#this ginger doesn't give rides out that easily
theodoradevlin · 1 month
*Winks at you while walking by.*
Greetings! Samuel Summerbottom is my name, and I like my brooms like I like my ladies - sturdy and ginger.
Well, Summerbottom, with lines like that it's a wonder even your brooms will give you a ride.
*winks back*
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roosterforme · 5 months
Covering the Classics Part 8 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Now that Anna knows what Bob's hands feel like when he's holding her close, she doesn't know how to stop herself from going back for more. But she's unwilling to even humor Bob when it comes to what he wants the most.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, masturbation, eventually 18+
Length: 5300 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more!
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"I'm waiting for you to thank me."
Bob looked up to see Nat in front of him with a little smirk painted on her lips. He'd been spending the last twenty minutes trying to act normal, something he forgot how to do after Anna kissed him in the kitchen. Because it wasn't just a kiss, it was everything. It felt like she really wanted him.
"Thank you for what?" he asked cautiously.
Nat laughed heartily like he'd just told a very amusing joke. "For pushing you and Anna together. Bradley told me the situation, and that woman was jealous of me touching you. Her face was all pinched, and her lips were pressed into a tight line. Jealous. She wants you. And my god, she's hot. What the fuck do they do at San Diego State? Only interview you if you've got your PhD and a modeling contract?"
Bob knew he was blushing, and he was happy she wasn't calling him out on it. His friends were all talking about him and Anna behind his back at this point, trying to figure out what was going on. "We kind of just made out in the kitchen," he muttered, glancing across the yard at Anna who was talking to Jess and still holding the can of ginger ale he gave her.
"Yes!" Nat said with absolutely no subtlety, slapping Bob's shoulder. "Oh fuck, the two of you will have the cutest kids! Freckles and strawberry blonde hair!"
He had to close his eyes against the idea of it, willing the flush in his cheeks to subside. When he opened them again, Anna was looking right at him. Her gaze was a little unsure, and he was starting to get afraid she wouldn't let him drive her home later. But he wanted to walk her up to her door. He had been thinking about it since the very first time he drove her home.
"It's not like we're together or anything," he muttered.
"Yet," Nat told him, looking so certain. "Not yet."
It was getting late, the sun dipping lower in the sky. The temperatures would start cooling down once it was dark, and Anna was only wearing shorts. Bob's eyes easily found those freckles on her thighs once again. Her skin looked so damn soft. He wondered if he would feel goosebumps beneath his fingers if he traced that pretty pattern, gently connecting her freckles with an imaginary line. He had to swallow hard as she started heading his way.
Nat squeezed his wrist and muttered something about work, and then she vanished into the house. With Anna standing right in front of him, Bob wished he could just lean in and kiss her the way Jake always did with Jess, and the way Bradley always did with his wife. He wanted it. With Anna.
"I'm getting a little chilly," she told him. "I guess I overestimated how warm autumn was going to be in San Diego. It's still better than New Jersey though." She was talking to him like she hadn't been rubbing the front of those little shorts against the fly of his jeans barely an hour ago, and now he was sweating.
"You should wear jeans next time," he replied before realizing how stupid he sounded. "Not that you should be covering your legs or anything like that! You have very nice legs. Nice freckles? I just don't want you to be cold."
He cradled his forehead in his hand while Anna laughed softly. "I'll wear jeans next time. Do you think you could give me a ride home soon?"
"Sure," he promised immediately. "Absolutely."
"Great." Then she turned, and Bob heard her saying goodbye to Jessica. Why was he so awkward? Why was that exchange so weird? How was he supposed to make Anna want to kiss him again when he could barely string two normal sentences together?
Anna was trying to make a quick getaway, craving another few minutes alone with Bob. His truck was cozy, and she knew it would feel warm. His voice was sexy, and so was the way he moved. She wanted to kiss him again, even though she knew it was a terrible idea.
"Take some leftovers!"
"No, I'm fine," Anna told the hosts as Bradley tried to talk her into taking some of the extra burgers home. "But thank you." She was terrified that Jess may have said something about how sad Anna's lunches were; she had been doing her best to hide her current financial state from her friends, but she must have slipped up somehow.
"Well, will you come over for dinner one night? I love cooking for Sugar, but I always end up making way too much food."
Anna looked down at her feet. "Sure. I could do that. Jake invited me over there, too. I know he always cooks for Jess."
"Okay," Bradley said, his voice a little rough and his face annoyed when Anna looked up. "I'm a lot better at cooking than Jake is, first of all. Second of all, why don't you have dinner at his lame ass condo, and then let me know what he cooked. Then I'll cook a much better version of it for you and Sugar one night."
She was trying not to laugh; she knew they were competitive, but she didn't know it was quite this bad. "That sounds great, Bradley. Thanks for inviting me over today."
He just waved her off. "You're always welcome. You're one of us." He said it so casually before he started scraping the grill and cleaning it up, Anna just stared at the pattern of his tie dye shirt for a few seconds. He considered her part of this group now? This ridiculously cool friend group? If she thought about it for too long, she knew she would start crying. 
"Thanks," she whispered, turning and running directly into Bob's solid chest.
When she looked up at him as her fingers grazed along his shirt, he asked, "You ready to head out?"
"Yeah." Anna felt the slight pressure of Bob's hand at her lower back, guiding her toward the door.
"After you," he said softly. 
Anna had to walk inside the house and past Natasha, who she had clearly embarrassed herself in front of before. But the brunette just waved goodbye like she was completely unfazed by the events from earlier. Like it was totally normal for Bob and Anna to be together, heading out front to his truck as the setting sunset turned the sky orange.
Bob pulled the door open and helped her into his truck, and Anna thought maybe it was okay for this to be normal? To get a ride home from Bob after kissing him in her friend's kitchen? To have a painfully unrelenting crush on him that made her feel like perhaps love was a choice that you made for yourself? 
She watched him walk around the font of the truck, his glasses catching the last rays of sunlight as the streetlights started to warm up. He was beautiful. He climbed into the truck gracefully and looked at her bashfully. She was the reason he wasn't more confident right now; she knew it, and she was annoyed with herself for it.
He cleared his throat quietly and said, "Before I forget, I have your copy of Papillon." Then he reached for the glovebox, his knuckles brushing her bare knee. "Sorry," he whispered, pulling his hand away immediately.
Anna's heart was in her throat. How was she supposed to tell him that she liked it when he touched her, even by accident. He reached for the glovebox again, this time making sure his movements kept him clear of her leg. "It's okay," she told him, breathing deep. "I didn't mind it."
The only answer she got was Bob carefully handing her worn out book back to her. There was another little note folded up inside which made her remember she never read the one that was in Wuthering Heights before she left it in her office at work. He started the engine. The drive back to her place was too long, and too short at the same time. She was surprised to find that he was heading in the right direction without a reminder about her address. As the sky darkened, Anna tried to listen to the music playing on the radio, but all she could really hear was the sound of her own heart pounding. 
When Bob parked the truck in front of her building, she watched him squeeze the steering wheel with both hands while he stared out the windshield. "Anna...when you say you didn't mind it when I touched you...what does that mean? And what happened back at the cookout? Am I allowed to kiss you now? Or am I supposed to just figure out how to get over you?"
She fumbled with her seatbelt, heart thundering at the sound of his unsure voice. She wanted to ask him why he even liked her, because she had literally nothing to offer someone like Bob Floyd. But instead she said, "I meant I like it when you touch me. Even if it's by accident."
He turned to look at her, and when he saw she was crawling across the seat, his eyes went wide, and his hands slid from the steering wheel. "Anna." He inhaled a sharp breath when she planted one hand between his thighs, brushing his jeans with her fingers. She couldn't stand him thinking she didn't want him for another second. He was all she wanted. Somehow moving to San Diego got her some actual friends and a job she liked, and now a decent man with only green flags was into her, and she just couldn't make him think she felt otherwise. Even if they couldn't be together.
Bob's hands were planted on the seat at his sides, and he wasn't moving an inch as Anna straddled his legs. It was dark out, but she could see his gaze dip down to her cleavage before he met her eyes. When he spoke, his voice was deep with need. "Is it okay if I touch you now?"
Anna's little cry of delight echoed through the cab of the truck as soon as Bob's hands settled on her bare thighs. His touch was light yet intentional, and it just left her wanting more. He was running his thumb along the frayed edge of her denim shorts, teasing her as he whispered, "I want to kiss you."
She didn't answer. Instead she reached for him, letting her fingers sink into his silky hair, leaning closer until her lips met his again. The kisses in the kitchen had been a little frantic, forcing her to get over the fact that Bob didn't want Natasha. He wanted Anna. But this was something different. Languid and slow. Needy yet decisive. She wanted to touch the rough stubble of his cheek, so she did. She wanted to feel his bottom lip tugged gently between hers, so she did. Then she parted her lips and tasted him.
The scrape of her nails along his jaw had his fingers sliding up inside the bottom of her shorts, and she wished she wasn't wearing them at all. She wanted to know the feel of his hands everywhere. "Anna," he murmured against her lips. She tugged on his hair and kissed him a little rougher, but she gasped and gave up control as soon as his big hands found their way over her shorts to her hips and yanked her snug against him. There was no more polite distance. No more breathing room. Just his hard body pressed to her soft one.
Bob's glasses were cool against her cheek, keeping her grounded as his fingers met the skin of her lower back while he tasted her tongue. His touch tickled her, and she rolled her hips forward, earning a grunt of pleasure from him. "Please," Anna whined, like it was the only word she even knew. Then her mouth was back on his. Bob's fingers traveled an inch higher, and she ground against him, but this time he broke the kiss.
When he tipped his head back, he looked bashful in the glow from the streetlights. She could feel him. He was getting hard for her, and it was delicious. Her brain supplied every suggestive line of poetry it had ever absorbed in her lifetime, and all she wanted was to make him get harder. 
She was ready to start unzipping his jeans when he eased his hands away from her body and whispered, "Will you let me walk you to your door? I've been wanting to do that for weeks."
It was slow going, trying to get to Anna's apartment door. They kept stopping to kiss, even going so far as to end up with her body pinned between his and the wall in the stairwell. Her soft laughter as he kissed the side of her neck echoed through the enclosed space, and then she said his name.
Actually, it was more like a whine, and it reverberated off of the walls beautifully. "Yes, Anna?" he whispered, letting her lace their fingers together. He wanted to do this all the time. He wanted to be her boyfriend. 
She just made a strangled sound as he kissed as many of her freckles as he could get his lips on before pulling her away from the wall. Then they finally made it upstairs to her door. If she invited him inside, he wasn't sure what she would expect. As much as he was ready to skip all of the pleasantries, he knew he needed to do this just right.
"Oh," she whispered, seemingly to herself as she unlocked her door. But she didn't turn the knob as she looked back at him over her shoulder. Her pretty brown eyes flashed with concern, so he took a step away, but then she just looked sad. 
"Everything okay?" he asked. She nodded. "Will I get to see you this week? I'd love to buy you a ginger ale at the Hard Deck. Or Chippy's."
She bit her lip before abandoning the door and wrapping her arms around his neck. She was all rough kisses on her tiptoes, and Bob was ready to turn the knob, head inside and deal with the consequences later. But she ran her tongue along his bottom lip before pulling away from him just as quickly. "I need to...I'll see you later, Bob."
In a flash, she squeezed herself in through the smallest gap imaginable, and then she gently closed her apartment door behind her. Bob stood there for a minute, his cock still half hard in his jeans as he stared at the spot where Anna had just been standing. She was giving him whiplash at this point, but maybe he sort of liked that kind of thing.
He quickly adjusted himself in his jeans before heading back downstairs and out into the cool night. He was going to have to ask Jake or Bradley how long he needed to wait before asking Anna out. They would know what to do. And he had Nat back now as well. He had enough resources that he would figure it out.
But the next day after work, they all seemed to make everything more confusing for him. 
"So did you finally fuck her then?" Bradley asked casually as he put deodorant on in the locker room.
"Well, no," Bob muttered. "We just made out for a bit."
"Kids these days," Bradley muttered, shaking his head. "Well, did you at least thank Nat? For coming to your rescue?"
Bob sighed, knowing this man was going to be no help after all. "I already talked to Nat," Bob replied as they walked out of the locker room. 
Of course Natasha was in the hallway and did a double take. "Did I just hear my name? I've been so popular since I got home yesterday." Her smile slipped into a look of excitement. "Did you fuck the redhead?"
Bob cradled his forehead in his hand. "Her name is Anna. And no, because I'm actually trying to date her."
"Why not both?" Nat asked, leading the way out to the parking lot. "Give that girl what she so desperately wants."
Bob was scared Anna was going to pull away again. He hadn't heard from her at all since last night when she disappeared into her apartment. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to be texting her or not today. It was like he was living in a choose your own adventure story, but somehow none of the options were correct.
He turned right toward his truck while Bradley and Nat both turned left, but then he realized that Jake had parked next to him and was already in his own truck talking on the phone. Bob tried to sneak past, but Jake put his window down and said, "Jess wants to know what's up with you and Anna."
"Is she on the phone?" Bob asked, tossing his bag into his own truck.
"Hi!" came Jessica's voice through Jake's bluetooth. "What did you do to Anna? She was practically singing when she showed up at lunch today."
Bob immediately scrambled toward Jake's truck and stuck his head in the window. "She was?"
"Yes. And she was having a hard time paying attention. You know how she gets when her head is in the clouds."
Jake met Bob's wide eyed gaze and smiled. "You should go to her office hours," the other man drawled. "That's like a green light for fucking on her desk."
"Hey!" Jessica complained through the phone while Bob grimaced. "Jake, keep your mouth shut about it. But yes, Bob, you should go to her office hours. She'd probably really like that. It shows you're thinking about her."
Well Bob was almost never not thinking about Anna, so maybe it wasn't a bad idea. "Take her some flowers," Jake added. "Seriously, man, she'll be handing you her panties within a minute."
"Hey!" came Jessica's voice again, and this time Bob ducked into his own truck, not wanting to hear any more of that conversation.
Monday was a bit of a blur. The first thing Anna did when she got to her office was grab her copy of Wuthering Heights from her shelf. The note she forgot to read from Bob made her smile right away.
This book made me feel like it's okay to be completely caught up in another person to the point where you forget where you are or what you're doing. Also, I'm going to think of you every time I see a dog eared page for the rest of my life.
She whimpered softly. There had been a similar, slightly more intimate note tucked inside Papillon when she checked it last night after she squeezed herself into her depressingly tiny apartment in embarrassment. She would never be able to invite Bob inside for anything. Not for a cup of tea, and not for a sleepover.
After that, Anna spent the entire night on Sunday reading her favorite poems and touching herself. Sky Writing seemed to have fallen in love, based on his new post. That idea wasn't surprising at all. Anna was convinced he was the perfect man, so it was just a matter of time. But the thing that did surprise her was the way he wrote about a certain woman with red hair. Late into the night, she was laying in her tiny bed with her fingers inside the font of her underwear, picturing Bob as she read the words to herself.
It was almost too much. Her lips were still a little bit puffy on Monday from all the making out, and she felt sated if only by her own touch. She knew Bob's beautiful hands would be so much better, and she was still thinking about them when she went to find her friends at lunchtime. 
Tuesday wasn't much better. The only damper was that she hadn't heard a single word from Bob. Nothing. She hadn't texted him either, because what was she supposed to say? Hi, I think I could fall in love with you, but I'm not allowed. Can we still make out? That would be the worst idea in the world.
"She's got her head in the clouds again."
Anna blinked a few times and realized she was sitting by the weird tree with the warm sunlight on her face. Her uneaten sandwich was in her hand, hovering halfway to her mouth, and she had been staring off into the distance. "Sorry," she muttered, finally taking a bite. Her lunch didn't even seem as sad today as she thought about Bob's hands on her thighs. 
"Can you blame her?" Jessica asked. "She kissed Bob."
"Not one bit," the other woman said with a grin, as if Anna wasn't even there. "He's a damn catch. Sweetest man ever."
Anna rolled her eyes and said, "As if you aren't married to the human equivalent of a golden retriever."
"Oh, so she is paying attention," Jessica said with a laugh. "We thought you'd blasted off for planet Bob with no return ticket."
"Your astrophysics jokes are the worst," the other woman said, and Jessica pretended to pout.
"Listen. All I know is that he's a great kisser, and that his hands fit really nicely right here," Anna said pointing to her back and her hips. Both women squealed in delight. "But I can't take things any further with him."
"Why not?" Jessica demanded. "The two of you have been playing this game since you met at the bookstore. And also since you met again at the Hard Deck."
Anna thought about Kevin and all of her money that she'd never see again. She thought about her manuscripts she'd put on hold to work three jobs. She thought about how she'd willingly given up Princeton for him.
"I don't want to drag him down to where I am," she whispered, running her finger along the condensation on her can of ginger ale. "I can't be in a relationship." That's all she wanted to say about Bob and Kevin right now, still too afraid to tell her friends everything. So she cleared her throat and asked, "What's with the cooking rivalry between Bradley and Jake? It's like an episode of Chopped." That seemed to open a very controversial can of worms, but at least the focus shifted away from her personal life.
Bob didn't even know what kind of flowers were the right ones to get, and once again, everyone else gave him useless information. 
"I rarely get flowers for Sugar. I usually just grab some good beers on my way to pick her up from school, and that's enough to seal the deal. Then I get to drink the beer I like while my hot wife goes dow-"
"We get the picture, Bradshaw," Jake said loudly. "Bob, just get some cheap flowers and save the money to make her dinner one night."
"Do not get her cheap flowers!" Natasha chimed in. "If the two of you weren't attractive looking," she said, pointing to Bradley and Jake, "Sugar and Jessica would have bailed before they bothered to uncover actual brain cells underneath the pretty hair." Both men looked startled before eventually nodding in agreement. "You need to get good flowers and plan to invite her for dinner. Not one or the other," Nat finished, pounding her fist into her other palm. "No wonder Bob never gets laid when I'm not around to straighten everything out."
"Can we not talk about that?" he mumbled, adjusting his glasses. "And it's not like I just want to...get laid. By just anybody."
"Yeah, yeah," Natasha said, tapping away on her phone. "You're a romantic. Go get her flowers like these ones."
Bob examined her screen when she held it up for him. He memorized the red and orange blooms the best he could, and soon they started to remind him of Anna's hair. "Got it," he told her, turning toward his truck before anyone else could tell him something that may or may not end up being useful. He'd get the flowers and then invite her over. He wasn't as good at cooking as Jake or Bradley, but he'd try anyway. He was mostly out of practice since he didn't have anyone to cook for, really, but they both offered to send him their favorite recipes. 
The florist was nice and listened to him ramble about orange and red flowers for a minute before putting together something that was even prettier than he could have imagined. The sixty dollar price tag shocked him, but it didn't stop him from also grabbing a book from the front window of the shop next door. It was a new one he'd been wanting to read himself, not quite one of the classics that Anna seemed to favor, but he figured she wouldn't have read it yet. He'd let her borrow it and dog ear all the pages up, and then he'd read it and think about her the whole time.
But when he got to the San Diego State University campus, he sat in his truck and stared at the clock on his dashboard. It was 6:32. She had office hours until 7:00, so he really needed to head in there. Doubt was creeping in now, because they left things off at a weird place. He had no idea what Anna really wanted from him, if anything. If she told him no or hesitated today, he was going to have to start sorting out his feelings for her and dismantling them bit by bit.
It was 6:47 by the time he finally made his way through the academic building on his way to Anna's office. Several people turned and looked at him in his khaki uniform with the huge bouquet of flowers in his hand, and this would have been a lot less stressful if Anna was actually his girlfriend and not a woman he thought might never be that. When he reached the hallway that smelled like freshly baked bread, he found her small office right away where it was tucked back from the main walkway. The door was ajar, and he could hear her voice, so he stood there in the hallway a little awkwardly, trying to fight the urge to run back to his truck.
The door opened another inch, and Bob could see Anna's fingers and her burgundy painted nails peeking out as her voice got louder. "Here's a copy of the extra study guide. Don't forget there's a quiz on Monday. If you can ace that, then I think you'll be in better shape for the final. And try not to be too hard on yourself, Hemingway can be a bit of a challenge for anyone."
"Thanks, Dr. Webber."
The door opened all the way, and a young man filed out with a frown on his face, and then Anna was just standing there right in front of Bob. Her hair was in a loose braid, her lips had some sort of purple-ish gloss on them, and she was wearing some snug jeans and an SDSU sweatshirt. "Bob," she breathed, and it sounded like music. Her gaze raked over his uniform and the vibrant flowers before returning to his face, brown eyes more vulnerable than he ever thought they should be.
"Hi, Anna." He couldn't think of anything better to say as she backed up a step into her small office and nodded her head once for him to join her. After two of his long strides, Bob was practically bumping into her desk. Then she closed the door and leaned against it, hands tucked behind her back.
She cleared her throat, but her voice was still soft as she said, "You look nice in your uniform."
"Thanks," he replied automatically. She could have said anything, and he would have thanked her.
"Those are beautiful. Are they for me?" she whispered, eyes falling to the flowers again.
"Of course they are."
Bob watched her eyelashes brush her cheeks as her eyes fluttered closed. "You didn't have to do that. Flowers are so expensive."
"I got you a book, too," he said, sliding it out from behind the bouquet. Her eyes snapped open so she could read the title, and he said, "It's a new release, so I was hoping you didn't preorder it or anything."
Anna's cheeks were growing pinker by the second, making her freckles look more prominent. He was about to ask if she wanted to come over for dinner one night when she launched herself across the three feet of empty space, colliding softly with his body. Bob dropped the flowers and the book onto her desk just as she kissed him, her arms coming up to wrap around his neck.
She kissed him like they did this all the time, and his hands went right to her waist where they fit perfectly. "Thank you," she murmured against his lips. "Nobody ever got me books before you."
The words before you echoed in his brain. He didn't want there to be an after. He wanted this to be the real deal where neither of them had to be in a relationship where they weren't constantly trading books back and forth with someone. 
Anna kissed him until his glasses were crooked, and she raked her fingers through his hair until he was sure it was a mess. And somehow she ended up pushing him back until he was sitting on the edge of her desk with his long legs splayed apart. He knew he was in trouble; he could feel himself slipping already. She let her hands trail down the back of his neck, over his shoulders, and down the front of his shirt. She adjusted all of his pins and touched his name tag along the way as her lips barely brushed his. Her fingers moved so slowly, he thought maybe he could get himself under control, but it was no use. He was hard in his pants, and her exploratory hands weren't stopping.
All that did was make her kiss him harder again.
All that did was have her pressing the font of her jeans to his khakis with a little gasp. Maybe the guys had been right about this kind of thing after all. Maybe visiting her during office hours was all it was going to take to get to the next level. Her fingers made it all the way down to his thighs, scraping along just inches from his erection, and Bob was afraid he was going to embarrass himself. He thought about icebergs and refrigerators and the Arctic Circle, but nothing alleviated the aching heat under his skin as Anna licked his lip and almost nudged the tip of his cock.
But then she said the most devastating sentence he could think of. "Bob, I really like you. But we're just friends, okay?" Then she kissed him again like she hadn't spoken something so harsh, and he thought maybe he imagined it. "Just really good friends who make out with each other."
"Fuck," he grunted, trying to get control even as his hands kneaded the bare skin of her lower back. "Anna." He swallowed hard and pulled his mouth away from hers, examining her wide eyes. Her teeth sank into her pouty bottom lip when he said, "I was going to invite you over for dinner later this week."
"As friends?" she whispered, her hands still planted on his thighs. 
Bob nodded like an idiot, because once again, he was going to agree to anything she said right then. "Sure."
She kissed him softly and said, "Okay."
But is it okay? Is it really? Next up, let's see how this dinner goes. We might need Nat to fully step in and take care of business again. Also, I love Bradley and Jake in this chapter so so so much! Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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starmocha · 2 months
I have a type. It's called "scary bird-loving men who enjoys boxing, riding motorcycles, fishing, and jumping off buildings. And are big softies for the woman they love."
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Gavin (Mr Love: Queen's Choice), aka Birdcop
Commander of the Special Task Force (good 👍)
Birthday: July 29 (Leos)
181 cm
Evol: Wind
Residential "bad boy" type
Hard exterior, actual softie
Jumps off buildings a lot / Does not use stairs / Uses his Evol to commute
Frequently associated with birds because of his Evol
Likes animals
Frequently takes care of birds, especially injured ones
Gives terrible names (Pearly, Greenie, Sparky)
Can't sing, but I appreciate him trying to sing "Happy Birthday" to me
Can eat a lot, bless him
Can cook basic meals
Calls you "my girl" 🥹
Is always proud of you and believes in you 100%
Will drop everything for you
Loves spending time with you. Doesn't care what the activity is, he just wants to spend time with you. 🥹🥹🥹
Sylus (Love and Deepspace), aka Crow Man Big Ca-Cawk
Leader of Onychinus (bad 👎)
Birthday: April 18 (Aries)
190 cm
Evol: Energy manipulation
Residential "bad boy" type
Hard exterior, actual softie
Also jumps off buildings a lot / Also uses his Evol to commute. Men are weird.
Frequently associated with birds because of...Mephisto.
Likes animals, but pretends he doesn't
Has taken care of an injured pigeon ("Nightplumes")
Gives terrible names (Kitten)
Can't sing, but he's delusional about his singing ability (read: lack of) and I'm delusional when he's singing "Rock-a-Bye Baby" so idk man ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Also claims he has a huge appetite ("Instant Noodle" video call). Makes sense. He's a big boy 😩
Made a salad and practiced unhygienic food handling and can make ginger tea for you when you're on your period
Calls you "sweetie" 🥹 and "kitten" 😒
Has 100% faith in you, knows your worth and recognizes your skills
Will drop everything for you and take out your enemies for you
Loves spending time with you. Says he is never bored when he is with you. 🥹🥹🥹
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They both enjoy boxing. I also enjoy watching them box. They're so fucking fit wtf I'd let them pin me down 😩
They also like fishing but Tumblr is limiting me to 10 pics and I ain't wasting it on a fish, so just trust me bro...unless you want a part 2 in which case I can easily be swayed
They both use guns, but they also have no problem with using their fists. Actually. They both probably prefer their fists tbqh...
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They both enjoy riding their motorcycle. And I also enjoy watching them ride their motorcycles. respectfully would 100% ride them both
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Cute glasses/sunglasses shopping date heck yeah~ they're so stupidly in love with you it's fantastic 10/10
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I just think they're neat.
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derangedbookworm · 3 months
ok guys, here are some of my marauders headcanons. they're pretty modern (mentions of modern artists, technology, and media), and are not hogwarts/canon specific. i think the only ships i directly mention are dorlene, marylily, jily, and rosekiller, but they also aren't specific to any ship. i'll also add picrews of how i imagine each of them.
also, hey! if you don't agree with some of these, that's ok! please do not come into my tags or ask box hating just bc you don't agree! thank you!
(tw: colleen hoover mentions 😔)
~marlene: -lesbian -irish (galway or derry) (she and peter grew up together, and were childhood best friends) -i also love filipino marlene (i literally cannot decide anything) -very blonde hair -has hetechromia (one blue eye and one green eye) -she has cystic acne (dorcas thinks it's so hot) (me too dorcas) -LOVES messy buns with her entire being -cannot sing for the life of her -girl in red -renee rapp -5'8 -she and dorcas like to match outfits -her favorite color is orange -most septum piercing to ever septum pierce
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~mary: -pansexual ~colombian (she speaks spanish) (her and james talk shit all the time) ~black (her skin is really dark) -has rosacea (you can't really see it bc her skin is dark, but when it gets hot she gets RED) -she likes wearing her natural hair (in the summer she gets protective styles though) -hazel eyes -showtunes and chappell roan -5'7 -waitress and wicked are her favorite musicals (she thinks glenda and elphaba should have been lesbians) (doesn't everybody?) -loves experimenting with makeup -yellow is her favorite color -wants to wear a yellow sun dress and go frolic in a meadow (real)
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~lily: -bisexual -has curtain bangs for sure -scottish or irish (probably scottish) (and she speaks gaelic) -cheek dimples -she's a ginger so she freckles super easily (they're mary's favorite physical attributes of lily's) -anne of green gables (gilbert and anne are such a jily varient) -ambidextrous -she can sing really well -5'6 -PLUS SIZED LILY MY LOVE (i feel very strongly about this) (she's my baby) (i love her so much) -green eyes -six, waitress, and ride the cyclone are her favorite musicals -olivia rodrigo and maisie peters -loves experimenting with makeup -wears very boring clothes (never wears graphic tees or anything like that) (dresses like a beige mom most of the time) (it's ok though) (we forgive her) -her make up always eats (it has not missed once) (her eyeshadow and eyeliner skills are unmatched) -chappell roan
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~dorcas: -lesbian -has a very wide nose (marlene worships it, so i had to give it an honorary mention) -5'10 -sza -wears a few different styles, but box braids are her favorite -doesn't actually wear that much makeup (probably just does mascara and eyeliner) -eyebrow piercing -BILLIE EILISH -very dark brown eyes (almost black) -lets pandora try different makeup looks on her and dress her up all the time -naturally very clear skin (marlene is jealous)
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~pandora: -pansexual/queer/demisexual (i literally cannot choose) -probably polyamorous as well (she just loves) -black (lightskinned) -she and evan both have vitiligo -5'5 -blonde dreads (her and evan both) -loves those star and heart shaped pimple patches (she wears them even if she doesn't have a pimple) -pink doc martens and those valentines converse -either pheobe bridgers, penelope scott, gracie abrams, or ppcocaine, meg thee stallion, nicki minaj (and there's no in between) -sza -strawberries are her favorite food (she LOVES them) (wears clothes with strawberry patterns, watched strawberry shortcake growing up, strawberry flavored candy is her favorite) -refuses to wear wireless earbuds (1. she's scared one would fall out and she'd lose it) (2. she likes the aesthetic of wired ones better) -autism -light brown eyes -tooth gap (😍) -rock collection
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~evan: -gay/asexual (i can't decide) -vitiligo -ocd -i love trans evan as well as cis evan -5'10 -black (lightskinned) -he and pandora have matching jewellery and he wears it all the time -the best brother EVER tbh -would literally kill someone who looked at panda wrong -snake bite piercings (he got them as a dare but ended up loving them) (barty also loves them) (they're so bad for your teeth though 😔) -his favorite color is pink but he pretends it's light blue (he's fooling no one) -blonde dreads -light brown eyes -deviated septum (he hates it but barty loves it) -nirvana, korn, and slipknot
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~barty: -pansexual or unlabeled -italian -mullet (the underside is died neon green, and the top is black with some green highlights) -6'2 -raised catholic -BLUE eyes (seriously, someone get this man some brown contacts) -wears those collar chokers unironically (evan secretly loves it) -piercings everywhere (eyebrows, bridge, septum, tongue, ears)(evan won't let him get an albert though) (he's afraid it would get infected/heal wrong) -his favorite color is dark forest green -black clothes (he doesn't own any other color istg) -graphic tees and wife beaters -ripped black skinny jeans -black doc martens but he colors the yellow lining in with sharpie bc he doesn't like it -low-key kind of emo -metalhead but secretly enjoys all genres of music -ethel cain (was raised queer and catholic) -mother mother -mama's boy -him and evan are so fucking freaky (it's actually insane)
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~regulus: -gay -autistic (got the good at school autism) -chronic insomnia -5'9 -loves oscar wilde -him and remus DESPISE colleen hoover (me too) -wireless headphones (probably beats bc he's rich) -half-deaf in his right ear, and no one knows why or how -left-handed but was forced to write with his right so he uses his right
-the original sad boi poetry writer -french -gray eyes -gets hot super easily and turns red -but has poor circulation in his hands (he's so me) -hozier -paris paloma (no one knows, don't ask) -ethel cain -loves greek mythology (his favorites are icarus, and pyramus and thisbe) (he just loves doomed love) (i may be projecting a little) -evan and barty have asked him for a threesome at least once -on earth we're briefly gorgeous, the picture of dorian gray, the song of achilles, and a good girl's guide to murder
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~james: -pansexual -bpd -adhd or audhd -6'1 -desi (monty) and latino (effie) (i couldn't decide so now he's both ❤) -only wears gold jewelry -speaks spanish -listens to traditional music and abba -taylor swift and hozier -super smart but got burnt out by the time he was 13/14 -bluey and paw patrol (tell me i'm wrong) (this man would eat up paw patrol) (marshall and chase would be his favorites) (and everyone loves bluey) -has the best singing voice of the group -a singular lobe piercing -his favorite color is red -VERY long lashes (the girls are so jealous) -scared of deep bodies of water and abandonment (omg reggie?) -prettiest hazel eyes you've ever seen -can dance really well -red converse -big pants, little shirt typa guy
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~sirius: -bisexual or demisexual -french -gray/blue eyes -anxiety disorder and seasonal depression -cptsd -5'8/5'9 (he's shorter than regulus) (i have decided it) -freckles that only come out in the summer -poor circulation in his feet -left-handed -black converse and doc martens -draws on his converse -has a tattoo of the leo constellation on his chest (right above his heart) (☺) -is math and science smart -can't write for the life of him -pheobe bridgers, boygenius, conan gray, and olivia rodrigo -hozier -metallica and dream theatre -band t-shirts and ripped black skinny jeans -leather bracelets -double lobe, septum, and lip piercings
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~remus: -gay -welsh -dyslexic -very tan skin and freckles -scared of heights -english and history smart -colleen hoover's biggest hater (real) -6'4 -scoliosis -chronic migraines -ren (go listen to him rn, he's amazing) -david bowie -brown eyes (hazel or dark brown, depending on his mood) -hates red velvet cake but loves chocolate (?) -greek mythology (likes medusa, and achilles and patroclus) -grandpa sweaters and cardigans -levi jeans and fuck-boy pajama pants -sleeper build -awkward as hell -fucking loser (and we love him for it) -bde -song of achilles, they both die at the end, the fault in our stars, the invisible life of addie larue, the picture of dorian gray, and the seven husbands of evelyn hugo
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~peter: -omnisexual/straight/unlabeled -irish (galway or derry) -or german -learning disability -anxiety disorder -5'7 -plus sized -his hair is almost brown but still kinda dirty blonde -green/hazel eyes -favorite color is yellow or orange -probably listens to basic white girl music, or rap (idk which one😭) -like, he's either listening to taylor and ariana or he's listening to kendrick and tupac (i don't make the rules 🤷) (both are great anyways so it doesn't really matter) -wears button up shirts and khakis (his parents were super religious and proper growing up, and he hasn't been able to kick the habit) -loves christmas but hates new years -would be fantastic in american football (trust me on this one) (he's a little short but he'd do great) -he's an only child, but he grew up in a more suburban area, so he had lots of neighbors (marlene) -his parents struggled to conceive, and he was a rainbow baby after 2-3 miscarriages (he and james are kinda similar in that sense)
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gabessquishytum · 2 years
whoops having more thoughts about destruction and his "too big to take comfortably" dick. because lbr hob is VERY interested in testing the limits of that one. so one day when he knows olly will be coming by that evening, he spends the whole day lounging around his flat stuffed with the biggest toy he owns. which is... very big. hes curious, okay. he wants to see what happens.
what happens is that olly takes one look at the toy he's just pulled out of hob's hole, considers the size and shape of human organs and pelvic bones, and decides that yeah, hob heals fast but he's no sturdier than any other human and olly's not interested in flirting with internal bleeding tonight, thanks. so. gotta see about tightening him back up, then.
so he turns hob on his front, chest down and hips up, holding himself open to give destruction full access to his hole. and proceeds to spend a while torturing hob's hole. mostly spanks delivered directly to his hole. but maybe he slides a finger and thumb in - easy, when hob's gaping open - and pinches at his insides for a bit. maybe he grinds a knob of ginger up against hob's prostate, and maybe when he's done he crushes the ginger to really get at the juices and shoves the whole mess into hob's hole. it won't hurt his cock unless he wants it to, after all, and he can easily remove it later.
by the time he's done, hob's sobbing and shaking, barely able to hold himself up, and his hole's gone from gaping open to swollen shut. and olly checks in, because he never, ever wants to hurt hob more than he can take. but hob manages to stop sobbing long enough to beg olly to fuck him and, well, he's hardly going to say no. his cock's still big by human standards when he pushes inside, but it still feels excruciatingly huge in hob's abused hole.
hob had planned this will full intention of not being up for walking for a while, so he doesn't have anywhere to be the next day. he's very much not the kind of sore he expected to be... but he does get the bonus of having his very sweet boyfriend doting on him for the day while hob whines about how sore he is. and olly does, of course, spend plenty of time kissing it better.
*dreamy sigh* oh this is wonderful.
Idk I just love the idea that Hob has this whole thing planned out, he's absolutely ready for this and then Olly is like NOPE. I am not breaking your kidneys tonight, baby boy. Change of plans <33
And it's way better than what Hob was originally planning. Olly is so mean to his poor hole, spanking it with his hand and even bringing out the antique riding crop that Hob kept for special occasions. It hurts so bad, but Hob just keeps begging for more.
And the ginger is a particular stroke of genius. Its something that Hob doesn't have much experience with so Destruction has the pleasure of introducing him to all sorts of new (painful) sensations. He ends up swollen and tender, and Olly can't even push a finger inside without making his little boyfriend whimper and shriek! By the time he manages to shove his cock in there, Hob is nearly catatonic with the pleasure/pain. He just keeps moaning and clinging to Olly's shoulders until his fingers actually leave bruises (a rarity, for Destruction).
Afterwards they take a good long soak together, and Olly cleans up the mess that is Hob’s hole with his fingers and tongue. Hob's legs are so shaky and his arse is so sore, he has to be carried to bed. The next day, he still smells deliciously like ginger and Olly can't resist eating him out for hours and hours <3
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rosietrace · 3 years
Brooke Averett
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"I owe Eclair my life, young one. If you knew the full story, you'd understand."
Full Name: Brooke Leto Averett
Japanese Name: ブルック レト アベレット
Romaji: Burukku Reto Aberetto
Twisted from: Fawn
V/A: Takahiro Sakurai(櫻井孝宏)
Age: 23(Physically), ???(Mentally)
Birthday: December 14
Horoscope: Sagittarius ♐
Species: Animal faerie
Height: 164 cm
Hair color: Ginger
Eye color: Lime green
Homeland: Forest of ivy
Current residence: Scepter Hall Institute
Occupation: Professor & SHI dorm head
Sexuality: Biromantic/Asexual
Dominant hand: Right
{ Family: Orphaned }
Likes: Animals, derby racing, equestrianism in general, exploration, tea time with the staff, speaking with Gerald and Ariadne, Meryl painting butterflies with him, Eclair's motherly persona
Dislikes: Smoking, abandonment, animal abuse, death, gazing upon the cave of the neverbeast, injured animals, being uncared for, Eclair grieving Malory, Clark's constant rambling, Finnigan's paranoia, Ariadne's singing
Hobbies: Caring for the animals, derby racing, conversations with his students, painting (butterflies), hairstyling, equestrianism, fine arts, learning animal languages, exploring the campus forests, spending time with his students
Talent(s): Animal communication, caring for animals, equestrianism, painting, hairstyling, exploration, multilingual
Flaw(s): Passive, semi-pessimistic, (somewhat) strict, protective, easily annoyed
Unsurprisingly, Brooke is well-liked by his students. Both in and out of Animania, he has regular conversations with each and every one of his students.
Of course, he takes his job incredibly seriously. He has to repay Eclair for raising him for practically his entire life, after all.
Brooke is a bit of an animal enthusiast. And calling his love for them a “bit” is an understatement, at most. He spends almost every hour of the day caring for them, talking with them, even gossiping with them. With the songbirds, specifically.
Despite his quiet demeanor, Brooke is rather easygoing and a good listener - making him a great source of comfort whenever one needs to ramble to get something off their chest.
Nonetheless, Brooke still continues to have his flaws, but he tries to learn from them instead of trying to pretend he doesn't have any of those flaws that make him… Well, him.
Brooke is, to some extent, passive. His responses to certain things are rather blunt, and for the most part, he isn't afraid to speak his mind when the moment asks for it.
And he's most definitely easy to annoy. Clark is living proof of that, as Brooke can't help but have the silent temptation of grabbing Clark by his neck and strangling him until the light escapes his eyes.
He's also…. More or less, strict and protective with the people he's close with. It's all in good intent, as he cares deeply for everyone in SHI, given that they're practically his equivalent of a family.
And in spite of his semi-pessimistic personality, Brooke can't help but still have a glimmer of hope that - someday - the world will become safer for the people he loves.
Unique Magic: Tamlin(タムリン)
Brooke was the one who named his unique magic, finding the name itself to be rather fitting
The ability allows Brooke to shape-shift into any animal he's familiar with in some shape or form
He's unable to shape-shift into a specific animal that he doesn't have enough knowledge on, and can only shift into an animal he has general knowledge on
He often transforms into a deer to give Meryl a couple rides on his back without hurting his original form (Which Eclair considers to be adorable)
Name Meaning
Brooke: Brooke is a gender-neutral name of English and German origin meaning “water” or “small stream.” It is said to be derived from the Old English word bróc, which translates to “brook” or “stream.”
Leto: Leto is a multi-faceted name of Greek and Latin origins, meaning “Hidden, forgotten”
Averett: Averett as a boy's name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Averett is "brave, strong boar".
After being abandoned by his biological parents, Eclair took Brooke in when he was but a young child
Ever since Eclair took him in, Brooke saw her as some sort of mother figure
And because of Brooke's connection to Eclair, Meryl's unabashedly attached to him and spends a lot of her time with him
Brooke is one of the few members of the staff to know Malory Khione personally, albeit to a very short extent
Meryl and Claudette like painting butterflies with Brooke from time to time
Despite the limitations when it comes to his hair, Brooke allows Meryl to frequently style it
Ambrosia considers Brooke to be considerably endearing, as does the rest of the staff; Eclair in particular
Meryl occasionally calls Brooke her “brother”
Watatsumi (@windbornearchon) gets along relatively well with Brooke, and he teaches her more about animal life and how to communicate with them
Occasionally helps Finnigan with the academy security protocols
Clark annoys him so much, but he can't help but feel somewhat endeared by him because he was his first friend among the SHI staff
Likes listening to Madam Monroe talk about academy updates from time to time
Once mentioned Malory to be “somewhat of a father figure” at some point
Talks with Gerald and Ariadne the most among the staff, other than Eclair and Clark
Is essentially Meryl's main babysitter whenever he's on a day off
Although Eclair was somewhat against it, she allowed Brooke to work as a professor in SHI
The bandages around his neck alongside his mask is more of a fashion statement than it is to hide some aspects of his body
Teaches everything related to animals
Has been in a couple derby races, and has quite the number of accolades from those competitions; it's quite impressive, actually
Mercury sometimes has a couple talks with Brooke, but it's mostly because he needs a substitute counselor (only because Clark's often bombarded with work as it is, and the boy didn't wanna stress him out)
The “cigarette” he's holding is a prop; he genuinely despises smoking
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Coming from a new follower, congrats on your 500 followers! 🎉 Your event seems fun!! I'd like to request a romantic match with a Genshin character (any gender) plsss. Thank you in advance!
Pronouns: any!
Personality: introverted, independent, optimistic, even-tempered, easygoing, good sense of humor, very mischievous, loves teasing pals and being teased back, good self confidence // distant, not very expressive, doesn't easily get close to people or seek out relationships, blunt (not "brutally honest" but definitely tactless sometimes).
Hobbies: art, baking, games, gymnastics, thrill-seeking (mostly safe; roller coasters, bungee jumping, etc. Would definitely include gliding in a Genshin universe).
Likes: cats, cool weather, wandering around in woodsy areas, sweets, being lazy.
Dislikes: pessimism, rigidity (in personality or in an environment), salty food, having to be responsible for other people.
Misc: loves puns; accidentally misuses slang or phrases (e.g. "let's bust this popsicle stand"); a bit (or quite a bit) of a troublemaker/rulebreaker
(And for the bonus, I'll pick #4!)
thank you so much for participating!! new follower or there since day one, i´m thrilled to have you here no matter what >///<
i really hope you enjoy your matchup and that you feel well-represented ♡
now without further ado, i´m happy to kickstart this event by matching you with...
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CHILDE 11th of the Fatui Harbingers
“Are you really going back on your word? I thought we agreed on this deal a long time ago.”
“We agreed on top-quality ware. So tell me,”  you said, pointing at the broken brushes and dried out paint in front of you, “does this look like top-quality to you?”
“Well, at the end of the day top-quality is a…a subjective…a- aspect…”
“What is it? Dog got your tongue?” You looked at the vendor´s wide-blown eyes looking at something over your shoulder. Turning around, you were faced with a tall, ginger-haired man. With his hands shoved into his pockets and laid-back posture, he almost seemed harmless. Almost. The smile he wore was just a tad bit too cheery, too friendly.
“Subjectively speaking, these goods are the worst quality I´ve seen in all Liyue. You know, it´s almost impressive that you´re so confident in yourself.” The stranger fixed his ocean-coloured eyes on the vendor, smile growing impossibly wider. “I was about to collect the wares I ordered but looking at this, well…I really hope they turn out better than these. For your sake.”
“Good Sir, I- I assure you, these products are the best you can find.” His shaky eyes flitted to you. “Please, esteemed customer, let me pay you back. And here! Have these art supplies on the house!”
As you left the shop, you eyed the stranger again. “Who exactly are you?”
"Aww, is this the thanks I get for helping you?"
“I could´ve handled it myself. Besides, you didn´t even do anything,” you deadpanned.
“Oh? Could you now?” There was a mischievous glint in his eyes and his lips parted in a playful grin. “Hm, I guess, I´ll indulge you for now.
I´m Childe, and you are?”
Thrill-seeking, you say? Well, buckle up because you´re in for a ride
You two definitely give me partners in crime vibes, you´re the Bonnie to his Clyde, the introvert to his extrovert so to speak
Even if you don´t seek out relationships or don´t open up to others easily, you think that´s going to stop him? He has inserted himself into your life before you notice what´s happened
This notorious troublemaker will ensure there´s never a dull moment in your life again
His job (and money) will take you all over Teyvat, so you never have to worry about feeling shackled to one place; if a change of scenery is what you need, Childe will be happy to provide
His favourite travel destination would be Shneznaya though
He´d be ecstatic to introduce you to his family, have snowball fights with his siblings or show you around the snowy landscapes of his home
If you couldn´t fight before meeting him, you can now; he would pester you about sparring with him to the moon and back
While he trusts you to be able to take care of yourself, he feels like he can protect you this way and who else would be a better combat teacher? If you already know your way around a battlefield, you both still need to polish your skills, right?
Through his line of work, Childe has naturally grown a thick skin and developed a silver tongue, so he can definitely handle whatever you throw in his direction and retaliates with a quip of his own
He would love to pick you up and twirl you around, especially when you haven’t seen each other for a longer period of time
If you’re into it, great! He gets to do it more often; if it annoys you, great! He gets to be a menace (he will make it up to you, don’t worry)
If you´re shorter than him, you will never hear the end of it
Childe would love to join you in the kitchen; whether it´s him cooking while you bake or trying to help with whatever you are making, the domesticity of the moment would draw him in
This man has enough energy for the both of you, it´s up to you if you want to join him or if you want to sit back and watch him get in trouble
There´s no doubt to be had, Childe adores you; he would catch the stars and put the world at your feet if you asked for it
Easy-going and a good sport, this Harbinger is the right guy for exploring and adventuring
But when the day´s coming to an end, he´ll want nothing more than to hold you close and bask in each other´s presence
Runner up: Beidou
Self-assured, loyal and with her heart in the right place, Captain Beidou of the Crux Fleet is free to go wherever she pleases. Well, if there´s water around at least. Rest assured, there´s always a place on the Alcor for you, if you feel like exploring the vast ocean with her. If you prefer keeping your feet on solid ground though, her stories of their adventures will make you feel like you were right there with her.
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The question you picked is “Do you have any special talents?”
Special talents…Hmm, do you count “never looking at the camera” as a talent because I seem to be a natural at it; literally, I don´t think there´s a single class photo where I´ve looked at the camera, I always get distracted by what´s happening behind it the second the photo is taken
Otherwise, I find a suspicious amount of 4+ leafed clovers (my record is 7 leaves on one clover); I have a pretty good memory especially when it comes to images/pictures, patterns and numbers (I also memorise things like vocabs, poems and phone numbers pretty quickly), the number of times recalling the layout of my notes or memorising my whole presentation saved my grade is unbelievable (yes, I used to write out everything I wanted to say and just learnt 12 pages by heart in one sitting, wtf)
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littlemspeachy · 4 years
This Conversation is Getting Older and Older
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Part Two of You Keep Me Waiting 
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Murder, A character is racist 
Word Count: 3.8K (Yup y’all are getting more to read)
Draco stares at where Hermione was once stood and sighed before muttering a repairing spell that fixes the broken picture frame, then came organizing his notes for Yazmeen while he was out.
"Hey, Draco, it's Yazmeen. I came for your notes on the death eater case," Yazmeen announced, peeking into his office.
Draco shot the younger girl a smile. "Yeah, I was getting them cleaned up for you. I know how much you hate having to work with illegible writing."
She laughs and shakes her head. "It's fine, you're fine. It's other people on this floor I have to worry about. But um.."
Draco looks up at her, an eyebrow raised.
"Nevermind, I'll talk to you when you get back."
Draco nods and hands over his revised notes. "Take good care of them. They're the only kind."
"I'm pretty sure that I can read your actual notes. But thank you anyway."
Draco smiles at her and watches her leave before grabbing his things and following after her.
"You know, for such a smart wizard, I came in here easily." She says coldly.
Draco pauses in his living room, unsure how to start the conversation.
"Daphne, I made it sure you could come in."
"You need to sign them," Daphne says, pulling a pen from her purse and setting it down on the divorce papers laid out before her.
"Not before my father dies," He responded, voice tight.
"I don't really care about your feelings about your father, and he's practically a shell of a human anyway. Why do you think he's back at the manor?" She shot back, staring pointedly at Draco.
Draco stays quiet because she's right: His father doesn't do anything but look outside to the garden, and he isn't improving his mother's health either in fact, she's gotten worse because of his father being back/ He was thinking of killing him, but after working in law enforcement he wasn't sure how that was going to work.
"Just sign the papers. This isn't for you; it's for me, so get over yourself." Her voice annoyed at how long this situation was taking her.
He sighs because she was right: He was being selfish. Making them stay married even though they haven't been in the same room for longer than 10 minutes in the past 8 years unless it was an event that was centered around his mother. So he walks over to sign the papers.
"Your mother misses you, you know, and she wants an explanation."
Draco pauses the signing of his last mane to look at the woman in front of him before he goes back to signing his last name.
"I don't know why you continue to visit her."
"Because at least one of us to maintain the image of a proper person. We all can't go running around like children on the playground."
Draco rolls his eyes equally as annoyed at his now ex-wife. "Listen, here're the documents, just send me an owl with a court date, and I'll make sure to be there."
Daphne just sighed and slipped the papers into her purse, and leaves through the front door. "You need to talk to her. Also, I poured out the tea. It was getting old.
Draco simply stares at her leaving, leaving his house and his life.
Maybe it was better this way.
He steps out of Hermione's fireplace and into a living room. A room that he knew way too well for simply being fuckbuddies with her roommate.
"I thought you had better wards up 'mione." A familiar voice commented from the other room.
"I did. It was Yazmeen who let him in." Hermione said, watching Draco step out of her fireplace. Fred followed her gaze and watched as Draco got reacquainted with the apartment. Draco noticing their gaze on him.
"Are you two just going to stare at me? If so, I could've met you at the train station," Draco commented, annoyed.
Fred laughs. "Some people never change. I'll see you when you get back," Fred said, smiling at the brown-skinned woman. He pauses at the door. "Keep her safe, Malfoy."
That, for some reason, catches him off guard, but he manages to get out a quick, yeah.
Hermione watched Fred leave before turning back to the blond-haired man who has moved out of her living room.
"You ready to go? I need to call a cab." Hermione asked.
"Yeah, I'm good. Don't know about you, though... Seemed a bit preoccupied." He shrugs, back turned away, looking at some artwork on the wall.
Hermione doesn't validate the statement and instead goes to call a cab. "One is in the area, and it'll be here in about 3 minutes."
Draco doesn't respond, so they exist in silence before Hermione asks, "You've been here plenty of times.. You don't stay over like you used to?"
Draco turns quickly to face the curly-haired woman. "Yeah, unlike like some of us, we have work to do."
"Now, what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"It's obvious half your stuff isn't here, and with Fred being over, I'm going to assume it's at his place?"
All Hermione does is glare before going to look outside to her window. She notices the yellow cab outside, and instead of telling him of the new development, she simply grabs her bag and leaves but unfortunately for her, Draco is a smart man, and he quickly follows after her.
The ride to the train station is filled with tension and silence. Draco likes to think that he wondered if he overstepped a boundary, but then he remembered that he could care less about how he picked at her sex life. If she wanted to do that to him, he could do the same to her. But due to that pettiness, nobody spoke until they were on the train and even then, there wasn't much talking done.
"How are you?"
Hermione glares at him from her seat before rolling her eyes, annoyed at the question "You left me Draco,"
"You left me too; this wasn't a one-person thing,"
"So when were you going to tell me you were married?"
"I wasn't then, and I'm not now."
"Tell that to the gossip magazines."
"Tell that to the gossip magazines that wrote back to back articles about you and Krum? Since when did you listen to them? Also, when did you start caring for me outside of the bedroom?"
"I don't know but stop asking like you weren't the one knocking on my door at first."
The silence informs them both that neither of them have been good. Not that they were ever good, especially not back in college. Running to each other to find something familiar only to go back to hating each other the next day. That's what made the sex good, they both think. Too much passion made anything feel good during the moment, but it's in the morning that you have to wonder whether it was really worth it.
"So are you with him now? You hop from one ginger dick to another?
"Oh, I didn't know you were ginger, and it seems like we're both following patterns."
That one shuts him up because he realizes that he hasn't changed and only moved on to her intern, whose skin looks like the woman's sitting in front of them when the sun hits it just right.
"Also, I don't mind you having sex with Yazmeen, but having sex with every black woman in our office is.... A bit suspicious."
Draco doesn't know how to respond to the claim, so he simply changes the topic "Are you going to Harry's wedding?"
Hermione's eyes snap from the blond man to the window across from him. "Of course, I'm the maid of honor."
Draco isn't really surprised by the admission, "What an Honor. But you know it's surprising that she gave birth before being married."
"Not really.. Might have been going at it for a while, but unlike you, he can stay committed."
"What are you so mad at me for?"
"I don't know?  How about we start with the fact that you left Daphne right after getting married, only to start sleeping with me 3 months later. And then lying to her about it. She thought you loved her; I mean, sure, we all knew it wasn't going to last. But she wanted to at least make it work. But there we were fucking in the backseat while she was in the store."
"Listen, it takes two, don't pretend like you're innocent." He shot back-way too quickly for a man who wanted to seem unaffected from the claims.
"That would be a good claim, but there you were in my bed way past time for you to go, talking to me about the future and how uncertain you were and all that other bullcrap only for you to be in a dedicated marriage. It'd be a bit different if you both didn't give a damn."
Draco sat in silence because she was right. Always right.. Never wrong. Never wrong in the classes they were and certainly never wrong about the life they lived
"Well, we're getting a Divorce... to legalize the situation."
Hermione glares at him. "So that's what makes this better? A divorce after what? 5 years?"
Draco wants to say yes, but after knowing the woman sitting next to him for the past 18 years, he knows a warning sign he sees one, so he drops the subject.
They both know that they'll need to talk about this again, and they didn't need to read tea leaves for that. But just like tea, it can only steep for so long before becoming bitter, or maybe they were past that stage, and it just needed to be poured out.
The train comes to their stop, and they go to a cab that was already waiting for them; they both think that even though Sanchez is annoying and strict, he still knows how to be hospitable if hospitable meant a very homely looking hotel.
"Is this it? The place we're supposed to be staying?" Draco asked, voice full of disgust.
"Yea, this was the address given to me by Sanchez."
Hermione and Draco stared at the small white and brown homely inn that looked like its been around since the dark ages.
"Let's go. It's only a night." Hermione whispered, giving a nudge to Draco.
They climb out of the car and were preparing to go in before the driver rolled down the window. "I'm going to be here by 6 tomorrow evening to take you back to the train station and if need to floor just tell the lady at the desk and she'll help you. Good Luck."
They nod before walking in and realizing that the inside looks exactly like the outside. Homely and cold-one of the great perks of being in a city next to the water.
"Check-in for Sanchez," Hermione said, smiling at the hostess.
Draco stayed in the back and looked around, hoping to see something that would indicate the age of this inn, but unfortunately, nothing stood out but a pattern in one of the supporting beams.
"Hey, got the key," Hermione says, jingling the key in his face before walking down the hallway where the supposed hotel room was.
"15, 25, 35, and 45 is the lucky number."
"Why are the doors numbered like that?"
"I don't know you're the pureblood you tell me,"
Draco rolls her eyes at her response. "Why the hell would I know that?"
"The wizarding world is a weird place, and rich kids are supposed to be cultured," Hermione joked before seeing their bedding situation. "Of fucking course, how brilliant."
Draco was confused by her sudden change of tone until he saw what she was talking about: One bed.
One medium-sized bed in a room that was freezing cold.
As Draco starts to say something, Hermione cuts him off. "Listen, we can talk about this later," Hermione sighs before setting down her bag. "I'll go down and call us a cab to the station."
Draco watches her walk away with only her purse, confused as to why she never lets him talk. But he dismissed the thought when he casted a quick charm to keep their bags safe.
They get to the station and head over to sign in at the front desk "Officer Granger and Officer Malfoy is here to talk to... Your head officer, officer Pearce I believe, is the name, about the recent killings." Hermione says confidently while leaning slightly on the wooden desk.
"Why does he look so confused?" an officer asks while coming up behind the secretary that was checking her computer for confirmation.
"Listen, he doesn't do fieldwork; he does office stuff. This is his first time. Give him a break," Hermione confides, laughing slightly at the Blond man's facial expression.
The officer laughs and checks the computer that shows the confirmation. "Alright, let me check your IDs, and I'll get you guys back there." Draco and Hermione gave their IDs to the officer, and he nods that suggests they follow him to the back.
"Have you seen any pictures of the body? or any of the bodies?" Draco asks. He hasn't seen a dead body since the war, and even though it's been 10 years, the sight of them still can keep him up for days. He wonders how Harry moved on. He thinks he should ask him.
"No, we were only asked to get the statement from the old lady, and even then, it's a bit spotty."
"Well, can you fax a copy to our office so that we have a hard version in London? We're not going to take long." Hermione says, her voice more determined than usual.
"Yeah, I can do that for you. Alright, here's his office, by the way, he doesn't like this kind of stuff, so... You gotta be smart." The officer they were following says before knocking on a door that had the name of Anthony Pearce.
"Come in." A baritone voice commands from behind the door.
"Alright, good luck."
Hermione and Draco give the optimistic officer a nod before heading into the office.
"Hello Officer Pearce, we are investigators sent from London to talk to you about the report that was given to you after a recent murder against a young woman," Draco says, looking around the office before landing on the officer's face.
Hermione thinks that the officer looks like one of the men from Mama Mia.
"So when did they start sending in young ones with fancy outfits to deal with murder cases?" He inquired before lighting a cigarette.
"We aren't dealing with the murder it's self we're just trying to find out about the... uh.. designs being left on the bodies of the victims. I'm officer Malfoy, and this is my partner Granger." Draco shoots back at the man. He knew they were young for their field; there was no denying that, but they were good at their jobs, and there will be no one that questions that, muggle or not.
Officer Pearce raises a brow before tapping his cigarette into the ashtray. "Is that so? If you're only dealing with the designs, why do you want the lady's statements?"
"We want her statements because she was the last one to talk to the lady that was most recently killed, and she could possibly tell us some information that could help us understand what's going on," Draco responds with a slight huff.
Hermione rolled her eyes at Dracos body language 'how immature. You don't hold any power out here, pretty boy.'
"If that's the case, I could've just sent the report to your office. Why come all the way here for something we could've faxed you?" The older man responds, a demeaning edge to his voice.
"Because we're going to interview the woman tomorrow, and since we were in the city, we decided to question you directly. But if you don't want to comply, I can and will have you arrested for obstruction of justice." Hermione responds, a clear tone of annoyance in her voice.
Pearce stares at Hermione and then looks at Draco. "You should keep her around; she gets stuff done. And I'll get you the interview report, and I can't tell you anything because I didn't conduct it and what was said was nothing out of the usual... But I have received some pictures of the, uh, drawings." He says before going through a drawer and bringing out a manila folder.
"Can we look at them?" Hermione asked softly.
"I can make you a copy," He says, putting out his cigarette before heading over to the printer. "Now, why'd you come here? These murders have been happening for a while."
"It's because our office thought these were stand-alone cases. It's London.. And unfortunately, people get killed all the time." Hermione says slowly, making her seem sadder than she actually was.
"Understandable, but Liverpool does have its crime.. Luckily we're not in the city, so it's a bit easier for us." Pearce says before handing Draco the first page.
"If you don't mind me asking... Why were you so resistant to us knowing the information?" Draco asked, passing the page to Hermione.
"Because whoever is doing this is getting off scot-free. And they're sick cunts too. Imagine, instead of just killing the bloke, you carve patterns into their skin. I tell ya it's some of them, refugees."  Pearce says, handing them the next two copied pages.
Hermione looks up from the pictures. "Sir, this is obviously not Arabic. And it's interesting that a cop that is supposed to serve his community has those kinds of feelings for the people he's supposed to be protecting."
"Nah, none of them live around here, and a good thing too. Don't want them to be committing crimes and stuff." Pearce says, walking back to his desk and lighting another cigarette.
Draco noticed the fist tightly wrapped around the paper before speaking up. "Thank you for your time here, sir... If we hear anything thing new, we'll make sure to let you know."
Pearce simply nods before going off into his own world as they left.
"What a fucking bigot." Hermione angrily whispered. Draco stayed silent shocked at the bluntness of the officers' rudeness, but then he realized that his father was the same towards muggles.
They walked to the front and thanked the secretary, and then went to an empty-looking coffee shop across the street.
"My father was like that, wasn't he?" Draco asks while they were sitting down in their chosen seats.
Hermione looks up from the small menu provided at their table. "You think?"
Draco drops the subject before reaching over and grabbing the files.
"How may I help yous?" A bubbly waitress asked Hermione, almost completely ignoring Draco.
"I would like a cup of coffee, straight please." Hermione says with a smile that makes the younger girl blush.
"And I would like a cup of earl grey and some of the strongest stuff you have." Draco says dryly.
The waitress doesn't respond but jots the items down. "That'll be right out."
Draco watches the waitress retreat to behind the bar. "What the hell was that about?"
"Aww, are you mad that you didn't get attention?" Hermione teasingly giggled while picking up her well used legal pad.
Draco didn't respond.
"Hey, Malfoy, do you work with still work with ruins, or are your college years being wasted on artifacts?" Hermione asks, laying out the pictures in front of her.
"Mainly artifacts and studying the charms people put on them," He responds before the waitress came over.
"Here is your drink and alcohol, and your drink, ma'am, is still being made." The waitress says in a light, bubbly tone.
Hermione nods in recognition, but her brows stay furrowed in concentration.
The waitress leaves before Draco speaks up again, clear liquid in hand.
"Don't drink that right now," Hermione says, quickly looking up and snatching the glass of clear liquid. She sniffs if before confirming. "It's moonshine.. That's some powerful stuff, and if you want to coherent while researching, then I suggest you leave that for later." Hermione informs before pulling out an empty flask.
Draco looks at her curiously before pouring the clear liquid into the flask.
"Look, they didn't die graphically. There's no blood if that what you're worried about." Hermione says, looking up at the blond across from her.
"No..That's- I just.. If something big happens when we're on this case, we're going to become much more than researchers, and I just- I left the field for a reason, and I really don't care to be put back in. I was perfectly fine at my desk and perfectly capable of what I was doing."
Hermione looks at him deeply at him before looking back down at the ruins. "That's wonderful to know, and I understand I really do, but we've been working under Sanchez since our internships. And I know that he's smart enough not to let his head researchers go into the field blindly just to get killed. He knows we can handle ourselves out here. Meaning you gotta start trusting yourself. Plus, after this, we'll probably get a nice vacation offering once we're done, so suck it up and let's figure this out before more people die."
Draco sips on his tea, considering the words of the intelligent woman in front of him.
"Here's your coffee, ma'am... Buy the way it's on the house." The waitress interrupts, setting down the requested coffee.
Draco rolls his eyes at the "sincere" action before grabbing his wallet and handing the young woman 100 pounds. "Keep the change."
Hermione gawks at the exchange but doesn't voice her comment until the woman goes away.
"Do you know how much money that is?"
Draco sends her a confused look before replacing his wallet with his glasses. "All right, what are we looking at."
"Well, firstly, you're starting to look like Harry for one. I get you both are basically office mates but geez. And secondly, I think it's Egyptian. Like something found in tombs, but then there's more stuff that I can't really think of... Maybe Mayans?"
Draco grabs a pictured and stares before shaking his head. "Possibly, but there seems to be a mix of several curses among the charms. Those are most certainly from Egypt, and that's probably how the doctors died," He says before grabbing another picture. "Yeah, because they look like hieroglyphics, and so they decoded them and then cursed themselves. But how he got them on the body is what's' really confusing."
Hermione nods before asking, "Don't you have tea with you?"
"Yeah, but I know it's cold, and so I got a new cup."
A new cup indeed.
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swearbycare-blog · 6 years
♦️Period Hacks
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1) Keep spare panties in a desk drawer at work or in a pouch in your backpack. Leaking blood onto your undies is an inevitability. It's going to happen, you know it's going to happen, so why not prepare and keep a few pairs of good panties (not bad ones you'll dread having to use) in your backpack or desk for when the blood flood comes?
2) Get a heating pad that doesn't require an outlet. Not only does heat feel really nice and cozy, but it stimulates blood flow and lessens pain from cramps. Most heating pads need to be plugged in, but as long as you have access to a microwave in your office kitchen, a hot water bottle doesn't need an outlet to relieve your cramps. There are cute options on Amazon, or you can go DIY, and make your own microwavable heating pad by filling a knee sock with rice and tying off the ends. If you're truly desperate, your hot laptop is basically also a heating pad. Just don't burn yourself.
3) Cut down on coffee. It seems counterintuitive to scale back the caffeine while you're probably at your sleepiest, but your body will be so happy if you do. Caffeine can cause your body to retain more water, resulting in a nasty bloated feeling, and worsen cramps. Don't make things harder than they already are. Just cut out a bit of your daily caffeine.
4) Plan your period snacks ahead of time to make sure you're not going crazy with salt. Another thing that makes your body retain more water is salty foods, which you probably crave while you're on your period and your body feels like it's falling apart. Save yourself from the tempting pull of cravings by actually giving snack prepping a shot the week of your period. Some good things to include in those snacks are fatty nuts like almonds, oranges, bananas, and a lil bit of dark chocolate.
5) Use meat tenderizer to save the undies and jeans you thought you ruined. You may think you ruined your pants, but you did not actually ruin your pants. Verified clean person Jolie Kerr has a lot of great tips for getting bloodstains out of things (and almost all of them involve things you definitely already have at home). Meat tenderizer powder (not the spiky hammer thing) is cheap and especially good for getting out old, set-in bloodstains — like the ones you get when you have your period on your undies at work or school, and can't immediately take them off and rinse them in a public sink. Kerr recommends sprinkling the stain with tenderizer, adding enough water that a paste forms, letting it sit and soak for 20 to 30 minutes, and then rinsing with cold water before washing.
6) Go for a light jog, or, like, at least take a good walk. I know. I know the last thing you want to do when your uterus feels like it's trying to claw its way out of your body is go running. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, a hormone that makes you feel good. Those endorphins can counteract the bad hormones that give you cramps (prostaglandins). To make running a bit easier so you're not squatting on the sidewalk every half mile (something I have 100 percent done), try taking a single painkiller about half an hour before your run.
7) Up your iron levels by eating lots of spinach and kale. The reason you might find yourself salivating at the thought of a red, juicy steak when you're on your period is because your iron levels could be a tad low. Instead of reaching for a greasy burger, which will only make you feel even more like garb, try other iron-rich foods like spinach and kale.
8) Use gauze and toilet paper to make a DIY pad. Because periods can't actually be tracked and are unpredictable little jerks, there will be times in your life when you need to fashion your own pad out of easily accessible, non-period items. As Jezebel advises, you can make a more absorbent pad with toilet paper and gauze, which is included in most first aid kits (and your office or whatever restaurant or store you're at when danger strikes should have a first aid kit). Wrap the gauze in toilet paper, then take another strip of toilet paper and affix the mini gauze pad to your panties by wrapping it around the pad and your underwear. This is key because it'll keep the contraption from slipping around to your butt, instead remaining of beneath your period-y vagina.
9) Go to bed an hour earlier. Not only will this counteract the effect cutting back on caffeine has on your body, but your body is doing a shit-ton of work menstruating and whatnot. Since I doubt you can just sleep in an extra hour (this should be allowed TBQH), going to bed a bit early is the best way to combat period sleepies.
10) Start taking painkillers two days before your period starts. Prostaglandins are the hormones that spike a couple of days before your period to trigger your body into its menstrual cycle, so that's why you probably experience cramping before the blood ever shows up. You can lessen the actual period cramps by taking painkillers ahead of time — don't wait until you're in a ball on the floor. Stay ahead of the pain. Ride the crest of the wave.
11) Eat some dark chocolate. It'll taste good, feel good, and dark chocolate (good dark chocolate, ideally 65 percent cacao) contains magnesium, which helps fight cramps.
12) Masturbate (or just have period sex). This doesn't work for everyone, but a lot of women say orgasms actually help alleviate cramps because it sends a huge rush of blood to your lower abdomen and releases oxytocin, which can help your uterus relax (aka stop cramping like crazy).
13) Boil ginger in your hot water tea. Ginger looks disgusting (just my opinion) but works wonders for a lot of period-related things. You already know it helps with nausea (that's why ginger ale is the big go-to drink when you're sick), but it can also help reduce inflammation and pain that makes cramps feel worse. To make ginger tea, get some ginger root at the store, peel the skin off, cut it into little pieces, and boil those little pieces in the water you use to make hot tea. Mint or lemon tea is a good option for your ginger water — steer clear of anything with caffeine, like black or green tea.
14) Stay off the scale. Do yourself a huge favor and don't weigh yourself on your period. Water retention and weight fluctuation typically wanes off throughout your period, but the last thing you need when you're already grumpy and bleeding is to be tricked by your body into thinking you put on weight. Don't do it. Just don't!
15) Don't even think for a second about wearing your tight jeans. You're already uncomfortable, so why torture yourself by squeezing your bloated tummy into your tightest of jeans? I wish we could all just wear potato sack rompers while on our periods, but no one has invented that outfit yet. So in the meantime, try wearing that big, flowy dress you have in your closet or those trendy sweatpants that are somehow acceptable to wear to work now. Don't put stiff denim on your lower half during this trying time.
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yoyoyo85s · 4 years
"Surprise Call"
You almost gave me a heart attack, calling all of a sudden. I was in the kitchen, chopping some ginger and I heard my phone in the lounge going off with your ringtone 'Psycho'. My sister was over me again askin "Who's Trouble?" I'm gon get caught haha
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I was only in my bra and pyjama that was supposed to be the bottom of the fleece shirt I sent you as it was too hot but I think u have this strict tone again so I put somethin on
You got few things you shared with me as you fell from your motorcycle as to which got me worried - the doctor you always go to the canteen with tested positive on Covid - u were concerned with your own being - complained with ur lower back pain tht u were having for days now
"I told u, u need to take care of that in another way"
"I already took painkillers"
"I mean in a different method" as I was smirking
"I'll maybe go to a clinic" you said with a serious tone
"I was being suggestive, hun. You know sometimes, you're slow"
"Did you just call me slow? I learn to read when I was four. I'm not slow. If you want to say something you have to say it directly" you chastised me
"Now where's the fun in that?" I teased
"Just say it"
I love these bickering of ours, it's always playful cos u don't get offended easily.
You were also suspecting u have kidney stones. All I could rly do was just sigh cos I am worried. I am. Tht evn when I know it's gon fall on deaf ears I still told u off nonetheless with your unhealthy eating habits. The junkfood bit and u eat too much salty foods and told u to take better care for urself. I couldn't hide my frustration and was giving big gestures cos I know u won't exactly listen and u just ended up getting amused at my concerns.
"I'm trying to scold you, stop doing that"
"Stop doing what? I'm not doing anything"
"You're smiling"
"Should I cover my face then?" you pulled the blanket up ur face
"I'm trying to scold you but u're being cute" and I couldn't finish it without smiling back as you got shy and giggly
I can't hide my joy as I hear ur laugh. I love your laughter. Your face has a different shade of rose tonight. Idk what's causing that. (maybe me? Or am I being full of myself now but yeah) even ur mouth, the corners of ur lips couldn't stop smiling. Just ur face tonight, it's slightly different. Slightly smitten maybe? (hahaha I'll stop)
Your hair was quite long now as it keeps falling on ur face
"I love it when ur hair does that"
"Why?" u were getting bashful yet bewildered
"I told u already, I find it sexy"
You hid under the blanket "Yeah right" u scoffed
"When I say things like that, I think you take me lightly. You don't believe me do you?" I said it with a slight disappointment
I do hope u know tht every word I say with my mouth I rly do mean it at the moment it comes out of me. I often don't think much when I'm talkin
I went to my 'guling' offer and you gave me a cold and hard no. Cos u say u were the big spoon with other people, u hug their backs and not let them hug u from the back but also said it depends on ur mood. I said I have no comment on that cos I don't want to delve further. I don't like calling it big spoon little spoon, cos we're not spoons. I'm usually the one who hugs, but I don't mind being hugged either. But what I most prefer is face to face and touching each other's back. I hope I can be tool for you to realize, you can be both. Both the giver and the receiver. Both is more.
Few exchanges along the way u wanted to hang up then voiced out u were getting hungry. I told u to buy eggs. How do I get you to buy even just eggs?
"I'm hungry"
"Wanna eat me?"
Your eyes grew "Take off your clothes" then hid again with your pillow
Istg it's still cute how u get flustered when u try to keep up with my lasciviousness
"You know u've seen me half naked already"
"That was just the back" you paused and closed ur eyes
Wht are u doing, imagining? Hahaha
"No, right side. I seen u naked right side not the front"
Istg maybe one day I just might give in if you do too
We got into topic of me watching you sleep and my screenshots of you. You should rly know by know tht every phone call we have I take it as an opportunity to take pictures of you even when ur asleep, you dummy. I have a whole album titled 'Wepe' full of your face and my foolish reaction on the side. I even got screen recordings of you but it doesn't record the audio cos we're on a call.
I have ths habit of watching people when their eyes are closed. I find it comforting. I do it to the people I care about. My family is a given, my brother, cousins, babies I took care of.. Even when I was younger, I'd remember some of my friends who took a nap on my lap on the field or slept on my shoulder while in a bus ride or dozing off in a class, I would look at their face with full content then slightly caress their face and run my fingers on their hair. Sometimes whisper random words idk if they'd hear, kiss their forehead and rest my head on theirs. I dream one day you will get to feel my pure, innocent and affectionate things I do to the people I love. Maybe then. Just maybe. Maybe you will believe me then.
"If I tell you to stop taking screenshots while I'm asleep, will you?"
I just gave u a playful pondering look cos we both know I won't do tht. We laughed.
"But seriously, if you say stop.. I will do just that"
You got confused but you brushed it off and said
"If I say stop breathing, will you?" and we both smiled
Idk if u got it or heard the defeat in my breath but, just say the word and I will. If it's too much for you, just tell me and I'd willingly let you go. I will.
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