#they're loud they're proud they're unapologetic
illgiveyouahint · 3 months
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Marahuyo Project - Episode 1 Amihan
If there's no LGBTQIA+ org here in MarSU, then we'll create one!
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hindahoney · 1 year
Don't let threats against synagogues scare you out of going. The people making these threats want you to be scared. They want you to be so scared that you don't feel safe living your life as a proud and visible Jew, so scared that you take your menorah out of your window and remove your mezuzah from your doorpost. The more you concede, the more they feel like they're winning and the more emboldened they get.
Now, more than ever, we need Jews to be loud, proud and unapologetic. You should not be afraid to exist as a Jew. Wear your star of David. Wear your kippah. And take pride in who you are and where you come from.
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blueinkscribe · 3 months
This is a message to all those trans people who claim that people using news or god forbid even xenos "ruins it for the rest of us"
I've seen so many people state that people who express their gender in ways that aren't deemed socially exeptable are "making it harder for us" are "the reason we're not being taken seriously", I see so many people telling neos and xenos users to "keep that to your online spaces if you must"
And I just wanna tell you something.
Stop it.
1. Neither you, not me, nor anyone ows anyone simplicity. Trying so hard to adhere to the cisgender view of the world *doesn't make it easier*. For anyone! Neither you nor me will *ever* fit into a cisgender world view, the trans experience is inheritly different from a cis experience. We will *never* fit their world view.
2. By making these statements you are actively hurting the trans community. This sentiment is dividing the trans community into two parts, and the divide is actively weakening us. This of the power we'd hold if we all were allowed to be our individual selves, loud, proud and unapologetic. Right now, you're making a common enemy with the transphobes. Once that enemy is gone, *you are next on their list*
3. You out of all people should understand that gender isn't that simple, isn't black or white, and you don't need to feel the same to respect how other people choose to express themselves.
Neo pronouns and xenopronons aren't bad, they aren't dangerous, they aren't harming us. And they're most certainly not something that should be hidden away.
And if I can make random tumblr user Bonnie's day a little brighter by using bun/bunself pronouns, WHY TF WOULDNT I?
I thought we had moved on from our hate, I thought we had finally come to understand that bigotry in our own community is what makes it harder for us.
When will we learn to stand together as one?
Signed, a a fellow trans person.
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bellysoupset · 6 months
hi i’m new here and i def just stalked your oc tag so i could soak up any and all info on your college oc’s i love them so much (jonah’s my fave <3)
may i ask what each character’s like… normal burps are like when they aren’t sick? i def have a bit (more than a bit) of a thing for burps as well as a love for sickfics so im pretty curious.
no worries if you don’t want to answer tho :)
Warms my heart to get asks like this!! Also I'm so sorry for my messy OC tag, i've tried to come up with a less terrible system, but so far no luck.
Alright so burps, when they're not sick:
Luke: unashamed long burps. He's actually really good at burping almost on command and 90% of the time Bell doesn't care, so he's very unapologetic about it.
Vince: Vin looks like the type of guy who'd have big, loud burps, but that's not actually the case. Much like with puking, he's very quiet and dainty. Actually annoys him, and when he's with the guys and manages a big burp he's the opposite of ashamed, but pretty proud. Patting his tummy all "that was great, did you hear that?!" Really puts into perspective why him and Luke are tied at the hip.
Leo: Breathy, no relief burps that tend to get stuck on his chest. It's very rare they come up on his own and normally they just fizzle out on his throat, causing him to have those gurgly burps that have no sound, you know?
Jonah: the best burps out there. Not only he's super burpy when nauseous, but even after a good meal, which he loathes and he's like muffling these burps left and right. They're not as long as Luke's, but more brassy and loud, the type that hurt his throat.
Bella: She's honestly a good burper and unless they sneak up on her, she also doesn't particularly care. Louder than Luke's, not as long tho.
Wendy: technically speaking Wen's burps are similar to Jonah's, shorter but brassy. However, she'd literally rather die than let anyone hear those, so normally she burps in her mouth and lets them out under her breath.
Max: Very comfortable with burping, but also he's the only one of my characters who's got hiccup-urps. Every time he'll get a hiccup fit, it'll turn into those breathy, icky burps. He's a bit annoyed by how often he hiccups, especially given he's a teacher and hiccups are involuntary...
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marc--chilton · 5 months
this isn’t even like an analysis or idea or anything just wanted to say that adam purring a lot/feeling he has an ugly purr is really important to me. do you think he suppresses it around Lawrence
it's SOOOO loud and rough it can be heard from another room over, a far cry from the classic demure purring in pop culture. it always annoyed scott so adam just got into the habit of swallowing the urge most of the time. the first time it slips out around lawrence is when they're watching tv and adam starts dozing off. he tucks in to lawrence's side -- lawrence runs warm and adam feels much colder much more often after the bathroom -- with his cheek pressed into lawrence's shoulder and starts to purr. quiet, at first, almost like he's remembering how to do it. but over the course of a few minutes it picks up in volume until adam startles himself awake. he tries to apologize since he knows doing that right in someone's ear probably isn't the most pleasant thing, but lawrence is so so smitten he's confused why adam even feels the need to apologize for a natural reflex to happiness. learning he'd been put down for it in the past breaks his heart so much that after that point when adam hesitantly lets himself purr, lawrence rumbles back (he can't purr) and pushes proud, encouraging notes into his scent for him.
(lawrence would be aghast at adam referring to his purr as ugly. he delights in how unique and unapologetic it is. it's incredibly fitting to adam as a person, and that just tickles lawrence immensely.)
(what REALLY encourages adam to purr freely is seeing how much diana likes it, too. fuck you, scott, diana likes the motorbike purring and she's way cooler than you so her opinion trumps yours)
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clearjello · 1 year
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Be unapologetically loud and proud! I wanted to hybridize some Pokemon to create representations of various flags <3 I did initially write flavor text behind the choices for each flag, but I think it's better to decide for yourself why they represent what they do, or if they're a good fit. I'll be doing a second, smaller round of these for Gender Identity flags soon :> Hopefully before the end of the month ^^; These are up for adoption on my DA / FA
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Heartbreak High (Netflix Reboot) - Quinni & Quinni's Dads, Dusty & Dusty's Dad, Harper & Amerie, Sasha & Everyone, Darren & Darren's Parents, Spider & Spider's Parents, Ant/Spider, Jai & Malakai, Harper & Harper's Dad, Ca$h and Nan - Pride Month Prompt 6 : Coming Out
Warnings : References to underage sex, implied homophobia-centered child abuse, mentions of misgendering, I don't think it was SA but the threesome between Dusty/Malakai/Harper is talked about and I know some people read that as SA so might as well put that warning here as well Prompt : Write a fic in which an LGBT+ character (you get to pick the sexuality, romantic orientation, and/or gender identity) comes out to a friend. Whether or not the friend is also LGBT+ is up to you! Background relationships : Sasha/Quinni (but way before they actually dated and it's not super focused on, don't worry), Ant/Darren (past hookup), Harper/Dusty/Malakai (past hookup), Harper/Amerie (possibly one-sided), Ca$h/Darren Headcanons : Demigirl!Sasha (that was on her Wiki page but idk if it's confirmed or not, so I'm gonna put it here as a headcanon just in case), Bisexual!Amerie, Bisexual!Spider, Bisexual!Harper, Autistic!Ca$h (if you squint) Author's note : They're sort of in order of when I think they would've come out, not character importance. Also, no I did not forget Missy, I just didn't get a solid enough idea of her character to accurately write how that would go so I just didn't. She's great, I just don't know how to write her really
Quinni was rather young when she realized she was a lesbian.
Maybe it was because she was unapologetically Autistic and therefore didn't have as much care for social norms. Maybe it was because she had two dads who were sure to try and keep their daughter informed. Maybe it was just because girls were really hot and she couldn't ignore that.
Regardless, one day she came home from school and excitedly told her dads about this pretty girl who had just moved to her school named Sasha and how she was so cool and smart even though they were all in 4th grade.
Her dads just exchanged a knowing smile before asking for all the details about their kid's first crush.
Dustin was in 6th grade when he fully had the thought of oh, I am NOT straight.
He figured it was puberty making his attraction to others harder to ignore because, in hindsight, he'd always found boys and girls equally as attractive.
"Hey, dad" he said one day after he came home from school.
"Hey, kid" his father replied. He seemed a little distracted, but Dustin didn't care. He was too excited about his realization to care. "How was school?"
"I like boys"
"Oh" his dad said. A tense moment passed and then he smiled. "Thanks for letting me know"
"Girls too" Dustin amended. "But yeah. I like boys"
"That's nice... How was school?"
The first person Amerie came out to was Harper.
They were in 7th grade. It wasn't a situation where Amerie just suddenly realized then that she was bi- She'd always known she found boys and girls attractive- But that was when she first spoke it into existence.
"I'm bi" she said bluntly one night while Harper was staying over because her house was 'haunted' again. The platinum blonde looked over and smiled at her.
"That's sort of random"
"I just realized I hadn't told anyone that yet" Amerie shrugged. "Like, out loud. So why not tell you first?"
"I'm honored"
"Okay, smart ass" Amerie playfully shoved her and the two broke down into a fit of giggles.
After Amerie became more open about being bi in 7th grade, that gave Sasha the confidence to start being loud and proud about who she was.
She put "she/they" in the bios of all her social media accounts, much to her family's confusion. They sent their family a few articles about what nonbinary was and they weren't the most receptive but she didn't care. She was gonna be herself whether everyone accepted it or not.
They also became the school lesbian- Sure, Quinni had been out for a while but Quinni was weird and didn't have any friends aside from Darren and her dads. Sasha, on the other hand, was sort of popular.
She quickly went all the way into environmental and queer rights activism, much to some of the boys' amusement.
They were out, and they would never try to hide it again.
Darren had to come out to their parents twice.
The first time was rather uneventful. After Quinni had come out to her parents in 4th grade, Darren was inspired to tell their parents that they were gay.
Both of their parents took it... Fine. They weren't over the moon by any means but they weren't surprised, and they still loved them at the end of the day.
It was the summer before 11th grade, the year where the Incest Map would be discovered and change everything, when they decided to tell their parents that they were nonbinary.
This... Didn't go quite as well.
They figured it could've gone worse, for sure. They could've been kicked out or beaten or blatantly told that they just weren't, but they weren't given a pool of acceptance either.
Their mom was just annoyed because it was just another thing that would make her kid ostracized. "Wouldn't it be easier if you just kept being a gay boy?" she asked. Darren rolled their eyes. "I mean aren't gay boys respected now"
"But I'm not a boy, mom" they insisted.
Their dad's reaction was slightly better, but they could tell he didn't fully get it either. Neither of their parents got it, and tensions only rised from there, especially since their parents kept misgendering them and didn't seem super invested in trying, especially their mom.
Whatever, they thought. At least I have Quinni
Anthony wasn't given a choice when it came to coming out because the Incest Map was found and suddenly everyone knew that Darren- Who most people still just read as an effeminate boy- Had given him a handjob.
When his family got the call from the school, it was so bad that he wound up sneaking out of his window after the noise stopped and booked it to Spencer's.
Spencer's own parents didn't really care when they found out their kid wasn't straight- Then again, it probably sounded better since it came from him in response to the Incest Map rather than the map itself. There were no boys or Darrens linked to him on the Incest Map.
His parents were pretty absent in his life, so it literally didn't affect them, which he supposed was better than what happened to Anthony, who showed up at his doorstep at one in the morning, sobbing.
"Come in" Spencer said earnestly. "My parents went out for some sort of trip, so you won't have to worry about them" he continued. He barely had time to even tell his parents Hey, you probably heard about the sex map. Just so you know, it's not on the map, but I've definitely fucked around with boys before. Yes, including Ant. Please don't stop him from coming around we've never done it in this house, I promise before they left.
"My parents are really upset"
"About the Map?"
"About me getting a wristy from... Darren"
"Ah" Spencer nodded. Anthony's family had always been super religious. He should've seen this coming. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really"
"Okay" Spencer replied. He'd never been great at comforting people but he always found himself caring a little more when it came to Anthony. "Anything else I can do to help?"
"Alright, mate"
It was while Malakai was out camping with Jai that he opened up about what had happened with Harper and Dustin.
"After the thing with the cop, Dusty and Harper found me and we went back to... I think Dusty's house" he explained. "And we were all high and we ended up... Having a threesome"
"Alright" Jai nodded. "How do you feel about that?"
"A little gross" he admitted. "I mean, I'm not really into either of them and I think if I were sober or even just less upset I wouldn't have done it" he continued. "I don't blame either of them for that- Again, we were all sort of fucked up- But I didn't love it after the fact"
"Well, that's unfortunate"
"It's also made me... Question some things"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I've never paid much attention to guys before, but it didn't feel completely wrong, doing all that with Dusty" he admitted, adamantly avoiding looking at the older man. "And now I keep thinking of the other boys in my grade in this different light... I don't know" he sighed. "I think I'm confused"
"It's okay to be confused" Jai assured him. "Thanks for trusting me with this"
"Yeah, of course, man"
Harper's dad was stable and medicated for the first time in her life and she finally knew she would be safe enough to open up to him about the little crush she'd been developing over the years.
"I think I have a crush on Amerie" she said halfheartedly from the other side of the living room, focusing her line of sight on her lighter, which she flicked on and off repeatedly. Justin chuckled.
"That makes sense"
"I mean, you've never shut up about how cool she is" he teased. She went slightly red. "I'd have been surprised if there weren't some other feelings there" he continued. "She's a nice girl"
"I don't know if she likes me back the same way" Harper told him. "I mean, I don't know either way, but I think our friendship is more important, y'know?" she asked, looking over at him. He nodded. "Just thought I'd tell you"
"I'm glad you can talk to me about this stuff now, ducky"
"Yeah" Harper smiled slightly. "Me too"
It was a week or so after Ca$h got out of jail when he came out to his Nan.
He'd done some research as soon as he was out, determined to find a label to fit what was wrong with him, and he did find one. Asexual.
He was asexual and there were a lot of asexual people and he wasn't alone.
"Hey, Nan" he said as he exited his room. "Can I talk to you about something?"
"Of course, dear" she smiled up at him, glad he was opening up for once. He was always so tense. "What is it?"
"Well, I found a label that... Fits my sexuality" he explained. "I mean, you know I like Darren and Darren isn't a girl, right?" he asked. She nodded. "But, um, I've never wanted... Sex, with them or with anyone else, um..." he cleared his throat. "I was looking it up to try and figure out why that was and apparently it's called asexual. So, I guess I'm... Asexual"
"Okay" Nan smiled. "Well, I'm glad you've figured that out. It was sort of excruciating to sit by and watch you struggle"
"Also, me and Darren are dating now"
"I would expect nothing less" she chuckled. "You're a catch, Dougie"
"No, they're the catch"
"Same difference"
Do not repost on other sites! If you want to participate in this month's challenge, there are 30 LGBT-centered prompts that you can find here
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Rock-star thoughts
Ok, so. Rockstar came out. And it was, as expected, awesome. I have so many thoughts about the comeback, a lot of which are *incoherent screaming*. But, I also wanted to write about what I thought of the songs overall. So, enjoy the word vomit <3
I've said it once, I'll say it again; the first tracks on skz albums always go HARD.
Absolutely in love with the beginning- Felix singing in french, and I'm in love with Bangchan's verse, it reminds me of the 'break the wall' ateez fanchant for some reason
This is the ultimate hype song, very much following in the footsteps of it's predecessor Hall of Fame
This title track ROCKED (pun intended)
Often, I find that I like the b-sides of skz albums far more than the title track; which really frustrates me, but Lalalala did NOT disappoint. It is the epitome of what a title track should be, since it represents skz so well; unapologetically loud and fun
I absolutely love the wordplay in this album; La means happiness but it also sounds like rock buts it's also la in the sense of lalala. I'm an absolute sucker for wordplay, and this made me feel so happy.
Another hype song, it embodies it's message so well; even though negative emotions exist, joy always comes out on top
I loved the pirate concept of the mv, but I would have absolutely lost my shit if the mv was an actual rock star concept. But pirate skz is also pretty cool
Blind Spot
Our genius Quokka did it again guys
But seriously, I'm absolutely in love with this song. It's my favourite, I'm absolutely addicted to it
This song is Mixtape 2/Behind the Light pt 2. I can't explain myself, it just is. (If you don't remember it, go listen to it!! fr one of the most underrated skz songs)
Bloody hell, I love "Shining, we are the champions,Trying to make a difference" It's truly so good
The opening instrumentals are NO JOKE, they're short but they are so vital to the song
I also love the imagery of a 'Blind Spot' in the song, like it's a part of them that we don't see. I really want to write an entire essay on this song. I might.
WORDPLAY AGAIN, 3racha are fucking genius
It's exactly what it says on the label, a(nother) hype song, this one about embracing your flaws & insecurities and being proud of them
It's a self love song, in the most skz way possible. Reminds me of the meme of someone yelling 'HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE' while throwing water bottles at people
If Youtiful was skz telling us that they love us, Comflex is skz screaming at us to love ourselves
Flex your complexes guys!
Cover Me
When I first saw the credits for this song, I screamed a little. I've been waiting for a song written by Hyunjin since he talked about getting into songwriting in the 5-star intro. I was so disappointed when I saw that none of the 5-star songs had Hyunjin as a writer, because I was so sure that one would be there, and then I forgot all about it, so Cover Me hit me like a brick to the face
This song quite literally feels like a warm blanket covering you
Something I found really interesting; I'm usually pretty good at figuring out who is singing when, but damn did this song stump me. It's probably because it was a mainly vocal song, unlike most of skz's songs, but it's still interesting
In a similar vein, FELIX USED HIS MIDDLE REGISTER! Don't get me wrong, I love Felix's deep voice as much as the next simp, but I loved Deep end because it gave Felix a chance to explore range other than the deep voice he always gets handed in songs. I was praying for some songs to allow Felix to use his mid-upper range and I was hopeful when I saw the intro, and Cover Me delivered. I love Hyunjin so much for this
Skz's latest break up song! Reminds me of Ex
Being honest, I didn't find much special about this song, but it is genuinely a pretty good song
But, the angst is quite nice and it's an excellent song to sob to
Skz just outdoes themselves every time. I'd describe this album as very evenly split between Head-banging hype songs and ugly crying songs. If they'd have swapped Blind Spot and Comflex, the album would literally be 3 songs of pure hype followed by 3 songs that you're sobbing to. Skz continues to display their range by giving us whiplash with every album. I'm so, so in love with this comeback. The rock ver of lalalala was also a pure genius idea, it brings the album together so well, and it's just plain fun
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pokemonruby · 4 months
i know that regardless of whether you're trying to advertise your art or attempt to garner donations (and in my case, my post features both prospects) there's always going to be some ingrate who comes in with the violent urge to bully and condemn minorities because the lives of such pathetic, sad people like that typically aren't rewarding enough to encourage them to do something more productive with their time. i've been down this road before.
although i deleted the post from last night since i don't feel like feeding into the unwarranted negativity that they're doubtless trying to farm given that they evidently are unloved by every person they have ever met and need to vent that frustration somehow, i do apologize for clogging my followers' dashboards but at the same time, i have been taught by my friends and therapist that i need to start actively sticking my neck out for myself some more and take up space even if it is dubbed "annoying," and this is the only endeavor i am truly proud of so i'm going to screech it to the world because i know its worth it, i know it deserves recognition, and that i'm a talented, hardworking person who has sacrificed much to get to where i am today and damn it all, i'm going to be unapologetically loud about it!
not to mention, i just generally need some help. it isn't just about my book (even if it is the main thing that i wish to promote since, you know, that's how marketing works) - i'm severely disabled, impoverished, and stuck living with a historically violent, abusive person and i desperately want out before i end up hospitalized or worse since while it's easy for me to devote myself to my craft, i'm also suffering quietly and extensively behind the scenes and i want to start believing that i don't deserve to live like this - no matter how difficult it is for me to admit that.
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softlyapocalytpic · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
:O Oh no! I'm being attacked! Hmm... Complicated! Most of my work actually hasn't been posted online and is still in the works so I don't necessarily have something to jazz hands at I feel like.
The PAM Initiative is on hiatus, but it's concept and the world building I've done for it is something I'm incredibly proud of and look forward to finishing one day. It's as close as I've gotten to original work outside of my dnd campaign and what its hoping to be is a scifi-esque political thriller that makes some commentary on real world issues I care about. (Which is why I haven't written it in a while, because those issues deserve a lot of care and attention and to be approached sensitively with research.)
Steelheart is still ongoing and is something I'm proud of not because I think it's the most interesting and best written thing I've ever made, but because it's pushing me to actually write which is hard to do!! I spent a lot of time dreaming of my worlds rather than actually breathing them into existence. There is so many problems with it and I'm barely through the first part of the beginning! That's a hard pill to swallow! But I love it for making me actually create and being that creative funnel.
This entire world is my most favorite creation because the characters are so rich and have so many aspects of my partner and I's life baked into them. They'll try not to take any of the credit since writing this world is "my baby" but it literally couldn't exist without them! They're the mind and heart behind Leo & Half Pint in particular, but they have shared custody of all my characters. It wouldn't be what it is without them.
Sunshine and by extension the character she was prior to amnesia (yes I'll be vaguing until we get to Two of a Kind even though its barely a surprise) is my babiest girl. My best worst girl. She's taught me self love and to be loud and proud and unapologetic about myself, all things I really really really struggle with. Is she the best one out of the bunch? I'd actually give that to Mae, but she's the one that has kept me hooked. The one I throw into all the other fandoms to see how she reacts to new stimuli. The one that means so much to me I want a tattoo inspired by her.
Bonus Round: No one read it because it's from HIGH SCHOOL but Unfortunate Roommates is my only completed work that's multi-chapter and I've always been proud of having something finished. It's from like, idk, six-seven years ago. Don't read it. I really did Kimball dirty in that fic, but it was the first time (and I think only time) someone made fanart of my fics????? And?????? For those reasons I have so much love in my heart for it.
I don't feel like I did this right but????? I dunno? Come yell at me again if it wasn't good enough self love haha <3
Thanks for the ask, Tea!
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OSxBB here again and ooh, there's not a brick left by the time they're done. They fucking Ba Sing Si'd BB! No one's getting out unscathed from that!
And Omega Supreme had grabbed more Decepticons on the way over, both ones that followed Megatron's orders to come follow or that he literally just.....found in space and yanked inside himself to add to the growing collection. The ones already there give the newcomers the details and everyone just gets ready for a brawldown.
And oh, do they get one.
The second Omega Supreme sees Bumblebee again but it's not his BB.....that this isn't the happy, smiling, reckless and unapologetically loud bit of sunlight and warmth that helped him and loved him and cared for him. This is a doll wearing his skin, his face, talking in his voice in carefully measured tones so as to sound pleasing to hear and quiet enough to neatly dismiss. That they ripped every bit of life out of the minibot, damn near made him a drone in all but name, all to try and have him be the controller for the new Supreme being made.....
The Senate *burns*. The Noble district *burns*. All of Cybertron can hear Omega Supreme's roars and screams and the furious explosions he makes as he vents every last bit of anger and rage and despair he has.
The Decepticons barely have to do anything besides follow up on the few survivors. Starscream makes absolute full use of his everything here, using this once in a lifetime chance to get so so much done. Shockwave and the reclaimed Soundwave (tiny version) just shrug and dig into the now unguarded and cracked open computer systems. Theirs now.
Cybertron changes entirely in barely a day and if that's for better or worse, none can really tell. (it's for better, but it will be a while to get there, undoing all the damage that's been done)
I love that Omega just decided to kidnap as many decepticons along the way as he could. Good for him honestly. They don’t entirely know what’s going on but Lord Megatron says they’re storming Cybertron with the help of one of the Supremes, sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ PRAISE BE TO DECEPTICONS! RAISE YOUR WEAPONS! TODAY WE TAKE CYBERTRON OR WE DIE TRYING!!!!!!!!!
Anyway. With the government reduced to ashes and the nobles torn down from their high towers, Cybertron is in a severely fragile state at the moment. Survivors of the elite guard scramble to run damage control and get their power back before the cons can snap it up, but they’re not fast enough. Their power was built on propaganda and fear and blind obedience, so their followers were quick to abandon them and slow to offer support in this time of crisis. Funny how that works 🙄
Omega is content to leave the decepticons to their own devices; he could not give less of a damn about what happens to this miserable planet going forwards. Look what those monsters did to Bee 🥺 he’s completely ruined, his personality stripped away, reduced to nothing but a drone that smiles an empty smile with cold, dead optics staring out of his face. He tries desperately to reach him, to get that connection back and get Bumblebee to remember, but the council really did a number on him. His memories are securely locked down if not deleted all together. I’d say there’s probably a good chance they shadowplayed him as well. I wouldn’t put it past them, sculpting and molding him into the perfect control system for their shiny new weapon of mass destruction. A master brain surgeon might be able to help him, depending on how angst we want this to be. Thoughts? 👀
Closing remark that I forgot to add: “This is a doll wearing his skin, his face, talking in his voice” is some s-tier prose and you should be proud of it 💖
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Hitoshi Shinso
Thankfully Shinsou didn't have to experience the full brunt of being in an abusive home with two alpha parents. His parents were not happy to have an Omegan son and they made it known not to allow him to nest, not letting him fall into his instincts. It got worse when his quirk developed at four years old and they kept a muzzle on him. It was so annoying and he was scared all the time. When he was six years old he was found by a young Aizawa and Hizashi who were already a mated pair and, they took him in. His parents gave no fuss about it, handing him over with no qualms which hurt a lot but, he never looked back since then. He grew up in a loving home calling the hero Eraserhead his mom and hero Present Mic his dad and three cats. He was allowed to talk, eat, make noise, cry, and have a nest. They gave him stuff with their scent and they weren't mean. It was the best thing in the world. Surprisingly about six months after he was adopted they came home with a little black hair boy with red eyes and shark-like teeth. Judging by his smell he was an Omega as well.
"I know we talked about adopting another child...."
"I think having another kid for Toshi would be perfect. They're both Omegas so they'll bond over that as well." 
That was when Hitoshi met Ejirou and he was now his brother. He loved having a brother, especially one who was an Omega like him. Together the two of them grew up unapologetically themselves and protecting each other at elementary school and middle school. Thankfully they went to schools that took harassment very seriously so whenever Alpha's got too pig-headed the teachers or other students would put an end to it quickly. It made them both feel safe and Hitoshi felt like he could be himself. Of course, he had to deal with kids calling his quirk villainous but his family and two teachers always believed in him so it was more than enough. The two of them decided to apply for U.A training together as well as with their parents. Came exam day and the two of them took the practical and the written portion. Shinsou had his own capture weapon since he knew the exam was unfair towards non-physical quirks. Fast forward two weeks the two of them got their letters in the mail only to celebrate that both of them got into the heroics department. Hitoshi definitely thought he was going to get into the General Studies department but this was luck. He was going to make his family proud.
The first day of classes and he knew he was fucked. Not only did he find the cutest Alpha in the world but, his mom thought it would be an amazing day to scare the shit out of everyone to do their best or else face expulsion. He and Ejirou knew it was bullshit but, no one else did if the influx of hormones was any sign of that. Thankfully his mom took no one's shit and silenced them all with his quirk and a growl. Fast forward to the end and he exposed it was a test that upset a lot and relieved a few. The day continued on with him watching the Green haired Alpha scamper away from the loud blond Alpha. He rolled his eyes to look over at Ejirou who was looking at the loud blonde one. Great. They were both fucked. Mom's number one rule was no loud blondes. At the end of the day on their way home, he walked with Ejiro to talk with him about their predicament. 
"You know me and you are both in trouble right?" At least he didn't pretend to be innocent. He looked behind and to the side to make sure they were alone. Hitoshi grabbed his hand like he always did. It's a habit that the two of them developed as kids and it just never was broken.
"Judging by the way you were staring at Izuku and I was staring at Katsuki? Yeah, we are both in trouble." The two of them shared a laugh continuing their conversation until they got to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for their parents. They agreed to grab it while their parents went on home to get ahead on an early dinner. The two of them stayed glued together playing and shopping at the same time. They paid for the stuff and walked home in comfortable silence linking pinkies. It was a safety thing and comfort as well. The two of them got home in one piece greeting their parents. 
"Hey, guys! Did you get the stuff?" Hitoshi nodded his head handing the bags over as Eji ran to the bathroom. No one at school knew that their teachers were their parents or that they were brothers. It would come out eventually the brother thing but, their parents being their teachers would stay a secret for as long as possible. He gave his dad and mom a kiss and hug before heading to the second bathroom giving the cat's attention as well on his way. The rest of the day went by smoothly as the two of them ate, talked for a while, and did their homework. Hitoshi had insomnia so he had a regiment of sleepy time tea, 50mg melatonin to help, and 9/10 it worked. The rare times it didn't he would just sleep in between his parents. He still sleeps with them or Eji when he can't sleep or if he feels like it. There was fluffy stuff all over the house in all the rooms considering 3 of the 4 people who lived here were Omegas. Hizashi was the only Alpha who took care of all of them. Whenever their mom went through a heat they would stay with Aunt Nem until it was over. They didn't mind because his heat could trigger theirs to come early which can be very painful. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. 
"Are we going to tell them?" Hitoshi shook his head at Eji, ain't no way in hell he was going to tell them. Not yet anyway. 
"Let's wait a few months yeah? Make sure it's not just because they're pretty." Both of them agreed on that but, they didn't expect all the shit that happened to happen. They didn't expect the USJ attack and for them to almost lose their mom. That's when everyone found out Aizawa was their mom and that he was an Omega. They didn't mean to out him like that but, they were frightened. Then to make things worse about two months later the Kamino Ward Incident happened when the LOV attacked us at the camp and Bakugo ended up kidnapped. It was horrible and somehow Hitoshi ended up going with Kirishima, Izuku, Todoroki, Momo, and Iida to save said Bakugo. Their parents were not happy both scared and angry understandably. That was only 3 months and between the beginning of the year to now the class had already begun to form as a pack. It was so strange to see a bunch of students decide to become a pack but, it couldn't be helped. Once again, he and Izuku got a lot closer since then especially after finding out that Aizawa was his mom. He will admit he was drowning under the attention Izuku gave him but, he couldn't have it all. Ochako and Shoto made sure to have his attention most of the time which irritated him. 
"Is it me or every time you come around Izuku, Ochako, and Shoto always flank him?" Oh, thank God he wasn't going crazy or letting his hormones convince him of something that wasn't happening.
"You have no idea what a big relief that was for you to say." He was leaning completely on Eji. He might as well be in his lap at this point like he somehow always ended up doing back at home. He always wondered how he would have been if his parents never got him, and never bothered to help him. 
"Stop thinking about the past. I can smell the change in your scent." Hitoshi reeled it back in looking at Eji sheepishly. He and Eji were the same height at '5"7 but he was more lanky and soft whereas Eji had muscles but a soft tummy. The Omegan genes were disrespectful.
"Alright, alright I'll stop but, I have noticed that Ochako and Shoto make sure to always be there when Izuku comes to talk to me. It's annoying really especially when I'm trying to have a private conversation." Eji nodded as the two of them took up the loveseat in the common room like they always do. "How's it going with Katsuki?" They both were whispering not wanting other people to hear their conversation. Eji was excitable and loud but, he can be quiet when he wanted to be. 
"Surprisingly well, he's loud and obnoxious but, it's just a front. I know he's a nice guy beneath all of that." He had nothing to say to that. If anyone can tame a beast it was going to be Eji sunshine Kirishima. The two of them talked a bit more scenting each other lightly since it was the weekend. They did most of their homework but, they each left some of it as an excuse. Kirishima wanted a one-on-one session with Bakugo and he was working on getting it but, Mina and Denki kept getting in the way. For Hitoshi, it was Ochako and Shoto. 
"How are things going with Mina and Denki?" Mina was an Alpha who had her eyes a little bit on Eiji since middle school really. Kirishima saw her more as a close best friend. 
"The same way things are going with Ochako and Shoto." Touche. They both were being cock-blocked. 
"Why can't we just get what we want? Why must things always be in our way" Life was unfair the both of them knew that answer. They said nothing else about the situation opting to talk about the TV show they saw and sharing memes and videos. It was like this for half an hour until Eji was taken away by Bakugo ushering him to his room before 'raccoon eyes' saw them. Hitoshi winked at Eji behind Katsuki's back. He hoped he had good luck. They would make a really cute couple. He looked around the common room considering who he might cuddle with when he caught the attention of Izuku. He blinked and froze for a second before smiling and waving. He looked around and didn't see his two lackey's with him. Maybe he was given a chance?
"Hey, Toshi-kun!" He couldn't even fight the smile if he wanted to. Hearing the endearing nickname gave him butterflies and a warm feeling in his chest. God, he had it bad for him. "How are you? Do you have time for that study session? I-if you want that is-" His scent was tinged with nervousness but Hitoshi will be damned. He grabbed Izuku and made a beeline for his dorm. He was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. 
"Your two bodyguards don't mind me borrowing you right?" He didn't mean for it to come out as bitter as it did. Hopefully, he didn't notice. He watched the boy blink before looking to the side.
"Well, I may or may not have told them I was going to spar with Kacchan." Hitoshi blinked surprised. Clearly, this was to keep their friends off their backs for some time. "So, you have nothing to worry about." He smiled gently with all his teeth which made Hitoshi's heart flutter and pound at the same time. Hitoshi almost lost his resolve when trying to open his dorm. Once inside he made a beeline for his nest gesturing towards his bean bag chair for Izuku.
"You can sit there if you like." Izuku hesitated, shifting from foot to foot before entering and closing the door locking it. Hitoshi tried not to think too much about those implications. Izuku took off his slippers and sat comfortably on the bean bag chair while Hitoshi took the time to look him over. He was gorgeous. At first glance you couldn't tell but, he was rather muscular and stocky. His stretch marks from the muscle growth had him drooling almost and his scent. His scent was so alluring. He smelled like Green tea and nutmeg. It was such a weird scent but it brought Hitoshi so much comfort. 
"Toshi-kun?" He jolted realizing he was staring. Damn. Not wanting to make a fool of himself he sat up and grabbed the TV remote to turn on a random show. "I thought we wanted to study." Hitoshi was frustrated. He didn't want to study he wanted quality time.
"I didn't want to study, I wanted to spend time with you by yourself." He was definitely being pouty and he thank God he had his hoodie to cover his face and blanket as well. Izuku blinked blushing a bit realization dawning on him. Something must have transpired in his brain because his face set into determination as he got up and loomed over Hitoshi at the edge of the bed. 
"Can I come in?" Hitoshi blinked not sure if he heard him right "Your nest. Am I allowed to come into your nest?" Hitoshi felt his mouth dry as he looked at him in shock. He couldn't believe his luck. Not trusting his voice he nodded his head watching as Izuku took a breath and climbed gently over him and laid down behind him. It was quiet for a minute and a little awkward until Izuku grabbed Hitoshi around the waist and pulled him flush against him. Hitoshi's heart was pounding a mile a minute but, his happy scent of lavender permeated the air. He even let out a purr. "I see I made the right decision." Hitoshi didn't even bother to answer. He grabbed Izuku's arm holding it tighter as he purred louder. They can talk later right now he was just enjoying having Izuku so close to him in his comfort zone.
What are your thoughts?
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russilton · 2 years
Oh I feel you, Mark. I'm bisexual, I'm black, I'm a woman, so, yeah. I've grown up with a family that is enthusiastic about sports. I love sports, I love competing and I've been more or less worshipping different athletes for as long as I can remember. And I am so used to being let down by these people who are an inspiration, who I do regard as heroes.
And then, looking at F1, there's Lewis and there's Seb and I think you can imagine how much they mean to me, how much their words and actions have meant to me over the last couple of years. That especially counts for Lewis, but I cried when Seb took the knee in his One Love shirt, since then he owns my entire heart. It's so hard to put into words.
I want to be respected and seen and treated as an equal, regardless of my sexuality and regardless of my skin colour and regardless of my gender and that's, as we know, not something that just happens. And with athletes like Lewis and Seb I just know that I'm safe to support them, that I can be proud of looking up to them and their achievements and that I don't have to be scared of them ever staying silent just because it's the more comfortable option. They care, they've shown that they're always willing to educate themselves, they're loud and unapologetic in their support and values and they go out of their way to use their influence.
But they're the only ones who do so, in a sport that's been part of my childhood. Seb has left now. It's so tiring. I try not to think about it because it makes me sad and angry but it should make me sad and angry, I know that. I want the bare minimum, yet more often than not am faced with utter silence, aside from the ocassional and obligatory PR inforced statement or social media post. And that includes favourites of mine, like George.
I do have hopes for the future, but I just suppose with most of these guys the harsh truth is that they just don't care if it's not an issue they're directly involved in. At least not enough to bother doing research, or, god forbid, to talk about it without having to be prompted.
Sorry to dump this on you, but you're very right and just hit a nerve. x
Thank you for sharing this with me anon
While its been long enough the timeline has been blurred and lost to time, Lewis and Sebs outspoken steps in supporting the BLM and Same love movements are part of what made me begin paying attention to F1 as a sport even when I had grown up around it. I remember seeing Sebs rainbow shirt and thinking ‘if this is a sport that has someone who supports me, maybe I should learn more’. I fell through Reddit shaped rabbit holes of memes and jokes, and before I knew it I was watching it with my dad. I remember seeing the we race as one logo at Silverstone in 2020, and I cried. Because it meant so much to see that logo up there on the national screen and on British ground. You can say WHATEVER you want about F1’s intent with that move, I will likely agree, but at that time, knowing nothing, it was something sudden I hadn’t realised I needed.
I think it is a common choice for queer and minority people to flock to things with rainbows, just to be given a break from the cloying worry you wont be seen as human by people involved in such main stream and traditionally male sports. It is, as you said, fucking exhausting sometimes. And you articulated part of my love for lewis and seb so well: they are willing to learn and educate themselves. I don’t need them to know everything, I don’t need them to have an opinion on every minute topic, but I needed the thing they showed over and over- the humble ability to accept they do not know everything. We have seen Lewis go through this in real time with his comments about his nephew wearing dresses. He learned, he listened, he apologised, and he showed his growth. It’s so uncommon to see the acceptance that they were wrong in any celeb.
When it comes to George, I am braced for him to say nothing. I wont be shocked. But, and this is a big, tenuous but, he has shown at least some genuine desire to do more, and I want to push him to follow that.
While his steps would often be considered the bare minimum, I also recognise that it would be so overwhelmingly easy for him to do nothing, like so, SO MANY drivers. He has always stepped forward to support whatever Lewis has started, whether it be being outspoken about abuse or wrongs lewis has faced on social media (AD, the piquet incident) or Kneeling alongside Lewis during his protests in 2020, wearing the rainbow star in 2022. He has begun to speak openly about receiving therapy and mental health support. About how he wants to leave the GDPA at the end of his time in F1 knowing he made an impact on driver safety. They are the minimum, but they are more than nothing, and I have to encourage people who are trying, so they continue to try harder.
I think, or at least I hope, he continues to be so willing to listen and learn alongside Lewis, especially as a huge fan of Seb’s, and that he starts to speak on his own without prompting. I think he has that potential, and thats why part of me yerns to sit down and speak to him personally about these things, because I want to believe he’d listen.
I hope you don’t mind me sharing in return, anon. I started typing my reply to you and I suppose the words just kept coming.
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strangefellows · 2 years
Yknow what. Gil, Cu, Roman, and Komadori
favorite thing about them
Gil: How absolutely human he is, despite how inhuman he is at the same time. He's an egotistical arrogant childish petty loudmouth obnoxious bastard, but he's noble and brave and loves kids and was a legitimately good king, and despite every single reason you could name it should be otherwise he's Chaotic Good. Not even neutral, straight up GOOD. He's terrible, he's amazing, he's a hero and a tyrant and he's so, so very human, good and bad.
Cu: He just...there's this vibe about him that's so warm and gentle despite his fighty battle-loving attitude. He can be quiet and soft and warm and introspective, and there's hints around him that he's sadder than he lets on -- and god, looking at his myth, of course he is. That quiet depth beyond stabby fighty Lancer is so much worth exploring.
Roman: HE'S SO SWEET. HE'S SO GOOD AND SWEET. He tried so hard and desperately wanted to save the world, and even if he got his wish he willingly gave it up to save people, because no matter how he'd changed or what he became as a human his soul, his core, never stopped being someone who wanted to help. He gave everything he'd wanted up because he just...couldn't let go of his selflessness and he's so human, I just aaah.
Komadori: YOU MEAN MY OC OH MY GOD UH. I love how much she loves people, stories, everyone she meets she just loves them so so much and she's so loud and insistent and unapologetic in how much she adores everyone around her, how much she loves being around them. Every Servant, even the scary ones even the monsters even the Evil ones she loves them all so aggressively and stubbornly and LOUDLY that they can't help but love her back.
least favorite thing about them
Gil: Looks at UBW. Looks at Fate Route. Looks at Villain Gilgamesh. MMMMPH. Honey let's not.
Cu: Less about him and more god I'm so tired of how he's treated in some fan circles. But also I hate how little good screentime he gets in everything. My poor guy dies so fast.
Roman: I HATE THAT HE'S GONE SO MUCH. Also the 'he's really obtuse and kind of dumb and tone deaf and says stupid shit just to be bullied about it' running joke in the dialogue got old.
Komadori: Honey baby can we maybe perhaps NOT be so tied up in issues the thought of leaving Chaldea is the most terrifying thing on Earth, scarier even than ORT?
favorite line
Gil: It's really hard to pick just one because Tomokazu Seki goes the FUCK OFF in every appearance, but I think either his chant for Enuma Elish, or the way he fucking purrs his 4th Ascension and Bond 5 lines.
Cu: I can't remember the exact dialogue, but there's something he says to Emiya in UBW that slapped extremely hard. That and his dying fuck you to Kirei.
Romani: You're asking what you should be aiming for then? Haha, sounds like you alright, Komadori. That's a good question. That's an easy one. You don't want to stop the game, but finish the game instead. The end comes for both you and me. Accomplish lots by then. Whether it's joy or sadness, success or setbacks, as long as it's something new. You still have plenty of those, don't you? Live life with no regrets. I believe, above all else, that this is what it means to be moral for an individual-- and if you can do that, that would make me very proud.
Komadori: Sadly she's my OC who's a VN protagonist so she doesn't get much actual dialogue, but her speech in LB6 when she DOES extremely fucks hard.
Gil: Cu and Emiya, absolutely. Three idiots having chaos disaster fun times together because they're all varying levels of stupid and overly competitive and secretly lonely.
Cu: See above, Emiya and Gil! Though I also love writing his best friends relationship with my Master OC Komadori. They're such good friends it makes me happy.
Romani: Da Vinci for absolute sure. They're adorable as friends, it's incredible, I love it.
Komadori: I have a list. Cu, Robin, Emiya, Merlin, Ushiwaka, Mordred, Mandri, Kintoki, Saito, Osakabe and Jinako, Sanson, Jalter, Drake, Enkidu, Grandpa Moriarty...
Gil: Gil and Enkidu, Gil and Hakuno (F) somewhat, Gil and Cu, Gil and my Master OC...
Cu: Either Cu and Gil or Cu and Robin Hood :)
Romani: Either him and my Master OC or him and Merlin. Or both! He has two hands.
Komadori: Gil, Roman, Dantes, Musashi, Oberon.
Gil: Frankly, Koto*Gil, no thanks, I just don't like it at all.
Cu: While I don't HATE it, I just don't ship him with Emiya, but a REAL NOTP is Cu and Medb oh god no.
Roman: Man IDK what other ships does he even have? EDIT I HAVE BEEN TOLD SOME PEOPLE SHIP HIM WITH DAVID NO WHY
Komadori: I don't like shipping my Master OC with Mash @_@ that's her baby sister!
random headcanon
Gil: He's an absolute lightweight when it comes to hard liquor, as he's used to mainly drinking beer and wine.
Cu: His Riastrad/warp spasm turns him into a wolfman. He's just a werewolf. Fight me.
Roman: He is a frecklebeast, he burns like a shellfish in the sun, don't do that to him, he almost misses being unaffected :(
Komadori: She had a stuffed wolf before Chaldea that she probably brought with her, she loves it, its name is Little Cu.
unpopular opinion
Gil: I think this man should be allowed to be vulnerable and insecure sometimes as a treat.
Cu: I HATE the "lol Cu died so funny" running joke Fate does with him so much.
Roman: Uhhhhhh. Not sure lmao, everyone loves him?
song i associate with them
Gil: Quite frankly, this is a good one; it reminds me of Uruk.
Cu: I gotta admit, this one is a good one to blast during him fighting.
Roman: It's not his POV, necessarily, but this song always makes me think of him
Komadori: This one is a fucking fantastic Lostbelt Arc song for her.
favorite picture of them
Gil: Not gonna paste the pics into the post because length, but this CE is one of my favorite things in the entire game.
Cu: Not gonna lie, everything Wada Arco has drawn of him fucks.
Romani: This one absolutely, it makes me cry.
Komadori: This image is one of my favorites I ascended the first time I saw it, but also this one too.
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oflostinfound · 1 year
7. If mun and muse(s) could spend a day together, what would you do and why?
Munday Meme
If I had to spend a day with Hax I'd probably be similar to what I would do with Eath, which is let them have a day that's just doing whatever they want. Pull pranks, go (window) shopping, maybe take them for coffee, let them judge my fashion sense (which varies from punk vibes to whatever tf i grab first).
Overall I want to make sure they feel appreciated and loved for who they are, they do bottle up a lot and tend to put on a front for their friends / family, do anything to make sure those they love are happy while not really thinking of themself. I want them to feel comfortable just being a goofball, being able to be unapologetically themself, loud and proud or soft and quiet, whatever they're feeling for the day- not pretend anymore, be free.
(Eath's version of this answered here)
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antlerquccn · 2 years
Tumblr media
sentence starter from halestorm's album into the wild life . change to fit as you see needed. potentially nsfw themes.
I won't be out done
I don't have time for you all
It's kicking down your door
So what ya waitin' for?
Scream until they hear you
Am I brave enough?
Am I strong enough?
I am the fire
I am the one I've been waiting for
I don't believe I'll fall from grace
I promise to myself, me and no one else
I am more than this
Well you think that you know what I am but you don't.
I like it loud, wear it proud, like a crown upon my head
I'll always be this way 'till the day that I'm dead
I'm a sick individual
I'm doing this thing called whatever the fuck I want
Would you like to know what I do if I got you alone
I don't talk the talk cause I walk the walk
But I just keep on breathing long as my heart is beating
I won't run I'm not afraid
Can I get an Amen?
Sometimes there's no reason to justify the meaning
I won't run I'm not ashamed
It's gonna take more than this for me to break
Hold your head up high there's a world outside that's passing by
Never lose yourself remember that you're like nobody else
Through it all year after year stand or fall I will be right here
Don't worry about those stupid girls
It's cause they're scared and insecure
Don't change for any man
I will be right here for you
I've got a forbidden love I'm not givin' it up
I'm not givin' it up
I've got a new modern love I'm not givin' it up
I won't pretend that I don't feel the way I feel
I can't forget the taste of something that's real
Maybe you'll find something that'll scare you, something that you like
That's just the way it is
I don't care if you don't get it
Maybe you'll find something that'll save ya
I've got an uncommon love
A little mayhem never hurt anyone
I know I'm not the only one
I wanna feel the walls shake
Looking for some Mayhem
They all say I've lost my mind
The real truth is they're scared because you're brave
You'll be ok if you be yourself for no one else
They'll hate you cause you're beautiful
You pretty thing with the dirty mouth
We will never back down
Cause they'll never understand
All my secrets that you weren't supposed to know
I get what I want and I'm gonna get mine
Why did you watch me suffer?
I'm the reaper outside your door
You took everything made me feel less than nothing
But trusting you was no one's fault but my own
I shoulda known better than that
So you press play and I hit record
We're not us anymore
Give you one last time to make me miss it
I'm leaving scratches up and down your back
'Cause we're dysfunctional l
'Cause no one does it better no one knows me better
I'm so over this love gone violent
I'm drunk and brave enough to say what sober couldn't say
I've been doing time believing in the lie that you still loved me
Always wanting more but never giving
Always buying into every kiss but not this time
I'm over this so over this
I see the good in the bad and the ugly
If I can't feel it in my chest I'm in the wrong damn place!
And there's a man down below that needs my sympathy
I like it heavy
I fell in love with the darkest parts
Since I was 13 years old I've had my fist to the sky
Some like beautiful, perfect and pretty I see the good in the bad and the ugly
Take me home tonight I'll do anything with you
We can sit 'til morning light just count every star
If you're an angel then I must be high
If you won't do it I'll do it for you
Now we're kissing under covers and it's all just because I jumped the gun
My place or yours I'm good either way
I got a dirty mouth
Unapologetic with you tonight nothing to hide
Give me something real don’t play no games
I’ll give you every piece of me
Don't you wish you were mine
You're seeing double cuz I'm a knockout
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