#they're a ten but tag
They're a Ten, but...
I was tagged by @italiangothicwriteblr !! Thank you, Joy!
Rules: Like the title says, your OC's are tens, but....
ATQH Gang:
Fallon: She's a ten, but she refuses to except help from anyone.
Kristopher: He's a ten, but he hates himself.
Captain Blackthorne: He's a ten, but he will suffocate you via a hug.
Nina: She's a ten, but she's more likely to stab you than flirt with you.
Duncan: He's a ten, but he's hopelessly crushing on someone who will never love him back. (alternatively: He's a ten, but he's straight.)
Hermes: He's a ten, but he will steal all of your stuff for fun.
Lavinia: She's a ten, but she'll kill you in your sleep.
Nora: She's a ten, but she's terrified of commitment.
Mabel: She's a ten, but she will whack you with a rolling pin without warning.
Tessa: She's a ten, but she actually wants you to take care of yourself.
Pierre: He's a negative 10,000. He sucks.
CoS Gang:
Ashlin: She's a ten, but they'll rob you blind and insult you on the way out.
Dorian: He's a ten, but he has magic that may or may not be slowly killing him.
Theo: They're a ten, but they get distracted by so much as the mention of an animal.
Calista: She's a ten, but she's a wanted criminal.
Lenora: She's a ten, but she imprisoned her nephew.
The Huntsman: He's a ten, but he's not exactly human.
Squish: She's a ten, but she screams if you try to leave her. (also, a slug.)
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merrigel · 24 days
Ludovica and Sausage I mean Luck (gif version:)
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katabay · 6 months
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trains :)
this is a very rough and scribbly comic, but sometimes that's all a comic is going to end up being lmao. the guy with the jacket is darren, glasses is andy. not featured, andy's dead brother who nevertheless insists on haunting the subtext
the main thing I wanted to draw was the train tho
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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aq2003 · 8 months
really love how throughout a lot of smith and jones martha is really skeptical and apprehensive towards ten (+ one of my favorite exchanges between them - "what, people call you 'the doctor'?" "yeah?" "well, i'm not. far as i'm concerned, you've got to earn that title."), not taking everything he says at face value, even doubting the fact he's an alien until over halfway through the episode.. And like. i really truly think the thing that wins her over isn't him kissing her or any of the other insane mixed messages he manages to send, it's this scene here, where he /earns that title/ in her eyes:
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(+ david's bit in the commentary, where he says: "[the doctor] has actually sacrificed himself, and - i would say, that that final act of selflessness is what finally, eventually, welds martha to him. [...] and she now returns it. she returns that act of selflessness.")
this is what their relationship is built on. it isn't about martha being the second-best replacement to rose or a rebound or whatever. bc it isn't really about rose. it's about doctor-in-training martha meeting someone (quite literally, "the doctor") whose ideals she aspires to, and doing her best to be the same person to him as he is to everyone else. it's about ten in return admiring her intelligence and inquisitiveness and how she cares for human life, recovering his compassion, letting himself lean on her for support - and then remembering at the most inopportune moments that he's supposed to not need anyone and be on his own forever. And around in their little nightmare loop they go where they save each other over and over until one of them breaks
i've seen ppl look at martha and go "why she does she admire/why is she so in love with ten if he acts like that to her?" or something along those lines and like. it's not just the fact she's in love with him (in fact i'd argue she actively tries to push it aside post-gridlock). it's the fact that she knows he's the kind of person to put everyone else's lives/well-being over his own. she trusts him to save her when she's in trouble even though it's been like two days at most that they've known one another bc she recognizes that same "deep all-encompassing drive to help others" in him. and she also recognizes, much much earlier than him, that he needs someone to save him, especially when he's unwilling to save himself. and yeah for a bit she thinks he returns her feelings and is just playing hard-to-get, but she realizes pretty early on that this probably isn't the case, and i think that realization fully solidifies here:
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(this is when she's listening to ten talk abt gallifrey). And idk it might just be me but i think this expression isn't just her empathizing with his loss. it's also guilt, for wanting something from him that he's clearly unable to give when he's wracked with so much grief. (and you see it in the next episode, where tallulah asks if they're together and martha says for certain that they're not, and that he doesn't know about her feelings for him. she keeps everything to herself bc she now knows that when he shut her flirting down at the end of 3x01 it was the genuine reaction of someone who a) isn't interested and b) is scared of getting close with someone else again)
freema described their dynamic as "she's keener than him" and i think about this all the time. martha doesn't really take what ten throws at her. what she does instead is constantly poke holes in his already-failing front of "i will show someone the wonders of the universe so i can ignore what is wrong with me". what she does is stand up and fight him when he tries to go off on his own. what she does is put aside her well-being in favor of helping someone - just like what she saw him do for the people in the hospital when they first met. tldr, that's the doctor and his doctor and rip martha you would've loved who's gonna save u now by rina sawayama
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okkennymay · 4 months
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It's been a very interesting year to say the least- those months still weren't 100% healthy but it was such a difference it was like living a different life, one not filled with constant dread and fear of the next monthly health episode.
It was unreal and I wish I'd made more use of of that time online while I had the chance, instead of being nervous of setting my body off and ruining a good thing going- but having past a new month my body completely imploding (only partially, which still sucks eggs), I can start to pick myself back up and keep going, hopeful once more! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
To all of you who have watched fade in and out of existence since my return online, Thank you for always being so patient 💖 my god was my previous username ghost-chicky ironic as hell, s2g it would be more appropriate these days than anything 0w0"
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 3 months
no words for this just help [x]
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bbbrianjones · 9 months
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the stone roses in paris, oct 1989
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hotasfahrenheit · 17 days
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Vamp The Series
Eternal Destiny
[18.6.24 pilot]
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dropthecop · 3 months
I haven't listened to taz in YEARSSSS at this point, like SO MANY YEARS, but I saw one too many people saying that the new campaign was super reminiscent of all the stuff that made balance so great, and I was already thinking about dnd a lot for unrelated reasons, so I decided to give it a listen and YOU WERE ALL RIGHT. WHY IS IT SO GOOD.
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tennant-davids · 12 days
tagged by @crowlixcx - thanks, lovely! 💖
CHALLENGE: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same.
this is actually very hard so i just went with my current/permanent faves and excluded every david tennant character that would have appeared bc honestly they would have been the majority of the list. sorry to david but rules are rules and we're only allowed five :(
no pressure tags: @eyeldritch - @avadaniels - @cobbbvanth - @bisexualalienss - @casismybestfriend
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simmonsized · 23 days
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i just think they would have a hard time letting each other go, after all that
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Tuvok & T’Pel at their Koon-ut-la: May peace and bliss follow them forever.
Based on this picture I found:
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Love how T’Pau is sitting down for this. Tuvok & T’Pel’s ceremony was presided over by a local but well-respected priestess because not everyone has the sway to get a stateswoman. Also, I count this more as an approximation of engagement than marriage since they’re established to have a whole marriage-or-challenge thing as adults later on. After the ceremony Tuvok and T’Pel were each given a seed and instructed to plant them side by side in the temple’s garden. When they returned to the temple for their marriage proper whatever they’d planted there that day would be in full bloom.  After that they played- uh...I mean...bonded with one another until their parents had to drag them away kicking and screaming. A fact which neither pair of parental units will ever let them quite forget much to their joint embarrassment.
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bedlamsbard · 7 hours
I have been dealing with how much some people hate Gambit for TEN YEARS and one of these days (not today) I am finally going to snap and pull this story. TEN YEARS. TEN HUMAN YEARS.
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i3utterflyeffect · 4 months
"King, once I learn where he is hiding , I will be able to bring my animator to this world so I can kill him. After that, you are free to go and I will help you get your child back."
"what the ACTUAL FUCK"
just a silly dialogue I thought of
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 4 months
i love getting to see soundcheck so much, we get to see silly things like this
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
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We are so fucking back... All of the yarn I frogged is now completely used up and now, I can move on. It's crazy, I lost about thirteen inches (from 30in/76cm to 17in/43cm) since I've done this properly. It looks so much better, I could care less when this is what it looked like before:
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