#sombra returns au
turtlethebean · 1 year
A meme to summarise the beginning of the Sombra Returns AU
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cuttlekiss-mlp · 5 months
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thought i might attempt to start off strong with my mlp infection au
this is still a pretty big WIP, especially with all of the characters. i've been very thorough with how i want things to go, so i've been taking my time with it.
stuck with a sketchier style bc it fit the vibe of what i wanted so well
!!!TW: DESCRIPTIONS OF GORE!!! "Dear Princess Celestia, I have made a grave mistake, and my judgement is no longer sound. I have ruined everything. I am in search of a cure for what I have created. It cannot be destroyed. Normal magic cannot undo what I have done. He is gone, but maybe I can save the others. I am sorry that this letter has not been sent to you in a timely fashion. He is gone. I had to send this letter via pony mail. Please forgive me for all I have done. Friendship is not strong enough to save us. My friends have abandoned me. They know what I have done. Your faithful student, your failure, Twilight Sparkle."
Between all of the commotion of Sombra's defeat and Twilight's ascension as an alicorn, no one was quick to notice a very important missing person. As soon as Twilight realized her favorite baby dragon was not there to greet her and celebrate, she felt sick to her stomach. Where was he? Spike was found by Cadence. He was delivered to Twilight wrapped in her large pink wings, wounded beyond what could be saved. He was already dead when he was found. Her baby dragon was gone.
No amount of friendship or comfort could console the new princess. She laid with her body curled around Spike, and her cries filled the courtyard for hours. It took two days for her to move from that spot and head home towards Ponyville, where Spike would be buried in front of her home. But she could not bare the thought. Spike could not be gone, not forever.
When she returned home, she holed up in her tree house. The doors locked, the curtains covered the windows, and there was nothing but silence. Twilight worked tirelessly for hours, using magic to preserve her baby dragon's body long enough to find a spell that would erase what happened. Spike would not be dead for much longer. The power of friendship and love would bring him back to life. It had to.
She explained to her friends that if they used the Elements of Harmony, theoretically, he could be revived. They had their reservations. No one thought it was a good idea...but Rainbow Dash talked them into trying. Twilight was hurting, she needed her friends to be there for her. However, their attempts were in vein. Spike was not revived.
Despite their failed attempts, Twilight remained stubborn and persistent. She could not let this happen. Spike could not be gone. Everyone was starting to worry about her, but no amount of convincing could change her mind. They refused to continue trying. They did not believe in her and that made her very angry.
Returning into hiding, Twilight's determination became concrete. She did not sleep, she barely ate. Dash visited frequently, while the others had resolved that Twilight needed time and space. She was the only reason the princess ate anything at all. Twilight soon caught reference to a spell in one of her books. This spell was in a particular book in Canterlot's library...and that is where she would go. She packed up and she made her way swiftly to Canterlot. Unfortunately, the book was locked away, for it's magic was forbidden and dangerous. But this did not matter to her. Twilight broke into the library, stole the book, and rushed off to Ponyville. She would not allow anything to stand in her way. Spike could not be gone.
The spell required an intense amount of magic. Twilight would need help to cast the spell, to bring Spike back. But, none of the other elements would help her. They insisted she lay Spike to rest. She refused. How could they ever say such a thing? How could they give up on Spike? How could they not believe in her?
Twilight took it upon herself to cast the spell. She took the Elements of Harmony and she wielded them herself. Bright beams of pink light flooded out of her curtains...
"Twilight. . ." A soft, exhausted voice called from the explosion that was her living room. Twilight could barely hear it's faintness, but his voice was unmistakable. She blindly stumbled towards the voice, to find Spike. When she found him, she was first overjoyed. Spike was getting up! Spike was alive!! Bright pink and sparkling ooze spilled from his chest as he rose from his bed. "Twilight?" His voice was louder and sounded panicked? "What is happening-" his voice cut off with a sickening gurgle. Pink bursted from his mouth, and he coughed and wheezed, trying desperately to regain his breath. His eyes were bleeding, or were they rotting? Twilight couldn't tell. She rushed to his side and she held him. Spike choked and convulsed, pink ooze spilling all over his bed and onto the floor and onto her. And then...he stopped. Unsure of what happened, of what to do, Twilight stared in disbelief, in heartbreak. Had she revived him only to suffer yet another painful death? Tears welled in her eyes and she cried out with unbearable pain.
Between her cries and uncontrollable sobbing, she didn't hear Dash break through one of her windows. She held Spike and cried and cried. The house was a mess and Twilight was a mess and covered in pink ooze and Spike was a mess and pink ooze was still coming out of him. Despite her best efforts, Twilight would not let go of Spike. She snapped at Dash to leave her alone, and that is what Dash did. She didn't want to, but what was there to do?
Twilight fell asleep in the midst of her crying, holding her baby dragon close and covering him with her wings.
She woke to a gurgling growl and a terrifying creature standing above her, with pink, sparkling drool dripping from it's mouth. It's eyes were dark and lifeless but little pink glowing orbs betrayed it's gaze. It stared and growled and breathed raspy, shallow breaths. Twilight pushed it away in fear, scrambling up from Spike's bed. That is when she realized what the creature was. It was Spike...but it wasn't truly. He twitched and groaned and dripped pink ooze.
Before she knew it, a knock came at her door. Spike's head snapped towards the sound.
The door opened.
Spike lunged.
Screams and Spike's growls erupted.
What had she done?
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steiiaoctangula · 1 year
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somburst beloved... this is their youngest child in my most recent ng au, morning red- he takes after sunburst a lot lmao. his cape is his fathers, just dyed and painted to suit him better :)
also sombra himself is designed after a bearded vulture because birds <3<3
in this au nightmare moon won after her return in s1, his mane is starry cause of a little effect from that :)
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zihette · 6 months
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Celestia and Luna as how they would appear in my Daughter of Sombra AU
Information under Cut
Celestial Dawn, who is commonly known as Princess Celestia, is the current sole ruler of Equestria after the banishment of her sister, Lunar Dawn, formerly known as Luna. She does keep up a brave face for her subjects, but both her past and future haunts her - The banishment of her dear sister, and the fact her pupil Sunset Shimmer, who was meant to become her successor, turned her back on her.
Celestia has no defense against the return of Nightmare Moon. She dreads the return of her sister, and the wrath she will bring with her towards her subjects.
Lunar Dawn, currently known as Nightmare Moon, remains banished on the moon. The deep, dark void of space whispers to her. Telling her to take revenge against the sister who hurt her so dearly. Telling her to put Equestria under an eternal blanket of her beautiful, starry nights. And she listens... and she prepares.
It has been countless moons since Luna's banishment - and yet she remains, gathering the strength to someday return and bring forth chaos.
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pantuflitaizquierda · 3 months
I haven’t written anything (not school related) in years (since elementary), but I wanted to try it again, feel free to give advice in the comments! (English is evidently not my first language btw, please tell me if there’s an error in the comments 🙇‍♀️)
It’s an LMK/JTTW AU, Wukong and Mac had never met each other… until now!
(Word count : 502)
A Shadow, a King & a Cave
Everyone has already heard the story, the Handsome Monkey King wrecks havoc in heaven after being invited to live with the gods only to be deceived, humiliated and then burned by them, but when he makes them pay, even managing to almost dethrone the Jade Emperor himself! He is imprisoned under Five-Finger Mountain, rendered almost completely immobile and forced to eat iron and drink molten copper, remaining alone, until the end of time or until the gods decide that he has been imprisoned long enough.
He had already come to terms with the fact that he was going to be lonely for all that time, no one had showed up to save him before and he was pretty sure no one was coming now, that’s exactly the reason why he was so confused with the moving shadow that started coming from time to time to the inside of the mountain. Now, he wasn’t a fool, he gained some cool powers a while ago that let him see through lies and stuff like that, so he knew his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him with the moving shadow, it was definitely a demon. A wary one. Not even the servants who force-fed him had noticed it.
Months passed and the shadow seemed to come more and more often, perhaps more confident knowing that the prisoner could barely move a hand, which was a small relief for Wukong since that shadow seemed to be the only entertainment he would have in centuries. So, without much to lose, he decided to start talking to them.
It started with a simple greeting, he ultimately wanted more but was afraid to scare away the cautious shadow, though this took the demon by surprise anyway, getting fluffed up like an angry cat and disappearing from his sight. Wukong tried to stop him, but evidently he couldn't get very far. His only chance to have a buddy in his prison ruined by a damn hello. Just what one needs after a hundred years of loneliness.
But his sorrow would be relatively short, since only a few days passed when the shadow demon returned, this time with a peace offering, a peach. Seeing it, the King's face lit up completely, it seemed that all that time he had spent eating iron and swallowing copper no longer mattered, he could finally taste something other than metal, he had never been so happy to see a peach in his life... so it was very disappointing when the shadow left the fruit on the floor, right in front of him… where he couldn't reach it…
So fucking close and he couldn't even touch the damn fruit. Wukong had had enough, he was lonely, he hadn't spoken to anyone in a century, he hadn't eaten anything edible in years, he couldn't move and when he was so close to having even a little taste of what felt like freedom, HE CAN'T EVEN TOUCH IT.
La prisión del Rey y la Sombra que lo acompaña
Ya todos conocen la historia, el Apuesto Rey Mono crea caos en el cielo tras ser invitado a vivir con los dioses solo para ser engañado, humillado y después quemado por ellos, pero cuando él los hace pagar, ¡casi logrando destronar al mismísimo Rey de Jade! es encerrado bajo la montaña Wuwang, dejándolo casi completamente inmóvil y forzándolo a comer pepitas de hierro y beber cobre fundido, quedándose solo, hasta el fin de los tiempos o hasta que los dioses decidan que ya estuvo encerrado el tiempo suficiente.
Él ya había aceptado el hecho de que iba a estar solo durante todo ese tiempo, nadie había llegado a salvarlo antes y estaba bastante seguro de que nadie vendría ahora, esa es exactamente la razón por la que estaba tan confundido con una dichosa y movediza sombra que comenzaba a aparecer de vez en cuando dentro de la montaña. Ahora, él no era tonto, obtuvo algunos poderes geniales hace un tiempo que le permitían ver a través de mentiras y cosas así, así que sabía que su mente no le estaba jugando una mala pasada con esa sombra, definitivamente era un demonio. Uno un tanto cauteloso, ni los sirvientes que le alimentaban lo habían notado.
Pasaron los meses y la sobra parecía venir más y mas a menudo, tal vez más confiada al saber que el prisionero apenas y podía mover una mano, lo que fue un pequeño gran alivio para Wukong ya que esa sombra parecía ser el único entretenimiento que tendría en siglos. Así que, sin mucho que perder, decidió empezar a hablarle.
Empezó con un simple saludo, él en definitiva quería más pero temía espantar a la cautelosa sombra, pero esto tomó tan de sorpresa al demonio que se esponjó cómo un gato enojado y desapareció de su vista. Wukong intentó detenerlo, pero evidentemente no logró llegar muy lejos. Su única oportunidad de tener a un compañero en su prisión arruinada por un maldito saludo. Justo lo que uno necesita tras cien años de soledad.
Pero su pesar le duraría relativamente poco, pues solo pasaron unos días cuando el demonio de la sombra volvió, esta vez con una ofrenda de paz, un durazno. Al verlo la cara del Rey se iluminó por completo, parecía que todo ese tiempo que había pasado comiendo hierro y tragando cobre ya no importaban, por fin podría saborear otra cosa que no fuera un metal, nunca había estado tan feliz de ver un durazno en su vida… por lo que fue muy decepcionante cuando la sombra dejó el fruto en el piso, justo en frente de él, donde no lo podía alcanzar.
Tan jodidamente cerca y no podía ni tocar la maldita fruta. Wukong ya estaba harto, estaba solo, no había hablado con nadie en un siglo, no había comido nada comestible en años, so podía moverse y al momento de estar tan cerca de tener aunque sea una probadita de lo que se sentía cómo libertad, Y NO PUEDE NI TOCARLA.
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duke-daemon · 5 months
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i redesigned more colorful horses for funsies
need to figure out more abt how alicorns really work in my au? rewrite? whatever this is
some notes:
Sovereign Solestia (princess celestia)
-has been ruling over equestrian for eons
-literally the sun itself manifested in pony form
-her true form is incomprehensible
-most ponies struggle to look at her for more than a few seconds due to the constant light radiating off of her
-the exception to the above are other alicorns and the mane six
-deeply regrets what happened to her sister and is overjoyed to have her back (although she doesn't show it in public)
-not super in tune with how mortal emotions work and tends to come across as blunt and uncaring
Lady Selune (princess luna)
-goes by "luna" for short
-used to be her sister's equal, until the nightmare moon incident
-nightmare moon (renamed to Sovereign Nocturne in this au) is luna's shadow self a la jungian stuff. feeling as if she didn't matter as much as her sister, she let her shadow consume her, eventually unleashing her rage on equestria
-solestia defeated sovereign nocturne, scattering her pieces across the moon. thousands of years later, she was able to rebuild herself and return, only for sovereign nocturne to be sealed back within luna by the mane six
-this left her with permanent physical and mental scars, as well as an altered appearance
-she and solestia have since reconciled and are once again equals, although luna prefers to go by "lady" as opposed to "sovereign" due to her new associations with the word
-more in-tune with mortals and their quirks thanks to her ties to dreams. as such, she is more empathetic and emotional than solestia, albeit still clearly disconnected
Princess Cadence (no name change)
-due to being an ascended alicorn, she is much less visually intense than the sisters, but that doesn't make her any less divine
-born a pegasus. has had a strong connection to the crystal heart since birth, which caught the goddesses' attention
-became an alicorn after sacrificing herself to save her loved ones (specifically killed by king sombra). this act of pure selflessness and love allowed her to ascend to alicorn status (with some helpful interference from solestia and selune)
-still somewhat adjusting to her role as a goddess of love (all forms of love, not just romantic)
-pretty much the same as canon otherwise, very kind and caring. deeply connected to her people and kingdom as a whole, can sense when something is even slightly off in her domain
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the-starry-traveller · 7 months
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After AU King Sombra got his ass beaten and was forced to retreat, various citizens of Equestria cheered for the heroes who came to our rescue. Trampling on the scraps of metals on what used to be a formidable foe, they now waved their hooves in the air, chanting,"Glory to Equestria!" and "Victory!"
Stepping out of the purification chamber, Twilight looked outside, visibly confused.
"Erm... what just happened?! I feel like I have been asleep for a long long time!"
"Twi! We are saved by these heroes! Hip Hip Hurrah!!!!! Somby's butt got kicked!"
"Right... I... don't know how to thank you guys... You came to our aid when no pony does....but thank you. Equestria will remember this day."
With that, Twilight shook every hero & heroine's hoof/claws, giving medals to every creature, visibly very tired.
"BESTIE YOU CAME!" Aurora just ran up to Stella & gave her the most affectionate hug ever. Her eyes streaming with tears from gratitude.
((Many thanks for participating in this Arc! It's been fun! I'll probably return to regular asks/participate in a light hearted arc/take a break.))
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lockandkeyhyena · 2 months
I had a dream about your runaway cultist au! It was! Something!
It started with Fluttershy pretending to join the village and then having a conversation with Starlight. She then got ownership of a really stupidly tall house and the friends could immediately tell something was up.
Jumping ahead to the confrontation on the mountains. Fluttershy still did not have her cutie mark for some reason while everyone else did. She stayed behind Starlight before suddenly jumping out, doing weird graceful swoops that were much more effective in battle than the failing around she was doing before. When she landed, we saw that her cutie mark had changed. It wasn’t the original, and it wasn’t the equality symbol; it was a dark purple square that contained a pink heart inside that pulsed slowly, making the square ripple. Twilight pointed out that cutie marks are not supposed to be animated, and Fluttershy retorted that this must mean that hers was the truest of all. She then disappeared into the tunnels at Starlight’s side.
Jumping ahead again, we’re now in Ponyville, and there’s a banquet happening. Fluttershy and Starlight infiltrate it, looking to steal the mane five’s cutie marks again. Ponies are everywhere eating fancy foods, and behind a curtain on stage, the five’s hooves can be seen poking out underneath.
We switch to Twilight’s POV. She reveals that this is actually a trap for Fluttershy. The world believed she was still a hero, and tonight, they would either save her, or reveal her for what she really is.
Back to the evil duo. After Fluttershy fails to sneak through the crowd, Starlight returns her cutie mark, just for this task. She easily finds a way up using butterflies (?) and prepares to jump Twilight.
As she falls, the curtains fly open, and Fluttershy hits the ground, her fur turning pale as Starlight hastily took away her cutie mark again. The crowd went dead silent, and the mane five stood behind her, glaring.
To save the situation, Fluttershy immediately shapeshifted into her vampire bat form, then her dragon form, then her kangaroo (form) and danced around in each one. The crowd, believing this to be a normal performance, cheered and went back to the party.
Twilight stepped forward, growling if Fluttershy had learned her lesson. Fluttershy shook her head and tried to reason with Twilight, explaining Starlight’s goals and how good it would be for the world. Twilight snapped at her to shut up, they would never stoop as low as she had.
Fluttershy started to leave, saying that she would try again at the next event, and Twilight stopped her. She declared there would never be another event, and Fluttershy and her ilk were never to return to Ponyville again. In fact, nobody else would be allowed to either, and nobody would be able to return. She was going to put a dome over the town like Trixie had, if that meant she would never target her people again.
Fluttershy swiped at her, and that was the last straw.
Starlight and Fluttershy ran through the streets as Twilight pursued, preparing a spell that would probably kill the two of them. Starlight noticed something above them and cast a spell, disguising herself as Princess Cadence. A moment later, Shining Armour flew past (he was a Pegasus now I guess) and said he knew he saw her here, and to follow him, quickly. They did.
Now we’re in the Crystal Kingdom. Princess Luna is flying above the castle, continuously casting some sort of spell, and Starlight (still disguised as Cadence) sits on her throne and thanks Shining Armour for the rescue, explaining that Twilight had gone mad and tried to kill her dear friend Fluttershy. Shining Armour believed her, and promised to keep Fluttershy safe.
They looked below the balcony, and to their surprise saw Twiling on the ground, furious. Starlight casted a spell that manifested as dark mist not unlike King Sombra’s power, and sent it down toward her. A line of power also came from Fluttershy and Shining Armour, which strengthened the spell and sent Twilight flying out of the kingdom.
Princess Luna landed and asked what was going on. Again Starlight explained that Twilight had lost her mind. Luna took this in stride and asked her about her progress with the riddle.
“Uhm, well, I don’t think it matters too much,” Starlight says, trying to hide the fact that she has no bloody clue what the princess is talking about.
Luna squints. “I rather say it does, Cadence. It’s the reason why the fog is gone. Without the fog, we cannot see the shield around the kingdom, which is why I’ve been maintaining this spell for you.”
Starlight nods hastily. “Okay, alright, that makes sense. And the riddle was…”
Luna shrugs. “Something about poodles. Have you figured out the answer?”
Starlight looked back at Fluttershy, who smiles and leans up to whisper in her ear. Starlight turns back to Luna and declares, “boars.”
With a nod, Luna flies off to find this boar. Exchanging a look, Fluttershy nods as well and follows Luna. And then immediately gets lost, but it’s a good thing, as she finds Twilight in the snow, talking to what looks like a sort of boar Minotaur.
Twilight sees Fluttershy and doesn’t hesitate, using a spell to slam her into the ground while the boar grappled her.
As Twilight shoots a magic missile spell, Luna deflects it with her own magic and puts a bubble around Twilight and the boar, which sinks with them into the ground and all the way to Tartarus.
Luna lands next to Fluttershy and puts a wing over her, telling her that she will be protected, and if there was anything else she could do to help. Fluttershy looks back at the palace and said, “yes… there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
god i love how stupid and whack dreams are. THANK YOU PRINCESS LUNA FOR MAKING PEOPLE DREAM ABOUT MY PONY AUS 🙏🙏🙏
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princess-of-the-corner · 11 months
Yeah, they'd want to at least mitigate whatever lies the cult cooks.
It's like, "Yes, Nightmare Moon did many bad things, but YOU didn't, so you are not evil."
And even if the cult succeeds in growing Nyx to her intended size and adding Nightmare Moon's memories, her memories of the time spent with Twilight and co would counter them.
Especially if there is no scene of Twilight seemingly giving Nyx up/abandoning her, so Nyx doesn't feel betrayed.
And the fact that all of NM's evil is still locked away inside Spell Nexus.
So, for the 'Cult enacts their plant' Season finale.
Part 1 is the cult kidnapping Nyx and taking her to their lair/place to complete the spell. Twilight and co (Mane Six, Flash Sentry, squad of guards) go after them cause Twilight placed a tracking spell on Nyx or in her stuff. Unfortunately, they don't get there in time to prevent the cult from casting the spell. The episode ends with Nightmare Nyx rising to her feet.
Part 2 is the cultists joyfully celebrating their "Queen" awakening as the heroes stare in dismay. Twilight steps forward and tearfully begs Nyx not to take over Equestria. Spell Nexus smugly brags about their victory and says something like, "I believe we should allow our Queen to take the first shot at her nemesis," or something like that. Nyx agrees and seems about to hurt Twilight when suddenly she turns and blasts Nexus/some of the cultists, surprising everyone. Nyx reveals that while she now has NM's memories, she still has her own and won't turn against her family. What follows is a battle between the heroes and the cultists, where it is revealed that Nexus has trapped NM's evil inside himself and that the cultists are brainwashed. For this AU, rather than a piece of Nightmare Moon that contains her evil, what is possessing Nexus is a creature like the Pony of Shadows/thing that possessed Stygian, and it's connected to King's Sombra's fall to darkness. This shadow creature is the one ultimately responsible for originally corrupting Luna and now wants Nyx's for themselves.
Nyx frees Nexus and all the cultists while the Mane Six destroy the shadow creature with the Elements. The Elements are then used to return Nyx to filly size.
This event resulted in ponies learning the truth about Nyx but we can discuss the aftermath later.
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Lady Mi Amore Cadenza
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Sorry it took so long, it will definitely happen again, now without further adieu, here's au Cadence! Lore under the cut :>
Cadence was born a pegasus to presumably pegasi parents, she has no memory of her birth parents and was found on the outskirts of a northern town as a toddler. She was wrapped in a cloak far too big for a foal, she was well fed but cold, confused, and alone. An elderly couple from the town adopted and raised her.
Despite lacking a horn Cadence showed incredible proficiency in love magics as she aged, wherever she went love and light followed. She attained alicorn status at a very young age, beloved by her town already, after saving it from a malicious sorcerer the outpouring of love from the town filled her with magic and in a sharp burst of lights and colors Cadence transformed.
In the modern era the only known alicorns were goddesses, so the townsfolk believed they had just witnessed a divine birth, word was sent to Canterlot, and Celestia herself came to meet the newly minted alicorn. The town held a festival to welcome the sun to their home. Celestia spoke with Cadence, the old goddess had privately grown lonely in the absence of her sister, even with the many many friends she's made over the centuries, so she extended an offer to young Cadence. 'Come with me to Canterlot, be my niece and I will be your mentor.' it was worded like a command, but Cadence understood the subtle plea for company. She didn't feel like a goddess, but maybe the sun would show her what it felt like, and maybe the sun needed someone to love.
Cadence remained in the company of Celestia for two decades learning the life of royalty and divinity, she never felt any more like a god than when she started, but she was happy.
Her true ascension would come when she defeated Sombra and returned the crystal heart to the crystal empire. Celestia dubbed Cadence the crystal princess, and moved her into the crystal palace. The crystal ponies were at first concerned about this ruler they hadn't chose, but Cadence proved unfavorable to leadership, she held elections for the crystal ponies to choose a council, then left the council to run itself, in the meantime dedicating herself to the restoration of the empire and the healing of it's citizens.
In this au she and Shining Armor would not meet until he was already captain of the guard, after she moved to the crystal empire they remained pen pals, sending increasingly romantic letters until finally they married a few years later. Cadence had met Twilight and they got along very well, maintaining their own stream of letters and becoming good friends, as ponies who loved Shining Armor, and as current and past proteges of the sun.
The wedding was chaos, but that's a story for another day >:)
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k0koii-yu · 1 year
Just gonna share a CC canon divergence AU I wrote couple years back where Lars is the mole instead of Angela. It has since been deleted because reasons (it’s all chill now dw). Also a few changes because my writing… wasn’t the best back then. VERY Angela centric with not very subtle gay because that’s what 13 year old me thought was a great idea.
So basically;
-Everything happens as it is except that Lars gets exposed as the mole. This, in turn, leads to Angela taking a break as Lars did in canon.
-Initially, I wrote that Lars’s mom was the one who took her in since she still had no parents and had the thought of him joining SOMBRA for shit and giggles. Since that probably wouldn’t make sense, I’ve now decided that she would probably return to Busan for a bit and kinda relax there for the time being, and that the triplets were being taken care of by a distant relative instead of Lars’s mother.
-There, she’d probably start questioning everything at first; since Lars would still kinda be the “artistic” type maybe she’d question the likelihood of hidden meanings in love songs/poems he’s made or even stuff he’s said to her in the past. At this point everyone checks up on her, especially Carmen, Marina, and sometimes Michelle and Ripley.
-Michelle also apologized for “ruining her perfect family”. Angela eventually accepted it; though later on realized something.
-Meanwhile in Antarctica, Grace is hired as the new forensics expert; but just like in canon, did autopsies for now.
-Sanjay got bored and ended up doodling and stuff. He ended up drawing a picture of a typical nuclear family (essentially a mom dad and kid family).
-Upon seeing the drawing, Carmen smiled. At the family part, but not exactly the part where she has to have a husband in order for it to be the perfect family. (Personal hc time: I, too, am a firm believer of lesbian Carmen propaganda 🙏)
-In this AU, she had internalized feelings for a certain someone; which she essentially repressed out of respect for them. Always tried to keep herself busy with other important stuff, but after the whole ordeal happened, she now has mixed feelings about them. Still decided not to tell anyone, though, due to her expecting potential rejection.
-Some time later, they get to Argentina. Angela also comes back from her hiatus (which in the original fic, ended up in her and Carmen confessing and then kissing.)
-I didn’t write anything after that, though, but just imagine Carmen getting out of her comfort zone in order to take Angela on mini dates and them overall just showing a lot of concern for each other when dangerous missions arise. Esp for Carmen, since she used to be a no-nonsense, implied lone wolf character in the beginning. She would also literally punch anyone who messes with her gf fr.
Basically that’s kinda it,,, yeah I’m aware it’s not the best, but it was honestly one of my favorite ideas and fanfics amongst all I have written back then that I felt like sharing. Will I rewrite this? Probably not; but the idea lives on here now.
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turtlethebean · 1 year
I'm bored as hell, and this "weird headcanons" thing is going around the CC fandom, so... Here's Arson and Olivia as these things. (But it's canon bc they're my OCs)
Arson McAoghan:
What they smell like: Hand sanitiser. It's a miracle that their skin still has some moisture due to how much they use it.
How they sleep: Usually, they don't, but they usually cuddle up with a stuffed animal or two when they do.
What music they enjoy: Lo-fi, the beats help them stim sometimes.
How much time they spend getting ready in the morning: 10 minutes. Just enough to change clothes, put on deodorant and tie back their hair. When they shower, though, they take at least an hour.
Their favourite thing to collect: Rocks, especially shiny ones.
Left or right handed: Ambidextrous, mostly from breaking so many bones as a kid.
Religion: Born catholic but currently practices paganism.
Their favourite sport: Wheelchair basketball. They played it in secondary school.
Their favourite tourist thing to do while travelling: Walk along any nearby beaches. Other than that, they enjoy trying new foods.
Their favourite kind of weather: Cloudy. No rain, no sun, just clouds.
Weird/obscure fear they have: Tapping noises, mostly due to misophonia. Elton was clicking their pen once and they almost killed her.
Carnival/arcade game that they always win without fail: Quiz games. They have so much random knowledge.
Olivia Ferral:
What they smell like: Lavender. Arson gave her a lavender spray, and she uses it all the time.
How they sleep: Headphones in, on her back.
What music they listen to: Y E S
How much time they spend getting ready in the morning: Like half an hour. She gets dressed VERY slowly.
Their favourite thing to collect: Pokémon. She's a gamer through and through.
Left or right handed: Right-handed
Religion: Catholic, a bit neutral on religion as a whole, though.
Favourite sport: Esports
Favourite tourist thing to do when travelling: Taking pictures. She often has to be dragged or she will take pictures of the same view all day.
Favourite kind of weather: Rain
Weird/obscure fear they have: People asking her for feet pictures online.
Carnival/arcade game that they always win without fail: pinball
If ya'll want Elton, @issy5316 did that already. :)
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An AU where Sombra is the incarnation of Shadow magic, Shining Armor finding out that he is destined to become the incarnation of light magic soon after Sombra's return. Being told by Sombra himself when Shining Armor used himself as a distraction so his sister and her friends could get into the Crystal Empire.
Sombra and Shining Armor being incarnations of pure magic similarly to Discord being the incarnation of chaos magic. The two of them being two halves of the tree (quite literally) of magic that is Harmony and order magic.
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kindheart525 · 2 years
What do you think are the most terrifying concepts in mlp?
This is a super interesting question! I don’t think I’m alone in the opinion that the whole “turning villains into stone” deal is quite a terrifying concept. Discord confirmed that he was alive and conscious the entire time, played off as a joke. But that’s bound to drive anyone nuts, being frozen but aware. Especially since Discord was once in that state for 1000+ years. It also makes you wonder about Chrysalis, Cozy, and Tirek—are they alive in there or was that “conscious in stone” thing exclusive to Discord and his chaos magic? It’s incredibly interesting to think about.
On that note, Nightmare Moon was said to be “in” the moon for 1000 years, not on the moon as some fanart might suggest, so was that a similar deal? Was she just locked in its core, seething for centuries? Celestia made this decision out of desperation but (if you also remember Sombra’s body being blown up twice) the way they punish villains in mlp is quite dark. Btw I don’t think the alternative is to reform every villain, because it would become a boring narrative after awhile, this post isn’t necessarily supposed to be a critique of the characters’ ethics or how the villains “should” have been defeated.
The alternate timelines that Starlight created are also a minefield of terrifying concepts all on their own. Mind control helmets on Sombra’s soldiers? (Like Sombra enslaving the population in the regular timeline wasn’t dark enough) The entire Equestrian economy being built around a war effort? Celestia in the moon? And if Chrysalis was impersonating Applejack, does that mean Applejack is dead? Or captured? What are the changelings doing to her?? Holy shit! And what the fuck happened to create that barren wasteland??? There’s potential for entire shows on their own from these AUs if mlp was rated PG-13+. With the whole complicated mess that time travel creates, wouldn’t that mean these AUs still exist somewhere in some multiverse? How do we know Twilight and Starlight returned to their timeline in the end instead of a different, identical one?
This is just like those dark Steven Universe fan theories about that one time travel episode in season 1. I don’t usually like time travel plotline because of the logical mindfuck they create but god are the AUs terrifying and intriguing.
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moiteneia · 6 months
Værge - AU Guapoverso 🌙
(inspirado em Nimona)
Havia uma lenda muito antiga que dizia sobre os feitos de uma guerreira. g!Bagi era o nome que se repetia na história como aquela que cresceu nos anos das trevas carregando uma espada que abriu espaço para os anos de luz e paz do qual viviam.
Hoje, esse nome vem a mente como aquilo que eles deveriam ser: corajosos, estrategistas…Impiedosos. 
Os monstros poderiam voltar em qualquer momento, se escondendo entre os rostos daqueles que amamos, caminhando nas sombras prontos para erguer novamente sobre eles a destruição e o terror dos quais acreditavam terem deixado para trás.
Por isso, a família real, além de terem construído uma enorme muralha para protege-los, treinava aqueles que descendiam dos primeiros guerreiros para continuarem o legado de proteção, abrindo vagas algumas vezes para alguns da própria população para que pudessem lutar ao lado deles.
Esse era o caso de g!Cell. Um menino órfão que cresceu nos anos das trevas, conhecendo a fome e a dor daquela época. Tinha recebido aquela chance do próprio rei g!Foolish, que o viu lutar em plena tenra idade entre homens e mulheres do dobro de seu tamanho.
Agora, com seus 25 anos, estava recebendo finalmente a marca de guardião, Værge, para proteger as muralhas e lutar contra os tais monstros. E não estaria sozinho, pois em seu treinamento, havia conhecido o filho do rei e os dois rapidamente se tornaram parceiros, mas também um casal.
E ele estava ansioso para finalmente começar uma vida ao lado dele. O que não esperava era que isso seria interrompido…No dia de sua nomeação, marcas apareceram em seu corpo como sigilos e uma mecha branca em seu cabelo. As acusações chegaram, o público e seus companheiros temiam que ele era um monstro. Sem escolha, ele fugiu.
Agora, ele está tentando provar que não é um monstro para poder voltar para casa e os braços de seu amado. O que ele não esperava era conhecer duas crianças (Richas e Pepito)…Os melhor, dois monstrinhos que o mostrariam que ser um monstro não é tão ruim assim e que ele, realmente, talvez não seja tão normal, apenas tinha se “esquecido” disso.
————————- ENG ————————-
Værge - AU Guapoverso 🌙
There was a very old legend that told about the deeds of a warrior. g!Bagi was the name that was repeated in history as the one who grew up in the years of darkness carrying a sword that opened space for the years of light and peace in which they lived. Today, this name comes to the mind as what they should be: courageous, strategists…Ruthless. The monsters could return at any moment, hiding among the faces of those we love, walking in the shadows ready to bring back upon them the destruction and terror they believed they had left behind.
Therefore, the royal family, in addition to building a huge wall to protect them, trained those who descended from the first warriors to continue the legacy of protection, sometimes opening vacancies for some of the population so that they could fight alongside them.
This was the case with g!Cell. An orphan boy who grew up in the dark years, knowing the hunger and pain of that time. He had received that chance from King g!Foolish himself, who saw him fight at a young age among men and women twice his size.
Now, at the age of 25, he was finally receiving the mark of guardian, Værge, to protect the walls and fight against such monsters. And he would not be alone, because in his training, he had met the king's son and the two quickly became partners, but also a couple. And he was eager to finally start a life with him. What he didn't expect was that this would be interrupted...On the day of his appointment, marks appeared on his body like sigils and a white streak in his hair.
The accusations came, the public and his companions feared that he was a monster. With no choice, he fled. Now, he's trying to prove he's not a monster so he can return home to the arms of his beloved. What he didn't expect was to meet two children (Richas and Pepito)... Or rather, two little monsters who would show him that being a monster isn't that bad and that he, really, maybe isn't so normal, he had just “forgotten” about it.
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axiro · 6 months
Through the Dragon's Eyes || Talon AU Hanzo Shimada
Chapter Eight - To No End
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A turn of events.
Chapter Master List || AO3
Any underlined text signifies background music/ambiance is linked. :)
That's all the night was. It was somewhat blissful as Hanzo's mind was not assaulted by the nightmare that's been haunting him. Now, since he's had a moments rest from it, he can't help but think about it. Why it has repeated. What it could mean. He can't be so sure that it's over. One night does not guarantee it won't return. Regardless, at least he obtained a few hours of sleep.
He lie staring at the ceiling. It is rather ornate with old, faded paintings. Cherubs, clouds and a few other angels staring blankly into space, their eyes void of color. Small cracks are visible across their faces and bodies, other areas look as though the paint is nearly gone altogether, whatever life it had before sucked into the darkness now calling it home. 
The daylight fights to reach into the room, crawling out from the borders of the drawn curtains plus a layer of tacked up sheets. Ever since he returned from his mission to track down and make contact with Cole Cassidy a few days ago, he's had nothing but more questions bouncing around his head. Even the sunlight distracted him from his thoughts. 
His mind wanders back to his return. Reaper had called him in for a report that night, where he found himself once again sitting across from the dark figure at the large conference table, his foreboding glare piercing right into Hanzo as he recounted the events for him.
"As I expected." He said. "So be it."
He had been tapping his metal claws upon the tabletop, each tap prodding further and further under Hanzo's skin. It came to a stop only once he rose from his chair by the end of it.
"Sombra is tracking him as we speak. We will update you once we know where he is headed. You are to intercept him. If he leaves the country, we no longer have any ability to go after him. At least, not legally. If you fuck this up, there's no telling how much time we will lose. Is that understood?"
Hanzo nodded. Reaper walked over to him slowly, arms at his side yet the tension obvious and suffocating.
"I need vocal confirmation, Shimada. Do. You. Understand?"
"Yes, sir." Hanzo replied, monotonously, once again meeting a gaze that looked down upon him.
"Good." Reaper replied. "Wait for my call."
Then, without another word, he left the room.
Hanzo is due to engage within the next day or so, yet this time, it'll be with lethal intent. Sombra already has Cassidy's location. It was easy for her to track him through cameras and transport itinerary, despite Cassidy not even using his real name. In fact, Hanzo doesn't doubt she's the reason why they knew who he is and were the ones to finally come after him.
Never mind that now. He must focus for the next task, as it will be his last before he's done here.
Shifting to sit up, he positions himself on his knees upon the bed, closing his eyes. Once again, he goes through the plan in his head just as he's done before. Tracking him won't be much of an issue this time. He'll stay hidden. Wait for the opportune moment. One strike is all that's necessary. One strike and he gets back what's rightfully his.
A loud train horn cuts through the air, though muted through the walls where Hanzo hides. Electronic whirring signals the hovering vehicle's ascent on its track, the rumble hardly noticeable. It's a very early train, so there's barely anyone aboard at this hour. He was dropped off once the wraith gave the word. He sits in darkness, the hooded cloak Reaper gave to him before his first mission concealing his form within the small storage area of his choosing. He has about an hour and a half to finish the job before the train docks at its destination. A port at the other side of the country.
He waits, keeping an eye on his watch now and then to see how much time has passed, listening closely to the trains announcements for the stops in between. Before long, only one stop remains.
His time starts now.
Per Sombra, Cassidy is the only one that should be left on board, given he's the only one headed to the last point on the map for the train. Car four. Row D. Cautiously, he exits his hiding spot. There's no longer a need to keep to the dark. He knows Cassidy expects him. 
Hanzo silently walks to the double doorway between his car and car four, lacing his fingers around the edge of his hood, pulling it down before undoing the clasp and shrugging the whole piece of clothing off his shoulders, tossing it to the side. Looking through the small window, he pinpoints the cowboy. He's facing his direction but is looking out the side window by his seat, his bag secured on his back. Given Hanzo cannot see his hands, he assumes he is ready for him. He will need to be quick. He knows he is the knife brought to this gunfight and he must have his wits about him. Any opening he leaves will be taken.
He inhales deeply through his nose, pulling out a kunai in each hand. He approaches close to the first door. It hisses open and he ducks, knowing that will have drawn attention. Positioning himself against the wall next to the second and final door, he waits for the first door to close. Once it does, he activates the remaining one.
Before the hiss of the door is even finished, staying low, Hanzo throws his left kunai at where he knows he saw the target.
Before he can blink, a loud bullet ricochet hits the wall just behind him, mere inches from his head. In the alley, Cassidy stands a few rows further back with his pistol in hand, barrel aiming Hanzo's direction. Hanzo's kunai lodged itself a little low, hitting the chairs shoulder. Seems they both timed their respective offenses parallel to one another. Hanzo launches himself into a roll behind the seats as another bullet whizzes his way.
"Hanzo!" Cassidy speaks up, his voice almost scolding.
"I'll give you one chance. One. You hear me?"
Hanzo burns the memory of how Cassidy is standing into his mind and how to throw to impede him.
"Give it up. I don't want to do this!"
Hanzo stays silent, ignoring what was said. Like hell he's going to give up when he's this close. He shoots up, lobbing his second weapon at Cassidy's arm. It slices across the top, eliciting a loud hiss of pain from him. He temporarily drops his arm a little low from the blow but still pulls the trigger. 
The bullet cracks against Hanzo's right shoulder. He yells out as it bites through tissue. Despite the burning building up in the new wound, he pulls another knife out from the harness upon his leg, hurdling over the chairs and closing the distance. Cassidy throws out his metal arm in a swing, fingers enclosed. Hanzo steps back just out of range, the air from the attack grazing his face. He recovers, taking a swipe of his own.
Cassidy's right wrist parries, the gun still held in his grip. He throws his skull against Hanzo's, sending a massive wave from impact point all the way through to the back of their heads. This causes Hanzo to stagger back, reeling. Putting his left arm out, he grips one of the chairs to steady himself, glaring darkly through his hair at him. Cassidy holsters his gun to deal with the other close range. Hanzo's glove squeaks with the increased pressure around the dagger hilt. With a growl, he reengages. Through a flurry of hand to hand, Cassidy keeps up extremely well, keeping him from landing anything lethal. His eyes burn with focus and he's able to land a few good hits of his own. 
Before long, they both push back towards the doors between the cars. The doors slide open as they approach, the fight transferring over. They both traverse through the third car quickly, soon enough reaching the second. 
Taking an opportunity, Hanzo hops up over the side row of chairs to swerve behind Cole. He grips the seats on either side of him, raising both legs to plant the soles of his feet against the other's back, launching him against the door to the front cockpit. Cassidy grunts loudly from both impacts, falling through the doorway once it's open. The last door hisses to the side as he rolls in front of it, his hat flopping to the ground. The rising sun can be seen on the horizon through the pilotless cockpit's windshield.
Hanzo rushes him. Just as Cole gets back onto his feet, Hanzo has his back slammed against the side wall, kunai to his throat. Cole grips the kunai with his bare hand before he's stabbed, managing to pit his strength against the Hanzo's as blood beads between his fingers.
He throws his metal fist into Hanzo's shoulder where he was shot. Searing pain anew, a quick scream tears from Hanzo. He feels Cassidy's knee meet his gut, red beads flying from his split lip as he's pushed off him. Hanzo is used to fighting through this kind of pain. He hasn't given up in the slightest. 
A quick kick to Hanzo's torso has him staggering back a few steps until his back hits the windshield, a holographic interface lighting up in the glass due to the disturbance.
"I warned you, god damn it!" Cassidy says.
Pulling his gun back out, he keeps his distance as he sights the Shimada down the barrel.
He pauses.
"Do it then!" Hanzo yells at him, eyes wide, daring him to end this.
"Kill me!”
Cole pulls back the hammer with a click, angling his body.
Their eyes meet. The searing fire in his eyes has somewhat faded. There's determination, yet a bit of confusion laced with melancholy of an internal discussion.
In his moment of hesitation, Hanzo raises his arm, launching his kunai. During the movement, the train jerks forwards with a whirr, causing them both to fight to keep balance. The knife hits the wall and clatters to the ground, having been thrown off its trajectory. Hanzo follows Cassidy's gaze out the windshield. The train has picked up speed, headed towards a small stone bridge over a cut in the mountains that's part of the track.
They look back to each other. Cole meets Hanzo with an expression obvious he suspects this to be a piece of his supposed plan. Hanzo's expression back amends this misunderstanding rather quickly. Cole begins backing up, keeping the pistol aimed.
Hanzo gasps.
That wasn't the gun. 
They both turn their attention once again to the incoming track. Or, what's left of it. The bridge in the distance crumbles in a large cloud of smoke and debris, fire from the cause beneath licking for breath.
Cassidy uncocks and holsters his gun, strapping it down before swiping his hat from the ground and running to the emergency brake, yanking it.
It does nothing.
"Shit!" He says, quickly giving up on that idea as another look out the glass confirms the fast approaching issue. 
An idea strikes Hanzo. He runs to the doors between their current car and the next, pressing a button by each of them so they remain open. Returning to the cockpit, he scans the hologram for a latch release.
Given these trains are on autopilot, there's no dashboard, just the emergency brake and the holographic interface. Scrolling through, he can't determine what's what instantly. His mind tunnel visions, not even worried about the other man at the moment. Finally, he finds what he's looking for.
The hologram pulls up a 3D copy of the train itself. He pokes the front driving car and hits release. There's a loud click and he wastes no time dashing out the door, jumping the quickly growing gap between the two units. Not a second later, there's a thud behind him. Seems cowboy caught on and jumped after him. Holding his hat to his head, he looks back, the pulling car speeding off.
They're still going too fast.
With no other choice, Hanzo keeps running towards the very back car. The both of them reach the back and bust open the emergency door. Jumping is also not an option at this speed, they determine. Growling, Hanzo looks back through the alley of passageways, all open due to what is likely emergency protocol, or simply loss of power from the head of the train.
They have slowed down significantly from before but it still looks quite unfavorable. The pulling car that sped ahead launches off the ruined track, shooting into the rubble and disappearing into the grey plume. The crash reaches their ears, fear rising. Hanzo takes a long, deep breath, bracing himself between the seats of the back rows, looking over at Cassidy who's deducted the same course of action necessary.
Seconds drag like years.
All thoughts are almost instantly wiped blank from the impact. The domino that follows happens too fast to comprehend. They're thrown against the seats in front of them, luckily no further due to their positioning. The air is knocked from Hanzo's lungs and his head starts ringing loudly, followed by his entire body screaming in pain.
His awareness comes back slowly, enough to realize something. 
The car is tilting.
He fights to move, hearing the groaning of the man across from him in tandem with his own. Hanzo's fingers grip the fabric of the seats, eyes creaking open, looking to the doorway in the back just feet away. The land shifts through its frame a little too quickly for his liking, the rotation not aiding in his now splitting headache.
He starts to move towards it in a crawl, feeling as if he's going through a madhouse tunnel. A loud metallic creak accompanies a swift alteration in gravity, sending him sliding sideways. Throwing an arm out, he jumps and grips the door frame, holding on as the world shifts. There's a thud as Cassidy slides next to him, his arm catching over the door's edge. He inhales sharply with a grimace.
"Damn it!" He curses to himself. 
Hanzo throws his other hand up and glances to his target, noting the streak of red down the side of his head. Cassidy's eyes glaze right past Hanzo for a moment before scanning the archer's face. He sighs.
"This is gonna hurt like a bitch." He says through gritted teeth, seemingly resigned to what's about to happen.
Hanzo scoffs at his unhelpful words before looking down through the opposite open door beneath them. 
Now he understands.
There's a river. It's still a long way down, but there's hope.
Guts churn, air fluttering from Hanzo's throat in a soft exhale as they plunge downwards in the metal unit. Several long, agonizing seconds fly away as they grip on for life, Hanzo's eyes synched so hard he sees specks of white.
The rattle of the car cutting through the wind is suddenly silenced, the light feeling coming to an abrupt end as the waters surface is broken. Hanzo is thrown from the door due to the force, his hands being ripped from the frame. Cassidy throws his right arm out in an attempt to catch the other but Hanzo is torn away too quickly down the tunneling pathway.
Hanzo's back hits the metal wall.
Everything goes dark.
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