#this game got one of my new most favorite quote of all time
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quick Still Wakes the Deep doodles
Left to right on top pic: Innes, Caz, Roy, Finlay, Brodie and Trots
#my art#still wakes the deep#caz#roy#this game got one of my new most favorite quote of all time#i'd draw more horror but idk if i should even share XD#couldn't fit everyone but i love all the damn cast#swtd
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Get to know your Mutuals
Hiiii 💞 since I've found so many new lovely mutuals here I've created a little tag game (which as been around for ages) ^///^
This kinda got out of control... uh-oh.
Indulge me, will you? 🤗
What's the origin of your blog's title? It's a quote by Oscar Wilde :D
Favorite Fandoms: Dragon Age, The Silmarillion/The Lord of the Rings,
OTP(s) + shipname: Fenrisxm!Hawke (fenhawke) Melkor x Mairon (angbang) Thor x Loki (thorki)
Favorite color: Purple, purple and purple!
Favorite game: Dragon Age and Fatal Frame x3
Song stuck in your head: Elrond's council (but it's a musical) XDDD by Elf Tale Films on Youtube 😆
Weirdest habit/trait? Oh gosh, I'm made out of NOTHING but weird traits... but I guess the weirdest is that I must correct every spelling/grammar mistake I hear/read in both English and German? (I happen to write maaany typos on my phone so that's really exhausting!) Or that I explain maths even to the most reluctant and math-hating people without their permission and despite their explicit orders to "stop right now!!!"?! Or that I run in gallopping archs like a (crazy) horse around my apartment when writing? Or.... 😭
Hobbies: Writing, belly dancing and playing the violin. Very inexpertly so.
If you work, what's your profession? I wanted to become a professional torturer but my parents said no, so I chose the next best thing and became a teacher.
If you could have any job you wish what would it be? A teacher. (I'm pathetic.) I'd teach Math, English and German literature. (Which I do.) And physics. (Which I don't.)
So sad. Also, living the dreeeeam!!! 🎸🎸🎸
Something you're good at: Losing at MarioKart, being notoriously unpunctual and math. Also, I can read really fast xP
Something you're bad at: Remembering things... or names... or appointments... or anything. Also, sharing or talking about my writing.
Something you excel at: Creating chaos and overworry about my writing. Or anything else, really. Also, I'm a REALLY fast reader! 😜🤪😝
Something you love: Literature, books, my students, my family, my cat, and books and literature! 📚💗
Something you could talk about for hours without off the cuff: Literature/books, Dragon Age, my students, my original novel (with many pauses inbetween since, like I said, I'm also bad at talking about my own writing)
Something you hate: Arrogancy, bullying and olives. Oh, and strawberries.
Something you collect: Books and blunders.
Something you forget: Everything. Except my own name. At least I hope so.
What's your love language? Terrible, ironic, biting sarcasm. And movie/literature quotes.
Favorite movie/show: Alien by Ridley Scott <3
Favorite food: Pizza, ramen and pasta of all kinds x3
Favorite animal: Horses and leopards, roarrr! 🐎🐆
Are you musical? I do play the violin and sing. Having said that, I should add that I'm not very musical, after all...
What were you like as a child? Both shy and bold AND an insufferable know-it-all! 😏
Favorite subject at school? Maths <3 (you may hate me, now)
Least favorite subject? Geography, religious education and PE
What's your best character trait? Er, I'm a good friend in need (at least I think so XD)
What's your worst character trait? Perfectionism??? Oh wait, I think I can express this in a more refined way, let me try that again...
If you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? If I'd be in charge, you'd be all fucking freezing to death while I frolick happily in the snow and bring another brain concussion upon myself by my clumsy ice-skating skills! Winter would be SO fucking cold and SO magnificent you'd all hate me for it!!! ❄️☃️🥶
If you could travel in time who would you like to meet? Wolfgang Goethe (yes, I omitted the "von", in your face, dude!) and Agatha Christie x3
Recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love!):
In Absentia by AwkwardAnnie (Angbang)
Lunch in Thedas by Kaerwrites (Fenhawke)
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go by TheAngryKimchi (Thorki)
Last but not least, show your favorite fanart of your favorite character(s) (please remember to credit/add links!):
(sorry for the flood!)

Mairon by Krabat

Melkor and Mairon by Krabat

Fenris by raviollies

Fenhawke by Marikdraw (original link does no longer exist ;_;)
✨Tagging @saintstars @gracefallingart @gauntletgirlie @melkor-did-nothing-wrong @sauron-kraut @althanair @privatebooth @just-an-elf-with-the-socks @trash-ainu @winds-of-zephyr416 @barbex @aidanthecryptid @teine-mallaichte @pinkfadespirit @spicywarl0ck @jiangwanyeehaw @booksinwinter @midnottart @maironscrotchlessbreeches @melkorwashere @melkors-defense-attorney @trash-ainuand @elronds-library @teine-mallaichte @thorkidorki @theangrykimchi and @glowing-blue-feathermage ✨
... and everyone else, of course, who feels like playing ❣️
As always, NO PRESSURE, just fun, my friends! <3
#long post#tag game#get to know your mutuals#angbang#fenhawke#dragon age#the silmarillion#feel free to ignore this if you don't feel like playing x3
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2024 Game of the Year Countdown #1: The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC Sony PlayStation Portable, 2015
Replaying a Top 3 all time favorite game is never anything short of a great time, and during my 70 hours with this game, I was constantly reminded of why the Sky arc of the Trails series is so well regarded. I have enjoyed all the Trails games; even my least favorite is still a 7/10 in my mind. However, one-note characters have become a bit more common in recent games, and part of that is most likely due to how big the cast has gotten. In Sky, we have a much smaller cast and we get to see more facets of each character. It’s a much more intimate journey, and we see Estelle grow much more than other main characters. As Estelle is my all time favorite character from anything, I’m here for every snappy quote.
We get identical combat to FC, gaining only a combo attack, which is mostly worthless, and some enhanced arts. I love this setup and it’s a joy to have dozens of arts available to you at all times. That’s one change I really disliked in later Trails games: they simplified the arts system, but severely limited the number of arts you have at your fingertips. I really enjoyed having so many arts at hand, and especially setting up my quartz to get some really ridiculously powerful arts, too.
Everything I mentioned in my FC review applies to SC as well. The character portraits, sprite animations, how music plays into the cutscenes, and especially the NPCs. Something big happens at the end of FC, and SC picks up the story immediately. When Estelle returns to her hometown, it’s so touching to see everyone thrilled to see her. I love how this type of worldbuilding makes the world feel so real and something we should care about.
It’s actually really fun to come back and play this game after having played all the games that have been released in, literally, the 20 years since Trails in the Sky first came out. We get to see all the things that eventually come to be, locations we visit, and people we meet, many of which or who are mentioned in these early games.
Characters also have a lot of depth, with many supporting characters getting their time in the spotlight. FC introduced characters to us, but SC showed us what was inside. Incremental growth is something the Sky arc does well, and it’s nice to see characters grow slowly and organically. It makes them feel very real and gives us time to understand them and their paths through life. This game had me in tears numerous times as we get to see really emotional and moving things in characters’ pasts, as well as getting to see them work through it in the present, leaning on others for support.

Emotional moments are punctuated with a great score and perfectly chosen tracks for specific scenes. From new battle tunes that pump you up, like Fight with the Assailant and Fate of the Fairies, to the cheery sounds of Le Locle, the soundtrack to SC builds upon the base we got in FC. FC’s many location tracks return as well, and are welcome for when we revisit favorite locales, like Cat Relaxing in the Sun for slow-paced areas and your childhood home, or some of the standard route tunes like The Way They Walk in Liberl. Yet, SC adds so many new tracks that hit me really hard every time I hear them in context. Decision to Leave was used just once in FC, at the very, very end, but returns here and feels much more like an SC track than one from FC. We also get the harmonica version of Hoshi no Arika, a deeply important track to many of the characters. Hamel is also a very sad tune that fits many situations. This is the height of soundtracks from the Sky arc for sure.
It can be hard to put into words exactly why a game is a masterpiece to you, personally, and I’m going to stop myself from writing some 50,000 word essay on it. Trails in the Sky SC is the one game I wish I could erase from my memory just so I could replay it again for the first time. It requires playing FC first, but that game is amazing on its own and SC is well worth it. Play this game. What is stopping you?
#trails in the sky sc#sora no kiseki sc#liberl#falcom#nihom falcom#estelle bright#Joshua bright#tita russell#game of the year countdown#goty
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Ooh for the 'send me a character' game:
Part of me wants to say Killua, because of your recent hxh reblogs...
But I'd of course also like to hear more Matsuda thoughts from you. So take your pick-- whichever you're more in the mood to talk about :)
Ahhh two of my favorites 🥺, can I do both? :>
First Matsuda! Since this has been primarily a dn blog for a while now ahaha.
favorite thing about them: I think out of everything, what I find to be most admirable about Matsuda is his ability to persevere & continue on despite knowing that others see him as useless; and despite himself even having internalized that opinion of himself. It's bittersweet, the way he tries to let it roll off his shoulders & not let it dissuade his enthusiasm for his work. He tries so hard to be like "if this is who I am, then so be it," and then embrace that role for all it's worth in the name of the objective.
least favorite thing about them: Does this mean least favorite thing about how they're written; or thing I'd like least about them if they were a real person? Regardless, the one & only scene of Matsuda that I don't really care for is the one where he seems gleeful at (what he thinks is) Light cheating on Misa with Takada.
favorite line: "I have to kill him. This guy has got to die!" CHILLS every time.
brOTP: Not exactly brotp, but I do enjoy the father/son dynamic between Matsu & Soichiro. Also, another not-brotp, but I think the Matsuda & Mikami dynamic could be interesting, as they both come to terms with the mutual loss of their pedestalled icon. Perhaps a wary & melancholic understanding, that they can't find with others.
OTP: I loveee toxic Matsulight. I love the idea of Light being attracted to Matsuda through a subconscious sense of empathy over their similarities, but also being in denial that such similarities exist. I also love the idea of post-DN Ide patching Matsuda up after Light's imposed destruction, taking care of him & helping him heal. Honestly, I could ship Matsuda with anyone because to me he is just so lovable~
nOTP: Sayu/Matsuda. Just because for personal reasons, I want Sayu to escape the narrative 🥺. She still has her entire life ahead of her, and I want her to have the chance to branch out & heal & become a new person. I don't want her to feel like she has no choice but to cling to the people she knew before everything changed, as a way of trying to hold onto a previous, untraumatized version of herself. I don't want her entire life to be mired in decisions based in trauma & grief.
random headcanon: Idr who it was, but someone mentioned they headcannoned Matsuda as secretly really enjoying being Misa's manager & that he considered switching careers after the Kira case. I really like this one, I feel like Matsuda was actually a really good manager. He had the right amt of enthusiasm & booked Misa some really good gigs.
unpopular opinion: I'm not sure if it's an unpopular opinion, but how Matsuda is highly influenceable & lacks conviction/faith in his own ideals! To quote you since you summarized it so succinctly, he's "heavily motivated to act in the way that makes the people he looks up to proud, rather than his choices flowing primarily from his own principles necessarily." I feel that because of this, while he is very sweet & wholesome, he tends to edge more towards morally neutral than morally good for me, and has a capacity to be swayed towards bad.
song i associate with them: I'm not very good with songs for characters, but perhaps Closer to Fine by Indigo Girls for post-dn Matsu? A bittersweet but hopeful song about trying to find your way out of the muddled grey and black and white, and trying to come to terms with the fact that there may no answers as to the "why".
favorite picture of them: How could it not be this lol

Now Killua!!! Omg thank you for asking about him, I love him very much & have cosplayed him before <3
favorite thing about them: It's hard to put into words, but I really appreciate Killua's vulnerability, both physically & emotionally, especially in juxtaposition with his combative strength. I find it poignant to the themes of hxh that Killua's special combative abilities have come at the expense of his personal & bodily autonomy, and that this is shown through implication to be the terrible thing that it is. I also really love that despite trauma, he is able to let himself just be kid & form meaningful connections & allows himself to find joy 💜
least favorite thing about them: Related to my favorite thing, I find it incredibly frustrating that Killua is incapable of letting any vulnerability leak out in front of Gon!!!! Killua has a lot going on internally & goes through a couple breakdowns followed by moments of self-realization, but always away from Gon's perception. He doesn't even tell Gon he tore his brother's nen needle out of his forehead iirc 😭. Part of it, I think, is that he doesn't want Gon to treat him any differently, he just wants to pretend he's a normal kid with no trauma to weigh him down & have fun freely. Which is completely understandable. And he's also just a kid, who doesn't fully understand or know how to express emotions. But it is very painful to watch him go through so much internal turmoil while holding onto the image of Gon as his guiding light; while Gon has no idea anything is happening in his friend's mind at all. 😭😭😭 (There is a very good post here about their miscommunication.)
favorite line: "Yep... I'm so humble :3", when he's demonstrating the difference in power between Hisoka, Gon, and himself. Adorable moment!
brOTP: Killua & Leorio get along just like squabbling siblings lmao, but you can tell they have a fondness for eachother. I feel like Leorio is the older brother Killua should have had 🥺🥺🥺
OTP: Killugon is so dear & sweet! I feel like their friendship is built up so masterfully; where two people who it feels like shouldn't get along, fit together perfectly. And then they seem to keep on going perfectly, until all of a sudden the cracks come out, and they don't anymore, and they both have to grow up a little to fix it.
nOTP: Killupika. I don't hate it, but I can't really see it either. From my two watchthroughs, Killua & Kurapika's interactions didn't seem to leave much of an impression on me because I cannot remember them 😅
random headcanon: I enjoy the fic trope that the reason Killua is the Zoldyck heir because of his white hair. Usually I've seen it in conjuction with white hair being symbolic of containing stronger power, but I like it best when that's not the case & it is solely tradition for the white-haired child to be the heir. I find it very amusing and canon-type silly lol.
unpopular opinion: I have only seen the anime so perhaps it is different in the manga. But I remember thinking on my second watchthrough that while Gon said some very harsh things during the palace invasion, Killua's insecurities during this arc started before then when Gon simply said "let's go," and Killua didn't know if he meant it as a friend or teammate. Tbh I think that insecurity is something Killua needs to work on on his own for a while, & that the temporary break might be good for them. They are both two very traumatized kids who have problems with boundaries & communication. I feel like they need a little time to figure out their own needs & wants & identities, without imposing or being imposed upon by each other.
song i associate with them: Again I'm not very good with songs for characters, but maybe White Foxes by Suzanne Sundfor, as a visceral song about wanting to leave your constrictive gilded cage and embrace a more organic, freeing existence.
favorite picture of them: Early style sketchy Killua <3

#yay thank you for the ask!!!!!! 💜 I hadn't thought about hxh in a long while so it was fun to stretch my brain#admittedly my hxh takes are far less developed than my dn takes#so i'm a little afraid to tag this w killua tags lest i get something very wrong & upset the fandom lol#touta matsuda#ask game#my asks#my posts
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Sorry for the spam likes today. Favorite jazz album?? I saw a post on your blog that mentioned Mingus ah um. That’s either my fave or Birth of Cool (Miles Davis does do my favorite version of On Green Dolphin Street). Though both are kinda basic choices I want to expand my listening.
so i'm gonna give you a few albums (and album-adjacent things) with the caveat that i haven't heard most of what's out there ^_^ i'm just a casual fan
ornette coleman - the shape of jazz to come
this album is on another level. the multiple layers of brass crisscross each other, playing dissonant chaos, then they rip into solos that could melt charlie parker's fingers. the bass shreds and stumbles up and down some wild assortment of scales. the drums patter out a frantic rhythm that somehow ties everything together.
it shouldn't make sense, but it feels so alive. you'll catch quotes from flight of the bumblebee over rainy oceans of rhythm. herds of wild animals shuffle back and forth in a forest painted by jackson pollock. and then whoever's not soloing yells "woo! alright!"
it's not even my favorite ornette coleman recording. that honor goes to this youtube upload of a live show in germany, 1978. the bass intro, instantly picked up by the drummer, is so electric. the haunting melodies, borrowed from the rite of spring, are traded from sax to guitar. the whole band feels like they're operating on instinct. this is what a basquiat painting SOUNDS like. like a genius artist drawing with their non-dominant hand. LITERALLY coleman plays a violin left-handed at one point. it's incredible.
john coltrane - my favorite things
trane puts so much panache into this simple little pop song. the opening chords are heavy with drama. the groove is insanely tight. every time he plays the melody, it's got a new rhythm, to the point where he seems to be playing a game with the listener. "how many ways can i get you to feel this groove?" the song is melted, bent, and stretched like molten glass, in a 13 minute display of total virtuosity
and that's just track 1!!!! this album is timeless. every second is as fresh and vibrant as it was in 1961
herbie hancock - headhunters
herbie has always been at the cutting edge of jazz fusion. this is his definitive statement on funk
this album is intensely rhythmic, laying out catchy melodies over funk foundations. the whole band seems to just be having a blast. the grooves are often busy and hypermelodic, with no room to breathe as everyone jams at once. it's like an all-night house party in a bouncy castle full of confetti
if you're a fan of japanese jazz like caseopia, or jazz-influenced video game music, this album will feel shockingly familiar to you. its wildly creative synth work, uplifting and colorful chords, and eclectic sound palette are all DECADES ahead of their time.
where would we be without herbie? i'd wager the entire global music landscape would be different. from hip hop to big beat to drum n bass, we all stand on the shoulders of giants. hancock is a titan. the giants that raise us up are standing on his shoulders
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Now that submissions are closed, we can talk stats. There were 881 valid, unique submissions for 474 characters! Woof, women have it rough out there!
The most submitted characters, with a relevant propaganda snippet included, are:
1. Sakura Haruno (Naruto): 28 [where do i even fucking begin]
2. Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel): 21 [OH SO MANY THINGS]
3. Misa Amane (Death Note): 20 [The author of Death Note invented new forms of misogyny just to apply them to Misa.]
4. Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3): 15 [Oh, you thought we would have a female main character in one of our mainline games? With a cool defining talent, no less? That's stupid of you]
5. TIE: Kairi (Kingdom Hearts): 14 [I'm so mad. I think she deserves a gun.]
5. TIE: Stephanie Brown (DC Comics): 14 [She does eventually get retconned as surviving the event and hiding out in Africa (don't ask, it does not make more sense in context)]
The canons with the most submissions, with a relevant propaganda snippet included, are:
1. DC Comics: 61 [DC has SO MUCH sexism it's laughable]
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: 35 [Fuck Joss Whedon, man.]
3. Naruto: 33 [because Kishimoto hates women]
4. Warrior Cats: 26 [Warriors is one of the most misogynistic children's series I've ever seen]
5. Danganronpa: 25 [I honestly had to think about it just to decide which woman is treated the worst because this series hates them so much]
The canons with the most characters submitted, with a relevant propaganda snippet for a specific character included, are:
1. DC Comics: 21 [Free her from the huge tits back breaking pose.]
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: 12 [Anyways she was so hot and for what. 10/10 my lesbian awakening.]
3. Supernatural: 11 [Yeah, she got randomly killed off-screen for shock value and manpain, but she sent an email right before she died so at least her death wasn't in vain, right?]
4. TIE: Star Trek: 9 [She literally gets teleported out of her clothes in one episode.]
4. TIE: Yu-Gi-Oh!: 9 [One loss is particularly brutal as she falls from a large height directly onto her head and goes into a coma (again. yes this was the second time).]
5. TIE: Warrior Cats: 8 [I'm sure she'll get submitted again just ask any reasonable fan they'll tell you about her and her sister]
5. TIE: Attack on Titan: 8 [As a child soldier, she does commit some war crimes]
And here are some charts to show how some of these entries fucked the scale on my charts:
Look at Sakura, fucking up my chart with her numbers.
On a similar note...
Good god, DC, I know what you did, but add fucking up my charts to your list of crimes.
And now, enjoy some rankings of my favorite things:
My favorite universal sentiment quotes from propaganda are:
She lived she served cunt and then she got killed off super early so that the male characters could experience man pain and also because I guess she would have been too powerful if left alive. [Wen Qing (Mo Dao Zu Shi)]
That design. Dear god. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. [Mitzi (The Queen's Corgi)]
In the end she may have girlbossed too close to the sun, but I support her anger. [Ling Wen (Heaven Official's Blessing)]
the victim of “writer doesn’t understand women and also hates them” disease. [Naomi Misora (Death Note)]
She could 100% kill somebody but nobody ever effing lets her. Rip queen. [Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)]
My favorite raging at a writer quotes from propaganda are:
1. You took every single protagonist to weird lion heaven, Clive, but suddenly Susan isn't good enough. [Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)]
2. Being a woman written by Joss Whedon should automatically entitle her to financial compensation tbh. [River Tam (Firefly)]
3. A lot can be summed up in a couple words, namely, "Furman, why?" [Arcee (Transformers)]
4. Can you tell respect women juice ran in Tolstoy's veins. [Lise Bolkonskaya (War and Peace)]
5. TIE: (specifically a guy called Dan Didio, who we all hate) [Stephanie Brown (DC Comics)]
5. TIE: until Geoff motherfucking Johns comes into the picture [Pantha (DC Comics)]
My favorite quotes from propaganda that have nothing to do with misogyny, y'all are just funny:
I wish I could use bold here, because there's no such thing as uppercase numbers. [Arcee (Transformers)]
the most convoluted and lore dense piece of media this side of the afton criticality. [Jane Crocker (Homestuck)]
ended up starting a gang war by accident [Stephanie Brown (DC Comics)]
Ashfur, who later turns out to be a murderous incel [Squirrelflight (Warrior Cats)]
Hawkfrost is actively seeing Brambleclaw and his evil father in cat hell. [Squirrelflight (Warrior Cats)]
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Can barely contain my thoughts of excitement for M. Bison’s DLC I don’t normally do insane rambling so I’m gonna put this under the cut. Spoilers for Bison’s World Tour stuff below if you haven’t seen and want to experience that yourself!
Ohhhhh my god the absolute relief and joy I feel that they didn’t do away with M. Bison’s amnesia with his world tour. I think the way they went about that in general was pretty well done! I had my concerns about how they were going to handle his story but giving Bison a clear cut disinterest in Shadaloo beyond what it can do for him is GREAT. I think most important to me he is still Bison, just in a brand new package. Personality wise he’s still his violent, jerkish self with a new layer of hostility and disinterest in others due to his amnesia. I love that there’s a consensus in the game that no one views this version of Bison as ���complete” even Bison himself making statements about it. And us as the viewer seeing how characters react to that. F.A.N.G is obviously not thrilled with the whole outcome, JP’s win quote paints him as intrigued about Bison not being “his whole self yet” it’s something every Shadaloo member seems to want to remedy and mitigate as fast as possible, but Bison…does not seem to care beyond the annoyance and curiosity of foggy flashing memories. He states even if a more perfect version of him came along he would simply crush them and take their power for his own. In his own words

His specific point of not really caring about reestablishing the organization (he really went “we’ll see about that”) is a huge relief to me. Because the fact he’s more interested in seeing things play out/not particularly bothered or threatened by the existence of the remnants of Shadaloo means that JP can still run his schemes without me having to worry about Capcom using Bison as an “in emergency break glass” Villain (I hope…)

The only reason Bison is hanging around the ruined lab is just a curiosity for the potential strength hidden in these residual memories, even claiming whether or not they actually do anything matters very little to him. He’s perfectly content with his vessel as is only seeking ways to complete it further if the opportunity presents itself. Biding his time and satiating his hunger for strong fights that fuel his psycho power and give him a chance to control it further.
What I wanted most from his DLC story after seeing the trailer was for him to remain disinterested in Shadaloo (we already have a whole cast of characters deeply embroiled in the sort of feud between Neo Shadaloo’s ranks and all the stuff with F.A.N.G and A.K.I), and for him to still have that personality I love so much even if his methods or motives changed, and I got both of these things so I really am a happy camper.
Other things I really liked about this include pretty much everything around Bison’s bond with his horse
- Bison only sparing us initially because his horse likes us (100/10 reasoning I am obsessed with this)
- then proceeding to tell us in another interaction that said horse is above us on the pecking order and that being useful is the only continued reason for his training of us
- the fact he nursed this dying horse back to health complete with psycho power infusion because he could see how determined it was to stay alive is just AAAAAA
Horse enthusiasts M. Bison is my favorite thing besides just his new looks in general and BOY do I think he looks good. I am chock full of ideas of my own and curious about any new things we may still learn! But needless to say the buzz of excitement is still heavy for me. And I didn’t even get into his arcade mode art phewwwww l’ll put those in a separate post. I also want to say that I love the potential that with Bison’s current disinterest it opens an opportunity to see versions of Vega and Balrog without their direct involvement with Shadaloo, something I would love to see.
Overall though I’m glad that amnesia or not Bison is still himself in the best ways possible and I have so many ideas for stuff especially revolving around my oc now. In the meantime just…just look at him <33

#ranting#street fighter#street fighter six#m. bison#i’m not far enough into worl tour to get to see him myself so i made do with videos#i did play his whole arcade mode immediately though so next post will be about that#not crazy well put together but thats ok#thats why its a rant 💀#i am a m. bison fanboy at the end of the day#and that means i am incredibly bias towards liking this#but genuinely loved his world tour and arcade mode sm#hobo bison is absolutely mint#amnesiac king does not give a fuuuck#sf6 spoilers#game spoilers
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Hello hello! I hope your day is going well! Mine is definitely something and it’s literally only 7 in the morning lol. Anyway I have another ask for you! Who do the members of the 126 go to for comfort? Do they have any specific things they do when they feel upset? If you don’t have any ideas don’t feel bad, it’s kind of a random one lol
Ah I hope your day got better!! My day was okay; people at work were being annoying, but I'm relaxing at home now, which is nice.
Oh I love this ask so much!! I had so much fun thinking of what each character likes to do when they're having a bad day.
I think Paul likes to FaceTime or talk on the phone with his mom while he's cooking one of his favorite comfort dishes. I headcanon that she taught him how to cook, and they have so much fun trying new recipes together when he's visiting her in Chicago. He also loves listening to his favorite records (in my mind he has a record player) and delving into a good book.
I know I've mentioned this before, but I'm going to say it again because I love it so much: whenever Nancy has a bad day, Mateo makes her her mom's special french toast. This is random but I also feel like Nancy would love going to play laser tag if she's in a bad mood; that way she can work out her negative feelings in a fun way.
Mateo likes to watch his favorite superhero movies when he's feeling down. Even though he can practically quote them word for word, he still loves watching them. Cuddle time with Buttercup, or taking him for a nice long walk outside, also helps!
I know we saw Marjan boxing with Paul once after a tough call at work (was it after Tim died? I can't quite remember.) and I feel like that really suits her personality. If she's upset or angry about something, boxing really helps get it out of her system. Or if she's just feeling low, snuggling up with tea and a movie also helps (cheesy rom-coms are her favorite for when she's having a bad day, but she will never tell anyone this). It actually becomes one of her and Joe's favorite things to do together -- they like to find the sappiest, most ridiculous romcoms and make fun of them together (but they both secretly get really invested).
Carlos liking to unwind with a glass of wine while watching Grand Designs or some other show he likes. He also likes to cook and try new recipes. I can also see Carlos taking a leaf out of his father's book and getting into puzzles; he finds it relaxing and meditative, especially after a long, draining day at work. He always has an 1000 piece puzzle spread out on their coffee table. Puzzles of that size drive TK crazy (he doesn't have the patience to sit around and work on them), but Carlos really enjoys them!
If he's having a bad day, TK would like getting out in the fresh air and taking a long walk to clear his head. Cuddles with Buttercup and Lou II are also a plus! I think he really likes to be around Carlos when he's feeling upset, so he knows he's not alone. Snuggling up on the couch with Carlos while watching one of his favorite Brad Pitt movies helps him a lot.
And of course, when it's been a shitty week for all of them, the Catan Crew loves to have a hangout at TK and Carlos's loft and play games and have snacks!
#asks#911 lone star#911ls#911 ls#carlos reyes#tk strand#tarlos#paul strickland#marjan marwani#nancy gillian#mateo chavez#catan crew
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yayyyy happy new year my loves!!
thank you for tagging me char @cressidascowper pick your 5 favorite gif sets of 2024 that got less than 1k notes and then pick 10 gifsets of someone else's that got less than 1k notes.
this johanna and finnick set for thg week! i rarely ever try greens so this was a great exercise. plus shameless letterboxd review insert i had the time of my life making it (even though i think it's on the simpler side)
rhaenicent + august! my beloveds <3 i actually was so relieved finishing this—mainly bc i'd been working on it since last year but couldn't be satisfied with the coloring + typography (real ones remember it was in my new year's clean up last year). i'm so glad i waited for s2 to air though because it really made the lyrics more cohesive . freaks. (also i remembered seeing the lyric "change" on swiftietok and hated it so. bad . like so bad. but was like wait but so fitting for rhaenicent so. i caved! #noregrets)
rhaenicent + sad beautiful tragic. this was the first edit i made for that week in preparation and that last gif was what led to my idea for day one (paternity test). rhaenyra's the father bitch! also i'm proud of myself for making the first gif bc that's emily in lost girls ! and now she riding syrax instead of flying to neverland. love me brain <3
rhaenicent + fics ! fic writers the backbone of our society i love them sooooooo much i'll probably end up doing another one! i know some of the authors saw the set but i hope all of them know how hard i'm clutching their fics to my chest
this is truly the rhaenicent show (i have an addiction). anyway last one is this super simple rhaenicent edit! it's slightly au but placing alicent watching rhaenyra play with her children i'm sick to my stomach and i literally made it. thank you aish (@alicenthighstower) for dealing with me in those trying times
@maxanor's gorgeous gorgeous sejanus -> katniss edit. i remember falling to my knees when i saw that omg. the black and white to bright saturated orange is insane, my teeth ache just looking at it. beautiful work hannah!
one of the most deplorable (endearing) edits i've seen this year is this jackieshauna set by miss becca it girl @nataliescatorccio herself. first of all anyone who knows me knows red + black + white is my favorite color combo so this was an immediate hit. this edit......took my breath away (also bc i was dry heaving from the #pain!)
this padme and sabe edit by char @cressidascowper........lorddddd don't even get me started i wanted to throw up! i love muted colors so much (i rarely ever attempt bc idk. it never looks right when i try) but char......your coloring on this i'm gonna scream! and the quote! i'm screaming. absolutely insane chef's kiss
this anakin skywalker set that erika @padme-amidala (come home the kids (me) miss you <33) made....this has been one of my favorite poems since like...high school. like at some point i had it as my lockscreen. i love this mf poem. and so when i saw anakin skywalker ??? to this poem ????? the scream i scrumpt. need her to come back and bless my eyes again...
itty bitty baby aish made this swanqueen edit, and it almost influenced me to rewatch ouat. the coloring is exquisite and the quote ....and the shots you chose.......lordddddd it sent me into a downward spiral i opened up swanqueen's page on ao3 just to feel something again
anyway thanks for tuning in! tagging everyone mentioned (unless they already did this, then. whatever) love you all and can't wait to see what you guys have in store for 2025 (break my heart, i'll still love you <3)
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Taylor Swift’s Telltale Heart - Vanity Fair
By Nancy Jo Sales March 15, 2013 (x)

Swift’s friend said that the Styles situation is completely misrepresented in the media. This young woman claimed that Styles “chased” Swift for a year: “He wore her down.” And then, last spring, she said, there was a weekend “where they got really close, and he was all, like, ‘You’re amazing—I want to be with you. I want to do this.’
Girls, hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler mounted the stage with drinks in hand, making light of their disappointment by appearing bitter and drunk. “Everyone’s getting a little loose now that we’re all losers,” Poehler joked. “Congratulations, Lena,” said Fey. “I’m glad we got you through middle school.” The camera cut to Dunham shaking with laughter and clutching her gold statuette. “It’s getting sloppy in here, everybody,” Fey went on. “Look at how drunk Glenn Close is.” Close played along, simulating delirium tremens. And then: “You know what, Taylor Swift,” said Fey, shaking a finger. “You stay away from Michael J. Fox’s son.”
The joke wouldn’t have worked without the audience being aware of Swift’s highly scrutinized romantic life, the stuff of tabloid obsession. The 23-year-old music mega-star has dated some of the entertainment world’s most visible bachelors (Jake Gyllenhaal, Taylor Lautner, John Mayer, Joe Jonas), only to write chart-topping songs about how they allegedly broke her heart—or she theirs. She made $57 million last year and has become one of the best-selling female recording artists in music history, all while gaining sweet revenge. So the zinger hit home, and the audience exploded with laughter, and, as if it were middle school all over again, some went “Ooooooh.”
“Or go for it, or go for it,” Poehler interjected as the camera cut to a grinning Michael J. Fox (whose handsome 23-year-old son, Sam, was this year’s “Mr. Golden Globe”). “No,” said Fey. “She needs some ‘me’ time to learn about herself.” That got another big laugh. In gossip news that week: Swift had allegedly been left by Harry Styles, the then 18-year-old lead moppet of the British boy band One Direction and her boyfriend of a few months.
Swift, who had also lost that night, for best original song (she was nominated along with John Paul White, Joy Williams, and T Bone Burnett for “Safe and Sound,” from The Hunger Games), to Adele (who won for “Skyfall,” from the James Bond film), was in the ladies’ room at the time. So she didn’t hear the sound of everybody who was anybody in Hollywood laughing at her for allegedly having her heart broken all over again. It was the kind of thing that happens in a Taylor Swift song: nice girl gets made fun of by mean girl while powdering her nose, then goes home and writes a song about it—which becomes a No. 1 hit.
When asked by Access Hollywood a week later if she was afraid that Swift would write a song about her, Fey said, “I hope so. I would love it!” And maybe she will. When we were discussing that moment at the Golden Globes, and mean girls in general, Swift just smiled and said, “You know, Katie Couric is one of my favorite people because she said to me she had heard a quote that she loved”—from former secretary of state Madeleine Albright—“that said, ‘There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.’ ”
We had dinner—chicken sandwiches and lavender lemonade ordered in from one of her favorite spots—at her dining table, which sits cozily alongside her open kitchen. She kept using the word “situation”—she spoke of a “drama situation” and a “guy situation”—and I asked her if “situation” was now a “thing.” “Could I be paving the way for ‘situation’?” she joked. “I think so,” I said. “This situation is amazing,” she said. She was funny.
And then our conversation turned to the Golden Globes. “I was just sort of like, Oh well, you know, I can laugh at myself,” Swift said. “But what it ended up adding to was this whole kind of everyone jumping on the bandwagon of ‘Taylor dates too much’—which, you know, if you want some big revelation, since 2010 I have dated exactly two people.” Conor Kennedy and Harry Styles. “And the fact that there are slide shows,” she said, “of a dozen guys that I either hugged on a red carpet or met for lunch or wrote a song with but I apparently was, quote unquote, ‘linked’ to them—it’s just kind of ridiculous.”
She has a point. Joe Jonas is no stranger to dating (Camilla Belle, Ashley Greene, Demi Lovato), nor is Jake Gyllenhaal (Reese Witherspoon, Natalie Portman, Kirsten Dunst) or John Mayer (too many to list). Even Harry Styles, who’s only 19, has been seen around with plenty of girls (and older women, including 33-year-old British TV presenter Caroline Flack). But nobody calls them the kinds of names that get thrown at Swift. “They’re ‘playboys,’ ” Swift says wryly. “They’re ‘having fun.’ ”
She won’t go into personal details about any of her relationships—it’s one of her rules—but she does authorize someone who knows her well to discuss them with me. The fact that this information—once the purview of Seventeen and Tiger Beat—now counts as actual “news” is perplexing, but here we go:
Swift’s friend said that the Styles situation is completely misrepresented in the media. This young woman claimed that Styles “chased” Swift for a year: “He wore her down.” And then, last spring, she said, there was a weekend “where they got really close, and he was all, like, ‘You’re amazing—I want to be with you. I want to do this.’ ” Soon after that, when Styles was on tour in Australia with One Direction, he allegedly texted Swift to alert her to a picture of himself on the Internet “kissing a friend good-bye,” but said, “It’s no big deal.” When Swift searched online for the picture, however, she found that they were “making out like with their hands all up in each other’s hair.”
A rep for Styles, Benny Taranti at Columbia Records, called all of Swift’s friend’s claims “undeniably false.”
Swift ended the relationship, continued her friend, after which Styles allegedly pursued her for the better part of a year, professing his devotion and promising never to stray again. “So then they got back together, but the whole time she says she feels like he’s looking at every girl and thinking about hooking up with every girl.” And then, when they were in London sometime in the last few months, the boy-band balladeer allegedly “disappears one night and after that it was like he just didn’t want to keep going.” Now, said the friend, he is allegedly texting Swift “again nonstop, like ‘Where are you? Call me. Are you back?’ ”
At the Grammys in February, Swift made headlines again by seeming to reference Styles during her performance of “We Are Never Getting Back Together”: “So he calls me up and he’s like, ‘I still love you,’ ” she said with what seemed to be an English accent. “And I’m like, ‘I’m sorry, I’m busy opening up the Grammys.’ ”
I asked Swift’s friend if she found it odd that Swift’s last two relationships had been with such young men—teenagers, actually. Conor Kennedy, the son of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., was just 17, technically jailbait, and a senior at Deerfield Academy when they started seeing each other last summer. The friend said that Conor was “just like a two-month thing,” and that Swift “says he was awesome,” although his youthfulness did prove to be an issue. “It was like a pendulum for her, swinging back and forth. She dated Jake [Gyllenhaal] and John [Mayer] when she was really young and they were in their 30s, and she got really hurt. So it was like ‘That hurt—this won’t hurt.’ But then it did.”
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Report in The Star and its info on the Storm
This is a second post about this info on the Storm from the 1.4 update. A link to the first post will be at the bottom of this one. Spoilers under the keep reading button. I know this late as hell, I kinda forgot about this and only now got back to it. Hopefully post more soon.
A quick timeline of the report in this mini chapter, it is written by Greta Hoffman and mainly is set in 1985-1987. She talks a bit about 37's mother and Sophia's father in it but it does give a tiny bit more info about the storm. The text in game will be bolded and in quotes.
"That was 1985, a gloomy, miserable night compared to that peaceful morning in 1996, when we were only bothered by confusion.
We didn’t expect time to be reversed again, nor did we understand the consequence.
Even now, I still remember Paulina’s desperate cry. One of her hands was already inside the safe area when she fell at the entrance to the headquarters, and that was the only part of her left to us the next second.
The only legacies we found were an engagement ring on that hand and her favorite blue polka dot scarf, which we used to wrap her remains in the end."
While we did already have the dates this does give us another piece of information, if someone/something is only partially in the field only the bit that is in the safe area is going to be safe.
"In 1986, I was assigned to the office in Egypt. All my friends came to the doc to see me off …"
This leads us into the main portion of the report, the next few bits are about Greta's time on the ship to the new place where she meets 37's mother and Sophia's father. As of now I'll be skipping those and going to where there is more info on the storm.
"After that, I spent more than half a year in the Egypt office. Things were even worse than I expected.
Some have gone missing after the “Storm”: the people who were supposed to be in the Egypt office, according to the member list stored in the headquarters in 1985, were not there when I arrived."
As of now, I can't make much of the missing people that are supposed to be in the office. In the end its most likely not completely storm related. The bit of text also advances the year a bit.
"Before the disagreement was settled, the “Storm” in 1987 was predicted. We were ordered to return to the headquarters 24 hours before its arrival.
But the prediction was not accomplished by Laplace. A captive from Manus Vindictae named the precise date of that “Storm.”
Our enemy, those lunatic xenophobes valuing only pure blood, made it further than we did.
Yes, we built observation stations, we made countless deductions, we developed multiple simulation models …
We made efforts, we sacrificed life, we did whatever we could …
Yet, the result that we didn’t find any other regions immune to the “Storm” except the headquarters and another one in North America.
In the end, 95% of the branch members were reversed, 87.9% of the equipment was destroyed, and 100% of our predictions failed."
This gives us the exact year that this storm takes place, this gap of time was 1985 to 1987. This also sets the president that while the Foundation is better off in human tech and science the Manus are really ahead in understanding the storm than them. One other thing this gives us is a tiny bit more info on where is safe from the storm. The foundation headquarters, a branch in North America, Aperion, wherever the Manus set up, and the suitcase are outright stated places to be immune to the storm.
"On the same day, the first and only Timekeeper who just took office, the twelve-year-old child, returned alone from the “Storm.”
She told us the time in the outside world at that point.
And that is how I knew she was right.
“It is right in front of you.”
But, if there is a god, why are you playing such a prank on us, after we had suffered from the collapse of all existing orders and the failures of all the great laws?
If this is what she called the glimpse of the supreme existence, the moment of afflatus, do you have to present it in such a cruel way?
The last two digits in the number of the year after that “Storm” were exactly the name … and her number.
The ending bit of the report gives us a key piece of information, this is the year that Vertin became timekeeper. Which also means that this is the storm depicted in the flashback portion of chapter 3. The one where the kids ran out into the storm and turned into shapes, and the same one where 37's mother and Sophia's father died to the storm. Turning into shapes.
Just like in the prologue where people turned into statues, other living things turning into comic book like drawings, and the world melting into a colorful comic book like ink, and in chapter 2 where people started to eat gold thinking it was food while they saw normal food as trash. It seems like people turning into geometry may have to do with something of that time period. As in the 1960s was the age of pop, and 1929 was the start of the great depression (even if the manus started it early) both storms seems to have something to do with the year that it takes place. Forget Me Not also mentions people's veins turned into cables in one of the 1990s storms, now I cant exactly say if this is the 1999 storm or the 1996 storm (I'm placing my bets on 1999.

#reverse 1999#r1999#reverse: 1999#reverse 1999 lore#r1999 the prisoner in the cave#r1999 The Star#finally got this done#time to go back to the hyperfixation on the lore here
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Continuing my perhaps delusional argument/hope that Ted permanently returning to Kansas is just a red herring, I was thinking about our references and callbacks this episode. Specifically, how they don't paint Kansas in a positive or unique light.
The Wizard of Oz pinball game is definitely the most on-the-nose nod to his return, yet in the scene itself Ted is literally refusing to play.
When we get a closeup on the machine we're shown Dorothy's house spinning out of control. That is, a moment when she leaves Kansas for the bright world of Oz, not the ruby slippers of her return.
Similarly, Beard loses his game before Ted walks over. The ending of the Wicked Witch is one wherein Dorothy (Ted) does not go back home.
(I'm not entirely sure what to do with this one yet, but having Mae quote "This Be the Verse" is certainly A Choice. Though I think the overall message -- people, specifically parents, will inevitably hurt their kids -- is an uplifting and very relevant argument within Ted Lasso's heartfelt context -- ergo we should acknowledge that we'll never be perfect while still striving to improve -- but that last line? Oof. "Get out early as you can / And don't have kids yourself"? That's not the proposed solution I'd expect for an episode that was sending Ted back to his son for good. Obviously Ted already has Henry, but it may be significant that Mae eschews a generic 'You can do it!' argument for a far more nuanced and harder to swallow conclusion, perhaps one that heralds Ted's controversial decision to stay separated from Henry for at least part of the year.)
(Also let's toss in the fact that Dottie uses a football metaphor -- not American football -- to describe how Ted needs to parent: sometimes you lose, sometimes you win, mostly you just tie, and all you can do it keep playing.)
Finally, we've got references to both BBQ sauce and sunflowers via Ted's WiFi password and the bread Dottie bakes him, Ted's "favorite."
Half a season ago these would have been straightforward references to Kansas, positive ones at that. However, post-S3E6 (literally titled "Sunflowers") Ted has both of these beloved objects tied to the UK instead. He enjoys the beauty of Van Gogh's Sunflowers in the Amsterdam museum and finds a BBQ sauce so good that it inspires him to (hopefully!) win it all in his English sport.
It might just be me reading into things because I'm looking for my preferred ending to the series... but also I don't think I am because it's weird that Kansas is continually framed as a negative this season. Ted is still super awkward with Michelle. Her new boyfriend is kinda awful and likewise makes him incredibly uncomfortable (understandably). The Wizard of Oz references aren't targeting the happy aspects of the story, or even the parts about going home. The symbolic references to Ted's beloved state (sunflowers, BBQ sauce, the little green army men) have all been integrated into his life here. We get a whole episode about how once Ted learns to focus on Henry instead of Michelle, Henry has a fantastic time living in London. Hell, this episode opens with Ted enthusiastically greeting everyone he passes on his walk, a beloved member of the community, a staple of this town... and then his mood turns sour when he hits his Kansas-sprung mom.
Obviously Ted is undergoing some last-minute growth when it comes to being a father to Henry (and healing the rift with Dottie), but I think Ted's in-universe improvement is misleading, implying that because he may think he needs to return to Kansas, that's actually how the story is going to end. If that were the end-goal though, I would expect the subtext to have a more hopeful, optimistic feel to it; something that not just implies Ted's return, but argues why he would want to outside of Henry.
If none of that is relevant... that's going to be even worse for me than Ted just going back to Kansas. A Kansas ending framed as a positive is far from my preference, but it's (arguably) a strong conclusion to Ted's journey. A Kansas ending after all these implied negatives both isn't my preference and feels like more objectively bad writing.
#Ted Lasso#Ted Lasso spoilers#look if I was writing the show#all the Dorothy references would be a deliberate mislead#actually culminating in a 'Ted is a friend of Dorothy's' reveal#but sadly I do not have this power lol#mymetas
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Hello bendy fandom Really fucking long rant/analysis abt me defending wally franks batim in a nutshell (and kind of basically making an au??.?. idk probably). enjoy if u want or don't idc 🎷🐇
i know this is a really stupid thing to be mad about, but the fact that wally isnt buddy boris has stuck with me ever since dctl was released. i found out through a fucking superhorrorbro video of all things all the way back in like 2018 i'm pretty sure 😭😭 i was so disappointed when i found out bc like WHAT DO U MEAN THE JANITOR/HANDYMAN OF JOEY DREW STUDIOS, EHO WAS GENERALLY A TRICKSTER AND A CLUTZ AND LIKED TO PISS PEOPLE OFF, ISN'T THE PERFECT BORIS CLONE. BUDDY BORIS FITS/HAD POTENTIAL TO FIT MOST TO ALL OF THAT CRITERIA.
and don't grt me wrong, i (kind of) like buddy as a character, BUT i really just don't think he fits the role (from what i've seen/read). like he could've been a different boris clone as a little easter egg/nod to what happened to him and how he died but as like. an important role in the game?? even though the books aren't even fucking canon apparently now so his subplot doesn't even make sense anymore?????.????... ooh bitchh
ALSO the "he (wally) got outta there that's why/he has a wife and kids" IS A WEAK ASS FUCKING ARGUMENT. THIS IS NOT A SHITS AND GIGGLES PLOTLINE U CAN JUST THROW AWAY. how come thomas grts to be tom (which makes somewhat sense with him also being a handyman type of guy), but wally can't also partake in the Main Character-ified Borisification to help henry traverse the studio. why can't that just be so easy to do. there could've been so many cool extra plotpoints and nods to what could've happened to him but Noooo Noooooooooo they just HAD to make a whole new character JUST for wally to NOT BE BORIS. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE BOOKS ARE NON CANON NOW BECAUSE THAT MAKES TOTAL SENSE. (/sarc)
and don't FUCKING quote me on batds bc i know SOMEBODU will be like "b-b-b-bbut b-b-buddy's whole s-s-side plot with collecting the scraps in batds makes him c-c-c-canon!!! 🥺🥺🥺💖😭😭💔💔💔🎀🎀✨✨ ur just mad bc it's not what was assumed by the fandom!! ;-; úwù heh..." FIRST OF ALL, BUDDY ISNT EVEN MENTIONED IN ANY OF THE CANON GAMES (besides the secret message in the safehouse but i don't think that rlly counts imo), NOR DOES HE HAVE ANY RELEVANCE IN THE STORY WHATSOEVER, WHICH MEANS HE IS STRICTLY BOOK-CANON. SECOND OF ALL, BATDS WAS KNOWN AS A SIDE/EXTRA GAME AT THE TIME OF IT'S RELEASE AND WASN'T EVEN CONFIRMED TO BE APART OF BATIM OR ANY OTHER PART OF THE FRANCHISE (ASIDE FROM A SIDE GAME TO PLAY WHILE BATDR WAS IN PRODUCTION) UNTIL BATDR WAS RELEASED AND CONFIRMED BATDS IS HAPPENING DURING IT (WHICH DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE EITHER)!!!

sorry. almost lost my cool there guys.. ☝️😎 (/J)
soo with all that said, PERSONALLY this is what i think they should've done with buddy instead (under the cut so this post isn't 600 pages long)
first of all; scrap buddy's origin story completely and just make dtcl about the fact that he was simply another victim of the machine instead of making him such a major character (ex. a boris clone that was almost perfect but didn't quite make it like i said earlier)
on top of that, dctl could've just been insight on a single worker's process through working at the studio to being one of many victims of the machine, instead of turning him into such a titular important gary stu ass character with an in-depth backstory and Joey Drew Favoritism™ apparently that CLEARLY didn't need it + shouldn't be an mc if he's only in the books + the books aren't canon and the games are. so then it doesn't make it make any sense if he has such an important role and he isn't even fucking canon anyway and etc.
if he would've just stayed a minor inconvenient mc in a non-canon book it wouldn't have been detrimental to the lore as Mr. D Likes To Exaggerate (to me) + the books just seem like a fun one-off exclusive to the game series anyway, so it starts to kind of make sense why they aren't canon and leaves a lot of mysteries up to interpretation which is something i DO appreciate (to a CERTAIN extent)
here's what i think could've been done if wally was actually buddy boris and faced The Horrors™ like a normal main character should. an au, if you will (AND bc im VERY bias abt wally since He was my first ever og blorbo the first time i heard his audio log i literally owe him my Life💜💜💜💜)
wally could've started dropping hints in his audio logs that something funny was happening in the studio (specifically to him)/he could've been the last major victim to be sacrificed to the machine and therefore being one of the reasons of having the role of "the perfect boris" as malice said
-he also seems like the type of person to give into manipulation fairly easily, not knowing how truly bad something is before he gets involved yk
-a bit of a stretch BUT could also be a nod to susie's initial likeness towards wally pre-canon and vice versa (sourced from the special audio log wally has on the jds yt channel)
-him being the perfect boris also could allude to his personality/attributes and the way he talked abt the studio
extra hints in the game like certain phrases and mannerisms of his (ink/glowing ink writings like his "i'm outta here!" written in certain locations or like. boris being clumsier as he walks/carrying around keys/scavenging for food [kind of like in the start of chapter 3], etc.)
-i also think that the connection that buddy boris (and just boris in general) has with food can connect with wally as well bc of the audio log where he's like "Omg 💖 Cake 💖just for me! Don't Tell Anyone Though. Our little secret. 😝" or the bit in the handbook where he finds some "churros" i Guess
there's also a LOT of potential for there to be a whole OTHER subplot where sammy could have found him one day and hadn't recognized him bc All The Boris Clones Look The Same, but buddy boris recognized sammy and there could be a whole conversation with henry and sammy abt him and dropping hints at it and blahblahblah etc etc.
-sammy probably could've mentioned him* at some point too even if he hadn't seen buddy boris as like a "hey.. i knew that fuckass guy.. wtf" (*and i know he mentions wally in the hot topic takeover thing on twitter from a while ago but i mean like in the actual game)
i think that the fact of boris being a Non-Verbal King™ would also be a funny contrast to how many god damn audio logs wally has. like Shut yuor mouth fucker /REF
the bit in chapter 3 where boris knows every nook and cranny of the studio and how to navigate the vent system could also lead to wally's nature of having a lot of knowledge of the layout to the building (due to being a janitor/running errands for people, similar to buddy) + he mentions staying in late to freshen up some offices so he might've explored more using that time as well because his personality shows he's a bit of a nosy guy
ALSO a stretch, but wally's first audio log in chapter one being fairly close to the first boris corpse displayed could've been a good foreshadow to his revival as buddy boris (and where the theory originated i'm pretty sure once ch2 came out)
the saferoom at the start of chapter 3 could've also been a great place to reference him (they could've put his hat from bendy royale in the shelf next to/on the hammock Can anyone hear me)
i also think that wally is supposed to be painted as an older guy?? so he probably already would've moved on from the studio due to leaving and starting his own business and having a family I Guess?????? idk but to me i think he'd be more of the college drop-out that thinks he's hot shit type of guy when in reality he doesn't know what a 2 + 2 is (ex. the audio log in batds where he's like "i was the best Student! Brickmore High! [tiktok bold emoji] These college bozos don't be knowin' shit!!"
-younger people are easier to manipulate like i talked abt earlier (especially someone like him that doesn't think before he Does Anything . boy has no thoughts)
wally also most likely would've known who henry was/was friendly with him while working there too at some point while henry was still at the studio pre-canon, so he probably recognized him throughout the cycle
i could ramble forever abt this bc it's such a strangely frustrating topic for me BUT in conclusion; i personally tbink that it would've been perfectly logical for wally to have been buddy boris (probably called somethig else), and buddy should've been a completely seperate character that would've done just as well on his own in the book instead of having a whole ass overarching plot for no reason?? and the "canonicity" of it is weirdly up for debate??? idk Watever thank you for coming to my tedtalk 😇😇Bye
⭐ !! bonus wally doodle dump since u made it this far !! seriously why r u Here ⭐

#i will note that i haven't read all of dctl yet (ABT HALFWAY THROUGH IT RN!) But i hold fuckign grudges ESPECIALLY with the bendy franchise#i literally refused to read the book when it came out bc i was so mad that wally WASN'T confirmed to br boris 😭😭#bitch and i KNOWWWW im not the only one mad abt this#i remember the fire. (the outrage of dctl's release)#i also initially wrote this at like 3:30 in the morning#my insane fucking spinterest gets the best of me#and don't even get me started on the graphic novel either#that's a conversation for another day#and i will clarify i Don't hate mike He just pisses me off with a lot of the stuff he's been slowly implementing over the years#batim#bendy and the ink machine#batdr#bendy and the dark revival#batds#boris and the dark survival#dctl#dreams come to life#wally franks#buddy lewek#buddy boris#boris the wolf#i'm not tagging every person i mentioned sowwy#rosey rambles#rozz's arts
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Jlaire Week Ask Game
Yeah, I went ahead and answered all of them. :P
Light and Darkness - What got you into Jlaire in the first place and what makes it one of if not your favorite ship?
I’m pretty sure I shipped them from the very first episode. First, we’ve been introduced to Jim, who is like the sweetest character ever. So when we saw him literally drooling over Claire, we know she has to be special.
It doesn’t take much time for them to interact and I remember loving that scene because I didn’t know there was so much Spanish in the show (at least in the first season). Both that interaction and the one just before the audition show they’re actually interested in each other and I’ve loved their dynamic from the beginning.
I think they somehow remind me of my own characters, Zem and Aury, since he’s the anxious one and she has to help him (even though Aury is way more short-tempered than Claire).
Romeo and Juliet- What's your favorite Jlaire moment form Trollhunters?
There are many good ones to choose. I love when she discovers his secret, the dance in the hill and when he reaches out to help her when she makes that mega-portal. They really care about each other and I think the best part is how we’re able to see their relationship flourish during the seasons.
Beauty and the Beast- What's your favorite Jlaire moment from Wizards?
The picnic, for sure. I think we should have seen more Jlaire interactions when he was a half Troll. I loved all the scenes where Claire gets to protect Jim, showing how much she has improved as a sorceress, but there’s something about them being able to relax and have an actual date.
Tragic Love - What's your Jlaire heartbreaking moment in the series?
Even though Jim knowing he’s not going to survive if they go back to the present is a close one, I have to say when Claire finds his soul wandering over the Killahead Bridge in the Shadow Realm. I’m a hopeless romantic and what breaks my heart is that “being close but still too far from each other” if you know what I mean.
My Romeo - What's your favorite Jlaire quote from Trollhunters?
From Hero of a 1000 faces: “This is the worst day of my life.” “That’t the real Jim.” It’s so funny, but also shows how much she’s gotten to know him.
100 Life times - What's your favorite Jlaire Quote from Wizards?
That’s a tough one. I liked the “I'd date you for a hundred lifetimes, Jim Lake.”… until the movie came out. So I guess: “But I've fought across time and space to bring you back.” Because of the same reason that scene is so heartbreaking to me.
Toby dating Advices - What's your advice for Jim that would help with him Claire
Actually, I think things worked out quite well. I would have advised him to be braver but he actually ended up being it, so...
Mary Dating Advice- what's your advice for Claire that would help her with Jim.
Actually, I think things worked out quite well.
time and Space - What's your Aus for Jim and Claire relationship or what's your favorite Au for them?
I have a soft spot for Beauty and the Beast kind of stories, so most of my Aus revolve around that. I seriously thing Troll Jim was underused and I’d have liked to see more of them as a couple, like travelling to New Jersey. That’s why I had to write about that and why Lights and Shadows of Camelot is the culmination of it. BTW, I’ve written a lot about Jlaire in my fanfics, if you’re interested 😊
Shadowhunter - What's your favorite headcanons for Jlaire?
They send messages all the time, checking out the other is okay. Jim makes Claire her favorite cookies and she takes him on dates using portals to visit new places.
If you have any more questions or want me to elaborate about anything, don't be afraid to ask!
Sadly, I won't be able to do any prompts, but I'm gonna share some Jlaire art I have around and you can check out my fanfics for more Jlaire content!:
-New Jersey: A brief story of what happened in the journey to New Jersey that had place during the season 2 of 3Below.
-Awakening: A novelized version of the 11th episode of the third season, "Jimhunters". Includes original new scenes.
-The Arrival: Final chapter of "New Jersey", connecting the story with "Wizards".
-Light through yonder window: After being attacked by Nomura, Jim is brought to the hospital. Claire decides she has to go and stay by his side. Tells what happened between the episodes 'Claire and Present Danger' and 'Battle of Two Bridges' and a couple of things more.
-Waiting: Jim has entered the Darklands. Claire and Toby will have to act quickly and not fall into despair.
-Butterflies and Christmas Jlaire, from Arcadian Nights.
-Lights and Shadows of Camelot: Claire has just discovered her magic powers and goes to Camelot so Morgana can teach her. One night, she'll meet the Trollhunter.
#tales of arcadia#trollhunters#jlaire week#jlaire#ask game#jim lake jr#claire nuñez#my writing#fanfics#ao3
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Zayne Nieve's LADS opinions of the men
I wanna try something new, so first we're gonna get into how i feel about all of them, men, and they're pluses. But eventually, someone is gonna have to be pushed to last. it doesn't mean that they aren't great! Just means that they don't speak to me personally. Starting off first, I'm going to talk about Xavier
💜💫 Xavier 💜💫
Xavier fans, I get his appeal! Recently, I've been seeing more content for him outside of the game, and he is very soft, sleepy , who is also very possessive, lol. He is very cute, and he has cracked me up with some of the few 5-star memories I do have of him! Also learned recently, he is a hidden freak XD. He as so far been placed last on my LADS Men list, one because of my low content for him but two just because I liked the other men over him but he had managed to win me over so let's see where I'll place him after his birthday event is complete. Also, happy early birthday, Xavier 🎂 🥳
❤️🐦⬛Sylus ❤️🐦⬛
Sylus is the newest of the bunch, so it's understandable why there isn't much content, especially cause I'm not farming for him. I went out of my way to get all his original content, but after that, I hadn't tried to get any of his new content. But I've enjoyed what I have seen. He is a little to blase for me but I definitely enjoy the security in his money lol. Also No Defense Zone was a crazy watch XD. He reminds me of all of those rich male leads only softer. I am also highly curious about his lore especially because his myth story was in the modern day compared to the other leads
🧡🐡 Rafayel 🧡🐡
Rafayel is the one I have the most content for purely by chance. IDK how the pulls work for the limited if IT IS affected by affinity that is one very cool and two would explain why I typically now get Zayne cards first and Rafayel second. I have been exposed to most of his content besides Zayne, and as such, I know the most about him, his character, and his interactions with MC. He, at least to me, is very funny. I enjoy him being bratty and pouty, though I'm like 70% sure half of it is a front. Or it could he a Luo Binghesque character. I am slightly off put by the master aspect of their story, but overall, as long as it wasn't actual slavery , I also I have all of his free memories, so expect him to be placed decently well
💙❄️ Zayne 💙❄️
I saved him for last. It it wasn't clear by 1. My username, 2. My PFP, 3. My Master List of my dedication to collecting his cards. The fact I spent probably 60$ to attempt and pull for a second Zayne to own ONE of his color changes for once. I'm a Zayne main. This section, in particular, is completely biased. Being even more real, this ranking shouldn't even include him. Because my bias behind is making him first place regardless, this is a competition between the other three men. Zayne is originally a little stand offish, but he is just socially awkward. He is very sweet and loving, and he cares about all his patients (we are just his favorite lol) he has some of the funniest side characters, and he treats us very well. Our relationship also physically hurts me because FUCK ASTRA. MY GOD that bitch as his coming as soon as I find his location. He can't even tell us he loves us 😭. The moon allegories are crazy because apparently one. It's a way to express your love apparently in China? Don't quote me on that I saw it like three times, it's like a specific phrase but it also reminds me on one the story of Chang'e and her multiple myths with her husband and the immortality pill. I personally prefer the one where she doesn't rob her husband. Like Over the Moon did. But it hits me in the feels. So much. It isn't the only time the moon is used for something the long for either. I feel like most of us didn't feel like we got that we wanted from the Dawn Breaker card, or at least I personally would have like to be less confused about the Dawnbreaker/Our Zayne situation. Maybe hopefully, they will give Dawn Breaker a myth story. But I still enjoyed a lot of aspects of it, and it goes deeper into the connection between our Zayne and Dawnbreaker
But for now I wanna see a popularity poll so
If it is a background character I want to see names!
#love and deepspace#lads#l&ds#lnds#lnd#lad#l&d#love and deepspace zayne#zayne love and deepspace#zayne l&ds#l&ds zayne#zayne#love and deepspace rafayel#rafayel love and deepspace#rafayel l&ds#l&ds rafayel#rafayel#sylus love and deepspace#love and deepspace sylus#l&ds sylus#sylus l&ds#sylus#love and deepspace xavier#xavier love and deepspace#l&ds xavier#xavier l&ds#xavier#lads background characters#lads poll
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Congratulations on finishing Chaos Theory! To celebrate this happy occasion and all of your works thus far, I chose ten random lines from your stories to see how well you know your own writing. 😉
Who said the line and which fic is it from?
As a bonus, please give us a fun fact or favorite memory about each fic!
"It's been a privilege cooking with you today." "How about you come live with me?" "Please forgive me, Rinoa said this wasn't your style but… I guess I was just being a little selfish." "Do you like Behemoth burgers or are you more of a Thrustaevis wings kind of guy?" "You told me to stop you if you did this again." "I just want this moment. I don't need to know what happens in the next one." "She gets some hot dog before I do? Seriously?!" "You will fix my Rinoa under the threat of death!" "That's why I have to get Chickenwuss off my squad!" "You know I care about you, right?"
This is... LITERALLY THE COOLEST ASK I HAVE EVER RECEIVED!!!! thank you so much 😭 I am so excited to play this game!! Let's see...
"It's been a privilege cooking with you today."
The Weiner Takes it All! These are the lunch ladies in Balamb Garden sadly packing up the hot dogs, per Squall's orders during the Garden Battle. I cry-laughed writing this scene in particular. One of my favorite forms of humor is taking very silly things absurdly seriously and this part of the fic was definitely that!
"How about you come live with me?"
This took me a minute but I think it's from Eyes of the Storm? If it is, Rinoa said this line! That fic remains my favorite of my works. I started writing it as a 5k AU... and then it got three times as long. WHOOPS. I wrote most of it in 4 days and actually pulled two (nonconsecutive) all-nighters working on it because it had that tight of a hold on me.
*goes through the rest of these and comes back*
Wait. WAIT. No, this has to be from The Ballad of Ma Dincht! This is what Muadine says to Zell when she decides to adopt him. 😭❤️ Honestly, I forget about this fic a lot! Not because I dislike it or anything, but it was a very quick piece to write and I published a lot of other stuff around the same time. BUT writing this definitely got me interested in all the other SeeDs adoption (or lack there of) stories. Just more projects I want to tackle.
"Please forgive me, Rinoa said this wasn't your style but… I guess I was just being a little selfish."
This is from August 23, and the line is said by Ellone. I really didn't think I'd have time to write Squall something for his birthday, but this one struck me at the last moment! I guess the fun fact here is that I looked back in my developmental psychology textbook to make sure his characterization at each age made sense.
"Do you like Behemoth burgers or are you more of a Thrustaevis wings kind of guy?"
Haha, awww! A Laguna and Squall bonding moment from A New Beginning! This fic is a Star Wars and FFVIII mashup. I remember watching the last episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch on Father's Day and thinking that Star Wars is all about family/parents/legacy. Then I was like WAIT FATHER SON FIC WITH SQUALL AND LAGUNA AND STAR WARS LET'S GO!!! I tried really hard to get chapter 1 done that same day but I think I posted a few hours after Father's Day.
"You told me to stop you if you did this again."
Chaos Theory: Rewind, and this is Xu, admonishing Quistis (or who she thinks is Quistis 😏) for being with Seifer. This fic is a spin-off of Chaos Theory entirely following Quistis's perspective. Rewind was supposed to be just a chapter of Chaos Theory but it got too long!
"I just want this moment. I don't need to know what happens in the next one."
Oh damn, I'm not sure! This is a classic Rinoa line, so classic I feel like she could have said this in most of my fics! I feel like it's likely Chaos Theory or Eyes of the Storm. Okay, I think I'm leaning toward Eyes of the Storm, but an earlier quote was that and I don't think you'd repeat fics... UNLESS THE QUOTE I ASSOCIATED WITH EYES OF THE STORM WAS WRONG!!! *goes to correct*
Lmao I already gave a fun fact about Eyes of the Storm but I'll give another one: Rinoa's library job is based on my own experience working in my college's library. I worked there for two and a half years as a circulation desk assistant and then manager, and also as a helper at the research help desk. (Gotta say, learning how to use those research databases to assist other students was a great skill to learn and it's so useful to me now.)
Particularly, there was an instance when I was working as an overnight manager and when I woke up at 3 am to go to my shift, I had an email saying campus was closed due to snow. Now, I went to school in Ithaca, NY, and that place never closed for weather. This was a SERIOUS snow. And because the campus was closed, the library should be closed... but it wasn't. I hiked across campus in at least 2 feet of snow which was still falling. I remember feeling like a Yukon explorer or something, muddling through in the small hours of the morning. When I got to the library, the stairs to the entrance were nothing but a mound and I had to climb it. I had to get the few straggler students to leave and lock up the place... and then, hike back to my apartment and go to sleep at 5 am. I think they reopened campus at noon.
ANYWAY, in Eyes of the Storm Rinoa contends with snow storms while working at the library, something I have very specific experience with 😆
"She gets some hot dog before I do? Seriously?!"
100% Angelo Reverse! Zell is complaining because sad Squall gave the last of his hot dog to sad Angelo as they are both worrying about Rinoa in a coma in the beginning of disc 3. Angelo Reverse is one of my faves because it has so much of my dogs in it ❤️ a lot of Angelo's more playful interactions with Squall are based on how my husband plays with our dog, Duey.
"You will fix my Rinoa under the threat of death!"
Heeheehee, Balamb Harbor Playhouse! Stage!Squall is threatening Stage!Odine in Stage!Esthar, and Squall is in the audience, mortified. I think this was my third fic I published and it was my first try at an all-humor approach. It's the FFVIII version of Ember Island Players (Avatar the Last Airbender). I wrote this fic in a day and I was laughing to myself the entire time.
"That's why I have to get Chickenwuss off my squad!"
Ah, Final Fantasy VIII: The Musical! Seifer is singing the "Gaston part" of the song introducing Squall, which is based on "Belle"! "Look there he goes that guy is cold, no question. / Mean and distant, that’s not all: / Never part of any crowd, / Yet he is strong and proud. / No denying he’s a funny guy, that Squall." Originally the first song in this fic was going to be Selphie singing a version of "I Think I'm Going to Like it Here" from Annie but I decided Squall needed top billing, even though he's not going to sing himself for awhile...
I haven't added anything to this in a long time but I promise you it lives in my head rent free. I have a playlist with all my planned songs and a whole doc outlining it and several songs later in the plot written and ready. I just need to be in a certain mood to work on it!
"You know I care about you, right?"
Quistis trying to talk Seifer down in the Chapter (I want to say 7?) "Live From Timber" in Chaos Theory! In the Chaos Theory timeline, Quistis and Seifer come together because Squall isn't there! Seifer is lonely and lost without his rival, and the feelings Quistis has for Squall in the game sort of shift to Seifer without him there.
Well, there it is! How'd I do? I didn't look at anything but my list of titles... hopefully I got it right! Thanks for this fun trip down memory lane ❤️
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