#this exists in the aphmau universe
neos-schlond-poofa · 3 months
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gendervoid-zane · 9 months
I think it would really funny if I gave Zenix a hyperfixated on Valorant in my Mystreet Rewrite.
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well hello there
here is aphmau in my au/rewrite
i tried to draw her in as many of her iconic outfits as possible but good irene she has a lot [click for better quality]
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so here are some changes and headcanons i have for aph in my au:
•she’s neurodivergent. not entirely sure what specifically, probably adhd. for sure dyslexic.
•she has sensory issues, which is why she’s usually in shorts. she feels like she can’t move properly in a dress for pants.
•so in my au she is irene just like regular canon. i gave her her markings but you might notice they’re different; here’s why: so in my au, scars and tattoos can both be used as runes to conduct magicks. scar runes amplify one’s existing magicks while tattoo runes bestow a certain magicks ability to a person (even if they already have one to begin with). though this practice is outdated and illegal in most parts of the world. because irene’s abilities existed prior to her become a divine warrior, she scarred herself to not only enhance said abilities but to also show her true dedication. nowadays no one, except maybe zoey, actually knows what they are or what they’re for exactly.
sorry that was a lot… ANYWAY
•when irene locked herself away, she tried to dress in a way she thought might help her blend in in whatever time she popped back out.
•she was wrong.
•phoenix drop gets really hot, especially in the summer, and it doesn’t snow there. aphmau uses it as an excuse to wear shorts all the time.
•when she first showed up she wasn’t as clueless as they made her seem in rebirth. she was just as aware as she was in the og beginning (except no she didn’t think she was playing minecraft) her reason for helping out the village was basically this: “oh look a village, cool i needed a place to stay. oh man these guys are in rough shape, they don’t have a lord?!? ah geez no one’s helping them, guess i gotta help them. oh shit they made me lord!” ok maybe not EXACTLY like that but yk
•she’s not a pick me in this universe :) and she doesn’t lead people on.
•when garroth first noticed how hard she was working on the village without even being asked, he bought her some gloves so she’d stop tearing up her hands. he bought some basic fingerless leather gloves but payed extra to have them dyed black and embroidered with lil purpley pink flowers. he hopes she’d like them and that his gesture wouldn’t come off as clunky or weird. she loved them and keeps them with her even when they’ve gotten too worn to wear.
•laurmau is endgame. aph and aaron never have any kind of romantic relationship. he’s more of a mentor to her. (i’m sorry garmau lovers i love y’all but laurance is my guy)
so that’s all folks, i’m sure i have more headcanons and changes for aphmau but none come to mind right now. feel free to leave suggestions tho :)
garroth is next >:)
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shadowqnights · 2 months
could you tell us about your mcd anastasia thoughts? i am intrigued
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ANKA DON'T TEMPT ME. god where to start. i am trying to keep this short and simple cause my thoughts are a huuuge jumble rn .. also as a disclaimer it has been years since i Saw anastasia on broadway so i am going off soundtrack and memory alone..
very generally erhh lots of people i feel have made the connection of aphmau to anya, an amnesiac's journey to find and reclaim a lost identity while the idea of being a very famous well-regarded figure looms over their head. though more of a headcanon in aph's case, i always love the idea of her having small memories and deja vu to cling to. once upon a december is an easy song for them but also in my dreams and crossing a bridge constantly makes me think of aph - that she is also longing for someone to know her. but i feel a little bit insane thinking about how anya kind of goes out With the intention of knowing about her family, wanting to understand her identity and her dreams. mcd's story isn't spurred early on by the question of aphmau being irene or not, and her quest isn't to go out and Find the origin of her lost memories to see if she has a family somewhere. she isn't pulled By an identity constantly hanging over her head until its revealed to her and it takes her. she doesn't follow a path to know her family/past identity specifically, it unweaves as these other pieces fall into place. there are points in both of their stories that provide this closure and reclaim those identities, but in anya's case it offers her the ability to now forge her own identity as separate from the idea of anastasia - the idea of 'anastasia' is as much of this constantly elusive concept as an actual identity to me, and when anya comes to terms with this she is able to let go and pursue dmitry. she isn't renamed, she isn't forced to re-adopt her title, she is still anya but with the clarity of the truth, her family & her love. she thinks she wants to join the empress and reclaim her title, but realises that she can still refind the love of family and still be Her, the her that fell in love with dmitry and met all of these people and made these friends. irene herself also become something of a caricature of her original self through deification, and we know that through this has become heavily idealised. but aph finally finding out / realising that she's irene forcefully assimilates her into the public perception of her deification, something that she doesn't even want to reclaim. by all means, understanding her past/origin should now grant her the clarity of pursuing things like love, which we know she rejects for reasons of responsibility and duty (which i'm gonna come back to later because i feel sick), but it only gradually melts the expectations of something that has existed as a concept for So long into her own identity. and much of this is struggled with, she fights against it, and it does seem for a while that aphmau is determined to forge her own identity despite the pressures and expectations of the people around her who now simply consider her as irene, we know that in the end she loses nonetheless because of mystreet, where mcd aphmau has finally become that universe's irene through sacrifice. we know that she makes an effort to resist but ultimately fails, unable to redefine herself in the end. something something cycle of suffering and sacrifice idk. i think its interesting. by all means aph should have had the ending that the musical offers anya - finally knowing and reconnecting with the truth, but not being defined by it, getting to pursue love. by all means she might deserve to abandon her sense of responsibility and choose garroth or laurance in the end if that's your jam but ultimately can't. anya expresses her worries about life as a princess and is reassured that even if she doesn't reclaim the concept of 'anastasia', she and the empress are still reunited and she is still loved as herself. to me irene is the equivalent of the concept of the princess - the rumours, the whispers, this idealised mystery, an unclaimed identity that finally gets put to rest - rather than the empress herself. and aphmau never Gets to put irene to rest. that part of her identity never finds peace.
right now also very insane about quartet at the ballet - with aph as anya, i know that laurmau likers would hc dmitry as laur which i agree with but i'm putting him aside because ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gleb time. i'm trying to think of what to say because my thoughts are a very angry jumble of [GHRHGRHGRHGHRHGHRHGRRGRRRG] and its hard to put them to words. erm. garroth. there's a part of me that could see a version of zane as gleb for religious reasons but i think personally those can work Just as well with garroth. i don't really like making a 1:1 au unless i'm really into it and the characters fit because i'm not going to shove random characters in random places that don't make sense for funsies, i'm not on a mission to recreate anastasia in mcd, i just like to think about similarities and subsequent divergencies. my anastasia au would be based on a specific version of mcd where certain characters end up in different places and make different choices to get to a point where they can Become the 1:1 in my brain. aphmau would kin anya nonetheless, i think, and laurance and dmitry have so much in common that i kind of have to let the laurmau likers have a win. i think that in a certain au where garroth does Not end up in phoenix drop, he would take up gleb's role. thus fulfilling a vague 'love triangle' vibe but no not like that more like they are both incredibly fascinated with her but gleb is obsessed with a very idealised form of who he Thinks she is where dmitry very plainly falls in love with her as a girl despite his Initial fascination with the myth. thus fulfilling their brief duet in quartet at the ballet, agonising over her but they are both seeing different Parts of her. i have a lot to say about it but i feel like i'm going insane ghugrhgrhgrghhrhgrg. ok.
o'khasis!garroth, specifically in the case of going to the guard academy, returning to take up the mantle of the jury of nine [cough cough be a general]. drawing from the religious notes of mcd with garroth's faith translated to utter obsession with, again, this idealised concept. gleb's obsession with 'anastasia' [again, the idea] REEKS of o'khasis garroth who is witness/present to his father's atrocities and bears them as duty, but ultimately cannot bear that same shame and follow through. gleb's Constant conflict between duty and heart - his fascinations with anya herself, as a person, vs the violent obsession with this elusive 'anastasia' as a part of his father's legacy. the ability to point the gun, but can't pull the trigger. the sense of responsibility and morality at constant war because he recognises her both as human, a young girl, and that concept. and in the end he can't entirely dehumanise her enough to spill blood. she is a part of Duty, she's just a trembling young girl, she is a form of Closure, she is loveable. he is confronted with a very human anastasia, not a myth or legend or obsessive fantasy, but a Young Girl. garroth ro'meave eats that shit UP, in his current form he would less, but a garroth at the right-hand of his father, growing up to bear his legacy of blood and shame and Fulfill his command, at the head of the jury. he loves his country:) he loves his military capital city-state:) he has a duty to the people and to his father, dead of shame:). the children and their voices and how a man has to make painful choices huh. oh, he would. the neva flows/still + reprise is all him. i feel sickened.
i think i have more thoughts but i talked so much i am so sorry errrrrr woe thoughts be upon you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
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lggy · 4 months
random aphmau fun fact of the day:
argentina exists in the mystreet universe
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snuffink · 5 months
Reading through people's mcd rewrites there's been one a few that have combined into an idea in my head. (Or someone else had this idea, it cemented itself in my head but I've read so many that I can't remember it anymore, that's also possible.) I've tagged some people down below who's ideas I've kind of combined here! (Please tell me if you'd like me to not tag you, I'll fix it!)
So bare with me while I explain this tragic little idea.
Imagine if every single roleplay was simply a different version of them. Like we step back from Jesson simply using the characters people are already familiar with and instead say that they genuinely are the exact same people, reborn into a new reality.
What if, it all started with the Divine Warriors. What if they were their first, original forms, and they fucked up so badly during their lifetime that the universe or some power higher than the warriors themselves, decided to punish them. It's already canon that the warriors are reborn over and over again and are connected, but what if different realities existed and in every single one, these people existed, and in every single one they were doomed to suffer.
I've seen some people make connections from the different versions of the characters, something to do with their personas, stories, etc. I thoroughly enjoy the idea that though fundamentally different when set into a completely new environment and reality, there's something that always stays the same. Something connecting every version to the first and to each other. Something that still makes the person them.
Back to the point, it would be devastating if every single version, no matter how different or no matter what reality, was always doomed to the same downfall. Cursed with the predestined outcome with no way of ever changing it, chosen for them because of the mistakes of a version of them that is oh so distant, lost to time and space, and they will never be the wiser.
Or will they?
Will they, after countless reincarnations, start noticing? Would so many versions of the same people over and over and over and over and over again start slowly tearing the walls down? Would they slowly grow wiser, faintly starting to remember the other realities, how all of them seemed to end. Would the deja vu slowly take over their lives?
Would they take notice of others being ever changing while some seemed to never change? Garroth, Katelyn, Aphmau, they seemed to always be them, yet Levin, Lucinda, Cadenza never were quite the same...
I haven't finished rewatching MCD and I never finished When Angels Fall so this might not work but fuck it, I like the idea
This heavily relies on @aphblr-headcanons posted hc in which anon talked about each reincarnation having a curse caused by the Divine Warriors.
Along with @goat-guy-tm who talked about Irene incarnations always having the name Aphmau, like a curse.
Honourable mention of @garbagepile who had talked about Garroth's similarities between each universes
And (maybe) finally @dilucsfavorite who's post about reincarnation I had reblogged some time back and which probably sparked this whole thing
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aphverse-confessions · 4 months
Confessions Masterpost (DRAFT)
Hello!! Please enjoy this carefully curated guide to navigating through these confessions!
First and foremost, if u are here because the confessions annoy you, please be sure to block both this account and the "aphverse confessions" tag just to be extra safe! All confessions include that tag.
I also want to let u guys know that there are a LOT of tags. Like I made this SO hard for myself to keep track of. Please know I try to hit every relevant tag from the list below, but I will 1000% miss a few or more of the relevant tags. The most consistent tags are going to be characters, ships, feels (angies, happies, or sillies), and media tags. Because I remember that all those exists.
Lastly, this is marked as draft because it is missing hyperlinks! I don't feel like grabbing those all rn, but want to post this (finally) so people know what tags mean.
Now, the tag navigations
General Post Content:
Tags that decribe content not under specific character/ship/series tags such as the length or the purpose
NSFW?! - Posts that contain sex, drugs, or other suggestive themes. The question mark is because usually the post is subtle and idk what I'm doing. If someone actually sends me an explicit confession I will probably explode (protip)
Long! - this tag is for any confessions with multiple paragraphs. Entirely up to op (me!) if smth fits my idea of long. We have fun here
Angies - this tag is for all those angry/vent/upset confessions over relatively trivial things
Fandom angies - lots of confessions address the fandom as a whole. This tag is for people complaining abt general issues with the fandom, a subtag of angies
Happies - this tag is for happy/wholesome confessions
Sillies - this tag is for fun and silly confessions
Headcanons - tag for headcanon confessions, I do not do individualized character headcanon tags because I already made myself tag general character, love character, and hate character individual and I do not want to ALSO hc tag characters
Shipfessions - Name borrowed from my sister blog @aphblr-shipfessions (not run by me, only similar premise, hence sister blog like sister location), this includes any tags related to ships
Mys shipfessions, mcd shipfessions, mid shipfessions, and coco shipfessions are the subtags for this (some posts are unclear for what universe and do not receive subtags)
Hate shipfessions is another subtag for this
Tags grouping confessions by the series they pertain to
Minecraft Diaries (and it's adjacent tags) - for all confessions related to minecraft diaries (VP included)
Mystreet (and it's adjacent tags) - for all confessions related to Mystreet (PDH included)
Phoenix Drop High (and it's adjacent tags) - for all posts related to Phoenix Drop High (FCU included)
My Inner Demons (and it's adjacent tags) - for all confessions related to my inner demons
Side Stories - for all confessions related to the original side stories
Side Quests - for all confessions related to spinoff series of aphmau featuring the mcd/mys cast (ie mermaid tales/royale tales)
That one fucking series - for all confessions related to that one fucking series (aka small quickly abandoned series by aph not related to mcd/mys)
Cocomau - for all confessions related to current Aphmau videos (post 2020)
Nonaphmau media - Many people have used this blog for reach in finding old fics/accs/comics/etc, or confessing to consuming some fucked up Aphmau related media. This tag is for them. This tag also includes references to specific tumblr blogs/users
Media finding - specifically tackles the former use of this
Character Tags:
I try not to maintag characters if any hate is included, so I have devised my own tagging system for characters for u littler haters wanting to scroll through ur least fav characters confessions. I know tumblr’s tagging is generally fucked tho and “[character] tag” may appear in the “[character]” tag. Please block “[character] hate” or “[character] love” for preference.
Also worth noting for convenience I have grouped all divine warriors under the same tag (Shad and Irene do have individuals) and have included the Jesson tag here in the character category.
If ur looking for mcd or mystreet specifically for a character, ur out of luck sorry I am not tagging that. Maybe harass me and I'll think abt it
A-Z (If alphabetized wrong, no it isn't)
-Op spells it LaurAnce and Sylvanna (correct me if double n is canonically incorrect) please notice this in both character and ship tags
-Nana is used to refer to the infamous "Kawaii~Chan" this includes ship names
Aaron Tag (hate or love)
Aphmau Tag (hate or love)
Blaze Tag (hate or love)
Brendan Tag (hate or love)
Dante Tag (hate or love)
Divine Warriors Tag (hate or love)
Donna Tag (hate or love)
Ein Tag (hate or love)
Elizabeth Tag (hate or love)
Emmalyn Tag (hate or love)
Eric Tag (hate or love)
Garroth Tag (hate or love)
Gene Tag (hate or love)
Irene Tag (hate or love)
Ivan Tag (hate or love)
Jesson Tag (hate or love)
Kai Tag (hate or love)
Kenmur Tag (hate or love)
Kiki Tag (hate or love)
Kim Tag (hate or love)
Liochant (hate or love)
Lo Tag (hate or love)
Melissa Tag (hate or love)
Modzilla Tag (hate or love)
Nana Tag (hate or love)
Laurance Tag (hate or love)
Logan Tag (hate or love)
Shad Tag (hate or love)
Sylvanna Tag (hate or love)
Teony Tag (hate or love)
Vylad Tag (hate or love)
Zane Tag (hate or love)
Zenix Tag (hate or love)
Zoey Tag (hate or love)
*character tag is used for ship posts but the love tag for that character is not usually used as the characters are not usually being discussed by themselves in those posts. Please know that to see ships with a character u will have to scroll through the general character tag. Please block the character hate tag if hate for ur favs bothers u (ships popular enough to have a name will be tagged as that ship)
**also not all characters have a hate/love tag, I just like consistency, please feel free to send hate/love to balance out my tagging system
Ship Tags:
The ships lucky enough to get the great honor of recognition by op (me!), for all ship related confessions please see shipfessions tag
Aarmau tag (hate or love)
Dana tag (hate or love)
Garmau tag (hate or love)
Garrance tag (hate or love)
Laurmau tag (hate or love)
Vylenix tag (hate or love)
X Confessor tag (hate or love)
Zana tag (hate or love)
Zanvis tag (hate or love)
Miscellaneous Tags:
Op (me!) is feeling silly and making life harder for themselves
❤️‍🔥 - Tag for the Valentine's special, a bunch of ship/Valentine's related confessions
- Confessions op (me!) Thinks are important!!
🤭 - Confessions op (me!) Left some silly little tags on
😳 - Confessions sent off anon!
My confessions - Original posts from op (me!)
🩷 - Posts about op (me!)
😵‍💫 - The old Aarmau countdown posts! An era may she rest in peace
*emojis picked based off op's (me!) commonly used emojis because I don't want random emojis in my frequent list
Op (me!) Is only one person. I will tag things wrong. Please politely leave an ask or comment if smth is missing a tag or has an incorrect tag.
This is a lot also like Jesus there is no way u read that entire thing! But I had to write it and then retroactively add ALL of those tags to posts I had already made! So please be nice to op (me!), I love u guys and am doing my best!
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cloverrr8 · 1 month
Random facts about Mystreet characters in my rewrite!
-Travis is double jointed
-Aphmau and Dante speak Spanish when only talking to each other
-Nicole and Katelyn dated in college for a little while
-After high school, Laurance went to a trade school a few hours away from Phoenix Drop. He and Garroth lost touch for most of the 4 years they were apart but reconnected before season 1.
-Dimitri exists in the MS universe and he’s still Nicole and Dante’s son! The story is similar to MD where they break up before Nicole realizes she’s pregnant. She doesn’t tell Dante about him until he’s like 2 bc she’s petty and Dante freaks out but he ends up being a great dad.
-Michi is an e girl and streams video games on twitch, she isn’t that popular tho
-Laurance and Zane are both great cooks and in season 3 every Friday night everyone comes over to eat dinner there and watch movies
-Aphmau literally cannot function without coffee. On the other hand, Lucinda can’t stand coffee and only drinks brewed tea.
-Zane has 7 piercings (3 sets of ears, snake bites on lips, nose piercing, eyebrow piercing, tongue piercing)
-Gene has 12 tattoos
-Aaron, Garroth, and Katelyn wear glasses sometimes
-Dante is a black belt in karate
-Kacey owns a successful small business selling miniature cakes and cupcakes
-Lucinda always wears long fake nails and sometimes forces Katelyn to get them done with her
That’s all for now!
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aceaphs · 11 months
i think the reason why season 6 disturbs me so much is because it’s such an insane turn from the previous seasons of mystreet and even diaries never really got to the insane points that when angels fall did
like genuinely why did s6 take such an insane turn with virtually no warning, no build up— like s4, okay, a murderous vengeful guy and it introduces the ultima! also a god exists? cool! okay now s5 — oh fun! it ends with aphmau and aaron being in love and then season 6 comes in like it’s a diaries season with its fucking irene and demon warlock and these fucking relics?? and people DIE.
do understand how insane it is to go from 5 seasons of mostly goofing with some seriousness to the insanity and wacky god-universe things occurring in s6
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iridiss · 1 year
reguarding your Judas MCD Au, how would you handle Laurance being like... de-possessed? Un-possessed? idk the term-
When Shad is defeated, his spirit will leave and pass on to the afterlife to become the Judgement we see in When Angels Fall, and when he does, he’ll leave behind whatever vessel he was using before, freeing Laurance
I’m not entirely sure how exactly Shad would be defeated in this AU. In my main MCD AU, I have it so that Shad & Aaron don’t even know about Alina’s existence until she appears in the middle of the final battle with The Shadow Lords forces VS The Phoenix Drop Alliance + The Shadow Knight Rebellion. She runs to Aaron, calling out to her dad, and Shad completely freezes, because the entire reason why he’s so angry and vengeful against Irene is because she turned his precious daughter into a relic and fused it with his soul without telling him where the relic came from. So a little girl that looks a lot like his daughter, sounds like his daughter, feels aura-wise a lot like his daughter (because of her connection to the relic), calling him dad and jumping to hug him, it completely breaks his brain and he stops all fighting. He gets very emotional, speaking very gently to Alina. He’d introduce her to his daughters soul, and Alina would say that she’s trapped, she needs to be freed so she can play again. Zane would return the fragment he stole, and they’d return any other fragments they could’ve found in their journeys, the relic would be repaired, and the relic’s souls would be released and freed through the combined efforts of Aphmau and Alina’s magic (Aphmau as Irene and Alina as the next holder for Shad’s relic). Shad would finally be able to rest with his daughter saved, with his drive for vengeance put to a happy end. He’d finally see Aphmau as a different woman from Irene, because if she’s willing to save his daughter, then it proves that she is a very different and far better woman than the Irene he once wed and lost, thus concluding Aphmau’s character arc w/ grappling with her identity as an Irene. He gives her and Alina his deepest thanks and apologies, and his soul passes on, releasing Aaron from his control and finally putting the war to an end. Any magical control he had over the Shadow Knights is removed, freeing them from the pull of the Nether, and everyone gets to reunite and get their happy ending.
But in the Judas AU, it’s not Aaron that Shad possesses, so there’s no dad for Alina to run to. Now, I do usually count Laurance as a step-father to all of Aphmau’s kids, including Alina, but Shad would’ve taken control of him LOOONG before Alina was ever conceived. He would likely have betrayed Aphmau long before Aaron dies, and would be too busy trying to actively kill her and everyone she holds dear to even find out about her daughter. Alina would have no idea who this man is. Laurance would have no idea who this child is. So Shad would have to be defeated in some other way, maybe through more violent magical confrontation means. Like in the big finale fight, Aphmau and Shad!Laurance end up fighting alone, Aphmau keeps trying to get through to Laurance, Shad keeps going all out despite getting internally punched by a Laurance fighting back, it’s all very dramatic. Maybe Aphmau is able to unlock all of her greatest power as The Goddess Irene, so she’s able to shove Shad’s soul and relic out of Laurance’s body and banishes him to be locked somewhere far away in another universe. Laurance is still saved, the Shadow Lord’s magical influence on Shadow Knights is removed, everyone still gets their happy ending, but without the ability to let Shad pass on, she’s only able to delay the problem for a later reincarnation of Irene to solve.
Shad is sent like a comet to become chained to another planet and world entirely—the world of Daemos. Where his soul resides deep within the planet, festering, growing angrier and nastier and full of compounding rancor, turning into something truly, horrifically monstrous. The kingdom of Daemos is built upon it as an unknown magical source, something that’s kept secret from the rest of the kingdom. Mystreet Aphmau, the next Irene, gets reincarnated into Ava. She’s sent to Daemos by way of the universe’s pull to her destiny, where she will face a challenge beyond her wildest nightmares, waiting for Irene’s inevitable return to him.
But anyway, back in the MCD universe, Aphmau and Shad have their grand final battle, The Shadow Lord is banished, and the world is saved. It’s only a temporary solution, but it’s the best option they have, without a way to free the relic and let him pass on. But it’s enough to free Laurance.
Laurance falls unconscious immediately. He’s badly beaten up from all the combat that’s been going on, but he’s also mentally exhausted from fighting an evil God in his mind for years straight. Aphmau and the others carry him home, making him a hospital bed in Aphmau’s basement to sleep on. He stays in a coma-like state for quite a few days while his body recovers.
During that time, Cadenza and Zoe look after him, taking great care of him medically, while also keeping watch for any signs of The Shadow Lord still lingering inside of him. Garroth and Aphmau visit frequently. Other villagers would visit him often as well. Dante often sits by his bedside, talking to him as if he were awake, recounting the stories of everything he missed while he was out. Aaron visits once. He stays silent the whole time, he tries to stay out of the way of Zoe and Cadenza, but he stays close-by, just keeping him company for a while. Vylad visits. Katelyn. Kawaii~Chan. Brian (he’s not evil) & Dale. Brendan. Kiki lends him one of her therapy dogs. Levin and Malachi. Aphmau brings Alina and Lilith to come see him. She tells them stories about how she was very close to Laurance and went on quite a few adventures with him before he was stolen by a very bad man. Leona listens in the background.
One night, while everyone is asleep, Sasha would sneak up to the window and peer into the basement, where she can see Laurance resting. She’d linger for a little while, with her hand pressed against the glass, before quietly turning away and leaving him.
When Laurance wakes up, Zoe and Cadenza would be in another room or elsewhere in the house. Garroth would have been seated at Laurance’s bedside for the past 8 hours, refusing to leave him. He’d nearly be dozing off by the time it happens. Laurance would shift about some, still aching in places, with a light groan. He’d open his eyes, his eyes would adjust to what’s in front of him, and he’d glance around from where he was laying, to see Garroth dozing in a chair next to him. In a weak mumble, he’d say: “…Garroth..?” And Garroth would nearly jump out of his seat. He’d see that Laurance was awake. Garroth would be immediately overjoyed, ecstatic and emotional and definitely crying, “Laurance! Oh, Laurance—“ Hugging him the best he could, “You’re awake! You’re—“ Laurance tries to sit up, grinning weakly, but he groans and flinches from the pain of it, Garroth pulls away but keeps his hands on him, immediate fretting, “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Don’t push yourself, lay back down, be careful, don’t hurt yourself, you—“ Pulls his hands away, finally it occurs to him, “Wait, it’s- it’s just you, right? Are you-…alone in your head?” Laurance nods, still in a lot of pain. Garroth is ecstatic again. “Oh, how wonderful! What a glorious day this is—!” Totally hugs him again, accidentally too tight, Laurance winces again, Garroth apologizes and backs off. Laurance laughs about it. He’d say, “I missed you too, big guy.” with a warm smile. Garroth almost cries.
He’d then remember to call Aphmau over and tell everyone the wondrous news. Aphmau, Zoe and Cadenza come running. When she sees him sitting up in his bed, tired and weak but smiling at her with all the same warmth and love he had before, Aphmau cries out for him, jumping and tackling him in a hug. Cadenza yells to be careful, Aphmau is sobbing and laughing and kissing him all over. Laurance would choke out, “My Lady—“ then he’d try to make a joke, one of the terrible puns he had been saving for the reunion day he dreamed of. Aphmau cries louder. Worried and shocked, Laurance asks if the joke was really that bad, and she wails that it was the best one she’s ever heard in her life, before hugging him again. He laughs, then cries, then buries his face in her shoulder. Everyone comes in for a happy crying emotional group hug.
The second the group hug ends and Aphmau & Garroth are able to detach themselves from their Laurance for a second (by his request), he’d have his reunion with Cadenza as well. She’d be smiling and tearing up, she’d make a joking, snide comment about how he’s gotta stop getting into trouble all the time, because one day she’s not gonna be around to save his ass every time. Laurance would joke back, like they always did, and the siblings would hug, crying and smiling. They’d hold each other very tightly, Cadenza’s walls would drop and she’d say that she loves him, please never go away like that again, and now Laurance is crying for real, and he can barely say “I’ll try,” he says he missed her so much, and they’re very emotional yet very relieved and glad to see each other again.
I usually have Lord Hailey die of natural causes during the 15-year time skip, but I think if I did that in this AU, it’d be a little too sad for me to handle? Especially the idea of Cadenza having to tell Laurance why his dad won’t be able to come see him, and that happening literally right after he JUST got back from the most traumatic experience ever, that- I don’t want to be that mean o.o;
So Lord Hailey never dies!! He’s fine!! He’s doing great!! Happy ending!! They write a letter back to Meteli and he sails over and happily reunites with his adopted son and they’re all a happy family again!! Yay!!
Aphmau introduces Laurance officially to her children and her new daughters. She also introduces him to the newest member of the polycule Aaron. They shake hands, Laurance apologizes for all those times he tried to kill him as Shad, Aaron shrugs and says it’s fine.
The news quickly spreads to the rest of the town, and everyone comes to see him again and have a happy reunion with the resident favorite sailor boy. It’s also a confirmation to everyone in town that The Shadow Lord truly is gone for good and the war has ended. Laurance waking up and getting his life back heralds a new era of peace for everybody.
And life would simply continue to go on. He’d go through a period of physical therapy. He’d have a lot of physical and psychological healing to do. He’d feel responsible for a lot of the hurt he caused while he was under Shad’s control, so he’d do a lot to try to apologize and make up for what he did. He’d help the citizens of Phoenix Drop with errands, he’d try to help rebuild the town (much to the concern of Garroth, Dante, and the other guards that were supposed to be doing the construction work for him), he’d spend a lot more time with his family (which I should specify includes Aphmau, Garroth, all her kids, and Aaron too) trying to catch up for everything he missed, he’d meet Travis (this time on new footing, now that he’s not trying to kill the Enki lookalike and yelling at him about a vague betrayal of friendship). At some point he’d likely ask Malachi to look into his brain to see if he can find any remnants of Shad in there. Malachi wouldn’t find anything because I refuse to continue this story another season, and it’d be a huge relief to Laurance. He’d still have nightmares though. He’d also still have an undead Shadow Knight body, even though any sort of magical control & corruptive effect is gone.
And that would be the ending of the Judas AU plotline! Things would eventually turn into a new normal, Laurance gets his life back, the fighting ends, and the cast gets to enjoy a very long peacetime.
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mcdgarroth · 1 year
Not sure if anyone has said this yet, but I feel like “Drift Away” from Steven Universe is very similar to Shad and Irene.
For example:
“And then she smiled, that's what I'm after. A smile in her eyes, the sound of her laughter”
In a flashback, we see Esmund say he will use the relic to protect the people, while Shad explains he’s doing it because he’d do anything for Irene.
“Happy to listen. Happy to play. Happily watching her drift away.”
When Irene started to lose her emotions, and drift herself away from Shad.
“Happily waiting. All on my own. Under the endless sky. Counting the seconds, standing alone. As thousands of years go by”
After Shad’s physical form is destroyed, he’s stuck in the Nether dimension, not knowing what came of Irene.
“You keep on turning pages, for people who don't care. People who don't care about you”
I feel like this could be interpreted in two different ways. Maybe this could be Shad’s thinking towards Irene; he’s upset with her for constantly choosing giving more of herself away for people who she doesn’t even know, people who he believes is just using her. Or it could be for Shad’s feelings towards the other Divine Warriors as tensions start to rise between them.
“And still it takes you ages. To see that no one's there. See that no one's there. See that no one's there. Everyone's gone on without you.”
When the Divine Warriors choose Irene’s side without knowing why Shad has turned against her. (which is finding out she turned their daughter into a relic) They move on, while he’s stuck in the Nether.
“Finally something. Finally news. About how the story ends. She doesn't exist now. Survived by her son (reincarnation? Part of her soul?) And all of her brand new friends.”
Shad finding out about Aphmau.
“Isn't that lovely? Isn't that cool? And isn't that cruel? And aren't I a fool to have - Happily listened. Happy to stay. Happily watching her drift
Drift away”
Shad’s anger that Irene gets to live on with a fresh start as Aphmau. He has to carry the memories of their life together, while she gets to forget, which he sees as cruel. He’s angry that this is where happily following Irene had gotten him. He feels foolish for ever having trusted her.
I can’t really remember what is canon and what is my own interpretation, but I hope this all made sense lol. I think another song that fits is “The Exit” by Conan Gray, however only a few select lyrics.
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miatartistry · 1 year
For your decision-making purposes!!
Honestly, I adored the fact that Laurence went blind. It added an additional limit to his character, as well as some twisted irony: for someone who places a lot of value on looks/first appearances, how would he have coped with not being able to see reflect on him?
It made me super angry when his blindness was just cured, straight out, even when I was younger and first watching through the series; it didn’t sit right with me. I understand that it’s a universe where magic exists, but magic should also have some limitations, so that would be a neat way to expand upon those limits!! Especially with Zoey, who’s magic is primarily healing-based; you could even go into something deeper, in which Laurence’s sight might be something that he wants but not necessarily needs.
There’s also not a whole lot of canonically disabled characters within the series, anyway, so to have part of the main cast be disabled in any manner would not only be a point for representation, BUT it would also be super fun from a writing and character building standpoint!!
How would his fighting style reflect with his lack of sight? Would he adopt one of Aphmau’s dogs as his own as a seeing eye dog/partner, seeing as his sister took one of her dogs as her own (or heck, maybe Ungrth would stick around more often, “acting as his eyes”)? How would he interact with Garroth, and how would Garroth interact with him, considering his hang ups in the beginning about showing his face? Etc etc
SO SORRY, this got long, I just feel super passionate about this subject specifically lol, and also Laurence; he’s one of my biggest comfort characters. I’m currently writing a blind character of my own, as well, so I’ve got some experience with both it’s challenges portraying it correctly + how it would fit into the narrative :D
Thank you for this amazing response!! I agree that him being blind adds a lot to his character, as someone who takes his own looks very seriously. But that’s not all that it could add. I’m not gonna spoil anything for my rewrite, but I’ll give you a hint: Laurance has a huge affinity for the earth. With this blindness, his senses would be heightened and he would notice just how uncanny this connection of his is (something he even had before this blindness but just wasn’t noticeable). As you said, vision being something he wants but he doesn’t need, just because of this natural connection he has with the Earth. Also, I just think it’d be funny if he could dodge a ditch perfectly but then run into an actual human being right after 💀
More under cut:
I also totally agree about having representation in the main cast. It felt a little weird that his sight was just healed with little to no explanation on how it was done, it almost felt like Jess thought it was an obstacle she wouldn’t be able to write around. Me personally, I’ve never written from a blind persons perspective before, except a little bit from Laurance’s POV in the first chapter of TBATD. It’s a challenge that I really do want to take on though, not only because of the representation (that I hope I can get right, if you have any sources, advice, or experiences you’d want to share let me know!), but also from a character building standpoint:
You brought up how his fighting style would be affected, which I’m thinking about too. Not only would he have to learn how to sense the battlefield, he’d also have to learn new skills and techniques. I’ll do my research and look more into how blind people can fight, but for Laurance I think that’d take a huge toll on his mental health. He has trained basically his entire life, he was the head guard of Meteli. He gets frustrated easily (not only is it just his personality, but his emotions can get sort of out of control because of his Shadow Knight situation), and the beginning of learning how to fight blind would not be easy. Of course he’d have help, presumably from Garroth (more friendship development for those two. They despise each other in my rewrite), but it’d still be super hard and he’d probably be depressed about it.
And more on his his relationship with Garroth, yeah I saw someone post something about Garroth taking off his helm off and for the first time, Laurance just silently feels his face and I think that sort of sealed the deal for me at that point. If you don’t know already, Garroth and Laurance will have a romantic relationship in my rewrite (well, as romantic as rivalry can get), so I can already imagine some really cute scenes for them if Laurance stays blind, as well as some angsty scenes.
Laurance is an amazing character and I’m happy you’re just as passionate about him as I am. He’s a comfort for me definitely lol, ever since I was kid. For your own character, update me on how it goes!! Thank you again for this response. <3
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tanya-b1tch · 7 months
Official ages in MCD rewrite!!
(for all characters I've rewritten currently, will update later) (every "/" is for in-between:3)
(not cannon ‼️‼️)
Aphmau- 24
Laurence- 25/26
Garroth- 26/27
Dante- 22/23
Nicole- 24/25
Zane- 24
Nana- 25
Travis- 23/24
Gene- 28
Sasha- 28/29
Zenix- 27/28
Vylad- 21/22
Liochant- 22/23
Cadenza- 29/30
Zack (Cadenzas bf)- 28
Malachi- 17/18
Levin- 15/16
Lilith- 6/7
Alina- 3/4
Nekoette- 9/10
Dimitri- 8/9
Zoey- 900+| looks 26/27
Leona- 18
Alexis- 14/15
Yip- 19/20
Zianna- 49
Aaron- NON-EXISTENT HE DOES NOT EXIST IN MY UNIVERSE🤭🤭(Alina just poofed outta nowhere, he did not fr1¢k Aphmau)
That's it for now!!:3
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attourney-at-lycan · 2 years
You have mentioned before your idea that the Divine Warriors may have destroyed or taken the place of the previous "gods" before them, which is an interesting idea because it sounds a lot like what happens in Theogony, a.k.a. the Greek creation myth (the channel Overly Sarcastic Productions has a nice short video on the subject). 
Basically, the myth is a never-ending cycle of powerful entities being usurped by their children due to the previous generations' transgressions (the titan Kronos overthrew his primordial father Ouranos for locking his more "monstrous" children away, then Zues, with the eventual help of the other Greek gods, would go on to overthrow Kronos himself due to the mistreatment of his own children in an attempt to keep himself in power after learning one of his children would also overthrow him, Zeus gets almost the exact same prophecy that Kronos got and tries to prevent it by absorbing his first wife so she doesn’t bear that supposed son, etc.)
The Greeks would also tend to base their pantheon around concepts they deemed important during that time period, and although the Divine Warriors were given admittedly vague titles, it's safe to say that they are supposed to represent... something. And, to be honest, I'm fine with these titles (aside from the fact that they were apparently lifted from Final Fantasy, like so much of Jess' world building); the only real issue is that the titles never stop being vague. For example, if Shad is given the title "Destroyer," this would be fine if we were told more clearly what it's supposed to mean because "Destroyer" could mean and represent so many things. He’s clearly represented by some kind of underworld? (Seriously, though, what even is the Nether? It can’t be an afterlife or purgatory of any kind because Irene created the dimension), and his shadow knights can be very destructive, but he was given the title of destroyer before all of that. An idea could be that he was supposed to be a kind of war god. He came from the era of monarchs, so it could make sense that kingdoms would find it important to gain the favor of someone strong enough to sway one of these violent conflicts in their favor. Maybe that is one of the reasons he and Irene fell apart. Irene is a natural healer; it would only make sense that despite her feelings, she would grow to detest a being whose existence brings about conflict.
Also, from a narrative and worldbuilding standpoint, viewing the Divine Warriors as these temperamental beings that represent the worst and best of humanity, such as with the Greek pantheon, would make a lot more sense than viewing them as perfect beings that we should strive to imitate, as Christianity does with the Holy Trinity. Because we are shown throughout MC: Diaries and most of the Aphmau cinematic universe that the Warriors (particularly Irene) were very flawed individuals who would act on their own personal desires even if it meant endangering innocent parties. The cruel actions of the Divine Warriors can be obvious, like Irene murdering her daughter in order to create her relic, or in a more subtle way, like with how they left the world. The whole "Lord system," as you have pointed out before yourself, is a very flawed form of government and doesn’t in any way stop the rise of a monarchy (as shown in the series with O'khasis).
dude… i just woke up.
anyway i took a minute to read all of this and how far did u go to find out all my lore ideas/complaints???
but the idea of theogony placed in the setting of mcd is such a fucking smart idea because it’s almost as if you’re just seeing it happen in real time while the story is going on. you can just see history basically repeat itself with the possibility of aphmau, garroth, laurance, katelyn etc etc being ones next up to claim the role of being the next pantheon (??? i took intro to religion but we didnt touch up on polytheism much wkfsbawh)
even if they dont become gods, with the way that they save the world multiple times and how famous they are, you’d think they’d be seen as some sort of godly beings or next gen divine warriors by people who just watched on the sidelines
for me, i feel like the names of the titles make sense mostly because there are only a handful of them- keep them vague for a way to generalize their reach on concepts? however what DOES bother me is that why is there no origin story for the world that they live in. what is the reason the people of mcd live for? do theh believe in an afterlife? do they have a reason why the sun exists or why they exist? where they come from? because irene and the divine warriors cannot be the reason they exist if they had people living before they popped up-
ALSO YES I LOVE THE CONCEPT OF FLAWED GODLY BEINGS!!!!! it makes sense especially for them because they’re not even gods technically, yes they were the most powerful being at the time, but that’s because they had the relics, even irene used to be a human before she got her relic, or so wiki says. (which SUCKS BC WHERE DO THE RELICS COME FROM???) therefore they’re just as flawed as humans, have just as much desire as humans but much more dangerous because they can do so much damage, exhibit a, shad’s heartbreak for irene
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1dreamsareweird1 · 2 months
may I please have your jayden hc's pretty please :)?
Ofc you can twin, sorry everyone I sort of forgot I had Tumblr again.. whoops.
So unfortunately we don't get to see a whole lot of Jayden in Void Paradox and I haven't watched Dreams of Estorra but on the Aphmau wiki it says that he's from Estorra and we do get to see his armour a few times but not him. This means I don't really have a lot of hc's for him but I will try and answer this ask!
Jayden HC's Incoming!!
1. He's the type of person to just do whatever he feels like in the moment as long as it's relatively safe
2. He actually really cares for other people but it's that sort of, "This person will literally die in front of me if I don't do something, better save them I guess.. 😐😒🤷‍♂️." Type of way
3. Desperately needs a good nights sleep
4. I feel like Jayden would be very on top of things in any universe, modern or not. Like Void Paradox Jayden was not playing, he had his routes mapped tf out and the caves too. He would hate to be caught unaware so he does his best to make sure that is literally never a possibility
5. He probably throws himself into danger a lot and then sits there like "wtf did I just do." Afterwards because like, did he really have to save that girl from the evil grey man in the middle of the woods and then cauterize the wound? (Yes he did)
6. Ik he gave Aphmau a lot of flack for judging him in Void Paradox but I like to think he probably silently judges people a lot
7. He's so funny, please get behind this bandwagon everyone I think if we gave him a chance he'd literally be such a funny and deadpan friend or protagonist
8. This man is built for the outdoors idc he probably likes it outside better than he likes being indoors because of the open space, that being said the open space also freaks him out a bit because he's always on guard outside so really he just can't exist comfortably anywhere, sorry Jayden 💔.
9. He's built, like he has an eight pack, back muscles, never skipped leg day, everything
10. He seems kind of unconsciously flirty and playful I just ARRRGGH
11. He probably has a really tragic backstory but I like to think his life before he got sucked into another dimension was pretty normal, he's just some random adventurer in Estorra who got knocked out (Laurence..) or went to sleep and woke up in the middle of the woods like "😨🤨"
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vyladromeave · 10 months
7 and 18? :]
07. best dynamic in the series? like, whenever these characters are onscreen your brain just explodes?
APHMAU AND VYLAD!!!!! VYLAD AND LAURANCE!!!!!!!!!!! THEYRE SOOOOOO GOOD. They don't get a lot of screentime, because Vylad doesn't get a lot of screentime, but when they do its almost always written well!! That's a lot to ask of MCD! Vylad being quiet and introspective, but also inherently tied to basically every plot/lore element MCD has to offer does a lot for his onscreen (and offscreen) dynamics. This reaally shines through in his interactions with Aphmau and Laurance.
And LAURANCE AND APHMAU!!!!!! Maybe its because they have sooooo much screentime, arguably the most any pair in the series has, but up until S2 starts shitting itself, their dynamic is SOOOOOO. listen to me. listen.
Aphmau is the person Vylad accidentally created. Laurance is the person he failed, the unplanned sacrifice he was forced to take in a plan that was supposed to only hurt himself. His life is a spiral of guilt. Everything is his fault, and everything has to happen the way it happened, or it would be even worse.
Aphmau is the person who, even before he became a Shadowknight, pulled Laurance out of the darkness. He loves her always, even if she can't return things quite the same, and he's fine with that, he knows he isn't owed anything. Laurance is the split second of hope in Vylad's 200 years of literal torture in hell. A split second of kindness in a life (and death) full of people who simply hate him, use him, or do not care about him.
Vylad is the person Laurance failed. Vylad doesn't see it that way.
Vylad is Aphmau's one hint at a past, the one person who might know more about her than she could know about herself. The one person who's been there since the beginning. She doesn't know him, until she does, and then she knows him too well, more than anyone else knows him. He knows her well, but not in person. He can only make guesses about all the things she wants to know. She already knows too much, but he struggles to hide anything from her, because its his fault she exists. Because its his fault he exists, because he knows her so well, he feels like he can tell her more.
Laurance and Vylad will throw their lives away for the things that matter, and when they're at their lowest, they'll do it for the things that don't matter too. And they're stuck looking to each other for hints on how to be people. They see a hope in each other that they can't see in themselves, but they don't know how to say it.
And the three of them can't all exist in the same room together, because if they do, the universe explodes.
18. is there anything about the fandom you dislike?
smiles. there is so so much and i think saying all of it would get me killed. Admittedly I do think fan spaces for mcd have calmed down SIGNIFICANTLY over time. I've been here since S1, I've seen some shit. But for what it's worth, people are less actively gross in full view of me than they were in the past. Likely a side effect of mcd/Aphmau rp content as a whole being dead for multiple years, but you know what I'll take it.
I still think a lot of people's critical thinking skills could use some fucking Work. I still see so much apologism for villainous characters across mcd (and Aphmau's works as a whole tbh) just because they're charismatic and hot lol. it gets REALLY telling when you compare how people treat Zane in comparison to like, Michi.
There's no harm in liking villainous characters. There's no harm in liking charismatic villains. But you have to admit that thats what they are. I personally think people like Zane and Gene are really interesting, they're decently well-written, their motivations are intriguing, I cannot deny that the way their actions were presented was often cool from a narrative standpoint, and if you find them hot then whatever. As characters, I like them a lot!! But when you consistently start talking about shit like [CLEARLY VILLAINOUS CHARACTER] isn't actually evil™ hes a soft boy™ he's silly he doesn't know what he's doing™ he just made some bad choices™ its not his fault™ he would've made a great dad/lover/brother/etc™ he never meant to hurt anyone™ he wouldn't have hurt anyone if circumstances were better™ oh torture is sexy actually™ you need to step back. and examine your actions. extremely quickly.
Anyone would do different things under different circumstances. Why is it different for them? These people aren't your next Zuko. It isn't your job to fix them. You are not immune to propaganda. You are falling for the charismatic villain boy act, and your life would be a lot better if you didn't.
(ask prompts from here!)
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