#think this is an oversimplification of her but boy yeah I really love her as a character
lucreziaces · 5 months
anyway, can we talk about how caterina completely played cesare like a violin just because....she could? really had him believing he was getting the upper hand by letting him fuck her multiple times in a matter of days just for her to be like, "yeah.....not gonna go to rome or bow to your father aka the pope, but thanks for the sex!! also, you should really put your body to better use than wearing those cardinal robes, btw" lmaooo
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salmalin · 10 months
Final Fantasy XII, Ashe, Vayne, "Us V.S. Them" Mentality, and What Makes a Hero
Something I really love about FF12 is that beyond the whole "free will" plotline that underscores basically every FF game, it actually has something else to say. And it gets pretty specific with it in a way that not many other media I've seen is willing to properly explore: the extremely thin line between hero and villain.
Possibly due to the disaster that was its development, Final Fantasy 12 was able to get extremely specific with its themes and messages, and the rush that occurred when a second team came in to finish for an entirely different team may have allowed for most of this to make it to the final game. It's also ridiculously topical and hits a modern problem on the nose—"Us Vs Them" Mentality, and the oversimplification that follows. This is something that I've only ever seen Terry Pratchett attack so violently.
The villains are not villains. They are people, like us. But more than this, they are only villains because of how they do things. But more than that...
The heroes are not heroes. They are people, like us. But more than this, they are only heroes because of how they do things.
In the eyes of a wider plotline, Vayne might have been the hero if not for his methods. This is made clear from the get-go. He's freeing man from the control of the Occuria, after all. He's fighting God—something you always do in the Final Fantasy games. What's worse, he was raised in a situation where his ruthlessness was not just an asset, but a necessity. He'd disposed of his elder brothers, and endeavored to build a world where Gods and Emperors did not dictate the movement of man—only him. It is, in my humble opinion, a response to excessive trauma from a young age. He is a brilliant character, beloved and loathed for his ability, and he is not arrogant about it.
Meanwhile Ashe is the last remaining descendant of Raithwall and seeks her country's freedom. Her characterization could have ended there and the audience would have been satisfied. Except it didn't.
She was angry. Arrogant. Uptight. She made rude assumptions about the people around her. And then...
Then Ashe decided to use the Nethicite.
And after her declaration, the first person to speak is the lowliest in standing of all in the room—a boy who'd seemed unimportant from the very start, who she'd degraded practically on sight. He'd been the most impacted by the war out of all of them; a boy who has had little to say up until this point besides seemingly shallow statements about theft, independence, and revenge.
"You even know how to use it?"
Vaan's words cut through the moment, changing the vibe instantly before Fran can take the scene. It's a good point, and highlighted a critical flaw in Ashe's thinking until that moment.
She doesn't. In a literal and figurative sense, this is the core of the entire story of Final Fantasy XII—Ashe does not know how to wield Nethicite. Not just as a weapon, but as a weapon.
There is rebellion. There is freedom-fighting. Then...
Then there's mass murder of civilians.
One of these things is not like the other.
But Ashe doesn't even see civilians. She's angry at Archadia as a whole for some reason—likely because they were "complicit" during the war. She sees them as all the same, and doesn't even think of them before suggesting using the uncontrollable Nethicite. She's convinced that her people will never get along with Archadians to the point where it's a plot point. She thinks they all want revenge. And seeing what we have until that point in the story... Yeah, that makes sense.
Until it doesn't. Until Vaan—the "unimportant" character mentioned before, the one who spoke, the main character everyone seems to overlook—actively does what she needs to do before it's even spoken aloud.
He trusts an Archadian.
He makes friends.
He puts aside his rage in favor of cooperation.
And he does this so casually that it's in the background when it happens. Until Basch brings it to her attention, Ashe didn't even notice. She was so fixed in her idea of what her people would want that it never occurred to her that yeah, maybe they do want this... in a moment of rage. A moment that would pass.
A moment that would pass in favor of guilt, horror, and disgust if she used the Nethicite.
We get to see Ashe's bloodthirsty nature before any of her other traits, but for Vayne we are shown he is charismatic, intelligent, and thoughtful.
It is Ashe who is the hero.
It is Ashe who is the hero because she does not fight with blinders on. Instead, she loses those blinders in no small part due to Basch, who points things out to her, and Vaan, who literally shows her the way. Vaan loses his rage first. Vaan moves on first. There's dialog around this a few times, and plot movements as well, and it's made pretty clear that every emotional development Ashe is going through, Vaan is going through directly in front of her and without the support that she had for so long. Vaan and Ashe are so acutely similar that it's almost alarming.
Vaan hates Archadians and then he changes his mind. Vaan hates Archadia until he changes his mind. Vaan hates soldiers until he changes his mind.
Vaan hates until he realizes that hate is a symptom, and to cure the symptom you can't just repeat the circumstances that led to the problem in the first place.
The main characters—the "heroes"—very nearly become the villains of a whole other country until they decide... no. No, we're not going to do this. No, we're not going to use this. Instead, we're just going to get rid of it. We're going to get rid of the chance of anyone using this great power again. This power would end the war in a split second before it could even begin. We've got so much of it, we could rule the world.
And then they don't rule the world. They destroy the ability to rule the world, and take that power out of the puppetmasters' hands.
You don't kill the occuria.
Heck, the only person they really kill is Vayne.
There is no "us".
There is no "them".
There are just people—people like us. And we are just as capable of being those people. One wrong step, and we become the people we hate most in the world.
There is no "us" and "them". You have no way of telling if a person is a monster on the inside. There's no way to look at them and know, or talk to them and know, or work with them and know. Vayne is charming and kind and gentle when he wishes to be, yet we only see Ashe's "undesireable" qualities.
She is the hero.
Ashe is the hero because where Vayne was prepared to burn everything and everyone to the ground for the promise of a day that might not come, she was not. Vayne was a battering ram where they needed a scalpel, and her team—six people with questions and some luck—was that scalpel.
Being a hero is not about being nice. It's not about being able to make connections or read a room. It's not even about how kind you are to others with your words. It's about what power we have, and how we are willing to use it. That is what makes a hero.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part sixty-eight: "The Sleepover"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your sister asks a last minute favor for you to watch your nephew overnight.
Or Hudson, you, and a special guest make brownies.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 4.4k
a/n: Getting some more of these transferred over from AO3 and I'm almost caught up! This is a fluffy installment where Reader and her nephew make brownies with...someone special. The entire list of installments for this series can be found here. I'll start a tag list once I've caught up to AO3 so if you're interested let me know in a comment (I know I've already gotten asked about it so I'm slowly adding names)!
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Swinging your apartment door open, Amber greeted you with a look of relief and gratitude. Beside her stood Hudson, his dinosaur backpack slung over his navy blue winter coat. He was beaming up at you and you couldn’t fight the large smile making its way onto your own face.
“Thank you so unbelievably much,” Amber gushed instantly. “And I am incredibly sorry to bother you so last minute like this, really. I owe you big time.”
You shrugged a shoulder in response. “It’s really not a big deal,” you assured your sister. “I love spending time with my favorite nephew and it’s been awhile since we’ve had a sleepover. Hasn’t it, Huds?” you asked, attention focusing down to your nephew.
“Right!” he agreed quickly. “Is Uncle Matt going to be here?”
“Uh, no, I don’t think so, Huds,” you answered him awkwardly. 
You figured Matt would realize you weren’t alone in your apartment tonight when he stopped by, probably hearing Hudson before heading home where he would inevitably find the message you’d left on his normal not vigilante phone about Amber needing you to watch Hudson last minute overnight. You knew he’d entirely understand that you’d be unavailable this evening.
“How’re things going with him after the breakup?” Amber asked, catching your attention. “Still doing good?”
You nodded quickly. “Oh, yeah. Things are great between us,” you told her with a smile.
“Mmm,” she hummed out, eyes narrowing. “I’ll punch him in that handsome face if he hurts you again, though.”
“Amber, it was a…misunderstanding of sorts that got vastly blown out of proportion,” you told her, aware of how much of an oversimplification that was, “and we’re good.”
“I’m just saying,” she continued, “I haven’t forgotten all those nights you were crying on my couch downing an entire bottle of wine on your own. I just don’t want to see you like that again.”
“Point taken,” you told her. “Now don’t you have to be at the office?”
Amber expelled a deep sigh before she nodded. “Yeah, I should probably get back before Hogarth gets pissed. Leave it to her billionaire golden boy to somehow need help late on a Friday night.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to be telling me that,” you pointed out.
“Right,” she agreed, pulling a face. “Forget I said that.” 
She turned, lowering down to Hudson’s height as she held her arms out. Hudson threw his arms around her, immediately hugging his mom tightly.
“You be good for your aunt,” Amber told him. “She’s doing mommy a big favor tonight so let’s not be a troublemaker, okay?”
“Okay,” Hudson answered.
“I’ll see you in the morning, buddy,” she said, kissing his head. “I love you. And be good , please.”
“Love you, too, momma!” Hudson replied.
Amber rose to her feet as Hudson bolted straight towards you, wrapping your left leg in an excited hug that almost knocked you off your feet. Amber shot him a sad smile before her attention shifted back to you.
“Thank you, really,” she repeated. “Just…make sure he gets to sleep and eats breakfast and I’ll be happy. I already know you’re the fun one and he’s going to do some things he usually doesn’t get to at home.”
“It’s because I’m not his mom,” you reminded her. “I don’t do the disciplining part. I do the fun activities part.”
"I'll see you tomorrow, Hudson," your sister said, shooting him a quick wave.
Amber mouthed one last 'thank you' before turning and heading down your hall towards the elevator. You closed the door and turned, spotting Hudson slipping his dinosaur backpack off onto your couch.
“You want help with your coat and shoes, Huds?” you asked, making your way over to him.
He nodded enthusiastically, patiently waiting for you to help him out of everything. Afterwards, you headed back to your door, hanging his coat and putting his shoes by yours. Turning around, you sent Hudson a large grin that he quickly mirrored. 
“Your mom said you already had dinner,” you began, Hudson nodding in response. “So would you like to help me make some brownies?”
His eyes widened, lighting up excitedly as he bounced from foot to foot. “Yes! Can we make them now? Please?” he begged.
“Absolutely,” you told him. “You want to help me get the stool out of my closet so you can wash your hands first?”
Hudson didn’t answer, instead he booked it out of your living room and down the hall, heading straight to your bedroom closet. You laughed, shaking your head as you followed after him. When you entered your room, you saw him already struggling to pull the stool out of the closet with his little arms. Before you could offer help, he was already hoisting it up and shooting you a proud smile. You waved him out of your room with a smile of your own, watching as he carried the stool down your hallway. You followed slowly behind, amused at how cute he looked holding onto something half his size. 
“Alright," you began, "first we’re going to wash up and–”
“ Daredevil !” Hudson shrieked, dropping the stool to the floor of your living room and cutting you clean off.
Eyes widening in horror, you turned to your left. Sure enough Matt was crouched at your window dressed as Daredevil. His mouth was hanging wide open, his fist still raised from where he must have been knocking against it. Hudson sprinted towards the window, immediately struggling to open it.
“Hudson we probably shouldn’t be opening the window to strangers, don’t think your mom would approve of that,” you said, your eyes on Matt.
“He’s not a stranger, he’s a superhero!” Hudson called over his shoulder. “I didn’t know you knew him, auntie!”
“What the hell, Matt,” you awkwardly sing-songed under your breath knowing he could hear you.
Out on your fire escape, Matt’s mouth tugged into a sheepish grin as his hand fell back to his side. With a sigh you made your way over to the window and lifted it up.
“I don’t exactly know him,” you corrected Hudson, pulling him away so Matt could climb in. “He uh, just was helping me with something for work.” Your focus shifted back to Matt as he closed the window behind himself. “And he shouldn’t have stopped by while I was watching my nephew,” you said through a forced smile.
Matt huffed out an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of his neck with a gloved hand. “I wasn’t quite paying attention,” he admitted. “I didn’t realize you weren’t alone.”
“That’s okay!” Hudson said excitedly. “You’re my favorite superhero! I’m going to tell momma I met you!”
“No!” you and Matt both shouted simultaneously.
The smile fell off of Hudson’s face as he looked up at you curiously. You licked your lips nervously, eyes briefly darting over to Matt. He was wringing his gloved hands, clearly nervous. Okay, so it was on you to come up with a fast lie. Great.
“You can’t tell your mom you met him,” you said slowly, kneeling down in front of him, “because uh…he’s helping me with something super secret for work, okay? It involves some…really bad guys and it wouldn’t be safe for me or Daredevil if they knew he was helping me. So can you keep this a secret?”
“Hmmm,” Hudson hummed out, his focus shifting back towards Matt, a slow smile forming on his mouth. “Okay,” he said with a nod. “Can he make brownies with us?”
You sat there kneeling on the floor, blinking rapidly a few times. “You…want Daredevil to stay and make brownies with us?” you asked him slowly.
“Yeah,” he answered, a little pout on his face. “I might not see him again.” Quickly Hudson’s hands flew out and grabbed onto your shoulders, taking you by surprise. “Please, auntie? Can he stay, please? Please?”
Your mouth fell open, eyes widening as you continued to kneel there on the floor entirely dumbstruck. “I, uh, well, Huds, uhm–”
“I can stay and make brownies,” Matt answered.
He had intentionally pitched his voice lower and you bit your lip, trying to hold back a laugh. He sounded absolutely ridiculous talking about making brownies in the same gruff voice he used to threaten breaking bones with criminals.
“But if I do,” Matt added, “I need you to keep my secret. Can you do that?”
“Okay!” Hudson said, releasing his hold on your shoulders and bouncing up and down.
Slowly your head turned towards Matt, a hand flying up to try to cover your laugh. “You’re uh, you’re going to stay and make brownies then, Devil of Hell’s Kitchen?” you teased. “With a three year old?”
Matt shrugged a shoulder, a grin slipping onto his face. “I do serve the people of Hell’s Kitchen when they need help,” Matt answered. He gestured a gloved hand at Hudson. “And this young man is clearly in need of some brownies.”
You bit down hard on your lip, eyes closing as you refrained from letting out a snort of amusement. “Hudson,” you began, fighting to keep your voice even, “I’m going to put on some cartoons, okay?” You opened your eyes, glancing over at your nephew. “Can you sit and watch them for me while I go over some uh, work things with Ma–uh Mr. Daredevil?”
“And then he’ll make brownies with us?” Hudson asked, wide eyes staring hopefully up at you.
You cleared your throat, nodding slowly as you rose back to your feet. “Yeah, I suppose he will,” you sighed.
Hudson grinned, running over to the couch and hopping up onto it. You turned, shooting Matt a pointed look.
“You go wait in my room,” you ordered him in a hushed tone.
Matt’s mouth curled into a smirk as he nodded at you. “Yes, ma’am,” he answered.
You shook your head, rolling your eyes as you made your way into the living room. Taking a minute, you turned on the television to some cartoons and begged Hudson to give you a few minutes to talk to Daredevil. When he was clearly enraptured with some cartoon dogs, you headed back towards your bedroom where Matt was leaning against your dresser.
“What the hell, Matt?” you whispered. “My nephew is here!”
“Yeah,” he replied. “I sort of gathered that by this point.”
“Well didn’t you pick up on him here in my apartment with your Fancy Devil senses before you came knocking on my living room window?” you asked.
“Clearly not,” he answered. “I was admittedly a little tired from today. I wasn’t paying that close of attention. I’m sorry.”
You sighed, running a hand over your forehead. “It’s fine, I just hope he really does keep this a secret. I mean he is only three.”
“There’s not much to do about it now,” Matt said. “Hopefully his love of Daredevil will have him wanting to keep the secret for now.”
“Yeah, I hope so,” you agreed. “Because I don’t really think you’re planning to tell my sister anytime soon about your extracurricular activities.” 
“Not really,” he agreed. Pushing off of the dresser, he made his way towards you. “Come here, sweetheart.”
“Well I should–”
“He’s entranced by whatever cartoon is on, I promise,” Matt assured you.
You nodded, crossing the distance between the two of you. Matt’s gloved hand reached out, tenderly gripping your chin and lifting your face towards his. You couldn’t fight back the smile growing on your lips despite the situation.
“Hi,” you whispered.
He huffed out a laugh, a grin forming on his own mouth. “Hi, sweetheart,” he responded just as quietly.
Leaning towards you, Matt connected his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. Your hands rose to his chest, bracing yourself against him. Soon you were pulling away, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face against his chest. Matt’s own arms encircled you, his face burrowing against you in return.
“Missed you today,” Matt murmured into your shoulder.
“I missed you, too,” you whispered. 
With a sigh you reluctantly stepped back, knowing you couldn’t leave Hudson out in the living room much longer. Matt released you as well, his head shifting to the side as he focused on you through the red lenses of his mask.
“So are you really going to help me and Hudson make a boxed brownie mix dressed in the full ensemble?” you asked him, waving a hand at his suit.
Matt grinned in response. “Only if you call me Mr. Daredevil again,” he teased.
You playfully swatted his chest, the gesture causing Matt to laugh. "I'm serious, because you're going to have to keep up the charade that you're not Uncle Matt," you told him.
"You know, I quite missed him calling me that," Matt said, head canting to the side.
" Matt ," you chided.
He grinned again at you, clearly enjoying pushing your buttons. 
"If you get me a glass of water so I can keep up the voice I'll do my best, but–" Matt said, raising a finger and tapping you gently on the nose, your eyes narrowing in response, "–you're going to have to keep your hands to yourself."
"Keep it up and Mr. Daredevil is going to have a new foe to fight tonight," you quipped back. 
Matt made a noise in his throat that sounded almost like a pleased purr. "Now that sounds fun," he whispered. 
"There's a three year old on my couch right now, Matt," you reminded him. "And I'm going to head back out there and get started on the brownies now. Behave yourself, Devil."
He smirked, nodding as you turned to leave. But you stopped in the threshold when he spoke again. 
"Yes, ma'am."
You shifted your head over your shoulder, shooting Matt a stern look. "You stop that, Matthew."
He chuckled as he made his way out of your bedroom, pausing when he neared you. He leaned down, his left hand resting on your lower back as he whispered into your ear, "Why would I stop when it's clear how much you like it?"
Your jaw dropped, your eyes following him as he made his way back down your hallway to the living room. He glanced over his shoulder at you, shooting you a cocky smile as he walked away. 
“Ass,” you muttered, heat rising to your cheeks.
Heading over towards Hudson who was still enthralled with the cartoons, you passed Matt and heard a deep chuckle come from him as you did. Choosing to ignore it, you focused on Hudson.
“Ready to make those brownies?” you asked him.
Hudson scooted off the edge of the couch, nodding his head excitedly. His focus shifted on Matt still dressed fully as Daredevil beside you. Somehow his smile widened even further.
“Alright, bring the stool over to the sink and wash your hands first,” you told him. As Hudson darted off to pick up the stool, you shot Matt a look. “You too, Devil. Take the gloves off and wash your hands. I don’t want…whatever might be on them in the brownies.”
Matt’s tongue slipped out between his lips, your eyes following the movement as the soft flesh slickened with his saliva. His mouth pulled up into a devilish grin that had your hand momentarily pausing in its reach for the television remote.
“Yes, ma’am,” he whispered back.
Your teeth grit together as your hand wrapped tightly around the remote, eyes narrowing back at Matt. He wasn’t wrong. That was certainly starting to do something to you, but now was really not the time nor the place for Matt to be teasing you like this. Especially because he couldn’t stay the night with Hudson over.
“Matt,” you whispered his name in warning.
That grin was still on his face as he raised his hands, slowly undoing his gloves. “What?” he asked innocently. “I’m just trying to be respectful.”
“Keep it up,” you playfully threatened him.
His head tilted to the side as he watched you in amusement, his hands still undoing his gloves. Behind him in the kitchen you heard the sink turn on and you spotted Hudson washing his hands. 
“Keep it up and what?” Matt pressed.
Your eyes slid back towards Matt. Setting your jaw firm and feeling emboldened by his flirting, you walked over to him and gently placed a hand along his abdomen as you leaned in and whispered, “Keep it up and you’ll end up in your shower tonight wishing you’d behaved, Devil,” you whispered.
Your hand gradually slipped downwards until your fingertips were almost touching him through his suit. Something like a grunt fell out of Matt, his nostrils flaring. That devilish grin on his mouth faded as his lips pulled into a tight line. Your hand returned to your side as you made your way towards the kitchen feeling pleased with yourself. You certainly missed having an effect on him.
“Wash your hands, Devil,” you called back over your shoulder.
Entering the kitchen, you helped Hudson finish washing his own hands before you washed yours. You noticed it had taken Matt a moment to recover before he’d made his way back into the kitchen, pausing beside you at the sink. You couldn’t fight the triumphant smirk on your mouth as you moved out of his way, letting him wash his hands next as you reached up into a cabinet nearby, grabbing him a glass for water. You waited for him to finish washing his hands before you filled it up and handed it to him. Meanwhile, Hudson had been excitedly moving the stool over towards your open counter space and curiously examining the boxed brownie mix you had out.
"Okay, so we need a bowl," you said, walking around your kitchen and bending down to a lower cabinet to pull out a large bowl. With it in hand, you walked back to the counter Hudson and Matt were both now standing at, Hudson on his stool. "You think you can handle pouring the dry brownie mix into the bowl with Hudson, Devil?" 
"You really think I can't handle that?" he asked back. 
Turning, you made your way over to the oven. "What do you think, Huds?" you asked over your shoulder as you began to preheat the oven. "You think Daredevil knows how to bake?"
"Yeah!" Hudson shouted. 
Finishing setting the temperature on the oven, you turned back around and immediately paused, your eyes taking in the sight before you. Matt was letting Hudson tear the box open, a large smile spread across his face. Hudson was giggling hysterically as he brutalized the box with his little hands before Matt pulled out the bag from inside that held the dry ingredients. You couldn’t hold back the smile on your face as you watched him help Hudson open the bag next. It was strange but also incredibly beautiful watching your nephew bake brownies with his hero, and simultaneously watching Matt as Daredevil using the same hands he punished criminals with helping Hudson carefully pour the dry brownie mixture into a bowl. 
It was in that moment, watching Matt with Hudson as you continued to openly stare by the oven, that the full realization hit you. You wanted Matt. You wanted to marry him and spend the rest of your life with him, but you also realized something else. You wanted a family. And you wanted it with him . You felt your eyes suddenly prick with tears as a strong wave of emotion hit you at the thought of Matt smiling and talking to your pregnant belly, those big hands cradling your baby bump. Or those same hands gently burping a baby over his shoulder as he rocked them back and forth. That deep rumble of his gently shushing a crying baby as he held them safe in those big protective, strong arms of his.
Matt's head abruptly spun in your direction, the smile on his face briefly dulling to something that seemed curious and questioning. No doubt confused about the conflicting emotions your body must have been displaying to him. You blinked hard a few times, trying to fight back the tears that hadn't fallen yet.
"We need eggs!" Hudson shouted.
You cleared your throat, nodding your head as you made your way to the fridge. "Yes, you're right," you said, trying to keep your voice even. "How many Hudson?"
"Two!" he proudly answered. 
"Two eggs it is," you said.
Trying to gain control over your emotions, you opened the fridge door. As you were opening the egg carton and grabbing the eggs, you couldn't help but listen in to the conversation behind you. 
"You remind me of Uncle Matt," Hudson was saying. 
"Oh?" Matt asked, his tone cautious.
"Yeah. I want to bake brownies with him, too," Hudson said. 
Turning around with the eggs in your hands, you saw the bright smile sliding across Matt's face under his mask. The sight only further melted you.
"I'm sure he'd love to if you asked him," Matt replied. 
"He likes dinosaurs," Hudson continued on. "He said his favorite is a brontosaurus."
"Did he?" Matt asked.
Walking back to the pair or them, you set one of the eggs beside the bowl. “You want to help me crack these, Huds?” you asked.
Hudson reached out, grabbing onto the back of your hand as you cracked the egg on the edge of the bowl. He helped you pour the egg inside before letting go of your hand as you reached over, tossing the shell in the garbage before picking up the other. Once again his little hand was holding onto the back of yours as he helped you crack the egg.
“Do you like dinosaurs?” Hudson asked Daredevil.
“I do,” he replied in his gruff tone.
You bit your lip hard, fighting down the laugh. You were certain Matt’s throat would be aching after tonight from continually talking like that. Though as you made your way back to the sink to wash your hands, you could feel a happy warmth blossoming in your chest as Matt continued to chat with Hudson about dinosaurs in the full Daredevil suit. He had to be sweating under that thing. 
Walking back over to the counter as the two continued chatting, you picked up the box. You couldn’t resist the snort of amusement that escaped you at how decimated the top of the box was. Matt’s head shifted in your direction at the sound and you caught the little smile he flashed at you in response. His attention quickly returned to Hudson as you noticed you still needed the vegetable oil.
You made your way over to a drawer, pulling out the right measuring spoon. Afterwards, you made your way over to a cabinet just beside Matt and opened it. Carefully you reached up to pull out the vegetable oil, but your hand bumped the container of olive oil and it went tumbling off of the shelf. Before you could blink, Matt’s hand darted out beside you, catching the bottle of olive oil seconds later. You stood there with your mouth hanging open for a moment. On the other side of Matt, Hudson’s eyes grew wide.
“ Cool !” he squealed.
Recovering, you accepted the bottle from Matt, muttering a ‘thank you’ as you did before you placed it back in the cabinet. With the vegetable oil in hand, you made your way back to the bowl that Hudson had been helping Matt mix.
“Can Daredevil stay and have brownies?” Hudson asked.
“Uh, Huds, you know it takes about a half an hour for these to bake,” you told him, carefully measuring out the vegetable oil.
“Please?” Hudson begged.
With a sigh, you poured the vegetable oil into the bowl before glancing at Matt beside you. He was looking at you through the red lenses of the mask, his lips quirked up on one corner as his head tilted curiously to the side.
“Maybe you should ask Daredevil,” you suggested. “He is usually busy.”
Hudson’s big, pleading eyes turned to Matt beside you. He was fortunate he couldn’t see the look on the three year old’s face because it was a look you often couldn’t say no to.
“Please stay for brownies?” he asked, his lip pushing out in a pout.
“After all our hard work?” Matt asked. “How could I not stay to eat them?”
Hudson began bouncing excitedly on the stool, expelling a loud, pleased squeal. Matt let out a laugh in response as he continued to mix the batter.
“Well Mr. Daredevil ,” you said, heading to a cabinet and pulling out a pan to bake the brownies in, “I’m assuming you haven’t eaten dinner yet, have you?”
Matt’s attention turned towards you, a little grin forming on his mouth. “I can’t say that I have, ma’am ,” he answered.
You pursed your lips, shooting him a pointed look you knew he could feel. “While these are baking, would you like some leftover pesto pasta?” you asked, grabbing the can of cooking spray from your counter to spray the pan with. “Because I can’t have you setting a poor example for Huds and eating dessert for dinner.”
“Well now, we certainly can’t have that,” he agreed. “Thank you.”
“Someone’s got to make sure the neighborhood vigilante stays fed,” you joked, spraying the pan with cooking spray. “I’ll heat some up once I get these in the oven.”
As the oven beeped behind you, letting you know it had reached temperature, your eyes lingered on Matt and Hudson. Matt’s large, ungloved hands were holding the bowl as Hudson was trying to stir the sticky mixture, once again babbling on about dinosaurs as Matt listened with an enraptured interest. 
Somehow watching Matt interacting so well with your nephew tonight, despite being dressed in his Daredevil suit, was also doing something to you. Whether it was that 'baby fever' women often joked about finally kicking in or something else, you weren’t sure. But what you were sure of was that the next moment you had Matt alone after this, you were certainly going to repay him for his kindness to your nephew. And you found yourself suddenly really, really looking forward to that.
Matt’s attention snapped towards you instantly, his head canting curiously to the side as Hudson beside him continued on with his chattering as he stirred the brownie batter. You were sure Matt had just picked up on the hint of your arousal. You only smiled slowly before shooting him a wink yourself, the gesture drawing a slow smirk onto his lips in return.
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kiirotoao · 1 year
Alright, I’ve had this happen three times now in my TikTok comments, and I wanted to write things down here if not addressed there. Here’s the three-time happening, in short: ‘why are you, as a girl, so obsessed with a gay mlm ship?’
And, oh boy. Look. Yes, I am a cisgender woman. Yes, I primarily ship Byler (cisgender males) over all other ships in Stranger Things. But do you realize how objective that is? I am more than my gender. So are the characters portrayed in film and media and thus Stranger Things. I think that there are indeed underlying issues and reasons for genders that are more praised in film and media and whatnot, but I think that that’s a large oversimplification of what’s going on, here.
Guess what? Two cisgender men created Stranger Things. Do you think it’s easy for cisgender men to write in the shoes of cisgender women and just automatically know the nuances and be comfortable writing for them? No. That’s why we have an opening of the show with our four main characters, four boys. Because this story is one of the Duffers’ love letter to being nerdy as once nerdy boys themselves. However, I think that the Duffers have created great opportunities for discourse on the issues that women face through Nancy and her struggles, especially in season 3, and if you want to talk about women and discrimination, please do! But I’m just here trying to ship my ship. I talk about inter-relational issues, not gender issues. Are gender issues important? Absolutely, but I clearly don’t talk about them on my page. Maybe I can be more clear about that. I’m currently considering saying this in reply to the people who asked. I get it. There are no rules on my page, so it’s an open book.
But what I take issue with and what makes me passionate enough to write all of this is that the comments were clearly made to break me down and question, in essence, why I’m shipping males as a female. Well, to answer that, when I went into shipping Byler, I thought about what was happening in front of me as a story whole: two best friends, one lost and then found, empathetically and lovingly sticking by each other and being honest to each other through blood, sweat, and tears, facing an emotional and then physical rift, rejoining and rekindling their love, and finally deciding to stand by each other in the face of the world crumbling before them. No. Gender. Attached.
Byler are simply written as male characters and I’d take no issue if they were females and I think I’d still ship them the same if they were. But at the end of they day, they weren’t. They are males. And that’s not why I like talking about them. I like their character traits, not their goddamn DNA. But all that being said, I also won’t hide it, I do ship women, too. I like Ronance. God, I really like Ronance. Even if they very likely won’t be canon, I adore their moments in season 4 and love me a good sun-and-moon dynamic. I also like Elmax. I think that those two genuinely make each other happy which I find plain adorable. I even have a friend who has convinced me to see the light of comphet Joyce and Karen having a grade school fling before ultimately marrying heteronormatively.
Thing is, there are far less women featured as main characters in Stranger Things than there are men. And so that is just how it goes around here. And I didn’t have a problem with that to talk about it until it was presented as one.
Also, side note, I just started watching Grey’s Anatomy, and my current favorite relationship is between Meredith and Cristina, who are - guess what? - women. So, okay. Here it is. Bare bones down to gender, yeah, I actually do like sapphic wlw ships, too.
At the end of the day, this is my cry: please don’t assume that my fixation on Byler is because I - as a girl - like talking about boys.
That stung, a little, as someone who wrestled with her own sexuality for years and rarely had crushes and never really properly liked boys at all. I think that I feel like I need to make a video stating my sexuality because of this, and that makes me a little uncomfortable. But I’m putting it out here because I feel just a little safer. So let me be clear. I am aromantic-asexual.
So please just trust me. This is not about Byler being boys.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
I Couldn't Be More in Love (Taywhora) - Pinkgrapefruit
a/n - you’re welcome and if you have a reaction i wanna know xoxo
At the best of times, I’m lonely in my mind
But I can find something to show you
If you have got the time
It’s the age-old question. What do you do when the person you think you’re supposed to love turns around and starts loving someone else? The person you’re supposed to be in love with. Tayce isn’t really one for fate but she’s damn sure that it wasn’t just lust and a bit of alcohol that brought them together.
Not that she can be sure of anything anymore.
Because she was pretty sure that they’d mended this thing - this gaping hole between them. The hole that’d been letting water in til it started to sink the ship.
Maybe they didn’t.
Maybe they should have stopped at making out.
Why would I rely on the things that I did right?
She said, “I gave you four years of my life”
So what about these feelings I’ve got?
Because she’s downstairs experiencing the moment of a lifetime while A’Whora is elsewhere. (Elsewhere being upstairs with another man in a bed they shared once drinking wine from their fridge).
Celebratory wine. And they offered some to Tayce or maybe she’s making that up because the feeling of loneliness tastes something like menthol and she’s choking.
She doesn’t want to intrude but the way her insides are twisting is making her wonder if she’ll die all alone on this couch.
She’s not the insecure one between the two of them but that might be changing.
We got it wrong
And you said you had enough
What about these feelings I’ve got?
What do you say to the person you are in love with when they aren’t there to say it. If your heart breaks when there’s no one around to see it did it even make a sound.
She’s being dramatic. Of course, she is. And she’s not usually the one for over-exaggeration (or oversimplification, she likes to just say it as it is) but the exaggerating is more A’Whora’s speed.
Who gave her the audacity to fall this hard for a white boy. She should have learned from Branjie - that shit never works but no. Of course, she didn’t. That would be easy and when has A’Whora ever made anything easy.
“Let’s move in together,” she’s said.
(Let’s try and decipher this relationship whilst living under the same roof so we can fuck it up with sex and domesticity and forget where we put the boundaries in the first place)
(Let’s break Tayce’s heart.)
I couldn’t be more in love
She’s always fucking hated Valentine’s day. Always felt like more of a thorn than a rose.
What sounds worse than a day to just be lonely, oh yeah, a day where single people are surrounded by none single people.
And of course, all of their roommates have people to see. Things to do, people to see, people to do (if they weren’t in a pandemic). They’re all drinking the good drinks in their rooms, hogging the bandwidth facetime the people they love and Tayce is here.
She should have bought herself flowers. What means loneliness, jealousy and sorrow?
Yellow hyacinths, foxglove for insecurity, cyclamen for heartbreak.
The colour combination is just as ugly as her insides feel and she wonders if this is why she’s never tried falling in love. Why do people romanticize something that hurts this bad.
I could’ve been a great line, I could’ve been a sign
Overstayed my time, say what’s on your mind
Maybe I’ll rely on all the things that I did right
Because I’d give you all the years of my life
How do you tell someone that you thought you might last forever? When they’re upstairs with another man?
That you thought you could get away with this half-friendship-half-relationship for just a little bit longer before you had to commit.
How do you say that you wanted to keep the privacy because you thought this could be something real instead of you didn’t want it at all?
How do you say that maybe you’re a little bit too in love to stop now?
How do you say all that when she’s upstairs with the good wine and a good boy?
And you’re not.
So, what about these feelings I’ve got?
We got it wrong and you said you had enough
But what about these feelings I’ve got?
So she’s here. On her couch. And her song - their song - is number four in the UK.
And she is nowhere to be seen.
I couldn’t be more in love.
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takerfoxx · 3 years
Well, in honor of the Rebellion sequel FINALLY being announced, here’s something I was going to do today anyway! Here’s the second part of the crew of Walpurgis Nights watch The Rebellion Story, stretching from Madoka arriving at the school to Hitomi’s nightmare!
Note: I originally was going to write this as one big piece and release it all at once, but then I realized what a dumb idea that would be, so it’s going to get released in chunks as they’re finished.
Note the 2nd: Every time a prolonged conversation takes place, just assume that they’re pausing the movie to talk.
G: You know, I can’t get over Tavi having legs, or Fee having hair.
Op: It does look good, I gotta say. Must’ve been a bitch to keep it looking so fresh though.
Ch: And probably sets fewer low-hanging branches alight or set off fewer sprinklers.
Op: As far as you know. That style is smokin’
H: Seeing all those boys is…weird.
Ch: I know what you mean. I mean, I can picture what they look like, and I’ve seen recreations, but even still…
G: It is interesting to think about. I mean, here it’s perfectly normal for girls to get into relationships with other girls. But there girls like us would be a minority.
Op: Can’t imagine why. Now that I’m seeing them…not really getting the appeal. They don’t even have tits!
Ch: I guess you had to be there.
Ok: Hey, is it true that girls who liked other girls got picked on a lot?
Ca: Well, that’s an oversimplification of a serious problem, and I certainly never saw it happen. But then, I was a little…sheltered. And yes, in some places of the world, that does unfortunately happen. And worst.
G: Poor girls.
Ch: And guys. It happens to the gay guys too.
Op: I never got the gay thing. I mean, using the word as an insult. Like, why would that even be something to be ashamed of?
Ca: That’s…a really complicated question, and I’m not sure I’m really qualified to explain.
G: Well, I think they’re just being silly! I don’t see how anyone could see anything wrong with this!
=Gretchen leans over to give Homulilly a small kiss on the lips. Homulilly is more than happy to reciprocate=
=Homulilly smacks Ophelia upside the head=
Ca: All of…that aside, I have to say, this is sort of nostalgic.
Ch: Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?
Ca: Oh, relax. I mean, just this. The school. The girls and the boys. The uniforms. Don’t worry, I’m not going to be struck with an uncontrollable desire for penis.
Op: Though if you do, I know a girl who-
Ca: Thank you, Ophelia. Please don’t finish that thought.
Op: Ha. Still a rebel, even then.
Ca: You were. You definitely were. Even more than this version. At least this version of you is going to school.
Op: And Tavi’s the goody-goody, sneaking off…hold up.
Ok: What?
Op: Rewind it a bit.
Ch: Okay…?
Op: So, does this version of me and Oktavia…do we live together?
Ch: Huh?
H: What?
Op: How would she know about me slacking on my homework after school if she wasn’t there? Like, in the same house?
Ca: W-Well, friends visit after school, sometimes to work on homework…
Ok: No, I’m going with Ophelia. We were totally shacking up. I mean, look at us. Look how irritated I am with her. That is love.
Ca: Girls, I hate to burst your bubble, but nobody was actually dating anyone back then.
Op: Oh, come on! Look at us!
Ok: Yeah, I mean the only other explanation is…
Op: Is what? What are you…Oh, my God.
G: What’s wrong?
=Ophelia and Oktavia both start to look very uncomfortable=
Op: Candy, tell us the honest truth here: are we sisters?
Ca: What?!
Ch: Oh my God, I’m not hearing this.
Op: If you hid it so we wouldn’t freak out, I understand, but we really need to know-
Ca: No! No, you are not sisters, and you did not live together in our timeline! You knew each other for little over a month when we died, and only really got along for about two weeks!
Op: Oh, thank the flames.
Ok: Whew.
Ca: Seriously, what’s wrong with you? I already told you your stories.
G: Yeah, and Hitomi’s known Oktavia and me for a very long time! I think she’d mention it if you two were related.
H: Plus you look nothing alike. At all.
Ok: Okay! Okay! It was a momentary slip of stupid! We panicked! Leave us alone.
H: Would you two have stopped dating if it turned out you were related?
=Ophelia and Oktavia exchange looks=
Op: Probably not.
Ok: Nope.
Ch: Great. Now that we’ve established yet again how degenerate you two are, can we please continue the movie?
G: Huh?
Ok: What’s her deal?
Ca: I…kind of remember her? She was a teacher, and I think I had her my first year. But it’s been so long that-
Op: This lady’s bugging.
Ch: Too many shots in her coffee.
Op: I don’t think that’s alcohol.
Ok: Look at the class. Look at us! We’re all as confused as…we are…huh.
Ch: Don’t think about it too hard.
Op: Okay, seriously! Who allowed this lady around children?
Ca: I can remember her being a little eccentric, but this is on a whole new level.
Ch: Well, as the first few minutes proved, this whole city’s totally drugged out of its mind.
G: Does she want the world to end?
Ok: You know, I’m kind of feeling her.
G: Eh?!
Ok: Okay, look! Way back in the day, before I had a reliable gig, I used to sub every now and then for the FIB’s music department, and let me tell you, after a couple days of trying to keep those sand crabs under control, the apocalypse wasn’t sounding too bad!
Ch: How bad does her class have to be for her to go that far off the deep end?
Ok: Well, me and Fee are in the class.
=Ophelia snickers=
G: Oh, I saw Hitomi!
H: Fantastic.
Ok: I thought you two were cool now.
H: Eh…
Ch: Hey, kids! It’s time to play, “Spot the important characters!”
Ca: Did our hair really stand out that much? I distinctly remember other kids having bright hair colors!
Ch: Well, if you have a bunch of characters that you’re only animating for one scene, then you gotta skimp on some of the details.
G: Oh, there you are, Lilly!
Ca: Okay, this part I remember as being fairly accurate.
H: Huh?
Ca: I mean the bit about you being a transfer student and having been in the hospital for a while.
H: Ah.
H: My God, I look stupid.
G: Don’t say that! You look cute!
H: Did I really wear my hair like that?
Ca: Well, no. You wore it straight. And I don’t remember there being glasses.
Ca: This part…is different though.
G: Really? How so?
Ca: I didn’t know Homulilly before she showed up.
Op: Yeah, you talked about that before. She just sort of appeared out of nowhere one day?
Ca: Yes. And pretty much just…aggressively inserted herself into our group. I mean, she wasn’t rude about it, but…
H: I was a time-traveler trying to save the only person that had ever cared about me from a terrible fate and had already failed several times. No doubt I wanted to skip the pleasantries.
Ca: I’m s-sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything negative.
H: No offense taken.
Ok: So basically, you had reloaded your save over and over and was skipping the cutscenes so you could get to work on the part you were having trouble on.
H: That is…a remarkably accurate way of putting it. At least I assume that was the reason. I don’t know anything other than I was told, and to be quite frank, I’m glad of it.
Op: Hear fuckin’ hear.
Ok: Cheers. Oh, uh, sorry, Candy.
Ca: Don’t worry about it.
Ok: Well, Candy’s really talking you up. Guess you were kind of an ass-kicker, Homulilly.
H: No, it’s like the other version of me said. I was probably in a support role.
Ch: What, with the time-stop thing?
H: Yes.
Ok: Support role, my scaly ass! That is like the most OP power ever! I mean, what could I do?
Ok: Uh, that wasn’t a rhetorical question. Candy, what could I do?
Ca: Oh, uh. In addition to your sword, you could use boost pads to jump and heal very quickly.
Op: So a tank, basically.
Ok: See? Just take and give damage! Basic as hell! Now time-stop, that’s a power with some class!
Ch: Plus time-travel.
Ok: Yeah, that’s like the jackpot of unfair.
H: Didn’t do me any good. We all died anyway.
Op: We’re chilling in our expensive, two-story house in a really nice neighborhood watching all this on our expensive big-screen instead of getting our asses beat every night and worrying about homework. I’d say things worked out.
Ca: Oh, come on. It’s just hand-holding.
Op: Look at that blush! Look at it!
H: She has a point. By all accounts I was already pretty infatuated with Gretchen.
=Gretchen blushes=
Ca: Fair enough. GAAAAAAY!
=group cracks up=
Op: Though, seriously. Were any of us straight?
Ca: Well, Oktavia did have that crush on that one boy that supposedly started the whole trouble, and I had a couple of crushes of my own.
Ok: Did you not see me earlier in the movie? I at the very least bisexual!
Op: Or Kyoko-sexual. Everyone’s gay for Kyoko! Even the boys are gay for Kyoko!
G: I don’t really know what that means.
Op: It means the boys find me incredibly attractive, but in a gay sort of way.
G: I still don’t know what that means!
=Oktavia leans over to whisper something in Gretchen’s ear. Gretchen’s eyes go wide=
G: Oooohhhh…
Ch: A month? So do the landscape shots just mean a time-skip?
Ok: Okay, we were joking just now, but this is pretty explicitly romantic.
H: As I said, it was at least on my end. Though I don’t understand why he has to be there.
Ca: He was always around, unfortunately. I’m mainly wondering why he’s being so quiet. Or catlike.
H: Why, was he talkative?
Ca: Very.
Op: Huh. Maybe that’s why we got Cheese. We were just used to the animal companion that wouldn’t shut the hell-
=Cheese starts screeching from the other room=
C: Pickinilly! Pickidelly! Picadely whore!
Ch: Great, now you’ve set him off.
=Cheese flies into the room and lands on Homulilly’s flower. She tries not to laugh as he prances about before spying the movie playing=
C: Rat bastard! Rat bastard! Rat bastard!
Op: Where’d he learn that? I didn’t teach him that.
C: Rat bastard! Rat bastard!
Ch: Oh, for the love of…Here, I’ll take him.
=Charlotte offers Cheese her arm, and takes him outside=
Op: I’ll say this: the bird might be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he is smart.
Ok: …did anyone else see the freaking dirigibles flying around in the background, or just me?
Op: Shit, those are a lot of airships. Hey, Candy-
Ca: No, those are new also.
Op: Something’s seriously off about this timeline, then.
Ch: Who the hell is that?
G: Oh! It’s Hitomi!
H: Of course it is.
Ch: Huh. Guess she does get more than a cameo.
Op: Jesus Christ, does her entire family all sleep in the same bed? You could fit an entire studio apartment into that thing!
G: Well, we were apparently all pretty well off.
Op: You had a normal-sized twin with a bunch of stuffed animals. She’s captaining the HMS Spoiled Rotten in there.
G: She’s not spoiled!
Op: Look, there are like three queen-sized beds between the six of us. You could put them all together and they still wouldn’t be as big as that monstrosity!
Ch: Isn’t she like living with three other girls now?
G: So? That doesn’t mean anything. Lots of people have roommates.
H: They’re dating.
G: What? What are you talking about? That’s silly to just assume-
Ok: Gretch. C’mon. It’s not a secret.
G: B-But-
Ok: Poly relationships happen all the time.
G: I…how did you find out?
Ok: You do know that I talk to her too, right? And honestly, you’re making more of it than she is.
G: I guess so.
Op: She should’ve brought that bigass bed with her, then. Gotten some use out of it.
H: Who’s she calling?
Ok: Oh boy.
Op: Well, well, well! Violin-boy!
Ok: Fantastic. Hey! I sold my soul for you! Hope it was worth it!
Ch: Er, you okay?
Ok: Yeah, I’m fine. I am pretty curious though.
Op: Oh! Stood the fuck up!
Ch: Wow, he just shot his own rich girlfriend down to play with his stringy stick!
Ok: Violins are way more than just stringy sticks! But yeah, he did shoot her right down, didn’t he? Starting to think I dodged a bullet.
H: You literally died.
Ok: I know what I said.
Op: I guess Hitomi dodged the same bullet. Traded in one deadbeat for three smokin’ hot girlfriends. Can’t see how that’s not a win!
G: Uh, her family? Whom she still remembers?
Op: Er…yeah. That’s a good point.
Op: Oh, she mad.
Ca: Teenage relationships are just like that sometimes. You feel all these big emotions and-Huh.
Ch: And you throw up yarn all over your room? What’s going on here?
Ok: We’re back on that weird shit again, aren’t we?
Op: Does she not notice any of this?
Ok: She just got shot down by her own boyfriend. Cut her some slack.
Op: Did the bed just…Okay, it ate her. It ate her and threw up even more yarn.
Ca: This is all getting very…witch-like.
G: I thought only Puella Magi could become witches.
Ca: So did I. But clearly my knowledge is very obsolete.
Op: Goddamn, Homulilly! You butterfly-effected the universe something crazy!
H: How is this my fault?
Ch: Oh, there’s another freaky teddy-bear. At least we know how they’re made.
Ok: Teenaged angst?
Ch: Most terrifying force known to mankind.
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machikuragii · 4 years
Rank the Sohmas and explain your ranking?
Anon, this got really long, so I’ve put everything under the cut. Also I don’t have solid rankings beyond my top 2 so I went into ‘tiers’ that aren’t necessarily ordered by how much I like a character. TLDR; I love all the zodiacs for different reasons, see readmore for more in-depth thoughts.
1. Yuki Sohma
Yuki as a character is really, really important to me. I think about him so much, and how he goes from a neglected, unwanted child with no support network to a confident young adult who is so comfortable with himself and free to be happy and at ease and surrounded by those who love him. I think about how important it is that Takaya displays this journey as incremental, and not necessarily linear. I think about how Yuki’s strength comes not only from himself and his desire to improve step by step, but from the support he gradually starts to receive from the people around him. I think about just how important it is when Takaya says that it’s ok to be weak, to reach out for help, and that for some people, it is only when they DO receive the needed support from others that they are able to get better. I think about just how much it means for a boy with so little self-worth to gradually find himself in the company of people who enjoy his presence and like him for who he is, and I think about how he is able to reach out and help others after receiving the warm and foundation he himself needs, when he is emotionally ready. I think about then, how SIGNIFICANT it is to show a character who had absolutely NOTHING in his childhood go on to make sure that his own child has everything he longed for in a home in his childhood. 
There’s a little bit of Yuki in everyone. Every bit of his internal monologue hits like a truck for anyone who struggles with insecurity and low self-esteem, and his drive and aspiration to find his own purpose and happiness, can be a source of inspiration to so many. Yuki Sohma is one of the best, if not THE definitely best written Fruits Basket characters, and I really wish more people recognised this. As sensei once said herself, I know that Yuki will always have his fans, but I wished that more people realised and appreciated his importance in the story and carrying the themes of Fruits Basket.
2. Hatori Sohma
This is more a remnant of a past phase, but Hatori is here because he was my first anime crush ksksksasoksks . Jokes aside though, I love Hatori because of his kindness and selfless nature that is masked by a cold exterior. As an adult I realise that Hatori’s actions are not always perfect or enough, but I still really think that he is someone who truly cares. There are so many instances that improve his character in my eyes. Can you imagine going through what he goes through with Kana, and learning of her marriage, and not feeling bitterness, but relief that she is happy? And yet he values his own happiness so little that it really breaks my heart. Or the way that he doesn’t avoid Momiji after the ordeal with his mother, but checks up on him and in a way helps raise him? Dude is more of a father figure to Momiji than his own dad. Narratively, Hatori’s backstory is such an effective introduction to the darker, more mature themes of Fruits Basket, and yeah you can bet it worked on kid me. 
TIER: “These are great characters, I love their complexity but I’m also just fond of them as well” (no particular order)
Isuzu Sohma
Someone who definitely grew on me this time round. When I was a child I found it hard to understand what she was going through and didn’t really relate to her either. But oh my god, this girl goes through so much. She’s such a kindhearted character at heart, but struggles with connecting with others and receiving their kindness because of what she went through as a child. It’s so hard to watch her struggle, because we know she deserves the world. 
Akito Sohma
Controversial to say I love Akito just after I said I love Rin, lol. I’ve never had an overly negative impression of Akito throughout Fruits Basket (this is partially because my friends used to call me Akito when we were little.....because I was an Asian girl... and Akito is also an Asian girl????? idk now that I’m thinking back over it...gee thanks guys), so it was relatively easier for me to accept her redemption when it came. Akito’s actions are not defensible, but I find it much more interesting to explore where she is coming from, rather than just mindlessly spew hate and wish violent things for her like some people prefer to do. Akito’s character is a tragedy, and I feel like people are way less willing to emphasise when the victim is not “perfect”, per se. Akito went through the same “broken home” parental abuse that a lot of the characters in Fruits Basket went through, but somehow people are unwilling even to extend the tiniest amount of baseline empathy towards her just because he trauma manifested in a way that hurts others. Guys, she’s a tragic character!!! A tragic character isn’t always “a perfect person who has bad things happen to them”, it can also mean “a character who becomes antagonistic because of circumstances.” Her actions are inexcusable, but there is a lot to learn when we explore WHY she became this way.
Shigure Sohma
Gonna try make this short. Shigure is a controversial character but I like him because I like characters that demonstrate moral ambiguity. The point of Shigure is NOT to be a good person, and he doesn’t have to be one to justify liking him. Once again, you can like Shigure and still know that he’s a piece of shit. The whole idea of “he genuinely cares for Tohru but will hurt her if it means achieving his own goals” is a fascinating one to me, because it shows that the idea of “good people” and “bad people” is vast oversimplification of how actual people think and behave. Still though, I’m really not fond of how Akigure was executed in canon. I think the two could have potentially had a fascinating relationship but it ended up being more disturbing and swept under the rug&uncomfortable than interesting.
Momiji Sohma
On the opposite end of the spectrum we have Momiji who is just genuinely such a good person. I like the dichotomy between his outwardly ‘childish’ and ‘immature’ appearance and behaviors, versus what we gradually learn about him: that he has had to be mature and selfless at a very young age, and that he is also very emotionally intelligent and empathetic. Watching him gradually grow up before our eyes (we were ROBBED of it in the anime) but at the same time feeling more and more lost broke my freaking heart. When his curse breaks and he realises that even though he is now ‘free’, that nothing has changed and the damage was already done -  absolutely heartwrenching. He’s someone I would have loved explore more of what happened post-canon, because I just want good things for him and Momo, screw whatever the hell their asshole dad thinks. 
TIER: “I love these characters but don’t focus on them as much as I think the fandom does”
Kyo Sohma
I’m a self-professed “probably don’t think about Kyo that much” person haha. I know I know, sue me. I think its because out of the main 3, I love Yuki and Tohru so much that I don’t tend to focus on Kyo. I still like him a whole lot though!! I’m a big fan of the way he matures and changes throughout the series, and much like how Yuki does too, becomes a much happier person. When I compare early-series Kyo with later-series Kyo, one thing that always sticks out to me is how much more he smiles. The way he smiles at Tohru is so full of genuine warmth and happiness that it makes my heart melt, especially when I think about how this is a boy who has so much baggage, and has to gradually accept the fact that he deserves happiness before he allows himself finally to accept it. 
Hatsuharu Sohma
Most of my love for Haru comes from the relationship he has with Yuki. It takes so much maturity to accept that your prejudices may be unfair, and Haru did so at such a young age. Sometimes I just think about how much Haru did and continues to do for Yuki without the need for reciprocation or even recognition and it just hits me how much of a good person Haru is. He was Yuki’s ONLY friend at a time he had NO ONE, and is the reason Yuki was able to move out of the estate and become the person we know and love. Haha sorry for making this about Yuki again, but I think their relationship also says a lot about Haru as a person.
TIER: “I like Kureno and am tired of making a thousand disclaimers every time I want to say I like him, Takaya-sensei whyyyy”
Kureno Sohma
I really like Kureno. This is again pretty controversial, but let me try to explain. I like Kureno because he’s an example of someone who wants to do the right thing that causes the least amount of harm to everyone, but inevitably ends up making the decision that causes much more damage. It’s a classic “good intentions, bad outcome” scenario and I freaking love it. I love that it’s absolutely not what he wants, but Kureno ends up doing a lot of wrong things and destroying not only Akito, but also his own life in the process. I just find the idea of an adult of his age who is so isolated from all of society that even a shopping trip is something foreign and out-of-the-ordinary, really, really sad. 
On the romance side though,  I hate that Takaya-sensei decided that Arisa would be his romantic interest, but I do like the idea of romance being a part of his arc. (I actually think their interactions are somewhat cute but that the overarching age gap ruins everything - i keep thinking about if Arisa was older or Kureno was younger, but touching their ages at all would affect the plot so I would rather it wasn’t Arisa at all). Just the idea of Kureno by Akito’s side, playing the part of what he thinks is her “lover” (god sensei why are u liek dis), when he meets someone on one of his rare trips outside the Sohma estate that causes him to realise that what he and Akito have is not at all what a healthy relationship should feel like - and it causes him to reevaluate the harm he is doing to them both, and take steps to leave her. That is...not exactly what Sensei did, but I always remember how much I felt for Kureno when he said in the upcoming anime chapter how it was the first time he had felt like he loved someone out of his own choice...I just felt like that one “choice” could have lead him to the realisation that he can start to make more of his own, healthier choices in life. But yeah. Wish it wasn’t Arisa because it didn’t do anything good to her character arc, and it’s creepy. 
TIER: “I really like these characters but don’t go out of my way to think about them”
Kagura Sohma
Ok I lied, I do go out of my way to think about Kagura. I love her too, despite common opinion. I think her reflection of her relationship with Kyo was so wonderful. Her confession that she started to like him out of pity, but that over time they became genuine feelings. But that Kyo can’t reciprocate her feelings so she’s accepting of that, and thankful that he gave her time to express herself, although she will still go on loving Kyo. Kagura is one of those characters where Takaya-sensei once again demonstrates her ability to take a “trope” of a character and actually delve into their psyche and explains why they feel this way. 
Ayame Sohma
I love Ayame because he’s genuinely so much fun! I appreciate the arc of him rejecting Yuki, but how he is now reaching out to help him, and I feel like we don’t get a good insight into just how significant this rejection was until we see it from Yuki’s perspective. I also admire how he is able to recognise his own shortcomings, and respects Hatori because of his sensitivity to other people’s feelings. He’s a character who could definitely have been explored more if desired, but isn’t underexplored or incomplete as is.
Ritsu Sohma
My poor Ritsu. In contrast to Ayame, Ritsu was definitely underexplored. Such a great potential to explore confidence, identity, and assertiveness. Ritsu as it stands though, is largely a minor character who wasn’t given the time they needed to be fully fleshed out. I would have loved to see them gradually gain more confidence over the series!!
Kisa Sohma
Love love love Kisa, she’s such a cutie pie. But I feel like there wasn’t much more to say about her that wasn’t said in her arc. Kisa is more a character who is used to show the messed-up state of the Sohma house/Akito more than she herself is a complex character, I think. I love her arc and her parallels to Yuki though, it gave us such a great quote about needing to be loved by others before learning to love yourself. 
Hiro Sohma
Hiro is known to be an unlikeable brat but I love him as well!!! I think it’s really important to have characters who aren’t just lovely and receptive to Tohru’s kindness, and his character served to show an important flaw in Tohru’s character, and the way that her kindness could be taken advantage of. For Hiro himself though, I think his brattiness is alright because he’s very young, and I really appreciate his efforts to become a more mature person when he recognises his own flaws! 
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galacticguppy · 4 years
Warm Moments in Cold Rain
Words: 2,029
Summary: After Marble Hornets, Tim and Jay moved on with their lives. They got married and adopted five kids- Vinny, Evan, Jeff, Alex, and Steph. Things are going well, but then the Operator starts showing up again, and the Merrick-Wright family is forced to go on the run.
Thanks @yourpersonaljaskier for helping me come up with the title!
        Tim hated hotels. He had spent far too many nights curled up under crappy sheets, afraid to go to sleep because he didn't know if he'd be safe when he woke up, didn't know if he'd be himself when he woke up, to regard them with anything but anger and dread. 
        He had never wanted to spend another night in a hotel, scared for his life. And he had definitely never wanted his kids to have to.
        It wasn't fair. He thought it was over.
        It was supposed to have been over. It had been years since Brian and Alex died, and he and Jay had been doing well. They had stayed on the road for a while afterwards, still looking over their shoulders, but nothing seemed to be following them. No masked men, no murderous former friends, no horrifying creatures. And so eventually, they stopped looking.
        They got jobs, and they rented an apartment. They started putting their pills in the medicine cabinet instead of under their mattress. They started sleeping in the same bed, with Jay's camera tucked away in a drawer instead of set up to watch over them. They started going on dates, and instead of being nervous about getting lost in the woods, Tim was nervous about impressing his boyfriend.
        Things had been normal. Things had been wonderful. They'd gotten married, and adopted kids, and Tim had never been happier. His whole life he'd been pretty sure he was going to die young and bloody, but now here he was, with a beautiful husband and five amazing kids, a house and a good job, like some kind of- some kind of normal person.
        He'd made it. It was over.
        Or at least he thought it was. But now he was here, in a shitty hotel room with Jay and all five of their kids, and he felt watched in a way he hadn't in years.
        "Why are we staying in a hotel, Dad?"
        Tim was startled out of his thoughts by one of his kids, Vinny, sitting down on the bed next to him. The rest of his children were crowded on the other bed, watching over Evan's shoulder as he played some DS game.
         Vinny's glasses shone in the too-bright light of the hotel room, and for the barest fraction of a second, Tim felt a familiar fear curl in his gut. But then he blinked, and it was just Vinny- his son- and he immediately felt guilty for having been afraid. Alex was gone. That, at least, was over.
        "Are we running from the monster in the window?" Vinny asked.
        Oh boy. This was not a conversation that Tim was looking forward to. But Vinny was looking up at him expectantly, and the others had started to take notice of them talking.
        "Yeah, Vin, we're here because of the monster." Tim put his arm around Vinny's shoulder and beckoned the rest of his family over to the foot of the bed. Jay sat down on the other side of Vinny, and the other kids piled on around them. The mattress dipped under the weight of five preteens and two fully-grown men.
        "So, you kids have all been seeing something that looks like a tall, faceless man around the house recently, right?" Tim asked.
        The kids all nodded.
        "And you said that you've seen it before, too, when you were still in the system." That was frightening. Tim hated to think that there might be more kids out there who were suffering because of this thing.
        "That's why we left the house. That thing is dangerous, so we're trying to get away from it. We'll probably be on the road for a while. We might have to..."
        Tim trailed off. He had thought about this before, but this was the first time he was going to say it out loud.
        "We might have to move away."
        When Tim and Jay had bought their house, they had made sure that they were far, far away from Rosswood Park and the old hospital. Apparently, it wasn't far enough. They would probably have to leave the state to get away from it. Of course, that was assuming it couldn't just follow them anywhere they went.
        Tim felt shaky. For the first time in five years, he wanted a smoke.
        Jay reached around Vinny to squeeze Tim's shoulder. He gave his husband a small smile and then turned to address the children.
         "We might be on the run for a while, but I promise you we'll keep you safe. That thing is- well, it's really bad, it's dangerous- but your Dad and I have beat it before," Jay assured them.
      "Really?" Steph asked. "When? Before you adopted us?"
        Jay nodded. "When we were younger, it followed us and some of our friends for a few years."
        That was one hell of an oversimplification, but it was probably best to leave out most of the details. They didn't want to scar the kids for life.
        Though, there were a few things they should probably tell them.
        "Evan, you know the episodes you have sometimes?" Tim asked. Evan nodded. They all remembered the panic of trying to find Evan after he'd disappeared, and how distraught he'd been when they found him, sobbing over the already long-cold body of a rabbit. He had woken up screaming for weeks after that.
        "Well," Tim said, "when your Poppa and I were dealing with this- the first time- something similar happened to me."
        He took a deep breath before continuing.
        "I had episodes where I wasn't in control of my own body, and when I woke up, I couldn't remember what had happened. It was like I had been sleepwalking."
        It hadn't happened for years, but he hoped to god his medicine didn't run out while they were on the run. Tim wasn't keen on finding out if he could still tackle Jay to the ground.
        "I tried to ignore at first," Tim said, "but that didn't go so well." He gave Jay a wry smile. The look that he got in return was closer to a grimace. Tim wondered if he was thinking about all the times they'd almost died.
        "And I'm not going to let my kids handle this as poorly as your Pop and I did. If something weird happens- memory loss, someone acting strange, headaches, anything- you tell us, ok?"
        The kids nodded.
        "Dad?" Jeff asked. "The monster can teleport, right? What happens if it gets in here?"
        Jay shot Tim a worried look, but Tim just got up from the bed and said, "Wait here."
        He walked across the hotel room to where their hastily-packed suitcases stood next to a dusty green pull-out couch. After digging in his suitcase for a few minutes, he pulled out a dented metal bat.
        "If you see it, run," he said. "But if you can't, hit it with this."
        Jeff's eyes lit up.
        "Will that work?"
        "Who knows," Tim replied. "But it's better than not doing anything, right?" He handed the bat to Jeff, who took it with an excited smile.
        "Do you think that it might leave us alone if we beat it up?" Jeff asked, turning the bat over in his hands.
        "Uh, I wouldn't-"
        "Maybe!" Evan cut Tim off before he could object to his kids trying to fight an eldritch monster.
        "I bet we could take it in a fight," Evan continued, puffing his chest out. "I mean, it's just some tall dude in a suit, right? I've fought tall people before."
        Steph rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but this isn't a person, dummy. It's got powers and stuff, you're not going to beat it in a knife fight."
        "Don't call your brothers names, sweetie," Jay reprimanded, his voice more fond than lecturing.
        "She's right, though," Alex spoke up. He had taken his hat off when they got to the hotel room, and now he was worrying the edge of the earflap between his fingers.
         "We'd probably need a lot of force to stop it," he said. "We could shoot it or something?"
        "Maybe we could run it over!" Vinny suggested. The room exploded with chatter as the kids started talking over each other.  The anxious tension in the room had dissipated, and now the kids were chatting excitedly. The conversation quickly turned to discussing how to get the creature to stand still long enough that they could hit it with the car.
        Tim sighed. Vehicular manslaughter probably wasn't their best option, but he was glad that the kids were having fun. He turned to give Jay a smile, only to find his husband completely engaged in the kids' conversation, which was getting less plausible by the minute. Tim had to stifle a laugh. Jay was listening so intensely Tim thought he might start taking notes.
        The springs of the old hotel beds creaked and groaned as the kids began to move between them, still talking about how they were going to defeat the monster. Eventually, the plan got so convoluted that Jay couldn't follow it, and he got up to go take the first shower, giving Tim a quick kiss on his way to the bathroom.
        Tim lay back on the bed and stared up at the hotel room's bumpy ceiling as the kids talked. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't scared- terrified, even- of what was ahead. If his past experiences were anything to go on, it wouldn't be easy.  It might be a long time before this was over. Hell, it might never be over- that thing might follow them until the day they died.
         But Tim would be damned if he wasn't going to go down fighting tooth and nail to keep his family safe. Even if that thing followed them forever- if it followed them to the ends of the earth- he was going to protect the people he loved. 
        Tim closed his eyes. The kids were still chatting, though their conversation had moved on from the monster. It was past their bedtime by now, but Tim wasn't going to say anything. They could sleep in the car tomorrow if they got tired.
        The sound of the water running in the bathroom was loud in the hotel room. It was soothing. Tim yawned. He was getting really tired; maybe he'd take his shower in the morning instead. He wanted to get up early tomorrow so that they could get on the road.
        He must have drifted off at some point, because he woke to Jay gently shaking his shoulder. He blinked groggily and looked around the room. Jeff and Alex were curled up on the pull-out couch, already fast asleep. Vinny, Evan, and Steph were sitting on the other bed in their pajamas, quietly arguing about who was going to have to sleep in the middle.
        "Hey, honey," Jay said, smiling down at Tim. "Do you want to actually get in the bed, or are you just going to lie on top of it?"
        Tim grinned and leaned forward to catch Jay in a kiss.
        "Hmm, I don't know," he hummed. "I'm pretty happy here."      
Jay rolled his eyes, smiling fondly. Tim slid off the bed and got back in under the covers. Jay got in next to him and tucked his head against Tim's chest. Tim wrapped his arms around him and pressed a kiss to the top of Jay's head. Jay was warm, like his own personal space heater.
        On the other bed, the kids had finally settled down. A quiet settled over the hotel room, broken only by the occasional creaking of the bedsprings as the kids shifted.
        Tim sighed happily and nestled closer to Jay. He didn't know what the future was going to bring, and that scared him. But he wasn't going to worry about that tonight. Tonight he was content to cuddle up with his husband and listen to his children's breathing even out as they fell asleep. Let the future come. Tonight he was safe, with his family beside him, and that was all he could have asked for.
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herglowinggirl · 3 years
can you see an ending to SOK where yun lives / yun redemption? i've been thinking a lot about the trend of abused kids never getting over their abuse and dying instead, and i feel like FCYee does a good job of writing yun and i don't want to say he's guilty of this trend, but sometimes i wonder if there could've been another ending. sorry if this ask is weird/uncomfy, you don't have to answer. have a nice day!
ok so...I am writing a meta about this (familiar anon i see you) but I feel like it’s worth answering here, too. this is less of a meta and more my personal thoughts so there’s no graphic descriptions of anything but I’ll put it under a cut because it got long, tw for canon typical violence/death.
short answer: yeah, there were workarounds but nothing that wouldn’t change the motifs, themes, plot points of the novels. I think the novels set out to make a different point on abuse than atla (think “it was wrong and it was cruel” as opposed to avatar “the obligation to be more than the sum of her grievances with the world” kyoshi) which isn’t a bad thing, necessarily. also, like, atla was a kids show and the kyoshi novels are ya and they very successfully make points on moral ambiguity and who gets to live and who gets to die. I agree and think f.c. yee handled it pretty well and yun was “meant” to die based on his backstory and evidence discussed below + the fact that he’s emulating the cycle of abuse by the end of the book. could it have been done differently? absolutely. was this story meant to? not really. you already said that it doesn’t feel like yun was killed off instead of writing about him dealing with the impacts of abuse, because the impacts were dealt with and explored just...he died at the end anyway, because of the places dealing with that stuff lead him. quoting a line from below the cut but yes, yun apologism on main. but I very much prefer to do it within canon, I think. 
but would I want to see a version where yun lived? a little, yeah, because I wanted, well, justice for him. I wanted him to reunite with rangi and kyoshi and meet team avatar and live out the rest of his life happy and free from jianzhu because I love yun’s characterization, but as a character he has a bigger part of the narrative than being someone I’m attached to. I think that also begs the question should he have been used in those narratives of abuse the way that he was if someone like me (whose relationships could be classified under “complicated” at the very least) could relate and love him, especially for a YA novel? also not sure. maybe it’s not that deep, especially because what’s already been written and published is all but set in stone (and I am not very interested in writing fix-it fanfiction, just building on canon). 
so those are my personal thoughts summed up (there’s extra rambling on why he was supposed to die + a plot workaround below). when all is said and done, this is a storyline I turn to in order to cope, but if there’s anything similar that perhaps ends with the survivor alive...any recs would be appreciated, from anyone! thank you for asking and making sure I’d feel ok ruminating on it <3 I hope you have a nice day too!
contextual evidence...zoryu going “some people will always change you back to who you were,” rangi asking kyoshi why she didn’t stop yun and kyoshi’s only answer being that seeing him had turned her back to her unsure state, yun trying to rid kyoshi of her fans and all her character growth during the final Boss Battle™...these things are a theme. you can’t strip the books of this touch of some are always meant to end, esp b/c that stuff was set up in trok (I always seem to come back to kyoshi asserting her only duty was to protect her loved ones in yokoya and then her duty becoming something much larger) so I feel like you couldn’t get rid of yun death without significant workarounds in the motifs and plot points in the novels.
that being said, I’m sure there are and were plot workarounds to killing yun. there’s an alternate universe out there where the novels ended with yun being a parallel to lao ge (I’ve talked about how they parallel each other before I think it’s very spicy; here and here), where he becomes jianzhu’s successor and just like lao ge kept kyoshi accountable on the other side of things, this time to the bureaucracy of the earth kingdom instead of lao ge’s agenda. this would also tie up when lao ge said something along the lines of “jianzhu does good work.” the novels are in no way perfect and the ending and pacing in the last third of the book do feel rushed to me (although the last kyoshi pov chapter ends sooo sentimental, enough for me to call f.c. yee a sap) but I feel they do establish the ways that kyoshi is going to cope with being a political figure, but I’ll have to elaborate on that somewhere else, so I digress.
the truth of it is this, and it is very harsh—yun was always supposed to be dead. we see it in how he and kyoshi have very similar backstories and the ways that jianzhu and kelsang are also pitted against each other their kids (well, kelsang’s kid, jianzhu’s pupil) end up dealing with the reasons why they were brought in. kelsang saved kyoshi from the goodness of his heart, he took her in and raised her like his own child (this makes me very emotional...) whereas yun was taken in because he was thought to be the avatar. then it turns out that kyoshi might be the avatar, but she is still kelsang’s daughter first, with kelsang honoring her wishes to keep it secret and letting her comfort him on the iceberg, and then when he believed kyoshi over jianzhu. establishing kyoshi’s humanity is really important in the novels so we can give kelsang a big thank you to him and then later to rangi to make sure kyoshi loves and treats herself well. 
what i’m getting at here is that if yun hadn’t been taken in for being the avatar, he would’ve been dead and it’s a form of uh...narrative checkov’s gun in a way? there’s only so long you can make something of yourself by beating tourists at pai sho. kyoshi and yun both had expiration dates and only by the grace of jianzhu and kelsang did they survive. yun reassures himself that life is a game and “he will survive a turn longer.” his story is always about doing the next thing to survive, to prove he’s worthy of the survival and salvation given to him by jianzhu. kyoshi’s story is not about deserving avatarhood, it’s about becoming the avatar. it’s a key difference in the way the narrative treats them. if he’s hadn’t been mistaken for the avatar, he would literally be nothing. he’d be dead. 
and there’s only so far you can go playing the person who deserved avatarhood if you’re not the avatar, and I think that mainly accounts for discrepancies in the idea of justice and how yun and kyoshi get to act on it because believe me, I would’ve loved to see yun tear the whole thing down. like, to see kyoshi have to kill yun for destroying the system (this is an oversimplification*) and then have her declared the “breakdown of negotiations?” like alright...sure, jan. let the boy kill a few people!! eat the rich!! murder isn’t even that bad anyway (/joking).
*yun is literally declared the residue of kuruk’s generation’s sins by hei-ran. this theme of legacy and cycles of abuse is emulated to him which brings me to acknowledge that yeah, it’s really shitty to see him killed when that theme lives in both him and kyoshi. it is a symbolic ending to the cycle of abuse when kyoshi “puts him away” (did she have to say that!!!) but that shit hurts, man. however the line “I’m sorry I said you would have to live with your pain. Because you won’t,” serves to acknowledge that by the end of the duology, yun himself has become an abuser. he’s shoving kyoshi into boxes, tries to kill rangi (to be fair rangi tried to kill him minutes/seconds earlier but he did try to kill her mom for allowing a man to try to kill him. it’s almost like...a cycle), he holds people hostage, terrorizes and murders several people in his pov chapters...at least lao ge was subtle about his work. 
so yes, yun apologism on main. but I very much prefer to do it within canon, I think. 
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"Miss Americana" Director Lana Wilson on Capturing Taylor Swift, Mid-Transformation
By: Chris Willman for Variety Date: January 31st 2020
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Lana Wilson was taking a risk - albeit a pretty good bet - when she set out to make what turned out to be “Miss Americana,” her new Netflix documentary. As Taylor Swift told Variety: 
“When I began thinking about maybe possibly having a documentary-type thing happen, it was really just because I felt like I would want to have footage of what was happening in my life, just to have later on in my life, even if we never put it out, or even if we put it out decades down the line. When we brought Lana on board, I was pretty open with her about the fact that this may be something that I wasn’t actually ready to put out. So I think we began the process without a lot of pressure, because I didn’t necessarily think that it was an actual eventuality to put out the documentary.”
Wilson was too fascinated by what she was getting early on to worry much about whether her subject would sign off on releasing it. At the outset, she was catching Swift at the end of the “Reputation” album/tour cycle, when Swift was finding a more contented place in her personal life and finally exorcising Kanye-gate from her system. The star quickly moved on to the making of “Lover,” her most upbeat album, with Wilson getting fly-on-wall footage that captures the joy of creation and eureka moments in the writing process in a way few films ever have. And then things got more interesting altogether when Swift decided that the days she could afford to be standoffish about what was happening in the country had come to an end. The movie - and by now, it was a movie - had its third act.
Variety spoke with Wilson for the magazine’s cover story last week on Swift, prior to “Miss Americana’s” Sundance premiere. Here’s a breakout of more of that conversation.
There is some footage in the movie that goes back a few years that clearly predates your involvement. When did you start filming - was it during the “Lover” writing and recording sessions or the “Reputation” tour before that? I came on during the tour. She had been collecting bits and pieces of footage; she often filmed stuff with her own cell phone - songwriting stuff. Netflix introduced us, and we really hit it off the first time we met. She had watched my previous work, and I had admired her for years, not just for her music, but also the fact that she had written all of her own songs since she was 15, and that she’s the sole creative force behind the whole shape of her career. When we met, I remember being excited that she didn’t want to make a traditional pop star documentary. She knew that she was in the middle of a really important time in her life, coming out of a very dark period, and wanted me to collaborate on something that captured what she was going through that was raw and honest and emotionally intimate.
When we first talked about it, she immediately wanted me to bring my perspective as a director to what was going on with her now and to make a film that really had something to say. I think the first time we met, we talked for 20 minutes about narrative structure in documentaries, and we even talked about film score in documentaries. At one point she said that she didn’t like documentaries that are like propaganda, and I was thrilled to hear that. In my work, I take stories that are often told through sound bites and headlines and bring depth and complexity to them. My goal is always to reveal the humanity that’s beneath the oversimplification. And to me, there are few things more frequently diminished and reduced by others than female creative forces.
It could be seen as a feminist statement, or at least some kind of intention on her part, that she picked someone who’d made an abortion documentary (“After Tiller”). It could also mean that she was just more comfortable with a woman. I think that’s totally true. When I started filming, it was before she’d come out politically. But that said, even before meeting her, I could only imagine how much pressure and scrutiny she’d faced as a powerful and successful female artist. And I definitely sensed that those pressures would be ones that other people and especially other women and girls could relate to. Obviously, yeah, I’m a female artist working in a male-dominated industry. So although Taylor and I inhabit very different worlds, I figured that we’d have some shared experiences. And I also worked with an all-female crew, which I do think helped her feel comfortable right off the bat, and a small crew. When I met her, she hadn’t done an interview in almost three years. The first one she did was an audio (-only) interview with me for this film. So it was a big deal, and trust was a big part of that.
You had an all-female crew, but Morgan Neville’s name is on there as a producer, and he’s not a gal. [Laughter.] What’s his role in it? He was a part of the creative process, and it was wonderful to get to work with him, as a creative sounding board, from start to finish. On the crew, I will say that we did always have male production assistants, because I like trying to show people that men can fetch coffee for women, and not just the other way around! So that was the only exception to the all-female rule.
It had to have been a small crew, when you were filming the fly-on-the-wall creative stuff in the recording studios, sometimes in very small control rooms. It was often just me and one or two other people in the room with her, trying to keep the footprint as small as possible. You know, no one had filmed her writing songs before. That was some of my favorite stuff to film, but it was also the stuff where we tried to really be the most low-key presence possible. You’re just in a tiny room, and it feels so amazing to watch her get in the zone creatively. One of the most fun parts for me as a director is when it feels like you’ve been in the studio for enough hours that everyone is so relaxed that you really feel invisible in a wonderful, exciting way.
When she’s having the talk with her team about wanting to make endorsements for the midterm elections, which is maybe the most important scene in the film, it’s not clear if that is something you shot or if that was something that was on the spur of the moment, where she had someone get a camera in your absence. That was spur of the moment. So that was something someone on her team shot who was pretty good with the camera. That was very last minute. I’d been starting to work with her and talk with her before that, and I’d say, “If something’s happening last-minute that could be at all important or meaningful, film it with your cell phone, of if there’s someone around you that has a little DSLR camera or something, they could film it.” It allowed us to get really powerful, crucial scenes like that one that might’ve been hard logistically to get otherwise. And I love the personal quality of that material from especially the few little bits of stuff from her cell phone.
She told us she wasn’t sure she wanted to actually make or release a movie when filming started. Did she make that clear to you when it started? Like, this might be on spec, and might not come out? Well, it was less talking about the end result and more, honestly, just talking about what she was going through emotionally at that time and the kind of things that were on her mind. Then we’d brainstorm stuff that could be cool to film. I love the idea of filming really quiet, almost more mundane moments, because I think that ordinary/extraordinary contradiction that’s so central to the life of someone in the public eye is really interesting. I loved that moment early in the film where she’s alone in the car in the dark after the show riding to her hotel room - the idea of going from being on a massive stage in front of tens of thousands of people to being an ordinary person alone just going to bed at the end of the night.
She’s already been pretty candid with her fans. There are moments in the film where she’s shown as being annoyed with the fans and photographers gathered outside her door and that sort of thing. Do you think she felt okay with being portrayed as not being happy at all times? Oh yeah, totally. She’s a complex human being, and I think whether you like her music or not, if you watch this movie, you really get to know her as a human. And as you say, she writes so candidly in her lyrics about the hardest times, the times when she made mistakes. And that is what her fans love her for. But a lot of people don’t share their hard times. The most popular photos on Instagram are of weddings and babies, when what’s really relatable and what’s meaningful is connecting with someone over that time things weren’t perfect, or the friendship or relationship that didn’t work out, or the argument you had with your mom or something. You know, everyone wants to feel less alone in the more difficult experiences in life. And that’s one reason why they turn to art. And I think it’s why people watch movies. And the happy moments are meaningful when you’ve also been through the sad ones. Young girls need to see that their heroes are just as human as they are. And I think girls and boys of all ages could benefit from that reminder.
I want people to be surprised by it because I think that Taylor Swift is someone who everyone thinks they know. But I think if people start watching this film, they’ll realize they’re watching a film about this iconic artist deciding to live life on her own terms, and it’s a feminist coming of age story. I think they’ll be surprised by her sense of humor and her self-awareness, and they can appreciate the craft of songwriting, for instance. So I hope that even if people are not fans, that they’ll watch the movie and be really surprised and also feel like they’ve just met a complicated, layered human being.
Very few people at the superstar level have the gift of healthy self-awareness that she seems to have. Self-consciousness, yes, but self-awareness, that’s more rare. Yeah, it’s so true. I’m sure you’ve seen bits of the home movies in some of her videos in the past. When I looked at the home movies, what struck me the most about them is that she really always has been the same person. She’s been kind and generous and smart and imaginative and very hardworking since she was a girl. At age 11 she knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. One of my favorite moments in the archives in the film is this clip of her, where she’s like in a diner and it’s just after the release of her first album, and she’s 16. Her childhood dream has just come true. And she tells the interviewer that she wakes up everyday being like, “Yes, this is happening.” But then she tells herself, “Now you have to figure out how to make it last.” That is so her. She had so much maturity and pretentiousness then, and she knew she wanted this to be her career and her life, and she wanted to write songs forever. It’s incredible to see a person at that age that self-possessed and cognizant.
At one point she says she wants to use her platform to speak out because she’s aware she won’t be in this position forever, where her opinions have some kind of import. Not that she’s predicting a major downfall, but she knows she won’t always have this attention. That’s undoubtedly true, but at the same time, she’s one of the only ones besides Beyonce that we would imagine being almost as big a star in 20 years, and not necessarily subject to the normal standards of diminishment of interest. She’s conscious of the historically short lifespan of female pop stars, and it’s so poignant when she says that. But it’s hard to know what will happen, though, because she issuch a trailblazer. I mean, there’s just been no one like her, and her fan base and the relationship she has with her fans is so unique, and, I mean, she’s already done so many things that no one else has done before — who knows what will happen in the future? She is cognizant of what’s happened in the past and what’s going to happen in the future … but it could be anything, because she’s different than anyone that’s come before.
We can hope we all live long enough to find out what a 50- or 60-year-old Taylor Swift is like. I love that idea too. I want to go to the arena tour of a 60-year-old Taylor Swift. I want to know what the songs she’s writing then are.
The last third of the film focuses on her decision to make a political statement and what comes after. It was a profound decision for her to make, and a multilayered one. In that, I saw this feminist coming-of-age story that I personally connected with, and that I really think women and girls around the world will see themselves in.
You didn’t actually have the “Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince” song in the movie, but that’s the song on the album that most speaks to her political turn. So it seemed like a good thing to title the movie after? It was cool because it’s obviously, yeah, a reference to this song she wrote that has political themes. It was interesting that when the documentary was announced, her fans instantly understood some of the themes the film would have, because of the song title. And then for me, even if you don’t know the song, I see the movie as in some ways looking at the flip side of being America’s sweetheart. So I like how the title evokes that, too.
You have the twin moments of disappointment in the movie. Early on, you have the Grammy disappointment, and then later there’s the midterm result disappointment. Those are the parallel scenes, almost, where she’s having to deal with the results not turning out as she planned and one of these ultimately being more important than the other. I’m glad you noticed that. That means a lot. One thing that I think is amazing about her is that she goes to the studio and to songwriting as a place to process what she’s going through. I loved how, when she got the Grammys news, this isn’t someone who’s going to feel sorry for herself or say “That wasn’t right.” She’s like, “Okay, I’m going to work even harder.” And I think it’s amazing how you see her strength of character in that moment when she gets that news. Then with the election results, I loved how she channeled so many of her thoughts and feelings into this song (“Only the Young”). It was a great way to kind of show how stuff that happens in her life goes directly into the songs. You get to actually witness that in both cases.
Were you surprised that she addressed having had what could be described as an eating disorder? She seems hesitant to use that term but finally does. She’s been open about so many things, but that’s not something that she’s revealed. No, that’s one of my favorite sequences of the film. I was surprised, of course. But when you hear her talk about it, I love how she’s kind of thinking out loud. And yeah, she’s an icon of beauty, but even for an icon of beauty, as she articulates so beautifully, women are in this double bind situation. It’s impossible for anyone to meet every standard of beauty. It’s an impossible situation. And every woman will see herself in that sequence. I just have no doubt. And I do think people will be really surprised by it.
I tend to be clueless about these minor shifts in weight or body size, until people point them out en masse. It never would have occurred to me that she was any less thin on the “Reputation” tour until I started seeing comments about weight gain. But there are those who have their antennae out for the slightest change, and often it’s women, maybe it’s because you’re under that scrutiny yourselves. But you can also just not notice people being really skinny, because we’re all so accustomed to seeing women on magazine covers who are unhealthy skinny, and that’s become normalized. I think it’s interesting what you say about what you read during “Reputation” about her weight, because you really can’t win. There is a moment in the film where you see that part of the media backlash she experienced during 2016 was people saying, “Oh, she’s too skinny.” People complain if you’re too skinny, and if you’re not too skinny, you’re too fat. It’s incessant, and I can say this as a woman: It’s amazing to me how people are constantly like “You look skinny” or “You’ve gained weight.” People you barely know say this to you. And it feels awful, and you can’t win. So I think it’s really powerful to see someone who is a role model for so many girls and women be really honest about that. It’s a brave thing of her to do, and I think it will have a huge impact.
Her interactions with Kanye West are such an essential part of the story, but that’s not a name that has really ever escaped her lips publicly since 2010; she’ll say “a person” or something euphemistic if she has to address it. So I was in suspense to see whether or how much it would come up in your film,  given how little capital she wants to give this guy in her life. It’s a crux, twice, of her journey of self-acceptance, but it’s easy to imagine her not wanting it in the film. I think it’s an important part of the story, but I wanted to position… Like, with the 2009 VMAs, what was surprising to me when I asked her about it was that she talked about how the whole crowd was booing, and she thought that they were booing her, and how devastating that was. That was something I hadn’t thought about or heard before. And it meant a lot more to me because it made more sense in the context of her being this extraordinary young artist who is doing so well, and who, like so many performing artists, loves applause. And then she is on stage [still as a teenager] and it felt like all these people were booing her. When you put it that way, it’s so much more relatable to me, and it’s understandable to anyone, because we all want people to like us. And being on stage with a giant crowd booing would be horrible for anyone. So we tried to use it in a way that showed it in a slightly different light than people have seen before... We all care about what people think about us. It’s not a celebrity problem. It’s a universal one. It’s something everyone goes through, and I think the difference is that with Taylor, it plays out on a massive international stage.
At the outset, you’ve got her in voiceover talking about how she wanted to be the good girl and be accepted. And in the end, she is a good girl, so maybe that’s not a bad thing to want to be, but there are gradations of that. She’s played around with bad girl archetypes in the “Reputation” imagery and songs, but it was role-playing to a degree. Where do you think she ended up on the scale of all that? She starts out as a good girl and she ends up as a good girl who’s decided to speak out. You know, we live in a society in which girls are taught that other people’s approval is of paramount importance to our self-worth. “Do they like me? Was I nice enough? Are they mad at me?” Every woman I know is constantly asking herself these questions. So it’s so relatable in that way. But it’s not about not being a good person. I think that the arc in the film and what Taylor went through was letting go a little bit of what other people think of her, deciding to live on her own terms, and to put her own values first. The transformation that you see is going through this period where she lets go a little bit of that. She’s a good girl speaking out now, in a way. You can’t win everyone over. No one can. I think she’s really accepted that in a deep way.
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Of Latte’s and Lingerie- Chapter Five
Surprise, Surprise, I’m still procrastinating my 5 page paper that’s due tomorrow. Anyways, I update. It’s already up on AO3. HMU if you’re interested in going on the taglist. I’d love to know people actually like this story. If you haven’t already, you can read previous chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4. Thanks for reading!
“So this boy, you met him at Starbucks?”
Alya had a knack for interrogation. Marinette didn’t really mind it but when it came to keeping secrets, it became an issue. Partially because Marinette was terrible at lying but also because Alya always felt the need to get to the bottom of the truth. Marinette had to work exceptionally hard to keep her coffee shop a secret. And it wasn’t necessarily because she didn’t want Alya to go to her coffee shop as much as she was scared that if Alya did go to the coffee shop, she would like it so much she would recommend it to her followers. And if Alya recommended it to her followers, suddenly Dunn’s wouldn’t be a hideaway anymore. It would be a zoo.
“Yeah, he always sits across from me at the coffee shop but his spot was full so he asked to come sit with me.”
“Oooh okay. What’s his name?” Marinette scratched her head. She’d wanted to kick herself the whole way home when she realized. The hot boy had known her name but she was too distracted to remember to ask his. Marinette grumbled to herself.
“Mari you know I can’t understand you when you mumble.”
“I don’t know,” Marinette repeated quietly. Alya slammed her empty wine glass on the coffee table so hard that Marinette was positive it would break.
"MARI WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW HIS NAME!" Marinette let out a short pathetic laugh and fidgeted with her hands in her lap.
“I forgot to ask.” Alya stared at Mari with a look of fury. She was still and silent for a solid minute before she spoke.
“You forgot.” Marintette winced.
“You talked to the hottest guy you think you have ever seen. Somehow manage to get him to like you enough to want to hang out with you again and you forgot to ask for his fucking name?! I’m sorry Mari but I don’t think we can be friends anymore.”
“I’m sorry Alya!” Mari whined. “But I had a lot going through my mind! The whole experience was a little overwhelming!”
“I will never understand you Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Alya stood up and walked into Marinette’s kitchen.
“I need another bottle of wine before I speak to you.” Alya pulled another bottle of wine from Marinette’s cabinet and brought it back into the living room, unscrewing the cap. Marinette just sat pitifully, beet red, staring at her hands.
“When do you think you’ll see him again?” Alya asked curtly. She poured herself a very generous glass of wine.
“Um… Well, he’s usually at Du- I mean, Starbucks when I go there. I’d say we’re there together probably 75 percent of the time. Well not together -together but you know. Like at the same time.” The scowl on Alya’s face didn’t budge.
“Marinette if you don’t get his number the next time you see him. AND his name. I will personally strangle you myself. You got it?” Marinette gulped.
“I got it.”
Adrien paced nervously in his room. He had his phone on speaker and he was impatiently waiting out the rings.
“Hey Natalie, it’s Adrien.”
“Yes?” Adrien sighed.
“Tell my father that I accept.” He shoved his head in his hands. His decision felt impulsive. He’d only just had dinner with his father a few hours before but he had kind of made up his mind the moment his father laid out the proposition. He always knew he’d do what he could to keep his father happy.
“I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear that.” The phone clicked. Adrien wasn’t sure what he’d expected to get out of that phone call but he’d at least expected it to be more dramatic. But then again Natalie was never one for melodrama.
“Dude I can’t believe this. How is this any different than your life before?” Nino was hunched over a controller, eyes focused on Adrien’s television. Adrien pressed irritably at the buttons on his own controller.
“Well for one I can eat whatever I want- Oh for the love of god Nino how many times do I have to tell you that this game has friendly fire? Will you please stop shooting me?”
“I mean food is great and all Adrien but that’s not the reason you hated modeling.” Adrien sighed.
“I mean its not just the food. I get to have my own career and live in my own house. I just have to not act like a complete jackass in public and go to my dad’s shows.”
“That’s an oversimplification and you know it. But I mean- GOD FUCKING DAMMIT I HATE THIS GAME.” Adrien grinned.
“I mean dude its your life and I’m not gonna tell you how to live it. Just want you to make sure that your Dad isn’t either ya know?”
“Yeah, thanks Nino.”
“Oh my god, he said he’s gonna be at your show?” Alya was prodding again. Marinette could feel them approaching dangerous waters.
“I mean… it’s not my show but he said he’d be at the one my line’s at.”
“That’s crazy! Oh my god. He's gonna see you looking super hot in your lingerie. That's amazing. But... wait I thought you said it was super exclusive? Even I can’t get in there.”
“He said his dad was in the fashion industry.” Marinette got up to turn on her television. She tried with great difficulty to ignore Alya's comment.
“Oh cool, who’s his dad?” Marinette groaned as she walked back to the couch.
“Alya. I don’t know.” Alya threw her hands up.
“Mari, the more words that come out of your mouth, the less faith I have in you.” Marinette handed Alya a controller.
“Then less talking, more playing.”
“Oh no.” Adrien looked at Nino.
“Oh no what?” Adrien asked.
“It’s them,” Nino replied hollowly.
“Oh my god Alya look!” They stared at the screen while the map loaded, assessing the opposing users.
“Ha, its those losers again. How do we always manage to be online with them? You’d think they’d choose a different map considering how bad they suck,” Alya sneered.  Marinette cackled.
“How do you think they’d feel if they realized they were getting beat by a couple of girls?”
“I don’t know, how do you think they’d feel if they realized they were getting beat by a couple of drunk girls.”
“How do we always manage to get stuck with these guys. Do you even know how many people play this game?” Nino was tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for the screen to load.
“Ugh, I bet they’re perverts too. Who makes their username FoxyLady? Or Tikkibaby? God. They sound like lame douchebags who play in their mom’s basement.” Adrien’s nose scrunched at the thought.
“Yeah, its easy to beat ass in a videogame when you use all your free time to play it,” Nino muttered.
“Okay Nino. Its starting. Are you ready?”
“Hell yeah!”
“I swear Mari, its like they get worse every time we play them.”
“Alya, go easy on the poor guys. I can literally imagine them screaming at the TV.”
“Oh Nino, I think I got Tikkibaby. I’m right behind him. He can’t even see m- FUUUUUCK HOW DOES HE FUCKIN DO THAT!”
“Mari, I thought you said go easy on them?” Marinette giggled.
“I figured it was my turn to mess with them a little bit.”
Nino and Adrien stared at the screen. Fuming.
“Adrien. I swear on my brother’s life that one day we’re going to beat them so bad that they wish they’d never even seen our users flash across their screen.”
“Nino, you don’t even like your brother.”
“Exactly. Better his life than mine. I really hate this game.”
“Well another day, another ass whooped.” Marinette and Alya were giggling hysterically at the screen.
“Oh man Marinette. I really love this game.”
Next Chapter
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infantbluee · 5 years
not a manic pixie dream girl
summary: the first time he meets her, she’s stripping naked in his neighbor’s backyard. 
chapter three - death by bikini
"You're heading out?"
Soul pauses on his way to the sink for a brief moment before continuing on his path, rinsing out his bowl then placing it in the dishwasher. He waits until his hands are dried before he turns to face his brother.
Wes is leaning against the doorway, a strangely calm expression on his face. Despite the early hour of the day and no place to be that Soul knows of, his older brother is dressed to the nines like he always is, a crisp white button-up and slacks fitted perfectly to his frame. Both of them share the same lanky height and bizarre coloring, but Wes has always been slightly more filled out than Soul's lazy, introverted ass is, and the four years between them somehow feel much wider—yet at the same time not at all. 
They're not close. They never have been. Wes is the prodigal son, an expert violinist with a brilliant future ahead of him and the charm to boot. Soul, on the other hand, can adequately play the piano but is nothing special compared to his brother and everyone knows it.
Wes has always tried to bridge the gap between them, but his kindness and attention to his brother's feelings of inadequacy only feel like pity to Soul, and it makes the resentment impossible to avoid.
Soul tries not to snap at Wes most of the time, knowing his brother is only desperate for Soul to love him and would do anything to make him happy, but there's only so much that can be done on Wes's end. A relationship is a two-way street. Until Soul is ready to reach for that olive branch Wes has been holding out to him since they were kids, the two of them are never going to have a decent relationship.
Soul knows he should be happy for his brother. He knows that. He should be proud of his success, glad for his kindness, and accepting of the help Wes always tries to give him.
He's just not ready yet.
"Yeah," Soul answers finally. "Maka's picking me up in a few minutes."
"You know, usually it's the guy who has to pick up the girl for dates," Wes says casually. "Mom would have an aneurysm if she knew you were letting your girlfriend drive you around."
Soul scowls. "First of all, Maka's not my girlfriend; we've only known each other for a month, since that party Mom and Dad threw at the beginning of the summer vacation. Secondly, this isn't a date. We're meeting the others at Blake's before we head to the beach together."
"Still, you should at least offer to pick her up instead. Open the door for her. It's the chivalrous thing to do."
"She can open her own damn door," Soul mutters. "To be honest, she'd probably make fun of me if I tried."
Wes smiles faintly. "You might be right."
That's it. "Okay, what's your deal with Maka?" Soul demands. "You've been acting weird ever since you found out I'm friends with her. Do you like her or something? Is that why you're being so weird?"
To his surprise, Wes gets really quiet. He frowns at his hands for a moment before raising his eyes to meet Soul's. "Doesn't matter what I think. What matters is how you feel, and I can tell from the way you look at that girl that you think she walks on water."
"What—you—it's not—"
"I'm not teasing you about it," interrupts Wes. "I'm being serious. You like Maka, and I'm glad that you do. She's a great girl, Soul. Kind, smart, funny, selfless. You couldn't choose any better. It's just..."
His brothers rubs a tired hand over his face. "Go easy on her, alright? She had a rough time of it in high school and she doesn't deserve to be led around if you're not serious about this."
"Yeah, I know. She told me she was a bit of a nerd then but I don't see how that—"
"Is that what she told you?"
Soul stares at his older brother, not liking the look on his face. "What? Was she lying?"
Wes grimaces. "No, it's not—she wasn't lying, Soul. It's just an oversimplification, is all."
"An oversimplification? What the hell are you talking about?"
They're interrupted by the sound of an obnoxiously lyrical doorbell ringing through the house. If Soul hadn't been staring intently at his brother, he would've missed the strange look that flickers across Wes's face at the sound, and the equally strange look that settles as he says casually, "Guess that's her," and walks right out of the kitchen, leaving Soul nothing to do but follow him.
"Wes!" Maka is beaming when Wes opens the door, and Soul gets a front-row seat to her smile when his brother presses a kiss to her cheek. Soul is really starting to dislike the greeting. "You're still here. I thought you were headed back to Europe?"
"Nah, decided I had enough traveling for a while. Wanted to stay home, network a bit, spend time with my brother before he starts his senior year."
"And I keep stealing him away from you." Maka cringes. "My bad. I've been needy. I'll leave him alone tomorrow so you guys have a brothers' day together."
Soul jolts to attention. "What? No! You don't need to do that!"
She gives him a chiding look. "Your brother cancelled a tour so he could spend time with you. Don't be mean."
"It's fine," Wes chuckles. "Don't abandon my brother for my sake. He likes you a hell of a lot more than he likes me anyway."
"Oh, I doubt that's true."
But it is. From the meaningful look Wes exchanges with him, Soul knows his brother is aware of what he's thinking. It makes him feeling impossibly worse about the situation yet somehow not remorseful in the slightest.
He won't apologize for choosing to spend his free time this summer with Maka, not when every time he and Wes have done things together, it's resulted in some sort of colossal fuck-up. She's the only person he ever feels remotely comfortable around. Being with Wes just makes him feel wholly inadequate, which doesn't help their relationship at all. If anything, the more time they spend together, the worse it gets.
Especially now.
"Actually," Wes says, "if you're not doing anything near the end of the summer, do you want to go to a concert with us? I was given free passes through my company and I was going to ask Soul to come with me, but I have a few extra tickets."
Soul chokes on air as Maka's face brightens. "Really? I'd love that!" She pauses slightly. "Are you sure though? I don't want to intrude on any brotherly bonding time, especially if—"
"Don't be silly, Maka. I wouldn't have invited you if I didn't want you there." The corner of his mouth twitches. "Besides, maybe now that you're coming, Soul won't make up some excuse to ditch me last minute."
Much to their surprise, Maka merely shakes her head. "That's not Soul's fault. Some days it's just harder than others to work up the nerve to face other people, especially in public settings. I get it; I'm still the same way sometimes, even though I've gotten a lot better since the height of my anxiety." She gives Soul a smile that makes his chest warm far past healthy levels. "He's actually a lot better than I was before. I'm grateful every time he's sweet enough to indulge me by keeping me company. He doesn't owe me anything, but he'll drag himself out of bed for my sake anyway."
Soul can only stare at her in shock.
How is it they've only known each other a month and she already knows him that well? No one has ever—ever—spoken about his tendency to bail on plans last minute as anything other than a nuisance. They call him a flake, unreliable, untrustworthy. His parents still berate him constantly every time his anxiety gets in the way of an appearance at a stupid party or a performance in front of crowds that make him want to hide in a corner and die. Even Blake complains and groans whenever Soul chooses solitude over his company. After all, it's how he's gone this long without meeting Spartoi in the first place.
But not only does Maka show she understands by not berating him for it, but she also defends him in front of Wes. Perfect, understanding Wes who no one ever disagrees with.
Soul has wanted to kiss Maka countless times since he first met her, but this... this clearly takes the cake.
Wes seems just as taken aback as Soul is, but he recovers much quicker, his expression becoming very, very soft. "You're right. I know I'm a little too hard on him sometimes. I know it's not his fault."
"It's not your fault either, Wes," she says gently. "You do your best. Besides, I've met your parents. Trust me when I say how hard it can be to function normally under that level of overbearingness."
"Spirit is still overcompensating by smothering you?"
"He barged into my bedroom with a baseball bat the other day because he had a dream that I was talking to a boy," she deadpans. "A dream."
Wes bursts out laughing before he can stop himself, then laughs even harder when she smacks his arm.
"It's not funny, Wes! I was trying to sleep!"
"Let me guess: you jolted out of bed and laid him out on his ass on instinct." His grin widens when she pouts adorably but doesn't answer. "That's what I thought. You're a little menace, aren't you?"
"I'm cute," she huffs stubbornly.
"You're capable of beating up a man more than twice your size."
"Still cute!"
"Yeah, yeah, she's adorable, we get it," Soul grumbles unhappily. "Can you be all nauseatingly charming and Wes-like later? Everyone is supposed to meet at Blake's soon and I don't want to have to explain that we're late because my big brother likes to hit on my friends."
"To be fair, Maka was my friend first." When Soul growls like a gremlin fed after midnight, Wes flashes a smile that manages to be both innocent and conniving all in one. Soul inwardly contemplates the pros and cons of putting a hit on his brother.
"We'll figure out the details for the concert later?" Maka asks hopefully.
Wes softens. "I'd like that." Then, because life hates Soul, his brother adds, "Hopefully by then my little brother will find his chill and stop acting like an old man who hasn't gotten his rocks off since nineteen-fifty-two."
"I've been trying to pull the stick from his butt for weeks now," Maka agrees, "but for some reason he still walks around like he has a permanent cramp in his perky little ass cheeks."
"Must've left a splinter," Wes says solemnly.
"It wasn't ready."
"We pushed too soon."
Maka nods like she's commemorating a fallen comrade. "Now he'll be backed up for eternity."
Five minutes later and way too many jokes at the expense of their own personal dartboard to count, Maka and Soul climb into her car with the latter pouting like a child who got the wrong McDonald's toy in his Happy Meal.
She keeps sneaking glances at him as they pull out of his driveway on the way to Blake's, but he refuses to meet her eyes and maintains his crossed arms like a life vest off a sinking ship. With each passing second, he feels more and more like a spoiled brat and less and less inclined to fold for the sake of his stupid, stubborn pride.
"…What?" he grumbles moodily.
"You really do have a cute butt."
[ read the rest of the chapter on ao3 // ffn ] 
p.s. i know i’m not active on tumblr these days but i love and appreciate you all! thank you so much for your support <3 
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Chemical Reactions (Part 23)
Series Summary: Being a teacher at Central City Academy doesn’t leave much time for a personal life. You didn’t really notice or care…that is until the day the new substitute science teacher, Barry Allen makes an appearance.
Part 23 Summary: The decision has been made. Time Jump...
Pairing: Barry Allen x Reader, Substitute Teacher!Barry Allen x Teacher!Reader
Word Count: 1500ish
A/N: Thank you to my amazing friend and beta @thinkwritexpress-official!! Hope ya’ll like it! I’m about to have a stressful day at work so please give me something to look forward to! :( *i don’t own gifs*
Please let me know what you guys think of the story! Send me asks!
Mobile Masterlist
This was posted a few days agao on my Patreon! Wanna get previews, early access and make requests? Become a Patron! Can’t become a patron? please consider a donation to my Ko-Fi (Tips are appreciated!)
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The school year at CCA had ended with the expectation that Barry would continue on as full-time faculty.
Your secret relationship had ended the day Dr. Stein demanded an answer.
Barry maintains that your eyes were red and puffy from crying that day in his office. You’d had a substitute teacher scheduled too.
At the end of the school year, Barry bid his students goodbye and well wishes for the summer, all except Patty. Barry had been tempted to flunk her out of resentment. That would’ve meant that she wouldn’t graduate though, so he gave her the grade she’d earned solely off her scores.
Barry had also attended the graduation ceremony but only to see his brother Wally walk and get his diploma. Standing in the crowd with Joe and Iris beside him, Barry couldn’t help but look for you as well. Iris found you and called you over. You’d politely declined.
That’s how Joe and Iris found out about the break-up.
And Barry hasn’t seen you since that day.
2 Months Later…
“Wally, have you finished packing?” Joe asks the recent graduate.
“I was actually thinking that maybe I could stay here while I go to school?”
“You’re just saying that because you don’t want to get off your butt,” Joe grumbles, playfully pushing on Wally’s head as he walks past. Wally is sitting sideways with his legs hanging over the armrest of Joe’s favorite chair in the living room.
“I’m keeping Barry company.”
The two men’s gazes drift across the room to rest on Barry, laying back on the couch in a hoodie while holding the remote in his hand. He barely registers the conversation, keeping his eyes on the TV, but is he even watching it? It’s Star Wars, but it’s the prequel trilogy, should he really be watching this? It doesn’t matter. On commercials, Barry flips between other channels but always comes back to Star Wars.
“Don’t enable him, Wally, and don’t use him as an excuse,” Iris scolds him, walking into the room and setting down her purse. She takes the remote from Barry’s hand and turns off the tv.
“...heyyy…” comes Barry’s delayed reaction. Iris hands the remote to Joe and then pushes back Barry’s hood to play with his hair. She kisses the top of his head but comes away frowning.
“Oh boy, you need to shower,” she tells him. Barry just grunts in response. Iris has seen Barry through past breakups but never like this. “Barr, I’m making your favorite meal tonight. The least you could do is smell better...and change out of those sweats. Now get going,” Iris pats him on the shoulder as he sits up, slumping forward. “And you,” she points at Wally. “I want you to go pack at least two boxes.”
“Dad, can’t I please stay here?” Wally looks up at Joe.
“We’ll talk about it,” Joe responds but his eyes don’t leave Barry. His heart breaks for his son, seeing him like this. Barry has heard him even say so in hushed whispers with Iris.
At dinner, Barry picks at the food, even though Joe did most of the cooking. Which is lucky. That means the food is actually really good. But Barry just can’t bring himself to eat.
“Have you given any thoughts to my offer, Barry?” Joe says.
“Hmm? What?” He looks up. Barry’s hair still looks a bit damp and he’s wearing a fresh t-shirt and jeans.
“I said, Captain Singh has been pleased with your work this summer. He and I thought you might like some more part-time work at the department?”
“Oh, that’s a great idea Dad!” Iris agrees. “It would keep you busy during the school breaks.”
“Oh, yeah, sure. It’s been good. I just need to think about it some more.”
“Okay, well don’t think too long. The summer is already half over,” Joe mumbles as he turns his focus back to his food.
“May I be excused?” Barry asks a few minutes later, his plate still plenty full. “Thank you for the meal but I’m just not feeling very good. Think I need to lie down for a bit.”
“Sure, sweetie. I’ll wrap this up for you if you want it later,” Iris says, rubbing Barry’s back before he gets up from the table. He goes back to the couch and lays down.
Eventually, the hunger pangs become too much. He attributes his headache to hunger too but he knows better. Barry reheats some of the food but it doesn’t hit the spot. It’s about 8 o’clock so he decides to go for a walk, maybe go to Jitters.
He finds himself walking in downtown Central City, listening to music with that same old hoodie on. Maybe he should go for a run to get his blood pumping, to lift his spirits. He starts with a gentle jog, focusing on the ground beneath his feet with every step, noticing the faint smell of rain in the air.
He jogs until the burning in his lungs is enough to distract him from the other pain in his chest. But he finally has to come to a stop to catch his breath. He’s resting his hands on his knees, breathing deeply. He takes out his headphones and pushes back the hood which has fallen over his brow. When he notices where he is--he winces--not because of where he is of course, no, it’s because of the running, right? It couldn’t possibly be that he’s inadvertently run into Y/N’s neighborhood, right? He was running for Jitters and that’s just a few blocks down. That’s all, right?
He heads in the direction of Jitters, trying his hardest to not look at your apartment building. Is the light on? He wouldn’t know. But he does know. He knows it’s not on. You’re not home.
Because you’re walking down the street right now. Arm in arm with another man.
Barry’s heart skips a beat and it stops him in his tracks. He shuffles his feet quickly with the intent to cross the street. But then you look up in the midst of laughing, and you stop.
It’s too late for Barry to walk, or rather run away.
“Barry? Hey,” you smile, tender and perhaps a bit sad. Or maybe Barry is only imagining it. He looks up and notices that you’ve just exited a restaurant with this man. His knuckles are white and his face is burning with jealousy. “Looks like you’re out for a run? It’s good to see you.”
“Hey, Y/N,” Barry finds his voice. “It’s uh--good to see you too. Oh and yeah, I haven’t been sleeping well lately.” The two of you know enough to guess why. “Figured a jog would help. Was just heading to Jitters. ”
“Oh, that’s nice. Not sure a coffee will help with the sleep problem though,” you giggle and Barry fights down a smile. Damn, he’s missed your laugh. He misses your smile and the way your eyes always betrayed your feelings. He misses the feel of your skin on his, the touch of your hand on his face. He looks you up and down, drinking in your figure. You’re wearing a new dress. He’d never seen you wear it before. What was the occasion? “Oh, where are my manners? Barry, I’d like you to meet Julian Albert. Julian, this is Barry Allen. We work together at CCA.”
“I’m also her ex-boyfriend,” Barry wants to add but he doesn’t.
“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Allen,” he says with a british accent. He’s is shorter than Barry and has blonde hair and blue eyes. He extends his hand and Barry shakes it, perhaps a little stronger than necessary.
“Nice to meet you. You guys just have dinner?” Barry asks, playing nonchalant and gesturing to the restaurant.
“Yes, we did. It was marvelous. Have you been there?”
“No not yet. Always planned to take my girlfriend there though,” Barry says. Seeing the flutter of your lashes and the hurt in your eyes, it makes him feel a bit better. Are you in as much pain as him or have you truly moved on?
“Ah, well. We would highly recommend it, right Darling?” Julian looks at you. He’s oblivious to your hesitation but you nod eventually. “And you work with Y/N? What subject do you teach?”
“Chemistry and forensic science.”
“I teach the kids while Barry teaches teenagers.” like Patty, Barry assumes your implication.
“Oh wow, fascinating. I’ve dabbled with crime scene investigation before as well.”
“Julian’s an archaeologist,” you add. Barry feigns interest, raising his eyebrows.
“Oh wow! That’s gotta be fun, playing in the dirt, right?”
“That’s an oversimplification actually,” Julian comments, although he seems to understand that it was a joke.
“Well we should probably get going. I have somewhere to be in the morning so I don’t want to stay out much later,” you make an excuse, saving everyone from this encounter.
“Oh, of course, love. I’d be happy to walk you home. It was nice meeting you, Barry.” Julian smiles, completely oblivious.
“Wish I could say the same,” Barry says the words with a grimace before he can catch himself. You stare at him, shocked, your mouth hanging open. He doesn’t give either of you a chance to respond before he starts jogging again.
tagging: @autoblocked @book-loving--anime-chick @abbessolute @karazoiel @overlyobsethed @therealcap @whoopxd @bookworm4ever99 @geeksareunique @potterwolf16 @frankie2902 @fabinapercabeth4179 @yessoftball-lover06 @blckthrns @barry-writes @ravenhaviland @clockblobber @iammsamy @softdudebro @parkerschurros @stuttering-psychopath @woaahkelsey @montytheravenclaw @sanya-gryff @smutfornerds
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: [So, AM before community service vibe, hit me with it] Jimmy: [I think he made her breakfast but he didn't make her breakfast in a cute way he just like threw it at her lowkey and all his focus is on the kids and Twix so even if he brought it to her in his room which he probably would, he was just like straight in and straight out with nothing to say] Janis: [which she'd probably brush off as just that tbh 'cos not a dick and already knows he lowkey does everything for them, so she's not gonna be fully freaked out as of yet even if it's a bit awkward, they sometimes can be still at this point so it'd be like oh but not OH yet] Jimmy: [we all know he's not a chatty kathy and neither of you are looking forward to community service so yeah it's just like okay but then he's also not saying a word on this bus/train whatever they are using to get their ride] Janis: [and there's no not noticing that] Jimmy: [like he's probably got headphones on and he hasn't shared/ is drawing the whole time etc be more of an antisocial teen I dare you] Janis: [like she'd be trying to get him to chat for a bit but she's not gonna not take a hint so then it's awkward] Jimmy: [well done boy so mature of you] Janis: [save the row for after community service though 'cos cutting you the slack of maybe you're dreading it that hard/are that pissed off about it, as if she isn't too/this was fully your idea to get into trouble as well] Jimmy: [I love that you wanna give him the benefit of the doubt babe and obvs there is a bit of FML because he's got a full plate/doesn't wanna do this/is still in dublin when he was doing it so they could leave etc but we know what's really up] Janis: [to be fair, it's more like not dying to have this convo, like don't wanna seem like you're #tookeen even though expecting him to be normal ain't that but still] Jimmy: [can't be Grace about it in any way, don't blame you girl] Janis: [so obviously once this awkward however many hours is over, going your separate ways which brings us up to speed] Jimmy: [how hardcore he would've ignored her makes me die like how are you keeping that up for that long, you aren't that busy] Janis: [it'd be hilariously obvious if it weren't making her fuming instead, like] Jimmy: [thank god he's at least got his dad and siblings in his grill to distract him because we all know how badly you wanna break that resolve and just say something to her] Janis: [meanwhile nothing but time 'cos you ain't even trying to go home rn] Janis: If it's gonna be a problem for you, I'm sure I can get moved onto different hours or a different project altogether Jimmy: Do what you want Janis: It's community service, hardly comes into the equation Jimmy: you get what I mean Janis: Sure Janis: if it makes no odds to you then you don't need to make such a job out of ignoring me, like Jimmy: you don't need to flatter yourself that hard, mate Jimmy: bit busy weren't we Janis: Again, hardly Janis: it wasn't that taxing but yeah, you seemed well stuck in Jimmy: ain't such an athlete like you or nowt but gotta give it 🥇 Janis: If you like Janis: long as you show up, they record your hours either way Jimmy: sound like you've done this before Janis: I don't want to make my rap sheet any longer than it is, if that's what you're so concerned about Jimmy: yeah first priority that, keeping you on the straight and narrow 👮 Janis: Now you've got jokes Jimmy: Who's joking? Janis: That's my question Jimmy: I've CLEARLY got nowt else on, what with community service being such a piece of piss and you being a dream come true Jimmy: 'course you're gonna be top priority Janis: Don't be a dick to try and win an argument we ain't having Janis: obviously you don't wanna do it, neither do I Janis: but you signed up for it, I didn't force you so no point being moody with me over it Jimmy: 1. I am dick and I've never been nowt else Jimmy: 2. I could give less of a shit about community service, I told you that before Jimmy: 3. I signed up for getting in trouble, like you said, this is barely it Janis: I'm not disagreeing but you've always asserted you ain't thick so you've changed your stance on that one or you're being a stupid dick right now Janis: so your plan didn't work and your next one is to work really hard at said not trouble Janis: that makes sense, sure, tah for clearing it up Jimmy: You an' all so you should know what this about and what it ain't about Janis: That's code for let me ignore you in peace, thinly-veiled at best Janis: like I said, I'll move and then you can, if that's all you've got to worry about, you're welcome Jimmy: it's not code for owt it's a loud and clear, leave it out Jimmy: I didn't sign up for this Janis: For what? Jimmy: You're gonna try and fake this now, are you? Jimmy: like you don't get it Janis: I literally don't know what your problem is Janis: stop being a pussy and say it then I will Jimmy: Then just get out of my face Janis: I'm not in your face, fucking hell Jimmy: You're in my head and I don't want you there, alright? Janis: I didn't put myself there Jimmy: it's my fault then, whatever, nowt should've happened Janis: Alright Janis: then forget it did Janis: what, I'm gonna force you to do that now too, fuck off Jimmy: how the fuck is everything so easy for you? it's getting beyond a joke now, rich girl Janis: It ain't Janis: but what the fuck am I gonna do in response to that, ignore you back? Jimmy: Why not? It's obvs working so well for me over here Jimmy: that'll be why I need you to spell out what I should be doing as a next move Janis: I'm not going to tell you what to do on that one, that'd be fucked up Janis: you make up your own mind but you didn't ask me mine or give me a fucking chance to explain it either so yeah Janis: don't be assuming fuck all about my side of it Jimmy: I don't wanna hear your side Janis: Then yeah, you shouldn't have done it Jimmy: Tah for keeping up with what I said ages ago Janis: Whatever Jimmy: just fuck off out of it Janis: Fuck off telling me what to do Jimmy: or what? Jimmy: shit'll get worse than this? Janis: Your life is shit, yeah Janis: and I'm making it worse? Janis: Alright, if it were my fault then you'd be able to do something about it but it ain't so you're still fucked Jimmy: so comforting you Janis: you don't want comforting Jimmy: What do I want? Go on Janis: I don't know and I'm not offering an answer Jimmy: shut up then Janis: Why should I Janis: and why have you Jimmy: what kind of question is that for fuck's sake? Jimmy: I'm trying to sort my head out here and you're Jimmy: you're just Janis: Your head is fucked Janis: who's ain't Janis: I was just being your mate Jimmy: I can't forget about it Jimmy: or you Janis: You didn't look like you were having no trouble icing me out all day Jimmy: well I were Janis: Do you actually have to Jimmy: What else am I gonna do? Janis: Just be my mate, like before Janis: doesn't need to be complicated, like Jimmy: When were it simple? Janis: alright, so simple is an oversimplification Janis: I'm not fucking asking to be your top priority or dream or anything like that though, thanks Jimmy: And I'm not really saying that Jimmy: but being around you is like a ⏲ on a 💣 Janis: Well, why can't you Janis: why can't we Jimmy: How can we? Janis: seemed like you had the hang of it last night Jimmy: funny Janis: I don't think it needs to be serious Janis: mope about the state of the rest of your affairs all you want Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: we had a plan, this weren't part of it Jimmy: that's all I'm saying Janis: It don't need to be related to that either Janis: it ain't Jimmy: Alright Janis: we hooked up 'cos we wanted to, yeah Janis: so what Jimmy: I'm sorry for being a dickhead Janis: always have been Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: take my sorry Janis: I don't want it Janis: just Jimmy: so what do you want? Janis: Tell me what you want Janis: then if its the same and we need to change some rules then we can Janis: and if it ain't then at least I know and we can go back or not do it at all Jimmy: I asked you first Jimmy: and I showed you before that Janis: alright Janis: well I wanna do it again, obviously Janis: but not if you're gonna be a total twat, like Jimmy: I'm probably gonna be a massive twat Janis: You know what I mean Jimmy: Yeah Jimmy: I'll try and be a massive twat in a way you'll like, alright? Janis: My type, yeah, I remember the bit Janis: Be whoever you want, we don't have to know each other for this either Janis: no more than we do now Jimmy: mates, I remember an' all Janis: Right, so you don't have to blank me and be awkward, there's no point making this community service shit worse Janis: obviously the fake shit could confuse it but we know it's fake and anything that'd be weird to bullshit now we can cut out, change the rules, that's what I mean Jimmy: I won't make it weird again Janis: I get it Janis: 'cos I was still there in the AM, yeah Janis: we won't do that again Jimmy: I just Jimmy: it's been ages and I weren't expecting owt to happen, least of all with you Janis: Likewise Janis: weren't the worst thing to ever happen though, was it Jimmy: I wouldn't want it to happen again if it were, that kinda thing ain't a #kinkunlocked soz if you're 💔 Jimmy: I know Mr Lucas is well into that shit but he's one of a kind, like Janis: Lucky for you we're not here to compare and contrast Jimmy: gutted for you 'cause you'd actually be 🥇 stood next to my ex Janis: can't all be RE teachers with halitosis 😍 Janis: I'll hold back on the sympathy card for her for now Jimmy: she'd never read it, can't Janis: 😏 shut up Jimmy: you don't want me to Jimmy: had a right mard on about my silence Janis: if you hadn't had enough of me telling you what a dickhead you are, I could carry on Jimmy: can never get enough foreplay me Janis: clearly Jimmy: you coming round or where are we going? Janis: There's probably a rule about this I should know, yeah Jimmy: you said we're writing our own rules Jimmy: has Bill's 👻 got his hopes up for nowt? Janis: nah, sounds like more fun than making you wait 3-5 working days 'cos you've pissed me off Janis: which I'm pretty sure is the advice so Janis: where else can we go right now Jimmy: my dad's car can take us anywhere you wanna go Jimmy: or just be the place we're alone in Janis: Alright Janis: gonna say, you don't need to take me anywhere Jimmy: bit 💔 that we didn't have this chat earlier, I'd have taken you all over our new bestie's house Janis: Likewise Janis: there'll sadly be other bullshit parties where less sadly you can actually mess my hair up Jimmy: you reckon we can use our new status with 'em to demand 💀👑 has a party at hers right now? Janis: Worth a shot Janis: bet she LOVES being a wingwoman Janis: ask if we can borrow one of her guest beds Jimmy: only if we actually use hers Jimmy: she LOVES a lie Janis: worth the risk of her NEVER cleaning her sheets again tbh Jimmy: she'd never have the strength tbf Jimmy: and all her maids are probably running round decapitated so Janis: 🐍 can definitely eat 🐔s whole Jimmy: yeah but then the 🐔 ain't crossing any roads to get her a new lad to torture or owt else she might NEED Janis: Ohh so that's what that's about Janis: makes so much sense Jimmy: 😱😱 SHE SAID NO 😱😱😱 Janis: 😩😩😩 Janis: like, jealousy is a disease, babes Jimmy: Asia said yeah but I dunno if I wanna go to her house Jimmy: might never make my way out again Janis: NEVER having a threesome with you and Asia Janis: idc how accomodating she is Jimmy: spoilsport Jimmy: accept the invite to the group 🗨 I started at least Jimmy: we're having a bloody top time Janis: I guarantee I can think of plenty more fun games to play Janis: all part of the foreplay, yeah, gotcha Jimmy: you tell me where to pick you up from or is hide and seek the first game? Janis: [somewhere in town that's not near his enough that she would just walk] Jimmy: Alright, hang on Janis: Feeling well patient Jimmy: [a 🔥 sext] Jimmy: that'll help Janis: I hate you Janis: not like I've been thinking about it since you left Janis: or like I'm in public rn Jimmy: 🤔 that don't sound like you hate me enough Jimmy: [an even more 🔥 sext] Janis: Jimmy Janis: I hate you so much Jimmy: I'm alright with that Janis: Good Janis: 'cos I intend on showing you just how much when you get here Jimmy: 🤞 I only get done for speeding on the way back Janis: 👮 cockblocking is not a thing I wanna get used to in my daily Jimmy: be alright, they look after their own, weren't that what you said? Janis: Sure, your fake ID also your badge, like? Jimmy: you gonna let me have any secrets? Janis: Depends, of course Jimmy: go on Janis: How interesting it is Janis: keep your boring ones by all means Jimmy: they're all boring 💔 I know Janis: I'll survive Janis: no fear Jimmy: unless I 💀💀💀 you Janis: yeah right Janis: catch me holding my breath on that one 😏 Jimmy: might be hard to breathe normally in a bit, yeah Jimmy: I get that Janis: Shh Jimmy: no need, there's nobody to risk waking up this time Janis: 1. I wasn't even that loud Janis: 2. I don't think anyone even woke up anyway Janis: 3. was your fault so Jimmy: 1. too right you weren't, that's what I'm saying, can be as loud as you want now Jimmy: 2. I'll take the blame for last night and the credit for the 🔊 in a bit Janis: Don't reckon your dad's car is soundproof Janis: but yeah, we can find out Jimmy: weren't planning to leave it somewhere any dickhead can enjoy the show Janis: Good to know Janis: can't just ambush a person with dogging, v rude Jimmy: heads up for next time then Jimmy: can't enjoy myself without 👴 about Janis: Fair play Janis: Lucas was in your wardrobe so 🤷 Jimmy: 🤤🤤🤤 Jimmy: tah, the reminder'll get me through this Janis: So charming Janis: go back to telling me to fuck off, that was better tbh Jimmy: I've got hotter chat but if that's what you wanna hear Janis: Really Janis: where have all these words sprung from then Jimmy: feeling inspired Janis: 👻🖋💘 Jimmy: you're trying to give Bill my 🥇? bit rude Janis: I'm saying he'll be buzzing Janis: s'one old pervert who'll always be about Jimmy: well now I am an' all Jimmy: won't have to fake nowt for you, what a relief Janis: Funny 🙄 Jimmy: what's funnier is I might be lost Janis: You better be joking Jimmy: I'm just warning you, girl, I'm surrounded by houses, which don't look right for where you said you were Janis: What are you like Janis: no, I'm not getting you to pick me up from my previous, like Jimmy: 😎🚬 obvs Jimmy: hang on, I can do this Janis: Your navigational skillz ain't required for foreplay Jimmy: wouldn't be decent if I had none though Janis: 😂 Jimmy: Alright, I'm back where I fucked this up ⏲🤞 Janis: My faith is so real Janis: 🙏🙌😇 Jimmy: 😈 me Jimmy: got you something for the sorry you don't want Janis: I'm suspicious Jimmy: as long as my dad ain't Janis: You just stolen his car or? 🤔 hmm Jimmy: his car and the most #goals bottle from his stash Janis: 😍 Janis: that's for the bottle, obvs Jimmy: charming Janis: not faking shit, remember Jimmy: I'll have my 😭 when we've gone our separate ways and you're cracking on with the drink Janis: your loss if you ain't staying around to finish it with me Jimmy: would be a 💔 loss Janis: Be smart then Jimmy: don't sound like me that Jimmy: but alright, I'll have a go Janis: you have to stick around for a bit anyway Janis: give me chance to actually earn that 🥇 Jimmy: I've got nowt else on, been smart there, 'cause knowing you it'll take ages Janis: Piss off Janis: you don't know, that's the point Jimmy: calm down, mysterious lass not gonna unlock your secrets and your kinks Jimmy: have still got a job to go to, like Jimmy: can't be on a constant clock with you Janis: You coming to fuck or what Janis: don't put yourself down so much 💕 Jimmy: the point I were making were, if it's one of the other, we're both agreed on which one's getting 🔓 Jimmy: ain't trying to read your diary even if I were capable Janis: Duh Janis: Point I was making is you don't know how long it'll take me 'cos you didn't give me no chance Janis: no deeper than that, gotta relax, mate Jimmy: giving you the chance now, dickhead Janis: so grateful 🤤🤤😍 Jimmy: dunno how grateful this car will let you be but if anyone's a pro at 🙏🙌😇 against them 😈 odds it'll be you, Jules Jimmy: truly inspiring shit Janis: Bigger than confessional Janis: I got this Jimmy: time's come to prove it Jimmy: get in the car please Janis: As you asked nicely Janis: and I have wanted to do this all day Janis: [sup] Jimmy: [hands her the #goals because it's unopened bottle like good evening] Janis: [does the 'not bad' face like okay boy, I see you 'maybe finishing the whole thing and getting this car back in one piece is a bit ambitious then'] Jimmy: [gives her a look like challenge accepted and starts driving them to wherever they can get enough privacy so enjoy the VIBE in this car for a bit lads] Janis: [trying to think of a way to say 'I missed you' that isn't purely that 'cos not trying to freak him out again so sat there drinking and 🤔] Jimmy: [sneaking all the looks at her that he can while still safely driving because ofc] Janis: [same obvs 'cos not driving so can be more shameless so enjoy all that accidental eye contact 'today was so...boring'] Jimmy: ['tomorrow'll be owt but' another look like challenge accepted and 😏 though god knows what you think you're gonna get away with sir] Janis: [IRL 🤞 and a shrug 'it can be'] Jimmy: [reaches over and uncrosses her fingers and then writes 'will' as in it will be on her hand with his fingertip like I got this] Janis: [just casually way too affected by that simple touch 'cos it's been a whole day and you're high-key, holding his hand for a bit but like HARD not cutesy 'cos intense af rn and then letting it fall to rest in your lap like hey] Jimmy: [driving a bit faster so you can get there faster without even really being aware of it and obvs leaving that hand there] Janis: ['you're not gonna get lost this time, yeah' half question half observation] Jimmy: ['be your fault if I do, won't it?' because she's his human sat nav but also v distracting] Janis: ['can't be that bothered, lost is where we need to be right now'] Jimmy: [nods because where's the lie] Janis: [just giving him swigs from the bottle like your parents' spidey senses are going off so hard rn] Jimmy: [I'm internally screaming you bad eggs] Janis: [my boo say safety first] Jimmy: [he 100% doesn't have his seatbelt on either because of that rib injury #tut tut] Janis: [I'm loling you grandma ily] Jimmy: [I do hate seatbelts tbf they are so uncomfy] Janis: [tru tea, we out here risking it all in all the ways Jimmy: [to be a 15 year old rebhog] Janis: [not gonna kill you for it don't worry] Jimmy: [get there before the sexual frustration kills you though] Janis: [we're definitely stopping at the first place that is deemed suitable, regardless of the plan] Jimmy: [mhmm that is the whole plan, stop as soon as you can lol] Janis: [we all know there is zero chill with how fast you're gonna be on him] Jimmy: [she's on a #mission just like he was the night before] Janis: [out to prove this is the best idea ever like debatable but we know where it ends up so go off] Jimmy: [he's got no room to say shit cos fake dating was his idea and like what the fuck was that boy] Janis: [love a bad idea moment, y'all are blatant god bless] Jimmy: [case in point taking this car wasn't a good one] Janis: [100% could lose your license before you get one] Jimmy: [at least your dad won't dob you in cos doesn't want police at his door again so soon] Janis: [like you stay away from those ribs 'til they're healed sir] Jimmy: [and his face because she'd know and we ain't ready to have that convo] Janis: [they've not been arrested/ran from a crowd recently enough and he doesn't seem like the type to be out brawling even if she don't know his life so yeah] Jimmy: [behave yourself Ian thank you very much, verbal arseholery only rn] Janis: [but this moment is not at all about you so good day] Jimmy: [nothing is ever about you sir but especially this] Janis: [when this is purely about them and that's why it threw y'all, no one to hide behind here] Jimmy: [the headfuck of feeling something really intensely for someone you don't even know/are pretending you don't even like] Janis: [least we can fake that this is purely sexual even though it's already not, see how long you can last lads] Jimmy: [It's gonna be fun tbh] Janis: [if you were confused before lollol] Jimmy: [so many mixed messages all the time good lord] Janis: [we should have the flat whites invite them to something to be fake at] Jimmy: [yeah just for that really awkward shift they'll have to do from the REALEST to the fakest cos we're evil] Janis: [like it should be something they can't just sneak off from to fuck, not easily anyway lmao, use your basic brain to think of a thing it could be] Jimmy: [is there anything else we wanna do here before we send them off to the hellishness that'll be chilling at Mia's?] Janis: [we know the vibe here I think, and they can get the invite before going their separate ways even so makes it easier] Jimmy: [literally as soon as they're done like oh hi] Janis: [fun never stops, will need to take this car back and walk tho lads] Jimmy: [at least you'll have plenty of time to 🚬 cos dreading this] Janis: [to the point you were definitely like shall we even but you must, dedicated to this plan] Jimmy: [this can be point scoring with 💀#2 cos in Mia's own home as well, she'll be livid] Janis: [if Asia is being all extra with her man, can easily spend that quality time with her and the tall one] Jimmy: [oh Asia, you know her man is gonna be so OTT too and not in a goals way] Janis: [lowkey like get a room, not that you two can talk but that's in a party setting usually, not your weekly sleepover moment lol] Jimmy: [we all know they are gonna be adorable tonight cos gotta keep it #goals even if they'd rather get a room too lol] Janis: [at least you have some form of being a bit much but only so much you can get away with without being rude and you're tryna be friends now so unlucky, just 🚬 and talking over gameplans 'til you arrive] Jimmy: [when you're 😒 the whole walk but you gotta snap right into 😍💕] Janis: [when it's so confusing 'cos you do like each other but you're pretending you don't and then you have to be really OTT which is like a lil' too much, obvs, but some bits would be kinda nice like ???] Jimmy: [such a headfuck of a time, I love it] Janis: [we evil, so is Mia, hello] Jimmy: [it's just hit me that she'll have to wear his clothes for this sleepover moment because that's where they went he wasn't taking her all the way back to cali's to get shit and like I'm not fine] Janis: [right, she was wearing #2 dress, then they went back to his, so whatever she had on before the dress she would've had to put back on for community service so that'd be way too dirty by this point to wear tonight, make that a moment, bye] Jimmy: [RIP to me and Jimothy because you know she looks so good rn] Janis: [I'll see if I can find anything but it might all be a lil TOO basic but defs a thing like oversized top and boxers moment, when you out cute Asia and her mans when you walk through the door] Jimmy: [just effortlessly 🥇 you two] Janis: [we all been knew honey] Jimmy: [he should make them all personalised smoothies and get her to help him because way to score points because he's actually good at it but also they get to be alone for a hot sec because those rich bitches aren't gonna get involved like Grace and Tall Tammy would but Mia would 100% stop them by being all I need you to do such and such] Janis: [that's such a good idea, they'll be buzzing, even #2 if they made something uber clean and healthy] Jimmy: [yeah Janis' would probably the only one that'll actually taste nice because the flat whites will have gross healthy green ones or whatever but they'll be pleased put some fuckboy protein rich shit in Asia's bf's one] Janis: ['feel more normal?' 'cos so weird to be hanging with them for you both for different reasons] Jimmy: [looks down like he's in desperate need of that barista apron and does an OTT pout but we know he's surviving really] Janis: ['yeah, I'm gutted too' looking him up and down like not hot without it 😏] Jimmy: [throws something at her like a tea towel or banana peel not a plastic toy being wanged at her jaw full pelt sir] Janis: [lmao, batting whatever it is away like 'OMG, DON'T MESS AROUND HERE' 'cos her mum must do something with her days so I bet it's show-home levels] Jimmy: [Grace don't be spilling that smoothie you'll get murdered babe but you two have a little kitchen playfight when he throws something else at you cos that bitch and still in that flirty mood from earlier] Janis: [leave a mess on purpose 'cos not here to befriend you hun like whoops soz, we all know we're gonna need someone to come in and stop this going into a full thing so should be #2 for the throwback] Jimmy: [Mia sending her in cos she's a control freak and can't bear that they're in there living their best lives] Janis: [already mad at Asia on the low 'cos of her mans, the minions are not behaving rn lol] Jimmy: [she would not want him there AT ALL and you know Mia would be gutted she's not with Harry to bring him and make it awks] Janis: [like she does not want a boy seeing her in her PJs or doing a face mask or something 'cos she only hooks up so she'll be sitting there not joining in at all like 😒 probably with Grace if we're being real] Jimmy: [yeah cos Grace don't want anyone to see her doing anything ever unless she has perfect make up so] Janis: [got her on side at least] Jimmy: [meanwhile jj are just snuggled drinking their smoothies] Janis: [just imagined the kermit tea meme there for some reason] Jimmy: [Asia's bf probably downed his cos such a #lad] Janis: [#ladsladslads you know they don't drink at these things usually like why would they waste the cals but gotta 'cos he's here to seem so cool oh ladies] Jimmy: [Mia getting angrier by the second] Janis: [like how do I throw these boys out of my house without getting a rep as a total uncool bitch lmao] Jimmy: [*cough* lesbian] Janis: [we all know the invite was 1000% just for Janis and they've just ignored that lmao] Jimmy: [#tea I dread to think what cringe film they are probably watching rn] Janis: 😴💀🤢 Janis: please kill me Jimmy: [does something saucy like suck on her earlobe because okay I'll kill you but 'subtle' enough that the flatwhites can't be too mad but will still notice] Janis: [purposely takes some more blanket for them for the cliche of the flat whites thinking they're gonna be being saucy underneath but doesn't actually initiate anything 'cos was appreciative enough and it shows 😳] Jimmy: [gets even closer to her even though they were already close af for the cliche but also because he just wants to] Janis: [everyone pretend to focus on this cringe romcom quick] Jimmy: [giving her all the 😍 that are SO FAKE YEP and touching her so much not in a saucy way just in really soft ways like imma just lightly brush my fingertips over any skin that's exposed nbd] Janis: [we all know that kills you lowkey so much harder and you know he knows that so you're like 😒 but also in no way tryna stop him/leaning into him] Jimmy: [no boy that none of y'all flatwhites have been with would ever, like take a sec to just compare any of that to what Asia's bf would be doing #gross] Janis: [none of us wanna think about that, least of all Asia probs] Jimmy: [you missed your chance gal] Janis: [imagine, what a duo] Jimmy: [still would ship it harder than Ro and Drew though] Janis: [we can all be thankful we're not witnessing that rn, though he would be getting out of prison now-ish and she ain't dead yet either] Jimmy: [ew, I'm gonna just bring it back to JJ by saying he kisses her but in a really soft teasing way cos gotta kill her but again it looks chill and romantic compared to how extra Asia and her man are so points won with the rest of the squad] Janis: [when you are so mad but the 😍 are not fake either] Jimmy: [you both love this who are you kidding] Janis: [y'all do too much so now you're salty you've got to sit here and be vaguely sociable with these hoes lol] Jimmy: [casually counting down to when you can go have a smoke break without coming across as being rude] Janis: [way longer than you would like that's the tea, resting your head on his shoulder and absentmindedly pressing his sternum area, gently, checking how his healing is coming along without even thinking about it] Jimmy: [gotta play with her hair soz Grace look away] Janis: [just having emotions over there don't mind her, meanwhile, you have to show how BORED you are by laying in his lap instead, 'cos there's only so fake you can be without it being unbelievable] Jimmy: [they're all aware she's a bad bitch global] Janis: [like to think Tammy is just genuinely loving it lmao] Jimmy: [being such an attentive boyfriend by asking her if she needs anything to drink or eat or whatever quietly cos faking that you just genuinely wanna know and don't wanna disturb anyone else but we know they all 👂 and Asia is fuming on the low that her mans don't care at all] Janis: [breaking that bro-code and making him look bad, he will be so mad, oh no 😂 'causing drama with how #goals you are as standard, just snuggling into him harder in response like no, don't wanna move or have you leave thank you] Jimmy: [such a good snuggle moment ensuing, god bless] Janis: [fully imagine Mia switching this off like let's do something else 'cos she's so mad] Jimmy: [yaaaaas we must] Janis: [hmm, maybe some kind of sport moment like tennis is the cliche of course] Jimmy: [her dad would 100% have a tennis court or some bullshit lol] Janis: [such a posh girl flex, unless we're gonna commit and make her a horse girl but they will lose it lmao] Jimmy: [one of them definitely should be but maybe Asia or Tall girl because Mia would never give that much of a shit about anything lowkey like she has her eating disorder and her JJ obsession that's all folks] Janis: [that's true] Jimmy: [Mia has 10000% lost Grace if they gonna do tennis because she would not be about it, unlucky hun you can't win tonight] Janis: [I feel like it was her idea to show off to the lads 'cos she'd probably be good at it 'cos daddy's girl but like Jimothy is not interested and I doubt Asia's man is unless you're putting the whole outfit on babe] Jimmy: [I love how hard this has backfired] Janis: [she should nab Jimmy to play doubles but you don't know that JJ love competition so ha, make Janis play with Asia's boyf and hope he doesn't totally suck] Jimmy: [tbf Jimmy wouldn't have ever played before unless they do in PE some time or something cos not a posh boy so Mia would be thrilled to have him on her team while he gets the hang of that] Janis: [awkward moment when this is her gay fantasy and the lads are just there lmao] Jimmy: [at least he can make a thing of getting Janis to 'teach' him and shamelessly flirting because she'd be even more annoyed than she was before then] Janis: [when they won't do exactly what you want, oh Mia] Jimmy: [gotta order all the takeout at the insistence of Asia's bf so she actually has a breakdown] Janis: [so much food, Chinese fosho] Jimmy: [this is why Asia likes you boy] Janis: [bahahaha the 😍] Jimmy: [highkey the only reason she brought you along] Janis: [and to get fingered in front of her pals, obvs, cheers boy] Jimmy: [what a horrific visual so i'll imagine instead how much blatant shade JJ are whispering to each other to the point that Mia would defs know but she can't prove anything cos they could just be being saucy] Janis: [hohaha when you're literally gonna give her a breakdown tonight] Jimmy: [ultimate goals] Janis: [whispers 'tell me this ain't good foreplay' for the bants] Jimmy: [😏 because can't piss himself loling and then kisses her 1. so he doesn't 😂 and 2. in answer to what good foreplay it is #bants] Janis: ['think he's ready now' loudly @ Mia like teaching is over and so 😏 @ him] Jimmy: [I think it should be a draw because that'd annoy her thinking she'd win easily] Janis: [a mood, deffo, like you know Janis is sporty even if she ain't a tennis bitch, sort it out] Jimmy: [when you'd wanna play again to try and beat her but nobody is arsed like Jimothy is 100% gonna use the excuse of them being outside to pull Janis away to 🚬 and get a break from Mia] Janis: [can say they'll wait out front for their food also like further distance so they can actually chat without any chance of them being extra and nosy with it] Jimmy: [well played lads] Janis: [I also think they shoulda done really OTT grunts when they were playing 'cos amusing me so it would them, even if we inadvertently turn Mia on lmao] Jimmy: [bahaha] Janis: [#worthit] Jimmy: [gotta have whatever fun you can cos this would so crap] Janis: ['you reckon this is just her way of saying she's reconsidered on the spare room, like?'] Jimmy: [doing that lol you couldn't before] Janis: [we know when he lols it makes her 😍] Jimmy: [gotta have some back because she's so beautiful bye] Janis: [when you gotta make out hard to cover any feeling that ain't strictly sexual 'it's so good to actually do this properly without any of the bullshit for them'] Jimmy: [going as hard for the same reason but then after she's said that also going harder because you want her to feel even better than good cos 🥇 and you genuinely think she means it] Janis: [just being all kinds of hot with your 🚬s sharing smoke between making out 'promise you're gonna make this feel worth it by the end of the night?'] Jimmy: [going in even harder than you already were like I'll make it feel worth it NOW honey] Janis: ['fuck, Jimmy!' when you're already so frustrated and you've not been here that long 'we don't have to go back in, yeah' when you definitely do and you're not saying let's do one but you wanna pretend that much right now] Jimmy: [just dying because 1. you're as frustrated as her 2. you know she is and 3. she said your name so when you try and give her an answer it's just SUCH a noise but that's the best indication that you're on the same page rn that you could've given anyway so] Janis: [the biggest and realest 😍 'cos 'that was so fucking hot' and you can't not let him know in all the other ways beyond telling him] Jimmy: ['you' because she is the hottest and we all know it] Janis: ['for you' and the MOST eye contact honey] Jimmy: [just being as extra as Asia and her bf now soz not soz 🤞 that food doesn't show up for a bit lol] Janis: [soz delivery dude you're getting a show] Jimmy: [not that soz though because wouldn't even notice you atm] Janis: [literally gonna have to make a right song and dance of your approach like 'scuse me lads] Jimmy: [I just imagined the delivery man literally doing a musical number cos I'm a nerd] Janis: [lmao, also you're gonna have to go back whilst this is hot or Asia and her man will be raging] Jimmy: [can't let all your hard work being fake nice go to waste] Janis: [the saddest of times] Jimmy: [if they weren't having much fun before they'll have even less now we're forcing them to go back in] Janis: [Mia you better not start rn she'll be spitting blood from biting her tongue, like] Jimmy: [we should have her dad come back when they're all eating so Mia really wants to die] Janis: [Oh lordy, deffo, helping himself to the food too 'cos a rude dickhead] Jimmy: [oh god of course he would] Janis: [I bet he's lowkey creepy with her friends, not like he'd do anything but it's just awks] Jimmy: [just an uncomfortable vibe at all times] Janis: [everyone enjoy this, Mia try not to have a stroke] Jimmy: [at least JJ can be cheered by how much Mia is clearly hating life rn] Janis: [just being like 'your dad seems cool' 😏] Jimmy: [Asia chatting away to her dad oblivious god bless that dumb bitch] Janis: 💔 for you boys Janis: so blatantly wants a Daddy™ Jimmy: ain't even hungry now 💔😭🎻 Janis: [taking some of his food like if you're sure] Janis: now you're really devastated Jimmy: You're a dickhead Janis: Calm down, chubbs Janis: [offering her plate like swapsies] Jimmy: [fake 😍 as he takes it but obvs gotta be cute and feed her even when you're 😒] Janis: adorable Janis: ➕✔ Jimmy: try not to 🤢 like Jimmy: [Mia's dad 👀 taking her off to have a weird™ convo about boys] Janis: won't waste the food Janis: hit #2 with the fatherly advice whilst Mr Daddy is busy Jimmy: [does chat to her cos that bitch] Jimmy: ✔ Janis: Rude Jimmy: ? Janis: I want some 😏 Janis: feeling left out Janis: clearly the most in need, no other bitch here is in community service Jimmy: come here then Jimmy: [cos obvs gotta sit on his knee you're not 🎅 boyy] Janis: [does though, looking at him with big eyes like he's about to drop some real wisdom on her] Jimmy: [does whisper some stuff to her that he knows she wants to hear though] Janis: [a lil noise like 'scuse her] Jimmy: ['now that was rude' so only she can hear it and know that you're dying thanks very much] Janis: ['kinda your fault' whispered back 'cos well] Jimmy: [😏 unrepentant actually] Janis: [likewise that you ain't moving now you're here not soz everyone] Jimmy: [he loves it so you can deal ladies] Janis: [definitely not helping with the frustration but we know that's why you're doing it lads #shameless] Jimmy: [we 👀 you and so does Mia as she comes back from that fun chat] Janis: [if looks could kill] Jimmy: 👀🔪🔪 Janis: Well greedy, her Janis: had your turn already Jimmy: you better 💀💀💀 me quick, mate Jimmy: she reckons she can beat you to it Janis: 🎾 you to death Jimmy: hot Janis: that's definitely a shit horror movie Janis: give you all yankee accents and football and cheer uniforms and we're good to go Jimmy: rich girl rampage Jimmy: 🍅🍅 out of 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 Janis: not alright with that score Jimmy: 🍅 or 🍅🍅🍅? Janis: Soz, just not used to not being 🥇 Janis: so strange Jimmy: I'll 🖋 you a decent film baby Janis: 🤤😍 Janis: Babe! Jimmy: 💕 Janis: can't wait to tell everyone you're gonna make me famous, OMG Jimmy: basically have done with my 📷 Janis: been a while, bighead Jimmy: can you wait a bit longer or what? Jimmy: [such a LOOK because we all know what he means] Janis: What if I can't? Janis: [a LOOK back] Jimmy: [literally can see how hard he's trying to think of a way to sneak off even for a second like] Janis: ['you're so cute' 'cos can just say that and no one's batting an eyelid] Jimmy: [when you're like oh that's so weird because I don't feel good at all rn big song and dance to try and leave this table with her immediately] Jimmy: [💀#2 backing up your fake story inadvertently like #same cos wanna be 🤢 thanks gal] Janis: [real mvp right there, so OTT like feeling his forehead and getting a glass of water for him before making Mia direct you to a bathroom] Jimmy: [I'm loling, what a shit evening you're hosting babe] Janis: [also lol how bad y'all are at this like we didn't know] Jimmy: [JJ doing the most to salvage their night] Janis: [and just doing the most] Jimmy: [#tea] Jimmy: [make sure you lock the bathroom door this time kids, don't need Mia coming to 'check he's alright'] Janis: [learn from your mistakes, when you know you don't wanna be interrupted this time 'cos not for show] Jimmy: [I do vote you get back in the bath though for the mems and because there'd actually be room for both of you to lie down unlike the state of Ian's car earlier just put some fancy towels in there so it's not freezing on any bare skin] Janis: [so considerate] Jimmy: [I is and he is] Janis: [just don't accidentally turn it on when you're getting carried away here] Jimmy: [cos god forbid rich people turn a tap you'd probably only have to push a button or something boujee] Janis: [exactly, and as amusing as it'd be, you're already down to wearing his clothes rn and you don't wanna borrow Mia's instead tah] Jimmy: [they would not see the funny side rn, levels of frustration are too sky high] Janis: [#tea] Jimmy: [not gonna be that mean lads you've already struggled enough by having to be here doing all this flat white bollocks] Janis: [Asia's boyf is deffo gonna say something gross to Jimmy and Asia should overhear at least and they go off to have an argument for the lols and awkwardness factor for all] Jimmy: [100% here for that because how real] Janis: Shit stirrer Janis: 😏 Jimmy: he must've heard I've only got the one good 👂 Janis: 🤞 that's all he heard and his own 👂s ain't as big as his gob, like Jimmy: 😏 Janis: How many boyfriends can we make her get through Janis: the real question Jimmy: Depends Janis: on Jimmy: first off if 💀👑 properly snaps tonight 🔪🔪 Janis: I would give that a strong 90% likelihood but tennis probably took it right out of here, no way she's gonna be up for a spree now 30% at best Jimmy: don't have to hold the 🔪 herself that's what her minions are for Janis: yeah, and look at the state of 'em Janis: #2 got no strength ever, my sister is squeamish as hell and wouldn't risk her manicure for it Janis: lurch might be up to it, if she's not too busy recording herself 'dancing' Jimmy: Alright, won't put my hard earned 💰 on owt Janis: so, what's your 2nd point Jimmy: Depends how long we're stuck in the BFF zone an' all Janis: 'course Janis: could continue to fuck up her 💕life after but that's only something a real good friend would do so Jimmy: duh Janis: have to be quick Janis: don't know how much of this I can hack Jimmy: we could just go on account of me 💀💀🤢🍜 Janis: sexy Janis: we could Janis: but it'd mean more hangouts more times, if we get this done, we've made loads of progress Jimmy: 🥇💡 mate Janis: 🔥 thank you Jimmy: 💣 Janis: 😏 Jimmy: speaking of, if I smack that lad after they've spent ages rowing I'll get a 🏆 instead of losing points, yeah? Janis: who from? Jimmy: who else but my true love? Janis: that's 50/50 Jimmy: ugh, but I wanna smack that dickhead Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: Poor you Janis: 💔 Janis: could be making up as we speak Jimmy: Oi, I don't wanna start actually feeling 🤢 tah Janis: he could be the love of her life Janis: gutted Jimmy: shut up Janis: 🖋 a play about it Jimmy: will do Janis: sure it'll be a masterpiece, mate Jimmy: obvs Jimmy: all the 🦎 and 🐸 lads, like a more grim wind in the willows Janis: 'course you'd write a play with no girls in Janis: proper 👻🖋 move Jimmy: unless you wanna be in it Jimmy: only got the one muse, don't I? Janis: yeah Janis: not my fault your true love ain't very inspiring, like Jimmy: is a bit your fault Janis: you want me to give her lessons on top of being her bezzie mate Janis: that's a bit much Jimmy: if you ain't up for the challenge Janis: I am Janis: she ain't Jimmy: bad worker blames their tools, girl Janis: 🙄 Janis: can only be one or the other Janis: your type or your muse Jimmy: could be the artist himself Jimmy: might just be a bit shit Janis: depends what we're rating you on Jimmy: the finished 🎨 what else? Janis: the ❤s don't lie Jimmy: but they ain't worth as much if you're getting 'em for stuff like holding the brush the right way up Janis: can't get you an audience with taste Janis: if I knew where they were, wouldn't be here, would I Jimmy: I'll live Jimmy: as muses go, you're alright Janis: Oh, tah Jimmy: 👍 Janis: was gonna compliment you but if that's the level, I'll save it Jimmy: if I want one, I know how to get 'em Janis: I'm sure Janis: not from me though Janis: 😶 Jimmy: [does his best to try and get one from her, excuse him everyone] Janis: [shamlessly enjoying that] Jimmy: [you better give him one gal cos he's not gonna stop until you do #shameless] Janis: you are such a dickhead Jimmy: top at giving out compliments, you Jimmy: 💕 Janis: afraid you'll never know Jimmy: [gives her a look like challenge accepted and shamelessly back at it again at krispy kreme because we're all bored of the flat whites and no other reason oh no] Janis: [the levels of the lady doth protest too much, excuse them everyone, assumedly you're all entertaining yourselves right now/pretending not to watch] Jimmy: [tik toking like your life depends on it or something lol] Janis: ['alright, alright' out loud but not actually gonna compliment you 'cos then it wouldn't be real and we all know it] Janis: I was going to say you're better than you fake Jimmy: you can have that back an' all Jimmy: without having to force me Janis: you're only being generous 'cos I said it first Janis: don't lie Jimmy: nah Jimmy: I'm saying it 'cause it's true Janis: 'course it's true Janis: having to fake I'm even slightly like them puts it down 1000s of points Jimmy: there you go then Jimmy: take your 🏆 Janis: like you said, holding the brush the right way Jimmy: that ain't what I'm giving it to you for Janis: Yeah, my art ain't all that Jimmy: I dunno, you have your moments Janis: 😏 Jimmy: [IRL 😏 back] Janis: why do you reckon they do this Jimmy: got my 💰 and ⏲ on for human sacrifice Janis: roll on the witching hour Janis: 'cos this is dry Jimmy: What do you wanna do? Jimmy: I'll find a way to make it #goals Janis: [IRL 🤔] Jimmy: [at least we can pretend the 😍 at how cute she is are fake] Janis: being boring is catching or I've just got a one-track mind Janis: you can't be the only thing in this McMansion worth doing Jimmy: should've used that backhand to beat her at 🎾 Janis: I am livid I didn't Janis: but you know what I meant Jimmy: you're not in the 🗨 with Asia Jimmy: bored but not yet 🧠💀💀💀 Janis: you are? Jimmy: always Jimmy: but I meant even northern ain't that thick Janis: I can only imagine what she can find to talk about Jimmy: herself obvs, that's all I wanna hear about 💕 Janis: 🙄 Janis: my point exactly Janis: that's one 🗨 and out Jimmy: [lies all over her dramatically cos SO BORED] Janis: [huffs as dramatically like take the hint ladies] Janis: she still trying to get on you then or what Jimmy: ? Janis: Asia Janis: in your DMs Jimmy: she's still got a boyfriend, last I heard Janis: Obvs Janis: but if she's willing to break girlcode Jimmy: she wants to date someone #goals Jimmy: nowt to do with me Janis: Yeah Janis: still, gutted there's not more solid proof she's a shite friend and feminist Jimmy: could get it if you want me to though Janis: nah Janis: reckon they know it Janis: I wouldn't trust any of 'em anyway Jimmy: not 🧠💀💀💀 either, you Jimmy: Is Mia's daddy still here or what? Janis: not in my DMs Janis: you had an idea? Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: just bored enough to try and cause that breakdown Jimmy: [IRL thinking winnie] Janis: he'd clearly go for it Janis: fucking perv Jimmy: don't reckon lads are his type any more Jimmy: boarding school were a time and a place Janis: 💔 babe Janis: his distrust of teenage boys is well telling Jimmy: I know Jimmy: you got any ideas in that big head or what? Janis: plenty Jimmy: I get it, you want me to make you tell me them an' all Jimmy: Alright Janis: can't say it weren't fun Jimmy: [we out here doing the most again to not be bored, bonus that Mia is livid] Janis: [she gonna snap Janis: [maybe she should and they can be like well give us a tour then so can be nosy] Jimmy: [as a nosy bitch I love that] Janis: [she can show-off and be a general posh bitch] Jimmy: [Jimothy lowkey shooketh by her big posh house but not gonna give her the satisfaction of knowing] Janis: fuck the spare room Janis: taking the west wing, like Jimmy: not sure you'll have enough leg room Janis: Beats my current digs Jimmy: not in the middle of nowt for a start Janis: anywhere beats there, obvs Jimmy: might move myself in, see how long it takes her to notice I ain't paid staff Janis: literally stealing my ideas but fine Janis: big enough for us all Jimmy: you'd have to just hide Jimmy: can't get the rich girl off you Janis: shut up Jimmy: but then how will I make a massive echo calling you a dickhead? Janis: You'll manage Jimmy: [playful nudge to annoy both her and tour guide Mia] Janis: [gives him a dirty look and an apologetic one to Mia like ugh, sorry about him, really trying to focus here] Jimmy: 😱😱😱 Janis: don't act shocked Janis: how you think the rich stay rich Jimmy: I were gonna offer to give you a piggy back so you don't exhaust yourself going round this massive palace but you'd never make it over the rich v poor divide to get on Janis: divide you put up and maintain Janis: just financed it, like Jimmy: gotta keep it looking nice, girl Jimmy: bit of working class pride or some such bollocks Janis: beats this middle-class minimalism Janis: besides, your injuries aren't healed enough Jimmy: 🏆💪 me Jimmy: nowt to worry about Janis: [a look like yeah right] Jimmy: [a look back like you weren't worried earlier when we were doing all that saucy behaviour] Janis: [😳 and looking away] Jimmy: [walking ahead on this tour cos only so fake he can be before it's unbelievable and peeps know he's antisocial] Janis: you'll have to be back early for your sibs, yeah Jimmy: If you need an excuse not to have a cosy little breakfast with her and daddy, we can use that Janis: well yeah Janis: can't say I need to go to the gym if she has one Jimmy: watch her try and make us wait on her for our community service hours though Janis: she's so Janis: you know you go to the same shit school we all do, right Jimmy: bet her dad's 💔💔💔 Jimmy: could also fake that mine gives a shit where I am, there's another excuse banked Janis: not totally untrue the way your phone blows up sometimes Janis: no wonder her ma is depressed Jimmy: none of 'em need to know that's all my other girlfriends Jimmy: least if her mum shows up I can get back on track with causing that 😱😱😱 Janis: 'course Janis: her ma is her double so have fun with that Jimmy: 🤤🤤 Janis: don't make me 🤢 Jimmy: you'll have to swallow, food poisoning ain't gonna work a second time Janis: good thing I don't want you looking after me Janis: won't have to make such a scene, bound to be another bathroom soon Jimmy: won't thank you in my oscar speech then Jimmy: save it for my true fans Janis: you do that arsehole Jimmy: [comes back purely to talk to Asia like okay I shall] Janis: [is fuming] Jimmy: [I dread to think what she's saying to him but we know he can fake like he doesn't regret this instantly so] Janis: [just on your phone like there's something so interesting rn 'cos if you storm off they'll all notice] Jimmy: [is her boyfriend still there or nah cos I'm loling if he is] Janis: [assumedly, yeah, so you could talk to him for the pettiness of it all but we all know that wouldn't be fun so better to be going through your DMs like you're gonna respond Jimmy: [talk to some of the others as well boy, including Grace cos you know that'll annoy the bae] Janis: [😒 just coming up like 🚬 please and charging ahead to the garden/end of this tour] Jimmy: [you know he's gonna follow you gal even if it wasn't expected of him] Janis: [🚬 in silence like go away] Jimmy: [his turn to be on his phone while 🚬] Janis: [oh lads] Jimmy: [takes a pic of her 😒 face because he's a dickhead] Janis: ['delete that' when you're so moody lol] Jimmy: [does not] Janis: ['Oi' louder like he didn't hear] Jimmy: ['what?' boy you know] Janis: ['delete that picture now'] Jimmy: ['calm down, not gonna post it' still hasn't deleted it] Janis: ['that's not the point'] Jimmy: ['what is your point, Judith?' when you're just asking her why she's so mad like you don't know] Janis: ['I don't want you having photos of me on your phone' and coming over with your hand out like gimme] Jimmy: [does give it to her because 💔 by that] Janis: [deletes it like there, not so hard 'thank you' and handing it back] Jimmy: [just taking his phone back like this is super casual] Janis: [we're all fine and casual 'cept you so aren't and you're just here seething like hope the rest of you convinced Mia she weren't allowed to come out and 👀] Jimmy: [lighting another 🚬 as soon as you're done with the first one, nhs direct will be fuming at you as well sir] Janis: [never gonna heal at this rate lol] Jimmy: [honestly] Janis: [not the time to have that argument sadly] Jimmy: [fight fight fight] Janis: [More likely than admitting why you're actually pissed off but instead just laying down on some sun lounger bullshit and closing your eyes like lalalala] Jimmy: [that would be an artsy photo but we not gonna] Janis: [💔] Jimmy: [so awkward cos you know he's not leaving] Janis: [when you just laying there waiting but you can hear he ain't like what to do] Jimmy: [I like to imagine he's using this time wisely to deal with all the texts and shit he's been ignoring from Ian throughout the day and if there are any new ones from Cass cos not ignoring her ever] Janis: [be productive boy, we know you're ignoring all your fam all the time on the other hand so, finally sitting up like 'if you ain't gonna do this properly, we may as well just go now'] Jimmy: [comes to sit on the sun lounger the furthest away from the one she's on as a nice parallel to when he sat on the other end of the bench as far but as close as he could on school trip, but not yet looking up from his phone 'what are you on about?'] Janis: ['I mean, if you're going to jeopardize the plan by doing some ungoals shit I'm meant to then have an argument with you about, I can't be bothered, this is too much ballache as is, right'] Jimmy: [repeats what he just said but looking at her this time as if that will make her answer differently] Janis: [blinks at him like, really? 'what part of that did you not get?'] Jimmy: ['might be the part where you're not pulling your weight, fuck knows why I can't get my head round that though' sighs 'It were you stropping off and it were me who had to follow you to keep shit goals'] Janis: [a noise like um, what 'aside from the fact you walked off first, so you can't even have a go at me for it, I had to 'cos you were being a dick and what else could I do in response to that, nothing'] Jimmy: ['I walked off from the tour 'cause it's bollocks but I came back and now none of 'em could say I were being a dick' shrugs like the whole point is we play fake nice with them] Janis: ['yeah none of 'em can say that alright' 🙄 like don't be dense about it] Jimmy: [comes and sits on the end of the lounger she's on just looking at her 'what did you wanna do?' in reference to not being able to do anything else about him being a dick 'go on'] Janis: [looking back 'all I want is to not look like a twat in front of them, literally that's all' shrugs] Jimmy: ['Alright, you won't' draws a ✔ on her with his fingertip really softly and then looks back up at her 'promise'] Janis: [goes to say something multiple times but just nods 'cos safer] Jimmy: [just holding her hand and playing with it in a really soft way without thinking about it] Janis: [breathing out but in a calming down way not frustration] Jimmy: [a hug because that's something they do as mates nbd] Janis: ['this is such a headfuck' what part] Jimmy: ['I don't wanna do nowt that fucks you over' because way to say you care without actually doing it] Janis: ['we're on the same page then...' shakes head and then puts it in her hands like eurgh 'forget about it then?'] Jimmy: [does the thing where he goes to pat her on the head for bants but instead just strokes her hair cos he's the softest boy] Janis: [lying your head in his lap again 'just don't fuck Asia, yeah'] Jimmy: ['wouldn't if she paid us' has never meant anything he's said more than that lol] Janis: ['I'm glad to know the secret menu ain't just yous being pimped out, like'] Jimmy: ['me an' all'] Janis: [just snuggling on the low] Jimmy: [letting it happen] Janis: ['we could sleep out here' like probably not in your current attire but you're well used to sleeping outside otherwise] Jimmy: ['if you want' because he's done it too lbr and also we know he'll do anything she wants to] Janis: ['probably have to wait 'til they're asleep' sighs] Jimmy: ['no challenge that' these boring bitches are gonna go to sleep early obvs] Janis: ['even lizard boy will wear himself out after a go, like'] Jimmy: [a lol but a grossed out sound with it] Janis: [lols back 'as far as fake boyfriends go-' running her fingers up and down his arm '-thanks for not being scaly'] Jimmy: ['least I could do when you're so...' not gonna finish that sentence thank you] Janis: [looking up from his lap like ?] Jimmy: [just looking back at her like] Janis: [wrapping her arms around his neck to pull her face up and his down to meet it so she can kiss him] Jimmy: [letting this be a full make out moment even though you've been out here ages and the flat whites are gonna be gossiping cos idc] Janis: [none of us care, Asia you got no room to talk today lol] Jimmy: [likewise Mia you've been the WORST host so you can't say shit either] Janis: [obviously you will be but still, we do not care at all] Jimmy: [and we know most of them are team JJ at this point so deal with that babe] Janis: [lmao she will never] Jimmy: [Oh Mia] Janis: [truly what is this obsession, we will never know] Jimmy: [when even Grace is like dial it back and she's the OG of having an obsession with Janis so] Janis: [is she your twin sister who you miss and don't think loves you? no, I don't think so and we know you don't like any boy so even if you wanted to bang Jimmy you wouldn't need to be this weird about it] Jimmy: [mhmm wants to bang her own dad more like] Janis: [awkwardddd] Jimmy: [not the issue of why she can't but imagine what he'd look like please] Janis: [my boo like he ain't even hot haha] Jimmy: [tea though] Janis: [we all know it] Jimmy: [we should have her mum be there being cringe when they go back in so lowkey they haven't noticed how long JJ been gone even cos ugh] Janis: [dranking, flirting with Asia's man 'cos inappropriate parents yay] Jimmy: [a richer less trashy version of Carly's mum basically but her husband's doing the cheating instead of her] Janis: [that's the vibe, watch out Jimothy] Jimmy: [he walks in and wants to walk straight back out immediately so HAS TO pull the bae closer to him soz not soz] Janis: [protect ya mans from this sad middle-aged lady, like] Jimmy: [for real, sitting as far away from them all as you can without making it obvious meanwhile just pulling her into your lap like DON'T MOVE EVER THANK YOU] Janis: [getting to be real cutesy with it, said like you weren't snuggling outside lmao] Jimmy: [any excuse to be softer than you're pretending you like rn] Janis: [thanks for the excuse lads] Jimmy: [whispering shade about her weird mum so you don't have to think about not knowing where yours even is or if she's alive or nah] Janis: [just loling on the low like babe, you're so funny, 'cos obvs you've never met the bitch either and wow, what parents she has, she's gonna wanna die, oh Mia] Jimmy: [I'd feel bad for you but you're an evil bitch so I don't and what's more important is that Jimothy is clearly lowkey sad] Jimmy: [they wouldn't notice but we know Janis always notices things so] Janis: [squeezing his hand like you good?'] Jimmy: [just snuggling into her more because nobody's batting an eyelid at that] Janis: [kissing his forehead and murmuring something comforting about him still not feeling well 'cos fake sick earlier] Jimmy: [we're leaning into this narrative because nobody wants to be here] Janis: [nobody bitch, making a point of getting really cosy like we're gonna go to sleep now like Mrs Mia can you fuck off lol, putting a blanket over them and a pillow behind her head so he can stay sleeping on her] Jimmy: [the only time Mia and Janis have agreed on anything cos she really wants her mum to fuck off also] Janis: [just stroking his hair like he always do] Jimmy: [don't cry rn boy there's no styling it out] Janis: [just wait out these awkward last moments 'fore everyone goes to sleep lads] Jimmy: [everyone just faking they are asleep like let this end] Janis: [gonna take this opportunity tho] Janis: hey Jimmy: Alright? Janis: yeah Janis: you? Jimmy: Why wouldn't I be? Jimmy: best night EVER Janis: 😏 Janis: least we worked out why they're all such bitches Janis: this is their idea of fun Jimmy: least it weren't all shit Janis: the food was pretty good, yeah Jimmy: meant to be me who's the fat fuck Jimmy: don't be coming for my 👑 tah Janis: I'll let you keep it Janis: no 🐸 Jimmy: can't fight you for it, too unfit, me Janis: shut up Janis: you're well fit, babes Jimmy: 💕 Janis: 😍 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: 💖 Jimmy: [draws a heart with their initials in on whatever bit of her skin he can reach rn] Janis: [stops breathing for a hot sec] Jimmy: [keeping that hand wherever it landed so casually] Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: ? Janis: what do you wanna do when we get out of here ⛓ Jimmy: What do you wanna do? Janis: Something actually fun Janis: I dunno what yet, I'll be thinking Jimmy: Alright Janis: is Tammy asleep already or does she need an Oscar? Jimmy: [throws something at her that can't be traced back to him because he's so asleep and so ill bye] Janis: [he'd feel the lols she's holding in so hard rn] Jimmy: [tickles her a little bit but like too lightly to actually make her lol] Janis: [just squirming away so hardcore I hope no one else is that close to yous two] Jimmy: [pulling her back to you even closer than she was before if that's possible] Janis: [when you wanna makeout so bad but you also feel so soft so you're like no we can't but also why not ahh] Jimmy: [we know it's gonna happen lads] Janis: [try to be quiet there are so many peeps in this room with you not asleep yet] Jimmy: [there's your excuse to be softer with it cos a bit quieter well it would be if you weren't so into it] Janis: [just clenching your fists 'til your fingernails cut into your palms tryna be quiet over here when you're fully dying] Jimmy: [at least he'd obviously be dying as much imagine if one of you was really into it and the other person was like meh] Janis: [you both love it that's why there's no denying that, if there ever was tbh] Jimmy: [mhmm] Janis: [consider not going all the way here though tah lizard boy is 1000% listening and he doesn't deserve the show] Jimmy: [I know you really wanna lads but I really don't wanna give him those mental images or sound effects] Janis: [though he should totally spread it around that you did 'cos just real] Jimmy: [he's so that dickhead] Janis: [playing into Mia's hands, someone has to this sleepover has been a total fail for you babe] Jimmy: [suddenly don't hate him as much do you hun] Janis: [new bff lol] Jimmy: [you two should totally sneak off though cos nobody can stop you if they fake sleeping] Janis: [you simply must] Jimmy: [Mia's room blatantly] Janis: [fuck on her bed and go through her things, literally the least she deserves] Jimmy: [making what would already be a 🔥 hook up even better] Janis: [least you can make some noise, her rents room is probably a million miles away 'cos posh people] Jimmy: [love that for you two] Janis: [mood and a moment, shame you can't sleep in there] Jimmy: [well they could as long as they get up before Mia does which realistic cos a bitch is on death's door] Janis: [lmao, it's just a weird fuck you flex that I'm about] Jimmy: [same though] Janis: [taking a selfie so smug] Jimmy: [yaaas] Janis: [we'll pretend it's just for blackmail purposes later and not 'cos he looks that good but there's no denying your 😍] Jimmy: [we know they love an excuse for a photoshoot and the 😍 are mutual af] Janis: [honestly just staring at him appreciating for a hot sec] Jimmy: [looking at her like ? boy you know] Janis: ['it's rude'] Jimmy: ['what?'] Janis: [points at him like 'you'] Jimmy: [shakes his head and points at her instead trying not to blush] Janis: ['you're so' not purposely copying him from earlier but here we are] Jimmy: [gotta kiss her so you don't say something that we can't take back] Janis: [relatable] Jimmy: [I'm like how else can you fuck with Mia while you've basically got free run of her gaff rn lol] Janis: [there's got to be shit, like as long as you keep it quiet, you could do anything, within reason] Jimmy: [ninja-ing through the place] Janis: [also what can you do that she won't be able to say shit about/immediately know/assume it's you two hmm] Jimmy: [gotta be sneaky but yeah idk] Janis: [I wonder, maybe there's some cringe photos of her from childhood they could find? Jimmy: [love that and OMG maybe this is too far/ not feasible if her dad is like sleeping in his study wherever but I just thought what if they found something cringe about him/ his latest affair etc] Janis: [my mind was also there like no doubt his phone has a passcode but what if his laptop or something is open with an account logged in, I wasn't sure] Jimmy: [I say fuck it why not he's probably not that smart/ not expecting the sneak attack/ drunk] Janis: [let's do it honey, yo to the lo] Jimmy: [they're only gonna use it if she deserves it like when she gets him fired or something so it's her own fault] Janis: [mhmm, we know she has it coming so save it up honey] Jimmy: [that's her sorted then is there anything else we wanna have happen/ be said between them?] Janis: [1000% signing up for the dating apps and shit to find him...CATFISH HER DAD lmao we probably just need to decide how we're having them leave in the AM and then that should be good though] Jimmy: [obvs they gotta leave early so probably assume they can sneak off but I think they should all be up working out because Mia's that control freak who makes the squad except like Asia and her bf who refuse to get up lol] Janis: [what a disturbing scene like soz we gotta go rn immediately still] Jimmy: [Jimmy like I'm not dressed for your zumba fitness and also I'm not a wine mum so bye] Janis: [just get to be vaguely passive-aggressive about doing a real workout like buhbye] Jimmy: [love that for you both, Jimmy like I've got a puppy to walk because I don't kill and eat small living creatures 🐍] Janis: [so glad to be out of there alive tbh] Jimmy: [I dread to think what kind of weird intense workout Mia would actually do, oh girl] Janis: [the others just dying like how is she not] Jimmy: [fuelled purely by the mems of what a shit night she had] Janis: [and what 🔥 hookups they had all over your gaff] Jimmy: [meanwhile Jimothy'll be getting through community service because of how good she looks in yet more of his borrowed clothes] Janis: [you need to sneak home for provisions soon babe but not this morning] Jimmy: [#never soz cali] Janis: [you can be home if you want the row or nah, we know the vibe for always] Jimmy: [Twix will never let you leave gal she'll be buzzing to see you] Janis: [like where have you been bestie lmao] Jimmy: [real loves of each other's lives] Janis: [at least community service today won't be as shit now] Jimmy: [thank god, it's hilarious that this convo started how it did] Janis: [shamelessly making up for the lost time like it's going out of style] Jimmy: [living for how highkey you two are always] Janis: [aren't we all, especially you two, random thought but do we wanna have anyone else stand out/be of note in community service?] Jimmy: [oooh that's a good idea boo] Janis: [it has potential if we wanna use it] Jimmy: [agreed, we'll have to ponder, have you got anyone she always takes pics with or anything that you're like when the fuck am I gonna use you?] Janis: [aside from the boys from the Netflix show, not really] Jimmy: [they probably don't look like they're community service lads sadly] Janis: [lmao probably not though this is prime jealousy time for you all] Jimmy: [we should totally exploit that if nothing else because Asia is no actual threat but a community service girl that she thinks is his type, like hello and we know he gets jealous if she literally interacts with anyone rn so] Janis: [why not I say] Jimmy: [all the content we can get from the headfuck this time period is, we gotta] Janis: [right, they're just jealous is the point, there literally doesn't have to be anything in it] Jimmy: [we 👀 you] Janis: [do you wanna skip to a bit of that, or something else, end this here???] Jimmy: [we should probably end this here even if we wanna do some of that because a bit rude to ruin day 2 of community service as well as day 1 lol like give them a good one first at least] Janis: [yeah it doesn't have to be immediate okay leggo]
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mysamcedesmadness · 5 years
So, What Are We Doing This Summer?
It was called to my attention that Henry's age was confirmed as 17 in either the Frittle episode or his birthday episode (I've not repeatedly watched those, so I didn't remember), which would either put them in their senior year or put Henry as a graduating 18 year old next year, which does happen, so I'll go with that.
Also, for some reason, all of the italics and bolds and such disappear whenever I paste to Tumblr. I honestly don’t feel like redoing tonight, but the ffnet post has them, for various emphasis on words and stuff, if that’s a better read for you.
So, What Are We Doing This Summer?
There was no Sweet Sixteen thing that she wanted to do. To be fair, her parents wanted to throw her something and invite her friends over, but she just wanted a nice dinner, some cake, maybe a museum trip and to look over college packets. Last birthday, she went to a show that she wanted to see with her friends, but it was such a hectic night that she almost didn't get to see it.
That's how plans with the friends tended to go. Unexpected and hectic. So, Sweet Sixteen, she was doing things with her parents! And that was all that there was to it!
"But, what about the time WE want to spend with you?" Jasper asked.
She furrowed her eyebrows and handed him a pamphlet. "Here. Underline cons in red, highlight pros in pink."
"What is this?"
"College brochures."
"Why are you looking at college brochures, we still have more than a year of high school left?"
She laughed, "And I very well can't figure out what schools to apply to after graduation. Senior year student council has so much to do for all of those senior ceremonies, I want to make sure I've given myself time to think about where I'm going."
"Why not Swellview University?" He wondered.
"It's on my list, but not my top choice. I want an HBCU or an Ivy League school."
"I'm gonna go right there to Swellview U. It's a good school!"
"I'm sure it's great. It's just not exactly what I want," she said and they heard the sound of Captain Man and Kid Danger coming down the tubes.
She smiled at them as they approached, resuming some kind of debate. "Dude, there's no way that a giant pancake could best a giant waffle. The waffle has ridges!" Henry fussed, then kissed her on the cheek.
"What are you two even TALKING about?"
"Animated and animatronic breakfast foods," Ray said, popping gum into his mouth. "Henry thinks that sausage would be more of a romantic than bacon and that a giant waffle could defeat a giant pancake in a fight to the death, covered in butter and syrup!"
"HOW do these subjects get started?" Charlotte wondered as they changed back.
"What about a crepe?" Jasper wondered.
Henry and Ray both laughed and repeated, "Crepe?"
"Oh yeah, a giant CREPE can fight!" Ray taunted.
Henry added, "Guess it's gonna just roll up to the scene, since he's gonna lose his innards if he steps up." The duo fell on each other laughing. Jasper sighed and shook his head.
"I'm not sure why you entered their weird little world."
"Third Wheel Syndrome has me sensitive, I think."
Henry took a seat next to Charlotte and asked Jasper, "What do you mean?"
"Since the two of you got together, I'm feeling left out," Jasper admitted.
"How? I just spent four hours stuck in a vat of scrambled eggs and country gravy. You and Char have been here going through…" he picked one up from in front of Charlotte and she sucked her teeth. "College brochures." He set it down, "Jasp you're leaving for college too?"
"No. I'm marking pros and cons for Charlotte. I'm going to Swellview University. We talked about this."
"I know! I was gonna be super upset if you were gonna run off on me. Bad enough she will be." He pointed a thumb to Charlotte.
"What happens when that happens?" Jasper wondered.
"It's at least a year in the future. We haven't even discussed what we're doing this summer," Charlotte said. The three were quiet for a moment. Ray and Schwoz were talking among themselves a few feet away.
Henry broke the collective silence between their trio by asking, "So, what are we going to do this summer"
"There's my birthday.." Jasper said then squinched his face and shook his head, "You weren't talking to me, were you?"
"I was talking to you both. Anybody have plans already?"
"I never have plans," Jasper said, almost certain that Henry was definitely only talking to Charlotte.
She said, "Same old same old for me. Summer Youth Program in June. Beginning of July trip with my parents. The only thing different this year is I'm going to add three or four campus tours of whichever colleges have the least cons and most pros."
"Need company?" Henry wondered. She furrowed her eyebrows and actually looked up at him. "Just to you know, make sure that you enjoy yourself despite the work."
"I love college tours. I'll enjoy myself," she said.
Henry pouted, "Fine." She looked questioningly at the sky about his salty tone, but left it alone. Henry sighed, "Jasper, do you think you'll want to spend any time with me this summer?"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Jasper cheered. Charlotte rolled her eyes. She hadn't said that she wasn't going to spend any time with him.
In fact, her visits would be four weekends from the entire summer. Her Youth Program was on Thursdays. Her trip was two weeks. Aside from that, she was pretty sure she'd see both of these clowns every other summer moment. She'd tuned out the boys making plans without her whenever she heard Jasper declare, "It's gonna be super hard for us to do these things whenever you and Charlotte are married and stuff."
Henry shook his head and Charlotte chimed in, "Whenever what?"
Jasper reminded her, "Remember that whole hashtag Henlotte thing?"
"That was a joke, Bro," Henry said, laughing a little uncomfortably. "Nobody actually thought that I was proposing or that we were gonna be kissing. That's why it was so hilarious."
"Yeah, but you are kissing. You kiss a lot. You're together. Charlotte's thinking about her upcoming colleges before junior year end. Do we really believe she's not thinking beyond that?" Henry's head turned sharply and quickly to Charlotte.
She scoffed and said, "Don't look so panicked. As it turns out, I've been focused enough on my educational future that I haven't been circling anything in bridal books on the off chance that my boyfriend ever wants to me to participate in the antiquated institution of marriage."
Henry sighed, relieved, "Oh thank God. Wait. So… You never wanna get married, at all? To anybody?"
"Honestly, it's never crossed my mind. I've had one stupid boyfriend and I'm only 16. Why I would daydream about becoming someone's less respected partner is beyond me."
"Less respected?" Jasper repeated.
But Henry was stuck on "Stupid boyfriend?"
Charlotte snatched her brochures from Jasper and explained, "Married women are taken less seriously than their married male counterparts in the corporate world. Whether I go into STEM, academia, politics, business, or even if my degree proves useless and I wind up regretting decisions in retail - women are already valued less and when you add a wedding ring, they're expected to be full time workers and full time homemakers while Daddy retreats into his little solo space to unwind after his hard day's work. And don't let her become a mom! She doesn't get the necessary time off to be the kind of mother that everyone expects. Simultaneously, whatever kind of mother she is, the workplace thinks is too much." She was stuffing her bag and then looked at Henry, "And for the record, just because I haven't thought about it doesn't mean that I need your graphic depictions of relief about it!" She snatched her bag and headed for the elevator.
Jasper called out, "Okay, but that explanation of the workplace tells that you've definitely thought about it."
She glared at him and snapped, "That information is common knowledge to women!"
As the elevator door shut, Henry looked confused. "So.. Am I supposed to be thinking about marriage, or not?"
"I think that you shouldn't be, because Charlotte doesn't have marriage plans, but maybe if it crosses your mind, try to not seem repulsed by Charlotte being your wife? Her execution of the subject was all over the place."
"The place of lies," Ray said. "Women wanna get married. It's their reward for being good girlfriends!"
"That's a gross oversimplification of like everything involved in what you said," Henry commented. "Honestly, now that I think about it, Charlotte has literally never mentioned anything about weddings or marriage or anything like it. Not even so much as a "I'll play this song someday at my wedding."
Ray commented, taking a seat by Henry, "That's probably because she's been resigned to the fact that nobody's ever gonna marry her. I mean, she's the worst, amirite?"
"You're not," Jasper said, at the same time Henry said, "No."
"So, either of you can picture having Charlotte there, every single day, nagging you, telling you what to do, why this is unsafe or that's unwise?"
"That sounds like every day of my life since 5th grade," Jasper said.
"Yeah! Char is the smart one. We all know that. We need someone like that everyday!"
Ray muttered, "Still the worst."
"What is your problem with Charlotte?" Henry asked, exasperated."I mean, what if this does go different for us than my other relationships and it winds up being something real and lasting. Do I always have to worry that you're gonna be a butt to her?"
Ray laughed, "Yeah. I've known this was coming for a long time. I'm not treating her any differently no matter what status you have. Because as far as I'm concerned you've always been endgame… Also, she's the worst."
"Because she forces you to have to be better?" Jasper wondered.
Ray groaned and mumbled, "For your information, yes."
Charlotte came home and her uncle was on the couch, watching TV. What else was new? "Hey, Uncle Roscoe.
"Hey, Niece! You wanna watch the Kids Danger cartoon with me?"
"No. I've gotta look over college info so Mom and Dad will be able to plan my visits in between their orchestras and excavations. Speaking of, are they out tonight?"
"The Swellview Opera House. Your mom says there's a casserole just for you in the oven. Don't worry, I don't want whatever that is. I'm ordering a pizza." She nodded, disappointed that she wouldn't be able to discuss her college choices with them tonight. "You wanna watch one of your wedding dress shows?" Uncle Roscoe wondered.
"Not even Say Yasss, This is Your Drass?" He turned off the TV and wondered, "What's wrong, Tiny?"
"Sometimes, I feel like an outsider. Even in my own home and even with my only friends. Like, we're all sharing this one life, but nobody's on the journey with me and those that are on the journey, we're not on the same page."
"You know, I was an outsider like that too. Shoot, still to this day, as a starving artist."
"How can you be starving when you live here and eat everything we have?"
“I ain’t eat that grass casserole your mom made you.”
“I’m sure you mean bean sprouts,” she said, “And that’s not the whole casserole…” The doorbell rang and she looked at him. He reached for the remote control and she gave him a look. “I’ll get it.” She went to the door and by the time she peeked out of the peephole to see Henry nervously bouncing, Uncle Roscoe was laughing at something on the television. She called, “I’m gonna step outside and talk to my friend, Unc.”
“Girl, I’m watching my shows,” he said. Basically, he didn’t care.
She opened the door and stepped outside. Henry laughed, “Your friend? Something you need to tell me?” He joked, awkwardly. “What do you need, Henry?” She asked, sounding irritated.
“I need to explain what happened earlier.”
“So… Jasper was talking about marriage and we’ve never spoken about that, because neither of us are thinking that far ahead into us. But, whenever I seemed relieved, it wasn’t because I think I’d never wanna marry you or something. I just thought that we were both in the same space - a space where that’s not even a conversation yet. So, I’m sorry if I sounded insulting to you.”
She shrugged her shoulders, “We rushed really fast into the entire boyfriend-girlfriend thing. There’s no need for us to rush anything into anything else. So, it’s fine.”
“But, you seemed upset.”
“Yeah. For the reason that I told you, but it’s not a big deal. Honestly, I have other things to be upset about. Maybe it just landed on you. So, I’m sorry.”
"You wanna talk about your things?" He asked.
She sighed and leaned against the front door. "You know how my parents and I go on a trip every summer together?"
"This year is the last one. Next year, they're sending me on a solo trip after graduation to see the world myself before college."
"That sounds awesome."
"But, I hardly see them now and I just want them to go over the pros and cons of these colleges with me. I know that sounds silly to other people, but it's a huge decision to make and I wish sometimes that they'd be more involved instead of just trusting my judgement. They raised me to be independent and they don't realize that sometimes, I could use just a little dependency, you know?"  
Henry nodded, "Yeah, I get that. I haven't been able to depend on my parents in quite a while. But… I've always been able to depend on my friends. So, if you just need someone to lean on, I literally have nothing better to do than here for you." Henry offered her a hug and she smiled a small smile and accepted it. When she was hugging him, he said, "And it'd be excellent, I think… some time in the far future… you know?" She looked up at him. "IF we were thinking about that."
She nodded, "If I was gonna sell myself out in that way, it'd be with my best friend." He laughed. "I meant everything that I said about marriage! The only way that I'd be on board is if it was handled like a business arrangement with someone I trust."
"You trust like two people," he chuckled.
"Yep. And they'd both be IN the marriage."
"Me and???"
She stared at him and suggested, "Think it through."
"OH, YOU!"
"I already regret this unofficial contract."
"Fortunately, we've got a long time to even think about that. We haven't even discussed..  the physical evolution of our relationship." Her eyes widened and she wondered if he was talking about what she thought he was. He noticed and quickly changed the subject, "Or what you and me are doing this summer!"
She relaxed and nodded, "Aside from the few weeks, four weekends and Thursdays, I'm all yours…"  He raised an eyebrow. "I mean, I'm open! I mean my time is free! I have a casserole to check on. I gotta get inside!" She rushed back in, shut the door and Henry shook his head and left. "Why would bring that up, Henry? She was already having a day. I mean, sure.. you wanna discuss it. But, you haven't been together that long and it was a FLUKE that you even got her. This happened kinda haphazardly. You're gonna screw it up if you keep being weird!"
Charlotte leaned against the door, breathing hard. Are… we THERE yet??? She glanced out of the window and saw Henry look back at the house before walking away with his head down. A few minutes later, she got a text: Hey. Sorry if I scared you bringing up THAT. I won't mention it again. I don't want stuff weird between us. Call me when you don't feel awkward.
She sighed with relief and replied instantly: Thanks, Hen. You're a great friend and honestly the best boyfriend.
Henry: Not stupid boyfriend?
Charlotte: Not at all. ILU
Henry: SAME.
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 5]
Half the badges means halfway finished, right?
No. No, it never means that.
The squad:
Caspet (Haunter)
Puff (Dratini)
Nessy (Milotic)
Boruto (Ninjask)
Omchomp (Eelektrik)
I’m rooting for you, team.
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Hello Pirate Plasma.
One of them has a Watchdog.
Caspet, kill.
Good Caspet.
And so the day is saved! Thanks to... Me and Russell!
Oh, wait, hold off on the exclamation points. Russell is giving the sad backstory talk about how his little sister was given a Purrloin as a gift, then Team Plasma stole it. Cue Russell feeling so sad and helpless, and now he wants to be strong and not helpless, and believes in the power of friendship backing him up.
It’s like Nintendo took every single villain code it could get its hands on and threw it on a good big bro who depends on his buddies.
Aw heck I think I need to have a Rotation Battle with Hearbreaker Charles before the bridge opens up. Also known as that battle type that takes three pokemon. Hoo boy. Okay. Let’s. Let’s try this.
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It could and has been worse.
Hey, success. Nice work, Caspet. Sorry Puff gets all the exp from it. He’s smol. He needs it.
Bridge opened up, so that means... new friend time!
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Hey hey hey hey I caught him!
Now what’re we naming you... Vertex!
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Say what you will, Pokemon mook villains are charming as heck with some of their dialogue. You kids would have so much fun larping. Stop bringing real theft into it and have a grand ol’ time.
The Knight Plasma promises to tell me a story about the conflict if I visit their house. I shall do that momentarily. For now, the Pokemon Center calleth.
Okay it’s been a lot of weeks since that last sentence, so I really need to read up a bit and see where I’m at.
I’m gonna wander around training stuff. Boruto needs a move that isn’t Leech Life.
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Oh, and I guess I should check that I have Poke Balls.
Yeah, okay, good.
Exploring time.
There’s this hotel on this block that I have zero memory of.
Exploration indicates that’s because there’s nothing of value in it.
We ended up fighting Charles again and now Caspet knows Shadow Ball. I might cry. Thank you, Caspet. Thank you for being alive.
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Hope. It beckons.
But that means it’s time for Boruto to have the Exp. Share.
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Cool, I don’t care.
Oh, in a battle.
Hoo boy. Fingers crossed.
Sure, let’s do this.
Level 27 Herdier. Not too bad, then.
...It knows Crunch.
That takes Caspet down to almost half, so Vertex can start earning his keep against the Swoobat. Good boy, Vertex, you didn’t die. Yay.
Russell appears and sad talks about former Team Plasma folks trying to do right happen. They are sad and Russell is sad and it’s all very sad.
Aw dang it. Rood offers us a Zorua. We don’t get to take it because it isn’t randomized. So much sadness all in this one building. In a weird way I’m sort of happy to see more of Knight Team Plasma. Some of them really were on N’s side, and some of them really did realize that pokemon could be their friends. It’s an oversimplification, but it’s really sweet.
I can’t go south until I have the town badge, which I can’t get because Clay’s off doing Clay things somewhere.
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Gimme something that won’t die, game.
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My team is going to be nothing but Electric types by the end. Also lol I forgot to heal I am suddenly much happier that this is a Pikachu.
Pikachu’s new name is Rynalds. Bye forever, Rynalds.
Cofagrigus was also an option.
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There’s also Exploud. And Alakazam.
Cool, I have a Moon Stone now.
...How the heck am I supposed to train my party. Exp. Share and letting the big kids handle it is the surest path to insanity I can come up with, but I seriously need my team to be useful beyond its top two.
Boruto still doesn’t know anything useful.
You know what he does know now?
Swords Dance.
You are a disappointment to Boruto’s Dad, Boruto. Which I guess is me, in this universe.
I’ve reached the dark grass, so let’s see if there are easier training opportunities here.
Dusknoir! Hey, I had one of you! Flaffy, Bastiodon, Tirtouga, Volcarona
Puff’s going to take the lead and Dragon Rage things to death while I’m next to a healing house. He’s going to need a ton of exp anyway, he might as well contribute to the cause of his friends.
None of you have good moves. Caspet better not die.
...Okay, five minutes into this, do I have any good TMs...?
No. I do not.
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We enter the cave for hope of a change in fortune.
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And it’s a male Ralts!
...Wait. Do I have a Dawn Stone?
I see this theoretically ending very sadly for me.
Caught, though. His new name is Diego and he will be very loved.
. . . . . . . .
-stumbles through the door several months later-
Ultra Sun possessed all my interest and my Nuzlocke ways got put on hold for flying through wormholes. So it’s been way too long, but since this is done over text that’s not too obvious, right?
Oh, and during my off-time, it wasn’t something I looked up thanks to that being against the rules, but I remembered that it’s Caspet’s Poison typing that’s a problem against Psychic. Yay for that brief mystery concluding.
Now where the heck am I.
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Right. Grinding and caves and not quite ready to talk to Bianca.
And it’s Summer now, according to the game’s clock. I wish that were true in the outside world as well. It’s cold.
If I had a Dawn Stone, I think I would add Diego to the squad. Omchomp is beloved and etc., but I won’t claim to be horribly attached, and Ralts’ every evolution has a spot in my heart that Pokemon Go can’t fill because I’m not wasting 100 candy on anything less than 93% perfection.
Only as much as I love Gardevoir, Gallade is so cool and I only get to pick one, aaaand... Yeah, okay, nothing’s being swapped out yet. Back to grinding. Back to hoping that Boruto learns literally any STAB attack.
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Why does this keep happening. Ah, and this is not something Puff should be anywhere near. Arguably nothing on my team should be anywhere near it. #grinding_problems.
You know, I’m beginning to remember why I wasn’t in a hurry to pick this run back up.
Boruto learns Slash.
Heck, I’ll take it.
Uh oh.
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Oooooooh I am become error.
The logic behind this was that Puff’s been in front against Kyurem constantly before Nessy gets switched in, and all it ever uses is Ancient Power. If it had anti-Dragon stuff, it’d be using it, right?
Hoo boy.
Sorry, Puff.
Like. It’s been a while, so I don’t remember much of you, and I’m kind of relieved I’m not stuck with something that takes so long to gain levels anymore, but ow.
K, Vertex goes in and we are running now.
All the way back to a Pokemon Center.
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Really, really sorry, Puff.
What am I going to do without Dragon Rage... the one true grind power.
Rynalds, Frill, or Diego. Those are my choices.
In you go, Diego. I would prefer a Gallade, but that doesn’t much matter at this point.
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It could be much, much worse. This run started with way worse. This is fine. It’s fine. Absolutely fine. Does not make me dream of Exp. Share that affects the entire team at all.
These are my happy tears. Obviously.
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See. I thought to myself, “It probably knows Fire Blast.” Then I thought to myself, “Sure it can learn it, but it’s a low level legendary. Speaking from experience, those things have jack for moves. Boruto will be fine.”
Then Boruto was not fine.
Lava Plume.
Oh, and a critical hit for good measure.
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I have nothing to say.
But Omchomp is going in the designated survivor box, and I’m not replacing anyone in the current lineup. I’m just. I’m gonna train these four. And. Make that work somehow. It’s too early to get caught up in everything dying during grinding.
Neat, Diego’s cave has Charizard. And Seviper. Bayleef. Probopass.
Vertex could maybe handle being Diego’s training partner... let’s give that a try instead of bloating Nessy’s level even further.
And the first thing a Charizard does is Dragon Rage the 84 health thing.
This continues to be a very long trial.
Back to Autumn.
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My son. You shall be the most beautiful ballerina.
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Okay, things starting to feel a bit more positive? A bit more like it might all be okay? Yeah! Let’s go! Grind them feet into the field!
Did I know there was Alakazam in the normal grass outside Chargestone? Because there is. And I have a Gardevoir in need of tutelage. Well great, at least now I know where I’m grinding.
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No more Eviolite for Caspet, which. Well, sure, it stresses me out to only have as much Defense as Caspet really has, but maybe I’ll pick something up along the line that helps with that. You never know.
Back to the grind.
...With the stray thought that this is much less necessary with the four I have. I’d like Vertex over 30, but realistically, Caspet and Nessy are enough to deal with a lot, and Diego’s getting there.
I’ll get Vertex over 30 and hit go on the plot button.
Oh wait. Diego’s only offensive move is Magical Leaf.
Aaaaah, ghosts of Boruto’s past...
Eh, let’s just talk to Bianca.
She says nothing of interest to those who already know you can push Chargestone Cave’s rocks around.
So, I’ve just realized that I can fight Clay now, probably, and because I’m largely making myself sad doing non-plot activities, I’m going to give that a go. Nessy is overleveled and suited for it. I’ll give her a Mystic Water. Vertex can carry the Exp. Share for a bit.
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And down we go.
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I have no memory of this place. It is dark.
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Better, but I think I like the previous games’ setup of this gym more. Aesthetically. I hated moving around it, but it was all very pretty. This has too much dark to roll with the pretty much.
Okay, first fight! Let’s see if I should actually be trying this.
First and only pokemon is a level 31 Baltoy. I think we’re good.
Geez. There are too many platforms here. Gym, I am disappoint.
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First out is a level 31 Krokorok. One Water Pulse downs it. Following that up is a level 31 Sandslash, and in the spirit of optimism and needing exp, Diego’s going to try to Magical Leaf it into submission. One isn’t enough, and Clay uses a Hyper Potion on his next turn. Next Magical Leaf after undoing that does the trick, and I think we’re bringing out Nessy next to contend with the Excadrill.
The level 33 Excadrill.
Nessy’s 38, if I haven’t mentioned it this post.
...Wow. One Water Pulse later, and we’re done with Clay.
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