Let The Worst Come
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art blog by tohm
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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It's mermay, going to try and do it this year. I think I need it. Was thinking about how Odysseus/Ulysses had himsekf tied to the mast so he can hear the siren song, might be a proto form of the checks and balances required in government to avoid the corruption of power. Anyway, that's a thought. Also would industry fire up again if mermaids started being sighted? #mermay #mermay2020 #mermaid #shout #scream #yell #thelittlemermaid #partofyourworld #sketch #sketchbook #quickie #practice #beginnings #illustration #cartoon #characterdesign #melbourneartist #artoninstagram #artistoninstagram #instaart #art https://www.instagram.com/p/B_o1vw2HtF3/?igshid=1wwjyipbbvovn
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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An old dude in repose with his prismatic blade, and that thing they stick on heads in star trek. I predict I will come into my prime sometime in my 70s or 80s. I don't have a problem with elderly leaders per se, in fact I am probably biased towards senoirity over precocity which is more often falsely diagnosed. I am inclined to follow people who have seen some shit in their time. Experience is more reliable than genius, and they aren't mutually exclusive. I would object not to elderly leaders, but the recent phenomena of specialist politicians, people who are specialists at getting elected commencing their careers *in* highschool and doing nothing else for 30, 40, 50 years. I would prefer elder leadership that has the distinct advantage of multiple careers stacking into experience. Like in Hellenistic Athens, you had multiple careers over your lifetime, out of necessity, but industrialization gave us specialists and structural unemployment. Angela Merkal has a doctorate on quantum chemistry, and her respect for science appears to be paying off for Germany right now. So my caveat on elderly leadership would be not in the case of career politicians, and I guess certain outsiders age should testify against them if they have a long track record of driving companies into the ground, and only success is impersonating a succesful person in a tv show. There's minimum age restrictiona on running for certain offices, but I'd be more in favor of experience limits. I haven't crunched the numbers on the risks though. #cyberpunk #oldman #elder #warrior #sensei #master #sketch #sketchbook #quickie #practice #sword #scabbard #pipe #leadership #democracy #experience #authority #expertise #generalist #proven #bonafide #atrest #isoart #series #illustration #cartoon #characterdesign #melbourneartist #artoninstagram #artistoninstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Ys1_wHKBw/?igshid=1p5b3dz6kn3ga
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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Full disclosure, apart from a hello I've done nothing for this guy. Just an impresion of someone that's been on my mind in this pandemic. He isn't on my shopping route but on my running route, but he's been manning his post for as long as I can remember. He sits all day drawing geometric pictures of buildings and mazes and stuff. I worry for some this pandemic is like a perpetual christmas period where everyone's gone to ground with their families and the orphans are suddenly cut off from social interaction. I also overidentify with this guy, he wants to work clearly, in some ways his life is ideal, just drawing all day. What he lacks is opportunity, and one can't be an artist for long without becoming disillusioned as to what is good art and what is bad art is somewhat arbitrary. I don't know what his story is to wind up here, but I can see myself landing there also. I like to picture him cleaned up with a haircut, at a bbq talking to friends. It helps me get by. I've only given food to a couple of homeless outside my supermarkets overall pretty useless. It's tough times, but ample opportunity to brighten others days. #sketch #sketchbook #impression #homeless #artist #portraitofanartist #others #opportunity #acknowledge #reflect #restructure #staysafe #community #vulnerable #dowhatyoucan #littlethings #streetart #streetscene #drawnfromlife #memory #melbourne #australia #chronic https://www.instagram.com/p/B_MHpT_HM6L/?igshid=dw976b32jldq
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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During the pandemic I've been introspecting on the quality of leadership and thought I'd try and noodle it out through a series of drawings. This is the first, I'm also trying my hand at cyberpunk. So the first idea is a paradox of leadership/governance that is paradoxical - anyone who has the ability to enforce rights, by default has the ability to take them away. This I've butchered from Mark Blyth who more specifically talks about property rights. Machiavelli sets up a kind of three way tension between the prince, the nobles and the people. I think about this paradox or tension applies a pressure for our leaders to be as mediocre or minimally competent as possible. The pressure is only relieved perhaps when the people are made to feel vulnerable, in times of crisis. Suddenly people we regard as intimidating become reassuring. It's hard to articulate, but I see a parallel with the sudden gratitude extended to nurses and farmers etc. Prior to this crisis the gears of our economy worked to squeeze these essential workers as close to the poverty line as possible. Unlike nurses and farners though, the probkem of who should be able to enforce/deny rights is one with no easy answer, lest we slip into tyranny. I shall keep visually exploring and thinking. Any comments or feedback appreciated either public or DM if shy. #watercolor #art #portrait #bust #leader #cyberpunk #martial #militent #discipline #newart #series #intimidation #competence #visualdiary #sketch #cyborg #neck #scifi #undercut #phrenology #archetype #leadership #theprince #machiavellian #blog #thinkingoutloud #thinkingonpaper #visualization #brushpen #illustration (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ym0WEnIl7/?igshid=12wfpy9afwctc
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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A pseudo poster for 'la festival de la luz' or festival of lights the local equivalent of Melbourne's 'white night' which of course is an appropriation of Paris' event. However this festival lasts for like... a week. GDL has roughly the same population as Melbourne, though you get these weird things where the northwest side of town will insist it's a different city called zapopan even though there is no remaining space between them, and where white night is a celebration of queuing in Melbourne, the festival of lights runs its central performance and fireworks show something like every hour, with 30 minutes to fill the square then empty it. Everyone gets a turn, and it's so great to see a mass of poeple lose their minds over el jarabe tapatio the song everyone's heard. I had my own emotional release and experience of depersonalization standing in the crowd. If one is feeling existential a persistent question is what one can actually do for people, and seeing all the ninos on their parents shoulders waving plastic glow bracelets gace me probably the best answer: we can give people a break. A momentary respite. I would just hope that the people giving a respite from suffering aren't the same as the ones causing most of the suffering. So I hope my arts give people a brief respite also. Thanks for the support. New stuff coming soon. #watercolor #art #ink #brush #illustration #exhibition #gdl #guadalajara #mariachi #festival #festa #crowds #people #celebration #fiesta #festivaldelaluz #people #community #hatdance #mexico #mexica #jarabetapatio #trumpet #zombrero #statue #liberation #plaza #crowdscene #streetscene #memories https://www.instagram.com/p/B-nrRGSHIPq/?igshid=1i7el4njh9sio
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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Almost out of pieces from this exhibition, and this is another tribute to public spaces. This Gazebo is right down next to the cathedral de guadalahara, it often hosts bands playing music for people to dance to, the kind of dancing depicted here. I guess based on how I feel now I was tapping into the curious envy we feel for people doing things we can absolutely do but don't. Because we feel some kind of generational obligation to electronic entertainment or something. My lady and I did join one of these groups at an opportune time and the steps are hard to follow, but she loved the fashions and glamour of the gracefully ageing. I churned these out quickly which isn't to brag, but the circumstances under which I produced this exhibition were uniquely challenging. I lost my bank card and thus access to funds, I had a 150 mm kidney stone causing intermittent pain and a upper urinary tact infection that took me out for two crucial days and my girlfriend had to inject my butt with antibiotics. I got locked in a bathroom and couldn't escape and I couldn't find the same paper stock, it threw everything at me to derail the whole project. On the morning of the exhibit I had to go get medical tests done. It was supposed to be an easy swansong, but despite the comical list of setbacks it all came together and had a great turnout thanks to @arrowvestal and @espaciotolsa and @garabaterosgdl so you know, as churchill says (or was it ulysses s grant?) When you're going through hell, keep going. There'll be much dancing in the streets one day. #watercolor #art #ink #brush #illustration #exhibition #gdl #guadalajara #dancers #dance #partner #gazebo #nightlife #sculpture #lantern #streetscene #streetfashion #glam #glamour #waltz #salsa #tango #nightlight #publicspaces #beauty #artoninstagram #artistoninstagram #instaart #mexico https://www.instagram.com/p/B-i-Tk3nzza/?igshid=1i12xk44issud
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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Once again thanks for all the encouragement and feedback, and I continue to hope this is helping to break up newsfeeds. This piece is one of the ones I'm more attached to, because it features two nice elderly people that punctuated my street and with whom I exchanged greetings. The abuela on the stool was like 1 meter tall and had the most fantastic skin. Often I wouldn't leave my room until after midday when my day began, and in my mind it was still early morning and I'd sing out 'buenos dias' and she would never fail to correct me with a passive aggressive 'buenos *tardes*' the abuelo used to attend a little bodega that I saw have like 3 customers the entire year. We would have conversations where he never seemed to care that I wasn't following at all, I really love him. He'd wander up and down chatting to other store owners or be working on his car (not pictured) or napping in his chair. I'd like to say every street in gdl has its staple character, but my street seemed to be a rare gem. One of the fastest and strongest impressions Mexico gave me was that it's a country that is focussed on functional, rather than optimal. Repair shops still operate here, people use thing until they break, repair them and then use them again until they hreak. Things aren't shiny and streamlined and scream out designed by a design team, rather than slapped together. But everything works, and works really well for the most part. Since returning I read this great op-ed about the working class in Australia that had this heartbreaking line about how the poor tend to have their history/heritage erased by development which the rich don't. The australian obsession with optimization and the good times that have driven politicians tearing down public assets of the 70s to be replaced with state of the art buildings of the moment do strike me as extracting soul from our surroundings. #watercolor #art #illustration #exhibition #gdl #guadalajara #abuelos #history #livinghistory #memory #ink #brush #graffiti #abandoned #beauty #workingclass #centro #community #neighbourhood #streetscene #napping #cartoon #jalisco #handdrawn #instaart #artistoninstagram #artoninstagram #streetstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/B-YOXLYHc2O/?igshid=zo9k3t3jm06m
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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Once again thanks for all the encouragement and feedback, and I continue to hope this is helping to break up newsfeeds. This piece is one of the ones I'm more attached to, because it features two nice elderly people that punctuated my street and with whom I exchanged greetings. The abuela on the stool was like 1 meter tall and had the most fantastic skin. Often I wouldn't leave my room until after midday when my day began, and in my mind it was still early morning and I'd sing out 'buenos dias' and she would never fail to correct me with a passive aggressive 'buenos *tardes*' the abuelo used to attend a little bodega that I saw have like 3 customers the entire year. We would have conversations where he never seemed to care that I wasn't following at all, I really love him. He'd wander up and down chatting to other store owners or be working on his car (not pictured) or napping in his chair. I'd like to say every street in gdl has its staple character, but my street seemed to be a rare gem. One of the fastest and strongest impressions Mexico gave me was that it's a country that is focussed on functional, rather than optimal. Repair shops still operate here, people use thing until they break, repair them and then use them again until they hreak. Things aren't shiny and streamlined and scream out designed by a design team, rather than slapped together. But everything works, and works really well for the most part. Since returning I read this great op-ed about the working class in Australia that had this heartbreaking line about how the poor tend to have their history/heritage erased by development which the rich don't. The australian obsession with optimization and the good times that have driven politicians tearing down public assets of the 70s to be replaced with state of the art buildings of the moment do strike me as extracting soul from our surroundings. #watercolor #art #illustration #exhibition #gdl #guadalajara #abuelos #history #livinghistory #memory #ink #brush #graffiti #abandoned #beauty #workingclass #centro #community #neighbourhood #streetscene #napping #cartoon #jalisco #handdrawn #instaart #artistoninstagram #artoninstagram #streetstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/B-YOXLYHc2O/?igshid=q9avr1ua8y7s
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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So this sunday offering allows me to reminisce about the park life in Guadalajara, and Mexico in general. One of the first and strongest impressions you get is that Mexico is a land of wholesome activities in the park. Soccer of course, dancing both the latin styles and the indigenous... this was parque rojo as it was known colloquially something unhelpful when told to meet there and it doesn't show up on google maps. It had a constant streem of rap battles going on, and it was great to see how worked up kids get over a sport so dorky. Skaters of course, my local parque refugio at least once while I was there had this big community organised bmx contest... like who could do the sickest tricks going over the concrete stairs. Less cool but still great are the people learning to rollerblade or rollerscate. I suspect Mexicans would find this really boring, like if foreigners came to Australia and painted pictures of drinking tap water. But all activities in the park are cooler than looking at a smart phone. Evidently I'm posting this on just such a device and you are probably looking at it on one, but the amazing thing about Mexico is the phones are there and people are still really old fashioned social. I don't know how that bodes for a pandemic, but thankfully Mx gets relatively few tourists flying in compared to Europe/US. The mamacita with the baby is there to remind me of another of thise difficult paradoxes... there's a great energy that is somewhat lost in Metropolitan Australia of young parents. But obviously there's a huge socio-economic/mental health cost being born by all the single mums in Mexico. But demographically it seems to help intergenerational socializing, instead of the stark divide between millenials and boomers. It's hard to describe, but I remember. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-TQV3lHth0/?igshid=gdm07uzw85u4
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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Thanks to everyone commenting and supporting and I hope this is helping some people break up their preoccupied thoughts. Today's piece I think I called 'los heros de tacos' based on my preferred taco stand. Taco stands I found intimidating because often to get an order in yiu actually have to be kind of obnoxious and yell it out, otherwise the people there will just hand back their plates and reup seemingly endlessly. So there was a learning curve for me getting service from 20 minutes down to 5 minutes. I'm moved by taco guys because, you know, I do know what hard work is, getting this exhibition done was hard work... but as a general rule I don't do it. But taco street vendors do work hard, and they do it night after night for 8+ hour long shifts. They slave over hot stoves (or hot fat) and take in all these orders that they keep track of in their head, give orders to eachother. I mean I'm sure from what I've seen on tv this is how working in a restaurant kitchen is typically. But these stands are also a real social glue, and Australia just cannot do street food. Except for 'tacos australianoa' or the sausage in bread. But a gold coin is expensive for street food. 200aud if you want it pluuuuus postage. #watercolor #art #ink #brush #illustration #exhibition #gdl #guadalajara #tacos #chorizo #heroes #streetfood #eagle #mexico #tarp #foodstand #tacostand #aguila #turquise #moustache #community #yell #food #workinghard #streetlife #streetscene #artoninstagram #artistoninstagram #instaart https://www.instagram.com/p/B-OG_OFHz5w/?igshid=12c50c7zahqm9
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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Piece dos from my hecho en mexico exhibition, I lived a few blocks north from Parque Refugio, named for the Cathedral you can see in tue background on the left there. It's this beautiful cathedral in the middle of a nature strip, very narrow. The park close to year round had this mini amusement park running with these run down rides decorated with unlicensed imitations of childrens cartoon characters and what not. I don't know why, but I was always extremely moved whenever I saw a ride operating with one oblivious kid on it having fun, not registering the malencholy of an amusement park with almost no children. It kind of reminds me of the Esplanade Hotel in Melbourne and other pubs that were this grand vision that time has worn down into but one of many entertainment options. Somebody built something, and only the lucky few children get that vision. It makes me sad and happy to think about it a feeling I really enjoy, though it is unsettling. I'll let this one go for $200AUD, pm me if interested. #watercolor #art #ink #brush #illustration #exhibition #gdl #guadalajara #nino #solo #cartoon #carousel #merrygoround #malencholia #innocents #oblivious #joy #happiness #parquerefugio #refugio #indiaink #acrylicink #streetscape #drawnfromlife #cathedral #old #wakingdream #artoninstagram #instaart https://www.instagram.com/p/B-JPiFeHMuV/?igshid=frnacxs908tz
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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So with an exhibition unlikely to manifest anytime soon I've decided to do an online exhibit of my works from my last show in Mexico, that I was going to call 'Hecho en Mexico' when I got around to showing it in Melbourne. Instead I'm publishing this mainky for my community on facebook, and if anyone wants to purchase a piece, get in touch and I'll figure out a sanitary way to deliver it, I believe my prices are up to $200AUD. I also thought it's a good opportunity to actually speak about my life in Guadalajara (GDL) mexico. A great life. I basically took long walks, observed and drew. This piece is set in a fountain in Centro, downtown in Plaza Universidad. Probaboy the biggest drawcard in the plaza is a Burger King, that I frequented, but it's next to this great library Alejandra and I went to on a date and lots of peopke congregate there. It's just a block from the Cathedral. People like contrast in art, and I as an artist, love contrast. Mexico doesn't have great social security, and there's lots of homeless, but they are I guess common enough to be an accepted part of the community, and well practiced at being homeless. I saw this guy washing his feet in the public fountain and it kind of spoke to me about Jesus, I liked how he was dignified somehow in this really humble action of self care. Though no doubt there would be indignent mothers yelling at their kids for drinking from the fountains. At the same time, you get all these wonderful mamacitas indignant over no doubt some trivial matter in the way young people do. What I like most is that life was not as hermetically sealed as it is in Melbourne, empathizing is easier because you are constantly exposed to peopke living really different lives. GDL has bubbles of course, but those were the least interesting places. I could say far m9re, but maybe instagram has a word limit... #watercolor #art #ink #brush #illustration #exhibition #gdl #guadalajara #mujeres #mujeresdemexico #homeless #mamacita #dirtyfeet #fountain #jeans #glorioushair #dignity #indignity #mexico #onlineexhibition #wordlimit #hamberders #parklife #indiaink #kangagringo https://www.instagram.com/p/B-GjVToHaJp/?igshid=1d9mg96yrnio1
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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Been out for a bit, sick, busy but this project is never far from my mind. I don't actually know how design projects go, but I feel ready to recap and pull out the main recurring themes from my design experiments thus far. Anyway, I made a concerted effort to explore more greco roman ideas this round, as the simple lines of Japanese garments just kept showing up in previous design iterations. Specifically the cuirass, which and it's related fixtures, as well as all the rich symbolism and archetypes greek mythology offers up. I'm not greek and have no heritage beyond the cultural heritage all Europeans owe to Greek antiquity, but maybe I would get special treatment for being a grecophile. I heard some greeks cried during 300. #watercolor #art #illustration #cartoon #fashion #fashionillustration #sketch #sketchbook #design #analytics #fashiondesign #sleeves #trim #patterns #tiling #scales #cuirass #breastplate #apron #deeppockets #wallet #storage #harness #midriff #belt #braces #marble #classical #greece #roman https://www.instagram.com/p/B8LJcx5HMtO/?igshid=z92zdvpkry8z
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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Design numero cinco, where I explored options other than having a crotch stitched in. I assume the history of pants coincides with horseback riding and/or cold climates. Could I bring them back to everyday wear? Most of my questions as you can see revolve around fastenings and going to the toilet. Exploring too many ideas at once can result in looking like you beat up Tina Turner. Violence against Tina is not cool though kids. Even in post apocalyptic waste lands. #design #analytics #fashiondesign #fashionillustration #formal #formalwear #hakama #kilt #pleats #belts #fastening #patterns #tessellation #jacket #escher #stripes #penrosetiling #collars #shirts #pockets #canvasbelt #sneakers #kits #mullet #80s #eighties #sketch #sketchbook #watercolor #scribble https://www.instagram.com/p/B7mcXGOnEyx/?igshid=tdfdbkdg8ykj
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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A design interlude, because everytime I think about redesigning my own wardrobe I think about how easy it would be to design stuff for my novia @arrowvestal, not just because she's a latina and they can wear any outfit from any culture and pull it off. But also Mexico has not one but many 'national identities' to draw from, it's own rich indigenous source of iconography, revolutionaries, conquistadors, immigrant influences, all of which Australia doesn't have or can't grasp. So yesterday afternoon I sketched out like 6 outfits from the top of my head. #watercolor #art #ink #sketch #sketchbook #design #analytics #fashiondesign #fashionillustration #casual #casualstyle #novia #amor #cowgirl #ranchera #poncho #shirts #belts #boots #oversize #contrast #iconography #guerilla #patterns #stormclouds #sholder #maxipants #illustration #cartoon #belladonna https://www.instagram.com/p/B7cE5b2nmHq/?igshid=obypvmc2wk2a
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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This one is more of a working attire, drawing on memories from working in my studio through winter. I'm not into climate control, but never learned the finesse to work in long sleeves, I roll them up or avoid them altogether. I drew a lot of inspiration from #katakuri from #onepiece but just tried to remove the bon jovi. It's all really just an exagerration of what I've been wearing though. #watercolor #art #illustration #cartoon #fashion #fashionillustration #sketch #sketchbook #design #analytics #fashiondesign #jackets #cuirass #harness #straps #utility #overalls #chaps #kneepads #hoods #hoodoo #vest #dogs #dogtooth #motif #totem #animism #instaart https://www.instagram.com/p/B7R_p-_nqcK/?igshid=xhnu4gziyam3
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ohminoust · 5 years ago
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Just to free up my mind a little I thought I'd think about formal attire, something it is fair to conclude I have spent my life avoiding. There was a brief period when I was an office worker when I sank money into neckties, dress shirts, owned a bunch of dress shoes, I think I owned multiple sets of cufflinks and french cuff shirts. These all no doubt represent the worst investments I've ever made. However, throughout the entire history of dressing to impress, few ever do anything bold. Few ever really express themselves. They spend money to blend in, like paying for a marketing campaign with the message 'nothing to see here' thus I refuse to have my most expensive attire also be my blandest. Even if it means upstaging brides and grooms or ruining people's funerals. #watercolor #art #illustration #cartoon #fashion #fashionillustration #sketch #sketchbook #design #analytics #fashiondesign #formal #dressshoes #slacks #belts #straps #strappy #strapped #coat #jacket #japanese #japonesque #waistcoat #halfcloak #midsleeve #cyclingjersey #pockets #dance #funeral #wedding https://www.instagram.com/p/B7NRZzzH79z/?igshid=1nljc57wmvr7l
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