#think of this as a crackship treated seriously in the story
phoenixtakaramono · 30 days
im sorry but why did green and gold have to go on hiatus i feel like an addict whos been denied their fix
(This Ask is referencing Green and Gold on AO3.)
I’m very happy you like my Sesshomaru/Harry Potter story!
I will have to admit the sequel to InuYasha (Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon) where they confirmed Sesshomaru/Rin as a canon ship, and the whole downward transphobic spiral of JK Rowling’s legacy on Twitter and of her going bonkers, dampened a lot of my creative enthusiasm for G&G if I’m being honest /j.
Background context: I’d written the majority of G&G back in my junior/senior year of high school up till probably end of uni, and it has 16 chapters thus far, making it the longest multichaptered WIP out of all my multifandom WIPs. But because I started other WIPs in other fandoms and I am only one writer, to make it fair, I made the executive decision to focus on my other projects which’d coincidentally snuck up on me. And because I do genuinely intend to return to it eventually instead of abandoning it (if any work of mine is discontinued, I will mark it as such and change the incomplete status to “complete” to reflect the change like what I did to my Jona/Dio | Jota/Dio fic), I decided to mark G&G as “hiatus.”
We’re not giving up hope! I honestly just need a kick in my engine and likely that’s what’ll take it out of hiatus status, whether it be another work also reaching 10ish-16ish chapters or there being a reboot of HP that revitalizes me, whichever one comes first.
By the way, if any of you lot want to read my first ever uploaded AO3 fic aka my first ever popular fic it frankly still tickles me pink hearing G&G is how a good portion of my SVSSS readers had already known me from, here’s the general premise:
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Miss Bustier
My favorite Chloe OTP! On the surface, Chlonette might just look like your basic cute crackship or possible redemption/reformation story for Chloe, but thanks to this Chlonette server I'm in (with these awesome people I might add), Chlonette is a lot more complex and has more layers than you think. My reasons for shipping it are a possible Chloe redemption/reformation, Chloe can of course treat Marinette better, enemies to lovers (though in my case, it’s enemies, to hesitant friends, to friends and THEN to lovers), they generually look interesting together, and Chloe already has (or did have) a crush on Ladybug, so that's to assume if she had an crush on Ladybug, she might be her type.
Also, before S4-5, I saw Marinette (other than Miss Bustier, Sabrina, and possibly Adrien) being really the only one who truly understands Chloe. I feel that Mari being Ladybug is more prominent when it comes to this. Also, I feel that Marinette and Chloe are a lot alike when you really think about it when you take away their different upbringings. People dislike these two together for obvious and understandable reasons (the way Chloe canonically treats Marinette, Chloe's a bully, Marinette gave up on Chloe etc.), but I personally think it has potential (or at least it did, until canon/Astruc ruined it).
Adribrina isn't a bad ship. Two friends of mine got me invested in this ship (and it also comes from the fact that I also ship Lukabrina). From what I’ve gathered, people ship because it’s “cat and dog” shipping and the lack of interactions these two had in the series. So basically it completely resonates from potential, which is understandable. I also think it would be a bit interesting to see these two interact.
I prefer this ship as a strong friendship, but I’m perfectly fine with people shipping it. It has some potential and the two are holders of time-related miraculouses 😄
Miss Bustier
Sorry. I know it’s a copout, but I legitimately feel REAL indifferent on Bustier right now. Her teachings at first came off as wholesome and understandable, but once you really look into it, not only she’s an enabler to Chloe’s bad behavior, but throws her actual good student under the bus and doesn’t even bother to take up for her against Lila (Ladybug episode). Then later ends up throwing Chloe under the bus too once she starts to “finally understand Chloe’s true nature”. Which I GET the intent behind this, but I don’t like it because SHE’S one of the many adults who enabled her in the first place, but now she wants to give up on her!?
“BUT Chloe got her fired even though she’s pregnant!” It doesn’t matter? I’m not trying to sound cruel here (because that really is messed up), but I just think as the grown adult who choose to enable Chloe and gave her the benefit of the doubt (compared to what she did for her other students btw), does she really have the right to bail on her now??? I’m not trying to sound insensitive or unsympathetic of Bustier’s situation, but I just think it’s not all on Chloe. I don’t think Miss Bustier is a bad person, but some of the stuff she does is seriously questionable.
I didn’t necessarily “hate” Andre in the past, but now? He’s a corrupt politician and a bad father who gave up on his own daughter AND replaced her with a girl who’s not even 💯 his. I also hate how he’s somehow more sympathetic than the 14 year old girl who he failed to raise property. It’s so dumb that it’s constantly said that Chloe is “evil” because she doesn’t want to lose her privileges, but who GIVES HER those privileges in the first place??? So that automatically falls on her PARENT.
I like her! She’s not my favorite character, but she’s a sweet character who represents jubilation well. 
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waheelawhisperer · 11 months
I was thinking crackships dreamed up for shits and giggles, but like LapTex and Saria x Kirsten are kinda hard to decisively beat unless you get into like Suzuran x Lappland territory. Though on the same topic, what are some relationships you like seeing explored for non-fluffy reasons, whether that's toxicity or more how I like Muelsyse/Saria because they're so different and the barriers that raises are just *interesting* to me.
Let's not get into any territory where children are involved. People sexualizing Amiya in my inbox was bad enough.
Saria + Doctor is really interesting to me because her talk lines and appearance in Dorothy's Vision demonstrate the existence of a lot of trust and professional respect between the two, but Saria's also one of the few characters that actually treats the Doctor as a peer or near-peer (allowing for the restrictions of Rhodes Island's corporate hierarchy) and can stand toe-to-toe with them in pretty much any arena where they specialize. Doc is an accomplished research and medical practitioner? So is Saria. Doctor is a skilled and intelligent leader on the battlefield? So is Saria. Doctor has experience with corporate politicking? So has Saria. They have a ton in common and the rare opportunity to connect with a (rough) intellectual equal. There is really so much to explore with them.
Given that Indra's files say she supposedly embodies the ideals of chivalry better than most of the actual titled knights of Kazimierz, I am desperate to see her and Nearl interact, or would be if I felt more Nearl content was a good thing
I really want to see the Penguin Logistics folks and related characters interact with Rhodes Island, because there are a lot of textual indicators that they work more closely with Rhodes Island on a more frequent basis than we really see in the story (Texas in particular served as the Doctor's bodyguard often enough for it to make a positive impression). I want to see someone explain Rhodes Island's 401(k) matching policy to Lappland.
Honestly, I'd like to know more about the Glasgow Gang in general, but the story chapters they feature in will still be releasing at a rate of one a decade when I die of old age, so I've kind of given up hope on that
I like seeing Bagpipe and Ch'en play off each other. Ch'en needs someone who doesn't take her too seriously.
More Nearl Family content would be great except it wouldn't.
I want to see Schwarz again. It feels like the narrative forgot she existed after the Rainbow Six crossover. Would love to see how she interacts with other characters
I want to see post-Stultifera Navis Laurentina making friends and just chilling or getting into trouble because this shark is a mischievous little brat
All of Gavial's interactions with the Acahualla gang are funny as hell
I want to see more of the funny stuff Logos apparently gets up to in his spare time
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If I remember correctly you said that your favorite Naruto pairings are with Ino and Anko. Unless I remember it wrong (which I might have) what makes you like pairing them with Naruto? Especially more than some like Hinata and Sakura?
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Hmm. How to put this. I can appreciate the appeal of NaruHina, given what a nice girl Hinata is, always watching Naruto from afar and cheering him on. I'm not opposed to that dynamic, nor NaruSaku if Sakura improves as a character...
However, I'm one of those people that if a ship doesn't hit me in the feels, like with NagiKae (Assassination Classroom), or Naezono, I tend to gravitate towards... crackships. Why? 'Cause I like those female characters, whether it be their abilities or their personalities. In the case of Ino and Anko, it's both. Ino can use Mind Transfer Jutsu, which is unique, and she matures as the series progresses. Anko prefers a mix of traditional stealthy ninja arts and snakes, and she's a loveable sadistic psycho lady. What's not to love about the psycho? (❋•‿•❋) Ino and Anko both get forced to the background as the series progresses, and it's really just a shame. Of course you have central characters to any story, but I think it's possible for any garden variety fan to take a step back from the series and admit that as Shippuden progressed, Naruto and Sasuke were focused on way too much. Again, I appreciate they're important... But you can have important characters and still give moments for the others to shine. Shippuden just had less and less of those. Many, many side characters were sacrificed for "plot".
In terms of Hinata and Sakura... Well. I'll be as frank yet delicate as I can. Hinata's a lovely character, but I think one weakness of how they portray her is that she's hung up on Naruto. She cares for others, especially her team, but so much of her interest and focus is on... Naruto. And again, it's fine to have a most important person in your life, I'm not critiquing that. I only wish we were shown... more of her. Shown her grow out of this mindset where her father ruled much of her life, and she gains a sense of.. self. I dunno, feel free to disagree, that's just why I'm not over the moon for Hinata. She's cute, strong, cares a lot... It's just that with Naruto and Sasuke being a focus for much of Shippuden, Hinata doesn't get fleshed out like many characters deserve to be.
... And Sakura. Ugh... I'll restrain myself from a SakuSasu rant monologue, but seriously. Ships like SasuSaku and Jerza are a pain in the ass to watch and read. That's just me. Sakura had... potential, I suppose. Someone from a civilian family amongst a class of clan heirs. But... she endeavored to be a ninja, and then got caught up in a bratty rivalry with Ino as kids. Honestly? That was alright. That wasn't the worst possible thing. They were kids, and they wound up reconciling during the Chunin Exams. Unfortunately... On Sakura's side, her hatred of Ino and the reason for the rivalry was just so... shallow. Yes, they both swooned and fell hard for a boy, but at least Ino worked in her family's flower shop. At least Ino took training to be a ninja seriously. Sakura...? She was the one more obsessed with becoming a housewife and being strong for "Sasuke-kun". Her obsession with Sasuke drove her to treat Naruto and other rivals for Sasuke's heart like dirt, and it didn't feel like she made too much of an effort in reparations towards Naruto or Ino. They all just... sort of moved on, stayed friends, what have you. Even though Naruto wound up holding himself to a promise of dragging Sasuke back to Konoha, and Sakura really only cared about Sasuke coming back (and later she had a phase of, "I must kill Sasuke before he goes too dark!" and backpedaled on that). I get that she's a medic and she is strong in having Tsunade-level strength, it's just Sakura doesn't get many moments to shine, and much like Hinata her affection towards Sasuke regardless of what he does feels so... one-dimensional. At least to me. I want to be a passionate NaruSaku shipper. It's helluva lot healthier than SasuSaku, at least in how I've seen it portrayed. But man... it's hard to get behind NaruSaku when you sit through canon and stew over Sakura focusing on Sasuke so much. You can argue Naruto makes a good effort to convey his feelings for her through his actions, but from Sakura's side it's shallow or feels it needs to be cooked more. They're teammates, the dynamic should be there... But it just feels like Naruto's the third wheel along for the ride on Team 7. It sucks. XD
I'll end this long-winded rant by stressing that I don't hate NaruHina or NaruSaku. I'm aware of the rivalry between those two shipping fandoms, and I'm one of those fans that concedes the possible merits of both ships. ... But I do enjoy other female characters over them, hence it's more fun for me to dabble in NaruIno, NaruAnko, NaruTayuya, NaruKurotsuchi, NaruSamui, NaruShizune, NaruAyame... Hell, I'm open to NaruGuren and NaruMikoto. I've read some good NaruMikoto time travel fics, and I have ways of enjoying these ships with older girls that keep these ships from edging into pedophile territory. In the case of these crackships, I'm not basing them off of any canon hints of romance. I create the connections myself and let the imagination fly~ That's just who I am. (❋•‿•❋)
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Credit to @shinobisage09 for the card! :3
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thesilverlady · 11 months
(a bit of rant) the Hypocrisy is truly the only thing that destroyed my enjoyment of hotd/f&b people take the whole team thing waaay to seriously as if we're rooting for footballs teams and not an interesting story that could be analyzed and interpret in many ways . not to talk about the moral police who attack you for enjoying problematic characters\ships but also go in their way to enjoy other problematic characters\ships. like the asoiaf fandom was become waaay worse than it used to be after GOT s7\s8 for some reason
I completely get it and I'm sorry they sucked the enjoyment out of you.
I'll admit I used to get frustrated over some people who would say "it's just color wars" or "they all suck so pick a fav criminal and move on" 'cause in my mind that meant they didn't understand or appreciate the story told from the book but after taking some time offline and touching some grass, I came to the conclusion that while I can't and shouldn't push my interpretations onto others I also don't have to put up with terrible takes I see.
I'll admit the fandom has become an extremely unwelcoming space: side 1: are the book purists who while I 100% can sympathize with wanting a faithful adaptation, I've often see them treating others like shit over crackships and toxic pairs, as if the entirely of asoiaf isn't built on that. The truth is they don't really care about "problematism" they just hate seeing a character they like being (what they consider to be) misinterpreted by others in fan content like fics, headcanon and arts etc.
Again I sympathize because I used to feel the same for another fandom (the grisha trilogy) but holding onto these feelings can only make you feel miserable. The two healthy solutions I've found are: either move on or create content you want to see - because I guarantee there will be others who want to see the same thing you do
side 2: show viewers who don't care about the book (which is valid. you can't force someone to read or becoming invested in the lore) but will also lose their mind over canon discussions because it doesn't match up with the version that exist in the showverse so that leads them to interpret the rest of the fandom as whining and lacking joy because "it's not that deep" and "why can't you just enjoy this"
side 3: is a mixed of both, which i consider the worst bunch because there's no victory with them. You show too much love for the book? Then you automatically hate the cast and you're -ist -obic. You love the show? Have you written 10 think pieces a day and support what is commonly accepted for the characters by the fandom? Because if you haven't you're a fake. You like a single green character despite not supporting their side of the war? You're obviously a misogynist. You ship non-canon ships? you're deranged. You ship canon ships? you're problematic and an apologist.
the way I've come to treat asoiaf as a whole (including f&b/hotd side) is how I treat the star wars fandom (which consists of a similiar toxic fanbase):
a) don't. enter. discourses.
you'll never change anyone's mind and they'll never change yours. Only enter an argument if the person gives normal sanity vibes or is a friend and won't have a problem if you two have different opinions on something
b) treat it as a solo thing.
The way I view this account is basically. I throw a ball at a wall and maybe someone will hear the noise and come play with me. Can it lonely? Sure. But it pays off when someone sees the earning signs I've left on this account and still decides to interact on their own
c) Be the person you want to interact with
This one can be hard because emotions always have a way to get in the way, but try to be someone you'd want to hang out in a fandom. In the past, I've gotten asks that say even though they don't agree with some of my interpretations about the characters they feel welcome here in regards of "teams". That's something I've been aiming for myself.
Anyways as to recent fandoms have become a bit of a nightmare with hypocrisy obsessive need for censorship and morality lessons as well as the quest of ending "romanticization" of anything, it has become a struggle for many. Try to combat it if you're willing because there are definitely other people other there who feel exactly the way you do.
Otherwise, a pause for personal space and to take care of yourself is never bad. In the end, I hope you can re-find some enjoyment for this fandom and if you ever need to vent more about it my asks & dms are open and judgement-free ♥
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childofaura · 1 year
Do you ship characters in FE? If so, what are your top 10?
Oh GOSH I honestly don't know if I can boil it down to a top 10, given how Awakening and Fates are practically structured around shipping, it'll be hard to narrow it down. But I'll try, and I'll add some honorable mentions at the end (including my crackship 3Hopes shipping of F!Shez and Miklan).
Ryoma and Orochi. This support was honestly so endearing to me, as Orochi had a genuine desire to see Ryoma smiling and being happy. And Ryoma found solace in spending his time with Orochi, plus their S-Support is just so goofy and cute. The fact that they both bond over Mikoto too is just what makes the support. Also funny enough, I definitely see Shiro's physical design having both traits of Ryoma and Orochi, like how his hair is spiky in the back like Ryoma's, but has that bang curve like Orochi's.
Kellam and Olivia. These two were MADE for each other, the woman who hates to be seen and the man who can't be seen by anyone. I think it's sweet how Kellam slips things into her belongings and when it comes to the S-rank, it's all the more adorable. And the SIZE DIFFERENCE, she's tiny and dainty and he's just armored out the wazoo.
Manuela and Seteth. The support starts off funny enough, but there's just something about their dynamic that really ignites the chemistry these two seem to have, moreso than Hanneman and Manuela (in my opinion). Seteth is strict and more distant while Manuela is carefree and comfortable, and I think it brings out interesting sides in both (such as Seteth offering to go drinking with her and Manuela sharing her story about hearing Rhea singing). Also because Manuela and Flayn's support is also incredibly adorable, Manuela would make a great step-mother for Flayn with how well she treats her.
Leo and Charlotte. Everybody likes pairing Xander and Charlotte more most of the time, but I think what's wonderful about Leo's support with Charlotte is how he validates her feelings and praises her power while knowing how unfair it is that people would treat her lesser for being strong. Plus I like the dynamic of smaller, slender Leo being carried by his powerhouse of a wife Charlotte. And I also think that it makes Charlotte's support with Forrest very sweet because she knows what it's like to be seen by others as abnormal.
Hortensia and Fogado. I've explained it numerous times before, but this one I see as more a friendship set while they're both teens that ends up turning into feelings when they're adults and meet each other again. Basically the story idea (that I WILL write someday, I swear!) I have is that Hortensia, at 19 or 20 years old, is an advisor and a diplomat to Ivy during the recovery of Elyos and its nations, but feels unfulfilled by all the bureaucratic work as she feels it's not making as much of a difference to the smaller towns and villages of Elusia; she discloses a lot of this to Rosado. Rosado in turn writes to Fogado detailing some of these laments, in a request for him to come to Elusia in a surprise visit to take Hortensia out on some Sentinel-style missions for the Elusians. They do, in which not only does Hortensia feel like she's finally doing some direct worthwhile good for the Elusians, but also starts catching serious feelings for Fogado as they're working together and when she finally admits this, it actually shocks Fogado because he'd NEVER think someone would seriously fall for him like that with all his playful flirting. Romance happens, blah blah blah, they get married, and they alternate Sentinel work in both Solm and Elusia. The end.
Panne and Lon'qu. This one is definitely one of those ships that just fits like a puzzle piece for me; both have some serious trauma that they carry around, to the point where both of them are afraid of being near each other. But then they both open up and share their vulnerability, to which I think makes it an extra sweet ship. Plus I like Lon'qu's "Taguel or not, you're just the woman I love." And also, as someone once pointed out, it's hilarious when Yarne has two of Awakening's biggest hard-asses as parents.
Sylvain and Mercedes. Holy SHIT these two are perfect for each other. It was super hard for me to really click with shipping some of the students, but Sylvain and Mercie are set up so perfectly for each other. Sylvain talks to Mercie very honestly, without the usual overabundance of flirting, and Mercie treats him very sweetly, which I think kind of nurses the wounds of his trauma with Crests since she knows that pain as well. Plus their joking about "crest babies" always makes me laugh.
Gregor and Cordelia. Finding Cordelia a support where she DOESN'T keep fawning over Chrom is super rare, and pairing her with Gregor is, to me, one of the actually fulfilling ships she has. Especially after Gregor admits to himself that he fell in love with Cordelia, but knows (at least he thinks he does) that she's not interested in him. So when she DOES come back to him and admit her feelings, it's so satisfying watching him getting flustered and watching Cordelia explain that she lost her feelings for Chrom when she realized that Gregor was supporting her this whole time. And I feel like Gregor makes the best father for Severa.
Elise and Laslow. HRNNNGH THE SWEETNESS OF THIS SHIP. Elise is so bouncy and happy and warm, and the way that she pulls Laslow into making the dance game is adorable. But I think the biggest (and also kind of saddest) part of the ship that makes it for me is when Elise asks why Laslow would fall in love with her, because she's not curvy or busty like Camilla is. And Laslow just replies that she's her own woman and it's the qualities about HER that he loves, not someone else. These two would be happy with each other for a LONG time.
Camilla and Odin. I know I complain about Camilla, but that's mostly from a FEH perspective. I actually really like her character, and her support with Odin is one of the good reasons why. She's not rude or derogatory or put-off by Odin's eccentricities, but rather she's patient and kind and even encouraging to him. In their A-Support where she talks about her identity, I think that's a big thing for both of them because she, as an illegitimate princess, doesn't really fully grasp her place in the Nohrian noble hierarchy, but the identity of her armor helps solidify HER identity. And identity is a huge thing for Odin, he has to keep his a secret from everyone. Also it's sad because Odin himself knows how annoying he comes off as, and even tells Camilla that he's ready to hear her rejection and is shocked when she reciprocates his feelings. Oh and you CAN'T tell me that Camilla isn't a perfect mother for Ophelia. I adore their mother-daughter relationship.
So yeah, I'd say those are mostly my top 10 that I can think of. I know for a fact that I'll be crying later over some big ones I probably forgot, but for now these ones are the big ones. Some special mentions are Hinoka and Silas (because I think their ship potential is vast but their actual support was kind of disappointing. Both of them became knights to find Corrin again, and all they talk about is... Nohrian/Hoshidan relationships), Vaike and Sully, Azura and Subaki, Chrom and Sumia, and Frederick and Miriel. Oh, and also every one of my self-ship/Avatar ships, which is Priam, Shura, Dedue, and Zelkov. Also in FEH, it's a little weird but I ship Ross from Sacred Stones with Flayn, I have my reasons. And finally, as I mentioned above, my F!Shez and Miklan ship.
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chaos0pikachu · 11 months
1, 2, 4, and 16 for the salty ask game?
lemme grab some water to wash down this salt, okay
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
tbh there aren't a lot of ships where I don't get at least why people ship them but we're not here for nuance we're here for salt
MDZS I do NOT understand why Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén is SO FUCKING POPULAR like their fanart will be on my Insta feed. They talk all of like twice in the tv show and I don't think at all in the novel but they're more popular than LXC/NMJ or LXC/JGY I don't even ship the former pair but that one at least makes SENSE.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
I really had to think on this and I don't think so? There's fandom OTPs that I think have no romantic chemistry but I wouldn't say I BroTP them so much as I think their story is either mid as fuck or they just don't have chemistry.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
I'm to lazy to have outright NoTP's like I can't fucking stand Sterek, or Klance which I know are big general fandom OTPs but I was only in the Teen Wolf fandom for like 2 seasons before tapping out b/c I was fighting homophobia and racism from the fandom AND the show? I think the fuck not. Voltron I just watched the show but the fandom was so fucking LOUD and Klance is a crackship with the worst fans. Also Klaine from glee I started shipping them and they became awful
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Okay now THIS I can answer so:
Moonlight Chicken - I'd recast Wen and Jim, Earth is to freaking young to play a man in his 40s, I like the idea of him being Wen actually and someone like Peter Knight playing Uncle Jim cause Peter can actually be called Uncle believably. I'd also cut that Gaipa/Alan bit at the end it's unnecessary and felt fan service-y
Only Friends - Get rid of all the annoying slut shaming, have Mew and Ray have sex but it's bad sex so the narrative can actually examine why they don't work as a couple, given Top some god damn development, give Boston some nuance, treat revenge porn as seriously as the show treats alcoholism, do a more thorough exploration of sex (bad sex, good sex, kink, discussions of open and poly relationships) give the lesbians something to fucking do
Glee - to much to fucking list but in my world Klaine wouldn't have gotten married they wouldn't even have gotten engaged they would have both realized high school romances don't last, they outgrew each other, remained friends and both got new love interests as adults. Chris clearly hated playing that storyline by the end and it showed.
The Glory - had the doctor kill someone! I was promised carnage from him!! I was salty he didn't even lightly stab somebody. Also a poly ending with him, Moon, and the hot daddy business man
KBLs - this is a more general change but make them just a tiny bit longer just a bit
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rumpsalt · 3 years
Please tell me about your Plastic Man x Riddler crackship. Please, I never knew I needed this.
of course!
It originally stemmed from this pannel from the 2018 Plastic Man comics where Plas works at a strip club:
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So I, naturally figured "this is silly, what if I made them interact"
but then the more I looked into their characters I noticed the more that they kind of complimented one another, in personality and traits. them being two characters that were never really ever given substantial love interests that cared about them, I immediately latched onto the idea of the two of them. Superficially with this "complimentary" thing, I thought it was a funny coincidence that their suit colour schemes are complimentary. Red and green. Yellow and purple.
if we move on to the personalities/ story lines:
- both have been known to do detective work & with Eel's criminal background and Ed's skill for private investigator type jobs, it's a big potential bonding point
- sometimes Eel is easily impressed, or at least expresses awe more freely & Edward absolutely loves having his ego stroked, Eel would do that constantly
- in most "rehabilitation" comics with Ed, he's often babysat and not taken seriously, but Eel isn't someone that'd treat him that way
- both are eccentric in their actions & expressions of self and I think that'd blend nicely
- they both have generally pathetic love lives and I think it'd be funny to see them fumble around each other
- in most situations (the 2018 Plas comic mostly) Eel denies himself worthy of being with someone because of what he's done & who he was in the past, but with Eddie, he still may feel that way but it doesn't really matter because they've both done bad things and deserve one another & can potentially hold one another in line at least to an extent
- between Plastic Man's constant dumb jokes & puns and the Riddler's riddles I just feel like they'd click
- this one's kinda loose, but I feel like their relationship wouldn't be inhibiting at all to either of them, because Eel really wouldn't care what Eddie does unless people are getting hurt and Ed's (mostly) a fairly harmless villian + even if he's a "hero" Eel's more of a vigilante, and he's still greedy, and you know that if money's involved in something he's gonna end up stealing some just because that's who he is
- they're both clearly bisexual, come on
also to add, not really a reason I've come to ship them, but I have a little headcanon that Eel would buy Eddie a bunch of little puzzle and riddle books, like sudoku, crosswords, cryptograms & forensic mysteries and such, and Eddie really appreciates the gesture, but he flies through them like crazy
for the most part that's what I based them off of ! it's kinda hard to get my exact thoughts to words, and not all of them are there, but in general that's what it is!
I'm sorry it's so long & I infodumped so much, but, truly thank you for asking!! I appreciate it & I'm glad to hear you like it ! 😁👍
If you have any more questions, I'm open to answering/explaining :)
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Ick, where are all of these Jonsa’s coming from?  I’ve had to delete another person from the ASOIAF tag for the third day in a row because they were idiotic Jonsa’s who actually think Jonsa is going to happen instead of treating it like the crackship it is and just having fun with the concept of it.  We are literally overrun with Jonsa’s and toxic Stansa’s.  It’s honestly unreal.  And maybe if these Jonsa’s considered Jonsa as just a fun concept to explore, and the Stansa’s actually liked book canon Sansa I’d be completely fine with whoever posted in the main tags about these ships and characters, but they aren’t.  These are the same people who bullied other fans of other characters and ships into submission until we got tired of their bullshit.  Like I don’t even understand Jonsa being a concept people take seriously.  IT DOESN’T EVEN HAVE SUBTEXT and it’s not even being baited by anyone.  Like I’ve shipped my fair share of ships back in the day that basically only existed because of romantic subtext and baiting by the writers and actors and story, etc. but this is a whole ‘nother ballgame.  Like you can’t even point to any type of subtext OR baiting when it comes to Jonsa because it’s non-existent.  It’s honestly fucking ridiculous that people treat it as a legit part of the story when most of their “foreshadowing” is only dependent on Jon and Arya’s relationship.  It’s sad, and it really goes to show the absolute disarray and failure the education system is when it comes to English and literature.  Reading comprehension?  Where?  And honestly I’m sick to death of being bombarded with Jonsa’s and toxic Stansa’s on a daily basis, and I freaking despise Sansa as a character explicitly because of their bullshit behavior.
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im feeling nostalgic for ye olde days of the lorien legacies fandom so
A Non-Conprehensive List of Things We All Did In The Lorien Legacies Fandom c.2014
• Everyone followed each other because the fandom was small but active.
• Counting to 10 but skipping the number 5 because he's not part of the squad we all hate him
• Hating the movie
• Scoffing at the much more popular Divergent series because "our Four is better..."
• Everyone had same faceclaims and none of them were actual teenagers. Marina was Nina Dobrev or nothing.
• People haaaaaaated Sarah. A lot.
• John/Sarah vs John/Six vs Sam/Six vs Nine/Six vs Nine/Ella
• But no-one argued with Marina/Eight #Navrina
• Yeah why were we all okay with Nine/Ella??? Sure we all "aged her up" and wrote stories that were set 10 years in the future but come on now
• Everyone loved Devektra and Sandor
• Especially that one swiftie who stanned Devektra like no-one else and soon everyone was using Taylor Swift as their Devektra faceclaim
• "All the other girls want a boy like John or Nine, but I want an Eight ;)" Again I reiterate that this was c.2014. Also Eight was still described as a hot boy with abs so...
• Wait a good number of people used <8 instead of <3
• Marina=Elsa
• Everyone was CERTAIN that book 6 was gonna be called "Return of Eight" but then it wasn't and we were all mad
• People started falling off around Revenge of Seven becauseit was noticeably worse than the others :(
• Stanley the cat was everyone's favourite Chimaera :)
• And there were a TONNE of crackship brotp fics/fanart about Nine and Stanley
• No, seriously, a group of people organised ship weeks and there was a Ninely ship week
• They also held a poll to determine what their official ship name would be and my suggestion, Ninely, won... my legacy I guess?
• Haha legacy
• Okay speaking of legacies there was a surprising lack of oc's and self-inserts...
• Like they existed, there were a hundred different fics called I Am Number Eleven, but not as much as you would have thought
• Also a surprising lack of queer headcanons? I can't think of any popular gay ships. John/Nine was kinda treated like a crackship but I think Sam/Adam had a decent following. Not nearly as popular as Sam/Six or Adam/One, but still
• WAIT NO Pittacus Lore/Setrakus Ra was the most popular same sex ship!!!! It was mostly a crackship but there were also a lot of people who were genuinely invested!
• Idk why or who started it but everyone called Setrakus Ra "Mousetraps" pls tell me people still do that
• There was so much speculation about who Pittacus reincarnated was. Most popular were John, Marina, Ella and, controversially, Five.
• It ended up being John, right? I didn't read the last two books and I probably never will someone tell me if it was John.
All-in-all it was a super fun fandom!! Because it was so small and we were so passionate it felt really friendly and I hope that everyone currently active in the fandom is having as much fun with it!!
Yours sincerely,
the user formerly known as loricmeerkat78
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I know it's been said before buy I just have to say I know the whole demetri and yasmine plot was just so that all the gay undertones of the rivalry and obsession and tension between Demtri and hawk could be easily overlooked
Lololol Anon you’re not even WRONG
Once they yeeted Moon out of the picture the writers were like “Oh shit, better No Homo it again!!!”
I guess in the writer’s (very feeble) defense, they DID set it up kinda, by having Demetri be like “Wow!!! I’d love to have Yasmine spit in my face!!!” and then very atrociously trying to hit on her at the beach party. But I thought his sorta-crush on her was just supposed to be like...comic relief??? Like “haha look at this nerdy guy being hot for this sexy popular chick he’ll never, ever get, isn’t it good memes???” I mean, him coming on to her at the party and just FAILING at every level was so incredibly funny BECAUSE of how much someone like her was just...never going to go for a dude like that in a million years. Like I thought that was the whole joke??? And Cobra Kai seems a bit more realism-leaning than some teen shows in how the teenagers actually act, so I figured from that angle it was gonna be the trope of “nerdy guy into hot popular bitchy girl” set up...but then, Reality Ensues, and she’s not only not remotely interested, but mildly to moderately disgusted at the idea. And that’s the comedy of it.
So yeah, after Season 1, I thought we were done with that whole arc, and it was literally just like...a joke “love” subplot to balance out the more serious relationship difficulties Miguel was having at the time. But now...Yasmine’s back, I guess??? And she apparently did a full 180 and is sorta nice now and went through a bunch of Character Development offscreen, none of which we got to see? So I GUESS her and Demetri were hinted to eventually become a thing, just like...very, very poorly. And in “hints” I assumed we were in no way meant to take seriously at all.
But yeah, the Yasmine/Demetri thing DOES seem kinda thrown in last-minute, given how finished that arc felt back in s1. And we only ever really get to see Yasmine when she’s interacting with Demetri, so it really feels like she was only brought back to be his love interest, which like...VERY weird flex, Cobra Kai writers, but okay :/
It IS incredibly sus how much time and energy Hawk and Demetri devote to their rivalry in particular, rather than like...idk, moving on with their lives??? Just ignoring each other and doing their own things, now that they are officially no longer bros and are in different friend circles, etc etc? Like they go OUT OF THEIR WAY to fuck with each other when they could just like...chill and move on. Like Demetri, a socially-awkward dude with limited people skills, works up the balls to get onstage and roast Hawk in front of an entire partyful of peers. Hawk SEARCHES THROUGH AN ENTIRE SCHOOL to hunt down Demetri at the school fight. Hawk goes up to Demetri on the first damn day back at school just to GLARE at him ominously (which I also just realized is RIGHT after some freshman girls give Demetri moony looks as they pass--jealous much???) Later on, Hawk coulda ignored Demetri and finished eating lunch with his Cool New Friends, but instead he goes out of his damn way to bust Demetri’s project and then come over and roast him about it. Demetri then eagerly goes over and reciprocates said roasting and spends that entire fucking soccer game tryna screw with Hawk in particular. They fricken almost IMMEDIATELY go for each other in the Golf N Stuff fight, IIRC. Really, they devote more time and energy to each other and their Rivalry™️ than either does to like...any other character? Like are Eli’s thoughts 90% “what’s the next thing I can do to fuck with Demetri?” Are Demetri’s thoughts 90% “what’s the next thing I can do to fuck with Eli?” Because like...I just don’t think obsessing over another man that much, even in a negative context...is very straight XD
There’s also the fact that their arcs are WAY more intertwined with each other’s than ANY girl either of them dates or interacts with. I mean ffs, Moon dumped Hawk BECAUSE of how he treated Demetri--even Hawk’s supposed Straight Romantic Subplot™️ ties directly back into Demetri! And the only reason Demetri joins Miyagi-Do at ALL and doesn’t just like...fade into the background in Season 2 is to show HAWK SPECIFICALLY that he can “fight back.” And later we have DEMETRI being the one to make Hawk realize he’s gone too far with Cobra Kai (i.e. his guilt after breaking Demetri’s arm) and ultimately being the catalyst that makes Hawk SWITCH SIDES! I honestly think every major point of development for both characters directly involves the other in some way--you could even argue Eli initially becomes “Hawk” in part because Demetri quits Cobra Kai, and isn’t around to stick up for him anymore--so he has to find another way to protect himself from bullying. Even their sense of “dojo rivalry” is mostly just about each other--Hawk’s animosity toward Miyagi-Do lowkey seems to stem almost entirely from Demetri in particular joining it and “betraying” him, while Demetri’s animosity toward Cobra Kai basically entirely comes from Cobra Kai taking Eli away from him. I literally like...cannot think of a single thing in either of their developments that doesn’t tie into the other in a major way. 
Like to put it plainly, Moon and Yasmine feel like a single step in each of the boys’ character journeys--a single turning point to spur them in a certain direction. But Demetri and Hawk just...ARE each other’s character journeys. They’re not a step for the other to discover something about themself or get pushed in a certain direction--they just ARE the entire arc for each other, if that makes any sense. Like you could argue BOTH Demetri and Eli/Hawk’s arcs like 90% center on how to navigate their relationship when Eli gains confidence and their interests diverge and they no longer need each other the way they used to. Like??? Name ONE aspect of either of their arcs that doesn’t tie directly into their undying gay love friendship in some way??? It’s INCREDIBLY integral to both their stories and is just...SO much more compelling to watch than either of them making out with hot girls at parties or in the hallway. And them repairing their relationship and/or evolving it as needed, realizing that they love each other too much to let one another go, even if they’re both somewhat different after everything??? And realizing it’s a romantic kinda undying love they’re feeling, because really, what good reason is there for it NOT to be??? We HAVE enough male characters in media already with strictly platonic/brotherly friendships, why not just let two male characters with a compelling story, a strong prior friendship, and REALLY good romantic chemistry just like...be gay??? It feels natural, it’s a good ending to their arc, it feels narratively satisfying in a “Finally having the ‘will they or won’t they’ couple get together” kinda way...why not do it??? It makes ALL the damn sense and would be incredibly thematically interesting and SATISFYING, but y’all writers are COWARDS DAMMIT
Just gonna make that crack ship from Season 1 canon so we can prove that Demetri isn’t gay, no sir??? No Homo my guy??? We can only have one (1) LGBT character per television show, or the “traditional values” viewers will come for us???
Pre Season 3 I honest to god was hoping that part of Demetri’s arc, if he ran into Yasmine again, would be him realizing that he could honestly do better than someone that bitchy and vile, and having enough self-respect to just...lose interest in someone who’s going to push him around, act like he’s beneath her, and talk smack about his friends the second she thinks they’re “lame.” Maybe it isn’t too late though, and we’ll see this in Season 4? Here’s to hoping, because I am going to THROW HANDS if this fricken pairing is ENDGAME endgame. Like...what even do these people have in common, besides getting wedgies??? Do they even have like...any of the same interests??? At all??? How are they going to build a lasting relationship off of...both having gotten a wedgie? And being mean to people sometimes, I guess?
Like, sure. Let them date for a bit--they’re horny teens, they’re prone to jumping into relationships for not exactly the most deep and meaningful reasons. Physical attraction, teenage horniness, and raging hormones are no joke. So sure, I can see them having a fling solely because they both think the other’s hot. But you wanna tell me they’d LAST??? No SIR, I must inform you I Do Not Buy it.
(Tfw you meant to do a short ask making memes about what a crackship Demetri/Yasmine was in Season 1 and you ended up having WAY too much to say about All The Things and now it’s 3 am and you’re typing like a madman. I probably cycled back across the same 5 points like 5 times each because it’s late and I’m not thinking straight, I apologize.)
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hellmry · 5 years
Why do most sasusaku fans crack ship Sakura but then bash assume crackships like sasuhina? Why does almost every single ss shipper ship Sakura with someone else but never Sasuke? No wonder most sasuke fans can’t stand sasusaku fans and sasusaku is like 98% only Sakura fans.
well, I don’t know who you’re talking about but I can only speak for myself and maybe other mutuals/friends I have in the sasusaku fandom, that I know a little better.
I’ve yet to see someone seriously attacking sasuhina just because it’s crack, I only saw people fighting because some crackshippers don’t want to accept their ship is crack and start treating their headcannons as “facts”, putting other shippers down. Not to say all sasusaku shippers are innocent, I admit we have some questionable people too, but the fighting mostly starts because crackshippers start to twist canon facts from the databooks and manga and pick fights with ‘canon’ shippers.
Sometimes people tend to turn sour on a character or a ship, not because of the idea of the ship itself, but because their supporters are just not nice people to be around, which is true for both sides. I won’t start pointing fingers because every side is guilty of something.
Tbh, yes I’m mostly a Sakura fan and I see nothing wrong with it. I don’t ship sasusaku because I’m a Sakura fan, I ship ss because I like their dynamic, history, chemistry and their relationship. That’s the reason why I ship other Sakura crackships, because I like their ‘would-be-dynamic’ and chemistry. You make it sound like there is a causal connection between being a Sakura and a sasusaku fan, but there is not. There are Sakura fans who ship her with someone else and don’t like sasusaku. Some people like both characters of the ship, some only like one of it, I’ve even seen people who don’t necessarily like both of them but still liked their dynamic and “love story”.
I don’t socialize with people who bash other ships just for the sole reason of being “crack” in general. I admit I’ve probably done some questionable stuff in the past as well considering I’ve been on this hellsite since I was in high school, but I’m 25 now, I had time to reflect, think about what I said and did and changed in my behaviour what I didn’t like or doesn’t align with my morals and principals. I rarely get into online fights and definetly don’t ‘bash’ other ships if their shippers leave me and my friends alone, since I’m a strong believer in ‘ship want you want to ship just don’t get on my nerves’.
I don’t even know why I got this message, maybe because I reblogged a KisaSaku piece earlier that I liked, to support a fellow artist regardless of what they ship. If you wanted to complain about toxic sasusaku fans, start a fight or call a sasusaku fan out for shipping crackships, this was the wrong message box, honey. Don’t waste your and my time and message the blogs which you actually have problems with.
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braxiatel · 5 years
Salty Asks: 17 and 21 for Gallifrey
Warning: salty opinions ahead
17: Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Hmm okay. I think there’s a few things I might change. The one I’ll at now is Leela getting yeeted into the vortex in TW1. It was... I’ve said it before, as many people have, Gallifrey is Romana and Leela’s story. Sure I want there to be a real risk for the characters, it’s just less interesting to me when they’re not both there. I did appreciate that there was a focus on finding Leela, but [time war 3 spoilers ahead] I just didn’t like how the conclusion of that was them meeting up, arguing a bit, and Romana then being... written out I guess is how I’ll describe it. It just... I didn’t like that as a conclusion of that arc, and I wasn’t super happy with it to begin with
21: What are your thoughts on crack ships?
My thoughts in general are ship and let ship. Personally I don’t really have those because they’re not the kind of ships I’m about. I ship something when I think there’s an interesting connection I want to explore, and “it’s hilarious” just isn’t interesting to me.
As for crack ships in relation to gallifrey... well as I said it’s not really my thing and I don’t have any. I have seen one of my ships treated as crack (Braxiatel/Narvin) but like I don’t mind. I ship them seriously, I don’t require others to do so.
One crackship that gets talked about a lot is Narvin/Torvald and like... this is my personal opinion but I hard NOTP it. Torvald was a nazi. That’s enough that I’m not interested. I suppose if someone did it as a serious darkfic that got Narvin’s character right (specifically that s1 Narv is a dick who has a lot of prejudices but at his heart he’s still a good person) I could be convinced to read it. Probably still wouldn’t though.
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onionjulius · 5 years
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@victarionsglory replied to your post: [[MOR] @victarionsglory replied to your post ...
Same. I really enjoy crackships treated seriously, and I actually liked reading canon book fanfiction about those two a lonnnnnnngg time ago. But now, it’s just a case SI x most desirable man to you and it’s 99.9% show-based so it’s a big no. Also, Jonsa fans are always creating wank with their non existent reading comprehension skills. They also tend to be sexist and quite xenophobic, if not racist, so that’s not helping…
Anyway, just another day in the asoiaf fandom. Every night I pray for Winds to rekindle things
I doubt it’s most of them, I think most of any fanbase is probably just going about doing their own thing, but yes I have seen some of the arguments you’re referring to and like
it just underscores for me how the show did us all so dirty because if it’s even concievable at this point that the nativism argument floats, you have gone down the exact opposite of the right road. The fact that those fights can even be had is (was) such a bad sign. That’s part of why the way the show ended Dany’s story is so awful, it plays into this “Foreign woman is bringing us doom” shit.
But yeah, another day, lol. I actually have to still finish ADWD ... >.>
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virovac · 5 years
I really ,really don’t understand people who seriously ship characters where one successfully killed loved ones, friends or mentors  
And I don’t mean crackships, I mean they actually want that as endgame and think it would be somehow a good story.
This includes even reformed characters, or where neither was a villain, or where the conflict was morally gray.
It stinks heavily of the idea of treating romance as the most important type of relationship above all others, which I think is an awful sentiment.
(Not dissing a.u. stories here.)
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
Forever and april, if no one's beat me to it yet! You don't really strike me as the crack type, but I'm curious. ;D
Thanks for asking! :3
april: have you ever written and/or posted a crackfic?
Personally, I would say no. Because I absolutely LOATHE the term. Seriously. I don’t think there’s a term in fandom speak I hate more than crackship and crackfic. It’s so... disrespectful.
It means you’re not taking it seriously. And by calling a ship a crackship, you’re basically ridiculing people who do ship it. Writing fics about pairings you don’t even really ship and calling them crackships is... I legit don’t understand why someone would waste their time with doing such a thing and I find it personally offensive.
Seriously, that fic can look as intriguing as possible, but if the author deemed to tag it as a “crackfic”, I will not touch it. I do not appreciate that kind of attitude.
Just because it’s stupid and ridiculous to some doesn’t mean it actually is stupid and ridiculous. Some beautiful shiny rarepairs regularly get called “crackships” just because... what? The vast majority who are sheep and only follow the canon and mainstream ships can’t imagine it?
And if those people, with that attitude, write about it like “lol the ship’s ridiculous anyway so the fic’s ridiculous too and ‘I dunno what this is lmao’“... that actually, genuinely makes me mad. I’ve literally seen fics for ships I love tagged as crack and with additional tags like that ‘I dunno what this is lmao’ and shit and it makes me as the shipper actually feel offended.
So, no. I have never written a crackfic, because when I actually take the time outta my schedule to write a fic, I do it with care and dedication. I take it seriously, I write it because I like it and because it makes me happy and even in the rare instances where I wrote ships I don’t sail for other people, I still approached them with the utmost respect and the mindset of treating it like this is a legitimate ship, despite how ridiculous/weird it is to me personally.
(Well, that was a lotta venting. But I have strong feelings on this topic, as a person who has a lot of shiny rarepairs and is really fed up and tired with people making dumb posts and tags acting like my OTPs are ridiculous and ‘crack’... =_=)
forever: do you balance fic writing with original concept stuff?
Ahahahahahahaha. *hollering laughter*
*clears throat* I mean, I love “Written in the Stars”, my only original story I am currently working on, but... I... I gotta admit that for me a thriving force that makes me write are feedback and reviews.
Like, getting a shit-ton of comments on “How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful”? Immediately inspires me to sit down and write the next chapter.
With the original story, ah, let’s just say in recent chapters interest has gone back. And I gotta admit, I do link interest with quality. And my self-esteem onto that. :D”““
I do occasionally create worlds and characters for stories that will never be written - like, factually never written simply because the world-building and character-design are the most fun parts about creating own stories. And those, I guess I balance very well.
But the actual working on the story is... I... *shrugs awkward* I’m not too good at that, I guess? If people don’t pay much attention to it, neither will I, because I’m a bad person whose own interest is directly linked to the interest of others. *ducks head*
Fanfiction Questions Themed Around Time
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