#theyre secretly fond of each other
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mystycor · 6 months ago
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Discord gets the rest of these sketches but holy cow. Holy wowza my brain is getting rotted by this AU
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natnuszsstuff · 8 months ago
Charthur is completely 'I fell for my best friend's older brother' coded and I'm SO here for it
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ragtagravenart · 1 year ago
Brokeback Mountain is my Romeo and Juliet send post
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jellitchi · 7 months ago
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hello friends heres some more artist au ,,, i have A huge infodump under the cut ... u were warned
uhm mumbo is a tattoo artist in this au, hes the towns electrician primarily but he does tattoo work too. hes terrified of needles on his own skin but really enjoys the process of tattooing. i think he mostly does geometric stuff. probably hrm.
gem runs and owns the fishing dock/bait shop. shes born and raised in this town so shes been here her whole life. shes okay at painting but her real passion is with clay- specifically sculpting. shes taking a pottery workshop w grian but she like the freedom sculpting has that the wheel cant really give her...? if that makes sense.. she still likes it. when she paints she gravitates towards gouache and watercolors, she likes the fluidity she can achieve w em. also is very fond of how gouache lets u set it down then return and reactivate it w water again lol
pearl is a relatively successful artist, shes constantly traveling for art shows and also to host workshops/look for inspiration. she used to paint a lot, thats how she kinda got her fame... she used to paint this one girl a lot idk she has curly orange hair and freckles and shes always painted really beautifully. then stuff happened and now pearl mostly sculpts now. she still paints and her paintings are her most popular works but shes more into working w clay.
hm more abt this au, pearl and grian are siblings and both grew up learning oil painting. jimmy is also in this au im still figuring out a role but hes their cousin— basically brother— i was thinking pearls manager js coz i think itd b funny lol.
the setting is a small coastal town hrmm havent thought too much else abt it, was mostly pulling from coastal norcal ish...
in this au scar and grian are really really tight and have been living w each other for like 5/6 ish years. i dont think they officially get tgt... they think theyre woke asf n say they dont like labels (kinda kidding) the real reason is just timing. whenever grian is sick of running circles and works up the courage, scar usually has some complications hes working through and grian feels like hed just be another stressor added to his plate so he just wills it away... then when scar is like Im gonna do it. Im gonna tell him. Grian is experiencing sum kinda dilemma and is rly stressed so then scar is like well it can wait... (this goes on forEver.) whenever they do sync up, usually theyre far too scared about ruining their friendship and having to find a new roommate or something. they both r very important to each other and if bottling up their feelings means they can hold onto each other and keep each other around then thats what theyll do...! yeah theyre doomed🤦‍♂️.... they still basically do romantic activities tgt- they just think its normal coz its them.... also everyone around them thinks theyre secretly dating or smth anyways Yeah this is the au in a nutshell im such a sucker for long term pinning friends to lovers or whatever😭😭😭😭😭...
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ultra-raging-ghost · 11 months ago
Idea for a little Cucuhalo fic/au. Ok hear me out:
Roommates/Office au
So, I haven't fully fleshed out the details yet, but Cucurucho as a rich boss that owns some kind of company and Bad is an employee that just moved from somewhere and started working in his company not too long ago. They try to get along... well enough in the office, albeit there's some tension and passive aggression between them.
Their co-workers love to gossip about them because it looks like there's something going on between the two, but it's all speculation for them. What they don't know is Bad and Cucurucho are actually secretly roommates, and they "hate" each other even more outside of the office.
Cucurucho has a cat that Bad wasn't initially fond of named Emotional Support (they're actually raising that cat like it's their baby lols) because Bad is more a dog person, but Cucurucho insisted on getting a cat as a pet. That's only one of their roommate quarrels. Most of the time they are extremely passive aggressive, and do things like, idk, not washing the other person's dishes lmao.
Despite how much they claim to hate each other, neither want to leave because "it's easier to share rent" or "no one would take care of Emotional Support when the other person is busy", some kind of excuse like that. But really, it's because they do enjoy having each other around, and sometimes, they have nice dinners and movie nights together. Then they fall asleep on their couch and wake up entangled, but neither wants to admit they were literally cuddling the night before. They are so attached to each other, but no one wants to say it out loud.
Basically this au is me wanting Cucuhalo office and roommate drama with a dash of sexual tension and long-term denial, romantic comedy sitcom style.
- alchemicaladarna
I love them living together and making up excuses to do so....
"Its expensive to live alone" "Emotional support is already so attached to him itd be mean to take her away from him" "We bought the furniture in a way that would make it weird for us to move out" (bad bought both the beds, or the one bed hayoooo, cucurucho bought like 20% of the spices and condiments, they dont feel like splitting up the furniture is what im getting at) "Theres no available housing in any areas id want to live in" etc. etc. any excuse to stay together even though to everyone else it seems like theyre at eachothers throats all the time!!
I think the way the workers would find out is a couple of them getting invited over. Like after a night out, one of them cant find a ride home so bad (resident guy who doesnt drink) offers to let them sleep on his couch for the night, and the next morning they wake up to arguing. They sit up on the couch and over the back of it who should they see in the kitchen together but CUCURUCHO and BADBOYHALO who are arguing because bad didnt ask before inviting said coworker over!! They kiss and make up (either metaphorically or literally) and cucurucho lets it go for now and sneaks off back to his (possibly their) room so he isnt caught and has bad send the coworker out as soon as they wake up. The coworker doesnt say anything about seeing cucurucho right then... but later on cucurucho and bad hear a lot of whispering that gets suddenly quiet when they walk by, and then it continues when they walk past.... more so than usual!!! And they dont think too much of it, but then someone comes up to bad's desk one day or approaches him in the hallway or by the water cooler and goes "so.. you and cucurucho, huh??"
(and then they realize bad's not the one to approach because hes very aloof and wouldnt pick up on the implications that the coworker would be dropping.. but theyre too afraid to go ask cucurucho about it for fear of getting chainsaw'd LMAO)
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xamaxenta · 1 year ago
Dissonance of Sabo aching wanting craving to kiss Marco the way Ace does, feels jealously at the way Ace can step up to Marco so easily with a smile and a soft spoken affection before pressing their lips together, sometimes it goes further other times it’s a simple but sweet greeting
Finds himself obsessed with his wanting, eyes flickering to watch Marco’s mouth, the line of muscle in this neck, back up to his jaw and the hook of his nose
Does he realise how Marco looks and wants him the same?
Marco likewise tortured with how much he wants to touch Sabo, but hes unsure if he will be allowed, hopes he doesnt watch too pathetically when Ace goes to him, breaching with ease those carefully built walls Sabo maintains about him at all times, envies how Ace can slide a hand around that slim waist, nuzzle his nose into golden curls, mouth biting open mouthed against pale skin, their contrast is genuine and beautiful
So they end up sandwiched on the same seat, a haphazard bench made of blankets and musty throw pillows because its party night on the moby and Sabos paid them a visit
Does Sabo understand how difficult it is for Marco to remain passive, when he looks up at him with those pale pretty eyes of his? His mouth is red too , flushed from alcohol and dancing, he’s so vibrant and not his and it fucks him up inside
Sabo hasnt seen Marco without his glasses in a long stint, hes mesmerised honestly at the gravity of that inhuman violet gaze, at night Marcos eyes take on a muted glow and its fascinating as it is a little unnerving but Sabo hasnt felt this safe since leaving his last RA safehouse, from this angle cushioned against his chest he greedily watches the way Marco sips at his wine, staring at how his lips press up against the rim of his goblet, tacky thing golden too but it fits in the phoenix’s hand , he may have exhaled a little too loudly because Marco eases up on his own weight and Sabo physically forces down his petulant whine- no, stay its unsaid
They stay
Ace is everywhere all at once, the life of the party hes so fun and full of energy, until he collapses face first into his third helpings of dinner that is, he doesn’t need to watch over them anymore, happy to flit back and forth for their separate affections, whilst secretly harbouring his own desires to see Sabo and Marco finally make a move, hes placed his bets, and hopes to win because everyone knows Ace is a sore loser
Its Marco who says something first, it’s about the current state of affairs and Sabo lazily holds out his tankard for a refill when one of the crew passes by with the mobile ale station, he stares at the reflection of Marco, that is, in his newly filled tankard before reminding Marco that hes not here to talk about business
Amused Marco refrains from playing with a flyaway curl of gold, is Sabos hair as soft as it looks? Ace’s is coarse and thick, fluffy but thats an illusion, hes more like a shag rug
So he tells Sabo a bit about his business instead, Sabo looks up at him, pretty eyes, prettier mouth, asks him halfway through a silly anecdote if, he would like to dance, hes fond of the fiddle and one of his favourite tunes is starting
Its a chance, Marco seizes it and allows Sabo to tug him onto the heaving makeshift dancefloor and says nothing when theyre shoved up against each other, Sabo stands around his eye level, he has to look down at him at this proximity and regrets how public their current situation is
Blonde curls, pale eyes, an expression that is far from guarded but hesitant, almost if Marco were to be arrogant, describe as reverent
It feels right to lean in just as Sabo raises up on his toes, just a little, because later on he’ll be catty and say he doesn’t want Marco to claim all the credit— pushes his mouth against Marco’s, lower lip catchinf on stubble and Sabo sighs shifts and Marco tilts hus head to accomodate and although their footwork is a slow alcohol influenced shuffle (just like everyone elses) they keep their proximity
Sabo chases him, Marco wants to erupt into flames, Sabo hooks a finger through a button hole, third from the top of his shirt and tugs him back in for seconds, the kiss the second one is hotter more explorative, someone moans and Sabo refuses to admit it was him, Marco would gladly admit he hadn’t been silent
A free hand, soft because Sabo always wears gloves, not now, hes safe, slides up to cup his jaw and Marco feels an insane and feral urge bursting inside his chest, he needs to know if Sabo feels the same, looks to gain some footing, some semblance of control and Sabo fights him on it, teeth bared
Its only when catcalls and whistles and a very exuberant and drunk Ace staggers into them that the two finally separate from what felt like an entire weeks worth of kissing, mouth stinging, Marco watches the way Sabo licks his own swollen lower lip, his expression guarded in a more coy and abashed way
“Took you both long enough” Ace mumbles into Marco’s neck, he holds up a fist full of berry, “im fuckin rich thanks Mar—“
“I still think Sabo made the first move” vista shoulders his way past the wave of dancers
“Nah.” Ace grins at his fellow commander, his smile smug against Marcos throat, Marco tries his best to not blush under the scrutiny, “i know Sabo, he starts shit and then never finishes it.”
“You calling me a chicken?” sabo finds his bravado at last, but, Marco also knows Sabo now and he hears the shake, the want in his voice.
“Yeah,” Ace says nonchalantly, happy as a clam clinging onto Marco and his winnings and totally ignoring a very petulant Vista
Sabo makes a noise in his throat that hisses out between his teeth, he steps in close because now hes had a taste he wont be letting Ace steal what he is rightfully owed
Nose to nose, Ace blinks once and ducks out of the way when Sabo instigates war, but this is a battle where they all go home winners because Marco lets him take, beyond delighted to have him again and this time Sabo kisses him like he’s trying to kill him
Reeling from the suckerpunch Marco watches Sabo rear back and snark at Ace, hows that for pussyfooting and Ace has that look in his eye the look that sharpens the hearth greys in his eye to a brilliant polished steel
“I dunno.” Ace scrunches his face up in faux thought, “i kinda need more convincing”
“Youre just a pervert.” Sabo counters crossly
“Same.” Marco says to no one in particular because, honestly hes been hard for a while now and hes been hoping that the obvious hard on situation of pressing his erection into Sabos hip would get the message across but — theres a small quarrel between his lovers and Sabo comes out victorious, a metal jingle of stolen keys— to Ace’s room
“Mines bigger.” Marco tries to argue as Ace immediately gets the picture and starts dragging both blondes out of the crowd and towards the sleeping quarters
“His is closer” Sabo retorts, shaking the keys and feeling the blood throb in behind his eyes, lightheaded and aching
Marco cant argue against good logic like that and has to catch himself with a burning phoenix wing when he’s practically thrown into Ace’s quarters, bodily by Sabo, his lithe stature always caught him off guard Marco knows he should stop underestimating him (he cant help it hes so pretty—)
He barely gets a moment to vocalise how he thinks this should go when Sabo tumbles into his lap, hands greedily shoving at his shirt tearing it off his shoulders, mouth hot and seeking, hes so expressive when theyre alone, Marco burns feels blue flame arcing off his chest and arms at the attention Sabo lavishes on him, gold flickering in between the blue when Ace locks the door and his weight settles on the other side of him
“You two are gonna be the death of me.” Ace murmurs, tongue hot against Marcos leaping pulse, Marco with his mouth full cant agree but hums instead and Sabo disliking his wandering attention bites, meanly and Marco flinches with a soft moan that starts off quiet and chesty but erupts higher flighty in his throat when Ace chooses this will be the prime moment where he sinks his teeth into his throat
Captured between his two lovers Marco submits himself to a devouring
The dissonance of Ace kissing Marco versus Sabo licking the blood off his lips from where he punched him in the nose prior to lick kissing him bloody
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years ago
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pencilscratchins · 4 years ago
what's your opinion on din/boba?
HELL yeah
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hazardsoflove · 3 years ago
i need orville peck to cover jolene
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blackthorn-faerie · 3 years ago
Sometimes I just- *thinks about cowboys*
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aaeoluss · 5 years ago
hmmmm do i ship clara and frederick or clara and james. cant decide
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artedimichelangelo · 2 years ago
Hii! Since you take requests for hod now, could I get an aemond and reader fic where theyre arranged to be married and secretly like each other? One day she accidently sees him without his eyepatch and he gets all insecure abt it? Just soft aemond and fluffy endings? Thanks!
Do not fear - Aemond Targaryen x Stark! Fem! Reader
Author's Note: Hii! Thanks for your request, I added a few details about the readers and I hope this little fic is to your liking!
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Stark! Fem! Reader, Helaena x Stark! Fem! Reader (the two are friends).
Warnings: English is NOT my first language; possible grammatical errors; fluff?
Word Count: 1067.
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The sun was high in the sky, illuminating all the streets of King's Landing and making the crimson stone of the Red Keep stand out.
In the castle corridors, there was a continuous bustle of servants and maids, busy with the grand wedding that was to take place in the great hall in a few days.
To distract Y/n from the chaos and spend some time together, Princess Helaena decided to take her lady-in-waiting to the gardens, especially as she would be processing her wedding gift there.
"My Princess, I do not think it is necessary to give me a gift," Andromeda tells her politely as Helaena places the most majestic butterflies in all of Westeros between her friend's raven locks.
"I insist, this portrait is also a thank you from me for our friendship and your loyalty over the years," the other replied, concentrating on balancing the scarabs and caterpillars on the flowers placed in the daughter of the North's hands. "In addition, I asked you to use my name. We have been companions for several moons now."
It was true: Y/n Stark had lived with the royal family since she was a young girl, and it was with them that she had experienced the happiest moments of her life, despite the distance from her kin.
Even the youngest of Alicent Hightower's sons, Aemond, had grown fond of the girl, who was one of the few people to treat him like a human before and after the incident with Princess Rhaenyra's children.
The future bride remembered the moments spent with the young prince as if they had happened the day before.
"One day I will marry you, Y/n..." Aemond murmured in a small voice as he stroked the little girl's hair. "I promise you with this blue flower, blue as the sky in which we will fly together on the back of my dragon!" He confidently exclaimed as she looked at him with admiration and joy.
While the two girls were engrossed in their conversations and the elaboration of the portrait, Prince Aemond emerged from the entrance of the gardens and lingered near the stone archway; his solid gaze softened at the sight of his future wife posing, completely mesmerised by her immeasurable beauty.
"I apologise for interrupting you, but I was looking for Aegon. We were supposed to train together, and I cannot find him." He explained to the girls, who replied that they had seen no trace of the missing brother. "Very well, I will leave you to your business. If anything, you will find me in the training grounds with Ser Cole." Aemond responded in a stoic voice, and after bowing to the two, he headed for the training ground.
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At the end of the painting session, Y/n said goodbye to her future sister-in-law and decided to visit Aemond.
On the way, she met Ser Cole, who told her the prince was still at the camp after their sword duel.
She was always thrilled to see the one she had always loved, even though they spent most of their time together, yet she could not avoid the ball of heat that pounded in her chest just thinking about him.
As she crossed the stone threshold, everyone bowed before her and greeted her as she crossed the field to the tents.
Without a second thought, she entered the first one before her, which revealed Prince Aemond's intent on freeing himself from his duelling attire; his missing eye patch revealed the blue gleam of the sapphire that replaced the lost eye.
Finally realising Lady Stark's presence, he felt the blood run cold in his veins and with a swift movement, he spun around to hide from her.
"Please, my dearest, I don't want you to see me like this." Aemond had always been unsure of his appearance after the incident years before. People did not look at him and if they did, they gave him repulsed looks as if he had become a monster.
"Do not fear," she murmured, her honey-sweet voice capable of warming the young man's soul. "And do not hide, not from me."
He sat on a filthy stool, his head bowed downwards, still undecided whether to show himself to her for good.
Y/n knelt before him and let her delicate hand rest on Aemond's cheek.
"Look at me... I was there with you when your wound was still fresh, I helped you clean it and even there, my mind regarding you did not change." She reassured him, her grey eyes focused on his face. "Do not fear, I will love you eternally and protect you until I die. I swear it by all the gods in existence."
Her reassuring words and calm voice gave Aemond the courage he needed to raise his head.
His furrowed brow relaxed as he opened his eyes and took in the sight of how the sunlight from the crack in the tent perfectly illuminated Y/n.
"You do not reckon that I am a hideous monster?"
"I grew up with you, I could never think that." She gently kissed the prince's scar and rested her forehead against his. "Understand that your insecurities do not make you a horrible person, and being aware of them does not make you weak, only more human, and I am willing to show my love for them so that you appreciate them too."
Aemond was happy, relieved, to have a woman like her by his side.
"Do you know why I chose this blue gem?" He asked, arousing curiosity in the girl, who nodded to continue with the answer. "It reminded me of you, Lady Stark, and the promise I made to you with the blue flower when I was just a little prince."
"It almost seems as if it happened yesterday, and here I am, this instant, in the arms of the one I have always loved." Her eyes shone with contentment.
The silver-haired boy was even more relieved, knowing she loved him from the beginning too.
"I always knew I was the more charming brother deep down..." He whispered, but Y/n heard him and gave him a small pat on the chest, trying to hide a slight laugh. "Why do you think not?" Aemond feigned an offended look, which fell immediately after his beloved placed her lips on his in a gentle kiss.
"I have always loved a humble prince."
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goldenmorningglory · 3 years ago
have my tiny fic about royalty (?) au patpran where pran is the scion of the best spy family of the kingdom and pat is the rising star of the knights esp in code. their families have known each other for long and have never gotten along (understatement) outside of security work.
They're in the woods, silently competing to see who gets the most number of herbs for the court physician. Or so they tell in loud, brash voices that resound the high ceilings of the palace corridors. But in reality, theyre working together, covering ground faster and greater than any could think, a seamless coordination that would put well trained armies to shame.
It's a dangerous game, Pran thinks. They're meant to hate each other, detest the fact that the other exists in their sphere. But how is he meant to hate that summery smile or that countanence that puts the flightiest babe at ease? He can't, so he secretly refuses to.
Pat is focussed, eyes a shine of something hot and precious that reminds Pran of the forge to smelt gold. He then realises that he can see Pat's eyes now because Pat is no longer bent over the forest floor collecting herbs, but has raised to his feet and his head is cocked to the side, eyebrow raised in query.
"It's nothing," Pran says evenly. His family is one raised for stealth, lies are his siblings. "I spotted some better ones that way." He makes to move past Pat, when Pat suddenly clutches his arm and drags him into a thicket of flowering bushes on the side of the barely visible path.
"What?" Pran refuses to have his voice shaken by the proximity. Pat shushes him and with good reason, for wandering close is the fattest boar he's seen in a while. Pat's eyes are on him, sparkling in the setting sunlight that filters through the green canopy above. His lips are curved up in a challenging smirk and he leans in close, musk and morning dew filles Pran's senses that are already under seige.
"We should get that one don't you think? You have any weapons on you?"
The eyes are playful but he tone is welcoming, like they're playing a game by mutual consensus, one that Pat seems so sure wouldn't end in bad blood. Pran has a single thought in him, as he looks at his proclaimed enemy, the person he loves in tenuous silence.
A weapon?
I have a longing that's killing me.
But words left unspoken have made up palaces at the back of Pran's throat so he smiles back, half mocking half heart baringly genuine.
"Why you always ask stupid questions, I'll never know."
He whispers, hot and low and before Pat can even see it, Pran is twisting, silent and deadly, flash of silver the only warning before the dagger plants itself in the eye of the boar. It goes down and Pran stands, satisfied smile on his face. Had he turned a second before he did, he wouldv'e seen the way Pat's eyes went molten, the way he looked awed as if he saw a much elusive unicorn. When Pran does turn and holds out his hand, the look is gone, replaced by the almost fond smile and headshake as Pat accepts the hand and rises to his feet.
"Half and half?" Pran says. Pat looks at him surprise on his face. "Well you did spot it. Of course, I did most of the work so I guess half is too genorous..." He turns to see Pat looking at him like he sometimes did, as if Pran was one of the keys to a cypher Pat was tasked with decoding. Pran doesn't let the thought linger.
"I'll skin it. Should be worth more than half but I definitely am that generous."
And then they're pushing and shoving and cursing each other all the way to the boar, through cleaning it up and splitting up the days collection. Another day goes by keeping his life the same as it always had been and Pran knows that whatever knife twists in his chest, may it's name be longing or love of yearning, the slow bleed to death is worth the knowledge that Pat stays in his eye sight.
Pran is raised for stealth. The first thing they learn is to hide pain after all.
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izupie · 2 years ago
I got tagged in this like a bazillion years ago but I only just now remembered about it aaaa - thank you for tagging me @microsuedemouse I do love answering these sorts of things <3
1. three ships: ok here we go
Destiel (Dean/Castiel) - don't boo me I'm right - it's the angel/hunter frenemies to friends to lovers pipeline. theyre cute theyre messy theyre besties theyre fighting theyre risking it all to save each other again. *chefs kiss*
Albether (Albedo/Aether) - boyfriends with secrets and emotional scars find comfort in each other. the quiet one with the bubbly one dynamic. plus they just look cute together im sorry
Izuocha (Izuku/Ochako) - pure fluff. supportive and adorable. theyre uncomplicated to me and make me smile
2. first ship ever: oooooh !! let me cast my mind back.... back...... oh no why is this so far back........ okay!
The first time I can remember wanting two characters to be together is probably when I was a teeny tiny Izupie watching Sailor Moon while I was in primary school, maybe year 3/4 I think? (UK school system - I have no idea what the equivalent would be in the US) (I could google it) (but I don't wanna)
I was obsessed with Sailor Moon every morning on tv. I watched the dub though - back when I had no idea these things were even dubbed over at all. I loooooved Serena and Darien - I'm sorry I know their dub names can give people hives, but I have so many fond memories of them I'll love them even if nobody else does asdfghjk
the whole he's really secretly tuxedo mask thing broke my tiny little mind and I was like gaaasssppp ! and I wanted them to be together even more - their initial I like you/you annoy me dynamic probably informed a lot of my ship preferences going forward
Every time there was an episode focusing on their relationship I would get so invested. they were my first real 'ship' for sure
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3. currently listening: I'm not really listening to any particular music rn - I listen to the radio a lot though! Just a popular music station that plays all the latest hits
4. Last movie: I can't believe this is legit going to be Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings lmaoooo - it's a comfort film and I needed some cheering up after a long hard day at work last week, so I booted up disney plus and on it went. Literally the lowest stakes you can imagine, just lots of pretty visuals, sparkly wings, fairies, upbeat pop songs and a happy ending. ultimate comfort film.
5. currently reading: soooooo much fanfiction. so. much. fanfiction. a shameful amount of fanfiction. but it's sooooooo good.
Destiel has the most fics on AO3 guys. there is so much to choose from. it's glorious. if you can think of ANY trope you enjoy there will be pages of fics for it. I am so spoilt for choice and I'm having so much fun with it
6. currently watching: *looks at the screen like I'm in The Office*
SUPERNATU*gunshot noises*
7. currently consuming: nothing right now but I'm hungry and I'm going to make some dinner soon. I've been snacking on a lot of the chocolate I got for christmas recently ahaaaa
8. currently craving: a hug. which is bizarre because I would describe myself as not-a-huggy-person but I had a dream that I hugged someone the other night and I woke up like. I WANT A HUG. but like. not just a hug. I want a HUG. rib crushingly tight with an even tighter squeeze thrown in there. chins over shoulders. noses in necks. closed eyes. breathe deep. step apart but still holding on. That's a HUG. that's what I want.
Universe - get on that please.
here's the Tagging part, but I'm not sure I want to tag anyone at the moment - so this is a ~free tag~ to anyone reading this that just wants to answer some fun questions! yes, you there!
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protagfolly · 3 years ago
hphsjsjkdf i don't really get romantic irouma either, but any prominent platonic relationship is bound to have people who prefer it romantically yknow? miu and kokichi are so funny and so so sad,,,their constant bickering is hilarious (at least to me) but the reveal that they were secretly working together and like,,,one of the only people the other ever trusted? and then that all comes crashing down with miu's panicked betrayal? fucking heartbreaking man. i can understand why people might wanna shift a tragic friendship into a tragic romance
THIS IS UNDERSTANDABLE I GUESS... putting aside the fact that in my little eyes kokichi is a gay guy i just think that the whole interaction was/is more powerful when theyre platonic and not romantic. To each his own with shipping and i think that can be said for most any of the ships in danganronpa, but... i dunno. I dunno! Just personally irouma(thats it) isnt my cup of tea i guess, but no hate to anyone who likes it obv! I just dont really understand it. Though i guess I am picky with my kokichi ships since there are only two of them in which im actually fond of LMAO
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chocowhomps · 3 years ago
i forgot i said id use this blog for headcannon or more accurately i guess kin talk too that im too shy to talk abt on main so NICE im gonna do that
if you want to read it: its about kevin and eddys future relationship as a couple and also talks abt my fankid for them
im rly excited to draw my fankid for adult kevin n eddy bc im very obsessed w everyone sticking together as a big squad of friends post bps and just being each others support as they mature. and even when everyone grows up into adults theyre all a tight knit gang
and eddy and kevin move into eddy’s parents house bc they buy a house in hawaii or somewhere tropical and eddys been working at his dad’s used car lot since college bc he didnt wanna go back to school, and his dad basically retires and hands him the keys
(theres something to be said about them going through kevins attic to move all of his things out of his parents house too and kevin being all nostalgic and eddys griping about wanting to get it done already bc obligatory has a bad back and complains as if he is 50 years old or some shit but is secretly mostly embarrassed bc kevins been doing shit like pulling out their middle school grad book and saying eddy looked cute in the class picture)
and the two of them live right next door to kevins parents and eddy works full time at the lot and kevin doesnt have a stable job mostly stays at home and does the housework by choice bc he just cant find smth hes passionate for and the house is mostly paid off when they transfer it so they just get rly lucky like that. kevin doesnt mind doing the cleaning or anything either and they thoroughly discuss it, not like eddy doesnt help. but eddys hours are so sporadic since he owns the lot now and sometimes hes gone dawn to dusk. kevin likes the freedom and bakes a lot and honestly kinda has a fondness getting to take care of him bc its like a guilty pleasure (DO NOT AT ME PLEASE AAAH ITS SELF INDULGENT) but kevin DOES coach little league in his free time bc he gets antsy. he also just loves baking and stress bakes often so its not uncommon for eddy to come home early and theres fuking cooling racks on every surface and a hundred things on the go and kevins like “oh say less hey babe : ) you’re here early” and eddys like “jesus christ?”
kevin gets obligatory baby fever (dont at me) bc the moms bring babies to little league games sometimes and he just loves kids, its why he does little league aside from the sports aspect. probably brings the idea of them having a baby up over dinner and eddy chokes on a beer because the concept of kids is something hes also realized he heavily desires but is PETRIFIED of doing. he feels like he’d be a shit dad and desperately wants to be better than (God bless their souls) his parents made him feel.
he really doesnt want his kid to feel like they have something to be better than and constantly be told theyre “better than a dead beat” (ie his own brother) and even then in his like early 30s after his therapy has been consistent he STILL slips into anger and bad habits at the best of times no matter how he controls it. he is so scared he’ll hurt a kid and he doesnt want to allow himself to get attached. he’s done things thath ave hurt their friends or even kevin out of impulse and even conceptually doing that to his child, not even someone on his equal level makes him feel sick
but kevin just gets him so well. like he knows how his brain works down to every tick and he tells him exactly what he needs to hear while rubbing his shoulders. like tells him he’ll be there for him and he needs to just fucking trust himself for once and stop holding onto the little boy he was when he was a kid like that person whos still spiteful and lashes out at every opportunity is still him because he’s grown past it. gives him confidence and its so soft bc he can make him feel so proud of his growth so easy eddy literally just needs the most miniscule of validation and its AH
but they adopt this baby girl named nicole (nicky) and she is. my god shes the embodiment of both of them combined so shes a fucking nightmare. shes barely 8 and kevin finds her into the cookie jar on a sunday and wigs out like “what are you doing!! how did you open this!!” bc he fucking sealed it like his mom would have to do for him. and shes like “i pickeded it :p” and eddy fucking dry heave cackles leaning on the wall bc YEAH THATS MY GIRL 
i might talk more about her but this is so long and im shy lol if i dont stop now ill be too nervous to post this bye
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