#this bts was therapeutic!
safyresky · 3 months
Frostmas Year 6: Behind the Scenes
Prologue | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12
[To Read Frostmas: From the TOP on ao3 | ff dot net]
Holy shit. Year SIX. This one was a DOOZY and NOT for the reasons you think. For those who don't know, the year it was published (2016) was deffs one of if not THE worst year I'd had. 2023 was brutal too but 2016 was fifty shades of FUCKED UP.
Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one with a whole ass diary entry before we even GET to the proper BTS notes!
I was having a bad go of it in general because:
I was forced, after a year out of my parent's house and half a summer away, to move back for the next summer and that was a terrible environment at the time
(it still is but I have had THERAPY and have COPING MECHANISMS and RESOURCES and I know HOW to take myself OUT of the pattern and that walking away ISN'T a bad thing)
(still have ways to go, espesh after last year, BUT WE WILL GET THERE)
My mom essentially strong armed me into working with her for the summer and I fucking HATED IT
I wanted to find a job here in KTown and stay away but she managed to set me up with a job and I couldn't take no for an answer because I had just gotten back from the UK and I had SO MUCH TRIP RELATED DEBT TO PAY OFF, AND NOBODY IN KTOWN HAD CALLED ME BACK!
Richard was away in Europe for half the summer and we had our first really big test of the relationship (AND WE DID IT WE MADE IT THRU)
I finally had had eNOUGH of cramps that were almost killing me dead and decided to go on the pill, but getting the right dosage/brand was a TIME and it seemed every one I tried made me want to straight up DIE
If ANYONE is ever like "oh, Birth Control Pills don't make you depressed" THEY ARE. LYING. Some do!
All of this was one thing, but the pièce de résistance was this: my laptop fucking DIED. It FELL off a KITCHEN PENINSULA, ONTO A STONE FLOOR HARD DRIVE SIDE DOWN.
It blue screened. Then black screened. And would not boot up. And my writing wasn't saved to the cloud bc the cloud kept draining my laptop battery (she was old), so I was saving locally.
I lost everything.
All of Crystal Springs, all of my notes, old WIPS, and all of the progress I had made on Frostmas Y6 at the time (and I had just cracked out like 3k the week before!) and the Winter's Birthday oneshots. Not to mention, my photos from the last 5 years up to that point! And while I did manage to recover Frostmas and make it BETTER than it was before, Winter's Birthday is still hanging by the wayside and this was almost a DECADE ago! There are STILL photos I lost that I will NEVER get back bc the hard drive itself is FUCKED!
So the wait between Y5 and Y6 was nearly 3 years. Almost as long as the wait for Y11 is shaping up to be, though that's for whole other reasons! My laptop did NOT fall and I save everything to the cloud now, I'VE LEARNED.
Anyway, I managed to recoup most of my loses but I did lose: a soulmate au wip, a baby Dite wip before she was developed more as a character and became Hedone, Winter's bday outline, a rewrite of an old fic I thought had potential (so I decided to rewrite it for my me to enjoy), old Jacqueline and CHARLIE shipping oneshots if you can BELIEVE it (one of which was HELLA ANGSTY and involved him DYING of old age and her trying to avoid him about it) and I think Into the Shadows? It was still up at the time tho so I was able to download it and my other stories from fanfiction dot net and I sorta. Started back up from where I left off.
And I HATE to say this bc it SUCKED so much (I was a mess, I couldn't even explain to my parents why I was so upset—I mean, how do you? How do you explain to your emotionally immature parents that you had built this entire little world that ended up being your way of healing your traumas, made so many amazing friends from it, and had just lost all of that because THEY were FIGHTING? How do you cope when your own Mother says "I can't deal with you when you're like this" as you are BAWLING your EYES OUT at this loss, and she straight up WALKS OUTSIDE TO SIT IN A LAWN CHAIR AND AVOID YOU INSTEAD OF COMFORT YOU AND TRY TO HELP YOU EXPLAIN THINGS? AND YOU'RE NOT QUITE 21 YET? AND YOU'RE ALREADY HAVING SUCH A SHIT TIME?), but it's true: after the laptop fell, my writing took an ASTOUNDING upswing! It improved SO MUCH! And Dite became Hedone and had a more developed back story that made SENSE and Frostmas Y6 turned out WAY BETTER THAN IT WAS and I managed to plot out the rest of the Years (I had not written down notes for what would happen until halfway through Y6! By June 2016, about 3 months post-harddrive gate, Y12 notes were DONE) and I only went UP FROM THERE
But it still SUCKED to deal with all of that.
I felt so bad that Y6 took so long to go up, and when I did post it and it was (checks notes) 14,206 words (we'll see if that changes as I read through it and prep it for cross posting next week) I decided to put the AN in my profile and wrote this at the very top of Year 6:
A/N-14,206 words sans these blurbs. Sorry for the length, and for the delay! I have the explanation on my profile page, under the PSA and Frostmas Year Six AN. Please enjoy this mess of a year! Here is a previously on Frostmas for your convenience: Previously: Jacqueline revealed her decision to freeze as a farce. She showed Bernard and they decided to test it on Jack, who seemingly accepted it. Jack made a deal with Jacqueline for bygones to be bygones, so she could stay at the Pole and help him instill some order. Instead she, aided by the Elves, sabotages the Pole, deciding to be Jack Frost in all ways—including the pain-in-Santa's-neck way. Jacqueline takes to exploring the Workshop when she's not following Santa around, and discovers an old area, stumbling upon Jack's secret rooms…and making a shocking discovery.
I EVEN INCLUDED A PREVIOUSLY! BC I THOUGHT IT HAD BEEN THAT LONG! I think a few reviewers mentioned having to go back to reread so I figured this'd be way more convenient for them! :) (And me too, tbh)
The A/N in the chapter was as follows:
A/N-You can see my full author's note on my profile, I think this chapter was long enough. Thank you for reading it! Please please PLEASE do review! I cannot begin to tell you how much going back to these reviews helped me keep writing Year Six and getting over the hump. I look very forward to your thoughts! And thank you all for your patience :D PS-The breathing trick is legit. Try it, it works wonders.
And the long one I put on my profile RIGHT AT THE TOP for people to see and read it (bc I really didn't wanna bog people down with what was going on in my life. FUNNY bc nowadays I get on hellsite dot faesite and I'm like BUCKLE UP COWPOLKS BECAUSE YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT BULLSHIT HAPPENED TO ME TODAY) was as follows:
Frostmas Year Six AN: My heart is racing, I finished year six like 10 minutes ago (1:48 AM December 16th, 2016) and it is 14188 words. I am honestly so sorry about the length and hope that if anything, it is at least a decent apology for the long break in updates. Year Six took me much longer than I should've to write, because I had to rewrite the bit of Year Six that I already had written prior to the death of my laptop. I started rewriting it when I got mad at myself for being so sad in August, but then ran out of steam and just couldn't do it because I kept comparing it to what I remembered having already written, and thought that it was not as good as it originally was and never would be. It wasn't until I got back to my home (i was staying at my parents house which is never a Fun Time), fixed my prescription and began taking the time I needed to help myself feel better (seriously my Summer was a train wreck) that I was able to slowly trudge through what I began to call the hump—everything I had already written and had to rewrite. After getting through the semester, in November I began planning the Years again. And I was determined to get through the hump. I had already written stuff for Year SEVEN and had Year Eight basically written in full in note form. I just had to get through the hump. And so by the first week of December, I did it! And then just had all the new content to write...which was a LOT especially because Jacqueline decided to break into Bernard's house! I promise, Year Seven won't be as delayed as Year Six. And I really hope you enjoyed all 14k of that Chapter! And most importantly thank you for sticking around this long, it really means a lot to me :D
And my heart WAS racing. I cannot begin to describe to you guys how it felt, after ALL OF THAT BULLSHIT IN THE SPRING/SUMMER, finally seeing Y6 go up after ALL the struggle. My god. I was flying high. I may have cried. I was so, so relieved and so, SO proud of it and let's get into this behind the scenes now to see if I still am proud of it—survey says yes, I think I will be!
And thank you for reading this lengthy prelude to the Y6 BTS. NOW, without FURTHER ado, THE BTS FOR THE INTRO AND ON!
Okay so the decision to have, not only Jack almost discover her, but her parents also discover her dumbass plan, was brilliant on my part
The DRAMA this 900 word intro has! AH!
It didn't even need much work—just a bit of sentence spacing and some awkward turns of phrase fixed and that's that on that!
I can definitely tell I was marathoning Doctor Who for the first time at this point, given Jacqueline's repetitive "I'm so, so sorry"'s as she is RUNNING AWAY from very confused Blinter
Who promptly give her space after THAT
I'm not sure how she managed to avoid them through to FEBRUARY tbh
ALSO it just occurred to me. Upon rereading. Jacqueline being like AM TRAPPED! Oh wait. I'm MAGICAL is a clever bit of foreshadowing on my end for the REST of Y6 lol
It's funny, reading this a wee bit older I'm like. WOW. I feel so bad for blinter—they're trying so, SO hard and poor Jacqueline! She knows she could go to them but she is so, so afraid
Anyway. Onto scene 1!
Scene 1: You won't be in trouble, I swear! Jack lied.
Because he totally did. He is a liar. (smacks head of Santa Jack) this baby can fit SO much malice in him
I wonder if he waited for Jacqueline to be around just to try and catch her up. I'm gonna say he deffs did. And that I totally planned that (I did not)
In terms of references, there isn't a lot! this whole scene is msotly me being a Bernard stan in the "I love the way he acts with the elves and how he cares about them all and how he is able to placate a huge crowd every god damned time", not the usual "I want this elf" kind of way
I do not want him. I want to see him grow strong and be safe and that's that on that
And I also want to see him bug Jacqueline. And be bothered back in return lol
BUT YEAH I really love Bernard as a character, espesh the leadership bits. the scene in tsc2 where he talks to the elves? the smooth, nervous cadence and silly "and do not use the word "plastic" bit? This blorbo has EVERYTHING—anxiety, sass, jokes, AND great public speaking/charisma skills!
So this whole like. Getting into gear bit? SUPER fun to do.
Especially with him consistently not letting Jacqueline say HEY MAN HE'S BRINGING BACK THE FUCKING THEME PARK IDEA! Writing her get consistently more and more irritaited and frustrated was delightful >:)
The BIG bit here is CURTIS!
So like. He gets all. Manager-y and very into his role when we see him at the Theme Park in the Frostmas bit in the movie, right? So the whole time I wrote this I was like, okay. How does Curtis get from wanting to help and be progressive to capitalist hellscape master? How?
And that's where this bit came in—along with the list reading bit back in Year 2? 3?
Which is why, when Jack is like "hmm I need to keep track of theme park related things without giving it away—ah yes! Curtis!" is what comes to mind
And why he's so ACTIVE in the Resort, you know? If that makes sense. Idk, I wrote this bit at 3am.
Scene 2: A cold front heart-to-heart
Jacqueline and privacy. Hehe. I loved carrying that bit over from CS.
She's awful, just. BARGING in places with little to no warning!
I'm sure she'll mellow out with age
Unless you are Jack
She'll probably bug him forever.
This scene DID need a little reworking! Jack read as slightly OOC and there was some weird repetitiveness. Which checks out—this scene was the scene I wrote days before the laptop ko'd
This scene also felt like what I imagine an elaborate game of chess feels like. Trying to think of what Jack does and doesn't know, and what Jacqueline does and doesn't know, and both their motives, ALL WHILE WRITING FROM JACQUELINE'S POV? My god. Brain exploded
But it reads much better now! Their motivations are way more clear!
Poor Mason. He's a good kid! Unfortunately for the plot to continue on I needed SOMEONE to come forward to get their ass FROZEN
It's funny bc like, reading it again (and I don't think I ever reread this chapter after posting it! I think this is my first time since it originally was written reading it again!) the ideas were THERE! Just…not fully formed. And given everything I was going through slash dealing with at the time, that checks out.
I briefly had this whole dilemma about if Jack freezing the elves was Too Much. Then I remembered a number of things: he canonically freezes two whole ass people. He tells Lucy he's had people beg him to freeze people for them. The whole POINT of putting him post-Frostmas and post-tsc3 in a redemption arc is to show CHANGE so YES, mans could, would, and has frozen people before and will do it again
or in this case, make Jacqueline do it
and of course she'd agree to it bc. y'know. she's trying to keep her cover going and what happens if she says no? and gets banished? then what? what will Jack do?!?!
she's caught in quite the conundrum, isn't she?
anyway I remember when I wrote this scene I wasn't expecting Judy to pop into the scene but she did and I kinda like that that's how it went
Jacqueline ending the section saying "B-Man location secured" I think is also me reminding myself what the purpose of this scene was, lol
Scene 4: Bernard's Office
not me doing the bts read-through and realizing that Jacqueline acts like she had 0 idea Mason was there, when Judy JUST TOLD HER he was heading that way. FIXED, LOL.
I am referring to the carnival in Quebec when Jacqueline says LIKE QUEBEC. I've been a handful of times and the ice/snow sculptures ALWAYS got me. They're gorgeous.
The breathing trick was the very first one I learnt that year (for obvious reasons lol) and it worked every time! I was excited to use it and share it as it'd been helping me quite a bit. Twas one of the ah, early tumblr mental health posts I had seen AGES ago!
“It’s too bad we can’t take Mason and push him somewhere else,” Curtis mused.
^This is a meme reference, yes indeed!
"I’m not great at clandestine operations," Jacqueline says, as I yell through the screen, "YOU AIN'T SLICK GIRLIE! YOU! AIN'T! SLICK!"
(she's really not)
"An airline? Like planes? Air planes? In the frostbitten sky? He bought an airline?!”
This is a NEWLY ADDED reference! From this post :)
Believe it or not, Bernard saying "wait and see" was NOT a reference to Mr. Gaiman's famous refrain regarding Good Omens spoilers—but I thought it was hella funny with that context rereading it in 2024 now lol. (It originally went up late 2016!)
The evidence bit is new too—makes much more sense now, why they lollygag enough for Jack to initiate Lockdown lol.
Hence the long gaps between years, too, it's a LOT of info to churn through and back referencing and such
but damn if it isn't a fun project >:)
Scene 5: Time Out/Lockdown
So this is where I picked up POST laptop falling. I could only recover Year 6 up to the office scene, I believe
What I lost? A whole scene after it where I had written nearly 1400 words about this whole subplot I had in mind involving how Jacqueline's frozen elves would look more sculpture like than Neil and Laura did when Jack frosted them up
There was this whole bit about her lamenting on how it looked different, more opaque, and Jack would be able to see right through it (pun intended on my part) because he'd KNOW it wasn't done properly, the way he did it? I think it involved a story about a frozen squirrel?
I had started writing it, went back and read it, went "huh this makes no sense"
Moved on the plotting out Winter's bday before bed
The next day I stationed myself in my parent's kitchen, and before I could even LOOK at the document and what I'd done before, my laptop crash landed on the stone floor
ANYWAY I obvi AXED that scene, it wasn't making sense then and when I finally got back into it, I didn't even BOTHER attempting to recreate it, just skipped it and went right into the freeze day
anyway, I'd like to take this moment to recognize Mason. He is taking this like a CHAMP!
I'd always pictured him as one of the elves in Porkchop's squad, lol
"Get my nose right" is a Tangled reference, lol. Fun fact! It's one of my top 3 disney princess movies (the other two are Moana and Princess and the Frog :)
I just strongly relate to Rapunzel (given the mom-nanigans I mentioned in the diary entry before this you can see why) and Eugene makes me laugh and the soundtrack SLAPS
okayokay. frostmas time
Perhaps one day I will write the little silly thing that explains why Jacqueline insists Jack taught her everything despite not being around for most of her formative years! Maybe one day :)
Lockdown is also NOT a reference to OS CORONAS. This predates that, too, lol. It was an idea I'd been sitting on for Into the Shadows (Dark Shadows at the time), and I was excited to use it (and have Jack abuse it) in Frostmas!
I had to keep Jacqueline from going to the Council, after all!
“Because it’s exactly what I would’ve done.” The full impact of what he said hit as he turned around, surveying me with an unreadable look. “And you did it.” I came to a grounding stop, my heart falling in my chest. Jack chuckled quietly to himself. “Exactly. Now, I’ve got tons to do! We will chit chat later, Jacqueline—I’ll make sure your rooms are done up for your stay. Ciao!” And, shooting me a smile and double finger guns he disappeared, leaving me alone in the corridor as the crushing weight of what I had just done—and what I had agreed to do—came falling down on me. I stood in the hallway, motionless. The sounds of the chaos of the Workshop dulled before disappearing completely, nothing but a white noise as the world faded out from me and I realized that yes, Jack would've done it. And I had done it. I was turning into Jack.
Writing this scene was so fun. Jack's little villain monologue after he figured he'd one? EXCELLENT. I'll take two, please.
Scene 6 (5.5 really): BREAKING INTO B-MAN'S HOUSE
I couldn't believe Jacqueline did this, lmao. But I absolutely LOVED it
What's breaking and entering to a sprite who does not give a shit about privacy on a good day? 🤭🤭🤭
This whole brandy bit is once again brought to you in part by how much I love love love Just An Elf, and am once again STRONGLY ENCOURAGING YOU GO AND READ IT. They're such good oneshots, my GOD! PRIME B-Man characterization and I will shout it to the moon and BACK
"Point being, you wouldn't have frozen them. See? That's the thing. You're not Jack. You're Jacqueline. You think and act differently from Jack, and that's what makes you you"
Bernard is out here spitting facts that take Jacqueline a whopping 12 plus years to learn 🫠🫠🫠
"It's what friends are for"
Oh my god I have some fun BTS for this. Okay, so, I NEVER planned for Jacqueline and BMan to be buds. In earliest drafts of CS (and I'm talking EARLY, the notes I made while posting MtF early) the MOMENT Bernard clocked Jacqueline he'd march her to Santa like LOOK WHAT THE POLAR BEAR DRAGGED IN
But THEN Jacqueline managed to invade shittyelfwriter's brain and made her way into Rules of Engagement (The Emissary Clause, at the time) and she and BMan like, vibed in that fic
So THEN I assumed they became pals after all THIS in Frostmass, right? And had this whole passage initially showing that yeah they had become friends because of this, and it came over into Crystal springs and that's why they were so buddy buddy
But man. The more I wrote them, the more I went "B-Man wouldn't look at Jacqueline and judge her because of Jack. He just WOULDN'T."
And then When Bernard Met Jacqueline happened (I really oughta post that to ao3!) and I realized okay, they've. They've been friends for a hot minute
SO upon crossposting to ao3, I have properly edited this WHOLE PART to just further underline how much of a TIME Jacqueline is having
Forgets she has a whole ass friend
Also has had a rough go of it with friends growing up, but that's neither here nor there right now lol. She explains it well enough in the next bit and of course, I myself had to tease her about the Dite thing :)
I am once again mentioning Elle and her status as ??? purposely to hurt shittyelfrwriter >:) it's okay tho it's a friendship stab, don't worry about it! :D
Sleepy Jacqueline just happened this edit. I don't know why, but I love it. It had me wheezing. "hot diggity dog" lmao
Newfies comment: fun Canada fact for you: most of the stereotypical accent, the HEAVY one, is because in Newfoundland and the Maritimes they sound like that, lol.
We sound sorta like that here too the farther away you get from Toronto! A lot of my friends in uni were from small Letterkenny towns so they have that Canadian lilt going on and now I find myself sounding more like that some days too 😅
Scene 6 (for real): Plan Time
"My hair a half frozen, half thawed mess": FUN FACT! This is the first in your face hint I've dropped at the freeze becoming real! Were she fully thawed, her hair would be the next day too...but it's not 👀👀👀
The TUNNELS! I've always thought they had tunnels under the Pole, and I've read a few fics where they do, and it's one of my favourite tropes in this fandom so I used it for Frostmas! :D
Also a gr8 excuse to drop CS lore re: Kringle Elves >:)
Scene 7: Dig a tunna, dig dig a tunna~
I started condensing things when I got to this point bc it was at the time approaching 15k and that was way too long by my books at the time
Now, post refinements for ao3/2024 glow up, it's a solid 21.6k words
I didn't even add anything crazy new! Just dialogue!
The mental image of Jacqueline, Bernard, Curtis, Quinitin, and Mason tossing pencils and shit into the ring and nothing happening is hilarious
The mental image of Jacqueline conjuring a little snowy guy, and gesturing to the elf ring, and it standing there like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ is somehow funnier (and new!). I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did :)
For all you non-metric system users: 5km is equal to about 3 miles, I believe.
Scene 8: in which Bernard comes up with a brilliant idea that Jacqueline simply cannot resist acting on >:)
On that note, I vaguely recall doing a HECK of a lot of research to see how feasible it was for 5 magibeans to be able to dig one kilometre with just shovels mostly
I don't remember my results at all. I remember chatting with my housemates and with the husbando about it and the conclusion I came to was "yeah. makes sense" or "SUSPEND YOUR DISBELIEF" if it was my friend near!
Which is a good lesson we should all keep in mind when reading fantasy/sci-fi and fiction and the like in general. Anyway
Jacqueline is losing her mind digging, I'm losing mine writing this whole thing, we are ONE
Scenes 9-whatever: In which Jacqueline does her own version of Super Giant's hit rogue like dungeon crawl Hades
Oh this was the BEST montage I ever got to write. EVER. I genuinely don't think I could top this!
I did tidy it up/refine it! I added more dialogue so Jack was in character and increased Jacqueline's annoying Jack stat tenfold! VERY fun to write!
Needed to do some slapstick bc it's fun to slapstick Jack
Jacqueline HAD to extract revenge bc her snow cloud ideas was GREAT (I concur)
This whole myriad of scenes had me thinking of what ways my siblings really annoyed me and turning the dial UP on them as I wrote Jacqueline's bits, lol.
YER A BLIZZARD, SANTA is an outdated reference to YER A LIZERD, HARRY. I really should like, axe it, but it makes me giggle. Anyway, jay kay arr sucks and Jacqueline Winter Frost HERSELF said TRANS RIGHTS, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
Candyland, I am proud of myself for THAT reference
Half of writing Frozen?Jacquie is me trying to think of the most JACK LIKE THING she could say, and then having her say it
Foolproof formula, 10/10 would recommend.
"The physical appearance of the please makes no difference, Jacqueline.”
Despicable Me reference, It's one of the husbando's fave movies and that is my fave line in it I think, and there are a lot of bangers tbh
Jacqueline would think stopping snow was an actual crime
Her least favourite movie is probably Frosty Returns bc of the asshole adults who make the snow-be-gone spray and try to murder frosty with it and also, all the lovely SNOW
also, did not mean to indirectly quote frozen in this last bit? But the "it's a green christmas everywhere. EVERYWHERE?!" bit is really giving "You kinda made it Winter everywhere. Everywhere?!?!"
Hallmarkian isn't a word but I will damn well MAKE IT a word
And finally! She escapes!
And I leave you with this fact: Jack only lets her go because in his heart of hearts he knows it's too late. She can come and go, but nobody else can—she can tell everyone what happened, what's going on, but only she can go in and out. So what can they do? Nothing, tbh
I explained this bit to the husbando and he was like >=O that SUCKS. That's SO frustrating
That's the point >:)
Oh how fast a glimmer of hope can be snuffed out.
ANYWAY! If you read all the way to the bottom, thank you! It means a lot. Enjoy the BTS, the Dani lore, and enjoy the freshly swept Frostmas! I'm gonna try to actually have Y7 up on the 13th of July, lol, but we'll see how that goes. Trying not to rush but I just. THE AESTHETIC, YOU KNOW? I MISS POSTING ON THE 13TH!
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taee · 9 months
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bisexualrapline · 1 year
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koobi cuties in run bts 70 + 128 for anon ♡
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Mans just trying to watch his lil kpop guys on Vlive but the wifis bad >:(
Quick lil drawing of MM donnie cause I love his character sm and have yet to draw him, criminal, ik
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macverse · 2 years
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so I think about this almost all the time @shipheart
I can't reply there cause macverse is my second blog.
when I finished writing, I wondered if Chris would try to win her back but since the inspiration is based on real-life feelings I don't want him to. that said, I also have no idea what she'd do cause clearly I'm still thinking about the real-life...[writes their name but decides better of it] let's go with person, person feels good...that inspired this story and I have no interest in [contains rage while thinking about possibly talking to them] reconnecting. but if she does anything like what I did, she'll get one conversation away from connecting with Chris Evans's PR team to then try to go out with him, be bummed out it won't happen, be really sad about the reasons (not for herself but for him) and then laugh her face off when she finds out he has a girlfriend about a month later.
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6okuto · 1 year
for me tear has gotta be my fave BUT HER. that album is like UGHHHHHHHH I LOVE JT. like i have the whole trilogy downloaded on spotify but HER IS JUST SOOOOOOO
i really love the songs and the billboard speech🥹 I TEAR UP IDC
i got into them during the wings era so that’s also like one of my fave albums. (i got into them bc of my cousin tho bc i copied every single thing she did.) I WILL AGREE THO LIKE THE ENGLISH SONGS??? i love them i think they’re catchy BUT?? people are standing after those?? AND i am insanely jealous at the people who started stabbing during those eras and have seen them live BEFORE me??????
i’m a hater to my core idk. i’m loving the members individual albums and singles rn tho😭🙏🏽 i need jungkook to hurry and drop SOMETHING.
THE BILLBOARD SPEECH. Ur perf. the wings era is Such a good time to have joined IT WENT SO HARD LIKE?@,? ugh. the thing abt bts is that they get more popular + beat more records no matter what song is released so their eng songs got all the awards/attention that their kor cb's deserved. sorry. no i'm not. speaking my truth. sorry
jungkook...if he doesn't drop an album i'm going to eat my arm. the hours i've spent w Jungkook's Covers Playlists. i need his voice back. i need to listen to nj's album.. closer + still life. yeah. dont even worry im also a hater we deserved to see bts before them i need everyone to move
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jeonscatalyst · 30 days
This! This right here sums up exactly how I feel about AYS episode 1 and 2. Something about watching them just do the normal everyday stuff just feels so peaceful and therapeutic. I don’t mind the games and all but I feel like i’ve watched alot of that in Run BTS so I crave more domestic and simple moments. Can’t wait for Jikook in Sapporo.
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keehomania · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ masterlist
bangtan sonyeondan (방탄소년단)
horror shorts (공포 단편) (16+)
╰┈➤ kim namjoon (김남준)
successors (후계자) (nsfw)
troublemaker (트러블) (nsfw)
under the moon (달 아래)
under the moon 2 (달 아래 2) (nsfw)
professor (교수님) (nsfw)
╰┈➤ kim seokjin (김석진)
business proposal (제안서) (nsfw)
spoiled (스포일드) (nsfw)
spoiled 2 (스포일드 2) (nsfw)
╰┈➤ min yoongi (민윤기)
frostbite (동상) (nsfw)
frostbite 2 (동상 2) (nsfw)
el dorado (엘도라도) (nsfw)
a little older (더 나이든) (nsfw)
BONES & ALL (본즈 앤 올) (DRABBLE) (16+)
╰┈➤ jung hoseok (정호석)
feel the rhythm (리듬 느껴) (nsfw)
heartbeat (심장박동) (nsfw)
l’espoir (희망) (nsfw)
╰┈➤ park jimin (박지민)
ghost of you (너의 유령) (nsfw)
tempted (유혹) (nsfw)
savior (구세주) (nsfw)
backrooms (백룸) (nsfw)
╰┈➤ kim taehyung (김태형)
accomplice (공범) (nsfw)
teach me (가르쳐줘) (nsfw)
hello, sidney (안녕, 시드니) (nsfw)
three words (세 마디) (nsfw)
REBUKE (책망) (DRABBLE) (nsfw)
╰┈➤ jeon jungkook (전정국)
underground (지하) (nsfw)
nevertheless (알고있지만) (nsfw)
cold case (미제 사건) (nsfw)
teotw (the end of the world) (세상의 끝) (nsfw)
roses (장미) (16+)
MORE MORE MORE (더 더 더) (DRABBLE) (16+)
neo culture technology (네오 컬처 테크놀로지)
╰┈➤ lee taeyong (이태용)
smile for me (웃어줘)
therapeutic (테라퓨틱) (nsfw)
bubu’s a sub lol (DRABBLE) (nsfw)
╰┈➤ jeong jaehyun (정재현)
faded (사라졌다) (nsfw)
twisted (DRABBLE) (REQ) (nsfw)
╰┈➤ mark lee (마크리)
BBF (DRABBLE) (nsfw)
reader w/ big tits (nsfw) (REQ)
this is not a love story (nsfw) (REQ)
do as i say (nsfw) (REQ) (DRABBLE)
sweetheart (nsfw) (REQ) (DRABBLE)
practice (nsfw) (REQ) (DRABBLE)
bad taste (nsfw) (REQ) (DRABBLE)
╰┈➤ johnny suh (서영호)
╰┈➤ wong kunhang (黄冠亨)
╰┈➤ xiào déjùn (肖德俊)
sweet home (nsfw) (REQ) (DRABBLE)
✧.* taking requests for boy groups i stan (bts, nct, p1harmony, stray kids, shinee, txt, seventeen, got7,) and for groups i'm fond of (zb1, ateez, enhypen, exo, bnd, the boyz)
✧.* taking requests for girl groups i stan (red velvet, kara, girls' generation, twice) and girl groups i'm fond of (blackpink, aespa, ive, new jeans)
✧.* taking requests for characters from kdramas and regular shows i enjoy (the heirs, wwwsk, love next door, penthouse, the glory, scarlet heart, lovely runner, doctor slump, outer banks, shameless)
✧.* taking requests for any and all genders, races, ethnicities, etc. please be mindful of what themes and plots you incorporate! i'll gladly include nsfw themes, as long as the person requesting is 18 and over. with that being said, don't request some freak shit ik damn well i'm not gonna write abt keeho pissing in ur ass!!
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bangfantanfic · 11 months
Bring The Fire: 7
Warnings: May contain mentions of murder, rape, animal abuse/deaths, yandere behavior and sexual scenes.
NOTICE: as this story progresses, I do intend for it to be rather dark. Future themes of this story may become triggering. I do not believe any of BTS would truly behave this way, it is purely imaginative. Please do not repost this anywhere. 
Genres: Yandere, romance, Royal!AU, Isekai.
Tags; @ratherbefangirling @teugiie @trtlthts @p-i-e-d-p-i-p-e-r @xyahrinx @outsidersbinoculars @deluluisme @jewishmommy @devils-blackrose @ezzy-witch @ctrllamb @potterbrooke @mageprincess7 @imagine-forlife @blaaiissee @millenniumspec @inlovewithallmusic @toughbook @ungodlyjoon @everrrlasting @kooookie @anachikartadze @walkxthexmoon @sukunabitch @lachimolala22019 @darkuni63 @demarie04
-Please let me know if you would like to be removed or added to the taglist!
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Spring had settled, the snow all but an unpleasant memory. The chill to the air still hung heavy in the early hours of the morning, but by early afternoon the sun had warmed the air. You would be a liar if you said you weren’t curious how Spring looked in the Empire, just how different did it feel compared to your timeline? Everything felt different compared to where you were supposed to be. But maybe that’s nothing unusual. You weren’t even sure if this was a different timeline. What if it was a whole different universe? Or, the easiest theory to stomach, a coma dream. Maybe none of this was real and you were in a hospital bed, drugged out of your mind, and having crazy dreams. 
The last option seemed the most likely, and the most comforting. 
Still, you were desperate to find out what exactly was going on. You needed answers and a way home. Returning back home (if it was even possible) was your number one priority. Whatever you returned to didn’t matter, anything would be better than whatever the fuck was going on here. Asking Deoksun for help had been awkward. You couldn’t tell her exactly what was going on, as much as you love the girl, you couldn't risk her running back to Namjoon and confirming his suspicions that you were in fact a witch. Who would believe you? How could you explain that an attempted suicide had landed you here? Wherever you are. You know damn well you wouldn’t believe it. 
You had asked Deoksun if she knew of anyone who was able to read futures, read palms– anything of the sort. She had eyed you with as much suspicion as you had assumed she would. She had a few questions, all of which you were eager to answer, telling as much truth as you could without letting her know too much. You had explained you wanted to know your future, was marrying Prince Seokjin a good choice? What was life going to look like if you agreed? The maid had eyed you up and down, her nose scrunched up before she had shaken her head and told you she didn’t know anyone who was able to do such things, but she would look into it. That had been some weeks ago, and you hadn’t heard any news on the subject since. You didn’t want to push her, but what if she had forgotten? 
You had officially been here for just over two months. Namjoon had kept you isolated from himself, and his brothers. You were still stuck with the company of the old toad, your teacher, and sweet Deoksun. You loved the maid, but she was still just a child. She wasn’t a person you could confide in. So you have taken up journaling. It has been therapeutic, helping you get all your lingering thoughts out of your mind. Of course, you had been careful with what you had written, just to be safe. You couldn’t risk someone reading anything. 
The last two months had been incredibly lonely. Usually, you didn’t mind your own company, back home you had even relished in it. Now you realize, that without modern-day technology, you were most definitely not built to be alone. But, you were certain this was Namjoon’s plan. You wanted you alone, isolated. If he could get you desperate enough for human contact, maybe you would give him whatever information he was so desperate for. But what could you even say? You had told him the truth, and lying wasn’t an option. Agreeing to his suspicions was out of the question. A shiver ran up your spine at the thought of admitting to witchcraft, even if it was a lie. What would he do? 
The princes still sent small notes to your room, some nights you heard them by your door, pacing before slipping envelopes under the door. At first, you had ignored the letters, throwing them into the fireplace unopened. You would watch the fire eat away their words, a sense of satisfaction in your chest. But as weeks went by and loneliness began to eat away at you, burning their letters no longer gave you any satisfaction. You had begun to read their notes and letters, but you never responded. A small pathetic part of you was relieved they hadn’t forgotten you yet, that they still thought of you. It made you feel a little less lonely. 
How pathetic.
Namjoon still allowed you to go outside twice a week, always accompanied. You had been assigned a regular guard, a man roughly your age, named Wonwoo. He was tall, quiet, and handsome. Wonwoo took his job seriously, never letting you stray too far. He kept you at arm's length at all times. You assumed Namjoon gave him details on what everyone's schedules were, seeing as most days he avoided going to certain areas of the palace. You had yet to run into the princes yet. You couldn’t help but feel a teeny tiny bit thankful toward Namjoon for the effort, he may think it was a punishment but in all honesty, you didn’t want to see them as much as Namjoon didn’t want to see you. It worked in your favor. 
Deoksun hadn’t accompanied you on your morning walk, which was a first. When Wonwoo arrived at your door, the young girl missing from his side, it almost had you declining your only form of ‘freedom’. The guard had given you a deadpan look, arms crossed over his wide chest as he looked down on you. 
“I’m a busy man, Lady Kim. I have far better things to do with my time, so please, make a decision.” 
The bitter bite to his words had your pettiness bubble over. You may not want to go, but you’ll put on your big girl pants and be off. If it would piss off the man, you would be damned if you declined. 
Huffing, hiking your poofy hanbok into your hands you shoved passed the man, marching down the hall. The Palace which had once felt like an unfamiliar maze was slowly becoming familiar. Maybe not the entire building, but the halls that you needed to know were engraved into your brain at this point. Every outing started on the same route, with a few changes depending on the Prince's schedule.
Your door slammed shut, heavy footsteps thundering behind you until your guard was at the same pace he always was. In the beginning, you had hoped to form a friendship with the man, desperation clinging to you heavily. You had tried everything you could to get the man to conversate with you, and every time he brushed you off. You were nothing more than a nuisance to the man. You had learned that quickly. You had also quickly learned he was easily irritated, often biting his tongue to hold back scolding you for running off or being too loud. So on the days he seemed particularly pissed off with your existence, you made sure to do everything you could to worsen his mood. You had very few joys in this life, you’d be damned if you didn’t take advantage of annoying an unnecessarily attractive, moody guard. 
“Lady Kim, please stay close.” Wonwoo groaned, his pace picking up. 
You ignored the man's begging, your steps picking up speed. The sun was out surprisingly early, reflecting off the dewy grass. It had rained heavily the night before, leaving the grass soaked through., and the earth mushy. You missed your boots. The hem of your dress was caked with mud, and for a moment you felt guilty. It was such a pretty outfit, and you had ruined it within only two hours of putting it on. Deoksun was going to be so upset with you. 
The stables come into view, and your excitement picks up. Deoksun and Wonwoo had shown you the horse stables two weeks before, introducing you to the giant horses bred for battle. You had never seen horses so large before. Deoksun had been so excited to show you the beasts, that even Wonwoo had a little pep in his step. But your attention had been ripped away when your eyes landed on the fattest cat you had ever seen! The tabby was waddling toward the stables, its stomach bulging at the sides. You could have cried in delight. Deoksun had quickly explained the tabby was the pest control for the stables, her name was ‘Cat’, so very creative. She also happened to be heavily pregnant, hence the roundness. You had quickly befriended the cat, surprised with how friendly she was. You had honestly expected her to be feral.
Since then, you had begged to visit the stables in the hope of kittens. You had even snuck some chicken and other meats into your sleeves to bring along to bribe the cat to be your friend, and it had been working. Unfortunately, you didn’t have any leftovers for your new friend. You were a little worried she wouldn’t like you as much without the treats. 
As you reached the back entrance of the stables, you made a beeline for where Cat had been setting up her nesting spot. She had been a little thief, stealing cloths and other soft things from the palace to make her birthing place as comfortable as possible. You had even brought along a blanket from your room to give to the sweet girl. 
As you reached the back entrance of the stables, you made a beeline for where Cat had been setting up her nesting spot. She had been a little thief, stealing cloths and other soft things from the palace to make her birthing place as comfortable as possible. You had even brought along a blanket from your room to give to the sweet girl. Your excitement quickly disappeared at the sight of a trail of blood leading to where Cat was nesting. Your stomach tightened, that was too much blood to be from birthing. You turned on your heel, bumping into Wonwoo’s chest. The man grunted, his back going rigid. 
He stepped around you, following the trail stopping at the pile of loose straw and bedding that you had helped the animal build up over the last few visits. The poor cat had been torn to shreds, by what he could only assume was a dog. It looked like the babies had been eaten, considering there weren't any of their bodies around. He knew the cat had given birth a few days after the Lady’s last visit, but she wasn’t aware. Deoksun had wanted to surprise her. 
Wonwoo signed, rubbing his hand over his face. The poor girl was going to be devastated, he couldn’t let her see the gory scene. Making his way back to where he had left the Lady, he frowned, finding the space now empty. Wonwoo felt his heart rate accelerate. If he lost the damned woman, he would lose his head– and he was quite happy with his head where it was! 
“Put it down.” You shrieked. 
Wonwoo felt his bones nearly melt in relief at the sound of his Lady’s voice. Quickly, the guard took off toward the direction her voice had sounded from. He found the woman at the front entry of the stable, one hand on her hip while the other pointed toward a man's back. 
“I said, put it down!” She hissed, crouching down to pick up a small stone. 
Wonwoo eyed the man’s back, his brain working overtime trying to figure out how–why– a man's back was so familiar to him. His eyes widened, scrambling to grab your arm as you pulled back, but he was too slow. The stone had left your palm, soaring a short distance before hitting the man in the back of the head. 
The man spun on his heel, eyes narrowed with unfiltered rage. 
Prince Min Yoongi, future Emperor. 
Yoongi had skipped his morning engagements. Meeting women of noble clans wasn’t exactly the way Yoongi had wanted to spend his morning. Families he couldn’t remember tripping over themselves to catch his attention, begging for their daughter to be the next Empress. It was embarrassing, honestly. Instead, he decided to take Taehyung and Jeongguk's dogs out with him. By order of the Emperor, Yoongi wasn’t supposed to go anywhere alone. Guards were always supposed to be flanking him. But sometimes, a man just needed his own space. The dogs were trained just as well as any royal guard– they were also excellent hunters. Unfortunately, they weren’t always the best listeners. His brothers were far too lenient on the mutts. 
He had honestly tried to rein them in when they had spotted the tabby cat trying to sneak its way back into the stables. But they were Poongsan’s, famous Korean hunting dogs. What was he supposed to do? Stop their instincts? If he could act on his own, so could the dogs. Yoongi had hung back, listening to the dog's joyful barking and the cat's pained screeching. It was over quickly, for him at least. But to his surprise, one of the dogs returned with a tiny tiny kitten hanging from its mouth, unscathed. He plucked the tiny thing from the dog's mouth, holding it up to inspect it. It was tiny. Yoongi wasn’t sure if he had ever seen a living thing quite this small. 
It was all black except for a tiny white spot between its nose and mouth. The closer he inspected it, he realized it was wounded. A small amount of its ear had been ripped off. Not enough to kill the thing, but what chances does it have without a mother? 
Sighing, the prince held the tiny creature out toward the dogs, taunting them. The tiny kitten whined in his grip as he swayed it around, the dog's tails wagging as they watched eagerly. They wanted it, and he would gladly let them fight for it. As he pulled his arm back to throw the creature to the dogs a loud voice caught him off guard. 
He turned, raising a scarred brow to the woman. He hadn’t seen her before, but judging from her attire, she was well off. His best guess was she was here to be introduced to him, a prospective bride. She was certainly pretty, but what drew him in was the rage in her eyes. The woman looked positively murderous. Her chest heaved in anger, her hand shaking as she pointed to the rat-like creature in his hand. 
“What, this thing?” He questioned innocently, looking down at the newly lowered kitten. He pursed his lips. “No, I don’t think I will.” He grinned, turning back to the dogs that had begun to whine. 
The woman let out a sound of anger. Yoongi could practically feel the heat radiating from her body from the few feet away she stood. He could hear her shifting behind him, getting slightly closer, only to freeze when the dogs growled at her. 
“My dogs are hungry.” He shrugged, glancing over his shoulder and giving her a lazy smile. Turning back to the dogs he waved the cat around again, reigniting the dog's excitement 
“I said, put it down!” She hissed.
A new set of footsteps had caught Yoongi’s attention, but he didn’t bother to look toward it. His heart was beating erratically, a new emotion he wasn’t familiar with pulsing through his veins. It felt similar to excitement, but the word didn’t sit quite right. This wasn’t excitement, thrilling absolutely, but that wasn’t right either. He wasn’t sure there was a word to describe whatever it was that he was feeling. Whatever it is, he wasn’t sure he liked it, but fuck was he already addicted to the feeling. 
Yoongi made a move to toss the animal to the dogs, but the moment his shoulders had flexed, the woman seemed to have noticed. Something hard hit the back of his head, a soft thud. It didn’t hurt, but anger filled his veins. In all his years, not a single person (besides maybe his brothers or father) had ever disrespected him in such a way. Who in their right mind throws something at a prince? Let alone their future Emperor. 
Yoongi felt possessed, his body moving on his own accord. Soon he stood only inches away from the woman, who only stared back with a hard glare. He could see the way her body trembled, she was scared despite the expression she bore. 
“Do you know who I am?” He asked softly, his eyes burning into hers. 
The woman's shoulders raised, before dropping back into place. “An ass-” 
“Forgive her, your Highness! She is new to the Empire, she is still learning.” Her guard cut in, stepping in front of her, bowing deeply. He kept his gaze to the muddy grounds. 
“Then allow me to educate you.” Yoongi gritted out, straightening himself up. “I am the Prince of this empire, the future Emperor, Min Yoongi.”
The woman scoffed, arms crossing over her chest. Her eyes flickers towards the kitten in his hands for a split second, relief seeming to flicker across her features before hardening once again.
“I’ve already met the Princes.” She scoffed, waving a hand around him. “You aren’t one of them.” 
The guard groaned, his face paling as he straightened himself up, leaning over to the woman's ear, whispering. Yoongi strained himself trying to hear what he said, but failed. Whatever it was, the woman's face scrunched up for a moment before she turned to face the guard in disbelief. 
“You mean to tell me there’s seven of them!” 
You felt sick. 
You had been horrified at the thought of four princes. That seemed too many, but seven? Somebody needed to castrate the Emperor right this instant. 
Your body seemed to act on its own, your back bending, nearly sending you face first into the mud. You may not have had many people to be bowing to over these last few weeks, but your teacher had basically beaten it into you. Bow, bow, bow. 
“My apologies, Your Highness.” You gritted out, arms crossed over your stomach. 
The man snorted, his empty hand wrapping around the neat bun on top of your head. He pulled your head up into an awkward angle, forcing you to cock your neck in an awkward angle to look up at him. The man grinned, the whites of his teeth and pink of his gums on display. He looked cute, almost childish, and you hated yourself for thinking that. But even you could admit that he was a soft looking man, even with the harsh scar over his brow and eye. It was the dark look swirling in his eyes that alerted you to the fact that this man’s looks were only there for a false sense of security.
“You don’t sound sincere at all.” He frowned, his grip tightening on the tiny kitten in his other hand. 
The tiny cry of the kitten had your heart aching. It was true, you weren't apologetic at all. Not even a little bit. This lunatic was about to feed one of Cat’s babies to his dogs! How on earth were you the one having to apologize for his terrible actions? 
“Please, accept my sincerest apologies, Prince Yoongi. My behavior was uncalled for, I promise you it will never happen again.” The words tasted bitter on your tongue as you forced the most sincerity into your words as you could. 
Your words seemed to have worked, a new look ignited in the prince's eyes as he looked over your face. 
“You promise?” 
Your stomach churned at the look that flashed across the mans eyes. You weren't entirely sure what it meant, but you were smart enough to know it wasn't good. Min Yoongi set a chill in your blood, he made every cell in your body scream. You had though Prince Namjoon was a man of power, a man of danger. You didn't believe you could fear anymore more than you had feared Namjoon.
Yoongi had proved you wrong.
All you could do was stiffly nod your head, your body physically going against the action.
A grin spread across the mans pink lips, a look of pride in his eyes.
"Good girl."
A/N: Hey all! Welcome back! I’m so sorry for how long this took, life has been less than pleasant! Hopefully my next update will be more interesting, and much sooner. As always, feedback is welcome and very wanted! It’s very helpful in kicking my ass into gear! I thrive off of encouragement lmao.
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vvh0adie · 1 year
watching my friends leave tumblr is really sad
you literally can't win
at this point the writer's strike should just be a cultural movement
like ppl are writing for FREE and you're complaining about turn out rate and shit
we have lives and some of us (HELL ALL OF US) have some form of mental illness, so we can't be fucking cogs all day and churn out fics.
writing is suppose to be therapeutic and writers want to share that with you to ease the tension of this hellscape we live in
but some of these readers and even fellow writers are taking it too far with the bullying
like its mean and nasty. you don't know what someone is going thru.
instead of asking for updates how about check and see if your writer is mentally stable to do so. that right there is a booster, to have someone say "are you okay?"
and then the whole accusations of favoring a certain member/character. if that person is my muse or safe space then of course imma write for them. most solo writers i see don't even talk bad about other people. its a SOLO account. think of it as a shrine blog of writing if that helps. they're not there to trash, just share their writing for other's who might also share the same muse.
then you have readers who can't separate fiction from reality. just because someone writes a character with irl people faceclaimed onto them doesnt mean they actually think that person would be or do those things irl. i'll be the first to say that i only gave my characters bts faces cuz thats who im attracted to and they're who i imagine would be casted to play my characters.
then IN THE YEAR OF 2023 we still have ppl making fun of their peers writing and also THE FACT THAT ENGLISH MIGHT NOT BE THEIR FIRST LANGUAGE? that's nasty asf. majority of us dont even speak 'proper' english as our first language no way. you only shooting yourself in the foot. don't act like you dont have beta readers... like what are yall on?
and anybody who gets on THAT BLOG behind anon is an opp. not just to the writing community but in how you interact with the world all together. yall don't know how to talk to people anymore? it may have started as a place for critique and accountability but no one is bringing receipts or critical thinking anymore. its mainly for drama and not rehabilitation. yall serious scare me in how we'd see the reality of social change applied to the real world. like i'd be more scared to let yall around the prisoners with minor offenses cuz yall act like its the end of the world and that change cant happen. yall give nobody room to change ignorant stances but ignore the real egregious shit because you honestly dont have the bandwidth to take on actual fascist views.
also the plagiarism has got to stop too. if you need writing resources just ask. but practice makes perfect. so you're gonna have to write yourself. you may not like your writers voice but you will feel shitty in the long run when you don't feel like its you putting those words on the paper. it literally just prolongs your inferiority. make something you're proud of and don't hurt your fellow writers. we went thru the process just like you. we earned it. and most of us aren't gatekeepers, we will help you.
like its really tuff being on here sometimes. cuz if you not being hounded by readers its your own community praying on your down fall.
we have to do better.
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m-jelly · 9 months
I love your writings so much!😊 I hope your having a good day and doing good. ❤ You do not have to do this but I would appreciate it 🙏
Can I request a Levi x reader where she burns out emotionally easily and no body really knows cause she is really good at leaving before it happens. But when her and Levi start dating he still doesn't know and then one day they are in his office doing paperwork and drinking tea, while she talking about her day and then all of a sudden her smile falls, her body slumps, her eyes look dull/numb, and she stops talking. How would he react? Would he notice when she is almost out of energy in public? Like how would he handle it?
Happy to do this because I have been like this a lot recently, very drained so this was really therapeutic to make.
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@ladycheesington <3
Painful burnout
Levi x fem!reader
Canon world, fluff, romance, being a couple, emotional reader, emotional support, supportive Levi, mental health talk.
While assisting your boyfriend on his paperwork and enjoying tea, you suddenly burnout emotionally. Levi notices, you talk and he supports you.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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A delicious scent of tea and a soft scribbling of paper against pen filled Levi's office. Now and then one pen would stop moving so the owner of it could gaze at the person they loved so deeply. No matter how much he gazed at you, Levi could never get over how you were his.
To Levi, you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Every little feature and expression made his heart sing with joy. He wanted to learn everything he could about you. It was so exciting to learn new things about you, but sometimes it worried him.
As he watched you the lovely bright sparkle in your eyes started to dull. The gentle smile you had dropped instantly and your skin went a bit pale. Something wasn't right. The closer he looked the more it clicked in his head what was wrong, you were done emotionally. Levi had felt exactly how you looked before.
Levi reached over and took your hand in his. As softly as possible he said your name, but you didn't respond. He leaned a little to see tears filling your eyes. He lifted your hand to his lips and gently kissed. The shaking started next and then you dropped your head. Levi kissed your hand again.
He shifted closer to you. "It's okay. You're okay. You're safe."
With your free hand, you covered your mouth with your hand and sobbed a bit. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay. It really is."
You looked up at Levi to see a gentle and loving look in his eyes. "I just...I'm so drained. I don't want you to think it's you. I adore you, Levi. It's just all this work and the expectations. I'm drained."
He reached over and wiped your tears away. "I understand what you mean and know that it's okay. You know, I'm honoured brat that you felt like you could be this way with me."
You leaned your cheek against his hand and smiled a little. "You make me feel safe." You closed your eyes for a moment before looking at Levi. "Do you feel this way sometimes?"
He nodded. "People drain me. I like my own company or yours. I have cried myself to sleep at night. I have sat for ages in showers because I can't bring myself to move. Life hurts, but there are joys." He blushed hard. "You're my joy."
You giggled a bit as the light returned to your eyes. "You're mine too."
"I'm not the best with words, so I can offer hugs."
You dove into Levi's arms and whined. "You're wonderful."
He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you. "You're the wonderful one. You can talk to me whenever you want, okay? I'm here for you and if you just want to sit, cuddle or work in silence to recharge then I'm happy to do that."
You closed your eyes as you listened to his beating heart. "Mm, thank you. Same to you."
"I will hold you to that." He hummed a laugh. "Want to cuddle in bed with me for a bit? No talking, just cuddles?"
He picked you up and carried you to his room. "All right, let's give you all the cuddles."
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atinystraynstay · 8 months
Hi! My name is EG (she/her) - welcome to my corner of the internet 🩷
I found my way back to writing fanfic after a long hiatus. Writing has always been therapeutic for me, so I hope my works bring you some level of joy!
I mainly write for Seventeen, Stray Kids, Ateez, BTS, and TXT
Requests not open but stay tuned! I do always welcome questions, comments, and kindness in my DM box though!
Hope you stick around so we can all be delulu together
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bestaez · 2 years
Strangers (Chapter Seven)
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Strangers from Hell AU
Series Masterlist
pairing: ot7 x reader
genre: yandere, horror/thriller
NEW!! warnings (will update as needed): murder, mature themes, obsessive/possessive behavior, emotional manipulation, stalking, bullying, violence, blood and injuries, non-consensual touching, attempted sexual assault (not by BTS), mc has some self-deprecating thoughts, mc is lowkey in denial. pls heed the warnings, this chapter gets a little intense!!
word count: 4.6k words
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As weeks go by, you find yourself getting more and more accustomed to this new life. Each day at work you spend your time getting more invested in your role, trying your best to make it seem like you’re actually supposed to be there and not just a nepotism case. You don’t know if you’re being paranoid or if your co-workers really are talking about you behind your back, what with the way Jiwan is always snickering and whispering somewhere in your peripheral vision.
But none of that matters, you try to remind yourself. Not when you know you’re supposed to be there, or at least that’s what you tell yourself. And looking at the small photo frame of your family that you keep at your desk and focusing on your mother’s smiling face, you know you have to do your absolute best to not let her down.
Besides, you have the best supporters waiting for you at home. Those seven men are always there to cheer you up when you have a hard day, somehow reading your mood without you even needing to say anything. They all have their own love language, whether it be cooking you meals or offering to give you a foot massage when you can barely stand on your feet. Even the quieter or stranger ones of the bunch are actually quite sweet deep down, you have found. In a way, you feel like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Each one has their own quirk but you find them all endearing.
You would almost feel bad getting so close to these men when you have a boyfriend but it’s not like he seems concerned these days. After that weekend where he blew you off for work, you decided not to chase him and just wait for him to reach out again - which, probably sounds like you’re giving up on the relationship but you just found the whole ordeal to be too stressful to worry about. Deep down, you knew Jihoon was just a workaholic and that it was okay to not hear from him sometimes.
He had texted you a few times throughout the week, checking in with you and updating you on how his work projects were going. You had spoken a few times over the phone, but he often claimed he was too tired and asked for a raincheck. You would be lying if you said it didn’t sting a little but you didn’t want to seem like a clingy girlfriend so you let it be. That dream you had where you both were excelling in your careers and moving in together somehow seemed much farther away now than it did before.
But, all in all, things were fine. That’s all you could really say about it, nothing had improved but nothing had worsened, either. Overall, you felt pretty neutral about everything. The journaling had been helping, you thought. Every night you dedicated some time to writing - whether it was about your day or just a short story you had thought of. You’re not sure if it was doing anything to help the stress, but it definitely felt therapeutic.
Sitting at your desk at work, you were mindlessly checking emails as there was nothing currently in your queue to work on. The work day was close to being over but it was still probably too early for you to clock out so the best thing to do was make it at least look like you were busy. You glance at your phone, fighting off the urge to text Nayeon out of boredom. She had been in work meetings all week, mostly out of office, and you missed seeing her around. 
A random thought popped in your head that it would be nice to cook some dinner for your roommates, after they had been taking care of you these past few weeks. Without thinking, you decided to browse on your computer for a good recipe. You had become so absorbed in your task that you failed to notice the presence over your shoulder. 
“Oh, that one looks good.” Barely concealing your gasp, you jumped back to see Jiwan standing there with raised eyebrows. You opened your mouth in shock, but nothing came out.
She smirked condescendingly, “Is that the best way to spend company time and resources?”
You couldn’t bear to look away from her, not wanting to see the stares from other co-workers that you could already feel burning into your skin. But you also didn’t know how to diffuse the situation and it seemed like Jiwan knew it.
“My queue was empty so I was just checking something really quick.” The words felt heavy leaving your mouth, causing you to nervously gulp.
“Oh? Then, why didn’t you come ask one of us if we needed help with anything?” At your silence, she continued. “I mean, that is why you’re here, right? You’re supposed to pick up the tasks we can’t finish.”
“Jiwan,” You hear someone’s voice say quietly behind you, but you don’t dare to look. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you just felt so small.
“No, she needs to hear this. I’m tired of her getting away with being incompetent.” Her venomous tone causes something in you to snap as you step out of your chair, finally meeting her eye to eye.
All of the sudden, you were in the cafeteria from your memories again. Everyone was staring at you, waiting for you to make your next move. That voice in your head was whispering for you to go in for the kill, but you shook it away. You couldn’t let that side win again.
Clearing your throat, you try to steady your voice, “Jiwan, I had no idea you felt that way. If you thought that my work was lacking, you could have just come to me one-on-one. You didn’t have to make a scene.”
She seems taken aback by your sudden strong front, not exactly sure how to respond so you beat her to the punch.
“Is there anything I can help you with right now?” Raising your eyebrows questioningly at her, she can only gawk at your quick change in attitude.
“In that case, I’ll head out now. Seeing as there’s nothing here for me to do,” She remains silent as you begin to gather up your things. No one says anything as they all watch it unfold, apparently shocked to see someone handle Jiwan in such a professional way. They probably weren’t expecting to see the newbie have a backbone. They clearly didn’t know you.
You can feel everyone’s gaze on your back as you walk to the elevator, heart racing as you get inside and press the lobby button. When the doors finally close, your cool façade breaks and you lean against the metal wall with a small gasp. You can’t believe you just did that to your superior, in front of all those people. Panic starts to settle in by the time the elevator doors open as you wonder if you just lost your job. It seems you never truly learned to get your emotions in check.
The walk to your bus stop is a blur, your eyes staring unseeingly before you as you wring your hands nervously. Surely, that conversation alone wouldn’t get you fired, would it? You were respectful but firm. In fact, maybe it would impress some of the right people. But, what if Jiwan just used it as evidence that you were insubordinate? That sounds like something she would do.
You wondered what Nayeon would have done if she saw you. Would she be proud of you for finally standing your ground? Hopefully this didn’t embarrass her, not wanting to get her in trouble. If only she had been there, maybe then Jiwan wouldn’t have said anything.
A sudden buzzing feeling in your pocket interrupts your thoughts, slipping your phone out to see an incoming call from your mom. 
“YN? You there?” The sound of your mother’s slightly raised voice caused your heart to speed up anxiously.
“Yes, can you hear me?”
“Sorry, honey. It’s so loud here, hold on-” The loud background noise lessened after a few moments, a deep sigh coming over the line as it seemed your mother had found a quieter space to talk in. “That’s better.”
“Where are you?” You ask impatiently, anxiety creeping and settling into your bones.
“The hospital.” Your heart stops and before you can respond, she continues. “It’s Minjun. He had an episode.”
“What kind of episode?”
“He had a seizure in school, just out of nowhere. The doctors aren’t sure what caused it but they’re keeping him here for a couple days.”
“I’ll get a bus back as soon as possible,” Before you can even really think about it, your mind is already made up. There’s no way you can sit here idly while your baby brother is stuck in a hospital room probably scared and confused.
“No, no. I don’t want you to miss work. We’ll be okay, I’m here with him.”
“How is he doing? Is he okay?”
“He’s fine, he’s-” She stops herself short, and each passing second of silence feels even more threatening. “Actually, there’s something I wanted to ask you.”
“What is it?”
“They are recommending a certain treatment and it’s, well, it’s more expensive than I had imagined. I hate to do this to you but the restaurant is not getting enough business as it is and now I’m gonna have to take off work-”
“Oh- of course,” You stammer, wincing guiltily at the slight reluctance you feel about forking over the little cash you already have. You would do anything for your family, but your internship salary is pretty small and you’re not sure how much more beneficial you could be in this situation. “How much?”
The number your mom gives has you frozen in shock, forcing yourself to blink after a moment passes. You don’t know how you will afford to send her that and pay rent at the same time. “Uh, okay. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you so much, honey. I’ll pay you back.”
When you arrive home, your thoughts are a swarm of stress over your brother’s health, the medical bills, and now the possible chance of you losing your job. You hadn’t even thought of that when you readily agreed to send your family money - the fact that you may not even have an income soon. Before you could overwhelm yourself with that thought, you pushed it away. Nothing was certain yet. This was just your own paranoia.
You stare up at the residence sign, feeling like this was the first time you truly studied it. The worn out black letters looked so dingy up close. Eden, it read. Perhaps it was a little paradise here. The outside world felt like hell sometimes, one bad thing after another. But right here, you felt safe.
Despite that, after the day you had, you felt like you weren’t ready to go home quite yet. You knew that as soon as you got home, one of the boys would question you on how your day went. And right now, you didn’t feel like talking about it.
Your feet seemed to know where you wanted to go before your mind caught up to it as you found yourself standing before a bar. It was the same bar you met Jihoon at in your first week here. You don’t know why it felt like a long time ago. The memory of the comfort your boyfriend had brought that night gave a bittersweet aftertaste. It had been so nice to reunite with him then but now, it just felt like he was an old friend you were trying to get back into contact with. The truth was, you were needing more in this relationship and you weren’t sure if he really even cared to give it.
You entered the small dive bar in your business attire, not standing out too much from the other patrons. Most were dressed casually in jeans or slacks, but there were a few others who also looked like they had come from work. It was that group that gave you the same understanding look. Hopping up on one of the stools, you raised your hand to get the bartender’s attention.
Downing another shot, you winced at the bitter liquor sliding down your throat. You never understood how people said the taste got better after each drink. It all tasted horrible but you supposed no one was actually drinking for the flavor. Case in point, here you were getting shitfaced at a dingy bar near the residence to drown out your thoughts. You knew it was probably a bad idea to turn to alcohol at such a low point in your life, but right now you didn’t care. For one night, you just wanted it all to go away.
And it seemed to do the trick. It got to the point where you couldn’t even remember what bothered you and even then, you continued to drink in an effort to chase this feeling. You wanted to enjoy the peaceful feeling you got while buzzed. You probably looked crazy to anyone else watching, giggling to yourself as your hands cupped your warm cheeks.
But, of course, your happy little bubble eventually had to burst.
The sudden arrival of someone next to you came as a surprise and you looked up to see it was a man about your age, maybe a little older. He looked handsome enough, although you couldn’t be certain because of your unfocused vision. But his button up shirt made you think he was probably decent.
“Hey there,” his voice was deep but not like Taehyung’s. Wait, what? Why are you thinking about him? “Can I buy you something to drink, honey?”
At that, you immediately felt ready to go home. There wasn’t anything obviously wrong about this guy but you didn’t need to go down that rabbit hole right now. You weren’t looking for a one night stand or anything at all. You just wanted some time to yourself.
“No thanks,” You smiled at him politely, sliding off your stool and collecting your bag. “I think I’ve hit my limit tonight.”
You’re impressed with how steady you are as you walk to the exit, stepping out into the humid summer air. It’s a good thing that you decided to cut it off there because you’re not sure you would have made it home if you had drank any more with the way you’re stumbling every few steps. Still, you’re not that drunk and your place is only a few blocks away.
You’ve barely passed a few streets when you feel a hand cover your mouth from behind, muting your surprised shriek. Using your momentary shock against you, your attacker begins to tug you backwards into a nearby alleyway. It gets darker with each step you take further away from the street lights. 
Eventually, your stunned state passes as you snap into action. When squirming and trying to pull their arm off of you fails, you get desperate as you realize you’re running out of options. You don’t even hesitate to bite harshly into the hand pressing into your face. That does the trick as you hear a disgruntled shout and the tight hold on your figure releases. You don’t bother turning around to see who it is, instead taking off in a sprint back towards the street.
Your heart thunders in your chest as you hear heavy footsteps behind you. Just when you think you’re going to make it, a hand grabs your hair and yanks you back. The searing pain in your scalp causes you to scream before you’re thrown against the brick wall to your right.
“Shut the fuck up,” he pants in your ear, his hot breath fanning across your cheek. His hands grip the neckline of your tank top, ripping the fabric to reveal your chest. Keeping you stuck in his embrace, he roughly pulls your bra down and palms the exposed skin of your breasts. “You should have just said yes when I offered you that drink, honey.”
Not giving you the time to process what he said, you feel your pants being tugged down until they reach your lower thighs. His body presses tightly to your figure, causing the hard bulge in his pants to rut into your ass uncomfortably. You gasp in pain as your forehead scrapes the wall, panting at the feeling of him nipping harshly at your neck. This can’t be happening. The remnants of the alcohol buzzing in your blood lingers and creates the most terrifying numb feeling to take over your body. That with his heavy weight on your back makes you feel so helpless.
“Help! Plea-” The grip returns to your hair as he pulls back and rams your head into the wall again, stunning you yet again. Your head throbs in response as you feel blood trickle down your forehead.
“Make another sound and I’ll really knock you out,” He threatens, clearly fed up with your attempts to escape. You don’t know if you even want to be awake for this, contemplating screaming again just so he would put you under.
Before you can even make a decision, the presence behind you is suddenly ripped away. The feeling of another hand grabbing your shoulder to turn you around causes you to yelp, flinching away before you see it’s a familiar face.
“It’s just me, noona.” Jungkook holds his hands out carefully and you want to cry at the sight of him. You fall into his embrace with a sob, the events of the evening catching up to you as your adrenaline finally runs out. You barely even register the hands pulling your clothes back into place, not wanting to acknowledge the embarrassment you will inevitably feel at people seeing your exposed skin.
“It’s okay, YN. You’re safe now.” You turn over your shoulder to see Taehyung rubbing your back with a deep frown on his face. Behind him, you see Namjoon and Yoongi standing over the man from the bar as his wounded form lays crumpled on the ground. The two holding you turn you back around as they lead you towards the exit, not allowing you to see what causes the man to scream in pain in the next moment.
“We won’t let anything happen to you.”
You don’t remember much after your roommates came to rescue you from that alleyway, too drunk and exhausted to stay conscious. You probably looked a sight to any passerbyers in the street, sandwiched between Taehyung and Jungkook as they practically carried you up to the residence. Anyone outside of the situation probably just assumed you were just a messy drunk with good friends that cared enough to get you home. They wouldn’t be wrong. If you weren’t so pathetic, you wouldn’t have wound up in this mess.
All you know is you woke up some time later to Jimin’s face hovering over yours, studying you with a concerned look and pressing a damp cloth to your forehead. Blinking in confusion at the bright light overhead, you reach up to grasp his arm near your face.
“Oh, you’re up,” He gasps, backing up and helping you sit up after you come to. Upon sitting up, you notice Seokjin standing a few feet away with a somber look on his face.
“What happened?” You ask, licking your lips in an attempt to sooth the dryness in your mouth.
Jimin’s eyes followed the action and as if sensing what you needed, reached for a water bottle on the coffee table. You thank him and take a few gulps, feeling more awake as you do.
“You don’t remember?” Seokjin’s voice sounds almost apprehensive as his dark eyes watch you carefully.
“I- I do but not much after the guys got there. I must have passed out,” You explain, eyebrows furrowing in thought. “What happened to him?”
“You don’t need to worry about him. He won’t bother you ever again.” Jimin reaches to tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear, causing you to freeze at the intimate act. He has never initiated contact like that before but you assume it’s just his way - always taking care of people.
“What does that mean?” Both men merely stare at you in response so after a pause, you continue, “Namjoon and Yoongi were there, I saw them-”
“He’s been apprehended. That’s all you need to know.” Seokjin answers with finality, lips pressed in a firm line. You watch him for a moment before deciding to drop the subject.
“Taehyung and Jungkook?”
“They’re with the others, should be back soon.” The blonde haired male responds, pulling out a white box and digging through the contents for a moment before pulling out some antiseptic products. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to clean this up for you.”
You nod, tilting your head to allow him easier access as he begins swiping across the wound with an alcohol wipe. He mutters a quiet apology after catching your wince at the stinging sensation. Your eyes widen when you suddenly feel a gust of air hitting your forehead, realizing he must have blown on the affected area in order to soothe the sting. Biting your lip awkwardly, you look around the room to avoid making eye contact with him being so close to your face. It’s at this moment that you finally realize where you are.
“They brought me to your room?” You can’t stop the question falling from your lips, looking back at the manager curiously.
“Yes. They knew you would probably need to get looked at,” he explains after applying some ointment and a bandage. “Plus, we didn’t think you would want to wake up alone after...”
Jimin doesn’t need to finish the sentence, you all know what he’s inferring to. You clear your throat and nod in appreciation, looking down and finally noticing the large dark shirt adorning your figure. You still had your work pants on but not the blouse you had on before. “Did you change my shirt?”
“That was Jungkook,” Jimin answers truthfully, leaning back on the coffee table. “Your shirt was ruined and well- we thought you’d be more comfortable this way.”
You don’t respond to that, instead gripping the fabric between your fingers tightly as you feel tears well up in your eyes. You blink quickly in an attempt to rid them away but they continue to fill up without your permission. Jimin must notice the quick wave of emotions passing through you as the silence fills the room, save for a few sniffles here and there.
“Do you want to talk about it?” When you don’t answer, he tries again, “Do you want to go to the hospital?”
“Jimin.” Seokjin's low murmur comes in a warning, but you’re already shaking your head at the mention of the word hospital. There were too many painful memories for you there and you knew you weren’t in the right headspace to go back. They would only ask you questions and questions until eventually, they deemed you weren’t safe to go back home. You couldn’t risk that now, not when you made it this far on your own.
You can tell he wants to press you for more information so you quickly wipe your tears before throwing him a watery smile. “I’m okay, Jimin. Thank you both for helping me. I think I just need to rest now.”
At that, you’re up and walking to the door. You hear footsteps follow you but don’t expect it when your arm is suddenly seized, causing you to turn and see Seokjin peering down at you. His eyes are searching yours for something but you don’t know what so you simply stare back at him.
“YN,” He begins in a quiet voice, but you know Jimin can hear from where he stands a few feet away. “I hope you now know that we would do anything for you. We already feel like you’re one of us.”
You don’t trust yourself to give a proper response, so you merely bow your head in a nod. It takes a little wriggling to pull your arm out of his hold but he allows it, gaze unwavering on your face. Glancing at Jimin over his shoulder, you give them a small smile before turning back to the door.
Your feet carry you up to the bathroom, desperate to rinse off the feeling of that man’s hands on your body. The hot water feels nice on your skin, not caring if you’re just numb to the burning feeling it leaves. You’re not even sure how long you’ve been standing there before you finally reach to turn the tap off. Reaching for a towel, you realize you forgot to bring a change of clothes but you can’t find it in you to care. So what if any of your roommates see you walking around in a towel? It can’t be much worse than the view they got of you tonight.
Catching your reflection in the mirror, you’re taken aback by what you see. Your forehead is already starting to bruise, a nasty cut to go along with it. Your eyes are swollen and blotchy-looking from crying. Your neck has a nasty red mark on it from where he bit you, the sight of it causing a shudder to run through you. You turn away and head back into the hallway, unable to look any more.
You thought returning to your room would be comforting but once the door shuts behind you, you can’t help but feel completely and utterly alone. The thought crosses your mind to go back to Jimin, but you don’t want to resort to that just yet.
Picking up your phone, you dial Nayeon’s number without thinking. After everything, you just needed to talk to another woman right now.
“YN?” Her hushed whisper reaches your ear as if she’s trying not to make too much noise.
“Hey Nay,” Your voice comes across wobbly, trying to keep your tears at bay. “Can you talk?”
“Um, I’m kinda in the middle of something.” At the sound of your sniffle, she pauses. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just.. Something happened tonight. I wanted to talk-”
“Was it the thing with Jiwan? Yeah, I heard.” She sighs, and you feel your breath catch as you remember the events that took place at work. God, what a day. “Listen, don’t sweat it, okay? I’m sure she wasn’t too upset about it.”
“O-oh, right...”
“Honestly, I’m kinda proud of you for going off on her. That bitch needed someone to put her in her place. I’m just sorry it had to be you.” The volume of her voice gets a little louder and you figure she must have moved to a more private space.
“Do you think I’m gonna get fired?” You can’t help the worry in your tone, fingers grasping the material of your t-shirt tightly. “I really can’t lose my job right now.”
“No, no. I don’t think so.” Nayeon responds casually. “If anything, she might just try to give it to you a bit harder out of spite. But don’t let it get to you.”
You hear her speak again but it’s clearly not directed to you as her voice sounds muffled and a little far away. It takes you a moment to work up the courage to announce why you really called but before you can get a word in, she breaks the silence.
“Hey, I’m sorry but I have to jump on another call really quick. Will you be okay?”
Just at that moment, you hear other voices from outside your bedroom. The boys must have just returned. 
“Yeah, I think so.”
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A/N: whew! things are heating up. after this chapter everything’s gonna get a little crazy so be prepared. we only have a few more chapters after this too i can’t believe it😅 let me know what yall think!!
taglist: @min-mingii @micheleinumaki @potaetopic @namjinieesope @mageprincess7 @minshookie29 @outro-kook @nikipedia07 @axniyx @kittykatfey @peaceout97 @kurodach @bex-tk1 @sa7kou @purpuravm @doublebunv @amylouisecullen @rossemayme @unsureofwhathappens @sleepy-time-dreamy @anushaackerman @shyloh-the-cornsnake  @toughbook @urbanbts @carpioassists @millenniumspec @maliyachan @lovely247 @croctears @uarmyhore @shadoweepingscream @inlovewiththehpcast
332 notes · View notes
taekooktimeline · 1 year
April 25, 2023
On April 25, 2022 - Hours after the movie premier, Jk goes live! In my opinion, he came online to read our thoughts and assurances after such a loud, momentous occasion with Tae, especially considering he was silent and primarily seemed to be reading comments for the first seven minutes of his live. He also mentions later in the live he comes on live when he has a lot on his mind. It makes it all the more disappointing how some reacted and what they possibly could’ve commented for Jk to say he wouldn’t read comments. Please remember boundaries as a fan. Use empathy, respect, understanding, kindness and consideration - all of which isn’t hard to do. Be a fan that supports, rather than a “fan” that acts entitled and tries to dictate their lives (like telling him to cut his hair - how shameful of whoever said that) which is no fan. I like to hope and think that Tae and Jk saw more love and support than anything else, factoring in things like Taekook trending worldwide. They’re very much aware of the unfortunate hate from past occasions, yet they continue to prioritize each other, and they always will, so I wish some would take note of this and stop projecting their anger and fear onto them. Nothing will change. Understand that and respect it or be quiet, if you don’t have anything nice to say.
Anyway, getting into his live: 
A little over fifteen minutes in, Jk comments he hasn’t said much but there still is a lot of comments coming through. He gently suggests fans take a break from commenting. He then says to not leave messages, that he came because he missed us and then notes that the temperature of the questions differs. At 22:22 he says with a smile he won’t read comments and he wants to just turn the comments off, as the color of the comments is so different. He then says no matter his mood, happy or uncertain, he’ll seek us out. 
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timestamp 23:52
Summary - 
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He played the song “I really want to stay at your house” by Rosa Walton and Hallie Coggins on repeat for well over the first 24 minutes of his live. There surely is a reason he played the song on repeat, at least, in my opinion. One person noted it’s an OST for an open world RPG with main character “V.” I also read it’s a very gender neutral game. I won’t even try to deduce the meaning behind Jk playing the song on repeat so please decide as you like, though I’ll leave the RPG info below since it was circulating on SM.
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Jk was surprised when, after 24 minutes of the song playing on loop, his player moved to another song.
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Timestamp 24:38
Jk mentions now and in the future to not be sick. He then says he’ll also seek out his own personal journey of happiness, as he has until now and will continue to do so. He then reminds us we should too (find our own pursuit of happiness, which will differ for everyone).
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Timestamp 25:38
This reminds me of his final live of the four lives he did on March 14, 2023, when he repeatedly and emotionally stressed to be happy, even without BTS (and then asked ARMY to type APOBANGPO).
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Back to this live - he mentions again to not be sick. He wishes for our good health, physically and mentally. He says even without reading comments he feels peace because we’re connected right now (through his live). He also turns off the star projector.
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Summary -
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He then talks about the movie “Dream,” which goes without saying is the momentous event he and Tae attended hours ago. He says he enjoyed it.
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He encourages us to focus on the plot of “Dream” as it’s about everyone having individual stories. This ties back into his comment about everyone finding their own definition of happiness - which we all should very much do since it differs for each individual - and working towards our individualized path towards that happiness.  
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He says the movie was therapeutic, emotional and fun, and that he enjoyed it, despite not sleeping well the past couple of days (he also mentioned not sleeping well in his March 23, 2023 live). He ends his thoughts on the movie by asking us to give it a lot of love when it releases. He also says it was filmed a while ago, overlapping with Covid, but it’s still meaningful.
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Timestamp of start of “Dream” -31:15 - 32:01
Summary -
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He says he’s been working hard on music (can’t wait for JJK1!!!! 🙏🏽) and mentions ordering takeout lately. Jk comments he likes the perilla oil in makguksu.
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A cute summary of the recipe of what Jk makes in his live - (by Taekook_Rainbow (IG) )
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timestamp 35:45 
And this the comment is interesting in itself since we know Tae really loves makguksu. He mentioned eating it for lunch on Weverse, February 7, 2022. 
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Tae mentioned makguksu to Wooga during filming of ITS Friendcation. 
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https://twitter.com/thv2023/status/1550471881861767168?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://www.instagram.com/p/Crc7K1rNdxz/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Tae and Wooga ate at a makguksu restaurant during filming of ITS Friendcation.  
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Seo-Joon mentioned in “Jinny’s Kitchen” Tae is eating a lot of makguksu -
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and Jk mentioned it in his March 23, 2023 live.  
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Timestamp 11:40 https://twitter.com/cookiesandtea26/status/1650666730593693700?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/heaven_borahae/status/1650816921703694336?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Jk posted the recipe on Weverse. A lot noted he mentions doubling the recipe. Since Seo-Joon recently said Tae likes makguksu, it seems awfully coincidental Jk posted this 2 portion recipe, but someone could also argue Jk has a hearty appetite, so I’ll just leave the information and you decide as you like 😀
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spookyserenades · 1 year
Hi 💓 I rarely say something like this on anyone’s blogs because I just wanted to say that I’ve been incredibly enjoying Trouvaille. Compared to reading hybrid au/omegaverse I’ve read before, I find Trouvaille to be the most refreshing, unique, and truly therapeutic. The whole environment in the plot nearly reminded me of Practical Magic (it’s one of my top fav witch and autumn movies - I suggest to watch it if interested). The stick-style house, nature, witchcraft, and all! I’m totally crazy for that kind of vibe and aesthetic. I guess that’s one of the reasons I couldn’t put down my phone without finished reading all of the chapters c:
While I’ve really appreciated the fact that you actually included something new with animals such as elk and coyote, I feel like I haven’t seen that often in other stories. I mean, I loved that I learned a bit about elk’s shedding season! I actually looked up online and I found it pretty engrossing.
Trouvaille has been really cozying me in the most possible way because of your imagination, creativity, your style of writing, and most of all, how you deeply portrayed the characteristics of BTS because THEY’RE EQUALLY PRECIOUS, I JUST CAN’T BUT SQUEALING WHILE SWINGING MY FEET IN AIR.
Ok ok ok lemme shut up for a sec - lastly, I’m really looking forward to new chapters you’re coming up with and I’m steadying myself before I burst out with an excitement! 😌
Submitted by @linlinlily
Dana's response:
Hi my love!! 🥹🩷 I'm so honored that you decided to send your thoughts on Trouvaille to me, thank you so so much! It makes me so happy that you've been enjoying Trouvaille. I'm glad that you find it refreshing and therapeutic to read, because it has been incredibly therapeutic to write and share with you all! Practical Magic is a major source of inspiration for not only the house they live in, but Y/N's spiritual practice, the town they live in, and even Y/N's mother (think of the aunts in that movie, same vibe!) I adore Practical Magic, and it is definitely one of my autumn faves, too! The whole witchy, cozy, autumn aesthetic is close to my heart. I'm ecstatic you love it too! 🥰
I'm also super happy that you love the type of hybrids I've chosen for each of them. I love wild animals and nature, and thought that apex predator species and bigger animals would be fun to play with. Jeongguk being an elk hybrid has been one of my favorite characterizations, I think antlers are beautiful and match his already sharp facial features. Also, I love that you've looked up some facts about elks, I, too, have been researching all of the animals that are in Trouvaille, and it's so interesting to learn about these creatures. Especially the sounds they make, their habits, and differences between one another! 😉
You're so so kind, and I sincerely thank you for your sweet words and compliments for my writing and Trouvaille. I hope it keeps you cozy throughout the autumn and winter seasons! And I also hope that you continue to love hybrid BTS in Trouvaille, I have so much more to share with you! 😍
Again, thank you for all of your love and support my dear, I cannot wait to share Chapter Ten with you on the 7th! Hope to hear from you again, sending you love and hugs! 🫂
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bts-eunji · 1 year
Eunji's Phone 📱
*Disclaimer: Not all picture match the described items/are fitting to the description
[Phone, Case & Earphones]
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Eunji owns an iPhone 11. She got it in late 2019 and kept it since. She says she doesn’t need a new phone because hers is working perfectly fine. Her phone case is clear with a Taehyung photocard that she carries around proudly. She has Airpods pro (second generation) in a Shooky case. Again, she loves showing this off. Her headphones are beige and she doesn’t own a case for them. She simply keeps them around her neck.
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{Icons / Layout}
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Eunji’s home screen layout has a dark academia style. She has everything sorted in her own way and it all looks fitting to the aesthetic. She loved doing this because it was almost therapeutic. The fans got a glimpse of this when Eunji was doing a Vlive and put her phone down to get up and grab something.
[Lock screen & Home screen]
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So far, the fans only got to see her lock screen picture. It is her and another woman, standing at a beach and watching the sunset together. The fans have speculated that the unknown woman might be an old friend from her orphanage. Others have said she looks similar to Moonbyul. It is widely known that Eunji is good friends with the Mamamoo girls and many fans weren’t surprised. However, others started to speculated about a possible romantic relationship and rumors began to circulate.
Disclaimer: All the pictures are from Pinterest and are not mine. Credit to the owners.
©︎ bts-eunji - all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, or translate my work on Tumblr or other platforms.
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