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sueclancy · 2 years ago
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I'm sharing my #sketchbooks here https://sueclancy.substack.com/p/from-d-sketchbook-1 It's not about perfect drawings or thoughts it's a safe place to play #whimsicalart and do some #thinkingonpaper (at Vancouver, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrOgkkzpIzf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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through-thehand · 4 years ago
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Art journal doodle with Sharpie...inspired to use a Sharpie from the awesome art (and art with Sharpies) of @alisakburke...I usually doodle with permanent pens (Staedtler, etc), but it was so fun to try doing it with a Sharpie - felt less intimidating...😊❤️ . . . . #artbyshantadevi #whatshantamade #artjournal #doodle #whatisart #sketchbook #abstract #art #drawing #blackartist #drawingwhileblack #blackgirlmagic #blackgirlsillustrate #blackgirlswhodraw #drawitout #artoutloud #journal #notebook #thinkingonpaper #penandpaper https://www.instagram.com/p/CPRl73egZGN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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The what to wear project continues, though I actually hit the history books for this step. Something I'm usually doing anyway. If you haven't met an Australian (common white variety) please go easy on us, we are the product of a shortcut that basically means cultural appropriation is all we have. But I feel our rookie mistake is we pilfer contemporary culture, got to instead go back to pre-terra-nullis, way pre. I'm a mishmash of roman imperialism, norman invasion, gallic tribalism, semetic migration, saxon raiding and no doubt pict-celtic. Statistically 1/3rd of my ancestors are dudes, but I'm a dude, so that cuts down my research. A few would be nobles, a bunch serfs, slaves, and cuckolds, identity theifs and adoptions and their offspring would have had offspring with eachother. Aka pure aryan race. But seriously, I learned a lot from hellenic-athenian fashion, a bunch from heraldry, those roman bastards and not much from the picts who really have pretty much nothing to offer given they wore almost no clothes, but those be my people. #clothingdesign #lookbook #thinkingonpaper #drawing #illustration #cartoon #streetscene #history #anglo #saxon #serf #noble #merchant #renaissance #medieval #roman #hellenic #celtic #pict #norman #heraldry #coatofarms #historical #historicclothes #sartorial #mensfashion #martial #military #soldier #sandals https://www.instagram.com/p/B6QEGkwnZHE/?igshid=10ov5b376yxcm
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daniellevioletpardo · 7 years ago
Are you and I good people?
How do we know for sure if we are living up to our own standards of being a good person? Is it bounce back we get from those around us? Ideas we see, are inspired by, and/or come up with? Exploring our own feelings via journaling, reflecting, writing, etc.? Comparing how you feel, your situation and what you’ve “achieved” with each other?
Yes. All of it and much more... Yet, I feel we never actually do know for sure.
When we are left to our lonesomes, we feel our self/realness in its absolute most raw and authentic. Some may call this consciousness, some may not. To me its a lot of things and sometimes, it feels like its everything to me.
For me, I always feel it in some strength or another. I always feel it and haven't respected it as much as I know i “should” and can. If something doesn't feel right, I feel it but I haven't felt like that feeling is “legitimate” enough TO respect with certainty and/or action.
Now, in this case, it doesn’t matter what I do. I will never know if I am a good person or not. I will only ever know what I feel. I just need to practice going with my “gut”.
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thinkingonpaper · 5 years ago
Nice to meet you. This is a personal blog for all sorts of thoughts, memories, and ideas. I hope that my words will be of benefit to even a single reader, as I navigate my way through this adventure called life. Comments and questions are always welcome.
x Thinking on Paper
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thewhimsicaloffshoot-blog · 7 years ago
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It's overwhelming how one can be crushed by the weight of their own feelings. Heavy. Hollow. Numb. Like all the men who have ever made you feel less than. Erosion of the worst kind. Receding over time. Sweetness between your legs-ungifted and lips they can't kiss. They like you strong but not strong enough that they can't knock you down. Words. Spirit crushing Extinguishing flames Tears don't, won't, can't tend fires. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 When I was young I used to write poetry quite a bit and I did so into my early adulthood. Not sure why but at some point I just stopped writing. I still wrote sporadically in my journal but didn't do much writing of Poetry. Recently I've been writing here and there when it feels right. When it feels like I don't have all the words to say aloud. When I don't know how to say the words aloud. Sometimes it just makes me feel better🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟#thewhimsicaloffshoot #words #poetry #thinkingonpaper #latenightfeels #writeforyourself #writeforyoursoul
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rmerette · 6 years ago
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“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” — Albert Einstein #Design #Designing #MassStudy #Volumetry #CreatingHumanSpaces #Sketching #ThinkingOnPaper #NewKidsOnTheBlock #Architecture #Architecturing #USA #UnitedStatesOfAmerica 🇺🇸 #MeretteRodríguezArchitects #MeretteRodríguezArquitectos August 13’ 2019...! ✌🏾 (en Merette Rodríguez Arquitectos) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1HXe3hnCFq/?igshid=667v99696c76
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ilexproject · 8 years ago
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#EzRepost @daneeriggs with @ezrepostapp While there is yet time... Show gratefulness to the Creator for waking once again... Kiss a loved one; hug a friend. Tell a kid you are PROUD of them and EXPECT them to accomplish great things. Many will rise to meet expectations given them. Visit an elderly person, sit at their feet and listen to their stories. There is priceless wisdom therein. For just a few seconds, revel in the cold ( or heat, depending on where you stand at this moment) before you complain about it. That tingling sensation in your skin means LIFE IS HERE. NOW. Hold a baby ( with permission!) and get one good whiff. Most likely you'll want at least one more. It's like they carry heaven's scent. Sing your favorite song in the car or the shower, loud and off key if necessary. The music will forgive you ( and inspire you and move you.) Write one poem. Short or long, it doesn't matter. Even of it's not your 'thing'. Everyone should feel connected to their written words at least once. Share a memory and/or laugh with your siblings ( if you can); your parents ( if you can); or an old teacher ( if you can). Someone, somewhere inspired you. Don't be surprised ( but humbled ) to find that you may have inspired them, too! Take a moment to actually take IN a moment; feel your breath enter your body and exhale it slowly. 2016 is on its way outta here and with it, the bad AND THE GOOD. We've already seen it take so many people with it. And none of us know when our last sunrise will be. So, why not feel, sing, love, LIVE while there is yet time... #thoughts #stories #2016 #time #writing #thinkingonpaper #nothingispromised #timekeepsonslippin #gratefulness #lovehard #livelife #tilthereisNONE #howwillyouberemembered
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turtle-love-waist-beads · 5 years ago
In a lot of respectable homes out here, well raised females are on the phone late at night with a homeless pretender
#spilledthoughts #thinkingonpaper #mindvomit #tumblrwords #wordpost
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sueclancy · 3 years ago
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From a book I illustrated "Dr Bob's Emotional Repair Program First Aid Kit" I learned that it's okay to take breaks from stressful things and some techniques on how to do that. In my #sketchbook I'm practicing one of them: making an alphabetical list of pleasant things to think about instead of the stressful ones. Incidentally as part of my #creativeprocess I use such lists as a subject matter index for my future #paintings and other #creativeprojects Copies of "Dr Bob's Emotional Repair Program First Aid Kit" are now available @vintagebookshop BTW this kindof #sketchbook #thinkingonpaper is what I'm sharing in my email newsletter "A.M. Sketching" https://sueclancy.substack.com/ #emotionalgrowth #emotionalhealth (at Vancouver, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfcEe_kJQxu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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During the pandemic I've been introspecting on the quality of leadership and thought I'd try and noodle it out through a series of drawings. This is the first, I'm also trying my hand at cyberpunk. So the first idea is a paradox of leadership/governance that is paradoxical - anyone who has the ability to enforce rights, by default has the ability to take them away. This I've butchered from Mark Blyth who more specifically talks about property rights. Machiavelli sets up a kind of three way tension between the prince, the nobles and the people. I think about this paradox or tension applies a pressure for our leaders to be as mediocre or minimally competent as possible. The pressure is only relieved perhaps when the people are made to feel vulnerable, in times of crisis. Suddenly people we regard as intimidating become reassuring. It's hard to articulate, but I see a parallel with the sudden gratitude extended to nurses and farmers etc. Prior to this crisis the gears of our economy worked to squeeze these essential workers as close to the poverty line as possible. Unlike nurses and farners though, the probkem of who should be able to enforce/deny rights is one with no easy answer, lest we slip into tyranny. I shall keep visually exploring and thinking. Any comments or feedback appreciated either public or DM if shy. #watercolor #art #portrait #bust #leader #cyberpunk #martial #militent #discipline #newart #series #intimidation #competence #visualdiary #sketch #cyborg #neck #scifi #undercut #phrenology #archetype #leadership #theprince #machiavellian #blog #thinkingoutloud #thinkingonpaper #visualization #brushpen #illustration (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ym0WEnIl7/?igshid=12wfpy9afwctc
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wildernotes · 3 years ago
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We have 7 remaining dot-grid packs of pocket notebooks from our Vol. 1 design. . We aren’t pursuing the limited edition trend but more ‘limited runs’ with varied designs. We’ll likely come back to our Vol. 1 at some point but Volume 2 is in planning and now is your last chance - for now, to get hold of our dot-grid pocket notebooks. . We have sold out of lined and mixed packs but you may be able to find them online with @nerosnotes, @sirgordonbennett , @silverfoxtools, @wearewingback or in store @pulpstationeryandart in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire . #Notebooks #PocketNotebooks #Journaling #Journals #ThinkingOnPaper #AnalogueIsBest #Stationery #StationeryLover #StationeryAddict #LoveADotGrid #DotGrid #PocketBook #IWriteNotes #NoteTaking #Jottings #JotBook https://www.instagram.com/p/CbKxnpqMHAY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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impureinheart · 7 years ago
The #wind speaks to me on a #spiritual level #BeStillAndKnowThatIAmGod #SpiritualNotReligious _ #ImPureInHeart #NewBlogger #Life #Thoughts #Journey #Writer #Blog #PersonalBlog #NewWriter #Words #ThinkingOnPaper #DiscoveringWhoIAm #Introspection #Introvert #Thinker #LGBTQ #Journey #Life #SelfDiscovery #MyPath #Reflection #Transformation #MyStory #Beautiful _ #ShirleyGirls #KatieAShirley @theshirleygirls @katie_a_shirley
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amykstudio · 4 years ago
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Self-employed creative life: been working in bed since I woke up this morning. I’ve had some boulders in my path lately, so I’m still wrestling down this month-old list. I’ve begun another as well (see the third image), because this list got to feel overwhelming. Of course it’s not the tasks that are overwhelming, but the feelings attached to them, so a new list solves nothing except to help me break down the immovable boulders into manageable chunks and pebbles and even grains of sand. That’s where the work gets done—on the granular level: Do the research. Answer the email. Make the phone call, the spreadsheet, the meeting plan, the design. I’m looking forward to turning a fresh page entirely. In the meantime, the next couple of weeks are going to take some major focus. On that note—back to it! . . . #todolist #mondaymonday #sketchbookpage #sketchbook #journalpage #organizedcreative #creativelife #working #doodle #sketching #thinkingonpaper #visualthinking #projects #brainstorm #nextactions #gtd #gettingthingsdone #selfemployedlife #focus #granular #overwhelm #worklife #projectplan #makeaplan #workit #listmaker #lists #listmaking #paperandpen #visualaid https://www.instagram.com/p/CMcZOZmn6WE/?igshid=gx6hgnfghe9w
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rmerette · 6 years ago
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#Drafting #Drawing #Sketching #Wine #ThinkingOnPaper #NewOne #PuntaCana • #MeretteRodríguezArquitectos (en BlueMall Puntacana) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz39Aa8Hsf0/?igshid=h8evg9srsyf8
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shivotron · 7 years ago
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I don't know where the greenish bits came from, they didn't appear until I was painting. The more lines there were the more the imperfections in the paper began to show. I wondered if that's what happens in an abusive relationship. You allow the other person to become a part of you, but then all they do is show you your imperfections. I've spent a long time wondering whether I have done this to any of my past and present loves. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Atonement in every line' Watercolour on paper 2018 27 X 21 cm •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #watercolour #abusiverelationship #femaleartist #womenwhopaint #orange #shivotron #artistsoninstagram #thinkingonpaper #thinkingincolour #trying
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