#this is a mess tm
cashmoneyyysstuff · 11 months
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katsuki’s extra clingy when he’s sleepy. you know he’s sleepy because he hasn’t left you alone since he came back from his sparring session with kirishima.
it’s almost funny how The katsuki bakugou who’s so scary, who’s all sharp glares and huffs and pinched eyebrows, is hanging off your shoulders like a big fat baby.
“katsuki.” you start, softly rubbing one of his arms tightly wrapped around your shoulder. he grunts. “you can go to bed if you’re tired, handsome. i’ll come up later.” you look back at him as much as you can since he’s barely letting you breathe with how tightly he’s holding you. he huffs, droopy red eyes glaring down at the sandwich you were making for yourself like it was at fault for keeping you out of bed with him.
“ m’not tired.” he slurs, his hold tightens on you and he shoves his head into your shoulder. his hair tickles and you shuffle to the side a little. he follows.
you giggle to yourself. usually, katsuki would have some qualms about being so touchy where someone could walk in at anytime. it’s not like he was ashamed of being with you (not even close) but he has a reputation to uphold, y’know?
as if on cue, he yawns into your shoulder. you let out a light laugh and he nips at your shoulder in retaliation. “ i thought you said you weren’t tired ? what happened to that ?” you question teasingly, a sly little smile forming on your face. he mumbles something into your shoulder you can’t make out. “ i can’t hear you, love.” he groans, lifting his head up slightly but his eyes are still closed. “ s’cus yer takin’ forever. by the time you’re done i’ll be fuckin’ dead, dumbass.” he says before dropping his head back down on your shoulder like a load of bricks and you snort.
“ i’m done. i just want to go eat this sitting down but i can’t because someone won’t let me move.” you shoulder him lightly, he doesn’t budge, but grunts nonetheless.
“ jus’ eat it here.”
“ i’m not eating my sandwich standing up, katsuki.”
“ why the fuck not ?”
“ because !” you laugh “ i wanna enjoy my food !”
“ can enjoy it just fine with me here. why’re ya trying to get away from me ? s’your food less enjoyable when i’m around or somethin’ ?”
you roll your eyes but the smile on your face grows wider. “you’re such a baby.” you let out a light squeal when he pokes your side and lightly smack his arm, he huffs out a little laugh into your shoulder.
“katsuki !”
“fuck you, m’not a baby.”
“ could’ve fooled m—ow ! oh my god !” you yelp as he bites you and the fucker laughs. you huff, grabbing his arms to try to free yourself of the clutches of this absolute demon. he stops laughing then, grunting and groaning at you like you were the one inconveniencing him, while still keeping his head secure in your shoulder. the nerve of this guy.
“ katsuki.” you groan and he growls at you again, like a wild animal, like he’s daring you to try to escape him again. you sigh “ okay, okay, fine. you win, okay?” you say, admitting defeat while you can lest you have a sleepy, pissed off bakugou hanging off you.
“m’not a baby.”
“you’re not a baby.” you confirm. he squeezes you a little tighter and you sigh again. “can i at least go sit down ? i’ll even hold your hand on the way there, is that good ?” you say sarcastically. you snort when he lets out a grumble and pokes at your side and you can feel the unmistakable frown he has on his face.
“ told you m’not a baby.” he complains but he (begrudgingly) lets you go to let you move around. you turn around and he follows immediately. you have to hold back a laugh at the thought of a big buff bad boy like katsuki following you around like a lost puppy. you hold back your laughter but you’ve still got a dorky smile on your face when you sit down. katsuki’s not too far behind you, he never is. he pushes his chair way closer than it needs to be next to you and your knee is pressed against his when he sits down.
“what’re you grinning about, huh ?” you turn to look at him, dorky smile still very much on your face as you gaze at him. he’s still got that horrible frown on his face but his eyebrows aren’t scrunched up anymore, one of his perfect eyebrows is lifted up questioningly and he’s sitting so close to you you’re sure you can count the exact number of lashes he has.
“nothin’.” you sing, taking a bite of your sandwich. he huffs but doesn’t pry further. instead, he leans closer to you. you make eye contact and he looks at you expectantly. you know what he wants after a second, but you’re not gonna give it to him so easily. “ did you need something?” you ask innocently. his eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he’s glaring at you, he’s figured you out. he huffs for the umpteenth time today and he squints at you harder when you giggle lightly.
“ gimme some.” he says gruffly, already opening his mouth slightly like he knows you’ll share with him. and he’s right, because you do. you bring your sandwich closer to his face and he takes a bite, humming contentedly before leaning back into a more comfortable position, never too far though.
“you always take huge bites out of my food, my sandwich’s basically gone.” you tease, playfully pouting dejectedly at your sandwich, holding back a snort when he scoffs at you, offended.
“ fuck off.” he spits, but there’s no animosity in his words. he resorts to pinching your thigh to make up for it,“ didn’t even eat much, you big baby.” he says. usually he’d have something smarter to say but he’s tired now, and you originally intended to take full advantage of the situation, but you’re feeling nice today. he’s tired and you’ve made him wait long enough, in his eyes at least.
you roll your eyes, deciding to ignore his comment and take another bite of your sandwich. you eat in silence and he doesn’t say anything else after that. when you finish he practically jumps up from his seat despite his lack of energy, looking at you expectantly as if to say ‘let’s go already.” you giggle.
“ i hear you, handsome.” you coo, going over to place your plate in the sink, you could wash your plate later when he falls asleep, probably (if he somehow decides to let you go).
you feel like being a little mean to him as you stay where you’re standing by the sink and sigh. katsuki, who had already turned around to go upstairs, turns to you, eyebrow raised in question.
you hum, placing a finger on your chin “ i dunno, i still don’t feel full, maybe i should make another-"
you’re dragged by your arm towards him before you can even fully comprehend what’s happening or even finish your sentence. you let out a big belly laugh when he grumbles. he suddenly has you lifted over his shoulder and you yelp, wondering where the hell this herculean strength came from despite him being so tired.
“ m’tired of your shit, quit fuckin’ around so i can go to bed.” he slaps the back of your thigh lightly and you gasp, but you’re still giggling a little. “you know, you could’ve just went ahead with out me, i would’ve come eventually.” he scoffs like you had just told him something utterly foolish, like the concept of sleeping without you was unfathomable to him, you smile harder at the thought.
“ don’t be stupid,” he mumbles “as if i could do that.” he adds the last part quietly but you catch it either way, there’s blood rushing to your cheeks and you don’t know if it’s because you’re slightly embarrassed by his honesty or if its because he’s been holding you upside down this whole time.
when you get to the elevator, he places you back down. grabs you by the shoulders and squeezes like he’s trying to weld you to the floor and make sure you won’t move. “ we’re going to bed, now.” his tone is decided, clear. you’re not fighting him on this and you honestly don’t want to.
instead you smile, grabbing his hand and squeeze “okay, let’s.” you beam.
he squeezes back.
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mumblesplash · 7 months
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reel life
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sunshine-zenith · 7 months
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TWO fairies who grant wishes for you? No, one fairy, plus the guy who lives in her house, hangs out with her when she’s working, and is legally bound to her by marriage
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crystallizsch · 20 days
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i know glomas encore is over but listen i-
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thewinchestah · 8 months
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and that’s a wrap guys!! I’m not okay!! But at the same time I’ve never been better!!
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acowardinmordor · 10 months
Everyone knows that Wayne knows about and supports his nephew in his various flavors of queer across all fics and headcanons. But I especially enjoy it when Wayne knows and supports him, while Eddie is completely oblivious to the fact that he's not straight.
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dolls-self-ships · 7 months
Why are all the Lucifer x reader fics about Lucifer being overworked and busy and that's the cause of his stress/tiredness? That man has not done a single royal duty in years. His office is cluttered with ducks and he's a scatter brained mess at least at the moment. I need more fics where the reader sees the state of his office and goes "oh... my god, he's really going through it". Where's the acknowledgement of his depression? I'm gonna write it myself if I have to damn it.
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tcfactory · 7 months
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Broken System
I love it when the System breaks and gets shut down permanently, but what if it left its marks on its main user? Shang Qinghua won't be able to get out of explaining this even if he really, really wanted to.
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yoon-dowoon · 9 months
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you're my best friend for the rest of my life until the days tinge purple once again bangtan boys and their songs for armys 💜 (cr. bemyjinnie, merjy_)
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beskad · 6 months
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ruzhuzhu · 20 days
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hrhghgrn... human... sebastian...
some of my thoughts on him:
- sebastian was a university student. studied in technical field, mainly engineering & computer science. he succeded at those and was a huge science enthusiast
- he had a big family. a lot of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and other relatives, who were in constant contact altogether. although he had tense relationships with some of them his family was tight-knit. he loved all of them and enjoyed spending time together
- for some reason he was really good at... scamming people. his friends' group favorite leisure activity was contacting shady folks and 1) getting their trust 2) leading them in absurdly disadvantageous situations. many of those were written down by his friends in a blog
- before all of the horrible stuff happened he used to be an outgoing person. sebastian could be harsh, sarcastic and even rude, but never crossed the line. had lots of acquaintances. i also think he was a big fan of hugging. after the trauma of experiments sebastian couldn't handle being touched, but still deeply missed the feeling of physical contact.
- sebastian was physically gifted from birth. his health was exceptional and he was extraordinarily strong, which became more obvious the more he trained. unfortunately, superiority in strength caught attention of urbanshade. they were specifically looking for people who could be potentially useful in their experiments and sebastian was one of them. obviously, the crime, the trial and everything else were staged for public display and to frame sebastian.
- transforming physically changed him mentally too and brought out the worst in him. sebastian's spontaneous anger issues worsened, he beacame more easily irritated and defensive, as well as suspicious and violent. poor man tried his best to keep his humanity. sarcasm and abrasive verbal comments cool him down and relieve his destructive inclinations a bit.
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virgothozul · 2 months
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i need self indulgent activities so bad rn. It feels like I’m always saying that zjgfzjhbzfejhb. Anxiety made itself a bed by the front door and everything is terrifying, even when living the safest of lives.
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✨old men✨
why haven't I drawn them together you ask? well thats an interesting question! :D
*throws snowball and runs*
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lyraofthestarsss · 25 days
I woke up and IMMEDIATELY realized that there’s a specific melody in “We’ll Be Fine” that sounds familiar so I stared at my ceiling and listened to the previous sagas’ Athena songs and found way more than what I originally planned
All of this is JUST We’ll Be Fine. I haven’t sat down and fully analyzed the other wisdom saga songs yet
Reoccurring Themes
We’ll Be Fine starts with Athena’s classic piano run, just like how every song of her’s starts
Telemachus has acoustic guitar in his instrumentals the same way Odysseus does (like father like son fr)
Athena has piano in her instrumentals the same way Anticlea does
When Odysseus was young, Athena was a mentor to him in the way that a mother would teach her child about the world around him
The run down/harmony between Athena and Odysseus when they sing “Warrior of the Miiiind” is a repeating melody that appears at the end of My Goodbye, and several times in the chorus of We’ll Be Fine
Odysseus is the first one to sing this melody, with Athena following close behind to match him. I feel like this is Athena learning from Odysseus in a way she didn’t think was possible (a goddess? Learning lessons from a mortal? Impossible) I feel like this melody also represents their bond, because she loses it in the last line of My Goodbye but she brings it back in We’ll Be Fine
The long, held note Athena belts when she first sings the chorus of Warrior of the Mind is the same note she holds at the very end of My Goodbye
To me, this is her going back to her old ways. Abandoning Odysseus and the way of thinking he taught her
We’ll Be Fine -> My Goodbye
Athena said she can’t sleep at night because she’s worried about Odysseus and regrets leaving. Odysseus tells her in My Goodbye that he can’t sleep at night because he believes actions are what caused his men to die
“Maybe ^^^ if I’d made a different call vvv” from We’ll Be Fine sounds similar to (but not exactly like) “One day ^^^ you won’t disappoint me vvv” from My Goodbye
It’s Athena going from blaming Odysseus for their ruined relationship to realizing that it was ultimately her decision to cut ties in the first place
“Maybe he’d be fiiiiine” run in chorus of We’ll Be Fine is the same as “this is my goodbyeee” run towards the end of My Goodbye
Both Telemachus and Odysseus change Athena’s instrumentals and flow completely when they start singing. Athena’s piano instrumentals shift to acoustic guitar, and then the piano joins back in later on to follow the melody
This could represent how both Odysseus and Telemachus have influence on Athena in a way she never could have expected. She sees their perspectives and adapts to it
We’ll Be Fine -> Love in Paradise
Telemachus calls out to Athena in the same way Odysseus does (similar notes, but the only difference is pitch)
They’re both trying to get her attention. Telemachus is right in front of her, but she’s getting lost in her own thoughts. Meanwhile it Odysseus, Athena is nowhere to be found. Telemachus says her name or get her attention, but Odysseus says her name as a cry for help
We’ll Be Fine -> Warrior of the Mind
Athena copies Odysseus’ run down from “Warrior of the miiind” to “maybe we’ll be fiiiine”
This is Athena reflecting on her past actions. Maybe, she believes, if she wasn’t so focused on trying to form the greatest warrior and unintentionally creating a divide between her and Odysseus, then their relationship wouldn’t have ended the way it did
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accala · 12 days
Thinking about Rebirth timelines makes my head hurt 'cause if you think about it even for a second, you'll start wondering where the original Sephiroth from the Rebirth timeline even is (considering the theory that Advent Children Sephiroth is the one being a menace to the group in Remake and Rebirth).
There's theories such as this one supporting the idea of there being more than one Sephiroth, but the idea alone can give you nightmares. Like is Sephiroth from the Rebirth timeline just floating around somewhere in the lifestream? Or is he being a menace to another Cloud in another timeline? Is there even an original Rebirth Sephiroth or has AC Sephiroth always been there? Are there even multiple Clouds and etc? On that similar note, I've wondered where exactly the other Cloud is in the timeline Zack transported himself into in a previous post (especially since he was the only one we didn't see when Avalanche was pulled from the wreckage)
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oneluckydragon · 2 months
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"What do you remember of being human, Echo?" The question is out of the blue and unexpected. But Sora offers a patient smile and tilts her head in curiosity, just enough that one of her ears flops over. It's endearing, if anything.
But Echo wishes she hadn't asked.
"Not much. Distinct memories are cloudy." A tired tone says softly, a pained recollection in her eyes and an acrid haze in her soul that endures, endures, and endures, "But I remember the discomfort more than anything. My body always did feel wrong back then. Misshapen. Condensed. Like it was too small for everything buried underneath, and that ache went so deeply some days that it would make my skin crawl. I hated that part the most."
At that, Sora's expression falls. She looks inexplicably sad, as if she'd hoped for a different response, a gentler one despite knowing the harsh truth about the dark future and the struggles Echo must have suffered. "But you had Grovyle, right? I'm sure he took care of you."
"He did, Sora, of course he did." A sigh, a flick of an ear and claws clenched tightly into the churned earth pressed under her paws. "I doubt I deserved his attention, though. I was too busy being angry at the world to give any care back."
In my lore, Echo does not look fully human during their time in the dark future. Since they were Darkrai before becoming human, and as a result of Palkia's reckless shattering of the Dimensional Portal which distorted both time and space, Echo's transformation was broken and accidental. They ended up looking pretty messed up and definitely (not) human. A lot of their characteristics as Darkrai carried over but rather morphed into something else.
And Grovyle, growing up in a world where humans have been extinct for longer than any living pokémon has been alive, has no concept of what a "true" human looks like. The only thing he knows is descriptions of humans from glyphs and texts in old ruins. Thus, he mistakes Echo for an actual human. And Echo, not knowing what a human looks like themselves due to amnesia, accepts this identification with nothing better to use.
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