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Lore Archive for my fictional story: Wolves of The North.
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theworldofwotn · 19 days ago
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WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE! REWARD: 50,000 IN GOLD Akira is The Leader of the Red Threat Rebellion, Wanted for the crimes of Terrorism, Mass Destruction, Kidnapping, Assault, Theft, Vandalism, and Treason. If you spot this individual alert your local authorities immediately! Do NOT approach.
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theworldofwotn · 1 month ago
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"The Twins: Helen and Dalia of House Slate"
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theworldofwotn · 1 month ago
Can you share a random royal with us, IE an image and lore for a member of royalty or nobility in your setting?
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Prince Maelgwen of House Harlow, was 6th in line to his house's throne after his elder sister and her children; In the morning of his sister's death the prince marched into her castle and slaughtered his nephews: Mael [14], Bryn [12], Aeron [11] and put their heads on display at the castle gates before proclaiming himself King and announcing his marriage to his niece, The Princess Mila [10], the only survivor of his slaughter.
Prince Maelgwen is forever known as "Maelgwen The Terrible"
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theworldofwotn · 1 month ago
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"The Queen Helen of House Slate, and her husband The prince consort, Magnus of House Wystan"
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theworldofwotn · 2 months ago
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"The Princess Dalia and her uncle-husband, The Prince Basim, of House Slate"
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theworldofwotn · 2 months ago
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"The Queen Eda I "The Untouchable" From House Viridian"
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theworldofwotn · 2 months ago
What are marriage rituals like in your setting?
A marriage ceremony went through lots of changes over the centuries, from simple to grand parties being thrown; With the spread of religion, it isn't uncommon for weddings to have religious leaders in them, while others prefer to keep to the old way of nature being the witness of their ceremony.
Marriages are for life and so there is no divorce, only annulments in which both parts have to agree or one of the parts have concrete proof that the union isn't good.
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theworldofwotn · 2 months ago
Does your setting have a magic system?
The use of magic is strict, while everyone is able to learn it, not all are permitted to. Magic in itself is a elitist subject that only nobles have access to, Mages who excel on that skill are then granted permission by a council to learn advanced magic and become Wizards.
Magic primally comes from Gemstones and they are found inside rocks, lakes, caves and such; It allows for anyone to be able to wield magic. Gemstones can usually be found in the following colors: Blue, Red, Gold, and White with the last one being the rarest.
Gemstones can also be used to power up magic objects such as wands, vehicles, and even guns; It is known to be a volitale object that can easily explode under pressure, making it's use as fuel to be dangerous and those who work with it are respected in their field.
Little is known about it's discovery, some claims it was a gift left from the gods, so the people in Terra Luporum could survive during The Great Winter, millions of years ago.
Other claims the old, extinct humans found it, way before their kind vanished from the land, but history books mention there is so records of humans ever existing during the time of the first register of gemstones being used.
The average wolf can only use magic if they have a gemstone in their possession, and even certain magics they use with it have limitations as: They can't cast fire without a source of fire nearby, or use water without a source of water near them.
The exception to the rule are Spellcasters, a rare group of people who can wield magic without limitations, who carry magic blood and can pass down the ability even if it skips a few generations.
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theworldofwotn · 2 months ago
Are there any fashion statements in WotN that jump out in your mind?
Fashion style in WOTN is what we could we call gender neutral, But instead of dressing up according to their supposed gender, The people dress based on their wealth, titles, role in society and even political beliefs.
Color is also very political in Terra Luporum, Patriots commonly wear their Queendom or Kingdom's colors to show their support, and more often than not can have a negative reaction to those wearing colors from a state they consider against their beliefs.
Clothing such as dresses are considered a luxury item, to be worn only on special occasions such as birthdays or coronations due to it's beautiful but less than practical designs, the fancier the dress the more you showcase your wealth, both women and males are expected to wear them.
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theworldofwotn · 2 months ago
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Halvard - A Brief History.
Known as the birthplace of the golden circle religion, The Kingdom of Halvard was, according to history books such as "The Titans of Terra Luporum", known for having the most well known warriors in history, heroes like Don The Daring and Einar The Infamous marked the country's history with their feats.
The second biggest state, Halvard covers an area of 1,247,689.5 km2.
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theworldofwotn · 2 months ago
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The golden circle is a northeastern religion in Terra Luporum, The followers, self-claimed "Golden ones", believe in the existence of one true god and it's return to the realm of mortals.
As one of the oldest religions, The golden circle is an influent religion in modern society, It was a major religion in the north until Four generations ago, which marked the last monarch sympathetic to the religion; The golden circle instead grows rather fast in the south.
The religion is also known for it's endurance, surving through plague, civil war and persecution from a Mad Usurper King, The religion and it's followers always managed to survive the test of time.
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theworldofwotn · 2 months ago
Are there ay other species besides wolf people, be they sentient or more like magical monsters?
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Lupins are the species living in Terra Luporum, the average citizen has the traits of a wolf, but it isn't uncommon for some to not have said traits.
Felines is the name given to those living in Gato Island, The average Feline is characterized by it's thick fur and long fangs, They known for their aggressive behavior and overall aversion of any outsiders, little is known of their culture and if they all share physical characteristics.
The Avians come from Nidus, They are travellers and traders, known for the creators of maps that are now used by modern society, not much special going on on their physical traits, but rumours says some of them have wings and fly high above.
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theworldofwotn · 2 months ago
How big is the continent that Terra Luporum exists on and are there other landmasses?
Terra Luporum on it's own has the territory of 8.51 million km² including rivers and lakes.
Other landmasses do exist, such as Gato Island, Nidus and the Four Sisters Islands.
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[Image merely illustrative: Not an accurate portrayed of the distance between each continent from each other.]
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theworldofwotn · 2 months ago
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Terra Luporum
The Queendom of Terra Luporum is composed of 13 states, and one capital, Viridian; Known for it's vast territory and diverse weather, the queendom has a rich history as the last country with living royal family members since the 10 year war where they came out victorious.
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