#this is all i needed time to catch up to all the chapters i missed
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wbbpls · 3 days ago
Platonic Plus One
Chapter 3: Azzi POV
The girls finished getting ready, naturally working around each other. They went down for dinner and started greeting the family. The first to greet them was Azzi’s grandma. 
“Sweetheart, I missed you!”
“I missed you too, Grandma.” Azzi bends down to hug her grandmother. The three women spent time catching up about school, basketball, and summer plans. Eventually, her grandmother switches gears. 
“So no boys to bring home with you, huh darling?”
“No, Grandma. Just focused on basketball.”
“You know Jonathan is here? That sweet boy you went to prom with. His older brother is close to Brandon.” 
“We’re just friends. I’m really fine and just focused on basketball right now.” Azzi tries to smile politely, but she's already heard this a million times.
“Okay, okay, I’ll leave it alone. I trust Paige is looking after you in the meantime.”
“You know it, Grandma Fudd!” 
“Ugh, Paige, don’t enable her.” Azzi whispers when her grandmother walks away. Azzi’s aunt notices the girls from across the room and makes her way over.
Azzi rolls her eyes and whispers to Paige. “Time to get reamed out part 2 about not bringing a guy.”
“Azzi, my love! Paige! It’s so good to see you, beautiful girls.”
“Hey, Aunt Chrissy!” The girls say simultaneously.
“Azzi, before we catch up, I must say it’s so sweet to see how happy you are.”
“Oh, wow, thanks…it’s always nice to see the family.”
“And you, Paige!” Her aunt grabs her hands. “It’s always been you. I’m just so happy!”
Paige had no idea what to say to that. What does it even mean? Before either of the girls could respond, one of the many cousins yelled from the other side of the room. “Yo, Mom, we need you for a picture!”
“Well, duty calls. Oh, and don’t worry, sweetie, I already told the boys to leave you alone.” She winks at the girls and smiles as she walks away.
“Uh, that was weird.”
“Really weird. But like oddly nice? I don’t think she’s ever greeted me like that at a family event.”
“Maybe she’s just a romance gal, you know? Feelin' the vibe of the wedding.”
“Also, when has she ever told a boy to leave me alone?” Azzi is completely lost now. 
“I don’t know, man, but take what you can get. For example, I see a bar that likely has shirley temples. You want anything?”
Azzi chuckles, “Yeah, I’ll take a glass of red wine.”
“You got it, Princess.”
When Paige walks away, one of the groomsmen accidentally bumps into Azzi. “Shit I’m so sorry. Oh my god. You’re Azzi Fudd.”
“Haha, it’s okay. You’re one of Brandon’s groomsmen, right? What’s your name?”
“I’m Jake! I’m pretty sure we are paired to walk down the aisle together.” 
He’s handsome, tall, and respectful, but Azzi finds herself looking to see if Paige is done getting drinks. Azzi tries to make small talk, knowing she needs to spend time with more people than Paige. “I think we are going to have tons of events together this week. Seems like it’s packed with events.”
“Seriously, so many events! My girlfriend is a little annoyed I’ll have to leave her so much. I’m sure Paige gets it, though.” 
“Yeah, luckily, she’s really close with my family, so she’ll get along just fine.”
“Plus, pretty much all of us are coupled off, so our partners can hang together when we are off with our wedding party duties. You and Paige are definitely the coolest couple here, though.”
Azzi freezes. What did he just say?
Her and...Paige? A couple? Not best friends. Not the UConn duo, but a couple. Like...the dating kind of couple? The kind that holds hands, and kisses, and-
Paige walks up, handing Azzi her drink. “Sorry that took so long, Az. It was a long line.”
“Aye, speak of the devil! Sup, I’m Jake, one of the groomsmen.” 
“Oh, hey man, nice to meet you.” 
“You too. I’m a huge fan, by the way!”
“Thank you, I really appreciate it.” 
“It looks like everyone is starting to sit down for dinner. I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
As the girls went to sit down, Paige pulled Azzi’s chair out for her, and Azzi noticed her cousin wiggle her eyebrows suggestively. Between her aunt, cousin, and Mrs. Miller, Azzi starts to think no one thinks she and Paige are best friends anymore. She decides to test this theory. 
Azzi leans into Paige, gently touching her shoulder to get her attention. “Do you know if there was anything else for tonight on that schedule?” 
“Hm, no, I don’t think so. Jose brought his PS5 portal remote, so we might play fortnight after this if you’re down.” Paige keeps babbling about random video games, and Azzi notices one of the other bridesmaids smiling at them adoringly. Time to push the limits some more. Azzi begins to run her fingers through Paige’s hair. “Looks like something is in your hair, P., Just getting it out.”
Paige’s eyes flutter closed for a second at the feeling of her fingers. “Thanks, Az.” That same bridesmaid now practically has heart eyes, and she notices her Mom glance over a smile. Did people do this before, too? Nothing is over the top. If anything, this all feels almost normal, as if nothing really changed. 
It’s suddenly getting hard to breathe, and Azzi begins to shake her leg. “Paige, sweetie, could you help me with something real quick?”
Paige looks up from her food mid bite and looks at Azzi as if she asked her to cure some disease. She swallows her bite dramatically. “Uh, sure. You okay, darling?” 
Azzi grabs Paige’s wrist and quickly drags her toward the nearest bathroom. “Yep!” Azzi says with a high voice. Thankfully, it's a one-person bathroom, so no one else is here to hear what she will say, if she can even get it out of her. She paces back and forth, trying to piece it all together. 
“Azzi, what’s wrong? Did someone say something to you?”
“Everyone thinks we’re dating,” Azzi blurts out and stops to look at Paige. She doesn’t want Paige to freak out and leave. 
Paige contorts her face in confusion. “Dude, literally who thinks that?”
“Literally everyone!” Azzi covers her face with her hands. 
“Okay, but why would they think that? Your family knows we’ve been best friends for years.” 
“I don’t know! It’s you and me. Paige and Azzi. It’s just weird.” 
Paige crosses her arms and mumbles, “Aight, it's not the weirdest thing in the world to date me, damn.” 
“Ugh, Paige, not now.” 
“It’s fine, Az. Let’s just go clear things up. They probably assumed that since you brought me as a plus one. You don’t need to worry about anyone thinking you’d actually date me.” Paige moves towards the door to go back to the dining room, but Azzi grabs her arm again. “No, wait.” 
“Dude, you really need to stop grabbing my wrist. There’s going to be an Azzi handprint permanently there by the end of the week.”
“Maybe we just don’t correct them.”
Paige has never whipped her head so fast in her life. “What? W-why would be do that?” 
“Were you not in the same room with my grandma hounding me about dating? Did you not see how nice the rest of my family has been to me since they thought we were dating?  It’s going to be such a long week of everyone up my ass and us dating would this would fix it. Please?”
“Fix it? Us? There isn’t actually an us though, Az!”
“Oh, now the thought of dating me is oh so horrible?
“No! Az, you know I think you’re perfect. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Okay, so date me! It’s just a week, P. We still just act our normal selves most of the time. Then the next time a family member asks I’ll just be like oh yeah, we were better off as friends or something. I just need one week of peace with my family. Please, Paige, I’m begging you!”
“Alright, man, I’ll think about it. I just feel so bad lying to your family.” 
Azzi leans in to hug Paige and sighs. “I get it, P. I won’t pressure you. I’m happy to even have you here.” They stand in that hug for much longer than friends who definitely aren’t dating should. 
Suddenly, a knock at the door breaks them apart. They open the door to find Azzi’s aunt on the other side. “You okay, ladies? The next course is coming, and welcome speeches will start soon.” 
Azzi starts to stutter, not knowing what direction she and Paige agreed on. Luckily, Paige steps in. “Yeah, we’re good.” Then she laces her fingers into Azzi’s hands. “Ready to head back, baby?”
“Uh, y-yeah, babe.” Azzi stutters as she tries to ignore the heat that went through her body when Paige called her baby. Meanwhile, her Aunt Chrissy simply smiles and walks back towards the dining room as if they’ve been calling each other baby for years.
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legendofmorons · 2 days ago
Written in the stars (forever on loop) Chapter two - Catch my breath (what else can I do?)
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Pairing: eventual Poly! Chain x reader, platonic Wind & reader
Series Rating: T
Summary: Day two with the chain has its challenges. Thankfully, Epona and Wind are there to make things better. Four and Sky have a heart to heart while a late night talk with Warriors leaves you with some questions and thoughts.
Warnings: grief, cursing
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
Previous masterlist. Next
Breakfast is your saving grace in the morning, especially because you need something to do that isn't focusing on everything that happened yesterday.
You sit by Sky again, though Wind sits on your other side.
Sky looks exhuasted, blinking blearily and having to stifle a yawn every so often. He's got puffy eyes... has he been crying? Maybe it was just a bad day...
No one else speaks to you or sits near you, though. There's a tense atmosphere you could cut with a very dull butter knife.
"So, what do you do back home?" Wind asks before stuffing a bite of his food in his mouth.
You smile politely, "I work, I listen to music, I talk to my friends and family. Nothing exciting. What about you?"
"I like to sail a lot." Wind says.
This isn't a surprise. He gives off pirate gremlin energy anyhow. It's good to know it is from a hobby and not just your own interpretation of what is apparently more than a video game.
You smile a little more real this time. "That's good, it's important to have hobbies. Do you live near the sea?"
"You know about the sea!" Wind declares excitedly.
You laugh a little, "Of course I do."
You can feel the way all the others look at you with strange gazes and furrowing brows or outright glares.
You focus your gaze on Wind, blocking out the others.
Wind looks absolutely delighted, though, his grin wide and bright. "No one else but Wild knows. You do, though!"
"I do." You agree easily.
The young teen is adoreable in the excitement that causes his ears to twitch a little.
Sky smiles too, "He's a fan of the sea."
"Maybe we can visit it." You offer.
Wind cheers, beaming at you. "I hope so!"
Time clears his throat to get everyone's attention. The air goes thick again around you.
You turn your gaze to the oldest, wondering yet again why he has the fierce diety marking on only half his face if he has them at all.
"We're going to keep looking for a town today, we need to get our new friends some supplies since they were caught unawares." Time says.
He hasn't looked at you. Most of them haven't looked at you. Not really.
You feel your face heat up a little. Embarrassment floods your being.
If you had known you were going to end up here, you would have prepared more!
"We should also probably see about finding a river or something soon." Warriors adds firmly.
The others agree with both sentiments.
Wind elbows you playfully, "Don't worry, we all got caught unawares at least once. I started my adventure by hitting things with sticks."
The teen gives a wink at the end, like he's telling you a secret.
You laugh, recalling that sequence in Wind Waker. Immediately, you feel guilty simply for having loved and played the games.
Apparently, the world of Hyrule is real.
This is all so bizarre.
You played through what were probably horrible quests and memories for fun. (You didn't know! If you had known - breathe. You remind yourself to breathe.)
Last night's dreams were weird.
Everything is so different
"Don't overthink." Sky chides lightly although, it sounds like it's something he says on autopilot, his face twisting with an unreadable emotion.
Grief, maybe? But worry, too.
"Okay." You manage.
"Twilight, Wild, Wind, Legend, and Sky, you'll all look for a river. Warriors, Four, Hyrule, and I will take (Y/n) and look for a town." Time says.
You don't want to leave Sky and Wind. They are the least tense!
At least you'll be with Four and Hyrule. They are far less intimidating than Time and Warriors.
"Don't worry," Wind whispers to you as he nudges your side lightly. "They're all big softies."
He gives you a dramatic wink.
You crack a weak smile. "Really??"
"Really." Wind assures.
"Thanks." You say softer.
The teen grins at you. He looks pretty eleated in general.
"Alright, when you are ready, we'll head out." Time says to you. He's finally looking at you, but his face is stony.
You acknowledge his words and work on finishing your food.
After you've eaten and everything has been packed up, the groups split up.
You are flanked by four men as you walk. Warriors and Four on either side of you with Time in the back and Hyrule beside him.
None of them talk except to tell you if you're turning. Their eyes never seem to be on you, but you swear they're watching.
The silence is strange. (Some strange subconscious part of you rails against the tense air around you. This is wrong!)
"So... uhm... what's with the portals?" You ask after a good twenty minutes of walking.
This seems like a solid start point. The silence is too much anyway.
The others seem to share a silent conversation around you. None of them look at you.
Warriors looks at you as he answers. "There is a Sahdow opening them and letting lose monsters of different eras."
You nod. That sounds like some Legend of Zelda stuff right there... You should probably stop thinking of this as a video game world.
Four sighs. "Of course we're all here because we're heroes."
"That makes sense... why am I here?" You ask, feeling as if you're in free fall without a parachute as far as information goes.
There's a beat of silence.
The men exchange glances around you, yet another silent converstion exchanging in seconds.
"We don't know." Time says evenly, a measured tone flowing in his voice. His gaze is still too heavy on you, as if he's daring you to do something.
"Okay." You manage.
Four offers you a slightly strained smile. "We'll figure it out."
His smile is wrong. His eyes are wrong. He dosen’t believe in what he says, does he?
"I hope so."
Hyrule hums once. "Are you a hero where you're from? That might make it make sense if you are."
You laugh a little, startled at the notion. "No. No, my life back home is... boring enough."
Four and Warriors both look spooked by your laugh, looking at you with frowns. The latter looks a little angry, too, with pinched brows.
Okay. Maybe it was rude to laugh?
"Oh." Hyrule says.
"Boring can be good." Warriors offers after a moment, face fixing itself into an overly polite mask.
You smile weakly. "I guess so."
"Are you a royal then?" Hyrule asks.
You laugh again. "No. I'm definitely not."
The silence comes back, heavy and awkward. You don't bother trying to break it again.
There's something wrong in the air. You just can't place it. You have barely interacted with any of them!
At least Hyrule and Four just seem to avoid watching you. Or maybe it just feels that way because Warriors and Time won't stop - even if you don't catch them, you can feel it.
What is it with these heroes and the staring problem?
Hopefully, when you see Wind again, He can lighten the mood.
The trip to town was awkward, stilted, and almost painful. When you're dropped off at an inn to what for the boys to get the others, you are relieved.
You've gotten a travel pack with a place for your bed roll. You've also been given a few spare clothes, which is nice.
You are apparently to share an inn room with someone tonight.
Hopefully, it's Wind or Sky. They haven't glared at you or made you feel unwanted.
You settle on one of two beds, wondering what you have done to earn their cold shoulders. Did you... over step somehow?
Maybe they know about the video games? They aren't self-aware in the game, hopefully?
Nothing makes sense anyway.
There's a knock at the door before someone calls. "Hey, it's just me! We're roommates!"
Thank goodness.
The door opens to reveal a grinning Wind.
"Did you have fun?" You ask.
The teen is practically bouncing. "I did! It was great, oh my goodness! Wild and Sky got tangled up in some roots, and we had to finish a mini dungeon!"
"That sounds... busy?"
"It was fun! We got some rupees, too."
"That's good!" You say a bit more cheerily.
The boy grins.
He asks you about your trip, and you just say it was okay, a little awkward, but not horrible.
Dinner is quick, and every time you try to make conversation with anyone but Wind they look pained by the attempt, and it peeters out.
Even Sky seems a little skittish about you during dinner, although his eyes look puffy again. Maybe he's going through something?
You sigh, deciding to go see Epona. Maybe she'll let you pet her?
Epona is at least less scared of you. She just sniffs your hand curiously.
As soon as she sniffs you, she's pressing her face into your hand insistently, as if asking for attention. Who are you to deny her?
She's sweet, at least.
"Such a good girl you are." You coo to Epona sweetly.
She isn't at fault for the tense atmosphere of the boys.
Petting her mane gently is relaxing in ways you hadn't quite expected. She's all but leaning into it, a few soft snorts here and there but otherwise seemingly content to be near you.
"Aw, I wish I had something to give you, sweetheart."
Epona just leans a little more into your touch.
"I'll just keep an eye out. Maybe we can find an apple or something for you."
You can feel a few others watching you, but you don't turn. It's much nicer here with Epona than with the heavy silence and strained attempts at conversation provided by the boys.
Although Wind is certainly picking up some slack there, he deserves some cookies or something.
"How'd you get to be so sweet, pretty girl?" You muse.
It's a nice break from havin to be around anyone. Epona is so gentle and sweet, at least with you. She's happy to let you pet her man and sctach behind her ears gently.
Animals are amazing.
Sky and Four take to their room, both looking forward to getting away from the painful reminder you are. They know it's not your fault, you seem nice, but still...
Grief is funny sometimes.
The moment the door closes, Sky's carefully polite face is falling into twisting grief.
Four just flops himself onto his bed. His head hurts, pounding like a horribly novice out of step marching band is playing their show inside his skull.
It's too much.
Sky just leans against the door, sinking to the floor with his head leaning back.
"Why couldn't they look different?" Sky asks in a shaking whisper.
The question escapes his mouth on accident.
Four turns over, so he's staring up at the ceiling. "I don't know."
Sky dosen’t turn. Instead, he just closes his eyes.
"It's not their fault." Four says, staring at the ceiling.
"No." Sky agrees. "It's not."
"I feel so bad for them." Four manages.
He does.
Against the grief and the anger and the stupid hope that twirl around his lost love, there's sympathy. Sympathy for the unexpected start of an adventure.
Sympathy for the lost look in their eyes at unfamiliarity scripts of hylian writing.
"Goddess... They looked terrified when they first saw me." Sky whispers into the room.
He uses that expression of terror to ground himself. It sounds bad. He knows it sounds bad.
But your terror is proof that you aren't his beloved sunshine.
His sunshine... never looked at him like that. They were never scared of him. Not when they saw him seal the imprisoned. Not when they saw him fight Demise.
They were never scared.
The expression of terror on your face chafes at his soul, but it helps him remember you aren't anyone else but a stranger in a scary situation.
"I think they're scared of Time." Four says.
Sky laughs weakly. "He is intimidating..."
"It's uncanny... They're identical in looks and personality."
"I know."
"How do you do it? I can barely look at them."
"I - can barely look away." Sky laughs, though it almost sounds like crying.
Four hums once, thoughtful mostly. His entire being, all of his colors, struggle under the grief you've stirred up. His empathize for his soul brothers is endless.
His grief is even more vast.
"Goddess. They'd be ashamed of me." Sky admits, "Dancing around a stranger trying to keep everything under wraps and falling apart as soon as the door shuts."
Four narrows his eyes, pushing up to lean on his elbows. His glare is trained on Sky. "Don't sully thier memory by assigning your shame to them."
"What?" Sky swallows, looking at Four with wide eyes.
The hero of skies looks like a kicked puppy, glassy eyes, and shaking form.
Four dosen’t care. Not now. Not when the memory of their soulmate's memory is being treated so poorly.
"They wouldn't be ashamed of you for doing your best in a hard situation. They wouldn't blame you for having complex feelings. Your own guilt shouldn't be projected onto their memory." Four says, or maybe that's Blue and Vio in control for now. Who can tell?
They all miss you. Every piece of him misses you.
"How could they not be?" Sky asks. "I'm messing everything up!"
"Legend hasn't stopped glaring at them, Time just stares silently, I can barely look at them. Sky, you're being more normal about this than anyone!"
"Wind is doing much better."
"Wind hasn't lost them yet. Of course, he's doing better." Four rolls his eyes, pushing down the envy.
"I know. I... Why does he still have them when no one else does?"
"He's fourteen. There's plenty of time for him to get fucked over like the rest of us." Four snaps.
"I didn't mean- I just miss them."
"I know." Four sighs, closing his eyes. "I know... I think we all do."
Silence falls over the room, heavy but not uncomfortable. It's the silence that falls over loved ones when they've had a hard conversation and need to think but still feel safe together.
Four falls back against the bed, trying to remember the way his lover once held him. Perhaps it's self destructive, but when it helps him cope, he dosen’t care.
He can feel the colors, his head is still pounding.
Blue is restless as ever, a rage at the reminder that you're gone. Anger that Sky could speak of your memory so poorly.
Green and Red are trying to calm it all down. They're trying to focus on the better times they had with thier lover.
Vio... is Vio. He's focusing on the facts again.
Like always.
Four focuses on his breathing, pretending that it's them here counting it instead of him.
Who knew trying to keep himself together would be so hard?
You're outside trying to get some air after having the same dream from last night. The argument and lead up to something horrible in the dream is - draining.
The night air is chilly, but it's a nice relief from the stifling feeling of the bed.
Stars above you make out patterns you shouldn't be able to recognize, but you swear you see a set of stars that's supposed to be a harp. It isn't the harp constellation from your world, though. It's different.
You sit on the steps that lead up to the inn porch, leaning against the banister.
There's some sort of spinning string instrument tune stuck in your head, unplayable as the origin of the second and strange harp constellation.
There's the sound of the door opening and closing behind you. Probably another person in search of some air.
"What... are you doing our here?" Asks a man.
You turn, looking over your shoulder to see Warriors, still in his entire outfit, chain mail, and all.
His gaze is heavy, not as bad as Time's but strange as ever.
You sigh, trying to avoid tensing up at the sight of him. "I needed some air... I guess you do, too."
Warriors sighs, "You could say that."
"Don't let me stop you." You say, turning your head back to facing forwards and gazing out at the small town before you.
A lazy night breeze blows across you, ruffling your hair a little.
Warriors is silent behind you, a large presence. He's unmoving.
You're left wondering if he's still there for a moment.
It seems rude to check, though.
How he can be so still is beyond you, but you suppose that's probably a skill he picked up from the war. (A war you're not meant to know about.)
Warriors moves finally, walking until he's beside you. He stands there, unmoving again as he stares up at the stars.
"You shouldn't be out here without a weapon." He says finally.
You glance up at him. "Why? It's a small town."
"Ambushes can happen anytime anywhere."
"I can't say that's something I've had to worry about much." You admit. Which is true, for all the creeps and killers of your world... none of them are literal monsters.
Besides, you don't have a weapon right now. Why would you need one while traveling with the group?
"Count yourself lucky." Warriors tells you, "You should start worrying about it, though. Our group gets ambushed often."
You take a slow breath, trying to decide if you're supposed to respond or not. What do you even say to that?
He looks at you, face carefully neutral in a way that feels vaugley threatened. "You... aren't a fighter, are you?"
"Not the way you guys seem to be."
"You've never fought a war... have you?" Warriors asks in a soft voice.
He sounds- he sounds like your answer is important to this question. He sounds like you have some huge sway over what happens with this answer.
His face is still carefully blank.
"No. I've never fought in a war." You say slowly, trying to make sense of whatever this is.
Warriors let's out a slow, heavy sigh. "I hope it stays that way."
"Me too." You say.
You mean it, too. How could you not? Who hopes to get pulled into a war? Not you.
Moments pass, and thick silence seems to press in on you.
"I'm sorry." You say finally.
Warriors looks at you, face still unnervingly calm.
What life has he led that he's so good at neutral poker faces?
"Why?" He asks you.
That's a great question. Why are you sorry?
There's so many reasons.
You're sorry you played their games and enjoyed them.
You're sorry that you're here and slowing them down.
You're sorry that you came unprepared, and they had to step up.
You're sorry he's lost so much.
"I'm sorry I've been such a pain." You settle on. "I know I slowed you guys down and that you stepped up yesterday to help make sure I'm set up for whatever it is we've all been dragged into."
Warriors sighs while something heavy flashes through his eyes before it disappears. "You don't need to apologize. We weren't going to kick you aside."
"I guess. I'm still sorry."
"Do you know how many times I've heard these kinds of apologies?" He asks.
You shake your head. "No."
He looks up to the sky again. "Too many times. Too many people have told me they're sorry for things they can't control. That they're sorry for me doing something simple."
"Don't waste time or words on things like that." Warriors tells you with a stern look.
You would imagine it's a look he picked up as a captain.
"Okay." You breathe out softly.
"I mean it, (Y/n)." He says, though he sounds far away. It's like he's actually speaking to someone else.
Someone he lost.
"Okay." You say again softer.
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moonlitcelestial · 3 days ago
Chapter 9
Beyond the Lens - Logbook Videographer!Reader x OT8 Ateez
W/C 7,878
🎥 Series Masterlist ���
☽ Masterlist ☾ 
Inspiration Pictures
Pinterest Board Masterlist
Previous Chapter (Chapter 8)
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Disclaimer: This story is purely a work of fiction. It is not meant to assume or mock anything about Ateez, Atiny, or anything relating to what I do not know about being a videographer.
Contains she/her pronouns.
The logo in the center is mine. Please do not reuse or copy.
I strongly recommend looking at the inspiration pictures and the Pinterest boards (which will be updating as the story goes on).
General Warnings: slow burn, cussing, conflict, angst, fluff, and obliviousness. 
CHAPTER WARNINGS - Overthinking and mentions of an abusive family member. Read at your own risk.
Thanks for reading <3 Moonie
You actually woke up to your alarm this time. It had been about a week since you got to hang out with the boys after their practice. You grabbed your glasses and swung your legs over the side of the bed to get your day started. Deciding that you were going to be halfway comfortable and halfway stylish you opted to grab a big My Chemical Romance shirt and some ripped up jeans. There was no telling if you were going to be sitting and monitoring cameras or if you were going to be wearing the harness and recording the boys talking to Atiny. 
After getting dressed, packing your dobok (uniform) into your backpack with your laptop, and doing your morning routine you said goodbye to the giants. Stepping into the garage you grabbed your helmet quickly putting it on and you got on Ink to head to KQ. Before you took off you tied your hair back to make sure that it wouldn't be in your way. It was steadily getting warmer and you looked forward to being able to ride more often. Thankfully you had missed the early morning chill. You blasted some Ateez on the way and you had made it there just as the others had. Getting off the bike you took off your helmet and put it under your arm. You passed Willow who was nursing what was most likely her second cup of coffee. She nodded at you and got out of her car. Forrest and Aurora were already standing on the sidewalk chatting. You smiled as you approached them deciding you were going to be a pain in the ass. You put down your helmet and jumped on Forrest’s back as a greeting. He almost toppled over with you, Aurora was laughing at your antics. You knew that he would be able to catch you because this was a normal thing for you. Once he recovered he readjusted you and stood there with you on his back, he had just continued like nothing happened. Unbeknownst to you a couple of the boys had seen you and were almost steaming at you being on his back. 
Willow approached the three of you, “Who is doing what today, we need to start setting up if practice starts in an hour.” 
“I have no idea, want to play kai bai bo to figure it out?” You asked, scooting up on Forrest’s back. 
“Sure,” Willow held her hand out “gawi, bawi, bo” each of you held out your hands, the three of them had chosen rock while you chose scissors. 
“Oh fuck all of you,” you scrambled to get off Forrest’s back. You puffed your cheeks out, snatched your helmet off of the ground and stomped away. 
“You get to wear the harness today,” Aurora shouted after you. You swiped your card and marched in toward the office. Setting your helmet down on your desk you started rummaging around in the office looking for the harness that you had to wear. You had found it tucked away in one of the storage closets. Someone had the common sense to hang it, thank god that thing was damned expensive. Honestly you didn't really mind wearing the harness it was more about how they all chose the same thing and you were the odd one out. 
“Good morning Shutterbug,” you turned to look at Hongjoong. He was wearing a jean jacket, sweats and a cute hat. You felt all of the tension leave your body while you turned to look at him.
“Good morning Joongie,” you bowed with a small smile on your face. 
“Aish, I told you don’t do that,” he dismissed you, walking into the room. You had forgotten that he told you that. He had gotten tired of you doing that within the first few days of you being around them. The rest of your team walked in shortly after he had plopped into your chair. You set the harness down on your desk and leaned over the back of the chair, you rested your hands on Hongjoong’s shoulders and sat your head on top of his. 
“What is the plan for today?” Aurora asked the room. 
“We are going to be going over the last bit of our choreography to clean everything up for the MV shoot next week. We were wanting to have three cameras around the room that are stationary and someone walking around with a camera just in case we have something we would like to say to Atiny. We plan to have practice for most of the day today.”
“Sounds good, I will be the one moving around today, but I will have my computer setup in the corner so we can stream all of the cameras to it again. Let's get moving so I have the time to make sure everything is situated before everyone starts getting here.” You stepped away from Hongjoong and smiled at him when he turned around in your chair to look at you. 
You grabbed the camera you would be using and put it onto the portable desk you requested from KQ. They spared no expense and had gotten you one that had a little bit of storage. You put the other backpack with the streaming things onto it as you wheeled it toward the practice room. Everyone followed you out of the room after they grabbed their cameras, tripods and suction cups. Hongjoong was walking beside you, he had almost stolen the portable desk from you but you gently hip checked him out of the way. You could feel his eyes roll as you continued walking. You made it to the practice room and wheeled yourself into the back corner opposite of their setup. Gently you unpacked all of the things you needed. First the router, then the laptop. The team had come and taken the cameralinks to set up their cameras. You got everything booted up and checked the cameras that had started to connect up. 
“Fuck, I forgot the harness” you groaned throwing your head back. Forrest, the perceptive person he is, walked over to you with the harness. “You're a lifesaver, I really didn't want to have to leave to go grab it.” 
“Like we have said before, where would you be without us?” He remarked walking away after you took it from him.
“Probably out playing in traffic like a chicken with its head cut off,” Willow said from across the room. You flipped her the bird and Aurora laughed at you. Hongjoong chuckled from beside you. He always watched you set up if he was there. You looked at him and squinted, you pulled your glasses down your nose to glare at him. He fell into more laughter. You pushed your glasses back up and stuck your tongue out at him. He did the same to you and you heard someone snort. Looking around you saw the choreographer. He was watching you and Hongjoong like you were two teenagers in love. 
You looked at your computer and checked the angles of the cameras. “Hey Rora, you need to adjust the side mirror camera to the left just a smidge, it isn't quite centered. Tree boy, the one on the front mirror looks good. Lo, yours needs to go slightly to the right.” They minutely adjusted their cameras and you gave them a thumbs up. You grabbed the harness from where you set it down. 
Joongie, can you help me into the harness? It is fairly simple. All I need you to do is adjust the buckles and help me clip everything up.” He nodded to you and stepped back so you could get it over your body. Once you had it on you turned your back to him and pulled your hair out of the way. He was gentle with pulling on the straps as he swiftly fixed it to fit you. 
“Is that okay? Do I need to make it looser or tighter?” He asked. 
You did a mental checklist of where the pressure was and how much movement you had. “It feels good Joongie, thank you.” you grabbed the metal arm and put it into the slot, after you were sure it was secure you grabbed your camera. Making sure the cameralink was attached and where it needed to be you booted up the camera. As soon as you turned it on it started streaming its feed to your computer. You adjusted some of the camera settings to make sure the lighting looked good. Once you were satisfied it looked good you started walking around getting the feeling for having it on after so long. Hongjoong had stuck by your portable desk and watched as you went and spoke to the rest of the team. 
As you were speaking to Aurora, Hongjoong spoke up to make sure his voice reached everyone. “I just got a message that the rest of the boys will be here shortly.” You walked back to your computer. You looked at your team, they were already watching you. You nodded at them and they turned on their portion of the recording. You pushed a couple of buttons on your camera and computer making sure everything was working correctly on your end. Aurora walked over to you and the portable desk to start watching the feed. Willow was going to head back to the office because she had a deadline she needed to meet. Thankfully if anything went awry she would be close. Forrest sat himself down in the front of the room right under the camera on the mirror. You made your way to the front corner of the room to get some decent angles for the dancing shots. Hongjoong and the choreographer had started up the music and were practicing while they were waiting for everyone else to arrive. Now it was time to wait. 
Thankfully you did not have to wait long as the boys had started coming in one by one. The boys had started checking their choreography as everyone was showing up. Yeosang and Seonghwa appeared not too long after you had settled watching Hongjoong and the choreographer. 
Were they trying to kill you? They both looked so good. Seonghwa with a backwards cap, a black tank top, and sweats. That man was so fine. Not to mention Yeosang, he may have had a cardigan over his tank top but the small glimpse of his arms had almost sent you into cardiac arrest. You were thoroughly intrigued by Yeosang’s choice of pants today. They had high slits on both legs which prompted him to wear what looked like leggings under them. You would definitely have to ask him where he got those. 
They both approached you as soon as they caught sight of you. You turned the viewfinder to the front so they could check their appearance. Both of them checked themselves out and made a couple of faces at the camera. You covered your mouth to stifle your giggle at them. They looked at you with smiles and walked off to go start prepping their choreography before the rest of them got here. You rotated the viewfinder back as San came waltzing in. He looked to make sure he was out of the way before stepping beside you and speaking in a quiet tone, “what is that? I’ve never seen something like that.” You waved to Wooyoung as he came into the room. 
“It is a harness and gimbal setup that keeps my camera steady when I am filming. It is especially helpful for days like today where I know I am going to be filming a lot.” 
“Ahh, I see.” He said quietly, once he was satisfied he gave you a pat on the head and walked toward Yuhno at the back of the studio with the computer. All of the rest of them greeted you with a smile as they wandered in and sometimes they stayed in front of your camera to check their reflection. You snickered at each one of them while they made faces at the camera. Little did you know they were doing it to get a reaction out of you and not for Atiny. 
While you were waiting for everyone to get here Seonghwa, San, and Wooyoung had taken to walking up to where you were standing and checking themselves in the flipped viewfinder; more often than you thought necessary.
As they were practicing the boys had gone in and out. You had giggled as they came back in time with their parts. Specifically when Seonghwa came in dancing backwards, and again when Mingi appeared with his sunglasses on. Those would have to be pulled from the mirror cameras to get the best shots. You pulled out your phone and texted Aurora. You watched as she grabbed her phone and hit a couple of buttons. She looked at you with a thumbs up. Through the years of working with each other you had come up with a quick system of silent communication. Ironically enough you learned it from the bastard who deleted your footage, he was all about shortcuts. 
As the boys had continued practicing you knew that you would be doing lots of cuts back and forth to make sure you had most of the boys in your shots. When it came down to it you had made sure to follow the center person with your camera. Every once in a while you would catch one of them looking at you. They seemed to be acting as if you were their audience, which was going to technically be true because you would be filming them while they performed. On more than one occasion you caught them winking and smiling directly at you, you chalked it up to them flirting with the camera.  
The time came for a break after about an hour of them practicing. You knew you had a short amount of time to go and grab drinks for everyone. You turned off your cameras recording and walked to the back of the room where the rest of your team was huddled up. Willow had reappeared and quickly came in a few minutes ago.
“I am going to get myself a drink, do any of you want anything?” You asked as you approached. 
“I'll have a water if you don’t mind” Willow chirped
“I'll take anything with flavor!” Forrest replied shortly after 
“I’m okay, I have my water.” Aurora motioned to her sticker covered tumbler sitting next to the computer.
“Okay, I will grab those and be back in a few minutes! Will one of you hold this?” You took off the arm from the harness with the camera on it and offered it out to them. Aurora took it from you. “Thanks!” You walked off following the trail of boys toward the drinks. 
“Thank you for staying back for a minute, I have an interesting question to ask you. I ask that you be open minded with what I am about to ask.” 
‘Okay, we are all ears.” 
“We would like to ask if you think that Y/N would be remotely interested in joining our relationship.” 
They all looked between each other with wide eyes. Smirks adorned their faces as they looked back to the man in front of them. They knew it.
“She has always been very open minded. I am not sure how she feels about poly relationships because I have not seen her in one, but I know that she is someone who loves wholeheartedly. I don't think she would be opposed, but more surprised.”
“Would you guys be okay with us dating her? We know that you are the closest thing she has to family here and we value your opinion.” 
“I don't mind one bit, I will tell you that she is hesitant about relationships because she has been burned in the past.” 
“I think that you guys will be really good for her, she deserves all of the love in the world.”
“I am hesitant because there are eight of you, but I can see how much you truly care for her so I know I will warm up to the idea. If any of you hurt her, I am not afraid of you being a very public figure, I have connections and know how to hide a body.”
“Duly noted, I will let the others know that as well.” 
“We will support all of you, if anything we have been trying to get her to see how blatantly you guys have been flirting with her, she is so smart, but so oblivious.”
“We will see if we can get her to notice.” 
“Thank you, for everything, your opinion on the matter means so much to us.”  
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
“What do you think of the choreography so far?” Seonghwa asked you as you approached the stash of drinks. 
“I really like it, I am so excited to see how they pull off the concept. I'm sure all of you will look so good with whatever they come up with.” You said grabbing a couple of waters and a gatorade for Forrest. 
“Wait, Y/N!” You turned to look at San who was holding a Monster out for you. “I grabbed this for you, it is getting close to your nap time so I figured you would need some sugar.“ You looked at him in shock, you could feel the heat raising up your neck.
“That's my favorite, how in the world did you know?” You asked, taking it from his outstretched hand. 
“I see you with Monster a lot, this is just the one I see you with most frequently so I took a guess.” he said rubbing the back of his neck. 
“You are the sweetest, thank you so much.” You kissed his cheek. His eyes got comically wide as you pulled away. You giggled and started walking back to the practice room. As you were making your way back to the practice room you could hear the laughter erupt behind you. San must be cherry red wearing that cute small embarrassed smile. When you got back to the practice room you handed the drinks to your team, took the camera arm and attached it while walking. You sat on the floor next to the farthest marker and smiled up at Yeosang who came to sit by you. Both of you sat in silence watching the rest of the boys, choreographers, and your team.
“I love being able to people watch, even though I hate people.” You watched as some of the boys were practicing to get something down. You turned to look at your team that was just hovering by the the laptop. 
“I do as well, I have always wanted someone to sit and do this with as most of the boys get bored and don't pay any attention. I always like knowing what others perceive from watching others.”
“If you need someone to sit with and people watch let me know. I don't even mind if we aren't people watching and just sitting with each other. I am content just being in a room without talking.” You said with a smile. He looked at you and smiled but before he could reply Hongjoong called everyone back. You quickly put your vest back on and started recording again. 
You watched as they started practicing again, in between all of the cuts you saw Jongho mess with Yeosang. He had a hold of his shoulders and was waving him around. You messaged Aurora again and she gave you a thumbs up. After a while you were watching them get back into the full swing of things
In between dancing Yuhno had walked up to the camera on the mirror across the room from you. He started doing a little Ice on My Teeth dance while the others were lining things up behind him. You looked at Aurora. She was smacking Willow, who was standing beside her as calm as a cucumber. Her eyes were comically wide at the display, you didn’t text her this time because you knew she already bookmarked it. You chuckled at her, she had always been able to be calm around the boys but when it came down to Yuhno she freaked the fuck out. He was her bias which was absolutely hilarious because she had his female counterpart for a wife. Both of them were such golden retrievers, she definitely had a type. 
You suddenly got the craving for something sweet, you already finished your monster which deeply saddened you. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket and put in an order for you and everyone else. It wouldn’t be fair if you got something and didn’t share. You messaged Willow and asked if she would go out and get the drinks when they got here. A little while later you got the notification that they were here. You got Willow’s attention and gestured to the door. She nodded and silently made her way to go grab the drinks. She brought everything back in, handling the thirteen drinks beautifully. She grabbed hers and Aurora’s before heading back to the computer. You threw something small at Forrest to get his attention. His attention snapped to you as you pointed down to the drinks at your feet. His eyes immediately lit up and he slowly attempted to make his way over without being too suspicious, which only made him look more suspicious. You caught Aurora and Willow laughing in the back corner at him. 
As soon as the boys started taking a break you got their attention and pointed to the drinks at your feet. Thank god you had taken note of what everyone liked previously, otherwise this would have been a disaster. They all lit up and made their way toward you.
“Everyone should have their own drink and one for the choreographer too.” You watched as they picked through the drinks and handed them out to each other. Each of them thanked you in their own way, Wooyoung, San, Mingi and Yuhno hugged your sides being careful of the camera and harness. It was then that you noticed the ache starting to settle into your shoulders and legs. Fuck around, you had forgotten how harsh this was on your body, even if you were standing mostly still and leaning against the wall it did a number on you. It would be okay for a little while longer.
Jongho and Yeosang lifted their cups to you in a cheers motion. Seonghwa and Hongjoong smiled at you with small bows. The choreographer bowed politely and thanked you before moving over to the center of the room to talk to the boys as they rested. Most of the boys had wandered around the room listening to the choreographer as he addressed them. Mingi had a specific question about his movements and just as you were getting your camera to focus on him, San stepped in front of you. 
He flirted with the camera a little before noting that the choreography was really cool. He gave you a thumbs up before he left. You looked over to Aurora and Willow and they were both snickering. You raised your eyebrow in question and they shook their heads at you. You offered a thumbs up to Aurora and she gave you one back indicating that she bookmarked the spot. 
“He totally did that to just go talk to her.” 
“Absolutely, the only thing is, did she notice or think of it like that? Or was it “just him speaking to Atiny” 
Just shortly after you were watching the boys monitor their choreography when Mingi knocked over Wooyoung’s coffee. Hongjoong had freaked out just a little and you laughed at the whole situation. When Wooyoung got back from doing whatever he was doing he noticed his spilt coffee. Hongjoong jumped in and offered his two cents while they made up talking about a coffee date later. 
You startled as Seonghwa approached. He had been in and out of the room and you hadn’t noticed him amidst the chaos. He had stepped beside you and gently put his head on your shoulder. You smiled and put your head on top of his. You could feel your heartbeat pick up and you worried that he might be able to hear how fast it was beating. Glancing over to Aurora and Willow they were already looking at you and they had raised eyebrows. Aurora broke out into a smile at something Willow whispered into her ear. She over exaggerated a wink in your direction. You rolled your eyes and looked back to your camera. Just as quickly as he appeared he left, you watched him walk back over to the choreographer and start asking questions. 
You turned to look at Forrest who was at the zero mark just waiting until he was needed. “Psst, Forrest,” he looked at you with his head tilted to the side. “Can we trade for a bit? This harness is starting to hurt me.” He nodded and stood up, making sure to avoid the camera above his head. Gently and quickly you took off the harness and helped him get settled into it. Once you both were satisfied that everything was okay you ducked under the camera and walked out of the room. Thankfully you had stashed some pain medication in your KQ office. 
As you wandered through the office you passed many people waving at the ones you recognized. You had passed Eden and the rest of his crew. They waved at you with large smiles. You had become close with them over the past few weeks. Generally new people freaked you out but just as soon as you got to know them you realized they were just like the boys just a little older. 
You just turned the corner to the office before you heard Willow calling out your name. You turned to look at her and smiled. She caught up to you and threw her arm around your shoulder. You held back your wince and walked the rest of the way to your office. 
“Are you okay, are your legs hurting you again?” She asked once you closed the door. You nodded and went to your desk digging through it to find the pain meds. You downed the pills with a drink of water you left here the other day. 
Yeah, that and my shoulders, that damn thing can get heavy after having it on for hours. You bent your leg to get your knee to pop to see if it would relieve some of the pressure. It did, but you let out a groan because it also hurt like hell for a second. You glanced at Willow as she winced. You knew she was remembering when you told her about what happened in college. Which made you think back to the entire ordeal. 
You had been filming something for a school project and one step wrong while you were framing a shot led to it popping out and right back into place. Being the busy dumbass you are you didn’t rest properly after doing that and you had to get a surgery to fix the instability. Which led to you being out for almost a year learning how to walk again. On the plus side you did have a gnarly looking scar on your left knee. You put your foot back on the ground and tested your weight on that leg. Thankfully you were stable, sometimes you wobbled after a pop like that. 
“Come on, we should probably get back, the boys were taking a quick break before starting to film the full thing.”You nodded and started to walk toward the door, you almost got smacked in the face with how quickly the door swung open. You leapt back just a little and looked to see who had flung open the door. Yuhno stood there with a large smile. 
“Damnit Yuyu you almost took me out,” you rolled your eyes and walked over to the tall man. Making a shooing motion you ushered him out of the doorway so you could get back to the practice room. He threw his arm around you as soon as you got into the hallway. You felt the twinge of pain flare up at the place he rested his arm around your shoulders. You shook your head at him and turned to look at Willow who was just a step behind you. She was smiling at you mischievously. You ignored the look and turned to look at Yuhno, he was smiling at some of the people you passed by. His face was a little red from practicing all day. The thing that caught you most was when he turned to look at you, his eyes widened just a hair and you saw his face get just slightly more red. He held eye contact with you for what felt like a millisecond before greeting Eden and his team. 
This man is so beautiful. His personality shines so brightly when he is surrounded by the people who support him. You could tell that everyone here cared for him, and he them. Most of the people you passed greeted him, and by extension you. You smiled politely and kept walking. Not even half of those people had greeted you, even some of the ones you recognized. 
Why would someone like him want to be associated with you? Why would someone so much like a ray of sunshine want to be anywhere near someone who was a shadow. You could feel yourself falling into your old habits, ones that weren’t mentally healthy. You could see the light he brought to a room. How well loved he is and compared yourself to him, how could you not; especially when it was all you grew up with. 
Why can’t you be more like them? Why can’t you have a social life like them? Why do you stay in your room all the time? Why haven’t you found yourself a boyfriend yet? Why aren’t you going to school for something actually useful like a doctor? How come all you wear is black? Why not add some color to your wardrobe? 
Before you even realized you were back in the practice room. Forrest was hanging out talking to Yeosang and San about something. You pulled away from Yuhno and headed to where Forrest had been. You sat against the mirror. Closing your eyes you focused on the cool seeping into you, it was grounding. Focusing on your body however leads you to feel the pain of your shoulders and knee. You raised your right hand to gently massage the junction between your shoulder and neck. You opened your eyes to see Hongjoong and Jongho looking at you with concerned looks on their faces. You waved them off with the hand that was massaging your shoulder. You let your other hand rest on your knee to put some pressure on it so maybe it would stop hurting so bad. 
“One more time and then we run it through to record it.” You heard the choreographer say from the side of the room. Everyone shifted back into being professionals and you watched as they almost flawlessly danced to the rhythm pumping through the speakers. 
“Y/n, can you record this or me while I watch?” The choreographer asked you. You nodded and stood up slowly bracing your hands on your knees. Everyone went to the mirrors to cover them. Once they finished you grabbed your phone from your pocket and started the recording. You had taken some creative liberties with the recording, making sure to follow the leads and get closer to the choreography as needed. Once they finished dancing you walked to the back with them to plug in your phone so they could watch the video.
“I love the angles you got Y/n,” Yuhno said, his eyes not leaving the monitor. The rest of them hummed in agreement. You heard someone behind you and turned to find a couple of people you didn’t recognize. You took a step to the side, effectively running into Jongho. You smiled sheepishly at him and subconsciously rubbed your shoulder. Taking a step back you felt your heel catch something. You stopped all movement and realized it was one of the new people. You muttered a sorry as he stepped aside to let you out. Quickly stepping away from the huddle of men you released a breath. You went to the only solid wall and leaned against it. Your heart was beating a little faster and you could feel your breath coming out a little quicker. You closed your eyes and tightened your hands into fists. Now isn’t the fucking time for this. 
You aren’t there, you are here. You could feel your heartbeat slow a little as you muttered the affirmation to yourself over and over. You are surrounded by good people, not your father and his friends. You aren’t their punching bag, they are normal people. Your breathing started to even back out from the erratic pattern. Thinking about that wretched man has always sent you into a more sensitive state. He haunted you even after all this time, you could feel the ghost of him at your back sometimes; just waiting to grab you and throw you around. You could still hear the hurtful words that he had thrown at you. Once remembered they chimed through you like a bell; the reverberations always lingering. You opened your eyes and counted down from twenty releasing a long breath. 
Thankfully the boys hadn’t noticed as they were too wrapped up in their monitoring. Aurora, Willow and Forrest did though. You could feel their looks on you. You turned to the side and looked at Aurora and Willow. Willow mouthed “are you okay?” you gave her a small nod and looked back at the boys. They had separated and were chattering about how to fix some of the more minute details. You went and grabbed your phone before heading back to the front of the room awaiting further instructions. You watched as the choreographer went over things with a couple of the boys. Yeosang had wandered out of the room for something and as he made his way back you watched as he closed the door with his butt. You couldn't hold back the laughter that erupted from you. His gaze snapped to you as he realized that you were one of the only ones who saw him. He blushed cherry red and put his head down wandering toward the monitor in the back.
Everyone had practiced a little more and as Wooyoung was leaving the monitoring station he yelled Movement check and you watched as Seonghwa glared at him and shook his head. You lightly laughed at the reference. 
The rest of the day went smoothly you had only had to do a couple more takes of them doing their thing until they were done. You helped Forrest out of the vest and carried it out of the room. Aurora and Willow were quick to dismantle the rest of your setup and made their way after you and Forrest. Once you were happy with where everything was you grabbed your helmet and started toward Ink. 
“Hey Y/N want to go out to eat with us?” You turned around and were met with San and Yuhno. 
“If it were any other day, I would love to but I have weekly plans.” You responded, hefting your backpack over your shoulder. Your laptop and your change of clothes which made it fairly heavy. Thankfully the meds had kicked in and you were relatively pain free.
“Ahh I see, well I hope you have fun! We will see you soon,” San said with a large smile and a hug. 
“Thank you, see you soon!” You replied, returning the hug and giving Yuhno one as well. You meandered the rest of the way to Ink before heading out. You needed the reprieve from today and this was one of the few ways you could escape. You felt the wind in your hair as you drove to one of your favorite places. After a short drive you arrived at The Black Dragon. You have been coming here for just over seven years. It had become a home away from home. When you did some looking into it, and after a few unsuccessful classes, you fell in love with this studio and how their people treated you like family. The owners treat everyone with kindness and are some of the most open minded people you have met.
You got off of Ink and toted your backpack into the dojang. They had all greeted you with warm smiles as you made your way to the small bathroom to change out of your outfit into your all black dobok. You had been recently instructing some of the younger children in your free time before your class took place. You absolutely loved being able to connect and teach them and you seemed to be a fan favorite of the parents because of how you responded to their kids. Most of the time you had heard complaints that the other instructors elsewhere were too hard on them but you pride yourself on being understanding and kind to them. They were little kids after all. 
You walked out to the main room and saw some of your students stretching and having fun. Once they noticed you they all ran to hug you chattering about the week they have had since they last saw you. 
“Sabum-nim, have you had a good week?” You heard one of the boys ask you. 
“Yes, I have had an excellent week.” You ruffled the boy’s hair as you walked past him to the front of the room. When you were satisfied that everyone was here you started the class. You went through the basics just like normal. Going through the lines of children you made small adjustments to some of their stances. Once you were satisfied with how they had progressed you started teaching them something new. 
About an hour later you dismissed the class and greeted some of the parents that had been sitting and watching the class. They all loved to chatter about how the children practiced at home and how much they adored you. Once all of the young children and their families left, all of the adults started filing in. Your class was about to begin, this was something that you looked forward to each week. It helped you release the tension that you were holding. You started your basic stretches, your mind and body falling into autopilot. You were so in your zone that you hadn't noticed a person speaking to you until they put a hand on your shoulder as they walked around in front of you. Because you were in your zone your instinctive response was to knock them on their ass. You kicked at their knees, wrapped your arm around the one on your shoulder, jabbed them in the throat, and knocked their legs out from under them. You heard his shout which brought you back to reality. You looked down to the person who had scared the shit out of you to notice it was a man. You had never seen him before in all of your years coming here. Some of the other people that had been stretching beside you snickered as the man that was on the floor groaned. They knew better than to touch you without your permission especially when you were warming up. They knew how you got after years of learning beside you.
“Ah I see you've met Ji-ho.” You heard Iesul speak from a few feet away. She was one of the women that started about the time you did. You smiled wide at her and walked over to her. She had been away from practice because she just had a baby, you must have missed her the past couple of times because your schedules did not always line up. You stretched your arms out to offer her a hug and she gladly accepted. 
“I've missed having you around, how are you? How is your beautiful baby?” 
“I am doing well, the baby boy is doing well too, this is one of the first couple times I have been back since I have had him.” She responded with enthusiasm. Her voice dropped to a whisper, “He has been here almost every day since last week according to the owner’s wife. He seems to think he is the shit and has been hitting on some of the women around here. If you ask me I think he needed to be knocked down a peg.” You laughed at her and the rest of the people in the short vicinity of you did as well. 
You heard someone clap and you turned around and moved to get into your place next to Iesul. You all bowed to Instructor Chung Ae as he looked down to the floor at Ji-ho who was still in the fetal position clutching his windpipe.
“What are you doing?” He deadpanned. You held back your snicker at his monotone question. He was one of the goofiest men you had met, once you got to know him. You and he had become close over the years. He and his wife had often given you some of the food they had prepared for dinner to take home. He always treated you well and held you to a high standard. Much like a father figure would. He was the closest thing that you had to a true father, even though you only saw him about once a week. 
“Y/N handed his ass to him after he touched her while she was in her zone.” Someone piped up from the back. Everyone snickered at the response. Instructor Chung Ae looked at you and raised his eyebrow. You smirked and shrugged at him, he smiled at you shaking his head. 
“Get up, if you cannot understand the personal space of other people, or take a couple of punches, you can see yourself out.”
Ji-ho got up off the floor and glared at you. You had seen worse glares from babies. All you did was smile at him which seemed to piss him off further. He took his spot toward the back of the room and you turned back to Instructor Chung Ae. Once he was satisfied that Ji-ho was not going to be any more of a hindrance he began the class. 
You continued with everyone for about an hour. Your movements seemed to be smoother and your head clearer once you were finished. The earlier fog and lingering thoughts had dissolved away the more you went through the motions. This class has always brought you clarity, sometimes you came here to clear your mind when you needed inspiration for shoots. There was just something so cathartic about losing yourself in the movements. Most of the time you would join in on whatever class was going at the time, and if it was late you just went cruising on Ink. 
After changing and stopping to chat with some of the other people around you said your goodbyes and made your way out to Ink. As you approached you noticed someone standing next to it, Ji-ho. 
Of fucking course. 
“What's up?” You asked as you approached him and your bike. You were really hoping that he was out here to apologize for invading your space. If you knew his type though, it would be the absolute opposite. Thankfully if he made a scene you had parked close enough to the front of the dojang that they would see you. 
“What the fuck was that in there? Why did you have to embarrass me in front of everyone? I demand an apology.” He got very close and in your face. This man was really asking to be not only punched but laid out on his ass again. 
“First of all, please step the fuck back and get out of my face, we have already established I can put you on your ass. Second of all, if you hadn't noticed, we are close enough to the front of the dojang that we have an audience.” You said looking over your shoulder. There were several people watching you in the window, including Instructor Chung Ae and his wife. “Third of all, I am not afraid of people like you in the slightest. You may act like a big macho man but all you are is a weak ass little boy. I heard about you from a couple of the people there and I can guarantee if you take one more step out of line you will be banned from this establishment. Fourth, you do not deserve an apology for something that could have been prevented by using your common sense to not touch someone when they are not paying attention. So I very highly suggest that you walk the fuck away before anything else happens.” you stated.
He looked at you very unimpressed. He reached out to grab you but before he could even fully raise his arm you heard the ding of the front door. Instructor Chung Ae and his wife came out of the building, you took a side step and bowed to the couple.  She had a small thing of tupperware in her hands and a large smile as they approached you. 
“Everything okay out here Y/N?” Instructor Chung Ae asked as he approached the two of you. 
“That is up to him,” you said, poking a thumb over your shoulder. 
“Everything out here is great, I was just complimenting her on her bike, it is very beautiful.” Ji-ho said with a tight lipped smile. 
Instructor Chung Ae’s wife stepped closer to you, handed you the tupperware and said “you forgot your dinner inside, we figured we would bring it out to you and thank you for helping instruct the children, they seem to love you.”  
You bowed and accepted it with both hands. “Thank you!” 
“Well if everything is okay out here we will let you get home Y/N,” Instructor Chung Ae said, clapping his hand on Ji-ho’s shoulder practically dragging him back inside. Instructor Chung Ae’s wife stayed behind for a second.
“Are you okay? She whispered to you.
“Yes I am perfectly fine, for the safety of the others I would highly recommend him being banned. He was out here demanding an apology and being a complete asshole. I am sure if you hadn't come out he would have ended up back on his ass.” You said in a hushed tone. 
“Consider it done, we will see you next week," she said cheerfully. She turned around and walked back to the building. You looked down at the tupperware in your hand and couldn't help but to be thankful for the two of them and their dojang. 
Next Chapter (Chapter 10)
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mrprettywhenhecries · 3 days ago
don’t waste your time (on me) [g.t]
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10. | Hold Me Like a Grudge
Gator Tillman ✘ Win Lewis (OC)
⇾ w.c. 7.8k words ⇾ tags/warning(s). canon x fem!oc pairing, smut, piv unprotected sex, public sex, oral (f!receiving), misogynistic language, murder/assassination/gun mention, angst ⇾ a/n. It's been hot minute since I've posted a chapter, so if you're still here, it's about to get exciting (and also ilysm for sticking around!) Only two more chapters and an epilogue to go! [ divider credit(s). barbed wire divider - @/wethairjoel ] Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 💚
The FBI’s deal fresh in her mind, Win struggles to find a way to bring it up to Gator, while taking a chance to drive a wedge between him and Roy.  When Roy retaliates, Win nearly loses everything while Gator struggles with taking a life he hadn’t meant to.  The deal comes out, and Gator doesn’t take it well.
[ masterlist • win bio ]
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As soon as the bar’s heavy back door thudded shut behind her, Win had a cigarette between her lips.  Cupping one hand against the chill wind, she quickly lit it and pocketed her lighter, letting her eyes slip shut as she breathed in the nicotine.  Ever since the feds had left, she’d been on edge, her stomach in knots as she agonized over how Gator might react if she told him about their plea deal.  When she told him.
She couldn’t afford not to.
The FBI was coming for Roy whether Gator decided to testify against him or not, and if he didn’t, the only way she’d be able to see him would be during visiting hours in a federal prison.  That is, if he’d even still want to see her by then…
Opening her eyes, she watched the cherry burn brighter before plucking the cigarette from her lips to exhale, finding Gator leaning against her car waiting for her.
“Hey,” she called, flicking her barely spent cigarette away and crossing the parking lot to him, shivering a little at the chill in the air.  “You didn’t have to wait out here, you could’ve met me at the house,” she said, pulling her coat closer and Gator pushed off the car to meet her.
“I know.  Just wanted to see ya a little sooner,” he said, a small grin playing at his lips as he pulled her closer.
Win pressed her face to his chest, squeezing her eyes shut.  Too many thoughts swirled through her head, too many questions, but she couldn’t seem to voice any of them, too afraid of everything changing and the words stuck in her throat, her resolve faltering.
“You okay?” Gator asked, pulling back to look down at her, tilting her face toward him and she nodded.
“Yeah, just a long day,” she sighed, offering him a weary smile.
“You can say that again,” Gator groaned, his hand warm on her cheek as his gaze trailed her face.  “Missed you, darlin’,” he breathed, not giving her a chance to regain her courage before his mouth was on hers and the rest of her doubts slipped away for the moment as she kissed him back, her arms wending around his neck.
“I missed you too,” she moaned against his lips, gasping as he spun her, pinning her against the car door.
Pressing his hips into her, his tongue delved deeper and Win opened her mouth wider for him, a whine catching in her throat as heat licked up her thighs to pool low in her gut, his hunger forcing all other thought from her head till all she could focus on was the ache pulsing between her legs and the way he tasted.
“Fuck,” she gasped, shuddering as she felt him harden against her and she clung desperately to his coat as his hands roamed her body greedily.  “Need you,” she breathed, her eyes seeking Gator’s beneath the bill of his hat, blown wide with want, and he nodded sharply, brooking no argument.
Glancing around the empty parking lot to make sure they were alone, he tugged her skirt up, practically tearing her panties in his haste to pull them down as she fumbled to unbuckle his belt and free his cock, relishing the groan he let out as she stroked him, feeling him harden fully in her hand.
Letting out a grunt as he hoisted her up, Gator pressed her firmly against the side of the car, hooking his arms under her legs to keep her in place and open for him.  The cold air against her dripping sex sent a chill through her and sent her bare legs pebbling, but she quickly forgot the cold as Gator bullied his throbbing head between her slick folds.
With a shuddering breath, he thrust deeper and Win bit her lip to stifle a moan.  “Fuck me, Gate–” she whispered, her voice hoarse with a desperation that surprised her, grasping at any excuse to keep from thinking, and Gator obliged, rutting into her faster, his brows knitting in concentration.
“Harder!” she begged, clutching at his coat like it was a lifeline.
Their eyes met as Gator’s hips snapped into hers and his thrusts grew rougher, shaking the frame of the car with each frantic rut.  Groaning low in his throat, he pressed his forehead to hers, knocking his hat loose, and Win saw her desperation reflected back at her in Gator’s eyes, his sharp breaths loud in her ears, nearly drowning out the pounding of her pulse.
“Fuck, please–” she cried, unable to form any other coherent words as warmth suffusing her, her pleasure hovering just on the brink of overflowing.
Gator nodded in response, gritting his teeth against the burning in his muscles.  “Cum for me, mama–” he grunted, and Win’s mouth fell open as her climax hit her.  Tears stung her eyes, catching in her lashes, and Gator’s mouth descended on hers, swallowing the rest of her cry as his thrusts grew as sloppy as his kiss.  Shuddering, he emptied himself inside her, her tight cunt milking him dry.
Gator’s head dropped to her shoulder as he stilled and they both fought to catch their breaths, too warm in the chill air.  Slipping out of her, he grunted as he let her down, helping her stand on wobbly legs to hastily tug her skirt back down.  
Win felt his spend drip down her leg, leaving a sticky mess against her inner thighs, but she didn’t bother gathering her half ripped panties from the ground as Gator tucked himself back into his boxers, his dick still wet with their combined fluids, and suddenly he was feeling the cold.
“C’mon, let’s get home and warm up,” he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, noticing the way Win was shivering too.
For a moment, she nearly blurted out the FBI’s offer, afraid the longer she waited, the harder it would be, but Gator’s words brought her up short – the casual way he’d called her place home – and she realized that hadn’t been the first time either.
Suddenly she knew how to drive a wedge deeper between him and Roy, and though the idea somewhat terrified her, she realized she’d never wanted anything more.
“Gator, move in with me.” 
“Yeah, sure, whatever you want—” he replied, only half listening as he pulled her car door open for her.
“Wait, say what?” he spluttered as her words finally caught up to him and he turned to gape at her, still not quite able to fully process what she’d said.
“I said, move in with me,” Win repeated, her heart lodging firmly in her throat as she waited for him to respond.
Gator blinked, his mouth twitching uncertainly.  “You– really?”
The question hung in the air between them and Win gave a small nod, biting her bottom lip.
“Yeah,” she breathed, studying his face.  “I mean, you’re pretty much there all the time anyway,” she added, shrugging away the tension.
For a second she didn’t think he was gunna answer, until a disbelieving grin pulled at his lips.  “Yeah, fuck yeah!” Gator gasped in a rush, his eyes lighting up before his lips crashed against Win’s, and a laugh bubbled up her throat as she threw her arms around his neck.
“Good,” she breathed, her head still spinning as he broke the kiss, relief clashing with the fear that squeezed stubbornly at her heart.
“I’ll start bringing my stuff over tomorrow,” he said, already making a mental list of all his worldly possessions.  “There’s really not all that much, I might be able to get it all in one trip if I take the truck–” he mused, lost in thought.
“Gator–” Win began, his enthusiasm sending a wave of affection through her, and along with it, a sudden need to put it into words.
“Yeah?” he asked, his focus swinging back to her.  
Though as soon as his eyes were on her again, her throat tightened and she froze up.
“I–uh, I–”
I love you.
Unable to make the words come, she shook herself.  “I’m getting cold,” she mumbled instead.
“Shit, yeah,” Gator huffed, his breath streaming in the air.  “Let’s get home,” he repeated, giving her a lopsided grin.
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As soon as Win parked in the drive, Gator pulled in behind her, but she made no move to get out, her thoughts far away, and she subconsciously reached into her pocket, running her fingers over Agent Meyer’s business card, giving a jump when Gator knocked on her window.
“You comin’ princess, or you gunna stay out here all night?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow as he peered in at her and she gave herself a shake, pushing the thoughts aside.  The only thing she wanted to think about at the moment was the fact that Gator actually wanted to live with her.
“Yeah sorry, I got… distracted,” she said, pushing open her door and letting Gator help her out.
“What were you thinkin’ about?” he asked, pushing her door shut and slinging an arm around her shoulders as they walked to the door.
“Getting warm,” Win answered, moving closer to his side.
“I had some thoughts about that myself,” Gator drawled, reaching into his pocket for his key–the spare he’d just happened to hold onto–and unlocking the door.
Before she could step inside, he’d swept her off her feet, scooping her up into his arms in one swift motion despite his injured arm.
“Gator!  What’re you doing?” she yelped, clinging to him instinctively.
“Carryin’ you over the threshold, what’d ya think?” he scoffed lightly, huffing a laugh as he carried her inside and kicking the door shut behind him.
“You’re supposed to do that after you’re married,” Win pointed out, though she made no move to try to escape his arms.
Gator shrugged, his lips twitching.  “Close enough,” he said, passing through the living room and heading straight to the bedroom, lowering her to the bed.
“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back,” he instructed, stealing a kiss before straightening and striding to the bathroom.
“Where would I even go?” Win laughed, turning her head toward the door as she heard the shower turn on.
“I dunno, I just didn’t want ya to move,” Gator replied, shrugging off his leather jacket as he returned, leaving the water to warm up.
“Yeah?  Why’s that?”
Gator stopped at the foot of the bed.  “Cause I wanted to undress you,” he said, lifting her leg to ease her boot off.
“Aren’t you a gentleman,” Win teased, pushing up to her elbows to watch him press a kiss to her knee before sliding his hands up her thighs to work her skirt down.
“Only when you want me to be, darlin’,” Gator drawled, flashing her a grin.  “Now c’mere,” he grunted, tugging Win toward the edge of the bed.  Helping her up, he rid her of her top, taking a moment to admire her.  Tucking a stray strand of blonde hair behind her ear, Win turned her face, leaning into his touch, his fingers leaving a trail of warmth in their wake.  For a moment it seemed as if he was about to say something, till he shook himself and gave Win’s ass a swat.  “Get in there and warm up, water should be hot by now.” 
Win wrinkled her nose at him, pinching his side as she stepped around him to head to the shower, leaving him silently kicking himself as he undressed to join her.
“You comin’ in, or you gunna stand out there all night, Deputy?” Win called, letting the water run over her face and hair, sighing as she began to thaw out.
“I’m comin’!” Gator huffed, yanking the curtain open to step into the tub, letting some of the steamy air out.
“Good, you’re just in time to wash my hair,” Win chuckled, handing him her shampoo.
“Alright, switch places with me,” he murmured, flattening himself against the wall so Win could slip past him, relishing the way her wet skin pressed against his.
“So, uh–” he began, pouring some of her sweet smelling shampoo into his hand, the water rolling down his back and shoulders.  “How many other guys have you lived with?” he asked, soaping up Win’s hair, filling the shower with that honey and apple scent that he’d come to love so much.
A soft moan left her lips as Gator’s fingers massaged her scalp.  “Gate, trust me, you have nothing to be jealous of,” she assured him, seeing through his attempt at nonchalance.
“M’not jealous,” he muttered, using some of her shampoo to wash his own hair, though he sounded more than a little defensive.
“Mhmm,” Win hummed, unconvinced.  “I mean, I’ve stayed with a few guys before, couch surfing or whatever, but I’ve never lived with a boyfriend or anything,” she explained.  “This is kind of a big deal for me,” she murmured, smiling softly when Gator’s arms wound round her middle, pulling her back against him.
“It’s kind of a big deal for me too,” he admitted and Win turned in his arms.
“Why didn’t you ever move out on your own?” she wondered and Gator shrugged, blinking water from his eyes.
“It was just… easier, I guess.  Dad wanted me around to help out, and he said one day the ranch would pass to me, so it just made sense.  Plus I didn’t hafta pay rent.”
Win nodded, reaching for the bar of soap to wash Gator’s chest, letting her fingers trail through his thick patch of hair and downward.  “Bet that hindered your love life a little,” she teased, earning a scoff from Gator.
“You’re never gunna let me live that down are you?” he grumbled.
“Nope, probably not.”
Gator rolled his eyes, but mirrored Win’s grin, taking the soap from her to return the favour.  
Once they’d finally rinsed off, the water was starting to cool and Gator could see Win starting to shiver again.
“Hold on, I’ll getcha a towel,” he offered, shutting off the water and stepping out of the tub to grab two clean towels.
“Gator, you’re dripping all over!” Win cried, somewhere between amused and exasperated, though her expression softened as he wrapped one of the fluffy towels around her and pulled her into his arms, rubbing her dry.  “Mm that’s better.  You’re so warm,” she sighed, pressing her cheek to his slick chest, not wanting to leave his embrace.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m dreamin’,” Gator murmured, and Win frowned, tilting her head to look up at him.
“Why’s that?” she asked gently, swearing his eyes swam for a moment before he squeezed them shut.
“Cause there’s no way a girl like you’d wanna keep wastin’ your time on me,” he whispered.
“Gator,” Win breathed, reaching up to take his face in her hands, his eyes reluctantly opening to fix on hers.  “I’m not wasting anything,” she exclaimed, a fierceness to her words.  “I misjudged you when we first met, but you surprised me.  And now… the thought of losing you–”  Her voice broke, cutting off, but Gator was quick to reassure her.
“You ain’t gunna lose me.”
“You promise?” Win whispered, holding Gator’s gaze and he nodded, pressing a kiss to the top of her damp head.
“Course,” he breathed, clearing his throat.  “Now c’mon, let’s get to bed, I’m beat.”
By the time they dried off and climbed under the covers, Gator pulled Win against him, curling around her protectively, one arm draped over her waist.  It was barely five minutes and he was already out, his breathing slow and even.  
Win, however, found sleep elusive, and without Gator to distract her, her thoughts returned to the FBI’s deal, leaving her to wonder whether Gator would change his mind about leaving if he knew.
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Jolting awake, the remnants of a nightmare fading from her consciousness, Win turned her head to find Gator still sound asleep next to her and she let out the breath she’d been holding, running her palm across her forehead to wipe the sheen of sweat from it.
Willing her pulse to slow, she glanced at the digital clock across the room and groaned.  It was much too early for her to be awake yet, though not far off from the time Gator usually woke, especially if he was going to stop by the ranch to pack before his shift.
Shutting her eyes, she took a deep breath and Gator stirred next to her, rolling toward her.  When she opened her eyes, however, she could see he was still asleep, his expression soft, and she carefully reached over to push the loose hair from his brow, letting her fingertips gently brush his warm skin.
At her touch, Gator’s eyelids fluttered and his nose wrinkled.  “What’re you doin’?” he mumbled, eyes and voice still heavy with sleep.
“Just admiring you,” Win answered, her face warming at the admission.  “You look so peaceful.”
Gator let out a soft laugh.  “Look at you bein’ all sappy and shit,” he teased, cracking an eye, the corner of his lip rising.
“Shut up,” Win huffed, giving his chest a half hearted shove, but Gator caught her and pulled her closer, trapping her against his chest.
“Quit squirmin’ and c’mere,” he murmured, tucking his chin atop her head and Win couldn’t help but smile into his chest.
“Gator?” she breathed after a long moment, wondering if he’d fallen back to sleep, but he grunted in return and Win shifted so her voice wouldn’t be muffled.  “There’s something I need to talk to you about…” she began, her stomach twisting, and she quickly swallowed down the taste of bile at the back of her throat.
Gator let out a groan.  “S’too early to talk,” he whined, pressing his lips to hers to quiet her.
“Gator–” Win tried again between kisses, making a face as he tried to deepen the kiss, his tongue slipping between her lips.  “Gator, your breath reeks,” she protested, managing to push him back, but his eyes darkened and he rolled atop her, pinning her to her back.
“Guess I’ll just hafta kiss elsewhere, then,” he drawled, radiating smugness as she squirmed beneath him.
“Gator, I’m serious,” Win argued, trying and failing to take control of the situation.  “C’mon, there’s something I–”  Her words faltered, cutting off abruptly as Gator lifted the hem of her oversized night shirt to press an open mouthed kiss to her hip, positioning himself between her legs.
“There’ll be plenty of time to talk later,” Gator said, kissing his way down her inner thigh.
“You’re such–an ass,” Win huffed, inhaling sharply halfway through as Gator’s lips wrapped around her clit before flicking it with his tongue.  He merely chuckled, the sound reverberating through his chest and he’d soon driven all thoughts of the FBI’s deal from her mind, her head thrown back in bliss and hands tangled in the sheets.
When he crawled atop her to kiss her again as he sank into her tight heat, the taste of her still on his tongue, she didn’t have the strength to argue, giving in easily.  By the time they’d finished, Gator filling her just as his alarm went off, Win flopped back to the bed, spent, her chest heaving while he stood to silence the alarm and stretch.
“I could get used to this every morning,” he drawled, flashing her a smug grin as he pulled his shirt over his head and pushed his hair back out of his eyes.
Win let out a tired huff and reached for a tissue to clean herself up.  “Don’t get too used to it, Deputy,” she said, though her lips quirked slightly.
“You liked it,” Gator retorted, pulling up his cargo pants and buckling on his belt before leaning over the bed to steal a quick peck to the lips and whisper in Win’s ear, “y’little slut.”
Before he could pull back, Win pinched his side and took advantage of his petulant yelp to grab the front of his t-shirt, holding him in place for a longer kiss.  When she finally released him, he wore a lopsided grin.
“See ya tonight, darlin’.”
As he left the room, a pep to his step, Win pulled her knees up to her chest and sighed, wondering if there’d ever be a good time to bring up what she needed to.
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Back at the ranch, Gator grabbed a couple large trash bags on his way up to his room and began emptying his drawers unceremoniously into them, tossing his clothes into the bag in a messy heap, unconcerned with keeping them organized until he unpacked them.
“Goin’ somewhere?”
The sound of Roy’s voice behind him startled him, and Gator spun, finding his father standing in the doorway, watching him.
He hastily swallowed the nerves that had leapt into his throat, as if he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, hating that his father often had that effect on him.  He bent to tie one of the bulging garbage bags before answering, trying his best to sound nonchalant.
“I’m movin’ in with Win.”
Roy watched him for a long moment, his expression unchanged, save for a tightening around his eyes.
“You think that’s wise?”
Gator cleared his throat and shrugged, shifting his weight.  “I mean, I’m almost thirty.  You don’t expect me to live here forever,” he murmured, halfway between statement and question, not quite meeting Roy’s eyes.
“No,” Roy finally said, planting his hands on his hips, his form filling the doorway.  “I expect you to be married first—to a respectable girl—and for you to make a home for yourself, not go live in sin with the town tramp, in her shit-hole apartment,” he huffed.
Gator’s jaw flexed with the effort of holding his tongue, the urge to snap back in defense of Win nearly overtaking his better senses.  Instead, he took a breath and shook his head.  “Well, it’s my life,” he said, striding across the room to grab some sweaters from his closet.
Roy grunted, clearly not pleased by Gator’s response, but he didn’t argue.  “Well, that’s disappointing,” he replied and Gator winced.  “I still expect you to help out here,” he added.
“Yeah, I know,” Gator mumbled, tying up the second bag.  “I gotta go, I’ll get the rest later,” he mumbled, hoisting one of the bags over his shoulder before heading for the door, having to wait for Roy to step out of the way.
Roy merely watched him, waiting for his footsteps to recede down the stairwell before a frown marred his bluff features.  He’d not expected this turn of events, but it was clear the situation was more dire then he’d anticipated and if he didn’t break the hold Win had on his son soon, it might jeopardize everything he’d been working toward.
Knowing he needed to take drastic measures, Roy strode into Gator’s room and began searching–for what he wasn’t yet sure–but a hunch told him there had to be something he could use to his advantage.
The dresser was already empty and the desk mostly cleared off.  Crouching near the bed, Roy felt beneath it, finding Gator’s old laptop pushed out of the way.  Pulling it out and lifting the screen, he could barely believe his idiot son had left it logged in and unlocked.  A quick search of the files was all it took to find the leverage he needed, and a grim satisfaction filled him as he brought up a poorly hidden saved dashcam recording featuring Miss Lewis and a certain Sheriff’s Deputy in a rather compromising position.
“Gotcha,” he breathed.  
As much as he despised her, he had to admit Win looked damn good on her knees.
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That night at work, Win couldn’t help but feel eyes on her, more than one patron giving her strange looks that ranged from appraisal to disgust.  And while she was no stranger to the occasional disapproving glance or wandering eye, the sheer amount of stares she was getting was starting to become unnerving.
“Is it just me, or are people staring more than usual?” she asked Beau in a hushed voice as she stood by the small window to the kitchen, catching a couple guys at the far end of the bar leering at her.
Beau frowned and leaned out the order window to look.  “I dunno hon, seems pretty normal to me.  You naturally draw attention wherever you go,” he chuckled, offering her an apologetic smile when she scowled.
“This feels different, B,” she insisted.  “It feels like they know something I don’t.”
“Well, I guess I don’t know it either,” he replied, nodding toward the man that had just approached the bar, a shit-eating grin on his face.
Win took a fortifying breath before turning to face him.  “What can I get for you?” she asked flatly, not even attempting to return his smile.
He looked her up and down a moment before answering, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the bar.  “You could do me the pleasure of your company,” he said, his brows raising expectantly.  “Show ya what it’s like to be with a real man,” he added, and Win fought the urge to roll her eyes at his line.
Looking him up and down in return, her lips curled in disgust, and she propped her hands on her hips.  “Nah, I’m good.”
The guy let out a short laugh, as if she’d made a joke.  “I bet you are,” he drawled, undeterred.
“Excuse me?” Win huffed, her eyes narrowing dangerously, but he didn’t notice the threat in her eyes.
He shrugged, smirking.  “I’m just sayin’, that mouth looks like it’s good for more than just sass-talkin’.”
Win’s brows rose, a little incredulous he’d gone that far, but his response didn’t throw her for long.  “Yeah?” she asked, tilting her head, the edge of her hair brushing her shoulder.  “What a coincidence, cause your mouth only looks like it’s good for gettin’ hit.”
That seemed to give him pause and he hesitated, wetting his lips,and a cold smile stretched across Win’s face.  “So why don’t you get outta here before I continue this conversation with my fist.”
The guy seemed to think twice about pressing his luck and pushed away from the bar with a scowl.  Win folded her arms over her chest as she watched him go, allowing herself a small smirk at the tiny victory.  Her relief was short lived, however, when one of the men at the end of the bar spoke up.
He looked vaguely familiar, one of those cocky frat boys she’d seen at some of the house parties she used to frequent before she started dating Gator.
“That’s cold, Lewis,” he called, adjusting his grimy ball cap.  “Thought you liked bein’ propositioned.”  He leaned back on his stool, watching her expectantly, just waiting to get a rise out of her.
“The fuck are you talkin’ ‘bout?” Win countered, an uneasy feeling bubbling in her gut, and her question only made the guy’s grin grow.
He laughed at something one of his friends said and brought the mouth of his bottle to his lips, taking a swig of beer before answering.  “I heard you won’t say no to suckin’ a cock in exchange for a favour,” he exclaimed, pausing for effect, his tongue pressing to the inside of his cheek for a moment.  “Or is that just when it comes to cops?”
Win’s mouth fell open, but no scathing rebuttal came.  Instead, white hot panic flooded her body.
How could they know about that?
“What, no snappy comeback?” he jeered, getting a laugh from his buddies.
Win swallowed, but her throat was dry.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I think you should leave,” she said, hating how hoarse her voice sounded.
Unperturbed by her command, the guy leaned over the bar, his lidded eyes trained on Win’s, seeing right through her lie, and she could smell the beer on his breath.
“We all saw your little video, sweetheart.  You can stop playing dumb now,” he breathed, his brows furrowing in mock confusion.  “What I can’t figure out it is, why Tillman?  What’s that loser got that we don’t, huh?”
“HEY!  She said get out!  Or do I gotta get the bat?” Beau thundered, striding out of the kitchen to step in front of Win, towering threateningly over the guy and his buddies with a glare that made them hesitate.
“C’mon, we’re outta here,” one of them mumbled uneasily, and they all slunk toward the door, but Win barely noticed, hastily answering her phone on the second ring, expecting Gator.  
Her pulse thundered in her ears and it took her a moment to realize it wasn’t Gator’s voice on the other end of the line, but her friend, Lydia’s.
“Win?  Oh, thank God you answered!” she exclaimed.  “Have you seen–”
“Yeah, I just found out,” Win sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, already feeling a headache starting to form behind her eyes.
“I’ve already reported it, it’s getting taken down,” Lydia assured her.
“Yeah well, I’m pretty sure the whole town’s seen it already,” Win groaned.  “But thank you for taking care of it,” she added, not wanting her friend to think she wasn’t grateful.
“Of course,” Lydia said, growing quiet for a moment.  “You don’t think Gator…?” she asked hesitantly, but Win was quick to cut her off.
“No.  No, he wouldn’t have posted it,” she said firmly, a thought occurring to her that made her want to vomit.  “But I think I know who might’ve.”
Frankie, the bar’s namesake and owner, stuck his head out of his office to call for Win, an unreadable expression on his usually placid face.
“Shit, Lyds, I gotta go,” she murmured, quickly saying goodbye and taking a shaky breath before heading into his office.
“You wanted to see me?” she asked uncertainly and Frankie let out a weary sigh, gesturing her in further.
“Win, you know you’re one of my best bartenders, and frankly, I don’t usually give a damn about what any of yeh do outside of here, but…”  The old man shook his head, his thick white eyebrows drawing down, and Win braced herself; she could see where this was heading.
Frankie took a deep breath and lifted his head to look her in the eye.  “I’m sorry, Lewis, but I gotta let ya go.  This whole video business is–” he paused gesturing vaguely with his hand as if he didn’t know how to put it into words.  “I mean, what were you thinkin’?”
A flash of anger seared through Win and she let out an incredulous scoff.  “You’re kiddin’ me, right?” she muttered, her eyes rolling skyward as she planted her hands on her hips.  “I didn’t even know it was being recorded at the time, and I sure as hell didn’t want it posted for the fuckin’ world to see.  Some sick fuck violated my privacy on purpose,” she hissed.  “I’m the victim here, and you’re firing me?”
Frankie leaned back in his chair, looking uncomfortable.  “Well, that’s not all…” he muttered, earning a sharp look as Win waited to see what other excuses he had.
“I’ve just received some… complaints.”
Win’s brows rose.  “Complaints?  About what?”
“Well, and you know I don’t got no problem with  you throwin’ out anyone that gets too… rowdy, but you’ve been makin’ a lot of threats…”
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Win muttered, bleating a humourless laugh.  
“And I–I can’t afford to have the Sheriff gettin’ involved.”
And there is it, Win thought, frustrated tears welling in her eyes.  Roy had orchestrated this, that much was certain.  Hell, she wouldn’t be surprised if he’d been the one to send those assholes in specifically to get a rise out of her, all so he could then have an excuse to lean on Frankie to fire her.  And she’d played right into his hand.
“I’m so sorry, Win,” Frankie murmured helplessly.  He leaned forward to slide an unmarked envelope across the desk to her.  “Take this.  I know it doesn’t make up for it, but… it’s somethin’.”
Hastily wiping at her eyes, Win cleared her throat as she snatched the envelope from the desk, though her voice still came out in a thick croak.
“Yeah, whatever.”
Slipping the envelope in the back pocket of her jeans without looking inside, she pushed out of the office and grabbed her coat and keys before anyone could get a good look at her tear stained face, but Beau caught her as she strode through the kitchen toward the back door.
“What happened?”
“I got fired.”
Her friend’s mouth fell open, shock painting his features.  “For what?” he exclaimed, but Win shook her head.
“It doesn’t fuckin’ matter, I gotta go,” she said, needing to be anywhere else right then.
“Wait, Win, are you gunna be okay?” Beau called after her and she forced herself to flash him a watery smile as she pulled open the heavy back door, trying to reassure him.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.  Always am,” she insisted before slipping out into the chill night, the frigid air biting her face, but she was past caring.
Inside her car, she finally glanced at the contents of the envelope, unsurprised to see a stack of cash and a sob left her throat as she broke down, tears blurring her vision.  Gripping the steering wheel hard enough to whiten her knuckles, she let out a scream of frustration, needing to let it out before she burst.
Throwing her car in drive, she took off, bringing her phone to her ear.
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Gator felt his phone vibrate in his pocket as he lifted his rifle, bringing the scope to his eye.  He’d answer in a moment, but he had something he had to take care of first.
“Got you, fucker,” he breathed, lining up his shot.  Munch’s silhouette was visible through the thin curtains in the upstairs window of the house across the street.  Adjusting his grip, Gator released his breath and squeezed the trigger.  The bullet found its mark, spattering the curtains with his target’s brains and Gator lowered his rifle, squinting up at the window before glancing up and down the quiet street to make sure no one had seen anything.
Damn, but that was a good shot, he thought, a little surprised at how easy it’d been to take out the old assassin after all.
His phone began to vibrate again and he frowned, checking the screen.  “Jeeze babe, gimme a sec.  I’ll call ya back once I’m finished,” he muttered, pocketing his phone and heading across the street toward Munch’s car, parked by the curb.
Slipping on the slick layer of ice, he threw his arms out awkwardly, catching his balance as he rounded the trunk.  Crouching, he retrieved the tracker he’d placed the other day.  Slipping the little black box in his coat pocket, he happened to glance in the back seat and did a double take.
“You gotta be shittin’ me,” he breathed, leaning in closer to the window to get a better look.  Sure enough, tucked behind the passenger seat was the duffel bag of cash Roy had given Munch.  “What a fuckin’ idiot,” Gator chuckled under his breath and tried the door handle.  Locked.  Glancing around, he smashed in the window with the butt of his rifle and winced at the noise.
No one came to investigate the commotion, but Gator’s pulse still pounded loud in his ears, his body vibrating with adrenaline.  He could think of a hundred different things he and Win could do with the money and he grinned as he set his rifle on the top of the car and reached inside.
“Thief!  THIEF!”
As soon as his hand closed around the bag, Gator felt something hit him and he flinched, hastily pulling the bag free and stumbling backwards to face his attacker–an angry gray haired woman, who if Gator’d been paying attention might’ve noticed was wearing the same fur-lined coat Munch had been.
“Ow!  Hey!” he exclaimed, lifting an arm to fend off another blow from her bag of oranges.  For as frail as she looked, she sure had a mean swing.
“Thief!  Get away!” she wailed again, several of her oranges flying loose to roll down the sidewalk as she grasped at the canvas bag, attempting to yank it away from him.
“Get off!” Gator growled, struggling with her for a moment before shoving her, gaping as she slipped on the ice and toppled backward, smacking her head on the curb with a sickening thud.
“Fuck–”  Gator’s breath came out in a shudder.
Blood began to pool darkly beneath the old woman’s head, her eyes open, but unseeing.
Swallowing the bile that rushed up his throat, Gator looked around wildly as he backed away, but the street remained empty.  With trembling fingers, he grabbed the gun from the roof of the car and took off down the sidewalk toward the alley he’d parked down, his phone vibrating insistently against his thigh as he ran.
Panting hard, he threw open the driver side door and scrambled inside, tossing the gun in the back seat.  Squeezing his eyes shut, he fought to calm his nerves, but all he could see was the alarmed look on the woman’s face as she stumbled backwards.
It was an accident!  It wasn’t my fault.  She slipped on the ice and fell, Gator told himself.  For some reason, her death bothered him more than taking out Munch had, and all he wanted was Win’s arms around him, holding him tight, her soothing voice in her ear.
Pulling his phone out to check his messages, a block of ice dropped to his gut when he saw how many missed calls he had, followed by an ominous text that made his blood run cold.
Gator where are you?  Why won’t you answer???  This is an emergency!  GET HERE ASAP
His heart lodged firmly in his throat, he pulled out of the alley and stepped on the gas, barreling through several stop signs on his way, all hope of the comfort he craved going out the window.
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By the time Win heard Gator’s key in the door, she’d already smoked nearly an entire pack of Marlboros, and emptied a third of a bottle of whiskey.
“Win, what’s wrong?  Are you alright?  Are you hurt?” Gator exclaimed in a rush, barely getting through the door before he was across the room, taking her by the shoulders to look her over, frantically searching for injuries.
Win pushed him back with a scoff.  “Am I alright?  No, I’m not fucking alright!”
Gator frowned, taken aback by the scorn in her voice.  “What happened?” he demanded again.
“Where have you been, Gator?  Were you fuckin’ aware your little dash cam recording of us got fucking leaked?” she cried and he jerked back in surprise.
“What?  How?”
“I don’t fucking know!” Win exclaimed, throwing her hands up and beginning to pace—she could feel herself growing hysterical, but she was already too worked up to slow down.  “—But every fuckin’ creep in town has seen it and I lost my fucking job over it!”
“What?  You can’t be serious,” Gator exclaimed, but Win shook her head, desperately blinking away the fresh wave of tears that threatened to fall.
“Oh my God, Gator, you’re probably gunna be in hot water at work too, Jesus Christ—!” she swore, her voice cracking, and Gator caught her as she passed, pulling her into his arms—needing to hold her.
“Hey, hey baby, no!” he exclaimed, trying to calm her as she clutched at his jacket—needing to be held.  “Don’t worry ‘bout me, nothin’s gunna happen,” he murmured, but Win drew back with a frown.
“How can you know that?  Gator, this is serious.”
“Trust me, Win, I’ve got connections.  This’ll all go away,” Gator insisted.  “I’m the law, remember?” he asked, cocking a brow at her.
“Hell Win, I even took this bastard out earlier and it doesn’t even fuckin’ matter cause no one can touch me.  We make the rules around here,” he boasted, the words slipping out before he could stop them, though he was careful enough not to mention the old woman—that was an accident.
Win jerked back.
“You killed someone?” she gasped, her expression warping into one Gator didn’t like.
Gator’s not like Roy.  You sure about that?
Agent Meyer’s words echoed in Win’s ears and she swallowed down a wave of nausea.
What all had Gator been doing on his father’s orders?
Gator’s fingers bit into her arm, pulling her out of her thoughts.  
“Win, you don’t understand, he had it coming to him, this guy was bad news.  He’s the one who killed several of our guys, who did this–” Gator held up his cast “–and he threatened you!” he exclaimed, a desperate hitch to his voice, as if pleading for her to understand, to stop looking at him as if she didn’t know him.  “I had to put a stop to it.”
Win wet her lips, trying to process the information, still unsure how to feel.  Maybe he was right.  She could still remember the threatening aura she felt around the strange man that day he’d come to the bar, watching her.
Shaking her head, she ran a hand down her face, something Gator had said earlier catching in her thoughts.  “Gator, I’m scared for you.  You think you’re untouchable, but you’re not.”
He frowned.  “What d’you mean?”
“I mean, the FBI is onto you.”
Gator rolled his eyes, his face scrunching in disbelief.  “Those guys?” he scoffed, his lip curling.  “Those two idiots that showed up at the ranch a couple weeks ago?  They got nothing on us,” he insisted, but Win shook her head, grabbing Gator’s arms to get him to focus.
“They are building a case against Roy, against you, and soon they are going to raid the ranch.”
Gator gave a start, his brows furrowing in confusion.  “No, that’s– how d’you know that?” he demanded, confusion slowly shifting to suspicion.
This was it.  There was no turning back now.  
Win took a breath, steeling herself for Gator’s reaction.  “Because those two agents came to the bar the other night to talk to me.”
Gator stared at her.  “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Win wet her lips, a hot flash of panic searing through her.  “I tried to–”
Gator’s face tensed, his jaw flexing as if he was holding himself back from lashing out.  “The fuck did they want?”
“You,” Win breathed, forcing herself to meet his gaze.  “They want to make a deal with you.”
“What d’you mean?  What kind of deal?”
Win sucked in a breath.  “To testify against Roy, in exchange for federal immunity.”
“Why the fuck would I do that?” Gator scoffed, a conflicted look crossing his face.
“Because if you don’t take the deal, when they raid the ranch to arrest Roy, they’ll arrest you too,” she explained, needing him to understand the gravity of the situation.  “That means federal prison, Gator.”
Fear flickered in his eyes as she let it sink in and a tiny spark of hope flared in her chest, until he backed away, his eyes going hard.
“I can’t–” he breathed, brows pinching as he looked at her.  “You want me to betray my dad.”
Panic squeezed her throat, making it hard to breathe, but she shook her head desperately.  “I don’t want you to go to prison!  Gator, please!”
Win watched his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed nervously, but then his face set, as if he’d made up his mind.  
“You don’t understand, Win.  It may have been easy for you to cut your dad out of your life, but I can’t do that.  He’s counting on me!”
Win’s mouth fell open.
“He’s probably the one who posted the video!” she cried, her voice raising as her anger boiled over.  “He’s been trying to break us up from the very beginning, or have you forgotten?”
“Of course I haven’t forgotten,” Gator huffed.  “I know he’s not your biggest fan and he’s been outspoken about his opinions, but he wouldn’t do that,” he argued and Win gaped at him in disbelief.
“You really don’t think he’d go that far when I’m willing to bet he’s done far worse?” she asked, not waiting for an answer.  “Think about it, Gator.  You were the only one to have a copy of that video and it just happened to get uploaded the day you told him you were moving out?  Where’s your laptop, huh, still at the ranch, where Roy could easily access it?” she pressed.
Gator went quiet, his gaze falling to the ground and Win was sure she had him.
“Is that why you asked me to move in with you?” he whispered.  “To get between me and my dad, to get me to turn against him?” Gator asked, and when his eyes found Win’s, the hurt in his gaze knocked the air from her lungs.
“No!  Gator, that’s not–!” she cried, grasping at any shred of hope that he’d believe her.  “I asked you to move in with me because I wanted to be with you, that’s all,” she insisted, though her voice wavered, and Gator’s expression hardened.
“Stop fuckin’ lyin’,” he breathed, his words cutting through her.
“Gator, please.  Please just listen to me–” she tried again, desperate to get through to him.  She reached out to take his hand, but he pulled back as if burned, glaring at her outstretched hand.  
Swallowing a sob, Win pushed on, not ready to give up.  “He’ll set you up to take the fall and he won’t feel a shred of guilt over it.  You don’t have to go down for his crimes, Gator.  Can’t you see he’s just fucking using you?” she cried, her throat burning.
Gator scoffed softly.  “How’re you any different?” he asked, his voice hollow, and an incredulous huff left Win’s lips, his question leaving her speechless for a moment.
“Who’s the one that calls you a loser, and who’s the one that thinks you’re a winner?” she breathed, holding his gaze, though tears pricked her eyes, making her vision swim.
A sardonic grin twisted Gator’s lips as if she’d just told a cruel joke and he shook his head.  “My dad was right about you, Win, you’re nothin’ but a snake.”  He reached into his pocket and pulled out her spare key.  “Here, I don’t need this,” he muttered, tossing it atop the counter.  It slid to a stop in front of her and Win flinched as if struck.
Turning away, Gator strode to the door.
“You lied.”
Win’s words brought him up short and he stopped, his hand on the doorknob, though he didn’t turn to look at her.
“You said I wouldn’t lose you,” she whispered.
Gator’s jaw tensed and he hesitated a moment longer before throwing open the door and glancing back.
“Guess that makes us both liars then.”
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⇾ taglist. @super-unpredictable98 @thecreelhouse @heartbreak-sandwich @girlwiththerubyslippers @sailorskunk
@cycat4077 @victorclays @professionalpromqueen @mayhem24-7forever
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joeliz99 · 3 days ago
“You, Always.”- Danny Ramirez
Warnings: Slowburn, Friends to lovers, RPF fic, Fluff, Multi-part series
(In case you missed the first four chapters, click here)
Part Two
Where we begin again
Fifth Chapter
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Three months after NYC. A summer in Miami. No time like the present.
Danny was back in his hometown for two weeks, a short but much-needed break before diving back into work and a massive new project that awaited him. The first few days were spent with family, relaxing and recharging. But as his second and final week approached, he couldn’t shake the thought of (Y/N), who now lived in Miami as well. He hadn’t heard from her since he’d texted her his number, and since both of them were over-thinkers, they hadn’t managed to spark a real conversation over text.
That night, lying in bed, Danny couldn’t help but reach out, sending her a text message before he regretted it for good.
"Hey (Initial)! Hope you're doing well. I’m in town for a couple of weeks and thought it’d be nice to catch up if you're up for it. Let me know what you think. See you soon! :)"
When (Y/N) saw his message, she froze for a moment. It had been a while since they last spoke, and she hadn’t expected him to reach out after sometime. She’d wanted to respond right away, but her schedule was packed. Hours passed, and though she saw the ‘read’ status on her phone, she couldn’t find the right words or moment to just do it.
Danny, after noticing hours had passed, began to doubt himself. Maybe he had misread the whole scenario. Perhaps she really wasn’t as interested in reconnecting as he’d hoped.
In reality, it wasnt that she wasn’t interested. She was just busy and, honestly, a little overwhelmed by it all. The next evening, after mentally editing her response a few times, she hit ‘send.’
"Hey! Sorry for the late reply. I’ve been caught up this weekend, but let’s plan something for the week. What are you in the mood for?"
Thursday of that same week, (Y/N) hurried through the streets of Miami, trying to get to the ice cream shop on time. Of course, today of all days, everyone at the office had needed something from her, pushing her lunch break nearly twenty minutes late. Now, someone was already waiting for her.
As she neared the shop, she slowed her pace, taking a deep breath to regain her composure. Outside, Danny sat at a table, focused on his phone, his posture relaxed. (Y/N) adjusted her purse and walked toward him, catching his attention as she approached.
“Oh hey! You made it.” A smile spread across his face as he stood, greeting her with a side hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I’m so, so sorry. Work’s been crazy today—I hope you don’t mind the change of plans.”
Danny laughed, shaking his head. “Not at all. I’m chill with whatever. It’s good to see you.”
(Y/N) smiled as they headed inside, scanning the array of ice cream flavors.
“You eat anything yet?” Danny asked after a beat.
She shook her head, still focused on the options in front of her.
“Want to grab something else first?”
“What? No, no. I’m good. Ice cream’s better than real food anyway.”
Danny shot her a half-smile, clearly unconvinced. She caught the look and glanced back at him.
“I like your hair,” she said, changing the subject. “It looks longer than the last time I saw you. Actually, I think this is the longest I’ve ever seen it on you.”
“Oh, yeah.” He ran a hand through it absently. “I have to shave it all off for a project, so I figured I’d just let it do its thing for now.”
“Are you serious? What a waste of good lucious hair.”
Danny laughed, shaking his head as they paused to place their orders.
Outside the day felt warm and with a thick scent of freshly baked waffle cones wafting from the shop behind them. (Y/N) and Danny sat down on a bench and entertained themselves in a casual conversation while the occasional murmur of passing conversations mixed with the distant hum of traffic.
“So, I’m kind of curious… Where do you work again? I don’t think we ever talked about that.”
(Y/N) pulled the spoon from her mouth, tilting her head as she considered the question. “I work at a marketing agency as a Content Production Assistant. I handle all the audio editing for their productions and stuff like that.”
Danny hummed, nodding as he swirled his spoon through the melting edges of his ice cream. “That sounds cool. Do you like it?”
She hesitated. “I guess… yeah. It’s not exactly where I want to be, but I don’t mind it. It pays the bills, I’m getting real-world experience, and I’ve gotten more comfortable with my work. I just wish I had more time for my own projects.”
Danny took a slow breath, his gaze drifting toward her, resting his elbows on his knees. “You’ll get there,” he said. “When I got out of college, I struggled bad. At one point, I was juggling three jobs while still trying to stay on top of auditions and callbacks. I was desperate for anything.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “It took me a long time to get to where I am now, and honestly? I still feel like I’m barely getting by.”
“Shut up.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes with a smile. “You’re doing amazing.”
Danny turned to her with a smirk, tapping his spoon against his cup. “Yeah? So that means you’ve seen me on TV?”
Her posture stiffened. She licked her lips, suddenly more focused on her ice cream as she stole a quick glance at him.
“Ohhh, so you have!” His grin widened.
“Uhh…” She stayed quiet, gauging his reaction. “Actually… I haven’t. Like… at all.”
Danny’s smile faltered. “Wait, are you serious?”
(Y/N) bit her lip, suppressing a laugh when she noticed the slight flush creeping onto his cheeks.
“This is embarrassing… Why would you say I’m good if you’ve never seen me?!”
“Because!” She laughed, nudging him with her elbow. “I’ve seen you in your element. I know you’re good.”
Danny exhaled dramatically, slouching back against the bench. “Okay. I’m done with this conversation.”
“No, no! Wait.” She nudged him again, her grin playful. “I actually do want to know what you’re working on. Are you gonna tell me about your next project?”
Danny turned his head slightly, giving her an exaggerated, unimpressed look before shaking his head.
“Oh, come on. Don’t be such a baby, Danny. I said I’m sorry.” She playfully punched his arm, and though he said nothing, a small smile crept onto his face.
“Well, it’s good that you’re sorry… but I really can’t say anything for legal reasons.”
“Oh.” She blinked at him.
Danny smirked, barely holding back a laugh.
“Guess you’ll just have to wait until it’s out in theaters.”
(Y/N) was about to fire back a playful remark, entertained by the easy rhythm of their conversation, when her phone started to ring. She ignored it at first, hoping it would stop on its own. It did—only for a series of text messages to pop up on her screen.
Her eyes scanned the messages quickly, and as she reached the last one, her expression shifted.
“Are you serious?” she muttered, exhaling sharply as she read it again.
Danny, catching the change in her demeanor, leaned slightly toward her. “You have to go?”
She nodded with a frown. “Yeah… Apparently, my lunch break was supposed to be shorter today whether I wanted to or not. We have a last-minute client meeting, and I have to be there.” The disappointment was clear in her voice. “I’m really sorry, Danny.”
“Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault.” He smiled, already standing up and taking the empty cup from her hands to toss it in the trash. “At least we got to hang out for a bit. We’ll plan something next time I’m in Miami.”
“Right… Sure.” She tried to return his smile, though it came out a little sheepish. Leaning in, the girl gave him a small hug. “Thanks for reaching out. We’ll stay in touch, alright?”
“Sounds good to me. Now go before they call you again.”
(Y/N) nodded, waving once before hurrying back toward her job. Danny stood there for a beat, hands in his pockets, watching her go before turning in the opposite direction.
But as she walked, something nagged at her. It had all felt too short and too fast. Even more-so when she had taken her sweet time to actually plan something decent with him. And now, the reality settled in—she probably wouldn’t see him again for months. Maybe longer.
Before she could overthink it, she pulled out her phone and dialed his number.
Danny glanced at his screen, momentarily confused. Had she called by mistake? Still, he answered.
“You butt-dialed me or something?” His laughter was the first thing she heard.
“No, not really.” She hesitated only for a second. “When exactly are you leaving Miami?”
“In two days.” His tone shifted slightly, curiosity creeping in. “Why?”
“Are you busy tomorrow afternoon?”
“Uh, no, not really. I was just gonna spend the day with my mom. Why?”
“Would she hate me if I stole you for a couple of hours?”
Danny let out a chuckle. “I doubt she’d hate you for any reason in the world, to be honest.”
(Y/N) smiled, knowing damn well he was right about that.
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow after five. I’ll send you the details later, okay?”
“Sounds perfect. I’ll see you tomorrow, Miss (Initial).”
“See you tomorrow. Bye.”
As she hung up, a smile tugged at her lips, her chest suddenly feeling lighter. What she didn’t know was that on the other end of the call, Danny felt the exact same way. After all, maybe going back to being friends wasn’t going to be as hard as it seemed.
The next day rolled in, and thankfully, (Y/N) was on time and much more relaxed than the day before. She waited at the park, casually snacking as she watched people stroll by, some walking, others riding bikes along the path. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the scene, and the usual Miami heat had softened under the evening breeze.
Just as a new playlist started playing in her earphones, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She pulled out one earbud and glanced over her shoulder.
“Hey,” Danny greeted her with an easy smile.
“Oh, hi!” Her own smile mirrored his as she took a quick look at him from head to toe, checking if he was dressed for the occasion. He was—comfortable athletic wear, a hat, and, as always, the same chain resting on his chest.
“Let’s go. We’ve got places to be!” she announced, already starting to walk.
Danny chuckled, shaking his head at how naturally she spoke to him, as if they had just seen each other minutes ago. He followed her lead, still unsure of their destination, until they stopped in front of a rollerblade rental shop.
“You’re kidding.” He looked from the skates to her, eyebrows raised. “Are we roller skating?”
(Y/N) nodded nonchalantly.
He let out a laugh. “Did it even cross your mind that I might not know how to do that?”
“You don’t?” She tilted her head, though she didn’t seem all that concerned.
“I do,” he admitted. “But you didn’t know that.”
“I guessed.” She simply shrugged. “ I don’t, by the way. Figured it would be a good time to try it out.”
Danny stared at her, half amused, half baffled. “Bro, what? Are you crazy?” He laughed again, shaking his head. “I cannot wait to see how this ends. You’re unbelievable.”
(Y/N) finally laughed, not bothering to argue as she went ahead with the rental process. Before he could protest further, she handed him a pair of skates and dragged him back toward the park, just steps away from Miami Beach.
They sat on a bench, helping each other lace up their skates. Danny stood first, testing his balance before extending both hands toward her.
“Alright, come on,” he said, steady and sure. “Let’s see if you survive this.”
(Y/N) took his hands, already laughing as she wobbled to her feet.
The moment (Y/N) was fully standing, she realized she had made a mistake.
Her feet wobbled dangerously beneath her, rolling in opposite directions as she clung onto Danny’s hands for dear life.
“Oh—oh no, wait—” she stammered, trying to steady herself.
Danny, already grinning, barely held back a laugh.
“Oh, this is bad” he said dramatically, his grip tightening to keep her upright. “I thought I was gonna have to help you a little but you might actually die.”
“Shut up!” she whined, struggling to find her balance. “This is harder than it looks!”
Danny, completely at ease on his skates, skated backward while still holding onto her, making it look effortless.”
“See, the key is—”
Before he could finish his sentence, (Y/N) yelped as her foot slid forward too fast, and just like that—bam—she hit the pavement.
For a split second, there was silence.
Then, Danny lost it
“Oh my god—” He doubled over, laughing so hard he had to brace himself against his knees. “That was amazing. I wish I had my phone out.”
(Y/N) groaned from the ground. “ Can you please not?! “
“No, no, I’m motivating you,” he said between chuckles, offering her a hand. “Come on, get up. Let’s try this again.”
She took his hand and, with his help, got back on her feet. This time, she lasted about ten seconds before her legs betrayed her again.
Danny clutched his stomach, laughing even harder.
“I swear—” (Y/N) glared at him from the ground. “If you laugh one more time—”
“Sorry, sorry!” He wiped a fake tear from his eye. “I’m done, I swear. Come on champ. Get up.”
He held out a hand again, and after a second, she narrowed her eyes at him but took it anyway.
“Alright,” This time Danny pulled her closer so she had no choice but to hold onto his shoulders for support. “We’re gonna take this slow. No sudden movements.”
(Y/N) nodded seriously, gripping onto him like her life depended on it.
“Good.” He smirked. “Now… say ‘Wheee!’”
She blinked. “What?”
He suddenly pushed off, skating forward with her clinging onto him.
“Danny, NO!”
Her scream echoed through the park as he burst out laughing all over again.
Two very long hours passed—and after an embarrassing number of falls—(Y/N) finally started to get the hang of it. She still wasn’t graceful, and Danny never missed an opportunity to have fun with it, but at least she could move without immediately wiping out.
By the time they returned their skates, both of them were starving. So, without much thought, they walked to a nearby burger spot, grabbed their food, and made their way to the now-dark beach.
The sound of the waves filled the quiet space as they sat down on the sand, shoes off, letting the night breeze cool them down. Danny took a big bite of his burger, chewing thoughtfully before turning to (Y/N).
"Alright, I’ll admit it," he said, stretching his legs out in front of him. "That was way more fun than I expected. Even if you’re all bruised up and traumatized after it.
(Y/N) scoffed, nudging his arm. "You know what? You’re actually a hater. There’s no need to mention that stuff.”
Danny laughed, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah. But seriously, this was great. We need to do it again."
(Y/N) smiled, resting her chin on her knee as she looked out at the water. "I’d love to. Just gotta figure out when we’ll actually be in the same city again."
Danny hummed in agreement. "Yeah… schedules are a pain. But we’ll make it work. Even if it takes months, we’ll plan something.”
"Deal," (Y/N) said, holding out her pinky.
Danny grinned and locked his pinky with hers without hesitation. "Deal."
For a moment, neither of them said anything, just enjoying the cool breeze and the comfortable ease between them.
However long it took, they both knew this wouldn’t be the last time.
Still wanting to read more? Here are some other Danny’s shots to read. You’re welcome!!!
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quangxi · 1 year ago
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killjoy-prince · 9 months ago
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#prince's talk tag#WHERE IS HE I NEED TO KNOW HES OK!!#yes i know he got fired at the end of chapter 27 but his luck is so good i imagine he bounced back quickly#i need him and twilight to interact again!! there so fun!!#i know it wont happen but imagine he somehow ends up working for WISE and he and twilight get paired for a mission#or twilight and yor have missions to do but dont wanna leave anya alone and no one is available atm so they hire someone#and that someone is daybreak#but since twilight already left by the time he arrived and yor was the one that greeted him before she left#twilight couldnt stop him from potentially blowing his cover (like he thinks hes been made but it was just a coincidence)#OR he is there when daybreak arrives but he can't send him away without raising suspicion so he has to take the L#and he either spends the whole chapter worried or he tries to go home to check on them but cant#meanwhile anya has read their minds and knows theyve met before and she gets excited which makes it harder for twilight to send daybreak off#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i miss him soooooo much#ENDO WHERE IS HE??? WHY DID YOU LOCK HIM IN YOUR BASEMENT!! LET HIM OUT!!!!!#this was from ch 92 i was catching up bc i wanted a bunch of chapters to come out so i can read them all in one go#and yo that reveal anya pulled on damien during their dance!!!! so good!!!!#like yea he didnt believe her but she said it and he'll think about it whenever she say something she couldnt possibly of known#sxf#spy x family
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celestial-toys · 1 year ago
*closes 13 tabs on astrology and greek mythology*
ES Ch.5… is now complete.
#Everything Stays#writing stuff#Seven’s Celestial Commentary#there were 30 tabs in total by the time i was done doing all my research for this chapter but the other 17 weren’t astrology related#they’re full of name definitions and foods and children’s books and FNaF wiki pages#but yes! more time than i’d like and 13k+ words later… the chapter feels ready to go#gotta give it one final editing sweep and draft it up on Ao3 but it’ll be ready in time for the fic’s anniversary!!! which was my goal#exciting news for the few of you who out there that maybe hopefully haven’t given up on this story in spite of yet another long hiatus#(full transparency: this post and the following tags were drafted a few days ago and then i. never posted it.)#***the Preceding tags not the following tags#(so! take this as your official announcement that ES Ch.5 is now live on Ao3! i did it!! i posted it on the anniversary!!!)#(with one entire hour to spare CST! wow look at me go)#(no honestly i’m very disappointed in myself that my time management failed me once again. bc i wanted the chapter to go up at 7pm not 11pm#and i wanted to have the Edit Log and Appearance Reference Sheet posted here already so i could link them.#but it’s okay we live and we learn and one day i’ll learn to start working on things further in advance to give myself more time#and honestly extra stuff aside the chapter would’ve at least gone up at an earlier hour#had the curse of being an Ao3 author not befallen me at 5pm by thrusting a fucking family emergency into my day#like everyone’s okay it’s all fine now but jesus christ what kinda timing. the ONE DAY THAT THE FIC’S ANNIVERSARY FALLS ON#and somehow it ends up involving four police cars :)#but that was not gonna fucking stop me from posting this chapter today. nothing could! i may be unreliable and inconsistent#but i wouldn’t be able to rest knowing that i missed this fucking anniversary#anyways. tempted as i am i Will Not overshare but i’ll reiterate that everything’s fine now! and Ch.5 is up so i’m going to sleep#will re-review the chapter and make any little edits tomorrow that my tired brain didn’t catch tonight. there’s always a few that slip by#okay that’s all from Present Day Seven goodnight i am very tired pls go read Everything Stays i will love you forever and even kiss you#if you want. or we’ll actually maybe don’t read it yet maybe gimme a few days to review it and catch any more edits that need making#***well not we’ll. i hate mobile tags
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joe-bastianich-is-a-cutie · 2 years ago
just got traumatized by a fucking jjk spoiler
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isitthemoon · 2 years ago
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joemama-2 · 2 months ago
velvet lies
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pairing: gojo x fem reader synopsis: crippling debt and possible evictions have ruined you. working two jobs with no downtime, and a five-year-old son, you really don't know the meaning of taking a break. after continuous questions about his father, you have decided to finally let your son meet his dad. only thing is, he has no idea said son exists. and to top it off, you have not a single clue about what kinds of things will transpire from this sudden revelation. wc: 10.2k DON'T FORGET TO READ PREVIOUS CHAPTER tags/warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut, fluff, romance, alcohol, classism, mom! reader, lying, abuse, MAJOR angst, slow burn, exes to lovers, (mentions of) cheating, scandals, death, blood, drugs, drama, family drama, miscommunication, blackmail, unhealthy coping mechanisms , depression, manipulation series masterlist < previous chapter< next chapter
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“You’re not serious.”
“Himari, please let’s not fight. I said I’d spend the 26th with you.”
“That doesn’t matter!”
She huffs, watching her boyfriend get his shower ready to go out and spend the day with another woman. Bitterness swirls in her stomach, anger threatening to be released if she wasn’t digging her nails into her palms. “You’re spending Christmas with some random bitch and a snot-nosed kid. How do you think that makes me fe—”
“Be quiet.” Satoru says, turning around to face her with a firm frown set in place. “I’ll tolerate you insulting me but don’t disrespect them, especially Koji.”
Himari freezes, her words catching in her throat as she registers the sharpness in Satoru’s voice. His usual laidback tone is gone, replaced with a seriousness that sends a chill down her spine. Her eyes narrow, but there’s a flicker of uncertainty in her expression.  “Disrespect them?” she repeats, her voice tinged with disbelief. “Are you even listening to yourself? You’re choosing them over me, Satoru. On Christmas. What am I supposed to think?”  
“You’re supposed to understand,” he replies, his tone softening but remaining firm. “Koji is my son. I’ve already missed enough of his life—I’m not going to miss any more.”  
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“And what about me? What about us?” Himari snaps, stepping closer to him. “We’ve been together for almost two years, and I’ve only just now found out about all this shit. How do you think that makes me feel? Like an afterthought? Like you don’t trust me?”  
Satoru exhales slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose. He knows she has a point, but he also knows this argument isn’t going anywhere productive. “Himari, this isn’t about trust. It’s about priorities. Koji needs me, and I’m not going to let him down. Not ever. I just need you to understand that, that’s all.”  
“And what about my needs?” she presses, her voice breaking slightly. “Am I just supposed to sit here and wait for you to decide when I’m important enough to make time for?”  
“You’re important to me,” Satoru says, his gaze meeting hers. “But Koji will always come first. That’s not going to change, Himari. If you can’t accept that…” He trails off, letting the weight of his words hang in the air.  
Himari’s jaw tightens, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “You’re unbelievable, you know that? You waltz into my life with all your charm and promises, and now you’re telling me I have to share you with some other family? What kind of relationship is this supposed to be? I did not sign up to be a fucking step-mother.”
Satoru steps closer, his expression softening slightly. “It’s the kind where I’m trying to do right by my son while still being with you. But I can’t do this if you’re going to make me choose.”  
She stares at him, her chest rising and falling with uneven breaths. “Maybe you already have,” she whispers before turning on her heel and storming out of the bathroom.  
Satoru watches her leave, a heaviness settling in his chest. He doesn’t chase after her, instead turning back to the shower and letting the water run. For a moment, he just stands there, the steam fogging the mirror and blurring his reflection.  
He’s made his choice, and he doesn’t regret it. But he knows the fallout isn’t over yet. He sighs as he steps in, closing the glass door. She’ll come around in a few hours when she’s all settled down, that’s how it always is—so he won’t dwell over it. Besides, he has more pressing matters to take into account. 
Hearing the shower run in the bathroom, Himari has stomped over to the bedroom. Hands fishing the sheets in order to feel for his phone. After some seconds, she finds it. Already knowing the password, she angrily unlocks it and begins swiping and surfing through every app of his. “If you’re cheating on me, Satoru. I swear to god.” She mutters to herself, scowling down at the screen. 
She doesn’t see anything, but she does click on his message with you. It all consists of just talks of the kid. 
Himari scrolls through the thread of messages, her scowl deepening as she reads. The exchanges are polite, straightforward, and almost entirely about your son—pickup times, school updates, doctor appointments. Nothing incriminating, nothing emotional. Just... parental coordination.  
But it still stings.  
Her grip tightens on the phone as her eyes skim over a message from a few days ago, the last message between you two:  
Thank you for picking him up and the food.  
Of course, he’s my son. Just let me know if you need anything else.
Himari scoffs, tossing the phone onto the bed with a frustrated huff. “Let me know if you need anything else.” she repeats mockingly under her breath. "He’s bending over backward for her, and I’m just supposed to sit here like nothing’s wrong? Yeah fucking right.”  
She paces the room, her mind racing. No matter how innocent the texts look, she can’t shake the feeling of being replaced. It doesn’t matter that Satoru insists he’s doing this for his son—his attention is divided, and she’s no longer at the center of his world.  Her pacing comes to a halt as she glances back at the phone. A new idea begins to form, one she knows is petty but feels justified in her growing anger.  
"If he won’t make me a priority," she mutters, picking up the phone again, "then I’ll remind him of what he stands to lose."  
She opens the camera app and snaps a picture of herself, deliberately angling it to show her figure in the soft light of the bedroom. Attaching it to a blank text, she hovers over the send button.  But something stops her. A hesitation, a flicker of doubt. She’s never had to fight for Satoru’s attention before—he’s always made her feel like she was the only one that mattered.  
Until now.  
With a frustrated growl, she deletes the photo and tosses the phone back onto the bed. Crossing her arms, she glares at the bathroom door, the sound of the shower still running behind it.  
"If you want to play the perfect dad, fine," she mutters. "But don’t expect me to sit around and wait while you pretend I don’t exist." 
Sitting down onto the bed, another form of thought pops in her head. Yanking the phone back into her hands, she presses his photo album. There must be something in here. And so, she scours and scours, zooming in on every picture in fear you’ll be in the background. However, she doesn’t find anything. Only pictures of that little brat who looks like his mirrored version. “Because of you…” she grits, hand tightening around the phone. 
Continuing to scroll higher, she can tell she’s reaching earlier years. Still, the insecurity and fear plaguing her chest causes her to not stop—not until she gets to the very first photo in his album. Then she’ll for sure know he’s still hers. She’s in the year 2015, before she met Satoru. He looks younger, more boyish. She pushes down the endearing feelings she holds towards his younger self and scrolls up. 
Until, she comes across a video. 
The start of it has your face in it and she’s clicking. You’re sitting cross legged on the floor in some Christmas jammies, a Santa hat on your head with a big Christmas tree behind you. She can assume Satoru’s sitting across from you, hearing his voice say, “Okay, go!”
The entirety of the video is her holding back throwing his phone across the room. Seeing you two open each other's gifts, seeing you smile at her man, and seeing her man look at you holding the camera in such a soft way—a way she’s almost never experienced before. 
She’s getting nauseous. 
She almost throws up when she catches a glimpse of you two kissing, saying the words I love you so softly. She quickly clicks out and shuts the phone off when the sounds of low moaning fill the speakers. 
Why does he even still have this? Does he look back on this?
She wants to claw her eyes and ears out of her body. Feeling utterly infuriated at her boyfriend for keeping practically a sextape of his ex even after all these years. You fucking assume, Satoru! Himari sits on the edge of the bed, her arms folded tightly across her chest. Her mind is a storm of thoughts—jealousy, anger, and a pang of something else she refuses to name. Satoru’s insistence on prioritizing Koji and you feels like a betrayal, even if she knows deep down it’s not the same as him being unfaithful.  
Still, she can’t shake the bitterness creeping into her heart.  
She glances at his phone again, her jaw tightening. What does she have that I don’t? The question gnaws at her, even as she tries to shove it aside.  
When the sound of the shower cuts off, Himari straightens her posture, her eyes narrowing. A brewing begins to form—not a vengeful one, but one that will force Satoru to confront the rift growing between them.  Moments later, Satoru steps out of the bathroom, towel around his neck, his damp hair tousled and messy. He pauses when he sees her sitting there, her gaze piercing through him. “What’s with the look?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.  
She doesn’t answer right away, instead standing up and taking a slow step toward him. “Satoru,” she starts, her voice low but steady, “do you even realize how this feels for me? Watching you drop everything for her and that kid?”  
He sighs, already bracing himself for another argument. “Himari, we’ve been over this. Koji is my son. I have responsibilities—”  
“And what about your responsibilities to me?” she snaps, cutting him off. “I’m your girlfriend. I’ve been by your side for years. I’ve supported you, loved you, stood by you. But lately, it feels like I don’t even exist to you.”  
Satoru pinches the bridge of his nose, frustration etched into his features. “This isn’t about us, Himari. It’s about Koji. He’s my son. I missed years of his life because I didn’t even know he existed. I’m not going to waste more time by pretending he doesn’t matter.”  
“And I don’t matter?” she fires back, her voice rising. “That’s what you’re saying, right? That I come second to some kid you barely even know?”  
Satoru’s patience finally snaps. “He’s not some kid, Himari! He’s my blood, my responsibility. And if you can’t understand that, maybe you don’t belong in my life after all.”  
The words hang in the air like a slap. Himari stares at him, stunned into silence, her mouth opening and closing as she tries to process what he just said. Satoru doesn’t wait for her response. He grabs his phone from the bed, slipping it into his pocket, and heads toward the door. “I’ll be back later,” he says flatly. “Don’t wait up.”  
The door slams shut behind him, leaving Himari alone in the room, her anger boiling over into tears she refuses to let fall. In the silence, one thought echoes louder than the rest: 
I won’t let her win. You wanted me to teach you, right? Then I’ll teach you.
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Satoru’s already not having a good day. He could put most of the blame on his girlfriend, the other on his parents for questioning why he’s spending the holiday with you instead, and also the fact that there’s traffic. 
Of course there’s traffic. 
It’s a good thing, almost. It gives him some time to himself. It lets him calm his annoyance, the last thing he wants to do is ruin the day for his son. He’s also a little nervous to see you. He hasn’t seen or texted you since your small argument last time, and while he does feel bad, the other part of him still believes that what he did wasn’t wrong. Hopefully—maybe today or another day—he can settle that issue with you truly. There’s a lot of things he needs to settle with you, actually. 
But just like they say one day at a time, one problem at a time. 
His finger taps absentmindedly against his steering wheel as he surges his car forward before stopping again. Sighing, he checks the time. Cutting it a little close. He turns the music up and leans back, sighing heavily. 
But the song on the radio is something upbeat, and it only serves to grate on his nerves. Satoru switches it off with a sharp jab of his finger. The silence that follows isn’t much better, though—it leaves too much room for his thoughts to wander again. 
He wonders if you’ll bring up the argument as soon as he arrives. You’re not one to let things fester, not when Koji’s around, but he knows you’ve probably been stewing on it, the way you always do when it involves him. The guilt creeps in again, and he brushes it off like a pesky fly. He’s good at that—pushing things aside until they’re too big to ignore. That’s why you two are in this mess in the first place, isn’t it?
Well, it’s surely part of it. 
The honk of a car behind him jolts him out of his thoughts. The traffic’s moving again, and Satoru presses on the gas, muttering a curse under his breath. He’s cutting it close, all right.
By the time he pulls up outside your place, his nerves are just frayed enough that he almost considers texting you to say he’s here instead of going to the door. But that feels… cowardly. He’s Satoru Gojo, for crying out loud. He can face you.
He steps out of the car, walking into the complex and up to your apartment. When he knocks on the door, it takes a moment before he hears the faint sound of footsteps approaching. The door swings open, and there you are, looking… tired. But not unhappy to see him, which is something. Adorned in an apron too, how cute. 
“Hey,” you say, your voice softer than he expected.
“Hey,” he replies, trying for a smile that doesn’t feel forced. “Traffic was a nightmare.”
You nod, stepping aside to let him in. The warmth of your home envelops him immediately, and the faint sound of Koji’s laughter from the other room eases some of the tension in his chest.
“How’s he doing?” Satoru asks, his voice low as he glances toward the sound.
“He’s excited. Been asking about you all morning,” you say, crossing your arms but not looking at him directly.
Satoru shifts on his feet, his fingers tightening around the handle of the gift bag. “Yeah, well… I’m here now.”
You look at him then, your expression unreadable. “Yeah. You are.”
There’s a moment of quiet before Koji comes barreling into the room, his face lighting up when he sees his dad. “Papa!”
Satoru smiles, scooping up his son with ease as he walks into the living room, settling down onto the couch. The smell of delicious food fills his senses, eyes closing momentarily with a heavenly sigh. “Smells good, what’s your mother making?”
Koji grins, his arms wrapped tightly around Satoru’s neck. “She’s making roast chicken and cookies!” he exclaims, his voice brimming with excitement. “And I helped with the cookies. But Mama said I ate too much of the dough.”  
Satoru chuckles, ruffling Koji’s hair. “Sounds about right. You’ve got a sweet tooth like your old man.”  
Koji’s giggle is infectious, and Satoru can’t help but feel a swell of warmth as he holds his son close. His gaze drifts toward the kitchen, where the faint sound of clinking dishes and soft humming filters through. For a moment, the tension from the past few days fades, replaced by the simple comfort of being here with his family.  
“You’re late,” your voice cuts through the air, light but pointed. You step into the living room, wiping your hands on a towel as you glance at him. He notices the small smudge of flour on your cheek, but there’s a softness in your expression that Satoru clings to.  His eyes move down your figure, ignoring the fluttering in his heart because you just look so damn cute in an apron. It feels domestic. 
You’re wearing a comfortable dress underneath, hair down with gold jewelry. Satoru physically gulps and tears his eyes away when they linger too long on your smooth legs. “Like I said, traffic.” He replies effortlessly, flashing you a sheepish grin. “But I’m here now, aren’t I?”  
You inhale deeply, lips thinning but you concede with a simple nod. “Food’s almost ready. Koji, go wash your hands. And don’t forget to use soap this time.”  
Koji pouts but hops off Satoru’s lap, darting toward the bathroom. The moment he’s out of earshot, the room grows quiet, the weight of unspoken words settling between you and Satoru.  He leans back on the couch, watching you as you cross your arms and lean against the doorway. “You didn’t have to go all out today, you know,” he says, his tone softer than usual. “I could’ve helped you cook—”
You shrug, looking away for a moment as you cut him off. “It’s Christmas,” you reply. “I wanted it to be nice. For Koji.”  
He nods, understanding what you’re not saying. “For Koji,” he echoes. There’s a pause before he adds, “And for you, too. You deserve something nice, Y/N.”  
Your eyes flicker to his, searching for any hint of insincerity. But all you find is that familiar look—the one that’s both infuriating and disarming at the same time. “You can’t just say things like that and expect everything to be okay, Satoru,” you murmur, your voice barely audible.  
“I know,” he says, sitting up and resting his elbows on his knees. “But I’m trying, okay? I know I’ve been pushing boundaries, and I’m sorry. I just…” He runs a hand through his hair, exhaling deeply. “I don’t want to miss any more of this. Of him. Of you.”  
The words hang in the air, heavy with meaning. You hate when he says confusing things like this because it messes with your head, fooling yourself into thinking there’s something else there. Clearing your throat, you straighten out your light pink apron. “Don’t say things like that.”
The firmness in your tone causes Satoru to purse his lips. Standing up and walking over to you. “I don’t mean anything weird by it.”
“You may not think that, but other people have different opinions.”
“Are you still mad at me from before?”
That always ticks you off—asking such obvious questions with such an innocent face. You think he’s joking, just trying to poke at the bear. But his concerned eyes, brows lifted up—it tells a whole other story. You open your mouth to respond, but Koji’s cheerful shout from the bathroom interrupts.  
“Mama! Papa! I’m ready!”  
You glance toward the bathroom, then back at Satoru. The moment is gone, but the tension lingers. “Dinner’s in ten,” you say simply, turning on your heel to head back to the kitchen.  
Satoru watches you go, a bittersweet mien playing on his godly face. He knows he’s got a long way to go—but for now, he’ll take whatever moments he can get. It’s Christmas, he wants to make the most out of it. And if that means faking it til he makes it, then so be it. 
He’s not the only one faking. 
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You three are seated at the circular table in your kitchen. the warmth of the meal and the soft glow of fairy lights draped along the windows creating a cozy atmosphere. Koji chatters excitedly about his favorite Christmas movies as he eagerly digs into his plate, his small hands occasionally reaching for a cookie from the platter in the center. If Koji knew any better, he’d ask why his parents weren’t really talking to one another. 
And unfortunately, he does know better. 
“Mama? Papa? Why are you so quiet?”
Damn kids’ continent, but uncomfortable questions. 
You freeze, the fork halfway to your mouth, glancing at Satoru across the table. His eyes briefly meet yours before flicking back to Koji, his usual confident demeanor faltering under the weight of the question. “Quiet? We’re not quiet, bud,” Satoru says with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. He leans forward, propping his chin on his hand. “I’m just too busy stuffing my face to talk. This food is so good.”
Koji tilts his head, unconvinced. “But you always talk a lot, Papa. And Mama, you’re not smiling. I thought today was a happy day.”
Your grip on the fork tightens, the weight of Koji’s words hitting harder than you’d like to admit. Out of the mouths of babes, as they say. You force a small smile, though it feels paper-thin. “It is a happy day, sweetie. Mama’s just tired from all the cooking, that’s all.”  
Koji frowns, his big, curious eyes shifting between you and Satoru. He’s far too perceptive for his age, and it’s moments like this that make it clear just how much he picks up on. Satoru clears his throat, leaning back in his chair. “Hey, how about this? After dinner, we’ll all watch a Christmas movie together. You can pick, Koji. And then, we can open the presents.”  
Koji’s face lights up at the suggestion, but he’s not completely distracted. “Okay! But only if Mama picks, too. We all have to pick one!”  
You manage a soft chuckle, finally taking a bite of your food to avoid answering immediately. Satoru’s gaze lingers on you, and you can feel the unspoken words sitting heavy between you both. “That sounds like a deal,” you say after swallowing. “But only if you promise to eat all your vegetables first.”  
Koji scrunches his nose but nods. “Deal!”  
The rest of the meal is filled with Koji’s chatter, and though you and Satoru exchange a few words here and there, the tension remains. It’s not lost on either of you that Koji’s cheerful energy is doing the heavy lifting to make this feel like the family dinner it should be.  When the plates are cleared and Koji races to the couch to pick out the first movie, Satoru hesitates in the kitchen. He grabs a dish towel and starts drying the plates you’ve already washed, a small gesture that feels too intentional to be casual.  
“You don’t have to help,” you murmur, not looking at him. “I got it.”
“I want to,” he replies simply. There’s a pause before he adds, “I would’ve helped cook too, sorry I came later.”  
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye, his expression softer than you expected. “It’s okay,” you admit quietly. “It’s just dinner and opening gifts, I didn’t ask you to.”  
His hand stills on the plate he’s holding. “I know,” he says, his voice low. “But it’s still an obligation of mine, you don’t have to do everything alone. I’m here now, remember?”  
The vulnerability in his tone catches you off guard. The truth to his words cause you to bite your lips, guilt sinking into your bones. It didn’t feel like one of those snide comments, but it had practically the same effect. And you know that he’s here, so he can handle some of your weight. However, it’s nonetheless hard to trust him with it, fearing it’ll be too heavy for him too. Before you can respond, Koji’s voice echoes from the living room.  
“Mama! Papa! Hurry up, the movie’s starting!”  
You sigh, drying your hands on a towel. “Let’s go before he starts it without us.” Satoru follows you to the couch, where Koji has already made a nest of blankets. As the movie begins, Koji snuggles between the two of you, his small hands clutching the remote.  He giggles, snuggling closer to you both, dropping the remote to the table. 
 It’s not perfect, but for tonight, it’s enough. It has to be, it’s Christmas. Although you’re not doing too much this holiday, not that you ever do, it still means a lot to Koji. Because he finally has his dad to spend it with. 
As the movie begins, Koji seems to have other plans. He grabs both of your hands—Satoru’s right and your left— bringing them in front of him and making them mash together. Immediately you tense up, just the slightest graze of Satoru’s long fingers having more of an effect on you than you anticipated. 
You pull away, Satoru’s hand lingers before he soon gets the hint. 
Koji frowns, head swiveling between his two parents. “Mama, Papa, you’re supposed to hold hands! That’s what families do,” Koji says, his little brows furrowing in frustration. His pout deepens, clearly displeased with your reaction.  
You give him a soft smile, hoping to smooth things over. “We are a family, Koji. We don’t need to hold hands to prove that,” you say gently, brushing his hair back from his forehead.  
“But it’s Christmas!” he protests, his small hands still clutching yours and Satoru’s as if he could force them together by sheer will. “Santa says families should be happy and together on Christmas! That’s what they do in the movies.”  
Satoru chuckles lightly, though there’s a hint of something conflicted in his expression as he looks at Koji. “Santa sounds like a pretty smart guy,” he murmurs, his gaze briefly flicking to you before resting on Koji again. “But sometimes families have their own way of being happy, bud. It doesn’t always look the same.”  
Koji seems to consider this, his lips pursed in thought. “Okay… but can we all hold hands just for the movie?” His tone is pleading, his wide eyes impossible to say no to.  
You hesitate, feeling the weight of Satoru’s gaze on you, before finally relenting with a quiet sigh. “I….Alright, just for the movie,” you say, letting Koji place your hand back in Satoru’s.  
Satoru’s fingers brush against yours again, warm and steady, and for a moment, neither of you moves. The contact feels heavier than it should, but Koji’s delighted giggle pulls your focus back to him.  
“See? Now it’s perfect!” he exclaims, snuggling back into the blankets with a satisfied grin. He holds your conjoined hands. 
Satoru hums softly, unintentionally giving your hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze before turning his attention to the screen. The movie plays on, Koji’s laughter filling the room. And while the air between you and Satoru remains thick with unspoken words, for this moment, you let yourself stay in the quiet warmth of your son’s happiness.  
The warmth of Koji’s small hands on top of yours is grounding, even as the tension between you and Satoru buzzes just beneath the surface. You glance at him briefly, finding his expression softer than usual. He’s watching Koji, a faint smile tugging at his lips, but when he catches your gaze, something knowing lingers in his eyes.
You look back at the screen, ignoring the familiarity Satoru’s large hand brings you. It’s familiar but different at the same time. It feels a bit more calloused, proof of his own events he’s faced in his life during the time you were separated. 
And to him, your hand feels just as it always did. Warm, soft, and so perfectly fitting. It’s like two puzzle pieces, or a key to a lock. For a second, he compares how it feels to Himari before mentally chastising himself. That’s probably a fucked up thing to do. But he’s already done a lot of that in his life. His thumb runs smoothly across your knuckles, causing a shiver to run down your spine. 
You want to pull away, but your son is a reminder to keep up the act. 
The movie plays on, filling the silence with cheerful music and laughter, but you can hardly focus. Satoru’s hand is still resting lightly against yours, his thumb brushing against your rugged muscle every so often, whether intentionally or not. It sends a twinge of something—nostalgia, maybe?—through your chest. You shift slightly, trying to focus on the screen, but Koji’s contented sigh draws your attention back to him. He’s nestled between the two of you, his little face illuminated by the glow of the TV, looking completely at peace.
“Are you happy, Koji?” you ask softly, the words slipping out before you can think them through.
Koji nods emphatically, his grin widening. “Yeah! This is the best Christmas ever!”
Satoru chuckles, his voice low and warm. “That’s a pretty big claim, Koji. We haven’t even opened the presents yet. What makes it the best?”
“Because I have Mama and Papa,” Koji says simply, looking between the two of you with wide, earnest eyes. “I don’t need presents or anything. Just you two.”
Your heart clenches at his words, and you feel Satoru’s hand tighten a bit around yours. You don’t twitch away this time, letting the moment settle over you like the soft glow of the fairy lights. Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been emotional this entire week already, or the fact that Koji is just so happy, but you’re feeling yourself choke up. 
For a brief second, the weight of everything—the arguments, the hurt, the uncertainty—fades into the background. It’s just the three of you, here and now, and maybe that’s enough. “Merry Christmas, Koji,” you whisper, leaning down to kiss the top of his head. Hiding a trembling lip against his white tresses. Your eyes close, forcing your tears to stay exactly put where they are. 
“Merry Christmas,” Satoru echoes, his voice unusually tender. He peers over at you from the corner of his eye, a gut-wrenching twisting at his stomach when he sees your expression. He wants to wipe away the crinkle between your eyebrows with his free hand, but he decides against it—probably not the best thing to do right now. He can only offer you a firmer hand on top of yours, cradling it like it’s a diamond. It’s like a warm quilt, it feels oddly comforting. 
Again, you’re getting nostalgic. Maybe that’s another reason why you feel like crying right now—knowing you only have this fleeting moment. Koji’s smile widens, his hands squeezing one last time before settling back into his blanket cocoon.
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The hours pass, having watched multiple movies already. Koji’s on the edge of falling asleep before you carefully wake him up that it’s midnight. He practically jumps right back into action, all former sleepiness gone and relaxes with utter excitement. “Presents! We can open the presents!” He scrambles to the tree, already beginning to pick at the ones he wants to open. 
You smile softly, watching Koji bounce around with excitement, the energy from the day still shining brightly in his eyes. He’s so full of joy, so eager to unwrap the surprises you and Satoru managed to get for him. The sight warms your heart, even as a quiet tension lingers in the room.
Satoru, still leaning back against the couch, watches Koji with a mix of amusement and something more—something heavier. His lips twitch, as if trying to hold back a smile, but the look in his eyes when he glances at you doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Alright, baby,” you say softly, standing up from your spot. “Let’s open them, but remember, one at a time.”
Koji nods, his little hands already tearing into the first present like a whirlwind. He pulls out a small toy car and holds it up triumphantly, his eyes sparkling with delight. “Look, Mama! Look, Papa! It’s just like the one I saw at the store!”
Satoru chuckles and ruffles his hair. “That’s a good one, Koji. I’m jealous. What else ya got?”
You can’t help but smile at the exchange, even as you reach down to grab the next present for Koji. But something still nags at you. The way Satoru looks at Koji, it’s so…heartwarming. It’s a look given only to his child, one a father could only give out. You feel both touched and warm at the same time. 
Tonight is about Koji, about making sure he feels loved and special. And while you and Satoru are at odds, you both are doing one hell of a job of making sure that it comes true. 
As Koji continues to unwrap gifts, the room fills with laughter and the sound of crinkling wrapping paper. Your heart swells watching him, but in the back of your mind, the remnants of the earlier tension refuse to fully fade. The space between you and Satoru feels both distant and strangely intimate all at once.
After maybe an hour, after admiring each gift right after opening it, Koji finishes opening his presents. You both settle back into the couch, Koji nestled between you, holding onto his new toys. There’s figurines—mainly Spider-Man or Avengers based—toy cars or motorcycles, a little rocket ship, hot wheels, a Nerf Gun, new clothes, he really got it all this year. Of course, most of the contribution was from Satoru. The silence stretches, but it feels softer now. The tension, although still there, feels more like a quiet hum in the background, overshadowed by Koji’s happiness.
“Thank you, Mama,” Koji says sleepily, his little voice thick with the exhaustion of the day. “And thank you, Papa.”
Satoru leans in, placing a gentle kiss on the top of Koji’s head. “You’re welcome, bud. Merry Christmas.” He smiles, watching his son begin to put his Spider-Man on top of the motorcycle, sparing a glance back at the tree. It’s then his smile falters. 
“Oh, you forgot two, Koji.”
“Hm?” His son looks up, seeing the two gifts all the way at the back of the tree. Getting so distracted with all his other gifts, he must’ve forgotten about those two. He sets his toys to the side and crawls back onto the floor to reach for the gift bags. Reading the tags, he looks over at you. “Oh, Mama. These are from your friend.” 
When Koji stands up and hands you one of the presents, you’re suddenly reminded. Oh. In a way, you did also forget that Suguru got you and Koji something—just so wrapped up in watching Koji rip apart each of his gifts. You smile faintly, thumbs running over the intricate snowflake patterns. 
“Friend?” Satoru asks, his voice bringing you back to reality. 
Head turning over, you realize that his face has contorted—scrunched up slightly when he holds onto Koji’s gift, reading the name of the receiver. “Suguru?” His eyes meet yours, filled with a tint of disapproval. “When did he get you two something?”
You almost lie, feeling a random burst of gultuness hit you. But it’s gone as soon as it comes. Because Satoru’s voice sounds curlis in a sense, but also suspicious. It makes you feel a little irritated, holding back a light scoff. So what Suguru got you and Koji something? “He came over to drop it off.” 
Maybe that wasn’t the best answer to give. Now Satoru’s body has faced you fully, eyebrow raising like he’s trying to put two and two together. But there’s nothing to put together. “And when was this?”
“A few days ago,” you reply back, firming your intonation. 
Satoru’s gaze narrows ever so slightly, and you can feel the shift in the air between you both. The tension that’s been simmering beneath the surface all evening suddenly intensifies. “A few days ago…” Satoru repeats, his tone now more deliberate.
“Is there a problem?” You ask, mirroring his reaction. 
Satoru bites the inside of his cheek, very obviously holding back on something for the sake of his son and the holiday. Shaking his head and giving Koji’s gift back to him. “Nope, no problem.”
You can’t help yourself as you huff under your breath, focusing back on your son as he opens the gift. He gasps, yanking the tissue paper out and revealing a bright, shiny new Spider-Man action figure. His eyes widen with delight as he holds it up to you and Satoru, showing off the intricate details of the toy. "Look, Mama! Look, Papa! It's just like the new one I saw on TV!" He beams, completely oblivious to the lingering tension in the room. “It talks and makes noises and lights up!”
You chuckle softly, finding his excitement endearing. "It's perfect, Koji. You’re going to have so much fun with that."
Satoru, however, seems distracted. He’s still watching you closely, his expression unreadable, though there’s a faint edge to his demeanor. You can tell he's trying to keep his composure, but his mind is clearly elsewhere.
Koji has almost entirely disregarded his previous gifts to play with his new gift, his attention fully focused on the toy in his hands. 
Satoru clears his throat, the subtle sound pulling you back from your thoughts. "So, Suguru came by to drop off gifts...?" His voice carries a tone that’s almost too casual, but you don’t miss the hint of something more in his eyes.
You hold his gaze, the irritation bubbling up again. "Yes, he did. He’s been kind to us." You can’t help the defensiveness that creeps into your voice. "Is that a problem?"
Satoru doesn’t immediately answer. Instead, he glances over at Koji, who’s happily occupied with his toy. He exhales slowly, running a hand through his hair before meeting your eyes again. "No, I didn’t say that. I just... I just didn’t know he was so involved."
You feel a knot form in your stomach. The subtle way he’s questioning you, the way his posture tenses every time Suguru’s name comes up—he’s feeling something, and you’re not sure how to read it. Before you can respond, Koji looks up from his toys, his voice full of innocent curiosity. “Is something wrong, Papa? Mama?”
You both turn your attention to him, but the tension doesn’t fully dissipate. You force a smile, trying to keep things light. "No, Koji. Everything’s fine." You reach over to ruffle his hair. "Are you enjoying your presents?"
Koji nods enthusiastically, his smile wide. "Best Christmas ever!" he exclaims. He looks down at your gift. “Open yours, Mama. I wanna see what your friend got you.”
You hesitate, still trying to steady your emotions after the tension with Satoru. “Alright, sweetheart,” you say, holding your gift upright in your lap. Gently peeling away the wrapping, revealing a small, wooden box. The delicate craftsmanship catches your attention immediately. 
Koji’s eyes widen in anticipation. “What’s inside, Mama? What is it?”
You open the box, revealing a small silver pendant shaped like a star, its surface engraved with intricate patterns. It’s beautiful—elegant and simple, a perfect fit for you. You trace your fingers over the smooth edges, a soft sigh escaping your lips as you smile at the thoughtful gesture. It comes with a thin silver chain, a small note underneath it. When you pull it out, it reads: 
“For the one who shines the brightest, even in the darkest of times.”
Your heart skips a beat as you read the words. It’s simple, yet so deeply personal. You trace the note with your fingertips, a mixture of warmth and something else stirring in your chest. You always mocked Suguru in the past for being so corny with his words, you never expected to be on the receiving end of them. And you never expected to blush from it either. 
“Isn’t it pretty, Mama?” Koji asks, his voice filled with genuine excitement. “I think it’s sparkly like the stars!”
You nod. “It’s beautiful, sweetheart. I’m sure it’ll look lovely on me,” You slide the pendant into your hand, clutching it for a moment longer before carefully setting it back inside. But, despite your best efforts to keep things together, you can feel the tension building again. Satoru’s look that he fails to hide is getting more on your nerves by the second. He’s acting like he has some right to be upset if his friend is giving you something. He’s acting like it’s a bigger deal than it actually is.
“Are you gonna wear it?” Koji asks, his eyes shining with curiosity. “Papa, won’t Mama look pretty with it?”
You peer over. “Of course, Mama will look pretty with it,” he says with a half-smile that’s forced. “She’s always beautiful, no matter what she wears.”
You scoff this time. What a load of shit. 
Koji squeals, clearly pleased with the answer. “Right, Mama? You’re the prettiest!”
You smile back, feeling warmth in your chest, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. “Thanks, sweetheart,” you mutter softly, trying to keep things light. 
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It’s extremely late now. Koji has passed out in his room with the figurine Suguru got him. Satoru and you have cleaned up in complete silence, the awkward tension intensifying even more now that Koji isn’t here to mend that. There’s only the sound of the soft hum of the dishwasher as it runs. You wipe down the counter, your movements mechanical, each action making the silence stretch longer and longer between you. Satoru stands by the sink, wiping down the wet surface around it with a towel, his back to you. But you can feel his presence in the room like a weight pressing down on the air.
Neither of you says anything, the unspoken words piling up between you both. You can feel the tension crawling beneath your skin, just like before, but now there’s no Koji to distract you, no innocent question to break the silence. Just you and Satoru, both avoiding the inevitable conversation that looms in the background. Until he finally has the balls to do something. “He didn’t tell me he was getting you guys something.”
You pause, staring down at the clean surface. “Why would he have to tell you? It’s just a present.” Your hand moves again, moving onto the corner of the granite. 
Satoru bites his tongue, willing himself not to snark back. He turns his body around, eyes digging holes into the back of your head. “I mean, it’s a little strange.”
“Because Koji is my son, you’re my ex.”
“So that suddenly means I’m incapable of receiving presents from other men now?” You whirl around, hands on your hips. “What did you say again? Oh, right. ‘Stop getting mad at little things’.” 
Satoru flinches, his jaw tightening at your words. For a moment, he’s caught off guard, not expecting you to snap back so quickly. But he doesn’t back down. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.” His voice is low, tight, as if he’s trying to keep his composure. “I just don’t like how...how weird that feels.”
You roll your eyes. “Right, weird, huh?”
“I’m not trying to argue, okay?”
“I’m not arguing either,” you quip back. “But you have no right to act like this is ‘weird’ when it’s not. You have no right to be even curious about who’s giving Koji and I gifts.”
“No right?” He huffs back at you, lip curling up. “I think I have all the right, Y/N. First off, he’s my son. Second off, we used to date. And third off, that’s my best friend. What kind of best friend—”
“Then maybe you should take that up with him.” You cut him off, chin tilting up. It’s getting harder by the second to keep things calm and composed. But Satoru shoving his fat nose into something that doesn’t involve him is testing every bit of patience you have. “I can get a gift from whoever I want, that’s none of your concern.”
Satoru’s eyes narrow as you speak, his grip on the towel tightening, the vein in his neck twitching with barely restrained frustration. “None of my concern, huh?” His voice lowers, the words coming out sharp. “That’s funny, because it seems like everything I do, say, or feel ends up being your concern, whether you want it to be or not.”
You step closer, your heart racing as the anger rises in your chest, pushing against the barriers you’ve built. “Satoru, I’m done pretending like everything we do is some sort of tangled mess that you have the right to control. You’re not my boyfriend anymore, and Koji isn’t the reason I have to explain every little thing to you.”
“I’m not saying you have to.”
“Then just shut the hell up about it already.”
Silence follows. 
The room feels colder now, the weight of your words settling heavily in the space between you. Satoru doesn’t respond immediately, his jaw clenched tightly as he stares at you, his chest rising and falling as if he’s weighing the next words carefully. He’s frustrated, no doubt, but something else lingers beneath it—something deeper, something that neither of you has dared to address.
You stand there, both of you frozen, the only sound the faint hum of the dishwasher and the quiet rhythm of your breathing. It feels as though time has stopped, the tension so thick it’s almost suffocating. Then, slowly, Satoru takes a breath and places the towel down on the counter, running a hand through his hair. “Fine,” he mutters, his voice much softer now, but still tinged with frustration. “I get it. It’s not my place anymore.”
Your lips purse, feeling slightly caught off guard by his quick reluctance to further escalate things. But that’s a good thing, right? Swallowing down anything else, you nod stiffly. Eyes moving down to focus on anything else but him. Your hands awkwardly fiddle together. 
But he never looks away from you. Mind reeling about what to say or do next, fearing that he did in fact make a big deal out of nothing. It’s just presents, that’s it. But the quiet voice in his head nags at him more and more. But why didn’t Suguru say anything? Isn’t it at least some common courtesy to tell your best friend you’re getting his son and ex a gift? Even a simple text would have sufficed. 
But he didn’t do any of that. So Satoru’s brain feels like he tried to hide it—for a reason? He doesn’t know. Maybe he forgot? Still, he doesn’t like the knot that forms in his gut. 
A calming breath is taken to reset his system, shaking his head. Not tonight, not tonight. His fingers reach into the pocket of his coat, feeling a small, square box. He waits for a few seconds, unsure if he should continue on. Nonetheless, he does. Pulling out the little thing, presenting it in front of him. 
He clears his throat, you look back over at him. Head tilting slightly at the sight of the wrapped box with a tiny red bow. “…what is that?”
“My gift to you.” He murmurs out, holding it to you. 
Your eyes widen, mouth parting. No words come out, feeling a multitude of varying emotions. It all ends with you reaching out for the box, shaking it a little. You hear a small clanking. Asking a stupid question like what is it will just keep your wary feelings alive. So, you carefully remove the light wrapping, slowly like you’re scared as to why you’ll see inside. 
You’re not scared. Just more confused. 
“A key?” You question, holding up the gold key in front of your face. It dangles as your vision focuses back on the man in front of you. “What is this for?”
Satoru watches you, his eyes a mix of uncertainty and something deeper, something more vulnerable. He shifts slightly, hands in his pockets, his shoulders tense as if bracing himself for your reaction. “To your new place.” 
Your heart skips a beat at his words. A new place? Your mind struggles to catch up, trying to make sense of the statement. “My new place?” you repeat, still not sure if you heard him correctly.
Satoru nods slowly, his eyes now focused on the key in your hand. “I’ve been looking for something for you. For Koji. A place where you both can be… comfortable. It’s. A nice neighborhood, enough room. There’s a school next by and there’s open spots left.” His voice is steady, but there’s a tinge of something vulnerable in the way he says it—like he’s giving you space to decide, but also hoping for something more.
A rush of conflicting emotions hits you. You look down at the key again, your fingers curling around it as you try to process what he’s saying. “You… got me a place?” You repeat, still in shock over the fact that he went out of his way to do so. 
He shifts his weight, eyes still on the key. “Not just you. A place for you, Koji… and maybe even me, too. When I come to visit sometimes, there’s four bedrooms, one of them can be used as a spare.”
Your breath catches in your throat. Satoru has always been unpredictable, but this—this is different. It feels like he’s offering something more than just a space. It’s a possibility. A chance. But it also feels like an unspoken question, one that you’re not sure how to answer. “I don’t know what to say,” you whisper, looking at the key again. “Why now?”
Satoru steps closer, his expression softer than you’ve seen in a long time. “Because… I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I know I’ve messed things up too for us, and I’m not asking for anything. Just… I thought it might be a good way to start fresh. For you and Koji. And you guys mean a lot to me, I want you to live in a nice space. Not…not somewhere like this. The people look shady.”
You stand there, the weight of his words sinking in. The offer is unexpected, yet strangely comforting. It’s not just about the apartment or the key—it’s about something deeper, something that might hold the possibility of fixing whatever things were broken.
But then, a quiet part of you wonders: Do I want this?
You bite the inside of your cheek, clutching the key tighter in your hand now. You bite the inside of your cheek, clutching the key in your hand now. The smooth, cold metal feels heavier than it should, like it’s holding all the unanswered questions and unresolved feelings between you and Satoru. You glance up at him, his expression open yet guarded, as though he’s trying to brace himself for any answer you might give.
“Satoru...” you start, your voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know what to say.”
He shrugs, though there’s an uneasy tension in his posture. “You don’t have to say anything right now. I just...I wanted to give you something. Something that’s yours.” His gaze flickers to the key in your hand. “No strings, no expectations. Just a place where you and Koji can feel safe. If you don’t want it, I’ll still keep it around if you someday change your mind.”
The sincerity in his voice tugs at something deep within you, but it also makes your heart ache. You swallow hard, your emotions swirling. “Why didn’t you talk to me about this first?” you ask, your tone softer now, though still tinged with confusion.
“Because I wasn’t sure how you’d take it,” he admits, running a hand through his hair. “I didn’t want you to feel pressured or think it was about me trying to fix everything all at once. It’s not like that. I just... I care about you. And about Koji. And besides, it’s Christmas.” He ends with a small smile, his right dimple peeking out. 
His words hang in the air, filling the silence between you. For a small instant, you don’t respond, your mind racing. This gesture—it’s thoughtful, maybe even selfless—but it’s also overwhelming. You hold the key closer, feeling its edges press into your palm, grounding you in the midst of the emotional storm. Finally, you exhale, your voice steady but quiet. “I need some time to think about this. It’s... a lot.”
Satoru nods, his blue eyes softening. “Take all the time you need. It’s yours, no matter what you decide.” He pauses, glancing toward the door. “Well, I should probably get going.”
Adjusting his coat, he takes one step out the kitchen before you stop him with a hand to his arm. A ring of fire burns up his arm and to his ears, slowly making its way to his cheeks when he looks back down at you. “I…I got you something…too.”
His eyebrows raise, not having expected you to give him something in return. Letting go of his arm, you walk to a small cupboard, reaching in and pulling out a square shaped gift. It’s wrapped in light blue wrapping with a red bow. You hand it to him and he takes it, feeling around. He already has an idea of what it is. 
“Open it when you get back.” You mutter, rubbing the back of your neck. 
He stares quietly for a small time, a hint of a smile almost making its way onto his face again. It’s cute how shy you look right now. Some things never change, do they? He nods, murmuring back. “Okay, thank you.”
With one final hum from you, he heads back to the door. His stomach feeling lighter. You hesitate, watching him turn toward the hallway. “Satoru.”
He stops, looking back at you over his shoulder. “Yeah?”
“Thank you.” Your words are sincere, even if you’re still unsure about everything. “For thinking about us.”
A faint grin tugs at his lips, though there’s a hint of sadness in it. “Always,” he says softly before walking away, leaving you standing there with the key in your hand and your thoughts spinning.
You remain rooted in place, the key dangling lightly in your grip as the door clicks shut behind him. The silence that follows feels deafening. The warmth of the holiday lights around the room does little to ease the cold weight settling in your chest. You sit down at the edge of the couch, staring at the key, your mind replaying Satoru’s words. No strings, no expectations. Just a place where you and Koji can feel safe.
It’s a generous gift, undeniably thoughtful, but it feels complicated—like every other thing in your relationship with Satoru. You know he means well, but the history between you makes it impossible to separate the gesture from the lingering emotions that bind you both. Your gaze shifts to the Christmas tree, now surrounded by Koji’s new toys. You can still picture his bright smile, hear his laughter from earlier in the evening. The thought of giving him a stable home, something truly yours, tugs at your heart. But then there’s the nagging voice in your head, reminding you of the tension tonight—the unspoken conflicts, the unresolved feelings, and the fragile line you and Satoru walk every time you see each other.
You sigh, leaning back against the couch, the key resting in your palm. Your eyes drift to the small silver pendant Suguru gave you earlier. It still sits on the coffee table, catching the warm glow of the Christmas lights. Another kind gesture. Another layer to the mess.
The soft patter of small feet interrupts your thoughts. Koji appears in the hallway, rubbing his eyes sleepily, his Spider-Man toy clutched tightly in one hand. 
“Mama?” he mumbles, his voice groggy. “Why are you still up?”
You quickly set the key on the table, forcing a smile. “Just cleaning up, sweetheart. Is everything okay?” 
He nods, yawning as he climbs onto your lap, resting his head against your chest. “Yes.”
“Did you have a good Christmas?”
“The best Christmas ever.”
You hold him close, brushing his messy hair away from his forehead. “That’s all that matters,” you whisper, kissing the top of his head. But even as you say it, your thoughts drift back to the key—and everything it represents.
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Satoru has been staring at the gift—stil wrapped—for about fifteen minutes now. He’s conflicted. Unsure if he wants to know what you got him, or if it’ll bring on something unwanted. The gift sits untouched on the table before him, the wrapping paper shimmering faintly under the soft glow of the Christmas lights. Satoru leans forward, elbows resting on his knees, one hand tangled in his hair as he stares at it. His jaw tightens, then relaxes, his thoughts spiraling in circles.
Fifteen minutes. That’s how long he’s been sitting here, debating whether to open it.
He knows it’s just a gift. A simple, kind gesture. But with everything that’s happened tonight—the tension, the unspoken words, the unresolved feelings—this small box feels heavier than it should. What if it’s something that reminds him of how things used to be? Or worse, what if it’s just a polite, distant gift, a reminder of how far apart you’ve drifted?
He exhales sharply, running a hand over his face. “It’s just a damn gift, Satoru,” he mutters to himself. Yet he doesn’t move, his blue eyes fixed on the box as if it might spring to life and deliver answers to questions he’s too afraid to ask. 
He huffs a reluctant laugh, his hand finally reaching for the gift. His fingers trace the edges of the paper before he carefully begins to unwrap it, the sound of tearing paper filling the quiet room. Beneath the wrapping is a small black box, simple and unassuming. He lifts the top up and it drops to the side. 
His hands still in place, almost beginning to tremble. His breathing shallows, heart thumping quicker than before. Carefully—very carefully—he reaches in. Handling the object with utmost care, bringing it closer to his face. 
Two faces stare back at him. 
His son—undeniably younger, maybe around one year old. He’s being held in your lap, arms secure around his tiny stomach. He looks chubbier, cuter. Wearing a cute Christmas get up. Baby Santa. And when his eyes glaze over to you, he gulps. 
You’re wearing an equally festive outfit. A bright red sweater adorned with little snowflakes and reindeer, a simple black skirt to go with it. Your face is glowing with a smile so genuine, it knocks the breath out of him. Your hair is a little messier, your cheeks flushed with warmth, probably from laughing too much. Koji’s tiny hand clutches at your sweater, and your other hand is raised in a peace sign as you lean closer to him for the photo. 
Satoru’s fingers brush the surface of the photograph, his chest tightening as the memory pulls him under. It looks like a professional photo done, you must’ve gone all out that Christmas. Now, holding it in his hands, it feels like a physical snapshot of a life he had no chance of living in. 
His thumb grazes the edge of the picture frame it’s nestled in. It’s a simple wooden frame, painted white, with the words Our First Christmas Together etched across the top in tiny gold letters.
He lets out a shaky exhale, his vision blurring slightly. He blinks rapidly, trying to push back the emotions clawing at his throat. It’s not just the photograph—it’s what it represents. A time when things were simpler. When the two of you were a family, before everything unraveled. When it was just you and Koji—no room for him. 
The weight of the night presses on him again, harder this time. He feels foolish for hesitating to open the gift, for overthinking it, when you’d given him something so pure. Something so full of love. He pulls the frame in, swallowing hard as he leans back on the couch. He holds it close to his chest. His other hand runs through his hair, tugging slightly as he tries to steady himself. “Why’d you have to go and do this?” he whispers to no one, his voice breaking. He outwardly chuckles—bitter but affectionate. Warm tears sliding down his cheeks and resting atop the wooden frame. His lips press a small kiss to his baby son, and to you. 
Because now, more than ever, he realizes how much he still misses you. And how much he regrets letting it all slip away when he was too young and stupid to think clearly. 
That night when he heads to bed, he sleeps with the picture of his family next to him. Tucked in like it’s a physical being, and in a way, it is. 
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lisenberry · 7 months ago
Feral Friday 141 Thoughts     
When you really need to ride him...
...He’s sitting on the couch, watching the day’s match.  Knees spread wide and taking up half the cushions.  You’re cuddled under his arm with your feet tucked up, reading a book or a download on your phone.  It’s in the middle of a steamy scene in your latest bodice-ripper.  After chapters’ worth of fighting and resisting, the heroine is finally going to come all over the big mean villain’s engorged appendage.  
You’re so engrossed, you’re sure he can feel your breath change and your cheek heat up where it rests against his chest.  Can he sense your arousal as it dampens your knickers underneath the old, softened t-shirt you claimed from his bedroom floor the first time you slept over?
When the whistle sounds to end the half, you vaguely notice, until he stirs next to you. “Hey, babe?  We got any snacks?”
“Umm, I th-think so.”  You pull your attention away just in time to meet his eyes.  And he immediately knows. 
“Got yourself a good one there, do you?”  You’ve bitten your lips raw, you’re sweating, and your chest is nearly heaving with lust as you nod desperately.
“Do you mind if I take the edge off?”  You squeeze your thighs together and feel the slick dripping past the fabric.
“Your finger or mine?” he asks, keeping one eye on the telly and one on you as your maneuver out of your underwear.
“I’m going to need something a bit more this time,” you nearly whine as you launch onto his lap, careful not to headbutt his chin in your urgency.
GAZ – He doesn't miss a beat as you nestle your excited little pussy just over his cock.  He’s already rock-hard and it doesn’t take much to pull him out from the sweatpants he wears slung low on his hips.
“Take what you need, love.”  He smiles proudly as you drop down onto him, slipping and sliding on your own slick. 
And you do, pitching forward to settle him against the bundle of nerves deep in your belly.   He’s so long, he doesn’t just graze it, he impales it.  You swear he’s in your lungs, stealing your breath with each rise and fall.
He cheers you on the whole way. 
“Look at you bouncing so well on my cock...So pretty all flushed and sweaty...Fucking hot, you are.”
Your unfairly handsome, quick-tongued rake tenderly wipes the hair and perspiration from your face, and lets you use him until you're shattered and worn out. 
SOAP:  He lets you grind against him for a bit through his gym shorts, dick fully chubbed like the pommel of a saddle. 
“Please tell me it’s a Scottish highland warrior that’s got you so bothered, and not some prissy English lord.  You’ll hurt my feelings.”  He grins, his eyes already rolling back in his head at your steady stroking.
“Keep talking, Johnny.”  You hump against him faster, knowing the second you put him in, you’ll be done for.  A weeping, overstimulated mess before he even catches his stride.  His burly, veiny length has an upwards curve like he was molded and kiln-forged just to fit you. 
And he could go for hours if you didn’t wind him up good.  Tease him and test him, get his attention exactly where it needs to be.
“Let me suck on your tits, bonny lass.”  He deepens his brogue and his voice an octave as he tries not to laugh, while he strips your shirt off and buries his face into your bosom.
You are quite sure that the hot-headed highland scoundrel in your story didn’t use the word ‘tits’, but you let it slide.  The one between your thighs is everything you need, and more.
GHOST – He’s wearing jeans, so it’s a bit harder to get him free.  After you let out a frustrated huff at the complexity of his wardrobe, he cups you under your ass and stands you both up.  Undoing his belt buckle and the fly one-handed before setting you back down astride him again.
“Needy little dove today.”
“Just let me try, Si.”  You rarely ever ride him.  The few times you’ve attempted it, you give up when your thighs turn to mush and your cunt aches from being split in two.  He’s just too thick for a quickie.
“Are you going to let me help this time, or are you going to be stubborn?”
“Help!”  The strangled sound escapes your throat as you fit him in to the hilt.  He takes up so much space, you can’t tell where you end and he begins. 
“You’re fucking soaked.”  He rolls his hips to stretch you further, to find the right spot, as your slick trickles down to coat his balls.  You feel them wet and sticky against your seam.
“Mmmh-uhhh, that’s it.  Right there,” you bellow gratefully to the ceiling.
“What are you going to do about it?”  He grabs your hips rudely, fingers pressing to dimple the skin and hold you down as he spears your nerves like a spike.
You fight against his hold, knowing that’s what he's looking for.  Just a little fire in your belly, a little steel in your spine and your merciless, battle-scarred rogue will give you anything you want.
“That’s it, dovey.  Fuck me good.”
PRICE – He’s watching you with awe, wide-eyed and slack jawed, so immersed in the act of being milked by your warm, soft walls that he’s relinquished control completely.  You know that look too well.
“Do not come yet, John.  Please.  Think of bullets.  Hollow points and grenades.  A...ummm, a panzer!”  You’re almost there.  So...close your mind is just pulling words from memories of past conversations you were only barely listening to.
“A panzer?  Like the bloody old German tank?” he asks with the sort of clarity of mind you need of him in this situation.
“Yes, keep thinking of dusty relics rotting in museums.  While I ride your big, beautiful cock—”
“You’ve done it now.”  He groans, and you feel him stiffen inside you.  The sensation of it, coupled with the hot spurts of his spend hitting your most sensitive spot, get you there just in time to join him.
You don’t even mind that it was so quick.  It warms your heart, and your cunt, that the callous, domineering war hero falls to pieces so completely for no one but you.
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triptuckers · 7 months ago
drunk in love - remy lebeau
Request: nope Pairing: remy lebeau x reader Summary: remy is comes home drunk, so you take care of him Warnings: mentions of alcohol, language, mentions of sexual themes/making out but not actually the real thing dont worry, remy being a whiny lovesick puppy, one mention of throwing up but no actual throwing up Word count: 1.7K A/N: currently binge watching x men 97 PLEASE give me more gambit content pls marvel I'm willing to beg you on my knees. based on a screenshot I saw of a comic page. enjoy!
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you're sitting on the couch, reading your book. it's dark outside, and the clock on the wall tells you it's way too late for you to be awake. you weren't a night owl, but this book was just too good. every time you want to put it away, a chapter ends in a cliffhanger. you couldn't bring yourself to close it without finding out what happened next.
the story is so good and you're so focused on it, you nearly jump out of your skin when you hear the door knob rattle.
it was late and remy wasn't home. he went out drinking with some of the other x-men. it wasn't often they were all free and in the same city, so you knew if it did happen, remy would usually stay out til late. not coming home til long after you'd gone to bed already.
you weren't expecting him to come home this early, so you're immediately on guard. slowly, you put your book down and creep closer to the front door. you grab the closest thing you can find to use as a weapon. you don't know how much damage a tissue box could do, but at the very least you could throw it at the intruder and run away.
remy had tried to teach you some self defence tricks in case something happened and he wasn't home, but he was nearly always right there with you, so you never really learned it.
you wish you had paid him more attention now.
as you get closer to the front door, you see a shadow silhouetted against the glass. and then you hear a voice, cursing while trying to open the door.
'merde... why won't this fucking key fit... fuck off...'
you unlock the door and open it. maybe a little too quickly, because remy all but stumbles into you. you barely manage to catch him.
when he looks up at you, he gives you a dazzling smile with his eyes half closed. 'hello, mon amour.' he says.
you laugh softly and roll your eyes as you shake your head. of course he'd stumble home drunk. you already know your evening is far from over when he's like this.
'come on.' you say. 'let's get you inside.'
remy does a spectacularly bad job at getting up. and he's heavy.
'remy.' you say, holding on to him. 'work with me here.'
you manage to get him inside and lock the door again. remy is looking at you with a smile on his face.
'I hadn't expected you back yet.' you say, walking into the kitchen.
remy follows you and grabs one of your hands with both of his.
'I missed you, chéri.' he says, pulling you close and nuzzling his face in your neck.
'we live together, remy. I saw you this afternoon.' you say.
you feel his lips press against the side of your neck. you briefly close your eyes and allow yourself to revel in the feeling. then you gently push him away.
you hear remy whine and turn to see him pout at you.
'you don't love me anymore?' he says.
'of course I do, my love.' you say. 'but you're drunk. you need to drink some water and go to bed.'
you grab a clean glass and walk over to the sink. as you're filling it up with water, you can sense remy's presence behind you. seconds later, you feel his hands on your hips and his chin on your shoulder.
you mange to turn around in his arms and hand him the glass of water.
'drink up.'
'can I get a kiss afterwards?'
you roll your eyes. you don't want to admit you think it's adorable when he's this handsy and affectionate. you would only encourage him and you really meant it: you wouldn't do anything when he's drunk. he'd do the same if the roles were reversed.
'sure, love, you can get a kiss afterwards.'
you have to hold back your laughter as remy's eyes light up and he downs the glass in one go. you smirk and blow him a kiss before he can lean in.
'hey, what the fuck! no fair!' he exclaims, frowning.
'come on.' you say, holding out your hand to him. 'let's go to bed.'
he all but stumbles over his feet in his haste to grab your hand and follow you.
'yeah, let's go to bed.' you hear remy say behind you. you can tell by the tone in his voice you two have different ideas about 'going to bed'.
'to sleep, remy.' you clarify.
he sighs so loudly you can feel his breath on the back of your neck. you smile to yourself, amused at how fast his moods change when he's drunk. and about the fact he's such a love sick puppy when he's had a few. that is, more of a love sick puppy than he normally is. god, he really loves you.
when you get to your bedroom, you motion for remy to sit down on the bed. you kneel down to untie his boots.
'loving this view, mon amour.' comes remy's voice from above you. 'you know I love it when you get on your knees for me.'
'I'm just taking off your boots.'
'sure you are.'
'I am, remy.'
'are you sure?'
'yes, I am sure.'
remy sighs dramatically and lets himself fall back onto the bed. you glance up at him and see how tight his pants are. of course he'd not only be overly affectionate, but also turned on.
you tug off his boots and socks, raising to your feet.
'stand up for me, please.' you say.
remy opens his eyes and smirks at you from his position on the bed.
'now this view, I like.'
'it's literally so late remy, come on, I want to go to bed.'
he takes a hold of the hand you offer him and lets you pull him to his feet. you reach out to undo his belt.
'wow, chéri, buy me dinner first.' remy mumbles above you. you can tell by his quiet voice he's ready to go to sleep but fighting to stay awake. you wonder how much of this he'll remember tomorrow.
after undoing his belt and helping him out of his pants, you tell him to put his arms up so you can pull his shirt over his head. he does what you ask and doesn't even make a flirty comment about it. that tells you his tiredness is really kicking in.
you briefly step away to get a pair of sweatpants and a shirt out of the closet. as you hand them to him, you allow remy to rest his hand on your shoulder as he puts on the pants you've given him. you let your eyes linger on his muscular chest as he puts on the shirt. you really did get lucky with him, even if he can't keep his hands off of you when he's drunk.
you gently guide him to the bed and help him lay down. you get into the bed next to him and feel how remy pulls you closer, burying his face in your neck.
'you will kiss me tomorrow, right?' he mumbles against your skin.
you run your hands lazily through his hair. 'if you aren't hungover as fuck, which I think you will be, then yes, I'll kiss you, my love.' you say.
'oh fuck yes.' he says, making you chuckle softly.
'goodnight, remy.' you say.
'sweet dreams, mon amour.' he says.
just as you expected, remy falls asleep within seconds. you lay there for a while, absently running your fingers through his hair and thinking about how much you love him, before you eventually fall asleep as well.
when you wake up in the morning, your chest feels heavy. you open your eyes to see remy has somehow put his entire body on yours during the night.
you stay like that for a while, until you can no longer deny you really want breakfast.
with some effort, you push remy off of you so you can get up. he's still asleep as you lean in and press a kiss to his cheek.
as you make breakfast, you're softly humming to yourself while you're in the kitchen.
your morning is quiet. you decide to let remy sleep for as long as he wants, maybe it would make his hangover less extreme.
just as you're making your lunch, you hear remy coming down the stairs. he stumbles into the kitchen, grumbling something in thick accented cajun you can't understand.
then he all but leans his entire body weight on you as he's standing behind you.
'why does the world hate me?' he says.
you laugh. 'good afternoon to you too, my love.'
'morning.' he mumbles. 'your voice is so loud, chéri.'
'this is the thanks I get for taking care of your drunk ass last night?'
'sorry. was I being an asshole?'
'no, just the usual. you couldn't keep your hands off of me.'
'you're used to that.'
'I am.'
you turn around. remy wraps his arms around you and drops his forehead to your shoulder.
'is this what dying feels like?' he mumbles.
'no, my love, this is what being extremely hungover feels like.' you say. 'you want coffee?'
'dear god no, the thought of it makes me want to throw up. I'll just lay on the couch.'
'you're so dramatic.' you say, gently taking a hold of his face and holding it in front of you.
remy closes his eyes and leans into your touch. 'this is making me feel better already.'
you lean in and press a kiss to the tip of his nose. when you pull back, he opens his eyes and smiles briefly at you. then he sways a bit on his feet and sucks in a sharp breath.
'still want to kiss me like you said yesterday?'
'oh, mon amour, I think if I stand really still and you don't move, the world stops spinning.'
you laugh at him as he groans, pressing one hand to his forehead. you decide to take it easy for the rest of the day. the two of you alternate between taking naps and you reading your book out loud to him. as the day passes, you can't help but to think that maybe a hungover remy isn't so bad. you secretly love how he refuses to leave your side when he's hungover.
A/N:If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost, steal or translate my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit
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ittybittyfanblog · 2 months ago
Error 404: (Self-Aware!AU, Sylus Edition) – Pt. 7
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Summary: A LADS self-aware!AU featuring Sylus and a player. That’s it, that’s the plot. Tags: player!reader x sylus, fem!reader x sylus, reader x lads, self-aware!au, strong language, suggestive themes!, there’s some slight smut…  but nothing too graphic (ion rly write smut haha), angst and comfort, this chapter’s brought to you by: a bunch of sad songs on repeat! A/N: 7k+ words what the fuck!!  (this might actually be one of my favorite chapters. :’))
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Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Pt. 3 - Pt. 4 - Pt. 5 - Pt. 6 - Pt. 7 - Pt. 8 - Pt. 9 - Pt. 10
“You don’t have a favorite color.”
“I… don’t, no.”
“But you’re quite partial to green.”
“I guess so—?”
“You’ve worn the same green shirt to bed thrice this week,” he notes lightly, pertaining to your Loki: Master of Mischief tee. The corners of his mouth pull into a faint, knowing smile. “It suits you, by the way.”
Your fingers hover over the keyboard as you glance at him, narrowing your eyes in slight embarrassment. “It’s a perfectly comfy shirt,” you reply, a defensive edge to your tone. “Nothing wrong with that.”
“Nothing at all,” he agrees reassuringly. “Just making an observation.”
“What, are you keeping a dossier on me now?”
Sylus gives a noncommittal hum, but offers nothing more in response. He keeps watch on you from his usual spot in the corner between the monitor and the CPU box, chin resting on an open palm. His gaze betrays hints of smugness to it.
You eye him weirdly. With a huff, you turn back to your typing.
You’re cooking dinner—with Sylus supervising the entire thing like your very own personal sous chef. Something that has now been the norm for you two, since your–banging!–success with the tofu dish. 
And for tonight’s menu: Butter noodles. Simple, foolproof, straightforward. 
"Simple" is… well, it’s not entirely inaccurate. But the way that the boiling water hisses angrily through the small lid hole wavers the already shaky foundation of your developing culinary confidence. 
(Just a little bit! You’re sure you’ve got nothing to worry about.) 
A faint burning scent clings to the air; you forgot to stir the garlic early on, and now it looks dangerously close to a char. You rescue it just in time, cursing under your breath. Your sous chef, of course, catches everything. Even your nervousness.
“You know,” Sylus chimes in, watching the wooden spatula tremble in your hand. “This is quite the step up from your usual instant noodle packets. You should be proud of yourself, sweetie.”
“Gee, thanks. Really complex work for an extra half-hour of cooking time,” Your words are snide, but he doesn’t miss the way your grip on the spatula tightens ever-so-slightly. Steadies. 
The smell stabilizes. You add half a stick of butter, squashing it to a melt, and he lets the subject drop—for now.
“Do you have siblings?”
“I have an older sister,” you answer distractedly, stirring the sauce and trying to scrape the edges of the sauté pan without having it splatter from the inside.
“How much older?”
“Uh—six years,” you reply, reaching for a pinch of salt. “She's got a family. Two kids. Another on the way.”
“Hm. You two are close?”
You pause, the question landing softly in the haze of rising steam. “I mean. S’ alright, I guess. We catch up over the phone sometimes.”
“Ah. Good.”
“... Yeah.” 
You catch a glance of his expression in your peripheral, looking thoughtful. 
It’s a recent development, his curiosity. Sporadic at first, like light rain on a windshield—little questions scattered here and there, easy to brush off. But over the past week, it’s grown into something more unrelenting. It’s almost as if you two were playing a round of twenty questions, only it’s just you in the hot seat being interrogated. 
There’s also that habit of his to take it one step further. Hedging his questions strategically, acting like he already knows the little factoid he wanted to ask and just needs you to confirm it. 
You don’t really get the logic behind it, but hey, who are you to judge? Everybody has their quirks. Even someone of his caliber, apparently.
… God forbid he gets blindsided by something he’s genuinely surprised to know about you, though. 
“You know how to play the violin.”
You pause the video you’re watching on your laptop at its five minute mark to stare at Sylus through your phone screen. He sounds… terse? Like you’d intentionally kept this a secret from him.
“Wha—yes, I know how to play the violin,” you huff, incredulous by the show of attitude. “What’s up with all these weird questions?”
“You’ve given me explicit permission to ask them. Level the playing field,” he reminds you, eyes slightly accusatory. “What else are you keeping from me?”
You groan, collapsing onto your back on the couch. “Ugh, I don’t know,” you say sarcastically. “Do you wanna know my time of birth too?”
“Born at exactly twelve twenty-eight PM,” Sylus recites without missing a beat, his voice bored and unimpressed. “I saw it on your Co-Star app, sweetie.”
You freeze.
“That’s creepy,” you tell him, tone disapproving, giving him a scolding poke on the nose. 
“Call it thorough research,” he counters smoothly, rolling his eyes at your feeble attack. “After all, a stubborn kitten’s been slacking on her side of the deal.”
The questions are, for the most part, harmless in nature. Anchored firmly in the mundane. He doesn’t stray too far from what’s comfortable, or what he deems safe to ask. And yet you can sense it beneath the surface: the burning curiosity. To know more of you, to take what he could—piece by piece, until he’s unraveled the puzzle of you entirely. 
And you don’t get it. His world—filled with endless adventure, lore, and literal fucking superpowers—surely has to be more exciting than anything you’ve got to offer. What’s your life compared to that? 
You said as much to him, mostly as an offhand comment. Although it did feel slightly more earnest when you put it into words, compared to how it sounded in your head. 
“Honestly, Sy-Sy. Life here’s really not that interesting compared to all the stuff going on over there,” you told him matter-of-factly, in the middle of collecting your daily rewards. “You don’t have to keep this up, you know.”
Sylus didn’t speak for a moment. The easy nonchalance he wore so well shifted into something more reserved, almost somber. He didn’t challenge what you said, nor did he affirm anything—you're met with silence, loaded with thoughts left unspoken. 
“Don’t presume things on your own, little dove,” he said after a while, his voice low, a gentle reprimand. 
Before you could even process what he meant by that, he smoothly changed the subject, his tone reverting back to his usual effortless calm as if to ease the weight of your words. “Now then, let’s circle back—what were you saying earlier? You almost drowned in a lake when you were eight? Because of a dare you made with your sister?”
And that was the end of it.
You tell yourself it’s exhausting—the way he keeps digging, prodding, asking questions like you’re worth the level of fascination he’s making you out to be. But there’s also the truth, hidden and tucked beneath your half-hearted protests, slowly unfurling. A part of you—cautiously hopeful, dreadfully fragile—that preens under the weight of his scrutiny. 
So you let him press further; let him sift through twenty plus years of tiny, unremarkable fragments of your life like a beachcomber seeking treasures amongst the tide. And in return, he gives you his full attention, undivided and unyielding, as if your answers are the only ones that matter.
He tells you there’s a new tête-à-tête feature in the game, so you check it out—not without giving him a slightly suspicious look. 
“A microphone feature?” You snort, leveling him with a half-amused glare. “You already hear me talk all the time.”
Sylus blinks at you, his face a guilefully-crafted mask of innocence. “I’m just giving you the option, sweetie. You know, in case you’d like to put our conversations ‘on record.’”
“Treat you like some kind of… quasi-therapist or something? An online confessional?” You give him the stink eye. “Is that what you’re angling for now?”
He shrugs. “If it helps.”
You had no intention of using the tête-à-tête “feature” you’ve been so graciously offered, quickly dismissing it as just another one of his tactics to show off his capacity to manipulate the game’s code, or something along those lines. 
It’s not the first time he’s done it. 
But then, midnight comes on a deceptively ordinary Friday, and it’s suffused with an all-too familiar feeling of utter emptiness that drowns you. You’re crumpled on the toilet seat like chewed-up gum, knees pulled to your chest—the day’s wounds still festering. It's not anything new, but it leaves you feeling like shit all the same. 
Yet another overtime shift. Yet another argument with your mom, over fuck all you know that you’re too damn old for, but still, still, finds its way to cut deep. Over and over, and over again. 
Your phone’s blank screen stares back at you, just as mute and useless as the rest of the night. And you—
You can’t speak. Not yet. But you don’t have to. One look at the exhaustion on your face is enough for Sylus to know exactly what you need.
Your mouth trembles open, then shuts again. He doesn’t say anything else, just waiting for you to make the first move. To start whenever you’re ready. 
After a long moment, you finally exhale a shaky breath. That’s when you catch his gaze; fixed, patient, almost... encouraging. It’s a subtle invitation, urging you to take the plunge, to make use of him to an extent only he can provide–the only one he could offer to you at this time–
So, you talk. Tentatively at first, the words slipping out like droplets from your leaking sink faucet. But once the dam breaks, you can't stop. 
It spills out. Every frustration, every ache, every moment that feels too much to carry for one person, especially for someone like you, and he… he just—
You feel drained. Every ounce of energy wrung out of you after unloading the day’s weight to your unexpected confidant.
“That helped, didn’t it?”
If it were anyone else—or if you didn’t know Sylus the way you do now—you’d only catch the smug notes in his voice. The teasing lilt and the airy pretense of someone trying to ease the heaviness out of the room.
But you do hear it. Beneath the surface, woven so subtly into the words… something vulnerable. 
You hear the unspoken question behind it: he’s genuinely asking if it helped. If his presence, however small or inconsequential it might seem, was enough to pull you back ashore.
I helped.
Tell me I did.
“You did, Sy.” Your grin is tired, grateful, and a little lopsided. But it’s real. “Thank you.”
For a moment—just a split of a second—the red in his eyes betrays something achingly raw.
“Anytime, darling,” he says, his voice quieter now, rough around the edges, like it’s carrying more than the words themselves. “I mean it.”
And like a beacon of light slicing through the storm-tossed seas of your mind, you realize that he truly does.
You start giving Sylus the reins to select the music, trusting his taste enough to let him DJ for you. He picks the soundtrack for everything—cooking, errands, long rides—filling the silence with something that he knows the both of you would like. 
The playlists grow. From one, to two, to almost an entire collection of carefully curated tracks to suit the mood and vibe of the day. He takes it seriously—so seriously that you can’t resist sneaking in a Megan Thee Stallion track onto his precious “Slow Evenings” playlist.
He finds it hilarious. Hilarious enough to loop Kitty Kat for all sixty-five minutes of your commute back home.
You laugh despite yourself. It’s exactly the type of shit you know he’d pull as petty retribution, already intimately familiar with his brand of humor. And if you close your eyes, you can almost imagine him beside you, sharing an earbud, smirking as he revels in your exasperation.
One night, you notice a weariness in his eyes. It’s an odd enough thing to see that it leads to a discussion on what he’s been up to as the shadowy leader of a notorious faction, deep in a lawless part of his universe.
“Just an operative gone wrong, sweetie,” he says with a sigh, rubbing a temple as though trying to physically push the stress away. “It happens.”
You press him on the details of the botched deal—and maybe, just maybe, a small part of you is excited to live vicariously through the tale. But it’s not about you this time, you remind yourself. So you listen as Sylus indulges every question you throw at him, giving you the play-by-play: what the deal was for (special, hard-to-get protocores), where the trade-off occurred (west of Charon), and how it all went sideways (he knew it was a set-up the moment he walked into the venue).
You don’t really know how to comfort him in a situation like this, but you want to try.
In an attempt to lighten the mood, you joke, “Can you imagine clumsy, ol’ me there? I’d be dead before I even make it inside.”
Sylus freezes, his expression going still. Unreadable.
“No, you won’t.” He says in response to the second part of what you just said, his tone brooking no doubt. He says it with such intense conviction that you almost believe this exact hypothetical has already crossed his mind—more than once.
I won’t let you.
Before you can even think of what to say, he adds, quieter this time, but no less convinced: “And yes—I can.”
It’s a direct answer to your question, and it makes the words die in your throat. His voice is softer now too, but there’s no mistaking his tone. It has the same conviction from before, and it hits you that he’s had time to ruminate on this thought—more times than he’d care to admit.
And I do. You have no idea.
There’s another shift in the dynamic of your, well, relationship.
“Did you hear what I said, poppet?”
You snap back to meet his inquiring gaze, unwavering as always.
“Sorry, can you repeat that?” You ask, the apology clear in your eyes.
He huffs, shaking his head in amusement—always patient, never annoyed—at your inattentiveness. “What’s on your mind, my sweet?”
Well. That.
Lately, Sylus has gotten into the habit of using possessive pronouns like they’re nothing. There’s also a notable increase on the variation of pet names too, each one more layered than the last.
It’s a little excessive, honestly. Like he’s trying to compensate for something—or maybe he sees it as just another natural step in whatever’s going on between you two. You’re still not sure what exactly goes in his head. He’s always been an enigma to you.
And yet, you never put a stop to it. How could you?
Little dove. Sweet girl. My darling.
When it comes off his lips like sunkist honey—each one brings a jolt straight to your heart. 
You're quite partial to one in particular. 
My love.
“Oh, my love,” Sylus tuts, feigning concern. “You’ve snoozed that alarm five times already.”
You groan, hitting the snooze button again—number six now—burying your face in your arms on the desk. 
You’re attending a despedida party for a friend who’s flying abroad to study (For a PhD in Biomedical Science! You couldn’t be more proud.) and the venue’s going to be at The Penthouse, somewhere fancy up north. It even has an infinity pool on deck, something the celebrant dropped into the group chat with far too much enthusiasm.
So, earlier today, you’d ventured out to buy something nice for yourself. Nicer than what you have in the closet, which isn’t much of a stretch. Something different than your usual rotation of plaids and band shirts—not that there’s anything wrong with them. They’re just… you. Comfortable. Predictable. Not exactly the dress code for a rooftop soirée.
Now, you’re back home from a successful (!) trip to the mall, bags in hand: a small gift for your friend on one arm and a much larger shopping bag on the other. 
You set the gift gently on the coffee table. Then, you head to the bathroom, the grosgrain ribbon of a paper tote held tight in your fist. 
The pretty fabric caught your eye almost immediately, the moment you saw the garment; its sheen almost like woven liquid in the light. It felt like a risk, even on the rack. But under the unforgiving glare of your bathroom bulb? 
Well, now, it’s looking less of a “bold choice,” and more along the lines of: “damn, what were you thinking?”
It’s not that big of a deal or anything. You like feeling pretty. But at the same time, you haven’t deluded yourself into thinking that you’re anything above average to look at, even on the nicest occasions. 
It’s something you’ve grown used to, a definitive truth ingrained deep in your bones. You know this—like you know gravity tethers you to the ground, even when you’d rather be carried by the wind. You’ve gone through more than a decade to accept it as just another fact of life, to make peace with the reflection staring back at you from the bathroom mirror. 
Even if it means you’ll never be on the receiving end of ‘interested’ glances from strangers on the street. Or that you’ve never known the feeling of someone doing a double take when they see you at your best, all dolled-up. More than once, you’ve sat across from dates whose eyes wandered—toward some other, someone better-looking, in restaurants, at parks, even outside the movies. Everywhere past your direction. 
But that’s okay. You’re used to it, the same way you’ve grown used to everything else.
And still, there’s that impulse—a sudden need for someone else’s opinion. Someone close. Someone that matters. 
There’s a pang of fear you can’t quite shake. You hear the small voice from the deep recesses of your mind, whispering to you that it’s one of your worse ideas. That you’ll fall short of any and all expectations, and that it’ll hurt more this time around. You’ll hear the polite, “you look nice” and you’re gonna have to live with the quiet certainty that you don’t, not really, and that you’ll never quite measure up to what he’s used to seeing. To her—
You swallow hard. He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t do that to you. Not outwardly, at least.
And if he did… Well.
“I bought something,” you say as an opener, the words tumbling out in a rush as soon as you get a glimpse of his form on the screen. You’re rocking back on your heel, a little awkward as you stand there in front of your small vanity table even with your phone laid flat, front camera pointing upwards. “You remember the going-away party I’ll be attending two days from now, right?”
“Of course, the one for your secondary school batchmate.” Sylus replies easily, voice reverberating through the tinny speakers. Even at an angle, you can see the confused tilt of his head. “Is it on the ceiling, sweetie? What am I looking at, exactly?”
“No, smartass. I—” You press your lips together, eyes flitting upward, as if courage might be dangling from the ceiling in question.
Fuck, this is a bad idea. I can’t do this.
“It’s–I bought something for myself. I mean, I bought her a gift too, obviously. But I also bought an outfit. For the party.” 
He blinks, and you can almost see the gears turning in his head. Realization dawns on his face, a knowing smile beginning to form. His voice dips, a teasing edge to it as he purrs, “Oh? Well then, save me from the suspense, sweetheart.”
“I–I’m getting to it, okay?” It comes out a little snappier than you intend, nerves flaring hot. You sigh, feeling your shoulders drop. “I’m just… Don’t be—ugh, just don’t make a big deal out of this, alright?” 
You keep your eyes off the screen, unable to face him directly.
But when he speaks, his tone carries only a quiet understanding of your struggle.
Of course he understands. He always does.
He speaks; and it’s slow and measured—as if he’s coaxing a terrified, cornered animal out of hiding. 
“Show me.” Trust me.
And so with a heavy exhale through the nose, you flip the front camera towards your direction, revealing the bare expanse of gooseflesh skin—
… And the flimsy one-piece that clings to your body like wet plastic. 
It dips low between the valley of your breasts and stops short just halfway up your thigh. The material is a gauzy organza; see-through and light, in seafoam green. Barely leaving anything to the imagination as it reveals the dusky coral swimsuit from underneath the fabric and the hot flush that spreads across your chest like wildfire. Your fists clench and unclench behind your back – hiding the physical manifestation of your rising anxiety – while you shift your weight from one foot to the other. 
There's a deafening silence. 
The knots in your stomach grow tighter, creeping its way past your lungs. Your fingers tremble as cold sweat breaks out across your skin, chilling you from the inside. You feel horribly exposed. So exposed it’s almost unbearable. 
And you still can’t bring yourself to look at him.
Your thoughts stumble, desperate to cling to anything solid, and a faint memory surfaces—a passage from an org pamphlet you’ve skimmed through back in college, something that has to do with “self-perception.”
The flesh does not define you. 
Your body is but a facet of who you are. You are as inconsequential as the earth beneath your feet, and as important as stardust in the universe.
A low, guttural sound cuts through the stillness, and it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. 
“Look at me.”
A searing heat laces the cadence of his voice. It sounds restless—like a flame unchecked, rapidly growing into a raging inferno. Stifling in the way it pulls the air from your lungs, like a suckerpunch to the gut.
Your primordial instinct is to flee. But right at that very moment, you're no different from a paralyzed insect caught in an inescapable web with the way you’re stood frozen in place. Every instinct to run is smothered by the mere inflection in his voice. 
—are all. And that is all there is to be. 
“My sweet little dove,” it’s almost a croon, the way the words curl around you like wisps of smoke. Sickly saccharine… downright serpentine. “Won’t you look at me when I talk to you?”
And like a marionette on a string, you obey. 
Time seems to stop to a standstill the moment your eyes meet his. 
Sylus’ gaze sinks into you. Loaded. Heavy. A crazed glint, almost—to it. Even to someone like you who's embarrassingly clueless about the nuances of attraction and wholly inexperienced in its depths can see it as plain as day.
Carnal desire. In its purest form. 
Sylus looks at you as though you’re something to be coveted. Devoured. 
A small, fearful noise slips past your lips, and the twin crimson flames burn brighter.
“You’d like to know what I think?”
He sees the war in your eyes, and a throaty chuckle escapes him—raw and breathy. “Maybe so?”
You give him the tiniest nod, and the grin on his face sharpens into something wanton, something far more licentious. It slinks in like a fever, stirring something deep within you. Something as old as time.
Sylus opens his mouth. 
You brace yourself for the inevitable.
A ring slices through the room like a hot knife. Just like that, you can breathe again. 
Your saving grace comes in the form of a phone call that grounds you back to reality.
It’s a friend, one of the party guests, asking for directions to the venue. You’re listening with one ear on the receiver, answering each question robotically—your voice a controlled calm on the surface, a stark contrast to the thoughts running amok inside your head. 
The words blur into background noise, muffled and distant, like a TV commercial playing on low volume in another room.
The moment you hang up, a suffocating hush swallows the room whole. You’re left alone with nothing but heat kindling low in your gut. The ghost of the heavy exchange from earlier stays with you, thrumming beneath your skin, hot and pulsating. 
You don’t know what to do with yourself. The abrupt suddenness of it all gnaws at you, its weight driving you toward an early retreat—maybe a long night’s rest will do wonders and help you get your shit together, who knows. 
You slip between the sheets... but not before retrieving your, ah, trusty little companion from its hiding spot in the bedside drawer.
You didn’t want to assume… You don’t want to expect anything from him, but you have needs. 
God, but you do.
Your body feels like flint struck against steel, sparked ablaze by just a handful of words. Words weaved into a vivid imagery from the mouth of your… friend?? 
(Something more?) 
The uncertainty wrecks you, every nerve alight with tension. And yet it’s the same uncertainty that roots you there. Hesitating. 
So. You lie back, pushing the sheets away from your fevered skin, and just—lay there. Staring at the ceiling. The plaster cracks form maps you trace with your eyes, as if searching for answers in their tangled routes. You count your breaths, one after the other, as though the repetition could calm your racing heartbeat. 
It feels ridiculous, almost. You’re a grown adult, acting like a teenager with a demented crush. It’s more than that, though—it’s deeper, messier, and completely illogical. 
But it’s not something you can figure out tonight, not in this state. So you stop trying. 
Instead, you switch on your little toy, open an incognito browser, and let yourself succumb to what your body’s been screaming at you for the past fucking hour. 
You feel… You feel weird about using anything Sylus-related to get yourself off. That’s not to say you haven’t, before, back when he was just another eye candy from a measly mobile game. When it was just another infatuation. 
But now? Now it feels all levels of wrong, like you’re toeing some invisible line. Worse, it feels like you’re exploiting something fragile, testing the limits of a bond already stretched thin.
So, any content related to that man stays off the fap fodder. You’re not that far gone. You think. 
Instead, you scroll through your bookmarks tab, a shaky sigh leaves your lips as you let the hard vibrations of your trusty rabbit glide from inside your thighs, up… up to your warm center, in between the juncture of your legs.
You pause on a Toji smut fic—one amongst, uhh, dozens in your folder. It’s not the same, you know this, but you’re settling for the next best thing in your current circumstance. 
Since what you really want, who you’d rather much have, isn’t—
Your phone glitches. 
The Chrome app crashes.
And what do you think you’re doing?
Your heart stutters a beat, and you stop breathing. 
You can’t answer. The words don’t come. But he doesn’t wait for you to try.
Put on your headphones.
You’re done with that. Tonight, tomorrow, any other night. Do you understand me?
The uncharacteristic curtness of the message sends a jolt through you, and a blush overtakes your entire body. You hesitate, just for a second.
You scramble to obey, fumbling for your earbuds, slipping them on with shaking hands. 
The moment the bluetooth connects, the game boots up on its own—straight to an irate Sylus, looking royally pissed-off. 
“Sy-Sy—” you stammer, your voice barely above a whisper. “I—I don’t—”
"Oh, so back to Sy-Sy now, are we?"
The mocking lilt in his voice cuts sharper than the glare he fixes on your dimly lit face. Your mouth opens, then closes, words failing you entirely. 
You want to explain, to defend yourself. To…
“I see what you read. What you watch,” he begins, voice cutting and mean. “In the dead of night, when you think you’re alone. When you think it’s safe. That no one hears the sweet moans spill so sinfully from your lips.”
His words pierce through the air like an arrow; you feel his overwhelming presence take over, the weight of his gaze pressing down on you, every exhale grazing the sensitive shell of your ear.
“Oh, but I do,” he murmurs, the ambiguity in his tone somehow making it worse. “I hear everything. I know everything about you, kitten.”
A shiver races down your spine, your body betraying you as he speaks.
“What makes you tick,” he continues, his voice a sinister caress. “What leaves you writhing, desperate for more. The way your breathing quickens… the way your body trembles under the weight of your own pleasure.”
You’re struggling now—each breath harder to catch than the last.
“And the way that pretty little mouth of yours falls open in a silent gasp, right after you come undone.”
His words are a noose, tightening with every syllable. Your head spins as the air seems to grow heavier, saturated with the tension between you.
“But it’s never for me, is it?”
“I—I’m sorry… I don’t want to assume—”
“Assume?” His voice darkens, any hint of softness replaced with something colder, harsher. “Again with your presumptions.”
He leans closer, his tone dropping to a command that leaves no room for doubt. “From now on, the only thing you’ll need to believe is when I tell you you’re mine.”
You blink at him dumbly. His grin turns into something wicked—caustic and biting—as he cocks his head. Derisive.  
“Do you understand?”
Your head bobs in a weak, reflexive nod.
“Words, poppet.”
“Good.” His tone shifts, smooth like languid amber, yet no less imposing. “Now, my love,” he coos, savoring the way your eyes tear up with desperation, “show me how you touch yourself.”
“Shi–iit,” he hisses. “This wet already?” 
You attempt to close your legs, shame rising like a tide, but freeze halfway when Sylus lets out a low, warning growl.
“Try that, and we’ll stop,” he warns. “I won’t repeat myself twice, pet.”
The weight of his words pins you in place, and you let out a helpless whimper.
“Don’t be afraid, sweet girl,” he murmurs, his tone gentler—coaxing. “It’s just me.”
His gaze burns into you, relentless, but something tender bleeds into it. 
The glow of the screen casts shadows along the sharp angles of his jaw, the upward tick of his mouth a dangerous contradiction—part teasing, part command. His sanguine eyes gleam with a mix of hunger and control, a look that leaves no room for hesitation.
You give in.
Your body relaxes under the weight of his stare, the fight draining from your limbs. It’s not submission—it’s surrender, pure and unfiltered, the kind that leaves you bare and vulnerable.
Sylus watches you, a faint smile tugging at his lips. Not soft, not kind, but triumphant—like a predator relishing the moment its prey stops running.
“Good girl,” he murmurs, the praise dripping from his tongue like honey. “That’s better.”
Sade’s Smooth Operator starts to play in the background as you catch your breath.
You let out a tired giggle, swiping a hand down your sweat-drenched face, earbuds still in place. “Ugh—don’t piss me off.”
You hear a resounding chuckle. 
Gently, he asks, “Alright, little dove?” There’s a beat of hesitation before he adds, quieter now, “Did I go too far?”
You curl onto your side, phone clutched in your hand like a prayer. Sylus’ gaze peers back at you through the screen, a dangerously soft expression on his face that you don’t want to identify. 
“It's perfect, Sy,” you say, your grin tender and bittersweet, heart full of something you won't name.
It’s one in the morning. The dim glow of your laptop screen flickers across your face, spilling into the darkened room, casting shadows along the wall. You lean back against it, the end credits of Everything Everywhere All At Once rolling quietly in the background.
Silence settles between you and Sylus like a warm blanket.
“Do you think it’s… like that?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper, unwilling to shatter the stillness of the moment. “All versions of ourselves colliding and coexisting at the same time?”
The question hangs there; he doesn’t rush an answer, and for a moment, you wonder if he’s choosing not to. 
When he finally speaks, it’s with the same quiet restraint, his voice threading softly through the air. 
“I’d like to think that in this vast expanse of the universe, there’s something for you and me.”
There’s a trace of something dreadfully optimistic in his voice, and it makes your chest tighten. You blink a few times, glancing upwards. 
The moment lingers, delicate in its quietness, until you instinctively reach for your phone. A quick swipe reveals a new addition to your shared playlist.
This Is A Life by Son Lux and Mitski.
A small, genuine smile tugs at your lips as you press play. The haunting strains of the song pour into the room, filling the spaces words can’t seem to touch.
“Sneaky,” you murmur, your gaze sliding back to Sylus’ face on the screen. His expression is unreadable, save for the faintest twitch of his mouth, the barest hint of a smile.
“Thought it fit the mood,” he says simply.
And it does. The music sweeps over you, soft and wistful, like the moment itself.
The balcony feels like a lifeboat drifting away from the chaos inside. The music, the chatter, the endless parade of tequila shots—it all fades to a dull hum as you step into the cool night air. 
Out here, the world feels wider, the sky a little darker, and you can breathe without choking on the weight of the party.
She’s already there, of course. The friend of a friend. An acquaintance by definition, but someone who feels more of a comrade in these fleeting moments away from the crowd. You’ve seen her like this most times—leaning on the railing, a cigarette perched between her fingers, its faint ember glowing against the night. You don’t need an invitation to approach her.
“You mind if I bum one?”
She shrugs, silently offering the box to you. You take one.
“Fun party, huh?” you comment after two puffs, the lit end of the stick briefly catching the glow of the skyline. Your voice is loaded with the kind of irony only shared by those watching the world from the outside in.
“It always is with them around,” she snorts, rolling her eyes in fond exasperation. Her voice carries the warmth of familiarity, from an observation you’ve both shared before. 
You exhale a soft laugh, the sound barely audible over the low hum of the city below.
The silence that follows isn’t just companionable—it’s necessary. A pause to recalibrate, to let the noise, and the lights, and the weight of too many people melt away. Neither of you feels the need to fill it. Words would only dilute the reprieve.
And then, unexpectedly:
“You look happy.”
The words land like a stone dropping into still water, rippling through the quiet. You glance at her, startled by the way her eyes narrow slightly, the way her tone suggests she’s already drawn her own conclusions.  
“You ‘ave someone?”
You weren’t ready for that. You blink at her, surprised she’s noticed anything about you—surprised, too, that it’s written plainly enough for anyone to notice.
“...Yeah,” you mumble, looking away. The admission feels strange in its simplicity. “Yeah, I do.”
She smiles at that—easy but genuine, as if your happiness has spilled over and warmed her, too. “That’s good.” 
There’s sincerity in her voice, unfiltered and direct, as she adds, “You look happier.”
You don’t reply, but her words settle somewhere deep, in the quiet places you thought were hidden. 
And for once, you don’t mind being seen.
The party has left you drunker than you’ve been in ages. 
As soon as the celebrant spots the two of you in the corner looking like a sad pair of eyesores, she quickly remedies it with copious amounts of stone-cold stingers. You try to protest, but in the end, it’s futile against the cacophony of cheers and the face of societal peer pressure. 
So now you stagger inside the condo building, looking every bit like a drowned rat dragged in from the storm. A weary guard from reception following closely behind, his patience visibly fraying as you giggle your way toward the elevator.
“‘m fine!” you insist, words slurring together as you attempt to shoo him off with a lazy wave. To emphasize your point, you pinch your fingers together, holding them inches apart. “Just this much to drink, see?”
He doesn’t respond, his expression coming across resigned and frustrated. You can almost hear the thought running through his mind: I don’t get paid enough for this. 
With a long-suffering sigh, he finally relents, letting you totter into the elevator alone.
UG… P… 4…. 5…… Oh! Here you are. 
Rivulets of water drip down from your rain-soaked hair, trailing icy paths down your neck as you stagger down the narrow hallway. Your vision blurs, making everything double—no, triple—as you fumble your way to the left, stopping in front of the door of 601—wait, no, 603. 
You squint hard at the numbers, your head throbbing with the effort, but the stinging in your eyes and the stubborn clumping of your lashes make it way harder for you to make sense of it all. 
Your waterlogged clutch feels heavier than it should, and your trembling fingers struggle to find the zipper pull that’s somehow become the bane of your existence. You huff, muttering incoherently to yourself, your throat tight and raw as a burning lump starts to rise. An annoyingly persistent buzzing from inside your bag adds to your mounting frustration.
With an angry yank, you finally manage to tear the bag open, water splashing off it in tiny droplets. 
“Aha!” you exclaim, though the triumph is short-lived as your hands shake even harder when you pull out your phone. It’s the source of the buzzing apparently, the bright screen momentarily blinding you. 
You try to unlock it—once, twice, three times—nearly getting locked out before the numbers finally click.
The notifications hit you like the mars lights of a freight train. Texts. Lots of them. You scroll through clumsily, the device slipping slightly from your grip as you snort gracelessly.
Sylus. Of course.
The words on the screen blur and twist, but you don’t need clarity to know the progression of each message—ranging from mild curiosity, to slight worry, to exasperatedly concerned. 
The syllables of his pet name echo faintly in your muddled head, a small, fleeting comfort against the weight pressing down on your chest. Sy-Sy. Sy-Sy. Sy-Syyyyy—
Synchronous with your erratic breathing, you dig through your bag with a heavy hand, each failed attempt sends you spiraling lower.
Another ping jolts you from your drunken haze: 
How are you feeling? Did you just get back?
“I can’t—I can’t find my damn keys!” 
The words slips out as a frustrated cry.
Inner pocket, left side. Answer me, sweetheart.
His words flash across the screen just as your fumbling fingers find the keys exactly where he said they’d be. 
A tear burns a path down your cheek as you let out a half-hearted chuckle, mumbling, “Can I even function without you?” 
How long has it been since you could manage something like this on your own? Has he become an extension of your mind?
The door’s stubborn resistance only adds to your unraveling. After several failed attempts—your fingers too wound up to grip the key properly—you finally twist the lock and push it open, stumbling inside, into the darkness. 
“I’m a mess, Sylus,” you whisper, voice thick with tears as your head spins, wiping your nose with the back of your hand. 
The world feels heavy and muffled, like you’re trapped behind a fogged window. You know you’re a sight to behold—shoeless, drunk, drenched like some stray that wandered too far into the rain.
“I’ve noticed,” he says, his voice warm and steady, cutting through the quiet void of the room. It takes a second for the words to sink in, for your scattered mind to piece together that, somehow, you’ve already opened the game in the middle of all your fumbling. Automatic. Like second nature.
You stare at him, trembling and pitiful, like a kid lost in a crowd. Your bottom lip quivers, and you hate how small you feel under his gaze.
You see concern pooling in the depths of Sylus’ eyes. That and something… desperate.
You sniff, rubbing at your wet cheeks with pruning fingers, clinging to humor like a lifeline. "Don’t you do anything else?” you mumble, your voice fraying at the edges. “Like... live your own life or something? You spend so much time with me...” You force out a weak laugh, bitter and jagged. “It’s a miracle you haven’t gotten sick of me yet.”
Your laugh cracks halfway through, more like a sob than anything. It’s pathetic—you’re pathetic. 
And yet, you can’t stop. Even if it stings your throat.
Sylus’ response comes, and his voice is solid—unwavering. He doesn’t flinch like you do. “I don’t get sick of you, sweetheart. Not in the slightest.”
Something in you cracks, spilling over. “I really like you,” you murmur, voice steeped with emotion. “You’re the brightest light in my life. You’re… you’re everything.”
A flash of lightning cuts through the room, illuminating your tear-stained face.
And for the first time since you’ve known him, Sylus calls out your name.
It’s quiet, reverent, and it feels like a tether pulling you back from the brink.
You crumple down the floor, clutching your phone like it’s the only thing holding you together. In the silence that follows, all you can hear is your ragged breathing and the quiet hum of his presence on the other end of the line.
“I’m here,” he tells you softly. “I’ve got you.”
This is a life
(Every possibility)
Free from destiny 
(I choose you, and you choose me) 
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Tagging: @xxfaithlynxx @beewilko @browneyedgirl22 @yournextdoorhousewitch @sunsethw4 @stxrrielle @mangooes @hrts4hanniehae @buggs-1 @michiluvddr @ssetsuka @imm0rtalbutterfly @the-golden-jhope @beomluvrr @milkandstarlight @bookfreakk @ally-the-artistic-turtle @sapphic-daze @sarahthemage @cchiiwinkle @madam8 @slownoise @raendarkfaerie @sylusdarling @luminaaaz @greeenbeean @vvhira @issamomma @shroomiethefrogwhisperer @nicora04 @blueberrysquire @love-anteros @fiyori @peachystea @slyfoxtsu @tinyweebsstuff @i2sannie (i spend so much time cross-checking the tags this is tiring lmao)
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mo0nfairy · 6 months ago
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summary :: surviving raccoon city together, you catch the affections of leon kennedy, ada wong, jill valentine, and carlos oliveira. six years later, you reunite with them and realize their obsession with you has increased tenfold.
chapters :: the masterlist.
word count :: 23.3k
content warnings :: mdni! yandere!leon, yandere!ada, yandere!jill, yandere!carlos, love triangle, kidnapping, violence/death, ptsd, suic1dal tendencies, alcoholism/alcohol use, invasion of privacy, unprotected s3x, non-c0n, master k1nk (reader is called this), mommy k1nk (ada is called this), p3t-play, drugging (use of aphr0disiacs without knowledge), face-sitting, squirting, s3x toys, & physical restraint.
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──── Yellow light bleeds through your closed vision. When you blink away the remaining clumps of sleep in your eyes, you find yourself in the passenger seat of a vehicle. Your stomach twists with newfound fear, as though your body were wringing a wet towel.
Before you can question how you somehow time-traveled to the tea-induced unconsciousness forced by Jill and Carlos, a voice permeates the silence.
“Morning, sunshine.” 
Nearly snapping your neck, you turn your head to find Leon Kennedy behind the steering wheel.
With a soft grin on his face, he shifts his gaze from the road, to you, then back again. He’d much rather stare in awe at the way your chest rises and falls with tranquility, but alas, he cannot. He’s well aware of what occurred the last time he drove with you. Like Hell will he allow anything of the sort to happen again.
“Oh… So, it wasn’t a dream.” You mutter sleepily, some lasting despondency dragging with your sluggish speech.
Lowering your head, you discover your opossum plushy nestled in your arms. Still adorned in the silken ribbon from earlier, but missing the handwritten note from Ada tucked beneath. 
Leon most likely crumpled the paper and tossed it in the garbage, always the territorial dog he is. You still remember the savagery in his eyes whenever you’d speak to coworkers at Mizoil about recent gas prices or late paychecks.
Speak of the devil, Leon is quick to save you from your inner turmoil. 
“Stay with me, Y/N. ‘Promise you’re safe here… You’ll never need to worry about anything ever again...”
He rests his hand on your knee, massaging soothing circles into your flesh. You’d surely succumb to the lulling motions and fall asleep, had your brain not been wrecked with surging questions.
“I-I don’t understand. What’s happening? Where are we going?” 
Leon’s hand finds yours. Calloused fingers interlock with your shivering digits, lightly squeezing your palm as a means of reassurance. A firm reminder that he is here. Always. And he will not be leaving your side anytime soon.
“I have a cabin up in the mountains. The safe house. Our safe house.” 
The last time you lived with someone in the woods, it ended very poorly. You pray Leon does not share any notion with your previous partners. 
Despite these worries, another special someone remains on your mind. 
“What of… What about Tyrell? Will he be joining us?” 
Trying to shield the hope in your tone was a lost cause. Especially when spoken to a secret agent of all people, who studies every twitch and timbre in your voice as easily as a picture book. All of which tells him you like Tyrell. 
Leon’s knuckles bloom in hues of white the tighter he clenches the steering wheel. Jealousy like never before courses through his bloodstream. 
Even in the presence of others who are not afraid to show their attraction to you, he never encountered emotions so grand. When it is you who displays the perceptible favoritism, Leon has to physically restrain himself from whipping the car around, speeding back to Tyrell’s home, and beating him to a bloody pulp.
You, safe and sound in his humble abode, and that man, rotting six feet under — that is really all Leon could ask for. Maybe even the death of a certain red-obsessed mercenary, but as tenacious as she is, there is no hope for such a fate.
“Nope. No Tyrell. Gonna be just us for a while.” 
The disappointment that washes over your face is catastrophic for Leon. It is almost enough for him to consider tearing himself apart to become the version of Tyrell you adore so much. Carving away at his features, nails and hammers to his flesh, and plucking every piece of his personality to claim as his. Anything to make you think of Leon alone in that regard. No one else.
“Hey, I swear you’ll enjoy it here.” He cannot tell whether he’s trying to assure you or himself of this. “We’ll have bonfires, hikes, car rides like this. I’ll even take you on a canoe ride around the lake, if you’d like.” 
“And what about after that?”
He pauses, casting a quick glance of confusion your way. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, what will happen once all of this blows over and we can leave the safe house? When can I live on my own?”
Leon tenses. He does not like this topic; he’d rather speak more of the romantic dates you’ll have in the mountains together.
Mornings will be spent watching the fog settle across the surrounding forest, hands interlocked with one another and enjoying steaming cups of tea and coffee. Nights will be spent cuddled by the campfire, indulging yourselves in sugary kisses smeared with melted marshmallows and sticky chocolate.
He’ll spend his days with you nestled in his arms as he rows you around the lake, cooing over the way your heavy eyes droop and you drift off to the sound of gentle waves.
After six long, tortuous years, you’ve finally returned to him and dipped a toe into the thrashing waves of his life. And like some famished, deep-sea creature, Leon’s hand ensnares around your ankle and pulls you into the depths. Seized in his arms and to never part again.
Here, life will become what Leon has always wanted it to be: sunlit and alive. 
“Hey, watch out!” 
You’re shocked you hadn’t launched out the windshield by how violently Leon slammed on the brakes. His arm stretches over your chest in an attempt at protecting you, the aggressive and desperate motion enough to bruise your ribs.
When he looks to identify what danger intends to take you away from him, he finds a raccoon. How fitting. The critter scurries across the road before vanishing into a nearby array of bushes.
“Are-Are y-” Leon swallows a scratching cough. “Are you okay?” 
The stunned silence is accompanied by his stuttering, shaky breaths. His trembling hand finds your shoulder. Grasping tightly, as though you would wrangle yourself out of his grasp and limp away. Just as he watched you do in Raccoon City. 
You do not answer him. Instead, a smile creeps onto your face before you burst with loud laughter. The sight sends electric bolts straight through his chest; the mellifluous sound filling his ears like warm, oozing honey. A sound so heavenly, in fact, Leon finds himself laughing with you, despite the hammering speeds of his fearful heart.
You raise your opossum in presentation with a sun-bright smile still stamped on your face. “I think the little guy just wanted to visit his friend.”
You’re sent into another series of adorable laughter and candy-sweet giggles. Leon studies every tone of your amusement and stamps them into his memory. He has seen many versions of you, yes, but never complete happiness. Sheer, unadulterated, beautiful happiness. And he solemnly swears to keep this emotion perennial, for now and forevermore. 
When your laughing fit dies down, only then does Leon begin to drive again. As he accelerates forward, you look his way and begin to absorb his appearance. 
He does not look very different than he did before. Perceptible creases deepened on his skin and have replaced that baby-face he was once notorious for, however.
“’There something on my face?” 
You flush upon realizing how long you had been dissecting his appearance. Fortunately, that witty humor of his mends any lasting embarrassment. 
You had almost forgotten about the newcomer in town you met several years ago. When you see his chapped lips stretch into that pretty-boy smile, you’re reminded of how that rookie at the R.P.D. still lives inside him.
“I’m sorry, you just… You don’t look any different than when we first met.”
Now, it is his turn to blush. 
His eyebrows raise in shock. He turns his head to search your face for a sign of a joke. Though, with how focused he is on the road ahead (and his poor luck with driving), he is granted no opportunity. The silence that settles tells Leon all of how truthful you are. 
To make matters even worse for him and his flustered self, you continue your thorough inspection of his appearance. 
That dull, pallid color casted upon his face has restored its lively, childlike tint. Now, you can fully see that rosy flush cloud his creamy skin.
His eyes are a misty blue with scattered specks of gray. The most prominent feature of his eyes, however, was the life within them. And back on those loading docks, you witnessed first-hand as that liveliness returned.
Beneath their glittering luster holds the last few remnants of innocence he still has. For too long, they had been vacant and soulless — a permanent scar of that day in September. Excitement, adventure, and ambition now glimmers with every blink. You look into them and can only find that young man who visited your gas station to offer clumsy pick-up lines and hefty tips.
“I’d tell you to take a picture if I didn’t mind you staring at me so much.” Leon’s voice has deepened to a gentler husk over time. Aged like a fine whiskey. 
The wind passing through the window tousles with his hair, capturing your attention. You notice how the color of his hair has changed over the years, as well. The dark tones of his roots now fading into a dimmer blonde.
To answer his statement, you reach over and sink your fingers into the strands and ruffle the locks. He laughs in response and playfully pushes you back to your seat with tender effort. From here, you finally halt your scrutinization and return your gaze to the forestry outside. 
That adoring, lopsided smile remains permanent on Leon’s face for the rest of the car ride.
And that very smile is entirely formidable, you conclude. Time passes by and still, this happiness of his does not falter in the slightest.
It has now been over three months since you stepped foot into Leon’s cabin. More notably, it has now been three months since you’ve stepped foot out of Leon’s cabin.
You’ve become accustomed to the routine of waking up to gloomy clouds and shadowed sunshine. As you stir awake now, you study the bedroom you currently reside in.
On the bed, where you lay, cushiony comforters are embraced by fluffy, knitted blankets. Leon is satisfied with sleeping with one pillow, but he bought several more for you to sleep with, of which you use heartily. Only a fool would miss the way he wishes you’d use his chest to rest your head on instead.
Fairy lights are woven around the wooden beams supporting the ceiling. Directly beneath is a rug stretched across the floor, where the original intricate design is now convoluted with dirt and grime. A lit fireplace is centered directly across from the king-sized bed, protecting you from the bitter temperatures outside. Not that the protection is necessary, as you can always find a certain warm body draped around you.
Outside, a porch ensnares around the walls of the exterior, where two rocking chairs are situated right beside each other. They overlook the layer of fog resting upon the adjacent lake, surrounded by miles and miles of pine trees. 
Through the front entrance, you step directly into the living room. The interior is elucidated by soft, golden lamplights. More knitted blankets and pillows adorn the surface of the handmade couch. A hand-carved bookshelf holds the weight of a myriad of books.   
The living room goes hand-in-hand with the kitchen. A wooden stove, rustic pots, and even more ancient kitchen utensils scatter around the small expanse. Tucked in the corner of the kitchen is a timber table with a candle as a centerpiece, joined by two wooden dining chairs.
Down the hall and opposite of the bedroom is a bathroom akin to the size of a shoebox. A stone-walled shower contains all your preferred soaps and washes, as well as Leon’s classic scents of amber and cedar-wood. There is a mirror strung above the log-supported sink with, what you could swear is, a blinking red light tucked in the corner of the glass.
Relaxing and cozy is this cabin, yes, but it is all a temporary living situation. Then, you can step into the real world and see what life has to offer you.
At least, that is what Leon claims. 
What you are unaware of is that in these six years without you, wrecked by your death, Leon built this cabin as his final resting place.
His time was devoted to operating his plans of destroying Umbrella and slaving the hours away on this property, crafting every ounce of love and detail into the estate. After his goals reached success, Leon would venture back here where no one would find him. Then, he would end his life. 
When he reaches the afterlife, he will find your soul there. Waiting for him. You and him would then spend the rest of time with one another, happily haunting the halls of your humble abode.
These plans have, of course, fallen short when he learned your precious heart was still beating. Now, Leon intends on residing in the cabin for the rest of his life, indulging in the rays of sunlight held in his arms. 
There are still a few finishing details that require his aid, some last screws to be fastened and whatnot, but it will remain of utmost perfection as long as he is here with you. Then, when your long, amazing life inevitably reaches its final chapter, he will end his life right beside you.
Leon intends on spending eternity here with you. No matter what shifts and changes may occur in the trajectory of your lives.
Picturesque as his beloved cabin is, you’re still overwhelmed with the feeling of being trapped. And God, do these feelings puncture you with guilt. All that he has done and sacrificed for you, just for you to return his efforts with rejection and discomfort – you’d hate yourself if you were him.
Even though you perceive your desires as selfish, you still can’t help but wonder how fruitful your life could be if you were to be alone- 
“Jesus, fuck-!” 
Shifting your vision to your right, you swear your heart nearly collapses into itself when you find Leon. Chin rested on his palm, you had caught him in the middle of watching you. Intently. 
His staring does not cease upon your frightened reaction, either. It remains just as it was, with a new grin spreading on his face. You’re just like a baby mouse, eyes blown wide in fear of the vicious world around them. Too fucking cute.
Face hidden behind your hands, you catch your breath and question him. 
“Jesus Christ… How long have you been watching me?” 
With a lighthearted titter, he answers. 
“Not for long. Just over three hours.”
With every day the fog settles, you have come to learn several new things.
Oh, how Leon Kennedy loves the sight of Y/N L/N. 
It is evident throughout every day, where fragments of his obsession are sprinkled into every moment you spend together.
Eyes still glued to your every move, his burly arms encompass around your waist and pull you closer to him, chest now cemented to your back. Languid kisses are littered across your jaw like confetti dispersed upon a stage.
Ever since you arrived here, Leon always insisted on sharing a bed with you. Even going as far as to exclaim in faux dismay: “Oh, no! There is only one bed!”, as though he had not decorated the cabin himself.
He further asserts how sleeping beside you is the best course of action in keeping you safe from any creeping danger. When he then takes your chin between his two fingers and presses a hard kiss to your mouth, moaning in fervent contentment, you fail to see how this is meant to “protect” you.
Despite this, you have grown familiar with these sleeping arrangements beneath the sheets with Jill and Carlos. 
Speaking of those two, their memory stirs your stomach. 
You do not know if Leon is aware of their existence and what you endured under their care. You don’t know where they currently are, either. If they are even dead or alive…
These thoughts are immaterial, you assure yourself. They are far, far away and will never lay a finger on you. 
Nagging thoughts like these are especially assuaged in the morning, where you can cook breakfast for you and Leon. Even just the sight of a pan in your grasp would be enough to get Carlos sweating, further proving the two are not lurking in any hidden corners. He’d surely die just seeing you mere inches away from a knife block. 
Sure, it may have had to take a few voluntary cuddles and some puppy-dog eyes, but eventually, Leon caved and gave you permission to cook. Despite how ecstatic you are to receive some form of autonomy, you always remain careful in your efforts. One nick to your skin and this privilege will be yanked from your hands before you have the chance to enjoy it. 
Now, you stand here in the kitchen, poking and prodding at the sizzling eggs on the stove. Although you are certainly no chef, you managed to pick up a few skills while watching Carlos prepare your meals. Leon always praises your culinary works, nonetheless. The clean plate he leaves behind tells you such. 
Leon himself is currently outside the residence, gathering lumber for the bedroom fireplace. It is one of the rare occurrences where you are granted solitude, so you revel in the time as thoroughly as you can. 
He sought after time off work for the sole reason of never spending a second without you. Wearing the badge of surviving Raccoon City then saving the notorious Baby-Eagle has earned him many points with his superiors, granting him permission to bring home the bacon without partaking in any labor. 
You joke to yourself about becoming the classic 50’s housewife as you set the table.
Two plates of steaming omelets with a cup of tea for yourself and a glass of sparkling water for Leon. He alluded to his problems with alcohol on one occasion, but he informed you of how he was receiving help. This ‘help’ remains a mystery to you, but you assume his choice of beverage plays a role in this assistance. 
Although the problems you face are much different than his, you can’t help but wonder if you’ll ever receive help when you finally leave this- 
“Fucking christ!” 
When you turn your shoulder to set your apron away, you swear your heart, once again, nearly collapses into itself when you find Leon. Standing just at the threshold of the kitchen, watching your every move. Intently.
All he does is shoot you that same grin, complemented with a light chortle, before sitting down at the table. God, how long was he standing there? Did he even leave the cabin!? 
With a deep breath, you join him at his side. Before you can even take hold of any cutlery, something tugs at your chair. You glance down to find Leon’s hand ensnared around your chair leg, before he pulls you closer to him. Now shoulder to shoulder, he plants a prolonged kiss to your cheek as a silent way of thanking you and an apology for startling you, before digging into his meal.
You then begin consuming the works of your hard work, as well. In the midst of eating, Leon speaks about the plans for the day ahead. And for the umpteenth time, he broaches the idea of enjoying a boat ride around the lake.
With the shimmering hope in his eyes, you know very well of what he is asking you. After all, you remember your first boat ride very well. 
Watching the fish swim through the murky waters, listening to the birds sing and frogs croak, sinking your fingers into the stream and toying with the waves – enjoying the nature outside serves as a lovely memory. 
Much to Leon’s shock (and yours as well, if you are honest), you halted his rowing and pulled him into your very first kiss. As stingy as your affection is, he clung to whatever slivers he could grasp. And to receive something as breathtaking as your kiss, he could have sworn the world shattered around him.
Ever since then, the desperate man has been nudging you in the direction of giving him another. Or any scrap of affection, for that matter. 
You take your last sip of tea and agree to Leon’s advances of a boat ride, ignoring the elation that floods his face in response. 
Some time out of this stuffy cabin is what you have been needing. Maybe you’ll even give him another kiss in the end. As much as you hate to admit it, your lover is quite handsome. Also very fun to kiss. Annoyingly so.
Unfortunately for Leon, the boat ride you enjoyed that morning was devoid of any physical affections. As the day continues along, however, you can’t help but wonder if some affection is what Leon needs. Maybe then, he’ll be satiated, and finally, you’ll be granted more time to yourself…
As dusk settles in, though, you begin to notice a perceptible excitement within Leon. It is nothing out of the ordinary, as he always harbors some form of elation around you. Tonight, however, this gleam sparkled differently.
An hour managed to pass by, spent scouring through a book you plucked from the living room bookshelf. And so absorbed in the wondrous world of ‘Woodworking 4 Dummies’, you had not realized how long it has been since you last saw Leon. This phenomenon was strange, as your puppy-dog is always at your hip like a tight belt. 
You are only enlightened on this peculiarity when Leon enters through the front door moments later.
He is adorned with that familiar shimmer in his eye, but you also notice how he has his hair slicked back. You can easily recall the occurrence where he laid his head on your chest and you ran your fingers through his blonde strands, before impulsively telling him he looked sexy with his hair pushed back. 
Embarrassed, you prayed he was too drowsy to hear your spontaneous compliment. When you found a mountain of hair gel in the bathroom a day later, you realize then how wrong you were. Though, who are you to complain when you’ve got good eye-candy standing right in front of you?
“Sunshine! ‘Got something for ya.” 
Your book is robbed from your possession and tossed onto the couch surface, where your attention is then forcibly diverted to Leon. Exactly where he needs it most. 
His hands, soft as they always are, guide you to your feet. They are then placed over your eyes.
“Is it something that I’m not allowed to see?” 
A kiss to your head, he answers. “Not yet. Gonna have to let me be your legs for a while. Unless you want me to carry you there?” 
Please say yes. 
“Lead the way, Mr. Kennedy!” 
The disappointment he feels fades quickly as he begins to guide you out the front door. 
The bite of the early-night chill crawls up your arms. If it weren’t for the strong chest pressed against your back, you’d surely succumb to the shivering temperatures.
“I would’ve brought a jacket if I knew we’d be taking a stroll.”
The breath of his chortle fans against your ear. 
“You’ll warm up soon, sunlight. Trust me.”
Through several short-lived twists and turns, you are soon halted in your tracks. Any attempts at piecing together where on the property you may be fails you, as you have no recollection of stepping this far from the cabin.
“Any wild guesses?” Leon’s voice nearly touches your brain with how close he is to you. 
The specks of golden light peaking through his fingers hints to what may be the answer. 
“Uh… A campfire?”
He laughs again. “We already have one out front.” 
“Yeah, but the s'mores the merrier, right?” 
He responds to your god-awful pun with more laughter and another kiss to your head, before finally pulling his hands away from your face. 
From there, you absorb the sight of a newly built hot-tub. It bubbles with scorching water and you can almost feel your muscles ache with want. Beside the tub is a fireplace, alive and flickering with fire. There are towels folded upon the surface, where they absorb the heat to embrace you soothingly after a nice soak.
Surrounding the hot-tub is a tall, solid black fence. Perfect for complete and total privacy. Not that anyone could step within a mile radius of the home without Leon knowing, but you digress. 
Clean, skimmed wooden planks trail from your feet to the hot-tub. Searching further, you see an array of fairy lights strung upon the trees above. Their lights twinkle and illuminate the new addition to the property. 
So engrossed in dissecting the new sight, you forgot about your puppy’s incessant need for your attention. You almost forgot he was even there to begin with until you feel his arms ensnare around your shoulders, tugging you closer to him. 
Another kiss to your cheek and you finally fill the silence with your voice. 
“You built all of this?” 
He answers with an ‘mm-hmm’ and sways you both from side to side. You do not question his abilities, more-so the time frame. He’s constantly latched to you like that damned Las Plagas, where in his schedule did he find time to do all of this? 
“Goddamn, how good are those woodworking books?” 
You’re almost convinced to take up comedy with the way he laughs at your dry attempts at humor.
“You should know. You seemed pretty focused on it back home.” 
Home. It’s a comforting phrase, but even in your subconscious mind, you don’t interlock that word with the cabin. You aren’t sure why.
“Nah, I’ll stick to the omelets. I’d probably chop my fingers off if I tried what you do.” 
Leon shudders. The playful energy is drained the very moment those words leave your mouth. You should’ve known how sensitive he is to such ideas, after all. You almost turn to apologize, but he responds before you can even clutch the chance.
“Good.” He swallows dryly. You swear you heard a sniffle somewhere in there. “Don’t need any of those curious fingers around my table saw. Rather you just keep them on me.” 
You answer the flirtation with a giggle and a “shut up!”, before shoving him off of you. From there, Leon begins to undress himself. You watch his efforts with a furrowed brow, before questioning him.
“O-Oh, now? We’re gonna use it right now?” 
That grin on his face, always permanent, grows into a smile. “I built it for you. Didn’t bring you all the way out here just to stare at it.” 
“Touché.” You answer.
Since you do now own a swimsuit, as you have minimal clothing for yourself back in your dresser (due to the fact your entire wardrobe still remains at Jill and Carlos’ estate), you begin to undress yourself, as well. It hadn’t crossed your mind that this was the first time Leon has seen so much of your skin, as you are more preoccupied in imagining how relaxing it will be to finally sink into the warm water. 
Leon, in question, nearly gets caught in his pant legs and topples over from the sight of you. He wants to be witty, for his brain to form another charming one-liner that would snag your heart. But alas, seeing every blemish, every scar, every stretch of skin on your body has rendered him speechless. Those pesky undergarments of yours may be in the way, but even just a glimpse of your ankle is enough to get him drooling.
While Leon stands there with his head in the clouds, you rush over and finally step into the searing, muscle-melting embrace of the hot-tub. When you look to see why a certain blonde has yet to join you, you find him just standing there. Eyes the size of dinner plates.
You do not refrain from commenting on this. “When you said you didn’t bring me all the way out here just to stare, I thought you were talking about the both of us.”
A few blinks and Leon is finally brought back down to reality. There’s a subtle blush dusted on his cheeks, but yet again, he does not take his eyes off of you. With a light chortle, he finally climbs into the tub and adjusts himself beside you. 
You take notice of the old pair of swim trunks he had worn beneath his clothes, which surely had been collecting dust in the bottom of his dresser. The heavy muscle gain over the years makes it rather tight around his thighs. You quickly avert your eyes away from the sight, but Leon is not as stingy when it comes to his staring. Especially when it is you before his gaze. 
Enjoying the steaming temperatures, you then proceed to ramble about frivolous matters. With how peaceful your days have been (as well as how much time you spend with Leon), there is not much glamor or drama to enlighten him of. Still, you always manage to find some topic to blabber on about. 
For tonight's subject: eggs!
You are rarely given the privilege of pursuing your hobbies and exploring beyond that point rarely ever happens. Anything perceived dangerous in the eyes of Leon is immediately off the table. Cooking, as baby-proofed as it is, has become a newfound interest for you. Specifically the art of cooking eggs, as your morning omelets still weigh in your stomachs.
“-And that’s why you should always use butter instead of oil when cooking eggs. I’ve learned it makes the eggs a lot more creamy, while oil just makes it, kind of, goopy, in my opinion. Bonus points if the butter you use is unsalt-” 
So engaged in explaining the art of cooking eggs, you hardly comprehend Leon and his current state. Your tangent is soon brought to a sharp halt when you cast a glance at Leon. 
You find him staring, once again. Only this time, not a single inch of your chest is free from his scrutinization. You peer down to look at yourself, assuming something of sort was wrong with it. When you find nothing but your normal body, you finally conclude his actions to not be at fault of you, but simply Leon thinking with what’s in his pants.
Looking back at him, knowing smirk on your face, you point your fingers up. “My eyes are up here, y’know.”
Leon abides by your comment and returns his gaze to you. Then, in his best attempt, he tries to flirt.
"If being gorgeous was a crime, you-you'd be guilty as... as... shit, I... I'm sorry." 
You’re taken aback by his odd reaction. You have never seen Leon Kennedy nervous, no less stutter before. You’re positive you’re the only person on Earth to witness such. 
“Right… So, as I was saying, it’s also best to use unsalted butter while cooking eggs. Not only does it help cook better, but gives you the opportunity to add in your own seasonings. Especially with how picky you know I am when it comes to-” 
There he is, doing it again! 
Staring at your chest as though it were a delicious buffet and he had not eaten in days. 
Just how much is he even listening to you, anyway? If you asked him, do you think he’d be able to reiterate even just a word of what you said? What if you used this to your advantage? 
With this newfound idea sparked in your mind, you begin to tell a ridiculous, fabricated story of the morning you had.
“Yeah, so after I cooked us eggs, I went outside and actually ran into the chicken who laid it.”
You search for any sign of confusion and find nothing. So, you continue.
“Then, she started to berate me! Squawking and screaming, “How could you!? You cooked my baby into a tasty breakfast!?”” 
Complemented by your eccentric motions and exploration of different octaves, you pantomime the comical story to Leon. Still, all you receive is a monotone, periodic “uh-huh” from your ever-so-immersed lover.
“And then she started running after me, pecking at my ankles no matter how fast I ran! She actually chased me all the way up that mountain back there. I even asked a squirrel to help me, but he just acted like he didn’t even see me, that bastard! When we finally reached the top, I just…“ 
Further insight on your vibrant morning borders on your tongue, but when you cast your gaze further down, you find an unmistakable sight through the fizzing bubbles: Leon using his hands to shield his… problem away from your attention. 
From here, you finally cut your tale short. You giggle to yourself before forcibly snagging his attention away from your chest. You grasp his chin and pull his gaze to meet yours.
“I thought I told you my eyes were up here…”
A foggy film hazes over his eyes. Mouth slightly agape, he nods lazily in agreement. Does he like it when you’re in control? When you’re rough like this? 
As you ponder over it, you realize you have never really taken control before. And knowing you’re gonna be stuck in this cabin for God-knows how much longer, you might as well have some fun with it, right? Besides, you’ve caught a glimpse or two of what’s hidden in those pants. Maybe some sweat is what you truly need to ease into this new lifestyle. 
Even when holding his chin hostage, his eyes do not stop themselves from searching for what they want. They shift down to your lips and lock onto the sight. Of course, you know fully of what he is asking for. Though, it wouldn’t be fun if you couldn’t drizzle in a little pain with pleasure. 
So, you play against him in his most favorite game: freeze and stare. You do so and watch as he squirms like a worm through thick soil. 
As you watch Leon crumble from something so mere as intensive eye-contact, a knowing smile quirks at your lips. The sight of your pearly whites, especially when exposed in his favor, is what pushes Leon to snap. His mouth waters at the prospect prodding at his mind, as though he were thirteen years old again, reading the raunchy romance books he snagged from one of his orphan caregivers.
Leon leans in to kiss you, but you nod away from his advances. The further you push away from him, however, the more Leon chases after you. Soon, there is no room for you to escape. And his mouth practically bruises your own from the force of his scorching kiss.
You try to speak his name to capture his attention back, but there is no room for conversation. Not when your senses are overwhelmed with the clashing of lips, saliva, and gut-wrenching devotion. 
You sink your teeth into his bottom lip in a final attempt at halting his zeal. This action brings you success, yes, but only chucks buckets of fuel into the rampant fire burning inside Leon. He’s said it before, after all: pain at your hand would bring him bliss like no other. 
And that it does. 
His jaw drops with a sharp gasp. From there, you listen as Leon whimpers into your mouth. He chases after the warmth of your lips again, but you do not let him indulge by establishing firm restrictions. This resistance only causes more trouble, as Leon grows impatient with each passing second without you close.
“Please… Need more…” His voice raises in an octave you don’t recognize; a tone that encapsulates the hunger he is overwhelmed with. 
“Take them off.” Your demand is curt and sharp. It is a new disposition you do not recognize, but something Leon is absolutely enthralled by.
Always your obedient puppy-dog, not another second is wasted before Leon is practically ripping his swimming trunks from his waist. The array of gurgling bubbles shields what lies beneath the water surface, but you compensate by allowing your eager fingers to explore for themselves.
Pressing a sharp nail into the muscle of his thigh, you slowly tread your feather-touch upwards. Leon’s chest rises up and down with rapid breaths, as though he were the first to cross the finish line after a miles-long marathon. Just waiting, waiting for you to touch him in the one place he needs it most.
You indulge him once more with your much-awaited kiss. While doing so, you are able to easily remove yourself of your undergarments, as you were not wearing much to begin with. 
Leon tries to slither his tongue into your mouth, but always the sadist you are, you decline this effort. You are not focused on his pleasure for now. You’re more interested in learning what will be buried inside you soon. Testing the waters, per se.
When your thumb skims against the skin of his heavy balls, Leon nearly keels over. You’re then ensnared in the tight embrace of his Herculean biceps. Despite the debauchery sewn into his bones, puppeteering every move of his, he still remains tender with his actions. The notion to treat you with the utmost softness is unbreakable, even when he is suffering at the hands of devastating carnality.
Meanwhile, you drag your finger down his hardened length and estimate every inch he possesses. You ignore every shiver that cascades down his body and conclude the measurement lies somewhere near 7.5 inches. Leon lies on the thinner side, but compensates with just how intimidating the straight, narrow length is, leaving no room for any curves or arches. In contrast to this, his head is fat and irritated, desperate for your attention.
While you remain engrossed in your thorough studies, Leon begins to paw at you with his greedy hands.
“Please. Master, please…”
Master? You’ve never heard that one before…
You share a hearty chuckle and beneath the touch of your fingers, you feel his dick jerk in response. A thing for humiliation? You’ll jot that down for later.
With a swift roll of your eyes, you shuffle your legs over to straddle him. His hands clutch on to your shoulders in a fervent attempt at keeping you close, to a degree that almost brings you minor pain. Much like a normal dog, Leon often forgets the weight of his strength and how large he is. Especially when he is blinded by his own ravenous lechery.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” 
Leon shudders and weakly nods. It’s almost comical how a few heated touches can cause all that famous wit to ooze out his body. However, it is not the response you wanted. 
You tightly grasp hold of his face like a parent scolding their child. He gasps from the harsh contact, but the way his eyes sparkle tells you he is a fan of the rough treatment.
With a jagged groan, a collage of messy words spill from his mouth.
“Yes! God, yes, there is nothing I want more. Master, please give it to me!”
Satisfied with his answer, you use your free hand to take hold of his length. Goosebumps adorn his shivering body in response. With one last deep breath of preparation, you then guide his bulbous head past the tight barrier of your wet entrance. 
Your jaw drops from the sheer stretch. Despite how much you could have prepared yourself for penetration, it still finds fresh ways in taking your breath away.
Leon is not in any better of a state, either. Arguably, much worse. 
Gasps pervade from his mouth as he desperately tries to verbalize just how soul-crushing you feel. He might as well have ascended onto cloud nine where his lonely skin can be embraced in the fluffy, sunlit expanse. 
The further you sink yourself down, the more his brain becomes smeared with melted concupiscence and the feeling of absolute, irrevocable love. Leon has to restrain himself from snagging back your control and just fucking into you until the sun rises. Poor thing doesn’t know how much more he can take before he snaps.
When you finally do bottom out, you have to impede a wince. He may be able to reach places your measly fingers could only dream of finding, but fuck, will he take some getting used to. 
A choked gasp of your new title bridges on the edge of Leon’s lips, but is quickly halted by him. Even when he is in the position he has dreamed of obtaining for years, those nagging thoughts still manage to creep in.
Leon fears the aspect of losing control and the consequences it may garner. What if someone is out there? What if they’re watching, just waiting for him to give in to the pleasure? All so they can swoop in and take you from him? What will he do if he loses you again? Would he even survive-? 
A gentle bounce of your hips and all worry is flung into outer space. Leon lurches forward, burying his head into your neck and digging his blunt nails into your shoulders. 
While you remain focused on adjusting to the new rhythm, Leon is reciting a mantra of “don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum” through his hazy head.
“There you go… Good boy-“ 
Well, that didn’t last long. 
That’s all it takes for Leon to plunge over the edge.
“M-Master! Fuck, uhn-!” 
He bleats out an obnoxiously loud cry, as though he were the lead star in a world-famous porno.
Sweltering heat pervades through his stomach in an inordinate fervor. Thick, heavy ropes paint your walls white and fill you to the very brim. Hands gripping every chunk of flesh they can reach, Leon revels in the weight of the pleasure.
Never has he been able to cum so quickly. All efforts with the toys in his bedside drawer or the blurry faces he’d bring to bed were rarely brought to fruition. If he were ever brought to that peak, it was always a pitiful release. 
One thing remained constant, though: it was always you on his mind. 
Tonight, however, euphoria could not have come quicker when his senses are overwhelmed in all of you and your perfect self. 
With such meek effort, you’ve now reduced Leon to a gooey puddle of ecstatic, dazed shivers. You take his newfound silence as embarrassment for lasting several seconds inside you. The truth is, you have stunned him into an enraptured state of silence. Still, you’ve accepted the fun has ended and begin reassuring him of any drifting doubts. 
“You’re okay, puppy… Did so well for me…” You whisper, leaving a trail of gentle kisses down his jaw. 
Leon’s rapid breathing has now eased, with the occasional whimper managing to escape. Tears build in his baby-blues. His grip on you is weak, but still maintains that vehement desperation you’re so familiar with. Inert is now his disposition, all with just a few pumps inside you. 
Six years have been spent in isolated misery with the memory of you poisoning his mind. To finally feel the caress of your love, Leon can’t restrain the tears that begin to fall.
Your reassurances remain soft and your kisses drag further down his skin. His chest, riddled with scars from his past, does not remain untouched by your care. This includes the jagged cut above his collarbone that he received during his search for you in Valdelobos. It had healed since, but it is perceptible in its hues of purple and red. You kiss upon the wound, complemented by the subtle drag of your teeth. 
You’re caught off guard when you feel Leon’s hardened length spasm within you in response. You devote your attention to that sweet spot and drag the warm sponge of your tongue on the scar, relishing in the moan it evokes from his throat. 
Sucking into the marked skin, Leon starts again with his pathetic stammering.
“Pl-Please…” he cries out. “You’re killing me…” 
You press a tender kiss to the fresh hickey as a silent apology. Slowly, you then begin to grind your hips to gently ease him into round two. Your efforts for a forgiving transition fail you, however, as those needy hands dig into your flesh as some desperate query for mercy.
Leon shields any absconding sounds of his by hyperventilating through clenched teeth. Once again, however, that scrap of self-control is torn from his grasp with another bounce of your body. 
As your motions continue, Leon takes hold of the hand you rested on his shoulder. He buries your fingers in the heaps of short hair on the back of his head. His eyes are locked on yours through it all. Where else would they be? 
“Pull. Please, pull on-” 
You yank on his hair with all your might and watch in reverie as his jaw goes slack. A few moans part from his gaping mouth before he can collect the correct words to speak. 
Taking your other hand, Leon guides it to his neck and applies the pressure he’s been dreaming of for years.
You abide once more and compress your fingers down on the most sensitive areas of his throat. And you almost crack a joke about how he’d do well in a Hentai with how perverse his reaction is. 
His tongue lolls out of his open mouth and rests against his chin. His eyes roll so far into the back of his head, you wonder if they’ll be stuck there forever. All of this over some slow grinding? You could assume him to be a virgin over such dramatics. 
For a moment, you decide to soften your movements. With his track record, you doubt he’ll last much longer with such efficient motions. Instead, you take advantage of that loose tongue hanging lazily from his mouth. 
You begin to suck on the lax muscle. The response it garners from Leon is immediate. A torrid moan pervades muffled, but the volume is still enough to shudder through the air. 
Every twist and turn of his hot mouth is sloppy, as he is too twitterpated to use his lips accordingly. His hands, weak and idle, clasp your jaw and hold you in place. Leon has kissed many others before, yes, but none like this. 
Then finally, finally, you begin to ride him. The attention reserved to his mouth is robbed from you, as Leon’s head droops backward and hangs over the rim of the hot tub. His body goes limp, slack arms falling from your body and to his sides. That mouth, overwhelmed with pooling saliva, lets out a raucous series of “ah! ah! ah!” with every thrust you impel into yourself.
He becomes blinded by his appetency. As he stated, being victim to the fusion of heaven and hell at your hand brings him bliss like no other. And through the clenched curses and pitiful whimpers, the universe finally grants him the ability to speak. 
Soon, all fantasies he’s had surrounding this moment begin to spill out of his brain. Every meager attempt at masturbation, every tedious one-night stand, every sexual desire never brought to fruition — one crack in the dam leads to every thought of you gushing out with no hope of control. 
“You have no idea...” His voice is a mere squeak; you barely discern what was even stated. “No-No clue… ‘Needed this ever since I saw you at that f-fucking gas station!” 
Fire burns scorching in your gut.
“Spent six whole fucking years chasing after this. Never-Never thought I’d find it… Never thought I’d find you.” 
Every thrust baffles you, as no one, not even yourself, has been able to reach so deep. Complemented by the intensity and verity of his words, you’re surprised it all hadn’t made you cum prematurely, as well. 
A particular rough pump hits a good spot inside you, a spot you had not known existed. A moan gasps from your throat, of which you try to muffle to no avail. Leon takes notice and immediately fills the silence with more pleads.
“No, d-don’t hide. Wanna hear you, master. Ne-Need it…” 
Paired with those pretty eyes, shimmering as though he were a dog presented with a juicy bone, that was all you needed to let go. You angle your hips to abuse that spot relentlessly, relishing in the immediate gratification it ignites within you. 
Soon, you’re no better than him in regards to sound release. The last time you heard yourself like this was when Carlos was buried inside you, but Leon does not need to know about those past excursions. 
Leon, in question, was none the wiser. Overwhelmed with ecstasy, he continues with his blabbering about every wet dream you played the lead role in.
“Wanna- Wan’ you to put a collar on me. ‘Wear the ears an’ a leash. Have you pl-plug a tail inside me.” 
The idea of adorning the Leon Kennedy in all those garbs is almost enough to make you laugh. A man of such strength and power would really let you do that to him? 
“Wan’ master to cum in a bowl. ’Make me eat it.” 
He lifts his head to rest his forehead against yours. His eyes gaze into yours with an intensity that touches your bones. 
“Survive on it…”
His statement almost unnerves you. The entire time you thought he was dead, that is what he occupied himself with? Thoughts like this? 
With your free hand, you return the grasp you once had on his hair and you yank on the strands in an attempt to get him to shut his mouth. His eyes roll into the back of his head and he cries obscenely, but does not dare separate the distance between you both. 
Through gasps for air and prevailing moans, the blabbering continues. 
“Luh-Lock me in a cage. Tie a vibe’ to my dick and just sit there, just f-fucking watch me fall apart.” 
Yeah, he definitely took your ‘puppy-dog’ nickname too literally. 
You’re sure if you told him to bark, he wouldn’t think twice. You don’t even know if you have the heart to fulfill all these fantasies, no matter how pretty he’d plead for you. 
The lack of vocal indication of your end has taken a perceptible toll on Leon, as it seems. He eagerly awaits for your reply, to see your face stretch into a sneer, for you to tell him he is a disgusting mutt who doesn’t deserve another second in your presence. The mere thought could make him cum again right there.
“Master, please! Wan’ hear your voice.” 
You hadn’t even noticed your sudden inclination to silence. After all, you have been rendered speechless from his previous statements. And with a face like that, you don’t have it in you to deny Leon of what he asks for.
“Yeah? Feelin’ good?” 
Oh, he could just melt beneath that voice. 
Leon is positive he almost does with the way he can’t bring himself to answer you with words, only returning your question with another onslaught of whines and snivels. 
Now that he has you where he has only dreamt of holding you, it’s too much for him to handle. Even when faced with the most formidable, revolting creatures on Earth, the utter severity of it all couldn’t even begin to compare with what you offer him. 
“F-F-Fuck! Master, gonna-gonna make me-!” 
You halt, reducing your violent thrusts to gentle pumps. And the sob it earns you is nothing short of beautiful. 
For a moment, you find yourself worried over the visceral reaction it pulled from him. If it weren’t for the lust fogging his brain, he’d adorn you in wreaths of reassurance and adoration. Leon has been victim to so much pain over the course of his life, but none of which compare to this. It hurts, but fuck, does it hurt good.
“… Need… Need you…” 
And God, will he do just about anything to be a victim to it for the rest of his life. 
“Make… Make me cum first, then maybe I’ll consider letting you finish inside me.”
His eyes, peering into yours, darken in response. Just how long has he been waiting for you to throw a demand like that his way? 
Years, you conclude, based on how he obliges with whiplash-inducing swiftness. Leon takes the labor off your shoulders and pounds against that spot that turns your body to melted goop. The noises you make, like sheer heaven pouring into Leon’s ears, intensify when you bring much-needed stimulation to your sex. 
“Wan’ make you feel good. ‘S all I ever wanted.” He whines through sniffles.
His nails cling to the meat of your hips, whisking you closer to his chest. You’re positive by morning, you’ll look as though Wolverine chose you as his prey. 
The tears bridging in his eyes now seep down his cheeks, face twisting as sobs begin to heave from his body. Leon hasn’t cried since the moment he saw you on the loading docks. What is there to cry about anymore? With you there, the sun in an empty void, how could he ever be brought to tears again?
Now, however, he cannot refrain himself from sobbing his eyes out. Every wail escapes with a hiccup as he desperately restrains himself from disobeying your word and finishing inside you. Six years spent chasing after an orgasm had not prepared Leon for what would happen when he’d be forced to prevent that peak. 
“I’ll get you there. Mmph- ‘Puppy will get you there.”
That tether keeping you stable weakens with every thrust plunged inside you. Your brain is sheer mush, your body is enfeebled, and the knot in your gut stretches until it becomes too much for you to hold.
A sharp curse gasps from your throat as you let yourself go and into the arms of sheer rapture. You clutch onto his shoulders as your orgasm courses through your body. And to be the one responsible for such intensive, euphoric feelings within you turns Leon into a man lost to the whorls of insanity. 
“Fuck-! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He trails on like a broken CD.
“Y-Yeah? Feels good fucking into me like a bitch in heat, huh?” 
You don’t even know who the person saying these words is, as it all tumbles from your mouth like second nature. 
Leon does, however. And God, he couldn’t be more in love with them. 
“Come on, you’ve earned your reward. Breed me, puppy.” 
Just like that, all Leon needed was another sugar-coated command and he is cumming his brains out.
“Fuck, I’m-!” 
Leon fills you up once again, practically squirting into you like a bitch. The remnants left with no room excrete from your heat and flow with the bubbling water.
Drool pools underneath his tongue, snapping in strings as his mouth opens to cry out for you. All sorts of curses and proclamations of love tumble from his weak jaw. His brows pinch upwards as his gaze remains locked on yours, relishing in the sight he’s fought tooth and nail to retrieve. 
The blurry memories of those pitiful one-night stands bid their last goodbye, firmly replaced by the ground-breaking, earth-shattering pleasure only you are capable of conjuring.
And once again, that staring problem of his has not halted, even when he has been reduced to a whiny, woozy mess.
Leon lays there, limp as a wet noodle, and just marvels at the sight of you before him. Every inch of your body is scrutinized through his eyes, once again.
All the fantasies of you on top of him, none of it compared to the genuine sight. Strikingly beautiful as you always are. It is better than seeing daylight for the first time, better than seeing a rainbow of hope after a tragic storm, better than watching all your desires and dreams unravel before your very eyes. It is everything.
All you can do is remain seated on his lap and admire the work, or rather, destruction, you have caused.
No response. 
“Hey, pup.”
You pat your hand on his cheek, finally capturing his attention. 
Dazed, he answers with a lazy “huh?” while still refusing to cease his staring. 
“I’d tell you to take a picture if I didn’t mind you staring at me so much.”
He huffs out a dazed chuckle, gaze still buried into every inch of you it can reach. With no verbal reply, you laugh to yourself when you realize you’ve managed to fuck the wit and humor out of Leon Kennedy, the king of all cheesy dad-jokes. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” 
He nods weakly in response. 
You now dread the thought of dragging the dead weight of this burly secret agent all the way back to the cabin.
Night has now consumed the sky, shedding the light of the moon and its glittering stars across the land. After a swift shower with an affectionate, semi-conscious Leon, the two of you return outdoors. 
The campfire outside crackles with heat in front of the hammock strapped beneath two trees, where you and Leon currently lay.
His head is buried into your neck, desperate for the comfort only your touch can provide. With the occasional sloppy kiss to your jaw and drowsy, love-struck praise, you realize you have rendered one of the most powerful men on the planet to a mushy mess of devotion.
Holding the light of his life close, affixed by the sounds of chirping crickets and swaying waves, he is soon rocked to sleep like a baby in a crib.
Despite the soothing environment, however, you cannot find it within yourself to join Leon in his state of slumber. Instead, your brain is plagued by concern.
Foolishly, you assumed drowning Leon in affections would grant you a moment of solitude. Just satiate his hunger and you’ll catch a break, right? 
Your efforts have only intensified the avidity coursing through his bloodstream. Where his muddled mind can only conjure words of your beauty, your psyche, your perfection — just you, you, you, and only you.
But, what about you? 
What do you crave? What do you want most?
As the idea simmers in your brain, you conclude what you want most is to start anew. Move to a different city, reconnect with old friends, adopt a furry friend, maybe even return to school or pursue a new career field.
It does not matter what choices you make down the line, as long as you have a choice to begin with.
And maybe when the time is right, you can pursue romance again. You cannot explain why, but your mind then drifts to Tyrell and you start to wonder if he-
“Oh! God, you startled me…” 
You dip your chin and find Leon in a new state of complete consciousness. Staring at you. Intently.
Almost as though he could read your mind, he had roused from his sleep the very second your thoughts traveled in the opposite direction of him. Another smile stretches on his sleepy face, nonetheless. His finger draws up to your face and he boops you on the nose. 
With a content hum of laughter, Leon then snuggles closer to you and proceeds to drown you in another suffocating array of kisses and nuzzles.
“I missed you…” He exhales.
With a glance of confusion, you question his confession.
“What? I’ve been here the whole time?”
Your bewilderment is not alleviated, as Leon only doubles down on his confession. 
“I really, really missed you…”
Just when you think he cannot get any closer, he forces himself further like a python ensnaring around its prey. Almost as though he were trying to forge the two of you into one person.
You hereby make a promise to yourself that if you are ever granted the chance of a new beginning, you will never adopt a dog.
When you wake the following morning beneath the sheets of the bedroom, you are met with the same routine. Hazy sunlight, singing birds, lively fireplace — all the essentials to a morning spent in the cabin.
This time, however, you feel someone affectionately dragging the joint of their fingers down your face. 
This strikes odd, as you always wake before Leon. He was never a deep sleeper before bringing you into his bed, always flinching awake to gusts of wind or creaks in the floorboard. With his thick arms around your waist, trying to wake him was now a fool’s errand. That is, until you leave his side. You are convinced he has some form of sixth sense devoted to ensuring you are close by. There is no other coherent explanation for this superpower of his.
As he continues to caress the jut of your jaw, you keep your confusions at bay and your eyes locked tight. You hope with careful effort, you’ll succeed in pretending to be asleep.
“Told you I’d come back to you.” 
That is not Leon. 
Your eyes launch open to identify the voice, only to find no other than Ada Wong sitting beside you. 
She is dressed in her famous red garbs and dark leather. Acrylic nails grazing over your flesh, she pets you as though you were a sleeping kitten curled up in her lap.
“Ada!” You exclaim, voice woven with shock and relief. 
You escape the expanse of Leon’s strong grasp, albeit with struggle, and bring her into a hug, of which she joyously accepts.
The act of affection given to her was platonic. A greeting of an old friend, nothing more. The embrace you initiated, however, quickly becomes a bit too intimate for your liking. With glossy lips a little too close to your neck and hands treading further and further down your back, you pull away from her before she can conjure up any ulterior ideas. 
Though, knowing Ada and her love of romance, those very ideas have most likely forged a home in her mind.
“This is the ‘humble abode’ Leon spoke so proudly of?” She questions, studying the room with a perceptible sneer. “He has you living like a dog.” 
“It-It’s not so bad! I actually find it quite cozy here.” You defend the unconscious man beside you. “It’s nothing like your million-dollar mansion, though, I assume?” 
Ada breathes out a light chortle. How badly she missed you and that playful nature, as groggy as it may be in the wake of dawn.
“Well, would you like to find out?” 
She has to restrain herself from pinching your cheeks when you fail to hide your flabbergasted expression.
“L-Leave? You want me to leave with you?” 
A surge of fear envelops your body when you contemplate the prospect. Awakening to an empty bed would surely send Leon into a state of crazed hysterics. You’d be overtaken with guilt knowing he’s ripping the planet apart trying to find you.
“Yes. Pack your bags. My chauffeur is waiting for us.” 
Chauffeur!? Is she serious?
“Oh, I barely have any clothes to pack. We can just catch up here, right?” 
Your lazy excuse is an attempt at convincing Ada to stay within the safety of the cabin, all to placate Leon. What you have forgotten in these few months is just how headstrong she is. Also, how easy it is for her to twist your works to her liking.
“That is alright, we can travel naked. I certainly don’t mind.”
“That won’t be necessary.” Leon interjects her salacious ideas, granting you no time to react to her remark. “I know it’s different from what you’re used to, but we don’t need diamonds to be happy.”
Turning to look at him, you’re taken aback by how overcome with annoyance he is. It is the first time you have seen him so irritated in months, in fact. Not since the two had their cat-fight back on the loading docks. 
When he shifts his gaze to you, however, that aggravation washes away and is replaced by content bliss. It seems to be his permanent expression whenever his vision is blessed with the sight of you.
“All we need is each other.”
Leon’s arms find their way around your waist, once again, sprinkling ardent kisses upon your shoulder. You can only imagine the intensity in his eyes when he casts another glare her way. 
“Oh. How sweet.” Aversion seeps from Ada’s words as though she were spitting out a chunk of rotten fruit.
It is only now that you begin to connect the dots. They are short and curt with each other, yes, but their interactions are devoid of the violence from before. You can’t help but wonder to yourself if they had planned this? 
You are not granted much time to ponder on such trivial matters. Not when Ada is dragging you out of the cabin, Leon hot on your tail. 
She assures you there is now no need for packing a bag of any sort, as you will own a full closet and whatever luxuries you desire at her place of residence. The obnoxious flaunting does not go unnoticed by Leon, either. You wouldn’t be surprised if he had caught sight of his brain with how hard he rolled his eyes.
With that being said, Leon is not entirely innocent in his efforts to establish dominance over his enemy, either. 
You barely make it a few steps off the front porch before Leon yanks you into a bruising kiss. 
With both hands grasping your face, he ignores your muffled whimpers of rebuff and deepens the kiss to an impossible degree. Under the heat of such intense vehemency, however, that facade he crafted to ingrain insecurity into Ada crumbles at his feet. Even the strongest of creatures would melt beneath the veil of your affection, that is an undeniable fact.
You will not be gone for long, but Leon cannot fathom a mere second without you close by. How is he meant to function when you’re under the care of this serpent? 
The woman in question is swift in separating you from the lovesick maniac assaulting your mouth. Ensuring your safety and comfort is now a muscle reaction in her, she has come to learn.
Once he finally parts from you, only then does he realize tears have pooled in his eyes, threatening to spill down his face. 
“I love you.” Leon confesses.
You do not respond. You do not know what kind of feelings you possess for him, but uttering those words back to him would feel foreign. Now that you think about it, you cannot recall the last time you were positive you genuinely loved someone…
“I love you so much, sunlight.”
Ada has now resorted to dragging him away from you, fully expecting him to tackle you like a dog who has not seen their owner in months. Knowing him, an action of such would not be out of character.
“I’ll see you soon, Leon.” 
With that, you begin treading towards the location of Ada’s chauffeur. She begins to follow you in your steps, but is halted when a rough hand clutches her forearm. Harshly, she is pulled away from you by Leon.
Out of your earshot, he whispers into her ear through clenched teeth. Voice now austere and venomous.
“One mark on them and there is not a single place on Earth you’ll be able to hide from me.” 
With an amused eye-roll and wicked grin, Ada responds to him.
“Careful, Leon. You know I don’t fight fair. Play your cards wrong and I’ll have them begging to stay with me.”
Leon is not given the chance to fulfill his desires of beating her skull into the mud and leaving behind a gore-ridden disarray. Not when she swiftly escapes his violent grasp and follows behind you.
You remain oblivious to the blood-soaked tension between your two lovers as you send a final wave to a heart-shattered Leon. You then reach the doors of the vehicle Ada was chauffeured in and marvel at the expensive sight.
The steel walls of the car are dark and polished, as though the chauffeur had driven here directly from the dealership. Said chauffeur circles around the car to where you stand. He does not spare you a glance as he opens the door for you, reserving his vision for the costly intricacies of his oxford shoes and fitted suit.
You cast a glance of uncertainty to Ada, who returns your confusion with an affirmative gesture. A grin creeps onto her face in response. She likes you relying on her for clarity. Just her and no one else.
Wiping off any excess mud on your shoes in the dewy grass, you carefully (moreso clumsily) enter the vehicle. You perceive the interior of the car to be just as lavish as the outside.
The seats are imbedded with exorbitant, brown leather and encompass the entire backseat area. Curtains guard the tinted windows, as though you were a celebrity being escorted to some prestigious event. 
In your intended seat is a velvet-coated bin filled to the brim with all sorts of goods. Expensive lotions all in your favorite scents, several new LEGO sets, a vintage polaroid camera, as well as… A hankerchief? Why would you need one of those back here?
Shifting your gaze further, the car head unit displays a GPS, detailing the fastest route to Leon’s cabin. You’d think this car was taking you to the moon with how futuristic the interior is. 
The partition closes before you can examine the technology further, leaving the backseat in complete isolation. The engine is quiet as it rumbles to life.
Ada then joins you in the backseat, closing the door firmly. 
It takes you a moment to discern what she said, that being an unbending demand. When you finally register her words, you oblige and rush to fasten your seatbelt.
“Wow! I’ve never been in a car so- mmph!” 
Ada pulls you into a kiss before you can finish your sentence. 
It is a soft affection, but even a fool couldn’t miss the aching relief seeping from her muscles. God, did she miss you. 
It is a contrast to kisses from Leon, as well. Her lips are smooth and plump, instead of that chapped, neediness he always overwhelms you with. In addition to this, every advance and nudge of Ada’s mouth is luxurious in effort. Hell, even her lip gloss tastes expensive. 
The kiss is short-lived, much to her dismay, as you soon pull away from the second onslaught of greedy ferocity for the day.
“You must have a lot of questions for me.” Ada leans back into her seat and crosses one leg over the other. “Ask away.” 
Still frazzled from the sudden affection you were pulled into, it takes a few seconds for you to compute a proper response.
“I… I’m not even sure where to start. I’m just glad you’re okay.” 
Ada raises a brow, relishing you caring for her well-being. Lord knows how obsessed she is with yours, after all.
“I guess I’ll start by asking… Um, where have you been?” 
Maybe it was the exhausting ride here, maybe it’s the breakfast she forgot that morning, shit, maybe it’s just the weather, but Ada cannot find words to speak when you’re looking at her like that. She concludes it is at fault of the long, torturous time spent without you, immediately met with whiplash upon indulging in your kiss.
“Working. Cleaning up the mess in Valdelobos.” 
How she has cleaned the said “mess” remains unbeknownst to you. No matter what the context is, you can always rely on Ada to be vague with her words.
“What about…” You hesitate. “What about Jill and Carlos? Have you seen them?” 
Even though your days have been overwhelmed by Leon and his clingy antics, the memory of that cursed picnic still lurks in the back of your head. You still do not know where they are or if they are even alive.
“Taken care of. Nothing you need to worry your pretty head about.”
“Okay… That’s good to hear.” You sigh with relief. “And what of today? Where are we heading to?”
“My penthouse. Top floor. Perfect view of the entire city.” 
Penthouse!? You’ve seen your fair share of apartments, as you lived in a roach-ridden studio back in Raccoon City. But, you’ve never even breathed within a mile radius of a penthouse!
“Oh! A-A penthouse?” 
You swear you can visibly see the hubris permeate her expression. The pride Ada feels upon your reactions to the fruits of her work is nothing short of euphoric. 
You cough out a nervous laugh. “I don’t- I’ve-I’ve never been in a penthouse before. I don’t think I’ll really… "Fit in”, y’know?” 
“Nonsense. It’s exactly what you deserve. What you need.” 
“Okay… And what about after that?”
She pauses, confused by your question.
“I don’t understand.”
“I mean, what will happen after I leave your penthouse?” 
“You’ll visit Leon provisionally, before you return to me.” 
“No! I-I mean, when do I get to go off on my own? Make a life for myself?”
Ada tenses. She does not like this topic; she’d rather go back to boasting about her riches and reveling in the way you fawn after them.
“I…” You begin, before cutting your tangent off short. 
You are well aware of the hardships both she and Leon have endured for your well-being. The last thing you want is to be seen as ungrateful.
To alleviate these worries, you place your hand atop of hers in assurance. In the process, you fail to notice the spike her heart endures from the sudden affection.
“I’m grateful for everything you and Leon have done for me. Really, I am. But… But, I think I’m ready to fly the nest now.”
And just how foolish can you be, Y/N? 
Ada can’t let you go. How could she ever? She can’t, she can’t, she can’t, she can’t, she can’t, she can’t, she can’t- 
“I can’t!” 
The shout is abrupt and causes you to flinch away from her. In response, Ada quickly takes your hand back into hers. Her touch is soft, as it always has been, but the desperation is almost palpable.
“Not… Not yet, petal. It’s too dangerous.” 
Your heart hangs heavy in your chest. 
More hiding? 
When will this chapter of your life finally conclude? When can you shift your worries from four love-obsessed soldiers to feeding the alleyway strays and finishing your taxes on time?
When will it all end? 
Will it ever end?
This question looms in the head as hours, days, week, months tread past you. 
Despite your wishes to start anew, you’ve been forced into an organized routine with Ada and Leon. 
One week will be spent at Leon’s cabin, relaxing in the heart of mother nature while enjoying hot-tub nights and fried egg mornings. Once that week comes to an end, you’ll be flown out to Ada’s penthouse, where luxury and extravagance never cease. 
Begrudgingly, Leon is given permission to join you on the private jet ride to Ada’s estate, soaking in the last few hours he’ll be granted with you. She cannot bring herself to blame him for this, as much as she wants to. She is also latched to your side for the agonizing drive out to Leon’s cabin, as well.
The two will then share a few sly glares and indulge you in some final, saddened acts of affections. Then, you are handed off to the other like divorced parents trading off kids in a grocery store parking lot.
In this time, you’ve become accustomed to the juxtaposition between waking up on flannel sheets, then silken sheets.
The windows of Ada’s opulent bedroom expand across the walls and welcome the light of the morning sun. 
Fluffed pillows support your tired head. The mattress you’re sprawled out on is spacious, allowing you to stretch your limbs comfortably. An incredible contrast to your tiny twin back at the sanctuary. The lavish, bamboo comforters you’ve ensnared around yourself atone for all those lonely nights spent clinging to thin blankets. 
You search through the mess of blankets to find Ada, but your efforts are brought to no avail. Much like her partner-nemesis (or whatever she’d personally name Leon), she is normally the sight you’re met with the moment you awaken.
Unbeknownst to you, though, Ada still fears she may wake to cold sheets; to be met with another firm reminder that this is all just another sugar-sprinkled dream and you are far away. To have you here, safe and warm, closer than ever before — it is the most picturesque definition of ‘too good to be true’ a dictionary could articulate. 
Now, to awake in complete isolation, you had forgotten what it felt like altogether. Addled by this, you leave the heavenly embrace of the bed and set out on finding Ada. 
Sauntering out of the bedroom, the marble floors feel like a fresh sheet of snow beneath your bare feet. All the more reason to crawl into those cozy, warm blankets and let the world drift away.
The walls and floors you tread by are painted a deep black. The only contrast to this darkness are the blood-red accents and the surrounding greenery. Plants, all varying in shape and size, adorn the hallways you amble through.
A few of Ada’s servants are awake bright and early to tend to these plants, squirt bottles and thermometers in their possession. You approach one of them and ask for Ada’s whereabouts, but they ignore you. As though they are stiff, tin-made robots, solely devoted to the task at hand and nothing else. 
From there, you shake off the odd encounter and hasten forward, continuing your search for your missing partner. 
For the umpteenth time, you walk through the hallway that has haunted your thoughts for these past few months. In this hallway are two doors, mirrored directly across from one another. Both are locked, despite your efforts to enter. You cannot help but wonder what you’d find inside…
As you pace down the staircase, you’re soon hit with the perfusing scent of a steaming meal. Like some starved carnivore, you follow the smell through the grand hallways, before you finally halt in the dining room.
You often joke to Ada how she’s decorated the room as though she were expecting to dine with the Addams family. Gothic and luxurious — those are the two words best used to describe the dining room.
The heavy chandelier dangling above flickers with lit candles, irradiating the jewels strung to the golden encasing. Black, velvet-encased chairs are aligned across the edges of the mahogany table. The chairs on the far ends contrast the others with their shimmering, golden trim. Two chairs meant to support the weight of royalty.
The table is now littered with a variety of breakfast foods. You find crepes, both sweet and savory. Also known as Ada’s favorite, which you noted long ago. Fresh, steaming breads, complemented by your choice of rich butter, fresh jam, or sweet honey. Fluffy Belgian waffles are stacked on a plate beside more bottles of maple syrup than Canada has ever seen. There is even an ostrich egg platter, surrounded with crispy meats and vegetables to plunge into the thick yolk. 
You’ll have to ask Leon to add ostrich eggs to the grocery list so you can force him through another rant about eggs.
As you scrutinize all the contents on the table, a server then enters the premises. Just like the others, he does not make eye-contact with you. Almost as if he was afraid to do so, afraid of you. 
He grasps the frame of the sumptuous chair and drags it out for you, beckoning you to sit down. You hesitate, questioning him with a pointed finger to your chest and a whispered “me?”, before your brain finally computes and ushers you to abide by his request.
When you sit, you are not permitted the chance to choose your serving of luxurious foods. Not when the servant begins intricately building your plate for you, skimming down a mental checklist of exact proteins, fats, grains, and everything incorporated into a healthy breakfast.
Without making eye-contact, once again, the servant sets the plate down before you. And like some ravenous animal, you do not wait for him to leave before you’re sinking your eager fingers into the dish. Everything is spectacular in its rich, delectable flavors. Surely a breakfast fit for royalty, of which you have not convinced yourself you are yet.
A pair of arms then wrap around your chest, guiding you back into a doting embrace. Glossy lips press an ardent kiss to your temple.
“I’m glad to see you finally awake, petal.”
With every day the fog settles, you have come to learn several new things.
Oh, how Ada Wong loves the touch of Y/N L/N.
It is evident throughout every day, where fragments of her obsession are sprinkled into every moment you spend together.
And you cannot differentiate whether the burning of your cheeks is from the sudden affections or because you were caught devouring your meal like some mess-obsessed toddler.
Ada strolls to stand beside you, dragging a pointed finger across your shoulders as she saunters. With a sticky face, you watch as she curls her fingers beneath your chin, shifting your gaze up to meet hers.
“Cute.” She utters, caressing the narrow line of your jawline. 
She loves this sight of you under her like this. Like a wide-eyed bunny, scrutinizing every move of the big, bad wolf. Too fucking adorable. Her fingers then find your head, petting the surface as though you were her personal lap-dog. Pretty and pliant beneath her, exactly where she loves you most.
“I’ll be gone for most of the day, unfortunately. Work stuff.” Her hand grasps your chin, holding your vision to hers. “Think you can keep yourself occupied without me?” 
You nod obediently, most certainly a sight for sore eyes. 
She chortles. “Good...” 
With one last prolonged, impassioned kiss to your forehead, Ada then departs and sets out for the day's tasks. 
Despite your imperative stance in her life, you are still left in the dark about what exactly her “work” is. All attempts at questioning result in failure. What you are aware of, however, is how time-consuming it all is. Honestly, you’d think she was having an affair if she didn’t drown you in love and riches every chance she got.
One major (and ridiculous, in your opinion) component of Ada’s richness was the vast indoor pool of the penthouse. You’ve never even seen her in the room itself, so you always question the purpose of its existence.
These matters are immaterial to you now, however, as you strip down to nudity and launch yourself into the crisp water. Here, your body is free from the fervent hands of the clingy customer from Mizoil and the overly affectionate Superwoman. 
Lap after lap, you adjust to the bitter temperatures and find tranquility in the repetitive routine. This was a pattern you favored, since it is rare you are granted time for yourself. So, you savor what slivers of solitude you're given as you swim through the sky-blue waves.
Body now weary, you reside in the middle of the pool and float there. With no stimulation from the lovesick creatures surrounding you, the thoughts haunting the back of your head creep forward. Here, they whisper the truth.
Despite how magical it may be to surround yourself in glittering riches and adoring affections, your true desires reside and rot deep within you. How badly you want to start fresh somewhere far from this mess, but how guilty you feel for secretly wishing to reject all this luxury.
Then again, these may be the feelings Ada and Leon wish for you to be tormented with. For you to trust them wholly, before yanking the rug from beneath your feet. Tossing you back into the arms of Jill and Carlos, to Umbrella, hell, maybe even the Saddler, if his formidable self managed to survive your laundry list of lovers.
Maybe that is what Jill and Carlos had done in your last interaction, as well. Selling you to Umbrella for the hefty pay they’d surely return them. All the blood splatters and crocodile tears must have been a show to convince you they had no say in the transaction.
Your head begins to ache as these theories pervade through your head. Your trust has been worn thin in these recent months, even the trust you instilled into yourself. Maybe if you just sink lower, let yourself be consumed by the weight of the frigid waves, then all of it will end. 
If you end your life, maybe then you’ll finally be at peace.
Your arms latch around yourself in a desperate attempt at shielding your naked body. 
A glance forward and you find one of Ada’s numerous servants, eyes laser-focused on her feet and nowhere else. You can only imagine what kind of lethal punishment would be in store for this poor worker had she indulged herself in the sight of you. All it would take is some stuttering words and tear-filled eyes and Ada would have all the heads in the world on a stick.
“Um- Ms. Wong is on her way home and wants to see you first thing. If you will, please, uhm- please get dressed and meet us in the living room.” 
She scurries off before you can respond.
You figure you’ve swam enough laps around the pool and around the swirling calamity in your mind. From there, you frantically dry off your wet skin and dress yourself before another unwanted guest can see your exposed self.
Through the numerous hallways, you finally arrive in the living room. Dark in its overall appearance, with the familiar accents of red and greenery. Before you can wait for Ada’s arrival, however, something catches your eye. 
On the coffee table is a bouquet of flowers. Red roses entwined with strands of dandelions and baby’s breath. 
These gifts have become a daily routine, at this point. You’ll find Ada’s favorite roses and your running-inside-joke dandelions nestled beside each other. Oftentimes, she’ll take a stray dandelion and tuck it behind your ear. Overtly romantic per usual, which proves to be Ada’s permanent disposition.
You shuffle around the table to sit upon the adjacent sofa, but find yourself hesitating in the process, afraid to soil it with your mere fingertips. Yes, you have seen lavish furniture, as Carlos and Jill put their cash towards whatever ensured your comfort and safety. However, you have never seen luxury quite like this.
Carefully, you descend your body onto the surface. The couch is soft, but sturdy. Not a thread out of place, nor a wrinkle in sight. Expensive, that’s for damn sure.
“Full-grain leather. Organic cotton. Hand-crafted. Purchased it from a designer in Italy.”
A voice pervades through the silence. The flat, yet soft tone could only be possessed by one person.
You turn over your shoulder to find Ada Wong.
Her body is adorned with a trench coat made of dark leather, framed with a fur trim. A few metal clinks and she unbuckles the coat, tossing it toward a near servant. Beneath the garment is a red dress. Skin-tight, per usual, and worn with those stilettos she's never seen without. 
And inevitable with every interaction you have with her, Ada is wearing that sultry-sweet smile and those bambi-soft eyes — a fashion statement only sewn by your hand.
Trailing your gaze off behind her, you see another servant at her side. In their grasp is a tray holding the weight of several wine bottles, as well as an array of burgundy glasses.
“Italy has always been a second home.” Ada is quick to snag your attention back onto her. “Most of your closet is sheer Rome.” 
She saunters over to you and drapes herself onto the couch, as though she were posing for a painting and you were wielding the paintbrushes. 
Without breaking eye-contact, Ada snaps her fingers and points an acrylic nail to the marble coffee table. The servant, with enough swiftness to avoid dropping the platter and facing her wrath, places the platter down. From there, they begin with their eccentric presentation.
“Tonight, we have a sample of the classic Chardonnay, paired with the vibrant Semillon Sauvignon Blanc. Both extravagant in flavor, but contrast in their-”
The word is sharp. And still, Ada’s eyes are locked on yours.
All servants, deflected as one may be, simultaneously bow to her. They all proceed to frantically trip over themselves to take their leave. 
The doors close with a gentle click, leaving you to inevitably be lodged in the jaws of the beast they fear. It certainly doesn’t help when she stares at you as though you were some feeble prey, ready to be torn into bloodied ribbons.
Those dark eyes tread from the tip of your head, then inch-by-inch down to your feet. Trailing back to meet your gaze, Ada fills the silence. 
“So, tell me, which do you prefer? White or red?”
Confused, you furrow your brow and tilt your head like a puppy. It takes everything within Ada not to pounce on you right then and there.
“Like, the color?”
“The wine, petal.” A breathless chuckle drags with her words. You’d feel like an idiot if it weren’t for the enchantment drowning in her eyes.
“Oh! I-uh… I’ve never really tried out much alcohol before.”
“You’ve never drank before?” 
“No, I-Well, I have, but only once. One of the therapists at the sanctuary was sneaking in vodka, so me and my friend snuck it into my room and drank it. That-That was a long time ago, though…”
Your friend. You have not thought of him in months. 
“Did you sleep with him?” 
“Wh-!? No! No, it was never like that! He was just my friend, only that!” 
Ada chuckles. A deep, thrumming sound.
“I’m teasing you, Y/N. Just can’t help myself when you get all nervous like that.” 
She then grasps one of the several bottles from the platter. Sagrantino, a bold red wine. Directly imported from Umbria, Italy. The silence in the room is filled with the pouring of alcohol.
“Well, I prefer red, but that’s just my preference. Got all night to find yours.” 
Glass now in your hand, you twirl the stem around in circles and watch as the wine swishes around in hues of deep crimson and purple.
“Go ahead, petal. Drink.” 
Ada has a certain timbre in her voice that lulls you, as though she were a siren. No matter what demand falls from her mouth, you find yourself complying to every wish of hers.
So, you drink. 
The aromas of violets and berries envelop your tongue, blended with its dry texture that leaves behind a subtle spice. It is a tad overbearing, yes, but delicious in flavor.
A few more sips and your body is overcome with a sudden warmth. The clothes you are wearing feel stuffy and beads of sweat begin to build beneath them. You’ve been tipsy before, maybe even bridging on fully drunk, but nothing has ever garnered this reaction out of you. 
Did just a few sips give you heatstroke or something? What is happening to you?
“If you hadn’t slept with him, then who did you sleep with?” 
The question appears out of nowhere. Too occupied with studying this sudden heatwave, you do not respond to her.
“The two that held you captive, maybe? Surely, they couldn’t hold themselves back?” 
Ah, yes. Jill and Carlos. Just when you think you can abandon them in the previous chapter of your life, they slither their way into the new pages and engrave themselves with the ink. 
Begrudgingly, you answer. “Yes, I-um… I slept with both of them.” 
A pregnant silence settles as Ada’s fingers dance around the rim of the wine glass. Her gaze has yet to leave yours.
“When I found you in Valdelobos, you had bite marks on your neck. Who gave them to you?” 
Your brain tells you to lie and blame the Los Iluminados with their hungry teeth. However, the prospect of being dishonest to Ada and the inevitable consequences that would follow prevent you from being untruthful.
“Jill. She gave them to me.” 
The expression on her face is indistinguishable. If your other suitors learned of your sexual partners, they’d wage a war on the entire planet. Ada, however, is different. She seems… amused by it all.
“Figured.” She answers. “And how did Jill treat you?” 
As stated before, there is no space for dishonesty with Ada preset. Even if you sprung to your feet and raced out the door, she’d find the answers to her curiosity one way or another.
“She was rough. Really rough. Jill, she-she didn’t like to explore, either. We did the same thing every time.”
“Did what every time?”
Ada’s unadulterated attention is latched onto every syllable you speak. Almost as though this were some sleepover in a chick-flick, where you were telling your B.F.F. of how you lost your v-card to the dashing quarterback you’ve had a crush on all year. All that’s missing is the glossy magazines and microwave popcorn.
“She went down on me. It was all we did, all that she wanted to do. A-And not that I’m complaining or ungrateful! But…”
“But, I-I always- I think I always wanted to try… More.” 
“And what does more entail?” 
“I-uh. Erm, I-I don’t- I think-“ 
“You wanted to go down on a woman?” 
You’re sure your skin must be hotter than the surface of the sun by now.
“Yes, but, I-I’ve never even done it before, so I know I’d suck at it, anyway.” 
Her fingers find the hem of your shirt and she begins to fidget with the fabric. 
“Would you like me to show you how…?”
You scrutinize Ada’s features for some sign of a joke, but you find nothing but sincerity. Her fingers then tread lower, nails grazing the edge of your thigh in a teasing approach.
“I could give you some private lessons…”
The thought of doing that to any person, no matter an ex or new fling, has a surge of heat pervading through your body. Your chest rises and falls with rapid speed, heart racing with acute palpitations. Seriously, what on Earth is happening to you? It was only a few sips of alcohol and some littering flirtations, none of what is happening to your body is normal!
The glass of wine you once held is nearly shattered with how swiftly Ada takes it from your hands. The wine she indulges herself in has been abandoned, as well, joining your glass on the coffee table.
Ada is more interested in what this newfound, aphrodisiac-induced side of you has to offer, instead.
Yes, guilt rots in her stomach for what she has done. This guilt remained present as she stalked the servant who crushed the pills into a white powder before spewing it into the wine bottle. However, any lucidity still inside her had perished the moment she reunited with you in Valdelobos.
Of course, her actions inevitably resulted in the aphrodisiac coursing through her system, as well. Not that she even needed the hearty drugs or liquid courage, to begin with. You merely sigh and Ada is clutching her thighs together.
And this is certainly the case when her lips finally meet yours. It had begun as a gentle exploration, a symphony of sensations that ignited a light fire within her soul. 
When the aphrodisiac finally strikes her, however, there is no room left for tenderness. 
Mouth still latched onto yours like some sort of parasite, her clawed hand presses to your chest and pushes. Your back meets the plush surface of the couch and Ada does not waste another second before she’s caging herself around you. 
When her acrylic nail ghosts against your nipple, you let out a sharp whine. In response, Ada freezes. She has heard you cry in pain, misery, exhaustion, but never in rapture. And she had not anticipated the impact it would have on her. If anything, the sound you made was more of a light gasp, but still, it had conjured some feral despair she did not recognize.
This intensity stirring in her stomach may have been charged by the aphrodisiac. Morseo, maybe it is the fact she had not satiated any sexual desires in several years. Ada hadn’t even orgasmed once, for that matter. No physical touch, no bedroom fun, no playing around with toys — absolutely nothing.
Despite her sultry nature (and contrary to all your obsessive partners), Ada has never actually fantasized of taking you to bed, either. This task persevered as her most difficult mission. Especially on lonely nights, you became no better than a devil on her shoulder, persuading her to sin. 
If Ada indulged that tiny Y/N with thick horns and a sharp trident, she knew she wouldn’t waste another second before claiming you as her most precious, most imperative, most prized possession.
Now that you are finally here, under her, just like she has always wanted, all that longing and suffering comes bubbling to the surface.
“Ada? Is-Is everything okay?”
Your lips are puffy from the relentless passion they have endured, shimmering from the mess of saliva and lipstick stains. A lazy haze engulfs your eyes, as well, illuminating that playful glint she is so enamored with.
“Please… ‘M needy…” 
She could assume you were weaponizing your charm by how effortlessly weak you make her. 
“Stand up. Follow me.” 
Ada is curt with her demands, as she has always been. This time, though, there is a perceptible desperation soaked into her tone.
Your legs wobble when you stand, as you are still woozy from the fervid intimacy. Ada maintains a tight posture, but it wouldn’t take a genius to notice the lack of sophistication in her stance. Words fail to describe just how delicious it was to feel your body against her. Even for just a moment. 
She then grasps your hand, guiding you out of the living room and through the many hallways that follow through the spacious penthouse. 
Both you and Ada finally halt in front of the two doors that have haunted your curiosity. Fortunately for you, one half of this curiosity of yours is alleviated.
Ada temporarily releases your hand and strides toward the door on your right. With several beeps to the keypad, the light shines green and the doorknob clicks.
“Come now.”
Another demand of hers is brought to fruition immediately. You interlock your fingers with Ada’s as she leads you past the threshold. And all of the theories prancing around your mind regarding what you’ll find ultimately failed you. Instead, you find the exact opposite.
If you were to Google ‘red room of pain’, a picture of this room would be the first result. 
The walls, ceilings, and floors are all painted black, embellished with accents of Ada’s signature red. The lack of windows in the room are compromised by mirrors, which cover every surrounding wall. There’s even a wide array on the ceiling, which provide a full view of all possible angles. A purposeful decision, surely.
The dark candelabras scattered around provide minimal, golden light, as well. Some are positioned on surfaces, while the standing few are nestled in the empty corners.
Directly centered in the room is a canopy bed, also painted black. The drapes strung upon the four posts contrast in hues of deep red. The comforters, lavish in their appearance and texture, share these same hues, as well. You do not look over the notable design of the headboard, either. Perfect for any preferred form of restraint. 
Behind the bed and against the wall is a tall, intricately-carved cabinet. The contents within are a mystery, but you can only assume it has to do with the activities intended to take place in this room.
To the right is an electric fireplace tucked in the corner. Draped before it is a tiger skin rug with the head intact, jaw wired ajar to flaunt the display of sharp teeth. The fireplace is grouped with a set of two leather chairs, hugged by another spacious leather sofa. The texture is deliberately chosen for easy clean-up, you assume.
In the far left corner of the room is a short platform supporting the weight of a clawfoot bathtub which is, yet again, colored black. The edges of the golden claw feet are painted in a maroon red, as though they have been soaked in blood. A detail demanded by Ada, you have no doubt.
Two robes are hung on the wall behind the bathtub. One is silken in the hue of red, while the other is fluffy and is purchased in the exact shade of your favorite color. Surrounding the bathtub are a collage of soaps adhering to your preferred scents. You have learned to no longer wonder how she knew such minute details about yourself. At this point, it would be strange if she didn’t know something about you.
“While you were busy with that mutt, I was here. Working on all this.” Ada stretches her arms out in presentation, showing off the renovation. 
While you’re busy scrutinizing the new environment, you fail to notice how you’re neglecting the needs of a certain someone. A bad habit of yours, you have come to realize. Those acrylic claws ensnare around your forearm with enough firmness to grasp your attention, before guiding you to stand before the mirror in front of the bed.
When you meet her gaze in your reflection, you fail in your efforts to not grow flustered. Ada’s eyes, normally adorned with softness, have now been overwhelmed with salacious fervor. 
When her fingertip meets the skin of your neck, another gasp is pulled from your chest. A noise she relishes in. Her other hand fiddles with your shirt, sharp nails just begging to tear through the fabric like some rabid monster.
You are not far behind her in terms of desperation, so you abide by the desires she does not verbalize and you remove all of your clothing. 
You fail to register Ada’s downright feral temperamen in response. The shivering of her hands, the heat radiating from her body, the heavy breathing over your shoulder – it is all too much for her to handle. Her eyes don’t hide this truth, either, as they have nearly gone all black from the dilation of her pupils.
Ada’s hand hovers over your skin, afraid to take that step, the very step that will destroy any remnants of self-control she still clung to. It’s nothing short of a miracle that she can still restrain herself from sinking her teeth, her claws, God, every toy in her closet into every inch of plump skin she can reach. 
You, however, grow impatient from her hesitation and place your hand atop hers, pressing it firmly against your naked waist. Leaning further against her chest, you finally break the silence. 
“’Wanna taste you, Ada. Please.” 
She shudders in response. Unbeknownst to you, she had completely forgotten about that promise she swore to you minutes ago. How could she think of anything else when perfection in human form is pleading for her touch?
“On the bed.” 
You swear you hear a tremble in her voice, but you chalk it up to your wild imagination. Ignoring it, you abide by her wish and stroll over to the bed. The surface is plush and welcomes you into its soft embrace. You adjust yourself comfortably on your back, relishing in how the soft comforters caress your naked skin. 
When you hear the sound of that dress falling to the ground, you shift your gaze forward. Now, it is your turn to gawk at someone’s nudity.
Yes, you may have fantasized about what she may look like beneath all those red dresses, and the images in your mind palace certainly did not fail you. 
Her tits are perky, nipples pretty and pink, and they sit tight on her chest; they’re the kind of pair other women would drop thousands of dollars on to obtain. Beneath them is a set of light abs that are rose-tinted with flushed nerves. They lead to her hip dips, which frame the goods between her legs you’ve been dying for a taste of.
“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” 
Wit run dry, you have no response left in you but a meek nod. 
Those model-worthy legs then saunter over to the bed. Your heart stutters miserably as Ada crawls on top of you again, now closer than ever before. She touches up the pillow beneath your head to ensure your comfort. Despite the fervor racing through her veins, the sake of your well-being always perseveres as most important.
“There you are. Comfy?” 
You answer with a weak “mm-hmm” and she responds with a sweet chortle. God, she can’t get enough of you.
Ada inches further until her thighs encase your head, hovering over the face that has haunted her mind for years. Anyone with a brain would spill gallons upon gallons of blood for this sight of you, she is sure of it.
Slick drool seeps from her folds, landing onto your lips. Eagerly, you lap up any remnants you’ve been granted and revel in the flavor. A pinch of natural sourness, but sprinkled in with the expensive soaps lining the shelves in her shower. Far better than the wine you have since forgotten about.
Ada then points to various spots of her pussy, speaking in direct tones. “You lick here, kiss here, and suck here. Understand?”
With a quick nod, you wait in anticipation for her to indulge you in what you’ve been aching for. Her hips, shaky as they surprisingly are, finally descend. 
At first, you begin your work with weak, nervous kitten licks. Ada is not a fan of this stage fright, however. Her acrylics dig into your scalp and yank.
“I said use your tongue.” 
A laugh of amusement parts from your mouth (inevitably squeezing her fragile heart). You finally spit out a glob of saliva onto her and plunge your tongue straight into her dewy heat, lapping up every sliver of her you can obtain. And the reaction it garners festers a burning fire in your stomach.
She stutters on the edge of her words, her head dipping back. “God… You’re a natural, petal...” 
Ada’s hips begin to rock the second your lazy lapping hastens into zealous slurping. With a tighter grip on her, you plunge your tongue past her entrance and slurp the creamy slick. The sounds you are able to pull from her are deep and throaty, but smooth and sexy. They meld with the sounds of the bed creaking beneath the weight of her incessant motions.
You continue with your efforts, thrusting your wet muscle in and out, in and out, in and out. Without another second to process, a sudden gush of liquid splashes across your face. It surges across your face and down your neck, staining the lavish pillows. 
Is she squirting? 
Even as you grant your tense jaw a break, the liquid continues to spurt from her. Ada’s fingers reach down to rub herself in circular motions, causing the pressure to hasten like a popped bottle of champagne. With your tongue lolled out of your mouth, you manage to garner some of the excess into your mouth, of which Ada aims herself toward.
When the dam is finally eased, another demand is thrown your way. 
“Mommy needs more, baby.” 
Mommy? You’ve never heard that one before. 
“Time to start working on that clit, yeah?” 
Aware of her impatient strike, you hurriedly begin to leave a series of obscene mwah’s on her puffy clit. Ada throbs with every careless kiss you leave behind, growing more irritated the longer her exact wishes are not brought to fruition. You should’ve known not to disobey her word, even when your intentions were in the right place. 
Your attempts to ease Ada into the rough treatment of your tongue were met with her smushing herself into your face. The muffled squeal of surprise you let out is short-lived and instantly replaced by the lewd squelches and slurps you work into her clit. 
Your head vigorously shakes back and forth, side-to-side against that sweet spot. The motion sends white-hot pleasure tickling up Ada’s spine, evident in the sloppy grinding of her hips and the pornographic sounds pervading the room.
You’re barely granted air to breathe, but Ada has been blinded by her own need. Drowning you in her scent, her taste, her warmth is nothing short of the most picturesque wet dream come to life. The way her slick is coating your face, arousal dripping down your neck — there is nothing left to do but abandon any and all control left behind. She just wants more, more, more, more, more, more, moremoremoremoremore- 
“Oh, God!” 
Ada has fully resorted to using your face as her toy. She hardly recognizes herself, humping that magical mouth of yours like some mutt in heat. Then again, you’ve always had a knack for weeding out parts of her she didn’t know existed. That is especially the case now, as that newfound heaven sits right at the horizon and morphs her into a creature crazed.
“It’s coming…!” 
Ada gushes into your mouth, overwhelming your senses with her, her arousal, and all her juices. Her jaw drops and her eyebrows pinch as the searing pleasure courses through her body. Her thighs, shivering and sweaty, clench around your head and keep your head in firm place. Her back arches and her hips buck from the intensity, as though some demonic spirit tore her soul straight from her chest. 
She’s never seen herself squirm like some sort of dying insect, but when it is your touch she is met with, it only makes sense this is the reaction it’d garner.
Ada has had her fair share of one-night stands, but fuck, they had nothing on this absolute rhapsody you bring her. To be overwhelmed in the touch of you is absolute perfection. It is better than touching the fluffy belly of a lamb, better than blankets fresh out of a dryer, better than the plastic encasing of a life preserver while trapped in a thrashing sea. 
All of it comes to head as her orgasm engulfs her, all by the works of you and your marvelous, outrageously-perfect self.
As her breathing evens out and her body reduces to a puddle of jelly, Ada’s brain finally produces a rational thought. Only now does she realize she had been crushing you beneath her weight. With swift, Ada-Wong-style finesse, she crawls away from your swollen mouth. Her heart throbs as she blesses her vision with the way you look now.
Oh, there you are. Sweet petal. 
She could topple over that edge once more as the sheer sight of you now. Drunken eyes dazed, mouth all swollen, and rendered to a pussy-drunk mess. It should be a crime for that pretty face to be covered in anything other than her dripping cum.
The fog clouding your brain begins to clear, as well. Lapping up any last few remnants of her still on your face, you begin to discern your surroundings. Specifically that of Ada. Her thumb caresses the jut of your cheekbone. Her lips, smeared with lipstick and drool, scatter ardent kisses down your jaw.
When you look at the expression stamped on her face, you have to stifle a laugh from how stupefied she looks. As though you were in some cartoon and she had been whacked with a sledgehammer. Blue birds circling around her head and all.
“I…” Ada begins, but cuts herself off with a dry swallow. “Mommy wants to try something with you. Will you let her?”
You nod in response, but that is not enough for her. 
“Say it.” 
Another sharp demand is sent your way, but this time, it is framed with the newfound desperation you conjured within her.
With a gulp, you answer. “Yes, mommy.”
Did she just curse? A woman sworn to a distinguished, controlled disposition has, for the very first time, sworn in front of you? Ada is taken aback by this, as well, evident in the laugh of disbelief she exhales.
Promptly, she then leaves your side. Not without a few last caresses to your skin, however. You remain in place within the sea of comforters, listening as she takes out equipment from the cabinet behind you. 
The efforts put into trying to discern her intentions through the mirror ahead of you are met with failure, as Ada always loves a good surprise. Especially when it is wrapped in a pretty bow for the love of her life.
“Do you trust me?”
You answer with a nod. Another mistake.
“Yes. I trust you.” 
A grin spreads on her face, the one you know all too well.
Ada returns to your trail of vision and her hands grasp your foot. She waves a red, silken bow playfully, before using it to latch your ankle to the adjacent bedpost. Another strand of silk is ensnared around your other ankle and fastened to the separate bedpost, binding both of your legs completely. 
The last time you were tied up like this, it ended with you writhing from the oscillation between pain and pleasure. All you can do is pray Ada has the mercy you begged from Jill. 
And as though she could read your mind, Ada begins to speak about her.
“Since your ex-girlfriend lacks substance, I guess it’s up to me to show you what genuine pleasure is.”
You don’t even want to think about what Jill Valentine is occupied with at the moment. Wherever she may be. 
“Y’know, she’d kill you for what you’re doing to me right now.” 
Ada quirks a brow, something sinister sinking in her eyes. She smiles at you with that infamous, evil grin. 
“Let her try. She wouldn’t be the first.” 
The first? What does that mean?
You are given no time to dwindle on this statement, not when Ada finally presents how she intends to bring you that “genuine pleasure”. 
She withdraws a vibrator as though it were merely pocket change for a cashier. One of those big, wand-like ones you’ve seen in porn.
It’s mortifying to admit, but on lonely nights in the sanctuary, you’d sneak off into the computer lab to watch those kinds of videos. You only stopped when a security guard intruded your personal time to identify all the “strange” noises he heard. So, although your experience is limited, you’ve seen enough in those videos to know the impact that toy can have.
“This one’s my favorite. I have no doubt I can make it yours, too.” 
On top of the stunned silence you’ve been forced into upon seeing that toy, Ada then shows you her second method of bringing you pleasure no human but her can ignite. 
A thick, curved, blood-red dildo is held in her dark acrylics. Bulky veins are carved into the rubber skin, spreading all the way to the bulbous head. 
Coursing through the images in your head, you search for some resemblance of your past partners and find several similarities. Though, you find differences, as well. It stretches into a similar length to Leon, but is passing him by an additional inch. It possesses the same girth as Carlos, but the curve is more subtle and purposeful than his obnoxious size. 
Had Ada somehow known this? Did she add this specific toy to her varying collection for this reason? 
“You look like you’ve got something to say…” 
The woman in question scrutinizes your body language for any semblance of emotion. Fear? Arousal? Maybe even both? 
“No, I just- I’ve never seen… toys in real life, before.” There you go again, stuttering through another confession.
Even when you’re tethered up like a feral animal and entirely naked on display, you’re still shy with your words.
“You’re adorable like this.” Ada leans in close to you again, lips grazing over yours. “I could just eat you out…” 
You’re hauled into a searing kiss before you can process her words. You’ve almost forgotten how every kiss of hers is exceptional in erasing any coherency still in your brain.
“Oh… Another day, petal. Another day.” 
Even though Ada could continue with the flirtation for centuries, she decides to put an end to the banter and watch in reverie as you fall apart. She guides you to sit up, and obedient as you are, you comply and follow her lead. She then nestles herself behind you and guides you to lay down against her chest.
“There you go. You’re perfect…” 
Ada’s praises certainly do not ease the scorching mayhem in your body. Her hands, gentle as they normally are, spread your legs apart with one swift, rough motion.
“Don’t hide from mommy. Understood?” 
You answer her demands verbally, as you have since learned Ada does not favor hushed responses. You don’t think you could handle being bent over her knee right now, ass bruised raw. At least, not for tonight.
With that, Ada takes back possession of the thick dildo. A hushed chortle fans against your shoulder when she feels a shiver race down your spine. 
“Nervous?” She laughs, as though your body wasn’t practically screaming at her to bring it gratification.
The dildo is first splayed across your stomach. The base touches below your pubic mound, while the tip lands just above your belly button — an accurate display of how far it will reach inside you. 
“See. Not too bad, right? I’m sure Leon could go even deeper.”
Of course not. Fuck, she knows exactly what she is doing! And somehow, she knows his exact size, as well.
“Wan’ it…” You whine. “Mommy…” 
If you skimmed through the pages of a dictionary for the meaning of ‘starstruck’, you’d find that face stamped into the page. She gasps, as though you had given her that title by your own accord and conjured the idea yourself. Who knew some measly, kinky nickname could bring the Ada Wong to her knees?
“I wanted to tease you more. Watch you writhe and squirm for me, but how can I resist you?” Her fingers curl under your chin and shift your gaze to hers. “Hmm?” 
“Don’t-Don’t resist, then. It’s hot when you let go.” 
You feel Ada pulsate again beneath you. If you had known you possessed this much power, you would’ve let her between your legs a long time ago.
“Oh, yeah?” 
She spits out a wad of saliva onto her hand and treads lower, circling the rim of your entrance and providing lubrication. 
“Want to see mommy let go?” 
Ada draws you into another kiss, reveling in the way you whimper for more. The abuse of your mouth did not end with just her on top of you, clearly. She ventures into more aggressive efforts, biting into your lips and sucking on your lax tongue. Those cat-like claws reach for your nipple, pinching and playing with your sensitivity. 
The tip of the dildo poking at your dripping entrance catches you off guard. You are not granted another second to process before it passes that barrier, stretching you out with its thickness. The kiss is broken as a pathetic cry gasps from your slack jaw, eyes rolling into the back of your skull. 
“M-Mommy, fuck-!” 
The visceral reaction you have only intensifies the deeper Ada sinks the toy into you, protruding gentle thrusts to ease you into the severity. And she is just eating up every sound and shiver she can pull out of you. 
Your brain and body are now entirely controlled by your libido as she accelerates from her slow, torturous rhythm. All misty and sweaty, you reach your hand down to rub a sensitive spot she had neglected in favor of your abusing your poor guts. She slaps your hand away harshly. 
With a glance of confusion, still masked in sheer desire, you look to see how Ada still has that familiar look of animalistic fervor on her face.
"Ah, ah, ah. Can't touch what belongs to mommy."
From there, you resort to clinging to the sheets as if you were hanging from a tall building and this bed was a saving hand. All you want is more, more, more. 
“Not fond of that, are we?” Ada laughs as though this were all some funny joke. She licks a stray tear cascading down your cheek. “You’re okay, petal. Mommy will take care of you.”
You swear you felt your heart do a cartwheel when you see her reach for the vibrator. Fucking finally. Holding it up for you to see, Ada clicks the button and the vigorous vibrations spring to life.
“This what you want?” 
That damned chortle of hers is dark, so goddamned sinful. Yet still, it festers an unknown, desperate ache inside of you.
The toy lurks down, your hyperventilating breaths hastening with every passing second, before finally making contact with your sex. And all those awful, poorly-made pornos were right about these things: they’re fucking lethal.
“F-Fuck, yes!”
You swear you can feel your melted brain ooze out of your ears, replaced by some sex-hungry fiend who's receiving their first fill in years. The quivering motions of the vibrator and the thick girth plunging into your gushing heat has your back arching, just the same as all those pornstars.
And Ada — oh, she couldn’t be happier to be here with you. 
There is no high quite like those desperate hands clinging to her naked skin for stability as you lose yourself to euphoria. She could die right in this moment; some random past enemy of hers could barge in and blow her brains out. Still, it would not be enough to even waver the state of nirvana pervading all her senses. It is more than she could have ever asked for.
A sudden heat permeates throughout your sex and robs all attention of yours. It is a sensation you have never felt before, even when your ex-partners were buried inside your body. Ada can sense it, as well. 
“That’s it! Come on now!” 
One last squeal of “mommy-!” and you’re toppling over the edge of orgasm with no promise of salvation. 
It plunges into you like a parasite and strikes like a harsh punch to the gut. The intensity prevails and perfuses through your abused, numb body. It’s all just you, your weak form, and the vehemence coursing through you. The delectation leaves no inch of you untouched, either, as though it were a greedy poison scavenging for any last sliver of you it can touch.
Through the strength of it all, Ada clings to you tighter and guides you through the land of cloud nine. It is all almost too good to be true, this idyllic moment. She stalks your reflection in the mirror and reprimands herself for not installing cameras to capture this perfect, once-in-a-lifetime moment.
Any lingering doubts Ada had of whether keeping you with her was the best decision for your well-being have all been squashed. Christ, if it wasn’t settled before, it certainly is now.
You are never escaping Ada Wong. Whether you like it or not.
Because God, you are lethal. 
And Ada has never known what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of such violence, with ecstasy and delirium carved into the knife you brandish. This knife remains lodged in her chest long after you’ve both succumbed to mind-numbing pleasure, the sharp metal twitching with every beat her sensitive heart passes.
Your skin is warm and soft from the muscle-soothing bath taken after, complemented by the taste of Chardonnay and chocolate-covered strawberries you both enjoyed while soaking in the bubbles. 
You’ve now been nestled beneath the covers back in the master bedroom. You’re dressed in silken pajamas and teetering on the edge of unconsciousness, laid upon Ada’s chest and listening to the lulling rhythm of her heartbeat. 
After a long period spent with Ada forcing you to give her kisses, she finally grants your groggy self some much-needed rest. Her hands still leave loving caresses on every fraction of flesh she can reach, nonetheless. She has to stifle a chuckle when you’re out like a light in mere seconds.
Much like any other night, Ada’s mind is overwhelmed with love. All of which babble and ramble about you, you, you, and only you.
The head that possesses wit and character like she has never seen before, cheeks she squeezes like an adorable baby when she just can’t resist, lips that are surely capable of killing a man with the emotion they can provoke — all attributes that constitute the enigma Ada loves most. 
A neck that conjures the dulcet melody that is your voice, shoulders forever adorned in a blanket of her kisses, a chest that protects the heart she’d tear the world asunder to keep safe — all attributes that constitute the angel Ada loves most.
Arms that always pull her into a sugar-sweet embrace after a torturous day at work, hands that could rival a kitten’s paw with its sheer softness, hips that with one sway could surely turn all evil in this disgusting world to good — all attributes that constitute the deity Ada loves most.
Sex that even the greatest poets couldn’t utilize all human languages to encapsulate, legs you’d find etched into renaissance paintings hung in grand museums, feet that strut straight into her life and robbed her of all clarity — all attributes that constitute the one with full possession of Ada Wong and her weak heart.
The one she has loved wholly for over six years and will do so forevermore.
“Sweet dreams, petal…” 
One last kiss to your forehead and Ada falls asleep just like that. Lips pressed against your skin and cocooned in the warm shell of her devotion. Just the way it should be. 
Just the way it will remain for eternity, no matter what she has to do to keep you in her arms.
Once more, with every day the fog settles, you have come to learn several new things. 
Oh, how Leon Kennedy and Ada Wong love Y/N L/N. 
It is evident throughout every day, where fragments of their adoration are sprinkled into every moment you spend together.
Life with these two is a humble routine, but sporadic in the same breath. You receive whiplash from the constant oscillation between a cozy cabin in the woods to a sky-high penthouse in the city.
Ada is suave and sneaky, always maintaining a sharp eye for anything out of place and utilizing it to keep you close by. She’ll tuck a flower behind your ear with an ardent kiss, before demanding her workers to clean the bloody footprints left on her pristine floors. With a few more well-placed touches and expensive gifts, you��ll remain oblivious to the violence that treads behind the scenes. Exactly how Ada needs it, where your protection and happiness is ensured.
There is no need to take that aloof, red-adorned exterior to heart, either. Not when the other locked door across the lust-induced room tells a different story. Just don’t be surprised if you see her venturing past that threshold in the dead of night, hours drifting by without her parting ways.
Leon is the closest human personification of a loyal guard dog. Hooked to your side, you have no choice but to endure the suffocating protection and affections he forces onto you. It certainly does not help when you find him lurking in dark corners, staring at you like some Peeping Tom, before showering you in candied praises and gratitude for mending the shattered remains of his heart.
There is no need to take that territorial, puppy-dog exterior to heart, either. Not when the cameras littered around the cabin tell a different story. Just don’t be surprised if you feel the presence of eyes looming over your shoulder, watching your every move in complete entrancement.
Time continues to pass of this routine and these facts further cement themselves into your life. 
The year is now striding through September, where the Summer heat eases and you’re cradled by harsher winds and descending leaves. It is troubling to believe it has nearly been a whole year since this fiasco began, but you have managed to survive this long, if that proves anything.
As another week spent in Ada’s residence meets its end, you nestle yourself on one of the many luxurious couches and watch as the sun sets over the horizon. Here, you anticipate Leon’s return.
Despite how much easier it would be to travel by yourself, Leon insists on coming here and joining you on the plane ride to his cabin. Strange, but as clingy as he is, you do not find yourself surprised by these antics. He is meant to arrive the following morning, as well, but you can’t recall the last time he has ever followed these rules.
Just as you anticipated, a whistle pierces through the air and grasps your attention. When you turn toward the sound, you find Leon Kennedy. Adorned in that familiar sheepskin jacket and lopsided, love-induced smile. He whispers your name breathlessly and makes a swift dash toward you. 
The way he engulfs you into a tenacious embrace, any outsider would think he was a soldier finally returning to his devoted spouse after years apart. In reality, it has only been a week. But, what the strangers outside are unaware of is how a single hour is too much for Leon’s weak heart to fathom, hence his obnoxious disposition whenever he greets you after mere seconds apart.
And just as predicted, his lips then meet yours in a grueling affection. No matter how much time passes, you’ll always find yourself astounded from just how needy and demanding his kisses are. As though he were trying to consume you whole; as though he were trying to become so close, no one will know where you start and he ends.
When Leon’s empty hunger is finally (albeit temporarily) satiated from your lips, he then reverts to peppering an onslaught of more kisses across your face. On your nose, cheeks, forehead, eyes, jaw — he revels in the boisterous laughter it summons from you. Music to his ears, he always finds himself remarking.
Before your giggling fit can ease, Leon then positions himself mere inches away from you. Much to your horror, he indulges himself in his most favorite game: freeze and stare. A game you have become quite familiar with.
"There you are… Just let me look at you..." 
And that is exactly what he does. Watches you. Perusing every detail upon your face and gushing over the raw beauty sewn into your flesh. There is no denying how horrifically obsessed this man is with you, that is for certain.
Uncomfortable beneath his scrutiny, you scour through your brain for a plausible reason to escape this. With the excuse of needing to retrieve some items you had forgotten to pack, complemented by asking if he’d like to help you obtain such, Leon is folding like a cheap suit and abiding by whatever demands you throw his way.
Like a dog on a leash, Leon follows your lead as you venture up the marble staircase, down the hall, and through the door of Ada’s in-home office. Per her request, she asked you to pack heavy for your return to his cabin. 
You fear it implies you will be stuck in those woods for God-knows how long, but with the perceptible elation in her expression, stronger than ever before, you know this theory weighing in your brain is not feasible.
Knowing Ada, she would never be so joyous to leave your side. Especially when it is Leon Kennedy taking her place.
Nonetheless, you brush off the peculiarity and do exactly what she asked of you. And what you certainly couldn’t part from was your beloved opossum plushy, who had made a home in Ada’s office on the leather sofa.
When you take the plushy into your grasp, you take the moment to smooth out the ruffled tufts of faux fur on his body. You adjust the ribbon ensnared around his neck and ensure he is in spectacular shape. Who knows, maybe on the drive back to the cabin, you’ll both stumble into another lady raccoon your furry buddy may want to impress.
One last pat to the opossum’s cotton-filled head and you adjust him comfortably in your bag, engulfing him between the several quilts and pillows you intend to bring with you. It is a lengthy trip back to the cabin for the three of you, after all.
When you turn around to leave, expecting a certain secret agent to follow close by, you’re shocked to look over your shoulder and find the exact opposite. Instead of clinging to you like a pesky illness, per usual, Leon hovers over Ada’s desk, instead. Entranced by something he had plucked from the surface.
“Leon? What is it…?” You question, taking careful steps toward him. 
When you halt beside him, you find his shuddering body overwhelmed with heaving breaths, evident rage latched to every rasping exhale. You peek over his broad shoulder to see what conjured such a tyrannical reaction out of him, only to just be met with bafflement.
In his grasp are two small strips of paper, shivering in his shaky grasp. One-way plane tickets to Rome. Yours and Ada’s names stamped on the sheets. Scheduled for that very night.
While your brain is scouring about, searching for some logical explanation, Leon has the entire story painted for him in exquisite detail.
Ada intends to take you from him. And never in his life has he touched a surface of fury so scorching.
He has never been fond of her, but he has grown to trust her in this period of time. Only in the capacity regarding you, yes, but there was still some level of trust evident. 
She’s a damn good fighter, after all. He knows she’d protect you by all means necessary and to never lay a hand on you, but he should’ve known she’d eventually manipulate her tools to take you away from him.
Leon should’ve known she’d resort to such drastic measures in the end, as he planned on doing the very same. He intended to take advantage of his role in the Torrents Capture-Force group and send an army of trained soldiers to assassinate her. Plain and simple. Then, he’d be granted his desire of eternity by your side.
Now, there is a loose thread in his plans. And it is wearing a red dress and leaving gloss-stained kisses upon the skin of the one he loves most.
Leon does not utter a single word. Instead, he chucks the crumbled fragments of paper to the ground and rushes past you, vanishing from the office in several large strides. 
You follow suit, while trying to assure him of how it was surely a mistake. In your head, you concluded the tickets were intended as a surprise vacation, but Ada had simply left Leon’s ticket in a different location. None of your efforts succeeded, as Leon continues on far ahead of you.
Before you can begin your descent down the stairs, though, something strange catches your eye. 
Those two locked doors, mirroring each other. 
You know what lies behind one of the doors, where Ada has restrained your limbs and reduced your brain to puddled mush more times than you can count. You have yet to see what lies behind the opposite door, however.
As you stand here, you find that very door unlocked and ajar.
Curiosity getting the better of you, you abandon your attempts at assuaging Leon’s emotions and shift your attention to the door. When you take a peek inside, just a mere peak, your heart plunges into your stomach the second your eyes adjust to the contents of the room.
The floors, walls, and ceiling are entirely made of cement, accompanied by a cheap lightbulb swaying from above. As though someone was just in here. 
The entire expanse is empty, besides the two metal chairs centered in the middle of the room. The leather restraints around the arms and legs of the chairs are now loose. All that is left upon the metal surface are stained splatters of deep-red blood.
Instead of trying to find a reasonable conclusion, your brain falls silent. All you can do is stare in stunned silence as your heart rages in violent, accelerating thumps.
You are only torn from this trance when a shout echoes from downstairs. It is met with deafening silence, accompanied by what you think is an occasional grunt and bang through the thick walls. One last glance of uncertainty into the room and you finally turn tail, rushing down the stairs and toward the source of the roaring sound.
Stumbling into the living room, chest rising and falling in rapid rhythm, you find yourself frozen in place once again when you discover the very last thing you expected. Leon has been thrown to the ground, evident in the shattered coffee table and surrounding clutter. 
On top of him is Carlos. 
He looks like a feral animal, snarling and barring his teeth as though the blonde beneath him were prey he has been dying to sink his teeth into. His fists just plunge into Leon’s bloodied skull again and again and again and again and again and again and again and- 
A soft hand meets your forearm, causing you to whip around to discern the sudden presence. 
Behind you is Jill.
Battered and bruised, covered in a mess of infected cuts and wounds, a gasp of your name bridges on her lips. Through her brutalized appearance, you find sheer euphoria sparkling in her blue eyes at the sight of you. Just like how she has always seen you: a drop of purity through the drowning blood.
Before a breathless syllable of your name can reach the air, you’re shoved out of the way and Jill is tackled to the ground. You identify Ada through the flash of speed, crawling on top of your injured ex-lover and beating her within an inch of her life.
Underneath the weight of the chaos, all you can think about is how you’ve already seen this movie before. You have a track record of running, you have a track record of staying. But, hey, third times a charm, right?
Should you flee and pray to God this group of secret agents and detectives never find you? Or should you use what little combat skills you have and attempt to fight off four military-trained soldiers?
When push comes to shove, however, you do know one thing as a definite fact. 
You never should’ve stepped a fucking foot into Raccoon City.
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⁺ 🎧 , 🪷 you are currently listening to . . . ⁺ 🪺 , 🎵 ꪆ
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here is what i imagined leon's cabin to look like: one. two. three. four. five. six.
and here is what i imagined ada's penthouse to look like: one. two. three. four. five. six.
(also, i saw this pic of leon with his hair slicked back and……………. you couldn’t pay me to not somehow implement this here….)
gif creds :: leon & ada.
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946 notes · View notes
ktownshizzle · 3 months ago
Love & Lullabies | Part 4
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✎ ˎˊ˗ Pairing: Min Yoongi x female Reader
✎ ˎˊ˗ Summary: What begins as a simple favor for your best friend Namjoon soon pulls you into the rhythms of Yoongi’s life—afternoons spent caring for his son, late nights filled with candid conversations, and a connection neither of you thought you needed. You’re just fresh out of a long-term relationship with an ex who didn’t want a family with you, so did you really just stumble into a life you’ve always dreamed of? (Thank god Namjoon isn’t the only one who’s clumsy.)
✎ ˎˊ˗ Alternatively: It’s 2025 and BTS is prepping for their comeback. All members seem to have gained muscle weight from their time at camp. But Min Yoongi has gained a different kind of weight—an 8-pound baby and a fuck-load of responsibility. (Thank god you’re there to help him.)
✎ ˎˊ˗ Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut, idol!au, Acquaintances to Lovers, Reader is Namjoon’s bestie
✎ ˎˊ˗ Warnings: Yoongi is a DILF (!!!) That’s it.
✎ ˎˊ˗ Chapter warnings: slow ass burn because the series will be extended indefinitelyyyy yall wanted this 😅, so much kissing, sexting, star wars reference, THIS YOONGI, cliffhanger hehe
✎ ˎˊ˗ Word count: 6.7k
✎ ˎˊ˗ Posting date: December 14, 2024
✎ ˎˊ˗ A/N: This is inspired by an ask/prompt sent by @yoongznme. Enjoy, my lovelies~ 💕
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four |  Masterlist
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You glance at the clock again and chew your bottom lip, heart ricocheting against your ribcage. When you sent Yoongi the text, you knew it was overdue. You were finally in a good place—and he was part of what was good.
You’ve known Yoongi for years, but it’s only in the past few months that you’ve really gotten to know him. At this point, you’ve spent hours with him in every context imaginable, from tantruming Haneul to Miss Rachel dance sessions, from boring afternoons to big milestones. But this feels… different.
He’s coming to your place. You haven’t seen him in weeks, not since you kissed in the rain, and he showed up in the hallway, not since everything fell apart and started to piece itself back together again.
You’d started in your pajamas—just a soft cotton set with peaches on them—but after one glance in the mirror, you decided against it. Too casual. Now you’re in a cream-colored cardigan with a camisole underneath and matching joggers. You dabbed on a little lip tint, brushed out your hair, spritzed on a tiny bit of perfume. Now, you honestly look like you tried and while you don’t want to be too obvious, you remember he has been the one trying for months. It wouldn’t hurt if you showed him a little effort. And at least now you know you look cute.
The doorbell startles you, and you jolt forward causing a dull pain in your neck, which has been bothering you for days. You roll your shoulders back, in hopes to shake some of the tension away. You wipe your palms on your joggers and rush to the door, catching a quick glance at your reflection in the hallway mirror. You look… fine. You hope.
When you pull the door open, there he is.
Yoongi stands in your doorway, wearing a gray hoodie, jeans that sit just right on his hips, and New Balance slides—slides—despite the winter chill. His hair, slightly longer now, still looks as soft as when you ran your fingers throu—
“Hey,” he says, stalling your thoughts. His dark eyes meet yours, something in his expression making you a bit self-conscious. But boy did you miss him.
“Hi,” you manage, your voice smaller than you intended. You clear your throat and gesture at his feet. “Slides? In this weather?”
Yoongi glances down, his lips curving into a faint smirk. “I was in a rush.”
“Come in,” you say, motioning for him to enter. “When I texted you, I didn’t say it had to be tonight.”
“It had to be,” he says quietly. “For me.”
Your cheeks flush, and you quickly change the subject. “Do you want something to drink? Water? Tea? Iced americano?”
He smiles, seemingly glad that you recall his favorite. “Iced americano sounds good,” he says, settling onto the couch.
You head to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with ice and coffee. When you return, you hand it to him, watching as he fumbles with the straw a bit. You forgot just how cute he is.
You sip your drink, glancing at him over the rim before deciding to fill the quiet. “So… first day at the daycare,” you start casually. “It went well.”
Yoongi leans back, his shoulders loosening just a little. “Yeah? Tell me about it.”
“It was… honestly, it was so great,” you say, the words tumbling out as you set your drink on the table. “The kids are adorable, and the space is beautiful. Everything’s so well set up.” You pause, the memory of the morning making your chest feel warm. “I forgot how much I missed doing that, you know? Like, preparing activities, seeing their little faces light up when they learn something new… it just—it feels good.”
Yoongi’s lips tug into the faintest smile, his gaze steady on you. “You look happy talking about it.”
You nod, almost to yourself. “I am. I feel… lucky, I guess. That I get to do this again.”
His eyes soften in that way that makes your stomach flutter. “I’m proud of you,” he says simply, his tone steady and sincere.
The words catch you off guard, and for a moment, all you can do is blink at him. “Really?”
“Of course,” he says simply, leaning back against the couch. “It’s not easy starting over. But you did it.”
“Thanks, Yoongi. I really appreciate that.” You pause, then add, “I’m proud of me too.”
He smiles at that, the kind that’s so subtle you’d miss it if you weren’t looking.
You grin back, the memory of the morning still fresh. “Well, we also had a capybara mascot.”
Yoongi coughs. “Oh? A mascot? That’s… interesting.”
“Yeah,” you nod, narrowing your eyes at him. “It seemed really into me. Kept shaking its ass in front of the kids, though, which… you know, questionable.”
“Shaking its ass?” Yoongi repeats, lips twitching.
“Weird, right?” you protest, though you can’t help but grin. “The thing was strangely enthusiastic.”
Yoongi shrugs, taking another sip of his drink. “Sounds like a fun mascot.” 
But then, he’s not done, like he’s empathizing with the man in the suit. “And of course he would be enthusiastic, it’s your opening day. I mean they probably briefed him to be supportive of you and whatnot. And to be that energetic despite the tormenting heat of that costume, he’s seriously doing the lord’s work…”
You blink at him, before you decide to test the theory out.
“Haneul kept calling it Appa,” you say with a straight face. “I told him there’s no way his appa is in a capybara suit.”
Yoongi chokes on his drink, coughing again.
“Are you okay?” you ask, patting his back.
“Fine,” he croaks, his voice raspier than usual. “Just… went down wrong.”
You eye him suspiciously but let it slide, suppressing a smile that’s threatening to slant your lips. 
He’s definitely the man in the suit. You’ll get him to admit it one day.
But for now, you brace yourself for the talk you wanted to have.
You set your phone down carefully, the action feeling weighted, like it’s tethered to the words you’re about to say. Your fingers twist nervously in the hem of your cardigan, and you glance at Yoongi, hesitating for a moment before speaking. “Yoongi… umm, I wanted to say  I’m sorry.”
He looks up at you sharply, his brows furrowed in confusion. “For what?”
“For shutting you out,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. You swallow hard, the vulnerability in your chest blooming uncomfortably. “I was in such a bad place mentally. I hated myself, I was dealing with so much unresolved shit that I hadn’t even begun to work through.”
Yoongi doesn’t respond right away. Quiet eyes, just watching you, letting you process your emotions. So you continue.
“Just as you depended on me to care for Han, I started depending on you too. I wasn’t happy with my life, but when I was in your place, I felt detached from my misery. Felt wanted and needed which made me feel good. But then… when Sung Kyung showed up, it was like everything I was already struggling with just got amplified. I thought I was protecting myself, but instead, I just… pushed you away.”
He leans forward slightly, his elbows resting on his knees, and the way he looks at you—tender and unguarded—makes your heart ache. His eyes are dark and steady, the kind that seem to see straight through you, but not in a way that feels invasive or harsh. 
“I felt very insecure and abandoned from so many things in my past. I have been working on it though, and I feel like I’m in a better place now.”
The faintest trace of a smile ghosts across his lips as he finally speaks. “I get it,” he says, his voice low and steady. “I’m glad you’re better. I’ve been there too. Feeling like you have to be strong for others when inside you’re struggling.” He gnaws at his lip. “If I’m gonna be real, I thought you pushed me away because you wanted out. Honestly, if I were you, I’d dip too.”
“Oh Yoongi…” you start, but he shakes his head, so you let him carry on.
“It’s okay, I know my life is… complicated. Everything that happened in the last two months, hell, in the last year, threw me off, too. Like I just lost control of my life. Shit kept piling on and I didn’t know how to deal. But at the end of the day, all I wanted was to do right by Haneul, to make sure he was loved and safe. That was my focus.”
“You’re an amazing dad,” you say with sincerity. “And you’ve been an amazing friend to me, too. Even when I didn’t deserve it. You didn’t give up on me.”
His eyes soften further, and he shakes his head, brushing your gratitude away like it’s unnecessary. “You don’t have to thank me for that,” he says, his voice almost gentle.
“At first, I didn’t think you’d want to talk to me,” you admit quietly, glancing down at your hands. “I thought maybe you moved on. Or… that you’d rather I wasn’t in your life anymore.”
Yoongi leans back slightly, his posture relaxing as he tilts his head to study you. “Peep the countless messages on Kakao that’s left hanging…”
“I know, and I’m sorry for that. I read every single one. And there were many times that I thought about replying, but I needed to sort myself out. I’m a mess and I didn’t want to drag you down, or add into whatever’s on your plate. You did say your life is complicated.”
“Yeah, but I was just worried about you, because…” his eyes drop to his drink, pauses, then he shakes his head with a chuckle. His gaze meets yours again, his expression firm. “Just promise me something.”
You blink, your hands stilling in your lap. “What?”
“Promise me you won’t do that again,” he says, his voice carrying just the faintest edge of vulnerability. “Don’t shut me out, no matter what’s going on.”
You nod before you can even think. “I promise.”
His lips curve into a faint smile, and the sight of it tugs at something deep inside you. It’s such a small thing—a slight upturn of his mouth, the crinkle at the corners of his eyes—but it feels monumental. Like the bridge you’ve both been too scared to cross is finally, tentatively, being rebuilt.
For a moment, neither of you moves. You think about the way his eyes soften when he looks at you, the way his voice wraps around your name like it’s something precious. And so you think, maybe, just maybe, this could still be something.
Yoongi’s voice cuts through your thoughts. “Hey–what happened to your shoulder?” he asks suddenly, breaking the moment.
You blink, caught off guard by the shift. “What?”
“Your shoulder,” he repeats, nodding toward it. “You’ve been rolling it a little since I got here. Is it bothering you?”
“Oh, I didn’t realize,” you say, feeling a little self-conscious. “It’s nothing, really. Just a strain from running, I think. I’ve been pushing myself a bit harder lately, trying to, you know, get my life together and shit.”
Yoongi frowns, his brows knitting together. “Running’s good, but you can’t overdo it. A shoulder strain’s no joke. If you don’t take care of it, it’ll just get worse.”
You smile faintly, appreciating the concern in his voice. “Okay, Dr. Min,” you tease lightly. “Any recommendations?”
He huffs a quiet laugh but doesn’t let it go. “I mean it. You have to be careful. My shoulder was busted for years, you know. I have a few tricks,” He pauses, glancing at your cardigan. “Can I…? I can take a look if you want. Only if you’re okay with it.”
You gulp. Loud. The neighbors probably heard it. And for a moment, all you can do is stare at him. His expression is earnest, his hand already halfway lifted in a gesture of permission.
“Uh, sure,” you say, your voice quieter than intended. “That’d be… yeah, okay.” You shift in your seat, angling your shoulder for better access.
He waits for your nod before gently tugging at the edge of your cardigan. “May I?”
Your pulse quickens as you shrug it off your shoulder, leaving the strap of your camisole exposed. The cool air brushes your skin, a stark contrast to the warmth of Yoongi’s hands as they settle lightly on your shoulder.
His fingers press gently at first, testing the tension in your muscles before applying more pressure. You inhale sharply as he works through a particularly tight knot, your body instinctively leaning into his touch.
“Here,” he murmurs, his tone soft but focused. “This is where it’s worst, right?”
You nod, unable to form coherent words as his hands move with ease, kneading the aches away. Each press of his fingers sends a mixture of relief and something else coursing through you, straight down towards your core.
“You’re really… good at this,” you manage to say, your voice a little breathless. Brain starting to turn into mush.
He chuckles lightly, the sound vibrating against your back. “Years of experience. Needed surgery to get my shoulder sorted out. That’s why I’m serious about this stuff. You need to be careful with it.”
His words linger in the air, and you find yourself focusing not just on the pleasure of his touch but on the deep timbre of his voice, and the way he’s always looking out for you even in the smallest ways.
“Thank you,” you whisper, glancing over your shoulder to meet his gaze. His hands still for a moment.
“Of course,” he says softly, licking his lips as you find his eyes going to yours.
Oh my god. You want to kiss him. Shit, you really do. You wonder if you should turn fully to face him. 
But then his hands slip away, leaving your skin feeling colder.
You adjust your cardigan, clearing your throat as you sit back, your mind spinning. The intimacy of the moment—of his hands on you, the quiet concern in his voice—has left your heart like it’s going into cardiac arrest. If he fancies himself as Dr. Min he better fix this.
“Okay?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you say, smiling faintly. “Better. Thanks, Yoongi.”
“Anytime,” he replies, with a small, almost shy smile.
He leans forward slightly, eyes searching yours, and you find yourself doing the same, your heart pounding in your chest.
For a second, you think he might kiss you—or maybe you’re the one who wants to close the distance. 
But then he stands.
“It’s pretty late, I should go,” he says softly, though his voice carries a hint of reluctance.
“Yeah,” you say, standing with him. Your legs feel unsteady as you walk him to the door.
As he steps out, you hesitate for a moment. “Thanks for coming over, at short notice.”
“Nah, I wanted to,” he says, pink dusting his cheeks before he admits. “Is it weird if I say I’ve been waiting for it?”
Before you chicken out, you lean up and press a soft kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for waiting, Yoongi.”
He blinks, startled, then he’s rubbing his wrinkled nose with his index finger. “Goodnight.”
“Drive safe…”
You close the door and lean your back against it, pressing your hands to your cheeks as if that’ll somehow contain the giddy energy bubbling up inside you. It’s stupid, really, how much a simple night with Yoongi—his laugh, his voice, that damn massage—has you grinning like an idiot.
But you can’t help it.
For the first time in a long time, you feel like your heart is beating again, a rhythm that feels almost foreign after the weeks of emptiness you’d carried around.
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So, it’s been a week since Yoongi came over. 
Each morning at the daycare, Haneul’s nanny walks through the door with her usual warm smile, holding Haneul’s tiny hand as he toddles in. It’s what you’ve grown used to, so you’re not expecting anything different. But sometimes, when the door swings open, you hope that maybe this time, it’ll be Yoongi instead.
It never is.
You shake off the feeling quickly each time. He’s busy, of course. He has his music, his idol schedules. It makes sense that he’d leave the daycare routine to someone else.
But still.
The thought lingers, one you don’t want to examine too closely. Instead, you focus on the small joys: Haneul’s excited “Sarang!” when he sees you, his delighted giggles during circle time, the way he clutches Bora 2.0 during nap time.
And at night, when you’re settling into bed, your phone buzzes. That’s when Yoongi comes to you—not in person, but through his name on your screen.
Yoongi: How’s your shoulder? Dr. Min is still monitoring your progress. You: Much better, thanks. Might even survive the crossfit sesh Joon’s dragging me into. Yoongi: I just texted Namjoon. You’re off the hook. You: What? Yoongi: Can’t do crossfit with a bad shoulder. Doctor’s orders. You: Fine You: You know you’re not a real doctor right? Yoongi: 😑
Then another night:
Yoongi: Haneul wouldn’t stop saying sarang this, sarang that today. Like a little broken record. You: 🥺 My heart can’t handle this. Yoongi: I know.
And then the casual starts to shift:
Yoongi: Did I tell you Haneul fell asleep on my lap during my zoom meeting today? I couldnt move for like an hour and my arm died. You: No, but that sounds adorable. He probably misses u. Yoongi: Yeah. Shld probably cherish this while he’s still not embarrassed by me You: Definitely cherish but why would he be embarrassed by you? You’re such a good dad. Yoongi: I’m trying. But honestly? Sometimes it’s hard. I think about how much I’m giving him and I wonder if it’s enough
You pause at that text, staring at the screen for a long time.
Yoongi doesn’t open up often. When he does, it feels like he’s peeling back a layer, letting you see something raw, something vulnerable.
You: I think every parent feels like that sometimes. But from what I see, Han is such a happy kid. You’re raising him well and he’s so lucky to have you. Yoongi: I needed that. Thank you.
And then, late one night, the tone shifts entirely.
Yoongi: What are you doing right now? You: Bed. About to sleep. U? Yoongi: Same. Thinking about that night. You: Which night? Yoongi: When I came over. And you almost kissed me. 🙂
Oh, shit. Is he drunk?! You sit up, your heart suddenly pounding in your chest. Mind thinking nonsense, like if this is about to be a booty call, what panties are you changing into?
You: 💀Be for real. You were definitely leaning in more. Yoongi: Maybe. Yoongi: Would it have been so bad tho?
Your cheeks burn as you stare at the screen, unsure if your heart is racing because of his words or because of the way they make you feel. You start laughing in disbelief, and soon you're screaming into your pillow. What the hell?!
When you finally compose yourself, you decide you want to ask him if he’s being serious. But before you can even start to type, another message comes through.
Yoongi: Stop overthinking it, beautiful. Good night. 😉
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It’s late afternoon, and the daycare is winding down. Kids are being picked up by the HYBE employee parents or the designated guardians. There’s only one kid left, and he just happens to be your favorite.
“Sarang!” Haneul’s little voice calls, his gummy smile wide as he wraps his tiny arms around your legs.
“Hi, baby!” you say warmly, scooping him up into your arms. His chubby cheeks press against yours as he nuzzles into your neck, and your heart melts a little. “Wonder where Nanny Mel is…”
Before you can fully bask in the moment, you hear another familiar voice.
“Ready to go, Haneul?”
Yoongi steps into the daycare, looking effortlessly casual (and annoyingly sexy) in his usual hoodie and slides. His hair is swept back today, and you have to mentally shake yourself out of staring, not just of how he looked, but because this is the first time he has ever picked up Haneul from your daycare.
The tiny tot, however, has other plans.
“No!” he says firmly, clutching onto you tighter.
Yoongi arches a brow, amused. “No? It’s time to go home, buddy.”
Haneul shakes his head, burying his face in your shoulder. “Play more!”
You stifle a laugh, patting Haneul’s back gently. “He’s been having a good day,” you explain, trying to ignore the flutter in your chest at Yoongi’s soft expression as he watches the two of you.
“Well, I can see that,” Yoongi says, his lips twitching in a small smile. He steps closer, holding out his hands. “Come on, Han. Let’s not bother Teacher Y/N anymore, okay?”
But Haneul just whines and clings to you like a little koala, refusing to budge.
Yoongi sighs, running a hand through his soft hair. And you would probably have swooned if you didn’t have other pressing matters. “Aish, this kid…” Yoongi sighs.
You shift Haneul in your arms, trying to coax him down. “Sarang, your appa’s here to take you home. You’ll see me tomorrow, okay?”
But Haneul just shakes his head again, this time tightening his little fists around your sweater. “Noooo!”
Yoongi crosses his arms. “You know, I thought I’d gained a bit more brownie points in the past months, but clearly, you’re still his favorite person.”
“Aw, don’t say that,” you tease, bouncing Haneul gently in your arms. “He loves you.”
“Yeah, but he adores you,” Yoongi counters, his eyes crinkling in a soft smile that makes your heart do a little somersault.
Finally, after a few more minutes of coaxing and promises that you’ll play together tomorrow, Haneul reluctantly lets go, sliding into Yoongi’s waiting arms.
As Yoongi adjusts Haneul on his hip, he glances at you, his expression softer than usual. “Thanks for putting up with him.”
“It’s not putting up with him,” you reply easily, ruffling Haneul’s hair. “He’s a sweetheart. You’re doing a good job, Yoongi.”
Yoongi pauses, his eyes meeting yours for a long moment. “Thanks,” he says quietly, his voice tinged with something you can’t quite place. “That… means a lot.”
Before you can respond, Haneul suddenly tugs on Yoongi’s hoodie, his little face scrunching up as he says in broken, hopeful words, “Sarang… come… home?”
Your breath catches in your throat, and your heart feels like it might burst.
Yoongi blinks at his son, his expression softening, before a mischievous glint sparks in his eyes. He looks up at you, lips curling into that smirk. “I know, buddy. I’d take her home too if I could.”
The comment leaves you completely shook. Is he joking? Is he serious? 
As you try to process his words, Yoongi just winks at you, adjusting Haneul on his hip as he heads out the door.
You’re left standing there, stunned, as he calls back over his shoulder, voice smooth like butter, “See you tomorrow, sarang.” And with a bite of his lip, he’s gone. Taking the rest of your sanity with him.
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The lights are dimmed, the daycare is quiet, and the faint smell of crayons and hand sanitizer lingers in the air as you finish locking up for the night. It’s been a long day, but instead of feeling tired, you’re restless. Yoongi’s words plague your mind. From the time he brought up the almost kiss over Kakao and that quip he dropped when he picked up Han the other day.
Now you’re sitting in a bus stop near HYBE, gripping your phone tightly, staring at Namjoon’s contact. You’ve already typed and deleted three texts. Why is this so hard? Finally, you force yourself to type something and hit send before you can overthink it again.
You: Are you with Yoongi right now?
A reply pings back almost immediately.
Namjoon: Nope, but why? 👀 
You groan. Of course, Namjoon would latch onto that. You can practically hear his teasing tone in your head.
Before you can second-guess yourself again, you press the call button. He picks up after two rings, and before he can get a word in, you rush to say, “Don’t. Just—don’t say anything stupid, Joon.”
“Yo?? Me? Stupid? Never,” Namjoon says, his voice dripping with mock innocence. “But fine, what’s up?”
You hesitate, fiddling with the strap of your bag. “I need your help.”
There’s a beat of silence before Namjoon responds, his voice laced with amusement. “Okay, what kind?”
“Not the kind where you get to tease me endlessly,” you say, narrowing your eyes even though he can’t see you. “Just… can you get me to Yoongi’s studio?”
Namjoon is silent for a moment, and you almost think the call has dropped, but then he laughs. Hard. The kind of laugh that makes you want to hang up and never speak to him again.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he wheezes, barely catching his breath. “My baby's all grown up. I’m so proud of you.”
“Stoppp,” you mutter, your face heating up. “I just… there's something I need to say to him.”
“Uh-huh,” he drawls, clearly unconvinced. “And this ‘something’ couldn’t wait until, I don’t know, Monday?”
“Alright, alright,” he says, the teasing note in his voice softening. “I’ll text you the access code to his floor. Yoongi’s probably in there working himself into the ground anyway. He’ll be happy to see you.”
You breathe a sigh of relief. “Okay…Thanks..”
“Use protection,” he says, his grin practically audible. “His kid’s still a baby.” 
“GOODBYE, Joon.” You hang up to the sound of his laughter. Such an ass.
Fifteen minutes later, you’re standing in front of Genius Lab, Yoongi’s private sanctuary. The dimly lit hallway is eerily quiet, the only sound coming from the hum of a vending machine down the hall. Your eyes fall on the cat flipping you off on the doormat, bold letters reading: GO AWAY.
Yeah, okay. Maybe you should.
So you stand there, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. What are you doing? What’s the plan here?
You didn’t think this through. Not really. It feels reckless—like the day you went to his apartment and found Sung Kyung there with Haneul. You swallow hard, trying to push the memory away. You can’t think about that now.
Taking a deep breath, you raise your hand and knock. Once. Twice.
You start to think maybe you should leave. Maybe this was a shitty idea. Maybe you should turn around and—
The door swings open.
Yoongi stands there, his expression caught somewhere between surprised and exhausted. His hair is slightly mussed, probably from running his hands through it, and he’s wearing a black hoodie with the sleeves of one arm pushed up to his elbows. His eyes widen when he sees you.
“Teacher Sarang,” he says slowly, like he can’t quite believe you’re standing in front of him.
“Hi,” you manage, gnawing on your bottom lip.
For a moment, neither of you moves. 
Yoongi glances past you, his brows furrowing slightly. “What are you doing here? It’s late.”
“I know,” you say quickly, gripping the strap of your bag tighter. “I– I just… I wanted to talk. If you’re not busy.”
He blinks, his eyes scanning your face like he’s searching for something. Then he steps aside, holding the door open wider. “No, yeah, come in.”
You take a tentative step inside, the familiar scent of coffee and faint traces of cologne washing over you. The studio is dimly lit, the soft glow of monitors reflecting off sleek black walls. It’s minimalist but warm, the kind of space you’d expect from someone like him. There’s a quiet energy to it, one that feels a little intimidating.
Yoongi closes the door behind you, leaning against it. “So,” he says, his tone careful but not unkind. “What’s on your mind?”
“Honestly,” you take a deep breath, staring at your socks before you lift your eyes to meet his gaze. “You.” 
“Oh…” His brows shoot up in surprise, but the smirk that tugs at his lips betrays him. He straightens, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh?” you parrot as realization dawns on you. The look on his face? Like he has planned this all along. Like all the things he’s been saying and doing is part of an elaborate Jedi mind trick he played on you. And now you’re here—right where he wants you.
A quiet laugh escapes his lips as he lets you stew in your own nerves. He doesn’t move—just stands there, waiting, like he knows exactly what you’ll do next.
You take a step forward, then another, closing the distance until you’re toe-to-toe with him. The smirk growing on his face is both sexy and infuriating as shit. But okay, you remind yourself, he’s been the one waiting on you, chasing you… It’s time to put your big girl pants on.
“I wasn’t planning this,” you admit, letting your bag drop to the floor. “Your doormat’s rude by the way. But… Been thinking about what you texted. If it would have been so bad… if we…”
“You’ve been thinking about that?” He tilts his head to the side like he’s trying to follow your train of thought. He licks his lips, maybe subconsciously, but your eyes are drawn to it like a magnet.
“Not just that. Don’t act all innocent. You’ve been planting all these little seeds in my head lowkey for weeks, Min Yoongi.”
His gummy grin widens. “No idea what you’re talking about.”
“Suspicious as fuck…” You huff, your fingers reaching for the drawstrings of his hoodie. You tug on them playfully, your gaze flicking up to meet his. “And saying that shit in front of your own kid?”
“Damn,” He full-on chuckles, shoulders bobbing as he looks up to avoid your accusatory gaze. 
After a while, he looks down. “And you came all the way here just to call me out?” He challenges, voice dropping dangerously lower. “Or are you finally gonna do something about it?”
Your pulse quickens as the distance between you shrinks, his presence so close it feels like it’s wrapping around you. You swallow hard. The thread holding your resolve together snaps.
And then it happens.
You close the space between you, your lips meeting his in a kiss that’s every bit as desperate as you’ve imagined it would be. There’s no hesitation with him, like he knows you are going to pounce and he is ready to be devoured. This mf–
Your hands tangle in his hair, pulling him closer as his arms wrap around your waist, steadying you against him. The way your lips move is fierce, breathless, like neither of you has the patience to take it slow. His tongue swipes against yours, curling in just the perfect way to turn your legs into jelly. Then, his grip tightens to spin you around and–shit–your back hits the door.
Hot and heavy, he breathes your name against the crook of your neck sending electric currents down to your fingertips. You’re easily coming undone with every graze of his soft lips, his wet tongue as it licks a stripe of skin from your neck towards the shell of your ear and the haze of lust is pulling you under slowly but surely.
But you’re not content to stay there. You push him forward, your lips locked again with his as you guide him toward the couch.
He follows easily. When the back of his knees hit the couch, he sits heavily, pulling you down with him so you’re straddling his lap.
You open your eyes and you find him locked on you, dark and all-consuming. But then something else catches your eye from your periphery, like there’s another pair of orbs vying for your attention.
“GAHH! The fuck is that?!” you push yourself to a standing position, pointing towards…
The head of the capybara mascot.
Yoongi immediately turns crimson, his ears burning as he runs a hand through his hair.
“Knew it,” you say, staring at him in amusement. 
“Fuck.” He groans, slumping back against the couch as he covers his face with his hands. “This is literally the worst way you could have found out.”
“Why the hell didn’t you just tell me?!”
“Because I didn’t know if you wanted me there,” he mutters, peeking at you through his fingers. “I just… I wanted to support you. And obviously I wanted to see Han off on his first day so the costume was—” He pauses, clearly regretting his life choices. “Seemed like a good idea.”
Then it hits you—the exaggerated enthusiasm, the ass-shaking, the way Haneul kept calling the mascot Appa. You burst out laughing, unable to hold it in.
Yoongi groans again. “This is so embarrassing.”
You climb onto his lap, straddling him without thinking, and gently cup his puffy cheeks between your palms. “No, no, it’s cute.”
“You’re never going to let this shit go, are you?”
“Not a chance.” 
The laughter fizzles out, replaced by a quieter kind of warmth as you shift closer. His fingers tighten slightly on your hips, grounding you in a way that feels steady and sure.
“I wanted to be there for you,” he says softly, his voice low and sincere. “I didn’t know how to do it without… pushing too much.”
Your heart swells at his words, and you turn to face him, your gaze meeting his. “You didn’t have to do all that, Yoongi,” you say, your voice just as soft. “But it means a lot that you did.”
His lips quirk into a small, almost shy smile. 
“Thank you,” you whisper, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his cheek. When he lets out a quiet sigh, you get bolder, letting your lips trail down to the corner of his jaw and then just barely grazing his neck.
Yoongi’s breath hitches, hands twitching slightly where they rest on your back. “Y/N…”
You pull back just enough to meet his eyes, a mischievous grin spreading across your face. “I like this look on you,” you tease, your thumb brushing over the faint pink blooming on his cheeks. “My shy little baby boy…”
He narrows his eyes on you, hands settling more firmly on your waist. “Don’t push it,” he warns, but there’s no heat to his words, only fondness.
Suddenly, a knock sounds on his door.
“Yoongi-hyung…” the voice calls out. “You still alive in there?”
“Fuck off, Hobi. I’m busy.”
“There’s an extra pair of shoes out here. And I thiiiink I’ve seen it at the daycare.”
You meet Yoongi’s eyes and he’s barely suppressing a grin. He shrugs, as if to say, it’s up to you if you wanna soft launch this thing.
Eh, why not?
“Hello, Jeonghyeon’s appa,” you call out, confirming his suspicion.
You hear giggles and then a rap on the door. “Wow y’all really not gonna let me in, huh?”
“GOODBYE Hobi.” You and Yoongi say in unison, and then you burst out laughing.
“Bye, lovebirds.”
“Did he need you for anything?”
“Yeah, actually,” Yoongi sighs, scratching the back of his neck. “Been working on a track that’s due tonight. Actually it’s been due and this is my last extension.”
“Oh,” you pout.
“Don’t pout, pretty girl.” 
“I guess you’re gonna have to kick me out now.”
“Not because I want to. You're welcome to stay, but you might have better things to do.”
“S fine. I’ll go…” you stand up, planning to collect your bag where you dropped it when Yoongi pulls you back down by your belt loops, your full weight settling on him. He doesn’t seem to mind as he cages your body against his strong arms, leaning you both back so his chin can rest on your shoulder, the one without the strain.
“I am so happy you came,” he mumbles against the fabric of your top.
“I haven’t. But you better make me. Soon.”
His chest shakes against your back, “You’re horrible.”
You stay wrapped in his arms for a while, neither of you saying much, the silence warm and comfortable. But eventually, the moment comes when you know it’s time to leave. With a reluctant sigh, you sling your bag over your shoulder and turn to go—only to find Yoongi already on you, his lips capturing yours once more.
“Yoongi—mmmph…” you giggle, pushing him away lightly. “You're never gonna get work done.”
“Let me take you to dinner tomorrow.”
He catches your wrist, pulling you back for one last kiss—this one softer, slower—before pushing the door open for you.
“Text me when you get home,” he says and you nod.
You leave the studio with your heart in overdrive, the ghost of his touch still lingering on your skin. By the time you’re in the elevator, you’re grinning like crazy, excitement bubbling in your chest.
Saturday can’t come fast enough.
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That night—
You: Are u still in the studio? Yoongi: Yeah :( You: Good luck with your track. I’m going to bed. Gnyt. Yoongi: But i miss you.……….. You: lol You: What do you want? Yoongi: What can you offer? 😇
You sit up on your bed, pulse kicking up again, the way it usually does when Yoongi is involved. Is he really asking for…? 
Fuck okay you’ll bite. 
You let the strap of your thin cami fall on your shoulders, angle your phone camera so it’s aimed at your cleavage. 
You compose the money shot: one hand softly grasps one of your breasts making it almost spill out of your top. Your other nipple, taut and perky, its outline faintly visible against the fabric. Just the perfect visual to tease and still leave a bit of mystery.
You get a few shots and send what you think is the best one. 
You: [image attached] Yoongi: fuck Yoongi: baby you’re so sexy You: I’m baby now? What happened to Teacher Sarang Yoongi: idk she definitely not the one sending nudes You: stfu Yoongi: Go away im busy now You: GOODBYE yoongi Yoongi: pick you up at 7? You: If you make it worth my while Yoongi: [image attached]
Oh you’re dead. It’s a shot of his very pink knuckles, his very veiny hands grasping his very hard cock against his dark grey sweats.
You: shit You: yes you may pick me up at 7
Your head is spinning when you cozy up under your blanket and bury your head in your pillows.
Not knowing that come morning your head will be spinning for an entirely different reason.
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Dispatch Breaking News:  SUGA of BTS and Actress Lee Sung Kyung In A Relationship Congratulations to the couple.
Part 4.5 >
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A/N: Ahhhhhhh 🥲 I was initially gonna end it in the part where Yoongi opens the door to his studio and you say Hi. 
But decided last minute to throw y’all a bone(r) and extend the scene a bit, in the spirit of Christmas. But that also meant getting to that awful last bit… another dun dun dun
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Hope you all liked it still! See you at the comments. As per usual, tell me what you liked, hated, etc etc. Shout at me or whatever!
I always appreciate your feedback. And if you are able to, reblogs are also amazing. :)
Thanks for reading you lovely, beautiful human xo
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