#this Probably makes no sense
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norastarfall · 4 months ago
Don’t get me wrong I’ll be the first in line to admit I hate ooc writing- or at least to some extent (whatever). But you DONT UNDERSTAND!!!
I NEED to see wet cat zoro- isolating himself as he finally lets himself cry! Added points if it’s night watch and he’s in the crows next. Hes holding back the tears until he feels it starting to rain. As he looks up to the endless sky and as whatever’s eating at him overwhelms him- he finally lets himself silently sob. The rain mixing in with his tears- as he finally lowers his head to muffle any noise capable of escaping.
I don’t CARE if it’s a shipping/ romantic fic- or a character study or just straight up whump fic!!!
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poofylynx · 5 months ago
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I had a vision??
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theweirdgoodbyes · 9 months ago
@itstheheebiejeebies has got my gears turning about how something The Pacific touches on a lot is the relationship between father and son. We see the unspoken bond between Basilone and his father, who has two boys fighting and loses one. We see Leckie and his dad, who either doesn’t give a fuck or finds indifference easier than the reality of potentially losing another child. We see Eugene and his dad, who gives so much of a fuck, lying to his son for months on end to try and keep him from enlisting, who wants to protect his little boy as long as he can. And then we hear Ack Ack, twenty seven years old and a grown man, talk about being comforted by the idea that maybe, just maybe, his father has touched the blankets he uses. At the end of the day, they are all scared boys who need their fathers, want to be comforted and guided in this strange world they have entered. And some men fill those roles: chuckler covering runner with the blanket and stroking his hair, snafu calling gunny haney “pops”, hillbilly calling them “boys”. And then everyone absolutely breaks the fuck down when ack ack dies because he was the closest thing they had to a dad, the one you went to when you were scared, who could reassure you and make you feel safe again. He was their surrogate father, and when they lost him and hillbilly and then gunny left there was no one to take care of them anymore. Like fuck dude. Sometimes you just need your fucking dad.
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you’re not here to visit me?
when patrick comes to stanford, it’s art who implies that he’s there to only see tashi, not both of them. patrick actually goes to see art first, not tashi
when patrick shows up in atlanta, he goes to art’s practice, where both tashi and art are. he only stumbles upon tashi in the lobby on accident, he doesn’t specifically go looking for her
what if when art sees at sees them disappear together this — you’re not here to visit me? — is what goes through his mind first. because when patrick first showed up in atlanta art didn’t know why. and then he assumes that it was premeditated on patrick’s part. when in fact patrick would’ve been happy if art had joined them
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deadly-kalopsia · 1 year ago
i am having Thoughts about caroline hill again. just her in general and also the fact that tim is probably a spitting image of his mother (this is semi canon i think??) but just….tim going undercover as caroline and looking in a mirror, not to see himself but to see his mother.
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seawhcre · 2 years ago
in the comics Miles has a baby sister named Billie and i think Hobie would ADORE her like
Miles (in the comics) calls her billie badass and his mother hates it but I think Hobie would LOVE that nickname and only ever call her that even as she gets older.
I love to think that hobie would love her as much as miles does 🥹🥹 that’s all
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brucemanimean-batwayne · 2 months ago
there’s something to say about the americana highway aesthetic in the early seasons of supernatural. the inherent isolation you feel, even with other cars around. you are insulated with your car and whoever is inside with you. the sparse open spaces for miles. every once in a while you will drive through a patch of civilization with restaurants and gas stations, but you are never truly part of it. just passing through. sometimes you will see strange sculptures and billboards with bible verses on them. letting you know you are never truly alone. there’s something else out there, haunting the narrative. you keep on driving right through.
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hotpotatopotat · 7 months ago
This might be an odd question coming straight from my biology nerd side, but have you thought on the taxonomy/biology of the mers?
Are all mer species related to each other, or are they closer to the species they resemble? Are the different mers even different species? Are they all one species with multiple subspecies? Are they branched off of a human ancestor, explaining their compatibility with humans? Are all types of mers are compatible with humans? Are all types of mers compatible with one another? Do mer/human pairings all result in more mers?
Feel completely free to ignore these questions and just answer whatever biology stuff you want if you have any.
Again, I'm just a biology nerd and always curious, especially animal and fantasy biology. 😅
Hello fellow taxonomy/biology nerd, let me take a crack at it. Also this is fantasy so go easy on me XD In my head, while not completely fleshed out mind you, there are two lines of thought here. One of divergent evolution, where there is a common ancestor, and two is convergent evolution, in which case two animals might develop similar traits, but are very distantly related, or not very related at all. True Mers and humans essentially started to diversify at the same time, branching off from a Mer-like ancestor while maintaining simularities to eachother. Bakumer and Deku, for example, is divergent evolution. However, only certain mers can produce young with humans, and only certain Mer can breed with eachother. Just as the word "Fish" describes and organism with gills, fins, scales, pretty much phenotypical characteristics, "Mer" is an extremely broad term to refer to these phenotypical traits (semi-aquatic, human/fish/seal/shrimp thing). So Kiriseal is an example of convergent evolution, in which he is a completely different organism, but just so happens to look like a "Human-like Mer". He cannot breed with humans. Same with Shoto Shrimp - Shrimp mer and Bakumer couldn't produce young. The only reason Bakumer and Deku Human could produce young is probably more of a hybridization because the genus is close enough. Think of horses and donkeys making a mule. They're different species, but they produce offspring. Of course, you know the consequences of such hybrids, and Bakumer's offspring are not free from those consequences. Hope this makes any sense.
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ameba-from-space · 1 year ago
I know I'm mainly a batman blog but sometimes I sit down and contemplate Martha and Jonathan Kent and I cry because how can you not
They are one of the greatest heros DC has ever written and I don't think we talk about it enough
They took a boy they knew nothing about and they raised him with love that knows no bounds, even when he showed himself as very different from them, even when most people would fear and shun him for being different, they loved him, and they loved him, and they loved him, and they never stopped, no matter what came, what challenges they had to face they loved him oh so much, and they showed him how to love and he loved so much and I think that's one of the most beautiful things ever
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karl-von-moor-official · 2 months ago
I cannot express how much Hamlet and Star Trek mean to me, because one is about struggling with expectations and surreal experiences and the deep underlying feeling that you're incapable, unworthy and Something Must Be Wrong With You while the other is about the childlike whimsy of discovery, the endlessly good potential of humankind, the silliness of science and the power of friendship.
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dr4k3n0 · 2 years ago
A/n: To clear up confusion because I've been told this is really close to a Knives version of this, here is the link to that please check out that story because it's great! You can find it here.
Synopsis: A small story of how your favorite outlaw unknowingly "bonded" to you.
Tw: Blood
Word Count: 4.1k
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Blood trickled down your arm as it lay limp beside you as you held your shoulder with a staggered stance. You let out a jagged breath as the large creature loomed over your small figure. Holding your gun tightly in your hand, you used the last bit of strength left in you, to raise it, sending a bullet shooting at the attacker. Not being fast enough to dodge it, the bullet hit the attacker's arm and it let out an angry shout in pain. He gripped his gun as he aimed to shoot you in the head. You quickly dodged and rolled passed the bullet, making sure to land on your good shoulder. Staggering to get back up, you ran off to find the others while your attacker followed suit behind you. 
You eventually caught a glimpse of Vash's familiar red coat as you made your way toward him and the others following behind him. 
"Vash!" You yelled to get his attention as the attacker grew closer to you.
The blonde turned his head in your direction after hearing your call. His ears were soon greeted by the sound of a gunshot echoing out through the town and soon followed by a pained scream from you. Eyes widening in shock, he pulled out his gun quickly, and precisely hit his target, as he shot your attacker's gun from their hand. Wolfwood went to deal with the attacker, letting the cloth that covered "The Punisher" fly off into the distance as he made his way to the attacker. 
As Vash made his way to you, he quickly took his jacket off and wrapped it around your limp, shaking figure. He tore a piece of his black turtle neck shirt, as he wrapped it tightly around the bullet wound in your leg. He soon tore another piece off, and he pressed it firmly against the other bullet wound you had in your shoulder. You hissed in pain as he put pressure against your wounds, earning a quiet and fast apology from him. 
He gently picked you up, before saying, "Meryl get Wolfwood, we need to get them to a doctor." As he rushed off towards the car with you in his arms. 
She nodded at him before calling Wolfwood who had knocked out your attacker, and you all drove off in search of a new town. 
Your head ached and your thoughts and vision were blurry. Pain shot throughout your body as you heard the muffled, panicked arguing of the others. Your shoulder and leg ached terribly bad as it shot shooting pain to your head and then down the rest of your body. 
"What should we do?! There's no doctor nearby, they probably left during the gunfight!" Meryl yelled.
"Well, what should we do?" Wolfwood cut in as he held a cloth to where the bullet had hit your shoulder. 
The others talked about what to do to help you while Vash stayed silent as he urged you to keep your eyes open. He felt his heart sink to his stomach seeing you in this condition. "Hey.. Stay awake for me..!" He said with worry laced in his tone. 
You gripped his hand that you didn't even know you had grabbed, in pain. You sucked in a breath as tears left your eyes. "It hurts so much.." You said in between breaths.
He looked down at you concerned before looking up to see another town in a distance. "There! Go that way!" Vash shouted suddenly. 
Meryl jerked the car in the direction of the town, as it got harder and harder to keep your eyes open. 
"I.. want to sleep.." You said slowly and barely audibly. 
"No, no, no, no! Hold on we're almost there!" Vash said quickly as he squeezed your hand tightly. 
The car soon came to an abrupt stop as you were soon scooped up by Vash again and brought to a different environment. 
"I need a doctor fast! They was shot and lost a lot of blood!" Vash yelled, startling all the other patients there. 
A lady walked out from behind the counter quickly, "Come with me!" She said to Vash before checking on you. "Stay awake for me," She said to you as your eyes got heavier and heavier. 
Vash brought you to the designated room and was soon ushered out by the other doctors. He stood anxiously behind the door, waiting for them to come out. He waited for what seemed like hours as the others stood close behind him, also worried. He bit his lip anxiously before being startled by the door opening abruptly, and a doctor walking out. 
"Ma'am is she okay?!" Vash asked, not sure if he wanted to hear her answer. His heart raced in anticipation. 
"They somehow made it. Coming in they didn't look so good, we didn't think they would make it, but they did. It's a miracle if you ask me." The nurse said smiling at the others. 
Vash smiled ear to ear hearing the news, "Can we go in and see them?" Vash asked, wanting to see you as soon as possible. 
The nurse smiled at them before nodding, "They're asleep right now, but you can go in but probably only one at a time though," The nurse said. 
Vash smiled and thanked her before asking the others if they wanted to go in. They all knew he desperately wanted to see you and decided to go and get a hotel set up for you all. He smiled at them as he bid them farewell before entering your room quietly. 
His heart raced as he approached you and he sat down in a nearby chair beside your bed. He grabbed your hand delicately, as he pressed his forehead against yours. Soon he was greeted with calmness and the picture of the wind blowing through the trees and flowers. Worried, he pulled back as he looked at his hand that had the small pattern of the marks that appear on him. Yours had the same marks. He gazed at your hands confused as he soon felt your hand squeeze his, weakly. His eyes shot open as he looked in your direction as you slowly opened your eyes.
Letting out a groan of pain, you look around the room, seeing Vash sitting closely beside you with his eyes wide. 
"What?" You asked in a raspy voice.
He shook his head before smiling at you, "Nothin," He laughs as he lets go of your hand.
You look at him confused by his actions before your cheeks begin to grow warm. 'Why does he have to smile like that..' you thought.
You were soon emitted from the hospitable and Vash was a little protective of you. He was always around you and stayed near you when you went places, which was odd. Although it made you feel happy to think that he might care about you that much. Your heart raced whenever he checked up on you while you were walking, or when he would help you regain the strength in your arm, even when he helped you change your bandages. His actions always flustered you, but they made you happy. 
After a while, you were able to regain your strength in your arm and leg, but Vash's actions never stopped. He would still watch over you and offered to carry things for you, making the excuse that he was just trying to be nice. You never questioned it though. Currently, you were walking through a small town, looking for a place to stay the night. 
"Hey, Y/n, want me to carry your things?" Vash asked as you both trailed behind the group. 
You looked into his radiant eyes, before giving him a small smile, "I'm alright for now, thank you though!" You said.
He nodded at you as you both continued to walk, your hands occasionally brushing the others. Eventually, you had all found a hotel and were going to retreat to each of your own rooms for the night. Getting ready for bed, you changed into some spare clothes you had, along with brushing your teeth and hair quickly. Soon, you were finally able to let out a content sigh as you flopped onto the mattress, the springs creaked with your impact. You layed there happily not caring that the bed wasn't that comfortable. It was better than the ground at least. 
Curling up to sleep, you closed your eyes to try to sleep, but sleep never came, much to your dismay. You had been trying to sleep for a while but thoughts flooded your mind. It was currently 2:48 am, and your mind was racing. Annoyed, you eventually sat up and got out of bed before exiting your room quietly. You didn't know where you were going in particular. Walking through the heavy hotel doors, you shivered as the cold hit your skin. You wished you had brought a blanket with you, but also didn't feel like going back to your room. 
You walked quietly down the street of the town the sound of your footsteps sounding much louder than in the daytime. Feet treading through the sandy ground, you didn't have anywhere in particular in mind as to where you were going. You just followed the streets as they led you through the town. Eyeing the different signs and advertisements around each store, you were beginning to reach the edge of the town. Feeling a little disappointed that your walk was over, you began to turn around to walk back towards the hotel. It was all the same as it was when you first stepped out, peaceful. The only noises that filled the town were the sound of the breeze blowing through the buildings, and the noise of chirping, from the nearby insects. 
As you neared the hotel, you let out a shakey sigh as you pulled open the door to the hotel, and proceeded in, only to see Vash much to your surprise. He was sitting at a small table with a glass of water in his hand as he seemed to be dozing off. 'Why was he down here at this hour?' was all that clouded your mind. Taking quiet steps towards his figure, you looked over him quietly. The moonlight illuminated his blonde locks that fell perfectly around his face. Outstretching your hand cautiously, the back of your hand grazed his cheek gently. He stirred in his sleep as you snapped your hand back quickly. Your heart was beating fast, and you slowly outstretched your hand again, this time tapping him gently on his shoulder. His face contorted as he went to swat your hand away. You persisted as this time, you gently shook his shoulder.
His eyes finally fluttered open, tired and confused, he looked around before seeing your form standing above him, and smiling. He stretched before standing up and towering over you like usual. 
"Hey," He rumbled, as his voice was still etched with sleep.
Letting out a small chuckle, you looked up at whispering, "Why are you down here right now?"
He let out an embarrassed laugh as he rested his hand on the nape of his neck, "I came down for a drink but I must have dozed off.." He said quietly. 
You nodded as you eyed him up and down. He wasn't in his normal clothes you saw him in a lot of the time. He wore an extremely baggy white shirt, with baggy sweatpants that sat on his hips perfectly. You gulped as you looked him over before looking away from him after he cleared his throat. 
"We should head up I guess.." You finally said already starting to make your way back up to your room. 
He made a small noise of agreement, as you tried to avoid the areas that creaked on the old stairs. As you finally made it to your room, he stood in the door frame, as you both stood awkwardly in silence. 
He was first to slice through the silence as he began, "I uh.. I might have locked my keys in my room.." The tip of his ears began to turn pink at his embarrassment. 
A small laugh made its way through your throat, as you opened the door wider for him to come in. "You can sleep in here if you want," You said offering a small smile. 
His one of a kind, smile made its way to his lips as he quietly walked in after you. You sat on the bed while he stood there awkwardly. "So how should we work this..?" You mused aloud.
He stayed quiet offering a shrug as you rolled your eyes at his lack of an answer. "Well, You can sleep on the bed with me.. I don't mind," You offered. 
A blush made its way to his face as he nodded weakly. Taking a seat beside where you were sitting, you flop back onto the bed carefully, as you got under some of the worn blankets from the bed. Vash soon mimicked your actions as he carefully slid under the blanket. Both looking at each other for a moment, your faces both ruby red. You watched as he gulped, and moved some hair out of his face that blocked his view of you. 
"Goodnight.." You whispered quietly as you turned around to face the other way. 
He repeated your words before turning around as well. For some reason, you were able to fall asleep instantly. The blankets felt so warm as they were wrapped around your small form, and the bed just seemed 10 times more comfortable than before. Though, you weren't complaining. 
You were soon woken up, by the sound of the town resuming its daily activities. The shouts from people selling goods, the chatter below from the bar. Your eyes fluttered open tiredly as you stretched but your hand came into contact with something. Looking to the side of you through your eyelashes, you see blonde tufts of hair scattered around you and a tight grip on your waist. 'Oh it's just Vash,' your mind eased at the thought as you snuggled into his touch more. But then it dawned on you. It was Vash! You shot up quickly as a blush dusted your face as the tip of your ears reddened. He made a small groan after you left before peeking his eyes open to see your hands covering your face. 
Sitting up, Vash let out a yawn before saying, "Good morning," 
You replied with a small pathetic squeak of a "good morning" too embarrassed to look at him. He quirked a brow at you as he looked at your hands as they covered your face. Why did they have marks on them..? They had the same marks as his. Confused he grabbed your hand as you let out a confused squeak as he studied your hand which happened to be much smaller than his. As your hand made contact with his, the smarks began to glow and the marks also began to form on his hand. 
You eyed what he was doing confused at the marks. "What are these marks?" You asked confused as they pulsed a glow as your hands were in contact with each other. 
"Vash? Arent these the marks you get? What's going on?" You asked concerned.
He stayed quiet as he watched your hands as the marks began to spread up your arm. 
"Vash! What's happening!?" You said as you ripped your hand away from his. The marks began to slowly disappear from your skin along with his. 
He watched in shock, just as confused as you. "We should get this checked out.." Vash uttered. 
You looked at him confused before nodding at him. His eyes lingered on your hand a little longer before looking up at you. "I'm sorry.." He whispered.
Looking towards him you smiled before grabbing his hand again, "It's fine, I'm sorry I freaked out like that. I think the marks look cool.." You said trying to make him feel better.
He smiled at you as he slid off the bed and stood. "Let's get changed and I think we should go to a good friend of mine. She can probably help us," He grinned. 
"I'll go see if I can get a master key to my room, meet me downstairs in about 30 ish minutes." He said as he began to walk out of your room. 
You nodded as he shut your door gently leaving you with your thoughts. You quickly showered before slipping on your gear, and putting your belongings into your backpack. You shrugged your backpack on and began to head down to where you were supposed to meet. Sure enough, you saw Vash's tuft of blonde hair with his red coat making small talk with Wolfwood. You greeted them both with a small smile before you and Vash began to head out. The others decided to stay behind to rest, so it was just you and Vash for right now. You both rented some strange creatures to ride on through the desert. 
"We should hopefully make it there by nightfall if things go smoothly," Vash finally said. You nodded at him as you rode beside him.
'Maybe this won't be too bad..' you thought. Riding through the golden desert, you both finally made it to the ruined SEED ship. Your eyes studied the old ship with amazement. As you neared the entrance, you got off of your (creatures?)  and then followed Vash to the entrance. He led you through the large doorway as you looked around in wonder. He took you into a few rooms trying to find the people you were looking for, only to find them in one particular room. It was a geo (pod?). It was beautiful, flowers covered the green grass like a blanket, and the trees stood tall and lush.
"Laida! Brad! Good to see you guys!" Vash chimed as he made his way toward them.
You watched as he made his way toward them and slowly followed behind him. You stood beside Vash quietly, as he talked with the two unknown people.
"Laida, I need your help, something happened between me and my friend here, and we don't understand what's happening," Vash said as he gestured towards you.
Laida looked towards you seeing your small form offer her a small wave.
"Hello.." You uttered out with a small smile.
She smiled and held her hand out for you to shake. You took her gentle hand in yours as she shook it. "Hi there! I'm Laida, what's your name?"
"I'm Y/n!" You said offering her a shy smile.
"Well, nice to meet you Y/n! Oh, and I almost forgot this is Brad, but don't let him scare you, he's really a sweetheart deep down." She said casting him a smirk.
Brad huffed and rolled his eyes at her.
"Well, what can we help you with Vash?" Laida finally began.
"Ah, well.. we were wondering if you could explain this..?" Vash said as he gently grabbed your hand and the marks began to form again.
Laida studied your hands before smiling coyly at Vash, "Come with me you two," She said as she began to walk inside.
You both followed behind her, and Brad followed behind you both. Laida soon came to a stop at one of the doors before entering. Following her, she grabbed a large book and she flipped through the old pages. You both stood there in anticipation waiting for the answer. She made small hums every now and then and then began to smile as she looked up at you both closing the book. 
"Vash, did you happen to make a bond with Y/n here?" Laida asked. 
Vash looked at her confused, "A bond? I don't know?" the blonde replied. 
Laida nodded before saying, "Well then, Vash can you place your forehead on theirs? That is if you are okay with that Y/n" She gestured toward you.
You nodded as she smiled. "Fantastic! Now Vash, place your forehead on theirs and I need both of you to close your eyes, and clear your minds." She instructed. 
You both nodded, as Vash gently pressed his forehead to yours, giving you a small smile before closing his eyes, and you yours. Clearing your mind, your body began to feel calm, you were soon brought to completely still water that you were standing on top of. Not a single ripple or wave, just tranquility. Looking around in the large pool of water you stood on, you were soon brought to a field of flowers, seeing Vash's red coat in the distance. 
Being brought back to reality by Vash pulling away, your eyes fluttered open as Vash made eye contact with you before looking at Laida. You looked at his face as the marks had appeared on his, and his eyes widened seeing yours, probably meaning you had them too. 
Laida smiled at you both before chirping, "You both have a bond!"
Vash and you looked at her confused and she cleared her throat before beginning again. 
"What I have found, is that PLANT's like Vash, in simpler terms, would form a bond with someone they considered a "mate" to breed with," Laida paused, "So in a way, Vash must have formed a bond with you, and since you are human, the process of this bond is acting odd since you are both different species." She continued.
"That doesn't explain the marks though.." Vash said quietly. 
"Well it does in a way, if I am correct, this bond is somewhat, making Y/n here, into a plant, so they will most likely be half human half plant after this, I do not know the side effects, but I don't think it will harm you in any way," Laida confirmed. 
You stood shocked, and your hand somehow made its way to Vash's. Your face was stained red with blush and your heart beat fast. 
"Why don't you both stay here the night?" Laida said trying to ease the tension. 
Vash nodded at her as a blush coated his face as well. She began to lead you both to a room you could both stay in and gently shut the door behind her. You both stood near each other trying to form words about the information you had just learned. 
You finally began to say something, "So uhm.. were bonded now..?" You said looking at Vash hesitantly. 
He looks at you through his lashes, "I'm sorry if you didn't want to be bonded to me.. I didn't even know this could happen until now.."  Vash said placing his metallic hand on the nape of his neck awkwardly.
You grabbed his flesh hand gently before saying, "I don't mind being bonded to you Vash.." Looking away from him.
His eyes widen as he lets a small shy chuckle leave his lips, "I don't mind either." He said offering you a smile. 
Looking up at him, you smile at him feeling him squeeze your hand gently. "So uh, should we restart this and I guess confess..?" Vash said as his cheeks went red. 
You nodded at him as he sucked in a breath. "Well, Y/n I really like you, you're fun to be around, you're kind, and you stay around me even though it's extremely dangerous, I love everything about you.." Vash confessed and his face almost rivaled his jacket. 
You smiled at him as your face got warm and your heart was about to explode, "I really like you as well Vash, you're so loving and caring to others, and your personality is golden, I love everything about you no matter what, and I'm glad that were bonded together.." You admitted. 
A smile formed on both of your faces as you looked at each other lovingly. Vash gently pressed his forehead to yours as you both looked at each other with half-lidded eyes. Your body felt a wave of calmness flush through your system, as you both stayed in that position. You watched as his gaze made its way to your lips before coming back up to look at you for permission. You smiled at him before pressing your lips against his. He tensed at the impact but melted into it quickly feeling the love and affection poured into your kiss. You both soon pulled away gasping for air and hugged each other happily. 
"Being bonded to you won't be so bad," you said with a small chuckle as you pulled away and looked up at him. He smiled again at you, before pressing his lips to yours again. 
"I guess your right, Y/n.." 
The End!
Okay, okay, okay, I am so sorry I haven't posted in so long.  ;-;    I haven't been feeling like writing, but I will hopefully be back now. My posting is all over the place and I apologize. I made sure to make this one a little longer than normal, but while writing this, my brain went kasplat. So this probably made no sense. But yea! Thank you for reading! 
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omxrii · 9 months ago
okay i yapped about this under the comments of the void 1 short but i need to yap about this on tumblr now. is it bad that i think argos comes from void 1 no matter how unlikely it is. it would explain the multiple eyes that argos has (e.g. all the corrupted people seem to have multiple of SOMETHING like arms, tentacles, spider-like legs, wings, some sort of body part) if he was some sort of human originally. also, argos seems to be deathly curious about some things (e.g. the person with a present box as a head in a previous episode and how he broke it open and found out that it wasn't a cover but a head) so it'd make sense(?) why he'd be there and eventually get lost until he finds the way out; and he seemingly does when he gets the lost "child" out. also, he DOES know a lot about void 1, and people who have only been there for a few hours (as the article about the missing mother says) wouldn't probably know as much as him, inferring that he was probably there for a very long time before. also, the same article says "no one has been able to go to VOID 1 and come back safely in years. it would have to be someone who knows the in and outs of the void. someone who understands the travel and difference in habitats between the VOIDs." and "the horrific creatures that inhabit this void look like no others." argos lhas the ONLY human face in the entirety of the void system but he has, again, the multiple eyes. and argos seemingly GOING into void 1 and coming back safely and being the only one in "years" and the press saying it would be someone who understands how to travel and point out the differents between the void habitats (like argos; he literally gives us travel tips too) and would have to be someone who understands the in and outs of the void is interesting because argos seems to go in and IMMEDIATELY come out; someone who would know the in and outs of void 1, someone who has been there before.
SORRY IF THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE and feel free to disagree also i'm now the self proclaimed #1 void 1 argos theorizer thank you for your time
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tired-cryptid-club · 10 months ago
Thinking water ghoul thoughts.
There would definitely be saltwater vs freshwater variants, and each would have their own quirks and traits.
Like, what if rain is a freshwater variant, and this draws him to the Great Lakes. He knows everything about them, is obsessed with them in a way he can’t fully comprehend, or properly articulate. (Tangentially this also makes him a massive shipwreck nerd)
But what if he overhears a hushed conversation in the library between two much older water ghouls he’s not met before, catching snippets about how ghouls used to hunt in the Great Lakes, freshwater sirens of sorts.
Maybe the reason everyone says the lakes don’t give up their dead, is because they’re not in the water anymore.
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certainstarfishsandwich · 11 months ago
Deranged Theory:
Curses are the remnants of the incorporeal forms Monster have before they adapted past the Veil—kinda like how Mhin's transformation isn't fully complete, because those small remnants of that specific Monster were not given chance to manifest on their own.
Which would explain why there's also Monsters that cannot manifest forms no matter how strong they are and must use as a proxy [Ocudeus]
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genmoon · 5 months ago
c!tntduo are like 3l!desertduo but if they had less patience and more cigarettes
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everyonehasthoughts · 1 year ago
I'm literally so normal about Fitz Vacker and how he's not only capable but entirely willing to kill for what he believes is the greater good. Maybe it's just Alvar or maybe it's Alvar bringing something out inside of him that's broken and vicious. He's overwhelmingly protective and so hungry for justice and what is supposed to be right. And he's not willing to do it because he's evil or because he doesn't care about life he's willing because he cares so incredibly deeply for the lives of those he chooses that it's almost blinding in its intensity. His morality is not absent it's powerful and intrinsic to his very being. He's spent his entire life literally being used as a tool of doing something wrong for the greater good, going to the forbidden cities when he was barely a child despite them being... forbidden. And risking his life and his education and his social development to become this thing which does what is necessary. His worldview is so oppressingly black and white and the benefit must always outweigh the potential harm it could cause not to himself or a single individual but to everyone else.
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