#this is a passion project through and through
astrocafecoffee · 1 day
Synastry and composite chart notes 💗 part 2
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🍁For entertainment purposes only, enjoy my lovelies 🍁
✩ synastry and Composite part 1
Long post ahead!! I am tired 😭but that's okay .
✨ Lilith conjunct Neptune in Capricorn in 5th house-
- This relationship may have idealistic and dreamy romantic quality to it. Neptune person could idealize or glamorize Lilith person, which could lead to intense attraction.
- there is a strong creation energy to it. Together you both can create amazing things. The creative collaboration could result in projects that feel deeply meaningful and transformative.
- with Neptune's influence here, this connection might have a spiritual or mystical dimension. You both could involve in spiritual practices.
- but this aspect also can bring up issues , like unrealistic expectations . So you both have to handle with clear communication and mutual understanding.
✨ Moon in 8th house synastry -
- you may find that you can talk about intimate feelings more easily with this person.
- moon person might help the house person to face emotional challenges or personal growth(8th house) .
- you may feel that this person knows on a very personal level.
- in this case emotional bond can be very intense , which can lead to strong feelings for each other. You could explore each other secrets too.
✨ Moon opposite mars in synastry -
- this placement can bring about emotional disagreements or clashes. You might find that your emotional needs and reactions are often at odds with each other actions.
- in this case balance is very important . Balance between emotional expression ( moon's influence) and assertive actions.( Mar's influence).
- but despite the tension there is strong passion . This could become a energetic and vibrant connection.
- the opposite nature of this placements could adress the underlying issues. , Which can lead to significant personal growth. You need to understand each other needs . Communication is must. Every relationship has problems, you just need to solve those problems together. All the best.
✨ Mars in 8th house synastry -
- Strong magnetic attraction between partners. This connection goes beyond the surface level interactions. There is a deep emotional and physical bonding.
- Also there is often a compelling desire to explore each other's needs and fantasies , making the intimate connection highly dynamic and satisfying.
- Also mars here can mean that partners may share or discover deep personal secrets of each other.
-8th house represents transformation . This relationship might push both partners to confront and work through deep seated issues and fears, which can lead to personal growth. Also effective communication and a willingness to adress underlying issues is important.
✨ Mars 12th house synastry -
- mars person could help the house person confront their inner fears and work through their subconscious issues.
- mars person might stimulate 12th house person's private passions and desires. 12th house person feels like they are safe enough to explore and express their innermost thoughts and feelings.
- but their might be unspoken feelings / subconscious conflicts which is kinda hidden from one another.. one or both of them feel like the other person often engaging in secretive behaviour. So communicate clearly with your person. It will clear misunderstandings.
- on a positive note, there might be a strong shared interest in creative pursuits. Also spirituality is another side of this relationship which will heal both.
✨ Venus 12th house double whammy -
- this relationship might inspire both partners to explore spiritual and creativity side ( as in 12th house ). Also this connection may feel like a Karmic connection or they can feel like they know each other from their past lives.
- you both might collaborate with each other in any artistic pursuits. You guys can create amazing art. ( As Venus is beauty , charm , art and 12th house also influence artistic side). Both partners may experience a deep almost otherworldly emotional bond.
- also both partners might want to express their love in private, this can include small gestures and behind the scenes act of kindness. Both are protective of each other's personal space and emotions.
-its very important to remain grounded in this connection as 12th house influence can create illusion , which can lead to unrealistic expectations. So communicate openly to avoid misunderstandings.
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✨Saturn trine Uranus in synastry-
- Here, Saturn's stability allows Uranus persons urge for change and growth to flourish. Trine aspect can indicate changes can be integrated smoothly.
- also there's a respect for differences in this relationship. Saturn person's discipline and Uranus person's need for freedom can coexist beautifully with out any conflict or misunderstanding. Both partners express their individuality while maintaining the strong beautiful connection.
✨ Northnode conjunct mars in synastry -
- the mars person may naturally take on the leadership role in the relationship which can motivate northnode person to make bold actions towards their goals.
- Northnode person sense of purpose can provide direction and meaning to Mars efforts.
- this relationship might feel like fated or destined ( northnode influence) .
✨ Male's mentor asteroid conjunct female's child asteroid in synastry -
- this is self explanatory. The male partner could provide support or guidance in a way that touches the female's inner child or her approach to personal growth.
- he could motivate her through continuous encouragement or by creating an environment where she feels free to explore her child like qualities, her main goal , creativity etc.
- the female feels the man provides her a safe place whom she can count on.
✨person A's Moon and Lilith in Person B's 1st house synastry -
- person B might feel a deep emotional connection or sensitivity to person A's presence. Person B also very protective of person A . People might see person B as more emotionally expressive or vulnerable when person A is around.
- person B also experience primal reaction in response to person A. Person B could be pushed to confront aspects of their personality they hadn't fully addressed before.
✨ Vesta in 8th house synastry -
- both might find themselves exploring sacred or taboo aspects of life/ hidden aspects of their relationship.
- Vesta person may serve as a catalyst for transformation in the 8th house person's life.
-also there is a potential for intense commitment . Emotional intimacy and mutual support is seen here.
✨ Vesta in 3rd house synastry -
- both partners may be deeply invested in the quality of their conversations , valuing meaningful and focused discussion.
- Vesta person could be very supportive of the 3rd house person's communication style and thought process, which helps the house person feel more confident in their self expression.
- you guys might have same hobbies - like writing, media technologies etc.
✨ Destinn asteroid/ Vertex/ northnode conjunct Briede in synastry -
- destined to be with this person in this lifetime. Strong potential for deep commitment within this relationship. You both may feel that this union is spiritually aligned. The partners may find that they work well together in practical matters too such as finances, work or family planning.
✨ Lilith in 12th house synastry -
- there's a strong fascination and desire to understand or uncover hidden layers of Lilith person by house person as Lilith person charisma often attracts the 12th house person.
- 12th house person may find themselves confronting hidden or suppressed aspects of themselves through the Lilith person.
- Lilith person often act as a catalyst for 12th house person to face their shadow side or adress unresolved issues.
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✨Nessus conjunct sun synastry -
- sun person may experience a deepening of self awareness and pushed to heal the old wounds related to power dynamics.
- sun person often feel like they are kinda exposed to the Nessus person in terms of dominance and control. On the other side Nessus person may feel like their influence over the sun person is very profound or significant.
-this aspect can uncover the hidden issues from the past . At first it may seem uncomfortable but this could lead to healing and greater understanding.
-clear communication is very important to solve any misunderstanding.
✨ Venus square ascendant synastry -
- the Venus person may find the ascendant person's visual and manners very attractive and charming but they often feel like their own preferences or values are not truly appreciated. So it can create a push- pull dynamic between them. ( Mainly from Venus person's side).
- this aspect can create conflict..like disagreements over style, social behaviour or how to approach certain life aspects.
- the ascendant person may feel like they are constantly judged by the Venus person. They may feel like they need to adjust certain aspects of them , like how they present in the relationship.
- here balance is needed . You have to learn how to negotiate every situation and a little bit compromise can lead to a beautiful relationship.
✨ Vertex conjunct synastry - always fated or not?
- vetex is often associated with fated encounters and a significant turning points of one's life . Northnode is one's life path and destiny. I mean yeah when this two points conjunct in a synastry chart , it can suggest that the relationship is likely to be important and may play a significant role in both individuals life. If anyone's telling you that yeah it's 100% fated in astrology...then bro just run... That's not true.. ofcourse it's a important conjunction, I have seen in many couples..but how the relationship unfolds is influenced by the choices and actions of both individuals. Free will is all that matters.
✨ Aquarius rising with Uranus in 1st house composite chart -
- with this placement 1st thing my mind says that people might view this couples as trendsetters . This relationship might create an immediate striking impression on others. Often this couple might host some unique events or participate in unusual social circle. So people often thinks that couples are open minded and possess forward thinking qualities.
- their habits and interests might be very different from other couples. So their relationship often standout to others. They might challenge traditional relationship roles and norms. A rebellious couple. Collaboration in creative or social Ventures is another point in this relationship. Also both can be from different countries.
✨ Moon conjunct northnode double whammy -
- there's a remarkable level of emotional synchronicity between the partners. Its easy for them to connect on a Deeper level . They feel like this relationship meant to help both partners grow in alignment with their life purposes.
- this can feel like a Karmic connection, where the relationship feels like a continuation of past life experiences or lessons that need to be addressed in this lifetime . But They could work through significant emotional issues together. They might find themselves instinctively knowing how to support each other in the difficult times.
✨ person A's sappho and cupid asteroid person B's moon in synastry -
- person A may evoke deep feelings and desires in person B , which can lead to a strong romantic connection. Also this connection might help person B feel more deeply understood and appreciated on a deep emotional level. The partners often discuss about intimacy, romance and emotional fulfillment.
- on other side , person A's deep affection can make person B feel deeply valued. There's a strong sexual attraction too ( sappho's Influence). This can also help both partners to sooth past emotional wounds.
✨Libra rising/sun/juno in composite chart-
- I have seen this placement in many married couples chart. This relationship is stable and peaceful. You may both work hard to avoid conflicts. You guys always seeks harmonious environment around you.
- as Libra ruled by Venus you guys could be concerned with maintaining a positive public image and might put effort presenting your relationship in a way that appears ideal and harmonious. Also both of you have similar interests in art , culture and aesthetic pursuits.
- just don't depend on each other too much. Decision making should be a joint effort.
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✨9th house/ Sagittarius stellium in composite chart -
- this relationship is all about personal and intellectual growth. You might inspire each other to pursue higher education and engage in continuous learning or explore many different areas.
- hmm yeah also one or both partners might take on roles as teachers , mentor or guides in the relationship. You guys both inclined too focus on broad , philosophical topics.
- there could be a strong inclination towards travel and exploring together. Or it you guys may speak different languages. Learning each other cultures is also highlighted here.
✨ Gemini/ 3rd house stellium in composite chart -
- this relationship may have a strong sense of humour and playfulness. You guys might bond over witty conversations , jokes, and a light hearted approach to life challenges.
- this aspect also talks about networking and connections. You guys might work together or could find yourselves frequently interacting with a diverse range of people and involved in various social circles.
-communication is highlighted here , but if misunderstandings happens then it's important to ensure clarity and avoid assumptions to prevent unnecessary conflicts.
✨ Moon, juno and northnode all conjunct each other in composite chart -
- this combination can indicate a partnership where both individuals support each other's personal development and emotional needs. This also suggest a connection that feels so fated, you both might experience a sense of having met for a reason, as if your paths are meant to cross each other.
- there's a stable long term commitment in this relationship, where you both might focus on building a stable partnership.( Northnode is destiny, moon in emotional connection and juno is a commitment asteroid).
- this connection might challenge and inspire you to evolve and embrace new direction of life.
✨ Saturn conjunct moon in synastry -
- here saturn person may act as a mentor or guide to the moon person. Moon person might benefit from saturn person's wisdom and experience. Most of the cases Saturn person is older than the moon person ( not always).
- as Saturn represents stability, so this relationship might offer a secure grounded environment where emotion needs are addressed in a practical or reliable manner. But sometimes moon person might feel restricted or burdened by saturn person's seriousness or sense of duty.
- this ensures a long term commitment . This relationship might be enduring and focused on building a solid foundation.
- sometimes saturn person's approach may come of as too controlling or overly critical to the moon person, so it's important to adress any feelings or emotional suppression or dissatisfaction that might arise.
✨ Venus, mercury, Saturn, moon all conjunct in 11th house of composite chart-
- the partnership might evolve working together on projects or causes that require persistence and dedication. You guys are so serious in achieving your shared dreams and goals.
- with mercury and Saturn , communication in this relationship might be very engaging, well organised and purposeful. This could mean that discussions are practical, thoughtful, and planning for future.
-with moon here, partners may need to find a balance between their personal, emotional needs and their commitments to social or communal responsibilities.
- you guys might find yourselves in roles where you Influence your community and social networks.
✨ Your Groom conjunct his Chiron and midheaven -
- your relationship with him can play a significant role in his healing journey. Your presence might help him adress and heal his deep seated wounds and insecurities.( Particularly related to his public image or career).
- this relationship could be visible to others in some way too. You might support his descisions and offer him practical advice.
- it also indicates you guys might work together in some endeavours.
✨ sun conjunct Lilith in 1st house synastry -
- strong magnetic and Intense attraction between both individuals. The Lilith person may find the sun person's presence particularly compelling and or even challenging. Also sun's charismatic presence captivate the Lilith person.
-Lilith is associated with the darker, more rebellious aspects of oneself. This conjunction might bring hidden or repressed feelings and desires to the surface. The Sun person may illuminate or provoke these deeper, often unacknowledged parts of the Lilith person’s psyche.
- also, The Lilith person might feel empowered by the Sun person's support or presence. Lilith's association with taboo and unconventional themes might lead both individuals to explore non-traditional or unconventional aspects of their personalities and their relationship. This could be a period of breaking societal norms or personal boundaries.
✨ Lilith conjunct ascendent in synastry -
- there can be a strong magnetic attraction in this relationship. The Lilith person might be drawn to the Ascendant person's appearance and persona, finding them compelling and intriguing. On the other side, The Ascendant person might experience their self-image or how they present themselves being challenged or intensely scrutinized by the Lilith person.
- The relationship might encourage both partners to push boundaries and embrace aspects of themselves they might normally keep hidden.
- The relationship might start with an intense attraction.As the relationship progresses, the challenges posed by Lilith’s influence may become more pronounced. The Ascendant person might need to confront and work through issues related to self-image, personal boundaries, and self-expression. But, Over time, the Ascendant person might experience shifts in how they see themselves and their role in the relationship. They may become more comfortable with unconventional aspects of their personality or feel more liberated in expressing their true self.
-If both partners are willing to work through the challenges and embrace the growth opportunities presented by this aspect, the relationship has the potential for long-term transformation. The connection can become a powerful force for personal development and emotional depth.
✨ Neptune conjunct moon and Southnode in synastry -
- there's a intuitive understanding and emotional sensitivity in this connection. There may be a sense of merging or an almost telepathic connection between you guys.
-The relationship may feel destined or fated, and you both might explore spiritual or artistic pursuits together. There could be a shared sense of idealism or a search for meaning beyond the mundane aspects of life.
- also , There might be a feeling of familiarity or a sense that the relationship is picking up from where something left off in the past.It may offer an opportunity to heal past issues or to transcend limiting patterns from earlier experiences.
-It’s important for both partners to stay grounded and address issues honestly.
✨ composite saturn in 4th house conjunct northnode -
- this relationship is aligned with long-term goals and destiny. This can mean that the partnership feels like it has a deeper purpose or meaning.
- The 4th house deals with home and family, and Saturn's presence here can imply that the relationship will bring about serious, transformative changes to how you both view and manage your domestic life. This might involve restructuring your home environment or redefining what "family" means to both of you.
- also this connection may challenge both partners to address unresolved family issues or to build a more secure and nurturing environment for themselves.
✨ Venus in 8th house synastry -
-The 8th house is associated with intimacy, and Venus can amplify feelings of passion and desire. so there's powerful physical and emotional attraction here in this relationship.
-The Venus person might bring insights or healing related to inherited family patterns or traits that the 8th house person is dealing with like , addressing generational issues or helping to resolve inherited emotional patterns.
-also , There could be a mutual interest in psychology, personal development, or metaphysical subjects. I mean exploring taboo related subjects.
- and, this relationship could lead to successful partnership in buisness and financial matters.
✨ Venus in 3rd house synastry -
-Venus in the 3rd house can facilitate successful collaboration on creative projects, like, writing, art, or media, where both partners contribute their talents and ideas.
-The Venus person might influence the 3rd house person’s taste in aesthetics or design, like such as,changes to their personal style, home decor, or artistic preferences influenced by the Venus person’s taste.
- also the Venus person might inspire the 3rd house person to express their affection and thoughts more openly. They will teach the house person how to improve their social skills too.
✨ Mars Square mars in synastry -
- the relationship with high energy and excitement. Both of you may find yourselves motivated and driven to pursue goals and tackle challenges together.
- there's a strong physical attraction.
-Both partners may push each other to overcome obstacles and strive for greater achievements.
-To make the most of this aspect, both partners will need to work on finding common ground and learning to compromise. Understanding each other’s assertiveness and working on effective communication can help solving conflicts.
-Accept that not all conflicts need to be resolved. Sometimes, agreeing to disagree and finding ways to work around differences can be effective.
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✨ Moon opposite pluto in composite chart -
-Both partners might help each other confront and heal deep-seated emotional issues or patterns, which can lead to profound personal development and growth.
-There might be a feeling of having a special, almost secret bond that’s deeply felt but not always obvious, like shared understanding or unspoken bond that feels very mysterious.
- you might see significant symbolic or vivid dreams about each other.
-The intensity of the relationship could lead both partners to uncover and address shared ancestral or family patterns, such as, collective exploration of family history or emotional legacies.
-There can be heightened feelings of jealousy or insecurity. Address these feelings openly and work on building trust and reassurance within the relationship.
✨ Venus conjunct North node/ Vertex in synastry -
- There’s often a sense of destiny or significant purpose in the relationship. The attraction felt between the partners can feel exceptionally strong, as if meeting each other is part of a larger plan.
-Venus's influence brings love, beauty, and harmony, making this connection beneficial for personal development and fulfillment.
-You may inspire each other in artistic pursuits or appreciate each other’s creative expressions deeply.
-Both partners may find that their emotional needs are met in a way that feels uplifting and encouraging.
-but, the strong sense of purpose in the relationship might lead to dependency. Maintain individual growth and independence while nurturing the partnership.
✨ composite northnode/Vertex in 7th house -
- this is Marriage placement.The relationship is likely to be a central element in both partners’ personal growth and life direction. It emphasizes learning about yourself through the dynamic of partnership and collaboration.
-This placement suggests that the relationship will offer crucial lessons about relating to others, compromise, and mutual support.
-Partners may find themselves working well together and navigating conflicts with a strong sense of fairness and mutual respect.
-The relationship may encourage both partners to pursue shared goals and objectives, enhancing their ability to work together towards common aspirations and ambitions.
-There could be high expectations for how the relationship should support each partner’s growth. It’s crucial to communicate openly about needs and boundaries to avoid unrealistic demands.
✨4th house ruler in 12th house or vice versa in composite chart -
- Partners could prefer to keep their personal life and emotional world away from public view, making the relationship feel very intimate and protected.
-The relationship may offer opportunities for deep emotional healing and understanding. Resolve Issues related to family, home, or emotional security through introspection and compassionate support.
-your home might be a sanctuary for introspection and dealing with unconscious material.
-The relationship might have a spiritual or psychological dimension that is not immediately apparent. There could be a shared interest in exploring deep psychological themes, spirituality, or mysticism, which influences how you connect with each other on a home and family level.
✨ Venus in 1st house synastry conjunct sun -
-The Venus person is likely to be very attracted to the Sun person, finding them charming, attractive, and magnetic. There’s often a strong sense of admiration and affection from the Venus person toward the Sun person.
-The Sun person might feel more confident and expressive when around the Venus person. The Venus person’s presence can bring out the best qualities in the Sun person, enhancing their self-expression and creativity.
-There’s often a natural ease in how you relate to each other, making the relationship feel pleasant and fulfilling.
-There might be a tendency to idealize the Sun person or the relationship itself. It’s crucial to remain grounded and realistic about each other's strengths and weaknesses to avoid disillusionment.
✨ person A's Moon conjunct person B's Chiron , Pluto and Lilith in synastry -
- person A may help the person B address old wounds and find comfort, while person B can offer insights into the person A's emotional vulnerabilities. But, The connection might bring old wounds to the surface, which can be challenging. Both partners need to handle these emotional triggers with sensitivity and patience.
-person A may undergo significant emotional transformation through person B's influence. This aspect can lead to a profound sense of renewal and personal growth.
-The relationship may involve exploring taboo or unconventional topics. Lilith’s influence can help both partners confront and embrace aspects of their emotional life that are often hidden or repressed. But, The raw and intense emotional expression can sometimes lead to conflict or discomfort. It’s important to navigate these emotions with care and mutual respect.
✨ Moon conjunct mars in synastry -
- The Moon person may feel that their emotional needs are directly and energetically addressed by the Mars person, leading to an engaging and active emotional interplay.
-Mars can energize the Moon’s emotional expression, encouraging both to pursue their goals with more passion and drive.
-The Moon person might feel a deep sense of emotional satisfaction through physical touch and affection from the Mars person.
-There might be a need to balance the Moon person’s emotional needs with the Mars person’s drive and assertiveness. Both partners should work on understanding and respecting each other’s differing emotional rhythms and needs.
✨ Mars conjunct Chiron in 4th house in composite chart -
- Both partners can help each other address deep-seated wounds related to family, home life, and emotional security by actively confronting and working through these issues together.
-The couple might find themselves taking decisive steps to create a more secure, supportive, and nurturing home life.
-The intensity of Mars combined with the healing potential of Chiron can drive dynamic emotional growth.
- There could be a tendency to confront or expose each other’s vulnerabilities, particularly those related to emotional security or family history. It’s important to approach these moments with care and support.
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✨ Moon in composite chart 12th house -
- The relationship may provide a private, safe space where both partners can explore their innermost feelings and vulnerabilities. This can lead to a deep sense of emotional security and understanding.
-The 12th house is associated with healing and the unconscious mind. The relationship may offer opportunities for emotional healing and resolution of past traumas or unresolved issues.
- There may be an intuitive understanding and a sense of knowing each other on a Deeper level, even without words.
- There may be a tendency to escape or avoid facing difficult emotions or realities within the relationship. Both partners need to be aware of this tendency and strive to address issues directly and constructively.
✨12 house stellium in composite ( sun , Venus , saturn) , 8th house synastry ( moon and Mars in partners 8th house) , 12th house synastry ( partner's Venus and Mercury in my 12th house) is it doomed as people make it to be?
-The 12th house is linked to healing and the subconscious mind. The presence of the Sun, Venus, and Saturn here suggests that the relationship can be a source of deep emotional healing and growth. Both partners may work through past traumas and emotional patterns together.
-The 8th house is associated with deep emotional and psychological experiences. The Moon and Mars in the partner’s 8th house suggest that the relationship is likely to be intensely transformative and emotionally charged. The 8th house is also linked to issues of power and control. The partners might experience power struggles or conflicts related to control and intimacy.
-Venus and Mercury in the 12th house suggest a strong subconscious or intuitive connection. The partner may deeply understand and resonate with your hidden emotional needs and desires. But, The relationship might involve a significant amount of private or secretive behavior, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or difficulties in fully understanding each other’s needs.
- conclusion - not doomed but it's complex. Work on balancing the idealistic or escapist tendencies with practical and realistic approaches to handling relationship issues.
✨ Mars, Pluto, juno and Nessus in 1st house synastry-
- The combination of Mars and Pluto suggests a relationship with intense energy and transformative potential. Both partners are likely to experience significant personal growth through their interactions.
- Juno’s influence adds a focus on partnership, commitment, and the ideal of a supportive and respectful relationship.
-The presence of Nessus introduces the need to address deeper issues related to boundaries and personal trauma. The relationship may involve working through these issues.
-also, The combination of Mars, Pluto, and Nessus suggests potential power struggles or control issues. Both partners need to be aware of these dynamics and work on maintaining healthy boundaries and mutual respect.
✨ more outer planet aspects in composite chart than personal planets - will this relationship work out?
- If both partners are committed to personal and relational growth, the relationship can thrive despite its challenges. Outer planet aspects often bring opportunities for significant personal development and transformation.
- Open and honest communication is crucial. Being able to discuss deep emotions, changes, and challenges openly can help manage the complexities and maintain a strong connection.
- Understanding each other’s needs and being patient with the process of transformation can lead to a deeper connection and greater stability over time.
✨ mercury in 1st house synastry, mercury trine Mercury, mercury conjunct moon in synastry, why is it so difficult to maintain conversation with this person?
- Even with harmonious aspects, partners might have different styles of communication. For instance, one may prefer direct, straightforward conversations, while the other might be more subtle or indirect.
- The Mercury-Moon conjunction indicates an emotional connection through communication, but it can also mean that underlying emotional issues or sensitivities influence how conversations unfold. If emotions are high or unresolved, it can affect the flow of dialogue.
-Create regular times for conversation, such as having a weekly check-in or dedicated time for discussing important topics. Consistent communication practices can improve overall interaction.
-If emotional sensitivities are impacting communication, address these issues directly. Open discussions about feelings and concerns can help clear the air and improve interaction.
-Practice active listening, where you truly focus on what the other person is saying without planning your response while they speak.
-Find and focus on topics of mutual interest. Engaging in conversations about shared hobbies, goals, or passions can help foster smoother and more enjoyable dialogues.
-Take time to understand each other’s communication preferences.
✨ Venus in 10th house synastry -
-The relationship might receive public attention or recognition. Partners might be seen as a power couple or gain admiration from others for their combined achievements or public presence.
-The relationship may bring a romantic and harmonious influence to the other partner's career. This can result in a balanced approach to work and personal life, with an emphasis on creating beauty and harmony in professional settings.
-There could be an overemphasis on how the relationship is perceived by others. Partners need to ensure that their focus remains on genuine connection and mutual respect rather than solely on public perception.
✨ Mercury in 10th house synastry -
-This placement often indicates shared interests or intellectual compatibility in professional matters. The partners might find that they have similar ideas or approaches to career goals and public image.
-The partner with Mercury may offer valuable advice, insights, or practical help related to the other partner’s professional aspirations.
-Differences in communication styles or professional opinions might lead to conflicts. It’s important to address any disagreements constructively and ensure they don’t negatively impact the relationship.
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Thanks for reading ✨
- Piko 💫
207 notes · View notes
tragedy-of-commons · 2 days
“You are a genius at understanding me” + Dr. Ratio
"You are a genius at misunderstanding me."
Veritas Ratio does not so much as look up from the flickering static screens hovering in the air above his desk. Well, your desk, but you've been allowing him to occupy it since he started staying longer hours at your place. The only indication that he even heard you is the movement of his hand that scrubs over his (probably exhausted) face.
"What is there to misunderstand? Please, enlighten me," he says, meaning every word. He stops emoting, flicking his wrist to the right fluidly, screens going with it - they fade quickly from view as they're shut off. "From my comprehension, you're going to throw your life away on some fool's errand."
"Fool's errand?" you echo, voice quivering as indescribable hurt punctures your gut. "That's what you see my passion as? An exercise in futility?"
Veritas' voice tightens as he pointedly turns around to face you and your aggrieved countenance, but there is no rash anger or malice present. There's something else you can't place instead. "That is not what I said. I am calling the action of you throwing yourself headfirst into the Nihility for the sake of research some fool's errand. I value your intelligence. Surely, you must know that--"
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you clutch your various portfolios and folders a bit tighter in your arms. Despite your earlier comment, sometimes it's easy to forget the caliber of the person you're debating with. Dr. Ratio of the Intelligentsia Guild is easily the brightest mind you've ever had the privilege of working with. (Or maybe you're doing the very thing he abhors - worshiping a genius and underselling yourself.)
With bright minds, comes points of contention.
"That this is the last thing we need to accomplish before we can make proper contact with IX? Yes, I do," you stand your ground. "Don't try to sway me. Common sense would tell anyone that it's dangerous, but you'd tell me that the pursuit of knowledge is anything but smooth sailing."
Veritas regards you and your reply without immediate dismissal, so you know he's treating this with the respect it deserves - not to say he doesn't do so normally, but you can feel the atmosphere shift into something highly gravitational, weighing down on the width of your shoulders.
"I can't stop you," unsure of his footing, he takes an experimental step closer, observing your reaction and making sure you're not against it. When you do nothing but stand there with a heavy heart and harrowed expression, he closes the remaining distance. "And I won't attempt to try, considering you've already made up your mind. It would be a disservice to your character."
Veritas is beautiful. Up close, he gazes at you through thick lashes and violet fringe - even if those vibrant eyes of his are ringed with darkness and his skin is a shade paler than you remember. This project has consumed you both... agitation is inevitable. The fluorescents (which you switched for a type to remedy eye strain a month ago) flicker and hum discordantly as he pries one of your hands away from your chest.
"You knew," you surmise. Veritas rakes a calloused thumb over your palm, reverent and reluctant all the same.
"You wanted me to know," he states matter-of-factly. "Leaving out the approval for the funding where I've made myself comfortable is not the gentle let-down you hoped for."
"I'm sorry."
"If I've made you feel the need to apologize, then I am in need of an adjustment. Don't be sorry; be anything else," he begs (or the closest you've ever heard to it).
You close your quivering fingers over his hand - it just feels like the right thing to do at this moment. Gut feelings aren't evidence by any stretch of the imagination, but based on almost nothing, you've decided that Veritas Ratio is going to miss you. You're not set to explore the trenches of oblivion anytime soon, really. The process of getting your endeavor approved through the proper channels is a lengthy one, but it already feels like you're lightyears apart from him.
You say nothing, so he continues, voice gentle. "I suppose I just don't want you to leave, knowing you may not return."
He's never been one to sugarcoat things, but hearing the bold truth spoken aloud to your face with all jargon stripped away rattles your core in an animalistic way. It makes you want to shove your greatest aspirations into the nearest closet, if only for a moment. If only to see his expression lighten.
Is that juvenile? Yes. Is there room for feelings like that in your relationship? Probably not. Do you care? Yes, but you care about your dreams more.
Is there room for him in your dreams? That remains to be seen.
"I know," you smile, brow knit together in sympathy. "Come on, let's get you to bed. It's past your bedtime, you know."
That earns you a nose exhale that almost sounds like a laugh. It's good enough, at least for tonight. In the morning, perhaps you'll broach the topic again, sidled up to Veritas' side as you criticize the way he uses your coffee machine or the way he lingers a little too long near the threshold of your home after it's well past time to go.
You still have time. You'll have to squeeze Veritas in there while you can.
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🏷️: @akutasoda, @aviiarie, @lowkeyren
a/n: this is probably the most excited i've been to write in a while HELPAOSDAS. whoever you are, anon, thank you. omg this prompt... galaxy brain 9000 iq. i have trouble characterizing dr. ratio sometimes, but i hope you enjoy what i came up with!
event post here
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kimikoslover · 1 day
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I've been thinking of indira shetty x artist!reader lately since I am an artist and just imagine indira being always soft w/ you ! Here are some headcanons for yall, hope you guys like them
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★ Sometimes, when you’re on art block, you usually sneak your phone to take pictures of Indira for references. Using your sketchbook, you would occasionally sketch a few drawings of her— it's a great way to practice your proportions right?
★ Whenever Indira is off work from Godolkin, she'll have time to wind down and spend time with you. One activity that you and Indira would do is drawing! Having knowledge in a few forms of art, you help her with different drawing techniques. It's honestly heartwarming to see Indira expression her emotions through her art.
★ Indira prefers you not knowing about The Woods and the experiments that run at Godolkin. Yes, she does talk about her day at work, but she leaves out those details you don't need to know. Afraid that you would leave her if you knew.
★ Once a month or so, you would spend your time trying to finish the art projects you've given to yourself. Meanwhile, being too glued to the project, Indira would notice how you weren't taking care of yourself. She would sometimes scold you for that, but she does remind you to take breaks and eat something. Good thing she's there, or else you would have such bad back pains.
★ Indira will buy you art supplies if you run out of pencils, paint, gauche, etc! She admires your art so much that she doesn't want you to quit your passion. Indira loves to butter you up with her compliments and love for your drawings, you would get somewhat embarrassed, but you secretly love them.
♥︎ bonus— Since Indira sometimes has Cate over at your guy's house, you would bond with Cate through showing your art and by showing you're there for her too. This was after whenever Cate has finished talking to Indira about something— whether if it was about her friends or stress.
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2001hz · 22 hours
hi, i just want to preface this by saying that i admire your blog and your dedication to archival and the preservation of culture.
i wanted to ask you a few questions about it since i’m interested in developing an archival project myself.
what is the process like for you doing your own scans? where do you source these materials and how do you choose what you’re scanning? is it an intuitive process or do you have a specific vision for what you seek out?
i’m interested in knowing what your journey is with archiving and how you became interested in it to begin with.
i hope you have a good last couple weeks of summer!
hello and thank you!
the process of scanning magazines and books from my personal collection/library is almost always specific Im always going through the years of said fashion designer’s work and trying my hardest to research as much information as possible, for example; naoki takizawa great designer has designed some of the best menswear and womenswear for ISSEY MIYAKE, I’ll scan and research the womenswear collections he worked on that the majority of fashion consumers rarely talk about, I’ve always loved learning and gaining new knowledge about fashion so doing that not only helps me but fashion enthusiasts as well. that’s really the joy of it all.
it’s the same process for art as well, but different, I love imperfections and grotesque things. so I research artists that express ‘ugly’ imagery beautifully. hr giger work has always portrayed that for me so I scan his concept art for alien and his work before and after that.
sourcing information digitally is troublesome especially if you want a handful of coverage, I’ll just recommend collecting as much fashion magazines like WWD.
I became interested in archiving on the internet back in 2017 and I didn’t really start scanning things until 2019, I love spreading information and passionately telling people about my favorite fashion designer’s work so this has been a passion project for me ever since then. im a student of art and fashion so I humbly think I open thought loops like no other but one’s ideas is truly not original so I do things with my blog a little differently than others when dissecting the world of art and fashion.
on the topic of archiving and preserving fashion, when I was younger had met a model in real life before knowing she was a model I just thought she was really tall, funny enough the next day I had seen her on america’s next top model very surreal moment for me but I live in NY so I guess things like that could happen at anytime. that gained my love and passion for fashion but it wasn’t until I got my hands on a Y-3 jacket I had found back in 2011-2012 while on the clock with my dad in manhattan, super cool memorable moment for me, I’ve always been fond of Yohji Yamamoto.
being from NY you live and breathe fashion through every era, so that played a huge part of me being the fashion nerd I am today, seen every phase in real time, the nigo bape era, 2010s supreme, rick owens, ralph lauren rugby polo, the marmot 'biggie' era, street goth, glunge, indie sleaze etc, my palate for fashion has grown overtime leading me more into passionately connecting to fashion on a spiritual level and continuing to do so as Im typing this.
so this has been a long journey of mine and if my blog and the essence that I bring to 2001hz impacted you in anyway I appreciate you and wishing u the best of luck.
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anim-ttrpgs · 2 days
Songs for Eureka Sessions: Sessions Intros
(in case you wanna open each session with a musical theme like an episode of a tv show)
Masterpost of Eureka song lists & how to choose good music for any TTRPG session.
Gabriel Knight Theme
Superstition - Stevie Wonder
Behemoth - Gost
Eclipse - Perturbator
Mystery Inc. Intro
Suspiria Theme
The Woods and the Goddes - Deadly Premonition
Kolchak: The Night Stalker Theme
Red Right Hand - Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Pink Panther Theme
Prologue Music – Resident Evil 2
Saudade – Resident Evil 2 Remake
Main Theme – Max Payne
The Hunt – River City Girls
Max Payne Theme – Max Payne 2
Main Theme – Gabriel Knight (Original)
The Church - Perturbator
Max’s Choice: Duty vs. Passion – Max Payne 2
Infuscomus – Blood
Haunted When the Minutes Drag – The Guest
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Elegantly designed and thoroughly playtested, Eureka represents the culmination of three years of near-daily work from our team, as well as a lot of our own money. If you’re just now reading this and learning about Eureka for the first time, you missed the crowdfunding window unfortunately, but you can still check out the public beta on itch.io to learn more about what Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy actually is, as that is where we have all the fancy art assets, the animated trailer, links to video reviews by podcasts and youtubers, etc.!
You can also follow updates on our Kickstarter page where we post regular updates on the status of our progress finishing the game and getting it ready for final release.
Beta Copies through the Patreon
If you want more, you can download regularly updated playable beta versions of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy earlier, plus extra content such as adventure modules by subscribing to our Patreon at the $5 tier or higher. Subscribing to our patreon also grants you access to our patreon discord server where you can talk to us directly and offer valuable feedback on our progress and projects.
The A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club
If you would like to meet the A.N.I.M. team and even have a chance to play Eureka with us, you can join the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club discord server. It’s also just a great place to talk and discuss TTRPGs, so there is no schedule obligation, but the main purpose of it is to nominate, vote on, then read, discuss, and play different indie TTRPGs. We put playgroups together based on scheduling compatibility, so it’s all extremely flexible. This is a free discord server, separate from our patreon exclusive one. https://discord.gg/7jdP8FBPes
Other Stuff
We also have a ko-fi and merchandise if you just wanna give us more money for any reason.
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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levia-san · 2 months
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Interest Check for a potential physical copy of "I took a nap, so my body got STOLEN and now I'm STUCK in my childhood sweetheart's Life-Draining Sword" ARE (still) OPEN!!!
Link to the Comic (x)
Please check it out !
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braxiatel · 11 months
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In the daytime Pearl E. Moon is a caretaker at the beloved family theme park, Scarland. At night she dons her mask and her hard hat and becomes Hermit City’s very own superhero, THE CLEANING LADY. But trouble is brewing in the seedy underbelly of Hermit City, the likes of which THE CLEANING LADY has never seen before. Old foes return, but this time it is neither THE CLEANING LADY nor Hermit City in their scopes, but rather each other. The mad GOAT seeks revenge on HOTGUY and his partner-in-crime, POULTRY MAN. The stakes are raised when the GOAT calls on his old ally, THE RED KING, and the dastardly duo of POULTRY MAN and HOTGUY form an alliance with the equally eccentric and explosive TATMAN.
There is only one thing standing between Hermit City and the impending war of the villains: THE CLEANING LADY!
Based on the idea of this post!
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charrfie · 5 months
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mezucore · 8 months
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i made a short visual novel-style retelling of some re-animator scenes in extremely rudimentary html for my website. i'd appreciate it if you checked it out <3
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pjsk-headcanons · 20 days
*deep breath pt 3*
or should i say...
vbs: emu (unit leader), haruka, honami, minori
vbs -> PASSION P♤NIC (my brain is out of juice have you noticed)
-emu and haruka both attended RAD WEEKEND, it is still the end goal lol
-haruka quitted ASRUN earlier and thrn picked up singing after RAD WEEKEND. rad weekend was a lot later this time around i guess nagi you have to wait to die/j
-thought this would be funny that the event pp♤ had equivalent to Light Up the Fire would be haruka finding out about nagi with an (mixed event key story other than the anni ones hear me out)
-emu finds honami (i dont know how, maybe just a school-related thing happened) they become the P♤NIC part of the group name. honami is very cautious at first (because iykyk x2) but slowly gets into it
-haruka finds minori still trying to spread hope through being an idol (65+ attempts rejected this time) is impressed, they become PASSION.
-their sekai is called city SEKAI. (shoot btw s•s is still stage sekai i forgot to add that last time)
emu - honami -> "P♤NIC!", "faith in you", "to keep that smile warm" (cried i didnt think id be this attached to this group this is the one i liked the least)
haruka - minori -> "PASSION!", "my idol...a street artist?!" (minori originally only join bc "i cant miss a chance to work with THE HARUKA KIRITANI!! not knowing shes gonna be a street artist), "understanding that hope" (minori o7 our true goat)
minori - emu -> "pure smiles☆~", "always cheering up!", "more than surpassing" (again- up to interpretation hehe)
honami - haruka -> "getting back into it", (they both are recovering from...something iykyk yahaha) "calmer smiles☆~", "so that i can be myself again"
minori - honami -> "dog walk pals!", "brought in by friends", "with hope, with fear" (hahhdhdjshahdhsjhd *sobs*)
haruka - emu -> "bright hair...!", "that night", "setting a spark for that tomorrow" (emu and haruka dream of being able to make songs that makr people hope for the "next day" - kind of equivalent to vbs want to "take over the world" for nagi because she couldnt? parallels sigh)
asking mod for some things:
1. should i make group songs (like a list of some sorts) after im done with loreposting? or focus on sekais? ill get to both eventually but i want to see what you mod and maybe others think
2. forgot to mention that i was not the one who spun the wheel. these groups were made as an april fools for a unit swap fic called reCYCLE. hehe
anyways. wxs next, eight characters left! any guesses for next time?
🌐 anon
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alfredosauce50 · 6 months
Dancing with Wolves
[Yandere Viking! Denmark x reader]
Synopsis: Mathias is set on sailing to a better home before the baby is born, a place with eternal Spring where his child will not know the cold of Winter. After a month adrift at sea, he finds the land of his dreams and a discovers a new continent. The North Americas. There, he meets a village of natives who have already claimed it, and eventually, the sagamaw’s son, Allen. You develop a close friendship with him, but Mathias tells him to stay away for his own good. They’re two worlds apart and equally as different, and end up challenging each other on every aspect in life. So as enlightening as it has been for both sides, there’s a reason why they’re separated by an ocean, and Mathias stays true to his path to being the King of Danes.
Word count: 8, 791
Rating: M for slight NSFW
“Arrows that blot out the sun. Seas of soldiers. That is real. War is real. You need to move forward, in our direction.”
🎃 The story is on my Patreon for all tiers
🎃 Or $3 on Ko-Fi
Because this story is not a part of the main trilogy, I’m not publishing it here, but it’s available as a spin-off.
I wanted to say a big thank you to my patrons for their patience and ongoing support. It means the world to me, truly. To know there are people out there who really enjoy my work and keep showing that helps me tremendously. Especially Tullah, who stuck around even after such a long period of inactivity. Thank you so much for keeping this spark alive. I hope you know how important you are to my inspiration and motivation. You were the one who suggested this story a few years ago, after all. I will also be eternally grateful to any new members on my Patreon, or new supporters on my Ko-Fi. Your generosity will not go unnoticed.
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exoshroommie · 3 months
Here are the results:
for soysweets mango, won, with bobberfruit coming in second.
I had two people add ideas.
one person said that chocolate soysweets are mentioned in an ending. since someone I've been talking to about this said they'd love to have chocolate soysweets, if everything goes well, I'll make those after mango.
someone else recommended adding blep tea soysweets. I'll set up another poll later asking if they should be added.
for the question on if I should add tiramisu, kombucha, marzipan, and nougat to the list of foods, most of you said yes. they have can added, and I'll look into how to make them soon. (tiramisu is probably gonna be one of the first foods i make)
progress is probably gonna slow down for a bit, I might ask about cakes soon, but besides for that. I have another project I'm working on, and the next step is actually making the food.
but I'll make sure to post my updates here! <3
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mekkyz-dubz · 8 months
yo, no sparklecare hate pls.
let me read sch in peace.
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vaugarde · 2 months
my sky gift came!!!! cant get good photos of everything rn bc crickets on my leg but oughhhhh these are so cool… i wish i got this before sending eve his gifts tbh bc i know i wanna use the stationary
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also dusknoir has been cut in half. so sad!!
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jovial-gender-jester · 6 months
if there's anything i care about more than magical girls, it's magical women
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hysterical-cats · 1 year
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this ^ lil black swoopy in silli/jemi's bib is actually incredibly important and its a crime that they dont include it more often
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