#they're my faves let me have this!!
epickiya722 · 6 months
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spaciebabie · 4 days
brother if i ever see a little PHOCKIN KITY on the road.,,.....................we're petting insaneo style. im gonna go crazy on that pusuy dude.
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nursemimosa · 7 months
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best friend he never asked for. well, he's stuck with her whether he likes it or not. good luck to them both.
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frobby · 8 months
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Heres some of my favorite sorrows of yukio okumura
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manasurge · 8 months
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OKAY SO I got the amazing little 3D print I ordered in today, and it came with TWO BONUS CAITHES!!!!! TWO BONUS CAITHES!!! TWO (2) OF THEM!!!! That was literally like.. the nicest and most wonderful surprise ever!!<3<3 (especially for me omg...). I'm keeping one out on display and the other one is kept in a protective bubble wrap prison in case anything unthinkable should happen to the other one (these are very delicate! and they're SO DETAILED. I love them!!!) Gonna put the original purchase under the "read more" for Gw2 SoTo spoiler reasons
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PEITHA HAS COME HOME!!!! SHE LOOKS SO GOOD!!!! I love her sword too omg... 3D printing was like, perfectly made for detailed game figures I swear. These are so good, and they arrived in such carefully cushioned packaging bc they are fairly delicate (but Peitha is surprisingly hardy for a little figure!). I also adore the action pose too! I love her so much! ;v; <3 My wife came home and brought my other wife with her!! (twice!). Now all I need is for the bigger official figure to arrive sometime next year, and the whole gang will be here uwu. Also bonus Lady Maria and an extra bonus wife group pic!
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skunkes · 22 days
Did or does anything inspire your art? It’s so fun and unique
I do have artists (both Established and like Peers/Mutuals) I enjoy and I do pluck traits from art I like as I see fit to mold my own but I don't have any conscious inspiration ykwim...ive had ppl tell me my art looks like or reminds them of things i like, whether "vibe based" (stuffed animals) or a specific media (care bears) but i dont consciously draw inspiration from care bears ykwim... I could tell u i loved archie comics as a kid and i love the art style but thats not a good answer to the question bc it doesnt present itself in my work (and if it does its not on purpose) ykwim...i hope dis makes sense.
I always bring up Urasawa when this question comes up, like I love urasawa's art and often save lots of it for inspiration but my work doesnt really ever come out as an emulation of his as a result, it's more osmosed as I try to figure out how I want to draw, bc I haven't seen anyone who draws the way I'd like to yet. (Also using him as an example, as this is how I feel about all my other "inspirations").
Theres tons of different ways to draw every possible trait of a face or body etc, so I just do that, taking shapes and such from other artists i observe along the way without really picking up the influence (and if i do its never for very long), since I've yet to find anything im very happy with
#ive never understood how people do those inspiration boards and you can SEE how all the people they list influence their art#if i could scrounge together enough artists that inspire me then i dont think you'd even be able to tell unless you Guessed#if that makes sense#similarly i do have thousands of folders of artists and mutuals' art i have saved#to go look back at for inspiration...but its not direct inspiration#like zaftiguy2 on twitter (NSFW) is an inspiration of mine....you would never guess though bc what I osmose from his work doesn't#present itself very upfront in my stuff‚ if at all#does this make sense? i feel when ppl ask others this question is bc they wanna see more art adjacent to that of the person theyre asking#but unfortunately its not like that for me ykwim :(#id be much much better if there was someone who drew the way i want to draw that i could copy off of LOL#my art is so bad BECAUSE i feel like im making it from scratch. and im bad at coming up with things#anonymous#skunk mail#so thank u for thinking its unique bc i personally think its very generic as a result#like. entry level art style#off the top of my head artists i LIKE are kemafili manaohu and yawningyawns#on twitter....kemafili is on here though (kemafili1 on twitter)#those are artists i have in my ''fave'' folder. theres others i think but thats the only ones i can think of rn#i also have tons of artist folders saved in general but read my above statements about inspiration#eraserplains is another one... they're on tumblr too#i like raymodule (tumblr) and robottoast (twitter) but again not in a way where im like wow i want to draw exactly like that lets try
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Can we all agree that Raphie needs a mother figure the most?
Why would he need a mom when there's a perfectly good Leo right there?? Basically the same thing
Jokes aside, yeah most continuities I can agree. The one that needs an extra parental figure most is usually Raph. Though I believe all of them would've had a higher quality life/childhood if they had a mother. Mikey, Donnie, and Raph would be such momma's boys, and I think that would be so sweet.
But context and character dynamics are important, it really only works in theory. So most likely a continuity with a healthy relationship between Yoshi/Tang Shen and they got mutated together or they stay together after only one gets mutated. All things considered a single mom wouldn't fare much better then just Splinter. But a Splinter that falls in love after mutation could work well too. An unhealthy/toxic dynamic wouldn't help in the slightest.
April often "sort of" fills the mom role, mom role adjacent like older sister or loving Aunt, and is usually the best at nurturing Donnie more then anyone else. Casey is often helpful giving Raph a mirror and helping him regulate his temper, but he's not much a parental figure and usually an honorary turtle sibling. Plus the lesson is usually Raph teaching an adult to control themselves which isn't fair to Raph who is always a child. They all need one-on-one time with a parental figure that isn't meant to further their ninjutsu.
2003 Splinter is exempt, he's not perfect but the literal "has always been a rat, never human" Dad is the only one that regularly just hangs out with his kids and watches them play games or just watches movies/tv with them for fun. And if his kiddos are in danger he's absolutely right there trying to protect them.
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tasmanianstripes · 11 months
People need to practice minding their own damn business
Don't come into people's inboxes giving unsolicited advice or criticizing their personal stuff. Don't reblog somebody's posts saying how much you hate it and their opinions.
Don't like somebody's characterisation, AUs or the kind of art they post? It might even annoy you?
Okay, cool. Go make your own post. Block them. Be a little hater about it to your friends. It's good for your soul!
But don't be goddamn rude to people. Don't make it their problem.
"I don't like what this artist likes mah mah mah"
Here's a wild idea;
Artists...don't need to cater to you. You are not entitles to their work. Nobody on the internet should coddle you and post only stuff you like.
Shocker, I know.
#thylacines can talk#Yes this is about PK#When you like an antagonist people expect you to be a negative nancy 24/7 and put a disclaimer everytime you make something with them about#how much they suck as a person#Guess what! Having to shittalk your fave all the time to not risk being 'that kind of fan'...isnt fun. It's miserable even!#Anmoying as fuck too! Yes I know he did this unforgivable thing. I'm not an idiot. That's why I like PK. Fucker's got nuance#Is he a bad person? Absolutely. Will I talk about him being a bad person and the horrible things he did? Also yes. When I want to. It's#very fun to explore that part of the story and how it influenced their victims. Will I give you a fucking essay on why he's a bad person#everytime I want to post something funny or lighthearted about him? No. Piss off.#I cannot only focus on angst and heart-wrenching part of the story. I also like to make stuff of the lighthearted parts of my AUs.#And I don't feel like writing down an entire disclaimer and breakdown of how PK's and WL's redemption arcs went to justify it#Having to constantly put disclaimers to justify you liking a morally grey and bad characters is EXHAUSTING. Only being able to talk about#this character with someone when it proteins to how awful they are is EXHAUSTING.#YES they're bad people. But going into peoples dms or inbox or tags and talking to them about how ugly and bad and evil their fave is#exhausting to deal with and NOT fun. Like I. KNOW. LIKE LET ME LIKE A DEEPLY FLAWED NUANCED FUCKED UP CHARACTER IN PEACE WITHOUT HAVING TO#ALWAYS PUT A DISCLAIMER OUT THERE ABOUT HOW AWFUL THEY ARE. GOOD GOD.#It's especially annoying because I like characterisation of PK that is very morally grey. To me purely evil and not compassionate PK is#fun...in a short run. I much prefer a man whos riddled with guilt over what he did even if he believed it to be necessary evil and who dies#Because of his regret. I love the idea of a father who sacrificed his own children so that no parent had to lose their own. And the tragedy#of him deeply loving PV and still doing what he did. A good person who was faced with an impossible choice and committed unspeakable#cruelty for what he believed to be the greater good. A man who doesnt believe he's deserving of redemption not forgiveness and who doomed#himself. I like a nuanced morally grey PK with LAYERS. Treating him as a purely evil uncaring person who never loved his children sucks ALL#the fun out of him for me. And don't get me wrong I LOVE villains who are evil for evil's sake. I LOVE old school Disney villains who are#scumbags just because they can be and have a little bit a swag to it. But PK just. Isn't that kind of villain to me.#I don't even like calling him a villain. An antagonist? Maybe. A morally grey character that kicked off the entire story with his one act#of unspeakable cruelty? Yup. But I don't see him as the villain of HK.#Wow that was a long rant#Well I got that out of my system at least#I love the Pale King and I could talk for HOURS about why I love him as a character and about his actions. It's just tiring when I have to#do it to justify myself and my lighthearted content of him.
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prismatoxic · 7 months
every time someone likes or reblogs an old art post of mine from like 2 years ago i get perilously closer to purging all my older art from this account
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
So what's one of your favorite Tsutsumi fits 😉
random as hell question to be askin 🤨 so mysterious...
but since you did ask probably this one <3 from the second episode of pure <3
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#snap chats#i love his scarves and turtlenecks in this too- i love a lot of toru's outfits tbh. i just think he's cute in general </3#highkey its prob one of my faves cause this is also my favorite sequence of scenes#he and yuka are just esp cute it makes me giggle#their autism4autism love is my favorite..... fr this sequence is so cute like CAN I. RAMBLE about it real quick#cause it's a scene where yuka invites toru home but there's a sign left by her mom on the door that says not to let strangers in#and With His Eyes toru reads it like 'is it ok if im here ??' and yuka just 🥺 'youre my friend and a nice person so its ok :)'#and then he just gives her The Stare™️ yk the one and i cry. AND THE SCENE AFTER WHEN SHE'S TRYING TO MAKE COFFEE--#guys this is my favorite episode for a reason idc pure still has a chokehold on me 😭😭😭 theyre so cute..#back to the outfit tho its also just. VERY city-goer to me idk what it is. prob all the denim. prob cause its somethin my dad would wear--#im usually denim's number-one hater but if ttm's wearing it it's ok#OH ALSO update on OMC2: ttm IS in it TECHNICALLY but it's just a quick flashback segment#it's. it's a flashback to the ending scene ☠️#even in a movie he's not technically in he's still shirtless girl i cant#and yet he was never shirtless in THIS show... lol....#anyway yeah it this one <3 def had plans of stealing it since the store i usually shop at's having a sale and they're sellin a similar shir#that'll have to be plans for christmas i think....
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ladyofthelake · 3 months
Just got cameos from basically everyone in my fave band The Struts and just received the lead singer Luke (its like 4am hfsfbshdfbs) AND HE WAS SO SWEET AND GRACIOUS AND IM SO
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cparti-mkiki · 1 year
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drkineildwicks · 4 months
Hello! So, your fics (specifically Obake Itoko and (Not So) Hated By Life Itself) inspired me to begin writing a similar fic (pre-brain-damage Obake getting sent forward in time to be a part of Big Hero 6 shenanigans). However, I am weird about posting a fic that was inspired by someone else’s fic.. so I was wondering if that’s ok? Thanks!
Sorry for not answering earlier, but yes please I want to see more Obake content!
(real talk, been camping out AO3 waiting for you to start posting I have been very intrigued by what you've been sharing on Tumblr :D)
[real talk two...thank you I'm happy you liked my fics enough to get inspired by them :D]
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trans-li-ling · 2 years
I think we should give Zora a gun and whatever happens to the Shadow Decree happens
#dislyte#Listen I'm going to be honest. I like a lot of shadow Decree characters. But also.#Given the chance I would kill them off in story because of how much I hate them.#Mainly the fact a good chunk of them are like. Okay with child murder? Like hello#The union 100% deserves criticism (hi Luo Yan the cop who got fired bc he thought the law was beneath him what's up w u being here) and#Tiye's story is. Whoooo boy. The union definitely has An Interest In Branding#But again. Orphanage burning was A Thing That Happened#And ofc there's the meta view of like... What are the bad guys ideals? Are they only evil bc they're extreme? And I try 2 keep that in mind#But like the Shadow Decree is kinda... Just full of selfish people. Ofc some ppl are more sympathetic but all of them Are Selfish#Honestly Bonnie is like the only one who stands out to me as like... Yeah the union failed her community and she's rightfully mad#Most of the others lost like. One person either to the union or just thought the shadow Decree would let them get revenge and#It's a case by case thing like some of them probably feel like they have nowhere else to go and that's understandable but the initial#Actions they took were selfish and I feel like dislyte puts too much into making the characters surface level sympathetic (Ophelia) rather#Than grappling with if they view themselves as good people or if they're disappointed in themselves or if they don't care#(forgot to say earlier Jiang Jiuli n Jiang Man r valid in hatred though like the union directly fucked them over and it's understandable#That they fucking hate them so like it's more grey)#(also this is why like... Nicole n Cecilia r some of my faves they don't give a shit they just wanna fuck stuff up and I can respect that)#And Catherine is actually well done because she's full of hatred and even if she has soft moments shes just. Mean as hell!#LYNN I love Lynn but girl you know about the orphanage burning right???? Right???????#Anyway how well known is the burning of the union? Iirc it was both the HQ and the Orphanage so do ppl only know abt the HQ or both or????#Anyway the union is flawed but trying unaffiliated espers are similar and the shadow Decree is 90% people who are selfish and toxic and#Really fucking annoying. I fucking hate Ophelia so much you have no idea I want to throw bricks at her.#Anyways Zora is the best character and deserves free therapy and a lifetime supply or tiramisu and a gun#JASPER TRIED TO FUCK W THE UNION WITHOUT JOINING YHE CHILD MURDER ORGINIZATION
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mrsmarlasinger · 2 years
So I've been wondering for at least a year if I might be polyamorous, and today on my birthday my queue dredged up two posts that mention polyamory. Perhaps 'tis a sign
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
What kind of references do you provide for your kendis commissions? They always came out so well!
Everything under the sun!
In short: Picrews/meikers, the pinboard/moodboards, and the fc. And any other detail they might desire.
The first gives a look (as well as the fc) and the second gives hints on personality.
Then we work from there. I usually ask friend's who know the character second opinion -- like ask them to read over summaries I write about description on character's (not just Kendis') appearances/expressions/style etc, to ensure I didn't miss anything and if what I wrote was clear. Sometimes, they also help my indecisive self pick things when the artists gives me options.
I also think knowing the character helps. I feel I have a clearer vision for Kendis (and I probably would if I did an Andy one) commissions becausee their personality and style is [USUALLY, lmao] clear to me -- but even if you don't have years on your IC (like I would with them), fiddling with their look and personality helps a LOT and helps guide you. Like for example for my Lala request their look was clearer for me vs my Xhyera request where I know her personality/demeanor better than her style.
And dont be afraid to put a lot of detail! And to say what you do or don't (nicely please!!) like during the sketch part. It is rare that I have found an artist that did not give me a part of their process where I can state what I wanted to change -- actually I don't believe I have; even when I'm not part of the process step by step (mostly), they always ask me my input at some point.
Also below, here is a summary of what I sent for a joint commission I've had done. Hope it helps!:
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