#they're all so fishy now XD
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What if.... this trio was all Taz
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tarnishedxknight · 5 months
{out of dalmasca} Okay some of you commented on my post from the other day that you wanted to see some of my fossil collection, so... I am indulging you guys below, haha. Tagging everybody who might be interested: @xstrengthxinxtragedyx, @rocklandjbrin, @starcchild, @illbringthechaosmagic, @celestialmantdonna
So, first of all, the mineral and fossil show was a-ma-zing. So many incredible specimens of minerals, crystals, gemstones, fossils, petrified wood, etc. And so much amazing jewelry and handmade crafts too. All in all, my dad and I spent about 7 hours there over two days. My grandfather used to hunt for minerals and fossils in upstate NY with my dad when he was young, and then my dad got me into them when I was little, so it's kindof a family thing on my dad's side. =)
Okay so, this is my trilobite collection that I've been working on since I was like ten. Trilobites are my favorite little critter fossils, I absolutely adore them:
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These are my prized babies I just bought in the past year. I still have to make or buy little cases for them to protect them better. There's this big, beautiful boi:
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And then these two friends:
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I love them to bits, aren't they cool? And then I've got some cute lil' fishies. Apologies for the glare, they're under glass:
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And then I've got an assortment of ammonites and other fossils. Those are some labradorite worry stones in that back case too:
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I have a lot more than this, and I have minerals and crystals all over my house, hahaha, but those are some of my favorite fossils.
And then at the show this year, I got some nice pieces, but these blew me away... Triceratops has always been my favorite dinosaur and I've never seen fossils like this in person before. Usually you get the generic "dinosaur bone," and it's a brown lump and you're like... what even is this? XD There was this one table of actual paleontologists as opposed to sales people, and they had everything meticulously labeled and were happy to sit and talk to you about them, how they uncovered them, interesting aspects about them, etc. It was like I was my tiny five year-old self again, wanting to be a paleontologist before I found out that wasn't a viable career option for me. I was fangirling so hard. Guys they had a whole nest of velociraptor eggs and full-skeleton baby velociraptor fossils! They were about the sizes of cats. Really amazing stuff, I spent like an hour at that one table, heh. But, I digress. These admittedly were not cheap and my wallet will be hurting for a while because of this, buuuut.... loooook....
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GUYS I'M FREAKING OUT, you have no idea. My inner child is screaming right now. XD You can see the actual internal structure of the bone if you look at the sides of the skull section. And you can see the graining in the horn section, I'm- That's it. I will never need another dinosaur bone again in my life, because nothing is going to ever tircera-top this. You see what I did there. XD
And then I got this, which... while not bone obviously, is still really cool. I'm not sure what kind of stone it is... maybe some kind of jasper? But whatever stone it is, it mimics the look of dinosaur bone, and the carving is just too cool:
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I bought the carved skull yesterday and then the bones today. I'm going to give these babies their own shelf and have a triceratops display now because... how can I not?! XD
And there you have it! Hope you enjoyed this trip through my mineral and fossil geekery. =)
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tinytinybumblebee · 1 year
Aaa I figured out how to ask questions haha.
May I request CG Judy alverez/Panam Palmer and tiny female V? 👉👈
!!!!! Oh goodness I've been meaning to write some cyberpunk stuff aaa!!!
- Oh she looves her little V, they're the neon light of her life ;w; That's her little girl, her little squid!!
- Beach Days!!! She loves to bring tiny V out to beaches or lakes that are safe to swim in (Judy will be putting cute water wings on V, no babies drowning on her watch! Annnd she thinks V looks adorable ♡) she'll show V all the pretty shells and fishies they find♡
- The Mox isn't realllly a place for kiddos but, Judy does have her "Take your tiny V to work" days xD On those days, she'll pop on some cartoons on the tv, maybe have a special brain dance that's safe and fun for V (like, ones that are safe adventures where nothing can harm or spook V!)
- You knooow Judy loves giving V bubble baths, she'd have plenty of aquatic toys and those tub crayons you can use to write on the walls (She'll ask V if she can write certain words, praising the tiny one when they write it right♡)
- Sometimes Judy will be working but pause just to watch her tiny V playing, just absolutely head over heels in adoration for her little one (Judy probably gets up to give her a hug because just how adorable her little V is♡)
- WILD, oh oh goodness! Panam is a nomad. Her childhood was riding 4-wheelers, running through synthcorn, all that country kid stuff! So you KNOW she's bringing tiny V for wild (not dangerous!) rides in her vehicle, letting the warm outskirt air blowing their hair around as they zoom around!
- When she's working on her vehicle or other's cars, Panam will make tiny V her #1 helper! Aka: she has V hand her tools or check and see if the headlights are turning on, simple things that make V feel like they're being a huge help!!♡
- Panam also loves to bring V out of the tent at night to show V all the stars in the sky that night, telling them what each star means and pointing them out (then, she'll point to V and say "But my super star is riiiight here"♡)
- While out on nomad trips, Panam likes to find little toys or trinkets she think tiny V would like and gifts them to V ;w;
Aaa that's all i have for now!♡♡♡♡♡ (Panam is my favvvv character waaaa♡♡♡)
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lyllaotterofhalfworld · 5 months
Your platy dad au is very interesting and I kinda want to know the lore, how Perry adopted Phineas and Ferb. Why Linda and Lawrence aren't in the picture? What caused such a dramatic personality shift in the main cast? etc.
You don't have to answer this I'm just sending this so you know that I'm interested.
It's been such a a long time since I've shared any kind of lore for anything, so I'm a bit rusty, I even kinda suck at doing these, and I'm really sorry if it looks/is rushed but I really wanna answer 😭
Linda and Lawrence suddenly disappeared one day while on a date (but I will say they're not dead), the kids were home when it happened. And all of a sudden they were going be taken away- but it was also suspicious on how fast these "authorities" came, so Perry, having to give up his cover, took it upon himself to take the kids under his wing and adopt them so they wouldn't be separated and thanks to Doof (he's a good guy who still does inators for fun) for providing evidence that he can take care of the kids, and that Doof himself was raised by ocelots
It's Danville, no one really questions stuff much, so they just let him lmaoo
So the kids (including the gang, cuz they also know too much now) goes into a "OWCA protection" program, much to the dismay of Perry, but the kids needed some training cuz something fishy was going on, and were given assigned agents. Peter The Panda and Perry were off teaching the Flynn-Fletcher kids while the other agents dealt with the others- everything's turning alright. And it goes on after weeks of them all getting to know each other
Turns out Peter had been a snitch the entire time and has doing some shady things for someone in tri-state area, and that knowing and even finding out about this fact greatly upsets Phineas cuz he thought they were all friends and he gets his tooth busted by Peter so he can make a quick getaway and burning down bridges he made
This causes a total shift in Phineas' outgoing personality and snaps. With his parents disappearance and someone he thought was a friend betraying them and him being hurt- everything echoes and weight just piles down upon his shoulders
(The others like Isabella, Buford and Baljeet, weren't at all like the originals in the first place, they molded into their own thing- Buford and Baljeet kinda staying the same in a way??
With Candace and Ferb, they kinda also molded into their own thing, something opposite of their og, but I kinda based Platydad!Phineas on the original, snarky Phineas from the beginning and also gave some of that snark to Ferb as well xD)
I haven't thought about all this AU in forever, I've been meaning to get back to it but other fandoms have me in a chokehold and I haven't found the motivation yet ;v;
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grigori77 · 1 year
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 74
"Sweet Sam"? What is ... wait, what the bright blue FUCK is this? "Sweet Sam will FINISH HER!!! In court ..." Bloody hell ... oh gods not the teeth, please not the teeth ... and that's just destroying EVERYBODY ... dear gods Sam WHY?!!!
A human shark ... a Riegel shark ... what a horrible image ...
Awwwwww ... Bells Hells plushies! Liam: "Mine's size accurate!" XD Yeah ...
"Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match ..."
Oof ... TWO DAYS through this terrain? Ouch ...
Considering chancing teleportation? Okay ... boy it sure would be handy if THEY HAD A SPYGLASS ...
Fearne suggesting turning herself into one of those giant toads and carry them all in her mouth ... hmmmm ...
Yeah ... sounds like magic is probably OUT ...
Chetney: "I was trying to be enthusiastic." Laudna (laughing): "I can't tell with your crotchety tone."
Imogen Temult, walking bug-zapper ... XD
Turns out Fearne mostly just survives day by day by pure dumb luck ... O.O
Delilah back in Laudna's head becomes an excuse for Marisha swapping out Feats ... hmmmm ...
Translations ... creepy, somewhat haunting ones ... oof ... this can't be a good sign ...
Iffodola? Okay ...
Ah ... so it's the Oxnard of Exandria ...
Healthy volcanic jungle makes for vibrant environs ... "two layer fog"? Weird ...
Aaaaah ... Survival rolls ... 17 ... Nice ... and 24 Perception for Orym ... but of course ...
To the Beaten Path ... yeah, probably smart ... oh, trust the Changebringer? Guided Grace? Okay ... vibe check, then ... heads? Go that way then ...
Oh, a full-blown RAINFOREST ... okay then ...
Ah ... they're being followed? Big ass boars? No ... what the fuck was THAT thing? Hmmmm ...
Pass Without A Trace? But that would slow them down ... save it, we don't KNOW we're in danger ...
Roll a D6? Oh great ... what did you DO, Travis?
A river? Hmmm ... is it a problem, or ... what exactly IS going on with Chetney right now?
Stick check! Ooof ... okay, probably NOT a good idea ... oh yeah, that's right they DO have TWO Immovable Rods now ...
Chetney literally turns himself into a fishing gnome ... LOL
Ooh, a FISH!!! Nice ... is it a mutation? Seems not ...
Ashton wants Pate to do something? Interesting ... he wants him to BE BAIT?!!! Oh come on ...
Awwww ... wow, Pate's having an existential crisis right now and Laudna wants him go be tackle ... oh wow, this is gonna be interesting ... splash! Hmmm ... he's actually ENJOYING not being eaten "alive" bt piranhas ...
Wow ... is Laudna really about to do a tightrope walk right now? "Naruto RUN!!!" 7 ... oh boy ... and she's IN THE RIVER!!! That is a SHIT SHOT, Letters! Hmmm ...
Telekinetic Pull? Save your girlfriend, Imogen!
Ashton just jumps in to rescue her instead ... andhe REALLY didn't think this through, did he? Oh boy ... swim, barbarian! Swim!
Seedling to the rescue now? Oh, okay ... 21 for Dexterity? Of course he does ... meanwhile Ashton's now Raging ...
And now there's something coming out of the river after them now ... oh shit what the fuck is THIS?!!!
Some kind of freaky demon hippo? Oh for eff's sake ...
Stonky's Ring! Nice save, Fearne!
Crap ... here it comes ... and it's got YOUNG with it! Charming ...
FCG casts Speak With Animals ... "FUCK OFFFFFF!!!" Oh, that's a very unpleasant and cranky beast.
That was ... interesting ...
Oh, now Fearne is leading them? Hmmm ... is this really a good thing? Stop eating poop, Fearne ...
Matt: "Nothing is free." Yeah, clearly they're gonna pay for this somehow later ...
Night is coming ... time to find shelter ...
Fearne trying to remember how she made their little shelter last time ... oh, here we go ...
Nice cosy weird nature hovel ...
Baked fish? Hmmm ... FCG's faking it ... Imogen: "Why are you making it gross?" FCG: "Well I can just wipe it off."
Night falls and it's getting cold ...
Fish jerky, essentially ... charming ... and now his internals stink of fish ... "My hot holes are all fishy now."
Wow Sam Riegel has just made a joke that has LITERALLY made Matt Mercer WALK OUT ...
Crap ... WHY is Matt rolling?
Laudna is taking 9 points of Necrotic damage? From WHAT?!!!
Marisha: "Even though I'm a Hollow One?" Sam: "Oh, he didn't remember that."
Wait ... now LIAM is taking 3 points too?
What creepy ass fresh hell is THIS?!!!
Freaky little shadow imps? Oh that can't be good ...
Shadow Cant ... hmmmm ... oh shit, they understand that shit? That's not good ...
Oh, they want BODY heat ... great ...
Chill Touch? Okay ... 27 for an Attack Roll ... oh, she went up a level ... whoa, THREE Eldritch Blasts now, when she wants to? That should be fun ...
Okay, yes, kill the little fuckers ...
FCG calls on the Changebringer to Turn Undead ... oh yeah, that did it, looks like ...
Crap ... there's more outside? Oh, they're backing off? Hmmm ... HAVE THEY been scared off for good, or ...?
FCG suggests someone be a sacrificial lamb for the rest while they sleep ... hmmmm ...
Trying to concoct some deterrents, then ...
First watch for Laudna and FCG ... no real danger, at least ...
Next to Fearne and Imogen ... Imogen: "They're sad and cute ... I feel sorry for 'em."
Daybreak seems to have seen them off, at least ...
Now Chetney's sounding like he's writing a book ...
Another day's travel and they MIGHT make it to their destination ...
Orym is now riding on Fearne's shoulders as she leads the way. :3
I'm with all if you, what IS going on with Chetney right now?
Oh, he's being romantic? Hmmm ... she puts the flower in her hair. Cue cracks about potential brain parasites ... Ashton: "It's gonna be YOUR fault when she turns on us later."
The base of the mountain ... and there's a weird lake there ... hmmm ...
Weird ground ahead ... a trap? Hmmmm ... oh yeah, that's DEFINITELY suspicious ...
Laudna's sending Pate ... oh, the poor little bugger, not again ...
Grim Psychometry again! Okay ...
Good point, CAN THEY bypass it?
Imogen chucks a big stone in ... yup, there us DEFINITELY a trap here ... shit, it's like a big two level deadfall ... nasty ..
"Fish Cut Bass" ... oof ...
Ashley rolls a 30 on Survival ... wow ... Matt has to reveal EVERYTHING now ...
A shitload of traps, clearly ... apparently it's a reminder of Nana Mori ... O.O ... okay ...
Sam: "Matthew, is a tree an object or a creature?" Matt (with a particularly unsettling grin): "Depends on which tree." Okay then ...
Enquiring if any of this feels familiar to Ashton ...
FCG casts Find the Path using Ashton as the focus in order go find the Tree ... and it tanks. FCG: "You ruined my spell!"
Somebody's coming ...
Oh, so they have bows, and they are NOT friendly, looks like ... standoff ... hmmm ...
So, who are they? She speaks Common. Um ... yeah ... and now it's time for a break ...
Wow ... so what did they say to get THAT response out of him before we came back?
Orym very carefully shows them his satchel with the thing inside ... oh, so THIS is familiar ... Temu? Who's Temu, then?
Okay, this might be all right after all ...
Oh, they know who Jirana is, at least ... that's a good sign.
Ashton has to make a Persuasion Check with advantage ... 9? Oof ...
Oh, so they're allowed to go on at least, but without any help. Oh, they can return the rest of their stuff? Okay, that might make things easier ...
Oh, so that's it? Okay then ...
Laudna: "They seemed very done with us, thanks to Ashton." Hey, now ...
Imogen goes flying up looking for the Tree ... goes back down to fetch Orym to help her look ... much better Perception ... okay, here we go ...
Just flying about for a bit ... oh, so it's like z big fucking SINKHOLE ... yeah, looks like THAT'S a good bet for the location ... back down to the others, then.
Fearne leads the final trek ... to the hole. Cue nany cracks about moist and dark holes ... Matt: "I hate all of this." XD
Aha ... yep, looks like THIS is indeed the way to go ...
So it's a big, long, dark drop ... oh no, there's something down there, but not exactly anything they can really make out ...
The Shadow Realm? Seriously?
Testing the depth ... Laudna has to make a strength check ... Nat20? Holy crap ... wow, so that really IS deep ...
AGAIN considering sending Pate ... I'm with Imogen, they're getting really mean to him. Give the poor freaky bone rat a break, guys!
Wow ... it seems like Imogen's genuinely bonding with Pate now ...
They're genuinely considering just jumping in ...
Little carved Chetneys ... yeah, that's not weird at all ...
Asking the Changebringer if this is safe ... looks like it is ... okay ...
So YES on prepping Featherfall just in case ...
Oh, they're jumping ... yikes!
Something below ... DO IT NOW!!! AAAAAAHHH!!! Laudna casts Featherfall, Imogen flies, Fearne transforms into a shoebill ...
Leaves. Endless jet black leaves ... oh, it's the top of a massive tree. Okay then ...
Touchdown. Very roughly ...
I would feel very safe betting this is Evontravir, then ...
Ashton (to Chetney): "Don't chisel the tree."
Fearne flies down with Imogen carrying Laudna ... and they both get hit in the face by a branch on the way down, each taking THREE POINTS OF SLASHING DAMAGE?!!! Ouch ...
Just weird clutters of various objects scattered around the roots at the base ... weird ...
It is REALLY cold down here ...
Ah yes, the knotty prospect of getting the others down too ... hmmmm ...
Chetney's already climbing down, but the rest are staying put until told otherwise ... oh no, here comes Ashton too ...
Everybody starts singing "Somewhere Out There" from An American Tail ... XD
FCG's descent is ... chunky, but at least Orym makes it fairly smoothly ...
Oh, so these things are like OFFERINGS ... and from all over Exandria, too ...
Grim Psychometry on some random little carved wooden egg bear ... from a veteran soldier, left as a kind of sacrifice ... interesting ...
Detect Thoughts on the Tree ... and it's CONSCIOUS in a really ancient way ...
FCG casts Eagle's Splendour on Ashton as he goes to commune with the Tree ... and he cuts his hand snd presses it to the bark ...
Oh ... well THAT woke it up ... and now the Tree is MOVING ... snd now it has EYES for fuck's sake ... oh boy, that's actually a FACE ...
And now it's talking ...
Ashton: "I seek what is owed to me." Oh ... okay then ...
"As it was fated ..." Oh shit ... so this is all about Ashton's father ...
The Necropolis of Toramunda? A Shard of Kamort? What the fuck?
ASHTON was his destiny? But he couldn't see it because he was blinded by his own ambition? Whoa ...
So ... Ashton is offering Evontravir ... a toke from his pipe? O.O
Ashton: "Be a small man for a minute, you big fuck." LOL
Wow, they're actually doing it ...
Hundreds of people, running and caught, brought to the tree, and vanishing ... what the hell does that even mean?
Evontravir: "There are no nobodies that come this far to find me."
The strength of the Empress ... to restore the might of the Emperor? Okay then ...
It knows about the Solstice and everything it means ... whoa ... " I am the gate, and the boundary." Okay ...
Imogen: "How do we stop Predathos?"
They have to choose the fate of the gods?
Evontravir: "What do you believe in? What is right for this world?"
A shared vision ... a glow of endless red? Oh yeah, that has to be Predathos ...
Yeah, Matt is laying it on THICK with some seriously beautiful poetic metaphor ...
Ah, the Bloody Bridge, and the Moon ... "This is the path you have chosen." Ah ... yeah ...
Oh yeah, good point, Chet ... CAN Evontravir help them get where they need to be?
Damn it, what was THAT? Oh hello ... is that a portal in the tree? Oh! Yes, go, go NOW!!!
They all pile through ... freezing cold, snow ... the edge of a mountain range, mist in the distance ...
Okay, so they're still in the Shattered Teeth ... and now there's a sky whale floating by ... big cavern close by ...
And that's it for tonight ... meanwhile everybody's brains are EXPLODING wondering WHAT THE FUCK is really going on with Ashton ... yeah, same ...
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ideas-on-paper · 6 months
Monster Hunter Tri Diary, Part 5: Slaying Jaggi(a) & supplies for Kelbi horn medicine
For previous entries, search for #monster hunter tri diary
I've only realized now that "Moga Woods" is the proper name used in English instead of "Moga Forest". It's technically not that much of a difference, but I went back and edited it in my other entries to avoid confusion.
Also, I've summarized everything interesting from the villager conversations under "Village Talk".
Disclaimer: Text is paraphrased from my localization and might slightly deviate from the English version.
Quest: Farm Aid
Before starting out with the quest, I cleaned up my inventory a little. I threw out the harpoons and the BBQ spit, so now I only have potions, steaks, bugnets, and pickaxes in my bag. As for the whetstones, I know where to find those on the Deserted Island, so I can gather them myself if I need them.
I could already upgrade my Iron Sword+ into a Buster Sword, but since the second path with the Rugged Great Sword gives more damage and sharpness, I'll wait for now. (For the upgrade to the Rugged Great Sword, you need Great Jaggi Claws, so I'll have to hunt a Great Jaggi first.)
Head Farmer in the quest description: "A stubborn herd of Jaggi has infested my farm!" Hilariously, the actual quest is about hunting Jaggia, not Jaggi (if you don't take the subquest into account). I guess technically, Jaggia are just female Jaggi, but it's still a bit odd since the Head Farmer insisted they're having trouble with Jaggi.
"The vermin eats whatever it can find - roots and stuff like that." Whaaat? Now you're just pulling my leg - why should carnivorous bird wyverns eat roots? All of this seems kinda fishy somehow... (Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the Jaggi attacking the farm is just an excuse to get rid of them. Like the villagers were annoyed by the Jaggi, submitted some vaguely plausible reason to the Guild why they want them gone, and the Guild approved of it and made it into a quest.)
Man, these Jaggi got skills - one of them just attacked me, spun around in my direction and bit me! They must've been training while I wasn't looking.
When all the Jaggi in area 2 are dead, the Aptonoth return. Sweet - I guess they feel safe now that there aren't any carnivores around.
Jaggia are tough - I need so many hits with the Great Sword until they go down. Good thing I already upgraded it once!
It's cute how some of the small monsters share moves with their big counterparts. For example, the Jaggia have the same hipcheck as the Great Jaggi, in miniature format.
And there we go - kill quests are usually over pretty fast. xD Still, I always like to use the opportunity to snatch some other stuff from gathering spots as well. If you can't carry everything, make sure you at least pick up the stuff from the blue ones.
Return to Moga Village (day)
Head Farmer: "The Guild informed me you've taken care of the Jaggi herd. Nice of them to make it official and all that, but I rather would've liked a visit from the cute receptionist." Wait... Is that? This old geezer just was lovesick for the Guild Sweetheart (whatever you may think of that), so he made up a quest and hoped she’d come over? Jeez...
And then he just hands me some bomb casings as a reward. I mean, I'm grateful, but... How did you get these? Why do you even have them? Couldn't you have used them to make something to scare the Jaggi away yourself? (What are you hiding from me, Head Farmer?!)
And the biggest disappointment: I didn't even get any new Felynes (I would've at least expected that, since the Head Farmer claimed it would make them "feel better".) So basically, I just killed a bunch of Jaggi(a) because the Head Farmer wanted a date with the Guild Sweetheart he didn't get anyway. Great.
Btw, the "rarer" plants also cost more resources to cultivate. Waterblock Seeds cost 20 resource points per cycle, and Might Seeds cost 80 per cycle (in fact, if I were to cultivate Might Seeds for 3 cycles, it would use up all of my current resource points).
Out of curiosity, I carried the Poogie to my house before the last quest to see if it would stay there. Turns out it doesn't - I suppose I'll always have to go to the farm before setting out on quests to cuddle my Poogie, then. (Because even if it's just a rumor, we will religiously cuddle our Poogies to get that bonus chance for rare quest rewards.)
Also, I bought the first Book of Combos from the item shop. The irony is that when I had the book in my box, I actually failed to combine a Bugnet once and an Iron Pickaxe twice. xD (Considering this, it's almost miraculous how I managed to combine an iron pickaxe in the field twice, with just 75% success.)
Quest: Prescription Pick-Up
For the purpose of this quest, I'll bring along my Sword & Shield again so I can stun the Kelbi (even upgraded it once for a little more damage output). Also, I threw out the potions for now, since the first-aid meds should be enough and the Kelbi most likely aren't going to tear me to pieces.
Medicine Man: "Congestion, back aches, performance anxiety - my patients are going to the dogs! Two Kelbi horns would cure all of them." I thought Kelbi horns only helped against stomach problems. Now they're said to work against back aches and psychological stress as well? What kind of wonder drug is this?
Guild Sweetheart: "Come back safe and sound, alright?" Aww, don't worry - I will. :-)
I only realized now that you actually get 5 first-aid meds from the supply box instead of the usual 3. Very generous.
You only get Warm Pelts if you slay the Kelbi. Makes sense, since you can't skin them without killing them.
However, stunning them also adds to the kill count, apparently? (At least the Kelbi I stunned were counted as "kills" for the subquest.)
There are lots of Kelbi in area 7. Time to farm some Kelbi horns for my own stock, now that I've got the two required for the quest safely in my bag. (As the Guild teaches us: Never help someone without taking something for yourself.)
If you hurt the female Kelbi, they just try to run away. Meanwhile, if you attack the male Kelbi, they actually fight back. I guess that's because male Kelbi are more aggressive when provoked? (They are MH's deer, after all.)
After farming some horns and materials from the Kelbi (and probably almost driving the Moga Woods’ population to extinction), I'm gonna do my usual round to gather some items for extra cash. (The Red Coral Stones you find in the underwater areas are - as their description says - a great way to make quick money. You almost always get some from piles of bones strewn across the ocean floor, so you can easily get a stack of ten which is worth a good sum.)
Funnily enough, touching the tentacles of the jellyfish (like swimming below them) doesn't do any damage.
Contrary to their description as "submissive herbivores" that "panic when danger is present", the Epioth defend the other members of their flock if you attack them! (They'll give you one swipe with the tail, then swim away.)
If you're fighting close to the surface and the camera is positioned outside the water, the fighting sounds are actually muffled. I gotta say, that's a really cool detail!
If you stay around for a bit, you can watch the Epioth grazing on the ocean floor. Their description does say they "subsist on water grasses and moss", so I suppose they're something like the manatees of the MH world.
Another thing that's great about the subquests is that especially during the early game, they're a great way to earn some extra money. I've got 1100 zenny from the total quest reward, as opposed to just 500 from the main quest. (Plus 2450 zenny from all the account items I gathered.)
Village Talk
Guild Sweetheart: "How's the hunt going? I was super busy around here. Taking a walk, yoga... Oh, and I played with the piglet on the farm. Such a cute thing! Yeah, this was really an exhausting day." Yeah, relaxing is really a tough job. (Also, Idk, but it's hilarious to me that she seems to go to the farm pretty regularly. So, you know, it shouldn't be such a rare thing for the Head Farmer to see her?)
I gotta say though, the Head Farmer gives off serious grandpa vibes. He just forgot about what the special fertilizer does and says "I'm getting too old for this..." xD Maybe you should just start drawing your pension, eh?
Village Chief: "Hold on! Don't say anything. I can read it in your face: "She wants me to pluck mushrooms!""  Well, he obviously knows how things work in the Hunter's Guild... xD
"Don't forget that the Lagiacrus out there is still a danger. You never know when it shows up and... HELP, BEHIND YOU! Haha, just kidding, hunter!" Very funny.
"Everything can happen on a hunt, so you've got to be ready for anything." Perfect summary of Monster Hunter, actually. (However, more often than not, "be ready for anything" actually means "be ready for all kinds of exceptionally stupid coincidences".)
The Chief tells us that the farm is situated on a "cliff near the village". That actually makes sense, since you can see a panorama of Moga in the background at the farm's entrance; so, it can't be in the immediate vicinity of the village. Still, since there doesn't seem to be a path directly connecting the village and the farm, I wonder if they also go there by boat?
"The Outfitter only thinks about the ultimate weapon. If there really was something like an ultimate weapon, of course every hunter in the world would use it. Actually, it's only about preferences. Somewhere out there, there's the ideal weapon for YOU, and that one you have to look for!" Nicely said. Everyone has a different playstyle, so the weapon which is ideal for you might be entirely unfitting for someone else. It goes even farther than that, too: The definition of "ideal" is literally different for every person, so although it might sound cheesy, you really have to listen to your heart and do what's fulfilling to you.
Chief's son: "These torches from the fireplace are for the villagers, but... It's too dangerous bringing them into the village. Do you want to burn everything down?" Would you care to tell me, then, why there's a large torch standing right behind you?
"These buzzing Bnahabra are so annoying." Oh, trust me, they're not nearly as bad as the Vespoids from the 1st and 2nd gen. The Vespoids paralyze you, like, with every second sting - until now, the Bnahabra haven't paralyzed me once. (Tbh, I have a feeling the Bnahabra might be the response to MH fans raging over the Vespoids; so, Capcom just decided to make something like a "Vespoid light".)
Item vendor: "You can use barrel bombs underwater, too. A triumph of science!" Now that you mention it: It actually is noteworthy that you can use barrel bombs underwater. Back in Freedom Unite, you literally couldn't use them if it was raining in the jungle at night. Considering that Large Barrel Bombs are made with gunpowder, this actually makes sense, since gunpowder won't ignite if it's wet. I suppose they finally figured out how to put the gunpowder in a waterproof capsule, then.
"A Needleberry works wonders against stress at acupuncture points." So Needleberries are used for acupuncture - nice to know.
Gossip Lady: "Whenever monsters get to close to the village, we scare them with bombs." Since you're all so adamant about not bringing any torches/fire into the village, the same would probably go for bombs. So, if they're blowing up any bombs, they're most likely doing near the entrance to the village in area 1 (where you start out if you go hunting in the Moga Woods).
So, the Gossip Lady tells me about stunning Kelbi to cut off their horns (a little late, but thanks anyway), and there's a little pun at the end where she says "You don't know if the Kelbi are "down" for it? I don't get it." (Funny that she doesn't seem to understand any wordplays aside from her own. xD) I'm not sure if my translation above is accurate, but this line is actually pretty funny in my localization: It uses an idiom that means "up for it", but the literal translation of the word would be "buck", as in roebuck (the closest English adjective I can find to it is "horny", but that has kind of a different implication... xD).
Smith: "All products that leave my artisan shop have a hundred years gurantee!" Well, I hope so - I'll make sure to hold you to it.
"Be careful about storing iron equipment! It rusts in the salty wind!" I believe that - also, it's gonna make the job of my Felyne housekeeper so much easier if I take good care of it myself.
Chamberlyne: "I make your bed every day so you can always take a nap. And then there's the laundry and cleaning everything up... You're lucky that Felynes love cleanliness!" You know, if it was up to me, you'd get a medal for "employee of the month". Housekeeping may not be the most popular job, but without the help of our trusty Felyne, our daily routine would most likely be a mess. (That Felynes love cleanliness is kinda a cute detail, though; it definitely shows they're cats. xD)
"Did you see the large windmill over there? It's my job to repair it if it's broken. Quite a lot of work." What?! Not only is the Felyne charged with doing all the housekeeping for me, they're also obliged to step in as a construction worker if need be? Seriously, give this kitty a break...
Meanwhile, I can't afford to take a break since I still have some quests to do. Next time, there's gonna be some more aquatic action when we tackle the Sunken Treasures and Goldenfish quests. See ya then!
To be continued
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fff777 · 7 months
watched chenji's this and that season 3 episode 1
Look at these tiny ass shears in Jisung's hand
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Getting a tutorial about strawberry picking
These guys are so cottagecore with their soft looking outfits and baskets lol
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Getting scared off by the bees lol
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Chenle getting an idea about them doing beekeeping and collecting honey for another episode with all the bees buzzing around
Famous last words XD He really is screaming more than usual XD
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So Chenle's saying that he wasn't scared of bees before but he learned that some bees can be poisonous so now he's scared XD
Omg Jisung singing while picking strawberries uwu He's definitely the kind of guy to sing to plants because he thinks it helps their growth lol
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Aw they're going to make strawberry cake! <3
Now they're going to make strawberry milk :3
Why would you say something like that? Unless?? (The context was that Chenle was making sure not to waste the strawberry juice and Jisung said that his mom would be impressed)
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Getting cocky now, are we?
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While they're filming this, they're talking about going to get porridge afterwards with the staff lol.
Chenle likes 飯焦
My guy is straight up just checking out the menu while Jisung is still working on his strawberry milk
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Lol the video was supposed to be about picking strawberries but they got too excited about having porridge :P I wonder if this new season is going to be like that, with more vlog-like content than focusing solely on activities.
Jisung continuously trying to convince Chenle that they should get the chicken and Chenle continuously saying no
Of course it's because he's being a little shit
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Jisung my boy, how does your brain work
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Competitive ass
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So Haechan and Chenle have similar food tastes
I love deep fried oyster so this looks good (Side note, is it just me, or is Chenle starting to speak more cutely?)
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So Jisung doesn't like oysters for the fishy taste
MBTI science session
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Jisung the poet
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Did Chenle just join the Dream space gang? Chnnle was talking about how the only thing faster than the speed of light is the rate at which the universe grows, and Jisung was adding that because of that, Earth can never leave the Solar System. Universe mates now have a population of 3 >3
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Chenle says that TDS3 is going to physically demanding but not so mentally demanding and Jisung agreed that he wasn't that nervous! They're growing~
Not so cool now XD
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caeloservare · 1 year
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name : -
nickname / s : Herami. That's like my default nickname. The other I tend to use is Kira and ngl former guild master of one silly game used diminutive Kircia and I like it so much? It's so cute! (pronounced as... Keer-chya? probably. I'm bad at typing Polish pronounciation in English. Also now I'm curious how people pronounce Herami)
height : 150 cm or 4'11"
nationality : Polish
favorite fruit : hmmmm watermelons? I also have much love for specific kind of blueberry
favorite season : summer! I love all of them, but summer wins
favorite scents : Pelargonium graveolens I got a new one and it bloomed!
favorite color / s : lime green? that fresh, warm and almost yellow, so full of life green
favorite animals : don't make me pick one ;; dogs? birbs? cats? fishies? bats? everything that lives with a few exceptions?
tea , coffee , hot cocoa : TEA!
average hours of sleep : 7,5 h You'd think my brain would work better but seems it just tires easily xD
when my blog was created : oh boy- 10th May 2020
no. of followers : 232 .....what- ...okay, I'm not blocking deactivated people nor personals so that sure makes the number go much higher but-.... what
random fact : I have a favourite tree and no one ever asks about favourite trees :c Flowers this, flowers that, where's the love for trees? It's weeping willow
favourite food : my mom's chicken soup, pea soup and pancakes (crepes with... filling. Don't make me try to translate it)
favourite t.v. show : right now? Arcane. But I'm also watching The Glory and boy oh boy it's brutal but it rocks. Also I have undying love for Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist and ATLA
favourite movie : Lord of the Rings. I love many more but this trilogy is special
favourite vine : 🎶suck a dick, suck a dick, suck a mother fucking dick~
sexuality : :'D
pronouns : she
favourite book series : The Discworld. I should go the library and hunt down something I haven't read yet from it
favourite video game / s : Assassin's Creed II. I'm very sentimental about it. All Bioware's RPGs.
favourite subject : I'd say physics. It's beautifully logical, but maths in it kills me
guys or girls : Pizza!
last time i cried : last week
hair color : "dark cold blonde". I had to ask hairdresser xD No, it's not yellow blonde, but they're too light to count as brown and I'm pleased about it. They're getting darker tho ;; and gray too
what i should be doing : writing my silly little fanfic instead of just thinking about it. Also grab a sweater, my arms are cold
favourite fandoms : Goncharov ...I don't think I have one. Each fandom has it's bright and dark sides and after some time I luckily remember mostly the good things.
tagged by: @alaikhadal thank you, dear <3
tagging: @weissqween @mythunderlegion @storiedhistories @candlewick-corporation @kuokuana + @YOU! :D
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quilleth · 5 months
I was going to say now that a cat isn't using my arm as a pillow i can post an unboxing for the dream valley vanora head, but freya decided to nap on me again xD (it's ok she's older--14 this month!-- and her health's not very good so she can use my arm as a pillow if she wants). i just need to type one handed i guess lol
so the reason the box felt so hefty when it arrived? is because this is what the box for the head looks like! cushioned and padded inside and that black outer is fabric! like damn this is a NICE box y'all (featuring uninterested inspector #2)
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She came with a postcard print of Adria and one of Vanora, and the COA (also really nice. like wow dream valley lure me in with nice boxes and holo coa printing! unfortunately they're not releasing the body as a human body so i probably won't actually be getting more from them, but never say never!)
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She also came with a nice pair of eyes that sadly, won't work for anyone I need eyes for and couldn't get a nice picture of, but they're a pretty purpley grey
My lack of spatial reasoning strikes again because i thought these ears were a LOT smaller xD I almost feel bad that i'll just be using them to test dye formulas
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The Dream Valley White is a warm toned white more like a cream color as opposed to the paper white from Loongsoul (and Ringdoll and Charm Doll I hear, though I don't have any white dolls from them). I'll have to keep that in mind when I look at dye formulas.
These ears are SO cute! I don't think the 1/4 bunny girls have the same detailing on their elf ears, but the new jellyfish girl does i think. I think this could be really fun to paint for my Vanora, since she is a genasi and I usually draw her with some pink/ coral on her ears (like fishy fins without actually giving her more fin like ears)
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I apparently have a thing for sculpts with slightly open smiles like this xD Idk i just think it's cute! and it matches the first dollmaker thing I made of my Vanora.
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She also has a cute profile!
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now I just need to figure out a body for her. Interestingly, she's listed as having an 8.6 cm neck, but when i was looking at her it seemed larger, so I thought I'd see if she could fit the 62cm Loongsoul boy body which has a 9.4 cm neck. Her head fits fine and moves ok on it, but the aesthetics don't look good to me (the neck looks too thick, and obvs it's a boy body), which is good to know and keep in mind when looking at bodies for her! Some of the 60-65 cm girls have like 9.5+ cm necks, so I'll know to avoid those ones. Also it was just generally funny xD Her head is 21.5 cm and Bai Jue (dollhua) is like 19, so it's definitely a shift in aesthetics in my bunch I'd say xD
The only thing making me waffle about it (other than there not being muscle bodies in the 60cm ish range) is that i could (should?) get a body for her and figure all that out now, or I could get a head for Faolan now and try placing a custom order for their bodies through Resinsoul at the same time (cen for him and asking if they could do a custom muscular girl body like i've seen them do with their 1/4 dolls before). The latter would potentially save me needing to dye as much (easier to request a custom body color to match the dyed head than try to dye a head to match i think) and potentially be a bit cheaper, but if i get her sorted now, then i can customize her and potentially have better luck getting a switch head in milktea rose for him if i find one i like second hand or get really lucky and they rerelease Ryuzo again. Most of the dolls i've got bookmarked for him second hand are normal resin, so I'd have to dye them a light tan. Which i don't mind per se, but also milktea rose and ryuzo are really pretty xD But if I don't get something for him now...then the heads i do have marked might sell by then...and then i have to find another option! There is one head that's tan that I have bookmarked, but it has a pretty faceup already and I'd feel bad wiping it :/
Decisions are hard ><
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cactus-stories · 3 years
Hey so if requests are open, can you please do headcanons for how the brothers will behave if they got cursed and became children? How they'll react when MC tries to babysit them basically. They'll retain their memories (lol) but still they're like smol beans now so they can't move around as easily? XD. It's completely fine if you can't. <3 Have a great day!
Oh, that's adorable, sure! I'll do my best, hope you like it!
Fluff || MC x Brothers || TW: none
He wants to do everything alone, he's a big boy, MC! He can do it!
Spoiler alert: he can't do it. Please help him.
Will want to boss his brothers around, but no one takes him seriously, now he's throwing a temper tantrum, MC to the rescue.
Will only fall asleep if you sing him a lullaby, but he's too stubborn to tell you what he wants, so you'll have to find out.
Please pick him up, MC. He likes to feel tall! Will want to sit on your shoulders and watch all his brothers from there.
Cuddles closer to you when he falls asleep, but don't mention it in the morning or he'll cry from embarassment.
Wants to be next to you 24/7. MC is HIS and HIS ALONE, stay away Asmo!!
Loved when you pick him up or sit down next to him so he can crawl into your lap. Will deny liking it when you point it out, but you can see how his whole face become a cute shade of red.
Wants all of the toys for him, it doesn't matter that he doesn't even like horses all that much, he wants all of them!!
Will bring you any trinkets he finds on the ground. That button he found under the couch? Yours. That candy wrapper that Beel forgot to throw away? Yours. Sometimes he even finds some spare cash, and he always gives it all to you! (Okay maybe he ate a coin or two in the process, but you don't need to know that)
Imagine all the energy he has now, multiply it by ten, that's him as a kid. He wants to do EVERYTHING, please, don't hang on the chandelier! Mammon, you know you're not supposed to go there! STOP TRYING TO PLAY WITH CERBERUS HE WILL EAT YOU.
Will be the second one to fall asleep when the night comes, especially if you're giving him attention at the time. Play with his hair as he falls asleep and he'll be happily sucking on his thumb while scooting closed.
One of the easiest ones to take care of, if you know how to. Give him some colouring books or some phone games and he'll be happy on his own.
Will get jealous if you spend too much time giving attention to the others, but listening to him talk about his game or the nice picture he was colouring, naming all of the characters and creating silly stories will for sure bring him back go a good mood.
Is mesmerized by his own fish tank. The glowing jelly fishes are enough to get him to sit in front of it all day, and he loves chatting with Henry 2.0. Just don't leave him with the fish food, he doesn't know how much to put and we don't wanna put Henry 2.0 in danger, do we?
Loves to play pretend with you, will be trying to recreate a cool scene he saw on an anime, without the balance or size necessary, so stay close! He's prone to injuring himself while he's playing because of that!
Gets overwhelmed easily when he's with too much people, so he would rather stay in his room. Loud noises and everyone around him makes him anxious.
Falls asleep in his demon form, sucking on his own tail, sometimes he mumbles something about fishies but is overall pretty quiet.
Will bring you books for you to read to him. You suggest some child books and fairy tales, but to your surprise he comes back holding Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None", an expectant shine on his eyes.
The only kid's book he'll allow you to read to him is "They All Saw a Cat" by Brendan Wenzel. He's always happy at the end and will beg you to read it to him again some other time.
If the other kids start fighting he's the first one to try and separate them, but it usually ends up leading to him getting involved and fitting them both in the end. Please don't let him get close to any fights!
Has a few plushies that he cuddles with when he falls asleep, but has one in specific that he takes everywhere. A purple unicorn with big blue eyes, it's not something you'd have guessed, but it's his favourite anyways.
Sometimes he stays with Levi in his room, watching the fish tank and playing pretend while making up stories. They almost never fight, and when they do, he's the first to come to you for help in how to apologize.
Sleeps hugging his plushie, on his bed, surrounded by books and random objects he found interesting, almost like a nest.
He likes playing pretend like you guys are princesses! Will even ask for a dress and for you to do his hair all cute and full of accessories!
Will come to you asking for a manicure and pic all the colours of the rainbow, excitedly talking about anything and everything that comes to mind, especially if it's something he saw his brothers do.
If you paint your nails to match his he'll cry from happiness, he just gets overwhelmed sometimes, much like Levi, so please give him a few minutes and a sip of water so he can calm down.
Will try and rope his brothers into playing with him, being knights, servants or princes, but they almost never do, so he's stuck playing with you.
If he gets a hold of your phone you can expect s thousand different selfies, all blurred and unfocused, of his cute little face.
Falls asleep only if you're close to him, sprawled in the bed all cute, in his demon form, with his wings fluttering lightly.
He's one of the easiest to manage. Of course, he's really strong for a toddler, and he's committed to chewing every single piece of furniture in the house, but he's also a really obedient sweetheart.
Give him some candy! Bake for him! Small Beel trying to help out while you make cookies for everyone, only to end up eating most of the chocolate chips and crying afterwards because he feels bad. Comfort him and always be prepared with a hidden extra batch of whatever you're making!
When he's not eating, he's either snuggling up to Belphie or helping his brothers on his antics. Will absolutely lift Asmo up so he can look at himself in the mirror to apply his princess makeup.
Very open with his feelings, expect lots of "thanks, MC! You're really nice!"'s and "Youre the best, MC!"'s. Will hug you at the most random times, nuzzling his face into your legs, a soft buzzing heard from behind him as his wings get more and more agitated.
Is almost always on his demon form, wings buzzing happily, sounding almost like a toy helicopter with how fast they move. Will try to tone it down if you ask, but sometimes when he's too excited they get out of control.
Loves watching movies with his brothers, mostly for the snacks, but also because he loves being around all of them, and having you in the middle is a really nice bonus!
He's asleep 90% of the time. And that would probably make him the easiest to take care of, if it wasn't for the fact that he falls asleep in the most random places.
Searching for Belphie around the house is almost a game to you guys at this point! Satan once found him levitating right above one of the skulls that decorate the dining room.
Is one of the clingiest ones when he's awake, demanding your attention in the most passive aggressive ways. Actively holding your hand and placing it on his hair for you to pet it.
Can always sleep through the noise of Beel's wings buzzing, no matter how loud. It's a good thing though, that his tail has a soft end that he can use to muffle the sound a bit.
Always on demon form, much like his twin. Bumping you softly with his horns when he wants something, rail swishing lazily as he holds his pillow and asks you to help him get to the attic.
Tries to help you and Beel make the food, but always falls asleep midway. It's okay, though, you always save him a plate, and he doesn't eat much anyways.
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redorich · 4 years
(Hermit Canyon AU)
Eventually, the Hermit seems to get attached to Puffy. It makes sense- it's been trading gifts with her for months now, and has even shown itself to her a few times, albeit while invisible.
The other SMPers don't think much of it at first. The more curious members ask Puffy questions about The Hermit sometimes, but she knows little, so they quickly give up. Occasionally someone will try to explore the ridiculously trapped town, but they give up once it's obvious they're not getting in.
The trades grow more and more valuable, and one day Puffy opens her barrel to find a beacon, and enough iron to fully power it. She's stunned, naturally. To think the Hermit is so capable it can kill a Wither just to give a beacon away- she can barely believe it.
(In actuality, they cheesed it on the Nether roof, but she doesn't know that)
She does try to hide it, but word gets around, and after another few failed raids on the town (and some rumours that the Hermit can teleport), things settle down again, as much as they can on the SMP.
Then someone steals Puffy's beacon. {You decide who, because I. don't actually watch DSMP, admittedly.}
Puffy, naturally, is devestated- she can't imagine the work the Hermit put into getting it for her in the first place (the most time-consuming thing was getting the Wither skulls, and it wasn't even that bad). But there's not really much she can do, so she carries on.
Except, the next day, the thief wakes up to find their house full of chickens, Puffy's beacon missing, and every single empty space in their chests filled with strategically renamed light grey stained glass panes.
They go outside to find the entire contents of a cave spider spawner on their front lawn. Alongside a ravager. With speed potions. Renamed Pamela's Revenge.
(Cue half the SMP trying to find out who Pamela is)
Puffy, meanwhile, wakes to find her beacon back in its rightful place, and a beautifully terraformed garden outside her house (Scar accidentally detonated a creeper and naturally had to fix the hole...and then went a little overboard. But it's fine.)
op i want you to know that i considered just posting your ask, because it’s already So Good and practically a fic on its own, but i really wanted even more content so i wrote it myself. ANYWAY here’s sapnap’s terrible horrible no good very bad day xD
It’s risky, doing anything on the wide open Nether roof where anyone can see. Hell, using a beacon at all is risky for the Hermits. Still, they’ve got all sorts of farms and copious amounts of materials at their fingertips. They’re past early game, stuck in mid-game while they wait for Etho to scope out more locations, while they build the second Upside Down (which Grian has named the Upside-ier Down), while they build their joint bases miles out from civilization. 
Having a beacon would make the process faster, they reason to themselves. They certainly aren’t risking being discovered just because they’re bored and getting a beacon is an excuse to do something. And hell, Tango made that giant, super-efficient wither skeleton skull farm right next to his double blaze spawner farm, so they might as well mass-produce Nether stars by killing multiple Withers. It’s not that difficult.
On another note, it’s after they gift Puffy one of their many beacons, in addition to a kit of iron blocks for powering the beacon that the Hermits realize that while their gifts are increasing in expense, Puffy’s are... not. So, if Puffy’s around average in the Dream SMP economy, they’ve figured out where most players meet their limit. She hasn’t stopped dropping by, though, which is nice. Her gifts become increasingly handmade, in lieu of upping the ante on material wealth. The Hermits suppose that hand-crafted items have a value that extends past money. Each and every one of them has something that she’s made for them, whether it be a shawl, a blanket, a set of earrings, a bracelet, or a pair of socks.
Apparently the beacon is more of a Big Deal than the Hermits thought. After all, the rainbow castle has several. However, the Hermits realize that they’ve been shortsighted. While it is true that the rainbow castle has several beacons, the castle is the only place that they’ve seen any beacons.
Sapnap steals the beacon. He doesn’t particularly need it, but he wants it, and stealing is fun. Maybe if he’s lucky, he’ll even start another minor war over it. He hasn’t fought Puffy very much. He wonders if she can put up a good fight.
Puffy’s-- not distraught, but she’s upset. That was a gift from the Hermit, a friend who she’s been pulling out of its shell. She doesn’t have much use for a beacon, but then again, neither does Sapnap; he’s just a dick. Just in case, Puffy leaves a note with the rest of the items she leaves in her barrel:
Dear Hermit,
I’m very sorry for losing the beacon you gave me. I made the mistake of keeping it in a normal chest instead of an Ender chest, so Sapnap stole it. I should have seen that coming. I’ll try to get it back, but if I don’t, please know that I didn’t throw it away.
Thank you,
Sapnap wakes up in the middle of a lake. His mattress is floating, and when he tries to paddle back to shore (once he’s done screaming), the mattress tips over and he receives an unpleasant fishy wakeup call. He trudges into his house for a shower, and finds that the showerhead, as well as all his faucets, have been stuffed with ramen noodle seasoning. 
He looks in his chests for a bucket of water. The first chest he checks is not only full of light gray glass, but also trapped. When he opens it, pufferfish fall out of the ceiling and bounce around. He dies to their poison twice before they finally die. The next chest he opens also has light gray glass, no water buckets, and a trap. This one, though, only releases a metric fuckton of chickens into his house. It’s fine. This is fine.
As he looks through his chests, he realizes something. They’ve got glass in them, sure, and they’ve been raided of water buckets, but... the beacon is gone. None of his other items, like enchanted netherite tools or literal diamond blocks, have been stolen. Just Puffy’s beacon.
Whoever pranked him missed a bucket, so he promptly dumps it over his head in an effort to smell less like pond scum and spicy chicken noodles. It takes the whole day to get his base back in order: he’s got to clean out all the faucets, empty all the glass from his chests, throw out all the dead pufferfish, and slaughter chickens by the dozens.
He can’t sleep. Are you fucking kidding. He can’t sleep. A soft hiss catches his attention, only audible now that the quiet of night has fallen. Is there somehow an unlit cave under his base?
Nope. As he steps outside onto his front lawn, he sees a daylight detector near the door that he missed when he came inside this morning. The daylight detector seems to have released approximately fifteen bajillion cave spiders onto his lawn, and they’re all angry, so he shuts the front door in their faces and goes back inside. That’s a problem for tomorrow’s him.
Horns spear the wall right next to where Sapnap was standing five seconds ago. He yelps. What the fuck is a ravager doing on his front porch? And why the FUCK does it have speed potion particles?!
<Sapnap was slain by Pamela’s Revenge>
<Sapnap was slain by Pamela’s Revenge>
<Sapnap hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape Pamela’s Revenge>
<Sapnap was slain by Cave Spider>
<Sapnap was slain by Pamela’s Revenge>
<Georgenotfound> who is pamela’s revenge
<Sapnap> ;RVAER
<Sapnap> HELP
<Sapnap was slain by Pamela’s Revenge>
<Georgenotfound> good night sapnap :)
<Sapnap was slain by Pamela’s Revenge>
<Georgenotfound> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Puffy sees a whole lot of nonsense in the chat when she wakes up in the morning, and promptly decides to ignore it. She goes about her morning as usual, heading out to her front porch to sip a cup of coffee in peace. 
She... has a garden now. Hm. That wasn’t there before. And come to think of it, neither was the beacon she lost.
“Thanks, Hermit,” she says with a smile.
Stress sips a cup of tea, having breakfast in Grian’s rustic sitting room with a few of her fellow Hermits.
“D’ya think we went overboard?” she says.
“...Nah,” Cub says.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Pre-ROK, one of the S4 alphabets gets tricked into doing a multi-level marketing "business" all because they saw someone advertising all the health benefits of some of the products and thought it would help Fushimi. Now, they don't know how to get out of it and they owe a lot of money to pay for the start-up stock items, so they have to ask Fushimi for help and they don't know how to explain it. Bonus points if it's late at night and a rare night that Fushimi fell asleep early for once.
Trying to convince Fushimi to buy it all in order to get them out of trouble and Fushimi's like 'have fun being poor' XD Maybe it was well-meaning though, like imagine Hidaka sees this thing advertised that supposed to be like some super healthy meal substitute plan. Hidaka at first thinks it sounds fishy but then it also seems like it could be helpful for Fushimi-san doesn't it, like it's sort of a healthier version of Caloriemate and maybe this is something Fushimi could eat that would be quick but would solve some of his nutritional deficits. Hidaka thinks well maybe he could just buy a couple and attempt to convince Fushimi to try them, what he doesn't realize until it's too late is that this is actually one of those MLM scams and suddenly he has a bunch of product that he needs to sell and a bunch of money that he has to pay in order to just break even.
Poor Hidaka's in despair, both for being broke but also now he feels like this stuff probably isn't even that healthy and even the initial reason he bought it is now moot. He isn't sure what to do and maybe he thinks well, Fushimi-san might be able to give me some advice (he's too embarrassed to tell Munakata and Awashima, hoping that Fushimi at least will understand his good intentions and be kind. Even Hidaka is aware that this is a fool's hope). He supposes if he can catch Fushimi while working maybe he can like mention it in an offhand manner but of course for once Fushimi's gone to bed early and now poor Hidaka gets to be mortified knocking on Fushimi's door. Fushimi isn't very pleased about being woken up and Hidaka almost goes 'never mind' and runs off but Fushimi's already irritably told him to spit it out so Hidaka takes a deep breath and explains.
Fushimi listens to Hidaka explain how he got into debt with a MLM scheme and just clicks his tongue, wondering why Hidaka did something so stupid. Hidaka's all chastened like I know I know I just thought maybe it would help you out a little. Fushimi looks up at that, Hidaka didn't mention that part initially. Hidaka says he wanted to find a way to help Fushimi eat a little healthier, he always looks so pale and they're all worried about him, he knows he should have done more research but he was so excited to find the perfect thing and that was pretty stupid wasn't it. Fushimi snorts like yes it was but then as Hidaka dejectedly turns to go Fushimi's like 'I'll handle it.' Hidaka glances back and Fushimi mumbles at him not to worry about it, Fushimi will handle it. Hidaka brightens instantly and tries to thank him, Fushimi just waves him off. The next day it turns out the debt has been canceled and Hidaka's super happy, Fushimi's just like don't do stupid things in my name again. (Later the squad are discussing how Fushimi got rid of Hidaka's debt and Fushimi overhears, muttering it was easy he just hacked into the MLM's main computing system and messed with their files. The squad all exchange glances like okay but that's illegal, Fushimi just shrugs like should I put it back and Hidaka's all no it's fine I guess, maybe a little oddly happy that Fushimi did something illegal for him.)
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tinytinybumblebee · 11 months
oooh! so strange how they just ended off ofmd at ep 6... i wonder why??? so strange, but i have random hcs on what the kiddos on the revenge would fixate on!! (+ ages too!! :>)
Eddie (ages 1 - 4): squids, dolls and beaches
- squids: oooh, eddie just loves squids!! mostly because mama stede calls him 'little squid', and that he finds them so silly! they just swim in such a strange way? eddie wants to try!! so now he swims like a squiddy XD and he reads lots of books about fishies and squids ;u; (and him and fang and izzy are all just sitting around each other and info dumping about each others favorite sea creatures ;u;)
- dolls: it was one day when he saw a vintage doll sitting on a shelf while the crew was out getting supplies at land. and he got super duper small, like he wanted the dolly. and mama stede ofc saw this and brought it for eddie, and then as a little surprise before bed, boom!! that same doll eddie stared at all that time ago!! now he carries it everywhere whenever he's tiny, and he dresses her into different outfits (that mama stede sewed up for him, because he wanted the same outfits mama stede had for his doll ;u;)
- beaches: oooh! i know he loves those beaches!! just sitting on the soft sand on a hot summers day really gets eddie all fuzzy and small :> (and as a kiwi living in nz, i feel as to say he would love the beaches here :>)
Izzy (ages 0 - 3): dress up, singing and whales
- dress up: oooh, he definitely got this from mama stede. but especially after ep 6, singinf with wee john all dressed up and had all that pretty makeup on, ooh!! now its a normal thing to dress up and wear such sparkly makeup!!
- singing: this is also from ep 6. :> izzy just love love loveeees singing now. with fang's ukelele playing, tiny izzy is just babbling up a storm!!! oooh!! he just loves to sing now and wants everyone to listen ;u;
- whales: i feel from when he carved out that wooden whale and gave it to lucius, he just adores whales (as a past whale fixator, he suits it to me so shhh) and hes always just sitting and reading a book about whales, or staring out at sea, hoping to see one :0
Fang (ages 1 - 5): fishes (mostly starfish and octopus), ukelele and swiming (+ just anything ocean related tbh)
- fishies: oooh!! from ep 5, he just love love loveees fishies and sea creatures!! especially the starfish and octopus. his whole little room is fishy themed!! just spoilt with so many little trinkets and baby stuff that stede gets him ;u;
- ukelele: ooh ooh ooooh!! he has this ukelele that hes had since he was little, its just a wooden uke with little painted fishies and tropical things on it to remind him of the beach ;u;
- swiming: oooh!! swiming so so much fun for fang!! he just adores everything related tk the sea, sitting out on the ship to see the pretty sea, or just splashing in water, but swimming is just his favorite!! and on the beach too!! and then he finds that eddie likes the beach too??? yay!! they can swim together!! :0
Jim (ages 4 - 7): storytime, painting, halloween
- storytime: oooh- jimmy just loves to make up tales, or share their own stories of their past, but with less scary parts of course. but it makes jimmy look like a hero!! and all the other littles seem to enjoy their stories! so much fun!! even if it has a few tiny lies to make it less scary :)
- painting: jim is such a big big creative kiddo!! painting on anything and everything they can get their hands onto!! and archie and olu are so proud of them!! just being so cool and creative??? like woahhhh :0
- halloween: idk why, but kiddo jimmy just gives me massive spooky month vibes (and hey!! perfect timing since its halloween soon!! :0) and they're the ones who tell the crew allll about halloween, info dumping all the fun things they did every single year for the spooky month :) and they always pull out with a party!! always doing cool decorations and paint on everything!!! :0
Lucius (ages 6 - 12): writing (ofc), drama/plays, sewing
- writing: writing is already such a big thing in lucius' life when he's big, so of course it goes down to when he's a kiddo! he writes so many silly stories all the time, also helping when jimmy or izzy come up to him with cool ideas (jimmy with the funky stories, and izzy with random songs he made in his head, which are just babbles XD)
- drama/plays: this goes hand in hand with his writing, but i think he just loves to read about shakespeare and just act out on plays!! and he always makes up plays for the little ones all the time!! (and stede is there to help with the drama part ;u;)
- sewing: he found out about sewing from stede. just watching him sew cool clothes, and make the perfect costume for his plays, ooh! so he learned slowly by himself, remembering steps from watching stede. and then he shows off his cool, frilly shirt he made!! even if it looks a bit wonky, it looks just how stede does it!!! (and him and stede bond over that ;u;)
Zheng (2 - 4): makeup, shiny things, paper dolls
- makeup: oooh, zheng just loves makeup! and she definitely keeps a whole bunch from china like certain blush and lipstick that makes her look perfect. and she ONLY shares her makeup to certain people, like Auntie, eddie and (maybe) izzy. but only if they do her hair in return XD
- shiny things: oooh!! she loves all things shiny :0 jewels, silver, even stone!! shes always out and about, trying to look for things to add to hed collection. and if someone (eddie) grabs the shiny thing before her, shes always like 'hey! thats my shiny thing! i found that first!! gimme! >:(' while she has like 7 other shiny things in her hands XDD (she just gives me big ADHD vibes XD)
- paper dolls: maybe it was because when she was a girl, she always had dolls and paper dolls, she always seems to go into a fuzzy state when having a doll in her hand or sight. she always gives them a personal makeover, makeup and all. and they always look so perfect and pretty :> and when someone (eddie) grabs at the dolls, shes just like 'no!! don touch them, meanie! get away from em!! not yours! >:[' and just fighting back and forth until she just gives up and throws a tantrum XDD
and yeah yeah!! just some silly things :) okay!! bye bye!! :000
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WaA A A A A A A these are all positively adorable and SWEET aaaaaaaaaa you are spoiling us with such gifts nonny🥺🥺💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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fluffy-ami · 3 years
What places do I associate some of my mutuals' blogs with 🍃
After reblogging this post and after @vqler sent me this, I just couldn't get this idea out of my head (and I hope that Val won't mind it too much XD)
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Satan's room from Obey Me. Literally. Is anyone surprised?.. Actually, even talking to Riv makes me want to cuddle someone and ask them to read me a book until I fall asleep, like I'm a little kid again. Always very warm and comfy. Definitely smells like old books (one of my favourite smells), melted wax and fresh ideas 📚
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A nice little café always full of people, but it's never noisy, and you just can't feel uncomfortable there. Even a rainy day can be beautiful if you spend it reading Dani's works, they're like a cup of perfectly made coffee. Our big sister is having a hard time, but she never skips her work, she makes us happy, so please, say more nice things to her. Ate Dani deserves to be happier ☕
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Seashore at sunset. The wind and the water are still a little bit warm, very relaxing and quiet. The sound of waves, the light breeze, I remember it all pretty clearly. Maybe because Angie was one of the first people in this community who talked to me. AND EVERYONE LOVES YOU 🐚
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A very big field of flowers, not so far from the seashore. Smells like chamomiles. And Xingyun. A lot of Xingyun. Kinda the first place in my journey, it actually means so much to me... And now I'm platonically married to three people, but am I complaining..? Nah. AND EVERYONE LOVES YOU TOO 🌼
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Little koi pond surrounded by sakura trees. And this blog smells like SAKURA MOCHI FROM GENSHIN BUT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT SMELLS LIKE– The fishies show themselves pretty rarely, but if they do - it's a really beautiful sight. And I think that the keeper of this pond, our Cai, needs to let the koi play more often, teach them to be braver. Your works are even greater than you think, people will love them, trust me (AND YOU'LL BECOME THE LAW) 🐟
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This blog just gives me the feeling of sitting on the porch of some little house in the evening, drawing things in the light of the lantern and eating blueberries. Oh, oh, and the smell of different fruits, yep. This whole atmosphere always gives me the feeling that I'm not alone, and your little house never fails to cheer me up 🫐
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The sweetest bakery on this whole god-damn planet. Not very surprising again, I guess XD... The quiet music, the snow outside... It makes the warmth of your blog something special. People can be jerks sometimes, telling that your sweets aren't good enough, but they say that just because they can't bake at all 🍰
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Tiny (but warm) writer's room. With busy Rico playing Genshin for almost five hours straight. Sounds of crackling fire can be heard from the fireplace. Smells like ink and inspiration. And just being there was enough for me to find courage in my soul and start creating, too. I will always remember this place 📖🖋️
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The fluffiest little room full of fluffy and cute things. I always come back here to re-read some headcannons and fics (but really, Noah's works always make my ler mood go brrr, not fair-). Smells like vanilla and donuts. And cute people. Like, bruh, now I want to cuddle someone, damn– 🌸
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You know that thing, when you're walking in the park late at night in August, then you look up in the sky, and you see the stars through the leaves of the trees, and it's just breathtaking..? And it smells like oatmeal cookies and tar combined..? Does that count as a place?.. I don't know, but I've always felt that way towards this blog (that's probably the strangest complient she has ever heard...). Maybe it's strange, but it actually feels so nice being there 🌌
A/N: I don't want to tag the bigger senpais, because I don't want to disturb them with my strange post XD
But if you're going to write the similar thing, please tag me somewhere, because I actually liked doing it so much, I'm just dying to see more of these from different people and about different people ✨
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maryellencarter · 4 years
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(I have cropped any personally identifying information out of the pictures for obvious reasons.)
So here's all the information I have at the moment on the Bonus Situation.
* To recap, the bonus projection software has been telling me for a couple weeks now that I would get a $96.06 bonus. Normally in the past this has occurred on the second paycheck of the month.
* Many of us have noticed the bonus projection software not updating properly since about October 4.
* I called IT the other day and filed a ticket about the frozen bonus projections, on advice from a friend on the support team.
* Today, or rather yesterday by the time I'm writing this, I got my electronic pay stub for the payday coming up this Friday, and discovered that it was unexpectedly short, specifically because the bonus listed on it was $12 instead of $96.06.
* I emailed my supervisor about the shorted bonus. She has forwarded the email up the chain of command but has no firm information yet. We will not both be at work again till Sunday, so I will hear no more from her on the issue till then.
* Later in the afternoon, I received the above email, from the admin in charge of the bonus projection software. Several things are hinky about this email. To wit:
* "The data for the M[onth] T[o] D[ate] numbers has been paused as of early this month because they are used for the calculating of the monthly bonuses, which is still being worked on." I am not here to criticize Mr Admin's grammar, but to point out that this is a blatantly flimsy excuse, for the extremely simple reason that there is a whole separate tab for last month's bonus data, and in fact that tab is still fully functional and showing my $96.06 bonus! It is this month's daily tracking of bonus data which has been frozen.
* Granted, if one were to admit the concept that the bonuses were still being calculated, it could be taken to explain why I'm only getting a $12 bonus on my paycheck. However, the bonuses were calculating themselves in realtime for the whole of September, and the last metrics finalized themselves on October 7. In the week since then, I could have calculated the bonuses for the entire bloody company using nothing more than my smartphone calculator and paper if I was given a paid 40-hour week to do it in, let alone having a software that was already displaying the answers!
* Also, you know, the software has never before needed to be frozen while last month's bonuses are "calculated", let alone a week after the metrics were finalized. And it has always previously told me accurately whether it was going to send me a $500 bonus or none, or something in between. This is, in short, fishy.
* Mr Bonus Admin goes on to state, "You should still be able to access the daily values" (I can't), "but the monthly ones will not update, and in fact should now not show up at all, until the work to change the scorecard and bonus structure is done. That activity should hopefully be done next week."
* The other picture besides the email is the completely blank screen where my outdated bonus projection resided until today. The one about the metrics I'm currently getting for October, not the one about the $96.06 bonus I was supposed to get for September, which may I remind you is still quite visible.
* "Your numbers are wrong? Boom, NO MORE NUMBERS! There, I fixed it." XD
* The referenced "work to change" the software has not been announced to workers at my level in any way, and no changes that could possibly involve shutting down the whole system have been made or announced. I am frankly Suspicious.
* Other agents have also said things about missing bonuses or confusing bonuses. One supervisor announced that the bonuses would not show up till our Halloween paycheck, which I could hypothetically swallow, if I didn't have a $12 bonus sitting there in black and white on this week's pay stub. Seems like there's a lot of misinformation floating around right now. (Also a certain amount of what smells very like disinformation.)
* So, lacking any information what is actually going on, and faced with an email that would have to put on black tights and a domino mask to look any more disingenuous, my brain is going for all the wildest explanations, like "The system has glitched out completely and is assigning random bonuses to everybody, and they're frantically trying to cover while they get it fixed", or even more dramatically, "Maybe the company can't afford to pay all our bonuses and is retroactively revamping the bonus system, and it was supposed to be done in time for payday but they're running late, and also maybe they really are only going to give me $12". That seems slightly less likely though because they did just give me, on the same paycheck, $28.08 in backdated raise.
* I'm also stressing the fuck out about bonuses in general because I had a really bad stats day today. A disgruntled gentleman (whose account was legitimately pretty thoroughly fucked by a previous incompetent agent) gave me a low survey, which busted me straight down from the $2/hour bonus tier to the 50¢/hour bonus tier. If my other numbers are really good for the whole rest of the month I can maaaaybe struggle my way back up to the $1.25/hour bonus tier. :P
* I also only took 9 calls today, averaging a half hour each (not counting outbound callbacks after various calls dropped), which fucked my call length for the month from the truly astonishing 795 seconds I'd been running, just under the wire for an additional 50% on top of my bonus, all the way up to 901 seconds, where I'm barely scraping by under the cutoff for having my bonus cut in half. I'd have to come in under 700 seconds every day for the rest of the month to recover from that, and I can't recover from the flunked survey at all.
* So, you know, I've gone from expecting a $96.06 bonus on Friday and hoping for a $474 bonus next month, to getting a measly $12 bonus, a runaround from tech, and maybe a $79 bonus next month if my numbers don't get any worse. It really feels like a kick in the gut.
* (If a fucking miracle happened and I wound up with upsells over $30 a call, non-repeating callers over 86.5%, and an average call length under 930 seconds, I could hypothetically get a $197.50 bonus. Or if I also managed to squeak my surveys back up above 82% good... okay, that's only one more good survey and no more bad ones, it could happen. More likely, my upsells wouldn't quite hit $30 and any further good surveys I get would go toward making up the difference. But if I had both my repeat callers and my upsells excellent, I'd only need one more good survey -- assuming no more bad ones, obviously -- to squeak back up to the $2/hour tier for a hypothetical bonus of $316.)
* The trouble with that being that I don't... I don't know if I have any faith anymore that I'll actually get my bonus as projected? Like I can't think of any way that mysterious and unspecified "work changing the bonus structure" mid-month combines with an inexplicable $12 bonus to work out in my favor. I feel like I'm bracing for a slap.
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
I'm so sorry for the late reply 😭😭😭 I was so busy yesterday and then when I was finally free I was so tired and just ready to collapse somewhere— and I woke up with the worst cramps so I was just grouchy this whole morning and afternoon 😣😭😭 I'm sorry!! But I'm feeling better now, so don't worry!!
Gloves are handy haha. Unrelated, but do you like fingerless gloves?
You're such a great friend, honestly. Also, I meant to ask, do you two share a birthday too?
AKDJSKJSKS ‼️‼️‼️😿😿😿😿😿 hmm okay fine🥺🥺🥺🥺, bUT IT'S SO FUN :DDDD
your mom is literally superwoman, she's such a strong, brave, person, I can see where you get all your good traits from, now. 💖💖 And I'm really glad you told me about her. 😆
🥺🥺🥺🥺Uno reverse tho, you're way cuter 👉👈
that's understandable tho hahahah, I think it's an acquired taste. Crabs probably do taste good :D I should try, in the future. But I'm allergic to shrimp, so that's also why I stay away from seafood in general. Are you allergic to anything?
yes please omg I'm melting 😭😭 something specially made by you?? Perfection ‼️‼️‼️✨
oh I see!! I love using chopsticks because they're so compact and easy to keep. Plus most people use them the wrong way, but my grandma is Chinese, so she always made sure I used them the right way, and like, knew lots of stuff about our Chinese culture xD sorry for going offtopic!! How about you, are your grandparent big on stuff like that?
thank you so much bae. The fact that you understand me, even if I'm a bit salty at times means the world, and I hope you know I'm here for you if you ever wanna cuss at the world too >:) always ✨
I definitely did smile :D I saw fireworks last night, with a friend. My brothers called a couple of their friends over— and I ended the year with a smile, and started one with a smile too!! I hope you did as well? And I can't wait to see what memories we'll make this year 😼😼💖 do you have any plans for the first day of the year? Abigail is coming in a few minutes to pick me up, but she won't tell me where we're going, so I'm excited about that! What about you?
I love you Shiro. I really am so glad I met you. And even though 2020 had it's ups and downs, it was precious because we found each other :)
It's alright!! I've been busy (and asleep till 12, ahem) too, so it's fine hehe. I'm glad you're feeling better but I'm vv sorry your morning was like that:(( Not the best start of the year😭
I do! I think they're badass, and even though I usually forget about thei existence, I get an aesthetically pleased feeling whenever I look at them :D
Yeah, that's basically how we found each other, tho he had a different insta page at the time. It was on someone else's post, where it said "comment your birthday and find your twin" and I took a look at his posts and stories and I was like "we are one", that's basically it. Now I'm his dog or something😭
Sunshine I know it's fun but breaking your spine or getting a bruise if were talking no exaggerations isn't, so better be careful😡😡
She totally is and I always feel like an absolute asshole when I dont appreciate her or raise my voice at her because of my anger issues LIKE SIR YOURE THE WORST hopefully I'll learn to be calm😭
Nonononsense, you're the cutest there is, no comebacks🤭
Ohhh, I've never tried shrimp😭😭 Someone told me it feels like moist fishy cake which sounds bad on it's own but they love it so ehh XD I'll try it if I can, hopefully I don't waste my money when I do.
Well, not that I'm aware of? I havent tried everything in the world yet, so I dont know, but I dont think im allergic to anything~
Ohh, that's so cool! I havent really met any of my grandparents in a while, but as much as I've visited them, none of them were really into culture or anything😔 all they knew is to curse at their exes and children qkdkwkkd Dont worry about going offtopic!! It's actually nice to know something about your family and etc, it's pretty cool !!
Theres no need to thank me!!! That's what friends are for, ay? I'll surely keep that in mind, and I'll totally message you if I wanna rant^з^
Ik so glad to hear that!! I did as well, I had some very nice snacks during the countdown and it was wonderful xD I also had some random guy message me saying happy new year, and were probably never gonna talk to each other again but it was fun knowing him.
I dont really have any plans for today, just a walk, a call with Kuro and another sandwich XD
I'm looking forward to our new year with each other as well! Im so glad I got to meet you<33 I love you lots, hope your day is going well!❤❤
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