt. Then he turned around and you couldn't stop your gasp.
There, the width of his shoulder blades and inked down to the low of his back was an elaborate black caduceus.
"What do you think?" he asked, looking over his shoulder.
"I think it's incredible," you said. "I think the serpents might just strike out and bite me."
He chuckled and pulled his shirt back on.
You were still pouting when he turned around. "Satisfied?"
"I don't know why you're so reluctant to show it."
He sighed and collapsed heavily back on his couch. "It's a reminder of a life I no longer have."
"You're still a doctor," you insisted, forgoing your previous spot for one next to him. "You're just a different kind of doctor now."
"Oh?" He queried, a brow raised.
"Stephen Strange, Doctor of the Mystic Arts! A doctor of the soul and of our very reality."
He considered that. "I won't lie, I like the sound of that."
"So, Doctor, why don't we plan out our trip to get inked?"
"We'll probably be waiting a while," he reminded you.
"So long as we're together, I don't mind that at all."
Liking the sound of that, he wrapped his arm around you and the two of you (plus Cloak, the insistent thing) settled in to continue enjoying your evening spent in.
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sstormyskyess · 10 months
Holiday Movies
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author's note: hello and happy new year's eve everyone!! i've gotta say that these past three months have been absolutely insane for me, i could have never expected the support i've gotten and i have to give a big thank you to all my mutuals [i swear i was doing backflips when all of y'all followed me, a little baby blog, out of nowhere. fr i was losing it] with all of that out of the way, please enjoy a gaz fic as my final post of the year! i'm looking forward to next year and all the things i have planned 😊
cw: smut, afab!reader [no gendered language], voyeurism, some dirty talk, masturbation
word count: 2300+
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick / GN!Reader
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It was a cold December night and the new year was right around the corner, a few hours away. He would’ve much preferred to be with you, celebrating with your friends and a bottle of champagne, watching some of your favorite movies, and simply relaxing. But, as was common with his job, that wasn’t in the cards. Not this year.
Moonlight beamed into the small, dusty motel room Kyle sat in. It had been a little while since he’d been on a solo mission; he was all alone with nothing other than the occasional check-in from Price or Laswell to keep him company.
Well, except for one thing.
He lets out a shuddering sigh, his hand lazily palming over the bulge in his pants. He scrolled through the various pictures and videos on his phone: pictures of pretty things he had been seeing on this undercover mission thus far, funny videos he was ready to send you when he was able to connect to the internet again, and lots of pictures and videos of the two of you doing a variety of things. 
He had some selfies of him smiling at the camera while you slept soundly beside him, a few videos he took of you when a stray cat had found its way into your lap while you sat on a park bench, and plenty more. But he was on the lookout for one particular video that the two of you recorded together earlier that month.
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“Wait. You want to do what?” You tilt your head, your cheeks rapidly heating up. Your eyebrows were practically up to your hairline at the mere suggestion of what Kyle was planning.
“I want something to take with me when I go on missions. Just a little something to keep me occupied in my downtime.” He had that signature grin on his pretty face, the one that always made it so hard to even register what he was saying.
You blink, a stunned look on your face. The concept of recording a homemade sex tape was something you would have never considered had Kyle not brought it up. You weren't opposed necessarily, but it still had you getting flustered regardless. “I mean… okay. That sounds fun.” You say with a shy smile.
Kyle leans down to kiss you, cupping your jaw and pulling you close. You hum into his lips out of surprise. Apparently Kyle had already gotten himself worked up just from hearing your consent, a fact that had you squirming in his spot and getting excited yourself.
You’re practically tackled down to the couch cushions, your legs making room for Kyle to maneuver between them without breaking the kiss for even a moment. He tilts his head to deepen the kiss, his tongue slipping between your lips and mingling with yours, enjoying the quiet moan you let out at the feeling.
When Kyle pulls away, his eyes are dark and begin to trail down the length of your body. Despite being fully clothed, you feel completely naked under his gaze; it felt like you were being undressed by his eyes. You had to look away, your face flushed from embarrassment.
Kyle chuckles, running his hand up and under the hem of your thin shirt, feeling your warm skin under his fingers and squeezing at your stomach, hips, and chest. He pauses for a moment to grab his phone and smiles at the picture of you on the lock screen before pulling up his camera.
“Get undressed for me, love. Nice and slow.” He mutters and hits the record button. You bite your lip, doing as he said. You grab the hem of your shirt and pull it upwards, slowly revealing your torso and chest, the cool air making your nipples perk up. You wiggle away from Kyle for a moment to pull your baggy sleep shorts and underwear down your legs, having to pull your legs up toward your chest to pull them off in the position you were in. You notice Kyle pointing the camera downwards to get a look of the heat between your legs, making you suddenly feel even more shy.
Kyle takes hold of one of your knees and pulls it away from the other, revealing your core to him. He sighs, running his hand down your thigh and running a thumb up and down your slit, pulling it open and getting a good view of your hole. You shiver, both from the chill and the timid feeling threatening to spill over inside you. It was one thing to be so exposed to just Kyle, but now with a camera involved, it was a whole new experience.
“Fuck, just look at you…” Kyle muses to himself, playing with your wet folds with his thumb, smiling at the sight. “So pretty just for me.” You moan softly when his finger brushes up against your sensitive bundle of nerves, stroking it up and down. His thumb dips inside just slightly while he trails it around the rim. “This is all mine, isn’t it?”
You nod, but that wasn’t enough for him. He tuts down at you, gently pinching your swelling nub between his thumb and forefinger. “I wanna hear you say it, sweetheart."
You whimper at the sting, looking up at him. "I-It's yours… I'm yours, Kyle," You try to keep your voice louder than it usually would to make sure it would pick up on the camera microphone. "A-All yours."
Kyle nods along with your words, humming affirmatively. "All mine," he parrots back.
"Now, be good for me and hold your legs apart, okay?" You nod at his instructions, making Kyle smile happily. You hook your fingers under your knees, pulling them up to your chest to spread yourself open wide. "There we go." He grins wider.
Kyle uses his free hand to cup your chest, twisting one of your nipples between his fingers, then running it back down your stomach to paw at the soft skin there. "You're gorgeous, love." He sighs.
Finally, he reaches down to free his cock from his sweatpants and boxer briefs, tugging at it a few times. It’s stiff and leaking, pre-cum slowly sliding down the underside of his cock from the swollen tip. You look him up and down, watching his cock twitch and jump in his hand.
Kyle watches through the screen of his phone, gliding the tip of his cock through your folds and chuckling breathily at the way you jump when it bumps against your little bundle of nerves.
You suck in a breath when the head of his shaft notches on the rim of your hole, teasing it in and out. "You ready for me, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, I'm ready. I want it, please," You whine, wiggling in place. 
You bite down on your lip when his cock slides inside you slowly. You stare at Kyle holding the phone closer to where your bodies connect, a tiny moan leaving your lips at the sight. The thought of Kyle watching this later made your walls flutter around Kyle’s cock, making him grunt in return. "Fuckin' hell—so fuckin' tight, baby…"
You shiver at the slow but steady intrusion. You look up at Kyle, and in turn the camera, your eyes half-lidded. You swallow thickly and fight the urge to hide your face behind your hands, knowing that he wouldn’t let that slide.
The tip of Kyle’s cock presses right against the back wall of your hole, sending that all too familiar pleasant sting that you had gotten used to over the course of your relationship through your body. You gasp and let out a long moan, your face scrunching up. “Kyle…” You whine, your voice drawn out and high-pitched. He was just so deep. It was making your head spin and Kyle hadn’t even started moving yet.
You open your eyes back up to stare at Kyle pulling his hips back and pushing them forward again slowly, holding them there for a few moments. “Y’feel so good, love. Can’t wait to fill you up good.” He groans. He thrusts again and again at his slow pace, warming you up and stretching you out to make room for his cock.
Your breath catches in your throat when he starts moving a tad bit faster, and pressing in just a bit rougher. “I-I want more, Kyle, please,” you whimper, looking up at him with a newfound need in your gaze. His cock twitches at the sight but he still shakes his head. “I’ve gotta savor this, love, need something nice and long to keep me occupied.” He chuckles when you huff, pouting at his resolve when you were so worked up, so needy in comparison.
Soon, your hole was squelching around him, the lewd sound picking up on the video with just how loud it was. His pace had picked up, and he was holding your hips up for you to wrap your legs around his waist, letting him hit a deeper angle. Your moans were shaky and your eyes had gotten glassy from his cock kissing your cervix with every thrust.
Kyle made sure to get all of you on camera, from head to toe, his brain getting foggy as he watched the beautiful display you were setting for him. He was brought back to reality when you started to speak, or try to at least; you were having trouble getting your words out in a coherent way with him managing to brush up against your sweet spot with every time he pulled out and pushed back in.
You tug on his free arm, looking up at him so sweetly, a look that he could never say no to. “I need it faster, please, please, please—” Your whining is broken off by him sending a few particularly rough thrusts into you, causing you to cry out. You don’t notice him propping his phone up on the coffee table until you feel both of his hands on your hips.
He starts panting and pulling you into his thrusts, the skin of his thighs slapping against the plush of your ass. “Don’t wanna hear you talking, sweetheart—fuck—just wanna hear you scream for me,” he groans lowly. You do exactly what he says, a loud moan echoing around the room. He had pushed your knees up to your chest in a mating press, bracing his knees on the couch to get better leverage. The power behind his ministrations increased, his grunting now consistently mingling with your beautiful noises.
“Kyle—Kyle!” You cry out. Your legs start to shake as you neared your climax. You start to babble out praises and pleas and your stomach muscles tighten, the pleasure building up and up, so close to spilling over…
Then, your hole clenches down around Kyle’ cock, practically squeezing the life out of it. Kyle cries out at the feeling of you tipping over the edge, relishing the string of moans you let out with each of his thrusts. He needed more, though. He only picks up the pace and everything becomes too much quickly.
Jolts of overstimulation, pleasure and pain, shoot through your body and down your legs as they tensed up hard. You whine his name desperately, begging him to keep going, slow down, you didn’t know anymore. The feeling of his cock twitching and throbbing inside you mixed with his hips stuttering as he neared his orgasm was too much for you to handle.
“Fuck—I’m close, love, I’m gonna fuckin’ cum, sweetheart—clench down on me again,” he groans out when you do what he asks. “J-Just like that, o-oh fuck—!” He tips his head back and buries himself to the hilt, his mouth opened in a silent moan as he cums, painting your walls white. He puts his hands next to your head, smiling down at you with a heaving chest.
He grabs his phone from the table again. “I’m gonna pull out now,” he murmurs before doing just that, a shiver running down your spine. His cum dribbles out of you and he uses his free hand to collect it with his thumb, spreading it around and smoothing it across your over-sensitive, swollen nub. You whine at the overwhelming feeling, looking up at him and at the camera.
“You felt perfect, sweetheart.” He plays around with you for a while longer, letting you catch your breath. “Can’t wait to start up a nice collection of these with you.” He smiles at you when your eyes widen a bit at that notion.
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Kyle’s head tips back onto the headboard of the motel bed, his breathing heavy and his cock spent. He looks back down at the video on his phone, his eyes locked on your pretty face looking up at him so sweetly.
His hand looked similar to the way your wet heat looked that night: covered in his thick cum, pent up from a couple weeks of not being able to satisfy himself. He had gone a few rounds and rewatched the video more than a couple times, and it ended up with his cock slicked up with his own spend. He wished he could show you how fucked-out he looked and felt, but he would just have to send you the pictures he took later. Maybe you’d use them to get yourself off. The thought of you touching yourself looking at his lewd photos had him hardening up again, even though he had gotten lightheaded from how much blood had rushed down into his cock for so long.
Guess he’d have to take care of this little problem yet again. Luckily, he had plenty of material to take care of it. His free, clean hand tilted his phone up again and his thumb tapped the play button once again. He had a long night ahead of him.
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lostfirefly · 2 months
Bugust. Day 21. "Oh." Buggy x Catherine (sorry, this sketch is quite long). Family memories, sadness, sister's love and care.
Ladies and gentlemen, flight Loguetown to Cairo has landed at the international airport. Please proceed to the arrivals area with those meeting you.
Catherine stood on tiptoe, trying to get a good look at the familiar figure among the people, and began to squeal as soon as she spotted her sister.
"Jules!!!! Hi-i-i!!" Catherine ran to her and hugged her tightly. "Finally you're here!! How was your flight?"
"Great! Slept the whole way." Jules looked around the hall. "Where's your beloved clown? I thought you two never parted ways. And you die if you don't hold hands for more than five minutes."
"Ha-ha, very funny, sis. You and your Ethan are together all the time. No, Buggy has business at the circus, we'll see him at home."
"He's probably not happy that I'm here." Jules shrugged.
"Don't say that! He's very happy. And I'm glad you're getting to know each other better. Let's go!" Catherine grabbed the sister's bag and dragged Jules out of the airport.
Catherine chattered non-stop the entire way home, asking her sister what was new in Loguetown, if her room was okay, and how Aunt Ruth was doing.
"Welcome to my new home, Jules!" Catherine closed the door as soon as they entered the hallway. "Buggy's shirt and sneakers are missing. He's not home yet. Okay."
"I have to admit, his place has gotten a lot better since I've been here." Jules went into the room and looked around. "Candles, funny figurines, even your favorite plush pillows. How did Buggy let you buy all that stuff?" She giggled. "He doesn't seem like the kind of person who likes pink fluffy pillows."
"Jules, once you get to know him, you'll realize Buggy's a nice guy. He loves me and takes care of me." Catherine adjusted pillows. "Don't forget! We're gonna see his show tomorrow, remember? Can't wait for you to see it!!" Catherine pulled out her vibrating phone. "Oh! Buggy texted that it's coming soon. We're having--- Why are laughing, Jules?" Catherine narrowed her eyes, looking at giggling sister.
"Buggy? Texted? God! I see mom and dad in this. You always liked that they sent messages to each other." Jules exhaled. "Sorry, but your boyfriend doesn't seem like the type to text. He's kinda.. weird."
"He's not weird! He's kind and funny. Honestly, you look like our father and Buggy's friend now. He didn't like me at first either." Catherine went up to her sister and laid her head on her shoulder. "Anyway, I'm glad you came."
"I need to get to know the guy you left me for at the airport better. No one laughs at home all the time anymore." Jules put her hand on Catherine's head.
"I don't think you and Ethan are sad about this."
"Go to hell!, Cath! And hey, red-haired bitch! Are you even going to offer me a drink?"
They sat in the kitchen for about an hour, happily sharing the latest news. Jules laughed at the cow-shaped salt and pepper shakers and was beginning to feel sorry for Buggy. Though the topic shifted and evolved, their words were laced with the comforting familiarity that could only come from a lifetime of shared experiences and unbreakable bonds. Catherine was showing Jules pictures from last walk when she heard keys jingling in the front door.
"It's Buggy! I'll be right back!" Catherine squealed and ran into the hallway.
Jules, sitting in the kitchen, heard the sounds of smacking lips, Catherine's endless "you're finally home, my love" and the rustling of bags.
Catherine, with a wide smile, led Buggy into the kitchen. "Look, who's here!"
"Hi, Jules." He replied rather stiffly.
"Hi!" She waved back and sipped her wine.
"Well.. Cot-- Catherine. I brought pizza, your favorite Indian food, and lots of booze." Buggy set the bags on the table.
"You're my best!!" Smack. "Sit down, you're tired after rehearsal and stopping by to get everything we need."
Buggy took a beer and sat down across from Jules, who was looking at him intently. "So... How was the flight?" He asked, trying to fill the awkward silence, glancing at Catherine, who was setting the food on the table.
"Not bad." Jules sipped her wine. "So, Buggy the Clown. Somehow, you managed to win my sister over. I don't know how you did it."
"It's his natural charm." Catherine sat down next to Buggy and opened a box of pizza. "Oh, triple pepperoni! My favorite!" Smack. Smack. "You know, I'll get the candles. I'll be right back. Don't kill each other." Catherine giggled and ran out of the kitchen.
Jules followed Catherine with the corner of her eyes and as soon as her sister ran out, she turned to Buggy. "See, I had to come to your house to get to know you." Jules took a sip. "You've let Cath go home so many times, but you've never come with her. I wonder why."
"I'm not a fan of airplanes." Buggy was twirling the bottle in his hands.
"Yep. Either you're in trouble there, and you don't want to show your face there. Either. I don't know." Jules shrugged. "You have someone else here. I mean, the woman."
"What?" Buggy almost dropped the bottle in surprise.
"Buggy, listen, don't get me wrong," Jules crossed her arms, "but I'm asking. No, I'm warning you. Don't hurt my sister. I'll kill anyone who tries to hurt her."
"To kill me? Oh, it will take you a lot of time." Buggy giggled and took a sip.
"You're a funny guy, aren't you? I'm serious." Jules ran her finger along the glass. "My sister... She's all I have. I know Cath loves you very much, and if you break her heart or make her cry for you even once..."
"Hey! I will never do th--!"
(knock on the door)
"Guys! I'm back! Can I come in?" Catherine poked her head around the door. "Thank goodness! I thought you were at each other's throats." She walked slowly into the kitchen. "God, the tension is so high I could cut it with a knife."
Catherine lit the candles, kissed Buggy on the cheek, and took a slice of pizza, sitting in the chair. "Oh, you know, this reminds me of how we were sitting then the first night after our adventure. We went to all the hotels in Cairo, and they were all booked up, so Buggy offered to stay at his place. Damn! Jules, I'm so glad you came!" Catherine squealed. "I want to show you everything!"
While Catherine rambled on and on about life in Cairo, all the circus shows, walks and everything else, Jules watched Buggy and Catherine carefully. The way they looked at each other, how Buggy blushed every time Catherine pecked his cheek or took his hand. How he poured her wine and she put pizza on his plate.
"Oh, Cath!" Jules snapped her fingers. "I forgot! I brought you something from your room. I think you'll like it." She came out of the kitchen.
"I'm so proud of you, my blue-haired love!" Catherine said quietly, looking at Buggy, and kissed him on the cheek. "I know it's hard for you to talk to her, but you're doing great." She tilted her head. "You look tired. I promise you, soon I'll let you go to bed, and we'll just sit quietly in the kitchen. In meantime, accept this." Catherine moved forward a little. "This's my thank you." She pulled Buggy by the shirt and kissed him on the lips.
Jules cleared her throat, entering the kitchen. "Sorry, lovebirds." She laughed and put the box on the table. "Here."
Catherine rubbed her hands with a squeal and opened the cover. "Oh, my God! This is the photo album I collected with dad."
"Yes, I was cleaning out your room and thought to bring it here."
Catherine opened the album. "Look, Buggy!" She pointed at the photo. "That's me and my daddy at the circus. Huh, look what I'm holding. Cotton candy!" She flipped through a couple pages. "Oh, this picture was taken one month before dad died. It's our family picnic. Dad thought the idea of ​​costumes was fun, so there we are all wearing a cow-shape kigurumi. I love that photo, we are all so happy there."
"Do you remember how dad, wearing this costume, chased away some annoying guy from you?" Jules laughed.
"Hah, yeah." Catherine scratched her nose. "Some guy was hitting on me, but I didn't want to be into relationships then."
"Our dad always protected and defended our family. And especially his little beloved Catherine. They had some kind of special connection. He would still protect her. But now I do it." Jules shifted her gaze to Buggy, who looked at her from under his forehead.
"Jules!" Catherine said quietly and turned the page.
"Where's that picture from?" Buggy pointed to a picture of Catherine and her father dressed as archaeologists.
He looked at the photo carefully. Catherine embraced her dad in a warm hug, sitting behind him. The sheer joy and happiness on her face were palpable, radiating excitement and love for this precious moment captured in time. With their arms wrapped tightly around each other, Buggy can see the special bond they shared, filled with warmth and affection.
"Oh, that's nonsense." Catherine smiled. "Dad and I dressed up as archaeologists just for fun and pretended we'd found a real treasure."
"Oh, I remember that day." Jules burst out laughing. "Mom and me laughed at them when they came into the kitchen with makeshift maps and started looking for hidden cupcakes. They studied the coordinates of the kitchen and drew the supposed burial site of the cupcakes. Yeah, Cath was always dreaming of adventures with dad. They'd sit in the backyard for hours, discussing Jules Verne for the millionth time or your favorite, Treasure Island. I never understood what you found in that book. Pirates, treasure. I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up with a pirate. But the circus turned out to be stronger. Right, Buggy?" Jules shifted her gaze to Buggy who looked at her in surprise.
"What?" He asked a little angrily, but he felt how Catherine took his hand and began to stroke it with her fingers.
"Jules!" Catherine said strictly, looking at the pictures. "Yeah.. You and mom always muttered at us when you asked us out for dinner, while we were engrossed in conversation." Catherine ran her hand over the photo. "If only dad knew that his daughter got part of our dream come true. And then she found the biggest treasure of her life." She placed her head on Buggy's shoulder.
"I'm sure he knows, Cath." Jules raised her glass and twirled it in her hands.
"Alright, girls." Buggy clapped his hands. "Let's have a drink instead."
With smiles on their faces and laughter in their voices, Catherine and Jules shared stories, jokes, and heartfelt moments that brought them even closer together. The joy of being surrounded by loved ones and connecting on such a deep level was truly overwhelming for Catherine. Her happiness grew stronger with each passing minute as they delved into topics ranging from childhood memories to future dreams. This simple moment of togetherness was a reminder of just how precious these relationships were for her, and how she wanted more moments like this in the future. Catherine was happy that evening. She was home with her family.
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
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Draxum's hands were shaking. Badly, Raph noted, staring at the noticeable tremors in the yokai's hands.
[TW: self-destructive behaviors, eating issues/implied disordered eating]
He'd seen Draxum's hands shake before, back in his own time, when the Hidden City was first discovered by the Kraang and quickly overwhelmed with all the hounds and mechs and zombies they could throw at it, and the Resistance had to declare the ruins unsalvageable, not worth trying to win back.
He'd seen them shake when Casey had returned a month after being declared missing in action (declared dead in all but the use of that word; all M.I.A. meant anymore was that there was no body to bury), not only alive and minimally injured, but hauling a four-month-old baby in a makeshift sling.
He'd seen them shake when he'd woken up from an artificial, anesthesia-induced slumber, a grey, lonely night with no stars, to see the face of the man who'd had to amputate his hand and tell him, "you barely survived as it is, Raphael," a heavy guilt weighing down his shoulders and carving new lines into his face.
He didn't know why they were shaking now. He focused on the vials Draxum held, ingredients for some chemical or other he needed to synthesize, seemingly vibrating as a result of the trembling hands that held them. Was it exhaustion? When did Draxum start working today?
When was the last time he had a meal?
Raph voiced his thoughts.
"I'm not hungry," came the answer, not enough in and of itself to give Raph what he needed to know, if not for everything he knew about the person Draxum was. Is. Would one day be?
"Draxum. That's not what I asked you." Raph reached out hesitantly, ready to withdraw his hand if it was rejected. The scientist didn't respond, at least not immediately, his back to Raph even as his hands still shook.
Something in Draxum's shoulders relaxed--not truly relaxed, so much as lost the tension holding him stiff and upright--and he sighed. "I can't stop now. There's too much I still need to do." His hair lay limp and matted against his back, greasy from lack of washing.
How long had Draxum been doing this? Destroying himself? How long had Raph not noticed it?
"Just a quick break," Raph tried. "Get a small meal in and get back to work after that."
A sharp headshake. "I can't--I can't. If I stop now, I'll lose all momentum--I have so much I need to do tonight--and I've gotten behind over the last few weeks, I can't fall behind my schedule any further, and besides, I haven't earned it yet--"
Suddenly Draxum whirled around, the vials in his hands dangerously close to spilling. "All of yokai-kind is depending on me. I can't let them down. I can't let more lives be lost! Too much is at stake here to simply take a break!"
The picture was familiar, heart-achingly so. It only took a flicker of imagination to superimpose Raph's own brother, to replace Draxum's desperate, bloodshot eyes with Donnie's wide, worried ones. The concerns were practically identical: the certainty-laced fear that rest now would be paid for later in agony and blood.
"What's yokai-kind gonna do if you work yourself to death?" Raph replied, as gently as he could, reaching out for the vials Draxum gripped so tightly. "Whatever you're doing here, who's gonna do it if you can't? Me? You know I'm not a science guy, Drax."
There's so much weight on your shoulders, Dad, Raph thought. Let me help you carry it.
Raph took hold of one of the vials, tugging gently. At first, it seemed as though Draxum wouldn't let go, that he would hold on even tighter, chase Raph out of the room and return to killing himself slowly. But after a few seconds, the scientist's trembling hand loosened, allowing Raph to slide the glass from between his fingers and set it back in the holder. He took the second with no resistance, and did the same.
Raph allowed himself a small smile, a tiny flicker of the ever-present tension between his shoulders melting away. "Okay, Draxum. Let's get you some food, maybe a nap, and see how you're doing after that."
This mad scientist at least, he could help.
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blackhakumen · 4 months
Mini Fanfic #1214: Home At Last (King of Fighters)
We interrupt this program to bring you Breaking News in the Streets of Southtown!!
News Anchor: The coffee shop owned by World's Famous Pop Idol, Athena Asamiya, is now opened back up for business after it's services abruptly came to a screeching holt once the infamous crimelord- (Shows a Picture of Geese and Billy on Screen) Geese Howard, walked inside with his bodyguard, kicking all of the previous customers out. (Shows a Picture of a Smiling Shingo Yabuki on Screen) It was only thanks to this brave employee making their respective coffees that the establishment continues on to it's regular scheduled program.
Geese: (Being Interviewed Live as He and Billy Walks Over to Their Limousine) That young man was able to make me fall in love with a cup of cappuccino again after ten plus years. It's a shame we can't have him working for us part-time.
Billy: Our line of business is far too unpredictable and dangerous for an honest-to-good kid like him to keep up.
Geese: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) Yes, very true. Still, a loss is a loss and I'm willing to accept it. Now of you'll excuse us- (Billy Opens the Limo Dpor For Him as He Takes a Seat Inside) We have a meeting to attend to.
Billy: You heard the boss. (Angrily Grips the Hold of his Red Pole and Uses it to Poke the Camera) If you and your crew don't scram in the next five seconds, I'm gonna TEAR YA ALL APAR-
*TV Static, Lost Signal*
Few Minutes Later at the Streets of Southtown.........
Shingo: (Sighs in Sweet, Pure Relief While Walking Next to Rock on the Sidewalk) Finally! The day is finally coming to a close!.....For the next few hours or so, but still.
Rock: My thoughts exactly, pal. ('Sigh') Sorry my actual dad forced you make coffee for him just to make an excuse to talk to him.
Shingo: (Gives Rock a Reassuring Smile on his Face) Nah, don't worry about it. I'm just glad it all worked out aa well as it did. (Look ls Down at his Hands He's Holding Up) My coffee making skills has REALLY been paying off these days!
Rock: I know, right? You really came a long way if you were able to get Geese, of all people, to be impressed by it. (Gives Shingo a Friendly Bump on the Shoulder) I'm proud of you, bud.
Shingo: Thanks, Rock, I'm proud of myself for keeping everything together. (Stops By In Front of Rock's Apartment) I hope everyone back home wasn't too worried about us though....
Rock: (Walks Up the Stoop Along with Shingo) Given call the text messages and voice calls I've gotten in the past few minutes, I'm surprised that they didn't make a search party on us yet.
Rock takes out a spare apartment key from under a nearby flower pot to use it to open the door.
Shingo: I'll let them know we're-
Before the boys can do anything else, the front door suddenly opens wide as a blue and and white colored blur rushes out of the room and hug tackles Shingo, making him lose his balance and panic.
Shingo: AHH! Whatsonme, whatsonme, WHATSON-(Hears the Sound of Sniffing as He Regains His Balance, Looks Down to See a Very Familiar Face Latching Onto Him) Me? Kula?
Kula: ('Sniff') (Looks Up at Shingo With Tears Running Down From her Sparkling Eyes) You guys are okayyyy!!~ (Went Back to Crying onto Shingo's Chest)
Rock: Kula....(Reaches his Habd Out of his Friend) H-Hey, there's no need to-WOAH! (Gets Pulled into a Very Tight Hug by his Adopted Mother, Blue Mary)
Mary: (Holding her Baby Up While Tears in her Eyes as Well) You dumb kids!~ ('Sniff') We've been calling and texting you two for an hour now! We were so worried!
K': (Walks Over to Mary and Co.) And I had to calm these two down before we decided to come out, looking for you two dorks. (Lowers his Shades Down From his Face While Raising an Eyebrow at Rock) Did your phones died or something, Bogard?
Rock: ('Sigh') No, they weren't. We forgot to text you about Geese and-
Mary: (Eyes Widened in Anger) GEESE!? (Quickly Turns her Head From Side to Side) Where's that rat ass bastard!? Did he hurt you boys-
Rock: (Gently Grabs Under Mary's Arm, Getting her To Slowly Lower Him Back Down to the Ground) Hey, mom? Mom, just calm down, okay? He didn't hurt either of us at all. We just sat down talked for a few minutes until it was time for him to leave. I promise you.
Mary: (Examines Rock's Face For a Bit) I don't see any bruises on you. ('Sighs in Relief') Fine. I'll take your word for it, but call me next time this type of crap happens again, you got it!? You mean the world to me, Rocky, and I'm getting really sick and tired of losing the closest people in my life right now, so- ('Sniff') (Pulls Rock Back into Another Hug Before Tearing Up Again) Promise me!!~ (Starts Kissing Rock On the Cheek)
Rock: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Mary's Kisses) Okay, okay, you got. I promise not to scare you guys like that ever again. You have my word.
Mary: You better. (Gives Rock One Big, Final Kiss on the Cheek Before Letting Him Go) Shingo! Come over here and gimme a hug!
Shingo: Yes, ma'am! (Looks Back Down at Kula, Who is Still Hugging Him) You don't mind if I-
Kula: (Sighs in Defeat Before Letting Go of Shingo) Go ahead. (Gives Shingo a Big Kiss on the Cheek) I love you.
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly as He Gently Ruffles the Top of Kula's Hair) I love you too, princess!~
Kula: (Playfully Slaps Shingo's Hajd Off her Hair) Heyyyy!~ (Pouts at Shingo) No messing up the hair, mister!
Shingo: (Snickers Some More) Right, right. Sorry. (Walks Over to Mary)
Rock: (Walks Over Kula) Can....I get a hug to- (Immediately Gets Hug Tackled by Kula) Ooh-kay!.
Kula: You scared me!~
Rock: ('Sigh') I know. (Gently Rubbing the Top of Kula's Hair) I'm sorry.
Kula: ('Sigh')
Shingo: (Spread his Arms Out For Mary While Walking Over to Her) We're sorry for making you guys worried, Ms. Mar-RYYY! (Immediately Gets Pull into a Tight Hug)
Mary: ('Sigh') It's okay. Just don't scary us like that again. And don't call me miss either! Just 'mom' is fine.
Shingo: (Winces a Bit in Pain) Yeah. (Happily Hugs Mary Back) Sure thing, mom.
K': (Glares at Shingo) Yeah, you better be sorry for giving us a heart attack and shit......
Shingo: (Turns to K' With a Genuine Surprise Look on his Face) Wait, K'. You've been worried about us this entire time?
K': (Scoffs Before Crossing his Arms Together and Turning Away) As if. I knew you two would be fine.....Then again, I'd....(Turns Back Around With a More Worried Look on his Face) Probably be pissed if something bad DID happen to you two in that café. So.....(Shrugs) I dunno.
Shingo: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) Awwwwwww~ You hear that, Rock? K' really do care about us!~
Rock: (Chuckles Lightly Along with Kula) Thanks, K'! 'Knew you have a heart.
Kula: You big softie!~
K: (Turns Away Again in Annoyance) ('Tch') Shut up. I wasn't nearly as dramatic about it as you were.
Kula: (Playfully Blows a Raspberry at K')
?????: Shingo!?
K': And speaking of which.....
Mary: (Smiles Sheepishly) We may have called a few folks about this before you two arrived here.
Shingo looks down and see his girlfriend,, Leona Heidern standing in front of the stoops with a very worried look on her face.
Shingo: (Quickly Rushes Himself Down the Stoops-) Leona-san-Woaho WOOOAH! (-Before Tripping Over and Fall into Leona's Arms While Giving Her a Soft Smile) Hi.
Leona: (Hugs Shingo Lovingly) Hi. K' informed me on what happened so I had to get here as fast as I could. Are you and Rock okay?
Shingo: Yeah, we're fine. Rock just had a one on one talk with his actual dad is all. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Meanwhile, I was forced and threatened to make him and Billy's coffee for the time being......
Leona: (Hair Instantly Turns Red in Anger) I'll kill them.
Shingo: (Immediately Place Both his Hands Onto Leona's Cheeks) Nononono! It's okay! They didn't hurt me, I swear! I only made coffee for them the entire time and they loved it. I even managed to befriend Billy along the way too!
Leona: You......(Turns her Hair Color Back to Blue as She Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Are friends with Billy Kane now?
Shingo: Yeah, that surprises me too just thinking about it. He's actually pretty cool once you get to know him more and....if he wants to be nice.
Leona: ('Sigh') I suppose I can take your word for it. (Starts Pouting at her Boyfriend) But you are forbidden from leaving my side for the rest of the night here!~
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly While Saluting to Leona) Yes, ma'am! I'm sorry~
The couple leans over and kiss each other on the lips all while K' sticks his tongue out in mild disgust before Mary lightly slaps him upside the head for being rude, leaving Rock to snicker at his dispense along with Kula until-
???????: Rocky?
Rock: (Looks Down to See his Girlfriend, Hotaru Futuba, Standing in Front of the Stoops as Well) Hotaru? (Goes Down the Stoop) What brings you out here?
Hotaru: (Lightly Pouts ar Rock) I came over to see you, dummy!~ I saw the news about you and Shingo back at the café right before your mom called me. So I had to run all the way there and here to come and help, but now you're here, okay, and- ('UGGH') (Gives Rock a Loving Hug) You worried me so freaking much right now, I can't!~
Rock: (Hugs his Girlfriend Back) I'm know. I'm sorry. I'll find a way to make it up to you.
Hotaru: (Looks Up at With Puppy Dog Eyes) You promise?~
Rock: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah. Promise times in-
?????: ROCK! SHINGO!
The gang turns to see the Legendary Wolf of Southtown, Terry Bogard, sprinting down to his old apartment, exhausted.
Terry: I'm......Finally.....FINALLY.....Here......(Stops Directly at his Destination Before Bending Down and Panting With his Hands on his Knees)
Rock: Terry? You ran here too?
Terry: (Gets His Upper Body Back Up Before Wiping the Sweat Off his Forehead) ('Whew') Yeah.....I ran like.....(Points Behind Him) Allllll the way from the other side of the town to get here! (Takes a Ring Out From his Pants Pocket) Where this...dumb ring sent me here.
Hotaru: (Raises an Eyebrow a Bit) A ring got you here?
Rock: It's dimensional.
Terry: Yeah.....(Taps on his Chin While Thinking) I should probably learn how to use it properly......And I definitely need to show you guys around Smash Town sometime- But I-I'm getting ahead of myself. (Turns to his Adopted Son) Rock, what happened? Did that bastard Geese laid any fingers on you? (Turbs to Shingo Next) You too, Shingo. Are you alright?
Shingo: (Gives Terry a Thumbs Up While Still Being Carried I'm Leona's Arms) We're doing just fine, Mr. B!
Rock: (Nodded in Agreement) Geese just wanted to catch up and talk to me is all. It didn't went out as terribly as I thought I would believe it or not.
Terry: ('Sighs in Relief') Good. (Angrily Cracks Both his Knuckles Slowly) I would hate to beat the ever living crap outta him again if he did.
K': (Smirks at Terry) And then what? Get yourself tired out after running over to the coffee shop, old man?
Kula: (Snickers at Terry's Dispense)
Terry: (Glares at K') Oh will you shut up over there, neighbor? I'm still as fit and healthy as I've ever been thank you!
K': Yeah for a soon to be senior citizen- ('Slap') Ow! (Gets Smacked Up Side the Head by Mary Again)
Mary: Quit making fun of my man, K'. (Smirks Seductively at Terry) He's still good looking delectable no matter how old he gets in my eyes~
Terry: (Smirks Back at Mary While Winking and Pointing at Her) Right back at you, sexy mama~
Hotaru: (Giggles Softly to Rock's Parents)
Rock: (Puts on an Embarrassed, Deadpinned Look on his Face) Getting off topic with the flirting.
Terry: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality and Blushes Along with Mary) Oh! Uh.... ('Clears Throat') Right. Sorry. I'm glad he didn't hurt you guys, rookie. 'Hope he didn't try to sweet talk you into joining him or something. (Rolls his Eyes) He's conniving like that.
Shingo: Well, he did try to get me to become his personal coffee maker before leaving!
Rock: Yeah, he really liked that coffee he made for him and Billy. But I'd never let 'em take him away on my watch. Just like how I would never let him sway me into being a part of my life. (Smiles Softly at Terry and Everyone Outside Present) I know who my true family are.
Terry: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness as He Pulls Rock into Loving Hug) And we couldn't be any happier to have you a part of it, son.
Rock: ('Ugh') Terry, you're sweaty.
Terry: Yeah, well, deal with it. I did not ran all around to get denied a hug from my own son.
Mary: (Went Back Inside) Hang on I gotta get the camera!~
Terry: Take all the time you need, babe! We have all night!
Rock: (Looks Around to See All his Friends Having Their Phone Facing Their Phones In Frint if Him) Seriously? You guys too?
Hotaru: Rocky, this is a precious moment we're experiencing right now. We can't miss this!~
K': Yeah and how else am I gonna use it as blackmai- (Gets Shoulder Bump By Kula) I mean. How else am I supposed to capture this father and son moment.
Kula: (Happily Nodded in Agreement)
Leona: (Smiles Softly) It's always wonderful to share a photo or two with your loves ones.
Shingo: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah, and have them as your memories for years to come
Terry: (Chuckles Lightly) Why, are you kids sweet? Take all the pictures you need, we're ready!
'Clicks Clicks Clicks Clicks Clicks'
Rock: ('Sighs Heavily') My life.
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