#alex whatever the fuck his last name is
queercontrarian · 2 years
the kids aren’t all right
pov you walked in on ivy and alex at any given moment
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i’m afraid the quality is quite shit lol
but i am obsessed with the new generation @separatist-apologist​ created so i had to
adding this cause i thought it was funny
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lxvvie · 1 year
Y'all know that whole trend that was going around social media with women calling their significant other by their full name? Yeah, that one. Yet another conversation was had, this time it was about the reactions your favorite babygurls would have if you called them by their full government name because of reasons. Maybe.
Capt. John Price - He's, uh, startled but not enough to drop his cigar this time. Does take a puff of it, though, before addressing you like it's the calm before the storm. Isn't too fazed because he heard it enough from his own mom growing up and he figures he's suave and diplomatic enough to placate you.
Gaz - Pointedly ignores you while giving you side glances here and there which is a major indicator that he's gotten into some shit. Probably. More than likely. Yeah... it was Soap's fault.
Alex Keller - Actually did get into some shit. Does not answer the call of duty.
Soap - You hear 'ah, shit', heavy footsteps, probably a crash, and Soap's peeking his head out from the other room. Has a deer-in-headlights look about him. It was Gaz's fault, goddamnit. He's so adorable. It's enough to make you giggle.
Ghost - You get a grunt. And then it hits him. He stops doing whatever it is he's doing. Fuck, he knows that tone. Simon turns to look at you and he stares into your soul or something like that. What in the hell kind of made-up middle name is that? You spend the better part of a good minute staring each other down before you're all, "I love you ♥️," and Ghost groans and rolls his eyes and goes back to whatever it was he was doing. But not before he grunts out a "Love ya, too." in return.
Alejandro - This is one of the few things that'll actually faze the man. Will damn near break his neck turning to face you to see what's wrong and his eyes will be wide. Oh, the last time he heard his full name called like that was from his beloved grandmother and he'd gotten into some shit then, okay?
Rudy - Ducks his head. Doesn't show his face; he can't bear the sternness of your voice, your gaze. It wasn't him this time, he swears; it remains, though, the way you say his name, an echo in his mind: Ro-DOL-fo. Why'd you have the emphasize THAT part of his name, huh?
König - König.exe stops working. Actually does break something trying to get to you. His eyes are fucking saucers, okay? Oh shit, what did he do this time, Schatz? Are you getting him back after that one time he snuck up on you to surprise you and you dropped dinner? Did you find out about the time he accidentally messed up the laundry and the white clothes came out pink? WHAT DOES HE HAVE TO DO FIX THIS?! Oh, you... just needed him to grab something off the top shelf for you.
Horangi - Also did some shit. Is unapologetic about it. Hits you with a nonchalant, "Yeah?"
Graves - STAYS IN SOME SHIT, OKAY? Saunters in like the smug bastard he is. Smirks and winks at you. "Haven't heard that name in a while, darlin'. What's your fancy?"
Valeria - Pulls a Uno Reverse and calls you by your full government name. Wait―
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brother’s best mate | draco malfoy
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pairings - draco malfoy/reader’s | brother’s best friend!au |
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sypnosis : when your older brother's best friend finds out about your date with Diggory—he decides to give you a piece of his mind.
word count : 3.4k
warnings: smut, established siblings, weed, choking, pet names, minor girl fight, size kink, not proofread so sorry
authors note: the reader is 18 in high school and graduates in less than a few months!! no minors are sexual in this one-shot. draco is 19 and only one year older than the reader. this was fun to write but lowk got lazy at the end. hope you all enjoy its very smutty.
(Follow my Wattpad @romanshome for more Draco content)
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© elliotsblunt 2022. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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You walked alongside your class mate, Ginny Weasley—a fourth year just like you. A Gryffindor with fiery bright red hair and the personality of a lion, freckled marks littering her nose. She had been your newfound best friend, usually sticking within your own house which had been Slytherin up until recently.
Some drama that had occurred in third year, so you began to seek friendships from other houses as well. You never really cared, but your older brother insisted you hang out with your true kind. Whatever that meant.
Ginny paused as they strolled past the Great Hall. “Say, _ _—Oh!”
You felt someone run into you from behind, a brute force slamming into you full force. Your knees wobbled and collapsed as your palms shielded your face, stinging as they slapped the concrete floor. Blinking with wide eyes, your eyes snapped up to meet a pair of narrowed blue eyes.
“Parkinson,” Ginny called from behind you, storming past you. Your arm shot to reach for her wrist as you held her back. “Chill Gin, it’s cool.”
The dark haired girl smirked, crossing her thin arms over her chest, where her tits practically spilled out. You almost gagged at the sight as Pansy chuckled,
“Sorry, _ _. Didn’t see ya.”
“She’s not even worth it. Come on,” You rolled your eyes, thankful Ginny had your back in the back of your mind. Pansy’s smirk faded as you spun around, reaching out and shoving you from behind. You fell forward once again, Ginny calling out your name as she kneeled beside you. Both of you send the laughing girl a glare.
“What is your problem?” You hissed, standing up on your feet. “I haven’t—“
“He broke up with me. Neville broke up with me—for you. You fucking cunt. And now, I’m going to beat you and that Gryffindor’s ass.”
Your brows knit together. Neville? But you hadn’t spoken to him in months, ever since last year. When he had broken up with you for Pansy Parkinson.
A smirk crept onto your lips, still on the ground. Her cheeks reddened at your next words, “Huh. Isn’t that ironic.”
“You bitch,” she gritted her teeth before slapping you across the face. Your eyes widened as you smiled in shock, not believing that this whore was fighting you over a man. When you had found out that Neville, who you dated for a solid two months, decided to cheat on you with Pansy Parkinson. The new, shiny exchange student from Beauxbaton Academy. She spoke French and was the only girl to show off cleavage.
She had been the talk of most of the boys in each house for months.
Apparently, the French liked to get down and under. Real quick. Half the boys went through her by the time summer rolled around. You remember your older brother mentioning her, saying if his best friend hadn’t fucked her before he graduated then he most definitely would have “tapped”. All he had earned from you was an eye roll.
“You crazy slag!” Ginny shouted, but before she could step in—a deep voice interrupted.
As you stood from the ground, picking up your book that you had dropped, you froze before quickly facing the voice. A warmness flourished in your chest as a familiar smirk was given to Pansy, by a blonde Slytherin that had graduated last year. Your brother, Alex , stood beside him, “Parkinson. Please don’t tell me your shoving my baby sis because of one of your personal wankers.“
Draco chuckled to himself, his head shaking before shoving his hands into his pockets. His hair had been combed to the side, a single strand falling over those piercing eyes of his. A black long sleeve tightened around his muscular back, a pair of black slacks to matched. You could almost smell his cologne from here.
“Can it, Waters,” she snapped at your brother, shifting her scowl into a smile when your sights landed on Draco.
“Draco—I didn’t know you were back. I would have looked for you.”
“Exactly why I didn’t,” he replied quietly, rubbing the back of his neck before clearing his throat.
Parkinson blushed a deep red, looking away from Draco. Ginny threw her a brow. “Didn’t you and Longbottom just break up?”
“Longbottom, Pans? The kid looks like a human piranha—bless his soul,” Alex chuckled, but you shook your head.
“No, he looks better. He got surgery.”
“No wa—!”
“Both of you shut up!” Pansy spat at both your brother and you, causing you all to just look at her with expecting looks. After her eyes swept back and forth across all of yours, she groaned before spinning around and stomping away. Alex tilted his head at her, “What’s with her?”
“Neville broke up with her for _ _,” Ginny replied, an knowing smile on her face as she nudged you. “But she happens to fancy someone else.”
“I would be mad to if a bloke that looked like that broke up—“
Your eyes found Draco’s. He was looking at you, with something new flickering in his eyes. His jaw was clenched as a soft smile played on his lips for you. Ginny nor Alex responded, waiting for you to respond.
“Urm, just some kid I met at a party.”
You were talking about Cedric Diggory. He was the golden boy of Hufflepuff, with those dreamy eyes and charming smile. Your heart soared whenever he passed you in the halls, sending you his specialty wink. You had to bite your lip to hold back a smile for the rest of the day, almost drawing blood. And last night, you had both texted non-stop.
Tonight you were supposed to meet him in Hogsmeade. Spring Break was coming up, which is why your brother had came in the first place. You always spent Spring Break with your brother—and Draco just always happened to be with him. They were inseparable. Ever since first year.
“You go out with him yet?” Draco asked another question, narrowing his eyes. His head tilted as he studied you.
“But she’s meant to tonight,” Ginny added, throwing an arm around you. You threw her a stare but she wasn’t paying attention to you, sending heart eyes to Draco. She always a massive crush on him, and you were sure he knew. Especially when he sent her a boyish smile right now. “Thank you, Weasel. Though, you don’t look much like a weasel anymore.”
She tucked her hair behind her ear as Alex rolled his eyes. “Gross, bro. Don’t flirt with my baby sis’s friends, ight?”
Draco chuckled as you groaned, “Ginnyishelpingmepackokbye,” you rushed out before grabbing your giggling friend.
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You stood outside your favorite restaurant in Hogsmeade—The Flying Dutchman. They had the best burgers in town, and you’re the one who actually proposed to come here when Cedric asked you out. Your brother, Draco, and you always came here for dinner when you rented out your hotel room. Like every Spring break. A faint smile wore on your lips at the memory as the spring breeze pressed warm kisses onto your flesh.
But as more time passed by, that smile began to fade. Cedric had been more than thirty minutes late.
Ginny texted her that about after an hour, you should call it quits. And so you kept checking your phone, tapping your glossy heel against the concrete of the sidewalk. Your heart banged on your rib cage as blood rushed to your ears. Everything was slightly muffled as embarrassment overcame you.
And when it hit nine o’clock, you began to walk to your hotel.
Anger coursed through your veins. How dare he asked you out then ghost you completely?
You pulled out your phone and sent him a few messages cursing him out before shoving it back into your purse. With glossy eyes, after about ten minutes, you had reached the hotel room you were to be having alone. Your brother and Draco would be sharing the next one over. Approaching the entrance, where green glass pillars cascaded over a tall, lavish building—you hummed as the cool air conditioning welcomed you.
“Welcome,” a faux customer service voice rung in your ear. Your eyes landed on the front desk attendant, a young man. “Do you have a reservation?”
“Yes. Under Waters.“
“The single queen bed with a walk in-closet?”
You blushed, “Yes.”
“Perfect. Will that be cash or credit.”
“It’s on file. I come like, every year,” you explained, and he nodded firmly before clicking his mouse a few times. He was short and chubby—hair receding slowly from the sides. You didn’t know that was possible. “Have you found it?”
“Yes. It went through and….perfect. You’re all set,” he bent over, opening a drawer and a pair of keys jingled in your ears. He pooped back up whilst kicking the drawer back closed—handing you your card and the wifi password. “This here is your room card for room number 67 as well as our wifi and password.”
“Thanks,” you sent him a smile before making your way inside. As always, the halls were the same. A green carpet with beige walls, random paintings everywhere. It smelled of old paper inside your room, a bed with red covers and white pillows rested on the large bed. A walk-in closet, as promised, was lodged in the corner next to the bathroom.
You decided to shower, still in a sour mood about being stood up. Taking off your makeup with a cleanser, you stripped off your clothes and hopped into the shower. Craving to feel the warm water soothe your tense muscles, you moaned as it happened moments later. Digging your vanilla shampoo into your roots, you used your net to scrub off the dirt and dead skin from your body.
After finding everything off, you wrapped a towel around your figure and opened the door to your bathroom. A scream tore from your throat at the sight of someone sitting on the corner of your bed.
“_ _. I’m high as fuck,” Draco ran a hand through his hair, a red hue glowing from his eyes. His eyelids hung low as he smiled lazily—flickering his gaze over to you. “Alex is passed out. He took too many edibles.”
You scoffed, “And I assume you were the more responsible one and maintained a decent amount of sobriety?”
“Big words, _ _. Big words for a little girl,” Draco taunted, your eyes rounding at his words. He had never seemed this laid back with you, always being the more poised and dignified out of him and your brother. Hair always slicked to the side, clothes looking tidy and clean cut. But his hair had been messy due to him running his fingers through the strands, and his black button up he had changed into had been unbuttoned halfway.
His gold chain glistened against his pale skin, your thighs clenching at the thought of it hanging in your face while he—
“How was the date?” He questioned, his eyes darkening. You gulped.
“He didn’t show.”
“What?” He rose his voice, standing up from his seat. You flinched at the intensity of his tone as his eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”
“Why do you care so much?”
“Dammit, _ _,” he balled his fist, storming over to you. Your back hit the wall, clutching your towel to your body, as his palmed slammed against the wall and staid there. His scent of peppermint and marijuana, which led you to believe he had smoked instead of taking the edibles with your brother. His eyes swirled with a hidden emotion as breath fanned your lips. “Why can’t you just answer a simple question?” He scoffed,
“You never do what you’re told.”
“And you’re too high,” you mumbled, placing your hands on his chest to push him back. But he caught them, “Draco.”
“_ _,” He whispered, “I can’t watch you get heartbroken over these little fucking boys anymore.”
Your throat went dry. Had Draco liked you?
That didn’t make any sense. He had been the most popular boy at school. Him and your brothers were the two most crushed on guys at school, Draco running through a number of girls throughout his years. He always paid attention to you, never leaving you out. “What? You think it’s a coincidence that every dude you have a date with bails on you?”
Your eyes widen, “You’re the reason Cedric—?”
“Back when I was in Hogwarts,” he continued, his boyish smirk returning to his lips. “Looks like you don’t need my help in that department after all.”
He had been your brother’s best friend, and if you didn’t know any better, his high self just confessed to scaring off other guys to date you. Out of all the girls he could have had, tonight, it appeared he wanted you. And one thing about Draco Malfoy—
He always gets what he wants.
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip as his piercing eyes bored into yours. His thumb reached out, shocking you, as it took place of your teeth. An animalistic look flashed in his eyes, “Relax, kid. It was a joke.”
“Don’t call me kid.”
Draco released a chuckle, taking a step back before shaking his head. He ran a large hand the lift his pale hair again, “Fuck. You’re Alex’s little sis,” he sighed, letting out sarcastic chuckles. “I’m turned on by my best friends sister.”
His words caught you by surprise. Your lips fell open in shock, eyes bulged and skin flushed. He tugged at his strands once more before muttering fuck it, turning around and walking straight towards you. You flinched say Draco grabbed your arm, pulling you into his chest before slamming his lips against yours.
They were smooth and plump, sucking on your own as his hand flew to your cheek. At first you hadn’t kissed back, in shock, but when his thumb began to rub the flesh of your face—you melted. Your lips fought against his as you completely surrendered to him.
His fingers found your hair, lightly tugging on the strands. A soft moan left your lips, causing him to hum, “You like when I pull your hair, little one?”
The nickname caused a shiver to run down your spine. A pool of wetness shot down your core, a pleasurable sensation overcoming you as he continued to kiss you. His scent overcame you as he spun the two of you around, laying you on the bed before crawling above you. His lips didn’t part from yours.
Pulling away, you panted as he observed you from above. Your hair had probably been a mess and completely damp. The towel wrapped around you had been the only thing separating you from the Slytherin above. His eyes were clouded with the drug, “You’re fuckin’ breathtakin.”
You blushed. You didn’t think you would ever hear him say that. Considering how much of a fan girl you used to be for him back in primary.
He dived down to close the gap between you two. “I wanna fuck you. Show you how it feels to cum around a grown dick like mine,” Draco breathlessly panted against her lips. His fingers dove to her towel, tossing to to the floor before looking down. His hair tickled her nose,
“Looks like every inch of you is perfect, _ _. Can’t wait to have you fall apart on my tongue.”
“Next time. I—want it now,” you breathed, craving to get fucked by Draco. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he grabbed one of your tits, popping it into his mouth before swirling his tongue around the bud. His eyes crossed at the taste, “Fuck, that feels so good.”
“YehBaby?” His voice was muddled by your mounds. You giggled as he founded the other one before doing the same. Your hips began to arch and he smirked,
“My horny little one,” he teased, sitting up straight. You chewed on your lower lip, clenching your thighs as his eyes staid on yours. Unzipping his slacks, he tossed them to the side along with his trousers before hooking his arms around your thighs. You shrieked as he yanked you to the edge, grabbing his cock, “You sure you can take it? A big dick like mine?”
You grabbed his bicep, which bulged under your hand. His arm had been twice the size of yours. Rubbing his swollen pink head against your clit, peering down at you. Your eyes widened up at him, all innocent like, pinching your nipples. His lips reached to kiss your feet before resting them both on his shoulders, “You sure about this, _ _? Because once I start, I can’t stop.”
“Please,” you pleaded, reaching for him. He chuckled before bending down, letting you wrap your arms around his neck. His thick cock began to slid into you, making you squeak his name, “Draco! Oh my—urgh.”
His red rimmed eyes looked down at you. As he inched deeper, the more your mouth dropped. He pecked your lips before moving more fluidly, more and more spikes of pleasure adding to your tummy. You weren’t a virgin—every guy you’ve been with always made you do all the work. So the fact that Draco had expertly began stroking his hard cock into your gushing pussy, you noticed more moans escaping you.
The blonde grunted, working half his cock inside. And then he pushed it all the way in, making both of you cry out in unison.
And then he chuckled darkly at your blissed out expression, a wicked smile curling onto his lips as he angled himself. His hips rammed into yours, holding your knees against him, as your tits jiggled before his eyes.
Cries and pleads babbled from your mouth.
“Yes! Please!”
“Draco—it feels too good.”
“My Merlin—I can’t—“
“Yeah?” He cooed, brutally snapping his hips against you. His thick head pushed into your walls, his abdomen rubbing against your puffy nub. With a tender voice, his hand flew to your throat, as he continued, “Just like that, little one? Move my hips like this?”
He gave her two harsh strokes, giving her a bruising kiss. Draco’s hair fell over his eyes as sweat glistened over his abs. Ring clad fingers snaked to your pussy, his thumb pressing circles into your clit. It began to pulse, meaning you were going to cum, making Draco raise his brows.
“It’s so warm, _ _. You gonna come on this dick?”
“Yes,” you whimpered, “Yes yes yes YES YES—“
Draco chuckled, kissing your lips to silence you. You came on his dick, being completely lost in the trance of your orgasm. It felt like a million glasses had broken in your ear, earth shattering before you as euphoria paused time. Never in your life had you came that hard.
And then he pulled out, sitting against the headrest on the bed. You sent him a look, still calming down from your high, as he tapped his thigh, “Come take a ride on this dick for me, baby.”
Without time to waste, you crawled over. He smiled at you evily as he guided you, “Sit with your back-good girl,” he instructed, making you face your back to his chest. He lifted your feet and stood them on his thighs, “I’m going to play with your pussy. Throw your arm around my neck and take this dick, that’s all you have to do. Okay little one? Can you handle that?”
To answer his question, you instantly grabbed his cock before sliding down. You cried out, “Ah!”
“That’s it. Juuuuuuust like that,” he shushed, rubbing three fingers on your swollen pussy. You jerked in his hold as he nipped at your ear, “I got you, baby. I got you.”
And with that he began rapidly thrusting up into your clenching pussy. You screamed out as his fingers fastened their pace, your back arching against his chest. Your arm shook as it clung to his neck, his lips attached to your nipple. The crude licking sounds edged you closer to your high.
His hand covered your entire stomach, “So tiny, baby. You like when I fuck this little pussy?”
Your tummy began to contract. Draco licked his fingers, tasting your juices, before rubbing them against your creaming pussy once again. Your brows rose in pleasure as a scream came from you, “I’m gonna—ah—“
“Come on,” he urged, “Come on come on come on—there it is! Just like that, _ _. Allll over my fucking dick.”
Your body twitched as you came on top of Draco. And when he felt your tight pussy gush around him, he grabbed you by your waist, prolonging your orgasm by animalistically rutting up into you. “Fuck, I’m gonna, fuck fuck fuck—“
“What the fuck?” Alex’s voice screamed in the air.
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doromoni · 2 months
Take my Advice | MV1
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⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ ◯ ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Ships : Max Verstappen x F1 Driver! Reader
Genre : Fluff
A/N : As per y’all request. A Max fic *tadaaaa*
Summary : Being a female driver in Formula 1 is already an achievement and now you are the leading candidate for the Red Bull seat. But Max Verstappen has some advice.
A question for Y/N please” A reporter stood with a mic in hand, staring you down — the condescension in his eyes was palpable. You could feel your skin crawl as you waited for the man’s question.
Darry? Larry? what was his name again? He was a reporter notorious for asking rude and borderline unethical questions to drivers. How did he continue to have access to F1, you could not answer. You were his favorite target just because you were born with the XX chromosome or that you were too glamorous and girly to be driving at the pinnacle of motorsport — his words exactly.
“People are speculating that you would be moving to Red Bull in 2025 or even earlier, however, you just placed P10 in the last race. How confident are you that you’d be promoted to that seat given your lack of consistency in driving so far? Shouldn’t you think Daniel Ricciardo’s a better option? ”
Barry? Sally? whatever his name was finished talking, yet his sticky gaze never left you.
The smile on your face slowly hardened as you tried to keep your cool. You felt your veins pulsate with rage and your jaw clenched with force. Your hand gripping the microphone that you held till it felt like snapping in half.
Everyone was speechless, including the other drivers that were with you. The people who were seated beside you had their mouths agape. The driver lineup was composed of You, Oscar, Lewis, and Nando, with Alex and Max by your side. Everyone could feel the intense tension in the air. The absolute ignorance and stupidity of his statement hung in on the air…
You were dominating the midfield given the car that RB had given you. You garnered points for your team consistently — only fucking up when your team fucked up their strategies. You were outperforming your teammate by miles and you were pulling miracles out of nothing in that car and in that team.
“Well Danny is a very talented driver and I respect him immensely. I truly do wish the best for him and the team, but it’s not my job to compare stats between us, no?“ You answered with a smile and nothing but praises left your mouth.
Mama said kindness and peace are what make life go around. You lived by this every single day of your life, no matter how difficult it may seem — a smile goes a long way. You chose to make peace and give way to others when opportunities presented itself. Rather catch flies with honey than vinegar right?
You were since then dubbed as the sunshine of Formula 1 — a title that you didn’t want … because it was another thing that you stole from Danny, at least that's what others think. Even when your path to your F1 seat had never been easy, every step you took was criticized just because of you being a girl, but you persevered and faced everything head-on. Through the midst of it all, you, Y/N L/N, were the driver who held smiles, kindness and cheers.
Y/N L/N the driver to always take the blow for the team, the scapegoat, you were always the 1st one to be the sacrifice. But still, you held your head up high and carried on… because it was an honor to have a seat in the first place.
“Let me just get some things straight” Lewis had taken to himself to talk seeing that Gary? Donny? seemed not willing to back down with the intent to make you react.
“Y/N has been nothing but consistent. Look at the charts properly” Lewis argued, his face holding concealed anger as he stared down the reporter
“Thank you for that Lewis, but I did check — Y/N has placed P5, P8, and P10 for the last consecutive races” The entire couch of drivers could only shake their heads in disbelief at the utter nonsense that the man continued to spout
You were driving a car that was projected to be at the back of the grid, yet here you are gaining points regularly. No offense to your teammate but you were dragging Danny through the mud — heck fellow drivers could bet their entire fortune that given a better car, you would be battling Max and Lando for the championship.
“Check again. Check your eyes too mate, cause it seems like you’re going blind” Gaps and oohs filled the room as Max, much to your surprise, butted with all seriousness in his voice.
Max was an enigma to you, the way he switches from a fire-breathing beast on the track to a literal cat-cuddling, sim-racing nerd and overall wholesome person once he finishes a race compelled you to explore and dig into the mind of Max Emilian Verstappen.
Yet you couldn’t because he was untouchable. The golden boy of Red Bull, the champion, their number 1. They would kill you if you got your business entangled with the Dutch driver. Fuck with him and you could kiss your chances at a seat in Red Bull goodbye. Unfortunately for you, you just had to have a big fat crush on the very same driver.
You weren’t even sure when your admiration for Max’s tenacity and sheer talent on the track turned into you looking at the Dutch with hearty eyes and wondering how he would taste on your lips. Maybe he would taste like the Red Bull he always seemed to drink or was it him tasting entirely of something else….. Oh, you were doing it again! Yup, you were indeed doomed.
Everyone on your team said to keep your distance and you did! Not that it was hard because Max did the same. It was weird he was always friendly to Daniel and Checo and even the other RB and Red Bull staff, but Max had this certain “coolness” when interacting with you. He was never rude or anything like that… Max just seemed guarded. Fuck! why did it have to be Max?!
“Y/N, anything to add?” the present hit you quick and fast — and that present was every pair of eyes in the room zoning in on you and your next statement.
You had so much to say and yet you presented the pr smile you practiced way too much, the smile the mirror in your driver's room knew too well. And with that same practiced smile, you stared down the reporter and uttered “Nope, nothing else from me. Thanks”
You swore you could hear Max scoff silently. Your head snapped to the Red Bull driver beside you instantly. You didn’t know what to expect but it wasn’t Max directly looking back at you with those piercing blue eyes and an eyebrow cocked upwards.
It seemed that you forgot how to blink because you just stared right into his gaze, your heart accelerating by the second — you had the same feeling you had at every start of a race; the adrenaline pumping in your veins, but instead of pushing your foot on the gas… you wanted to push your lips to his. WOAH. You needed to get a grip on yourself! Where the hell did that even come from?
Neither the two of you were backing down, only breaking eye contact when another reporter asked a question to Max. But before Max had answered, you saw him lightly shake his head sheepishly as the words “so fucking cute” whispered out of his mouth.
You were so fucking gutted. It was another race that your team had screwed you over for your teammate once again.
You were leading and you had clean air in front of you and your teammate was 5 seconds behind, everything was in place and you were in P10 when you suddenly heard from the radio to let Daniel overtake you.
You loved Danny, but that was so unfair! You tried to argue over the radio yet your appeals are once again disregarded by the team. You followed team orders and thought that this was for the long run that this would show that you were a team player and that you would be an asset as Max’s teammate in the future.
Yet no matter how much you tried to cheer yourself up or make excuses for the team, the anger and betrayal never dissipated.
You were dragging your feet towards your motorhome when suddenly you were pulled into the dark alley between your motorhome and McLaren’s hiding the two of you between used race tyres.
A shout was ready to leave your mouth when the person’s hand stopped you from doing so.
“It’s me, Max! Don’t shout” Max whispered as his eyes darted to see if anyone was looking.
The space between the motorhome wasn’t that spacious, so Max had you pushed into the wall. You could feel the heat radiating between the two of you, the taste of sticky champagne on Max’s hands transferring onto your lips.
The initial shock and Max’s closeness made you breathless and your mind spinning. What the hell is happening? Max slowly peeled his hand away from your lips.
“What the hell Max? You scared the shit out of me!” You wheezed as you breathed deeply, trying to steady your shakiness.
“There’s a difference between being nice and being a pushover. You can’t just bow down to every command your team gives you” Max had suddenly sprung on you. Your brain was reeling trying to comprehend what was happening.
“Max. I- uh… what?” only incomprehensible words fell out of your mouth.
Max held your shoulders as he bent down, his face now leveling yours. Max's face held all seriousness as his eyes, his eyes still shone with fire behind them even with the darkness that enveloped the two of you.
“Take my advice L/N, fight back and do what you want.” As Max said those last words — he was gone.
The only indication that told you that everything that happened was real was the Winner’s champagne tasting so sweet and tangy on your lips … the same champagne Max’s hand left.
“I chose Y/N” Max announced to the host and crew who were on the set. Everybody was shocked at the Dutch’s choice.
Red Bull and RB are filming another media junket for the fans to enjoy and everything was running normally till Max chose you as his teammate. Everyone, including you, was expecting him to pick Daniel when the staff said to choose your teammate from the other racing team.
“Aww! Max you’ve betrayed our years of friendship” Danny acted hurt as he held onto his heart, earning chuckles from everyone— which effectively diffused the atmosphere.
You smiled and rolled your eyes at your teammate’s antics. You made your way to Max’s side, careful not to be too close or too far for fans to overanalyze.
The distance between you and Max was at least 2 feet when he took it upon himself to step nearer towards you and smile his charming smile at you when you looked up at him quizzically.
Your heart was thundering in your chest, but your curiosity won over your nerves. What is going on with Max this couple of races? He had been very attentive and approachable towards you all of a sudden. Opening doors for you delivering water bottles, and giving your favorite snacks during media shoots and lots more. Not that you were complaining!
You couldn’t help yourself but ask the driver what was going on. You surveyed the room and found that everyone was focused on Checo and Danny.
You lifted your hand and discretely tugged on Max's shirt to gain his attention. And it worked as he found himself looking down into your eyes with curiosity.
“What is it Y/N?” Max asked lowly trying not to get everyone else to look at the two of you.
“What’s up with you recently?” You whispered back.
Max’s brows slightly crunched together.
“What do you mean?” He asked confused
“ I mean, you’re being so nice and attentive to me.” As the words spilled put your mouth, you realized just how stupid the question was. It was just Max being a decent person, right??
Max only chuckled and bent down to your ears, his lips ghosting the shell of it, sending goosebumps all over your body
“I’m just taking my advice Y/N. I’m doing what I want to do… team rules be damned”
Knocks echoed through your hotel room as you heard Max call for you to open the door.
You opened the door to a disheveled Max.
“Max?” you called out to the driver who pushed himself into your room and sat on your bed.
Ever since that day of the Media junket, you and Max grew closer together. You got to know Max than what was on the surface and you two quickly grew a bond that was more than just friendship.
The tension was there yet neither the two of you were acting on it. From his lingering touches that drove you crazy and the flirting disguised as banter you exchange on the daily— frustrating as it may seem, you loved every second of it.
You joined Max in your bed, you sat beside him and took his hand in your own. Your entwined fingers looked so unusual yet right together, it made you smile.
You feel Max tug on your hand trying to catch your attention. You looked up at him with a questioning stare
“They’re switching Checo and Daniel next season… they dropped you out of the roster” Max spoke carefully.
The smile on your face dropped instantly, as his words ran through your mind. Your face is painted white from disbelief.
They choose Daniel over you?
“What?” You whispered, the hurt and confusion evident in your face.
“You deserve to know before they announce it to everyone… you don’t deserve to be humiliated”
You were speechless. Tears didn’t even come pouring down … you were just in shock. You thought that the Red Bull seat was your, done deal. You’re so far away in the points from your teammate. Your driving was close to flawless … so why?!
You couldn’t even say anything. You just felt Max pull you into his embrace.
“If what I’ve heard from Mercedes is true, take it. Screw loyalty, that team failed you in every way. You deserve so much better”
“Y/N, final lap. Verstappen is 2 seconds behind, push the car. I repeat push the car” You hear Vince, your race engineer over the radio.
“With pleasure” you felt yourself smile. The excitement mixed with adrenaline pumping in your veins as you floored your Mercedes, driving the car to its maximum
Everything was a blur, you were on autopilot as you made every turn perfectly. As the past events that led to this moment played in your mind.
How you took Max’s advice and moved to Mercedes. You remember the relief when you penned your signature down on that contract as Toto was smiling wide at you, shaking your hand firmly as he welcomed you to his family.
You remember the feeling of sharing your first-ever podium with Max and him being so proud of you and what you’ve done so far. You were still in that scap RB car and this podium was the final “fuck you” to them, before you announce you switching teams. The self-doubt in your heart is being washed away by the sweet champagne that Max sprayed all over you. You knew you made the right choice.
And you couldn’t forget how Max had been with you when you finally dropped the bomb on RB and Red Bull. He had been through with you with every step.
And here you are now, chasing your first win in Formula 1 with the team capable to give you a winning car. You see the chequered flag waving and you hear the crowd roar as you finally cross the line
“Y/N L/N YOU ARE A GRAND PRIX WINNER!” You hear Toto over the radio and your team is cheering in the background.
“YES! YES! THANK YOU EVERYONE! WE DID IT” You shouted back as you parked your car on Parc Ferme.
you stepped out of the car you ran to the waiting arms of your team as they cheered and congratulated you continuously. When you finally to Vince who smiled so wide as he patted your helmet; his smile grew even wider as he looked behind you.
“Remove your helmet and balaclava.” He said as he offered his hand saying to give it to him. You looked at him confused but did as he said.
“Turn around” He shouted with glee as you heard everyone starting to cheer louder.
You did turn around and there stood Max Verstappen with a bouquet at hand, a smile on his face as his arms were opened wide.
Your jaw dropped and your hand covered your mouth in shock. The entire world was watching yet neither of you cared as you ran into Max's arms. You buried your face in his chest as his arm enveloped you.
“Hi boyfriend” You greeted the Red Bull driver with a grin
“Does Toto know?” Max asked as he looked at your team principal and mechanics that were shocked at what they were seeing.
“Well thanks to you EVERYONE now knows. Your not really slick there buddy” You giggled at the Red Bull driver’s antics.
Max kissed the side of your head before mumbling into your hair “ Well gotta let everyone know you’re mine . Congratulations on the win, Schat! I told you you’ll win ~ I could feel it”
You feel yourself chuckle and shake your head. You gazed up at the Dutch driver.
“Shut up and kiss me you dork” You whispered to Max, a gleam in your eye that he sure noticed.
“Yes, Ma’am” Max’s lips finally met yours in a sweet and passionate kiss — you knew what Max tasted like and you wouldn’t mind having another taste. Everything was just perfect and you would not exchange it for anything in the world.
“I always wondered what you tasted like” You said when you pulled apart. Your hand ran through his hair, something you wanted to do for ages.
“Really? What do I taste like?” Max asked clearly amused. His hand on your lower back now guiding the two of you to be interviewed.
“Sweat” You joked, and he only rolled his eyes and kissed you once more.
“ A question for Y/N please” You internally groaned and rolled your eyes as you heard his voice once again. This man was an actual menace.
“Yes, Hillary?” You said into the mic, a sickeningly sweet smile on your lips as you stared him down.
“It’s Harry” He corrected you.
“Oops, sorry Larry! please continue” You hear your fellow drivers snicker and hide laughs beside you.
It was like full circle, the same set of drivers in the interview — sat in the same positions yet now you were driving for Mercedes, clad in black instead of RB’s white race suit.
“Do you think Max let you win during the last race? He does fancy you.” You hear yourself laugh and you aren’t afraid to let others see. You’re no longer holding back for the sake of your team.
“I don’t know, Barry. I don’t know if you watched the race, but if you did might have seen that I already led the race at turn 1 till the final lap. no? And I sure do hope that he fancies me, considering he is my boyfriend afterall” You replied and couldn’t help yourself as you shot him a wink.
“You’re very confident, now that you’re in Mercedes. Huh?” Ohhh he was seething, if this were a cartoon he would have smoke coming out of his ears.
“ Yeah, I’m getting comfortable in my seat, thanks for asking. I’m only getting started” You said with a shit-eating grin.
To your left, you hear Max utter the words “ That’s my girl” proudly.
A/N ++ : I don’t know what to feel about my writing here tbh~ My brain is fried 🙃
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delilahsturniolo · 27 days
Tumblr media
so high school - m.s
in which: matt and y/n are rivals, and have been competing with each other academically all throughout high school. what happens when the rivalry they insist between each other breaks?
this story contains: kissing, academic rivals to lovers, angst, more.
written by: @delilahsturniolo
© delilahsturniolo
“are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?”
“it’s just a game but really?”
I fidgeted around in my chair as the teacher walked by every desk, passing our test results. I glanced back at Matt who sat behind me, who was also waiting.
“What’re you so nervous about, Y/n? Scared you got a lower grade than me, hm?” Matt taunted. I turned my whole body around to look at him.
“Actually, I’m not nervous thank you very much.” I stood my ground, I raised an eyebrow as Matt darkly chuckled.
“Your body language says otherwise. You’re shaking.” Matt smirked, I looked down and placed a hand on my leg that bounced up and down.
“How about you mind your own business. You won’t be blabbering as much when you find out I got the highest mark in the class.” I flipped my hair dramatically and turned around. Matt rolled his eyes.
“Oh yeah? Looks like someone’s delusional.” Matt scoffed. As I was about to comment back, the teacher placed me and Matt’s papers on our desk.
I gasped, I grabbed my paper and flipped it over.
A 100, A perfect 100.
Feeling confident, I turned around in my chair. “What’d ya get?” I asked Matt. He looked up from his paper and into my eyes.
“100. What about you?” Matt asked, I groaned in annoyance.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I sighed.
“Y/n! Language!” The teacher called out. I turned to Matt again.
“The same score, again.” I exclaimed, Matt sighed heavily.
“Whatever.” Matt’s lips formed a line. The teacher abruptly cleared her throat, causing the class to go silent.
“Alright class, today I’ll be assigning you a project. A group project. But, I will be selecting the partners.” The teacher explained, the class sighed in disappointment.
The teacher started calling out the names.
“Sarah and Alex, Nina and Hailey, Y/n and Matt-“
“Woah woah woah, what!?” Matt exclaimed, sitting up in his chair slightly. I scoffed in disbelief.
“This has to be a mistake, miss.” I spoke, the teacher simply shook her head.
“No. Nope. I am not working with her. Can I switch my partner?” Matt insisted.
“Nope, no changing partners.” The teacher demanded. I buried my head in my hands, there was no way I had to work with Matt.
Eventually, the bell rung for the next class. I got up and left, walking through the crowded hallways. I went over to my locker, opening it and putting some of my books inside.
Suddenly, Matt approached me. He leaned up against the locker next to mine. I glanced at him in annoyance.
“What?” I asked bitterly, matt raised an eyebrow.
“Somebody’s got their panties in a twist.” Matt retorted, I rolled my eyes and shut my locker harshly, turning to face him.
“What? Struck a nerve or something?” Matt teased.
“Shut up and listen to me for a minute.” I snapped, Matt surprisingly went quiet at my command.
“If we’re going to do this project together, we have to perfect it. And the first step is to work on it later today, at my house.” I demanded.
Matt chuckled. “You aren’t in charge here, princess. And why your house?” He crossed his arms, his dark hair fell over his vibrant eyes that pierced into mine as he spoke to me.
I frowned, opening my locker again, grabbing one of my notebooks and ripping out a small piece of paper from it. I grabbed one of my pens and swiftly wrote my address on it, I shut my locker.
“You wanna pass this project, yeah?” I taunted, shoving the paper against his chest. “Then follow my lead.” I spoke, giving him one last look before walking off. Matt scoffed, glaring at me as I did so.
“Who the hell does she think she is?” Matt murmured to himself.
7:00 PM…
I was laying on my bed, scrolling mindlessly through my phone when suddenly I heard the doorbell ring. I jolted up at the sound, immediately running to answer the door.
I opened the door, Matt stood on the other side, some books and his computer in his arms.
“Finally decided to listen to me for once?” I teased, Matt simply rolled his eyes.
“Don’t get used to it.” His eyes scanned over my entire body as he said so. I let him in and we immediately went into my room.
I plopped down on my bed, opening up my laptop, Matt looked around my room, fiddling with some of my stuff.
“Stop touching my stuff, sit down.” I patted the spot next to me. Matt groaned and hesitantly came over, sitting on the bed next to me.
“Okay, let’s get started.” I insisted. Matt simply just ignored me, as always.
Matt opened his laptop, beginning to type away. We were supposed to be working together..but it was silent most of the time, since we both wanted to do things our own ways and couldn’t come to an agreement.
Matt looked up from his computer, his eyes fixated on me. I didn’t notice until I saw him through my peripheral vision.
I looked up. “What?” I snapped.
“I can’t look at you?” Matt teased, a smirk slowly forming on his face.
“You never willingly look at me. Stop it.” I crossed my arms, Matt shook his head.
“Who said I don’t willingly look at you?” Matt questioned, I was so confused at the way he was acting.
“I..I don’t know. I just assumed since-“ I spoke, but Matt immediately cut me off.
“We’re supposed to hate each other?” Matt blurted out all of a sudden. I was taken aback by the ‘supposed to.’
“Supposed to? What the hell do you mean-“ I was cut off once again by Matt, but not by words..
He leaned in, grabbing the side of my neck and kissing me. I wanted to pull away. I was supposed to hate him, after all.
But I couldn’t pull away, something was drawing me to him. I felt a heavy weight lift off my shoulder as we kissed, he bit down on my bottom lip.
Matt pulled away, moving his hand to my chin. “Are you always this stubborn?” Matt asked, not breaking eye contact for a second.
“I hate you.” I mumbled, but not bothering to resist him. A dark smirk grew on Matt’s face.
Matt didn’t say anything as he placed his hand back on my neck tenderly, pulling me back in again. His lips slammed into mine, I gasped into the kiss as his tongue slid into my mouth.
My heart fluttered as he did so, I would totally be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying this.
As we pulled away once more, Matt spoke.
“Still hate me?” He whispered softly. I bit my lip, shaking my head no.
Matt looked down at me, his eyes searching mine. “I never hated you. I couldn’t ever.” He spoke.
I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. He moved his hands to my waist. I rested my forehead against his.
I never thought I would say this..but his embrace felt..safe? It was warm, and comforting. I guess you could say, we didn’t end up finishing the project that night.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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joelsmochi · 5 months
honeypie - joel miller
summary: part 2 to honey (can be read as a standalone, doesn’t have much to do with the original plot!) warnings: not proofread, 18+, slight angst?, age gap (everyone is legal!!!!!), bickering/arguing, double date trope womp womp, degradation, dubcon, creampie, joel is a smidge misogynistic insecure and possessive wc: 2.6k a/n: this is mainly just some self indulgent yet rushed storytelling (so sorry, i wrote it in an hour because i was bored at work lol)! i wanna write a part 3 and actually include the beekeeping a little more but i have nooo idea how i’m gonna do it but we WILL get there one day babes!!! until then, enjoy this fluffy angsty sex 😽!!!💓
series masterlist | main masterlist
“If you guys are gonna bang when I’m in the house the least you could do is be quiet!” You heard Sarah shout from the other side of Joel’s bedroom door after banging on it.
Joel grimaced, his body tensing beneath you but you were almost oblivious to the complaints of your best friend. Almost.
You didn’t let up on your movements or noises whatsoever and as much as Joel loved those sweet little moans spewing from you as you humped against him, he loved his privacy much more especially when it came to his daughter.
You shook your head profusely when he attempted to get you to stop, insisting on how you were almost there.
“Soclosesoclosesoclose—just w-wait, I’m cu—fuck. Ahh, fuck, I’m cumming. Oh yes! Yesyesyesyesyes! Ohh—oh, my God—“
Joel covered your mouth with a clammy hand, feeling torn from his mixed feelings of lust and embarrassment.
Going downstairs didn’t help him feel any better either, especially when Sarah began berating you both, not that he blamed her for it.
“Call it payback for all the times I let you and your boyfriend have sex in my bed,” you retorted.
“In your bed?!” Joel mumbled to himself.
“Yeah yeah, could have at least waited until I was gone,” Sarah muttered.
“Sorry, Sar,” you hummed, “your dad is just really hot.”
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Come on, man.”
“I didn’t even know you were home,” Joel complained. “You’ve been with Jared or whatever his name is all week.”
Sarah’s squinted her eyes, annoyed by the lack of care from her father. “Alex. His name is Alex dad—see, I hate this!”
“Oh, by the way, Sarah,” you said, pattering behind the kitchen counter, “wouldn’t use the open jar of honey if I were you.”
“UGH! EW! Fucking ew!”
“Other than the obvious,” Sarah mumbled, “how’s my dad taking care of you?”
You wore a bright smile and looked away from your reflection momentarily. Joel was… Joel. Rough around the edges but he was a genuine person, confident in the external reality but a little insecure. Not unbearably insecure though, just enough to make you know he was trying his best.
He wasn’t the most romantic but you figured it was just from him being out of the game for so long and you knew you could train him to be more romantic if it was needed.
He didn’t push you aside or make attempts to subtly suggest you needed to leave after sex either; he’d pout real big and give you those gorgeous puppy dog eyes until you held him. He loved making you laugh.
But it definitely still felt like just sex rather than a relationship. You weren’t particularly complaining, but you weren’t bragging about it either.
“Good,” you answered.
Sarah could tell from your tone how honest it was. Good meant great, happy, damn near perfect.
“Good. I’m glad,” she said. “I was worried he’d be like one of those incels that get real creepy and pervy after thirty-five.”
“No, no, he’s great,” you reiterated. “He’s very funny. Smart. He asks me to tan in my bikini while he’s working on the hive or the yard.”
You watched from the corner of your makeup coated eye how tightly she grimaced.
“Images. In head. Don’t want them there,” she dramatized.
“I have to hear every last detail about you and Al up to where he’s shoving your cervix into your stomach. You can deal with a little sexiness from us,” you said.
“It’s just so weird,” she whined.
“Do you want me to stop seeing him?” You asked.
You had slowly began to worry about how this would affect your best friend over time, you knew it was a weird situation. You had no issue cutting Joel off if it meant Sarah got to be happy. There were other men in the world, there weren’t other Sarah’s.
“No, God! No. It’s just not as simple as I was expecting. You know?” She explained kindly.
“Totally! I’d be weirded out if you were hooking up with my dad while I was across the hall. I’m not blaming you there, or anywhere for that matter. Just know you come first.”
“Well, yeah, who else is going to wax your back hair and not judge you for it?” She teased.
You rolled your eyes at her.
“Lots of men with weird fetishes.”
“Can’t believe I agreed to this,” Joel huffed.
He adjusted the waistband of his jeans making his shoulder briefly flare. You let your mind wander while Joel complained about the double date you had arranged with Sarah and Alex. You were currently waiting in the parking lot for them to arrive.
“It’ll be fun. You’ll get to meet Alex and see he is a respectable man and you and I get to pretend we’re a couple for a few hours.”
“Pretend?” Joel questioned. “W-what do you mean pretend? Are we not together?”
“Uh, no?” You said.
Joel didn’t appreciate your amused reaction and questioned you a little more.
“You never asked me to be your girlfriend— you haven’t even taken me on a date,” you explained. “Did you really think that conversation wasn’t necessary?”
“So if we’re not together then what is this?”
You sucked your teeth before simply saying, “Sex.”
Once the four of you were inside Sarah and her boyfriend felt the tension between the two of you.
You watched Joel punch in all of your names into the keypad before pressing ‘start game’.
“So Alex, what do you do for work?” Joel asked.
“Oh, well right now I’m working at a café downtown, but I’m majoring in political science to become a lawyer.”
“A lawyer?” Joel sounded impressed.
“Lawyers are great at communicating,” you antagonized. “They know what questions are… Important to ask.”
Joel rolled his eyes and motioned between you and the bowling balls. “Just go. Good God.”
“Dad, what did you do?” Sarah asked.
“Why do you assume it’s my fault?” He defended.
“Girl, what did he do?” She asked you.
Shrugging, you said, “I don’t know. Since Joel thinks he’s so great at communicating, maybe he should answer. I’m gonna go bowl.”
“Hope you gutter!” Joel shouted after you walked away. “She told me I needed to ask her to be my girlfriend.”
“You thought she was your girlfriend?!” Sarah said with wide eyes.
“Well… Yeah? Do I really need to verbally ask her that?”
“That’s why I got a strike, bitch,” you said while slapping the back of Joel’s head.
Sarah and Alex awkwardly stood up so that he could pretend to teach Sarah how to bowl properly. But the bickering between you and Joel didn’t end there.
“I thought it was obvious,” Joel told you. “I have you over all the time. We fuck. We laugh. Did I really need to ask?”
“So what would have happened if I pissed you off and you were to say ‘it’s not like you’re my girlfriend’?”
“I do not sound like that!” Joel scoffed. “And I would never do that to you, you know that. I just kinda figured you were mine, you know?”
You squinted at his unearned possession over you, feigning offense and scoffing obnoxiously.
“Yours? I’m not your property, Joel. You don’t get to claim me.”
“Oh yeah? And what are you goin’ to do about it? Fuck some other loser?”
You grinned, and immediately he regretted his words.
“That’s exactly what I’ll do,” you whispered.
Alex and Sarah sat back down and you asked if they wanted anything to eat or drink before walking away to go to the bar.
“Hi, what can I get for ya?” The boy at the counter asked.
“How old are you?”
“Nineteen, why?”
“You see the older man on lane twelve?”
He looked and then nodded.
“Well, I wanna make jealous so if you could just smile and pretend to flirt with me I’ll give you ten bucks,” you explained with a sly smirk.
“Fifteen,” he negotiated.
“Ugh, fine. Can I get two lemonades, a beer, and a water please?”
“That’s not coming out of my tip, is it?” He questioned whilst punching the order into his screen.
“It will if you don’t start looking at my boobs,” you said through your faux smile.
You leaned onto the counter and gave the employee a clear view of your cleavage, which he seemed to appreciate very much.
But Joel wasn’t only focused on the teenage boy behind the counter, he noticed the numerous men gawking at your short shorts that showed off too much of your ass with you bent over the counter the way you were.
“Dad,” Sarah’s voice brought him back to reality. “Your turn.”
By the time Joel managed to spare you had returned with everyone’s drinks and Joel didn’t give you the satisfying reaction of jealousy like you’d hoped.
Wondering if you went too far, you drank a bit of Joel’s beer to imprint a lip gloss stain for Joel to taste in between sips. Something you noticed he loved to do over the past few weeks whenever he made you coffee or tea. You never finished your drinks and Joel always lined his mouth up with your lip print to taste you every chance he got.
And as you gave him the cheap plastic cup that held his beer, you watched as he habitually sipped right where your lips had been. Occasionally licking the rim of the cup before taking his next swig.
A couple of games later, you and Sarah managed to team up against the boys and kick their asses each and every frame. They sulked while you two gloated from the ending of the final game all the way back to the cars.
“Okay, okay. We get it, girls rule, boys lose,” Alex said.
“It’s boys drool,” Sarah corrected before turning to hug her father who placed a kiss on her forehead. “Night, dad. I’m gonna stay at Alex’s.”
“Okay, babygirl. Call me tomorrow.”
“Oh, and word of advice,” Sarah whispered after you got into Joel’s car. “Girls like what boys consider pointless communication. Take her out a few times, make her feel special, and ask her to be your girlfriend. She really likes you, she’s just making you earn it.”
Joel softly smiled and nodded. “Mmkay. Thanks.”
Once he got in the car he didn’t acknowledge you in the least bit, finally free to punish you for letting those men get a free show.
“Not a word?” You nudged his arm as he drove. “You could ask me now.”
He snickered, the most noise he’s made in the last ten minutes.
“You don’t get to just fucking claim me, Joel!”
Joel sped up before pulling into a rest area.
“Come’ere,” he hoarsely demanded.
He unclipped his seatbelt and began undoing his belt and jeans.
“Don’t get all fuckin’ shy on me now, girl. Come on.”
You hesitated but unbuckled your seatbelt and climbed into his lap; he moved his seat all the way back and pushed his jeans low enough for his cock to spring up and slap his belly.
Instinctively you reached for it, but he removed your hand from his hardening length and held your wrists tightly behind your back with one hand. Using his other hand to grab your face by your cheeks he forced you to look into his cold eyes.
“Do you not want to be with me?” His voice strained as he asked that, a hint of hurt glaring in his dark eyes.
“Of course I want to be with you,” you answered.
“I don’t play games,” he said, gripping your wrists even tighter. “Don’t fucking—“ A soft smack landed upon your cheek. “Don’t fucking do what you did tonight ever again. Get on your knees.”
He slightly shoved you back as he loosened his grip on your hands and face; you submissively sank to the rough carpeted floor of the car and he wasted no time pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail and shoving his fat dick into your wet mouth.
He tasted so fucking good, the mix of his clean flesh and salty precum like honey dripping onto your tongue. Your eyes rolled back and you moaned along his shaft as you eagerly bobbed your already hazy head up and down.
Joel’s hips rolled up in pleasure, gurgling out helpless moans as your nose rubbed the wiry hairs along the base of his shaft. Despite the aching and soreness, you loved having your throat full of Joel.
You took initiative and pushed against his hand, nonverbally telling him to make you suffer, and he shamelessly did so.
He couldn’t tell if the slick that was coating his balls was your spit or tears and he didn’t give a fuck. If you were going to show some loser teenager your tits and some loser bachelors your ass the least you could give him was some fucking remorse, right?
Joel felt powerful, in charge in ways he never experienced before. Your flooded eyes looked into his and saw how contorted his face was, so even if he was the one telling you what to do you knew you had him wrapped around your finger.
“Give me that fuckin’ throat, baby,” he moaned. “Oh, fuck! That throat is so fucking tight—mnh. God…damn baby. Feels so fucking good.”
He smacked your wet cheeks as encouragement before slowly pulling you off of his dick; you coughed at the gust of oxygen that flooded your lungs, giggling as he smacked his fat tip against your puffy mouth.
“Look at you, baby,” he whispered. “So pretty when my cock shuts that smart fuckin’ mouth a’yours up.”
“You love my fucking mouth,” you smugly said as you climbed into his lap.
“I do, but I think you forget what it’s supposed to be used for,” he whispered.
“You can stuff my mouth all you want, I’m still gonna give you a reason to use it.”
An eyebrow of his cocked up and a grin spread across his face at your confidence.
“Take your pants off,” he instructed seductively. His rough hands ran up your arms and back while you did what he said. “There you go,” he moaned when you slid down on his wet cock. “You’re such a good fucking slut for me, honey.”
“Just—just ask me, and I’ll s-say yes!” You shakily moaned as you relentlessly bounced on his dick.
Joel gripped your neck and began fucking into you from below, pushing deeper than he needed to, definitely bruising your cervix.
“You know you belong to me. All that fucking shit about claiming you and how I don’t own you, fuck was that?”
“Joe—elll, ugh!” You screamed into his chest, not sure if you were cumming or if your cunt was just overwhelmed with sensitivity. “Just ask, just ask baby I promise I’ll be good I’ll never misbehave again.”
He popped your ass and chuckled cruelly when you flinched and moaned. “Be my girlfriend, babydoll. Hmm? I want you to be my girl. You’re already my slut. Will you be my girl, babydoll?”
Your eyes gawked up at him and you couldn’t suppress the smile that tugged against your lips.
“Yes! Yes, yes, baby! Oh fuck, oh fuck!”
“Say it,” he begged. “Say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours I’m yours I’m yours I’m yours Joel! Fuckfuckyes I’m yours! I belong to you! I fucking belong to you!”
Joel felt the familiar deep stretch in the peak of his belly at your cries. He listened to you submit to him, let him claim you as his, ultimately marking his territory as he began to cum inside of your warm cunt.
“Thaaaat’s my good girl,” Joel growled as he fucked the last of his spend into you.
“Fuck,” you exhaled, climbing off of him. “You’re such an ass.”
He chuckled at this, the softness in his laughter coaxing a giggle from you.
“You love me,” he mumbled.
“Mmm, not quite,” you said as confidently as your tired body would allow.
“Oh, honeypie… You’ll get there soon enough.”
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Ok while reading ur teenagers series I kept imagining the reader as the little girl from the univers that got destroyed but in ur fics she happened to make it out. But I also can't stop imagining what would happen if reader found out that her Miguel isn't her actual dad. Cuz let's be honest that's totally somthing he would keep from her. So if ur up to it could u pretty please write something like that 🙏. Maybe include hobie's reaction to??
stop this is so sad
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬… 𝐩𝐭 𝟕
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“You and your dad look nothing alike.”
You always got that, all the time. You questioned if you were even his sometimes.
“No, Lyla. I’m not gonna tell her-“
“She’s old enough. She deserves to know-“
Lyla was about to say something else when you walked into the room. You overheard it.
She’s been pushing Miguel since you turned 12 to tell you. He was always too scared to do so.
“Hey-“ Miguel turned to you quickly.
“What’s up?”
“I was just wondering if Hobie could come over?”
“Sure, yeah, whatever. I’ll see you later, there’s something wrong with Lyla or something and Margo needs me to come check it out or something.”
He was lying.
“Okay. Yeah. See you.” You said as he practically ran out the door.
You looked around his room, realizing you’ve never really snooped around in here.
He was up to something, so you decided to look around.
Hobie decided to help you, he had nothing better to do with his time.
“What do you think he’s hiding exactly..?” He asked, going through some files.
“Something. I just…. Don’t know what.”
He stopped when he saw a folder with your name. He handed you the folder.
Lord of scribbled notes, pictures of you when you were a child, but none when you were a baby. Probably about 4 or 5 in the pictures.
You held them up, and looked at them.
Hobie pulled out a document in the folder, that was hidden.
“DO NOT OPEN.” It said, so he opened it.
He skimmed through it, but stopped for a second.
“Y/n L/n, taken in by Miguel O’Hara when earth-712 was about to collapse, he arrived in time and couldn’t save anyone but the child. He now has legal guardianship of the child. This child may be considered dangerous, and must be under watch AT ALL TIMES.”
He stopped reading and looked at you, you gave him a confused look. He just handed you it to you.
You read through it, tears starting to form.
You looked back at Hobie, who gave you a sympathetic look. He went next to you, rubbing your shoulder as you started to cry into your knees. He held you while you did so.
“I just can’t fucking believe it- I’ve been lied to my whole life.” You sobbed.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m gonna go beat his ass.” He mumbled the last part under his breath.
You laughed at that for a second and went back to crying. It was quiet for a moment, he looked at you.
“C’mon, let’s get up.” He said, grabbing your hand and going to your room. You both sat on your bed for a while in silence.
“Thank you.” You sniffled, wiping your nose with your sweater. You laid down and he still sat down on your bed.
“It’s what I’m here for.”
You smiled slightly at him.
“I love you.”
“I love you more. Do you need anything..?”
“No. Don’t leave. Please.”
“I won’t” he laid down next to you, and held you. You turned on the tv.
“New season?” He asked, he didn’t know there would be one.
“Yeah.” You laughed.
“Alright then.” He got more comfortable, and so did you.
After an hour or two after that, you both fell asleep, the tv going on in the background.
It was late, About 10 pm. Miguel opened the front door. He sighed and took off his shoes, his mask was already gone, and he went into his bedroom.
“Fuck.” He mumbled as he opened the door to his room. It was a mess, and the one file he hoped you never saw was open, dark spots covering it which he guessed was tears.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He repeated it, cleaning up the files and mess, then looking into your room.
He only opened it a little, he knew you knew. He knew that Hobie would question him about it in the morning. He knew that you would hate him if you didn’t already.
He left and plopped down into his bed, suit still on. He looked at the pictures you had pulled out. Pictures of you when you were younger.
All of it would be gone all because he couldn’t tell you.
Miguel did not sleep that day, he changed and stared at the ceiling the whole night. And even when the light shined through his window, he didn’t get up.
He only got up when he heard you both shuffling around.
“You got your stuff?” Hobie asked you. You were gonna stay at his for a while, just until you felt ready.
“Where are you going?” Miguel asked, both of you turning to him.
“Away from you.”
“Look, I’m sorry. I was gonna tell you but I couldn’t-“
“You couldn’t? You lied to me my whole fucking life!”
“You have to understand, ever since Gabriella I haven’t known what love was, that was until I found you, okay? I love you. And you can hate me, you can go away, but I will always love you, because even if you’re not my biological daughter, you’re still my daughter. I raised you. And no matter what you do, you can’t run away from that.”
You stayed silent for a moment. Not knowing what to say.
“He’s not wrong, love. He’s your dad.” Hobie said, grabbing your shoulder.
You started to cry again, and went up to Miguel and hugged him. Tightly. He hugged you like he never wanted to let go.
Hobie smiled and Miguel looked at him then back to you.
“I love you.” You mumbled to him.
“I know.”
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goblinontour · 2 months
Daddy Came Home
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and you’ll gladly break your heart for him
series masterlist | part 2
warnings: soft!dom!alex, smut, piv, daddy kink, br33ding kink, you know how it goes…
word count: 3.7k
London, 2022
You were surprised to see his name pop up on your phone. You hadn’t talked in a while, really talked. It felt like forever. But now he called you up. You didn’t get to it in time, but he left a voicemail, asking to see you. He told you he had a break from the tour for a couple of weeks and he would be in town.
Did he think you were going to get into bed with him again so easily? Well, truth be told, you probably would. It had never gotten serious between you. You’d just fuck whenever he felt like it or whenever you felt like it, regardless of whether you two were in separate relationships or not. Maybe it wasn’t right. Probably wasn’t. Definitely wasn’t. But it didn’t stop you before, and it wasn’t going to stop you now.
Not that you had a boyfriend at the moment, but you suspected he had a girlfriend. Yes, you kept up with him. You were curious to see what he was up to. But if he was calling you, then that meant that the so-called relationship he was in wasn’t serious. Or not that serious. He wouldn’t ask to see you otherwise, would he? Maybe he didn’t want to fuck. But what else would he want from you?
The last time you saw him, it had been one of those rare nights when the city felt more alive than ever. 
His hair was still short back then, compared to the more recent pics you’d seen of him, though not as short as the fresh buzz cut he had when you first met. You’d spent hours just talking and laughing, almost forgetting the physical aspect of your relationship. Almost. But by the end of the night, the familiar pull was too strong to resist. It always was. The tiniest touch of his hand on your arm was all it took for you to get him to fuck you in the bathroom of the bar.
You wondered if this time would be any different. As you debated whether to call him back, your mind wandered to all the times you’d spent together. The whispered secrets, the things he’d tell you when he was just drunk enough that you knew no one else could ever find out about. 
But there was always that unspoken understanding. No strings attached. No commitments. Just a series of fleeting moments that left you both satisfied and yet somehow always wanting more.
You sighed, staring at his name on your screen. What was it about him that made it so hard to say no? Maybe it was the way he looked at you, how it made you feel like you were the only person in the world that mattered. Or maybe it was the way he could make you laugh, even when you felt like crying. Or maybe just the way he fucked you. Whatever it was, it was enough to make you consider seeing him again. Even after not hearing from him for years now. 
Taking a deep breath, you pressed the call button and waited as the phone rang. He picked up on the second ring.
“Hey.” he said, his voice smooth and so familiar, like nothing had changed and no time had passed. 
“Hey.” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
“I’m in town.” he said. “Don’t know if you got my message.”
“Got it.”
“So, what do you say? I know you miss me.”
“What makes you think so?” you shot back.
“You called back.”
You could almost see the smirk on his face, and it was infuriating, but he was right.
“So, lunch? Tomorrow?” he asked again.
You hesitated for a moment, but then you smiled to yourself. You were so weak when it came to him. “Yeah, I'd like that. Where?”
“Perfect. I wanna try that place you keep posting about. The one you say has the best wine.”
“Have you been stalking me?” you asked, half-joking.
“No, not stalking. Just keeping myself updated, so to speak.” he replied smoothly.
“You don’t even like wine.”
“I know I don’t, but you do.” he said, his voice carrying that familiar warmth.
You couldn't help but smile at his response, a small part of you touched that he remembered the detail. “Alright. Noon?”
“Noon it is.” he confirmed.
As you hung up the phone, you felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. You thought about it again. Noon. It was weird that he was just fine with that. Noon wasn’t really giving ‘I’m gonna fuck you in the car after we eat’ vibes. Noon was giving lunch with a friend or a casual date, not the usual hookups you were used to with him.
Maybe he really did just want to catch up, you mused. Maybe this time would be different. Maybe this time, you’d figure out what it was you really wanted from each other. Or maybe you’d just end up right back where you started.
The next day, you arrived at the place you decided upon a few minutes early. You were never late. He often was. But hopefully he wouldn’t take too long today. You chose a table outside, guessing he probably still smoked.
As you waited, you couldn’t help but glance around. It was a place you’d often visited with friends. Seeing it now, with the prospect of seeing him again, made it feel different. There was a charged energy in the air, a mix of anticipation and maybe even some nostalgia.
When he finally walked into your view, you looked up and your breath caught. He looked effortlessly cool, as always, with his slightly tousled hair. Sharp lines. Head to toe. His jeans were tight on his thighs but flowed into a slight flare the lower you looked. Sunglasses propped on his nose, as always. His aviators were the only thing obstructing your view. You couldn’t see his eyes, but he noticed you staring at him. He didn’t say anything, though. He was doing the same thing.
He approached the table with that familiar swagger, a half-smile playing on his lips. “Hey.” he said, sliding into the seat across from you.
“Hey.” you replied, your voice catching slightly. “Glad you could make it.”
“Wouldn’t miss it, I was the one who invited you, after all.” he said, removing his sunglasses and setting them on the table. His eyes finally met yours, and you felt that familiar jolt. It was as if no time had passed at all.
You both ordered drinks, falling into an easy conversation about the city, your friends, and his latest tour adventures. 
As you two glanced over the menu for something to eat, he asked, “Any recommendations? What should I get?”
You pointed out a few of your favourites, but he seemed pretty set on ordering a burger. “It’s nothing special.” you warned him, but he insisted, so you let him be.
When the second round of drinks arrived, you sipped on your wine as he drank his beer. The conversation flowed effortlessly, but your attention kept drifting back to him. The way he moved, the sound of his voice, the little details you had missed.
Eventually, the food arrived. You watched as he made a mess of himself with the stupid burger, the grease and juices dripping down his fingers and hands. Despite the mess, there was something undeniably arousing about the way he licked his fingers clean. He noticed the way you were staring. He knew. And it was like he was doing it on purpose at this point.
Determined not to be the only one affected, you decided to taunt him too. You grabbed his beer bottle, wrapping your lips around the neck and taking a sip, slowly, looking him straight in the eyes. He knew very well what you were hinting at.
“Cheeky.” he said, grabbing a napkin to properly clean himself.
“Not my fault you’ve been neglecting me for years. Thought you forgot about me.” you shot back.
“Are you saying you haven’t had sex since I last saw you?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Never said that.”
“So, you’re just saying that no one fucked you like I do then?”
“Didn’t say that either.”
“Mhm, if you say so.”
“You’re such an ass.”
“Look, I know my arse is big, but it’s not my only feature.” he joked, easing the slight tension with a grin.
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head. “You’re impossible.”
“And yet, here we are.” he said, leaning back in his chair, his eyes never leaving yours.
There was a charged silence between you, the air thick with the unspoken knowledge of what was bound to happen eventually. Despite your best efforts to keep things light, the familiar pull was undeniable. You both knew where this was heading, but for now, you were content to let the moment stretch, savouring the connection that had never really faded.
As the afternoon wore on, you found yourselves lingering at the table, reluctant to let the moment end. It felt like a tentative truce. Watching the other tables become vacant only for another group to occupy them, while you stayed there, in your spots. 
He lit a cigarette at one point, when another round of drinks arrived. You’d lost count. You watched as he took a drag and blew the smoke away from you. He still had his manners in that regard. “You still don’t mind, right?” he asked with a smirk.
“I don’t, but thanks for being so considerate.” you said, rolling your eyes but smiling nonetheless.
“I’m glad you came.” he said, his tone softening. “I’ve missed this. Missed you.”
You looked at him, studying his face. There was something different in his expression, something deeper and more reflective than before. As he leaned back in his chair, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of déjà vu. It was like every other time, yet something felt different. Maybe it was just you, hoping for something more, something deeper. You took a moment to bring yourself back to reality. You couldn’t let yourself fall for him now just because he looked at you slightly differently. 
“Does your girlfriend know you’re here?” you asked, though you knew the answer.
“No. Is that a problem?”
“Is it?”
“No, I don’t think so.” he responded, stretching his arm to reach the ashtray in the middle of the table, getting rid of the burnt bits gathering at the end of his cigarette.
“I’ve missed you too.” you admitted, the honesty surprising even yourself.
“This place is nice.” he said, looking around at the lights that lit up with the sun starting to set.
“Are we gonna get to the point of this soon?”
“There’s no point. I wanted to see you.”
“In your bed, maybe.” you said.
“And preferably naked.” he joked, stubbing out the rest of the cigarette and waving at the waiter for the check.
You laughed, shaking your head at his bluntness. “You never change.”
“Would you want me to?” he asked, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart race.
“Sometimes.” you admitted quietly. “But then again, sometimes not.”
He nodded, understanding the complexity of your feelings without needing further explanation. The waiter arrived with the check, and he quickly settled it, leaving a generous tip.
As you both stood up to leave, he placed a hand on your back, guiding you along the way. The contact was electrifying, a reminder of how easily he could affect you, and you knew, despite your best intentions, that you were already in too deep. 
You walked down the street together, the conversation light and easy, but the underlying tension palpable.
“So, where to now?” he asked, glancing over at you.
“Your place?” you suggested, the words coming out before you could second-guess yourself.
He smiled, a mix of relief and anticipation in his eyes. “Sounds perfect.”
The walk to his house was a blur, the anticipation building with each step. When you finally arrived, he unlocked the door and held it open for you, his eyes never leaving yours. Inside, the familiarity of his place hit you. Little details that reminded you of past encounters, shared moments, and unspoken drunken promises you both pretended never happened. 
He closed the door behind you, and you turned to face him, the air between you thick with tension. “So, no point to this, huh?” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
He stepped closer, his hands finding your waist. “No point.” he agreed, his lips brushing against your ear. “Just missed you.”
You tilted your head back, meeting his gaze. “Show me.” you challenged, your heart pounding in your chest.
His response was immediate, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that was both slow and desperate. He was kissing you as if he was trying to relearn the shape of your lips and how they fit together with his. Eventually, he nudged you with his tongue, asking for your permission, which you gave immediately. You hadn’t realised just how much you missed his taste until now when you felt it again spreading inside your mouth.
He led you to the bedroom, his lips only leaving yours for maybe two seconds at a time to catch his breath and take a glance, making sure you wouldn’t bump your head into a wall or something. But your body remembered the way perfectly. Clothes began shedding, his boots lost along the way wherever he’d kicked them off.
“I’m gonna fuck you.” he said, lips trailing down your neck to one of your shoulders.
“Yeah.” you breathed out.
“I’m gonna fuck you hard.” he paused, biting your flesh and holding it between his teeth until it stung, before letting it go. “I’m gonna make you remember I’m the best.”
“Mhmmm.” you murmured.
Weak. So weak. So fucking weak for him already.
He pushed you onto the bed, his hands rough, just as you remembered them, as they roamed over your body, exploring and rediscovering every inch of you. You felt his weight settle over you, his presence overwhelming and intoxicating. He kissed his way down your body, taking his time, his breath hot against your skin.
He flipped you over, grabbing your hips and lifting them up, positioning you just how he wanted. He had a thing for fucking you from behind. He’d told you once how it helped him not fall for you too hard, but that was one of the drunk conversations you both chose to ignore the next day.
He teased you for a while longer, bending down to pull you apart with his fingers. You felt exposed, so utterly exposed to him, even though it wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen before. Thank God for the alcohol that helped ease your nerves. You felt his breath on your pussy as his mouth lingered close. You wondered if he was actually gonna touch you or not. But he just spit on you, the cold saliva hitting you, taking you by surprise.
He quickly repositioned himself and slid inside you fully in one stroke.
“Fuck.” you moaned.
He felt bigger than you remembered. Or maybe you just weren’t used to him anymore. There was a period when you’d fuck so often your pussy practically got molded to his shape inside. Now, every inch of him stretched you in a way that felt both painful and blissful, filling you completely.
He set a steady, relentless rhythm, his grip on your hips firm and possessive. Each thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure through your body, making you gasp and moan uncontrollably. You clung to the sheets, trying to steady yourself against the onslaught of sensations he set upon you. 
“Remember this.” he whispered, his voice a low growl in your ear as he leaned down, his chest pressing against your back, and he nipped at your shoulder while thrusting into you with a force that made you cry out, 
“Yes, daddy.” you managed to gasp, your mind swimming in the intensity of the moment.
You didn't even realize what you just said, too fucked out and drunk on his cock to think about it. He paused, his movements slowing to a stop.
“What did you just say?” he asked, pulling out and flipping you around swiftly so he could look at you. His eyes bored into yours. You would’ve expected a tinge of amusement. But it was like you pressed a button that turned him on more than you’d ever seen. Primal.
“Yes.” you repeated, pausing just to see his reaction. “Daddy.”
“Call me daddy again if you want me to make you come.” he ordered, playfully teasing you by slapping his cock on your clit repeatedly and nudging your entrance but not slipping back in.
“Please fuck me, daddy.” you pleaded, your voice breathless and desperate.
“Good. I want you to think about this every time you try to forget me.” he said, pushing back inside you and motioning for you to wrap your legs around his waist. His rhythm resumed, each thrust deeper and more forceful than the last, driving you to the brink.
You obeyed, wrapping your legs around him, locking your ankles behind his back. The new angle intensified everything, and your nails dug into his shoulders as he began to thrust again, even deeper and even harder. Your body arched in response to the exquisite pleasure he was giving you. His words echoed in your mind, branding themselves into your memory with every movement, every sensation, ensuring that you would never be able to forget this moment, or him.
“Harder, daddy.” you whimpered, the word slipping from your lips as if it were the only thing you knew how to say anymore. 
His eyes darkened with satisfaction at your submission. “That’s it.” he murmured, his voice a rough caress. “Let me hear you.”
Each powerful stroke drove you closer to the edge, your body responding eagerly to his commands. The pressure built within you, coiling tight and hot, until it was all you could focus on. Your breath came in short, desperate pants as you felt yourself teetering on the brink of release.
“I’m gonna fill you.” he groaned, his voice thick with lust. “I’m gonna fill you up with my cum. And then I’m gonna fuck you again.”
He pressed his hand firmly on your stomach, right where you could feel the deep intrusion every time he thrust into you. “Can you feel me inside you?” he asked, his breath hot against your ear.
You nodded frantically, unable to form words, the intensity of his touch and words amplifying your need. 
“I’m gonna fuck you until you’re full of me.” he declared, his voice a low, commanding growl. His movements became even more urgent, pushing you toward the edge as his hand continued to press on your stomach, emphasising just how deep he was inside you.
He knew exactly how to push you to the brink, keeping you there until you were desperate for release.
“You wanna come?” he asked, as if the answer wasn’t obvious. 
“Please.” you begged
He slid his hand lower between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing in tight circles. The combined sensations of his thrusts and his touch sent you spiralling, your orgasm crashing over you with a force that left you trembling.
“Fuck, yes.” he groaned, feeling you clench around him.
He increased his pace, chasing his own release. The room was filled with the sounds of your ragged breaths and the rhythmic slap of skin against skin. He wasn’t far behind, his movements becoming erratic before he let out a guttural groan, his body shuddering with release. You felt him tense and he buried himself deep inside you, groaning as he came.
He only stopped for a few seconds before starting to move inside you again. You knew it wouldn’t last long. He was growing tired from the position, and you were starting to feel sore from the sheer intensity with which he fucked you. 
Everything was wet. You could hear the sound of his cum getting fucked back into you, each thrust squelching with the evidence of his release.
His movements became more frantic, more desperate, until he came again. It was weaker this time, but the feeling of him filling you up again drove you over the edge, your legs trembling and falling to the side.
“Full.” he whispered as he collapsed on top of you, gathering the strength to move.
When he felt capable, he pulled out, sliding down on the bed and using his fingers to try and push everything back inside you. There was so much, too much to not drip out, but he pushed his fingers as deep inside you as he could, giving your pussy a light slap before he collapsed back on the bed, this time next to you.
For a moment, you both stayed like that, just staring up at the ceiling as you tried to your breaths. The room felt heavy with the weight of what had just happened. It didn’t feel like a random fuck. Not when he was saying stuff like that. And you weren’t sure you could just ignore it. 
He turned to you, his hand reaching out to brush a strand of hair from your face, his touch surprisingly tender. “Missed you.” he said again, his voice softer now.
You turned to look at him, searching his eyes for any hint of what he truly felt. But as always, he was an enigma, his feelings hidden behind a carefully crafted facade. You didn’t trust yourself to speak, so you just nodded, your heart still racing. 
It was always like this with him. Intense, consuming, and leaving you wanting more, even when you knew you shouldn’t. You knew deep down that this wouldn’t change anything, that tomorrow you’d both go back to pretending this never happened. 
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a/n: sequel to ‘Dublin In Ecstasy’
based on this request
this just flowed so well i don’t know how it happened. i didn’t know how to start it at forst but i had some notes about the whole burger scene from last year and then it just kept going. kinda like how it turned out, missed a bit of dom!al
tags: @st7rnioioss @theonlyoneswhoknowsblog @rentsturner @yourstartreatment @avxoxo1 @jqsvi @turnersfav @youresodarkbabe @psychedelicrocker @aacheinthejaw @zayndrider @humbuginmybones @tedioepica
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sant-riley · 2 years
[Task force 141 + others with Gen z!reader] [pt3]
A/N: Some of these you /may/ have seen on tiktok, that is me who posted them on tiktok. I am green haired bitch so no I didn't steal anything LMAO. I hope these live up to yalls expectations.
The last two of these my lovely friend gave me inspiration for <3 @frogchiro
Warnings: She/her pronouns swearing, age gaps, tiktok memes (like always lmk if I miss something!)
You steal Prices hat on numerous occasions bc its a fashion abomination and you refuse to let this man wear it around you. You hide around base as frequently as you can.
Jokes on you though bc he will literally wait til it's your birthday and buy you a matching one and will laugh at your scream of disgust.
Gaz one ups him by gifting you a matching hat as well, putting it on your head as he flicks the brim.
"Thanks Gaz! I love it!
"And not mine?"
"You're on thin ice, old man."
Price gets gifted a set from manscaped by the guys as a gag gift. He uses it for his beard bc he never bothered to look into why everyone was laughing around him.
Price takes your phone when you try and show him memes, squinting hard as fuck like a dad 💀
Soap, if yall have the time off takes you to scottish football games and it's a whole thing. You sitting there while he gets drunk out of his fucking mind, hollering and whooping and you're there trying to sink into your seat.
Chances are someone's gonna shove you and you're gonna trip and fall bc everyone's so amped up and Soap threatens to beat the shit out of them. It's a miracle y'all don't get kicked out 💀
If you have tattoos, Soap is the first one to take a marker set and color them in and adding his own additions. If you were ever to get them actually tattooed, he would tear up and pretend he isn't emotional about it.
"You like me that much Bonnie?"
He would get something of you too, so it evens out. This also makes Ghost in turn get a tattoo for you bc he refuses to be out done and he's just as attached
Neither of them get your call sign or your name, but they get something personal to what each of them associate you with.
The first time you meet Alex, you're across the room doing something that has your focus and didn't realize this is actually your first time meeting him. You ask him for a hand only to look up and see him extend his prosthetic at you with a smile and you scream.
"You asked for a hand but best I can do is a Leg." Price comes running and he sees the scene and rolls his eyes.
Everyone single one of them are the definition of "my girl can wear whatever she wants bc I'll break your jaw." meme btw. You can take care of yourself but you never need to bc they will beat a bitch up.
Laswell invites you constantly to come over and meet with her wife, esp if you don't have a mother figure. She always always tries to come on base to see you and always has a birthday and Christmas present on it's way to you wherever you may be. Her wife loves you to death and they've pretty much adopted you and you cannot escape it, oh well.
Gaz buys you whatever your little heart desires, especially if he's deployed away in a country where they sell exclusives of whatever you enjoy. It's a pain in the fucking ass to try and ship a anime figure to your place from Japan but he's gonna try his best.
Ghost doesn't share his food, or at least it was before you came along. He groans and grumbles about having to feed you but he wouldn't do it if he truly didn't want to. Soap asks and Ghost tells him to fuck off.
If you watch anime, please imagine trying to get everyone in the room and trying to explain who Dabi is. They're all so fucking old they keep thinking you're referring to the elf from Harry Potter and it infuriates you to no end.
Soap and Gaz know better but it's funnier to see you mad.
Being the youngest, they absolutely force you to do the jobs they don't want to. Whether it be cleaning the barracks, to cooking dinner when able, it doesn't matter bc they'll all pull rank on you.
"You're the new kid, get to it then."
"Don't Ghost me."
Soap is the kind of motherfucker to play the fifa games and doesn't understand that he's stupid for buying it every single year bc there are no changes oncesoever. He will not listen to you about it and you've given up.
Ghost will see you talk about your etsy list and will ask for your phone, you trust him so of course you hand it over. He hands it back to you and it's just, all purchased. He says nothing while he sips on his tea while you scream at him asking why he did it. He won't tell you but it's because he knows it makes you happy and it'll keep your mood up, giving you a reason to be motivated to get through missions. It's also because he knows that retail therapy is a thing for your generation.
Soap, if you do any, is actually really good at doing your makeup! He knows how to do everything and he refuses to elaborate. (As a kid he'd do his mom's makeup when she went out for dates) he's the one who helps you doll up if you're going undercover.
Ghost, Gaz and Price find you unfunny whenever you make a "wow I wish British people were real." You say it so often and it gets annoying but they also just accept it's a part of life.
Soap personally enjoys the "SCOTLAND FOREVERRRRRRR" meme and will scream it with you. Ghost threatens to cut yalls tongue out.
Other parts can be found under #Kayla writes <3
@devilsfoodcake22 @simon-rileys-princess
@stupid-ninja @milkmily
@lune-la-chanson @tamayakii
@teacupcollector @sweet-as-an-angel
@perilous-pasta @ihatethisappsomuchitpains
@marsbar127xx @baddump
@xncasi @king-cookiex
@palomaxaxaxa @amatchasky @wolfyland07 @diejager
@hailstrum18 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @mzfandom
If you'd like to be tagged, go to my pinned post and comment there :)
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glassrowboat · 2 months
for forced proximity: oughh i can’t stop thinking about the last one with pants ꒰ᐢ⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝ᐢ꒱⸒⸒ (or even the third-to-last as escort if that brings more inspiration!) 🪐
Premature. Pantalone.
Alex, remember what we were talking about with guys in smut? Well, eheheheeh (also not Escort it's just the other prompt was taken).
Warning: Sexy times with Panties.
Word count: 1,100+
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Calloused hands were on your hips, squeezing into the bare flesh as they dipped below your waistband. Holding you tight, close, with every movement between you two as soft gasps of air filled the space between you.
Only for your breath to once again be stolen away by him.
It was easier to kiss him like this, with his glasses neatly placed on the bedside table. Discarded. Gone was the sting of cold metal brushing against your cheeks with every brush of your lips against his. There was only warmth.
Warmth as his tongue slid along yours, as his fingers found the band of your underwear and playfully tugged at it with a chuckle only to be cut off by a moan. Your hips rolling against his.
It had been too long since you've had Pantalone like this. Beneath you and willing to comply with whatever whims pulled at your mind today as you two made up for lost time. Too many days, hours, and every tick of a passing second had you pulling him closer in hopes of feeling him once again.
He muttered your name as your hands slid into his hair, a tinge of annoyance just barely present as you mussed the locks he would always take ages to tame. Surely he'd complain about this later when Pantalone is once again in the bathroom running all sorts of oils through his hair, but you couldn't bring yourself to care when you could feel his need below you; desperate to escape its confines.
Not that you could claim you were any better when you're desperately grinding against him for any form of friction you could get your hands on.
“I've missed you.” You just barely managed to whisper as Pantalone's lips moved to your neck. Soft bites teased at your skin, threatening to leave a mark behind despite the fact you knew he'd never dare.
Not there, anyway.
Your thighs were another story.
“You have no idea how long I've wanted to be with you again, treasure. All those meetings, the audacity of some of the-” Pantalone stopped short, words suddenly falling silent as he kissed you again. “I doubt you want to hear this right now.”
Giggles broke through as you nodded. Normally, you'd be all for hearing him rant and the gossip he'd spew as you both got ready for bed, but right now, you were a bit preoccupied. “It has been two weeks since I've last seen you.”
“Then I'm all the ready to make up for lost time.”
His thumb brushed along your lips, smearing your shared spit onto your skin like it was gloss. Shining, shimmering under his touch.
“Did you wear something nice for me?”
In lieu of answering, you tugged your shirt off, up and over your head so he could get a sight of the lingerie you were wearing. A sheer pink with little green and purple flowers embroidered into the fabric covered your chest, the very set he bought you before Pantalone had to leave you for his business conference in Fontaine.
It was for…well, something something involving the Northland Bank. Not that you could bring yourself to care as Pantalone pulled at the strap keeping the piece wrapped around your torso.
“Beautiful.” You heard him whisper before he was kissing you again. Hands guiding you to grind down against the tent in his pants with a groan.
The blankets on the bed rustled under you as you pressed yourself closer to him, aching to be satiated. To be full, to have his tongue on your neck as he fucked into you. Hips meeting Pantalone's in an unsteady pattern despite his attempts to control the pace.
The fingers gripping you twitched.
You could feel Pantalone's moan on your tongue, the vibrations running all the way down your spine as you shivered. He always sounded so pretty, especially when obscenities were being whispered in your ear in that teasing voice he so loved to use.
“Patience.” He reminded you, trying to keep you still as you whined at being stalled.
“But Lone.” Your teeth teased at his ear, lightly nibbling on the sensitive skin that would always have him tensing under you. Bucking against you just as he was now.
“Treasure, I haven't-”
Anxious to feel you again even when Pantalone had been telling you to take your time, to enjoy the moment instead of going too fast all of a sudden.
His head fell to the curve of your neck with a groan. Posture so tight you were sure, like a stick, he'd snap under any more tension. Even if it was only a fraction of a touch.
“Is something wrong?” You found yourself asking as you looked at the mess of black curls and those few white strands you liked to tease him about, blocking Pantalone's face away from you. All you could see were his ears tinted pink, the curve of his neck, and his Adam's apple shifting as Pantalone swallowed his words down.
It gave you the chance to take in the scent of his cologne again, the one he has spritz against the pillowcases for you before leaving. Just like always. But you could truly only appreciate plums and black orchids when he was in your arms.
After a moment of you staring at him, eyebrows pinched together in concern, Pantalone asked: “Can you give me a moment?”
“Did I accidentally sit on your balls again?”
“No, no, that's not it.” Pantalone chuckled. “I merely…I didn't have a single moment alone during the entire trip.”
Well, no wonder he was so eager to rant about the meetings and- oh.
Your eyes fell down to where you were sitting, comfortably perched on his lap (the land you have rightfully claimed as your own). The experimental roll of your hips against his was all you needed to tell you what happened as Pantalone was softening below you. A wet patch on his trousers.
“We’re never telling anyone about this, understood?”
“Understood.” You found yourself saying as you tried not to laugh. At least not too openly. Though you were tempted to make a joke about signing an NDA on this little incident. Even if it would end in him flicking your forehead with a halfhearted sigh.
Pantalone's hand ran through your hair, brushing the locks out of your face. “Like I said: give me a moment. Then I'll take care of you.”
Your eyes fluttered shut as a kiss was pressed to your forehead. Lips brushing against your skin so softly you couldn't help but feel like the treasure he so loving called you.
Later, you can make him regret not asking you to keep this entire matter silent as you teased him to the Abyss and back, but for now you were just happy to once again be in your lover's arms.
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itsmarsss · 8 months
what the fuck? [Reggie Peters x fem!Reader] (Julie & The Phantoms)
(~from the vault~)
You and Reggie have been secretly dating for a while now, and Luke seems to have caught on to that. Who would have taken Luke Patterson for such an observant guy?
Word count: 2,244
Warnings: a few paragraphs of making out I think that’s it
"What a shame your parents don't use their cool-as-hell pool," you pointed out, looking at the sky through your shades.
"Their loss. But you know. There’s kinda no one around," he smirked, a mischievous look in his eyes to accompany whatever implications that came with his comment.
"Huh. That's true. Funny," you kept on, feighing obliviousness.
He flashed that smile that made all the Sunset Curve fangirls melt and swam to you, your faces now inches from each other.
"You’re so stupid," you let out a laugh before closing the space between you, entrailing your arms around his neck before kissing him.
You didn't get to keep on at that for any long before you could hear Reggie's name being called from outside, instinctively making you jerk away from each other. The voice you heard was undoubtedly Luke's.
You all really did have this habit of just randomly showing up at each other’s places.
"Luke?" Reggie yelled back.
"Dude we called you like three times!"
"We're in the pool!"
"Oh sweet!" Luke exclaimed, and you heard the back porch being unlocked. In a few seconds, Luke (and Alex, apparently) were standing above you by the edge of the pool.
"Y/n?" Alex asked, brows furrowed together.
"Uh why are you here?" Luke asked bluntly.
"Okay rude? I just came by and we decided to go for a swim."
Luke didn't seem to be buying it. "You just came by. For no reason."
"Did you not just do the same thing?"
"She has a point," Alex pointed out.
"Whatever. We’re going in!" With that, Luke took his shirt off in one swift motion, throwing it somewhere behind him on the floor, not caring about where it landed, and jumped into the pool. Alex went for a softer approach, taking his shirt off slowly and putting it on the floor with a safe distance from the pool, so it wouldn't get wet, before stepping in. The difference between them was so loud it was almost comical. 
You smiled to yourself as you watched them interact.
. . .
"Okay, you gotta tell me what’s going on." Luke had cornered you on your way to get changed after a few hours by the pool.
"What do you mean?"
"This was a date right?"
"Uh. This?" You motioned between you and him. "I'm sorry to break it to you, loverboy-"
He rolled his eyes at you. "Stop being funny. You and Reggie dumbass!"
You let out a nervous laugh. "What? No! I just came by! Don't be ridiculous."
"What so you just came by because you were bored or something?"
"And you didn't invite me and Alex because?"
"Oh is that what you're on about, Patterson? Are you sad we didn't invite you to hang out earlier? You and Alex get to hang out just the two of you all the time!"
"Yeah but that's a little different don't you think?"
"Okay well yes I am a little upset about that but I get it, you know, like I'm not hurt about it."
"So why are you being so annoying about it then?" You questioned, half-joking.
"Why are you wearing Reggie's shirt then?"
"Because I didn’t come here planning on swimming! That's all!"
"Uh-huh. I don’t buy it."
"Well okay." You pushed him aside and walked up to Reggie's guest room, where you'd left your clothes.
. . .
"Bye Reggie!" Alex exclaimed, the last one to bid him goodbye.
Reggie waved in return, smiling.
"Oh wait!" Luke stopped walking, turning back around. "We should do something tomorrow."
"Okay," you agreed.
"Like what?" Alex asked.
"I mean we could go to the movies maybe," Reggie suggested.
You let out a laugh. "Not when I am this broke."
"What? I'll pay."
"For all of us?" Luke inquired, confused.
Reggie went visibly flustered. "No, I don't think I got the money for that."
"We could just go to the beach," Alex offered.
Not a bad idea. "I mean yeah. It’s pretty hot outside."
Luke looked at you with a quirked brow, and you knew it was about you having your arms crossed against your chest because of the night breeze.
You rolled your eyes at him. "You're insufferable you know that? It's hot outside when the sun is out!"
"Fine by me," Reggie shrugged, agreeing.
"Okay. Eight?" Alex asked.
"What? I'm not waking up at eight on a saturday!” You exclaimed in response.
"Why not?"
"That's too early! It’s gotta be at least ten!"
"Oh but that's no fun! We don’t wanna catch the 12AM sun, I don't wanna go home looking like fucking shrimp or something," Luke intervened.
"Fine. But I hate you. You should know that."
He blew you a kiss. "Love you too." 
Alex turned back to you, signaling he wanted to get going. "Okay. Eight AM tomorrow then. Bye Reggie!"
"Bye Reggie!"
"Bye Reggie!"
. . .
"You're really not gonna talk?"
"Ohmygod why are you so persistent about this? I already told you there’s nothing going on!"
"Okay did I miss something?" Right. Alex didn’t know what was going on.
"Well she is hiding something from us And I think it has something to do with Reggie."
"Oh," was all Alex said in return. He looked like he was thinking about something. You didn't ask.
"Well I know there's something and I'm gonna find out what it is."
"Well Sherlock Holmes, be my guest."
"Oh actually can I? Fought with my dad this morning."
"Can’t you go to Alex's?"
"Don’t think Alex wants any more trouble having to do with me."
You frowned in confusion. "They almost catch you together again? I mean if you still want me to pretend to be your-"
"No! I'm just trying to keep things cool. I think uh- I think I'm gonna tell them about it. Soon."
"Oh. Really?"
"Yeah. Just trying to make some money first in case they kick me out."
"They're not gonna kick you out," Luke got himself into the conversation again.
"Can’t really know."
"If they do kick you out, we'll find a way alright?"
Alex grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly, nodding.
You went back to Luke. "Okay. Fine. But you gotta get in through the window cause my mom's at home tonight."
"Can we eat something? I'm starving."
"Yeah yeah okay, when she's asleep."
. . .
"Are you really not gonna tell me?" You and Luke were both sat on the kitchen counter now eating sandwiches, your mom long gone asleep.
This was getting annoying. Since when did Luke Patterson become so observant?
"Oh my fucking god! I forgot how annoying you can be when you want to."
"Please? I can see the way you look at each other!"
"And how do we look at each other?"
"Like you're in love or something!"
"Are you officially going crazy? Are you doing okay?" You put you hand over his forehand, pretending to take his temperature.
"Just tell me!"
"This isn't a slumber party, Patterson, we’re not braiding each other’s hair and talking about boys."
"We could!"
"Tell me about Alex then!"
"Well what do you wanna know?"
It was pretty obvious he'd thought talking about his own boyfriend would maybe get you to admit there was something going on between you and Reggie, or maybe even just that you had a mere crush on him.
Luke went to bed very annoyed at the fact that talking about his own stuff got him nowhere with you on that topic.
. . .
“You sleep in my room, you eat my food, you annoy the fuck out of me and now you want me to paint your nails?”
“I thought you were my best friend!”
“We’re going to the beach! No one at the beach is gonna care if your nails are painted or not!”
“Ugh, fine! But you’ll paint them when we get back?” Luke pleaded, and you rolled your eyes, making sure he saw it. 
“Fine. But you’re annoying.”
“Gotta have something in my favor.”
You were done packing for the beach day pretty soon, getting on your way to meet by Reggie’s place. Alex was already there when you arrived. 
“It’s almost 9!” Alex exclaimed, and Luke walked up to him, draping an arm around his neck, and you knew him enough to know he was trying to distract him from the fact that he'd been late. Poor Alex, someday the three of you would cause him a heart attack.
“Well Y/N here wouldn’t wake up.”
“Fucking liar? He literally bugged me for twenty minutes about painting his nails and ended up with non-painted nails anyway. Why would you willingly date him?”
Alex laughed. “Trust me that’s something I ask myself everyday.” Luke pinched his cheeks, knowing he was joking. 
“You love me.”
"Yeah, yeah," Alex smiled, blushing.
“Could you guys be cheesy somewhere else?” Reggie asked, only having heard the last part of the whole conversation as he was just now walking outside, eyes promptly squinting because of the sunlight. He went inside the house and came back quickly with shades on.
“You’re just mad you’re single.”
“I’m not s- mad. I’m not mad. Just uh- annoyed.”
Alex looked at Reggie weird. Luke looked at you weird. Neither said anything about any of it, nor about the fact that Reggie, with his already very pale skin, was read all around now, from his cheeks to his ears and all the way to his chest, visible underneath the white tank top he was wearing.
Now, Reggie lived right by the beach, so the way there was really just crossing the street.
You settled yourselves down and stayed there, in silence, as you took the view in for a bit. And then obviously enough time passed so that Luke couldn’t take staying still anymore, sunbathing clearly being too calm of an activity, and he dragged you all to the water.
The water, which was stupidly fucking cold, which got all three of you yelling at him for, to which he just laughed in response.
You all stayed in there for a while, not really doing anything but talking and occasionally starting water fights against each other (with an honorable mention to the one game of chicken that was held also), until it was about 11. By then, you were all really hungry, so you decided to just leave.
Reggie’s parent’s were on a trip, leaving the house to yourselves, and you comfortably got to making lunch. Everyone wanted something different, so you just ended up making everything at once, which got you weird combinations like ramen noodles and tomato soup. Who the fuck eats tomato soup for lunch on a summer day anyway?
When you were done, none of you really had the energy to change, just letting your clothes air-dry as you still wore them. It was a really hot day, to be fair, so it didn’t take long. 
The tiredness of the morning at the beach mixed with being full and the summer heat got all of you to act like you'd just ran a marathon, too lazy to do almost anything.
“You guys wanna write something?” Alex asked, and everyone groaned in protest.
“If we can stand,” Luke pointed out. 
“Come on we haven’t written in days!” Alex said, getting up right away. You didn’t feel like it, but he was right, so you reluctantly did so as well.
“Come on you babies.” You called, as if you weren't gathering every ounce of energy you could to even stand. "Where's the bass?" Reggie lazily pointed to the guest room, and you nodded before getting on your way to grab it.
“Dude.” Luke suddenly sat up as soon as you were gone.
“What?” Reggie asked in return.
“She seems pretty comfortable around here huh?"
“What? So do you.”
“Why are you guys making this so hard? Just say you’re into each other and go out!”
“You are into her, aren't you?”
“Here! Okay no drums but I do think you brought the drumsticks?” Alex confirmed with a nod. “That’s good enough.”
. . .
“Well what did you expect you baby?”
It was the day after you went to the beach, and Luke, who had insisted on staying in the water longer than everyone else, had a cold. Like it always happened.
“Not this?”
Alex rolled his eyes at the weak answer, but couldn’t contain a smile. You couldn’t contain one yourself.
“Whatever. Bobby should be back by now, we should go get him.”
“In this state?” Alex questioned, as if not believing him.
“I’m not that terrible!”
Reggie laughed, patting him on the shoulder as he walked past him on his way to sit by you on the couch. “Yeah man sure.”
“I’m offended!” He grabbed Alex by the wrist, forcing him to stand up from the chair by the dining table. “We’re going.”
“But-” You protested, about to suggest calling Bobby instead of going over.
“You can stay,” Luke said, a smirk forming on his face. 
“What do you mean?”
“We’ll be right back! And you two will talk it out!"
"Talk what out you psycho?"
"You know what!"
With that, they left in a second, leaving you and Reggie puzzled, with the house to yourselves for at least a little while.
Well, Luke had left a lot to interpretation, right?
. . .
“What?” You asked in the midst of your laughter. Whenever you made out with him, you felt was this weird feeling of being completely alone, which sometimes had led you to rather unfortunate events in which you forgot his parents would be coming back home, or that the boys were waiting on you for something and you'd had to make up excuses or find some way to hide in some situations, even, but it's not like you would trade it for anything else.
Right now he was staring at you as you tried to kiss him, and you weren’t getting it.
“You’re just pretty.” You were sitting on the couch, your back pressed to the side of it, your faces inches from each other, your bodies flushed against one another. He had both his hands on your jaw and you had yours around his neck, and this was perfect.
You could feel your cheeks burn. It wasn’t fair, you know? The way he knew just how to do that. And how aware he was of it, too! You could see it on his face, he was very clearly proud of himself for having that kind of effect on you. Who would’ve believed you if you told them, Reggie Peters, sweetest guy you knew, had a thing for getting you flustered. “Shut up.”
He smiled that dumb smile of his. “You know, I think we should tell them.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. They seem to be pretty supportive. And insistent," he added.
You laughed at the last part. “I guess. Fine. When?”
He shrugged. “Soon. Today? When they’re back? I don't know, I don't think it has to be a big deal, right?
You thought about it. “Sure.”
He nodded excitedly in approval before leaning in again.
Kissing Reggie was always sweet, no matter what. You could be making out at full speed, like the world was ending, and you would still feel appreciated. When everything had started you'd wondered if things would start to feel different with him- too different.
But after a while, you supposed it was still the same Reggie, after all.
And right now he was very obviously eager. It usually happened when he got excited about something, like a new riff he wrote and was proud of himself for, or some cool clothes he found, or, well, like right now, you supposed because you’d decided to finally tell your friends you were dating. 
You couldn’t keep yourself from commenting about it.
“You’re eager.”
“You’re hot.” You were always taken aback when he said things like that. Sure, Reggie wasn’t just that sweet innocent childish boy everyone insisted on seeing him as, but it was always odd seeing him get like that. In a good way, obviously. 
He resumed to kissing you, his hand descending to your waist, pulling you even closer. Suddenly, your back was pressed against the couch seat, and he was on top of you, but he was really careful as to not press his full weight on you, as he always was.
You were certain this boy would be the death of you.
You laced your hand to the hair on the back of his head, deepening the kiss even more, and he grabbed your other wrist with his own, pinning it right beside your face before intertwining your fingers with his. It was intimate in its own way with him, and it was hot and it was sweet at the same time and your head felt like it was buzzing, unable to think of anything else, really. Then you could feel his hand move down your waist to one of your thighs and he had the nerve to smirk against your lips when you involuntarily let out a sigh and-
“Okay what the fuck ?”
You were startled by Bobby’s voice, immediately jumping away from each other, ending up at opposite ends of the sofa, both panting, not having realized how out of breath you’d been until you pulled away. At the entrance of the living room stood Luke, Alex and Bobby, who, well- apparently had gotten back from his trip- all looking flustered at the scene they’d just witnessed.
Bobby and Alex were looking anywhere but at you, but Luke was wide-eyed, making direct eye contact with you specifically.
“So you were hiding something from me!”
“Huh. Surprise?” Shit, you were never gonna live this one down, were you?
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thenewausten · 6 months
Thanks for the request!
Ghostface!Quackity [Part 2]
Part 1: here!
TW: smut 🔞
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You were at the University with some of your friends and they were talking about the Ghostface and his last attack on Sunday after he left your house. "I bet he's a 'fuckin weirdo, like, a nerd or 'somethin." One of your friends would say and laugh. "Probably a freaky, man." Your best friend would say. "Or a virgin."
"Yeah!" She answers and laughs. "What do you think, Y/N?" She asks to you and you shrug. "I don't know, uh..."
"Oh, c'mon! He's a sociopath, you have to say 'somethin mean about him." Your friend says and you laugh. "Fine, he's an asshole." You say, feeling a little guilty. The boy treated you so good in the two times you saw each other, you didn't want to say anything mean about him. Your friends celebrate and laugh when you say it. "Yeah, Ghostface is an asshole!" They say it out loud and laugh, you smile to them, a little bit uncomfortable.
The day went well at University and as soon as you got home, you decided to take a bath. You took advantage of your parents not being on the house to put some music on Alexa and decided to watch a horror movie after.
You watch the popcorn pop in the pan as the phone rings, you grab it. "Hello?" You ask. "Hello, princesa." You hear his voice from the phone and smile. "Hi." You whisper. "What are you doing, Y/N?" He knows what you're doing because he's watching you. "Uh, popcorn?!" You answer, with a smile on your face. "Uhm, why?" He asks you. "Gonna watch a movie." You say, turning off the fire and grabbing a bowl to put the popcorn. "How was your day at the University, love?"
"It was good, I guess. I mean, normal, you know?!" You answer, the boy stays in silence for a while. "Hello???" You ask, putting the pan at the sink so you can deal with it later. "So, I heard you say that I'm an asshole, mi vida." You shiver with his voice on your ear and turn around to see that 'fuckin mask. "How did you get in?!" You ask, so confused, more than scared of him. "Well, I'm a murderer, princesa, I have my tricks." He grabs the knife, he's not longer with the phone on his hand, the knife on your thigh, roaming through your body. "I didn't mean to say it. My friends made me do it, Alex." The boy told you his name yesterday after you beg for it, and, of course, because he wanted to hear you moaning it. "Oh, yeah?! They made you do it, uh?" He approaches you and you nod, the knife on your neck. "Please, Alex."
"It's okay, hermosa." The boy pins you against the counter with his own body, the knife passing slowly against your throat. "I won't kill you." He takes off the knife of your throat and puts it aside, holding your chin so strongly that you whine. "But I'm watching you, princesa. Say that I'm an asshole again and I'll kill all of your 'fuckin friends in front of you. I don't want to make you suffer, corazón, so don't you 'fuckin ask for it, okay?" The authoritarianism in his voice makes you shiver and clench your thighs together. "I'm sorry, 'Lex." You whisper. "I didn't mean to..." He ignores you and slides three of his gloved fingers inside of your mouth, just like he did at the first night. "I said it's okay, amor. Don't need to talk too much." You nod, the boy pushes his fingers against your mouth. "Suck it just like you did with my cock yesterday." He says and you obey. Alex pulls down your pajama shorts with your soaked panties, taking his fingers out of your mouth and sticking them in your entrance. You moan with the feeling of the texture of the glove against your walls. "Shit." You whimper as soon as Alex starts to move his fingers on your pussy. "It's so good, uh?!" You grab his clothes. "Please, more!" You beg and he smiles behind the mask. "Whatever you want, amor." He whispers and pushes his fingers against your core harder than before, you throw your head on his shoulder. "Fuck, Alex!" You moan, biting his flesh as he thrusts his fingers into you. "I'm so close! Please, don't stop!" You ask him, the boy holds you against the counter and kneel in front of you. He lifts the mask just to suck on your clit, his lips so softly against your pussy as his fingers fuck you 'till you can't take it anymore, coming and moaning his name as you do it. You look at Alex as he takes his gloved fingers inside of you, his mouth on your entrance right after that, making you moan and squirm. "You have such a delightful cunt, Y/N." He whispers as his tongue enters your hole, making you whine and grab the edge of the counter. Alex grabs your right leg and puts it on his shoulder, having a better vision of your core. "So beautiful." He whispers, his tongue on your clit again, sucking it harshly, making you moan and whimper. "Slow down, Alex, it's too sensitive!" You ask him and the boy doesn't seem to care. "You can take it, mi vida. Accept what I give to you." He says and you whine, closing your eyes as you moan his name. "Want you to cum on my mouth, amor." He says and you nod, getting closer as Alex devours your pussy, your legs start to shake and involuntarily close as you cum again, the masked boy licking all of your wetness and 'givin little kisses all over your pussy. "Let's go upstairs, I'm not done with you yet." He says as he gets up and you obey, following the Ghostface upstairs.
He opens the first door. "Here." He says. "That's not my bedroom, Alex, it's my paren..." You start and he pushes you to get into the bedroom. "Alex! I won't fuck on my parent's bedroom." You protest and he laughs. "Jesus, how much moral you have, Y/N." He mocks you. "It's not my fault if you don't have any!" You say, Alex smirks and closes the door behind him, he locks it and grabs the key. "Don't be a 'fuckin hypocritical, corazón. You're 'fuckin me, uh? Or you forgot who am I?" He approaches you as he hides the key on his clothes, the boy grabs his knife and points it to you. "Fuck you, Alex. Open the door." He approaches you even more, his knife on your waist as he pushes you to the bed. "Alex..." You start. "Shh, obey me, take your little shirt, baby." You do what he says. "That's it, amor. Don't disobey me, uh?" Alex positions the handle of his knife in your entrance. "Alex, what are yo..." He pushes it onto your hole, watching your reaction. "I won't hurt you, mi vida. Don't worry about it." He whispers and you nod, he thrusts the handle of his knife deep in your cunt and you moan. "Fuck." You whisper and Alex smiles. "Look at you, baby..." He starts. "Getting this little pussy of yours fucked by my knife." You moan his name, making him laugh. "Such a good girl, uh?" He asks. "C'mon, princess." He makes you lay down on the bed, climbing onto you. "You're soaking my knife, amor. Are you that wet?!" He mocks as he watches the knife fucks your cunt. "Does it feels good?!" He asks and you nod desperately. "Yeah?! Does it?!" He asks again. "Yes, Alex, please!" You moan and his lips touches your nipple. "Fuck!" You hold the boy's hair. "Don't stop, Alex!"
"Gonna cum in my knife, Y/N?! That's how much you care about who I'm, baby?" The boy holds your chin and makes you look at his mask. "That's how much you're a 'fuckin hypocritical, right?!" You whine, grabbing his wrist. "Alex!" You moan his name and he groans, disappointed. "That's not the answer, hermosa. Want me to stop?"
"No, please. You're right, Alex! Don't stop!" You say, tears on your eyes as you moan loudly. The boy makes you cum for the third time tonight. "So pretty." He whispers as he takes the knife out of your entrance and cleans it on the sheets of your parent's bed. You smile at him and sit on the bed, leaning on your elbows. "Can I ask you 'somethin?" You ask him and he nods, climbing onto you, his mask millimeters from your face. "Can you kiss me?!" You ask, his mouth is the only part of his face you see, you notice a little scar on his upper lip. "I can't kiss you with my mask on." He whispers. "Take it off." You say and he laughs. "I can't."
"Why not?! You don't trust me, 'Lex?!" You ask him. "It's not that, amor." He says and you sit properly. "You don't want to kiss me, then?!" Alex gives to your naked body a good look, looking at your eyes again. "Really?!" He asks. "Of course I want, princess." You smile and approach his mask. "Please, Alex. I want to see your face." You try to reach his mouth, but the stupid mask stops you. "Argh." You groan in frustration and he laughs. "Please, 'Lex. I want to kiss you."
"I don't want to kill you if you accidentally tell to your friends my identity, corazón." He whispers. "I won't do it." You protest. "I don't want you to get hurt, don't you see that I 'fuckin like you?!" Tears scape from your eyes and Alex pulls you closer. "You like me, uh?" He asks, a smirk on his lips. "So much." You whisper. "Gonna show you my face, baby. Promise me you won't tell anyone?!" He says and you nod. "I promise, Alex."
The boy gets up and starts with his gloves, then, his black cape. You see his normal clothes: black button-up shirt, black pants and black combat boots. God, he's hot. You watch him take a lot of small knife's from the pockets of his pants. "Jesus, Alex." You whisper. "I'm a murderer, hermosa. Don't forget that." He answers and takes the Ghostface mask. Fuck. "You're so handsome." You whisper and the boy approaches you with a smile on his face. "Thanks." You grab his shirt, 'makin him almost fall on top of you. "Careful, hermosa." He whispers. "Sorry, 'Lex." You kiss his lips and smile to him. "I already saw you at University." You whisper, one of the boy's hand grabbing your waist, the other roams freely through your body. "Yeah, I know it." He whispers. "I always thought you were hot." You confess to him and he laughs. "I noticed all the looks, you know?!" He says, a smirk on his lips. "I always wanted you to be my girl, Y/N." He whispers. "I'm yours, Alex."
"Are you?!" He asks. "I am." You whisper and connect your lips with his in a very intense kiss, your hands work on Alex's shirt to unbutton it as his own hands works on his pants. "C'mon, princess. Get on all fours for me, uh?" He gives you a order and you obey. "You're mine." He whispers as he slaps your ass. "Fu- Fuck." You whine and the boy smiles, his hardened cock already on your entrance. "Gonna fuck the shit out of you at your parents bedroom, corazón." He mocks. "Or you still don't want that, baby?" Alex provokes you. "I... I want it, 'Lex" You whisper, desperate for him to thrust into your cunt. "Yeah?! Of course you want it, amor." He says as he pushes onto you, making the both of you moan from the pleasure. "Always so good to be fucked, baby." He says as he starts to thrust his hips against your ass, the feeling's so good that you grab the sheets of the bed with your hands, squeezing it.
One more time, Alex's making the headboard hits the wall as he fucks your pussy, his hands on your hips, holding you strongly and marking your skin with his digits. Your moans fill the room with his groans and whines, the boy slaps your ass for the second time as his dick goes deeply on your soaked cunt. "Alex, please!" You beg him. "Hold on a little, hermosa." He says as a command, his thrusts becoming slouchier. "I can't!" You whine and cum, your whole body tingles as your orgasm reaches yourself, Alex holds you in place as your legs shake. "Jesus, Y/N! Gonna cum inside of you, amor." He moans, the feeling of your walls so tightly and wet around his cock makes him lose himself. "Fuck." He moans and thrusts his hips 'till he fills your pussy up with his cum. "You're such a good girl for me, baby." He whispers as he approaches your face. "Say again that you're mine, princess." He orders. "I'm yours, Alex." You whispers, the boy gives you a peck on the lips. "That's it, mi vida." The boy fixes his clothes. "Can you stay?!" You ask. "Of course, amor. Let me take care of you, uh?!" You nod as his arms grabs your waist and hold you in bridal style.
After Alex makes you a bath, he cleans the mess you both made on your parents bedroom and wait for you downstairs. "Let's watch a horror movie, pleasee?!" You approach him as he nods. "Sure, amor."
You sit on the sofa together, all the lights are turned off and you both eat the popcorn you made earlier, watching a movie about a masked guy that kills people at his University.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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cha-melodius · 3 months
💜 + dealers choice on ship.
💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss (hellooooo and thank you, I originally thought of branching out but then did firstprince anyway lmao. read all the kiss ficlets)
“And the Oscar goes to… Henry Fox!”
For a moment, Henry just sits there, stunned. This wasn’t supposed to be his year; yes, he’d gotten a lot of critical acclaim for his role, but he was going up against lots of huge names. Acting legends, people who had been in the industry for ages. Honestly, Henry hadn’t been able to convince himself this was anything more than a courtesy nomination. Then again, he always did feel the shadow of his father looming large during these times. Alex always used to call him out on it, used to help him see that he was more than just his father’s son—ironic, considering their first meeting. Maybe that was part of it, that Alex was the only one he trusted to be totally honest with him.
But Henry hasn’t had that for the past year. Hasn’t had Alex. Who is, as last year’s winner, the person that’s just said his name up on stage. Christ, he has to go up there now and say something coherent, when the only thing he can think of is how much he misses the man standing up there, smiling at him. How much he regrets what happened last year that tore them apart, and how he can’t stop wondering if there’s any way to repair the damage. Just now, Alex doesn’t look mad at him, but then again, he is an exceptional actor.
There are four other actors Henry has to shake hands with before he reaches Alex—and his Oscar. Honestly the little gold man has nothing on the golden god standing before him in a burgundy velvet tux. Henry sticks his hand out, unsure, but Alex hauls him into a crushing hug, his lips close to Henry’s ear as he whispers, “I’m so fucking proud of you, H.”
Maybe Alex is a great actor, but Henry knows him, to his bones. Knows what he sounds like when he’s trying to hold back real emotion. Knows that Alex could have sent him off with a handshake or a slap on the back and no one would be any wiser. And Henry knows, in that split second, that what he’s going to do will make history.
Henry pulls back just enough to look him in the eyes, and he can see the moment where Alex realizes what he intends to do. He relaxes his grip, but Alex doesn’t withdraw, so Henry does what he should have done a year ago, in front of the entire theater and millions of live viewers: he draws Alex into a kiss. As Alex kisses him back, grinning into like he’s the one who’s just won an award, Henry knows that, whatever else happens tonight, this will be the only moment that matters to him.
The cheers from the audience are deafening.
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creamybeemovie69 · 8 months
Some of my favourite little details in avatar: frontiers of pandora
The two guards outside the council room in the aranahe hometree that just chat shit? All the time? Even during that last confrontation with Etuwa's father they're just stood chatting about someone's poor foraging skills or some shit it's so funny
The fact that the camera lowers when you're speaking to humans, which I know is probably so we can get a good look at them but I chose to believe it's because your sarentu slowly kneels until they're eye level with them
Nefika and Relun's dynamic of miserable old man and batshit crazy old woman
Whatever the fuck Okul's got going on. Gender? Babes they're clinically insane, they're too busy running into poisonous gas to worry about gender
The sleeping pod things hanging from the ceiling in the hometree. It took me forever to work out where they were all sleeping because there was no way they were all fitting in that one sleeping den
"it is sound proof Priya."
Anqa forgetting her training and getting attacked by wasps because she's too busy thinking about Priya
Hajir and Alex planning to have tea, no one talk to me
Daniella being this very capable badass soldier with a hardened exterior and her himbo husband who's just happy to be there as long as there's wood to whittle and food to cook
The sarentu humming sarentu songs while they cook
Zomey refusing to leave the plane until she saw Eetu get out
The resistance humans wearing clothes that have been altered/repaired by Na'vi weavers
Minang losing her shit and charging the base in the plains despite being the calmer, more collected one? Good shit.
That little detail in the cloud spitter description that says kids make a game of seeing how close they can get to the plant without triggering it
"I can still smell the chemicals" just kill me now I can't take this
Every single individual human having to ask Jake Sully for permission to stay on the planet. Were they forced to go back to the RDA if he said no? Or were they just left to die out on pandora?
The ferals being unable to communicate with eachother and being so angry because they're so lonely
Kin, Relun and the Kame'tire trader all being friends before the Kame'tire were banished
Priya not being able to talk to Alma in her human form because her avatar was her friend
Nor just. Disappearing? Where did he go? Is he okay? Why can't I go looking for him?
The Na'vi naming options for your Ikran being the names of other kids in TAP
So'lek collecting the identity tags of the soldiers he kills
So'lek in general actually. "This dReAmWaLkEr decided to lock you up in a box instead 👀"
Alex being granted permission to stay on pandora because he wanted to keep Grace's legacy alive through his work. Why is this never mentioned anywhere but in his character description?
The comic book pages
The fact that Priya dyes her hair. Are you actually telling me this excitable little climatologist worked out how to make hair dye from pandoran plants before Alex figured out how to eat any of it?
Anqa's fucking "my land was invaded too". Give this head-empty lesbian a break man
Everyone hating Billy because they think he can't be trusted only for him to be one of the most loyal among them
Etuwa's father refusing to fight because he lost his wife, then deciding to fight because he won't let them take his daughter too
"what have they done to you, my beautiful?" Actually sobbing like a fucking baby rn
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syoddeye · 3 months
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gaz-centric, 141 gen. | ~800 words. tags: pure, heavy angst. alcohol. several major character deaths referenced. abuse of italics and parentheses. a/n: so i was thinking about gaz being the last to die. decided to ride the big sad wave into whatever this is.
he gets word that price finally kicked the bucket, upright and boots on. the old man pushed his luck to the cliff’s edge and camped there, years beyond when he should’ve retired.
the news forces him to look back down the long and bloody road to his current gig, desk jockey for laswell. (–analyst, cap. –a pencil pusher.)
it was kate’s hand—the only hand—that reached out after riley decided to run a suicide mission and died a ghost. a task force can’t be two people, she said.
he remembers thinking on the flight to the DMV about whether the american outlaw felt like that, felt the loss when the civilized world, the old west, decided they didn’t want men like them anymore. didn’t want men who took on the world, gloves off.
he books the trip. he returns to a town and landscape barely recognizable to him anymore, but he knows it like the back of his hand. could navigate it with his eyes shut. (he was the best at that, once.) a town where a clock tower looms with the names of his predecessors and his friends etched into its surface. he avoids it. avoids as much of the pomp and circumstance as he can. they–they aren’t his people. not anymore.
he wanted you to have this.
a cigar box. weathered, old. still reeks. in it, memorabilia: a clutch of ID tags with more of those dreaded names, cap’s favorite lighter, and a scrimshaw knife. he doesn’t look at the clip of photos. not right away.
he thanks the soldier tasked with tracking him down, tucks the cigar box into his bag when he returns to his hotel and hops a plane home. his other home, the one he shoehorned himself into at kate’s behest.
it takes the better part of a month to work up the nerve to open the box. to unclip the photos. a torrent of memory held back by a piece of flimsy metal. unleashed and saturating the room.
(they’ll leave a waterline, an impression that decades of life still left to live won’t be able to erase.)
most of them are candids. quick shots someone took, developed, and printed. probably left on the corner of price’s desk.
one of soap, mid-story, something raunchy—he can tell by the man’s smirk. one of riley’s chin, tucked over kyle’s shoulder with soap’s stubbly cheek pressed to his. all drunk and bleary-eyed, fresh off a fucked op. one of price, asleep with his heels kicked up and riley attempting to balance an unlit cigar on the tip of his boots.
a polaroid of nik and price sat in the corner of some bar. both men big and intimidating, faces stern and ringed by smoke. probably chirping like two old hens—the gossips. god, poor nik. they never found him.
an old, pristine copy of the photo of him, price, farah, and alex. all standing tall and proud. triumphant. hurts to look at them for too long. both gone before their time.
(price and laswell didn’t talk for weeks after he reamed her out. —shit intel. makes you wonder. the insinuation was the death knell for the 141 and riley going rogue was the nail in the coffin. after that, cap took his news as a personal affront. hard not to, in hindsight.)
defecting? don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
that insinuation led to months of radio silence between him and price. broken by an insured, over-packaged bottle of single malt that appeared on his desk one day. shit was worth more than his monthly rent.
(never mind he doesn’t even drink whisky. just like price to send a piece of himself in apology instead of picking up the phone.)
the gut punch is soap’s last identification photo. john mactavish. the smiling, joking oaf with his pressed mouth flat in a grim line. eyes wild, probably thinking of something filthy to say to the poor photographer. on the back, his birth and death dates. gone way before his fucking time.
the true catalyst. made them all more reckless. his lieutenant, most of all, grew hungrier and hungrier for the long sleep.
shuffling through the rest makes the ache worse. reopens wounds. grinds against his ribs and tunnels a hole to his gut. it takes a strength he hasn’t used in years to put them away, forced to draw from a well long covered.
he buries the box in the back of a closet and digs out an old bottle. pours an ample amount and chokes it down. goes to bed smelling smoke, praying he doesn’t dream.
he does, of course.
he dreams of chaos and a padlock in piccadilly. of olives and motor oil in urzikstan. of canals and juniper in amsterdam. of the tunnels and blood beneath london. of a bar in chicago. a pub in hereford.
in the morning he wakes. visited upon. heavy.
the last man standing.
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neoarchipelago · 2 years
And they were Roommates (part 6)
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A/n: ok here's a little warning. First from now on i'll take a bit longer to publish because ... work. It's also slightly shorter than usual
second i've realised that i had completely forgotten that Keller is the last name of the character Alex. So i do want to underline that it is not in fact alex Keller.
third, thank you so much for the love you have given to this story, it warms my heart. I hadn't written in a long time and i was afraid to post anything. I'm really happy that you guys like it.
Fourth, thank you so much for the little ideas you send me, they're very helpful. I apologise if I fon't translate the full idea into the story but i try to add any little thing you send my way.
fifth, you are entirely allowed to fucking hate me.
Warnings: as usual, cursing, violence, mentions of death.
You smirked.
"Yes?" You questioned, glancing back as you sat at the counter in the kitchen. 
"What time is it?" He asked from the couch. 
"It's 7pm" you answered. 
You smiled down at your computer. (Y/N). You had heard him say your name more than a couple dozen times today. Since you both told each other your real names, he had seemed to chant it non-stop. At any little question or situation. 
You rolled your eyes. 
"Yes Simon?" You chanted sweetly. 
A few seconds ticked before he answered. 
"I have to tell you something." He answered, tone serious. 
You paused your current activity to turn in your seat towards him. He was looking back at you. 
"I have a Mission scheduled." He warned. 
"Oh. Alright." You answered cautiously. 
"I won't be here for a while." He announced. 
"For… a while?" You frowned. "How long?" 
"Around 2 months." 
You swallowed, looking away. You didn't exactly know how to react. Obviously he had missions. You found yourself in a mix of sadness, worry and frustration. 
You looked up at him. By the look in his eyes, you felt like he was going to ask if you were ok. And you didn't want to answer that. 
"Why do you keep calling my name?" You asked. 
He remained silent. You stood up walking to the couch letting yourself fall next to him. He closed the file on his lap, red letters stamped on it. 
"Simon ?" You pushed. 
"I don't." He defended. 
"Simon." You scolded kindly. 
He groaned, looking away. 
"How will you know if I'm addressing myself to you?" He debated. 
"We literally are the only two people here." You chuckled. He ignored it. 
You sighed, shrugging. You turned to the TV letting yourself enjoy the time you could spend with him. The tv played with whatever show was on as you started to think about something to order for dinner, too tired to cook. 
"I like it." 
You blinked. 
"Hm?" You questioned, turning to him. 
He raised his hand, turning your head so you looked at the tv instead. 
"I said. I like your name." 
"Oh. Really? It's nothing extraordinary though." You said blushing a bit. 
"I was curious. After a few weeks. About your name." 
You tried turning your head to him but he repeated his move, groaning annoyingly.
"It's… delicate…" he praised. 
You felt your heart rate quicken. He.. liked your name. 
"So… you like how it sounds?" You asked. 
"Pretty much." He said matter of factly. 
"Alright." You nodded. 
"I like… that it's your name."
You turned your attention back to the TV, your mind unable to process anything after what he had just told you. 
"I.." you started after a long minute. 
"I like when you say it…" you said in a low voice. 
The rest of the evening was spent very calmly. As per contrast to the rest of the week. 
You sighed, grabbing your things to head out. Simon had been spending more and more time at the base. He had been preparing with the squad, preparing gear, tactics and training harder.
You could feel it. He had progressively grown colder. The ghost taking its rightful place, ready to hunt its target. You could feel him being careful around you, his mood had a drastic change and it seemed he tried to keep you away. 
You tried to give him the space he needed. But you grew more and more worried and sad as the days passed. 
You walked out of the door, walking down the apartment complex. 
You stopped and cursed as soon as you walked outside. 
"Hey Sparrow! Ready?" 
"Soap. What are you doing here?" You asked, obviously already aware of the answer. 
"Price asked me to come pick you up on the way to the base." The sergeant answered with a smile. 
You rolled your eyes. Walking to him he opened the passenger seat for you. You thanked him, sitting and buckling your seatbelt. You watched the man skip to his side and get in. As you started driving to the base you asked. 
"How is he this morning?" You asked. 
"Well. Murderous." He smirked. "He's been training with some recruits coming along on the mission this morning and I think he's making them regret ever enlisting." He laughed. 
You sighed. His mood had been becoming more and more sour. Not necessarily because he didn't want this mission, but mostly because he was entirely focusing on his target. The thought made a shiver down your spine. 
"I don't think I'll be of help this time." You said. 
Price had been asking you to come by the training sessions or after meetings to try and soothe his moods, but the closer the day of departure arrived the harder it became. 
"Ah, don't worry. We're used to it. He's not entirely bad. As soon as he'll be in the field, he'll be the LT we're used to." He said. "We, the squad. I don't think you've seen him like that. But not sure… he wants you to." He said with a smile your way. 
You bit your lip. Did you want to see him like that? A part of you did want. Another felt anxious at the thought. 
The rest of the ride was spent in small talk. The closer you got to the base the more you could feel your body fall into a stressful state. 
When soap parked in front of the training grounds, you walked out before entering the warehouse, the first thing you heard was the sound of people talking. The place had been rearranged as a training ground. Various dummies, people sparing at each other on mattresses. 
Soap dragged you towards the rest of the squad a bit further from the rest. 
"Here's our little bird." Price smiled. 
You sighed but threw him a weak smile. You turned your head to the closest training mat. A breath caught in your throat. He saw fighting. With a man that surprisingly was a bit taller than him, also wearing a mask, though much looser. You watched the punches and kicks being thrown. They weren't holding back. Suddenly Ghost body slammed his opponent to the ground, the sound echoing. You flinched. That must have hurt. 
"Don't worry, sparrow. They're used to it." Price tried to reassure you. 
"Sure… if you say so. He seems to be fully into it." You commented. 
"He is." 
"I don't understand captain. Soap said it's usual for him to behave like this before a mission. Why do you want me to show up everyday?" You asked, turning to him. 
He put a hand on your shoulder, walking you a few steps away from the rest of the squad. 
"This time is a bit different. He seems. Frustrated." 
"I don't think my presence helps." 
"It does a bit. Though I know it's getting harder for you to deal with his mood. Today especially. The departures date was moved. We leave in 48h." He said with a sorry look. 
You took a moment to process the information.
"It's not hard to deal with it. I'm just sensing it's being more and more useless. He's getting frustrated at me." You answered honestly. 
"I don't want you two to fight. You don't have to go see him." 
"I'll try. One last time." You replied with a soft smile. 
He nodded. You turned back to Ghost. The fight was over, his opponent walked away, slightly limping and rubbing the back of his neck. You walked towards him. 
"You ok?" You asked lowly. 
"Ah, ja, I'm ok!" He answered the taint of accent on his words. 
You smiled, continuing your path towards the man readjusting his gloves. 
He stiffened, looking back at you. 
"Why are you here?" 
Ouch. You smirked at him. 
"Price asked me to come check something for your mission." You lied. 
He nodded. His chest heaved, his breath had quickened from the physical exercise though he didn't seem out of breath.
"Will you be home for dinner?" You asked. 
"I don't know." He answered in a cold tone. 
You could hear, Price started to walk up to you too very slowly. 
"I can keep a plate for you if-" 
"Sparrow. I'M BUSY." He barked, the sound echoing. A dreadful silence stood in the whole place. Everyone had stopped talking.
You flinched. Not enough for the others to see but he had noticed. The sound of small talk started again, probably under Price's glare.
"I'm sorry Ghost." You tried. Standing your ground hands behind your back. 
"Lieutenant." He corrected coldly. 
Price had finally reached the both of you. 
"Fine." You spat back, the staring match now showing off both of your frustrations. 
"Do you need anymore help captain?" You asked, not dropping your gaze from Ghost. 
"No sparrow. Thank you and I apologize for-" 
"It's fine. If lieutenant Riley wants to be a dickhead that's on him." You said, visibly angry and visibly taunting the man. 
You turned around walking to the rest of the squad. 
"You good?" Gaz asked.
"I'm perfect. I'll see you guys another time." You said with a smile towards them before exiting the perimeter. You took a deep breath outside. Fuck. What was wrong with him? The behavior had changed so drastically. A week ago, he was chanting your name in every sentence. Now he refused to even say it. He was cold. It was hard to hide the fact it was hurting. You were trying to see his point of view too, but you missed his old self. 
You closed your eyes for a second. You had work to get to. So you did. 
You had stalled. A lot. It was very late. You didn't need to be at the base. You could have spent the day working from home. Fuck you had finished all your work. Yet it was 9pm. And you were only turning the key in the lock to the apartment now. 
You didn't want to fight again. You didn't want to fight before he left. You dropped your things on the ground and fell face first on the couch. The house was silent. Dark. It felt odd. You turned, grabbing a pillow and hugging it. You closed your eyes. Several minutes passed by before you heard his door open. You sat up as he walked into the living room. 
You shared a look. He seemed annoyed. His new signature mood.
"What?" You spat. 
"Don't." He warned. 
"Don't what?" You replied in the same tone. 
"Don't be a brat." He said. 
You laughed coldly. 
"I'm not the one being a brat Simon." 
"Lieutenant." He corrected it once more. 
You rolled your eyes. 
"Why did you pass by the training grounds again?" He asked. 
"Because Price asked me to." You answered honestly. 
You stood up walking to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. He stopped you halfway, grasping your arm. It wasn't soft but he was still careful not to hurt you. 
"Sparrow. Don't come insult me in front of my men." He said in a serious tone. 
"I didn't. I came to ask you something. You fucking yelled at me." You answered. 
"I have other things to do other than giving you attention." He scolded. 
"I didn't ask for attention." You replied, taking your arm back and crossing them over your chest. Fury growing in you.
"Oh, we're back on a name to name basis?" You asked sarcastically. 
He frowned. You were pushing his buttons. Unfortunately for both of you, he was too. 
"Sparrow. You and I are not-" 
"What? We're not friends?" You asked, interrupting him. 
He stood there, silent. 
"Is that what you're going to say?" You started now letting your anger finally out. 
"Are you going to push me away again? And then leave without saying a word?" You continued your tone slowly rising. 
"Are we going to fight until you leave and then you'll come back as if nothing happened? Fuck Simon! It looks like you're doing this on purpose!!" You ended. 
And suddenly it hit you. Like a shit ton of bricks.
"You are…" you said in a whisper. 
He turned away. 
"You are! You're doing it on purpose. You're making us hate each other before you leave on missions." You said, incredulous. 
"Y/N stop." He warned in a tone that promised repercussions. 
"Why? Why are you doing this?" You asked, stepping closer. 
He seemed to think for a minute. 
"I'm a soldier. I go out there. I kill and I very possibly… get killed." He explained. 
You frowned in confusion. He groaned in annoyance. 
"I might not come back." He said abruptly. 
"I know that. So what? You think making me hate you is what…? Going to make it… feel ok?" You asked. 
He looked straight at you. 
"My death isn't something that deserves mourning." 
You blinked. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Anger spoke volumes. Actually it moved fast too. You didn't exactly know how you grabbed the pillow from the couch and started hitting him with it. 
"SIMON, FUCKING RILEY, DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN." You punctuated every word with a hit. 
He groaned. You were really hitting his last nerves. 
"I care! I fucking care! It's not up to you to decide if I should or not!" You said, this time tears prickling at your eyes. 
He noticed. You hit him harder trying to hide it from him. He grabbed the pillow, snatching it from your grip and throwing it somewhere in the room. He grabbed your wrists making you back up against the wall. 
"Calm down." He tried, his voice slightly calmer. 
"No! Fuck Simon!" You scolded. 
You stared at each other. 
"Lieutenant Simon ghost Riley, you better come back to me." You whispered. 
He didn't say anything. He leant forward, letting the top of his skull mask rest on your forehead and hissed a fuck. Your breaths mixing together. 
"If we hate each other. We have nothing to lose in this situation. We shouldn't have…been friends in the first place." He explained in a whisper.
"Do you hate me?" You asked in a whisper too.
His grip on your wrists tightened. He didn't answer. 
"If I don't come back. You're going to have to deal with it." He answered coldly. 
He let go of your arms, stepping back as you looked at him, eyes wide in shock. He simply turned around. And walked out of the apartment.
You bit your lip closing your eyes. God. He was stubborn. You were hurt once more. Even if you knew he didn't mean it. In his stupid attempt to spare you from being hurt, he ironically hurt you. 
You took a deep breath. You wanted to sleep, forget this whole discussion. You wanted to roll into your blankets. So you did, and you let sleep take you. 
That morning, you had gotten up with very little motivation. You had realized quite quickly he had not slept home. You tried to go about your day but your mind kept running back to him. Was he really going to leave with saying goodbye? 
The hours ticked and the more the realization settled in. He wasn't coming back. You decided to go to the base in the afternoon to drop a report. You had met with the squad, avoiding talking about their lieutenant. You told them goodbye, threatening to go find them if they don't come back. They had announced they were leaving late in the night, the departure being changed again. 
You were going to miss them. You had started to get used to their presence. To enjoy their company. They had grown on you. 
You walked home pretty late. Feeling devastated by your roommate's behavior. You wanted to see him. Talk to him. Hug him before he left. But it wouldn't happen. The thought making you want to cry. 
You walked into your apartment. The silence felt horrible. You dropped your coat over the couch, slowly walking to his bedroom. A shy knock on his door was heard. It was the only thing heard. Nothing. Your hand reached for the doorknob slowly. Turning it, you opened his door. Empty. He wasn't there. 
You turned around, feeling the need to go back to your bed. You froze. Your door was open. You frowned, slowly walking into your room. You noticed a bag on your bed. You approached, sitting next to it. You opened it, taking out the soft object inside. 
You stared at it. Tears rushing down your cheeks. It was a squish-able round plush. Of the grim reaper. It was black, with a cute skull for a face. You hugged it. 
Knock knock knock. 
You looked up. Holding the plush, you stood, walking to the door. You opened it. 
"Hi! I'm… Sergeant Hansen… I'm your new neighbor… are you ok?" 
You stared at the man in front of you.
He wasn't going to say goodbye.
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