rwat-anon · 15 hours
Good lwuck uwu!! rwooting for u
hewoooo hewooo
iws anwnybowdy therwe uwu
(( hello hello
is anybody there uwu ))
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rwat-anon · 16 hours
Whawts beewn goiwng on owo
how arwre the goldie youwr pokwemown
hewoooo hewooo
iws anwnybowdy therwe uwu
(( hello hello
is anybody there uwu ))
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rwat-anon · 16 hours
hewoooo hewooo
iws anwnybowdy therwe uwu
(( hello hello
is anybody there uwu ))
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rwat-anon · 14 days
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THE RATS!!! ⭐(>∇<)🌙
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rwat-anon · 22 days
I kinda lived half of 2023 (maybe more) like a drowning rat in a bucket but this year I'll live like a normal rat. outside of a bucket
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rwat-anon · 1 month
actually wait ive never seen a rattata like that... whats up with it :o
(also your seviper is so cool!!! i never realized they were that big O_o)
Hewoo again siwlly guy!!
Tozxic iws vewry big- evwen for a sevipwewr!! He'ws my bewst fwriend owo
My rwattata iws a pygmy alolan/kantonian desewrt bwreed owo.
Bawwsically whawt thawt meawns iws they'wre smawll to feed off desert intewcts and plants uwu, hew's very silly!!
thawnk you for the awsk! !
((Helloo again silly guy!!
Toxic is very big- even for a seviper!! He's my best friend owo
My rwattata iws a pygmy alolan/kantonian desewrt bwreed owo.
Basically what that means is they're small to feed off desert insects and plants uwu, hew's very silly!!
thank you for the ask! ! ))
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rwat-anon · 1 month
(@amewwayofliving) Er, hi. Do you know how to human? -Mew
Wawas i nowt doiwng a goowd jowb of if owr somwething?? 3:
I'wm vewry humawn- peowple juwst say I'wm not cauwse I awct weird owo
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rwat-anon · 2 months
h-hewwo? is anyone there?
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rwat-anon · 2 months
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Hewoo owo ?
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rwat-anon · 2 months
Dwo you liwke alolawn rattwta owo?
Thewy're pretty coowl
hewoo owo
i liwke youwr fuwrsona, i gowt buwllied for beiwng a furwwry evewn thouwgh i'wm nowt whiwch was meawn
Dwo youw juwst liwke the pwetty dawrk tywpes owr dwo you awlso liwke the scawy ones
Im sorry that happened! nobody should be bullied, but thats just mean!
I dont think many dark types are all that scary! at least im not scared of them, exept for like... lokix and drapion and, Legendaries, things like that dfhkjsdhf
either way i think all of em deserve love! im just scared of lokix n drapion for other reasons .w.'
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rwat-anon · 2 months
△ what draws you towards paris?
peowple awre weiwrd, and i down't know.
I thiwnks it was juwst me nowt being abwle to fiwgure hiwm out owo
I was alswo in a worse plawce when mowst of thawt happened uwu
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rwat-anon · 2 months
((sorry for dissapearing, all the attention on this account got overwhelming and I had to take a break. back now, I'll see about getting to sending asks for that post. No guarantees though. ))
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rwat-anon · 2 months
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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rwat-anon · 2 months
itws beewn a whiwle
youwr othwer sewlf was niwce and reawlly liwked me buwt I misswed you
beewn swo lowng I gowt a rwattata whiwch I alwready showed youwu
Hewwo!! Owo
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rwat-anon · 2 months
Nwo liwke youw names silly!
why is that?
Helo owo
why are youw all seaswonings owo?
I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you're trying to ask me...
Why are my seasonings? Like... spices? Cinnamon? Saffron? Cloves? That sort of thing? I keep them for baking... um... sorry if that's not the answer you were looking for...
Have a nice day...
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rwat-anon · 2 months
I dwo nowt liwke the scarwy brown owne with the biwg mouwth thawt looks liwke rwibs owo
could swallow me whole 3:
Thwe rwock cwrab is coowl owo
Hewooo owo
anowther alolwian liwke me
whwy dwo you onwly hawve the scawry buwgs on your teawm owo
Hello! Or perhaps, Alola! is more appropriate in this case.
Yes, my team consists only of Bug Type pokemon! I specialize in them, know more about them than the average person, and if one can get past their scary appearance they can be a real treat! Though, being scared of them is entirely normal, one of the more feared types overall.
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rwat-anon · 2 months
just for fun uwu
it tends two mawke pweople mawde at me
hewoo owo
why awre you swo uptiwght owo
juwst chill out owo
Why are you typing like that?
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