#this fanart is a mess and i'll try to get it on tumblr with better quality but i just saw we got an update so i have better things to do
queercontrarian · 2 years
the kids aren’t all right
pov you walked in on ivy and alex at any given moment
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i’m afraid the quality is quite shit lol
but i am obsessed with the new generation @separatist-apologist​ created so i had to
adding this cause i thought it was funny
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vsaintsin · 5 months
Writeblr Re-Intro
Yo! I'm V Saintsin. Or V or Vin or Saintsin or whatever you want to call me that sounds right on your tongue. I'm a self-proclaimed Social Media fumbler who got a late start to the party and has never quite figured it out. I hate how hipster and edgy it sounds to say "I'm bad at social media" but like I used to work with some people who actually managed the social media accounts for the business we worked for and there were rules and whatnot and damn, I think online media is just not my medium. That being said, here I am! Hah
I'm an author and general mess who's hoping to be the miracle man (somebody who makes a living writing silly little stories). I do use a pseudonym but please hear me out when I say I didn't realize how edgy it sounds, it just has some sentimental value to my personal life. I'm so sorry that I sound like I'm in my emo phase HAHA
About me -
He/Him Transguy from the American Midwest (arguably the south, depending on who you talk to, but the older people still say "Sodi-pop" and "ope").
I'm dysautonomic, bendy, permanently sleepy, and a survivor of Crappy Doctors Who Suck At Doctoring.
I like DnD, Pathfinder, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk, Dragon Age, and other things in that vein.
I do make art of my stories and characters (Tablet is currently not working so I'm in a dry spell).
My writing background is predominantly ancient, dusty RPs from as far back as the foopets days and fanfic writing on Quizilla - I am an old and wizened elder of the net.
My formal education was music performance and behavioral neuroscience, I don't really know how I got where I am.
This is not my first rodeo with tumblr but it is the first time I have anything to SAY instead of just lurking.
In the event of malfunction, you can put me outside for 5 minutes and I'll probably factory reset.
My existence as I know it hinges on a massive number of sticky notes plastered throughout my room.
What I'm lookin' for -
Idk, whatever? I'm down for most things. Did you write it? Cool, let me see. I'm not too bent on genre or anything, just fascinated by the art of storytelling.
A bit tentative with fanfiction but that's just because if it's not a fandom I'm familiar with I am rather clueless about what the hell is going on and if it's a fandom I am familiar with I HUNT DOWN THE DEEP LORE.
I like art a whole lot, including fanart. Also art advice, love seeing things from different perspectives and learning something new.
Mutuals, really, for any reason. Building better connections on here, getting to know people. I am hideously bad at this but I try.
What I write -
Science Fiction with heavy subjects that matter to me - trigger warnings on a story-by-story basis.
High Fantasy (eventually books I think?) characters and their backgrounds for DnD and Pathfinder - I have been tempted to share these to help people get ideas or just for free use?
Things that I delete because I have crippling imposter syndrome and publishing makes me nauseous (doin' it tho).
Stories that I hope will make people feel less alone or that people could relate to, stories that I wish I had when life was worse and I was reaching out for anything I could find to keep me afloat, stories that try to be critical of things that SUCK in a way that's any helpful.
Lots of curse words and cussing (that's just how people talk 'round here), dubious science, things that I hope might make you cry but in a good way though.
Character-Driven stories that revolve more around the development of the person and less around the plot itself if that makes sense.
I've put blurb things below for my primary project/series which features a grumpy, queer, 37-year old chain smoking Frenchman and his misadventures with life and love and unbridled rage. If any of that sounds cool stick around and hang out? (This part is a plug bc I did a thing and I'm proud of it) And if my books sounds interesting the first one is 99 cents on Kindle and you just need a phone and a free app to read it!
THE SECRET OF LIFE (Published) - Sci-Fi/Psychological Thriller, Bi M Lead, Lovers to Enemies, AI but the oldschool cool kind not the real world thing that's stealing our future
Carlisle-Trystan Antoinette is a mercenary on a hard road, navigating life and death itself in an infinite cycle started by powers above his understanding. He has one mission - warn The Dianican Space Station of the coming threat and put a stop to a war that would encapsulate the whole of the Sol System before it can ever begin. Unfortunately for Carlisle, reality is a tenuous thing, made up only by our understanding of it. At least, according to his Psychiatrist, who tells him that there is no war, that he was never a mercenary, and that what Carlisle is experiencing is a severe but manageable psychotic break. Stripped of his combat enhancements, his bio monitor, and everything he's every known, Carlisle has a decision to make. Does he give in to the thoughts and memories, so real that he can almost taste them, or does he live a life of comfort and ease, returning to a husband and daughter that he left behind?
TWs: Domestic and War Violence, suicide, rape, medical trauma, grief, drug use
THE SILENCE OF ANGELS (Due 2024, TSoL 2) - Betrayal and Rage, Learning how to love again slow-burn romantic subplot, Learning how to Dad, A general inability for any one thing to just go right
(Quick Rough Blurb that offers no spoilers for TSoL) Making connections isn't easy for somebody who's accustomed to burning bridges. Isolation has always been Carlisle's mantra for surviving his life. Playing a role comes second nature, pretending to be the man that everyone else wants to see in him. When an old friend is murdered Carlisle finds himself as the primary suspect with all evidence pointing to him so clearly that even he calls to question what he is capable of. Unwilling to believe that he could commit such a heinous crime, Carlisle sets off to find the truth of his friend's death - was Carlisle framed or does he truly have the capacity to bring such harm upon those he loves? Old and new bonds will be tested, faith broken, and the future of everyone called into question as lines are drawn and sides are picked.
TWs: Violence, mentions of SA, graphic character death, more grief, more death
I don't know what else to say... Later!
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fuckyeahmhawkefenris · 4 months
MAJOR update
So I don't know if anyone else even cares about this stuff, but I made some huge progress with tagging/retagging things here. For some time I haven't been tagging any posts at all lacking motivation because, seriously, does anyone even look at tags these days?
Still, my love for this ship keeps me going. Maker, I'd forgotten how therapeutic the process is. For a few days I almost stopped dwelling on my own personal issues.
Allow me to remind y'all that this blog has a list of TAGS, a rather extensive one. I shudder to think how much time I spent compiling it all, but it does make me happier somehow
We have an impressive collection of fanart, so many comic bits they had to be separated into their own category to make it possible to navigate through all the artwork, writings that I don't think can be found anywhere else. In the beginning this fandom also used to produce a lot of memes and jokes, not so much of it now, but we don't forget our history! There is so much to uncover and rediscover.
I guess that canoodling/hugging/cuddling/snuggling tags are still a mess (always have been) despite my best efforts, but I genuinely tried to make it make sense somewhat. Having 8000+ pieces of art for your ship gets you there. Hard to believe it used to be almost nonexisistent in the beginning. It was so easy to navigate in 2012...
I didn't even try to sort out the comics, and fiction is not tagged either, except for the most basic basics.
Well, if anyone has any better ideas/suggestions don't be shy about @ ing me. Hell, if you can think of any new tags worth adding, let me know. And if you could reply to the relevant posts with it, it'd be fantastic.
If you're bored and don't mind spending some time with Fenris and Hawke, observing them love each other, please take a look at the list. There are also separate pages for the people who make fanart and write stuff for us, so you can always find more of their works by looking up the artists name in the tags. Though this page is forever in progress.
There's always room for improvement, so if you have anything to say, PLEASE SAY IT.
Also, the pornstash is up again, and now there is some semblance of a system.
It is a members-only blog, since almost all of its content is flagged and can only be viewed by members. So you need to become one. Everyone is welcome to join, but please don't follow it. All you need to do is like this post. I'll see your username and send you an invite. After that you'll need to check your e-mail (NOT tumblr inbox!) and follow the link you'll find there. And please read the post i linked carefully, there's vital information in it.
I'm just really tired
I'd really like to sort this place out completely so that when I retire, and someone is willing to take it off my hands, I could be at peace.
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amelia-c · 15 days
Hey, I haven't done this in a while...Fanart! I just got all caught up on like 10 chapters of The Golden Quiche by @sophtoart~ (I haven't read anything for a while, haha)
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Lookie here, it's Lil' Miss Lucy and her husband, the Time Vampire, Mezil! It's a pair drawing, I did something similar for Payne and Elina a while ago, I also drew one for my friend and her boyfriend but obviously, that's not for Tumblr. Now number three, Lucidia and Mezil! 'Cause who doesn't love this power couple?
And......The commissioned armour design from @tarableart is sooooo cool! I wanted to draw both Undyne and Grillby, but I have not enough energy to, so here ya go, GQ Undyne and my lovely Undyne and Elina (TWFOA Frisk)!
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(And now comes a spoiler warning! I'll be rambling a bit about the most recent arc.)
And man, did I have a lot to catch up on. It may have been not even one day in GQ's world, lol, the drama regarding taking down the Handler all took place during the election if you think about it, but it sure took me like 3 nights to catch up on since I wasn't reading the whole day (and I was rereading some of the Malaya stuff).
This arc was super fun! What better way to forge better bonds between enemies, Mezil, Aiden and Sans (or at least they never really got along before), than a common enemy! Even if that first timeline was actually a mess and multiple people got injured real bad, including Undyne and Mezil, who actually flippin' died. We forget 'bout that and remember the win, don't we. Haha.
Hey, and now, we get to see more of Anya! I've also read the Lone Defender, and I really like how when Sans and Anya have their first conversation in GQ , it's very similar to Dust and Anya's conversation in the Lone Defender, Sans you be projecting your 'dream self' there, haha. Can't wait to see more of her as the crew go into the Handler's Hub!
Anyways, that's enough of my rambling. Gonna try to be more productive with my life and actually get TWFOA drawn and all my other responsibilities done.
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
Sucks the internet is a mess and that finding all fanart and videos get lost because a websites filtering and tagging is shit, ex: tumblr, youtube, twitter. So much 2012 homestuck art I'll never see again. I'll miss all those now deleted comic dubs even if they were cringe. Say what you want about Shelby but I wish more of her art got saved. It SUCKS, either people hide art or nuke their galleries, it feels like no one has a legitimate gallery anymore, no one wants to use a proper art website anymore i guess i can't blame them since everyone wants content streamlined towards them rather than searching and Deviantart is unbearable to use with its new awful layout. No one likes newgrounds. I don't like the new internet, i feel like i have to archive every video i watch and every art i see or else it'll get deleted, privated, or lost. All I'm trying to find today is a wonder of wonder art vid that had Caliborn in it and i cant fucking find it and it was posted like a year ago AAAAAAAAHHHH
Blame the Tumblr purge for trying to make sure nobody uploads female-presenting nipples. There are people that like Newgrounds (me being a long time user who browsed it many years back), but some people hate it for things like political beliefs, edgey humor, etc despite it is one oldest sources of Internet culture. Pixiv is limiting content for certain countries to try and comply each nation's policy and we even got credit card companies limiting us on buying stuff from overseas that we will have to use VPNs. Then there's the copyright thing that on YouTube. Old vids that has copyrighted audio is now silenced no matter the context used for having it, thus ruining the video that was uploaded years back. And for some that deleted their gallery or work, most want to move on from the series they had once liked. So they purge all works and continue with the next new thing they like. Perhaps the fandom or series itself, left a bad taste in their mouths that they don't want to be associated with it anymore. Move on to better things and expand new stuff. Octopimp's statement of why he doesn't make HS vids anymore is an example of this. A series like Homestuck, doesn't give off the same motivation or spark that it once had. Even the new shit like HS2/Beyond Canon, can barely invoke any feeling, both good or bad, to make content about it.
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
Traffic Time
[Inhales deeply]
I hope y'all are ready to be reminded that I am traffic life trash because boy we are going for a ride.
I was on Tumblr hiatus throughout most of 2021 and 2022, so y'all didn't get to see me liveblog Double Life and Limited Life (I'll have to dig up the doodles I posted on other platforms... I also did a ton of Naked and Scared and Skyblock doodles because... Imp and Skizz my beloveds <3), but I plan to reblog stuff to this blog too.
I've also got a shiny new Life fan series 'fic ready to go. It's called Dog's Life and it'll update Tuesdays. Is this the dawn of a new era where I actually post short chapters?? idk
At the moment I'm just planning the one 'fic since I don't have a lot of plans to mess with the world itself and all I really want to do is a character analysis 'fic about arranged marriages and consensual murder, but I'd love to write one nice 'fic for all my fandoms before I retire from 'fic writing someday, so here we go!
Tags to block [if you want to] will be #trafficblr / #traffic life smp and my 'fic is #Dog's Life. Also, I'll use #traffic soulmates to cover reblogs / fanart of the Double Life soulmate pairs and #Imp and Skizz for anything Naked and Scared and/or their Skyblock.
I'll use #mcyt too which will cover all the Minecraft YouTuber content regardless of server.
I'm not in the habit of reblogging blood to this blog [hashtag author has hemophobia :') ] but there might be a little here and there depending on my mood, which I'll tag as #tw blood if they end up here. Not likely, but better safe than sorry.
If we get a Traffic Life Season 5, I'll also make a new post with my season spoiler tag so you can block that if you like. I'll also use the tag #traffic life spoilers for content I personally deem spoilery, but if you're trying to avoid spoilers in general... tread with caution here, because I'm not planning to tag all the things that happen as spoilers.
My queue is already full of 200+ posts of my usual fandom content, so that's not going away- I'm just throwing a new fandom into the mix because... when you love relationship drama combined with unhinged violence as much as I do but you've got a blood phobia, then man is it nice to have a SFW, blood-free fighting series to sink your teeth in <3
I do highly recommend giving 3rd Life [AKA Traffic Life Season 1] a chance if you haven't before because it's a lot of fun-- I feel like it has a similar vibe to my writing style which is very "large cast of characters," "relationship drama," "up and down emotional jolts," "domestic stuff," "fluff pivoting into angst," and "magical realism," so if you follow this blog and enjoy my other fanfics, maybe you'll like the Life series too.
I think that covers everything. Enjoy!
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sleepyivoryrose · 4 months
All my interests seem to fall into a curse of some kind - Bandai Namco is holding .hack// hostage, Blue Period had an awful anime adaptation (even though the live action one looks really promising, but its not my cup of tea), the GANGSTA mangaka got really sick and couldn't end the series (as far as I'm informed) and now the mangaka of the TAD manga might go to prison...i hope it's fake news, but I've seen in on tumblr and on twitter...
...on the other hand...the animal crossing rumor that next game is going to be completely in a city made its rounds and persisted for quite some time...
Man, I guess it's just more motivation to keep making fanart of some sort.
At least Pokemon and Animal Crossing are thriving as always. You can't mess with the power of cute, no you don't.
Right now I am in a bit of a slump, creative wise...like the ocean, it seems to have it's tides. I have been submerged into the depths of it for long enough, it's time to at least try to fight back against...well, against this stagnation.
But how do I do that? I am not strong willed, or very smart, or at least disciplined in some way or another. Organizing myself is also not exactly my forte.
Maybe it's time to work on my drawing and writing techniques. More learning oriented, yknow?
Now I've got at least time, if anything else, might as well to put it to good use.
I tend to be endlessly stuck in the clutches of the neverending cycle of posts of social media.
But how else am I supposed to observe and learn? I could go outside, but my most interesting subject, people, is, well...I'm too socially awkward and not very sly to start people watching. Some might even take offense to being used as reference material. No, I can't do it.
Procastination is the greatest enemy of creative progress. Boredom in itself, on the other hand...
One of my favorite books dropped a line once: "Forge your blade in the fires of your wrath, that will be your strength." I'm tired of running from my feelings. I want to feel alive. And I will use those feelings, to run ever forward.
It will not be easy though. Many times I will fall to lethargy and feel hopeless and alone. But I will rise. Sooner or later, I'll get up again, and keep running.
Working with my feelings in a productive matter seems to be the best outlet for now.
Take all this frustration and anger, and produce something meaningful out of it. Confront myself with these ugly manifestations, and gain the ability to not drown in them.
It's scary. Not only because the feelings itself are creepy, but the things and people who provoke these feelings will always be there, and they will not be happy to see my true self.
They seem to forget that my illness is nothing to sneeze at. That I am plagued with thoughts and feelings I wished I could bury ten feet under. Contradictory thoughts and feelings, that slowly convince me that this ugly beast that lurks inside me is the real me.
These are difficult times. And if my old me could at least one thing well, is survive a crisis, acting when everyone is frozen in fear.
Keeping a cool head, even if things seem chaotic and scary at first.
And that's what I will do now. I will strive to be the version of myself I want to be. Even if nobody understands me, or hates me. It's always been like that anyways. I just need to get strong again.
But to end this entry in a less intense note...
Last days were rainy like crazy. That makes me happy, the temperature is nice, if, of course, humid, but I got almost used to listening to the rain while falling asleep. It's better than the almost absolute silence there is sometimes. On the weekends, just like this, do happen to be a lot of party people walking by, singing or screaming, completely wasted. It's comforting, as long as you are in the safe haven of your room.
Okay, I think that's it for today!
0 notes
redlenai · 2 years
I've been very slow the past few weeks, 4 months ago I had a very sad situation that affected me emotionally and that messed up my routine and schedule entirely. I'm better, I'm taking care of my health and healing.
- I'm trying to get back on track and trying to deliver new episodes of Scarlet Society every two weeks.
- Yandere City is about to have 5 episodes finished and once we reach the minimum of 10 in our batch, we'll start releasing episodes and hopefully have the same production time like Scarlet
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- I'm currently working on the rest of my entry for the DeanCasBigBang, which'll be posted on October 12th
- I also want to finish all the commissions from my To Do list, I'm still terrible sorry for how slow and unprofessional I've been, so I'll seek a way to compensate it to my clients
- GIRI chapter 2 script has been finished and I'll probably start working on it as well
- The Supernatural fancomic that I was making on my own is still on development, in the meantime I wrote part of the script but I want to deliver at least a new page every week on Tumblr
- I'd like to start making more content for the Delinquent's Den too, there are so many ideas for drawings, fanarts and concepts for the people that has become very important to me
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Ketchup And Tabasco Chaos
Inspiration From This Gorgeous Fanart Made By murdermuffinloki:
⚠️Warning: Minor Language⚠️
Enjoy 💚💚💚
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
"Pass the ketchup."
President Loki frowned deeply, glancing at Sylvie who was stirring the pot of...whatever it was they were making for dinner. President Loki hadn't been paying too much attention when Sylvie suggested they cook for Loki who was still upstairs asleep in their room.
Somehow, Loki had got some Midgardian illness and only Sylvie's assurances that Loki was going to be fine that stopped him from destroying the entire Midgardian population.
"Can I get a please?" President Loki said pleasantly, taking joy in the way Sylvie glared at him. It was no secret to any of them that President Loki desired to cause trouble at any given moment.
"I'll stick this spoon up your ass if you don't give me the ketchup in the next ten seconds," she told him, President Loki scowling at her copy of the pleasant smile he had given her a moment ago.
They both knew she would do it too.
President Loki snatched up the ketchup from the countertop with an aggravated sigh. But then a devious smirk spread across his, glancing at Sylvie who was looking back at the pot, hand held out for the ketchup. "Are you sure you want the ketchup?"
Sylvie clicked her tongue. "Yes, I'm sure. Now give it to me."
President Loki's smirk widened. "Well, if you insist..."
He popped the cap off and just as Sylvie turned to look at him with a frown on her face, he squeezed the bottle, ketchup sauce spraying everywhere. The cabinets, the floor and all over Sylvie's blond hair was covered in a coating of ketchup sauce who gasped, an outraged look taking over her face.
President Loki only smiled, tilting his head to the side. "Oops."
"That's it!" Sylvie hissed, grabbing the nearest ingredient which happened to be spicy tabasco sauce and President Loki's eyes went wide as he got a face full of Tabasco sauce.
He shouted as some got into his eye that felt like it was suddenly on fire and squeezed it shut, resisting the urge to rub it. That would only make it worse, he knew.
Sylvie grinned savagely. "I hope it never stops burning, you stuck up bastard!"
President Loki growled low in his throat but Sylvie didn't back down like Loki would have. She was very stubborn like that. "You have until the count of five to run."
Sylvie stepped closer, right up in President Loki's personal space. Despite her short height, she was still rather intimidating when she wanted to be, so much so that President Loki had to resist the urge to step back.
"Or else what?" She hissed out, deadly quiet.
President Loki glared but Sylvie glared right back and they were both sure a real fight was about to break out any second when a voice cut through the heavy silence.
"What in Asgard is going on in here?!"
President Loki and Sylvie turned their heads towards the sound of the voice in unison just as Loki walked around the corner and froze, staring wide eyed and speechless at the mess of the kitchen. He looked tired though and guilt rushed through both President Loki and Sylvie as they wondered if they'd woken Loki up from all their yelling.
"Well, um..." President Loki bit his lip, glancing at Sylvie.
Sylvie looked at President Loki, having no clue what to say. "We just, uh..."
Loki sighed, crossing his arms over his chest, giving them both disapproving looks. "Can you two please not use ketchup and tabasco as murder weapons?!"
"We just wanted to make dinner for you," Sylvie and President Loki stated at the same time, making them glance at each other again.
Loki's expression softened a little. "I appreciate the thought but it would be great if you two could stop trying to murder one another every minute."
That was fair. The pair did quite literally try to kill each other every other day.
"Well, he/she started it!" Sylvie and President Loki protested at the same, pointing at each other.
"Well, I'm finishing it!" Loki snapped before coughing hard, putting a hand over his mouth. He clearly still wasn't well enough to be up which only added onto the pair's guilt. "I'm going back to bed. Clean this mess up and when you're ready to be civil, come join me. I require cuddles and comfort but I will not deal with you two's banter."
With that, Loki turned and left the kitchen, leaving the pair to stare at the spot he had been standing.
"This is all your fault," Sylvie grumbled, waving her hand and vanishing the mess from all the surfaces of the kitchen and herself though she left President Loki to deal with his own mess himself.
"All you needed to do was say please," President Loki muttered. He was going to need a shower since he knew not how to vanish messes like Sylvie and Loki did.
"And that warrants you spraying ketchup all over me?" Sylvie gritted out.
"Don't act like a saint. You're just as bad, dousing me in tabasco sauce!" President Loki muttered.
Sylvie looked like she was going to strangle him any second now before she sighed, all the fight draining out of her body. "Why do we always have to fight?"
President Loki thought about it for a moment before shrugging. "We're different from one another. We're bound to clash. Though I suppose we could try harder to get along. I'd rather this relationship to not be ruined."
Sylvie nodded, leaning against President Loki who instinctively wrapped his arms around her. "Try harder. I can do that."
President Loki hummed softly, pressing a kiss to her now clean hair. "Let's not leave our god waiting. You know how fussy he gets when we leave him alone for long."
Sylvie had no arguments there.
Once they'd finished making up what President Loki found out to be pasta apparently, they headed up to their room (Sylvie had forgiven President Loki enough to clean the tabasco sauce off him thankfully).
They quietly slipped into the room and smiled at the sight of Loki under a large amount of blankets, very obviously curled up in a ball.
He blinked his eyes open when he heard them come in and narrowed his eyes at them suspiciously. "You two had better be done fighting."
"We've agreed to try harder to get along more often than not" President Loki promised as he sat on the bed and helped Loki sit up who whined and protested but brightened when he saw the bowls of pasta balanced in Sylvie's hands.
"Good. I'm glad," Loki muttered, taking the bowl Sylvie handed him eagerly. "Thank you for the dinner."
Sylvie kissed his cheek. "Just get better for us, okay?"
Loki nodded, putting a forkful of pasta into his mouth and closed his eyes as he hummed in pleasure.
President Loki and Sylvie smiled at each other from either side of Loki who leaned into President Loki's side.
Get along. They could do that.
No problem.
@murdermuffinloki Those two are going to give Loki a migraine, smh 😂
@girl-with-many-fandoms Hope you like Sylki (I know lots of people don't ship it so I'm like ???) with some President Loki thrown into the mix XD
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candicewright · 3 years
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From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES: When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
Thank you so much for tagging me @highwarlockkareena 💜
I'm tagging:
@zazrichor and this piece
@mushroomtale-fanart and this piece
@snowyfuxue and this set
@wuxxxian and this piece
@satuwilhelmiina and this piece
Of course, feel free to not do this if you don't feel like it, absolutely no pressure 💜
I'll be talking about my process for this art of Wen Qing.
Fair warning that this is going to be a bit of a mess because my process is all over the place, but I'll try my best to explain without it being too confusing.
Since this was a request, I started by reading the prompt, which asked for Wen Qing and roses. Roses are my one of my favorite flowers so I claimed the prompt and started thinking about what I was going to do with it.
I knew I wanted to do a portrait with roses surrounding Wen Qing, but I still wasn't sure about what the composition was going to be, so I started looking for references to see what would work and to get some ideas.
I started looking for photos of Meng Ziyi that I liked and at first I really liked this one.
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She looks great, but when I tried sketching it I couldn't really get the angle of the face right, so I tried to look for a different picture that was within my skill level. Luckily, I remembered seeing a very pretty pucture the day before so I looked for it and this one was the one I ended up going with.
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After that, I downloaded some free to use pictures of roses. I really liked the contrast and the color scheme in the pictures so I though I could apply it to the painting itself and so I began getting a clearer idea of what I wanted to do.
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I opened my art program (IbisPaint X) and did a sketch of what I wanted using my references. My sketches are always super messy and I can't be bothered to do lineart, so I usually just clean them up a little bit and work over them directly. I should actually learn how to do proper lineart at some point, but today is not that day 😂
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Then, I chose my base colors and filled in the drawing to get an idea of where I was going with the piece. I really likeed how it looked like this so I sent it to my friends for validation. They were extremely lovely to me as always so I was excited to continue working on it 💜
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Before rendering, I knew I wanted my light source to be on the right and I wanted the shadows to be quite dark, almost black, but that's the extent of what I knew before going into it.
And then I started actually painting! Unfortunately tumblr won't let me post the process video into this post so I'm going to upload it on twitter. You can see it here! I don't really know how to describe how I paint other than there's a lot of going back and forth and over stuff that I already thought was finished. The whole thing took around 12 hours, which is a bit longer than I usually spend on a portrait but I think it was worth it!
For the main piece I only used three brushes. I did add a bit of glow and sparkles with different brushes on a separate program, but I mostly used these three:
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Note that these are at full opacity but I usually work a very low opacity because my stylus doesn't have pressure sensitivity (bc my equipment sucks) and that's the only way I have to blend my colors without the blending tool, which I don't really like because it takes away the texture.
I also had a bit of trouble with the colors in this one because it's not what I usually do, but after multiple adjustments and with help from the references, I ended up with something I really liked!
After the piece was done, I added some of my usual sparkles and a bit of glow and then saved it to my gallery. Then, I opened my editing software and played with the contrast, saturation, brightness and some filters. I was left with three versions of the art that I liked: the one I eventually went with and these two (I still really like the first one tbh).
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I sent it to my friends so that they could help me pick which one looked better and after a long period of very serious deliberation (read: we all panicked bc we're gay and can't choose) we ended up going with the one that ended up being posted to the mdzs net!
I then sent it to the net for posting and waited (im)patiently for it to go up! ❤
And that's it! I hope someone can get something put of the mess that is my process or that it was at least enjoyable!!!!!
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shadowmaat · 3 years
While I do think/hope, that I've taken some strides in the recent past in regards to educating myself in regards to internalized/subconcious bias, I recall you mentioning ages ago, that you've learnt a lot about this through fiction and online interactions.
Technically I fall into a couple of "categories" as well, yet even as a neurodivergent and ace person - very white though - myself I have only recently (like 3-4 years ago maybe?) begun noticing media and cultural bias in regards to these things. Until then I kind of just ran with these, I suppose? E.g. I just accepted my old therapist telling me my asexuality and me being nonbinary was a product of my relationship with my mum and would be "cureable" through succesfull therapy. Or ofc how so many characters (nd/POC/LGBTQ/disabled...) are so often portrayed as conservative and very hurtful stereotypes.
I hope it's not irresponsible/falling right in line with the problem, that I'd be asking you, instead of seeking out several other blogs. The latter is likely for the better admittedly, but I don't know where to start and find well-written posts, from which I can honestly learn, because while there's plenty of these on tumblr, there's also plenty that are just - very understandbly - angry posts but lacking the information I might need to educate myself.
I'm planning on writing a fic including POC, disabled characters and diverse sexualities but I want to make sure, that I'll check my biases and don't produce anything hurt- or disrespectful.
So if you could recommend blogs or old posts, unless if it is too much of a bother, I'd highly appreciate it. Thank you!
I'm very flattered that you feel comfortable coming to me, and gosh, do I know that feeling of wanting to get things right and also being intimidated by trying to dig through overwhelming amounts of stuff to find what you need! I'm not sure how much help I can be since I just sort of wing it and constantly adjust as I go, but I'll do my best.
I'll start off by saying that if you want some good reading lists for books featuring various flavors of queer, @ace-artemis-fanartist has some great lists (as well as some incredible fanart of course).
This post has a simplified rundown of the different flavors on the ace spectrum.
This post gives some basic do's and don't's of writing a deaf character (which, now that I review it, means I should update some of my own stuff).
This post has a generalized list of things to watch out for while writing characters with marginalized identities.
For a more in-depth resource on writing characters of color, there's @writingwithcolor
@fixyourwritinghabits is more generalized advice, but their lovely tags page includes all the things you've asked about and a whole lot more.
I wish you the best of luck! And don't let yourself get so hung up on the fear of making mistakes that you let it stop you. Writing is a learning experience, and if you DO mess up then you can take steps to correct your misunderstandings and the next time you'll know better. Hopefully this will at least give you a few avenues to explore and use as jumping off points for more. :)
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queen-ch3rry · 3 years
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I posted 114 times in 2021 (to be fair, I didn't have this account for an entire year... only a few months!)
17 posts created (15%)
97 posts reblogged (85%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.7 posts.
I added 337 tags in 2021
#cars fandom - 63 posts
#pixar cars - 60 posts
#disney pixar cars - 50 posts
#doc hudson - 37 posts
#cars 1 (2006) - 33 posts
#cars 3 (2017) - 31 posts
#lightning mcqueen - 26 posts
#cars fanart - 14 posts
#character art - 13 posts
#digital art - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#because even though i'm more open with others about loving this franchise nowadays
My Top Posts in 2021
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messy sketchy time for the love of doc <3
34 notes • Posted 2021-11-07 01:46:47 GMT
I don't think I've ever shared my Doc model with the fandom!
I've been cleaning up my room and this has been buried in the back of my closet til I have a safe place to keep it
It's from the Pixar Precision Adult Collector Model series and is just the coolest thing. I love the boxes it comes in, and the mini Piston Cups 😌
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See the full post
38 notes • Posted 2021-12-24 16:41:00 GMT
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Motorama City: A Happy Place
This is my Cars-themed Discord server I'd like to tell you all about!
We're a fun, casual place for you to simp over the Cars franchise, share art, theories, headcanons, incorrect quotes and your OCs too!
Critique and art help offered if you want
Chip (music player) Bots for your fun
Art Streams (if you want to share!)
Friendly, helpful staff (thanks to @agentsandracartrip!)
Contests and more fun in the works to boost activity!
If YOU would like to join Motorama City, don't be shy! Drop a "kachow!" in the comments and I'll send you an invite. This is to keep out the recent mess of raids, hacks, and fake nitro bots that have been going around. Hope to see you in the City!!!
48 notes • Posted 2021-10-26 01:24:19 GMT
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See the full post
52 notes • Posted 2021-10-25 18:12:58 GMT
little bit of a ramble...
I want to thank the Cars fandom for giving me joy and uplifting me when I'm feeling down. No, I haven't been in it as long as some people, yet I'm definitely not brand new like some others. But no matter what, this community - these characters - have rarely let me down
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Life hasn't been easy - globally - these past couple of years now and let's face it... there's nothing that feels better than just trying to ESCAPE from it for a while. Yeah no... I can't live in Radiator Springs or the Cars world, but I can immerse myself in it when I'm feeling crappy from news, family, pets being sick, and so much else
See the full post
63 notes • Posted 2021-12-18 23:05:43 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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cremeriie · 3 years
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I posted 27 times in 2021
27 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.0 posts.
I added 125 tags in 2021
#maddy draws - 20 posts
#artists on tumblr - 20 posts
#my art - 19 posts
#fanart - 16 posts
#digital art - 14 posts
#danganronpa - 11 posts
#danganronpa 2 - 7 posts
#sdr2 - 7 posts
#danganronpa decadence - 6 posts
#super danganronpa 2 goodbye despair - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 39 characters
#999: nine hours nine persons nine doors
My Top Posts in 2021
Calling all Zero Escape fans and Aoilight enjoyers, I wrote a fanfiction. It took me four months, which is a day less than four months longer than I usually spend on a fanfic.
It's a canon divergence fix-it fic with embarrassing uses of the morphogenetic field, team bonding exercises, and cheesy intense dialogue. Also, they're all SOIS agents because I love a good spy fic. Honestly, I'm not very good at summarizing my writing but I hope some of yall give it a try anyways. (You can always close the tab if you don't like it, I promise that I'll never know.)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32106613
(god i hope this shows up in the tags)
23 notes • Posted 2021-06-22 14:01:57 GMT
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noooo don’t commit acts of domestic terrorism ahaha you’re so sexy
fun fact: this is a slightly different version than the one i posted on my instagram bc that one looked kinda weird. i can’t be bother to go repost it though, so only tumblr gets to see this one ;) 
yeah anyways i played the zero escape trilogy last week and loved it alot (well, i loved 999 & vlr. ztd was good but i rlly think those budget constraints bit them in the ass.) i have many thoughts about the games but i dont think anybody cares so i’ll spare you my rambling (for now lol). 
SPEAKING OF INSTAGRAM you should follow me there @cremeriie (same username as here)
26 notes • Posted 2021-04-01 02:23:44 GMT
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i couldnt decide which version i liked better, which was hard considering the fact that i kinda hate both of themmmmmmm.
follow me on instagram and twitter @cremeriie whatever whatever yk the drill.
36 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 14:05:50 GMT
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let's go to the beach each 🏖️
two versions, click for better quality blah blah blah you know what to do.
anyways i started this and then left it for two months bc i was in a funk but its FINE because i finally finished it. i love these two so much they make my heart full!!!!!!
follow my instagram and twitter (@cremeriie) for more!
51 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 20:39:05 GMT
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[click for better quality please]
ok before anybody comments YES the incorrect hand was on purpose. i was inspired by how spamton NEO's design looks like a broken down Mettaton NEO body, so i tried to make Mike look like he had a broken/messed up Metal Crusher body.
ANYWAYS i keep seeing these vids on yt for hypothetical mike songs, battles, and segments, and they all looked so cool!! i had to draw him lol.
insta and twitter: @cremeriie
54 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 19:53:57 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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bejeweledbuckley · 4 years
I'll gladly help you procrastinate! For the character ask, Ayda Aguefort, Pete the Plug, and First of her Name, Sovereign Ruler of Candia and the Sugarlands, Witch-Queen of the Dairy Sea, High Priestess of the Sweetening Path, Archmage of Lost Sucrosia, Enemy of the Faith, The Sundae Sorceress, Storm-Captain of the Frosted Fleet, Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip.
oh gosh this got LONG kldsaljda ty for the ask friend! sorry for the weird formatting i had to copy it from the notes app because i didn’t trust tumblr not to randomly delete it while i was typing
Why I like them- goodness gracious why do I love Ayda? Best best best girl. She wants friends desperately but she has a hard time but she doesn’t try to change herself to do it? And she is just,, so brilliant and Wonderfull and she makes me very emotional. Fun fact, there’s a video on YouTube that’s just all of her appearances, and I started watching that when I couldn’t get access to dropout because I was so intrigued about what I saw on Tumblr! And she’s like 60% of the reason I got dropout
* Why I don’t- BEST GIRL.
* Favorite episode (scene if movie)- I mean the figayda first kiss and everything that preceded it was GOLD. Also the scene where adaine asks if she wants to hold boggy. What an angel.
* Favorite season/movie- sophomore year obviously! Can’t wait for more content with her as time goes on!
* Favorite line- “NOOO IT’S TOO CUTE!” And “if i was you, i wouldn’t want to be anyone else” “I too am a low quality child”
* Favorite outfit- the sweater she’s wearing in the full version of my icon because its says “reading is lit” and I love the pun sm! you know one of the bad kids would get it for her! https://rabdoidal.tumblr.com/post/190876580075/baby-youre-hands-down-the-best-thing-about-me-and
* OTP- Fig!! They’re such a good balance for each other! Fig is always trying to be other people, but around Ayda she’s growing into herself more! And Ayda learning from fig too, getting out of her comfort zone and GAH I LOVE THEM. IN THE WORDS OF LOU WILSON I BLESS THIS UNION
* Brotp- Adaine! Gorgug! And Cheese of course!
* Head Canon- I have no idea how junior year is gonna go, but I can see her spending time at Aguefort trying to talk more with her dad and see her friends since she doesn’t really know anyone else in Elmville? And she will slowly and accidentally take over their school library and anyone taking wizard classes will totally come to her for advice! Let Ayda have all the friends okay.
* Unpopular opinion- I talked about this in a different ask but her cameo in pirol felt just a bit out of place? Like if I hadn’t seen fhsy it would’ve really thrown me off and it kinda messed with the standalone nature of the season. That being said I LOVED that scene!! i want more of her and cheese being friends!
* A wish- idc how unrealistic it may be, fig and ayda will be high school sweethearts dang it! I think they’ll have their struggles for sure, but that’s endgame baby!
* An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen- if brennan hurts her I WILL be meeting him in the denny’s parking lot, no mercy
* 5 words to best describe them- brilliant, radiant, outstanding, show-stopping, resplendent
* My nickname for them- best girl!!
Pete the Plug
Why I like them- my boy is really trying his best!! The voice of the dreams, who finds a home and people who love and respect and support him, who stares down the dream and asks to see its true form.
Why I don’t- I love him your honor!
Favorite episode (scene if movie)- yo I bingewatched this season so fast my memory is badddd so I’m not sure!
Favorite line: my memory is such garbage man!! Idk!! I just looked through his Tumblr tag and that one line in the coffee shop where he asks where the crying booth is is GOLD
Favorite outfit- cowboy hat KING
OTP- I am not immune to the Pete/ricky/ester/Sofia polycule,,
Brotp- Kingston!! they had a rough patch, but I love the way they grow to understand and care for each other! And also Nod ofc, their scenes were my favorite!
Head Canon: he pops up at the hospital to grab lunch with Kingston and the other nurses are just like “Kingston your boy is here” and no one corrects them
Unpopular opinion: I’m not sure tbh? I have trouble with these cause I’m not sure what the popular opinions are
A wish- someone get that boy a sweater. Its New York in December he’s gonna FREEZE he needs a COAT
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen- no more toxic relationships! Let him thrive!
5 words to best describe them- unpredictable, wild, wonderful, passionate, reckless
My nickname for them- not a nickname but occasionaly i will see fanart and just go KING in my head. love that vox fantasma
* Why I like them: it’s illegal for me not to fall in love with Emily’s PCs. Her backstory absolutely wrecked me! She’s trying so hard, she was without a family for so long and she found a family and then she was finally reunited with her blood family and it was weird and complicated and FCK she’s so good
* Why I don’t- Emily axford does no wrong
* Favorite episode (scene if movie)- finale! Holy shit that finale! (Also for scene, that first round of combat where she thunder steps and saves Joren. Holy fcking moly.)
* Favorite line: god it hurt me DEEPLY, but I can’t stop thinking about “you can be my sister or my queen, but you can’t be both” “then I choose to be your queen”
Favorite outfit- anything as long as she has a CROWN dang it
OTP- a loving home where she can spread magic and have PEACE
Brotp- Theo!! Axmurph were killing me this season!
Head Canon- one of the ways she bonds with her family is taking them on rides on Cinnamon! That feeling of freedom, of magic; it helps them understand her better, and it shows that they trust her. The first time Ruby goes flying with her, she tells her to hang on so they can do something cool, and Ruby instinctually wraps her arms around Saccharina. It’s the first time they hug. They don’t mention it, but they both get a little misty eyed.
Unpopular opinion- I really wanted a scene where she asked about Jet. She’s spent so long wanting a family, just to find out once again the church had taken the chance from her. i have some,, personal feelings about what that would be like and I really wish that her feelings about that had been explored a little more
A wish: oh let her be happy PLEASE. Her family may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but those bonds WILL grow
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen- if we had gotten the bad ending of them turning on each other,, oh god
5 words to best describe them- fierce, magical, powerful, resilient, strong
My nickname for them- I just love the nickname Rina for her!!
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awintersrose · 7 years
Kri-Kee: Could I just ask you for every single letter from the Alphabet Ask you reblogged? ;p If not, A, B, C, D, E, G, H, K, L, M, N, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y. Or however many you want to answer. I'll even try to answer in reverse too, but I might have to submit a post for it.
Haha, gonna do my best! I did omit B, D, J, and M because I answered them in a previous post here.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed. Sannin OT3 and every combination to be made between them. Madara/Tobirama, Kakashi/Yamato, Kakashi/Sakura, Itachi/Sakura, Suigetsu/Karin, Naruto/Sakura/Sasuke, Yahiko/Konan/Nagato, Kisame/Mei, Kisame/Itachi, Neji/Tenten, and many others. It changes with the wind or whatever good fanart/fanfic I am exposed to.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will. Have to go outside Naruto for this one, because there is very little I don’t like. Buffy/Angel. There, I said it xD Spike was better. (I won’t argue about this with anyone, it just is what it is)
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? Maybe my depiction of drunk!Orochimaru in Secret Ceremonials, I don’t know lol.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? I don’t know about actively contributing to fandom, but I have been following the Naruto series and fanfic/fanart since sometime in college, so…something like 14 years (oh goodness)
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it? My OTP is obviously Sannin OT3. I have been lingering outside established fandom since before the term OTP existed, but my old favorites were from Inuyasha -  Miroku/Sango, Sesshoumaru/Kagome
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)? Anime/manga. 
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? No, not really, but I am pretty good at filtering out what I don’t like.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? Sakura. Can we just forget the ending happened and fill in some gaps, letting her be the awesome character she is and not reduced to a lonely housewife?
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.) Hmm…neutral feelings…what are those? Umm…Iruka perhaps. To me, he is in flat out neutral territory on his own and in canon. I like him in fic if he is characterized the right way. Dominant!Iruka is rare, but pretty great. 
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice). Only three? Female characters being awesome, and given as much development and recognition as male characters. AUs and fix-it fics that focus on righting wrongs in the shinobi world, Team 7 and re-established bonds. Fewer ship wars, and an end to ridiculous assertions that consensual relationships between adults are somehow immoral if there is a gap in age, though both parties are adults.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? “Never Enough” by Aesthetic Perfection, Orochimaru x Science/Ninjutsu. “I’m not satisfied / It’s all or nothing / there’s no peace of mind for me / And even though I try / My greedy heart is hungry / I’m not satisfied, you see.”
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). Steampunk Circus AU! Could be fun :D
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why. Fruits Basket, many moons ago. I fell out of step with the storyline after the Akito reveal (which really messed with fan response to a lot of fanfic written well beforehand, including an author I used to beta for) and I never caught up.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? Kakashi & Gai
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged) Uzushiogakure being completely matriarchal and matrilineal, and key Uzumaki abilities inherited primarily by the women of the clan.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? I think it’s now technically canon, but genderfluid, no-fucks-given-about-gender-roles! Orochimaru is one that I will hold onto for all time.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites. I’m gonna branch out here: Hisoka Morow from Hunter x Hunter - so terrible, yet amazing, thus I hate him and love him at the same time. Ririchiyo Shirakiin from Inu Boku SS - I relate to her tsundere personality. Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer - What’s not to love in a nerdy girl turned badass witch and general force to be reckoned with?
V - Which character do you relate to most? I really don’t know…too many :P
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom. Harems
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom. Arranged marriages, found family, the ‘only one bed’ trope done right :D
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)? Yuri On Ice…I love it but I can’t get too heavily involved in another fandom
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