#this is WAY later and matt just about breaks down because of it. felix asks him to bring sebastian back in a rare show of mercy
prismatoxic · 6 days
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somehow, against all odds, felix carter has a normal human admirer at the company. his name is sebastian and he likes doing whatever felix asks him to, which makes him very useful
matt does not like sebastian.
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glitterquadricorn · 3 years
As The World Caves In - Carlisle Cullen (Day 10)
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Summary: She watched on in horror as the love of her life's head was torn from his body. Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x Reader Word Count: 681 Warning(s): the volturi, confrontation (?), fighting, character(s) death, etc. If I missed something, let me know.
Song Inspiration: As the World Caves in by Matt Maltese/Sarah Cothran.
"And here it is, our final night alive"
The sound of a hundred feet thumped against the cold ground. Black cloaks broke through the treeline towards them and their allies. On instinct, she reached for her husband’s Carlisle hand, hoping to ease her rising anxiety. The Volturi was a coven she only met a handful of times over the last several centuries and they never failed at being intimidating.
Carlisle let go of her hand and stepped forward to Aro. “Perhaps we can settle this in a more civilized manner?”
“Perhaps we can, Carlisle. But seeing that you’ve assembled an army to fight us.”
“An army wasn’t my intention-”
“We see the child! Do not treat us as fools.” Caius said, Interrupting Carlisle.
“She is not an immortal,” Carlisle exclaimed, casting a glance around at the allies before returning his gaze to Aro. “These witnesses can attest to that. You can look, see the flush of human blood in her cheeks.”
“Such trickery will have your head taken from your shoulders, Carlisle.”
Aro held up his hand. “I plan on getting every ounce of the truth, brother.”
The centuries old vampire then wanted the one person who was the main reason they were there in the first place: that person, Edward. She wasn’t comfortable with her son going anywhere near Aro, let alone any of the volturi. Moments later, Bella, along with Reneesme and Jacob, were walking over to Edward. Emmett joined them for backup, but hopefully, he wasn’t needed.
“Is this the child you saw?” Caius asked Irina. Irina proclaimed the Cullens innocence before Felix and Demetri ripped her arms off. Irina’s sisters, Tanya and Kate, cried out and rushed over, but were held back by their allies. A reaction of that magnitude is what the volturi wanted. Anything to start a fight. After they took her arms off, her head followed suit, and they set her body on fire.
“No law has been broken.”
Aro goes into this grand speech about their kind being at risk. And as much as she hated to say it, he’s right. Humans nowadays have access to things like the internet and are a lot more observant than they’ve ever been. She was fine with Bella knowing because she felt like she could trust her enough to keep what they were a secret. But if it was anyone else, she’d be terrified.
Alice and Jasper walked into the clearing, eyeing Aro and the volturi. Members of the guard stopped her from walking closer to Aro. “The child won’t be a threat to our kind, and I can show you.”
The black-haired vampire held his hand out, eager to see what evidence Alice had to offer. “It doesn’t matter what I show you.” Alice yanked her hand from his, turning to Bella, and whispered now. She swiftly kicked Aro in his chin, launching high into the air. Once he was back down on the ground, he ordered the guard to take her away.
Carlisle ran, yelling for them to let Alice go. He knocked the guards that came towards him out of the way. As he inched closer to Alice, Aro jumped up and met in the air with a thunderous clap. What happened when they hit the ground shook to the core. There stood Aro with a wicked grin, and in his hand was the head of her husband, Carlisle. Her hands shot to her mouth, muffling the scream. Everyone stood in shock. They couldn’t believe what had just happened. And one after the other, they all started running towards the volturi.
Her heart wasn’t in the fight as much as it should’ve been. She just lost the love of her life, so she didn’t see a point in living. Just then, she saw a black sleeve from a robe out the corner of her eye snake around her neck. And here it is our final night alive. The sounds of porcelain rang out, and as her head was being lifted off her shoulders, she had a smile on her face. She soon would reunite with Carlisle, and she couldn’t wait.
9 days until Christmas
@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @sergeantjbuckybarnes @patzammit @yagirlmexic @awkwardfangirl2014 @beckieandhertardis @tinycyberhacker @streetghostfighter07 @distant-illusions @alisoncdariel @1awesomeash @nocturnalherb16 @thisismysecrethappyplace @rainysuitcaseprunegiant @geeksareunique @stressedandbandobessed7771 @xshinytrashcanx @1950schick @finallyforgotten @keenmarvellover @inkybird @heshewumbo11 @shadow-dixon @mrspeacem1nusone @augustvandyne @harleyquinnpuddin @drayshadow @rue-cimon
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
A mate for Christmas? - Jane
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Word Count: 1,901 Jane x Swan reader Oneshot Warnings: Fluff, Angst
Jane –
Demetri, Felix and the twins joined Aro and Marcus at the Cullen’s house for Christmas; Caius refusing to go as he knew the ‘Dog’ would be there. “Caius sends his apologies Carlisle, but he couldn’t join us for Christmas. He decided to stay back and keep things in order at the castle” “I understand Aro. We’re glad that you, Marcus and the guard would come” Carlisle replied.
Carlisle led them upstairs to where the rest of the family were waiting; including Y/N Swan, Bella’s sister.
Jane noticed her the moment he entered the room; Y/C hair, Y/C eyes and your scent hit her like no other had before ‘Blueberry and Vanilla’ She felt a pull towards her and a knowing smile from Marcus confirmed it; Y/N Swan was her mate.
The Cullens exchanged gifts and Y/N handed her a small gift neatly wrapped in blue wrapping paper with silver Stags “For you.” She took the gift and gave her a small smile; opening it revealed a quad of eyeshadows in various shades of blue and a second quad of eyeshadows in various shades of grey. “I know it’s not much, but I thought you may like them, especially as Alice mentioned you prefer darker colours to pastels” “Thank you Y/N” Jane thanked her and felt a warm feeling run through her although she was annoyed that fate had given her a human as a mate. She didn’t like humans.
Y/N tried talking to Jane, asking her about her life in Volterra, her gift, if she had a favourite time in history seeing as she had lived so long. Jane didn’t wish to talk to Y/N and she certainly didn’t want to get to know her. Y/N sensed Jane wasn’t in the mood for talking judging by the minimal / lack of responses she received and left the room.
Marcus was very disappointed in Jane and her behaviour and told her so once Y/N and Ness were out of earshot; he didn’t care who else heard him “You my dear are being rude and disrespectful to Y/N and I am extremely disappointed in you. She didn’t choose to be your mate any more than you chose to be hers. Fate made this decision long ago after you were turned. She was born to be with you and only you. She is the one to complete you and vice versa” Marcus paused to see if Jane would interject; she did nothing but look like a child being scolded so he continued “If you choose to walk away from her; from your bond, that is your decision and I will respect it but…know this you will have lost my respect. You are throwing something away; something that is precious and should be treasured because of your inability to let go of the past; a past Y/N had no part in. You are throwing away a bond that was taken from me many many centuries ago; a bond I would do anything to get back, to be given a second chance at a happy ending. I cannot and will not forgive you for this” Marcus left the room not caring that he left a room full of vampires staring open-mouthed at the dressing down the usually soft-spoken King had given Jane.
Jane didn’t change her mind. She decided she could live without Y/N in her life. She could live with being a disappointment to Marcus as long as she had Alec by her side and was still favoured by Aro. What more did she need?
Later that night Jane found Y/N in Edward’s old room; it had become a guest room now, something that amused Edward greatly. Jane knocked on the door and waited for Y/N to answer “Come in” Y/N’s soft voice called out and Jane entered the room “We need to talk” She said to Y/N getting straight to the point “Ok” Y/N replied as she sat on the bed and Jane did the same. “This isn’t going to work Y/N…the mate bond between us. It isn’t what I want. You are not what I want” “O-ok. So what happens now?” Y/N asked low, dread filling her as she knows she cannot remain human and know about their world. “Firstly, I want you to know that I won’t kill you, none of my family will. I trust you to keep our secret seeing as your sister is one of us” “Th-thank you Jane. I will take the secret to my grave. I promise” “Secondly, I am going to formally reject you and then we can move on with our lives as though this…little inconvenience never happened” Jane added turning to look at Y/N.
“I bet Y/N feels great being called an inconvenience” Felix said low “Imagine how she’ll feel in a few minutes once she’s been formally rejected” Demetri replied. Everyone could hear the conversation between Jane and Y/N due to their hearing and they all felt sorry for the human girl, including Alec.
“Look at me Y/N” Jane says coldly and Y/N lifts her head and meets Jane’s red eyes “I Jane Volturi do reject you Y/N Swan as my mate, from now until forever” Y/N felt something break inside her but didn’t tear her gaze away from Jane “You must now reject me in return for the bond to be severed completely” Y/N nodded and sat up a little straighter, taking a deep breath “I Y/N Swan do reject you Jane Volturi as my mate, from now until forever” Jane nodded and smiled at Y/N; happy she was no longer tied to the human girl.
Jasper felt everything during that conversation and his heart went out to Y/N “Hey you, do you want some company?” He asked softly entering the room “No, I would like to go home. Can you take please Jas?” “Of course I can, come on. Alice will bring your stuff by tomorrow” Jasper led her out of the house and over to his car. “I’m sorry you had to go through that” He said softly after a few moments “Don’t worry about it. I’m sorry you have to deal with my feelings, that can’t be very nice for you” Y/N replied softly “Don’t worry about me, I’ve felt much worse over the years.” Y/N nodded and they sat in silence for the remainder of the journey.
When the Volturi left on Boxing Day Jane left the gift behind that Y/N had given her and didn’t bother going to say goodbye. Demetri took it upon himself to reach out and find Y/N’s tenor; committing it to memory, just in case Jane changed her mind and wanted to him to track her mate down in the future.
Jane surprised everyone as it had been two months since she rejected her mate and she showed no signs of being heartbroken or depressed at being away from Y/N. Jane continued with her life at the castle and didn’t give Y/N a second thought, the same couldn’t be said for Alec however. He felt sorry for the human girl that his sister so cruelly rejected and wondered if she was doing as well as his sister.
Y/N wasn’t doing as well as Jane but did her best to hide it; it felt like something was missing, like she was incomplete. Although she had rejected Jane at her request Y/N didn’t mean it; she wanted to be with Jane and figured that may be the reason she feels this way and cannot move on like Jane had said. Y/N had stopped spending time with Bella and the Cullens as it was just too much of a reminder of what she will never have so she made the decision to move to Florida to live with her mom and Phil. “I need a fresh start Bells. I need to get away from here and we can stay in touch” Y/N hugged her sister and boarded her plane ready to start her life away from Forks, away from the vampire world.
“Demetri can you track Y/N for me?” Alec asked one night on the way back from a mission the two of them had gone on “I can but can I ask why you want me to?” Demetri replied “I’m just curious I guess…I want to know if she is taking the rejection as well as Jane” “Alec you know that I can only tell you where she is, I can’t tell you how she is” “I know that, but I can find out how she is if I know where she is” Alec said looking at the tracker “You plan on checking up on your sister’s rejected mate? Why?” “I don’t know Demetri, maybe because I’m struggling to understand how Marcus can be the way he is thousands of years after losing his wife and Jane seems totally unaffected after rejecting and being rejected by her mate” “I think you’ve already answered your own question Alec. However, I will tell you Y/N is in Jacksonville, Florida” Demetri replied “Thank you Demetri. Please do not tell Jane” “I don’t have a death wish so I won’t tell Jane you’ve gone to Florida if you don’t tell her I helped you track down Y/N” Demetri offered “Deal” Alec said as he shook Demetri’s hand.
Y/N had been in Jacksonville for a month and felt better than she had in a long time, moving here was definitely the right thing to do. Y/N had met a boy and they flirted with one another but it didn’t feel right to her; she kept thinking about Jane. ‘Why do I keep thinking about her, she didn’t want me. I wasn’t good enough for her, at least Matt likes me; talks to me’ she thought to herself and decided to let Jane go completely “I Y/N Swan do reject you Jane Volturi as my mate, from now until forever” She said aloud and she instantly felt like a weight had been lifted off her.
At that very moment in Volterra Jane felt something break inside of her and all of a sudden she felt lost; incomplete, like something was missing from her life and couldn’t understand why. She let out a gasp at the feeling. Marcus sat there on his throne giving her with a knowing look. Alec, Demetri and Felix were in the throne room on duty with her and upon hearing her gasp they turned to look at her “Sister what is the matter?” “It would appear Y/N has rejected Jane and now she is feeling the pain and the hurt she caused Y/N many months ago” Marcus answered with a smile “But master Y/N rejected Jane at Christmas” Alec said looking confused “Indeed she did, but only because Jane asked her to. Y/N didn’t mean it then, she didn’t want to reject Jane so Y/N’s side of the bond remained in place. Therefore, allowing Jane to carry on with her life without a care in the world” Alec nodded in understanding “However, it would seem that Y/N is finally ready to give up on Jane and their bond and has rejected her of her own free will. Thus, causing this reaction in Jane. Welcome to a forever of heartbreak and depression child. It really couldn’t have happened to a nicer person” Marcus said smiling at her, enjoying seeing her experience the consequences of her actions.
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hockeyboysiguess · 4 years
four calling bird -> four broken sticks | a. matthews
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a/n: it’s me, again, hoping you aren’t yet sick of christmas fics from me. if you aren’t, here’s a link to the rest of this 12 days of christmas series!
word count: 4,161
warnings: two curse words and some angst. 
“How many broken sticks is that today, Matts?”
Auston didn’t know the answer and he didn’t care about the answer either. He just cared that his stick was broken and he couldn’t practice his slapshot with a broken stick. And he needed to take a slapshot right now, and another one, and another one. He needed to send a puck through the netting, through the glass behind it, and bury it deep in the wall behind that. Maybe his feelings for you would get buried with it if he could just hit the puck hard enough.
“I think he’s at two,” Willy supplied as Auston grabbed a fresh stick from the rack that unfortunately wasn’t pre-taped. He’d broken all of those already. 
“You missed one,” Mitch corrected. “That’s the third one he’s broken.”
Auston started a fresh roll of tape, starting with the heel of his new stick like always.
“I’m right here,” Auston reminded his teammates who were talking about him like suddenly he was invisible as he taped his stick lazily. One of his worst tape jobs in awhile, but he didn’t really care. “I’m not breaking any more. Just in case you were wondering.” 
That promise worked for another twenty minutes. Until Mitch dared to ask the question everyone had been avoiding. 
“So, did you tell your mom you broke up and that she’s not coming with you for Christmas yet? If not, you kind of need to tell her. You can’t just show up without her.”
And there came the fourth broken stick as the final whistle of practice came, with Auston thinking about the inevitable phone call with his mother and really having to say it out loud that he lost you after everyone told him ad nauseum not to lose you because you were so much better than him. You were so much better than him and Auston couldn’t pretend he was even half of the person you were. He couldn’t even think about watching you shove your things in a box as you raced out of his place, or the drawer that your things had inhabited now sitting empty, or the fact that his mom loved you and he hadn’t told her you weren’t coming to Arizona. He really couldn’t think about losing you a week before Christmas, the time of the year that was supposed to be magical and pure and good and joyful. Instead, Auston was pretty sure he hated Christmas now. 
Auston knew for a fact he hated Christmas as he pressed his mom’s contact on his phone while climbing into his car. He loved his mother and loved talking to her. He loved that he was going to get to go home for a few days and spend the holidays with her. But you were supposed to be there too and telling his mom was the last barrier that made the breakup real. A large part of Auston still thought he’d open his eyes in the morning and your hair would be in his face and your bobby pins would be all over his bathroom counter and your clothes would be haphazardly stuffed in your drawer and overflowing into two of his that technically weren’t yours but might as well have been. 
But then his mom answered the phone and he knew that wasn’t going to happen. This wasn’t a nightmare. Well, it might still have been a nightmare before Christmas, but it wasn’t all in his head like he desperately hoped it was. 
“Hi, mijo!” She greeted him with a warmth that always made him feel like he was back in Arizona, but today it also made Auston feel sick to his stomach because he was about to break her heart, never mind the fact that his was already broken too. “How are you? How was practice? We’re all so excited to see you both tomorrow!”
Auston let out a long breath, the kind that let his mom know there was something heavy and unspoken that was going to disrupt the Christmas cheer she’d been building since the Leafs schedule came out and she realized Auston was actually going to be able to make it home for Christmas this year. 
“Actually, um, about tomorrow…”
He trailed off, mostly because his bottom lip started to shake and his eyes started to get cloudy, but also because he wasn’t sure exactly how to admit that the girl his mom adored, who she fully and honestly wanted him to marry, wasn’t coming with him for Christmas this year or next year or any of the years after that. She was gone. He lost her and it was all his fault.
“Mijo, what’s wrong?” 
Auston bit his lower lip hard, hoping that would stop the shake and make his eyes gloss over from a pain that wasn’t in his chest. The words were so timid coming out of his mouth, syllables broken, shattered as they left his lips, “She broke up with me, ma. She’s not coming for Christmas.” 
Ema Matthews didn’t mean to; she wanted to be supportive of her son, but what came out was, “What did you do, mijo?” even though she should’ve just asked him what happened.
“I guess I just didn’t love her enough to overcome how shitty it is to date me,” Auston mumbled, replaying the night over in his head as he spoke. “Sorry for swearing, mama.” 
Auston remembered your sweater from a few nights ago when you showed up at his place, your snowflake one, subtle office appropriate Christmas, is what you’d called it in the moment. Auston had laughed, until he saw an empty box in your hands. He was confused when you set it down on the counter and didn’t take your shoes off. You didn’t bend down to pet Felix like you always did. Your shoes got kicked off haphazardly by his front door and then you pet Felix and then you came over and gave him a kiss. It was your routine when you came over, but this time your shoes stayed on, you barely acknowledged Felix, and there was an empty box sat on a counter in place of kissing him. 
“Auston,” you had sighed and he knew the second he heard the way you said his name that you were breaking up with him. He had been so scared of ever hearing it that he’d imagined every single way it would sound if you were going to do it. Finding you, and you somehow being willing to date him, had been the biggest blessing Auston had ever received. He had always thought that some day you would wake up and realize you could do so much better than him, so he’d imagined what it would sound like when he couldn’t sleep at night on the road without you. He thought if he familiarized himself with every possible permutation of it that when it eventually happened, he wouldn’t cry in front of you, that maybe he wouldn’t beg for you to stay even though you shouldn’t want people who don’t want you. 
It didn’t work. The way you said his name made him cry.
“Please,” Auston had said softly. “Please don’t do this now. Please. It’s Christmas. I know that stupid, but please don’t break up with me at Christmas.” 
You had hung your head and sighed again, “I’m sorry, Aus. I just, I can’t take it anymore. I’ve tried. I’ve tried for so long to just tune it out, just focus on you and us but lately everything has been just so loud that I can barely hear myself think. My friends and family are getting harassed. It’s not just me anymore. It’s too loud. It’s too much. And I don’t want to spend Christmas with your family knowing I just want to end it. That’s not fair to you or your mom or anyone.” 
“How is showing up at my place with a box to dump me for stuff I can’t control without even having a discussion fair either?” 
Auston had tried to fight back. He had tried to have a conversation, to communicate, something he had been absolutely awful at when you started dating. You had been so patient, so kind, and so steadfast with him as he figured out how to be a partner, how to meet you halfway. Here you were, after he worked so hard on himself because he thought if he worked hard enough maybe he could be worth a small part of you, acting like it wasn’t enough, that everything he couldn’t control mattered more than him. Unfortunately, sometimes, people can try as hard as they can, with all of their might, and still lose. He was so good to you, so good with you, but in the effort of fixing himself, of learning to be a better partner with as much of his energy as he had to give, he’d slipped a little in one area. Auston didn’t protect you enough from the noise and you were damaged because of his lack of ability to shield you from the press, from the fans, from every hungry person who fed on other people’s drama and suffering, from people who didn’t want you and Auston to be happy. Auston lost because he didn’t have more to give than he was already giving you. He lost you because what he had to give just wasn’t enough like a rejected Christmas present, rejected not because the gift inside wasn’t beautiful, but because it came with a toxic addition that Auston had tried not to wrap up with him, but failed. 
Driving down the street, all the Christmas decorations seemed to be mocking him. This was supposed to be his best one in a long time, getting to be back in Arizona with his family, plus getting to spend it with you. If Auston had drawn up his perfect Christmas at the start of the year, what he had planned was what he would’ve drawn up. But even the best laid plans, even the most carefully selected gifts, didn’t always pan out. 
“I’m sorry, mijo,” his mother told him softly, any earlier traces of disappointment over losing you from the family gone. She’d have to work through that herself later. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Auston felt like he was supposed to want to talk about it, about what it felt like to lose you and what he was feeling like now that he was being forced to become settled in it even though that was the last thing he wanted. Auston didn’t want to talk about the breakup though because he just tried so hard with you and he came up short anyway. Talking about shortcomings that couldn’t be fixed, because he could never fully shelter you from the noise of everyone else, wasn’t healthy. He could do everything in his power, use all of his energy, to protect you from it all, put zero effort into your actual relationship, and he still couldn’t do it. Talking about something Auston would always fail at and how it had cost him you wasn’t something he was all that interested in with the wreaths on the light posts and the Christmas carols on the radio station that you had insisted he play in his car mocking him. 
“Not really, ma,” Auston admitted softly. “Kind of just need to be alone tonight.” 
“Of course, sweetheart,” she mumbled as assuringly as she could. “Do whatever you need to do.” 
What Auston needed to do to feel better was drive over to your place and beg for another chance, a chance to do it better. He couldn’t even fully protect you, but maybe he could find more to give somewhere in him and do it better, while not being a worse boyfriend for it all. Except Auston knew you didn’t want him to try. You hadn’t asked for him to try. You had just broken up with him, just like that. Now, he was spending Christmas where the only gift he had received so far was his own heart shattered, given to him in an unwrapped box. 
“Yeah, I think I just need some time,” Auston sighed, running a hand through his hair before returning it to the steering wheel. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“If you change your mind and want to talk, you know you can call anytime,” Ema tried to assure her son softly. 
Auston just hummed softly in agreement, before telling his mother Merry Christmas and that he'd see her tomorrow. He tossed his phone careless into the cup holder, one of the side buttons hitting the side of the cup holder and greeting him with a picture of you kissing his cheek, arms wrapped around him, love obvious in your closeness. He hadn’t been able to change it yet, but your face squished against his cheek in that photo made his eyes tear up whenever he saw it. Luckily, the only lucky part of the last few days, he just pulled into his garage, so he could let the tears roll down his cheeks without worrying about not being able to see the road. Like every night since you’d left, Auston slept on the couch that night, the Christmas tree you had insisted on getting, mocking him in the corner. His sheets smelled too much like you to sleep in that bed, so he picked the mocking Christmas tree instead. 
Auston was on autopilot as he grabbed his bag, the one he’d left space in for your extra things that you wanted to pack that lived at his place. He didn’t fill the space he’d left for you because it was still your space. Like yesterday, the Christmas decorations and the Christmas music and the fake gingerbread smell coming from every shop in the airport mocked him as he waited for his flight. He just wanted to be home where he thought being around his family would feel enough like Christmas that he’d feel at least marginally better. He felt better when his mother wrapped her arms around him as he stepped off the plane, and when the warm Arizona sun hit his skin on the wall to the car. But it was all as temporary and out of place as the snowy decorations littering his parents’ home. Snow didn’t fall in Arizona and he didn’t have you anymore. 
His mom tried. His dad tried. His sisters tried. They all tried to cheer him up, shoving an ugly sweater over his head and a Santa hat on top of it. But he couldn’t engage in it. His mind was on you, on how you were supposed to be here, how he wanted to ask you to move in as part of your Christmas gift. He had a key made for you. He was so ready for you, for you and him for as long as he could see into the future, and now he just hated your favorite holiday. His bed felt too big that night, but at least the sheets in Arizona didn’t smell like you even though the space next to him was clearly meant for you. 
Auston woke up the next morning feeling hungover even though he hadn’t had a drop of alcohol. He rubbed his eyes slowly and reached out to the space you were supposed to occupy, finding nothing but cold sheets and an emptiness that felt so much more vast than half of a king size bed. His phone reminded him that it was December twenty-fourth, Christmas Eve, but it had never felt less like Christmas for Auston. Christmas was supposed to be sickeningly sweet, like all the candy his mother would stuff in his stocking later tonight. It was supposed to be happy, and maybe that was the worst part of it all, that Auston felt like he was supposed to be happy but just couldn’t be. Hhe lost you and he felt like he was letting everyone down by not being happy, by not being filled with Christmas cheer that was just making him feel so sick he couldn’t even eat his reindeer shaped pancakes his mother made, like she did every Christmas Eve morning. 
“You want to help me with the cookies?” his older sister asked him, trying to will Auston away from where he’d settled on the couch after being unable to eat his breakfast.
“I’m fine,” he replied with his eyes still trained on his phone. 
He was flipping through photos of you, something he knew would only hurt worse, but he couldn’t stop. He was trying to find out when something had changed, when you stopped looking at him with all the love in the world, the look that people had made fun of you for ever having about him of all people. Now that Auston was looking back on it, maybe they were right to do so. Maybe he was inevitably going to ruin what he had with you and everyone else had seen it from the start, noticed the inevitable unmarked intersection where you would crash into each other. When you crashed last week, it seemed only Auston walked away with any damage, shattered like an ornament that fell from the top of the tree, only to have the fragments of him carelessly tossed in the trash, no attempt made to repair him. 
Auston didn’t leave the couch except to move to the outdoor couch at his mother’s insistence and then back to the indoor one after the sun had set, time passing as it always did but affecting him less. He felt the same from moment to moment, an out of tune, incongruent symphony of thoughts of you, good, bad, and all the gray area in between, like the poor excuse for a symphony the carolers probably behind the knock on his front door would make that interrupted his private thoughts. His family was in the kitchen and he was closest to the front door. He didn’t want to answer and be faced with the prospect of ruining the Christmas spirit for a van-load of local children, but he didn’t have much of a choice when his mom called out for him to answer the door. 
Auston didn’t bother to look out to see who it was, choosing instead to get the shooting of children’s Christmas caroling dreams out of the way as quickly as possible. 
“Hey, guys, I appreciate you coming by, but we’re not really-”
Auston’s words caught on the tip of his tongue when he fully opened the door to see not the group of Christmas carolers he thought he would, but to see you standing there. You had nothing but a broken smile and a small duffle bag, the kind of small that indicated you didn’t know if you were about to be getting right back on a plane or if you were going to be allowed to come in. It was a kind of honest small, one that didn’t want to hope for the best, just expected the worst. You were wearing a Christmas sweater, one of your ugly ones. It was too warm for Arizona, sweat on your temples and the sleeves pushed up to your elbows as evidence of this, but Auston knew you wouldn’t take it off. He knew so much about you. He knew your favorite color, he knew that you always slept at an angle in the bed with the comforter bunched in your arms, he knew you loved Christmas with a passion that rivaled Santa Claus himself, he knew why you had broken up with him, but he didn’t know why you were here. 
“Hi,” was all you offered and it didn’t serve as an explanation. 
“What are you doing here?” Auston managed to put together the question from all the others crashing together in his mind, questions and statements and incoherent thoughts clashing and making it hard to come up with anything specific to say. “What? How? Why?”
You ran a hand through your hair and let out a long breath, before taking your bottom lip nervously between your teeth. You had a thousand reasons, really more than that as to why you’d bought a ridiculously expensive one-way ticket from Toronto to Arizona on Christmas Eve, why you’d squished yourself between a grandmother with a purse of overflowing powdery mints and a crying infant to show up at his door. None of your reasons were clear now though, all of them jumbling together, tangling up into an indistinguishable mess in your mind that only led to one statement that you weren’t sure if it even properly captured everything you needed to say to him. 
“I never want to spend Christmas without you, Auston.” 
There was so much unsaid, so many things Auston had been feeling since you walked out with a box of your things, leaving him with nothing of you but his memories, the photos on his phone, the gifts he’d picked out for you but never got to give you, and a dread of the holiday he had come to love with you. There was so much those nine words didn’t cover, so much hurt and agony underneath them. But fuck if they weren’t the prettiest bandage Auston had ever seen in his life. 
“I never want to spend Christmas with you either,” Auston breathed out, words spoken with relief so real and honest you felt like you could touch it.
You adjusted the duffle bag in your hand, shifting it from your left to your right as you looked at Auston. He looked horrible, dark circles under his eyes, a hollowness in his cheeks, but his eyes were so hopeful looking at you now, bright and deep, exactly like he looked the day you fell into him for the first time and decided to stay. His eyes were like Christmas morning, a beautiful promise breaking through the heaviness of a December that carried pain it wasn’t supposed to understand. You took a deep breath and hoped nine words, hope, and a little Christmas miracle were on your side. 
“Baby, can I come home for Christmas?” 
Auston didn’t hesitate. He knew his answer through and through, “Only if you stay for every Christmas forever.” 
You felt the tears sting your eyes as you stepped toward him, head nodding up and down as you accepted his terms. You thought you could handle being without him if it meant all of the negativity you felt from other people was no longer a factor. Except you couldn’t have been more wrong. People were still mean. The world still had a lot of darkness in it. All you had done by leaving him was create more darkness for yourself when his love and the light it brought left with him. Crawling back into his arms, feeling the familiar warmth of his chest, you felt his love wrap around you tightly, and your world became just a little brighter again. 
“I love you and I’m so sorry,” you mumbled into his ugly sweater covered chest. 
“Shh,” he mumbled softly into your hair. “It doesn’t matter now. You’re home for Chrismtas.”
You squeezed him impossibly tighter because if you let go, he might slip through your fingers like smoke, a figment of your imagination evaporating in front of you. You clung to him and he held you just as firmly, fearing the same thing, fearing his Christmas miracle would cease to be real if he wasn’t holding you. Hell, you weren’t a Christmas miracle. You were the best thing he had ever gotten in his entire life, the best gift the universe ever gave him. This year for Christmas, Auston Matthews lost you and got you back. While he could’ve done without the losing you part, he had you back. You were right here, in his arms, where you belonged and Auston Matthews wouldn’t be spending Christmas without you. He never had to spend another Christmas without you, the real Christmas miracle, the fact that his Christmases would forever include you now. 
You were home for Christmas. You were home for forever. Home was Auston and Christmas just isn’t Christmas with thousands of miles between you and your heart. But you were holding him now and you knew that waking up in his arms on Christmas morning was the only way you ever wanted to wake up for every Christmas in the future, starting with the one coming in a few short hours that you knew would make you crave the next one as soon as it finished. 
You loved him. He loved you. Love was inherently complicated, the joining of two people. Christmas uncomplicated it all, boiled everything down to the most simple thing possible; Auston Matthews was your person, and you wanted to share every Christmas with him. So, you walked into the house and started with this one.
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missinghan · 5 years
night changes ⤖ bang chan
❖ genre : friends to lovers! au; fluff; 
❖ word count : 5.3k
❖ warning : explicit language & mentions of alcohol
❖ summary : kissing Bang Chan was never on your New Year's resolutions list but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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This is probably the tenth wedding you’ve been asked to plan out and as always, you’re not having it. 
In your defense, there are countless reasons to hate a wedding. 
One, all of your friends are out and about, running into the love of their lives like it was meant to be. Soon enough, all of your girls’ night out would be cancelled in replacement for their date nights. The next thing you know is that you’re now standing somewhere in the audience while they’re having their soon-to-be husband slipping the wedding band on their ring finger. Meaning, all you can answer during every family gathering about your non-existent love life is “I‘m not seeing anyone.” 
Two, you don’t trust someone enough for them not to break your heart because you’re incredibly terrified of commitment. A single vow and a piece of paper simply means nothing if their feelings for you fade as time passes by. And obviously, they’d feel obligated not to leave you behind because, well, like they’ve said before - “I do.”
Three, people always say, if you love something, you have to learn to let it go. From your point of view, that’s just total bullshit. If you love something so badly, why should you even let it go in the first place ? You’re supposed to hold onto to it like your life depends on it, even if it makes you seem utterly pathetic. And you’re the kind of person who falls in love with someone, then let your entire universe revolves around them. Not to mention, you’d always end up getting hurt anyway. 
Four, who the fuck would want to get married on New Year’s Eve ? Kim Woojin, unfortunately. 
Not only do you feel personally called out because your best friend knows that you’re super single and super antisocial at the same time, but also because your other friends have already got themselves a kiss before 2020 even strikes. No doubt, you’d rather stay at home and cuddle with your dog instead. At least he’s willing to give you kisses at all times. 
Worst case scenario ? You can still sit back and chat with your favorite person in the whole wide world. Hyunjin is easily mistaken by people that he’s either a player or a fuckboy, but in reality, he’s the literal definition of a ‘Hot Cheetos’. Meaning, he’s quite the looker but has the IQ of a freaking Cheetos despite his sparkly GPA because he’s just lost all the time. Anyhow, you never take his company for granted. He would rather take a step back and watch others party until they pass out on the floor, very much similar to you. In conclusion, you guys are practically platonic soulmates. 
“How’s Felix been doing with that girl from work ?” You ask while sipping on the glass of rosé that a waitress has politely offered. Getting hammered tonight isn’t a bad choice, you figure as soon as ‘Beautiful in white’ starts playing in the background. 
Hyunjin purses his lips and stares at his glass of bubbly water. “He was shaking while talking to her via text. Via text ! Fucking pathetic.” He clicks his tongue in disapproval. “At this rate, I’ll have no choice but to steal his phone and ask her out on a date in courtesy of him.” 
You nod in acknowledgement. “He didn’t even have the courage to confess to the girl in Park’s business class back in college. How is he gonna get with someone from work where everything’s more complex and dramatic ? If he doesn’t have a girlfriend by next year, I’ll make him marry Seo Changbin.” Frowning at the burning sensation from the alcohol, you shake your head before placing the glass down. That’s too much wine for today. 
You low-key feel bad for Felix and high-key wants to grill his ass at the same time. He might not be very smart, academically, but his hardworking nature made up for everything and that’s why he’d always excel in every single class that he attended. And if you were one of those shallow girls who are all about appearances and shit, you’d definitely fall for him. With a decently attractive face and chiseled abs, he already had your whole school down on their knees back then. 
Okay, you might have exaggerated but Lee Felix is really something else. If only people could take more effort in getting to know him, he’s not just another pretty face to look at because nobody’s perfect. Felix is that kid who ran on three hours of sleep back in school because he had to finish homework then played video games in the dark until he’s sick of it. His parents’ bank accounts were probably mortified because they had to pay for their son’s eye surgery sooner or later. 
But he is your stepbrother after all, in spite of his flaws. 
“Wait, isn’t that Bang Chan from Changbin’s hip hop trio ? 3racha right ?” You notice a familiar face in the midst of chaotic people. 
Hyunjin cranes his neck over the crowd and spots Chan almost immediately. “Oh right, we did decide to keep in touch but haven’t really talked that much. I heard they got signed into a music production company so things have been a bit crazy for them. You know, the music industry. Problematic as shit.” 
Truth is, you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t have a crush on Chan back in the good old days college. You’ve only talked for a couple of times since he’s a mutual friend through Changbin but never really got the chance to get to know him because you’re extremely awkward when it comes to an authentic, in real life conversation. You’re also not the type to fall for someone twice but Chan looks really good tonight.
So your heart says otherwise. 
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Not thoughts. Head empty. Just Chan. 
Kim Woojin just has to have you and Chan sitting at the same table. Now he’s barely eight feet away and you’re already feeling the need to take a breather. You practically lost your feelings for him in the middle of your senior year because of the overloading amount of work and because you never mustered enough courage to ask for his number. But he’s currently right in front of you, too busy all smiling and laughing at Changbin’s dumb jokes to notice the mini mental debate that’s happening inside your head. 
Chan has never appealed to you as much of a fashionista like Hyunjin because in college, he usually showed up with long-sleeved shirts, shorts and caps. Black all the way from head to toe. But now you’re starting to wonder if Hyunjin got his good taste from Chan because he can effortlessly pulls off a simple black suit and steals your heart with ease. 
He’s wearing a one button suit with notch lapel, giving it a formal yet smart, casual look without overdressing. His white dress shirt is tucked inside his slacks neatly, hugging his body perfectly, and you know that he still takes good care of himself by the crispness of the cuffs. The matte finish of the black fabric makes the whole look that much more expensive with minimal effort. In which, makes your navy blazer over a silky black shirt, and matching pants extremely pale in comparison. Your black heels are also digging into your feet and you’re starting to regret the amount of money that you’ve spent on them. 
You’re looking like you’re about to attend a meeting while Chan looks like he’s next on the red carpet for some award show. Oh the things you do to plan out your best friend’s wedding. You just can never imagine yourself frantically running from one place to another in a cocktail dress or a full-on gown. Not even in the next life. 
“Christ, I miss my flats.” You wince slightly when the stilettos dig into the back of your feet, outstretching red marks across your skin when you try to sit down. Long story short, someone messed up the entire menu the day right before the wedding and nobody noticed it until you walked into the kitchen fifteen minutes ago for a last-minute checkup. So you’re obligated to spend another ten minutes trying to figure things out while having Jisung entertain everyone by a spicy session of the Pocky Game. Classic. 
Seungmin frowns. “Just go bare-footed, the floor is decently clean. This place is a five-starred restaurant after all.” He gently helps you remove the undeniably uncomfortable shoes, tossing them under the table not long after. Your feet finally stop yelling at you for the first time since the past hours and you too, think that it was the wisest decision you’ve made tonight. 
“Thanks Min, I really should have just said ‘fuck heels’ and gone with boots instead.” You smile weakly at your friend, feeling drained from the amount of work that you’ve put into Woojin’s wedding. Although weddings are still considered annoying in your eyes but Woojin has been there for you through every ups and downs. He’s the person who’d picked you up from really shitty parties and also the only one who’d cooked you hangover soup plenty of times because you just can’t accept how low your alcohol tolerance is for your own good. 
Speaking of which, your best friend creeps up from behind you out of nowhere and almost gives you a cardiac arrest. “How does it feel to eye-fuck my best friend in the middle of my wedding who’s also your ex-crush ?” He says and swings an arm around your shoulder. 
You quickly snap out of it, looking at him in disbelief while jolting up from your seat. “I’m not a freaking stalker— and your best friend, what ? Fuck you.” Woojin is usually pretty chill compared to your chaotic group of friends but when he’s in the mood to pester you, you swear to God, he’s louder than Han Jisung and Lee Minho combined. 
“Hmm, it’s about time anyway.” Woojin hums. He’s having that kind of smirk which makes you want to knock the daylight out of him as he angles his wrist to take a closer look at his watch. “Would you guys just kiss already ? Chan’s not coming back for a good year or so. 3racha and their dumb business trips.” This time, the playfulness in his voice disappears and a glint of sadness is evident in the corner of his eye. Regardless of how many times they drive each other insane, Woojin could never trade his friendship with Chan for anything else. How could he ? 
But wait, Chan isn’t coming back until the very next year ?
“Who said that our business trips are dumb ?” Someone voices from behind you. 
In that moment, when you turn around and see his beautiful face, you quickly come to a conclusion that this is rocket science. Talking to your crush is so fucking complicated you wish that they taught you this in school. Like okay, you know that a thermite reaction is basically what happens when metal burns. And if you perform it on a block of ice, you end up with a spectacular explosion. But still, there’s no spark in your dry ass love life. 
“Oh, hey Chan—“ You attempt to turn on your heels to meet his eyes but your feet fail you for the tenth time of the night, and gravity is apparently a bitch, which means you fall forward onto something which means you’re now on top of Chan which means he’s being crushed underneath your weight consider all you’ve been eating are donuts for breakfast and lunch while skipping dinner for the past few weeks.  
Chan flutters his eyes open, watching how heat slowly flares across your cheeks with mild interest. “Hey,” He grins, both dimples are fully on display. “Long time no see.” 
“Oh my god, Chan ! I’m so sorry !” You frantically try to get off of him and offer him a hand to stand up straight. You’ve officially entered panic mode when he grabs your hand firmly enough to lift himself up again. His touch feels absolutely magical because his hand perfectly envelopes your smaller one with ease. As if it’s personally mold by whatever god up there to interlock with yours. 
Chan laughs at your flustered state, giving your hand a squeeze in reassurance before slipping his fingers out of yours completely. “It’s fine, but shit, how much did you drink ?” 
Needless to say, you miss his touch. 
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Ryujin deadpans. “Kiss-him-already.” Your roommate proceeds to kick your foot from under the table when she sees Chan excusing himself from the table. 
Shin Ryujin don’t have to own the eyes of a legit eagle to see right through your nervous chuckles and the small glances that you keep throwing at Chan throughout dinner. It’s a pain in the ass to witness ‘awkward middle school Y/N’ all over again but at least she’d have something to post on her story in return. 
You let out a barely audible groan because she is in fact, being so fucking obvious. Like hello ? Chan’s not blind, nor deaf and not to mention, he has a whole group of idiotic friends who have their phones out at all time to record any juicy moments during special occasions. Especially when it’s Woojin’s wedding. 
But when you actually think about it, you’d definitely kick yourself too. Just thirty minutes ago, you had the perfect chance to strike a decent conversation with him yet your brain decided to have you chicken out of the situation instead. Everything was perfect to the T, the settings, the way that he smiles at you, the way that your heart picks up the pace just for him. But you indeed have to fuck up by blurting out the most pathetic little “I gotta go, the restaurant manager just texted me” to ever exist. 
“Ryujin, I don’t think that’s how you help.” Jeongin supplies unhelpfully over a mouthful of crème brûlée, a desert dish that he can’t even pronounce properly. He swallows the big bite and pops another raspberry into his mouth, chewing obnoxiously. “This entire situation needs to be handled professionally.” He declares as if he’s THE expert. Good gracious, he’s quite the bad boy in highschool but those days are long gone. 
Jeongin leaves his seat and cracks his knuckles dramatically. “Desperate times call for desperate measures. Changbin, give me a hand.” He waves Changbin over from the opposite side of the table. “You, me, on a count of three, get Y/N to the balcony for her New Year’s kiss. We better hurry cause we only got ten minutes to squeeze. Three, two, one.” 
“No, no, no, oh my god PUT ME DOWN !”
It’s like every single neuron within the other one hundred million in Changbin’s brain cells is connected to Jeongin’s because before you can even object, the two of them easily shove you through the crowd of people who are swaying their bodies to the slow, sensual melody. When you can breathe normally again, your vision quickly adjusts itself on the surroundings, which is the restaurant rooftop terrace. 
The cozy outdoor space features plenty of potted plants and contemporary furnishings. A sectional is complemented by an outdoor wicker square coffee table and a fabric covered butterfly chair. And there’s Chan, leaning against the black rail while admiring the city’s skyline. Your heart is thumping inside your rib cage so strongly that you can feel it through the veins on the back of your neck. 
“Be subtle.” Jeongin pushes your back as soon as he sees your dreamy expression and he quickly drag Changbin away from the scene before he can even whip out his phone. 
With his back profile facing you, Chan suddenly inquires calmly. “Are you gonna come here by yourself or do I have to hold your hand again ?”
You purse your lips. “Sure mom, I’m coming.” Yeah, real subtle. 
After when you approach Chan and let your forearm dangling in midair from the steel rails, you can’t help but stare at him like a complete dumbass. Moon is lighting up his skin and breaking through his hair, the light embraces him elegantly like a halo of his own, leaving you completely astonished. Although he looks so ethereal in this moment, there’s also something else within his present that makes you a little fuzzy inside. Just like college, but stronger, more profound. 
“How come you never asked for my number back then ?” Chan turns sideways and flashes you that boyish grin of his. He must know the effect that he has on you to keep playing with your heart like this. But also what ?
You’re gobsmacked at what he said, eyes as wide as a goldfish’s. “I didn’t even— how did you know ? It’s because of Jisung, isn’t it— my fucking God.” Words spill out from your lips one after another as if you've totally lost control of your own senses. When you’re able to finally snap it close, you also realize that too much has been said. All of your embarrassing moments were probably foiled right under your nose because Changbin and Jisung are two little big-mouthed shitheads. 
Chan just laughs wholeheartedly because he’s secretly a sadist who loves to see you being a blushing mess. “I really should have just made the first move, huh ?” When you give him a confused look, he just sighs and takes out his phone. He goes straight into his contact list and shows you the screen with your name and number displayed on it. “Lix slid your number into my locket during your sophomore year, you’re quite clueless too because he clearly didn’t know how to hide secrets back then.”
“You had my number this whole time ?!” You exclaim rather loudly, mentally debating whether you should hug Lee Felix or throw him into a tank full of sharks. “Then how come you never gave me a call ?” A smile unknowingly outstretches on your lips when you find out that you’re not the only one who has been hesitating for a while. At least now you know that the feelings aren’t necessarily not mutual. 
This time, it’s Chan’s turn to blush. In which you think he’s too cute when his pale cheeks are replaced by a coral shade of red. You start to wonder what it feels like to caress them with the tips of your fingers, to trace along his jaw and to run your hand through his locks of hair. And before he slips his phone back into his pocket, you catch a glimpse of his lock screen - a picture of Berry with the time displayed above her head [11:57p.m.].
Three minutes until 2020. 
“Never got the courage to.” He confesses timidly. “I really thought that you wanted to ignore me for a second there. You know, the whole ‘the restaurant manager just texted me’ and you were avoiding my eyes. Not gonna lie Y/N, that shit stings.” 
You roll your eyes at him. “FYI Christopher, it is scientifically proven that when a guy likes a girl, he looks straight into her eyes but when a girl has feelings for a guy, she simply looks away.” Despite the fact that you sound like a nerd, Chan still laughs it off since he’s a bit out of it because of the margarita that he downed about an hour ago. The alcohol really has to kick it right now, not before, not later, right-now. 
Two minutes. Time is ticking. The decade is ending. 
This is one of those moments where you wish time would just stop for a second because you’re already having too much on your mind yet too little time. The fact that Chan is looking at you with his dark brown eyes, full of liveliness and all, does not help to cope with the situation either. 
He smiles sadly. “Y/N, I’m not coming back to Seoul until next year’s January.” 
“I know,” You interrupts him awkwardly. “Woojin told me.”
“Do you want me not to—“
“Christ no ! Why would I ?”
God, how do people do this ? Do they just go for it ? No one told you that snatching yourself a kiss would be this hard. You really should have planned everything out first. “Chan, I—“ You blurt but mentally facepalm yourself not longer after. It’s not gonna work out anyway. “Whatever, I’ll just head back inside, it’s freezing out here.” 
One minute. Only sixty seconds left. 
Those words which left your lips ten seconds ago finally knock some sense into Chan and have his eyes twice as big as before when you suddenly walk away. He instinctively grabs your wrist and turns you around. Nothing seems to make sense anymore when all you feel is Chan’s hand holding onto your waist as if you’re gonna disintegrate into dust the moment he lets you go. His other hand gently caresses your chin and quickly decreases the gap between your lips. 
Shivers bubble up on your skin as Chan’s mouth repeatedly brushes against yours, backing you up against the wall. All you can do to deal with the mess running through your mind at the speed of light is to lay your palms onto his firm chest for dear life. The feeling of his soft lips makes you feel like you’ve just spent the whole night by the bar where Minho is mixing up some sketchy looking drinks with you chugging from one glass to another without hesitation. Undeniably intoxicating. 
Chan smiles into the kiss when you suddenly grab a fistful of his tie to pull him in closer, deepening you both into the downward spiral full of tenderness and devotion. Although he’s not your first kiss but Chan will definitely be on your mind all day all night for the next few weeks because this kiss is the kind of kiss that leaves you a bit lightheaded but can put a dumb, lovestruck smile on your face anytime. 
A small ‘clank’ occurs out of nowhere, making you two flinch. When you break away from the kiss, Jisung is standing there in front of the glass door dumbfoundedly with a can of Coke lying on the concrete floor. “Uhm- sorry. I didn’t know that the rooftop is already taken.” He coughs awkwardly and picks up the red aluminum can. 
Woojin isn’t allowing a single drop of alcohol inside his body since he’s the chosen one tonight to drive everyone home after when they all get shitfaced. “Just so you guys know… we’re having cake. It’s— it’s confetti by the way Y/N, your favorite. So.. uhm yeah.. come back whenever you guys are ready— we’ll just— just wait haha, okay bye.” 
And that is how Han Jisung learnt how to run. As if he’s Usain Bolt before Usain Bolt was even Usain Bolt. You’ve never seen him running away from something so fast before. He’s not gonna get a good sleep tonight, that’s for sure. 
“So…” Chan drawls and you love how his cheeks are still tinted pink, his cool breath fanning your forehead. Fireworks are crackling and whistling in the background, painting the sky with different shades of glitter. Like an explosion of paint on a black canvas but you can’t care less when you already have him by your side like this. Talking about kicking off the New Year by kissing your ex-crush, how drama material. 
“Do you still want my number or nah ?” 
You almost scoff at him. “I believe that’s not how CB97 get all the girls.” 
Chan grunt softly before pulling you into his embrace, nuzzling his nose into your hair. “Ugh, don’t even remind me. I’ve been clowned enough for ‘Wow’ already.” And you just stand there with your hands clasped onto his back, letting every single word, every single moment sink into you like you’re rewatching an old movie. That’s also when you realize that, you just got yourself a New Year’s kiss. 
“I’ll miss you, Chan.” You whisper into his ear, teary-eyed. 
“Well, you know what they say : Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” He replies like the exceptional composer that he is, holding onto you firmly. Just firmly enough because he wants to hold you like you’re a single snowflake, threatening to disappear if he accidentally squeezes too tightly, but will easily slip away if he doesn’t hold you back. Chan might not know what the future has in store for him but he knows that everything will turn out just fine as long as you’re right here, in his embrace. 
Nothing matters when he has both of his hands clenched and remains still in your heart. 
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[ 3:25a.m. ] 
shrek | take care :pp I hate you.
quokka | I’ll give you half of my salary when I get back so please don’t kill me for dropping your favorite mug =)))
Another thing school has yet succeeded in teaching you : how to not be late to literally every single important moment in your goddamn life. 
It’s barely forty-five minutes before the flight and you’re THIS close to having a mental breakdown because Chan is actually horrible. Yeah, you kissed him three hours ago and he’s just gonna repay you by booking a flight at three in the morning ? His friends aren’t the best either, really. If Jisung didn’t text you on when you’re brushing your teeth then you would have curled up in your blanket and dozed off. 
2020 just arrived and everyone’s already gone wild with their schedules for trips and vacations. Even from the inside of your car, you can still hear people cursing at one another from across the street and be able to bathe in the smell of smoke and gasoline shit. You scrunch your nose at the particular ways someone people prefer to park their cars and carefully park yours neatly in the corner. It’s definitely gonna take some time when you go back to get your car. 
Just when you frantically grab your keys and phone your purse before stepping out of the vehicle, you quickly realize that there’s absolutely no need for you to show up. Chan didn’t ask for it, Jisung and Changbin didn’t even ask for it, they just simply wanted to ‘notify’ you about their departure. But there’s still something that’s stirring inside your stomach, which makes it even harder to concentrate while driving. 
So you’re determined to find out what that is before he leaves. 
And that is also why you’ve chosen to push yourself through the sweaty lines of people queuing up for security, luggage check-in, shopping, and other boring paperwork. Everyone is obviously a bit ticked off since business in airport is slower than a sloth when it comes to holidays. If you were them, you would have just taken a nap on one of the spare benches while waiting for your flight. But the problem is : there’s no empty seats. There are literal people using their jackets as a mattress to sleep on the floor that janitors clean up one two many times with bleach. How tragic. 
Besides, it’s been forever since you’ve come to the airport and now you feel like a fucking caveman, just watching the bustling, noisy life passing by with wide eyes. Meaning, you have no fucking idea where their gate is, but you do know that if you’re stubborn enough to have a five-minute staring contest with the map, you’ll figure it out. Hopefully. 
After ten minutes of struggling with the map in your hands that’s getting kind of damped from your sweaty palms, you eventually spend another five minutes to race yourself through the packed airport to get to Gate 9 before the plane takes off. 
You feel like you really should treat yourself afterwards since running through the airport brings you back to the marathon competition in middle school, the only difference is that it’s ten times more exhausting and time consuming. Changbin better gives you what ever the fuck of a healthy juice and aloe vera sheetmasks that he stores in packs of four inside his carry-on because you’re 80% sure that you look like a strip beef jerky that’s been staying in the oven for way too long. 
[ 3:40a.m. ]
y/n | where tf are you guys ?
Just when you finish texting Changbin, you spot Chan in front of a vending machine, struggling with a wallet, and three other water bottles in his arms. And you start pondering how people still think that God is fair and rightful. How is he so fair when he can make Chan look like a freaking celebrity in a simple white dress shirt with black jeans while you’re looking like a raccoon in your denim jacket and leggings ? How is he so rightful when all it takes Chan is one single glance to send your heartbeat over the edges ? But whatever, fuck that. You’re just gonna be slightly salty about Chan looking better than you all the time. Slightly, that is. 
Nonetheless, he makes you smile like no other. “Chan !” You call out his name like a maniac, running towards him with no hesitation. Because he’s it, he’s your endgame, and you want to know what it feels like to hold him for the last time before he’s gonna be seven thousand miles away from you for a good three hundred and sixty-five days. 
Chan widens his eyes out of surprise when you crash yourself into his embrace, knocking the water bottles onto the tiled floor along with his wallet. Though, he soon regains conscious when his nostrils are filled with your scent, his arms shaking around your waist like second nature. He suddenly smiles brightly, and genuinely in a fairly long time. That alone is enough to prove that you’re the only one who’s capable of making him feel loved. 
Chan buries his face into the crook of your neck. “Are you here to ask for my number ?” 
“Right, that.” Your mouth forms an ‘o’ in realization. “And.. and… I- I love you, okay ?” 
The grin on his face just can’t get any wider now or else his mouth is gonna crack and bleed tremendously. “What was that ?” 
“I’m not saying that twice !”
“No, tell me !”
Truthfully, love isn’t just about the horrifying commitment or the metal band wrapped around your ring finger. Love is the persistency in accompanying, offering a shoulder for someone to lean on, so they can be free from reframing themselves in order to not be frowned upon by society. Meaning, they can let go of their pride during hard times, just bursting into tears like a child. The burden is shared and lifted slightly from their shoulders and that’s how love adds a bit of sweetness into reality.
In fact, movies are realistically based on real life, it’s just that everything’s filtered to be picture perfect because humans only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. In reality, there’s no certainty that someone will be there to pick you up nor life will leave you alone when you’ve had enough. You won’t even have the slightest chance to look upon the sky and let your tears pour back into your heart, crying is impossible. No, actually, the world is nice, but reality is disastrous so it is your birthright to be terrified of the smallest things. May time be against you, may reality kick you to the curb, may the whole world have their backs turn onto you, you can still hold onto a fragile beam of hope that the entire universe is on your side because you couldn’t have asked for a better person to walk into your life than Chan.
And to him, you’re gonna worth every mile between you both.
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❖ p/s : pt.2 is out now!
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matt-skc-rp · 5 years
*Makeup* “It’s Too Cold For This”|| Youniversity Advent Day 27
Matt watched Arin walk into the room and then felt a nudge from Ray by his side. “Bet you my term paper that he’s coming from the nurse’s office” he chided, watching the boy with a gross bruise on his neck and a black eye. 
“Mr. Hanson, glad you could join us,” the teacher said, turning around, “Oh my go-”
“I’m coming from the nurse,” Arin quickly blurted, taking his hair out of the ponytail and letting it flop to his face and blush. 
“You could be coming off of the street and I wouldn’t care. You’re late again and you know that means you have detention.”
“Yea...” he said, but heard a giggle coming from the front, her legs swinging freely.
“Something funny about me reprimanding your colleague, Ms. Howson?” the teacher asked.
“Fuck..what grade do you want?” Matt sucked his teeth lightly, sighing.
“Uhh..passing is fine,” Ray said with a chuckle, biting his lip, “Check out your girlfriend.”
“Ray! Shush...she’s not my girlfriend..” Matt jumped up, but trained his eye towards the girl sitting in her uniform skirt and the short sleeve thin collared shirt with a sweater vest and long coloured balayage hair. She was adorable while she read her book, but she looked uncomfortable, restless. He wondered what the problem was.
“Earth to Matt....Helloooo..”
“Matthew,” the teacher barked, which caused him to jump with pure surprise, “It’s impolite to stare. And even more impolite you’re making Ray disrupt my class because you’re gawking at a girl.”
The class erupts into laughter, causing Matt to roll his eyes.
“Sorry,” he spoke less confidently and leaned back slightly.
“Can we all act like adults and show up for class on time and keep our eyes in respectable places during school hours?..Thank you!” he turns around and continues on his lecture. 
“Thanks Ray,” Matt says.
“I was tryna warn you.”
In the boy’s locker room, they changed into their gym uniforms and bantered on. 
“Yo what’s with you staring at the new chick?” Mark asked, spraying on deodorant.
“Her thighs are thicc, I’ve stared at those hams once or twice,” Felix jumped in, closing his locker, “Her and Suzy got some of the thickest thighs in this whole school!”
“Hey man, don’t talk about Suzy like that!” Arin interjected, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. 
“Did yall see what she was reading?” Matt finally chimed in, “She was reading Hemmingway. Before that she was reading cummings. She reads a different book every day. And she hums songs that I know..”
“Wow..you noticed all of those things?” Ray asked, looking at him, “Hopefully you’re as observant when you write my paper this weekend.”
“Your history paper?” Sean asked, “Why does he have to write it?”
“Well why does Arin have a black eye and a noticeable bruise?” Ray asked.
Jeremy gave Arin a look and nudged him, showing that he was quite curious himself.
“You get into a fight?” Mark asked, closing his locker.
“Your parents gave you a shakedown?” Danny asked, handing Thomas his gym shirt.
“No..” Arin answered more annoyed but still very passive.
“Why did Shawna think your injuries were so funny?” Shane asked, “Was she there?”
“Y-Yeah..Hey Felix, I mean it, don’t talk about Suzy like that,” Arin said and repeated himself since he had the floor.
“Uhm..I’m sorry, didn’t she dump you?..Coulda swore you fucked that up!” Felix responded energetically, “And if you must know I mentioned it as a compliment, I wasn’t disrespecting her or objectifying her body.”
“Oh yeah? What makes you think she wants to hear that?” he bit back, rage growing in his chest, slamming his locker.
“What makes you think you need to know?” Felix asked, walking up to him, looking down at the boy, “I’ll give you another black eye for breaking her fucking heart.”
“Alright, a fight,” Dan beamed quietly straightening his posture.
Phil, Thomas and Charlie all stood up, approaching the two and pulling them apart, letting them know that it wasn’t worth it. Since Arin was done, they walked him out of the locker room.
“What’s going on here?” PJ asked, walking in the opposite direction, looking to Phil and Thomas, “Who did he fight?”
“He almost got into it with Felix,” Phil said quickly, “Now go, you’re late.”
“Nah, nah, hang on a sec...Where did all of that come from then?” he asked, approaching the heated boy and holdng his face up by his chin. Arin was still fuming and barely cared that the boy he had a huge crush on was touching him.
“Shawna... can I go now?” Arin said quickly.
“Yeah, we can talk about this later, we got like 5 minutes to whistle and I don’t feel like running laps..” Thomas said.
“Shawna? As in my Shawna, Shawna? What did you do?” he asked, taken aback, “What happened?”
“She’s not your Shawna. And she’s fine. I asked for this..”
“I’m not sure you get to make that call,” PJ staring Arin in his eyes and pausing to look him up and down, then walking away, wagging a finger at him while walking back toward the locker room. 
“Alright you guys, the gym is getting repainted so we had to open the windows and turn the big fans on. It’s a little chilly, but it’ll be great for the workout today!”
“It’s too cold for this..” Gabbie whined amongst Kristen and Shawna.
“It’s not that cold to me..You should start doing hikes with me on the weekends,” Shawna said, hands on her hips.
“Yeah, sure, Ms. Canada no thanks I hate the cold!” Gabbie said back, “I’ll join you in like late spring or early summer.”
“Arin and I usually join her, but I couldn’t make it yesterday..Did something happen? Why does he look like he got his ass beat?” Kristen asked excitedly.
“Uhh..” Shawna began before hearing the whistle and watching the boys all sprint onto the floor.
“Alright, since everyone needs to get moving and warm a little. How about everyone a nice light 5-minute jog?” he blew the whistle.
Everyone got into the group and started to jog together.
“Hey Shawna!” Tessa exclaimed, catching up to her friend, “Did you see what happened to Arin?”
“Yeah, I did it,” Shawna said quieter, simply looking forward.
“Oh my god! You did that?!” Kristen asked, whipping her head towards her, “What did he do to deserve it?”
“I-I..Can we just jog please?” Shawna said a little exasperated, “He told me I can’t say.”
“We wouldn’t tell anyone! We promise!” Tessa reassured her.
“You’re talking too loud,” Megan jumped in from the back.
“Even if she did, the boys can hear you from here..We can hear from here!” Liz added.
“Shut the fuck up,” Tessa snapped back before a whistle rang out and everybody stopped immediately, the group of girls giving exasperated sighs and a wave of sucking teeth.
“Why are we so chatty today?” the teacher asked, the room fell silent, “I heard someone curse, and you know that means I gotta make yall do health packets.” The class groaned and sucked their teeth, “Ah, Ah! Go change back and get in here while I grab the packets. Get seated on the bleachers and if I catch you doing other work, not only are you gonna sit, you’re getting detention.”
The girls were changing in the locker room and decided to pick up where they left off:
“Why would you-” Tessa began before Shawna cut her off.
“I never said why. He’s a little shit and someone needs to put him in check, so I did,” she replied.
“I say kudos, and I’m sure he deserved it,” Kristen said, watching her classmates redress, “PJ makes Arin out to be such a big softie.”
“He is a softie, for the most part, Matt said that too,” Gabbie chimed in while she pulled her ponytail out.
“I think the rugged hurt puppy look gives him an edge,” Shawna slid into the bustle of the girls talking.
“And you’re like..dating Arin, right?” Megan asked.
“Noo! He’s clearly dating PJ!” Kristen jumped up, yelling over them as they got up to leave.
“Says the girl who wishes she could date PJ,” Gabbie chided to Kristen, who accidentally let red glare at her friend even though blue laughed it off. It wasn’t like she cared what they thought and she wasn’t even mad that they had found out that she liked the lanky Brit, it was the reminder that plagued her that everybody knew she felt like a fool about it. She looked over at Shawna, who had been trying to walk as though she was deaf to the girls. It dawned on her that the girl might feel the same way about Arin, except she just wasn’t sure what transpires when they’re alone; and the girl felt a pang of longing.
The boys’ locker room was heavy. They didn’t think they would get the chance to see what happened.
“Arin,” PJ said, turning around and closing his locker, rolling up his jacket sleeves.
The boy turned around as he fixed his tie to face him, not realising how close he had gotten. He could feel the heat of his torso and his heart began to pound. His body was confused with the stress he felt as his vision blurred a little and mind felt eclipsed in darkness. “What do you want?” he bit at the boy.
“I wanna know why you said that,” he responded brushing off the intensity.
“I didn’t say anything, Peej,” he said, sounding like he was moments away from losing his patience.
“You said that she isn’t mine, and I’m..just curious,” he backed off in tone, “You sounded like it came from somewhere that you’re familiar with. I know you two have been getting close, and from what I’ve heard, you look like that because of her.”
“Did she say anything to you about it?” Arin asked raising an eyebrow.
“Spit it out, you cocky fuck!” Felix spat out.
“No one is talking to you Felix, I got this babe,” PJ tried to soothe the enraged Swede.
“No, we’ve got beef from earlier, and if he’s the guy I think he is, I’d keep Shawna away from him,” Felix interjected, “Suzy told me how he gets a fucking kick outta fucking up girls.”
“That’s a fucking lie,” Arin scoffed, “You’re just mad I’ve got Daddy’s attention right now so stop whining like a selfish slut!”
Arin hadn’t even realised he said that, and there was no way he could have known. It was a bad day for Felix and everything was going wrong so that’s just what he needed to hear to tip him off. He jumped up and slammed Arin into the lockers. Instinctively, Arin’s hands shot up to grab his arms to keep him from choking, resulting in repeated slams. The locks and handles stabbing him in the back and the repeated clang was where Arin had found his mind. The blurs got worse and the sound muffling while PJ, Matt, and Phil get a hold of Felix, which he had stronger hands than he had let on. 
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skz-candy · 5 years
late night live
1:23 am
Candy wasn't paying attention. Not because she didn't care about the way music spoke to Chan, but because she had a lot more on her mind than what music did to her soul. The last three weeks or so were beyond confusing for her. She couldn't pay much attention to anything if left alone. She was grateful someone never left her alone.
Candy watched Chan, letting her thoughts drift unto her leader. She smiled to herself at the fact she had once been quite taken with him. Since he had started doing these Late Night Lives, as she liked to call them, she found herself wanting to be more like him and less with him. Her heart had beat a certain way for him and she knew that it was only as an older brother now.
Candy sighed softly, her thoughts going straight back to Jeongin. Her first boyfriend. As she saw it, he would probably be her only boyfriend ever. She didn't see herself as unlovable, but she knew how hard being an idol was and now new the pressure of what dating an idol could do to the mental state of someone. Jeongin had been insecure and scared, she knew that, but he handled it wrong. She didn't want to put that pressure on anyone else. She knew her worth and wouldn't dare let any man decide that for her, no matter how happy he made her.
"Hey Chan and Candy, I just got out of a relationship and I need some advice on how to move on. I see him a lot and I want to know the best way to get a step out, thank you!" Chan read, drawing Candy's attention to the live once again.   Candy went to open her mouth, but Chan beat her to it.
"I think the best way to deal with a break up, at first anyway, is to focus on yourself. A lot of people really worry on how the other person will respond to anything and everything you do - especially if you see them all the time. Take a deep breath, realize why it didn't work out, and pursue the things that make you happy. Surround yourself with people who always know how to make you feel better - even if your ex may not approve. You're broken up. They have no say.
"As for a few weeks later or maybe even a month or two, I suggest making sure you're happy. I don't mean like just in that moment, but over all. Break ups can hurt like heck, especially if the person meant so much to you. You deserve to not have them cliuding your thoughts all the time and prohibiting your life. Specifically, if you see them a lot, don't let that make yoy change any plans. See who you want, do what you want, et cetera. You are your own person, do what makes you happy.
"I think, after any break up, refinding what makes you happy and brings you joy is so important. Being yourself and having such an innate confidence when doing so will draw the right person, or no person if you prefer. Just do you, be you, and have fun," Chan concluded, looking back at Candy. "Anything you want to add?"
Candy was, for lack of a better word, shook.
"Uhm, the things of theirs that you have. If you really want to jump start the moving on, all you need to do is grt rid of their stuff. It'll hurt as you do it, but once it's gone there's no memories left laying around," Candy nodded, sighing softly. Chan smiled at her and went on, leaving her to think about what he said. It didn't last long before her phone vibrated.
Jisung: i was watching the live and wanted to check up on you?
Jisung: it really hit you, i can tell
Jisung: i'll quit blowing up your phone now :) just know i'm always here to talk!
Candy: wanna come join us?
Candy: it'd make me feel a lot better
Jisung: omw!!
Candy felt weirdly excited to see Jisung.  Although Jeongin claimed he had feelings for her, she never noticed the difference between friendly Jisung and in-love Jisung. She wondered, briefly, if there was a difference. That was shook away as Jisung entered the room. She knew without a doubt the resr of the live would be spectacular.
"Hey," Jisung mumbled, taking a seat on the other side of Chan. He shot Candy a smile, reminding her she was the reason he was here.
"Were you spying and decided to jump in?" Chan asked.
"Something like that," Jisung shrugged. "But what happened to the music? You played some a while ago."
"Can I play something?" Candy spoke up, clearly exciting the two boys. She moved to the computer and carefully thought about her choice for less than five seconds. Immediately, Jisung's face lit up.
"You're playing this?" He asked, laughing slightly.
"Is this something I shoukd know?" Chan mumbled, leaning forward.
"I felt I had to," Candy shrugged, laughing softly.
"Tribulation by Matt Maeson?" Chan looked at the two. "Why are you guys smiling like that?"
"We were listening to it when we met," Jisung started.
"Well, before you introduced us," Candy added.
"What was it? June? May?" Jisung hummed aloud.
"Late May, early June-ish," Candy nodded. " The monthly evaluation was approaching and I wanted to sing this time instead of dance. I was struggling to find a song so I was browsing through all the songs I had ever listened to - even just once - while also pacing the hallway."
"I, on the other hand, needed some inspiration for a song you desperately wanted me and Changbin to get a headstart on. I had this song in mind, but I couldn't remember the title. I turned the corner, head down to look at my phone, but quickly-"
"We collided," Candy finished, laughing.
"You guys met before I introduced you?" Chan frowned. "Why haven't you ever mentioned it?"
"It never seemed that important," Jisung stated. "Besides, you wouldn't have believed either of us at that point."
"That's true! It took him forever to believe I just couldn't rap. He thought because I could mumble syllables at a fast rate meant I could rap. I could barely breathe each time he made me do it," Candy shook her head. 'We should leave the rapping where it is."
"Wait, how exactly did you two know it was this song playing?" Chan questioned.
"Candy is a clutz," Jisung immediately said.
"Hey! You walked into me, remember?"
"No, I definitely stopped and you backed into me."
"Backed into you?? How!"
"Oh, as if you don't know. You were there!"
"Han Jisung, I swear," her tone was harsh, but she was smiling. Jisung could always make her smile, and she knew Chan wouldn't let it go.
"Okay, okay," Jisung laughed. " I turned the corner and we collided. We both dropped our phones and her headphones came out or she upped the volume or something. I immediately froze in my spot as she tried to gather her things. I was listening to that song."
"I didn't know who he was," Candy returned to the conversation. "But I was new and didn't want to cause any trouble. As I grabbed my things, I accidentally grabbed his phone and realized we were both playing the same song."
"She literally tossed me my phone and then sprinted away. The end," Jisung clasped his hands together.
"That was wild start to finish," Chan hummed, turning away from the two younger members.
Candy watched in silence as Jisung continued to interrupt Chan reading out comments. Jisung's smile was wide and bright. She liked seeing it, she knew that. She enjoyed having Jisung as her friend. She wouldn't trade him for the world.
"Thanks for joining the live," Candy said, sitting on the couch in the dorm with her juice box. Felix had gotten them so she knew he wouldn't mind.
"Of course! I'm your knight in shining armor, remember?" Jisung winked.
"I thougt we all called you Hero for a month?"
"Knight in shining armor sounds more elegant."
"What about hero in shining armor?"
"It's like three in the morning. We should head to bed."
"You don't seem as tired as me though."
"That's okay, goodnight Jisung."
"G'night Candy."
Candy laid in bed, eyes focused on the ceiling. She had been weirdly sleeping good since the breakup while it was clear Jeongin was not. Now it seemed the tables had flipped. She didn't like it.
Candy seemed to have even more things on her mind. Did Jisung actually love her? Was she over Jeongin? Could she really go perform love songs that held no meaning to her liffe anymore? Did she close the fridge door?
Candy rolled over and let out a sigh.
If only her mother was here.
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kfs1001 · 7 years
I was walking home today splashing through the puddles left over from the 20 odd centimeters of snow Mother Nature left us on Monday, thinking about D. Way back when, we have a young man, who may or may not understand Hollywood’s seedy underbelly, find himself getting a dream job. D joins Glee and is given a chance to become a permanent fixture. He renews his contract and the rest is history.
What comes next is a theory but I must state I believe D is gay. However, I thought I would bring this up.
What if D did not have understood his sexuality when he signed the deal. (Some people are later bloomers. I was not.) Maybe he thought he was straight or considered himself to be bisexual or even gay? Let’s say, the for purpose of this theory, he thought himself as bisexual and felt it best to play the straight man. Then he really gets to know C in ways he had never dreamed possible and – poof – he realizes, “Yes, I’m gay!” -- The scene in the Lima Bean after kissing Rachel may have been real to D – Anyhow, he finds himself trapped in PR nightmare when he has fallen hopelessly in love to his lucky co-star.
Now, D is forced into a masquerade and has to have a girlfriend because of a contract. The problem is now, the PR teams wants to save face by pushing the straight line in interviews and photos. Ladi ladi da.
What I am getting at is, people who yell a lot about something usually have something to hide.
Just think about it. There are many straight actors who have played gay rolls and have not suffered for it. Here are just a few.
 Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal (Brokeback Mountain)
Tom Hanks (Philadelphia)
Daniel Radcliffe (Kill Your Darlings)
Hugh Grant (Our Sons)
Eric McCormach (Will and Grace)
Gale Harold and Hal Sparks (Queer as Folks and the sex was pornography next to Blaine and Kurt)
Michael Ontkean (Making Love)
Mario Lopez (Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story)
Clive Owen (Bent)
Christian Campbell (Trick)
Christopher Meloni (Oz)
Matt Damon and Michael Douglas (Behind the Candelabra)
Paul Rudd (Object of My Affection)
 The point is, you do not see these gentlemen going out of their way to prove the straightness. Why should they? They are comfortable being straight and being actors. They were paid to play a role and they played it. 
Okay, for the detractors, yes, D is an actor and he was paid to play a role. The difference is, D’s team is yelling with megaphones from the bloody roof tops. How many times does the ‘straight’ word have to come up in one interview to make it believable? This smells like desperation and not much more.
D’s PR team reminds me of political handlers who are trying to spin a tale to defend their boss who just got caught with his pants down with some young man. All of sudden they pull the wife and kids out the front door to face the cameras to prove the man is straight even thought pictures are smeared over the internet. There are countless denials which only make it sound worse. Then, one day, after the wife has left and the kids are still trying to figure everything out, the politician admits to the dalliance.
Now, I might very well be wrong, but in my opinion, there is only one reason ‘straight’ comes up so often. D is not straight. They are far too obvious and that makes the whole charade unfathomable. If they wanted to make us believe D is straight, ramming it down our throats is not the way to do it.
It is not easy to come out of the closet, but many actors have.
Brandon Flynn
“We’ve been scared shitless our whole lives, thanks to all the stigmas that surround us,” the 24-year-old wrote in the post. “Equality takes courage, it worries me that too many people in this world lack the balls to stand up for what is right.” Since then, he's been romantically linked to singer-songwriter Sam Smith. 
Teddy Quinlivan
The model capped off a busy New York Fashion Week in September by coming out as transgender in a candid CNN interview.  Quinlivan, 23, began her transition at 16, but decided to open up about her gender identity publicly because of “the political climate in the world right now ― particularly in the United States.”  “If being transgender is something that gets attached to my name throughout my career, then it’s for a worthy cause. But I look forward to the day when it doesn’t matter,” she said. “The transgender community needs more visibility. And with more visibility will come more acceptance.”
Haaz Sleiman
In August, Sleiman opened up about his sexuality in an emotional video as part of a personal effort to combat violence against the LGBTQ community. The "Nurse Jackie" and "Killing Jesus" actor, 41, announced that he was “a gay, Muslim, Arab-American man” in the video, but didn't stop there. 
Thomas Dekker
The "Heroes" actor publicly opened up about his sexuality on Twitter in July, but suggested he was inspired to do so after a “prominent gay man” outed him.  The 32-year-old described himself as a “man who proudly loves other men” in a short essay he included with his tweet. He also revealed that he’d married his husband in April. 
Jordan Gavaris
The “Orphan Black” star came out as gay in a June interview with New York Magazine's Vulture blog.  The 27-year-old star, who plays the “exuberantly gay” Felix Dawkins, seemed a bit surprised to be questioned about his sexual orientation. “Nobody ever asks me,” he said. “I’ve never been asked.”
Dan Amboyer
The "Younger" actor married his boyfriend, Eric Berger, in October, and came out as gay in the process.  Amboyer, 32, had been in a relationship with Berger for 10 years, but had not spoken publicly about his sexuality before. He told People that he'd been “strongly advised” to “stay quiet” about his personal life as he established himself as an actor. 
Matt Bomer
"American Horror Story" actor and marble-carved-cheekbones owner Bomer acknowledged his partner, publicist Simon Halls, and their three kids in an emotional humanitarian award speech in 2012.
Colton Haynes 
Beloved for both his physique and silly social media persona, the "Arrow" star hinted slyly he was not straight before formally coming out in 2016
Wentworth Miller 
This actor and screenwriter was the portrait of brute masculinity in the 2005 Fox series "Prison Break," which made his heartfelt coming out in 2013 -- and subsequent admission to body image and depression struggles -- resonate all the more with fans.  
 The closet door is open. People are stepping out and thriving. In this day and age there is no need to stay in the dark.
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dfroza · 3 years
A set of lines from a man wrongfully accused and arrested to state his case against the opposition:
I wasn’t disturbing the peace of the city in any way. They did not find me doing these things in Jerusalem, nor can they prove that I have done any of the things of which they have accused me. But I can make this confession: I believe everything established by the Law and written in the Prophets, and I worship the God of our ancestors according to the Way, which they call a heretical sect.
Here is my crime: I have a hope in God that there will be a resurrection of both the just and unjust, which my opponents also share. Because of this hope, I always do my best to live with a clear conscience toward God and all people.
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 24th chapter of the book of Acts:
The high priest Ananias came north to Caesarea five days later, accompanied by some elders and an attorney named Tertullus. They explained their case to Felix without Paul present. When Paul was brought in, Tertullus launched into an accusation.
Tertullus: Most Excellent Felix, through your esteemed leadership we have enjoyed a long and happy peace. Your foresight in governance has brought many reforms for the people I represent. We always and everywhere welcome every thought of you with high and deep gratitude. But knowing how busy you are and how limited your time must be, I beg you to hear us briefly present our case to you with the legendary graciousness for which you are known everywhere.
Here are the facts: this man is a disease to the body politic. He agitates trouble in Jewish communities throughout our empire as a ringleader of the heretical sect known as the Nazarenes. He even tried to desecrate the temple, so we seized him. [Our aim was to try him by the Jewish law, but Commandant Lysias interfered and removed this man from our control. Because of his meddling, you are now forced to hear those making the accusation.] You will find, through your own examination, that everything we say of Paul is true.
The Jewish opponents present added their vigorous testimony in support of the lawyer’s opening statement. The governor didn’t say anything, but he motioned for Paul to speak.
Paul: I am happy now to make my defense to you, sir, knowing that you have been a judge over this nation for many years. Just 12 days ago, I went up to Jerusalem to worship, as you can easily verify. I wasn’t arguing with anyone in the temple. I wasn’t stirring up a crowd in any of the synagogues. I wasn’t disturbing the peace of the city in any way. They did not find me doing these things in Jerusalem, nor can they prove that I have done any of the things of which they have accused me. But I can make this confession: I believe everything established by the Law and written in the Prophets, and I worship the God of our ancestors according to the Way, which they call a heretical sect.
Here is my crime: I have a hope in God that there will be a resurrection of both the just and unjust, which my opponents also share. Because of this hope, I always do my best to live with a clear conscience toward God and all people. I have been away for several years, so recently I brought gifts for the poor of my nation and offered sacrifices. When they found me, I was not disturbing anyone, nor was I gathering a crowd. No, I was quietly completing the rite of purification. Some Jews from Asia are the ones who started the disturbance— and if they have an accusation, they should be here to make it. If these men here have some crime they have found me guilty of when I stood before their council, they should present it. Perhaps my crime is that I spoke this one sentence in my testimony before them: “I am on trial here today because I have hope that the dead are raised.”
Felix was quite knowledgeable about the Way. He adjourned the preliminary hearing.
Felix: When Lysias the commandant comes to Caesarea, I will decide your case.
He then ordered the officer to keep Paul in custody, but to permit him some freedom and to allow any of his friends to take care of his needs.
A few days later, Felix sent for Paul and gave him an opportunity to speak about faith in the Anointed One. Felix was accompanied by his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish. As Paul spoke of justice, self-control, and the coming judgment, Felix became fearful.
Felix: That’s enough for now. When I have time, I will send for you again.
They had a number of conversations of this sort; but Felix actually was hoping that, by having frequent contact with him, Paul might offer him a bribe. As a favor to the Jews, he did nothing to resolve the case and left Paul in prison for two years. Then Felix completed his assignment as governor, and Porcius Festus succeeded him.
The Book of Acts, Chapter 24 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 15th chapter of the book (scroll) of Isaiah that carries on with an act of Judgment:
A message about Moab:
In the cover of night, Moab was attacked and decimated.
Both Ar and Kir were decimated in a single night.
The whole community traipses up to the temple, to Dibon
to weep and cry out to the gods.
Moab weeps and wails over the dead in Nebo and Medeba,
every head and beard shaved in mourning.
They wander the streets dressed in sackcloth;
on roofs and public places people wail, collapsing in abundance of tears.
The cries of Heshbon in the north and Elealeh nearby
reach to Jahaz in the east.
Moab is shaken to the core, wracked with terror, sadness, and grief;
even its bravest soldiers cry out.
It breaks my heart to hear Moab.
Refugees make for Zoar at Edom’s border to Eglath-shelishiyah.
They climb, weeping, to the heights of Luhith and along roads to Horonaim.
They go with shattering cries.
The land itself is destroyed, dead.
Where it had been green and rippling with tall grasses, now it’s brown and dusty.
Where sweet water glistened all along Nimrim, now it’s dry and desolate.
So the people are carting away all their belongings.
Whatever they’ve gathered, they carry along the brook lined with poplars.
And Moab cries; the whole country wails.
From Eglaim to Beer-elim, you can hear the crying.
The waters of Dimon run red with blood.
Eternal One: I will bring more disaster to Dimon: those fugitives of Moab will fare even worse—I’ll send predators upon the remnant of the land to hunt them down.
The Book of Isaiah, Chapter 15 (The Voice)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Wednesday, june 23 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A set of posts by John Parsons about connection:
When you become alive to the truth that the LORD is your Rock, the very ground upon which you "live, move, and have your being," then your steps are made sure, as it says, "The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast down: for the LORD holds his hand" (Psalm 37:23-24). When you are unsure of your way, when you walk in uncertainty, you are unsteady in your resolve and are tempted to regard your life as being without any solid foundation. As you commit your way to the LORD, your steps are made sure, for you are walking before his Presence, and therefore you are upheld by his power. [Hebrew for Christians]
"I know you know me, O LORD, for you indeed know all things; but am I known as someone who knows you? which is to say, do I really know you? am I really connected with you in the truth? I know you are with me, O LORD, but am I with you? O LORD, draw me close to you now, in this hour; establish my steps and keep me from falling... Amen."
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How do we suffer gracefully, without becoming hardhearted and bitter? How do we cope with the disappointment of unanswered prayer? How do we bear with the inevitable grief and loss of those whom we love? How do we understand some of the promises of God such as "ask whatever you will and I will do it" in relation to life in this world? Does God really listen to our prayers? Does he really care what happens to us?
Our options are somewhat limited regarding the existential question of why we suffer. We can either ignore the question altogether or face it directly. If we seek to earnestly answer the question, however, we again only have a couple of “live” theological options. First, if we affirm that God is both all-powerful and all loving but will not remove our personal suffering on the basis of some sort of “principle” (for example, because he will not overrule the consequences of our free will), then he may seem indifferent to our pathos, since this would seem to imply that God values the ideals of justice more than those of mercy and compassion. It should be clear that this option is not viable for believers in our Lord Yeshua, who clearly taught us that God desires “mercy and not sacrifice” and taught us to show compassion to all people (Matt. 9:13; 12:7; Matt. 6:15, etc.). Another approach is to affirm that God is indeed all-loving but not all-powerful. God simply can't intervene to end our suffering because he is unable to do so. God wants to bless us and take away our pain, but he's limited in his means to do so. In other words, evil exists independently of God’s control as a powerful force that contends with and undermines creation. It should also be clear that this option is also not viable for believers in our Lord, since God is repeatedly affirmed to be “omnipotent” or all-powerful throughout the Scriptures (e.g., Job 42:1-2; Isa. 14:27, 43:13; Jer. 32:27; Dan. 4:35; Matt. 19:26; Psalm 147:5, etc.). This leaves us with the option that indeed God is all-loving, all-powerful, and therefore pain and suffering are “tools” in his hands, intended or permitted to work for his glory and for our ultimate good (Rom. 8:28). In other words, God uses suffering as a means of transformation of the soul (soul-building theodicy). In short, if we have trouble accepting God as our “Heavenly Father” who may use trouble in our lives to transform us in love, then we run the tragic risk of becoming bitter and resentful people. More can be said on this subject, of course, but this must suffice for now.
In light of such profound questions that so intimately affect our lives, it is important that we are “real” and honest with God... From our Torah we read: "You were not willing to go up but rebelled at the word of the LORD your God. And you murmured in your tents and said, 'Because the LORD hates us he has brought us out of the land of Egypt...'" (Deut. 1:26-27). We may decry the childish insolence of the people, we lament their lack of faith, and yet God was still speaking through Moses to Israel... The sages ask whether we can ever be justifiably angry at God, and answer that yes we can, because otherwise we could never love Him "bekhol levavkha," with all our heart (Deut. 6:5). Indeed, how can we claim to love God if we withhold the truth, lie to ourselves, and attempt to hide who we really are from Him? If you are angry at God, he already knows, so why the pretense? Being angry with God is part of being a real person in a real relationship with Him, and allowing yourself to express the truth of your heart to him is a sign of trust. God can “handle” the darker storms of your heart: trust Him to heal you this hour. [Hebrew for Christians]
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6.22.21 • Facebook
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
June 23, 2021
Not Many Wise Men
“For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.” (1 Corinthians 1:26)
For the most part, the rich and famous of this world, the wise and powerful, have always looked down on the followers of Christ and the Scriptures. This seems increasingly true today, and many believers have been led to compromise as a result. Rather than being discouraged by the intellectual snobbery of educated and powerful unbelievers, however, we should rejoice in this further proof of the prophetic inspiration of the Holy Scriptures.
This passage is, in fact, a remarkably fulfilled prophecy, true for almost 2,000 years. Christians have founded great universities to train people in God’s truth, only to see them taken over, one after another, by the ungodly leaders of this present world. Missionaries have carried the gospel to heathen lands, only to be superseded by wealth-seeking materialists who exploit and subvert their converts.
Paul did not say “not any,” of course, but “not many.” God always has raised up a few brilliant or powerful men (such as Paul himself) who have devoted their abilities and influence to the Lord and His Word, but these have always been the exception. There have been a few godly kings and generals, a few Christ-honoring artists and musicians of great talent, but they are far outnumbered by the others.
But we must remember that God said long ago that was the way it would be. “God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in His presence” (1 Corinthians 1:27-29). HMM
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Unloved and Unwanted?
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Word Count: 3,704 Felix x reader Part Four Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Death, Mentions of blood
This story is being extended to include more of the relationship between Felix and the reader as well as seeing reader as a newborn. Requested by @Savava19 on Wattpad.
Y/N woke up the following morning in her bed and looked around the room and saw Felix sitting on the sofa reading “Good morning little one” He said with a smile “Good morning. Did you stay here all night?” She replied “Yes, I hope you don’t mind but after a lovely evening with you which ended with you falling asleep in my arms, I didn’t wish to leave you alone” He smiled at her “I don’t mind, in fact I’m glad you stayed. I also enjoyed our date last night, although I’m sorry I fell asleep during it.” Felix chuckled and made his way over to her bed “Don’t be. It was nice that you felt safe with me to do so” He wrapped his arms around her and she relaxed into him “Thank you Felix.” “For what?” He asked and pulled back a little “For-for not being the person I-I was told you’d be” She replied low “I’m just glad you gave me a chance to show you who I really am, although I know you are still a little…unsure of me; of my feelings for you” He replied “I’m trying not to be but it’s…” “It’s ok, I understand” He cut her off and pulled her in for another hug “I’m your mate and we have forever so there is no rush. We can take things as slow as you would like” “Do you really mean that?” She asked “Yes, I do little one” He took her warm hand in his cold one and bought it to his lips pressing a kiss to her knuckles; she felt a warm feeling run through her and smiled at him.
The following night Y/N, Jane and Heidi made their way to the family room for movie night; Y/N sat between Felix and Demetri and waited for the film to start. Alec picked a horror film to watch and at a particular gruesome part Y/N hid her face in Felix’s arm “Let me know when I look again” Her words were muffled by his jumper but he heard her and immediately wrapped his arm around her pulling her into his side and smiled when she relaxed into him. Demetri noticed this from the corner of his eye and smiled too, happy that Y/N felt comfortable enough to seek comfort from her mate. Felix kissed her hair before whispering “You can look now little one” He felt her lift her head slightly to look back at the screen but she stayed snuggled into his side for the remainder of movie night.
Afton held a grudge against Felix and Jane for the removal of his arms, despite him provoking Felix the day the guards and Y/N returned from the Carnival. He never forgave Demetri when he ‘accidently’ put his arms back the wrong way round as it meant they had to be re-removed and re-attached by Santiago. He planned to get his revenge on Felix and bided his time until his plan could be executed. He knew his revenge would also affect Demetri so it was one stone, two bird’s situation for him.
Felix, Demetri and the twins left for a mission leaving Y/N alone as Heidi was busy collecting humans for the next ‘tour.’ Afton’s got his opportunity to exact his revenge the day after the four elite guards left the castle. Y/N was outside in the garden reading and didn’t hear him come up behind her until she felt his breath on her ear “Felix won’t want you or love you after this” He whispered and bit down on her neck, she screamed in pain and felt him tighten his hold on her. However, Afton was pulled off her by Santiago before he could fully flood her system with his venom. Santiago noticed she was now starting to bleed out as the bite mark hadn’t been sealed due to him ripping Afton away from her “Take him to the throne room” Santiago said as he shoved Afton towards another guard named Matt.
Santiago lifted Y/N into his arms and held his breath and sped to the throne room kicking open the doors and they hit the stone walls loudly “WHAT’S THE MEANING OF….” Caius’ shouting was cut off the second they entered the room “EVERYONE OUT NOW!” Aro ordered and the guards on duty left the room just as Matt arrived with Afton “Afton did this to her. I pulled him off her but the bite mark hasn’t been sealed” Santiago stated quickly “It-it b-burns” Y/N stuttered out, tears falling down her cheeks. Caius took her from Santiago and laid her on the floor and leant over her “Please forgive me my dear” He placed his mouth over the existing bite mark and sucked out Afton’s venom before sinking his teeth into her neck and letting his venom enter her system, therefore becoming her creator. Aro looked down and saw that Caius’ mark had replaced Afton’s “Brother…” “I couldn’t let her die as she is Felix’s mate and they have been through so much already. This way I am her creator not him” Caius cuts Aro off and points to Afton “Felix is more likely to accept that his mate is now immortal if she has my venom in her just as he has yours Aro” He added “That’s true brother, I think it would have caused more problems for them if it was Afton who changed her” Marcus responds.
Aro takes Afton’s hand in his own and watches the scene play out in the garden “It would seem brothers that Afton planned to change Y/N to get revenge on Felix, knowing it would cause trouble and all because Felix defended his mate a few weeks back after Afton picked a fight with him” Aro said once he let go of his hand “It is against the law to interfere with another’s mate, to try and break their bond and you will be punished” Marcus says calmly as Chelsea enters the throne room, having been told by the recently dismissed guards about Afton being in trouble with the masters. “Sorry for interrupting masters, but can I ask what Afton has done?” “Chelsea my dear, so good to see you. Although I do have some bad news for you…Afton is to be ‘dealt with’ as he attempted to change Y/N to get back at Felix and well he made a mess of it and Caius has had to change her himself in order to save her” Aro informed her, Chelsea was shocked and covered her mouth with her hands; after a few moments she finally spoke “I-I understand m-master. Do what-what you must with him” She stuttered out “You know what is going to happen to him my dear” Aro responds and she nods as venom fills her eyes that cannot be shed “Good-goodbye Afton” She whispers and follows Caius out of the throne room as he makes his way to Y/N’s room. “Any last words Afton?” Aro asks “I regret nothing and we all know Felix will struggle to accept her now” Aro nods at Santiago and he removes Afton’s head before Matt lets him fall to the floor and the two vampires remove Afton’s arms and legs “Burn him” Aro says as he leaves the room.
Chelsea opens the door to Y/N’s room and Caius enters carrying her over to the bed “Please let me clean her up before Felix returns” She says and Caius nods as he passes Y/N to Chelsea. Chelsea cleans up the bite mark and the blood surrounding the area “Master, please can you pass in the short sleeve black dress from her closet?” Caius passes her the dress and a few moments later Chelsea exits the bathroom with Y/N in her arms and lays her down gently on her bed.
Chelsea and Caius stay with Y/N during her change “Master, what are we going to tell Felix?” Chelsea asked low “We tell him the truth that Afton made a mess of trying to change her out of revenge and that I stepped in and replaced his venom with my own in order to save her. It’s my bite mark on her neck now not Afton’s” Caius responds and Chelsea nods “Thank you for letting me stay here with her" “You’re welcome my dear, I figured it would help you, all things considered” He replied and she nodded “I hope Felix doesn’t hold Afton’s actions against me” She said low “He won’t, especially as you and I are going to take care of her until he returns” Caius replied.
Y/N woke up three days later; sitting up and taking in the sights around her; noticing the loose thread on rug by the fireplace, feeling the cotton thread of the duvet beneath her when her eyes met Caius’ “Hello my dear” “Ca-Caius” She replies low “Wh-what happened?” “You were bitten by Afton in the garden and Santiago intervened and bought you to us and I had to change you in order to save you” He replied “I-I remember he said that Felix wouldn’t want me or love me knowing I had his venom running through me” She replied “Well you don’t need to worry about that my dear, as it’s my venom running through you” “Felix will have an issue with the fact that it’s not his venom” She answered sounding a little sad “Nothing will change between you hunny, I promise. He will just be glad that master Caius saved you” Chelsea answered softly “Oh and just so you are aware Afton was disposed of after this incident as he broke one our laws” She added “I-I’m sorry Chelsea” Y/N replies “Don’t be Y/N, you did nothing wrong. Afton knew what the consequences were should he be found out and went ahead anyway” Chelsea replies.
“As you are my creation Y/N, you spend your newborn year with us at the castle and we all help you adjust to your new life. First things first feedings; we do not allow hunting in the city and so once Felix and Demetri return, I will have them take you hunting outside of the city and show you what to do. In the meantime, Heidi saved you two humans from our ‘tour’ this morning, they are waiting in a guest room on the floor below. Shall we?” Caius informs Y/N “I-I don’t know what to-to do” She says slowly “You are a lot faster and stronger than the humans in the room so it’ll be easy to overpower them. You need hold them firmly against you, this can be via the front of their neck or around their middle, then you tilt their head to the side and bite down and let the blood flow down your throat to ease the burn. We will be right there with you” Chelsea replies. Once inside the guest room Y/N grabbed the first human and did as Chelsea told her although she struggled and it was not the most efficient kill nor was it the cleanest but Caius and Chelsea did not judge her. Y/N drained the second human but later she felt upset at having killed two innocent humans. “You did well today Y/N and it will get easier, I promise” Caius said low.
Heidi got some blood bags from her doctor friend at the hospital and kept them in her room for Y/N in case they needed them. Chelsea and Heidi made sure to keep Y/N away from the reception area, not wanting to risk an incident in the castle. Heidi did however get Caius’ permission to bring in another human for Y/N as a way of helping her deal with the blood lust she was feeling.
Chelsea and Caius had spent a lot of time with Y/N as she was struggling with feeding. Heidi would ensure their share of the tour was bought to a side room so the three could feed privately as Caius didn’t think Y/N was ready to feed with the others. Y/N had been a newborn for about ten days when Felix, Demetri and the twins returned from their mission; reporting to the throne room to update the Kings on the outcome of their mission. All four guard noticed Caius’ throne was empty “Caius is with Chelsea and Y/N…” Aro paused when he saw confusion and worry flash across Felix’s face “There was an incident about two weeks ago involving Y/N and Afton…Caius had to change Y/N in order to save her” Aro advised them and a loud growl escaped Felix “I’LL KILL HIM” He roared and turned to leave; Demetri grabbed his arm as Marcus spoke “He has already been disposed of…he is nothing but ashes my dear boy” Felix turned around to look at Aro and Marcus “Chelsea is with Y/N?” Demetri asked “Yes, she and Caius haven’t left her side since the incident, Heidi has checked in with her regularly when not planning ‘tours,’ she even got a supply of blood bags for Y/N. Chelsea feels bad for what happened to Y/N and asked to stay and help her” Aro replied “I think being around Y/N has helped Chelsea deal with the loss of Afton, given her…a purpose” Marcus added “Please do not harm Chelsea Felix, she had no part in Afton’s plan” Aro warned “How-how did Afton get close enough to attack Y/N?” Felix asked and Aro explained the events of that fateful day including how Santiago saved her from Afton. “Go see Y/N but remember don’t spook her as she’s probably stronger than you right now” Marcus said with a hint of amusement in his voice.
Felix and Demetri made their way to Y/N’s room, the twins deciding to wait to the morning as to not overwhelm her. Felix knocked on the door “Only us” He said as he and Demetri entered her room slowly “Felix, Demetri” Caius greeted them “Master” They both replied and bowed their heads “How is she?” Felix asked quietly, looking out to the balcony where Y/N stood with Chelsea “A little jumpy now and then. She struggles a little with her thirst but is relatively calm for a newborn” Caius answered quietly, he looked over his shoulder before continuing “She’s worried that this will affect your relationship” Felix said nothing but nodded “Just remember Felix it’s my venom in her system no one’s else’s and it’s my bite mark that you will see…just as she sees Aro’s mark where he changed you” Caius placed a hand on his arm “Thank you master for saving her and staying with her in my absence” “She is your mate and you two have been through enough in the short time you’ve been together. She’s my creation and it was my duty to show her how to survive in this life. Although I think you two should help her too” Caius replied “Of course master. I’m assuming then she will be with us during her newborn year?” Demetri asked, hope showing in his eyes “Yes, as my creation she is allowed to remain here with us” Caius replied smiling at Demetri and Felix “I’m going to say goodnight and leave you to catch up. Goodnight Y/N” “Goodnight Caius and thank you again” Y/N said as she entered the room “I’ll be leaving too, if you need me Demetri knows where to find me” Chelsea said as she too left the room.
“Looking good Y/N” Demetri smiled and gave her a wink; a low growl came from Felix “Shut up” Demetri said as he slapped his arm “You look so beautiful little one” Felix said with a look of adoration on his face “May I?” He held his arms out to her and she nodded, slowly stepping closer to her mate; once she was near enough Felix carefully pulled her into his arms and held her “I missed you Felix” She buried her face into his chest “I missed you too” He replied resting his head on top of hers “I missed you too cara” Demetri added and Y/N laughed “Missed you too Dem.”  
Felix loved Y/N with every fibre of his being and would do anything for her, including defending her to a few of the transitory guards who talked about her behind her back, judging her and commenting on the fact she was not able to take part in the ‘tours’ “Y/N is struggling to adjust and after the shocking way she was thrust into this life by Afton, I can’t blame her. She’ll come through it” Felix said at the start of a training session “One more thing you may want to remember that as my mate she outranks you all!” Felix growled “Drop and give me 200…NOW!” Demetri demanded and the vampires groaned “You can all thank the few guards that thought they could talk about Y/N in such a way a disrespectful way.”
Felix was given a few days off to spend with Y/N but that didn’t work out the way it as supposed to. After coming back from a private feeding with Chelsea Y/N saw how clean Felix and Demetri were after the ‘tour’ compared to her; she was still a little messy, it confirmed her thoughts she wasn’t good enough or clean enough with her kills to stand beside her mate and her friends. She decided to spend more time with Chelsea and continue to feed privately with her as she felt comfortable around her and didn’t feel like she was being judged by the female vampire. Y/N also still had the need for blood bags to help with her thirst.
“Y/N? You in here?” Felix called out as he entered his mate’s room only to find it empty…again “She isn’t in there” Demetri’s voice called out softly “I know that” Felix growled “Woah! Calm down Fe” Demetri held his hands up in surrender “Sorry D. I can’t find her and all I want is to spend time with my mate, improve our relationship and our bond” He replied, sounding a little downhearted. Demetri was quiet for a moment before replying “Y/N is with Chelsea…in her room” “What is it with Y/N and Chelsea?” Felix asked, Demetri shrugged “I don’t know, maybe Chelsea feels guilty over Afton’s actions and feels bad for Y/N. Talk to her” Felix nods and goes back to his room.
A few days later Felix catches Y/N in Heidi’s room with a blood bag and they’re hanging out “Hey Y/N there you are. I’ve been looking for you” “You found me” She replies “I have some time off and wondered if you wanted to do something together?” He asked, hoping she’d agree “Oh, sorry I can’t…I have a lesson with Caius…which I’ll be late for if I don’t go now. Bye Heidi, it was nice catching up. Bye Fe” Y/N left the room quickly “Bye Y/N” Heidi called after her, Felix said nothing, turning around and making his way to Demetri’s room. Once inside he laid down on his friend’s bed, surprising Demetri moments later when he stepped out of the bathroom half naked after his shower “Why Felix, I didn’t know you cared” Demetri winked at him “Get bent” Demetri chuckled as he entered his closet and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt “What do I owe the pleasure, my friend” Demetri asked sitting at the foot of the bed “Y/N’s avoiding me” “Ahh…are you sure she’s avoiding you?” He asked gently “Yes. She’ll spend time with anyone and everyone…as long as it’s not me” Felix replied. Demetri was sure it was all in his friend’s head until he witnessed Y/N avoiding Felix for himself the following afternoon.
Gianna had taken the afternoon off and Aro asked Y/N to cover reception, thinking doing something ‘human’ may be good for her and keep her focused on something other than her struggles. The afternoon was going well until a delivery man arrived with a parcel for Aro. Y/N inhaled just as the human rounded the corner; the burn in her throat roaring to life, his heartbeat sounding loud in the quiet reception area ‘He smells so good’ She thought to herself ‘Just a little taste’ A smile curved her lips ‘No. Don’t. I can’t. Caius…Felix…’ “Hello, I have a parcel that requires a signature” The human voice cut through Y/N’s thoughts “Ok” She tried holding her breath as she signed his clipboard, she noticed the pulsing vein in his neck, his heartbeat a little fast as though he was a little fearful. It was as though he was tormenting her with his scent. He thanked her and turned back to walk towards the lift and before she could stop herself, she had flashed up behind him as he stepped inside the lift. Y/N’s hand gripped his neck; holding his back to her chest as she sunk her teeth into his neck, his blood flowing into her mouth easing the burn at the back of her throat “Mmm” She enjoyed draining this human. She was trying to work out how to hide the evidence of her kill when she noticed her top had blood on it, his blood “Oh well. No need to hide him now…” She trailed off, talking to herself.
The lift doors opened when the lift reached ground level, Y/N stepped out of the lift leaving the human to lie dead on lift floor. She walked to the stairs and made her way back to reception to turn off the computer and to gather her things “Y/N” Felix called out from behind her when she was halfway back to her room “Can’t stop, got things to do” She called out over his shoulder “What things? Maybe I can help” Felix called “Just things, I don’t need help” She called out and took off running “Still think she isn’t avoiding me D?” Demetri rubbed the back of his neck “It would appear she is avoiding you” He replied “I wish I knew why D” Felix responded and turned on his heels making his way to the training room. Demetri decided to try his luck with Y/N; to see if she would talk to him as she used to do when she was human.
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Blended Family
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Word Count: 4,531 Demetri x OC - Part Nine Warnings: Fluff, Angst
Ellie’s first day at school does not go well and she doesn’t like it. She came home crying as none of the other children spoke to her. “How was school?” Nico asked excited to hear about her first day at a human school. Ellie didn’t answer she just ran over to Demetri and climbed onto his lap and let the tears fall. “I-I don’t want to-to go back to-to school, no-no one spoke to-to me” Sophie places a comforting hand on her back as Demetri holds a sobbing Ellie in his arms “No-no one likes me daddy” She murmured as she snuggled into him further and he felt his undead heart break for her. “Everyone likes you Ellie” Nico smiled at her “Not at school. I was on my own all day” She replied low still crying. “Well tomorrow will be better and you’ll make friends soon” Sophie replied encouraging her to return to school the following day.
Once the children were in bed, Sophie and Demetri had a conversation and came to a compromise and agreed that Ellie had to give school a chance. “Why do we have to send her back? She came home in tears Soph” Demetri asked not wanting to send her back, he wanted to keep his little princess home with them. “Because kids are kids and they can be cruel sometimes. Ellie didn’t attend nursery with these children Dem, she went to school not knowing anyone. I don’t want her growing up thinking she can just quit when things get a little difficult” Sophie replied “I can understand that Sophie I don’t want that either…but this is different. She’s just a child and she shouldn’t be treated like that, no one spoke to her, no one. She was there for six hours, six hours amore. That is unacceptable!” He sounded angry “I know Dem, I know, but what can I do. She needs to be at school.” “If sending Ellie to this school doesn’t work out Sophie, she will be home-schooled by the Kings.” Demetri said firmly. 
Ellie came home in tears again the following day and once inside the castle she ran to the throne room knowing Demetri was on duty. Matt was standing outside the throne room and saw her running towards him in tears and opened the door “Demetri” He said low and nodded at Ellie as she entered the room. Demetri lifted her into his arms, holding her tight as she buried her head in his neck, tears falling down her cheeks. “Demetri bring Ellie here please” Aro asked and Demetri walked over to them. “Ellie what’s wrong?” Aro asked, Ellie held out her hand to him, something she had seen the others do. Aro looked to Demetri for permission as he had agreed not to read the children’s thoughts until they were older. “Ellie is not settling into school very well” Demetri replied, Aro nodded. “What’s the problem?” Caius asked “No one spoke to her at school yesterday and it happened again today, hence why she is crying” Aro replied, letting go of her hand. Demetri felt Ellie snuggle into him further “I-I don’t want to-to go back daddy” She sobbed “I know princess, but you have to give it a chance like mummy said” “Why? Nico doesn’t have to go to school outside” “That’s because Nico grows up quickly due to being half-vampire” Demetri replied and kissed her cheek holding her close “That’s not fair daddy” Ellie mumbled into his neck.
The other vampires in the castle love Ellie and when they found out how her first day at school went, Sophie had to explain to them that they can’t go and kill a classroom of children because they had made Ellie cry “Why not?” Felix asked “She’s my niece and she came home in tears as no one spoke to her” “Well you can’t just kill the children because the teachers will there along with the other school children” He just shrugged at her. “And, your point?” Alec asked “So how exactly are you going to hide the fact you killed a few hundred people?” She asked “Burn down the school” Santiago replied quickly “I’d like to see you explain that one to Caius” She replied shocked that they were prepared to commit mass murder for Ellie’s sake. ‘Part of me is a little pleased they care so much, another part of me is a little scared’ She thought as she made her way to her room.  
Ellie going to school doesn’t work out and Demetri asks if the Kings would tutor Ellie as they do with Nico. Following an interesting conversation with Demetri and Ellie, Caius, Aro and Marcus agree to tutor Ellie as they do Nico. “Masters, may I have a word with you please? I have a request I would like to discuss” Demetri asks as he, Sophie and Ellie stand in front of the Kings. “How can we help?” Aro asks curious “As you are aware Ellie has been attending a human school, although she hasn’t really settled in. She comes home crying most days” He replies and the masters nod “I take it the compromise you both came too isn’t working out like you had hoped?” Marcus asks looking between Sophie and Demetri, Sophie shakes her head but before she can say anything Ellie replies instead “If-if mummy makes me go back tomorrow…I’m going to tell my classmates that my daddy’s a vampire and that my Uncles Felix and Santiago are prepared to burn the school down because they make me cry everyday by being mean.” Silence…Ellie had managed to shock the room full of vampires and Sophie. “Now Ellie, you know that is a secret” Aro says after a few moments “Yes, but…but I have no friends Uncle Aro, no-no one at school likes me and it’s been a few weeks” She replied, her bottom lip wobbled and tears slipped down her cheeks. Caius’ face held a look of sympathy for her “I was hoping you might agree to home-school Ellie as you do with Nico?” Demetri asked as he bent down to pick Ellie up. Caius discreetly tapped his fingers on the arm of his throne “I-I am a Volturi, sh-shouldn’t I be tr-treated as such” She said low, tears still falling. “I think we can accommodate your request, after all we can’t have our little Ellie being treated in such a poor way by her peers now, can we?” Caius replied “No we cannot” Aro added firmly and Marcus nodded in agreement. Alec didn’t miss the small thumbs up Caius gave Ellie and the smile she gave him in return. ‘Clever little human’ Alec thought to himself.
Athenodora and Sulpicia heard that Ellie would be home-school too and immediately offered to teach her and Nico Music and Art and Crafts. Caius decided he would teach them about history, including Vampire history and how the Volturi came to rule. Aro covered Maths and Science, leaving Marcus to teach them Languages and Literature and Demetri taught them Geography. They adjusted their lessons accordingly as Nico was ‘older’ than Ellie but they enjoyed learning together.
One lesson of Caius’ involved Nico and Ellie being in the throne room during a trial. Caius bought Nico and Ellie into the throne room on a trial day advising Demetri that he wants them to see how they deal with vampires who don’t live in the castle. “Sophie isn’t going to like this” Demetri told him “Tell her I bought them here without you knowing, it’s the truth after all. Anyway, this is a simple squabble between some nomads over territory” Caius replied and made his way to his throne, taking Ellie and Nico with him. Ellie was wearing one of her Princess dresses and tiaras from her dressing-up collection that she had been given to her at Christmas and on her birthday. “Princess Ellie” Aro greeted her with a smile “King Aro” She smiled back at him. “She looks so cute” Alec whispered to Jane “This is her Princess phase” Jane whispered back to Alec.
After hearing both nomads tell their side of the story of how they came to ‘claim’ the land they are fighting over Nico and Ellie watch Aro to see how he would deal with them. “You are not to return to that place…ever.” Aro said firmly before turning to look at Caius, who just looks at Ellie “Do the honour Princess” Ellie nods and smiles back at him. “You both have to take a two-day timeout, which will take place in the timeout room on the lower level. My daddy will escort you” Ellie said looking at the two nomad vampires “And who’s your daddy?” The blonde-haired vampire asked “Demetri Volturi and he’s the world’s best tracker” She replied without missing a beat “He can find anyone, anywhere, anytime all from the comfort of the castle…” “Why does that sound like a threat coming from Ellie?” Demetri asked Felix low “Probably because she said it with a smile that rivals Aro’s” He replied low smiling “…Which means if you return to that place, he’ll know” She added. “The timeout room is on the lower level you say?” The dark-haired vampire asked Ellie and she nodded “Yep.” She made the ‘p’ pop and watched as he made his way out of the throne room, Santiago following him. “I don’t know whether to be scared or proud” Demetri said low to Felix “I think both works” Felix replied low, smirking. “She’s my favourite human” Jane added with a smile. Nico felt proud of Ellie and watched as Demetri left the throne room to escort the other nomad down to the dungeon. 
A week later and Sophie is tidying the children’s room a little and finds stuff under Ellie’s bed that clearly doesn’t belong to her or Nico “What’s all this stuff?” Sophie asked Nico “Oh that. That’s stuff Ellie took off the vampires anytime she caught them fighting over it. Under her bed is her ‘safe place’” He replied grinning “Why didn’t you tell me or daddy?” “Because it’s funny when she comes back with new stuff. It’s the vampires I feel sorry for, you and daddy have created a cute little monster in her” He chuckled “I don’t think the Kings help either” Sophie added “What are you going to do now?” Curiosity clearly shown on his face “Tell your dad and talk about how we deal with it” She replied.
Sophie told Demetri about Ellie’s stash of confiscated stuff and he found it amusing “That’s my girl” He sounded proud “Dem. Really?” Sophie asked “I’m sorry but my girl is too adorable to be angry with and she is a genius.” Sophie shook her head in disbelief “I can’t believe my five-year-old daughter has a castle full of vampires wrapped around her little human fingers. Who would have thought it?” She mumbled to herself, although Demetri heard her and smiled “Our daughter” He corrected gently.
As Ellie couldn’t remember what items belonged to what vampire Demetri suggested they sell the stuff back to them. “You want to hold a ‘garage’ sale and make the guards buy back their own stuff?” Sophie asked “Yes, if that is what it’s called when you get rid of unwanted items” Demetri replied. He put up a few signs advising that there will be a ‘garage sale’ in the family room that following Saturday, this piques the interest of the guards and the Kings.
The guards were surprised when they arrived in the family room to discover they had to buy their stuff back because Ellie couldn’t remember who the stuff belonged to. “Where did you get the idea to hold a garage sale sweetie?” Sulpicia asked Ellie “It was daddy’s idea to sell the stuff back to the guards as I couldn’t remember who it belonged to” Ellie replied and Sulpicia smiled at her “It was a very good idea.” Although some of the guards grumbled about it “Remember, if you hadn’t fought over it, Ellie wouldn’t have taken it off you” Demetri reminded them with a smug smile and they nodded and proceeded to pay Ellie for their stuff, although they didn’t necessarily buy back their own stuff. Demetri decided to let Ellie keep the money “What happens to the money she makes?” Aro asked curiously “I’m letting her keep it” Demetri replied “I’m going to share the money with Nico” Ellie added with a smile “Thank you Ellie, that’s nice of you” Nico picked her up and hugged her to his chest “Well you did help me hide the stuff and you didn’t tell mummy and daddy about it” She hugged him back and placed a kiss on his cheek.   
Time Skip – Ellie at 6 years old
Ellie decided she wanted to dress up as Jane for the castle’s Halloween party so Sophie dressed her in a dark grey dress, light grey tights and bought her a black cloak. Ellie’s brown hair was put in a tight low bun. Ellie ran into her parent’s room “I can’t find my black shoes with the gold buckle” “They’re in shoe rack next to daddy’s work shoes” Nico replied almost instantly, shocking Sophie and Demetri “Thank you Nico” She ran into her parent’s closet to retrieve her shoes. “How did you know her shoes were in my shoe rack?” Demetri asked, curiosity clear on his face “I don’t know. I just did” Nico replied as though it was nothing “Ok, buddy” Demetri replied, curious if it was a ‘gift’ thing or a coincidence.
Although Nico was six years old, physically he looked like a teenager and decided he would dress up Mario from his favourite computer game, Demetri and Sophie dressed up as Batman and Poison Ivy respectively. When they arrived in the family room for the party, they noticed Athenodora and Sulpicia had carved Pumpkins and placed plastic tea light candles inside them. There were Spider webs, Spiders and Bats hanging from the ceilings and the walls along with Skeletons. Next to the carved Pumpkins on the table were bowls of crisps and sweets for Gianna, Sophie, Nico and Ellie.
And who are you meant to be Ellie?” Caius asked “Jane” She replied smiling, Jane’s head turned towards Ellie hearing her name mentioned and smiled when she saw what Ellie was wearing. “Ellie has dressed up me for Halloween” She said to Alec, who leant around Jane to see Ellie dressed as a mini-Jane “She looks cute, sister” He replied and Jane smiled.
Demetri and Sophie sat Nico and Ellie down in their room “We have something we want to discuss with you” Demetri said and they nodded “The time has come for me to turn mummy…” “You mean mummy’s going to become like you?” Ellie asked cutting him off “Yes Princess” He replied. “What happens to Ellie whilst mum gets used to being a newborn?” Nico looked worried “Heidi and Jane have offered to help you look after her. Also, Sulpicia and Athenodora will help when Heidi and Jane are on duty” Sophie replied wrapping her arm around him “Will someone be in the room when you turn mum?” “Yes, Nico. Alec has offered to be in here with me to ensure everything goes well” Demetri replied turning to Nico whilst cuddling Ellie on his lap “Mum isn’t going anywhere; she will be with us forever” He added “I should think so daddy” Ellie said firmly looking over her shoulder at him “That told you Dem” Sophie chuckled.
Ellie and Nico got Sophie to spend her last few days cooking and baking all of their favourite things, Ellie ensuring that Demetri tasted their creations, chocolate brownies, white chocolate and strawberry cupcakes, lasagne and garlic bread and gingerbread biscuits. Although Ellie was six years old, she was still not aware that he couldn’t eat human food without having to deal with it later. “Daddy look I made this one just for you” She handed him a Bat shaped gingerbread biscuit, that had been decorated with black icing “Thank you Princess” He took a bite and smiled “Yummy?” She asked grinning and he nodded “Yes, very yummy” He replied and didn’t miss the amused looks on Sophie and Nico’s faces. Sophie put the booked goods in containers so they could be enjoyed over the next few days. “Mummy can we still bake once you’re a vampire?” “Yes Ellie, but not at first” She replied “Nico mentioned that daddy will keep you away from us for the first few days” Ellie added “It’s safer that way as you are human and Nico is half human” Demetri smiled down at Ellie.
Demetri, Sophie and the children had a family day on Sophie’s last day as a human. They watched a selection of their favourite films whilst eating snacks. “I’m going to miss you mummy” Ellie said as she cuddled into Sophie “I know hunny, I’m going to miss you too” She kissed Ellie’s hair and wrapped her arm around her.
Three days late Sophie wakes up as a newborn, her red eyes taking in her surroundings, she notices the light dust particles in the air, a little spider spinning its web in the top left inside corner of the fireplace. She turns her head towards Demetri’s desk and sees him sitting on his desk chair smiling at her “Looks who’s finally awake?” She got off the bed to walk towards him but found that she moved rather quickly, Demetri stood and caught her with ease “Careful Soph” He chuckled and he gently led her into the closet “What do you think?” He asked pointing to the mirror, she stood there for a few moments “I-Is that me?” She asked, he chuckled lightly, “Yes, and you are as beautiful as ever mi amore” He kissed her neck and she growled low “Hungry?” She shook her head “Thirsty” She said “Come on, I’ll take you downstairs, Heidi bought a few extra tourists in this morning so you’d be able to feed once you woke up” He led her downstairs and told her what to do and watched as she drained both humans quickly. Her method needed work but it wasn’t bad for her first time. She was a little messy too but he’d seen worse.
As they make their way to the training room so Demetri could show newborn Sophie off to Felix and the twins, she picks up on a scent, ‘lemon and honey’ and turns and runs off in that direction. It takes a few seconds before Demetri realises what has happened; she had picked up on Ellie’s scent and sets off after her, passing Santiago along the way “Follow me. Now” Santiago nods and follows Demetri. They stop in the doorway of the garden, then Demetri hears “Mummy, what’s wrong?” “Grab Ellie” Demetri says to Santiago “Of course” They round the corner and see Sophie crouching ready to pounce at Ellie, Nico doing his best to protect Ellie, despite not being strong enough to take on his ‘newborn’ mum. “Mum, back off. It’s Ellie” Sophie growls at him, Ellie backs away from Nico as he puts his arm behind him making a shooing motion “You’re scaring her” Nico says growling just as Demetri tackles her to the ground at the same time Santiago scoops up Ellie into his arms and runs back inside the castle with her “I’ve got you little one” Santiago whispers in her ear.
“What the hell dad?” Nico asks shocked “Don’t” Demetri tightens his hold on Sophie as she was fighting him, “You know what would have happened if mum had bitten her, Felix would have been forced to destroy them both, that is if mum hadn’t drained her first” His tone was angry, Sophie was still fighting against Demetri’s hold but stilled when Demetri yelled “I said don’t” Demetri looked up at Nico “I know, I’m sorry. She picked up on Ellie’s scent but I promise it won’t happen again” “You’re right dad, it won’t…because mum isn’t going near Ellie until she’s got control” He growled at his parents, baring his teeth at Sophie “I’m moving Ellie to the tower room beside the Queens and I’ll be going with her to ensure she’s safe” He didn’t wait for an answer, he made his back inside the castle.
“Oh Dem, what did I do?” She looked at him over her shoulder “You went after Ellie; you were prepared to go through Nico to get to her” He replied and watched shock washed across her face. She shook her head “No, no I-I wouldn’t. He’s my son…she’s my baby” He could see the sadness in her red eyes and gave her a sympathetic look and nodded “You did. You could have hurt them both, mi amore” “I need to apologise to them…to her” “Not now, I-I don’t…I-I can’t trust you with her” He said softly, hating himself for saying it because Ellie was her daughter and deep down, he knew Sophie wouldn’t hurt her. 
Nico goes straight to the throne room and sees Santiago waiting for him with Ellie “Is she ok?” Nico asks “She’s fine, not a scratch on her” Santiago replied and handed her to her brother “You’re safe. I promise” Nico said low stroking her hair as he held her close “Is mummy ok? Did I do something wrong?” Ellie asked, her tone sad and Nico could tell Ellie was close to tears “You did nothing wrong little one. Your mum is a newborn vampire and they can be a little...unpredictable” Santiago said low placing a hand on her back. Santiago accompanied Nico and Ellie to their room and helped pack some clothes into a bag and then made sure they reached the tower room safely. 
Meanwhile, Demetri had managed to get Sophie to the training room “Felix keep her here…I’ll be back in a bit” Demetri left Sophie with Felix and the twins. “What’s wrong with him?” Alec asked “I-I went after Ellie…I caught her scent and…I-I was prepared to go through Nico to get her” Sophie replied low “Is she ok?” Alec asked concerned, stepping closer to her “Yes. Demetri got there and tackled me before I could hurt either of them. He won’t let me apologise…I need to get control” She couldn’t look them in the eyes, feeling ashamed that she had that reaction to her daughter. “We’ll help you” Jane said softly “But I warn you Sophie despite us being friends, if you try and hurt Ellie when I’m around, I will pain drop your ass” “Un-understood” Sophie answers, still not looking up.
Demetri goes to the tower room and finds Ellie cuddled up on Nico’s lap as he reads her a story from the Grimm’s book of fairy tales “Thank you Nico” “You don’t need to thank me; you’re my sister and I love you. I will always protect you” He kissed her hair and continued to read to her. “Can I come in?” Demetri asks “It’s just you?” “Yes Nico, it’s just me” He replied and Nico nodded. Demetri entered the room and sat on the bed looking at his children “How are you princess?” “I’m ok daddy” She replied low “How’s mummy?” “Mummy’s ok, she’s sorry for happened but I have told her she can’t see you yet. She’s with Felix and the twins” He replied and watched as Ellie crawled down the bed and climbed onto his lap “Tell mummy I love her” “I will” He held her close, breathing in her scent “Are you ok buddy?” “I’m fine. I’m sorry for growling at you and mum…but I’ve got to protect her. She’s my sister” He nods at Ellie, Demetri nods “I know don’t worry about the growling, I didn’t take it personally. I’m proud of you for protecting her, even though it meant confronting mum” Demetri said and held his arm out and Nico moved to hug his dad and sister.
The Kings learn of what happened in the garden and that Nico has moved himself and Ellie to the tower room beside the Queens. They decide no action will be taken as they are aware of Sophie’s guilt and decide that is punishment enough and trust that Demetri and Felix will be able to prevent any other incidents from occurring. 
Whilst Felix and Demetri train Sophie that night, Ellie screams and cries in her sleep waking Nico in the process. He immediately sits beside her on her bed, a hand on her shoulder “Hey, sshh…sshh. You’re ok, I’m here” He says softly as he wakes her up and she throws her arms around him and cries into his chest. “I’ve got you Ellie” He soothes and strokes her hair trying to calm her. “I-I had a bad dream” Before he can ask her what it was about Caius enters the room, Athenodora right behind him “Is Ellie ok?” “She had a bad dream” Nico replies, Caius crouches down so he can see her “Want to talk about it?” Ellie shakes her head as tears continue to fall. “May I Nico?” She asks holding her arms out, Nico looks down at Ellie who nods. Nico hands Ellie to Athenodora and watches her leave the room, he follows them into the Queen’s room and notices Athenodora sits on the sofa with Ellie on her lap, Sulpicia and Aro sitting beside her. “Want to talk about your dream?” Sulpicia asks gently, again Ellie shakes her head but holds her hand out to Aro, he pauses for a moment before taking her little hand in his and seeing the reason for her current state. “You’re safe up here with us, you know that” He says softly and she nods. Everyone in the room then realises Ellie’s bad dream was related to what happened with Sophie in the garden. Ellie fell asleep in Athenodora’s arms and stayed there till morning. Nico placed a blanket over them before returning to the room next-door to try and sleep, although he was worrying about how things would turn out with his mum. Ellie still had no idea why Sophie had gone after her and Nico. 
Demetri had to stop himself from running to comfort Ellie, knowing that he had to keep Sophie away from her, despite seeing how much it hurt her to not be able to comfort her daughter. “I’m sorry if I let you down earlier Dem” She says low “You didn’t let me down, I should have been quicker to stop you, I’m so used to Ellie’s scent I barely notice it and therefore, it didn’t cross my mind that it may appeal to you. Ellie told me to tell you she loves you” He wrapped his arms around her pulling her back towards his chest “I want to get control…I need to see my children, comfort my daughter. This is killing me Dem” “I know Soph, I know. I will help you get control I promise because I too would like comfort my daughter.” He continued to hold Sophie in his arms as they discussed how best to teach her self-control as quickly as possible.  
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Jane and the Wolf
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Word Count: 4,831 Jane x OC Part Three - Final Part Warnings: Fluff, Angst, NSFW Jane is aged up
“How did things go sister?” Alec asked when he saw Jane and Sebastian once they left the throne room “It could have gone worse” She answered “Caius doesn’t approve of Sebastian being a wolf or of him living here. However, once I told them that if he is not welcome to stay then we will live outside of the castle in the city they agreed he could live here with me. This is his home now too” She adds smiling at her mate “Wow! You threatened to leave sister?” “It wasn’t just a threat Alec…I meant it” She answered him “Demetri vouched for me and I think that went in my favour” Sebastian added “How so?” Alec asks curious “Demetri offered to train me in my human form and it was agreed by Aro and Marcus that I am to report directly to Demetri with regards to training and when on missions” Sebastian replies “Well that’s good. Demetri is an excellent fighter with centuries of experience and I think the two of you will work well together” Alec agreed smiling “Demetri and Felix train the lower and transitory guards as part of their elite guard duties” He added.  
The following morning Sebastian and Demetri made their way to the training room to find Felix and Santiago along with some of the lower and transitory guards. The guards all turn to look at Demetri and Sebastian as soon as they made it to the doorway and growls could be heard throughout the room “What’s a wolf doing here?” One of the guards growled low “This is Sebastian and he is living here at the castle as he is Jane’s mate” Demetri introduced Sebastian to the room, ignoring the guard’s comment and growls “BUT HE’S A DOG!” Another guard growls “ENOUGH!” Demetri shouts and the room falls quiet “Sebastian is a shapeshifter and can turn into a wolf at will, meaning he is not a child of the moon and nor is he a dog. He will be treated with respect as he is Jane’s mate” Murmurs can be heard throughout the room “Caius allowed this?” Matt asked “He was out voted two to one” Felix replied “Sebastian reports to me so if you have any problems with him, you come to me. Is that understood?” Demetri says loudly and the room is quiet and he smirks because he knows none of the lower or transitory guards are stupid enough to cross him.
Sebastian watched the demonstration given by Demetri and Felix and was paired up with Louis “I’m not training with him” He growled and Demetri shot him a glare before replying “That’s fine you can spar with me then” Louis’ face paled as he knew he was in trouble as Demetri wouldn’t show any mercy. Matt stood up “Come on Sebastian, I’ll spar with you” He said nodding to the other training mat “Thank you” Demetri said low to Matt as they passed him. Louis soon found himself minus an arm and a leg and his face was cracked “Next time I tell you to do something, maybe you’ll listen” Demetri growled low and Louis nodded the best he could. “He’s brutal!” Sebastian said to Matt, whilst nodding at Demetri “Yep. If Demetri says jump, you say how high or there’ll be consequences. He’s an experienced fighter and one the of the best we have, hence he and Felix are in charge of training us when they’re not on missions” Matt replied “Did he train his mate, Lily?” Sebastian asked “Yes. He and Felix trained her. He didn’t trust anyone else with her” Matt answered smiling “He’s incredibly protective of her, has been since she was human. He threatened to rip us apart or throw us in the dungeons if we harmed her whilst she was human” Sebastian raised an eyebrow “I’m not joking. No one went anywhere near her... just in case” Matt chuckled “So how come you’re training with us? I thought you shifters were able to kill our kind easily?” Matt added “We are, but as I’m living here now and will be in my human form mostly, it was decided that I needed to learn to fight vampires in my human form and I have been told to train with and report to Demetri” Sebastian answered.
Matt and Sebastian sparred together “Don’t hold back, I won’t hold it against you if you pull out an arm in training” Matt said “You sure?” “Yes. I know that I can’t remove limbs from you and I have to watch the power of my punch but this is all about you. You need to learn to fight us as a human so come on…fight me” Matt held out his hand and curled and uncurled his fingers beckoning him forward “Here boy…there’s a good a little doggy” He baited him smiling and was surprised at how quickly Sebastian lunged at him tearing an arm out of it’s socket in one swift movement and before Matt could react he followed through with a punch, square to the jaw, knocking him off his balance “Well done Sebastian” Demetri praised sounding impressed “Yes well done” Matt agreed rubbing his jaw “I knew baiting you would work” He laughed picking up his arm and reattaching it quickly.
Sebastian heard some the lower guards being rude about him as he moved about the castle and did his best to ignore it as he was not going to act like the animal they accused him of being. Although when Jane heard them and their comments she would pain drop their ass whilst she threatened them “Say one more thing about my mate and I’ll have Demetri rip you limb from limb slowly, only to put you back together myself so I can torture you again before watching him rip you apart again…and then I’ll burn you myself. IS THAT CLEAR?!” “Y-yes…J-Jane” They stuttered out, Jane smiled and walked away “Using me to threaten the guards ay?” Demetri smirked leaning against the wall “They’re scared of you…so yes” She replied “And anyway…you love ripping vampires apart” She added “Only when needed Jane…I don’t do it for sport” He answered back with a smile.
Sulpicia and Athenodora had requested to meet Jane’s mate Sebastian as they were curious about the newest member of the family. Aro agreed on the condition that Demetri and Felix were present when Jane introduced them to Sebastian. Caius disagreed but his wife and his brother overruled him “It would be rude my dear if we didn’t meet the newest member of our family…after all we are the Queens” Athenodora said smiling “Yes dear” Caius replied, sounding defeated, Aro and Sulpicia choked back a laugh. An hour later Jane, Sebastian, Demetri and Felix enter the wife’s tower to meet the Queens. “Hello my dear, I am Sulpicia, Aro’s wife and you must be Sebastian?” Sulpicia introduces herself “That’s correct mi’ lady. It’s very nice to meet you and you must be Athenodora, Caius’ mate? It’s nice to meet you too” Sebastian replies, bowing his head and smiling at both of them “That’s correct Sebastian” She replies smiling “He’s very handsome Jane…and the wolf smell…isn’t entirely unpleasant either” Sulpicia commented “Er…thank you…” He replied and smiled at them “He smells different to me than he does to the rest of you” Jane answered smiling. They spent some time talking together “I totally approve Jane. Make sure you hang onto him” Athenodora smiled at her “Thank you mi’ lady, I will.”
A few weeks later and Sebastian was on a mission with Demetri, Felix and Alec to deal with nomads who were arguing over territory with some newborns. “You do realise as nomads you don’t have any right to stake a claim over territory?” Demetri asked not quite believing he had to so “Yes...but we have stayed around this area for a few months now and have drawn no attention to ourselves until these stupid and reckless newborns showed up” One of the nomads answered him “WHO ARE YOU CALLING STUPID?” One of the newborns growled loudly “YOU!” The nomad growled back and before the guards could act the nomads and the newborns began fighting “I say we let them fight it out and take care of whoever is left” Felix suggested low in Demetri’s ear “Sounds like a plan” He replied and they stood and watched as vampire limbs were torn off and discarded over the field. After a few minutes there were four newborns and two nomads left “Right now you have had your temper tantrum, we’ll deal with the rest of you” Demetri said with a smile and he, Felix, Alec and Sebastian quickly took care of the six remaining vampires before burning all of them. “Marcus was right, Sebastian’s wolf does compliment Demetri’s gift” Felix says smiling “I was impressed at how fast he is in his wolf form; I mean that newborn didn’t stand a chance once he started running” Demetri added proudly “Well, it’s all thanks to you Demetri, you said we were to deal with the rest of them and off he took and I was glad of the run honestly.” Sebastian replied.  
Sebastian had been in the castle for about two months when he finally earned Caius’ acceptance. The queens were partaking in their weekly stroll in the castle gardens when one of the new transitory guards attempted to harm Athenodora whilst she was admiring the roses Jane and Corin had planted for her, happy to see they were still being tended to even after all this time. Sebastian heard a scream and found a guard had his hands around Athenodora’s neck and was trying to remove it and judging by the sounds of china breaking, it seemed like he was succeeding. Sulpicia turned when she heard her sister scream from the other side of the garden and flashed to see what the matter was but when she saw what was happening she knew she couldn’t help but was relieved when she saw Sebastian running towards them “Please help her” She begged and he shifted into his wolf form and jumped at the guard being careful not to harm Athenodora, although she did fall onto the grass when he grabbed the back of the vampire’s top with his teeth and pulled him off her. Sulpicia helped her up and they watched as Sebastian quickly tore the vampire limb from limb before running and standing protectively in front of the Queens when he smelt more vampires approaching them, growling at them in warning.
Santiago and Alec stopped a few feet away and Sebastian calmed down instantly sitting down on the grass in front of the Queens “Why doesn’t he change back?” Santiago asked “I’m guessing his clothes shredded when he shifted to save the Queens, so if he shifts back, he’d be naked” Alec replied, watching as Athenodora knelt down and stroked Sebastian’s fur “Thank you for saving me” Sulpicia knelt down to stroke him too. “What is going on here? Why is he in his wolf form?” Caius shouted “He saved your wife from being beheaded by him” Sulpicia replied pointing to the guard who lay in pieces “Oh…well…why hasn’t he shifted back?” “He’ll be naked if he does my love” Athenodora smiled at her husband “Well let’s all go inside so he can get redressed. I’d like to see him afterwards” Caius replied “Santiago, Alec bring those pieces to the throne room too” “Yes master” They replied.
Once Sebastian was dressed he made his way to the throne room, half expecting to be told off for shifting in the castle and in front of the Queens no less. “Ahh Sebastian…so nice of you to join us” Aro greeted with a smile “Afternoon sir” He replied holding out his hands and showed Aro what had occurred. Aro now had the full picture having looked into the memories of the Queens also “It would be appear brother that that guard went for your wife and Sebastian here saved her without a second thought after hearing her scream” Aro said looking at Caius “I had to shift Caius or I wouldn’t have been able to stop him from beheading Athenodora” Sebastian said quickly looking at Caius “I know and I would like to thank you for saving her” He got up from his throne and shook Sebastian’s hand “You didn’t have to save her but I am very grateful that you did” He added “That’s where you are wrong sir. I did have to save her, she is not only your wife, but also one of the Queens of the vampire world and a member of my new family; a family I promised to protect when I first arrived” Sebastian answered and Jane couldn’t help smiling with pride at her mate “That’s true. You did say you would only shift inside the castle to protect Jane and by extension us if the situation called for it and you have stayed true to your word” Aro replied “Thank you Sebastian for saving me. I appreciate it too” Athenodora smiled at him “You’re very welcome mi’ lady. I’m just glad I was nearby at the time” He replied smiling back at her “You are officially one of us and you will be given our crest to wear and a mid-grey cloak. You will also accompany the Queens when they take their weekly stroll in the gardens as we clearly have to reassess the other guards” Caius said looking Sebastian “Thank you sir, truly. I’m honoured that you trust me to protect the Queens” He replied. “I think he’s just won over his harshest critic sister” Alec whispered low to Jane “I knew he would eventually” She replied low.
“Santiago I am going to ask that you partially reassemble our friend here so I can find out who he is working with as he is clearly not loyal to us. Chain him up in the dungeon when you are done” Aro asked “Of course, Felix would you give me a hand?” Felix nodded and passed him one of the dead vampire’s hands “Here you go” Felix smirked, everyone in the room tried and failed to choke back a laugh “Really? You know what I meant Felix” “I know but I couldn’t resist” He chuckled, before helping move the pieces to the dungeons.
Jane had the following night off and spent it with her mate in their room. Once the film ended Sebastian got off the sofa and got down onto his knees and gently opened Jane’s legs, running his hands up her thighs moving her skirt up towards her waist, Jane lifting up slightly to help him. He placed a kiss to her lace covered clit before removing the obstruction with his teeth, a light growl escaping him as he did so “Hey, I liked those” “I’ll buy you new ones sweetheart” He replied, before he closed his mouth over her clit and sucked gently “Oh” She breathed out and she felt him grab her hips and pull her towards the edge of the sofa, giving him better access to her. He licked and sucked her clit as he eased two fingers inside her; her leaning back with her eyes closed, one hand holding his head in place between her legs. He withdrew his fingers from her and put them in his mouth tasting her “Mmm…you taste so good” He then slipped his tongue deep inside her and she gasped “Seb” He growled and it vibrated against her and he felt her tug on his hair “Oh…god” He withdrew his tongue and licked from her entrance to her clit and the feel of his tongue felt a little rougher than she expected and it made her hurt in the most delicious way possible and warm sparks flushed through her, a knot forming in deep in her belly. He slipped two fingers back inside her, curling them and returned to sucking on her clit, albeit a little harshly “Yes! Oh Seb” She cried out as his tongue and fingers worked together to tip over the edge “Come for me…now” He growled low before sucking on her clit harshly again as he added a third finger and curled them inside her hitting that spot just right and Jane came undone hard “OH GOD!” She screamed, her eyes squeezed shut and her thoughts went hazy, all she could do was buck her hips up his face as he continued to lick at her clit as she came down from her high “That was….” “I know sweetheart” He chuckled “Although, I’m not done with you yet. I’m going to take you and make you scream my name as you come undone beneath me” He whispered in ear, she smiled and nodded as she looked into his lust blown eyes.
Sebastian removed his sweatpants, Jane noticing he had no boxers on “Saves time” He winked at her as he lifted her from the sofa and laid her down on the plush rug in front of the fireplace and kissed her passionately; one hand cupping her face, her hands going to his shoulders pulling him closer as her legs wrapped around him. He slid inside her stilling for a moment allowing her to get used to him and he rested his forehead to hers before pulling away and kissing her again; pulling almost all the way out before slowly sliding back inside her, her eyes closing and her lips forming an ‘O’ as a breathless moan leaves her. She felt full in the most delicious way as he was long and thick and he filled her completely; being with him felt right and she knew he felt the same when he growled low in her ear “You feel so tight and…a little cold but in the most amazing way, sweetheart” He left a trail of open-mouthed kisses from her neck leading down between her breasts; taking a nipple into his mouth and sucked it gently, lightly flicking it with his tongue “Ahh” She moaned and her back arched up into him and he smiled against her skin as he continued to suck and flick her nipple whilst rolling the other gently between his thumb and forefinger. Her hands made their way down his back a little before moving back towards his shoulders, lightly scratching him with her nails, eliciting a light growl from him and he thrusted into her a little rougher “Seb” She cried out and he thrusted into her again rougher still “Fuck…you feel good” He growled as one hand ran up her thigh moving her leg a little higher allowing him to fill her deeper “Oh god! Don’t stop! Please…don’t stop!” She cried out, he continued to thrust into her harder and deeper as they both neared their release; her nails dug into his shoulder and her toes curled against his skin as she came seeing dots behind her eyelids “SEB!” She screamed out and he felt her walls clench around him pulling over him the edge as he emptied himself deep inside her, a loud growl escaping him and he continued moving within her riding out their orgasms together. “Oh…Jane” He said against her skin as he buried his head into the crook of her neck “You were…amazing” She breathed as she came down from her high “So were you…my love” He replied low, a little breathless. He kissed her lips gently and gently pulled out of her, holding her in his arms for a few moments. He then picked her up and carried her into the bathroom and turned the shower on, helping her climb inside and gently washing them both. “I love you Seb” “I love you too.” He fell asleep with her cuddled up against him; his arms holding her gently against him, her eyes closed as she listened to his steady breathing and his heartbeat.
“I hate sharing a wall with them!” Alec grumbled as he entered Felix’s room after hearing his sister scream out her mate’s name “You know I could hear them in here too right…she’s pretty vocal…and your room’s between mine and hers” Felix replies smirking “You and I are switching rooms” “Why?” Felix asked “If I have to hear a couple having sex that good, I’d rather hear Lily screaming out Demetri’s name than hear my sister screaming out Sebastian’s. It’s weird” “Got it! To be fair Lily isn’t as loud as Jane” Felix replied “Even better then” Alec responded.
About a week later and Aro calls the four elite guards, Lily, Santiago and Sebastian into the throne room “I have a mission for the seven of you. You have to go to Forks to deal with an issue regarding a possible newborn army and there’s also a rumour that someone is telling people about us. We cannot have that…the person is a mate of said vampire and they are to be turned. You should know the guard that attempted to kill my wife was working with an old enemy of ours, so be careful in case they show up” They all nodded “You know our laws and what is required of you. Keep safe” Marcus added. They nodded again, bowed their heads and left the castle.  
They arrive at the field where the Renesmee confrontation took place and notice Jake and a few members of his pack standing opposite them, almost as if they are supporting the possible army of newborns. Sebastian feels torn, almost, when he hears Max in his head “You need to stand with us” “Why?” Sebastian replies back telepathically “They killed the second mate of one of the leaders of these newborns and that is against their laws is it not?” Max replied “I don’t believe you” Sebastian said “The last mission we went on we just cleared up the mess made by some newborns and nomads who were fighting over territory” He added.
Meanwhile, Vladimir stepped up beside Jake “I had the pleasure of a second chance at love…until one of you killed them for no reason” He said as his eyes travelled over the six Volturi guards and Sebastian’s wolf form “We haven’t seen you since the confrontation over Renesmee Vladimir. What game are you playing and why have you involved the wolves?” Demetri asked “I am not playing a game…my second mate was killed by one of you and I want my revenge!” Vladimir growled low “Luckily for me, you and Jane have both bought your mates along with you…” Vladimir smirked at Demetri and Jane “YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HER!” Demetri roared out, pushing Lily behind him, Sebastian growled loudly in response to being threatened “We know nothing about your ‘second mate’ and certainly haven’t killed her” Jane said “He worked at the castle and I have it on good authority he was killed by one of you” Vladimir replied looking at the guards.
“You need to choose which side you are going to back” Jake growled “I know my place Jake and it’s beside Jane. I will take you down if you try and harm her” He responded. The vampires unaware of the silent conversation taking place between the wolves.
“He? Your mate was male?” Lily asked stepping forward to stand by Demetri again, although he kept a hand on her as he moved to cover half of her “Yes, my second mate was a he. What of it?” “The only male guard at killed at the castle recently attempted to kill one of the Queens and was taken down before he succeeded” Lily replied and realisation flashed through the Volturi’s guard’s faces as they remembered Caius’ warning about an old enemy.
“See Seb, they admit it! Jake growled “They haven’t admitted to killing anyone. Lily just said a guard was killed for attacking the Queens” He replied.
“WHO KILLED MY MATE?” Vladimir yelled “I WANT TO KNOW!...NOW!” “Sebastian did” Jane replied proudly “He saved our Queen in the process” She added smiling and Vladimir growled and lunged for her. Sebastian and Felix both moved to prevent him from getting to Jane; Felix tackled him to the floor and Sebastian ripped his head off. Alec held his hands out and his black mist removed the senses of the newborns and the other wolves. Once Demetri and Felix had torn Vladimir limb from limb and set him alight, Alec started to pull his mist away from the newborns one by one allowing the other guards to dismember them too. This left the wolves alive and Alec pulled back his mist fully allowing the wolves to see the bonfire and the purple smoke that filled the air as the vampires burnt.
“Your leech will pay for what you did…you weren’t meant to get involved Sebastian” Jake growled and went to attack Jane but Sebastian defended her and they fought, growls and snarls filling the air along with the smell of blood. Jake had pinned Sebastian down and was about to bite his neck when he collapsed in pain under Jane’s stern gaze “Felix” Felix stepped forward and glanced at Lily “He’s your niece’s mate…” “He went after Jane’s mate and would have killed him if Jane hadn’t got the chance to intervene. Do it and…I’ll explain it to my family. Come on Dem…we have to pay them a visit” Demetri nodded and he and Lily made their way to the Cullens.
Felix snapped Jake’s neck and threw him on the fire “And them?” He asked nodding at Max and two other wolves “Kill them. If they support Jake, they are a threat to Sebastian…to us” She replied and watched as Alec’s mist re-surrounded the wolves, missing Felix and Santiago as they killed and burnt them. “Sorry Sebastian” Jane whispered as she stroked the fur on his head “I couldn’t let them live…they posed a threat to you and us. I can’t lose you” Sebastian nodded and licked her hand. “Gross” Alec murmured.
“Lily, Demetri…what a pleasant surprise” Esme greeted them warmly with a hug “You may not say that once you hear what I have to tell you mom” Lily answered low “Come in and we’ll talk” She replied and they made their way to the family room, the others were already there. “I know why you’re here and it’s ok” Alice said low and Edward nodded “Just tell us straight…is Jake dead?” “Yes” Demetri answered low looking at Edward “You need to know why he was killed” He added and nodded at Lily “There was an attempt on Athenodora’s life by one the newer guards and Sebastian killed him, saving her in the process. Aro discovered after having him partially put back together that he worked with an old enemy of theirs but didn’t tell us who. We came here to deal with a possible newborn army and found Jake and three other wolves standing beside Vladimir and the newborns” Lily paused and looked around the room seeing surprised looks on their faces “Jake knew about Vladimir’s plan to kill Athenodora and didn’t warn us…in fact he and a few of the wolves from his pack actually backed him and watched as he tried to attack Jane. Vladimir was killed and burnt. Jake didn’t like that and went for Sebastian, resulting in Jane and Felix dealing with him in order to save Sebastian. I’m sorry but as Demi said Jake is dead and I’m assuming so are the other three wolves along with him” Lily added, Demetri held her to his side protectively “We’re sorry Ness” Demetri said sympathetically “It’s ok…you did what you had to and thank you for coming to me personally” She replied “I appreciate it” “You’re not upset with us?” Lily asked “No, Jane did what she had to in order to protect Seb…and anyway Jake’s been weird ever since Seb imprinted on Jane. He’s been distant and not been around much…at least now we know why” Ness replied. Lily and Demetri nodded.  
The guards and Sebastian returned to the castle and went straight to the throne room to inform the Kings of the outcome of their mission. “I’m sorry about Jake, Lily but I am glad the threat has been dealt with and you have all returned safely” “I wasn’t a big fan of Jake anyway Aro, if I’m being honest” She replied.
Jane and Sebastian left the throne and made their way to their shared room and started to make plans for their eternity, agreeing to look into adoption in the future “If Lily and Demetri are able to adopt and raise a child in the future…then so can we Jane” Sebastian pulled her into arms and held her close, Jane hummed in agreement “Thank you for saving my life today. I love you more than you know” “I’ll always save you and I love you too, so very much” She replied smiling, feeling happy that she was finally getting her happy ending.
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