#this is Amazing anon thank you so much!!!!
yanderemommabean · 3 days
some advice that i wish someone had told me upon leaving a bad living situation: things are going to get worse emotionally and possibly mentally before they get better. You'll hit about the six-month mark after moving out and your emotions and possibly mental state will start to collapse, this is normal and expected, old methods of coping emotionally and mentally are no longer being used so they're falling apart letting you make new ways to cope and exist. its just a simple foundation shift, but it's very likely going to happen and I don't want you any more surprised than you have to be when it starts feeling like you're regressing emotionally
i love you, and wish you all the luck in the world
I appreciate this.
I’m aware that there’s going to be a wall hit at some point but I’m not entirely sure what to expect, and I’m nervous I’ll show too many bad sides when I do break down.
But I also know these guys have full faith in me as much as you all do so, even if I do fall off they won’t let me feel like I have to hide away in fear after showing that, yeah, I am in fact a hurt human who doesn’t know what to do when the stressors and violence is gone.
Thank you so much for your message bean, it means the world to me to have this reassurance and guidance! You’re a sweetheart.
I hope you’re safe and having fun where you are now 💕
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sgiandubh · 24 hours
Dear (returning) Considering Anon,
You wrote this and you have been blocked. Again. Fair enough, make as many clones as you wish: I shall not answer anymore.
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You took a hefty chunk of your time only to write this and be read on a very early morning start between urinating and brushing my teeth. I should applaud your dedication, but I won't.
If you wish to insinuate I hacked into their account, you are, once more, laughably wrong:
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As I said, someone from your own camp inadvertently pointed the way:
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Not an approximate payroll - a budget estimate. Two different things, as Claire was not cast at the time. Simple basis for further negotiations and in no way the final figures. Series' renewal was announced on August 15, 2014, 1 (one!) day after the broadcast of the first episode. Any negotiated raise was, therefore, involving both of them and their agents - we also know they 'had each other's back' since very early on - no need for me to further develop, you know exactly what I mean:
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That email was either hacked, or 'erroneous': the twain shall never meet, like Kipling's East and West. Too subtle for you? The appropriate term is 'vague': a vague enough 'we', for me not to base my reasoning on it alone.
Diana Gabaldon 'Erself confirmed the fact that there was not much to do, other than going on with the shooting of Season 1 and certainly no time for any exterior relationships. But hey, why bother, the Screeching Banshees know best, right, since they are happily 'adulting' in their corner (the nerve!).
You guys are always grasping at that paper the way people usually grasp at straws, with zero critical approach towards the many legitimate questions that 'marriage' leaves perfectly unanswered. If all marriage papers in the universe reflected deep love and commitment, we'd probably be living in a perfect, ideal and (between you and me) very boring world. In this case, the mismatch is obvious, a shitload of details do not click, the Happy Couple systematically looks as if pushed to the gallows with bayonets, rather than being a part of glam events, that house still looks, as we speak, emptier than Mrs. Havisham's living room and the commonly 'owned' businesses are, likewise, empty shells (spare one of them and for a very precise reason). And that is just scratching the surface of the itch, darling. Your inability to question whatever you are so opportunistically fed tells me more than you'd certainly want about yourself, that being said.
You are correct, shooting ended yesterday. Perhaps it's time for you to move on and find another obsessive fandom to pounce upon: after all, there are so many interesting series out there! After almost one year and a half in here, I am still amazed at your intolerance and your very credulous conviction that you are somehow doing God's work, every single day, harassing people who dare to think differently, simply because they know differently. And no, unlike you, I am not basing my very firm stance just on the interactions I see between them during promo, two historical trolls ridiculous lies or the social media findings of another obsessed troll.
The comparison between SC pics and Sam/Greedy Driver ones is simply grotesque. Dropping names as Lily (who?) won't make me believe you are one of the insiders, either.
On top of it all, thank you for the wonderful final idiocy:
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Romanian for bustard is 'dropie'. I remember watching them roam near my grandparents' home, many moons ago and can absolutely confirm they do run fast.
You should take heed, Anon. My question for you will always be why. Why are you doing this and exactly what do you hope to achieve?
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payidaresque · 14 hours
Will you drop ship Haladriel if things go badly in the finale?
Hey anon!
That depends on what you classify as "bad", actually. If they won't kiss? (they won't), if Galadriel is not coming with Sauron? (let's be real, she most likely won't). As much as I admire yapping about the "dark romance and the doom of it all", i don't think i will be upset if any of the things i imagined in my mind (emphasis on "imagined") won't happen. Because you see, here's the thing
I enjoy Haladriel for what their dymanic is (which seems to be constant push-and-pull-kind of thing)
And before s2 started, i rewatched s1 and discovered a whole bunch of amazing things, but mainly, if i'm honest, it's Charlie's and Miv's incredible acting and chemistry. I truly enjoy watching them both together as well as separate and for me (and i say that having an enormous respect for all cast members, i think they're all amazing and we have perfect casting), they are the show
Now i understand that at some point maybe some shippers will get tired and jump off the ship (some already started, as far as i can tell) because of not having anything solid to hold on to, and i understand their pov so no judgment here, but for me, again, the chemistry between Sauron and Galadriel is so strong (thanks to charlie's and miv's amazing acting and genuine enjoyment in portraying their characters, so much that you can SEE that on screen) it's impossible to NOT ship them
will i be frustrated down the road? yes, definitely. And i don't know what future seasons will bring us either. But speaking for myself, i'll always have hope for the reasons i already stated above
But then again, it's not my first rodeo in delululand, so 🤡🤡
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kaybreezy3000 · 2 days
that new head Cannon story was so good. Will you do something of a bigger scene of him in the apocalypse suffering or something like with him not okay and hitting like a mental break down and someone needs to help him. Family or whatever makes sense? Your broken season 4 five is amazing./ But anything you want to do would be appreciated
Please Hold me
~A one-shot reader request, rated General, 5780 words, This one for the sake of being different is Season 3 Five and his family, Mega Whump with no warnings other than panic attacks and traumatic flashbacks of the apocalypse
Summary: Set at the beginning of season 3, the pain that had been inflicted on Five mentally and physically up until this point comes to a head. Little did Five know, when the truth comes out and he finally breaks, he is going to get the love and support he was dying for all along.
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(~Anon: Thank you for reading my last headcanon s4 story. I am so happy you liked it. I have written so many things with Five dealing with the demons we saw him fighting on the show. I never felt like they gave him his due on screen with that stuff, and then worse, he and his family never came to terms with any of it. It all just got swept under the rug for all of them, so here you go. Here's a little story that hopefully gives you what you were looking for in this request)
Standing in the lobby of the hotel Obsidian, as Five slowly passed him, looking even more out of it and mad than he did in the park right after they got their asses handed to them by the Sparrows, confused, Luther asked, “Where are you going?”
“I am going to get a lay of the land,” Five mumbled, then without another word, he made his way down the hall behind them, intent on looking for a bathroom. He didn’t feel like he was going to vomit anymore, but at least knowing where he could seemed like a good idea.
Five found his objective not long later. There was a small, very out of date public restroom just off the main foyer. Oddly, it was dark inside as he opened the door. Feeling around for a light switch, he quickly found one, and then just as fast, the brightness was painfully burning his blood shot eyes.
Moving on autopilot, Five used the toilet then found himself standing in front of the mirror, mindlessly washing his hands. When he looked up, he was taken aback.
His young face was a mess of dirty smudges and dried blood. There wasn’t an ounce of color to his skin. His clothes weren’t much better. Looking down, he saw that he was covered in grimy patches of dirt and who knew what else from the floor of Sissy’s barn. Without thinking, he tugged at his shirt, untucking it so he could pull it and his vest up.
His eyes traveled over the maze of purple and black bruises that covered nearly every square inch of his chest and torso. His fingers slowly moved over the darkest areas. There were three, and they happened to be exactly where the bullets had been after The Handler shot at him.
Five winced from the pain as he touched. His labored breathing started to get worse. He was starting to panic. The floor was swaying. His hands frantically grasped for the counter to prevent him from falling.
‘Breathe…just breathe,’ he mentally ordered himself, forcing his eyes to focus on the black and white tiled pattern on the floor.
“You can’t break. Not like this,” he panted as his insides rolled with sickness.
His head spun, but somehow, Five managed to stand up straight again, tucking his dress shirt back in his schoolboy shorts in a somewhat respectable way. 
On the way back from the bathroom, he could hear Diego talking to the rest of his family as he sluggishly moved past the reception desk, heading back to the lounge area in the main lobby.
“Apocalypse avoided or not this time. Do you guys really think we should trust Five’s take on all this timeline stuff?” Diego asked.
Realizing they were talking about him, Five slowed his zombie-like pace even more.
“After all these years alone and then the messed-up shit he did after that for the Commission, I am pretty sure it’s safe to say Five is a little out there when it comes to his way of thinking,” Diego continued. “I’m not sure if you guys noticed, but he is not exactly what you’d call stable. Did you see his little moment back there at the Sparrow’s evil lair? I had a hallucination incident too after I got goobered on, but mine was at least awesome and if it had been real, it would have been great way to solve our differences with those assholes. Five was in la-la land.”
“Ah-huh… Dance offs are very realistic when trying to stake a claim on lives that are no longer yours,” Allison laughed while looking over at Viktor sitting next to her, who smiled tensely, clearly not doing so great either.
“You have a point,” Klaus said, deciding to chime in since no one else was. Rubbing his chin, his lips pulled to the side. “Our little old guy got all sorts of freaky with his imaginary girlfriend back there. Five’s Dolores thing is just…” He frowned. “I don’t think you can just come back from that kind of thing; he's so attached. Five may be on another level when it comes to brains, but that stuff…” He shook his head. “It did something to him. Bad stuff, like very very bad stuff that ruins you,” he finished, just as Five came back into the room.
Allison’s eyes shot Five’s way, but that didn’t stop Klaus.
Thinking their worried expressions meant that they didn’t understand what he was say, he kept going. “I’m just saying, I don't know about what's going on inside Five’s head or not, but I do know he was totally shaking the sheets with his plastic woman," Klaus laughed. "I mean, who can blame him, really, after all he went through. She’s hot and she doesn’t talk back and Five likes that. And we all know that he still considers Dolores a big part of his life whether she's here with him, or not. And even worse, who knows if Five ever got laid like for real real while he was with the Commission. He has no idea what it's like to have intimacy like that, not in a way that's real anyway. Just look at him now and his cute face always bent out of shape with rage. He’s a ticking time bomb of teenage hormonal insanity.”
Klaus pointed to small boutique across the grand lobby from where they were sitting.
“Someone should probably go tell them to hide their mannequins. We have a horny little monster on the loose,” he giggled, but then, realizing nobody else was laughing with him, he followed Allison’s wide-eyed line of sight straight towards Five.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry, Five,” Klaus tried but Five was already turning. “Why didn’t anyone say he was right there?” he asked, looking at the stunned faces glaring back at him. “Five, wait!” Klaus tried again, but all he got was Five lifting his middle finger as he rushed down the hall he’d just come from.
Once out of sight, Five staggered, tripping over his own feet, frantically trying to get away from them. His head was pounding so hard he couldn’t think.
Falling into the elevator, he slumped against the wall, punching the floor with his room number on it.
Rushing to beat him, Klaus took off, sprinting up the stairway to the second floor. Racing down the maze of halls, he reached Five’s room a minute later, just as he was trying but failing to get his key in the door.
Suddenly, eyes rolling back in his head, Five started to fall. Klaus quickly reached out to balance him. “Whoa there,” he gasped, finally feeling just how small and vulnerable he was and that only made him feel worse about everything he’d just said about him.
Five was not the boy they all saw, but it was hard to remember that when the tormented eyes looking back at them were that of the little angry kid they’d lost so long ago.
Five blankly stared at Klaus, trying to focus, but his eyes wouldn’t cooperate. Klaus took the dangling keys from his finger, opening the door for him so he could help him across the small room. As soon as Five was next to the bunk beds, he slipped sideways onto the lower bunk, crashing into the musty bedding.
“Just stay down man, I’ll be right back,” Klaus ordered.
Five whimpered.
Klaus appeared a few minutes later, skidding around the door frame with a bottle of water and some crackers in hand.
He carefully sat down next to Five on the small mattress, his dark eyebrows furrowing with worry. “Are you bleeding internally or something else awful and not telling us again? Because you don’t look so good, little buddy.”
“No. I’m just sick of all this bullshit," Five snapped, but his normal bite had no bark. "It never stops, and I’m just fucking tired. And don’t call me little buddy ever again unless you want me to strangle you.”
“Okaaay,” Klaus skeptically replied. “Will you eat something?” he asked, offering Five the pile of crackers in his hand. “I can’t remember the last time I saw you eat anything.
Hearing the worry in his voice, Five weakly reached out and took one cracker, but he couldn’t bring himself to eat it. He was too sick to do anything anymore. His body was shuddering and even just the mentioning of food was bringing back memories of burning human flesh and it was leaving a sickening taste of bitterness on his tongue to add to sour taste of failure that was already there.
Five’s revulsion and anger didn’t help the concerned look on Klaus’s face from growing.
“Five, I didn’t mean that stuff I was saying. You know me, I have a big mouth.”
“I know,” Five muttered. He knew Klaus meant it, because it was all true. Klaus just didn’t mean for him to hear it.
“I’m sorry,” Klaus begged.
When Five didn’t say anything, Klaus set the water down on the rickety nightstand.
Wordlessly, he rolled back the bedding and urged Five to roll under it. When he noticed the gun stuffed down the back of Five’s little shorts, Klaus took that too, placing it on the bedside table.
Five didn't have the strength to fight him. Instead, he desperately bundled up under the comforter. Laying there, falling apart as he listened to Klaus get up, a moment later, he felt the bed frame wiggle, then more blankets from the upper bunk fell over him.
“Just try to get some rest, man.” With that, Klaus shut the dingy curtains, blocking out the light and the noise of the city, then the door clicked shut.
Alone and glad not to have his brother looking at him still like he was a puppy that just got smoked by a car, unfortunately the pounding in Five’s head grew worse. When he closed his eyes, the room kept spinning like when he drank too much.
Klaus’s voice in the hall as he talked to who Five assumed was one of his siblings, eventually trailed off.
Five’s mind was as shattered and the phantom pains taking over his body had him to the point that he couldn’t fend off the exhaustion anymore. As the nightmare he was living mixed with the nightmares of his past and his heart sank even more, it hit him that his family didn’t need or want him anymore.
They never did.
With that thought in mind, everything slipped away in the darkness of his dreams.
The inside of his tiny hotel room, everything disappeared as Five lay there, finally at rest but not at all at peace.
Twisting in the blankets, Five’s sore and horribly split feet crunched along on a debris filled road in his boots that were a size too small.
The gloom of an apocalyptic horizon was all he could see for miles and miles.
His insides danced in a flurry of nerves, but there he was, almost certain there wasn’t a trace of fever this time. He hadn't eaten anything that had gone bad.
He didn't know.
He stood, facing yet another burnt building, flinching at the familiar sight of a charred body. His insides clenched from starvation even as the sight of it made him sicker.
That smell…
The smell of burnt flesh, and rot.
His mouth watered. Then he gagged.
He couldn’t…
Never that.
It had been more days than Five could count since he had put anything in his mouth that resembled food. The few canned goods he was able to find in the ruins of a grocery store months ago were long gone. If he was going to find anything salvageable, he was going to have to start digging deeper through the mountainous piles of rubble, but he had almost no strength to do it.
He was so weak. He could feel his own bones rubbing painfully against the tightly notched belt at his waist. He was starving to death, and the fear that he was never going to get out of that place was consuming him as much as his own body was consuming itself.
He felt the ground against his cheek before he even realized he had collapsed.
Then it all went dark.
When he woke, it was gloomier. The usual ominous red in the sky had grown slightly more prominent on the horizon, the only indicator that there was sun still at all. He gingerly pulled himself up to a sitting position, trying to gather his bearings.
It was almost night.
His head hurt more than before. He raised his hand and fingers slowly, inspecting a patch of dried blood at his temple.
“Passed out. Again…” he said, his mouth so dry he could hardly form the words.
He took a deep breath, looking around. His wagon with his meager finds was still only a few feet away.
Dolores looked back at him kindly. ‘It’s not like I can move on my own silly,’ she said, sweetly as she could.
In his head, she sounded like Grace.
Just that alone helped, even if it was in the smallest way possible. Five would never forget the only mother he had and her caring for him when no one else did. Even if she wasn’t a real living thing and she had no choice and didn’t really love him because a robot couldn't love, at least Five could say he had something. Something awful but good?
With Dolores, she was trying to make light of their dire situation. For years, since she’d become something real to him, Dolores had always tried to make Five smile no matter how bad things were.
Wanting to reassure her, Five managed to pull off a weak version of a smile, but only because he knew she was so worried about him.
Pain digging at his insides, Five knew that if he didn't find food and water of some kind, there was little time left and his body would shut down completely. He needed to move, or he was going to die.
Drumming up all the strength he had left, Five staggered to his feet on wobbly, bone thin legs.
“I’ll be back,” he said to Dolores. There was no need to explain that he wasn’t strong enough to pull the wagon or carry her with him. She already knew.
He stumbled along, doing his best not to fall over the broken world in his path. There had to be something left. He was certain when he had come that way two days before, that at one time, this had been a bustling neighborhood, filled with large homes and massive stores. Now it looked pretty much like everything else, and he had yet to find anything.
He walked on. Eventually his eyes grew too tired to survey the landscape, and instead they fell to his feet, but he kept moving.
After walking like that for an undetermined amount of time, Five looked up and realized there was an indication of a partial structure still standing up ahead.
He moved as fast as he could towards it.
It had to have something!
As he moved closer, he could make out signs that it had been a store of some sort.
Oh my God thank you!
Scrambling over the broken walls, avoiding the deathly glass blades still sticking out of the rubble, Five came across what he needed. Canned food, not destroyed, or having exploded or leaked out on the parched earth.
He fell on his knees, immediately tearing through his pack, looking for an opener.
He didn't care what it was, the labels were burned and unreadable if they even had any. He attacked the metal, hardly getting it open before he was desperately sucking the liquid out.
After a minute or two of that, he had forethought to open the can all the way, but his patience wasn’t much better as he dumped the slippery substance down his throat, hardly even taking the time to chew.
It was mistake.
Five lurched forwards, his stomach seizing in pain as his prize splattered to the ground.
“Fuck.” He gasped for air, fighting the sensation of sickness as each wave racked his body.
It had been too long. He wasn’t used to eating that much at once.
“You can’t be so fucking stupid!” he angrily yelled, his voice echoing in the nothing around him.
Five knew he couldn’t afford these kinds of mistakes, yet he kept making them.
He slid back on his butt, moving along the dirt, away from his mess. He fell back against a large piece of cement, thankfully avoiding the sharp rebar sticking out of it. All it would take was one small infection from a cut and he would be gone. He was too weak already.
He looked up at the sky, fighting tears…tears and precious fluid he couldn’t afford to lose.
“Just breathe, breathe…in and out…” he repeated. Gritting his teeth, air moving through his nose much too fast.
He couldn’t stop. He was spiraling.
His mind screamed at him because he could no longer speak. There is no place for this here!
With a deep breath, and then another, the darkness folding in around him eventually withdrew. Five reached over and took the can again. Slowly this time, he pinched a piece of what looked like some type of fruit and brought it to his cracked lips. This time he needed to make sure it stayed in. He let it roll in his mouth as he savored the flavor. It wasn’t ash or flesh and that was all that mattered.
After keeping that in, he kept going, very carefully. He had to stop before he finished a third of the can. Then he closed his eyes. Drained, Five fell asleep, not waking until the world around him was completely dark.
Dolores would be worried. She would be scared, but he couldn’t get back to her like that.
But he would.
He had to get back.
Even though he couldn’t see what he was doing, Five kept trying to finish the can. Eventually he did, even licking every last drop off his filthy, ragged fingers.
“You can’t die here. You can’t do that to them,” he scolded himself.
Finally regaining his senses as he started to wake up, blinking rapidly, Five looked out from under his massive pile of blankets. The room was dim, but the bright light shining in from the crack along the edge of the ugly curtains and the birds chirping outside proved it was morning.
Last, he could recall, it was late afternoon.
Or was it…?
He didn’t know anymore.
Five felt so disoriented while trying to remember what happened. After laying there for probably ten minutes or more, he finally noticed Klaus sitting next to him with a very worried look on his face. Five immediately tried to sit up, but just as fast, he collapsed back into the bed, feeling everything from the sheets to his clothes completely soaked through.
He was still dressed in his academy uniform, minus the ugly bowling shoes. His soiled dress shirt was clinging to his sweaty frame. He had no idea where he was or what timeline it was anymore.
Every bone in his body shook and quivered. Fire felt like it ran through his veins, but his outer core was frozen. The only thing that felt warm was the flood of fresh tears that had rolled down onto his damp pillow.
Seeing his normally put together brother crumbling proved to be enough for Klaus to lean over, hesitantly coming closer.
He raised his arm, resting the back of his hand against Five’s forehead. Five’s jaw set even tighter as Klaus said, “This is not good. You’re burning up.”
His words came out unevenly through chattering teeth as Five asked, “Where am I?” 
Klaus’s brows furrowed. “The hotel.” He paused and shook his head apologetically. “Remember? Dad not being all that thrilled to see his long-lost children again, and then the new and improved Sparrows doing their best to kill us?”
Five let his body fall back on his damp pillow.
“We all came back here afterward,” Klaus explained.
It should have given Five some sense of relief to hear that, but it didn’t.
Five shook his head.
“Five, you don’t need to worry. This place is safe. You can take all the time you need. If you feel well enough, maybe you can get cleaned up, maybe eat a little something?”
“I’m fine.”
Fear struck Klaus him even harder, his eyes widening. “No, you are not.”
“Yes, I am.” Five sat up and flung the blankets off, immediately regretting it. The cold air sliced into him, making him shake even harder. He tried climbing off the mattress, only to have his legs give out. Klaus was quick to react, catching him before he toppled into the nightstand.
“Five, you look like shit,” he murmured, flinching a little as it looked like Five might deck him if he could.
“Thanks, everyone keeps pointing that out. I get it. You don’t need to keep reminding me,” Five said in between labored breaths as he lowered his guard and sat back down.
“I can tell you are hell bent on something, Five, but you will be lucky to make it out of this room right now,” Klaus argued, as he smiled.
Five let out a frustrated growl, wiping his face, his fingers looking like he was trying to dig his eyes out as he looked back up at Klaus in defeat. “Help me then.”
“I will. Just lay back down, I’m going to get you something to eat. Just stay here, ok?”
“Ok,” Five replied, pushing back into the mountain of blankets. Klaus looked so relieved. “I’ll be right back.”
He scurried out of the room. Even swaddled tightly, Five could hardly repress his trembling body from full-on convulsing.
He was having a fever. That partly explained why he felt like shit. He knew that but why didn’t he know the rest until Klaus told him?
All at once, he remembered his dream, or better yet, his nightmare based on a very real memory.
He shut his eyes and tried to forget.
He couldn't. He never would.
“Why was this happening to me?” he whispered, his voice cracking.
Five did his best to force them not to, but a stream of more warm tears ran down his face anyway.
His fingers slid under his shirt, over his clammy skin. He searched once again for the torn flesh from my phantom bullet holes but found nothing.
It hurt like a bitch anyway.
Klaus startled him when he came back in, rushing over to set a tray filled with all sorts of things on the nightstand. After that, Five kept his head buried in the blankets as he discreetly swiped away the beads of sweat dampening his forehead, desperate not to show even more evidence of his breakdown.
“There should be something on here that you will like. The buffet here is the best.” Klaus said encouragingly as he tried to bring a cup of juice with a straw to Five’s lips.
“I can do it, I'm not a helpless child,” Five said, blindly taking it from him.
As Five peeked at him through a hole in the blankets, Klaus looked slightly hurt, but he quickly tried to hide it, instead, going about the room, picking up dirty clothes that looked like they belonged to both him and Diego and seeing it all laying there, Five had no idea why.
Had they both stayed with me?
Had everyone come in here?
“I’m going to go out and give you some space. If you need anything, just call.” Klaus smiled, then turned to go but quickly spun back. “Oh, I put some fresh clothes I rummaged up over there. They should work in case you want them,” he offered, pointing to the nearly baren room’s only dresser. “There’s a bathroom down the hall that you can shower up in. It’s a shared sort of situation in there.” He laughed. “Very classy old-school here at the Obsidian.”
“Thank you, Klaus. I am fine. Despite what you see, I can take care of myself,” Five assured, attempting to sound like his self-assured normal, all so he didn’t look so damn pathetic, but then as he tried to sit up again, his vision spun, and he ended up slouching on the pillows instead.
Klaus wasn’t buying it. He quickly came back over, taking the cup from his brother’s hand before it spilled. “I’m staying,” he said, as he parked himself in the torn dressing chair that he already had pulled up next to the side of Five’s bed.
After that, Five hazily remembered talking with Klaus while he helped him eat. Then he knew that he must have dozed off again, because when he awoke, the room was dark, and he was alone.
His burning fever had let up. He felt considerably better than before. He rolled over towards the faint light coming from a lamp on the dresser. Through the curtains, he could make out the faintest lights sparkling in the cityscape.
He’d slept the entire day. The clock on the old nightstand said nine-thirty.
Five heaved the mountain of blankets back, pulling his legs around to the side of the bed. His empty tray was still where Klaus had left it. He had stayed long after Five finished every last bit of food, and Klaus pretended to be resting after that as he tried to sprawl out in his tiny chair, but Five knew he was just staying to make sure he was ok. He was so scared to take his eyes off of him that he didn’t even get up on the top bunk.
Thankfully he didn’t, Five thought. If he had, the whole thing may have come crashing down on him.
“What a shithole,” Five breathed.
Five wasn’t going to admit it, but Klaus at least found somewhere for them to go when he’d had no helpful suggestions. And knowing Klaus was there with him when he was so out of it was probably half the reason he was able to let go and rest again, otherwise, with the little energy the food had given him, he probably would have laid there not letting his guard down as he ruminated on the endless supply of nightmares, he feared were waiting for him.
Further surveying the room, Five noticed there was not much to it, and he remembered Klaus saying the bathroom was down the hall. Trying out his legs, he was happy to find out they weren’t nearly as weak as before.
He made his way across the room, and sure as he promised, Klaus had laid out what appeared to be some very fitting old guy clothes, weird multipocketed fishing style jacket, and plaid fedora included. Holding them up, the pants and shirts looked like they would fit him, and at the moment, Five didn’t care whose clothes Klaus had stolen for him.
Nothing in him wanted to join them, but knowing at some point he had to, and that he needed to clean up, Five sighed. Breathing in, he realized that he smelled horrendous.
He stole a quick look in the dressing mirror and got confirmation; yup, he still looked like shit smeared with shit.
Once inside the large community bathroom that was thankfully yet oddly empty, behind the dressing curtain of one of the showers, Five worked off his soiled clothes, throwing them in a heap.
He couldn’t remember the last time had time for a proper shower. It hadn’t been in this scrawny pubescent body, that was for sure. He had been wearing most of the same clothes he had on when in the 60’s, he’d gotten tricked into taking out the board of directors.
Sickened all over again as vision of their terrified faces slitting open under the blade of his ax, it dawned on Five that not all the blood and grime on him was from the fight at Sissy’s farm.
He was disgusting and his clothes needed to be burned.
In a daze, Five reached in the shower and after several attempts, he managed to get the water hot enough. After that, he stepped inside the spray and completely zoned out.
He didn’t know how long he’d been in there. Well after the shampoo and suds were gone, he stood there, letting the hot water cascade down his face, as if he could somehow wash away his sins and the events of the last two weeks.
Once again, his ignorance had put all of them one step closer to fucking everything up.
Five felt so empty, so worthless.
His dizzying array of questions and self-loathing were cut short when he closed his eyes. In the darkness that surrounded him, the steam of the shower that had felt so soothing on second, suddenly seemed to be smothering him.
He couldn’t breathe!
All he could see was the smoke and ash, feeling the scorching heat against his back and the crumbling cement under his hands as he tore through the ruins trying to unbury his family.
It was too late…
They were already gone but Five didn't care. He wanted them back so fucking badly.
He wanted to be back with them. But he wasn’t. Not really. They were right.
His eyes flew back open, panic arresting all his senses. The limited space of the tub closed in all around him. His chest heaved as he tried to take in air, and his abdomen throbbed even though the wounds that his mind told him were covering it weren’t even there. The pain sent him crumpling to the ground as he tore the shower curtain open and stumbled out. He barely managed to fasten a towel around himself before he fell to the floor, failing to stifle a loud sob.
Someone called out, their voice echoing through the silence of the large bathing area outside the dressing curtain, but Five couldn’t speak. He couldn’t even move. He curled over and began sinking to the floor when he heard something pop.
Bullets popping off in a barrage of gunfire filled his ears as his eyes darted around the small shower stall.
“Fuck, fuck, Fuck, FUCK!” he panted, hyperventilating.
Five’s breathing was nothing more than insufficient gasps as shoes like bullets clipped quickly in his direction.
Please stop, just make it stop!
His low line blurred vision had him seeing a pair of knees, and feet, but he quickly recognized the unlaced combat boots, and that gave him some hope of escaping his waking nightmare.
Klaus suddenly pushed the curtain out of his way and helped Five up so he could sit on the edge of the dressing stool, then he knelt in front of Five, his eyes running over his almost completely exposed body. “Just breathe, Five. What happened?” he asked, his voice sounding so scared that it only scared Five even more.
Forcing himself to look up at his brother, the air was still too suffocating in there for Five to think. He tried to say as much but found himself instead stumbling out of the shower. The immediate drop in temperature between the small mildew filled coffin trying trap him and the grand vaulted ceiling of the bath area was a blessing, but it still wasn’t enough.
Five staggered over to the doors leading out in a desperate attempt to escape, and on his tail, Klaus caught him just as he blinked.
“Five, what are you doing?” Klaus cried out, clinging to Five’s damp arm as they both fell out of his portal onto the roof, but not answering, like a wild animal, Five wrestled out of his hold and bolted.
Almost fully naked and totally out of his mind, Five didn’t make it farther than the edge of the building, stopping at the sight of the six-floor drop. It hit him like a slap in the face.
Wheezing he pulled in breath after breath of the cool night air. The wind was strong, whipping Five’s dark wet hair in his face. The feel of it chilled his entire body even more. The sounds of the horns honking in the traffic were like voices yelling at him, slowly helping to ground him in the now.
It was letting go, the pain…all of it. All the death, but every time Five so much as blinked his eyes, all he could see was concrete, rot, and ash and blood.
The painful toll of reliving this was becoming more and more evident each day. Five knew his mind was slipping away from him, but he didn’t know what to do to stop it. The visions were happening more and more often. His family wasn’t wrong.
He wasn’t okay.
From behind, Klaus carefully reached out, but Five suddenly cowered. Out of instinct, he raised his small arms, readying for a fight.
Looking from his balled-up fists, then back at his brother, Five was even more disgusted with himself.
He sobbed, dignity be damned, letting his body slowly sink to the black tar slicked roof under his bare feet.
A warm embrace suddenly cradled around him despite his sopping wet frame. “You’re okay. You’re not alone. It’s ok…” Klaus soothed.
He was right. The moment his brother’s arms held him, the pain in Five’s chest let up some, and so did the visions. But no matter how good it felt to have someone caring enough to touch him like that, Five couldn’t stop shaking his head. He couldn’t stop sobbing.
“You’re okay. Just breath, keep breathing, man. Slow and steady…”
Five choked in the air as he tried to pull it in slower, forcing myself to calm down and come back all the way.
He squeezed his eyes shut and flashes of cement and ash and broken bodies flew before his eyes, wooden planks smeared with Diego’s blood as Lila she looked at the Handler, seconds away from her heartbroken eyes becoming as blank as the rest. All of it was making an almost blind panic seize Five all over again.
“Everyone’s gone,” he sobbed. “I fucked up…I got you all killed. I got you all killed again!” His whole body shook, and Klaus wrapped himself around him tighter.
"How-" Klaus started but Five interrupted.
"I turned it back."
"Time!" Five shouted as his small body rocked and Klaus rocked with him. "I turned it back to stop it from happening," Five whispered, burying his face against his arms.
"You had to save us again? God, Five... I am so sorry," Klaus breathed, his chin resting in the wet matt of hair on the back of his brother's head.
Five said nothing.
“Look,” Klaus said, “Open your eyes. I’m here, we are all here. It’s ok. Just keep breathing, it will stop. You’re having a panic attack. Just keep breathing slowly. Everything is going to be ok.” His voice came in waves and he kept repeating it, working it into Five’s mind the guiding light of love he needed more than anything and had for so long.
Five opened his eyes, seeing his long white toes lined up next to his brother’s big boots as their legs stretched out in front of them. Slowly Five turned his head to face Klaus just a little. “Thank you,” he quietly breathed, squeezing his hand tight, scared of letting it go when normally he was scared of being touched at all.
“You’re safe. I’ve got you this time. We all do,” Klaus whispered. “Just keep breathing… Stay with us, Five.”
Okay, there it is. For those that have read my first series, some of this might have seemed familiar. As I said, I have written so many things with Five breaking down and his family being there for him in ways they never were on the show, so I borrowed a little of the dream and his shower break down from things that happened in part three of that story, but hopefully this season 3 adaptation I changed it into worked for you.
I know I sure could have seen this version happening to Five, especially since right before landing in the Sparrows house when he had the shit beat out of him by Lila, frying pan to the head and all, right before a chimney crushed him and then he was shot by the Handler and had to reverse time. He never even told his family he did that as far as how the show went down. So... yeah. Five deserved more and thank you for asking for it.
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If you're not careful and you no-clip out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in.
God save you if you hear something wandering around nearby, because it sure as hell has heard you.
DAY 263 - BACKROOMS (Click for better quality)
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Thank you so much for the suggestion! WHOoh boy I got a lot to say about this; I stimmed and zoomied around my room until my muscles were sore just from reading what this suggestion actually was, I was that excited. Do I like the Backrooms? Yes.
Do I LOVE the concept and original post (which is this suggestion and that’s amazing) like how a Marble Hornets fan will love their series but hate modern adaptations of Slenderman in high-budget movies that don’t encapsulate the Slenderman’s idea as well as a group of guys doing something for fun based on a random thread they saw one day with nothing but scraps of a budget in mind? Even more so. Do I hate how the Backrooms became mainstream and people answered the question of ‘what’ is in its halls (Hint: You shouldn’t do that in psychological/cosmic horror, it ruins the horror factor)? Absolutely.
I understand wanting to ‘figure out the lore’ of a concept or add your own, but somethings really shouldn’t be fully answered, like, y’know, the Backrooms? I think Kane pulled it off pretty well, but a majority of other spin-offs just subjectively objectify the Backrooms into a maze-like deguon crawler with ‘spooky’ bad guys. Like, THATS NOT THE POINT OF THE BACKROOMS! Because of my time in the Phandom and the analog horror scene, I’ve gotten a pretty good idea of cosmic/psychological/supernatural horror and the Backrooms has some of the best potential for it that I’ve ever seen! I just hate how most people interpret it for the worst and in my opinion, ruin the Backrooms.
So I thank you anon, for using the original posts small lore drop as the suggestion used, and not just ‘level 192 of the BACKROOMS, The Forest Of Night’ or some crap like that.
(I also apologize for the rant, this is one of the opinions in my life that I feel strongest about, and I usually don’t have an audience to talk about it to.)
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shepscapades · 2 months
I can't believe it took me this long to realize
Nor did I realize it's been this long???
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jewish-vents · 7 months
I’m Jewish through my dad but I wasn’t raised in the community(i learned what Purim was two weeks ago, i was fully not in it), so when I got to college last august I decided to really dive in and it’s been a beautiful sort of homecoming for me. I joined SAEPi and got into Chabbad leadership at my campus, and I’m almost at the point where I can do the Chabbad Shabbat prayers before and after dinner without stumbling over my words. Gonna surprise my grandma if I see her in the summer. Anyways.
When October 7th happened it was a shock to my system, because I was a baby Jew barely getting my feet. My parents never mentioned antisemitism to me as something that could affect me in the future, it was always a thing of the past. But I was right there standing in the doorway between jew-ish and Jewish, and it pushed me over the edge. I had many friends with family in Israel. I had a couple friends whose friends died in the attack. Everyone in that group was my family. It felt personal.
When the march in dc happened I went with one of my friends, and it was sad, but amazing to see in person how strong we are. In the plane terminal on the way home he and I got cornered and called baby killers, among other things, because he was wearing a kippa and his Israeli first responder coat. That was my first time experiencing antisemitism and it was terrifying, even though I didn’t get hurt. It was terrifying even though my friend was built like a tank and would’ve protected me. It was terrifying just to sit in the train car with him and watch a woman stare at him with wide eyes like he was some kind of criminal. I stepped closer to him as if to remind her he’s human. I stared back at her with just as much fear and watched her snap out of it, confused.
Last week was holocaust awareness week at my college, and one of the things I did was spend a couple hours in the plaza reading the names of people that died. I found 34 Feldmans and Fotts. I found family names, Chana and Fayge and Jeshua and Sophia Feldman one after the other, and still am wondering if that was part of my family that didn’t make it to the US in time.
I called my grandma and asked for everything she could remember about her family lineage and how we got here, everything she had from that part of her life. I thought that there would be plenty to lean into, family recipes and heirlooms and stories, but there was barely anything. She has a Star of David necklace and a ton of repressed memories, next to nothing else. The recipes I could find were through my great aunt, some short instructions from my great grandmother on the back of a letter she sent to the aunt about what to ask for from a kosher butcher.
My family made it here in 1915 and 1921, they escaped before the holocaust, but they still weren’t untouched because of the ways they were ostracized and othered when they got here. My grandmother will barely admit she’s Jewish because none of her kids passed it on, it’s easier for her to let it go. I didn’t understand this until I realized that one couldn’t be hurt by the grief and pain of a family they aren’t part of.
Even those that survive are not left unscarred.
How could this not be personal? How could it not be generationally affective when it’s pushed so many to minimize their Jewishness out of self preservation? Raise their kids thinking they aren’t Jewish and hope their names never end up on a list of living or dead Jews? People still don’t see us as human. the antisemites still want to scar us. They want us to forget who we are.
It’s unreal to me when goyim act like American Jews in the current day are unaffected by the past and safe from antisemitism. I’ve been here less than a year and have been screamed at in an airport, have uncovered serious intergenerational trauma, and realized that of my Jewish family I have nothing to hold on to but a torn in half piece of paper with a sentence long tangent about brisket.
We are strong and we will outlive them, but god are we still fucking fighting for our lives.
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nibbelraz · 1 year
im obsessed with the way u draw shang qinghua
AAA Thank you so much! 😭 He's a sopping wet mess and it's my favorite way to draw him
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harukapologist · 8 months
Am I allowed to request some john and haruka platonic cuddles T^T
Oh my gosh yes absolutely you are allowed, in fact you are encouraged to request any p!0109 omgomg thank you so much for this!!! This made me so happy to draw, thank you thank you 😭💗💗💗
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I am DELIGHTED that I wasn't the only one who thought of Haruka & John interactions. John is very protective of his little bro Haru
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wilsonthemoose · 7 months
ok so i was thinking about a fic set in early s5 where hunters take sam and use him as a weapon to fight demons by force feeding him demon blood and he has to go through the withdrawals when there are no signs of any demons to fight and this goes on for a while and maybe the word gets out between hunters and dean somehow finds out but he doesn't try to rescue sam immediately and just thinks maybe sam deserves to suffer a bit for the apocalypse and all but eventually comes around and saves him :]
also good luck with your studies! <3
Anon!!!! <333333
@ambersock it's for this amazing prompt which I got in like... December. Not a 100% sure yet how much I'll adhere to it, you know I always end up changing things, but that's the general idea!
Here's what he knows: he's in an abandoned building somewhere near the coast. The place probably used to be, or was supposed to be, an apartment building. The area of the wall filled with rough cement probably used to be a window but the people holding him captive haven't done him the disservice of underestimating him and the window is gone, as is the one in the bathroom. The people who captured him are hunters, but that was a given.
They've changed location five times, they've changed vehicles three times.
By his less than reliable count, it's been over four months.
To no avail, Sam tries to tell them that he can do the job well enough without the blood. "Demon-bitch thinks we're dumb enough to get ourselves killed," they say when he brings it up. Sam tries not to dwell on the nicknames.
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signanothername · 5 months
You can’t measure friendship!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54232690
I have been laughing so normally over this ❤️🧡💚💙
God it’s so funny and the concept of the kids trying to see which bot would come to them fastest IS SO GOOD
Also Heatwave is an absolute gem and the dialogue is so on point
And IM SO GLAD Chase was the one who won cause it’s honestly the choice that makes sense
The fact that the arrangement of the bots from slowest to fastest is HW, then Boulder then Blades then Chase is honestly the only arrangement I’m willing to accept cause it suits them a lot
I love how this fic got something that could absolutely happen in the show hdhdhhsh
Anyway writer deserves an award fr <3333
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yanderemommabean · 7 months
*knocks on door politely*
Hello! Just dropping by with this AMAZING Gojo audio I found on YouTube!
It is SFW, but it is Yandere!Gojo pretty much exactly as I envision him. Honestly, this VA has a lot of other amazing Gojo audios (though most of them are SFW, just so yall horndogs know /j)
Anyway, that's all I dropped by for. Keep up the awesome work, Momma!
*sprints away from door as fast as possible*
oohh! I can't wait to give this a listen! My own recommendation that's NSFW is this creator on P*rnhub called "Akira dubs"
They do amazing audios and some are even yandere themed, there's even a recent Gojo one for those curious!
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blaithnne · 10 months
Oh my god, so apparently yesterday a friend of mine ran into this girl called Johanna, and she had half blue half brown hair. I thought I'd tell you because as soon as she told me I was like, 'REAL LIFE LAUREN??' because the hair AND name was such an odd coincidence.
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SHE’S REAL??????
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mokulule · 5 months
I am required to inform you that months ago I found some of your writing, but accidentally refreshed my dash before I could do more than like it. And my dumb ass forgot that I could find you by going through my liked posts until three days after. When it was thoroughly buried
So anyway the squeal I let out after connecting The Epic Lost Writing My Friends Are Tired Of Me Lamenting About and you both actually hurt my throat and startled all four cats sleeping on the couch around me into fleeing the room in under one (1) second leaving chaos in their paths including but not limited to: chair relocation, end table now sideways, dog chasing cats, tv mysteriously turning on, cat fight in hallway, missing tv remote discovered under previously upright end table after four months, crashing in dining room, three chairs knocked over in dining room, dining room table void of clutter, dining room floor rapidly cluttered, dining room light fixture swinging, different cat fight in kitchen, and the baby (cat raised from one week old I co-parented with my dog, not a human baby) releasing her inner husky to the detriment of every resident's eardrums like the orange cat she is
You have a great power, is what I'm getting at here (worth every hour of clean-up this'll take)
ahdgshgjlbaflbvablafjdhakdjnfb OMG, this is absolutely amazing! The picture of absolute mayhem you paint here (and it just keeps going!) I don't even, I laughed so hard I needed to go find my inhaler XD
First of all I am glad you found your remote control asjdhgfeflgjrh (sorry I am still laughing here even days after you sent this, like I have been just been laughing and smiling every time I remembered this sat in my inbox.) Secondly, I am sorry for the mess? I am very happy and flattered though that you were so excited to rediscover my writing, I hope you enjoy it still :D Thank you so much for sharing this, I think this has about made my year <3
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ririsasy · 4 months
I knew you were taking your sweet time with my ask to cook up something amazing and I was right. Really enjoyed & appreciate the long post. 6 hours?!? THANK YOU, Riri. I haven't watched RRR so it was quite surprising to see that veiled scene pic, looked very intimate. I'm aware of the mainstream SM talks of RRR's bromance but surprised there's barely any for Varadeva. This is the 2nd south indian movie that I've liked, the first one was Aarya 2, great film and songs, coincidentally it also has a possessive, psychotic character who'll do anything for his male friend but that's where the similarity ends with Salaar. The difference is in the essence of their friendships. One seems "toxic" but platonic while Varadeva seems like love and has chemistry. I fully relate to all your posts on Varadeva because I had those exact thoughts while watching the movie. Cannot choose one from the pile of greatness (love the parallels). Hope you write more such posts and yes I really enjoyed your mob boss Deva and his Varadha. I'd love it if you make one post about the tattoo on Aadya's arm and what can it mean and can or will cause in the (varadeva) future. All tattoo saga.
Apology for such a long ask.
Part of the reason why Salaar wasn't talked more than RRR bromance I think because they have so little promotion tour, that's the first reason while RRR they have so many press tour to the point I couldn't even catch up with all of the amazing interviews Tarak and Charan give to promote RRR. And they definitely promoting this movie as bromance, without any hints of hesitation.
While Salaar there are only 2 like T W O interviews where Prabhas and Prithvi was in the same room 😂 while the movie is indeed about these two character and even the song all just about these two ..I don't know why they didn't highlight it in all the release short clip, they advertised this movie like the most violence men or whatever while in reality this movie is all about drama between the rulers in khansaar (and Varadeva romance).
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They advertised the left poster too heavily while in reality they should have just used the poster on the right everywhere and we all be flocking to the theater lmao
People who just listened to their (unreliable) promo stuff without pondering toward the meaning of this movie they quickly just agree, yes this movie is about violence..and move on. Lmao this is like the case of shot fired wrong advertising strategy. (But aren't we all here even though like only 100 of us maximum trying to make up to it by talking about Varadeva bromace day and night like our lives depend on it.) I really want to talk with their advertising team for Salaar. It's just not as engaging as with Rajamouli.
Perhaps it wasn't their fault. Perhaps because Prithvi and Prabhas are hella busy with their other projects so they couldn't really take their times the way Tarak and Charan could who literally promote RRR movie for a whole year. RRR success I think beside the movie is really good and entertaining (I made a full review about RRR here but it contain spoiler so only read it after you watch RRR or if you're okay with getting spoiler. I post a lot of RRR meta as well you can just click RRR tag in my account and scroll scroll lol), the advertising was top notch as well, they didn't hold back. I mean Salaar getting the 750 crores return with that level of advertising 😭 it was almost a pure luck because if they didn't double the money they spend in production for ceasefire we might not even got Salaar 2 news 😭 thankfully now we can just wait for the continuation of varadeva story.
Second reason beside the advertising I think the content of the movie is also a big part of the consideration, RRR is just more colorful so people could engage with it in lighthearted nature about their bromance because there were also the element of humor when they interact with each other, while Varadeva, they exist in bleak world, no color, black and white, only people like us (what is us actually lmao) who spends more time to really really sit down and rewatch this movie could really pick out the true essence of this movie from within khansaar violence world and pulled out Varadeva love story.
Arya 2? I haven't watched it but it's on my list because I love Sukumar with Allu arjun, they made one of my favorite telugu movie together which is Pushpa, and Pushpa 2 will be released soon, the 2 songs they already dropped for the movie sequel were really great (especially Pushpa Raj whoaa) So someday I will definitely check Arya 2 when I have the time (now I am drowning in Prithviraj 134 credits to his movies lmao he has so many I am literally trying not to be too overwhelmed and take it slowly)
Mob boss Deva and bbg Varadha is literally my favorite so far from what I have written for them lmao the AU was so much fun, they will make a comeback someday lol
And for Aadhya and the tattoo actually, I really really want to talk about this in some kind of continuation story from the canon event in the movie in fic format and not just writing meta, let's see what I can do, but as you can see I am quite slow in many things haha but this time I feel like I shouldn't delay a reply to you only to wait for me writing a fic about the tattoo 😂 while making gifs might take me 6 hours (seriously that might be my longest post in this fandom that I made lmao (thank you to everyone who have like and reblog too 💯💕💐)) and to others I am sorry in advance if that post bothered you with how long you have to scroll when you see it on your dash lmao I keep adding the gifs when i re read about the analysis to support the explanation I think it's more than 25 now 😂 in that single post). writing fics it's at least 6 days business for me or even 6 weeks then would turn into 6 months, it happened so many times 😂 (so no promise for fic but it might be written)
Tell me about what you feel if you managed to watch RRR 👏👏 it's as gay as Salaar no doubt lmao RRR is the door that introduces me to the wonder that's south indian cinema.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 10 months
Do you have any thoughts on Evan Lorne/Lindsey Novak? They’re such an obscure rare pair (that I’m obsessed with atm)
i didn't until right now and now i'm also obsessed with them oh my GOD
they would be so fucking cute????? and SUCH a power couple!!!!!! lorne knows everything about running atlantis bc he does his COs job all the time and novak could easily run the daedalus on her own oh my god yes this is everything
i've got an hour left of work and i will be picturing them taking over and stealing the daedalus for the city and just being the biggest most badass power couple
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