#this happens to me every day I’m gunna lose it
capricioussun · 1 year
I swear to god I’m a better writer than I am. I don’t know what happens. I come up with really great stuff in my head, like, dialogue, paragraphs, interactions, but even if I rush to write it down immediately suddenly my brains like :) huh? wuh? I don’t know what you’re talking about soorry!! WHY! How does this HAPPEN. Why can’t I put down the words from my brain where’s the disconnect?!
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themculibrary · 1 year
Peter Quill Needs A Hug Masterlist
Don't Touch the Walkman (ao3) - blazingstar29 G, 1k
Summary: Every one on the Elector knows not to mess with Peter's Walkman. Some wackjob new recruits decide to ignore that rule.
i can feel it coming ( in the air tonight ) (ao3) - dormant_bender gamora/peter T, 3k
Summary: There were some moments that Gamora would always cherish and keep with her until the end of days.
I'll Be There When You Want Me, Someway, Somehow (ao3) - LegoTea gamora/peter T, 3k
Summary: “How do we get the spores out of him?” Gamora asked, trying to remain calm.
Kraglin winced. “Gotta wait it out.”
“For how long?” Drax asked.
Kraglin looked down at Peter, who was still trembling on the bed, and he said, “I don’t know.”
(While the Guardians search for the Milano on Berhert, Peter loses his voice.)
Knowhere (ao3) - TenSpencerRiedPlease peter/tony N/R, 6k
Summary: "You’re the best thing that has ever happened to be, man. We’re gunna be roommates,” Peter decides. Thankfully Tony agrees.
My World Is In Your Eyes (ao3) - KassandraScarlett peter/tony G, 30k
Summary: The whole galaxy know about the metal hero who destroyed Thanos' fleet. Now, as Thanos plans, the Guardians recruit the Terran hero and two gods to alert the universe as secure their support. As they travel together, Peter falls deeper and deeper into the black hole personality of Toni Stark. But Toni has too many scars and too much fear and a deep-seated distrust of people who seem sincerely interested in her. So how does Peter get through the walls she's put up too protect herself?
Stages (ao3) - laylabinx N/R, 10k
Summary: Peter is 100% Not Okay™ after the fallout with Ego. The others help him cope in the best way they can.
Static (ao3) - RainingPens peter/tony T, 36k
Summary: "No don't- don't engage!" Tony yelled, frantically pulling harder on the Infinity Gauntlet. "We almost got this off!"
As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew it was useless. He could see the despair and anger on Quill's face, and Tony's first thought was that he probably looked like that back on Siberia, before everything went to shit. Which was why Tony opted to shoot Quill instead.
The Aftermath of Not Being Able to Sleep (ao3) - Groot_Is_God gamora/peter G, 6k
Summary: Peter can't sleep because of nightmares leading to some issues during a mission.
The One Where Peter is Thor's Weakness (ao3) - JinxQuickfoot gamora/peter T, 3k
Summary: After the final battle against Thanos, Thor has fit in well with the 'Asgardians of the Galaxy'. So well, in fact, that a frost giant bent on revenge goes after their captain.
There is trouble a head (ao3) - Kindred peter/omc, peter/thor M, 1k
Summary: Peter Quill 17 years old and pregnant... Yondu needs to shoot the daddy, the problem is Peter doesn't know his name.
The Widower (ao3) - Fighting4Fandoms gamora/peter M, 4k
Summary: Peter's not exactly coping after losing Gamora but life just loves to screw him over
True parents keep you grounded (ao3) - lelianasong G, 2k
Summary: Taserface takes his abuse of Peter too far, and Yondu reacts accordingly. Peter is left with his emotions all bottled up inside his chest, and as Yondu knows from experience, that's the last place you want them to be.
We All Know that Something is Eternal (ao3) - enigma731 gamora/peter T, 1k
Summary: “I’m dead,” says Peter, finally.
“Yes,” says Gamora, her tone light, like they might be discussing the weather. “For now.”
He clears his throat, nods, not even considering that last part for the moment. “Then why am I in Missouri?”
She glances around, realization of some sort dawning on her face. “Oh, is that where this is? I was wondering. These flowers are huge.”
You Can't Carry It With You (If You Want To Survive) (ao3) - FoundInTheStars T, 2k
Summary: After everything, Rocket and Peter learn to let go.
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badassbuchanan · 4 years
No Goodbye
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Part 2 Part 3
Plot: Bucky’s left to pick up the pieces of a broken heart
Warnings: you will cry, angst, this is very very sad, sweet Bucky
Word Count: 4295
A/N: decided to branch out and do a non-smut angsty fic - it’s my first one please be nice 💕
“Bucky?” Y/N’s voice whispered worriedly as she watched the small team walk back through the compound with their heads hung low. The long haired super soldier looked over at her with saddened eyes, his heart sinking when he saw the hopefully look on her face. 
Y/N’s hearted thudded against her chest, her bottom lip quivering as she watched the team look at her sympathetically. “Bucky, where’s Steve?” Worst case scenarios fled through her mind as she noticed the heartbreak in Bucky’s eyes, she’d never seen her boyfriend’s best friend look so sad.
Bucky’s eyes closed for a moment too long, the raw emotion in her voice breaking his heart. He felt tears begin welling up in his eyes, knowing he had to be the one to break the news. He let out a deep sigh, trying to steady his breathing and keep his sadness at bay as he braved a glance over at Y/N. 
“Steve’s gone, Y/N.” Bucky mumbled, hearing a whimper of pain leave the girl’s lips as she broke down in front of him. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth, loud sobs filling the room as Bucky flinched in weakness, he couldn’t stand to see her like this. “He’s not coming back, Doll.” He was still trying to process the fact himself, saying it out loud only made it that much more real.
“No,” She shook her head in denial, tears streaming down her face as Bucky let his head fall back to conceal his tears. He started walking towards her, only knowing too well how hard it was to lose Steve. “No, Bucky, he promised.” 
“I know,” Bucky blew out shakily as he tugged her almost lifeless body towards him, wrapping his arms around her tightly as she sobbed against his chest. He sighed solemnly when he felt her hands clinging to the material of his t-shirt, her tears soaking through the thin material and onto his chest. “I know, Doll.”
Bucky knew more than anyone how it felt to have a promise broken by Steve. Bucky had just had to say goodbye to his childhood best friend, but Y/N had just lost the love of her life. 
She’d fallen for Steve the first day she met him. He was like a prince in a world full of frogs. She didn’t know if it was a forties thing, or a Steve thing, but he was everything she’d ever dreamed of. Steve loved Y/N just as much, she was his little piece of light in a cruel world. She reminded him of what was important and made him feel like part of him was still normal.
Shhh.” Bucky soothed her quietly, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as he rested his chin against the top of her head. Her head began to spin, trying to process what was happening as she cried helplessly against Bucky’s chest. “It’s gunna be okay.” Bucky breathed out shakily, repeating the words that Steve had said to him before he left, hoping it would somehow calm her down. Although right now, he didn’t even believe those words himself.
It had been a few weeks, but the days seemed to all blur into one for Y/N. She didn’t leave her room unless it was to run errands, but even then, she avoided everyone. She felt so out of place, like everywhere she was, it was wrong. It didn’t matter if she was making a cup of tea in the kitchen, reading a book in the living room, taking a shower in the bathroom or trying to have a nap on her bed. It all seemed so wrong, like she shouldn’t be doing anything without Steve.
“I don't know who I am anymore, Buck.” She sighed numbly, her mind spaced out in mourning, her eyes damp with tears just as they had been every day before. Bucky was the only person she’d spoken to, and that was only because she knew he needed someone to talk to. Maybe he liked talking to her because she reminded him of Steve.
Bucky’s heart ached as he watched her face, so straight and emotionless. She was so broken, he heard her crying when no one else was around, especially at night. It was as if she was so tired of being in pain that her face was no longer able to show expression. 
“I think if anyone can relate to not knowing who they are, Y/N. It’s me.” He pursed his lips together in a sympathetic smile, leaning his hands against the edge of the mattress from where he sat on her bed. He watched her carelessly fold the clean washing, trying to harden the pain inside her heart. 
“Yeah and who helped you through that, Buck?” She hissed out sadly, angry at herself for still being so helpless and lost after weeks. She hadn’t said Steve’s name since the day she’d found out he’d gone. Bucky had noticed it, but he wasn’t sure if anyone else had. 
Bucky sighed as he tilted his head absentmindedly, he hated Steve for leaving him, but he hated him more for leaving her. A frown crinkled on her forehead as she concentrated on stopping her tears from escaping her eyes, letting out a quiet sniffle as she kept her eyes focused on the washing in front of her.
“God, I just feel so alone.” She sighed in frustration, throwing the pair of shorts she was folding down on the bed. Her eyes closed as she wrapped her arms around herself, a tear trickling down her cheek as she sniffed again. 
“You’re not alone, Doll.” Bucky whispered sadly, trying to be supportive as his eyes softened and he carefully reached his flesh arm out to hold her hand. 
“But I am, Buck.” She pulled away from his hand as soon as she felt it, the action so sudden it made Bucky jump as she took a step away from him. “You’ve got Sam and Sharon.” She gritted her teeth at the mention of the girl that Steve had once kissed, her hands balling up into fists out of frustration. “Pepper’s got Morgan, Clint has his family, Peter’s got May, Fury’s got Maria, T’Challa’s got Shuri. But who do I got?” Her lips trembled as she pressed them together in a hard pout, looking down at the space in front of her. “He was everything I had and now he’s gone.”
Bucky listened silently to her rant, hanging his head as his heart broke at the shakiness of her angry voice. He fiddled with his hands, he knew nothing he could say would make her feel better. All she wanted was Steve. 
“I don't even know why I’m still here.” She mumbled weakly, looking around the room that had once been filled with happy memories. It hurt, everything hurt. Living at the compound was a constant reminder of the life she had once shared with Steve. Her anger faded back to sadness as she closed her eyes tightly, breaking down in silent sobs as she thought about how they’d planned to spend their future together. They’d talked about it a lot. “When all this is over, we’ll move to Brooklyn. We’ll get married, pop out a couple of babies. Oh, and we have to get a dog.” The memory of Steve’s words caused an aching cry to leave her lips, his voice ringing through her mind as she felt her whole body go weak. “I can’t do this anymore.” 
Bucky’s watery eyes widened in panic at her words, his head immediately turning to her as he instinctively reached his arm out towards her again. She was too helpless to pull away this time, letting his strong hand pull her body into his lap as she collapsed against him. 
He was worried about how she was handing the process of grieving, knowing how much it had the power to manipulate thoughts. He didn’t want her doing anything stupid, anything irrational, anything harmful. He’d become so protective over her, knowing that she was the only other person who really understood what it was like losing Steve. Anytime she cried, Bucky was right there holding her.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky sobbed out, unable to control his emotions as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her as tight as he could. Y/N’s arms wrapped around his neck as she cried against him, a position she’d come to know so well. “I’m so sorry.” Bucky felt guilty, like he was the one responsible for Steve not coming back. He was there, he should’ve tried harder, said something to make Steve change his mind.
She whimpered against him, erratically breathing against his chest as she felt her throat closing up. The all too familiar feeling of heartache took over as her hand dropped to his metal arm, clinging to him tightly as she relaxed against his chest. 
Bucky rocked them back and forth lightly, trying to soothe her as he broke down. He rubbed her back with his flesh hand, his head dropping close to hers as he held her close. 
“I didn’t even get to say goodbye.” She sniffed sadly, her eyes puffy and cheeks red from the crying. Her face was lightly stained with red lines from where her tears had fallen, the salty liquid stinging her skin.
Bucky let out the breath he’d been holding in shakily, his heart aching at her words. Their burning cheeks touched as Bucky’s hand came up to massage the back of her head. He felt so responsible for Steve not coming back. “I’m sorry.” 
She stayed there in his arms, his chest rising and falling against her side as she closed her stinging eyes. She inhaled the scent of his cologne, feeling safe in his lap as her heartbeat began to steady itself. 
Bucky noticed the way her head pressed limply further against his bearded cheek, turning his head to face her as his hand cradled the back of her neck. “It’s gunna be okay.” He whispered as a soft smile washed over his reddened face, noticing her falling asleep in his arms.
”Will you stay with me tonight?” She whispered tiredly, her eyes blinking rapidly as she fought the inevitable exhaustion. “Please Buck, I don't want to be alone.”
A selfish wave of relief washed over Bucky as he held her, still processing Steve’s absence himself, he thanked his lucky stars that at least for one night, he wouldn’t have to be alone.
Weeks of Steve being gone had turned into months, his absence left a void, an emptiness that was inevitably never going away, both for Bucky and Y/N.
“Y/N?” Bucky’s voice deepened with concern as he threw the car keys in the fruit bowl, being warned of her bad state by F.R.I.D.A.Y as soon as he’d walked in through the front door. “Y/N.” He called out again, picking up his pace as he rushed through the compound to find her. 
“She’s in Mr Roger’s room, Sergeant Barnes.” the AI spoke as Bucky began to panic, his heart sinking as he burst through the door of Cap’s old bedroom. No one had gone in there since he’d left, not even Y/N. 
But that’s where she was, lying on the floor, looking up at the blank ceiling. Bucky sighed with his eyes closed before he walked over to her slowly, aware of her almost unconscious state. 
His heart sped up immediately as he was hit with wave upon wave of memories of his best friend. The smell of the room, the shelves covered with small trinkets that were important to him, his record collection, the framed photo of Y/N and Steve next to his neatly made bed. It was all too overwhelming.
“What did you do, Doll?” He breathed out sadly as he crouched down next to her, his flesh fingers tracing over the empty bottle of asgardian liquor that lay in her limp hand. He carefully took the bottle from her, his eyes looking up at hers, glazed over with dilated pupils.
Y/N kept her head facing the ceiling, only moving her eyes to glance over at him. “I got lost.” She mumbled almost inaudibly, catching a hiccup in her throat as her eyes closed. 
How could she tell Bucky the truth when it was so silly. She’d gone in there to talk to him. No, she wasn’t crazy, she knew he wasn’t going to be there. She thought she would find comfort in being around his belongings, that it would make her feel connected to him. But it didn’t work.
Bucky sighed, letting his fingers intertwine with hers as he held her hand. His thumb rubbed over her skin soothingly as he bit the inside of his lip, the helpless feeling inside of him was starting to become permanent. He desperately wanted to help her, to make everything okay. But there was nothing he could do except be there for her.
“I wasn't good enough for him.” Her words made Bucky’s heart ache with sadness, his eyes closing as he squeezed her hand a little tighter. “Maybe if I was better, he would've stay-” 
“Don’t say that.” Bucky shook his head, his voice cracking a little. Y/N was the most beautiful, funny, talented girl he’d ever met. The more time he spent with her, the more he realised that. It hurt him to hear her say that she wasn’t good enough, that she had convinced herself that was the reason Steve had left. Bucky cursed Steve in his head, frustrated with what his decision to leave had done to her.
Y/N blamed herself for Steve not coming back. She hated herself for not being a good enough reason for him to stay. She sat up most nights trying to figure out exactly what it was that made him decide to go, but she couldn’t understand it.
"I thought he loved me.” Bucky felt the tears streaming down his face as he squeezed his eyes shut tightly. It physically pained him to hear how much she was hurting, the constant torment going on inside of her mind. How lost she felt, how deep Steve’s leaving had cut her up inside.
“He did, Y/N. He still does.” Bucky’s words spluttered out between sniffs. The alcohol was helping to numb Y/N’s pain, her tears silently rolling down her cheeks instead of her usual aching whimpers and heavy breathing. 
“He didn’t even say goodbye.” She mumbled painfully, her wording changing from the perspective she’d had a few weeks ago. Her sleepless nights had given her more than enough time to think, and she’d come to the conclusion that Steve knew what his plan was, so he had the chance to say goodbye, to be upfront and tell her, but he didn’t. Why? The most obvious answer in Y/N’s mind was because he didn’t care, not about her anyway. “Don’t sit there and tell me you do that to someone you love.”
Bucky stayed silent for a moment, pondering in his own thoughts as Y/N went back to staring at the ceiling. At some point since he’d left, Bucky had questioned continuing to defend his best friend. Bucky had watched what Steve’s decisions had done to Y/N, what his actions were still doing to her and in Bucky’s eyes, nothing on earth was worth causing her this much sadness. 
“C’mon, Doll. You’re tired, I know. Let me take you to bed.” He whispered through his heavy breathing as he scooped her up, lifting her body effortlessly as he cradled her in his arms. Y/N didn’t object, nuzzling her face into his chest as her arms wrapped around Bucky’s neck.
Bucky going go bed with Y/N had become routine most nights since the first time she’d asked him to stay with her, they both enjoyed the company and knew neither of them expected anything more than a warm body to hold.
He carried her down the hall until they reached her room, laying her carefully on the bed once they were inside. He pushed the loose hair away from her face, rubbing his thumb lovingly over her cheek as he admired her. 
“I’m just getting you some comfy clothes, I’ll be right back.” Bucky whispered as he leaned over her, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. She nodded softly, not taking her eyes off of him as he she watched him move around the room. 
Y/N was beyond grateful for Bucky, he’d been by her side the whole time. Whenever she needed him, he was right there. She felt guilty for lashing out at him sometimes, when all he’d ever done was shower her with love and patience. She wondered if he’d had time himself to process Steve leaving, or if he was suppressing his emotions in order to support her. Either way, Bucky had always made sure that she never felt completely alone, he took pride in looking after her, sometimes it was the only distraction from his destructive thoughts.
“Here you go.” He hummed sweetly, sliding his hand under her back to lift her torso up from the mattress. She sat up obediently as Bucky’s hand let go of her, turning around so that she could get changed privately. 
She smiled shyly at his gentlemanly ways, somewhat reminded of the way Steve was. She looked down at her body as she pulled her shirt over her head, maybe if she looked like a supermodel, Steve would’ve stayed. 
She blinked rapidly to contain her tears, her lips dropping into a pout as she quickly changed into the clothes Bucky had set out for her. A sudden wave of self consciousness hit her as she turned her body to face away from Bucky, laying back down on the bed to hide her body under the covers.
“It’s okay if you want to leave, Buck. I understand.” Her voice came out as a whimper, her eyes dropping to look down at the mattress as she heard Bucky turn back around to face her. 
He sighed sadly as he looked down at her curled up alone on the bed, wishing she knew that he needed her as much as she needed him. He knew after tonight that she was blaming herself for Steve leaving, forcing herself to feel unworthy and unloved. 
“Hey,” Bucky called out to her softly, pulling back his side of the blanket as he slid in beside her. He gently rotated her body to face him, her eyes avoiding his as he pulled her against his chest. “I’m not going anywhere. I pro-” 
“Don’t.” She cut him off, shaking her head as she slid her arms up around his neck. “Don’t make any promises.” Her heartbeat quickened as the sadness engulfed her. “Please.”
Y/N woke up the next morning in a dream like daze, feeling strong arms wrapped tightly around her, her cheek pressed against a warm chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm.
“Steve?” She whispered out sweetly, it was the first moment of peace she’d had in months. Then reality came crashing down on her, remembering Steve was gone. Bucky heard her say it, it was the first time she’d said Steve’s name since he left, his whole body froze as his heart ached sympathetically for her. 
Y/N sighed sadly, pressing her face further into Bucky’s chest as she began uncontrollably sobbing. Wave upon wave of misery flooded her body as Bucky rubbed her back under the thin material of her t-shirt, trying his best to soothe her. 
“Shhhh,” Bucky whispered gently, his metal hand playing with the back of her hair as he held her close. “It’s gunna be okay.”
Bucky had repeated Steve’s words to her almost every day, not that she knew they were Steve’s words, but he didn’t know if he was saying them to comfort her or himself. Either way, as time went on, it was getting harder to believe that it was going to be okay.
Y/N had taken a nap for the first time in almost six months. She’d woken up to an empty bed, an unusual occurrence, especially since Bucky had been wrapped up in her arms when she’d fallen asleep.
They’d grown so close since Steve had left, their friendship had blossomed into an unbreakable bond, a deep connection that no one could explain. They understood each other on a level of complexity that formed so rarely it was unheard of. They relied on each other.
She padded softly down the hallway, heading towards the sound of Bucky’s voice coming from the common area. She slowed her steps, gliding her palm along the cold wall as she caught part of his conversation.
“No, I can’t do this anymore.” Bucky hissed to whoever was on the other end of the phone, his voice agitated yet quiet, as if he didn’t want to be heard. “I’ve made up my mind. I’m leaving.”
Y/N’s heart sunk deep into her chest, her head spinning in disbelief as she moved into view of the doorway just in time to see Bucky hang up the phone.
“Bucky?” She whimpered sadly, her chest heaving as it tightened around her heart, her eyes widened innocently as her bottom lip quivered. “You’re leaving?”
Bucky looked up at where she was standing, his eyebrows arching in panic as he realised what she’d walked into. “Y/N.” He started deeply, a lump forming in his throat as he watched her react. “I can explain.”
She shook her head rapidly as she squeezed her eyes shut, a bubbling sense of betrayal and anger erupted in her body. “You’re just the same as he is!” She yelled as she felt tears welling up in her eyes, turning to run back to her room as she thought about going through the process of losing someone again. She couldn’t take it.
She slammed the door behind her, bursting into tears as she paced around her room, slightly hyperventilating as the fear overwhelmed her.
“Y/N,” Bucky burst through her bedroom door, shutting it loudly behind him without a care as he walked over to her. “Calm down.”
She shook her head as Bucky grabbed her by her upper arms, forcing her to stop pacing as she hung her head to avoid his eye contact. “Were you even going to tell me?”
“Stop.” Bucky’s voice hardened as he tried to get her to listen, his eyes softening with worry as his heart raced.
“Or were you just going to leave without saying goodbye?” She disobeyed his command, her anger turning into sadness as she looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes.
“Listen to me,” He spoke softly, gripping onto her arms tightly as his thumbs rubbed over of skin. She looked away from his eyes, her eyebrows arching in sadness as she anticipated what he was going to say. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“I can’t lose you too, Bucky. I can’t.” She panicked as she thought about losing Bucky the same way she’d lost Steve. She wanted to believe him, but how could she possibly know if he was telling the truth? Her lips stayed in a pout, her eyes glued to the right of his body.
Bucky sighed in frustration, his heart broke knowing she didn’t believe him. “Look at me!” He spoke loudly, shaking her arms a little as her glossy eyes finally met his. “I’m not going anywhere, okay?”
Y/N lifted her hands to hold onto the material of his shirt over his stomach, holding him close as if it would keep him there forever. “I heard you on the phone, Buck.”
“Yeah, I know.” Bucky smiled softly, slightly relieved that she was listening to him now as he admired her face. His flesh hand moved up to cup her cheek, rubbing her temple with his thumb. “You heard me telling Fury that I’m leaving, as in leaving the team, not leaving you.” He shook his head, his eyebrows arching as a sympathetic look covered his face.
Her eyes looked up at him with a soft sparkle that he hadn’t seen in a long time, he let out a shaky breath, his eyes softening as he smiled down at her. “You’re really not leaving?”
He shook his head as he watched her sigh in relief, his arms wrapping around her to hold her close. “I’m not going anywhere, doll.”
“Trust me, Y/N.” Bucky whispered as he admired her face, his thumb rubbing across her cheek soothingly. “It’s gunna be okay.” Something about the way Steve said those words made it sounds true, but when Bucky heard himself say it, it was hard for him to believe.
“What the hell am I supposed to tell Y/N?” Bucky looked over at his oldest friend, his eyes saddened with stress and responsibility. “She’s gunna ask questions, Steve.”
“Tell her I’ve left. That I’m not coming back.” Steve instructed the long haired super-soldier, sadly running his hand through his blonde hair.
“And you think she’s just gunna accept that?” Bucky shook his head as he kicked a pebble next to his foot absentmindedly. He looked back up at Cap, trying to make him understand. “She loves you, Steve.”
“Bucky, you know I have to do this.” Steve pressed his lips together as he looked sympathetically over at Bucky. His decision wasn’t an easy one, and his best friend trying to change his mind was only making it harder. “I’m leaving her with my best pal.”
Steve grabbed Bucky’s shoulder reassuringly, witnessing the distress on his face, what Steve was asking him to do was huge. “It’s gunna be okay, Buck.”
Bucky sighed, trusting that Steve knew what was best as he wrapped his arms around his friend to say goodbye. “No matter what happens, she can never find out the truth, Buck.”
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shigarakis-cumdump · 3 years
Needy Mission
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(If you like what you read, consider supporting me on Ao3!)
Summary:  You were siked to hear that your new mission was to hunt down the League of Villains. Maybe Shigaraki would want your date to be early that day? You haven't seen your boyfriend in a minute, anyways.
Cw: dubcon, exhibitionism 
Word Count: 1.7k 
There was an important mission you were grouped up to do with your coworkers: find and hunt down the LOV. It wasn’t easy, of course, but as a pro, you had to take on tasks like this. You and a few other pros left the commission earlier and split up to find their hideout. You aimlessly walked around town, pretending as if you were looking for this place that you had actually gone to every other night for the last 5 months. If word got out that you were dating the leader of the League of Villains, you would be locked away for sure. You forget how you got so infatuated with Shigaraki. The USJ attack was probably it. His recklessness just to get what he wanted; he was a lot like you, and you liked that. When you “captured him” during that fight, you told him to pull something to be able to get away- that you wanted to save him. He didn’t really understand, but the second he knew you were being honest, he fell in love. After that day, he stalked you for a bit. It would be weird if you started to randomly mention him during meetings and such, so you waited for Shigaraki to come to you.
“Someone miss me already~?” you hear from behind a building. Your face lights up and you hurry back to not be seen.
“We’re actually trying to find you guys today. I’ll lead them in the other direction, don’t worry. No one’s taking you or your league today, my love~” you kiss him on the cheek when he slaps your ass.
“There’s my obedient girl. Can’t get enough of this villain cock, huh? You might even lose your job if they find out. But my stupid bitch couldn’t care less..” he chuckles. You smile and nod, happy to please him. He gropes your ass, pulling you in tighter to smell your freshly washed hair. You used his favorite scented shampoo, in hopes you’d see him today. He trailed small bite marks from your ears to your neck, leaving some visible ones.
“Shiggy, you can’t make them noticeable..I’m supposed to be working right now, it’s not professional..” you lecture him. Shigaraki sighs and grabs your chin with his hand.
“Since when has any of this been professional? I’ve harassed your coworkers and students, yet you still seem to love me. Maybe I should fuck you right here so everyone can hear and see how much you love being my “heroic” little cock sleeve.” he said, crimson eyes staring into your soul. You hated when he used the word ‘heroic’ in a condescending tone like that. It made you feel like your line of work was for nothing. You took a deep breath and averted his gaze, whispering a small sorry. “What was that, slut? Might have to speak up, I don’t think anyone could hear you,” he lifts your chin up harsh-fully.
“Sorry, Shigaraki!” you shout, afraid you were too loud.
“Good girl, let them hear you submit to me..” he said, shoving you down to your knees. You watched him as he quickly pulled his pants down and let his cock out free. He tapped your cheek with it, and you opened your mouth like he trained you. He shoved his cock down your throat, immediately making you gag around his large member. He grabbed the back of your head and forced himself further down your throat. He throatfucked you for what seemed like forever, only letting you breathe every minute or so. Drool, sweat, and tears coated your face.
“Let’s paint that pretty face of yours, huh? Then I’ll ruin your pussy so you can barely walk the rest of the day~” he groans, taking his dick out of your mouth before releasing all over your pretty face. You scrunch your eyes shut as you feel his hot load trail down your face, getting caught in your eyelashes. You hear a phone camera shutter, and the flash turns your eyelids red. “Such a filthy girl, really,” he scoffs, and you wipe the cum from your eyes to look up to him. Your glossed over eyes shine up at him and he caresses your face. “Get up.” he tells you. You swiftly stand on your feet. Shigaraki throws you around like a ragdoll, turning you over so your ass is up in the air. He slaps it harshly a few times, loving the pathetic whimpers you let out. He lines his cock up to your wet hole, and without warning starts fucking into you mercilessly.
“Shigaraki- please! Someone will come back- ah! Here!!” you cry out, trying to cover your own mouth to muffle yourself.
“I thought you wanted everyone to see you look like a slut for your master?” he bucks his hips into your ass, rough enough to leave bruises.
“Master, please!! It’s too much!!” you whine. He shows no signs of stopping before he cums inside of your tight cunt, not soon after his first on your face. Anyone could walk behind the building to see this wanted villain fucking the pro hero who’s supposed to catch him. It could ruin your career- it could ruin your whole life. So why were you getting wet to the thought of someone finding you bent over like this? Shigaraki could feel your spongy walls clamping down around him, trying to milk him for all he’s worth.
“Calm down, baby, I’m not going anywhere~” Shigaraki chuckles. You hear a group of people walking close to the alley and you try to pry Shigaraki’s hands off of your waist. His grip only tightens, and to make it worse (or better) he slams into you, another involuntary shriek coming out of you.
“What was that?”
“Not sure, but hero’s are lining the streets, someone will help her.”
“Hear that? No one cares about you getting fucked by the most dangerous villain; but I’m sure my slut wouldn’t care..” he said, slapping your ass. You mewl out, feeling your release coming.
“Shiggy, I can’t!! Fuck I’m gunna cum..!”
“No you’re not,” Shigaraki never slows down his pace, but he grabs the small radio you have stationed in your pocket and says, “I think I found one of your little friends, she’s a real cute one; It’d be a shame if anything happened to her~” you hear your coworkers from the other end call your name and ask if you’re okay, but if you open your mouth, something other than words will come out. Shigaraki drops the radio and pounds into you a few more times before you feel his cum filling your dripping cunt once again. He quickly pulls out and starts to walk off, leaving you exposed and needy in the alley.
“Good luck explaining this one to them, honey~ see you soon..” he finishes before a warp gate appears for him.
Your coworkers rush into the alley to see your tear and cum soaked face, speechless. God, you loved Shigaraki’s games.
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bittersweetmorality · 4 years
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— chuuya boyfriend headcannons (sfw & nsfw)+ drabble
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☾ genre: SFW and NSFW Headcannons (NSFW section is marked-- 18+)
☾ pairing: Nakahara Chuuya x GN!reader (reader is given the name ‘mommy’ in the drabble)
☾ warnings: none for the SFW– general smut for the NSFW ??
☾ w/c: 1,978 words
☾ a/n: hey lol :D as a certified chuuya fucker, i just had to.  i literally have like three other chuuya drafts that i’m currently working on.  hopefully they turn out like i want and i can post them bc :| the chuuya tag is starving.  anyway i hope i can populate it just a tad.  thanks for reading bugs !
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— SFW 
lemme start off by saying that he will treat yo ass RIGHT.  ON MY MOMMA.
not to bring his trauma into this already but :| my man has major abandonment issues.  he will not do anything to jeopardize your relationship, and he honestly just values your happiness above anything else
you just know how much he cares about the fellow members of the mafia– even though they don’t requite the same amount of love that he gives them, he still loves them wholeheartedly
even dazai
little shit
his love language is definitely touch and gift-giving.  no i don’t accept criticism because i’m right
you’re telling me he wouldn’t absolutely spoil you with expensive gifts ?? mans is a mafia executive– he’s making hella bank, and he is spending it all on you
he’s also definitely a pretty clingy significant other, but good luck trying to get him to admit that :|
his life is… well… yaknow
there’s always a lot going on there..... he’s stresst
he wants nothing more than to just hold you in his arms after a long day-- especially if he just came back from a hard day at work
times like this are when he’s most clingy-- he feels like he almost lost you, and now he never wants to let you go
many, many times he’s fallen asleep like this; you’re basically suffocating in his grip as his eyelids flutter closed, either on the couch or your bed
but of course you’re not going to complain
and he’s so glad you don’t
he’s also the type to almost never explicitly say that he loves you at first, it’s simply not something that comes naturally to him
instead he indulges in his love languages profusely, and he just hopes you get the message
he’s also afraid that you’ll leave him if he says something like that, so for a long time he doesn’t :(
so when you come home to a bottle of expensive wine wrapped in an exquisite red ribbon, you know he just wants to tell you how much he loves you
eventually, of course he’s comfortable with you enough to say it, and it comes completely natural
and since he’s such a romantic, he says it every morning when you wake up, and before you go to bed without fail
he’s definitely the type to show you off too
like, as he’s having a conversation with someone, he’ll suddenly get really loud when talking about you so everyone within a three-mile radius can hear
“well, you see i would go out drinking with you tonight, but i actually have a date.  with my partner.  you know them, right?  here’s a picture i took of them a few days ago, just look a-”
also: biggest hype man
you could open a jar of jam and he’d be like “holy shit, you go babe”
nakahara chuuya kiss me rn challenge
anyway, basically he’ll love and support you no matter what
like truly you’re like a walking ray of sunshine to him
anyway !!!! DATES !!!!!!!
dates with chuuya are planned.  always.
like i SAID he’s a hopeless ROMANTIC MY GOD
he absolutely loves picking you up at your doorstep and taking you for a ride around town on his motorcycle
speaking of which, your arms wrapping around his middle and squeezing him tight as he drives the bike is literally his favorite thing in the world.  oh my god you’re going to make him melt
and i know for a fact your first kiss with him was after he dropped you off at your door when your first date was at its end
it was almost completely perfect honestly, except when your faces were just mere inches from one another, his hat bumped into your forehead and fell to the ground
baby was so embarrassed-- he went bright red and picked up his hat, basically shielding his face
he just wanted the date to be completely perfect– and it was!! until that happened
but obviously you just let out a light giggle and pulled him against you, and he quickly closed the gap between your lips
also, chuuya sleeps in
he sleeps a lot <33
that being said he loves lazy mornings
it’s well past 11, but you’re still laying in his arms– who is he to get up?? and disturb the peace??????
he will not.
i can’t even emphasize this enough, but please comb your fingers through his hair
there’s a chance he might melt into a puddle on the spot and never recover but still
on the rare occasion where he’s the little spoon--
(which, speaking of which, @dazai-centric​ has a headcannon that chuuya always insists on being the big spoon no matter what, but on rare occasions he lets himself be wrapped up in your arms and THEY’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.)
anyway, so on this rare occasion
where his head is basically buried in the junction between your shoulder and your neck, and you just rake your fingers through his hair softly
he dead.  dead as hell.
and ERRRRM.  kisses with him are just……… wow…………
naturally, he always wants to be the best at everything-- it’s just his personality
and kisses are no exception
he has to be the BEST
and he is
so, kisses are always so passionate and rough
okay hold on maybe this should go under the NSFW category 😐
ANYWAY!!!! 19472946/10 boyfriend
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so rough sex is very common for y’all 😁
he likes to take his frustrations out from the day like this, and honestly you don’t complain
he definitely has a high sex drive so 😁
obviously you have an established safe-word and talk about everything before anything transpires because the LAST thing he wants is to hurt you in any way
but if you ask him to spank you he is definitely not gunna say no <3 chuuya said spanking kink
speaking of kinks
bondage xoxo
this goes both ways— he likes to tie your wrists to the headboard with rope and tie your legs down if you’re okay with it
for him, he likes his wrists cuffed to the bed
but he definitely doesn’t like all of his power stripped away by having him completely tied up
also he loves eye contact
that’s why missionary and mating press are his favorite positions <3
he likes to grab you by the jaw and make you look at him when he’s fucking you
“hey, hey, princess what did we say? if you want to cum, look me in the eyes when i fuck you, yeah?”
he loves praise and degradation equally
but if you’re degrading him don’t go too far :((
degrade slightly him while he’s on the bottom and he’s putty in your hands
now, if you praise him while he’s on top, get ready to not be able to walk for the next 3-5 business days because that’ll feed his ego a LOOOT
and he’ll just get lost in the moment because he loves you....... so much
he degrades you slightly, but only during foreplay
he calls you his little slut, or his whore
“aw, so wet for me and we’re barely getting started, doll.  such a little whore, aren’t you?”
when you actually get into it, it’s all praise from him
he wants you to know how important you are to him, how good you feel and just everything on his mind
he loses his filter in the moment awn god
“so fucking perfect, i only want you.  you’re mine.  god, you feel so fucking good.”
he loves to hear you too-- it really feeds his ego
but sometimes if he’s really had a rough day, he’ll make you gag on his finger or wrap his hand around your neck
he doesn’t squeeze too hard nor genuinely make you gag, he just likes the way your eyes are barely able to meet his because he’s making you feel so good
but ANYWAY pet names are a MUST with him
he calls you doll, sweetheart, princess, baby, dove, doll
basically every sweet name under the sun during sex
he likes you to call him sir 😁
this man has no shame when it comes to noise
like absolutely none
since he’s possessive, he wants people to know he’s fucking you, and how good he feels because of you
no one else can make him feel that way and he wants everyone to know
so he’s LOOOUUUDD,,,, especially in your ear
he likes leaning down and moaning in your ear, just to get a reaction out of you
he makes fun of you for it later on, and you have his full permission to smack that smug little smirk off his face
but the amount of times you had to stop mid-way because y’all got knocks on your door from your neighbours 😐 they’re so sick of y’all
on average, you have sex at least 4 times a week
that’s not including quickies tho
did i mention that chuuya loves quickies <3
especially when it’s in his office and he fucks you on his desk
and because he doesn’t care who hears him-- you bet your ass the entire Port Mafia has heard you
he likes to go down on you for quickies more than actual sex, and he will respectfully never decline a blowjob
because he’s a gentleman
sorry to any of y’all who have a breeding kink,,, but chuuya definitely does not
he’s so afraid of having kids
moving on
onto sub!chuuya
did somebody say SWITCH 🤨☝️
chuuya did <3
now for a long time he doesn’t really let his submissive side out because,,, it’s a really vulnerable part of him yaknow?
but after a while, and after he’s completely trusted you to take care of him like that
oh boy
bottom bitch <3
still loud as HELL
except it’s less of moaning and more of whining
he’s such a whiner
and a brat
mommy kink mommy kink mommy kink mommy kink mo
also i don’t really know how else to describe it but-- if you force him to look you in the eyes and use a stern tone
..........dead.  dead as hell.
now take this drabble as a tribute to sub!chuuya
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“and why should i listen to you?  what are you gunna do?” chuuya furrowed his brows at you, as if he was challenging you.
“aw, baby,” you leaned down from your position of straddling him, caging his head between your arms.  “you still have so much to say even though your hands are handcuffed to the bed.  so bold, aren’t you?” you stroked his lower lip gently, and he whimpered lowly in response.
suddenly, you sat up, getting into a position to prepare to get up off of him completely, “but, you’re right.  what am i going to do?  i guess i’ll just leave you here for the rest of the night.  go-”
“WAIT!! NO- I-” he bit his lip to stop any more words from escaping him.
“’wait’?  is there something you wanna say, baby?” your legs trapped his once again.
“... please.”
he averted your gaze, and you reached down to grip his jaw sternly, moving his head to face you completely.
“please what?”
no answer.
“you know i can’t read your mind, baby.  you’re going to have to use your w-”
“please fuck me.” the words tumbled out of his mouth, almost too quickly to even be audible, still, your lips shifted into a gentle smile.
but you weren’t completely content with him yet.
“and what’s my name?”
“and you want mommy to fuck you, is that right?”
“...yes.  please...”
you planted a passionate kiss onto his lips, and upon breaking it, you shifted closer to his ear.
“well, i can’t say no since you asked so nicely, now can i?”
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cuddlesslut · 4 years
Part Eight: Hope
Atsumu x fem reader , Suna x fem Reader, Hinata x Fem reader
A/N: I’m so sorry it took so long to put out this chapter I’m gunna try to do better on posting faster. I’ve had a lot of stuff happening irl. I love see so many of your write in for the poll 😂 I did not expect Sakusa to pop off! I hope y’all like this chapter. Again it’s still kind of short but I wanted to get it posted. Also you can’t convince me Hinata doesn’t use an all in one cleanser!
Warning: crude language, not much angst, some fluff.
Part Seven: Regrets
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Hinata stared at his phone questioning whether he should message you again. It had been four days since you ran out of his apartment. You had yet to respond to any of his texts. As concerned as he is he knows no good will come from spamming you. Although he wants nothing more than for you too talk to him. He was so confused where you both stood. But he was sure of one thing, and that was that things couldn’t go back to the way they were before. He can’t go back to pushing down his feelings and pretending he doesn’t want to be more. That he didn’t want to call you his and show you off to the world. To take you out on dates try new experiences and make memories with you. He can’t keep acting like he doesn’t dream of waking up to you in his arms every morning. He wants to be there with you every step in life and support you no matter what. He wants to show you that you are the most amazing woman he’s ever known. As much as the sex is amazing it’s not worth holding back anymore. He knows you may still not be ready for a relationship and he wouldn’t think about pressuring you into one after how horribly your last ended, he’d gladly wait for you to be ready but he has to be honest with his feelings instead of torturing himself.
The sound of his alarm snapped him out of his daze. Time to get ready for practice, he groaned pulling himself from the comfort of his bed before heading to the shower to start his day. He shuffled in the bathroom hooking up his phone to his Bluetooth speaker starting up with morning playlist beginning his morning routine. He loved jamming in the shower. He turned the water on letting the heat build as he brushed his teeth before climbing into the steaming shower bopping his head to the beat of silhouette by Kana-boon having to refrain himself from attempting to naruto running in the slippery bath. He stood there for a moment enjoying the heat hitting his back and loosening his muscles. Losing himself in the music as he grabbed his three in one, body wash, shampoo and conditioner. He scrubbed his hair and body screaming the lyrics to the next song. “Sawaras nai kimi wa shojo wa na no Boku wa yarichinbitchi no osu da yo !!,” he was jamming out when the song was interrupted by the sound of a notification. He thought nothing of it figuring it was just Bokuto-San. When the chimes continue his curiosity won out as he peeked out passed the curtain still covered in bubbles to see who was spamming his phone. His eyes grew wide as he saw your name lighting up his notifications. He rushed for his phone loosing his balance and slamming the shower wall to keep himself from falling on his ass as he scrambled out still dripping and soapy as he stood in bathroom unlocking his phone.
YN-Chan 🧡: Hey Shoyo
YN-Chan🧡: you’re usually up by now so I thought I’d message you to say I’m soo soo sorry for how I ran out the other day.
YN-Chan🧡: honestly I should have messaged you days ago but I’ve just been dealing with a lot . It’s no excuse but still I’m sorry.
YN-Chan 🧡: look I totally understand if you don’t want talk to me after how I acted but if you do I was hoping we could get together and talk?
Hinata could see the text bubble at the bottom showing she was typing but he wasted no time pulling up the call button needing to here your voice. It rang two times before connecting. His heart clinched hearing your soft hello.
“Hey Sho,” you answered.
“Hey there YN-Chan,” he greeted back.
He could here a sense of nervousness in your tone. “Hey sorry if interrupted anything.” He realized how hard he was breathing from excitement and from nearly dying trying to escape his shower.
“Oh no no, its fine I wasn’t busy,” he feigned nonchalance. There was a beat of silence as you both searched for words.
“Umm you had said you wanted to talk?” He questioned. He was really concerned for why you ran off that day.
“Oh yeah but I’d much rather talk in person, is there anyway we could get together soon I understand if you’re busy,”
“I’m free tonight,” he cursed himself for how desperate he sounded, “uhh do you want to come over tonight?”
You chuckled at his eagerness. “If it’s okay with you maybe we could go out... to like dinner maybe,” his heart froze his mind reeling with excitement you had never gone out before. Always just opting to have food delivered and eating in. He couldn’t help but let his hopes rise.
“I know it’s not what we usually do so I get if you’re uncomfor-”
“I’d love to!” He cuts you off. Not wanting to miss this chance.
“A-awesome um is 7:30 good for you?” You questioned.
“Yep!” He could feeling his heart soaring as the plans started to solidify.
“Great well I’ll message you all of the details later, bye Sho umm I’ll see you tonight.”
“Goodbye YN-Chan, can’t wait!” He heard a small laugh leave your lips before the line disconnected. There is a wide smile spread across his face as leaning against the wall next to him not even upset that his shower water was now starting to run cold.
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Hinata’s day was instantly better with thought of seeing you tonight the Idea of having a date with you filled him with joy. Everyone could see the difference in the outside hitter today compared to the last few practices. It’s was like he was in the zone. He was all over the court making the cleanest receives and his spikes were just so on point. It was time for there first water break and stretch. He sat on the bench taking a gulp of water a big smile present on his face when he checks his phone to see a message with a restaurant address. His teammates shared a look at the way the ginger stared at his phone.
“What’s got you so happy Hinata?” Sakusa questioned.
“Yeah Sho you’ve been on fire today plus you won’t stop smiling at your phone!” Bokuto boasted wrapping an arm around his newest teammate.
“That obvious huh?” Hinata grinned. “Well uhh the girl I’ve been talking to wants to go on a date tonight!”
“Oh yeah?” Atsumu smirked “the same girl that’s been marking up yer back recently?” Bokuto and the Setter busted into laughter when Hinata’s faced turned red. Sakusa rolled his eye at the childish behavior.
“Uh haha yeah that’s the one,” he chuckled rubbing the back of his head.
“Well if you’re already fuckin her why are you getting all giddy over a date?” The setter asked
“We’ve actually never been on date before,” Hinata admitted.
“Damn Sho, first date! Why’d you wait so long dude?” Bo wondered.
“Really Hinata-Kun I didn’t take you for the casual sex type,” Sakusa stated
“She’s a friend but I’ve like her pretty much since we met but she’s just not ready for a relationship,” he explains “ she has some bad history but we kept fooling around as friends. I’m so excited cause she asked if I wanted to get dinner so I’m hoping maybe she’s starting to open up to the idea.”
“Ha well good luck then bro,” Bokuto smacked him on the back laughing. The rest of them agreed in the well wishes before the whistle blew signaling the end of their break.
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They resumed their intense training. Right now focusing on their serves and some indurance training. The coaches were wearing them out today going over and over drills. Soon enough they were in the locker room showering up a bit and changing as they got ready for their lunch break before they’d have to return to practice. The locker room filled with chatter as they discussed different plays they wanted to work on or where they wanted to grab lunch. There conversation was interrupted when one of the coaching assistants poked their head in.
“Miya-San your fiancé is here to see you, she waiting by the gym entrance.” He stated before turning to leave. All eyes were on the setter when he dropped his phone a look of shock present on his face. His mind was going a mile a minute he was so sure he miss heard the man . There was no way you were here. He stood up rushing to finish getting dressed. There was a pressure in the room he was ignoring some of his teammates sharing a confused look.
“I didn’t know you had a Fiancé Tsumu?” Hinata asked excitedly as the team started following behind the setter.
“That’s because he doesn’t,” Sakusa stated bitterly. Atsumu shot a dirty look back at the wing spiker.
“She left him months ago before you joined the team Shoyo-Kun, she’s are really nice girl though always brought us the best snacks when she’d visit,” Bokuto explained his hungry mind straying as he thought back to her delicious cooking.
“Oh I’m sorry Atsumu,” Hinata apologized.
“Don’t he deserved it,” Sakusa scoffed.
The setter paid no mind to comment there was no point in getting angry with the neat freak he was completely right. It didn’t matter at the moment what mattered was seeing you. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing there. You were even more beautiful than he remembered. You were looking at your hands picking at your nails. He could see you were nervous. So was he. What was he supposed to say he knew he owed you an apology and much more but it felt like he couldn’t breath looking at you. You looked up at him your eyes locking. There was a look he couldn’t quite pin point. It wasn’t exactly a look of hated which it was what he expected but it also nothing like the looks of love he used to receive. He didn’t even realize the boys had stopped behind him watching the scene. His eyes only focused on you and nothing else.
That is until he hears a sharp breath from behind him as Hinata called out your name. Bokuto and Sakusa’s eyes snapped to the ginger some confusion present. Atsumu however didn’t look away from you not even when you gaze shifted from the setter to his teammate. This look in your eyes he could distinguish. It was one you used to look at him with. It shattered Atsumu as he realized right then you were the woman Hinata had been talking about. It obvious when he saw a similar look of happiness on Shoyo’s face. It felt like a kick to the gut. An array of emotions swirling through his mind. He was hurt to think you moved on. Disgusted as he thought back to his earlier convo with the man and how they had discussed the scratches on his friends back and now realizing how they were from you. He felt like he was going to puke thinking of his teammate with you in that intimate way. But he knew he had no right to feel this way not after all he put you through so he pushed those emotions deep inside. Returning to the moment.
“Hi Sho,” you gave a small smile as you shuffled nervously in your spot.
“I thought we were getting dinner? We can switched to lunch if you need to tho.” He stated.
Sakusa and Bokutos eyes grew wide finally coming to the same conclusion the setter previously had. Sakusa had to stifle a laugh as Bo muttered “oh shit” under his breath at the awkward situation.
“Um actually Shoyo, I’d still like to get dinner with you. I know this must seem really confusing, and I promise to explain everything tonight, but uhh.. I actually here to see Miya-San.” You explain sheepishly.
Atsumu tried not to flinch at the use of his last name.
You turned to the blonde with a stoic face. “Can we get lunch, we really need to talk.” He nodded not knowing how to use his voice.
You turned back to Hinata with a pleasing look. “I’ll call you later before our date, Sho.” Before turning to leave with Tsumu.
Hinata may be beyond confused right now not yet connecting the dots. But that didn’t matter he couldn’t stop his heart from skipping. Date. It’s a date. He wasn’t overthinking or wishing hopefully. It was an actual date with you! The woman he can’t get out of his mind. And that one little comfort was enough for him to trust the situation as he watched you walk away.
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abandoned-ax · 3 years
Im on the team pt - 4
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Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
Haikyuu x ftm reader
Summery: 1st day of the training camp
When we came back for the longer training camp I was much more relaxed. Last time it was only one night but just a few weeks later and were back. Everyone’s been starting to try new things, I think last training camp had everyone realizing we don’t match up at all. Iv been working with Noya a bit more on receiving and everything a libero does as well as working with Tanaka on spiking. But the most interesting thing Iv been doing is helping Kagayama out, he’s working on a new kind of set and asked me if I would throw for him one day after practice, I was hanging back a bit myself just not wanting to leave the gym and so I decided to help him out. I’m seeing a new side to him I didn’t know, I’m used to seeing him as the perfect setter like he could do anything, but seeing him struggling and frustrated is new. The day before we left for training camp we were practicing his set and he got angrier then I had ever seen him, he threw the ball and shouted.
“Ahhhhhh! Why can’t I get it!”
I’m immediately on the ground trying to figure out what to do to help calm him down, but the only thing I can think of that he likes is volleyball. Sooo
“Kageyama!” He pauses to look at me, “umm I was wondering if you wanted to take a break from your set and maybe help me with mine instead.” I guess that got him to pause since he was now just looking at me, “is just Iv been wanting to work on it for a while now but it’s just, your so good at it and I just wanted to ask for some pointers, and it just seems like you could use a break so.” His breathing has started to even out a bit more, he looks a bit caught off guard.
“Ughh yeah I can do that.” So for the next half hour we worked ok my set, I made sure to praise and complement him on his set to make sure he knew how talented he was, I’m sure working so hard on a set and not being able to get it is really frustrating. After a while we were both tired so we moved to sit down drinking our water in silence.
“Thank you for helping me out, and you know for calming me down.” His voice got quieter as the sentence went on but I understood what he was getting at.
“It’s all good kageyama. I bet it’s frustrating.” He looks over at me and we make eye contact, it’s nice.
“Iv always been able to get it, and I just haven’t had to do something new like that in a while.”
“I know it’s frustrating, and I know I don’t know a lot about volleyball but even I know your one of the most talented players, you’ll get it, it’s just going to take a bit of time.”
“Thanks (Y/N)”
I smile over at him happy I could help in anyway, he pulls out his phone to check the time, “holy shit it’s late.” I look over at his phone and realize it’s 12:30 already!
“Oh wow.” Kagayama looks over at me and we start laughing, both realizing how wild it is that we stayed here for that long, “oh my god our buss to head to training camp is going to be here is like 4 hours!” Kagayama starts laughing louder.
“Holy shut we should head home huh?!” Both of us calm down our giggles before moving to walk home, we walk mostly together till we half to part ways, “well I’ll see you in a few hours Kags.”
He smiles at me a little “yeah I’ll see you in a few hours.” And with that we split ways.
It’s before the sun comes up that we have to be at the busses so naturally everyone is very tired. I meet Tsuki and Yams there but once Kagayama shows up I move over to him, he’s looking through his bag and so I ask “making sure you packed everything?” He look up startled but his gaze softens when he sees it’s me, “yeah after how late we got home last night I didn’t really have time to pack properly.” I giggle at him, “lucky I pack like a week in advance.” He chuckles “maybe I should start doing that to huh.” Coach gives a little speech and tells us all to get on the bus, I was originally planning on sitting wish Tsuki and Yams but they ended up sitting together and Kags asked if I wanted to sit with him so that’s what I did. Not long into the drive I ended up falling asleep with my head on Kagayamas shoulder, and he fell asleep with his on my head. But we were rudely awoken by Daichi “come on idiots were here.” I know I have a massive blush in my face so I get up and move to get off the bus quickly, I hear Daichi chuckle at us but ignore it and move quickly, one off the bus I move to find Tsuki and Yams, “so I see you’ve become friends with the king?” Tsuki says skeptically, “oh shut it Tsuki.” Yams laughs at us as we see Nekoma come out to greet us.
I walk over to where Kenma is talking to Hinata excited to see him again since we talked a bit at the last training camp and he seems super cool, “hey Kenma!” He looks away from Hinata and smiles at me “hey (Y/N), I was just talking to Hinata about the camp.”
“Oh yeah! It’s in a different place, do you know why?” Kenma chuckles at that question “yeah it’s a bigger space and a bit cooler here, but there’s a lot of bugs.”
“Fuck I should have brought bug spray.”
“It’s ok you can use mine if you wanna,” he says smiling a bit.
“Are you sure that would be ok?”
“Yeah I don’t mind!”
“Thanks Kennma.” I smile at him but the moment is cut short by a super tall guy yelling over at Hinata “hey did you grow taller yet?!” The two start bickering and I give Kenma a surprised look,
“that’s Lev, he’s the new kid for us.”
I giggle at the distressed look he gets looking over at the tall kid.
“I’m guessing he’s...a lot.”
“How’d you know?”
“I mean he did interrupt our conversation by yelling at Hinata about his height.” Kenma laughs at that.
“So (Y/N) you play any video games?” Me and Kenma talked the entire walk to Karasanos room, finding we have quite a bit in common, from our love of the same video games to our inability to sleep most nights. He’s nice to talk to, his calm and quiet tone is relaxing to listen to and his more subtle demeanor is cute.
We all put our bags in the room and got ready for our first game today. I didn’t play in the first few, but after a couple they switched me into the libero spot for a while and then I played middle blocker. We aren’t doing too good tho, haven’t won a single game, and after the 8th time doing the run for the loosing team I think I’m gunna die. When the end of the day came around we all collapsed after our last run.
“Ughhh I don’t think I can breath” I hear tanaka yell.
“We lost every game, how’d we lose every game.” Suga asked
We looked into the gym to watch the one game that’s still going, we are nowhere near that level. Daichi sits up and says he’s going to work on the synchronized attack, so everyone started to scatter.
I look over and see Tsuki walking away from the gym most of our team was using and Yams yells over at him “you aren’t going to practice Tsuki?” Tsuki turns around “no, we practice enough already.” And starts walking away, I knew Yams was probably itching to go practice his serve so I tell him, “go, I’ll follow the giraffe.” He smiles gratefully at me and I starts chasing after the blond boy.
“Tsuki wait up!” He doesn’t turn around so I start running faster till I catch up with him. “ughhh why are your legs so long!”
“There not that long yours are just short.”
We pause for a moment, it’s awkward. Me and Tsuki have never had an awkward moment, I don’t like it.
“Aren’t you going to practice?”
“No, we do that enough, everyday for hours we practice, I’m done for the night.”
I’m so lost on what to do at this point, I want him to come practice but I can’t force him too,
“Hey glasses kid,” I hear a voice say and turn around Tsuki stopping in his place, “oh and (Y/N)” it’s Kuroo from Nekoma.
“You guys wanna come practice with us? We could use another blocker!” I look over to Tsuki hopefully, maybe this will be the opportunity to get him motivated. Tsuki looks up and with the fakest smile on his face he says “sorry, I’m all done for the night.”
Kuroo and one of the other guys I think from Fukurodani are both appalled by his response,
“You know he may not look it but he’s one of the top 5 aces is Japan.”
The owl looking guy stands up taller and puffs out his chest looking proud. It’s cute!
“Yeah I think he’s still upset he’s not in the top 3 anymore.” I chuckle, there fun, you can tell they all joke around a lot.
“Well I’m in.” I say walking up to the gym and yelling back at Tsuki “don’t make me do this alone.” The three others stay in the door continuing to try and convince Tsuki to join.
I’m walking through but jump when I her “oh hi” from the floor, looking down it’s the tall kid who was talking to Hinata earlier. He looks like a baby dear before it can walk!
“What happened to you?”
“Kuroo did.” I laugh back at him. He sits up more going over to sit agains the wall and I move to sit next you him.
“Your a first year right? How long have you been playing?” A guy like him is clearly a powerhouse, I assume he’s been playing for years.
“Oh I just started!” He says with a goofy grin on his face,
“You just started!!”
“Hey! How long have you been playing!” He says in an amusing accusatory tone
“Well, I kinda just started too!”
“Haha were tied.” I smile over at him, he looks kinda intimidating but he certainly doesn’t act it as he giggles at our interaction. I think back to when I first saw him earlier he was with Kennma, I wonder where he is?
“Hey your on the team with Kennma right, I just talked to him earlier today and haven’t seen him around much since?”
“Oh Kennma?” I hear Kuroo yell jogging over to us “he went to go play some video games, he’s not really the type that needs to practice, nor do I think we could get him too!” He chuckles.
“Oh that reminds me! Did you get Tsuki to join?”
Kuroo gets a cocky smile on his face looking over his shoulder to see Tsuki looking angry. I get up but before I Kuroo I say “great, you made our tall guy with glasses angry.” I laugh at him sarcastically, he laughs back loudly and we go to start our first practice game of many.
An: hey guys sorry it’s been too long, I’m currently thinking I’ll make this a Kenma x Reader X Kuroo or maybe a Tsuki X reader not sure yet!! Let me know what you think!!!
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The Mandolorian reached down, absent-mindedly pulling the scarf into his hands when something fell from it, landing with a light thud on the powdery snow below.
The holocron.
Din's voice caught in his throat. Luke found it! No wonder he was so insistent on recovering the scarf. He held the artifact up in the air toward the jedi triupmhantly, only to have that feeling shatter like glass the second his eyes settled on Luke's now limp body. Din nearly dropped the cube as he ran back to Luke's side.
"No, no no, cyar'ika, please, don't fall asleep. You've got to stay awake for me." Din begged, but knew he was fighting a losing battle. Luke barely stirred at his words. Din tried to get his hands back over the wound but they were too limp and slipped off. Din swore under his breath when he realized Luke's violent shivering had stopped.
That's when he gave himself a moment to panic. He reached down, grasping at Luke's shirt and placing the forehead of his helmet down on Luke's chest. A small sob eacaped his mouth. This wasn't supposed to happen. Something in him screamed that Luke should never be harmed. Not that he couldn't be, he was a person after all, and he was always near danger, but it just felt... wrong to see Luke like this.
The mandolorian broke from his moment of panic, knowing time was not on their side. Din set his jaw, whispering a quiet "okay, alright" to himself as he thought of a plan. He pulled the coat he had put over Luke tighter around his shoulders. He didn't have any bacta patches on him, so the wound would have to wait until they got back to the ship.
Carefully, ever so carefully, Din scooped one arm under Luke's shoulders and the other under both knees.
"Ni Ceta, cyre." He apologized, before hoisting the jedi up in his arms, pulling a whine from the young jedi's lips. Din held him close, tucking his head into his shoulder to protect him from the elements before activating his jetpack and rushing toward the ship.
Slamming the entry door behind him, Din rushed to deposit Luke in the ship's medbay. He needed to warm up. Right now. His lips were purple, his golden hair frozen to his forehead, and he had stopped shivering whuch meant his body had stopped fighting. Hypothermia had most definitely set in.
Reluctantly leaving the jedi's side, he rushed to the control panel and turned the heat up as high as it could. The circuit board blinked ten missed calls, three from General Leia and the other seven from Han Solo. He promised himself he'd call back at some point, but that was the last thing on his list of priorities at the moment. Setting the ship to auto-pilot, he left the cockpit and rushed back down to the ship's hold, putting water on to heat and collecting every blanket he could find.
Before he could smother the jedi in the warm blankets he had to stop the wound from bleeding. He gingerly lifted Luke's shirt, causing the young man to stir, a sudden presense in his head that felt like it was pushing him away and a trembling warning of "don't" echoed in his mind. Din shushed him, rubbing his arm to try and convey that he meant no harm. There wasn't much he could do for it now, not with the equipment he had available and Luke would need to be taken to a Medcenter, but he could at least stop the bleeding. Din tapped Luke's ice cold arm. "I'll be right back."
He grabbed two large bacta patches and a warm wet towel to clean the wound. Kneeling back down next to Luke's body, he gently reached down to wipe the blood staining the jedi's side. A sudden heaviness set in the air and that warning flashed through his mind again. Din shushed Luke again and tried to continue but there it was again, louder this time, and now he could feel an invisible force lightly pushing back against him.
Din tested it, taking his hands away from Luke's side, then back again, each time the feeling diapersed. Back and forth- push. Back and forth- push. Back and forth- push.
"Kriff it." Din swore as he tossed the rag away, knowing it was useless at this point. In one quick movement shoved one patch under Luke's side and the other on top.
A Force Wave burst from the jedi's body, shoving Din hard against the opposite wall.
Din shook his head, stunned by the sudden outburst before his eyes settled on Luke who was now semi awake and jerking violently in the bed. The mandolorian rushed to his side, one hand on his arm the other on his cheek.
"Cyar'ika, Luke listen, it's me! It's Din, you're safe. I've got you, you're gunna be fine." Din tried as Luke screamed incoherently, wide eyes struggling to settle on the Mandolorian. "Luke, you have to stop, you were shot, you're suffering from hypothermia, I need you to calm down. Let me help you. Gedet'ye, cyre."
Luke slowly began to settle, blind panic settling in to exhaustion and pain, his face falling as he started to cry. "I-It h-hurts." He managed.
Din's heart dropped into his boots.
"I know. I know, I'm so sorry. But you're going to be just fine." Behind him the water he had put on began to signal it was heated. Din turned to grab it but something freezing cold gripped his hand and he looked to see Luke hanging on to him like a lifeline. Din squeezed the cold hand, taking notice of how purple his fingers now were. "I'll be right back, I'm not leaving." He slipped out of the icy grip and grabbed the water and making tea. He helped Luke sit up and told him to drink and Luke did so with great difficulty. Once he had some warm liquid in his belly Din buried him in blankets.
After about 10 minutes the ship was like a sauna on a pleasure planet. Even after stripping down to just his pants after he got Luke calmed down enough to close his eyes, Din was sweating. Yet Luke still hadn't begun to shiver again. Din paused, looking at the jedi for a moment as he carefully considered his next move. He knew he had to get Luke's body up to temperature and fast and he knew the best way to do that.
"Luke," Din said, carefully approaching the jedi who barely mumbled in response. "I'm going to touch you now. Don't throw me across the room." He said, hoping for some reaction but getting none. The mandolorian took a deep breath and a chance.
Trying not to jostle Luke, he carefully slid in behind the jedi and pulled him close, the Luke's back leaning up against his bare chest as Din wrapped his legs around his sides, careful to avoid the injury there. Luke jumped momentarily before sinking back into the heat Din's body was giving off.
A long sit and a very sweaty mandolorian later, Luke finally began to shiver. And after, he stopped shivering naturally. Finally, Din felt like he could breathe again. He allowed himself to relax, knowing there was nothing more he could do now except wait. He hunkered down closer to Luke, resting his chin in Luke's hair. His eyes began to slide shut, rest finally calling him.
That is, until, something else called instead. A ping rang out through the room signaling an incoming call.
Din groaned, knowing he couldn't ignore the what was bound to be Han or Leia, but loathe to leave Luke. Regrettably, Din pulled himself from the bed, slipping on his shirt, chest plate, and helmet for privacy before answering the call.
"Mando! Where the hell have you been? I've been trying to call you !" Came the voice of a very stressed Han Solo.
"We ran into some trouble." Din said simply, wondering how many questions the man would ask.
"Where's the kid?" He said, his voice deadly serious.
"Luke's here. He's hurt." Din told him honestly.
"Yeah, I know." Din tilted his head in surprise. Han crossed his arms, clearly upset. "Leia and Grogu started freaking out. I thought Leia was having a heart attack, and Grogu won't stop bugging out, grabbing his head, running around, tryjng to tell me stuff but I can't understand a word he says."
Din sighed. Luke's force signature and connection to the two acted as a warning signal when something was happening to the other, sometimes even effecting them physically.
"He's... he's stable." Din started.
"I don't like the sound of that." Han said.
"We need the Medcenter ready to receive him when we land." Din said, desperately trying to keep his voice even. "He was shot."
Han sucked in a breath through his nose, his mouth separating in shock. "Blaster fire?"
Din shook his head. "Bullet."
Han's eyes blew wide. "Kark, that's... well that's just uncivilized! Anything else I need to know?"
Din pursed his lips beneath the mask. "He's suffering from hypothermia."
Han paused, his eyes distant for a moment and Din wondered, recalling what Luke had told him in the cave, if he was remembering the last time he himself saw Luke in that state. "Kriff." He swore, rubbing his hands over his face. "How did this happen? Where were you?" Han asked and Din felt a pang of regret.
"Luke was kidnapped while I was incompacitated." Din answered.
Han sucked in a breath, angry his friend and brother wasn't protected properly, Din knew, because he felt the same way. "Look, you can tell me more when you get here and we get him fixed up, alright?" the smuggler said and Din nodded in response. "I gotta go talk to Leia and explain all this. Let me know when you're close to landing, the Medcenter will be ready."
Before Din could respond, Han hung up. Din took the helmet back off, wiping the sweat from his brow. It was still hotter than Tattooine on board. He double-checked their course before returning to Luke's side, silently apologizing to the unconscious jedi all the way back to Endor.
It took two days and a handful of bacta baths and patches later to fully revive the jedi.
Two days of Din hoping he didn't mess up his field medication, two days of a cold jedi and a tired Han. Two days of Leia and Grogu fighting the pain in their heads from Luke's own pain.
Two days to sit with his failure.
Of course the first thing Luke asked for when he's conscious is the holocron.
"Are you going to open it?" Din asked when Luke didn't activate it, opting to fumbling around the cube in his hands.
Luke's eyes locked on his, two windows into the bluest ocean and Din knew he could drown in them.
"I wanted to thank you first. For saving me and for helping me find this." He said, his gentle voice filled with gratitude the mandolorian felt he did not deserve.
"I almost let you die." Din reminded him.
"I almost let you die." Luke retorted.
"No, you saved my life." Din corrected him.
"As did you." Luke countered.
Din sighed. "You're determined to contradict me, aren't you?"
"I'm determined to see the truth, and the truth is I was captured while failing to save you and you ended up saving me." Luke said matter of factly.
Din threw his hands up in the air. "Then we're at an impass."
Luke let out a small laugh, hiding his smile by ducking his chin down, his blonde hair falling over his eyes and Din decided that was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. "I guess we are." the jedi said, before looking back up at the Mandolorian. "I've been meaning to ask you, when I was..." Luke trailed off for a moment. Din filled in the blanks, the image of Luke's broken body lying in the snow invading his mind. "...well, you said some things I don't think I understood."
Din felt a red hot flush crawl up his neck. He'd never been more grateful for his helmet. "Um...well I was worried, and when I worry I sometimes forget to stick to Basic and end up slipping into Mand'oa. It was just things like I'm sorry and such. Just slipped out."
"So, 'Cyar'ika' is 'I'm sorry?'" Luke asked, genuinely curious. Din silently cursed the fact that the man was a jedi, because anyone else wouldn't have remembered such details when they were busy dying of hypothermia and a gut wound. "Or is that 'Crye'? Or are they similar?"
This time Din ducked his head, not able to hold eye contact with Luke, even through the layer of his mask. "No." He said, hoping that was the end of it, but Luke waited, scooting forward in the bed ever so slightly, waiting for an answer. Din took a deep breath. "It...um...they are...terms of endearment?" He said, testing the waters. When Luke didn't react, Din continued. "Cyar'ika means...um, kark- it well...it means like... sweeheart o-or darling and-and Cyre means...it means beloved or...love."
Luke's eyes widen, a flush making its way across his cheeks. "Oh." He breathed out.
There was a beat of silence as Luke took it all in and Din let it sink in that he actually just told him that. The mandolorian stood. "I should go." He said, turning toward the door.
"No, Din, wait." Luke said, reaching for him and grabbing his wrist, gently turning him back to face him. Luke tugged him so that he was kneeling in front of Luke's bed. The jedi took both his hands first, then they made their way to his helmet. "May I?" He asked. Din, to his own surprise, nodded immediately. Luke removed his helmet, placing it delicately next to him on the mattress, before returning his hands to Din's. "I am happy you were there. You have become more important to me now then I would like to admit. Almost losing you on the bank of that river I...I couldn't breathe. I...I love you, too." Luke said, before turning beat red and pulling his hands from Din's. "That is...if that's what you...Oh, you probably just said those words in the heat of the moment, oh kriff, I'm an idiot..." The jedi stumbled over himself. "Um, I'm sorry i just assumed--"
Din chuckled, cutting Luke off with a kiss. Their lips connected and something ignited im the air around them. Like something so new and precious, but something that's always been there. The two melded into one and for a brief moment nothing else mattered. The events of the past week melted away like ice in the hot sun.
Luke pulled away, a laugh dancing off his lips as he mumbled an apology. Din wasn't sure what he meant until he noticed every object in the room was floating back down to it's correct spot in the room. Din caught the holocron before it landed back down, climbing up next to Luke on the bed, his free hand wrapping around the jedi's.
"What on this thing, anyway?" Din questioned, tossing it in the air like a ball for a moment.
Luke shrugged next to him. "Not quite sure, honestly. It's from the jedi temple, gotta be at least thirty years old. I'm hoping to be able to learn more about the jedi way but a lot of this information was destroyed during the rise of the Empire." He took it from Din, poking and prodding at it until a blue hued hologram lit up the sml medcenter room.
Before them stood a tall man with nearly shoulder length brown hair and jedi robes, darker than what Din had ever seen a jedi wear and Din's couldn't stop staring at his familiar blue eyes that were almost as blue as Luke's. Beside him stood a Togruta girl, no older than 16 with duo lightsabers Din recognized, fighting in what could only be The Clone Wars of old. Beside him Luke gasped, and Din tore his eyes away from the holographic pair to look at the jedi. His eyes were watery with unshed tears, his free hand clasped over his mouth. "That's...I think that's my father." Luke said. Din squeezed his hand. "I never knew him like this." Luke said, voice barely above a whisper as his eyes followed the holographic ghost of his father
Din's eyebrows knit together. "Who's the girl?" He asked.
Luke's eyebrows mimicked Din's. "I think thats my aunt."
"You're Aunt?" Din asked, looking at Luke, who's eyes still hadn't left the projection.
"Yes...I never met her." He said, distantly.
Din paused. "I think I have."
Luke blinked once. Then twice. Then turned the holocron off, turning fully to look at the mandolorian. "...You WHAT?"
And there we have it! The finale! Sorry took so long, but I hope it was worth the wait! Please enjoy and let me know if you liked it!
[ REQUESTED TAGS: @kineko123 @zarakem @ryleeamberrr @asthefirerisesblog @reinaorgana @16mistypaw @bi-witch-rose @mayor-aaya @theonlyredcar ]
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kiwibirbs-library · 4 years
Before and After Rituals
a/n: hi I hope yall like Imma make this a series with the schools so      mauh <3
pairings: karasuno x reader
warning: I’m pretty sure this is all clean if not feel free to say something. 
summary: the boy’s before and after game things that they do with you
seijoh || nekoma || fukurodani || shiratorizawa
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Daichi Sawamura
the night before a game you always go over to his house with some meat buns and either stay for a while or spend the night
he always holds onto you in some way
it calms him down 
its not anything big but it gives him a good sense of peace and quiet before chaos
after his game you always wait for him outside the gym, win or lose
he goes with his team back to the school and you meet him there too
you either go to his house or yours and one of you spends the night just to calm down his head
you always get snacks and even if he tells you to not get to much junk you always get to much and he doesn’t stop you
if he won then you talk about the next match and his thoughts on the team
he’ll also spin you around when he sees you outside the gym
idk he loves doing it
if he lost than he’ll start on things he needs to do better on and you’ll try and cheer him up with some corny jokes and kithes.
Sugawara Koshi
all the morning before the game you two are attached at the hip. 
everyone is just used to you “sneaking” onto the bus to drive with them
in reality him trying and failing horribly to cover you with his jacket and coach just giving up on it
constant quiet giggles at first as you try and calm his nerves
then around the end its more quiet and serious as he focuses a little more
after the game he naps on you the whole way home
if he wins you get to listen to his rambling about some idea he had on signals he could use or a set up he wants to try
he could literally talk for hours on what he was thinking wall watching and playing its so adorable
if he loses then theres a aura of sadness in the bus and if its bad enough he’ll muffle his small sniffs into your shoulder
that hasn’t happen except for date tech and sejioh though and your happy for that
you always sleep over after the game
Asahi Azumane
before the game welcome to teddy bear time
noya constant teasing for a week straight since the big dork is constantly on you freaking out
normally its not to bad and a lot of it is just of how scare he is that his spikes will get blocked a lot and the comments he’s sure to receive about his looks when he gets there
when game day does come you always kiss his cheek and hold his face to tell him good luck
def earning gags from tssuki but you didn’t hear it from me
after the game its like teddy bear time x10
win or lose you get a new weighted blanket for a couple of days
if he wins its a more happy blanket yes but he’s so exhausted that he just falls asleep on you the minute you meet him at his house after they left for the bus
plus a bunch of random ‘holy crap wait i did that?!”’s to himself throughout the day
if he loses he cries a little, blaming himself for the entire thing
you always tell him that its not his fault and that he did his best
he’s honestly so pessimistic the night after and your one it telling him that he needs to remember how it feels but not let it bring him down
you bring him up with those comments and he’s so grateful for it
Nishinoya Yuu
every time the day before a game he likes to go somewhere with you
weather it be the park, the arcade, an ice cream shop
a freaking pet shop (yes you almost got a pet that day)
he finds it relaxing to see you having a nice time with him and every time he always makes sure its a place to make you smile
after the game he’s a koala on you, win or lose
the only real difference is happy koala or sad koala
happy koala is randomly kissing you and laughing, nuzzling into you while Tanaka either gags or whines about how single he feels
sad koala is sniffling into your shoulder and clinging to you even more if its possible, hes pretty quiet too so you know hes waiting until you get home to talk about everything
course after that mini pout session hes all fighting and ready to see that team again and win
either one also ends with a cuddle movie night until like 2am
also unrelated but like he’s so freaking hot when he receives so always tell him that
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
ok ok this boy omg 
so before the game its MAJOR sucking up to you
literally after a while you’ll get more used to it and get what kinds of attention he wants but like at first its just a lot of complements and stares and draping
literally ennoshita is stretched so thin the week before hand by it all
no one even understands why he’s sucking up to you other than him, you (after a little), and ennoshita
he just wants you to return the energy
after the game all depends on winning or loosing
if the win he will always, without fail, kiss you like a million times all over your face when he sees you next
does not matter if its outside the gym or if its when he gets back to the school or what
every time
if they lose, well you now have a very sad puppy on your hands
mentally during a game he’s like no one you’ve never met but when he gets home and has sometime to think its all a bunch of ‘i could have done better’ and ‘i should have done better’ s
you are constantly reassuring him thats he’ll do it next time and that its not his fault
but win or lose yall’s main thing is a movie and snack night
after that he’s really to go the next morning and beat up some volleyballs lol
Ennoshita Chikara
lol he’s the most chill i think
before the match he’s really calm
bb doesn’t think he’s gunna play but like he’s ready
honestly though the biggest switch is that he’s an even bigger cuddle bug than before
like he keeps it together at school but hangouts? coming over?
better have gone to the bathroom before cause you’re not moving for the next couple hours
it’s like it calms him down after practice enough to think over what he needs to work on
after the game is the same no matter win or lose
every.single.time. he will always have a sit down with you to talk about what happened during the game
like quick nap, the meeting, then off to your house to go over the pros and cons on the game
he always has the moments when he thinks he’s not worth it to be put in the game but you always just ruffle his hair and tell him thats the furtherest from truth he could get
Kageyama Tobio
sorry anyways
so before a game he gets kinda quiet
normally he likes to chat about stuff that went on in practice or how hinata pissed him off that day while yall are sprawled on his couch
but he gets quiet the week before and just has that look on his face
you know the look
the ‘grumble grumble’ one
you always poke between his eyebrows and poke at him to make sure he doesn’t go to far into his thoughts
the night before its like a switch flips and hes muttering to himself like crazy on something he might be able to do with his sets
after a game is another win or lose situation
winning means you get little kid mode kageyama
literally his eyes sparkle at everything he enjoys afterward
rewatching his match
anything you freaking do, all that
plus napping, a lot of napping
losing is sad to watch
he sort of goes back a few steps in the social department and goes robot mode
you both will camp out on his couch, his head buried in your lap or shoulder
if its bad enough he cries a little
you always sleep over no matter what
Hinata Shoyo
alright this boy before the game is normally fairly daily ngl
you get normal bouncy sunshine that will follow you anywhere and everywhere all the time
but the night before you get meditation mode where he sets out his game stuff and sits there for like half an hour
first time this happened you got scared for him cause he never sits still that long
now though you just sorta hang on his bed watching him cause its cute
after the game is the biggest depending there is out of the rest
if he wins he is bouncing of the walls after a little nap
when you finally get him home he’ll have you throw the ball back and forth for like an hour before you call it and make him lay down or eat or something
if he loses its like he lost all his energy for a little while
he tries to fall asleep but cant due to a replay of something he did wrong
you always run your hand through his hair and try to calm him down
calm down as in cheer up not energy
at least until someone says something (usually tanaka) that gets him on another energy high to beat them next time
you always sleep over though it just happens so often that it became normal
Tssukishima Kei
before is fairly normal im ngl
he doesn’t do to much out of the ordinary
I like to think he’s a heck tone more affectionate in private 
his before game time isn’t anything special though 
he does come with you to the store to get snacks with yamaguchi more often tho so
thats something
after a game is really calm and slow
once again I think he’s a lot more affectionate in private so you lay on him while hes on his phone to calm down
half the time its calming you down since you were freaking out more than him
but same difference
this is what happens win or lose though
like if they lose and he tried he might lay on you instead but its normally just like that
honestly thinking of him being more affectionate in private just makes me fall for him ahhhhhh hate this but anyways
Tadashi Yamaguchi
this boy good lord
so before a game he literally shaking 
like he was fine the whole week but the day before he’s slowly freaking out more and more
tssuki will laugh at him while your trying your best to talk him out of his up coming panic attack that might come
a good light smack on his back and a cheek kiss is good enough to get him distracted fro thinking to much though
after a game is always the same thing unless he screwed up a serve really bad
you two always go to the store and gets some snacks and them go to his house and just talk about anything ad everything
if he wins its normally about the game but when he loses you bring up random things to cheer him up
if he messed up he’ll get quiet and just lay on you for hours
but you know that if you can get something about his amazing improvement he’ll eventually brighten up
bb just wants some love (that doesn’t mean you don’t smack him upside the head when he makes fun of someone tho 
a/n: im sorry for not doing  kinoshita and narita i dont know them good enough since im not that far into season four to write for them. plus i think ennoshita is oc but thats ok i think
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kstewdeux · 3 years
June 11, 2021 - Firsts
| Battle Couple | Warmth | Promises | Hands |
Lock Her Down
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Sitting against the wall in Kaede’s hut, Inuyasha cracked one eye open to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating and that Kagome was indeed sleeping mere inches away after being gone for three damn years. Just that morning she’d popped back into his life without warning and while that was the best moment of his life to date, he honestly didn’t know where to go from here. Sure, he assumed that she’d come back for him but did she though?
For a woman who could talk an ear off your head, she hadn’t said what her reasons for coming back actually were. Maybe she just missed being able to use her powers or…or maybe the modern world wasn’t what she was expecting. Maybe she got kicked out of that school of hers and didn’t know where else to go.  
  After all, it wasn’t like he’d actually said anything that would have let her know how he felt. If anything, he’d made it very clear for a very long time that he didn’t love her. Wasn’t like he was kind or told her she was pretty or…
 His ears drooped incrementally as he tried to come up with a single instance where he’d made it plain what she meant to him. Each time a memory occurred to him, it seemed rather lame and non-committal in hindsight. Even their kisses seemed to go nowhere and were done after something shitty happened so that didn’t help him at all.
 Well, he could change that. This was the first night she’d come back and a fresh start in many ways. There was still time to make his intentions known. Closing his eyes, Inuyasha inhaled deeply and tried to come up with a plan. A good plan. A plan to make her love him.
 A plan…
 Chewing the inside of his cheek, Inuyasha couldn’t come up with an idea about where to start much less a strategy. Sure, he could start by being nicer to her. Compliments never hurt. Flowers. Every woman loved flowers. That could work. He could find flowers. But given that they’d only been friends, would she even realize what those flowers were meant to convey?
 Flexing his hands a few times in the confines of his robes, Inuyasha shifted in his seat and let out a heavy sigh.
 He could do this. After all, Kagome was just a little human girl and he’d faced much more terrifying opponents. Overcome the impossible. There was no reason to be afraid of her rejection. No need at all to imagine the awkward little smile she’d given all her previous suitors and the subtle signs of disgust she’d exuded in those circumstances. If the worst thing that happened was that they remained friends, that wasn’t so bad, huh?
 Kagome let out a little hum in her sleep and turned his stomach into pleasant knots.
 It would be bad. So bad. Even if she could remain friends with him, he sure as hell couldn’t deal with that. He wanted her. More than he’d ever wanted anything and he was going to screw it up. He screwed everything up. All the time. He didn’t know how to people on a good day and now he was supposed to be all smooth and charming?
Exhaling shakily, Inuyasha gave up his farce and abruptly got to his feet.
 Air. He needed air.
 Running his claws over his scalp, Inuyasha mindlessly walked towards the Sacred Tree and tried to control his slightly panicked breathing. He’d rather face a thousand murderous demons than the ugly truth that she might not love him. Hell, she might not even be interested. Sure, he knew that him being part demon didn’t matter to her but that didn’t mean she thought he was attractive. Maybe all the times her scent spiked she was thinking of someone else. Anyone else. It was entirely possible that his lonely pathetic mind concocted the ‘she might love me’ idea out of thin air.
 Three fucking years trying to make it through the well and she might not even want him. Pressing his forehead against the rough bark, Inuyasha groaned and tried to catch his breath. What was he going to do? What if she married someone else? That’d kill him inside. Destroy him.
 Or lead to a very unfortunate accident wherein certain male persons met their demise. That could work. Be a shoulder to cry on?
 Sinking to his knees, Inuyasha tried to clear the static in his mind before anyone noticed he was out here having a full-blown panic attack.
 “Inuyasha? What are you doing out here?”
 Another groan escaped him as the last person he wanted to find him found him. Her voice soft and anxious. How was he supposed to explain…
 “I’m fine. Go back,” Inuyasha huffed before his eyes flew open in horror and he amended, “To the hut. Go back to the hut.”
 Stupid woman of course didn’t listen to a damn word he said and came closer.
 “What’s got you so upset, huh?” Kagome asked sweetly and Inuyasha let out a shaky breath before deciding to face his fears head on. If there was one thing he was good at, it was looking an enemy in the face without flinching. Not that Kagome was an enemy but….
 Swallowing thickly, Inuyasha unsteadily got to his feet before rolling his shoulders and turning to face her. To tell her that he’d been waiting for her. That he loved her more than he’d ever loved anything or anyone. That he wanted to build a family with her and have all the babies. That they were made for each other so even if she didn’t love him right now, she sure as hell better give him a chance.
 That....was not what he said though.
 “You’re gunna be my wife whether you like it or not.”
 Biting back the urge to cringe, Inuyasha tried to look at confident as possible even though his heart was nearly beating out of his chest. It did not help things that she looked confused. Did not help. At all. Why was she looking at him like that? This…
 “Sounds good to me,” Kagome laughed softly as she furrowed her brow in confusion and slightly turned her head, “So…why were you upset just now?”
 Inuyasha’s mouth fell partially open as he tried to wrap his mind around what just happened.
 “I love you,” he attempted to clarify – slowly and purposefully just in case she didn’t actually hear what he said or was misunderstanding, “I want you to marry me.”
 It only occurred to him after it was said that he’d never actually told her he loved her before so the whole marriage thing was definitely out of the blue and oh god, what if she didn’t hear him and now he said that and…
 “That’s nice. I also love you and want to marry you,” Kagome teased before she rolled her eyes, “Now tell me why you’re by the…”
 “Hold on. Hold on,” Inuyasha huffed in frustration, “I want to make sure I’m clear. I’m serious about this. I…”
 “I...wait, was I not clear or something?” Kagome asked as her eyes widened in surprise, “I said I loved you, right? What about that confuses you?”
 The miko watched as the cogs turned behind those amber eyes and he continued to stare at her like something was misfiring in his mind.
 “So…so we’re getting married....” he finally managed and Kagome nodded slowly like she thought he was losing his marbles, “…because you love me and that’s why you came back.”
 “Yup. That is the case,” she replied awkwardly before glancing behind him at the tree, “So…want to tell me what you were doing out here?”
 “None of your business,” he mumbled with a faint blush before clearing his throat and let out a short laugh, “So we’re getting married, huh?”
Furrowing her brow in a mixture of confusion and amusement, Kagome clearly tried to hold back a laugh as she replied warmly, “That has been established.”
 “Because you love me and I love you,” he continued trying to clarify redundantly and once again she nodded.
 “Huh,” he snorted before reaching out and pulling her into a tight hug that almost knocked the wind out of her small body, “Would you look at that.”
 Cooing happily in his embrace, Kagome hugged him back with all the strength she could muster as the reason he was out here having a panic attack was suddenly made clear. Bless his poor socially inept little heart.
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capricioussun · 1 year
papy request! choose for every diff pap a different fanfic trope <3
Oh boy fanfic tropes uhhh okay okay I will do my best! I’m not super well versed in fic and tropes so bear w/ me here lol
Rus (undertale) - devoted knight. Not to one person, rather a cause. His friends and loved ones, protecting them, taking care of them, by whatever means he has.
Edge (underfell) - collapse. He works himself so hard, it was bound to happen eventually. He’s not going to learn his lesson.
Stretch (underswap) - overheard at the worst possible time. Whether it was his secret spilled or he found something out he wasn’t meant to, I feel like Stretch is very good at finding himself in the wrong place at the wrong time without fail.
Copper (swapfell metal) - (platonic) slow burn. He’s a stubborn asshole but with enough goofing off and late night talks, he might open up a little, and be better off for it.
Ghost (fellswap glass) - framed. Uh oh! Looks like you’ve been framed for a crime you didn’t commit, and now it’s up to you and you alone to find a way out of this. Good luck!
The rest under the cut!
Uno (glitchedswap) - disappearance. It’s been many years since the sudden unexpected disappearance of Papyrus Gaster, but the hole his absence left still seems to be growing.
Heartfell Papyrus - soulmate birthmarks with a twist. That twist being that…he doesn’t seem to have a mark. Oh dear.
Lace (lovefell) - heartbreak in the rain. Self explanatory.
Rosewood (mafialovefell) - curse. He’s had a curse put on him, and only true loves kiss can break it...
Boss (mafiafell) - isekai. I would love to put his ass in a situation. /j but seriously. “Medical malpractice”. He is subject to experiments beyond his control. It does not end well.
Luck (mafiaswap) - lost the bet. Like rags to riches but in reverse. Will he be able to climb back to the position he once had?
Hawk (mafiatale) - poison. Uh oh! You’ve been poisoned. Is this gunna end at the hospital or the morgue?
Dove (horrortale) - second chances. He deserves a new lease on life, after everything…right?
Rust (horrorswap) - memory loss. He loses his memory in a terrible accident…but maybe that’s for the best.
Dusk (horrorfell) - life candles. And his has almost run out…
Ice (invertedfell) - (platonic) forced confessions. Trapped with a friend in dire circumstances and after a point, all they have left to pass the time is talking.
Clover (sweetswap) - flower shop. He’s always loved how colorful flowers are, even if he’s been partially colorblind since his accident.
Pictoris (outertale) - arranged marriage. But maybe it won’t be so bad after all..?
Aurigae - (platonic) slow dance. He gets pulled into dancing by a friend. He was having a terrible day, but…that helped. Maybe more than he’s even willing to admit.
Antares (outerfell) - space pirate. Is this a trope? I honestly don’t know but I love the concept and am standing by this.
Elester (demonfell) - absurd meet cute. He’s a demon, he needs to be placed in the story by extreme means, right?
Dos (glitchfell) - ghosts of the past. Something from his past is haunting him, and he can’t outrun it forever.
Void (vesselfell) - [redacted] coffee shop. He likes coffee :*)
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badassbuchanan · 4 years
After Hours - Part 2
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Warnings: smut; swearing, handjob, pussy rubbing, unprotected sex, rough, dirty talk, choking, hair pulling, jealously, mentions of daddy kink, angst.
Word Count: 4522
Part 1
A/N: just want to say a big thank you to every single one of you for all the support and love - it honestly makes my day when I read your lovely comments about how much you enjoy reading these! x
I skipped down the classily decorated corridor in my 5 inch Jimmy Choos, hugging a stack of files close to my body.
I could see Ransom, sitting on his PA’s desk as the two of them flirted like no one was watching through the completely transparent wall made of glass.
I flicked my hair over my shoulder before grabbing the icy cold metal handle. Ransom immediately arose from his position after his head had turned to watch me walk through the door.
He stared for a moment too long, admiring the way my shorter-than-usual skirt sat on my hips. I would never in a million years have worn something this short to work, but Y/F/N had begged me to meet her at a bar straight after work and it was already quarter to 5.
I watched his hands dig into the pockets of his jeans before I turned my attention to his irritated looking personal assistant. Something about seeing him flirt with someone else after what we’d done last week in his office ignited a fire of jealously inside of me which I couldn’t explain.
“Miss Y/L/N.” Ransom fronted professionally, a slight smirk playing on his lips as his eyes travelled slowly up and down my body.
“Y/N, you don’t have an appointment booked and Mr Drysdale was just about to leave for the day.” Julie snapped, causing me to bite the inside of my cheek with annoyance. She was obviously upset that I’d interrupted their flirting.
“Well then I’ll make an appointment for tomorrow.” I smiled sarcastically, feeling Ransom’s gaze continue to burn into me as I walked over to her desk.
“No need,” Ransom interrupted with a slight cough, his fingers absentmindedly tracing a pattern on the corner of the desk. “I’m free now.”
“Good,” I tried to stay professional, but my heart skipped a beat as I looked up into his piercing blue eyes. “Now works for me.”
Ransom spun on his heels to follow me as I silently made my way through the big wooden door of his office.
I heard the door shut after him as I immediately spread the files over his desk, organising them the best I could.
“It’s only Thursday, Y/N.” Ransom mumbled in a husky voice from behind me. I smiled shyly, moving my head slightly to the side as he came towards me. “I thought you said you wouldn’t have them finished until tomorrow.”
“No, Mr Drysdale-“
“Ransom.” He cut me off, reminding me of his preferred name.
“Ransom.” I corrected myself, tapping my fingers into the edge of the desk. “I said I’d have them done by Friday. But I like to impress, so I finished them a day early.”
“Well, I’m impressed.” Ransom’s hot breath against my ear made me jump slightly as his body pressed against my back. The feeling I’d missed so much. The feeling I’d touched myself at the thought of every night.
Since Ransom had fucked me in his office, something had switched inside of me. It was like he’d awoke some kind of need that wasn’t there before. A need that only he could satisfy.
“You haven’t even looked inside yet.” The playful remark left my lips as I made a show of leaning over his desk to reach for a pen, my ass grinding backward into his crotch testingly.
Ransom’s hands immediately flew up to squeeze my hips, a slight grunt escaping his mouth. I felt my pussy start to ache as his hardening cock rubbed against my ass.
“Why don’t you show me then.” Ransom breathed out shakily, unexpectedly walking around to stand more beside than behind me. His left hand rested on the table to steady him.
“Well, I used all of the original drafts you gave me to collate these more interesting plots.” I spoke professionally, picking up one of the manilla files I’d prepared to prove my point.
Ransom’s eyes scanned the documents after grabbing it from my hand, nodding interestedly as his brows furrowed with concentration.
“I think you’ll find these more interesting because-“ I gasped softly, feeling his right hand slide under my skirt from behind as he pushed between my legs and started to rub my pussy over my panties.
I bit my lip, closing my eyes as I tried to reclaim my balance. I immediately felt my pussy dripping in arousal at the hard massage his fingers were providing.
Ransom acted like nothing was happening, pushing his fingers harder against my pussy in circles as he watched me with a straight face. “Because what?”
“Well, because. I - Um.” I stumbled over my words, gasping in pleasure as the dampness of my panties started spreading down to his fingers. “Because I found a way to incorporate a fresh take on storytelling with the classic ‘whodunnit’ style of authors such as Agatha Christie.”
“Yeah?” He raised an eyebrow cockily, pushing his body against my side as he watched me lose control. “How so?”
“The - the um.” I breathed our shakily, letting the file drop on to the table as I steadied myself on my hands. Ransom pushed his fingers against my panties harder, the sound of my wetness filling the room as he moved his hand in circular motions. “the paragraphs I’ve highlited in pink apply the fundamental basics of a good mystery novel. If we incorporate those with the modern day and even futuristic elements highlighted in green, we get something unique that people can really get behind.” I finished the sentence seconds before a loud moan escapes my lips from the pleasure.
“Speaking of which,” Ransom smirked, turning his body to lean his ass against the desk before adjusting me so I was standing directly in front of him. He pulled me forward so that I straddled him, my front rubbing against his crotch as he continued massaging my pussy from behind. “Try not to be too loud, okay?”
I felt his warm breath against my skin, his lips millimetres away from mine as I reached my hand up to cup his face. “Ransom.” I whimpered his name, admiring him through hooded eyes.
“That’s it,” Ransom grunted out in encouragement, his throbbing cock nudging against my clit through his pants. “Cum all over my fingers, baby.”
The pet name drove me wild. Last time this happened, not a single word was exchanged. But now, Ransom was all mouth. and fingers. And it was making me horny.
I moaned his name again, my lips nudged against his as I bucked my hips. My fingers dug into the back of his head, clinging on to him desperately as I lost control, feeling my orgasm already taking over.
“Shhh, good girl.” He whispered as I rode his fingers, trying to recover from my euphoric high. “Did that make you feel good? My hand rubbing that little pussy of yours?”
His dirty mouth was only making me wetter and more desperate for him. “Yes, Oh. Yes.” I whimpered my response as he continued rubbing my sensitive pussy. My eyes closed in pleasure as I held onto his tightly, my head dropping forward weakly.
“Look at you,” Ransom chuckled deviously, amused as I withered against him at the overstimulation. “So responsive.”
I reached my hand that wasn’t in his hair down to press against his bulge, gasping at the wetness covering his crotch. Both of our eyes were drawn to where my hand was on him.
Ransom smirked, scoffing at the sight before leaning forward to gently nudge my lips with his. “You made a bit of a mess.”
“I’m sorry Ransom, you just made me so wet.” I whimpered submissively, finding myself wanting to give him everything before he even asked. I felt weak and small and reliant on Ransom to look after me.
“Don’t ever apologise for how horny you are, not to me.” Ransom lifted his hand that was on my panties up to trace my lips with his thumb.
I obediently parted my lips, Ransom’s eyes darkened with desire as he gently pressed the pad of his thumb against my tongue.
I kept my eyes focused on his, moving my hand up to hold his wrist as I suck on his thumb. I let my tongue swirl around his digit as though it was his cock, something that in the moment connected us in a way that neither of us understood.
Ransom’s jaw clenched as he watched me sloppily soak his thumb with my spit, some of it dripping out of my mouth on to my lips.
“Listen to me,” Ransom caught my attention with his words, causing me to loosen my suction on his thumb. He took it from my mouth, running it carelessly over my lower stomach before hooking it into my slightly exposed panties from where my skirt had ridden up. “I’m gunna shove my cock in you, okay? You took it so well for me last time.”
I nodded a response with a whimper before looking down at where his thumb was pressing circles against my throbbing clit, still sensitive from my orgasm. Ransom’s eyes fixated on it too, a smirk on his face as he watched me submitting to him.
I grabbed hold of his strong bicep with one hand to balance myself, feeling my legs begin to wobble as a dirty thought crossed my mind. “Bend me over your desk.”
Ransom smirked, both shocked and impressed by my request. “That how you like it, hm?” He licked his lips teasingly, running his spare hand down my bare thigh.
“I want you to fuck me really hard, Ransom.” I whispered innocently, looking up into his ocean blue eyes, unknowingly playing right into his deepest fantasies. He rubbed my clit so hard my body was moving with each circle of his thumb. “I want to feel your fingers around my throat.”
Ransom grunted in frustration, keeping eye contact with me as I spoke. Atta girl, tell me what you want.” He moved his hand from my thigh to his pants, skilfully undoing his the buckle of his leather belt.
Once he’d managed to unzip his trousers, Ransom shoved his hand down his pants, tugging his cock out to fuck it with his hand.
“I want to be naked when you fuck me.” I whispered against his lips seductively, moving my hands up to unbutton my blouse. “I want you to hurt me.”
Ransom groaned with his eyebrows furrowed, pumping his cock in his hand as his jaw went slack. Ransom’s hand stopped rubbing my clit and tugged on the soft material of my blouse, his eyes dropping to admire my boobs covered by a baby pink lacy bralette. 
“Fuck,” Ransom whispered huskily as I let my shirt pool around my elbows before dropping it to the ground. He suddenly grabbed my neck roughly, catching me by surprise as he tugged me toward his face. “You look so pretty for me, baby.” He groaned, resting his face in my neck as he leaves sloppy kisses on my skin.
I whimpered at the feeling of his hot lips on my body, wrapping my arms around his neck to bring him closer as I straddled him. I tilted my neck to give him more access, his hand squeezing around my throat softly.
Frustrated with my pussy still not being fucked with his cock, I decided to slide my hands down his chest before moving them back up underneath the thick material of his knitted sweater. I looked down, a satisfied smile on my lips as I ran my hand over his toned chest. “You’re so muscly.” I hummed sweetly, tracing my fingers over his abs.
Ransom stopped kissing my neck and let go of his cock for a moment, leaning back to lift his sweater over his head. He looked back at me as he smiled. “Don’t stare for too long, I don’t think I can wait much longer.”
I giggled softly, somehow a sweet moment shared in the middle of us fucking. I looked up into his blue eyes, shining brightly in the low glow of the office. My heart skipped a beat as he smiled back at me.
Without giving it a second thought I leaned in and pressed my lips against his, Immediately retreating after realising what I’d just done. “Shit, I’m sorry. I just got c-“
“It’s fine.” Ransom chuckled and cupped my cheek, pulling me back in for another kiss.
His lips were somehow soft and rough at the same time. Ransom’s breathing slowed as we kissed, his hand moving to my lower back to pull my body closer.
I whimpered softly as our bodies met, my clit rubbing against his cock. I parted my lips slowly, which gave Ransom the opportunity to deepen the kiss as I wrapped my arms back around his neck.
My boobs rubbed against his exposed chest as he slid his hand under my ridden up skirt, squeezing my ass cheek in his palm.
“You still want me to bend you over the desk?” Ransom whispered against my lips as I rolled my hips to connect with his cock again, wetting his tip in my arousal. “Or we could go back to mine and-“
“No,” I quickly jumped in, cupping his sharp jaw with my small hand as I looked helplessly into his eyes. “I want you to fuck me now, Ransom. I need you right now. Please.”
My other hand wasted no time moving between us as I take his big cock in my hand, tracing his length with my fingers as he gasped softly. “It’s okay, you’re okay, I’m right here.” Ransom groaned, licking his lips as he hooked his fingers into my drenched panties. 
I started pumping his cock in my hand as my panties hit the floor, desperately clenching around nothing as I waited in agony for his dick to be inside me.
“Fuck.” Ransom grunted as his jaw clenched, losing himself in the feeling of my hand jerking him off.
“You’re so big.” I hummed sweetly, looking down to where my hand was on him. Ransom’s hands moved up my bare back and skilfully unhooked my bra.
“Can you take it, baby? Hm?” Ransom growled in frustration as I squeezed my hand around him. My other hand gripped the flesh of his shoulder for balance, not taking my eyes off of his throbbing member. “Can that sweet little pussy take my cock?”
“Mmh.” I nodded my response and licked my lips, taking my hands off of him to let my bra drop to the floor.
A split second was all Ransom needed to stand up, yank me forward between him and the desk and press himself against my back. His fingers expertly slid my skirt down my thighs until it hit the ground, leaving me completely naked apart from my heels.
“Is this what you imagined?” Ransom whispered in my ear as his exposed chest pressed against my bare back, causing a shiver to ripple through my body. His arm hooked around my tummy as his fingers started rubbing my sensitive clit. “When you touched yourself at night. Is this what was running through that pretty little mind of yours?”
“Yes.” I gasped out a response, pressing my ass against his cock as the front of my thighs pressed against his wooden desk.
“Me too.” He admitted as he pushed me down to bend over his desk, his body staying flush against my back as he started rubbing hard circles on my clit.
“Oh fuck.” I cried softly as my face screwed up in pleasure, bucking my hips at the feeling of his fingers on my sensitive nub. His cock pushed its way between my ass cheeks, desperate to find its way into my aching pussy.
Ransom’s breathing hitched as the tip of his cock came into contact with my pussy lips. “So soft.” He whispered breathlessly, removing his hand from my clit as he stood up straight behind me. “So warm.”
I spread my legs a little more, eager for his big cock to fuck me. “Please Ransom.” I whimpered like a slut for him, parting my lips as I turned to look over my shoulder at him. “I need to feel your cock stretching out my tight little pussy.”
Ransom took hold of his cock, looking deep into my eyes as he lined himself up with my entrance before pushing himself deep inside.
I let out a loud cry, arching my back to push my ass closer to him as my head fell to the desk.
“Is this what you wanted, baby?” Ransom grunted, both hands on my hips as he pulls almost fully out before slamming back in to fill me. “You like the way it hurts when my cock stretches you out?”
With every thrust I started to get more desperate, already overstimulated by the attention his fingers. “Yes.” I whispered breathlessly.
Ransom’s hand suddenly grabbed at my hair, tugging my head back towards him roughly. I cried out, closing my eyes at the pleasure.
“Louder.” He growled, fucking into me quickly with sharp jolts of his hips. He wrapped my hair around his fist, pulling so hard that my torso rose from the table.
I moaned loudly as I rested my palms against the wood to try and balance myself as my pussy clenched around his thick cock. Sounds of us fucking filled the air as I felt myself coming to my high once more. 
“Fucking take it.” Ransom grunted aggressively, thrusting his hips with all his strength as he fucked me. “Take my cock like a good slut for me, baby.”
Daddy. Daddy was the one word that ran through my mind as he pounded into me. I’d heard people use the word before. I’d watched porn, I’d read smut where they used the word. But I’d never said it before, I’d never felt it before.
“Yes-“ I gasped softly to stop myself from saying it out loud, frightened of how Ransom would react. I didn’t want this to stop. It felt too good.
“Shit, I’m gunna cum.” Ransom moaned, taking his hand off of my hip as he tugged me up by my hair to rest my back against his chest.
“Ransom.” I moaned in response, his tip nudging against my g-spot with the new angle he was fucking me from. My legs started to shake as his fingers moved from my hair to wrap around my throat, squeezing with enough pressure to have me seeing stars.
“You gunna cum for me?” He growled from behind me, his balls slapping against my skin as he thrusted faster, chasing his high. “You gunna drench my cock with your cum?”
“Yes, Ransom, oh fu-“ I cried through choked breaths, wave after wave of orgasm hitting me as I frantically bucked my hips back against him.
Ransom grunted in my ear at the feeling of my pussy pulsing around him, his hand getting a little tighter around my throat to keep my head from falling forward.
“That’s it baby,” He soothes me through my orgasm, his voice a little sweeter than usual as I tried to recover. He continued thrusting mercilessly into me as his cock throbbed inside me. “That’s it.”
“Ransom,” I whimpered, turning my head to the side again as I felt my boobs bounce with every deep thrust of his cock. “I need your cum.”
“Yeah? You want my cum filling this sweet little pussy?” He moaned, clenching his jaw as tingles of pleasure rushed through his body. “You want to feel it flooding inside you?”
“Yes.” I cried out desperately, lifting my hand to hold onto his wrist as his fingers tightened around my throat, making it hard of me to breathe.
Ransom growled huskily as I felt his seed spilling into my wet hole. His fingers left marks on the side of my neck as he continued to thrust in and out, riding out his orgasm.
“Oh fuck.” He moaned euphorically, letting go of my throat before pushing my chest back down against the wooden desk.
I whimpered softly, feeling his cum filling my pussy as he rammed his cock deep inside me. His hands moved to my hips, pulling my ass back against him with more force as he stayed fully sheathed in my wetness.
“I’m still cumming.” He grunted, painting my walls with his cum as I started to fill it spilling out of me and running down the inside my thighs.
We both stayed there for a moment to steady our breathing before Ransom finally pulled out slowly. “Shit.” He whispered shakily as he admired the mix of our juices dripping out of my pussy.
Ransom took a step back, moving away to grab a few tissues from his coffee table. I stood up straight, turning around as he held one out to me as an offer.
Neither of us were in a rush to leave one another, but we didn’t know what else to do except get dressed.
We cleaned ourselves up and discarded the used tissues in the bin next to his desk. Ransom tucked his cock away as I shimmied my panties and skirt back up my weak legs.
We moved about in silence, the same silence as the first time we’d fucked. It was only once I’d finished buttoning my blouse back up and was trying to make my hair look presentable that he spoke.
“Come home with me, tonight.” Ransom’s eyes were focused on the back of my head as he re-buckled his belt.
I smoothed over my skirt, suddenly reminded of why I had it on in the first place. “I can’t.” I responded disappointedly, if it was any other night, I would’ve gone with him in a heartbeat. But I couldn’t cancel on Y/F/N with such little notice. She’d ask questions. Questions that I wouldn’t want to answer.
Ransom face dropped noticeably as I turned to face him. His eyebrow cocked in curiosity as he walked towards where I was, now leaning against his desk. “How come?”
“I- I’m..busy.” I managed to make the words escape my throat, intimidated as Ransom moved to stand right in front of me, pushing the sleeves of his cable knit jumper up to his elbows. I hated how turned on I felt at the sight.
“Busy?” He frowned curiously, eyes squinting as his fingers delicately traced over the exposed flesh of my thigh. I flinched at how he oozed dominance, trying to think of the right way to explain my evening plans but the silence seemed to tell all.
“Oh.” Ransom’s hand came to a sudden halt, leaving my leg feeling cold as his hand lifted off of my skin. His head dropped down to avoid my eyes, he now understood why I’d dressed different today. And his heart sunk as he realised it wasn’t for him.
“Come on Ransom,” I chuckled softly, trying to lighten the awkwardness and make him feel better as I adjusted myself to stand up straighter. Ransom coughed abruptly, turning his head to the side. “I’m sure one of your other girls would love to keep you company tonight.”
“Other girls?” Ransom’s head snapped back to me immediately with a deadly look on his face. His blue eyes stared deep into mine, making me nervous as I fidgeted slightly. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” His hands came to rest on his hips, his lips slightly parted in shock.
“Nothing, I-“
“So that’s what you think of me?” Ransom scoffed with a shake of his head, physically stepping away from me. “Just think I’m some kind of self-consumed womaniser who can’t keep his cock in his pants? Fuck me, it’s all over the media so it must be true. The disappointing heir of Harlan Thrombey who likes to enjoy himself, he must be off the fucking rails, unfit to run the family business. Do you think I just have a list of girls saved in my phone that I rotate through like some kind of fucking roulette wheel? Doesn’t matter if they have plans, or a boyfriend, I’m Hugh fucking Drysdale! I know they’ll come running so I use them just to dump my fucking cum into. God forbid I actually have a heart or life aspirations that don’t involve getting drunk, snorting coke or having a different girl in my bed every fucking night!” He was screaming his words by the end.
“No. Ransom, I didn’t mean-“ I tried to make him stop for a moment to explain what I meant. But he was so worked up. So heated, fury coursing through his body as his blood boiled from my accusation. 
Ransom ran one of his hands through his hair, his eyebrows deeply furrowed as I noticed his stomach expand with his heavy breaths.
“Ransom, please. I-“
“Just go.” He stepped further away from me as his face dropped sternly, clearing the path between me and the door.
I stood there, heartbroken at the thought of upsetting him, terrified of the fact that he was my boss. I’d never seen him this angry before. He had a point though. I didn’t know much about him apart from what I saw in the media. It was hard to ignore when they were constantly posting photos of him in compromising situations. Ransom was still new to the company, most of the time he’d been here he’d been stuck in his office attending conference calls with business partners or reviewing drafts. None of us knew much about Ransom personally. So we’d filled in the blanks with what the press told us he was.
“I said get the fuck out!” Ransom yelled in frustration, his muscles flexing as he picked up a glass from his desk, sending it smashing against the wall.
I flinched, terrified at the sudden sound, jolting upright and bolting toward the door without a moments hesitation.
I heard another crash from inside the room as the heavy wooden door shut behind me. My heart raced as I hurried my way through the reception area, thanking my lucky stars that everyone had already gone home for the day.
I stood by the lift, still in shock as I waited impatiently for the doors to open. I grabbed my phone from my purse, rolling my eyes as I remembered the double date that was about to take place. At least it would take my mind off of Ransom and the fact that I was probably going to get fired tomorrow. I should’ve just kept my mouth shut, I should never have let myself get involved with him. I knew I’d end up ruining it. It was too good to be true. 
Ransom sighed as he slumped down onto his leather office sofa after grabbing a bottle of whiskey from the liquor cabinet. He held his head in his hand, untwisting the cap off the bottle with his teeth before spitting it out carelessly. There was no need for a glass tonight, which was lucky for him, considering his favourite one was in a thousand pieces on the floor.
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shigarakis-cumdump · 3 years
Day 5: Kidnapped by Shinsou
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Kinktober 2021 masterlist here!
Title: Taking Over You
Summary: Shinsou took one look at you and was infatuated. Let’s see how tonight will go.. Be a good girl and don’t make Shinsou use his quirk on you.
Cw: kidnapping, yandere themes
Word Count: 1k
Shinsou first caught a glance of you at a party. Your bright, happy eyes, tall figure laughing and enjoying the company of your friends; the complete opposite of himself: tired eyes, slouched over in the corner with no one to talk to. He could hear your conversation from his place in the room because you were so drunk you were practically screaming. 
“He was a loser anyways, and besides, I like being single. I feel free.” you replied to your friend. So you were single. Shinsou took a mental note while he took a stroll over to the drinks, then made a b- line for you. 
“How are we doing tonight, ladies?” he asked, his words falling on judgmental ears. 
“Not interested.” you said bluntly. 
“Woah!” He raised his hands up in defense, “Can’t a guy just have a conversation with a girl without ill intentions?” he sipped his drink. You and your friends looked at each other with hesitant faces. 
“You’re right,” you sigh, “Sorry. You just never know nowadays.” Shinsou nodded with a smile and grabbed a seat. One of your friends made some pathetic excuse for having to leave, but that didn’t bother him. The less of them around, the easier it would be to talk to you. Who needed these loud bitches anyway? Deep down, you looked like a reserved and polite girl to him. He made small talk with you, inching closer and closer every few minutes until his hand just so happened to fall on your thigh. When you noticed and still didn’t protest, he took it a step further. Shinsou dragged his hand further and further up your thigh, squeezing it periodically. You pushed your thighs together, hoping it would go unnoticed. 
“Is someone enjoying this a little too much?” He whispers in your ear. You look at your drink, avoiding his dark, amethyst eyes that could see right through you. 
“Haha, maybe.” You’re too honest when you’re drunk. He chuckles at your honesty. 
“You never looked like you belonged in this type of setting anyway. How ‘bout we head back? I’ll drive you home.” 
“Nah It’s alright, I can make it back on my own.” you reply. Shinsou informs you about all the creeps roaming the streets late at night, prowling for drunk girls like yourself; it was too dangerous for you to walk home and he, “wouldn’t be able to live with himself,” if something happened to you while you walked alone. You finally agreed to him driving you home, and the two of you stumbled out of the bar. The cool air hit your face and it felt amazing. He leads you over to his car and- you’re kidding. He’s rich?! Your night just got a whole lot better. Little did you know, he stole it. He helps you into the car and buckles you up, hopping in the front seat. 
“Sober enough to give me directions, sweetheart?”
“Yes,” you roll your eyes, “Keep going straight and then take a left on the 1st street.”
“Got it.” He replied. The rest of the ride was rather quiet, the bright street lights periodically illuminating- 
“You missed the turn.” You sit up, looking at Shinsou through the rearview mirror. He ignores your words and continues going straight. 
“Hey, uh, Shinsou.. You missed the left.” 
“I know,” he said arrogantly. You unlocked the door and tried opening it despite your eyes making the car spin. “What do you think you’re doing? The car’s moving, dumbass.” 
“I don’t care. I’m going home.” you insisted. 
Shinsou’s patience is wearing out. He didn’t want to use this until later, but you really give him no choice. “Shut that whore mouth up and sit still.” He takes over your mind with a few simple words and your body complies. You feel weird- You want to open your mouth but can’t; want to jump out of the moving car but your body won’t take orders from your brain anymore. You didn’t know he had a quirk that did this. 
His quirk lasts on you a lot longer than expected. He gets you back to his place and takes you to a dark room with a bed in the center. On the bed lies a bright pink collar with “Daddy’s” engraved on it. When his quirk finally releases you from it’s grasp, you scream and claw at him, demanding he let you go. He sits there and takes your resistance, but not for long. Shinsou’s. not. a very. patient. man. 
“Kitty, don’t make me do this again, I hate not being able to have real conversations with you,” he sighs as if he’s the one losing something here. 
“What? That fucking quirk? Don’t you dare! Just let me-” 
“How about you quiet down and put on the collar. Be a good kitty and sit on the bed, wait until I come back for you.” Your eyes swell with tears as you try resisting the brainwashing. Your body turns on its own and does what he asked of you. Shinsou left for god knows how long, his quirk still taking effect. Trapped in your own mind, you sit aimlessly waiting for him to come back. You hear the door unlock and hide behind the bed. 
“Did you miss me?” 
“Fuck off.” you hiss. He sighs and strides over to you, pastry in hand. 
“You must be hungry. But only good kitties get fed. Are you willing to be a good girl for me?” You curse him out, scratch at his arms, kick his torso away, anything to let this man know you were not going to accept this. You really were like a stray cat in his eyes. Training you was gunna be difficult. 
“Kitty? I’m home~” Shinsou calls out for you. You run out of your room and jump on him. 
“Welcome home, Master!” you rub your face in the crook of his neck. Breaking you was easier than he thought when he had such a powerful quirk. 
“Playtime, kitty. Master’s had a long day.” You learned to love playtime. You learned how to love a lot of new things. But most importantly, you learned how to depend on Shinsou, and he couldn’t be happier.
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animensfw-smut · 4 years
Can I request a weird one where it is werewolf! Bakugo x reader where bakugo lose control due to it being a full moon near reader (he didn't realise it was gunna be a full moon), so as a werewolf he chases/attacks and hurts reader. But he turns back at sunrise just after he hurt her, so he panics and rushes her to a hospital, fluff at the end, reader is a bit nervous but gets better with him after his comfort in the hospital where he apologises and tells her that he is back and wont hurt her ❤❤❤
Of course you can! 🥰 
Bakugo is sort of OOC in this one because i wanted him to be kind of like a sub, and always wanting the attention of his s/o like head pats, cuddles, hugs, and kisses etc.
WARNINGS: Bakugo being a lil’ bit violent, slight angst with happy ending, mentions of blood.
*Third pov*
“Hey baby boy, are you done staring outside yet? The movie’s about to start.”
Katsuki silently nodded. He had a strange feeling in his gut that something wasn’t right and that he was missing something. Shaking his head to rid himself of these thoughts, he sat himself next to (y/n), cuddling up to her on the couch.
Katsuki liked to snuggle up to (y/n) and cling to her whenever he had the chance. It was probably because he was a werewolf and enjoyed getting attention from her, and he especially loved her playing with his hair.
As the movie continued to play, his eyelids drooped, the background music and the soft gentle hands threading through his hair lulling him to sleep. A warm smile painted (y/n)’s face as she looked at Katsuki’s cute sleeping face.
“Ahhh, how cute~” Leaning down, she gave a sweet kiss to Katsuki’s lips, loving the taste of caramel that invaded her mouth. She looked outside, aware that it was near midnight,
“Hmm, it’s a full moon tonight. I’m sure there was a reason why he doesn’t visit me on these days...” Her eyes widened as she recalled what he said,
“Shit.” (y/n) took a deep breath, gently lowering Katsuki’s supposedly sleeping body to the couch, careful not to wake him. He stirred slightly and (y/n) held her breath until he stopped moving. Letting out a small sigh of relief, she turned around to head back into her own room to lock the door and be away from Katsuki as the full moon passes.
 Creeping back to her room, she was stopped by strong arms that wrapped around her waist. She froze.
“H-Hey. Th-Thought you were taking a nap, b-baby...” An animalistic growl escaped his throat. She shivered as her hands came up to cover his,
“M-Mind letting me go? I’m about to go sleep.” His arms tightened as he threw her to the nearest wall.
“Ugh...” Her back ached, blood escaping from her mouth as she tried to stand up. Katsuki had a wild look on his face, his gaze filled with bloodlust and the intent to kill.
“Hah...” She took in mouthfuls of air, wincing at the pain every now and then. Getting to her feet, she placed her hand on the wall for support, her eyes watching Katsuki’s every movement.
“K-Katsu... It’s (y/n), y-you know, your girlfriend?” He let out a growl. (y/n) deadpanned,
‘Clearly he doesn’t know, that’s why he attacked you. Way to go (y/n)...’
Katsuki rushed towards her again, his nails growing sharper into claws and his fangs growing longer. His tail swished violently with how fast he moved.
In a blink of an eye, he stood in front of her, and the next, his claws had impaled her stomach. 
“Fuck...” (y/n) closed her eyes tightly before grabbing Katsuki into a tight hug. Sounds of diapproval came from Katsuki’s mouth as he struggled in her grip.
“Hey, calm down, baby boy...” She brought him to the floor, her fingers playing with his hair as he slowly fell limp against her, weakened by the touch. Brushing his hair up, she planted a kiss on his forehead,
“That’s it... F-Focus on the touch, come back to me...”  Blood started dripping from the corners of her mouth as her vision began to blur. Katsuki stirred ‘awake’, suddenly aware of what was going on. His eyes widened with shock as he looked down at (y/n).
“H-Hey, (y/n)! D-Don’t die! I-I’m s-sorry! Please!!! Don’t leave me...!”
“I-It’s not your f-fault...” She drifted off, fainting from the blood loss. Katsuki was in shock before he immediately rushed out of the house to bring her to the nearest hospital.
It had been two days since that happened. Katsuki didn’t leave (y/n)’s side for even a second, scared that when she woke up he wouldn’t be there.
Right now, he was resting his head on top of his arms, fallen into a deep sleep. He was tired since he had worried throughout this whole time. He was scared that (y/n) wouldn’t want to be with him anymore because of his change in character whenever it was a full moon. He felt guilty that he had hurt the one he loved.
As the monitor beeped steadily, (y/n)’s eyes slowly opened, but they quickly closed when her vision was filled with a bright white.
‘Man, it’s so bright. If i didn’t know any better, I’d think i was in heaven.’ She chuckled inwardly at her thought before reaching for the glass of water beside her bed. Taking big gulps of water to soothe her parched throat, her eyes softened when they landed on Katsuki. Her eyes traced his tired features, dark eye bags forming under his eyes and his hair all messed up. She reached her hand up to smooth his hair,
“Cute...” Katsuki leaned into her touch before waking up. His tired eyes met with her eyes as he looked up. Katsuki’s lips quivered and his eyes started to fill with tears as he hugged the life out of (y/n).
“I-I’m sorry (y/n)! P-Please, I-I didn’t mean to h-hurt you! I would n-never dream of it...! Please don’t b-break up with me... I n-need you...” A soft smile lighted up her features when she cradled his face in her hands,
“I know, baby. I know you would never want to hurt me, and i know you didn’t mean it. I would never leave you because i need you too! And look, I’m alright. It’s fine! It just means we’ll have to see how we can control your blood lust when it’s a full moon. After all, i don’t want you to suffer and leave me whenever it’s a full moon.” Katsuki sniffled slightly and nodded, cuddling up to (y/n).
‘At least no one died...’ She slapped herself mentally for that thought.
I hope this was acceptable! I kind of changed the plot slightly i think? I made Bakugo a softie instead of being like his usual self, but if this wasn’t satisfactory and you wanted Bakugo to be more like his usual self, please feel free to request again! 😊
Next request:
Incest! Katsuki x Little sister! Reader (No.4).
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ohdarlings · 3 years
top 5 lyrics! 🎵
omg … ever … okay here we go x
it’s all easier said than done and it isn’t even easy to say - if life exists, jeffrey lewis
i’d written this down in my notes app because it just scratched an itch in my brain i didn’t even know i had, and jeffrey lewis seems to have that affect on me a lot. like fuck off ! it is all easier said than done and it isn’t even easy to say! and it is hard to get bored when you pick the right two chords and you keep on strumming as if you don’t know what’s coming ! he has a way with words that i’m envious of .. i need to start picking my own two chords and honing in on life’s little niches …. i know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea but i think he’s just a little bit of a genius
i just wanted to be one of those ghosts you thought that you could forget, and then i haunt you via the rear view mirror on a long drive from the back seat. but it's alright 'cause you love me, and you recognize that it ain't how it should be. your eyes are heavy and the weather's getting ugly, so pull over, i know the place. don't you know an apparition is a cheap date? - star treatment, arctic monkeys
oh my god i could have wrote the whole of this song … it’s just perfect. i love the alex turnerisms so much, i love love love the atmosphere, the line ‘who you gunna call, the martini police?’ sets up the whole thing. that one line sets the tone and tells you everything you need to know and i think that’s so fucking clever.
try to understand, when i can, i will. mayonaise, the smashing pumpkins
this is so short and simple but oh my god in and out of context it makes me lose my mind. the pleading just wrecks me every time. the desperation reads to me as like … i would if i could. I WOULD IF I COULD. also mother, weep the years im missing, all our time can’t be given back . the way the sentence isn’t resolved until the next line, and a breathy back get’s it’s own line… time moves on and there’s nothing we can do about it, and i think the way that line resolves only happens that one time the whole song (previously it’s more of a word association) before it builds into almost begging, and to who? can anybody hear me? I LOVE THIS SONG x
so excuse me forgetting, but these things i do. see, i’ve forgotten is they’re green or they’re blue. anyway .. the thing is … what i really mean …. yours are the sweetest eyes i’ve ever seen. - your song, elton john
i think this is the most beautiful love song ever written. it’s unassuming and expects nothing in return, but offers everything. and the way he talks to his lover … it feels so real and personal. should i be hearing this? but it’s so universal ! it’s so universal and i don’t care if anyone calls me corny for this choice, BECAUSE IM RIGHT. there’s something about simplicity in love songs i adore, i’m reminded of book of love by the magnetic fields as well - but i, i love it when you read to me, and you could read me anthing.
empty nights with nothing to do, i sit and think, every thought is for you, i get so restless and bored, so i go out once more, i hate to feel so confined, i feel like I'm wasting my time - the paris match, the style council
oh i could have written this whole song (again x). i think my paul is such a little genius for this one. again; it has that feeling of something real behind it. i can see him having a fleeting encounter, maybe with someone he just met, or maybe someone he has known, and it’s the next day, the next week, and it means little to them and everything to him. and the negativity around his emotions after the previous you sort of coloured my mind, is like … why do i feel so intensely!!! why when you don’t. the gift you gave was desire !!!!!!!!! i’m obsessed with this one.
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seanfalco · 4 years
35 & 1 from the drabble game with five hargreeves??
Prompt: not wanting to be alone + “I’m with you for a reason, stupid.”
a/n: au where when Five returns he’s the same age as the others
Five had holed himself up in his room again.  Anyone else and they’d have left him be, taking his actions at face value and assuming, like usual, that he wanted to be left alone.  However, you knew Five better than that.  Or at least, you’d like to think so.
So, as you lingered outside, your fist hovering to knock you gave a start as the door suddenly opened.  “Well, you gunna stand out there all day, or you gunna come in?” Five asked, turning and leaving the door open.
Stepping into the room, you shut the door behind you, following Five to his desk, your eyes taking in the cramped scrawl of equations that filled every inch of the walls. 
One look at Five and you could tell he was stressed, his hair, usually combed back neatly looked like he’d been raking his fingers through it and dark bags rimmed his sharp eyes, giving him a manic hunted look.
“You okay?” you asked, silently kicking yourself.  
Of course he wasn’t okay, he was almost single handedly trying to stop the apocalypse from happening while trying to wrangle the others as well.
“Yeah, fine,” Five grumbled, getting up to pace.  
“Five,” you said sternly, giving him a level look as he paused, turning to glance at you.  “Talk to me,” you urged, catching his wrist and pulling him toward you.  
Sighing heavily he gave in and sat down at the edge of the bed.
“You’re not alone anymore,” you reminded him, “you don’t have to bear this burden by yourself.”
Hesitantly Five looked over at you and shook his head wearily.  He’d always thought he been better than everyone, that he didn’t need anyone -- looking into his eyes now you could see that maybe, just maybe he was starting to believe he needed someone.
“[Y/N], I’m at the end of my rope,” he admitted softly.  “I’ve hit a dead end and I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do.  Everyone’s counting on me.  I can’t lose them again,” he exclaimed fiercely, his hand hesitantly finding yours.  “I can’t lose you again.”  The waver in his voice tugged at your heart and you squeezed his hand.
“I won’t let that happen,” you insisted.  
“If I can’t figure it out, what makes you think you can?” Five snapped, instantly regretting it, his gaze dropping to your joined hands.  “I’m sorry, it’s been a while since anyone’s… cared,” he murmured, rolling his shoulders uncomfortably, his voice softening once more.  “I just… I’m not used to asking for help.”
Smiling softly, you caught his eye.  “Yeah well, I’m here with you for a reason, stupid,” you teased, drawing a hesitant grin to his lips, revealing the dimples you loved so much.  “We always were better together than apart,” you pointed out.
“You may have a point,” Five agreed.
“Okay, so, go over it with me.  Maybe with two sets of eyes we can see something you didn’t think of before.  
Five nodded, and when he turned back to you, his eyes held a hopeful light that wasn’t there a moment ago.
“Do you know how much I’ve missed you?” he asked incredulously and you grinned, getting to work.
Drabble Prompt Game
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