#thievul tag
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jaimemes · 1 month ago
youre not about to dox the kid again are you?
nope! im actually chatting w him rn. he had a houndour with him earlier when i first saw him but he put it away when he saw me. he says hes training right now. i offered to train with him and now we're training together.
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espers-n-espurrs · 5 months ago
Would you pet a nihilego?
his response: "Are you fucking daft"
my response: are you fucking daft.
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espers-n-espurrs · 4 months ago
thats because he does? i just explained going to ultra space to him, he knows that i went to another universe thingy through ultra space?
he just doesnt know about rotomblr. he doesnt know about the multiversal site.
in our universe rotomblr covers its tracks pretty well and only a small select few people can access it from what we have found.
So, how much you guys wanna bet "Thievul" already knows about the multiverse?
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stormieislurking · 5 months ago
More pokemahous from the SDiscord artgame! These were made more specifically with Sleepless Domain in mind, so I guess they're also SD OCs?
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shoot-me-with-a-crayon · 5 months ago
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it fucken WIMDY
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nashewsart · 5 months ago
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Another canvas full of OC doodles~
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boyswhowawa · 1 year ago
Pokemon Fusion!
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Me n some friends were goofing around assigning each other pokemon, and I was assigned Ninetales, Zorua, and Nickit, so I fused them (evolved zorua and nickit for the purposes of fusion) and made this creature!!!
it's "the phantom thief" pokemon, and it's a Dark/Psychic type :]
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shiny version :]
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isshusgotissues · 2 years ago
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finally. gen 9 memes
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grims-local-pkmn-irl-hub · 6 months ago
Send 🌙 (or [Moon]) + A theory about arcs/stories/lore and I can confirm it and elaborate, deny it and eleborate or simply say "spoilers" and not elaborate
Thievul is more plot relevant than initially seems. I'm not sure how much exactly, but he has the feel of an teased plot figure you slap your face for not recognizing when they show up a second time
spoilers <3
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jaimemes · 2 months ago
show us show us show us show us!!!
fiiine fine since yallre just DYING to know
i may have used his face to find a lil something ;3
here’s a sneak peek
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ew put that smile away white boy….
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espers-n-espurrs · 2 months ago
today!! is my friend (aka “thievul” :]!!)s birthday!!
and hes gonna come over to mine and toris dorm (though tori is busy today so shes not attending) for the first time and im preparing some foods that i know he hasnt been able to have since hes been in paldea and we are going to be video calling another friend from spikemuth the whole tome and its gonna be fun!! :]!!
he isnt here yet but hopefully in an hour or two he will meet me down at the school gate and i can walk him in!!
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indigo6f00ff · 2 years ago
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finally got around to scanning these
regional forms for nickit and thievul. they're witches !
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blueberryattack · 7 days ago
Could you make a caboose poke team?
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Here's Caboose!
Mr. Mime, Morpeko, Zorua and Thievul were suggested by @kissmel0ser on one of the discords like a week ago when I started this (sorry to tag you like a million times today Kiss). Krookadile just made sense to me in the same way Thievul did. Banette could have been Haunter or Gengar but I thought Banette's aesthetics and vibes fit better. I would've liked to fit in Girafarig but I think Slick's getting that one.
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neaththeheavens · 19 days ago
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Ah, this tracks! Mischievous and likes Pokémon who rely on clever strategy? That's so perfect. The only thing that doesn't go is the not caring about children bit. Alaria does care about kids; she can't have any of her own, but she does love kids.
Dark is a perfect type choice for her! There are PLENTY of dark-types that fit her style and aesthetic. She will, as you might have noticed, fill her team with cat-like pokemon if she can get away with it. That's why I chose Sneasel, Liepard, and Alolan Meowth for her. She'd love those sneaky cats. Had to throw a dark/fairy-type in there (Morgrem) because if I could CHOOSE a type for her, it would be fairy. Thievul also sort of fits the mold here, but Thievul is fox-like. And then, of course, her partner in crime, Guzzlord. He's huge, he eats everything in his path, and he's super cool. She'd love him.
Here for the quiz, here for the team maker!
Tagged by: No one, but I saw @starrysnowdrop's trainer post and wanted to make one myself! <3
Tagging: AAAAANYONE who wants to do this! It was so fun! Please tag me if you do this from seeing my post! I wanna see your types and teams! :3
Credit to this website for the animated Pokémon sprites!
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galarica · 3 months ago
...What kind of reward is that?
hey. my name is cain whitlock. im originally from southern kalos but i moved to galar pretty recently. i also connected with a friend to join the galar gym challenge and uhh i came out as the champion so thats kinda. cool i guess.
anyways, im 15 so no weird shit. guy pronouns + the gay ones kinda (he/they)
masterlist of pokemon booo!!!!
my team
rillaboom ✨named jonah
intellion ✨ named esther
cinderace ✨ named siobhan
aegislash ✨ named andronicus
pangoro ✨ named ichabod
galar!slowbro named nicodemus
pets :3
axew ✨ named malachi
togedemaru ✨ named isaac
stufful ✨ named silas
shedinja ✨ named eleazar
falinks ✨ named ira
thievul ✨ named naomi
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open below
ooc section
─ⵌ penned by @adons-pokehub (he/him, minor)
pelipper mail/unmail/malice: allowed! musharna mail/malice: allowed! mystery gifts: allowed!
magic anon: allowed! union circle: allowed! in-character anon hate: allowed!
ooc/questions: allowed!
anyone is allowed to interact! if you ever want to start an offscreen rp, it's best to discuss it with me first.
note: if i dont get around to an ask, never take it personally! i will always read any asks i get, but won't always respond.
─the mod is a minor, and the character is 15! light suggestive asks are fine, but never close to nsfw.
─to contact me for events/connections, dm me on discord (adcnic) or tumblr itself.
─there are a handful of content warnings to this blog. to roughly list, spoilers for pokemon sword/shield ++ the dlcs, child neglect/abuse, and drug mentions/use. these are subject to change. triggering topics are tagged with associated tags (tw 'topic')
extra notes
this charactwr is a liveblog oc!!! ill be playing pokemon armoured shield (shield difficulty mod) i am pretty sure it follows the same story as unmodded though U_U so nothing that special will be going on.
this also means that he is set in a completely different universe and probably wont be interacting with anyone in person/as if they were in the same universe
references will be updated/added as i play the game!!!
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common league card
"You fought pretty well. Hey, not just anybody can best the champion, so don't take it to heart."
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rare league card
"You got me in a corner. Kind of scary. Hey, you have places ahead of you! Here, something a little better than that other card... and, uh, let me write something extra."
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teecupangel · 2 years ago
Ok but.... Pokemon. What if pokemons were real and everyone would have they own team (maybe not 6, but 2/3). I MEAN GHOST TYPE WOULD BE SO GOOD. Also i cannot unsee at least one assassin having Nickit! It's pokedex entry has written that they are very silent and It erases they own tracks with swipes of its tail. THAT IS STEALTH. Also thievul can marks they targets with scent that help them stalks it. Like the bird in newer games. (Sorry for my english!)
(Your English is perfectly understandable :))
I am totally unqualified to make Pokemon teams for AC characters as I have only finished one Pokemon game: Red. I am soooo unfamiliar with all the Pokemons (hell, I don’t even know what gen we are now???). I mean, I played Black, X, and Let’s Go Eevee but I never finished them. XD
So all I can offer you is this:
Desmond gets booted into Detective Pikachu AU idea
And these unorganized notes:
Whatever Pokemons Desmond gets, he must have an Eevee that does not evolve at all. This is to represent his endless possibility. The only possible Eevee evolution I think we should allow is Sylveon because we all know he’s going to spoil that Eevee. Two other possible Pokemons he could have are a CastForm that forever stays sunny whenever near Desmond (and is really more like a pet and doesn’t go to battle) or a Solgaleo. Just… give him a sun-themed Pokemon for the irony.
Going with the Eevee idea, his ancestors all have one specific Eevee evolution. Edward would have a Vaporeon, of course. Altaïr would either have Espeon (a reference to the psychic-like powers of the Apple) or a Jolteon (pokemon.com has Jolteon as the fatest of the Eevee evolutions). Ratonhnhaké:ton would have Leafeon or Jolteon if Altaïr has Espeon. Ezio would have Flareon (because I am mean and making this a Cappadocia reference, sorry Ezio). Haytham would have a Glaceon or an Umbreon. (Or, if we’re killing off Edward anyway, give Haytham Edward’s Vaporeon)
Altaïr would definitely be the cover-all basis type of trainer so, yeah, he’d have 6 Pokemons of various types (some even dual types).
Considering Nickit’s habit of stealing, I can see Edward or Ezio having a Nickit.
Honestly, all of them having a Thievul might make sense. Like they’re an unknown shadowy organization that’s known for (1) wearing hoods, (2) having Thievul and some kind of (3) Ghost-type Pokemon on their team.
I think Mary should have a Gardevoir and that Gardevoir stays with Edward after her death (I mean, if Mary dies in this one. I’m not saying we should kill Mary, just saying…)
Evie and Jacob having Nidoqueen and Nidoking would be funny. Like… their father gave them the Nidorans as their starter Pokemons. Even funnier is if Evie has the Nidoking while Jacob has the Nidoqueen. Or, if you want them to have newer Pokemons, they both received a Charcadet when they were young and Jacob’s evolved to Armarouge while Evie’s evolved to Ceruledge. Just, they should have one Pokemon that’s like different evolutions of the same Pokemon (or opposite of the other’s Pokemon).
I think Shay should have a Froslass as a reference to how Rogue lets you travel to icy parts and how the last parts are set in an icy location (not counting France).
I can’t explain why but I think Arno should have a Greninja and they’d be a tag-team.
Of course, Eivor gets a Corviknight.
I honestly like the idea that Desmond, Altaïr, Ezio, and Ratonhnhaké:ton all have an Alcremie because someone got them to twirl around and strike a pose to evolve their Milcery… who records the entire thing. (I’m betting it’s Edward. It has to be Edward)
Minerva appears as a Gothitelle. Hell, she could be pretending to be Desmond’s Gothitelle. Idk, Gothitelle can predict the future (or just the lifespan of the trainer?), it sounds right that Minerva is Gothitelle or something.
I have this conundrum. I kinda like the idea of Altaïr, Ezio, and Ratonhnhaké:ton having distinct Pokemons related to one another. Now, my first thought would be they would each have Kanto starter Pokemons to show how they’re the first main characters of Assassin’s Creed. Or, you know, they would have the legendary birds of Gen 1 instead to show their legendary status. But, at that point, I thought, why not just give them the Raikou, Entei, and Suicune setup from the Detective Pikachu AU? At some point, my brain goes why don’t they just have a Deoxys each with Desmond having a normal form, Altaïr getting the speed form, Ezio getting the defense form and Ratonhnhaké:ton getting the attack form?
And that’s when my brain gave up and went “Fuck it, give Desmond Arceus. Lol.”
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