#thinks about all the balloons that just get let go and fly into the sky
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threeacttragedy · 2 days ago
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Entry 17: The One About All the Hot Air
Oh, hey, hey, hey – what is that over there?
No, not that –
Ah, fuck.
Is that what I think it is?
Yeah, yeah, it looks like some sort of hot air balloon.
Ugh, it’s that fucking wannabe Wizard! Get that manipulative shit-fuck outta here!
Seriously, don’t let it set foot on land. It’s not welcome on this side of Oz.
Someone release the flying monkeys! Like, now. Knock it out of the sky.
Wait, I thought the Wizard liked green. This weirdo has a red balloon.
Bitch, I didn’t say it was the Wizard; I said it was a wannabe Wizard.
Oh, no wonder it’s steering that balloon like a fucking clown.
Hell, I don’t even think we need the monkeys. That idiot is going to crash and burn itself straight into the glass walls of the Emerald Palace.
Well, you know what they say when you start throwing stones in a glass house…
It is slightly amusing (and a tad concerning) to me that children are always led to believe that the villain of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” is that bitch of a Witch of the West when the worst character traits are actually portrayed by the Wizard himself. And, by “worst character traits,” I mean that he was a master manipulator who conned an entire city into believing he held some form of great power.
Did you know that in the original story the Emerald City wasn’t really that green? Sure, it was made from green glass and emeralds, but the Wizard required everyone to wear green-colored glasses so that everything appeared greener than it actually was. Weird, that. And, even more weird, people bought it! “Here, put these glasses on and you’ll see everything exactly the way I want you to see it.”
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m fully aware “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” is a work of fiction, but the idea that people can be easily manipulated – especially by someone with “power” – is not fiction.
That’s what today’s piece of “hot air” is about – fandom manipulation and the power of suggestion. And who better than to manipulate an entire fandom than the media? It’s unfortunate that I have to give the media power in this story – and even more unfortunate that I have to give it to rag-mags and social media – but the reality is information is power, regardless of whether it’s misinformation. In fact, MIT Sloan did a study in 2018 demonstrating how false information spreads through social media, namely, Twitter, six times faster than true information. Disturbing, right? I don’t even want to know what the going rate for misinformation is in 2025.
And, of course, since I opened today’s story with a visit to the Land of Oz, we may as well take a day trip over to Australia. Remember how I told you Australia deserved an entry of its own? Well, this is it. No, not really. I did say this was a day trip, not a sleep-over, so it’s not going to be chucked full of shiny bracelets or ways to “keep a good girl down.” It’s just our starting point today.
In my first entry, I briefly described what brought me into this fandom. It was something Luke said – and not really what he said, but how he said it – that left me intrigued. He was being interviewed on the Bowral red carpet by “Gretchen from the Philippines.” Yes, that’s literally how she introduced herself! Could I instead refer to the nice lady by her real name (Gretchen Fullido)? Sure, but “Gretchen from the Philippines” is far more fun. Plus, it sounds kind of whimsical. Any ways, Gretchen (from the Philippines) asked Luke if, “in real life,” he’d support friends-to-lovers. Luke’s response was, well, a bit jumbled, which was what sparked my curiosity because his previous answers that day were, for the most part, articulate: “I would – I would support friends – I feel like it’s not something that – that I have in my li – that I resonate with – that I’ve experienced. But, you know, if my – if my friends wanted to explore a relationship with one their friends, go for it. I’ll support it.”
Something in the way Luke answered that question was like suddenly being able to see the forest for the trees. At that moment, I was convinced Luke had always been in love with Nicola, and everything else that went on during that particular red-carpet event (and thereafter) simply christened the USS Lukola. However, that comment by Luke – and a subsequent one he made in New York – would result in the addition of a lot of trees to our enchanted forest.
Now – I apologize – we need to borrow a hot air balloon, preferably one that can travel through time, and jump forward to November 5, London-time. I promise, we will return to Oz momentarily.
Oh, fuck.
What now?
That ridiculous faux Wizard is right behind us. I thought I told you to send in the monkeys!
Dammit, you said we didn’t need them! I left those fuckers back in Oz.
Well, umm, I think we might need them now.
Uhh, do you see those four-legged beasts on the ground chasing our balloon?
Oh, you mean those coyote-like creatures?
Yeah, but we’re not in the Americas – and those ain’t coyotes…
Ah, here we are: November 5, Claridge’s, London. This was the evening Nicola attended the Harper’s Bazaar Women of the Year awards. We’re only stopping in real quick to steal a piece of the speech Nicola gave that evening. Okay, got it! Let’s get the fuck out of here!
The part of the speech I wanted to share was this: “I did a six-month press tour for Bridgerton, the show which I love, and I’m so proud of. The amount of inappropriate questions I got asked about my appearance, about my relationship…”
Hold up. Relationship? What relationship?
Did she say “relationship” or “relationships?”
Does it fucking matter?
Well, I guess not. But what does it mean?
I could tell you what I think it means… Wait a hot-air-balloon-minute – where the fuck have you taken us? I told you we needed to go back to April 21, Aussie-time. This looks like Soho in January.
Shit, sorry. Let me fix that. Here we go…
Umm, hey, where’s that weird little red Wizard? I swear it was just behind us…
Eh, probably got stuck in Soho, hahaha. Guess it missed its exit.
Do you think that’s a good idea?
Yeah, sure. It’ll be fine…
We’ve returned to April 21, Bowral, Australia. Now, at this point in the timeline, World Tour interviews were already well underway. In fact, the first two parts of EmEdits on YouTube are entirely pre-Australia interviews, making up roughly 6 ½ hours of screen time. I’m not the least bit surprised that “Gretchen from the Philippines” asked Luke what his thoughts were on “real life” friends-to-lovers. The chemistry between Luke and Nicola was hard to ignore.
The Australian red carpet also introduced the hand holding, which – if we took another magical mystery tour over to May 9, Italy – Nicola and Luke agreed was a sign of “love.” I suppose I could buy the excuse that one or both had so much anxiety they needed the other’s hand to remain calm on the red carpet. But, nah, I wouldn’t buy that at all – for one very specific reason. When Luke and Nicola were seen leaving (I believe) the Milton Park Country House on April 23, Luke instinctively reached for Nicola’s hand as they were descending the steps. Why? This reflex by Cool Hand Luke was as natural as a pregnant woman touching her stomach. I ask again – why?
There’s only one answer.
It’s the answer that fits with the Claddagh ring. It’s the answer that fits with the side jaunt to Galway. It’s the answer that fits with their natural chemistry, the hand holding, the canned “shared experience” and “unique relationship” responses, the playful sexual innuendos. It’s the answer that fits with Luke’s “the best foundation for love is friendship” bracelet. It’s the answer that fits with Nicola’s remark about “[t]he amount of inappropriate questions I got asked…about my relationship…” It’s the only fucking answer that makes sense.
But, the real kicker is, why don’t people believe that is the answer?
Why is it so hard to believe that Luke and Nicola could be in a real-life relationship?
That’s easy – because the Man Behind the Curtain told us so.
Who is the Man Behind the Curtain? Well, that’s also easy. It’s collectively the rag-mags and the social media creators on the prowl for a following. It’s the spread of misinformation at its worst and it’s so incredibly easy to do with, say, a pair of green-colored glasses.
Like I said, “…put these glasses on and you’ll see everything exactly the way I want you to see it.”
There was one major plot twist that came out of the World Tour, and you already know what that is. The seed was planted with a New Year’s Eve kiss, fertilized with blurry pictures, a compulsory hallway hug, and copycat photos, and encouraged to grow with a bit of junk news and a lot of social media innuendo. Now, I’m not saying the video and photographic evidence that was presented was fabricated; I’m simply suggesting the narrative that came out that evidence was skewed. The media, namely, social media creators, pushed us to plant Lutonia trees while Luke’s actions (i.e., not acknowledging the existence of Lutonia) told us to “pay no attention to the Man Behind the Curtain.”
Uh, so, what you’re saying is we shouldn’t have left that wannabe Wizard in Soho?
Ah, shit! I forgot about that fucker!
The unfortunate thing about the Lutonia narrative was that it was bolstered by insinuation that Luke would never be interested in Nicola. Now, whether these remarks were deliberately planted, or they were simply seedpods carried away by a storm, they were not overlooked by Lukolas – or Nicola. In fact, Nicola herself brushed upon it in her Harper’s Bazaar speech: “The amount of inappropriate questions I got asked about my appearance…” Yes, I’m referring to the suggestion that Luke preferred “brunettes” over “blondes.” Somehow this narrative was conveniently supported by the existence of – lo and behold! – the brunette “friend of a friend” Antonia, who happened to be slender. Again, whether it was intentional or not, the push by, initially, social media creators (and later gossip rags) to link Luke to Antonia inadvertently called the blonde in our story – Nicola – fat. I refuse to dance around that word because it is exactly what this disgusting narrative implied when it chose to compare Antonia to Nicola. Regardless of whether these gossipmongers “corrected” themselves by replacing “thin” with “brunette” and “fat” with “blonde,” the implication was that Luke would never be interested in Nicola because she had thick blonde hair. This was incredibly upsetting and confusing to many Lukolas because it was contrary to Luke’s behavior towards Nicola throughout the World Tour (and in Bridgerton behind-the-scenes clips).
I decided months ago that Luke was incredibly transparent. And, by that, I mean he’s terrible at keeping secrets. Luke himself admitted his “tell” to this was pulling at his ear – now go watch the World Tour with that information in mind. It’ll give you something to do, at the very least. Luke’s sincerity is also why the blonde versus brunette nonsense just doesn’t take flight for me. Any ways, as I hinted at earlier, Luke’s comments on the Bowral red carpet and his later comments in New York City about friends-to-lovers would – again, unfortunately – give the Man Behind the Curtain ammunition to debunk any real-life relationship between Luke and Nicola. Luke was quickly labeled as being “…dismissive of something ever happening between him and Nicola…” Those are literally the words The Tab used in an article dated May 22 to explain Luke and Nicola’s differing commentary about real-life friends-to-lovers. In fact, the article is titled, “Luke Newton has revealed the reason he’d never date Bridgerton co-star Nicola Coughlan.” Oddly – but not really given the source – Luke never actually said he would never date Nicola. But that fact didn’t stop it from becoming a theme of the World Tour – Luke didn’t believe in friends-to-lovers therefore he would never date Nicola – even though, by the end of the tour, Luke’s stance on this had seemingly changed. That’s not to say the rag-mags misquoted Luke – they didn’t – but the narrative they coiled around his words attempted to shut down the idea that Luke and Nicola would ever date in real life because Luke wasn’t interested. But what Luke was saying was that he believed in love-at-first sight. “I actually don’t think friends-to-lovers is something that happens in my life. If I meet someone, I know immediately.” Now, take that statement with the fact that Luke has repeatedly stated he remembers everything about the moment he met Nicola.
The above examples of gossip and innuendo are simply par for the course. The media manipulates facts all the time – whether it be through social media chatter or rag-mags putting their own spin on ordinary commentary – but this type of manipulation is not what puts the fandom in danger of itself. In fact, most of the gossip and innuendo that took root during the World Tour would have dissipated almost immediately after it ended – if it hadn’t been for Papsmear.
Yeah. That was disastrous.
Come to think of it, it was awfully convenient, too, don’t you think?
Absolutely. And you know what else was convenient? That little wannabe Wizard was –
Oh, yeah, I heard that, too! That clown has been trying to hand out green-colored glasses ever since!
Yep. Tried to give me a pair and I told it to go fuck itself and its little glass cat, too. I mean, they weren’t even name brand glasses. Fake ass, bitch.
All jesting aside, if you haven’t noticed already, I do, on occasion, use my writing to call out the fandom, usually as a whole. I mean, we are in this together, right? Actually, no; we ceased being Collectively Delulu after a few unsavory characters were bitten by the Hunter’s Moon and followed Nicola through the streets of New York and London. There was a major – and rather unexpected – shift in the fandom when the rabid Jakolas appeared from the dark corners of our enchanted forest. And I’m sure you’ve realized at this point in my story that I have one particular – oh, shit, I just realized I don’t even know to which fandom our wannabe Wizard belongs. Ruh-roh. Regardless, that motherfucker is in my peep sight because it is a perfect example of how fandom manipulation has reached a new level of toxicity.
Typically, I don’t care what part of the fandom you’re on. My general attitude is, to each their own. If you’re a Jakola and you find yourself spending an average of 15 minutes each week reading my Lukola blog, I applaud you for peeking outside of the den hole. Best not let Alpha find out, though. It’s all in good fun, right? I often find myself getting a good laugh from Jakola stories, especially when they theorize on the Woman Behind the Curtain. Question, though – did you find her? In all seriousness, if I didn’t consider Jakola and Lutonia perspectives, I would be borderline Conscientiously Stupid, now, wouldn’t I? After all, the desire for knowledge is what ultimately gave our Scarecrow his brain.
However, what I don’t find “in good fun” is when social media creators prey on more than one side of the fandom under phony pretense, namely, that they “just want Nicola to be happy.” Oh, these Cowardly Lions may argue that they’re simply being “neutral” – and, yes, I’m sure some instances of this do exist – however, neutrality does not embrace openly ridiculing one fandom over another, especially on a platform that is touted by its owners as being a “safe space” for everyone. The problem with these so-called “neutral creators” is that they’re only here for social media engagement – the clicks and the giggles – and they defect to the other side when the going gets tough. If you, too, take issue with this kind of creator, be soothed in knowing that when you play two sides, you find yourself with two-times the number of enemies.
What makes these so-called “neutral creators” – actually, let’s just call them the “Defectors” – so poisonous to the fandom is that they are made from the grease drippings found at the bottom of the barrel of the Conscientiously Stupid. The Conscientiously Stupid are one thing – they are the ones using their platforms to spread misinformation because they choose to ignore exculpatory evidence (i.e., they’re headstrong in their beliefs) – but the Defectors are typically the ones creating the misinformation and feeding it to the Conscientiously Stupid and then hanging them out to dry when the information proves to be false. The Conscientiously Stupid who refuse to “lose the battle” then resort to bullying (more so than usual) the Sincerely Ignorant of an opposing fandom. And in defense of their Sincerely Ignorant comrades (or simply because they’re sick and tired of the Conscientiously Stupid preventing anyone from having nice things), the Fact Finders – unceremoniously, I might add – have taken their own place on the battlefield (oh, yes, they are absolutely your tactical commanders). Now, the entire fandom is at war with each other – all because some wannabe Wizard – a Defector – convinced people to look through a pair of shiny, green-colored glasses. More than once.
Is it appropriate – or perhaps a bit catty – to put “ceasefire” here?
Ah, yes, well, uh, we have found ourselves a bit far from Oz at this point, haven’t we?
I suppose – but we are trying to help Dorothy find her way back home, and at least we now have an idea as to how she got lost.
Maybe one day we will get her back to Kansas.
Yeah, maybe.
Oh, silly me! I forgot to sneak in a sly reference to Dorothy’s third companion – the Tin Man! He’s perfect for the end of our story. You know, in the book, the Wizard was just an ordinary man who stumbled into his Ozian existence on a magnificent hot air balloon and took advantage of the power that Emerald citizens bestowed upon him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the Wizard preyed on the naïve using deception and the power of suggestion and invoked fear in anyone who dared to question his authority –
Uh, where are you going with this?
Give me a minute!
Like I said – shit, where was I? – Oh, yes, the Wizard was just an ordinary man, and ordinary people are flawed. We all make mistakes. This is where our Tin Man comes in as he represents love and empathy. Yes, empathy; the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, to understand and forgive, to take into consideration someone’s redeeming qualities –
You know that Wizard defected in his hot air balloon before taking Dorothy home, right?
Wait, what?
Okay, okay. It was Toto’s fault but the Wizard sure as shit didn’t come back for her!
Hmm, you’d almost think Toto knew the Wizard’s true colors all along…
“Au revoir, Wiz.”
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tunapesto · 2 years ago
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ccbatman · 7 months ago
actually so evil how much of hal's internal world gets obliterated with the rewriting of his relationships with jessica and martin.
#hal jordan#empyrean posting#ok going in the tags because im not actually v confident in my understanding of his character. i read all of his 80s/90s stuff but forgot#90% of it but ANYWAY.#so much of him just does not make sense with how geoff johns characterises him and his relationships with his parents particularly the#parallax stuff simply because of how much his relationship with the guardians and their apathy/'betrayal' is influenced by hal's original#relationship with his dad. like at its heart it's pretty much the same dynamic in how hal blindly trusts and sort of idolises the guardians#despite their repeated infractions in hope of... something in return just as he had with his father and the abuse he suffered at martin's#hands. that's what makes his anger at the guardians make sense when it does show itself because the relationship parallel didn't stop there.#as with martin hal gets nothing for his devotion. he gets nothing for doing everything that's asked of him and more and it ends the same way#too: with a man in the sky burning like a newborn star. and you lose so much of that nuance and intrigue behind that if you just make#jessica the 'bad one' because!!! you cheapen it!!!!#the whole idea of hal is that he has his father's face but his mother's scars#(to me). in the sense that they both reacted to martin the same way with that cognisance of who he was as a man yet inability to pull away#because... love. both the love they had for him and the conviction that he did or could love them too. and jessica arguably did eventually#but also she didnt did she? because she held onto that notion of love till the very end. the few scraps she had she ballooned outwards until#they became the whole. but hal didnt have even that and he spent his whole life chasing it & running away from wanting it at the same time#like i think there's something so interesting to the fact that he had to be convinced that flying was what he wanted to do. how much of that#was touched by his father? the fear that he was already too much like him than he could bear to be? he already had his face now he had his#dreams and longing for the sky. how much more could he have before he began repeating the cycle?#and at the end he even had his father's death. burning in the clouds. like there's so much there and that's not even touching on how it#impacts his relationships with other heroes. not just in the sense of why did kyle clark and diana get to keep their close yet complex#relationships with their moms when hal had to lose his (although yeah why did they) but also just how he lets himself come across to them.#because it's on purpose right? that he lets them think his reflection of his father is born out of unadulterated love for a man worthy of it#? he has his father's job he wears his father's jacket he smiles his father's smile. what else are they supposed to think.#and isnt that interesting!!! that this man who is so committed to being good & just can lie so casually to people he thinks of as friends!!!#can you see how that might be his mother through and through!!! in how she might have glossed over the abuse to other people and herself!!!#can you see how in spite of it all he might want to be perceived as his father that paragon of masculinity and resent that he is not!!!#do you understand how everything he loves has been poisoned!!! im thinking of that scene where he tells bruce about watching martin die &#wouldnt it have been so much more interesting through this lens. how he is both revealing & obfuscating at once. i hate the change sm
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gleefullypolin · 7 months ago
Stacy's Tipsy Musing's - Colin Bridgerton Hot Takes - Part 4
Ok boys and girls, we need to have a little chat about Colin Bridgerton.
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Part 2 has been out now for a couple of days and there have been a lot of hot takes to come out of the season. A LOT of hot takes. I’m going to break this down into 4 parts. 4 questions that I'm seeing really bad hot takes about Colin.
Now none of this is new, I gotta say before Season 3 aired Colin was a hot button topic anyway. He seemed to be the Bridgerton brother that lots of people love to spew hate takes on anyway. But damn I gotta say its painful seeing the Polin fandom have so many bad takes falling from their lips.
So, I figured...having a little drink tonight, sitting down for Father’s Day (Happy Father’s Day, Colin) I’d give you the opinion on some of these takes that you didn’t ask for...Mine!
Last time we talked about Colin’s entrapment statement to Pen and if he truly meant it.  Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, now lets get to Question 4:
How could Colin refuse to listen to Pen and just jump in to fix the situation with Cressida?
Colin “Hero Complex” Bridgerton to the rescue! This one is the easiest to answer because it has been coded throughout all 3 seasons to his character.
Season 1: Needed to save Marina from ruin. Even after finding out that she lied to him, tricked him, was pregnant with another man’s child, he STILL would have married her if she had told him she loved him. Like the boy had hero written on his chest and wanted to rip his shirt and fly into the sky to save her. He was the star of his own action story until it all came crashing to the ground the moment the damsel told him she didn’t love him. She thought him a foolish child.
Season 2: We have a couple of hero moments in season 2. He’s still stuck on there being a chance at redeeming himself at saving Marina, visiting her to see if she is happy, if there is anything he could have done differently for her. And once again he is told to stop living in a fairytale. The damsel is not in distress.
Our second hero moment comes in Jack Featherington. This time he gets to be the hero; he saves the ladies Featherington from his schemes. He proves him to be a fraud and runs him out of town. He has no idea that Portia is actually in on the scheme or that it has put the Featherington house into its own ruin at this point, but he rushes in to save the day without thinking ahead of anything else. Damsels in distress, Colin to the rescue.
Season 3: Ok, Pen needs to find a husband, Colin to the rescue. Balloon in Pen's path, Colin to the rescue. Pen is in danger, the Queen has advanced on her, and now Cressida is threatening. Colin does not even hear Pen the moment she speaks, all he hears is danger and he begins to act. His wife is in danger, and he will protect her. Hero mode activated. Again, Colin does not think ahead, he only thinks that his purpose is to protect. So he does not stop to listen to reason, he doesn’t hear Pen’s words or even sense, he just takes action.
The action at hand was apparently to go have a therapy session with Cressida Cowper, because that is what he did. A passionate plea with a woman who had no empathy. It was one of the best scenes however, because it was interesting to me that Colin was unable to tell Pen how he was feeling, but he opened up to Cressida and spilled his thoughts. Why? Because he did not care about her judgement, he did not care about her feelings toward him.
He admitted to feeling loss when Pen did not respond to his letters, he admitted to becoming a fraud, a shell, a person who closed himself off to feelings because he lost the person who opened him up to that piece of himself. He spoke of Pen’s treatment, he also tried to separate her once again from Lady Whistledown as if Pen was simply working for the woman and not actually the person holding the quill.
But Cressida was quick to pass her judgment, she clocked his jealousy immediately. He tried to appeal to her about love, family, fairness, and loneliness. Things he incorrectly assumed she would understand, but Colin, just like Eloise, is a sheltered Bridgerton’s who do not always understand how lucky they are, and he misjudged her reaction.
And our hero returned defeated by our villain. He faced the consequences of rushing in without listening to his wife. She thanked him for his counsel and his heart sank. Once again, the damsel did not need him. Once again, his purpose was gone.
It is only when she tells him she does not need him to be her hero, she simply needs him by her side that he understands his purpose. He doesn’t need to rush in to be her hero. He simply needs to love her. Sometimes the damsel saves herself. Colin truly is that wonderful romance hero I dream of.
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Stick around for a bonus question....
I can’t believe Colin was going to just take 20,000 pounds from the Bridgerton funds, he doesn’t even have a job to take money from the family?
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thetombedspirit · 5 months ago
So... I could be totally wrong, but based on the new promo pictures for Avatar 3, I think the Ash People are going to be less of a tribe and more of a cult.
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I mean, just look at this image for starters. The ones one surrounding Varang are wearing some freaky looking masks, and Varang seems to be wearing an outfit made entirely of Na'vi braids. That is insane and defiantly makes me afraid of this woman. So no wonder she and Quaritch team up at some point.
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You can actually see glimpses of Lyle and Quaritch in the back here as Varang introduces a new kind of creature, which is also pretty dope.
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In fact, you can see a LOT of Na'vi here weilding guns, like WHAT?!?!
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Which brings me to another image that I think really proves that not only are these people a cult, but they're a cult that worships the Sky People.
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Yep. They have air balloon ships. We literally have Na'vi Sky Pirates.
All jokes aside though, what I think is going on is that the Ash People are a Cargo Cult, a group of indigenous people who see bizarre looking strangers coming from a foreign land (or in this case, planet) and basically liken them to Gods (for better details, I recommend watching Game Theory's Minecraft Cult video.)
Anyway, what I'm getting at here is that Na'vi like Varang probably were inspired by the Sky People and their giant metal ikran that could fit more then one person, and their weapons and tried to recreate them, disregarding the way of Eywa, which likely didn't go over well with the other Na'vi. Especially after Grace's School; they were probably banished when those particular Na'vi still supported them after the fact.
But when the RDA was first defeated and sent away, Varang and those Na'vi, like the Cargo Cults of Earth, tried anything to get them to return. They wear masks over their faces, they recreated their ships, they teach themselves how to use their weapons and basically making menaces of themselves to other Na'vi.
And so, Varang become the Olo'eykte of a new clan. A clan that worships the innovations and technologies of the Sky People.
And I bet they would be very excited if they were ever to come across Miles and Lyle, humans that have been reborn into Na'vi, hence why they start working together, which would be a scary thought to think about.
But it would make sense too, because, before, when I still thought of the Ash People as a legitimate clan, I never understood why a clan would be supportive of what they're doing if they worshipped Eywa and help them attack other Na'vi. Like why side with Quaritch when he wants to help the RDA perform a hostile takeover and not Jake, who wants to preserve the Na'vi home and way of life. But it does make sense to me, if they were ostracized by their people for their continued adoration of their techniques.
In fact, if I was to really dig into this, this might explain Teylan and his fascination with human tech too. If others are just as intrigued by their tech, then so would he.
So yeah, that is my reasoning for why I think the Ash People are a cult and why they would align themselves with the RDA. Please let me know what you think and I can't wait to see this movie!!!💙
So these airships...
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What I may have misinterpreted as a Ash People replication of ships may actually belong to another tribe that's to feature in the film. The Windtraders.
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And that makes sense with this image of Neytiri and her Ikran flying beside them. The Ikran's calm, Neytiri has no weapon ready, so I can only assume that the Windtraders are a tribe of nomadic merchants, who travel from place to place and, as the name implies, trade with other clans.
Maybe one such clan they trade with is the Metkayina, and that's how we'll get introduced to this clan and their way of living.
I still %100 believe that the Ash People are a cult, but I just wanted to clarify my mishap.
And who knows? Maybe the Ash People are scheming to steal their ships so that they can really imitate the Sky People and that's how the Sully's confront them.
Be a good way to kick start the plot is all I'm thinking.
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chaos-chloe · 2 months ago
The Great Gaming Fiasco
Summary: Grizzy rage, I think you already know this<3
TW: Established relationship, rage. anger, warzone moment, kissing, cursing and screaming, lmk if I missed anything
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This fateful night started like any other, with the trio gathering their keyboards, their spirits high and laughter echoing through the room. “Ready to beat some noobs?” Grizzy hollered as he loaded up the game, the anticipation crackling in the air like static electricity. The familiar battle sounds filled the room, and they dove into the chaos.
“Why doesn’t that work?!” Smii7y bellowed, fierce frustration spilling from his lips like a dragon's fire, slumping dramatically in his chair as his avatar met an untimely demise. He banged his hand on the desk with a sound akin to thunder.
“Ello Grizzy!” Puffer sang with a comedic flair as Grizzy was unexpectedly reincarnated, flinging his parachute in a desperate bid to return to the sky. But alas, the parachute refused to open—like a deflated balloon. Grizzy’s frustration spiraled as he began to rain blows on his keyboard, resulting in a dramatic self-kill that could only be described as tragicomic.
“WHY WOULD YOU KILL YOURSELF?” Puffer cried out, the desperation lacing his voice as if they were in a high-stakes war council. “I COULD’VE REZZED YOU! WHY?!” 
With a dramatic flourish, the keys rained down like confetti, creating a chaotic storm of letters and symbols — a keyboard glitter bomb exploded across his desk! Each key had its own story, its own mission to fulfill in the kingdom of Warzone, and now they lay shattered in despair.
The keyboard chaos continued, keycaps flying around Grizzy’s desk like tiny meteors in a galactic explosion of rage. The comical scene escalated, with Smii7y unable to stifle his laughter. “I think I need a new keyboard,” Grizzy declared with a resigned sigh echoing through the room, a solemn testament to his fiery spirit, as if he had just climbed Mount Doom only to find it was a mere hill.
“He just lost all his keycaps.” Smii7y said with a smirk growing on his face, while Grizzy fumed, the air tinged with both laughter and despair. “Oh my god” Puffer moans in emotional pain in the background. “Bro it aint working today.” Smii7y responded to Puffer's distress. “Nothing’s working.” Smii7y joked about how each bug felt like a monster stalking them in the night, ready to pounce at any awakening moment.
“I’m kicking over the key caps, I’ll clean that mess later.” Grizzy growled, “It's a problem for another day.
 “What do you mean mess?’ Puffer aspirated at Grizzy
“Wait, can you even use your keyboard? Did you go get a new one?” Puffer asked for content
“I got a new one- well i stole __’s” Grizzy responded “Ugh-let me straighten my desk” Puffer laughed at Grizzy’s misery. 
“Yeaahh” “What the fuck happend?” “What happened to you?” Smii7y and Puffer asked.
“The situation where you're gonna pull your parachute and it says “NO”” Grizzy explained as annoyance seeped through his voice. “Yeah! That literally just happened to me as well.” Smii7y agrees with Grizzy’s annoyance at the game with their bugs. They exchanged stories of their own gaming disasters, an unwritten pact of camaraderie knitting them closer amidst the chaos.
“Yeah so then I decided to slam my keyboard, which killed me, which made me even more angry. So I just clapped my keyboard together, ‘til everything came off.” Grizzy tells the replay of what just happened.
“Were you doing a last second one?” Smii7y asked. “Uhh-no i pressed it like 3 times before landing, it just didn't pull.” Grizzy answered with a slight tone. 
“Like right now.” Grizzy placed ___’s keyboard down with some force, as he was clenching and unclenching his fist, storming off, as the trio couldn't help but spiral into a cyclone of banter, laughing yet again at Grizzy’s misfortune. Grizzy stormed off out of frame towards his right office door which was left open. 
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In the midst of the laughter, the mood shifted. A loud crash resonated from Grizzy’s office, while I was in the kitchen. Quickly followed by a blood-curdling scream that sent shivers down their spines. 
“FUCK!!!”  Grizzy’s roar thundered through the house, slicing through the laughter like a lightning bolt, a haunting call of despair that made everyone freeze. After that there was an eerie unusual stillness lurking in the house. 
My skin jumped as his scream blared to life, roaring like a thousand ghosts at once, sending ice down my spine. I gasped in shock, my eyes popped open like saucers, my adrenaline rushing through my veins. In a flurry, I leapt out of my statue like a state.
With curiosity piqued, I tiptoed towards the scene, every step echoing with anticipation. Approaching cautiously, I soon found myself colliding with Grizzy, his frustration evident and his door hanging askew like a battle-worn shield, leaning on the doorframe. “Let me guess... warzone moment?” I quipped with a smirk, but concern laced my words like a thick fog that hung in the air.
“Yeah, I didn't know how else to take my rage out of my body, since I already broke my keyboard. I was most certainly not breaking your keyboard, yes I stole it after I broke mine. I knew how much time and money you spent on that keyboard.” Grizzy explained while I was giving him the “mom” look. As we stood there, I couldn’t help but chuckle. The chaos of gaming had turned into a comedic rendezvous, where gaming mishaps became fodder for laughter and camaraderie.
 “Well I appreciate  you not breaking mine, but now I have to fix your office door babe.” I say walking out his arms towards the closet of tools/storage that they have. 
As I set to fixing his door, the banter resumed. “Is it possible to rage hard enough to break a door?” I teased while wielding my tools. Grizzy sheepishly scratched his head, his triumph of rage slowly fading into recollection of the bond we all had. 
I heard Grizzy walk back into his office, as my hands were full of tools and glue so I could repair the holes in the wall. “I’m done, shut the fuck up. SHUT THE FUCK UP! I’m done, I’m done.” Grizzy repeated. “I just broke my door with my hands, now ___ is fixing it. I’m FUCKING DONE.” He screams in anger and slaps his hand on his desk.
“Sorry, baby, I'm not mad at you.” Grizzy apologized to me, as I was trying to make myself as small as possible. I was putting toothpicks and wood glue together in the holes, where the screws used to be. Grizzy ended the stream right after he apologized to me. 
“You’re fine babe, is there anyway you can get the sandpaper that i left on the counter. Also maybe the wirecutter in the tool box?” I asked him a favor, I felt my phone buzz in my butt pocket.
Hey ___ you okay? Grizzy okay? -Puffer
Yes we are both okay, he is calming down now as we are both putting the door back together. Try to tell, chat that too. You know how shit can spiral out of control. 
Will do, and okay we were just making sure
Its all good! I’m probably gonna make him, go get us food in a min
Moments passed as I tuckered away at the door, awaiting Grizzy’s emotional cooldown. “After all this fixing, how about a nice dinner?” I suggested with a smile, already picturing a delightful feast to reward ourselves after the wild night.
“C’mon babe, let's get your fine ass off the dirty floor and go find a nice restaurant.” Grizzy nodded enthusiastically, offering his hand to help me up, grinning ear-to-ear. As I stood up with his help, I gave him a kiss on the lips and started tugging him to the door, laughing together. 
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moongothic · 9 months ago
You think Crocodile's gonna blow his stack when he finds out how shitty Luffy's upbringing was? His baby boy repeatedly got tossed into the jungle to fend for himself against wild animals, as well as off cliffs and left to float into the fucking air on balloons all courtesy of Garp. He got left alone for long periods of time possibly as early as infancy, also cuz of Garp. And oh yeah, he was tortured by pirates, almost burned to death in a giant garbage fire, and went through the trauma of losing a brother.
Like, no matter how stern or distant of a parent Crocodile may be, I don't think he would be content to stand by and let any of that happen to baby Luffy. Also also, Crocodile witnessed firsthand Garp impeding Luffy's attempts to rescue Ace. The Cross Guild wants Garp for his bounty. Crocodile wants Garp for REVENGE.
With Garp I feel like it could go either way because like, let's be real for a second
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This is 100% played for laughs.
Like if we're being serious then yes, in the Very Real World this is absolutely child neglect and abuse, Garp's parenting would NEVER fly (🥁) in our Very Real World. But just like Nami can physically abuse Luffy and co for laughts and get away with it, Garp's "training" is very much the same tonally, a Cartoon Slapstick Gag (made even more obvious when Toei animated Baby Luffy flying off into the sky going "UGYAAAAA" (that clip lives in my head rent free it's so funny??)) and a reflection of how this ridiculous old man (who might've been through even more ridiculous training in his childhood) views how a small child can be trained.
And so like. I could imagine Crocodile being like "who the fuck does that to a small child, are you insane" at Garp if he found out how Garp had been raising Luffy, but I think whatever reaction Crocodile might have would be played just as much for laughs as Garp's original comments were
Like IDK if Crocodile and Garp did have a relationship I think it would end up being similar to how Zoro and Sanji interact. Like Crocodile would to some degree be indebted to Garp because Garp did look after his son when he couldn't, and Garp wouldn't have a precious grandson (whom Garp sincerely does love, deeply) without Crocodile, so like. I think there could be like this mutual respect and gratitude for the other. But also it'd be kind of a begrudging gratitude and they would also hate each others guts and what they stand for and probably bicker. Lots. But in a funny way. (Like Zoro and Sanji)
Also I feel like even if Crocodile personally hated Garp's guts I don't think Crocodile would ever try anything to harm Garp. Like he saw how Luffy absolutely shattered after losing Ace, so even if Luffy and Garp's relationship wasn't the strongest, if Luffy loves his grandpappy then I don't think Crocodile would want to take his son's only grandfather, his family, away. Crocodile isn't in any kind of position to "take revenge" on the man who did look after his son for him (even if his methods were questionable at times) (Same for Dadan and the bandits too arguably)
The convenient thing of me letting this ask sit in my ask box for 20 days before actually responding is that I managed to post this thing the other day, and I want to continue an observation from that post; While I do agree Crocodile would probably be horrified to find out about all shit Luffy went through as a child... In the end, what's happened has happened, and I think Crocodile might believe that if he had wanted to ensure his son wouldn't have to go through things like that, then he should've raised the child himself. That Luffy's childhood not being all sunshine and rainbows is kind of his fault.
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pinkhairandpokemon · 1 year ago
rp thread starter for @touya-san
“Come on Fwoofy! You can do it!”
“Blake, it’s been almost an hour,” Hop sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he watched his friend repeat words of encouragement to their Cosmog over and over. Beside him, Reshiram stood, eyes following his trainer with a dumbfounded expression plastered on his face. “You realize they can’t understand a word you say, right?”
“Yes they can!” Blake insisted with a pout, shooting him an annoyed glare over their shoulder.. “They’re still just… figuring it out! We’ll get it eventually.”
The Cosmog in question, however, was currently occupied with exploring in the tall grass, happily chittering to itself as it floated about and very much not trying to do whatever it was Blake wanted them to do.
“Uh huh,” Hop nodded, voice dropping with sarcasm. “Real hard worker over there.”
With a defeated groan, Blake ran a hand over their face as they rose to their feet. “Okay, yeah, this isn’t working.” Scooping Fwoofy back into their arms, they turned to face Hop. “Let’s try something else! There’s gotta be a way we can-”
A strange snort from Reshiram made everyone draw their attention towards the legendary dragon, and they all looked up to see him awkwardly scrunching his nose at nothing in particular. Raising a brow, Blake reached a hand out towards their Pokémon in concern as he squeezed his eyes shut and reared his head back. “Woah, buddy, you okay-?”
The sudden, booming sneeze from the feathery creature made everyone nearly jump out of their skin, and made Fwoofy quite literally go flying straight out of Blake’s arms. With a frightened squeal, the little sentient ball of clouds spun about in the air like a stray leaf, a blue glow encasing its tiny body.
“Woah, Fwoofy-!” Blake exclaimed, both them and Hop simultaneously moving to run after the Cosmog. Before they could even take two steps forward, though, a dazzling explosion burst forth from Fwoofy and swallowed their fields of vision.
Blake had hardly realized they’d been sent tumbling backwards by the blow, until they opened their eyes to find themself collapsed on the grass. With a groan, they placed a hand over their head as they sat up and looked around. Sparkling residue still lingered in the air from the blast, but by the looks of it no one seemed to have been hurt.
After stumbling back onto their feet, Blake moved to help pull Hop from the ground and pick Fwoofy back up. “Okay, that was weird,” Blake remarked, giving Fwoofy a look of worry when they noticed how exhausted it suddenly seemed. The Cosmog let out a weak little trill, deflating in its trainer’s arms like a balloon. “I’ve never seen them do THAT before…”
“Maybe Fwoofy just learned a new attack?” Hop suggested with a shrug, momentarily glancing over at Reshiram, who still seemed a bit disoriented himself.
“I-” Blake opened their mouth to reply, but stopped when they suddenly noticed Reshiram’s head jolting up from the corner of their eye. “Reshi? What’s up?” They asked, turning to see what had gotten the Legendary’s attention.
Reshiram let out a roar towards the sky, a particular sound Blake had come to recognize whenever he was calling for his counterpart. Thinking N had come to see what they were up to, Blake followed the dragon’s gaze, expecting to see the black silhouette of Zekrom approaching on the horizon- but instead they spotted… another Reshiram?
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year ago
Thinking about possible totk dlc again... Listen, we all know we want it XD.
Thing is, I've read the interviews, and I think Nintendo is right. There's just no more mechanics they can add to the game without completely breaking it. Totk is maxxed out on mechanics and options and playability. There really is nothing more they can add ability wise without bogging the whole thing down and causing a million problems, both for themselves and players.
But that's not all there is in a game, is there?
There's master mode, for one. Gold enemies are missing from totk entirely, never mind all the craziness of regenerating enemies, new mob camps just floating around, the gleeok they'd probably put on the great sky island. People loved master mode in botw, there's no reason not to at least drop that button back in.
But... People do have a few complaints. There's stuff they're missing, stuff that leaves loose ends, stuff that wasn't explained well enough. It all mostly boils down to one thing.
We could have an answer to where the divine beasts and all the sheikah tech went. We could find a giant scrapyard at the bottom of a new/old chasm because hyrule tossed everything in that could be pried up. There could be like five remaining active guardians, just so we can mess them up like we did in botw. There's voids where water is on the surface, there's plenty of space! It'd solve both the 'where tf did they go' and the 'man I wish we still had guardians' issue in one fell swoop.
We could get casual dialogue that all the divine beasts were driven out to sea and sunk! I don't know! Some sort of closure! We could talk about generational trauma responses! The instinctive fear of sheikah tech if there is one! Link is certainly canonically traumatised, did you see him with the first sky tower??
We could get wolfie back! Update his teleportation code so he can keep up with our stupid endeavours and not get caught in crossfire! Make him immune to zonai tech, idk.
We could get a resolution to kass and Penn! That whole storyline ended so sadly, and the lack of kass is straight up disturbing. We could rescue him from the depths where he fell in or smth idk!! Just because you're a bird does NOT mean you can fly a kilometer + straight up in pitch black through a narrow cylinder with lethally toxic sides. Now he's got enough material for life! (and probably trauma. The only food down there is stuff the yiga brought, which - well, it's not like they'd worry about thieves down there.
That stupid chef from lookout landing who ran off to the castle. That's TOTALLY a quest come on :(. Let him come home.
More lookout landing expansion, if you're desperate for stuff that isn't 90% dialogue! Please let me install bigger towers and a bathing area and more shops or SOMETHING. Little outlet stalls from every capital! Let me rebuild the first home in castle town! I! D! K!
More newspaper news! We could randomise it like the spider man ps4 news feed, that was hilarious. Absolute hogwash rumours and stupid feuds between neighbours and the results of pumpkin growing competitions! Mix it up, traysi had bonkers stuff, it was so good. What does life look like from inside the world?
Hylia gossip? We know she doesn't keep strictly to her 'find shrine rewards for increased gains, link' thing. Let her ask link for random stuff for 'power buffs' and give him, like, a random buff that lasts precisely 24 minutes.
Maybe even a 'now we opened the plateau again, people want to investigate' side plot. No one wanted to see :(. I didn't like that the only people up there were yiga :((. Send some new research team dude to wax lyrical and beg link for photos of different areas or symbols.
Gloom hands should be able to attack link in the depths. This would solve nothing and in fact make things much worse, but it happened to me twice and it was so much worse than on the surface lol.
Maybe some idiot managed to make it to a Sky island with balloons but now they can't get down, whoops lol. Some of them really aren't that high up and there's a lot of very determined people XD.
Someone's been captured by the yiga and link has to do a full infiltration and smuggle them the keys to their cell. Come on, the yiga base is underutilised!!
The gerudo stable was being shut down because of the sandstorm turning away travellers. After we solve that, maybe we could help reopen it? It made me so sad...
Link vs the flower lady. She wants a sample of every single flower in hyrule to get it all nice for her majesty! She remembers his crimes...
Link and the new sages could have a silly bonding quest each! Let him test his mettle against them in a spar! I don't know!
The ability to pet dogs and horses! An idle sitting animation that makes link sit down properly to enjoy the view!
Heck, a master cycle equivalent....
There's just a almost infinite amount of options available for real, actual content, it doesn't just have to be new mechanics and new dungeons. Yes, it gets the adrenaline going, but neither the fans nor Nintendo want nor need more of that.
We know the story is more lacking in botw/totk than previous zelda games, an understandable and acceptable sacrifice when you're working with such a huge and complex open world as this, but this is the perfect opportunity to fix that, Nintendo, don't you see? Give that incredibly elaborate coding a break and give the writers something else to chew on.
Tag what quest line or question you want answered in the comments or tags!
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love-bigboss1fan-me · 8 months ago
Journal #25 trigger warning for Abuse and Death
Thank you @thosetwistedtales for letting me use the audio 💜
Subtitles: My mama entrusted me to her brother, so he had no choice but to raise me best he could. Say what you will about the man, but he had himself a sense of obligation. He might even have harbored a measure of affection for me, but whatever was in his heart he expressed with his hands. His fists.
Any hopes and dreams he might have had for me— for us— fell by the wayside pretty quick. We slipped into a daily routine of warnings to stay the fuck inside, bookended by beatings to drive the point home. I think sometimes he sincerely believed that was the only way to protect me, but I wasn't about to go on living like that. Can't cage a young boy's spirit. If I'd stayed, I'd've died, body and soul. I had to get out. Started hoarding supplies in secret, but he caught on.
That was the beginning of the worst beating yet. He was grabbing anything and everything within reach that could be used as a weapon. Tearing our shelter apart, smashing furniture, all the while wailing like a wounded animal, tears streaming down his face.
He pinned me down, tears and spit flying in my face as he blubbered on about me not understanding his pain. His fucking pain. His hands round my neck, darkness creeping in from the corners. His fucking pain. His fucking pain.
The kitchen knife in my hands. In his neck. His hands, his fucking hands, they grow weak, and he just... deflates. Like a balloon, all over me. I roll him off, and I look into his glassy eyes, filled with his fucking pain and our steel sky.
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analogskullerosis · 1 year ago
Thoughts on the Doom Patrol Finale
"It's okay. I made it home."
I thought the finale was wonderful. It was a perfect send off for the show and I think all the main characters got a good conclusion to their stories, even if I think some had bigger flaws than others. I think the show came full circle and did exactly what it wanted to do. While I would've liked to have seen a fifth season, I'm satisfied with what's here. I would say the theme for the final episode of Doom Patrol revolved around "breaking the cycle" and realizing that the only way things get better is by embracing change and to stop running around in circles. Let go of your worries and just be what you're meant to be.
Vic's ending was simple but sweet. The entire show he's been struggling to find his purpose and how he can help people in a way that isn't joining the Justice League or being a comic book superhero like Batman or Superman. Becoming a teacher with Derrick for the next generation of students pave the way and teach them valuable skills via robotics and prosthetics work (which Vic's Cyborg parts basically are) felt like the best ending for him. He wanted to be a hero and he is, it's just in the more subtle, usually unspoken/unthanked way that teachers can be viewed as "heroes".
Rita's death was sad, but necessary in order to help the rest of the team move on to their final destinies. It's often said that mothers (or grandmothers, in Old!Rita's case) are what keep families together. With her death, the Doom Patrol also died with her. She died beloved and with her family by her side... although she was embarrassed that her family only seemed to think of her by bringing her favorite alcohol... and her body blobbed up and popped like a slime balloon afterwards... But being reunited with Malcolm in the afterlife was a lovely conclusion for her. Being reunited with her lost love in a garden felt like something out of an old movie. Perfect for Miss. Rita Farr. The rest of the team paying tribute to her and watching her movie Secret Rendezvous was a lovely way to remember her. Their Lovely Rita died a star.
Speaking of dying as a star, Larry! Larry went nuclear!! Him flying into the sun during the Bad!Future at the beginning of the season was wild, his future with Rama here at the end was beautiful and it was the ending Larry deserved. He broke the cycle by not having Rama be the same "What If?" that John Bowers had been. He freed himself and was able to truly love without fear or hesitation again. Turning into a bright star in space was perfect for Larry because the entire show he had been introverted and shy and reserved. He made it a point to hide for as long as he could and never let anybody see him. His journey was all about a man embracing the things that make him who he is and to let the world see him in his glory, no matter what they think. Joining with Rama in space and becoming a star (which is how I interpreted their joining to signify) means that for the next couple thousand years, Larry can be seen shining bright in the night sky, whether people like it or not.
Jane becoming Kay again (or simplty, K., as Vic suggested) was the ultimate win. The underground was destroyed and K. found her peace. Her going to space with someone who she could find comfort in and explore with was a lovely ending for her. She wanted to leave Doom Manor and explore the world, now she can. Admittedly, I wish her relationship with Casey Brinke would've had more time devoted to it, but it's not a pairing I mind. As much as I wish she could've found her way back to Shelley Byron, I suppose I treat Shelley as an unreachable fantasy (she is fog, after all) whose role was not so much to be an endgame romantic partner to her, but to be a guiding hand and help Jane/K. begin to become comfortable in her body and sexuality again and ultimately help her reach her ending. Her conclusion had flaws, but her journey was still very very satisfying and I can be happy with her having Casey Brinke, her painting, a ship with a view, and a nice cat (so long as Casey doesn't... you know.) Her ending felt like it answered the ending Grant Morrison gave her after their run of the comics. "There is another world. There is a better world. Well... there must be." The show's answer is, "Yes, there is. She found it."
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Laura's ending was my second least favorite (next to Dorothy, who just flat out fucking disappeared!!!) and I wish she had gotten a little more, but I got to see Michelle Gomez wield a flamethrower and smile bigger than a child on Christmas Day, so I can't be too mad about it. If you believe in fire as a thing that cleanses things and allows people to start over, Laura's ending worked for her character. The place that really and truly broke her is about to be violently burned down. A woman like her needed violence to heal her and I think burning down the Ant Farm was just that.
Cliff's ending was the one that got me the most. "I thought I came home to live, but I think I came home just to die." The gift that Isabel/Immortus gave him was a sweet gift. He gets to see the cycle be broken right before his very eyes. He gets to see Rory's whole life play out and while you fear he's repeating his grandfather's actions, those fears are quickly put to bed when you see that he's perfectly fine and everything works out. He doesn't become RJ Steele, he doesn't fall into the same traps and vices that hurt Cliff Steele, he becomes a different man. Rory Steele is there for Clara Steele and he gets to meet his own grandson as a flawed, but supportive and good man. When Cliff powers down and it hangs on that shot of Cliff's robot face, I broke. The journey is completed. Cliff was in an accident and spent the whole series trying to get home. He did just that. It was the most beautiful way Cliff Steele's story could've ended. I loved every minute of it.
I was happy that the Immortus plot and the Butts plot was wrapped up in about five minutes with no explanation. It didn't need one. This show was never about them. It was a show about a bunch of misfit-assholes-turned-superpowered-weirdos who had to learn to care for one another, helping each other guide through trauma and pain and become better people at the end of it. They did just that. Larry was right: every single threat the team dealt with was created by them in some way. If there's no Doom Patrol, then the world is safe for another day. The only way this all ends is by the Doom Patrol disbanding for good. If you view Doom Manor as one giant therapy/rehabilitation retreat, then all of the members of the manor were stamped and cleared to leave. They left and they all found their own happiness, happiness that would be strange and weird and nonsensical if it was any show other than Doom Patrol. In the end, the cycle was broken and the characters became free to explore the world beyond the manor. No more chaos, no more fear, only peace.
The only cycle that never seems to break is the one where the Doom Patrol dies at the end of almost every iteration of the comics... until some weirdo (Grant Morrison, Rachel Pollack, Gerard Way, etc.) comes along and resurrects them, brings them back to life. I suspect the Doom Patrol will go through that cycle again. They will die, the team will be disbanded and gone for a while, then some weirdo will lovingly make up some way to get them all together again. It doesn't have to make perfect sense, just so long as they're all together again somehow.
There's so much more to say, but I'll leave it with this for now: Doom Patrol has become one of my favorite shows of all time. It's hilariously ridiculous, wonderfully weird, delightfully strange, and the most beautifully human show about superpowered misfits coming together and helping each other find brighter days after experiencing nothing but the darkest ones. They're my new go-to example of what a found family should be and I think the finale was satisfying. I think the show wrapped up the best way that it could've and I think every person that had the pleasure of working on it should be proud of what they've unleashed onto the world.
Long live the Doom Patrol.
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worlds-least-responsible · 23 days ago
Wait a second. Check it out.
Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!
I've never seen them this close.
They know what it's like outside The Hive.
Yeah, but some don't come back.
Hey, Jocks!
Hi, Jocks!
You guys did great!
You're monsters!
You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!
I wonder where they were.
I don't know.
Their day's not planned.
Outside The Hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what.
You can't just decide to be a Pollen Jock. You have to be bred for that.
Look. That's more pollen than you and I will see in a lifetime.
It's just a status symbol.
Bees make too much of it.
Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it and the ladies see you wearing it.
Those ladies?
Aren't they our cousins too?
Distant. Distant.
Look at these two.
Couple of Hive Harrys.
Let's have fun with them.
It must be dangerous being a Pollen Jock.
Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom!
He had a paw on my throat, and with the other, he was slapping me!
Oh, my!
I never thought I'd knock him out.
What were you doing during this?
Trying to alert the authorities.
I can autograph that.
A little gusty out there today, wasn't it, comrades?
Yeah. Gusty.
We're hitting a sunflower patch six miles from here tomorrow.
Six miles, huh?
A puddle jump for us, but maybe you're not up for it.
Maybe I am.
You are not!
We're going 0900 at J-Gate.
What do you think, buzzy-boy?
Are you bee enough?
I might be. It all depends on what 0900 means.
Hey, Honex!
Dad, you surprised me.
You decide what you're interested in?
Well, there's a lot of choices.
But you only get one.
Do you ever get bored doing the same job every day?
Son, let me tell you about stirring.
You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around.
You get yourself into a rhythm.
It's a beautiful thing.
You know, Dad, the more I think about it,
maybe the honey field just isn't right for me.
You were thinking of what, making balloon animals?
That's a bad job for a guy with a stinger.
Janet, your son's not sure he wants to go into honey!
Barry, you are so funny sometimes.
I'm not trying to be funny.
You're not funny! You're going into honey. Our son, the stirrer!
You're gonna be a stirrer?
No one's listening to me!
Wait till you see the sticks I have.
I could say anything right now.
I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
Let's open some honey and celebrate!
Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae. Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!
I'm so proud.
We're starting work today!
Today's the day.
Come on! All the good jobs will be gone.
Yeah, right.
Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal...
Is it still available?
Hang on. Two left!
One of them's yours! Congratulations!
Step to the side.
What'd you get?
Picking crud out. Stellar!
Couple of newbies?
Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!
Make your choice.
You want to go first?
No, you go.
Oh, my. What's available?
Restroom attendant's open, not for the reason you think.
Any chance of getting the Krelman?
Sure, you're on.
I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.
Wax monkey's always open.
The Krelman opened up again.
What happened?
A bee died. Makes an opening. See? He's dead. Another dead one.
Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.
Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That's life!
Oh, this is so hard!
Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrangler.
Barry, what do you think I should... Barry?
- 🌻
Are you actually going to send the entire bee movie script.
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demons-and-demigods · 9 months ago
Demons and Demigods Part Eleven: Written Scene #6.5: Sparta
Look, I'm not sure if I should classify this as a written scene or not, so I'm just gonna call it both lore and a scene, but there is a fair bit of proper writing in here, it's just split up between a bunch of hand-wavey bits lmao
Pylos and getting the poison from Frank’s ‘cousins’ goes the same, they get back to the Argo II, chat about Piper’s visions and wtf the deal is with the chained god’s heartbeat in Sparta, Percy makes his comment about ‘send Leo, he’s immune to fire. Shit, I’ll go with some fuckin’ water balloons, Ares and I have tangled before, I’m more than happy to pummel him again,’ Annabeth reigns him in since Piper’s vision showed the two of them, they table the discussion for the moment and decide to just get going. The sea serpent is eyeing them, they decide to fly instead of sail. Off they go to Sparta!
They arrived in Sparta. Piper shared her dream about the giant waiting for them and shit, and Percy crossed his arms. His face darkened, lips twisting into a snarl, and all the pipes in the ship burst. Piper jumped. Somewhere else in the ship, she heard Leo yelp. 
“Carajo mierda! ¿Qué carajo, Percy!” Leo cursed loudly in Spanish as water and various other liquids started to leak through the walls. 
Percy didn’t react. 
“That’s it,” he said darkly, his voice lower than Piper had ever heard it. It rumbled from deep in his chest and she swore she could feel it in her bones. “I’m coming with you.”
Piper tried not to let on just how terrified she was. Percy had always been scary, even without trying to be. But ever since he and Annabeth had returned from Tartarus, it was like Percy was barely able to reign himself in anymore and Annabeth had taken to just watching him with a knowing glint in her eye whereas before she would have stopped him before he went too far. Percy’s mere presence set Piper on edge, her fight-or-flight instinct rearing its head the moment he entered a room. 
Piper knew that he would never hurt her or any of their friends on purpose, but after what Leo had told her about what happened with Nike, well. She just hoped they didn’t ever get caught in the crossfire. 
Right then, Piper was barely resisting the urge to flee as Percy glared at her and Annabeth, daring them to tell him no. Piper tried not to let her legs shake. Annabeth just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms right back. 
“Absolutely not, Seaweed Brain,” Annabeth said sternly and raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend. “Piper and I are more than capable of taking care of ourselves, and as much as I don’t want to leave your side either, Percy, we have to remember what the Giants said. They need the blood of a man and a woman to wake Gaea. If there really is a Giant waiting for us down there, we can’t send one of each; we’d just be giving them exactly what they want.” 
Percy growled low in his throat and Piper jumped when thunder cracked though the sky. 
“I don’t like this any more than you do, Percy, but the thunderstorm and exploding pipes are unnecessary. Honestly, if you don’t stop blowing up the plumbing, I think Leo might strangle you.” Annabeth said with a light laugh as she stepped forward to place her palms flat against his chest. 
Piper watched with wide eyes as Annabeth met Percy furious gaze with an indulgent smile, completely at ease even as the ship rocked from the force of the winds summoned alongside Percy’s storm by his anger. 
Annabeth bounced up on her tiptoes to give Percy a quick kiss. Percy let out a resigned sigh as his face melted into a soft grin. He slumped at the fight visibly drained from him and shook his head. 
“One of these days I’ll remember how futile it is to try and argue with you,” he said with a chuckle, and every trace of his frightening display of anger and power washed away by a kiss from his girlfriend. He sighed again. “I really, really don’t like this,” he said pointedly, “But I know you’re more than capable of handling yourself and I have no right to stop you.” He leaned down and kissed Annabeth languidly, one hand coming up to cup her jaw and the other tangling in her hair. “I guess I should go apologize to Leo and help clean up the mess I made,” he said when they finally parted for air. “Promise me you’ll be safe, Wise Girl.” 
Annabeth smiled. “Of course I will, Seaweed Brain. You’re still not getting rid of me that easily.” She gave him one more quick kiss before waving him off as they both laughed. She watched her boyfriend disappear around the corner with a tender look on her face. 
Then, she sighed and turned to Piper, her face settling into a determined mask. “Come on,” she said. “We’d better get going before he decides he’s coming anyway, my reasoning be damned.” 
Annabeth and Piper head off to do their thing. Very little changes here. Their conversation on the hill goes a little differently since Annabeth isn’t afraid of Percy and the Akhlys thing (actually she thought it was pretty hot, Percy offering to kill a goddess for her). Annabeth had told Piper some of the stuff that happened Down There, but the ‘ranked list of scary things that happened’ is more Piper’s thing than Annabeth’s. Annabeth was scared, of course, never of Percy, though, but rather of y’know, the possibility of dying and not making it back to their friends and losing Percy and stuff like that. When she talked about scary things Percy had done, it wasn’t with fear, it was always with admiration and love and a lot of ‘gods, I love him’s thrown in. Piper was the one to label his actions scary. Annabeth mooned over them. 
So when Piper is like “You’re thinking about Percy,” and they have their little feelings talk, Annabeth doesn’t talk about how he scared her standing there at the edge of Chaos threatening a goddess, but instead she talks about how incredible it was to watch him reduce a goddess to begging for mercy, how much she loved him for being willing to do whatever it took for them to make it out of there, how thrilling the knowledge was that he’d have killed Akhlys if she’d asked him to, how exhilarating it felt to have that kind of power and control over a situation. 
Piper is trying very hard not to freak out. Because seriously. What the fuck, Annabeth. But she manages to keep her cool (at least outwardly) and then there’s the surge of fear and the topic shifts and Annabeth mentions how terrifying it was to be blinded and separated from Percy by the arai, the bone-deep fear she’d felt when Bob healed her and she saw Percy on the ground, covered in blood and barely hanging on as he struggled to breathe, learning that he was dying of gorgon’s blood and there was nothing Bob could do to help him. Piper comforts her and then they notice the flame geysers. 
They go to check those out, Annabeth is frustrated she can��t find a pattern, Piper figures out they’re not logical, they’re emotional, and she jumps down the hole. Annabeth follows a moment later after she anchored a rope and Piper cut off the dragon head spouting the flames. They realize it’s a temple of fear, not just of Ares, and it’s fucking with their emotions. The Giant appears to taunt them, and they take off running. 
Annabeth is spiraling, she is definitely having a Very Not Good Time. Piper is doing her best to snap Annabeth out of it, but Mimas is Not helping and it's just a rough time all around. Mimas keeps taunting them, Piper keeps quipping right back. She talks about her godly brothers, Deimos and Phobos, and then Mimas makes his mistake. 
He insults Damasen. 
Annabeth attacks him in a fury and does some serious damage in her rage. 
Things go south for them again. Piper coaches Annabeth to stop trying to plan and just feel things, listen to her gut. Annabeth admits that she doesn’t think she can do that. 
Piper tells her to focus on getting revenge for Bob and Damasen. 
Annabeth is quiet for a moment, and then she says, “I’m good now,” and commits terrible acts of violence against Mimas <3 
Piper makes her sacrifice to the makhai, only since she doesn’t have the cornucopia, she instead slices her forearm and lets her blood drip onto the statue. Then she frees the makhai, they make their deal with her, and Mimas dies. 
Piper and Annabeth haul ass back to the Argo II and then they continue on their way. 
A few days later, after heading back out to sea and deciding to sail instead of fly while Jason was down for the count, they got caught in a massive storm. 
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 years ago
Submission #97: Yet another take on Shadamy (black arms edition)
Project Shadow….the ultimate lifeform…Maria…chaos emerald…space colony ark…Professor Gerald robotnik…Black Doom…
The words twirl around inside of shadows mind…almost as if it’s corrupting him from the inside, he can’t seem to think straight…he’s unsure of who his allies or enemies are…
His breathing is heavy…panicked he’s down on his hands and knees gasping for air upon realising what he’s been doing, his mind feels so consumed with…rage? Anger? Guilt? He’s not sure why however he doesn’t have time to question himself as he stands up…his breathing returning back to normal…
Shadow looks up at the crimson red sky and the castle-like structures…
“The doctor must know something…”
With that he skates off, heading towards the Halloween-like castle.
A few hours Ago
Location: Westoplis
Aliens tear through the street after seemingly coming from nowhere, within hours the entire city has become a warzone with G.U.N scrambling their units all across the world to help try and contain this attack but their strength in sheer numbers are simply overwhelming.
A young boy runs through the street with a Black Arms solider beginning to give chase and aim its weapon towards the child… More Black arms soilders black the young boys path and one raises a spiky purple sword…
The kid begins to cry and call out to anyone…however with the many explosions and gunshots he can’t be heard by anyone nearby…
Just as the kid closes his eyes, the wind around him begins to kick up and streaks of blue can be seen, suddenly the towering Alien is sent flying into a car which results in it blowing up due to the sheer force, the other Alien is quickly knocked down a second after.
The terrified child looks up to see the world renowned hero offering his hand…helping the young child up who begins to cry and hug the blue blur.
“Don’t worry now, everything will be alright”
Sonic reassures the child however sonic turns around to see the alien with the blaster get back up and aim its weapon at the kid.
“Chaos spear!”
A yellow energy attack strikes the Alien, knocking it down for good, sonic turns around and looks to see Shadow slowly walk over to him.
“Don’t get sloppy again, people’s lives are at stake here”
Sonic sighs and thanks Shadow, shaking his head to get serious.
“Yeah you’re right, I can’t make a mistake like that again, give me a second I’ll take this kid to a safe zone”
Sonic says but stops himself for a split second.“But I do have this, kept hold of it since that metal overlord incident a few days back”
Sonic holds out a green chaos emerald and continues.
“I’ve heard that G.U.N have another one in this city…I don’t really trust them with it though I how about we keep hold of it instead…until we can get all 7.”
Sonic smirks with shadow responding with almost an identical smirk, the blue blur then picks up the kid and within a few seconds, he returns.
“Alright done, come on let’s go help out”
Sonic taps shadows shoulder and speeds on off in which the black hedgehog looks around at his surrounding, having the feeling that he’s being followed…
“The secrets of my past…”
He mumbles…remembering what Black Doom had told him…he speeds right after sonic.
Location: ???
Shadow skates through the castle, the Egg pawns seem to be busy with the Black Arms, with them all distracted he’s able to skate through without much resistance and grab onto a balloon of all things and float above the ongoing battle below…
At the worst time however his mind begins to race again…clutching his head in pain as his memories begin to clash…unsure of when each one takes place however it causes him to lose enough grip on the balloon and fall, landing straight down near the outskirts of the main castle with towers protruding everywhere…
A few hours ago
Location: Metropolis
“Hey shadow! You see that? It’s a Chaos emerald!”
Sonic shouts to the Black hedgehog in which he looks at the strange gem…shadow seems to recall that it allowed sonic to transform into a much stronger version of himself and it also made him golden…Maybe he could use that same power to take out these Black Arms all in one go…
The blue emerald seems to be on the ground, next to a destroyed G.U.N truck.
“We need to get that Emerald! Without it the digital circuit wont last with only one emerald powering it!”
A solider shouts upon seeing multiple Black Arms troops begins to surround it and begrudgingly, shadow takes out a fair few Aliens before grabbing hold of the emerald however once he does…something inside of him snaps…
Memories of a place…up in space…all at once his memories from the Space Colony Ark 50 years ago however all of that happiness is shrouded in darkness…that very day…the day everyone he cared about was taken away from him… the day Maria died…
Shadow holds the blue emerald however a Red Aura begins to emit from it…sonic looks at shadow almost confused as a starfish like creature with an Eye floats down with his eye letting off the same aura…
“Hey who are you!”
Sonic shouts, looking down at shadow who is still grabbing his head in pain whilst holding the emerald… sonic’s voice is so low it almost becomes a growl.
“What did you do to him…”
The starfish creature simply ignores him and faces shadow.
“They took everything from you…the very same people you call your friends are fighting alongside those who took everything from you…
Go…take your long awaited revenge”
“Answer my question!”
Sonic shouts which results in the creature finally turning around and speaking…
“A simple trick… I sensed that Project Shadow has so much untapped anger within him…all I need to do is control it and manipulate him to attack you…the emerald is a perfect source of power to do that”
Sonic looks uncertain at first however one glance at shadow just standing, limp behind that starfish like creature for some odd reason…
“I am Black Doom…I have returned 50 years after the deal to seek what I promised…now shadow…my son! Lay waste to those who oppose you and bring me the chaos emeralds…”
Sonic looks shocked at the revelation with the soilders raising their weapons and firing and sonic quickly attempts to rush towards the soilders to protect them…
Shadows inhibitor rings then are removed and he charged towards the soilders…
A giant explosion of red chaos energy destroys nearly everything… leaving the soilders unconscious with sonic barely able to stay awake…taking the brunt force of Shadows attack to protect the soilders however during the attack, he dropped his emerald in the process…
Shadow walks over and stares blankly at the blue hedgehog whilst he puts his inhibitor rings back on and picks up the emerald…
“This makes 2”
Shadow says to himself however another rush of mementoes begin to course through his mind…him being…reawakened almost 50 years later…remembering the promise he made to Maria…to kill everyone on earth, further feeling his anger…
Sonic falls unconscious with Shadow walking away holding 2 emeralds, leaving him alive…
“Perfect Project Shadow…Your next task will be to destroy the Digital Circuit…the humans planetary defences will be down”
Shadow simply nods as he shouts chaos control…disappearing…
Location: ???
Shadow gets back up from the long fall..rubbing his head yet again… Shadow seems to mostly be in control since he’s further away from Black Doom…however these memories of his are not kind to him at all…different moments of his life all jumbled up and happening at once in his mind…
“Why would I save the earth? Why was I working with Sonic? I’m supposed to be dead so why am I here…”
Shadow clutches his head yet again, his memories all jumbled up however he looks ahead to see a familiar pink hedgehog run directly into the castle, looking like she’s in a panic…
Shadow skates down in order to catch up with her, he seems to recall this pink hedgehog having a crush on sonic? He’s uncertain but he also has a memory of her hugging him…and one her just talking to him? Of all the memories he has back, for some reason he can’t seem remember what she was telling him but all he knows is that it…
It makes him feel whole…like whatever is currently scrambling his mind is slowly being chipped away by that memory…
An hour ago
Location: Digital Circuit
“Shadow this isn’t you!” Rouge attempts to reason with him however it doesn’t seem to do anything…it’s almost like he’s returned to the way he was once he was first awakened but more violent…
Shadow simply fires a chaos spear in her direction which she barely dodges and takes cover behind some G.U.N robots…
“Humans took everything I cared about away from me…and then you used me for your own goals…”
Shadow shouts in anger as he closes in on the yellow chaos emerald.
Rouge flies above shadow and attempts to drill-kick him from the air however he easily grabs her leg and throws her into a wall…With little to no resistance left shadow grabs the yellow chaos emerald and pulls it out of the device it’s being held in..
Rouge looks at shadow completely exhausted…and completely outmatched with her putting one of her hands up to an earpiece…like she’s listening to someone talk.
“Negative…Shadow has broken through the digital circuit and has taken the chaos emerald…”
Rouge looks injured and see’s shadow walk off however Black Doom also seems to be next to him…she remembers finding Sonics barely conscious in westopolis and him telling her that shadow started acting this way once that thing showed up.
A few seconds later Shadow yet again grabs his head in pain…even more memories flooding back to him but this time…it’s shadow saving the world…him admitting to the blue blur that Sonic might actually be the ultimate lifeform…Maria’s true wish…
A pink hedgehog…
Rouge notices the opening and rushes over to attack, but not targeting shadow… she instead strikes black Doom which causes shadow to gasp for air…almost as if he’s been dragged down into the ocean and he looks at rouge with conflicted emotions…
Rouge tells shadow to teleport to somewhere called “cryptic castle”…and find doctor eggman… he might be able to fix whatever is going on with him..
Rouge see’s even more Aliens approach her as she retreats the area and shadow glares at black doom…then uses chaos control…
Location: Cryptic Castle
“Cream! Cheese! Where are you!”
A familiar pink hedgehog shouts desperately whilst running through the outskirts of the cryptic castle, unbeknownst to her, attracting the attention of some Black Arms however she pulls out her hammer…clearly not in the mood.
“I may not have any special abilities but I can fight! If you’ve done something to Cream or Cheese I swear to Solaris I will-“
She is cut off by a giant Black arms Alien attempting to punch her in which he jumps out of the way and slams her hammer down at the creatures hand…
It recoils back slightly with the standard sized aliens firing blasts at her, causing her to take cover and is now cornered…
“Come in Amy think! what would Sonic or Shadow do?”
The pink hedgehog mumbles to herself, taking a peek of the room, she see’s a red explosive barrel in the distance and smirks then thinks to herself, this is definitely more shadows style…
She quickly gets out of cover and attempts to throw her hammer right at the explosive barrel.
Just as it’s about to impact and cause an explosion, a stray blast manages to hit her shoulder, causing her throw to be off and now resulting in her being injured…she grits her teeth and attempts to hold back the pain of the burning plasma hitting her bare skin…
Amy hears the Aliens come closer however before she can think of a plan, a familiar voice is heard…
“Chaos Control!”
From Amys perspective…she is suddenly outside of the room she was just in, looking back to see the very same room engulfed in flames and they aliens laying on the floor. She looks up to see shadow breathing heavily and clutching his head whilst…holding her hammer!?
“That hammer is pretty heavy…here” shadow tries to make small talk whilst still holding his head in pain, dropping the hammer next to the pink hedgehog.
“t-thanks for the help shadow…are you okay?”
Amy questions and suddenly gets closer to shadow, moving his hand away from his face, suddenly his pupils are no longer red but…yellow?
“What’s wrong?”
She genuinely asks, now worried about him.
Shadow stumbles back slightly, dropping the hammer and questioning her…
“Do-do you not know what’s going on?”
Shadow asks with Amy looking confused…
“I mean…what else is there to know…Aliens are invading”
Amy shrugs, looking confused however Shadow comes to a realisation…maybe she’s not been told about what happened to him?
“When was the last time you spoke to anyone we know?”
Shadow asks rapidly with any scratching her head…
“I dunno, maybe a day or two ago? I haven’t been able to contact anyone since the Aliens arrived…why are they okay?!”
Amy begins to panic at the thought of any of her friends being hurt however Shadow quickly puts a hand in her shoulder…
“Don’t worry, I’m sure they’re fine”
Shadow reassures her… with what little control he had when fighting sonic and rouge…all he knows is that he used what little control over his mind he had to make sure to leave them alive…
“Anyway what are you even doing here?”
Shadow questions Amy instantly with her suddenly panicking once again and going to rush off but she clutches her shoulder in pain.
“You’re hurt…”
Shadow states in an…angry? Tone.
“Don’t worry about it, I can’t handle a bit of pai-“
She grits her teeth and squeezes her eyes shut… whatever that shot was is burning her, shadow carefully lays Amy against the wall.
“I’ve been hit by one of these, they burn like hell and I have an increased healing factor…”
Shadow tells Amy in which she jokes.
“You trying to show off or something?”
Amy laughs with shadow showing a slight smirk.
“I’m going to try and patch you up but it’ll hurt a bit”
Shadow tells her however amy simply nods…the pain seemingly getting worse.
Shadow teleports away for a split second and teleports back…now holding a small G.U.N medical kit…he decides not to tell her that he stole it…
Before Amy can question what just happened Shadow speaks first
“I’ve got three emeralds…I may as well use them to help someone”
Amy then sighs in relief as shadow begins to clean her wound but she can’t help but ask…
“What’s wrong with your eyes? Why are they yellow?”
Shadow looks at her and tells her something…
“I’m going to tell you something… promise to not freak out” shadow says with amy nodding, both of them still in close proximity.
“I’m part of these Aliens, my DNA is part Black Arms…that’s what they’re called”
Shadow admits, ashamed of what he’s done but he continues to tell her all the events that took place prior to him meeting her here…
After a few long minutes, shadow finally finishes his summary…
“You can attack me or whatever but only after I’ve finished patching you up” Shadow says with shame in his voice but Amy looks at him with confusion…
“Why would I do that?”
She asks, genuinely confused as to why he’d think such a thing but he looks at her, baffled himself.
“Because I’m part of those monsters…their leader gets control over me if I’m too close…I’m unstable, these memories are so disjointed and confusing I don’t know what and when anything has happened…”
Shadow says…with his breathing picking up once again and his shallow rapid breaths become more noticeable.
Space colony ark
Black doom
Chaos emerald
Project shadow
Professor Gerald Robotnik
The Ultimate Lifeform
Those words yet again are all spiralling in his mind, causing his breathing the become rapid and even more shallow…he feels as if he’s being dragged down to the deepest depths of the ocean…a cold and lonely way to go out… that’s all he feels… as the cold wraps around him…the weight of what he’s done pulling him to the depths…he speaks out loud...
“Maybe it’s what I deserve…I’ve hurt so many people, let so many people down…I doesn’t deserve to live…I doesn’t deserve to be happy…I’ve broken my promise time and time again…I’m nothing but an unstable person who is a second away fro-“
he feels a warmth…
It’s been so long for him…
The last time he felt that was…he can’t even remember it’s been so long
All of his thoughts slowly begin to melt away…bit by bit…
The warmth wrapping around his body…
He opens his eyes…
Amy has gone from laying down and using a wall as support to having sprung from her position and given shadow a hug…one that is so long overdue…
“You deserve to be happy…Everyone does. You’ve never let me down. Even if you have broken your promise, that’s okay, you tried your best and that’s all anyone can ever do so don’t worry, you don’t have the be ‘the ultimate’ when I’m around…you can just be you…”
Amy softly reassures shadow…stroking his quills go help calm him down…surprisingly he hugs back…
Truth be told Amy is scared…she’s never been so scared in her life as she is now but her friend is hurting…for her…that’s what takes priority.
End of Part 1
I don’t remember the last time I posted a submission here but here is yet another one…this time it is a two-parter (done right this time hopefully).
I can’t help myself from adding a bit of context to the current story so that’s why I added the Metropolis and brief Digital Circuit sections of the story to understand why shadow is the way he is currently…
This is the most emotional I’ve written Shadow and probably will for a while, i don’t really like an “overly emotional” shadow as I don’t feel it fits but in this case, it’s a unique circumstance so I see it as “in character”…
Shadow the hedgehog (the game) could’ve had a really interesting story continuing from SA2 but the multiple pathways ruin it for me, too many options that don’t make sense. Obviously if I was doing a whole STH rewrite I’d make shadow a Villain for much longer however in the case of this short story, I just followed the stage order up until you reach cryptic castle.
I also wanted to give a realistic enough reason for shadow being a villain at first so I just thought maybe black doom is using his power and the emeralds to manipulate shadow and that requires his focus.
Also I’ve thrown in a nice Easter egg for those who can guess but if not it’ll be expanded on in the next part.
So yeah that’s part one, part two should come out…uhhh…at some point in the future…
Also I hope that this is formatted properly, every-time I send one of these in the paragraphs always seem to be missing and I have no idea why…
((Great to hear from you again! You’ve improved a lot, I mean it!!
I am 100% with you on the diverging paths in ShTH and Shadow’s “mood swings” in that game. It was an interesting, ambitious approach, and there are definitely plenty of good moments, but I think it did some real damage to Shadow’s character.
I love the reasoning you gave for why Shadow would go down a dark path. This makes sense, makes Shadow more sympathetic, and ties in his alien heritage in a smoother way. Also love the yellow eyes. Sega’s got a half-alien hedgehog, and they could be doing so much more with it!
Shadow and Amy’s dynamic is great so far. She’s exactly who he needs. She’s the perfect mixture of brave and compassionate to reach out to him without being scared. I’m looking forward to part 2!))
Submitted by @just-a-guy119 in case tumblr removes credit.
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objectingtotheobjects · 1 month ago
One Piece Episode 150
So they kidnap the birds to find the island and the birds hold contempt over this? The bird controls the bugs with its call. And pigs some how?
Spring spring just needs a kick into the sea
I feel like no one in this series is this over the top evil without some intense tragic backstory though. Everyone is justifiable in their own eyes at some point
The straw hats are on kill a man mode. Luffy can handle it in an hour and a bit
Let's go 100, 000, 000 bounty boy
Episode 151
If looting is what pirates do, don't object when your ass is handed to you and you are looted
He's great at taking a hit, but he's even better at handing em out
Is this fight gonna be kinda funny and goofy? Please? Springy boy and rubber boy sounds so silly
Nope he's getting mad. This is about to be badass
Oh the hit
10 minutes of some of the best art I've seen yet in this series. Love the simplicity of the fight, love the pure casual violence that really proves luffy is dominant when it comes to power in the area. Really gotta love the effective threat from the remaining blood on his had when he points to the sky, this is just such good main character energy from a character who let's me forget hes the main character in certain side character driven episodes
7 warlords, I should pay better attention here. Doflamingo intro!!
Bartholomew bear man!
Someone has strangling powers
White beard looks different than I'd pictured. A lil taller
Lafeet belongs to blackbeard pirates, is that who the familiar guy from before is?
Yes apparently
He's got a D too? Cool, I hope he's not a problem
Episode 152
Do they finally go up in this epsiode?? I feel like Larry in the silent film from VeggieTales (that's a mildly niche reference that maybe doesn't overlap here much, oops) I've been waiting so long
SHE GOT A MAKE-OVER (yay ship Dr appointment)
A chicken goat is my new favorite Mythical creature in one piece
LOVE the pile of stress cigarettes beside old man chestnut
Never stop believing!! No one has ever disproved it as much as no one has ever proved it
The Going Marry is so tiny compared to the new average of ships we see, so cute
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The bird is tormented by its biological compulsions vs petty urges and rage I relate though I don't point south
(Jokes on the straw hats, this was a long con to destroy the boat so monkey bros can salvage it, they never had good intentions haha)
Go chicken marry!
Or not
They finally know!! Yasssss!!
Oh this feels good. I like this clima
They left the jet stream! Oh this is hype!!
Episode 153
Everything takes so long to do but it also always feels like a big pay off
Blackbeard's pirates are good natured and evil and I love them for it
Did Usopp just do a suicide
Would the devil fruit water weakness activate in clouds? Or is that still submerged in water? The characters seem to think so but has it been tested?
Monsters made of air to float in the sky ocean? Are they balloon monsters? Sky fish apparently
And they're tastey
It's hard to fight in thin air. Luffy should be able to expand his lungs. I like the soldier for hire
White sea, blue sea, white white sea
Got it.
So its pretty much "Yeah we rawdogged up the ancient way" most of them should have died??
I love sir sky knight and Pierre. Pierre is an abomination ♡♡
The scenery in this place is so pretty
That's a gate alright. YAY AFTERLIFE METAPHORS
"Can we say all of the above" got a solid cackle from me. They are truely there for an all round experience
Do they have to count chopper as a person? They could get a discount (also lucky they added those wing handles for Mr grabby hands the lobster)
I love this angel's voice ratting them out to make them go on evil rollercoaster to heaven
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mariamermaid · 2 months ago
Joelle- Chapter 1
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Summary: Joelle Coleman lived, since she could remember, in the circus. In the year 1936 there was a time, where the circus la d'or rosé came to New York, where it pitched its tents and planned on staying there over the winter break. For exactly three months Jo would stay in New York and go hunt her little adventures. The winter of 1936 in New York changes everything and her fate becomes entangled with that of the so-called Winter Soldier.
Words: 1.4k
Warning: Swearing, Alcohol
15th November, 1836
On the 15th November James Buchanan Barnes had finally persuaded his best friend Steve Rogers to go with him to the evening performance to the circus. Since a few days the circus had arrived and so, the two would not only be witnesses of a white lion and many other exotic animals, but they would witness Joelle Coleman as well. Never have they seen anything or anybody that glided through the air so elegant and feathery like her. She seemed to be a magical elf flying in the night sky of the big tent. Her expression was strong, charismatic and unforgettable.
Her mother called it the Joelle-effect; in 1933 Jo wandered through the streets of London and summed a song called Summer Love by an utterly unknown band. After this fateful day, the song ballooned to the top of the charts and became a real hit. In Paris she was able to buy a cyan dress in a boutique for 40% cheaper (the salesman was not able to concentrate in her presence) and a few weeks later, nobody was able to explain, why the color cyan was suddenly so popular. With her performances she was able to cast a spell on the whole audience and for them, it seemed like a wonderful dream. And after the show they may talk about the exotic animals, but in the end, they'll think back who the girl behind a mask of make-up was. 
That was the Joelle-effect, which was experienced by Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers on this evening. After the show, they strolled through the animal enclosures, where people were allowed to see the animals again. Neither of the two friends said it, but they both thought back to the mysterious girl. 
"What do think how she did it?" Bucky asked his friend and didn't even need to mention, who he was talking about. "I think she used a special fuel. It's probably made out of..." 
"Hey look!" Bucky interrupted his friend and shook him on his shoulder, until Steve turned into the shown direction. Behind a few enclosures was a slit of the tent, that lead into a different part of the tent. And there she stood. A thin coat covering her costume, her hair up in a lose ponytail. "Come on let's go talk to her!" Bucky exclaimed. 
"What? But Buck..." Steve wanted to complain, but then they already stood in front of her. With furrowed eyebrows Jo examined the two young men. 
"What do you want here? Spectators are not allowed to be here." She said in a monotonic voice. "How do you wanna know that we're spectators?" Bucky asked and his lips formed a charming smile. Her lips twitched, then she put on a smile as well. 
"Ahhh..." She said with an understanding undertone, while raising her eyebrow arrogating. "You must be the lion feed that I'm supposed to give Charlie." She said with a bittersweet smile. Steve swallowed hard when thinking about the Lion and even Buckys laugh sounded unusually nervous. He raised his hands in the air, yielding and then sighed. 
"All right, doll. You win, we are spectators." He admitted and smiled truthfully at the girl. But she kept her cool and didn't let herself be ruffled by Buckys flattering way of complimenting her. That was new to Bucky. She kept going and doing her work, while ignoring the two boys who followed her. "Actually, we just wanted to stop by saying that you're show was really amazing." Jo barely listened. Of course, it was nice to get compliments, but at the end of the day, she could spare them. She was still on her way feeding animals and arrived at the enclosure for the zebras. She stepped into the enclosure while Steve and Bucky waited outside. Bucky didn't give up and casually, he put up his right foot onto the metal bar and his elbows leaned on the upper pole. He tried to compliment her again with well wrapped up verbalizations, but Steve recognized that it didn't work. 
"It was a special fuel, right?" He interrupted and for the first time this evening, spoke up in Jos presence. She immediately gave him her full attention. Buckys jaw fell down and confused he looked between the two. Normally girls were oh so flattered by Buckys charming smile and they didn't even deign to look at Steve. Finally, she spoke up again, her eyes still laying on the small boy. "Yes." Then she waited, seeing if he was actually interested and then kept speaking. 
"It is Gustav's special recipe." Her head nodded towards the direction of a dark corner, where a tall muscular man with a dark beard stood. In his hands he played with a few knifes, his eyes laying dangerously on Steve and Bucky. Steve couldn't even think about how long he had stood there. "But actually we're here for you." Bucky said and brought the attention back and her mysterious eyes met his blue ones. Joelle put on her smile again and with her angel like shape and her sneaky smile, she seemed like the devil herself. Beautiful and dangerous. "And what exactly do you want from me?" Barnes hoped that she couldn't tell that his hands were shaking, but without lowering her eyes she realized it and her smile began to grow. 
"Well we wanted to ask if you wanna go out with us?" 
"And what could we possibly do?" Bucky's mouth got dry and usually the words slipped out of his mouth so elegant with ease. "Ice skating." Steve answered quickly and the moment those words left his mouth, Bucky wanted to take them back. Because James Buchanan Barnes could not ice skate for the life of his. But now it was too late. 
"Alright." She consented and elegantly she jumped over the fence. "I'll go with you ice skating."
Since it was certain that they were going ice skating, Bucky was unusually quiet and from time to time he gave Steve an evil glare. Steve shrugged innocently right before Joelle stepped out of her trailer again. Instead of her costume she wore a modern red coat, a loose skirt and high boots. She had taken off her make-up and her skin was glowing. Her hair was still up, now hiding under a cap. She smiled at the two boys, who replied with a sheepishly grin. She walked down the stairs and the last two she jumped down, then she linked her arms with Steve's and Bucky's. Steve was taken by surprise by her action, habitually he was not even existing for girls and now for the first time in a long time, he wasn't ignored.
"So, Steve", she looked to Steve. "Bucky, what are up to these days?" She looked over to Bucky, who was taller than her. 
"We're planning on joining the army, Miss." Bucky explained. She laughed. 
"Oh for god's sake! You can call me Jo!" Bucky watched her from the side. "Jo?" Her laugh softened, but she was still smiling. 
"Joelle, I was born in France. My dad is American, my mother is French." Bucky nodded understanding. "There is the ice rink." Steve explained and showed the direction with his finger. It was a small frozen lake. Above the shimmering ice hung lampions and fairy lights, which were reflected by the lake. An older man greeted Bucky and Steve and by all appearances, they knew him. They greeted each other like old friends. Steve and Jo were quick to stay on the ice, but Bucky took his time to put on his skates. He bent down to tie his second skate when Jo slid towards him. 
"Hey Bucky you coming?" She asked challenging, but when looking in his eyes, she softened. Bucky didn't answer. 
"Hey if you wanted to talk to me, you need to skate with me. You wanted to talk to me, didn't you?" She grinned complacent again. "Or are you afraid?" That was enough to break down his reserve. He knew she was tricking him, but he still gave in. One foot after foot he sat them down on the ice. Steve was already skating more rounds while watching the two in amusement. There was something about Jo he really liked.
Since it was a lake, there were not boards to hold onto, so Jo put out her hand. Bucky looked at her, the sparks in her eyes told him that she meant it and her warm smile gave him bravery. He took her hand and his finger interlaced with hers. The first steps were shaky, but it didn't take long until it already improved. Jo could easily skate backwards, which wasn't surprising at all, but with time she could skate next to Bucky, her hand still holding his. If someone one of the three fell, they laughed but then they helped getting up again. And that's how they all became friends and their friendship would last longer, then they could imagine. 
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