#they're idiot your honour
turtlethebean · 1 year
Sombra Returns AU Chapter 12 No Context Spoilers
Elliot: *Runs out of the security office without saying anything to Oliva*
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jupijupijumi · 3 months
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Your hand in mine
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tervaneula · 8 months
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"I love you," Yuichi breathes out, and Leonardo's heart hammers a new kind of rhythm in his chest. He can't help but kiss him. Yuichi smiles against his lips and they stay there, on the bank of an underground river, soaked to the bone but happy, kissing and giggling like a pair of teenagers, uncaring of the yokai who pass them by on their way across the bridge towards the city. Leonardo sits up and wraps his arms around the rabbit and when their lips next separate, he murmurs his reciprocation against Yuichi's mouth. It's received with a delighted laugh and another kiss, and another, and another, and Leonardo thinks that this might be more happiness than his two hands are able to hold – but by the Pizza Supreme in the Sky, he is going to try.
...terv can have a little self-indulgence. as a treat.
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feralbutfluffy · 11 months
Give a Man a Mask
The man who caught Aziraphale’s eye was lounging rather indecorously on one of the many benches lining the walls of the ballroom. He (because despite every inch of them being covered, Aziraphale was sure it was a he) wore a well-tailored black velvet suit jacket that fit snuggly over a black waistcoat intricately embroidered with gunmetal filigree. Underneath the waistcoat, Aziraphale could just make out a black shirt and a flash of burgundy lace at the man’s throat. Black leather gloves laced up around his wrists, and matching knee-high boots fit snuggly over the man's fitted black trousers.
Aziraphale sighed with envy. He could never pull off something like that.
Of course - he told himself - it wasn’t the man necessarily that had caught his eye. It was the clothing; he had always noticed and admired fine clothing, and his outfit really was exquisitely made.
Besides, it was hard not to notice someone who had dressed in such stark contrast to the rest of the guests. It seemed everyone else was dressed to excess, resplendent in feathers and lace, gemstones and pearls. This man’s costume, by contrast, was downright modern; minimal but striking, yet still in keeping with Carnivale. The handstitched leather Plague Doctor mask beneath a black tricorn hat completed the look. It should have looked offputting, really...
It did not.
The man looked less like a man, Aziraphale thought, and more like a long black shadow curving against the wall. Aziraphale popped a fritelle into his mouth and chewed it slowly before swallowing. 
If he was honest with himself (which he would prefer not to be, all things considered) he knew what had really attracted his attention; there was something about him - the lazy confidence evident in the way he was sitting, or the dark clothing perhaps - that made him think of Crowley. He hadn’t seen the demon in a few years, and although he was absolutely loathe to admit it even within the privacy of his own mind, he did rather miss him.
Well. He missed him and worried about him in equal parts. Handing over the thermos of Holy Water a few years before had certainly ramped up his anxiety.
He was extremely glad of his full-face volto mask as he watched the figure out of the corner of his eye. He popped another fritelle into his mouth under the mask, chewed, and swallowed with a little groan of pleasure. They really were delicious.
The Plague Doctor swiveled to face him as if he had heard him, and although there was no possible way the stranger could have heard anything of the sort from across the crowded ballroom, Aziraphale blushed ferociously. The heat of it was almost unbearable behind his full-face mask.
He turned his body away from the man, staring down at the sweet delights laid out on the banquet table, and tried very hard to ignore what felt like a heated stare. He gazed down at the galani, his mouth suddenly dry.
Although he was almost expecting it, the dark presence at his elbow a moment later made him start.
“Buonasera, come sta?” said the Plague Doctor in perfect Italian, tipping his hat in a quick formal bow.
Aziraphale had been right about it being a man.
He jerked back at the greeting, startled by the man’s sudden proximity, and scrambled for a reply. 
“Oh! Buonasera!” Aziraphale could think of nothing else to say. He cringed behind his mask and wondered if he could miracle his way out of a conversation that was embarrassing before it had even begun.
The Plague Doctor was wearing a zendale beneath his tricorn, and the silk hood concealed every part of his head not covered by mask or hat. He tilted his head, looking like a curious raven, and rested both his gloved hands on top of a cane Aziraphale hadn’t noticed before. His tight grip - Aziraphale could see his knuckles straining against the leather of his gloves - obscured most of what looked like a beautifully carved gunmetal handle.
He looked up. The large eyesockets of the mask were filled with dark glass lenses, revealing absolutely nothing. Aziraphale smoothed down his more traditional costume. The cream and white concoction with gold embroidery and an abundance of lace ruffles had rather delighted him when he’d stepped out this morning, but it felt quite indulgent next to this austere creature.
“I trust you are enjoying yourself?” said the Plague Doctor in an extremely thick Italian accent, leaning forward on his cane so that the beak of his mask almost punctured his bubble of personal space.
“Oh yes, very much so!” Aziraphale nodded, wondering what had drawn this man to his side and how he could possibly reverse it. For all that he had been intrigued before, he hadn’t intended to actually engage the stranger in conversation. There was something extremely unsettling about him up close. Perhaps it was the costume, or the way he was standing; it was patient, watchful, almost… predatory.
Aziraphale shuddered, and the Plague Doctor’s head tilted the other way, making it clear he had noticed. 
“Va bene, Signore?” Are you well?
Aziraphale nodded quickly. “Oh yes… Sto bene!” I am well. There was a brief pause while he summoned up formal Italian and hurriedly added a thank you. “La ringrazio!”
The Plague Doctor nodded. “How did you come to be here?” The words came low and slow, and Aziraphale felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up, his skin prickling with awareness.
He had always had a bit of a weakness for the Italian accent. 
“It was suggested to me by the concierge at my hotel,” he smiled, even though the man couldn’t see it. “He thought I might enjoy it, and he was right! I am enjoying it tremendously! The food alone...!" He made an appreciative noise. "How did you…? Are you local to the area?”
A slight tilt of the head as if the Plague Doctor were considering his question. It was surprising how demonstrative he was able to be without a single facial expression.
“Not exactly,” he said, and Aziraphale thought he could hear a smile in his voice, “Although for tonight... Certo. If you like.” 
The man swept into a much deeper, more theatrical bow than before. The black feather in his hat almost grazed Aziraphale’s chest. “This is my palazzo - my festa - and I am your host for the evening. You are…” he said, and straightened, holding out his hand. When Aziraphale hesitated, the man crooked his fingers impatiently and for some reason Aziraphale obeyed, quickly placing his white silk-gloved hand in the man’s leather-clad grip. 
“... You are extremely welcome here,” the man finished, bringing Aziraphale's knuckles to his mask.
It didn’t seem to matter that there were no lips there to brush against his hand; Aziraphale felt it as if the man had kissed his knuckles open-mouthed. A dart of something hot and unutterable shot through him, flared up and burnt out, thankfully vanishing before Aziraphale had time to recognise it and panic.
“Yes. Well. Thank you. La ringrazio,” he said, feeling flustered.
“No need for such formality, Signore,” the Plague Doctor said warmly, tugging his hand without warning to bring them shoulder to shoulder. He tucked Aziraphale’s arm into the crook of his elbow and patted his hand as if to reassure him that it was alright.
Aziraphale thought that it was probably not alright.
Surely it was not alright to walk arm in arm with a total stranger? Surely there was something morally grey about taking a turn with a mortal Italian dandy who apparently owned a palazzo and, by extension, the many sweet treats Aziraphale had been helping himself to throughout the evening?
If nothing else, surely he should feel some guilt or shame about enjoying the closeness of a stranger who reminded him so much of Crowley?
Continue reading...
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teainthesnow · 7 months
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they may be pirates but they absolutely rock the dresses as well
ft. my goober from at my worst and sensei from live life by @centerofleesmind
go vote for Live Life in the tmntaucomp
[click image for higher quality]
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sovamurka · 7 months
oh, it's nothing, just thinking about the timebomb fight scene again and how jinx had so many opportunities to shoot ekko but never did, because her heart could not allow her to do that, and how ekko constantly put himself in a vulnerable position as if he wanted her to shoot him, after all, it's better if she destroys what's left of love he had for her with her own hands, because otherwise he would have to confront the fact that he still can't let her go
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expectiations · 7 months
Missy: i saw you buying flowers yesterday the Doctor: they weren’t for River Missy: i didn’t say anything about River the Doctor: …good, just making sure
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I love my boys so much
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angeart · 2 months
not ribbon anon but I for one would LOVE to hear more about the mating mark dispute :3 And honestly just more about the mating mark in general. I wanna know how it happened and when and why and all the juicy details.
ohohooo okay!! i just need to adjust some stuff and read over it, but i can certainly give you that bit about what kane told grian :3c
as for the details of scar marking grian the first time.... weeeeell. that will be revealed once i make progress on the Main Rambles. uhhuh.
it does have a reserved spot in the outline, so you can kind of see when. the how is still veiled in mystery, it seems, but... you know, maybe scar just lets a bit loose. maybe he just lets his instincts take over. (chomp.)
maybe he doesn't even realise what it is! like, grian gifts him the feather and scar makes it into an earring, we know this, but are these two idiots (/aff) aware that they're hardcore flirting? 👀
because it takes grian talking to kane and nico (at a different, earlier time than the aforementioned conversation) about their matching bite marks to really fully Get It. and when he goes to ask scar? like, "scar, did you mark me as your mate?" scar ends up going red and wide eyed, oblivious, stammering an incomprehending "did i what?"
this just goes to show scar really didn't have a lot of dealing with vex instincts before! he knows about as much about vexes as do they about avians. despite being one.
but he still did it, on nothing but pure, unbidden instinct. laying his claim and expressing his undying love and loyalty. something in him just knew that this was the way to do it, you know?
(and maybe it's more of an attempt at a mating bite than a proper one—maybe the others can tell—but there's nothing stopping scar from trying again, and you know what they say. practice makes perfect :3c)
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lumberwoof · 1 year
thinking about Friskarm being partners and how long before they started realizing they were using the term partner outside of work, too
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googleitlol · 1 month
Writing got me thinking about human disguises the pilgrims would use to draw less attention to themselves, and that made me think about the family Pigsy married into before Sun Wukong and Tripitaka find him.
Then that made me think about Pigsy's human disguise. I just know he would make himself into a grade-A hottie. Wujing and Wukong might make themselves look average, but Bajie is going all out, he's gonna make everyone turn their head to watch as he strides past. Hell, the group will get approached by people hoping this handsome stranger isn't taken. Maybe he'll consider staying with them, they know a perfect match for him.
Either Dove or Wukong would have to twist the pig demon's ear before he can say yes, sometimes Ao Lie will kick him. Meanwhile, Tripitaka has to awkwardly explain that they have to keep moving as Sandy shakes his head from behind.
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reviewdiaries · 1 year
Nancy x Ace and the case of miscommunication in 4x07
Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of their actions and a butt ton of miscommunication coming back to bite my poor idiots in the butt.
Just when Ace thought they’d had a moment and could go back to what they had been to each other, he’s finally started to realise that isn’t possible. Thanks Tristan, I may not trust you in the slightest, but at least you’ve given both Nancy and Ace a wake up call that action (or inaction) has consequences and you can never go back to how things were no matter how much you may want to. And on that depressing life lesson, let’s dive straight into this episode.
Every episode offers a new snapshot into Ace and Nancy trying to find out how they fit together. In 4x04 they had no contact at all (and they were both miserable). In 4x05 Nancy enforced a colleagues space boundary (and they were both miserable). In 4x06 Ace tried to fall back into his acts of service love language by catching Chunky, and Nancy tried to explore other feelings that were heartbreak and misery, and lo, they were both miserable.
Suddenly we’re back to gravitating towards each other like magnets. For all Nancy’s declarations later in the episode that she needs space, she needs Ace to let her move on, she’s orbiting him like he’s her own personal sun again. On finding that Ace is at Nick’s she barges straight in and doesn’t shy away from talking to him, making eye contact with him, drinking in the sight of him as though she’s parched by the lack of him for a night. 
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GIF Credit  @loveyazy
Throughout the game they move to be next to each other, Ace moves to help protect her. They are constantly in each other’s spaces, sniping at each other, caring for each other - back on the same team. Just look at how they riff off each other getting Nick on board at the start. This is them finally meeting each other in the same place again and it is beautiful to watch.
The whole episode is absolute gold, up there with 2x11 The Scourge of the Forgotten Rune for me (Nancy Drew is at its best when it embraces the insanity and has the whole crew together doing crazy things), but I want to focus on that moment when Ace comes back to The Claw to see Nancy again. Sure he maintains that he’s there to pick up the silver, but he knew she would be there on her own and he is so desperate to try and talk to her without the others present and get them back on the same page again that he returns long after everyone else has gone.
And Nancy knows who it is the moment she hears his footsteps. These are two people so attuned to the other that they don’t even need to see. She knows from the way he opens the door, from the tread of his boots, from the scent of his shampoo, from the stuttered breath when he catches sight of her, from the way her heartbeat trips over itself.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
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She’s been having the arguments she wants to have with him over and over and over in her head the entire time she’s been cleaning, and finally he’s here so she doesn’t wait, doesn’t ease into it, just throws them headfirst into confronting it. It had felt like maybe things would be ok, even though she was feeling messy and confused about that dance with Tristan, and for a lot of the game night it had been. But then Chunky and she’s been angry and spoiling for this fight ever since.
GIF Credit @nancy-drew
Because she wants Ace, she wants to be with him, to love him freely and without judgement. And not only does she still feel like he’s abandoned her, abandoned them. But she doesn’t know how to unpack what happened with Chunky. Ace was cornered when she pieced it together, flustered and unsure and George and Nick were there and he didn’t know how to explain all of it. That he was trying to do something for her, for them, that Chunky was a metaphor and he knew he had to let her go even though it’s killing him. Splits him clean in two every time she looks at him like that. And he was embarrassed, that he couldn’t bear the idea that she’d know - that he’d seen her with Tristan, that he’d done this for her, that his heart was stitched so messily to his sleeve when it comes to her.
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He wasn’t able to tell her any of that - can barely express it to himself. Tongue tied up when it matters the most. He’s always been able to talk to Nancy, but now - now it’s like he can’t unpick the words from his throat, his chest. Push them out beyond his teeth, caught up behind the boulder of the I love you that’s jamming his throat.
GIF Credit @nancy-drew
So she doesn’t understand - how could she? And she’s furious and spent the last hours arguing in her head so she’s spoiling for this fight, desperate to provoke something after so much uncertainty. She’s tried pleading, tried telling him how she feels, tried giving him space, and for so much of this day it’s felt almost normal between them. Except for wanting to touch him, wanting to kiss him, wanting to take him by the shoulders and shake him into understanding how much she needs him. But it’s no longer her curse, it’s our curse, the last shared connection between them.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
And it’s his words back in his face - wanting to go back as they were, as friends. And hearing them back hurts harder than it should, a punch to the solar plexus as he clenches his jaw against the pain. She’s not wrong, she’s not hurling accusations, not telling him anything new. But when they’ve been close, so close, so close to touching, to what they had before, suddenly it’s like ripping his chest open and handing her his still beating heart.
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GIF credit @nancy-drew
She’s calling him out, direct eye contact, she’s not shying away from him, from this conversation. From everything painful they’ve been burying and pretending was fine. And he knows he deserves it, still can’t find the words to untangle it so she understands exactly why they can’t try again to break the curse. To make her understand that he cannot lose her, the world cannot lose her, their friends and her dads cannot lose her. But he will put himself in harm's way a hundred times, a thousand, to protect her. If it’s just his life on the line he will throw himself on it just to see her smile, to touch her face, kiss her lips again. But he can’t tell her, can’t formulate the sounds, so he just keeps messing up and lying and hurting her with how much he’s caught in a net of his own fear and pain.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
And he’s so close at this moment. This moment of acknowledging finally that he was wrong, that they can’t go back. He never truly wanted to, his heart was never in it. Nick was right, there was too much tangled up in their friendship - that was never all there was.
They can’t go back, but he’s so damn afraid of forward, of what it means, of the risks they would take. But it’s there, poised on the tip of his tongue, the set of his shoulders, the tightness of his jaw.
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GIF credit @nancy-drew
He is so close to saying they should try. That he can’t bear not being with her, that seeing her dancing with another man was like ripping out his heart, plucking out his ribs one by one. But he’s so afraid that she doesn’t want that anymore, that it was just a passing interest (that he isn’t worth it, never worth it, will never be worth it) that he can’t put the words in her mouth, can’t suggest it, has to hear it from her. He sets her up for her to tell him she wants to be with him, wants to try again. Is poised on the precipice with his agreement to try again caught on his lips.
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GIF credit @nancy-drew
But Nancy is so battered and bruised and afraid that he’ll just leave again if she opens herself up that when he doesn’t say he wants to try again, when he doesn’t take the opportunity that she left dangling like a promise, she shuts down. And despite what she just said, that they never lied to each other, she leaves that firmly in the past and lies now. Gaze moving away from Ace - she can’t look him in the eye and say this. She lies. Tells him that she wants him to let her move on. 
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
Her body can’t carry on the deceit, moves towards him even as she’s telling him to let her go. Catches herself at the last moment and pulls back. Only looks at him again when she’s sure she’s steady, pulled herself back, won’t reach for him, leaves her hands fisted on empty air at her sides.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
Ace was so braced for her saying they should try again, you can see the shock, the desperate fear as his stomach plummets at her words. He thought they were moving towards trying again, and she’s pushing him further away, feeding back into his fear that’s not enough.
And for a moment they are honest. A beautiful sweeping breath of air, a last salvation moment for both of each giving the opportunity to the other to break the stalemate they’ve reached.
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GIF Credit  @nancy-drew​
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GIF Credit  @nancy-drew
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GIF Credit  @nancy-drew
They are both in so much pain, both so desperate to protect the other that they’re twisting the knives in harder. Showing a soft spot to drive in the next. And Nancy thinks that maybe, maybe by clearing the air, by acknowledging how heartbroken she is, how hurt and desperate he is, that Ace will finally step up, undo the damage before it’s too late and tell her they’ll keep trying.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
Clean the wound before it festers and turns septic. She needs Ace like breathing, can’t lose him but can’t stand the constant battle of yes and no, heartbreak and love, touching and not. It’s too much, layered one of the other over the other until she feels like she might crack beneath the weight of it all. 
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
But Ace has misread it. Thinks she truly just wants him to leave, to let her be, let her move on and be with Tristan. And even though it hurts, kills him, like swallowing glass every time he looks at them, he can understand exactly why she would want that and not him, Why would she ever want him? If she wanted him she would have said, she would have told him she wanted to try again. If you love something set it free - that’s all he can give her now.
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GIF credit @nancy-drew
They’ve always been so good at communicating with each other, but somewhere in these last days and weeks they’ve fallen out of step. Stopped trusting their instincts, no longer believing what their guts are screaming is true. Nancy was so sure that Ace would understand - he’s always understood, even when she herself has barely been able to fit the jigsaw pieces of her feelings together. So him agreeing, saying they’ll take space is like a final brutal blow when she’s already been beaten bloody. She sways towards him again, unintentional, she can’t help it, moving closer to him is an instinct, he’s her home. But she can’t look at him, has to look away to hide the raw devastation in her eyes.
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GIF credit @nancy-drew
He takes her silence, her refusal to look at him as agreement - of course she would agree, it’s what she’s said she wants. She’d tell him if it weren’t true, she’s just called him out for lying so everything now must be the truth. He turns to go, hesitates, waits for a beat expecting her to say something (anything). As he moves away she moves to occupy the space he’s just left. Even as she’s turning away from him she’s still subconsciously trying to move closer.
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GIF credit  @nancy-drew
She can’t bear to watch him leave, still half convinced he’ll say something, stop, turn around, grab her and kiss her and to hell with the curse. And he hesitates once, twice, three times. So sure she’ll stop him, say something. Not trusting that tug in his gut that’s telling him to stop, turn around, take her in his arms and tell her how much he loves her, that they’ll fight, they’ll fight until they’re free, and he’ll be there by her side every step of the way.
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GIF Credit  @nancy-drew
Nancy was frozen in that state of waiting, couldn’t move, could barely breathe, sure that at any moment the nightmare would end, that he’d understand, that he’d come back. But Florence starts up and drives away and then she breathes. Then she moves. Then she lets the tears fall. Because he left, just like so many others, even though she thought he was different, that he understood. He left her all alone, just like they always do.
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Things to never say to someone who just came out tokyo revengers edition
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chamaleonsoul · 9 months
spending 1 hour and a half (several times) watching four australian morons ranking their own songs on twitch has been by far the best use of my time and most beneficial for my mental health in the last few years
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incorrectquoteslobby · 9 months
Sonic: Can I be frank with you guys?
Rebel Rouge: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Renegade Knucks: Can I still be Renegade?
Shadow: Shh, let Frank speak.
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chaoticamelay · 9 months
Aziraphale and Crowley trying to save the world but the whole time they're like "Muriel please ask Aziraphale his opinion" "he's right next to you??" "we're not talking"
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