#including dolls like there were so many cars and ahh i would have gone broke knowing me if i had access to all my money
thetimelordbatgirl · 2 months
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Tfw your town has finally got a car boot again every sunday and you managed to find someone selling various dolls for cheaper prices then Ebay would do.
#where i live our towns regular car boot died years ago as it became a ghost town over time#like last time we went to it before it died there were barley cars selling stuff#but this car park they used is in position where they wanna take it down for flats#but havent in fucking years#so they allowed another towns car boot to take over it for now#as that towns car boot lost their car park spot after it was closed down for some new building stuff#and that car boot always had a shit ton of stuff so uh there was alot this car boot as a result#including dolls like there were so many cars and ahh i would have gone broke knowing me if i had access to all my money#but i managed to get stuff including these#aka £10 each#would have grabbed one of their rainbow highs...if i liked the looks of any of the ones they had#but uh they had one EAH...so i got it#which is funny since i do not like apple...#then again i also got mal but like i dont mind her in D1...its D2 onwards i dont like her lol#and also i forgot i had £2 in my pocket as i didnt have a purse so my pocket became that and if i had remembered that#i would have grabbed the £12 carlos lmao#robecca is one i've been after for ages but i had to order her boot and a skirt thing on ebay for her...no sign of her goggles yet sigh#i did find a non-pictured tinkerbell but ehhh not sure why i brought her beyond i knew it was tinkerbell lol#then again i also grabbed a small toy i recognized from when i was a kid but its a lil broken so i wasnt thinking lol#you'd think with not much room i wouldnt buy more dolls#but i've gotten so far two eah dolls i found for cheap on ebay so like....aka briar and legacy day maddie...
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Kiro’s Official Art Book (Eng Translation)
Credits to @minjee98​ for sending me photos of Kiro’s official art book and requesting this translation!
This post contains details on Kiro’s outfits, items, backgrounds, letter, and interviews with his CN voice actor, the Copywriting Team, Art Team, and Production team
More: Gavin l Lucien l Black Swan l STF l Loveland City
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[ White Casual Outfit ] 
Even though it’s been a long time, you can definitely remember that day - Kiro wearing a white coloured casual outfit, earpieces hanging around his neck, smiling as he broke into your world.
When you reached out to grab that bag of chips, you never would have thought that from then onwards, you would own a unique nickname and a person who would journey alongside you.
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[ Informal T-shirt ]
If you hadn’t acted without thinking and broke into the hackers’ convention, it wouldn’t have been possible to guess that Kiro is “KEY”, who is renowned in the hacker community.
When he removed his hood, fingertips flying and tapping on the keyboard, did your heart thump and jump along with it?
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[ Striped Casual Outfit ]
Do you still remember how Kiro wore this striped casual outfit when the two of you went to Japan together?
I’ll tell you a secret. When he was redeeming the vow at the shrine, he had actually made a new wish - he wished that the deities would give all the beautiful things in the world to you, and wished that he could be with you forever.
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[ Pink and yellow striped shirt ]
Do you still remember that day - when Kiro pulled you along excitedly to look for springtime. When you held his hand and looked at his profile, did you feel as though your entire person had become warm?
Actually, whether it’s the fuzzy bear. the blooming sunflowers, or the pleasantly warm spring sunlight, in your heart, all the warm and adorable things have long since been attached to Kiro.
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[ Swimming Outfit ]
Even though you knew Kiro worked out, would you have known that he had such a good figure if you hadn’t bumped into him in the shower?
Next time, you have to be more careful. Don’t boldly appear in front of him, or you might get “teased” by him for a very long time.
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[ Foreign Prince Outfit ]
Whether it’s during that Qixi activity or in real life, Kiro is the most dashing “foreign prince”, isn’t he?
Just thinking about his breathing when he had leaned in close, his sly smile... Do you feel as though your heart is skipping a beat once again?
You should be grateful to that troublemaking little cat. If it weren’t for it, your face would have definitely turned a familiar apple-red!
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[ Wedding Outfit ]
When he had held your hand, walking step-by-step towards the middle of the hall, didn’t you feel as though every second became incredibly long? It was so endless that you could reminisce on your long past, and sketch a faraway future.
Every day in the future, your world will be filled to the brim with Kiro’s presence.
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[ Purple Jacket ]
The Kiro in your dream wore a purple jacket, singing his new song to you gently, the breath falling on your ear reminiscent of the most brilliant, warm sun on a winter day.
But... were you slightly hesitant back then? The sun in your dream - was it really the sun? The real Kiro - where exactly is he?
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[ White Overcoat ]
Helios is Kiro... When you realised this, did you take a long time for it to sink in?
However, no matter what his current identity is, no matter what his objective is, or what appearance he has, he is definitely still the most important person to you, right?
This time, it’s finally your turn to proudly say that phrase to him - “I’ve found you.”
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[ Student Uniform ]
It’s said that countless program teams have asked Kiro for his childhood photographs, but he has never made this photograph public.
In other words, only you can see this Little Kiro who has ice-cream at the corners of his mouth, which means this little cuteness only belongs to you!
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Potato chips cake - This unique chip-flavoured cake is the most delicious cake I’ve ever eaten.
Smart bracelet - Did you know that to me, your existence is a miracle?
Torchlight - Miss Chips, isn’t the hacking technology I invented really amazing!
Massage oil - An exclusive physiotherapy. It’s the first time I’m making a house call, and it’s an experience exclusive for you. 
Astral stone - Wait for me to return. I’ll definitely return.
Doll shoes - I don’t seem to have the talent to tell ghost stories... Next time, it’d be your turn to tell me one.
Brown sugar - Actually, I’m not sure if this is effective either... I can only accompany you at your side. Will keeping you company make you feel a little better?
Egg noodles - I miss the days of our midnight crimes together, so... don’t try to lose weight, okay?
Star bottle - In 365 days, I want to secretly you the response to each and every star in your ear.
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Autographed CD - I remember how you once said that every serious autograph can convey the greatest well-wishes to one’s supporters.
Live video camera
Romantic poetry collection
Superhero card
Teddy bear recorder pen
Snacks hamper
Teddy bear doll
Potato chips
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[ Mangrove Forest ]
On the day, you took up the challenge of 10km long-distance running. With his company, you seemed to complete it more relaxedly than you imagined. The two of you witnessed a miracle - that beautiful “forest on the water”. It doesn’t seem to be mere beautiful memory, and you should remember that phrase - “To me, your existence is a miracle.”
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[ Kiro’s Living Room - Lights Off ]
The Kiro in your memory is rarely as despondent and helpless as that time. It was perhaps the first time you saw his lonely appearance outside the spotlight. Your heart ached slightly, and you didn’t really know what to do. You couldn’t help but use singing to comfort him. This seemed to be effective, and he fell asleep by your side peacefully.
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[ California Seaside ]
The scenery along State Route 1, the unexpected breaking down of the car, unlocking a new method of travelling on foot, and him changing into a cowboy after several incidents... The sunset at the fallen castle and the sight of the whale leaping out of the water - they are definitely the most dazzling existences in your memories.
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[ Gallery ]
That day, you had gone on an “adventure” with him while he dressed as a bear mascot. It was the first time you officially worked together with him. That elderly grandmother fan and her house filled with love deeply influenced you. Did you also gradually experience the charm possessed by this man who is just like the stars?
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[ Kiro’s Music Rehearsal Room ]
Even though the rehearsal room is decorated simply, it has the necessities. You’ve spent countless days and nights with him here, which contains his sweat and all the sincerity he has expended.
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[ Flower Arch of the Church ]
Do you still remember the kiss seared onto your ring finger? Accompanied by the affectionate vow, it had entered straight into your heart. His words still seems to linger at your ear. “I hope... that you can reserve this finger for me, for the wedding ring.”
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[ Interview with Bian Jiang, the voice actor for Kiro ]
“Sometimes, he can actually be more wilful, and more self-indulgent.”
Q1: Teacher Bian Jiang, having interacted with Kiro for such a long time, do you have any new insights regarding him?
Bian Jiang: Ahh... (suddenly sighs, finding it difficult to explain succinctly), the feeling he gives me is really difficult to illustrate using words. Normally, given his young age and him being a naturally easygoing, innocent and romantic person, he should live more happily. But at the same time, he has to shoulder so many responsibilities, and has to face a few inescapable problems in his position. So... he’s really very amazing, truly amazing. Always standing in the darkness, but having his heart facing the sunlight.
Q2: Are there any characteristics of Kiro you appreciate a lot?
Bian Jiang: He’s very manly. He never reveals his tiredness or negative sides in front of MC. He carries gargantuan matters by himself. But this really causes one’s heart to ache. Sometimes, he can actually be more wilful, and more self-indulgent. When he has any unhappiness, at least he can always talk to me about it.
Q3: What do you think of Kiro’s Evol?
Bian Jiang: Why do I find both of his Evol not very practical? Firstly, whether or not I have Evol, I’m still loved by all, haha (he laughs after talking about himself). As for Absolute Control, it’s even more unnecessary. You have to win people over with good virtue.
Q4: Is there anything you’ve always wanted to tell Kiro, but haven’t?
Bian Jiang: Nope, and that’s not possible. I would have definitely said whatever I’ve always wanted to say. The two of us don't hide anything from each other. If there’s something we want to say, we’ll say it directly.
Q5: Has Teacher Bian Jiang recently chanced upon a restaurant which you want to bring Kiro to?
Bian Jiang: He knows how to eat more than I do. He should be the one bringing me out to eat.
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[ Interview with the Copywriting Team ]
“He’s like the only bottle of water in the world without impurities.”
Q1: The storyline of the game has several science fiction elements. What made you consider including science fiction elements in a game targeted at females?
Actually, we felt that romance is often underestimated. Love isn’t simply effete language without substance, or honeyed words. Love can give us courage, and bring us to a whole new world, opening new journeys, finding your unlimited self. A romance story is naturally appropriate to be melded with any other motifs. In love, we can explore various issues: personal growth, contradictions in society, the truth of civilisation, the rise and fall of history...  The story we wish to convey to the players is one of “the cruel competition between love and power”. This isn’t just a complex story with science fiction elements. Actually, it’s also very related to the lives of every person.
Q2: What are Kiro’s fans called?
They’re called “Little Sodas”. His biggest fan club is called “Kiro No Regrets Fan Club”. Their cheer is “Kiro No Regrets, Accompanied by Sodas”.
[Note] I’m not sure if the fan club name is supposed to be a pun for “起落无悔”. It isn’t an idiom, but 起落 (“rise and fall”) and 棋洛 (“Kiro”) have the exact same pinyin and intonation “qi luo”, and it kind of suits Kiro’s wish of there being no regret of sticking by him whether he’s in brightness or darkness
Q3: Which websites have Hacker Key hacked into? List some examples.
You’re limited by your imagination while there’s nothing he can’t hack into.
Q4: Which role is Kiro best at when it comes to MOBA games?
He’s very good in every role, but he likes being the jungler most.
Q5: Which flavour of donuts does Kiro like best?
He likes them all. Recently, he finds the sweet and spicy coconut mushroom flavour pretty good.
Q6: What’s Kiro’s original name?
He doesn’t know what it is because he’s an orphan. But he feels as though “Kiro” is his original name, and he likes it a lot.
Q7: Copywriting sisters, what do you think is Kiro’s core charm?
He’s like the only bottle of water in the world without impurities. This bottle of water has reflected all the impurities in the world, but has continued to remain clear and transparent, simple and kind.
Q8: In the 2018 Qixi Festival event, Kiro’s ancient garb left a deep impression on people. Why did you design Kiro this way?
Just like how he is in real life, he is prince who hails from a foreign land.
Q9: Is Kiro a dog or a cat person?
Q10: What do you think is Kiro’s most classic line? How did you think of it?
"I’ve found you, and you’re not allowed to leave me again.”
It’s slightly overbearing, slightly coquettish, taking the initiative and resolute. This is Kiro.
Q11: In relation to Kiro, are there any scenes that you’ve always wanted to write but haven’t fulfilled yet?
He’s just too versatile! Which is why we want to let him try everything we haven’t written yet.
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[ Interview with the Art Team ]
“He’s a large consumer of snacks who everyone is envious of!”
Q1: In relation to the various scenes in Loveland City, are there are any real life references?
The answer to this question has already been discovered by some meticulous players. We have indeed made references to a few real sceneries, such as the The Bund.
We want to give players the sense that the romance is happening right next to them, which is why we’ve brought our city’s scenery into the game, so everyone can feel a sense of familiarity and realism.
Q2: Art Sisters, what you think of the “Papergames Art Style” as coined by players? What is the biggest difference between the art style in Mr Love Queen’s Choice and other games by Papergames?
Actually, we don’t really understand the meaning of “Papergames Art Style”, and we don’t know what it means specifically. It probably refers to how the tone and atmosphere are more clear and romantic? Even our own department finds that the art styles from different games are very different. In making a comparison, Mr Love Queen’s Choice is much “harder” (laughs). After all, our main characters are four adult men. Right now, the style is basically “hard but not coarse” - there are parts which require meticulousness and delicateness, yet can’t be too soft.
Q3: Just how many types of snacks are hidden in Kiro’s house?
He has pretty much hidden a little of every snack available and unavailable in the market. He’s a large consumer of snacks who everyone is envious of.
Q4: Kiro has a t-shirt with the word “paper” on it, and it looks pretty good. Where did he buy it?
He bought it from a premium ready-made shop near the Subway station. It’s really expensive.
Q5: Have you ever considered changing Kiro’s hairstyle? For example, giving him a perm?
Actually, his current hairstyle is already slightly curly. Doesn’t it suit him? Or does everyone want to see big waves?
Q6: Kiro seems to always wear a black ring. Has he ever taken it off?
He wouldn’t remove it unless he meets special circumstances. It’s a ring which holds special meaning to him.
Q7: What differences are there between the initial and final design of Kiro?
They are all very fashionable and youthful styles. In the end, however, we chose the style which is most difficult to draw (cries).
Q8: Flowers appear frequently in the game. Could I ask the Art Team which flower best suits Kiro?
Small daisies. It’s incredibly suitable, isn't it!
Q9: When it comes to Kiro’s home decor, what do the Art Sisters find the most special?
What’s special lies in the combination of “cool yet interesting”.
It has a professional, first-rate work area for hackers. Yet, it is filled with all sorts of small hobbies Kiro has: superhero merchandise, his favourite youth comics, and the uncountable snacks he keeps hidden! During his idle time, he will play games with you, hug his guitar and play an impromptu song. Trophies he has won and gifts from fans are also cherished and kept in his cupboards.
Q10: What’s most difficult to draw about Kiro?
How exactly does Loveland City’s brightest boy look like when he’s melancholic? How exactly does one draw that feeling in between early youth and youth... sigh.
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[ Interview with the Production Team ]
“He gives people a sense of security, like the ‘Ah Sir’ in Hong Kong films!”
Q1: Why did you produce a game like “Love and Producer”?
Producers: Since 2015, our company has already started producing this game. As a mobile game with romance at its core, it’s something not many companies have tried before. The company had a lot of discussions on the possibility of it. In the end, we decided to do it, and the reason for making constant iterations, updates, and persevering after three years is especially simple. No matter what age you are, no matter whether you’ve dated before, no matter whether you're married and have your own family, we believe that in every woman’s heart, there remains an anticipation for romance and heart-stirring experiences. Which is why we believe “Love and Producer” has a reason for its existence. This belief has always guided our production and operation process, and we hope we can continuously bring even more beautiful romance experiences to everyone in the future.
Q2: Where did the name of the game “Love and Producer” come from?
Producers: I don’t know if anyone remembers that in the very beginning, our tagline on the official website has always been “Love and dreams need to meet their match.” Why is this game called “Love and Producer”? That’s because the link between you and him not only encompasses the narrow scope of love, but also permeates into to your life journey together.
Q3: Are there any deeply hidden “Easter eggs”? Could you disclose them to us?
Producers: They aren’t really that hidden, but there are indeed some “Easter eggs” which should have already been discovered by some players. For instance, you can see a certain poster during City Strolls. In “Go See Him”, the coupling of certain outfits and sceneries could bring out a few hidden lines. We welcome everyone to give it a try.
Q4: What do the people in the Production team call Kiro?
Producers: Kiro, Little Kiro, Ro Ro, Idol, Helios.
Q5: How do the males in the production team view Kiro?
Producers: The type of golden-haired big celebrity many girls like. He's even mixed blood. It’s a good thing he plays games well, or we wouldn’t even give him ‘likes’ on Moments.
Q6: If you had Kiro’s Evol, what would you use it for?
Producers: To own the entire world’s love in an instant... it might be a little terrifying.
Q7: If there comes a day when you can be a big celebrity like Kiro, what would you want to do most?
Producers: Stand in the middle of the spotlight, and greet my thousands and ten thousands of fans!
Q8: If you became Kiro’s stylist, is there anything you’d want to say to him?
Producers: Your skin is really good, your eyes are really huge, and you are even more dashing than on television...
Q9: Lastly, do you have anything to say to the players?
Producers: This interaction between the Production Team and the players is already sufficient enough to cherish. The world we created has only become perfect because of your participation. Our days alongside Loveland City have already become an important stamp in our lives. This world is still constantly becoming richer and broader. Kindly look forward to it!
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Hello! Miss Chips!
Is the weather good today? Are there clear skies or it is raining?
When I was busy with work earlier, I thought I was full of things to write. But when I lifted the pen, I didn’t know where to begin.
So I’ll start with the overused topic of the weather - there’s been torrential rain the past few nights. I leaned against the side of the window, looking at two people who forgot their umbrellas and were running while making fun of each other. For some reason, I thought of you soon after.
Do you still remember when we were at the beach last summer, and how there was similar heavy rain? That was the first time I detested the rain. I was worried you would go out into the rain while waiting for me, and I was even more worried that I wouldn’t be able to find you.
Before I met you, it had been a very long time since I felt such a sense of urgency. 
Of course, the thing I didn’t expect most was how the girl who had reached for the same bag of chips as I did in the supermarket, would slowly become the most important person in my life.
In movies, don’t they call this “fate”?
But sometimes, I’ll start thinking - it’d be great if our movie could progress even faster, skipping those unhappy scenes, and rushing straight to the ending where I can roar with laugher and be boisterous with you.
But when I turn around and see the periods of time that you’ve accompanied me through, I realise that it’s exactly because of those imperfect days that I could become the Kiro of today.
The songs I sung for you, the birthday surprises you prepared for me, the 100 things we agreed to do together... These uncountable moments cause every minute and every second to sparkle. Spring, summer, autumn and winter have been accorded different meanings.
Of course, there’s one point I firmly believe in without doubt - from today onwards, there will be an uncountable number of such moments. You singing for me, me secretly preparing you birthday surprises, and expanding “the 100 things we must do together” to 1000 things...
And that no matter what day it is, I can always lift my pen and write you a letter whenever I miss you.
Savin is starting to rush me. I’ll leave the important words to the next time we meet, and I’ll tell them to you personally!
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