mjledford719 · 3 years
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After much research and experimentation I believe that I am finally ready to create my final outcome by gathering all the research experiments and conceptual design I have a rough idea of what my final outcome will be, I will use all the information I gathered and implemented to create a final rendering of the location this will contain my hexagonal houses of which will be brightly coloured, The theatre/cinema recreational area, And finally the 5 strip some tunnel which will supply light to the whole project.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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House model 
A very basic model of the exterior and interior of my final house design the Exceptional ship comes in a pear which is split down the middle with a walking path and the hexagonal shape is once more split horizontally to divide the building into 2 living accommodations, This is the raw base of the building awaiting the application of colour and a mylar material to be placed on the roof to allow for dissipation of light.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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Natural like tunnels experiment
These are different patterns of where I can create like tunnels to introduce sunlight into the location there would be large rectangular structures that would be a rectangular line of sunlight on to the Mylar surfaces which line the top of the buildings and then reflected the white roof which would then dissipate and then lights the area.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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In this experiment, I decided to show where the extraction fans would go as indicated in the green tube While I would use the experiment With the location’s of the extraction tunnel from my research this is the optimal place to place it and by experimenting and placing In all the places would hinder its functionality and possibly cause risk to my client
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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Experimentation housing 
Here I was experimenting with the shape of the building and how it would conform to the tunnel this experiment allowed me to see how the building would fit in a single tunnel, In this experiment, I decided to cover DE track and place buildings on top.
Then later on got the measurements of the At form and track and so it was significantly bigger so why created some more Experiments with the correct dimensions, For this experiment gives me a feel for what it would be like to reside within the tunnel with buildings around you and it gives me a feeling of being on the ground in a Subway tunnel.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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Recreational area experiments
There are a few experiments of what the possible uses For the recreation areas within my location implemented a recreational area to allow for an additional sense of independence and to Cooperate nature into that very man makes structure.
Experiment one Beach With the idea of self-sustaining and independence in mind, I experimented with the area creating a contained beach which will allow people funny man-made Sandy shore which will Slope into a water area which allowed for paddling. This idea or require pumps to filter in clean the water as the water will over time begin to go bad and it composes health risks if not filtered correctly.
Experiment with Sloped fountain The slope fountain essentially is just an open grass area that slopes from the walkway down to a fountain where there will be benches and open grass to a lot in for picnics.
Experiment to theatre The next experiment involves placing a lot worse stage at the end of the recreational area to allow for live theatre and events to happen this will allow events to be scheduled and take place on the recreational area allowing for people to sit on the remaining grass area and also view from the surrounding higher platforms/walkways. This can be a great way to bring the community together and allow for a more diverse and willing community.
Experiment For Cinema With this experiment I decided to place is cinema screen above the theatre stage to allow for it to not only accommodate live shows also accommodates Movies this is my take on the popular outdoor cinema which is indoors but also outdoors which will allow for a communal event and allow for the community to come together as one.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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Experimentation with colours
After choosing the building I wanted to place and to my location I decided to experiment with different colour combinations that could possibly be implemented onto these buildings collar is important when it comes to architecture because colour can affect people psychologically and with being underground, I believe the psychological health of my clients is extremely important so by implementing bright colours as inspired by from Wales and the abstract shapes and the different open and closed areas I believe that this will help boost the psychological States of my clients and allow for a more comfortable and proud living.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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Floor plan
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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Final building design
I have chosen Hexagon shaped design this will be made of bricks, These bricks will be made from Waste materials Which will be a mixture of sand cement dust and water, These will come to her that for me hard and study material which can be used to create the housing, Over these bricks, there will be a final layer of plain cement which will be a flap finish to allow the colour to be placed on top. The roof is made of a reflective material This material boasts high tensile strength high level of reflection or I and tend for this to reflect the light from the light tunnels back against the Ruth of which is made of a white tile which will reflect finally the light back down to where the houses are and the white tiles will have dissipated the light in such a way that it comes down in a more even form As a post to directly to the Sun tunnels.
I decided to ports the reflective materials on top of the buildings as opposed to having the ground the reflective due to the forts of clients that may suffer from light-sensitive illnesses and just overall blinding of reflective light so to place the reflecting mirror materials, And top of the buildings out of sight as maximising its reflective capabilities allows for the material to do its job in its most efficient location wiles keeping clients safe and comfortable. The buildings come in pairs which are split down the middle by walk path of which the public will use to get around to location and the buildings themselves have split again into 2 sections allowing for to residential spaces on either side totalling at 4 house’s Her set of buildings.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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Housing experiments
Here are various conceptual designs of the different house is that could be placed into my location and designing the is house is I wanted to create something unique and abstract to make the notion of living on the ground more of an experience and seem like less of punishment as in history lower/on the ground has been considered the lower status and against those in high position.
Various shapes and designs were curated to maximise on space wiles looking abstract and being comfortable these were the criteria based the different designs off of with favouring V colourful designs as I took inspiration from Wales as by the coast they have lots of houses it starts are multicoloured, And I took inspiration from this and incorporated it to give a more singular and unique personality to the building and allowing each person to pick the colour to allow for a more customised and unique experience. Prototype One My very 1st design was just a cube I took inspiration from the house we live in the above-ground as the cube fits together with all the cubes perfectly allowing for maximum space efficiency wiles still being comfortable and pleasing to the eye. I wanted the street from the classic cube-shaped as I wanted to allow those that live In this location to have a unique experience and to have unique features to make them proud of where they live and give them ways to defend against anyone who would look down upon the and Hsu living on the ground. From this prototype, I decided to add a balcony to allow for outdoor space and a more open community as the houses are close enough that if you would like to speak to your neighbour you could stand on the balcony and converse which would allow for a greater sense of community as it is a relatively small and compact location which in turn over time will allow for the community to know everybody and to Converse and function as One.
Prototype two
With this product type I decided to curve the Ruth to fit the curved exterior of the tunnel I decided to do this to maximise the space as it fits into the contacts of abstractness as the house forms a right angle with a glass France to allow for natural light to enter and allows for maximum space on the interior wiles using as much space as possible On the curved part of the tunnel. I like this design for its shape and structure I like the weight conformed to the sides of the tunnel and the way the front acted against ‘the physics which gives it a more surreal And unique look.
Prototype three
This prototype contains 4 houses within 2 sections In a hexagon which is split down the middle by a walking path I like this design because it allows for a certain amount of safety of the pedestrians as the walkways or essentially right in front of somebody’s house meaning if anything were to happen on the street somebody would see and reported The police.With these buildings are talking to operation from Venice and how the buildings channel the streets and how when you walk down the streets on both your left and right are high buildings yet when you get past the buildings it is open and spacious which allows for a mixture of comfort and Open this.In conclusionHave decided to go with the Hexagonal shaped building for my location because I feel this gives the best and most unique lock that allows for maximum customization wiles still sticking to the criteria of using the least space possible but maximising comfort.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
Todays Objectives
today I will be doing some experimenting I have previously looked into natural light and the different ways I can add and experiment with that.
Next, I will need to look into things like:
artificial lighting (majoring on mood-setting)
housing colours
housing shape
recreational areas
different buildings
different building shapes (with correlation to buildings content)
I will look into all of these creating many variations and concepts and experiments with different things such as:
After doing this for all of the six categories, I will then pick the ones I like the most and implement them into the final project.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
Natural light experiment evolution
I looked into many different ways of adding natural light into my project, I looked into the different materials and decided to experiment with them to see which material would give me the lightest amplification and output with the sub thought in mind of cheap and sustainable.
I looked into:
plastic containers( empty)
plastic bottles (full clear water)
plastic bottle (full coloured water)
tin foil
these different materials are all great at defusing light in their respected ways,
Empty container
I found the empty plastic container to be the best are defusing and amplifying light when hit directly, although this meant the light was once again focused and while it was amplified and defused it was still directed and focused which causes a spotlight effect.
Plastic bottle( full clear water)
The plastic bottle with the clear water worked well giving off a diffusion of light in multiple directions, although a lot of the light is absorbed by the water thus dimming the overall light concentration.
Plastic bottle (full coloured water)
Much light the clear water the coloured water worked mores as an effective and less as a lighting source due to the water capability of absorbing light.
Tinfoil/reflective materials
the use of reflective materials is going to be a huge part of this project as we need to optimise the amount of natural light we can incorporate into this project with it being underground, the comfort of natural light will allow for a less unpleasant surreal effect.
I would like to try to use all of these methods, using recycled plastic and reusing it for lighting purposes in this project.
I am going use all of these methods to either create light for the project to add atmosphere and accent to the project, I believe in doing this I can use waste materials in a product way and create more of a secret garden, abstract fantasy feel to the project, not looking at it as a housing project but more as creating a new world.
I intend to add mushroom shapes lights using recycled plastic and coloured water pairing this with fairy lights (solar powered) streamed from the roof of each building creating a fantasy and well lit area while nit being so bright to seep thought curtains and disturb residents.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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Plan view of artificial lighting This is a planned the of all the artificial lighting that will be on When the light levels with in the location is below a certain level, Orange lines indicate the location of the fairy lights and where they will connect between the buildings and one another.
Various coloured dots on their plan indicate where these glowing mushrooms will be placed different colours in the Kate the different coloured mushrooms they are placed in a rather random pattern which allow for a different experience and still hold A high practical use.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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Glowing mushroom lights
To give the location a more abstract and otherworldly design I decided to implement some glowing mushroom lights the is lights will home in 3 colours red yellow and blue and these we placed all around their location to illuminate the streets at night time, These will allow for biz ability on the streets when there is no natural light but also be demand off to not disturb the sleeping residents in the house is nearby.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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Fairy light experiment
Another form of artificial Lighting is fairy lights in addition to the mushroom lights I will implement solar-powered Very light in addition to the glowing washing lights to allow for maximum visibility while also being soft enough to not disturb the clients in the houses.
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mjledford719 · 3 years
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reflective material that i will attach to the roof of the houses to reflect the sunlight back towards to roof to allow for dissipation. 
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mjledford719 · 3 years
Recycled plastic container experiment
My surprise a simple empty plastic container diffuses light excellent day creating a massive Bloom of light across the whole Room from a very concentrated source this would be perfect for my project has the Sun tunnels are very concentrated light which means the best fuser would be able to defuse that light evenly Across the whole channel wiles multiplying it in such a way that so phone's covers and brightens the whole tunnel.
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