#oc: rosenrot
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so um. did you know rose red ocs are fun to design and come up with lore for??? rose reds are insane i am having so much fun !!! a history of rose red generations and info on these poor bastards in particular under the cut <3
(oh, and the ages are at the end of the war for reference)
there are 5 distinct generations of rose reds created over the 32 years of war (not including briar, generation 0). the first three were separately developed from rose's base, but four and five were iterated from generation three.
also for the record i've decided to take a steven universe quartz soldier take on the way rose reds relate to each other in that they have 0 innate concept of family with each other. most rose reds have like. a co-workerly relationship with some Sisters In Arms although some elect to become Besties or Family or That Really Annoying Guy Who I Hate And Can't Get Rid Of, or in rare occasions, fall in love. this will be relevant to rusty and sparkler
generation 0
[not pictured, born/deployed 1 year after the wedding]
briar is gen 0. although there were years of R&D about clone soldiers prior to the rose reds' existence (cole had this idea in mind for a while), briar was the first actual example of one. she is the only clone to be rose's height; she was meant to be like. a baseline control group for the rest of 'em. she was a bit rushed in the memory department; miscommunications among the scientists meant that they kinda. assumed that porting original flavor rose's memories would suffice since this is a control group. also cole had really strict deadlines for the project for some ungodly reason so even though the timeline between rose's capture and briar's "birth" was a year and she was pretty good, she would've been better off with two or three or more.
generation 1
[rusty and sparkler deployed 2 years after the wedding]
gen 1 was even more of a rushed project; they had half finished notes and a year deadline for deployment. no wonder rusty, the prototype and the next briar, was so janky; they didn't have enough time to sort out all the issues, particularly in the memory department. she's got half of rose's memories and the ability to lie and they screwed up spaying her and there are bits of her body that aren't quite right from scaling up rose from 4'10" to 6'2". however, she passed muster well enough so generation 1 rose reds were made and deployed (with a few tweaks from rusty's base).
the gen 1 rose reds were very prone to nervous and/or violent and/or suicidal breakdowns. later waves of gen 1 were slightly better tweaked, but the methodology + technology used to handle the brain stuff did not take into account uh. rose's severe ptsd. they made the poor bastards with ptsd right out the gate unknowingly. this is the shortest average generation with an average height of about 6'3". gen 1 roses were good enough to tide over while more time was allocated to gen 2 research, but they weren't deployed in the same amounts as they would be in the future. general white's revolution was still in its infancy so it wasn't like. a huge deal. they just had to be super careful
rusty started life very confused but fully capable of Lying to the people who made her and expected her to be a placid soldier. as the prototype, she was often used as the control group for experiments on later prototype models while they worked out what worked and what didn't. while rusty was being like. tested and prodded and stuff, original flavor rose was in suspension so that they could get more samples from her. also og rose was kind of a lava lamp decoration
when rusty wasn't being watched, she was assumed to be still and unmoving. she actually started talking to rose-in-suspension to try and make sense of the half memories in her head and started developing her own conclusions. like what love was and what the wind felt like and extreme opinions about niche comics (for the record my rose + snow are closet nerds - rose has a collection of nichevintage superhero comics and snow is a huge film snob). the story she spun in her head about who rose was was a mess of red string and blurry images. ultimately, she came to the conclusion that she hated holding a gun, actually and that all this sucked but she didn't have enough life experience to have a good idea of how to go about it
rusty's salvation came in the form of another rose red, this time in the form of RR G10072 (later named sparkler). sparkler was one of those being prepared to be deployed on beaumont and was rapidly developing a personality trait, that being a desire for Arson. she wasn't as good of a liar as rusty but in the quiet secret times rusty would school her. they would develop something that was probably love based on half memories and "you and i are going to survive this together." sparkler was terrified of being found out as she'd watched others in her batch be terminated for other things
rusty and sparkler become the first known "rouge reds" though their existence is kept hidden from most. it wouldn't due to have people know that his majesty's new weapons are unstable after all (though what did they expect? rose was not an obedient soldier, she was a weapon you pointed in the direction of the kingdom you wanted gone and ducked for cover). sparkler begins to develop more personality in the form of Autism Flat Affect, a surprising love for both organizing and gambling, and. honestly more arson. someone gets on her case for her collection of fireworks and is like "hey sparkler girl" (rose reds aren't like. A Huge Thing Yet) and she's like. ah. a name.
rusty and sparkler are married and have a kid together named remi (not picture). she's one of the very few offspring from a rose red mostly because most rose reds are sterilized. they fucked it up for rusty cuz she's a janky prototype, something she only discovered when trying out "hm what is this man thing and what is romance with one." turns out she, like 95% of rose reds, is a whole lesbian lol but there were Unexpected Side Effects in the form of A Kid. which. now they had to figure what to do about that and ended up joining with the revolution for protection and also sparkler's arson/rusty's ship repair specialties. it. it sure went for them :) rusty recognized snow and that was Weird and Fucked Up and Bad. luckily she picked up snow's new name of "general mercymourn white" pretty quickly
generation 2
[piper and persephone, deployed 5 years after the wedding]
gen 2 was given decent time for r&d. these rose reds' dna was remade from scratch because generation 1 was so janky. because the production methods were good, they didn't have to waste so much time on those. they spent three years developing a decent prototype, known as prototype 0003. 0003 was not allowed to exist very long; once they ascertaind that she was functional and not janky like rusty they put her down. briar was a whisper myth and rusty was a known quantity. prototypes were too much of a risk.
gen 2 was far more functional. though they weren't nearly as brainwiped as later gens (particularly 4 and 5) they were loyal, obedient soldiers (for the most part). the average height rose to about 6'7" as they were figuring out better ways to improve the size and stature from rose's original Short As Hell. these are the ones that the rebellion first started engaging in combat in earnest, though they were still not a proper supplement to or replacement of the main army just yet. the big con that made them have to be redesigned over the next 8 years (though not one that was initially discovered) is that these poor saps were very malleable. just because they were brainwiped didn't mean they were loyal to the king for any reason other than they were told. if they were isolated it was easy to make them switch loyalties. the rebellion didn't cotton on to this fact until it was too late because general white refused to hear it.
piper got her nickname while still in the army. she was always singing which really, really annoyed her superior officer so they left her for dead after a battle. shockingly, she did not die! instead a pair of conmen overheard her singing herself to sleep (er. death but y'know) and were like "a rose red that sings??? we could make a killing off of this." they patched her up and rehabilitated her (aka. made her loyal to them and do everything they say) and marketed her as a travelling carnival exhibit. they also used her for free protection from the law and also other criminals. however she developed more of a personality and a feeling of "this sucks actually" so when a passing casino owner looking for a new entertainment draw and offered her a job she jumped on the chance
unfortunately, she's still being screwed over. he's the only guy who knows she's a rose red (she gained weight and curves and generally styles herself very femininely which throws most people off the track) so he uses it against her as blackmail. he pays her less than everyone else, witholds vital (if forged) documents from her, and generally makes her life a living hell. she picked up a second job as a bouncer for a nearby divebar which helps cover rent. she's very pretty but perpetually paranoid that someone will find out that she's a rose red and either kills her or turns her in or drives her out. she's slowly losing her mind
persephone is. well. so not her superior officer (jupiter) but her superior officer's coworker (pluto) fell in love with her, specifically. something about how she survived a lightning cannon and just her general personality quirks. she used to be sweet y'know, even despite the horrors. so with jupiter's permission, pluto kidnapped persephone and took her deep, deep underground.
she basically was plutos personal attack dog/trophy wife while they built up an underground criminal empire. it was Bad. she did learn a lot of things about brutal leadership and being in a shit situtation. eventually she snapped and killed pluto, taking their place as the new Big Name Crime Lord on the block. she rules the undercity with an iron fist, although her favorite venture is her collection of illicit speakeasies. she is very proud of being a rose red and sometimes wishes she could go back to that life. however, she's got a really good gig going and she refuses to let it slip through her hands. real queen of hearts energy tbh
her theme song is "our lady of the underground" from hadestown :3
generation 3
[old rosie (canon/not pictured) and rosenrot, deployed 13 years after the wedding]
after the fatal flaw in gen 2 was discovered they had to start from scratch /again/. this time however, they had plenty of time to work it out. they went through prototypes 004 - 011 until they had one that was perfect in every way. they put her down after she was done being useful of course. at this point it was mostly superstition not to keep the prototypes around even though these ones were perfectly loyal. gen 3 is considered the golden generation from the ones designed directly from rose's dna + brain scans : a perfect balance of loyalty and competence.
gen 3 is the longest lasting generation as it lasted for 10 years. they'd tweak the dna over the years as new breakthrough came to light, but they didn't need to remake them. this is the gen where the rose reds got the nickname giants as they now averaged about 7 feet. they're extremely effective soldiers and are very difficult to get to change loyalties due to being Poor Brainwashed Bastards. hardcore programming wouldn't fully show up until the later waves. this is when rose reds got made in their hundreds of thousands. the rebellion was actively a threat now and they needed to defend the empire.
old rosie was from an earlier wave of gen 3 and lasted for a very, very long time compared to all the others. as for rosenrot, well...
rosenrot is a patchwork rose red. she wasn't at first, but she was the best of her batch and kept surviving. every time she lost something, it would be taken from one of her squad and put on her. skin, ears, eyes, hair, even entire limbs. it got to the point where she couldn't tell where she ended and her sisters began. they started referring to themselves in the plural and got what could only be described as "a little touched in the head." that being said, they still fought well so they were kept around. when they were the last rose red in the squad left and were due to be reassigned, they fucked off into the woods never to be seen again
to this day, no one knows what happened to them. there's lots of local urban legends and rumors and whatnot; some claim to see them at the river, others at the full moon, but no concrete evidence. the nice ending is that a lesbian in a cottage found them and took them in. the realistic ending is that they died in the woods. the most likely ending is that they're still out there, surviving in the woods, never able to escape being a patchwork of all her sisters but unwilling to die.
also the name rosenrot came about from a misunderstanding; they were stationed on a germanic planet and all the rose reds were called that because it's a literal translation of rose red. as the only one left, rosenrot kinda assumed that was their name. it's also what the locals call them as a cryptid. just kind of a weirdo
generation 4
[buck, deployed 23 years after the wedding]
considered to be the best generation; they still had plenty of resources to make millions of 'em and were an improvement on generation 3. the best part was that they found a clone who was perfect to iterate off of (unnamed but not old rosie, she was missing a few vital tweaks) so they didn't have to start from scratch again. they went through a couple dozen prototypes in the process of creating them (012-042) but by this time prototyping + putting them down was rote.
gen 4 was involved in the long, drawn out part of the war. they remained at an average of 7 feet tall though they had some proportional tweaks to make them more functional. these rose reds had very little chance at free will, only fighting. only ever fighting. the pop culture image of a rose red post-war is a gen 4 one considering how many were made compared to the first three generations. poor suckers, they never had a chance.
as for buck poor thing got sold to a redbaiting (illegal rose red dogfighting) ring by her superior officers for a bit of cash for booze and gambling. they didn't like her anyways lol she didn't get along with the rest of her squad. turns out they should've asked for way more $$$ because buck's tenacity and nimbleness kept her from losing which basically meant she kept winning. she's been doing this for about 7 years and shows no sign of stopping. all of her scars come from her time in the ring and were inflicted by other rose reds. she has... a very high level of aggression towards other rose reds (slightly innate but also beaten into her)
however, he's the prize champion! this comes with things like an entire showdog style name (QIC Heirloom Bucksin Jacket), he/him pronouns, and some extra special treatment. he's very chill around civilians (if afraid of her handlers) so he's often like. put on display in the top box like a dog. he's very, very dehumanized. he's gonna need hella therapy to be a normal person. what a guy.
generation 5
[farrier. deployed 27 years after the wedding]
this generation is unique as their differences come not from new base dna but from a sudden lack of resources. the rebels finally got the intel on what resources were needed to make rose reds (previously they'd only been destroying factories which made 2 more pop up in its place) and were able to control/destroy it. the crown was forced to make do with less and worse resources and were desparately trying to keep up with how massive the rebellion was as over the past decade or so they'd been relying pretty heavily on rose reds instead of enlisted/drafted forces. rose reds were just. better at being soldiers. they went through a handful of prototypes (043-051) but those were mostly "all right what's the best we can do with the resources on hand."
gen 5 roses are as functional as they can be. they're basically worse versions of gen 4; though equally brainwashed and technically capable, their bodies and minds tend to degrade pretty quickly. this is especially so the more combat they face. they're fast and cheap and hardly the quality they used to be made at. very few gen 5 rose reds survived to see the end of the war because of how badly they were made.
farrier is a gen 5 rose red! she's one of the extremely few who never saw combat because she was a guard model stationed at a super remote outpost so she degraded a lot more slowly. there were a lot of wild horses around so she developed the single trait of "i like horses :)" after the war, she was given the opportunity to be like. a test subject for "can we like. make gen 5 rose reds more stable so we can rehabilitate them?" she said yes because. she'd get to see more horses. she has a very limited view of the world she may have been made for war but what war is there when. Creatures.
she does succeed in having a somewhat more normal lifespan, though still shortened compared to the others. she gets really involved in like. horse things when being rehabilitated. in particular she takes up smithing so she can become a farrier (guy who forges horseshoes). she is just. horse girl rose red extraordinaire the other rose reds Do Not Relate. At All.
she accidentally becomes the gold standard of rose red rehabilitation cuz. honestly she becomes a relatively functioning member of society. but also she only had the trauma of the inherent horror of being made a rose red she's like. vibing??? she has rose's very blase attitude to a lot of things and although she can hold her own in a fight she doesn't seek it out at all. gentle giant. her minders love her so so much
i think she winds up in a weird small rural town somewhere. she's not good with the other rose reds ("damn that sucks" is not an appropriate reaction to the other rose reds talking about the horrors of war and she just. she's not like them. it's not her fault of course she's just. different) and most of the people around her during her rehabilitation period are very politically opinionated and farrier just cannot bring herself to care. however. although its a bit of a weird transition at first she gets along really well with the people of the town she moves into. they needed a farrier anyways and even if it's a bit odd that its her name instead of just her job she's chill. she's vibing. the kids love her. she gets her own horse <3
there's some intense debate in the beginning about whether to accept her because she's a rose red, though this town never... saw the war? like it happened around them but not in their town y'know? but she proves herself when she rescues the mayor's kid from being lost in the woods and almost eaten by a wild animal. she's socially awkward but learning what friendliness is. occasionally she has weird nightmares that are og rose's memories or just. the horrors of being a rose red. but she takes out her frustration with those by swinging a hammer really hard at hot metal. she's got coping mechanisms <3
#the mechanisms#mechs ocs#ouatis#once upon a time in space#planet's doodles#planet's worldbuilding#oc: rusty wrench#oc: sparkler wrench#oc: piper summers#oc: persephone#oc: rosenrot#oc: buck#oc: farrier hoofwise
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#simblr#ts4#the sims 4#sims 4#ts4 edit#ts4 screenshots#ts4 simblr#ts4 gameplay#sims community#my sims#ts4 oc#ts4 story#ts4 cc#ts4 cas#ts4 vampires#the sims 4 vampires#the sims community#* rosenrot
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Rose Red first digital concept 🌹
#rose red#rosenrot#snow white and rose red#oc#fairytale#character design#original character#black oc#kuro art
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Stumbling into a Manehattan party.
#mlp#my little pony#original swastuff#ol platan ocs#oc cyphura changeling#oc arietis changeling#not actually new ocs here cause as the tags say these are some of my changelings#acedia velvet on the left is cyph and rosenrot roll on the right is ari#pepperdance is just pepperdance of course#wait no i mean this is just two average mares out on the town yes sir
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Working on character sheets for Devil Rosenrot and decided to start with the BBEG. He's got a real name but for most of the series everyone knows him as Dead Myth. I drew his intro scene trying to keep in mind that at this point he doesn't seem like a threat to anyone, and is fully intent on having a nice, quiet, murder free weekend.
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okay... I did it ; w ; please love her >> @shegrown ♡
this is the fandomless fantasy oc that I've been brainrotting over for the past, like, month ? its a very bare bones sideblog, tho I may move her to a single muse if there is enough interest. I'm still working on developing her lore and getting her verses set up, but I wanted to go ahead and share the blog cuz I'm excited !!
idk she is kinda a demigod, moreso a vampire; she's like a wood nymph or woodland spirit ? like she has the ability to make things grow and is connected to nature, but she also kinda... absorbs the essence of living things, draining them ? which she has less control over. so a vampire but like. she feeds off plants and stuff instead of blood. basically she has been running from this ability her whole life, like she has been hunted since her youth because of her abilities, but there are also those that see her as like. a divine being, and she has a literal cult in her image (that she didn't want).
taken name of rosenrot. she is a bard / healer / paladin of nature in training. idk I just love her a lot and I hope ya'll will like her too ; w ;
which... if folks want to hear more about her I'd love to be able to soundboard stuff. I'm also down for discussing ships, dynamics, pre-determined stuff, affiliated verses, affiliated lore, etc etc etc if anyone is interested in that !!
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yeah so i was inspired to finally make a tumblr account after dumping about my oc Rosenrot. wonderful
a few other things about him:
half of his body is covered in burn scars from just fucking with fire, including the right side of his head and most of his lower jaw. he's also missing an eye because of it (he does not wear a mask, though he does usually wrap his empty eyesocket with bandages when he's in public because everyone around him hates to see it)
would 100% absolutely keep his teammates on a leash, like Mein Teil music video style. he just thinks it's fun. literally like this

he would absolutely just go up to someone and start infodumping. one minute you're scrolling on your phone and the next this tiny soldier with the thickest German accent you've ever heard is talking to you about the controversies surrounding the Mutter album
his real name is Frankie Nachtnebel. he's also ftm, no-op not because he doesn't have the money but because he's terrified of surgery.
just an annoying wonderful little guy all around <3
Fbekdnfn hello the collars and leashes?! Isn’t he just a little dude? I can just imagine having these big teammates on a leash and getting yanked around like a kid with a team of huskies 😭
I have a special soft spot for OCs with eye trauma. I love him and his info dumping so much.
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My OC Leonore as...

color: Red mixed with Black
flower: Spiderlily
animal: black Mamba
scent: Rosenrot from Rammstein (blood, Metal, young red roses)
song: Closer-Palaye Royale
feeling: betrayal

Got tagged by:
@urushibara-may ♡
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Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: Rockman X | Mega Man X, Rockman | Mega Man - All Media Types, Elfen Lied
Relationship: X/Zero (Rockman Classic Universe)
Characters: Zero (Rockman Classic Universe), Star Man (Rockman Classic)
Additional Tags: Elfen Lied AU, Blood and Gore, Excessive Blood and Gore, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Minor Character Death, Rockman OCs, also kinda rewriting it to my more ideal Elfen Lied tbh, they started out as drabbles, and idkif this is gonna be more than that, or a more constructed story, idk we'll see
Summary: The Master Carrier of the Maverick virus goes through a tough life, following a love story of bloodshed, trauma, murder and betrayal.
He must find his Blue Jay again after containment for a decade before things get increasingly worse after his initial escape.
This literally was just a couple drabbles and I wanna expand from there and I wanna post a legit multi chapter fic for quite A LONG time. And I wrote at least three drabbles so far, and I wanted to do more for this AU. Make more art and try to rewrite Elfen Lied into my ideal better story, and ofc it has to be as an AU because I wanted to see what it would be like as an XZero story.
Because of FUCKING course lmao
I hope you enjoy this mess and emotional roller coaster that might come out. Or maybe not. Who knows haha.
#vincent's fics#vincent's fanfiction works#vincent's megaman au fanfiction#mmx elfen lied au#angst#hurt/comfort#mutual pining#xzero#zerox
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rosenrot morgenthal. hobbies include gardening, playing the piano and eating boys.
#simblr#ts4#the sims 4#sims 4#ts4 edit#ts4 screenshots#ts4 simblr#ts4 gameplay#sims community#my sims#ts4 oc#ts4 story#ts4 lookbook#ts4 cc#ts4 cas#the sims 4 vampires#sims 4 cas#sims lookbook#sims4#the sims community#* rosenrot
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For OC ranking: empathetic!
In glaring contrast to the last list, Rosenrot gets to be top of the ranking here! She genuinely feels for you! She is holding your hands tenderly in hers! She is looking at you with her enormous brown eyes! She is playing 4D chess to figure out what you need Right Now and how she can get it for you!
Nee, gruffly. She has a good heart and a good-hearted boyfriend to help her when her moral compass gets a little profit-centered. She's gonna be crabby about it and she might not express it well, but she does understand feelings.
Linmir has been an anxious fuck-up for thirty years and spends a lot of time thinking through how everyone around her is or might be feeling about any given thing. Her intuitions on the subject are usually decent, if a little paranoid, and she does her best to say and do things that will genuinely help. Which is better than everyone lower on this list.
Silence is seventeen years old, which makes one a little self-centered even before you factor in the "only child of wealthy guildmistress" component. But she's trying to learn empathy, even if right now that mostly manifests as bursting into tears when faced with someone else's problems.
Sûl is empathetic in the sense that they do often understand how people feel, but do not often share those feelings. They cultivate a very aloof and insouciant persona that is helped along by genuinely not having many people that they're close to; beginning to feel empathy or sympathy for their newfound friends alarms and slightly disgusts them.
Aysel is young and brash and also doesn't have many friends. She understands the basics of empathy and caring about others, but hasn't had much practice and at her current state of character development, does not care to.
& 8. Hongyan and Asa trade off who's more empathetic depending on the day, and neither is very empathetic. They each have a given Most Important Person they're obsessed with but don't really understand, and a gaggle of party members that they regard as wayward children. They and Sûl get lumped in the "didn't get raised right and don't know how to be a person quite yet" box, although both Hongyan and Asa consider themselves well brought-up, for a goose and a fairy's child specifically.
#ranking meme#op#the whole dang crew#linmir celemariel#silence zarielin#sûl#niosiki cranta#character details#asafoetida lurk#hongyan sinistile#rosenrot the tiefling#aysel cemre
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What is Choir? Long story short, Choir started as a dating sim I wanted to create. Then it was made into a fighting game and a multi-story series around late 2022, which is what the series is known today. The lore and world of this story are surprisingly complicated, as each story has different characters and settings, but they are all connected and overlap. The series is in heavy development and will probably be made into a visual novel series in the far future. The story’s name was changed from Novialexi to Choir in 2023.
What’s the purpose of this? This directs you to any Choir media possible; I’ll keep updating this. Note that I will not add any art since all Choir art is on my Toyhouse. This is just Choir-related media organized that’s made easy for you and me.
What are the languages? Most Choir stuff will be posted in English, but miscellaneous things will be posted in Chinese since they serve little to no importance; plus, they are just ramblings that I randomly thought of. Posts in Chinese will be posted on Twitter due to the translation feature provided. It will also have a (CH) mark next to it.
Crossovers These are crossovers between Choir and my favourite media; there isn’t a lore to connect them as they are something I do purely for fun. I produce these more than the actual Choir lore, so I hope you don’t mind.
Rosenrot and Youji Sakiyama (Sweet Pool)
Shan and Towa (Slow Damage)
Towa meets almost all my OCS
Lore-related These are where the real deal comes in; I don’t need to explain much since these are all canon events that happened in Choir. Note that there might be mistakes made about the order. Otherwise, I will try my best to put them in canon order.
Nothing yet
Non-lore-related: These are character developments, scenarios, etc. There could also be some explanations for why certain situations happened or why does a certain character behaves their way.
Nothing yet
Silly These are jokes, memes, and dumb shit I made for my own entertainment. Don’t take anything shown here seriously.
Choir characters read Omegaverse
Choir posting 1
Luka’s eyepatch
Miscellaneous These are things I don’t know which category they belong to, or I feel like they are too useless to be counted as non-lore-related. They can also be ramblings.
Useless facts about Akira
Did we make it?
Rambling: Choir as the Lychee Hikari Club cast (CH)
Inspirations and early works These are early works archived onto the web of Choir and my ramblings about the inspiration behind certain Choir elements. Any outdated works will also be moved here. Overall, I am just sharing how the Choir has developed throughout the years.
Early Choir 1
Rambling that doesn’t deserve to be here but somehow did 1
Websites These are websites you can visit for more Choir information.
Retrospring (Ask my OCs)
Pinterest (OC mood boards)
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Alright tag time lets go
Tagged by @throughthethornvine
Colour: Purple or Gray
Reading: crime and punishment
Song: rosenrot rammstein
Series: i dont really watch tv, but ive been watching a shit ton of rtgames playthroughs
Movie: phantom menace. Rewatched it in theatres for the 4th and it was actually good. Prequel haters are wrong
Working on: writing a story for my two newest ocs (i love them so much but how tf do i write)
i find it funny to find your blog i just type dumbass.
tag game!! V●ᴥ●V
tagged by @nobodysugly
tag 9 people sheeeesh
CURRENTLY READING: nothing because I'm illiterate (ᵔᴥᵔ)
LAST SONG: semi-automatic by twenty one pilots!
LAST SERIES: final space!!!!
LAST MOVIE: baby driver~~~
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: studying math and a papercraft King dedede hammer!
@unyanizedcatboys @hxneyboy @bogpaws @hksodapop @neo-cult-ure @liesminelli @beeboysupreme @transdelgado @lukewarmsunshine
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I really need to give a support to Rammstein community, but Till doesn't seems like Till in this drawing >:(
And she is my OC her name is Astrid :b
#darko draws#darko art#my art#my oc#traditional art#artists on tumblr#rosenrot#till lindemman#rammstein official#rammstein#rammstein band
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so I... may have made a sideblog for my other main skyrim oc, lightfoot ? owo like if ya'll like shades vibes I think you'll like her too ! she is primarily elder scrolls based however she also has a bg3 companion verse (with room for other fandom verses) & I'm working on a modern au too, plus she easily fits in with most fantasy settings that can tolerate a lore-friendly cat person heheh
adding her to my growing list of sideblogs. info is already up in her pinned post !
@sneakhajiit - lightfoot, elder scrolls oc w/ additional verses & lore
@pridebled - hanvi, elder scrolls turned fandomless oc
@shegrown - rosenrot, fandomless fantasy + gothic horror oc w/ original lore
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oh shit are we dumping ocs now? let me introduce mine
Rosenrot is a 4'6 German soldier. he got his callsign two ways; from blasting the Rammstein song of the same name wayyyyy too much, and the color of his hair (he dyes it a bright red shade, but he swears up and down that it's natural)
he got teased a lot for his height and size, basically other soldiers saying he wouldn't make it. he had to train himself to be quicker and more precise, making him essentially an expert with combat knives. basically preaches how good they are (like jack krauser from resident evil style) and would rather use them over a gun
in cod universe a lot of his teammates see him as a nuisance. if someone annoys him he'll just start speaking in German hoping they don't know the language because if they do, it's just random shit or copypastas he memorized
also DO NOT LET THIS MAN NEAR A FLAMETHROWER!!! he will burn the whole base down trying to replicate a Rammstein performance
definitely friends with soap in most universes. they are the Silly Duo and cannot be serious around base (unless the situation calls for it ofc)
autistic, but never got diagnosed so he could join the military. literally everyone around him knows and just doesn't say anything because he's a damn good soldier even if he has sensory overloads/meltdowns sometimes. whoever his CO is will not document meltdowns so they can keep him. he doesn't get violent during them even if he does scream a lot so they don't mind. music is one of his special interests and talks everyone's ears off about it when he has the chance
i don't have a rank for him yet, i was going to give him Major rank but it feels too low, so he's rankless for now
We love a short pyromaniac king 👑 let this boy blast his music, you know the rest of SpecGru is enjoying with him. He sounds like an utter delight
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