#this is about 6k words btw
kineticallyanywhere · 2 months
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Time & Space pages 1-2 ( This is the start || ao3 (not yet!) || next ) Starts less than 24 hours after the death of Willy Stampler. With the job done, there's finally time to sort some things out. They just need the right amount of space.
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jerreeeeeee · 3 months
there's nothing inherently wrong or unhealthy with a platonic relationship being the most intimate and important in someone's life (whether that person is also in a romantic relationship or not). this has been said before but people still treat it like its true. ESPECIALLY that a prioritized platonic relationship belies “codependency” even though no one would bat an eye at the exact same dynamic if it were romantic, because of the idea that a prioritized platonic relationship is somehow immature/unhealthy and something to grow out of/move on from.
the idea that the twins just go, well, you've been the person i felt safest loving and trusting in my entire life, our souls have been bound by fate and magic and our love for one another is one of the strongest bonds in the multiverse, transcending death and unimaginable loss, the motivation behind everything we’ve ever done, but since we're both in romantic relationships now and the story is over, the reasonable and in-character thing to do would be to split up and have separate nuclear families because that's the "healthy thing" (read: expected thing). there's no other form of a domestic happy ending than a marriage and typical nuclear family. you're everything to me, my entire world, my heart, see you later.
ok this got too long i'm putting it under a readmore.
(also why i don't really like the idea that taako adopts angus. "parent" is not the only important, loving role an adult can play in a child's life but people feel that need to shove everything into a nuclear family. also taako has too much going on to be the good parent that angus needs anyway. and magnus and lucretia are right there. but this is another post <- this is actually a fan fiction i’m writing, kind of)
i just find that frankly silly. i truly believe that the twins live together for the rest of their lives and are always each others' most important person (before anyone kills me i do think barry is there too. they also both love him so much. capacity for love INCREASES there’s no need for a replacement or a “moving on” it’s an addition). there's not any reason they wouldn't live together other than that it’s not “normal?” but why would they give a shit about that. their prioritization of one another isn't the unhealthy thing about their relationship. they do have other stuff going on that's actually codependent, but i think they eventually work past it and come to have a healthier (yet no less close) relationship. actually this post was originally just supposed to be about those codependent tendencies but i felt like i needed to compensate by clarifying that there are only a very specific few things abt their dynamic i find unhealthy and that by and large they’re fine, actually.
the main thing is, as is so succinctly put in this post—they aren't able to communicate about big, important decisions. not to say they never communicate about anything, i think they actually do communicate effectively about a lot of things—warning i’m going into a complete tangent here—i see a lot an idea that they’re not siblings who hug or really verbalize affection at all which is crazy to me (<- personal opinion alert) like they’re closed off and distrusting (taako more than lup, but she’s certainly not exempt from their trauma) to other people and the world at large but they have always always been each other’s exception, each other’s utmost safe place, the one person they could be absolutely comfortable around, who they never have to be afraid of. that’s one of the things i find so compelling about them, that they trust each other with their entire selves. they have no reason to ever feel defensive around each other. oh to be known so entirely and intimately and never feel ashamed or afraid of judgement or abandonment. augh. so i do think they hug.
also—i don't think they "don't know how to be a person without each other" like that's certainly not true for lup and i don't really think it's true for taako either. they have their own distinct personalities and identities they just also both inform each others’ lives. they're an integral part of each other's identity the way your family or best friend or partner or most important person in your life is but again i think that's fine.
but back to the topic at hand anyway they DO hide their misgivings from each other when it comes to huge shit with world-changing, life-threatening consequences lol. when it comes to, like, turning herself into a lich, or leaving to recover her dangerous magical artifact, lup feels like she needs to be entirely decisive and confident for taako, and when it comes to his sister turning herself into a lich, or proposing a dangerous magical artifact plan, taako feels like he needs to be unflinchingly supportive and loyal for lup. and those both backfire obviously. because they trust each other so completely that they don't trust each other enough to not trust each other. weird paradox.
but really its not a lack of trust in each other its their own insecurities projected onto each other. lup second guesses herself but feels like she can’t express that uncertainty so she’s alone with her doubts which increases the pressure and stress and creates a feedback loop that only makes her more insecure. and taako feels like he doesn’t have anything to bring to the table other than backing up lup and is afraid doubting her would hurt her which means he never has an opportunity to find out he does actually have good ideas and that lup would listen to him constructively. but it manifests in lup “not trusting taako” to have her back even if she doubts herself and taako “not trusting lup” to take criticism even if his idea is good.
and honestly i think the solution to this just comes with… not being in those lifethreatening situations anymore. the universe was saved and they have normal (magical fantasy world) lives. so now when they’re hiding things from each other the stakes are a lot lower. and when the stakes are lower they’re able to express uncertainty because they don’t feel that extreme and terrifying pressure anymore. lup doesn’t have to make impossible decisions and stick to them despite any doubt because she doesn’t have the survival of entire worlds on her back anymore. taako doesn’t have to always agree with lup and uncritically support her every choice because he’s not the only thing holding her together from oblivion anymore. so they're able to express doubts and nothing falls apart and they're actually stronger for it. and they’re already doing so much work on fixing their relationship just from being separated and kinda grieving for a decade too, so they eventually work past that.
and also because they have to face those insecurities and their consequences. lup got trapped in umbrella limbo for a decade and taako had his life destroyed. if lup had been able to overcome her need to put everything on her shoulders and expressed uncertainty, if taako had been able to overcome his blind loyalty and expressed doubt, would they have gone through with the relics? would they have even gone through with the lich plan? they realize only afterward that they should’ve talked about it, and so they learn from their mistakes.
another tangent—isn’t it so crazy how, by any standard, lup should be the strongwilled, passionate, heroic protagonist and taako her cynical, pragmatic, yet loyal sidekick? and yet he’s the protagonist and she the supporting character in the actual narrative? so subversive and intriguing. i cant believe this was all masterfully and purposefully written. anyway. (<- in the in-universe metanarrative version of the story, lup [and honestly, probably davenport] is the tragic ghost who haunts the narrative and lucretia & barry are the morally gray protagonist foils, and tres horny boys are supporting characters/comic relief who go on to have their own semi-important b-plot arcs that ultimately serve to further the protagonists’ arcs. btw.)
back to the twins. i also think they don't only grow post-canon, i think they grow a LOT during the century, because in the beginning, they're coming from a life where they have been not only the most important people in each other's lives, but the ONLY people in each other's lives. and now they're suddenly faced with more people, which they handle fine individually, more or less—lup is faster to warm up to the others, but even though taako's attitude is very much that he only cares about him and his, he is capable of expanding the people who are "his" (eventually). but they've never had to bring other people into their dynamic with each other before.
i don't think either of them are possessive, their relationship is built on deepest mutual respect and love and trust and "possessiveness" is kinda antithetical to that, but they can both be jealous on occasion. although there is a difference—lup is the only one who will outwardly display jealousy (and maybe a better word than jealousy would be insecurity), again because of the dynamic earlier: taako must always support whatever decisions lup makes without question. so when taako dies one cycle and all of a sudden merle and magnus and everyone else grieve him too, lup feels a sense of ownership over grief (not over taako himself, but over loving taako, just because no one else ever really has before, and she’s never had to think about the possibility that he might love other people too) that she initially may not challenge but does eventually let go of, because it's actually a good thing that other people love him now, and bringing new people into their family doesn’t make their love for each other any less. and taako has a similar experience but tbh i think its a little easier for him bc, like, who wouldn’t love lup, and lup loves other people way more freely than taako does (still not super freely, its a low bar). not that lup thinks taako is unloveable OBVIOUSLY (taako does think he’s unloveable tho) i just think they have different attitudes abt it, like they both have the moments of “but you don’t love them as much as i do!!” which is true, no one loves them as much as they do, but taako’s more willing to let that shit go bc he just doesn’t care as much what the others do as long as they don’t fuckin bother him about it. like lup sees the others equate (as she sees it, but oc they’re not actually grieving At Her) their (comparatively shallow) grief to her world-shattering loss of her best friend, only family, soulmate, silly rabbit, and she gets angry about it, but taako’s reaction is more like, “ok they’re stupid. who cares.” meanwhile and more importantly, all of a sudden lup is falling in love with barry, but taako's not one to throw a fit or demand that he's the only one who can love lup nor the only one lup can love. she’s made her decision. he just gives barry advice and lets it quietly hurt and draws distant, because he has a deep seated fear of abandonment that is now, for the first time, clashing with his unshakable trust in lup. and their relationship irrevocably changes but maybe not for the worse, because taako has, for the first time, doubted lup, a disruption to their typical (codependent) dynamic. but, of course, in the end his fears are unfounded and lup pulls him back in, because their capacity for love increases—of course lup still loves him just as much and yknow what, so does barry, and so does the rest of the crew. so he doubts and fears and is proven wrong. and so they grow and change, and their world increases from two to seven.
but that doubt doesn’t really go away for a long time, exacerbated and strained the more lup keeps secrets (especially with barry) until it reaches a head when lup finally doubts taako and does truly abandon him. but again, of course, never on purpose and never forever, they find their way back to each other despite everything and, again, come away stronger for it. the idea that the twins’ relationship is never as close again after story and song is so fucking tragic and heartrending but really i just think its unrealistic. because the rift between them is what caused their pain in the first place, of course they wouldn’t just shrug and move on. they would do anything for each other, including a lot of difficult emotional work and healing. for a little while they do have to deal with the reality that they’re not as close as they were. but they can be again. it just takes time and effort.
but anyway just to drive my point home—we mostly see taako's side of it since he is the protagonist in the real world narrative, but lup is always, always positioned within that narrative as his most important person. (and even then, lup says as much for taako! she loves barry of course but she loves taako so much he’s her heart!!) when thb see their lives after the hunger in paloma's prophecy, taako sees himself cooking with lup. she's textually representative of healing and joy in his future, and she's the main character present in his epilogue too. she's his greatest loss and his greatest love, positioned in exactly the same place as julia and merle's kids. there are a myriad of love stories going on in balance and a myriad of love stories involving taako that are all beautiful and significant in their own right but i really do think the main one in his life is lup!!
well all that to say they’re my favorite little critters ever and i’m studying them under a microscope forever. how do you end posts
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acaciapines · 8 months
decided to do nano this year! despite the fact that i will be! perhaps! the most busy! in november!! but i am DETERMINED to try and finish the owl house daemon au this year goddamnit i wanna be DONE!!! i want to be free!!!! its been eight million years!!
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fairyceridwen · 1 year
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hawkingabouthawkins · 2 years
My first fic for whumptober is fully edited and ready to post!!! It is day 3 so that’s not super helpful but I was excited to mark one of my fics as ready on my spreadsheet :)
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sansaorgana · 3 months
Gale x reader, where she works at the 100 and gale thinks she comes from nothing and a hardwarding woman and he finds that attractive but then finds out she’s really from a rich wealthy family and he kinda feels betrayed in a sense
hello! 😊 thank you for your request, I loved it so much and it made me think of a Downton Abbey inspired scenario (just a little) 🥰 I wanted Buck and The Reader to have a happy ending no matter what, though, so I kinda lost control and wrote almost 6k words of this fic 🙈 long live the drama!!! ��
reqests for buck and feyd are open btw 😇
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Out of all the women working at the base, Buck Cleven liked (Y/N) the most. She was a local, British woman helping with the papers in the archives. Most people didn’t know a lot about (Y/N). She was a mystery and rarely talked about herself but Buck loved how eloquently she sounded and how well-read she was.
She was helping him to fill the papers for the Colonel and they quickly befriended each other. There was something about him that made her open up a little. They started to take walks in the evenings around the base and talk about their lives.
“Where are you from?” He asked her. “Somewhere around?”
“Yes,” she nodded and looked away quickly.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” Buck assured her. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“It’s fine,” she shrugged her arms, visibly uneasy. “What do you want to know?”
“Your parents…?” Buck took her hand gently and she smiled, allowing him to hold her fingers like that.
“They’re both alive if that’s what you’re asking. My father is…” she was looking for the right word, “...managing some land. We are not close, though.”
“So, he’s a farmer?” Buck raised an eyebrow.
“I guess you can call him that,” she nodded shyly and bit on her lower lip.
“How do you know how to use a typewriter and all those books you’re talking about?” Buck chuckled softly.
“Oh, so farmer girls can’t be intelligent?” She asked, playfully. “I’ve been working hard to get out,” she assured him.
“I know what it’s like. But I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for a woman. I admire you,” he nodded and leaned in to place a soft kiss upon her lips, taking her breath away.
She was confident, good at her job, intelligent, witty and to him she quickly became the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He would smile any time he saw her walking by and he would call her a farmer girl, to which she’d reply pilot boy. (Y/N) reminded him of his mother. The way she had come from nothing and worked hard to prove her worth, the way she was so soft-spoken, so elegant in the way she moved despite her harsh upbringing. She felt like home to him. Buck Cleven gave her heart and soul. He was already thinking of proposing to her after finishing his twenty fifth mission. He didn’t want to ask her anything of that sort too early. He didn’t want to ask her to marry him and then die. No, he had to wait.
But other things did not wait. He was a gentleman and she was a proper lady but since he could go down any day, they just allowed the heated moment to take them one of the nights in her small office next to the Colonel’s one. It didn’t feel wrong at all. It was no sin to love and be loved. Buck could already imagine them growing old together and raising their children. He would take her home with him or he would stay in the United Kingdom. For her he would.
And then, a week after giving each other a physical proof of their love, an expensive looking black Rolls-Royce parked in front of the base. Buck was there, too, talking to Harry Crosby, as they both observed an elegant driver leaving the car and looking around, visibly lost.
“Excuse me,” the man approached them. “I’m looking for Lady (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” he explained. “I do believe she happens to work here.”
“You’re looking for (Y/N)?” Harry furrowed his brows and scratched behind his head. “I’ll go for her,” he nodded and went inside the building.
Buck was left alone with the stiff and elegant driver.
“How do you know (Y/N)?” He asked him and the man blushed uncomfortably.
“I’ve been working for Lady (Y/L/N)’s family for ten years now,” the man answered.
Buck was confused. He had no idea that farmers in the United Kingdom could afford their own limousines and drivers.
“Tommy!” (Y/N) ran out of the building and the man straightened himself at the sight of her. “What are you doing here?!” She snapped at him angrily as everyone around started to watch the scene curiously. Buck had never seen her snapping at someone for no reason this way.
She would get angry when someone was lazy with filling the papers but even then her annoyance had some smooth and elegant undertone. But the way she treated the driver was signalising a different sort of dynamic between them two. He cleared his throat and looked down like a child scolded by his mother.
“Lady (Y/L/N), do forgive me… but I bring urgent news from Rosefield Hall,” the driver told her and handed her a letter from the inside pocket of his jacket. “It is about the Earl of Peterborough’s health,” he added.
(Y/N) grabbed the letter and opened it nervously. She gasped as she read it and her hands began to shake.
“I must… I must go home…” She whispered and handed the letter back to the driver before running to the building where the sleeping quarters for women were.
Buck followed her, demanding answers, as his heart was already stinging in his chest. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to know some of these things but he had to.
“What is going on, (Y/N)?” He asked as she was packing her things chaotically into a suitcase.
“My grandfather is dying, I must see him,” she explained nervously.
Her grandfather…? The only man whose health had been mentioned was some Earl of Peterborough.
“I am sorry to hear that,” Buck took a deep breath in. “But what’s going on with that driver? The Rolls-Royce? Rosefield Hall? Why is that man calling you a Lady? Who's the Earl of Peterborough?”
(Y/N) froze for a second with one of her blouses in her hands as she was about to throw it carelessly into the suitcase. She looked up into his eyes and Buck Cleven did not recognise his girl at that moment.
There was something different about her. Something cold and unreachable. Something posh. Her glance could kill and he would rather face the Luftwaffe missiles than her eyes.
“The Earl of Peterborough is my grandfather. Rosefield Hall is my home. I’m Lady (Y/N) (Y/L/N) of Rosefield Hall,” she informed him and he took a step back, furrowing his brows. “What? You’re really surprised, Major? Did you really expect a farmer girl to know Kant or quote you Charlotte Brontë? I’m rather surprised that you know them,” she pointed out.
Buck didn’t say anything at first as his mouth opened slightly and blood in his veins ran cold.
“So, you lied,” he whispered, feeling his heart shattering into a million pieces.
“No. I have never called myself a farmer girl. You’ve been calling me that,” she shrugged her arms.
“I don’t understand…” He shook his head. “Why couldn’t you just tell the truth?”
“Because I didn’t want to be treated differently,” she threw the blouse inside the suitcase angrily and went back to grabbing other things. “I didn’t want to be teased by a bunch of Americans for being a Lady. I wanted to blend in.”
That part was understandable for Buck and it was making him feel better, too, to know that she didn’t want to use her titles for getting special treatment.
“But why did you lie to me when we were alone? I wouldn’t tell anyone…” His voice shivered and he hated himself for letting her see how weak he had become for her. He hadn’t minded showing emotions in front of her before but now it suddenly started to feel too exposing and too humiliating.
“I didn’t lie because I was scared you would tell. I know you would not, Buck,” she shook her head and looked into his eyes again, attacking him with one final blow of the coldness of her gaze. “I gave you what you wanted, Cleven. You wanted me to be a determined working class little mouse that you’d offer a better life one day. And I lied because…” She hesitated as she bit on her lower lip. “Because I wanted you to like me,” she admitted casually and closed the suitcase.
Buck was petrified as he watched her. She lifted up the suitcase and that was when he hurried to her side.
“Let me help you, Lady (Y/N),” he tried to make a joke to release the tension, still too shocked to process the situation properly.
“You don’t have to call me a Lady, Buck,” she informed him. “And the suitcase is light.”
“Don’t have to?” Buck stood still as he watched her walk out the door. “Well, thank you very much for being so merciful and allowing me to ditch the title while I’m addressing you,” he clenched his jaw. She furrowed her brows at him.
“Oh, Buck, that’s exactly why I was lying, can’t you see? But I wasn’t lying about everything, I can assure you of that. It wasn’t a bored rich girl’s game. I will contact you soon, I promise,” she gave him the last, beautiful smile and walked out of the room.
Buck kept watching through the window. The people from the base were gathered around, pointing fingers at her. She approached the Colonel and explained some things to him as he nodded. He had to be the only person who knew her secret. The driver put the suitcase in the Rolls-Royce’s trunk and opened the door for her. She looked around, probably searching for Buck’s face amongst the curious crowd but he wasn’t there. So she sat inside and they drove away.
Buck didn’t know if she had tried to contact him or not like she had promised because he went down a week later.
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One and a half year later he was back and everything felt so odd and out of place when he was going through his old things. One of them was a black and white picture of (Y/N). He took it in his hands and caressed it gently.
After everything he had been through in Germany, he was a different person now. He forgave her as he didn’t want to hold any resentment in his heart. And the memory of her – even if it hadn’t been the real her – had been keeping him alive on the cold and scary nights. A tiny hope to perhaps be able to see her again and explain a few things.
“You’re still thinking of her?” Rosie asked, awkwardly and Buck nodded.
“Sometimes,” he lied. It was way more often than sometimes.
“Actually, she did send you a letter,” Harry told him. “I have it in my office, unopened. It came two weeks after you had gone down. I wrote to her that you had been captured by the Germans when we found out but I never got the reply. Do you want her letter?”
“Yes,” Buck nodded. “You could send it to the camp through the Red Cross.”
“I could have but there was no guarantee you’d get it. They’d most likely lose it,” Harry told him and left the room to go to his office.
“Did she ever come back here?” Buck asked Rosie and his friend shook his head while pursing his lips.
“No, I’m sorry.”
Buck nodded, waiting in silence for Harry to be back with the letter. Thankfully, he was quick.
“Here it is,” he handed Buck the envelope and sat back on the edge of the bed.
The envelope was elegant and there was a picture of the family crest on it. Buck felt uncomfortable opening it but on the other hand, such a long time had passed that whatever was inside, was most likely no longer accurate anyway. The past couldn’t hurt him because it was unchangeable now.
Dear Gale, my pilot boy, My grandfather passed away two weeks ago. I was close with him, therefore it is a great loss for me to grieve after. I know I have promised to contact you and possibly explain everything but there is an urgent matter I have to discuss with you first. I fainted in the church during the funeral. It was not a big deal and I did not make any fuss about it but my doctor insisted on taking blood tests to make sure I was okay. Yesterday I had an appointment with him and he told me I was expecting. You can only imagine what a shock that was for me. He promised me he would not inform my father for now, until I contact you. But he is my father’s close friend and I do not trust him. You see, I was not lying when I said I was not close with my father. I know he will not be pleased with my pregnancy. I am scared. Can you please come to visit me? My parents were opposed to the idea of me working for the military so they will not allow me to leave again, especially in the time of grieving. My darling, there is not a day going by without me missing you and regretting the way I treated you. The things I said, I wish with all my heart that I could take them back. I kept lying to you for so long but please, do know, I have never lied when I said “I love you”. I do not expect anything from you – I do not even expect you to take responsibility for this child. And I know it is a complicated situation since we are from very different families and different countries but please, I need you to come here as I have to discuss this matter with you face to face. Yours, forever yours and only yours, (Y/N)
When he finished reading the letter, his hands were uncontrollably shaking. He checked the date of the letter – 20th of October 1943. It was the summer of 1945 already and he had left her with no reply all this time.
If the child had been born in the meantime, they would be one year old by now.
Buck stood up so rapidly that he got dizzy for a moment.
“What happened?” Rosie looked up, worryingly.
“I need to… I need to borrow a car,” Buck told him. “I have to go to that Rosefield Hall. Immediately,” he explained.
“But why?” 
“I… I can’t… I will tell you when I’m back,” it felt difficult to say all these things out loud. He was anxious about what had happened to (Y/N) and their child and he was in a state of shock after finding out about the child in general. The way she had apologised and assured him of her love had also brought him a deep comfort and relief. He had to see her and he could only hope it wouldn’t be too late.
Harry nodded, realising that it was something important and he respected his friend’s decision not to share the details yet. He ran out of the building to talk to the Colonel about the possibility of using one of the military cars from the base.
Ten minutes later, Buck was already behind the wheel, studying the map on his lap with Rosie leaning on the car and peeking inside through the window.
“Rosefield Hall, here it is,” he found it and pointed with his finger. “About an hour away from here.”
“I can make it in 40 minutes,” Buck said.
“Man, be careful. 20 minutes won’t save you after such a long time,” Rosie furrowed his brows. He didn’t like the state his friend was in. “Listen, I’ll go with you,” he proposed. “You’re out of your mind.”
Buck tried to protest but he gave up seeing Rosie already sitting on the passenger seat. He sighed and started the engine. On their way to Rosefield Hall, he opened up to his friend and told him about everything. Rosie’s eyes were widened throughout the whole ride.
“It’s like straight out of the movies,” Rosie commented.
“Thank you very much for cinematography of this sort,” Buck shook his head.
“Man, what are you even worried about? I mean, she’s some rich lady, what could have happened?” Rosie asked.
“What if she got rid of the baby? What if she’s married now? What if she died? Or the baby died? And I missed all of this?” Buck swallowed thickly.
“None of it would be your fault,” Rosie pointed out and then he gasped at the field they were approaching. “Look! Aren’t those roses?”
“Yes, they are. It’s a rose field,” Buck nodded. “Which means the house must be nearby.”
“You call that a house?” Rosie whistled at the sight of the mansion in the distance. “It’s a fucking palace.”
Buck didn’t say anything. Seeing a place where (Y/N) had been raised made him feel uncomfortable when he compared it in his head to his home back in the USA. He felt like a beggar on the street, knocking to get the first warm meal in a week when he parked the car on the driveway with a small fountain.
“Wait in the car,” he told Rosie and jumped out of the vehicle.
He was approaching the doors when they opened on their own and a grumpy butler walked out with a surprised face.
“Excuse me, sir, are you lost?” He asked.
“Is it Rosefield Hall?” Buck asked to make sure.
“Yes, indeed it is,” the butler looked him up and down.
“I need to see (Y/N),” Buck explained nervously and the man furrowed his brow. “I mean, Lady (Y/N)...”
“Who are you, sir?” The butler remained suspicious.
“Major Gale Cleven from The 100th Bomb Group,” Buck took the cap of his uniform off and squeezed it in his hands.
“Cleven… Cleven… Oh!” The butler’s eyes widened. “Come inside, Major,” he finally invited Buck inside the mansion. “You are lucky, Major, because the Earl is in London today and only the lady of the house is present. Please, do follow me, I will inform her,” the butler nodded at Buck and led him through the beautifully decorated corridors to one of the living rooms. “Please, wait here, Major,” the butler bowed his head down and left Buck alone inside.
Buck looked around nervously. The place looked like a movie set indeed. Perhaps there was some truth to Rosie’s words. He glanced at the framed pictures on the piano and the fireplace but none of the pictures was of his (Y/N).
The doors opened again and a dignified middle aged woman walked inside as the butler announced her.
“Countess of Peterborough.”
Buck bowed his head down, not knowing what to do. She laughed softly at that and approached him to grab his arms.
“Please, tell me you’re that American Major who got my girl in trouble,” she pleaded but there was no anger in her eyes, only hope.
“I believe I am, my lady,” Buck swallowed thickly. “Where is she? Can I see her?”
The Countess smiled sadly at him and pointed at one of the sofas. They both sat there and faced each other as if they were whispering big secrets between each other.
“What took you so long?” The Countess asked with pain in her voice.
“I was a captive in Germany for over a year. I’m back in the United Kingdom for a few hours, really,” he explained nervously. He had a very bad feeling about his (Y/N). The way her mother was so sad while talking about her, the way there were no pictures of her around… “Please, tell me she married someone else,” he mumbled out and The Countess furrowed her brows. “Just don’t tell me she’s… She’s dead.”
“Not dead, no,” The Countess explained and he sighed with relief. “My husband was furious when he found out about her pregnancy. She refused to get rid of your child, she claimed that she loved you,” The Countess broke yet another sad smile and Buck’s heart started to pound in his chest. “I tried to change his mind but my husband is a… stubborn man…” She swallowed thickly and looked down, uncomfortably. “He disinherited her and threw her out. I sometimes visit her, I’m trying to keep in touch and help her financially in secret… Oh, Major, please…” She looked up again into his widened and terrified eyes as she tugged on the sleeves of his uniform. “Please, get her out of that place and help her. You have a son, a baby boy. He’s a year old now and such a beautiful child. They both deserve so much better. She’s there because she chose you, she loves you… Please, help her,” The Countess sobbed.
“Excuse me, my lady… She is… where?” Buck asked, nervously.
“Convent Home for Unmarried Mothers,” The Countess explained. “Oh, Major, it is a dreadful place! My girl is slowly dying there, it’s so painful to watch. There is absolutely no joy and fighting spirit left in her anymore.”
Buck felt a stinging pain in his heart when he remembered his (Y/N) with her red lips and a wide smile, her sparkling eyes and her neatly combed hair. He couldn’t imagine her in a place like this.
“How could you let that happen?” He asked her mother, not holding back the anger of his voice.
“It works differently for people like us,” The Countess explained. “In many ways we are still in the XIXth century,” she added. “But I’m so glad you’re here, it gives me hope… Please, tell me you are here to take the responsibility.”
“Of course,” Buck straightened himself. He was a man of honour. “Just give me the address of that convent,” he told her and she smiled through the tears and stood up to grab a piece of paper and a pen to write down the address.
“By the way,” The Countess sniffled her tears back, “when you’ll be asking for her, don’t ask for (Y/N) (Y/L/N). My husband forbade her to go there under her real surname so she had to choose a new one for herself.”
“And what is it?” Buck stood up to get the papernote  from her.
“What do you think?” The Countess smiled at him softly. He had a feeling but didn’t want to make an idiot out of himself by saying it out loud so he remained silent and allowed her to answer the question on her own. “She goes by (Y/N) Cleven there,” she explained. “That’s how I knew it had to be you when the butler told me who was waiting for me downstairs. Because (Y/N) has never told me anything. She kept you as a secret in her heart. She was always a stubborn girl, a family rebel of some sort. So desperately she wanted to get out of here, to be away from her father – for which I can’t blame her, he’s a difficult man – that’s why she signed up to help in the military,” her mother explained. “I know, though, what she has told me. That there were misunderstandings between you two, some sort of argument and she regretted deeply for the way she had treated you. Please, do forgive her. She loves you so deeply, like I’ve never seen any woman of our sort to ever love a man. A rebel, as I’ve said.”
Buck’s head was spinning. He was glad for Rosie waiting inside the car because he wouldn’t be able to drive anymore. He only nodded at The Countess and hurried outside, not even waiting for the butler to open any doors for him.
He knocked upon the window and showed Rosie with his hand to get out of the car.
“What’s going on?” Rosie asked and Buck handed him the paper note with the address.
“Take me there. I can’t drive,” Buck looked down at his shaking hands. Rosie only nodded and they switched the seats.
The convent was another hour away. This time they were both sitting in the car in complete silence.
“Do you think I can just take her like that?” Buck finally asked when they were getting near. The sun was slowly setting in the sky with a beautiful orange hue.
“It’s XXth century, Buck, I’m sure she can just walk out of there any time she wants,” Rosie tried to cheer him up. “But where will you take her? Do you think the Colonel will let her stay with us at the base?”
“I will worry about that later,” Buck told him. “I want to get her out there first,” he explained and placed his hand on his chest as if this gesture would calm down his pounding heart when Rosie parked the car in front of the convent home. It looked like a scary and unpleasant place from the outside.
“Do you want me to go with you?” Rosie asked, worryingly.
“No. Wait here,” Buck nodded at him and walked out to hurry inside the building.
“Excuse me, sir, we are closed. You can come back tomorrow after nine am,” the nun sitting by the desk in the reception room told him.
“With all respect, I won’t wait until tomorrow,” Buck approached her and she looked up, scared. “I don’t want trouble,” he explained quickly. “I’m a pilot from The 100th Bomb Group in Thorpe Abbott, Norfolk,” he introduced himself and she nodded her head. “For the past year and a half I’ve been a captive in Germany,” he added and her eyes saddened. “I came back today only to find out that my child and his mother are here. Please, I want to see them.”
“Well, I think we can make an exception for you, sir,” the nun had lots of sympathy in her voice. “Let me ask the Reverend Mother,” she stood up and Buck nodded. “Please, wait here.”
So he waited, nervously squeezing his cap in his hands and looking around at the religious images on the walls. Finally, the doors opened and an elderly woman entered. She looked less nice than the previous one.
“Sister Cecila has told me your story, Major. I am willing to make an exception because of your bravery and service, sir,” she said and Buck sighed out of relief, giving her a nervous smile. “What is your name, Major?”
“Gale Cleven, sister,” he answered and she furrowed her brows.
“Ah…” She hummed to herself. “I know who you want to see then… Follow me,” she ordered and he nodded before walking out of the room after her.
She led him through a maze of cold corridors into the staircase and then upstairs to the living quarters. They were in a renovated part of the building but it was not very pleasant either. Buck felt a chill go down his spine at the sight and when he imagined (Y/N) and their son in a place like that.
“She was sent here by her father with no savings at all. Her mother sometimes sends us money for new clothes and toys but Miss (Y/N) is not interested in getting anything for herself anyway,” the nun explained. “She only cares about her son. She named him Winston.”
“It’s my middle name,” Buck told her as his heart filled with so much love for his son already at the sound of his name.
“I see,” the woman nodded her head and stopped in front of one of the doors as she searched for the right key on her keychain.
“Why is she being locked up?” Buck furrowed his brows and the nun gave him a scolding look.
“Do you think we let those harlots run around freely at night so they come back pregnant with even more mouths to feed?” She asked, accusingly.
Buck’s jaw clenched, trying very hard not to react in any way to her awful words.
She opened the door and then she pushed them open aggressively without knocking first. Buck’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of a small and neat room that was almost not decorated at all. (Y/N) was sitting on her bed with a little boy in her arms and reading a book to him, her finger was pointing at something on one of the pages but they both got startled by the nun entering the room rapidly.
“You have a guest, Cleven,” the nun told her coldly and stepped back for Buck to walk in awkwardly.
(Y/N) gasped at the sight of him as she dropped the book down on the bed. Her little boy, unaware of anything, reached out his little hands to grab the edges of it as he giggled.
“G-Gale…” (Y/N) left the boy on the bed and ran up to Buck.
He felt tears forming in his eyes at the sight of her. She looked like a shadow of her old self. But it was still her. His (Y/N) that he had been dreaming of for all these months in Germany.
“I thought I would never see you again… I got the letter from Harry, that you were a captive. But I didn’t expect you to come back for me…” She sobbed.
“I came back this morning and have been looking for you ever since,” he put his hands on her arms to calm her down. “Here, come to me,” he pulled her to his chest to hug her and she twisted the fabric of his uniform in her fist as she hid her face in it. The nun squinted her eyes at them. “Can you leave us alone, sister?” Buck asked her.
“It is out of the question!” She protested.
“I’m taking (Y/N) and our son away from here tonight anyway. Get out,” Buck snapped and she made an offended face before walking out.
“You… You really mean that?” (Y/N) looked up and Buck caressed her wet cheeks. Her eyes were so hollow now, her lips dry and shivering. “After everything I have done to you…? You still want me?”
“I have forgotten already,” Buck smiled sadly at her. “I only remember how much I love you.”
(Y/N) sobbed once again and threw her hands around his neck.
“I will take care of you,” Buck promised and rubbed her back. He laid his eyes on his son who was sitting on his mother’s bed and playing with the book in his tiny hands but he was curiously looking up as well. “Will you introduce us?” He asked, nervously and (Y/N) took a step back and nodded, wiping her cheeks with the palms of her hands.
“Winston, baby, come to mummy,” she picked the boy up and he whined as he dropped the book. “Look, this is your daddy,” she approached Buck again as the boy widened his eyes. She kissed her son’s temple and handed the boy to Buck.
He held his son delicately and stared back into his eyes, feeling so much love and affection filling his heart that he was sure it would burst and explode any given moment. Little boy reached his hands out and caressed the scars on his father’s face. Buck felt the fresh tears streaming down his face.
“He’s so full of kindness,” (Y/N) explained in a whisper. “Just like you.”
“Pack your things, I want you out of here as soon as possible,” Buck told her and she nodded.
He kept staring in awe at his boy and allowed his little hands to caress his face curiously, giggling occasionally. In the meantime, (Y/N) was packing an old worn-out suitcase. Buck noticed that she was mostly packing Winston’s things and not her own. It made him sad to see her in such a state but it also filled his heart with even more love for her when he realised how much she loved their boy and how much she sacrificed for him. For all of that, he would now give her everything and she didn’t have to worry about anything anymore.
When she packed the suitcase, she nodded at him and they both walked out of the room where the angry nun had been still standing.
“So, you’re just going to walk out like that? In the middle of the night?” She asked (Y/N).
“I’m not a prisoner here, Sister Bertha,” (Y/N) reminded her. “And it’s barely eight pm.”
“And where will you even go?” The nun followed them nervously to the staircase.
“As far away from here as I can,” (Y/N) only told her and shrugged her arms.
The nun didn’t follow them downstairs. Buck and (Y/N) left the convent after saying goodnight to Sister Cecile sitting in the reception room. At the sight of them, Rosie jumped out of the car with a wide smile.
“Rosie!” (Y/N) ran up to him and hugged him.
“(Y/N)!” He picked her up to spin her around as she dropped her suitcase. “I’m so happy to see you again, we’ve all been wondering about you!” He put her down on the ground and he laid his eyes on the little boy in Buck’s arms. “And that must be your boy?”
“His name is Winston,” Buck told him with pride and Rosie winked at the baby boy who giggled in return.
“Let’s go back now, eh?” Buck told him and Rosie nodded. He picked the suitcase up and packed it inside the trunk.
Buck and (Y/N) both took the backseats with little Winston sitting on Buck’s lap. Their pinky fingers were touching delicately on the seat.
“I have only one question,” Buck looked at her softly when the boy fell asleep in his arms.
“Yes?” She turned her head around to look at him, too.
“Why didn’t you get out of there to find a job somewhere? You can use a typewriter and you’re well-read.”
“I didn’t have savings to get out like this. I was bringing this idea up to my mother but if she gave me more money, my father would realise. He is very controlling. I didn’t want her to be exposed to his anger because of me. And I… I just gave up, to be honest. My life didn’t seem to have any prospects anyway,” she admitted sadly. “There was no future for me.”
“There is a future for you,” Buck assured her and held her hand to squeeze it lightly. “Long and bright. I will give it to you.”
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muchosbesitos · 7 months
Daya, I'm brining a thot to your yard- it's me.
I had an idea :
khonshu avatar !Miguel o'hara or Marc Spector × chubby Hathor avatar f!reader.
You know how Hathor and Khonshu are a thing and that's in conflict with Miguel or Marc x reader because they're not fans of each other at all, they're both grumpy x grumpy dripping with sarcasm.
They end up having to spend time together because of some mission and now they're trying not to jump each other whole time Khonshu and Hathor are just veeeery encouraging so they make a plan to make it happen.
Give them that good good nsfw 🖤
hate to love you
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pairing: moon knight miguel o’hara x chubby hathor fem reader
contents: ex-lovers-enemies-lovers (?), use of toy, mentions of blood, oral (f receiving), riding, slapping, orgasm denial, unprotected p in v, choking, and cowgirl
a/n: idk if i’m being too self-critical or if this is acc ass but i hope y’all enjoy 😭 sorry it took me so long btw
word count: 6k
A loud knock on your front door shook you from your thoughts while you were cleaning, wiping your hands on the apron that you were wearing before walking over to the door. You opened up the door just a crack, a loud groan erupting from your throat once you saw Miguel standing there with his hands in his pocket. Once many moons ago, his presence would've filled you up with joy but it now only brought feelings of sadness and anger. "Before you close the door, just hea-" you closed the door before he got the chance to finish speaking, unable to face him again.
The last time you'd seen Miguel was last year in your shared apartment in Cairo while you were breaking up with him. He left you after the passing of your daughter for five months, effectively ignoring your calls and messages. You'd even tried to track him down but every attempt that you made just felt like you were chasing after a ghost. Though you tried to convince yourself that he was mostly likely dead to justify his prolonged absence, you couldn't help but wonder if it was just that he didn't want to be with you. When he came back though, he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head into your shoulder like he'd never left.
"I'm sorry that I left you for so long, I just couldn't fathom the loss of our daughter," he told you after he pulled away, his eyes scanning over your body like he was trying to make sure it was you. You took a couple seconds to let his words run through your mind, looking at him blankly. "You couldn't fathom the loss of Gabriella? What about me?! I needed you!" you yelled at him, your hands forming into fists while tears ran down your cheeks. “I know, I know. But at least I'm here now," he offered, extending his hands out to embrace you in a hug once more. You stepped back from him, a dry chuckle escaping from your lips.
"For how long, Miguel? It used to me and you fighting side by side, but now something's always gotta come up. First it was Khonshu’s demands and now it's the loss of our daughter. Dating you feels like I'm dating nobody," you responded bitterly, your eyes stinging from the tears you were holding back. "You know about my debt to Khonshu. You know I can't deny him anything," his response came out monotone, like a mantra he repeated to himself to justify his actions. "I don't wanna see you anymore. Get out," your voice cracked as you spoke, cursing yourself inside for showing him that vulnerability.
"You know I can't control her," you overheard Hathor speak, certainly talking to Khonshu. "Please mami, don't do this to me. I promise I'll stick around this time," he pleaded with you, getting down on his knees as he held your hands in his. Seeing him like this almost made you want to forgive him, almost. "You said that the last couple times. Get off me and get out," you tried to muster up the same nonchalant tone he used, your voice still wavering from the tears you were withholding. Miguel stood up to his feet, his hands still holding yours as he looked down at the floor. "Alright, I'm sorry."
You ended up moving out of the apartment, unable to face the memories that the four walls held. The first time you guys inaugurated every surface, the times that you two shared a meal together, and your whispered prayers for a hope that he would be okay. While you were cleaning up the apartment, you found a wedding ring in one of Miguel’s jackets. You held it close to your chest, allowing yourself to break down since he left. Though you didn't take much with you, you ended up taking the wedding ring with you to Nueva York.
Loud pounding on the door broke you out of the memories, the door's hinges seeming to loosen with every fist that he took to it. "I'm not leaving until we have a conversation. Please!" Miguel pleaded, his pounding stopping only so you'd hear his words. "I need you," his words came out more hushed this time, his hands going back to pounding on the door afterwards. You convinced yourself that you were only opening the door to avoid any noise complaints from your neighbors despite the certain pull that you felt towards him.
"What do you want?" Your tone came out brisk and cold, the door slightly ajar as you eyed him. It didn't help your resolve at seeing his painfully handsome physique, the time apart definitely doing him good. "I need your help with something urgent. Do you mind if I come in? It's not safe to talk about out here," he responded, stepping closer to the door. You opened up the door to let him in, making some distance between the two of you by going to check up on the pot in the oven. He slid off his shoes, sitting down at the dinner table.
You poured yourself a bowl of soup, sitting down across from him as you blew on it slightly to cool it down. "You're not gonna give me any?" He asked, the words seeming to die down in his throat once he spotted your glare. "As if I would waste leftovers on you. Now get to the point and talk," you told him, bringing the spoon up to your mouth. You heard the sound of a flute playing, soft melodies filling up the house only to spot Hathor sitting down on the couch with a smile on her face. "So basically I need your help getting this ancient scroll from this collector. He's having a ball later this week and I was wondering if you'd be my partner for the mission."
The spoonful of soup that you'd taken came out of your nose when he finished speaking, and you quickly rushed to wipe up the mess you made. Miguel rushed over to the kitchen, handing you a glass of water to ease with the coughing. Hour hands brushed up against his, the same spark that you'd felt before returning before you quickly snatched the cup away from him. "And why do you need me to help you? You're very insistent on handling things yourself," you responded, not missing the opportunity to land a dig on him. "Please. Khonshu’s not exactly friends with the other gods and you know I wouldn't be here if I didn't really need you," he told you, his eyes locking straight to yours.
A scoff escaped from your throat, glancing back over at him as you folded your arms. "So you're here because I'm a last resort? Great way to seal this deal," you retorted, going back to eating your soup. A loud groan came from his throat, his hands digging into his scalp as he looked down at his feet. "As much as I need your help, I'm not gonna beg for it. I hope you choke on that damn soup," he grumbled, standing up and tossing the chair to the side before he left. Hathor’s music ceased playing once he left, appearing in front of you with a condescending look on her face. "Absolutely not."
You'd thought that Hathor would leave you alone after the way you acted in front of Miguel, wishful thinking on your part really. "Just help him out, what do you have to lose?" She told you, waking you up at four in the morning. You grabbed the pillow underneath you, covering your ears with it despite the fact you knew it wouldn't work with her. "Pleaseee. Just do me this favor and I'll give you a shortened contract than the one we have right now," she spoke up once more, appearing in the corner of your room. You were aware of the fact that she could take over your body and treat you as her marionette, so you could appreciate that she was willing to bargain. "Fine. Now please let me sleep."
The day of when the party was supposed to be, you stumbled over a box in your front step while you were heading out to get the mail. You brought the box, taking caution on opening it just in case it was one of the artifacts that you'd bid on recently. Inside the box however, laid a green ball gown with a matching pair of lingerie, a note sticking to the side of the box. Miguel’s handwriting covered the sticky note, thanking you for agreeing to do it and telling you to wear the dress since it'd match his suit. You had half the mind to defy him and end up wearing something else, but you couldn't help but feel enchanted while you tried the dress on.
"Get your damn hand off me," you snapped at Miguel when he tried to help you out the car, his hand lingering on yours. "I would but what husband would I be if I didn't help you get out," he mused, seemingly more amused by the situation than you. He placed his hand on the small of your back to guide you into the house, the same way that he used to do when you two were dating. You pushed his hand away, deciding to do something safe and place your hand on his arm. Even just from the outside, you could tell that the estate was expensive by the way that the flowers were cut and arranged.
Miguel attempted to include the two of you in others' conversations so as to not appear out of place, but you could tell that the two of you stuck out like a sore thumb. "Maybe if you got rid of that scowl on your face people would be eager to talk to us," Miguel whispered in your ear once the two of you snuck out to get a glass of champagne. You could only glare at him in response, jolting upright as you felt a vibration in your core. Your eyes could practically shot daggers at Miguel as you watched the stupid smirk on his face. "Estate calmada and maybe I'll slow it down," he whispered, turning up the level before walking away. (stay calm)
You excused yourself to the bathroom after five minutes, needing a break from the vibrations in your core. Your panties were covered in your slick when you pulled them down, a sense of relief hitting you once you took them off. You were planning on camping out in the bathroom for a couple minutes, a buzzing sound coming from your phone interrupting your thoughts.
devil spawn: Don't think you're getting out of this so easily
Shocking bastard. You let out a small grumble, taking the opportunity to wipe down the slick dripping down from your thighs before putting the panties back on. The vibrations continued to hit your clit with every movement that you made, the low volume only getting you in a worse mood than you already were. You tried to calm your expression as you walked back over to Miguel, wrapping your hand around his arm to keep up the appearance. "I was starting to think you disappeared, mi amor," he spoke up, introducing you to one of the other collectors in the party.
The vibrations intensified when you stuck your hand out to introduce yourself to the man, your smile wavering by the second. You squeezed your thighs together to help satiate the need you had in between your legs, shaking the man's hand as if nothing was bothering you. He and Miguel got into a conversation about some antiques in Egypt, the man excluding you from the conversation completely. A moan escaped from your lips when you felt the vibrations intensify, quickly covered up with a cough when the man turned to look at you. He looked at you for a couple seconds before shrugging and going back to his conversation with Miguel.
"I'm about to stick this heel up your ass, I swear," you muttered just low enough for Miguel to hear. He rolled his eyes, excusing himself to the man before grabbing your arm and pulling you to the side. "Either we get killed or you just stand there like a good girl and take what I'm giving to you. It's not like you don't deserve it," he responded, raising his hand up with a smile to salute the man despite the bitter tone that he'd used with you. "You're the last person I want to be with right now, so cool it and I might consider stopping the vibrator, hm?" His whisper came out in the most condescending tone possible, taking your arm as he led the two of you back to the man.
A loud clink on a glass interrupted every conversation, silence filling up the room until footsteps were heard. Ammit's avatar presented themselves, thanking everybody for showing up to the event and started to speak about some of the artifacts that would be up for auction tonight. "I’m gonna go and look for the scroll. You're responsible for appearances," you craned your neck to speak up to him, his nod being the only confirmation. You stepped off to the side while everybody was looking away, walking up the white marble stairs as quietly as you could.
You snuck into a couple of the rooms upstairs, unable to find anything before stopping in front of the bookshelf of what you assumed was the master bedroom. You touched around, applying soft pressure to the books to see if there was a trap door behind. "Try Metamorphosis by Kafka," you heard behind you, only to be met with Miguel standing in the doorway. "Right, because you would know," you grumbled to yourself, pulling the book despite your protests. The bookshelf moved to one side, allowing entry to the hidden room behind it. "I'd say I would know," Miguel responded, a cocky grin on his face as he grabbed the book from you and placed it back on the shelf.
You spent the walk down the stairs fuming to yourself, Miguel’s chuckle interrupting you from your thoughts. "For the record, I only know that since he and I used to be friends," he told you as the two of you reached another door at the bottom of the stairs. You opened up the door, gold reflecting off the surfaces as you walked in. You and Miguel separated, deciding to take the room by small sections as the two of you sought out for the scroll. After a couple minutes of searching, Miguel called out to you to tell you that he'd found the scroll.
The two of you were about to walk out of the room and head back to the party when the sound of a walkie talkie came through. "Requesting backup in the master bedroom. There appears to be some intruders," a gruff, male voice spoke into it as he attempted his best to keep his voice hushed. You looked over at Miguel panicked, his eyes darting around the room to figure out an escape plan. He grabbed onto your wrist, pulling one of the artifacts on the shelf to open up a hidden closet in the walls. The two of you clamored inside, attempting to get comfortable in the confined space.
"You're stepping on my shoe," you complained to Miguel, your voice barely above a whisper as you did. "Shut up, you're gonna get us killed," he responded, moving a bit further away from you to get his foot off. The main door opened, loud bootsteps echoing as the men stepped inside. You tried to keep your movements to a minimum, but you couldn't help the fact that you were starting to feel claustrophobic in the space. "Stop moving so much, you're making me uncomfortable," Miguel muttered from behind you, keeping his voice as quiet as he could. "Shut up. You're stressing me out," you hissed back at him, trying to calm yourself down before you ended up getting a panic attack.
Miguel held your hand throughout the process, telling you that you wouldn't be in here for much longer. Your breathing slowed down at the calmness of his words, slowly returning back to normal as you opened and closed your hands. You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his auburn ones to see a sense of longing burning inside of them. You leaned in, pressing your lips against his impulsively. You were expecting him to push you away after his initial reaction of shock, but he brought his hand to your waist as he pulled you closer to him. His hand came down to your breast, kneading it to the best of his ability as he continued to engulf your mouth with his.
You pulled away after a couple seconds, seemingly coming back to your senses after listening to the boot steps retreat. You wiped your mouth to try to erase the fact that you'd kissed the man you swore to hate, but the simple fact was that he'd engraved himself into your soul since the first time you met. Miguel pressed a button, the closet door opening to reveal the guards still standing there with their arms by their sides. "Summon the damn suit!" You snapped at him, summoning your own before they got the chance to raise their guns to shoot. The shields protecting your arms managed to cover you as you reached over for one of the guard's guns, hitting him in the head with it.
Your suit was meant more to protect you rather than attack so you were left up to your own devices and agility to defend yourself against the guards. Miguel tossed over one of the moons that rested on his chest to which you used to stab a guard in the neck. Miguel had taken care of most of the guards, leaving them with severe injuries and some dead. You handed the blood stained crescent moon to him, footsteps coming down the stairs as Ammit’s current avatar presented themselves to you two. "I'll distract them and you run," Miguel whispered in your ear, your brows furrowing as you looked at him. "And what about you?" You inquired, feeling slightly worried about how'd he manage. "I'll be fine. You just get out."
The avatar charged straight for you, aware of the fact that you couldn't do much to defend yourself but Miguel tackled them to the ground before they were able to get too close. You hesitated for a moment on leaving him alone before running off back up the stairs. The suit vanished and you were clad in the green dress once more, the blood from the guards dripping down the side of your face. You wiped it away in the spare bathroom, deciding to go back to your apartment before any of the guards caught on to who you were.
"What do you think about him going back to her place?" Hathor spoke up when Miguel finished the fight, glancing over at Khonshu. "Doesn't she hate him?" The bird responded, only making himself visible to the other deity as they plan out their matchmaking. "She only hates him because the thought of loving him is so painful," Hathor mused, watching Miguel get threatened by the avatar. "If you don't kill me, I'll make sure to make your little girlfriend's life a living hell," Ammit’s avatar told Miguel, a fire burning inside of Miguel’s eyes. The pair watched as Miguel practically tore apart the body, blood spilling throughout the marble floor.
"Seems like he's still in love too," Khonshu finally responded, watching as Miguel disposed of the other guards standing in place. "Is there any way for you to delay his healing abilities? Suggest that maybe he seeks her out as a nurse," Hathor suggested, glancing over at her ex lover. "His healing capability isn't at its max tonight. It's a crescent moon, but I'll try to slow down the rate he heals at," he told her, watching as Hathor faded away into nothing. Khonshu spent a couple seconds looking into the empty space where Hathor once was, feeling conflicted about his feelings towards her. "Why am I not healing?" Miguel’s voice broke him out of the trance, giving him the perfect opportunity to strike. "I know of a good makeshift nurse who's willing to help."
A loud knock on your door surprised you, your curiosity getting the better of you as you went to go open it. "I know I said that would be the last favor but I was wondering if you'd patch me up," Miguel spoke up, half of his face covered in blood as he staggered to your front step. You opened the door to let him in, his shoes dragging blood across the welcome mat. You helped Miguel take off the shoes, placing them on the mat before helping him sit down at the dinner table. After wetting a kitchen rag, you grabbed your first aid kit and walked back over to him.
"What happened to the avatar?" You asked him as you wiped down the blood on his face. "You sure you want to know?" He responded, seeming to avoid your gaze as you cleaned him up. "You already did kill those guards so I'm not sure why you're avoiding the topic," you pointed out, grabbing a cotton pad and dipping it in rubbing alcohol. You'd been aware for a while of the fact that Miguel had a kill if necessary rule placed among himself, the lines faltering every so often with Khonshu’s interference. "I guess they found out I had a.. weakness when it came to you and basically said that as long as they were alive, they'd never leave you alone," he finally responded, your eyes widening as you tried to process the information.
"What type of weakness are you referring to?" You finally asked him, bandaging up a cut on the side of his cheek. "You know. No te hagas la tonta," he responded, a small hissing escaping from his lips as he felt the rubbing alcohol seep into the cut. (don’t act stupid) "If I knew I wouldn't be asking," you told him, sitting back down across from him. "The weakness is that I'm still so in love with you that I'm willing to kill anyone that even utters your name in the wrong tone," his answer surprised you, but what surprised you even more is the fact that you didn't feel the supposed hatred you conditioned yourself to feel for him. All you felt was concern for his well-being and maybe, just maybe, a smidge of love for him as well.
"So now it's my turn to ask the questions. Why'd you kiss me back there?" He inquired, leaning over a bit on the table as he looked straight into your eyes. "Something I did out of the moment," you responded, avoiding his gaze as you cleared your throat. "So if I kissed you right now, would you push me away?" The question came out hushed, like he wanted to keep it just for your ears only. You nibbled down on your bottom lip, unwilling to answer him since you knew that you were already starting to feel the initial attraction that you once felt towards him.
He leaned in slowly, giving you the time to back out if you wanted. When he realized that you stayed sitting still, he tilted your chin up and pressed his lips against yours. He started the kiss off slow, sensual enough to get you used to the taste of him once more before his tongue dipped into your mouth. You dug your fingers into his hair, wanting to make up for the past year that he hadn't been around. "See, you say you hate me yet you kiss like you love me. What's up with that?" he mused, pulling away from the kiss as he looked at you. "You never do shut up, huh?"
You led him into your bedroom, guiding him into your bed as you took off the heels you'd worn for the evening. He helped you unzip the dress, the gown pooling down by your feet once he'd finished. "Lemme taste you. could practically smell you dripping back there," he spoke like it physically agonized him that his head wasn't buried between your legs at the moment. You got down on the bed, watching as he made his way down in between your legs. You couldn't help but hide your upper body with the way that he was looking at you, a carnal stare in his eyes. He pushed your hands away, exposing you to him and pinned them down to the bed.
He started off slow, delivering small kisses on your inner thighs before grabbing your panties with his front teeth. His fangs poked out as he pushed down the panties, sliding them off your ankles with his hands. Your arousal from throughout the night glistened on your cunt as you awaited for him to make the next move, your hand grabbing onto his wrist. "Please," you pleaded, his tongue prodding at your hole ever so slightly. "Please what?" He mused, his eyes meeting yours as his tongue collected the slick dripping on your inner thighs. "You know what!" You grumbled, starting to get frustrated from the lack of stimulation to your cunt. “I don't think I know. Think you'll have to tell me, chula."
You let out a small groan, looking down at him to see that he wasn't going to relent without you doing so first. "Please just eat me out already," you muttered, using the lightest tone of voice you could so as to not injure your pride even more. "I don't think I heard you right. Say that again for me, will you?" He responded, a cocky grin on his face as he looked at you. "Please just eat me out!" You exclaimed, his tongue going into your hole right after you finished speaking. He thrust his tongue in and out of your cunt, his nose rubbing up against your clit every time that he moved forward.
He pulled his tongue out of your hole, licking a stripe down from your clit to your folds. You tried to wiggle your hips upward, trying to get more of what he had to give but his hands held your arms in place in what appeared to be an iron grip. "You'll take what I give you and nothing more," he simply said, going back to slurping on your cunt like a starved man. Your ankles dug into the bed as he started thrusting into you faster, his tongue brushing up against your g-spot. "Fuckkk, right there. Keep going," you moaned out, struggling to stay still the longer he kept stimulating that spot.
One of his hands released your arm, drawing lazy circles on your clit as his mouth buried itself into your cunt. The sounds he was making were obscene, slurping you up like you were the finest beverage he could've been offered. Your free hand buried itself into his hair, pushing even further into your cunt as your thighs closed on either side of his head.A loud moan erupted from your throat when the circles on your clit started to get faster, more precise. You started to pull away from him, feeling too overwhelmed by the pleasure that you were receiving but he was quick to pull you back down into his mouth. "My mouth isn't leaving your pussy until you cum all over it, understood?"
All you could do is nod as your legs shook with every movement of his fingers, his head moving from side to side as he busied himself on slurping every drop of slick that you provided. You felt your orgasm approaching you quickly, your hands digging into his hair as a warning. He continued at the same pace he was going, thrusting into the spot that he knew would have you coming all over his mouth in seconds. Your release coated his mouth and chin as he pulled away, his tongue doing quick work not to let any go to waste. He got up and leaned over, pressing his lips against yours. The taste of you and him combined was enough to intoxicate you, a little slice of heaven.
"Get up. I wanna see you on top of me," he told you, your legs seeming to work on his command since you'd already finished standing up by the time he finished speaking. He got down on the bed, his back against the bedframe as he expected for you to come over. You got on the bed, your legs on either side of his as you jerked his cock off with your hand before the two of you got started. You lined up his cock with the entrance of your pussy, your previous orgasm making it much easier for you to sink down on him.
You spread your legs open, your hands pressed against his chest for balance as you forced yourself to go up his cock. While riding was something that you usually didn't mind when it came to him, his cock was too big to the point where you needed him to help you at the end. He took your breasts into his hand, kneading them before leaning in to suck on them. You brought your hand down to his hair, your fingers practically digging into his scalp as you sunk down on his cock once more. "Miguel it hurts. It's been too big," you whined, feeling that all too familiar sting in your thighs. "You can do it, mami. I have trust in you. I'll help you out if things get too hard, okay?"
You somewhat established a rhythm, putting all the force into your thighs as you sunk down to his cock and back up again. You came back down on his cock, the sting in your thighs becoming too prominent that you couldn't ignore it anymore. You buried your head into his shoulder, not willing to admit your defeat to him. "You need my help, chula?" He asked you, his hands coming down to your hips as his feet planted onto the bed. All you could do is simply nod, his hips snapping into yours as his cock pushed itself inside of you.
You were sitting upright as his cock molded itself to your cunt, your walls feeling the stretch with every thrust that he took. Your back arched as the ridges of his cock brushed up against your walls, your cunt squeezing his cock completely. Moans escaped from your mouth as he continued with the harsh pace he was going at, his thrusts deep and unrelenting. "Do you moan for everybody you hate or just me?" He mused, his fingers digging deeper into your hips. "J-just you!" you spoke out, your hands coming up to the headboard as you gripped on. His mouth came to your breasts again, swirling your nipple with his tongue and pulling it with his teeth just the slightest bit.
"For someone who says that they hate me so much, you sure are moaning like a little slut for me," he retorted, a stupid smirk on his face as he brought your chin to look at him. You couldn't help but want to wipe that stupid look of his face, your hand making contact with his cheek as you slapped him. You expected more of a reaction out of him, but all he could do was laugh as the mark of your palm lingered onto his skin. "You're gonna regret that, sweet girl," he whispered, his cock pushing deeper into you as his thrusts sped up. His hand came up to your throat, restricting your airflow just by the right amount.
Your hands came down to his hair, gripping at the strands as he continued to fuck into you. As he thrusted into you, you felt him brush up against your g-spot resulting in a choked up moan erupting from your throat. "Right there! Right there, please don't stop," you didn't know what exactly you were babbling for at this point, only planning to keep him at the angle that he was going for. He chuckled at seeing your fucked out state, his fingers sure to leave bruises on your hips by tomorrow as he tightened his grip on them. His hips snapped up against your ass with every thrust, the room filling up with the combined sounds of your moans and the skin clapping.
His mouth replaced the hand on your neck, kissing the side of it before sucking on the skin. He was planning on leaving you marked up, claiming you as his despite the fact he knew that this wouldn't fix your relationship completely. He let out a small groan as your fingers dig deeper into his scalp, relishing in the feeling of pain mixing with pleasure. "That's it, good girl. Practically milking my cock with the way you're gripping around me," he mused, his thrusts starting to get sloppy as the two of you neared your orgasm. One of his hands came down from your hip to your clit, stimulating the nub to your liking. He rolled his thumb around it, drawing small circles.
"Please let me cum!" you pleaded, his mouth forming into a sadistic smirk while his hand worked on your clit. "I don't think so, you're gonna hold it for that little stunt you pulled. If you cum before I give you permission, just know that there'll be even bigger consequences," he responded, the circles on your clit starting to speed up to match the rhythm he was currently abusing your cunt in. Tears rolled down from your cheeks as you struggled to maintain your composure, feeling like a porcelain doll about to break at any second now. He wiped your tears away with his other hand, sticking his thumb in his mouth while your salty tears coated his tongue.
"Beg me for it and I might consider letting you cum," he spoke, your eyes watering the more that kept teasing you. "Please! I'll be good for you, I promise! Just let me cum!" You sounded pathetic even to yourself, but you couldn't think of anything more than the release he was withholding from you. "Alright, cum for me," he responded, keeping the same pace he'd been going at. Your head arched back as your mouth opened into a 'o' shape, indicating that your orgasm would be any second now. You clamped around him tightly, his cock barely moving inside of you with how hard you had a grip on him. Your arousal coated his cock as you unclenched, your slick coating the insides of your thighs and his.
Ropes of cum shot up inside your cunt a few more thrusts later, your head falling down on his shoulder as you started to come down from the euphoria of his orgasm. You didn't allow yourself to think about the fact that you were supposed to be hating him, simply just thinking about how warm his body felt while it was pressed against yours. You brushed a couple of strands away from his forehead, his cock softening up inside of you. He removed his cock from you slowly, getting up to use the bathroom and get a rag for you.
"So I went to our place back in Cairo, looking for a ring. You don't know anything about that by any chance?" He asked you, putting his pants back on as he was getting ready to leave. "Well I just thought that it would be rude to let it stay there," you responded, reaching over to your nightstand to return it to him. You extended your hand out to him, the ring resting on your palm but he shook his head. "Keep it. There's no one that ring belongs to more than you. Nobody can stand to you. I'll see you next time we have to work together," he told you, leaning over to press his lips on your forehead. All you could do is sit up in your bed and watch as he left, his kiss mark imprinting itself into your mind.
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generalsdiary · 6 months
a stupid bet (part 2)
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gn!reader x Dr. Ratio
part one here
warnings: kissing, suggestive themes, occasional curse words (?)
word count: 6k~
a/n: didn’t expect so many of you to like it, so here’s part two, I knew which way I wanted to take this – and no it isn’t smut like some might assume. two adults with a complicated situation such as this would behave a tad differently, this ain’t a movie after all. but it was fun writing, a bitch to edit it, I hope you guys like this one as well, I am quite pleased with how it turned out. not beta read (we get snapped like Tingyun), if he is ooc this has been written before he became playable ((doubt there will be another part btw))
description: the aftermath of the bet, how the new dynamic functions, stubborn and arrogant attitudes with the fear to show emotions underneath it, all the while yearning for each other (fluff) yes they are communicating, this ain’t miscommunication trope, DW
It is the same day. Late at night with the workplace practically empty, you are finishing up some work. Being in a high position of power means also late hours, you stand up to stretch from sitting for hours.
It is quiet, everything seems still and desolate, with only the occasional sounds of machines, the soft buzzing of the lights, and the occasional Ruan Mei’s creation passing through.
You’re not alone to your surprise. Another figure also stands up to stretch, you aren’t aware of the presence until you hear the low sigh.
Veritas Ratio was still here, also finishing up work, just like yourself. Both hardworkers it seems… You two have a lot more in common than either of you would ever care to admit.
Upon acknowledging each other's presence he simply says. “Oh, so you’re still here as well?”
You nod, not finding the words to say, plus small talk is pointless in your mind. To which he nods back.
“Mind if I ask what kind of work you’re still working on at the time of night?” He tilts his head, you don’t know if it is cockiness in his voice or actual curiosity. On the other hand, he should also be very aware of your area of work.
“I’m done- about to head home~” You avoid the question, the simple rivalry and some sort of defensiveness still existing.
“Huh.” He ponders for a moment. “We’re both here, we’re both almost done and we’re both also heading out? It seems we’re more similar than I thought.” He makes a lame joke, to which you cross your arms and stare him down with a raised eyebrow as if to ask ‘Seriously?’.
You do answer, more of a scoff, “Perhaps” as you turn off the screen. Then the irony of the stupid attempt at the joke also brings a smile to your face. You don’t even notice it.
He also slightly smiles, realizing the stupidity of it, “Well… I mean, we’re already here at this late night. We could also just go ahead and leave together if it is alright with you?”
You nod, not thinking much of it, “Sure, c'mon.” You two exit the building.
He happily follows you out and you both soon exit the large lab building and walk out into the dark and chilly night. You weren’t aware, or maybe you didn’t notice the weather conditions being added to Herta’s space station. You two walk, all alone in the dark of late night, with only each other’s company to keep you warm.
He looks over to you, as he whispers. “Seems so peaceful and calm here, doesn’t it? It feels as if everyone has vanished from the station with you and me only left standing. Some life of the scientist huh?”
You nod at his words. Noticing your silence, it didn’t feel awkward, more tired, full of confusing thoughts and comforting silence. He continues, “How about we just keep walking without saying anything else? Let’s just… let’s just walk together and enjoy the peace of this… artificial night.”
“Sure” You didn’t mind his suggestion, walking beside him and feeling tempted to hold his hand.
He also gets an urge to hold your hand and even, hold you close. This quiet, late night has always made him feel at ease and rest, and this moment is no exception. In the darkness, it feels different, the way you two interact and behave.
You break the silence. “I’m still shocked we kissed today” to which he chuckles softly.
“I could almost say that I was surprised too. It didn’t feel like just any old kiss, it felt… like there was so much more inside it. A sort of intensity, a spark, that I couldn’t shake off for a long time. Almost as if my body felt as though it could simply melt from that kiss. It took me a bit to focus on my work again today.” He dryly chuckles.
You laugh softly at his analysis, “It appears someone liked it a lot.” And also avoiding the thoughts of it. He laughs softly at your tease and whispers, his voice a bit more tender and sensual. “Oh, I definitely liked it. I liked it a lot. It was as if I could hear some sort of music playing in that kiss. It was as if the very notes that this melody was composed of was just for that single kiss… that was the impression the kiss left on me…”
You smile, “Interesting” Is he actually truthful or mumbling nonsense? Who could know? You two bump into each other while walking and your nostrils fill with his cologne again today, just like while you were kissing and you sigh.
He also sighs and feels a sudden urge to wrap his arm around your waist, to take you in towards himself. He barely holds back the urge. “Interesting would be an understatement. You and I really must share a similar taste,” his voice goes lower, “but I can say one thing. I don’t think there was enough of our… closeness and the kissing.” He has more thoughts about this, yet quite unlike him he decides to keep them to himself, the thoughts of how your lips feel like they were made to just kiss each other and only each other, and perhaps meant to walk together in these quiet night station hours… He sighs softly, his mind turning into just nonsense.
It certainly is pleasant to be walking during these hours, and his words make you ponder over your thoughts and possible bubbling emotions. The calmness is unlike most other places, yet this peaceful atmosphere keeps you calm with which you also feel a bit of temptation. Feeling like you want to give in, want to take his hand in yours… Be close to him.
You both walk slowly, wanting perhaps to be closer to one another, your hands bumping into each other as you walk. Your bumps, as well as every other accidental touch and brush, only seem to tempt you further.
When your fingers brush against his you move them away like you got burnt, it feels like a zap of electricity, they feel too hot, too cold… like fire. And you wonder… gods why do you just want to hold his hand and get burnt? It seems as if those accidental touches are now turning even more intentional. You both keep the slow pace, perhaps both enjoying the feeling of being this close together and not wanting it to end.
Silence befalls you two once more. You don't know what to say. Stuck in a quiet and silent moment, as your bodies brush against each other with each step. Shoulders bumping, fingers brushing. Gravitating closer, you can feel that gentle heat of his body. There isn't much you two can say at this moment – you should just let this peaceful, calm, yet sensual and tempting moment speak for itself… a moment like this is worth more than any words could ever describe. Although this is more like a set of moments, rather than a single moment. Time feels like it is speeding by, seconds running yet it also feels like it has been slowed down.
„Veritas,“ You say his name softly. At the sound of your voice, he turns his head a little bit and looks right at you through the faint night lights. The look on his face seems to be filled with longing and passion, a look on his face that seems to be waiting for you to complete whatever sentence you were trying to say. He seemed quite eager to hear what you were about to say. His eyes looked as if they were burning with passion. Or perhaps you just imagined it all and he was merely waiting for you to speak, but you had his attention.
„You said you wanted to get to know me,“ you're looking ahead while walking, „yet we walk in silence.“ You try to slice the silence, the tension and thoughts of how he smells and how warm his touch would feel filling your mind, so you try to make conversation.
He nods and chuckles softly as you make this observation, „The truth is… it's just that I am enjoying being so close to you that I'd rather keep walking like this for a bit… I just…“ he sighs, closing his eyes for a moment, „I just want to feel you next to me without having to speak a word. And to also be honest…“ His voice turned to a whisper. „…I'm feeling a bit tempted. The quiet and the... silence of the night making everything feel so much more sensual, I'm having a hard time resisting…“
You look up at him, hoping your cheeks aren't shaded pink, „Resisting?“
He is fast to answer, „Resisting the temptation… I want to kiss you again… I want to feel that warmth again. Your perfume is driving me insane… I just want to get lost inside of you with every kiss… with every touch…“
Veritas' words leave you in shock, he is completely frank, and blunt. Your thoughts scatter at his eagerness. You offer a small reaction. „Oh…“
He chuckles silently to himself at your surprised reaction, he is getting slightly out of hand, out of his usual stoic self, leaning closer while walking to say, „I mean, we could stop here and just enjoy these feelings with each other. No words are needed. I believe the quietness and the silence have just really been making everything feel so much more… as I already said, sensual. So I ask you, dearest, would you like to continue walking together as we are, or would you like to let these feelings finally get the best of us, and just… kiss?“
You stop walking and look up at him. You smirk, „You don't have a lot of self-control with indulgence now, do you?“ You tilt your head when you say these teasing words. Then almost like karma, an artificial draft blows past you two, his cologne filling his senses, making you close your eyes while it returns you the what happened earlier that day before you open your eyes again.
Veritas' eyes light up when you point out the lack of self-control but he can't help but chuckle softly. „You don't know half of it. It has been eating at me today, seems like a dam of suppressed… thoughts burst through. And they seem to be getting better of me the more and more we stand like this. I do apologize for my eagerness, it is improper… Would you really like to know just how hard it has been to hold back from simply kissing you?“ He adds the last sentence as if he is saying a secret, whispering it softly.
You smirk, „Oh, do tell me~“ Barely hiding the way his cologne almost had you swept off of your feet. Of course, he sees your reaction, just how much of an effect he seems to be having on you right now. You can feel your body just wanting to sway towards his, wanting to feel his touch, his warmth.
„Oh, where should I begin“, he does his analysis as a doctor, „My breathing has been feeling… hot and heavy… it's almost as if my heart rate has been rising faster than normal, or perhaps the fact I want to embrace you with every fiber of my being right now. But don't make me start listing the symptoms.“ He ends with a smile, to which you smile back. You'd never normally do that, you wonder what is it about this late at night?...
„Well, a mere hug is innocent enough, Veritas“ You smirk, teasingly and continue walking now. He laughs at your words before speaking, „Indeed it is. But the problem I find with this so-called 'innocent hug' is that it would inevitably lead us into the unavoidable action of you and I embracing tighter and tighter until a point where our hands may wonder and- let me not ramble, but“, he whispers into your ear, „A hug is just the beginning. Would you still like such an 'innocent' act of a hug?“
He is right, and you know he is. You try hard to not imagine it as he speaks, struggling to hold the thoughts back, to try to ease the tension you tease. “Overthinking~” You shoot him down and walk, avoiding anything upfront and making it obvious to the clever man as to why. You know he is as desperate as you to touch each other, feel, hold hands… And confused by it.
“My dear friend”, the nickname icks you the wrong way, but you ignore it, “I have quite the knack for figuring things out. And I can easily see that you want to hold me and embrace me too, but you seem to want to tease and want to be teased. Would you like to tease you a little bit?” He smirks, reading you like a book and recognizing the weak spots he can aim at.
“Oh, Veritas please don’t tease me, I don’t take it well. And, also, I assume then the innocent hug would be a bad idea.” You answer honestly rather than putting up a strong front that would crumble in mere seconds.
He is amused at your sudden concern about being teased and has an amusing tone of voice, “Alright, alright then. I promise to not tease you… well… not too much. Yes… no hug for us. It would lead us to do more… well, it would lead us down a very… not so innocent path.”
You two continue walking at a rather slower pace, you get the feeling of just how close the two of you are getting, bodies moving almost in sort of a sync, every little sway that one of you makes is seemingly replicated by the other. It is as if all other movements have faded away, except for the two of you walking together silently in the darkness.
Your fingers brush each other making you sigh. The touch of your fingertips is felt through the fabric of clothes. You become aware of each other's breathing in this silence. It all drives you insane, why do you want to hold his hand so badly… it makes you sigh again. It appears your fingers brushing has the same effect on him, your hands gravitationally shifting towards each other, as if trying to come in contact with each other, you can barely resist and you can tell Veritas is struggling not to just take your hand in his. More bumping, the desire to hold hands feeling like a natural response at this point, yet you don’t. “Veritas…” You quietly sigh.
The sound of your sigh sends shivers down his spine, turning his head to look at you, and his face is readable like a children’s playbook right now. His desires are, the same as yours. Maybe you’re both too prideful and too scared, to be honest with each other.
“We are almost where I live.” You gesture with your head, telling him the walk will end soon. You now brush your hand against his on purpose, the feeling of getting burned makes your heart skip a beat. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow then…”
He nods and you two stop near your place. His mind wishes for an embrace but you two decided against that, his eyes scanning your body as if wishing he could keep this view of you in his head. “Good night.”
People are much more honest at night time, especially if tired, the walk was something… You sigh when you enter your home, feeling frustrated, the chemistry between you two is insane, but your pride, much like his, is too big. Both without the courage to make the next move. Playing this back-and-forth game, with neither of you being willing to take the leap of being the one to start it. Kissing can be discarded always, but if someone states their feelings… with both of your arrogant personalities and your ‘enemy’ like history… well it isn’t an easy thing. So for now, you both go your separate ways, yet wishing you were in his arms, you and him laying alone in bed.
The thought of him keeps crossing your mind. You are thinking of him as you crawl into bed, feeling the weight and warmth of the blankets surrounding you. As you lay there, you think about how it felt to walk beside him. Imagining how it would feel to sleep beside him, feel his body next to yours. Sleep overcomes you, dreams end up being of him.
The night passes by and another work day begins. As you walk into your workplace you can see Veritas walking to his desk, right across yours. He meets your eyes for a moment, it is obvious that last night left both of you shaken up and still confused… which is an understatement, to be true to the fact, both scared, tension still hanging in the air between you two.
Occasional rumors about the people who saw you kissing feel annoying to you but you divert your attention to work. Both focused on work in your own separate bubbles, time passes by quickly. Yet your mind doesn’t clear up, not with all the hushing and whispering of your co-workers in the background. Everyone seems to be chatting about this supposed ‘romantic attraction’ you have to each other, while you two pretend nothing happened yesterday. You make an effort to not even glance at him, at his indigo hair which just makes you wonder if it would feel as soft with your fingers going through it- no, you stop your thoughts.
Feeling tired from a few hours of work and your mind distracting you with memories and scenarios you get up from your desk, intending to walk outside and get a break, catch some air. Your work building has experiments of installing new weather conditions on the station getting performed on it, so you look forward to the artificial wind on the rooftop.
While you walk away, you hear footsteps, someone had the same intention as you. Following right behind you.
Outside you find a spot without anyone, yet the footsteps follow close behind. You slowly breathe in, and the air feels fresh, the experiment might be successful, but it sure feels real. You turn around to see who followed you to ruin your break and time alone.
When you turn, you find Veritas staring right back at you. You both wanted to get away and walk away from all the noise. His face is neutral, but his eyes are soft while he tries to figure out your mood, and your thoughts. The tension fills the air again, especially since he is the one person who wouldn't help with all the thoughts you had of him.
„Morning“, you say simply, standing a few steps away.
„Good morning to you too.“ He nods, tilting his head slightly, „Did you also want to get a break or some… space from everything?“
„Needed a break, yeah.“ You nod back.
Attempting to turn the conversation about work his tone sounds formal, „The work can be exhausting, stressful… especially when people keep… gossiping“, he gives you a knowing look, „and everything.“
„Sleep well?“ Your voice is also formal, yet soft, not as loud as it would be if you asked him while inside.
„I'll admit“, he chuckles, „I was having a few interesting dreams last night, but other than that, I slept nicely. How was your rest last night?“ You notice how this isn't something a co-worker or a close colleague would just say to one another. You both were behaving differently, dancing on the line, on the edge of it.
„It was alright.“ You keep it simple, as silence falls again. The silence could be cut with a butter knife when the air feels thick, tension growing as you keep staring at each other. How did years of disliking and rivalry turn into this… tension after the bet and the kiss? Well, more than one kiss, but that's beside the point. Both prideful, so prideful. Like cats, predatory cats, so carefully circle their prey, but not sure if the prey is poisonous yet. Both are in the same boat, feeling the same way.
You sigh, „Veritas, I'm-„, you exhale „frustrated, but… prideful. Like you.“ His gaze was still on you when you spoke, his eyebrows raising at your words. Both struggle to get any words out regarding the matter, yet the electricity between you two is too strong, too powerful. You feel a pull towards him, and you look away.
Veritas stares at you for another few moments, before looking down to clear his mind.
„You're awfully quiet“ You complain and move away a few steps.
At this point, he also struggles to contain it anymore. His chest filled with a strange feeling of some sort of anxiety at wanting to say something yet holding himself behind. Even as you walk away from him, he calls your name, making you turn around. „Wait-„ He looks almost vulnerable, yet it could be the experiment's artificial sun making you imagine things. You make a few steps closer, raising your chin, „Yes?“
„I wish to ask you something“ He speaks softly.
„Ask.“ You look at him, a strong wind blows and you both move closer to the wall of the building, the entrance to the rooftop area, now a step or two apart.
Standing closer you can almost feel the heat of his body, it makes you tremble for a second – or is it just your imagination playing with you? He leans closer, and you also feel the desire to lean in close to him as well. He is about to say something when rain starts falling heavily and you both move under the entrance's rooftop, your bodies close to each other. So close, so close… your face a breath away. He exhales shakingly. You make an observation, a wrong one, „Why are you nervous?“
He chuckles a little bit, „Quite the opposite actually. Just finding the words for the question.“
You deadpan, „Ask then.“
The wind blows stronger moving the direction of the rain falling and you two move even closer together. The proximity makes your mind hazy, struggling to find words. Upon moving closer and the sudden temperature drop you feel the heat between your bodies, the strong wind now blowing the rain right over you. The feeling of electricity makes you both lean in closer while your hair and clothes get damp from the rain. The rain cooling you down, your breaths mingling and you curse under your breath.
Almost like you could read his mind you find the words for the very thing on his mind, „Why are we like this?“
“I… we’ve been like this ever since… well we’ve been like this for years. I feel so drawn to you…”
You tsk at his words and look away, your voice full of complaints, “I can’t get you off of my mind since the bet, your… cologne, and your- our kissing… Why the hell do you smell so good?” You furrow your brows.
He chuckles when he hears talk about the bet, making his cheeks blush a soft pink, and laughs a bit when you mention his scent.
You sigh, continuing your complaining, “And it doesn’t help that you’re so goddamn attractive and the fact that despite our hatred we know each other pretty damn well, so all this… tension…” Your words make the man chuckle warmly. He nods, agreeing that you are very familiar with one another, also feeling attracted to you. Veritas looks at you curiously.
Even after the intimate moment in the hallway yesterday you both still hesitate. You sigh, thinking of more things to complain about while he smirks at you and remains quiet.
He wonders, maybe it was more than a bet, maybe an excuse to actually get close to him, he will ask you more about it in the future. You both hesitate now, staying quiet with something just on the tip of your tongue.
You narrow your eyes, “You’re surprisingly quiet for a man who always had something to say about me.” To which he chuckles, very much aware of how right you are. He always had something to pick on about you. But now, he can’t help but smile at you silently. You curse at him softly, “Cat got your tongue?” He laughs even more, the proximity making him speechless, he looks down shaking his head slightly in amusement while you shake your head and look behind him. The tension fills up, cold rain hitting you, the desire to kiss rising. You both turn to face each other and your lips brush accidentally, just barely. You can feel your own heart beating faster when you slow your movements, almost like freezing upon the soft brush. It all feels overwhelming as you both fight the desire to kiss. You sigh and look down.
While you’re focused on resisting your urges, he moves closer. The two of you are breathing heavily, you can feel his breath against your lips, the heat of his body. You observe the way he drifts closer, but his hands remain at his sides. So proud, so hesitant.
You look at each other, the final drop about the overflow everything, you want to reach out, and his hands are formed in fists to hold back his wish to touch you.
You curse and meet his gaze, “I can’t- I… I am not a patient person, Veritas” You say sternly before meeting his lips. This time it feels as if the tension of years that passed is getting released. You both press up against each other, the heat rising. The kiss feels like it will be a longer one, your hunger to kiss him only growing while the rain pours down your back. Your hands move up his chest, over his soaked shirt, feeling the muscles of his torso, one hand moving to his damp hair pulling him closer even.
He turns pushing you gently against the wall, pressing his body into yours almost offering protection from the rain and the wind, unhelpful, you both keep getting watered down like dried plants. Not that you two would notice it that much at this point. The rain is pouring down on you, washing away your worries. You breathe in, his scent swimming around the air, making your mind foggy, both desiring to be even closer to each other. His hand stays a moment on your hips before moving to your back, pushing you into him, the proximity between you two nonexistent.
You pull away, creating a tiny distance between your lips, mumbling, “Sorry”.
He shakes his head softly, but his eyes are on your lips, they’re wet from the rain, like his. He breathes heavily, attempting to catch his breath. You look at each other, the loud rain falling the only sound.
Feeling like your actions spoke louder than words you don’t say anything more than that. He notices, chuckles, and speaks, “I know our… history. I may have never admitted myself but I always found you so… insanely clever, strategic… hot- and all of our good and bad conversations, moments when we behaved as friends- and moments when we were behaving as enemies… I- I was just too stubborn to acknowledge it- that, there might be something below the surface.”
And he was right, you two from yesterday played this back and forth, of talking and making out to prove points, and stating your confused feelings and thoughts, yet still held back. It is difficult, the fear that he might turn around and smirk, mock you for believing his actions, saying it was an experiment or something. It is very obvious that he is experiencing the same fear. Your walls are up high, and so are his. The never-ending pride, arrogance, strategy- move planning, what is the other person thinking… Is this another of his tricks… are you playing a trick on him? Too many years of lending a helping hand, or giving a snarky comment as a bully would. Of course, you would both be on edge, on the edge of control to not jump each other's bones, on the edge of misbelief, on the edge of calling him a liar. Because would you even dare imagine such a thing? You and him… him and you… It sounds good, feels right and feels wrong, feels strange, and feels like it was always meant to be- yet it doesn’t. So you both stand tall, defensive, and wishing for the other's attention. Hoping to recognize the truth and escape the lies.
He whispers, “This rivalry seems like it was an excuse to stay close, which at this moment-“, he smirks, leaning closer, “I don’t mind at all, wouldn’t you agree?”
You shake your head, whispering back, “I don’t know anything anymore”
It is painfully attractive the way he leans above you, his nose next to yours droplets of water dripping down it and falling to your lips. It feels intimate, that one droplet… you lick it off of your lips, and his eyes are glued to the action, inhaling slowly. He gathers himself and whispers, “May I propose a goal? A tool of discovery? A new goal, to sway off of rivalry, a goal of keeping ourselves united and closer than ever, and of helping each other become the best we can be and be the best we want to be for each other?”
You smirk, easily reading between the lines, “Are you asking me to date you?”
Veritas chuckles under his breath, every word spoken softly, no need for any loud or even normal volume, “Yes… yes, I am… it may be ridiculous, but I just… can’t deny the strength of…”, he makes a small break, finding himself at a loss of proper words, “us.” He looks up, “Imagine it… how brilliant we are together. Yes, I could ramble on about a ‘power couple’ of sorts and intellect and how smart we are, but I just want you. I don’t care about that, I love your genius, and the way you work and behave- it is extremely attractive I might add.” He smiles, and continues, “In this moment, I just want you, I want to keep you close, stay close to you, I want to see us and where we would go, would we work…”
You fidget with his fingers, thinking it all over, the cold water cooling you down and the passionate kiss you had moments ago moving away from your mind. Going out, to get to know each other isn’t a bad idea… but you know so much, years of him, years of Doctor Veritas Ratio and his habits. If anything you already know his flaws, as well as his virtues. This leaves only one option you’d do, “I may find myself agreeing to a new goal, Veritas Ratio.” He smiles at your words, but you still feel uneasy- like this is a dream you will wake up from and you are again being snarky to each other, the thoughts don’t help so you say more to yourself than to him as he says, “Thank you-“, interrupting him, “Oh, hush now” and crashing your lips on his again, to drown the thoughts.
This time the kiss feels slower in a way, deeper, passionate. He cups your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your cheekbone. It is almost sensual, the desire still clings onto you two, below the surface, an eternal dance between attraction and emotions, fast making out and slow meaningful touches.
You dare to take your hand in his, he swiftly gives you a small squeeze, and slowly separates your lips, with your bodies still pressed against each other.
Looking at him it feels strange to think he is taken, moreover that he is taken by you. He is yours… well, and you are his. He leans in kissing you softly once more, and you feel both of your desires rising again- “Veritas”, you mumble against his lips. He clings onto you even more, truly lacking the mentioned self-control in moments like these, you catch your breath, separating from the kiss, completely soaked with rain now. “Just because we are at the top of the food chain doesn’t mean we should abuse our power and take too long breaks.” You say in a normal voice, it is very much so unlike either of you to behave such a way, and he probably got carried away.
He laughs softly, nodding to your words. Pulling slightly away to give you some space, the wet clothes making you stick together makes both of you laugh, and he gently tugs his shirt away.
A couple of moments of silence pass, his hand caressing your cheek, gazing into your eyes, not trying to read you like he usually is, it looks like he is almost… adoring you.
Soon enough you two return to work. When asked about why you’re soaking wet- you call out the weather experimenting on the roof, to which people nod in understanding or the reckless ones dare laugh.
Later that day, again you two are the last to leave, and you walk, again, just like the night before. The night is quiet, there’s a cool draft when you exit the building, you both walk in silence, there are not a lot of words to say, and there are too many. At least you’re now together, each other’s. Your hands bump into one another.
You sigh, not wanting yesterday’s walk to repeat, and take his hand in yours, making him smile. It may all be complicated and confusing, but this feels right. You will take it slowly, this… everything. His thumb caresses your knuckles and you two walk with more ease, bumping less into each other.
When you reach your home you both stop, “Good night, Veritas” You say softly, releasing his hand, your mind does wonder how his body would feel warming up yours, would he hold you tight, would he snore… You chuckle at your thoughts. Similarly, to you, he wonders how it would feel to have his arms wrapped around you tightly, your bodies pressed against each other the entire night. You keep staring at each other- “You won’t say good night back?” You tilt your head, teasing, knowing he is thinking about something.
He laughs gingerly, raising an eyebrow and shrugging, “I wasn’t quite sure if you finished saying your goodbye yet, since you were… hmm… staring at me” He smiles brightly, happy with how he phrased it. “But yes, good night. It was nice walking with you. I shall see you tomorrow.” He reaches for your hand and places a soft kiss on the back of it while making eye contact, you step closer and kiss his cheek, whispering, “Sweet dreams, Veritas”.
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pikaflute · 3 days
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In preparation of TDP I have organized all my Sam and Max fics into one post for your viewing entertainment
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But For Now, We Live - 8k words - TDP spoilers After the events of TDP, Max wants to move on and go back to living a normal life with Sam, but Sam doesn't, and he can't figure out why.
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You Cut Me Like A Polygon - 6k words Sam gets injured on a case and Max gets upset over the fact Sam is always getting hurt or in danger because of him. Gonna be honest I wrote this so I could see Sam get aggressive with someone. My bad.
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Can You Hear The Drums, Fernando? - 6k words - TDP spoilers Focusing on a Max from another timeline who realizes over the years that he likes Sam but never tells Sam how he feels about him until it's too late. This was for a secret santa :)
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The World We Knew (Over and Over) - 3k words - TDP spoilers Right before the events of 305, Superball has to talk with Sam. I'm sure it will go well. Think of this as a companion to @sootnuki animation of the same name. I posted this on Christmas btw :)
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The Only One My Arms Will Ever Hold - 6k words Superball and Flint Paper go skating and they get really gay on the ice rink over it. I think middle aged yaoi is beautiful by the way. Also unironically this is my favorite SnM fic I've written.
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You're My Favorite Work of Art - 5k words Sam calls Max pet names on a case accidentally and Max gets all weird about it. Sam doesn't use this to advantage whatsoever. Savor this fic y'all. This is the only time these two aren't in agony.
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Don't Fuck It Up For You and Me - 3k words - TDP spoilers Sam celebrates his 41st birthday.
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🔞Good For You (Good For Me) - 6k words - TDP spoilers - NSFW Superball is stressed during the end of the world. Flint helps him in the stupidest way possible. You may be asking why I wrote this. The reason? I don't know.
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sidthedollface2 · 9 months
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The one that got away
Pairing: Eddie x Fem Reader, Steve x Fem Reader, Eddie x Chrissy
Summary: Can you and Eddie remain friends while you both bottle up your feelings and navigate your relationships?
Can Eddie forgive you when you accidently start a family with Steve, leaving him in the past?
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort or hurt/no comfort, SMUT including oral and penetration. Swearing, cheating (not on reader), talks of sexual assault, nicknamed you Poppy cuz y/n is meh, brief Chrissy mentions. Btw, sorry in advance.
A/n: Took me all day to read it over and edit minor things only for the app to not save. So if you find any mistakes, ignore it. I fucken tried. Lol.
You couldn't say that you regretted what happened between you and Eddie. He was your best friend after all. He had been ever since you both were small kids. His mama would braid your long hair whenever she'd babysit you, she couldn't wait till she had a little girl of her own. Eddie was always a handful as a child, always getting into trouble and talking back. In her eyes you were just the cutest little thing, picking her flowers and telling her how much you wished she was your mom. She loved you as if you were her own. So when she passed when Eddie was 10 it was hard on the both of you, but at least you had each other to lean on. 
You were always a soft spot for Eddie, he felt like no one really knew him like you did. Especially since the one person he truly loved, his mama, loved you more than anything. He remembers all the times she'd tell him how adorable it would be if you both grew up to love each other, he never told you because at the time he thought it was gross. You were just his friend nothing more. 
But at 16 when Eddie saw your sweet mouth wrapped around a cherry lollipop, the sticky red gloss on your lips called to him. Something changed. He saw you differently, he just couldn't tell you, he wouldn't let those teenage hormones get in between your friendship. So he shoved it down, way down. He always thought you were pretty, that natural pretty too. Like those girls who just need mascara and lip gloss pretty. When your pink tongue licked your bottom lip humming at the sweet lollipop, yeah he shoved those feelings so far down that he forgot all about it, till Steve Harrington asked you out the following year. 
What Eddie didn't know was that you only said yes to Steve to get experience in kissing and other things, so that when you finally kissed Eddie he wouldn't laugh at you. You just didn't expect to lose your virginity to Steve either. Eddie had been so mad about the date you didn't dare tell him about what you both had done. "Are you fucking kidding me Poppy? He's a fucken asshole." Eddie seethed, glaring at you from across the table. You had casually mentioned the date at dinner time. Hoping he would be preoccupied with his meal, you were wrong. "You just don't know him like I do." You countered, Steve was in almost every one of your classes and he had been your science partner for Mr. Clicks class. 
He was always sweet and kind to you even though he was popular.  Eddie's eyes widened, perhaps from jealousy. The fact that you spent any amount of time with Steve to actually know him twisted in Eddie's gut. After the date you and Steve had become little more than friends, he was always inviting you to his games and you were his number one girl on his arm whenever he had his huge parties. 
At 19 Eddie had literally crushed your heart. He had been so heartbroken at seeing you and Steve together. Everytime he caught you in Steve's lap at lunch he'd halt and just walk the other way, each time a piece of his heart would chip off. The last straw was when he saw the hickies across the top of your breasts one day. You had bent over to tie your shoe, Eddie didn't mean to look but the scoop of your top and the guitar pick necklace he gave you caught his attention. You looked so pretty that day, your face had a natural blush, now that he thought about it, he knew you had been with Steve. Instead of telling you how he felt, how he's loved you since you were kids. How he would like nothing more than to taste how sweet your lips would be against his. Instead of telling you how he felt, he sought after his third choice. 
"So we're still on tonight right?" You and Eddie had been having weekly movie nights since way back when. Tonight would be no different. After work you would stop by his trailer with a handful of snacks and pop, both stuffing your face till your stomachs hurt.   "Oh, actually I had to pick up Jerrys shift at work, so I wont be able to. Sorry Poppy." You accepted the excuse, Eddie had taken more shifts at work, something about saving to get out of Hawkins. 
That night you had gotten off work earlier than expected and when you drove past Eddies trailer you saw his van parked just outside. Jerry probably showed up for his shift after all you thought. When you took the U-turn to check up on Eddie, you didn't expect to see him in his room. As you peeked inside his room from the window a knot formed in your throat. Your breaths became quick and fast  and tears started streaming down your face. The sight before you was like a knife to your heart, stabbing and slicing, deeper and more violent the longer you stared.  
The beautiful Chrissy Cunningham lay on top of his bed, topless. Her humble breasts were being sucked and groped by Eddie, while he lay between her legs, clothed thankfully. Her cheer skirt bunched at the waist left nothing to the imagination. He looked to be enjoying it, of course he would. It was Chrissy, Hawkins very own Queen, with Eddie Munson, the boy you loved since you were 7yrs old.  A loud sob escaped your mouth, stopping Eddie in his tracks.
As you ran to your car, the front door to the trailer flew open. Eddie's eyes met your teary ones as you put the car in reverse. You couldn't hear him pleading for you to 'Stop' and him yelling your name between your hiccuping sobs. 
Eddie felt like he lost you that day. It was a pain he had never felt before, an ache so deep it would never heal. He had tried to call you over and over, frantically pacing his room hoping you would answer. When he showed up at your door knocking like he was the police your step-dad threatened to call Hopper on him. 
On Monday Eddie waited outside your house at 7am to take you to school, he had gotten there early to make sure he didn't miss you leaving your house. You didn't go to school that day, or the next. You spent 3 days at home sulking, crying into your pillow. Seeing Eddie make out with Chrissy's tits just broke you in ways you didn't think was possible.
 He probably went back inside the trailer and fucked her like you didnt mean a single thing to him. Like you weren't madly in love with him. You were his childhood friend of course he was never going to see you as anything more. It was so stupid to think you even had a chance. To even dream that one day he would see you the way you saw him, love you the way you deeply loved him was foolish. So incredibly foolish, because he never would. Not while perfect Chrissy had his attention. Not while her pink lips tasted like bubblegum and she gave her body freely to him. No you would never get the chance to call him yours.
Back at school you were very careful in avoiding Eddie, whenever his voice carried in the halls you'd sprint the other way. At lunch you and Steve just sat in his car, eating whatever your mom had packed that day. A sweet giggle caught your attention and sure enough there was Chrissy and Eddie walking back from the woods. Her arm wrapped around his elbow. His hands were in his pockets as he looked to the floor, kicking some pebbles out of his way.
 Before he could look you in the eye, you looked at Steve and gave him a beaming smile. You didn't think Eddie would leave Chrissy's side but 3 knocks at your window told you otherwise. 
When you rolled down the window Eddie's eyes were glossy, his hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in a few days. The dark circles around his eyes were more prominent than before. His skin was dry and dull, lacking the life it once had. You guessed the disheveled look was from whatever he and Chrissy did in the woods or all weekend.
"Where've you been? I've been calling you all weekend and even went to your house." Eddie accused, scowling at the man sitting next to you. You could feel the strain in Eddie's words, worry etched all over his face as his forearms braced against the frame of the window. 
"Was just sick." You cough.
Steve glanced over to you. You didn't seem sick when he went over to your house on Sunday. Puzzled at why you would lie he just shrugged his shoulders and kept an eye on Eddie. 
"That's bullshit Poppy." He gritted. 
You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose in irritation. No longer wanting to prolong the inevitable. You opened the door to the car, slamming it behind you, finally confronting him. "You lied to me Eddie. You lied to your best friend so you could go and fuck Chrissy!" You loudly exclaimed, arms crossed over your chest for protection. 
"Are you jealous?"
You scoff.
"Don't act like you're not. I see how you frown at Steve, you did it just now. Sad really, how quick she made you lie to your best friend though. I've never lied to you Eddie not to go hook up. Let me ask you this, have you lied to me before? To hang out with her? That night you left me alone at Tommy's party because you had an 'emergency.' Steve had to break down the bathroom door because Andy had followed me in the restroom and he touched and grabbed and tried to ra-"
"No Steve." You interrupt, tears rolling off your cheeks as you recount that night.
"Where were you Eddie?" You sniffle, voice weak with hurt.
"I thought so."
 Eddie's face was one of shock, and anger, but most of all unbelievable sadness. He did lie to you. He did hook up with Chrissy that night. And it made him sick to his stomach knowing that while he was having sex with her you were being sexually assaulted and almost……
He couldn't finish the thought. He had never seen you so broken and you had every right to be upset at him.
 He took a step forward, reaching to pull your arms apart to embrace you in an apology, but the way you tensed and flinched away from him caught him off guard. You had always reciprocated his affection. So seeing you deny him was a different kind of suffering. 
"I'm…..I'm so sorry Poppy." Eddie's voice was so quiet you barely heard him. His big brown eyes stared at you like it would be the last time he'd see you. There was a slight quiver in his lip as he saw the shift in your eyes and how small you looked. From his sweet and beautiful Poppy, whom he loved with every fiber of his being. To the cold icy glare you were now giving him. He knew right there that you no longer cared for him. He no longer was a staple in your life, Steve was now your person. You'd call Steve if you ever needed anything, and Steve would answer that call each and every time, just like he did that night.
"It's ok Eddie. It wasn't your fault." You reply, giving him a tight lipped smile, wiping at your tear eyes. 
Eddie watched you walk away from him with Steve's arm around your shoulder. He'd lost you in the blink of an eye. He'd lost you and you weren't even his to lose. It was the idea of you being his that he lost. He had seen it all with you, a future. A future his mom had always wanted for you two, and secretly he wanted it too. Waking up in bed next to you every morning, the big house with a family dog and 2 kids. God he really wanted to just feel you next to him, the warmth of your body wrapped around him. The scent of your hair as it draped over him every time you made love.
Two weeks later he asked Chrissy to be his girlfriend. She said yes. Eddie didn't graduate that year, too focused on trying to make Chrissy happy, while still trying to be somewhat of a friend to you was his top priority. You had accepted their relationship, even if seeing them together tore you apart limb by limb. The one organ that would always beat for him, was your heart. No matter how many times he'd wound you, you just wanted him to be happy, even if his happiness was with someone else. You'd suffer in silence, death by heartbreak you'd say. Some days just being with Steve would soothe the ache, but him and Nancy were off and on, causing you to be his trusted rebound. 
"You should just tell him Poppy, I'm sure he likes you too." Steve stated, taking a sip from his milkshake. You two had been having lunch at the diner when the topic of Eddie came up. "Well, It's too late now. He's madly in love with Chrissy and besides they've been together for a year now, I'm not about to be a homewrecker." You counter, swirling a french fry into some ketchup before shoving it into your mouth. 
Funny how the world works because that same night Eddie had called you in a panic. Chrissy had gotten so mad at him, throwing insults and hurtful words which eventually lead to her slapping Eddie in a fit of anger. He didn't tell you it all started with him mentioning your name.
 He had finally gotten tired of Chrissy questioning his love for her, he planned to end it that night and finally confess his feelings for you.  "Do you even love me Eddie? She sounded so small it almost broke his heart. 
He couldn't bear to tell her the truth so he stayed quiet instead. 
"Ed's, we haven't fucked in months. Is it because of her? Poppy?!!" He couldn't help the pink blush that painted his cheeks. Yes he did want you in that way but he also wanted so much more. "You want to fuck her don't you!!" She screamed, lunging to strike him before he grabbed at her wrists, holding her back. She continued to raise her voice more and more each time.
 Tears ran down her pink cheeks as she thrashed in his grip. He was able to take the hurtful words she was calling him. He had heard them his whole life, by now they just bounced off his skin. What he wasn't prepared for was Chrissy insulting you. No, he couldn't have that. 
Once Chrissy seemed to calm down Eddie let go of her wrists, wiping at her tears as they fell from her eyes. "Answer me." Her voice was stern as she glared at him.
"Chrissy, just stop." He said with a raised voice, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. 
She wouldn't relent until she got what she wanted. She kept pushing and pushing, jab after jab until one of her remarks made Eddie see red. 
"Your pathetic Eddie! How could you want to fuck that whore! She's been with half the basketball team!!!" She seethed. 
Chrissy's eyes dilated in fear as Eddie stormed toward her, backing her up against the wall. His eyes filled with blinding rage, nostrils flared with each inhale and exhale as he looked down at her in hatred, her misty eyes doing nothing to soothe the storm she caused. Needing to release his anger Eddies fists pound the wall behind her, caging her against the hard surface as he towers over her. He lowers his head to her level, voice laced with venom as he finally answers her.
"You want an answer Chrissy? How's this? No, I don't want to fuck her…..not at first. I'd make love to her all fucking day and night till I memorized the pretty whimpers she makes when she comes on my cock. Then once I'm drunk off her delicious pussy from eating her out like she was my last meal, I'd fuck the whore outta her, record the the sound of my cock slamming into her tight pussy and send you the mix tape."
"...Then she just fucken slapped me." 
You both sat on his couch, face to face, legs criss crossed. He mindlessly was rubbing at your knee, his light touch sending butterflies soaring in your tummy. 
"Do you want me to kick her ass? I fucken will Eddie. You just give the word." You joked, sort of, as you punched at the air, earning a laugh from Eddie. 
"No sweetheart. I don't need you getting hurt." He smiles, holding your hands in his, already rubbing at your knuckles as if you had punched Chrissy. 
A tiny gasp leaves your mouth when you notice two red marks on his cheek. "She scratched you Eddie." You tenderly trace the scratch, cupping the side of his cheek with your palm. Eddie leans into your gentle touch, face nuzzling at the warmth of your palm, a stark contrast to Chrissy. Your tiny hand found the nape of Eddie's neck pulling him close, to place a sweet kiss upon the high point of his cheek. 
As you pull away Eddie tilts his head, his nose brushing against yours before his mouth crashes into you. He kisses gently at first, years of pining and yearning leaving him breathless. You don't dare pull away, parting your lips to grant him entrance. Eddie moans against your mouth when his tongue dances with yours. It's so much better than he thought, your lips are soft and supple as he takes your bottom lip in between his teeth. 
You take control, when you throw your leg over his lap, straddling him on the couch. A satisfied moan rips through him as he wraps his hands behind you, squeezing your ass between his fingers, rocking your hips back and forth over his bulge. Feeling the denim of his jeans rub at your core, heating your body with every pass. 
"Fuck, baby. Feels so good grinding on me." His fingers trace tiny circles on your shoulders, making you shudder at the sensation. Nudging at your jaw, he peppers wet kisses down the curve of your neck, nipping and sucking at your skin, smothering himself in your scent. 
He hooks a finger under the strap of your tank top, gently pulling it down, exposing the curve of your shoulder. "I've wanted you for so long Poppy, can I have you?" He whispers, as he kisses and licks at your collarbone humming against your skin. You want him in every way possible, his firm tattooed body over and under you with a sheen layer of sweat at he fucks you in each corner of his trailer. You want every thought of his mind, all his dreams and desires in detail as you cultivate a guide on reaching all those goals and more.
 Above all those fantasies you wish you could grant him, the one thing you desire more, is this boy's soul to be intertwined with yours. His beautiful chaotic soul, with its good days and bad, for however many times he's hurt you, your mind, body and soul screams and claws at your chest. Ripping you open from the inside out just to be near him, just for an ounce of his attention, a half second of his unyielding love. Without another thought you nod, giving him permission to take you to bed. 
Eddie takes his time removing your clothes, unwrapping you like a gift on Christmas morning. His eyes sparkled at finally getting to see you undressed. Standing in the middle of his bedroom he takes you in, inch by inch. Kissing every ounce of skin he sees, marking you as his with lavender bruises. Equally as excited you slip your fingers under his shirt, feeling his toned body under your fingertips, bringing his shirt over his head you gawk at the ink that covers his chest. 
You shy under his gaze when he unclips your bra, exposing your perfect breasts to him. "Fuck baby, youre so fucking gorgeous." He coos, squeezing your tits between his large hands. He sits down pulling you to stand between his spread legs so he's eye level with your chest. 
Admiring your perfect tits he places his face between your breasts, pushing each one towards his face, dragging his tongue between them. The wetness from his saliva cools your heated body. You jolt when his mouth latches to your pebbled nipple, sucking and swirling his tongue around your peaked bud. 
Closer you need to be closer, feel his body flush against yours, you straddle his hips again. Bare chest to his bare chest, the heat of his skin sizzling deep within your heart like the sun on a summer day. It feels so natural to be in this moment, his arms tightly wrapped around you, his ear to your chest, listening to the hammering of your heart you know he can hear. Eddie places a loving kiss to the hollow of your throat.
 His strong arms lift you up,wrapping your legs around his hips, he spins you around laying you on his bed. Hovering over you he continues down your body, kissing between your breasts, the curve of your waist, kiss upon kiss making up for lost time. His large palms smooth up and down the sides of your figure, making you squeal when he sneaks them under your ass pinching and palming you, groaning at the meat between his fingers."Tickle baby?" He whispers, chin resting on your pubic bone. 
His eyes are looking up at you from between your legs and you think you might die. 
"Super ticklish." You giggle, running your fingers through his long locks, scratching at the nape of his neck. Exploring your body like he has all the time in the world, a small gasp leaves his mouth as he pulls your panties down, hands instinctively caressing your sex. The way he's eye level with your core makes you squirm under him. "Shit, look at you sweetheart. So pretty." He mutters, running his fingers between your folds, coating them with your wetness. He could play with you all day if you let him, but he's too eager and desperately needs to taste you. 
"Oh fuck Eddie." You moan, grasping at the sheets when he licks a stripe up your cunt. His wicked tongue zig zags through your folds, slurping at your lips pulling gasps and moans from you that no one else has. Your back arches off the bed as he sucks your clit, humming into you in delight. You can feel him smile against your core, happy to devour you till morning. "Mmm you taste so good baby." He relishes, spreading you open with his fingers in a V, before plunging his fingers inside you, pumping into you, searching for that spongy spot that you know will have you seeing stars.
 "Oh my god there Eddie." Breathless, you stare between your legs panting in pleasure seeing Eddie feasting on you like he's starved. With his fingers feeling you from the inside and his tongue twisting and sucking your clit your legs begin to tremble. "Oh fuck fuck fuck Eddie im gonna come." Your legs attempt to close around his head as your pleasure keeps rising. "Come on my tongue baby, I fucken need to taste you." He speaks between his lapping, not once changing pace or pressure. 
A high pitched whimper bursts from your throat as white dazzling stars cloud your vision. Rouge tears escape your eyes at the intensity of your orgasm. Eddies beaming up at you, eyes the size of saucers as he kitten licks you, slurping up your sweet arousal. Kissing your pussy over and over "love." Kiss. "This." Kiss. "Pussy." Kiss.
You pull him up towards you, wrapping your legs around his waist, grinding your cunt into him. Eddie groans, chest heaving with adrenaline. The weight of his body flush against yours lights you on fire. You need him, want him in all the sweet and loving ways your heart desires. The nibbling at your earlobe and his breathless pants so close to your ear makes your body tingle with anticipation. 
You can feel his hardened length grind against you as his hands roam the expanse of your body. Touching every inch, storing every freckle and scar in his memory. You can't wait, years of lusting after him you need more. "Eddie, I want to feel you." Ghosting your fingers down his torso, his breath hitches as your fingers work to unbuckle his belt. He stands, shuffling out of his jeans, discarding them in the mess of his bedroom. The visible tent in his boxers has you drooling, fingers itching to grab him. You make grabby hands at him earning a chuckle as he stalks towards you. He stands in front of you as you sit at the edge of the bed, gently grabbing your chin between his thumb and index finger, bringing your gaze towards him. 
You look so beautiful sitting nude in his bed, big doe eyes looking up at him. "Poppy, you make me feel things I never thought I could." He confesses,  kissing you softly at first, smiling against your mouth like this is the happiest he's ever been. If he's being honest, being with you was always the highlight of his day. Tonight though would be memorialized into his heart forever. 
"Mmm, Eddie, want you to fuck me." You whine, deepening your kiss, biting at his lip with need. He moans into your mouth as you palm him through his boxers, fingers pulling at his waistband eager to feel his heavy cock between your hands. His boxers pool at his ankles as his cock springs free, a bead of precum glistening at his tip. "Oh fuck" he hisses as you take his length in your hands, stroking his pretty cock in slow up and down motions, cupping his balls with your other hand. Eddie thinks he might pass out with how good your hands feel around his cock.
 Your wet mouth wraps around his tip, swirling around his mushroom head. Tongue licking his shaft from base to tip, your eyes bore into his, enjoying the way he falls apart from your mouth alone. "Oh my god, your mouth is sinful" he groans, throwing his head back, hips bucking into your mouth. His hand wraps around your hair, gently pulling you off him. "Lay back sweetheart, let me show you how much I adore you." He breathes, crawling over you once you've settled at the head of the bed. 
With his hand wrapped around the base of his cock, he lines himself up to your entrance. Ever so slowly he pushes in, inch by blissful inch until he's fully sheathed inside you. "Fuck so tight baby, I'm not sure I can last." He whispers, holding your face between his palms, tenderly peppering your face with kisses. You whimper, biting your lips at the delicious way he's stretching you open. His eyes never leave yours not for one second as he thrusts into you over and over filling you with his cock till you're a blubbering mess.
 "Yes Eddie, oh god yes." You cry out, tears breaching your waterline as he throws your legs over his shoulder, pumping into you even deeper. He cages your head between his forearms, fingers interlocking yours in a tight grip. Your eyes gloss over with emotion, a deep ache tearing at your chest. This doesn't feel like fucking, not the way he's looking at you and holding your hands. Not in the way he's kissing your lips, licking into your mouth savoring the feeling of your tongue massaging his. His hips don't dare fuck into you like he wants. No, he's slow with his motions, feeling the way your cunt pulls him in when his hips meet yours. 
You don't know how but he's holding you so incredibly close, enamored with feeling you under him. His mouth is devouring each and every moan you're giving him. All rational leaves his body when he gazes in awe at how his cock disappears inside you with every thrust. He becomes so lust drunk off your pussy as his release draws near, finally confessing what he's wanted to for all these years, each confession spoken through whimpers of pleasure while he pistons his hips faster and faster.
'youre mine, all fucking mine', 
'Gonna make you make my wife one day, gonna buy you a big ring and a house.' 
'Wanna breed you so fucking bad baby. I love you so much, always have'
'Gonna be me and you forever sweetheart' 
His sweet revelation brings tears to your eyes, pushing you over the edge in heart bursting ecstacy. Ropes and ropes of hot come paint your walls as Eddie releases inside of you with a guttural moan, hips jerking forward filling you to the brim. 
Collapsing beside you, Eddie pulls you towards him, arm wrapping around your shoulders as you lay your cheek on his chest. "I meant every word Poppy, I'm so fucking in love you. I'm sorry it took so long to tell you." 
You were about to respond when Eddie cut you off, "You don't need to say it back, I just need you to know." 
Within minutes Eddie had drifted to sleep, still holding you close, afraid you'd slip out of his grasp. "I love you too Eddie." You whisper, running your hands over his chest, finding home above his heart, the heart you wanted so much to love you. 
 While Eddie dreamed of loving you for eternity you stayed awake, guilt and shame invading your every thought. How could you sleep with another girl's man? You couldn't become what you always hated a "homewrecker." Eddie and Chrissy didn't break up, they just had a fight and you took advantage of his vulnerability. 
Your stomach twisted with nausea, not only did he cheat on her with you, but you very well became another rebound. You knew Eddie cared for you and perhaps in the thrones of passion he confused friendship love with romantic love, yeah that makes sense. Of course he was hurt and heartbroken over Chrissy, and needed an outlet, a distraction. And there you were, a perfect distraction. Tears pricked your eyes as you realized you had ruined over 10 years of friendship in 1 night, a night you would never forget. 
Eddie had stared at his ceiling for what seemed like hours the following morning. Waking up alone, without you by his side left a gaping black hole in his heart. He must have read you all wrong, he thought you wanted to be together. The soft touches and shy glances, you said you wanted him. Oh god, did he come on too strong and scare you away? Was his confession too abrupt, did you even feel the same? Most importantly could you still be friends? 
Fear. Fear gripped him in a chokehold. Fear that he had pressured you to do something you never wanted. He couldn't live with himself if you felt he was too pushy or even forceful, he needed to make sure you were ok and that he had done nothing wrong. 
Eddie frantically knocks at your door, almost shouting for you when you don't answer quickly enough. When you answer, covered from head to toe in sweats in the middle of summer, he knows something is wrong, were you covering your body from him? 
"Hey Eddie." 
Hey Eddie? That's what you say after everything that's happened? So casual like you didn't just rip open his heart and spit on it. Hey Eddie? Like he was just a guy you met at the hideout and decided he would be fun for the night? 
"Poppy, did I do something wro–"
"No. You didn't do anything wrong. I did." Your voice is firm when you respond, you don't go into details as to why but Eddie takes your response as regret. He made love to you and you regretted it, didn't love him back. You didn't say it back or even acknowledge his dreams for a future with you. Based on how you're dressed and the dampness of your hair. He figures you showered immediately, scrubbing off his love with vigor and scalding water. Unable to bear the memory of his hands on you, you dressed in soft silky sweats to mask that feeling.
"Oh. Uh, are we gonna be ok? Still friends?" 
"Still friends" The corner of your mouth flicks up in a slight smile. You know from here on out things would be different. Eddie sees it too, in your detached stare, cold and unmoving. Your arms are crossed over your chest to stop your quivering frame from embracing him. Your Eddie. Chrissy's Eddie. 
He nods, stepping away from your porch, no longer able to take the awkwardness. Even if you didn't believe he would use you as a rebound his next request confirmed it.
"Oh uh Poppy?" 
 "Don't tell Chrissy." 
"Never, I promise." 
That was the last time you spoke to Eddie. He and Chrissy stayed together, you couldn't even look at her, the guilt of breaking that girl code too strong. And Eddie, he couldn't look at you either, at least not in front of Chrissy. Her jealousy ran so deep she practically forbade him from even looking in your direction or speaking to you. So many more fights stemmed from even being in the same room with you.
Eddie found out through the grapevine that you and Steve were official, apparently it was pretty serious too. He'd see your car outside family video often. One time he even spotted Steve at the mall, one of those jewelry sales associates was showing him some rings. He didn't know if it was just a gift or a engagem- he couldn't finish the thought. 
Eddie had woken up in a house he didn't recognise, covered in his own vomit and piss stains. Head pounding and throbbing from the intense hangover he had. Seeing Steve buy you a ring was enough to make him spiral into the darkness of his thoughts. It wasn't the first time he let his vices take control and it wasn't his last.
The last time Eddie saw you it was winter in Hawkins. You were having breakfast with Steve, of course, he had become your new…he didn't even know. Was he still your boyfriend or your fiancé? It didn't matter you had slept with Steve and yet he was still allowed to be your friend, but not him. It was partially his fault. Chrissy had him on a tight leash and he allowed it, slowly distancing himself from you. In the end choosing her over all the years he had with you. Not only had he let you down, but he also failed his mama's wish of you and him being together.  If she was alive today he'd never hear the end of it. Matter of fact he knows without a doubt she would have set something up to make sure you both fell in love with each other. He just can't fathom that he let her down. 
 Your bright laugh carried throughout the diner, gracing Eddie's ears as he admired you from outside.  You looked as beautiful as ever, a natural glow from within despite the gloom that covered Hawkins. Eddie sat in his car watching as you devoured pancake after pancake, seeing you lick the sweet maple syrup off your fingers took him down memory lane. He thought about that night often, in the shower when Wayne wasn't home to hear your name leave his lips as he fisted his cock. Almost slipped your name a few times when he was with Chrissy, she had called you a whore, which made no sense since he could barely feel a thing with her, it was like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. 
Eddie watches as Steve holds you by the waist, guiding you to his car making sure you don't slip on the wet pavement. Eddie lowers himself in his seat, hiding as you both walk closer to his car, Chrissy's car. 
"Is my little angel satisfied? Or are you still hungry?" Steve asked, as he helped you out of your coat. 
"Satisfied." You smile. 
Eddie rolls his eyes as he hears Steve give you a big wet exaggerated kiss, punctuating the Mwah. 
Yeah, Steve was still your boyfriend. He was happy for you, genuinely happy. But what Eddie didn't see was that Steve didn't kiss you on the lips. No. Steve leaned down, hands delicately holding your hips as he playfully kissed your tiny swollen belly, only visible once he had taken your coat off. Eddie and the rest of your friends had no idea. Not a single clue.  
The following month you left Hawkins for sunny California, thinking you'd never go back to the state of heartbreak, only to return 3 years later. 
"Eddie! She's back." 
'Honey, who is it?' 
"Wrong number Chrissy, go back to bed." 
"Where is she?" 
"With Steve."
Tagging those from my previous fic:
@lady-munson @tlclick73 @edsforehead @hideoutside @kissmejoey @amira0303 @luv-flor7777
165 notes · View notes
stayevildarling · 2 months
Hiya, could you write a cordelia × reader fic where reader and Delia get into a pretty heated argument about something? I love your multi character fics too so maybe billie and mina could be added but that's entirely up to you <3 thank you for writing all these amazing fics btw!🖤
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Billie Dean Howard x Reader- In the name of love
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A/N: I'm sorry but this request is soooo good that I had to write it with all of them 🙇🏻‍♀️ I can't lie, I actually struggled a little with this because I hate writing mean Delia but here we are 🤷🏻‍♀️
word count: 6k
tw: cursing, smoking, lots of angst
@lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay , @whitelotus00 , @ninaahs , @vintagepaulson , @isle-of-earle , @paulsonsratched , @stepintomyworld , @grilledcheeseandguavajelly , @lucyintheskywithxanax , @fanfics4world , @mymiraclewitch , @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime , @ohrwurm26 , @wastdstime
If you had to describe the atmosphere within the academy and living in it's secure walls, you would opt for peaceful, a blend of calm and bustling energy. With witches coming and going it often varies, periods of utter quiet at the coven with older witches just passing through and younger witches bringing life back to the white walls. The air was always filled with the hum of spells being cast and the aroma of various potions brewing. The environment was comfortable, cozy even as Cordelia always made sure to take the girls personalities and interests in consideration when redecorating or purchasing some new things for the academy.
And since living at the academy, it had always been your safe space, finding your family there, the girls who you belonged with, who understood you and of course there are your girls. You had been by their side for a very long time now, the four of you completing each other, knowing each others needs and thoughts without any magic or words involved. Each of you had a quiet love and understanding and so your life together was simple and peaceful. And despite the same routines by now, the four of you always did something different in your free time with each other, date nights and your shared weekends always a priority.
Living at the academy, including teaching there alongside Cordelia and some of the witches part of the council, you sometimes lost your connection to the outside world, as it carried on with it's usual rhythm. And sometimes you had to make sure you take some time for yourself, going for a walk, hearing the birds chirp in the trees, or walking to the markets as a gentle breeze rustles through the air. The sound of traffic, usually distant, and people going about their daily lives. Wilhemina and Billie didn't know the feeling, of course living at the academy but working outside of it and regularly leaving the house daily to get on about their tasks.
And maybe that's the reason why things had escalated and turned the way they did lately, maybe you hadn't left the academy in too long, maybe you needed that walk and distance from your home, as everything in the academy felt too familiar, too crowded. The past weeks had been incredibly busy as a wave of students joined, unfortunately some in the middle of puberty, causing for the supreme and you to have many sleepless nights, trying to figure out how to provide a home for them and how to make them reach their full potential. And despite two very uncooperative witches having to leave and go to a different academy not that long ago, the academy finally returning to a sense of normality and calm, it felt the same. The air definitely lingered with the opposite of calm, even Billie and Wilhemina being able to feel the tension between their girlfriends.
Billie was often in her own little word, worrying and thinking about things that Wilhemina would certainly make fun of and entertain herself with. The medium often worried about whether the viewers of her show are satisfied with the latest season, how to get access to a drop of her favourite designer, how to fit in a manicure appointment this week. But beneath all of that, her work often lingered on her mind, the ghosts and hauntings certainly never fully gone as they often kept her awake at night or awoke her after a terrible nightmare. And of course through it all, the three of you would always be by Billie's side, taking turns of shushing her back to sleep when working on an especially tough case. And in return, Billie showered you three in her love and adoration, her love language definitely showering you in gifts. And it really was something for the medium to notice this tension and to actually worry about it, usually brushing it off with her ,,everything will be okay and sort itself out'' attitude.
However it had worried her so much that she even consulted in her other girlfriend, Wilhemina as she had called her in her lunch break today as the weekend finally approached. And despite the redhead trying to brush off the whole thing and calming Billie down, Mina had also noticed it. Now, Wilhemina Venable was many things but definitely perceptive. She noticed everything, any shift, whether that being in someone's behaviour, or the atmosphere when stepping into a room. She had noticed how your smile had faded lately, how you seemed nervous and anxious around Cordelia, despite usually feeling safe with her, often finding you sitting on the blondes lap or playing with her hair while you look up at her with so much love. And Wilhemina wasn't sure what had happened, assuming it was the stress of it all, noticing how you had done so much for the supreme in the past, teaching mainly all of her classes at this point, still spending hours in her office and helping around daily, sometimes tidying after the witches for hours.
And she had also noticed how you did all of this on top of everything else you continued to do. Whether that being cooking, taking care of the household, washing, helping Billie with social media for her show, often offering to accompany Wilhemina to appointments or pick up her medication. And she had also noticed how Cordelia wasn't repaying you for any of it, no words of appreciation exchanged, no relief for you taking so much off her plate, how she often hid away in her office until the late hours of the night. How you and her both had tried to coax her out of it so many times without success. Often finding you asleep on the sofa in Cordelia's office in the early morning hours, Cordelia still working away and barely acknowledging anyones existence, as you eventually passed out, sleep washing over you. But remaining in a curled up position on the uncomfortable sofa, simply to stay and be close to her. And the whole thing had been worrying, Wilhemina wondering how she could possibly fix this, opting to talk to the supreme but not getting the slightest chance lately as she was always running around, taking care of something.
Just yesterday she opted for speaking to you again, as you always made time for them, certainly your Mina. She had asked you what was going on, why you seemed so sad, if all of this pressure was stressing you out but Wilhemina knew that you were quite like her, often hiding behind those walls that you had built up in order to protect yourself and so she really couldn't coax out anything.
And as the day progresses, the air growing heavy with anticipation and unspoken words, a silent tension hangs over the coven, its surroundings and certainly the supreme and you. It feels as if the very atmosphere is holding it's breath, despite all of the witches being finally home for the weekend which usually meant the four of you could relax. However as you finally wrap up for the day, having cleaned the greenhouse, checked the girls rooms and making sure everything was in order, making all the necessary dinner preparations and at last bringing the supreme some tea as she carries on working on her laptop, barely acknowledging your existence and muttering a quick ,,Thank you sweetheart'', you couldn't take it anymore. And so you hastily reached for your keys, throwing on a jacket and leaving through the front door, the cold air feeling like freedom as you exit the academy, ready for your ,,away from the academy'' walk.
However, fate was of course always a factor, as Billie and Wilhemina return home at the same time, Billie waving almost ridiculously after parking her car next to the redhead, Wilhemina chuckling lowly at her antics. And as they exit their cars, greeting each other after a long day of working, they are startled when the front door bangs shut, you having no intention of doing so but the headphones you are wearing cancelling out all outside noises, as music fills your ears, closing your eyes to really breathe and let your frustration go. They watch in confusion as you almost brush past them, too frustrated to even notice them at first. ,,Little one?'' Wilhemina tries but you couldn't hear them, however your magic quickly alerted you, trying hard to force a smile as you take in their features. Wilhemina plastered in purple as usual and looking ethereal, Billie in business casual and looking attractive as ever.
,,Hey babydoll'' Billie greets you, kissing your cheek as you stand there a little awkwardly. ,,Where are you going?'' Wilhemina asks, almost curiously as you bite your lip a little anxiously, not wanting them to really know about this, not wanting to ruin their day as well. ,,Just on a walk'' you exclaim with your best smile, hoping they couldn't see through this. But they did and when Billie glances at Wilhemina, their concerned eyes locking, you almost sigh in frustration. ,,Would you like us or either of us to keep you company?'' Billie asks, using her best puppy eyes but you politely decline by shaking your head, remaining your friendly self. ,,No thank you, you two relax, I'll be back in just a little while'' you reassure as they again exchange glances but eventually accept your statement. ,,Dinner is pretty much all done, I'll just heat it up when I'm back'' you mutter before leaving and as they stand there, almost frozen in their spot, Billie glances at Wilhemina almost with a ,,I told you something was up'' look, this also being all the confirmation the redhead needed.
And as you finally find yourself out of reach from the academy, you almost feel like screaming or running, anything to let out your anger and emotions but you simply walk your usual round as you blast the music a little louder, drawing out the thoughts and giving you an odd sense of calm. Meanwhile, your girlfriends had entered the academy, noticing how unusually quiet it was, how everything was of course spotless for them again and then something snaps within Wilhemina as she without warning ascends the stairs, leaving behind a confused Billie, who quickly follows, the tapping of her heels matching the urgency of her girlfriends cane taps echoing through the academy. She had thought about confronting Cordelia for some time now and she struggled with a war of protectiveness over you all, having an odd amount of it with you, wanting to keep you away from harm but also not wanting any harm towards Cordelia. But she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that the supreme was the cause for all of this, blinded by her work, tasks and responsibilities.
,,Darling, what's wrong?'' Billie pathetically tries as she fails at keeping up with the redhead who simply bursts through the supremes office, not caring about knocking. And Cordelia simply types away, not needing to glance up to know who was standing in front of her. ,,Hey you two, how was your day?'' she asks, almost absentmindedly, her voice remaining the usual gentleness but the kindness nowhere to be found in her eyes that usually sparkle with it. ,,Not great'' Wilhemina exclaims almost too calmly, not remotely matching her inner turmoil, wanting to test how focused the supreme really was in their conversation. ,,Why is that darling?'' she questions, still not glancing up at either of them as Billie almost hides behind the redhead, not liking the obviously growing tension.
,,Well let's see Cordelia, Billie here for one has been anxiously calling and messaging me all day because something doesn't seem quite right'' she begins, her voice filled with venom ,,Then there is the fact that we just saw Y/N leave to go on a walk and the sadness and disappointment in her eyes almost made me want to slap the person who caused for that in our little ones features'' she carries on, Billie a shivering mess behind her as the supreme finally looks up, watching the scene unfold before her. ,,Now, I can't do that though because I have a feeling that, that person is you'' Wilhemina begins throwing punches with her words at this point, worked up and the last weeks of pain and worry finally catching up with her, leaving the blonde at a loss of words.
,,Do you not see what she does? how she has taken over all of your classes, how she does everything around here? how she is so exhausted that she falls asleep on that sofa over there, hoping you would give her some attention?'' and with those words the redhead finishes, not an ounce of regret in her features, despite her eyes pleading with Cordelia to finally wake up. Billie remains silent, not remotely having noticed half of the things that Wilhemina had said but slowly understanding and getting the full picture. And Cordelia simply stares at her, a lump forming in her throat causing for the words to get caught there, fighting back the tears that are about to spill but she knows how to compose herself.
The room fills with silence and Wilhemina is quick to turn on her heels, her cane angrily tapping against the wooden floor before making her way back downstairs, breathing heavily as she tries to calm her inner storm, having lost her inner battle of protectiveness around you and letting it all out on the supreme as a result. Billie remains frozen, her jaw dropped, in disbelief of the words that were just exchanged. ,,Delia?'' she tries as the supreme had averted her gaze a while ago and slowly the blonde draws her eyes back to her. ,,Do you want to talk about it?'' Billie tries, a little unsure what to actually say and who's side to pick here. And as Cordelia forces a smile and shakes her head, she takes it as a signal to let them cool off, quickly walking back to the kitchen to finish dinner, wanting to take something off your plate and hoping it could somehow fix the tension that lingered so heavily in the air.
To her surprise however, Wilhemina had already begun, assuming she would retreat to her office, but the redhead seems composed, despite her hands shaking and Billie could tell this weighed on her. ,,Let me'' she tries, reaching for some plates on one of the higher shelves and helping the redhead set the table, quickly heating up the food that you had prepared. Several minutes pass, the two of them sitting by the table at first, waiting for the food to heat up, hoping you would return soon before Billie sneaks away for a cigarette. And as she returns, she finds you entering the academy, as you abandon the jacket and headphones, your features seeming a lot less tense as you had no idea of the confrontation that unfolded in your absence. ,,Hi babydoll, you okay?'' Billie questions as she presses a kiss to your forehead, Wilhemina startled by your sudden appearance.
And then as the three of you take a seat, Billie trying to cheer the mood a little by talking about her day and asking about both of yours, Cordelia suddenly appears, her features neutral, looking as beautiful as ever, despite her eyes portraying a hint of exhaustion. Billie breathes out in relief, thinking and hoping that all was well now, that maybe Wilheminas outburst made the supreme realise and your walk calming you down enough so you could enjoy the evening and each others company. As you glance at Cordelia, you try and figure out what made her come downstairs, after earlier assuming she would stay in her office. However as you notice the odd tension, Wilhemina's silence and avoidance towards the supreme, Billie being unusual nice and chatty, almost as if trying to cover up something and Cordelia seeming oddly calm, you know you must have missed something and after taking some bites of the food, you clear your throat.
,,Is everything alright?'' you ask, almost a little anxiously as you glance between your girlfriends, Billie beaming at you but you could tell it's fake, Wilhemina simply staring at her food and not touching it before Cordelia's eyes find yours, before speaking. ,,I don't know Y/N, is everything alright?'' she speaks, so utterly calm but you could feel the rage given that she used your name and not one of the usual pet names plus the obvious irony. And as you hesitate, she speaks again, Wilheminas eyes snapping towards the blonde, ready to jump at her and protect you if necessary. ,,Because I have heard that things aren't quite alright'' she adds, the room filling with silence as she waits for you to speak. But given you have no clue what's going on, you simply take a deep breath, trying to collect your thoughts and calm down, trying to keep your frustration at bay.
,,So tell me, is everything alright, hm?'' she again almost mockingly questions, Billie dropping her fork in frustration as Wilhemina bangs her cane on the floor, startling both you and the medium. ,,Or could you explain me why you go running to them about how I don't pay you enough attention, how you are so exhausted from doing everything around here'' Cordelia carries on and your eyebrows furrow then as you meet Billie and Wilhemina's gazes, not remotely understanding what was happening as you didn't talk to either of them. ,,Enough Cordelia'' Wilhemina warns, her hand gripped so tightly around her cane that Billie worries it may just snap.
,,But tell me who does everything around here? who is the fucking supreme?'' she snaps, Billie shaking and shivering in her spot at the sudden raising of her voice, never usually expecting Cordelia to lose her temper, especially not with either of you but again specifically you. And then something within you snaps, the last straw of patience that you had held on for so long, your love for the blonde and patience and understanding and compassion finally leaving you as a wave of anger washes over you, almost drowning you in it's intensity. Your chair scrapes against the wooden floor, making a horrendous noise, as your fists slam against the table, causing for all three of them to jolt.
And then as the words spill out of you, you lose control over your magic as the room is spinning, legs shaking, the lights suddenly flickering which never happened with you before. ,,You are the fucking supreme Cordelia but you are also supposed to be my- our fucking girlfriend'' you try hard to at least keep your voice at bay. ,,I have given you my everything for years now, spending every single second working for you and this academy'' you admit, Wilhemina almost a little turned on by the sudden outburst if it wasn't for the seriousness of the situation, never seeing you like this before. ,,I have given my entire life to you, all the minutes and hours of every single day to make sure you succeed and your academy thrives'' you cry now, tears flowing freely from your eyes. ,,And I get it, it's stressful being the supreme, it's a horrible burden and weight but I and we have tried to be there for you for the longest time now but you have changed Delia'' you try pleading then, hoping she would maybe snap out of it. And the other two check the supremes features then but there isn't an ounce of what you are hoping for and so you take a deep breath, regaining control of your emotions and magic again. ,,And to be honest I can't do it anymore, I'm sorry'' and with those words you leave.
And as you leave, banging the small door leading from the kitchen to the garden shut, three set of brown eyes follow you. Wilhemina's eyes filled with pain but at the same time a hint of pride as she never took you for one to speak up, especially not towards them or Cordelia of all people, considering she was after all your supreme. Billie's worried eyes follow you, unsure what your last statement meant and what this would mean for your relationship, regretting the poly aspect of it a little as she felt utterly torn as of right now. And at last there is Cordelia, lost in her own world as your words keep repeating in her mind, unable to even look at you walking away, as the waves of the past few weeks finally crash down on her, causing her to sit frozen. It doesn't take long before she leaves, without a single word, without a single glance leaving another blonde and a redhead behind, confused and concerned as ever.
Ascending the stairs, Cordelia is quick to reach her office, banging the door shut as she rubs her temples in frustration. What neither of you had known was that the supreme had been fighting a silent battle for a while, for some reason not finding it within her to confide in either of you, despite trusting you with her whole life. Of course she had noticed every single thing you had been doing for her, basically you the supreme at this point when it comes to the workload. In reality, you had done so much work daily that the only thing left for her to do was go through the occasional applications, typing away whenever any of you were near her but as soon as either of you left, she rubbed her temples in the exact same way, the typing stopping as she couldn't focus on anything, as the only thing on her mind was the worries. Worries about whether she was doing this any justice, whether she might slowly be turning into her mother, what it would be like fading, wondering if you were going to be the next supreme, given your magic and abilities. And it all weighed so heavily on her that she couldn't join you three in bed as the thoughts kept her up at night, that she couldn't look at either of you but especially you. And as she settles onto her chair, she knows that Wilhemina was right with every word, not even cross for her choice of words as it was so so justified and your every word had been so valid too that she worries whether she had driven you away, whether she had ruined everything but she remains frozen, her inner battle having the upper hand for now.
,,Well..'' Billie Dean exclaims, nervously looking up at her girlfriend who's features are so oddly neutral that the medium isn't sure whether she was going to walk away next. But to her surprise, Wilhemina places her free hand on top of the mediums, her eyes enough of a reassurance that this was going to be okay as they lock with her brown ones. ,,We should go after them'' Billie Dean urges, knowing you both needed to cool down but wanting to be of support and Wilhemina nods in agreement, not liking the idea of either of you two doing this on your own, considering the magic aspect and all. ,,Do you have a preference darling?'' Billie asks, questioning who would go after whom. And Wilhemina's preference is certainly you, as she feels both conflicted with surprise, pride but also worry at your outburst but she knew if anyone could finally calm and get the supreme to open up it was her, their chemistry allowing just that. ,,I'll talk to Cordelia, you make sure to calm our little one a little, hm?'' Wilhemina tries softly, being able to tell that the mediums nerves wouldn't cope with the supreme right now.
Billie exhales almost in relief a little before she nods, the two of them abandoning the thought of dinner as Wilhemina makes her way upstairs, Billie making her way outside, following you to the greenhouse, while quickly lighting a cigarette in desperate need for some nicotine. And as Wilhemina knocks gently this time, feeling much calmer than before and knowing the blonde needed gentleness as of right now, she is met with Cordelia's frustration. ,,Busy'' she spits considering locking the door with a flick of her wrist. ,,Darling'' Wilhemina tries as she opens the door gently and taking a look at the supreme who sits in her chair, still rubbing her temples in frustration. ,,Are you going to shout at me again?'' Cordelia questions annoyed as Wilhemina closes the door gently. ,,No darling'' she reassures, a silent promise that she came in peace and wanted nothing more than to fix this. And as Wilhemina calmly takes a seat in front of her, her features much softer now, the anger replaced by concern, giving her girlfriend that one look. That one look that spoke thousands of words, that look that Cordelia would give the redhead whenever she was in bad pain but wouldn't talk about it. And then she finally falters, her chin wobbling as the tears flow freely down her beautiful features as she falls apart in front of her girlfriend, Wilhemina simply remaining silent but her presence giving Cordelia comfort and reassurance.
Meanwhile, Billie had finally made her way to the greenhouse, needing a good minute to finish her cigarette and calm down. ,,Babydoll?'' she tries as she enters, taking in the surroundings and how the usually calm safe space was replaced by almost a dark aura now, assuming that was due to your magic. She watches as you lean against one of the wooden countertops, your fists slammed on it and remaining in that same spot, your eyes closed. Billie simply takes gentle steps towards you, her heels announcing her presence with each step before she wraps her arms around you, leaning her chin on your shoulder. And despite wanting to give you comfort, you shiver into her touch, really not feeling like it, as all you could feel was frustration and anger. Billie being Billie she can tell, so she takes a careful step away, looking at you before speaking softly ,,What can I do baby?'' she whispers but you don't answer, not knowing what to do or say. ,,You didn't mean it did you?'' she asks nervously as she fiddles with her acrylic nails, your statement about not being able to do this still on her mind and what it meant. And despite her not deserving it, you can't help but sigh ,,What do you expect me to do Billie?'' you question, mostly asking this yourself rather than her.
,,What do you mean baby?'' she tries, her eyes now meeting yours as you face her. ,,Don't tell me you hadn't noticed until tonight'' you sigh, pacing a little as you really didn't mean to let it out on here. And the guilt almost drowns Billie then, making her slightly dizzy as it dawns on her that she had noticed, of course she had but she didn't realise the full extend of the situation. And she certainly couldn't deny how much she enjoyed whenever you helped her out with things or simply kept her company, knowing how everything lately had been so demanding. Her eyes close in frustration and sadness at herself as she notices a shift in the room, her eyes opening again. ,,What are you doing?'' she asks as she notices you contemplating something, fighting an inner battle whether to leave or stay. ,,I can't do this Billie'' you admit, rather leaving than causing her any more pain in this moment. ,,No No babydoll please'' she begs, stepping forward to physically stop you from leaving. ,,Billie don't'' you warn, your eyes pleading with her. ,,I'm not letting you walk away'' she announces, crossing her arms in front of her chest. ,,I'm happy to give you some space but please stay'' she begs and maybe it was due to how adorable she looked then or how bad you felt but you agree.
After Billie leaves, opting to make herself useful and clean some dishes and sort the kitchen, you decide to do some more pacing, trying to compose yourself. And in the meantime Cordelia had completely fallen apart, sharing every worry, every fear and every thought with her girlfriend. And Wilhemina listened intently, finally being the shoulder to cry on that she had always been for the blonde and said blonde finally allowing just that. And then as she finished, Wilhemina didn't really say all that much, as they share a silent understanding, Cordelia confessing how badly she had treated you, Wilhemina noticing herself how even she had a small play in it, not stopping this sooner and simply letting you carry this burden all alone despite noticing it a while ago. And composed and gentle as ever, she simply ask whether the blonde felt ready to talk to you, but Cordelia now in a clear state of mind again, asked for a little more time, which Wilhemina was more than happy to give.
Despite the echoing of a cane announcing the redheads presence in the kitchen moments later, Billie is so lost in her thoughts that she doesn't notice Wilhemina hovering nearby, chuckling lowly at the scene in front of her, Billie absentmindedly washing dishes, wearing some pink rubber gloves. ,,Let me guess, nails?'' Wilhemina questions, startling the medium as she simply nods, her cheeks glowing red even in the slightest bit. ,,How did it go?'' Billie asks nervously, before Wilhemina simply smiles ,,All fine darling, how did it go with our little one?'' and then the blonde averts her gaze, remembering your words. ,,Not so well'' she admits, sighing in frustration before filling the redhead in.
And so moments later, your peace is again interrupted when Wilhemina makes an appearance, simply scanning your features before exclaiming ,,Well that was quite the performance wasn't it?'' hoping this could coax you out of it. And as you turn around, thinking hard about what to reply, you see the concern and worry in her eyes, despite the slightest smirk playing on her lip, making you feel guilty how this had burdened both of them, despite it not being their fight to fight or their argument to solve. ,,Little one listen'' she begins, speaking so softly that you obey immediately. ,,I know you are angry and you have every reason to be'' her eyes meeting yours as she speaks ,,I agree Billie and I have played a part in this and we are sorry and so is Cordelia but you can't let this break you like this''. And there is something so painful about her words, the fact how really this evening you had been so alike Wilhemina and how she didn't judge you for it, how she was giving you advice. And to some it may seem hypocritical given the circumstances but you appreciated it so much and it touched you so deeply that it causes you to finally falter, similar to Cordelia moments before.
And despite wanting to stay strong and composed, like your Mina would mostly do, your face crumbles as tears forms in your eyes and in response you turn around, not wanting to be this pathetic and weak but your Mina is having none of that, quick to walk over to you and position herself right in front of you, so she can get a good look at you ,,Come here'' she ushers, pulling you closer and you fall apart then in her arms, similar to the way Cordelia had fallen apart moments before. And it really doesn't take long until your Mina has you smiling and chuckling again, as she whispers just how attractive your outburst really was and how she needed you to see Billie cleaning dishes with some rubber gloves. And so forgetting about it all for now, you follow your girlfriend, as she leads you to the kitchen where indeed the medium stands, still attempting to clean the dishes and not break her nails. And as you glance at Wilhemina, who simply stands composed and graceful as ever but giving you that one look, you can't help bursting out in laughter, Billie startled by your sudden appearance.
,,What's so funny?'' she asks, flipping her hair in a total unnecessary but adorable way. ,,You, silly Billie'' you chuckle before walking over to her and pressing a kiss to her cheeks, having to balance on your tip toes to do just that. And with a quick motion, you rid her of the rubber gloves, quickly finishing the last few dishes for her. Billie leans against the counter next to you, scanning your features and how you seem a lot calmer. And as your eyes meet hers, they plead for forgiveness and that she got caught in this and with a warm smile, the medium accepts your apology. The three of you feel a sense of calm settle over the quiet kitchen, however when Cordelia joins you three, the anxiety returns, unsure what was going to happen. As you meet Cordelia's gaze, you can tell Wilhemina had managed to calm her down enough to have a conversation about this, however you can sense that she was still agitated a little bit.
,,Are you here to shout at me again?'' the words practically blurt out of you as you finish cleaning the last few dishes, scolding yourself internally but still hurt at Cordelia's choice of words and actions lately. And Wilhemina's eyebrows raise then, giving you a disapproving glance as she internally thinks how alike you and the supreme truly were deep down. Billie's eyes travel between you and Cordelia, occasionally meeting Wilhemina's and pleading with her. ,,No god dammit'' the blonde suddenly begins, stomping her foot on the floor as a result of her frustration. ,,I came here to apologise'' she quickly adds, not being able to see you be upset with her, despite it being for all the right reasons. Before you can reply, Billie surprisingly steps forward, fighting back her own anxiety before speaking ,,Then stop acting like children, sit down and let's talk about it''. Her statement takes you three, especially Wilhemina by surprise who was about to say the same thing.
And so the next hour is spent in the dimly lit kitchen as the sun had set long ago, Cordelia apologising to you three, opening up about some of the things she had struggled with, apologising for taking you for granted and not seeing all of what you had been doing. You all listened intently, acknowledging that you also had a play in this, considering you could have stopped doing all those things, talk to your girlfriend more. And as the night slowly comes towards it's end, Billie leaning into her redhead girlfriend, snuggled up together on the sofa, leaning her head against Wilhemina's safe shoulders, she watches as you are back where you belong, in Cordelia's lap, listening intently to what had been bothering her, how she keeps apologising over and over again and that she never wants you to slip away from them and she watches as you look up at the blonde in that same adoring and loving way and so she knows that things were starting to look okay again.
,,Sweetheart, I promise I will fix this'' Cordelia promises as you meet her eyes, almost in a daze as you had missed being so close to your Delia. ,,You mean the world to me and us'' she promises as she presses a gentle kiss to your nose, causing you to giggle before further melting into her touch.
And for the weeks to follow, Cordelia made sure to balance out the workload, still accepting and grateful for your help but doing her fair share of it again, making sure to take things off your plate and there wasn't a night where she would spent it in her office again, the argument making her realise that her priority had always been you three and she for sure wasn't going to ever risk losing either of you again.
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Hey, btw, if you get frustrated by ooc spitefics where Ed and Stede's post-s2 bliss is shattered, might I interest you in a fic of mine that's a twist on the "inn is haunted" and "murder shack" spitefic tropes?
In this fic, the inn is haunted - by Ed's fear of himself and terror that he's unable to live a normal life. It's rated M, about 6k words so it's a pretty quick read, and it's got a very healing, loving ending as Ed learns to trust himself and trust in the safety they have.
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nonclassyparty · 10 months
man with the plan (j.wy) - chapter 1.
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Summary: "Don't forget Pretty, I'm serving life plus one. So if I get busted for attempted escape, I'll throw in a homicide in there as well with no problem, that’s like a parking ticket to me." When your brother ends up in jail for a murder he didn't commit, the only thing left for you to do is to find a way to break him out. But after a perfect plan is set in motion, you don't expect a romantic variable to get added into the equation.
Pairing: jung wooyoung x fem. reader, jeong yunho x reader (but if u squint)
Status: in progress
Word count: 6k
Warnings: blood, cursing, violence, men being well men!
Taglist: @tinyjuni @hazysan @atinytinaa @tenebrisirae @doggopepper @dazzlingstarrs @lavishloving @cherrypandora @silentcry329 @jeagerist-20 @myunvillage @manipulatedstars @bitteryu @maru-matt @bubbleteakittyy @joonsthethicc
A/N: hello everyone! welcome to the first chapter, before you start reading i just really wanted to say that some of the parts are kind of corny, i usually hate writing know-it-all characters finding it cringy most of the times so push through pleek lol as i said before in the prologue; this is inspired by prison break, a lot of the dialogue is taken from there as well as most of y/n's characterization so all credits go to them! i just wanted to write this bc i thought it would be a fun little thing and something that could include all of the members in more detail all while still remaining a wooyoung focused story! the story is set in 2005-ish btw! i hope you enjoy <3 -bree
my main masterlist // playlist // moodboard // ao3
prologue // masterlist // chapter 2
Chapter 1; I'm headed straight for the castle, they wanna make me their queen
It was weird to walk through the entrance designated for the employees instead of the visitors.
Your boss, Mrs. Ahn, was walking in front of you while Minho was following closely behind, looking over his shoulder like somebody was about to run across the empty yard, jump over the wired fence and shank him. He was always a little bit of a wimp.
It was barely past seven in the morning, the prisoners weren't allowed to be out of their cells yet so the empty yard covered in fog had a deeply eerie feeling to it. Just as the ride inside the hills where the compound was set. 
Trees, fog and silence all around.
"I hope they have good security around here." Minho mutters to you, hands stuffed inside the pockets of his coat as you neared the door to the building.
"Relax, Minho," You chuckle, as you slide through the door he holds open for you, "You'll be here for an hour tops."
"I'm saying for your sake, Y/N. I've still to see any women working in here." His voice is scolding and all you can do is chuckle again.
The inside of the building where the infirmary is conjoined with the warden's chambers and staff offices is a huge difference to the chilling October air and your cheeks immediately turn pink as they embrace the much needed warmth. 
You observe the yet unfamiliar halls that were empty as it was still early in the morning. Mrs. Ahn insisted that you left the office earlier than necessary, afraid that Minho would get lost somewhere between the hills and the deep forest that surrounded the compound.
"Oh, see." You nudge Minho, staring in the direction of the infirmary halls where a middle aged woman was walking around with a clipboard. You grin at him in triumph. "A woman."
You ignore the set of curious eyes from the same halls that you know follow behind you.
"Why you'd want to work here is beyond me." Mrs. Ahn comments with her arms crossed as she stares through the window, lips pursued as she observes the yard that was now filled out by the inmates, doing whatever they do in their free time.
"Someone has to do it." You look up at her from your place behind the desk with a small smile. Minho was outside, near the construction site negotiating with the workers that were supposed to drive over the materials in an hour.
"Y/N, you know very well what I mean." She harps at you, "With your qualifications and capabilities, something like this...supervising a construction site? In a prison no less? It's something JJ with half of his degree could do." She huffs when you just stubbornly stare at her without a word, "It's below you. Let's not even mention how potentially dangerous it could be, these people are animals."
You sigh, eyes falling to the blueprints of the new construction, what they're going to call the 'C-building' of the compound.
"You should be going to Tokyo with me. Working on skyscrapers and million dollar deals, not wasting time here."
"It's only a couple of months." You quietly muse, swallowing down your true thoughts, "I won't miss out on too much."
She stays quiet and for a long second, you start thinking she finally dropped it.
"I know it's because of your...." Mrs. Ahn starts trails off, voice laced in sympathy. When the thing with Jongho happened, she advised you to not exactly scream the fact that he's your brother from the rooftops. "But Y/N, you won't be able to talk to him any more than you could during visitations. What do you plan on gaining from this? I know he's your only family, I know how much he means to you but...if anything, aren't you only making it worse for yourself?"
"I don't plan on gaining anything from it." You chuckle softly, leaning back in your chair in defeat as you stare at her. "I'd just like to, I don't know, see what he's doing over the day? When he's in the yard, that is. I'm aware of the circumstances but this opportunity appeared and I just couldn't let it pass me up."
The double meaning to the words was a little inside joke that only you were in on so far.
She quiets down again, returning her attention to the view from the window.
"Supervising a construction site is a shitty job, just so you know. Especially as a woman. The construction workers won't be much better than the damn inmates, acting like they haven't seen a woman in years." She glances at you from the corner of her eyes, "They won't take you seriously, they'll try to intimidate you."
You grin at her, "I can handle them."
Her mouth perks up at the corners as she looks at you. "I know you can."
The little moment is interrupted by Minho walking into the room and observing it in obvious disdain.
The office you've been given is not bigger than a storage room, located on the third floor with nothing more than a bookshelf, desk and an old worn out chair. It's stuffy and the walls are old, probably collecting mold in the corners. 
Much different that your modern and spacious office back in Seoul.
"Well, it's definitely something..." Minho trails off, glancing at you and you have to let out a laugh at his obvious attempt to not offend you. Even Mrs. Ahn chuckles.
"Are you done out there?" She asks him and he nods quickly, collecting his briefcase from the chair in front of your desk that he left it on.
"All done. The materials arrived, half of the workers are here and the other half is arriving in the afternoon. Something about a limited amount of workers being allowed during yard time." Minho explains, fixing the scarf around his neck before sighing.
"We should get going then." Mrs. Ahn says, looking at you with the same scolding look again and all you do is give her a small tight-lipped smile.
"I'll walk you guys out." You pitch in, standing up to pull your coat on.
The halls are already more lively than when you walked in this morning, two officers are conversing by the door and they nod at you three in passing. You give them a smile.
The air is still cold outside, only it's not as quiet this time around. Yells and curses from the basketball court echo through the area from one side along with the construction workers moving the beams off of the trucks from the other.
Minho turns to you and with another sigh, throws his arms around you. You let out a giggle in his embrace as he mutters, "Please, for the love of God, be careful in here."
"You're so dramatic." You say as you pull away, taking a step back. "I'll be fine. Keep my office warm while I'm gone."
"Of course." He nods. 
You give Mrs. Ahn a small wave and she only nods in response before you watching them both walk away through the tall gate that swiftly shuts behind them.
Now, you're on your own.
On instinct, your head immediately turns to the yard not even forty meters away from the building your office is in. A tall, steel wire surrounds the enormous grass surface, small basketball court is set near the middle of one wall that the wire makes, benches are spread across the yard generously, most of them occupied.
You hear someone whistle at you but you pay them no attention, mind set on finding a specific someone. 
Your brother isn't in there, you wonder where the fuck is he but for right now, Jongho isn't the one you're looking for.
Most of the convicts in the yard are separated into small groups, gangs, and the blue uniforms aren't a help to making a distinction between them by any means. 
Until you spot a certain messy black and white head of hair sitting on the highest bench with six other men surrounding him like a kingpin.
You sniffle, nose starting to run from the cold before turning around and heading to the construction site on the opposite end of the compound, far away from the yard or the A and B buildings where the original prison cells were located.
"Good morning." You greet the group of men, shuffling around the site with tools and materials. You get a couple of murmurs of greetings in return.
You glance at the two guards sticking near the site, in case something happens, that's what the warden said as you've been told.
That's how the morning passes, they work and you do what you're supposed to; you supervise.
Mrs. Ahn was right, these men don't take you seriously. They snicker at every suggestion you make, ogle at you when they think you aren't looking and get way too close when they need to speak to you.
 You could use it to your advantage, play the pretty ditz skipping around the site on the daily. Would surely make your job easier.
It's just that if there's one thing you hate more than your brother getting falsely accused of murder and you having to devise a detailed plan on breaking him out of prison; it's people underestimating you.
"Can someone hand me that trowel over there?!" A guy crouching a few feet away from you shouts over his shoulder, your lips quirk up as you quickly jump to your feet. Finally! 
"Here." You hand him the trowel and he glances at you before taking it. You cock your head. "Is everything okay?"
"This whole thing is about to tip over, I need to stabilize it." He speaks loudly, smacking on some more mortar to the brick.
"Maybe if you listened to me when I told you-"
"How about you let me do my job, sweetheart?" He scoffs and another guy a couple of feet away snickers.
You pursue your lips, swallowing down the annoyance before shrugging. 
"Fine, when it starts caving in because it's not attached to the foundation properly and inevitably causes problems for the water and heat isolation which in turn can cause a serious line of health issues, you and your buddy over there can laugh in court over it since you'll be listed as one of the people responsible for it." You lean closer to him, "Because I'll remember your fucking name, Mr. Kim Seojoon."
He stiffens, looking over his shoulder again to meet your gaze. His eyes shoot up to something behind your shoulder before he looks back to you and then towards the very obviously shit job he's done in the past three hours he's been here.
"Tear it down and start again." You spit out before straightening out.
When he notices that you're not moving from your spot of hovering over his shoulders, Kim Seojoon, starts tearing down whatever mess he managed to slap up. You hum in content before turning around on your heels to walk away.
"You'll have to forgive my boys." A voice stops you in your tracks and you turn your head to the left to come face to face to a man that looks to be in his mid-fifties, seemingly the oldest one out of the bunch and by the blueprints stacked in his arms, the boss around here. "They're not used to taking orders from anyone that looks quite like you or is as young as you. They probably expected a drunkard to be supervising in a place like this."
You shrug, "Well, unfortunately for them, they got me."
He laughs, mustache stretching over his top lip. "I'll make sure he fixes it."
"Thank you, Mr...?"
"Cho Hayoon, miss." He holds out a rough hand to you and you gracefully accept it.
"I'm Y/N." You say with a small smile before dropping his hand. "I'll leave you to your work then, Mr. Cho."
He gives you a nod in return and you attempt to move away before something glistening in the ground makes you stop in your tracks.
"What's this?" You mutter, kneeling down and curling your hand around the piece of tin stuck in the ground hard enough until it breaks through the skin of your palm and you jerk your hand away with a yelp. "Shit!"
"Are you okay?" You look up to see one of the officers walk closer towards you.
"Yeah, I, uh, I cut myself on this piece of trash." You spit out staring down the tin stuck into the ground as you show him the gash on your palm where blood already started trickling down.
He looks down at it before turning his attention to you, "You should probably get that checked out at the infirmary." Your heart skips a beat. "Wouldn't want you to bleed out, huh?"
You bite your lip, "You're sure I'm allowed to use it? Isn't it just for prisoners?"
He smiles at you, looking a good ten years your senior, "Of course, you're allowed to use it."
You look towards the entrance of the building where you know the infirmary is before hesitating. He notices it, smile growing bigger. Nothing like a guy that loves playing hero.
"You scared to go alone? There's no inmates there at this time of day."
"I just, uh, would you mind taking me there? I'm not sure I even know where the infirmary is. Wouldn't want to get lost, y'know?" You ask, lips quirking up gently as you look up at him.
He smiled so big someone else would've thought you ripped open your shirt and showed him your tits.
"Of course, this way." He motions in the direction of the infirmary before you both start walking.
You hold back a smirk.
Everyone loves a damsel in distress.
"Doc, I got a patient for you!" The officer, Eunwoo is his name (you learned that because he made sure to slip it in a few times in the one minute walk to the infirmary), calls out knocking on the door of the small infirmary.
"Send him in!" A voice is heard from the other side and the guard chuckles sparing you another overly friendly glance before pulling the door open. 
"It's actually a her." The officer, Eunchae-whatever the fuck, comments as he walks in with you following.
The doctor looks confused doing a quick glance before it turns in a double glance when he spots you by the door.
Your blood is simmering below your skin as you take him in. 
A good four inches taller than you, dressed in scrubs and a white coat with a stethoscope hanging under the collar of it. It's him. The most important key to a ticket out of here with your brother's name labeled on it.
"What happened?" His voice is raspier than you would've imagined as he motions for you to sit on the chair next to his desk.
The officer opens his mouth but you're quicker, showing him your bloody hand, "Accident at the construction site." 
You tell him quietly, voice almost shy.
He glances at your face before nodding taking your hand into his hold as he removes the tissues you've clumsily wrapped around the wound.
His hands are warm, slightly calloused but nice looking. Long fingers with neatly trimmed nails. And there was always something attractive about a man with visible veins running up his hands. Hm!
"Uh, miss," The guard coughs but neither you nor the handsome doctor seem to pay much attention to him. "You want me to stay with yo-"
"No." You interrupt without even a second glance at him, eyes not moving from the doctor's concentrated face.
The officer looks like he wants to say more, a little peeved that all your attention was occupied by the young doctor but he doesn't instead he awkwardly turns around and leaves you two alone, closing the door shut behind himself.
Thank you Eunwoo but you've served your purpose.
"Need to clean this, to make sure nothing got inside the wound or you'll be in trouble." The doctor says, voice still raspy, still pleasant as his hands gently work on your wound.
You only hum in response, eyes starting to roam around the room. Observing the big windows along with the metal bars laid over them, then the square water drainage under the sink to your right and lastly, they fall back to the doctor's face.
You've spent a lot of time digging out information about him. 
You've seen his senior photos, high school graduation photos, photos of ceremonies and galas he's attended with his father, photos from his own charity work that gets plastered all over the newspaper because charity work is just that special when he's the one doing it.
And you have to admit, none of the photos do him justice.
His hair is longer now, black and covering the nape of his neck. He has piercings up both ears, shiny jewelry dangling off of them. Honey-like skin without any visible blemishes, cute nose and full lips that seem chapped from the cold. 
You never noticed the mole below his eye and a matching one on his bottom lip in the photos. They give his face even more charm.
He was gorgeous.
"Tattoo looks fresh." His voice interrupts you from inner musings and it's then that you notice his dark eyes trailing the lines on your right arm which was left bare once you rolled up the sleeve of your shirt up to your elbow.
You suck in a sharp breath before giving him a small, soft smile. Here goes nothing.
"Sorry about this, the last thing I want to do is be an inconvenience but...there was a lot of blood." You chuckle breathlessly which causes him to look up at you with his lips curled up in a small smile. "Thank you for doing this."
"No worries, it's quite literally my job." It's his time to chuckle, smile growing wider as he presses a cotton pad soaked in something to the gash that ran across your palm and fuck, he had a pretty smile. 
"You seemed like you were busy..."
"Nah," He shakes his head, eyes rooted on the wound, "Was just going over patient records. It's fine, I treat the staff here sometimes."
You pursue your lips, eyes drawn to his face again. "I'm Y/N, by the way."
He nods, brows jumping up a little as he picks up his head, like he's already aware of who you are. "The new supervisor for the construction site, I've heard."
"And you are?" You ask, a flirty smile blooming across your features as you look at him through your lashes.
"Doctor Jung Wooyoung." He holds your gaze a millisecond longer which is all you needed.
"Jung like the governor?" You ask, heart soaring in thrill when you feel his hands still on your own. You can't help yourself. "You have the same last name as the governor, you sort of look like him as well."
He, Wooyoung, stays quiet and opts to work on your wound instead.
You cock your head to the side, "You're not related, are you?"
Again, silence.
You let out a small hum, mouth curling as you look at the dirty tissues pilling up on the desk in front of you.
"Wouldn't think you'd find the son of frontier justice Jung Myungdae working in a prison." You comment in an almost taunting voice, rich boys who pretended like they cared about the lower classes and were different than their snobby peers always being a little bit of a joke to you, before turning your attention back to him. "As a doctor no less."
You can hear him let out a sharp breath, head picking up to look at you as a fleeting look of being uncomfortable washes over his face.
"I believe in being a part of the solution, not the problem." Doctor Jung says decidedly and you hum again, eyes falling to the way he gently holds the back of your hand with one hand while he holds the gauze with another.
"Be the change that you want to see in the world." You recite with a nod, still staring at the wound on your palm but noticing the way the comment seemed to strike him. You look at him, not being able to contain the smile on your face when you catch him staring at you. "What?"
He shakes his head, lips pursued like he's holding back a smile. "Nothing. That was just my senior quote."
I know, I had your senior photos glued to my window.
You raise your brows in playful disbelief. "That was you? This whole time I was thinking it was Ghandi."
That gets a laugh out of him. It's a nice sound, slightly higher in pitch but sort of endearing.
"Funny." He comments sparing you another smile and going back to wrapping the gauze around your palm.
Once he's done, you let your bandaged up hand lay on your lap as you watch him stand up.
"Sit tight, I'll get you some painkillers because that's bound to hurt for the next couple of hours." He says before leaving you alone in the room. 
Once he's out of your sight, you pull out a small origami dove out of the pocket of your pants and quickly walk over to kneel down next to the sink, slipping it through the slats of the grate for the water drainage before returning to your place.
Half a minute later, Doctor Jung reenters the room with a glass of water in one hand and painkillers in the other.
"Here you go." He hands them to you and you down them obediently before giving him a grateful look.
"Thank you again for this." You sigh, standing up from the chair and running your healthy hand through your hair before smiling, "Hope I didn't take too much of your time."
"I already told you it's not a problem." He responds with a smile of his own, eyes feeling unusually pleasant on you.
"Well, I'll let you go back to your patient records, then." You say, inching closer to the door.
"If you need anything else, feel free to drop by." Doctor Jung's voice softly calls after you and it makes you pause in your steps as you turn to look at him over your shoulder.
"Then I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other then." You boldly tell him, enjoying the way he obviously tries to bite back a grin.
"Guess so." He responds, eyes boring into your own.
With one last smile, you disappear through the door and head up the stairs leading to your shitty office.
You will be just perfect, Jung Wooyoung.
You stare at the writing tattooed on the inner part of your lower right arm, fingers anxiously tapping against the hard surface of your office desk before a knock causes you to lower the sleeve of your shirt as your head snaps to the door.
"Come in."
"Miss, the warden would like to see you." The warden's assistant, Soojin gives you a kind smile which you return, standing up and quickly straightening your outfit before following her through the door and down the hallway.
The section with the offices for administration (and now, you) was on the third floor of the infirmary building and almost completely protected from any spaces where convicts might roam around by locked bars placed on the halls going after the staircases.
And while your office was shitty, the warden's was definitely not. 
You observe the spacious room and the big oak table the older man sits behind as he smiles at you invitingly and offers you a seat.
"Did you settle in accordingly, miss L/N?" The warden asks and you nod comfortably.
"Yes, sir. I plan on being very diligent and making sure everyone does a good job."
"Good, good." He nods his head before a look of hesitation crosses his face that immediately causes your nerves to flare up. "This might seem extremely unprofessional and definitely out of character for me as I don't do it often but I'm in need of a little help, you're a structural engineer, correct?"
You tilt your head to the side, brows furrowing, "Yes, sir."
He clears his throat, pushing his chair back to stand up. "Follow me."
You follow the older man as he walks across his face to the door on the opposite wall of the entrance which you've mistaken for a closet so far. He motions for you to enter first and you do, your mouth can't help but part in slight awe.
You stare at the model of the Taj Mahal propped up on a huge table in the middle of the spacious room connected to the warden's office, surrounded by windows from one side entirely, the light seeps through the model beautifully and you admire it quietly.
"Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal as a monument to his undying love for his wife. My wife is quite fond of the story. It appeals to the romantic side of her." He smiles at you, "Being married to someone on corrections, it's a terrible job, wouldn't wish it on anybody. And yet, in thirty-nine years my wife has never complained and the worst part is I've never thanked her. So because I couldn't say it I thought, you know, I could build it. In January, it's our fortieth anniversary. Well here, look." The warden bends down to look into the base of the structure and you copy his movements, peering inside.
 "The problem is, I build anymore and it's all going to come down like a house of cards. That's where I was hoping you could be of assistance. Obviously, it would be a favor for a favor. I don't know what you would need, new furniture for your office? New heater? I know everything in there is rusty..." He trails off, eyes glinting with pleads.
It felt like Christmas came a month earlier to you.
"Actually, I have something else in mind."
"What? What is it?" He shakes his head, urging you to speak.
"You see your eight wonder of the world might collapse since the stress isn't propagated properly." You inform him with an innocent smile as the warden frowns.
"Propagated properly?"
You nod. "Propagated properly.  The joints are overloaded. They won't provide anywhere near the strength the completed structure will need."
The older man looks at you in mild concern before turning to the model, something he very obviously placed a lot of effort into. "How much work are we talking about?"
"When did you say you need it to be done? January?" You ask, circling around the model again. The warden lets out a small 'yes' and you hum, "Then we better get started then, I'll help you out for an hour every day."
The warden's face lights up in relief and you have to hide the shakiness in your voice as you continue. You clear your throat; "In return, I'd like to be approved weekly visitations to my brother."
The smile on his face freezes for a moment before melting away completely and getting replaced by a deep frown.
"Your brother?"
You gulp down the nerves and wipe your clammy hands on the back of your pants, nodding, "My brother, Choi Jongho."
"Choi Jongho is your brother?!" The warden asks, voice laced with utter disbelief and your eyes fall immediately to the carpeted floor. "How the hell was I not aware of this?"
"I took my mother's last name after I graduated from college." You offer quietly, mustering up the balls to look at the man in the eyes, "It's not like I was hiding it or anything but...it never came up. I didn't exactly learn when was the right moment to say that my brother was one of the inmates in the jail where I'd be sent to supervise the construction site."
"You know you're not allowed visitations if you're a staff member, right?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest as he gives you a strict look.
"I know but... I'm not a permanent staff member." Your voice drops in volume as your eyes start to burn, "And I'd really just like to see him once a week just like everybody else is allowed. He's my only family, sir."
The warden's eyes soften once he catches sight of your eyes glistening with tears. 
Your nails dig into the wound on your palm.
He opens and closes his mouth a couple of times before sighing, then he starts pacing up and down the length of the room which might be a good indicator that he's actually considering it. 
You dig your nails harder into the wound and the first tear drops, you sniffle.
"The reason I took this job was...I felt like I'd be a little bit closer to him for a short period of time. He's my older brother, he took care of me when no-one else did," You sniffle again, feeling a nail punch through the thick gauze of the gash on your palm. Another tear. "I thought, just being able to look at see him through the window when he plays basketball would be nice but then they told me I wasn't allowed visitations and by then, it was to late to change my mind."
You discover that Chungju Detention Center's warden hated seeing young girls cry.
"That's all you ask for? Nothing else?" He breaks the silence after a long moment of consideration, "Wouldn't a new heater for your office be better, it gets cold during the winters here."
You quickly shake your head, "J-just visitations to my brother."
He's quiet again before he finally lets out a deep sigh.
"Alright but it can't be longer than ten minutes, do you hear?" He asks and you nod, eyes growing in size as your head snaps up to look at him. "And the moment I hear about any funny business, it's over. Do you understand me?"
"Absolutely," You nod with innocent, big eyes. The tears miraculously stopping their flow all of a sudden. "No funny business."
He observes you for a second longer before finally allowing you to leave his quarters.
You let out a big exhale on your way out, staring at the blood that managed to run through the gauze on your palm.
You were trouble.
That's all the conclusion Wooyoung could come to as he stared at you, leaning against the doorframe of the infirmary with your bag slung over your shoulder, coat folded over your arm and a smile on your face that made his head spin.
"Hey." You greet him, voice mellow and sounding lightly tired as you lean your head against the frame as well.
"Hey," Play it cool, you're a grown man. "How was the first day?"
"It was good, a little unexpectedly boring almost." You answer him with a smirk and he clears his throat before he started staring at your full lips without the option of looking away being in his books apparently and inevitably got caught.
"What did you expect?" Wooyoung lets out a light laugh, crossing his arms over his chest as he sits at the corner of his messy desk. "Shootouts  and heads getting bashed in all day long?"
You giggle, pearly white teeth on full display as you nod, "I was expecting a lot more yelling and screaming at least."
"Hey, we have some quiet times in here as well. Give it a day or two, though."
You chuckle again before shaking your head, hand coming up to brush your hair from your face and in the meantime, showing off the tattoo you had on your other arm as well.
And as Wooyoung was a red-blooded healthy male, of course, his mind started wandering on just how far the tattoos went.
God, you are trouble, you are so much fucking trouble.
He should've been kind of pissed off at you when you brought up his father but...how the hell could he be?
He saw the way the other guards stared at you, how the one who walked you into the infirmary this morning was almost salivating with his eyes glued to you and just how much Wooyoung's ego skyrocketed when you told the guard he can fuck off because he was there now. He obviously wasn't the only one affected here!
With your pants that hugged your waist and thighs perfectly, the shirt that accentuated your cleavage and it's two intentionally popped open buttons , the thin necklace decorating your collarbones, the tattoos (God, the tattoos), long hair that smelled like vanilla to whoever got close enough, a smile that definitely knew of its effect on other people and eyes that seemed like nothing ever phased them.
Wooyoung liked trouble sooooo much.
"I wanted to, um, ask for a favor." Your soft voice interrupts his current train of thoughts and he raised his brows in question.
"I, uh, I'm a Type 1 Diabetic." You tell him, straightening out your posture in a way that tells Wooyoung that you might be nervous for some reason. You give him an awkward chuckle which he finds kind of cute. "And I'd get my daily shots at a doctor's office on my way to and from work every day since my own office was close by."
"Mhm..." He tilts his head in curiosity. He wonders where you used to work, did you drive a car? Wooyoung used to work in the center of Seoul as well! Did you two ever ride the same train downtown? 
"And that's no longer an option anymore since, well, I have to be here every morning so I have to leave, like, an hour earlier at least." You bite your lip, pretty eyes meeting his own, "I was wondering if you'd be able to do it here? Obviously, I don't want to impose on your schedule or anything, I understand if you can't but I thought it might be worth trying. I'd bring my own shots, wouldn't want to steal government resources y'know...heh..."
He notices how you always speak like you're an inconvenience when you need help.
Wooyoung bites back a smile as he watches you ramble before finally finding the heart to interrupt you, "Alright."
Your lips part at that, "You will?"
"Yes," He chuckles, "It's not a big deal, it takes, like, two minutes tops so..."
"Okay, great." You sigh in relief, playing with the bandages on your hand before nodding again. "Thank you. For this and...today, as well."
"It's my job." He's quick to respond out of habit by now, God, he's been out of the game a little too long now. There were, like, five different lines he could've dropped there. He forgot how to flirt.
Or maybe flirting with you seems a bit terrifying if he was honest.
"Right." You chuckle, fixing your bag on your shoulder before smiling at him one last time, "Well, have a good night."
Wooyoung nods, almost a little disappointed that you're leaving already. "You too."
Jongho might understand why Jisung decided to wrap that sheet attached to the pipe around his neck and jump from the staircase.
In fact, if he had to listen to this dude, Coin or whatever the fuck, talk about his girlfriend Lim Jiyeon, class 2001 of some damn beauty school in Gangnam with auburn colored hair and perfectly applied lip gloss for one second longer, Jongho just might do the same thing as Jisung.
He was serving a life sentence for something he didn't do, that should be a punishment enough. He already knew there was nothing else to do except to serve time here, nobody else will serve it for him.
But, holy fuck, his new cellmate who invited himself to the seat next to him on this bench, could not keep his mouth shut for a second and Jongho really didn't need this so early in the morning.
"Woah, who's that?" Coin whistles, following someone with his eyes like the sun was shining out of their ass.
"Who?" Jongho mumbles in question not even bothering to turn to the direction his new cellmate was salivating in, thinking it was probably just another stupidity that managed to catch Coin's attention. There's not much to do here, after all...
"That woman." Coin nudges him. Typical, all those woes about his dear girlfriend forgotten at the first sight of another woman. Jongho rolls his eyes, taking a quick glance to where the other man was pointing before turning back around again.
Then he freezes.
Jongho's head whips around in the same direction again, the familiar checkered coat and same hair length making him blink to see if he finally went insane in here.
The walk was the same as well.
His legs, with a mind of his own, started swiftly moving across the yard with Coin yelling something behind him but Jongho ignored it, his only goal to get to that fence even if he had to shovel through the inmates.
"Y/N?" He mumbles to himself, watching the woman move across the gravel, long hair carried to the side by the cold wind. And as if she heard him, she slows down with her steps, turning her head in his direction...
Jongho feels like his heart stopped.
"Y/N?" He asks, this time a bit louder because holy fuck, that's his little sister's face. It's her. It's you!
You don't stop to talk to him, you don't say anything back but Jongho, sure as hell, didn't hallucinate the smile that you throw his way as you continue up the gravel to the building leading to the infirmary.
"You know her?" Coin's deep voice makes him jump in his place, Jongho didn't even notice that the older male was standing right next to him by now.
"Yeah." Jongho whispers, words getting stuck in his throat as he finds it hard to swallow.
"Bro, are you okay?" Coin questions, confused by the way Jongho stared at the building you just disappeared into.
"That's my sister."
And she's definitely up to no good.
91 notes · View notes
azurelyy · 2 years
ok, i saw your event and read through the prompts and as soon as i saw that last one in the smut list, i immediately thought of kiba, lmao.
so #20 for kiba with a f!reader? would that be something you're willing to do? ^-^
congrats on 100, btw!! super happy for you 💛
Manda! Thank you so much for the request, my love. Lowkey, I was hoping someone would choose Kiba or Koga for this prompt and I'm glad it was you. It really is perfect for him! 🖤
This is my first Kiba story, and I'm posting it for the Queen of Kibs... so I am a bit nervous. Thank you for trusting me with him and I hope you enjoy!
By the way... I realize these keep getting longer and longer and I am sorry for that lol. I promise I am doing my best to keep them around 2k words, but I am obviously not good at keeping things brief. I even trimmed a lot of this story out and rewrote it down from 6k... my bad.
🍋 Prompt: "I didn't say I wanted an apology, did I? I said 'Bite me again.'"
Words: 4.5k
Warnings: NSFW, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, college AU/modern AU, fratboy! Kiba, mentions of alcohol, mouth fingering, teasing
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You were about five degrees away from murdering Ino. You circled around the frat house for what felt like the fifth time, scanning every inch of the crowd for your best friend’s signature high, platinum blonde ponytail. Nothing. Again. You sighed and hung your head in defeat as you slumped against the wall.
Instant and immediate regret hit you like a truck as your palms grew sweaty and you observed the utter chaos that surrounded you. There was a slip and slide inside the living room, with various frat boys in their boxers taking turns and screaming, dumping beverages from their cups onto the guys as they slid by, chanting what you assumed was some sort of frat code that may as well have been in total Neanderthal. The smell of cheap booze and even cheaper cologne filled your nose and every surface was coated in a sticky, thin film of liquor. It was exactly as you imagined a frat party to be - bustling with sweaty college students, laser lights, and pounding music - it was awful.
Sure, I’ll go to a frat party with you. You mocked yourself as you walked back towards where you thought the kitchen was. You had circled the house enough that you hoped you’d memorized the lay out by now, but you couldn’t be sure since the only lights were strobbing so madly you nearly had a seizure. Definitely don’t have a million other things I’d rather be doing, or anything.
You checked your watch: 10:30pm. Did you even need to keep your promise to stay until midnight if Ino wasn’t even here with you? You huffed and walked towards a window, seeing a smaller group of party guests outside circling around a brunette in a leather jacket and black combat boots, shotgunning a beer. You watched, amused, as he finished the can and crushed it into his strong hand, tossing it to the wayside as another can was thrown at him. He proceeded to down three more beers, back to back. You shook your head and turned away - you wouldn’t be surprised if that idiot was the one to end up in the hospital due to alcohol poisoning.
Frat boys.
You scoffed as you realized that Ino was completely gone and walked towards the drink bar in anger, filling up a red solo cup with an unknown liquid, removing your sucker momentarily, and chugged- trying your best to ignore the chants of ‘chug, chug, chug!’ from around you - the alcohol burned your throat as you filled your cup again and glanced around the kitchen a final time. You sighed, rolling your eyes, and stepped outside for some much needed fresh air.
The party out here was much less chaotic, and you decided to take a seat on one of the lounge chairs by the pool as you watched a different boy join the middle of the circle and try to chug down a beer; a tall guy with light brown hair and purple face paint. He wasn’t nearly as good as the last guy, and gave up after only one and a half beers. The group all booed him, loud laughter seeping over the faint music, as you smirked and observed the back of the leather jacket guy. 
You could tell he was hot, even without seeing his face. His back muscles rippled delectably in his jacket; his strong forearms emphasized by the tight leather. He reminded you a lot of the guy you had been hooking up with all summer. He was just very... Kiba, with the way he effortlessly exuded an alluring energy, or the way he carried himself, all high and mighty like he owned the place. Deadly, focused; a strange wolf-like aura that let you know he had to be the leader everywhere he went. He even had the same messy, chestnut hair. You, briefly, pondered what it would be like if he crushed you in his big arms and immediately shook your head, looking towards the sky, embarrassed by your lewd thoughts. 
He’s in a frat. He’s in a frat. You thought, repeating it to yourself as if that would somehow make him less sexy. Frat guys suck. Frat guys suck.
“Hey,” a deep voice lulled, curtaining around you like a protective barrier. Your muscles stiffened as a stroke of familiarity washed over you and you slowly brought your gaze up. “Fancy meeting you here.” 
You locked onto eyes of liquid gold, slowly burning their way along your entire face before focusing on your lips. He had red triangles painted on his cheeks, and the kind of electric smile that could power a whole city. Your heart pounded inside your chest as realization crashed into you and your fingers slipped around the cup, nearly dropping it. Your cute sucker toppled from your lips and crashed to the cold concrete, shattering into a sea of translucent red shards. “K-Kiba?”
He grinned, showing off his perfect teeth in the light of the pool. Every inch of your body was set on fire as he slowly said your name, emphasizing each vowel as though he’d never tasted something quite so sweet and he leaned down to be at eye level with you. His rich amber and cedarwood cologne was slightly spicy and aromatic, cutting through the sharp smells of booze, as he firmly placed his hand onto your knee and continued chatting about something. His voice sounded as though it were miles away and you had to close your eyes to try and steady your heart as a strong hand reached out and cupped your cheek, guiding your soul back to your body.
“Hey, are you alright?” Kiba asked, concern laced in his tone. “This juice is really strong, so maybe you should take it easy.” He gripped onto the cup and guided it from your hand to set down next to the broken candy-coated shards of sugar from your sucker. His breath was tinted with the tang of alcohol, his face so close to you that you could practically feel the way his lips would meld onto yours if you just leaned in a bit more.
“Sorry,” you breathed, clenching your fists onto your thighs as you continued gazing at his cupid's bow. “I-I zoned out.”
“Are you feeling okay?” Kiba questioned, placing the back of his hand to your forehead. “You feel hot. And your hands are shaking.”
Yeah, because your face is inches away from mine and I want to rip your clothes off. “I’m fine,” you responded coolly, waving your hand dismissively, “Just… surprised to see you… here.”
Kiba laughed and stood up, extending you his hand. “I live here. I should be the one surprised to see you.” You took his hand and he immediately wrapped his strong arm around your waist, leaning his head down so he could whisper into your ear. “Wanna have our reunion somewhere more… private?”
Surprisingly, even after chugging three or more beers, Kiba’s speech was only slightly slurred. You nodded, unable to speak, and he gave you a wicked grin as his arm around you tightened, sealing your fate.
He led you back into the house, guiding you through the maze of people and up the sticky staircase. It coated the bottom of your high heels with unknown liquids, each step nearly tripping you due to the extra force required to pull yourself free. Kiba’s hand was your anchor as he safely brought you upstairs, his calloused fingers intertwined with yours like a comforting blanket. He turned to face you when finally reached the top with a look of concern, glancing between your eyes and your lips. 
“I’m fine, really,” you assured him, poking the tip of his nose, “I think you’re more drunk than me, Mr. Shotgun.”
He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and you saw his face tint a beautiful shade of rose as he averted his warm eyes from you. “Good,” he gulped and reached for his jacket pocket, pulling out a small key, “I mean… I’m glad you’re feeling alright.”
Kiba’s hands were shaking profusely as he unlocked his door and allowed you go inside, quickly scanning the area before closing you in; trapping you with the beast. The room was a decent size, with two twin sized beds on either wall. One side was much messier, but you wouldn’t label either as tidy, per se. He looked back at you briefly as you stood in the middle of the room, uncertain of what to do. What you wanted to do was pounce on him, or have him push you onto one of the beds and rip your dress off. You heard his belt buckle jingle and felt heat sear its way up your neck as Kiba looped his belt around the doorknob and a standing lamp, securing it in place with a tight knot. 
“My roommate has the other key,” he said casually, “And um… That was a weird thing to do, wasn’t it? I can take it off.”
“Kiba,” you said slowly, feeling pinpricks in every nerve of your body, “Leave it that way.”
His gaze lifted from the floor and he looked right into your soul. You were breathtaking. Kiba briefly reflected on the beach trip he took with his family that summer and the way he had been instantly drawn to you. Saying goodbye was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do, and he cursed himself throughout the entire rest of the summer for not getting your number; now here you were. In his room. Alone. Well, despite the raging party just outside of the door. 
He sauntered over to you, slowly, as though he were scared you would run away. Your heart was beating rapidly as he pulled you towards him - his magnetic force stronger than gravity itself - his arms enveloped around your waist as you left yours at your sides. You watched his sharp eyes darken as he stood a few inches away, slowly leaning his head down to rest on your forehead. 
“Kiba,” you whispered, gripping onto the edge of his leather jacket, the metal zipper almost icy against your seething skin. “I can’t believe it’s you.”
A growl rumbled from his chest as he pushed his lips onto yours ferociously. The kiss was animalistic, your teeth clicking against his as he sucked your tongue into his mouth and gripped onto your ass. You jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist as you tasted the yeasty beer on his breath. It was musky and warm, almost inviting. The wall hit your back with a powerful force as Kiba moaned into the kiss and your hands gripped into his spiky brown hair. There were flames in your lungs as you helped Kiba pull your dress off, exposing your lacy set to him fully and he trailed his mouth down your jaw as he worked his free hand over your already hard nipple through the fabric. 
“I never stopped thinking about you,” Kiba rasped as he sucked at your neck, the familiar heat of a forming bruise rushing where his lips met your skin. You closed your eyes tightly as powerful energy surged its way through your veins and Kiba continued assaulting you with his mouth. “You look so fucking hot.”
He pulled back and smirked as he carried you to a small bed, placing you down gently and continuing to kiss every inch of your exposed skin as you kicked your heels off, slowly working his way to your throbbing cunt. His hands easily removed your panties and he hovered his mouth above your entrance teasingly, blowing cool air over your hot folds as you gripped tightly onto the dark bedsheets. 
“Kiba, wait,” you cried, grasping at his hair. He looked up at you and crawled back over your body, planting a quick kiss to your cheek. “What if someone comes in?”
He kissed your cheek again, then your nose, then your lips. Every sweet touch of his lips caused warmth to flood through your veins, igniting you in a hearthlike heat that you hadn’t felt since the last time the two of you met. “That’s what the belt’s for,” he said thickly, wrapping his arm around your back and unhooking your bra expertly. “Remember?”
You leaned forward and kissed down his neck, enjoying the way his muscles inadvertently twitched at the little caresses you laid across his body. As he removed your bra and rubbed a calloused finger around your areola, a boiling pressure formed deep within your stomach and you bit his shoulder, hard. You felt your fangs sink into his flesh and you pulled back, your face flushed with arousal and embarrassment, but Kiba’s fine mouth was formed into a toothy grin and he was saying something that you couldn’t understand.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. You’re bleeding.” You were writhing beneath him, trying to get him off so you could help him with the wound. He grabbed your wrists in one hand and looked at you so intensely that you were afraid of what he would do if you looked away. Every part of your brain shut off as he groaned, “I didn’t say I wanted an apology, did I?” He leaned forward, pushing two strong fingers into your mouth. “I said ‘Bite me again’.”
His knuckles hung from your lips as he moved his hot mouth to your chest and sucked a nipple between his lips, toying with your breasts until you were breathless and straining. You did as he commanded and bit his fingers each time he nibbled your puffy peaks, whining and squealing as he teased you with the barest touch of his rough tongue and tugged at your other nipple with his free hand.
What happened next was unexpected.
Instead of teasing you more, or kissing you, or making some smart-ass comment, Kiba pulled back and stood above you, slowly removing every article of his clothing and tossing it to the floor. Instead of telling you to move, he watched you with an unreadable expression. Not for the first time, you were awestruck by just how sexy he was - in the most primal way, as he removed his briefs and his thick cock sprung forward and bounced off the abs of his lower-stomach. Short, curly brown hairs surrounded his length around the base and trailed up to his belly button, his rosy tip already glistening with precum. Fuck, you wanted his cock in your mouth and in your cunt.
You imagined yourself from his perspective - your hair all askew, your skin glowing in the light of the singular lamp as dark shadows enveloped your curves, the way your eyes were blown out from lust and want - and you knew that, to him, you probably felt like a ghost who had been resurrected to the land of the living, something familiar yet new to him.
You smirked as you lifted your arms above your head and stretched. “If you need a reminder, I’d be happy to point you in the right direction.” You teased, lowering your voice into that husky tone you used with him all summer.
“I know what I want to do, sweetheart,” Kiba breathed, “I just want to look at you for a sec.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks as you reached out to him. “Come on, Kiba.” Your voice wasn’t much louder than a whisper. “Please. Want you inside me.”
He faltered and you saw his fingers twitch as he glanced to the drawer of his nightstand and you shook your head at him, reaching your hand out to him even further, stretching your arm so far it hurt. “Did you forget everything about fucking me? I’m on the pill.”
He made a broken noise and fell to his knees on the bed, one low note scraping out as he wrapped his arms under to pull you to his lap. His cock pressed against you and he paused to watch your face once again, completely mesmerized. You lifted your hips and slipped yourself over his head with a sigh as you wrapped your legs around him and pushed your heels to the bed, giving yourself leverage. Your face fell against his shoulder and you kissed the love bite you gave him earlier as he slowly thrust himself deeper inside you, stretching your drenched walls deliciously and gently. His breathing was ragged and gruff from how tight you were, his cock curving straight into your lower abdomen. Kiba closed his eyes at the new sensation of the angle; his body completely overwhelmed by the warmth radiating from your pussy and yearning to get deeper so he could feel you surround him fully. 
“Does this feel like I forgot how to fuck you, sweetheart?” He hummed, moving at an agonizingly slow pace. “Say it to my face. Say you don’t feel good.”
You dug your nails into the back of his neck as he continued his shallow thrusts into you; spare movements of his hips that made your breath hitch and come out in gasps. Desperately, you clenched your feet and pulled yourself forward, pushing him deeper inside you as you grit your teeth through the slight pain of how thick he was, but as he pushed so deep you could feel his balls slap against your cunt, every other thought in your head was lost at the sensation of being filled.
“Fuck,” Kiba groaned, rolling his hips into you. “You’re so wet.”
You dug your heels firmly into the mattress, trying to push him even further into your cervix. You wanted to feel nothing but him - his ferocity, his throbbing girth, his sharp teeth - even just thinking about him somehow getting past the point that evolution intended was driving you mad with lust. Your mewls were helpless as you gripped tightly onto his neck, your nails digging into his damp baby hairs, your little teeth sinking into the glistening skin of his shoulder once again.
“Desperate little thing,” Kiba’s voice was primal and deep, rumbling your entire core. “Just enjoy it, yeah?” You shook your head and he laughed at your pleading. In retaliation, you clenched your cunt around him and swooned when his laughter turned into a guttural moan of pleasure.
“Do that again, and I’m not responsible for what happens.” Kiba warned, scratching his nails down the length of your spine. You bit your lip, considering the warning deeply, before clenching again and pulling your head back to roll your mouth over his. 
Carnal clashing of teeth and slapping of skin were the only sounds to fill the room as Kiba quickened his pace within you, taking full control as he rocked his hips up in quick and jerky movements. Touching him, as much of him as possible, was all you wanted. Your hands moved all over his shoulder blades, down his spine, up in his hair. 
An image, so immediate it cut you open, filled your head: you, crouched over Kiba, his thick cock in your mouth, his rough tongue thrusting into your cunt; inside you twice over until all you could feel was him.
Oh fuck, oh fuck. You might have even tried to say it, and the hum of your words against his mouth was Kiba’s breaking point. His rhythm stuttered as he leaned your back to the mattress and he shoved your legs flush against your belly and moved into a half-crouch. “I warned you not to do that again,” his voice broke open into a rumble, like stones falling, and the air between your bodies simmered. “Now I’ve gotta punish you.” He punctuated his sentence by pulling your hips down in a sharp jerk. He thrust, hard, until you squealed and rocked back against him.
In this position, you wouldn’t last long. You held your legs up by the back of your thighs as Kiba reached up and placed three thick fingers into your mouth, not allowing you any space to think. He was so deep it was painful, but the burn was worth it to feel the rough muscles of his thighs rub against your skin.
You tried to speak which resulted in Kiba thrusting his fingers deeper into your throat, causing tears to well in your eyes as you continued rocking around like a baby trying to roll over. His rhythm was harsh, unforgiving. You could feel your breasts bouncing with each pump and knew Kiba was watching them as he smoothed his free palm over your chest, soothing your scorching skin. 
He listened to the thick squelching and watched himself thrust deeper inside of you as you laid with your legs pushed up; the position so lewd he had to bite his inner cheek just to stop himself from finishing too quickly. There was a thick ring of fluid surrounding his cock each time he pulled out of you; the sweet yet musky smell of sex lingering strongly in the air. He had thought about you every night since his vacation, and had definitely touched himself to you more times than he would ever care to admit, but he had never pictured you doing this. He wanted so desperately to take a picture of you so he could have it forever, and briefly smiled to himself when he realized that you might possibly let him do that - much later, but still, he didn’t intend to let you go again any time soon.
You were on the edge of writhing his fingers from your mouth to ask him for a better angle when he slowly drifted his palm down the length of your stomach and circled your clit with his thumb. It was all too much - the tight knot of heat in your cunt, the too-sensitive skin of your breasts, his fingers dangling from your mouth - you were overloading and god, had you missed him so much - but what ruined you was the way he nudged his mouth against your knee and placed a gentle kiss to your skin.
You came apart with a sob, clenching and driving onto Kiba’s cock as each spasm washed through you. He kept thrusting, stringing out his pleasure until you were a panting mess on his bed. When your eyelashes fluttered open, you saw his golden pools of amber watching over you. 
You nodded and adjusted your legs to hook around his waist. Later, when you were both less desperate, you would explore the subtler ways at making him shiver, but right now, you wanted to feel him come, and you wanted to feel it now.
You looped your arms around his neck as his face nestled into the crook of your neck and he pulled you closer. Muffled groans sang against your skin as his rhythm slowed to a maddening pace and he hummed into your neck. You could feel the vibration like it was in your own muscles as you tightened your legs around his middle, ignoring the sting in your hips, and pulled him closer, feeling your nipples graze against his hot skin.
Kiba came with a beastly noise, his hands squeezing you almost painfully and his sharp teeth sinking into the skin of your earlobe. You clenched down again and again, working his cock through the jerky spasms that you felt deep within the walls of your cunt as he drained his white-hot fluid inside of you.
He gasped and rolled to the side, pulling himself out of you with shaky hands. You hummed and nuzzled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you and held you close. You could hear his heart in his chest, steady as a beating drum, as he kissed your hair and held you tightly, as though you would disappear before his very eyes.
A loud banging on the bedroom door nearly knocked the wind out of you as you jolted from Kiba and the door opened just a hair, the music growing louder as it caught on Kiba’s makeshift belt-door-latch. He laughed and you both cursed profusely as you scrambled to find your articles of clothing in the dimly lit bedroom.
“Seriously, Kiba? What the fuck?” You nearly had a heart attack at the sound of a raspy man’s voice coming from the other side of the door as you dropped your dress from your hand. “I need the room, man. Stop jerking yourself!”
“Naruto!” Kiba shouted, pulling his shirt on and slinking towards the door. “Do you ever shut the fuck up?”
“Maybe there’s another room…” Oh no, oh no. It was Ino. This was not happening!
You frantically waved your arms, trying to catch Kiba’s attention. You ran forward, sliding your dress over yourself without any underwear - you honestly had more things to worry about than going commando at the moment - right as the door opened.
Ino’s face was completely red as she watched a blonde - Naruto? - with a doe-eyed gaze. She was so drunk she hardly noticed the door open, but you saw her eyes light up with realization ever so slowly before she burst into a fit of laughter.
“You hate frat boys!” She shrieked, gasping for air and clinging to Naruto’s arm as though it were a life raft. “But here you are with-” Ino paused and looked at Kiba, who was just about as red as she was when he realized she knew you.
“Kiba,” he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and narrowing his eyes; either at Ino or Naruto, or both, you weren’t sure.
“Keyy-bahh,” Ino emphasized, tasting his name on her tongue for the first time. “I can’t believe this!”
“Just… give us five minutes?” You pleaded, gently shutting the door as Ino’s sun-kissed escort went to protest. You turned to Kiba and gripped onto his strong arms to adjust them to wrap around your waist as you nuzzled into his chest. “God, they’re both really annoying.”
He laughed and kissed the top of your head, resting his chin on you as he sighed, “Yeah, they’re terrible.”
You pulled back and he caressed your cheek with his thumb, enjoying the way your hair shone in the moonlight that cracked through his curtains. “Wanna go on a date?”
You gaped at him as your heart started pounding again. Would that ever stop happening when he was around? You hoped not. “Like… now?”
He shrugged and flashed you a small smirk, his canine tooth sticking out slightly from behind his upper lip. “Yeah, why not? This party sucks and besides, I think my room will be occupied for a few hours. I know a 24/7 diner not too far. That is, unless you don’t want to?”
He gave you a look that made you realize this motherfucker knew you wanted to go on a date with him, but he was so attractive that you only hummed as you slipped your panties on underneath your dress and pulled the straps down, exposing your breasts to him again. You watched as his Adam’s apple wiggled and you hooked your bra on, pulling your dress up and giving him a small twirl. Sweat glistened across his forehead and you walked closer to him, taking his hand in yours as you traced your index finger across the lines on the inside of his palm.
“I’d like that,” you whispered, feeling a bit shy. Kiba closed his hand around your finger and lifted your chin up with his thumb. He gave you a warm smile before he kissed you with the force of the moon, pulling you even deeper into his gravitational field; no small feat, considering this man had you hooked from the moment you met his sunlight eyes on the beach just over three months ago. 
“By the way, what time is it?” You asked as you turned to leave, Kiba following close behind.
“A bit past midnight. Why? Gonna turn into a pumpkin or something?”
You hummed as you reached back to take his hand in yours, enjoying the electric shock that coursed through your hand as his fingers interlocked with yours. “Oh, no reason.” Just like I promised, Ino, you thought. Kiba opened the door and you slipped past Ino and her hookup as he guided you down the stairs. I’m leaving at midnight.
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Requests for the event are still open here.
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starboy-acer · 3 months
YO! intro to my losercore acc!!
u can call me neo, ace, neon, starboy
prns are literally whatever u perceive me as
- Just Roll With It (Podcast)
- Slimecicle, Bizly, Grizzly, and Condi
- Markiplier
- The Legend of Zelda (mostly BOTW and TOTK)
- The Last of Us
- Baldurs Gate 3
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Psychological Thriller movies (ex. Saltburn, Midsommer)
- Percy Jackson
i’m a lot more active on twitter so follow me there @starboy_acer
links to my works under the break
stuff i’ve written already!
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roronoaswifey · 8 months
whats your hot take on fanfics? love your writing btw
awe thank youu 🥹🫶🏾 and idk if i’d consider them hot takes but imma list them down anyway!
1. proper format matters to me. something about a fic written in a buncha colours and strictly in bold/italic fonts sectioned in big ass paragraphs is so unappealing to me! a cute aesthetic draws attention too.
2. quality>quantity. i seen some posts talkin bout how they don’t get why drabbles and shorter sentenced posts get more attention than their lengthier fics, which is stupid to me cuz why would someone want to read a damn book with a poor plot over something simple and sweet with an idea straight to the point ??
3. 6k words and over fics aren’t bad at all. me personally i love a lengthy story!! captivates my attention and helps build a storyline which i love (i do it myself) <3
4. let people write what they want !! yes, even the completely questionable ones, they show true colours anyway. let people write what they wanna write and if you don’t like the content then scroll or block !!
5. “we need a part two!!” “let’s see _ in part two” is disrespectful unless the author stated somewhere if anybody was down for a second part. it gives off ungrateful and ion like that.
6. sometimes too much dialogue ruins a fic. it needs a good ratio.
7. imagery is so underrated !! this point kinda follows with point 6 cuz a writer will be so focused on making interactions between characters but won’t write about the setting or positioning of said characters.
8. and lastly, just because a fic has a lotta notes or receives a lot of attention don’t mean it’s good 🌚. same thing with fics who get less notes,, swear those be some of the best fics too !!!
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