#this is a shameless self insert lmao
killerpancakeburger · 11 months
Thinking about a Tav that Astarion despises deeply at first cause not only they're a goodie-two shoes but on top of that they're shy/have no presence/no autority etc. Then at some point he makes a dark joke and Tav laughs so hard the whole party stops to look at them. Eventually Astarion realizes that Tav is the only one who laughs at his jokes, and when Tav is comfortable enough with the group/certain members of the party, they start using sarcasm and dark humour all the time. And Astarion hates that he loves it. His brain cannot compute how you two can have the same humour while being so different. He's also intrigued by the fact that you’re apparently a completely different person once you’re used to people. And he's a tiiiny bit offended that you’re so comfortable with Wyll and Karlach but when he tries to participate in the convo you clam up and turn back into the little mouse from the start of your journey.
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onnie-giri · 2 years
ketchup & mustard 🍟🍔
absolutely had so much fun (altho it was a big challenge for me to do bgs for this but regardless this was very rewarding ^^//)
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luvuomi · 5 months
my job as a sub teacher often makes me brainrot scenarios of ‘zuha interacting with kids/being a teacher …
like he’s so kind hearted by nature that i can just imagine him being super patient and gentle with children and naturally, all the kids love him. if they see him in the hallways they’ll instantly run up to give him a hug, wave or call out his name🥹
the kind of teacher who plays with with his students during recess or does activities ( especially arts & crafts ) alongside them. he very much has an emotional connection with the kids which is why so many love him! including the parents !!
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pistachions · 1 month
Mml ocs attack!
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These are SUUCCHH cool ocs omg !! Do you have any cool facts to share abt them pls I'm so curious (id also totally wanna give them fanart if ik enough abt them to give them right feeling poses fr)
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obscureghoul · 5 months
Okay hear me out
I've been thinking about getting into fanfiction writing again
I'm thinking about either an OC or a kind of selfinsert about the clergy tailor, starting their work just after it got announced that copia would be taking over.
They would start as the new tailor, not really being in the know about the clergy at all, just looking for a good job. They would be trained by the former tailor before they retire and take over the workshop, slowly getting to know all the siblings, ghouls and of course Copia....
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disniq · 1 year
heyyy it's the tropes jason anon again back at it with a new question! what quotes from the comic books would you say describe jason & his philosophy well? thank you so, so much for helping me out ❤
Hi again Anon!
Full disclosure here; I don't think Jason has been written consistently enough over the years to necessarily have one set, inarguable philosophy. But I do think there are certain themes that carry through.
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Red Hood: Lost Days #3
This is, notably, the first time Jason kills. (I'm not including Garzonas, which is debatable, or the Cheer incident, which is a retcon) He finds out his hand-to-hand teacher has a barn full of drugged children about to be sex trafficked. The cops and politicians are in on it, making lawful justice extremely unlikely, but taking out one man takes out the system. Jason crosses that line for the first time because nobody else is there to stop it, and this is the most practical route.
He does not see it as "murder" because he feels it was deserved.
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Red Hood: Lost Days #4
After that line has been crossed - as Talia points out here - a pattern emerges. It's notable that Jason does not kill all his dubiously skilled teachers, only the ones he deems the worst of the worst - people deliberately and repeatedly harming everyday people, especially children.
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Jason reiterates this in his famous utrh speech. He's not talking about killing every rogue, every criminal. He's talking about killing the worst of the worst, the people who can finagle their way out of the system, the people the system fails to catch.
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Under the Red Hood
It would be remiss of me not to include that one time Jason killed a nazi. Good for her dot gif.
To Jason, these people are beyond the regular means of justice, so he provides his own. He stops them from hurting anybody else.
This is not an exclusively post-resurrection opinion of his, either. Jason expressed similar thoughts during his Robin run.
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Batman #422 (thank you @benbamboozled 😘)
This woman, Judy, baited her sister's murderer into attacking her too and then slits his throat. She's unrepentant, and Jason agrees with her decision. (Bruce, for the record, gives a speech on how "nobody is above the law" which is. An interesting stance for an illegally operating vigilante to take lmao)
It makes sense to me that Jason, as someone who has seen the system fail repeatedly (both as a civilian and as a hero), would have those kinds of doubts. The system doesn't always work. The system often fails the most vulnerable people.
When Bruce was failed by the Gotham justice system, he became his own extra-judicial system. When Jason is failed by both the justice system *and* Bruce's own vigilante system? Why wouldn't he do the same.
Unfortunately, this thread is mostly dropped for a while with the wave of writers who either actively hate Jason and try to make him capital E Evil or who are playing shameless self insert with him, but there are two more recent panels that I want to include too;
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Task Force Z #12
So, in TFZ, Jason pushes who he thinks is Bane off a roof for killing Alfred. It... is not actually Bane, but instead the brainwashed former corpse of Gotham re-reanimated via comicbook science and. You know what, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that Jason regrets killing Gotham because he didn't deserve it, but reiterates that he will kill the real Bane if he gets a chance.
Jason sees killing as something he can do that others can't, that others maybe *shouldn't* have to do.
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The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #8
And finally, I adore this little beat in JTMWSL. This is something Jason thinks about. He's not just some brute that doesn't understand that "killing is bad". He thinks about it, reads theory about it. He sees that between the black and white, there are many, many shades of gray.
He understands that people who don't kill with their own hands aren't necessarily good people - like these cops here, gleefully waiting for him to be killed in prison. And that the people who *do* get their hands dirty aren't necessarily the bad guys - like poor Judy.
And I think he probably varies where he places himself on that scale at any given moment.
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hastvic · 3 months
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My MGS OC, Arsenal Wyvern, loyal member of the Diamond Dogs and a shameless self insert lmao
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finniestoncrane · 3 months
Do you think Arkham Riddler would ever feel weird about the idea of dating a younger subordinate? Like, I know it wouldn’t be an issue legally, dating someone in their 20s or 30s. But I wonder if he ever feels guilty knowing that he still is capable of holding a certain power over them, in age, employment, finance. I know Edward *enjoys* power. But for some reason, I feel like the idea might make him feel guilty for once in his shameless existence.
ok anon i have thought about this EXTENSIVELY since my self-insert oc for self-shipping purposes is obviously my age, 30
so in general, i don't think eddie ever thinks about it. for someone like him i think he's so dead set on not being into anyone and not needing a partner that when he finds himself liking someone, he just goes along with it because obviously they offer him something. and he requires so much care himself he's able to be vulnerable with them, which offers a little bit of equality!!
for me personally, my wee noggin is rife with daddy issues and a need for attention and praise from an older figure, plus i just wanna fuck old men so bad, so it's like... super sexy the idea of him being in control and dominating and all that power play. i literally want to live like that "what's the economy" "don't worry about it baby" "ok yay!" meme like i'm sorry
BUT i like to imagine it fills him with SO MUCH guilt lmao but only when he realises it, like only when it's staring him in the face. most of the time he'll be like "oh that's just my partner, an ageless being that i tolerate" but i've written little scenarios before of him patronising her, and when she responds with "i'm a grown woman, i'm 30 years old" he's jsut dumb struck, eyes wide, face pale like "oh good god you are a child" because in my mind, he is 55 and no one can tell me any different
of course it also leads to very pleasant interactions between them like him realising that the last time he had sex was round about when connie was born (he was busy, ok?) and when she makes a joke about him "waiting for her" he has to go sit in silence and think about his life for a while
so yeah sorry to make that about me and my oc lmao but i think he wouldn't ever really think about it, but the moment he did, he'd be like "oh. am i? another cradle snatcher with a young girlfriend? like sionis or cobblepot?" because they are the arm candy boys to me
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mrgaretcarter · 1 year
Ted Lasso 3x11 thoughts
It really was very nice to see Ted around the neighborhood saying Hi to everyone again, I missed watching him be part of the community a lot throughout the season
I liked the selection of guys who went to get Nate back
I think it would’ve been nice to have seen something that indicated that shift for the team since the last time we saw them thinking about Nate was that disaster at the West Ham match but I’m also not that committed to this 😅 Maybe seeing the vote they mentioned could’ve been fun and illuminating
It felt true to Nate that he enjoyed working at the restaurant
They must’ve been late to practice waiting for 75 freaking kebabs to be ready lmao
Got a kick out of mama Lasso being the origin of the open peanut butter jar
Finding out Beard has to routinely go over to Ted’s flat to make his oven stop beeping was very fun
Had a real good time of Ted being so annoyed at his mom behaving exactly like him. The split shot where she’s heading for the stairs and he’s behind rubbing his face lmao
I cracked up at the press conference when Jamie said the goal should be scrapped from the records and “i apologize to everyone, especially the kids” lmao
Screamed at Ted’s mom being named Dorothy they are shameless
Rebecca was SO excited to meet mama Lasso it was so cute, the way she threw her arms up when Dottie dropped the “Winner winner BF Skinner” line was super adorable, it was also cute how low she had to lean in order to hug Dottie
“I can’t believe I’m finally getting to meet the woman who created one of the nicest humans I’ve ever met” was also very very cute and welcome, I would like a full detailed account of what Rebecca thinks about Ted now thanks (but also I wish that delivery had been more pointed somehow, more loaded, do you know what I mean? Not because I think it had to be, I just got shipper goggles on and that would’ve made me lose my mind.)
The way Rebecca laughed when Dottie said the thing about Ted popping out of her already asking the doctor if he needed anything made me laugh, and then how annoyed Ted was by it made me laugh even more
It’s also pretty cute that Rebecca was so delighted by mama Lasso doing the very things Ted annoyed her for originally, like, those are things she loves now because she associates them with him
Mamma Lasso charming the locker room was great
Ted and Rebecca off to the side in his office observing was also great. I love that Rebecca was delighted by mama Lasso but also aware that Ted was not having a good time (and she hit him with Oklahoma again!)
I laughed at the eyebrow hair joke cause I knew exactly what Ted meant 😂 I’ve annoyed my dad many times about this specifically
“Sometimes the truth can ruin a perfectly good story” “You should work for the daily mail” I cant explain it but this exchange delighted me, they seem so friendly and have such a good back and forth, it’s always a pleasure to seem them onscreen together, and I will never forgive them for not letting us see more of it this season
Rebecca Welton horse girl confirmed!
Ted said he didn’t eat the poop candy bar, but his mom said he did, but we know she has a tendency to embellish her stories, but Ted seemed eager to stop that one in its tracks, so what is the truth??
Trent jumping at the chance to interview Mama Lasso was funny as was her saying his hair is fabulous, real audience self insert moment
“Shouting is Roy’s love language”
I enjoyed Jamie’s boot room meltdown though it was a bit over the top lmao for a split second I thought he was gonna kiss Roy
“Will?” “Yeah” “You missed a good one” I was howling at this lmaoooooo and Will looked so disappointed too he is a nosy little bitch those boot room encounters are NOT an accident he wants that tea
I nearly started crying when Ted said “Man, this place is great, right?” Cause like is it Ted?? Is it really?? I haven’t felt that from you and why???? WHY
Again, wish we’d seen this vote about Nate coming back even more knowing Higgins was approached about it or maybe initiated it
I love that Beard and Dottie have a whole thing going on including nicknames and a theme song
Ted storming off lmaooo
On the one hand I’m very confused about R/K on the other I’m glad its confusing because it means they didn’t just skip their getting back together last week, it was just a hook up
Babs always delivers she is so funny
“Still running around in circles, making sure everybody’s okay without accepting a drop of help for himself.” Sure, but where was that this season 😅
When beard asked Dottie how she was and she didn’t wanna answer I immediately thought she was sick or something and spent the rest of the ep on edge about it
I still don’t get how we’re supposed to take Beard and Jane
Thought it was a bit much to directly quote soooo much of this be the verse
The ominous shot of Dorothy’s house spinning on the pinball machine I stg
Laughed at Ted trying to put the suitcase on the bed and his mom going not on the bed! And him having to redirect on the fly
“I’ve actually been talking to this therapist” “Oh let me guess, it’s all my fault” that was SO momcore. This scene where they talk about the panic attacks and therapy and Ted asks if she ever considered talking to someone was actually my favorite exchange between Ted and his mom in terms of the emotional stuff, that I really felt, especially when she says “And you know I love my tea” how heavy that felt and how informative it was, to me, of their relationship without overstating it
Nora telling Rebecca to stop using her jet is SUCH a fic thing I was losing my mind
Jamie not high-fiving the guy and just walking straight into his hand made me laugh
Of course Kenneth does drag
Keeley was weird in this episode but I cant say what the problem was
Everyone, and I mean everyone, at team movie night was so fun! Rebecca looked so incredibly good! She was wearing jeans!!!
Cracked up at Dani sussing out Roy and Keeley and Keeley being like we’re just friends! And Roy being like she just looks very nice!
Don’t care for the way they keep rehashing S/R 🤨
Ted saying Sleepless in Seattle is better than You’ve Got Mail is truly insane, terrible taste on the man.
Love to know Jamie has a very nice step dad and I loved his mum!
I saw people thinking it was weird that Roy kept staring at Jamie and his mum but to me it just seemed like Roy thought what he was seeing was weird
Jade grew on me, she and Babs were the only worthy additions this season (even if Jade is technically from last season)
The posters on Jamie’s wall sfdhglisfhg the ot3 is SO real this is crazy
They really gotta let Keeley speak, it feels like things have just been happening to her this entire season when will she be Keeley-fucking-Jones The Independent Woman again?
What the fuck was Roy trying to hug Jamie’s mum and blowing her a kiss and saying he loves her, was he drunk? I did not get that at all
Rebecca’s dad went to art school! Not sure why that’s exciting, but it is!
This episode made me realize how much I missed seeing more of the matches, I watched this game on the edge of my seat like it was in real time
Higgins not wanting to move and jinx it 😂 Everything with Keeley, Higgins and Rebecca on the stands is always great and fun
I wonder what Jade would report Derek for lmao I like that she got Nate fired, again, Jade really grew on me
Jamie’s “Fuck you” and “Thank you” and Ted using it later on with his mom was good, though the pep talk itself didn’t necessarily work for me
Jamie acting like a prick and taking the hazing was great, it was also great to hear Jamie Tartt dododododo again, didn’t even realize I’d missed it. Their second goal was so exciting and the ManCity crowd later cheering Jamie was emotional as were the flashes of his mum watching the game. Anyway, everything Jamie was good as it’s been for the entire season.
Unexpected to see James Tartt in rehab
I didn’t like the Pep cameo, sue me lmao
Jamie saying goodbye to all the players was great, especially him saying he’s proud of Colin
My favorite Ted moment of the episode was when he changed Beard’s mind about Nate. I liked that it was a callback to when they all laughed when first watching Nate struggling with the sign and Ted turned it around and showed Beard how cruel it was to mock someones lowest moment.
Roy/Keeley/Jamie is extremely real, and I loved Ted passing them by and the parallel to season 1 when he sees Jamie with his dad
Beard forgiving Nate was easily my favorite scene in the episode. I loved Beard and Ted’s backstory and I really really loved “And then I stole from my friend, who forgave me, and gave me a job and a life. So to honor that, I forgive you, I offer you a job, and the life part’s up to you.” That really got me and Brendan’s delivery worked so well for me, the forehead touch and the hug as well, it felt like such a genuine moment, I was very happy with it.
Ted and Dottie’s last conversation didn’t land for me, but I enjoyed Ted cursing lmao and I liked “Sometimes you lose, sometime you win, but most of the time you just tie.”
I knew from filming that Bex would show up on Rebecca’s doorstep but Ms. Kakes was a surprise and I’m already SO excited about where this is going, I hope Rupert gets so fucked especially after I had so many issues with how he was handled last episode. Ps: I loved the sweater Rebecca was wearing in this scene.
The fact that his mom left with just a note was an interesting parallel to Sharon trying to do the same and to Deborah doing it to Rebecca
Hannah’s back looked so good in that dress
By that point I’d told myself a truth bomb wasn’t gonna happen and gasped when we saw Rebecca in his office even though I knew full well she didn’t have any truths to bomb him with
It’s so funny that she had this on her calendar or whatever, like yeah she had nothing but still felt the need to uphold tradition you know how it is lmao she’s ridiculous, @thesumdancekid said she should’ve told him something silly just to maintain the pattern and I agree and think that would’ve been cute
Again it is always such a pleasure to see them together onscreen no matter what they’re doing, my heart went off just from seeing them framed by that door
I swear next ep better start exactly where this one left off, I will cry real tears if we don’t get Rebecca’s immediate reaction to Ted saying he’s leaving.
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carmenberzattosgf · 2 months
the bear brainrot so bad i made a self insert oc LMAO (i also made one for shameless lmao)
This is actually so me coded. I swear for every single fandom I get involved in I have a little oc that’s me that I’ve crafted for every universe
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fonulyn · 7 months
how are things? and I was wondering if you've got a favorite fic that you wrote or if its just too hard to choose?
i've been down with a cold so things are kinda annoying but it seems to be getting better at least so maybe things are looking up :'D thanks for asking!
oh damn. it is hard to choose. and it also depends on my mood, and like... some are faves because they were fun to write, some because i like how the end result turned out, some bc friends liked them, and so forth. it depends on what kind of a favorite we're looking for :3
i scrolled through my RE fics and tried to pick only the top faves and still ended up with thirty fics :'D (and sorta sad bc so many of them were not crowd pleasers lmao)
but! shameless self-recs under the cut! (it got long lol sorry)
we didn't know how to fly so high (burned down before we reached the sky) (Chris/Leon) - this one's special because it's the first RE fic I wrote and it's what ended a three year dry spell of me not writing a single thing. it's also special because back then i could go "OH ONE NOTE!" and post the second chapter lol.
haunting in my head (tempting me, inviting me to fall asleep in its arms) (Piers/Leon) - since I picked the first one, I'm also gonna pick the latest one. this was the kind of an idea that plagued me until I got it written and i'm super pleased with how it worked out!
and it's kind of obligatory for me to mention the self-indulgent series, because for so long it was what kept me going and what kept me writing when nothing else worked. it might not be the best thing i've written but it's for sure what i've poured most love in.
tear me open (and make me whole again) (Piers/Leon, past Krauser/Leon) - from my whumptober fics this one i was the most excited about. i know it's got quite a bit of violence in it but like. i thought it hit all the right notes emotionally too, and i honestly wished it would've done better. i think it's worth it! am still happy with how it turned out.
(honorable mention to haunt you like it's part of you, another Piers/Leon and past Krauser/Leon, which is something i am really really into but apparently it's just me :'D but I really like the way the pairings clearly contrast each other tbh, i just think it's neat)
in the end it's you and I (Piers/Leon) - this is another whumptober fic I was super excited for! i'm beyond pleased with how it turned out and at least I feel all the right emotions while reading it.
all the things you are (Jake/Piers) - honestly I could've picked pretty much any of the Piers/Jake fic I've written because they were all really fun to write and their dynamic is super fun :'D I love the little bits in re6 where they interact bc they get on each other's nerves in all the right ways!
when it comes to metaltango, they're pretty much all close to my heart lol but can't help but follow in spite of going insane is something i regularly think back to and am still happy with how it turned out. same with the Krauser's back series, and question all my doubts, especially.
never too much to ask for (Piers/Leon) - this one is so very very important to me because LEON LEARNS TO BE LOVED. he learns to not only accept comfort but actually ASK FOR IT and it makes me emotional just to think about it 🥺
gonna show you tonight (Piers/Leon) - this one just makes me very happy.
and then there are the Piers/Leon ones where I've inserted Piers into a game/movie he isn't in, and honestly, those are ALL something I've had fun with and love the results! there's re2 with Piers, re4 with Piers, Damnation with Piers, and a combo of re4/Vendetta/og stuff with Piers! also the other re2 with Piers but that one only has one chapter for now so :'D
heal the scars and change the stars (Piers/Leon) - this one was based on a dream I had and I can still remember the exact vibe of the dream, and the way it haunted me afterwards, and I'm honestly really happy with the fic too. I have a thing for breaking up and getting back together it seems :'D
you're a dream (Piers/Leon) - this is something I've always always wanted to write, because soulmate aus are interesting but I've always gravitated towards imperfect soulmate systems, where it takes real effort to find them, and it's not so clear cut. and I honestly love how this turned out.
at the shore of the unknown (Piers/Leon) - another thing i always wanted to do was a soft apocalypse. this was supposed to be the first fic of a series, and the series is probably not happening, but i'm still content with the mood of this fic as is :3 i love these... slow empty worlds.
before I even knew your name (Piers/Leon) - THIS! this was SO MUCH FUN i don't know if I've ever had as much fun writing a fic :'D idk it was such a joy.
i crave therefore i am (Piers/Leon) - this fic however fought me every single step of the way, i wrote it like three times, and hated half of the process lmao, but i do love how it turned out. and the first scene is one of my all time favorite scenes i've ever written in my life.
to feel again (fwb!Chris/Leon at first, Piers/Leon eventually) - this was supposed to be a quick little oneshot but in the end it spiraled into something longer, and I do love it. like. the whole point of the Chris/Leon bit was that neither of them is the bad guy or wrong but they just weren't right for each other at that point in time, and then I enjoyed letting Leon build trust and a new relationship with Piers slowly at his own pace. 10/10 would write again :'D
last chance garage (ot3) - this one was very emotional to write and also got SO out of hand bc it was supposed to be like 1k max and in the end I wrote 8k lol. but it's my favorite ot3 fic.
winter lovin' (there's snow one like you) (Piers/Leon) - this one is super special to me because it happens in Finland :D they're vacationing on my home turf lol. but also because they're so in love, and they get to have fun and be together and. idk. the whole fic makes me all "🥺💖" like i literally turn into a physical embodiment of those two emojis. i love the fic.
stay until the end of life (Piers/Leon) - this one was also very emotional to write and I wanted to put them through a lot, and show how they really are in it for better and for worse. i wanted to show the struggles too, like... they love each other. they wanna be there for each other. but it's not always that easy. and I do think it worked out great.
three words to last forever (Piers/Leon) - I'm gonna end this way too long list with this because it's the first (and so far only) time I wrote a "choose your own ending" story and it was so much fun! I wish I could do a bigger story where you get to make multiple choices, but that would require some serious brainstorming lol. anyhow, I'm happy I got to do this! and happy with it turned out! especially the saddest ending :'D
now I'll shut up with my deepest apologies lmao.
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hellmannstoaast · 7 months
Hey, hope this isn't too weird of a request, but could you draw Patrick kissing and/or cuddling with a short chubby girl with long brunette hair and glasses (yes she is a shameless self insert lmao)? Thank you so much! 💓😁
ok no problem gurl, you can't really see how curvy she is because of the position but I hope you like it!
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kaelidascope · 4 months
Director's commentary on Something About Moths and a Flame, please!
Oh this outta be fun LOL OKAY
So the overall story of how this fic was even born in the first place stemmed from 2 things. I had an idea to write about a shameless self-indulgence about having an overabundance of experience with cismen with hardly any queer experience. And the little queer experiences Blake did have were not good reference points. Using myself as a default source of plot devices (lmao) I self-inserted the desire to get the fuck out of my current state and wanting to move somewhere north to start over. Bing bang boom, you got a basic background and motive for Blake
I honestly should've expected the fic would be more than just 'bisexual character experiences sex with a seasoned sapphic character' and trying to manifest positive things in my life by writing it out in fic format (who doesn't do that, really. If anyone says they don't they're a liar). Everything I make always turns out to be something way more than it's original concept so what I ended up with here was a story drawing on personal elements and wanting for an outcome that probably wont happen, but it's nice seeing it happen to the bees anyway
Blake's feelings about relationships represent a time in my life where my opinion was exactly hers. After a lengthy discussion with Sawrin over dissecting this fic, I've come to the realization that Yang also represents a time frame of opinions as well. Only Yang's core design comes from a time waaaaay in the past that honestly, I had forgotten existed. It's nice to see it manifest despite being buried, and certainly gives me something to think about when I reread it from time to time.
Readers of MM and Moths can draw lines between Blake questioning why things are so easy when she's with Yang. It's the same principle across the board for most bee fics that Blake's past hasn't been kind to her. It's an alien feeling to suddenly have things be so easy, but difficult to accept they're easy at the same time. I tried to picture how the fuck would I react if I were in this perfect dream scenario and how stupid would it be after the realization hits. Blake and Yang have been dating this whole time and just never accepted it for what it was based on what other people have lead them to believe what a relationship had to be.
The talk they have when Yang's AC is out and they're laying in her bed with the windows open is in reference to a talk I once had that didn't have the outcome I wanted. It carries the same essence of dismay - both parties knowing they want each other but because of the boundaries at play, cannot have what they want. But in this version it's not one sided.
Overall, it was nice getting able to write from a quietly honest place without having to worry about literally every other realistic factor ever. This is about as textbook 'I wrote this for me cus I wanted something that applied to me' as it gets. The ending is my dream scenario. I fucking hate living with partners I can't do it anymore JKNFKGNKJGFN but it's not easy finding someone else who'd agree with me. So the bees get my lost dream of permanent independence. I wrote this thing in 3 days and I was morbidly sick while I was doing it, too. So I'm sure it's littered with grammatical errors and what have you. But my best friend has always been completely head over heels about this work, and it astounds me how much he sings its praise. I'm always genuinely surprised when others find something to relate to in this work as well. I never expected it to be anything more than just a glance. It's not even smut heavy. I didn't think people cared about fics like that LOL (silly, I know) but I am glad I put it out there and it got the response it did.
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My shameless (ok there is a bit of shame) self insert Recom oc, her name is Chaos!
I initially created her to be an Avatar Program oc, so her Recom version is more of an AU. She's a biologist and a field medic (the running joke is that she's underqualified to be a soldier out on the field, she's a lot smaller than the other Recoms, she's built different but not in a way that gives her any advantage lmao)
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luckystarchild · 6 months
The irony of people jumping your shit for promoting the "Oc agenda". Lol. Lmao, even. Like, yes, we do love Ocs here. Yusuke may not be mine or your or anyone's Oc except Yoshihiro Togashi's, but we do like him. Same with Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei— All of these wonderful characters are neat *Ocs* and I'm down for you promoting them in your "agenda". Any other Ocs that you throw into the Oc hotpot are like extra seasoning, and if people can't handle the added spice then it's on them to not eat it.
Thank you! Great points!!!
In the end, backlash to innocuous comments about fandom are most often a form of self-consciousness on display.
People come to fandom for validation. When they think they're about to get validation, and then they don't, it makes them feel insecure about their preferences. They take innocuous comments personally because they perceive them as a value judgment, even if they are not intended to be so.
When people mock OCs in front of me, I just mute or block and move on with my life. I don't engage. I see it all the time, but I don't let it impact me. I don't let it drive me away from a fandom. (And I do not reach out to blogs who haven't expressed interest in OCs for recommendations or validation, either.)
We have to curate our own experiences. If people don't like ocs, they are free to curate a fandom space that does not have them in it. It's no skin off my nose, and it should be no skin off their noses if I decide to curate a fandom space that does not include shipping canon characters.
I don't know that anyone's noticed this, but I intentionally left off the shipping tag when I made that post. I did not want to put my opinions into that specific space within the fandom. I have a right to express myself on my blog, but I wasn't about to inject my opinion directly into the tag when I knew I wasn't validating the emotions of the people within it. That's why it's very odd to me that people are interpreting what I said as negative, because I took multiple active measures to make sure I was honoring people who do like that ship, and I avoided talking about the ship itself very much on purpose. But if people want to interpret what I was saying in a really negative way, or as a targeted value judgement of their preferences, that's on them. If they want to commit themselves to anger, that is their right.
I'm just going to be over here writing myself shameless insert fics and letting judgments roll off my back, because as a self-insert writer, that's what you have to do to survive.
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jils-things · 4 months
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old doodle (was looking for stuff to post lmao) but this was based off a convention i went to not too long ago with my old classmates! i found someone who was cosplaying as chongyun and i wanted to get a pic with him (i was shy because he looked occupied ... but my friend asked for me weeee)
anyways thats luminel (me and lumine merged LMAO straight up shameless self insert)
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