#they’re not even FRIENDS they literally slap each other and bicker and call each other names but
zouisalmightie · 1 year
ive been complaining to the counselors about my 5th period because those kids are off the wall and they literally don’t care. but today they had to come in and do a presentation and the kids were honestly the best they’ve ever been but that’s still off the wall insane and the counselors were like “oh my god that group is so hard you’ve been dealing with them since august like this” and i almost kicked her down the stairs
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lightaflme · 2 years
— ☆ haneul’s relationship with svt (hyung line)
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scoups ♡ neulcheol, hancheol
annoyed older brother, annoying younger brother
“haha old man” “you are like three months younger than me”
seungcheol forgets that haneul isn’t in the maknae line at times because of how much he has to keep him under control
“kang haneul, stop it” “i will bite all of your fingers off right now.”
haneul will always find a way to somehow annoy seungcheol
insists that he’s a better rapper than cheol and sadly svt takes haneul’s side because they’re just annoying like that LOLOL
on the inside we know seungcheol loves haneul! hugging him even if haneul is grossed out, eating at restaurants together, etc.
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jeonghan ♡ 2han
partners in crime
“no jeonghan did not cheat! it was never in the rules!” “yeah exactly! what cheating are you talking about!”
do not put them in a room alone together
they’re always holding hands!
they also like to team up together. whenever they’re together, the members just prepare for the absolute chaos that’s gonna happen
they are very close. very very close
“jeonghan, are you wearing haneul’s shirt?” “no this is mine” “yeah that’s his shirt” *the shirt is haneul’s and they both know that*
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joshua ♡ hanshua, neulshua
“yo joshhhh!” “yo neullll!”
matching clothes, matching jewelry, matching items
they also like to go out together and jokingly call each other pet names
haneul is a “sunday morning agenda supporter”
haneul, jeonghan, and joshua are like an evil trio that make fun of seungcheol together
haneul is very affectionate around joshua and enjoys his company, literally gets sulky when shua doesn’t pay attention to him
“aww is hannie mad?” “go away i am going to punch you”
very popular among carats!
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jun ♡ juneul, hanhui
sunshine and sunshine protector, maybe even father and son?
haneul is so fond of jun. jun is his BABY
haneul spoils jun a lot
“junnie do you want this?” “oh su-“ “here you go 🥰”
haneul calls jun “junnie” so much to the point where he forgets to call him jun or junhui
kang haneul is the number one huihui i’m afraid
also very popular among carats<3
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hoshi ♡ hoshneul, neulshi(?)
haneul fully supports the horanghae agenda. he has become one with hoshi
“hoshi, horanghae!” “hyung, neulranghae!”
when haneul is with hoshi, he is so loud oh my
loud introverts when they are together
haneul likes to get tiger merch for him to support the hoshi tiger agenda. he has bought many plushies for him
jokingly starts singing random duets together (especially during gose)
haneul can literally do nothing and hoshi starts cackling
“WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT 😨” *hoshi manic laughter*
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wonwoo ♡ woneul
they’re more like chill brothers that just grew up with each other and didn’t mind instead of siblings that fight all the time
but when they do bicker it’s so funny 😭
“hyung did you eat my food i was saving when i literally told you to not take it” “yeah” “what” “what” *starts slapping each other*
wonwoo’s number one hype man!
“our jeon wonwoo! so hot!”
wonwoo got haneul into games and haneul became obsessed
“hey wonnie.. what are you reading” “a book abou-“ “nerd”
LMAO but overall they are a very underrated pairing!
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woozi ♡ neulhoon
best friends
haneul likes to keep jihoon company while he’s in his studio
likes to write lyrics together
“haneul it’s oddly suspicious on how you’re so good at writing love songs…” “because i’m thinking of you *winks*” “never do that again”
they like to tease each other a lot, especially on gose
“did you know that haneul hyung is like a cat when he’s with me?” “you literally cannot say anything, you are the exact same, lee jihoon.”
haneul was actually a bit scared of jihoon during their training eras, but they warmed up to each other easily!
super underrated pairing. literal crumbs.
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— haneul’s masterlist hyung line maknae line
pls ignore how purple the gifs look i literally used the same filter as my masterlist + profile edits
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heyitsyn · 3 years
a/n: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i would put in all the reqs but there were so many people who requested for our fox babies that it would literally take up every space :”) and im happy to comply so here it is
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sunarin simp is typing😍🍃💞..........
so im actually just going to include the starting lineup like i knowwwww theres subs but im only most familiar with the regulars :(
okay so anyways!!
you might be wondering
how in the hell did you become the manager of these crackheads
from calm papi kita to psycho tsumu,
why are you their manager
you, the cute and shy and innocent not wittle first year, somehow became the manager of the powerhouse volleyball team of inarizaki high
it all started with our dear lovely samu
hehe bet you didnt see that coming
now we all know baby samu literally is the biggest foodie in the team and he constantly thinks about food 24/7 therefore there isnt much room in there for anything else except for volleyball
the dude loves to eat
it just so happens that you made food
your family owned a cafe down the street from the school and you worked there after school to help your parents
now how does this tie in with samu you ask
this chile was so hungry that he had to skip practice
sending kita a quick text about doing a quick errand, he walked down the street on the hunt for a quick place to grab a bite
he totally ignored kita’s warning of cramps if he ate a lot then practiced but whatever food is life
it just so happens he stumbles upon your family’s cafe
when he entered, the smell of bread and food entered his nostrils causing this baby to just float right in
you were manning the register while your brother was at school so you smiled at the incoming figure of this familiar boy
and because you recognized him, you couldnt help but grin and gasp a little
‘oh! miya-senpai!’
you exclaimed and osamu was confused because he’s never seen you before but he thought you were probably a kouhai in school
you looked young and definitely not a face he’s seen before so he concluded you were most likely a first year
and you were really cute
like really
that thought caused this babe to blink awkwardly and nod at your direction
‘uh, hi’
he greeted and you smiled at his awkward nature
‘what can i get you today, miya-senpai?’
he must’ve been busy looking at you to actually look at the menu behind you and he fumbled, rushing to find a food to get
‘wh-what do ya recommend?’
he asked and you paused then thought deeply
‘hmm, we have onigiris freshly made! and we also have milk bread thats really good!’
did you just-
did you just say onigiri?
‘yea ill take some onigiri’
he decided and you lit up
‘perfect! the total is-’
he completely blanked out because wow your smile was really pretty
‘miya-senpai? miya-senpai?’
you called out and he snapped out of it
‘oh, sorry, here’
he gave you the cash and you gave him back his change before wandering to the glass case where the savory foods were placed
you seemed to glide over and osamu watched you with fond eyes, interest bubbling in him
there was something about you that made him curious
but he just didnt know what
it confused him because maybe you were just someone he hasnt seen before and not the same fans he sees all the time
‘you’re really lucky, miya-senpai. i just finished making them minutes before you walked in’
you commented
this took him aback
‘you cook?’
he suddenly asked and you chuckled, soft and airy laughs filling the air
‘of course, senpai! learning to cook is an essential for a business like this’
and thus created a beautiful friendship
he would come over to eat nearly every day of the week while you would happily serve him
sometimes, he would even buy extra so you could eat with him
while you were talking, he noticed you lacked the accent others from there had and he thought you were not originally from hyogo
he learned that you were actually from miyagi and you moved here just this year
‘so, how ya liking it ‘round here?’
he asked one day, after swallowing his food
you thought about it before shrugging
‘i mean, its still the countryside so i guess everything’s the same. maybe the dialect? my neighbors have strong accents, haha’
samu chuckled
‘its common over here. ya sound a lot more from tokyo. my best friend’s from there, ya see’
you raised an eyebrow
‘rin. suna rin is in the team and hes from tokyo so he sounds like a standard city boy. ill take ya to meet him sometime’
nah he really wasnt
he wanted to keep you away from the others as much as possible, especially his brother, because he was a greasy mf
but that didnt really work out into plan because you approached him in school the other day
you saw him and you hurriedly ran to him where he stood with his twin and some guy
tsumu saw you coming from behind his brother and he smirked before nodding at you
‘samu, ya got a girlie running for ya’
samu turned, confused, until he saw your adorable face
‘y/n. whats up?’
you grinned
‘you left your team jacket, miya-senpai’
the red jacket was clutched in your hands and the two boys behind him shared a surprised look because osamu never mentioned a girlfriend
and with the way you were holding his jacket, the two boys immediately jumped into conclusions
more like atsumu started whining at osamu for not telling him he had a girl
‘i thought we were brothers! brothers for life!’
samu just awkwardly stands there and he has a sheepish look in his eyes that were looking at you apologetically
‘sorry about him, y/n. but thank you for returning it’
you handed him the fabric before smiling
‘it was a good thing you had a spare one for me, miya-senpai. who knew the rain would come so suddenly’
osamu sighed then playfully poked your forehead with his finger
‘how many times do i have to tell you to call me by my first name? i really dont want to hear anything that associates me with this bastard’
atsumu socked osamu at the shoulder causing the gray-haired boy to look away from you and start yelling at his brother
‘touch me again! see what happens then!’
‘yer just showing off for yer girlie! ya aint doin nothing!’
suna shook his head before turning to you with a sympathetic look
‘you really want to be with this guy? him and this idiot are practically a package’
you tilted your head
‘im,,, not with miya-senpai?’
suna blinked
‘but he gave you his jacket. he doesnt even give it to me. i guess its not part of best friend privileges’
at the mention of best friend, you lit up
‘oh! you must be sunarin! the tokyo boy!’
baby rin choked a little at the sight of your grin and he scrunched his eyebrows while awkwardly raising the corner of his lips to a smile
‘you,, uh,,, you know me?’
like it was the most obvious thing in the world, you nodded
‘at first, when miya-senpai told me, i didnt know who you were. but! youre actually very popular, suna-senpai! too bad i never saw you until today, though, because we’re in different floors. but! a lot of girls talk about you!’
poor rin didnt know how to react to that because he didnt want to look flustered but he didnt want to look cocky either
so he just opted to smile gently
‘oh. well, in that case. let me introduce myself to you. suna rintaro’
can we normalize suna being an actual nice guy instead of the cold stand-offish player bastard?
you shook his hand and said your name as well
like samu, he asked you to call him by his first name too since you were close to his friend therefore should try being close to you too
speaking of samu, him and atsumu reduced the violence to just bickering and they were still teasing each other even after you and suna talked
the coochi bangs boy rolled his eyes then slapped atsumu’s arm to gain their attention
‘yo. theres a girl here. try and be nice and civil’
atsumu seems like he forgot your existence because his eyes brightened at the sight of you
‘oh! heya!’
you nervously smiled at him because his hyperness and overall atsumu-ness was quite overwhelming
‘h-hello, miya-senpai’
atsumu pouted at how apprehensive you sounded
‘eyyy, why are you being nervous, girlie? im just samu, yanno! same face and everything!’
osamu knew you well enough that you were kinda awkward and you didnt know how to approach a hyper person like his brother so he naturally saved you
‘hey, y/n, the bell’s about to ring any moment now so try to not be late and ill be sure to see you later. do you want me to pick you up from your class and we can walk together?’
to you, it was just a simple offer from a friend but to the two, that was the confirmation of your relationship with the wing spiker
‘wahh, atsumu, your brother really is better than you. he knows how to treat girls good’
atsumu took offense to this
‘excuse you! i would be too if there were genuine girls in this school!’
osamu’s aggressive blinking was his signal for you to hurry along and you noticed causing you to chuckle before bidding goodbye
‘it was nice meeting you, rin-senpai. and,,, you too, miya-senpai. samu-senpai, later at 3?’
osamu softly smiled while nodding
‘later at 3’
the TEASING HE FACED from the two was unbearable and despite the amount of times he denied it, they were still teasing him
‘samu’s got a girlfriend~! samu’s got a girlfriend~!’
‘tsumu, i swear to god if you dont shut your trap’
‘imagine having a girlfriend’
true to his word, osamu was waiting for ya at the bottom of the stairwell from the one that led to the second floor, absentmindedly kicking some invisible thing in the floor
you were fixing your bag straps on your shoulders when you saw him at the end of the hallway and you couldnt contain your excitement seeing the grey haired boy
you shouted, getting his attention that made him whip his head up
the blank face contorted into a small smile and he raised a hand
when you made it next to him, you were grinning really big and samu felt flustered at your happy face
so he cupped your chin with his large hand that allowed him to squeeze both cheeks
he mumbled but you didnt catch it, too busy trying to get him to stop squishing
you were originally supposed to go walk over to the cafe but you didnt know that osamu was actually trying to skip practice and he was trying to hide from the members
okay first off, i dont think samu would ever skip practice willingly bc he has the same drive as miya atsumu but he also just wants to spend time with you asklfjldfjdlk
but the loud mouth tsumu saw you guys as you turned a hallway
you were busy talking to osamu about some cooking chef guy gordon and he was nodding and talking but then he heard a loud shout
osamu babie didnt know what was happening so he protectively placed an arm in front of you and hurriedly shoved you behind him in case something happened
duh you didnt know what was happening either so you were clutching his jacket and peeked from his arm to see atsumu stomping over with suna trailing behind him, seemingly texting on his phone
osamu lazily glared at his brother
atsumu blanched and sped walk faster until he was right in front of him to yell 
you furrowed your eyebrows
you tugged at his jacket and osamu turned to peer down at you and he gulped, preparing himself to hear your scolding
it wasnt the first time you scolded him as you just told him off the other day for not eating enough vegetables and fruits to balance out his unhealthy love for onigiri and sweets
‘samu-senpai,,, you told me you guys were taking an off week. why are you skipping practice today’
you were genuinely worried and you didnt seem to understand why he did that but the other two did and atsumu didnt hesitate
poor suna is just watching this go down and he felt bad that you were caught in the middle
so he suggested a compromise
you watched sunarin push atsumu’s chest to make him back off and he gently smiled at you before looking at the two
‘how about we all go to practice and if y/n-chan wants, she can wait and osamu can spend time with her when hes done? besides, atsumu, you know osamu has been doing good on his spikes. maybe we can persuade coach and kita to let him off early since hes,,, quote unquote,, ‘sick’’
osamu debated but you emerged from behind him
‘sure! samu-senpai would love to go to practice! right, samu-senpai?’
you smiled at him but it was a stern smile
you just wanted him to go to practice because you knew now of how important volleyball was to the school and they needed to get all their time and energy to win the sport
atsumu agreed to this plan but osamu was forced to accept it
just for extra measure, sunarin and tsumu walked behind you guys to the gym so you and samu had time to talk
you were chiding him of course because why would he waste time with spending time with you
‘just wanted to see ya, y/n-chan’
he winked but you pouted and wrinkled your nose
‘you cant weasel yourself out of this, samu-senpai’
osamu has never heard you scold him before so he was like o.o but inside he was like,,, hot
the gym was already on full practice and kita saw the second years from the door
as much as they loved the underclassmen, watching them get told off by kita was too funny to not watch
but what caused them to curiously peer behind the three was the appearance of a girl
a girl?
‘why’s a girl with them?’
aran mumbled and mimi shrugged, but also intrigued
you were behind osamu and he could tell you were nervous because youve heard of the reputation of the team
they were seen as practically as popular as the basketball team and everyone worshipped them
they were who put the school’s name in the map and you were about to meet the legends of inarizaki
thankfully, atsumu and rin walked to the front of you two so you and samu were at the back
samu didnt look at you but he reached behind him to open his palm as a signal for you to take it
you gratefully grabbed it and leaned closer in case something happens
atsumu shouted and suna chided him for being really loud
‘you’re late’
an even voice said in front of them and you leaned over to the side to see who it was from
your eyes bulged out of your head because one, wow he was handsome, and two, he looked like someone from miyagi
‘oh wow’
you mumbled absentmindedly and samu looked at you at the corner of his eye before scoffing
your face was totally bright red and your eyes were super wide
kita? really? of all guys? it was kita?
‘SORRY! was samu who took so long!’
atsumu lowered his voice down but he didnt tell the captain of his brother’s plans to skip
‘he has a stomachache and he was at the nurse’s office’
suna smoothly came up with a lie and he might look cool and calm, his hands were clasped behind him with it clenching his phone
your eyes left kita to notice that habit and you had a small smile because it was another reassurance that these boys werent as high and legendary as everyone made them to be
in the end they were still just students and boys
they were still human
‘oi, osamu, who’s the girl?’
aran finally bit the bullet and asked the question everyone has been wondering since the beginning
both you and samu stiffened at the direct question to you but he nodded
‘this is l/n y/n’
he introduced and you raised a shaky hand as a greeting but let go of samu to bow slightly to your seniors
‘hello, my name is l/n y/n, i’m a first year’
a few players also raised a hand but it was mimi who spoke at last
‘nice to meet you’
kita nodded at you but turned to the three
‘why is she with you? are you skipping again, osamu?’
osamu inwardly cringed 
obviously, kita was sharper than they would think because he easily saw through suna’s lie
he also knew that samu never really got sick
he watched the younger shovel 5 bowls of ramen and still have enough room eat a plate of mochi and he was perfectly fine
it was silent between the four of you and atsumu and suna were looking at each other as they ran out of lies
dang they even planned the entire walk of what to say to kita
you looked between the twins and their friend before speaking up
‘samu-senpai really did have a stomachache. i was-uh-helping the nurse! um, i want to be a doctor or a nurse when i grow up! and-’
you started to ramble but because you were trying to lie and it was never your forte
‘we were tryin to convince y/n to be a manager. thats why we took so long’
atsumu huffed
you froze
a what?
a manager?
you were genuinely truthful about wanting to go into a medical profession but not a manager
you were already a manager before and you didnt really want to do it again
kita was inspecting suna’s and atsumu’s and osamu’s faces to see a trace of dishonesty
you saw him raise a dark eyebrow and you knew then that these three cannot tell a lie to save their life
so you nodded frantically making kita look at you
‘mhm! they asked me! miya-san wanted someone they knew already so they asked me because i’m samu-senpai’s friend! so here i am!’
your awkward smile and stiff outstretched arms might’ve seem suspicious but kita moved his gaze from you to atsumu and the blonde nodded
‘yea! ya’ve been talkin bout bein worried of next year cus yall aint here no more so i got sum person responsible enough fer us!’
after the longest 3 seconds, kita finally nodded and closed his eyes warily
‘alright. l/n-san, come here’
you froze at the way he said your name but suna was kind enough to walk over to your place beside samu to gently push you forward to kita
‘its okay’
he mumbled and you were so thankful because that gave you enough motivation and strength to keep going
your height was staggering between these men and kita seemed to tower you
but you kept an even and calm face 
you asked
kita looked at you and he stared at your face, pupils moving as a sign that he was inspecting your eyes and every feature 
oh my god you shouldve plucked your nose hairs this morning
before you could feel more self-conscious, he spoke
‘you said you want to be a doctor?’
‘well, more like a nurse but um same thing’
‘you know medical stuff? know how to treat injuries?’
‘yes. i was a manager back in my hometown so i have experience’
‘where are you from?’
‘ya familiar with shiratorizawa?’
you cringed but nodded
‘are you from there?’
the three stooges from behind you had wide eyes at this sudden revelation because that was a school theyve played before
even the last interhigh, they were familiar of how strong that school was
the eagle and the guess monster
and you were their manager before? 
must’ve been during middle school as you were just a first year
‘so you know how plays and stats work?’
‘yes. anything you want me to do, im familiar and capable to do it’
god why are you saying this
you didnt even want to be a manager in the first place
yet here you are again
you were getting flashbacks from the war ajkfdfd
kita looked at you silently once more before finally standing up straight and pointing you to their coach who was watching the whole thing with crossed arms and furrowed brows
‘there. talk to him and you can finalize everything. i think its too early to say this but nonetheless, welcome to the team, y/n’
no but really dont tell lies in general yall, maybe white lies, but try not to do that
duh you are much much closer to samu than the rest of the team so you tended to stick to him more
like you would go to him first if you needed something or if you wanted someone to help you with the crate, he would be your go-to
that would make atsumu whine because he felt that samu was better than him
‘oi, y/n! im really good with ma arms! i can bench 300 yanno?’
you politely smiled and nodded
‘thank you for telling me, miya-san’
then you would proceed to nudge samu’s arm yum to ask for help
dont worry!!!!
you do end up warming up to him
for my atsumu stans, yall tend to go to him when samu is either busy or you just need a good laugh
this mans will embarrass himself both on purpose or accidentally to make you laugh lmao
you also have extra bottles for his medicine because he has adhd and the guys are like,,,, yo chill
and duh atsumu would forget to take them so youre practically his reminder
we all know how tsumu was practically attacked that one time when he insulted those girls, right?
yall may have forgiven but i will never forget >:(
well, during matches, you as their manager, always have to tell the stands to be quiet when atsumu is serving 
but no one told you this
you kind of figured it out during your time like when his eye would twitch if samu was talking to suna too loudly or when he would close his eyes to shut off his hearing because of the loud spikes on the other side
you noticed it
so you would go to the stands and nicely tell them that if they see atsumu serving, to be quiet
‘i understand you are all excited when he does his serve but we would all benefit more you could release that excitement inside and silently’
*cue atsumu pretending to faint in sunas arms*
but canon suna :”)
as a player, suna is seen as really manipulative and snarky and witty
he loves to poke fun at the other team, even his own, and just all-around annoying
but off-court
suna is a very quiet and reserved person
totally different from the one who talks and yaps constantly to the other side of the net
and hes a really pure person in some topics
like he would turn red when you would compliment his new picture that he posted in inasgram 
or when you would offer to bandage him up for him because it’s hard to do it himself and your hand would touch his
dont tell anyone this but suna is very relieved that you and samu weren’t dating
thats all
thats all for now
OOOO kita!!!
okay so kita is the captain, right?
but he doesnt play
like he plays rarely and aran is usually the on-court captain
this causes you and him to be at the sidelines a lot
he would tell you what he thinks would happen next or what the next plan should be and you would provide your own input
in a way, he was the one who really taught you the mechanics of volleyball and he would tell you the different tricks that techniques that the twins came up with 
what makes you really soft and fall for him is when he starts to compliment his players
his pride in aran for being one of the top aces that has led them to nationals
his pride in mimi for being able to go on the longest on court and not be tired
his pride on akagi for being able to receive each ball and successfully give it to their setter
his pride on hitoshi for being the one who could handle the team personality wise and his plans for him to be his successor
his pride on ATSUmu for being the best setter he’s ever seen and his drive to get better no matter what
his pride on samu for being so strong and still getting stronger despite his dream career to be something not volleyball-related
his pride on sunA being motivated enough to help the team and make sure everyone knows that every ball can be stopped
like pls you almost cry all the time when you hear kita saying that because he seems to not say it to the others but only to you
it makes you happy that kita relies so much on these guys as much as they rely on him
so omimi ren is a very quiet and calm character
hes kinda like suna where they dont really say much but when they do, its usually important and not irrelevant like atsumu
and he didnt say much when you got inducted in the team as a manager
like he just stared at you and you were just like o.o
ngl he did scare you a bit bc of his tall height looming over you and the way his dark eyes just pierces you through your soul
hes the type that you cannot willingly tell a lie to him bc you know he will find out one way or another
he can see right through you
maybe thats what makes him such a good middle blocker
but you started to warm up to him really quick and he would sometimes walk you home if the others cant mainly bc he knows his appearance will make anyone back off
its the simple things that make you appreciate him
two words: ginjima hitoshi
he is so two-faced
like suna, the twins, and hitoshi
the twins are the annoying ones who causes trouble, suna is the one taking pictures and evidence while cheering them on, and hitoshi is the one trying to break it up
i think that hitoshi is really the worst out of the 4 and he keeps in because who else would be the responsible one of the bunch
hello? they were about to be third years next year like are we really gonna go on with possibly a miya twin or suna being captain?
so he tries to force down his inner chaos to take on the role of the responsible one
you try to release that inner chaos
you sometimes hear him egging on atsumu under his breath like ‘do it’ but quietly so no one hears him
and youre like
please? we’re not? supposed? to allow? atsumu? to eat? and swallow? a whole? raw egg?
at first, duh he was also like that with you but you want him to be himself and be comfortable with you so you work hard to make him open up
you kinda regret it
because he now wants to go through the mcdonalds drive-thru, with no car, just to get mcflurries
you stared down at hitoshi from your bedroom window with a confused expression
‘but? you dont have a car?’
he grins up at you
‘but i got a CART! they said as long as it’s a car and car is in the word cart and the extra ‘t’ is just a bonus!’
‘hitoshi no-’
so akagi is the libero of the team and he is the one responsible for the make sure the ball doesnt touch the ground type of thing
you get really worried about him bc he does a lot of flying saves and his knees always get roughed up and such
so you try and stitch him up as much as you can like you even send him sites for good warm packs to buy
something that isnt known about akagi is that he, like atsumu, really likes to cook
but more like
he bakes
he bakes as a stress reliever and its like his meditation time
you go over to his house a lot to go bake something w him and share it to the guys later on
during ina get-togethers, him and samu are in charged of the food while youre the sous chef
we forgot about him for a sec aldfjklkfdjlk 
it was all thanks to him
because of him, you became a manager despite your initial refusal to become one again
you made friends with more people and you were able to have a fun high school life because of it
because of him
osamu does get a little sad or irritated whenever the guys start to hog you up
like he has to push down the tantrum of ‘I SAW HER FIRST!’
he wants to be the better twin lmao
he gets really butthurt when you would go to someone else even during the middle of your conversation
like he would be talking to you on the side but suna calls you over for tape and youre going
he pouts and atsumu teases him about it causing him to bark at him
okay so training camp
i think therell be an imagine for this so ill try to not make it as detailed
lets just say its a mess
suna really wants to go hiking bc he wants to go the top of the mountain for pictures of the stars and stuff
but atsumu whines of the bugs and possible creatures in there
this causes osamu to tease him and call him a coward and a wimp
and leads to a fight which aran tries to break up but gets sucked in anyways
and omimi just stands by and watches but he intends to intervene if it gets too much
then akagi gets taken by suna to go the hike with him even though hes scared of bugs so hes whimpering and complaining
while kita and hitoshi are off in the kitchen talking about new grains of flour and stuff
where are you?
youre at the lodge, drinking your f/d (favorite drink) and watching all this go down bc at training camp, it’s every man for themselves
there is a lot of bonding times as a team bc these boys may seem like all they think about is volleyball but they like to do something else outside of that
what they love the most is going to the beach
not only do they get to have fun, they get to relax and see you in a swimsuit alkfdjkfj
especially when kita accidentally falls asleep? they bury him with sand and make him look like a mermaid
because they are players who work out so great bodies duh
and they get so much attention for that
but they all mainly pay attention to you and oh my
youve expressed not being comfortable in wearing a swim suit and watch these guys absolutely start throwing compliments at you
but the third years would softly tell you that it’s okay not to wear one bc all that matters is if youre comfortable or not
we know how kita’s family are rice farmers, right?
he farms to help his granny and sometimes, youre the only one who’s free enough to go and help him 
so you go over there all the time and granny really loves you bc one, you take care of her shin and thats beyond everything, and two, youre reliable and make shin laugh and such
like one time, you were carrying a basket to the back deck and granny saw you from the kitchen
she smiled before waddling over to the door so she could talk to you
you whipped around quickly at the call of your name before grinning and hurrying up to her
‘yes, granny?’
she gave you a bottled water then gestured down to the field where shin was tirelessly tending to the rice
‘please give that to shinsuke. poor boy has been pushing himself too hard with the field and his sport and not taking care of himself’
she chided but there was a certain hint in her tone that made her sound so proud of her grandson
you looked down at the bottle and squeezed it
‘kita-san works hard not for himself, but for everyone else. it makes me sad when he neglects his health and tends to the team instead. so dont worry, baa-chan! i’ll take care of kita-san for him! for you!’
nah bc granny was already gossiping with her neighborhood ladies about this beautiful girl that shin got and how they should be jealous their grandsons don’t have someone like you
since your family owns a cafe, the guys goes there all the time
its kinda like the ramen shop for the seijoh boys
they go there mainly to see you even outside of practice ANDDD
they wanna look good in front of your family
like tsumu suddenly knows cleanliness bc he cleans up the mess on the table or kita is no longer an introvert as hes now talking to your mom about the benefits of rice water and her not needing one bc her hair is already beautiful
and even during the summer, theyve helped out a lot when it was busy lunch times and you couldnt handle it yourself
okay imma stop now
everyone was already down and moody bc of the loss
and you wanted to be at the back bc you didnt know how to handle the situation
in your time as their manager, not once have you seen them lose
during those 10 months of being a manager, you have not once seen them be defeated during a game even with practice matches
then with those nobodies?
last time you checked, karasuno went down under when coach ukai retired
so having them lose was a real shock
and a really bad event
there was a certain air around you all during the bus ride to the hotel which made the entire time very uncomfortable
everyone finished their crying either in the locker rooms or the bathroom so all that was left was their red eyes
the coach sent everyone off to bed and although they were allowed more days to stay, they all collectively chose to just go home and keep those excused days as a rest day
‘we all would like to just stay at home and recharge’
kita’s request was everyone else’s, even yours, as you were both worried and tired for the boys
so that night, the coaches were able to book train tickets for everyone the next day back home
you stayed up, watching tv in your own room out of boredom because the group chat was quiet and you were too tired to do anything else
the next day, everyone 
osamu claimed your shoulder and he held your hand tight with his
his breathing was ragged and even with his closed eyes, the redness around them made it obvious he had been crying
the bus that was filled with excitement before, became quiet and the sound of the engine and wheels took over the silence
you thought samu had fallen asleep so you raised your free hand to stroke his hair
‘hey y/n?’
you flinched at the surprise but hummed 
‘imma tell him today. later, but today’
his voice was low and he was murmuring to hint that this was the extra sensitive topic you both discussed a few days ago at the cafe
you nodded but made sure he knew that no matter, he still got you
the coaches were upset and mad at the loss
but in the end, they all realized that this was the last game the boys would play as a team
sure, they could have practice matches and they could play again together in the future but nothing would change the atmosphere and feeling of playing the important matches 
this was the team that brought them closest to nationals with placing second out of the entire country
they were a good team that somehow got defeated
but the coaches were still proud
they didnt even yell at the boys to take laps and instead brought them into a team meeting
you stood beside the coaches, your own sniffles with everyone else, and listened to them talk
‘-year has been the most productive this school’s team has had in decades. i hope you all are proud of yourselves as we are proud of you. you lost so you are no longer in the competition and we talk about it tomorrow. but for now, go home and take a rest because tomorrow, we will be running laps and drills and miss y/n will be timing you until you pass out from exhaustion’
you blankly looked at the coaches bc you thought this would be a heartwarming talk but quickly turned into a threat
‘but thats for tomorrow. so go home and rest up. expect what is to come’
you were just wanting to leave lmao
like you wanted to hurry home and make something for the guys to eat tomorrow
just do something to make them at least smile
the guys were quietly packing up and you watched them with trembling eyes at their dismissal
you wanted them to stay longer
stay here and laugh and mess around
like tsumu poking kita and pretending he didnt
or mimi talking about something and aran staring blankly at him but he’s really sleeping with his eyes open and startling him awake
you shouted
they all stopped and turned to look at you
hitoshi asked
you hurriedly looked around to find something to stall them here and you noticed the cherry blossom tree that’s blooming 
must be the time of the year
‘l-lets! have a-take a picture! outside! by the tree!’
you pointed and they looked at each other
you were acting strangely
but they were simps for you so they just nodded and went outside
they didnt even complain and went to stand out in front of the tree
you had your phone and pulled it to the camera app to raise it to get the team in the frame
they looked sad and tired and worn out but they were still trying to joke around and have natural smiles
‘closer, you guys! bunch in closer!’
you motioned with one hand but they stopped
‘um? y/n? aren’t you gonna join us?’
ren asked but you shook your head
‘its? for you guys? besides, no one will take it for us, silly’
the boys insisted on you prop it up on a bench over there because they wanted you there with them
‘hey, come here! lets all be in it!’
aran shouted and you had no choice but to follow them
the boys had to stand closer to the camera as the bench was a ways ahead of the tree but dont worry, the tree is still there
they wanted you in the front bc they were all taller than you but they really wanted to showcase you
you were their manager and the person who took care of them
they treasure you so much
someone shouted and the timer hit zero and the picture was taken
sure, their school’s motto was that they didnt need things like memories
to not have anything tying you down to the past and to challenge yourself with everyone focusing on the future ahead
in years from now, you could just be another thing from their past and nothing else
but they would be damned if that happened
any fragment of you to remind them of the best time of their youth and the person who loved them more than anyone else did
so yea, sure they wanted to represent their school’s motto
but this time
they can make an exception
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the7thcrow · 3 years
600 degrees
pairing: bang chan x (fem) reader
summary: you can’t cook. like, really can’t cook. good thing your cute neighbour is here to help clean up the mess.
Tumblr media
word count: 5.1k
genre: neighbours au. strangers to lovers. the fluffiest of fluff, slightly suggestive.
warnings: a make-out session, bad humour, minho being a twat of a roommate, and tooth-rotting fluff.
rating: 14+
a/n: hi guys! hope you enjoy this one, it’s so much more wholesome and fluffy than what i usually write, but I'm pretty happy about it. don’t by shy to send me an ask or leave a comment. anything you have to say, I would love to hear. :)
“Fine. Since you won’t come, at least enlighten me on how you plan to keep yourself busy?” Minho asks, casually leaning against your kitchen island. He stares at you, with that familiar condescending smirk you’ve seen far too many times.
“I don’t know,” you state, rolling your eyes. Rising to your feet, you head over to your shared refrigerator, pulling a bottle of Sangria out of the fridge. “But I’m sure I’ll find something.”
“You know, if you want to drink, you could at least do it at the party.” Minho approaches you from behind, placing both his hands on your shoulders. “It’s a lot less sad that way.”
You slap his hand away, letting out a frustrated groan at the laughter he lets out from his own joke. “I get out plenty, quit acting like I’m some lonely cat lady,” you say, grabbing your favourite wine glass from the cupboard. “I like parties, I just don’t like Jisung’s parties. They always get way out of hand.”
“But Y/N,” Minho wines, picking up your freshly poured glass and taking a sip, earning himself a glare. “I never said you were a cat lady, just the lonely part.”
At that you snatch the glass away from his hands. Not wanting to deal with this torment any longer, you walk back to your comfortable, worn-in spot on the couch.
“You know I’m right,” he says, continuing despite the fact you begin to turn up the volume of the television. “And the only way you’re going to change that is by accompanying me to Jisung’s loud, out of hand parties.”
You turn to face him, raising your eyebrows. “Somehow, I doubt my soulmate associates himself with Han Jisung.”
“Well that can’t be right, because I associate myself with Han Jisung?”
“Shut up, Minho.”
Your roommate snickers to himself as he opens the fridge, taking a quick glance at everything - or for a better term, lack of anything - inside. “What are you even going to eat? There’s nothing leftover from last night.”
“I’ll make something,” you say. Frankly, you had expected the outburst of laughter, but that didn’t do anything to simmer down your growing annoyance.
“Make something?” Minho laughs, giving you an incredulous stare. “Y/N, I’ve lived with you for two years and I don’t think I’ve seen you cook anything once.”
“Hey, I can cook,” you return, wrinkling your nose. “But why would I, when I have you to do it for me?”
At this, it’s Minho’s turn to roll his eyes. “Yeah, okay, I take that back. I don’t want you to come, have fun curling up on the couch alone with your three cats.”
“They’re literally yours.”
“Whatever,” he says, opening your front door. “Just don’t burn the apartment down, alright?”
As he closes the door, you flip him off. At first, you aren’t sure if he saw, but you’re given your answer as his laughter echoes down the hallway, fading as he walks further away.
You scowl. Of course you can cook. Well, at the very least, well enough to make a meal for one on a saturday night. Minho didn’t know what he was talking about.
Minho. Your best friend and roommate for the last two years. Man, does the guy have a way of pushing your buttons. You love him, of course. In the weird, bickering, just short of volatile friendship sort of way the two of you had developed.
Still, you can’t deny that even with his painfully irritable nature, he is still a good friend. No matter how many times you say no, he always offers to take you anywhere he goes. He pushes you out of your comfort zone. He’s there to console you when a date goes bad, or you failed a test you studied hard for. He makes all his meals for two, just because he doesn’t want you to live solely off shitty take-out.
He’s your rock. Your platonic other half. Your closest companion.
Which means you are going to prove him wrong, and then rub it in his face as much as you possibly can. Of course, because that’s what friends are for.
Then again, maybe you wouldn’t. Or, at the very least, it was going to be exceedingly more difficult now that your apartment was full of smoke.
Covering your nose with one hand, you take the tray of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven. If you can even call them that, as they now held a far closer resemblance to that of hockey pucks. Both in looks, and what you could assume in taste, as well.
Okay, you know chocolate chip cookies don’t really count as a decent meal, but they are the only thing you remember how to cook from when you lived at home. Or maybe you didn’t remember, based on the tray of failure sitting in front of you.
Then, to make matters even worse, your fire alarm starts going off.
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath. Now you are going to have to go to the front desk, let them know everything is okay.
Maybe Minho was right, you should’ve just went to Jisung’s stupid party and eaten something there. Putting all the other painful aspects of Han’s parties aside, Felix was his roommate, so the horderves were always excellent.
They were better than your hockey puck cookies, anyway.
Letting out a disappointed sigh, you open your apartment door, prepared to get a rough scolding from the lady working the front desk. However, you are surprised to find a man standing in front of you, his hand in the air, as if he were about to knock.
“Hi,” he says, awkwardly putting his hand back down at his side. He has messy platinum blonde hair, and soft eyes. He’s cute, and the realization quickly makes you recognize him.
“You’re my neighbor,” you say, pointing a finger at him. It’s not until he doesn’t respond immediately that you realize it was a strange thing to say. Obviously, he knows he’s your neighbor, and he might be a little offended you didn’t recognize him immediately.
Then again, the two of you had never really talked before. Everytime you would pass each other in the hall, he’d always give a polite nod and continue walking. Sometimes you’d try to say hello, or start a small conversation, but he always disappeared quickly. It had gotten to the point where you assumed he had some strange, unwarranted grudge against you.
So, it was safe to say that you were more than just a little surprised to find him at your door.
“Uh, yeah, I am. Are you okay? I thought I smelt something burning, and then I heard the fire alarm go off.” He asks, peeking behind you into your apartment, seeing if he can catch sight of any flames.
Instead, his eyes land on your tray of butchered cookies, and he… smirks?
“Oh,” he says, attempting to hide the smile growing on his face. “Having some cooking trouble?”
You stare at him for a moment, watching as his lips pursed together, stifling a chuckle. “Are you...” you begin, your jaw dropping slightly. “Are you laughing at me?”
“No,” he looks down at you, finally letting his grin free. “I would never.”
“Yeah, okay,” you frown, already not enjoying that sarcastic look on his face. You thought you’d be able to avoid that humiliating look considering Minho wasn’t here, but apparently not.
 “As you can see, it’s nothing. So if you’ll excuse me,” you continue, attempting to move past him. “I need to go get my neck rung by the lady at the front desk,” However, he doesn’t budge from his place in your door frame. You cast him a glare, which only makes his smile grow wider.
“Nah, don’t worry, I’ll go let her know,” he says, already turning to walk down the hall. You open your mouth to object, but he casts a glance over his shoulder, snickering. “You focus on cleaning up whatever those black lumps were supposed to be.”
You stand in your doorway, dumbfounded as your neighbor disappears down the complex staircase. Who did this guy think he was, openly laughing at your current predicament? Sure, if the roles were reversed, there’s no doubt that you would do the same. But that isn’t the point.
No. The point is that you are not impressed by the audacity of this stranger, and you are going to make sure that this distaste is known.
Grumbling to yourself, you dump the still smoking cookies in the trash can. It’s a shame, really. You’d thought you were doing so well, too. You thought this would be your chance to prove Minho wrong. Minho. Oh, he would be having an absolute hay day if he were here right now, and the thought only makes your scowl deepen.
“Well,” your neighbor calls from behind you, causing you to jump slightly. He reappears in the open door frame, sticking his neck inside, but not fully crossing the threshold into your apartment. “She’s not thrilled, but the alarm didn’t trigger the main system’s sprinklers, so you’re good.”
You let out a sigh of relief. “Thank God.”
The man smiles. “If you don’t mind me asking, what exactly were you trying to make anyway?”
An embarrassed blush casts itself over your cheeks. “Chocolate chip cookies,” you mumble, not meeting his eyes.
He lets out a burst of laughter, smiling widely. You can’t help but notice that he had a cute smile, dimples on both of his cheeks, eyes crinkled. Not that you were looking. Not that you cared, obviously.
“How’d you manage to mess up chocolate chip cookies that badly?”
“I don’t know,” you say, shrugging your shoulders helplessly. “You tell me.” You gesture towards the oven. Your neighbor smirks, walking inside your apartment. He bends down in front of your oven, before taking a look inside.
“Well, nothing seems to be wrong in there…” he starts, before glancing up at the set temperature. “Oh,” he states, before looking back at you, his eyes full of pity. “Oh boy.”
“What?” You ask defensively.
“The temperature. You forgot to convert it from celsius to fahrenheit. See?” He says, leaning away from the oven to give you a closer look. “So you thought you were cooking them at 350 degrees fahrenheit, when in reality they were at over 600 degrees.”
“Oh my god,” you say, smacking your palm against your forehead. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I don’t know,” the guy shrugs. “You could have burnt your apartment down, so I’d consider it a win. You’re lucky I got here on time.”
You cast him a scowl, although you can’t seem to relinquish the faintest hint of a smile creeping onto your lips. You know damn well you wouldn’t have started a fire, and that the man showing up really didn’t stop anything but an uncomfortable conversation with the front lady. You are also sure that he is fully aware of this too, which makes your smirk grow wider. Alright, you’ll play along.
“Right, what ever would I do without you?” you say sarcastically, causing your neighbor to playfully roll his eyes. He leans against your kitchen counter, relaxing slightly.
“Does my saviour have a name?” You ask, opening the fridge to take a look at what’s inside. You feel your stomach rumble, taking a glance at the clock to see that it was already past 9:00.
“It’s Chris,” he smiles, leaning over your shoulder. “So what are you going to eat, now that you’ve successfully butchered the easiest recipe known to man?”
“Hey!” You snipe. “That is certainly not the easiest recipe known to man.”
“Fine, fine,” Chris says, putting his hands up in defense. “Maybe not the easiest, but it’s definitely up there. But putting that aside, what are you going to eat? Because I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever seen a fridge so empty.”
You want to quip back at him, but he’s right. Minho usually does the grocery shopping, but because of Jisung’s party tonight he wasn’t planning on cooking anything.
“Good question,” you sigh, closing the refrigerator door before leaning your back against it. “Maybe I’ll just order some take out. I don’t think my pride can handle another failure.”
Chris smiles. “Or, I have an idea,” he says, his eyes glinting. He heads over to your apartment door, and for a moment you worry that he’s leaving.
No, you’re not worried. You’re curious. That’s all. You were curious whether or not he was leaving, nothing more.
When Chris returns, he has his arms full of ingredients. Spinach, penne, tomato sauce, cream, a variety of spices. The list goes on, and he stumbles slightly, almost dropping the surplus of food onto your kitchen floor. Imagining the mess, you rush over to help him, placing the load of groceries onto the counter.
“I don’t know if you couldn’t tell before,” you say, motioning to your overflowing counter. “But I really can’t cook. I have no clue what to do with any of this.”
“That’s no problem,” Chris smiles, already separating the food into different groups. “I’ll help you.”
“No, no, no. I can’t ask you to do that,” you say, waving your hands in protest. You step in front of him, squeezing yourself between his chest and the kitchen counter, preventing him from reaching any of the ingredients. “You’ve already dealt with the desk lady for me, and brought over all these groceries. You’ve done more than enough.”
He smiles, gently placing his hands on your shoulders and effortlessly moving you to the side. “Why would I bring you these groceries if I knew you couldn’t do anything with them?” When you don’t respond, he continues. “Seriously, it’s no big deal. Don’t worry about it. Just let me help you.”
You sigh in defeat, ignoring the way your heart begins to beat faster in your chest. “Alright,” you say, grabbing Minho’s cutting board from the cupboard. “Let’s do this, then.”
An hour later, you find yourself sitting on top of your kitchen counter, Chris stationed by the stove working on the pasta sauce. You had genuinely tried to help in the beginning, you really did. But after Chris criticized your (awful) cutting technique, and said he didn’t exactly trust you to do anything else, you gave up.
Besides, you don’t have a problem watching him work. Over the last hour, you’ve come to learn that Chris is an absolute whiz in the kitchen. Moving from place to place, adding spices by intuition and nothing more. This wasn’t something you could have managed to make yourself in a million years, and it’s obvious that if you tried to assist him right now, you’d only get in the way.
Of course, you’ve learned a lot more about Chris in the last hour than just that. Where he grew up, his hobbies, what he was currently studying at the university. Music theory, as you’d learned. As cool as it sounded, Han had managed to tarnish your image of music majors, but you suppose you could give Chris a chance.
“It’s almost done,” Chris says, glancing over his shoulder to look at you.
“Thank God, I’m starving,” you reply, leaping off the counter to stand beside him.
“What, no ‘thank you, Chris?’ No, ‘what ever would I have done without you, Chris?’” He mocks offence, placing a hand on his heart.
“It’s not even done yet. I’ll thank you after I try it, I promise.” You laugh, rolling your eyes.
“Ah, so you’re only thankful if you like it. I see how it is,” Chris says, crossing his arms in front of himself, pouting his lower lip slightly.
“Guess so,” you say, crossing your own arms mockingly. Chris smiles, those cute little dimples of his dancing across his cheeks.
Then you feel it, that little jump of your heart. The faintest skip of a beat that you’d familiarized yourself with over the last hour. That little hint of anticipation that makes you decide that you are, even if only slightly, a bit interested in Chris.
After all, he’s funny and sweet. Can carry a conversation well, and to understate it, undeniably easy on the eyes. That’s more than enough to give him a chance.
Most of all, however, you like that little flare between the two of you. The sarcasm, the banter. It doesn’t feel the same as when Minho does it, slightly condescending and done purely to harbour your annoyance. No, this is different. It is a challenge. He wants you to quip back, to push further. To make him smirk, or laugh, or roll his eyes.
“Alright, fine then,” he says, taking the large wooden spoon and scooping up some of the pasta sauce. “Tell me if this is up to par, your majesty.”
You aren’t sure if he wants you to take the spoon, or let him hold it for you as you take a bite. You decide to take the gamble, gently moving your lips around the spoon, tasting the sauce. You glance up at Chris, a small look of surprise on his face. However, you don’t miss the flash of something behind his eyes. The faintest hint of affection, interest.
The sauce itself is delicious. A perfect blend of tomato, basil and cream. You hum contently, giving him a thumbs up.
“Chris, this is amazing,” you praise, admiring the small blush that sprinkles his cheeks.
“It’s really nothing,” he says, diverting his gaze and rubbing the back of his neck, shyly.
“No, seriously,” you say, taking the spoon from his hand and scooping some of the sauce up yourself. “Try it.” You hold the spoon out in front of him, and he raises his eyebrows slightly. Your gaze remains firm. A challenge.
Hesitantly, he takes the bite, not breaking eye contact as he does so. You stare at him, watching the way his lips move around the spoon, the intensity of his gaze. The action itself should be innocent, yet you feel a warmth rise to your cheeks.
Chris swallows, taking his lips off the spoon. For a moment, neither of you say anything. You can feel the change in the atmosphere of the room. The spark between you two being brought alight.
You swallow hard. “So?” You ask quietly.
“Yeah, it’s good. Very good,” he says back, his voice low and raspy. He goes to take the spoon from you, and his hand lingers a moment, his thumb trailing the skin of your knuckles.
You feel yourself lean in slightly, fully prepared to take the leap, when suddenly he breaks away from you, eagerly taking a few steps back. He looks away, placing a hand on his face, as if he were ashamed.
“Shit. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I know you’re seeing someone, we shouldn’t be doing this. I’m sorry,” he babbles, completely turning away from you.
You open your mouth to say something, but no words come out. Seeing someone? Where the hell could he have possibly gotten that idea?
“Seeing someone?” You ask, incredulously voicing your thoughts. You grab him by the shoulder, turning him around. “Why do you think I’m seeing someone?”
Chris still refuses to meet your eyes, instead focusing intently on the wall behind you. “The guy that lives here- Minho - aren’t you two?”
“Minho?” You gape, contorting your face in a look of pure disgust. “Ew, gross! No! Believe me, I am not dating Minho, I’d genuinely rather stick this spoon in my eye,” you exclaim, lifting up the utensil.
At that Chris finally looks at you, wearing his own look of pure confusion. “Wait, really? But whenever I hear you guys out in the hall, the two of you are always so… flirty.”
“Flirty?” You laugh at the ridiculousness of the statement. “If by flirty you mean he teases me literally every god damn second of every day, then yeah sure, I guess. But believe me, there is absolutely nothing romantic about that. Not in the least.”
Chris shakes his head, a smile forming at the corners of his lips. “Wow. I am such an idiot,” he sighs, a rediscovered lightness to his tone.
“No, no. Don’t worry about it,” you reassure him. “Anyone could make that mistake, I guess. It’s really no big-”
“No, it’s not just that,” he cuts you off. “That’s why I’ve never talked to you before now.”
“You never talked to me because you thought that me and Minho were dating?” You ask, slightly confused. Even if you were dating, you didn’t see why that would stop him from starting a conversation with you. “Why?”
“Well,” he sighs, his cheeks reddening further. “I thought you were pretty, and based on the way you always quipped back at him, clever and funny as well. I don’t know, it just felt wrong to try and build a friendship with you, knowing how I already felt a little....”  
You smirk, drawing yourself slightly closer to him. “A little what?”
His smile transforms itself from embarrassed to a sly grin of his own. “A little into you, I guess.”
“It really is a shame,” you shrug, trying to hide the excitement building in your chest. “Because here I was, thinking my cute neighbor had some irrational grudge against me.”
Chris leans in, so the two of you are only inches apart. You can feel the heat radiating from his skin, smell the strong fragrance of his cologne. Sharp with lemon zest and mint.
“We could always make up for lost time, you know,” he says, his eyes flashing with mischief.
That is all the invitation you need to break the space between the two of you. You press Chris’ lips against your own, placing one hand on his shoulder and the other along the line of his jaw. His lips are soft, you notice. Tender in the slow rhythm the two of you develop.
He runs his hands up along your figure. One of them finding itself locked in your hair, the other placed firmly on the curve of your lower back. Gently, he leads the two of you away from the stove, placing you so that your back is pressed up against the kitchen counter.
You run your hand down along his chest, reveling in the groan he let’s out as your fingers trail down his lower abdomen. The sound is electricity pulsing through you, charging the room and igniting the atmosphere around the two of you.
His lips leave yours, trailing your jaw before making their way down your neck. Each individual kiss is slow and sultry, sending a shiver down your spine. You take a deep breath to stable yourself, and it does not go unnoticed.
Chris smirks, shifting his gaze to meet yours. His eyes are dark, his pupils blown out with desire. “You know, if we keep this up, the pasta sauce is going to burn,” he says, letting his fingers trail along your collarbone.
“Let it,” you shrug. “I wasn’t hungry anyways.”
Chris laughs at this, leaning forward so his face brushes the crook of your neck. “Yeah, right,” he says, allowing his lips to dust your skin. Suddenly, he bites down, not enough to break through the skin, but certainly enough to leave a small mark.  
You laugh, running your hands in his hair, half-heartedly pulling him off of your neck. “Hey! That hurt,” you exclaim, only half serious.
“Sorry,” he grins, before crashing his lips into yours once again. The pace between the two of you is much faster now, each kiss more passionate. More promising. Your desire rings through you, clouding your mind in a hazy fog of lust. It is dizzying, just how much you want him at this moment.
You're certain he feels the same way, given in how tightly he grips your thigh, his breath ragged every time you break apart. It is messy. Greedy. The two of you so deeply wanting more. More of each other.
You’re about to ask if he wants to move this to the bedroom, when suddenly the apartment door swings open. It’s almost comical, how quickly you and Chris break apart, springing to opposite ends of the kitchen.
“I hate to say it, but you were right,” Minho calls as he walks inside, not yet glancing up from his phone screen. “Shit got out of hand. Someone managed to break the pool table, don’t even ask how, I don’t know either. Almost gave Felix an aneurysm. I swear the kid was about to cry, poor guy. Han had to shut everything down. So you really didn’t miss out on-” Minho stops as he sees Chris, a confused yet bemused expression crossing his face.
“Oh, hey Chan,” he says, causing you to give Chris a look.
“A nickname,” Chris mouths to you, as discreetly as he possibly can.
“What are you doing over here?” Minho asks him, crossing his arms and leaning against the door. He has that smug smirk on his face that makes you want to punch him.
“Oh, well…” Chris starts, casting you a glance. “Y/N made some food, and there was too much of it, so she invited me over.”
“Really?” Minho asks, caught off guard. He walks past you and Chris, staring at the pasta and sauce currently sitting on the oven burners. “You’re saying Y/N made this?”
“Well, yeah?” Chris says, feigning confusion. “Of course, I wouldn’t lie about something like that. Why?”
You have to stop yourself from laughing, looking at the expression of utter bewilderment on Minho’s face. Minho glances at you, narrowing his eyes, before sighing.
“Well then, I guess you proved me wrong on two things tonight, Y/N,” he says, grabbing a bowl from the cupboard.
“What are you doing?” You ask as he begins to scoop some of the penne into his dish.
“Oh, you said there was a lot,” Minho responds, raising one eyebrow. “Can I not have some?”
“Sorry, go ahead,” you say, still slightly flustered by the abruptness of his entrance. Minho finishes filling his bowl and takes a seat at the kitchen island. As he begins to eat, the room is filled with a rather tense silence. You and Chris share an awkward look, unsure of what to do next.
Minho looks up from his dish, glancing between the two of you.
“Yeah, okay,” he says, grabbing his bowl and standing up from his chair. “I’m going to go eat this in my room. Have fun you two.”
Before you can say anything, Minho disappears around the corner, down the hallway leading to his room. You turn back towards Chris. The two of you stare at each other for a moment, before bursting out into a fit of laughter.
“He’s a bit of a mood-killer, huh?” You say, grabbing two bowls from the cupboard, offering him one.
Chris nods in thanks as he takes the bowl from your hands. “Just a little bit,” he laughs, beginning to scoop some of the pasta into both of your dishes.
The two of you take a seat at your counter, spending the meal talking and laughing. Nothing else, the moment has passed, but that doesn’t bother you. You enjoy Chris’ presence. His quick humour and thoughtful conversation.
It really is something that you could get used to, you decide.
After you’re done eating, you walk Chris over to the door, handing him his surplus of spice bottles and leftover spinach.
“Thank you for doing all this, seriously. The food was delicious, you’re seriously gifted. And also, thank you for covering for me, I really didn’t feel like listening to Minho die laughing over the burnt cookies,” you admit.
“It’s no problem, really,” Chris smiles. He shifts all the spices over to his right arm, letting his free hand fall down to his side. Softly, he takes your hand in his, letting your fingers intertwine.
“Listen,” he continues, shyly looking up from your hands to meet your eyes. “If you’re not doing anything tomorrow, you’re welcome to come over for a proper dinner. You know, so I can show you what I can actually make when it’s not a last minute attempt at salvaging a meal.”
You smile a goofy, genuine grin. “That sounds good to me,” you say. Hesitantly, you lean forwards, planting a soft, innocent kiss on his lips.
As you break apart, he hums contently. “I’ll see you tomorrow then, thanks for today. You made my night, Y/N.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Chris.” You watch as he walks over to his apartment door, which is of course, only a few meters away from your own. When he disappears into his own apartment, you sigh, closing your own door behind you. You lean against the frame, letting out a shaky breath, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. It’s been so long since you’ve held any genuine interest in someone, you feel almost giddy.
That is until you see Minho, leaning against the corner of the kitchen wall, watching you with his cheshire smirk.
“Dinner tomorrow, huh?” He asks, walking into the kitchen and scooping himself the last of the pasta.
“What about it?” You retort, not giving in to that pestering look in his eyes.
“Oh, nothing. I’m sure it’ll be good, considering Chan clearly made this,” Minho says, shoveling some of the pasta into his mouth.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you say, grabbing two wine glasses from the cupboard.
“Save it, the lady at the front desk told me you almost set the apartment on fire,” Minho laughs as you pour the wine.
You let out a groan, handing him his glass. “God dammit.”
“Don’t blame her though,” he smiles, leaning back and taking a sip. “I wouldn’t have believed you could have cooked that anyway.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
“Had me fooled for a second there though,” he says, patting you on the head. “But more importantly, you like Chan huh?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Right. Nice hickey, by the way,” he smirks, raising his eyebrows.
You pull up the collar of your shirt, casting him a glare. “Okay, maybe I do,” you shrug. “What’s it to you?”
“Nothing,” he replies, before taking a second to think. “Just please don’t fuck him or anything tomorrow. Walls are thin.”
You laugh, taking your glass of wine and flopping yourself back down on the living room couch.
“Shut up, Minho.”
thanks for reading loves <3
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yoonpobs · 3 years
bad boy good thing xiv.
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pairing: jeon jungkook x oc
genre: angst, smut, fluff, miscommunication (we hate her lol), pining
warnings: smut, jungkook is really an asshole, the angst hurts a lot tbh, unhealthy relationships (?)
words: 5, 690
summary: a series of drabbles where you're confused and jungkook's confusing
hello!!!! we’re here at fourteen chapters omg ✨✨when i first started this series it was mostly self-indulgent and now there are people who actually enjoy reading it??🥺 it almost doesn’t seem real T.T 
thank you so much for the love and support!!! just so I don't give too much spoilers for this chap - I apologise to my fellow geminis for the potential slander 🤣 this is more of a self-drag lmaooo 
anyway, I hope you enjoy this chap!!!
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“Ah. I’m getting allergies.” Yena sniffs, scrunching her nose.
You furrow your brows in concern, “Are you okay? Do you need any medicine?”
“It’s just the seasonal changes,” She brushes you off.
You nod in understanding, “I get it. My mom has horrible reactions towards pollen so—”
“I’m not allergic to flowers.” She blinks.
“Then what—?”
“It’s Gemini season. It’s like—literally the worst time of the year.” She blinks.
You gawk at her, taking a whole ten seconds to process her serious tone when she doesn’t waver under your scrutiny.
“I’m a Gemini,” You inform her slowly.
“I mean …” She shrugs all as you scowl at her, opting to throw the closest object you had, which was your favourite pen so you decide against it; simply shooting her the meanest glare you could possibly muster.
“Look, it’s not you,” She sighs, and you’re half-expecting her to finish with an it’s me to make you scoff, “It’s me.” And there you go. “I mean, it’s Gemini’s in general because they’re two-faced bitches who have the worst emotional attachment issues. Like they’re literally what the opposite of glue is. And they’re so over-analytical. How is it like psychoanalysing every person you meet only to hurt your own feelings and sulk about it?”
You blink.
“I mean it’s not you but if the shoe fits.” She says casually, plopping a grape into her mouth that you’re tempted to slap away.
“You’re so mean!” You pout indignantly.
She cackles, throwing her head back as you continue to sulk. You weren’t that bad. You just … you were risk-averse! You liked having the freedom to observe everyone and anyone and package them into tiny compartments in your head so you could understand them better. You weren’t … that Gemini.
“You’re so cute,” She coos pinching your cheeks. “No wonder Beef One and Beef Two like you so much.” She teases.
Your first reaction is to blush because you know who exactly she’s talking about, but you have more pressing matters, like—
“You have nicknames for them?” You ask, baffled.
“Hey, I wasn’t friends with many girls in high school. Don’t girls usually have nicknames for their crushes?” She says through a pout.
You stay expressionless as you try to gauge the level of seriousness you can extract from her tone.
You realise she’s dead serious.
“Yeah, but we’re in college,” You argue, scrunching your nose, “And sides’, it’s not like they’re strangers. We know them.”
She rolls her eyes, waving you off like you were the inconvenience here. Then she leans forward, her eyes twinkling as she takes a complete one-eighty that you try to adjust to.
“So … you Gemini hoe, what’s your plans?” She nudges you.
You raise a brow, “Did you just call me a—?”
“Plans, ___. Stay on track.” She scolds.
You sigh, still fond but you pretend to be annoyed. You really couldn’t get annoyed with Yena. After all, the more time you spend with her the more you realise how much life sucked before you had her in your life. You spent each moment learning more about her quirks and habits, her choice of words that made you giggle or laugh until you were crying.
And you realise that this is how she loves, a little rough but welcomed nonetheless.
“If you’re talking about my birthday then … not much. I’m probably stuck doing admin work for the college’s charity programme.” You shrug, stabbing a fork into your soiled salad.
Yena gapes at you, “Not much—excuse me? It’s your birthday! You’re turning twenty-five!” 
You look at her dryly, “I’ve been twenty-five since the year—”
She groans, “That’s not the same! You’re like—officially twenty-five. You’re literally hitting the mark for a quarter-life crisis. Isn’t that something to celebrate?” 
“Me going through an existential crisis at the end of my degree is not how I want to celebrate my birthday but okay,” You blink.
She rolls her eyes at your realism.
“That’s not the point. Point is, this is our first birthday together and I want it to be special.” She points out.
You snort, “What? Are we doubling my birthday as our monthsary or something?”
She shoves you with a brute force that has you snickering but she continues to pester you anyway.
“You’re so dumb. So smart, but so dumb,” She shakes her head, “You’re always studying or doing some form of work that requires the use of more than one brain cell. You deserve a break. Besides, you have two dudes to pick from on how you’d like to be wined and dined and—”
“Yena!” You whine.
“—it’ll be like an episode of the Bachelorette! But just with a super cool and smart best friend that’ll make the decision for you. It’s not your birthday. It’s ours.” She emphasises towards the end.
You stare at her for a long second, before the two of you are bursting into laughter at the absurdity of her statement. 
It was nice, just to laugh about things without having your heart feel so heavy. Even if it was a mild distraction, it was still wholly pleasant to be able to just talk about mindless things that didn’t require much mental gymnastics to navigate the conversation with.
“What are the two of you laughing about?” Taehyung and Jimin arrive at impeccable timing, sliding into the booth with their own packaged food. It’s very college-student-esque, a cute paper (because no plastic) container filled with an array of assortments.
“None of your XY chromosomes business.” Yena retorts.
Jimin blinks, “You are literally so hostile.”
“Then don’t give me a reason to be.” She sticks her tongue out petulantly.
You laugh, nudging her with your shoulder, “Be nice.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes but manages to keep a civil smile on his face. Always the more rational one between the two. 
“Anyway, Yena definitely isn’t going to answer me so, what’s up?” He turns to look at you.
You roll your eyes but it’s half-hearted, “She wants to celebrate my birthday like we’re on the Bachelorette.”
“Like you’re on the Bachelorette.” She corrects.
“Oh my God, our baby’s turning twenty-five!” Jimin coos at the reminder, pinching your cheeks as he coddles you. You scowl and weakly shove him away, even if you preen under the attention.
“I’m literally older than the both of you.” You huff.
Yena blinks, “There’s no way I’m the oldest person at this table.”
Taehyung furrows his brows, “Wait—how old are you?”
She sends him a scathing glare that has his arms raised up in defence.
“Jeez, okay. Don’t answer.”
“I’m going to answer because you told me not to.” She clips. “I’m twenty-seven.”
Jimin blinks, “No wonder you and Yoongi hyung are so alike.”
You almost miss it, but as Yena so eloquently pointed out, you were a sucker for psychoanalysing people (even if you didn’t want to admit it yet) that you notice the way she flushes ever so slightly as she scoffs.
“Him? How dare you compare me to that sorry excuse of a—!”
“Okay, everyone is beneath you. I’m sorry your highness.” Jimin rolls his eyes.
You make a note to ask her about it because you know for a fact that Yoongi ‘complains’ about Yena every hour he can. It’s almost as if he can’t go long enough without mentioning her.
You smile to yourself as you duck your head.
“Exactly,” She flips her hair over her shoulders before turning to face you. “Anyway, back to you—our baby.”
Taehyung nods, “Exactly, the baby.”
You scrunch your nose, “Don’t coddle me.”
He pats your head before cooing at you like he would to an actual baby, “But you’re just so cute. You’re too good for this shitty world. Too good for the likes of mere mortals like us.”
“Not me.” Yena blinks before gesturing to their bodies, “You.”
Jimin sticks his tongue out in retaliation as you sigh at their never-ending bickering.
Somehow … it felt right. You think it most of the times but you don’t know any other way to describe how it feels to be back with your friends, laughing, bickering and just appreciating their presence.
When you and Jungkook had your issues, it was like you made the conscious choice to avoid everyone and anyone as much as you could, and any interaction you had during that period was purely out of coincidences and not the intention. You remember actively avoiding Jimin and Taehyung because it felt too draining to pretend like you didn’t have a battle in your head. Even studying or spending time with Namjoon made you feel guilty, the thought of Jungkook lingering in your mind. Yena was there through it all, but even then you saw her as much as you did with any of your classmates you so happened to share a class with.
In fact, if it weren’t for Yena you’d probably have zero social interactions as a whole because she just knew. She somehow picked up on your internal conflicts but never outwardly shamed you or confronted you about it. All she did was be there for you, offering you her presence and you were grateful.
So, yeah. Things were better, but your heart was still at its core—confused. Your feelings for Jungkook didn’t disappear overnight and you knew that you were the one that asked for space.
You forgave him … you did, honestly. But there are things you can’t forget, and those are the things that you wished you could. The words he said in principle, was outright shitty. But the fact that it came from him only poked at every single one of your insecurities that you developed over the years.
You knew it wasn’t healthy to compare yourself to other women when they were living vastly different lives than you were, but it’s proven difficult when you’re forced to see these type of women every day, at college, in your community work or on the media. 
Believing Jungkook’s apparent feelings for you was harder because, well. Jungkook was Jungkook. He wasn’t just another guy, and despite his shortcomings, he had more merits than he’d let on and you knew that people saw that. It was also the fact that Jungkook had a charm that drew all types of people in. He was soft-spoken but passionate, and people loved a quiet achiever.
You … knew about the women. Way before Jennie and way before the thing between the two of you happened. Jimin and Taehyung would always update you about the new fling or girl he had tied to his hip just as he was in his final year in high school. You had to force a smile every single time they’d snicker and joke about how your Jungkook suddenly became a man overnight.
And you noticed the trend with the women he liked. They were … captivating. Beautiful wasn’t even enough to describe them because they looked like they could carry the world on their shoulders and spark immense change with just the movement of their lips. They were confident and charismatic, outgoing and just the right amount of flirty. You were anything but.
It sucked, majorly, because you spent years agonising over the fact that you were already coined with the older sister title in the group because of the way you acted—just a little more uptight than the average woman your age. You were quiet but loud in the right company; you didn’t like crowds, socialising or mingling around with people you didn’t know and based on your observations it seemed like that was the only thing that Jungkook’s been doing ever since he made it to senior year in high school, and even in the first years of college.
You don’t resent him, you think. You couldn’t blame him because you weren’t honest either. You consented, to all of the kisses and touches even if he hadn’t officially had sex with you. You wanted to, but you were terrified. Not at the prospect of penetration but at the prospect of not being enough and the fact that Jungkook was the only person you wanted to have sex with while he had options that were far more attractive and experienced than you were.
That’s why you needed time because at least you could get your shit together even if it was an uphill battle.
“Earth to ____?” Taehyung waves a hand in front of your face with a concerned expression.
You blink, snapping out of your daze as you offer a meek smile and an apology.
“We just asked you if you wanted a small get together at Tae’s and I’s place for your birthday?” Jimin asks.
“Really?” You beam. That was exactly what you preferred.
“Yeah, we know you don’t like clubs and stuff. Just a small and intimate gathering with all your best buds.” He grins.
You nod your head, but Yena beats you to a response.
“By best buds you mean the three friends she has, which is us and the two meatheads duelling for her affection.” She snorts.
You flush, “Y-Yena!”
Taehyung snickers at your embarrassment.
“It doesn’t help that both of them are literally the biggest dudes on the football team. It’s literally like watching King Kong and Godzilla getting into a fight for world domination.”
Jimin throws his back in laughter as you fold your arms across your chest at post at the way your friends are practically crying in laughter at the image. Jimin was clutching onto Taehyung for his dear life because if he didn’t then he’d fall off the chair.
“Stop,” You whine, “you guys are being mean.”
“Oh my God, you’re literally the only person on this earth that would take two people fighting for your attention as an offence.” Taehyung groans.
“I-It’s not that!” You deny exasperatedly, “I-It’s just … awkward …”
Jimin sighs with a small smile, patting your head.
“If it’s any consolation I think it’s offensive that Jungkook thinks he even has the right to breathe in—”
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“Wow. It really is like King Kong and Godzilla.” Jimin whistles lowly, eyeing the scene before him with amusement lingering in his eyes.
“Do you think they’re gonna start slamming their chests soon or …?” Taehyung trails off in a whisper, leaning into Jimin so that the two other men wouldn’t notice.
“I can literally hear you.” You say dryly.
Jimin offers you a plastic smile, “You’re meant to hear us, babe. How about you try to tame them like Jane did with Tarzan?”
Jimin nearly shrieks when you shove him so fiercely that he topples over into Taehyung’s grasp as the second part of the duo only catches him in the process. 
You sigh, completely ignoring the way that Jimin’s muttering curses that were directed to you under his breath. Instead, you were transfixed on the scene before you—which specifically is Jungkook and Namjoon staring each other down through the mirror of the gym. You were lucky that it was just the five of you since Namjoon was able to use his captain privileges to book the gym because you had no idea how to explain the fact that two big-sized men were attempting to outdo each other in their circuit reps as if they were on a suicide mission.
“Listen, when I agreed to help you out with your sets I thought I was meant to help log it in for a report.” You exasperate, but the two men continue their manly lift-off as they huff and puff their exertion away.
“Trust me, you are helping. Being the motivation is more than—”
This time it’s Taehyung who faces your wrath as you thwack him upside the head. 
From where Jungkook and Namjoon were, Jungkook can only deliver death stares into the direction of his captain who returns it tenfold. He wasn’t even sure why they were doing this but something a flicked definitely switched in Jungkook when Namjoon (purposefully) revealed that you were helping out with something. At the gym. Supposedly alone.
Jungkook’s primitive side came out because the next thing Namjoon knew was that Jungkook managed to drag himself, and Jimin and Taehyung as a diversion. He still feels his chest swell with pride when recalling the scowl on Namjoon’s face when he entered the gym, all fake smiles and a pep in his step.
“____, could you help me spot?” Namjoon breathes, sitting up from whatever the hell he was doing with the barbell. You weren’t fixated with gym language and you weren’t even sure why he was asking you when there was an entire Jimin and Taehyung right next to you.
“Uh, okay sure—“
“Noona,” Jungkook calls.
You freeze.
“Jungkook … I thought we established that you don’t need to call me that anymore.” You raise an eyebrow.
You miss the obvious glare that Namjoon shoots his bitchass friend, as well as the snorts that leave Jimin and Taehyung’s mouth.
“Pay attention to me,” Jungkook pouts. Like, actually pouts. You somehow flush because he seemed so much like the younger version of Jungkook who used to always coddle you for attention.
“Okay but after I help—”
“Yeah. After she helps me.” Namjoon interjects, and you nearly jump at the way he’s suddenly behind you, more so—pressed against your back with his hands on your hips as he moves you aside to get to another piece of equipment.
Your breath hitches because while you weren’t exactly invested in Namjoon in the romantic sense, he was undeniably attractive and … big. You could salivate in private.
“Oh my God, do you see that?” Taehyung hisses in a hushed whisper.
“Hyung is petty,” Jimin gawks.
“This is Namjoon we’re talking about. Didn’t he steal all the umbrellas from your dorm because you ratted him out to the librarian when he broke a bookshelf?” Taehyung recalls.
Jimin pauses to retract his mind to that moment.
“He’s so petty and I’m living for it. Look at Kook’s face,” He snickers, nudging Taehyung with his shoulder.
Jungkook only can clench his jaw in return because he knew that you wouldn’t be a fan of him reaching out to strangle the shit out of Namjoon. But the older boy seems fine, if not pleased with how Jungkook’s fuming in his own spot.
“Let me just …” You cock a thumb to Namjoon, before releasing a breath of your own and going to help him with whatever he needed in the first place.
“Jimin can help him. I have a more pressing problem.” He complains.
You stop in your tracks before turning around, raising an eyebrow at Jungkook who finally sits up, still staring at you like you held all the solutions in the world.
“Literally wait for your turn,” Namjoon scowls.
“My arm hurts,” Jungkook says, raising his arm to show you. 
“I don’t … see anything?” You furrow your brows.
“Because my muscles hurt, Noona,” Jungkook emphasises with a flex of his bicep and you can feel yourself get hot in the way your eyes can’t stray away.
You’re momentarily distracted by the blatant display of muscle by Jungkook that you completely miss the way that Jimin and Taehyung are struggling to breathe because of how hard they’re stifling their laughter or the way that Namjoon is contemplating on throwing the nearest dumbbell into Jungkook’s direction.
You flush, “Okay, you know what? Wait here. Let me get the first aid kit.” You mumble, quickly scampering off to alleviate yourself from the situation.
The moment you leave the room, Namjoon takes two long strides until he reaches where Jungkook’s sat, before wrapping a hand around the arm that was supposedly hurt—and squeezes.
“Ow! What the fuck hyung?!” Jungkook shrieks.
“Don’t hyung me, you brat.” Namjoon seethes, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Jungkook gapes, while Jimin and Taehyung watch in amusement.
“Me?! What’s wrong with you?” Jungkook retorts, equally as agitated, “Oh, _____, help spot me! Woe is me! Like she wouldn’t get crushed under you, you meathead!” 
“Like you’re any better,” Namjoon snaps, “Oh, Noona, pay attention to me. My arm hurts. You might as well have asked her to change your fucking diapers at the rate you’re acting like a damn child.”
“You’re the one that started all of this!” Jungkook exasperates, “With all due respect hyung, I love you and you’re my captain but I really feel like smashing your head into the wall right now.”
“That’s it?” Namjoon scoffs, “Well I’ll do you one better and let you know that every time you breathe in my direction I feel like—”
“Oh my God will you two idiots shut the fuck up?” Taehyung interjects, snapping at the two boys who pause, staring up at him with wide eyes.
Even Jimin is surprised at Taehyung’s intervention, purely because he was the type that usually let shit slide or let other people put problematic individuals into place. He was the mediator, the diplomat—not usually the aggressor.
“Another peep and I’m going to smother your body under the dumbbells and leave you here to rot and die.” Taehyung seethes, staring straight into Jungkook’s soul.
That shuts him up.
“Both of you are acting like goddamn children, and for what? To battle out your masculinity to see who gets ____’s attention first?” Taehyung exasperates.
Namjoon clears his throat, “We were just—”
“—acting like a bunch of barbarians who’s never seen civilisation?” Taehyung retorts dryly, “Yeah. Because that’s exactly what this looks like. The two of you are so petty and for what? You two are literally rubbing the last remaining brain cells you have with each other but nothing is coming out from it. Like—nothing. Do you think she’d give a shit which one of you can lift more reps? That means absolutely nothing! She’s already freaked the fuck out at the prospect of her childhood best friend being in love with her and now we have Big Tit Number One and Two battling it out like you’re in the Greek Olympics.”
Jungkook blinks, and Jimin is mildly impressed.
“So before she comes back and tends to Jungkook’s hurt muscle,” Taehyung sneers, eyes narrowing at a guilty-looking Jungkook, “Both of you better sort your shit out.”
Namjoon flushes, embarrassed at the prospect of being called out, all while Jungkook is avoiding eye contact at all costs.
“Oh my God, do you have a crush on each other or something? Apologise!” Taehyung gestures towards the two boys who awkwardly blink at each other, feeling much like reprimanded children.
It’s Namjoon who breaks the silence first, clearly the more mature one in the situation.
“Look … Jungkook,” He sighs, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to … drag it out like this. I don’t mean it maliciously and you’re my friend and teammate, so I’d really hate if a girl got in the way.”
Jungkook nibbles on his lips, eyebrows still scrunched; and the irrational part of him tells him to ignore the apology. But with the way that Taehyung is glaring him down, with Jimin’s expectant gaze, he knows that he doesn’t have much of a choice.
“I’m sorry … too,” he winces at his own voice, “But just to let you know … I really …” He shuts his eyes, feeling his chest tighten when he tries to force the words out, “She isn’t just … a girl to me, hyung. I really, really like her. And—I know you like her too but … I fucked up and I really want to make things right and seeing you—”
Jungkook is flushing while he rambles on, fully aware that the rest of his friends are listening intently to him speaking his heart. But a hand rests itself on his shoulder, and when Jungkook opens his eyes he sees Namjoon offering him a gentle smile.
“I know,” He says, “I know I said I wouldn’t back off …” He trails off and Jungkook recalls the conversation he had with him in the very same gym just a few weeks back, “But I don’t think I can compete with a decade long love story.” 
Jungkook scoffs, though his ears are flushed.
“It’s really not—”
Namjoon waves him off, clasping a tight hand onto his back that tells him it’s okay, and whatever that was going on would get better. And Jungkook feels marginally better and allows himself to let out a sigh of release.
“So are the two of you gonna kiss or what?” Jimin asks in the midst of the silence.
Namjoon glares at the boy, “Don’t make me give you an extra ten laps.”
He backs down immediately, raising his hands up in defence. And at that moment, you return, all smiles and with a pant as you raise the first aid kit up.
“Your arm?” You smile sweetly, and Jungkook can only offer a weak on in return.
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“Can I ask you something?” 
“Depends. Will I have to run from the government if I answer you honestly?” Yena ponders out loud.
You roll your eyes but shake your head anyway. The two of you were meant to be cooking dinner but you’ve surrendered yourself to Netflix and Yena’s witty live commentary on horrible films you were scrolling through an hour earlier. Though, your head wasn’t quite in it, to begin with; your thoughts drifting to other aspects, ones that you thought too hard for and didn’t necessarily know the answer to.
It was frustrating, the way that you wanted to have a solution for everything but overthought every single case that happens to pass by your mind. 
“No one’s hunting anyone down, your anarchist,” You say, “This is a little … personal.” 
You didn’t have any girl friends prior to Yena, and that was your first mistake. You weren’t the person that actively avoided having girl friends because you thought they were dramatic or overly emotional but purely because you never knew how to befriend women. It was weird—being a woman yet being muddled with your own sense of femininity that suppressed your ability to form meaningful friendships with your women peers.
Throughout most of your childhood and teenaged life, you only had Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. While they were more than enough to keep your memories cheerful and filled with laughter, there were more personal things that you couldn’t quite approach them with. They had each other to confide in their ‘manly’ discussions, small talk that you’d often flush at—but you couldn’t ask them the same things you wanted to.
You knew, that on a fundamental level that your personal things were just … things. It wasn’t that deep, nor did it require a PhD in Gender Studies to fully understand the nuance of periods or apparent ‘girl’ problems; you just needed to listen. But you were timid, and you got embarrassed super easily—so that never boded well whenever you’d want to approach them with a question of your own.
But now, you had Yena—debatably the most open and understanding person you’ve met in your life; and you owed it to yourself, and her—to be honest, to live yourself vicariously in your girl best friends eyes—and ask:
“How do you have sex?”
Granted, there was definitely a smoother way of peeling off the bandaid, but you supposed if you were going to be discussing this one way or another, you’d go big or go home.
“I’m sorry,” She coughs, “What?”
You blink.
“Sorry, I guess I should’ve asked if you were a virgin first …” You mumble.
Yena stares at you with a stupefied expression as she gapes at you.
“Hey, repeat after me: candy, tree and cat.” She grabs you by your shoulders.
“I’m not cerebrally compromised, Yena,” you say dryly.
“Repeat,” She glares.
You huff, shoving her hand off your shoulder.
“Candy, tree and cat. There, happy?” You huff.
She eyes you weirdly as you sigh. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes!” You exasperate, “So like … how? Do you just? Penetrate?”
Yena blinks one more time, her eyes trailing to the ceiling as she asks for a higher being to give her strength before she returns her gaze onto your figure.
“Babe, that is literally the unsexiest way to approach sex.” 
“Penetration?” You furrow your brows.
She scrunches her brows, “No.” She gestures to you, “That.”
You scowl.
“I don’t know how to approach sex! That’s why I’m asking you. I literally don’t know who else to approach. If I went to Jimin or Taehyung I’m pretty sure they’d just stare at me and cry. Namjoon is out of the picture because he’d likely approach sex textbook style and I don’t need that level of detail right now. I definitely can’t ask Jungkook because he’s the guy I wanna have sex with. So yeah. I’m here because you’re a woman and the only person I can have a full conversation with without losing my will to live.”
Yena gawks at you, jaw slack as you finish your ramble; ears flushed.
“… you …” She begins, wracking her brain for the words that seem to fail her, “… okay. You know what, the fact that you’re here and putting your big girl pants on and asking me this is a feat in itself so I’m going to just ignore the fact that you said you wanted to have sex with Jungkook.”
You flush, “I was word vomiting—”
“Ah,” She holds her hands up, levelling you with a knowing glare, “If you want honest, you be honest too.”
You slump in your seat, sighing as you nod your head defeatedly.
“Firstly, I’m not a virgin. I could never be a virgin.” Yena declares, “Granted, I’ve slept with three people and two of them were women. But the idiot I lost my virginity to was, unfortunately, of XY chromosomes so … I guess I can answer your questions.”
“I mean … I know how sex works but … approaching it …” You mutter.
“And sex isn’t this groundbreaking act that requires Einstein’s IQ to partake in. It’s both intimate and not, and that’s definitely a personal preference. You can know the semantics of how people have sex, for hets in this case, which is just the classic ol’ penetration method where the penis enters the—”
“Your point?” You exasperate.
“—okay, I got a little carried away. But really, sex isn’t … difficult. It’s scary, I’ll give you that. But you don’t go into your first time thinking you’ll be great at it. Hell, you won’t even like sex that much your first few times unless your partner is a sex demon or something.”
“I mean when Jungkook …” You shudder, “When he … I … you know, did things … it felt …” You fiddle with your fingers. Your ears were undoubtedly on fire, and you were so embarrassed saying these things out loud because it was just so awkward!
“Good? You know I’m not going to judge you for it,” she says pointedly, “That’s what friends are for, right?”
You flush, covering your face with your hands in embarrassment. You knew that Yena would never judge you for something as trivial and as unimportant as your sexual endeavours, but this was still a road you’ve yet to properly navigate yourself.
“I … came,” you wince at your breathy voice, “It felt good. And … he’s experienced, you know? I just don’t want to …”
Yena looks at you inquisitively.
“You don’t want to …?”
You sigh deeply, considering your next words with a soft murmur, “I don’t want to not live up to his expectations, you know?”
She frowns at you, “Jungkook’s made some mistakes but you said it yourself. He’s in love with you,” she says softly, “There’s no pressure to have sex with him just because it’s out in the open now, you know?”
You nibble on your lips.
“It’s … more than just that,” you tell her, “I told him I needed time, and really, I do. But it isn’t because I’m confused. I mean, kind of—but really it’s because I don’t want to walk into something and disappoint him … I’m just … scared.”
Yena holds your hand in hers while offering you a gentle smile.
“It’s valid that you’re scared. But there really isn’t anything that can come out of being scared right now. The two of you worked through an obstacle, and here you are creating another one that doesn’t quite exist yet. Trust me, when the time feels right, it does. And you’ll feel ready. Will you still be scared? Maybe. But it’ll feel like it’s meant to fit within your timeline.”
You nibble on your lips, “Is it bad that I’m overthinking this?” You wince.
Yena shrugs her shoulders, “Like everything else in your life?” She teases.
You whine, shoving at her shoulder playfully where all Yena does is snicker in response. You weren’t quite sure what you were expecting out of the conversation, even if it was vaguely about the ins and outs of sexual exploration. And she was right, you’ll always be afraid of something, whether it’ll benefit you or harm you because that’s what change does. It shifts your comfort zone into a space that may be unfamiliar but necessary.
You lean into Yena’s shoulder, and a wave of overwhelming emotion washes upon you when you look at her. You really didn’t know how you survived a time without Yena in your life. And as if she’s noticed your glassy gaze, she raises an eyebrow at you.
“What are you looking at?”
You grin at her, all teeth and gums on display as you hug onto her arm like a koala.
“I’m just really happy you’re in my life.” You sigh wistfully.
She pauses for one whole second before she snorts.
“Wow, talk about sex once and suddenly you’re in love with me?” She wiggles her eyebrows at you, “Tell Jeon and Kim that you’re mine now.”
You giggle, rolling your eyes.
“They’re not even competing in the same league as you are,” you assure her.
She smiles.
“So … does that mean I don’t need to get you a birthday gift?”
That earns a thwack on her shoulder.
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neon-junkie · 3 years
White Smoke, Blue Lines
Summary: There are many things that the Jedi Order forbids: Attachments, specifically ones with Clones, and partaking in drugs - both of which you're about to break, when a certain clone helps you obtain the specific herb that you're after.
Pairing: Hardcase x Jedi Reader Reader Description: Reader is female and uses she/her pronouns. This fic does not include any descriptions of her appearance.
Warnings: Use of Drugs. Tags: Sharing a joint, Mutual pining, Flirting, Teasing, First time, Making out, First kiss, Shotgun kisses, Smut, Oral (receiving), Dirty talk, Grinding. Word count: 7.3k Notes: Personally, I'd like to think that most of the Jedi love getting blazed as fuck, especially Yoda, that little froggy bong-smoking fucker, but logically, they'd say no to drugs. Either way, I just want to share a joint with Hardcase, so here's the fic for it >:)
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"Your girlfriend's heading our way, Hardcase," Jesse prods, slapping his brother's arm to get his attention.
"Hey! Wha- she's not my girlfriend," Hardcase huffs, pushing Jesse back, squabbling whilst still on the landing platform.
"Yeah, but you want her to be," Jesse snickers, and Fives joins in, giggling away as the pair begin to bash their skulls together.
You clear your throat, interrupting the presumably playful banter that is going on between two of the 501st boys. The 501st aren't your battalion, but they sure do feel like it, considering almost all of your missions are paired up with General Skywalker's. You have your own men, and he has his, but there's an unspoken agreement that when working together, they're both of your men, and all the clones are content with that.
That being said, you know each of Skywalker's men by name, ranking, personality and whatnot. You've spent the last few years quite literally by their side, squished together on gunships and cruisers, dragging each other from beneath rubble and fallen clankers, and there's even been a few incidents where they've had to carry your injured self from battle. Nasty memories, but you have the 501st to thank as your saviours.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," you say with a soft laugh, watching as their eyes go wide, locking onto yours. Jesse and Hardcase clear their throats, removing each other from their locked stances, and they straighten their backs as they greet you with a shy "General."
Your gaze turns to Hardcase as you politely ask, "Hardcase, may I have a word alone?"
Jesse begins chewing on his bottom lip in an attempt to mute his laughter, but a few snorts slip through. You've overheard Jesse and many others tease Hardcase for his apparent feelings towards you, and although you haven't sensed too much from him, whatever feelings he may have are mutual. However, war and order comes first, and the likelihood of a Clone dating a Jedi is, well... there is no likelihood. It's forbidden. End of debate.
"Uh, of course," Hardcase nods, and follows you from the landing platform, heading towards the Barracks entrance, but not slipping inside. It's quiet here, minus the few clones passing by, unloading the gunships at their own pace.
Your eyes trail around the perimeter before speaking up, not paying any mind to the clones nearby, but assuring that there are no other Jedi in this vicinity. "Hardcase... uh, I was hoping for your assistance in obtaining something," you begin talking, keeping your voice level just above a whisper.
"W-what can I help you with, General?" Hardcase gulps. His hands flex into fists, bunching up at his sides, and he attempts to mute his thoughts, praying that nothing lewd will spring into his mind... again.
"Call me by my name, please, Hardcase. We're off clock, and when it comes to something like this, I'd rather... forget about the Order," you exhale, your gaze finally meeting Hardcase's wide eyes. Nervousness is radiating from him, and it doesn't help that you're prolonging your question, rattling his anxiety as every second passes.
Hardcase mutters your name with a nod, and states that he's "not quite following."
"Before I ask, I just want to explain that I'm approaching you as a friend, and not as a General-" you mumble, prolonging the question even more.
Hardcase nods, and sighs anxiously when you continue rambling. "-And I am coming to you specifically about this because, well, I am under the assumption that you also partake in such activities."
"Please tell me what you're after already!" Hardcase blurts out. Both of your eyes turn wide at his outburst, and he's about to apologize for letting his emotions control his mouth, but you speak up before he can.
"Do you know any dealers?" you finally ask.
Hardcase pauses, still with the same wide-eyed expression. His brow slowly raise as he thinks that he knows what you're on about, but just to be certain, he asks, "dealers... for?"
"Drugs. Weed, specifically," you sheepishly state. "My last one dipped off the radar, I assume he was arrested, but I-"
"I didn't know you smoke," Hardcase softly laughs, flashing you a lop-sided and extremely cheeky grin. You roll your eyes, followed by playfully punching his upper arm, which only causes Hardcase to laugh even more.
"I'm going to take your answer as a 'yes,'" you state, folding your arms and looking up at the clone, who wears his cheeky smile with pride.
"Yeah, I can sort you out," he nods. "I've been buying off the same guy for a while now, but he's weary of strangers. Maybe I could put a good word in first, or-"
"-You could come with me?" you suggest. "To pick up, I mean. That would certainly ease his anxieties."
"Y-yeah, s-sure," Hardcase gulps. His flushed, vibrant red cheeks are hard not to notice, and you're quickly hit with a thick cloud of flustered energy, radiating from him. You've not spent much time around any of the clones outside of work, minus popping by their quarters to pass on information and whatnot, and that one incident where you ran into them at 79's, but that's as good as it gets.
"I'll meet you outside the front of the barracks at 19:00, but around the corner beside that small diner, just to be safe, if that's alright with you?" You question.
"Y-Yeah," Hardcase stutters again, nodding eagerly at your request. "I'll comm my guy and let him know that we're picking up later. He's not too far from here, just a few blocks away."
"Okay," you sweetly smile. "I'll leave you to it, thank you again!" You say your goodbyes, heading in the direction of the temple to continue your chores for the day, leaving Hardcase on the barracks landing platform.
He pinches himself. That just happened, didn't it? That lovely, sweet, and kind General just approached him to ask about drugs? And she trusts him enough to meet up with him, off the clock, and conduct a deal with him?
The trust. Hardcase could go and rat you out to the Order right now. He could knock on the temple's front door, demand to speak to the manager, and tattle on you for partaking in such illegal activities. But he doesn't - why would he?
Hardcase snaps from his daze as he overhears his name being called, and Jesse and Fives appear in his line of sight. Hardcase huffs, knowing what's in store for him, and begins approaching his brothers. They've already stripped themselves from their upper-armour, relaxing in their blacks, now leaving them defenceless from the upcoming brotherly play fight that will no-doubt happen once their teasing has begun.
"What did the General want?" Fives questions as Hardcase approaches, who decides to continue walking into the Barracks, praying that he can drag them back into their quarters fast enough to prevent their teasing. Rex is always there to break up their bickering, especially when it involves certain comments about certain Generals.
"She just asked me about some stuff, nothing important," Hardcase shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck with his gloved hand as he walks.
"That's not what it looked like when we walked past," Fives grins.
Jesse joins in on the smirking. "You both looked flustered, but you especially looked like a Cadet attempting to flirt."
"No, no. It wasn't like that-" Hardcase huffs. He debates telling them the truth, considering that they know and also partake in illicit activities, but is it worth the relentless teasing that he will face? Hardcase already knows his answer, and he already knows that his brothers will find out sooner or later - hopefully later when they catch him sneaking out of the Barracks unaccompanied.
"What was it like then?" Jesse raises a brow.
"S-She..." Hardcase stutters, and exhales heavily. He finally admits to the truth, and ensures that his tone of voice is hushed, not wanting anybody to overhear. "She asked me who to get stuff off, so I told her."
"Stuff?" Fives questions.
"He means..." Jesse explains with a wave of his hand.
There's a pause from both of them, and for a brief moment, Hardcase assumes that that's the end of it. But he is unbelievably wrong.
"Wait- The General, a Jedi, asked you for..." Fives coughs. Both his, and Jesse's expression flicks between confused, concerned, and curious, and the pair keep their ears close to Hardcase as he continues explaining what just happened.
"Yeah," he sheepishly nods. "She basically said that she trusts me, and that I look like the kinda guy who knows where to get that stuff, so I said I'd help her out."
"Help her out how?" Jesse questions.
"Well, uh..." Hardcase stutters, rubbing the back of his neck once more. "You know what Dog is like, he's not too fond of strangers-"
"-Yeah, which is why he wouldn't sell to us at first," Jesse states the obvious, and Fives nods in confirmation.
"-So, uh, she's going to come with me later to pick up," Hardcase innocently shrugs. He bites his bottom lip, attempting to focus on walking down the corridor, rather than watching his brother's reactions. It's coming. Hardcase know's it's coming, and when the wave finally hits, it drowns him.
Fives and Jesse scream, instantly jumping on their brother to begin their playful teasing. "You have a date!" They begin barking at him, riling him up, unfazed by the curious onlookers that pass by. "It's a date, our boy Hardcase has a date!" They cheer, and Hardcase, attempting to mute his laughter, eventually pushes both of them off.
"It's not a date!" He instantly begins denying, only to be playfully shoved between both of them as they protest his protests.
"It's a date, Hardcase. You two are meeting up later for a date," Jesse purrs, wrapping his arm around Hardcase's neck as the trio turn the final corner to approach their quarters.
"What are you gonna wear? Something nice?" Fives questions, knowing that they own little to no personal clothing.
"Make sure you shave your balls, chicks love that," Jesse comments, raising a cheeky brow at his brother.
Hardcase finally shoves Jesse off him as he gags at his bold comment. He remains silent, as flustered as ever, quietly wishing that it is a date, rather than him accompanying you to pick up weed. His gaze turns to the quarters' door, and he quickly punches in the code, ensuring that his flustered expression is blocked from his brothers.
However, the second the door opens, Fives pushes him into the room, and proudly announces, "guess who's getting his dick wet later, boys!"
The torment has only just begun...
Hardcase's pace is faster than usual, weaving his way through the endless sea of people that cover Coruscant. The diner is barely five minutes from the Barracks, but Hardcase is running late due to his brothers pestering him non-stop.
Their teasing was ruthless, exactly what you'd expect from a bunch of men, specifically siblings. Even Rex had joined in on the banter, but reminded his men that this definitely isn't a date as such things are forbidden, not to mention consuming drugs. The talk of his 'date' is not to leave the Barracks, and even when it is spoken about, it must be spoken in hushed tones to prevent by-passers overhearing it through the thick walls.
Hardcase tugs at his shirt again, cursing the smaller fit that he's borrowed off Tup. He's slightly thinner than Hardcase, and it seems that he buys his shirts even smaller to ensure that his best features are on display, pressed against the ironed fabric. Hardcase was originally going to meet up with you in sweatpants and a t-shirt, and his suggestion was met with a sea of tears as every single one of his brothers pushed him to wear something enticing.
"It is a date, after all," Dogma chimed in.
"It's not a date," Hardcase had replied. He had reached the point of auto-pilot, automatically reminding everyone that it's not a date whenever he heard those specific words.
His brothers ignored his declines, and collectively agreed that Hardcase is going on a date, whether he sees it as that, or not. They all helped doll him up; Tup loaned his navy blue shirt, sleeves rolled up at the elbows and the top few buttons undone, exposing his collarbones and teasing his toned pecs. Hardcase insisted that he wears black jeans, making his outfit seem more casual, rather than borrowing Dogma's suit pants.
Hardcase is assuming that he'll be back within half an hour, ready to tell his brothers "I told you so," when they ask why his 'date' didn't last long. He huffs to himself, finally reaching the destination, at to his surprise, you're already stood outside.
"There you are," you state as he appears in your line of vision. Hardcase, for once, manges to control his flustered expression as he locks on to what you're wearing; it's nothing fancy, casual attire, but you and Hardcase could easily be mistaken as a couple out on a date.
"Sorry I took so long," Hardcase sighs. "The boys were..."
"-being themselves?" you answer his statement, and he nods awkwardly in agreement. You playfully roll your eyes, knowing far too well how boisterous and bold his brothers are. "Anyway, lead the way," you gesture, and with that, Hardcase begins leading you on the short journey to his dealer's place.
"He doesn't live far from here," Hardcase reassures you, holding his hands up innocently.
"Good, hopefully he lives close to me," you say with a laugh, not wanting to trail too far.
"You mean... the temple?"
"Oh, no. I decided to get my own little apartment nearby. I needed my own space, the temple can feel over-bearing, and it's nice to... not feel like a Jedi, sometimes," you briefly explain, hoping that Hardcase understands your desire for self-isolation.
"Yeah, I can understand that," he shrugs. "At least you're able to get your own place. That sure would... be something," Hardcase sighs.
A gentle hand rests on Hardcase's forearm as he walks, and you give him a soft squeeze, reassuring him as you comment, "you know that I'm not fond of how the Republic treats clones."
"Yeah, I don't think there's many Jedi out there who are," he agrees. Hardcase exhales heavily, feeling your hand disappear from his forearm, and as he leads you down a side street, he decides to swiftly turn the conversation around. "He's just up here, I'll buzz for him to come down," Hardcase explains, and slips his comm link from his pocket, tapping away on the device.
"You know, I was going to suggest you come back to my apartment and share a joint with me. My way of saying thank you for helping me out," you suggest.
Hardcase almost drops his comm link, catching it before it hits the floor, preventing the device from being carelessly trampled on by his own boots. He lightly coughs, and his gaze meets yours as he replies, "we don't have to, I don't mind. I-I mean, I'm always happy to help out-"
"-Hardcase," you cut his babbling off. "I'd love to have a smoke with you, if you'd like to."
This time, Hardcase can't hide his flustered expressions. His cheeks begin contrasting heavily against his bold, blue tattoos, decorating his warm face; his pupils are wide, both with a mixture of nervousness and lust, and his mouth remains parted, forgetting how to breathe. Hardcase is so fixated on the thought of being around you, sharing a joint with you, going back to your apartment, that he doesn't overhear his name being called out, at first.
Hardcase finally snaps out of his startled state to see his dealer approaching, and heavily clearly his throat before introducing you to Dog. He's your stereotypical dealer, attempting to keep the exchange swift and quiet, and seems fond of you when you purchase a hefty amount of weed, wanting to ensure that you have more than enough to last.
Dog exchanges his comm link number with you before dipping off, ensuring that you can pick up off him any time. "Any friend of Hardcase's, is a friend of mine," he states. Huh, yeah. A friend.
Silence fills the air as you overlook the few grams that you've purchased before slipping it into your pocket, turning your gaze to Hardcase, who has zoned out once more. You raise a brow, and Hardcase suddenly remembers that he never answered your offer. "Y-yeah, we can go and share a joint at yours," he eagerly nods, followed by licking his drying lips.
"C'mon then," you playfully nudge, and begin leading the way to your apartment.
The journey home is short, filled with Hardcase's rambling rant about how a few of his brothers irritated him on the last series of missions. You questioned what was on his mind, and not wanting to admit the overwhelming array of emotions that he feels towards you, he decided to fill up the silence with bitching instead. It's a win-win; Hardcase gets to let off some steam, and you get to laugh along and enjoy Hardcase's rambling, something that he does when given the opportunity to.
Hardcase, especially now, sometimes forgets your abilities, and just how prominent they truly are. You know exactly how he feels towards you, and now that you're here, entering your apartment with him, you can forget about both of your statuses the second your apartment door closes. Right now, you're two friends hanging out, sitting on the couch after grabbing a drink for both of you.
Using your weed, Hardcase begins rolling a joint, putting his calloused fingers to work. He pauses his work to take a hefty gulp of his drink, parched from earlier when he felt the life draining from him at the idea of going back to yours. However, now that he's actually here, he feels content; maybe it's because your apartment is so welcoming and cosy, or maybe it's because your general presence often soothes him (when it's not riling him up,) but either way, he's finally comfortable.
You put some background music on, just loud enough to sit comfortably in your ears, and Hardcase announces that he's finished rolling. "Beautiful, isn't she?" he playfully states, holding the pristine joint up to your vision.
"Of course, she is. She's your creation," you smile. Hardcase flashes you a playful, puppy-like grin at your compliment, and you laugh at his warm expression. "Spark up," you state, and leave your seat to go and open some windows.
The joint is lit when you return, and your eyes lock onto the thick smoke flocking from Hardcase's lips as you take your seat beside him. "Here," he mutters, passing you the joint. Hardcase lubricates his mouth as you occupy yourself, smoking at your own pace, and the poor man almost spits water on you when he turns to see you exhaling, the cloud of smoke slowly trickling from your lips.
"What?" you question.
"N-Nothing," Hardcase coughs, attempting to clear his throat. "Went down the wrong way," he explains, and you pretend to understand his response. Your Jedi senses picked up the overwhelming attraction Hardcase felt when he locked his sights onto you smoking; you understand the attraction to the act of smoking, but never have you considered that somebody could feel such a way towards you.
That knowledge settles in the back of your mind, ready to be picked up on later on, hopefully when you've attained more confidence and relaxed even more. "Your turn," you state as you pass the joint back, your fingertips brushing against Hardcase's as he takes it from you.
Minutes pass as you two continue sharing the single joint, eventually being stubbed out in your ashtray. "How're you feeling?" Hardcase questions as he relaxes back on your couch, finding comfort in your variety of pillows.
"Good," you confirm with a nod. "I completely forgot to ask him what strain of weed this is," you sigh, coming to terms with the fact that you're going into this high blind.
Hardcase picks up the bag of weed on your coffee table, and looks it over before laughing to himself. You raise a brow, and he explains, "I don't know why I'm looking it over. It's not like I can tell."
You chuckle with him, already beginning to feel the swift effects of the mystery strain. Your hand runs through your hair, sweeping a few strands back off your face, and when you look up from the floor, your eyes instantly feel heavy. "Kriff," you curse.
"Good stuff?" Hardcase questions with a light laugh, melting into your couch. You turn to gaze at him, instantly noticing his lopsided smile; a deep red colour appears on his cheeks, and you dread to think what thoughts must be running through his mind if he's blushing at you.
"Yeah, good stuff," you confirm with a nod. Shuffling back onto the couch more, you get comfortable, tucking your legs against the pillows.
"You wanna stretch your legs out?" Hardcase questions, patting his toned thighs, maybe a little too eagerly.
You nod, and prop your legs up on Hardcase's lap, who instantly rests his forearms on top of them. He hands begin playing with the fabric of your pants, fiddling mindlessly, trailing his calloused fingertips up and down your shins. You chuckle at the image, seeing some of yourself in him; Hardcase overhears your laughter, and raises as a brow as he smiles and asks, "what?"
"You're a fidgeter too, huh?" you state.
Hardcase grins as he shakes his head, looking like a happy puppy. "Yeah," he confirms. "I've been told that back on Kamino, my growth chamber leaked. That's why I can never sit still," he shrugs, and adds, "not that I mind."
"I like that," you smile. "I love seeing how different all you clones are. Makes me forget that you're actually clones."
"Yeah, me too," Hardcase sighs. He looks away for a brief moment, silently reminding himself about the situation that he's currently in. As of right now, he's content and calm, enjoying a joint with a Jedi - an odd scenario, but Hardcase is fond of oddities. However, come tomorrow, he'll be back on the field, wiping out clankers with his chaingun; at least he can enjoy this moment before it passes.
"Fancy another?" Hardcase questions as he turns back to you, and smirks as he adds, "if you can handle it."
"Of course, I can handle it. You don't have to baby me," you scoff. "Maybe I should baby you instead, seeing as you're almost falling asleep on my couch," gesturing to Hardcase's extremely cosy state.
"No, I'm not," Hardcase scoffs in return, sitting upright instantly. "Your couch is comfortable," he innocently shrugs, and begins rolling another joint once you've moved your legs off his lap. "And how would you baby me, huh?"
A large, bright, and interesting lightbulb lights up in your mind; you've wanted to break the thick, tense ice between you two for so long, but given the circumstances, you've never been able to. Now is your chance!
"I'll show you how to properly smoke," you flirtatiously smirk.
Hardcase raises a brow as he meets your gaze, and he rolls his eyes at your remark. "I know how to smoke, sweetheart," he sighs, the pet name escaping without him realising. "But go on, let's see what you've got."
"Alright," you nod.
Hardcase rushes to roll the second joint, soon revealing a slightly crinkled joint, but that doesn't make it not smokeable. Rather than lighting it, he passes it to you instead, and watched curiously as you begin sparking up, puffing on the end to get the good stuff flowing. You eventually begin exhaling thick clouds of smoke, blowing them from your vision.
"Ready?" you question, and Hardcase eagerly nods, attempting to bite back on his laughter. He's so smug, certain that there's no way you can smoke better than him, and his smug expression remains as you intake an average amount.
Holding the smoke between your closed lips, you shuffle closer to Hardcase, pressing your thighs together, your shoulders tapping against each other before Hardcase turns his upper body to peer down at you. Your eyes meet his, and since your mouth is occupied and unable to instruct him, you resort to moving him into position.
You lightly grab his chin, and Hardcase follows your movement as you bring his lips towards yours. Your thumb brushes over his bottom lip, and Hardcase understands what you're signalling for. His lips part slightly, just enough for you to press your lips against his and blow the smoke into his mouth.
Hardcase shudders, and takes his time moving away from your lips to eventually blow out his share of the smoke. A sigh follows behind his exhale, and when he finally turns back to look at you, his eyes are half-lidded, but open enough to show his wide, lustful pupils, decorated by his amber irises.
"Good?" you simply question.
A cheeky grin covers Hardcase's lips as he nods eagerly, but it slips away as fast as it appeared, and he pouts as he replies. "I don't think I got much smoke, you'll have to try again."
You giggle, and Hardcase joins in, almost patting himself on the back for his boldly flirtatious comment. "Alright," you agree. The joint is pressed to your lips again, and you inhale heavily, holding the smoke in your mouth as you signal for Hardcase to get into position. He's cheekily grinning as he parts his lips, pressing them lightly to yours, and his eyes flutter shut as you begin blowing smoke into his mouth.
Hardcase can't help but swiftly kiss you before pulling away, turning his head in the other direction to exhale the smoke. He's grinning again as he turns back to you, his tattoos slowly turning purple as his cheeks begin turning up. "My turn," he chuckles, and takes the joint from your grasp.
Hardcase repeats your fluid movements, and he's now plucked up the courage to hold your jawline in the palm of his hand as he dips his head down to kiss you. This is definitely a kiss with smoke trailing between your lips; you don't even bother inhaling, watching through slowly-shutting eyes as the smoke disappears between kisses, fanning out into the room.
The smoke soon leaves, and you're still locking lips with Hardcase, feeling the faint, light stubble of his facial hair on your upper lip. His soft kisses quickly become firmer, desperate, hungry, and the hand that was once on your jaw slides up to entwine in your hair. You're not sure if Hardcase is a naturally good kisser, or if the weed in your system is making you more sensitive than usual, a burn forming between your thighs as the kiss deepens once more.
Boldly, you break the kiss and pluck the joint from between Hardcase's fingers, stubbing it out in your ashtray. He watches through half-lidded eyes as you straddle him, your knees resting on either side of his hips, introducing your crotch to his growing erection. He's still smirking, and his smile remains as he pulls you down to kiss him once more, this time with added mewls and moans, escaping whenever your lips slightly part.
"Hardcase?" you call out between kisses, and Hardcase lets out a softly grunted, "huh?" when you call his name.
"I wanna know something," you continue, your tone of voice thick with lust.
"Oh yeah? What?" Hardcase raises a brow, breaking the kiss so he can gaze up at you with his slightly red eyes.
"Do your tattoos cover all of your body?" you question, and instantly, Hardcase begins chuckling at your words.
"Why don't you find out for yourself, sweetheart?" he invites you in. You lick your lips as your hands move from his shoulders, finding the buttons on his shirt, and at an agonizingly slow pace, you begin unfastening each of them. Hardcase almost rips the shirt off once it's finally unfastened, discarding it on the other side of your couch, revealing his delicious form.
Hardcase is a meal of a man, toned from years of work and fighting. His tanned skin looks lush, contrasting against his blue tattoos that continue over his chest and arms, disappearing into the waistband of his pants. Your hands begin trailing over each line, admiring the flawless line work; they hook around the waistband of his pants, and your eyes meet Hardcase's as you continue talking.
"Can I take these off?" you question.
Hardcase playfully tuts as his hands find your waist, kneading at the fabric of your shirt. "Not until this comes off. Fair's fair, right?"
"Of course," you agree with a nod. This time, Hardcase is the one gawking over his form once your top comes off; his hands follow the flow of your body, every dip and crevice, every curve and bump. Just when he thinks this day couldn't get any better, you smile as you reach your hands behind your back, unclasping your bra and letting it slip down over your shoulders.
Hardcase's face literally lights up, grinning playfully as he moves his hands up to cup your breasts. "Mesh'laaaa," he slurs his words, followed by mumbling a series of phrases in Mando'a, and you can only assume that from his given expression, they're all words of affection. Hardcase, whilst still smiling, dips his head down to latch his mouth onto a nipple, flicking his tongue over the bud and sucking gently. He kisses along your chest when switching between each nipple, and rolls his hips as a way of encouraging you to get closer.
Slowly and softly, you begin rutting your hips, grinding down against his growing erection. Hardcase begins letting out the softest of moans, sucking on your nipples more firmly, his hands tightening their grip around your waist. "Karking hell," Hardcase grunts, moving his lips from your breasts to look up at you. "These have got to come off, please?" he both asks and suggests.
You swiftly nod, shuffling off Hardcase's lap. You undo your pants, shimmying them down to your ankles, and step out of them, leaving you almost bare. Hardcase goes to reach out, to grab you once again, but you tut and offer him your hand instead. "Are you coming?" you offer, and Hardcase swiftly grabs your hand before you can even finish your question.
You begin leading him towards your bedroom, your hand slipping from his as Hardcase shuffles out of his pants. He almost trips over his pants legs as he kicks them off, leaving them in a jumbled pile on the floor. His tattoos do continue even lower, partially hidden under his boxers, but you'll soon see for yourself.
You sit on the edge of the bed, offering your hand out once more to drag Hardcase on with you, but he rejects your offer. Whilst shaking his head, Hardcase settles onto his knees, his hands finding your thighs as he hungrily spreads them apart. Oh. He groans at the sight of your spread legs, despite still having panties on; you're uncertain if it's the weed effects taking place, or if Hardcase really is working this fast, but he rushes to kiss down both of your thighs, stopping just before your cunt and moving cheekily onto the other one. He's teasing you, but it's clear that his patience is running thin.
Hardcase groans as he finally licks a firm stripe over your clothed cunt, faintly tasting your slick through the thin fabric. He repeats the motion a few more times, teasing himself more than you, and swiftly decides that he needs your underwear off. Now. They're quickly removed, tossed onto the floor that he's settled on, and once again, Hardcase is the one groaning as he finally begins lapping at your folds.
Everything feels so rushed, your head spinning ever so slightly as you lie back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling between your fluttering lashes. Hardcase is a messy eater, unfazed by the sounds of wetness and slurping, lapping at your cunt like a starving man. He flicks between a series of motions, but always ensures that when he sucks your clit, he does it hard, chuckling to himself as you begin squirming on the bed from his actions.
"So karking good," Hardcase mumbles against you. "I can't believe I've finally got my head between your thighs," he groans, and slips his tongue into your entrance, tongue-fucking you a few times before deciding that you deserve something firmer to fill you up. You're unbelievably soaked, more than slick enough to fit two of Hardcase's thick fingers, pushing them slowly until he reaches his knuckles.
With his lips around your clit, Hardcase begins pumping his fingers, curling them to ensure that they brush against your g-spot with every thrust. You don't even realise that he's shaking at first, until you prop yourself up onto your elbows to notice that his other hand is moving rapidly. Hardcase has managed to free his cock, pumping it in time with his thrusting fingers.
His cock is gorgeous, girthy with a blue stripe running down the middle. Hardcase notices you staring and raises a playful brow, only for his expression to turn into concern as you smirk maliciously. Without saying a word, you raise your hand, and use your special abilities to begin jerking Hardcase's cock for him. He's forced to move his lips off your cunt, letting out a heavy groan as you begin jerking his cock.
"Karking hell!" Hardcase yelps, moaning hungrily as you pump his length. "I always forget you have those abilities," he chuckles, and returns to eating your pussy. Despite being occupied, his own words sink into his mind even deeper - you're a Jedi. He's hooking up with a Jedi. Hardcase is the lucky Clone who gets to enjoy seeing what else you can do with your Jedi powers. Kriff.
You sense the realisation from Hardcase, his thoughts barely clouded from the smoke that's still lingering in his system. You've become swiftly adjusted to the sensation of being high, but now that those thoughts are present, you realise how utterly blazed you are. Your head is, thankfully, no longer spinning, but your eyes are half-lidded, and you're almost constantly grinning, giving away your dazed state. Hardcase is the same, finally relaxing as smugness takes over, proud of himself for achieving such an unimaginable goal.
"Ughh," Hardcase grumbles against your folds. "Taste so good, you feel so good around my cock too! Well, I mean your... uh, the force feels good?" Hardcase stutters, raising a brow as he attempts to explain the new sensations washing over him.
"Why don't you come up here, and find out how good I feel around your cock?" you flirt.
Hardcase grins, scrambling up to his feet. He shuffles up onto the bed, toned arms resting on either side of your head, pinning you beneath him. Your juices are all over his chin, his blue tattoos glistening whenever the street lights through your bedroom window hit his face at the right angle. With a laugh, you clean him up, and the second you're done, he dips his head down to crash his lips against yours.
Your hands trail over his shoulders, admiring how toned and defined he is. Hardcase is softly mewling between kisses, expressing his hunger and desperation for you. He begins grinding his solid length against your folds, slicking himself up, but teasing himself more than he's teasing you. Either he's naturally sensitive, or the weed has cranked his sensitivity levels up tenfold.
Hardcase begins angling his hips, attempting to catch your pussy at the right angle and push his cock in; he breaks the kiss in order to concentrate, refusing to give up on his desires. Eventually, Hardcase manages, and lets out a heavy moan as he finally pushes himself into your tight cunt.
"Heh, no hands," Hardcase chuckles once he's fully sheathed. He holds himself there, and you're uncertain if it's because he's letting you adjust to his size, or because he needs a moment to collect himself. Both, possibly? Given his calming expression.
You swiftly grow impatient, and lock onto his gaze as you groan, "Hardcase, move."
"Yes, General," Hardcase cheekily replies, and you roll your eyes at his audacity.
But that playfully frustrated expression on your face is quickly wiped away, your brows turning upwards, and your mouth parting as Hardcase begins thrusting himself deep into you. He's girthy, stretching your walls with every thrust, filling you up with no room to spare. Hardcase seems to be moaning than you are, possibly, it's hard to tell, given your stoned state, and the fact that you're moaning just as loud.
Hardcase's thrusts are delicious, firm and fast, slowly bruising your inner thighs; you wrap your legs around his waist, ankles crossing over, and lightly grind your heel into his lower back as a way of spurring him on. Hardcase chuckles, and comments, "needy thing," before following your order and slamming into you even harder.
You're moaning way too loud, certain that you'll receive a noise complaint tomorrow. Whatever. You remind yourself that you don't care, that you need this, that you've been pining after this Clone for way too long. He's not letting you down, he never has, despite not being in your ranks. No doubt, you'll spend the next few days walking funny, receiving concerned expressions from Jedi and Clones alike; it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together, since Hardcase will definitely be walking with a limp.
Hardcase dips his head down, leaving purple marks along your collarbone. He's muttering between kisses, barely audible through his heavy breaths as he continues slamming into you. "C-Can't believe we're doing this," he grunts. "Been after you for so long, so kriffing long. You have no idea!"
You let out a soft laugh, "you don't exactly keep your feelings hidden."
Hardcase's cock comes to a halt, twitching deep inside you. He props himself up on his forearms, peering down at you as he asks, "you knew?"
"Everybody knows," you chuckle. You pull his head down for a kiss, reassuring him that the feelings are mutual. "Wouldn't be here if I didn't feel the same," you mutter against his lips.
Hardcase breaks the kiss, raising a brow as he jokingly replies, "you wouldn't be here? But this is your apartment-"
His words are cut off as you let out a laugh, and Hardcase laughs along with you, soon returning his lips to yours. He has you pinned perfectly to the bed, his hips rolling ever so slightly as he introduces his tongue to yours, swallowing down your moans whenever the kiss briefly breaks.
As Hardcase pulls away from the kiss, he slips his cock from your slickness, and lets out a grunt as he pushes himself up onto his knees. He eagerly pats the bed as he orders, "on your hands and knees, sweetheart."
Whilst smirking at him, you shuffle into the new position, peering over your shoulder once ready. Hardcase licks his lips at the sight, his large hands kneading as your ass, enjoying everything you have to offer. He spends a few moments simply playing with your ass, one hand moving from the mound of flesh to run his thumb over your folds, finding your clit and grinding over it.
"Hardcase," you mutter.
"I know, I know," he chuckles as he moves his hands away, lining himself up. "Hard not to do that, you just look so good," he grunts, and finally begins pushing into you again.
A firm pair of hands find your hips, wrapping around them, holding you tightly. Hardcase jumps back into his rushed pace, eager to feel your walls fluttering around his cock once more. His whines and moans start up again, matching your own, the sound of skin against skin echoes around the room.
Hardcase begins muttering sweet praise, "sweet girl, my perfect girl, so karking tight around me-" he lets out a grunt. "Kriff, I'm not gonna last long, babe," Hardcase informs you.
You reach down between your thighs, fingertips about to touch your clit, but Hardcase chuckles as he redirects your hands. "Here, let me," he says with a smile. Hardcase wraps his large palm around both of your wrists, pinning them behind your back, your head dropping onto the duvet. His other hand slips beneath you, firm fingertips begin rubbing eagerly at your clit.
Needless to say, Hardcase has a lot on his plate, and his thrusts become somewhat sloppy, but more than enough to get you off. "Come on, girl, cum on this cock," Hardcase instructs through gritted teeth. His cock begins twitching inside you, an orgasm sitting on the edge, but like the gentleman that he is, he waits for you to hit peak first.
You cry out his name, part of your words muffled from your face being smothered against the duvet. Your orgasm finally hits, your walls clenching tightly around Hardcase's thick length. He grunts, and swiftly removes his hands from you, rushing to pull out his length. His release lands on your back, grunting and sighing heavily as he paints you white.
"Kriff, oh, babe," Hardcase sighs, jerking his length slowly to push his final drops of cum onto your bare body. "Wait here," he mutters, and rushes to climb off the bed. Hardcase almost trips over his own feet, his legs turning into jelly in his post-orgasm phase, along with whatever weed is still pumping throughout his body.
Hardcase returns moments later with a damp towel, and cleans you up whilst humming playfully. He lands a light slap on your rear as he announces, "done!"
You roll onto your back, star fishing on your bed; your chest is rising and falling heavily, matching Hardcase's deep breaths, who joins you on the bed after tidying himself up. He's slightly sweaty from his workout, but still wears that usual cheeky grip as he props himself up on his elbow, lying on his side, looking down at you.
"Did you have fun?" Hardcase asks, the audacity.
You roll your eyes, laughing lightly as your hand moves up to wrap around his neck. "Come here, you," you flirt, and pull him down into a tender kiss, reassuring him that you definitely had fun.
Hardcase's hand finds your waist, fingertips running along your skin whilst he shares a tender moment with you. The kiss isn't rushed and heated like earlier, but soft and loving, warming your chest, and sending shivers along your skin. As it breaks, Hardcase flashes you a grin, then kisses the tip of your nose before falling back on your pillows.
"C'mere," he mutters, waving his hand. You follow his lead, settling in the curve of his neck, sprawling yourself over him whilst still regaining your breath. There's silence for a while, a welcoming silence, shared between two people who have finally broken the ice. Hardcase eventually fills up the silence as he asks, "you'll let me take you out for dinner some time, won't you?"
You move your head off his chest, peering up to see his warm brown pleading eyes, his bottom lip slightly sticking out. "Yeah, of course, I will," you agree with a sweet smile.
Hardcase hums happily as he places a tender kiss on your forehead, his hand moving up to direct your head back onto his chest. Neither of you say anything after that, content with the silence that once again fills the room, later complimented by light snores as you both drift off to sleep.
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zhanyes · 3 years
Tianshan dating headcannons because i also love these two dumbasses too
Also dedicated to @el-mundo-real who requested tianshan headcannons 🖤
. . .
- Literally no one knows whether they’re dating or not. Not even themselves because they don’t talk about it
- Jian yi thinks they’re dating already and Zhengxi says they’re still getting there (somehow they’re both right) and they make a bet
- He tian likes staying over at Mo’s and he’s gotten pretty close to mama Mo
- Mama Mo teaches him how to knit !! He tried to knit a scarf for Mo but it came out a little messy and tangled. Mo still wears it anyway saying it’s a waste of yarn if not used (He’s actually really touched)
- He eats dinner there about 5 times a week and sleeps over thrice a week. He’s a permanent fixture in the house now, he has his own plate and mug, utensils, toothbrush, a spare key, and more than half of his closet migrated to Mo’s closet
- Sometimes Mo “accidentally” wears He tian’s sweaters and He tian dies a little bit every time
- Sometimes He tian deliberately wears Mo’s clothes and it’s always tighter and a bit shorter on his body so when he moves his arms the shirt rides up. Mo guanshan shouts at him to change and to stop contaminating his clothes but his ears are red anyway
- They bicker A LOT. Over the smallest things because He tian loves riling him up and Mo gets riled up too easily
He tian, for the 7th time in 5 minutes: “What does this thing do?”
- There are times when homicide is the best option
Mo Guanshan: “I acknowledge that I can be mean sometimes-”
He tian, in the bathtub: “Sometimes?”
Mo Guanshan: “Shut the fuck up. So I brought you a bath bomb as a peace offering.”
He tian: “That’s a fucking toaster.”
Mo guanshan: “Exactly. A bath bomb.”
- Contrary to what his actions say, Mo guanshan is actually relieved that He tian spends most of his time in their apartment. He tian never told him but he can see how lonely the other teenager is
- Mo guanshan tries to teach He tian chores because He tian knows nothing about cleaning or doing everyday things
Mo guanshan: “How the fuck do you not know how to wash dishes where the hell do you eat?!”
He tian, drinking milk straight out the carton: “Obviously on plates, Momo. I just throw them away after.”
Mo guanshan, sputtering: “WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU THROW OUT PLATES?!”
- The first and only recipe that He tian managed to cook successfully is instant noodles with boiled egg that’s not quite cooked enough. Sometimes he brings Mo noodles as breakfast in bed and he looks so proud of it Mo has a hard time saying that the noodles are overcooked and that noodles aren’t exactly breakfast food (he eats it anyway)
- Mo sometimes, only sometimes, brings He tian grocery shopping because he needs to learn how to buy food for himself. Somehow He tian always ends up in the miscellaneous section where he has a pack of ballpens he’ll never use, 2 journals he’ll also never use, a couple of scented candles, various dog clothes and leashes for the dog he doesn’t have, a couple’s mug, and a vase in his cart
- He tian stopped trying to barge into Mo guanshan’s bed and sleeps on the futon on the floor beside it. It’s not the most comfortable and he had a hard time sleeping on it at first but he likes being in Mo’s company even while sleeping
- Sometimes Mo would move in his sleep and leave his arm dangling on the side of the bed, He tian grabs it of course and Mo wakes up to sweaty palms. He still leaves it for a few moments before harshly slapping away He tian’s hand
- Mo’s hands aren’t smooth at all because of working all the time and practicing the guitar but He tian loves them all the same. He likes to feel the contrast in textures with his slightly smoother hands
- He tian has a thousand pictures of Mo guanshan sleeping in various angles and poses. He has his favorites framed and keeps it on his bedside table in his apartment so when he’s sleeping there he still feels like they’re sleeping together
- Mo guanshan has a few of He tian sleeping but he swears up and down that he'll never do anything as disgusting as that. He makes one of them his wallpaper.
- Sometimes when they don’t feel like sleeping yet they stay up talking and arguing about random things
Mo guanshan: “Why would aliens be in space? The ocean is definitely the way to go.”
He tian: “But why would they be in the ocean? They’ll drown.”
Mo guanshan: “They’re aliens maybe they have gills or some shit.”
He tian: “I’m telling you they’re not in the ocean, Mo.”
Mo guanshan: “And I’m telling you you’re wrong, bastard.”
- On rare days they would stay up talking about their pasts and about life in general, with the lights closed and the only source of light is the moonlights from the window
- One of these nights, Mo told He tian about what happened to his dad and their restaurant, why they’re in so much debt over it and He tian holds Mo’s hand tightly throughout
- He knew better than to say that he could pay for that debt so Mo doesn’t need to worry anymore (He still says it anyway and Mo blew a fuse) but he swore to help Mo through other means
- The next day he orders a whole carton of mangoes, apples and peaches in his apartment and learns how to peel properly through youtube and Zhengxi
- He goes to Mo’s part time job in the grocery and helps him peel fruits, Mo guanshan doesn’t mention anything when he notices the bandaids on the other’s hands but he does cook him beef stew for dinner
- As expected He tian’s presence brings more customers and the manager asks if he wants to work there permanently but he said he’s only working for Mo so the manager can give Mo a raise instead
- Once, Mo got sick so he missed his part time job for the day (He was supposed to give away flyers on the streets) and got extra pissy because He tian didn’t visit him and wouldn’t answer his phone 
- Apparently He tian took over his job for the day and he only finds out when he goes to the manager and the manager asks when his ‘boyfriend’ can come back to work again because the customers love him
- He tian almost never talks about himself but once he talked about the puppy who disappeared after he saves it and then found out that it’s still alive after all these years
- Mo keeps quiet about it the whole time he was talking and the next few days he takes time to knit a small dog plushie and leaves it on He tian’s futon
- He tian didn’t cry, he didn’t (he did), but he hugged Mo and whispered a sincere thank you. For once, Mo lets it happen
- Mo quickly regrets his decision when He tian names the plushie “Chicken sandwich”
- He tian brings Mo in a lot of not-dates (according to Mo) like arcades, ocean parks, festivals, and fairs because he didn’t get to go as a kid and he wants to experience it for the first time with Mo
- They get crazy competitive in every game. Every. Single. One. If it’s a co-op shooting game they would compete on who kills the most enemies, if it’s a harmless crane game it becomes a competition of who can get the most plushies
- They both each have a photobooth strip. Mo keeps his as a bookmarker in a journal, and He tian has his in the back of his phone.
- They go on a double not-date with Jian yi and Zhengxi and it ends up in almost getting chased by a police car at 2 am in pokemon onesies and holding a bag of chips 
- Sometimes Mo would visit his dad in prison and just rant to him about He tian
Mo guanshan: “The nerve of that guy to do something like that in front of a teacher urgh.”
Papa Mo: “Your boyfriend sounds like a fun guy, son. I want to meet him soon.”
Mo guanshan: “BO-BOYFRIEND?!”
Papa Mo: “Yes???”
Mo guanshan: “No??? That bastard isn’t my boyfriend??”
Papa Mo: “Are you sure about that?”
Mo guanshan: “...Yes?”
- Enter gay panique because he doesn’t actually know whether He tian is his boyfriend or not
- They don’t call each other boyfriends and they never talked about it so no??? But they’re also not just friends so maybe??? Do they go on dates?? Can grocery trips be considered dates??
- He rings up Jian yi and the blonde just laughed for 5 minutes straight without stopping and he wonders how he’s still breathing
Mo Guanshan, after hearing Jian yi laughing for 5 minutes: “Are you fucking done?”
Jian yi, trying to catch his breath: “Man this is some top-tier entertainment.”
Mo guanshan: “WELL?!”
Jian yi: “Look bro literally no one knows whether you’re dating, fucking, planning each other’s murder OR planning a murder together.”
Mo guanshan: “What if it’s all of the above?”
Jian yi: “Then congratulations…? Please don’t murder me?”
Mo guanshan: “Urgh you’re fucking useless I should have called Zhengxi.”
Jian yi: “Wait don’t, I don’t wanna lose the bet. How about this, there’s a festival upcoming for couples and families, if He tian asks you then you’re probably, maybe, dating?”
Mo guanshan: “That’s stupid. AND WHAT BET?!”
Jian yi: “Ah woops gotta water my dog.”
- Mo tells himself that it’s stupid and there’s no way he’s falling for that...but he feels disappointed anyway when He tian doesn’t ask him the following days
- He tian asks on the last day before the festival, but he asks mama Mo first and Mo guanshan second cuz he wants to celebrate with both of them. He confessed that he’s never actually went to a festival with a family before so he was trying to build up courage to ask
- Mo guanshan is an absolute goner after that
- On the day of the festival, they find Zhanyi there on a date but decide to leave them alone. While they were leaving Jian yi kept throwing Mo guanshan so much winks that Zhengxi thought he got something in his eye
- The festival was fun but Mo couldn’t take his eyes off how happy and content He tian looks
- Queue cliche fireworks scene but it’s He tian being amazed by the fireworks and Mo looking mesmerized at him thinking, “Ah, I want him to look at me like that.”
- The next day, he drags He tian to visit his dad in jail
Papa mo: “Oh this is a surprise, you’ve never brought someone before?”
He tian, trying to introduce himself: “Hello, sir. I’m He tian, Mo guanshan’s fri-”
Mo guanshan, cuts him off: “Boyfriend. He’s my boyfriend, dad.”
He tian:
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spcncershybrid · 4 years
She will kill us all- Fred Weasley Imagine
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(Summary: Your two best friends rope you into their recent prank little did you know you would be hurt too.)
Fred Weasley X Reader
So basically I’ve seen a lot of people being like ‘oh just imagine Fred’s death being a prank and at the funeral George stays behind and Fred just wakes up saying what a good prank.’ so uh here is something similar. There will be a second part!
April 29th , 1998
“Hey Y/N.” The twins say in unison as I enter their shop.
“Hey why is the closed sign up?” I say pointing to the door.
“We have a plan-“ George starts.
“-a brilliant, heart wrenching, sad idea.” Fred finishes.
“The both of you and plans is never a good thing.” I say sighing.
“Also if it’s just the both of you doing it why did you guys call me?” I ask confused.
“Well our mother won’t kill you for the idea we have planned.” Fred says nodding over to his brother who agrees.
“Just spill your brilliant, heart wrenching, sad idea” I say looking at them suspiciously.
“Well so you know how the whole situation with the Dark Lord is happening.” George says.
“Yes?” I question looking at them.
“Well one of us is planning on fake dying-” Fred says.
“I already hate the sound of this.” I cut him off.
“So I can fake die then at the funeral you guys can hide my body then we can all go home.” Fred finishes raising his eyebrows at me.
I dryly laugh. They can’t be serious. That idea is insane.
“We know what you're thinking-” Fred starts.
“Yeah that you’re insane!” I exclaim looking at them.
“She will literally kill us when she finds out!” I say rubbing my eyes in disbelief.
They really want me to be a part of this!
“She won’t hurt a hair on your head.” George says as Fred nods agreeingly.
“You know what. The thing I get in return better be amazing for helping you gits.” I groan.
“Yes, she’s on board!” George and Fred cheer circling around me.
I can’t believe I’m doing this.
May 2nd, 1998
Today’s the day. 
Instead of you-know-who killing us Molly Weasley definitely will.
I can’t believe I agreed to this.
“You ready guys?” George asks looking over to Fred and I.
“Ready to die at the hands of your mother.” I say sarcastically as I twirl my wand along my fingers.
They both laughed at my words and George headed inside.
Fred and I stare at the chaos engulfing around the school.
“After this we should go on a date.” Fred says swaying back and forth.
“Oh Fred Weasley you’ll be the death of me.” I groan softly looking up at him.
“Not if my mum kills you for helping us.” He says laughing as he stares back at me.
I roll my eyes at him and punch his arm.
“So will you?” He asked a playful smirk resting on his lips.
“Sure.” I say giving him a side hug as I notice Percy come upstairs.
“You go with Perce. I'll help fight inside. I promise I’ll be safe.” I say letting him go kissing his cheek.
“I promise I’ll stay alive for our date.” He says kissing the top of my head before going with Percy.
I run inside the building dodging the falling rocks and have my wand held high prepared for the fight of my life.
Little did I know it’ll be the one thing to fight for.
Later in the Great Hall
I walk beside George slightly limping as we enter the Great Hall. Immediately being met with sadness seeing our fallen friends whose lives have ended.
“Why is my mum crying?” George says as he stops abruptly.
“George who’s that on the floor?” I ask stopping next to him as my body grows cold.
Molly looks over at us, tears falling down her face.
We run over to her, dropping to our knees next to Fred’s body.
“There was an explosion that sent him flying into a wall. There was nothing I could do.” Percy said stunned as he watched the pair cry.
“No. You arse you promised!” I whisper angrily as I clutch his clothing tears already making its way down my face.
“Fred! Oh my gosh Fred!” I sob as I shake his body vigorously hoping his eyes would open.
”Come on brother please this was supposed to be a prank.” George whispered for only us to hear.
“He’s dead. My precious boy is dead.” We hear Molly say as we stand.
I look over to George and hug him. We both sob in each other’s arms, parts of us dying with the boy that lie on the floor.
One Week Later
I look into the mirror as I smooth out my black dress.
Today is the funeral. Fred’s funeral.
I take a deep breath and head down the stairs meeting the Weasley family.
We stand together mourning the loss of Fred, each of us nearly tearing ourselves apart as we look at his body lying peacefully in the casket.
“I wish this was a stupid prank.” I whisper to myself.
George walks up to me and stands beside me.
“So much for the plan.” George said sadly as we watched Arthur and Molly cry as they held one another.
“We’ll lay him down tomorrow morning. Morning was his favorite.” Molly said as she headed inside.
Soon enough the Weasleys head inside leaving George and I with the casket.
“You know he promised me he’ll stay safe. He even asked me out before the whole mess.” I say breaking the silence between us.
“Before the war he wanted to ask you out. He fancied you a lot. Ron and I bet each other a galleon if you two got together. I guess I owe him one.” George says laughing quietly recalling the memory.
“They surely will get together.” Ron said as he stared at Y/N and Fred laughing and scheming together.
“They won't, they're both scared.” George said watching the pair.
“They would look cute together. Have you seen him when she’s near.” Ron said, staring at his brother sitting in front of him.
“You should’ve heard him yesterday talking about her. She walked in and he turned as red as our hair.” George says laughing.
“We should set a bet. One single galleon.” Ron said, smirking as he watched as Y/N slapped Fred’s arm playfully.
“You’re on brother. I bet that they won’t get together. This will be easy; they are both too scared to ask each other out. The Yule ball was pure luck for them. It’s been this way since second year.” George says confidently holding out his hand.
“I bet that they will get together.” Ron says matching his brother's confidence and gladly shakes his hand.
“Remember when he stepped on my foot during the ball.” I say laughing with him.
“I thought you would never walk again after. I was surprised he asked you seeing as you burnt the paper ball he threw at you to ask you in the first place.” George says laughing as we both reminisce on the events of the Triwizarding Tournament era of our lives.
“He won’t ask me Angela, it's pure knowledge. Fred Weasley doesn’t like me.” I say sadly looking ahead at a Hufflepuff pair of students walking hand and hand after being asked to the infamous Yule Ball.
“He surely will. Just give him time.” Angela says comforting me.
“I sure hope so.” I say looking at her and get back to writing in my book.
Later on…
We all sat in the Great Hall as Snape walked past us, book nestled in front of his face. 
Fred has non stop been flinging paper balls my way nearly getting me in trouble.
Out of my peripheral vision I notice him ball up another piece of paper.
I pull out my wand concealing it under the table as Snape walks past up stopping right behind Angela, who might I add is sitting right next to me.
Fred chucks the paper towards me but I react quickly.
“Incendio.” I say pointing my wand to the paper watching it burn and the charred pieces fall onto the table.
“Fred Weasley if you throw another paper ball my way I will use that spell on you.” I say glaring at him as I naturally get fed up.
“Open it next time.” He hissed looking at me.
Angela and George snicker watching the two of us bicker at each other.
A few moments pass and I silently pray that he won’t throw another.
I look around the room and hear a small thud in front of me.
I look down noticing a scrunched up piece of paper in front of me resting on top of my book.
I look over to Fred who’s motioning for me to open the paper.
I uncurl the ball and read it.
‘Georgie told me you were complaining about not having anyone to go with to the ball. So Y/N Y/L/N I invite you a one night Weasley special. Will you go to the ball with me? As friends.’ 
I smile at the scribbled writing and look up at him. He’s mimicking a ball like dance and nods to me. I roll my eyes and nod back as he cheers silently.
Although it was only as friends I was overjoyed. 
“Told you.” Angela whispered to me as the twins get back to work.
Day of the Yule Ball 
“Does this color seem tacky?” I ask Angela as I twirl in the mirror.
“It’s simple and cute. Fred will lose his mind looking at you in that.” Angela says as she smooths out her dress.
The dress wasn’t too elegant but it wasn’t plain either. It was a simple blue dress with glitter cascading the bottom half reminding me of the night sky.
I link arms with Angela as we head down the grand staircase making our way to the twins.
George and Angela grab each other’s hand and walk away leaving Fred and I standing alone.
We stare at each other not sure of what to say.
“You look beautiful.” Fred said looking at me.
“Thank you. You don't look too bad either.” I say laughing as we head inside where the students gather waiting for the champions to arrive.
After a while everyone dances with each other. I on the other hand stay sitting down watching the night unfold before my eyes.
“Come on you said you’ll dance.” Fred said walking over to me holding out his hand.
I grab his hand reluctantly and he pulls me to him as we sway back and forth to the beat of the song. 
That was until we twisted too quick and his foot stepped harshly on mine causing me to wince in pain.
“I am so so sorry.” Fred apologizes profusely as he guides me to a table.
“It’s alright just remind me to never dance with you ever again.” I say jokingly as I slip off my heels noticing a large bruise slowly appear on it.
“Noted.” He said sheepishly as he helped me stand and led me to Madam Pomfrey.
“You alright.” George says snapping me out of my memory.
“I will be.” I say sadly before turning on my feet and enter the Weasley home, leaving George outside.
I head upstairs not even bothering to stay down knowing I’ll break down at the sight of everyone upset.
George paces around outside staring at the open casket blankly.
What if the potion went wrong when he got hurt? He thought.
Yes he was scared that his brother was truely dead, the thought horrified him. The day their mum pronounced Fred dead he was scared believing he died.
But what if that wasn’t the case? He thought as he stopped.
He entered the house and looked around seeing if anyone was up. He quietly entered the different rooms noticing everyone asleep from the long day.
He quietly exited the home and went up to the casket staring at his brother's pale face.
Remember George just pinch him and he’ll wake up. We made this up ourselves. George thought to himself as he stood over the body.
His hand waved over his brother’s and pinched the back of Fred’s palm.
George stepped back and stared at him silently praying the potion worked. It had been a week at most since Fred ingested the potion. 
Slight movement was beginning to be noticeable and suddenly Fred’s eyes were wide open taking in the night sky. He coughed slightly as George silently cheered.
“Welcome back to the land of the living brother.” George said, helping his brother out of the casket.
“How long was I out from that awful potion?” Fred said his legs buckled as he stood up for the first time in a week.
“A week.” George said, stabilizing his brother.
“Oh man how mad do you reckon they’ll be?” Fred asked, getting excited to see his family's reaction to the whole ordeal.
“Very. Y/N and I cried a lot. Mum and dad cried enough to fill an ocean.” George said laughing.
“You and Y/N cried? You saw me take the potion and I told you to tell her.” Fred said, slightly confused remembering the moment like it was yesterday.
“Beware drinking this might taste like what cat litter smells like.” George said, handing a special blended potion to knock Fred out.
“We don’t even own a cat. How do you know what it smells like?” Fred asked, causing George to roll his eyes.
”I can’t believe we’re doing this.” Fred said as he stared at the bottle.
“Me neither.” George says smiling widely.
“So after I drink this what will you do to wake me up.” Fred said mixing around the liquid watching it swish together.
“All I have to do is pinch you and you’ll wake up.” George said.
“Okay so it’ll affect me later during the war and make sure you tell Y/N so she doesn’t think I died for real.” Fred said as he held the bottle to his lips.
“Of course brother.” George said as he watched Fred drink the potion.
Fred gagged as he drank the potion as the different flavors coated his throat.
“Of course we cried. Percy said you were hit by an explosion that sent you into a wall. I thought you died for real. But later on in the night I remembered the potion would have protected you from anything.” George said as his brother regained mobility.
“So why did Y/N cry?” Fred asked, crossing his arms.
“I never told her about the potion Freddie. She was worked up about the war and it slipped my mind.” George confessed causing his brother.
“She cried over my dead body because you forgot to tell her I wasn’t actually dead! George, that was one thing that wasn’t supposed to happen.” Fred silently exclaimed.
Fred never wanted Y/N to cry over the prank. They already dragged her into the idea he didn’t want her to be heartbroken over the fact that he wasn’t really dead.
“We both thought you were dead Fred. There was no way of telling if you were alive or not.” George argued back.
“Please tell me that she didn’t cry for the whole week.” Fred said, staring at his brother.
George stood silently.
“She will be furious you know. Oh gosh she’ll probably hate me after this.” Fred said, running a hand through his hair.
“She wouldn’t hate you Fred. If anything she’ll hate me.” George says laughing slightly.
“We’ll worry about that tomorrow for the big reveal.” George says shrugging as he guides his brother to a shed on the property.
“Where’s my boy? He’s gone!” Molly Weasley’s shocked voice pierces through the quiet home.
I quickly get up and head downstairs.
What does she mean he’s gone?
“He should be in the casket Mrs. Weasley. I don’t think we have grave robbers.” I say rubbing my eyes as everyone comes down the steps.
“He’s not here!” She yelled, sounding shocked.
Ron and Harry ran into the living room in confusion as they heard the commotion.
“Who’s not here?” Ginny asked as she walked in.
“Fred.” Molly said as she clasped her hand over her mouth.
I furrow my eyebrows and look around the room noticing one person of the Weasley clan isn’t here. George.
I huff and stomped upstairs. I walk along the hallway and knocked on his door furiously.
“Come in.” I heard him say.
I open the door angrily.
“You better have one hell of an explanation Weasley.” I hiss.
“On?” He asked confused as he sat up from his bed.
“Where is he?” I say crossing me arms.
“Who are you talking about?” He asked as he stood up from his bed.
“The bloody grindylow’s. You know exactly what I’m talking about George Weasley. Where is he?” I ask my voice raising slightly as I tap my foot on the floor.
“Y/N I wanted to tell you.” George started.
“Tell me where he is or you're both dead for real.”  I say staring at him sternly.
“He’s at the shop. He’s in the flat.” George said as he stared down at his feet.
“This isn’t over.” I say as I walk out of his room.
I walk over to the room I’m staying in and grab my wand. I grab my old quidditch jumper and apparate to Diagon Alley.
I walked down over to the joke shop. I placed my hand on the handle and opened the door. I made my way towards the flat and opened it. Low and behold what do I see, Fred Weasley.
“Why are you here?” He asked startled.
“You’re lucky I don't have your head on a pike and because I know how to apparate properly.” I spat.
“Look, I know you’re mad.” Fred said as he put down a book.
“That’s not even the beginning Weasley. You had me worried sick you were dead for crying out loud. I cried for you, Fred and you’re here alive. Was the prank worth it? Was it worth the tears and the heartbreak? So help me on Gryffindor’s name was this whole thing worth it.” I yell at him as I bite back tears. Some cascaded down my face and I quickly wiped them.
“Y/N I’m sorry. I told George to tell you.” Fred said, his voice cracking.
“You’re sorry is all you have to say for yourself! You can forget about that damned date! Don’t even contact me!” I spat angrily as I ran out the room and down the steps.
I wiped away my tears and apparated back to my room at the Burrow.
“Stupid Weasley’s.” I muttered as I grabbed my rucksack off the bed. I began to fill it with my things.
After a few minutes most of my things were packed. I grabbed a fresh piece of parchment and sat down at the desk.
‘Dear Molly Weasley,
Sorry I won’t be here for the funeral. My condolences but I’m leaving. I wish you all the best. I'll be with my parent’s. Thank you for giving me a place to stay for the week I appreciate it.
                                                                                                               Y/N Y/L/N’
I sealed the letter with tape and placed it onto my desk. I grab at my broom and open the window. I hop onto the broom and clutch the top. I pushed my feet off the window sill and flew off. The trip won’t be too long but it’ll probably take a while.
I soared through the air and sighed. I am going to miss them.
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
Request: Could u do one where y/n is a stripper but her and Harry are already together. So Harry and his friends all know y/n works at the strip club because she’s Harry girl and they all go up there and she gives him a lap dance?? Idk I just need something dirty😂✋🏽
Disclaimer: Public infatuation, spitting and teasing.
Do you ever see shit crumbling down infront of your eyes and said, "fuck it." before taking the step that could have a ominous impact on your life? Perhaps Y/N did the same. When she couldn't pay for her UNI she started working at a club as a waitress, scrubbing the awful stickiness of beers and alchol wasn't a nightmare for her at least.
She always admired the girls outdoing themselves on stage, something so fascinating about having men on the tip of their shoes and emptying their pockets just to have a watch of mere skin.
One night when the clock striked past 2 am and the club had barely three people her friend ushered her on the stage, it wasn't sexy and eroticaly mind blogging. She was trying to have fun (she's very socially akward and have a stage phobia). Rather, cute as she danced in her pink skirts and showy apron not caring when her headband slid down as she spinned around the pole with loud giggles.
What took her gasp away was a beautiful man sitting in the corner dimmed away from the bashing lights of the room. Hand adorned in gems and jewels wrapped around the crystal glass of beer as he sat man-spreading in a black suit, a white shirt underneath that gives the glimpse of his tattoos and an evident smirk of ferver for her that made her tummy scorch.
"Y/N!" The bartender shouted for her, "Take this order for the table 22, quick." She tumbles down two stairs hastily and it takes out a chuckle from his lips, his eyes following her constantly. The glass of another bevy is for none other than the man with emarld eyes and chocolate curls.
She approaches him with a bicker between her mind and heart to shut the fuck up, as she slides the glass infront of him without glancing up at him.
"Y'dance gorgeously." His voice sultry and so so supple she couldn't belive it came out from him. "Uhm thank you . . . but 'm not what you're thinking 'm." She fumbles with her apron back treating slowly and he raises his brows not in amusement but in acknowledgement puffering out his bottom red lip she oh so gonna think about whole night.
"Doesn't matter, eh." She nods, "like somethin' else?" Her smile. Harry think her smile lit up his previous grumpy mood and his eyes falls over her shoes, he didn't like that they were literally about to thread into patches.
"Nope. Jus' headin' out, take care, love." Fuck him. There's no way she wouldn't imagine about him, being there in her dainty loft.
He left a bunch of cash as her tip and it made her all blushy.
Their next encounter was rather funny. Bumping into eachother at a grocery shop and her collection of junk food, cans of sweet sodas and candies went flying infront of him making her feel giddy that what he'd think about him? A child of five ready to go back to school?
His apologies were cut short when he sees it's her and his eyes went glowy. She's completely a different person when not under the blazing lights, so soft and clean wearing a cream coloured sweater, curdoury lilac pants and spectacles perched atop her bunny nose.
Him in a rolling stones tee and slacks.
"Y'alright, there?" He asks her with a brush to her elbow and she nods, "oh, Mr. Gucci pants?" That was the point where their love story started not a clićhe one but Harry's head over heels for her to this day. She calls him Gucci pants to annoy him cause his trousers that had a visible gucci label on the hem of them.
Then after few months of them hanging out and their first kiss she got to know that he's the owner of the club she fucking works at. She didn't know what to do, is that okay to date something out of your status and league? Even boss? She ghosted him for weeks and realized that how much she missed him. His thoughts didn't seem to leave her mind at all, his lips and kisses.
They've a most healthy relationship, he doesn't stop her from working at club as a waitress neither does he feels remorseful when she gets angry for paying her extra replying with cheekiness, "can't wait to have our bank accounts together, i like to give y'me lovin' sweet bug."
Their sex life's a proper satisfaction for both of them, Harry's such a caring domineering to her and it makes her cry sometimes when she floats into her sub-space. She loves to have him inside her after rough nights and to have sex in the morning getting sticky due to him hardening while still inside her.
She's public shy so they never try anything outside (harry respects her boundaries and gives her space whenever she needs some) but giving him a blowjob in his car doesn't seem that scary, does it? And the fact she loves to keep him warm and wet in her mouth everytime. He exposed her to the world of sex toys and how to use them, she was hesitant in the start but now loves to play with herself while he caresses his cock infront of her.
She hates being tied up! Always wants to touch him and feel his velvety skin. He ties up when she's being a bad puppy.
She loves when he fucks her from behind on her knees studying and sometimes she likes him harsh too, to be pounded raw, it makes her panties soak with yearn to have him.
But, in general he's all pet names and kisses. Gifting her silks and making her matchas. Cuddles and hugs from behind. Though, he likes to be a small spoon with his face tucked between her squishy tits and likes to have back rubs by her when the work gets a load on him.
Today though she'd like to come out of her cocoon and do something bold to show him that she wanna put the same effort to turn him on as he does. She doesn't know that her only presence stiffens his dick.
Harry was along his friends in his usual spot away from the bustling crowd when the patter of heels distracted them making their heads perk up, "would you guys like something?" She asks them and Nialler who's already miffed bad hiccups, "another bevy fo' me." She rolls her eyes at him sticking her tongue out.
"Then fetch one for yourself." While they bickered Harry admired his girl. The curve of her peach and her fleshy thighs, the stocking she's wearing doing nothing to satiate his burn to fuck her right now on these tables infront of everyone. "Anddd what'd you like to 've, Sir." She dips her knee between his thighs near his crotch whispering sultry-ly in his ear and pressing her wet lips against his earlobe on purpose.
"You." He smiles bashfully running his hands under her skirt and thighs giving it lil smack making her squeal softly, "'m all yours to take." She smooches a kiss to his mouth and presses her panties clad cunt against his man-spread moaning subtly when he groped her ass to assist her in humping him.
"Get a room you guys!!" Their friends hollered and Harry was quick to take Y/N's hand leading her to a private room, "On the sofa legs spread fo' me." She doesn't listen to him and pushes him down instead crawling up his lap.
"No." She tries to use the most intimidating voice, "what? You sound like a kitten, baby." He teases her letting his fingers linger over her garter and she hisses when he snaps it. She pins his wrists between them telling him grumpy-ly, "I - said - no." Her neck stretches giving Harry more skin to plant kisses as she brought his hand to cup them against her pussy.
"Wanna fuck me 'n d'the dirty work yourself? Go on then." He murmures grazing her collarbones with his teeth and palms her chest, stroking the perked nipple again and again to make her wet than she already's. Except of undressing him herself she orders him because she's too far gone to do anything other than have his cock pounding inside her, "Undress." When he does so she wraps her hand around his huge prick and taps his cherry lips with her fingers.
Pulling at his foreskin for some time and coating it perfectly with his own pre-come she sides her panties with shaky fingers and sinks down on him completely, she loves this position. In this way he feels too big inside her, deep to her tummy and could embrace eachother cosily.
"This's what you wanted? To fuck yourself with me prick, to keep it forever inside you?" He grabs her from sides helping her ride him and she hugs his shoulders whimpering with each languid stroke of his thickness against her spongy walls, "yes, yes, yes." His balls slaps against her bum and she squeezes around him with a cry.
He tuts in a mean voice, "Look how 've turned me sweet innocent Y/N into a filthy girl whose cunt's always drippin' with me cum." Her hairline beads with sweat and she muffles her moans by bitting him, he yanks her.
"Let everybody listen how hard ye're bein' pounded." He growls spanking her ass to a plump redness, groping her asscheeks to push harder and it makes her squirt around him.
"More, more, please more." She says in a soft hoarseness thighs quaking around his waist from exhaustion and he chuckles kissing her temple rolling her sensitive clit with the pad of thumb to make her cum, "oh! Harry — " This time she moans without holding back and when she doesn't stop moving Harry takes the hint.
"Bug you're gettin' tired." He flips them. Pressing her thigh against the back of couch with a tight grip of his hands around, so tight it'll leave imprints. Looking down a whimper slips from his throat at the sight of her widely spread for him and her pussy lips wrapped around his rock hard cock, though the sofa is already ruined with their wetness he spits where they're connected.
The dirty, sloppy wet noises of them turns him on so bad and he laps at her nipples like a kitten would do drilling inside her vigorously it makes her gasp in pleasure, moan and cry his name.
She rakes her nails down his spine when he grinds down at her in rough circles, "I'm gonna cum." She cries out cramping around him and their bones rattles with each pound she receives from him.
"Come fo' me darlin', gonna count to three — " He caresses her jaw, kissing her again and again face expression bundling up with the wave of pleasure that's about fluid over him as she thrashes under him, head on the sofa and torso stretching out, "fuck, fuck, fuck." He mutters unloading inside of her in sticky white ribbons that spill out of her because he came alot.
Taking a breather they untangle themselves a little and she whispers snuggling into his neck, "might think we could crash at this sofa tonight." Wrapping her calves around him like a koala.
"But, 'm hungry too." She giggles when her stomach grugled angrily.
"Let's clean up and get fish 'n chips from the next shop." He pets her head.
"Amazing!" She chirps.
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kenobiapologist · 4 years
Star Wars Novel Rankings
In celebration of the end of this year, I made a tier list of all of the Star Wars novels I’ve read since I joined this fandom in 2017 (which you can use to rank these books too). And I named all the tiers in a dorky but appropriate fashion. I would love to hear your thoughts on my rankings, as well as how you’d rank the books yourself! I’ve had a blast reading Star Wars novels from both Disney’s canon and the Legends extended universe over these past 3 years. Here’s to many more years of reading stories from the galaxy far far away! 
I put longer (but not more coherent) thoughts below the cut.
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The Chosen One: Bringing Balance to the Force and My Depressed Soul
1. The first spot of top tier had to go to Matthew Stover’s Revenge of the Sith novelization for obvious reasons. You simply cannot beat it. It’s a masterpiece. I literally had to put the book down to scream when I read the prose associated with the opening battle over Coruscant. It gave a whole new meaning to the triumphant music and the synchronous twirling of Obi-Wan and Anakin’s starfighters as they weave through blaster-fire in the battle over Coruscant. The rest of the book is the same way. You can’t put it down. I have wAyyYyYy too many feelings about this book oh my god.
2. Thrawn was a surprising book for me. For being centered on an admiral of the Empire’s navy, it had so much heart in it! I loved reading from Eli Vanto’s perspective too. god dammit I love that freaking Wild Space hillbilly dweeb with all my heart. I think his experiences getting to know Thrawn and learning from him guides the reader to feel much the same way as Eli by the end. Thrawn is a trusted friend, not the enemy you expect him to be. I could have done without Arihnda Pryce but she’s supposed to be unlikeable so I won’t blame Timothy Zahn this time.
3. The Clone Wars Gambit duology is basically Karen Miller writing fanfic and I’m HERE FOR IT. As is tradition with Karen Miller’s Star Wars novels, the emotions are dialed up the eleven. Our favorite dumbass Jedi team is back at it again with a mission to save the galaxy and this time they end up going undercover as two lumberjacks from the boonies. Anakin holds an energy shield back from collapsing with his bare hands like a total badass. Obi-Wan is in love with another woman despite it always ending in tragedy, while also bickering like a married couple with Anakin every ten seconds. get a fucking room, you two. These two books inspired one of my fics so they’re near and dear to my heart.
Jedi Master: These Books Have A Seat On The Council Too
4. Wild Space was appropriately named, I’ll tell you that. It’s a wild ride from start to finish. *slaps the front cover* this book can fit so much of Obi-Wan’s suffering in it! @forcearama has elaborated on the many reasons why this book is a gem in Snark Wars blog posts (linked here). It’s also the beginning of the best team-up since Anakin and Obi-Wan...Bail and Obi-Wan! These two bastards get under each other’s skin but it makes for the perfect character development. This book is the reason I screech with delight whenever Bail Organa appears on screen, or is mentioned in conversation. Bail gets a mysterious tip about trouble on a planet, and Obi-Wan decides to go with him to investigate. Cue Sith-induced suffering. It’s cool to see a normal person experiencing the weirdness of Force sensitives and how the world has this extra level of sensory information in it. Plotwise this one isn’t the best, but I think the interactions between characters really shine in this novel. Karen Miller’s writing is like a cup of hot chocolate to me. Indulgent character insight, full of sweet moments, has a bunch of extra marshmallowy dialogue, you’re reading it to have a good time but not to be satisfied with plot. You get me?
5. Do I even have to explain myself here? Kenobi by John Jackson Miller is both an interesting western-style tale set on Tatooine, and a beautiful character study of a man stricken with grief he keeps suppressed. How does one continue on when their whole family was murdered and their whole culture burnt to ash? I wanted to give Obi-Wan a hug the entire time I read this. The characterization was spot-on, from the way he wrangled animals to the way he severed a man’s arm off in a bar with his lightsaber. And when he meets a woman named Annileen Calwell, or Annie for short, Obi-Wan can’t bring himself to call her by her nickname ever and if that doesn’t just break your damn heart fucking fuck.
6. Ahsoka was the first Disney canon book I ever read and it kickstarted my love for E.K. Johnston. The writing is simplistic, but that makes it easy to jump into. Overall, it’s a quick and enjoyable read. By far the best parts are the flashbacks that mull over memories Ahsoka has of the time before Order 66. That shit hits you right in the heart, man. And the part where Ahsoka equates Obi-Wan and Anakin to her adoptive family ohhhhhhh god the tears they flow like a river. There are scenes that allude to Ahsoka becoming the vital part of the Rebellion we know her to be from Rebels, balanced with her current struggles to survive and find herself. Despite having cast away her identity as a Jedi and having any remaining bits of her culture destroyed by Palpatine, Ahsoka shows us all how bright a hero can shine in the darkest of times. AND SHE WAS WRITTEN AS QUEER! finally some good fucking food.
7. Oh shit, another E.K. Johnston book? Don’t be surprised. She’s a prequel fan and so am I, hence why Queen’s Shadow is so high on the list. E.K. Johnston pays homage to our favorite queen and badass senator Padme Amidala. There’s politics, there’s solidarity between female characters, and Bail Organa is in it so you KNOW I simply must give it a high rating. All jokes aside, I thought the story added lots of little details to the world of Star Wars without it being all stereotypical sci-fi nerdy language. You know how people want to describe something beyond our technological capabilities so they throw a bunch of nonsense together like “pre-praxis crystal bio-anode circuitry”? I’m looking at you, Karen Miller, I love you but please. There is none of that in this book. It makes sense, it adds color and culture and life to the worlds of Star Wars. Most of all, it devotes time and love to developing Padme outside of her place in canon as Anakin’s wife, Queen of Naboo, and Senator. She is all of these things, but she’s human too. I do agree that the pacing is slow, but it’s something meant to be savored, I think. E.K. Johnston really shines when she’s writing dialogue because she gets these characters. That’s something to appreciate, because not all canon books agree with the way we’ve perceived the characters as an audience.
8. Rogue Planet chewed me up, spit me out, and declared me an even bigger stan for The Team. People who say Qui-Gon would have been a better master for Anakin can ~get out~ because I could read about these two hooligans getting neck deep in space shenanigans all damn day. Anakin is like twelve, which is a time in his training that we don’t get a lot of in canon. Personally, I think it was equal parts heartwarming and funny to read about their adventures. There is some angst sprinkled in there because hey, we’re reading about Anakin here, let’s not forget the emotional trainwreck that is Anakin Skywalker. The duo is sent to a planet that makes super fast ships that are ?sentient? or at least biologically active. They bond with the pilot, which makes Anakin perfect for this mission. There’s a scene where these little floof things attach all over tiny Anakin because he’s so strong in the Force and it’s god damn adorable how dare he?? I’d probably rate this one even higher if I read it again, but it’s been awhile. Characterization is spot on and reminiscent of Matthew Stover’s writing in how it highlights the strong bond between Obi-Wan and Anakin, how they’re fated to know each other. I’m a sucker for soulmates, what can I say? 
9. Lost Stars reads like a movie. Not a script, but just the perfect amount of detail that you can imagine the scenes but the pacing is still quick, the dialogue smooth and natural. I couldn’t help wishing this was a film because the story was so all-encompassing. The highs and lows of the emotions of both protagonists, their relationship developing, the differences in culture. Folks, this book has it all! It’s a totally different perspective on the events of the original trilogy, seen from the side of Imperial cadets training to become pilots. Eventually, one splits off and joins the Rebellion while the other perseveres in the Empire. It’s like star-crossed lovers, but covers so much more ground than that. And the characters are fully developed. These original characters knocked my socks off, and that’s hard to do since I’m usually an Obi-Wan stan through and through. For anyone uncertain of reading Star Wars novels, this book is a great place to start. Action-packed, emotion-filled, and stands on its own despite weaving perfectly into the established universe. What more could you want?
10. Back at it again with the prequel shit, amiright? Queen’s Peril is E.K. Johnston’s most recent Padme-centric novel and it does not disappoint fans that wanted a taste of the Queen’s side of the story. Set during the events of The Phantom Menace, we get a “behind the curtain” look at how all of the handmaidens came to be more than their title suggests. There’s teenage girls getting stuff done! It makes more sense why Padme was elected ruler of her home-world, and you come to appreciate that a royal leader is not alone; there’s actually a whole team at her side to help her overcome everything from the drudgery of daily governing to Trade Federation blockades that threaten to starve her people. I think if you enjoyed Queen’s Shadow, you’ll enjoy this book a lot. For those that are unfamiliar with Johnston’s work, I wouldn’t recommend this one first because it does cover events you’ve already seen in movies and therefore is a less suspenseful companion to them. On the other hand, because it does tie in with TPM, it doesn’t suffer from the pacing issues of Queen’s Shadow to the same degree. I read this all in one sitting, so it’s definitely fun, but wasn’t compelling enough in its character development to elevate the book past some of the others I’ve listed already.
11. Thrawn: Treason was a refreshing return to the Grand Admiral we all know and love after the second installment in this series slowed things down a bit. Although it wasn’t as character-driven as the first book (which I love with all of my heart), there were still many moments that had me cackling at the disparity between Thrawn’s immense intellect and the other Imperials’ sheer stupidity, and that’s what we’re here for in a book about the Empire, right? There’s a lot of pressure on Thrawn, as his TIE Defender project has been pitted against Director Krennic’s Project Stardust. Who will get the funds? We just don’t know?? Tarkin sits in between the two and as usual, manipulates everything to his advantage. Palpatine questions Thrawn’s allegiance to the Empire after some of the choices he has made, leaving him in even more of a pickle. Thrawn is sent on a wild goose chase task that should definitely end in failure (on purpose because Imperials all want to watch each other burn as much as they want to watch the Rebellion burn), but you know Thrawn will find a way. My main squeeze Eli Vanto makes his return after being absent from book 2. Missed you, my sweet sweet country boy. He doesn’t have a leading role in this novel, but every scene he’s in makes the story better. Thrawn says “perhaps” way too often for my taste, but if you can ignore that, this book is a solid read. Equal parts action and deductive reasoning, as any Thrawn book should be.
12. Most of Dark Disciple had me thinking this was going to be a top tier book, and damn do I wish we could have gotten this animated. We follow Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress on a mission to assassinate Count Dooku. Why the Jedi thought this was a good idea, I don’t know. But I’m here for it all the same. 3/4 of the adventure were intriguing, but the ending didn’t do it for me. I won’t spoil things for anyone who hasn’t read this yet, but after all of the character development, to have it squandered so quickly just left me disappointed? I got really attached to everyone in this novel, and I’m sure you will to. I’ve read this and listened to it as an audiobook, and actually I think it’s more memorable as an audiobook. Would recommend, except for Mace Windu’s voice being exceptionally southern for no reason. Weird. I think this novel captures all of the great things about The Clone Wars show; time to really get to know each character and their motivations, action and adventure with the darkness of impending doom tinting everything, and lightsaber fights! Plus, Obi-Wan and Anakin make appearances in this book and it just adds that extra bit of spice. Worth the read, even if you know they aren’t going to get Dooku in the end (which I am still mad about, screw that guy).
Jedi Knight: Passed the Trials but There’s Room for Improvement
13. Few books in the Star Wars universe are centered around characters with no use of the Force, but in Most Wanted, we see a young Han Solo and Qi’ra struggling to survive on Corellia and it provides a humorous but compelling backstory to both characters in the Disney canon. Han is his usual lucky goofball self, and Qi’ra is smart and cunning. You can see how they grew into the versions of themselves in Solo. While the book stays on the lighter side of things (typical of stories written for a younger audience), there are still moments of depth on droid rights, viewing the Force as a religion, and what life is like in a crime syndicate. Addressing these heavier topics without it killing the pace of the story is hard to do, but Rae Carson pulls it off flawlessly. I went into this book with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised by how much fun I had. Han and Qi’ra start off as competitors, but eventually have to learn to work together to survive as more and more people start hunting them down. They’re honestly so cute together, I loved their dynamic. It makes Solo a better movie, and although I liked it on its own, characters like Qi’ra needed a little more time to get to know, which you can get here!
14. Thrawn Alliances was not what I expected at all, and it took me a lot longer to get through. Hell, it has Thrawn, Anakin/Vader, and Padme in it! What’s not to love? Apparently, a lot. The different timepoints and perspectives in this were more jarring than anything else. Although the interactions between Thrawn and Anakin/Vader were enjoyable, it was not enough to elevate this book into the Jedi Master tier. Things felt dry, the characters didn’t grip me like in the first Thrawn, and it all felt like a ploy to introduce Batuu into canon before the launch of Galaxy’s Edge.
15. Leia: Princess of Alderaan was a dive into young Leia’s life before we see her in A New Hope even though this was marketed as a journey to The Last Jedi book, which I disagree with. We really haven’t seen any content about Leia in this time period before, and although I can’t say I was looking for this, I did enjoy it. The book was a little long, but there was adventure and the seeds are planted for Leia to be a bigger part of the Rebellion. The romance wasn’t too memorable, but Holdo wasn’t pointless in this (a stark contrast to her brief appearance in TLJ just to sacrifice herself). There’s a hint about Leia being Force-sensitive but it’s not in-your-face. It’s a typical coming-of-age story but in the gffa. The best part about this is seeing Bail and Breha as parents. I’m forever in pain that we didn’t get to see more of this in movies because it’s so so sweet. Leia must choose what kind of person she is going to be--and what kind of princess she will become. It won’t be for everyone, but I liked it.
16. Master and Apprentice was a typical Star Wars novel, which means it’s full of original characters that are strange and outlandish to serve the plot, a new world full of beautiful landscapes, and Obi-Wan suffering. I want to make it clear that this book is 80% Qui-Gon, 10% Rael Averross, and 10% Obi-Wan. I was expecting it to be 50% Qui-Gon, 50% Obi-Wan, as the cover suggested. Although I was disappointed by that, the story overall was okay. Qui-Gon is kind of an asshole in this? When is he not, though. We really get to sink our teeth into the way he and Obi-Wan fundamentally disagree with each other, so much so that their teacher-student relationship is falling apart. Tragic! They go on one last mission before calling it quits. Qui-Gon is in over his head with prophecies, Obi-Wan just wants to follow the rules, and Rael Averross is Dooku’s previous apprentice that is living his best life as a regent until Pijal’s princess comes of age. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a solid book. I just don’t vibe with Qui-Gon and want to whack him upside the head every time he avoids confrontation with his own student. My protectiveness for Obi-Wan is showing again, isn’t it? Yikes.
17. James Luceno is one of the most analytical authors I’ve ever read anything from, but it seems to always work? Tarkin is all about...well, Moff Tarkin. He’s ruthless, intelligent, and just downright evil. His backstory was compelling and I found myself drawn into the story by the details, although it is dense and took awhile to finish. I’m not interested in him as a character, but despite that, I enjoyed this story. The plot wasn’t memorable enough for me to recall after 3 years, but it’s similar to how Thrawn rose through the ranks of the Navy, just in a different part of the Empire’s governing body. We don’t get many books completely focused on a villain (I don’t count Vader ones because we know who he was before and the whole damn saga is about him), but this one is good! Don’t be fooled by it only being in the Knight tier. I think people who read a lot of sci-fi will like this book a lot. This is like the opposite of Queen’s Shadow, basically. If you had gripes about that book, you might like this one instead.
18. Battlefront II: Inferno Squad was a worthwhile read for anyone who played Battlefront II. Iden Versio is a great protagonist in the game, and I think Christie Golden totally gets her character. She’s nuanced and relatable. The whole team is interesting and getting introduced to each member before the events of the game makes everything mean more. That’s the real goal of any prequel story, I think. Accomplished! The action scenes are on point, the plot served to highlight what makes Inferno Squad special, and you get a sense for the morally grey area anyone must function in as an operative for the Empire. Although not necessary for the greater canon, it’s a great adventure. Iden and her squad members infiltrate the remains of Saw Gerrara’s group (they’ve become a bit of extremist) and destroy them from the inside. It’s got the suspense of a spy thriller and all of the nerdy space opera elements you expect from Star Wars. Although it’s weird to jump into a story not knowing any of the characters, you’ll get attached to Inferno Squad fast. Well, except for Gideon Hask maybe. He’s kind of a dick.
19. If you’re craving some Dark Side action, Lords of the Sith will give you what you’re looking for. Sidious and Vader crash-land on Ryloth and have to work together to survive, and also defeat the Free Ryloth Movement led by Cham Syndulla. It’s all fucking connected, guys. I love when people weave together stories that fit into the canon timeline like this, bringing in side characters and allowing them to develop some depth. And a chance to sink into the mind of a Sith Lord is always fun, if you’re in the mood to read about destruction and anger. It’s cathartic sometimes. If you’re always wondering, why didn’t Vader just stab Palps when he had the chance, this book explains their dynamic more. It didn’t really change my opinion of any of the characters, which is why it’s not higher on the list.
20. Catalyst suffered from being in a really boring part of galactic history. Despite that, Galen Erso and Orson Krennic have a hilarious relationship that I would have loved to see on-screen. This book really develops Krennic to become more than just the whiny entitled evil man we saw in Rogue One. He’s ten times worse now! But I mean that in the best way, I laugh whenever he’s in a scene, that sassy man just brings me joy. James Luceno is at it again, making things as detailed and dry as possible. I read so many of his stories right at the beginning of my journey through Star Wars canon and it’s a wonder I didn’t quit. Some of them are dark as fuck. And also slow as hell. With this one, I think it all comes down to what you want out of a Star Wars novel. Some people will really enjoy the plot. I think seeing how Galen became a part of Project Stardust was interesting and every time something about the Death Star became more clear, I screeched because I knew what it would eventually become. This book may not hold your interest though, which is why I put it lower on this list.
21. Star Wars: Clone Wars was a decent retelling of the Clone Wars movie. I liked it because I liked the movie, but you have to be able to sit back and enjoy the ride, not thinking too much about the silly parts. For that reason, it’s pretty far down in the rankings. Ahsoka is young and liable to get on your nerves. I certainly wasn’t her biggest fan at this point in the series. The biggest problem is that Karen Traviss is very anti-Jedi. Some authors for Star Wars tend to do this? To me, it’s weird. I didn’t notice it too much because it was one of the first Star Wars books I read, but it contrasts starkly with the truth of the prequel trilogy and some of the other entries in the Clone Wars Novel timeline, like Karen Miller’s books. Needless to say, although this book wasn’t super memorable aside from the familiar plot, it kept me reading Star Wars books, and so it is at least an average book. Plus, any content with Anakin and the clones is worth it for me. I love them.
22. A New Hope was good, for Alan Dean Foster. I’m not a fan, I’ll be honest. But this novelization stands on it’s own. I’m going to have to do a re-read to really go in depth on why this isn’t farther up on the tier list, but the movie is always going to be better to me. If you want to re-live the great beginning of the Original Trilogy, it’s worth your time. I mean, the story is full of adventure and mystery and lovable characters. What’s not to love? I just feel like the movie really elevates the narrative with a great score and fun character design/costumes/sets.
Padawan: These Books Have Much to Learn
23. Attack of the Clones was more entertaining than The Phantom Menace because the characters are in funnier situations. Obi-Wan and Anakin chasing Zam Wesell through the levels of Coruscant? Hilarious, just like the movie. Anakin and Padme falling in love as they spend time together? Holy fuck it’s so much better than the movie. Please read it for that alone. Outside of that, the writing style didn’t really impress me. And my experience with it wasn’t super memorable. There was potential to really make the inner dialogue of these characters impactful, to really develop the story of Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme beyond what we could get from the movie scenes alone. I didn’t think it went above and beyond there. Not a bad story at all, but you don’t get to look at Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, or Ewan McGregor the whole time either, so therefore I must rank it lower. So many beautiful people in that movie, holy shit. You can understand my, dilemma, yes?
24. I enjoyed parts of The Phantom Menace book, like deleted scenes with Anakin living on Tatooine before Qui-Gon and Padme meet him. The additional depth is lovely, but I think a story like Queen’s Peril adds more to TPM than this book does. The story overall is still fun. I love this movie so much, it’s hard for me to be critical. I did put a lot of post-it flags in my copy, so it does develop the characters and get you thinking beyond your expectations from the movie. What more could you ask for from a movie novelization? I’d say not much, if I hadn’t read Revenge of the Sith and had my fucking mind blown. In comparison to that, this one is just okay.
25. The Last Jedi novelization wasn’t bad, necessarily. It tried its best to bring this story up to par with some of the interesting novels that don’t have movie counterparts. But still, the plot suffers because of how this movie was made. It’s very focused on Rey and Kylo, and Finn’s little adventure with Rose seems pointless in the grand scheme of things. I’d rather read this again versus watching the film, but that’s all I’ll say on this because I’m trying to keep my opinions on this movie to myself to avoid digging up old arguments. Jason Fry did well, and of the two Sequel Trilogy books I’ve read, I would recommend this one over Ep. 7.
26. The Force Awakens falls short and I think it’s because of Alan Dean Foster’s writing style on this one? It didn’t really expand on anything from the movie, while taking away the beautiful music and visuals. This novel is the antithesis of Revenge of the Sith’s novelization, and for that reason I ranked it fairly low. I wouldn’t read this one unless you really really love the Sequel Trilogy.
27. To be fair, I read the new Thrawn book before I went back and read this one. Even so, Heir to the Empire didn’t impress me at all. Thrawn didn’t seem like a thrilling villain with lots of depth like he did in Timothy Zahn’s reimagined Thrawn novel. We barely saw him. A lot of time was spent on the Original Triology’s trio, which waasn’t bad. I thought Luke, Leia, and Han were all written fairly well. The latter part of the story was redeemed by the interactions between Mara Jade and Luke, for sure. Enemies to lovers, anyone?? Without Thrawn, this book would have been an entertaining story, but for all of the praise it has received from long-time Star Wars fans, I was expecting to be blown away and I wasn’t. Maybe I have to continue the triology to figure out what all of the fuss is about, but after this one, I’m not super motivated to read more. Change my mind?
28. Cloak of Deception really shines when you’re following Palpatine’s perspective because you can feel the undercurrents of his master plan to destroy the Republic underneath his calm persona as a Senator. Other than that, it’s a forgettable plot. This is all about galactic politics and some terrorist group trying to blow up some government officials. Basically the most boring parts of the prequel trilogy. I listened to the audiobook of this at the beginning of this year and I already forget what it’s about. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan should have been able to bring some humor and energy to get you rooting for the good guys,  but there was barely any of that. I was disappointed in all of the characters. Everything felt distant, removed from the heart of the characters. Some people in reviews have argued that the events of The Phantom Menace really pinned this novel in a corner because you already know what happens, but I disagree, because we know how Revenge of the Sith goes and The Clone Wars show is that much more tragic and heartbreakingly beautiful because of it. Prequels can be done right. This ain’t it, Luceno. Sorry.
29. Star Wars: The Old Republic, Fatal Alliance needs to go home and rethink it’s life. I’m a huge fan of the Old Republic and I’ve put like 200 hours of my life into playing that game, so I was hoping for some fun content in this part of the timeline. Sadly, this book captured the worst parts of the game, like the fact that there’s way too many factions at war with each other. Jedi, Sith, Empire, Republic, Mandalorians. They’re all here. They’re all ready to throw down. And I’m tired. As with many of the books in this lower tier, I felt there wasn’t enough description of the world or the people in the story. We’re in the gffa, be a little weird and wacky. Be big and bold! Make things terrifying, or beautiful, or both. But give my mind something to work with. The number of characters made the plot messier than it could have been, and it definitely isn’t worth the read. I can’t speak for all Old Republic books, but this one didn’t impress me.
A Sith Lord?! On My Bookshelf? It’s More Likely Than You’d Think
30. So underwhelming, you might as well just read the first half and then stop. Last Shot is absolutely terrible, except for Lando Calrissian’s characterization, which was spot-on. If the whole story had been from his perspective, I probably would have a much difference opinion on the novel as a whole. Sadly, this is not the case. Han was boring, he bottled up his emotions, and seemed drastically different from the badass he was in the original trilogy. There are different timepoints in this novel, and in all of them, Han is unrecognizable. Don’t nerf one of your main characters like that. Daniel Jose Older and I might just not get along. I thought his writing style didn’t fit Star Wars at all. It was like breaking the fourth wall, totally pulling me out of the story constantly. Also, there were little to no descriptions of body language, locations, or movement. It left me feeling disoriented the whole time I was reading. I thought one of the most interesting things would have been seeing Han, Leia, and baby Ben being a family at this point in time, but Han’s family was there as a prop, nothing more. There was a big bad item that was going to cause galactic destruction and our heroes had to go save the day. There was barely any tension and no one lost an arm so I’m pretty pissed off. Is it Star Wars if no one gets their appendage removed? I can’t tell you how much I disliked this book. Which is sad because I was hoping to enjoy it. I like Han. I like Lando. I like space adventures. I’m not that hard to please, or at least I don’t think so.
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asciendo · 3 years
Come Back to Me
Chapter 20 of the Make it Right Series 
Jean was the cocky bastard that walked around like he owned the place. Y/N couldn’t stand him so when the time came that you were his sparring partner, you couldn’t wait to teach him a lesson.
Little did the both of you know, that sparring match would be the start of your unexpected relationship with Jean Kirschtein, that will change your life, and the rest of the Scout Regiment forever.
Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3/Chapter 4/Chapter 5/Chapter 6/Chapter 7/Chapter 8/Chapter 9/Chapter 10/Chapter 11/Chapter 12/Chapter 13/Chapter 14/Chapter 15/Chapter 16/Chapter 17/Chapter 18/Chapter 19/Chapter 21
You were four months into your pregnancy and the scouts were at a standstill as Erwin wanted to know more about the titans before going on a mission.
Jean has been on top of things when it came to you. Always making sure you weren't tired—would carry your tray of food during meals, making sure you weren't pushing yourself too hard doing Levi's paperwork,
One night in your room, you were complaining about how you felt useless to the Scouts how you wanted to do something more.
"I feel useless, Jean! I can't do anything; I'm stuck here and a waste of space!" You exclaimed as you paced around your room.
"Y/N—" Jean tried to interrupt you, but you kept going. "While everyone is risking their lives for humanity, I'm doing paperwork!" Suddenly, you felt strong hands on your shoulders and Jean looking right in front of you.
"Y/N...stop." He shakes you lightly and when you look away from him, he takes your chin and makes you face him again.
"Listen to me, you are not useless. You're bringing a child into this world...that's the bravest thing I've seen anyone do...and you're also giving all of us something to come home to." Jean whispers and your eyes start to water. He pulls you in and you melt into his chest.
"I just feel I'm letting everyone down."
"You're not...I promise."
The next day at the dining hall, Sasha asks you for your bread like any other day. As you were about to give it to her, Jean slaps Sasha's receiving hand.
"She needs to eat." Jean growls as Sasha rolls her eyes. "She was already giving it to me!"
"Sasha, you were literally trying to steal food from a pregnant lady." Connie laments. "Lady?! Are you calling me old?!" You snap and Connie chuckles.
"Whatever, I'm going to be the baby's favorite. I already know it." Sasha smirks as Connie rolls his eyes.
"You?! We all know it's gonna be me, I'd let him do whatever he wants." Connie pokes Sasha on the head as she huffs.
"It could be a girl, you know." Armin states.
From the other table, Erwin, Hange and Levi watch as the young Scouts bicker on baby names and babysitting schedules.
"You know this whole thing with Y/N and Jean could be a good thing..." Hange begins causing the other two to stare at her. "A baby in the Scouts is not a good thing, crazy." Levi snaps but is shushed by Erwin. "Why do you think so, Hange?" He asks, curious on what her unique mind is thinking.
"Well..look at them..." she begins and they continue to watch the group. Connie and Sasha are screaming at each other about which one of them the baby would like more. Mikasa watches them nonchalantly, but there's a small smile on her face. Eren looks annoyed at the entire scene while Armin throws his head back laughing. Then there's you and Jean.
Jean has one hand on the back of your chair and one hand on your stomach, he's beaming while watching you laugh at the others and suddenly blushes himself.
"What about them?" Levi asks in annoyance as Hange laughs. "Despite everything, most of them have lost their families...they have something to hope for." Erwin looks at her in amazement. He never thought of Hange as sentimental.
"That doesn't change anything." Levi grimaced as the door suddenly burst open.
It was one of the soldiers manning over the wall.
"What is it?" Erwin asks as everyone in the room looks at the soldier in anticipation.
"The Colossal Titan and the Armoured Titan were spotted in Wall Maria." The entire room froze. Their missions mostly dealt with dealing the remainder of Kenny Ackerman's team within the walls, they haven't heard of anything from Bertholdt and Reiner in months.
Connie looked down as Sasha sunk back to her seat. Eren's face turned to anger as Mikasa watched him with worry. Jean's hand suddenly squeezed yours as he closed his eyes.
"We leave first thing tomorrow morning." Erwin announced before leaving with Hange and Levi. The rest of you remain in your seats, in silence.
Jean was in the stables cleaning up, it was his turn this week. His mind kept wandering to the thought of him not coming back to you. To his child. He knew it was his duty but the thoughts of asking to stay were plaguing his mind.
Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him and turned around, it was the rest of his friends, except you.
"What is it?" He asks, setting down his broom. Connie steps forward and Jean stares at him with a confused expression on his face.
"We just wanted to let you know we heard Erwin and Hange talking...they're going to ask if you want to stay." Jean's mouth dropped. He never thought his superiors would give him the option to stay. It just showed how much they actually do care about them and Jean was speechless.
"Erwin will probably talk to you in a bit. But we just wanted to say..it's okay if you do." Connie stated and the rest nodded, even Eren.
"Guys—" he began but he was cut off by Armin. "No, don't say anything. We just want you to know—we'll support you no matter what...and we understand." With that, they left leaving Jean with his thoughts.
As Jean was walking back to his room, he was stopped by Erwin. Erwin asked him if he wanted to stay. Jean looked around and thought for a moment, before he could answer, Erwin told him no matter what he chooses, he would still be a Scout and leaves.
Jean was left alone and speechless. He didn't know what to do. There was you, his child, his future, but also his duty to the Scouts was something he valued most about himself.
He used to be cocky and selfish and being in the Scouts made him face himself, and try to be better.
He knew there was no question, he had to do this, not just for himself or his friends, but for you and the baby. For a better world.
In your room, you try to sleep but you can't. they've left you on missions before, but they were always within the walls. Thinking about watching your comrades leave you, not sure who would return and you not being there to help was the worst feeling in the world.
You felt the pressure on your bed and arms snake around your waist. "Hi." Was all Jean said, and enough to have you crying all over again. "Shhh, it's alright." Jean kissed your cheek and turned you face him.
"I'm coming back—"
"What if you don't—"
"No...there's no chance in hell that I'm not coming back. I know what you're thinking." He began and before you could argue he kissed you. He tasted your tears as they dripped down your face. Placing kisses around your face he pulled you closer and started rubbing your back in circles.
"What if you don't come back, what if—" you begin and he shushes you once more. "I will. I swear on my life I will." Jean reassures you and you spend the night tangled up in one another.
The next day, Jean took his place next to his horse and Erwin walked up to him.
"Are you sure?" He asked, eyeing Jean carefully. Jean gulped and looked at you hugging the others. "Yes, sir." Erwin smiled and went back to his station.
as the Scouts line up in front of the gate, you give all your friends a hug before they mount their horses. They see the disappointment in your face and the fear.
"We'll see you soon alright?" Sasha whispered as she pulled you in. when she leaves, your faced with Jean. His eyes look tired but he smiles at you.
He pulls you in instantly and you try to fight back the tears, tired of crying.
"Come back to me." Is all you say. Jean pulls away and nods, giving one last kiss before he mounts his horse. Looking back at you he smiles as he rides straight through the gate.
33 notes · View notes
ahgastae · 4 years
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worst chefs in seoul (outline) – kim seokjin x gn!reader
➥ word count: 3.9k | reality/cooking show au | crack | fluff
➥ m.list
➥ a/n: we’re back at it again with another wip i never finished lol. this one is the outline for what was intended to be a social media au (as evidenced by some of the notes i left for myself), though it’s likely that’s not how it actually would’ve come out. i’d love to hear some of your thoughts/reactions, and i hope you enjoy ♡
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day ???
start w y/n and yoongi goofing off on twitter
the whole y/n eating a moldy grape thinking it’s a kiwi thing
and yoongi panicking bc of it
could transition into them talking about the finale episode of their favorite show: worst chefs in seoul
they’re both huge fans, and equally complete disasters when it comes to culinary skill
yoongi likes the show bc he likes the competition aspect and tbh he got addicted after y/n forced him to watch the first season w them
y/n also likes it for that reason, but the main reason they watch it is bc of a certain kim seokjin
anyway, they talk about the finale, and then yoongi says something about the next season’s ‘nominations’ coming up soon
y/n jokingly says they’re going to nominate yoongi bc of that one time he made tacos with dog food
and yoongi fires back w the time they managed to light the microwave on fire making cup o’ noodles
they agree to let each other live
…..for now
the two actually do end up nominating each other w/o the other knowing
y/n honestly just thought it would be funny if yoongi got picked and yoongi was like “fuck it why not”
little did they know…..
while the nomination guidelines assure that the selection process is completely random, this is a reality show
meaning for anyone w a brain that’s obviously not the case
contestants are actually chosen by the show’s assistant producers and approved by the chefs themselves and then the higher ups
but who are those assistant producers??
none other than park jimin and kim taehyung
neither of them keep their involvement with the show a secret, and one takes it a teensy bit more seriously than the other
anyway, they’re usually told to find a batch of contestants (that they feel) would conjure up the most drama for the show
it is tv, after all, and they have to keep people watching
and that part is crucial
to their credit, they do (somewhat) succeed for the most part
jimin selects yoongi and namjoon from the nomination pool bc he thinks joon’s clumsiness w yoongi’s nonchalant nature will work for max chaos
and taehyung chooses y/n and jungkook bc while their competitive drives are similar, y/n’s subdued nature has a big chance for conflict w jk’s out-there attitude
(how do they know all this? they’re experts at what they do leave me alone)
day ??? 2.0
y/n (and yoongi, secretly) is ecstatic when they get the emails/DM/whatever that they’ve been “chosen for the next hot season of worst chefs in seoul!”
but then yoongi asks if it’s allowed for them to know each other and accept the nomination
like they’re best friends. is that going to present some kinda problem that’ll get them both kicked off??
should only one of them accept it?
(he’s immediately ready to sacrifice his own nomination bc he knows how much y/n cares about this stupid show)
y/n says they’re not going to let him do that bc they were both chosen, meaning they both should get to go
“it’s fine!! we can just pretend we don’t know each other when we’re on set!”
and so they’re off
to some undisclosed location in seoul
day 0
jimin and taehyung are the first to greet everyone, collecting all four contestants together for a tour of the dorms
and y/n starts texting yoongi in a panic bc both of their dumbasses forgot that the contestants are separated into teams as soon as they arrive
yoongi prolly says smth like i’m two feet away from you why are you texting me
(y/n reminds him they can’t make it seem like they know each other)
yoongi acts like it’s not that big of a deal
prolly says there’s a good chance they’ll end up on the same team
and if they don’t they can just hang out in the dorms when the cameras are off and away
which is when jimin loudly announces that this season, each team is getting their own dormitory
and that contestants will be required to stay in their dorm while filming the season, except for approved ‘outings’ for the show
he moves on before anyone can ask what that means
they’ll be allowed to pick whichever dorm they want to stay in for the first night, since they want to get the contestants’ reactions on camera when they reveal the teams
but after they’re revealed tomorrow, it’s your dorm and your dorm only
y/n and yoongi automatically gravitate towards each other
they end up together in the ‘new’ dorm, which yoongi grumpily notes is practically bigger than their whole apartment
y/n wonders if they ended up in seokjin’s dorm, and gets excited at the thought of this being a ‘test’ to see which chef’s team they’ll be on
to which yoongi asks what makes this dorm his?
“idk i just...feel his aura in here”
“.......okay, weirdo. i’m gonna go ‘feel his aura’ in the bathroom and take a—”
y/n can either ask what yoongi thinks of the other contestants or they can both pretty much blow them off entirely for the time being
idk which yet
day 1
next morning, the contestants are woken up bright and early by none other than our favorite assistant producers
the wake up call comes in the form of a new group chat between the six of them
along with a link to ‘download’ the calendar for the shooting schedule
(which is really an app/virus that disables certain functions on their phones)
((such as most social media and texting numbers outside their ‘parameters’))
after that’s all hashed out, jm & t explain that this group chat is for any and all notifications and updates about the show, as well as any questions and/or concerns the contestants might have
“can i just vote to eliminate myself now and go home?” and
“how do i get this fucking thing off my phone” and
“when do we find out what team we’re on??”
the answers to which are
you’ll find out when filming is finished
and right now!
they tell the contestants to get up and get dressed as their first day on set officially starts now
y/n and kook immediately jump into action and leave the gc
joon lags behind a little confused but follows the flow
yoongi, ever the people person, gets aggressive when they don’t answer his questions about their goddamn malware
“is this even legal?? are you even fucking allowed to just disable our devices like this?”
“what if there’s an emergency??”
“looks like you’ll just have to find out, huh?”
yoongi’s phone then crashes and won’t let him unlock it until the first block of filming is finished
jm: “oops ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ”
day 1 recap
we find out through our superfan what happens during the first episode
(maybe do something like this person is some kinda press/‘news’ account dedicated entirely to w.c.i.s. and the two chefs)
((mayhaps they leak the contestant list before it goes public??))
((jimin and tae could have some kinda unspoken rivalry w them lol))
anyway the story is told through them in a series of twitter threads
(plus a few messages from y/n to yoongi freaking out about the teams they get put on)
first event of the day is: the team announcements
yoongi and joon end up on team kim seokjin and y/n is on team jyp w kook
being split up puts a bit of a damper on their plans, and with this stupid cell block they don’t know if they’ll even be allowed to talk to each other
none of them get much time to react, though, as they’re then shuffled off to their respective kitchens
where they finally meet their respective chefs
and, lo and behold, y/n is goddamn terrified
jinyoung is even scarier in person than he is on tv
“don’t laugh at me yoongi!! this is the guy who made a girl sob on live television!”
“and now ur gonna be the next person what’s the problem lmao”
while y/n tries to get past their fear, they’re given their first official task: work together with their new partner to create a meal of their choice
the catch is that they aren’t allowed any help from their chef yet
and since the teams were just announced literally like 10 minutes ago, none of them have had much of a chance to get to know each other
(the network knows this, and does this on purpose since most of the seasons’ first episodes are spent either arguing or being completely lost)
things go about as well (read: badly) as expected
y/n and kook soon discover their very conflicting personalities and spend the majority of the round bickering back and forth about what to make/how to do it
meanwhile yoongi slaps a piece of sliced cheese directly on the stove while joon runs around like a chicken w its head cut off
in the end, team jyp somehow manages to come out victorious
they cobble together some (semi) edible banana milkshakes to present to the judges
(‘together’ meaning y/n wanted to make plain vanilla milkshakes and kook switched it for banana milk when they weren’t looking)
yoongi and joon tried (keyword being tried) to make grilled cheese
but between yoongi’s cheese-to-stove method and joon dropping their two pieces of burnt toast right before the timer rang
they didn’t get many points
as their reward, team jyp has the honor of picking what they’ll be making tomorrow
they’re given the rest of the day to think and talk it over while team ksj is told to reflect on what went wrong in today’s trial
back at the dorms (now in their separate teams), y/n finds that yoongi finally graces them w a response
(and that they were right about which one was ‘seokjin’s’ dorm)
yoongi tells them about ‘that little shit’ locking him out of his phone and that he honestly just wants to get tf out of there contract or not
y/n convinces him to stay and stick it out, if not for them then for the prize money at the end
yoongi then asks what dish they’re going to pick for tomorrow, and asks if they can pick something he at least has an idea how to make
cue y/n saying that they were thinking of suggesting one of seokjin’s signature dishes but not knowing if kook would go along w the idea
“he kept trying to switch out our ingredients for banana milk and i don’t know how to tell him to knock that shit off”
“honestly you know i’m not one to take charge but he wasn’t even listening to me!! what’s to say he’s actually going to listen to the PROFESSIONAL chef here to help us??”
“aNd SPeAkINg oF THaT”
cue y/n whining about how they wanted to be on jin’s team and it’s not fair that they both got stuck w jinyoung AND a bratty kid on their team
yoongi sympathizes since he was looking forward to them being on the same team, but makes y/n agree that if he has to give the competition a chance then they have to give kook one too
“i mean yeah he seems like a bit of a dumbass but isn’t that why we’re all here? bc we have no fuckin clue what to do in the kitchen?”
hmm...fine they’ll give him a chance
but they still think he’s a lil shit and don’t really wanna talk to him at all, let alone reach some kinda compromise on what to make
they don’t get much or a choice, though, as they both receive a mysterious message from...jungkook? in another group chat?
the contestants find that they have all been manually added to another gc
except this one is missing the two assistant producers who love to breathe down their necks
everyone but jk is immediately suspicious
is this some of trick to get them to screw up?
to break some kinda hidden clause in the contract none of them actually read?
wasn’t that thing they downloaded supposed to block incoming messages like this?
“but wait, yoongi, then how were we able to…?”
but as of right now, they don’t get any answers
and they’re all too afraid to ask anyone but each other
“well we’re all here so...we might as well get to know each other right?? :D”
this is where we get our first in-depth look at the four people stuck on this show together, who in their lives nominated them and why
(y/n and yoongi’s lying skills are put to a bit of a test as they each rush to pull stories right out of their asses)
kook talks about bambam and says his nomination said smth about “adding banana milk to everything f*ckin thing he makes”
he doesn’t really get why that was enough to land him a spot on the show but he thought it would be pretty cool to be on tv and just went along with it
namjoon talks about hobi and emphasizes that he’s not that bad of a cook
he just gets nervous and confused when it comes to recipes and cooking which expresses itself in the form of his unabashed clumsiness
joon then asks if they’ll really be prevented from having any outside communication until filming is finished
he, like yoongi, questions the legality of deceitfully installing the block on their phones
y/n says there probably was some kind of hidden clause that allowed them to do that, as they “can’t imagine seokjin would take part in a competition that abuses its contestants”
to which joon replies that they don’t actually know seokjin so they can’t really ‘imagine’ anything about how he will or won’t act
right as yoongi is about to jump in and tell him to back off, jungkook decides that that’s way too much legal talk for him
he forces changes the subject back to the gc as a whole and says that even if they’re prevented from talking to their friends he’s happy they’ll “at least have each other :D”
y/n feels like part of that is directed at them and feels bad for how they thought he was ‘just a dumb kid’ before
namjoon, however, is still hesitant
he’s not sure if this chat could get them in trouble in regards to the show and their contract and what not and says that they all should probably delete it just to be safe
but that is unanimously vetoed by y/n and kook (and yoongi, reluctantly) and they decide that if the block allowed it to pass through then it must be allowed
before joon can argue anymore, they all receive a message from tae in the ‘official’ gc
he briefly explains the lights out policy of the dorms and tells them that they’re probably going to want a good night's sleep for their ‘big day’ tomorrow
yoongi then says smth like “well...guess that’s lights out then” and jk responds excited as ever w “night guys!! see you all in the morning! :)”
and y/n can feel their soul leaving their body for even thinking anything ill about him
day 2
contestants are woken up bright and early by alarms they didn’t set
(“oh great, so they just hijacked every app on our fucking phones then”
jimin tells them all to hurry up, get dressed, and meet the chauffeur outside bc they can’t afford to be late
(“literally! every second you waste is money docked from the network’s wallet! so get your asses in gear, guppies!”)
y/n and kook get outside first, but yoongi and joon are nowhere to be seen
y/n decides to text the q & a gc to get the dirt on seokjin
they kinda start sucking up to jimin and tae to see if they’ll reveal any info, particularly about what the chef is like and if it’s possible for him to talk to the ‘other’ team’s contestants
and while the producers are pleasantly surprised that one of the contestants actually want to use that gc for something other than yelling at them
they unfortunately can’t give much info besides what most people already know
and confirm that one of the chefs talking to the other’s students was probably not allowed, but that it’s also never really happened before so they’re not really sure lmao
(“taehyung!!” “what? was i not supposed to say that?”)
jimin cuts the conversation short there as yoongi and joon arrive and they all get on the shuttle for the set
taehyung does say one last thing tho
“good luck!! hopefully they don’t tear u up too bad!”
but first
our superfan gives us the downlow on the competition and how it works
after being split into teams, the contestants will rotate between ‘training’ w their chef and competing against each other in timed trial rounds
prizes can be won for both events, but the ones for the trial rounds are generally more competition based while the ones for the training rounds are more about luxury/quality of life while filming
each trial round win counts as a point towards the team’s score in the competition
only trial rounds affect this score
once a certain number of points has been reached (5), that team moves into the next phase of the competition
instead of working as a team, they are split up and now have to work against each other to win the favor of their chef
and in the finale, after one last big cookout competition, an individual winner is chosen and crowned a ‘former’ worst chef in seoul
once the contestants arrive on set, the chefs reiterate that today is just a training round
(they all let out a collective sigh of relief)
and it’s a good thing everyone woke up so early bc they’re just in time to learn how to make breakfast!!
“it’s not like we had much of a choice-oof.”
“anyway! team jyp, since you won the pretrial round yesterday, you get to decide what both teams will be learning how to make today. so, y/n, jungkook. think carefully. what do you want for breakfast?”
y/n is about to suggest seokjin’s signature strawberry and cream crepes when jungkook, who is still half asleep, blurts out “omelette”
(also i’ve decided that jackson is the host of the show now and i’m not changing my mind)
and it’s decided. they’re makin’ omelettes
(y/n is only a little bit peeved)
shuffled off to their separate kitchens, y/n is reminded of just how terrified they are of jinyoung
sure, they thought he was scary yesterday when they realized they were on his team, but now he has to actually teach them and they can’t help but think he’s going to make them into an idiot sandwich by the end of the day
as such, they try to keep half-asleep kook in between them and jinyoung at all costs, even if it meant running around the kitchen like a lost puppy
jinyoung, fully aware of how the show portrays him and how fans view him, notices this almost instantaneously
but he unfortunately doesn’t get to pull y/n aside to address it before jungkook starts digging through the fridge for banana milk and almost throws the entire carton of eggs on the floor
professional chef jyp mode: on
and they’re off
it’s a little difficult with y/n dancing around the kitchen anxiously and jungkook’s absolute aversion to being told what to do (as y/n predicted), but jinyoung manages to whip them into shape long enough to (barely) make a ham, cheese, and “green onion? wtf is that?” omelette
team seokjin, however, does not favor as well
yoongi apparently doesn’t know what tf a green onion is either and just throws in whatever green vegetable he can find while jin is struggling to keep namjoon from setting himself on fire
….and it turned out to be celery
that, plus joon somehow managing to burn the omelette to a crisp, costs them the training round
y/n and kook start to celebrate their victory and actually working as a team when jackson informs them that their ‘prize’ is they get to eat what they cooked while the other team gets whatever is left over on the catering table
“i hope you listened to your chef!”
“...jungkook, please tell me you used actual milk in this”
back at the dorms, the contestants share their thoughts on their first day of training, as well as their first official day w their chefs
(also include y/n saying something about their banana milk omelettes actually not being half bad)
y/n immediately recalls how much they were terrified of jinyoung, almost cutting their finger off when he glanced over their shoulder when they were slicing the green onions
jk agrees, adding smth about how he didn’t think a scowl could ever be so intimidating
“it reminded me of my mom’s face when she found out i tried to pierce my own ears in the bathroom in middle school!! i was too afraid to push the needle all the way through and walked around with it in my ear all day until one of my teachers finally noticed and sent me to the office!”
...ok jungkook
during all of this, yoongi and joon are both like...wtf
“seokjin was literally nothing but nice to us. even when namjoon almost set his sleeve on fire lmao”
“hyung how did u manage that” “doesn’t matter”
jungkook thinks the difference in the chefs is hilarious, but y/n is only upsetti spaghetti
they go on a bit of a rant about how badly they wanted to be on jin’s team
saying something about how jinyoung is scary and mean and they’re almost positive he can sense their fear or something and probably use it against them while jin’s team would be so much better on the sole fact that they wouldn’t feel like he would turn them into an omelette for getting something wrong
cue jk being all babey asking “you...don’t wanna be on a team with me? :((“
and y/n immediately PANICS and tries to explain that NO, it’s not HIM but yoongi saves their ass by saying that seokjin is just their favorite and that’s all
jungkook feels better, but then namjoon is like “hol up. we all just met. how could you possibly know that?”
insert more y/n fumbling and jk confusion
yoongi (once again) covers w some bullshit story that he was able to just guess that based on what y/n’s said in the gc so far
joon wants to question it further, but jungkook informs them that the lights out call just came in before he can
another yoony/n sigh of relief
in private, y/n freaks out to yoongi for almost blowing their cover to the others
prompting a short conversation over whether they think they can trust them or not
y/n admits that they’re warming up to kook, but is a little suspicious if namjoon will keep their secret yet
convo ends with yoongi saying something like “well, the kid’s right about one thing. at least we know we have each other”
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Star Wars as if it were like the Office! (Also i need a title, so if anyone has any ideas for that or any suggestions in general, let me know.
Also, sorry if this sucks. I don’t write very often nor have I ever written a screenplay type of thing before. I honestly just did this for fun!
“Anakin, what are you doing?”
“I’m standing on the edge of this balcony.”
“Yes, I can see that. Why are you standing on the edge of that balcony?”
*pan to the chaos of Coruscant below; ships speeding in traffic, huge buildings, and an insanely long drop. Obi-Wan is standing behind Anakin on the part of the balcony that’s made to be stood on; Anakin is on the edge of the railing*
“Uh, well, some of the clones said there was no way that I could jump and land in one of the ships flying through the city, and I told them I definitely could, so here I am.”
*Obi-Wan looks to the camera in annoyance and disbelief; camera pans down to Anakin’s end point where Fives, Echo, and Jesse wave up to his position*
“Absolutely not. Get down from there right this instant!”
“Sorry, Master!”
*he jumps, and he is flying through the air for about two seconds when he suddenly freezes. Obi-Wan is looking down at him as he holds him mid air with the Force, slowly raising him back up to eye level*
“Anakin, you are twenty years old. Could you maybe start acting like it?”
*he drops him onto the floor; Anakin gets up and sulkingly follows Obi-Wan out of the room*
*this would be where the theme song and title card would go*
In the background: “yeah, so Obi-Wan refused to let me jump, so I had to come back here. Sorry you all waited for nothing”
*Obi-Wan turns to the camera*
So, does Anakin do this sort of thing frequently?
“Oh, yes. He doesn’t seem to care about safety or his own well-being. That’s the third time this month I’ve had to stop the Balcony Jump. And clearly I’m the only one who thinks these are bad ideas, so I’m always the one who has to step in. I swear I already have a few grey hairs from having to stop Anakin from doing something stupid so often.”
*back to normal scene*
“Alright, everyone gather around, we have a new mission to discuss.”
*anakin, ahsoka, and many of the clones from the 501st and 212th gather around Obi-Wan*
“The chancellor seems to think it’s a good idea for us to go investigate a possible takeover on Ryloth….” *fades out as we zoom in on Anakin clearly bored and not listening*
“I hate debriefings. When Obi-Wan does them he talks for forever. They’re too long, so I just tune him out and pretend like I know what I’m doing on the actual mission. When I tell the others what we’ve been assigned, I take 2 minutes tops. Master Obi-Wan stretches it into at least 10.”
*now to ahsoka*
“Yeah, Master Kenobi goes over every single detail in the mission log every single time. I’ve had to slap Anakin awake in the middle of a meeting too many times to count.”
*back to obi wan speaking to them all*
“So, we need to go in and investigate the distress signal’s purpose, mainly to see if it’s a separatist attack. Anakin, you’ll be positioned here and you’ll direct your troops to-Anakin?? Are you listening to me?”
*obi wan turns away from his whiteboard where he’s drawing out strategy to see Anakin staring slightly up at the ceiling. Anyone else wouldn’t have noticed, but Obi wan knows his past-padawan turned Jedi Knight too well*
“What? Oh, yeah, of course I am.”
*interview with obi wan*
“Anakin is a terrible liar. You’ll soon find that out.”
*switch to interview with Anakin*
“Luckily for me, I’m an amazing liar, so I’m not worried.”
*back to the scene. Obi-Wan has his hands on his hips in his judgmental pose™️ facing Anakin*
“Oh really? Then what did I just tell you to do?”
“Uhhh I have to hold my position, lead the 501st, all that jazz”
“Mhm and where is this all going down?”
“Uh, Iridonia of course.”
“You literally could not be more incorrect.”
*obi wan int.*
“Told you so.”
*anakin int.*
“Okay, in my defense, there’s thousands of planets. I had like a 1% chance of guessing correctly.”
*back to the scene*
“Ryloth, Anakin. Ryloth is where we’re going. A distress call was detected coming from the planet, and since the Separatists have a history of meddling with the peace of Ryloth and its citizens, we were instructed to go inspect. I will not repeat myself again. That is all, everyone get ready. You’re dismissed.”
*interview with Rex; clones preparing armor and weapons in the background*
So, are you kind of like the leader of the clones around here?
“Uh, I’m the captain of the 501st Battalion under General Skywalker’s command. I follow his orders and then lead my brothers to execute those orders. We’re one of the most successful groups of clones, so I take great pride in-“
*rex is interrupted as the camera switches focus to the background where Jesse Kix and Fox are all at each other’s throats. They’re stealing each other’s helmets and tossing them around. Rex turns to look*
(Sigh) “as I was saying…I take great pride in our success and professionalism.”
“Sorry, gotta go do my job now.”
*they board the ships and head off to Ryloth*
*camera switches to Anakin on Ryloth*
“Can we please leave now?”
“Absolutely not, Anakin. We still aren’t quite certain what set off the alarm.”
“It was probably just an accident. There’s nothing here, Master. Ahsoka, back me up.”
*ahsoka is looking down at and messing with a data pad clearly not listening to Anakin*
“What? Oh, uh, yeah. Totally.”
“Were you even listening to me?! I was speaking to you, Ahsoka. Can I get a little bit of respect please?”
*obi wan looks at the camera like ‘are you fucking kidding me’*
“Listen, Master, I started to tune you out like an hour ago. All you’ve done is complain.”
“Because there’s nothing here! I want to go home!”
“You just want to get back to Coruscant in time to go to that party for the senators.”
“What??????!?!?? That’s absurd, master. Absolutely preposterous. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
*cut to Anakin*
“Okay, I know exactly what he’s talking about, but I can’t admit it! There’s this politician gathering tonight and normally I wouldn’t be one to willingly seek out social gatherings-especially one full of politicians-but Padme is going and she asked if I would come. So of course I said yes. Also, they usually have those little cocktail weenies, so no way I’m missing that.”
*cut to obi wan*
“Anakin is terrible at hiding things, especially from me. He clearly wants to get back so he can go to the party tonight with Senator Amidala.”
Any reason why he’d want to go with her so bad?
“Oh, yes, you see my former Padawan thinks he’s sly, but as we all know he’s a terrible liar. He’s been pining after the senator since he was a boy. I assumed it would pass by now, but clearly he’s still infatuated with her. They’re very good friends but he still has his teenage crush on her. It’s very unprofessional.”
Will you be attending it as well?
“Oh, no. I’m not one for politics.”
*back to the scene*
“What? Master why are you going to that stupid thing? You hate those types of parties! Plus, last I checked, you are not a politician.”
*cut to Anakin*
“So I’ve never actually told Ahsoka about my secret relationship with Padmé…”
*back to the scene*
“Uhhhhh because I’m good friends with the Chancellor, obviously. He would like me there to….to talk about strategies. Yes. Strategies for the Republic.”
“At a formal gathering for politicians? That doesn’t even make any sense!”
“...you’re asking way too many questions, Snips. We have a mission to focus on! You’re better than this!”
*ahsoka looks suspiciously at him as obi wan shakes his head at the two of them*
“Now that you’re done bickering, will you two please go explore the blocked off caverns for any possible signs of life?”
*both, simultaneously and clearly annoyed*
“Yes, Master.”
“You know, there’s nothing in these caves. He just wanted us out of his hair. He’s just keeping us busy.”
“How can you know for sure?”
“Because I don’t sense anything. There’s nothing in here.”
“Master Kenobi told us to do it, so that’s what we’re gonna do.”
“So you listen to all of his orders but not mine?”
“Well, Obi-Wan doesn’t lie to me, so yes.”
“Psh. Pssshh. I’m not lying to you...that’s ridiculous.”
“It’s not. Tell me the real reason you’re going to that party! I know that you’re lying!”
“I’m absolutely telling the truth. I don’t know why you’re so adamant about this. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Oh please. Whenever you lie you start using big words and you talk faster than normal. Just tell me the truth!”
“Fine. My friend Senator Amidala was allowed to bring someone and since we’re friends she asked me if I would like to come along too. So I said yes.”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it? Makes sense why you’re so anxious about it.”
“Whatta you mean?”
“Oh, nothing, it’s just that you’re going to a party as the Senator’s plus one which she asked you to. It’s definitely a date.”
“Whaaaaaaaatt. It’s not a date. That’s ludicrous! We’re just friends. Plus, I’m a Jedi. We can’t go on dates!”
“Right, and you don’t have a crush on her.”
“I don’t have a crush on her! We’re friends! It’s extremely platonic.”
*int. With Anakin*
“Okay, so it’s not platonic. But I don’t have a crush on her because I’m married to her! If I tell her that I willingly break the Jedi Code whenever I want, then maybe she will too! And then what kind of Master would I be?!?!”
I thought you technically weren’t a Jedi Master.
*zooms in on anakin’s ‘I will fuckin kill you’ face”
*back to the scene*
“Right, and I don’t secretly steal your jackets when you’re sleeping when I’m cold.”
“.....look, can we just get back to the mission?”
“Sure thing, Skyguy. Wait till Master Kenobi hears about this.”
*under his breath* “pretty sure he already knows...”
*scene switch to obi wan, he’s with Cody and many other clones. They’re in a room in one of the government buildings on Ryloth surrounding a beacon device. It’s a distress signal activator.*
“And you’re sure you didn’t do this, Mr. Syndulla?”
“No, Master Kenobi. I only use the distress beacon for serious emergencies. I have no clue as to who did this. There aren’t many people that have access, and it’s not something that just anyone can do by accident. You must enter a code and confirm multiple times.”
“Thank you for the information. Will you let us inspect the fortress for any intruders?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Thank you. Cody, take Waxer, Boil, and Gearshift to the west wing. Gregor, you and your troops take the left. Myself and Crys will start here. Report back if you find anything.”
“Sir yes sir!”
*we see Obi-Wan and Crys searching first. They stayed in the room where the beacon is kept. Obi-Wan is looking through digital records as Crys is underneath it looking at its internal parts like those scenes where someone is laying on a skateboard to fix a car*
“This is strange. There’s no trace of tampering with the records or files. Nothing was wiped. This doesn’t seem like sabotage or a distraction for something bigger. Crys, do you have anything?”
*crys rolls out from under the beacon*
“No, sir. Everything is wired and hooked up properly. No signs of sabotage or demolition.”
*Int. With Crys*
“I’m really good with robots and droids, so that’s probably why General Kenobi wanted me to tag along with him. Usually he takes Cody, but this is more of my field of expertise.”
*back to the scene*
“This is trivial indeed.” *he’s doing his beard stroke* “I wonder if the others have found anything.”
*switch over to gregor and his troops. They’re searching the left wing of the fortress. They’ve been interviewing many citizens of Ryloth. They’re not very successful*
“I don’t see the point in talking to anyone else. I doubt they’re gonna know anything. We should report back to the general.”
*int with Gregor*
So, Gregor, can you give us a little summary of what you do around here?
“Yeah, sure thing. Uh, I’m kind of like third in command here. I’m a captain in the 212th Battalion and that’s pretty much all there is to it.”
Your helmet is very interesting. It’s pretty unique compared to the rest of your brothers.
“Oh, this? Some clones have tallies, but these represent stitches.” *he points to em* “It’s basically just showing how many injuries I’d have and how many stitches I would’ve gotten if I didn’t have the helmet. I think it’s pretty cool.”
*back to the scene. They’ve found nothing*
“Yeah, I’ll comm the general.”
*gregor taps into his comms and contacts Obi-Wan*
“Gregor, have you found anything?”
“No, general, I called to report that we’ve found nothing out of place. The twi’leks we’ve interviewed seem like they know nothing. How about you?”
“No, sadly we’ve come across nothing either. The beacon hasn’t been tampered with whatsoever.”
“We’ll keep looking around. I’ll keep you updated.”
*he hangs up the comm*
“Alright, boys, let’s keep going!”
*we now cut to Waxer and Boil being lead by Cody. They’re going door to door in the right wing where the rooms are located asking questions*
“This is leading us nowhere, Commander.”
“I know, Boil, but General Kenobi told us to inspect the entire right wing. We only have three more rooms to do. Let’s go.”
*they knock at the next door*
“Hello, ma’am. My name is Commander Cody of the 212th Attack Battalion. We’re on a mission here from the Jedi council. The distress beacon gave off a signal earlier today and we were wondering if you knew anything about it.”
“I’m very sorry I can’t be of any help to you, Commander, but I know nothing.”
*suddenly, a small child comes running down the hallway laughing. She trips and falls and scrapes her knee.*
“hey, are you okay?”
“Waxer you know that’s not how you talk to a child!”
“I’m sorry! You know I get awkward around kids. Why do we always find a runaway child when we’re on Ryloth? Like, how has this actually happened twice?”
*boil ignores him and kneels down to the kid*
“Hey there. My name is Boil. Are you okay? Do you need help?”
*she looks a bit frightened still. Boil realizes he still has his helmet on so he takes it off.*
“Sorry about that. Is it okay if I patch up your knee? I keep bandages on me, you can even pick the color if you want.”
“...okay. Blue please.”
“Blue it is. So, why were you running so fast? Is anything chasing you?”
“No. I was just looking for my papa. And I’m bored. I played with his fun machine today.”
“His machine, huh?”
*the three clones look at each other with a look™️ and Cody comms obi wan*
“General? I think we found your culprit”
“‘Wow Anakin, you’re such a genius. It’s almost as if you were right all along!’ ‘Why thank you, Master. I knew I was right, and now we can go home even though we could’ve earlier.’ ‘Yes, you’re so right. We should’ve listened to you the whole time-“
“Anakin, are you finished?”
“‘we should make you a master on the council. I admire you.’ Now I’m finished.”
“Oh, give it a rest, Master. We get it, you’re right, now let’s get you home for your date.”
*anakin freezes and turns slowly. They’ve been walking up the ramp to board their ship when ahsoka said that. Anakin is now very red in the face*
“....what. What are you talking about snips??!! I don’t have a date. I don’t date. I’m just attending a senator party with the Chancellor. A date. Psh. Psh.”
“But you told me-“
*obi wan just rolls his eyes as they board the ship*
*We’re back to Coruscant!*
“Finally, we’re home. I’m so tired from all the nothing we did.”
“Oh, Anakin, you are such a drama queen. We did our mission like we were supposed to. Now, can I please speak to you in private?”
“Yes, Master.”
“Even though you have complained a lot today, I still care about you Anakin, and I know you made a promise to someone else already. So, I will go inform the Jedi Council that this was a false alarm by myself. Maybe I’ll take your Padawan. But you, my friend, should go get ready for your senator party.”
*anakin hugs obi wan*
“Thank you, Obi-Wan. I owe you one.”
*anakin goes up to his apartment on Coruscant where Padme is; she’s on their couch reading something and already dressed when anakin comes in*
“I’m back! I’m finally back!”
“Hello to you too Anakin. I was hoping they’d let you out. You’re cutting it close this time.”
“I’m so sorry. We had to go to Ryloth for no reason and Obi-Wan wouldn’t let me leave until we knew for sure what happened.”
“Well, I’m glad you made it in time.”
“Me too. Obi-Wan is letting me skip the debriefing for this.”
*he goes to change into his formal clothes for the party. Padme is already wearing one of her super rad fancy senator outfits. Anakin has an all black suit cause you know he’s that guy™️.
*int with Padme*
“Anakin has missed a lot of these outings with me due to Jedi business, so I wasn’t expecting him to actually be here for this one. I’m glad he is. I don’t see him as often as I wish I did.”
Do you ever think of asking him to leave the Jedi Order then?
“Oh, no. Absolutely not. I would never ask him to give up his life like that. And I don’t want that either. He’s a great Jedi and he loves what he does. I would never try to take that away from him.”
*back to scene. Now they’re walking down the halls of the senate building on their way to the party*
“So, get this, Ahsoka is convinced that I have a crush on you and that this is a date.”
“I mean, she’s not exactly wrong, is she?”
“Well, no, but I don’t really have a crush on you since, you know, we’re married. And she meant date as in ‘you invited me to this thing but we’re not together but in her eyes, it’s a date’ kind of thing.”
“Hmm so she still doesn’t know?”
“No. I can’t bring myself to tell her. I love her, but I don’t want to taint her mind and views of the Jedi Code and council. It wouldn’t be fair.”
“A very good point. You’re a good Master, Anakin.”
*they then enter the party. Many political figures from across the galaxy are there already. Its purpose is unknown to us, but it is clear that it’s important but also not too serious. They speak with many different people included Palpatine. We have yet to actually speak to him yet. Anakin is eventually over near the snack table, a drink in his hand and another one being handed off to Padme*
“Here you go. It’s your favorite.”
“Thank you. So, are you having fun yet?”
“Well, I don’t think I’ll ever have fun hanging around any politicians but you, but it’s not so bad. Plus, these snacks are really good.”
*padme rolls her eyes but laughs at him*
“It’s nice for us all to get together like this. It’s important for the Republic.”
“Mm, indeed.”
*they continue chatting until Anakin notices someone across the room. Fancy blue outfit. Blonde hair up in a bun. He doesn’t notice who it really is until she comes a bit closer. He does the pikachu face and drops his drink, luckily catching it midair with the force as he apologizes to those around him*
“Anakin?? Are you okay? What was that for?”
“You didn’t tell me she was going to be here!”
*he points to her by nudging his head in her direction hoping Padme will see who he’s talking about*
“Her? That’s my friend Satine. She’s the Duchess of Mandalore. She’s-wait a minute, how do you know her??!?”
“Nothing bad, I assure you. I’m actually quite fond of her. I just wish I knew sooner!”
“Because that, my love, is Obi-Wan’s girlfriend.”
END of this part.
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ahgaseda · 5 years
enough | four
even if everyone else leaves me, you’re enough for me, you’re my only one, stand by me forever, only you, just you...
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summary : to survive as a single woman in the big city, you resort to letting rich men pay for your company, but never anticipated that your first client would be the boy you once loved, Jinyoung.
warnings : strong profanity, explicit dialogue, references to prostitution, mentions of gang activity, graphic sexual content, potentially triggering elements involving mental health, panic attacks, etc.
miniseries chapters : one / two / three / four / five / six / seven
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Fingertips delicately brushing over your arm pulled you from peaceful dreams. Dreams of Jinyoung and how he used to smile. How you would squeeze his cheeks between your palms when he tried to hide behind his hand, afraid to show his teeth. It had taken you years to break him of that habit.
Humming with contentment, your eyes blinked sluggishly. You could feel the morning light filtering through and warming your skin with golden hues.
The body radiating heat behind you snared your attention in a heartbeat. You smiled when you felt him breathing heavily at your back. He had been sound asleep as well, but just couldn’t resist a touch of your soft skin as he started to wake.
His fingers continued tracing senseless patterns up and down your arm. You shivered at the pads of his fingers, shuffling backwards and even deeper into his embrace while he spooned you in his oversized bed. You glanced up, noting the sun was rising higher outside the window; a sign the two of you had slept quite late.
Jinyoung called your name sweetly and with a smile, you turned to face him. Closing your eyes, you burrowed yourself against his firm chest, tucking your head beneath his chin and draping your legs over his thighs.
“Good morning to you, too,” he teased, an arm coming to wrap tightly around your waist in gentle possession. Jinyoung would normally hide his smirk, but given your position against him, you wouldn’t see it and so he smirked freely.
You didn’t leave me, was the first thing that came to mind, but instead you hummed sleepily. Then, you giggled as his fingertips slipped beneath your shirt and began to dance up your spine.
After squinting against the sun to read the clock on the nightstand, Jinyoung sighed heavily and whispered, “Baby, I have to go.”
You shook your head adamantly, setting your hands to his shirt and gripping him as tightly as you could.
Jinyoung flushed at your newfound affection though in his many, many memories with you, you were always clingy in bed. He chuckled when you began to circle your arms and legs around him, like you could physically prevent him from leaving.
“I have business,” he told you, grabbing one of your hands and bringing your knuckles to his lips for a few appeasing kisses.
“Don’t leave,” you whined in a sleepy daze. “I finally have you back.”
Jinyoung melted, leaning in and kissing your brow. He cradled your head in the bend of his elbow and his hand trailed down your hip, guiding your thigh to hook higher on his waist. Pulling you closer into his warmth, Jinyoung met your opening eyes for only a second before capturing your lips in a heart-stopping kiss that made you smile against his mouth.
But the moment you drifted back to sleep, he was gone.
Jinyoung wanted to be angry with you, to punish you for leaving him behind. God knows his heart was still somewhere in a million tiny pieces on that driveway you left him on, but the caveat was Jinyoung didn’t actually want to hurt you.
Yes, he wanted you to suffer, but only in moderation.
When you finally came to, you wanted to be furious at being abandoned, but you were too overcome with a sense of victory after the events of the night before. Not only had Jinyoung pleasured you, but he allowed you to fall asleep in his arms and for the first time in nearly four years, you slept like a baby.
You had forgotten how it felt to wake up beside him, feeling the pads of his fingers caressing your bare skin. He was insatiable when it came to your body against his. Jinyoung always had to have his hands on you. You were his and he was yours.
Well rested but anticipating a long day, you crawled out of bed and raked your hands through your disheveled hair. Approaching the floor to ceiling windows, you gazed out at Seoul and its bustling, morning energy. You preferred the view at night, when the endless landscape of colors reflected into the darkness of the bedroom.
Turning around, you finally noticed your clothes folded neatly on the dresser. The same dresser Jinyoung had pinned you to the night before. Proceeding to gather your things, you smiled when you saw the note placed on top.
Sorry not sorry for ripping your shirt. I will buy you another, said the note in Jinyoung’s scribbled handwriting. You let out a giggle, rolling your eyes in amusement before tucking the paper into your bra for safe-keeping.
When you stepped into the living area, having dressed and tamed your hair, you greeted Jackson and Yugyeom, both of whom were absorbed in their phones while a cooking show played on the enormous flat screen in the background.
“Good morning, Your Majesty,” Yugyeom replied with a broad grin that scrunched his nose. “You scared us last night.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized sweetly.
Wiggling his eyebrows playfully, Jackson asked, “Did you sleep well?”
You nodded and skipped to the adjoining kitchen, saying, “Yes, I was rewarded with a very nice orgasm.”
Yugyeom dropped his phone and clapped his hands loudly. “That explains why boss was in such a good mood,” he quipped, earning a sharp elbow from Jackson.
You snorted.
Pouring yourself a glass of orange juice and taking a sip, you asked with a pout, “Why did he have to leave so early?”
“It wasn’t early. It was almost ten,” said Jackson, pretending to chide.
You shrugged, bringing the glass to your lips and peering over the rim. The penthouse still floored you with its scale and size. Jinyoung couldn’t cook. He would never need this amount of space for a kitchen. It was sheer indulgence, plain and simple.
Jinyoung never cared about money, never sought after it. He said money made people crazy. Power, on the other hand, was his weakness. Setting down your glass, you mulled over what kind of business pulled Jinyoung out of bed with you.
Before you could ask any potentially dangerous questions, Yugyeom’s phone chimed and after reading, he said, “We’re under strict orders to take you back to your house. Boss ordered you brunch and it will be delivered there.”
“He said you have classes later,” Jackson added, rising and pulling on his jacket.
You grimaced. Thinking about studying paled in comparison to having Jinyoung on your mind. Nevertheless, classes weren’t going to pass themselves. “Actually I have study sessions for exams today. They’re next week.”
Yugyeom grabbed his keys and gave them a jingle. “Well, let’s hit the road then.”
The atmosphere was different from the day before. Any tension and anger you had been harboring was long gone. In fact, you smiled the entire way to your new home, especially with the way Jackson and Yugyeom bickered like an old married couple.
When Yugyeom pulled into your driveway, a delivery car was already waiting, handing Jackson a pair of rather large bags. The bodyguard tipped the boy handsomely and you eagerly rushed inside to scan the goods.
“Why is this kid spoiling me, but won’t let me spoil him?” you asked in a whine, pulling the food from the brown paper bags.
Yugyeom replied dryly, “Because he’s a manly man with a whole lot of pride.”
You retorted, “I just want to suck the soul out of him.”
Jackson grabbed a fork and deadpanned, “We never said he was smart.”
You laughed.
The three of you ate together like you had been best friends for years. Jackson and Yugyeom could hit the road as a comedic team with the way they bounced off of each other and made you cackle until your stomach hurt.
When you had finished your meal, you proceeded to clean up and bid the boys farewell. Yugyeom held you snugly when you hugged him and earned a slap on the back from Jackson.
“This is awkward,” Jackson chuckled. “We aren’t actually leaving.”
“Oh?” you questioned, brows raised.
“I drive. He...,” Yugyeom hesitated.
“Watch. I keep watch,” Jackson interjected, flashing a comforting grin.
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously. “The two of you aren’t going into the study sessions with me, are you?”
Jackson waved his hands. “Of course not. Yugyeom will drive us and I will just hang out around campus. As far as you’re concerned, I’m a prospective student that loves to gab around the quad.”
“Okay,” you said, skeptical.
After a long, hot shower, you dressed comfortably and readied your backpack with notebooks and textbooks and any other books needed for your study sessions until your bag weighed a thousand pounds.
When your phone rang, you smiled at the screen and answered, “Hello?”
“It’s me,” Jinyoung greeted, as if he had forgotten he was saved in your contacts now. “I just wanted to check in.”
You bit your lip to keep from grinning, pleased at how much he had softened in the past twenty-four hours, and murmured bashfully, “I’m glad you did.”
Jinyoung took note of your tone and smiled, not that you could see it. “Am I interrupting classes?”
“No, I’m about to leave,” you replied, hoisting the backpack onto your shoulder. “Apparently Jackson and Yugyeom are babysitting me.”
“You can send them away anytime you want. I just thought having the two of them around would make things easier for you.”
There was always a certain note in Jinyoung’s tone when he lied. His voice sounded like a news anchor telling you reassuringly that everything would be fine whilst the world was literally on fire. You weren’t an idiot. Most of the girls already warned you that on occasion their wealthy clients kept tabs on them. Security protocols and whatnot.
At your brief silence, Jinyoung decided to change the subject. “Which exam will you be prepping for?”
“Statistics. It’s actually a lot of fun when it’s applied to situations rather than dull numbers on a sheet like in regular math.”
Jinyoung wrinkled his nose. In no way, shape or form was any variation of math fun. But he enjoyed your enthusiasm. “Uh-huh. And which class is kicking your ass?”
“That would be physics,” you droned with loathing. “I’m afraid its fundamentals are completely lost on me.”
Noting the clock, you headed out the door in search of your babysitters.
“What does physics have to do with becoming a doctor?”
“Oh, a question I have asked myself many, many times since I discovered I would have to take not one, but two semesters of it,” you joked, following Jackson to the car. “I think it’s primary function is to weed out the weak ones.”
“In that case, kick its ass right back,” said Jinyoung, eyes flickering when the door at the opposite end of the warehouse opened.
Sliding into the passenger seat, you glanced at Yugyeom as he backed the car out of the drive and lowered your tone, “Will I see you again tonight?”
Jinyoung exhaled loudly and your heart sank. “Afraid not. I have a lot of work to do.”
You sulked, wanting to press the issue, but knowing full well Jinyoung was a stone wall. “Oh,” was all you said.
Hearing the disappointment, Jinyoung shifted his weight, looking down at his shoes. You made him like a crazy, hormonal teenager all over again. He just wanted to spend every waking moment with you, listening to you talk excitedly about things he didn’t give a shit about if only to hear the joy in your voice. He missed the simple days of having time alone on the couch with you and a boring ass movie, which was a perfect excuse to pull you beneath him and mar your beautiful skin with hickies.
Jinyoung cleared his throat, snapping out of the thought.
Gripping the phone a little tighter, you started, “Jinyoung, I…”
There was a sudden influx of noise in the background and Jinyoung grumbled under his breath, “I have to go. Study hard, baby.”
You opened your mouth to continue, but the line went dead.
Flustered, you glared at the phone. I love you, was what you had wanted to say, but you choked. What if he didn’t say it back just to torture you?
His words from your first night as your client rolled back into your mind, Imagine that - having to pay for the love of my life... Once upon a time, that’s what you had been. It didn’t mean he still felt the same way. In fact, his level of bitterness could only be from losing one’s love.
Jinyoung was tempered now. He was grown. And you leaving him had partially shaped him into the man he had become. And that could be a man no longer capable of trusting and loving you as he once had.
That notion made you want to cry and you quickly shook your head, freeing your mind of its obsession with Jinyoung. As Yugyeom drove, you pulled out the physics textbook and proceeded to read, drowning yourself in mundane words that only seemed to repeat.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Jinyoung slid the phone into his back pocket and moved back to Jaebeom’s side, scowling at the abrupt arrival of his unpredictable ally.
Jiwon was ambitious. In fact, he was specifically after Jinyoung’s spot, a fact Jinyoung was well aware of and why he chose to keep Jiwon in the loop of some of his business dealings. The problem was Jiwon embodied everything Jinyoung despised in a business partner.
He was loud, flashy. Had no respect for law enforcement and how easily they could unravel the threads that held everything together. He dabbled in contraband that Jinyoung would never dare involve himself with and tended to fly by the seat of his pants rather than plan anything out.
Jiwon took the last drag out of a cigarette before tossing it to the floor. “Jinyoung-ie, how goes it, brother?”
“You’re late,” Jinyoung sneered. “As usual.”
“Deepest apologies,” Jiwon mocked, putting a hand over his heart. “I was distracted by some Daegu pussy, but I’m here now.”
“Fantastic,” Jinyoung groaned.
Jiwon raked a tongue over his teeth and said, “Speaking of hot pieces of ass, I saw that little slice of yours.”
Jinyoung’s eyes hardened and his voice came out a slow growl, “Excuse me?”
“You know the one I’m talking about,” Jiwon continued, grinning. “Walks around smiling like a little princess, but I bet she loves it rough. Doesn’t she, Jinyoung-ie?”
Jinyoung could feel his blood boiling. Suddenly, everything in the room was painted in red hues. How he had always despised Jiwon, but now, he was talking himself into the nearest harbor.
Jaebeom shuffled slightly, feeling the tension. His eyes were hot enough to burn coal.
Jinyoung stepped closer, lowering his voice in a warning. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Ever heard that phrase, Jiwon?”
Jiwon nodded. “Of course.”
“Don’t ever be deluded into thinking I keep you around because I cherish your company,” Jinyoung hissed.
Jiwon clapped his hands. “Shit, she is the bitch you’ve been holding out for. I’m impressed.”
Jinyoung set his jaw. He couldn’t lose his composure, couldn’t let this asshole know what you meant to him. Instead, he warned calmly, “You’re walking on thin ice with me.”
“Do I sense some panic in your voice, Jinny? After all, if I saw her, others may have, too.”
Jinyoung switched tactics. “What do you want?”
Jiwon held up his arms and shrugged, noncommittal. “I know I notoriously play both sides, but there’s a deal going down and I want you on my side.”
Jinyoung's expression hardened. “I don’t take sides in that bullshit you play. I notoriously stay in my niche. You know I don’t get involved in the corruption game.”
“Well, today you do. My team is going to hijack a shipment and you’re going to help me.”
“And if I don’t?” Jinyoung asked with a tilt of his head.
Jiwon sucked in a breath between his teeth, to make it sound like he was almost wincing. He blithely took out his phone, turning the screen to give Jinyoung a view. The picture was of you, smiling at a classmate with books held in your arms.
“I know plenty of bad, bad men that could break in such a good girl for you.”
The words had barely made their way from his mouth before Jinyoung was on him, grabbing Jiwon by the collar and shaking him like a ragdoll. When his guard made a move with a measly switchblade, Jaebeom calmly put a hand on the gun attached to his belt.
“I will kill you,” Jinyoung hissed in his face. “Do you hear me?”
Jiwon sneered, “You of all people should have known better than to give in to your weakness.”
Jinyoung was ready to rip him inside out and that was evident as he spoke, “Weakness is the last thing you will think of when you think of me.”
But Jiwon merely laughed, a sound devoid of pity or fear. “I own you now.”
Jinyoung released him roughly and held his ground, watching Jiwon slink away with a broad, impish grin.
Jaebeom moved closer and murmured in hushed tones, “He won’t do anything.”
“Have her brought to my place,” Jinyoung whispered, hands trembling. “Now!”
It was late afternoon when you finished your study sessions, feeling confident in your ability to ace the oncoming exam. With statistics prep out of the way, you devoted yourself to the neverending battle between you and physics.
Jinyoung had already said he wouldn’t be able to see you tonight. With that thought, you donned an overgrown sweater and some knee-high socks to keep your feet warm. Then, you plopped on your bed and cracked open the books.
Time passed swiftly and you were shocked to see the sun had faded from view just outside your window. Taking a quick and hard earned reprieve, you massaged your aching hand, tense from the overabundance of notes you were scribbling, and you jolted on the bed when Yugyeom burst unannounced into your room.
“What the hell,” you exclaimed, tugging down your sweater to hide your exposed thighs.
Yugyeom panted, “Boss wants me to bring you to the penthouse.”
You relaxed, but rolled your eyes over the needless interruption. “He said no booty calls tonight.”
“He wants to see you. Something has upset him, but they won’t tell me more than that.”
That tidbit of information intrigued you. “Okay, but I’m bringing my books to study while I wait.”
“Fine by me.”
Jackson’s behavior was your first red flag. Rather than his jovial, talkative self, his eyes were on the surroundings, watching and waiting like something could be lurking just beyond. In fact, he didn’t say a word as he opened the car door and slammed it shut behind you.
Jaebeom’s behavior was your second red flag. He was there at the building to greet you, opening your door and grasping your elbow to practically hoist you out of the car. Managing to sling your backpack over your shoulder, you asked, “Has it finally happened? The zombie apocalypse?”
Your joke fell on deaf ears.
Jaebeom looked to Jackson and said, “Basement.”
Jackson nodded his understanding, then turned to you and said, “Go with Jaebeom.”
You merely bobbed your head before Jaebeom ushered you to the back elevator. You crossed paths with the friendly Mr. Jung, who discreetly accepted a roll of bills from Jaebeom’s outstretched hand.
Heat flared across your cheeks. Jinyoung was going to get a piece of your mind when you saw him. All this sneaking about and acting like at any moment a sniper was going to drop you. Then, your heart fell somewhere in the pit of your stomach. Years away had let you forget the constant feeling of living in danger.
The gangs had turned your home into a warzone. Suddenly, you were right back where you started and the thought made your eyes water.
“Where is Jinyoung?” you asked in the elevator.
“On his way,” Jaebeom answered shortly.
You almost hadn’t expected an answer. Jinyoung clearly was putting you on lockdown. You peered up at Yugyeom and he offered a gentle smile, as clueless as you were. At least, you weren’t alone.
Jackson vanished into the darkness of the basement, the echo of his footsteps ricocheting off of the concrete walls. Spotting the only other person inside, he called out, “Jaebeom is on guard. Now, what the hell happened?”
Jinyoung stepped out of the shadows and said, “That bastard has a picture of her on his phone. He showed it to me.”
Jackson appeared unfazed. “Alright, we will increase security and I can…”
Jinyoung whirled around and grabbed the nearest crate, shoving it into a heap rolling across the ground. Then, he roared, “How could I be so stupid?”
Jackson shook his head. “You’re not.”
“I kept my distance for almost five goddamn years,” Jinyoung shouted, angry and scared. “I was good. I knew it was safer that way while I did what I had to do. But she broke me. The minute I found out she was gonna sell herself, I had to jump in.”
“I know,” said Jackson, unmoving.
Jinyoung’s next words came out shakily, “I have a whole list of enemies that will tear her apart in front of me.”
Jackson reminded firmly, “We’re better than them.”
“Are we? Because I’m losing my fucking mind at just the thought of someone laying a hand on her!”
“No one will.”
Jinyoung was the epitome of composure. He never lost his temper and he never allowed himself to be a slave to his emotions, which was why an outburst such as this was exceedingly rare. Jinyoung didn’t know what to do when his heart took hold, but Jackson did.
“I made a lot of enemies. I tore people apart to get here. You know that, brother,” Jinyoung choked, tears in his eyes. “None of them would bat an eye at taking her away.”
Jackson knew that was enough. He stepped forward and grasped Jinyoung by the shoulders, levelling his voice, “Stop and listen to me for a second. Why do you have me and Jaebeom? Why does Mark spend almost every waking hour behind a computer?”
Jinyoung stilled.
“The answer is for bullshit like this. Do you have any idea how many threats we have neutralized before they got to you?”
Jinyoung snorted. “Would you like a raise?”
Jackson chortled and waved him away. “You pay me more than enough.”
Jinyoung put his hands on his hips and lowered his gaze to the ground in shame, shaking his head from side to side. “I should send her away. I should leave her.”
“It’s too late for that. They know she’s your baby.”
“Yeah, she is.” Jinyoung slumped in defeat.
Jackson simpered. “It happens to all of us, brother.”
Jinyoung relented. No one could talk him down like Jackson.
Jackson looked at him expectantly, seeing Jinyoung had calmed. Then, he cocked his head toward the elevators.
As the two headed up to the penthouse, Jinyoung asked, “How was she today?”
Jackson didn’t hesitate to sing your praises. “Exam prep is putting her through the ringer, but I’ve never seen someone so determined to kick school’s ass.”
Jinyoung snickered. That sounded like you. When you got knocked down, you laughed and got back up. When you set your mind to something, no one could stop you. Jinyoung frowned, wondering at what moment you had decided to leave him all those years ago.
“And she constantly checks her phone, waiting for you to text her,” Jackson added, leaning back against the rail. “When you checked on her this morning, you should have seen her smile.”
“Stop making it worse,” Jinyoung grumbled, shooting him an insincere glare.
Jackson beamed. “You’re welcome.”
Nestled comfortably on your side in Jinyoung’s bed, you poured over your textbooks, filling your pages with notes. Flashcards lay in a messy crescent around you. All a result of you trying to distract yourself from Jinyoung.
Inevitably, you crashed, falling asleep in the warmth and comfort of his bed. Your brain was exhausted from absorbing so much information, and the city lights and soft music had lulled you to sleep. If his playlist was any indication, Jinyoung preferred melancholy, slow songs to soothe his aching heart.
You would fix that later, but for now, you rested.
Jinyoung breezed through the kitchen, tugging off his jacket and draping it over the couch in the living area. Glancing around, he turned back to the bodyguard and asked, “Where is she?”
“Bedroom,” was all Jackson said.
“You can go now,” Jinyoung sang, dismissing him with a wave of his fingers.
Jackson chuckled and headed for the elevator.
Jinyoung entered his room ever so quietly, letting out a long exhale of relief when he saw you sound asleep within a ring of textbooks and study materials. First, he unfastened his button-up and discarded it on the bedpost. Then, one by one, he pulled your books from around you and stacked them neatly on the dresser.
Settling in behind you, Jinyoung contoured his body to yours, propping his head on his arm while his free hand landed on your hip and began to curl around your waist. He just needed you safely in his arms. If anyone so much as gave you a sideways glance, there would be hell to pay.
Jinyoung remembered why he had joined the gang in the first place - to protect you. He learned that when you can’t beat them, join them. But he had never expected that would be the tipping point. He joined the gang and you left him. Ever since that day, Jinyoung had warred with himself over his decision. Maybe you had seen it as betrayal. Even when he explained that he had done it for the both of you, you didn’t accept that and you sure as hell didn’t forgive him.
And then, you were gone.
Jinyoung realized he had been the only one keeping you tied there. You had given up on everything and everyone else, and then he cut the final cord. Sometimes he told himself it was the right thing to do. You were able to leave and find a new life, the life you had always wanted.
But Jinyoung always wanted to be a part of that life. Not many kids could say they had found their soulmate and Jinyoung, as much as he hated the notion, knew you were the person he was meant to spend his life with. There was never any doubt in his mind.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered under his breath, knowing you weren’t listening. I gave you no choice, he pondered sadly. Tightening his grasp around your body, he tucked his face to your hair and lingered in the scent of you. He just needed to hold you until he found his strength again.
You hummed quietly in your sleep; a tiny inconsequential noise that completely set his veins ablaze. Your body instinctively shuffled back, seeking his warmth and the constant of him beside you. Jinyoung raked his eyes down your form, intent on your bare thighs. For fuck’s sake, had you come to his penthouse in a sweater and knee-high socks and nothing else?
Jinyoung brushed his fingers through your hair, exposing your neck, and left a few gentle kisses at the curve of your shoulder. “Bad girl,” he whispered darkly in your ear.
Your lashes fluttered before your eyes opened, and you immediately shuddered at the feel of his wet lips on your neck. “Jinyoung…,” you sighed.
“Hi, baby,” he replied, mischievous. “How many people saw these pretty thighs today?”
You could hear the jealousy in his tone and it made you smirk. “They rushed me here urgently.”
“I will let it slide…,” he said, nipping at your ear. “This time.”
You reached back to grab a handful of his thick hair, tugging him forward so you could mold your lips to his in a kiss. You had missed him deeply. Jinyoung let you, though his hand began to wander. You felt yourself melting into his kisses, slow and warm, that when his fingers slipped beneath your sweater, you didn’t notice until a digit hooked in the band of your underwear.
Pulling at his hair, you took his lip between your teeth and yanked gently. Then, meeting his eyes, you whispered, “Those are a present for you.”
“For me?” he asked, clearly piqued.
Jinyoung gave you a chaste peck on the corner of your mouth in farewell, then he moved down your body to get a better look. You watched him push the hem of your sweater up to your ribs, exposing the cute pink panties you were wearing. After biting his lip with appreciation toward the view, he began kissing his way up your thigh.
“Rough day?” you asked anxiously.
“The worst,” he huffed, proceeding to suck a blemish on your hip.
You choked out a word that sounded vaguely like his name, squeezing your thighs together to calm the aching in your core at how close he was to your most intimate part. Jinyoung, with his kisses alone, could have you completely pliant beneath him, begging him to give you release.
Jinyoung called your name.
His lips broke from your skin and he lifted his head to look you dead in the eyes. “I’m gonna eat this pussy.”
Your eyes widened and your heart promptly thundered inside your chest. “...You have my permission.”
Jinyoung flashed his teeth in a smile at the dumbfounded look on your face and said, “Good.”
Your lover lifted your leg, letting it rest on his shoulder as he buried his face against your clothed folds, giving your cunt open-mouthed kisses. Your head fell back and you tried to roll onto your back, but Jinyoung held your hips in a vice and kept you on your side. He never gave an inch.
You reached down to thread your fingers into his messy hair, remembering how much he loved when you raked your nails through his locks while he sucked you dry. Sensitive after the years apart, you trembled with the way he kissed your pussy like he was starved. He flattened his tongue between your lower lips, tasting your essence through the fabric of your panties.
“Babe,” he called from between your legs, voice having descended an octave or two with lust. “As much as I love my present…”
You felt him winding his fists through the material and before you could reply, the panties snapped like they never stood a chance.
“They’re in my way,” Jinyoung finished with a dark smile, peeling the torn remains from your body and tossing them over his shoulder.
“I loved those,” you pouted, trying to sound sulky and not meaning a single word.
“I’ll buy you ten more,” Jinyoung said impatiently, bringing his lips to your bare pussy and taking a long, hungry lap of the arousal slipping between your folds.
You let out a noise and it completely embarrassed you, which could only mean Jinyoung loved it and wanted to hear it again as soon as possible. His arms tangled through your thighs, round your hips, and he kneaded your flesh in tandem with the sucking and licking of your cunt. You stole a breath and held it, trying to keep your sounds at bay lest you give him any more reason to tease you.
But that only spurred him on more. Jinyoung glanced up from your glistening pussy to see the tension on your face, his cock twitching in his jeans as he watched you grab a handful of the blanket and try to hide your face against it. He stroked your beautiful hips, squeezed your plump ass, and nipped your soft thighs.
Jinyoung was tempted to taunt, to ask you how it felt to have him pump his tongue inside your wet cunt, but by the look on your face, that was answer enough. He watched your breasts rise and fall and decided he would suck those next when he finished making you come.
The room filled with the sounds of his tongue and lips working your soaked pussy, your whimpering and airy moans of his name, and the moody playlist still playing on loop in the background. You suddenly remembered the windows, where all of Seoul could be watching the view of his head between your thighs, but then you were reminded the glass was tinted.
What a shame.
Jinyoung found your swollen clit and teased it between his teeth. Your lower body immediately arched away from his mouth and a loud involuntary moan left you. Your clit was a live wire, hypersensitive from years of neglect, and each time he touched it, your stomach tightened.
Given your reaction, Jinyoung made your bundle of nerves his main target. He latched his lips to the nub and rolled it with his tongue, grinning when you could no longer fight back your noises of pleasure. His jeans were unbearably tight, cock moving on its own accord with the lewd squelches of your pussy begging to be filled by every inch of him.
You clawed your fingers through his hair, tugging hard to slow him down, and whimpered, “Jinyoung, oh… god. You’re gonna make me come.”
“That’s kinda the point,” he retorted, sinking his teeth into the flesh of your inner thigh.
Your clit was throbbing, pulsing, and every touch of his tongue was pushing you hard toward the edge. You wrenched your fist in the blanket and chanted, “I can’t. I can’t. I can’t…”
Suddenly, a hand crept between your breasts, fingers finding your throat and getting a solid grip.
“Jinyoung,” you choked, though his name barely made it out of your mouth.
Jinyoung squeezed and your whining stopped. You held his wrist in your hand, the other still tangled in his hair, and accepted you were along for the ride.
He was merciless against your clit, desperate to give you climax. His hold on your neck went slack after you had calmed and you felt more arousal gush from your folds at his show of dominance.
“Fuck,” you cursed, flexing your legs as your body tried to curl away from the stimulation.
Jinyoung reeled his hand back and landed a swat on your ass, smiling against your pussy with the way you squeaked.
“Jinyoung,” you cried out in disbelief, reaching toward his arm that held your thigh. You could feel taut, bulging muscles beneath the sleeve and knew you were wholly at his mercy.
A loud smack resounded through the room as another hit connected with your ass and Jinyoung sucked your clit like he had run out of patience and it was time to come.
Begging for mercy in a whine, you dropped your head to the mattress, hair falling wildly over your face and you arched your hips against his mouth, bouncing your ass into his face. Jinyoung coaxed his hand over your heated flesh, leisurely tracing your skin to give you an ever-present reminder how quickly he could spank you again if you misbehaved.
With every breath, you let out some mortifying sound. Your clit thrummed and the scalding heat at the apex of your thighs was about to spill over and ruin you.
Without warning, Jinyoung pulled away from your aching pussy and was chest-to-chest with you in the blink of an eye, his hand still poised around your throat.
Once he had your undivided attention, his hand landed on your folds.
You cried out in surprise.
“You wanna come for me?”
Before you could answer, his palm landed on your sex again.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chanted hurriedly. You were right on the edge, so close you could taste it. “Please let me come.”
Jinyoung bit his lip, failing to hide a smile. His pupils were blown wide, lost in arousal and pleasure. Bringing his mouth to your neck, his wet lips pressed kisses beneath your ear, and then he whispered, “On my face or on my cock?”
It was a no contest decision. “On your cock,” you replied without missing a beat, eyes wide and expectant. “Please.”
Jinyoung tapped the flat of his hand on your pussy to some random rhythm, keeping you lingering near the edge. Every brief moment of pressure on your clit was enough to make you press your thighs together.
“Please,” you said again.
Jinyoung shook his head in amusement, flashing a devilish smile at how far gone you were already. “You want me to fuck you, huh?” he teased, slipping his tongue over your bottom lip, red from where you had been biting.
“More than anything.”
Jinyoung let his gaze lock with yours momentarily before he smirked and moved back between your legs, finding your entrance with his mouth again and lapping his tongue inside.
Disappointed but not surprised that you wouldn’t be getting dick that night, you focused on your orgasm, hoping and praying he would finally give it to you.
With every roll of your hips, Jinyoung connected a smack to your ass and the sound ricocheted into your ears. You could feel your cheeks heating up, enough pressure on your neck to cloud your mind, and his name became a constant chant from your lips. Just the way he liked it.
Jinyoung returned to your clit and with his mouth, commanded your body to give him what he wanted. The intensity of release washed over you and by the way you shuddered in his grasp, Jinyoung knew you were suspended in ecstasy, but he didn’t slow down. He kept taking your clit between his lips and stimulating past your threshold.
You tapped out, tearing out of his grasp and pushing at his head until he finally set you free. Jinyoung rose to his knees and pushed you roughly to your back, gazing down at the mess he had made. You panted for breath and closed your eyes, waiting for your body to settle back down from its constant shaking.
“That pussy is still mine,” Jinyoung whispered in his gruff dialect, giving your dripping folds one last look.
When he began to move away from you, you came back to your senses and grabbed his wrist before he could get far.
Jinyoung turned to you in surprise.
“Why would you rather jack off than let me have you?” you asked desperately.
His reply was terse, “I got what I needed.”
You frowned. “Please.”
He cocked a brow and his tone was a little harsher than intended, “Please what?”
You were laid bare before him and it showed in your voice. “Touch me.”
Jinyoung was back to the game of refusing to give you what you wanted most. “Where do you want me to touch you?” he asked under his breath.
“Everywhere,” you admitted breathlessly.
He smirked, roaming his hand down your inner thigh. “Hard or gentle?”
Your lashes fluttered. “Both. Either.”
Then, he shifted mercurially and snapped, “Why would I? I’m angry with you.”
You said the first thing you thought would fix that. “I’m sorry.”
“You left me.”
As if you had forgotten. “Jinyoung…,” you started, reaching for him.
“Do your homework,” he told you dismissively.
The blood drained from your face and you gripped him tighter. “No, no, Jinyoung. Please.”
“Give me a reason.”
You yelled, “I’m sorry. Is that what you want to hear?”
He shrugged, and the gesture was absolutely maddening. “No, it does nothing for me.”
Anger danced up your spine and you spit venom, “Fuck you.”
Jinyoung took your jaw in his hand, leering down at you. The dominant streak you were praising only moments before was now front and center. “Test me one more time,” he hissed in warning. “I dare you.”
You stared up at him and hesitated. His eyes were intense, smoldering. You finally offered up one last plea, “At least let me watch.”
Jinyoung tilted his head. He expected you to say anything to appease him, but that certainly wasn’t one of them. “Shirt off,” he ordered lowly, making short work of his own top.
Pulling the sweater up and over your head, you lay beneath him and spread your legs invitingly. Jinyoung got comfortable on his knees between your thighs and began unbuckling his belt. You reached forward to help, but he swiftly batted your hands away.
Your eyes didn’t know where to settle. He was so much more muscular than before. The boy you knew was strong, but lanky. Food was a commodity back then, not a right. His arms and chest bulged with strength, and you had never seen such a chiseled set of abs in your life. Then, you caught sight of his happy trail and followed it all the way down south.
Once unzipped, Jinyoung pushed down his jeans and boxers to free his hard cock. He was so aroused, his length curved toward his abs and the head was angry, weeping. You watched as he reached between your legs, gathering your slick on his fingers and stroking his cock with your juices.
Your mouth was watering, salivating for a taste. You wanted his dick in your mouth, to return the favor of a mind-blowing climax to him. Your eyes followed every move of his hand, distracted only by the flexing of his defined abdominal muscles when he pumped the head of his length. Your core tightened on nothing, aching to be filled, and you quickly swallowed the saliva in your mouth to keep from drooling.
“I miss sucking your dick,” you blurted, shameless.
Jinyoung let his tongue linger at the corner of his mouth, twitching at the clouded arousal in your eyes. Then, his gaze fell to your breasts and he licked his lips hungrily.
Seeing him distracted, you wrapped your hand around his shaft, circling the head and teasing his slit with your thumb. Jinyoung sucked in a hard breath through his teeth, losing any and all resolve to slap your hand away.
You hummed softly at the girth of him in your hands, remembering all the times he stretched you open. He seemed even bigger than before, but still so hard. He could move like silk inside you, fitting just right.
You peered up at him with coy eyes. “I want you inside me so bad.”
Jinyoung stroked his thumb over your wrist while you worked his length and said, “That’s cute.”
You cut him a glare and jutted out your lip in a pout. “You’re vicious.”
“No more than you,” he countered, breath stuttering at your quickening attempts to get him off. “We always did have that trait in common.”
You pumped him harder, pleased when he released a tiny moan. “Come on, baby,” you crooned. “I know you’ve been hard this whole time.”
Your words must have pushed him over the edge, because Jinyoung snatched your fingers and held your hand at bay as he fisted his cock and rapidly jerked himself to release, groaning when his seed finally came.
You trembled with lust when his release coated your stomach and breasts. Jinyoung tipped his head back and let out a long sigh of relief, satisfied for the moment. You flushed at how badly he turned you on. The pleasure on his face coaxed you to madness, wanting nothing more than push him to his back and ride him into oblivion just so you could see the ecstasy on his face again.
His self control was admirable. Yours was dead and buried.
“Wait here,” Jinyoung said, clambering off the bed and disappearing into the bathroom.
You wanted to be a smartass, but didn’t have the energy. As far as you were concerned, it was night and you weren’t leaving his bed until morning.
When Jinyoung returned, he told you, “Hot bath is ready.”
You sat up and asked, “What about you?”
He seemed confused. “What about me?”
“Can we… talk or something?”
Jinyoung studied you, naked save for your socks. You just didn’t want to be parted from him, not even for a moment. With an exhale, he grabbed your thigh and removed the sock, then did the same with the other side. “Yeah, come on,” he finally relented.
You smiled victoriously and trotted yourself to the bathroom in all your nude glory, feeling his gaze on your plump backside.
Sinking into the scalding water, you hummed with delight. Jinyoung fought a smile as he lowered to sit beside the tub. You sloshed around, getting comfortable, and Jinyoung watched you with nothing short of adoration. Fuck, he was head over heels. Though he was mad as hell, everything you did was just too cute.
Propping your arms on the rim of the bathtub, you rested your head overtop and called gently, “Jinyoung?”
“Yeah, baby?”
Warmed by the gentleness of his voice, you blinked through the steam of hot water and asked, “Is there any hope for us?”
He leaned his head back against the wall, arms draped on his knees, and sighed, “I don’t believe in hope anymore.”
That tugged at your heartstrings. “Oh.”
Jinyoung kept his eyes on the ceiling, not wanting to see how sweetly you looked at him, and said, “I know you hate that I joined the gang. I’ll give you that.”
It was a start, but you were surprised to hear it. Jinyoung wasn’t the type to surrender so soon and he never admitted when he was wrong. “Then, why did you do it? After I begged and begged you not to,” you asked cautiously.
“Because I was good at it,” he confessed, finally turning back to you. “I got off on the power. I realized that for once in my life, I could have all the control.”
You shook your head. “Control is an illusion.”
“It’s not,” Jinyoung interjected and he sounded convinced. “I’ve tasted it.”
You found yourself wanting to reach over and grasp his hand, but it was too far out of reach. This was the Jinyoung you knew, who was only ever vulnerable with you when it mattered. “Was it worth it? Do you sleep well at night?”
“Same as before. That hasn’t changed.” He smiled softly and whispered, “I only sleep well when you’re beside me.”
You sighed, staring at him with affection.
Then, the obstinance returned to his face and he said, “I don’t care about all the evil things I’ve done. I did them for the right reasons.”
“The road to Hell is paved with good intentions,” you sang, the same way your father always did.
Jinyoung snorted. “I prefer a paved road to a rocky one.”
You were quick to tease, “So, is this the closest I will ever get to an apology?”
Jinyoung swallowed the lump in his throat and replied, “I will never ask your forgiveness for how I chose to survive without you.”
Your eyes batted with the threat of tears. Your mouth parted to say his name.
Jinyoung shushed you, grasping your jaw and leaning in to press a tender kiss to your lips. For a moment, he stared into your eyes with longing. Then, without another word, he stood to his feet and left.
Your heart wanted to burst. He was still so in love with you.
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a/n : this story was previously Lacuna on my old blog, minheoney. I’m really excited to finally finish it! This fic was my baby for so long and I’m ridiculously happy to give it a new home :)
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This work is fictional and for entertainment purposes only, but is licensed and protected under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-noderivatives 4.0 international license. Any instances of plagiarism will be dealt with accordingly. Do not re-post or translate without my permission.
{ copyright 2018-2020 © ahgaseda // all rights reserved }
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oh, my dreams (never quite as it seems)
title: oh, my dreams (never quite as it seems) fandom: Tiger and Bunny pairing: Barnaby/Kotetsu (taibani) word count: 2150 summary: Kotetsu’s been having these dreams for most of his life. But they don’t mean anything, right? They’re just some strange coincidence, right? There’s no such thing as soulmates, right?
For the For the March Flash Fiction day two prompt: “Looking for me?”
I know I felt like this before But now I'm feeling it even more Because it came from you
The first time it happened, Kotetsu was young. He and Tomoe had just gotten engaged and were discussing moving to Stern Bild City so he could try to catch the attention of a sponsor and get hired as a hero. Normally not very prone to dreaming, especially with as exhausted as they were after days packed with wedding planning and packing for the move, plus his training and trying to find work, one night he slipped into a strangely clear and coherent dream.
He was being stared down by a scowling blond man who looked just a bit older than him, with a stern face and cold green eyes behind his glasses, wearing a strange mecha-looking suit. The man eventually sighed and gave a frustrated huff. “I thought you were looking for me.”
“Buddy, I have no idea who you even are,” Kotetsu sassed, then abruptly woke up. Blinking up at the ceiling, he thought, what the hell?
Kotetsu forgot the dream soon after, and would have forever if not for it happening again. Life was amazing, everything was going just great! Except Kotetsu was so busy his head spun and it felt like he couldn’t manage to remember everything with all that was going on. He was a hero! And it was everything he hoped for! Mostly! When his sponsors weren’t yelling at him about damages and Ben wasn’t aggravated because he kept doing what he wanted and not what the higher ups at Hero TV wanted! And Tomoe was pregnant! He was going to be a dad to a little girl!  
Then one night he dreamt of that frowning man again, who looked at him and asked, “You said you were looking for me?”
Kotetsu stared and stammered, “I, shit, did I forget something? Did I have an appointment with you? Was it an interview? Did Tomoe need me to get something from you for the nursery?” He flailed and patted at his pockets. “To do list, to do list, oh man, did I lose it?”
The blond man rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his long, swoopy-curled hair with a sigh that suddenly sounded familiar. “Never mind.”
And then Kotetsu woke up, Tomoe laying on his now numb and asleep right arm, and he murmured, “Huh. Stress is really getting to me.”
The next time the dream happened, Tomoe was gone. His daughter was in a different city, living with his mother. And Kotetsu was alone. Alone in his apartment, alone in his bed, alone in a sprawling, bustling city where no one really gave a crap about him.
Kotetsu thought he was asleep, but his eyes were open and he was staring up at the shadowed ceiling, and that guy was there in his room, just standing there looking at him. Except this time he was in normal clothes, pants and boots and a red leather jacket. He was frowning like the other times, but different somehow, like he wasn’t so much angry as just…serious, somber, somehow. Concerned, maybe? A little bit.
“Were you…looking for me?” the man asked quietly.
“No.” Kotetsu paused, blinked slowly as he thought for a long moment. “I don’t think I’m looking for anyone or anything anymore.” The only person he wanted to look for was far, far beyond his reach. “But. I. I dunno, I guess…I could use a bit of company for a little bit? If that’s okay.”
The blond man nodded, and Kotetsu felt his eyes flutter, then close, suddenly so very heavy. The last thing he felt before sinking into sleep was the sensation of someone brushing his hair back from his forehead and running a finger every so gently beneath his damp eyes.
Five years later, Kotetsu met Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Back at home after that bizzarre day, remembering those three old dreams and thinking about getting caught like a damsel in distress earlier as he fell, being called old man, *and* being shown up on live TV by the aggravating new guy (that somehow he knew??), he rubbed at his face with his hands roughly.
“What,” Kotetsu said to the empty room, “the fuck?”
Not long after that, his mother told a tale during one of their phone calls of people who sometimes dreamed of soulmates. Usually, she lectured, the dreams would happen over and over, only ceasing when an emotional connection was formed—like a close friendship or even a romantic relationship. Those whose hearts formed a special bond of love would even begin to see a red string connecting each other.
Kotetsu had snorted and waved a hand to make her stop. Nah, no way, no how was he believing in that sort of cheesy crap. And anyway, he’d already found his soulmate, and lost her, and no young upstart was ever going to be anything like Tomoe had been for him.
Well. Okay. Maybe Bunny would end up a friend after all. A good friend. A bona fide partner even. And Kotetsu would do anything for him.
But soulmate? Bunny would surely never let him *that* close. And certainly it would never be romantic love. Tomoe had been it for him. Kotetsu reminded himself of that, swore it to himself, more and more often, each restless night when it was just him in the quiet and dark, or during the day when he caught sight of Bunny and felt a strange pang in his chest, sharp behind his sternum. Tomoe had been *it*, he thought again, feeling the solidness of his wedding ring digging into his finger as he clenched his fist.
And anyway, the dreams had stopped, Kotetsu thought to himself. It’d been years. So whatever connection had already happened, right?
Plus soulmates weren’t real so the dreams stopping was just a random thing that didn’t mean anything anyway. Right?
Then the dream happened again. After…after he’d hurt Bunny, by not telling him about losing his powers or wanting to retire, by not trusting him. By *slapping* him. When Kotetsu fell asleep while waiting for Samantha Taylor to return to her home, he saw Bunny walking away from him into an endless expanse of darkness. “Bunny,” he shouted, running to chase after him, reaching and reaching for him, hand outstretched to try to grab him, but he could never manage to get close enough. “Bunny! I’m sorry! I’m looking for you, please, I’m looking for you! Where are you?”
He woke on an unfamiliar couch, mumbling “Where are you?” out loud as he slipped from dream to reality. But then everything blew up in his face, almost literally, and Kotetsu was too busy running for his life and trying to figure out what bizzarro world he was in where no one remembered him to wonder or worry why the dream had returned.
Or why it had changed.
Everything was fine. Everything was good. Great, even! Kotetsu retired and moved back home, where ha could be around his daughter and his family, and could be there for Kaede as she learned more and more about her new NEXT powers. He could be there to help his brother at his store when needed, and could help his mother with her garden and with fixing up the house. He was useful!
He was…just sitting around the house, to be honest. A lot. He was so uncool and boring, according to Kaede. He was…
He was missing Bunny. And he was having the dreams again.
A lot.
The dreams were always the same now. Similar to the one he’d had that night at Samantha Taylor’s home, Bunny would be walking away from Kotetsu, never stopping or turning back. Kotetsu would reach out for him but never catch him—though he didn’t shout at Bunny with the same deperation as he had in that earlier dream. Now, he just called out for Bunny, saying “I’m looking for you!” like he was calling to Kaede when she got too far ahead in a crowd and he couldn’t see her. Or sometimes in a tone of voice like Kotetsu had spotted an old school friend across the street, friendly and delighted. Or sometimes yelling to Bunny while sounding oddly lonely and wistful.
And sometimes he’d call out for Bunny flirtatiously, with a lilt to his voice like he used to do when he was being playful and silly with Tomoe.
Huh. Interesting.
Those times, when he woke from the dream, Kotetsu would think Oh. Is that how it is now? Is it? Maybe?
But not like he would ever try to find Bunny and see if the new dreams meant anything. Bunny was getting to live his own life now, finally. And he deserved that—and Kotetsu would do anything to make sure it stayed that way. He could put up with a few dreams if it meant that somewhere out there, Bunny was truly enjoying his life and was happy.
Though the sitting around the house thing, the being an uncool dad thing, the kind of sort of maybe missing being a hero thing? Those, he could do something about. There surely was a way Kotetsu could try again. Make the best of his situation. Kotetsu had Ideas!
Being a Second League hero wasn’t so bad. Sure, sometimes he messed up or looked foolish, sometimes the network or fans made fun of him, but that wasn’t all that different than First League had been. And Kotetsu was there on his own terms, making the best of it, and he wasn’t ever going to give up. Not anymore. Wild Tiger was never going to be a quitter, ever again.
Not even when he got caught like a princess needing rescuing yet *again*. Not even when he was going to get written up for damages to some dumb car (and this time it wasn’t even his fault!)
Because Bunny was back, and the way he’d said, “Because I’m your partner” had left Kotetsu feeling like he could soar through the air like Sky High—even as he and Bunny decended into bickering.
Because Bunny was *back*. Bunny was back *for him*.
It was like a breath of fresh air to spend time with Bunny again, like something loosened and relaxed in Kotatsu that he hadn’t realized had been tense. Staring out at the night sky and the patchwork quilt of city lights below while on the balcony of Bunny’s new penthouse apartment, Kotetsu marvelled at how light he felt, how hopeful and free. They’d reuinited, and he felt like he was at the start of some big adventure, excitement making him eager to venture forth.
From inside, he heard Bunny calling his name. “I’m out here,” Kotetsu hollered back over his shoulder in response.
Bunny pushed aside the curtains, slipping out through the sliding door. “There you are. I was looking for you.”
Something suddenly made Kotetsu pause and blink, twisting sharply to look at Bunny. Something about the soft curve of Bunny’s smile, the glint of the starlight reflected in his eyes, even through his glasses. The moment felt like something out of a dream. His heart skipped a beat.
“Were you? Looking for me?” he murmured. The moment felt almost fragile, like he was cradling something crystalline in his hands.
Bunny’s eyes widened and he stared at Kotetsu almost as if seeing him for the first time. A long silence fell, and Kotetsu realized he was holding his breath. Then, tentatively, Bunny responded, “yes. Always. I—,” he looked away, biting his lip, then his gaze snapped sharply back to Kotetsu’s as if pulled by a magnet. “Kotetsu,” he said firmly, and a shivering spark shot up Kotetsu’s spine at the use of his actual name, “were you looking for me, too?”
“Oh, Bunny,” Kotetsu reached out carefully to grasp Bunny’s arm, then trailed his fingers down until he could clasp his hand, interlacing their fingers, his skin tingling when the younger man allowed it. The physical touch, the feeling of smooth, warm skin and a firm grip, made everything seem to solidify and suddenly feel real again. For a brief second, he thought he caught a glimpse of something shimmering red and threadlike in the dim light, trailing from his hand and leading to Bunny’s. “I’ve been looking for you for so, so long, you don’t even know.”
Then Bunny smiled, wider and brighter than Kotetsu had ever seen before, his eyes crinkling, and Kotetsu felt the same firework burst of joy in his heart that was there on Bunny’s face, like every dream either of them had ever had, in an instant all at once came true. Then I open up and see The person falling here is me A different way to be
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saiki-in-jsl · 4 years
Selective Mute Saiki Fic (8k)
TW: Forced vomiting, it’s not very detailed(?) I’ll mark it down in bold when it comes so you can skip.
Saiki discovers he has selective mutism and eventually overcomes it with his mom and psychic friends (including Akechi). The time setting for this fic is ambiguous.
Now on ao3!
Also, I’m no expert on this disorder, but I’ve done my fair share of research. This is not 100% accurate, so bear with me.
It wasn’t that he didn’t know how to speak. He’s fully capable of knowing how to do it, and he knows he can open his mouth to talk.
But he just...can’t.
He knows how to formulate words in his head, and he knows how to say them out loud, but whenever he tries he just stops. Like some unknown force was preventing the words from coming out of his mouth.
It doesn’t bother him at first, after all, he has telepathy and hypnosis to get people thinking he can speak. But the frustration of not being able to open his mouth was starting to get to him.
He can do practically anything, anything at all, yet he can’t get his stupid mouth and vocal chords to work.
The problem resurfaced during an outing with his friends, and somehow they had reached a discussion about satisfied sounds. Sounds like “Ahhhh” when you soak into a nice bath or “Mmmm” after a long day at work.
Teruhashi, unsurprisingly enough, managed to point out how Saiki never seemed to make such noises, even when he was enjoying a nice cup of coffee jelly. 
Of course he wouldn’t make those noises through telepathy, there wasn’t a point to them.
He let the conversation slide, not making the effort to deny or agree to any of their points, but the more they talked, the more he realized they were right.
Which was what brought back his frustration issue on not being able to speak.
It was stupid and petty, but not being able to go “Hmmm” in satisfaction as he devour a slice of cake was annoying him. Is he truly enjoying the pastry if all he does is eat it with a small smile?
Sitting on the edge of his bed, Saiki stares at the ground, mouth opening and closing, opening and closing, opening and closing. At this point, even a grunt will make him overjoyed.
An hour passes and he still couldn’t do it. He wonders if he’s going about this the wrong way. Maybe he should see a doctor. But if he does that and someone he knows spots him, what would he even say?
Knowing his friends, if he tried to fake a common illness, they’ll insist on coming over to his home to care for him. Thanks, but no thanks.
Could he ask his bro-- Out of the question, no way, at best he will be a last resort.
After a few more minutes of thinking, Saiki comes to the conclusion that perhaps if he stopped using his telepathy to converse and forced himself to vocally speak, it’ll naturally flow out. If he reaches a point where he has to speak, then it’ll surely come out.
Not the smartest plan, but it has got to work. Otherwise, brother it is…
The moment he woke up, Saiki immediately puts on the telepathy cancelling ring. He knows that since it prevents him from hearing other people’s thoughts, surely it will also prevent him from communicating in telepathy too.
He tests his theory out by heading down for breakfast, greeting his mother good morning as per usual. A moment passes and he’s still standing there, staring right into the back of her head. She hasn’t responded yet.
He tries again.
No answer.
So his theory checks out.
She only notices that he’s there when he pulls up his chair to have breakfast, and she smiles, “Good morning, Kuu!~”
He nods back, using his telepathy one last time just to double check.
An uncomfortable silence stretches over, and his mother starts to worry. 
“Are you okay?”
Just say yes. It’s literally the easiest word aside from ‘no’, Saiki stares at her for a long time. He finally gives up and raises his hand, pointing at the ring. His mother blinks in surprise, then smiles in understanding.
“But why?” She asks, turning her head back to the stove. “You’re not even at school yet.”
Ah, she’s right. Maybe he could take it off for now-- No, he started this, and he’s going to make sure he sees it through till the end. He has to remember he’s doing this so he can fully enjoy coffee jelly to its fullest extent!
Which reminds him, he has to eat breakfast before his dad begs him to take him to work with teleportation.
He takes a bite, feeling himself grow soft from the mere taste of the treat. He really couldn’t go wrong with coffee jelly. Though the longer he eats, the more he becomes aware that he isn’t sighing at the wonderful taste, which causes him to feel a bit upset.
Quickly finishing his breakfast, he wants to say goodbye to his mother, and he tries to form the words. Nothing comes out. 
He can feel his dad waking up from the room upstairs.
This is fine, he knows he can’t magically gain the ability to speak after years of not uttering a single word, so this will definitely take time.
He leaves without saying anything, and it only pushes him to try harder. 
His walk to school is filled with him making noises through his nose on accident. Once or twice he thought he had achieved his goal, only to realize all he did was make a puff of air.
Thank the heavens he isn’t normally a talkative person, otherwise, people in school would’ve questioned why he suddenly went quiet. His school day is filled with chatter and more chatter, and the fact that he can’t respond makes him feel on edge.
“Saiki, can you answer this question?”
Shit. He had forgotten to include this in his plan, now he either has two options; give up and take the ring off to not look suspicious -something he refuses to do-, or make up an excuse why he can’t answer.
The latter requires him to speak though, so that was an issue, nor can he just walk out of it, because now everyone is staring at him and the teacher’s growing inpatient. 
He opens his mouth, trying his might to say something. Even an “I don’t know” would suffice.
Oh his reputation is on the line now, huh? He can’t even tell what number he is on the popularity rank.
“You know what, just sit down, I’ll pick someone else.”
Oh thank god.
“What was that? Why didn’t you answer?” Kaidou walks over during their ten minute break. “That question was pretty easy, even Nendou could’ve solved it.”
Saiki had anticipated this mission to be hard, but he hadn’t expected it to be this difficult in reality. How is he even suppose to reply to that simple question? A shrug?
“Solve what?” Nendou leans over, hearing someone call his name. 
“The question Saiki was told to solve.” Kaidou answers, gesturing to the board.
“Oh. Yeah, pal. Did you get stage fright or something?” Nendou snorts, barely registering the question on the board.
“Saiki can’t have stage fright, he answered questions in front of the class before,” Kaidou protests. They continue bickering about the matter, forgetting about their pink-haired friend.
Looks like the conversation will run smoothly without his input. For now he’ll continue trying to articulate words in his mouth.
P.E rolls in and he finally takes a short break in trying to speak. People will be too out of breath to talk to him, so his silence will seem normal. 
“Actually, remember that conversation we had about Saiki not being able to sigh in satisfaction? I don’t think we’ve heard him hiss in pain before either,” Kaidou points, staring off at Saiki in thought. Hairo nods, realizing that too.
“Maybe his endurance is really strong,” Hairo replies.
Saiki wonders if the world is truly against him, or if the world is forcing him to speak as well. His friends are definitely going to try pinching him to see his reaction.
Wait, don’t tell me they’re going to attack me and pretend it’s just regular P.E roughhousing. Saiki watches in horror as Hairo comes up to him, swinging his arm back to give him a hard slap on the back. Saiki hasn’t even done anything to be congratulated for, this was poorly timed!
A quick side step and the disaster was avoided, sending Hairo tumbling forward in surprise from missing.
Although it may have seemed that inflicting pain onto Saiki would’ve worked and forced him to yell in reaction, his body would have handled it just fine since it is practically impenetrable. At most it would’ve felt like a gentle pat.
He just couldn’t risk having Hairo stare at him in confusion and ask why he didn’t react, knowing fully well that slap should’ve hurt.
The rest of the period continued like this, with his friends constantly trying to shove and kick at him, and each attempt was skillfully avoided.
P.E ends and Saiki has yet to vocalize something. Once or twice his friends’ attempt at trying to hit him actually caught him by surprise, but not once did he scream or gasp in shock. Usually this wouldn’t bother him, but due to his recent endeavor, it only frustrates him more.
Changing back into his school uniform, Saiki storms down the hall and heads over to his favorite window spot to take a step back and clear his head. He had already been in situations where he was forced to talk, and there were instances where he could’ve said something but didn’t, so clearly he wasn’t doing something right.
He continues staring into the distance, trying to come up with a better plan. Maybe there really is something wrong with his throat, but then again he knows there isn’t. Call it a gut feeling, or a hunch. 
Because whenever he does try to speak, he can feel his vocal chords warming up to voice the words, but it will always stop abruptly and disappear. Much like a sneeze that never comes, it’s painfully annoying.
Unconsciously, his hand began to trail up to his mouth, tracing over his lips before opening them. He tries to think of something to say, though he knows nothing will come out, even if he tries. 
TW: Saiki unconsciously tries to force himself to choke so he’ll produce some sort of sound, hoping it’ll be enough, but ends up puking.
His index finger pushes into his mouth.
What if I just...?
Lost in thought and despair, he continues pushing his finger further and further inside until...
Suddenly he’s coughing over the window, and he can feel his lunch coming up his throat. Students who were just passing by stopped in concern, turning their heads over to him to check if he’s okay.
At least he got what he wanted, somewhat, he can hear his voice perfectly from the coughing. It wasn’t any different from the voice he speaks in his head, but it was his voice. 
Then he threw up.
TW over
A chorus of screams and disgusted groans resounds around him and it’s only then does he notice that he’s being surrounded by people who were worried for him. He feels a bit claustrophobic, so he makes the attempt to push through the crowd. Luckily, no one wants to be touched by a person who recently puked, so he manages to leave with ease.
A perfectly manicured and well decorated hand stops him from properly escaping, so he turns to see the culprit he expected. Aiura frowns at him and he wishes he could read her mind to know what’s going on.
“You need to go to the nurse,” Aiura says, showing no signs of ulterior motives. “You literally just puked over the window for no reason, you’re clearly not okay.”
He doesn’t need the nurse since he had already restored his body to before he had puked. But he can’t tell her that or to leave him, so he shrugs her hand off and keeps walking. She scoffs in offense, stopping him once more, this time by standing right in front of him with her arms spread wide.
“If you’re not going to tell me, I’ll just figure it out myself,” Aiura threatens. His brows furrow in annoyance and he considers just teleporting away, but he knows she wasn’t joking about finding out the problem herself. The fact that if she does find out herself, he will have no way of stopping her from finding exactly how much, and that’s enough to scare him.
He nods and heads back to class, deciding that he’ll just write his problem down for her instead of using telepathy, because he’s that determine to keep on with his mission. 
She reads over what he wrote for her and raises an eyebrow at him, folding the paper, “I didn’t know you had selective mutism.”
He squints at her and she raises both her eyebrows in surprise.
“You don’t know what selective mutism is? That’s surprising. I thought you were a genius or something.
He responds to that with a frown.
She laughs, waving her hand dismissively to show that she was just teasing, then she folds her arms and thinks for a moment, “I don’t entirely know the cause of selective mutism, I just know it’s what you described to me just now. Honestly, it’s weird how you can still communicate telepathically yet you can’t speak normally.”
That’s why I’m trying to force myself to speak, Saiki thinks to himself, still frowning.
“How about I try to find the source of the issue for ya? It’ll be a lot easier for you I think,” Aiura offers, continuing to fold the piece of paper he gave her. “No strings attached. As much as I find this hilarious, it’s pretty sad.” 
The frown disappears and he blinks in surprise. That would actually help a lot, and it seems like she hasn’t made a connection to this issue and the puking problem he had earlier, which is a relief.
She takes the look of surprise as a yes and she begins to tear the paper she folded into pieces, scattering them about on Saiki’s table by blowing them off her hand. She stares at the pieces intensely while Saiki watches the whole thing with a look of...well, this part barely amazes him, so all he does is watch, really.
“I see,” Aiura nods in understanding. “Looks like the issue started when you were a kid.”
I know that yes.
“Around the time you started school.”
Obviously. Keep going.
“And it has something to do with your powers.”
Good grief, just get to the point.
“Specifically your telepathy.”
My...telepathy? Saiki adjusts the ring around his finger. Looks like I got that down right.
“That’s all it really says. The cause started in your first year of school and telepathy is somehow linked to it.” Aiura stares at the shredded pieces of paper some more. “Y’know, I expected more, considering how large your aura is. Maybe it’ll help if you read into selective mutism more, or ask your parents if they know anything.”
The chances of his parents being of use to this situation is a close 0, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. Though, this selective mutism thing might be a good lead too.
He wants to say thanks, but the words are stuck and he can’t force them out like a cough.
He struggles for a moment, staring into Aiura’s eyes.
She turns a bit red from the intensity, not what he was going for, but he’ll take it. She looks away, smiling, “Jeez, you’re welcome. Stop hurting yourself.”
But he can’t get hurt.
After discovering a lead to his problem, he stops forcing himself to speak in school and remains silent for the rest of the day. He still interacts with people -or rather, he still listens and politely nods when needed to- but there were times where he would internally panic from the sudden quietness around him before realizing it was because of his telepathy cancelling ring.
If he closed his eyes, he could pretend the silence around him was caused by total isolation. 
The bell rings, signalling school dismissal, and he gathers his things to leave. He wants to get home immediately to search up ‘selective mutism’ so he can finally get to the bottom of his situation, but he’s sure his friends will somehow stop him and ask to hang out.
It’s either because his friends are really good at convincing him to join or he’s too weak to say ‘no’ that he knows he cannot decline them so easily. In fact, as of this moment, somehow he’s being dragged along by Kaidou and Nendou for ramen again without him even noticing.
“You’re quieter than usual today,” Kuboyasu says, falling into step next to Saiki.
“That’s what I’ve been saying!” Kaidou adds, looking over at the two. “You barely spoke today, probably not at all!”
“That’s why we’re getting ramen! We figured you were upset today, so we thought that might cheer you up,” Nendou grins, shooting his friend a thumbs up and a wink.
We always get ramen though, so what exactly is the difference? Saiki deadpans in his head.
“Huh, I expected him to seem more excited,” Nendou frowns, rather disappointed.
“Stupid, we’re always getting ramen, of course he wouldn’t react,” Kaidou scolds, rolling his eyes. “We should do something better! Something more exciting.”
Please, let me go home, Saiki sighs within his head watching as the three began to think of a good idea to cheer their friend up. They weren’t wrong about him being upset though, he was feeling bitter in the morning, but after a talk with Aiura, he felt better.
“How about the convenience store? We can eat something there and browse their manga,” Kuboyasu suggests. Not the coolest idea, but it’s mundane, something Saiki prefers, and it surprises Saiki how thoughtful it was.
“Just so you know, I still think ramen is better,” Nendou comments, but Kaidou immediately jumped onto Kuboyasu’s idea, nodding his head in agreement.
Good grief, it seems like Saiki won’t be home any time soon.
Saiki is not having fun.
He’s itching to go home right now, but due to good morals, he can’t just leave them. Not when they’re doing this for him. He distracts himself with sweets and manga, though he soon grows impatient the longer he waits for this outing to wrap up.
Judging by his friends’ interactions, however, it seems like they didn’t even need Saiki here, which makes him wonder what the point of this outing was anyway. Looks they won’t notice if he leaves.
“So are you going to tell us why you’re so quiet today?”
He stands corrected. Saiki looks up from the manga he was browsing and barely reacts to Kuboyasu's question.
“Is this some sort of silent treatment? What did we do?” Kuboyasu presses on, possibly on the verge of losing his temper yet again.
Saiki wishes he could tell him the truth, but instead, he continues staring at him before blinking extremely slowly.
“WHAT’S WITH THAT ATTITUDE, WE’RE TRYING TO BE NIC--” Before Kuboyasu could lunge himself onto Saiki, Kaidou holds him down, laughing nervously.
“We’re just concerned for you,” the blue-haired boy says as Kuboyasu growls from his restraint. “We heard you threw up over the window and just walked off.”
Rumors do spread fast huh, Saiki thinks.
“I told you the ramen idea was better, I bet he’s hungry,” Nendou gestures angrily.
“He already ate something here, and we’re here so he can have fun,” Kaidou argues back, then he pauses and glances back at Saiki. “Are...you having fun?”
Well that’s easy, all he has to do it nod--
“Don’t you think it’s better to ask what’s up?” Kuboyasu huffs, eyeing Saiki suspiciously.
Good grief. Should he just give up and take the ring off? He already has a lead, so there isn’t a point in keeping it on. But then again, he did promise himself that he’ll see this mission through, so giving up still isn’t an option.
Saiki opens his mouth to speak, but instead of words, he exhales air out. Through his nose.
“Did you lose your voice?” Nendou laughs, pointing at Saiki teasingly. 
He could go with that, sure. Saiki immediately nods and Nendou blinks in surprise, not expecting to be actually right. Kaidou sighs in relief, running a hand through his hair, “Oh, that explains a lot. Sorry for making you stay then, we can go home if you want.”
Saiki nods again. Finally, he can search up ‘selective mutism’ and fix his issue. The next time they see him, he’ll definitely be speaking through his mouth.
“Selective mutism is a severe anxiety disorder.”
Saiki pauses, hand resting on the cursor as he thought about it. He doesn’t have anxiety. Does he? He keeps reading and so far most of the things listed down to describe the disorder checks out with him;
“It’s not that they don’t want to talk, they literally can’t” Yep, that’s what’s happening to him.
“Expectation to speak triggers a freeze response, causing them to panic” He doesn’t necessarily panic or freeze up, he just switches to telepathy when he wants to speak. Maybe it’s a substitute sort of defense mechanism?
“Will avoid situations where they do have to speak.” That’s...pretty spot on. It isn’t a secret that Saiki adores peace and isolated environments.
“Able to speak freely with people they trust.” This one stumps him, because he hasn’t met anyone he trusts enough to speak to. Not even his parents. Still, a majority of the things listed describes his problem, so this is definitely it.
He continues scrolling until he reaches the part where it talks about the causes. He leans in closer to the screen, slowly down his speed as he reads them carefully. He skips the first suggested cause, since it was regarding being too distressed to speak, and he knows for sure that’s not it.
The second one looked more promising. ‘Sensory integration dysfunction’, it makes the person shut down when they’re in an overwhelmingly busy environment, like loud noises and busy crowds. He vaguely remembers feeling like that once, maybe back in grade school and a bit before Kusuke gifted him his limiters.
Back when...oh. That’s what Aiura meant by telepathy, aside from the fact that he uses it to talk.
When he was younger, Saiki had gone through many instances where he could not handle the amount of thoughts passing into his brain. It was endurable at first, when it was only just him and his family, but the moment he had set foot onto school grounds, his head had exploded.
He could barely hear himself over the loud voices from the other children, but to also hear their thoughts too? Even when the other kids weren’t speaking, Saiki could hear what they were thinking loud and clear, which basically discouraged him from speaking out loud. 
He hadn’t realized this of course, because immediately after discovering the situation he was in, he came up with a solution; he used telepathy to communicate with instead. By using telepathy, his own words would seem the loudest among the rest, unlike his own voice, so he gradually fell into the habit of just using telepathy to talk.
But if that was the case, why wasn’t he able to speak when he managed to block out telepathic thoughts? He should probably look for professional help.
“Oh, Kuu, you still have that ring on?” His mother asks, sitting down to have dinner with the family.
“What ring? Why do you have a ring? Did you finally--” His father wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, making Saiki frown in irritation.
“Darling, it cancels his telepathy, so he can’t hear our thoughts and he can’t talk to us.”
“Why would he do that?”
I am literally right here. Saiki stares at the two as they converse about him. He digs through his pocket and brings out his phone, showing them the website he had researched ‘selective mutism’ on.
It takes a while for them to understand him as he holds it up for them a while longer. His father squints at it in confusion, then he connects the dots when he shifts his eyes towards Saiki.
He laughs, waving his chopsticks, “You can’t have selective mutism, you can talk just fine!”
Saiki contemplates ruining his father’s dinner. 
His mother shoots her son a sympathetic look, cupping her own cheek, “Well, it does explain why you never use your mouth to speak. Are you trying to relearn how to speak with your mouth? Is that why you put on that ring, to force yourself to speak vocally? But it didn’t seem to work so you tried finding the source of the issue instead and found this disorder that perfectly explains your problem?”
Saiki nods. This is the reason why he prefers his mother much more than his father. Maybe he should take the ring off, it’s being more of a pain than a help to him, and it’ll be easier to converse if he does. Before he does though, his mother speaks again, this time her voice was serious and he can tell she’s being serious.
“Do you need Kusuke to help?”
He wanted to save that as a last resort, and secretly, he was hoping he wouldn’t actually resort to it. But it was either him or an actual doctor, and Saiki knows that if he does go to the doctor about it, he’ll have to tell them about his powers. Something he wants to avoid.
Besides, his brother was the one who had created his limiters, surely he must’ve known about Saiki’s selective mutism at some point.
So, despite really wanting to, Saiki doesn’t say no.
Kusuke arrives exactly after his family finishes their dinner, he figured it’s better to be there in person to help rather than on the TV, much to Saiki’s irritation, and waltzes into the house with a warm smile.
Saiki only replies with a blank look of annoyance.
“I didn’t get a PhD for psychology, but I’ll try my best,” Kusuke says, taking a seat on the couch. “Maybe I should...too bad I’m back in Japan for good! Aw, Kusuo, don’t look at me like that! I’m still here to help, aren’t I? Now tell me what’s wrong exactly.”
You probably figured it out yourself already, why do I have to recount it for you? Saiki narrows his eyes at his brother as he joins him on the couch. It’s not like Kusuke can hear him anyways, even without the ring, his brother still had that dumb telepathy canceler.
Kusuke reads Saiki’s expression like an open book, easily deciphering what it meant, “Oh, well, there’s only so much I can discover myself. It’s better to hear it in full detail from you!”
Saiki responds to that by tossing his phone to Kusuke, showing the same thing he had shown to his parents.
“Well, I did suspect this once or twice, yes. Since we were kids you never really spoke, and even after I moved away you still refused to speak. Tried to make it easier on you with the little limiters, but you just stubbornly stuck to your habit,” Kusuke chuckles, tossing Saiki’s phone back, “and what I’m guessing from this current dilemma of yours is that you can’t tell why you’re still sticking to your habit either. You even tried forcing yourself to speak, but nothing comes out, no matter how hard you try. So here’s what I think: You’re still afraid that if you speak out loud.”
Saiki stands and takes to the stairs to leave. Don’t get him wrong, he isn’t offended, he just thinks his brother had just wasted his time. That was possibly the dumbest answer he has ever heard. He’s not afraid of speaking, it’s got to be something else.
“Oh come on, Kusuo, it’s easy to tell you hate drawing attention to yourself. Telepathy helps you keep a low profile while still being able to talk to others, it makes one to one conversations easier, so it’s obvious to think that’s the reason why you prefer it so much till now,” Kusuke explains straightforwardly, “but if you think about it, the reason back then was because your words kept getting drowned out by others. Childhood trauma, you thought you fixed it, but it’s still there. You’ve been unconsciously using your defense mechanism even when you don’t need it anymore. So I’m going to assume the reason you can’t properly speak now is because when you try, your brain automatically goes back to the time you were afraid of having your words get drowned out. 
“In short, you got so used to your training wheels, you think you’re riding a two wheel bike! You’re trying to get rid of the training wheels, but you’re afraid you’ll fall without them, even though you won’t!” Kusuke laughs, watching the gears turn in Saiki’s head. Slowly, things fell into place inside Saiki’s head, as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, his brother might be right.
He still doesn’t have a solution though, he wants to verbally speak now.
“It’s probably something that takes time, don’t be so impatient,” his mother gently places a hand on his shoulder warmly, smiling softly up at him.
“Yeah, but for now, don’t force yourself. You’ve probably already hurt yourself out of stress,” Kusuke adds.
Saiki hates that he’s right.
The next day, Saiki decides to not wear his telepathy cancelling ring like his mother had instructed, and went downstairs to have breakfast. 
He greets his mother good morning with telepathy and she smiles, chiming a ‘good morning’ back.
“Remember, Kuu, don’t force yourself. Speak when you’re comfortable,” she reminds him as he takes a seat at the table. He nods before starting his breakfast. “No one’s rushing you, okay?”
Good grief, I’m not a child, Saiki silently eats his food, slowly rubbing his thumb on the spoon. I know how to handle myself.
His walk to school is yet again uneventful, just the way he likes it, and he spends the whole walk trying to practice speaking. Unlike yesterday, he’s doing it at his own pace and there’s less forcing this time.
He accidentally chokes on his spit, but other than that, nothing. Oh well.
Toritsuka catches him along the hallways, shooting him a pouty look as he asks, “If you were having troubles, why didn’t you tell me? I can channel the spirit of a psychiatrist if you want!”
Saiki holds a hand up to tell him to stop, and proceeds to tell him that he already has the issue under control. Toritsuka sighs in defeat and points at him with a serious look, “Tell me next time though!”
I’d rather not. I don’t want to owe you anything, Saiki frowns and proceeds to walk off, making Toritsuka to sulk even more.
Entering the classroom, he’s immediately blocked by Akechi, who smiles up at him with his usual wide-eyed look.
“I noticed yesterday you weren’t talking a lot, you don’t often speak so it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to some, but you barely spoke a word. Even when the teacher called on you, which was really weird, and I noticed you wore a ring yesterday too but now you’re not wearing it today, and you seem to be back to your usual speaking self when I saw you with Toritsuka. So I’m assuming the ring somehow prevents you from using that you know what. But why would you do that? Well I’m guessing it’s because you want to be able to normally speak with your mouth, but obviously you can’t, so you might have selec--“
Akechi stops talking when Saiki shoots him a warning look, making the former cover his mouth instantly. Saiki looks around the classroom to see if anyone else heard his friend’s loud mouth and is relieved to know that no one heard him.
“I apologize,” Akechi finally says after uncovering his mouth. Saiki rolls his eyes and walks to his seat, closing his eyes when he sits down.
Slow and steady. He’ll get his results soon. He can’t rush speaking. He can’t rush speaking. He can’t rush--
“Can you speak now?” Aiura whispers to him, squatting next to his desk. He silently frowns at her, answering her question with that. She nervously laughs and scratches the back of her head, “Well, that’s unfortunate. But I’m gonna assume you at least found a solution.”
He looks away, not responding to her, but she takes it as a yes.
“Here’s an idea, how about you try reading aloud from a book or something?” Aiura suggests, refusing to leave him alone. “You’re technically not having a conversation when you’re doing that.”
Saiki blinks. Then he blinks again as he thinks about it. It wasn’t a bad idea, really. It might just work.
“Are you going to keep ignoring me?” Aiura whined, resting her chin on his desk. “Just tell me it’s a shitty idea if you think it is!”
No, it’s...a really good idea, Saiki smiles softly. Honestly, why didn’t he think of it sooner? He loves reading, so the idea should’ve struck him from the beginning!
She grins back at him and stands up to leave, shooting him a thumbs up, “There you have it! Good luck then!”
A good book he really enjoys? Check.
Complete isolation within school grounds? Check.
Telepathy cancelling ring he specifically teleported home to grab before lunch to use? Check.
He closes his eyes and listens. It’s pin drop silent. Perfect, just the way he likes it. He crosses his eyes and uses clairvoyance to check if anyone is going to come by and bother him. Nope. Good.
Okay, now for the book.
He flips it open to the first page and opens his mouth, eyeing the first word. He makes sure he isn’t rushing himself or trying too hard, but it’s rather difficult for someone as impatient as he is. He certainly feels a lot calmer now that he knows that he’s alone, but the prickling sensation in the back of his neck that makes him think someone is coming distracts him a little.
Minutes go by and he’s starting to realize that this isn’t working.
He reaches home and is met with a welcoming smile from his mother, which makes him smile a little too. She happily walks over to him, holding onto his arm, “Any progress?”
He shakes his head.
“Aw, that’s unfortunate. That’s okay though, keep trying!”
Saiki responds by digging into his bag and bringing out the book he tried to read earlier. 
His mother stares, and she squeals, bringing her hands to her lips to contain her excitement, “When you were younger, we never got the chance to teach you or your brother how to read aloud and speak. I felt like I was missing out as a mother, but I can finally do that with you now!”
Ah, she must have misinterpreted what him holding the book up had meant. He wanted to tell her he’s practicing on his own how to speak, and maybe she should leave him alone so it’s easier. But she looks so happy and excited, he can’t bring himself to say no.
It’s at this moment Saiki realizes he’s weak at saying no to anyone at all.
He’s nervous. He can’t say anything. Not when his mother is staring at him with a gentle smile. She’s not forcing him and she’s being rather patient with him, after repeating the same word seven times, she’s still waiting.
That’s what makes him nervous.
He doesn’t know what she’s thinking, not when he has the ring on, and so he doesn’t know what reaction she’ll have if he ends up making a strangled cat noise. Or worse, not making any sound at all. 
And oh jeez, did he accidentally turn on his pyrokinesis? Because it’s getting a bit too warm for him. He’s sweating and his lips aren’t even open, they’re pressed tightly together. Too tight. He wonders if he should pry his mouth open like last time.
“Kuu, it’s okay. You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” his mother reassures, and he only starts noticing he’s making the furniture float with his powers from stress. “When you’re ready.” 
He nods. He wants to leave.
She repeats the word for him again.
He has dinner and immediately goes to bed afterwards. Words spoken today: None.
He has a new routine now.
Every morning he keeps the ring in his pocket and has breakfast, greeting his mother good morning before sitting down. He quickly digs in before his father wakes up and leaves home for school. His walk to school is filled with him opening and closing his mouth, and he’s gotten so used to it, he does it unconsciously on his walk to school now.
He still interacts with his friends, but it’s only lunch when he fully isolates himself to read a book. Most of the times he ends up giving up, properly reading in his head, and other times he stares at the exact same word for the whole duration of lunch until the bell rings.
He starts hanging out with Nendou and the rest less, and immediately heads home so he can continue trying with his mother, who’s still ever so patient with him. Weekends are spent with him reading alone in some deserted area.
This goes on for about two weeks and a half, until Kaidou finally notices his lack of appearance.
There’s still not much progress, but at least he feels less nervous with his mom now. Other than that, nothing.
“Saiki, you wanna come over to my place tomorrow? We’re all going to study together for that Japanese test,” Kaidou says. He had long dropped the habit of using his chuunibyou references for normal conversations. He still clips into that persona from time to time, especially in larger crowds, but rarely ever with close friends.
Saiki raises a brow at him. He might have to turn now, considering how usually all their study sessions always end up with them just hanging out. Not to mention it’s useless for him to study since he’s already so smart.
“We as in,” Kaidou mistakes the eyebrow raise as a question to who ‘we’ are, “all of us but Mera and Hairo. Mera’s busy with work and Hairo’s busy with training.”
That barely explains who ‘we’ are, though, Saiki deadpans to himself.
“So are you coming?”
Saiki sighs, Probably no--
“You are most definitely going!” His mother says and he wonders how she could’ve possibly known. To answer that, she adds, “Kairou’s mother told me of course!”
Good grief, Saiki rolls his eyes, sitting down at the table to practice speaking as usual.
“You need a social life, Kuu. What’s the point of learning how to speak if you’re not going to talk to anyone?” She nags, sitting directly across from him.
He doesn’t want to tell her he’s only learning because he wants to vocally sigh in pleasure from the beautiful taste of coffee jelly and other sweets.
“Your little brother is so cute, ha ha,” Aiura dotes, poking at Toki. The little boy immediately runs away from her and hides behind Kaidou, looking up at his older brother.
“Are you having a meeting fo--” He’s cut short by Kaidou, who covers his mouth from embarrassment.
“My room is this way,” Kaidou nervously laughs, hand still over Toki’s mouth as he walks. 
Today is going to be a long day.
They begin by actually studying for five minutes straight, until Yumehara starts eating from stress and Nendou decides to wander off to play on Kaidou’s console. Aiura begins focusing on decorating her notebook instead of actually doing her work and Kuboyasu’s distracted talking to Kaidou about something unrelated to the Japanese test.
Teruhashi is the only one that looks like she’s focused, but even she’s having troubles studying because she’s sitting right next to Saiki and her mind is a mess from panic and excitement. All he can tell from his telepathy is that she’s waiting for the moment where Saiki gets stumped and she’ll swoop in to save him.
Not happening. Besides, he’s already done.
“W-Wow, you’re...fast,” she says, leaning over. Ah, now she’s trying to make him gasp from close contact. Good grief.
Fast forward and now it’s very clear they’re all distracted. They’re laughing about...something, and he’s busy tracing his eyes over a word and practicing it over and over in his head. Then the laughter dies and someone calls his name, so he looks up.
“You okay?” Teruhashi asks, looking concerned for him. “You’re not laughing. Are you not enjoying yourself?”
Isn’t that something Kaidou should ask as the host? Saiki deadpans, holding a hand up to signal he’s fine.
“Maybe he has a different sense of humor,” Yumehara says. “How about we all try to make him laugh?”
Good grief, this is just a waste of t-- And Nendou’s taking off his pants. A classic playground move. Unfortunately, Saiki never found butt jokes all that funny.
They each have a go at trying to make Saiki laugh, ranging from ludicrous acts to extremely terrible jokes, none of which amuses him.
In fact, the more they try, the more cramped he feels. They’re talking and talking and all he can hear are words that are so loud it hurts. It’s probably because of the close proximity between all of them that makes Saiki able to hear all their thoughts nice and clear, but the fact that they’re all thinking at the same time makes it even louder.
Nendou’s the only one he can’t hear from, but he’s also busy making stranger lip noises that can only make an infant giggle.
Then it gets too loud and his head starts hurting and his mouth feels dry. They all want him to laugh. He can’t.
And putting on the ring now would seem weird.
So he stands, making them all stop in confusion, and he excuses himself to use the bathroom. It’s when he finally shuts the door behind him that he feels at peace.
Good grief, looks like he’ll take a short break in the bathroom before going back.
He passes by Toki’s room and notices the boy quietly reading by himself -probably studying- though what actually made Saiki pause to look is the fact that Toki’s mouth is still moving, yet no sound comes out.
The idea hits him like a train, and he feels stupid yet again.
He’s been way too focused on moving his mouth for the purpose of actually speaking that he never realizes that maybe he doesn’t necessarily need to vocalize something in order to move his mouth. He can just mouth the words as he reads, getting used to the feeling of using his mouth to speak, then ease himself into learning how to talk from there.
So maybe this study session wasn’t a disaster after all.
He returns to Kaidou’s room with a small smile that nearly shocks the entire room. 
Oh come on, it’s not like he never smiles.
He copies Toki’s technique the next time he’s practicing reading aloud and it changes things, just a little. As predicted, he feels more at ease whenever he’s reading with his mother. He hasn’t spoken yet, but he’s not getting that crushing feeling anymore, it’s more of a small sting now.
Once or twice he manages to make a noise, but not a single coherent word comes out.
A whole week goes by and it’s a Saturday, his mother is relaxing on the couch with him and he’s mouthing out the words from the book he’s reading. It’s a peaceful day and no one’s here to bother him, so he can practice without having to worry about being dragged away on some bizarre adventure.
“Kusuo!” Ugh, he thought too soon. Saiki looks up from his book, his mouth snapping shut so fast it makes a loud clicking sound. His father is smiling nervously at him, rubbing the back of his neck. “Hey, can I ask you a favor?”
No, Saiki immediately responds with telepathy, then he slips the ring back on and goes back to reading.
“It’s nothing you can’t handle though,” his father says, rubbing his hands together to beg.
No. He knows his father can’t hear him, but he’s thinking it over and over in his head.
“Please, just hear me out.”
“Please, it’s--”
“No!” Saiki snaps, growling at his dad. His mother jumps in surprise and even his father falls back from shock. For a second, he doesn’t realize why they’re so shaken, until he slaps his hand onto his mouth.
His mother wraps her arms around him, jumping from pure joy, “Your first words! I’m so proud of you! We should celebrate, let’s go to the cafe! Order as many coffee jellies as you like.”
Saiki literally lights up, and he’s smiling at the thought of enjoying his coffee jelly to its fullest extent. He couldn’t wait to sigh in content.
“Uhm, what about…?” Her husband points, wondering if they can settle his problem first before going.
“Come on! We’ve got to celebrate, we should invite Kusuke too!”
Saiki immediately sours and he starts weighing his pros and cons. He gets to have coffee jelly if they go out, as much as he wants. Kusuke might be there to bother him.
As expected, Saiki would rather endure his brother’s pressing curiosity than give up his chance at having unlimited coffee jelly from a cafe he likes.
Kusuke doesn’t talk, he merely watches Saiki chew silently, and smiles. He offers to pay for his parents so they wouldn’t have to worry about Saiki bankrupting them.
“You spoke your first words?” Kusuke finally says.
Saiki nods, still enjoying his treat.
“Care to demonstrate?”
Of course he’d ask that. Saiki’s still pretty new at this, so he can’t exactly say words on command. They just...come out. Oh but he knows one word:
“No,” Saiki whispers, so soft it’s almost inaudible. Kusuke grins a bit too wide in response, and it nearly makes Saiki lose his appetite. Nearly.
“Aw, he’s like a little kitten,” Kusuke snorts, moving one of the empty plates on the table with his finger.
Thank goodness his grandfather isn’t here then.
“We should visit your grandparents to show them too!” His mother happily suggests. Well god damn then.
Saiki wonders if it’s possible to brainwash everyone into thinking he was a quiet talker the whole time. There’s no way anyone is going to not notice the change in volume, his telepathy is louder than his current voice by a whole lot.
He decides it’s better to practice speaking with the people who know about his powers. At least they’ll understand, and he figures talking in conversations would help improve his speech skills. He’ll still practice with books, but he’ll have to try actually talking now.
“HA HA HA, YOUR VOICE, IT’S SO SOFT, LIKE A SHY GIRL!” Toritsuka points and Saiki instantly regrets letting him in on this. The medium quickly shuts up upon seeing the offended look on Saiki’s face.
“Oh, so you really did have selective mutism, huh? I can see why you wanted me to keep it a secret, considering it’ll seem strange to everyone else since you use telepathy to communicate and blurting that out wouldn’t make sense. So you want to practice talking to us to ease into the whole talking thing? I’m sure we can help. But as someone who doesn’t talk all that much, I’ll try my best to help but I won’t guarantee--” Akechi is promptly interrupted by Aiura, who has had enough of his babbling.
She cuts in, smiling proudly, “You can count on us! Want me to see your fortune so we can know the probability of success?”
“No,” Saiki whispers, yet again too soft.
“Oh, you really do sound like a cute shy dude,” Aiura flushes.
Saiki wonders if Plan A is still up for grabs.
“Why don’t we ask you some simple questions?” Akechi suggests, looking ready to sprout a waterfall of questions for Saiki to answer. It’s a bit overwhelming to hear him talk so much, but he’ll have to do. 
Saiki nods, agreeing to it.
“What’s your type?” Toritsuka immediately asks. “Curvy bodies? Big breasts?”
“No.” It’s firm and slightly louder, which makes Toritsuka shuffle backwards in panic.
“How many close family members do you have?” Aiura butts in, grinning.
That should be easy. Five. 
Saiki nearly holds up his hand instead of actually answering. He takes a few seconds, struggling as he did. It barely shows he is, but the three other people watching leans in closer and closer each second he doesn’t answer, and it makes him want to run away again.
“..ve.” Saiki finally mumbles out.
“Come again?” They’re so close to his face, he can almost feel their breaths against his face. He isn’t liking this one bit. 
His mouth instantly seals shut from stress.
“Sorry, sorry, space,” Toritsuka holds his hands up and takes a step back, dragging the other two along with him. “This feels weird. You’re always like, really powerful, y’know? But here you are, looking terrified about speaking.”
“Am not,” Saiki bites back.
“If you say so, alright, next question!”
“Saiki, I was wondering,” Teruhashi nervously fiddled with her hands behind her back, “is there a reason why you’ve been hanging out with m- us less?”
Saiki expected this. Practicing to speak with books has caused him to have less free time to spend with his friends, and it wouldn’t take long for them to notice this. He currently couldn’t think of a believable good excuse to say and it’s not like he can just walk away from this.
Teruhashi begins to worry as she watches him just stand there without a word. After what seemed like forever, she decides to drop the matter and smiles, “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, it’s fine. Bye!” And she walks off quicker than usual.
Crisis averted?
He walks down the stairs, and for the first time ever, he greets his mother ‘good morning’ with a smile and from his mouth.
It’s soft, but not as quiet as his first words, and it’s soft enough for you to know he doesn’t talk a lot. Which is perfect for a person like him.
His mother smiles so wide, it almost looks painful, and she throws her arms around her son, squeezing him tight, “Good morning to you too! Good morning!”
His walk to school is uneventful, much like the ones he had before he learnt how to speak, and he finds it rather pleasant because the whole mouth exercise was beginning to grow annoying.
It had almost taken him three months to get to this point. Three months of relentless practicing. He feels proud of himself.
“Think fast! Today’s day, go!” Toritsuka points and Saiki blinks, staring at him.
“You’re getting pretty good! Y’know, since I helped you,” Toritsuka pretends to be busy checking his nails, then he slyly looks up, only to find Saiki already walking off. “Hey!”
“I don’t owe you anything.”
“Wow, that’s a long sentence, ha ha,” Toritsuka falls into step next to him. 
Saiki walks a bit faster, trying to lose him, “You’re surprised because you didn’t help much. Akechi did most of the work.” His voice trails off if he talks too much, so Toritsuka had to lean in slightly to hear the last part better.
“No fair, the guy talks faster than a bullet train, of course he’d do more,” Toritsuka complains.
“All you asked me was what type of women I was into,” Saiki frowns. 
“You still haven’t answered me, by the way.”
“Already did.”
“No isn’t an answer.”
Saiki enters his classroom and promptly shuts the door in front of the other’s face, which basically translates to: “Yes it is.”
“Hello!” Aiura waves just as he turns around from the door.
“Hi.” He replies easily and takes a seat.
Aiura immediately beams, skipping over, “Did you finally do it?”
Saiki shrugs.
“Well I think he can do it now, I just saw him talking to Toritsuka just fine, unless anger boosts your speech? In which case, that would make sense too, because people who are angry tend to do things impulsively, but then again, you’re in a good mood, so it can only mean you can speak now!” Akechi drops by, looking just as excited as Aiura is. “But there’s only one way we can test that.”
Saiki pales inwardly as he realizes what Akechi is about to say due to telepathy.
You know what, at least this slice of cake tastes great.
He has, yet again, been convinced to join another outing, but Akechi says it’s his final test. 
Everyone seems to be talking, but none of it interests him, he’s only here because of the sweets, and it looks like no one is going to bother him either, so he might as well enjoy.
“Mm,” he hums, biting into another slice of cake.
“Did he just...?” Kaidou pauses, staring. Everyone’s staring along as well, just as surprised as Kaidou is.
Saiki stops smiling almost instantly upon noticing the sudden attention he is receiving, “Good grief, what’s so surprising?”
Teruhashi’s eyes are so wide, it could almost pop off her sockets, “This...feels weird.”
“Was his voice always this...soft?” Yumehara whispers over to Teruhashi. “It feels like the first time I’ve ever heard it.”
Everyone else agrees along with her. Oh well, it doesn’t matter what they think, as long as Saiki gets to enjoy his sweets with a sigh of satisfaction, then all is well.
Saiki sighs, taking another bite.
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