#this guy's body is like a lava lamp
struwberrii · 3 months
oikawa headcannons ˚⊱🪷⊰˚
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i <3 tooru oikawa
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begs you to come to practice with him (he always shows off when you’re there and iwa calls him out on it quick)
has a stupid embarrassing contact name for you (like pookie bear or something but he’s 100% serious about it)
whenever he finds out something like when he was analyzing the karasuno technique he comes to you so excited to tell you all about it
sassy man apocalypse final boss
he has the most complex skincare routine that his big sister introduced him to
he used to use his sisters perfume when he didn’t have cologne on him so he would jusy smell like champagne toast from bath and body works (his team also made fun of him for it)
always smells sweet (like bakery items)
his voice when he speaks spanish is like 3 octaves deeper than usual
secretly loves brat by charli xcx
wears his skincare headband with a bow on it around the house
one time he opened the door for iwa with it on and now that’s his contact picture on iwas phone
he has perfect handwriting
gets so mean on roblox, like he genuinely sees red when he’s arguing with little kids
studies in coffee shops and tries to look mysterious
is really good at solving rubix cubes and puzzles for some reason
randomly picks you up and carries you on his shoulder for no reason
like hell just be walking around talking to people and doing stuff with you on his shoulder
if you guys fight really bad he’ll say the most hurtful things with a smile on his face and then gaslight you later into thinking he never said that
candy crush veteran (he’s been playing since it came out he’s on a higher level than your grandma)
waits for golden hour and sets his phone up to take his selfies
his hair is actually so soft like it’s unreal
loves coming up behind you and hugging you and just staying there for a while
genuinely cries if you praise him
makes tiktok grwm videos
type of guy to go and get his eyebrows threaded
he builds the minecraft house while you go find iron (YOURE A MAN!!!! OFF TO THE MINES!!!)
there is not a single bad picture of him out there like even if he’s caught off guard he looks perfect
never breaks out or anything like always has perfect skin
he’s the biggest drama queen, like god forbid he gets a cold the world would literally end
he has my melody house slippers
he has a lava lamp in his room that he’s had for like 5 years
loves fruit, like strawberries are the key to his heart
buys you drinks from the vending machine if you come to practice
sings in the shower really loud
has like 5 pairs of converse
sleeps with every stuffed animal you’ve given him
secretly listens to megan the stallion when he’s working out
d1 complainer, hes always whining about something
someone just tell him everything’s gonna be ok
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bi-panicatthedisco · 5 months
Random incorrect twst first-year quotes I saved
Deuce: Throw lamps at people who need to lighten up, and throw handles at someone who needs to get a grip!
Ace: Throw a refrigerator at someone who needs to chill!
Yuu: Throw scissors at someone who needs to cut it out!
Jack: Throw a clock at someone who needs to get with the times!
Sebek : Throw matches at someone who needs to get fired up!
Epel: Throw a brick at someone to kill them!
Yuu: Time for plan G.
Jack: Don’t you mean plan B?
Yuu: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Epel: What about plan D?
Yuu: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Sebek : What about plan E?
Yuu: I’m hoping not to use it. Deuce dies in plan E.
Ace: I like plan E.
*when the Squad drops food*
Deuce: Eh, oh well.
Ace: FUCK!
Jack: *just gets more food*
Yuu: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*
Sebek : *eats the food off the ground*
*the Squad at Disneyland, in the teacups*
Sebek, Jack, and Deuce: *spinning a little and talking*
Epel, Ace, and Yuu: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Epel: The floor is lava!
Jack: *helps Sebek onto the counter*
Ace: *kicks Deuce off the sofa*
Yuu: *lays on the floor*
Epel: ...Are you okay?
Yuu: No.
Jack: Man, they look like a real handful. How do you deal with them?
Yuu, watching Sebek screaming, Ace trying to set a sleeping Deuce on fire, and Epel choking on air: I don't know either.
Deuce: We need to distract these guys
Ortho: Leave it to me
Ortho: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Yuu, Ace, and Epel: *Immediately begin arguing*
Jack, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
'Can I copy the homework?'
Ortho: I can help you with it!
Deuce: Yeah, sure.
Yuu: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Ace: lol nope.
Epel: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!
Jack: *Read 5:55pm*
Yuu: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Ortho: >:O language
Deuce: Yeah watch your fucking language
Ace: 'The fuck word'.
Sebek: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Deuce: Oh my god they censored it
Epel: Say fuck, Sebek.
Ace: Do it, Sebek. Say fuck.
Yuu: Well, aren’t you all a rag-tag group of adventurers with unclear goals and good hearts! Oh, let me guess: you’re out to save the world!
Jack: Well, actually, that sounds like a pretty fair assessment.
Deuce: More or less, I guess...
Ortho: That sounds awesome! Let’s do that!
Epel: I’m new here, but I am open to the concept.
Ace: I thought that’s what we were doing, guys, come on!
Yuu, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Ace: Hey.
Deuce: Hi.
Jack: Hello.
Ortho: Hey!
Yuu: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
Epel: We were out of Doritos.
Ortho: Hewwo.
Ace: Hihiiiiii!
Sebek: Greetings, Humans.
Jack: Three kinds of people.
Deuce: I want pudding.
Jack: Four kinds of people.
Jack: Five kinds of people.
Yuu: Would you slap Deuce-
Ace: Yes.
Yuu: I didn't even finish!
Ace: Sorry, continue.
Yuu: Would you slap Deuce for 10 dollars?
Ace: I would do it for free.
Deuce: Rude...
Epel: Remember, when burying a body, make sure to cover it with endangered plants so it’s illegal to dig up!
Epel: Make sure to follow me for more gardening tips!
Grim: Tomorrow’s the Cooking Contest. Yuu always tells me one thing every year. They say, “You might win if you’d stop eating your entry!” But how would I know whether it’s an award-winning dish without tasting it first? This may be a problem humanity will have to grapple with for eternity…
Ace: It’s funny how well you and Sebek get along. Didn’t they hate you at first?
Yuu: Sebek hates everybody at first. It’s their way of reaching out to people.
Deuce: Where's Epel?
Yuu: Don't worry, I'll find them.
Yuu, shouting: Jack sucks!
Epel , distantly: Jack is the best person ever! Fuck you!
Yuu: Found them.
Yuu: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.
Grim : Mine just says "Grim no."
Yuu: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Yuu: I have an idea.
Jack: A good idea?
Yuu: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Ortho: You believe me?
Yuu: Ortho, you’re the last good person on this planet. I‘d believe cartoon birds braided your hair this morning.
Yuu: I give up. I am so tired.
Ace: Get the emergency supply!
Ortho: *carries Grim and places them in front of Yuu*
Grim: *smiles*
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sl-newsie · 2 months
Melted Mind (Dr. Spencer Reid x OC Coworker)
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Summary: The team checks into a hotel and one of their coworkers has never used a sauna, leading to late night shenanigans. (Hinting at intimacy towards the end)
“You’ve never used a sauna?”
I’ve had a lot of strange and unusual conversations with the BAU but this has got to be a very random one. I guess one half-mention of never having used a sauna seems to be the hot topic of tonight.
I shake my head at Emily’s question. “Never had a reason to. I can’t stand being too hot.”
Of course now Spencer has to hop in and give his input. “Saunas actually help us sweat toxins out of our bodies and improve lymphatic drainage. They also reduce stress levels and help strengthen the immune system.”
I love him dearly but he can come in at the worst times. Just because he’s my boyfriend does not mean he can drag me into this too.
Meanwhile Emily is looking at the hotel’s brochure. “There’s one in the pool room. We should try it.”
Um, no. We’ve just spent three hours flying. I feel no need to sit in a boiling hot room with my coworkers.
Quick, grab the suitcase and start walking away. “I think I’m going to relax in my room-”
Morgan grabs my arm. “C’mon, it’ll be fun!”
In the corner of my eye I see JJ and Penelope waving goodbye with cheeky smiles. Hotch has already gone to his room and Rossi avoids the situation by heading for the bar. There’s no getting out of this.
There’s no other way to say it. This is Hell. I won’t sugarcoat it. 
I don’t care how Emily tries to sell this as a good thing because it’s a ‘steam sauna.’ Spencer’s facts from earlier have completely flown the coop because thinking about the positive health benefits of sweating is the last thing on my mind. All I can think of is drinking water and staying alive.
“I’m melting.” We’ve been here for half an hour and I’m already slumped in the corner.
“You look like a lava lamp."
My glare can burn through walls. “Thanks, Morgan.”
“That swimsuit is really cute,” Emily comments. “But why wear a shirt over it?”
The suit I packed is my patriotic one. A one-piece suit with blue and white stars at the top cascading into red and white stripes. When we met up in the hall I threw on a swim shirt and I guess that raised a few eyebrows. Why? I don’t know.
“Some call it image paranoia, I call it modesty. I will not walk around half-naked in a hotel lobby.” Technically my onepiece could count as a leotard but it’s still not modest.
Emily snickers. “Between you and Reid both you guys could give a lecture on social etiquette.”
“I’m giving a lecture?”
Reid pokes his head in and a wave of cold air washes over me. It’s Heaven! But it’s only a split second because he closes the door and I’m submerged in the moist prison once more. He hops up on the seat next to me and from the look he gives me I can tell he’s looking to see if I’m still alive. I think I am. Maybe.
“Here’s the boy genius!” Morgan claps and gestures to my limp body’s presentation of a corpse. “What do you think of this lovely swimsuit?”
Why? Why did Morgan of all people have to find out about us? I’m honestly surprised Penelope didn’t find out first. If only Spencer didn’t want a picture of me on his desk so badly. Ever since we became official he’s been much more manly about it. Like he wants to make sure everyone knows I’m his. It’s actually cute.
Spencer gives me a look-over. “Very patriotic. It looks nice.”
Those eyes say more than that. He loves it.
“Thank you. I’m lucky I brought it with me. Though this may be what I’m buried in if I don’t make it through tonight. This sauna’s going to be the death of me.” 
So the night goes on. My mind dwindles in and out of the conversation but the only thing keeping me awake is Spencer’s occasional squeeze on my shoulder. Though him rubbing my back is definitely not helping. After a while my mind starts to wander.
“Ever notice how radio stations play the same songs over and over?”
The chatter stops and in the corner of my glazed eye I see everyone look at me. 
“That’s kinda deep,” Morgan teases.
“I can’t help it. This sauna’s making me think deep.”
Emily waves a hand in front of me. “Ok, I think it’s time to call it a night. You need to drink some water. Make sure she gets to bed safely, Reid.”
Reid gives me a hidden smirk. He’s definitely thinking about that out of context. Thankfully the others are too tired to notice and we all slowly exit the human vegetable steamer from Hell. 
“I’ll go get you a towel,” Reid says before walking off.
I’ll finally get to go to my room, rinse off and relax- Uh-oh. I catch a quick glance out the window. A pair of blue sunglasses lies on a patio lawn chair. No one’s outside. I guess I should do the Girl Scout routine of returning them to the lobby desk.
Brr! How is the air outside so cold? The sauna must have really gotten to me. Back inside now- Oh no. Is it my wandering mind or am I locked out? No. No! I don’t have a key card!
Inside Spencer walks around the pool looking for me. The towel he’s carrying might as well be a fur coat.
“Oh- Spencer! Help!” I knock on the glass door. “Please! I’m locked out!”
Reid’s eyes widen and he strides over. “How did you get stuck out there?”
“Someone left their sunglasses out here and I didn’t think about needing a key card to get back inside. Could you let me in?”
He starts reaching for the door but then gets an amused smirk. “Hmm. I don’t know…”
Is he kidding? “Spencer! Please! It’s freezing out here!”
Reid checks the thermostat. “It’s only 65 degrees.”
“I just came out of a sauna! Do you want me to pass out?” I put my hands on my hips.
Spencer’s laughter is muffled by the glass but he turns the doorknob anyway. “Open sesame.”
I sigh in relief at the warm air. “Thank you- oh!”
My temperature spikes the instant Spencer’s lips are on mine. He backs me against the cold condensation-covered door and pulls me close to him. I hope no one’s looking!
“It was hard not to do that in front of the team, seeing you in this suit.” Spencer presses a kiss on my cheek. “It looks very nice.”
If I weren’t so exhausted I’d encourage this. “Ready to go to bed? I’m getting tired.”
“Me too.” Reid wraps the towel around my shaking shoulders and we start walking back. “Would you like me to rub your back?”
“I’d love that very much, Spencer.”
The sight of our hotel room is equivalent to scoring an A+. I speed-wash through the shower and all but dive onto the soft bed. I lift my sleepy head up to look at Spencer, who’s sitting in the lounge chair staring at me.
“You know my attraction to you didn’t start from your body,” he murmurs, still looking at me as if examining a piece of art.
I smile shyly and look down. “It was my eyes.”
He walks over and kneels down to my level. “It was your eyes. Those eyes that show a deep wisdom but are always wide with excited curiosity.”
Spencer crawls up onto the bed and rests his head on my chest. “Still tired? I can feel your heart rate elevating-”
“Let me pause the lecture, professor.” I put a finger to his lips. “It’s time to sleep. You can resume tomorrow.”
He sighs but gives in to his own tired state by going limp. I’m too tired to push him off. 
“You were right, Spencer. Saunas really do reduce stress levels. Even if I was almost locked out.”
He smiles with his eyes closed and feels around for the bedside light switch. “Goodnight, angel.”
The room goes dark and I give him one last kiss. “Goodnight, genius.”
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Winter is coming
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Hi guys!
This is the first time I try to write with two existing people, I hope it suits you. I don't really know what to think about it to be honest.
Also I apologize if there are weird things, I received a new lava lamp that bubbles for my birthday and it hypnotizes me x)
Do not hesitate if you have suggestions or requests, I will respond as soon as possible ♥
It was a request right here by the way.
TW : Mention of nudity
P.S I'm sorry for the title
The icy Swedish cold seems to pierce the Barcelona players tonight, during the game between FC Barcelona and Rosengård. Apart from Ingrid Engen and her Norwegian origins, most Spanish players seem to suffer particularly from the cold. Despite the relatively easy win as the match ended with a 5-0 for Barcelona, Lucy can only notice Ona’s defeated and tense face.
After a few seconds of hesitation, the English decides, despite their vain attempts to keep their couple deprived, of joining her, the need to know what’s happening to Ona more important than her desires for discretion. Ona doesn’t turn around when Lucy calls her name, a bottle under her arm and applauding, her face turned towards the audience.
In a few strides, Lucy finally reaches her height, gently placing her hand on the neck of the young woman. This doesn’t prevent Ona from being a little startled before relaxing when she realizes that it’s only Lucy who is behind her.
"Is everything okay?" Lucy asks, immediately seeking to plunge her eyes into Ona’s.
"I'm fine" Ona simply replies, without even trying to smile.
This seems to quickly alert the English, perhaps a little too used to seeing Ona smiling and radiant at her side. Ona puts her hands on her face while Lucy speaks again.
"It doesn’t look like it"
Lucy’s tone is gentle and delicate, certifying that there is only concern behind it and that it isn’t for the push to confession in any way. The attention warms the heart of the Catalan, unlike her sore fingers.
"I’m fine, Luce. I’m just cold" begins Ona before turning in the direction of the English. "I just couldn’t wait for the game to end. The last ball I took from my head gave me the impression that I was given a huge slap on the face"
To explain better, Ona carries a gloved hand on the side of her face, making Lucy laugh softly.
"Nice assist anyway" compliments the brunette, making Ona smile. "I'm going to the locker room before losing all my fingers. You come with me?"
Ona nods and follows in Lucy’s footsteps, seizing her gourd to drink some water, regretting however that it’s not a good hot tea. Shivers run through all her body all the way to the dressing room and she willingly wraps herself in a blanket when she’s inside.
"I have no desire to undress" Ona admits from the bench on which she sits, huddled under her blanket.
"I can give you a hand if you want" Lucy offers with a grin.
Ona laughs softly and shakes her head, trying not to let her eyes slide too often towards Lucy who is changing. She is helped a little by their teammates who join little by little the locker room, Aitana seems even more disturbed by the cold than her. Unlike Ona, Aitana almost never left Spain to play, so she never had to face Manchester’s winter on a daily basis.
Lost in her thoughts, Ona realizes that Lucy is completely changed only when she comes to sit next to her on the bench. She passes her hand energetically into the back of the Catalan, seeking to create a friction to warm her.
"How about not showering now and taking a nice warm bath back at the hotel?" whispers Lucy to Ona while bowing an eyebrow.
"I really like this idea" Ona says with a smile.
Ona finally found the courage to get out of her blanket to change also, putting on with relief several layers of clothes to warm up as much as possible. In the bus taking them back to the hotel, Ona sits on a seat next to the window and Lucy doesn’t hesitate a single second before sitting next to her. They have no particular rules and sit very often next to other people, but this evening the older one have the impression that there is more than the cold which bothers Ona.
Ona gradually lets herself go against Lucy and when the bus finally starts once everyone has arrived, the head of the youngest is fully on Lucy’s shoulder. Even if Ona is tactile and her love language is physical contact, she isn’t the type to have such intimate gestures in public. But Lucy says nothing, promising herself to ask Ona questions once they are in their hotel room. And when Lucy gently puts her hand on Ona’s leg, she tightens a little more against her.
After a group meal in the hotel’s dining room, Ona quickly returns to their room but it’s only a few minutes after Lucy joins her. When the brunette arrives in their room, Ona is on the phone and speaks quickly in what Lucy recognizes to be Catalan. Understanding that her girlfriend is either on the phone with her mother or her older brother, Lucy gently closes the door behind her and approaches her girlfriend from behind.
"Say hello to them for me" Lucy whispers in Ona’s ear before kissing her neck.
The shivers that runs through Ona isn’t related to the cold this time, but to the pleasant sensation of Lucy’s lips on her skin. Smiling softly, Ona turns her head in Lucy’s direction with a small smile.
An exchange of eyes later while the interlocutor of Ona tells her something, Lucy smiled softly at Ona before kissing her nose and letting her go. Seeing Ona’s sulky face, Lucy smiled softly.
"I’ll prepare the bath" she whispers again.
Ona nods and sits on their bed to end her conversation, her eyed following Lucy as she sneaks into the bathroom. It’s not every time there’s a bathtub in their hotel rooms, but since there’s one it’s great to enjoy it, right?
When Ona joins Lucy a few minutes later in the bathroom, the bathtub is fully filled and Lucy is adding foam.
"Tadam!" Lucy happily sings, triggering the laughter of the Catalan. "Lady Batlle’s bath is ready"
"It’s Miss for now, thank you very much"
Lucy smirk for any answer, watching Ona get rid of the thick sweatshirt she had been wearing until now.
"Aren’t you coming with me?"
Ona’s question is posed with a touch of concern when she realizes that Lucy doesn’t make the slightest gesture to join her while she is on almost entirely ready to enter the bathtub.
"If you want, but I wanted to let you relax before I talk to you about something."
Lucy almost immediately regrets her choice of words when she sees Ona’s face painted with worry. The brunette frozes, with only one leg entered in the water while she was stepping over the bathtub.
"Nothing dramatic Oni, don’t worry" adds Lucy, smiling affectionately to reassure her.
It only seems to work half way, since even if she ends up nodding and sitting in the hot water, Ona’s gaze is always anxious. Deciding to join her instead of mentally slapping herself, Lucy gets rid of her clothes, leaving them on the pile of clothes already formed by those of Ona.
Settling behind Ona, Lucy sighs of relief as she feels her muscles relax in the hot water. Even if she seemed less affected by the cold than Ona, this didn’t prevent that it was probably not her favorite conditions to play a football match.
"Come here, Love"
Passing her arms on each side of Ona’s body, Lucy draws her all against her, smiling when she feels Ona pressing her face into the hollow of her neck. Sliding her fingers along her hips, the English girl thinks about the best way to engage the conversation. The language difference between them was never a problem, Ona speaks really good English despite her accent that Lucy simply finds adorable. And Lucy understands Spanish perfectly well and also does well in this language by spending time with their Spanish teammates.
"What did you want to talk about?" asks Ona, interrupting Lucy’s thoughts.
The answer seems to surprise the Catalan who takes off her face to be able to better observe her girlfriend.
"Yes, I think you looked trouble by something. As if you were thinking of something, not really here you know? I know you told me it was the cold, but I feel like there’s something else"
Ona briefly bites her lip before answering, choosing the words she will use to not lie to Lucy without worrying her too much.
"I’m a little tired, that’s all" Ona replies, continuing to see Lucy’s unconvinced gaze. "I’ve been playing a lot lately between the national team and Barca. And even though I love it and wouldn’t do anything else, tonight was really complicated for me. I was exhausted at the end of the game."
"Why didn’t you ask for a replacement?"
Lucy furrowed her eyebrows when Ona shrug, turning her head to look ahead. Her back leaning against Lucy’s front.
"I won’t let the team down"
Knowing Ona’s determined and stubborn character, Lucy can only imagine perfectly the reasons that pushed Ona to finish the match as planned in Jona’s head. And, knowing also that it’s useless to discuss with the Spanish for the moment, Lucy decides instead to change the subject. For the moment. Or rather try to relax Ona as much as possible. Stepping back a few centimeters, Lucy put her hands in the back of the brunette, drawing her tattoos with her fingertips before starting to massage her back. She presses her fingers along the shoulder blades and the neck of Ona, taking the time for each of the muscles of the Spaniard.
"Madre mia" moans Ona, making Lucy smile.
"Are you moaning already?" jokes Lucy maliciously.
It also amuses the youngest, who gives her a little playful slap on the leg. But apart from that, she remains peacefully motionless, too relieved by the attentions that Lucy brings her.
"You are so tense" the English mumbles feeling the muscle knots everywhere in her back.
Ona humms simply for any answer, eyes closed and as transported elsewhere by the benefits of this massage. She could fall asleep on the spot. But her smile was reborn on her lips when she felt Lucy’s lips again on her neck and in her neck.
"Is that part of the massage?"
"Only for you"
"Because you massage a lot of other people?" Ona informs herself, an innocent look on her face.
"No" laughs Lucy. "On the other hand if someone other than me does it to you, you have to inform me because I need to kill him"
Ona laughs softly and opens her eyes, tightening a little more against her girlfriend’s body, tilting her head back to look at her.
"I’ll think about it the next time I go to the physios at the training center"
Even if the sentence is said in the tone of the joke, Ona can’t help but feel a heat wave in the hollow of her belly by noticing the upset air that emerges for a few moments on Lucy’s face. The idea that she may be jealous for her will never cease to amaze her.
"Bésame, por favor" murmurs Ona.
Obviously, Lucy oblige and quickly breaks the few inches existing between their lips. Soft and tender at first, the kiss deepens when Ona raises her hand to place it on Lucy’s cheek and keep it longer against her.
A few minutes later, Ona had turn around in Lucy’s arms to sit on her lap, causing them both to lose their balance when Lucy slips into the tub and finds herself lying on her back.
When their laughter ends up interrupting, their glances plunge into each other. One arm holding her firmly against her, Lucy gently pushes back a long strand of brown hair behind Ona’s shoulder.
"You may decide not to take care of yourself, but count on me to make sure you do, Ona. And you can also count on me to take care of you. And you can talk to me if you need to, you don’t have to do all by yourself. I’m here for you that’s what a relationship is about to. Let me be there for you."
What’s the answer to that? Ona, who is still struggling to realize that her celebrity crush is sincerely and deeply infatuated with her, finds herself suddenly without knowing what to say. But, luckily, Lucy to find all the words she can’t pronounce in her beautiful chocolate eyes.
"I’m so in love with you"
Ona’s confession, pronounced no higher than a murmur is however perfectly understandable in the tranquility of the bathroom. Only the lapping of the water is audible, adding to the serenity of the moment.
"I’m in love with you too" whispers Lucy in return, smiling, before stretching her neck a few centimeters to capture once again Ona’s lips with hers.
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thiccsys · 4 months
Looks in
You have any utmv ocs?
i was gonna answer this and say nuh uh. but that’d be lying. i rummaged through some old art andd found these guys
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the first one is some little ink variant i made. hes a lava lamp. he has no purpose i just like his colors a lot andi lovd the concept of his torso being a little lava lamp that moves around
the second one is an error named cry (or something) . originally his design belonged to my partner, but they gave me his design and concept and now hes judg a silly guy i have sitting in my folder :3 (he was based off melanie martinez crybaby stuff or something idk i dont really listen to her)
the third guys are swad and swan but theyre moths!! @fishfrypi came up with their concept and i made these designs a few months back. there not entirely MY ocs, i just put their designs together. i consider them shared between me and that friend of mine :))
the last isnt very original… Its just a doll error … i had some sort of lore with him where geno slowly made himself into a crazy doll (trying to rid himself of the pain of determination) but he just became error over time. i think the only thing that was still actual monster on him were his hands; they’re the most sensitive part on his body (haphephobic loser).
anyway those are some ocs ive contributed to/made myself. i dont really expand on them because i enjoy writing error and glorifying crayonqueen’s ocs more than anything GEHFJSJA
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katiekatdragon27 · 7 months
Guys sorry, I am not immune to Hazbin/Helluva propaganda. I am also not immune to criticizing the designs and character motivations.
So! Let’s start with one of the most redesigned characters in the show: Beelzebub^^
So, sorta hot take, I really like the idea behind Beelzebub in the show. Ik "boo tomato tomato," but hear me out. I like how she is meant represent the hellhounds she rules over (ik she actually is a reference to Jay Jay, but let me have this connection PLEASE). However, the source material is very bug-like and compact.
The HB Beelzebub is NOT that bug like. Or compact.
With this redesign, I decided to pick all the stuff I liked about the og, and what I wanted to see more of. I kept her colors and general vibe but made her more built like a bumble bee with more inspo from the fly Beelzebub.
This is what I got.
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Progress doodles n stuff below cut (it's gonna be an essay, y'all know the drill):
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(She was much sharper in the sketch lol)
Anyways, I always imagined Beelzebub to be, y'know, more BEE like. The show did not give me that, so I did it myself. I made her wings bigger, gave her an actual bee tail and face (with the proboscis and stinger too), and more stripes and fluff. I also made her small and slightly chubby. Gotta hone the bumble bee.
I thought the hair made the original design too cluttered, but I wanted to keep the party colors. To compromise, I stuck all the goop in her tail. It sort of works like a firefly's abdomen and a lava lamp. I also nullified her cloths, so they would blend more with the body and help pop the neon colors in her eyes, antenna, and tail.
When she stands at her normal form, she is the smallest of the sins. But when she is in her "true" form (that I have not illustrated yet), she is the biggest of the sins. This is a reference to how gluttony starts small but gets really large over time, both mentally and physically.
As for additional details, I wanted to keep her "foxness". So in a brilliant brainstorm of ideas, I came up with the concept of "Masks". Basically, all the sins I'll redraw will have them. The masks are meant not only to represent their hellborn, but to represent how the sins pretend to be good things at first.
Stuff like "Rest a little more, it won't hurt" and "Be proud and don't care for what others say" are how they present on the surface, but if you continue those mindsets in a toxic way, it turns into sloth and pride and stuff instead of self-care and being proud of things.
For Bee specifically, it's "Have a little more, you deserve it!" and she has a hell-hound/fox mask. This also feeds into her personality change.
In the og, she's a party animal who cares for... moderation??? Yeah, I hate this about Helluva Boss. Why is it so hard to write *sshole/negligent people in power and why is it only Mammon who's allowed to be like this? Give me more morally dark grey powerful people!
That's where Bee is different for the redesign. She runs te lowest ring in hell and is in charge of hellhounds, the lowest species in hell. B/c of this, she is much more lenient compared to the higher ranked sins in hell, which is why she is often seen talking and hanging out with lower classes. (She gets slack for this from the other sins). She is also the only sin who has had open relations with lower class citizens all the way down to hellhounds. However, none of them last. Most of her relations outside of the sins are one-night stands and flings.
As for how she sorta sucks: she is still a party animal, yes, but she purposely chooses to be blind and ignore all the suffering that occurs at the parties. People have fun, but they overindulge, and as a result get sick, sad, and violent. However, Bee leaves the parties before they get this way. She does not want to see it. She is negligent. When she comes back to the party aftermaths, she quickly gets her workers to clean everything, so she does not have to discover anything gruesome and sad. She just wants to live, party, and see people "happy". (Sort of like Gatsby's parties minus the pining for a single woman who does not care for her).
... I wonder what would happen if that mental image she had shattered? I guess only the future will tell.
But anyway, if you have any questions or characters you recommend I design or redesign, feel free to ask lol.
I hope this made at least a little sense. Have a lovely day^^
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creehd · 6 months
Losing my mind over EXO! They're 'undercover' technically in the bot fighting ring, right? Do they work with a human to keep their cover? (Also what pronouns for EXO?)
Also, what that tongue do? (I phrased it silly but that's a really cool tongue for a robot, why was he built with it, does it have a purpose in world or was it just fun design?)
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AAHH thank you for askin!! I could definitely cook up some more for em if you guys have questions!
But yes! All pronouns! I tend to call him He though, he quite literally does not care about gender. And! He is technically undercover, he's an intelligent AI , and that, is banned in botfighting <3
However EXO is an uptight piece of work who thinks he's superior to people, so he pretends to have a partner, when in reality- its just him in a trenchcoat. He's playing both sides but he cares very little for the.. performance aspects of a fight. Where JAK is charismatic and loved by fans outside the ring, EXO is NOT. Very little is known about him other than he has PHENOMENAL fight stats.
As for his tongue.
EXO is an assassin model, so, naturally, his makers made him with the means of disposal as well.
This is NOT for vore fetish reasons just thought it was a cool in world design <3
His stomach (looks like a lava lamp yeah?) Is actually filled with a highly corrosive acid that can dissolve a cadaver in minutes. He has teeth made to break down and tear prey as well. He has an artificial esophagus that's elongated to fit larger (or human sized) bodies into his chassis.
However ! Since EXO is a discontinued model, and he has totally renounced his model title, he does not consume things often, that's why alot of people are unaware he has a mouth! But also its a fun design :] since he doesn't eat he just looks like a big lava lamp
And yes I know about the vore implications I do not care he was originally made to kill and consume corpses and now he never/rarely eats so he gets a PASS.
Questions or suggestions? Ask box is open!!
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stinkysam · 1 year
Eddie Brock - Salt lamp
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Warning : Human eating
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : Eddie and MR have been dating for a bit but he was never invited back to Eddies place. But when he does he notices Eddie strange and even talking to himself and when MR is on his way home he is about to get mugged until Venom saves and Eddie reveals the full truth.
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
A/N : bold is Venom talking
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"Welcome to me casa." Said Eddie, opening the door for you to get in.
They had cleaned everything in two days and a half, repairing and getting rid of anything that wasn't normally found in a normal flat.
You entered and instantly got curious about his room. Did he have any posters ? Was he a salt lamp or lava lamp type of guy ?
"Can I see your bedroom ?"
"Sure. Let me show you." He said, walking before you.
His place was absolutely… normal looking. Nothing weird or out of the ordinary. Almost boring.
The only thing that stopped it from being boring is that it seemed to make Eddie talk to himself more.
"No, not now V."
"Not now what ?"
"Nothing. Nothing."
And it was not the first time this happened. Just, today you remembered all the times you caught him talking to himself.
At first it was just funny and endearing. But now it feels a bit weird. Was there something he did not tell you ?
You said nothing and waved it off. A problem for another day.
You spent the whole day together, cuddling on his couch as you spoke about nothing and everything. Then it was time for you to go back home.
"What if you stayed here to eat with us ?"
"Us ?"
"...me and the bugs ?"
Good save.
"What bugs ?"
"The ones in the walls ?"
"Well done Eddie, everyone has bugs in their walls." Spoke Venom in Eddie's head.
You looked at him, confused but said nothing, agreeing to his suggestion.
"Alright, I'll eat with y'all then."
"The bugs and I say thank you." Eddie said, kissing you.
You cooked and ate together before it was really time for you to leave, the night was already there.
You kissed him goodbye a few times, and a few more times before finally leaving.
Everything felt alright, the best day ever.
Until you felt something sharp and hard touch your back and then someone.
"Give me your wallet. Don't do anything funny."
You gulped hard at the voice, hands shaking as you slowly reached for your pocket. Then you remembered… you didn't take it with you this morning. You left it at home.
"I don't have it."
Is this how you die ?
From a mugger ?
His knife poked you, shaking you out from your thinking.
"Nice try-"
You mentally prayed to any God to hear you and save you and then you heard something that sounded like someone falling behind you, the knife no more on your back.
Then you heard something crack. Bones. Followed by more cracking and squelching as you turned around. Your eyes grew wide as you screamed at the sight. A lifeless and headless body lying on the ground as a big black humanoid monster stood in front of you.
"No no no no it's me !" Said a voice as suddenly Eddie's face appeared from inside the monster.
"Oh my god it ate you !"
"No, I'm fine, look !"
And within seconds the black monster was gone, looking like it was absorbed by Eddie.
"What was that ?! Did you eat him ?!"
"It was Venom, my symbiote, he eats people sometimes. Not always. Not if I tell him to."
"Your symbiote ? Okay." Your eyes were still wide, shock evident on your face as you tried to swallow down the information. You wanted to puke, the blood from the man slowly spreading and reaching your shoes.
"Are you okay ?"
"Huh… I don't know, are you gonna eat me too ?"
"No, of course not. Never."
"Are you sure ?"
"Of course, love. I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how. I'm sorry. Are you okay ?"
"Yeah… yeah… can we… can we go back to your place ?"
Eddie stared at you. "Sure."
"And you'll tell me more about huh… Venom ?"
"Of course. He's huh. Happy to hear you want to know him."
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ashmyself · 18 days
Wakey wakey, new character dropped (old actually lol)
Remember this man I posted on reddit decades ago ?
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Yeah so like- that was cringe right ?
well I remade him
But better
Meet Jonath, you can ask him questions too now :3 (lore below 👇)
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He's Jacob's twin brother and he works for minimum wage in some random ahh french restaurant
Basically he died 5 years ago but somebody in the cult wanted to revive him so he could join them, so that's what the cult did; they kinda failed since it turns out he's got some werid ferrofluid tentacles inside his body now and he basically used that to his advantage to run away from the cult and go at a friend's house and the cult sent Hety and the one person who wanted him in the cult to go get him inside of his friend's home, except some tall ass lady also living here sweeped them and called the police so they both got sent to prison and a year later Jonath decided that he was probably safe enough from the cult and now he's just trying to be a normal functioning member of society. he covers most of his body so people can't look at all the marks and ferrofluid drips, speaking of drips, he also often drools/nosebleeds ferrofluid, for some reason
Also he likes green.
And most importantly he's as much of a twinky gayass as Jackie (I just love gay people💜🏳️‍🌈)
And y'know how I like to turn OCs from my original universe into fandom OCs ? Yeah well he's just tragiboxified Alex, didn't name him Alex to dissociate him from the original and also because there's already a canon guy named Alex (lava lamp dude)
That's OG Alex btw 👇
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cinderswife · 8 months
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so um. did you know rose red ocs are fun to design and come up with lore for??? rose reds are insane i am having so much fun !!! a history of rose red generations and info on these poor bastards in particular under the cut <3
(oh, and the ages are at the end of the war for reference)
there are 5 distinct generations of rose reds created over the 32 years of war (not including briar, generation 0). the first three were separately developed from rose's base, but four and five were iterated from generation three.
also for the record i've decided to take a steven universe quartz soldier take on the way rose reds relate to each other in that they have 0 innate concept of family with each other. most rose reds have like. a co-workerly relationship with some Sisters In Arms although some elect to become Besties or Family or That Really Annoying Guy Who I Hate And Can't Get Rid Of, or in rare occasions, fall in love. this will be relevant to rusty and sparkler
generation 0
[not pictured, born/deployed 1 year after the wedding]
briar is gen 0. although there were years of R&D about clone soldiers prior to the rose reds' existence (cole had this idea in mind for a while), briar was the first actual example of one. she is the only clone to be rose's height; she was meant to be like. a baseline control group for the rest of 'em. she was a bit rushed in the memory department; miscommunications among the scientists meant that they kinda. assumed that porting original flavor rose's memories would suffice since this is a control group. also cole had really strict deadlines for the project for some ungodly reason so even though the timeline between rose's capture and briar's "birth" was a year and she was pretty good, she would've been better off with two or three or more.
generation 1
[rusty and sparkler deployed 2 years after the wedding]
gen 1 was even more of a rushed project; they had half finished notes and a year deadline for deployment. no wonder rusty, the prototype and the next briar, was so janky; they didn't have enough time to sort out all the issues, particularly in the memory department. she's got half of rose's memories and the ability to lie and they screwed up spaying her and there are bits of her body that aren't quite right from scaling up rose from 4'10" to 6'2". however, she passed muster well enough so generation 1 rose reds were made and deployed (with a few tweaks from rusty's base).
the gen 1 rose reds were very prone to nervous and/or violent and/or suicidal breakdowns. later waves of gen 1 were slightly better tweaked, but the methodology + technology used to handle the brain stuff did not take into account uh. rose's severe ptsd. they made the poor bastards with ptsd right out the gate unknowingly. this is the shortest average generation with an average height of about 6'3". gen 1 roses were good enough to tide over while more time was allocated to gen 2 research, but they weren't deployed in the same amounts as they would be in the future. general white's revolution was still in its infancy so it wasn't like. a huge deal. they just had to be super careful
rusty started life very confused but fully capable of Lying to the people who made her and expected her to be a placid soldier. as the prototype, she was often used as the control group for experiments on later prototype models while they worked out what worked and what didn't. while rusty was being like. tested and prodded and stuff, original flavor rose was in suspension so that they could get more samples from her. also og rose was kind of a lava lamp decoration
when rusty wasn't being watched, she was assumed to be still and unmoving. she actually started talking to rose-in-suspension to try and make sense of the half memories in her head and started developing her own conclusions. like what love was and what the wind felt like and extreme opinions about niche comics (for the record my rose + snow are closet nerds - rose has a collection of nichevintage superhero comics and snow is a huge film snob). the story she spun in her head about who rose was was a mess of red string and blurry images. ultimately, she came to the conclusion that she hated holding a gun, actually and that all this sucked but she didn't have enough life experience to have a good idea of how to go about it
rusty's salvation came in the form of another rose red, this time in the form of RR G10072 (later named sparkler). sparkler was one of those being prepared to be deployed on beaumont and was rapidly developing a personality trait, that being a desire for Arson. she wasn't as good of a liar as rusty but in the quiet secret times rusty would school her. they would develop something that was probably love based on half memories and "you and i are going to survive this together." sparkler was terrified of being found out as she'd watched others in her batch be terminated for other things
rusty and sparkler become the first known "rouge reds" though their existence is kept hidden from most. it wouldn't due to have people know that his majesty's new weapons are unstable after all (though what did they expect? rose was not an obedient soldier, she was a weapon you pointed in the direction of the kingdom you wanted gone and ducked for cover). sparkler begins to develop more personality in the form of Autism Flat Affect, a surprising love for both organizing and gambling, and. honestly more arson. someone gets on her case for her collection of fireworks and is like "hey sparkler girl" (rose reds aren't like. A Huge Thing Yet) and she's like. ah. a name.
rusty and sparkler are married and have a kid together named remi (not picture). she's one of the very few offspring from a rose red mostly because most rose reds are sterilized. they fucked it up for rusty cuz she's a janky prototype, something she only discovered when trying out "hm what is this man thing and what is romance with one." turns out she, like 95% of rose reds, is a whole lesbian lol but there were Unexpected Side Effects in the form of A Kid. which. now they had to figure what to do about that and ended up joining with the revolution for protection and also sparkler's arson/rusty's ship repair specialties. it. it sure went for them :) rusty recognized snow and that was Weird and Fucked Up and Bad. luckily she picked up snow's new name of "general mercymourn white" pretty quickly
generation 2
[piper and persephone, deployed 5 years after the wedding]
gen 2 was given decent time for r&d. these rose reds' dna was remade from scratch because generation 1 was so janky. because the production methods were good, they didn't have to waste so much time on those. they spent three years developing a decent prototype, known as prototype 0003. 0003 was not allowed to exist very long; once they ascertaind that she was functional and not janky like rusty they put her down. briar was a whisper myth and rusty was a known quantity. prototypes were too much of a risk.
gen 2 was far more functional. though they weren't nearly as brainwiped as later gens (particularly 4 and 5) they were loyal, obedient soldiers (for the most part). the average height rose to about 6'7" as they were figuring out better ways to improve the size and stature from rose's original Short As Hell. these are the ones that the rebellion first started engaging in combat in earnest, though they were still not a proper supplement to or replacement of the main army just yet. the big con that made them have to be redesigned over the next 8 years (though not one that was initially discovered) is that these poor saps were very malleable. just because they were brainwiped didn't mean they were loyal to the king for any reason other than they were told. if they were isolated it was easy to make them switch loyalties. the rebellion didn't cotton on to this fact until it was too late because general white refused to hear it.
piper got her nickname while still in the army. she was always singing which really, really annoyed her superior officer so they left her for dead after a battle. shockingly, she did not die! instead a pair of conmen overheard her singing herself to sleep (er. death but y'know) and were like "a rose red that sings??? we could make a killing off of this." they patched her up and rehabilitated her (aka. made her loyal to them and do everything they say) and marketed her as a travelling carnival exhibit. they also used her for free protection from the law and also other criminals. however she developed more of a personality and a feeling of "this sucks actually" so when a passing casino owner looking for a new entertainment draw and offered her a job she jumped on the chance
unfortunately, she's still being screwed over. he's the only guy who knows she's a rose red (she gained weight and curves and generally styles herself very femininely which throws most people off the track) so he uses it against her as blackmail. he pays her less than everyone else, witholds vital (if forged) documents from her, and generally makes her life a living hell. she picked up a second job as a bouncer for a nearby divebar which helps cover rent. she's very pretty but perpetually paranoid that someone will find out that she's a rose red and either kills her or turns her in or drives her out. she's slowly losing her mind
persephone is. well. so not her superior officer (jupiter) but her superior officer's coworker (pluto) fell in love with her, specifically. something about how she survived a lightning cannon and just her general personality quirks. she used to be sweet y'know, even despite the horrors. so with jupiter's permission, pluto kidnapped persephone and took her deep, deep underground.
she basically was plutos personal attack dog/trophy wife while they built up an underground criminal empire. it was Bad. she did learn a lot of things about brutal leadership and being in a shit situtation. eventually she snapped and killed pluto, taking their place as the new Big Name Crime Lord on the block. she rules the undercity with an iron fist, although her favorite venture is her collection of illicit speakeasies. she is very proud of being a rose red and sometimes wishes she could go back to that life. however, she's got a really good gig going and she refuses to let it slip through her hands. real queen of hearts energy tbh
her theme song is "our lady of the underground" from hadestown :3
generation 3
[old rosie (canon/not pictured) and rosenrot, deployed 13 years after the wedding]
after the fatal flaw in gen 2 was discovered they had to start from scratch /again/. this time however, they had plenty of time to work it out. they went through prototypes 004 - 011 until they had one that was perfect in every way. they put her down after she was done being useful of course. at this point it was mostly superstition not to keep the prototypes around even though these ones were perfectly loyal. gen 3 is considered the golden generation from the ones designed directly from rose's dna + brain scans : a perfect balance of loyalty and competence.
gen 3 is the longest lasting generation as it lasted for 10 years. they'd tweak the dna over the years as new breakthrough came to light, but they didn't need to remake them. this is the gen where the rose reds got the nickname giants as they now averaged about 7 feet. they're extremely effective soldiers and are very difficult to get to change loyalties due to being Poor Brainwashed Bastards. hardcore programming wouldn't fully show up until the later waves. this is when rose reds got made in their hundreds of thousands. the rebellion was actively a threat now and they needed to defend the empire.
old rosie was from an earlier wave of gen 3 and lasted for a very, very long time compared to all the others. as for rosenrot, well...
rosenrot is a patchwork rose red. she wasn't at first, but she was the best of her batch and kept surviving. every time she lost something, it would be taken from one of her squad and put on her. skin, ears, eyes, hair, even entire limbs. it got to the point where she couldn't tell where she ended and her sisters began. they started referring to themselves in the plural and got what could only be described as "a little touched in the head." that being said, they still fought well so they were kept around. when they were the last rose red in the squad left and were due to be reassigned, they fucked off into the woods never to be seen again
to this day, no one knows what happened to them. there's lots of local urban legends and rumors and whatnot; some claim to see them at the river, others at the full moon, but no concrete evidence. the nice ending is that a lesbian in a cottage found them and took them in. the realistic ending is that they died in the woods. the most likely ending is that they're still out there, surviving in the woods, never able to escape being a patchwork of all her sisters but unwilling to die.
also the name rosenrot came about from a misunderstanding; they were stationed on a germanic planet and all the rose reds were called that because it's a literal translation of rose red. as the only one left, rosenrot kinda assumed that was their name. it's also what the locals call them as a cryptid. just kind of a weirdo
generation 4
[buck, deployed 23 years after the wedding]
considered to be the best generation; they still had plenty of resources to make millions of 'em and were an improvement on generation 3. the best part was that they found a clone who was perfect to iterate off of (unnamed but not old rosie, she was missing a few vital tweaks) so they didn't have to start from scratch again. they went through a couple dozen prototypes in the process of creating them (012-042) but by this time prototyping + putting them down was rote.
gen 4 was involved in the long, drawn out part of the war. they remained at an average of 7 feet tall though they had some proportional tweaks to make them more functional. these rose reds had very little chance at free will, only fighting. only ever fighting. the pop culture image of a rose red post-war is a gen 4 one considering how many were made compared to the first three generations. poor suckers, they never had a chance.
as for buck poor thing got sold to a redbaiting (illegal rose red dogfighting) ring by her superior officers for a bit of cash for booze and gambling. they didn't like her anyways lol she didn't get along with the rest of her squad. turns out they should've asked for way more $$$ because buck's tenacity and nimbleness kept her from losing which basically meant she kept winning. she's been doing this for about 7 years and shows no sign of stopping. all of her scars come from her time in the ring and were inflicted by other rose reds. she has... a very high level of aggression towards other rose reds (slightly innate but also beaten into her)
however, he's the prize champion! this comes with things like an entire showdog style name (QIC Heirloom Bucksin Jacket), he/him pronouns, and some extra special treatment. he's very chill around civilians (if afraid of her handlers) so he's often like. put on display in the top box like a dog. he's very, very dehumanized. he's gonna need hella therapy to be a normal person. what a guy.
generation 5
[farrier. deployed 27 years after the wedding]
this generation is unique as their differences come not from new base dna but from a sudden lack of resources. the rebels finally got the intel on what resources were needed to make rose reds (previously they'd only been destroying factories which made 2 more pop up in its place) and were able to control/destroy it. the crown was forced to make do with less and worse resources and were desparately trying to keep up with how massive the rebellion was as over the past decade or so they'd been relying pretty heavily on rose reds instead of enlisted/drafted forces. rose reds were just. better at being soldiers. they went through a handful of prototypes (043-051) but those were mostly "all right what's the best we can do with the resources on hand."
gen 5 roses are as functional as they can be. they're basically worse versions of gen 4; though equally brainwashed and technically capable, their bodies and minds tend to degrade pretty quickly. this is especially so the more combat they face. they're fast and cheap and hardly the quality they used to be made at. very few gen 5 rose reds survived to see the end of the war because of how badly they were made.
farrier is a gen 5 rose red! she's one of the extremely few who never saw combat because she was a guard model stationed at a super remote outpost so she degraded a lot more slowly. there were a lot of wild horses around so she developed the single trait of "i like horses :)" after the war, she was given the opportunity to be like. a test subject for "can we like. make gen 5 rose reds more stable so we can rehabilitate them?" she said yes because. she'd get to see more horses. she has a very limited view of the world she may have been made for war but what war is there when. Creatures.
she does succeed in having a somewhat more normal lifespan, though still shortened compared to the others. she gets really involved in like. horse things when being rehabilitated. in particular she takes up smithing so she can become a farrier (guy who forges horseshoes). she is just. horse girl rose red extraordinaire the other rose reds Do Not Relate. At All.
she accidentally becomes the gold standard of rose red rehabilitation cuz. honestly she becomes a relatively functioning member of society. but also she only had the trauma of the inherent horror of being made a rose red she's like. vibing??? she has rose's very blase attitude to a lot of things and although she can hold her own in a fight she doesn't seek it out at all. gentle giant. her minders love her so so much
i think she winds up in a weird small rural town somewhere. she's not good with the other rose reds ("damn that sucks" is not an appropriate reaction to the other rose reds talking about the horrors of war and she just. she's not like them. it's not her fault of course she's just. different) and most of the people around her during her rehabilitation period are very politically opinionated and farrier just cannot bring herself to care. however. although its a bit of a weird transition at first she gets along really well with the people of the town she moves into. they needed a farrier anyways and even if it's a bit odd that its her name instead of just her job she's chill. she's vibing. the kids love her. she gets her own horse <3
there's some intense debate in the beginning about whether to accept her because she's a rose red, though this town never... saw the war? like it happened around them but not in their town y'know? but she proves herself when she rescues the mayor's kid from being lost in the woods and almost eaten by a wild animal. she's socially awkward but learning what friendliness is. occasionally she has weird nightmares that are og rose's memories or just. the horrors of being a rose red. but she takes out her frustration with those by swinging a hammer really hard at hot metal. she's got coping mechanisms <3
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Liability Part 2
Pairing: College Student!Rafe Cameron x Cousenlor!Reader
Summary: After a month and a half of meeting, tensions rise. But not in the way that either of them expected.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, flirty talking.
Word Count: 5.6k (I'm so sorry lol)
A/n: Hi guys! Sorry this took so long to come out, I've been going through it recently. I will be posting a new part to this series once a week from now on to pace myself :) Also this one is so long.
Part 1
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“Is there anything you want to talk about today?” Rafe’s eyes flicker from the drops of rain on the window to me, head shaking simply as I tuck my legs underneath me. He seems particularly tense today, because of anger or disappointment, who's to say. But I can’t help but feel his sour mood right in my sternum, my whole body aching uncomfortably at the sight of his own discomfort. “I’m going to give you options- I learned about this in child psychology-”
“Oh fuck off.”
“-and I thought it would help.” He cracks a small smile at my attempt to make him laugh and for extra help, I reach over to flick the lava lamp on, knowing how much the nostalgic decoration has helped comfort him in the last month and a half of our meetings. Other than the incessant flirting. “I’m going to give you some options- things that I’m interested in talking about- and then you can choose which ones you want to talk about.” His eyes harden briefly, strong shoulders rolling in an attempt to relax. “Sound good?”
“I seriously have no other choice, do I?” He deadpans but I respond with a wide grin and a simple shake of my head.  “Fine, what’re my options?” 
“So, we can talk about your family and hometown, your behavioral issues, or the people who are currently in your life-”
“Last one, please.” He pleads, cutting me off as my lips part in quiet shock, adding his desperation to not talk about his past or family to the list of very evident concerns that have come from our meetings. I decide to cut him some slack so, instead of investigating, I instigate.
“Please- god, who taught you manners in the last forty-eight hours.” A small smirk spreads across his lips at my teasing, the deep blush on his cheeks crawling all the way down his neck and under the neckline of the baby-blue t-shirt that clings to his torso. Clings? Really, Y/n?  “I’d like to get them on the phone and get some pointers on how to keep you in line.” The eye contact that he maintains is down right cruel and anything but innocent, the air quickly sucked from my lungs as I try to suck in a gulp of air.  
“I can be persuaded.” 
What the fuck. 
“Hey now-” I clear my throat, suddenly overwhelmed with butterflies in my stomach, head pounding at his words but it’s really his voice, the octave dip- “Alright, people in your life- other than me- rapid fire, lets go.” I clear my throat, running my hands down my face to try to recover as Rafe chuckles to himself, leaning back into the couch, knees parting to spread across the couch.
This is definitely breaking some guideline or rule out there. 
“Uh, Josh- I guess he’s my friend- he’s the quarterback on the football team, my friend Topper from my hometown, my younger sister and, uh, that’s pretty much it.” He rambles quickly as I jot the names down in my notebook, writing question marks next to each of their names in hopes that I’ll fill in more information later down the line.
“Topper? Who names their kid ‘Topper’.” I snort and a bright smile spreads across Rafe’s lips and he shrugs, head shaking. Who names their kid Rafe, though? “Fair enough. So, younger sister, huh? Any more siblings?” His spine straightens at my proposition but he’s quick to squash my dreams of talking about more, his lips straightening into a fine line and his forehead creases.
Over the weeks I’ve seen Rafe, he’s gotten increasingly better at calling bullshit when it comes to my subtle prying, quickly setting our conversations back on a track that he’s comfortable with. My coworkers did not give his intelligence enough credit.
“I said I’d talk about important people.” He urges, fists clenching in his lap and just like that, he’s agitated and rebuilding the walls he has built so high around his mind. So he has other siblings- check.
“Also fair enough.” I huff, letting it go. He’s nearly impossible to sway, more impossible to argue with so giving into his temperamental attitude and his moodiness is sort of always my best and only option. I wonder where that defense mechanism came from. “No girlfriend?” My voice raises at the end and so do his brows, head tilting as a sudden playful vibe takes over his expression.
“Not that I know of.” He folds his hands in his lap, a small smirk spreading across his lips as his eyes flicker to the floor. I can see the question he's begging to ask, the infamous 'why do you want to know' or 'care to fill that role?' but he doesn't, just snaps his mouth shut with a shit-eating, tight-lipped grin.
“Interesting.” Picking up my pen, I write no girlfriend and I bite at the inside of my cheek to hide a cocky smile as Rafe leans towards me, trying to get a good view of the paper in my hands. 
“Wha- Why is that interesting? What are you writing?” He asks, reaching out to tip the edge of the book down, neck craning to read the few words I have written. “Really? The notebook thing is really passive aggressive, doc.” He taunts, snatching the book from my hands before tossing it onto the table between us. 
“You’re a jock with anger issues. Isn’t dating around supposed to be your man-whore thing right?” 
“I don’t know, is it?” His head tilts cutely at me, brows furrowed. 
“Touche.” I whisper, feeling so suddenly small in his gaze, blue eyes flickering over my nervous expression. I’ll never admit to him that I find him intimidating- not because of his violent actions or mood swings, but because of the way he looks at me, the depth behind his eyes, the ways his pupils expand and blue hues darken- like a predator stalking a prey.
I’m definitely not the one in a position of power in this scenario. 
“Am I allowed to ask you questions now?” He asks, tone dropping again as his jaw clenches.
“How is that relevant?” My voice squeaks and he grins, taking advantage of my meek and nervous demeanor like he always does, and he quickly takes control of the conversation to benefit his own comfort. He leans towards me, lips turned down in a nonchalant frown and shrugs.
“You want me to talk, I want to pass time. Might as well make this interesting.” Like this isn’t extremely interesting as it is? His proposition makes my brows tick up, wondering the weight behind his words and if he truly just wants to ask me innocent questions. The look in his eyes says otherwise. 
“Bold of you to assume I’m interesting.” I meet him halfway, leaning towards him with a teasing look, eyes flickering back and forth between his. The silence that swarms around us is deafening, the blood in my body rushing to my head and pumping loudly in my ears as a slow grin stretches across his lips. “Fine, you can ask me a couple of questions- use them wisely- but I get to know more about your younger sister.” 
“Fair trade.” He claps, mirroring me and folding his legs beneath him as he thinks, finger tapping his chin playfully. “Is this on or off the record?” His question makes me laugh, adoring the fact that he takes school counseling seriously enough to think that he could possibly get in more trouble for asking me simple questions. 
“There’s no record, dude. I get paid either way and you’re not going to listen to me anyways.”
“At least you’re self aware.” He grins. “Favorite color?”
“Seriously?”  I ask, remembering how much shit he gave me for asking his favorite color so many sessions ago. He hides his smile behind his hand, chest rumbling in quiet laughter as I gawk at him. “Really, Rafe?” 
“See how stupid that question is now-”
“Yellow, asshole. Next question.” His eyes light up with mischief at my attempted insult but he just nods, accepting my answer. He ponders for a few seconds, blue eyes seemingly inspecting my frame, down to the smallest of details; the color of my eyes, the necklace around my neck, my hands.
“I don’t see a ring so I assume you’re not engaged or married.” He nods towards my ring finger with a curious, boyish smile. What I want to ask is ‘why do you care’ or ‘why is this important’ but then I realize that he wasn’t asking.
“Is that a question?”
“More like an observation.” He shrugs, fingers tapping against the expanses of his thighs. It takes everything to avert my eyes from the repeated movement, almost as if he’s trying to draw my attention away, to catch me off guard like I’ve been trying to do for weeks now. 
“No secret fiance or husband.” I reply simply, heart aching painfully in my chest. “I live alone with my two cats.” My eyes flicker down to my lap, cheeks warming bashfully because I can only assume how sad that sounds to anyone other than me.
I’m fine and content with my two fur babies, in my perfectly decorated and organized apartment, no man- or woman- there to mess anything up or disturb the peace I’ve created. 
But that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m at peace with the loneliness I feet at two in the morning when I’m curled under a blanket, the sound of the TV going in one ear and out the other as I wait for my phone to buzz with any notification- a text, a call, a snap, anything.
“That’s sad.” My head snaps up to look at him, eyes thinning to slits as I scoff, watching his brows furrow, smile faltering at the realization that hurt my feelings.
“And you’re in mandatory counseling. What’s sadder?” The words leave my lips faster than I can control, his words hitting a bit too close to home- too close for comfort. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for self deprecating comments and mutual teasing but sometimes I can’t take it as well as I dish it.
“Fuck, you’re mean-”
“And you’re stalling.” Snatching my notebook from the table, I place it back in my lap, opening it to a fresh page and getting my pen ready. His eyes widen briefly at my subtle threat to psychoanalyze him- his favorite activity- and his hands raise in surrender.
“Fine, fuck.” He huffs, urging me to return the notebook to its previous position on the table but I keep it close, hugging it to my chest as he sighs. “Do you enjoy bullying me?”
“Yes, I enjoy bullying you. You’re an easy target.” I say plainly, waiting for him to speak but he just scoffs, teasing eyes flickering back and forth from me to the clock on the wall.
“This is a toxic therapeutic environment. Is there a Title X form I can fill out?” I bite back a laugh at his painfully ironic joke, my cheeks puffing out as I try desperately to avoid laughing at his perfectly timed joke.
“I’ll give you that one. That’s good.” I crack, ignoring the obvious flutter in my stomach. “Ask me a question, hot shot.” I offer, watching his eyes light up at the chance and I can tell that he’s going to try to use it wisely. He bites at his lips as he thinks, eyes squinting briefly as if he's the one analyzing me and his gaze flickers back and forth between my eyes.
“If everyone comes to you to talk, who do you go to?” His question feels like a punch to the gut, heart aching behind my ribs, but I maintain the professional smile on my lips, hands shaking in my lap as I press them into fists. He waits patiently but there’s no ounce of malice or mischief behind his eyes. He’s truly curious this time and, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think he actually cares. 
“That was oddly personal.” I laugh awkwardly, setting my pride aside for a second and taking a deep breath.
“You want me to talk about my sister? Then you’ve gotta earn it.” 
Fuck he’s right. 
I wrack my mind, trying to come up with something vague, something simple to offer him so he doesn’t worry or have any more prying questions. If he thinks that he doesn’t like to talk about those closest to him then he hasn’t heard my extremely short list of people that I interact with on a day, let alone the people I actually enjoy talking to (other than him).
But I have to give him something if I want to know more about his past and his support system.
“My list of ‘important people’ is even shorter than yours. I do fine, though.” I hold my breath, hoping he’ll accept my sad excuse for an answer but he just nods slowly, leaning back into the couch with a cocked head, lips fanning out into a small smile. A moment or two passes as the sound of my breathing slows, Rafe’s eyes moving to look over at the lava lamp. 
“I call my younger sister Wheezie.” I fight the urge to reach over for my notebook, realizing that he’d probably shut down if I tried to document anything he’s telling me. Guess my memory will have to do. “She’s 14- maybe 15 by now. I haven’t seen her in a while.” His tone saddens a bit but his eyes glimmer as if he’s remembering something fond, deep eyes full of sudden adoration. “I was such a jackass to her when I was younger. Now that I’m away from home, I want to talk to her more- text her more.” He sounds guilty, eyes closing briefly before he returns his gaze back to me, waiting for me to digest the information and respond accordingly.
“That’s good.” 
“She’s way more smart than I am- such a fucking spitfire.” He grins with a scoff, shaking his head and I can only imagine a shorter, girlier version of him, commanding those around her and teasing everyone in site. I bet her and I would get alone nicely.
“I can see who she learned that from.” He grins shamelessly at my teasing, cheeks reddening briefly before he flashes his eyes at me, fingers prying at the strings on his sweatpants. 
“Yeah, I wasn’t the best influence.” His once reminiscent and happy expression turns sour suddenly, lips tugging down into a guilty, frustrated frown.
“Wanna talk about it?” Don't forget to do your job, Y/n.
“Not really.” He sighs, reaching up to run his fingers through his unruly hair, eyes flickering briefly up to the clock as I, too, notice our lack of time. We’ve talked more today about the things I’m mandated to talk to him about than all of our meetings combined and, sure, that’s a good thing but I can’t begin to ignore the weight- the tension- that’s suddenly filled the room at the mention of his sister and the possible wrong-doing he's committed against her.
“Do you need to talk about anything?” I ask with an uncomfortable sigh, anxiety sitting on my chest like a twenty pound weight. 
“Do you?” He dodges but not to avoid the question I asked but because, yet again, he’s more interested in talking about me.
“We’re not here for me.” I smile kindly but he’s being completely sincere.
“Well, I am.” He shrugs, his confession making my heart skip beats as he continues. “If I really hated you, I wouldn’t be here.” There’s a sense of fondness in his voice that makes me grin like an idiot and he realizes almost instantaneously the weight behind his words.
If I really hated you, I wouldn’t be here. 
“Oh, I’ve definitely grown on you.” I gawk, lips parted in proud shock.
“No, but the lava lamp has.” He denies with a click of his tongue, jutting his thumb in the direction of the bright object, the glowing orbs bouncing up and down as a sort of pendulum.
A few dazed moments pass and Rafe is still stuck looking at the lava lamp as if he’s entranced, a small smile on his lips and the clock ticks louder and louder behind us as minutes pass. I feel antsy to ask him more, knowing that it’ll be a whole weekend before I see him again and a part of me almost feels sad.
I don’t feel like diving into the ‘why’ that is. 
“I’m assuming by the lack of text messages and urgent calls that you’ve been behaving?” His lips quirk up at my instigation and he gives me a playful shrug.
“If behaving means no suicidal or homicidal thoughts than yeah, sure.” I can’t fight the eye roll that passes across my expression but his smile turns sheepish as if he was trying to be genuinely honest. I fight the urge to ask about both topics mentioned- homicide and suicide- wondering if there's actually any weight to them or if he's just messing around. Both are equally concerning. 
“You can text or call if you feel like you need to talk about something, ya know.” I offer gently but he starts nodding sternly before I can even finish my sentence.
“I know. You said that.” 
“I know- I’m not trying to press...” My hands raise in simple surrender, backing off immediately before he cuts me and this meeting short. “But, you’re here for a reason. I get it’s mandatory but like you said, if you really hated me- hated this- you wouldn’t be here.” He ponders for a second, lips turned down in a playful frown.
“Gives me something to do other than ace tests and apparently be a so-called ‘man-whore’.”
“So you are a man whore? God, I’ve been dying to know if that’s true or not.” I tease, cupping my cheeks in my hands as I lean towards him, watching mischief flicker through his eyes. “Do you need the safe sex speech?” I gasp, holding a hand to my chest in feigned shock, like I needed any confirmation that Rafe could get around if he actually wanted to.
I mean, look at him. 
“Oh my god- this is painful. How much time do we have left?” He pleads and his brows knit together in pure disgust, his voice scary close to a whine.
“I’m messing with you. I know you’re not getting around- the faculty gossip more than the students.” His eyes widen at my implication that he's being talked about behind his back and he scoots to the edge of the couch eagerly.
“What have you heard about me?” He asks out of pure amusement, eyes glimmering in the light of the lava lamp.
“Depends on what I’ve chosen to believe.” I shrug, folding my hands in my lap as I think of the very few nice things I’ve heard actually come out of my coworkers mouths. “Before I met you, I heard the words ‘neanderthal’ and ‘Juvenile delinquent’ but everyone raved about your grades.” 
“And now?” He quizzes, hair falling in his eyes as his head tilts dumbly.
“I don’t particularly believe the ‘neanderthal’ part- maybe the delinquent part- but the good grades, charming, way too smart for your own good.” The wink I throw him has him almost giggling, his chest rumbling and shoulders shaking in bashful laughter. “Handsome.” The word leaves my mouth as a sort of intrusive thought- literal word vomit- and my lips part in quiet shock as he gives me a similar, stunned look. His cheeks redden almost immediately and all cockiness from him vanished, just left with boyish, bashful, wide eyes.
“Are you flirting with me?” He asks, voice cracking pitifully.
“No, because that would be inappropriate and obviously I do everything by the books here. I’m only speaking on behalf of my colleagues.” I clear my throat, giving him a half-assed nod but he sees right through it. 
“Anything else you’ve- I mean, your fellow colleagues have said about me?” He asks, shit-eating grin evident once more and it only makes flames ignite in my belly.
“You have an issue with authority and apparently talking to older women.” I snap with a smirk and he scoffs, eyes rolling and he claps his hands.
“Alright, I don’t like you anymore.” He juts his finger my way, clicking his tongue with a tired look.
“Awe you’re in denial- that’s cute, really Rafe.” I whisper, reaching out to rest my hand on his knee- feigning support- his whole body aflame beneath my touch. He looks at me and my hand, back and forth, with wide, frantic eyes but he’s not nervous or awkward- no, there’s something far deeper to the way his pupils dilate, tongue sweeping out helplessly over his cracked lips. 
“Fuck.” He mutters, dragging his fingers across his jaw as I slowly retract my hand from him. His body deflates as soon as my touch leaves him, his head hanging back against the couch shamelessly. 
“Time’s up buddy.” His eyes flicker up to the clock and an almost disappointed smile spreads across his lips, brows furrowing as he reaches down to check his own phone with a frown. 
“Really?” He asks, more to himself but stands nonetheless, soothing his hands over his thighs. I stand too, following closely behind him as he stops in front of the door, waving his phone in the air. “Can I, uh, text you?” He asks bashfully and a wide smile spreads across my lips.
“I said you could.” 
“I know- I just mean…” He trails off, eyes fluttering to the ground briefly.  “Like, off the record.” My stomach flips at his words, not knowing what he actually intended to get across but based on the look in his eyes alone, I know he literally means off the record conversations.
“There’s no record, Rafe, and we’ve already leveled about the fact that I live alone with my cats. My life after work is not glamorous.” I giggle, reaching past him to open the door and he looks out into the hallway with a heavy sigh.
“Alright.” He nods, hand raising to send me a simple wave and a smile. “See ya, Y/n.” 
Unknown Number: I thought of another question. 
My eyes widen as I stare down at the text, shocked that Rafe actually meant it when he said he was going to text me, my mouth drying at the confirmation that he does want to talk to me, just not about the things I’m mandated to talk to him about. But at least he’s talking now. A win is a win right? 
Alright, shoot. I type back, thumbs shaking against the bright screen as I add him as a contact, my cats purring beside me as I flip over to the other side of the bed, curling into a ball as I watch the three bubbles appear at the bottom of my screen.
Rafe: Are you typically this chill with other students?
“What should I say, Winston?” I ask, showing my cat the text as he sniffles, looking between me and the bright screen, eyes squinting in discomfort. “Should I tell him that I find him incredibly attractive? So much that it makes it very hard to do my job?” Winston just looks away from me with a quiet meow, tucking his head under my hand that holds my phone.  “They told me I need to connect with students on a personal level- to use my age as a tool to connect and develop interpersonal relationships- to get people to trust me.” I snort, typing the first response that comes to me before I type something that I could possibly regret.
Not really. I could just tell that I wasn’t going to get you to open up if I acted my role. My answer isn’t necessarily a lie, but there’s something about him- though cocky and sometimes unbearable- that just makes it so easy to be myself. He’s done such shit in his life so maybe he’s just not that judgemental cuz he’s done worse, but there’s just something open about him, even if it might be unintentional. 
Rafe: Cuz I have an issue with authority?And older women apparently. 
My cats jump as I laugh out loud, cheeks warming as I press my face into my pillow momentarily, hating the smile that spreads across my lips. I feel like a middle schooler who’s finally getting attention from a cute guy, blood pumping and mind running with thoughts.
Yeah, I wanted to make it easier on you- more comfortable. 
Rafe: That’s kind of nice. 
Well, I’m a nice person. “Duh, Rafe. I’m a nice person.” I whisper to myself while typing.
Rafe: I can think of twelve things you said to me today that were the opposite of nice.
It’s as if he knew what I was going to say because the minute I send my text, his text comes flying back in return. He’s not wrong- I did mess with him all day, and the thought of me teasing him so much forces a proud grin on my lips as I type. 
I figured it out pretty quickly that you deflect with humor. I happen to be remarkably funny. 
Rafe: Got me figured out, huh?
He has no clue how much I’ve already figured out about him just from the fact that he keeps deflecting and avoiding talks about his family. I can assume his younger sister is the only family member he hasn’t had a negative encounter with and looking at his academics versus his social life, it almost seems as if he doesn’t actually want to be here, like it wasn’t his decision but he has to maintain the grades but not the image. That maybe his outbursts, like keying his professor's car, was a last ditch effort to get out, not stay.
You could say that. Men are pretty easy. I respond simply, knowing it’ll get a ride out of him.
Rafe: First you call me a man whore and now I’m ‘easy’?
You had the chance to ask me questions and you didn’t. 
Rafe: I did, they were just stupid. I couldn’t really think of anything. I was too preoccupied.
With? I bite at the excess skin on my nail as I wait for his reply, tearing my eyes away from the phone for a moment to look down at my cats who both stare at me, probably wondering how I’ve managed to stay awake this long. If only they knew and could fathom ‘a crush’.
Rafe: Well you called me handsome and I think that’s the last thing I remember.
Oh shit, I did, didn’t I? I pause, actually considering the fact that my comment actually stuck with him enough to take him off guard. It’s common knowledge that Rafe is a good looking guy, tall, built, kind eyes and a silver tongue. I’d have to be blind or dead to not see him.
You’re all talk. I type, biting at my nail as the dots appear and disappear, Rafe choosing his answer wisely. It makes me laugh to think of him in a similar position as me, laying in bed, typing back a reply with a blush on his cheeks- or maybe I shouldn’t think about him in bed?
Rafe: I’m not, you’re just all by the books.
Am I? I know that I’ve joked about being by the books and dying on the hill that I’m such a rule follower, but if I was seriously a stereotypical counselor for him, I would think that I wouldn’t enjoy conversations with him so much- so much that I stay up way past midnight just to continue a vaguely flirty conversation with him.
Har. Har. Doesn’t seem like you’re having an issue talking to older women now. 
Rafe: Cuz you’re not here staring at me and judging me.
The thought of him finding me as intimidating as I find him is exhilarating, the air in my lungs seemingly evaporating as I gasp in a breath.
Rafe: Writing shit down in that passive aggressive notebook. What have you even written in there?
You don’t wanna know. I giggle, picturing the dopey, confused look on his face, a kind smirk. In person, he would pry and stare at me until I break, taking advantage of my weariness when it comes to him. But right now, so far away from him, I don’t let up, continuing the torment and teasing that he subjects me to during the day.
Rafe: Is it just a bunch of ‘Mrs. Cameron’s’ written over and over again?
“Rafe, what the fuck!” I yell out, sitting straight up in bed as I hear the neighbor bang on the wall behind me, chastising me for my shouting. I slap a hand over my mouth, typing back a shaky response. 
Asshole. Go to bed. I’m not actively trying to get rid of him, but there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to see where this conversation would go if I did indulge him and give him a taste of his own medicine. He’s a tease but he’s an intelligent tease; he knows how to rile a person up, maybe from experience or maybe it’s just his personality. Either way, it works too well.
Rafe: You’re no fun :(
I am, it’s just above your pay grade. I don’t even know what I’m implying with this whole ‘paygrade’ joke, maybe I’m implying that there’s more under my surface that goes beyond a flirty college counselor. Maybe I want him to see under the surface and I instigate because I know he likes the chance and the taunting. Maybe it’s just fun to get him going.
Rafe: Again with the fucking pay grade. How do I get promoted?
Why do you want to be promoted? What do you get out of it? My stomach drops, my heart pounding in my throat as my fingers type against the screen, the typos only a testament to how nervous he makes me. 
Rafe: Tell me how to get into that head of yours and maybe I’ll let you know why I care so much.
I screech out loud once more, reaching out to comfort Winston and my other orange tabby Clementine with a quiet apology for continuing to wake them up repeatedly. Forgetting my mission, my head snaps back to the clinical benefits from this conversation, needing him to finally open up to me about his own problems if we’re going to get anywhere. He needs the clearance from the school, I need the praise from my boss, and- the most important- he needs to heal from whatever’s eating him up inside. 
I’d tell him anything if it meant that I could help him.
Tell me where your anger issues stem from and why you won’t talk about your family or hometown. I press send before I can contemplate it, worrying that the interjection into our playful conversation might make him mad because it’s typically his response to me prying into his personal life. But instead, he surprises me.
Rafe: I’ll think about it.
It’s not what I was expecting at all but I’ll take any progress that I can get. A month ago, he’d threaten to leave the room if I tried to bribe information out of him but now he seems willing. Maybe he thinks that if he tells me things, that I’ll open up. But if that’s the case, then we’re playing the same game and it looks like both of us are going to ultimately get what we want from each other. In more ways than one apparently.
Rafe: So you hang out with your cats and you go to work at the campus. Is that all you do?
If I give him the answer I want to reply with, he’ll know where to find me outside of school. He’d have the opportunity to see me outside of our sessions, to talk to me literally off the record and have the freedom to say or do whatever he’d like. To weigh the odds of a pros and cons list would take too long so my fingers type quickly enough to not give my brain a second to think or argue.
No, I work as a bartender too at a bar on Grant. Again, the bubbles on the bottom of the screen appear and disappear, Rafe obviously deciding carefully on what to say. I know that he’ll take advantage of it, even if I ask him not to but maybe it’ll be what he needs- to see me in a scenario where he doesn’t have to talk to me. Maybe it’ll happen naturally on its own if he chooses to interact with me, to talk or open up.
Rafe: Oh, that’s kind of badass.
A girly grin takes over my face, Clementine's quiet meows spooking me out of my giddy mood, her paws digging into my boobs as she flops down on my chest. I let out a quiet ‘oof’ and she looks at the bright screen of my phone, meowing once more as another message comes through.Rafe:I know you’ll ask me not to come visit you but I make no promises.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1
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sketchfanda · 10 months
A Little Moxxie Love:Cotton Candy Queen Bee
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Somedays Moxxie had to wonder if he was somehow the luckiest and unluckiest guy in all of he’ll all at once. Born into wealth but it eas a mafia family,had a wonderful mom but lost ehr to his asshole of a dad. Who apparently couldn’t even tell the difference between a bisexual and a homosexual, no surprise there. To say nothing of that moron Chaz,which lead to him being in jail where he’d meet Blitzo. How much better or worse can vary because hey he met and married Millie, the most wonderful and damn fine sexiest thing to come out of the Wrath circle. Who of course was one very kinky, horny little imp who thought very highly of him in the bedroom, which of course he knew had to do with the current situation he found himself in. It was the usual familiar sort of situation, as he eyed his smiling wife sat in a couch in the corner, her tail wagging snd her eyes twinkling with eager mischief for the show she was about to enjoy. A familiar situation, Millie about to indulge in voyeurism watching him go at it with another woman. Only instead of their apartment or some room in a motel or hotel, they were in the bedroom of the personal beehive like home….of Queen Beelzebub herself. Or Queen bee,just plain Bee even, standing right before him in a sultry pose with those four arms of hers, her lava lamp midriff and liquid like tail glowing with a gleam thst gave a bit of atmosphere to the room. To say Moxxie’s brain was going a mile a minute was an understatement and really who could blame him? Not just anyone, let alone an imp got to be an intimate set up like this with the Queen of Gluttony after all but of course here he was and going by the fact she was stripping naked, she wasn’t here to have just a friendly chat or anything….
Bee:-w-“Like hey now, Little Guy,no need to be so nervous. Your lady there is okay on this you know….”*she playfully quipped,walking over to him sensually as thst honey like tail of her swayed lazily behind her. Those pink hazy eyes of his locked on him as he felt like a mouse cornered by a cat. The fact he was currently sitting shirtless might have only added to the overall mood for him…*
Moxxie:”Oooh crumble…well Uhm,ms.Bee,I mean yiur highness,I mean miss queen Bee yiur highness,I mean my lady,I mean…”*and of course there went his brain going all haywire. Making him fumble with his words as his nerves were getting to him.*
Millie:^w^”Deep breath now,hun….”*She reassured her hubby,as she sat cross legged on the couch. Her body trembling and tingling with anticipation at what was sure to be a hell of a show. Sure Moxxie was all nervous right now but once he got in the mood,she knew he’d bring his A game.*
Bee:”You heard her handsome. Just relax…and just Bee is fine.”*the rather easy going part queen added,one claw reaching out To scratch and teases under his chin. Grinning playfully as they watched the imp hitman take a deep breath,inhaling and exhaling before he seemed like he wasn’t as anxious or jittery mere seconds before.*
Moxxie:”Right so Miss Bee,I mean ma’am,Uhm Bee. If you’d just remind me how and why we are doing this? I mean besides that I Millie had Something to with it…”*shooting a teasing glance at his wife,who simp,t gave him a cute little blep his way. He just couldn’t stay mad at her…*
Bee:”Aah wasn’t much,your cute little hellhound gal pal and your lady here told me all about how you,like,get around? Course I got interested and wanted to sample the goods and seemed a fair trade to let the cutie get some quality time with Tex ya know…? Somethjng me and your little lady got in common we like our men to be happy..” *the gluttony fox bee couldn’t help but snicker at Moxxie’s deadpan glance as he rolled those sweet little eyes of his at that statement.*
Millie:”and a deal’s a deal Moxxie. So we’re all good here.”*his wife waved off. She may not seem it on the surface level but right about now she was horny as all fuck. Her baggy black jeans hiding her slit gushing out pussy juice like oil struck from the ground. She’d seen and joined in on Moxxie with succubi,other demon girls,just in hell alone. But the queen of gluttony herself? This was going to be hot.”
Moxxie of course couldn’t help but remember that yes indeed, that’s the how and by he found himself about to get sexually intimately and acquainted with Bee. Apparently Loona had somehow been to one of the gluttony queen’s infamous and legendary parties. They’d kept in touch and Millie of course got involved which lead to their usual game of arranging these kind of set ups for him. The fact it meant Loona was right now busy getting hot,wild and pornographic with Vortex was the deal sealer for the snarky tsundere hellhound. Which would explain the room next door across the way shaking and echoing with the howls and moans he was familiar with her making when she was getting nicely and intensely fucked. The fact she scored this opportunity for a mutual swing was at her nice of her so he couldn’t complain. It helped Bee had opted to have this in her own room away from the prying eyes and ears of her latest party certainly helped, he felt he didn’t need a repeat of the viral pseudo incest live show he and Millie caused at thst summer camped as Moxxine and Millerd. The Imp hitman casting aside any remaining doubt or nerves as he undid his pans. Dropping them along with his boxers as Bee widened her eyes slightly at the sight of his fully exposed cocky. The crimson red length and girth rising to be more stiffer than the rifles or shotguns the imp was used to handling in the job but knew how to use just as well. His own natural lethal weapon, primed and ready to go rock a woman’s world.
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Bee:*a look combining shock and surprise on her face before it took on an expression of sultry desire. Licking her maw as she strode okn over the Imp, the wolf bee purring at his determined yet nervous he seemed.*”Well well Little Man, wasn’t expecting such a treat…like I know you’d be lacking but THAT is a nice surprise…now we are ally gonna party……”*soon as she said this,she pressed her lips to his as one of her hands grasped and began to stroke his imp shaft. Pre oozing from the tip as her remaining 3 hands caressed and massaged his torso. Finding that despite his slim looking frame he had some muscle tone to him. Relaxed moans pouring from her as she felt Moxxie’s tongue dance against her own,the imo finding her saliva, no surorise had a sweet tangy taste akin to honey.*
Millie:0/./0”oh this is so damn fucking hot…”*the shortstack wrath imp squirmed,a bundle of aroused energy in her seat getting turned on just watching her husband and the gluttony queen making out. Gripping the couch arms as she looked on at Bee kissing her way down along Moxxie’s neck and chest. Licking her lips and shuddering at hearing her hubby groan with ecstasy as Bee latched her muzzle into his cock. Proceeding to suck and blow as that warm honey like saliva soaked and lubed up his length and girth, the wolf bee feeling her spine tingle,her lava lamp midriff and tail glowing at Moxxie proceeding to buck his hips in response to her sinful fellatio.*
Moxxie:”Oooooh crumbs…..”*Seemed understandable this was all Moxxie could say as the candy sweet,sugary blow on Bee was giving him was unreal. But that didn’t mean the imp was going to stay idle and not give back as good as he was getting. Which was how Bee now found herself laying flat on the bed, lusty howling moans as Moxxie ate her out. His reptilian like tongue probing away at her slit as he licked and lapped up her nectar. No surprise given her nature and being that it had a flavour and texture akin to honey. Her fours closed hands grasping the sheets,her wings fluttering, midriff snd tail glowing with a cozy sensual haze. If she was getting horny before, the imp hitman’s oral skills were working her into going into heat.*
it was only natural then that moxxie and the gluttony queen’s fire okay would lead them right into the main event. The honeycomb walls and ceilings echoing with the sounds of crimson skin slapping against golden fur mixed with primal sounds of passionate ecstasy. The bed’s springs shaking and creaking as the bee wolf took it doggy style. Her lava lamp midriff a liquid tornados in response to thst length and girth pumping into her slit. The inner muscles of ehr oussy stroking and massaging that alpha imp cock as the tip pounded at the door of her womb. Her tail wrapped around his waist as the slimes warmth massaged and soothed his muscles, his hips becoming nearly a blur as his heavy golf ball sized smacking her clit as her ass and tits jiggled and bounced every impact. Millie by this point had stripped off her clothes,naked as they were as she played with herself with lusty abandon. Squeezing her tits and and probing her pussy with abandon, eyes glowing with pink hearts at this front row up close and personal display of her Moxxie’s raw sexual prowess. Nothing got her more turned on than this.
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Millie:”just couldn’t help myself,ya know?”*The wrath imp quipped as she knelt on the bed,licking away where Moxxie’s dick met and connected with Bee’ a pussy lips. The pair in a mating press as the gluttony queen used her four arms to hold her own legs back, grunting Moxxie deeper reach and penetration. Millie got so turned on,she added herself to the mix. That was after 5 rounds in from her man cumming inside the honey bee wolf. Not that Bee didn’t mind, if anything it was nice case of lust and gluttony going hand in hand.*
Bee:”mmm you taste sweet as you look cutie…”*the gluttony queen quipped erotically as the shortstack imp sat on her muzzled face. Her tongue lapping away at Millie’s sloppy pussy,drinking up her juices as the tangy taste dazzled her tastebuds. Noting a rather cotton candy flavour to her delight as husband and wife made out above her, moxxie fucking her in basic but effective missionary as his shaft jackhammered away into her sticky,warm honeypot.*
Moxxie:oooh crumbscrumbscumcrumbscsnt’sstopwon’tstop…”*The imp hitman’s words like his mind going a mile a second as pleasure filled his libido to levels you’d never think an imo his height and what not could be capable of. Fucking his wife’s pussy as Millie laid atop the queen of gluttony, the two infernal hotties making out as their tongues danced together in a shared mutual lust for the alpha male imp rocking their worlds. His heavy balls smacking their clits as he switched between which pussy or eben their assholes he’d be fucking. The bedsheets stained with sweat,honey and juices as the room was becoming a mess.*
As the party was going on inside Bee’s mansion,a veritable flavour morty of sweets,confectioneries and booze flowing. All the while their hostess was having the time of life in her own way. Her and Millie changing it up between one on one to two on one with Moxxie any and every instance he came. Their holes overflowin and oozing with his seed with so far no signs of slowing down to a stop. Which was all well and good for Loona as the longer they went at it,the longer she got some one on one time with Tex. The hellhound roadie’s room becoming a more trashed than his boss verosika on one of her Bee honey fuelled benders. The queen of gluttony thinking even in her orgasmic haze that this little arrangement wasn’t going to be just a one time thing that was for sure. Millie was a spitfire and her husband more than exceeded expectations. How sweet it truly is…
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So where we left off Syaoran was attempting to kill Sakura under Evil Wolverine’s instruction, but his body memory was refusing, physically keeping him from doing it. 
(Like, not enough to NOT STAB HER AT ALL, sadly, but enough to refuse to kill her at least) 
Interestingly Evil Wolverine seems to recognise this is as hard enough to overcome that he’s changing the plan on the fly. Which is TOUCHING in the sense that the echoes of Syaoran’s feelings alone are enough to straight up halt Evil Wolverine’s plans in their tracks, which is beautiful. 
Unfortunately Sakura is not the only target in the room, so Evil Wolverine is just pivoting to stabbing Lava Lamp guy instead. Which. Oops. Yeah unfortunately that’d work.
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blowflyfag · 11 months
Hi these are my Kane headcannons I wrote a bit a while back. My history of Kane is a bit different than the cannon stuff since the cannon stuff is kinda cringe fail. Also. Only gonna talk about masked Kane. But! Reality is mine to do what I want so here’s my Kane headcannons. I’m more than happy to go in depth on more stuff! Or explain why I think this.
Kane Headcannons
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He wore masks even as a kid, it’s a sensory thing.
He grew up in a single parent house, it was both the funeral home and their home, with a mourge in the basement. They lived in a very small town in Death Valley, but they what they lacked in people the area made up with supernatural occurrences
I think he can see ghosts, with how connected his family was the supernatural it’s only natural he can see ghosts.
Kane liked dancing around with his mom as a little Kid. She often would play stuff on the radio while she worked or while cooking or when even just sitting around. Kane liked these moments… standing near her and swaying and humming along.
Kane keeps his hair long cause it reminds him of his mother, he does a lot of things because they remind him of her. He keeps his hair long, looks to deep into his undamaged eye. He listens to music she liked. He just wants to feel close to her. He’s a fuckin Mama’s boy
Kane is mostly burned and scared on his right side, it’s more prominent on his right arm and neck. His right eye is damaged from the fire.
Freckles!!! Kane has a lot of freckles when he gets in the sun. They’re a bit faint since he covers up but if he does loose some of the covering his freckles will really pop out
Bros Autistic guys.
Kane is mostly non verbal. He’d rather communicate with his body language or sign his thoughts. He only speaks if he really must.
He has such a soft spot for animals and kids it’s insane.
When he was younger him and taker found a clutch of snake eggs under their porch. Their mother No whwre in sight so they begged and pleaded for their mom to let them take care of them.
It ended up being a trip to the vets to make sure the eggs were properly taken care of. And a few weeks later their first pet.
It was a corn snake Kane and Taker named Amber.
Amber stayed in Taker's room. Though Mom would let them take Amber out so she could slither around in the living room while they watched movies.
Speaking of Taker’s room. It’s decked out with zombie movie posters. As well as other posters for horor movies and rock/metal bands. There’s Aldo a purple lava lamp. The typical angsty older brother room
Tumbleweed forts! He would beg Taker to play outside with him so the two would make forts and sit in them. Pretending to be bandits hiding out from the law.
He has a fascination with fire. Even though it is the thing that burned him, scared him, traumatized him beyond belief. The sight of someone lighting a cigarette near him brings his eyes instantly to the flame. Watching it flicker and wave with light and warmth. A controllable flame is a huge comfort.
I’d say Kane is Bisexual with a male lean. He’s very inexperienced when it comes to love. Often he finds himself confused with why his heart beats faster around someone he likes. Tilting his head to the side as he watches from afar. The most romance he knows of is watching late night black and white movies from when he was kept hidden in the basement.
A lot of what he knows is from television actually. Most of the time in the cellar hed just watch tv and learn, infomercials, animal documentaries, old cowboy movies. all “boring to most kids” but to kane it was an escape.
At first Kane fucking despised Taker so much with Paul Bearer’s manipulation. (For my reality Paul Bearer is the one who caused the fire) for years his anger festered and bubbled beneath his skin. Originally Taker went missing before the fire. And Kane learning that he became a wrestler, (not knowing Taker was under Paul Bearer’s control) was even more livid at him, for leaving his mother behind, for leaving him behind, for leaving everything behind. He truly hated Taker in those days, of course he’s come around but he struggles sometimes…
Kane has meltdowns very easily, it doesn’t take a lot to set him off. That’s what happens when he curls up and rocks. He’s trying to calm himself down the only way he knows how.
He really likes big cats, tigers, panthers, leopards. He thinks they’re the coolest animals.
So the Katie Vick stuff doesn’t happen in my reality, however Katie Vick is a real person, she was Kane’s childhood friend growing up. They were both kinda weirdo outcasts so they stuck together. They would mess around with ouija boards and try to find supernatural stuff that they shouldn’t have been messing with.
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sillymarieee · 5 months
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Here’s my newest OC, Tuff Dye!!
After a lot of brainstorming, I finally finished his design!
Tuff Dye is an alien being, who is inspired by a lava lamp. Much like it, his body is always somewhat warm, and the colours around his body move around, much like a lava lamp too. He doesn’t wear anything but gloves and pants, since his body is always too hot for much clothes! :3
The two big hands behind him are also part of his body, I only gave them different colours to really emphasize on the lava lamp aspect. The movement of his « hair » also moves around, but generally keeps the same shape. He’s also pretty tall! 7ft to be exact.
Tuff is a very cocky, confident and mischievous character, who loves to play tricks on people! He knows little about humans, so he gets very curious :0
His name is a little bit of a pun- Tuff Dye, Though Guy. But it’s also inspired by two other things: Tuff, so the rock that is formed after lava dries up, and Dye (Tie-Dye), for his bright colours!
I’ll make more art of this silly goober soon, sorry for the long rant hehe!
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abbatoirablaze · 7 months
Down The Rabbit Hole, Chapter 19
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: mentions of death and sperm. also slight smidgen of angst/and feels
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“Well that was a weird afternoon.”
“Yeah, I guess that I knew Pierce was part of a weird, futuristic cult, but I wasn’t prepared for a funeral with so much beeping!” Annie confirmed, as she removed her blue jacket; one that was identical to the ones that were required to be worn during Pierce’s funeral. 
“Well, let’s not judge!” Shirley added in as she sat down, and everyone joined her, while removing their own jackets, and blue hats, “Everyone has a right to whatever fake religion they delusionally choose.”
“Abed, you were by the coffin for a really long time,” Annie noted, “are you okay?”
“I’m okay,” he confirmed, “although…”
“Troy and Abed are in mourning!” Troy and Abed sang in harmony.
Jeff crossed his arms, “would you guys please stop doing that?”
“I can’t believe that you did it during your eulogy,” Annie announced, shaking her head in disapproval, “it was so uncomfortable.”  
“I don’t think that the audience got that we were singing mourning with a ‘u’ in it!” Abed frowned.
“We were singing mourning with a ‘u’ in it?” Troy asked, his eyes going wide in realization, “oh no!”
“I still don’t fully understand the Laser Lotus theology!” Annie frowned, “so Pierce’s body is in the coffin and we buried it, but his energy is in this energon pod and it contains his life vapor?”
“Yeah, it’s all right here in this incredibly persuasive literature that they passed out!” Troy nodded, pulling out a pamphlet from the church, “once you reach a level 16, you can see the color blurple.”
“Of all the ridiculous cartoon nonsense,” Shirley grumbled, pointing at what was little more than a lava lamp, “if there really is a blurple, the lord keeps it hidden for a reason.”
“What up n bombs?” Chang asked, coming in, “how was the funeral?  Awesome!”
“No Chang, our friend’s funeral was not awesome!” Jeff growled, “it was deeply sad.  You know.  Funeral style!”
“Excuse me, I thought you guys hated Pierce!”
Everyone’s eyes went wide and they started arguing over one another, about how they really didn’t hate Pierce, but that he was merely an annoyance. 
“We did not hate Pierce.”
“Alright, are you sure you guys aren’t just doing the ‘respect the dead’ jig a lig?” he asked. 
Everyone started to talk about how they didn’t really hate him yet again, and you felt yourself going into a little bit of a trance, staring at the lava lamp.  You couldn’t help but to reach for Jeff’s hand as the tears worked their way up into your eyes.
You were broken from your thoughts about how fragile life was when a lawyer burst into the room, saying something about Jeff being right. 
“Who the hell are you?”
“My name is Mr. Stone!”
“That’s easy for you to say!” Troy remarked, “and for us to say!”
“I work for Mr. Hawthorne,” Stone commented dryly, “he stated in his will that no matter how natural the appearance of the circumstances of his death, a private inquest should be conducted to determine whether any one of you, his former study group, has murdered him!”
The group began to gasp, as a few scientists walked in with some technology.
“To be cleared, each of you will submit to a polygraph test!”
“Jeff, what’s going on?” you asked, confusion crossing your features.
“I don’t know…but it will be okay, Tawney.”
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“Tawney…did you know that I always looked at you like a daughter?” Stone asked, “Annie may have been my favorite, but you were beyond that.  You were like family!  Even after the rest of the group broke up the only people that kept in touch with me were you and Troy.  The two of you cared.  And that’s why I’m including you in my estate.  While I’m leaving Troy my shares of Hawthorne Wipes, I’m leaving you with what Gilbert had chosen to share with me.  My estate is worth an additional fourteen point three million dollars.”
You looked at Jeff, and he seemed even more speechless than when Stone told him about Troy’s bequeathment. 
“What the hell just happened?”
“I think Pierce just made me and Troy millionaires…”
“Oh my god…”
“There’s just one thing you have to do!” Stone commented.  Your brow went up as you looked at him, “Pierce had stated in his letter, that you and Jeff were in a relationship with one another.”
“We are…” you said slowly, not knowing at all where the line of questioning was going, “What of it?”
“Pierce noted that after the Christmas party, which he missed last year, you seemed different…”
You paled. 
You knew where it was going.
“Something’s different about you!”
“It’s not,” you lied, giving Pierce a fake smile, “I just haven’t seen you since break…that’s all.”
“No…I know it’s not your hair…and you didn’t do anything drastic like get new boobs…”
“Well, gee.  Thanks Pierce.”
“Your glowing, Tawney.  That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”
You felt a little bit of pride growing in the pit of your stomach as you looked at him, “really?”
He nodded, “yes.  So what is it?  What happened?”
You bit your lip and pulled your ring from the pocket of your jeans, before  slipping it over your finger, “Jeff proposed to me Christmas eve…”
His eyes went wide, before he wrapped you up in a hug, “oh Tawney, that’s great news.  But you know Jeff’s gay, right?”
“He’s not gay, Pierce…” you laughed, gently shoving the older man away from you, “and you can’t tell anyone.”
“You and him didn’t tell the group?”
“No…and we don’t plan on it until things are more settled,” you admitted, “Jeff and I talked about it, and we’re not going to announce anything until after he’s graduated and settled in at the firm he wants to set up.  We’re thinking about announcing it next Christmas, and then setting a date then.”
“Well I’m proud of you…I’m proud of the both of you.”
“Thank you, Pierce.”
“And I’m even prouder that I’m the only one that knows."
"About that...I was wondering,” you said slowly, "would-would you be the one to walk me down the aisle when we do set a date? I mean, if you don't want to, it's fine. It's just-my dad died a few years agao and-"
"I would be honored!" he smiled, holding his arm out to you.
“What’s Stone talking about?”
“Nothing,” you lied, trying to cover your tracks, “I-“
“She’s lying!”
“Thanks, lab coat!” you grumbled, turning your attention back towards the lawyer, “What about it?”
“Mr. Hawthorne wanted to let you know that you and Mr. Winger shouldn’t be ashamed of your relationship.”
“We’re not.  We just-“
“He wanted you, for your inheritance, to tell the group…”
"Tell us what?"
"What did Pierce know?" Annie asked, leaning forward.
“He wants it to be a very particular gift…” he hinted. 
You bit your lip as Stone slid you an envelope.  On the front of it was your name.  The rest of the group looked at you curiously while you opened it.  Inside, was a small note from Pierce.
If you’re reading this, then I’m gone, and you’ve met my lawyer, Stone.  But what you didn’t know, is that I’m planning on leaving you my estate that’s worth the same amount that I’m going to be leaving Troy with my share of the Hawthorne Wipes Company. 
But I wanted to leave you this, because you mean something to me.  While Troy has the heart of a hero, you have the heart of someone who was very dear to me.  A daughter...if you're reading this before you and Jeff got married, I'm sorry I couldn't walk you down the aisle. But I wanted to remind you of something.
You’re kind.  Always looking out for the group.  And you are always willing to help any of us…regardless of whatever we’ve done. 
For that, I want to leave you my estate, as a gift of sorts. 
A wedding gift.
I know that you grew up very poor once your mom got out of the military, and she raised you and your brothers in a cabin in the woods.  I know that your father had a hard time getting work because of the language barrier and when he passed, it was hard on you.  But I know, more than anything, that despite your families struggles, you always stuck together.
And that carried over through your friendship with me. 
I want you to never have to worry again.  At least about money. 
I’m not leaving you sperm like I left the others. 
Like I have said, you’re like a daughter to me.  And that would be incest.  That’s gross!  Please make sure that Jeff doesn’t drink his, and that Britta uses hers responsibly. 
Pierce Hawthorne
You laughed at the last few lines, though the tears were running down your face.  From beside you, Jeff put a hand on your arm, “hey…you okay?”
“It’s a wedding gift!” you whimpered, sniffling as you looked at your fiancé, “he doesn’t want us to have to worry!”
Jeff’s jaw dropped.
“A wedding gift?”
You turned to look at a very shocked study group.  Reaching into your pocket, you slipped your engagement ring on your finger and held it up to them, “we were going to wait to tell everyone…but Jeff proposed to me last Christmas…only Pierce knew. I'd asked him to walk me down the aisle when we set a date...”
Chapter 20
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @mckeeee-1
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