#Dreyns Nelvayn
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Character Changes (OOC)
I’m removing Veabris from this blog. A character from that far in the past just doesn’t mesh well with the others.
In Veabris’s place I will be introducing Dreyns Nelvayn. Expect posts about this character soon.
Veabris will be moved to a new blog focused more on the far past of the Elder Scrolls and be more lore heavy as well. I will link to that blog when it is made. In the meantime, Veabris’s character page will still be up under https://tamrielschildren.tumblr.com/veabris.
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Dreyns in The Wayward Knight quest: “Farwil Indarys, I’m here to rescue you.”
Farwil sees:

#Dreyns flips his hair in slow-mo too#honestly this could be Nivon too#pooposting#my doodles#my meme#Dreyns Nelvayn
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Empowered for Dreyns!
I feel like there’s probably a few things that could fit, but here’s what came to mind first!
“The day I said ‘enough.’" Dreyns mutters as he takes another swig of Mazte. The liquid the only thing that would numbs his judgement enough to not trail off or reconsider if telling the tale the other waited for was what he really wanted.
"The Tong gave you your writs and you did them without question. Questioning meant you second guessed the Tong’s and Mephala’s will. Both of which were unacceptable.
"I don’t remember who’s name was on that last writ, but I knew he didn’t deserve it. I had my bow pointed at his chest but I couldn’t release that arrow, couldn’t send another to whatever waited for them on the other side. I flinched and purposefully missed my quarry; who, undoubtedly, ran from sight with his arms covering the vulnerable parts of his head.
"I left the Morag Tong after that. The writ was still valid, and most of me knows another who didn’t flinch took my place. But one can have a fool’s hope, yes?”
He swirled his drink before again pressing it to his lips. “That’s enough tales for today. Get back to your books, I’ll tell you about the Sigil Stones when you’re older.”
#Dreyns Nelvayn#answering asks#henantier#thank you I'm having so much fun fleshing him out#alcohol mention#morag tong
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may i kindly ask you all the oc questions?
Yes, yes you may.
Quick note: A few OCsI won’t mention by name and a few answers will be vague just as to not spoilanything. I have an entire fanversegoing on here.
-50 OC Asks-
Quick reference: Meri is the Hero of Kvatch. Arrais a Breton mage in Skyrim. Dreyns is a Dunmer assassin. Vitiais the Dragonborn. Sannit is an old, former Ashlander. Veabris is an Ayleid who’saround back before the First Era. Jaka is the Nerevarine. Estor isNot a Thalmor ™. Stigr is a proud Nord boi. La’Mihr is a smart kitty. One-Who-Knowsis yearning for the suburban Skyrim dream.
1. “Your first OCever?”
That would be proto Meri. She was really the first that grew into an actual character. She was also supposed to star in an Oblivionrewrite/webcomic/fanfic thing I drew like one page of years ago.
2. “Do you have a personal favouriteamong your OCs?”
I like different ones for different reasons! Arra’s dialogue and one-liners, Dreyns’swhole ark of getting old, Vitia’s philosophy, etc. etc.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Nope. And I’d neverconsider them mine. I handcraft them andbake them one-of-a-kind each time. Butmore seriously, the most I could take is an idea for a character, because Ialways like to twist things on their head and really make it my own. I don’t enjoy writing NPCs for thisreason. I can’t get in their head and myheadcanons get a bit much, so I’d rather just write for those I know.
4. “A character you rarely talk about?”
Tactus Gavros Sigilis! An inspector/investigator for the Empirein Skyrim.
5. “If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?”
I think that’s not really up to me. I can’t decide who fans will latch onto. I know who’s the most well-liked at thistime, but that’s no indicator of who would be well-loved by a much wideraudience. I’ll leave this one to my fans!
6. “Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?”
I do my best to give everyone unique looks andclothing/color schemes, but! There’sthree that got based on each other and aren’t the same but even I’m confusednow. I’ll make a separate post to breakit down.
7. “Are your OCs part of any story or stories?”
None of them exist outside of the Elder Scrolls universe,and I have yet to write fanfiction.
8. “Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!”
Currently Arra, Sannit, and Veabris. Though I think I’m game to RPing any of them,I already have a few more that I want to add to my RPing blog! (btw, if you like the idea of RPing with me,all you have to do is ask.)
9. “Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?”
No. Not give, nevergive. But that doesn’t mean they can’tappear in your writing/meta/art, just that it’s a crossover, you don’t own themjust like I don’t own yours when I allude to them in RPs. (Did I ever post that here?)
10. “Introduce an OC with a complicated design?”
All the ones I don’t draw, lol
Okay, more seriously…no, that’s pretty much why.
11. “Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a ‘sunshine’?”
100% Arra
12. “Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot”
Can I say all of them? My favorites are the ones who are woven into the lore and pre-existingcharacters, and ones that feel like real people and not just “ArgonainDragonborn #76”. I like the ones whotake it as seriously as me, and as I see people do, I feel more confident totalk about and expand them.
13. “Do you have any troublemaker OCs?”
Actually, not really. Dreyns, Jaka and Stigr can all be at times, though.
14. “Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory”
I want to legit change that to one without tragedy in theirbackstory because they’re all tragic…
15. “Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?”
Sometimes! But I trynot to go overboard because I’m not sure if people like it.
16. “Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?”
My Daedric biologist, I would imagine.
17. “Any OC OTPs?”
I’m not much of a shipper, honestly. And I really can’t think of any at themoment.
18. “Any OC crackships?”
Read 17.
19. “Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)”
I’ll pass on this one only because my answer would start gettingtoo personal for this ask.
20. “Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details(headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?”
Veabris has a beautiful singing voice that would sound agood deal like Annie Lennox. Actually,just listen to “Into the West” and you’re good to good. But you’ll never hear it because Vea is superself-conscious and private about singing.
21. “Your most artistic OC?”
You know, I think I overlook making them artistic justbecause I am. It would be too obvious. But let’s say Stigr and La’Mihr are.
22. “Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?”
In world or OOC? That’s a really important distinction! But Veabris’s intentions are usually misinterpreted.
23. “Introduce an OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what thecharacter would be like?”
Most of them! I workon them for a while until I feel they’re ready to be revealed. 24. “If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?”
Don’t do this to me!!!! Ahhhh I don’t know I love them all! But Jaka would probably be the most fun to hang out with? Then again, a day out with Sannit would begreat.
25. “The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, sharedlike/dislike for something etc?)”
26. “Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about themagainst your will?”
Arra and yes, I’m still bitter about it. I won’t get into it because I’d rather notmake posts like that, but if anyone would like to know feel free to message me.
27. “Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?”
Nah, they come about and the songs fit them after.
28. “Your most dangerous OC?”
Okay! So we haveMankar Camoran’s kid, Molag Bal’s Undying Champion, a lesser Daedric Prince anda double-memoried Godkiller. Have funwith that battle royal!
29. “Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at nightwithout telling anyone they’re going?”
Tactus Gavros Sigilis, it’s his literal job. Wait it’s Estor’s too. …And kinda Veabris’s. Well!
30. “Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animalcollection?”
It’s Dreyns. It’s soDreyns.
31. “Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like(what they reblog, layout, anything really)”
Sannit treats it like a regular website blog and only postsstories from his life or answers to asks. No reblogs and he doesn’t follow anyone.
Meri posts advanced DYI stuff and martial technique.
32. “Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonistand why?”
I don’t play horror games but I’m thinking Estor in creepy,culty fan theory version of Rorikstead. (Should I write this?)
33. “Your shyest OC?”
She’s so shy she won’t let me talk about her.
34. “Do you have any twin characters?”
Not yet!
35. “Any sibling characters?”
Yes but I won’t say just now. Spoilers!
36. “Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else(siblings, lovers, friends etc)?”
Not currently, but I’m not against doing it.
37. “Introduce an OC who is not quite human”
The Argonian, One-Who-Knows! He’s saving up money to buy a new fancy hat right now. Rock on, scaly bro!
38. “Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?”
I feel like it would be Vitia for some reason.
39. “Introduce any character you want!”
40. “Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!”
Writing “Arra’s Story” (An RP post). The power and emotion of it and the approvingly,emotionally shocked reactions of my fellow players made me realize I couldactually write good.
41. “Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or twohere (remember sources & permissions!)”
Here and here 😊
42. “Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?”
Daedric biologist person would be!
43. “Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend tofavour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess!”
We already found out I like investigators, is that my type?
44. “Something you like about your OCs in general”
I like how they all have gotten their own personality andidentity. It’s taken a lot of work, but Idon’t feel like personalities repeat anymore.
45. “A character you no longer use?”
I have a few in limbo. I’m not sure if they’re coming back or they’re
46. “Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?”
No. Only because Ihaven’t told them about all the bad things I’ve done to them in the first place.
47. “Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?”
Not yet, there’s still time.
48. “OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure?”
I think they call this a “hot take”, but in my opinion everyperson has flaws and depicting them otherwise is bad character writing. Like sure, they can be nice and all, but theystill topple the board over when they’re losing Risk (or Axis & Allies). Showing only one side of a character seriously,(not if it’s just for laughs) is boring to me. Where’s the growth? They don’teven need to have “flaws” per se. Whatif the “One True Hero to Save the World” is balled up on the floor crying tothemselves because they don’t think they’re strong enough? Hot take over and it’s probably little kidDreyns. (Which breaks hearts because hegrows up into something not pure.)
49. “Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes”
Arra would love meme songs like “SEAGULLS! (Stop ItNow)“He-man singing “What’s up?”, and “mmm whatcha say”. And Jaka would love reaction gifs and objectlabeling memes.
50. “Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want”
I wanna talk about how long it took to fill this out and howmany characters I resurrected from the darkest depths of my mind to completeit. You’re welcome. ♥
#answering asks#henantier#ily laurel thank you for supporting whatever it is I do here#sorry bout the wait#I didn't realize just how long 50 of something is#Arra#Meri Rendil#Dreyns Nelvayn#Stigr and Estor#sannit#tactus gs#Jaka Rul
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My boi!
01. Full name: Indarys Dreyns Nelvayn
02. Best friend: MeriRendil. He has never found a personquite like her since. She knew himbetter than anyone and accepted and forgave him every time he wronged. Her kindness forced him to become a betterperson, which he still struggles with.
03. Sexuality: Bisexual. (Not pan, tho.)
04. Favorite color: Green because it holds good thoughts of grass and stuff.
05. Relationship status: He’s had a lot of on and off relationships, but never anything that gottento the point of even wanting marriage, at least on his end. On his Facebook he’d leave that bit blank andnever change it.
06. Ideal mate: Heneeds a person who can keep him in line, but also respect that you can’t changewhat’s hardwired in. He kills. That’s actually been one of the most consistenttruths he’s known. You can’t tell abaker to never cook again, you don’t tell the blacksmith’s apprentice to nevertouch metal again.
Even though he hasn’t had long, fully committedrelationships, he still values loyalty and faithfulness. Also his partner can’t be the commandingtough type, it just won’t happen.
07. Turn-ons: He’spretty straight forward. A kiss wouldwork just fine. Also he’s not very romanticso being subtle won’t work at all.
“Hey, you know…My bed gets awfully cold at night…”
“Then stoke the fire.”
08. Favorite food: It’snot the food so much as the preparation. He misses the spices of home.
09. Crushes: Arcturus,one of the Blades at Cloud Ruler Temple. The two would have long talks on the battlements, but Dreyns neverconfessed that he liked him. Dreyns wouldthink he has a crush on Meri, but that’s because he doesn’t know what it’s liketo have a sibling. Other than that, Ihaven’t developed any other non-dating crushes for Dreyns.
10. Favorite music: Hewouldn’t care much, but his nephew would force him to listen to a bunch of differentstyles.
11. Biggest fear: Failure. Failure and dying aloneonce his own mortality sets in.
12. Biggest fantasy: I don’t think he has many for himself, he doesn’t think or plan farbeyond the next day, takes everything as it comes.
13. Bad habits: Dreynssmokes. Not all the time, but after astressful day you wouldn’t be hard-pressed to find him outside in the eveningwith a pipe. While in Cyrodiil he’d beusing tobacco, but would eventually switch over to things better for him likeGinseng or St. Jahn’s Wort.
14. Biggest regret: But the time of Skyrim, mostly everything. But the one biggest regret would be how hefeels he failed Meri, which ironically makes him a better friend, since hedoesn’t want to repeat that.
15. Best kept secrets: Adorable plushie collection. His truereligion, details about his upbringing.
16. Last thought: Hhhhgnn this question. I stilldon’t know if this means dying thought or like, last thing he thought aboutthis morning? Nope, gotta withhold fromanswering this one, gotta think on it for him because I don’t really know yet.
17. Worst romantic experience: Something on a date with Farwil, he refusesto tell me more.
18. Biggest insecurity: Dreyns is generally confident and doesn’t care too much hat people thinkwhen they see him. For doubts and worries,he’s afraid of becoming what he hates.
19. Weapon of choice: The bow. He still has his father’s,even.
20. Role Model: Psych! It’s not Meri! I actually think it would be his nephew, hegets married, has kids and is pursuing his passion. Dreyns would look at that and be like, “Kid,how did you do it?”
#thank you dear Laurel!#feel like I should switch his tag to not confuse him with NPCs#Dreyns Nelvayn#smoking mention#killing mention#Meri#tagging her because I keep talking bout her in here#answering asks
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A Westward Wander - 1: Old Gates
Dreyns Nelvayn stood in the middle of a cold and crowded Markarth street. His arms lazily crossed over each other and his weight shifting from foot to foot as he waited. The tips of his tightly wrapped scarf swayed with his movements as his Vermilion eyes darted, ever alert.
Near moments after entering the city gate, Dear Nephew Arrius saw a plaque detailing the origins of Markarth and insisted on reading it immediately. The Dunmer watched as his younger companion’s eye lifted to the very highest points of the city in awe.
Yes, of course Dear Nephew was in awe of this place. This dirty, dank, cramped ruin well past it’s prime that people were foolish enough to still inhabit. He didn’t like clean cities like Cheydinhal, no. Only cities like Markarth.
Soon enough Dreyns found himself collecting his ward, wordlessly pulling him away from the history and refocusing him on navigating the streets. Arrius peppered their walking with various little facts he’d picked up about the city from either the sign or past reading. The Dunmer would be lying if he said he was paying attention, but by now Arrius just used it as a way to muse and speculate out loud.
While wading through a particularly heavily packed street, a Breton-looking man, paying no attention to what was in front of him, crashed directly into Arrius. The man then kept going without a glance back, causing the Altmer to let out a very audible yell of “Watch it, S’wit!”. Though over the collective volume of the crowd, only one confused Nord lady appeared to have noticed.
After enough walking and weaving, the duo managed to happen upon an inn, both sighing at the thought of some much-needed rest after all the time spent on the road.
The inside was just as musty as one would expect, the door closing behind them with a sharp clanging thud that echoed throughout the stone rooms.
Dreyns reached for his coin purse, dropping some of its contents into his hand to pay the innkeeper with. He hesitated on how light it was now. They’d most likely have to find some work tomorrow before continuing.
He quickly paid the innkeeper and grabbed a small table by the wall. Emptying the rest of the purse as they both settled into their seats, he looked the younger Mer in the eye.
“What do you what to do?”
“this isn’t enough to get to Balfiera…” Arrius frowned and scrutinized a gripped coin. “…Not legally, anyway.”
There was a sparkle in the Dunmer’s eye. Arrius was barely an adult, and had very little experience of traveling, planning, or survival before their time together. His main way of teaching these skills to his charge mostly involved waiting for him to make his own conclusions on the matter.
“Well,” The young Altmer finally started, “This is a big city, yes? What if we find some smugglers, take- “
The older mer stopped him with a hand, “I had something less dangerous in mind.”
Arrius snorted, then let him continue. “Tomorrow we’ll poke around, find some odd jobs someone needs done. It’ll do us some good staying within walls for a while. But tonight? Tonight, we relax.” Dreyns pulled a pipe from his pack and some leaves for it.
“St. Jahn’s Wort?” Arrius’s voice cracked with a smile, “Firstly, it’s no good for you; and secondly, it smells rancid. Are you trying to thin out the crowd?”
The Dunmer’s response was a puff of smoke as he put his feet up on their table while the altmer gathered up the coins and stood up.
“I’m going to get a head start tonight, socializing and all those dreadful things like it.” He tossed the refilled purse at the Dunmer. “So while you’re relaxing and lonely over here, I’m going to get the juicy details of who’s who and what’s what.”
“Mmm, harmonious.”
Arrius carefully plucked himself into the crowd, listening in on what he wanted. Dreyns stayed by himself, not trobling himself with the happenings, only checking up on his nephew with a glance if he heard shouting. He trusted him here more than he trusted himself among them.
This was an element that the Dunmer was terrible in, but the Altmer excelled in it. Dreyns kept them alive on the road, and Arrius kept them in good graces with the locals.
Yes, harmonious indeed.
#a westward wander#I didn't have a name until 5 minutes ago tell me if it should be something better#writing#Dreyns Nelvayn#arrius#rp starter
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10-20 for Dreyns please!
Character development questions
10. Is there a cause, reason, or person your musewould lay their life down for?
Forpeople it’s Meri, Arrius, Arra, and Vitia. What’s funny is I can’t imagine him being so selfless when it comes toany of his lovers, like Lorine or Farwil. He cares about them of course, but he’d be way less reckless withthem.
11. What are words or phrases your muse overuse?
I’mnot actually sure on this one. I haven’treally thought about it enough.
12. Does your muse make snap judgements or taketime to consider?
Depends. If there’s time to stop and make a plan,he’ll do that. But if there’s no time,he won’t sit around waiting on others.
13. How do they react to criticism? Praise?
Itmostly bounces off of him. He knows moreor less what he has skill in (Assassin craft), and what he doesn’t (literallyeverything else).
If you’re someone he considers his better, the criticism will really sting.
14. What���s their perception of family?
Blooddoes not equal family. He didn’t thinkthat for the longest time, though. Meriended up forcibly pulling him into her family as a sibling, and he’s like anuncle to Arrius and a grandfather to Arrius’s kids.
15. What was your muse’s childhood like?
Hedon’t talk about it.
16. What past act are they most ashamed of?
Mosteverything from Tong life.
17. Are they most likely to fight with theirfists or their tongue?
“Whosaid anything about fighting?” *shoots/stabs them in the back*
18. Does your muse believe in the afterlife?
Yes. He’s also trying his best to avoid it sincehe knows Mephala will be wanting his soul.
19. Any superstitions or are they evensuperstitious?
Hegrew up very orthodox, traditional, and old-fashioned for a Dunmer. So yes, big time.
20. Did your muse keep or break their last promise?
He broke it.
I feel like he’d alwayspromise more than anyone could keep. He’spessimistic, and the type that can trust his gut in most cases. You ask him to find a loved one, he’s 99%sure they’re dead, but he won’t tell you that. He’ll keep your hopes very high and most likely make them crash andburn.
#henantier#Dreyns Nelvayn#answering asks#thank you#sorry it took so long I thought I already answered it#opened up Word and realized I hadn't#the horror#ash talking OCs#Friends' tag#tes
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OC fears meme!
Tagged by @henantier! Thanks!!!
Tagging: (No pressure!) @ma-setheneran @thescriibarchives @numphet @nerevarbean @norroendyrd @naernon and I never remember who likes to do these so, you too if you want!
Bold any fears which apply to your muse.
Italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
Narr Surana:
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. blood. drowning. suffocation. clowns. the supernatural. heights. spiders. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. forgetting. being forgotten. being mind controlled. being haunted. dying. being misunderstood.
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. blood. drowning. suffocation. clowns. the supernatural. heights. spiders. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. forgetting. being forgotten. being mind controlled. being haunted. dying. being misunderstood.
Dreyns Nelvayn:
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. blood. drowning. suffocation. clowns. the supernatural. heights. spiders. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. forgetting. being forgotten. being mind controlled. being haunted. dying. being misunderstood.
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. blood. drowning. suffocation. clowns. the supernatural. heights. spiders. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. forgetting. being forgotten. being mind controlled. being haunted. dying. being misunderstood.
#Tell me what you think of those lil heads#haha trying it out early#Dreyns Nelvayn#Veabris#Solrion#Narr Surana#ash talking OCs#i got tagged???#tagging
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Drop + Dreyns
If you take him out in Oblivion:
• “Llanam’s Bow”
• 10 gold
• 3 tobacco leaves
• Tribunal ring
• Poor clothes
If you take him out in Skyrim:
• “Indarys Thornblade”
• 200 gold
• Letter from the Dark Broherhood
• Tribunal ring
• Unique chitin armor
When Defeated, What do My Characters Drop?
#answering asks#Dreyns Nelvayn#I was trying to think in general#if he's doing a quest or whatever he'd have more#thank you!!!#tobacco mention
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Arra: *runs into his arms and hugs him*

#Been thinking about these two lately and their personalities clash so well#Dreyns Nelvayn#Arra#Arra of Highrock#Arra is literally everyone's daughter so they can't say anything when she does this#Dreyns just has to stand there and look like a scared deer#Dreyns: I CAN HANDLE CULTS AND DAEDRA AND DRAGONS BUT PLEASE GODS NO NOT THIS#MY OCs
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ten facts about Dreyns!
Thank you!!!
1. He has nice handwriting. Like flowycalligraphy good.
2. When he says “By the Three!” he’s not talking about the Reclamations.
3. He moves very quietly. He walks intoa room and starts talking and the person jumps.
4. He doesn’t like yams.
5. While he’s usually calm about most everything, if someone starts backtalking or really hounding him in an argument he’ll explode at them in anger withoutany warning. He’ll only do it once and it’sactually a show of frustration over any actual threat.
6. Dreyns’s soundtrack is sappy 80’s love songs. No, I’m not joking.
7. He has an aversion to hugs, cuddling, and affectionate touch in general. But non-affectionate touch doesn’t botherhim.
8. He inadvertently fell in with the Dark Brotherhood for a time.
9. He keeps stumbling upon Daedra he’s had prior dealings with.
10. He enjoys bawdy humor.
#Dreyns Nelvayn#answering asks#I tried to talk about some different sides to him you don't usually see#MY OCs#he really is a complex character and it's hard to show that at times#number 7 is important tho
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idk the names of any of your ocs, but you can introduce one to me in the meme!
Hooray! I’ve been working on expanding my list, (which is here: link) so this gives me a chance to show off one I haven’t talked about yet!
I’m doing Dreyns, a friend of Meri (the Hero of Kvatch) who’s still kicking by the time of Skyrim.
full name: IndarysDreyns Nelvayn
gender: Male
sexuality: Bi
pronouns: He/him
family: Salyni Nelvayn is his mother (a Morrowind NPC!)and his father’s name is Llanam. No siblings.
birthplace: A small village near Ald'ruhn
job: …Usually killing people
phobias: theBittergreen Plant, Failure.
guilty pleasures: Cute, childish things. Meri’s old Minotaur plushie, for one thing.
morality alignment?: Chaotic evil. He’s a scrapper that’s had to fend for himself.
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Yeah, introverted
organized/disorganized: Disorganized
close minded/open-minded: More closed
calm/anxious: Unnervingly calm
disagreeable/agreeable: I think most would find him disagreeable.
cautious/reckless: Could go either way. Depends what’s going on.
patient/impatient: Patient
outspoken/reserved: Reserved
leader/follower: Right hand man
optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic.
traditional/modern: Traditional. By 4E 201 he still worships the Tribunal
hard-working/lazy: hard-working.
I haven’t thought this far ahead. Though I do know some of his love interests.
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