jaimemes · 19 days
fuck. shit. well. anyone have advice on how to break the multiverse news to a group of mentally ill people.
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yveltalreal · 2 days
Time to check if has this automated while distracted since I'm bored:
Z's been doxxing y'all
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Update to @jaimemes
To avoid confusion on how the #blind spot tag works and is applied in the Reduxverse, I've retroactively gone back and changed all of Z's usage of #blind spot to #HALblocked! Any usage of the #blind spot tag from here on out is not applied by the characters themselves, whereas #HALblocked is deliberately applied by Z to her own posts.
This also serves as a way to filter out the unsavory and potentially triggering aspects of Z's character, since she tends to frequently dabble in unreality, doxxing, manipulative/abusive behavior, etc.
Fair warning that as we approach the end of the current arcs, Z will be posting on Jaime's blog with increasing frequency, so if uncomfortable with Z's behavior, now would be a good time to start blocking #HALblocked!
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jaimemes · 15 days
Thoughts on the love square that will likely take over the friend group?
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okay no. nonono. youve got it all wrong guys. okay hold on. i need to. i need to make a chart for this.
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heres the like. relationship chart of everyone i know so far.
i dont know who the fuck siruis is. but aspen and jaime are friends with em. and i cannot stress enough that i know jack shit about nick. i literally only learned the shit i put in his background info TONIGHT. FOR YALL. youre fuckin welcome btw.
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jaimemes · 4 days
lol, astra and her girlfriend are apparently betting on some things about you guys. i think. could be other stuff. but probably you guys
i saw lol. hiiiiii astra hiiiiii lillie. what post are u bettin over? im nosy /silly
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jaimemes · 6 days
What could really even justify you doxxing everyone anyways? You seem to have some reason tell yourself it's fine, but... what even is that?
ho boy. okay last night i was going fuckin Thru It but im slightly more mentally stable this morning. i tend to get worse the later in the day it gets. tbh i should start tagging my mentally ill ramblings cuz yall ask these kinda questions a lot (which honestly doesnt really. help my delusions. but yadda yadda audience retention and engagement)
first of all, lemme get this out of the way: im not trying to justify what i do. i know its shitty. i know im shitty. im not gonna pretend im the Good Guy here, im just not quite the Bad Guy either. not everything is black and white.
its not an excuse, its an explanation.
anyways. back to the question. ill put this under the cut because this might get pretty unreality-heavy very quickly. and also i realized halfway thru that this was getting kinda long
look at it from my perspective— be incredibly mentally ill with me for a moment here. you believe yourself to be a part of a narrative. you dont know what kind. you dont know the genre, you dont know the story, you dont know what role you play or the role that your friends play. but you know that you are all part of the narrative in some way.
you know how stories tend to go: the plot is often driven by factors outside of your control— be it by someone else’s hand (ex: the villain burns your village down, there’s a killer at Camp Crystal Lake, two people get in an argument, etc) or by the whims of the universe (ex: a tornado rips through your town, you get diagnosed with a terminal illness, you find a golden ticket in your chocolate bar, etc) but nevertheless the story always starts because of a impending or unexpected change.
keywords impending or unexpected.
the characters dont expect it because they dont have all the information. they arent omniscient or genre-aware. they dont know whats happening with the other characters, they dont know the complexities of one another and how they are a product of their circumstances. they arent looking for literary devices in their own narrative because they dont know they’re in a narrative in the first place.
but you do. you’re a self-aware character. you believe youre in a narrative. and because you’re aware that you’re in a narrative, you are placed in a unique position: you can try to predict the narrative. its like watching a TV show. the characters only have one perspective, but the audience has everyone’s perspective— the complete narrative.
but of course, as part of the narrative, you arent the audience, are you?
but if you watch everyone around you, if you gather as much background information as possible, you can become as close to being a part of the audience as a character can be. you can have all the information necessary to make those predictions. and maybe, just maybe, you can predict the direction the narrative is headed before it happens. you cant be caught off guard if you know everything you need to predict the twists.
(hell, i think im in the midst of finding a twist right now. but i need more time to figure out all the pieces before i make any predictions. plus, a good narrator never outright reveals the twist to the audience before it happens. im the one with the stakes here, not you. but i digress, ive gotten off-topic.)
but there’s a glaring issue in your plan: because you’re a part of the narrative, you can’t exactly change it, can you? sure, you can TRY to stop it, but if you try, is that really you stopping the narrative? or did you just play right into its hands? did you change the story or was the story always written that way? you wouldn’t know: you’re a part of the story, aren’t you?
but the audience isn’t.
and this is where you can stop being mentally ill with me and step out of my shoes again (chances are my shoes are too small for ur feet anyways lmao)
this is where you— yes, you reading this— come in. because you are the audience here. you are MY audience. you’re completely removed of the narrative i believe myself to be trapped in. you’re on the outside looking in.
i believe myself to be in the unique position of being a character that can interact with their audience. and while i may not be able to change the story from the inside, maybe, if i interact with the audience, we can influence it from the outside. i just need to retain the audience enough to generate engagement with the story.
and what better way to generate audience retention than by giving them the information they need to predict the story in a way i as a character probably never could?
dear viewers, do you know what that’s called?
that’s called being a narrator.
but like i said before, a good narrator never outright reveals the twist to the audience before it happens, do they?
and an interesting narrator is an unreliable one.
anyways! wow that did not help my mental health. this is gonna be a hell of a day. so much for being mentally stable this morning lmao
but yeah. look. theres a reason i used language like “you believe” and “i believe” and “i may”. im aware that i suffer from delusions and paranoia. im aware that i am horrifically mentally ill. im aware that this all sounds completely inane. im not trying to say that this is the definitive truth of the universe. this is just my belief.
you may not be a part of a narrative. you dont even have to believe IM a part of a narrative.
but i believe myself to be.
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jaimemes · 29 days
esper background?
Esper Maura Hargrove
> Born: November 23rd, 2010 (current age: 14 y/o) > Youngest child of Cedric Ansel Hargrove and Adeline Doreen Hargrove, Younger sister of Flynn Milan Hargrove > Enrolled into Naranja-Uva Academy in 2024 > Paldean Gym Circuit Badge Count: 0
Background Info:
> Moved to Spikemuth at the age of 7 > Admitted to Naranja-Uva Academy on a full-ride academic scholarship. > Survivor of November 2022 Darkest Day Incident, frequent hospital visits that I don't feel like summarizing > Whereabouts of brother currently unknown after Darkest Day incident. Officially listed as "missing, presumed dead"
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jaimemes · 5 days
Esper's dad's parents don't exist. He's a clone. Mewtwo is a clone. He's a mewtwo. Esper is a half-mewtwo.
interesting that you immediately assumed i was talking about esper's dad.
youre right of course. but i mean i really coulda been talkin abt anyone. i would have given you a gold star. and then you immediately lost it in the second sentence.
you took a shot in the dark and hit one target. then took four more and hit four of your fucking toes
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jaimemes · 6 days
okay. im starting to put together a timeline of things.
this... looks sketch as hell. i could just missing a few pieces, but there's a difference between missing a few pieces and missing like half the goddamn puzzle...
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jaimemes · 7 days
Hey Z, are you trying to develop any multiversal contacts for independent confirmation of information? Since they wouldn't have a stake in your universe, could be useful information verification
what kind of fuckin— multiversal contacts???? we're contacting right now arent we???? and motherfucker you all know as much shit as i do here we're in the same goddamn boat.
alright, look. if you wanna be useful and do some "independent information confirmation", feel free to try n bait out information from her if you want. but you gotta be tactful about it. get too nosy and she'll shut you down in an instant. questions, not accusations.
if yall suck at this im gonna make fun of you WITH her btw
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jaimemes · 15 days
any info on esper and/or her friend with a nickit she's mentioned?
oh boy. i did a bit of digging about this kid a while ago and kinda abandoned it once i got the answer i needed. but i guess ill do another deep dive on em. for yall. ur welcome btw.
i was able to find the facebook accounts of the parents of the friend and get some more info. so the friend with a nickit was a kid by the name of juno myers, looks like esper and juno became friends shortly after esper and her family moved into her old flat building around 7 or so years ago, and the two were practically attached at the hip. esper stayed over at junos often, but juno never really stayed at espers, at least not overnight. from what i can tell juno mothers didnt really like espers dad but it looooks like they get along with espers mother.
juno passed away on november 15th, 2022 on the darkest day at the age of 13. the nickit belongs to his mothers now.
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jaimemes · 15 days
rumorz on victoria
okay so here’s whats going around about victoria:
there’s rumors going around that victoria beat up three girls in an elevator. she was seen with a slight limp the day after it supposedly happened.
some people think that victoria and esper might be dating in secret or smth since they hang out so much. people think they’re going on dates just about every day when they leave school.
not necessarily a rumor so much as just me wondering about the fact that victoria missed class today. she doesn’t miss class often, but when she does, she doesn’t leave her room at all and its usually not longer than a day. i dont really know why— ive checked her medical records, she’s not sick and she’s not going to any appointments. she just. misses class.
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jaimemes · 1 day
decided to take a short break from my deep dives to do a little bit of. morally grey good.
in case anyone was curious about the tools that beat the shit outta miguel. theyre four college students that ganged up on a high school dropout.
Edwardo Camerino Bustillos
Rafael Olmeda Vida
Alvaro Dominguez Fonseca
Ramona Dominguez Fonseca
here they are
[Video ID:
There are four young adults standing at the counter of the Deli. A man with a pompadour is grumbling as the video begins. The tailend of a sentence about a “damn feral Cyclizar” can be heard.
In the corner of the footage, a man with white hair prepares sandwiches behind the counter.
Then the butch with curly hair and a white shirt speaks up. "Quit the whining, Rafael. You should be celebrating."
The girl of the group stretches and laughs. "Yeah! I mean did you see the look on that kid's face? They looked utterly destroyed!"
The boy next to her elbows her. "Only because you got them good right in the nose! Right off the bat even! That shows the mutt for thinkin it could ever be better than us.”
/End Video ID.]
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jaimemes · 6 days
im taking control of the narrative as much as i can from the inside. trying to find every possible twist, chekov's gun, red herring, other literary devices. nothing is going to catch us off guard if i can predict every beat of the story before it happens.
i cant escape being a part of the narrative. but if i know every plot point, then maybe i can influence it.
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jaimemes · 7 days
Yo, uh, Z??
So, you’ve mentioned that sometimes you will lie to us, right?
Did you lie about Esper having moved to Spikemuth when she was around seven? Because Esper is sharing some information on her blog that contradicts that so either you lied or she has her own information wrong.
wait what
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jaimemes · 14 days
i might need to genuinely remake the post if i ever want to edit it like goddamn,,,,,
anyways. for now uh. speaking of ZECRETS. because i am so niceys to you all. i made something for your convenience.
i dont have anything really hidden here. no gamez, just info. cuz i know throwing a shit ton of info at yall can get overwhelming and its hard to look back on all the zecrets for shit about individual ppl.
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