#this is a conversation i just had with ny mun
adharastarlight · 1 year
James: oh, go to hell.
Regulus: fine! but I'll be running it in a week.
James: ...yeah, I don't doubt it
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initcne-arch · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK BUT SHE SHOULD BE.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK BUT SHE SHOULD BE.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO. / SORT OF?? THE FSOCIETY IMAGE IS WELL KNOWN.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. DEPENDS ON WHO YOU ASK!!
How strictly do you follow canon?  — i follow it pretty closely!! mr. robot is excellent content and i don’t feel the need to deviate too far from canon. a lot of her childhood / history is made up by Moi because they simply do not delve into it on the show.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  what ISN’T spicy about darlene alderson!! she’s a genius hacker out to destroy capitalism and eat rich people!! she literally crashed the country’s economy ( unintentionally, but the Power that statement holds ) and exposed the richest and most powerful people in the world, the people who are influencing the global sociopolitical state, and redistributed all their wealth to the people. she’s loud, she’s fiery, she’s argumentative, she’s stubborn as hell. fiona apple’s fetch the bolt cutters (2020) was written for and about darlene. she’s easy to talk to and she talks to people easily. it doesn’t take a lot of effort to strike up a conversation with darlene. y’all remember that post about the two dudes in ny on a subway and a random bottle of wine rolled down the aisle out of nowhere and one guy popped that bad boy open and made friends with the dude sitting next to him?? that’s darlene. if you stick around long enough, she’ll expose you to a world of cybercrime and the american dream conspiracy like you’ve never known before. while she’s at it, she’ll hack into your exes smart thermostat and crank the temperature up until they are forced to leave.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —   look i think darlene is simply the most interesting person ever but there are absolutely aspects to her that are not...outright abhorrent, but things that certainly make her difficult to be around. she’s not the most emotionally stable person--i think i’ve talked enough about her tendency to push people away when they get too close. it’s not the first interaction that’s difficult for darlene, it’s keeping people around that’s difficult. she doesn’t stay in one place for very long. she is, again, loud, fiery, argumentative, and stubborn as hell. she is, frankly, a bitch at times. not everything needs to be sunshine and rainbows, though. she’s involved with cybercrime and all the rings that circle it.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  — honestly i had a url hoarded for her for a Long Time, the series was about to start it’s final season, and i just kind of went why the fuck not!! she’s been my favorite from the beginning and her personality is a complete 180 of my other active muses. i’ve been writing muses from the same series for about *checks watch* seven years now lmao, it was time for me to branch out.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  music has always been my biggest inspiration for writing in general. darlene has her own playlist that i turn on to get the creativity flowing. i find though that when i force myself to write, i either really hate what i’ve written or i simply cannot write, so holding that boundary with myself and saying it’s okay to write on my own time is pretty critical. calm down greg, it’s just fucking tumblr rp. writing headcanons and bouncing ideas off of people helps as well.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / GOD I REALLY HOPE SO LMAO
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO /
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO, I HATE DRABBLES.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO / sorta
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. / depends on the day tbfh!!
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / CALM DOWN GREG IT’S JUST FUCKING TUMBLR RP
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  i like to think i handle criticism well but i’ll be upfront and say no one has really criticized my portrayal of darlene?? a lot of the topics in mr. robot are topics i’m very passionate about / am knowledgeable about irl and tbh i do think that gives me a leg up on writing darlene. me like i’m just the Perfect Darlene, thanks.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  absolutely!! i love questions!! i always want to answer questions and talk about darlene!!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  sure!! just know that you are wrong and i am right!!
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  *leans into the mic* calm down greg, it’s just fucking tumblr rp. also, again, you are wrong and i am right.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  not personally because darlene is...darlene but also like you’re wrong.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  yes, absolutely!! literally i do not proofread anything ever, i simply smash keys and hit post.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   — i know i can sound like a big ol’ bitch who is stingy over darlene but i really don’t think i’m that scary lmao. i don’t take this website too seriously. i’m here for a good time, not a long time. i have the tendency to talk a fucking Lot because sometimes i have a Lot to say and no brain capacity to consolidate it. last night in a groupchat we determined that we are all secretly baby and that’s why we are martinkin.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  goddamn no one lmao Tagging: literally just do it!!
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agirlinhell-a · 6 years
munday meme: what's a plot/plots you wanna write that you've never written? what are your favorite hobbies? what are you favorite/least favorite foods? what's a plot that you will never touch? if you had to rp as a different character/characters, who would they be? what would be your irl fc as clem you would pick? if you could visit anywhere in the world for your birthday, where would it be?
what’s a plot/plots you wanna write that you’ve never written? 
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I have an entire wishlist tag for this!! If I were to pick the ones I really crave for, it’d have to be:
Clementine’s travels with Omid and Christa in the two year timeskip after Lee’s death. I feel as if this transition is extremely important to Clementine’s character, as Omid and Christa took care of her far longer than Lee, Kenny or Jane - and arguably better - than any of them ever did. The moment Omid died, Clementine lost hope in the world again and her mentality becomes a lot more depressing.
The aftermath of Clementine’s exile from The New Frontier and being separated from AJ - from her last talk with Ava to her time alone and then in Prescott, and her dark time spent there. It’s all very much headcanon based, but this is where Clementine truly becomes her own person, this is where she truly grows fiercer, this is where she learns to fight back and become harder and stronger. This is her time when there is no one looking out for her, no one is there to watch her back, and all she has is herself. During her time in The New Frontier, she was a medic and supply runner, but then she steadily grows into one of the group’s fiercest fighters, with help from Ava, who teaches her how to fight and archery, morse code, parkour and survival tactics - Ava is a woman trained in the army, and Clementine took her teachings to heart. During her time in Prescott, Clementine descends into a much darker mentality and it’s possibly the darkest place where she’s ever been and she starts doing many morally questionable things. This is her transition from Season Two to A New Frontier. For a year, Prescott would be her home and it would shape her into someone much darker and demented beyond recognition. That sweet little girl that her parents had raised and Lee had protected was gone in that city, almost like she’d never existed. Whenever she walked into a bar, she could hear the hushed whispers of “it’s THAT girl,” “poor thing”, “didn’t she shoot a walker point blank in the face?”. No one knew her real name, as she never gave it out, so they resorted to naming her “Hellgirl” and Clementine relished in her new identity. She quickly found herself being a mythical figure - and even a bit of a celebrity - a girl of her stature having survived this far into the apocalypse.She learns how to ride a horse and ride a motorcycle in Prescott. She stole, murdered, drank, smoked, got high and gambled… in fact, she made a living out of it as a child mercenary. She was living in sin all at age twelve. She had managed to become quite the thief, as well, as she was light and quick on her feet. At one point, she even owned a bar and had hired wayward men and women to guard her.That girl is gone now, faded with time, yet her wildness is only barely concealed by a stonewalled composure.
Clementine and her time spent at Wellington - I feel as if this would be really sweet to see, something for her to look forward to, somewhere it’s safe for her and AJ… until it’s destroyed, at least.
Clementine finally arriving at the McCaroll Ranch and reuniting with AJ... and the possible events that might’ve occurred there.
Clem learning flower language from a book in Ericson’s greenhouse and giving flowers with their own respective meanings to people.
-Clementine dealing with her own mental health issues.
-Clementine becoming a pagan witch and a beginner in witchcraft.
-Ericson’s being haunted by the deaths of Marlon, Brody and Mitch… and who knows whoever… or whatever else lingers through the campus?
Card games with the Ericson’s squad!!
-Clementine experimenting with her sexual orientation.
-Clementine experimenting with her gender identity.
-Clementine discovering and learning more about her African heritage.
-threads where muses talk about things that confuse them.
-threads where muses talk about things that have hurt them in the past.
-threads where muses talk about their deepest fears.
-threads where muses talk about sexual and romantic orientation and relationships (past and present !!)
-Clem as a babysitter to Tenn, Willy and AJ.
-AU where the original concepts that were planned for Season Two and Season Three: A New Frontier happen to Clementine… and make her a much darker character. However, I must warn you that this AU would not be for the faint of heart and contains heavy, mature themes. It is arguably a lot worse than what she endures in canon, and that’s saying a lot. Clementine’s mind slowly becomes darker and demented the more she ages, she begins to look at the world in a nepotistic way, and she will do whatever it takes to survive, and she will brutally murder whoever stands in her way. Basically, this is a much darker version of Clementine and a lot of things in her canon change, i.e AJ is dead, Kenny is more or less Clementine’s enemy, etc.. This verse begins in Season Two and will continue onward from there. HERE IS THE LINK. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
-AU where Clementine is taken in and trained as a soldier of the Delta against her own will or otherwise.
-Modern AU scenarios!! Youtube Channels, vines, memes, shenanigans!!
-Interactions between Clementine, AJ, CJ and Clem’s pet tigress, Rani, based off of THIS POST. Honestly, Clementine and AJ are one hella awesome duo, but add that in with Omid and Christa’s child and oh, I dunno, A FUCKING GIANT TIGER is even BETTER. Also, CJ and AJ are a lot like brothers and their bond is just so wholesome. CJ’s witty and lighthearted and is one of the only people capable of calming AJ down - CJ is also more analytical and calmer than AJ is. I just want Rani to be feral, scary but also soft and sweet - she has an appetite for walkers and the living alike, and she’s not completely tamed, but she’s mostly cool with most humans, but harm Clementine or the two kids and she will rip you apart and eat you. Clementine found her in an abandoned zoo back in Season Two and has been taking care of her ever since... and now, Rani is HUGE. God forbid you trespass on her eating, that’s not a good time. Also, I just wanna see other muses’ reactions to this huge tiger that Clem easily pets and cuddles with.
-Clem becoming a Whisperer, perhaps with James and Charlie? I haven’t read the comics yet, but I know a bit of what happens and what the Whisperers are really like. It’d be really cool to see Clementine in this kind of scenario - but I don’t think she’d be the same girl we see in canon.
-Clem joining settlements from the comics (i.e Hilltop, Alexandria, the Commonwealth, etc.)
-Harry Potter AU!!
-Naruto AU!!
...and a lot more, but those are the ones I really, really want!
what are your favorite hobbies? 
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Hmmm.. reading, writing, making aesthetics and moodboards, daydreaming, listening to music and cuddling with my cats!
what are you favorite/least favorite foods? 
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MMMMMM PIZZA ICECREAM APPLES PURPLE GRAPES AND COOKIES!! As for foods I don’t like, uhhhhhh… veggies???? Idk I’m not a fan, SOMEONE BEAT MY ASS
what’s a plot that you will never touch? 
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Hmmm… honestly, I don’t think there’s any plots I will never refuse? I’m roleplaying a girl growing up in the apocalypse, after all, so I’m very willing to roleplay morally questionable topics and threads with dark themes? In fact, I encourage it! Please don’t ever hesitate to plot with me no matter how dark it is!!
if you had to rp as a different character/characters, who would they be? 
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Uhhhh… hmmm, I have a lot of ideas from many different fandoms! If I were to pick a few muses, it’d be Daenerys Targaryen from ASOIAF, Nymeria, the Princess of Ny Sar who ended up ruling Dorne from ASOIAF, Lyanna Stark from ASOIAF, Uchiha Madara from the Naruto series, Terumi Mei from the Naruto series, and maybe Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series.
what would be your irl fc as clem you would pick? 
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At the moment, Amandla Stenberg, especially with her Modern AU’s! A lot of people pick Zendaya and I just… why??? She looks NOTHING like Clem??? I’m very picky with my IRL FC’s but it took a long while to pick an IRL fc. Thanks to all of Amandla’s pics with her hair in braids, cornrows and the likes, I just really want Clem with traditional African hairstyles??????  GIVE THAT BLACK SCORPIO QUEEN SOME COOL HAIRSTYLES!!
if you could visit anywhere in the world for your birthday, where would it be?
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God… ANYWHERE? Preferably somewhere in Eastern Asia, Europe or in the Caribbean, because those places just sound so amazing and fantastic to me? Canada doesn’t have a lot of cool things in comparison to those countries imho so it’d be nice to be somewhere else. If we want to be REALLY specific, possibly Kyoto, Japan, Shanghai, China, West Palm Beach, Florida or Jaipur, India.
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lvoplds · 7 years
aye ! i’m d or dennis either is hideous. she/her and i’m a big ol’ Gay. my timezone is gmt but that means nothing bc i sleep like garbage & that’s pre much all the ooc info i got bcos i’ll ramble which makes sense considering i’m leo’s mun --- speaking the fuck of ! hit the readmore for a lil breakdown i’m trying to keep brief ( i lied barbara sue me ) + the like button if u wanna plot <3
☆ · ˚ . ✦ . ˚ { COLE SPROUSE, TWENTY-FOUR, HE/THEY } spotted! LEOPOLD FISK making their way down the streets of the ues. i swear, every time i hear WELCOME TO JAPAN by THE STROKES, i think of them. the DEMIBOY is currently a COLLEGE STUDENT. though everyone knows them for being HEEDFUL & WELL-ROUNDED, page six says they could be BITTER & PERIPHRASTIC. according to gossip girl, LEO BLACKMAILED THE ADMISSIONS DIRECTOR TO GET INTO UNIVERSITY, but that could be a rumor. { d, 20, gmt, she/her }
so, leo feat. some basics --- just turned twenty-four. demiboy with preference to either he or they pronouns. 
he’s ny born and raised. a fact that’ll be fun later: his mother’s from scotland & he has family he visits there.
he’s demisexual/demiromantic. romantic and sexual attraction come hand in hand with emotional depth and since he’s so skeptic/extra about the first and uncaring when it comes to the latter, it makes it difficult for leo to be available, but not at all impossible bcos hey ! he’s very open to connecting with people. he just needs to reset some of his priorities and ideals on people. it’s been two years, cunt.
a continuation to the point upstairs -- he’s pretty social though not as much as he used to be in highschool ?? he says it’s bc of college which is partially true but u never know.... now it’s pretty much him being socially operating: extensive phonecalls, he likes talking. keep him updated. spill teas and ur feelings, hon. the wingman of his people;  think caleb gallo from the gay and wondrous life of caleb gallo or cher horowitz got brutally murdered by amber and possessed josh lucas. will set you on a date on the spot which is IRONIC considering he *gasps* has cynical opinions on dating but that’s a preference not a fact. venting-friendly; he pays attention and takes mental notes and will be able to keep up. the catch is that you never see him during the week and if you do, it’s by planned accident. he’s a big Nerd and also lives in campus. td;lr: he’s the parental figure but mostly the aunt who lives five states away but knows your business because she cares and is also going through a rough divorce  handled poorly by her budding alcoholism and needs the distraction.
THAT BEING SAID, it’s not a shocker to know that his mother is a therapist and he clearly takes a lot from her. known one to socialite moms all the way to governors’ wives in the upper east side --- and that’s how he managed to blackmail the admissions director of nyu.
as smart as he is, the one thing he’d worked for ( maybe not too hard, but he didn’t think he’d need to ? straight a’s should be more than enough ) somehow did nawt work ??? and he’s not ???? taking that ??? at all ?? WHAT ??? and in comes his moral ambiguity where he reasoned w himself that yea... he deserved this. and the director shouldn’t be diddling with their family friend -- no, her being a model is not an excuse. and yes leo had to investigate to know whom that was  -- so this is karma. right ? right. and it happened. he ofc didn’t tell them he’s their therapist’s spawn -- his mom goes by her maiden name - but he knows the reveal would be #iconic on graduation day.
additional fuckshit he’s on about: he’s a famous local erotica romance novel writer in scottland and goes by pseudonym brenda j. thomson who wrote elicit confessions. it’s as extra and terrible as it sounds.  
FAMILY FRIENDS ? absolutely. they’d notice the shift in personalities maybe. he was extra before and he’s extra now but less and studying environmental law with a full blown depression. #grown
EXES ? just a major one. they’d been a Thing^tm throughout high school but dissolved as most relationships would after grad. i’d say it’s the most intense romantic relationship he’d had but that’s only because it was his first and while it hurt before, he knows that’s what it was now -- still refers to them vaguely and dramatically as his first love/experience by habit and for point delivery purposes but it means less to nothing now.
A NEIGHBOR ? has to come back home to someone next door on the weekends ! they could be close, absolutely despise each other, a little bit of both, etc.
HIS CLOSEST FRIENDS ? these people... are his life. literally wouldn’t go a day without talking to them. his lil web of lovely distractions. whether it’s who he met after grad or knew all his life, they’re important. if they all know each other ? kudos ! if they don’t ? he’d probably mention them in conversation or make it a point they would one day, no problem. ( i wanted to set a number aka five ppl but nah - a good starter number tho and the rest are budding friendships bc we stan those )
MOM’S FREQUENTERS ? yes. people who see his mom, whether it’s a muse or a muse’s parent. he’d probably run into them when he stops by his mom’s therapy office or knows of them. anything could be done and fleshed out more here !
DORM MATE ? yes. they share a dorm, they’re mates. they crash parties together and steal minivans for fun.
ENEMY ? rivalry is approved in this house. could be friends before and shit went left why not leo’s a shithead ?? im ready to go off !
FRENEMIES ? only talk when they’re forced to in social settings or in a group of people. heavy opinions of each other. passionate despising, maybe a little too passionate -- for everyone’s comfort.
FRIENDS HOW ??? they only ever talk on the phone/text. only. it’s weird, they don’t know how to explain it but that’s pretty much it and it works ! they’re comfortable enough to talk about fleshlights and communism.
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1, 12, 17, 18, 34, 65, 43, 36, 18, 48, 70 (to the mun) (chosen at random)
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
My only surviving parent is my mom and no we have a terrible relationship. It’s strained and awkward and not a healthy relationship at all. I had a good relationship with my dad although my mom would not agree. We fought a lot but ultimately we had fun together, always got over it within like an hour, and had great conversations.
Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
OF COURSE! Many times--especially when I worked overnights at the gas station--all weekend I’d be up most of the time because I couldn’t sleep opposite times very well.
Ever made out in the bathroom?
Sure have; not a public bathroom I don’t think but many times in private bathrooms
Are you scared of spiders?
Not unless they’re poisonous. I try not to kill them either.   
Who/what was your last dream about?
HUH it was a bit weird. It was a dream about a composite of two people (one of whom I’m struggling with my feelings for)--and there were oranges, falling over in the kitchen in fridge light at night, a single kiss and some very odd feelings about the person(s) involved.
Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
UM my theoretical bff or my actual bff? Theoretically, it depends on how I feel. I like people once in a forever blue moon. SO if I like them I would reciprocate, otherwise I’d lose my shot. My current BFF of the opposite sex, no. I would tell him I didn’t feel the same because he’s nice and we have fun together and I don’t want that ruined.
(OMG this thing skips from 40 to 51 I want my money back--gonna do 53 and 58 instead)
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
What I always do before going to bed, turn on some rain sounds and a spotify timer before plugging in my phone to charge.
Favourite weather?
Misty--not raining but super overcast and the rain is just kinda part of the air. Reminds me of Upstate NY
Do you give out second chances too easily?
I used to because I was desperate for someone to care about me. Now it’s pretty much the opposite. I am cautious about who I get close to and I don’t need any BS in my life so if you fuck up big time with me I’m done.
Is there anyone you would die for?
MY SISTER! Absolutely 100% ride or die
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shahbancu-blog · 8 years
get to know the mun . accepting 
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ — Do you have any Tumblr friends? If so, who are they?do you mean tell you all bout my friends and gush until I cry???putting this one under a read more because I’m gonna talk about some friends and you’ll learn I talk a lot when that’s the topic. I know it says just tell you who they are b ut. I’ll do more. I’ma be gay 
Oh boy, I have quite a few, including the whole AS rp squad and another squad. They are all so good, I’m in love. Welcomed me with open arms, I was so very glad! I don’t know many of them well yet, but I’ve gotten to get closer to quite a few!!
Soji, ( aka @kaikhosrow ) she’s like, one of main reason I made this blog tbh. Dragged me into AS hell, got my taha muse firing. She’s a sinner, shouldn’t trust her either. She’ll expose. you when you least expect it. But, just, is great quality, so I can look past the exposure I’ve been through. she writes Arslan so well, he’s so elegant and utter perfection. You can’t not love her, it was so easy to fall into a good friendship with her, I like talking to her. It’s relaxing && fun(ny).
Joy/Light, ( aka @narcasse ) basically was the first to spark the idea in me to make Tahamine, we talk a lot about narsus and Tahamine a relationship, and formed a great friendship. I first met her in a group chat on skype, and was kinda shy honestly, she seemed great, && I wanted to get to know her more! I’m happy I was able to, because she’s so wonderful.  Honestly soji and joy are so good, they both let me indulge in my sinful ways, they participate in them w/me to. Grand times I’ve had. 
Shout out once again to all the other AS rper, ilu all and want to get to know you more my friends
Trinity/Mom, ( aka @nonavalon ) //clenches chest. one of the first friend si made on Tumblr via roleplay. I was such a newb in the beginning lmao, p clueless and super shy, but she came and greeted me into the NNT fandom, made me feel comfortable. Honestly even know I still am hesitant to message her sometimes, but I always have great conversations && get good advice from her. She made the nnt rp chat, opened the doors to making more friends. Connected the roleplayers, && helped us form irreplaceable bonds. I’m so greatful for her, you don’t understand, the best mom
Nikki, ( aka @multlfarlous ) watch buddy!!! gets me into all the animu and makes me cry tears bc of them. She’s fantastic, though most times we are just yelling into a rabb.it about what’s going on in the show. 80% of our convos but I love her. She’s excellent taste in shows, I’m so happy I met her. Ahhh,  
Diana/damned Angst Gremlin ( aka @triadfaes ) my frieeennd, who makes the fairies suffer. That’s it. That’s all you need to know. Lmao but actually. I’ve grown so attached to her? She’s absolutely wonderful, at first I was hesitant && unsure aroujd her, woa you seem so cool. Now I know she’s just angsty fairy trash ( but like, the best kind of trash ) I honestly do appreciate her so much though, she doesn't like when i sin, but still always finds the time to remind me when I need to eat since I always forgot. I felt so good those weeks. But just, Why?? I don’t deserve that though?? Too kind to me, so undeserving.
Candace/Ban ( aka @sinnamon-ban ) cries lemme know if I spelt your name wrong btw?  I try and remember but I’m not that good. She is quality though, the designated adult™ who needs to stop promoting usage of lightning guns. But a genuine joy around the chat, flops in every night ( literally lmao ) and chats! I’ve hadn’t many chances to have one on one convos w/her but I still enjoy it all, it’s fun seeing her around and glad i got to know her!! 
Ellin ( aka @wrathsinned ) she’s probably so done with me honestly, but I love her?? She’s the whole reason I even managed to meet great people like Nikki, Soji, && Joy. I’m, I am so glad, and am already emotional from talking about everyone else ok, so this isn’t that good, but she’s beautiful and creative, and made a fantastic au. Her version of Meliodas is grand and great! My favorite mel™. I personally think she needs a lot of sleep and rest too. She put up with me a lot, I don’t think she needs to. Like the one friend I enjoy, but want to leave alone because I don’t want to bother. I get nervous sometimes to say things to her tbhh, just me reverting to my old shy self. I don’t know why in all honesty.
&& to everyone else in the Chat, ( @kingarthurpendragon , @goatsin , @castelliones , @lcgion ) Lis, Mia, Asia, Mik, I love them all too a lot, my fingers hurt and feel really numb but I want to answer this and include them all. They are all amazing human beings who I got to know, I’ve had great times, I’m so happy ;;v;; you all are so much fun, i love listening to your ideas too, and theories, charactizations of gowther,arthur, escanor
well, that’s p much everyone nonnie. I like to talk about friends, a lot. Obvs. 
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