#aphmau theory
type1dragonwolf · 2 days
Aphmau Theory Time!!
I know this isn’t what I normally post, but yea. I’m an Aphmau fan.
And I recently found this video on YT of Jess clearing something’s up and saying that there’s going to be a new season to a series soon.
And I have some THEORIES.
First, let me ring out the non-possibilities.
•The SMP
this is a continuous series, and honestly, it wouldn’t make sense for there to be a “series” made out of it.
•Minecraft Diaries
In the same video Jess said that she will not continue it due to WAY too many shipping arguments. RIP.
•Mermaid Tales
I personally haven’t watched this, but I feel like it’s a no.
•Just a whole new series
again, she said that she will be continuing something. So it’s a big no.
Now, into the POSSIBLE ones, and I have two.
•Mystreet, the more likely one.
Jess said that she was bringing back an old series, and also confirmed that there will be a season seven at SOME point. Also, the fans have been DYING to have a good conclusion, and everyone will be so happy to have it.
•My Inner Demons
This is one that left off on a BIG cliff hanger, of (Spoilers) Ava becoming a Demon and getting transported to Daemos, and then someone finding her. We have not gotten any announcement of weather this series is over and she’s just gonna leave it there, or if it’s gonna get another season. If we aren’t it would be nice to at least get some sort of announcement on it.
•She gonna finish BOTH MS and MID
That’s all I have. TY for reading. :)
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goat-guy-tm · 2 months
I have a dumb little theory is that any woman in the Aphverse that is named Aphmau is a Irene reincarnation, because not all 'Aphmau-Like' is named Aphmau, for example Phoenix from Meteora Valley and Ava from My Inner Demons.
What does that mean for Heart Point!Aphmau? Who knows, but by hell is that highschool girl about be put through hell by some thousand ysar old goddess-
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chloeillustrates16 · 1 year
How Levin is Related To Garroth
So, I've been on Aphmau Tumblr for a while; I loved Aphmau growing up in the early days of Youtube and how she shaped me as a person. You may not have to like her or support her but there is no denying that she's shaped all of us as people. In any case, I want to talk about something that's been bugging me for YEARS. And that's the Levin-Garroth debate.
For people who weren't around when Aphmau was uploading MCD, you might not understand. So, disclaimer if you haven't watched the original MCD series because there will be spoilers.
I and maybe others have been confused on why exactly Levin looks so much like Garroth. And that's not only to the fandom, in the actual canon of the series, everyone brings up the fact that Garroth and Levin's similiarities are uncanny. Levin even says in the second episode of season 2, "Everyone here says I look like Garroth, heh...I just hope that they don't expect me to live up to his reputation..."
So, within the series canon, everyone thinks that Levin looks like Garroth. So, what does that mean? Well, in season 2 episode 100, after Aphmau finds out that she's actually Irene. She says this, "Bloodline? Wait, does that mean that Levin is my great-great-grandson?" Which Hyria says,
"No, Irene was once a human many centuries ago, she had family, and she did a great job keeping them around her. Irene never had any kids of her own, but she did want children."
Irene never had children, which means we can rule out the theory that Irene and Esmund ended up together. But that first part, Irene had a family, which means, she had siblings and a mother and father. So, what does that say? Well, if we can dissect Irene's family tree, then that means that we can figure out how Garroth and Levin are related.
Most of this is my own canon, I won't give any names to characters that haven't been introduced. Most of the information that I'm saying are inspired of Jess's personal life, which she does in her own stories.
Irene's mother -- Irene's father (We can say that they were magic welders since that's the only explanation for Irene's gift. And as we know within the series, if you prefect your magic enough you can slow your own aging I.E. Hyria and Lucinda).
Then there's her brother, which isn't canon but for sake of story, let's say Irene has a brother. He has to also be a magic welder, because his parents are both; so, let's say he married a woman and ends up having a daughter.
Irene's niece, she ends up marrying into the Ro 'Meaves', centuries before O'Kahsis is born. In which she has a son,
Irene's great-nephew, he ends up marrying a woman. Who gives birth to...you guessed it. Garte. Who marries Zannah.
Which explains why Hyria and Zannah are so close; if Irene was still around when Irene's niece was born then she was around when Garte was born. Since Hyria and Irene were so close, I'm sure that her family knew about Hyria; considering her family as well.
Making them close by the time that Garroth, Zane, and Vlad were born.
Of course, this is all a fan theory and speculating. The reason why I had it to where Irene had a brother is because in IRL Jess has a half-brother.
So, what about Levin exactly? Well, remembered how I said that Irene's brother was married and had Irene's great-nephew? Well, he also had a daughter. Who ended up have a son; guess who that son was? The old lord of Pheonix Drop.
Phoenixes are supposed to represent rebirth, magic, renewal, and safety. Well, what does Aphmau do the moment she steps into that world? She's rebirthed, as a new person with magic and an instinct to protect people.
On top of all of that, it's canon that Gate and the Old Lord are magic welders; how else would Gate know magic? It's because Garte was born with it and taught Zannah how to use it along with Zane and Garroth.
Then what about Garroth? Doesn't that mean he's technically related to Irene? Well, yes. I know that probably sounds gross because Aphmau is technically supposed to be Irene herself. However, that's not how that works; when someone is reincarnated, that doesn't mean they're related to them. So, we're in the clear without any incest. (Thank God).
So, does that mean that Garroth and Levin are distant cousins? Yes, it's the only reason to explain why the two look so alike. Genes also play a big part in it as well.
Let's say, Irene's brother has the same auburn brown that she does. Then that means, he'd have to marry someone that carries the blue eye trait. To counter act the brown, Irene's family needs to be carrying the blue-eyed trait.
Then, both siblings have to be able to have the carrying trail. And since Irene's brother had both had daughter and a son, the daughter would carry the blue-eyed trait. Since the son ends up having another son, who ends up marrying someone who has blue eyes or carries it. Which passes it onto Levin.
On top of that, we already know that Garte has blue eyes which carried to both Zane and Garroth.
I know this was a lot to unpack in a single post, but this is the only way to explain why the two looked so similar. And not choke it up to ship bait. Which was probably the intention in the beginning. However, I'm sure that if Jess got to finish MCD Rebirth she would end up explaining it.
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fruitcakebro · 7 days
The theory that Levin is Garroth's son enrages me, because Garroth would not have willingly had an affair with his lord's wife. It's out of character, and just doesn't seem like the kind of thing he would have done.
But the theory has basis in canon, and that honestly just makes me madder, because it demonstrates just how little Jess seemed to understand her own characters. And besides, the whole thing with Levin's mom was about how Levin is Irene's closest descendant, so why doesn't his design look at all like Irene? It just seems like a really weird choice to me. Levin should look like Aphmau. There's precident for it. And it would have been a way to interestingly foreshadow the fact that Aphmau was Irene.
But no, we need more pointless drama. Are we freakin' ignoring the fact that Garroth's own mother had an affair-baby, and it nearly cost her marriage, and possibly her life? Even aside from his moral compass and code of honour, Garroth would NOT. Unless we're saying she freakin assaulted him, then-
Oh god.
Oh no.
Oh no.
If she did, but Garroth never came foreward because he thought it was shameful-
Oh fuck.
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toadsartblog · 2 months
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messed around with color palettes...im really feeling the skin and hair in pallette b with the armor from pallete a🤔
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oopbackinmymcdphase · 11 months
K so I was rewatching some of season 1 and I just-
Garroth was shot and left in the woods
for a whole day
And I'm not being dramatic cuz when he gets shot it's night and by the time Vlad dumps his ass it's almost night again ( based on the sun) That's a solid like 15 hours AT LEAST how the HELL is he alive!???
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lucindasthighs · 1 year
I think about the divine warriors and their unexplained mysteries so often.
Irene established Scaleswind. Are the Von Ronsenbergs related to her? Is their connection to Irene why Okhasis chose Nicole for the arranged marriage?
What were the warriors like behind closed doors? How did they first meet Irene? How did they die for the final time? Did they all die?
How much of the love triangle was made up by historians misinterpreting a situation far beyond their comprehension? Why did Irene really lose her emotions? Why did she kill her daughter? How did the warriors feel when she locked herself away? Did they even know why?
The lack of info tortures me constantly.
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casanovaofmeteli · 2 years
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you wouldnt say no to a little catboy would you.....?
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somnas-writes · 1 year
The music student in my mind goes crazy when I think of what the themes for MCD characters could be
I always think about this and it’s been taking over my brain. So here themes I envision for the MCD characters
His theme would be a tragedy. Something that foreshadows and hints to the pain that awaits him. Theres a low hum of bass and horns, slowly growing until it overwhelms the accompaniment. Reflecting his suppressed shadow knight abilities, the instincts that wail louder each day.
There’s a recurring chord progression played on a piano, a soft hopeful sound. It shines through the menacing bass, his humanity prevailing against the odds.
Eventually though, The bass and horns win out. but that chord always sings quietly.
His theme is quieter than anyone else’s. He hides who he is, so his theme hides aswell.
Woodwinds carry the melody, a quiet and gentle song that speaks to who he is. Garroth puts other before himself, but he’s selfish in a twisted way. He protects his identity and heart by burying it deep.
The melody would fade when he looses himself. Brass takes over the melody, it’s pitch is lowered and blends into the accompanying instruments.
It prevails in the end, Strings and Woodwinds playing together in harmony as he finally accepts who he is.
Her and Irene have complimentary themes. Irene’s is haunted by an organ and twinkling music box. It’s hollow, she feels nothing so her sound lacks life.
Aphmaus is lively, The themes is played by a piano and violin, hopeful and strong. It ebbs and flows naturally, like the wind or ocean waves.
Her theme dims when she is losing her will. Her determination is the driving force behind everything she does, when she loses motivation the music becomes distorted.
The distortion mimics Irene’s theme. the hollow organ and haunting music box invading and playing alongside the Violin and Piano.
Eventually they blend together, Irene’s theme becomes complete and regains its energy. Because Aphmau and Irene are meant to meld together, two incomplete halves become whole.
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starry-bi-sky · 7 months
Zane, filling his quota of Being An Asshole: I’m not gonna do the ceremony unless your guard takes off his helmet :/
Garroth: doesn’t go to the wedding
Zane: oh well. At least I got my One Mean Act in for the day—
Garroth: shows up to the reception helmet-less
Zane, spitting his drink bc he only ordered it to be a Fucking Prick: wait a minute, hOLD ON—
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goat-guy-tm · 8 months
This is how I feel every time I think about sharing my wack ass theory that Modzilla is secretly Kul'Zak
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but....if anyone wants to...idk maybe hear about it I wouldn't be opposed to sharing
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aphverse-confessions · 7 months
When I was younger I’d daydream at night about my mcd predictions and I got a few right
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i-am-kat-hi · 3 months
Kawaii~Chan from Aphmau is the child of Nico and Whit from DRDT!!!
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KC has - Nico's love for cats - Nico's cat ears - Nico & Whit's naturally black hair - Whit's dyed pink hair - Whit's pink attire - Whit's hyper personality - Also his kind personality -She ships people a lot, like how Whit's literal talent is basically yassified shipping
Therefore I can say with confidence
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sammygems · 7 months
i can't believe i'm gonna post these on my tumblr, but you know what, i will, they're already online anyway.
hello Aphblr.
so uh, if over the years you've ever came across any of these 3 old ass artworks, i'm here to confess that these were done by me, uh.
so discovering that the Aphmau fandom is still very much active on tumblr, it's making me wanna redraw the Divine Warriors one, cause i know i can do them justice now
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it's funny looking back at the ships drawing, cause i made it at a time where i didn't really have many lgbt+ ships, but i also made it BEFORE Zane~Chan was really a thing in MyStreet.
and also, i don't like Aarmau anymore, over the years, even when i still actively watched Aphmau, i stopped liking Aarmau cause the ship was just, off.
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mangotelevision · 2 years
My favorite mcd theory that doesn't really make any sense but is fun to speculate about is the idea that all of the divine warriors had pocket dimensions.
So like the irene dimension was just Irene's little pocket dimension, the nether was shads, the demon warlock stole enkis dimension, that place apmau and garroth used to go to while he was in the irene dimension? That was esmunds old pocket palace. And someone else had the wyvern realm before the wyverns were banished, im thinking maybe menphia but idk- this is just my favorite little theory that doesn't make any sense story-wise but it's so much fun to play around with
I love the idea of the relic wielders being able to open their own little pocket dimensions too, and they can traverse through each other's if one allows it. Just ahhh the amount of shenanigans they'd all get up to is astounding
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rarereaderofships · 7 months
Aphmau/Jess verse theory
(Honestly, this is probably very wrong)
So for all of you who have watched Aphmau’s series on YouTube, it seems to me like it’s mostly one big timeline between Minecraft Diaries and Mystreet.
So here’s the thing: MCD is like medieval times, with lords, guards, and knights. Mystreet on the other hand, is a lot more like our modern times.
So with Irene and the Divine warriors. We all know how like Irene is super powerful and all, but what if after MCD season 3 and all that, so she could have performed a special spell to save Pheonix Drop village? What if… this is why so much of Mystreet is based on MCD and have most of the same characters? Now that’s what we’re going to explore.
MCD and Mystreet both have same characters and somethings that pop up in the show of Mystreet was in MCD.
Now here’s what I believe that makes these two shows so similar and why/how they are connected.
I believe that Irene the Matron put like a spell/shield on Pheonix Drop village. So with all the reoccurring characters and plot lines, she must’ve created a system to keep the people alive as long as she can, and when they pass away, they would be reborn. But to where you may ask? To the more modern times! To MYSTREET!
Now, let’s talk about our oldest and still one of the original favorites: Aphmau! See, in both shows, Aphmau seems to be connected to Irene in some way. I tend to think of the connection like this: Irene’s soul/ heart (Whatever you want to think it as) was split into three pieces. Irene is one part, MCD Aphmau is one part, and MS Aphmau is the other. I guess you could say that the uncanny similarities between the Irene and the Aphmau’s are based on the fact that when Irene died, she was reborn into MCD Aphmau.
Just like the similarities between Aaron and Shad. (No, I’m not based on Shad using Aaron’s body for season 3 of MCD.) I also believe that since Irene and Aph are connected in that way, Aph would be able to access Irene’s and maybe MCD Aph’s memories (as seen a bit in MCD). Okay, I’m sure you get my point now. I’m gonna stop rambling. Bye!
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