Basically oneshots (or two to three shots) and drabbles I've written for inspiration I get from people's fanart on tumblr or if I want to share some writing with y'all ❤ Go check out my main blog gayrainbowbridge for more marvel content!
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🎅 Loki Secret Santa 2021 ❄
Getting To Know You
⚠️Warnings: Coffee Shop/No Powers AU, Language, Minor Mentioned Non-Consensual Touching (Don't Worry, Natasha Breaks Their Fingers Later On)⚠️
Enjoy 🖤💚
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
Bucky wouldn't call his life a shithole...oh wait, yes he would.
Okay, maybe not. He knew there were plenty others who had it worse off than him. It could have been a lot worse. He could have been homeless or have cancer or something equally horrible.
Even so, his life wasn't great. He barely kept himself from getting kicked out of the tiny apartment he shared with his best friend—who paid most of the rent without complaint since Bucky was always short on money.
And that wasn't because he wasted it all like some people did. It was because he had one of the shittest jobs in existence that paid him the bare minimum. He had been looking around for something better to at least get a second job for more money, but so far he hadn't had any luck.
He had only two friends. Steve, who had been his bestest friend since childhood, and Natasha, one of his coworkers who he hoped considered him a friend also.
Besides that, Bucky had himself and only himself since he was a child. His parents weren't always the most attentive; Bucky learned from a young age how to take care of himself and by the time he was a young teen, he had a good job and plenty of money to support himself so he moved out of home.
Unfortunately, the place he used to work at shut down and Bucky had to find a new job. The new job he got was at a café, which wasn't a hard job at all. Unfortunately, it didn't pay well either and the coworkers (minus Natasha) were absolute pricks and the boss was a money-hungry jerk who didn't care about his workers so long as they did their job, otherwise, he fired them on the spot. Bucky had seen it happen a few times and constantly worried that he would be next.
So far, Bucky had managed to stay out of trouble. He did his job efficiently and in utter silence, only speaking to customers. Unfortunately, like he mentioned before, he had asshole coworkers that liked to prod at his patience.
"Just ignore him," Natasha muttered under her breath as she filled a cup with black coffee. "He isn't worth it."
Bucky knew she was right but he also knew that a punch to the face was exactly what Brock needed. But he couldn't get rid of that smug smirk on Brock's stupid face because he needed this job. Steve may be able to pay what Bucky couldn't but if Bucky lost his job, they'd both end up homeless or starving, or at least in an even shittier apartment then they currently lived in.
"If he touches me one more time—" Bucky gritted out, his forearm burning where Brock's ice cold fingers had brushed against the bare skin as he passed.
"I'll kill him myself but for now, ignore him," Natasha muttered, her words sounding like a promise (Bucky wouldn't be surprised if she meant it), passing the cup over to Bucky to deliver. "He isn't worth losing your job over."
"I know, I know," Bucky sighed before trying for what he knew looked like a strained smile. "If it wasn't for you, he'd already be dead. Not sure whether to thank you or not."
Natasha smirked. "Go do your job, Barnes. Leave the killing to me."
Bucky smirked, walking away to deliver the coffee. He honestly didn't know what he would do without Natasha.
Once the coffee was delivered, Bucky went to the cash register to take orders. Brock was meant to be doing this job, but as usual he'd rather slack off and cause trouble for everyone else than do what he was supposed to. It was surprising that Brock hadn't been fired yet. Likely because Bucky ended up doing what Brock was supposed to be doing. Customers shouldn't have to suffer no coffee because of an asshole like Brock.
There was only one customer waiting to place an order and when Bucky looked up at them, he found himself dumbstruck
This man was gorgeous.
Long pitch black hair nearly reaching his shoulders, smooth looking porcelain skin making him look like a ghost which Bucky almost would have believed if it wasn't for those vibrant green eyes so full of life. Thin lips quirked up into a slightly mischievous-looking smirk at Bucky's shocked expression.
Bucky furiously shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts into something more coherent than 'oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh'.
"H-hello. What can I, um, get for you? D-do you want, uh, coffee?"
A look of amusement flickered across the man's face and when he spoke, Bucky could die on the spot. His voice was soft and silky smooth, making Bucky's knees weak. "I drink tea, I'm afraid. I do hope you have some. I'm not familiar with this place, you see?"
"I—yeah. I mean, of course. There's, um..." Bucky knew his face must have been beetroot red as he meekly pointed at the signs behind him that had all the different types of items they sold.
"Ah, I see," the raven spoke in that oh so smooth voice, green eyes twinkling with that same amusement as he glanced over the signs curiously. "I think a basic tea would do. Plenty of sugar. Oh, and a poptart too, I suppose."
Bucky nodded a bit too quickly, managing to at least do the calculations of how much it would cost in his head that was still going 'oh my gosh' like a broken record. "That'll be seven dollars sixty. Takeaway or dine in?"
"Dine in," the man said, taking out his card.
Bucky held out the little machine for him, his hand shaking so badly that he thought he might just drop it so he put it on the bench top instead to save himself the embarrassment.
"Are you quite alright?" The raven asked as he finished paying, green eyes flicking up to meet Bucky's dark blue ones.
Bucky swallowed, taking back the machine quickly. "I'm, uh, good. W-would you like a receipt?"
"Very well," they agreed, holding out his hand and Bucky handed over the printed receipt, shivering when they're hands brushed and quickly yanked it back like he had been burned.
"H-have a nice day," Bucky stuttered out.
The man smirked. "You too, Barnes."
"Wha—?" Bucky blinked as the man walked away to one of the seats before glancing down at his name tag, putting two and two together. Right.
Bucky shook his head to clear it of the final 'oh my gosh' thought, hurrying off to make the man's order. He ignored how hot his face felt, along with the knowing smirk Natasha sent his way that he pretended not to see as he filled up a cup.
And no, he most definitely wasn't watching the porcelain-skinned man out of the corner of his eye, nor did he feel a spike of jealousy when he saw someone sit down with them. Some big blond with baby blue eyes. Like Steve but somehow beefier.
Bucky pushed down the rush of irrational jealousy he felt towards the newcomer as he finished up the tea and got the ordered poptart before heading over to the pair.
Bucky could hear what sounded like an argument as he drew closer to them, the blond speaking rather loudly to be completely fair whereas the raven was whisper-shouting.
"—Father wishes to see you. We have all missed you," the blond pleaded. "Come home, Loki."
"Don't even try it, Thor. The only reason I allowed this meeting was to set aside our differences and move on after you and Odin both lied to me. Be glad for that," the raven, Loki, hissed out. "I will never forgive Odin but you I will give the chance of forgiveness. Do not ruin that by forcing me to speak to your father."
Bucky felt something inside of him calm down, knowing that these two were siblings, not...something else.
"Hush now," Loki muttered when Bucky arrived at their table, setting down the order and felt his face heat again when Loki sent him a pleasant smile. "Thank you very much, Barnes."
"James," he said before he could think better of it, face flushing even more. "It's, uh, James. Or B-Bucky. My friends call me...that.
Loki continued to smile, green eyes bright. "Thank you, James."
'Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh—'
"A-anyway, enjoy your meal," Bucky managed to get out, voice squeaking on the last word as he turned, quickly hurrying off before he could make further a fool of himself but not before catching a small snippet of the pair's words.
"Do you know that man?" Thor asked, sounding rather confused.
"Not exactly," Loki replied, amusement and curiosity mixed in his tone. "But I'd certainly like to."
Bucky's face was aflame as he ducked out of sight of the brothers, taking a shuddering breath. Get a grip, Barnes.
"Someone's got a crush."
Bucky made an undignified startled noise, jumping when he saw Natasha leaning against the wall, smirking at him in that knowing way of hers.
"Stop doing that!" Bucky whisper-shouted, ignoring the fact that he did the same exact thing to Steve half the time. It was annoying being on the receiving end of the treatment. "And what the hell do you mean 'crush'?"
"Oh, come on, Barnes. I haven't seen you so tongue tied with someone since, well, never," Natasha stated plainly, glancing around the corner at Loki and Thor who were chatting away, Thor managing not to choke on the poptart Loki had bought for him. "Don't tell me you don't have a crush. You know I can tell when you're lying."
Bucky huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Stop staring at him, Tasha."
Natasha rolled her eyes but looked back at Bucky. "Well? Do you like him?"
"I just met him!" Bucky protested.
"And? That's what dates are for. Ask him for his number," Natasha pressed.
"I'm working," Bucky pointed out. "That's unprofessional."
"What does this shithole café know about professionality?" Natasha asked sarcastically. "And since when have you cared?"
"Since I've actually needed this job. You know that," Bucky muttered, feeling a little disheartened about this missed opportunity over this shitty job. "Just forget it. Go back to work, Tasha."
Bucky walked away from her before she could say another word to convince him to reconsider. Because knowing him, he might listen.
Steve seemed to notice how down Bucky was when he got home from work so he made him his favorite pasta for dinner to help cheer him up a little. Bucky loved his best friend for that.
Bucky knew he would be behind on his share of the rent again and apparently Steve had known as well since when Bucky went to say something about it, Steve waved him off and said something about handling the bills already. Steve really was Bucky's best friend in the world. He didn't know what he'd do without Steve. Most likely he'd be dead in a ditch somewhere by now.
That night, Bucky went online for some job hunting as he did most nights. Nothing better than his current job had come up yet and the few jobs he'd applied for had all come back as rejected. It was rather disheartening. But Bucky kept trying. He didn't want to keep working at The Hydra Café. At the least, he hoped to score a second job so he could pay his part of the rent next time.
Nearing midnight, Bucky was checking his emails and was surprised to see he had received one for a job he had applied for nearly three weeks ago. It had been a long shot in his opinion but he had experience in bodyguarding (a shady job at the time if he was honest, even if the client he'd been working for was a nice person) but reading the email, he felt a rising excitement when he got a positive reply and saw he could come in for a test run next week.
The pay was ridiculously good and Bucky found himself promising that he wouldn't fuck it up. He couldn't afford to miss this opportunity.
Bucky just wished he had gotten this email yesterday. Maybe then he would have risked getting to know the customer from today.
Bucky had an hour left to work for today. Tomorrow, he'd be heading off to Stark Industries for his trail run job. Bucky couldn't deny how excited he was for it.
Steve, the absolutely amazing best friend he was, took Bucky to an expensive looking place and got Bucky a nice suit to wear to his interview for Stark Industries. Bucky tried to reject the gift, knowing just how expensive the suit would be but Steve wouldn't take no for an answer. Unlike Bucky, Steve's job actually paid him well so he could afford expensive gifts for his friends every now and then.
Bucky promised himself that if he nailed this job at Stark Industries, he'd pay Steve back and more for everything his friend has done for him.
Nearing the end of the day before the café would be closing up, another customer stepped into the shop. Bucky was the only one there besides Natasha who was in the back room and he sighed softly to himself, having hoped he'd be able to close up early so he could get a good night's sleep for the interview tomorrow.
However, when he saw who the customer was, he just about had a heart attack with how fast it started racing.
"So, we meet again, James?" Loki inquired when he got up to the counter.
Bucky stared dumbly for a minute, his tongue feeling like lead and his brain frozen for roughly five seconds before it rebooted and forced out a reply. "Y-yes, yeah,'s good to see you again. U-um, what can I get for you?"
Loki quirked that same amused smile of his from before at Bucky's coffee. "The same thing as last week minus the poptart. Though, unfortunately, I'm in a bit of a rush so a takeaway cup would be good."
"Of course, yeah," Bucky said, nodding quickly. He didn't consider the fact that it was probably weird that he knew Loki's order after just one interaction with the other man. "Four dollars twenty."
Loki paid in cash this time and Bucky withheld a jolt from their hands brushing.
Bucky hurried off to get Loki his tea, knowing he was in a rush. It didn't take long to make either and all in the time it took to make it, Loki kept watching him with those intrigued green eyes.
"Did you mean it?" Bucky asked suddenly, feeling a little daring as he placed the lid on the takeaway cup.
"Mean what?" Loki questioned, raising an eyebrow at Bucky's turned back.
"When you told your brother that you'd like to get to know me?" Bucky asked a little too fast and breathlessly.
Loki smiled slowly, eyes softening. "I most certainly did. I'd like to have the chance of getting to know you."
Bucky bit his lip. Well, in that case...
Natasha walked out from the back room just as Bucky finished up with the tea. Natasha raised both eyebrows when she saw Loki, clearly remembering him and glanced at Bucky who took a breath as he turned and handed the drink over to Loki. "Have a nice day."
Loki glanced at his cup and smirked, taking a sip before replying. "As you should too, James."
Bucky let out a slow breath after Loki had left. Natasha watched him with narrowed eyes but said nothing about the interaction, surprisingly. "Wanna close up early?"
Bucky nodded.
Bucky was just leaving Stark Industries, trying to hold back the large smile that wanted to overtake his face.
His interview with the CEO, Pepper Potts, had gone better than expected and she had told him that once they did some more background checks (which Bucky wasn't overly worried about) then he could officially start on Tuesday.
Bucky could hardly wait to quit his café job which he wasn't upset about now that he learned Natasha would be getting a new job at a place called Shield Café that her friend Clint had recommended (but not before Natasha broke every one of Brock Rumlow's fingers for everything he did to Bucky).
When he got home, Steve was anxiously waiting for him but was relieved to find out the interview had gone well. Steve celebrated by baking some chocolate muffins from which Bucky hoarded almost all of them to himself.
Finally alone in his room, Bucky had just emailed his resignation to The Hydra Café and was feeling better than he had in a long time when his phone vibrated. He blinked, reaching for it and felt a small rush of excitement when he saw the call was an unknown number.
Bucky quickly pressed the answer button and held it to his ear, thoughts of his number that he wrote on the lid of Loki's takeaway cup flashing through his mind. "Hello?"
"Hello, James."
@glitch-in-space This fic is apart of the Loki Secret Santa 2021! The other prompts for this were absolutely amazing but unfortunately, I would have either 1, not had enough time to write them and 2, would have gone over the writing limit most likely (like I almost did with this fic anyway 😅) Half of them I would have turned into stories (and still might because like I said, amazing prompts, jsuxigxisxjia). Apparently I'm the first one to write a Bucky/Loki coffee shop AU?? I'm shook! I honestly thought there'd at least be one before me but apparently not. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Merry Christmas! ☃️🎅❄
#glitch-in-space#winterfrost#bucky x loki#bucky barnes#loki#natasha romanoff#brock rumlow#thor#steve rogers#coffee shop au#no powers au#language#minor non-consensual touching#angst/fluff#angst#fluff
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Avengers...I Shrunk The Genius
Second Part From This Fic Inspired By The Gorgeous Fanart Made By murdermuffinloki:
Part two (2) of the fic in the link above ^
⚠️Warnings: Language, Minor Violence⚠️
Enjoy 💚❤
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
The second day of being super teeny tiny came faster than Tony expected it to.
The night before had been partly annoying but also hilarious. Since Tony was so very small, he couldn't exactly get into bed with Loki like he normally would in fear of getting accidentally squished during the night.
So, Loki, with the most mischievous looking smirk Tony had ever seen, had cleared out a drawer, stuffed a pillow and thin blanket inside and plopped Tony into the open drawer. Tony was very offended though he couldn't fight back the bubbling laughter at how ridiculous this situation was.
Still, Tony whined in his high pitched voice about getting no snuggles for a good five minutes until Loki relented and gave Tony a kiss on his tiny head to make up for the lack of snuggles.
When morning came, Loki was up first, Tony sleeping like a rock in his makeshift drawer bed. Loki walked over and poked him continuously until Tony finally peeled open his eyes to glare at Loki. He had been momentarily confused (and slightly terrified) at why Loki was so huge before it all came rushing back making him groan and bury his face into the pillow/bed.
Loki hummed in sympathy, petting Tony's head with a single finger like Tony was a Kitten or something. Tony growled threateningly, biting at the finger but Loki only tittered, booping Tony's nose disapprovingly. "Naughty, don't bite."
Tony huffed, pushing himself up onto unsteady feet on his pillow/bed before making grabby hands like a child for Loki. "Up!"
Loki rolled his eyes, turning and walking to the other side of the room despite Tony's whine of protest, opening the cupboard. "Remember, Anthony Dearest, you will have to rely on me for the next six days. You better start begging if you wish for me to help you."
Tony's mind went to inappropriate places as it always did when Loki said anything like that before pulling his mind back out of the gutter. "Yeah, yeah, okay. 'M sorry. Please, up?"
Loki chuckled as he finished changing into day clothes and walked back over to Tony, holding out his hand. "Much better. Come on, then. I'm famished as I'm sure you are too."
"Food, fuck yes!" Tony exclaimed, rushing up to scramble into Loki's hands, nearly falling off in his haste if Tony hadn't caught him before he could.
"Careful, Darling. Breakfast isn't worth splattering all over the floor for," Loki said gently, easing Tony into his shirt pocket he had so thoughtfully put on just for Tony.
"Maybe but I'm starving," Tony said, his stomach growling in agreement.
Loki smiled as the world became a swirl of colours before it stilled again into the kitchen, the other Avengers already up and eating Steve's delicious food. Tony's mouth watered at the smell of cooked eggs on toast, bacon, baked beans and only Steve knew what else he had made for the team.
"Morning Brother, Man of Iron," Thor greeted them with a bright smile.
"How's Teeny Tiny Tony?" Natasha asked, glancing at the small genius with a smirk making Tony groan dramatically. Even the ever serious assassin was teasing him!
"The poor thing is hungry," Loki replied, sitting down beside Natasha as Steve went about getting the god and genius some food.
"What am I? A pet?" Tony demanded in as loud a voice as he could muster to be heard. Damn his tiny lungs.
"Don't fret, Anthony. I'll take good care of you," Loki promised with a grin.
Tony forced back a smile of his own, instead trying for a glare at everyone else. "Alright, that's enough. Lemme out!"
Loki watched in clear amusement as Tony tried to lift himself out of the pocket he was stuck in, swinging a leg over the edge and nearly tumbled out but Loki gave him a finger to cling to before he met his demise with the floor. Tony grumbled something uncomplimentary under his breath as he successfully got out of the pocket and onto the kitchen table.
"Hey! No pets on the table!" Clint protested, a self satisfied grin on his face.
"This is my table, thank you very much. I'll walk all over if I want to," Tony reminded him just as Steve set down a plate for Loki and an even tinier one with small proportions of food for Tony, along with a tiny knife and fork. Tony blinked at them for a long moment. "Where the heck did you get a plate that tiny?"
Steve managed a wary smile. "It's, uh, meant for dolls? It's all plastic. Jarvis ordered them yesterday along with some doll clothes for you."
"Jarvis, you little shit," Tony muttered though he couldn't fault the AI. It was a good idea. "I'm already terrified at what doll clothes he got me. Jarvis has no fashion sense."
"That's because I have no need for clothing, Sir," Jarvis supplied, proving himself the little shit that Tony loved.
"True enough," Loki said, siding with Jarvis as he always did. Tony was surrounded by traitors.
"So, you said Tony's going to be stuck like this for a week?" Bruce asked Loki even as he peered at Tony.
"Six more days," Loki said simply, scooping up some scrambled eggs. "But yes. He should be back to his normal short sized self in less than a week."
Tony narrowed his eyes at his god. "I'll get you for that. Just you wait."
"I'm trembling," Loki mocked him, faking a look of terror before he smirked again. "Eat your food, Anthony, before it gets cold."
Tony heard Clint snickering at his humiliation making Tony turn his glare on the archer. "Come at me, Barton! I dare you!"
Clint only grinned, clearly underestimating the small man as he wiggled his fingers in front of Tony who's look darkened.
"What are you gonna do, Star—fuck!" Clint yanked back his hand with a betrayed look, blue eyes wide as he stared at Tony. "Did you seriously just bite me?!"
It was Tony's turn to smirk as he turned to his food. "I told you, I bite."
@murdermuffinloki I'm bored so here's a second part of this oneshot (I may write more so I'm leaving this as unfinished for the now)
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More Than Meets The Eye
Inspiration From This Gorgeous Fanart By murdermuffinloki:
Loki comes home to his boyfriend only to realize it's not his boyfriend at all. Tony is missing and a creature is wearing his skin.
What will Loki do when he learns Thanos has kidnapped his lover and demands Loki to hand himself over in return for Tony's safety?
Or is it already too late?
⚠️Warnings: Violence⚠️
Enjoy 💚❤
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
"Anthony, what on Midgard are you doing?"
Tony glanced around from where he was eating what looked to be a tuna sandwich, spotting Loki who had just appeared in the middle of the living room. "Lokes, you're back!"
"That doesn't exactly answer my question," Loki said with an amused smile, glad of Tony's as always enthusiastic reaction when he returned home as he walked over to the genius.
"I'm eating," Tony said with a shrug. "What does it look like I'm doing?"
"But it's only lunch," Loki pointed out, leaning down to peck Tony's lips lightly. They were colder than normal though it was rather cold in the kitchen now that Loki thought about it. Normally Jarvis would keep the floors at a certain temperature. Or perhaps Loki was overthinking again.
"So?" Tony asked, looking very confused as Loki drew away. "What's the problem with that? I'm hungry."
"You never eat until late in the afternoon," Loki muttered, raising an eyebrow at the defensive tone. "And only ever because I need to drag you out of the lab so you don't end up starving yourself."
"Awe, Lokes. You do care," Tony said with a teasing smile, biting into his tuna sandwich without even pulling a face as he would any other time that he ate anything with tuna in it.
"You don't even like tuna," Loki said, wrinkling his nose. "As you've said on countless occasions, anyone who eats tuna has no taste."
"Opinions change," Tony said with another shrug, popping the last bit of tuna sandwich into his mouth.
"Not yours," Loki said, this time with a slight frown. "You're very stubborn like that."
"Come on, Lokster," Tony said, turning to look at Loki under his shades. "What's the big deal?"
Loki's frown deepened, eyes skimming over his boyfriend. The sunglasses were nothing new but usually Tony only wore said sunglasses around people he didn't like or when he was feeling practically insecure. Or on the rare occasion, when he was trying to hide sleepless nights from Loki but they'd worked past such things.
He was also wearing a full suit which confused Loki also. Was Tony going out to meet with someone? It had happened before so it wouldn't be so surprising but it didn't seem to be the case otherwise Tony would have mentioned it by now.
"Are you alright?" Loki asked after a pause, stepping up to Tony to place both his hands on either side of Tony's face, tilting his head up to look him over worriedly. "You're not ill, are you?"
"Why would you think that?" Tony asked with a too sharp grin that only made Loki grow more worried.
"Because you're wearing a full suit as if you're going to a press conference which you haven't yet said anything about which makes me believe there isn't one and you're wearing shades like you do when you're attempting to hide how you feel because you're eyes are far too expressive," Loki stated firmly. "And to top it off, you're eating tuna. You despise tuna with a passion. I seem off, Darling. Is everything alright?"
Tony grinned that too sharp smile again. "You're one to talk. You're still wearing your armor and everything. Besides, I feel fine, Lokes. Nothing to worry about."
Loki huffed, dropping his hand, not able to fault Tony on that. He was still wearing his battle armor though he was too exhausted to waste his magic on changing.
Still, he studied Tony again for a long moment before shaking his head. Something about Tony was just Loki just couldn't put his finger on what. He decided it didn't matter, putting it to the back of his mind for the now.
"Anywho, you're back now. We should celebrate!" Tony exclaimed cheerfully which was much like his usual self. "You wanna watch some movies and snuggle?"
Loki felt himself relax a little and nodded in agreement. He was just on edge, was all. It was fair since he had been helping Thor on Álfheimr which ended up in a minor argument (because Thor didn't know when to shut up as always) which led to a rather unnecessary battle.
But he was home now and he no longer had to worry about all of that. He could simply relax with Tony like he'd been desperately wanting to do for the past week that he was away. Not that he would admit it to his boyfriend because Tony would never let it go but Loki truly had missed him.
"That would be lovely, Anthony," Loki said softly, pressing a kiss to Tony's too cold forehead. "Would you like to get us something to eat? Something that isn't tuna, perhaps?"
Tony sent him that unsettling, too sharp smile again. "Sure thing, Lokes. Go make yourself comfy. I'll be right over."
Loki pushed his worried thoughts to the back of his mind. Yes, Tony did seem off but he wouldn't push. Tony would tell him if something was wrong on his own. Loki trusted him.
Loki turned to head back to the lounge room, flicking his eyes to the blank TV. Now, if he could just find the remote. Perhaps some blankets would be nice too though warming up the room would be a good idea also. Tony was rather cold to the touch.
"Jarvis, could you please put the temperature on a higher setting," Loki inquired as he found the remote hidden between the couch cushions.
He turned towards the blank screen on the TV, pressing the 'on' button on the remote but the TV screen remained blank. Loki frowned, trying again but still, nothing happened.
It was only then that Loki let his worry come back, one thought running through his mind.
Something was wrong.
"Jarvis?" Loki spoke again, waiting for the AI's reply...but it didn't come.
The sense of wrongness only intensified as he stared at the pitch black TV screen, his reflection being the only other thing on it until he saw Tony walking up behind him. He had no snacks with him and he still had that too sharp smile on his face.
That's when it clicked. Tony's strange behavior, the sense of wrongness, Jarvis not replying...
"Lokes?" Tony asked curiously, Loki watching the reflection of Tony in the TV screen reach out a hand to touch him.
Loki whipped around, his hand lashing out like a snake to wrap around Tony's throat, lifting him off the ground. Tony choked as expected, hands reaching up to grab Loki's wrists, attempting to tug it away from his throat but Loki's grip was as tight as a vice.
"L-Loki, wh-what are you d-doing?" Tony rasped, his breaths coming out in choked gasps. "Loki, it''s m-me! It's T-Tony!"
Loki's grip only tightened at those words, green eyes flashing dangerously as burning anger rose up in him. "You're not Tony Stark."
This made the struggling hands stop fighting Loki's grip while that sharp smile turned into a wicked grin, the light reflecting off his shades enough to show the hint of red in what should have been chocolate brown eyes.
The burning anger was tinged with fear. But not fear of whatever creature Loki held. No, he was worried for Tony, the real Tony who Loki was slowly beginning to realize with a terrified horror was missing, leaving this creature in his place.
Loki tightened his hold even further but that devious grin on his lover's stolen face, so very out of place on his usually soft features whenever he looked at Loki, never ceased. If anything, it stretched unnaturally wider.
"Who are you?" Loki demanded in a furious whisper.
@murdermuffinloki Yes, there's going to be a second part 😉 Maybe even a third 👀 Just have to wait and see 😶
Tagging @just-inside-her until you tell me otherwise ❤
#murdermuffinloki#frostiron#loki/tony#loki x tony#loki#tony#other#thanos#chitauri#violence#angst#ch1
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Hey! Love your works. Do you accept requests?
Yes, I do accept requests! You can either send another ask of the request you want or you can write the request in my pinned post in case Tumblr accidentally eats your ask ❤
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Hello! Can I translate your work into Russian and put it on the Fikbook space with an indication of your authorship?
I'm sorry but I'd rather my works stay off of websites I don't know much about. I'm okay with translations as long as they go on ao3/wattpad/tumblr but any other website is a no for me. I hope you understand ❤
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Keep Fighting
Inspiration From This Lovely Prompt By murdermuffinkink:
Loki and Tony are in abusive relationships with each of their partners. Loki had long since given up on getting out of his own but when he sees Tony still struggling and fighting against Steve, he decides that if he can't get out of his own abusive relationship with Thor, he can at least help Tony get out of his.
⚠️Warnings: Abusive Relationship(s), Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con, Omega Verse, Self Harm, Suicide Attempt, Etc.⚠️
Enjoy 💚❤
Loki had given up nearly two hundred years ago in getting away from Thor. He tried many times but Thor had a tight hold on his leash, never letting Loki get far.
So, after what felt like a thousand years of fighting his relationship with Thor, he finally gave up and gave in, simply letting it happen. At least it was less painful when he was pliant and obedient.
When he had fallen from the Bifrost, he had thought for a minute, maybe he could finally be free. Free of Thor and all the hurt he'd caused. But it was never so easy for him.
Thor managed to get his hands back on Loki after he lost during the attack on New York. Thor was determined to never let Loki slip away again, using Loki's 'evil villain' status as an excuse to restrict Loki's magic to the point that it was barely there anymore.
Loki didn't tell anyone of how he was tortured for months and forced to attack Midgard. Who would believe him?
For a minute, Loki had been glad he lost. It was always the plan to lose, to be captured by the Avengers and taken back to Asgard and thrown in a cell. At least then, Thor wouldn't be able to touch him again.
But Thor never ended up taking him back to Asgard. He had instead asked Steve Rogers, the leader of the Avengers group if Loki could stay on Midgard.
Thor had played all teary eyed, telling the Avengers how he knew Loki was good inside, how he just needed some time to remember who he was. Not that Loki could forget. He remembered who he was before Thor had taken his whole world and freedom away from him. There had never been a choice for him.
Steve had agreed to let Loki stay, apparently moved by Thor caring so much for the wayward villain, so long as it was at the Tower where the Avengers could keep an eye on him.
They figured out soon enough why that was, how Thor cared for Loki as a lover. It sickened Loki that the Avengers didn't have a problem with it, that it was completely fine.
Sometimes, Loki had dark thoughts. Sometimes he wondered what would happen if he simply ended it all. Would anyone notice? Would anyone care? He was sure Thor would but that wasn't because he cared. He would only be upset that he lost his favourite toy.
The only reason Loki hadn't tried was because one, it was ridiculously hard to kill himself, not because he wasn't able to go through with it but because he was a god. God's were terribly hard to kill. Loki would know. He'd tried to kill Thor hundreds of times before. Never mind how many times he'd tried to kill himself.
And two was because of a certain mortal genius.
Loki wasn't sure at first what it was about Tony Stark that drew him. Sure, Tony was rather handsome and very intelligent for a mortal but there was something else about him that Loki...related to. The nearly defeated look in his eyes that were always cast towards the floor.
It wasn't until Loki saw Tony with Steve that he understood what it was that drew him.
It was early in the morning, Loki always getting up before Thor, (because if he didn't, he would end up under Thor for the rest of the morning) sitting at the kitchen table. Loki didn't speak to the other Avengers much, opting to pretend he was too tired to talk so he didn't have to converse with anyone. Nor, he thought, did any of them want to.
Steve was making everyone breakfast like he did every morning, Natasha and Clint talking to one another. Bruce wasn't yet awake and Tony was a wild card. He could still be asleep or he could have been holed up in his lab, getting no sleep the entire night.
Apparently the latter as Tony arrived a little while later as Steve was serving up breakfast, Tony looking bleary eyed as he made a beeline for the coffee machine.
Steve turned his head, watching with a frown as Tony poured himself a mug. "You didn't come to bed last night."
"I got busy," Tony said with a slight shrug, giving Steve a gentle smile. "Did you miss me, Captain?"
Steve frowned disapprovingly. "I'm being serious, Tony. I told you not to be in the lab all the time."
Tony sighed as he filled a mug. "I've been getting plenty of sleep, alright? Relax, Stevie, I'm fine."
"Tony," Steve said, his tone taking on a slightly warning edge, stepping closer to the genius.
Loki was the only one who saw Tony flinch, eyes flicking down to the floor. "I'll try not to go in the lab so much, okay?"
"Good," Steve said with a nod, a smile suddenly on his face at Tony's agreement. "Want some breakfast?"
Loki glanced at Tony who wasn't smiling, eyes down at his drink as he nodded his head. Tony looked up at the others, almost like he was checking to see if anyone had noticed and frowned when he saw Loki watching him.
But Loki didn't look away and neither did Tony. Not until strong arms suddenly wrapped around Loki from behind and a voice spoke in his ear. "There you are, Loki."
Loki didn't greet Thor back, instead tearing his gaze from Tony's as he looked pointedly back at his plate of untouched food.
After that, Loki continued to watch how Tony acted around Steve. He was always defiant at first, always arguing with whatever Steve told him but as soon as Steve made one threatening movement, so subtle that nobody but Loki noticed, Tony would immediately shut up and agree with whatever Steve had said.
There was a difference between him and Tony though. Tony was clearly still fighting back whereas Loki had already given up.
It was...refreshing though it hurt, reminding Loki of a time he used to fight back too. He didn't want to see Tony suffer how he did but he didn't know how he was meant to help without alerting Thor or even Steve to what he was doing.
But Loki would try to help Tony fight.
Because if he couldn't save himself, he could at least try and save Tony.
Tony wished he could get away from Steve sometimes. That he could simply leave.
But he couldn't. Nobody would listen to an Omega complain about how their Alpha abused them. Abused Omega's were always ignored, told that they were overreacting, that they were too soft and couldn't handle a little pressure.
Of course, he could always just kick Steve out of the Tower, make him leave. But that could cause more problems than Tony wanted to deal with. Fury would have his hide if he pulled something like that. As much as Tony didn't want to admit it, the world needed Captain America.
So Tony gritted his teeth and pushed through it. Besides, it wasn't so bad. Steve could get angry and a little too rough sometimes but it wasn't anything that Tony couldn't deal with.
And it had been fine until he realized he wasn't the only one who was being forced into a relationship he didn't want.
Jarvis had brought it to his attention, how Loki didn't eat much, barely got enough sleep and was constantly injured in some way.
Tony, despite being a genius, had been a little slow on trying to figure out how and why Loki was getting so hurt when all he did was lounge around the Tower.
But then he thought of Thor, how the god was always hovering over Loki. At least, Tony had assumed it was because he didn't want Loki getting up to no good. But it had been months since the attack and Loki hadn't tried to do a single evil thing in all that time.
It made Tony wonder if Loki was really that evil to begin with. For a guy apparently hellbent on ruling Earth, he had given up pretty damn easy, barely putting up a fight when Thor cuffed him. Almost like he had wanted to lose.
But that hadn't been the point. The point had been Loki getting hurt and as much as Loki was a villain, Tony didn't like people getting hurt under his roof.
It didn't take much snooping for Tony to figure out how Loki was getting himself hurt. Or more, who was getting Loki hurt.
Tony hated it but he knew there was nothing he could really do. He had gone up against Thor before with his suit and if Steve hadn't stepped in, he wasn't sure what would have happened.
Besides, it wasn't like Tony was in a better position. Steve would be furious if he found out Tony was taking a villains side or say he was being influenced somehow.
Still, Tony wished he could punch Thor and make it hurt.
But what was one little Omega going to do against a literal god? How could he help Loki when he could barely help himself?
"What were you thinking, Tony?!"
"I just—"
"That's right! You weren't thinking, were you?"
Loki watched along with the other Avengers as Tony was shouted at by Steve, doing nothing to stop it. Apparently the mission had gone sideways and Tony had nearly gotten himself extremely hurt, throwing himself into the line of fire to protect one of the others.
Loki wasn't sure why Steve was so upset. They were superheroes, weren't they? It was their job to protect and if they got hurt, that was a part of the risk.
Of course, Loki hadn't been there to see it for himself. He wasn't trusted to go on missions with the Avengers (nor did he want to) so he had to stay at the Tower with Thor watching him. Only, Thor did a lot more than simply watch him. His hips were already bruising from the blond's harsh grip.
Tony was staring at the floor now, not even trying to defend himself as Steve lectured on and on. Nobody said anything until Steve finally finished, taking a breather.
"Come on, Tony," Steve said finally, grabbing Tony's wrists in a too tight grip and dragged him to the elevator before anyone, even Tony, could get a word out.
Loki watched them go, fingers twitching in his lap, itching to race after the pair and yank Tony away from Steve but he couldn't. Without his magic, he was useless to help. All it would do was make Steve angrier and Thor would be even less impressed.
Loki saw Tony later in the day. Loki was on the couch, reading a book. Thor was thankfully down in the gym training and had ordered Loki to stay in their room.
Of course, Loki hadn't listened. Just because he had given up on getting away from Thor, it didn't mean he listened to everything the Thunder god demanded of him.
So when Tony walked into the kitchen for coffee, Loki watched the slight limp the mortal sported with narrowed green eyes.
As if knowing he was being watched, Tony turned his head, looking surprised to see Loki sitting on the couch. "Oh, hi Lokes. I didn't think anyone would be out here."
Loki raised an eyebrow, glancing at Tony's wrists and noted the bruises ringing around each one, just barely hidden beneath his long sleeved shirt. "You sound disappointed."
"No, I'm not, I just..." Tony sighed. "Never mind."
Loki frowned slightly, sitting up a little straighter. "Steve has been...treating you right lately?"
Tony stared at him, eyes going a little wide. "Excuse you."
Loki looked pointedly at Tony's wrists making the genius glance down at them and pale, quickly tugging the sleeves down.
Loki sighed, shaking his head. "Why do you put up with it? You could leave him."
Tony looked up at him, still looking rather pale though almost angry but it didn't seem to be directed at Loki. "Like you with Thor?"
Loki gave Tony a surprised look. He didn't think anyone had realized what Thor did to him.
"Jarvis," Tony said simply in explanation.
Loki pressed his lips into a thin line. "That's different."
"How exactly?" Tony asked, setting his mug on the kitchen bench as he walked over to Loki.
Loki glared at him for a moment but he wasn't angry. Just...upset. He thought Tony would understand.
But then, Tony hadn't given up like he had.
"You wouldn't understand," Loki whispered. "Nor do I want you to."
Tony's expression became a little sad, almost as if he did understand. Loki couldn't look at him as Tony sat beside him, gently leaning into the god who after a long minute, did the same.
Maybe Loki couldn't help Tony as much as he hoped but he could still do small things like this to show Tony he wasn't alone.
Or maybe Loki simply liked feeling that he wasn't alone himself.
Tony felt like he was minutes away from breaking down, constantly on the verge of tears as he did what he needed to throughout the day.
Steve had done something unforgivable last night. Tony could barely look at him the whole day though Steve had kept his distance. He didn't know why he was so surprised since Steve seemed to have no problem hitting him and yelling at him but this...
Tony had said no, had told him to stop and Steve...Steve just...
Steve raped him.
Oh god's, he was going to be sick—
Tony forced his slightly watery eyes up to meet those green ones he knew belonged to Loki. "O-oh. Hey, Lokes."
Loki frowned deeply, taking in Tony's tearful brown eyes. "What happened?"
Tony swallowed repeatedly, trying and failing to form words. How could he even begin to explain?
But Loki...Loki would understand. Loki knew what it was be...
A sob burst past Tony's lips before he could stop it and in one second and the next, he was gathered up in Loki's arms, held tight against the god's chest as Tony trembled, tears falling down his cheeks.
Loki didn't ask, didn't force Tony to talk. He didn't need to. Tony was sure Loki already figured it out on his own.
Loki didn't let him go though.
After that, Loki and Tony looked out for each other.
Whenever Loki came from the room he shared with Thor, bruises all over his aching body, Tony was there, offering to watch a movie together or hang out with him in the safety of his lab. It was either a distraction from the pain or a way to get away from Thor without him realizing it.
And when Tony came back after an argument with Steve or walked into the kitchen looking so pale that Loki barely had to guess what had happened, Loki would be there to pull the genius into his arms and hold him tight, letting him break down in his arms.
They both hid the abuse they endured from the others, either afraid of being judged as weak and pathetic or worried the others would think they deserved it and contribute to the abuse.
But they didn't mind so much because they had one another to keep each other from falling into their dark thoughts.
It took a while for both of them to realize that despite their situation, despite being in a relationship (even if it wasn't one they wanted) and despite both being Omega's, they wanted each other.
Tony realized first, Loki still being in denial, not because he didn't want Tony, much the opposite, but because he knew it would lead nowhere. If Thor found out he had feelings for someone else, Tony would be in danger of Thor. Loki couldn't do that to him.
It still didn't stop Loki from one day kissing Tony in the privacy of his lab, wishing things were different.
Loki knew he was going to get into trouble. If Thor caught him...
But it didn't matter. He didn't care anymore. He'd stopped caring about his own pain a long time ago.
Especially since the dagger was slowly bloodying his wrists. No, he wasn't trying to kill himself. There was no point. This wouldn't be enough to kill himself. Blood loss was nothing for a god.
But it was enough to cut through the magic restraints on his wrists.
Why would Loki risk Thor's wrath if he caught Loki doing this?
Because he had passed by Tony's room earlier in the day, had heard him scream and something in Loki ripped apart at the sound, making him throw all caution to the wind.
So he had gone through Thor's things, finding the enchanted daggers that Thor had taken from Loki and used them to cut the restraints off, ignoring whenever it cut into his skin. The pain was nothing to knowing that Tony was in danger from his Alpha.
As soon as he was free of the bands, he teleported from his room to Tony's, not caring for what he might find, only caring about protecting Tony, keeping Tony safe.
But surprisingly, he didn't find Steve there, towering over Tony. Though Tony was clearly not okay.
"Anthony," Loki whispered, kneeling down in front of the figure shaking at the foot of the bed on the floor. "Anthony, Darling, look at me."
Tony wouldn't meet his eyes though, legs against his chest. Loki took comfort in the fact that Tony was clothed though it didn't mean much. If it had happened again, Tony simply could have redressed himself before Loki arrived.
But that wasn't the case. Loki knew because he soon saw the cuts on Tony's wrists and felt his stomach lurch uncomfortably. Tony had tried to kill himself.
"Oh, Anthony, no..." Loki whispered, grimacing at the blood on Tony's hands.
"He s-saw it," Tony stuttered out, shivering slightly. "He saw it and h-he got angry and grabbed m-my wrists and i-it opened back u-up and he h-hit me and...and..."
"Sh, sh. Hush, Anthony," Loki murmured, taking Tony's hands, ignoring the blood over them.
Tony sobbed, shaking his head, trying in vain to tug his hands back. "I can't do it anymore. I c-can't, please, Loki. I don't want him to t-touch me anymore."
Loki's heart broke, remember thinking the same thing two hundred years ago. "You don't have to do this anymore, I swear it."
Tears streaked Tony's face as he continued shaking his head, shivering and muttering under his breath. "There's n-nowhere we c-can g-go and I can't l-leave you h-here with h-him."
Loki had been wondering why Tony hadn't simply got up and left yet despite all of Steve's abuse. Now that he knew why, he both wanted to hug Tony and call him an idiot.
"You won't be leaving me here with him," Loki said, gently brushing his fingers over the cut and was relieved to see his magic working to heal the self inflicted wound. "In fact, you're coming with me, off of this realm entirely."
Tony stared with wide eyes at the newly healed skin, then up at Loki. "You have you're m-magic back? How? W-when?
"About five minutes ago," Loki stated plainly. "Do you want to leave with me, Anthony?"
Tony took a shaky breath, nodding his head. "P-please."
That was all Loki needed to tighten his grip on Tony's hand, pulling him into his waiting arms, pressing his lips to Tony's like he'd been yearning to do since the first time in the lab.
He remembered the words Tony had told him that day after their kiss, echoing in his head now.
'Keep fighting, Loki. Keep fighting because you're all that's stopping me from giving up. Keep fighting for me.'
And Loki had. He had but they didn't have to fight anymore.
In one moment and the next, the pair vanished from the floor of Tony's room and reappeared somewhere far away where neither of them could ever be hurt by any Alpha ever again.
@murdermuffinloki I was going to add Bucky into this but then I'd end up writing a whole damn book and I have enough to write as it is but I just couldn't resist writing a oneshot for this, hsusyjwdj. Hope you enjoyed! :D
#murdermuffinloki#frostiron#thorki#stony#loki/tony#loki x tony#thor/loki#thor x loki#steve/tony#steve x tony#loki#tony#thor#steve#angst#abusive relationship#implied abuse#implied rape#self harm#suicide attempt#omega verse#omega#alpha#omega/alpha#omega/omega#oneshot
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Just A Nightmare
Inspiration From This Gorgeous Fanart By murdermuffinloki:
Part one (1) of the fic in the link above ^
⚠️Warnings: Lokicest, Nightmares, Past Torture, Etc.⚠️
Enjoy 💚💚💚
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
Loki was in pain. Everything hurt, all the time, every single second. He wanted to scream but he couldn't. It was all too intense, too much pain and hurt. He was suffocating under it.
He wished he couldn't feel, that he could go numb to the whip lashing down on his body, splitting and tearing his skin, blood running down his skin in rivers, pooling at his feet.
Loki was sure he was going to pass out any second. He was sure he was going to die any minute. There was no way he was going to survive this...
...and he didn't want to survive it.
Please, just let him die.
The whip came down again, ripping through skin once again and this time, Loki did scream, begging for it to stop, begging his torturers to end it, begging them to have mercy, for someone to save him—
"Loki! Loki, wake up!"
Someone was shaking him roughly making Loki gasp, air finally filling his lungs as his eyes flew open and sat bolt upright. It was dark for a moment, unable to see anything but then light flooded the room and...and...
He wasn't in a dungeon. He wasn't chained to a wall, waiting for the whip to come down again. He was safe in his room, in bed.
It was just a nightmare.
Loki took some shaky breaths, registering arms wrapped around his shaking form, gentle and soft, not restraining him.
"Loki?" Sylvie whispered, a question in her voice.
Loki shook his head, tears already gathering in his eyes and slipping down his cheeks before he could even think to stop them. His hands were shaking so badly as he brought one to his mouth, sure that he was going to throw up.
Sylvie slipped her hands into his other hand, holding onto it tightly as Loki got his breathing back under control.
"'M s-sorry," Loki mumbled, gripping Sylvie's hand tightly, letting her touch ground him to the real world, something to focus on instead of the horrible nightmare.
If only it was just a nightmare.
More hands were on him, one gently threading through his hair and another wrapping around his waist, Sylvie's arms slipping away as President Loki turned Loki so he could kiss his forehead. "There's nothing to apologize for. You're safe now, Darling."
Tears slipped silently down Loki's cheeks as he shook in the Variant's grasp, trying and failing to not think about the nightmare. He kept repeating to himself over and over again that he was safe, that he wasn't there anymore. Not anymore.
Loki took a shuddering breath, pulling himself away. "I-I'm fine. I'm sorry for waking you b-both."
"Loki," Sylvie sighed but didn't argue. There was no point when Loki was like this because no matter what she said, it simply wouldn't sink in. Not until he was calmer at least. They'd have to talk about it tomorrow. "Would you like to continue resting?"
Loki didn't give an answer besides laying back down between his two lovers, curling up a little as Sylvie drew him back into her arms to hold him tight. He cried silently in her arms, wrapping his arms around her to hold her tight in return.
Sylvie shared a look with President Loki as Loki sighed, letting his eyes fall shut. President Loki hummed as he laid back down even though he looked just about ready to fight someone, pressing himself against Loki's back, sandwiching him between the pair.
Loki drifted back into an uneasy sleep leaving his two lovers still wide awake.
"Were you able to see his dream again?" Sylvie whispered, not loud enough to wake the sleeping god between them.
President Loki was silent for a minute, making Sylvie wonder if he had fallen asleep too but suddenly spoke up. "I did...not voluntarily though. I assume you saw, too."
Sylvie sighed softly, brushing a strand of hair from Loki's face. "We really should tell him, you know."
"What?" President Loki asked though he knew very well what. "About our dreamlink?"
Sylvie nodded. "Yes. He clearly isn’t aware that we can see his nightmares and...I'm not comfortable with keeping this from him any longer."
It had been a while now since they had been able to see what Loki was dreaming about simply by having skin to skin contact with him. They hadn't been sure why it happened, guessing it had something to do with Loki's magic sending out for help when Loki was having bad dreams.
"He’d block us out if he finds out," President Loki stated with a deep frown. "How can we be sure we will be able to save him from drowning in his dreams next time?"
"We can’t," Sylvie admitted, getting a slight frown from the other Variant. "But we shouldn’t protect him by betraying his trust either."
President Loki's frown only deepened at that. "He'd freak out though, knowing that his magic let us in his mind without him knowing."
"And that is the exact evidence of how much he trusts us, consciously or not," Sylvie pointed out, making President Loki roll his eyes though he sighed in defeat.
"Fine, you win. Now hush and go back to sleep," President Loki ordered, making Sylvie roll her eyes this time. "This conversation can wait till tomorrow."
Sylvie hummed in agreement as she tightened her grip on Loki who unconsciously tightened his own hold on her. "Are you going to make pancakes for breakfast?"
"With blueberries, yes," President Loki promised, throwing an arm over Loki and seeking out Sylvie's hand to hold.
Sylvie sent President Loki a cheeky grin. "Can’t wait."
President Loki rolled his eyes for a final time though he had a fond smile on his face. "Good night, dear."
Sylvie yawned, remembering just how late at night it was and let her eyes slip shut. "Night."
@murdermuffinloki *sigh* I love these three 😘
#murdermuffinloki#lokicest#president sylki#president loki/sylvie/loki#president loki x sylvie x loki#president loki#sylvie#loki#angst#fluff#nightmare#past torture#comfort cuddles#oneshot
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President's Pet
Ninth Part From This Fic Inspired By The Gorgeous Fanart Made By murdermuffinloki:
Part nine (9) of the fic in the link above ^
⚠️Warnings Because I Feel Like This Fic Deserves Some Warnings So Here It Is: Bondage/Restraints, Choking, Language, Lokicest, Rough Sex, Scratching, Smut, Spanking, Etc.⚠️
Enjoy 💚💚
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
"Ready for your reward, Pet?"
Loki shuddered at the sinister edge to President Loki's voice, making his achingly hard cock throb. He nodded his head once as much as he could with President Loki's hand fisted in his hair.
"Very good," President Loki murmured, pressing his foot down on Loki's back just to feel him squirm and whimper behind the cloth covering his mouth.
But then the pressure on his back was gone, the hand in his hair letting go to move down to his neck to push his face into the ground. Loki was helpless to stop it, nor did he want to. He liked the feeling of control President Loki had over him, taking whatever he wanted whether Loki liked it or not.
The thought made Loki moan, cock twitching. But he couldn't come. He would be punished if he did before he was told he could.
President Loki chuckled behind him. "Is someone having naughty thoughts?"
Loki flushed darkly, shivering when he felt President Loki's cock brush over his ass. He squirmed in anticipation, getting a sharp slap to his round cheeks for his troubles.
"Be still, Pet," President Loki ordered, pressing down harder on Loki's neck as his fingers curled around it, squeezing just a little to make Loki's breath stutter in his throat. "Otherwise you will not like the consequences."
Loki silently disagreed though he nodded in understanding, forcing himself to go pliant. President Loki hummed in satisfaction at the show of submission.
Loki forced himself to keep still and not squirm in excitement when he felt the Variants cockhead at his hole. He needed to be good or else he wouldn't get his reward. And having President Loki fuck him within an inch of his life was only part of it. If President Loki so chose, he could decide to not let Loki come if he thought Loki had been bad.
Finally, President Loki pushed in, the cockhead popping into the tight ring of muscle and pulling a soft whine from Loki who struggled not to push his ass back to get more of that cock in his ass. Despite the little lube President Loki had granted him, it was still an easy slide as he pushed all the way to the hilt without pause.
Still, it burned and made his cry out into his gag but Loki barely cared, too relieved that he was getting what he wanted, what he needed.
President Loki pulled out torturously slowly before slamming back in, giving Loki no time to adjust, nor did he want to be given the time to get used to it. They both knew just how much he liked it rough.
And President Loki knew how to give it to Loki rough, his nails on the back of Loki's back scratching deep red lines down it as he pounded into Loki's ass with little mercy. Loki simply took it. He had no other choice but to take everything given to him, whether that was pain or pleasure.
"It amazes me everytime, Pet," President Loki gritted out, pressing his hand flat at the small of Loki's back as blood bloomed up from the scratch marks. "It amazes me that no matter how many times I take you, it's always as good as the first time I took you."
Loki shuddered at the mention of the first time he'd been taken by President Loki, his traitorous cock twitching at the thoughts. Being pushed to his knees and forced to suck the Variant's cock, getting shoved up against the wall when he had misbehaved, getting pushed down on his stomach on the bed and a cock forced into his tight hole—
Loki gasped, muffled by the cloth as he wriggled under President Loki who slapped his ass once again for the disobedience, the hand on his throat tightening enough to make him have trouble drawing air into his lungs.
"Be still," President Loki hissed, nails digging into Loki's back who attempted to arch away but only succeeded in getting more hard hits to his slowly bruising ass. "Once more, Pet and I'll ensure you won't come again for the next year."
Loki whimpered, shaking like a leaf but President Loki took no notice of it as he continued to use the submissive's body, plunging into him over and over.
He listened to Loki's muffled mewls and moans of pleasure and pain each time President Loki hit his prostate or tightened his hold on Loki's throat. He could feel how Loki's throat would flex under his fingers each time he swallowed, driving the Variant closer to completion.
Loki squeezed his eyes shut as he was pressed harder into the floor, focusing on drawing small amounts of air into his lungs and not passing out. He was sure he was going to black out any minute if the grip on his throat wasn't released but he couldn't exactly voice his complaints, nor would President Loki listen if he could.
Loki pressed his forehead to the floor as he tried to breath through the pressure on his throat, knowing there would be bruises there later and moaned weakly at the thought.
That's when President Loki released his throat, Loki managing to pull in a full breath of air before the god grabbed the back of his collar and yanked, making it cut into his neck and constrict his breathing worse than when the hand was squeezing his throat.
Loki jolted in shock when his orgasm ripped through him, making a mess of the floor beneath him as he shuddered and moaned.
Just as quickly as the collar had been grabbed, it was let go again, causing Loki to whine in protest. But he was quickly distracted when President Loki came inside him, shoving Loki down hard with a hand on his back as he filled his Pet up with cum.
President Loki pulled out slowly, smirking at the sight of cum dripping out of Loki's stretched hole before standing and leaving his Pet there, bound and gagged with cum dripping out of him as he went to clean up.
Loki barely even noticed that the other god had left him for a good few minutes, still too out of it from his orgasm, eyes clothes as he reveled in the afterglow.
But soon enough he grew cold, shivering at the feeling of cum slipping down his thighs and began to wonder where his Master had gone.
Eventually President Loki did come back, now dressed in pants though his chest was still bare. He found Loki staring vacantly at the opposite wall and smirked as he strode after and crouched down.
He tugged at Loki's collar to capture his attention and felt the god shake under his fingers when he traced over the bloody scratches on his back with his finger. President Loki offered his now bloody fingers to Loki who lapped at them like a kitten, nice and obedient, just how the Variant liked him.
"You did very well, Pet," President Loki murmured, knowing Loki needed the praise and sure enough, Loki preened weakly at the words. "Except you came before I said you could."
Immediately, the brightness in Loki's eyes diminished, a horror stuck look coming over his face as if he hadn't even realized what he'd done until now.
"Not only did you come without permission," President Loki continued, ignoring Loki's look. "You also made a mess on the floor."
Loki whimpered behind his gag, trying to show with just his eyes how sorry he was, that he'd be better from now on. He didn't want to be punished.
President Loki stood up straight, making his way behind Loki and smirked at the mess his cum was making of Loki's thighs as it dripped out of his hole. He leaned down, wrapping an arm around Loki's waist who squeaked in surprise behind the gag as President Loki dragged him backwards to reveal the pool of cum Loki made on the floor.
"Naughty boy," President Loki muttered as he pulled at the knot of the cloth that covered Loki's mouth and pulled it off. He then fisted his hand in Loki's hair and pushed his head down to the cum covered floor. "Clean it up."
Loki mewled softly, just like a kitten, President Loki thought.
Loki obediently stuck out his tongue, glad the punishment wasn't any worse and lapped at the cum with little kitten licks. It took a while but President Loki kept his grip tight on Loki's hair until the floor was clean of cum.
As soon as Loki was finished, President Loki nodded in approval before moving to unlock the spreader bar keeping Loki's legs spread and untied the rope from his arms.
Loki fell back into President Loki arms, exhaustion washing over him. President Loki hummed softly, easily lifting Loki into his arms and carrying him over to the bed.
President Loki grabbed the usual oil to rub into the rope burns along Loki's arms. There were bruises ringing Loki's neck, like a claim. It made President Loki grin, a possessive glint in his eyes. Loki was his.
Loki was half asleep by the time President Loki threw a blanket over him so he wouldn't get cold while he slept. He placed a tender kiss to Loki's forehead before he sat back, eyes flicking over his Pet as he ran a surprisingly gentle hand through the sleeping god's hair.
Finally, he shook his head, glancing away. He had important matters he needed to attend to soon. It was best to get them out of the way.
Still, President Loki sat on the edge of the bed for a long while, keeping his hand threaded in Loki's hair and didn't notice when Loki peaked open his eyes to stare at the symbol carved into President Loki's back, wondering why the Variant was still there.
Not that Loki minded.
@murdermuffinloki And that's the second part of the last chapter XD Next chapter won't have smut but things are going to get intense 👀 I've also decided that the ship name for this is Presidentfrost because Lokicest is used for any kind of Loki's (such as Loki and Sylvie) but Presidentfrost is specifically for these two XD
Tagging @girl-with-many-fandoms @cra2ycat8077 @kneelingsince2012 @merlynn-consultingdisaster @lokiswhiterose until you tell me otherwise ❤
#murdermuffinloki#lokicest#presidentfrost#loki/president loki#loki x president loki#loki#president loki#smut#language#bondage/restraints#choking#rough sex#scratching#spanking#ch 9
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President's Prisoner
Related work to President's Pet!
This is set during the time Loki was tortured and used by President Loki to make him the perfect obedient Pet. I highly doubt much of this is going to be consensual. Just a whole lotta Loki whump and sadistic President Loki. Please keep that in mind while reading! Thank you!
❌Please do NOT click on fanart link under the cut if you’re a minor or don’t want to see some very messed up stuff (that being said, if you can't handle messed up stuff, best you not read the fic either)❌
⚠️Warnings Because I Feel Like This Fic Deserves Some Warnings So Here It Is: Blood, Choking, Imprisonment, Lokicest, Mentioned Past Rape/Non-Con, Strong Violence, Etc.⚠️
Enjoy 💚💚
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
Specifically Written Because Of This Gorgeous Fanart Made By murdermuffinloki:
Loki was screaming. Not in pain, not in sadness but in absolute rage.
He had been thrown into a dark room bare of anything, not even a window. He couldn't see three steps in front of him and he was beyond livid. How dare he be imprisoned like this!
He shouldn't truly be so mad to be imprisoned as he had been imprisoned before, more times than he could count really and he wouldn't have been if he hadn't been so violated and used beforehand by some sick Variant of himself.
Loki had tried and failed to use his magic to blast the locked door off its hinges only to find his powers had abandoned him which he could admit if only to himself, made him very scared. His magic was one of his most important weapons and now it was just...gone.
It made Loki all the more angrier. He had been used and violated and now after all that, he was trapped in a locked room without his magic to defend himself.
Eventually, Loki came to the conclusion that he was going to have to wait and see exactly what it was this Variant wanted from him. Though what he wanted he had already taken it seemed.
Loki sat on the far wall, glaring at the locked door across the room as he shivered in the dark since the Variant hadn't bothered giving back his clothes after violating him.
Tears threatened to rise up that he stubbornly ignored, squeezing his eyes shut tight as he tried to simply breathe.
He must have fallen asleep at some point because he woke to the sound of the cell door opening. Loki blinked his eyes open, looking up at the Variant, and mustered up an impressive glare.
President Loki only smirked as if amused by Loki's little show of control. Control they both knew he didn't have. "Enjoying your little nap?"
Loki gritted his teeth as he pushed himself to his feet, taking up a defensive stance. "What did you do to my seiðr?"
President Loki grinned sharply. "Well, I couldn't simply let you keep it when you insist on being so disobedient. Naughty Pet's don't get to have their toys to play with."
Loki internally seethed, glaring daggers at the other god. "I am not a Pet."
President Loki's smirk widened to show his perfectly white teeth. "No, you're not a Pet. Not at all."
Loki didn't even see him move until President Loki had him pressed hard against the wall, hands pinned above his head with only one of President Loki's hands wrapped tight around his wrists, squeezing hard enough to make the bones grind together.
President Loki gripped Loki's chin, forcing the disadvantaged god to look at him in the eyes. "You're my Pet. Mine and only mine."
Loki growled low in his throat, a dangerous noise that would usually make anyone else think twice about touching him. But President Loki didn't seem to notice or simply didn't care. "Let me go."
President Loki tilted his head to the side, an amused smile on his face. "Is adorable that you believe you can command me."
Loki tried tugging his head away but President Loki had a grip of steel. "Then you should know I will refuse to listen to what you tell me to do. I will not be your...your slave."
"Oh, I have no intention of making you my slave," President Loki told him with a disarming smile. "No, you're simply...entertainment. You wouldn't believe how boring it can be at the end of time. All Loki's here are the same but are different."
Loki twisted his wrists, hoping to break the grip on them but it was just as tight as the one on his chin. "I don't care if I'm different. I demand you release me!"
"You'll learn your place soon enough," President Loki murmured, ignoring Loki as he gripped his chin tighter so much that Loki knew there would be bruises there later. "But until then, you'll stay here, until you learn where your place is."
"And where exactly would my place be?" Loki asked, venom dripping from every syllable.
President Loki's eyes darkened, his grip on Loki's chin easing up on the pressure, instead running down to Loki's neck, wrapping around it and squeezing tight. "At my feet."
Loki choked as he tried to draw air into his lungs but the Variant's grip was too tight and Loki's hands were still pinned, unable to use them to pull the hand away from his throat.
"Soon enough, I'll have you kneeling at my feet like a good, obedient Pet should," President Loki told him, his tone making it sound like a promise, making Loki shudder. "And you'll enjoy it."
Loki coughed when President Loki's hand released his throat, sucking much needed air back into his lungs. His voice was rough when he spoke. "I'll n-never kneel to y-you again. I will never want to kneel to y-you. Not ever."
President Loki's smile was cold and cruel. "We'll see, Darling."
Loki didn't see the dagger in President Loki's free hand until it was driven through both of his own, ripping through flesh like it was paper and pinning them to the wall.
And this time, Loki was screaming in pain. It tore from his throat, his brain only just able to process the agonizing pain that spiked from his hands and all the way down his wrists and arms to his shoulders. It made him wish he couldn't feel anything. He wished he could go numb.
President Loki released Loki's wrists as blood dripped down them, staining the wall Loki was now pinned again in red.
Tears streaked Loki's cheeks as President Loki turned away dismissively as if Loki was no longer worth his attention and walked to the door, leaving the room but not before throwing one last smirk over his shoulder.
Then the door shut and Loki was plunged back into darkness.
He sobbed pitifully in the dark, blood making the blade of the dagger pinning Loki's hands glitter a deep red that looked nearly black.
@murdermuffinloki I saw the fanart of a knife going through Loki's hands to keep them pinned to the wall and I got inspired to write some dark stuff 👀 Just a mini series off of President's Pet. For those who haven't yet, you should read the first chapter of that one because this takes place right after that 😘 The chapters (yes, there will be more than one) will probably vary in length so...yeah 😅 Hope you enjoy anyway 💕
#murdermuffinloki#lokicest#loki/president loki#loki x president loki#loki#president loki#blood#choking#imprisonment#mentioned past rape/non-con#strong violence#angst#whump#ch1
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Inspiration From This Gorgeous Fanart:
I See Right Through You
Technology - Where Tony creates a set of mind-reading glasses 😎
⚠️Warnings: Language⚠️
Enjoy 💚❤
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
Tony was just finishing up his latest project of the day, a large amount of excitement coursing through him. He'd never made something like this before. Usually it was weapon's for the Avengers or upgrading his Ironman suits.
But a few months ago Clint had come back from a mission with Natasha, beaten and bruised. Clint had flopped down on the couch beside Tony, whining something about 'Wishing I could have read the guys mind'.
And Tony had laughed at the time because the only mind reader he knew was Loki (and Tony's not so secret crush to everyone but Loki himself it seemed) who had become an Avenger a half a year ago after clearing up the whole misunderstanding about the New York attack.
Besides, Loki's power only extended as far as memories, not literally what a person was thinking. Tony had said so to Clint, saying there wasn't such a thing and Clint had only pouted with his arms crossed.
But then Tony started thinking more about it.
What if he could read minds?
It would definitely be handy to the team though in the wrong hands it wouldn't be good at all.
But if Tony could create something like that...
Well, he wasn't called a genius for nothing, was he?
So, Tony had gotten to work. He stayed in his lab for weeks, coming out only when Loki who had grown worried for him had actually grabbed him by the ear and dragged him out or when he ran out of coffee.
It worried the others living at the Tower but Tony didn't care. If he could make this work...
After nearly two months of work, Tony finally hit a breakthrough on his project and whooped in delight. Now, just to find an object he could add the technology into. Something nobody would suspect would be able to read minds.
Well, he always did wear sunglasses when he wasn't in the Tower (mostly because his eyes happened to express too much emotion when he talked).
Another week of work and Tony had created mind reading glasses. He only made the one pair because he really would rather no one get ahold of a bunch of them and only he would be using them for the now.
He spent another day perfecting them before deciding to test them out. That was the only way he would know that they worked for sure. He was nearly bursting with excitement as he raced to the elevator.
So, he headed up to the main floor where he was sure there would be plenty of guinea pigs to test them on.
Sure enough, he found Bruce and Clint in the kitchen, Clint attempting to cook something. Tony says attempting because it was clear whatever was in the pan was burning.
Tony walked over, trying to appear as non suspicious as possible.
Bruce looked up when he approached, smiling gently. "Hey, it's good to see you out of the lab for once. Want something to eat?"
Tony paused as a speech bubble with words appeared almost floating next to Bruce's head though Tony knew it was just displaying on the glasses screen. There weren't actually floating words next to Bruce.
Tony's heart melted a little when he saw what it read.
"I've been so worried about him. He needs more to eat. Maybe I can convince him to have something small to eat."
Tony smiled softly at his science buddy. "Yeah, I guess I have been down there a lot lately. But I thought I could use something to eat."
Bruce looked surprised though also so hopeful that it made Tony feel just a little guilty. He hadn't realized how concerned Bruce had been.
"If you wait, you can have some eggs?" Clint offered from the stove.
Bruce rolled his eyes. "Give it up, Clint. The eggs are burnt to the shithouse."
"Ooh, don't talk like that around Stevie," Tony teased. "He might have a heart attack hearing language like that."
"Look, I've got it all under control," Clint stated firmly as a bubble appeared next to him, making Tony smirk when he read the words.
"I do not have this under control. Someone better get a fire extinguisher."
"Maybe I should get a fire extinguisher just in case," Tony suggested delicately, making Clint whip his head around to stare at him.
"I was just thinking that," Clint muttered before realizing what he said and spluttered. "I mean, the opposite of that. Why would I need a fire extinguisher? Everything is fine."
The eggs suddenly burst into flames making Clint yelp in alarm. "Shit!"
"Help, help, help, help, help!"
Tony grinned to himself when he heard a voice behind him speak, making him brighten.
"Stark, I'm surprised to see you here."
"Loki!" Tony exclaimed, spinning on the spot to look at the god of Mischief.
"I thought you were working on an oh so important project?" Loki asked with a raised eyebrow. A bubble popped up.
"I missed you."
"Yeah, yeah, I missed you too," Tony said, waving a hand dismissively, making Loki stare at him with a rather stunned look. "But I finished the project!"
"Is that so?" Loki asked. "Well, whatever it is, it's going to have to wait. I have other matters to attend to since you seem to want to spend all your time working."
"Aw, come on, Lokes. I know you love me," Tony teased. "Look, see. It's the glasses. Do you like them?"
"You spent all your time working on glasses?" Loki asked, not waiting for an answer as he walked away, towards the hall.
"Not just glasses," Tony said quickly as he raced after him. "Wanna see what they can do?"
Loki rolled his eyes, stopping to turn and look at Tony. "I'm quite busy, Stark. We can test out your new toy later."
Tony went to complain when a bubble popped up.
"Gosh, Anthony looks adorable even with these ridiculous glasses on."
Tony shut his mouth with a click, swallowing hard. Well...that wasn't what he had expected.
"Stark?" Loki asked, seeming to have noticed Tony's shocked expression.
"Oh, no. Is he upset? What did I say wrong?"
"I, um..." Tony wasn't able to form a proper sentence. Loki...Loki cared? Well, Tony knew he cared. He just didn't realize he cared that much.
"Anthony?" Loki asked, switching to Tony's first name like he did when he was concerned. "What is the matter? If it's really that important to you then you can show me."
"I didn't mean to make him upset. I just wanted him to understand how it feels to want someone around like I've wanted him around. I shouldn't have said anything. He'll never love me if I keep acting like this."
Tony's mouth fell open. "What?!"
Loki blinked. "You can show me what they do. I'm...sorry for being so rude."
"No, not that. I just..." Tony huffed. "Dammit, Loki."
"I don't understand," Loki said unsurely.
"I've said something wrong, haven't I? I can't seem to ever get it right. I just keep screwing up. No wonder Anthony doesn't like me."
"Excuse you?" Tony asked, sounding annoyed and grimaced when Loki flinched. " didn't screw up, Loki. I'm just...trying to process...all of that."
"How did you...?" Loki suddenly narrowed his eyes at the glasses. "What exactly do those do?"
Tony managed a weak smile. "They, minds?"
Loki's green eyes grew wide in horror as understanding flashed through them. He then growled before he suddenly grabbed Tony's collar, shoving him hard against the hallway wall.
Tony stared up at him with wide brown eyes as he squeaked out. "I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!"
That's when Loki smirked smugly before leaning down to press his lips against Tony's whose brain short circuited.
Tony took only seconds to respond back, leaning up as much as he could but all too soon, Loki pulled himself away, Tony whining in complaint.
"If you've already seen my thoughts, I guessed there wasn't much else to lose in kissing you," Loki admitted, sounding a little breathless.
"Well, thank fuck. I was going crazy trying to figure out how to ask you out," Tony mumbled, leaning heavily against the wall since his legs felt too weak to stand.
"But if you ever read my thoughts again, I'll ensure you regret it," Loki seethed even as a bubble popped into existence.
"I love you, Anthony."
Tony grinned, leaning forward to kiss Loki's lips lightly. "Love you too, Lokes."
Loki growled, snatching the glasses off of the genius. "Insufferable mortal."
But it didn't matter what Loki called him because now Tony knew the truth.
Loki loved him.
@murdermuffinloki Yes, I am still doing oneshots for these. Don't think I've forgotten. I've got five more to go (I think) so you've got those to look forward to as well XD
Tagging @girl-with-many-fandoms because I thought you might enjoy some Frostiron ❤
#murdermuffinloki#frostiron#loki/tony#loki x tony#loki#tony#fluff#language#mind reading#mind reading glasses#oneshot
323 notes
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My Beloved
Inspiration From This Lovely Fanart by eh7150:
Bucky knows when Rumlow needs to take a nap for a while after missions. Which was all well and good but, unfortunately, Rumlow introduced Bucky to phones and Bucky gets over excited taking pictures of his sleeping boyfriend.
Which he then proceeds to share on Twitter.
⚠️Warnings: Might Be Language, Etc.⚠️
Enjoy 💚💚
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
Rumlow was exhausted and Bucky could see it.
Not that Rumlow would admit it. He was a stubborn prick like that so it was up to Bucky to get his handler to turn in for the night.
They'd been on a stakeout mission for the last three days, waiting for the right time to take out their target and Rumlow hadn't let himself sleep the whole time. Bucky understood why even though he didn't like it. If they had missed their opportunity and came back without the mission complete, they'd be punished.
Or more, Bucky himself would be. Rumlow would be forced to stand by and watch. He hated having to see Bucky be wiped over and corrected.
So, Rumlow hadn't slept for the three days they were away from the Hydra compound. But now they were back and Rumlow looked just about ready to collapse any second now.
But first Bucky had to give a mission report to ensure nothing had gone awry in the mission and that it was complete. Rumlow waited for him to finish, leaning heavily against the wall to keep himself upright.
Finally, they were free to go and Bucky took Rumlow's wrist to lead them back to his room. Rumlow jumped, normally the one to take charge but Bucky doubted he was in the right mind to do so.
Bucky walked into Rumlow's room, the Hydra agent just in front of him and shut the door behind them, locking it so nobody could get in.
Rumlow was standing dumbly in the middle of the room, looking rather lost. Bucky took pity on him, taking Rumlow's hand and tugging him over to the bed to sit on the edge of it.
While Rumlow just stared blankly at the floor, constantly tipping sideways, Bucky managed to wrestle the agent's shirt off him, tossing it to the floor.
Rumlow didn't even have the energy to protest as Bucky got him under the covers, only peering blearily at Bucky, waiting for him to get into bed with him.
Rumlow rarely ever slept without Bucky in bed with him now since the first time he slept with the soldier. The Hydra agent wouldn't admit it but he was a major cuddle bug in Bucky's (experience) opinion.
Bucky stripped out of his shirt, throwing it somewhere on the floor before clambering into bed, Rumlow throwing the blanket over him.
Bucky bit his lip to hold back a smile when Rumlow wrapped his arms around Bucky's torso, pressing his face into his side.
Cuddle bug.
Bucky didn't sleep even as Rumlow drifted off to sleep. He never slept all that much, always too on edge after a mission. But he didn't mind. He liked petting Rumlow's hair while he slept. Rjmlow always looked too adorable to be allowed when he slept, his face smooth and relaxed, the crease between his brows disappearing.
An idea came to Bucky's mind and an excited grin spread over his face as he untangled himself from Rumlow's arms who made a soft noise of protest in his sleep as Bucky got up and went to the desk. He picked up Rumlow's phone and hurried back to bed again as he typed in the passcode for the phone.
It was one of the things Rumlow let Bucky mess around with to occupy his time. Rumlow said it would be good for him to learn how to use these types of things, to build some independence now that he was no longer wiped of his memories.
He even made Bucky a Twitter account which Bucky was a little bit obsessed with though Rumlow would smile whenever Bucky mentioned it. The smile always left Bucky feeling warm.
Bucky relaxed back into the pillows and clicked on the camera. It still shocked him that he could take pictures this way.
Chewing at his lip, Bucky sat up so he could take pictures of Rumlow's sleeping dorm who was now hugging a pillow to his chest with his arms since he didn't have Bucky to cling to.
Bucky smiled at the picture. The whole camera roll was filled with pictures of them showing just how obsessed Bucky was with his boyfriend.
Bucky took one of himself putting up a 'peace sign' as Rumlow called it and found he liked that one best.
He went onto his Twitter account and uploaded it but couldn't figure out how to take off the cap locks so he ended up writing in all capital letters 'me and my beloved.'
Bucky quickly posted it before he could think better of it, chewing the inside of his cheek, a habit he had accidentally picked up whenever he got nervous. He knew he wasn't meant to post his own face on Twitter but he couldn't help it. Rumlow just looked so cute in that picture and Bucky wanted people to see how cute his boyfriend was.
Within the hour, the post had 384 likes.
"Hey, Steve?"
"Mm?" Steve hummed from where he was flipping pancakes in a pan, Clint gazing with piercing blue eyes at the food like a hawk with prey.
"Remember that picture of your friend you showed me who died back in 1945 or something?" Tony asked, looking down at his phone.
Steve looked over with a slightly pained look. "Why would you bring Bucky up now?"
"Well, this guy looks a lot like him," Tony said, turning his phone to show the picture of a long haired brunette showing a peace sign to the camera, a sleeping man beside him. The user's name was WinterPlum.
"Isn't that Brock Rumlow?" Clint asked, peering at the picture of the sleeping man.
"Who?" Tony asked with a slightly confused look at the archer, not noticing how Steve's mouth had fallen open.
"He's a Shield agent. I've seen him a few times before. Nice guy," Clint said with a shrug. "Didn't know he was gay. Good for him though."
Steve suddenly made a choked noise, still staring at the picture with wide blue eyes.
@eh7150 Only hopped onto this ship not too long ago and I'm loving it XD (I'm sorry if the thing Bucky posts that on wasn't Twitter. I have very little social media so I have no idea what it is, hsushsjjs)
#eh7150#winterbones#bucky barnes/brock rumlow#bucky barnes x brock rumlow#stony#steve rogers/tony stark#steve rogers x tony stark#bucky barnes#brock rumlow#steve rogers#tony stark#clint barton#fluff#humor#hydra#snuggling and cuddling#cuddle bug#oneshot
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President’s Pet
Eighth Part From This Fic Inspired By The Gorgeous Fanart Made By murdermuffinloki:
Part eight (8) of the fic in the link above ^
⚠️Warnings Because I Feel Like This Fic Deserves Some Warnings So Here It Is: Anal Fingering, Begging, Blindfolds, Blow Jobs, Bondage/Restraints, Language, Lokicest, Safeword Usage, Smut Elements, Spanking, Etc.⚠️
Enjoy 💚💚
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
I didn't see this until I was halfway through writing this but I found it suited this fic so I'm adding it in (plus I love this fanart. Murdermuffinloki is a blessing. Fight me):
"You look so dearly delicious like this, Darling."
President Loki smirked as he circled the shaking figure knelt down on the floor in front of him, like a predator circling its prey. And President Loki had to admit that Loki would make quite the meal.
Loki's knees must be getting sore from how long he'd spent kneeling on the cold ground, body trembling from either excitement or fear of what was going to happen to him next.
President Loki had ensured to tie Loki's hands behind his back with enchanted rope he knew Loki wouldn't be able to break as Loki couldn't seem to be able to keep his hands off himself. Loki's legs were kept spread apart by a golden spreader bar, the black leather straps wrapped around either ankle to keep them apart.
President Loki stopped behind the knelt god and threaded his fingers into Loki's hair, yanking his head back sharply.
Loki made a pained muffled noise behind his gag, making President Loki smirk down at the submissive god even though Loki couldn't see it because of the blindfold covering his eyes. Shame that. President Loki would have liked to see the fear in them.
"Wouldn't you agree, Pet?" President Loki murmured, letting Loki's hair go and watched in amusement as Loki frantically nodded. "Good boy."
Loki whimpered, the shaking steadily growing worse as his apprehension grew stronger and President Loki wondered how much longer it would take until Loki begged him to fuck him. Then again, he had to admit that Loki was a stubborn one. It might be a while yet.
Humming thoughtfully, President Loki rounded back to the front of Loki, reaching out to cup Loki's chin and tilt his face up. "Gorgeous, Darling."
A visible shiver ran through Loki at the words making President Loki grin deviously. Just a simple praise could have Loki shuddering and losing control over his emotions. No, it wouldn't be much longer before Loki gave in.
But President Loki wasn't going to make it so easy. That was the whole purpose of the gag, to keep Loki from being able to say a word to him. Because Loki could speak sin from that mouth of his so easily like and fluently that made President Loki want to give him everything. He couldn't let Loki have the easy way out into getting what he wanted.
That wouldn't be any fun.
"Hm," President Loki crouched down, inspecting Loki's face, eyes travelling down to Loki's hard cock.
He had toyed with the idea of placing a cock ring on Loki earlier but had decided against it, knowing that Loki wouldn't come without his permission. He was very well trained and knew the consequences if he came before he was given permission to.
President Loki took in the little details of Loki's face for a while longer, allowing the trembles of fear to grow even worse before he stood and reached for Loki's gag.
Loki flinched back when President Loki's hand brushed his cheek but stilled quickly, allowing the Variant to remove the gag, Loki coughing when it was gone.
President Loki roughly gripped Loki's chin, fingers digging painfully into the god's cheeks. "Say a single word, Pet and I promise you, I'll make you wish I had cut out your tongue beforehand so you couldn't speak. Understood?"
Loki nodded as much as he could, President Loki letting his chin go, instead fisting his hand into Loki's hair.
"Would you like a treat, Darling?" President Loki asked then, sickly sweet, a hint of cruelty making its presence known in his tone.
Loki shuddered, nodding so quickly that it made President Loki grin sharply.
"Good answer," President Loki murmured, tugging Loki's hair hard enough to make it sting. "Open your mouth."
Loki obediently opened his mouth, tongue poking out just slightly and President Loki smirked at the gesture. Such a greedy thing.
He didn't keep Loki waiting any longer, only able to withhold his own needs for so long. Pulling harder than was necessary on Loki's hair, he guided his hard length into Loki's waiting mouth, biting back a groan as his cock was enveloped in the hot, wet heat of his Pet's mouth.
"Your mouth never fails to disappoint," President Loki hissed, using the grip on Loki's hair to fuck his mouth roughly.
A shiver ran through Loki's body, shifting as much as he could on his knees while his mouth was used. He could barely breathe but President Loki didn't care, pushing his cock down Loki's throat and kept him in place to feel Loki's throat tighten around his length each time he swallowed, trying to control his gag reflex.
"My little cockslut," President Loki groaned, watching the muscles in Loki's face twitch, eyebrows knitting together and tugged back as he became more desperate for air. President Loki finally relented, continuing to fuck Loki's face but at least now he could bring some air into his lungs. "So greedy for your Master's dick, aren't you?"
Loki hummed, sending vibrations up President Loki's member and causing him to thrust roughly into Loki's mouth, momentarily losing control and his cockhead hit the back of Loki's throat, making the god gag.
President Loki pulled his cock free, Loki drawing in desperate gasps of air but President Loki didn't give him long to recover, letting his hair go again as he circled around Loki until he was behind him. He placed a foot on Loki's scarred back and pushed him down, Loki forced to bend down until his forehead touched the ground, ass up in the air and legs pushed apart by the spreader bar.
President Loki was pleased by the sight that greeted him. His poor Pet must be suffering so, feeling so very empty. It would have been fun to watch Loki writhe from something pressing into him but leaving him empty was much worse for Loki.
President Loki crouched down behind his Pet, grabbing Loki's perfectly round cheeks and squeezing them, smirking at the gasp it pulled from Loki. He let his fingers tease at Loki's tight hole, grinning each time a small noise escaped his Pet.
He pushed two fingers inside of Loki's hole, not so cruel (just yet) to not summon lube to slick the way.
Loki moaned in appreciation, pushing his ass back onto President Loki's fingers who chuckled darkly. "Just can't help yourself, can you, Pet?"
A hard smack came down onto Loki's backside, causing Loki to jolt forward, away from the hard slap. Two more followed quickly after the first and President Loki removed his fingers, pulling a whine from Loki's lips as he stood straight.
"That's all the preparation you'll get for your disobedience," President Loki told him sternly. "Perhaps next time you'll learn to stay still until I tell you otherwise."
Loki was shaking, forehead still pressed to the ground. President Loki likely wouldn't have noticed when Loki spoke if he didn't see Loki's lips move, a soft. "Master, please."
That was a mistake.
President Loki stepped in front of Loki, eyes dark. "It seems you are being very disobedient today, aren't you? I believe I told you not to speak?"
They both knew what he'd said, Loki shaking in fear when he realized his mistake. "Master, I'm sor—"
Loki bit down hard on his tongue when he realized what he was doing but it was too late as his head was yanked up and the blindfold was removed, Loki blinking rapidly at the sudden light so he could focus on President Loki's face in front of him.
"Naughty," President Loki murmured, cupping Loki's face so he looked up at him. "If you can't be silent, I'll have to force you to be."
Loki shook even worse, fear racing through him like a live wire, remembering his mouth being sewn shut, the pain he had felt. It had hurt. It had all hurt so much.
"Y-yellow," Loki managed to speak despite his brain telling him no, he wasn't meant to talk. He was supposed to be a silent, obedient Pet.
But President Loki at least paused, eyes raking over Loki's form, not will his usual hungry gaze but with a quick calculation, accessing if Loki truly did need to use his safewords.
Surprisingly, it wasn't President Loki who had made it this way but Loki himself. He didn't want control over his situation. He let President Loki have all the control, including whether he could use his safewords or not.
The safewords never guaranteed a stop. It wasn't up to Loki to decide what he wanted or needed. But if he said a safewords, President Loki would at least make a quick assessment on Loki's condition to see if he actually needed it.
"What is the matter?" President Loki asked finally, making Loki relax enough to stop the shaking of his body.
"Don't s-silence me like they d-did," Loki whispered, voice cracking.
'Don't make me feel the pain they made me feel. Don't hurt me for your pleasure like they had. I'll break. I don't want to break like that. Please, don't let me break like that. Not again.'
The words were stuck in his throat but something in Loki's eyes must have spoken for him as President Loki nodded once.
He reached for Loki's blindfold and tilted Loki's head back so he could tie it over his mouth, securing it with a knot at the back. A quick kiss was dropped to his forehead. "I understand. No need to fret."
Loki leaned into the gentle hand on his face, craving the soft touches but he needed more than this. He looked up through his lashes with pleading eyes at President Loki who smirked at the sight.
He shoved Loki away from him as he stood over the kneeling god.
"Remember, Pets don’t talk," President Loki reminded him, the sweet moment gone, eyes dark once more as he regarded Loki. "Beg with your eyes and with your body. Whimper and mewl like a good little Pet and perhaps I’ll give you a reward."
Loki's eyes widened at the promise of a reward. Like a puppy being told he'd be given a treat if he was good.
"You'd like that?" President Loki asked, receiving an eager nod from his Pet. He grabbed Loki's hair, yanking his head back and baring his throat as he leaned forward to whisper in Loki's ear. "Then show me how much you need it."
President Loki let him go, watching in amusement as Loki began to shake again as he shuffled forward on his knees. He looked up at the standing god with pleading eyes as he nuzzled President Loki's still hard cock with his cheek, smearing precum across his face.
"Slut," President Loki hissed out, ignoring the rush of arousal that ran through him at the act of submission.
Loki whimpered behind his gag, looking up through his lashes, his pupils blown wide, lust and want in his eyes. Loki looked positively wrecked, especially for someone who had barely even been touched yet. His hair was a mess from President Loki's hands running through it and tugging at it, Loki's cheeks flushed a deep red from embarrassment as he nuzzled President Loki's hard length.
"Enough of that," President Loki muttered when he was sure Loki had been thoroughly shamed, grabbing his hair and yanking him away, pulling a whine from the god. "Ass up, Pet. I think it's time for a reward."
Loki looked surprised that it had been so easy to get what he wanted but President Loki could only ignore his own arousal for so long.
He shoved Loki away, the god too dazed to follow the simple simple order so President Loki circled back behind Loki and placed a foot against his back, pushing him down. Loki had no choice but to fall forward, ass up and face pressed into the ground.
President Loki kept his foot on Loki's scarred back and leaned forward to grab Loki's hair and bend his head back enough that Loki was afraid the Variant would snap his neck.
"I'm going to make you scream, Darling," President Loki promised sinisterly, making Loki shudder. "Once I'm finished with you, you will be ruined. You will not even be able to remember your own name. All you will remember is that you belong to me."
Loki keened, wriggling under the Variant who growled possessively, pressing his foot down harder, making Loki arch his back and mewl.
"Ready for your reward, Pet?"
@murdermuffinloki I know, I know. I'm a tease 😂 I promised smut and technically this qualifies. But then again, maybe I'm just cruel 😈
Tagging @girl-with-many-fandoms @cra2ycat8077 @kneelingsince2012 @merlynn-consultingdisaster until you tell me otherwise ❤
Also, special thanks to @darklyria on Tumblr for this inspiring quote
#murdermuffinloki#lokicest#loki/president loki#loki x president loki#loki#president loki#smut#language#anal fingering#begging#blindfolds#blow jobs#bondage and restraints#safeword usage#spanking#ch 8
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Adopted By Frostiron
Fourth Part From This Fic Inspired By The Gorgeous Fanart Made By murdermuffinloki:
Here is the fourth part! A Frostiron Story of Loki and Tony adopting little Sylvie ❤
⚠️Warnings: /⚠️
Enjoy! 💚❤
"Sylvie! We're going to get into trouble!"
"Relax, Peter. I know what I'm doing."
"You've said that before and look what happened then."
It had been years now since Sylvie had been adopted. She'd changed her name so as not to cause confusion between her and her Mom, picking out the name Sylvie. Nobody really knew why she had chosen the name but in the face of her excitement at choosing the name, nobody ended up questioning it.
Sylvie huffed, clicking her fingers at Peter who gave her an unimpressed look. "Scissors, Peter."
Peter, now nearly fourteen, sighed in exasperation but handed them over. "If mom or dad finds out—"
"They're going to find out eventually, Peter," Sylvie told him, turning to look in the bathroom mirror so she could see what she was doing. "But not before I'm done."
Peter groaned, bouncing on the balls of his feet, constantly glancing back at the bathroom door.
"Stop it. You're going to make me nervous," Sylvie berated him. "Just go stand guard and keep watch."
Peter grumbled under his breath, something about pushy little sisters but did as told.
Sylvie rolled her eyes. She was thirteen now, aging normally in Midgardian years to save other mortals confusion. She would live longer than any other mortals though.
Sylvie stared with a frown on her face at her reflection. It wasn't that she didn't like how she looked. She was pretty for her age as mom always told her but she wanted...something. Just a change.
Sylvie chewed at her lip, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers. She knew cutting off her hair herself wasn't a great idea but she could do it. It couldn't be that hard.
Taking a deep breath, she straightened out a length of hair that reached past her shoulders and raised the scissors up.
"What do you think you're doing?"
Sylvie yelped in alarm, the scissors slipping from her hands but they never hit the floor, hovering in the air.
Loki kept his hand up as he walked over with a raised eyebrow, plucking the scissors out of the air when he was close enough. Sylvie caught Peter's guilty looking face peeking around the doorframe, an apologetic look in his cinnamon brown eyes.
Sylvie swallowed. "N-nothing."
Loki was definitely not fooled in the slightest. "Is that so? Because to me, it looked as if you were about to cut your hair."
"Um..." Sylvie looked down at the floor. "I...might have been."
"Why?" Loki inquired. He didn't sound angry or upset. Just curious.
"I just..." Sylvie waved a hand vaguely. "Wanted something...different."
"I see," Loki murmured, looking Sylvie over one before nodding. "Turn around."
"What? Why?" Sylvie asked, always one to question everything first before doing as told. She was rather defiant like that.
"I'm going to cut your hair for you unless you wish to make a mess of it by doing it yourself," Loki stated simply, making Sylvie flush in embarrassment.
She would have argued that Loki wouldn't know if she would have done a bad job or not herself but decided against it as she turned to face the mirror, glancing at Loki's reflection who was looking over Sylvie's hair, humming thoughtfully.
"Did you simply want it shorter?" Loki asked, grabbing the brush on the counter and began brushing Sylvie's hair straight.
"Yes?" Sylvie said unsurely. She had wanted her hair shorter.
"Is that all you want?" Loki asked gently.
Sylvie chewed at her lip. "Maybe...a different color?"
Loki raised an eyebrow. "Which color would that be?"
"Um..." Sylvie hadn't really thought up to this point. She really had only planned up to cutting her hair shorter. Changing her hair color had been a distant thought but now that she was being given the choice. "Blond?"
"Blond," Loki repeated, placing aside the brush in favor of the scissors. "How short am I going to cut to? Ear length, shoulder length?"
"Maybe...maybe just above my shoulders?" She suggested, receiving a nod.
Sylvie stayed stock still as Loki cut her hair, holding her breath each time her hair was snipped off and fell to the floor at her feet.
"I want you to know," Loki spoke up as he set down the scissors and grabbed the brush, Sylvie staring wide at her short hair. "That you can always come to me about anything you want, do you understand? I will not tell you no if what you want doesn't harm you or anyone else."
Sylvie nodded slightly before gasping when her hair went suddenly from her normal black to a golden blond like water was running over her head. "How—?"
"One day I'll teach you how to do that for yourself," Loki promised as Sylvie turned to hug tight.
"Thank you," she mumbled, making Loki chuckle as he reached down and picked her up in his arms.
"Let's go show your father, hm?" Loki suggested, getting an eager nod as Loki carried her from the bathroom.
Sylvie knew she was getting too old to be carried around everywhere but she couldn't care less as she wrapped her arms around Loki's neck, hugging him tightly. "You're the best mum in the world."
Loki smiled. "I doubt that but thank you. I try my best."
Sylvie wrinkled her nose. "Who else could be a better mum than you?"
"Plenty of people, I'm sure," Loki said, kissing her forehead. "But I'm glad you think I'm good enough for that title."
Sylvie only pressed a kiss to Loki's cheek and rested her head on her shoulder. "The best."
Loki only smiled. Everyday he was more and more glad he had Sylvie for a daughter. He would never change the day he saved that scared little girl from the TVA.
@murdermuffinloki This chapter was shorter but I didn't know what else to write so this is the end for this fic. Hope you enjoyed it though! 😅❤
Tagging @mashumaru @kymera219 @just-inside-her until you tell me otherwise ❤
#murdermuffinloki#frostiron#loki/tony#loki x tony#peter and sylvie#loki and sylvie#loki and peter#loki#sylvie#peter#haircut#fluff#ch4
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I have a question. I was reading ep 8 of president loki and it suddenly dissapeared. I'm not trying to put pressure or anything, I just want to know if it's something from my phone or not 😅
Sorry, that was my fault! I accidentally published it before it was finished so I had to delete it (It's just lucky I had a backup of it in drafts) Sorry for the inconvenience. It should be completed and out soon <3
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President’s Pet
Seventh Part From This Fic Inspired By The Gorgeous Fanart Made By murdermuffinloki:
Part seven (7) of the fic in the link above ^
⚠️Warnings Because I Feel Like This Fic Deserves Some Warnings So Here It Is: Cutting (not in a self harm way...well, sort of but not really...just read and find out, okay??), Lokicest Etc.⚠️
Enjoy 💚💚
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
Loki was lying on his stomach in nothing but a blanket wrapped around him as he read a book while he waited for President Loki to return.
He'd woken this morning with the Variant missing which meant he had important matters to attend to elsewhere but he would be back soon, Loki knew. President Loki hated leaving his Pet alone for long.
Loki had various things to do to entertain himself with when President Loki wasn't around. He had been given a large selection of books to read and he still had his magic to practice if he wished to. If he got hungry, he could leave to get food for himself though he didn't do so often. He didn't like how unsafe he felt outside of his and President Loki's room.
Sometimes it took a while for President Loki to return and other times, it seemed like no time at all. Loki could never guess how long President Loki could be gone for but it was normally never longer than most the day.
Today, thankfully, seemed to be one of the shorter amounts of time spent gone as President Loki came back around two hours after Loki had woken.
Loki looked up from his book when the Variant entered the room, kicking the door shut behind him as he pulled off his tie. "Morning, Pet. Did you miss me?"
Loki smiled slightly. "I always miss you when you're not with me."
President Loki tossed the tie aside as he got up on the bed and kissed Loki's lips softly. "Mm, good boy."
Loki leaned further into the kiss, desperate for the intimate touch but President Loki drew away before Loki could get his fill, making a whine fall from his lips.
"Greedy little thing," President Loki teased, watching with an amused smile as Loki huffed and turned back to his book. "What are you reading?"
Loki frowned, shrugging slightly as he turned back to his book without saying.
President Loki raised an eyebrow at the other god. "Being defiant today, are we?"
Loki pressed his lips together into a thin line, giving nothing away as he continued to pretend to read though he was taking in nothing from the pages in front of him.
Loki flinched when a hand appeared in his vision but President Loki only took the book, tugging it out of Loki's hand and setting it aside. "You've been awfully pouty lately. Care to tell me what that's all about, hm?"
Loki peered up at the Variant with wary green eyes. "I'd rather not, actually. Now, can I please have my book back?"
President Loki smirked. "Your book now is it? I don't remember it belonging to you. Given to you, yes but not belonging to you."
"But—" Loki didn't get further than that before he was pinned down to the bed, the blanket slipping to expose his bare body to President Loki's gaze.
"The book doesn't belong to you. You do not own anything here, Pet. Not even your own body is yours," President Loki told him, voice dangerously low. "Remember that."
Loki swallowed, turning his head to the side. "I just...I thought...nothing. I thought nothing."
President Loki smirked. "Exactly."
Loki gulped, balling his hand into fists where they were pinned above his head with just one of President Loki's own.
"Look at me. You know how I hate when you don't look at me when I speak to you," President Loki murmured, Loki looking back up at him with wide fearful green eyes. The look made President Loki frown.
The next second, President Loki had let him go, sitting back to look Loki over who was breathing hard from adrenaline, having expected much worse than that.
Loki pushed himself up on his elbows, looking at President Loki who was still frowning, eyes on the bed sheets. "Is something wrong?"
"No," President Loki said with zero hesitation though Loki the way his fingers twitched on his left hand. It was how Loki knew he was lying. President Loki always did it when he was lying about something though nobody but Loki seemed to have noticed.
"Are you certain you're alright?" Loki asked, bringing himself up onto his knees in front of the Variant. "If you tell me what is the matter then I can try to help."
President Loki pressed his lips into a thin line, green eyes flicking up to Loki's face. "Perhaps you should tell me what has been going on with you then?"
Well, it wasn't the most unreasonable thing to ask.
"If I tell you what is bothering me, will you tell me what is the matter with you?" Loki asked hesitantly.
President Loki didn't look very happy with this deal but Loki knew it was as good a deal as any. "Alright, fine. I agree to tell you once you've told me your issue."
"Okay..." Loki swallowed hard, twisting his hands together in his lap.
Now that Loki had been given the chance to ask, he didn't know what to say. How was he meant to explain this?
"I was thinking about the whipping I received a month or so ago," Loki said eventually. "And the collar you've given me."
President Loki raised an eyebrow, waiting patiently for Loki to continue.
Loki took a deep breath to help settle his nerves. "And they make me yours, yes? I'm yours and...and you're mine."
President Loki's expression turned slightly guarded, making Loki's confidence falter just a little. Perhaps this wasn't a good idea after all.
"I wondered...I wondered if..." Loki couldn't say it. He should never have said a word of this in the first place. All he had accomplished was making a complete and utter fool of himself.
"You wondered what?" President Loki pressed when Loki fell silent.
"Just...I wanted to...have my own mark of mine on you. Something to symbolize that you belong to me as much as I belong to you," Loki said, rushing out the words before his nerves could stop him.
President Loki knitted his eyebrows together, not looking mad which seemed to be a good sign though he didn't look on board either. "You wish to collar me?"
"N-no! No, not a collar. Just something that...that reminds you of me, when I'm not with you," Loki mumbled softly.
President Loki hummed thoughtfully. "And what would you suggest that be?"
Loki felt a warm feeling swell in his chest at the words. Did it mean the other god was actually considering it? It was almost too much to hope for.
"I'm not sure. I-I never thought you would allow it," Loki admitted, biting his lip.
President Loki frowned upon hearing that. "I do not mind having your mark on me. Though, what that might be is a little difficult to decide..."
Loki's mind was frustratingly blank. For all his daydreams of President Loki allowing him to put a mark showing Loki's claim on him, he had never considered what the claim would be.
A look passed over President Loki's face suddenly before holding out his hand and a dagger appeared into it in the blink of an eye. It was a gorgeous blade, twin golden snakes creating a handle and a wide but flat and razor sharp blade.
Loki flinched just a little when President Loki held it out to him and looked up at him questioning.
"Take it," President Loki commanded and Loki obeyed, taking the snake hilt. It was cool under his hand.
President Loki began unbuttoning his shirt and shed it off like snake skin before tossing it to the floor.
Loki blinked when President Loki laid down on his stomach, billowing his head in his arms and glanced at Loki who stared uncomprehendingly at the Variant.
"You mentioned how you thought about the whipping, the scars I left behind? It seems only fair to leave scars of your making for your own mark, doesn't it?" President Loki said calmly.
Loki's eyes grew wide at what President Loki was implying, glancing down at the knife in his hand. "But—"
"If you're worried about the blade not being able to leave a permanent scar behind, you need not worry. It's enchanted, one of my special daggers," President Loki explained simply before adding a little hesitantly. "I've never let anyone use it."
Loki breath hitched in his throat, tightening his grip on the dagger as he glanced over the smooth expanse of President Loki's back and imagined leaving a permanent scar behind. "Are you...are you sure?"
"I wouldn't suggest it otherwise, Darling," President Loki assured him.
Loki worried his lip between his teeth as he got up to straddle President Loki's lower back, leaving his upper back free for Loki.
Loki bite his lip harder and tastes copper on his tongue as he bite through it. He swiped his tongue distractedly over his bloody lower lip as he lifted the knife, pressing the point of the dagger to President Loki's skin.
He hesitated once again. " this a test? To see if I would truly harm you?"
President Loki sighed, glancing back at Loki, green eyes more open and honest than Loki had ever seen them before. "This is not a test, I promise you. I know you would never harm me with the intent to kill. You would never do such a thing. I trust you to do this."
Loki let out a shaky breath, hands shaking slightly as he very slowly pressed down and watched as a bead of blood bloomed up from the prick in his skin. "Oh, by Asgard."
"Deep breaths, Darling," President Loki told him and Loki had to wonder how he wasn't making any pained sounds or wriggling in discomfort. But he was still relaxed under Loki. "I'd rather you didn't mess this up. You've only got one chance to get it right so do try to be careful."
"Yes, of course," Loki breathed, shifting a little before beginning again, this time pulling the dagger down the flesh, blood blooming up as he did.
Loki didn't know whether to cry at the fact that he was hurting the person he loved or feel sick that he was enjoying it, knowing that this mark would stay with President Loki no matter what.
His hand still shook which he tried hard to control. He didn't want to mess this up. He couldn't mess it up. It was far too important.
Loki kept one hand pressed to President Loki's back and tried to ignore the blood that stained his hand red. Blood dripped off the blade as Loki scooted down so he had more room to work.
After nearly ten minutes, President Loki was finally showing small signs of pain, hissing when a line crossed over another and hands clenching into tight fists when Loki used the sheets that were already getting bloody to wipe away the blood so he could see what he was doing.
After almost twenty minutes, Loki was finished. His hands were sticky with blood and the sick feeling had intensified greatly but Loki ignored all that as he slid off President Loki to kneel at his side, watching as the Variant opened his eyes that had been shut tight to peer at Loki. "All done are we?"
Loki nodded mutely.
President Loki let out a breath before pushing himself up, grimacing as he did and rivers of blood ran down his back. Loki couldn't help but stare at the mark in both horror and fascination. That would be with President Loki forever.
President Loki didn't ask what Loki had done, only standing and crossing the room to the full body mirror, turning on the spot and looking over his shoulder at the mirror to see the bloody work of his back. "That is an interesting design."
Loki swallowed harshly. "It's the symbol I use for myself."
"Is that so?" President Loki murmured, eyes sweeping over the deep cuts and reaching behind him to trace over the image. It was a clear representation of two serpents intertwined together forming the letter 's' taking up the majority of the god's back.
President Loki didn't seem upset about this fact though, turning to Loki and holding out his hand. Loki scrambled up, rushing over to the god who pulled Loki to his chest as soon as he was close enough. "Is that the reason you chose that mark? Because it's symbolic to you?"
Loki bit his lip. There was a smear of blood on his cheek. "I did that mark because...because I thought in a way, it represented us. Two snakes, intertwined together for the rest of eternity."
President Loki's mouth parted in surprise, green eyes flashing with that emotion again that was gone too quick for Loki to identify.
Loki didn't care though, taking advantage of President Loki's stunned silence and leaned forward to kiss him hard, only taking a few beats for President Loki to respond, kissing back just as fiercely, nipping Loki's lip. "Now I'm yours. That's what you wanted, isn't it?"
"Yes," Loki breathed. "All I want is for you to be mine and mine alone."
"Well, you most certainly have my attention, Darling," President Loki told him, making Loki's mouth twitch in a shy smile.
Loki lurched forward again, kissing President Loki's quickly before ducking his head down. "I-I love you."
President Loki knitted his eyebrows together, cupping Loki's face between his now bloody hands from touching the bloody mark on his back and tilted Loki's head back. "You said once you told me what was bothering you, I would tell you what was the matter with me."
Loki felt disappointed but hadn't truly expected anything better. He had said the words to President Loki plenty of times before but he never said it back. Loki hadn't really expected anything to change now.
When Loki said nothing, President Loki frowned deeply, pressing his forehead to Loki's. "The reason for it was because I believe I have fallen in love."
Loki's heart jumped in his chest, flicking his gaze up to President Loki's. "You mean...?"
President Loki sighed, kissing Loki's cheek before letting him go. "I'm not sure. Love is not an emotion I understand. But perhaps."
Loki was slightly disheartened by that but he would take what he could get for the now. "Is it alright to say I love you, even if you're unsure of how you feel towards me?"
President Loki gave a slight nod. "You may, only if you help me clean and bandage this up."
He gestured to his bloody back.
Loki had never agreed so fast to something in his life.
[Smol Wittle Fanart I Did Of The Symbol Loki Cut Into President Loki's Back]
@murdermuffinloki No smut this time but more to come soon, don't worry 😅 I just wanted to try something a little different this time ❤
Tagging @girl-with-many-fandoms @cra2ycat8077 @kneelingsince2012 until you tell me otherwise ❤
#murdermuffinloki#lokicest#loki/president loki#loki x president loki#loki#president loki#cutting#blood#ch 7
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*squeals* More art!!! Look how cute it is, ahhhhhh!!! ❤💕❤💕❤💕
Ketchup And Tabasco Chaos
Inspiration From This Gorgeous Fanart Made By murdermuffinloki:
⚠️Warning: Minor Language⚠️
Enjoy 💚💚💚
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
Keep reading
#murdermuffinloki#president sylki#lokicest#president loki/sylvie/loki#president loki x sylvie x loki#president loki#sylvie#loki#fluff#minor language#oneshot#fanart
670 notes
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Ketchup And Tabasco Chaos
Inspiration From This Gorgeous Fanart Made By murdermuffinloki:
⚠️Warning: Minor Language⚠️
Enjoy 💚💚💚
(Please Check The Pinned Post On My Tumblr Page To See If There Are More Parts To This Story)
"Pass the ketchup."
President Loki frowned deeply, glancing at Sylvie who was stirring the pot of...whatever it was they were making for dinner. President Loki hadn't been paying too much attention when Sylvie suggested they cook for Loki who was still upstairs asleep in their room.
Somehow, Loki had got some Midgardian illness and only Sylvie's assurances that Loki was going to be fine that stopped him from destroying the entire Midgardian population.
"Can I get a please?" President Loki said pleasantly, taking joy in the way Sylvie glared at him. It was no secret to any of them that President Loki desired to cause trouble at any given moment.
"I'll stick this spoon up your ass if you don't give me the ketchup in the next ten seconds," she told him, President Loki scowling at her copy of the pleasant smile he had given her a moment ago.
They both knew she would do it too.
President Loki snatched up the ketchup from the countertop with an aggravated sigh. But then a devious smirk spread across his, glancing at Sylvie who was looking back at the pot, hand held out for the ketchup. "Are you sure you want the ketchup?"
Sylvie clicked her tongue. "Yes, I'm sure. Now give it to me."
President Loki's smirk widened. "Well, if you insist..."
He popped the cap off and just as Sylvie turned to look at him with a frown on her face, he squeezed the bottle, ketchup sauce spraying everywhere. The cabinets, the floor and all over Sylvie's blond hair was covered in a coating of ketchup sauce who gasped, an outraged look taking over her face.
President Loki only smiled, tilting his head to the side. "Oops."
"That's it!" Sylvie hissed, grabbing the nearest ingredient which happened to be spicy tabasco sauce and President Loki's eyes went wide as he got a face full of Tabasco sauce.
He shouted as some got into his eye that felt like it was suddenly on fire and squeezed it shut, resisting the urge to rub it. That would only make it worse, he knew.
Sylvie grinned savagely. "I hope it never stops burning, you stuck up bastard!"
President Loki growled low in his throat but Sylvie didn't back down like Loki would have. She was very stubborn like that. "You have until the count of five to run."
Sylvie stepped closer, right up in President Loki's personal space. Despite her short height, she was still rather intimidating when she wanted to be, so much so that President Loki had to resist the urge to step back.
"Or else what?" She hissed out, deadly quiet.
President Loki glared but Sylvie glared right back and they were both sure a real fight was about to break out any second when a voice cut through the heavy silence.
"What in Asgard is going on in here?!"
President Loki and Sylvie turned their heads towards the sound of the voice in unison just as Loki walked around the corner and froze, staring wide eyed and speechless at the mess of the kitchen. He looked tired though and guilt rushed through both President Loki and Sylvie as they wondered if they'd woken Loki up from all their yelling.
"Well, um..." President Loki bit his lip, glancing at Sylvie.
Sylvie looked at President Loki, having no clue what to say. "We just, uh..."
Loki sighed, crossing his arms over his chest, giving them both disapproving looks. "Can you two please not use ketchup and tabasco as murder weapons?!"
"We just wanted to make dinner for you," Sylvie and President Loki stated at the same time, making them glance at each other again.
Loki's expression softened a little. "I appreciate the thought but it would be great if you two could stop trying to murder one another every minute."
That was fair. The pair did quite literally try to kill each other every other day.
"Well, he/she started it!" Sylvie and President Loki protested at the same, pointing at each other.
"Well, I'm finishing it!" Loki snapped before coughing hard, putting a hand over his mouth. He clearly still wasn't well enough to be up which only added onto the pair's guilt. "I'm going back to bed. Clean this mess up and when you're ready to be civil, come join me. I require cuddles and comfort but I will not deal with you two's banter."
With that, Loki turned and left the kitchen, leaving the pair to stare at the spot he had been standing.
"This is all your fault," Sylvie grumbled, waving her hand and vanishing the mess from all the surfaces of the kitchen and herself though she left President Loki to deal with his own mess himself.
"All you needed to do was say please," President Loki muttered. He was going to need a shower since he knew not how to vanish messes like Sylvie and Loki did.
"And that warrants you spraying ketchup all over me?" Sylvie gritted out.
"Don't act like a saint. You're just as bad, dousing me in tabasco sauce!" President Loki muttered.
Sylvie looked like she was going to strangle him any second now before she sighed, all the fight draining out of her body. "Why do we always have to fight?"
President Loki thought about it for a moment before shrugging. "We're different from one another. We're bound to clash. Though I suppose we could try harder to get along. I'd rather this relationship to not be ruined."
Sylvie nodded, leaning against President Loki who instinctively wrapped his arms around her. "Try harder. I can do that."
President Loki hummed softly, pressing a kiss to her now clean hair. "Let's not leave our god waiting. You know how fussy he gets when we leave him alone for long."
Sylvie had no arguments there.
Once they'd finished making up what President Loki found out to be pasta apparently, they headed up to their room (Sylvie had forgiven President Loki enough to clean the tabasco sauce off him thankfully).
They quietly slipped into the room and smiled at the sight of Loki under a large amount of blankets, very obviously curled up in a ball.
He blinked his eyes open when he heard them come in and narrowed his eyes at them suspiciously. "You two had better be done fighting."
"We've agreed to try harder to get along more often than not" President Loki promised as he sat on the bed and helped Loki sit up who whined and protested but brightened when he saw the bowls of pasta balanced in Sylvie's hands.
"Good. I'm glad," Loki muttered, taking the bowl Sylvie handed him eagerly. "Thank you for the dinner."
Sylvie kissed his cheek. "Just get better for us, okay?"
Loki nodded, putting a forkful of pasta into his mouth and closed his eyes as he hummed in pleasure.
President Loki and Sylvie smiled at each other from either side of Loki who leaned into President Loki's side.
Get along. They could do that.
No problem.
@murdermuffinloki Those two are going to give Loki a migraine, smh 😂
@girl-with-many-fandoms Hope you like Sylki (I know lots of people don't ship it so I'm like ???) with some President Loki thrown into the mix XD
#murdermuffinloki#president sylki#lokicest#president loki/sylvie/loki#president loki x sylvie x loki#president loki#sylvie#loki#fluff#minor language#oneshot
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