#this is an appreciation for the little chart they made
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meanya · 2 months ago
I like this chart and I wanted to visualize what my day usually looks like with it
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crazy how 4 hours of work will literally take up my entire 15+ hour day. who allowed this
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tomboyyyaoi · 2 years ago
o i wanted to make a post that im honestly not smart enough to actually sit down and think out but i like the way meryls trauma doesnt completely woobify her character but does still affect her, it just feels nice to see a female charcater not be completely reduced to a wet soggy mess bc of trauma but also not to (very unrealistically) just Get Over It i think trigun has a nice balance and its refreshing
#also not saying its a secret feminist masterpiece or anything (coz ive seen ppl say that and. come on) but i still think it does well-#enough to be given an appreciative nod#i mean its clear nightow didnt know what to do w milly n meryl after a certain point bc there was just. So much goin on w vash and knives#so he just has the girls do some nomad stuff offscreen until he was ready to bring them back in and yknow what i dont hate that#i think its important to note the women in trigun are fucking amazing tho like. rem meryl luida elendira even lina#and yeah millys underdeveloped but still shes so good#so im not gnna sit here and criticise nightow for being just as misogynistic as some other male mangaka bc i think he does very well#and thats not even to say the bar is on the floor like i truly believe that. i love meryl for a reason#but. ppl can we maybe stop w the 'trigun is so feminist' praise bc lets be real nightow probably just has a thing for strong women#98 anime is a little different tho i was pullin some faces while rewatching some clips.#im obvs talking abt the manga#and stampede is still not done so i wont comment too much on that besides the fact i like where its going (girlwise)#i dont usually like viewing manga thru this lense bc its not the same culture and feminism looks different in japan than it does over here#but i saw a chart. it made me twist up my face and go hrrrrnnnmmmmmnnnnmmnnm..... nnhhnnhhjnnn... mmmmmmmm#jesus i didnt mean to go off in these tags i just wanted to make another 'meryl good' post for the pile#ig im still thinkin abt that chart idk i guess it stuck w me (regretfully)#anyway point is i love meryl for a reason trigun women are great thanks nightow but im not gnna praise him for bein a feminist icon
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rhaenyratargcryen · 8 months ago
you're my shotgun lover and i want it all | tyler owens (twisters)
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masterlist ❈
summary: Every once in a while, the two of you will get a little too drunk, stay until last call, sneak back to your motel room, and fuck. Nobody knows – at least you don’t think they do – and you never talk about it when you’re sober. Tyler will generally stay until you fall asleep, but he’s always gone when you get up the next day. Only once has he woken up in bed with you the next morning, and you’ve never made that mistake again. There isn’t a name for what you feel for him, you don’t think, and you can’t tell what he thinks of the arrangement. Clearly he likes it, or he wouldn’t be making eyes at you from across three people’s laps as you pull these peanuts from their shells. author's note: i...wrote this...in one.......single......afternoon. my fingers hurt anyway he's so hot i have had a crush on glen powell since 2018 (set it up supremacy) but this movie reawakened something in me. i should probably watch top gun now
pairing: tyler owens x f!reader word count: 9,123 (...oopsie) warnings/tags: pWp (with, y'all!), alternate universe: canon divergence, friends to lovers, friends with benefits
also cross-posted to ao3 okay love you bye xoxo your comments and reblogs are appreciated but not required i will love you all the same i hope u like !!!! <3
all characters are 18+ these are 18+ activities minors pls do not interact my eye is twitching as i write this 
It has been one hell of a week.
The tornadic activity has been off the charts – more storms built up under ideal conditions for weather hell-bent on destruction in a multiple-day stretch than you can remember ever tracking before. Your team had obviously been up for the chase, but now that the storms have passed, and the sun shines on the cleanup efforts, you can’t help but wish you’d chosen a different life path. You love what you do, but God, were you tired. Blisters have formed on the palms of your hands despite the gloves you’d donned. You could practically feel the knots forming in your neck. You shovel one more load of leaf litter before heaving the blade into the ground and leaning against it. Across from you, a backhoe is demolishing and excavating the remains of a house.
You close your eyes and try to just let the sun warm your face, thinking about how fast it can all just be gone. Mother Nature’s a beautiful force, but she can be cruel.
“Hey, don’t be slowin’ down on me,” Tyler jokes, clapping a hand between your shoulder blades. You hadn’t heard him approach, and his voice has startled you, pulling you from your thoughts. “We’re ‘bout halfway done with our part, I think.”
“No,” you reply, swiping the back of your arm across your forehead, trying in vain to clear your bangs from your eyes, but they won’t budge. Tyler reaches up and, almost as if he isn’t even thinking about it, takes the unruly pieces of hair between his thumb and forefinger and tucks it behind your ear, underneath the temple of your sunglasses, to make sure it stays this time. The action is so intimate it sends a flush crawling up your neck. You chance a look around to make sure no one else has seen. “Not slowin’ down, I promise. Just thinking about how lucky we are to be alive. How sad it is that all these people just lost everything.”
You’ve known Tyler since the two of you were in college together, fast friends who’d stuck together through a lot that could've put a strain on any other relationship, although you hadn’t studied meteorology – you’d been in school to be a librarian. 
One night, he’d asked you to stay up and help him with a lab he’d missed for one of his classes, and he loves to say he knew it then – that you were hooked – but you were too far along in your degree to do anything about it now. Switching from an arts degree to one in STEM? You’d have had to start over from scratch. 
Tyler had formed his team while you were in grad school and he was working as a cowboy for the rodeo back home, and you’d dropped out without a second thought when he asked you to be a founding member, to travel the country with him every tornado season. Said he wouldn’t – couldn’t – think about doing it without you. You’ve been riding with him ever since.
The two of you share everything, always have, and sometimes you wonder if it might be too much for the professional relationship you’re supposed to have.
“That’s what we’re here for,” Tyler grins, the hand still glued to your back rubbing gently, sending goosebumps across your skin under your shirt. “To help ‘em feel like their luck is turnin’.”
Always the optimist, Tyler Owens. He clears his throat, the hand on your back pulling away, and steps slightly closer to you.
“One of the folks over there gave these to me,” he says, gesturing to a group of people gathering in front of a house that looks like something had tried to suck it into the ground from dead center. “I saved their cat from their screened-in porch, poor thing had been yowling all night apparently. Know these’re your favorite, so, here you go. I think you earned it.”
You take the tin from him and open it, your mouth instantly watering at the sight of the small, round butter cookies inside. “God,” you groan, picking one up and taking a bite, savoring it over your tongue. You can feel Tyler watching you carefully. “Thank you. You get me.”
“Do we get cookies, Tyler?”
Lily’s voice sounds from your left, and you glance over at her. The shit-eating look on her face tells you she did see Tyler fix your hair for you. Your stomach somersaults.
“If you’re good,” Tyler says, smirking, “after the sun sets, we can head back to the motel, find some shitty bar, and drinks’ll be on me, okay? How’s that sound?”
Lily whoops, turning to Dani, who’d since appeared beside her, and the two snicker and fist bump. 
“You need any help over here?”
You look back at Tyler, cupping one hand above your eyes to shield them from the sunlight. Despite your glasses, it shines bright from directly behind him, and you can hardly stand to look at him. 
“Yeah, I’m good,” you murmur in reply, bending down to toss some siding that had been blown off one of the houses on this street into the wheelbarrow you’ve been using. “You should go see what Boone’s up to – I don’t think anyone has seen him in a minute.”
No doubt Boone was hiding somewhere with one of the breakfast burritos Lily and Dani have been rolling since early that morning, seeing how long he can get away with not doing his part. He’s a good guy, but the manual labor side of the job isn’t really his thing.
“Eh, he’s better off wherever he is,” Tyler laughs, and a small smile takes over your face, too. “Hey, you sure you’re okay? You don’t need a break? You can take a minute to yourself, no one’ll judge. I know how this can all get to you a little more than it gets to everyone else.”
You know him well enough to know he’s not calling you weak-stomached, that he’s genuinely concerned for how you feel, but he’s right. It does all get to you. Settling in to help survivors of these natural disasters is just something that comes with the chasing – there isn’t one without the other for you and the rest of the crew. You nod, glancing back up at him. 
“I’m okay, Tyler. Go off and be the face of the operation – you don’t have to worry about me.”
Tyler’s eyes narrow, his gaze shifting between your eyes, trying to find evidence you’re withholding the truth from him, but he seems to find nothing. With a minute tip of his head, he turns to resume working through a long-term plan for rebuilding the town with the mayor and some other members of the local government. 
This is something else you know he loves to do – shmooze with higher-ups, show off his people skills. Not only are they higher-ups, they’re small-town folk. His kind of people. He knows how to get through to them, how to get them to trust him. You love that about Tyler. He’s never condescending – he always has a genuine desire to help. He’s been through this hundreds of times, and these people may only have been through it this one time. You look around at them, at the people of all ages picking up the pieces that remain of their community, then cross your fingers and send a thought out to anyone listening:
Please let it be the only time.
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After a few more hours of genuinely back-breaking work, you hear Tyler’s sharp whistle and know it’s time, meandering over to his truck where it’s been parked for almost eighteen hours. Using your teeth, you pull your gloves from your hands and hiss. They’ve been rubbed raw, the skin blistering where each finger meets the palm. You try to ignore the throbbing sensation, leaning against the passenger side door and closing your eyes. The rest of the crew sidle up to you, taking long drags from water bottles and cigarettes and trying to make peace with how you’re leaving this place tonight.
“Does anyone else want to break off to shower first?”
It seems Dani’s the only one, and they shrug, putting their hand out, palm up, to Dexter, who hands them the keys to the RV.
“Meet y’all there,” they say, stifling a yawn, and you know it’ll be a bit before you see them. The rest of you will have to pile into Tyler’s truck, and before you can object, the other three crawl into the back seat and leave you on the front bench with Tyler. You let yourself in and close the door behind you, buckling and watching as Tyler shakes someone’s hand and hustles to meet the rest of you. His Texans cap hits the bench before he does, between the two of you, and he turns his keys in the ignition, buckling his own seatbelt.
“Where we headin’?”
“There’s a place with a mechanical bull nearby. I vote there.”
“How nearby is ‘nearby,’ Boone?”
“Uh,” he pulls his phone from his pocket, does a quick Google to double-check. “Forty-five minutes?”
Dexter leans over and grips Boone’s phone, reading the screen. “In the opposite direction of the motel, Boone.”
Everyone groans, objecting, and you press your hand against your temple to alleviate the pressure there. The noise, God, the noise.
“Could we go somewhere closer to the motel, maybe?”
“It’s got a mechanical bull,” Boone stresses, and everyone rolls their eyes.
“Boone, you know damn well we’re not making it back to the motel if we go that far away.”
He groans, and you pull your own phone out, checking Maps to see what’s around the motel.
“This one’s three minutes from where we’re stayin’,” you say, showing Tyler your screen, and he nods, shifting into reverse, backing out, and starting down the one lane of the street that’s been cleared of debris. 
“Hey Boone,” you toss over your shoulder as Tyler shifts into second gear. “By the way. Long time no see.”
Lily snorts, smacking you on the shoulder to let you know she thought that was a good one. Boone shakes his head. 
“Hey, just because you didn’t see me all day doesn’t mean I wasn’t out there, too. How do I know you were workin’, weren’t sitting on your ass in the shade somewhere, hm?”
You hold your raw, red palms out for him to inspect and that shuts Boone up quick. Tyler whistles as he gets an eyeful of your skin.
“God damn, girl,” Lily murmurs. “That looks like it hurts. I think I might have Aquaphor in my bag back at the motel if you want some.”
“I’ll be alright,” you reply, knocking your elbow against her knee behind you in thanks. “Appreciate you.”
The rest of the drive is taken mostly in silence, everyone in the backseat trying to rest their eyes, but you stay up, your eyes on the road, so Tyler isn’t the only one making the thirty-ish minute drive back to where you’re staying, where you checked in only after it’d been decided which towns had been hit the worst, so you could reach all of them easily by truck.
“What’s goin’ on in your head? Hm?”
You turn to look at Tyler and he glances at you from out of the corner of his eye, then at your lap, at the fingernails you’ve picked down to the quick. “Real quiet over there.”
“Nothing,” you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Don’t let Boone get to you,” Tyler says, tapping his right fist on your thigh once, twice, then letting it rest there. You brush your knuckles against his and he opens the fist immediately, taking your hand in his but not squeezing, careful not to put pressure on the blisters on your palms.
“It’s not that,” you start, then realize your mistake, your admission. “I really – I think I’m just tired. It’s been a long week.”
You’re acutely aware of your hand in Tyler’s. It’s not like you’ve ever been shy around him – your cheeks flush at the thought – but this is…different. Sweet. More.
“Yeah, that it has,” he sighs, adjusting his left hand on the steering wheel so he can drive a little more comfortably, but his right hand stays in yours. 
You settle back into silence, Tyler seemingly having dropped the subject, and your eyes return to the road, but you feel him looking over at you, checking on you, every once in a while. You try your hardest not to meet his gaze. 
Soon enough, Tyler is putting the truck in park, then shutting the thing off. The noise – or lack thereof, you guess – wakes Dexter in the back, then Lily, who snorts when she sees your hand in Tyler’s. You pull away and unbuckle your seatbelt, watching as Tyler, with a hurt look on his face, wipes his hand on his jeans and swings himself down and out of the truck.
“C’mon, Boone,” he shouts, slapping a hand on the door that Boone has his head resting against, and the man sits up straight, wiping sleep from his eyes. “The sun hasn’t even gone down yet. Drinks on me, pal!”
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The motel really is that close to the bar, so you all decide you’ll leave the truck parked there and walk home at the end of the night. The unspoken verdict is that you will all be getting shitfaced tonight.
The lingering smell of cigarettes in the air seems to rejuvenate everyone and Lily pumps a fist when she spots the old-fashioned jukebox across the room, then claps a hand over her mouth when she realizes there’s a TouchTunes sitting right next to it.
“Oh, I am so forcing you fuckers to listen to Chappell Roan all night,” she says gleefully, and you laugh along with her, looping your arm in hers and letting her pull you across the room while the boys settle in at the bar.
“So what was that all about?”
“What was what all about?” You play dumb, shrugging when Lily gives you a hard look and unhooks her arm from yours.
“Girl, seriously,” Lily scoffs, bumping your hip with hers and slipping a twenty dollar bill into the TouchTunes. Evidently she wasn’t joking when she meant you’d be listening to Chappell Roan all night. “I saw that thing earlier, the hair thing, don’t think I didn’t. And y’all holding hands in the truck. What’s going on there?”
You shake your head but she grabs your wrist. “I’m serious, Lil. Nothing’s going on. We’re friends – good friends. He noticed I was having a hard time today, and wanted to make sure I was alright. That’s all.”
You can tell she doesn’t fully believe you, and when she opens her mouth to object, you cut her off.
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom, okay?”
Lily watches you, trying to read the small line between your eyebrows, but eventually she nods and lets go of you, letting you turn away from her. You push through the door to the women’s restroom, your nose wrinkling at the smell, but you ignore it. Standing in front of the sink, you watch yourself, hands shaking. This isn’t you. You’re better than this at shoving these feelings for Tyler down, way down – or, rather, you had been, up until this week broke you, apparently. Turning the knob for the cold water to the left, you let it run over your sore hands, hissing at the feeling. Carefully, you cup your palms and watch them fill, then splash the water onto your face, soothing the flush. There. That should help.
There’s a cold bottle of Coors in front of the seat next to Dexter when you arrive back to the group, “Red Wine Supernova” playing from the speakers. You almost snort at all the old men – regulars, no doubt – groaning out their distaste for whoever chose the music all across the room.
“Thanks,” you toss over your shoulder at Tyler, sitting on the other side of Dexter and Boone. He nods and nurses his own. You frown and settle onto the stool, leaning an elbow on the bartop so you can turn and face your friends. The cold beer against the palms of your hands feels so nice.
What’s wrong with him? He won’t make eye contact with you, and you notice his jaw clicking as he grits his teeth. What’s got his panties in a twist?
As the night unfolds, you find yourself laughing more and more, loosening up, letting the stress of the last week fade into memory. Someone has produced a deck of cards from God knows where and Dani – who did join the group eventually – is showing off card tricks you didn’t even know they knew. You feel a warmth spreading through your body, and you can’t stop thinking about how much you love all of these people. Your friends. Your family. Empty bottles are swiftly replaced with full, cold ones without notice, and everyone is languid, relaxed, unburdened by the work that you’re all doing.
You take a pull from your drink, using the cover of the bottle to risk a glance to Tyler three seats down from you to find that he’s already watching you, and the look in his eye tells you exactly what he’s thinking. That somersault-y feeling is lower than your stomach now. You’re only three beers deep, but the air in your head reminds you that you’ve barely eaten all day, so you’re a little more affected by the alcohol than you’d usually be. Impolitely, you reach across Dexter next to you to grab a handful of peanuts from the basket to his left.
Glancing back up at Tyler, you meet his heady gaze again, and he smirks around the lip of the bottle against his mouth. He knows he’s got you right where he wants you. You swallow nervously around another sip of beer.
Every once in a while, the two of you will get a little too drunk, stay until last call, sneak back to your motel room, and fuck. Nobody knows – at least you don’t think they do – and you never talk about it when you’re sober. Tyler will generally stay until you fall asleep, but he’s always gone when you get up the next day. Only once has he woken up in bed with you the next morning, and you’ve never made that mistake again. There isn’t a name for what you feel for him, you don’t think, and you can’t tell what he thinks of the arrangement. Clearly he likes it, or he wouldn’t be making eyes at you from across three people’s laps as you pull these peanuts from their shells.
“Alright, y’all,” Lily says, slapping a hand on the bar, startling you out of your thoughts. You watch her, popping a nut into your mouth. “Think I’m gonna head out. I suggest you all do, too, fuckers, it’s late.”
Everyone starts to protest, but one glance at the clock tells you you’ve all stayed much longer than you thought – it’s a quarter past midnight, and you’ve got to be up with the daylight. You balk, but if you want to talk to Tyler tonight, you know you’ve got to shoulder your exhaustion and stick it out a little longer.
“I think I might stay for a bit,” you murmur, watching everyone stand and gather their things. You glance over at Tyler, who you can see clearly now that everyone’s out of their seats, and he’s watching you, too. The look on his face reads plain, now – he wants you.
“I’ll stay with her,” he says, eyes on yours. The green in them has disappeared almost completely, you notice, his pupils blown wide. “Walk her back. Y’all head back if you want.”
“I might stay, too –” Boone’s voice cuts off, coughing as Lily elbows him in the stomach, maybe a little too hard. “What the fuck was that for?”
“You’re going to bed, too, Boone,” Dani interrupts, a hand on his shoulder, guiding him towards the door. They poke him once when he starts to protest. “C’mon, now.”
Everyone shuffles out the front, Dexter calling good night, and all of the sudden, it’s just you and Tyler. You don’t know why, but your palms begin to sweat at the thought of being alone with him again. He stands, palming his drink, and slides onto the seat next to you, his body angled towards yours.
He’s never made you nervous like this. You don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you.
“So,” Tyler starts, grinning at you. “You come here often?”
You snort, emboldened by the booze, and he chuckles in response. “Idiot.”
“God, but I do love making you laugh.”
You blush under his scrutinous gaze, and take a quick swig of the dregs of your drink, unsure what to say to that. He mirrors you, taking a sip of his own while his eyes bore into yours. Accusatory.
“You don’t do it much anymore, you know that?”
“Do what?”
You press your fingertips to your mouth and Tyler’s eyes follow your hand. “I guess I just haven’t had much to laugh about lately,” you start, sighing deeply. “Tornado season’s been hard this year, and you know how much that – it gets to me. As much as I love what we do. You know. Remember that family a couple weeks back whose daughter was stuck under her bunk bed when it pressed on her too long, lost her leg below the knee? That got to me, Tyler. It did.”
“It gets to me, too,” he murmurs, knocking his knee against yours. “I guess I’m just better at hiding how bad it affects me. You can talk to me about it, though. You can talk to any of us.”
“I know I can,” you breathe, trying to keep your hands from shaking. “I know. Sometimes I don’t know what to say, though, you know, what is there to say? It’s not fair to complain about how sad it makes me to watch these people lose everything.”
“You’re allowed to feel sad. And to feel frustrated. It’s not fair, you’re right, but we’re doing good work, yeah? Fighting the good fight. Figuring out what makes these things tick, how to warn people when they’re in the path, get them outta the way and safe. Maybe they lose their house, their car, but they won’t lose themselves, or each other. That’s what matters most. Just remember that.”
You look up at him, set your elbow on the bartop, and prop your chin on your open palm. Your hands don’t hurt so bad anymore, you notice. “Thanks, Tyler.”
“Anytime,” he smiles, but you shake your head. 
“Seriously. You always know what to say.”
A look crosses his face then, too quick for you to read, and he sets his drink down, flagging the bartender over to close out the team’s tab. You frown, wondering if you’d, ironically, said the wrong thing.
“What’s up?”
Tyler looks back to you, and this time, the look in his eyes is unmistakable. It burns. “Taking you home, sweetheart.”
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The walk back to your motel is done in silence. Tyler’s hand swings next to yours, and you feel it searching for yours more than once, but you don’t take it. You climb the stairs together, slowly, and he walks you to your door. His room is one more floor up.
You can tell he thinks you won’t invite him in, that you’ve changed your mind – or maybe that you never made it up. He hadn’t, after all, told you plainly that that was why he’d stayed with you at the bar. You unlock the room with your key card and step inside, opening the door only far enough for you to fit through it. You turn back to look at him, his face awash in the street lights shining into the hallway. You flip the lightswitch on next to you, illuminating the room behind you, too.
“Well,” he murmurs, making to head back down the stairs. “Good night.”
His head turns back to look at you, watching as you hold out one hand and he takes it, letting you pull him closer to you. You press yourself into him, push your whole face against his chest, your hip keeping the door from closing on the two of you. You inhale deeply, the smell of him overtaking your senses. His cologne, yes, but underneath that, the smell of dirt, earth. Home.
You feel his arms wrap around your back and you turn your head to the side, press your ear to his heartbeat. Your hands come up to scratch down his back and you feel it when he shudders.
You hear his breath hitch in his chest, then the deep rumble of his voice as he says, “Alright, baby.”
With a short inhale, your eyes flutter, nearly closing at the term of endearment. You step back, pulling him with you, and as you close the door behind you, he pushes one hand up into your hair and pulls your head toward his.
“I, uh,” you whisper against his lips when they get close enough to yours, “I think I might shower first, if that’s okay with you?”
“Alright,” he murmurs, unlacing his hand from the strands of your hair before toeing his boots off and carefully setting them under the chair next to the front door. “You want company?”
You swallow. You’ve never done anything like that before. It’s always been quick. When you do this with him, you hardly ever have time for a chat before he’s got your shirt over your head and his mouth on your skin.
“Sure,” you reply. You feel him watch as you turn around and pull your shirt off, reaching back to unclasp your bra. The modesty feels redundant, but you can’t help it.
“Not gettin’ shy on me now, are you? S’not like I haven’t seen you naked before,” he chuckles, and you throw a look at him over your shoulder just as he’s pulling his own shirt over his head. He left his hat at the bar, you think. You’ll have to go back in for it when you pick up the truck.
“Tyler,” you scold, and he laughs at you, steps across the room to wrap an arm around your torso and press a kiss to where your neck meets your shoulder. The place he knows makes you melt. You sigh and push back against him, the feeling of his hard chest against your bare back a welcome one. This feels more like what you know, what you’re used to.
“Shower,” you remind him, and he nods, his forehead pressed into that spot now, and he pushes his fingers underneath the waistband of your jeans, running them along the bit of skin there around to the front, where the fabric splits at the button. He pops it undone, then uses his thumb and forefinger to grip the zipper and slowly – so slowly – pulls that down. He can’t help himself, you know that, and so you hold your breath and wait for him to push his hand into your panties. Ever a predictable man, he does just that, and you gasp at the feeling of his warm hand against you.
“Are you sure?” Tyler’s breath against your neck makes you shiver, and you press your ear to the side of his chin. He runs his fingers along the seam of you, finding first your clit, your legs twitching at the sudden rush of pleasure when he brushes his hand against it, then pushing down to find you wet and wanting. You cry out softly. “You don’t sound sure. You don’t feel sure.”
You hum, your neck stretching back until your head is pressed to his chest, and he pulls his hand back up to start working small circles on your clit, your wetness on his fingers allowing for smooth movement, with just enough friction to have you panting for more. 
“Sounds more to me like you kinda want me to fuck you with my fingers.”
“Tyler,” you whimper, telling him with just his name that you are getting close. He smiles against the side of your neck, pulling his hand away and shoving your jeans and underwear down just enough that his hand has room to smack your clit lightly. You squeal, right leg kicking out at the feeling, and he continues moving his hand in circles to soothe the hurt.
Your breath is coming out of you in short huffs, and before you can come, Tyler takes his hand off of you and wraps it around your stomach to join the other. You pant and whine, rubbing your thighs together to chase the feeling he’d had you practically pressed up against, now ebbing with the loss of his fingers.
“You said you wanted to shower,” he whispers in your ear, pulling your panties back up, and you scowl, pushing away from him. He laughs and holds his hands up in defense as you pick your t-shirt up off your bed and crack it at him like a whip. “Let’s shower, baby.”
“I might kick you out right now, Owens,” you snark, but the small smile on your face gives you away, and Tyler unbuttons his own jeans, leaving them in a pile on the floor at the end of the bed. Your jeans join his, and you’re both left in your underwear.
“You wouldn’t,” he replies, pulling his briefs off slowly, biting his bottom lip as you watch him. “You like this cock too much.”
You can’t help laughing at him, but the sight of him bare in front of you does have you biting your lip. You step forward to cup his growing length in your hand. Before you can move it, Tyler puts a hand on your wrist.
“How’s your hand?” He makes to pull it away, presumably to turn it over and appraise your blisters, but you shake your head.
“S’fine,” you whisper, tightening your grip. You tug once, twice, and press a kiss to his bare chest, then tip your head back to search out his lips. He leans down to oblige you, his lips parting against your mouth as you twist your fist. You love these moments you share with him, when you’re both bare, physically, emotionally, away from the real world, and you can pretend this is an everyday thing. When you’re not trying to tell yourself you feel nothing for him. Like this is just how it is between you.
Tyler groans when you pull your hand away from him and you click your tongue, press that same hand against his bicep.
“Doesn’t feel so good, now does it?”
Before you even know what’s happening, Tyler is picking you up, one arm underneath your back and the other around the backs of your knees. You look up at his face and laugh. “Put me down, Owens!”
He grins and carries you the few paces into the bathroom, placing you on your feet in front of the tub. Tyler leans down and pushes his thumbs underneath the waistband of your panties, waiting for you to put your hands on his shoulders and step out of them.
He lets you pull away from him to turn the hot water on, adjusting the cold side until the temperature is perfect, before pulling you against his chest once again. This time, you can feel his hard cock pressed against your backside, and you hum appraisingly. You reach behind you to fist him again, but he shakes his head – you feel his chin brush against the top of your head – and he groans out, “Mm-mm.”
“We’re gonna shower, baby, c’mon.”
You glance back towards him and watch as he flicks the overhead light on. “So we don’t slip and die,” he says, and you laugh, pushing the shower curtain to the side. Holding Tyler’s hand, you step over the lip of the tub and under the steady stream of warm water, inhaling deeply when it hits the sore muscles in your shoulders and back. Tyler groans at the feeling, too, when he steps in behind you.
“Here, switch with me,” he murmurs, guiding you by your waist until you’re the one underneath the water. You let it fall onto the top of your head, over your face and down the back of your hair, for a moment, eyes closed, relishing the feeling. Tyler reaches both hands up and brushes the water out of your eyes, runs his hand over the top of your head. 
You open one eye, the other shut against the water, and nod. You gaze up at him, heart squeezing at the way he’s watching you. His smile widens and he takes the tiny bottle in his hand – it looks even more comically small now – and dumps the product into his other palm, setting the bottle down onto the edge of the tub and rubbing his hands together.
“Turn around.”
You do as he asks, inhaling sharply through your nose when you feel his hands run through the hair at the crown of your head. Your stomach aches with longing as you register how unnaturally intimate this is. His fingers feel so good against your scalp, which is slightly sunburnt, you’re now realizing. He massages the shampoo further into your hair, running his fingers down the back of your neck and across the tops of your shoulders. When he’s satisfied with his shampoo job, he steers you by your arms to face him again, then carefully helps you tilt your head back and rinses it all from your hair.
You watch him pick up the other small bottle from the shelf, warm water still running down the back of your head. 
“I’ll do my conditioner,” you murmur, taking the bottle gently from his hands. “It’s a – it’s a science.”
“I am very good at science, if you can recall.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “It’s something I’ve gotten perfectly right. It’ll take just a sec.”
So you work the conditioner through the ends of your hair, avoiding his gaze as he watches your hands first coat your hair in the product, then rinse it out. He reaches forward to run his own fingers across it, as gently as he can.
“Hm,” he makes the noise in the back of his throat, pulling his hand away. “Soft.”
You can hardly look at him, the twisting feeling in your stomach shifting to something warmer, something further from apprehension, something that feels a lot like want. “You?”
Tyler shakes his head. “I’m good. Here,” he says, rubbing his hands across the plane of your upper back. “You’re tense. You worked hard today. Let me help.”
You weren’t going to protest, but before you can, Tyler guides you forward and out of the direct spray of the shower, then presses his thumbs into your muscle. You groan, your head falling forward onto his chest at the feeling, and he chuckles at you, continuing with his hands. “Feel good?”
“So good,” you whimper, and you feel his cock twitch against your stomach.
“You fucking dog,” you joke, and Tyler laughs against you, pushing your hair off the back of your neck and pressing his thumbs in there, too.
“Hey, what can I say? I like making my girl feel good.”
You freeze. His girl? His girl. He hasn’t noticed your reaction, and he keeps pressing his fingers into your sore muscles, pulling one hand away briefly to push the showerhead down and away from the two of you. You glance up, already missing its warmth, but you find that the steam rising around you is doing a good enough job at that.
“Here, baby,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your forehead and guiding you to press your hands against the tiled wall to your left, running his hands down your back.
“What are you –”
Before you can finish the thought, you feel Tyler’s fingers parting the seam of your cunt from – from behind, and you groan at the feeling of his middle finger slipping inside of you.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he groans, his knees hitting the floor behind you. You toss a glance at him over your shoulder and your own knees nearly buckle at the way he’s looking up at you – with hunger, and with reverence, and with something else entirely unrecognizable. He looks wild. He looks in love.
One of Tyler’s hands clamps down around your hips and he leans forward, pressing a kiss to the back of your thigh as his finger starts to shift in and out of you. You shiver and push your face into the cool tile, groaning softly when he finds that rough bit of flesh inside of you, the one that makes you come undone if he works it long enough.
“Yeah?” Tyler sounds fucked out already, his voice breathy against your skin, and you can picture the look on his face, the concentrated expression he gets when he’s trying to make you come. You try to focus on the feeling of the shower’s spray where it hits the edge of your foot rather than how good his finger feels inside you because if you think too closely about how good it feels, you’ll get lightheaded. And nobody wants that.
“Yeah,” you reply weakly, and for a few minutes it’s just like that, the only sound in the bathroom the shower, your panting moans, and the noise your pussy makes as he pulls his finger in and out.
“Sound so good for me, baby,” he says, pressing a kiss to the back of your thigh again, and you whine, trying to protest when he slips his finger from you. He laughs deep in his chest and lightly smacks the swell of your ass.
“Don’t complain when I’m doin’ somethin’ nice for you,” he jok, and you can feel then that he’s shifting himself around. You want to look over your shoulder, want to see for yourself what he’s doing, but freeze when you feel his palms cupping your ass, his nose pressing against the inside of your thighs.
Your mouth forms the word oh, but no sound comes out until you feel his mouth press against your cunt, tongue pushing inside of you, and then you cry out, chest heaving, when he presses a sloppy, wet kiss to your clit. You pull your face from where it’s still resting against the tile and look down at Tyler to find he’s already looking right up at you. His grip on your ass tightens when you make eye contact with him, and he spreads you open wider for him, eyes narrowing as his tongue flicks again, and again, and again.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he moans against you, the vibrations causing your legs to twitch. You already thought you were going to burst, the steam from the shower, the way he’d washed your hair, the fact that he was in your room at all – it all made you feel slightly insane. To add insult to injury, he’s just pushed two fingers inside of you and immediately found the spot that takes you out, and you start to shake a little.
“Tyler,” you whine, pushing one hand down to grip his hair. He groans when you tighten your hold on it, fucking into you a little faster. “Tyler, fuck, gonna come.”
“So come, baby,” comes his reply, and you do, you come so hard that the toes on your right foot curl until you’re on tiptoe and Tyler has to reach up and grip your waist to steady you. You feel it crest, and peak, then subside, but he keeps working you through it, his mouth moving against you still, and a second, smaller – though still good – orgasm wracks your body right after the first.
You breathe through it, push your foot down so you’re standing flat on the surface of the tub again, and wait for Tyler to pull his fingers out of you. 
“Baby,” Tyler groans, squeezing your hips, his fingernails biting slightly into your skin. “You gotta let go’a me, if you want me to get up.”
His voice, fuck, his voice, you think, releasing your grip on his hair and turning to watch him rise from his knees, the tile cold against your back. You surge forward to kiss him square on the mouth and he catches you, smiles against you when you part your lips to taste yourself on his tongue.
“Was that good?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, pressing one, two, three more quick kisses to his mouth, before he reaches behind you to turn off the water. “So fucking good.”
Neither of you bother with a towel, instead opting to stumble toward the queen bed in the middle of the room and climb right underneath the covers.
“Hi,” you whisper when you’re settled in, the duvet pulled up under your chin. Your eyes rove over his face, then glance over to the alarm clock behind him. 1:56 in the morning. “You still wanna fuck?”
Tyler snorts, reaching over to poke you in the side, gripping the skin there until you start to laugh. “You still wanna fuck?”
“Yeah,” you reply, grinning, when you catch your breath. “Wanna?”
He’s quiet for a second, watching the duvet rise and fall with each breath you take, before he peels it off of you, using his elbow to push himself up until he’s leaning over you. There’s a rosy flush on your chest, your breasts heaving and it’s all he can do not to lean down and take one of your nipples in his mouth, the one closest to him. Instead, he runs the back of his other hand across your chest, catching against the hard peak, and watches your breath stick to the inside of your throat. You feel yourself subconsciously leaning toward him as his face comes toward you. You want him to kiss you, but instead, he angles his mouth to kiss the skin below your chin.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes against your neck, pressing his open mouth to you there, and you gasp at the feeling – of his mouth against you, and of his praise. It all feels so nice. He just made you come in the shower, and now he’s going to make you come in this bed, hopefully more than once. 
You wrap your hands around his back and pull him toward you, watch as he settles in between your thighs. You can feel his thick cock, heavy, insistent, where it presses against you, and you want to take him into your hands, but he has other plans. 
With one hand pressed into the pillow on either side of your head, Tyler uses his knees to knock your legs out further, sitting back against his heels when he’s satisfied. He wraps his big hands around your thighs and pulls you closer, smiling down at you. “You’re so beautiful.”
You blush when he repeats himself, suddenly feeling very bare. He’s just as naked as you are, but you can’t help but feel like he’s seen your whole hand, meanwhile you hardly have any idea what cards he might hold. In the dim light from the lamp beside your head, you notice that you can see the green of his irises again. It seems like the shower sobered the two of you up very quickly.
His gaze locked on yours, Tyler takes himself into his hand, groaning at the pressure of his grip after neglecting his own want for so long, but he suddenly curses, pausing just as he’s about to press inside of you.
“I don’t have a condom,” he breathes, sitting back again. He runs one hand through his hair, visibly weighing the options.
“It’s okay, Tyler,” you murmur, leaning up onto your elbows. “It’s okay. I have an IUD, and I got screened after the last time I was with someone. I’m good. I’m good if you’re good.”
Tyler heaves a heavy sigh, running his hands up your thighs. “You’re sure? I’m clean, too, cross my heart. But only if you’re sure.”
You nod. “My head is clear. I think I shook off my drunk an orgasm or two ago.”
A grin crosses his face, and you roll your eyes at him before he even opens his mouth. Two? he mouths, then whistles lowly. You smack his stomach, and he grabs your wrist in his hand, lightning quick, pressing a kiss to the pulse point there. Your jaw falls slack, and you go all soft and pliant, letting him pin your hands above your head. His body comes down over yours, and his mouth presses to your cheek, then your forehead, and when your eyes flutter shut, the ghost of a kiss crosses them, too.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good,” he murmurs, and normally if a man were to say that to you, you would immediately regret letting him into your bed. But for some reason, when Tyler says it, it sends that familiar warmth spiraling down into your gut. You know he means it.
Slowly – too slowly – he guides himself back to your entrance, shifting his hips so they’re resting comfortably against yours, and he presses himself inside of you. You hiss; the girth of him, although a welcome stretch, is also a bit of an uncomfortable one. He leans down to kiss you, working you through it with a thumb pressing circles into your clit, sliding himself in bit by bit until he’s fully seated. 
A groan pushes out of him when you clench around him, testing the waters.
“Careful,” he murmurs, easing his hips back. “I’d like it if this lasted longer than ten seconds, please.”
You laugh against the side of his head, pull your hands down from where he’d left them above you and wrap yourself around his shoulders, pulling him flush against you. Tyler grips your thighs and starts to work himself in and out of you, carefully, gently, but you squeeze his waist with your knees. Encouraging him. Asking him to pick it up. You can handle it.
His hips start to pull back and snap against yours quicker and quicker, Tyler panting in your ear, lifting up onto his palms and pushing himself off of you. He sits up onto his knees and tilts your hips up for a different angle, one that sets sparks dancing in front of your eyes. You groan, head tossed back, and dig your nails into his thighs as his pace picks up.
“Fuck, yeah, that it, baby? I can feel you – fuck, feel you squeezin’ me.”
You hardly have a voice with the rate he’s slipping in and out of you, barely enough to squeak out, “Fuck,” before your cunt has him in a vice grip, working through another orgasm.
“Ohhh, that’s it, huh, that’s it.” His mouth is going a mile a minute, neither of you really paying much attention to anything he’s actually saying. You’re both focused on his own mounting orgasm – you don’t feel like your body is capable of much more than that – and you weakly clamp down around him once more. His eyes squeeze shut, his hips stutter, and he grits out, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck fuck,” before he slots against you and you feel him filling you. You run a hand down his back, soothing him as he comes, biting your lip at the feeling, foreign but enjoyable.
Tyler groans and glances down to where his cock is softening inside of you. He eases his hips back, cupping your face and pressing a kiss to your forehead as he does. “Shit, I’m sorry, are you okay?”
You nod meagerly, pressing the back of your hand against your warm cheek. He watches you and, assured that you’re not going to pass out on him or anything, stands and hobbles into the bathroom. The sink turns on out of sight, and you close your eyes, listening to the water run. Tyler returns with a warm, wet towel and wipes the inside of your thighs, swiping gently across your cunt, before folding the towel and letting it fall to the floor at your bedside.
You feel loose, calm. Safe. You hardly notice him turn the light off, but you do feel the bed dip beside you as he rejoins you under the covers and pulls you into his arms. You melt against his sturdy chest, his heartbeat under your face a comfort, the rhythmic tick tick tick of it lulling you to sleep. But there’s still one thing you have to know before you can relax completely.
His breathing has started to even out, but he hasn’t snored yet, so you know he’ll still hear you when you ask, “Are you gonna leave?”
He grunts an acknowledgement of your question, nuzzling down into the top of your head.
“Do you want me to stay?”
You know your answer, but you still bite your lip, considering the question. You hadn’t thought before that maybe he left after every night you spent together because he thought you didn’t want to wake up with him. “Yes.”
“Okay,” he murmurs against your hair, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Then I’ll stay.”
If he’s at all worried about what will happen when you wake up tomorrow, he doesn’t show it, but anxiety courses through you at the thought of anyone finding out. Does he want the others to know? Because that’s what it feels like.
“Stop thinking about it,” he whispers, like he can hear your thoughts racing. “It’ll be fine. Just go to sleep.”
Easy for him to say. He’s out like a light. And you’re left alone with your thoughts until you fall into fitful, dissatisfying sleep sometime around when the world outside starts to turn blue.
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A pounding on your door wakes you from deep sleep – the deepest you’d gotten all night, at least – and you try to sit up but find there’s a heavy weight on your chest blocking you. You rub the sleep from your eyes, glancing down at the sleeping body next to you. It takes a second for it to register: Tyler’s here. 
Tyler’s here. Sidled up against you, arm thrown over your stomach like this is where he belongs. He didn’t leave. He stayed, like he said he would. His face looks so peaceful – so beautiful – you almost hate to wake him.
“Come on, sleepyhead! Time to get a move on!”
Almost. You scramble to push Tyler off of you, ignoring his noises of protest, jumping out from under the covers and grabbing various articles of clothing off the floor to pull over your naked form. You plop back down on the bed, this time on his side, right next to where he’s starting to wake.
“Dude, get up, they’re gonna know you’re not in your room. They’re gonna know you’re in here.”
“So what,” he grumbles, rolling over as you push him and settling deeper into the bed. “Let ‘em.”
You sit up straight, one hand on his arm. “You mean that?”
He hums and turns his neck to glance at you over his shoulder. “Yeah, ‘course I do. You’re my girl.”
Your face flushes a deep pink and Tyler grins, reaching over to wrap an arm around you and drag you back down into the bed, pinning you under him and peppering an assault of open-mouthed kisses all over your face. You grin, thinking that you could get used to this – just not right now.
“Seriously, Tyler,” you laugh, pushing a hand against the side of his face. He squeezes your hip. “We have to get up. We gotta get back out there.”
Tyler sighs, loosening his grip on your body and kneeling over you. “Yeah, you’re right. Alright, alright.”
He stands and takes the top sheet with him, wrapped around his waist, and heads to the bathroom. To brush his teeth, you hope. God.
“You know,” he says, head popping back out into the room, mouth full of toothpaste. “Yesterday. I wanted them to see us holding hands.”
You watch as he smiles at you and disappears back into the bathroom, then fall back onto the bed, hands pressed over your eyes. 
Fifteen minutes later, the two of you are dressed, teeth brushed, hair taken care of, day packs slung over your shoulder, and you’re pulling the door closed behind you when you hear a whistle that pulls your attention to the parking lot.
“Damn, Owens!”
The voice makes you jump, and you groan. You thought you were going to get away with the sneaking around, but the rest of your team is watching from next to the RV as the two of you descend the stairs together.
Lily and Dani turn to Boone with smug looks on both their faces, and he rolls his eyes and pulls his wallet from his back pocket. They hold their hands out for him to slap two twenty dollar bills down into.
“What’s that?” You ask when you get close enough to them.
“We had a bet that you and Owens would come out of that room together. Well, that one or his. Didn’t matter which.”
“A bet I just lost,” Boone groans, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. “I thought for sure…”
The rest of the crew snickers, including Tyler, who won’t look at you. You poke a finger into his chest.
“Did you know about this?”
“No, I swear,” he says, hands up, and you don’t know why, but you believe him. “That doesn’t mean I didn’t drunkenly confess to Lily weeks ago that sometimes we, you know…”
You scoff, almost mad, but then Boone shouts and the scoff turns into a snicker because, hey, you love him, but you can’t help but relish in his defeat.
“So they knew?! That’s cheating!”
He storms off while the rest of you laugh, Dani clutching their side and following him around the side of the building to try to make amends, trailing off, “If it makes you feel any better…”
Lily looks over at you, then at Tyler, a grin swallowing her face. “So, are you guys, like, together now? Or something?”
You look up at Tyler, who’s smiling softly at you, clearly deferring to you to answer that question. You feel a surge of affection for him swell in your chest. Clearing your throat, you turn to Lily.
“Or something.”
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astrojulia · 3 months ago
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Asteroid Fay (4820) in the Natal Chart
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The asteroid Fay (4820) gets a lot of fairy stuff when you see posts about this asteroid, but I don't see it that way. I may be tripping on this analysis, yes, but let's go. It was named after a pilot, Fay Gillis Wells,a woman. If it is hard to come by in those areas these days, imagine back then. So I see it more as the feminine authenticity, the part that was repressed from you when you were a child because it wasn't adequate, that part of you that only many years later you realize was killed because they didn't believe in it. Much like Tinkerbell when they didn't believe in her. It's a part of you that was repressed not by your fault, but by others. The fairytail that was killed when you were a girl. I di this analysis focusing more on why it was named that way and it trajectory than just thinking about what Fay means. So, in the end, I just tried to have some fun doing this post, sorry.
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Fay in the Signs
The sign where Fay is reveals the flavor and tone of your feminine authenticity—the unique, often misunderstood part of yourself that might have been repressed by external expectations or societal norms. Over time, rediscovering this part of you brings empowerment, healing, and the ability to honor your authentic self in ways that were once denied.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Aries: Your boldness, confidence, and pioneering spirit may have been stifled, perhaps through discouragement of your natural leadership or independence. Others might have seen your fiery self-expression as "too much." Rediscovery reawakens your fierce courage, rekindling a sense of personal initiative and the ability to unapologetically pursue your desires. You become a trailblazer in reclaiming what was once suppressed.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Taurus:Your connection to sensuality, material values, and the comfort of stability might have been dismissed, especially if practicality or frugality was overly emphasized in your upbringing. This repression may have made you doubt your worth or feel disconnected from physical pleasure and abundance. Rediscovery brings a deep, grounded connection to nature, beauty, and your self-esteem, allowing you to fully embrace a life of richness and contentment.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Gemini:Your curiosity, communication, and intellectual playfulness may have been silenced or undervalued. Perhaps others deemed your ideas frivolous or dismissed your need for learning and sharing. Rediscovery empowers your voice, sharpens your wit, and brings the confidence to express your thoughts freely. You reclaim your role as a dynamic storyteller and bridge-builder.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Cancer:Emotional vulnerability, nurturing instincts, and your deep sensitivity might have been undervalued, leading you to suppress your innate ability to care and connect. Rediscovery allows you to embrace your emotional intelligence and honor the power of your nurturing side. You reclaim the strength that comes from authentic emotional expression and your ability to create a safe, loving space for yourself and others.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Leo:Your creativity, self-expression, and natural magnetism may have been stifled, perhaps by others downplaying your talents or shaming your need for recognition. Rediscovery reignites your inner flame, allowing you to shine without apology. You step into the spotlight with confidence, celebrating your unique gifts and inspiring others to do the same.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Virgo:Your practicality and perfectionism may have been emphasized at the expense of your softer, more creative side. Perhaps you were pushed to focus on being useful and efficient, leaving little room for personal exploration or emotional ease. Rediscovery brings balance, allowing you to serve others while honoring your own needs. You reclaim the grace of self-care and the joy of embracing imperfections.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Libra:Your authenticity in relationships, harmony, and aesthetic appreciation may have been repressed, perhaps due to societal or familial pressures to conform. You might have been discouraged from asserting your individuality or desires for fear of upsetting the balance. Rediscovery empowers you to create beauty and equality in all areas of life, fostering relationships that honor both your needs and those of others.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Scorpio:Your intensity, transformative power, and deep emotional truth may have been buried, perhaps because others found them intimidating or "too much." This repression may have left you feeling disconnected from your own depths. Rediscovery brings fearless authenticity, allowing you to dive into the shadows, heal, and emerge as a beacon of resilience and empowerment.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Sagittarius:Your adventurous spirit, love of freedom, and thirst for knowledge may have been dismissed or restricted, leaving you feeling trapped or misunderstood. Rediscovery reignites your passion for exploration—whether through travel, philosophy, or learning. You reclaim your right to seek the truth and expand your horizons, living a life of bold authenticity.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Capricorn:Your ambition, discipline, and authority may have been repressed, especially if others placed limitations on your aspirations or doubted your ability to succeed. Rediscovery empowers you to take ownership of your goals, aligning your sense of responsibility with your authentic purpose. You emerge as a figure of self-determined success and leadership.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Aquarius:Your eccentricity, innovation, and visionary ideas may have been shunned, particularly if they challenged conventional norms. This repression might have left you questioning your uniqueness or feeling isolated. Rediscovery allows you to embrace your role as a trailblazer, bringing originality and progressive thought into your life and the world around you.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 Pisces:Your sensitivity, spirituality, and imaginative nature may have been dismissed as impractical or unrealistic, leaving you feeling unseen or undervalued. Rediscovery reconnects you to your intuitive gifts and the dreamlike essence of your soul. You reclaim your ability to inspire and create from a place of deep emotional and spiritual authenticity.
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Fay in the Houses
The house in which Fay resides in your natal chart indicates the specific life area where your feminine authenticity may have been stifled, often due to external pressures or unmet validation during formative years. Over time, this placement illuminates the process of reclaiming your suppressed self, allowing you to thrive authentically in this domain of life.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 1st House: Repression here may have stifled your sense of self, physical presence, or how you express your individuality to the world. Perhaps you were made to feel you didn’t measure up in appearance, personality, or confidence, leaving you hesitant to assert your true identity. Rediscovery empowers you to embrace who you are unapologetically, cultivating self-confidence and owning your presence with bold authenticity.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 2nd House: Your self-worth, personal values, or relationship with material security may have been suppressed, possibly by others imposing their priorities on you or undermining your sense of value. Rediscovery helps you rebuild a strong relationship with abundance, teaching you to honor your unique talents and to trust in your inherent worth. You learn to create a stable, fulfilling life on your terms.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 3rd House: Your voice, ideas, or intellectual curiosity may have been dismissed or stifled, leaving you hesitant to speak up or explore freely. Perhaps you felt your thoughts weren’t valued or that learning was too rigidly structured. Rediscovery brings liberation, allowing you to express yourself confidently, connect meaningfully, and embrace your inner storyteller or thinker.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 4th House: Family dynamics or early home life may have restricted your emotional truth or sense of safety. You may have been discouraged from exploring your vulnerability or made to conform to familial expectations. Rediscovery allows you to nurture yourself deeply, reconnect with your roots on your own terms, and even break generational patterns to create a home and foundation that truly supports your authenticity.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 5th House: Creativity, playfulness, and romantic self-expression may have been overshadowed by pressure to be serious or productive. Perhaps your innate talents or joys were dismissed as frivolous. Rediscovery rekindles your passion for life, helping you reconnect with your inner child, celebrate your unique creativity, and find joy in authentic self-expression and love.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 6th House: Service, routines, or health-related responsibilities may have overshadowed your authentic self. Perhaps you were expected to sacrifice your individuality for the sake of duty or perfectionism. Rediscovery teaches you to balance responsibility with self-care, crafting a meaningful and sustainable lifestyle that honors your uniqueness and supports your well-being.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 7th House: In close relationships, you may have suppressed your individuality, feeling overshadowed or compelled to conform to others’ needs. Rediscovery empowers you to create partnerships that are equal and fulfilling, where your voice is valued. This placement helps you strike a balance between connection and autonomy, fostering relationships that reflect your true self.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 8th House: Deep emotional or transformative power may have been buried due to fear, shame, or external repression of your intense nature. Perhaps you were taught to hide your vulnerability, sexuality, or capacity for profound change. Rediscovery brings courage to explore your depths, embrace your shadows, and emerge with a greater sense of empowerment and authenticity.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 9th House: Your thirst for knowledge, spiritual exploration, or adventurous spirit may have been dismissed or discouraged. Others may have sought to limit your vision or impose rigid beliefs. Rediscovery reignites your passion for freedom and learning, encouraging you to embrace your personal truth and explore the world with openness and wisdom.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 10th House: Your public role, career ambitions, or sense of purpose may have been restricted, perhaps by societal expectations or self-doubt. Rediscovery aligns you with a career or legacy that reflects your true nature and aspirations. You find the courage to step into your authority and pursue a path that feels authentically meaningful and impactful.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 11th House: Your individuality within groups or your visionary ideas may have been suppressed, possibly because they challenged norms or went against the grain. Rediscovery helps you find your true community—those who support and celebrate your unique contributions—and reconnects you to your ideals and dreams for the future.
∞ ₒ ˚ °𐐒 12th House: Subconscious fears, societal expectations, or hidden pressures may have stifled your spiritual and intuitive gifts, leaving you disconnected from your inner world. Rediscovery invites you to embrace your sensitivity, delve into your dreams, and unlock the hidden wisdom within. You learn to trust your intuition and honor the depth of your soul’s journey.
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Fay Aspecting Planets
Sun: Your core identity is tied to reclaiming authenticity. Challenges help you grow into self-expression.
Moon: Emotional vulnerability and healing are central. Rediscovery nurtures your emotional truth.
Mercury: Your voice and ideas reclaim confidence and clarity after past suppression.
Venus: Self-worth and relationships evolve as you rediscover your value and beauty.
Mars: Assertiveness and passion emerge as you embrace your authentic drive.
Jupiter: Personal growth and wisdom come through rediscovering your true nature.
Saturn: Early restrictions transform into strength and discipline in reclaiming authenticity.
Uranus: Rediscovery liberates you to express your unique, rebellious side.
Neptune: Creativity and spirituality guide you to reclaim your authentic essence.
Pluto: Deep transformation and empowerment are key to rediscovering your true self.
Rising: Your journey of authenticity is visible to others, shaping your public image and first impression. Challenges push you to embody your true self confidently.
Midheaven: Your career and public role reflect your journey of reclaiming authenticity. Rediscovery aligns your purpose with your truest self, inspiring others through your professional and personal legacy.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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jyeshindra · 4 months ago
Astro Observations - Pt. III
🤖 - I think those with lots of Leo energy in the chart (Suns especially) have karma to do with transcending the ego. The sense of self and the way self is expressed needs to be adjusted here. Sometimes the native may have too much ego, too much confidence. Sometimes too little. The fire must be tempered, nurtured, matured so that Leo can lead and help others spiritually develop and self-actualize.
🤖 - Mercury nakshatras have a cunning/beguiling element to them. Mercury is the prince/princess, there's something naive and innocent but observant at the same time. Perhaps they are not in charge, but they're in the rooms where decisions are made. Mercury is listening, watching, but free of the burdens of authority. The nature of these nakshatras and even Mercurial energy (Virgo, Gem, Merc Dominance) carries this watchful yet naive energy. One who possesses knowledge yet can feign ignorance when necessary.
🤖 - Sun dominants/Leo energy can be SO STUBBORN. They are unmoving and stick to their own way of seeing things even if it hurts them. Can be belligerent as well, similar to Mars. The general and the king are similar in these ways.
🤖 - I read online that Water Moons/Venus/Suns may be really attracted to antique items. Throw in Capicorn and Taurus too. Makes sense...they say they akashic records are held in water, creating a connection between memory/history and water. Even our bodies holding onto to experiences and trauma when it is mostly made of water. Capricorn is just a sign that appreciates age/time while Taurus appreciates quality which usually stands the tests of time. Water energy enjoys nostalgia and sentimentality, the type to hold onto memories, feelings, and experiences and love anything created from or to hold memories. The type to love something like Snapchat memories or time capsules.
🤖 - Aquarius is unpredictable, truly the lightning bolt--reflecting that Uranian quality. They tow this line between structure and innovation, being capable of seeing the form and changing it when necessary. Aquarius is the type who can justify murder if it is for the greater good. That cold detachment gives them the ability to be objective in a way that comes off as cold, but I think their perspective is a reflection of their kind of sensitivity.
🤖 - Capricorn/Saturn energy moves SLOWLY. Those with this energy can be very lazy! Saturn is time and it TAKES it's time. It's like these natives know they need to pick up the pace and move, but they can't help but indulge their own laziness. I know they're often seen as workhorses but I think they can be just lazy if not moreso!
That's all from me. Stay tuned for the next one :D
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andromarche · 1 year ago
Hear me out, whenever one of the batlings does something good/bad, Bruce responds accordingly by changing his last will and testament. Most of them don’t even need or care about the money/company/manor, but they treat it in the same way young kids treat a sticker chart.
The batkids regularly break into Bruce’s lawyers office to check if they got any more stickers and forge the will so they get a bigger cut (more stickers). Bruce’s lawyer regularly returns to their office in the morning to papers and ink everywhere, and batarangs lodged in the side of the desk.
The lawyer thinks Bruce is just very fickle. Like this is BRUCIE WAYNE we’re talking about. He’s said on the record that he thinks the moon is made of cheese, he writes his signature with a cute little heart next to it. Very loveable. Not the brightest or most likely to think hard about the long term. They’re convinced the frequent and glaringly obvious Batman/Robin break ins is because Batman is one of Brucie Wayne’s kids and wants to keep checking he’s in the will.
Tim: *mentions off-hand that he’s been awake for 48hours on 12 straight black coffees and sheer-will*
Bruce: *furiously calling his lawyer to cut Tim out of his will and leave the company to Jason*
Lawyer: *holding the coffee pot to head back to their desk, to see Nightwing riffling through the drawers*
Nightwing: *takes the entire coffee pot and pours it into his mouth, not breaking eye contact*
Lawyer: *sigh* Top drawer, right side. Had to move it because Robin spilled ink in the other drawer last night.
Nightwing: *devious grin, writing out “I leave my entire fortune, company and properties to Richard Grayson-Wayne. To my son, Damian Wayne, I leave one penny. To all of my other children, I leave a crisp $20 bill and this message ‘divide it amongst yourselves’.” And perfectly forging Brucie’s signature, complete with a heart next to the name.*
Tim: B! B! What’s this I hear about you leaving us all a $20???
Bruce, knows he explicitly mentioned Steph in his will: Oh well, since you didn’t want to be legally adopted-
Dick, knowing he changed it last night before Steph’s weekly snoop of the will: On… this family?
Lawyer, upon seeing Brucie Wayne for the third time this week to change his will: So, who did what this week? Was it Batman again?
Bruce: What?
Lawyer: Don’t worry, I’m not going to rat out that Batman is your kid.
Bruce: Right, thank you. I appreciate it.
Lawyer: *thinking more about Bruce’s high public profile and how judgemental Gotham’s high society can be than the vigilante stuff* I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to become a father so young. You must have still been in high school!
Bruce, confused and committed to the bit: Yeah, me and his mother still speak sometimes. He keeps getting annoyed by his brothers taking the car out for joyrides.
Lawyer: I hear ya, my eldest just started driving, she loves it though and keeps taking the car to Metropolis randomly.
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jasperxkuromi · 9 months ago
Dealing with guilt and shame around age regression
I've been dealing with some guilt towards my regression the past couple days. I have been feeling self conscious and embarrassed about my regression and it's been making it harder to relax and let myself get into little space. I took some time this afternoon to brain storm a few things I can do and I wanted to share!!
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🐸 Write it out! I have a "worry" journal. I set a 15 minute timer for myself and just let myself write whatever has been bothering me. After the 15 minutes is over I close the journal and throw it across my room.
🐌 You could also write a letter to someone talking about your feelings. This doesn't mean you have to give them that letter!! Sometimes it is soothing to write to someone who hurt you and then rip it up into tiny little pieces afterwards. Another option is to write a letter to your CG about how much you appreciate them and their support :)
🐸 Positive affirmations! I keep a sticky note on my chore chart of a few affirmations I can say to myself when I am worked up.
🐌 Meditation/Mindfulness. You can do ones that are made for kids if it helps! There are also kids toys that are geared at helping little ones slow down and take some deep breaths. My Furby has a relax mode where he guides me to do some breathing. It is both silly and relaxing enough to distract my brain for a little bit.
🐸 Ask your CG to write you a letter you can read when you are dealing with tough emotions. If you have a fictional CG you can write yourself a note pretending to be them! There are also people out there who will write you letters from your CG. Even if you don't have a CG, you can write a letter to yourself. When you are feeling big, write a letter of all the kind things you wish you could say to little you.
🐌 Age regression can be part of a healthy coping toolbox. You are not doing anything wrong by regressing. It is okay to regress. It is okay to take time for you. It is okay to do something that is just for your own happiness.
🐸 You are allowed to take up space. You are allowed to be messy and noisy and playful. You deserve love and care. You deserve to have your needs met. I'm sorry others in your life let you down and made you feel this way. But it will be okay, and we can heal together, I promi.
🐌 Remember; it is okay to take a break from voluntary regression for any reason. Your stuffies and dollies will understand and they will be there for you when you return. ♥️
Feel free to add your own!
If you are continually dealing with feelings of guilt and shame, don't be afraid to reach out to someone. It can hard to unlearn these sorts of things on your own. You aren't weak for needing extra support.
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kentoxo · 5 months ago
friction | reader (f) x crush!nanami pt.6
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pairing: reader (f) x crush!nanami
synopsis: [AU] you have always had a crush on nanami. since the day you were hired as his personal assistant, you've been right at his side combating numbers and making money within the finance department for the company you two worked for. but, things take a turn when nanami catches wind of your feelings, and rejects you. little did he know the weight of his mistake.
warnings: angst, heartbreak, sexual tension, jealousy (future smut)
a/n: yall... this is so long, so sorry. but thank you again for your patience, always appreciate you guys being so kind and considerate towards me. please enjoy this part!
all parts: pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5,
December | Tokyo, Japan | Tuesday
Nanami’s clients extended their visit. 
It has been more than a week since he and Haibara have been hosting them. Within that week, you might have seen Nanami maybe 3 times, if that. As much as it was good not to see him, you were a bit down. The once perfect dynamic now fell in the hands of complicated feelings and uncertain distance. The duality of emotion. 
You found yourself a bit lost when clocking in. Subconsciously, you’d head over to the cafe and get Nanami his coffee. But now, as his new assistants have been assigned to do that, your subconscious has trouble assimilating. Your cubicle area feels hollow without Nanami tapping away answering emails and clocking numbers. Lunches that were always coordinated were now taken on your lonesome. 
But, Haibara was one who would never let you get tortured by your own thoughts for long. “Y/N,” he sounds from behind. You don’t look over your shoulder, as your eyes are glued to your current assignment. You were fixing the words of a contract that Nanami and Takada curated together for a different client, making sure everything was concise and ready for the legal team to review. 
“Mm,” you hum in response, listening as he took a seat in what once was Nanami’s creak. 
“I have some work for you,” Haibara begins. “But before that, I was wondering if you’d like to have lunch later? With me, of course.” 
You type one more word before freeing the keyboard, “you have the time to catch lunch with me?” 
Haibara nods contently, “Nanami and I sealed the deal, so he and Takada shacho will be having lunch with the clients at that boujee steakhouse a few blocks from the office.” 
You smile warmly, “congratulations, Haibara! I’m really happy for you guys.” 
“Thank ya, thank ya,” he ‘humbly’ bows at your curt praise. “It was grueling but we did it.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t go with them to celebrate,” you ask, furrowing your brows a bit in confusion. 
Haibara shrugs, “I was invited to go, but I wanted to catch up with you. It’s been a bit of time since we’ve been able to talk, besides me coming to give you work from Nanami.”
He’s too good to me. “Ah, please don’t let me be the reason you miss out on the best T-Bone steak of your life,” you say in a lamenting tone. 
Haibara waives your worries, “you’re going through a shitty time, and I don’t want you to go through that alone. We can have a shitty time together.” 
“Pff,” you huff, but you couldn’t hide the smile you had. Haibara truly was a warm soul, and you were beyond lucky to have created such a good friendship with him. “What is the assignment you need me to do?” 
“Ah right!” Haibara fishes out a flashdrive from his black dress pants. He plops it on the desk, and flicks it towards you, the hard plastic sliding on the sleek surface. “This is the original presentation that you created for these very clients as the game plan for our collaboration. You made this in the case that it goes well, which it did.” 
“Correct,” you kept up. 
“Because they have agreed, Nanami needs updated numbers than the ones we have in all the charts and diagrams,” Haibara instructs, “nothing huge, just replacing all of those with our recent numbers. The information written will still be correct as it explains our steady ascension in the market.” 
“Got it, got it,” you spew, your brain getting wrecked from all his words. You take the flashdrive in your hand and plug it into your computer. “It shouldn’t take too long, but I’ll review the written work just to make sure it truly is consistent. I’ll also send you and Nanami an email noting all the changes.” 
“Sounds good to me.” 
“Anyways, where are we eating?” You change topics upon the growling in your stomach. As you click away in editing the powerpoint, Haibara slides over a card to you. Looking down, it’s a small reservation slip for two at a steakhouse. “So you’re still getting steak?” 
“I never said I wasn’t getting steak,” Haibara says amusingly. He fixes the small strand of black hair that came out from his excitement and he looks down at the reservation eagerly. “Takada shacho says I should take you out as well, as your work backed up everything we did this entire week.”
You widen your eyes, “me?” 
“Y/N, you’re literally the biggest asset to this department,” Haibara whispers, attempting not to make your other colleagues feel inferior. “All these guys here are assets, too, but you are the direct backbone to Nanami’s reputation as our Head of Department. He can afford to make mistakes because you’re always there to reverse them or catch them before they happen. You’ve also made an effort to become the liaison between the team and Nanami, something that wasn’t quite there before.” 
You look away, ignoring his praise, “that’s very kind of you to say, but I’m just an assistant. I just do what I’m told, Haibara.” 
“You do what you’re told in a way that exceeds what’s expected of you,” Haibara notes. “Like I said, there was a reason you were transferred to our department. You’re resourceful anywhere you go, it seems, as I heard Sales was not your first department either.” 
You nod with a small smile, “you’re absolutely right, it was not.” 
“It was Legal, no?” Haibara recollects. “Hence why you assist with a lot of our contract-making in this department.”
“Someones gotta get these quick approvals,” you joke, “and you all are the turtles in that race.” 
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Finish up what you’re doing and get ready. There’s a steak with my name on it!” Haibara chimes, his brain filled with steak and wine. 
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This weather was unkind. You knew it wasn’t going to be kind anytime soon, as Japan was going through the heart of the winter time, but you still had some heat to complain about. The two of you trekked through the fury of winds and snow to make it to the restaurant. Tae was kind enough to prepare a very hot tea before your lunch, as you visited the cafe for a few minutes waiting for Haibara to finish his own work (the hypocrite). He even drew a cute smiley face on your cup. 
“For Haibara.” Your coats and garments get taken by a few gentlemen at the front before being guided by the host. She guides the both of you through the restaurant, two menus under her arm. You could tell this was a restaurant frequented by the corporate workers in the area. Everyone was ornate in suits and office wear, with discussions of work blaring in every side of your hearing periphery. It made you glad you wore one of your favorite pencil skirts, as it was this tight fitting skirt that complimented your legs. Despite this being somewhat of a work lunch, you were glad to look nice in a room of intimidation. 
During your escort, the two of you caught the eye of Nanami, Takada, and the clients in a long table on your own. Haibara allows the woman to finish guiding the both of you, before he quickly nudges for you to join him in greeting them. Your face pales at the thought alone of meeting highly respected clients, but a pair of familiar hazel eyes puts you at ease. 
Nanami was the first to get up from his chair, and walked over to the both of you. He was… wearing a navy blue suit, with a black tie. It had been since the first holiday party you spent in the Finance Department that you saw Nanami in such attire. Even now, he still looks ever so sharp, with the fabric struggling to stay together against the mountains of Nanami’s muscles. Even with your feelings in disarray, there was no denying the instant uplift in feelings from Nanami’s smile. 
He rests one of his hands on the middle of your back, feeling the light warmth of his palm. His smile towards you doesn’t flicker for a moment, hazel eyes warm and rich like chocolate. “This is my true assistant, Y/L/N-san. Although Takada shacho has kindly lent me his assistants, this woman here is the one who truly does it all for me.” 
A few of the clients rise and go towards you to shake your hand. You shyly put out your hand and curtly bow before each of them. “I’m so sorry to make you all stand up and greet me while you all are enjoying lunch. Please, ignore me and continue!” 
“We’d be crazy not to greet a woman who is highly regarded such as yourself,” one gentleman hums. He shakes your hand, allowing the hold to linger as he eyed you. “Nanami-san has told us plenty about your work under him, so it’s a pleasure to see the beauty behind his words.” 
You feel your cheeks warm, “a-ah, thank you very much! That’s very kind of you to say.” 
Another client chimes, “don’t be so modest! Sit and eat with us!” 
You look over quickly at Nanami, before you face the president of the company. You find an excuse to free your hand from one of the gentlemen before curtly bowing at Takada. “Good afternoon, Shacho-san. I apologize for interrupting your meal.” 
Takada smiles warmly up at you, gesturing for you to go over to him. You lament leaving the safety of Nanami’s hand on your back and go over to Takada. From his seat, he offers you his hand and shakes it kindly. “You are not interrupting a thing, Y/N. If you’d like to join us, you absolutely may. But as you two both have a reservation, I’d hate to take you from that. I assume you two have some work to be discussed?” 
Haibara coughs, clearly allergic to the word ‘work’ during his break. But you go along with it, using it as a hopeful excuse to not sit with them. “Thank you for thinking of me when making the reservation, Shacho. Haibara kacho just recently touched on my new assignment from Nanami kacho, so I was hoping to get more details about it during our meal.” 
Takada smiles up warmly, “such a diligent worker. Remind me to thank Geto-san, as he was the one who hired you. We should have a meeting soon to discuss your growth here in this company, Y/N.” 
>Insert Geto being the head of the Legal Department, and the man who scouted you initially to be his assistant.
Your stomach churns at the thought of being transferred again. Especially since you’ve found a comfortable flow within your department under Nanami. At least, when it was comfortable. 
“I’ll be readily available for that conversation, Shacho-san,” you shyly let out. 
With your nerves running high, you begin to really realize your setting and take note of a few things. One, all of the clients have kept their eyes on you the entire time. Two, Nanami was glaring at the client that just finished shaking your hand. And three, of all things, you noticed that Takada has 4 vacant seats near him.. 
“B-but, I do hope you all enjoy your meal!” You quickly spew out, returning to the topic at hand. “I apologize for not being able to greet the remainder of your guests, Shacho-san.” Curiosity truly bested you. 
“Ah, they are just my assistants that you’re already familiar with, Y/N,” Takada informs. “They’ve been happily helping us host our dear clients during this time. I hope they’ve given you the opportunity to have some space from your helicopter boss.” 
Takadas joke lands well with everyone except Nanami, who now holds a less content expression. He quickly makes his way towards you, his eyes filled with conviction. On his way, he pats Haibara’s shoulder before cementing himself by your side. But you hold no feelings towards Nanami, as you were busy not trying to take any offense. Although Takada offered and you weren’t expecting a seat during this meal, it was peculiar that Nanami made no effort to include you.
“As the both of us are here now, I’d like to take the opportunity to speak to Y/N-san regarding the assignment I recently sent to her,” Nanami hums, moving more in front of you now. You remained quiet, no words finding its way out of your mouth. Nanami looks over at Haibara, “I’ll be borrowing her briefly, if that’s alright.” 
Haibara looks at you but you make an effort to tame his worry. Reluctantly, he smiles and nods, “that's perfect. Let us dine to a successful collaboration!” Haibara riles the men, as they begin to beckon over waitresses for a round of drinks.
Nanami takes this moment to guide you away from the suddenly energetic table, and brings you towards an elevator. There, a guard stood, but moved the moment he saw Nanami. He taps the elevator’s button before moving aside, allowing you two to enter upon its arrival. You two stood in the brass elevator, your short heels digging into the tacky red fabric on the elevator floor. Silence sauntered between the two of you. 
But now in this limited space, you felt a sense of calm. Though your feelings were still in a ditch, you were giving them more and more thought. You’ve been more or less conducting yourself well, considering the couple of days that you spent crying over Nanami’s words. It draws the question of whether or not your feelings were true towards him. Or perhaps they are true, and you’re just feigning it to cope. 
Either way, you couldn’t help but envy Nanami’s indifference. Your eyes lend over to him, seeing his straight stature, and sharp appearance. Both hands were housed in his pockets, and his eyes focused strictly on the doors of the elevator. You couldn’t prove it, but you had a very strong feeling that this was not going to go well. 
The elevator halts, and the two of you free yourselves after the ascend. It was the top of the restaurant, which was entirely covered by a glass dome. But the beauty of the floor was its greenery. Trees, shrubs, and flowers alike flourished in this greenhouse-like environment. You were quite impressed that these greens could flourish while the restaurant still maintained a comfortable temperature. 
In the center of it all, was a humble bar. 
“Would you like a drink, Y/N?” 
You pause. “Do you have any more assignments for me today?” 
Nanami simply shakes his head, starting the stride for the both of you towards the bar. “Just the assignment I told Haibara to share with you.” 
“Then I suppose a few shots wouldn’t be too bad,” you say calmly, loosening your hair from the tight ponytail you had it in. You allow your hair to bounce freely, finding a lot of peace from the release of the pressure. “Are you paying?” 
Nanami shakes his head, “Takada rented out the space completely. It’s under the company’s card.” 
“6 shots of Anejo, please,” you calmly requested the dark tequila. The bartender nods before disappearing to find the very expensive liquor. 
“I didn’t realize you were a drinker, Y/N,” Nanami begins. He pulls out one of the seats and offers a hand. You take his hand, feeling the bursts of emotion in your heart from his touch. His palms were cold, dry, and ornate with callouses. But somehow, his fingers were soft as they delicately touched the top of your own. You carefully take a seat, keeping your free hand under your rear to make sure your pencil skirt didn't hike up. The last thing you needed was to flash the guy who rejected you. 
You shake your head, “no, no, ‘m not so much of a drinker. But I do have a preference for dark liquors.” 
“I’m shocked,” Nanami takes the seat to your left, “you’re someone with quite the sweet tooth for drinks.” 
“I’m not really crazy about drinking, but I do drink. I prefer to get drunk quicker with less, than to waste money getting drunk after 10 sweet drinks.” 
“It’s on the company card, you wouldn’t be wasting money of your own.” 
You shrug, “force of habit.” 
It felt good to talk like this. Not restricted at work, nor floaty from Nanami’s presence. Though, you had to admit that the only reason you could speak like this was because you haven’t met his eyes since you two got here. 
Before another word is exchanged, your shots make their way to your area. The bartender kindly splits it between the both of you, and three shot glasses sit patiently before you. You pick up one of the shots, with Nanami following your lead. With a quiet clank, you both down your shot. 
“Mm, before I forget,” you murmur, dabbing the loose liquor from your bottom lip. You dig your hand into your pocket, fishing out the flashdrive Haibara passed you. “Here’s the revised presentation. I tweaked everything regarding our company’s growth so far this year, the revenue, how we will benefit from this collaboration, and prospectively how our clients will benefit from it as well.” 
“You did that all just today?” Nanami’s words were imbued with surprise. He was impressed. 
You shook your head, “I’m not that amazing, Nanami kacho. I was already drafting it during your time with them. I’ve had a lot of free time, as you’ve sporadically given me assignments, or independent work I have long been ahead of.” 
He quickly takes the flashdrive from you, “I don’t even know why I ask– you’re excellent, as usual. With that said, I wanted to ask you the question I wanted to ask from the other day.” 
“I’ve been wondering why you’ve been addressing me with ‘kacho,’” Nanami asks simply. “This has been a sudden and recent development that I don’t quite understand.” 
“You’re my boss,” you urge, your fingers sliding your second shot closer to you. You could feel your heart get just a bit heavier. “These are the formalities we’re to have with one another.”
“Y/N, you have not called me that since your first month under me,” Nanami reminds you. “It’s perfectly fine if you would like to revert back, but I would at least like a heads up, or a reason why.” 
“Do I have to tell you why I’ve decided to address you more respectfully again?” You take the shot glass in your hand, ready to down it. “It's the expectation.” 
Nanami shakes his head, “it is not the expectation anymore when this is something we agreed to drop. When you started calling me that, I wasn’t sure what happened. Would you like me to also address you with honorifics again?” 
“If you’d like,” you spew nonchalantly. You down your second shot.
“Even the way you speak is different,” Nanami points out. He, too, drinks his second shot. He shakes slightly from the sudden strength of the alcohol. “All of this started happening since the day I came over to your apartment to work. If I may ask, did I offend you on my visit?”
”Does it matter?” 
“It does matter,” Nanami coos, “to me, it matters. The way we get along is very important to me.” 
Your heart threatens to flutter from his words. But your hurt feelings were riding your mind, and producing your words. “I’m just your assistant. I was forced on you by Takada shacho.”
“And where did you hear that from?” Nanami looks over at you, trying to find answers in your distant expression. “Did you hear that through a rumor? Our department's amount of gossiping is unbecoming of my expectations.” 
“You have been working with this company for a long time,” you begin slowly. “Within your tenureship, you haven’t had an assistant since Haibara was promoted. Why did you accept now of all times?” 
Nanami emits a sigh, his hand snaking towards the third shot, “I’ll tell you if you look at me.” 
A nausea surges from your stomach, and your body goes a bit cold from nerves. You were able to speak so boldly like this from not meeting those hazel eyes, and that handsome face. It was easy to speak this openly without staring at his neat, blonde locks or the way his suit hugs his maintained body. It was all easy when you weren’t facing him, and the reality of your situation. It was easy not to look directly at your crush, and the feelings that haven’t tainted, even after his time at your apartment. 
You down the third shot, gesturing to the bartender with a lifted finger spinning in a circle. He nods at your request for another round and clears your now empty shot glasses. You emit a struggling sigh, slowly turning your head to face Nanami. You bit your tongue, noticing the glimmer of hurt in his own eyes. But he smiles warmly still, despite everything. 
“You’re still a woman of trade,” he says, almost in a relieving tone. “This sounds like we need to air out a lot of things between us. So I suppose this is the best time to be honest with you, yes? Geto and Shoko have told me all about your talent from being both of their assistants since you started. So I… had known about you before you were assigned to me. Shacho spoke to me about it, and I was less reluctant because I had heard nothing but good when it came to you.”
This was interesting. You had not a clue who Nanami was, only that he was the head of Finance. You never interacted with him, simply only knowing him through passing words from Geto, Shoko and your fellow colleagues between both departments. He was somewhat famous within the company for being such a hard worker, someone who got promoted seamlessly to an executive position within a year's time. But you were here for a paycheck, and paid no mind to irrelevant people. But he knew about you. 
“So, you accepted me because you knew I was really good at my job?” You began, squinting your eyes curiously. 
“Rather, I wanted to see if you were truly worth what was said about you,” Nanami explains. “Your ability to excel in different areas of work intrigued me, and I wanted to see how you would perform in my department.” 
“So you wanted to test me?” You spat, “like some experiment?” 
Nanami felt a pit of regret in his throat. “No, no, please don’t take it like that, Y/N,” Nanami backtracks, “you have no idea how impressed I am with your work, and have no regrets taking you on as my assistant. But word of mouth alone doesn’t convince me of someone's greatness. I had to see it for myself, if that’s less brute.” 
“What, were you just bored then?” You couldn’t really understand him. This was all too new for you. “What did you gain from this? Satisfying your curiosity by expecting a 50% chance of me not being what I’ve been highly regarded as?” 
Shots joined the both of you, but the heat of the conversation made them remain in the background. Nanami rubs his eyes with dragging hands, “Y/N, listen to me good and well, because I’m not going to let you misunderstand me. I am extremely grateful to have gotten an assistant like you because I refuse to have anybody that doesn’t match my work ethic. Although I was not a fan of having an assistant, I only ever heard good things. I knew you’d be great, but you surpassed my already high expectations of you.” 
“Nanami kacho–” 
“Please, stop calling me that,” Nanami interrupts you. “I admit that it’s a bit upsetting for our relationship to revert back into a strict manner. I can accept that you’re uncomfortable with it, but I’d at least like to know why and if there’s any way I can mend it.” 
“Can you make it clear what sort of relationship we have?” You nitpick now. 
“What do you mean?” Nanami’s expression held genuine confusion. “You’re my assistant, and I’m your boss.” 
You could feel yourself wanting to cry a bit. “So why does it matter if I address you as kacho again?” 
“Because we established some comradery between us,” Nanami points out, “is it bad that I feel comfortable with you to drop honorifics and be less formal?” 
“Do you see me as a friend?” You ask quietly, trying your best to calm the coating of tears in your eyes. You were seeing him in a gentle blur, almost the physical embodiment of your current feeling of disconnect. 
“I… see you as one of my most trustworthy colleagues,” Nanami carefully places his words in his sentence. “We’re friend-ly, in a sense. I enjoy working with you.” 
You were coming to your limit. You finally found the deadend that you were trying to avoid for such a long time. But as you faced Nanami, seeing his cheeks turn a light hue of pink, you knew that your heart would always be right. 
You like Nanami. 
You like the fact that he’s a workaholic, but is always content whenever you are able to ease his workload. 
You like that he always shows his appreciation towards you, never forgetting to say thank you, or reminding you that you were an asset to him and the department. 
You like that he gets excited when you plan your shared lunch, and already know what he wants/would probably like. 
You like that he wears the same blue shirt. 
You like that he drinks coffee with half a fig in it. You love that he confided in you regarding the reason. 
But, even so. 
“Nanami, you did offend me when you came to my apartment,” you changed topics. Your heart was beating fast, your nerves making you want to shut up and run away. But it was time to clear the air. It was time to give the confession you deserved to do before a rumor forced you back into your shell. “It regards the rumor you heard about… me liking you.” 
“Oh?” He was surprised. 
“Those rumors are absolutely correct,” you admitted, though your throat was ready to close up and force your words back down. You grab one of the new shot glasses and down it. “Mm,” you hum, wiping some loose liquor from your lip, “I do like you, Nanami. I have had a crush on you for a while now, but after the way you reacted to just the rumor of it, I couldn’t go back to how we were.” 
Nanami looks at you, his eyes looking desperately around your face. It was almost like he was waiting for you to say ‘just kidding!’ and laugh it off like it was a prank. But you only continued to down your shots, waiting for any response. You found solace in the alcohol, allowing it to rebuild the little courage that was lagging. 
“Why… how come,” Nanami’s words were spotty, you finally had him speechless. If only the context wasn’t shitty. “How come you never cleared it up that day? Why did you go along with it?” 
“Because you looked so relieved when you believed it to be just a rumor, a lie,” you spouted. Tears were finally welling up in your eyes, triggered by the recollection of that day. “Almost as if you were glad that I didn’t actually like you.” 
“It is… easier for me to be on my own than to be romantically affiliated with someone,” Nanami admits softly. His words were still fairly cool, but his tone was low in an attempt to not offend you any more than he has. “I’m not… good with people having feelings towards me. It complicates things. Especially if it's a coworker.” 
“We spend more time with one another than with our friends or loved ones,” you rationalized, “it’s not foreign if feelings develop between us, considering how much we see one another.” 
“So explain why I don’t share that sentiment,” Nanami says coolly. You widen your eyes at him, your heart finally turning over in its grave. He quickly holds your elbow, noticing the agony in your expression. Warm tears spill down your burning cheeks. His touch feels like lava. “That’s not what I meant to say, Y/N, please let me fix my words.” 
You snatch your elbow out of his hand, “thank you for being honest with me about your own feelings.” You grab a tissue from the box at the bar, and blow into it. You could tell your entire face was red, which was embarrassing considering you had to go back to the office in a bit. “I apologize that my feelings brought us here.” 
Nanami quickly puts an arm between you and the shot glasses you were aiming for, “Y/N, I’m sorry for being insensitive towards you. I didn't mean to say what I said just now. At least, not the way I said it.”
You shake your head, your eyes giving him a pained gaze, “no, no, it’s better like this. You’re being direct with me… I’d rather that you don’t try to spare my feelings.” 
Nanami felt his world go dim. It was strange to confront you like this. You would not be the first woman who ended in tears upon confessing their feelings to him. And he would always attempt to soothe their hearts before paying the tab of whatever bar or dinner they were left to sob. But seeing the light leave your eyes, and your hollow expression left a mark in his memory. 
He wanted to respond, but his mouth went dry. It was like the alcohol was on your side, as his tongue couldn’t even bounce off the words he wanted to say. It bothered him that you looked away and have yet to look back, almost like you were ready to leave your feelings behind right this moment. As if… you were moving on right now. 
He didn’t want to let you go back, not like this, no. But he felt powerless now. And before he could respond with something, anything, you hop out of your seat. He notices the shot glasses were now empty, and keeps his gaze on you. “H-hey, don’t go back like this– please have a glass of water and calm down first.” 
Your body was warm and loose, but you weren’t eager to be near him any longer. You ignore his offer. “Don’t lose that flashdrive for tomorrow.” You properly put on your purse, and adjust your pencil skirt. Before you leave, you face Nanami once more. You see his flush face, a mixture of his own complicated feelings and the alcohol taking its toll. His hazel eyes were dark, their glow was fleeting. He looked lost, and felt distant. But, you lend him a small, weak smile. “Thank you for letting me like you. It’s been fun.” 
“Y/N,” your name leaves his mouth like a broken piano key. You curtly bow and turn around, allowing yourself to cry more aggressively (yet quietly) as Nanami watches your figure get smaller until you are completely out of sight. 
But he knew better than to think you’d be out of mind, too.
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askagamedev · 1 month ago
Why did SWTOR get shuffled to a different developer if it was apparently Bioware's most steady source of income for the better part of the last decade?
SWTOR wasn't really treated as a true "Bioware" project for the longest time.
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First, a little history. The original Bioware studio in Edmonton was the one responsible for the "modern" Bioware titles - Neverwinter, Jade Empire, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect. SWTOR was primarily built by a separate studio in Austin with a separate org chart. The only thing that really tied SWTOR's early development to Bioware was the name on the studio and the general style of game it was. The contributions of Bioware Edmonton to SWTOR were primarily limited to the original staff sent to start the Austin studio and the on-rails space shooter mode in SWTOR. During this era, Bioware and SWTOR were basically associated in name only. There was minimal marketing or promotion for SWTOR from Bioware as a brand.
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A few years later, EA corporate started an initiative called "One Bioware" which essentially brought Edmonton, Austin, and the newly formed Montreal studios under the same studio leadership to work on "Bioware" projects. SWTOR is still a "legacy" project - it's getting long in the tooth, it isn't growing, and the technology is old. It wasn't the hot new thing to promote, and the team building it felt the neglect from above. SWTOR actually had a Rennaisance period, with Knights of the Fallen Empire bringing in a huge number of additional subscribers and player growth, but that was mostly ignored by Bioware at large. Dragon Age Inquisition got all the fanfare, then a bunch of people were pulled from SWTOR to support Andromeda and Anthem.
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A perfect example is the Bioware 25th anniversary book, 300+ pages of history about all the games and such that Bioware built over their run. Ten pages of the 300+ were dedicated to SWTOR, despite SWTOR having been live for 9 years by that point and SWTOR being the financial engine keeping the entire org afloat. It's strongly emblematic of how it made the dev team feel and how much Bioware as an organization cared about the game.
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After 2020, EA was looking to decrease costs. Broadsword had already proven themselves by taking on some of EA's other legacy MMO projects (Dark Age of Camelot, Ultima Online) and doing well with them. Broadsword made the offer to take on SWTOR, along with hiring as many of the SWTOR dev team as they could take. Many of the veteran team members, weary of the treatment at Bioware, decided to take it. It's hard to blame them - Bioware as an organization never really seemed to understand or appreciate the SWTOR contributions beyond the revenue it generated. Bioware didn't give much acknowledgement to the game or the team, internal or external.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 6 months ago
♥︎Pick a picture: 🍊🧡Channeled letter from your person🧡🍊
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•Pile 1 •Pile 2 •Pile 3
❗️This is a collective reading, take what resonates and leave the rest❗️
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🍨Pile 1:
"Hello, dear, I hope you are doing well. I am actually feeling a little more cheerful today, although there is always a void without your company. It is amazing how our moods can vary, don't you think? I woke up this morning with a smile, perhaps influenced by the beautiful weather around us. You know how much we love to enjoy the sunshine, the flowers that bloom; today is one of those days that seems straight out of a dream. I would love for you to be here by my side, because your presence transforms everything around me. Life feels more bearable and joyful when you are with me, and that is something I value immensely. I want you to know how important you are to me; sometimes words fail to express the depth of my feelings, but I love you more than you can imagine.
Although there are those who fail to see how wonderful you are, I am lucky to know your true worth. Always listen to your heart and trust your intuition, because it will lead you to what really matters in life. Remember that I will always be here to support you in every step you take.
I love you with all my being..."
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🍎Pile 2:
"Hi, I hope you are well. I am sure you are, because you have always been the brightest one in our relationship ;). I want you to know how proud I am of everything you have achieved so far. Sometimes, it can be difficult to see our own successes, especially when we face challenges, but you have overcome so many barriers that this little stumble should not discourage you at all.
It is important to remain confident in yourself and that you never forget how valuable you are. You do not need to depend on anyone or anything to achieve your dreams, and time should not be a source of anxiety. Take the time you need to reflect and move forward at your own pace. Remember that one mistake does not define your path, and it is essential that you enjoy every step of the process.
Take care of yourself and see you soon... will always be here to support you and remind you how amazing you are. I love you with all my heart and I wish you to continue to shine with all your light. Your ability to overcome obstacles and move forward is admirable, and I am here to accompany you every step of your journey.
Your person..."
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🫐Pile 3:
"Hello again! Sometimes, in those moments when you seem to not notice me, I am the one who sends you signals. I know it may sound strange, but I want you to know that I am here to support you on your path throughout this life. If there is anything I can do to help you, I will not hesitate to do so, because your well-being is very important to me.
Do not worry, I am working so that we can meet soon, and I know that you are also looking forward to it. What you have achieved in your healing process is truly admirable. Putting your needs before those of others, even if it is a challenge, is a great step that you have taken. I am very proud of you for having made that decision, as it shows a strength and self-love that are essential for personal growth.
You may not believe it, but it is those small changes and achievements that bring us closer and closer to truly knowing ourselves. I'm sure you can feel my presence around you, can't you? I want you to know that I appreciate you deeply and I'm looking forward to the moment when we can see each other.
Take care of yourself and see you soon..."
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🧡🍊Thanks for reading and tell me if it resonated 🍊🧡
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localwhiskeyuncle · 2 months ago
If you were watching Nosferatu and you noticed the doctors talking about how Ellen had too much blood and that's why she was acting crazy - let me explain why (and also how excited I am that it was included in the script).
From ancient Greece through the Renaissance, we believed in The Four Humors in medicine. Essentially, they thought there were four fluids in the body (blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm) and they determined a person's temperament; an imbalance of them was believed causes illness. The Four Temperaments (based on the balance of their humors) are as follows:
Sanguine: Optimistic and social - (affected by blood)
Choleric: Short-tempered and irritable - (affected by yellow bile)
Melancholic: Analytical and quiet - (affected by black bile)
Phlegmatic: Relaxed and peaceful - (affected by phlegm)
They were also connected to celestial bodies, seasons, body parts, and stages of life. Here's a neat little chart:
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Ellen was already rather macabre, and as she spiraled she became less able to adhere to social convention; it makes sense that a doctor of the time would consider that to be an imbalance of her blood. It also feels worth stating that a sanguine temperament can be likened to the manic phase of a bipolar episode, which Ellen's symptoms certainly could have been indicative of.
I also think it's an interesting (though possibly pointless) connection that a sanguine temperament is linked to the heart, to adolescence, and to Spring.
The heart obviously links to Ellen as she's a hopeless romantic. Adolescence also connects due to not only her young age in the film, but the events causing Orlok's fascination with her happened when she was quite young as well. I would argue that you can tie Spring into Ellen's character also - she was blooming, transforming, awaiting a new breath of life (death?).
It made me so happy to see it included so casually, it was such an accurate portrayal of how medicine would have actually been practiced at the time and it wasn't made into a huge thing. It shows the appreciation and effort Eggers brings to his work.
I can absolutely see how you may just brush past that part (it was brief), or attribute it to vampirism, but it's actually a super cool little detail of our real life medical history!
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billiesbabygirleilish · 1 month ago
HEAR ME OUT billie x singer! reader who takes the place of someone like sabrina carpenter olivia rodrigo melanie martinez just anyone with a totally different aesthetic from billie and her reaction or opinion on readers songs and performances and stuff like am i a genius or what 🫡 (if u decide to write it ty babes)
Sweet Sorrow
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Billie stood behind the heavy velvet curtain of the venue, excitement pulsing through her veins. Tonight, she was headlining her own show, but more than that, she was about to share the stage with someone she scarcely knew—someone whose musical world was the complete opposite of hers.
You were a bubblegum pop sensation, bursting onto the scene with your sugary sweet melodies and vibrant aesthetic. Your stage outfits sparkled with sequins and pastel colors, an explosion of sunshine in contrast to Billie’s often moody, understated style. Your latest single, “Sugar Rush,” was a catchy anthem that had taken the charts by storm, and now you were set to perform it as the opening act.
Billie had stumbled upon your music a few weeks prior while scrolling through streaming platforms. At first, she thought it was amusing—your bright, cheerful spirit seemed to defy everything she felt. Gradually, however, she found herself oddly entranced. The infectious energy and playful lyrics made her smile, a rare occurrence for the artist known for her haunting ballads and introspective lyrics.
As she watched the crowd buzz with excitement, she felt a hint of apprehension. She knew her music resonated with feelings of angst and darkness, while yours was all sunshine and sparkles. Would the audience appreciate your performance? Would you keep their attention? 
You bounded onto the stage, a smile stretching across your face as you greeted the crowd. The sound of squeals and cheers drowned out any remaining doubts Billie had; they were here for you, and they loved every second. You launched into your songs with an energy that was almost electric, the colorful lights dancing around you in perfect synchrony with the beats.
Billie found herself captivated. Your voice, bright and clear, floated through the air, and she couldn’t help but admire how you effortlessly engaged with the audience. Your choreography was sharp yet playful, and the way you interacted with the fans—winking and blowing kisses—was something that Billie, with her more introverted persona, couldn’t imagine doing.
As you spun gracefully across the stage, Billie felt her heart thawing just a little. You were unabashedly yourself, radiating confidence and joy, and somewhere deep inside, she envied that freedom. You were unapologetically girly, decked out in frills and glitter, and while it was worlds away from her own style, it felt refreshing.
After you finished your performance, Billie called you offstage, and you bounced over, your cheeks flushed with excitement. “You were amazing!” you gushed, still riding the high of the performance. “Did you see how they reacted to ‘Sugar Rush’? I can hardly believe it!”
“Yeah, I’m not surprised,” Billie replied, her own smile creeping in. “You really know how to work a crowd.”
Your eyes lit up. “Seriously, though! I’ve always admired your music. It’s so deep and emotional. I can’t even begin to imagine how you do it.”
Billie chuckled softly, the compliment warming her heart. “Thanks. I guess I just dive into my feelings, you know?” 
You nodded, your expression earnest. “I feel the same way! Just… in a really different way.” 
“Exactly. You bring joy and fun. That’s an art too, you know?” Billie admitted, glancing down as she considered her words. “It’s just different from what I do.”
In that moment, the two of you realized that while your aesthetics and musical styles diverged widely, there was an unspoken bond between you. Different experiences shaped your creativity, but both of you poured your souls into your music. It was beautiful, in all its contradictions.
As the night carried on and you performed an encore, Billie felt infused with a newfound appreciation for the bubblegum joy you brought to the stage. When it was finally time for her to take the spotlight, she felt invigorated, inspired by the colors and vibrancy of your world.
After the show, Billie caught up with you. “Want to maybe collaborate on something?” she asked, a playful glint in her eyes.
You gasped, bouncing on your heels. “Yes! How about a song that mixes both of our styles? We could do something with dark lyrics and a catchy melody! Like… a sapphic love song!”
Billie laughed, picturing the contrast of your sounds melding together. “I love it. Let’s do this.”
With renewed enthusiasm, the two of you exchanged numbers and vowed to create something remarkable together—two artists intertwined in a beautiful tapestry of sound and style, showing the world that artistry knows no boundaries. And as Billie headed home, she couldn’t help but hum along to the memory of your sugary hooks, knowing she wouldn’t mind that lingering sweetness one bit.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year ago
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If We're Being Honest [2/2]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader Word Count: 6k [Part1]
Summary: It's been a couple of months since you drunkenly kissed Matt and you've been avoiding him ever since, but Matt realizes that your absence from his life afterwards pained him more than he ever could've imagined.
Warnings/Tags: Angst with a happy ending, confession of feelings (with a twist), delayed comfort, anxious/depressed inebriated Reader, fluff at the end
a/n: The second and final part of this little fic is finally here! Hopefully the comfort is satisfying enough after the angsty first part. You also get Matt's POV in the first half of this one. Feedback is always appreciated!
Matt Murdock One Shot Tag List: @pazii @shouldbestudying41 @kmc1989 @ebathory997 @mattkinsella @yeonalie @shiorimakibawrites @xxdrixx @wkndwlff @leikelle @pinkratts @lazyxsquirrel @1988-fiend @marvelcinematiquniverse @carstairswife @stilldreaming666 @kiwwia-wiwwia @willwork4dilfs @will-delete-this-later-probably @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @theetherealbloom @yarrystyleeza @dramaholic18 @ladywholikesreading @sleepysleepymom @tartbeanpuzzles @harleycao @sunflower-tia @lotrefcp @gamingfeline @juskonutoh @kezibear @ninacotte
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Matt slid his desk chair back with a sigh, relieved the frustrating work day had finally come to an end. Standing up, his hands felt around his desk for the mess of papers he’d had scattered along it. He gathered them up, neatly stacking them together before he stuffed them back into the folder they'd initially been inside. Bending over, his back muscles protesting the movement from his previous night out as Daredevil, he picked up his briefcase that was leaning against his desk on the floor. Placing the briefcase on top of his desk, he packed the folder inside before closing it up and tossing the strap of the bag over his head, taking a moment to position it comfortably along his shoulder. 
Making his way around his desk afterwards, one of his hands absently grabbed his folded up cane from off of it as he headed towards the door of his office. He could already hear Karen and Foggy in the firm's main room, the pair of them clearly talking about wedding related things. As he stepped out of his office and into the room, he could feel the air shift minutely as both of them looked over in his direction.
“More wedding details, Fog?” Matt asked, walking over to where the pair were leaning against the front office desk.
“Did you know that absolutely everything is a detail?” Foggy complained. “Like napkins. Did you know napkins mattered? Because I didn't. They're literally meant to wipe your dirty face and hands on, why does it matter what they look like? Or what material it’s made out of? It's a napkin!”
“Don't let Marci hear you say that,” Karen teased.
Matt could hear the way her fingers were tapping away at the screen of her phone. Probably sending a text message from the sounds of it. 
“I just want a break from all the wedding planning,” Foggy grumbled. “I feel like half our place is currently storage for some binder or seating chart or wedding magazine or stack of business cards and pamphlets.”
“Well you'll get a bit of a break from it this weekend,” Karen assured him, setting her phone onto the desk beside her. “When we go wedding dress shopping with Marci on Saturday. She'll be talking all our ears off about the details for the whole day instead of yours.”
Foggy let out a dreamy sigh at the thought. “And I'll be relaxing at home by myself thinking about literally anything else while all you lovely bridesmaids, who I'm sure are vastly more interested in color schemes and table decor, discuss all of that,” he replied. 
At the mention of bridesmaids, Matt's mind immediately jumped to you. He hadn't seen you since the night he'd offered to walk you back to his place and let you sleep over after you'd had a little too much to drink at Josie’s. The same night you'd randomly kissed him and told him you'd had feelings for him–something that had come as a complete shock to Matt. 
You had actively avoided him ever since then. Ignoring his phone calls and texts. Never returning a single voice-mail he'd left asking to talk to you about what had happened that night. You'd stopped meeting up with everyone at Josie’s, only spending time with Karen and Marci over the past couple of months. Foggy even only ever saw you whenever you'd stopped by to see Marci at their apartment when helping with the wedding planning. 
Matt expected you to be embarrassed after the incident, especially because he could feel the way your body had reacted before you'd sprinted out of his apartment and back into the rain outside. He'd felt bad, wondering if he'd really done something wrong that night to accidentally lead you on. He hadn’t meant to, he’d just wanted to make sure you were alright. You’d seemed off all night to him, but you had no idea about his heightened senses, so it wasn’t as if he could ask you why your body was all over the place that night. It had been confusing, and the amount of beers you’d drank certainly hadn’t helped him get a read on you, either.
He thought he’d been doing the right thing that night. The fling with that woman wasn’t worth risking you walking home in the rain drunk–which he’d overheard you talking to yourself about doing. He hadn’t wanted to risk something happening to you, because Matt damn well knew what could happen to drunk women walking home alone at night in Hell’s Kitchen. He’d certainly rescued a few himself. But somehow you must’ve misread the entire situation and thought he’d been after more than that. Which was absurd because you’d always just been a great friend to him since he’d met you. A really close friend who he’d been sorely missing lately.
Snapping out of his thoughts, Matt said your name aloud, catching the attention of both Karen and Foggy. “Is she…going to be there this weekend, too?” he asked, trying to sound casual.
“Yeah, she’s one of the bridesmaids,” Karen answered. “So of course she’ll be there on Saturday.”
“I’m guessing she’s still not talking to you then, huh buddy?” Foggy asked him.
Matt sighed, shaking his head. He’d hated the silence from you and he had no idea how to fix things.
“No,” he replied. “She’s still very much ignoring me.”
“I don’t exactly blame her,” Karen cut in. “The whole situation sounded incredibly embarrassing and awkward when you told us why she was avoiding you. Especially considering how quiet she naturally is. For her to just kiss you and then to be rejected by you right after?” 
“Ouch,” Foggy muttered. “Yeah, she’s probably never speaking to you again, man. Sorry.”
Matt ran a hand across his mouth, his shoulders sagging in defeat. The thought of never spending time with you ever again physically hurt. He’d never again hear another one of your ridiculous jokes or have another surprise drop-in lunch visit at the office from you. You always somehow remembered his favorite sandwich from his favorite sandwich shop, too. He’d always thought it was sweet that you’d made a mental note of his particular order, considering you had no idea how delicate his palate was with his heightened senses. Though he supposed now knowing that you’d had feelings for him all along had that attention to detail making more sense.
Standing in the office, an uncomfortable feeling twisted his stomach into knots, his heart squirming in his chest as the realization that you might really be gone from his life fully hit him. He didn’t like it one bit.
“You okay, Matt?” Foggy asked him. “You sort of look like you’re going to be sick.”
Slowly, Matt shook his head. “I just wish I could fix things,” he confessed. “I wish she’d just talk to me again. I don't like this weirdness between us.”
He heard the way the air shifted in the room again. As if both Karen and Foggy had looked at each other. Matt’s eyes narrowed curiously behind his glasses, his head tilting to the side. Both of their heart rates had slightly elevated at almost the exact same moment when they’d done that. 
“So uh, you really miss her, huh?” Foggy asked.
“Of course,” Matt answered easily. “She’s one of my best friends.”
“Yeah?” Karen questioned.
Matt’s head canted curiously to the side at the odd tone in her voice. What were they getting at?
“Yeah,” Matt reiterated. “She’s been an important person in my life ever since the pair of you introduced us a while back. We always got along so well, and she always had such witty things to say. I miss talking to her. Josie’s just doesn’t feel the same without her anymore.” He ran a hand through his hair in growing aggravation. “I hate that I can’t just call her and hear her voice whenever I want anymore. And that she never randomly stops into the office just to say ‘hi.’. It–it hurts that she’s just gone now.”
The air shifted again as Karen and Foggy clearly exchanged a look with each other. Frustration began to fill Matt at whatever it was they weren’t saying.
“What?” Matt snapped. “You both keep looking at each other, I can feel it. What’s that about?”
Foggy cleared his throat, his attention returning to Matt. “It’s just…are you sure you just miss your friend?” he asked carefully. 
Matt pulled a face at the ridiculous question. “What? Of course I do,” he shot back.
“No,” Karen said, shaking her head. “He means, are you sure you miss her because she’s just a friend to you?”
“Yes, that’s what I’ve been trying to–”
Matt abruptly stopped short, his mouth hanging open for a second as Karen’s words suddenly registered in his mind. Lips pressing together seconds later, Matt’s hands landed on his hips as he shifted his weight on his feet.
“What’re you trying to say?” Matt asked the pair. “That you think I like her? As more than a friend?”
“Well, buddy,” Foggy began carefully, “you’ve been acting pretty moody lately. Ever since she stopped talking to you. And you haven’t been as interested in the ladies, either. We’ve both noticed you turning them down. I don’t think you’ve brought a single person back to your place since that night.”
Matt scoffed, shaking his head. “So? I just haven’t been interested in that exactly,” he replied stiffly. “That doesn’t have anything to do with her.”
“You perk up at her name every time she’s mentioned,” Karen added. “And for the past couple of months you always find some way to randomly ask how she’s doing or what she’s been up to.”
“And when we told you she’d gotten onto that dating app,” Foggy chimed in, “you were in a horrible mood the whole day afterwards. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so grumpy for no reason to quite that extent before. I mean,” he continued with a chuckle, “that was like a Matt Murdock record level of moody. And there was no reason for it that day except for, well, that .”
Matt licked his lips, his fingers digging into his hips through his dress clothes. He’d just been worried about the jerks you might meet on that site, that was all. And he’d been jealous that you were still talking to Foggy, Karen, and Marci but not him. That had been all it was.
Karen leaned up against the side of the desk, her arms crossing over her chest as she focused on Matt. He bristled under the attention, feeling like he was suddenly on the stand and she was about to interrogate him.
“Let me ask you something,” she began, “and I want you to be honest and really think. How’d you feel when she kissed you that night?”
Matt frowned in her direction. “I told you, it’d been a shock,” he answered. “I hadn’t anticipated her to do that. Then I was worried I’d given her the wrong impression and I felt horrible that I’d upset her.”
Karen was roughly shaking her head at him. “No, how did it make you feel Matt?” she asked again.
“I mean I–” he stopped short again, his mouth closing almost immediately.
In all honesty, with everything that had happened that night, he hadn’t really thought about that. He’d been afraid of you thinking he was trying to take advantage of you when you were drunk, something he’d never do. And then he’d been upset and worried about you running out of his place crying and trying to make it home that night. He couldn’t even follow after you because it wouldn’t make sense that a blind man could navigate his way down the stairwell after you like he knew he’d be able to. And he was certain if he’d called your name down in the lobby–because he shouldn't have been able to know you by the sound of your heartbeat and scent of your perfume–you’d only run out of the building and ignore him. Chasing after you hadn't been an option.
But he had wanted to. Something he hadn’t even thought about after the fact because he’d been so upset at you ignoring his calls and messages. All he'd been focused on was how much it hurt that he'd lost such a great friend. He hadn't really stopped to think about how he had wanted to follow you or how that surprise kiss had made him feel. 
Had he enjoyed it? It had been timid and hesitant, only a brief kiss, but it hadn't been horrible. He'd just…never thought about you like that before. Because you weren't the kind of woman who blatantly threw yourself at him, the type he'd bring back to his apartment for a fuck and then be content to never see again. 
You definitely deserved more than that. 
You were the type someone brought home to meet their parents, the type a guy planned dates for, wanted to spend holidays with. You were the long term, committed relationship type of woman. The type Matt avoided because the thought of something serious scared him, especially with how he spent most of his evenings. 
But he missed you. He missed the scent of your perfume you always wore, the smell sometimes even lingering on his clothes when he'd return home from Josie’s. He missed the way you'd try to fill awkward silences whenever you were with him, always saying whatever random thing was on your mind. He missed the way your heart usually jumped whenever you first spotted him–because he'd always known you were attracted to him but he'd never thought more of it than that. He missed the sound of your voice after a difficult day at work, on days like today. 
“Well?” Karen prompted, breaking through his thoughts. 
“I uh,” he began, pausing to clear his throat, “I guess I never really thought about her like that before. I've always avoided anything possibly serious, and I've always tried to keep her at a distance because she didn't know about Daredevil. So I never really gave it much thought. Especially since she'd always just been there before. But now that she's not…” Matt trailed off, aware of the strange and unfamiliar feeling growing in his chest. “I guess I miss her more than I think I even realized,” he finished softly. 
“So wait, let me get this straight,” Foggy began, excitedly waving his hands in front of himself. “You're just now realizing that maybe you really do like her? Like for real? As more than just a good friend?”
A small smile slid across Matt's lips as he thought of the sound of your laughter and how he wished he could hear it tonight after the shit day he’d had. His hands dropped from his hips, that stupid smile growing a little at the thought of you. “I suppose I am,” he admitted. 
Foggy pushed off the desk and crossed the few steps over towards Matt. Both of his hands flew forward, grabbing Matt's shoulders in a tight grip and lightly shaking him. Back by the desk, Karen tried to hide her laugh behind a hand.
“Then dammit, Murdock,” Foggy ordered, “Go tell her that!”
The smile grew wider on Matt's face, an idea forming in his mind already. If you weren't going to answer your phone, he'd find a way to make sure you couldn’t ignore him. 
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Straightening up your kitchen now that you'd finished with dinner, you paused what you were doing when you heard your phone alert you to a notification. Turning around, you picked it up from where it had been sitting on the counter, curious to what the notification was about. 
Unlocking your phone, you noticed you'd received another message on the dating app you'd downloaded weeks ago. Leaning your back against the nearby counter, a smile drew itself across your lips. It was the first message you'd gotten this week and the sight immediately lifted your mood. The prospect of someone possibly being interested in you had your stomach excitedly jumping up into your chest.
You opened the message, beginning to excitedly read it over. Though the more you read, the faster your smile shifted into a frown. It was yet another sleazy sounding guy clearly trying to talk himself up in a way that sounded both fabricated and disrespectful. You cringed at the things he’d said about your photos–things he clearly thought were meant to be compliments but were vastly inappropriate and made you feel uncomfortable instead of flattered. Reaching the end of the brief message, you were shaking your head and closing out of the app before setting your phone back onto the counter with a roll of your eyes. It wasn't even worth your time responding back to the guy after a few of the things you'd read because he absolutely wasn't a match and you had no interest in ever meeting him.
With a sigh you made your way towards your fridge, your mind now focused on that unopened bottle of wine in there. It looked like you'd be having another night in with yourself tonight. But just as you'd opened the door to your fridge, your hand about to reach in and grab the bottle of red wine, there was a knock at your apartment door. 
You paused, half-bent in front of your fridge as your eyebrows drew together in confusion at the interruption. Assuming it might’ve been Karen or Marci stopping by to go over something for wedding dress shopping which was planned for Saturday, you gradually stood back up and closed the fridge door. You figured that bottle of wine could wait a few more minutes.
Making your way out of your kitchen, you cut through your living room and over towards your door. Unlocking it, you pulled the door wide open without even glancing through the peephole first. Expecting to see either blonde woman standing there, you were stunned to instead find Matt standing in your hallway with a small smile on his lips. 
Your heart lurched its way into your throat at the sight of him, your lips parting in surprise. Hand tightening around the handle of your door in a death grip, you fought your initial urge to just slam it in his face. What the hell was he doing here? Matt was the absolute last person you wanted to see standing at your door after your last interaction with him. It had been a few weeks since that nightmare of a night where you'd drunkenly kissed him and you still became insanely embarrassed at the memory of it. You certainly had no interest in talking to him about it further. You'd already apologized for just kissing him like you'd done, now all you wanted to do was never speak to him again. You figured he had to have gotten the hint already with how you’d been ignoring him.
So why was he suddenly at your apartment?
He said your name, that smile still on his mouth as he held up his right hand. Your face twisted into a look of confusion at the sight of a bouquet of beautiful flowers you hadn’t initially noticed he’d been holding. 
“Can I take you to dinner this Sunday night?” he asked.
Teeth gritting down hard together, your eyes narrowed back at him as anger quickly ignited within your gut. You immediately remembered drunkenly confessing to him that you couldn’t remember the last time a guy had brought you flowers or asked you on a date. Now here he was doing both after he’d just very obviously and clearly rejected you. Did he think this was some way to break the ice between you both after what had happened? Some sort of way to turn everything into a joke?
“Do you think that's funny?” you asked sharply. “Making fun of me like this? As if I don’t feel like an absolute dumbass already, now you come here rubbing it in my face? You don’t like me like that, I got the message loud and clear already, Matthew. I don’t remotely find this funny.”
Matt's expression quickly morphed into one of shock and surprise at your reaction. He shook his head quickly, a crease forming between his dark brows.
“No, that’s–that’s not what I’m doing at all!” he exclaimed earnestly. “I guess I shouldn’t have led with that. Can I just come in and talk to you? Explain everything? Please?”
You were about to tell him no, wanting to hide your hurt, disappointment, and embarrassment behind a wall of anger instead of crying over Matt yet again, especially in front of him once more, but the solemn and desperate look on his face gave you pause. Matt and you had your jokes, but even this would’ve been a bit ridiculous for him to have planned out as a way to smooth things over between the pair of you after what had happened. He’d never seemed callous like that in the past. But the only other thing that would make sense was him actually coming here to ask you on a real date. Which also seemed equally absurd since almost seven weeks ago he’d already told you that you were just a friend.
“I swear if you let me explain, this will seem far less confusing,” he assured you. “Just–just give me five minutes?”
With an irritated sigh, you stepped away from the door. “Fine,” you relented. “Five minutes, Matt.”
An almost nervous smile spread across his lips as he made his way through the doorway and into your apartment. You closed the door behind him, your body a confusing mix of emotions that you were struggling to make sense of right now. You were upset about seeing him again after that embarrassing moment, your anger quickly giving way to discomfort. It didn't help that the tiniest spark of hope had reappeared in your chest at the prospect of him truly being here to ask you out on a date, but you immediately reminded yourself of what happened the last time you’d stupidly thought there was a chance Matt had feelings for you. You didn’t want to wind up misreading things with him a second time.
Turning back towards him, you were met with the bouquet of flowers in his extended hand. It was a stunning mixture of dahlias and greenery that couldn't have been cheap now that you were really looking at it. 
“Dahlias are your favorite, if I’m not mistaken,” he said softly. “I remembered you mentioning that before at Josie’s when Marci had been talking about flowers for the wedding.”
Eyes darting up from the bouquet in his hands, they landed on his face. He still looked nervous and you weren’t entirely sure what to make of that. Matthew Murdock never outwardly got nervous. You also weren’t sure what to make of him remembering your favorite flower months after you’d brought it up around him just once. 
Not knowing how to really respond, the confusing mix of emotions in your body only growing, you hesitantly reached a hand out and accepted the flowers. “Thank you,” you murmured. 
In an attempt to keep your hands busy, and because you weren’t remotely interested in being the one to lead the conversation, you made your way back into your kitchen. You were aware of Matt following after you as you searched for the lone vase in one of your kitchen cabinets. Eventually you found it and began to fill it with water, impatient for Matt to say something as you kept your back to him. 
“About that night,” Matt began cautiously, “when I’d invited you to stay over and you kissed me?”
Turning off the kitchen faucet, your eyelids slowly lowered. Your body tensed, bracing yourself for whatever was coming next. Keeping your back to him, you knew you couldn’t bear to look at him right now with whatever he was about to say. The jumbled, drunken memory of that evening came flooding back to you and you were immediately hit with a wave of embarrassment, tears stinging at your eyes behind closed lids. You remained silent though, waiting for him to continue.
“I hadn’t anticipated that, if I’m being honest,” he finally continued, still speaking in a measured tone. “My intention had been to make sure you made it somewhere safe that evening because I knew you’d drank a bit more than usual. I couldn’t stand the thought of you walking home alone drunk at night in the rain. So I’m sorry if I was giving off signals to you that were other than that at the time because they weren’t intentional.” He paused, clearing his throat lightly. “And it–it wasn’t exactly until this afternoon that I realized maybe some of them were subconscious because I hadn’t quite realized what I actually felt until today.”
Your hands tightened around both the vase and the bouquet of flowers as you held your breath. That flicker of hope had grown just marginally in your chest without your permission, and now it was teetering on the edge of growing larger or diminishing itself entirely. You felt like you couldn’t take another breath as you waited for him to clarify what he meant.
“It’s been weeks since we’ve talked,” Matt said, pain in his voice. “Weeks since you’ve come to Josie’s or stopped by the office. Or answered one of my phone calls. And everyday has just felt off because of it. Because I miss you. And I thought for the longest time it was just because I was missing one of my best friends, but then Karen and Foggy apparently caught onto something that I hadn’t even noticed in myself.”
With shaking hands, you opened your eyes and slipped the bouquet of flowers into the filled vase. Nervously you turned around, reaching your hand out to set them onto the counter next to you before your gaze finally landed back on Matt. He was standing at the other end of your small kitchen now, and it was almost as if he knew your eyes were on him as a gentle smile began pulling up the corners of his lips.
“If we’re being honest,” Matt confessed, “I’ve always tried to avoid relationships. I haven’t had the best of luck with them, and well, there are things someone actually dating me would need to be made aware of–something I generally don’t open up about. But I think I’d be ready to discuss that with you after dinner Sunday night if you’d let me take you out.” 
He paused, shifting his weight back and forth on his feet as he gripped his cane tighter between both of his hands. Briefly you wondered what things he meant, but he was speaking again before you’d had long to contemplate that comment.
“The truth is, I didn’t truly realize what you meant to me until you were no longer a constant in my life,” Matt admitted. “And I can’t stand not having you around. Not just because you’re my friend, but because I have feelings for you, too. Feelings that are more than friendly that I’d like to explore further if you’d still be willing to as well.” 
Heart skipping a beat entirely in your chest, you exhaled a quivering breath at the admission. Matt liked you. You . He’d really come here to bring you flowers and to ask you on a date, not to mock you or make light of your currently sad and lacking situation of a love life. You heard him let out a nervous laugh as your mind continued to race at everything he was saying.
“I uh, really wish you’d say absolutely anything right now,” he continued, “because your silence is scaring the hell out of me. I can’t tell if you’re still mad or just trying to process everything.”
Swallowing hard, you tried to find the words to express how you were feeling. You could barely understand your own mind right now after he’d dropped all that on you. You'd gone so long never believing he'd be interested in you like that, and then after what had happened weeks ago when he'd blatantly rejected you, you really figured you'd never be anything more to him. But now here he was telling you the opposite and you could hardly believe it.
“I’m still sort of processing,” you replied, voice just above a whisper. “I wasn’t exactly expecting to hear you ever say any of that. Certainly hadn’t been expecting to hear any of this tonight.”
A sheepish smile tugged at his lips just before he hung his head, nodding lightly. “Yeah, it sort of surprised me earlier, too,” he told you. “I’m shocked I wasn’t quite as aware of my own feelings as Karen and Foggy seemed to be, but uh…that probably has a little something to do with some other things going on in my life.”
Chewing your lip nervously, you continued to take in the sight of him standing across from you in your kitchen. He was still dressed in his dress clothes from work, clearly having finished late and having come straight here to see you afterwards. The nerves in your stomach gradually intensified as you took in the smile on his handsome face that you could somewhat make out despite the way he’d ducked his head. Seconds later his covered gaze rose up, falling back on you. You only gnawed on your bottom lip faster, something electric feeling like it was sparking between you both in the small space all the sudden. A feeling that hadn’t been there seconds ago.
“So I suppose now I’m curious to know if you’d let me take you to dinner Sunday night, since I know you’ve got plans for Saturday?” Matt asked hopefully. “Would that…be something you’d like?”
“Yes,” you whispered, nodding immediately.
Matt took a few steps forward, the smile that had been lighting up his face growing warmer. His hands reached up, removing the glasses from his face before he slipped them into the inside pocket of his suit coat as he continued to make his way towards you. You leaned further back into the counter behind you, your hands landing on either side of the countertop as you tried to steady yourself. You weren’t entirely sure what he was doing, but there was a glint in his eye that had your breath coming in sharper than usual.
“And in that case,” Matt continued, his voice dropping a few octaves to something sultry and soft, the sound increasing your pulse as he continued to close the gap between you both, “would it be alright if we had a redo of our first kiss? This time with both of us sober and actually anticipating it?”
Breath still coming in shallow, it was difficult for your brain to send the signal to your mouth to actually formulate a sentence. You’d managed a quiet noise in response as he came to a stop just in front of you, his body mere inches from yours as he set his cane to the side. You could practically feel something sparking between the pair of you as he just stood there, his eyes focused along your chin. His head tilted to the side as if in silent question when you hadn’t given him a verbal confirmation.
“I–yes,” you finally answered.
He leaned in, moving so painfully slow as he came to rest his forehead against yours. His hand was suddenly on your neck, delicately gliding his fingertips upwards until the palm of his hand cupped your cheek, cradling it in his warm hand. His thumb rested just beneath your jaw, somehow knowingly tilting your mouth up further towards his at just the right angle. You felt lightheaded beneath his touch and the close proximity, your body involuntarily sinking forward into his when the tip of his nose just barely brushed against yours.
Matt shifted just the slightest bit before you felt his lips finally land on yours. Your eyelids immediately fluttered shut, a faint sigh sneaking out of your throat at how soft his lips were–softer than you recalled them. With the way he carefully began to move them against yours, you felt your knees going weak. Hands releasing the grip you had on the countertop, they darted forward and grabbed fistfuls of his dress shirt, just beneath his suit coat. 
As you held onto him like a lifeline, his mouth pressed more firmly against yours. Fingers curling into his dress shirt, you pulled him roughly into your body. He stumbled forward into you, a rumbling growl coming from his chest in response. The delicious weight of him against the front of you only pressed you farther into the counter behind you as his other hand landed on your hip, gripping it tight.
It wasn't until a few minutes later that Matt gently broke away, his own breath heavy as he rested his forehead back to yours. Your tongue darted out, licking your damp lips as you tried to catch your breath. You could still taste him on you, the realization causing you to actively have to stop yourself from leaning forward and kissing him again. 
“Well there's–there's certainly something there,” Matt said with a breathy laugh. “But uh, maybe we should leave things there until after Sunday night?”
You nodded, though it was hard to fully agree when his hips were still pressing you back into your kitchen counter and his mouth was mere inches from yours. Especially knowing how damn good of a kisser he was now, you wondered what else he did well.
“Right,” you breathed out.
He shifted against you, burying his face against the crook of your neck as he wrapped his arms around you. You couldn't fight the smile on your face at how he clearly didn't want to pull away from you, instead getting closer to you. You'd never seen him this affectionate with anyone else before.
“I missed you,” he murmured against your neck. 
Tentatively your hands released their grip on his shirt, your own arms snaking their way around his waist and drawing him closer. You came to rest your forehead against his shoulder, eyes closing as you relaxed into him. 
“I missed you, too,” you admitted. “And I'm sorry for getting drunk and kissing you like an idiot and then ignoring you for weeks.”
“Well, I admit it wasn't great being ignored by you,” he said, his lips tickling you as he spoke. “But at the same time, if you hadn't done either of those, I might never have realized how I felt about the woman who'd always been right in front of me the whole time.”
Your smile grew, your arms holding him a bit tighter. “I suppose that makes me feel a little less embarrassed, then.”
Matt nuzzled his face further into your neck, the bit of stubble on his cheeks pleasantly tickling you. You couldn't fight the giggle that slipped out of you in response. Seconds later you swore you felt his mouth pulling into a smile against your skin. 
“So Sunday night,” Matt began slowly, “if I show up with flowers for you again, you're not going to yell at me, are you?”
You couldn’t resist the laugh that fell out of you. Burying your face further against his shoulder in slight embarrassment, you replied, “No, I'm definitely not going to yell at you for bringing me flowers again.”
“Good,” he said, amusement in his tone. “Because that was admittedly a terrifying experience.”
The pair of you fell into a fit of laughter in your kitchen, arms still wrapped around each other as you did. As the pleasant sound filled your apartment, the pair of you holding onto each other tightly like neither wanted to be the first to let the other go, you couldn't help but think about what a turn everything had taken all because you'd drunkenly misread a situation and kissed your friend.
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velvetvisionsaurora · 6 days ago
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Pairing: Hongjoong x reader, Seonghwa x reader, Yunho x reader, Mingi x reader, Wooyoung x reader.
Summary: Five eight-year-old boys aboard the slave ship Crimson Serpent form an unbreakable bond with five-year-old y/n. before she's sold at auction. Despite their failed rescue attempt, they swear a blood oath on her teddy bear to find her. Fifteen years later, now feared pirates leading the ATEEZ
Warnings: Slavery/Human Trafficking, Separation/Loss, Violence, Eventual Smut. SA(not by any main characters) y/n gets switched to a real name but it has a purpose. More warnings to be updated.
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Silent Language
*The Crimson Serpent - Fifteen Years Earlier*
Mingi crouched in the shadow of a storage crate, his small knife moving carefully over the piece of wood in his hands. At eight years old, his fingers weren't as skilled as they would be later in life, but even now, his talent was clear in the small figure taking shape beneath his blade.
The ship creaked around him, its movements a rhythm he'd learned to recognize during six months of captivity. Three decks above, sailors would be adjusting sails to catch the afternoon wind. Two decks above, the captain would be checking charts with the navigator. And one deck above, Hongjoong would be studying those same charts, soaking up knowledge that might someday help them escape this floating prison.
But here in the hold's deepest corner, Mingi had made himself a quiet sanctuary – a place where, for a little while, he could escape watchful eyes and harsh commands.
The wood under his knife gradually took form – a small bear with simple features, its proportions carefully balanced despite its tiny size. He'd been working on it for three days, stealing moments when chores and supervision allowed, hiding both knife and carving in a loose panel behind his sleeping mat.
"What are you making, Puppy?"
The small voice startled him despite its softness. He looked up to see Daniela watching from behind a nearby barrel, her five-year-old curiosity temporarily overcoming the caution she'd developed during her weeks aboard. Mr. Hugs was clutched to her chest as always, but her eyes were fixed on Mingi's hands with genuine interest.
Mingi stayed silent, not because he was unfriendly but because words often tangled in his throat. His thoughts were clear in his mind but somehow unreachable when he tried to speak them aloud. Instead of trying to answer with words, he held out the half-finished carving. Unlike adults who demanded speech and got frustrated with his silence, Daniela simply moved closer, accepting his wordless answer without judgment.
"It's a bear," she said quietly, settling beside him with the easy trust she showed all five boys. "Like Mr. Hugs, but smaller."
Mingi nodded, grateful she understood without explanation. Having someone sit so close would usually make his shoulders tense up, a defensive reaction to potential threat. But Daniela's small presence carried no expectations, no demands he couldn't meet.
"Is it for me?" she asked after watching him carve for several quiet minutes.
The question made him pause. He hadn't really decided who the carving was for, focusing instead on the simple joy of creating it. But her question brought immediate certainty – of course it was for her. Who else would he give it to?
He nodded again, sending more wood chips falling as he continued working. The bear's face grew clearer with each careful cut, its expression somehow matching the solemn watchfulness of the real teddy bear clutched in y/n’s arms.
"Thank you," she said, her simple gratitude needing no response beyond his continued work. Unlike adults who demanded acknowledgment, her appreciation needed no confirmation or formal acceptance.
For nearly an hour, they sat in comfortable silence – Mingi carving with growing confidence while Daniela watched without interrupting. The quiet between them wasn't empty but filled with a shared understanding that went beyond words.
"I don't mind that you don't talk much," she said eventually, her voice barely above a whisper. "Mr. Hugs doesn't talk either, but I always know what he's thinking."
Her observation, delivered with childish certainty yet surprising wisdom, created an unexpected warmth in Mingi's chest. Unlike others who saw his limited speech as a problem to fix, Daniela accepted it simply as a different way of expressing himself.
"Grown-ups think talking is the most important thing," she continued, adjusting Mr. Hugs against her chest. "But sometimes the quiet people see things noisy people miss."
The insight, remarkable coming from someone so young, showed wisdom beyond her years – understanding perhaps born from her own recent trauma. Mingi's hands paused momentarily, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity that said what his voice couldn't: agreement, appreciation, recognition of their shared understanding.
"You see everything, don't you, Puppy?" she asked softly, the nickname containing no mockery. "Even when you're so quiet everyone forgets you're there, you're watching and remembering."
Her question showed such a perfect understanding of his experience that Mingi felt momentarily disoriented – as if she'd somehow seen straight into his mind without needing words. His persistent silence wasn't absence but a different kind of presence, observation rather than withdrawal.
Without thinking, Mingi reached into the inner pocket of his tattered shirt and pulled out something he'd kept hidden there like treasure. He held out his palm, revealing a small wooden sparrow.
"It's beautiful," Daniela whispered, reaching out but stopping just short of touching, unsure if she was allowed.
Mingi gently placed it in her small palm, the gesture giving permission where words weren't needed.
"Did you make this too?" she asked, examining the bird with careful fingers.
He nodded, watching her exploration with satisfaction. Unlike the tools and useful things others made out of necessity, this served no practical purpose – it was beauty for its own sake, creation beyond mere usefulness.
"A little bird, like Woo calls me," Daniela observed, turning the wooden piece to catch different angles of light.
The connection hadn't been conscious in Mingi's mind when he made it, but her observation felt right.
"Can I keep it?" she asked, her question showing both hope and understanding that she'd accept his answer either way.
Mingi considered briefly, then shook his head. He pointed to one of the areas in the ship, a panel he'd made removable to hide her.
"Hide," Mingi said.
"You want to hide it," she translated immediately, understanding with no frustration. "So the bad men won't find it and take it," she added, glancing toward the upper deck.
Her simple understanding – interpreting his meaning without needing more words – created another wave of warmth through Mingi's chest. Unlike adults who demanded proper sentences before accepting his communication, Daniela moved easily between different ways of understanding without forcing him to follow just one.
For the next half hour, they worked together in comfortable silence – Mingi completing the bear's basic shape while Daniela held Mr. Hugs as an attentive audience. Their partnership needed no constant reassurance or explicit direction, their shared purpose flowing through occasional glances and small gestures rather than complicated explanations.
When Seonghwa's voice called softly from the corridor – warning of an approaching inspection that meant Daniela needed to hide quickly – their peaceful time together ended abruptly. She slipped away toward their established hiding place, Mr. Hugs clutched to her chest, while Mingi quickly hid his carving materials beneath loose floorboards.
Just before disappearing into shadow, Daniela turned back with a whispered promise: "I'll remember this, Puppy. How we talk without talking."
The moment hung briefly in time – a connection established through something other than conventional words, understanding flowing without reliance on traditional speech. Then practical necessity took over, survival requirements forcing them back into their respective roles within this hostile environment.
Yet something had shifted between them, recognition established without needing to be spoken aloud. The quiet boy who struggled with speech and the small girl clutching a worn teddy bear had found a connection that went beyond words – a shared understanding that created genuine interaction despite the limitations around them.
The night of Daniela's failed escape and her ultimate auction, Mingi removed the panel, taking the small bird out. He cried silently at the loss of his little shadow, the one who didn't need words and explanations to understand him. Who kept him company while he carved. He made a decision then to carve as many animals as he could, for as long as he had to. He would place them wherever they went, a silent message that they were looking for her.
Mingi gripped the bird, walking to the dock and throwing it as far as he could into the Halazia streets. His first breadcrumb. Unknown to him, a child following his owner would later stumble upon it and give it to a scared girl to bring her hope.
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The medical bay's lamps had been dimmed to evening setting when Mingi first regained consciousness. Pain immediately hit him despite whatever medication was flowing through his system. His right side burned with an intensity that reminded him of combat injuries rather than simple accidents – explosive force rather than just impact.
Memory returned in fragments: the naval battle with the Southern Trade Company vessel, his modified cannon mechanisms performing better than expected, then a sudden explosion as return fire struck the gun deck with unexpected precision. After that, nothing but darkness and distant voices, awareness fighting against the drugs as medical treatment happened without his participation.
The first thing he noticed beyond the pain was an unusual weight against his left side – something substantial yet soft, warm pressure that felt like a person rather than medical equipment. With effort that showed his weakness, he turned his head slightly toward this unexpected contact.
The sight that met his gradually focusing eyes left him momentarily disoriented. Ella was asleep in a chair pulled alongside his bed, her body leaning forward to rest partly against his uninjured side, her head nestled against his shoulder.
Even more disorienting was the object clutched against her chest: Mr. Hugs, immediately recognizable despite fifteen years of wear and careful repair, the teddy bear's remaining eye button catching the dim light just as it had caught lantern glow aboard The Crimson Serpent.
For several long moments, Mingi simply watched this impossible vision, uncertainty mingling with his discomfort. Had the explosion damaged his mind? Had the medical treatment caused some kind of dream?
"She's been there since yesterday," came Yunho's quiet voice from his other side. "Refused to leave even when Yeosang insisted she needed proper rest."
Mingi carefully turned toward this familiar presence, relief flowing through him as reality reasserted itself – Yunho's concerned expression confirmed this was no hallucination. His closest friend occupied another chair, evidence of a long vigil visible in his disheveled appearance and the shadows beneath his usually bright eyes.
"How long?" Mingi managed, his voice rougher than usual after being unconscious.
"Two days since the battle," Yunho replied, understanding the question's multiple meanings. "You've been unconscious since the explosion. And yes, it's really her. She revealed herself when you were brought in injured."
The confirmation created complex emotions. This wasn't a hallucination or wishful thinking; Daniela's presence meant the actual end of fifteen years of searching – real fulfillment rather than just continued pursuit.
"How?" he asked, the single word born from both physical weakness and his usual economy with words.
Yunho's expression softened with understanding, his familiarity with Mingi's speech patterns allowing him to grasp the full question. "When you were brought in wounded after the battle, she broke through all her careful disguise. Called you 'Puppy' in front of everyone. There was no question after that – it was the final confirmation."
The specific detail – that childhood nickname rather than just general recognition – affected Mingi more deeply than a long explanation would have. This particular reference represented genuine emotional connection – personal relationship rather than just operational significance.
"She's barely left your side since," Yunho continued, warmth evident in his voice despite his fatigue. "Hongjoong gave her Mr. Hugs yesterday."
Mingi absorbed this information carefully despite his discomfort, his focus entirely on the sleeping figure leaning against his uninjured side.
"She knows," he stated rather than asked, confirmation clear in his simple observation.
"About all of us," Yunho confirmed, understanding the layers in the question. "Our search, our oath, our transformation from cabin boys to the officers of the ATEEZ.
Mingi's attention returned to Daniela's sleeping form, his gaze lingering on Mr. Hugs visible in the dim light. The teddy bear looked older, worn by fifteen years of handling and careful repair, yet unmistakably himself – recognizable despite time's passage.
"She knows about your carvings too," Yunho added quietly, following Mingi's gaze. "That you've been leaving them in every port, hoping she might find one and recognize your work. And Mingi," his voice softened further, "she did.She found a bird. Another time a wolf." Yunho smiled. 
The information created unexpected emotion. Unlike his usual controlled response to information, this revelation triggered a genuine reaction that broke through his habitual restraint.
"One reached her," Mingi whispered, disbelief mingling with profound gratitude despite his weakness. "All these years, all those ports – one actually found her."
"She called it her talisman," Yunho confirmed, a genuine smile warming his tired features. "Said it reminded her that beauty could exist even within Blackwell's walls, that someone had taken time to create something with no purpose beyond its own existence."
As emotion threatened to overwhelm him despite his habitual control, Mingi deliberately shifted toward practical matters – temporarily displacing personal response as protection against vulnerability.
"Ship status?" he asked, deliberately focusing on operational context.
Yunho accepted this transition without comment, understanding the necessary protection against overwhelming vulnerability – a temporary shelter rather than permanent distance.
"Significant damage to starboard gun deck but structural integrity maintained," he reported, matching Mingi's professional focus. "Three wounded including yourself, none critical. Hongjoong managed an impressive tactical victory despite our damaged firing capacity – Blackwell's vessel withdrew with substantially greater injuries than ours."
Mingi nodded slightly, processing this information despite his discomfort and weakness. "Innovative strategy?" he asked, genuine curiosity in his question.
"Extremely," Yunho confirmed, admiration evident in his voice. "After your gun deck was hit, he ordered a reconfiguration that exposed our damaged section while concealing intact weaponry. Made us appear more vulnerable than we actually were, drawing Blackwell's vessel into an overconfident approach that placed them within range of our remaining hidden guns."
The tactic represented classic Hongjoong strategy. Unlike standard defensive positioning that might have minimized existing damage while protecting remaining capabilities, this innovative approach had transformed apparent weakness into actual strength – vulnerability into opportunity.
"Casualties?" Mingi asked, professional concern evident.
"Minor injuries beyond your own," Yunho assured him. "Nothing requiring extended recovery or creating permanent disability. Yeosang handled everything well, though he was a bit less formal than usual. Daniela seems to bring out a more approachable side of him."
The observation created a subtle shift in Mingi's focus, his attention gradually returning to the sleeping figure leaning against his uninjured side.
As if sensing this renewed attention despite her continued sleep, Daniela shifted slightly, a subtle movement that seemed more like unconscious response than deliberate adjustment. Mr. Hugs remained clutched against her chest, protective even during sleep.
"She's exhausted," Yunho observed quietly, his perception encompassing both physical and emotional assessment. "The revelation, the battle, your injury, reconnecting with everyone after fifteen years believing herself forgotten or abandoned – it's been overwhelming despite her remarkable composure."
Mingi's hand moved without conscious thought, fingers gently brushing a loose strand of hair from Daniela's forehead with a careful touch that avoided disturbing her sleep. The gesture – protective tenderness rather than just practical adjustment – emerged from his essential nature beneath the tactical persona, genuine expression beyond professional presentation.
"Little shadow," he whispered, the childhood nickname coming without deliberate thought.
The nickname created a subtle response despite her continued sleep: a slight smile touching Daniela's lips, minimal pressure increase against his uninjured side, fingers tightening fractionally around Mr. Hugs' worn form. 
For several comfortable minutes, they remained in quiet tableau – Mingi gradually adjusting to consciousness despite his discomfort, Yunho providing reassuring presence without demanding interaction, Daniela continuing her healing sleep against Mingi's uninjured side. This moment represented a remarkable reunion against impossible odds. 
"I didn't think we'd ever actually find her," Yunho admitted eventually, his voice barely above a whisper to avoid disturbing the sleeper. "I kept searching because we'd promised, because giving up hope seemed worse than continuing without realistic possibility. But somewhere deep inside, I'd started believing our oath was more about honor than actually finding her."
The confession revealed personal truth beneath professional assessment – human uncertainty despite continued commitment.
"I never stopped believing," Mingi replied, an unusually long response flowing despite his physical weakness and habitual economy with words. "Not because of greater faith or stronger commitment, but because the alternative seemed impossible to accept. Finding her wasn't just a goal - it was a necessity. Like breathing."
Yunho's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Mingi almost never spoke this much at once. Instead of his usual few carefully chosen words, he'd actually opened up, sharing something deeply personal rather than just sticking to the bare necessities.
"That's why you made the carvings," Yunho said softly, his eyes full of understanding. "They weren't just keepsakes or reminders. They were messages you were sending out into the world, hoping somehow they'd find her. You kept doing it all these years, even without knowing if she'd ever see one."
Mingi nodded slightly. No words needed. That simple nod said everything.
"And one actually reached her," Yunho continued, his voice still filled with wonder even though he'd had time to process the news. "Against all odds, your little wooden bird and wolf, somehow found its way to her. It gave her comfort when we couldn't be there, protected her in a way even when we were worlds apart."
Before Mingi could respond, Daniela stirred more deliberately against his side – gradually waking rather than just shifting position, consciousness returning as sleep faded away. Her eyes opened slowly, momentary confusion crossing her features as she oriented herself.
When her eyes met Mingi's and saw awareness there, her face transformed. Behind the careful self-control that fifteen years of captivity had taught her, real joy broke through.
"Puppy," she whispered, the childhood nickname holding fifteen years of memories. "You're awake."
Those simple words carried so much more than they said on the surface. In that quiet moment, all the years of separation seemed to collapse.
"Little shadow," Mingi replied, his voice growing stronger despite his weakness, as if the emotion itself gave him strength.
Just those two childhood nicknames, exchanged after fifteen years apart, said more than a thousand words could have. They recognized each other—not just the people they'd become, but the children they once were. Something essential had survived in both of them, unchanged beneath all the ways they'd had to adapt.
For several long seconds, they just looked at each other. Then the careful composure Daniela had maintained for so long finally cracked, real emotion showing through.
"I thought we'd lost you," she admitted, vulnerability emerging. "When they brought you in after the battle, there was so much blood, and you were so still, and Yeosang looked so worried despite trying to hide it.”
Her voice shook slightly as she spoke, a rare crack in the careful control she'd developed during fifteen years of captivity. For just a moment, she let her guard down, showing a vulnerability she normally kept hidden.
"Hard to kill," Mingi assured her with a hint of humor beneath the serious reassurance. "Too stubborn."
His simple response drew an unexpected smile from Daniela, a flash of genuine amusement lighting up her face. It wasn't just politeness or appropriate response—there was a real connection between them, as though the years apart had somehow never happened.
"That much hasn't changed," she said, her voice warm despite her lingering worry. "I remember how you'd keep carving even with bleeding fingers, or how you'd fall asleep right over your knife. Always pushing beyond what anyone would consider reasonable."
The specific memory seemed to hit Mingi harder than any general recognition could have. His eyes widened slightly, as if amazed that she'd kept such details after all this time.
"You remember," he said softly, wonder in his voice.
"Everything," Daniela confirmed, understanding all the questions behind his simple statement. "How you taught me to whittle simple shapes when my hands were too small for your knife. How you'd leave tiny carvings under my blanket when nightmares kept me from sleeping. How we figured out our own way to talk without words when speaking was hard for both of us, just for different reasons."
These details visibly affected Mingi. His usually composed face showed more emotion than anyone had seen in years, despite his physical pain and weakness. Those precise memories proved she hadn't just remembered the broad outline of their friendship—she'd held onto the small, intimate moments that defined it.
Yunho watched them with a gentle smile, clearly pleased yet careful not to intrude on their reunion. Despite his obvious exhaustion, he remained quietly supportive, present without inserting himself.
"I should tell Yeosang you're awake," he said after a while, giving them a natural reason to be alone. "He'll want to check on you now that you're conscious."
His thoughtful exit created privacy without making a big deal of it. He slipped out of the medical bay quietly, leaving them to continue reconnecting without an audience.
As the door closed behind him, a brief silence fell between Daniela and Mingi—not awkward, but a moment of adjustment to being truly alone together after fifteen years apart. Their connection felt surprisingly natural, as if understanding between them ran deeper than mere memory or simple recollection.
"The sparrow..wolf," Mingi said after several comfortable heartbeats, unusual initiative flowing despite his habitual verbal restraint. "Yunho said you found my carvings.“
Daniela nodded, reaching beneath her shirt collar to withdraw a small leather pouch suspended from a simple cord around her neck. With careful movements that showed how precious this was to her, she opened the protective container and extracted not one but two tiny wooden figures – a sparrow with folded wings and a small wolf, both small enough to hide completely in her closed fist yet carved with remarkable detail.
"The sparrow appeared after a storm knocked down part of the garden wall," she explained, holding the carvings where the dim light caught the distinctive compass mark carved into each wooden base. "And later- a friend gave me the wolf. He found it."
Her fingers traced the tiny figures with obvious tenderness. "I never knew they were yours, just that they were beautiful and worth the risk of keeping them hidden. They became my talismans during the worst moments – proof that beauty could exist even within Blackwell's walls. Something small I could hold onto when everything else was taken away."
The way she spoke about his carvings hit Mingi hard. She hadn't just kept them as objects – she'd understood exactly what he'd meant them to be: messages of hope, reminders of beauty in the darkest places. She'd grasped their meaning without ever knowing they came from him.
"I've made hundreds over the years," he admitted, unusual verbal extension flowing despite his habitual economy with words. "Left them in every port we visited, hoping somehow one might reach you. That you might recognize my work and remember our connection even without knowing where it came from."
The disclosure represented significant emotional investment despite his physical weakness and continued discomfort. This elaboration revealed unusual commitment beyond his habitual restraint – extraordinary import transcending normal limitation.
"And one did find me," Daniela marveled, She spoke with wonder in her voice, even though she'd had time to process this revelation. "Against all odds, somehow your wooden friend reached exactly who it was meant for – bringing comfort when we were apart, keeping us connected even when we couldn't be together."
"I always knew you'd stay yourself, no matter how hard they tried to change you," Mingi said quietly, showing unusual eloquence. "That who you really are would survive, no matter what happened to you."
His words showed he understood something deeper than just recognizing her face. He saw how she remained herself underneath all the changes she'd had to make.
"Sometimes I wondered," Daniela admitted, showing a rare vulnerability. "How much of me survived fifteen years of them trying to crush my independent thinking. Whether the girl you knew on The Crimson Serpent was still in there, under all the changes I made to survive being someone's property."
A meaningful silence fell between them after her confession. Her honest doubts invited him to explore this together, creating a genuine connection.
"Who you are deep down doesn't change, no matter what happens to you," Mingi replied with quiet certainty. "The real you survives underneath all the adjustments you had to make."
He nodded toward Mr. Hugs, still clutched against her chest even though she'd shifted position since waking. "You still fix his bow tie the same way you did on The Crimson Serpent," he said softly. "You still break honey cakes in half before eating them, line things up at right angles when you're distracted, and watch the horizon with that mix of wonder and tactical awareness."
These simple observations clearly touched Daniela more deeply than grand statements would have. Mingi gave her concrete proof that parts of her had survived fifteen years of attempted erasure.
"I never realized," she whispered with genuine emotion. "That so much of me was still visible, even after years of hiding and disguising myself."
"Not to most people," Mingi clarified gently. "Only to those who knew you before, who can spot the patterns under the necessary changes. To everyone else, you appear exactly as you want them to see you – composed and revealing nothing you don't choose to."
His words showed he understood both how well she'd hidden herself and the special connection that let him see through it.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
As the medical bay's lights adjusted automatically to early evening setting, they continued their comfortable conversation amid remarkable circumstances. Their interaction flowed with natural ease despite extended absence – recognition beyond mere memory, understanding transcending simple recollection.
Daniela adjusted Mr. Hugs against her chest with an unconscious movement identical to the childhood ritual she'd performed countless times aboard The Crimson Serpent. The teddy bear looked older, worn by fifteen years of handling and careful repair, yet unmistakably himself – recognizable despite time's passage and necessary maintenance.
"Hongjoong kept him all these years," she explained, noticing Mingi's thoughtful observation. "Carried him in a locked sea chest wherever you sailed, made careful repairs whenever the fabric wore through or stitching frayed. He returned him yesterday after confirming my identity beyond any doubt."
The information created visible impact across Mingi's features despite his habitual emotional containment. This disclosure represented significant continuation beyond mere material preservation – symbolic connection maintained through physical manifestation despite extended separation.
"We used him for our oath," Mingi said quietly, memory flowing despite his typical reticence regarding emotional history
"I never imagined you'd actually keep searching," Daniela admitted, genuine wonder flowing beneath the careful composure that fifteen years of captivity had ingrained. "That five boys would remember a promise made under desperate circumstances, maintain commitment despite passing years and changing priorities."
"Not merely remembered but defined by it," Mingi corrected gently, unusual eloquence continuing beyond his typical verbal economy. "Everything built since that night – the ATEEZ, our operations against slave traders, our reputation for precision and unwavering purpose – all originated from that single promise made during childhood failure. We found our identity through that commitment when circumstances eliminated all other certainties."
Before conversation could continue further, the medical bay door opened to admit Yeosang – not a rushed entrance suggesting emergency but deliberate arrival indicating scheduled assessment. His expression revealed both professional focus and personal pleasure – genuine satisfaction upon seeing his conscious patient.
"Good evening," he greeted, formal introduction suggesting intentional acknowledgment of interruption rather than just casual entrance. "I'm glad to see you awake, though I would have appreciated being notified."
The gentle criticism nonetheless contained warmth beneath its measured delivery, genuine care flowing beyond medical responsibility. Unlike clinical assessment that might have maintained emotional distance regardless of patient identity, Yeosang's approach integrated professional expertise with personal connection – technical competence balanced by genuine relationship.
"My fault," Daniela acknowledged immediately, protective response flowing naturally despite years of separation from her childhood friend. "We've been talking since he woke, and I completely forgot to tell you."
The admission revealed connection beyond casual acquaintance or recent introduction. Their interaction suggested established understanding transcending official designations – genuine friendship beyond merely practical alliance.
"It's understandable with everything that's happened," Yeosang replied, diplomatic phrasing containing gentle understanding beneath his professional demeanor. "I'm just glad to see him awake."
Yeosang moved to Mingi's bedside, setting down his medical bag and withdrawing basic examination tools. Despite the precision of his movements, there was a warmth to his actions that had been absent during his first days aboard the ATEEZ.
"How's the pain?" he asked Mingi directly, his tone both professional and genuinely concerned.
"Manageable," Mingi replied, though the slight tension around his eyes suggested otherwise.
Yeosang nodded, clearly reading beyond the simple response. "I'll adjust your medication after the examination. No need to suffer unnecessarily." He glanced at Daniela with a small smile. "He's always been a terrible patient. Downplays everything."
"Some things never change," Daniela agreed, returning his smile with a warmth that spoke of their shared history. "He once sliced his finger open carving and told no one until Seonghwa noticed the blood trail."
"Still does that," Yeosang commented as he checked Mingi's pulse. "Last year he worked through an entire battle with three broken ribs. Didn't mention it until we were counting casualties afterward."
"Unnecessary distraction," Mingi muttered, though there was no real irritation in his tone.
"It's not a distraction to take care of yourself," Yeosang countered, his voice gentler than his words. "Your well-being matters to everyone on this ship."
The simple statement, delivered without flourish, carried more weight than an elaborate speech might have. Mingi's eyes met Yeosang's briefly, silent acknowledgment passing between them.
As Yeosang continued his examination, Daniela observed the careful respect between the two men – a relationship clearly built over their two years together aboard the ATEEZ, yet different from Yeosang's interactions with other officers. There was a shared understanding in their quiet exchange, a recognition of similar experiences despite vastly different paths.
"The wound is healing well," Yeosang announced after inspecting the bandages. "Better than I expected, actually. The explosion damaged mostly soft tissue – painful, but without long-term consequences if you follow recovery protocols properly."
"When can I return to duty?" Mingi asked, the question clearly foremost in his mind.
Yeosang shook his head, unsurprised by the query. "Limited duties in one week, if healing continues at this rate. Full duties in three weeks, depending on physical therapy progress." His tone softened slightly. "Your gun decks aren't going anywhere, Mingi. Hongjoong has already ordered materials for rebuilding the damaged sections according to your specifications."
This information seemed to ease something in Mingi's expression. "The modified firing mechanisms?"
"Salvaged and secured in your workshop," Yeosang assured him. "Yunho personally oversaw their recovery and storage."
Daniela watched this exchange with growing understanding. The quiet gunner's creations represented more than mere tools – they were extensions of himself, physical manifestations of his mind's workings. Their preservation mattered beyond practical utility.
"Now," Yeosang continued, turning to include Daniela in the conversation, "as your doctor, I need to insist on proper rest for both of you. Mingi needs uninterrupted sleep to heal properly, and you," he fixed Daniela with a pointed look tempered by obvious affection, "haven't had proper rest in days."
"I'm fine," she protested automatically, the response ingrained through years of pushing through exhaustion when circumstances demanded.
"You're swaying in your chair," Yeosang countered gently. "And those shadows under your eyes speak for themselves."
Before she could argue further, Mingi spoke up unexpectedly. "He's right," he said quietly. "You need rest."
The simple statement, coming from the man who had only just regained consciousness after a life-threatening injury, created a moment of surprised silence. Then Daniela sighed, recognizing the truth in both men's concern.
"Fine," she conceded. "But I'm coming back first thing tomorrow."
"I wouldn't expect anything less," Yeosang replied with a small smile. "Your quarters have been prepared – Seonghwa arranged for your things to be moved from the guest cabin to more permanent accommodations near the officers' section."
The information created a momentary pause in Daniela's thoughts. Despite Seonghwa's emotional distance following her identity revelation, he had apparently been making practical arrangements for her integration into the ship's daily life – actions speaking perhaps more honestly than his carefully controlled demeanor.
"That was... thoughtful of him," she said finally.
"Seonghwa expresses himself through arrangements and order," Yeosang explained, understanding evident in his measured words. "When emotions become too complex, he retreats to practical matters where he feels more certain."
This insight aligned with Daniela's own assessment. This perspective offered understanding beyond immediate reaction – recognition of human complexity rather than just operational distance.
"Give him time," Yeosang added quietly. "He's been searching for you longer than almost anyone."
The gentle reminder created space for patience beyond immediate expectation or simple judgment. This perspective allowed natural development without artificial acceleration – genuine process rather than forced outcome.
"I will," Daniela promised, rising slowly from her chair beside Mingi's bed. The movement revealed more fatigue than she had admitted, her body swaying slightly as she found her balance.
Yeosang steadied her with a supportive hand on her elbow, concern evident in his expression. "I should walk you to your cabin," he said, the suggestion carrying more weight than mere courtesy.
"I can find my way," she assured him, though the words lacked conviction even to her own ears.
"Humor me," Yeosang replied with gentle firmness. "Doctor's orders."
The familiar phrase – echoing countless similar exchanges during their childhood in Blackwell's household – drew a small smile​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The familiar phrase – echoing countless similar exchanges during their childhood in Blackwell's household – drew a small smile from Daniela despite her exhaustion. Some patterns remained unchanged across fifteen years, connection persisting despite extended separation and drastically altered circumstances.
"Fine," she conceded again, then turned back to Mingi. "I'll return in the morning. Try not to escape the medical bay before then."
A ghost of a smile touched Mingi's normally solemn features. "No promises," he murmured, the hint of humor revealing more about his improving condition than any formal medical assessment could have.
Daniela hesitated briefly, then leaned down and gently squeezed his hand. "Rest well, Puppy," she whispered, the childhood nickname flowing naturally despite years of careful concealment.
"You too, little shadow," he replied, returning the pressure with fingers still weakened from injury yet carrying genuine warmth.
As Yeosang guided her toward the door, Daniela clutched Mr. Hugs closer against her chest – an unconscious gesture identical to her childhood habit developed aboard The Crimson Serpent. The teddy bear remained a tangible connection between fragments of her existence, a physical link between past and present despite fifteen years of systematic attempts to sever that connection.
"He'll be here tomorrow," Yeosang assured her as they moved into the corridor. "Mingi's too stubborn to do anything but recover, especially now."
"Especially now?" she repeated, curiosity momentarily overriding exhaustion.
Yeosang's expression softened into a genuine smile – a rare display of emotion beyond his usual composed demeanor. "Now that he has something beyond duty to recover for," he explained simply. "Now that you're here."
The observation created unexpected warmth in Daniela's chest despite her physical fatigue and emotional exhaustion.
"It still doesn't seem real," she admitted as they walked slowly through the ATEEZ's quiet corridors. "Finding all of you after fifteen years believing myself forgotten. Discovering that five boys not only remembered me but transformed themselves into the most feared pirates on the seven seas specifically to fulfill a childhood promise."
"Sometimes the most impossible things turn out to be true," Yeosang replied, his philosophical tone tempered by genuine warmth. "Just look at us – who would have believed we'd reunite aboard this particular ship, under these specific circumstances?"
The simple observation acknowledged extraordinary coincidence – meaningful connection rather than accidental collision.
"Apparently the universe has a strange sense of humor," Daniela replied with a tired smile. "Or perhaps remarkable sense of symmetry, depending on your philosophical perspective."
For a moment, they simply stood in the quiet corridor, absorbing this additional connection beyond already extraordinary coincidence. This particular intersection suggested pattern beyond mathematical probability – meaningful design rather than mere statistical anomaly.
"We should keep moving," Yeosang said finally, gentle concern returning as he noticed her increasing unsteadiness. "You're about to fall asleep standing up."
The assessment acknowledged reality without exaggeration. This simple statement recognized genuine condition without inflation – factual evaluation rather than emotional response.
As they resumed walking toward her new quarters, comfortable silence settled between them – not awkward vacancy but peaceful connection, understanding flowing without requiring constant verbal affirmation. Their relationship carried natural ease despite years of separation – recognition beyond mere memory, connection transcending simple recollection.
"Here we are," Yeosang announced eventually, stopping before a cabin door that appeared identical to others in this section yet apparently represented significant transition. "Officers' quarters section, port side. Wooyoung is two doors down, Yunho and Mingi across the corridor when he returns from medical bay."
"Thank you," Daniela said sincerely, gratitude encompassing more than mere escort assistance. "For everything, Angel. Not just today but fifteen years ago. For being the one person in Blackwell's household who saw me as human rather than just property."
The acknowledgment created visible impact across Yeosang's usually composed features, genuine emotion flowing beneath characteristic restraint despite years developing professional detachment. This specific recognition addressed particular connection – meaningful relationship rather than just incidental contact.
"You did the same for me," he replied softly, showing a rare vulnerability. "When all they cared about was what I could do for them, you saw me as a person worth knowing. When Blackwell tried to keep us all isolated, you risked getting punished just to be my friend."
There was a quiet moment between them, a silence that said more than words could.
"We survived," Daniela said quietly.
"We did more than survive," Yeosang corrected gently. "We kept what really mattered even when they tried to take everything from us. We stayed human when they treated us like objects. We found ways to connect when they did everything to keep us apart."​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
His words gave her more than just comfort - they gave her a deeper understanding of what they'd managed to hold onto through all those years. It wasn't just about staying alive; it was about keeping their humanity intact when everything around them tried to strip it away.
Before they could talk more, the corridor lights dimmed automatically to evening mode - the ship's way of marking time passing even below deck. The subtle change pulled them back from their memories to the present moment.
"You need rest," Yeosang said, his doctor's concern showing through again. "We can pick this up after you've had some sleep and caught your breath from everything that's happened."
The way he said it showed he cared about her, not just as a patient but as a friend. He understood both her physical exhaustion and what all this meant to her emotionally.
"You're right," Daniela admitted, unable to ignore her exhaustion any longer. "Though it feels weird to just sleep when my whole world has flipped upside down in less than three days."
"Big changes take time to process," Yeosang said warmly. "And your body needs energy to handle it all. You might want to stay awake and think about everything, but your body needs to recover first."
He explained it simply but kindly, like he was helping her understand rather than just telling her what to do.
"Always the doctor," Daniela teased gently, affection in her voice despite her tiredness.
"Someone has to be," Yeosang replied with a genuine smile, a warmth showing through his usual professional manner. "Especially on a ship full of people who think sleep and recovery are just optional suggestions."
The comment showed both his frustration as the ship's doctor and his fondness for the crew - he understood them even when they drove him crazy.
"Goodnight, Angel," Daniela said softly, using the childhood nickname that had gotten her through seven years in Blackwell's household and eight more without him.
"Goodnight, Daniela," Yeosang replied warmly. "Sleep well. Everything will still be here tomorrow - all these connections, all these discoveries, all these impossible reunions."​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
As Daniela entered her new quarters – permanent accommodation rather than temporary arrangement – she found herself momentarily overwhelmed by yet another tangible manifestation of her changed circumstances. Unlike the guest cabin that had emphasized temporary status, this space clearly represented integration beyond mere visitation – genuine incorporation rather than just tactical alliance.
The room itself appeared similar in size to her previous accommodation, yet subtle differences created significant distinction. Personal effects had been arranged with obvious care and deliberate attention to detail, someone's precise handiwork evident in their thoughtful placement.
Seonghwa's touch was unmistakable throughout the space – from perfectly aligned furnishings to mathematically spaced decorative elements, his characteristic precision evident despite his emotional distance following her identity confirmation. Unlike a haphazard transfer that might have emphasized functional necessity, this careful arrangement revealed thoughtfulness beyond mere practical requirement – genuine care despite apparent withdrawal.
Too exhausted for detailed exploration, Daniela moved directly toward the bed that dominated one wall of the cabin. Mr. Hugs remained clutched against her chest, protective habit maintained despite safe environment, childhood comfort preserved despite adult circumstance.
As she settled onto the surprisingly comfortable mattress without bothering to remove her outer clothing, bone-deep weariness claimed her consciousness with irresistible force. Unlike regular tiredness that might have permitted gradual transition, this profound depletion created immediate sleep.
In her last moments before consciousness dissolved completely, Daniela automatically whispered her nightly ritual – childhood names flowing across fifteen years of separation despite systematic attempts at connection's elimination: "Joongie, Hwa, Woo, Yuyu, Puppy, Angel."
The familiar litany carried new significance beyond mere comfort routine. Unlike protective mechanism that had maintained essential connection during extended isolation, these references now acknowledged actual persons beyond just remembered designations – real individuals rather than simply preserved memories.
Taglist: @hopeless-lovex0 @frankielou02 @jilxxasu @kur0kki @lezleeferguson-120 @uniquecloudbread @miniverse-zen @symmieangela @monstacheol @ateezswonderland @comicnerd557 @pixie0627 @fumaluvr @princesscallie @green-moon @starryjoong-jeongcheollie @wiccanmetallicrose @atinyapple1117 @sassy-snassy @soulphoenix1618 @wxnderingthoughts
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thesharktanksdriver · 6 months ago
Star covered hug booth (platonic)
Not canon but just some plane what if fun based on an ask from awhile back. Also sorry I’ve been inactive I’ve had some burnout as of late alongside starting second year university lol
Send me asks for characters you’d like to see hug Determination! Y/n
Masterlist for determination!
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In life Nami had many things she has come to love.
For one she loved her mom Bellemere and sister Nojiko (as well as Genzo, a man who was the only father-figure she had in her life despite how she butted heads with him). Nami loved them wholeheartedly, loved them so deeply she sacrificed her childhood to ensure Bellemere’s sacrifice was not in vain.
She loved Cocoyashi. Loved the quaint island village she called home, the old beaten paths she’d chart on her first mock maps. Loved its people that despite having their pockets nicked by her small nimble hands still cared for her (only years later did she learn that many would let her get away with taking their wallets and would give Bellemere discounts for things she needed).
She loved tangerines and oranges. The smell of them lingered on her and in her dreams as the soft memories of that home on a cliffside played in her mind. The sweet taste that stuck to her tongue, the white blossoms in the spring and the color that matched the sunsets that she would peer out at through windows.
She loved money, she felt more secure with it after the years of barely scraping by and being extorted. Liked being able to provide for herself things that seemed more like a childish dream rather than a reality. Nami liked buying clothes, jewels, supplies and things for everyone on board even if they had not noticed. She also used it as a way to tie people to her, by having a “debt” it meant that they would not leave her (even if in her mind she knows they won’t).
And most of all Nami loved her crew.
Nami loved the idiot she called a captain. Dressed in flip flops and his raggedy straw hat sitting like a crown atop messy raven hair along with a stretched out smile across his face.
loved the moss haired swordsman without a sense of direction. How loyalty ran through his blood and his unwavering spirit in spite of the situations they ended up in.
Loved the blond haired cook who went out of his way to feed the crew with a grin. A cigarette hung limply on his lips whilst he handed off Hand made drinks specially catered to individual tastes.
Loved the long nosed cowardly sniper who she leant on for support as one of the only sane ones left on this crew. Their shared dry remarks on ridiculous situations before laughter replaced it.
Loved the blue nosed little doctor that plastered wounds with bandaids with their Jolly Roger. His bursts of bashfulness at being told he did a good job and his love of all things pink and sweet.
Loved the calm and cool historian who never failed to make her feel appreciated. The woman who never asks about the nightmares (nor does Nami ask about her own) but instead silently comfort each other.
Loved the shipwright with flashy chains and a steel hard smile. The man who puts love into their vassal with each nail and board while making unconventional machines that make everyone else smile.
Loved the joke making skeleton with annoying questions but with the soul of a true musician. Ivory bones drifting along similarly ivory keys whilst the crew listened to his songs of old.
Loved the reserved yet hearty presence of the helmsman that helps her through her trauma of fish and scales. The way he uses graceful movements of his karate that’s used to water her tangerines before he splashes a nearby Luffy.
And finally Nami loved the starry-eyed storyteller of the crew. The cherub face of an old soul that has seen too much of the world and has yet to change. A child stuck to watch the world around them change, telling the stories lost to time and later their own mind.
Nami loved her crew.
Maybe that was a bit of an understatement, but the point still stands.
…..but god did she sometimes loath their spending habits which leads her to this situation now.
As the only person on this damn boat with any Handle on money (besides Sanji when he’s not head over heels) she can’t help but want to bash her head in. Because along with being the navigator she handles the money, but evidently that didn’t matter to her stupid (affectionate) crew mates.
No Luffy you can’t buy 5 tons of meat just because your hungry.
No Zoro you can’t buy an oceans worth of booze because you feel like it.
No Sanji you can’t just buy every woman in a crowd a necklace because their “angels sent by heaven”.
No Ussop you can’t just buy a bunch of random supplies for your bombs half that stuff doesn’t make sense.
No chopper you can’t stalk up on cotton candy…the medical supplies is allowed though knowing this crew.
No Robin you can’t have another library on board when our room is already stacked from top to bottom in books.
No Franky for the love of god please stop buying supplies for robots we already have enough of them.
No Brook you don’t need a glass piano we already have 3 different pianos on the sunny.
No jimbe…actually no Jimbe your good because you're actually an responsible adult…wait why do you have so many Hawaii shirts-
And finally you. The only person on this crew who sticks to the budget but never actually buys anything for themself. Honestly she’d be happy if you went over budget and got yourself something, but she knows that’ll happen when Luffy becomes a vegetarian.
Nami loves her crew but god does that seem to screw her over.
They barely had enough to afford supplies at the next port, and though stealing wasn’t off the table laying low would be nice. Especially since her idiot of a captain just had to make a ruckus recently and have a good portion of the marines on their tail.
She’d really like to avoid another jailbreak.
So with that in mind she needed cash quickly.
And with that formed various schemes and ideas.
Form a mlm? Nah too much time to invest in.
Rob a bank? Too much attention.
Form a big distraction and then rob people blind? Shed and most of the crew would avoid doing that to civilians if possible.
And with all those x’d out ideas in mind she finally came to one that seemed plausible.
Somehow you had gained the friendship of many people over your many years of living. From almost all the warlords to Yonko’s and even admirals.
And knowing this Nami’s mind started a scheme. One that left her conflicted.
Because as much as their finances needed it, she wasn’t alright if it made you uncomfortable.
It’s partially halfway to their next destination that Nami sits herself next to you whilst you watch the waves. They lapped over one another, folding into the endless blue complimented by bubbling white foam. The sight never seemed to grow old to your eyes, even after so many years of watching the same sight once more as the day continued in its mellowness.
Normally someone of the crew would come to join you so it’s not too surprising when Nami joins.
But what is surprising is when she speaks up instead of continuing in sweet silence.
“We’re low on funds and I had an idea” she starts slowly, she picks beneath her nails, a nervous habit of hers. You noticed it quite easily, for as much as Nami wanted to look like she’s calm and in control you’d alway noticed the cracks in her resolve. It’s what you respected about her. The way she always tried to act like a pillar for others to lean on even when she was as brittle and scared as everyone else.
“Sure thing” you say, still looking out towards the waves.
“But you didn’t-“
“Nami I trust you.”
You think that for a moment that breaks her, shattering her heart into thousands of tiny pieces. Though that should hardly be surprising to her, because of course you trusted her. She was your navigator, your friend. You had every reason to, yet still it resonates within her deeply.
“You didn’t even hear what it was” her tone is slightly chiding, yet lingering fear still makes itself known despite your previous comment. “I had the idea for a hug booth…you know so many people who’d go to the end of the earth for you” she seems slightly uncomfortable saying this, as if slightly upset at herself.
“Yeah sure thing.” You say once more.
Instead of silence though you're met by her ocher brown eyes.
Nami places her hands gently on your shoulders, getting down on a knee to look you in the eye on your level. She looks for apprehension, yet finds none.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” She asks this with a tone that indicates how serious she is “if you're not that’s fine and I can think of something else. But I need to know if you're ok with this.”.
She watches a smile cross your face, small hands that were soft yet should be weathered over the years and years you’d been alive gently cupping her cheeks. You’d done this before to ground her, those nights filled with nightmares of Arlong that left her crying and grasping for anything to hold. The ones where she’d desperately want to curl up and disappear into herself, the ones where she'd look to her shoulder and still see the tattoo beneath the cover up.
It was a gesture of sincerity.
“I’m alright with it, Nami.”
Your eyes sparkle.
“I would’ve said I wasn’t if I was. Besides, I’m looking forward to seeing who shows up! Plus it’ll be nice to see some old friends again”
At that Nami nods, a shaky breath leaving her as she stands back up. She swallows down the last bit of fear and anxiety about pushing you to do something that would make you uncomfortable.
And then her game face quickly takes over.
Her head snaps towards Usopp and Franky’s direction.
“Get to work on advertisements and a booth pronto. You’ll get a bigger cut in the budget I’ve set”
On the grand line there was a small island that was considered an odd outlier to that of many other islands.
The island of “plote devi’cee” was one that served as a neutral ground for both marines and pirates alike. It started decades ago due to a legend, a daughter of a marine falling in love with a pirate. The meeting of the boyfriend and dad didn’t go well as expected, the boyfriend ended up dead as did the dad which left the girl heartbroken and supposedly cursing the island.
So long as pirates or marines stepped foot on its soil no fights could happen.
Lest they suffer like the poor fools all those years ago who had their ships decimated via sea kings and such bad weather that the ship capsized.
This is important due to the fact that it was the perfect place to set up shop.
You’d been to this place a few times before, so when mentioning it to Nami for this money making scheme it seemed like the only logical place it could work.
With the pamphlets handed out via news birds and your crows they’d inevitably end up at Marineford. So better to be on neutral territory for both marine and pirates without having the operation busted.
So with that in mind and the sunny docked Nami took quickly to setting up shop.
The small booth Franky constructed stood proud and strong atop a small hill just outside the village of the island. Just far enough out of the way as to not disturb their peaceful lives as you sat in your booth waiting. Drapes of cloth created a small doorway and privacy for you and the future customers. Mostly since you’d known this would likely get emotional for more than a few people (perhaps even yourself). Now thinking about it though, it seemed more like a tent and booth but “y/n’s hug booth” was definitely more of a zinger.
Just outside holding a large set of jars were Sanji and Zoro, your “guards” and debt collectors for Nami. Behind your stand was Robin sitting in a small sun chair. An ear inside the booth to listen for the secret sign of you being uncomfortable, 3 taps on the wood and then it would be the signal for zoro and Sanji to drag off whoever was inside.
It wasn’t fully fool proof but it was enough for you to be comfortable enough.
And so you wait.
But it seems not for long as you hear the exasperated murmur of Nami not far away from the booth.
“That’s a lot of ships”.
Seems like the hugging shall begin.
Boa Hancock
Before even seeing the curtain open, you hear Sanji’s commotion of “my eyes have been blessed by a goddess-“ before a subsequent thwack sound resonating in the air. You're not sure who hit Sanj whether From Zoro, Nami or Boa herself but the curtain opens and there enters the empress of the Amazon Lily herself.
The proclaimed most beautiful woman in the world and snake princess warlord.
She sits down, posed and perfect on the small stool. Long legs crossed as you watch the apathy from her face fade at now being in private with you.
It’s odd for you to see her public persona of uncaring, cruel and selfish. Not when you know at heart she’s a girl who’s been victim to the most vicious of cruelties. A woman who longs to be kind yet cannot face being hurt once more, someone who’d rather push those closest away if it ensured their safety.
It’s why you smile when a soft expression covers her face.
“Sorry if Sanji gave you trouble, he’s a massive flirt…and a simp. He means well though, just takes a bit far sometimes” you say a little exasperated as you rub the back of your neck. She gives a small chuckle, the sound of it is soft and pretty like wind chimes and birdsong.
“He’s a man, I’ve dealt with plenty worse.” It comes off as slightly mocking towards the blond, though you’d let it slide knowing her experience with men…plus as much as you loved Sanji he was a bit over the top “besides, I came here to see you.”.
“I must be lucky then. Having been graced with the presence of an empress” the tone is accented by a slight giggle. One that she mirrors with a true smile, one not marred by fakeness or lies, just genuine.
“It’s…it’s good to see you again”
“It’s good to see you too Hancock”
You open your arms, and she reaches forwards to warp you in her own.
Her hug is stiff at first, as if she had not felt the comfort of arms holding her in a very long time and still trying to uphold her mask of stone cold empress. But much like her mask, it cracks and breaks.
What once was stiff arms much like when she petrified people circled around you soon melts.
She pulls you closer, resting her head atop your shoulder as she just holds you and you hold her.
The floral scent of the Amazon lily creates a pleasant smell that wafts within the tent. Roses, peonies, lilacs and of course Lillie’s tickle your nose. It’s much different from your scent of sea salt and dust covered books.
It takes a moment but you quickly begin to hear soft sobs leave her. Tears trailing down and making your shoulder dampen.
You don’t mind.
You just pat her head as gently as you can.
Once more Boa Hancock does not feel like a heartless warlord nor a scared little girl huddled in a cell.
Boa was just Boa.
She was more than the beauty, the power or the brand on her back.
She was more than just her body.
And that’s more priceless than anything she could ever imagine.
“Thank you” her voice is quiet and gentle, something few people would ever have the luxury of hearing.
“No need to thank me Boa.”
To her, your hug signifies a genuine love. One not of romance that clouds the eyes of her fanatic nor of lust that clouds the eyes of men. Your love was Just the love of a friend.
The love of the person behind her facade.
You see her gentle heart and hold it with equal gentle hands.
“You can always turn to me if you need it, can always use my shoulder to cry on. It doesn’t make you weak, it only makes you stronger”
Mihawk Dracule
His appearance at the booth is as cryptic and abrupt just as his appearance of his boat on the sea is.
It’s abrupt.
And to everyone but you (and maybe Zoro) it’s an unpleasant surprise.
One that should be bound for bloodshed yet creates a certain tinge of happiness as he closes the curtains behind him and sits down on the small chair facing you.
Yoru being leant against the chair.
A small and subtle sign that he feels at ease with you.
…or at least didn’t see you as a threat. (It was hard to tell with him)
“It’s good to see you again Mihawk, how has the traveling been?” You say this while leaning against your palm that rested on the stand.
Golden ringed eyes stare at you, for a moment you can distinguish a crinkle of affection.
“They’ve been monotonous as usual. Overzealous fools who think they can challenge me”
“An, so like zoro?”
He chuckles at that, distantly outside the tent you hear a distinct “Oi!” Before the sounds of Sanji kicking him. Their bickering fades into the background as Nami presumably dragged them away.
Mihawk leans over, and suddenly you're enveloped in his arms. It’s perhaps a bit unexpected, though with Mihawk things were always a gamble. You half anticipated for him to leave without a hug, but seeing that he hadn’t made you all the more happier.
Mihawk's hug feels secure and protective, as if he were a shield to the rest of the world and its hardships.
Hands that have seen endless fighting and held the hilt of blood a rusted sword hold you.
His hold is not gentle but it is perhaps the softest Mihawk could ever be.
And that’s ok.
Because in his hold it feels as if you're safe.
That he would take on the world to ensure that even when you’d left his arms you’d never have to worry.
And while that’s a far off dream, knowing Mihawk he’d try.
And that’s perhaps the most comforting thought behind it all.
Mihawk would try for you if you’d ask.
If you’d ask, you could have stayed at his abode.
If you’d asked he would do all that he could to ensure you’d never have to die and reappear again.
But he’d only do that if you’d ask.
He didn’t make that decision for you.
Didn’t decide that his judgment was better than yours and impede on your ability to make decisions.
He might have disagreed with some of your decisions but he respected you to make them.
And even more so, he respected you even if he was wrong.
He would never admit to it, but in those few moments you’d proven him wrong a certain pride shone in eagle eyes.
A certain uplift of the corner of his mouth.
“The humandrills miss you…I have a room open if you’d ever require it” it’s said quietly, like a secret exchanged beneath candlelight. It’s a valuable moment, it reminds you of that thing that zoro had said.
“A wound on the back is a swordsman’s shame”
Vulnerability was not something easily handed out by swordsmen, especially not one like Mihawk. A weakness, a so-called wound on his back or in this case his heart. It’s not something to be taken lightly. But luckily you know this well.
“I’d like that”
His mouth twitches, sloping upwards ever so slightly.
To him the hug you give is a moment where he can momentarily be at ease and feel as if he had a goal to accomplish.
Throughout aimless travel he tries to find his match yet all that come to him are disappointments. Battle after battle of people not being able to even land a single blow on him. It’s a constant that leaves him bitter and resigned as he’d toll away in his castle alone.
But with you in arms that carry the burden of being the best he finds himself with a mission that seems ever so slightly more achievable.
He could protect you as best he could.
Though that is an equally daunting task considering your penchant for death, it feels more feasible so long as you remain in his hold.
Small arms that are wrapped around his neck mean no harm.
He has no use in being on edge, not when you’d barely had the will to ever pick up a blade. Even when your life depended on it.
For a short moment the bloodthirsty marine hunter feels at ease.
You do not see him smile but you can feel the warmth he exudes when his hand cards through your hair.
The cries of “cheater!” And “we agreed that everyone else would get a head start!” Ring out from the very familiar voices of whitebeard’s division commanders outside the tent as an even more familiar voice yells out to them “early bird gets the worm” with an amused chuckle.
And it’s there that the small tent is lit up by flames of cyan blue and brilliant gold. Still in his partial zoan form his clawed feet press against the ground as tail feathers of gold trail behind him like a burning chain.
Flames flicker in a calm heat, letting small pops of sparks almost as if they were mini-fireworks.
A lazy smile is across his face as he sits leisurely across from you.
“Long time no see Marco, how’s the family?”
He chuckles, pointing his thumb to the now closed curtain door as the slightly muffled sounds of complaints just outside answer the question. “Licking their wounds but for the most part good.” There’s an audible “hey!” Once more behind the curtain which makes you chuckle in turn. But eventually the chuckles settle down into silence.
And for a moment besides the murmurs outside there’s a warm silence punctuated by the soft crackles of flame.
Warm blue and soft gold.
Flames that are simultaneously soft as feathers as they wrap around you. Cocooning you in their warm nest of a grasp, like a mother bird swaddling an egg. You could go on and on with the bird analogies, but none could ever describe the sense of comforting warmth that covers your heart in its inferno.
“We’ve all missed you”
The fire burns like a campfire on your heart. The soft oozy scent and taste of s’mores as the muffled laughs of friends and family. The sweetness of chocolate, slightly charred marshmallow and crumbly graham-cracker seem to appear like phantoms on your tongue.
“Pops checks the bounties for you”
A father’s warm hand places itself on your shoulder as the two of you sit by the fireplace. The fireplace sets the blaze on your heart to that of a warmer intensity. Frost presses against the nearby window and nearby boots, hats and mittens let snow melt into them. The chill of winter easing away at the warmth of home and the presence of a man who swore to love and protect you.
“Izou has been arranging for some old spare kimonos of his to be given to you”
A mothers warm hands cup your cheeks as a tender kiss is placed atop your forehead, red phantom lipstick staining your flesh as its kindness traveled to your burning heart. A light giggle echoes from rose lips, a giggle escaping your own as tears pinch at the edges of your eyes at her goodbye.
“Ace, Thatch, and I have been keeping track of your guys’s adventures”
The hearth of your heart feels the burn of the sun clench around it like a firm hug. Beneath a sun hat you pick at a freshly tended garden, soil pooling beneath your hands as you pat it down firmly. Roots tangle beneath the ground, red strawberries hanging low and ripe for the picking as they are placed in a wicker basket. brother places a glass on the ground beside you, cool lemonade fresh on your patched tongue and the bittersweet of it lingering as his blurred face is obscured by the shadow of his own hat.
Love burns you to the core. It’s heat scorching a heart that should be dead and reigniting its will to keep moving.
You melt into the cool flames of blue and gold.
Your tears don’t put it out but instead makes it wrap more securely around you.
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kissme-suguru · 1 year ago
You and Their Kids
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺ JJK Gojo, Nanami, Geto x Fem Reader
Warnings: Non Curse Au, mention of menstrual cycle,
A/N: I'm such a sucker for dilfs. This is like a drabble mixed with headcannons based on what I think the main aspect of their parenting style is. part 2 maybe?
Gojo Satoru ♡︎
Becoming the guardian of Megumi and Tsumiki at the age of eighteen was no easy feat, still being a kid himself he grew with them and sometimes acted more like an older brother than a father but that didn't stop his (sometimes overbearing) affection.
When he first introduced you to Megumi you coulda swore the kid was raising Satoru and not the other way around. His level of maturity was off the charts which Satoru tried to take credit for (lies). Megumi liked having you around for the main reason of his guardian having someone else to bother, constantly stating how he likes you more than him. The boys bickered pretty often and it always made you laugh.
Satoru loved to watch you and Megumi interact, seeing a nurturing side to you warmed his heart to the core. Megumi began seeing you as a guardian as well when he witnessed you taking care of Tsumiki in the hospital, which was a part of his daily routine he didn't really like to talk about. And for that they both appreciated you immensely.
"Megs!" You called out to the navy haired boy as he walked with his peers, turning around at the nickname. He stopped in place waiting for you catch up. "I brought you lunch, I didn't want you to be starving after training."
His hand accepted the bento box with a nod of acknowledgement.
Suddenly the sound of Satoru's singsong voice caught your attention. He quickly jogged up to you two, wasting no time wrapping his arm around your shoulder and placing a kiss on your head. "You didn't tell me you were coming today, babe."
"I was just bringing Megs some food real quick." He look offended.
"And what about me??" You rolled your eyes with a slight smile at his pouty words.
"How could I forget?" Reaching into your bag you pulled out another bento and handed it to Satoru, making is eyes light up dramatically.
"Ah! You're the best. Just in time for training, thanks babe." He pressed another kiss to the top of your head before letting you go and walking ahead to talk to Yuji and Nobara.
Megumi lingered back for a moment, wrapping his arms around you in a soft in embrace. Your hand stroked his hair softly with a smile on your lips. Although he didn't convey his emotions often it was obvious this little gesture meant a lot.
"Thank you."
"Of course."
Geto Suguru ♡︎
Similar to Satoru; Suguru adopted his girls young, bringing Mimiko and Nanako into his care not long after graduating. He had such a soft spot for the girls and never failed to cater to their every need.
As the girls grew into their teen years Suguru had even more trouble saying no to them, practically bending to their every request and spoiling. He allows them to drag him into various malls and restaurants and of course he carries their many bags with a smile on his face.
The girls took to you very quickly when you entered the picture, happy see their dad smile more than usual and excited to have a woman's presence around the house.. You really played the mother role well, giving them tips on makeup and taking time to do their hair. You were the one they came to when they got their periods and it was times like those were Suguru was glad you were around to educate them on the things he couldn't. Suguru took pride in your mother like instincts, often just watching the three of you quietly with a smile on his face.
His ability to say no diminished even further when you two started dating, the girls often let you in on their schemes knowing he couldn't turn down all three of his girls.
"Can we go get ice cream? Pretty pleeeeasee?" Nanako intertwined her fingers as she pouted.
"Pretty pleeeeasee?" Mimiko followed suit, matching her twins pouting.
"Yeah Sugu, Pretty please?" A teasing smile lingered on your lips as you followed, making Suguru itch the back of his neck with a groan.
"What am I gonna do with you girls?"
"Take us to get ice cream?"
"I vote for that."
"Yeah me too."
He shook his head with a smile. "Alright, alright. Put the puppy dog eyes away."
Kento Nanami ♡︎
Nanami wasn't exactly Yuji's dad but he was the closest thing the boy had to a father figure, allowing him into his home under his protection. Despite his sometimes stoic personality Nanami cared for the boy deeply and wanted to see him succeed in life. Although it did take a bit of effort for him to bring his walls down and get out of his comfort zone when it came to his interests.
When you and Nanami started dating his softer side to him began to grow, taking more time to spend with the two of you and relish in the presences of his loved ones.
As much as he didn't want to admit it he loved that you and Itadori kept him on his toes and brought new found excitement into his life. The fact that you and the pink haired boy had similar personalities always made him chuckle to himself, the two of you were like peas in a pod and that made it even harder to say no.
"Y/N, tell Nanamin that we have to go see the new Human Earthworm 4!"
"I just don't see the appeal in those types of movies, they're too hard to follow ." Nanami didn't bother looking up from his newspaper while you and Itadori baked cookies.
"It's entertaining, hon."
"But the story doesn't make sense." "How could you not get it?! It's a tragic love story between a girl and a human earth worm, you can't get a better plot!" Itadori's eyes practically sparkled as he talked about the movie, making you chuckle.
You finished putting the cookies on the sheet allowing Itadori to put them in the oven while you walked behind Nanami and wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your head on his. "Come on hon, I heard this was the best movie out of the series."
He sighed, setting down the newspaper and rubbing the bridge of his nose. The blonde's eyes glancing back and forth between his lady and Itadori who held a small pout.
"If we must."
"Yay! Thank you!!" The two of you said in unison as Itadori also wrapped his arms around Nanami. The gesture made him crack a small smile and lean into the affection.
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