#things they like being associated with creeps which I get but at the same time it’s never that serious
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tariah23 · 21 days ago
wait aren’t rin-tezuka and/or rui-cifer also in the antiblack communist crowd like i could have sworn i just saw rin-tezuka straight up imply that racism against us can be overlooked Recently on one of riotbard’s posts
Ohh I’ve had rui-cifer blocked for a long while now (or this could’ve been a differ rui, I forget-) (these ppl keep slipping through the cracks unfortunately. If this is the same person, I think they were one of the losers making light of black ppl talking about black genocide a few years ago as well but I still see people reblog from them) and I’ve never heard of the other person before but they’re one of those people crying about that “if someone watched these anime, would you think that they’re pedos-“ poll (sm ppl that are crying about it has either been weird about kids or has loli or whatever in their bios, at least from the few I’ve blocked in passing...)
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chronicbeans · 1 year ago
Random list of small Alastor Headcanons I have:
A list of small headcanons I have for Alastor, that I will probably expand once I think of more small headcanons. I might elaborate on some if asked lol.
One of the first things he did after dying and going to Hell was look for his mom. If he died before his mom, he waited a fifty years or so to be sure she would've died before beginning to search. This was because he didn't want his mom to go to Hell, and at the same time, if she did he wanted to be there to protect her. However, he hasn't found her in the many years he's been there, so he's assumed she's gone to Heaven. He still keeps an eye out, though, for anybody who reminds him of her. After all, people change forms after dying, so he has to actively talk to those people to see if they're his mother.
He likes cats just to spite people who like dogs. He doesn't actually like cats for any other reason besides that. They're just animals to him. It's more so the fact that he associates dogs with his death, and since cats are often seen as the opposite of dogs, he likes them.
When he was alive he loved dogs. He saw them as being loyal animals, especially once trained. He never got a dog, though, because he thought he wouldn't have the patience to actually care for a pet.
He's very narcissistic (ofc), but he's the type of narcissist that secretly hates himself in certain aspects. The parts about himself that he loves, such as being an extremely powerful overlord, very popular while he was alive, and seeing himself as intelligent, make up for any parts of himself that he hates, though, which is why he loves himself more than anyone else. The things he hates about himself are a secret he'd never let anyone in on, no matter what, though, unless he were to somehow have a mental break down. So, nobody can really tell that he hates any aspects of himself.
Many radio show hosts dress up to get into character. So, Alastor's coat getting torn didn't anger him because he likes the coat. He couldn't care less about the coat itself, which is part of why it is torn up. He cared because he saw it as an attack on his radio persona (which he's practically become, since he constantly sounds like he's hosting his show when talking), and since it was extremely important to him in life and his popularity while hosting the show was an ego boost, felt like a personal attack.
He doesn't like kids. He thinks they're annoying most of the time. However, for some reason, the thought of young children committing terrible crimes like murder or something genuinely creeps him out a little. He thinks it might be because he sees them as annoying, but is also well aware that a child's imagination isn't always as "happy-go-lucky, rainbows and innocent" as many adults like to believe.
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chronicallyonline101 · 4 months ago
hi its me, i LOOVEEE the way you've characterised everyone in DK and it makes me wonder how many HCs you have for them all????? because theyre so unique down to the littlest of details, like Formaggio liking Smashmouth and Ghiaccio preffering Warhammer over DnD! i want to hear ur headcannons. share them with the class
hello again !!!! i will share !
I've got... a LOT. so i'll put them under cut!
La Squadra Headcanons!
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Risotto HCs:
Started the hitman team at age 21 in 1994.
- Lived with his Aunt and Uncle growing up because his Catholic parents thought he was a 'bad omen'.
- Started a band with his cousin when they were around ten or eleven, stopped playing instruments after his cousin died.
- Was technically 'kidnapped' by Passione after killing the man who hit his cousin, emotionally manipulated under the guise that the organisation had 'saved' him from being sent to prison. This is one of the reasons he turned traitor.
- Likes writing poetry and short stories; particularly graphic, gory horror stories. When he was younger, he had wanted to be an author. Nowwadays he can't really see a future for himself.
- Keeps one of those diaries where when you input the code a song plays and it opens.
The song he chose is Enter Sandman, by Metallica. It's his favourite because it reminds him of himself, but if anyone asks him his favourite song he'll say something obscure like Creeping Death because he doesn't want to be seen as some basic poser.
- Forced Prosciutto to listen to The Grateful Dead.
- He's normally quite cordial with his workspace; the Hideout and his office are clean and proper, but his bedroom is extremely messy. It's his own space, so he lets it get tatty because he doesn't want to associate it with the stress of work.
- Has a really bad posture because he always has to hunch over to do paperwork.
- He's always quiet, not because he's mysterious and cool but because he was very isolated as a teenager and has ZERO social skills - he's always scared he'll mess up and say something weird, so he's very reserved.
In turn, he's created a sort of 'Boogeyman of Passione' name for himself. He's learnt to embrace his timid nature.
- The bells on his coxcomb are a test of stealth for himself. When you put a bell on a cat, it learns to hunt without ringing it; he's done the same.
On the contrary, though, it's not uncommon to hear jangling inside the hideout as he goes about his business because he doesn't feel the need to conceal himself within the presence of his teammates.
- Had anaemia growing up, was shot with the arrow and obtained Metallica; it cured his anaemia, but then he developed haemochromatosis - which is a result of too much iron building up in the blood over a prolonged period of time.
Since Metallica is his stand, his case of haemochromatosis isn't too severe and the symptoms aren't bad. It doesn't affect his work too much, but he can often become very fatigued and experiences a lot of joint pain.
- He is an artifical stand user (hit by the arrow.)
Prosciutto HCs:
Joined the hitman team at age 19 in 1994.
- Pesci and Prosciutto are half-brothers; they share the same mother but have different fathers. Pesci looks more like their mum while Prosciutto looks more like his father - this caused a rift in their family because Pesci ended up being the favourite child.
- Was raised Catholic; claims to be atheist, but in truth upholds agnostic ideologies that he will sometimes accidentally project onto his teammates.
- Doesn't like smoking, but it's a habit he's gotten stuck into. He doesn't know how to quit.
- Joined La Squadra two years before Pesci, during this time Pesci thought he had died.
- Often uses their late mother as a way of manipulating Pesci: e.g. "What would she think of you behaving like this?" , "She'd be disappointed in you."
He doesn't realise how bad this behaviour is, he thinks he is doing the right thing in trying to mentor Pesci.
- Unlike Risotto, Prosciutto didn't know what he wanted to be while growing up. He was very focused on his classes in school, often earning lots of rewards and prizes but he only did it to try and earn his mothers affections. He never actually liked school.
That being said, his intellect is natural. He has always been very smart without trying.
- He has a gap in his front teeth and he HATES it because everyone tells him it looks cute and he doesn't want to look cute he wants to look scary and cool.
- Doesn't understand why Pesci is so morally upstanding. Why is it so hard for him to kill? Look, Prosciutto just killed twenty people! In one go!
Because of the Grateful Dead, it is very easy for Prosciutto to kill and not face the moral consequences of his actions. His kills are indirect and 'merciful', as he puts it - whereas Pesci has to get physical. He needs to come into direct contact to kill, so he has to deal with the moral turmoil that comes with murder.
- I also like to think he's got really prominent eyebags and forehead wrinkles because of how often he is subjected to the effects of his own stand.
Like, he seems to be able to control how his own body ages and shifts between old and young whenever a situation negates it, nd I don't think it's very good for his skin to be doing that all the time.
Maybe he has an extensive moisturising routine to combat the effects of his stand?
- Cleans messes on instinct; even if it isn't his own, he cleans up after everyone. He knows this is bad because it just gives everyone else a reason to be slobby, but he can't help it - nobody else ever cleans to the degree he likes anyways, so he might as well do it.
- He is an artifical stand user (hit by the arrow.)
Formaggio HCs:
Joined the hitman team at age 23 in 1995.
- Gwess and Formaggio are also half-siblings! Different mothers, and about twenty-years difference between the two of them so Formaggio probably didn't know she existed until a LOT later in life.
ALSO. when i first watched Stone Ocean i kept mishearing Gwess' name as Gwyn, so I headcanon her to be Welsh, which means by default I also headcanon Formaggio to be Welsh !!! But that's a HC i tend to leave out of my fics cuz it's really outlandish.
- If he'd lived until 2012, I like to think he would have tried to break Gwess out of prison. Probably would have failed.
- Got his cat as a gift from his mother when he was a teenager, it's the only thing he has left from his mother and so he tries his hardest to take care of her - even if he is struggling to take care of himself.
Despite this, he still shoves his cat into bottles and jars and things. It's a really cool party trick! Everyone always thinks he's so cool, like some kind of magician!
- Unlike Risotto and Prosciutto, who were both raised Catholic, Formaggio's parents were both atheist. His mother attended Church, but it was mostly an excuse to get away from his father and he never bothered to go with her.
- Has joint pain and muscle soreness from how often he has to shrink himself and then re-grow himself.
- Like's to collect mini-things; like those little baking kits. He thinks they are so cute!
- He is a natural redhead, like in the manga, but dyes his hair grey, like in the anime, so that he doesn't get bullied.
- He is a natural stand user (born with ability.)
Pesci HCs:
Joined the hitman team at age 19 in 1996.
- Pesci would rather be doing ANYTHING else. He never wanted to be a hitman. He doesn't like killing - not because he's all soft and sensitive like people make him out to be, but because he has morals and??? killing people? is wrong?
So why is he a hitman?
Well, I think Pesci has had the WORST life humanely possible. At twelve, his dad died in a boating accident. At sixteen, his brother 'went missing', presumed dead. At seventeen, his mother died. He was so lonely, and isolated, that when he realised his brother was in fact alive, he was willing to do anything to try and give himself purpose.
- Despite joining the team years beforehand, Pesci only had his first kill in 2001. This was because Prosciutto still coddles him as his little brother and he can get away with doing less on hits.
It's kind of manipulative - like, weaponizing faux incompetence, but he doesn't care.
- He wanted to be a fisherman when he grew up, like his father had been; he rarely has time to go fishing since joining the hitman team.
- If he could leave the team, he probably would.
- That being said, I think if he had lived past the events of VA he would have had the potential to become one of the most powerful hitmen on the team - and that is why Prosciutto never gave up on him, despite his supposed 'cowardice'
- His hair matts really easy so he tries to keep it short; he'll spend hours before bed trying to brush knots out of it.
- He is a night-owl, and likes staying up until quite late into the night listening to music or doing some of his other hobbies, like painting or drawing - he is extremely creative!
But because of this, when he does go to sleep, he often ends up sleeping until the late hours of the day. He is always criticised for this by Prosciutto.
- He is an artifical stand user (hit with arrow.)
Melone HCs:
Joined the hitman team at age 18 in 1994.
- Pookie... where do I even start.......
- I think he has mild heterochromia; one of his eyes is a blue-ish green and the other is blue. He used to be bullied for it, which is why he covers it.
Since joining the hitman team and meeting Risotto - who, yk, has funky eyes - he has learnt to like his eyes a bit more.
- Melone wanted to be a doctor or a scientist when he grew up. He loves biology and chemistry, particularly in regards to the creation of human life: reflected in his stand, Babyface.
I like to think that he had toyed with 'creating life' even before he got his stand; as a teenager he would do old fashioned experiments with homunuculuses and other alchemy.
- Since Junior is not connected to his body, he often does not get injured during missions. He is the least muscular and most lithe out of everyone on the Hitman team, however, maintains a semi-athletic built as he maintains a very firm exercise routine - being a Hitman takes a lot of muscle, so he can't get away with not exercising in the same way his teamates do, even if he experiences less threat than them.
- He also has a lot less scars than the rest of them for this very reason.
- His teammates are hot-headed, quick-thinkers; he is not. He is slow, cold and calculated. Since he is almost never in the heat of a battle, he is allowed to sit back and think. He has the time to calculate his next move.
This is his downfall, however; when Giorno's snake finds him in the trainstation he isn't given a chance to think through his next decision. The attack is quick and painful. ☹️.
- Unlike the rest of the team, he didn't know his parents that well. They sold him to Passione when he was very young, so any memory he does have of them has been soured.
- They were likely atheists, though.
- He can be quite manipulative at times, and he knows exactly what he's doing. In fact, he has a chart on Babyface which shows him the traits and weak-points of all his teammates; he knows near everything about them, and can poke and prod in a way that gets him exactly what he wants.
- His outfit squeaks whenever he walks. He's really bad at stealth missions.
- He also has REALLY bad posture (which I think is semi-canon tbh cuz, during that one scene where they are searching Donatella's house he walks into the room and HE LOOKS LIKE A SHRIMP.)
- I also have a transfem hc for Melone, but the last time I shared that with someone they started tweaking and told me it was weird so I mostly keep that to myself now  😭
- If he had lived, I think he would have had a MySpace and Tumblr, I think he'd of liked how you can customise your own blog and how it's your own little space to yap about whatever!
- Has a HORRIBLE sleep schedule. Not because he has insomnia or anything, but just because he always gets distracted on his laptop right before bed and ends up staying up until 4-5am.
Like Pesci, he is more of a night-owl anyways. The two often end up bumping into each other in the middle of the night.
- He is an artifical stand user (hit by arrow.)
Ghiaccio HCs:
Joined the hitman team at age 20 in 1994.
- His brash personality is a result of his bad upbringing. His parents were very abusive, and so he is used to having to bite back at those around him; he is constantly in 'defence mode' and snaps at the people around him often unintentionally.
He feels bad about it, but doesn't know how to stop. It's especially hard to recover from this habit when his teammates are always plucking at his nerves.
- With that in mind; his parents are rich.
Like, how else could he have that convertible??? La Squadra was getting paid PENNIES and then he rolls up to HQ in his shiny new eighty-one-million lira (i did the math for this) car????
- His parents seemed to think buying him nice stuff would win his affections. He got the car for his 18th birthday, and still uses it despite having since cut off his parents.
- He went to a private school growing up and is objectively the most educated on the entire team.
- Because of the way he was raised, he detests authorative figures. He didn't like Risotto when he first joined the team, but has since learnt to respect his stoic leader.
- Reads play-scripts for fun. (im projecting)
- REALLY likes tabletop RPGS, but would rather die than tell ANYONE about his little hobby.
He finds it to be a good distraction, especially after getting mad and blowing up at someone; painting the figures, or reading the rules, or playing the game can be a good way for him to focus on something else and relax.
His favourite is Warhammer, though. He doesn't like D&D, he thinks its for mainstream wannabe nerds. Not him. He's cool. (he's not.)
- He pretends to hate Fallout, but secretly loves it. I've talked abt it on my blog before, but I think when the first game came out in 1997 he was SO mad that RPG games were getting popular - Formaggio got into it and he felt like his interests were getting invaded, so he refused to play the game for like a year until the second Fallout came out in 1998, and he realised it was actually a really good game.
He is probably rolling around in his grave watching how Bethesda is slowly destroying the franchise.
- His family was Catholic, but he is an atheist.
- If he had lived, I like to think he would have DEFINITELY had a Reddit and 4Chan acct, but he wouldn't use it often because it would piss him off how stupid everyone is on there.
- He desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask anyone for it. He is SO touch starved.
- Unlike Melone, he has a really good sleep schedule but suffers with insomnia. He takes melatonin gummies to go to sleep.
- He has a very good schedule in general; he exercises regularly, eats healthily, showers every day - with special shampoo to retain his curls, and likes to go for at least half an hour walks outside. A routine keeps him stable, he would fall into bad habits if he didn't have complete dictation over his own life.
- Because of this, he can grow extremely irritated when there are disruptions to his routine. Which happens often, since being a Hitman can be quite unpredictable.
- His stand is natural (born with ability.)
Illuso HCs:
Joined the hitman team at age 19 in 1995.
- Knows everything about everyone and WILL use it as blackmail.
- He is EXTREMELY nosy and will stick himself into EVERYONES business. Nobody is safe.
- Can be quite rude at times, but he never actually means it. It's just his way of showing affection. He has quite a sarcastic sense of humour that other people on the team *COUGH* GHIACCO *COUGH* don't get.
- Had to become very independent from a young age. He didn't have a father, only his mother which meant that when she developed a deadly sickness in his teens he was forced to support for the family by himself.
- BUT because of the fact that he was raised by his mother, he respects women! Yay! It's why he's into more 'feminine' stuff, he's never really seen an issue with being girly, and sometimes the others bully him for it but he doesn't care.
- He was probably raised Catholic, but doesn't really care for religion.
- He is a sleepwalker AND a sleep-stand-user (a term I made up), and will routinely freak everyone out by showing up in their mirrors in the middle of the night.
- He is so self-centred, yet blindingly insecure, that he thinks anyone who so-as-much spares him a glance is interested in him. With that in mind, he is oblivious to people who actually show interest in him.
- Illuso didn't know what he wanted to be when he grew up. He was forced into a role of authority so quickly, that he was never actually given a chance to think for himself.
- If he did get given a chance to pick his own career, he would likely stay on the Hitman team. He doesn't have the school-grades to get any job that is actually worthwhile, and he doesn't see a reason to leave his team.
- Refuses to let any of his teammates use two-in-one shampoo. If he sees it, he's throwing it. He once caught Formaggio using three-in-one and almost had a heart attack.
- Like Melone, if he had lived he probably would have owned a MySpace account.
- He is a natural stand user (born with stand)
Sorbet & Gelato HCs:
Joined the hitman team at ages 21 in 1995.
- I don't have a lot for these two, BUT, i could never forget them.
- I like to think they met in secondary-school, (high-school, for the Americans) but they didn't get together for a WHILE.
- This is because they were in totally different social circles. Gelato was quite popular and chatty, he knew a lot of people and was invited to parties like every weekend - yk, classic airheaded blond - whereas Sorbet was a social outcast and didn't have a lot of friends.
- But they are both extremely virile and violent.
- I think Gelato used to get a kick out of hurting other things. It started with animals, but eventually turned to that of people - he likes having control over things, knowing he is more powerful than those around him. He was a rampant bully, and took to hurting those he saw as 'less-than' him.
- Sorbet on the other hand, while he didn't actively go around hurting people for control, was into very grotesque things. He liked those weird, sexual slasher films of the 80's and took extreme interest in blood and gore and the likes.
- BECAUSE OF THIS, when they did eventually find each other, they clicked immediately! I'm not gonna share how I HC them having met, because it's spoilers for DK  🤭 but it's dramatic, it's bloody, and it's romantic!
- A lot of people interpret them both as being money hungry, but I don't think that's the case! In the series, when asked where they are, Ghiaccio suggests they might be "Playing hooky" (i hate that phrase sm), BUT THEN Risotto says "Gelato, maybe, but Sorbet always comes for his cut of the pay."
- Which makes me believe that out of the two of them, Sorbet is the greedy one. I think that Gelato doesn't care about money, and if he had been in charge the two wouldn't have tried to go against the Boss - but he loves Sorbet, and he wanted him to be happy. So when the discussion was first brought up, he had his reservations but trusted that they could pull this off.
THATS ALL. its all i can think of rn... i probably have more somewhere but ong I can't remember :(
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buckrecs · 2 years ago
ur account is my absolute go to!!! any chance u could rec biker!bucky fics 🥺🥺🥺
masterlist | req masterlist
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Wanted by @jadedvibes
You consider ending things with Bucky after seeing a girl come on to him, but it's not that easy, and you get a hard reminder about who he really wants in the clubhouse bathroom.
Best Friends? Nah. by @wicked-mind
Classic best friends don’t realize feelings for each other until someone points it out.
Business as Usual by @world-of-aus
Not My Babe by @avecra
After a nasty break up to a nearly two year relationship, you find yourself dragged to a bar by your best friend, though a familiar blue-eyed biker makes the best of your crappy situation.
rough around the edges by @wndalovebot
Let Me Love You Old School by @mysecretlittlelibrary
Bucky meets you at a diner and plans to sweep you completely off your feet.
The Bogeyman and Other Monstrosities by @pellucid-constellations
As the local biker club president, Bucky Barnes had a reputation for being tougher than nails and feared by many—he’d never be caught dead at a halloween street fair. Too bad his best girl always got what she wanted.
Waiting Game by @buckychrist
You knew being associated with one of the most notorious and dangerous biker gangs in the city was bad, let alone scandalously dating their kingpin in secret, but you never thought you’d have to face those consequences. Until now.
Home by @all1e23
Bucky runs into his ex at a winter carnival the MC is helping host, but she didn’t come alone.
Whatever It Takes by @sgtjbuccky
Bucky Barnes knows the way to drive you up the wall in frustration, fed up with it, you show him that you know how to play just the same.
deny me by @drewbarymore
In which you feel like Bucky’s ashamed of you.
Drunk, Dumped and Empty by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
After a nasty breakup, you go out drinking. After an absolute creep hits on you, you’re saved from a concussion by a mysterious, kind man, who reveals himself to be Bucky Barnes. The bar you’re in is a bit suspect, but you never expected him to be head of a biker gang.
yayo by @sergeantxrogers
“I need you safe. I need you here, and I need you safe, and I need, God please, I need you to let me in, baby, just let me in and I promise I’ll make it all better,” his broken voice pleaded through the door.
Drabble by @fandoms-writings
Biker!Bucky x tattooed!reader
hot and cold by @bucksfucks
you & bucky had never gotten along, but when your ex-boyfriend ransom turns up at the same bar you’re at, bucky goes to every length to protect you.
How To Get Away With Murder by @empyreanwritings
Bucky was always good at helping you clean up your messes, which is why he doesn't bat an eye when you show up on his doorstep covered in your abusive boyfriend's blood.
Hush by @buckysknifecollection
Bucky finds a stray kitten but he doesn’t know anything about cats. A friendly librarian helps him out.
little favors by @onceuponastory
Since Bucky saved her from her shitty boss, Y/N hasn’t seen him again. For a while, she gets closer and closer to giving up hope. Until he comes back. And this time, he’s asking for her help.
Swallow by @all1e23
Since he was fifteen years old, Bucky Barnes has only been sure of two things; the club should be the most essential thing in his life, and he’d burn it all down for you.
Delicate Edges by @wkemeup
Your family’s beloved flower shop was not the only thing you inherited when your parents passed. Trapped under a mountain of debt to the Hydra club, you bear the cost of your father’s desperate bargain. It’s only in moments when the charming Bucky Barnes walks into your shop that you can forget the cruelty of the biker clubs of this town. But a war is brewing. The border is crumbling. You're trapped in the middle. And Bucky will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
For The Best by @metalbuckaroo
Bucky is tired of waiting for you to realize what you're doing. He does the only thing he can think of to break the cycle.
White Horses by @whitewolfbumble
Kicked out of school and exiling yourself in a town time forgot, one little incident lands the sights of the locally infamous Avengers biker gang square on you. Wild horses run faster and there was no chance to turn back now.
Howlin’ For You by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
When Y/N gets an unreal deal on her first home, she wonders why her neighbor scared away all the other buyers. Despite being cautious, she wonders why the town has given Bucky Barnes a bad name.
Brotherhood & Bullets by @rookthorne
The 107th motorcycle club has been the protector of their collective hometown for many, many years - shouldering all the bloodshed and loss that came with it. Little did you know, you'd become the President's own twisted version of an angel on his shoulder; the tips of your angelic wings tinged red by your own demons.
Stars & Stripes, Studs & Spikes by @buckyismybicycle
The crew has always been tight, but you and Bucky are best of friends. When Bucky sees Brock's mark on you, he nearly loses it and wants to end Brock for good. But, there's something more important - keeping you safe.
call me baby by @cherryrogers
Returning to Brooklyn for the summer after a year of travelling from city to city, you hadn’t expected to find your best friend, Peggy Carter, hopelessly in love with a biker, and when she decided to introduce you to the rest of his club, you hadn’t expected to fall for one either — that was until you met one with pretty eyes and a habit of calling you baby.
Masterlist by @angrythingstarlight
Masterlist by @metalbuckaroo
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bunny-extract · 2 years ago
Tell us more about cocky könig we really need a refresh in the fandom
He named himself King, your honor. Of course i'm obsessed with him.
— The Growth Spurt (tm) came on early, and ostracized him from his peers. His social pools leaned much older than him, which meant the resulting traumatic themes associated came to him pretty young. Fully adopt the party boy König hc, and firmly believe he entered the forces with his screws already stripped.
— Was bullied into joining a rugby team when he was in school. Hated it, hated it, hated it, and then one day he smacked into a kid that was several grades ahead, knocked him on his ass and was like wow. Haha. Oh.
— As soon as König learned his anxieties could be overshadowed by aptitude, that became a pretty big crutch. If you're not the best then you're being laughed at. solution: Be the fucking best?
— In his eyes, his military career was a failure. The blow to his ego when he was rejected as a sniper really left him sore, and being reduced to a battering ram seemed like a waste of his his assets. When KorTac contacted him he left the services as soon as he could. The switch was not for any noble reasons (Not that he joined with any in mind, either)
— Insufferable ego driven by crippling anxiety means he comes off as really hot and cold. Sometimes when he’s avoiding eye contact it’s shy, disarming, and then other times it’s curt, uninterested
— That makes his attention kind of covetous, because when he is interested in someone, if he respects them, he has this boyish 'look at me, look at what I can do for you' that makes him seem soft and charming, but it can quickly turn into ‘did you see what I did? Did you like it? I can do more.’
— He is as attentive and loyal as a dog, but mean and jealous as one too.
— The natural second step to this is an unbearable praise kink. Adoration, worship, acts of service, he falls for any of the above... This is literally the only normal turn on he has, I'm afraid.
— Plenty to go unsaid about his sexuality. Took the kink test curiously once, but half of what really gets him going wasn't listed in the prompts.
If he weren't so fucked up this would be fine, but he is, and so it isn't.
— Scared of sex because of this. He isn't sure what he's capable of, and when you've taken someone's life before and know that's nowhere near your cap it complicates things for you! Just smack a big old 'CONFIDENTIAL' over what actually comes up.
— (Out in the field, the air taste like adrenaline and testosterone and whatever other chemicals that creep up when your head is a bullseye. They all coalesce into a raging, disgusting hard on that he doesn't even try to hide anymore. Tucks himself into his waistband and uses that pent up energy to beat into people like he's fucking them. Nobody talks about it, not because they don't all notice it, but because könig has always deserved the title 'freak'. They can just be grateful they're on the same side of him.)
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evangelinesbible · 2 years ago
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This post will be about how I view love/relationships, the situations I find myself in because of these placements, and how people attracted to me view me because of these placements
Taurus Venus people typically want partners who are conventionally beautiful and have some sort of stability in their life. (meaning money and some sort of luxury). And for me yeah I gotta be with a partner who is gorgeous I'm sorry but I'm not. Of course other stuff matters and I've given not so attractive people a chance but I've learned that if I'm not fully attracted to them then it's not gonna happen. "Don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn't marry a girl just because she's pretty but my goodness, doesn't it help?"
Now of course having a Venus ruled Venus can bless the native with beauty. And when I was younger I didn't experience it much but now that I'm older I see it more and more now. whatever type of beauty that I have, I getting certain treatment because of it. Now of course I've used it to my advantage cuz, you'd do the same thing don't lie. But people use the phrase, " Beauty is a curse" for a reason. Certain judgment and preconceived ideas people have of you because of your looks is very real and it transfers into my love life.
Of course I want people to find me attractive and I want a partner that sees me as beautiful but that's not all I want. just like me wanting a gorgeous partner, I also want a stable, reliable, and romantic one. But of course on my end of things my love life has just been, "I think she's hot/pretty/beautiful/" and that's it. its getting stale pretty fast.
9H can rule over what you believe in/ worship and having Venus in the 9H can mean that your partners may have a tendency to put you on a pedestal and "worship" you. When I was younger this wasn't that apparent but now that I'm older and in the "real world" I experience it more and more. And don't get me wrong I believe I should be treated like a queen and I should be thoroughly respected but it creeps me out when men come on to me so strong. One of them wanting to take a road trip with me, wanting to run away with me and would always call me a princess and shit when we weren't even together?!?!?!!
I don't even want to know what men are saying about me in private.
not only gives me a false security in the illusion of love it also gives other an illusion of me. Venus ruling beauty and Neptune ruling Glamor/Illusion/Fantasy makes love life more complicated than it needs to be. These people might be seen as a dream or unreal to others which on paper sounds cool but its not that fun to experience
Similar to Venus 9H you are put on a pedestal but this time the version of you that these people are lusting/loving or obsessed over isn't real. Or at the very least they are projecting a version of you that you aren't all the time. I don't even want to know what type of fantasies or false perceptions guys have on me. I'm all about trusting my intuition and every guy that was ever interested in me gave me that vibe.
I feel like this placements can indicate someone having high standers because no one can meet the love life these people dream of. But it being square means that I'll have to learn to let go of some of their illusions of love and to truly experience it.
In this life the themes of Venus are very important and my souls missions involves all things beauty, love, and the Arts.
specifically with love the major lessons ill learn in this life will be associated with all of my relationships. The first lesson I learned through a relationship was that you can't change people no matter how badly you want two. the second one was you don't owe anybody a relationship just because they treat you the way you should be treated. And I have a feeling I got a lot more lessons to learn
combined with my 7H placements and this aspect I think in this life I was meant to figure what love is to me.
Apparently because I have this aspect I'm supposed to be "lucky in love" and yeah no thats not the case for me. This more tells me what type of partner I should settle for. And it makes since that I have yet to be lucky in love because I keep dating people from my hometown/area.
I have no doubt I'll have more luck dating people from far away/foreign places.
explains my pickiness in love/relationships and fathers my previous point of learning a lot of lessons through love/relationships
this might indicate finding the right person for me at a later age and/or learning to date more mature people
I always wondered why I get so bored when dating people or having short lived relationships and this makes a lot of sense. the people I pursue have to keep up my attention or ill get bored and end it abruptly
this also explains getting into strange, unique and unconventional situations pertaining to potential partners/romantic interests. Right now I'm dealing with multiple guys at work having a crush on me so thats great. And one of them spikes my anxiety and paranoia because my gut intuition doesn't trust him.
this placement can also indicate someone being very conflicted or closed off on relationships. they crave something unconventional or something different from a normal relationship. These people also love their freedom and don't want a relationship that feels limiting
the big whammy in my chart. people with Sun the 7H typically really crave love even though it might go against how they project themselves since its the opposite sign of their rising. These people can feel very lonely in life when they don't feel like they have a special someone to love them for them
I'm in the "I don't want a relationship" phase rn which is probably a 7H Sun's worst nightmare lol or at least the most difficult thing for them to go through cuz thats legit all they want. hell its all I want but its not something I need right now. Plus good things comes to those who wait and while I wait I'm just gonna do me and focus on my blog, work, and music.
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Do you have any of these placements? Do you view love the same as me? Have you experienced the same experiences as me? 💋
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tubbytarchia · 4 months ago
hi it's my first anon ask ever so I'm nervous but just wanted to vent briefly about a couple of popular jimmy ships. I might be lacking some information / outdated topics but I work with what I know for ig
I'm so glad flwerhsbands is dead. I loved watching their POV in third life but not because it was a dreamland cottagecore relationship, and it was mildly off putting when others thought of it as such. Jim being belittled all the time behind his back wasn't cute. it was interesting cause of how they liked eachother enough but misunderstood the other and their alliance in many ways. If they ever realigned it would probably be the same, maybe worse, and that would not feel good.
Next rachers. I haven't fully watched their povs so I may be wrong abt this but. They weren't romantic in DL but they were good to eachother. Yet it feels like m/m for the ship is like equal to every other fic they are major in, romo or not. I don't get it. I have read and enjoyed a few, but it unnerved me when fics would make them the same age / wouldn't acknowledge the age difference. Idk why it's popularity creeps me so much. I love how supportive they are but they read as just friends to me.
Lastly and completely unrelated, it's great that jim's had more times where he's not the butt of the joke this year (between skrnachers plate up and Joel cooling it on the bullying), gives him opportunities to explore different roles and it makes the teasing more enjoyable (to an extent and at viewer's opinion) when there's that diversity. Oh my god this was not brief I am so sorry.
This is very brief by my standards anon don't even worry LOL. Absolutely agree with the FH segment. I've said this twelve thousand times but I can never reiterate enough that I don't inherently dislike their dynamic in the Life series and instead find it really compelling. I don't think Scott is just straight up evil (he is not one of my blorbos but is at least in the top 3 of most interesting traffic characters without a doubt) and I don't want Jimmy to suffer but regardless the narrative isn't up to me, only my interpretation based on what I see
With ranchers, I think I can understand you feeling this way but I'll be blunt in that I personally couldn't care less about the age gap even if people choose to abide by it whilst talking about characters and not CCs, so I'm not bothered if it isn't brought up, god knows I haven't either in my rancher art or writing. In addition, most creatives within the fandom from my judgement keep these characters as kind of ambiguous players in a game without real life counterparts and within this game world, as many other things associated with real life, specific age could be obsolete, which I think is perfectly fine as far as HC and Traffic at least go as they're all adults. I could very easily see ranchers anywhere on the platonic-romantic spectrum (and it is a spectrum to me, not a scale) because two adults, I don't care, but I can see where some people take discomfort with it, and the age gap could frankly be something interesting to comment on within their dynamic, if, again, people chose to keep it strictly true to the CC ages. I have heard of people trying to counterbalance "toxic FH" with "toxic ranchers" in retaliation and using the age gap as the reason which has probably contributed to me not being able to give a fuck, because that's just kind of funny to me
And yes, ahh Jimmy's competency... it never went anywhere, it's just the environment that enforces this anti-Jimmy pretence so it's no surprise that he's able to shine more when surrounded with people supportive of him. Or not even supportive, just not belittling. That's why smallidarity gradually became my favorite little thing because Joel's relationship with Jimmy I think is really interesting in how it's changed and what it offers in commentary of the Jimmy ecosystem that Joel has been a strong contributor to before. Like unironically I think about that tweet Jimmy made in passing all the time where he replied to Joel talking about his attempted sacrifice to him in Limited Life and how the idea was illogical, and Jimmy went "That's the point, that you tried, no one's ever done that for me"
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bigtreefest · 6 months ago
Chapter 8: Never Be Sorry
From: The Rainmaker Series
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Pairing: Mob! Steve x Forensic Scientist! Reader
Summary: There’s a lot to apologize for, but some things happen for a reason
Word count: 6,323
Content/warnings: mob themes, gun mentions, swears, yelling, tough love, interrogation, punching, slapping, convincing-ish arguments?, fires, lots of time switching between the past and present, angst, sass
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this next chapter! It takes place at the same time as chapter 4 of Handiwork and Chapter 11 of YCMBWH.
Your feedback is appreciated in all forms! Comments, reblogs, and asks are golden💗
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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“Everything’s Fucked.” You spoke through gritted teeth, arms crossed, looking out the window. The open fields were whizzing by in the early morning light as Number Five drove you home in Bucky’s car, leaving him and Steve at the farm to clean up after the events of the previous night.
It was per your insistence that you stay until Curtis was found, despite having to get called in to the office for this Sunday afternoon. As much as you wished to stay back and ensure Curtis and Cherry were alright, you had a job to do. Sure, Steve and his goons could’ve called off for you like they did the last time, but you couldn’t risk the association with them, not anymore. Not when so much else in your life was at stake. And honestly, you weren’t sure how much more time you could stand to be around people. Your last straw was on the verge of snapping.
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Late last night (aka early morning)
You sat in the hay loft of one of the small barns on the farm, feet swinging from the rafters as you watched the scene below. You observed the two men who crossed you, crossed Curtis as they sat in metal chairs, tied with fresh rope, one of them squirming, the other calmly watching the scene with a mischievous smirk on his face.
There was no way it was genuine, though. You knew they were going to lose. You had heard all about the the abilities of Bucky in the city from Five when you cornered him upon your return from the bar. You knew men were tearing down Lloyd’s organization as this entire scene was occurring, and you knew Bucky would get what he wanted. Apparently he had a reputation for that. How it flew under your nose for so many years, you weren’t sure, but it meant he was really good. Which might’ve also meant you weren’t as good as you thought, but that was a thought you tried to push from your mind, despite the way it kept creeping in.
Bucky was circling the two men, akin to a shark, crisp suit adorned, taking the place of the jeans and flannel shirt he borrowed for the bar. Steve was wearing the same, and your previous disdain for that formalwear was growing back and burning your throat. Sure, the farm clothes were comfortable, but you knew that would’ve made them too vulnerable, which wasn’t gonna fly in a mob interrogation like this. So suits it was. Gone was the simple pleasure associated with the old, worn clothing. This was all business.
The same went for you, except in your case, business meant comfort. The second you got back from the bar and entered the farmhouse, you shucked the dress off your body and weant straight for the laundry room, borrowing a pair of Bee’s jeans and an old flannel of Curtis’s that was sitting on top of the pile, the extra material tucked into your waistband as it bloused over your body. It was perfect for a crisp night like this, and you were sure he wouldn’t mind. Plus, who knew how dirty you were going to get at this point? You were literally in a barn.
This interrogation was going nowhere, though. Lloyd was fucking smug as ever and Cole was being a whiny bitch. And worse even, after rolling Lloyd’s name around in your head for an hour, it all made sense. Hansen. As in Lillian Hansen, criminal defense attorney that you abhorred, despite the fact you luckily never really had to deal with her. But you knew how much Scott couldn’t stand the lady, and you imagined Andy felt the same. Ugh, Andy, or should you go back to calling him DA Barber now, who was probably on Steve’s payroll. And probably Scott, too! Was there anyone left that you could trust to tell you the truth!? It looked like you were the only one who you could have faith in anymore. And maybe Cherry? But now, you were gonna use that rage and that self-reliance to get some results.
You swung down from the rafters and landed on strong legs in your boots on the dirt floor. Bucky had just gone over to greet Cherry who had walked into the barn. This was your open opportunity to get what you needed out of these pricks.
You stalked towards the men in the metal chairs, your face showing the vengeance these two were sure to face soon, if not by your hand, then by the mob’s. Your eyes narrowed and shoulders squared as you looked between the two men. You hated them more than you hated even Walker for what they had a part in. More than spoiled milk, more than being left out of the loop. More than Steve.
You were grateful for the way the corner of your eye caught Bucky’s arm barring Steve from approaching you. He had already messed up enough and taken choices from you. This wasn’t another thing you needed taken away. You would deal with it your own way as you stepped in front of Cole.
“I’ll give you one more shot. I’m sick of watching this dance. Where. Is. Curtis?”
A stuttering voice came out of Cole. “I-I don’t know.”
You rolled your eyes. Of course he didn’t. What a dipshit. The kind who doesn’t know basic science or who to trust. But you guessed, at this point, you didn’t either. You raised your arm.
Smack. In a flash, his head was tossed to the side.
“Wrong answer.”
If Cole wasn’t going to give what you needed, maybe Lloyd could, or maybe he and his tight lips could be the vessel to get the Turner heir to squeal.
You took a step to your left, putting yourself directly in front of Lloyd.
Your voice was even and low. Calm, yet rage-lined. You were so sick of all this shit. You had no room to feel sad or worried anymore. All that was left was anger. At the situation, at yourself. It filled you, but it fueled you. Lloyd shook his head, paired with his shoulders that jumped up and down with laughter. Your fists tightened at the way you could tell he wasn’t taking you seriously.
“Oh, come on, Pumpkin. You’re a smartie. Bet you’re a sweet peach just like your friend, too, but I’m not giving up whe-“
Punch. Right to the jaw. It was almost in slow motion as Lloyd fell to the hay floor in a heap with a dull thump and a rustle. You had pinpointed the right spot and knocked him out cold. Your eyes quickly fixed on Cole again, seeing a new wave of fear had swept across his face.
“Is that motivation enough for you to help us now?”
He furiously nodded, but then looked back over his shoulder at Cherry. “I’ll talk to her.”
You could see the surprise on her face, but he was in no place to make demands. Just as you were about to speak up, Steve’s voice filled the barn.
“No way. You lost your right to negotiate when you let Lloyd cross that line. You talk to me or you don’t have a tongue to talk anymore. Got it?”
You watched Cole gulp in fear. That was on him for refusing to deal directly with you, and now he got Steve, who you didn’t even know the capabilities of, never having witnessed him in this environment before. All of the unknowns hitting you at once were too much. You had to get out of there, so you turned on your heel and swiftly exited the barn, fast walking away. Anywhere else.
You grumbled and shook your head as your boots brushed through the tall grass. “Fucking dumbass mobsters.”
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The mid-morning sun was high and bright in your eyes as you continued on the highway back home. You were exhausted, but things would get better once you got back to work. Right? They had to.
You turned in your seat, cracking your back and doing your best to stretch in the confined space. You took the opportunity to reach around, too, opening the glove compartment, shifting items around.
Peter was attempting to keep his eyes on the road, but his gaze kept flashing to you. “Everything alright, Miss Decks?”
You groaned in frustration, rifling through the drinks in the center console. Of course it was a cooler.
“Where does Bucky keep the sunglasses? He’s gotta have an extra pair somewhere. Rich bastard is rarely unprepared, I know it.”
Peter reached up near the rear view mirror and popped open a sunglasses holder where you saw a pair of dark frames.
“Ah, thank you, Five.”
You grabbed them and closed the holder, before sliding them on your face, crossing your arms, and scooting back down in the passenger seat. There was still a ways to go, and this was a little better so you didn’t go blind.
Just as you started nodding off for a nap, you felt a buzzing in your pocket. You let out a big sigh and pulled out your phone, rolling your eyes when you saw who it was: Bee. You groaned as you hit the button to answer the call, putting it on speaker in case there was something she had to say to Peter.
There was a deep breath taken on the other side of the line. “Well good morning to you, too, Sunshine. How’s the drive going? You kind of left abruptly.”
You continued to stare out at the road, more cars having joined alongside you as the day continued.
“Yeah. Couldn’t waste anymore time. Had to get back for the shift they need me for this afternoon.”
You heard her hum, knowing exactly what her face was from that noise. Most definitely tight-lipped and skeptical.
“Yeah, okay. And this isn’t you running away from your problems, right?”
You were silent for a second. She didn’t need to call you out like that. You were fine. It was all…fine. Maybe if you could convince her of that, you could convince yourself, too.
“What problems? We got Curtis back. Bucky is gonna help you figure out everything to keep your farm and then some I bet. No issues here except me having to go to work.”
It was Bee’s turn to stay silent now. It’s not like she was ever an excessive talker, but both of you knew that if she wasn’t gracing you with a response, she could see right through you and was waiting for you to state the conclusion on your own. Her silence drove you crazy.
“Okay, fine! I’m going back to my job to drown myself in test analysis reports and probably straining my eyes at the microscope again. Is that what you wanna hear?”
She let out a dry laugh from the other end of the line.
“While I admire the hustle, partner, you know it’s not. I wanna hear you talk about exactly what’s going on with a certain blonde puppy that’s pouting in my living room right now. But…since I love you I can give you good news first.”
Good news didn’t sound like something that could exist right now. But before you could catch more of those thoughts, you were interrupted by the clearing of a throat next to you. Oh right, Five was driving this car.
“Ugh. Before you speak more, hold on. Because this is between me and you, and I don’t need someone reporting this information to his boss.”
You looked over at Peter and the way his brow furrowed.
“Five, can I count on you to keep whatever you hear in this conversation a secret?”
He simply gave a curt nod.
“Discretion is my entire job description, Miss Decks.”
You sighed. It was exactly what you wanted to hear, but was it just that?
“Yeah, but do you have to report everything I say to your superiors?”
Peter shrugged. “I have to follow their orders…so if they tell me to…yes.”
“But isn’t your primary order right now to protect me? So protect me by not saying anything to Steve. What’s he gonna do? Hold a gun to your head?”
Peter was silent.
“Oh my god, he’s not gonna put a gun to your head, is he!?”
Peter spared a quick glance at you. “Um, I’d hope not. Probably not? No, no, he knows I’d never cross him. Mr. Rogers doesn’t like to get rid of people for no good reason. So definitely not if he knew the order of my silence came from you.”
From the phone in your hand, you heard Bee hum. “Ooooo, Decky, your reputation among the ranks precedes you.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’d tell you to shut up, but I’m actually trying to give you the opportunity to speak right now, and I have no desire to hear more about this hierarchy, so talk before I change my mind.”
Humor reached her voice at the way you were beginning to open up to her again. “Oh I love how you love me. You might regret giving that free rein, but I’ll get on with it. This weekend went to… excuse my language…shit, but I didn’t even get to show you your surprise.”
Your ears perked up. “Bee, you what? When on Earth did you have time for that?”
She made an unsure, drawn out sound. “Well…I didn’t. I’ve had my hands pretty full..it’s um, technically from Cole, but you’re gonna like it.”
You scoffed. “How am I going to like something regifted from that fucking weirdo.”
The annoyance she’d been holding back with your bitter mood was starting to show in her voice now. Something very rare. You couldn’t believe you were actually wearing her patience down. “Decks, can you just be nice for one second!? Don’t make me call you by your birth name, because I swear I will. I’ll use the middle one, too! God. It’s a cow. It’s that cow you always asked for. She’s yours and she needs a name. Please be nice to me. I’m trying so hard right now to help you. Try and shed some light on this terrible situation.”
“Okay, okay, fine.” You shrunk in on yourself in your seat and your voice was almost a squeak. As much as you wanted to be annoyed at everything and how it did truly go to shit, you couldn’t blame it on her. It really wasn’t her fault. And this subject change was kind of nice.
Your voice was still small. “So tell me more about this cow. Mini highland?”
Back was her bright tone. “Yep! That’s the one. Light brown and adorable. You wanna rif on it?”
You sighed. “Um…maybe not right now? But I really do appreciate it. Give that girl a nice spa day for me, will you?”
You couldn’t see it, but you were sure she was nodding on the other side of the phone.
“Yeah, yeah. I will.”
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Earlier last night (right after returning from the bar)
Steve and Bucky had converted one of the barns on the property into a makeshift interrogation room while Cole and Lloyd were still out cold, Bucky having knocked them out as a result of the fight in the bar. He knew you had driven Cherry home, but had no idea where you were now as he walked around the barn entrance, kicking stray rocks and looking up at the clear sky, littered with stars. All he could think about was sharing that view with you.
Over his shoulder, he could hear the grass rustling from footsteps and suddenly next to him stood Bucky. Steve looked at his best friend with a halfhearted smile, the pain evidently seeping through. It wasn’t going to be an easy night by any means, but Bucky knew it was much harder for Steve than him. Steve sighed, comfortable enough to speak his mind. He had to get this out, voicing something would keep him from combusting.
“It’s so beautiful. All the times I’ve been out here, I haven’t gotten the chance to look up at the sky at night without all the light pollution. Decks would love this. I bet she knows all the constellations.”
Bucky let out a small chuckle at the obsessive thoughts of his friend. He had a point, though, and he felt it a little more as he heard Bee walk up behind him, slotting her fingers between his own and setting her head on his shoulder. Steve continued to stare upward with a small, wistful sigh as Bee spoke over the light chirp of the crickets.
“She does. She took an astronomy elective in college. The stars are no use enjoying alone. You should be staring up at them together, but she needs to come to that conclusion on her own now that she knows everything.”
Steve nodded, huffed, then wiped his tired eyes with the heels of his palms, finally dropping his head.
“Yeah, you’re right. But I’m going to keep trying. I have to.”
Bee clicked her tongue and looked over at Bucky, responding to Steve. “As you should. Sometimes the best things are the ones someone teaches you to work a little extra for.”
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“Now it’s your turn, Decks. What’s really got you twisted?” Bee’s bright voice was louder than you’d like on the phone speaker.
You grumbled your response under your breath.
“What? I couldn’t quite catch that?”
You sighed and took a sip of water from the bottle you pulled out of the cooler, preparing yourself to finally voice the feelings you’d had cooped up inside.
“God, Bee this is so fucking embarrassing. I was stupid and blind. That’s what I’m so mad about, Curtis aside. It was all right in front of me the entire time. I should’ve seen it coming. I mean, Bucky, Steve, Lillian, Lloyd. They were all right there! And I missed them! I’m a terrible civic servant. I should just rescind that application I sent to the FBI.”
You huffed after having said your peace, but were glad the phone wasn’t up by your ear when her voices busted through the speaker again.
“WAIT, you applied to the FBI!? Decks, why didn’t you tell me?!”
You shrugged. “I don’t know, didn’t feel right at the time when I was at your house. And I didn’t want it over call or text in case the NSA or someone else was listening, but what does it matter now? I’m a terrible investigator.”
You thought for a second before speaking up again. “I shouldn’t have tried to make all this for myself. Maybe my mom was right and I should’ve looked for a husband a long time ago. Settled down or something and stopped pushing to have more. The world’s been trying to tell me that’s all I’m good for, but obviously even that’s something I mess up.”
“Ugh, Decks. You’ve gotta stop with that malarkey your mom fed you. Sure, she’s great and she stayed home once she found a husband, but that doesn’t have to be you. You’ve told me several times you don’t want that to be you. If that’s what you want now, great, but I know you and I know it’s not. I think you should keep going for your goals. You’d be great in the FBI.”
You wanted to smile at the compliment, but you felt like a fool. “Would I, though? For the several reasons I just told you? Plus, even if I were to get in, they do background checks. And interviews of family and friends. How’s it gonna look if my best friend is involved with the mob? And so is that guy that I kissed, like twice, but wanted to do way more than kiss with? And oh yeah, his best friend, which also happens to be the aforementioned best friend’s boyfriend? Also mob. And let’s add another friend getting kidnapped by a dirty lawyer, once again, mob, to the list. Can’t hide that.”
Bee sighed in contemplation. “Well, uh, actually, you can. Technically on paper I’m a produce contractor for Bucky’s restaurants. That’s why they’ve got all the businesses, bestie.”
“But even if that does work for the interview process, my luck won’t roll on forever. So maybe cut ties are for the best. But also, do they really even matter? Like, not really at this point. Nothing matters. I’ll just stay in the city, do my little science experiments like a monkey for those fuckwads like Walker, and maybe get a cat. It’ll be grand.”
Bee almost growled. You were sure it was terrifying in person. “Can you just stop feeling sorry for yourself!? I didn’t want to have to pull out the tough love but you leave me no choice. Yeah, this whole thing is fucked up. You got lied to, and I’m sorry for that. But honestly, nothing was fake. I’ll tell you that for a fact. And I know you know it, too. You can join the FBI if you want. You can keep your digital footprint and paper trail clean, and you can find happiness on your own terms. I’m this close to saying I’m sick of this sour behavior, Decks. If anyone can find their way out of a tangled mess like the one you think you’re caught up in, it’s you. So like you always do, put your head down and stop complainin’!”
You didn’t want to dignify this all with a response, so she kept going, but something on the other end of the line was trying to get her attention. “Listen, I’ve gotta go. But you know where I stand. On all of this. On you, on Steve, on your job. You can call me whenever, just think about it and stop selling yourself short. I know you’ve got this whole hard, tough exterior going for you, and it’s great. I love it, because I know the softness underneath. But don’t let that all harden, too. I can see you want it to because yeah, this all hurts, but that’s not gonna help your pain. It’s just gonna trap it there.”
What the fuck was this wise sage advice? She was turning into her uncle slowly. You were sure of it. Unfortunately, that didn’t mean she was wrong, though, but you didn’t want to hear it. So you simply put your hood up and pulled the strings tight. Her voice held a tone of disappointment, but also empathy at your continued silence; it was softer now.
“I love you, and I care for you, and I want you to know, I never would have let Steve get that close to you if I didn’t think it could bloom into something amazing. For both of you. It’s beyond just having someone else there. I know you’re mad, but maybe give him a chance. Okay? I’ve really gotta go now. Bye.”
The dial tone signaling the end of the call filled the car. You watched as Peter’s hands adjusted on the wheel and the city skyline came into view.
The thing was, after getting all of that out to Bee and listening to her, you realized you weren’t really mad, but it all just hurt. It was a pain that came from heartbreak. Someone you trusted let you down; multiple people. But you weren’t sorry about how you acted because of it. And to your surprise, you weren’t sorry about much that had happened at all, but for now, you needed to focus on you.
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Late last night (after the interrogation)
Steve stayed light on his feet as he ducked and made his way through the tall grass of the farm field. After your…. convincing argument… as to why Cole should speak up, he spilled everything to Bucky and Steve. And it was everything. The extent of his deals with Lloyd, his original plans to overtake Bee’s farm, the true financial state of his own empire, and the fact that he and Lillian were seeing each other. Which was…frankly, more than Steve was willing to hear.
All of that information, though, led him to one of the newer locations of the Turner farms. One that specialized in cattle feed and storage, so no live animals on the property, just fallow and crop fields, and several barns and silos.
Steve rushed through the tall grass, flanked by Bucky and his men, giving silent hand signals as orders. They were to make as little of a scene as possible, which would’ve been successful if Lillian’s men hadn’t made a mess of everything. Shooting without silencers, screaming, making the entire scene evident to any onlookers. They were lucky they were in the middle of nowhere. Someone might just mistake it all as a farmer’s altercation with a coyote.
After having taken care of the two guards outside one of the barns while Bucky and his men handled the rest of the area, Steve was on alert as he slid the barn door open on the largest of the several buildings. The early morning light lit up the dim barn, illuminating Curtis’s face. Steve wanted to feel relief but he had to make sure Curtis was alright first. He surveyed the area as he approached.
Out in front of him, Curtis squinted and spoke with a raspy voice. “Steve?”
Steve gave him a small smile, surprised when Curtis’s face fell a little flat, not giving much emotion.
“Hey there, partner. I’m here for retrieval service.”
He walked around behind Curtis and crouched down, pulling the knife out of his breast pocket, flicking it open, and cutting the wrist restraints. Curtis immediately brought his hands to his front, rubbing the tender area.
“Did you get Lillian? She was outside. And all the guards? Is everyone else okay? How’s Cherry? Decks? Bee?”
Steve walked around to Curtis’s front, crouching once again to begin sawing at the ropes that held his ankles.
“The girls are good. Safe on the farm being guarded, but I think they can handle themselves. Your girl has taken this quite well all things considered.”
Steve broke through the ropes and looked up at Curtis’s face. There was a cut on his cheek that appeared to be bruising slowly.
“Lillian got you pretty good, huh? Don’t worry, we’ve got her now. And Lloyd and Cole. They’re getting delivered back to an old friend in the city as we speak. Probably won’t have to see their faces ever again. That’s a blessing.”
Steve thought back to Lillian meeting him and Bucky at the edge of the property when they first arrived, gun and singular henchman at the ready, easily overpowered by the two of them. Backup must have been lagging. They were easily set in the back of one of the SUVs in the brigade to be sent away. Good riddance, she was terrible and Curtis didn’t even know the half of it.
Curtis nodded in assent. “You could say that again.”
Steve looked Curtis once over, checking for any more injuries, satisfied to not see anything too bad. She must’ve been planning something terribly drawn out and he was lucky she never got there. “Can you walk?”
Curtis nodded and groaned as he threw his hands to his knees and pressed out of the uncomfortable metal chair.
“Yeah…you never really answered all of my questions, though, city boy, at least not fully….”
Steve internally winced, hoping that would squeak past, but it didn’t. He walked with Curtis up to the edge of the barn, peeking out to check if the coast was clear and speaking into an ear piece, indicating Curtis had been picked up and was ready for transport. He nodded with confirmation and his shoulders relaxed a little, although Steve grabbed the gun from the holster on his hip just in case, keeping it low as they shuffled out into the open field. One could never be too cautious of Lillian, but this didn’t seem like a plan that was thought out very well.
Steve and Curtis stepped out onto the land of one of the Turners farms. It was a newer one, a shame, yet somewhat satisfying by how much of it was on fire right now. The barn behind them was already up in flames, per the boss’s orders.
Steve led Curtis back to his black SUV parked on the gravel road, but looked at the farmer with confusion as Curtis took it upon himself to go towards the driver’s seat, despite the way Steve was very evidently guiding him towards the passenger side. Curtis held his hand out for the keys expectantly. Steve was nervous, he didn’t like the look on his face one bit. It was stern, demanding, and…protective? And it perfectly matched his vocal tone.
“Come on. While I drive home, you’re gonna walk me through your plan to get Decks back. If the next time I see her, she’s as mopey as she’s been this weekend, or worse yet, this hardens her, you’ll have hell to pay.”
Steve sighed as he settled into his seat. “Okay, okay. But I think I’m gonna need a lot of your input. Just be nice about it.”
Curtis raised a skeptical brow at Steve as he pulled out onto the country road. Steve wished he could crawl out of his skin. He might have just risked his life to save Curtis, but now he was on edge, faced with having to confront not only what he did wrong, but how he planned to fix it, and the fact that it may never be good with you again.
In Steve’s extended silence, Curtis decided to speak up, one hand on the wheel to slightly turn his body.
“You know, Steve, I’ve always been a little skeptical of you.”
Steve’s heart was beating fast. He wasn’t blind. Something about the two of them just never clicked.
“But that doesn’t mean I don’t like you. I think you and I just don’t understand the way each other ticks. I don’t know why you do the things you do.”
Steve cleared his throat, turning towards Curtis to hear more.
“Way back when, Decks dated a friend of mine. It didn’t really go anywhere, but I knew I didn’t like it and I wasn’t sure why.”
Steve nodded in anticipation to where this was going.
“I came to realize it was because I was protective, because I know her. And I know she’s tough, but there’s a lot more vulnerability under that surface. And from that moment, I saw, too, that anyone who dated her without taking special consideration for that wasn’t my friend. Anyone who didn’t bare their own intentions and thoughts like I knew she was bound to do, wasn’t a friend.”
Steve shifted in discomfort. “So you don’t think I care? You don’t think I’m honest?”
Curtis blew out a breath. “I can tell you care, but I think you were a little too comfortable withholding the truth from someone who put their inner self on display for you.”
Steve nodded in understanding. He knew what he did was wrong, but he had no idea what the true gravity of it was.
“So, you got anything more to say about it, buddy? How are you going to apologize? How will you say you’re sorry and deserving of her?”
Steve wiped a hand down over his face.
“I-I don’t know. Maybe send her something? Some food, whatever she might want? Do you know what she might want? A car? A-“
Curtis stopped him right there. “I don’t think so. You can’t buy her forgiveness. How are you showing it to her? Plus, you can’t give her a car. The FBI will flag your connection to her real quick and I won’t let your feelings and lack of knowledge make a smudge on her background check when she just sent in that application.”
Steve sighed. He had no idea you applied to the FBI. Heck, he just learned only a week ago how you got your nickname. It seemed like he was so taken aback with your chemistry, and with hiding his identity, that the two of you skipped over each other as people.
“Okay, I-I didn’t know that. What do I do to show her, then, though?”
Curtis laughed dryly. “That’s for you to figure out. And sure, it could come in the form of gifts, but more so, it should come in the form of you. Do something that shows you’re willing to go by her pace, to learn the way she works and lives her life, not that you’re trying to fit her into yours, or worse yet, have her be an accessory to everything else you have going on. Decks is someone worth prioritizing.”
“Yeah, I know. Fuck. Well then it seems like I’ve got some work to do.”
“Big time. Now, my turn, because I wanna know the extent of hell you and I may have gone through together in another sense. Tell me what Lillian was like growing up.”
Steve smiled a little in the corner of his mouth. Maybe once he fixed it all with you, he and Curtis could get along after all. “Well, I’ll tell you what. I’m a saint compared to her.”
Curtis snickered. “I figured, golden boy.”
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Earlier this morning, just before your departure
You shuffled around upstairs in the farmhouse, gathering the few items you came with in preparation to head back home. You knew the boys were out getting Curtis with cautious optimism they’d be back any minute. Bee and Cherry were downstairs, cleaning up the dishes from breakfast as you packed.
As you looked out the window, you saw an SUV turn off the dirt road and onto the driveway. You finished shoving everything else in your bag, slung it over your shoulder and went down the steps. When you got there, you saw Cherry walking out the front door as Bee was digging a broom and dustpan out of the closet.
You dropped your bag on the bench to scope the area, morning light glowing through the curtains. Your survey was cut short, though.
“Decks, be a dear and hold this dustpan for me, won’t you?”
You silently nodded, squatting down and looking at the shattered coffee mug. Bee didn’t seem on alert, though. She seemed relieved, and that’s when you heard Curtis’s voice on the other side of the door. You perked up before going to throw away the ceramic shards.
Just as you were dusting off your hands, the front door creaked open revealing Curtis a little battered and bruised, but walking just fine. As Bee put away the broom, you ran up to him and threw your arms around his neck. Your voice was muffled by the fabric of his shirt.
“I never thought I’d have to say a statement like this twice in a couple months, but I’m so happy you’re alive.”
Curtis laughed and rubbed your back. “Sure am. And I agree. That’s enough mob business for now.”
You let out a watery laugh, pulling away and letting Bee in to see her cousin. The door remained open and your eyes went straight to your bag again. As you grabbed it and put it over your shoulder, you quickly shuffled out the door, past the two large and suited men, running towards the third one who had agreed to drive you home.
Steve had walked in the house, ready to talk to you, but was caught by surprise when you zipped past him. As Bucky joined the group in the living room, ready to debrief everyone, all Steve could focus on was you. He lurched forward on his feet, shoved by Curtis, and used the momentum to jog down to Bucky’s car where you had already gotten in the passenger seat.
Peter was still standing outside the driver’s side as you looked straight ahead, arms crossed and ready to leave now that Curtis was alright. You had no intention of speaking with Steve, even though he was knocking on your window with a concerned look on his face.
“Decks. Hey, can I talk to you for a second?”
You shook your head just barely enough for him to see.
“Please? I want to apologize. I’m sorry.”
You reached a hand out to lower the window just a crack, still not granting him eye contact.
“Sorry for what, Steven?”
He took a deep breath, leaning forward so his one hand sat on the roof of the car, the other bracing the side mirror.
“Sorry for lying. Betraying your trust. Keeping the truth from you.”
You nodded, your lips pursed in slight anger and consideration. You finally whipped your head to face him.
“Did you ever think that maybe I wanted the choice, Steve? To know the truth. Decide whether or not what I felt for you was real by knowing all of you? You took that away from me.”
He nodded, staring down at the rocks in front of his feet. “I know, I know. That’s…..that was bad decision-making on my part-“
“See, but you got to make a decision. I didn’t. There’s a difference there. All that time spent together was a lie and a borderline waste.”
Steve shook his head, the watery blue of his eyes finally rising to meet yours again. “I don’t think it was. All those times with me, they were the real me, and I know they were the real you, too. That’s something I’ll never be sorry for: our time together. But I am sorry for taking the choice of you knowing what I might be getting you into.”
“You should be.” You faced forward in your seat again and rolled your window up, hearing Steve’s demands to Peter through the glass.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: ooooooh! What does it all mean!? Hehehe🫣 was Curtis too nice to Steve? Be honest. Was bee too nice to Decks? Should she have pushed her back towards Steve a little harder?
Taglist: @evie-119 @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly @thedonswife13 @mercurial-chuckles @thezombieprostitute
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sals-geno · 3 months ago
My experience with the Super Mario RPG community.
This is my first post of 2025, and this is gonna be a vent post.
I joined the SMRPG community back in December 2023 when I started having a hyperfixation on one of the characters Geno. I saved up a bunch of fanart of Geno and followed a bunch of artists, and it was pretty good.
The trouble started in January 2024 when a user called me out for asking multiple artists for art of Geno wearing pajamas and as a merperson. The thing was, I did not expect them to draw them for me, I just asked a simple question. Initially, I wanted nothing to fo with the drama because it annoyed me, but my curiosity and paranoia led me to respond to them. The worst part was that it was when I was turning 18, which will lead to a future event. I got pretty furstrated and then blocked them.
But then in March 2024, I unblocked them and the same user called me out for being a proshipper. This callout really hurt my mental health and led to many artists blocking me. I ended up confessing to me and they posted my apology with the anti proshitter tags. That callout is the reason why this blog exists, to reblog about proship discourse without the fear of callouts.
In April 2024, I joined the Mario RPG Central Discord, and it was pretty good there until I met someone called Serena Foxx, who was a fan of Geno as well. We connected well until I told them about the callout. They were sympathetic at first, but I was annoyed at their proship stance and wanted to change their mind, so I told them why proshippers were good, and she disagreed with me. She said that proshippers were bigoted pedophiles and write dead dove stuff and think it’s okay irl.
What really hurt my feelings was when she called me a pedo sympathizer when I told them people should be allowed to write what they want without being harassed. Out of desperation, I told one of the mods about the situation and about my foot fetish, which led to me being banned from the server. What happened before was that one of my mutuals who was also a fan of Geno posted navel art. They were accused of having a fetish and I became scared that I would be accused of having a fetish that out of a rash decision I confessed to someone about me having a foot fetish.
In May 2024, I became enamored with the webcomic Court of Roses by Nintendonut,1 one of the artists who made SMRPG art. Out of curiosity, I joined the Court of Roses Discord server so I could see. It went well at first, but as I was searching in the posts, I saw a post in which Foxx referred to me as a Chris Chan lolcow in the Homestuck community. This statement really hurt me because of what I’ve been through, but I kept holding up.
I do remembering one time that another user said that proshippers were annoying and that it was okay to callout people for posting gross fiction. I didn’t want to tell them otherwise because I was scared that I would be banned. I also disapproved of them and the other user’s use of the word proship. And then in June 2024, I got so angry that I made a post on Reddit about being called a lolcow. I told about this to a few people and later I ended up getting banned from the server for sending unsolicited DMs, talking about foot fetish to a minor, and harassing others.
Meanwhile ended up submitting some of Nutty’s characters in Tumblr kiss marry kill polls because I liked the characters. Nutty accused me of stalking them and referred to me as a creep. This broke me mentally because I loved Nutty’s art and webcomic, and it happened around their birthday.
I do not want to he associated with that part of the SMRPG community because these situations made me realize that I don’t belong there due to my behavior. To the people I have hurt or have made uncomfortable I am very sorry for what I have done. My mental state was not good, and I did not mean to hurt you. What I have done was irresponsible and I don’t want to be associated with that. I take accountability in my actions and will do my best not to do this again.
I don’t want to say my experience with the SMRPG community is all bad, I really enjoyed seeing the fanart people made, but me overusing social media, my rash decisions put a toll on my mental well-being and put a dent on my experience with the community.
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proudfreakmetarusonikku · 4 months ago
Honestly like is Metal Sonic even Metal Sonic without being a little cringefail. Like yes she’s fucking terrifying that should always be the case she's got Something really fucked up going on and is both terrifyingly smart and powerful and beyond monomaniacally obsessed with hunting down her target. She's heavily associated with the Leviathan of all things she should be fucking terrifying enough on its own. She's basically a T1000 if it hated You Specifically that’s one of the scariest concepts out there. But she’s also extremely fucking cringefail and always has been. Like I mean even outside of the fact her entire existence is a Sisyphean nightmare and she'll always be failing and even if she somehow won she’d be miserable Still the failure part isn’t negotiable there is no possible success for her she'll be miserable no matter what. She also is a theatre kid. Like she’s dramatic as shit at All Times even when she can’t speak or emote and in the game she’s able to choose to express herself and talk she's an extremely chuuni mess going through a psychotic breakdown who made herself into the most original the character donut steel ass form as possible and also has the biggest egg vibes in the fucking galaxy which was absolutely unintended but is very funny. Like she has to be Both the most terrifying threat in the series when she's not serving as someone’s attack dog And Also have the same vibes as a kid who accidentally lets all their personal issues creep into their roleplay as their edgy OC and gets into fandom discourse.
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crushedsweets · 1 year ago
it’s been a while back so i’m w more song analysis!! this is too long i’m warning u now. in fact this might not even be readable im so sorry it’s just. so much rambling 😭
when memories snow (more mitski mm also i got tickets for her tour and i will not shut up ab it!!! she’s so cool!!!!!!!) is incredibly tim coded. the very sinister chords at the chorus, really makes you *feel* him spiralling - and the LYRICS ugh very ‘i’m trying to ignore/suppress my memories but they keep coming back against my will’ slash ‘bottling up all my feelings and forging on with my work. pretending they don’t exist’
hate yourself by tv girl is very nina x kate (in the sense of kate watching nina destroy herself for a man who does not even like her) ough. ‘i think you’d fall in love with anyone who fell in love with you / and they frequently do’ BC KATE DID!! kate fell in love with her!! also ‘i’ll just wait til those arms belong to me’ is so subtly manipulative which is very. yeah. kate’s definitely not perfect and i wouldn’t put her above being like that if she really wanted to. + the deceptively happy instrumental with vaguely dark lyrics = nina being overly outgoing and social to make up for the fact that her mental state is in absolute shambles (poor bby)
the wolf by siamés is both tim and brian but i think leans more brian (what is it with this man that makes me think of ‘walking music’. ykwim? the chain, the wolf, house of the rising sun all remind me of him. all very slow-threatening-determined-walk songs) once again, driving beat, heavy bassline. (i play bass guitar so i love a song w an interesting bass part) i think shows resilience as well as grounding - imo he’s always been one of the more mature / level-headed creeps, to the point he’s very self aware. this man knows exactly what he’s doing at all times. ‘somewhere far away i can hear your call’ even in the future when he thinks he’s escaped from slender he knows deep down he’ll never be truly free…. yes ok
keep myself alive by get scared for jane. she’s so angry - AS SHE SHOULD BE and i feel it’s just a audible version of her rage. ‘i just wanna leave this place behind / everytime i see your face in mine’ because her and jeff have the same burned face thing going on…….. ough. she can never escape from the man who ruined her life. the guitar shifting from this melancholy, reverb-y tone in the verses to the loud distortion in the chorus reflecting her mood shifting from self-pity to raw anger
bonus: class of 2013 by mitski x toby
i should rlly make a playlist for each creep but i use musi not spotify 💔
- 🌙 anon
sorry for making u read all of this ❤️
anon. oh my god. i need you to know how often i think about this ask. and how guilty i feel knowing i shouldve responded forever ago but kept putting it off. im going to respond now with shame. thank you so much for your patience. my god
when memories snow for tim is soooo real. i associate him with a longing for life before slendy, while also repressing it cuz it hurts knowing itll never ever come back. going to bars, hanging out in his friends apartments, going to class, late night driving... "I shovel all those memories, clear the path to drive to the store" i think even the imagery of him shoveling snow out of a driveway gives off that sort of strong, cold idea of him. and 'drive to the store' obv being...proxy work... SO SAD
ALSO FUCK NINAKATE MENTION IM IN TEARS ok listen. theyre both really bad. and i super agree that kate might be a bit deceptive and manipulative (intentionally or not) cuz she wants nina to completely remove jeff and take his place (NOT HIS ROLE, just his place in ninas arms). also "how long will it take before you start to hate yourself and go straight to the arms of someone else" i think its undeniable that ninas obsession with romance is related to her own self image, and kate doesnt really like herself that much either. "im not saying that you love me, im not saying anything" OHH BUT SHE WANTS NINA SOOO BAD... man.
also im absolutely in love with how you take the sound itself into account, not just lyrics. the way you explain the wolf connecting to brians determination, reslience, and grounding presense is SOOO PERFECT and i can see it in the first few lyrics as well. the also "sneaking in the pain, every truth becomes lie / i wont trust myself once i hear your call" THATS TIM AND BRIAN COME ON GUYS DO YOU HEAR THIS
also i love keep myself alive. i heavily agree she has every right to be angry, and thats a core part of her character - rage, grief, strength. "to sleep i of course think i'm stronger now / to sleep i gotta catch myself" im crying. the sleep menton + she feels alone. she has a support system, a literal wife, but she still holds all of her grief on her own shoulders. who the fuck else can relate to being violently stalked for months, walking in on your parents being tortured together, being attacked, nearly burnt alive, then LOSING your parents? also "how could this dark cloud make me stronger now" i think a lot of people would have told her that her experience made her a survivor and made her strong and whatnot. but i dont think she feels that way. i think she feels like a victim, she feels tortured, she feels like that same little girl who'd sleep in her parents bed after a nightmare - but this isnt a nightmare she can wake up from. her parents bed burnt to ashes. there is relief in just letting yourself grieve and hurt - but she's so beyond focused on being strong. and it doesnt make sense to her. doesnt make sense how she can be strong after all of that . but she is, cuz she has to be
ALSO YES OH MY FUCKING GOD CLASS OF 2013 DFUCK FUCKFUCKF FIFJF FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKK i dont even need to explain why this gets me. yall already know. my god
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 5 months ago
Why is PreGame Shuichi always seen as a yanderé when he's just an antisocial DanganRonpa fan?
Excellent question!
This has roots back into the japanese fandom so its hard to fully research actually, however we know kagehara comes from the japanese fandom through a compound kage, and hara, aka shadow saihara, kagehara 影原. This is likely chosen due to persona's use of shadow selves if i had to take a guess, which might also be why kagehara tends to have a much harsher yellow eye color like the one seen below on Shadow Yosuke, before this became so main stream there was also inchara 陰キャ原 for in character + saihara but this has never seen any popularity in the english fandom to my knowledge. There's also these names for the rest of the characters but only bonkichi really saw any traction in the english fandom
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So now they we know the basis of the name, where does the yandere come in?
The first fanfiction i can find on ao3 that seems to lean into this view of pregame Shuichi of him being a dangerous creepy guy is This Must Be What Fun Is from 2017, while it lacks some of the more common later tropes and even has shuichi marked as aromantic, the obsessive and bloody traits commonly associated with it is definitely all there.
The first fic in the tag "pregame-shuichi" is audition from february 2017, however they used the tag ORIGINAL saihara which got tag wrangled in, and the first REAL use of the tag is from Can't Help Falling from December 2017
After that the first use of Kagehara in a fanfic description is At Least It's Something from July 2018 which is a selfcest fic with some WILD plot points actually i might need to look at that one later just out of morbid curiosity
From this, we can know the trope has its roots from the very start of the games release. Where the character of pregame shuichi in the audition tapes easily slid into an otaku characterization due to his obsession with danganronpa.
Thus, its easy to see where his creepy pervert personality come from, otaku stereotypes. You'll see this stigma in a lot of anime where characters try to hide being an otaku and such. This is why Kagehara often is soon as very reclusive, spending all his time and money on one thing, danganronpa, and not caring for anything outside this thing. To the point of antisocial behavior or becoming a threat to others. Immature, obsessive, and sexual deviancy. Classic stereotypical otaku characterization.
One of the stereotypes is usually being a creep towards an object of affection, and thus as the most popular ship, kokichi easily slotted into that stereotypical role of the object of affection. He's small, easily made a bit more feminized, and thus able to be the soft kawaii to be harassed.
Which as this becomes popular, likely for the same reasons any "zomg the main character is EVIIIIL actually" kinda thing gets popular, led to more people playing in the space and pushing it further and further until we get to where we are today!
Though, just between you and me, i have my own personal theory. I can't back it up with anything but it makes sense to me.
The audience comments in v3 are unhinged at times, with comments like "I wanna see the color of Shuichi’s blood" and "I want to break Shuichi’s fingers <3" the audience although only here for a short time has a very strong characterization and interesting dialogue. However, how do you portray this in a story? You really can't without someone to act as the proxy.
With the most fanboyish audition video, and the popularity to back it up, Shuichi ended up being this proxy. Kagehara isn't actually a reflection or evil version of shuichi or anything, it's the proxy to hold the audience in a way thats easy to write, and without the risks of say, writing an oc.
All of the fucked up things we hear about the audience and outside world, all the bad things, the talk of how boring everything but danganronpa is, these elements need a surrogate to embody it or else it can be hard to write with them. That's what kagehara is, the audience and what tsumugi tells about the outside word in a convenient familiar character shaped proxy Kokichi just got nabbed along for the ride as the most popular ship
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year ago
one of the things i find really interesting about your au is the fact that al****t found a sense of superiority to rhaenyra because she was skinny. like because she was not curvy like rhaenyra, she was more “holy”? besides from their differences in dressing yet she also kind of judged aemma for being a twig yet aemma was still winning over alicent because she had better kinds lol
Hi there 😊 and like almost always, sorry for this delay.
So this idea is not original. In the books, Gyldayn himself as well as Mushroom do make this comparison between Rhaenyra and Alicent, saying that Rhaenyra never fully lost the weight she gained with each pregnancy and that Alicent maintained her elegant figure even after four pregnancies. The author even places doubt on how many men would fight for Rhaenyra now that her body has "thickened" after six pregnancies.
Spoiler: A LOT did.
It made sense to me that the Greens themselves would comment on this, and Alicent too, as it is made obvious in Fire&Blood that her life revolved around Rhaenyra and what she was or was not doing (and insulting her whenever she had a chance). Likewise, the Greens and Alicent would use this like the narrative does - as something to make her look superior to Rhaenyra.
It is a common theme to make a character gain weight to show a sense of "corruption" and decadence, and George has plenty of examples of uses of this theme. Conversely, maintaining one's weight, or even losing, is seen as having other concerns and plenty of times associated with a sense of holiness - George himself is guilty of doing this with a variety of characters too - of being in control. Western society sees being above weight as lacking control, being lazy, amongst other negative attributes, and being thin is associated with mostly just positive attributes. In the Catholic and Christian faiths - ones I can comment on since I was baptised as Christian and raised Catholic - gluttony is considered one of the Seven Deadly, and strongly associated with an inability to overcome temptation and suffer to bring yourself closer to God - which is a common theme in Catholicism, you have to suffer to bring yourself closer to God and the Divine.
This would be the contrast between Alicent and Rhaenyra, someone who is fully in control of herself and thus associated with positive attributes, and someone who is not in control and thus is associated with negative attributes... or this is the message the Greens and Alicent would like to pass, reality is that while, yes, Alicent likes to maintain her weight to feel superior and uses this to add to her beauty, Rhaenyra is someone who enjoys pleasure and life and who has nothing to prove, even because, she continues to be considered the most beautiful woman at court even after she stops being as slender as she was when she was a maid. Her beauty is not dependent on how thin she is, and this is just one more thing amongst a larger theme that Alicent resents her for -> that she is not held to the same standards as Alicent is and does not need to do X to get Y; and in Alicent's eyes it just adds the feeling that everything is just given to Rhaenyra even when she breaks the rules and it results in more and more hatred.
Of course that Alicent is self-serving in almost everything she does, and her opinions will change depending on what the need dictates. When it fits her being too thin is negative - as was the case with Aemma. However, we see this hypocrisy in plenty of other spheres, for instance, she fears Daemon and thinks he is another Maegor, yet her sons are just fierce and young. Even with Rhaenyra's own weight, both Aegon and Helaena are much heavier than her, yet for Alicent this is not a problem and they just have "healthy appetites". Daemon is a creep for liking virgins and cheating on his first wife and seducing Rhaenyra, yet Criston who was obsessed with Rhaenyra's purity and tried to seduce her is fine and a true knight. Obeying men is something women should do, except when she disobeys Viserys to do what she wants to do.
Thank you so much for the ask I really enjoyed answering this one 😁
PS: Please note my fics are based on the asoiaf books only and consider only the asoiaf characters, not any of the events, characters or the like from a certain lizard redacted show.
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fortanreviews · 10 months ago
I have lost faith in telling people they're wrong online
This is gonna be a different FortRant, it's not a rant made of anger but rather, disappointment.
To some of you, this headline might cause a reaction like "what? Only now???" but I am not talking about telling people they are wrong about real life subjects and hot topic issues, I am talking about telling people they are wrong about ANYTHING. Even if that subject might be completely harmless.
What caused this? A single issue, it was in another Discord server I am no longer part of.
To give you the context, Disney recently released a trailer for their next awful movie which will be a prequel to 2019 Lion King disaster. The story apparently has a bit where Scar, brother of Mufasa, and main antagonist of original movie, is kinda screwed out of the throne by their father or something like that.
And then someone on that server, let's call him "Rick" said, "way to make nazi allegory the good guy".
I had to do a double take when I saw that post.
Now, before we get into the argument me and Rick had, let's explain why calling Scar a nazi allegory is objectively wrong.
Now yes, Be Prepared exists and it has hyenas marching in a scene directly inspired by Triumph of the Will. But outside of that scene, Scar never does anything nazi-ish. Scar becomes a dictator of Pride Lands yes but being a dictator doesn't automatically make you a nazi or even a fascist. Ask Tito.
It is funny because often internet tends to claim that Scar was right and he was using an oppressed minority that were the hyenas to have an uprising, and the famine that happened as soon as he took power wasn't his fault. Rick's argument is the polar opposite of this.
The thing is, much like every other song in the movie, Be Prepared has a big case of "Musical World Hypotheses". Yes, songs like "Circle of Life" and "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" are depicting a thing that happens in the movie's universe, while something like "I Just Can't Wait To Be King" is a colorful embellishment of things that probably took place. "Be Prepared", what with the dramatic color swifts and sudden volcanic eruption that occurs at the end of the song, a fair argument can be made it also falls into same hole as "I Just Can't Wait To Be King" where the visuals of the song are not something that actually happens. The message of the song is "Scar wants power even if he has to resort to murder, and he's gonna give Hyenas false promises so they will do his bidding". The goose-stepping hyenas are not there to be an allegory to nazis, it's just there to show that the hyenas are marching to the beat of Scar's drum, and Triumph of The Will inspiration is there to instill fear into the audience. You never would have expected imagery like this on a Disney film, especially about cartoon lions. It is also a throwback of sorts to Disney's anti-nazi propaganda films like "Education for Death" and "Der Fuehrer's Face".
I can see someone who has never seen the movie make the incorrect assessment that because of Be Prepared, Scar is a nazi allegory. But when you remove Be Prepared from the movie, you can clearly see this isn't the case.
Lion King was inspired by fucking Hamlet, and Scar is directly inspired by King Claudius from the original play, he kills his brother so he can be king, he makes his nephew fuck off and then creeps on his brother's wife. King Claudius is directly inspired by Roman Emperor Claudius, and to be fair, during Shakespeare's time, Claudius was considered to be THE Evil Ruler, even though his son Nero was far worse. So you could directly argue Scar isn't a nazi allegory as much as he is an allegory for Claudius due to association.
And yes, Roman Empire nostalgia was one of the things that inspired Mussolini to create fascism, but that's not the point. To call Scar a "nazi allegory", you would need to reference things like antisemitism, holocaust and totalitarianism. Scar never talks about wanting to exterminate the Jew allegory, which this movie does not have. He only cares about power, and when he gets that power he distorts the Circle of Life, because hyenas are the one animal who don't respect the Circle of Life. Circle of Life in itself is an allegory to how real nature works, and I think it's a good way for the story to address animals eating eachother even if they can all talk and seem to have a civilized society somewhat. This ironically also debunks the whole "Lion King ripped off Kimba" theory, because Kimba was all about trying to END animals eating each other and animals should learn to be more like the humans, but I am getting off-topic. Basically, Scar is just a bad person who wants power and takes advantage of an "oppressed" group to get that power and then when he gets that power, everything goes to shit.
Disney movies often don't have complicated themes, Lion King has so much raw mass appeal because it's easy to get into, it's child's first foray into Shakespeare, even if I think Journey to Melonia is a better adaptation of Shakespearean themes in an animated film if you ask me. Hell, why else do you think the shitty 2019 remake was popular, popular enough to spawn that stupid prequel which started this whole argument???
Speaking of, I think I've made my point so I am getting back to that. Shortly after saying that, I made my post arguing against Rick's point, however Rick made his argument that "Be Prepared" was enough to prove Scar was a nazi. I then lost my cool for a second, because it reminded me of Twitter users and YouTube video essayists who make brain rot arguments like this all the time. Rick then said "You're way too focused on the 'allegory' thing".
I then told him he was the one who said Scar was a nazi allegory the whole time, and if he didn't want to be called out for saying stupid shit, he shouldn't say stupid shit. it was at this point my friend who's a mod in the server interfered and told us to settle it in DM's.
I don't want to get into the specifics of what happened, but first thing I wrote was an extended argument, which was not as detailed as the one I gave above. I then admitted that it's not good to call people out on something so trivial, but I know when some subject is tackled with or without nuance.
Rick then proceeds to call me out for having anger issues, and accused me of not having nuance, claiming that I "blew up" on him, and then he proceeds to go and list off all the things that are wrong with his life, and then he said "Just because you have a bad attitude doesn't mean you have to take it out on me".
To say I was flabbergasted was an understatement, yes, I don't want to get into it but I often have issues with expressing myself because of my short temper, and if someone says something stupid, I have a tendency to overreact.
But he didn't address any of my points. He instead made it personal. Would he have done the same thing if he didn't know me and I was a stranger?
It feels like such an odd thing, I didn't invite Rick to a therapy session, I just wanted to tell Rick that he was wrong about Scar but Rick turned it into a huge personal issue. It was at this point I asked help from my friend, and my friend made a small group for us to talk which he monitored. At that point the conversation had fully derailed, but I told him that just because I may think something Rick says is stupid, doesn't mean I find him a lesser person. I cited an example where I had called out my friend who was monitoring the conversation and he agreed. Rick then admitted he overreacted and we made amends.
But I admit, it's been over a month since that incident but something about it rubs me the wrong way. I admit I was wrong to jump on the guy and I remember using the word "retarded" which is not a politically correct word by any means, but still, I care about semantics behind words, and I like Lion King. In social media, words lose meaning every single day, and those words are often used to make bad faith criticism and just completely delusional arguments about fictional works.
I admit this incident and another incident that also involves words being used in the wrong way led me to leaving that community as a whole, it was a cynical and depressing group to be part of and I.don't like being miserable. If I had stayed, incidents like this would have repeated until it would've ended on a really nasty bridge burning.
The truth is, Rick didn't need to make this personal but he did, and that's what upsets me. All I wanted was a nuanced discussion on the topic but I didn't get that. It's really discouraging and I presume Rick is one of these people who hang out in echo chambers where they never get disagreed with or never get called out on. And I don't think it's Rick's fault but rather Twitter's. A lot of people are afraid of being critiqued, a lot of people are afraid of being called out.
I believe that debates don't change people's minds, but they can at the very least lead to understanding other people. I would've loved to talk about villains who actually ARE nazi allegories like Dolf from Alfred J. Kwak or Gargoyle from Nadia and the Secret of Blue Water, and I would've loved to hear more detailed explanation why does Rick THINK Scar is a nazi allegory and if Be Prepared does matter more to Scar's character than anything he does outside of that scene.
But instead, I got yet another lecture on how I AM wrong and how I do things wrong. I am sick of people focusing on my issues when I call others out, and that's why I left that server. I am open to criticism but that criticism always amounted to "you talk about Twitter too much". Some people talk about things they despise and hate and want to be erased a lot, and Rick is also guilty of that because he has an obsessive hateboner with the current Warner Bros Discovery CEO David Zaslav, and I've also complained to him about how he keeps bringing Zaslav up in conversations that have nothing to do with him.
I am not going to talk with Rick about this topic any further because I know it will just turn into the same thing as before, and I am not going to bother my other friends with "hey I called this guy's opinion that cartoon lion is based on some of the worst people who ever lived stupid and he started yelling at me about how I have anger issues instead of talking about it". My friends have their own lives and in this drama-filled world of ours I don't think they need my drama thrown on them. That is why I wrote this blogpost. I don't want to talk about people behind their backs, this is not an EXPOSE on Rick by any means. I think Rick is a good person but he has his issues. Both of us are very flawed people, and it's neither of us's job to try and fix the other. I made this post because I wanted to get this out of my chest, and give this blog some use. I will never use this blog to talk about my thoughts on real world issues and hot topics, because my opinion doesn't change anything, but I will use it to talk about personal inconveniences. Nowadays, I am more careful about calling people out on stuff I disagree with, because people often have bad reactions to criticisms. It's probably better I take my anger out on webcomics, because webcomics won't come to life and accuse me of having anger issues. their authors will do that instead!
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hologramcowboy · 2 years ago
what is opinion Danneel disappearance on social media?
If we look back at her social climbing, we can definitely see a pattern. Danneel only approaches social media in the same way an arriviste would. In other words, she is waiting to have something to brag about.
When she tried to clean up her image she resorted to posting "mother of Jensen Ackles's kids"(her words not mine) images because she was aware that was the only thing that made her relevant in the public eye. However, because many pointed out the questionable parenting, she ended up deleting a lot of comments. She then switched to showing people what a "good person" she is by copying the posts of others and pretending to be an "activist". However, she never truly got involved in anything or informed besides a couple of self centered lives. (Remember when she used a black lives matter live to reprimand people or calling her out bevause she allowed her kids to whitewash MLK?) Over time, her lack of knowledge and involvement because more than obvious so she switched to "Executive Producer" posts. 🤭 Her title was a vanity one much like Jensen's and yet Danneel, with zero experience in production ( and no, making babies or a family does not count as production, Jensen 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️) tried to exaggerate her role. When the show failed, she lost bragging rights. 🤣
She built her entire identity as a celebrity and as a woman around cheating with Jensen, dating Jensen, landing Jensen and then getting pregnant with his kids. She feeds her ego with phrases like that autograph she signed "He's mine, bitches". (You can find it somewhere in the anti tags) So there really is nothing much she can post about because, unlike Gen and many other fulfilled actresses, Danneel has no personality of her own. Her identity is centered on being associated to Jensen. He was her ticket to fame after all. Nobody even noticed her or knew who she was until she started that online argument with Ted just to let everyone know she was sleeping with Jensen. Without him, her career would have died right after that showrunner creep cast her as Rachel.
Right now, due to the failure of The Winchesters and the potential lawsuit, she can no longer bank on that EP vanity title she landed through nepotism only and by no merit whatsoever. Aside from this, the inauthentic way both Jensen and Danneel tried to push their relationship has made many aware of the lack of chemistry and the gaps in their stories.
What I am trying to say is that Danneel is clearly a narcissist, she is waiting for something she can brag about in order to receive good comments (also known as narcissistic supply). When she makes posts and people bring up issues or opposing opinions (crazies aside), she immediately deletes those comments. Meaning she has an extremely fragile ego and a one sided view of herself. If something contradicts that view(which is highly exagerrated), she gets extremely angry and resentful. So you can absolutely bet that she will continue to be calculating when it comes to what she posts online. With the lawsuit looming she can't talk about TW so that just leaves her "family" life and since her main types have nothing to do with being a caregiver (not that she is one, the nanny does all the work), making personal life centered posts is not advisable. If she wants to revive her career, that is.
To be bluntly honest, I don't even care what she will post next. She's just not my cup of tea on any level. All she's ever done on SM is reveal how much she leeches on Jensen in every way and I have yet to be impressed by a post of hers, I love people with depth and she just seems vapid and calculating which obviously makes Jensen look really bad.
Note: This is just my view and my perceptions, please make your own conclusions based on your own view. 🧡
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nekrophoria · 2 years ago
Edgy/misc OC ask meme ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Dolores Webb
№ 2, 7, 9, 13, 14, 17,24.
Thank you for the ask <3
Tumblr media
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
The most notable thing is probably that she's a bit of a metalhead, which is something that (for most people) doesn't really fit to her shy and gentle personality.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Ufff hard to say.
Dolores didn't really have as much room to develop as she deserved yet. I've been kinda neglecting procrastinating her development a bit until she makes a proper appearance in Volatile.
When I initially created her however she started out as a replacement for an OC I scrapped a long long time ago. That OC was sort of a very plain love interest for Mel when I first started playing around in sims.
Since then Dolores devolved into more of a side Character, but at the same time she also became way more complex I'd say. She's also no longer a love interest for Mel (although she had a bit of a crush on him as a kid) That plot turned more into an introspection of her need for affection/approval in order to feel whole.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Dolores always makes me think of Creep by Radiohead (this cover version by Daniela Andrade in particular)
I would pick out a specific line but honestly the whole song perfectly describes how Dolores perceives herself in comparison to the people around her in my opinion.
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
Most definitely. Dolores reminds me quite a bit of how I used to be as a teenager, I have a lot of sympathy for her. And she's just a super sweet and kind person and very easy to get along with, if you don't mind her insecurities and her being a bit of a hermit, so I wouldn't see how we could not get along.
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
She just wants to be liked and cared about, plain and simple. To her people showing any sort of aversion towards her is pretty unbearable so she tends to be a bit of a people pleaser, but yeah, she mostly just wants people to perceive her favorably.
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise
So many things honestly...but mostly her school time. She was a victim of bullying throughout most of it and never really had any friends, aside from Mel for a short time in elementary school, who dropped the friendship once they went to different schools leaving her completely alone.
Another thing would be her generally being emotionally neglected by most people in her life and never getting the appreciation and affection from people that she deserved as a child.
Also having the two of people she ever really had feelings for fall in love with each other. But that one hasn't happened yet in the story so I'm not sure if it counts ^^"
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
I never really thought about that to be honest.
To be fair, the way her life turned out up to this point wasn't really down to her or her decisions, quite the contrary I think. But...i think if her life circumstances could've been better, if her mother never got ill (which was the main reason she spent a couple of years in a children's home on and off) and she could have grown up in an environment with a better support system, it would have allowed her to become a more self assured and possibly happy version of herself, but she also wouldn't have any connections to my other characters, hence she wouldn't be part of the story.
Apart from that I don't really see many ways in which her life could've been that different.
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