#this has been sitting in my drafts for like a week
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sheepispink · 2 days ago
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woah.. pinksheep drops.. two fics..?? In one day..???
yes hello, @pythonmoth said they wanted to read a saiki fic and i remembered i have one that’d been in my drafts for like.. months.
this is probably the most self indulgent thing i’ve posted, i mean this is all based on real experiences except i didnt have saiki so i cried instead LOL ok anywya enjoy the hurt/comfort fic
saiki k x reader obvs, thats what we’re about round here
It was almost a month ago when it first occured, a strange feeling in the air. It felt stiff and coarse, like he was reading the thoughts of someone in the vicinity but all he could sense at the moment was the sick feeling in their stomach. It was a strange phenomenon, one that he couldnt place for once and so he carried on to his classroom, sitting in his designated seat as per usual. Teruhashi hadn’t yet arrived so he wouldn't have to worry about that noise this early in the day and Kaidou and Nendo seemed to be bickering further away from him than usual. There was you, who was talking to a few friends by the window. Moreso listening in on the conversation than speaking, but he knew you werent quite the talker if the conversation didnt involve things you knew. So you blinked as you watched your friends discuss, eyes occasionally venturing to the clouds outside before you quickly pay attention again. He doesnt know when he had learned that piece of information but he supposes he must’ve picked it up subconsciously. Telepathy always revealed everyone’s secrets to him no matter how much he tried to block it out.
Despite the relatively typical atmosphere in this classroom, that feeling was still amiss in the air as if it lingered in someone, not easy to decipher or find. It disappeared once the lesson began, replaced by the contemplative thoughts of some of the students concentrating and well.. the more lazy thoughts of others. It’s a week after that and , as any day in his life, things dont work out particularly well for him before he’s dragged to the cafeteria to grab lunch with his so called ‘gang’ (Kaidou’s words, not his) consisting of Nendo, Kuboyasu and of course, Kaidou himself. The usual blabber was passing through his ears like sand: Kaidou describing how dark reunion had caused another serious issue nearby and how he had magically solved it all by himself. However, Saiki found the chatter drowned out by that ominous feeling again. It felt like it had worsened this time, like the owner of this was miserable of a sort but as he glances around the place he can't find a hint of it upon any of the faces.
Of course there’s Takahashi grumbling over something stupid again or Toritsuka managing to creep out yet another girl, earning a slap across his face. Teruhashi looks vibrant as ever, the people surrounding her unable to even be upset for a second as they consider it a crime to even frown in her presence, and you and your friend group are chatting away again. Well, not you, like he said earlier, you dont like to involve yourself in matters you dont enjoy. Then as the lunch bell rings and the groups disperse back to the seperate classes, that feeling disappears again and he’s left with Kaidou’s chatter deafening him once more. Good grief, he never seems to get a break.
It’s the week before exams when it happens again; the school is buzzing with stressed students and many praying to God that they get a better grade than the last time. Saiki has never once been bothered about such things, after all, he can easily ace all the tests as he’s mentioned before. That doesn't mean he does though, he prefers to be in the middle, a perfect average preferably but life doesn't seem to let him get that either. Besides, you like taking up the higher spaces on the board, the whole class deems you as the smartest there. When he walks in that morning, he’s not surprised by the sight of pupils surrounding the blackboard you write on, spending the time before class to teach them any topics they’re particularly stuck on. Kaidou seemed to take his advice today, one of the ones at the front of the little semicircle and often asking you questions. Well, hopefully that pays off for him not that it usually does but who is he to deny? You certainly have saved quite a lot of the class the trouble of repeating the year just with some quick morning explanations.
Thats not what he’s quite focused on though, moreso when they disperse and you walk away back to your little friend group, that feeling returns harsher and somehow more overwhelming than the last. He glances around, wondering if one of the students watching you was particularly stressed about the exams next week but nothing noticeable seemed to come to the surface. Before he can investigate further, the bell rings signalling the beginning of class and the feeling is gone just as fast as it came and thus leaving him far more confused than before.
Today is the Friday before the exam week. He’s been hearing yammering thoughts every single day that if he wasn't so used to all these voices he was sure that he’d have a splitting headache by now. Any normal person would but then again, he wasn't very normal. He sat down at his desk as per usual, removing his bag and opening his things whilst the mindless chatter played in the background. That was the panic of the students of course, quickly asking you to solve last minute problems for them. One of them had you slightly stumped, your eyes narrowed as you looked carefully at the board. It wasnt like you knew the answer to everything, of course not, you often admitted to skipping particularly hard questions that left you with no ideas in the slightest. It’s not that, no, it’s not even when you suggest the student take it to the teacher instead— it’s something else entirely that triggers this.
Your friends join you by the board, looking at the question and muttering something about how they’d definitely fail the exam if that topic was on it. You smile for once, finding the words relatable and finally speak up this time. “Me too, I hate this topic the most.”
It’s your friend’s reply that does it. “Oh shut up, you always do well. Stop acting humble, you know it too.”
That feeling hits him so suddenly that he only receives a small chance to realise his own friends approaching him. “Heya earth to Saiki? We were calling ya ages ago.” Nendo waves his large hand in his face, making him pull back immediately and pull the best disgusted face he could before Kuboyasu makes Nendo cut it out. “Didnt you hear? We have free periods to study, no need to sit here and wait around. We’re gonna head to the library, you coming?” When did he ever have a choice? Kusou takes the moment to roll his eyes up before standing, signalling his answer and they turn on their heel to start walking. However, before he joins them he cant help but glance back at you, wondering how you could easily laugh in response to her words when you have such a heavy feeling of dread in yourself from it.
Wednesday. It’s the only day they have two exams in a day but it’s not something many have complained about either. The thing was, the first exam was a science one— of course it was pretty important. However, the second was only a mere world history exam. It was one of the easier tests and even if you failed it, you wouldnt be set back in the slightest. Naturally the tension in the air has eased up a lot after the first exam, leading them into their extended lunch time before the next one. The corridors are empty, most of the students already having grabbed their things from their lockers and heading to go eat their stress away. He’s heading down the stairs, hoping for a moment of reprieve in the farce of putting his bag into his locker since they obviously werent allowed in the exam hall. It’s only when he reaches the last step does he clench the railing, suddenly shook with the sudden feeling of despair. It’s like it radiates throughout the entire hallway, menacing and destructive and he’s sure it would tear out the owner’s heart. As he had previously discovered, it seemed to linger in yours however it had never been quite this bad and he couldnt understand why it was.
Had someone hurt you? Did your friends do something to you?
He walks down the corridor at a somewhat sped up pace because as much as this affected you, it also made his head particularly uncomfortable too. There you stand by your locker in the distance, your voice muffled from the feeling as you seem to.. beg your friends? They’re walking away from you and the situation looks nothing quite like the horror your brain is currently experiencing at this given moment. Soon enough, it’s just the two of you in this corridor and he doesnt know why he’s even approaching you— he just wants that feeling to get out of his head too. “Oh.. Saiki.” You say, voice so soft and a small look of surprise as your lips part. You swallow a little sharply and glance at him and despite his powers, the only thing he can read in your mind is that you’re pretty afraid of inconveniencing him.
“Do you need something?” He realises he’s been staring at you for a moment now and quickly shakes his head, instead pointing at your friends who were turning the corner to the stairs. “They’re just going to go eat, thats all, I’ll catch up to them in a moment.”
You give him a gentle smile and then glance at your locker, pausing before locking it albeit very hesitantly. What? That didnt make sense in the slightest what could be in there?
“So how did you find the test?”
He gives you a thumbs up in return, which only makes your smile brighten. You remind him of Hairo quite a bit, even though you’re not as much of an extrovert as he is. “That's great! I’m sure you’ll do well! You got a perfect average last year, didnt you? Honestly I think that's harder to achieve than the highest places.” You let out a soft laugh alongside your words even though he already knows how awkward you’re currently feeling. He feels just the slightest bit bad for that too; after all he’s the one who just suddenly appeared when you seemed to be feeling particularly low and now you were having to fake a bright smile. “I found the test good too, and I'm sure the next one will be a breeze too. A lot of people say it’s one of the easier ones.”
That confirms for him that it’s not exam stress you’re worried around. Well, at least not right now that’s causing the dread in you. So what is it? You’re both caught of guard when your stomach rumbles, making your cheeks flush in embarrassment and you sheepishly smile. “Arent you going to eat?” He finally asks, well telepathically anyway but no one ever notices.
“Oh right— well it’s in my bag.”
That makes him pause, wasn't your bag in your locker? Why didn't you just take it out?
You seem to take notice of his glance to your locker and this time your thoughts take an extremely nervous turn, your teeth grazing your lip awkwardly as you force a small smile. “Oh— my bag strap got stuck in my locker so I cant quite get it out.”
Even so, you dont ask him to help you or the like, just giving him an awkward smile as he stares at you. “Did your friends go get someone to help?” He says in return and somehow that dreadful feeling feels even worse than before.
“A-ah.. no..” You stammer out, both your hands shoving into your pockets as your teeth grit uncomfortably. “They uh, they didn't care too much. They just- they walked away.” That did not seem normal in the slightest and the way your lips twitched in your fake smile did not help. You always looked so happy with your friends, they looked happy with you— what the hell was happening here?
It takes him no less than a second to notice the way you’re falling apart in your head, chanting softly to yourself to just breathe, smile and carry on. You were silently praying that he’d take no notice of your fidgety behaviour, of your erratic breaths or the dark circles beneath your eyes. It feels weird that for once, someone wants him to go rather than to stay. Usually, he’d take that as a warm opportunity to dash as soon as he could, avoiding the situation altogether.
Before it can escalate, he decided he might aswell just solve the problem at hand, extending his palm facing up to the little keys you hold in your hand for your locker. Your eyes widen and you immediately follow his notion, dropping it into his hand. He steps infront of you, opening the locker and looking at the bag strap stuck there. He was still not quite the best as controlling his strength but he could use telekinesis to make sure this didn't get too out of hand. To be fair, you werent exactly overreacting, it did look like it had got stuck quite badly but thankfully he was a psychic— nothing was ever out of his power. Unbeknownst you to, he’s fiddling with absolutely nothing, his mind undoing the bagstrap until your bag is free again. He quickly plops it into your arms, your shocked face evident before he closes the locker door once more.
“Th-thank you!”
Your smile returns now, bright and full of relief as that feeling slowly dissipates into nothing but a lingering worm eating at my brain.
Satisfied he turns on his heel, already walking down the hallway when you call out his name, rushing to keep up with him. Oh lord, he was starting to regret this action already. “Let me at least treat you to something! I usually have pack lunch so i dont have any money to buy school food but here.”
Your hand digs into your bag, quickly pulling out a plastic container. He cant see beyond the plastic, the aura of the dessert inside holding too much light for him to even imagine. He blinks and doesnt hesitate, taking the coffee jelly from your hands. “I made one for my friends, but you can have it instead! Tell me how it tastes.” You grin and then mumble something about having to revise for the next exam, running off down the hallway again.
Maybe it’s good to do nice things every once in a while, especially now he’s got a delicious snack for free.
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mortifiedmouse · 5 months ago
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Morti no!!
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amphibifish · 1 year ago
enjaku detective agency blunt rotation
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sparklingsora · 1 year ago
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doodle dump. give it up for WORLD'S WORST POLYCULE!!! (feat. my vox redesign)
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you know how hermit crabs like form queues where they exchange shells from biggest to smallest. yeah these bitches do that but with shirts
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a-cipher · 2 months ago
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shitty post-it-note doodle of secret life scar, based on the song snow globe by waterparks (for a spotify wrapped top 100 songs thingy. I got the number 37) (feel free to send numbers!)
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spatort · 2 months ago
No more mortifying ordeal of being known. What about the great privilege of being known. What about the indescribable beauty of another human being wanting to understand who you are at your core. What about that
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softzosan · 8 days ago
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silly little zosan wip I may or may not finish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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51nn0n · 5 days ago
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They wear the same shade of red
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crystallizsch · 24 days ago
ouagh yuusha i miss youuu
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calamitydaze · 3 months ago
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the thing is, ellen bass || eddie diaz, 9-1-1
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paradoxbeta · 9 months ago
I'm curious, how would your Suns design look during more serious situations, such as one of the Spearmaster broadcasts?
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something like this
and now for a (slightly long) addendum: i know i depict SRS as jokey and kooky, but when it comes to not shitposting and actual characterization, i have Thoughts and Feelings about them. the entire story, they just want to do what they hope will help the people around them, even though it all ends up horribly, HORRIBLY wrong. that's tragic, and it has my interest. considering the heaviness (and intrigue) of SRS’s storyline, for me to only ever depict them as a goofball be way too shallow of me, and unfaithful to their canon characterization.
so to answer your question: they hold themselves together, of course, but the shame, regret, and embarrassment is still evident.
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elderwisp · 8 months ago
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bethrnoora · 2 years ago
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dovalore · 3 months ago
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sharing literature
first panel: (left and right evbo designs by @cowboyskeletons)
second panel: rightmost evbo by conn1e_ on twt, every other (except the one holding book) by me
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chamoemileclown · 1 year ago
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richas as a mooshroom?
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one-flower-one-sword · 9 months ago
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well I know what you want from me you want someone to be your reflection, your bitter deception setting you free won't you come and dance in the dark with me? show me what you are, I am desperate to know nobody better than the perfect enemy and I know what you want from me you want the same as me my redemption, eternal ascension setting me free
for @bladesmercy's fic The Fear of Falling Stars
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