#this has been happening before october seventh
artcinemas · 8 months
it’s sad how india who once recognised palestine as it’s own nation is now assisting israel in it’s genocide it’s awful it’s sick. as a country who was colonized and invaded for centuries, are ignoring the value and parallel of the palestinian resistance. especially those specialists in history. rot.
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all-things-jily · 3 months
Time to make PART 2 of "AO3 is down starter pack", or "iconic Jily fics you can only find on FF.net, to help you through these trying times"! (You can find PART 1 here)
That Elusive Aha Moment by Wilhelmina Willoughby
The Aha Moment: a point in time when something finally clicks. Everyone realizes that there's something more between James and Lily, though it takes some people longer than others. James has always been a slow learner.
All Right, Evans? by CokeBottleK
The thing about being Lily Evans and James Potter was that you couldn't do anything without everybody else saying something about it.
Crossroads by Emmyjean
In her seventh and final year at Hogwarts, Lily Evans finds herself facing a tragedy that leaves her life in pieces. She ultimately finds great strength both within herself and those she never would have expected.
October Thirty-First by jamespotterthefirst
Even before they were a couple, they always seemed to spend Halloween together. Series of oneshots.
Purely Business by Zayz
"They didn't do it out of love. They were not in love, nor did they want to be. They barely knew each other. None of this was romantic, not even close. What they had together was purely business."
The Rise and Fall of the Stag and the Doe by SiriusUntiltheVeryEnd
Moments. They make or break relationships. Lily didn't just happen to fall in love with James. It wasn't an accident, but a long drawn out process that grew out of the relationships of the people around them. And when it came down to it, even Lily and James couldn't fight fate.
Before The Fawn - First Draft by CalisaTenn
Before Harry, before Godric's Hollow, before the Dark Lord was defied three times... Lily Evans and James Potter discovered that neither of them were what the other had expected, and embarked on a relationship that would change the world as they knew it.
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kalkaros-is-the-boss · 8 months
So I made recently a post on my main (hannaxjo) about the ages of the marauders era characters in the movies, which led to me creating this side account. But I should’ve known better than to think about their canon ages in the books, because I noticed something that doesn’t make sense to me, and I can’t stop thinking about it. That is the timeline between Severus hearing the prophecy and Voldemort killing James and Lily. What the fuck happened between that?
So, in the prophecy is this line: the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies. Meaning, that at that time, Harry has not been born yet. Which means, at the very least over a year is going to play out before that Halloween.
And that does not make sense to me. How can it take over a year, after this? In that (unspecific) time, the following things happen; Voldemort decides that the prophecy is talking about the Potter’s baby. Severus deflects, and begins spying on Voldemort. Due to Severus’ warning, Potter’s go into hiding. Dumbledore suggests a fidelius charm. Instead of Sirius, Peter is made into the secret keeper. Peter reveals the location to Voldemort and Voldemort kills Lily and James.
These things happen like a domino. There cannot be that much time between each of these actions. Severus isn’t going to wait around to defect once he knows Voldemort is targeting the Potter, because Voldemort is definitely not going to wait around to kill them. And I don’t think it took over a year for Voldemort to decide who the prophecy was talking about. Isn’t he supposed to be smart? Like I can buy him only deciding after Harry’d been born, but it still takes over a year after that for him to kill James and Lily.
But okay, let's say Voldemort was just really slow, and couldn’t make his mind. That would make the time between Severus’ deflection and the death of Lily and James incredibly short, and that makes no sense either. Because I don’t see Dumbledore trusting Severus after such a short while. And when would he then have had the time to spy on Voldemort? In the Goblet of Fire, when Harry goes into the pencieve he sees the trial of Karkaroff. And he lists the names of Death Eaters, one of those names being Severus Snape. Dumbledore then says, that he himself has witnessed for Severus’, and he tells that Snape joined them prior to Voldemorts downfall and that he risked his life spying on him. That means that Severus had to be a spy for at least a while.
So what the hell was happening while Severus was spying? Did they not use the fidelius as fast as possible? How did Voldemort not find them? See it would make sense if Sirius was the secret keeper for a while, and then they switched it, but Sirius was never the secret keeper. So did Peter actually keep the secret for months? Because that also seems unlikely. Then, there’s the letter Lily wrote to Sirius that Harry finds in Deathly Hallows. In that letter Lily mentions that ‘James is getting a bit frustrated shut up here’, so they must be already hiding. And they must be already under the fidelius because they must be in Godric’s Hollow because why else would Bathilda have visited. She also mentions that Wormy had seemed down, which I assumed was actually because he is going to/has betrayed them. That letter was about Harry’s one-year birthday! It was written in July/beginning of August. Voldemort didn’t attack until Halloween. What happened? Did Peter not betray them until October? Or had he already told Voldemort and Voldy just wasn’t feeling it. Was he waiting until Halloween for aesthetics?
Honestly, I have no point here, except that I don’t understand the timeline. Did I miss something? If you know how this timeline goes, please tell me, because I think about this too much. Istg if I’m gonna end up re-reading the books again just because this bothers me...
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bridenore · 8 months
HD fic recs : Career - Aurors (part 1)
Here are a few recs where both Harry and Draco are Aurors. This is part one of three and focuses on shorter fics (up to 20k). Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
but first, we fight by @nv-md [8k]
Fighting with Draco Malfoy has never been quite this  thrilling…or this frustrating. Harry’s always horny, Draco’s in  denial, and there simply isn’t enough time in the day to fight crime and  watch your ex-archnemesis wash his arse. Or what it’s like to be in love with Draco Malfoy and have to see him naked in the goddamn shower.
Christmas With Draco by @dracogotgame [9k]
Harry tries to give a two year old Draco the best Christmas ever.
Dark Places by @bixgirl1 [8k]
Harry and Draco have been Auror partners and even friends for the last few years–damn good ones, at that–which is why Harry’s never tried to change their relationship despite his feelings.   Until, of course, they’re on assignment and get locked in a wardrobe together. Remix of Leontina’s “Pure Imagination”
Draco L Malfoy (the L stands for legs) by @starquestingfordrarry [1k]
Harry could spend the rest of his life in the embrace of Draco Malfoy’s legs. If he was lucky, he would.
Fall on the Earth by @dodgerkedavra [15k]
Harry Potter hates being separated from Draco Malfoy. Not because he’s in love with him, for Merlin’s sake! Because they’re Auror Partners. One time is all it takes for Draco to be attacked with an illicit potion. Until it wears off, Harry’s job is taking care of his partner. Harry thinks the effects of the potion can’t possibly be as serious as Robards says. He thinks wrong.
Feeling Everything (from lust to truth) by badjujuboo [7k]
The one thing Draco wanted from Harry was the one thing Harry wouldn’t give. But the sex was great
Fool rushes in by oldenuf2nb / @dianacopland [15k]
In a burst of unexplained magic, Harry Potter’s Auror partner Draco Malfoy has simply disappeared. Frantic with worry, terrified that something really terrible has happened to the other man, Harry realizes that what he feels for him just might be more than friendship.
The Great Magic Sex Mushroom Fiasco by @magnolia822  [6k]
Lost in the Siberian wilderness without food, Aurors Potter and Malfoy are forced to improvise, with unexpected consequences …
A House on Fire by @p1013 [5k]
For the last five years, Auror Draco Malfoy has walked into his office with hardly a glance at the illusioned window taking up the back wall. It looks out over an imagined London, a perfectly bright and brilliant view of the city that hides the smog and rain and dirt that clings to the city like a patina of time that can never be worn away. It's always a perfect summer's day with soft, white clouds that float through the painfully bright blue sky like a dream. He likes to imagine the gentle breeze that ripples the surface of the Thames brushing across his skin, since he'll never be able to actually feel it. After all, his office is located on the second floor and is, therefore, underground. Or at least that's what he did before the seventh of October, 2009.
if i could never give you peace by @poisonivy206 [17k]
There are all these bruises on Harry’s memory. A blond boy with a hand outstretched. On a broom. Walking the halls of Hogwarts like a ghost. Climbing up to the Astronomy Tower. On and on, the moments in which Draco Malfoy has cut into him, buried himself in him, until what held Harry together were all the ways in which he wanted to take Draco apart. And now his skin is so close, burning hot, his grip like a vice on Harry’s bicep, on the back of his neck. He smells like the forest, like ashes, like sweat and memories. Eleven years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Aurors Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are forcibly brought together by a new case that’s bound to reopen old wounds. Enter a Firewhisky problem, prejudices that never really go away, and an obsession as old as time.
Is This Love? by @phd-mama [3k]
Draco wouldn’t call himself a tender man. He fights the forces of evil for a living, trying his best to pay penance for the evil he’s done. He’s fought and killed in the name of duty, and when he’s not on duty, he tends either to play hard or retreat alone. He doesn’t lean on anyone, and he knows he’s not the first person anyone goes to when they need care. Comfort. That all changes tonight.
It Came Without A Warning by @p1013 [5k]
The locker room door had opened, not surprising considering how many other Aurors were involved in the sting, and there was a set of footsteps, ones Harry had learned to recognise over the last three months. “Malfoy?” he yelled. “Is that you?” “Piss off, Potter,” was the exhausted response, and though Harry knew his recalcitrant partner wouldn’t be able to see it, he smiled.
Little Talks by @femmequixotic and @noeeon [11k]
Draco’s been shagging the Head Auror for months now, and he’s sure it’s just a fling. Until Harry asks him to a Quidditch match, that is, and things go horribly wrong.
Observations by penguin474 [17k]
When his new Auror partner turns out to be Draco Malfoy, Harry isn’t pleased, but there are surprises waiting.
Pinky Promises Are Powerful Magic by megyal [12k]
Ickle Harry wants to stay with his newest hero.
The Safe House by @emmagrant01 [10k]
Aurors Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are forced to spend Christmas together in a safe house. Bet you can guess what happens. ;-)
Special Magic by lauren3210 [7k]
Harry was seriously considering the fact that his partner might be completely insane.
Summer Place by @wolfpants [14k]
Draco has the perfect life: a perfect house on a perfect street with his perfect husband. It’s all he’s ever wanted. So why does something still feel wrong? 
That which hurts (and is desired) by @shealwaysreads ( onereader ) [19k]
Draco was lying still, and pale, on a bed in a private room in St Mungo’s. The sheets were white, clean, enchanted against stains, vanishing the blood that kept spilling out of him. He hadn’t moved in two days. Not a twitch of his elegant fingers. Not a blink of his fierce eyes. Harry couldn’t even see the faint flutter of his pulse in his throat from where he stood at the foot of the bed, helpless, impotent, furious. There is nothing Harry wouldn’t do for the people he cares about. As it turns out, that might bring him everything he’s ever wanted.
Title of Their Sex Tape by @cibeewastaken [12k]
What are the Wizarding world’s most elite law enforcers doing when they aren’t catching criminals? It seems Auror Malfoy is often caught throwing food into Auror Potter’s mouth when he’s mid-yawn. This story isn’t about Draco throwing food at Harry. What it does have is: Undercover! Heists! Draco pining for Harry! Harry being oblivious, but also can’t help noticing how good Draco smells! Banters and jokes! That’s about it. 
To Be Out of Your Own (and consumed by another) by @cassiaratheslytherpuff [18k]
By now even Harry recognises the pattern; he’d be an idiot not to. He’ll have sex, and in the moment it’ll be amazing. In the moment he simply is, he feels without thinking. Good, bad, pleasure and pain, he can just let go and feel he isn’t the one in charge. Then he wakes up the next morning feeling disgusting and worthless and swears to never do it again. Still, it helps him forget about his stress, his anxiety and his hopeless crush on his Auror partner so he keeps going back.
What Real Thing? by @l0vegl0wsinthedark [12k]
They don’t cuddle, they don’t talk about their relationship (or lack thereof) and they certainly never fall asleep in each other’s arms.
The Way You Say My Name by InnerLilith [5k]
In which Malfoy calls Harry pet names to get him flustered and riled up, and Harry gets flustered and riled up because he secretly likes it. The problem is that Malfoy is only teasing…or is he?
When the Fallout Comes by @maesterchill [7k]
Draco Malfoy, hard-as-nails Hit Wizard, has a secret obsession. Well two of them. Or ten, depending how far that metaphor can stretch. It’s hard to put a finger on exactly when it tipped from the occasional off-hand observation into something more gripping, but suffice to say it’s now getting a touch out-of-hand. Hands. It’s Potter’s hands. He’s obsessed with Potter’s hands.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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elliebelliegirl · 1 month
okay following up though... i understand that you are jewish and Israeli but (not trying to attack you, just trying to understand) how can you stand with the state of Israel after seeing the numbers of atrocities that the IDF has committed - of course the hostages should be released, but palestine will cease to exist if this continues and this is an active genocide. people are being displaced and thousands have died. how can you in good conscience stand with the actions of Israel ?
im still assuming this is in good faith! i do appreciate that you're asking and not attacking, it's really nice change of pace tbh. please understand that my ethnicity and my political opinions are not the same thing and how i feel about the state of israel is divorced from my religious beliefs. i just also believe that my people have a right to live in our indigenous land. i also believe palestinians should be able to live in israel (many already do.) anyway, here's the deal.
first, im not israeli, but my family is. i was born and raised in the u.s. while most of my family is israeli, i am not (yet.) im an american jew with strong roots in israel.
second! israelis have been displaced since october, since the attacks by hamas, the governing body of gaza. they've been attacked and killed for years (the whole reason the iron dome exists is because missiles are such an active threat.) getting displaced or killed has happened to israelis and gazans. its terrible for everyone. i am human, and therefore uncomfortable with war, but i don't think it's a genocide. i am horrified by the deaths in gaza. i hate that innocents are being harmed. i don't want to add a however, but there's a big one- it's that the ratio of killed militants v.s civilians is unfathomably low. if israel wanted to kill everyone in gaza (which is 100% not the goal) they would be dead already. the war is active now only to eradicate hamas, which would be beneficial to gazans and israelis, and to rescue the hostages. israel has offered to end the war multiple times and hamas has refused.. because they refuse to return the people they kidnapped. the war could've been over months ago!!! months ago. israel did not instigate this war, and has repeatedly offered ceasefire deals. hamas is the one shooting these offers down. also, palestine wont just cease to exist.. im not sure what that part means, can you explain it? i want to understand you, too.
also. i have cousins in the idf. one of them was supposed to come over before last days on sukkot and couldn't make it in the end. over the weekend, october seventh happened. the next time we spoke, it was a phone call right after simchat torah ended. he was on his way to the airport, having been called back to israel to meet his unit in kfar aza and start collecting bodies. i only had a few minutes to tell him i love him and to stay alive on behalf of me and my siblings. the memory is so surreal. we turned on our phones for the first time in days to texts from our israeli family saying they were alive, not to watch the videos, not to look at the pictures. im still kind of stuck there on my couch, holding my siblings in a hug and wondering if someone who hadn't texted yet was dead. then we saw people celebrating the massacre. they haven't really stopped. so we knew we couldnt really count on anyone to protect us, and this was way before israel entered gaza. people were just happy jews were dead. don't know if this is a huge sidetrack, but. this is why i stand with israel. their goal is to keep my family alive. their goal is to keep as many gazans as possible alive. that is not the goal of iran and hamas. this goes further than zionism though, tbh. zionism is pretty simple as a principle 😅
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shigayokagayama · 2 years
putting my major to use and using the principles of relative dating to try to piece together a timeline for mob psycho
reigens birthday (10/10) and meeting aliens (12/31-1/1) are the only events with solid dates but can be used as a basis to infer a lot of other dates if we work backwards
-tsubomi moving gets announced the day they get back from winter break and shes said to be moving in a month so the confession arc has to take place some time between january and february (based on how little time seems to pass between the announcement and mob's confession id say mid january)
-on winter break before they meet aliens (late decemeber) ritsu says dimple has been missing for a month, putting the broccoli arc in late november
-they had to have met the yokai hunter at least two weeks before the broccoli arc as mob says the school festival is in two weeks, putting the yokai fight in early-mid november
-since at least a bit of time passed between mob getting assigned his group and him stressing about the school festival being "only two weeks away" we can assume that the world domination arc (which happened an unspecified amount of time later) is either later october or early november. its unlikely to have been mid october as a significant amount of time seems to pass between reigens birthday and the press conference
-the seventh division leader says "the boss" (toichiro) will be coming to japan in a month which seems to put ritsus kidnapping and the rest of that arc in mid-late september
-if we use extracanonical birthday math teru and mob meeting has to take place some time after july 2nd because during ritsu and mezatos interview (which takes place shortly before it) she says hes 13 and before july 2nd he still would have been 12. given how much time seems to pass during ritsus joker arc id say late august or early september is a good suspected date for this, but we cant really rule out this happening earlier. the closer you get to the beginning the harder it gets to put dates on this stuff since it started as a gag comic
-mob met dimple one day before mezato interviewed ritsu and given that he doesnt come out of his room and go “happy birthday want to walk to school together” its still after july 2nd
-he joined the body improvement club pretty soon before this so at earliest the telepathy club arc could start in late june  
-the first episode could happen literally any time after april (when the new school year starts) as the only reference to anything setting it in time is that hes a second year
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bordysbae · 2 years
what if the reader likes to journal and shes been keeping a journal where she writes about her relationship with (guy of your choice) before they were like dating or something up until now and she gives it to them on their birthday and it’s all emotional and stuff.
Tumblr media
“you kept those?!”
adam fantilli x reader
word count: 1k
sorry i couldn’t help myself but pick adam!! he’s too underrated ugh, but anyways this idea is so so so cute!
you and adam have been friends since before you can even remember. your moms were college roommates throughout all four years of university at michigan. so when they found out that you and your older brother drew, who’s the same age as luca, got into michigan, and that fantillis would be playing hockey there, everyone around you was ecstatic.
your feelings for adam began in the third grade, and you’re a freshman in college now. you guys began dating last year, and everyone was waiting for it to happen. you guys were clearly meant to be, according to both your families and friends, but nothing ever happened until now. of course you’ve had other boyfriends before and he’s had girlfriends, but deep down you always knew that he’ll forever be your first love.
when you starting having these ‘tingly feelings’ around him, as your 10 year old self described them, you decided to keep a diary. you would write in it every time you and adam had cute moments, and you still write in it sometimes. you’ve already filled up one whole diary, and you’re halfway done with another one, but being in college now, you don’t really have the time to write in it. so you thought, why not give the diaries to adam for his birthday?
written in the diaries are things like how once he cut you a slice of pie at the annual fantilli’s friends-giving, or even how you would get jealous that he was playing chel with your older brother instead of hanging with you. the first diary is from third grade to seventh grade, and the second one is eight grade till now.
you and adam drove about forty-five minutes to detroit, to eat at a fancy resturant everyone has been raving about. you’re sat at a candle lit table in a restaurant, with a view looking over the city, when the perfect moment comes up to give him the diaries.
“so as your birthday gift this year, i didn’t get you much, but i thought maybe you’d enjoy something a little more sentimental.” you say shyly, as you reach into your purse to grab the two old diaries.
adam let’s out a little chuckle, as he reaches across the table to grab them from you. “holy crap! you kept these?! i remember seeing these in your bedroom as a kid, you’d never let anyone touch them. i remember once me, luca, and drew tried to steal it from your room and you started screaming and hitting us” adam laughs, making you blush from embarrassment.
“yeah well you’ll see why when you open them.” you say, embarrassed that you’re letting him finally read all of the diary entries you’ve written about him over the years.
he cracks open the small book in his hands, and begins to attempt to understand your messy elementary school hand writing. he reads through a few pages and you both laugh about it, and he switched over to the other diary. he opens it to a random page, which happens to be from freshman year.
october 31st 2018
dear diary,
it’s halloween night, and this is the first year since fourth grade that we haven’t gone out together. me and adam swore to never stop trick or treating until we’re both old enough to drive, so that we can go to parties together, but looks like him and his new girlfriend have other plans. adam keeps sending me a bunch of snapchats of him at this stupid party with her head on his shoulder. it doesn’t help that luca and drew went out to a party too, so now i’m at home trying not to cry. i hate having a crush on adam, i never want to feel like this again.
adam looks up from the diary and gives you a small pitiful smile, making you hide your face in embarrassment, “i regret giving you these!” you groan and hide your face in your hands. he reaches across the table and takes your hand in his.
“don’t be embarrassed, i think these are super cute. they’re warming my heart. i can’t wait to read the rest of them, and if it makes you feel any better i had a crush on you during like half of these too. you think i really liked fiona that much? i remember i kept thinking how much i wanted to be trick or treating with you instead.” he blushes.
“you’re just saying that!” you laugh, unbelieving of what he’s saying.
“i’m dead serious! why else would i be sending you snaps you while i’m at a party. i really only dated her cause i was just tired of always getting chirped for not having a girlfriend, she she had a crush on me,” adam chuckles, making you giggle a little bit at the thought.
“i was always right there, y’know”
“i know that now, and boy do i wish i could go back in time and do it all differently. you don’t know how bad i wished i was the one who took you to homecoming freshman year. me and fiona weren’t even matching colors! oh and don’t even get me started on homecoming junior year. you went with one of my teammates, i was pissed!”
“well hey, you did take me to senior prom!” you chuckle a little, looking at your lockscreen photo of the two of you from last year.
“because we were dating then! that doesn’t count”
“yes it does adam! plus all of the stupid relationships we got into during high school just proves we were bound to be” you cheesily grin, making adam smile as well.
“yeah i guess so, but seriously if i could go back and change it all i would. i would’ve asked you out like, i dunno, five years ago!”
“oh sure, cause you definitely had the balls to do that. the real question is, wouldn’t our braces have gotten caught in each other?” you joke, remembering how ugly you both looked with braces five years ago. adam laughs, almost spitting out his water, making you and him both laugh even harder. you guys get a few stares from the older adults around you guys, but you both don’t care. you’re just enjoying the moments with the man you finally get to call yours.
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slasher-killer · 4 months
Hello there, 👋
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your support of our cause.🇵🇸❤️
You are one of the few remaining free souls now. 🫶
I hope you can take a look at my campaign on the pinned post on my profile ,and help us by donating or sharing our campaign to reach the largest number of supporters.🌹🌹
Thanks a lot in advance ❤️❤️❤️
(if you have the money, 5 euros/dollars/whatever is the very least amount you have to give. just 5 euros. it can save the life of both Al-Deeb, and his family.)
verified by 90-ghost here.
for those of you who don’t know Tamer, he was a dentist before october seventh. for seven months, him and his family have been constantly misplaced again and again and faced with deaths of countless family members, friends, neighbors, anyone. all due to the brutal attacks from the IOF. right now, he’s volunteering at Al-Aqsa Hospital and has seen horrors beyond what most of us even thought could ever happen.
him along with three other family members (his mother, father, and brother) need to evacuate. their living conditions have been absolutely horrible, with them struggling to even get their basic needs met.
He needs 40,000 to evacuate him and his family. but right now, they’re only at 5,300 out of what he needs. that is nowhere even near enough.
If you’re able to do so, please donate. you don’t even have to give a lot, just 5 dollars/euros/whatever currency you use is enough. if everyone who can give just gives 5 euros, it will pile up, and it will make a difference. but you need to pitch in and help too, if you want to save Tamer and his family. what’s happening in Palestine is absolutely terrifying, and many of us can’t even comprehend or begin imagine the horror that they’re being faced with every day, and that‘a every single day for the last seven months. and in fact, it goes beyond that to decades before now. 5 euros. that’s all you need to give. just 5 euros.
I know that even 5 euros can be a lot for some people, but these people are braver and more resilient than any of us, probably. they’ve been going through this for months, for years, even. these people used to be just like us, but have been thrown into these horrific ways of life— under threat of death every day, barely able to find food, water, can you imagine that? just going about your life one day and then the next everything you’ve ever had is destroyed, turned to rubble? more than that, every day you are in danger. every day you hear drones and sounds of bombing.
just 5 euros. 5 dollars, whatever currency. but that’s it. if you can give more, that’s wonderful, but if that’s all you can give, that’s fine. it really is okay. just give it. think about what they are going through. 5 euros can change their lives. it can save their lives.
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dollywheeler · 1 year
October 7th, 1996
Dear diary,
Will gave us back our assignments today and he really liked it! I can't help but feel like his opinion is biased though, which is kind of a bummer. I mean, I'm glad that I got a good grade and I'm proud of it so I feel like it deserves the grade it got, but... I don't know. I feel like it would have been more satisfying if it had been graded by someone who hadn't spent Friday night fondueing marshmallows with me at his own dinner table.
Same happens in English now - I always take pride in my essays, but it's hard not to worry that Mike's taking it easy on me, even when he said he wouldn't.
At least I gave Will the copy of Morning Glory after we already got our grades back because that would have been even more damning. Which is exactly why I waited until lunch to pass by his classroom and hand over the tape I'd made as promised, away from prying eyes. Danny walked with me - I'd told him all about our dinner on Saturday over the phone - and in hindsight I probably should have known to expect Mike would be there as well.
They were having lunch together at Will's desk, and through the window I could see them startle as we knocked, but quickly smiled and waved us in when they noticed it was me. As soon as we stepped into the classroom I could tell that Mike was sizing up Danny, even though he already knows him from his English class, and knows he's perfectly smart and polite. He didn't say anything and his expression didn't give anything away as he shifted his attention back to me.
I have to say it's kind of weird having that kind of ... consideration? It's sounds strange and might not make sense but... I've never had a brother before - not like that at least. As annoyed as I want to be over him scrutinizing my life - which he still has no business doing by the way and if he even tries to meddle I will strangle him - it feels nice to have someone watching out for me.
Not that I need protecting from Daniel of all people - he's the sweetest, most considerate boy I know. He's always smiling and it's genuine. I've never met anyone who seems so genuinely happy and kind at all times. It's kind of amazing to see.
But anyway, I gave him the tape and after he'd thanked me I just had to ask Mike if he'd seen the painting Will had made in class.
He'd given us this new assignment - we're back on paint, thank god - and Will had used the projector to show us some new techniques we could try out. He'd started drawing a face from memory and it slowly became obvious that it was Mike - or well, Mr. Wheeler for everyone else in the class. He paused and blinked for a second and then he added antennae and turned him into an alien, making everyone laugh. I don't even think he'd realised what he'd been drawing until he'd seen the whole picture, turning him into an alien to make fun and distract everyone. I wish I could draw like that though - just get lost in a trance and see where my mind ends up. I feel like it would help clear up a messy mind.
Anyway, after he was done with the sketch and actually got around to showcasing the paint techniques - using blues and greens to stick to the alien theme - it actually turned out really cool.
As expected, Will squirmed in embarrassment as I brought up the painting but he pulled it out for Mike and Danny who of course thought it funny as well. And seriously, Will is crazy talented - even this silly five minute painting was insanely well done.
We talked for a while, but Daniel and I still had to get lunch so eventually we had to join the others in the cafeteria.
By the time we got to seventh period English, Mike had hung up the painting in his classroom. He even had a frame for it and everything!
Seriously, where did he get that thing on such short notice?
Love, Holly
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braveclementine · 5 months
Chapter 1
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Warnings: None, readers under the age of 18 can read this since it is all fluff.
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖑𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖚𝖕 to the small house and let myself in, not bothering to lock the door behind me. Dad would be home soon. I treaded into the kitchen and got myself grapes out of the fridge before running up the stairs into my bedroom. I set my backpack down by my desk and threw myself down on my bed, a feeling of elation filling me. School was officially out.
My bedroom was rather small, but large enough for a bed, bookshelves, a nightstand, a dresser, and a desk. The walls were a light pink and covered with posters of famous Quidditch players and a few Muggle singers (I especially fancied the Beatles). My bed had purple covers and two stuffed animals- a wolf and a cat. The furniture was all white, a small pink phonograph box sitting on the nightstand next to the bed.
There was also a window on the right side of the room, near the foot of the bed, parallel with the door. If I looked out it, I could see into the neighbors back garden. There was a calendar over the desk where I had marked the days off till my birthday. . . and to my first day back to school.
This upcoming school year, I wouldn't be starting seventh grade like all of my friends. Instead, I would be going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. True, I haven't gotten my letter yet, but my dad said I will eventually get one because my birth parents had gone. Not to mention, he had said, that had I showed signs of uncontrolled magic when I was younger.
I suppose he was talking about the time when I turned the principals' jacket from black to bright yellow just by looking at her during a teacher-parent conference. It was an accident though and no one knew what had happened except dad. Actually, dad was quite humored by the accident. Or maybe he was thinking about the time I had breathed underwater for four minutes. I'm not entirely sure.
Of course, my Dad wasn't really my biological dad, he was my adopted dad. My real Dad-and mum- were murdered eleven years ago. Well, almost eleven years. If I'm being technical, it was 10 years and eight months. They were murdered on October 31, which has always kinda killed Halloween for me.
I also have a twin brother who I've never met. His name is Harry Potter. He lives with my Mum's sister, my Aunt. Apparently she's a Muggle. I feel bad for him. He's also extremely famous in our world. He survived being killed by Lord Voldemort. I probably would've been killed, Dad says, If my parents hadn't hidden me.
My Dad is a Werewolf by the name of Remus Lupin. That has caused some significant differences in my life compared to other wizards and witches kids (at least, I would assume considering I've never actually met a magical kid- though I've seen them at Diagon Alley). On full moons ever since I arrived at his house, he's had to set up sleepovers or fake appointments or out of town trips so that the neighbor or one of my friends parents would let me sleep over. But I don't mind, I love him. Honestly, I couldn't be happier.
The way I got to my Dads house is still a bit of a mystery, put together in bits and pieces. My dad assumes that his old friend Sirius Black might've dropped me off. There was a letter from him explaining to Lupin that I was a secret, that my parents didn't want anyone to know that I existed, not even Dumbledore. That was something huge because Dumbledore was one of the greatest wizards of all time.
However, my dad doesn't know who dropped me off. He wasn't even home when I arrived on his doorstep. He had been in the north of the country on business for the Order. (That's the secret organization he worked for to try and take down Lord Voldemort).
Our elderly next door neighbor had seen me when she was setting the milk jugs out and she took me in when she found out Dad wasn't home. I'm just glad that she didn't read any of the letters. Even better, she didn't look at any of the pictures because that would've freaked her out- they moved, unlike Muggle photos which were stationary.
When Remus-Dad- came back, she took me out to see him with my bag and stuff, and told him where she had found me. He never had a chance to ask Sirius about it because by this time, he was in Azkaban.
I won't go into all the nitty gritty details because most people have heard about notorious killer Sirius Black. But, there's some part of me that thinks he may be innocent. I don't know why I believe that, but I do. It's something that I feel in my heart. But all the evidence points at him, so my feeling must be wrong. But I don't think I am. My feelings have never been wrong before.
Anyways, so where was I? Oh right, my father put me in a Muggle school when I was five. This was so I could learn Muggle classes like math and science and history. Actually, unlike most other kids, I find such classes fascinating. But it's not normal for magical kids to go through Muggle school. My father did it because he is a Werewolf.
See, he can't get many jobs in the Wizarding world because our people don't like Werewolves. I don't understand that, but perhaps that's because I'm biased as I've grown up with him and I love him. However, he can sometimes get jobs in the Muggle world because they aren't superstitious and because most jobs don't require him to work at full moon.
My greatest wish is to discover a cure for Werewolves (I'm sure I'll have to create it). I want to help Lupin. I think that's what my real father, James Potter, would have wanted me to do. After all, that's what friends and family do, right? They help each other.
Alright, so its the last day of sixth grade and I 'graduated' with all A's. It wasn't that big of a surprise, I study quite hard for all of my classes since I'm in the highest level classes possible. Plus, it's only sixth grade and rather simple.
My dad was still at work right now. At the moment, he was teaching classes for the ministry. There weren't many people in the class but it was our only source of income so we had to deal with it. I didn't know what the classes were about. It was probably defense classes because that was what dad was good at. I did know that the classes ended soon. They were only being held for a certain amount of time.
But enough about our problems. I would rather talk about the good things in our life. Like the fact that I get to meet Harry this year at Hogwarts! Since we're twins, we will end up going the same year which is super exciting! I know that our Aunt doesn't know I exist so I'm sure she couldn't have told Harry about me, but I have pictures of my mum and dad so I'll be able to prove to Harry that I'm his sister. It's in a locket necklace that I was wearing when I arrived at Lupin's house.
It's a silver necklace in the shape of a heart. It's just a little smaller than a lime and it opens. On either side of the inside are pictures of my mum and dad. My Dad has brown hair and brown eyes and he's wearing glasses. He's wearing a blue buttoned down shirt. He has a smile that lights up the world. He's holding baby me. On the other side is my Mum. She has red-brown hair and green eyes. Lupin says I look like her but I think I look more like James. I wear glasses and my hair is only red in the sunshine. Plus, my eyes are brown, not green. Perhaps I would look more like mum if I didn't wear my glasses. And if I had green eyes.
Sometimes I don't wear glasses because I only really need them for my left eye which at 16/20 vision while my right eye is 20/20.
Mum is holding Harry in the photo. He's got a chubby baby face and he's laughing about something funny. He has black hair just like our father and it's sticking out in every direction. He waves his fist in the air sometimes. We are all smiling.
Lupin has pictures of James in the house that I look at sometimes. There's also a wedding picture of James and Lily. Lupin had been there- but he was very camera shy. But, I'm content with the way things are.
The doorbell rang and I snapped the locket closed. Only Muggles rang the doorbell. Wizards, if any came- which most didn't- knocked. Dad would've just walked through the door.
I bounded down the stairs and opened the door.
"ELIZABETH!" My best friend Trang threw her arms around me. "Guess what!"
"Uhm, no idea." I said, hugging her back. "Come in?"
Trang came in through the door and I closed it behind me. "so what's up?" I asked again but I really didn't need to prompt her.
"I-got-accepted-to-Cincinnati-Hills-Christian-Academy-for-seventh-through-twelfth-grade!!! I told you I was going to test into different boarding schools right?"
I ran back her words in slow motion. Ah, okay, yeah. She had been talking about it nonstop but I didn't comment on this particular aspect.
"Where is this Cincinnati Hills-"
"Oh we call it CHCA for short." She said, grinning. "And obviously it's in Cincinnati."
I racked my brain. I was good with countries and capitals, not so much cities. "Er- what country is that in?"
My mind went blank. Then I said, "AMERICA! WHAT!"
"I know right! I can't believe it." Trang was practically bouncing up and down with excitement.
I sat down on the couch, feeling just slightly overwhelmed. "So it's a boarding school, correct?"
"No, I have to stay with an American family. It's called having a host family. Sometimes its a trade. Like if they had a daughter who wanted to come here to Britain, then we would trade."
"Do they have a daughter?" I asked, interested.
Trang laughed, "Trying to replace me?"
I laughed too. "Of course not." I winked at her. I wouldn't even be here to meet the hypothetical girl.
She grinned. "No, they were a childless couple but they lived near CHCA and they wanted to host me so I'm grateful."
"Imagine their American accents." I said, trying not to laugh.
She laughed.
We talked for another couple of hours until Dad came home through the door.
"Hey girls." He closed the door lightly behind him.
I looked up at him and my forehead creased in worry. He didn't look happy, though he had a light smile on his face. I stood up and Trang did too.
He smiled at Trang, "Are you staying for dinner?"
Crap, dinner. I closed my eyes, frustrated with myself.
"No, mum wants me home at five unfortunately." Trang said.
I looked at the clock "It's five twenty."
"Oh no." Trang said. She threw her arms around me and I hugged her back quickly. She rushed out the door, saying a quick good-bye to Lupin, and the door clicked behind her. I hurried to the kitchen.
I opened the refrigerator door. I needed to get a job this summer, something small hopefully. That way I could help bring in some money, even if it was Muggle money. Lets see, If 1 Galleon is the equivalent of £5.00, then I would have to make £5.00 to equal one wizarding coin. I bit my lip.
"Yeah Dad?" I asked, my voice going up an octave because I wasn't supposed to be thinking about getting a job.
"Are you okay? You seemed a little out of it when I came home." He set his battered leather briefcase on the chair.
"I'm sorry, I forgot to make dinner because I was talking to Trang." I said, my face still in the refrigerator door. There- I could cook the leftover chicken with rice and greenbeans and maybe potatoes if we still had any. Not that I liked potatoes but I'd already screwed up not having dinner ready.
Lupin laughed. "I'll go get changed and I'll be down in a moment."
"Okay." I said, pulling the chicken out and putting it on the counter. The refrigerator door swung closed and made a light click. I checked the calendar on the wall. Next week was full moon. I sighed. No wonder he was feeling so down. Unless it had to do with the Ministry classes. . . was this week the last week? No, I had thought they ended in August.
I put the chicken in the pan and put the lid on it. The rice went into another pan and the greenbeans in one next to that. I searched the kitchen for potatoes. We had a couple left. I washed it and cut off the yucky parts and put it in the microwave for six minutes.
As all of that was cooking, I grabbed my notebook out from underneath a box that Dad never moved. I grabbed my pen and opened up the book. I flipped to the back pages where I kept my job ideas.
I was only ten, almost eleven, so not many places hired. Actually, almost none. I could work at the pool in the snack bar. I would make £7 an hour. That wasn't a lot. If you thought about it, it was really like a Galleon a hour. If I worked a full 5 hours a day I would make £35. If I managed to work every day except Sunday, I could make £245. That would put me at around 49 Galleons.
I stared at the numbers on the page. Only 49 Galleons? I put the book down and flipped the chicken over.
But that was 49 Galleons a week, right? So in a month I would have. . .196 Galleons? How much were our bills? We lived in a Muggle house so we had to pay them in Muggle money, right? Or did the Ministry interfere and we had to pay in Wizarding Gold? I chewed on my bottom lip. It was all so overwhelming. I didn't have enough information and if I started questioning dad about bills he'd get suspicious.
I heard footsteps on the stairs and I flipped the book open to a new page with nothing on it and started jotting down a grocery list.
Once dinner was ready, I slipped the book back under the box and brought dinner out to Dad and a smaller plate for myself.
He looked at me, "You're not eating much anymore."
"I ate something else when I came home as well." I said. Technically, it was true, I'd had some grapes.
We ate in silence for a bit and then he said, "I have some bad news."
I bit my lip again. At this rate, I was going to make it bleed.
"The Ministry has stopped the classes a few weeks early." Dad said. So I was right, the classes were suppose to end in August.
"Of course." I said bitterly. "Stupid Ministry and their prejudices."
He smiled sadly. "I think you're the one who's a bit biased, don't you think? We are very dangerous creatures."
I scowled. He put a hand on my head and I leaned forward. He kissed my forehead and I felt that everything was going to be okay. We'd figure it out. He was my father after all. And he would always be around to take care of me.
⬅️ ➡️
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666writingcafe · 1 year
Lesson 20.5
Author's Note: So, season two. A great follow up to season one as far as I am concerned. However, there is one issue that I have with the original version, which is that Diavolo (and to a lesser extent Solomon) keeps very important information away from MC until the last possible second. For those who have gone through the season, you'll know what I'm talking about.
So, the reason for this "half-lesson" is so that I can resolve this issue that I have with the original season. Obviously, you do not have to accept this into your personal canon if you don't want to.
With that out of the way, the half-lesson is below the cut.
It's been a rather boring day. There's been so much paperwork that has needed my attention that Barbatos has practically chained me to my office chair so that I can complete it in a timely fashion. Don't worry; I told him to do everything in his power to make sure I didn't get distracted. Plus, he has provided food and drink at reasonable intervals, and he has instructed me to stretch every so often.
So, when Barbatos enters my office, I think nothing of it. However, that changes quickly when he states,
"My lord, you might want to hear this." Before I have a chance to reply, he pulls out his D.D.D. and taps his screen a few times. Once he's done, a voice message begins playing.
Hi, Barbatos. This is MC. I'm not sure if you'll get this message, given that I'm in an entirely different realm, but if you do, please call me back as soon as possible. There are catastrophic things happening in the human world, and I think I might be causing them.
"I take it that MC trumps paperwork?" I ask. Barbatos nods his head. Wordlessly, he taps his screen a couple more times, and soon I can hear ringing emanating from the phone.
"Would it be offensive for me to say 'thank god'?" MC asks from the other end of the line.
"Not in this context, no," Barbatos answers. "You are on speaker."
"Who's with you?"
"I am," I respond. "Barbatos and I are in my office."
"I see," MC replies. "I know you and I aren't exactly on the best of terms, but I really need your help. I figured you were busy, hence why I called Barbatos."
"Just doing paperwork. So, what exactly is going on?" MC sighs.
"I've been having nightmares. They don't allow me to get much rest. I feel like a zombie."
"What are they about?" Barbatos asks.
"I don't know for sure, since I'm not able to see much other than bright flashes of light. I always end up feeling enraged during these nightmares, and there's a lot of yelling that occurs."
"That doesn't sound pleasant," I tell MC.
"At first, I thought that maybe it was a side effect of medicine I've been taking, but then I've noticed a pattern. There's been an increase of natural disasters that have occurred in the human world. On the days that those disasters get reported, I've had that nightmare the previous night."
"Forgive me for saying this, MC, but that could just be coincidence," Barbatos states.
"Not when it's happened over 50 times. I've kept track. I have three notebooks full."
"Of just events in the human world?"
"Not exactly. There's plenty of nights that I've had that exact dream, but nothing gets reported. So, initially I had your reaction, but then I realized that there are two other realms that could be affected as well." Barbatos and I exchange glances. There has been an uptick in unexplained phenomena that has been occurring in the Devildom recently. In fact, that's what a fair chunk of this paperwork is about.
"Do you have those notebooks near you?" I ask.
"Do you have dates written down?"
"Excellent. I'm going to give you some dates, and I want you to tell me if they're in your notebook. Are you ready?"
"Februrary seventh." Paper rustling.
"March twenty-sixth."
"April twelfth."
"Yes." Barbatos' eyes widen, which concerns me. He's usually the more composed one.
"September first." More paper rustling.
"October eighteenth."
"Okay." I pause, unsure how to proceed. "MC, this is serious." Several seconds of silence.
"Alright," MC finally responds. It almost sounds like they're trying not to cry. "I see. Well." More silence. "I know that Devildom history is much better documented than what's up here, so maybe either one of you can tell me if there's ever been someone like me before."
"No," Barbatos quickly answers. "Humans have had connections with angels and demons for millennia, but those connections have always been separate until now. If a human is involved with angels, then they don't mix with demons, and vise versa. You are the only one that I'm aware of that has both angel and demon marks on your body. That's the first thing that sets you apart.
"The second thing is the source of your pact marks. There have certainly been humans that have pacts with a lot more demons than you, but usually those pacts are with lower level demons. If they do have pacts with demons in our position, it's usually with one or two. Three's usually a stretch, but it has happened. In those situations, however, the human doesn't survive much past the date that the third pact is made. Their body is simply too weak to handle that much power.
"Before you, the only human that I thought might have been able to survive that many pacts would be Solomon, but everyone else has their reservations, hence why he only has two pacts with higher-level demons: myself and Asmodeus.
"You are the first human in our history that has pacts with all seven Avatars, and you've managed to remain intact. That suggests an immense amount of power that has never been documented in a human before. You could very well be creating an instability in the fabric of the universe that is causing these things to happen."
"Thanks, Barbatos," MC snidely remarks.
"I apologize," I tell MC. "Barbatos can be rather blunt at times." I briefly pause. "Here's what we'll do: I'll have Barbatos reach out to Solomon and tell him to pick you up. Your first stop will actually be to the Celestial Realm to investigate if similar events are occuring up there that are happening in our realms and that match any of your missing dates."
"And how exactly are we going to get up there?"
"Simeon. I leave that responsibility to Solomon. He should be smart enough to know that he needs to talk to him first. The three of you will probably rendezvous somewhere close to you."
"What about Luke? When he finds out that Simeon is meeting up with me, he'll want to tag along."
"Leave that to Simeon. He's basically the boy's guardian; I'm sure he'll come up with a reasonable story."
"True. So, I'm assuming we're going to the Devildom once we're done in the Celestial Realm?"
"Yes. All four of you. It'll raise less suspicion. We'll figure out our next steps once you arrive."
"Please don't tell the brothers about this," MC instructs. "It'll only make things worse."
"You have my word."
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Left-Handed Hummingbird
He took up a firing stance, holding the thirty-eight out in front of him. "Mr Lennon?" he said.
1968: Cristian Alvarez meets the Seventh Doctor in London.
1978: The great temple of the Aztecs is discovered in Mexico.
1980: John Lennon is murdered in New York.
1994: A gunman runs amok in Mexico City.
Each time, Cristian is there. Each time, he experiences the Blue, a traumatic psychic shock. Only the Doctor can help him – but the Doctor has problems of his own. Following the events of Blood Heat and the Dimension Riders, the Doctor knows that someone or something has been tinkering with time. Now he finds that events in his own past have been altered – and a lethal force from South America's prehistory has been released.
The Doctor, Ace and Bernice travel to the Aztec Empire in 1487, to London in the Swinging Sixties, and to the sinking of the Titanic as they attempt to rectify the temporal faults -- and survive the attacks of the living god Huitzilin.
First story from Kate Orman! It’s weird, strange, and uniquely her! (@finalpam8000 )
Human Nature
"Who's going to save us this time?"
April, 1914. The inhabitants of the little Norfolk town of Farringham are enjoying an early summer, unaware that war is on the way. Amongst them is Dr John Smith, a short, middle-aged history teacher from Aberdeen. He's having a hard time with his new post as house master at Hulton College, a school dedicated to producing military officers.
Bernice Summerfield is enjoying her holiday in the town, getting over the terrible events that befell her in France. But then she meets a future Doctor, and things start to get dangerous very quickly. With the Doctor she knows gone, and only a suffragette and an elderly rake for company, can Benny fight off a vicious alien attack? And will Dr Smith be able to save the day?
the tv adaptation of this has tighter writing but the book has. idk a lot of stuff in it that's interesting that unfortunately didn't make it into the episodes. i think they should fight (October)
"Nonsense, child", retorted the Doctor. "Grandfather indeed! I've never seen you before in my life!"
All is not well on Gallifrey. Chris Cwej is having someone else's nightmares. Ace is talking to herself. So is K9. Leela has stumbled on a murderous family conspiracy. And the beleaguered Lady President, Romanadvoratrelundar, foresees one of the most tumultuous events in her planet's history.
At the root of all is an ancient and terrible place, the House of Lungbarrow in the southern mountains of Gallifrey. Something momentous is happening there. But the House has inexplicably gone missing.
673 years ago the Doctor left his family in that forgotten House. Abandoned, disgraced and resentful, they have waited. And now he's home at last.
In this, the Seventh Doctor's final New Adventure, he faces a threat that could uncover the greatest secret of them all.
cornerstone of weird doctor who lore and jokes about looms (anonymous)
Is it good? No. But damn if it doesn't cause some good fandom fights. #LoomRights (@eighthdoctor)
The Blood Cell
"Release the Doctor — or the killing will start."
An asteroid in the furthest reaches of space — the most secure prison for the most dangerous of criminals. The Governor is responsible for the worst fraudsters and the cruellest murderers. So he's certainly not impressed by the arrival of the man they're calling the most dangerous criminal in the quadrant. Or, as he prefers to be known, the Doctor.
What does impress the Governor is the way the new prisoner immediately sets about trying to escape. And keeps trying. Finally, he sends for the Doctor and asks him why? But the answer surprises even the Governor. And then there's the threat — unless the Governor listens to the Doctor, a lot of people will die.
Who is the Doctor and what's he really doing here? Why does he want to help the Governor? And who is the young woman who comes every day to visit him, only to be turned away by the guards?
When the killing finally starts, the Governor begins to get his answers...
12 and Clara's greatest adventure, some really exciting moments, cool plot, a very good side chracter, just fun times (anonymous)
Engines of War
"The death of billions is as nothing to us, Doctor, if it helps defeat the Daleks."
The Great Time War has raged for centuries, ravaging the universe. Scores of human colony planets are now overrun by Dalek occupation forces. A weary, angry Doctor leads a flotilla of Battle TARDISes against the Dalek stronghold but in the midst of the carnage, the Doctor's TARDIS crashes to a planet below: Moldox.
As the Doctor is trapped in an apocalyptic landscape, Dalek patrols roam amongst the wreckage, rounding up the remaining civilians. But why haven't the Daleks simply killed the humans?
Searching for answers the Doctor meets 'Cinder', a young Dalek hunter. Their struggles to discover the Dalek plan take them from the ruins of Moldox to the halls of Gallifrey, and set in motion a chain of events that will change everything. And everyone.
An epic novel of the Great Time War featuring the War Doctor as played by John Hurt.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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cursed-elo-images · 10 months
So unfortunately I ran out of quotes to generate so this is the seventh and last part. However, I might wait a year or two and see if perchance.org in question creates more quotes I can generate. That said, if that happens, I might make more volumes of these quotes!!! But only if new ones keep getting created. That also explains why this part is rather short.
I hope everyone enjoys this last part of the Incorrect ELO Quotes Extravaganza!!!
Richard: *closes a cabinet*
*a crash is heard behind the cabinet door*
Mik: What was that?
Richard: The sound of someone else's problem.
Mik: That’s the key slice of truth we need to complete the entire truth pie.
Richard: Ooh, can we get some actual pie?
Mik: I like the way you think.
Richard: Is it just me or is instant ramen even better uncooked?
Mik: It’s just you.
Mik: Where did you get that tomato soup?
Richard: It’s actually a bowl of ketchup I just microwaved.
Mik: This is tied for most terrifying day of my life.
Richard: Tied with what?
Mik: Every other day of myself!
Mik : And what do I get out of this?
Richard: I will give you a dollar.
Mik: What do you think I am? A chump? I would never do it for a dollar!
Richard: How bout two dollars?
Mik: You got yourself a deal.
Richard: I feel like I can be myself around you.
Mik: You’re weird and quiet around me.
Richard: Yes.
Mik : Unpopular opinion, not all dogs are good boys.
Bev: Blocked.
Mik : Sometimes, they’re good girls!
Mik: Can we get a birthday cake?
Richard: It’s not your birthday.
Mik: The cake won’t know!
Mik: Knock, knock.
Richard: Who's there?
Mik: Boo!
Richard: Boo who?
Mik: Why are you crying?
Richard: I'm not crying.
Mik: Hello notcrying, I'm Mik.
Jeff: Hugh is not allowed to violate the dress code, even on 'casual' Fridays.
Jeff: No matter how many times you say please, Hugh. We won't put any of the hats you've been asking about into the dress code.
Melvyn: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby.
Jeff: What baby?
Melvyn, crying a bit: Me.
Hugh: Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween!
Richard: That doesn't exist.
Hugh: Not with that attitude.
Jeff: Hugh, we're hungry!
Richard: Hugh! What's for dinner?
Bev: We're hungry, Hugh!
Hugh, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: *screams*
Hugh & Melvyn in the back of Jeff's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
Richard: We have food at home.
Jeff: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough*
Hugh & Melvyn: YAYYYYYY!
Jeff: *orders one black coffee and leaves*
Kelly: Are oranges named orange because oranges are orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?
Mik: Which came first, the orange or the orange?
Jeff: Orange was first used to refer the fruit 1280 years ago but was not used as a color until 1000 years ago.
Bev: What was the color called before then?
Melvyn: There was no color, duh! Everything was black and white!
Jeff: Where’s Hugh?
Richard: Doing stuff.
Jeff: I don’t like the sound of that. Where’s Bev?
Richard: Trying to stop Hugh from doing the stuff.
Jeff: And Kelly?
Richard: Trying to stop Bev from stopping Hugh from doing the stuff.
Jeff: I see. And what are you doing here, Richard?
Richard: I’m supposed to stop you from stopping Kelly from stopping Bev from stopping Hugh from doing the stuff.
Melvyn: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they’re loved. Jeff has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for him.
Hugh: By forcing him to have fun at a party that he doesn't want to be at?
Melvyn: I knew you’d understand.
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lumineescente · 11 months
Seungjin drabble (slowtober challenge)
hii im doing a thing called slowtober (made by @/oeildesaturne on instagram, french speaking folks check it out!! although be aware of tw mental health and eds talks) and i’m posting on twitter a seungjin au per word
I’m late in the updating on tumblr but for the seventh days (october 19th - 21st) the word was “ghost”
i was extremely tempted to write angst i'm not gonna lie, but i decided not to (because it is seungjin and they deserve all the sweetest thing in the world and no angst unless there is comfort) so i went on the other side of it - no pun intended there - and go for something very fun!
if you know new girl you'll recognize my inspiration btw
this is just a silly love confession gone wrong, haunted house funfair are involved and accidental hitting too!
oh btw when i'm done with this challenge i'll hold a little poll on twitter to see which drabble should be written as a whole fic!! so if you like it, you might want to follow this:) (or not) (like it's up to you)
and i keep forgetting to thanks everyone for their time hehe<3 i appreciate every likes!
AND if you enjoyed this challenge who is now over you can vote on this form for your favorite that I’ll be writing into a full fic on ao3! (“soumettre” is “submit” btw)
if you want to check all the drabbles you can go here
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In Hyunjin’s opinion the funfair is more lame than fun, but he is here for Seungmin and it goes way above and beyond any lame thing he can attend. Even if it means ruining his Halloween night, and bringing all his friends into his doom, because Seungmin got this stupid job in a haunted house. The overwhelming romantic feelings, and painfully one sided, he has for his best friend of several years has obviously nothing to do with these kind of decision. Never. No matter what Minho would say about it. Or Felix, or Jisung.
Anyway, he twitches in his halloween costume. Way before this whole situation happened, Hyunjin had decided to make his costume a bit funnier than usual, when they were supposed to celebrate it in the warmth of a house, and had picked a slutty nurse costume. Except now the skirt is definitely way too short for his liking, showing too much of his legs and the autumn night has no mercy on his skin. He could have changed when he had known the plan would, but Hyunjin is terribly stubborn.
Parents of young children are looking at him with horrified eyes, he stands a bit taller in his costume. Although he is not sure if it is the slutty or the skirt part that horrifies them, he can bet that they would have been less upset about it if he had been dressed as a man. Fuck them.
“You look very sexy,” he hears Seungmin’s voice say to him.
“I’m also very cold,” he answers.
Seungmin sits down in front of him. Hyunjin is holding on to a cup of hot beverage like his life depends on it, maybe it does though. Seungmin is dressed as a ghost, well not like the easy kind, with just a white sheet or anything. For such a little funfair and a haunted house that is so tacky Minho has already told them he had went two times and had not been scared once, the make up artists and costumers are very good.
Hyunjin is a scaredy cat, he would rather die than enter the haunted house, it can be as predictable as possible he knows he will end up on the floor crying, so he would rather wait outside for Seungmin to be done.
“I have a coat that I don’t use,” Seungmin tells him, “does not suit the vibe very much, plus it’s hot in the house.”
Hyunjin shakes his head.
“Then die in the cold,” his best friend flatly says.
“Hey! Being sexy comes with a price.”
“You’d be sexy fully covered or dressed as a pumpkin, what you wear does not matter.”
Hyunjin raises an eyebrow, “sexy pumpkin? Is that your thing?”
Seungmin blushes. Hyunjin can not see it under his make up but he knows him well enough to guess it. He feels proud of himself for that, if he can not do anything about his one-sided attraction at least he knows him better than anyone else, and knows exactly what to say at what time. So there is that.
“That’s not…” Seungmin stutters, “don’t be stupid! I’m just complimenting you.”
Hyunjin blinks several time, registering exactly what all of this meant. It is not unusual for Seungmin and him to compliment each other, even on their apparences. Well Hyunjin could never spend a day without telling Seungmin how handsome he looks (he makes sure not to make him uncomfortable of course), but there is something different in the tone of his voice. An embarrassment, or maybe it is the term that he has used. Hyunjin’s not sure.
“You think I’m sexy,” he says, “all the time.”
“Yeah, of course. You are so attractive it’s stupid, not that it’s the only thing that I like about you.”
Maybe the cold has frozen all his braincells, maybe but he does not react at all and Seungmin looks away.
“Sorry, forget about it,” he mutters, “I gotta go back to work, break is over.”
Hyunjin opens his mouth but nothing comes out and before he can do anything else Seungmin is gone. He stays still for a moment, trying to process what he has just heard.
“Hey,” Felix says.
His costume is way too complicated for the place they are, a cosplay from some video game he enjoys so much, and he struggles to sit down on the spot Seungmin has just left. He moves his hand in front of Hyunjin’s eyes when he has no answer, “Earth to Hyunjin?” he adds.
“Felix,” Hyunjin says in a very low voice that startles the latter, “is it possible that… maybe, Seungmin likes me?”
Felix’s hat almost drops off his head as he lets out the longest and deepest sigh he has ever had, “woh, the question is more is it possible that Seungmin does not like you? And the answer is no, by the way.”
“What do you mean?” Hyunjin asks, confused, “what do you mean?”
“Well I’m sorry to break it to you but you know every time you came to me crying because of your one sided feelings for Seungmin? They never were one sided.”
“Why didn’t you tell me??”
Hyunjin stands up, suddenly getting the control of his body back. The beverage falls down on the table spilling hot chocolate everywhere but he does not care.
“Hey! I tried! Don’t blame the messenger, you both are so oblivious it’s stupid and also kind of entertaining.”
“Fuck,” Hyunjin mutters already not listening to whatever Felix is saying, “I’ll be back.”
Without thinking he starts running toward the hunting house. There’s no need for a ticket since they paid to enter the place in the first place. He probably scares a bunch of kids and outraged some more parents but if he starts to think he will back down and he can not because Seungmin now is probably thinking that Hyunjin rejected him or something.
He regrets it immediately when he enters the house and the lights are shut down and the floor is cracking under his feet and he hears laughter in the echo, and screaming. His blood turns cold in his veins, he makes one step forward but something sticky touches him on the shoulder and he screams, painfully aware at how much skin is out to be touched. He wants to cry.
He is a man on a mission, so he does not and goes on, yelling for Seungmin’s name a bit louder every time something scares him (every two seconds).
Weird things are touching him, the floor is either too viscous or too thin, moving or painfully still, he tries not to lose his balance as fear entirely flood his brain. The noises are too loud between the children screaming in fear and the scary music and sounds everywhere. In theory he knows every trap he encounters are made up but it still works every time.
He enters a new room and feel a hand catching his shoulder and he does not think as he screams and pushes back. He hears a loud noise that has nothing to do with the haunted house, and a bunch of curses, and suddenly two people catch him and hold him on the ground. He tries to fight back but their hold is too strong. The lights are blueish in the room and his eyes have finally being used to the obscurity.
“Seungmin, are you okay?” someone says panic in their voice.
Hyunjin’s brain focuses back. In the side of the room he sees a silhouette getting up from the floor, helped by another one.
“Yeah, I’m fine I just hit my head on the side.”
“Oh my god,” he stutters, “I’m so sorry.”
The two people over him hold even tighter, he let out a scream of pain.
“Seungmin, it’s me,” he mutters, “fuck, I’m so sorry I just got scared!”
He sighs as he recognize Seungmin’s voice.
“It’s me, are you hurt? Did I hurt you?”
“You can let him go,” Seungmin tells the two persons.
They seem unwilling to agree to that.
“Please,”  Hyunjin whimpers, overwhelmed by the entire situation and the fact that he still is terrified by the whole haunted house. “I’m really sorry.”
Eventually they do and Seugmin goes to his side, “why are you here? Hyunjin this is so…”
“I like you! Like more than a friend.”
He hates himself this is the worst way to confess to his long time crush. After hurting him and in the middle of a haunted house, in front of obviously very judgmental people right now. He can not blame them for that. Seungmin stares in disbelief.
“Is this why you pushed me?”
“No! This is because I was scared, I’m still very scared.”
Seungmin shakes his head but he faintly hears him laugh.
“Okay, I’m going to take a break and get checked by a doctor, okay?”
Everyone agrees to that. He then stares once again at Hyunjin who is still lying down on the floor.
“I’m wondering if you deserve to finish the haunted tour by yourself or…”
“I’m really sorry,” he repeats.
Seungmin extends a hand that he grabs and gets up.
“Fine,” he tells him, “but that’s because I like you like more than a friend too.”
The sparkles that Hyunjin feels in his heart manage to make the scary atmosphere fade away. Seungmin still holds his hand and he feels warm. He gets closer to him. Maybe the funfair is not that lame.
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seancamerons · 1 year
Do you have any early semma hcs ?
so anon, i'm scratchin' my head tryna figure out how to answer this. i feel bad it's been sitting in my inbox for so long. some of these are all over the place. the answer is yes. read more below!
intro/interested pretty quickly so emma really instantly thought, "wow i never met anyone like this guy before." unfortunately for sean, i believe he was just so shocked to even be in town again and still kind of messed up that day in terms of it being overwhelming and rough circumstances. for example, in 1.04 the day leading up to the dance was a blur for him until the dance. between jimmy getting on him, and having his first day at degrassi, finding out i guess at the time he has to repeat the seventh grade, the whole computer debacle and being stressed about that, and people whispering/sean hoping people didn't find out about the fight with tyler that sent him there in the first place, and other factors, it was a lot. emma was watching him, not being a stalker or anything but like he was just trying to get used to things. he transferred like what? october i guess of the school year so he missed 1st day of school and stuff. emma was his first friend at degrassi community who treated him like he mattered and got him out of trouble with raditch when he lost it on jimmy that's canon. after that i headcanon that it was pretty much - she's on his radar. they didn't like become like best friends or anything else whatever until later. maybe mid-way through the term like around the time of caberet did they start like really spending time together or interested in each other beyond casual friends/acquaintances. the crush obviously was mutual. emma i think liked sean as early as give or take - pre-coming of age or a little before that so yeah it fits. so like when i wrote this fic once, emma talked about what generated interest to sean. he was cute probably to her, but also the way that most kids would describe who they are in so many words when asked on the first day at new school. sean turns around and just says in response, "no." that immediately set him apart from his peers. (toby wasn't standing a chance after that.)
2. they BOTH still have the pictures. in fact sean keeps his picture in his wallet. when he was away deployed/staying on bases or whatever he had it either hung up in barracks/platoon wherever he stayed. it's a little bit crinkled and worn and stuff but he did scan it so that he can get it printed on like gloss paper. IT'S A GOOD THING SPIKE TOOK TWO ON HER OBNOXIOUSLY HUGE CAMERA. i like that when cranny went on that date (s2 tmba) she used the camera on them bc she's literally her momma's daughter lol.
3. sean walked emma home after the starlight starbright dance because her flip phone died and she didn't have enough for the payphone in the foyer to call her mom. instead, she remembered her mom told her not to walk home alone. on the walk to emma's he told her where he was from but they didn't really talk much until after parents day and maybe even more over a little later. she liked him around that time. she felt safe that he walked her home after the dance though. spike didn't meet him till later but she mentioned that she wasn't alone for the walk home from school. spike slept easier, but didn't know the person who walked her was a boy.
4. walking home again revisited (likely) a year later like after the wedding in 2.13, spike and snake drove off in their just married car to the airport/honey moon and caitlin stayed for the week behind to look after emma. joey too. sean walked emma home after the wedding and they talked things out/asked her out probably then too officially. he apologized and took accountability/she did too for what happened that last year. of course the conversation was short but they held hands all cutesy and maybe another kiss before she went inside the house. I'm sure it was dark and stuff too so yeah. he called her later to thank her for inviting him, they had fun. craig, sean, emma, and manny ate a lot of wedding cake and food did some dancing beyond slow dances. it was probably the last time their lives weren't complicated.
5. emma visted sean between the time he left after bib over the summer with manny to wasaga for a few day trips emma's life got chaotic once she was with peter and they lost touch. imagine her surprise when he returned a year or so later?! (i find it hard to believe that they hadn't seen each other since s4 i think they talked/maybe over the summer a few day trips when manny or emma got licenses for driving idk if they drove or they took a bus who knows its my world haah)
6. sean's aim (what did they call it for Canada - cim?) screen name is similar to his degrassi handle on degrassidottv lol whocares & emma's is sparklespaz28 or simply sparklespazz bc I'm unoriginal. they talked like however they could occasionally when he was in wasaga he used to visit/frequent internet cafes to keep in touch with friends/emma/ellie but ellie kind of hurt too much to talk to him. emma got too busy to spend much time online but when they did they'd have lengthy aim convos about various things, just not about jay/ravine lmfao of course. even those convos were a little deep which translated later at least i think. she didn't know he was returning bc that was around the time he was moving back and his parents had this old ass computer that barely ran so that's why he would internet cafe. he didn't have internet after he moved to the area again, so he'd either internet cafe in town/phone/text/the computer lab and be able to talk more to them in person instead. it was only when everyone was long distance. i think i read wasaga is 4.5 or so away from Toronto where degrassi is set i think? or a little bit less. it seemed like that anyway when they got out of the car in bib they all looked like we need to stand after sitting this long.
imagine the tension in THAT car ride, let me tell ya.
💌 thanks for the ask!!🌸💗OH ONE MORE THING:
the fic i edited this post to include *discussed above*:
thanks again for the ask, any excuse to talk about semma. byeeeee!💕
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kingofsummer93 · 2 years
Ex Luna Scientia
Lucien Vanserra, seventh son of the Minister for Magic, is as loved by his peers as he is hated by his family. But behind the charm and irreverence hides a secret, as dark and menacing as the scar on his face.
Elain Archeron, middle sister in a trio of muggle-born witches, has only one wish: for someone to truly see her. Because when she sleeps at night, she can see it all.
Or- an Elucien at Hogwarts AU.
Chapter 6: The Article
Ao3 Masterlist
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Towards the middle of October a sign was posted in the Great Hall announcing that the first Hogsmeade visit would take place the following weekend. The sixth years, already crawling under a pile of work from their increasingly demanding coursework, jumped at the prospect of an afternoon of freedom.
When Elain woke up that Saturday the round windows of the Hufflepuff common room offered a view of a clear blue sky and gently swaying grass. She and her friends bundled themselves up in thick sweaters and scarves and hurried to the Great Hall for breakfast.
“I can’t believe how much homework we already have,” Nuala complained as she poured herself a glass of pumpkin juice. “Did you hear the rumours that the champions won’t have to take final exams?”
“Really?” her sister asked, affronted. “That seems wildly unfair.”
Elain shrugged. “Maybe they’ll need the extra time to prepare for the tasks. We don’t know what sort of challenges they’ll be. They might need that time to research or train…”
A head appeared in the centre of the table, and Nuala spilled her pumpkin juice with a yelp. It was the Fat Friar, who immediately launched into a frenzied torrent of apologies.
“Oh dear, my apologies, didn’t mean to startle you, love…”
Just then the enchanted ceiling became obscured by a frenzy of wings and squawking as a hundred owls swooped into the Great Hall, bringing that day’s post. A large grey owl swooped low over the Hufflepuff table and dropped a newspaper right in the middle of the puddle of juice. The owl didn’t even bother stopping before giving another flap of his wings and heading for the open window once more, nearly colliding with multiple other birds in the process.
“Errol!” Cerridwen complained, grabbing the sodden newspaper and shaking her head. “That owl is so ancient he can’t even see where he’s going.”
“One day he’s going to drop dead carrying in the paper, I swear,” Nuala added with a sigh.
Every time her friends complained about Errol, Elain felt a pang of nostalgia for her own owl. She had chosen him because of his slightly crooked right leg, which the shop owner in Diagon Alley had declared made him “less than desirable but a perfectly adequate flyer.” Elain had felt sympathy for the poor owl on sight, and had named him Crookshanks because of his bent leg. Her father had sold poor Crookshanks to an exotic animal collector a few years ago, and Elain could still remember the look of betrayal in the animal’s eyes as he had been carried away in his cage, hooting in protest. Did his new owner even let him out to hunt? There would be no more carrying the post for him, that was for sure…
“Anything interesting?” Elain asked Nuala, shaking off the thoughts of her lost pet.
“Not really,” Nuala said, trying and failing to mop up the juice soaking the parchment. “There’s an investigation into cauldron-bottoms, apparently the ones being imported from Bulgaria are too thin…who cares, honestly. Hang on, there’s a Briallyn Skeeter article…”
Elain and Cerridwen simultaneously groaned as Nuala spread the article open on the table in front of them. Briallyn Skeeter was a notoriously sharp-tongued reporter who also happened to be a fervently outspoken supporter of the Minister for Magic. Even his most outrageous policies were supported by Skeeter, who twisted and argued them in a way that always put Beron Vanserra in a better light. Elain doubted he’d be half as popular as he was if it wasn’t for the support he had from the media.
Minister for Magic Beron Vanserra cracks down on non-human magical beings, reports Briallyn Skeeter of the Daily Post.
An elite auror task force appointed by the minister himself has allegedly raided an inn notorious for harbouring vampires and werewolves. The innkeeper, who seemed to have been tipped off about an impending raid, has been taken in for questioning regarding his illegal activities. The vampires and werewolves apprehended at the inn have been taken to Azkaban awaiting trial. In a sentiment echoed by many, Minister for Magic Beron Vanserra has urged the court to hand their souls to the dementors for daring to violate his regulations regarding beings of their kind. Vampires and werewolves, who are considered non-citizens, are allowed to live on British soil as long as they report their locations and activities to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. The full story on page 16.
“They’re going to be executed simply for not reporting where they live?” Elain asked incredulously. “That’s outrageous!”
“I don’t know,” Nuala said uncertainly. “But would it be better to have them roaming all over the place unchecked? It seems only fair for the ministry to keep tabs on them.”
“It’s just the minister’s way of going against the laws that protect them,” Elain said angrily. “It’s no secret he’s tried for years to have them all banned from this country. Non-citizens, honestly, it’s absurd, those people are as British as you and me…”
“But they’re not really people, are they? That’s the whole point…”
Elain opened her mouth to argue but an explosion of noise from the Gryffindor table cut her off. She whirled around on the bench and quickly spotted the source of the commotion. Lucien was on his feet, his face contorted with anger. His arm was extended, his hand shaking slightly as he pointed his wand to the table. Elain craned her neck and spied a newspaper, open to the Briallyn Skeeter article.
“Incendio!” Lucien’s deep voice rang out above the din in the Great Hall, deadly calm even though his features were still contorted with what looked like rage.
Gryffindors along the table screamed as the newspaper caught on fire. What started as gentle licks of flame quickly grew into a roaring fire, rising higher and higher as Lucien kept his wand pointed at the article. His friends had jumped to their feet, moving up and down the table and snatching newspapers out of people’s hands before throwing them into the flames.
All the while Lucien just stood there, his wand outstretched, his handsome face contorted with pure fury. Something about that look on his face made Elain’s breath catch in her chest. Even from this distance she could have sworn she saw flame in his remaining russet eye.
“Mr Vanserra! Stop that at once!” Tiny Professor Amren was marching towards the Gryffindor table, her sleek dark bob swaying, her wand already outstretched. The rest of the staff table were on their feet, many of them following after Amren.
Elain noticed that though Professor Spell-Cleaver had stood along with the other teachers, he made no move towards the Gryffindor table. His wise face was strangely calm, almost sad.
By now the rest of the Gryffindors had joined Lucien’s friends with their efforts to grow the flames, and students all along the long table were throwing items into the ever-growing inferno. Newspapers, food, parchment, even books were thrown into the flames, which sparked and then grew even higher. The flames were so high by now that Elain could feel the heat of them even from where she sat at the Hufflepuff table.
“What’s he doing??” Nuala asked in alarm. “He’s going to get in so much trouble!”
“He never gets in trouble,” Elain replied drily. “That’s the perk of being the Minister for Magic’s son.”
“Mr Vanserra! What in the name of Merlin do you think you’re doing?” Professor Amren had climbed onto the table and was now stomping over plates of breakfast food until she stood level with the blaze. With a swoop of her hand a stream of water came bursting out of her wand, dousing the flames and the surrounding students.
Lucien didn’t so much as flinch as he lowered his wand, his mutinous gaze still trained on the now sodden and smoking pile of ash on the table. “Sorry, Professor,” he said, his voice strangely empty of emotion. “I was just burning some trash.”
Several people at the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables laughed. Students at the Ravenclaw and Slytherin tables had stood up and were jostling each other to see what the fuss was about.
Another wave of Professor Amren’s wand and the pile of burnt detritus disappeared, leaving behind a large scorched stain in the centre of the Gryffindor table. “One hundred points from Gryffindor,” she said, turning back towards Lucien. “And a week’s worth of detention with me next week.” She was eye level with Lucien but he refused to meet her gaze. He seemed to deflate as she spoke to him, his shoulders slumping, his murderous gaze melting into a strangely hollow expression.
The entire Great Hall had gone deathly quiet, everyone craning their necks to look at the altercation.
“Fine,” Lucien said, his voice flat. “Sorry, Professor Amren.”
The tiny Professor did not retort in her usual snappy, slightly haughty way. The anger and alarm was gone from her dark eyes, replaced with something that looked like pity. She simply stood there as Lucien walked out of the Great Hall, Tamlin, Jurian, and Vassa crowding around him and pushing their way through the throng of students. Several people clapped and cheered, raising their hands to high-five Lucien. He kept his eyes trained on the ground, seemingly unaware of the crowd’s delight.
Elain watched as Professor Amren’s sad gaze followed Lucien all the way out of the Great Hall, before she seemed to rouse herself and walked back to the staff table. Professor Spell-Cleaver was still on his feet, and though the expression on his face was unreadable, his gaze was also trained on Lucien.
When Lucien and his friends had exited the Great Hall, a wave of noise rose up as people made their way back to their seats, laughing and gossiping and no doubt praising Lucien Vanserra as a god amongst mortals.
Elain felt a ripple of irritation. Anyone else would have gotten at least two weeks of detention and two hundred points deducted for this kind of behaviour, but Lucien always got off easy. As much as he claimed to hate his father, it certainly led to some perks. Still, something about the whole thing had been very odd. Elain had been angry reading the article, but Lucien had seemed downright murderous. And the looks on Professor Amren and Professor Spell-Cleaver’s faces as Lucien walked out…
“Well!” the Fat Friar exclaimed, his hand clutched to his chest. “That one certainly has fire in his veins!”
By the time Elain and her friends exited the castle and made their way down the drive towards the school gates, the sun was high in the sky and the air was warm with the slightest breeze ruffling their hair. When they arrived in Hogsmeade the High Street was packed with shoppers, the crowd a mix of Hogwarts students and adult witches and wizards.
The only other place other than Hogwarts where Elain had ever seen adult witches and wizards was Diagon Alley, and it always surprised her to see them here, shopping and drinking in the pubs as if this was a perfectly normal shopping district and not a secret wizarding town. It was silly, of course- if the number of students at Hogwarts was any indication, the secret wizarding community in Britain must be quite large, but still. Growing up as a muggle made these mundane things seem like novelties even after five years.
Elain took a deep inhale of the crisp fall air, observing the hustle and bustle around her with a smile. “Where to first?” she asked her friends, knowing full well what the answer would be.
“Honeydukes?” Cerridwen asked, predictably. Even from down the street the air was thick with the scents drifting from the sweets shop, and by the time they crossed the threshold Elain’s mouth was watering. They spent at least thirty minutes sampling all kinds of chocolate and toffees, giggling as the fawning shop assistant urged them to try what seemed like every variety the shop had to offer. When they left the shop they each held a bag filled to bursting with chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes, packs of Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, as well an array of differently flavoured toffees.
Their next stop was Zonko’s, which was even more packed than Honeydukes, if that was possible. Almost every item in the shop’s inventory was banned from Hogwarts, which only made the joke shop more popular.
The shelves were piled high with dungbombs, sugar quills, frog-spawn soap, biting tea cups, and endless other trouble-making items. Elain shrieked as a fanged frisbee whizzed through the air, ducking just in time to avoid having a chunk of her hair bitten off by its snapping plastic teeth.
The twins immediately drifted away towards a display of Peruvian Instant-Darkness Powder, leaving Elain to wander the shop alone. Her friends were mesmerised by the powder, and the only trouble-making they ever did always involved plunging themselves in the instant darkness and skittering away unseen, like wisps of smoke. It always reminded Elain of Lanthis, slinkering through the dark like a shadow.
A large group of girls were crowding in front of what looked like a new display, oohing and aahing and giggling loudly. Elain wandered over, intrigued by what could be causing such a response from the female population of Hogwarts. When she arrived closer she saw a large counter draped in a shimmering pink cloth, piled high with various products, all of them in various shades of pink and purple. There were vials filled with violently fuschia liquid, candies the colour of the sky at dawn, charms and crystals and an array of pots and bottles. Elain scanned the labels, intrigued. Flirting Fancies, Cupid Crystals, Crush Blush, Everlasting Eyelashes…
“All part of our new line of WonderWitch products!” exclaimed the sales assistant behind the counter. “Designed with the modern witch in mind!” The assistant, who was young (and very handsome) winked at the crowd of girls in front of the display, who all promptly fell into fits of giggles, tossing their hair over their shoulders and blinking prettily at him.
“What are those?” someone asked, pointing towards a cage resting on the table. It was filled with balls of fluff, in various shades of pink and purple. They were rolling around the bottom of the cage and squeaking loudly.
“Pygmy puffs!” the assistant declared with a grin. “Miniature puff-skeins. They’re fairly cuddly.”
Several girls squealed, sticking their fingers through the bars of the cage. The balls of fluff immediately crowded around their fingers, squeaking as loudly as the girls. Elain had to admit they were quite cute.
She drifted closer to the table, her curiosity piqued, reaching for the stack of shining, crystal-shaped vials. Cupid Crystals, the label read, one drop and you’ll make his heart flop!
“Best range of love potions you’ll find anywhere!” the sales assistant said, making Elain jump.
“Do they actually work?” she asked, more out of morbid curiosity than anything else. Truly though, it was slightly disturbing, the lengths some girls would go to in order to attract the attention of a boy…
“Certainly they work!” the young man replied with a roguish grin. “Up to twenty-four hours at a time, depending on the weight of the boy. And the attractiveness of the girl,” he added, winking at Elain conspiratorially.
“So if Elain here used one the boy would be a total goner for at least a week right?” quipped a voice over Elain’s shoulder.
She turned to find Vassa smirking over her shoulder, her blue eyes shining with humour. Nuala and Cerridwen were behind her, also curiously peering at the display.
“Tell you what,” the assistant declared, “here’s some samples, test it out and let me know how it works.” With a wink he reached over the counter and dumped a selection of pots and vials in Elain’s Honeydukes bag. Several girls turned and glared at her.
Elain felt herself flush. “Umm…thanks!” she muttered, before turning away from the counter and making her way towards the door. Her friends trailed after her, trying to suppress their laughter.
“Love potions, honestly! How is that even legal…” Elain muttered darkly once they stepped onto the busy High Street.
“Let’s go to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer,” Vassa suggested with a sly smile. “You can test one out on Lucien and see how much dumber he becomes.”
The twins immediately brightened at this idea, grabbing her arm and dragging her towards the Three Broomsticks.
Elan’s flush deepened as she glared at Vassa. “Absolutely not. He’s dumb enough as it is.”
Vassa only smirked at her knowingly and followed them silently towards the pub.
If Honeydukes and Zonko’s had been packed, then the Three Broomsticks was an absolute madhouse. It seemed that every single shopper had decided to pop into the shop to warm up after an afternoon of shopping. There was a mass of people at the bar, and the barkeep, Madam Rosmerta, seemed absolutely delighted. The girls pushed their way through the crowd towards what looked like the only free table, while Vassa elbowed her way through the throng at the bar.
When she returned clutching four frothy mugs, the girls all drank deeply and then immediately dove into Elain’s bag to paw through her samples of WonderWitch products.
“Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher, ohh, can I have this?” Nuala asked, fingering an invisible pimple on her flawless skin.
“Patented Daydream Charms, that seems promising,” Vassa read from a violently purple label. “Good to fit in the usual class time and virtually unable to detect, minor side effects may include drooling or unfocused eyes…”
Elain was reading the instructions on the love potions, horrified but amused despite herself. “This says that one drop mixed into water or food can make the object of your desire instantly fall in love with you. But it’s fake, no? Why would someone want that, it clearly says that it’s temporary…”
“I’m telling you, you gotta try it out on Lucien, it’ll be a laugh…” Vassa urged as she scanned the crowd with a wicked grin, no doubt looking for that tell-tale crimson hair.
Elain was just opening her mouth to protest when someone at the table next to them turned around suddenly, peering at them curiously. The witch looked vaguely familiar, though Elain couldn’t place where she would have seen her. She was dressed extravagantly, in shockingly fuschia robes that would have looked right at home in the WonderWitch display, and cat-eye glasses encrusted with tiny gems that glittered when she moved her head. She had a pleasant-enough looking face, though it was ruined by the extremely artificial looking smile twisting her lips. There was a sly gleam in her slightly narrowed eyes that immediately made Elain uneasy. Vassa sucked in a surprised breath and suddenly went extremely still.
“Would that be Lucien Vanserra, the Minister’s son?” the witch asked by way of greeting. “Did I hear correctly that you are planning to test out a love potion on him?”
The girls all blinked at her in confusion. Vassa was clutching Elain’s arm so tightly it hurt. When Elain turned to look at her in confusion she saw that Vassa’s mouth was set in a tight line, her usually lively blue eyes hard as steel.
Elain looked back at the witch and recognition suddenly dawned on her. She had seen those glasses and that shit-eating grin before, in black and white, but it was unmistakably her…
“Briallyn Skeeter, of the Daily Post,” the witch continued, holding out her hand, palm facing down, as if she expected them to kiss her knuckles.
The twins smiled at her politely, but Vassa’s grip became even tighter on Elain’s arm. Elain remembered not just Lucien’s outburst from earlier, but everything Briallyn had ever written, not just about werewolves and vampires, but muggle-borns, too. Suddenly her own gaze went icy and she was desperate to leave the pub.
Briallyn turned her chair around to face them fully, and then reached into what looked like a crocodile-skin handbag hanging from the back of her chair. She brought out a scroll of parchment and an acid-green quill, bringing the tip of it into her mouth before placing it on the parchment, where it balanced seemingly on its own.
“Now,” she said. “Which one of you is romantically involved with the minister’s son?”
“None of us are romantically involved with Lucien,” Elain muttered, trying to scoop her WonderWitch products back into her bag.
Briallyn’s eyes lit up, and she reached forward and snatched a vial out of Elain’s hands. “Cupid Crystals,” she read, “one drop and you’ll make his heart flop! My, my, interesting indeed…”
The acid green quill had started moving back and forth across the parchment, but when Elain craned her neck to read what it was writing both the quill and the parchment skittered back out her eyesight.
“And what’s your name, darling?” Briallyn asked, smiling at Elain with a syrupy smile that almost looked like a sneer.
Elain shuffled uncomfortably, glancing at her friends for support. The twins both looked supremely uncomfortable, and Vassa was still glaring daggers at the witch, who was ignoring her completely.
“Elain Archeron,” she mumbled.
The quill went wild, racing across the parchment. Elain frowned, once again trying to read what it was writing. She had barely spoken, but it looked like the quill had already written multiple paragraphs.
“It’s a Quick-Notes Quill,” Briallyn said with another fake smile. “Don’t worry about it, darling. Archeron, you said? Would your father be Dean Archeron, of St. Mungo’s Hospital?”
“What?” Elain asked, distracted by the furious scratching of the quill. “No, um, I’m muggle-born…”
Vassa groaned slightly, and Elain immediately realised her mistake. The twins’ faces were frozen in identical expressions of alarm.
Briallyn’s eyes widened slightly, before narrowing again, her smile becoming vicious. “A mudblood girl trying to trick the minister’s son into falling in love with her? What a scoop indeed. And how long would you say this obsession with Lucien has gone on? Since you met him, perhaps?”
The twins and Vassa all jumped to their feet, but Elain was too stunned to do anything but recoil at the insult and the venom in Briallyn’s tone. She was not good at confrontations- she always reacted too slowly, and thought of clever retorts hours later, when it no longer mattered. Instead she always froze like a deer. If it had been Nesta instead of her, Briallyn would already have been ripped to shreds.
“I am not obsessed with Lucien,” she finally sputtered, an angry flush rising up her cheeks.
Briallyn opened her mouth to reply when her quill and parchment were suddenly snatched out of the air and crumpled by an angry first. Elain looked up and her stomach lurched in horror. As if this situation could possibly get any worse. It was Lucien, his face tight with fury, as it had been in the Great Hall earlier.
“What did you just call her?” he asked, his voice low and cold with menace. The quill and parchment were crumpled to bits in his fist, and he dropped them to the ground in disgust.
Briallyn looked momentarily surprised, a hint of irritation crossing her face as she looked at her ruined parchment, but it was quickly replaced by a wide smile.
“Lucien!” she exclaimed, ignoring his question. She jumped to her feet, sidling closer to him. “My, how you’ve grown! You’re practically a man. And a handsome one, at that. You were just a boy when I saw you last…” She reached forward to touch his arm but Lucien recoiled, sneering at her.
“I asked, what did you call her?” he repeated, gritting his teeth. “She called her a mudblood, because she’s an intolerant piece of filth,” Vassa retorted before Briallyn could reply.
The reporter’s eyes narrowed at Vassa, and when she turned back to Lucien her lascivious smile was gone. “Now now, Lucien,” she crooned. “Don’t tell me you willingly associate with riffraff like them?” Her eyes slithered back to Elain. “Are you aware this girl was planning on slipping you a love potion?”
Lucien’s gaze slid to the tabletop, littered with the WonderWitch products. Elain hurriedly scooped everything back into her bag, but it was too late. Lucien locked eyes with her and his face flashed with surprise and amusement. Elain shuffled awkwardly, quickly looking away from him as her flush deepened.
“I have serious doubts about that,” he replied, his tone laced with humour.
“You should be careful, dear,” Briallyn continued. “You wouldn’t want to be tricked into being associated with the wrong kind…”
“The only wrong kind I see here is you,” Lucien snapped.
Briallyn tutted, placing a hand on his forearm. Her nails were at least an inch long and painted a vivid shade of red that rivalled Lucien’s hair. Lucien immediately grabbed her wrist, the muscles in his forearm flexing as he tightened his hold on her. Briallyn winced and tried to extricate herself from his grip, but he held on tight.
“And speaking of the ‘wrong kind’,” he continued, stepping closer to the reporter. “Are you aware that nasty article you wrote will most likely convince the court to execute those innocent people?”
Briallyn tried to take a step back but she was blocked off by the table. She sneered at Lucien, still struggling against his grip. “Those are not people, dear, and they deserve what’s coming to them.” “But they did nothing wrong!” Elain exclaimed, shocked by Briallyn’s casual cruelty. “What’s wrong with you?” The words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them. Lucien blinked in surprise at her tone, his own cheeks turning pink.
“Lucien,” Vassa said, a warning note in her tone. “She’s not worth it. Let’s get out of here.”
Lucien caught his friend’s gaze and some of the fury in his gaze seemed to deflate. He dropped Briallyn’s wrist in disgust and turned to leave, but the reporter was not finished. “Honestly,” she quipped, smoothing her hands down her robes, “what would your father say if he saw you behaving this way…”
Lucien whirled back, his hands clenched into fists. “I have no idea what my father thinks of me,” he bit out, his voice shaking with anger. “Because I haven’t spoken to or seen him in more than two years. So if you see him, why don’t you ask him for me?” With that he whirled on the spot and stomped out of the bar, pushing people roughly out of his way. Briallyn blinked at him in surprise before seeming to rouse herself. She threw one last sneer at Elain and Vassa before disappearing into the crowd.
Elain was frozen in shock. Lucien had not seen his father in more than two years? She had known that he wasn’t close with his father, he didn’t exactly keep that a secret, but she hadn’t known…
“I didn’t know Lucien’s parents were separated,” she said, turning to Vassa. Vassa’s gaze was trained on the spot where Lucien disappeared, but she made no move to follow him, perhaps sensing that he needed time to cool off.
“They’re not,” she replied simply. “His father just hates him so much that he can’t even stand to be in the same house as him.”
“What?!?” the twins exclaimed in unison.
“That’s awful,” Nuala said. “What kind of father…” Horror rose through Elain like bile. Just this morning she had been resentful of Lucien for his position as the minister’s son, meanwhile…
She snatched her coat and shopping bag, muttering an excuse and elbowing her way out of her pub as her friends called out to her in confusion. Once she pushed her way out of the front door she shrugged on her coat and breathed in a deep breath of the cool, fresh air. The pub had been stifling, her nerves were rattled from their encounter with the reporter, and the fresh air was instantly calming.
Elain didn’t know what was propelling her, but she set off down the High Street, scanning the shoppers for a tall figure with crimson hair. She walked all the way down towards the outskirts of town, glancing briefly in shop windows for that tell-tale hair. If anything, at least he was easy to spot. When she had almost reached the residential part of town she decided she was being silly, he had probably gone back up to the school, and what would she say to him anyway, they weren’t even friends… Except after everything that happened today, she suddenly thought that maybe she didn’t know him as well as she thought she did.
She was just turning back towards the main road when a shock of red caught her eyes. Her stomach lurched as she spotted him. He was leaning his forearms on a crooked fence, his head bent, a curtain of red hair hiding his face.
Elain took a few tentative steps towards him, as if he was a wild animal she didn’t want to startle. Her booted feet crunched on a pile of dead leaves and Lucien lifted his head suddenly, russet eye widening when he spotted her. Elain’s breath caught in her chest at the pain creasing his handsome features. He cleared his throat and wiped at his face hurriedly, and Elain saw that his remaining natural eye was shining with unshed tears. She froze, unsure what to say, horrified at having barged in on him like this.
Lucien loosed a shaky breath and cleared his throat again, averting his gaze to look at a spot in the distance, clearly embarrassed. Elain realised he was staring at the Shrieking Shack, standing like a gloomy spectre in the distance. Her flight instincts and good sense were telling her to turn and walk away, but Lucien had already spotted her. Besides, he looked so vulnerable, so unlike the cocky, arrogant Lucien she was used to, that something about it rattled her to her very core. She took a few more tentative steps towards him, as pulled by an invisible string.
“That’s the most haunted building in all of Britain, you know,” she blurted.
Lucien turned to look at her again, blinking in surprise. Elain flushed. Had she really just said that? What an idiotic thing to say…
Lucien’s lips quirked in an amused smile, a strange look passing through his gaze. “Is that so?” he asked.
Elain nodded and leaned against the fence, forcing herself to look casual even though she felt anything but. “It says so in Hogwarts: A History…”
“Hmm!” Lucien’s russet eye was twinkling with humour. “How interesting. I guess whoever wrote that book hasn���t met Ianthe.”
Elain laughed despite herself, relieved that he was acting like his normal self again. She bit her lip, unsure what else to say, not wanting to bring up the elephant in the room. Lucien’s gaze dipped towards her shopping bag, and his little grin widened into a full-on smirk.
“So,” he started, turning to face her. Elain groaned internally. “What’s this about you slipping me a love tonic? You know, all you have to do is agree to go out with me, you don’t have to resort to such drastic measures…”
Elain rolled her eyes and Lucien only smiled in delight. “Don’t flatter yourself. I got a bunch of free samples from that new display in Zonko’s.”
Lucien’s grin turned feral. “Don’t tell me I have competition?” Elain scoffed, not bothering to reply as he continued to peer inside her bag. “What, no Pygmy Puff?”
“Well, they were pretty cute…” Elain said defensively.
“Now I know what to get you for Christmas,” Lucien replied with a wink.
Elain ignored him, pretending to look inside her bag to hide her traitorous blush. She remembered the enchanted gloves she had mysteriously received last year. A thought occurred to her then- but no, it couldn’t have been him, he was so arrogant that he would definitely have signed his name, it wasn’t his style to send a secret gift and not ask for any gratitude in return…
“I’m sorry,” he said suddenly, all humour gone from his tone. “About everything back there, with Briallyn. She just…rubs me the wrong way, you could say.”
That seemed like an understatement, but Elain didn’t dare bring up the arson from earlier that morning. “You have nothing to apologise about. She’s awful. I can’t believe the Daily Prophet publishes that trash she writes…”
Lucien smiled wryly. “Helps to have friends in high places.”
Elain hesitated, unsure how to say what she wanted to say. “Is it…was that true, what you said about your father?”
Lucien’s gaze turned hard again, and he glanced at the Shrieking Shack once more before turning away towards the High Street. Elain followed, immediately regretting her choice of words.
“It is,” he said eventually, his voice so quiet it was barely above a whisper. “He prefers not to be around when I’m home during holidays. I either stay with Eris in London, or in our country house. He usually stays at the townhouse, so he conveniently doesn’t see me.” His lips quirked into a sarcastic smile. “He was abroad when I threw that party at the townhouse. He was so mad when he heard about it that he sent me a howler.”
Elain’s mind was reeling. She couldn't wrap her mind around what Lucien was saying. What kind of father wouldn’t want to see his own child? It didn’t make sense. Her own father might have made some questionable decisions in the past, but he always had their best interest at heart.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, unsure what else to say. “God, I can’t imagine…why, though?”
Lucien shrugged. “Because I’m not intolerant and cruel like him and the rest of my brothers, and that bothers him.” He was trying to make his voice casual but Elain heard the resentment leaching through his words.
Elain frowned. “Eris doesn’t seem that bad. Other than hosting a rager for underage teenagers, that is.”
Lucien threw his head back and laughed. “Eris is…complicated. He’s clever, if a bit selfish. He’s a good person deep down but he plays the game. He knows how to manipulate our father into thinking he’s on his side, whereas I just don’t bother.”
“And your mother?” Elain asked, remembering Lily’s fond smile as she hugged her son good-bye at King’s Cross. “It doesn’t bother her, that your father treats you this way?”
Lucien stiffened slightly, something in his gaze shuttering.
“Sorry,” Elain said quickly. “You don't have to answer that, that’s none of my business…”
“My parent’s marriage is more for show than anything else, at this point,” Lucien replied eventually. “They’re only really together for formal occasions and public events. My father controls the press, so obviously nobody knows about it.”
Elain gaped at him, not just at his admissions, and how easily he was opening up to her, but at how casually he said it, as if his family situation was perfectly normal.
“I’ve always been close with my mum, and that bothers my father, too. Apparently it’s a sign of weakness for a boy to be close to his mother, did you know that?” His tone was dripping with sarcasm, but Elain couldn’t bring herself to laugh. It was too horrible, all of it.
“I wasn’t close with my mother,” she admitted. Lucien looked at her in surprise. Elain flushed, and took a bracing breath of cool air. “I always feel like I’m not allowed to say that, because she died, you know? And I’m not supposed to think of her in bad terms like that. But it’s true. She wasn’t very maternal. It always seemed like she was more concerned with moulding us into what she wanted us to be, rather than encouraging us to be ourselves.”
“I know what that’s like,” Lucien muttered darkly. “Were your sisters close with her?”
“Nesta was closest to her. They were the most similar, you could say. My mother understood Nesta’s strength, and she taught Nesta how to wield it like a weapon. She always treated me like I was a bit silly in comparison.”
Lucien frowned. “You’re not silly.”
“She certainly thought I was. Most of the time it seemed like my only value to her was my looks. She was always telling me to sit up straight, wear dresses instead of jeans, stop getting dirty in the garden. Like being pretty was who I was.” Elain had never admitted that to anyone before, and she wasn’t sure why she was telling Lucien now, other than his admissions about his family had made her want to open up about her own. Something was telling her that of all people he wouldn’t judge her for it.
Lucien stopped in his tracks, turning to face her. “Is that why you wear those giant glasses even though you don’t need them? To make yourself less pretty on purpose?”
Elain blushed again, unnerved by the intensity of his gaze. “How do you know I don’t need them?” she asked petulantly, pushing her glasses up her nose.
Lucien’s metal eye clicked softly as it focused on her. He reached towards her face, and Elain froze and held her breath as he gently removed her glasses. He slid them on his own nose, grinning at her slyly. Elain couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of him in her large round glasses. They looked ridiculous, but of course he almost pulled them off.
“Well,” he said with a wide grin, “it was just a suspicion but now I know for sure.”
He handed them back to her, and Elain reached for them, her flush intensifying as their fingers brushed slightly. She kept her eyes locked on the glasses in her hands, the plastic and glass that had become like a security blanket.
“It’s just…” How to explain? “Sometimes it’s easier to avoid attention than deal with it, you know?”
Lucien was quiet for so long that Elain eventually looked up and met his gaze. He was smiling almost sadly, an unreadable expression in his eyes. “Believe me, I know exactly what you mean by that.” His metal eye whirred softly, as if in response. “You shouldn’t hide. If anybody looks at you and can’t see past your beauty, then fuck them.”
His cheeks flushed as he spoke, and Elain was stunned into silence. There was none of his usual arrogance in his tone, only a raw sincerity that bordered on timidness. She didn’t know how to respond, and so she just stood there, silently gazing into his mismatched eyes. Both russet and gold seemed to blaze with heat, and she couldn’t look away.
After what felt like hours but was probably no more than a minute, someone called out to Lucien in the distance, and the spell was broken. Lucien’s friends were waiting for him, identical grins splitting their faces. Lucien waved at them before turning back to her.
“One last thing,” he said, taking a step towards her so she had to crane her neck to meet his gaze. “Please don’t spike my pumpkin juice.”
With that he threw her one last wink and then jogged up the street to join his friends.
After dinner that evening, Elain walked into her dormitory to find a small, pastel pink box sitting on her dresser. She approached it curiously, frowning at the faint noises coming from the box.
“What’s this?” she asked the room at large.
Nuala and Cerridwen both shrugged, coming over to peer at the box.
“Another gift from your secret admirer?” Cerridwen asked with a grin.
Elain lifted the lid gingerly, not wanting to set off any motion-detected items that could be inside. Someone had set off a dozen motion-detected dungbombs in the common room last year, and the scent had lingered for weeks.
But it was not a dungbomb inside the box. It was a pale pink ball of fluff, squealing as it rolled around in the box. Elain gasped in delight, scooping up the Pygmy Puff. It was soft like cashmere but light as air, and it cooed as she nestled it to her chest. She was so mesmerized by the fluffy creature that she almost didn’t see the card at the bottom of the box. She picked it up and her heart skipped a beat. There was no signature, but she didn’t need one to know who it was from.
You’re right, they are pretty cute.
But not as cute as I was wearing your glasses.
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