#they’re like the friends who say they can’t stand eachother but yet they’ll be the first to go to bat for the other djzhhx
thedeadthree · 2 years
vika may have been betrayed one too many times for her liking in only less than a year, may be dying and has a irritant rockstar sharing a brain with her but at least she looks and is hot! ✨😌
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jisungsmochi · 4 years
tutor girl - ljn
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tutor girl - lee jeno fic 
based off one tree hill hehe (been binging it lately) 
word count: 8.6k (might be my longest one yet) 
summary: lee jeno was an asshole. an awfully charming asshole. he wanted nothing more than to make your best friend’s life a living hell. he had his plan ready to go, but something, or rather someone, got in the way. will tutor girl change him for the better or will he stick to his ways? 
mainly fluff but we got a lil bit of angst in there oops 
(for the sake of this au , imagine jeno and mark are the same age)
“you should try out for the basketball team this year. i think you should show off your abilities on the real court” you walk alongside your best friend. mark lee. you clearly remember the day you met him. you were both around nine years old, placed in the same fourth grade class. you wanted to befriend him after finding out he only lived with his mother. coming from a big family, you were always used to having others around you. so you thought you’d do the same for him.
“really? i don’t know...the guys on the team are all jerks. besides i’m fine playing by the river court, there’s no pressure” mark shrugs at you, contemplating your suggestion.
“it’s a well known fact that they’re all jerks, but they’re jerks who can get scholarships for college, isn’t that what you want?” you continued to push. you knew the true reason he was hesitant on joining the team. but you didn’t want him to hold himself back in life, any good friend would do the same.
“yeah of course. i’ll think about it, y/n. but no guarantees” he sighs, walking into his mother’s cafe. you made your way to greet his mother,
“ah y/n, it’s great that you’re here, i’m gonna need you for another shift” she smiles softly, handing you your apron.
“yes ma’am” you smile back, watching as mark sat at the counter. this was how most of your days went. hanging out with mark most of the day, then coming to work at the cafe if you weren’t tutoring a student in need as part of the tutoring program at your school. you enjoyed helping your peers and their improved marks and positive attitude gave you a sense of accomplishment.
you were having dinner with mark and his mother, soojin, like you did most nights, when she suddenly brought up basketball tryouts,
“thinking of joining, mark?” soojin asked curiously.
“i don’t know if i want to, you know he’s gonna be on the team” mark anxiously admits.
see, the thing was, mark had a half brother by the name of lee jeno. he was notorious for being a grade A asshat. following suit of his and mark’s father, lee juyoung. juyoung and soojin were high school sweethearts, winning prom king and queen in their senior year. the day before graduation, soojin told juyoung she had fallen pregnant with mark. but he couldn’t handle being a father, having just earned a prestigious basketball scholarship for some fancy college. they quickly ended their relationship after graduating, wishing to never see or hear from one another again. soojin raised mark on her own whilst juyoung went to college, where he met jeno’s mother, minji. juyoung recklessly got minji pregnant with jeno, roughly six months after mark was conceived. but he stuck with minji, as she was from an affluent background and saw a more promising and stable future with her. jeno was brought up by his father to despise mark. they first met each other at a basketball summer camp when they were ten years old, but rarely saw eachother until high school. mark despised jeno equally, infuriated that he was favoured by their father. jeno had everything. he was the basketball team’s shooting guard, always getting the glory of scoring points. he was also dating one of the most popular girls in school, kang mina. and it didn’t help that he was pleasing to the eye, aside from his jackass tendencies. jeno had it all, mark often caught himself feeling jealous of the life jeno got to live. he hated his father for leaving his mother to raise him alone. it was needless to say, the lee brothers did not get along.
“who cares if jeno’s on the team? remember that you’re doing this for you, not for him or anyone else” you encourage, knowing how he truly felt towards jeno.
“y/n’s right. you are a great player, anyone can see it. just give it a try, you’ll never know what can come from it” his mother gave him a gently squeeze to his shoulder. mark avoided looking at the both of you, softly sighing,
“alright alright, i’ll tryout! what’s the worst that could happen?” he chuckled lightly.
as expected, mark surpassed everyone who tried out and was able to fill the last spot in the school’s varsity basketball team. unfortunately, he was not greeted with open arms, the other boys taunting that he wasn’t as good as them. especially jeno, absolutely disgusted by the idea of him and mark having to interact.
you sat with mark in his room as he ranted about his interactions with the team,
“they all said to watch my back, that they had something planned for me. is that not concerning?” he paced in his room, your heart sunk at his words. who would ever want to hurt such a kind soul like mark?
“you should tell coach, i’m sure he’ll try and straighten them out” you suggest, unsure if it even helped.
“that’s the thing, if i tell on them, they’ll retaliate even harder. god i knew i shouldn’t have joined” he groaned,
“don’t say that, you deserve to be on the team whether they like it or not” you furrow your eyebrows in concern. you move over to sit with mark on his bed, pulling his head to your shoulder.
“jeno’s the worst of them all. he always takes low blows at me about our dad, saying that he loves him more than me. that he doesn’t care about my mother. he’s ruthless” mark mumbled, your heart aching for him. you knew jeno was an ass, but you didn’t know he would outright say such hurtful things.
“he’s just jealous because you’re a threat to him. and besides, it doesn’t help that you’re totally crushing on his girlfriend, don’t think i haven’t noticed” you tease at the end, fully aware of mark lee’s massive crush on kang mina.
“w-what?! i do not have a crush on mina!” he exclaims causing you to chuckle.
“sure you don’t buddy, don’t act like you’re not happy to join the team. you get to watch her cheer for you from the sidelines” you poke his cheeks, trying to get him to lighten up. you hated seeing him so nervous and anxious all the time. you hoped things would get better from then on, but you were wrong. lee jeno was the epitome of an asshole.
jeno wanted mark off the team and he didn’t care how he did it or who he hurt in the process. not only did he take harsh jabs at mark about his mother, but he went as far as to soaking his gym clothes in water, leaving him with no clothes for practice. he refused to hand mark the ball during practice, often getting his friends to barge into mark if he tried to get the ball off him. somehow it got around that mina had been getting closer to mark as they had been paired up for an assignment, which only fuelled more anger in jeno. he needed to be more smart if he wanted mark to quit the team.
jeno was standing with his friend, jaemin at their lockers, when they caught sight of mark talking to you.
“who’s the chick that’s always hanging with mark?” jeno curiously asks, scanning his eyes over you.
“her name’s y/n, she’s part of the tutor program” jaemin responded, looking over at jeno who had a mysterious look in his eyes.
“i might just have to sign up for some tutoring” he smirked to himself, making his way to his next class.
you were filing some applications for tutoring at the student centre when you heard someone knock at the door.
“hang on a minute!” you politely spoke, turning to see who it was. your face immediately fell as your eyes landed on the dark haired boy infront of you.
“may i help you?” you crossed your arms, already fed up with him.
“i hope so, you’re my tutor” jeno copies your gesture, looking down at you in amusement.
“uh no, don’t think so” you turned your back to him, continuing to file applications.
“you’re y/n, right? see it says right here” he approaches you, practically shoving the form in your face. you glanced at the section where the allocated tutor’s name should be written and there you were. you took the form from him, softly biting the inside of your cheek before looking back at him.
“look i’m sorry but i’m best friends with mark” you hand the form back to him.
“well then i’m sorry too” he snickers, causing you to roll your eyes.
“i can’t help you okay? i’ll find someone else t-“
“i don’t want anyone else. you’re the best student tutor in this program. i really need your help” jeno practically whined. part of you wanted to help him, but your loyalty to mark, alongside all the terrible things jeno has said and done, wasn’t going to change your mind.
“i’m sorry, again. i-i just can’t” you rush out of the room, feeling guilty. as much as you disliked jeno, you were never the one to turn away a student in need. all you knew is that mark could never know about this.
your english teacher was handing back grades for the latest assignment. your eyes couldn’t stop focusing on jeno, who was visibly distraught after receiving his grade. the guilty feeling in your stomach wasn’t going away. so what if you helped jeno? maybe you could get him to back off mark. plus it was your duty as a tutor to help students in need. and right now, jeno needed you.
he approached you again in the student centre later that day,
“hey just letting you know, i won’t be needing you anymore, i’ll be just fine” jeno sternly announced to you, gaining your attention. before you could say anything back, he held up his grade from english,
“i mean, F is for fine, right?” your eyes moved to the paper that had a large, red ‘F’ written on it. you gave him a solemn look, debating what you would say next, you didn’t know what came over you,
“okay! i’ll tutor you!” you blurted out, catching jeno by surprise as well. his lips slowly formed into a smirk, walking closer to you.
“but on one condition, mark never finds out, and you also leave him alone!” you let out a short sigh, hoping you weren’t making a bad decision.
“that’s actually two conditions” he retorts, leading you to roll your eyes, already regretting everything.
“but okay, i’ll tell the guys to chill a bit” you looked at him in shock, not expecting him to consider your conditions at all.
“then it’s settled, let’s meet at the dock by the pier tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock sharp” you walk past him,
“why can’t we do it at school?” he asked in confusion,
“because i don’t want anyone else seeing us, especially mark” you sternly respond, making sure he understood.
“aye aye captain” jeno tried to joke, but you had already left before he could finish.
maybe this was going to be harder than he thought.
you were sitting at a table on the dock, waiting for jeno to show up. but your expectations were low. you questioned if he was taking this whole tutoring thing seriously, but your thoughts were interrupted when he rushed to you.
“sorry i’m late, i was hungry” he pulled out a small box of pocky, offering some to you. you shook your head,
“no thanks” he nodded as he shoved one in his mouth. he had also picked up a kinder surprise egg,
“praying i get a cheat sheet for this exam” he hold his hands together, quickly making a wish. you cracked a small smile at his antics, hoping he didn’t take notice. he opened the little bag containing the plastic prizes. he pulled out a colourful beaded bracelet. it was clearly made for children, but jeno thought you’d like it,
“here, for you” he looped it onto your wrist, “don’t say i never gave you anything” he winked, causing you to cringe.
“let’s just get started, shall we?” you ignored his comments, finally beginning the very first tutoring session. it wasn’t as bad as you initially thought it’d be. to your surprise, jeno was fully attentive and had made genuine attempts to learn. but it was probably only due to the fact he needed good grades to play basketball, it didn’t suddenly turn him into an amazing person in your eyes.
“hey! y/n! it feels like i haven’t seen you in a while, how have you been?” mark caught up to you on your way home from school. you two would usually walk together but with his basketball practices and your tutoring sessions, you both slowly stopped.
“i’ve been good! just busy with tutoring” you shrug, happy to have your best friend by your side again.
“ah same with basketball. it’s so weird, jeno and his goons haven’t done anything remotely bad to me this entire week” mark pulled the strap of his backpack over his shoulder.
“isn’t that a good thing?” you softly smiled at yourself, remembering the deal you made with jeno.
“i mean yeah, but i can’t help but be suspicious. what if there’s some other huge thing they have planned?” mark started stressing, gliding his hand through his hair.
“maybe you should give him the benefit of the doubt” you mutter, unsure why you were even defending jeno.
“since when were you on his side?” your best friend stopped in his tracks, not believing a word that just left your mouth. you pulled at the strings of your hoodie,
“i’m on your side of course! i’m just saying that maybe he’s not as evil as you think he is” you tried to pull yourself out of the hole you were currently digging.
“i don’t know, y/n. i guess we’ll have to wait and see” he paused for a moment, looking down at your wrist,
“nice bracelet” your eyes shifted to the lame beaded bracelet jeno gave you. why were you still wearing it?
for your next tutoring session, jeno had invited you to his house, claiming that the dock was too noisy and he couldn’t focus properly. you actually agreed with him for once, now standing outside his house. you rang the doorbell, hearing someone shuffling behind the door. jeno swung the door open, greeting you with his classic smile. he led you to the dining table, with all of his materials already set out.
“finally organised, i’m impressed” you compliment him, not noticing how his cheeks were heating up.
midway through the session, jeno became distracted. he has received a text on his phone. you weren’t sure who it was, but by the way he was reacting, he was clearly frustrated.
“hey, can you get off your phone? we still have more examples to go through” you were slowly getting annoyed by his inability to remain focused.
“sorry, just uh- it’s nothing” he mumbled, shoving his phone back in his pocket before turning to face you.
“alright, break time” you sigh, closing the book infront of you. jeno shot you a confused look,
“because something’s on your mind, you need to clear it” you advise him, hoping he would open up to you.
“you’re right, it’s just, mina. we’ve been getting into so many fights lately, plus she’s been hanging out with mark a lot. i just don’t know where we’re at” jeno looks down at his hands that were placed in his lap. you weren’t sure what to say, you slightly felt sorry for jeno, something you’d never thought would happen.
“and my dad, he keeps pressuring me to do better in basketball. he makes everything a competition between himself and me. now with mark on the team, there’s a direct comparison which he just cannot avoid bringing up every single day” jeno continues to rant, slowly taking you back. you had no idea he was feeling like this. he always presented himself as this tough guy who had no care in the world about anything but basketball.
“i-i don’t know what to say” you honestly admit, avoiding eye contact with him.
“it’s alright, i didn’t expect you to anyway. i just keep this all inside” he sighed, relieved to be able to say these things out loud for once, without being judged.
“i think that, you should live your life the way you want. if mina makes you happy then show her that. if basketball is your passion, don’t give up on it just because of your dad or mark or anyone else. just do your best, that’s all anyone can ask for” you tried your best to give him advice, not sure if he would even take any from you. but jeno was surprised at how gentle and understanding you were. he had never had someone to properly vent to about his problems.
“y-you’re right. like absolutely spot on right. damn, i guess you’re more than just a tutor” he smiled softly,
“ah yes i am also a part time motivational speaker and hype woman” you fake cheered, making him burst out in a soft chuckle.
“thanks for this, y/n. i uh, really appreciate you listening” jeno’s eyes meet yours as you listen to his every word. you almost got lost in his eyes for a split second before you pulled yourself back to reality.
“no problem, what a friends for” you murmured, causing him to raise his eyebrows,
“oh so we’re friends now?” he shot you another smirk, clearly entertained by this entire situation.
“i mean yeah, i consider you a friend. but if you tell anyone, i will deny it” you pointed a finger a him playfully.
“wouldn’t expect anything less”
the following week, you were lining up for your physical education class, waiting for the basketball boys to finish up their short practice. you caught sight of mark and jeno, who seem to be in the middle of a very heated argument.
“coach wants you to be shooting guard now? you really wanna take my position, lee? then let me take y/n off your hands” jeno cockily exclaimed,
“leave her alone! you better not be messing with her or i swear i’ll hurt you a lot more than i already want to” mark gritted through his teeth.
“funny you say that, because she’s been tutoring me, and i must say, she’s a special one” jeno continues to aggravate mark. you knew he was saying these things to get a rise from the other boy. to say you were disgusted was an understatement. now, they were shoving eachother, to the point where mark was on top of jeno, ready to punch him. the coach had to pull both of them apart, along with some of the other players. it was a whole mess, mark stormed out of the gym, giving you a sharp side eye before walking right past you. your eyes caught jeno’s, he gave you a pitiful look. everything had just gone to shit.
that afternoon, you decided to go over mark’s house to check up on him. you were prepared for him to yell at you, probably still in disbelief that you were hanging out with jeno behind his back. you softly knocked on his bedroom door, you heard him grunt slightly before opening the door.
“hey” you quietly muttered, mark just raised his eyebrows before letting you enter. you sat by his study desk, unsure of how to bring up the situation.
“why’d you do it, y/n? why did you agree to tutor that jerk?!” mark broke the awkward tension, arms folded across his chest.
“i-i don’t know, mark. he needed help with his work, what was i supposed to do? turn him away?” you argue back, feeling defensive.
“yes! that’s exactly what you should have done. jeno has made my life a living hell, just for being on the team. now he’s got you wrapped around his silly little finger? i thought you were better than that” mark scoffed. you just froze. never in your seven years of friendship, had mark yelled at you like this.
“jeno is strictly just a tutoring student to me! he’s nothing more than that. and you’re the one to talk! you’re over here flirting and hanging out with jeno’s girlfriend. she’s taken, mark. your silly crush on her needs to stop” you were beyond frustrated at this point, harsh words spilled out of you like there was no end.
“he treats her like crap, y/n! she comes to me for comfort! what am i supposed to do?” mark ran his hands through his hair.
“you wait for them to breakup, mark! that’s what any logical person would do. you don’t pine after her while she’s in a relationship. you’re better than that” you whimper the last sentence, hot tears filled your eyes. mark almost broke down, seeing you so upset. but he was too mad and stubborn to comfort you.
“you really think jeno cares about you? he’s only hanging out with you to get to me!” mark continued to fuel your anger,
“mark lee, you are an asshole. who would have thought you and jeno would switch places?” you finally spat out, rushing out of his room, ready at cry your eyes out at home.
“y/n! wait up!” you heard the familiar deep voice behind you. you kept walking, wanting nothing more than to go home and ignore everyone and everything around you. but lee jeno was persistent. he caught up to you, moving to stand right infront of you.
“i don’t want to talk to you right now” you sternly let out, trying to walk away from him. jeno softly gripped your shoulders, pulling you along with him to a secluded spot behind the school gates.
“i know you don’t, but i want to explain myself” jeno started, he appeared to be quite distraught. you nodded along, ready to hear his explanation.
“coach promoted mark to shooting guard. i haven’t been on my best game lately, you know, with my dad always on my back. i was so mad that coach wanted to replace me. he knows that basketball is my only shot to get into college, because let’s face it, academics will not get me through” you frowned once he said that, which made him crack a slight smile,
“you’ve helped a lot. more than you know. but anyway, i got so mad at mark, i kind of went crazy. i know i shouldn’t have brought you up. that was a dick move and i’m sorry. i just wanted to hurt him. i’ve noticed that you two haven’t been talking. and i can’t help but feel like i was the reason for it. so i don’t expect you to forgive me right away. i just wanted you to hear my side” jeno finally finished, his shoulders resting. your eyes were wide, not expecting this entire speech from him.
“jeno, i appreciate that you wanted me to know your side. and i’m sorry about mark replacing you. he was going to find out about us one way or another. atleast it’s finally out” you shrugged before continuing, “mark and i haven’t been as close as we used to be. and it kind of hurts. i cried a lot after he yelled at me and i jus-” before you could finish, jeno pulled you into him. you immediately froze against him, arms avoiding wrapping around his torso. jeno didn’t know why he hugged you, something about your whimpering tone made him want to hold you.
“i-i’m sorry, you just looked like you needed it” he muttered, slowly pulling away from you.
“i-it’s okay” you mumble back to him, avoiding his eyes at all costs.
“i can leave now if you want?” jeno pulled a piece of hair away from your face, making you look up at him.
“a-actually, wanna go for a walk to the dock?” you offer, watching as his face slowly lit up,
“sure” he smiled softly at you, as you both began walking. you caught sight of mark and mina, who were staring right back at you and jeno. you weren’t sure what to do, jeno noticed how uncomfortable you felt. he too, was not too fond of the sight of mark and his now, ex girlfriend, judging the both of you.
“so are they a thing?” jeno suddenly brings up on your way to the dock.
“mark and mina? i thought you were dating” your confused tone made him smile,
“uh well we kind of broke up a few days ago. the day of the fight actually” jeno informed you. you stopped in your path, looking over at the taller boy.
“why didn’t you tell me? are you okay?” you slightly pout,
“firstly, you were ignoring me. and secondly, to my surprise, i am okay. we just weren’t right for eachother, it happens” jeno just shrugs, but you could tell there was more behind it.
“what else is bothering you? aside from your dad and basketball?” you decided to push, feeling he was holding something back.
“i just realised how poorly i treated mina. i never really put much effort into the relationship. seeing her with mark kind of struck a nerve” he explained as you both sat at the same table as your first tutoring session.
“well it’s okay to have regrets, jeno. it means you’re human” you assure him, placing your hand over his. jeno froze at your action, not used to you initiating physical touch with him. his eyes scanned to your wrist,
“hey, you’re still wearing the bracelet” he couldn’t help but feel giddy that you had kept such a useless gift.
“ah yeah, it’s kinda cute don’t you think?” you show off to him, trying to get him to laugh.
you’re cute.
jeno thought to himself. he didn’t want to admit that he had a slight interest in you. the plan wasn’t for him to fall for you. but jeno was well on his way. and he wanted to snap out of it, as soon as possible. because you deserved someone better than him.
as the days went on, mark slowly began to talk to you again. it would start with small conversations during your shifts at the cafe, but once you got to the point where you would ask to hang out, he always had something to do. all you wanted was your best friend back, but he seemed pretty occupied with mina’s company, you didn’t want to make things worse.
on top of this, jeno was struggling a lot with his english work. you tried your best to get him to understand but his mind wasn’t in the right place.
“i’m sorry if it feels like i’m wasting your time, y/n” jeno pouted at you,
“you’re not wasting my time, jeno. you’ll get there eventually. you just have to practice, like in basketball” you tried to develop a comparison between the two, in order to encourage jeno’s study habits.
“speaking of, are you coming to the game on friday?” jeno suddenly went off topic, not that you minded, you both needed a brain break.
“um i don’t know, i might have plans” you tried to come up with some lame excuse before he continued,
“oh come on, it’ll be a good game, we always beat this team” jeno was practically begging you at this point, you softly chuckled at his desperation,
“i’ll make you a deal, get over 80 for the english exam and i’ll go” you suggested as you pulled out your pinky. jeno hesitated for a moment, but opted to promising you anyway. your pinkies remained linked, both of you too embarrassed to pull away. as cheesy as it sounds, for just a moment, you felt everything else freeze. your focus was only on jeno, how adorable he looked with his ruffled hair, practically in his pajamas. you slowly brought yourself back to reality, a warm feeling now developing in your stomach. this isn’t good.
wednesday afternoon rolled by, as you were about to leave the school gates, you heard jeno call for you. he wasn’t being so discrete either, gaining the attention of others around you.
“y/n! wait up!” he was practically wheezing by the time he reached you.
“god, did you run a marathon or something?” you chuckle, helping him stable himself.
“i had to see you right after i got this damn mark, 84!!” his face lit up like you had never seen before. you could tell he was genuinely pleased with himself.
“that’s amazing, jeno! i knew you could do it” you jumped up and down in excitement for him. jeno smiled at you, pulling his arms out, signalling whether or not it was okay to hug you. you nodded ecstatically, launching yourself in his arms. jeno couldn’t believe how perfectly you fit in his arms. if only he could do this more often.
as you both pulled away, jeno still kept his hands hooked on your forearms.
“so you’ll come to the game?” he raised his eyebrows in anticipation.
“a deal is a deal!” you nod once again, watching as jeno’s eyes creased into a crescent moon shape.
“thanks again for everything, i’ll look out for you on friday!” he cheered as he released your forearms from his gentle grip, making his way back to his friends who watched the entire interaction. you couldn’t help but feel a sudden wave of heat rush to your face. goddammit lee jeno.
the basketball game was in full swing. you had gotten to the gym right before the game started. you looked over the court for jeno, your eyes meeting his. he gave you a slight smile, followed by a nod. you waved lightly at him, feeling slightly embarrassed that the only reason you came was to see him. mark witnessed the entire interaction, his instincts telling him that something more was going on between you two. the last thing he wanted was to see you hurt, especially if it were at the hands of jeno. mark approached jeno before the game started, he pulled out his hand to shake,
“hey, i know it’s been rough between us but let’s do our best for this game” mark pushed aside his pride. jeno cluelessly stared at mark’s hand, hesitantly placing his hand against his.
“yeah, agreed” jeno awkwardly muttered, quickly pulling away from mark, joining the rest of the team for the pregame huddle.
there was five seconds on the clock, jeno was double teamed. there was no way he could make the shot, he knew his dad was watching, probably yelling at him to take the shot anyway. but jeno couldn’t risk it, he looked to his right, seeing an open mark lee with his hands ready to handle the ball. jeno spun on his heel, swiftly making a clean pass to mark. everyone stood from their seats, all eyes on mark lee. it took a few seconds for the opposing team to realise what had happened, giving mark the perfect shot. just as the buzzer signalled the end of the game, mark lee had scored the winning basket. all the boys on the team ran to the slightly frazzled boy, pulling him in for a group hug. jeno smiled at the sight, looking over to find you, but he was met with the disappointing glares of his father instead. jeno’s smile faded, an uneasy feeling making its way through his body. you noticed that he seemed off, quickly rushing to be by his side.
“jeno! are you okay?” you tried to gain his attention amongst the loud cheers and screams of everyone. jeno turned to face you, placing his hands on the sides of your arms.
“y-yeah, i’m okay now” he smiled lightly, sweat dripping from his forehead. you pulled the sleeve of your sweater down slightly, wiping some of the sweat from his face.
“gosh you look gross” you fake gagged as he rolled his eyes.
“so you’re not going to congratulate me on winning?” he pouted, which had a tug on your heartstrings.
“andddd, congrats on winning!” you pulled him in for a hug, it was jeno’s turn to freeze at your embrace this time. he didn’t expect you to openly hug him infront of everyone but who was he to object?
“hey y/n, i’m going to have a celebratory party at my dad’s beach house tonight, wanna come? i’ll even invite mark” he offered as you both pulled away, his hands still on your sides.
“parties aren’t really my thing, you know? i’m not really dressed for the occasion anyway” you shrugged, feeling guilty for trying to ditch.
“oh come on, please? even if it’s for a little bit, i can take you home” jeno continues to budge, shooting you a doe eyed look. you shook your head at his efforts to persuade you.
“alright, alright! i think i’ll try and talk to mark first, see you soon” you give him one last smile before making your way to congratulate mark. despite the tension in your friendship, you knew that mark was too occupied, running on the high of winning, to ignore you. his eyes met yours, already expecting you to approach him.
“congrats mark, you did really well” you awkwardly greeted as he finally faced you.
“thanks y/n, i’m glad you came. even if it wasn’t for me” mark teased in a playful tone,
“w-what’s that supposed to mean?” you stutter, feeling heat rise to your face.
“i mean, you came to see jeno. i saw you two” mark explained, but before you could butt in, he continued,
“it’s fine really, it was wrong of me to make you think you needed my permission or something. jeno’s not so bad, i guess. but i still want you to be careful with him, okay?” there was the mark you knew and loved. the boy who would always give it to you straight, even if it hurt, but you knew in your heart that everything was okay. you nodded along, pulling your arms out, practically begging to hug him again. mark slightly chuckled, pulling you into him.
“i missed you, mark” you muttered into his shoulder and his hold on your tightened.
“i missed you too, loser” he whispered. as you pulled away from him, mark started walking with you to his car where you would both be on your way to lee jeno’s after game party.
jeno’s dad’s beach house exceeded all of your expectations. it was right by the shore, a bunch of teenagers already scattered on the sand. you and mark entered the house, greeted by mina and her best friend, jarim. you noticed how awkward mark and mina were with eachother, part of you wanting to laugh but you were able to keep it inside. you also noticed jarim practically glaring you down, maybe it was your outfit? your thoughts were interrupted when jeno came rushing to the group.
“glad you two could make it” he smiled at both you and mark, mainly keeping his focus on you.
“this place is huge” mark blurted out in awe, causing jeno to chuckle lightly. he was dressed in a plain black hoodie and some jogger pants. despite dressing down for his own party, how does he still look so damn good?
“thanks man, feel free to walk around, just don’t break anything” jeno jokingly winked, looking down at you,
“want me to show you around?” it was clear he was directing the question at you. you looked back at mark who gave you a look, telling you to go with jeno. you turned back to the dark haired boy, his eyes never left yours.
“sure” you nodded, walking alongside him, hearing soft whispers from jarim and mina.
jeno pulled you with him to an empty room. your eyes widened as he shut the door, unsure of why he only pulled you aside from the others.
“you can sit on the bed if you want” he insisted as he shuffled around the room. you followed along, still curious as to why you were here.
“is everything okay? why did you pull me away?” you questioned,
“i just wanted to thank you. for everything. for the tutoring, the mina drama and the stuff with my dad. i don’t really talk to anyone about my problems like how i do with you, and i really just want to say thanks, privately” this was the first time you saw jeno being timid. he stuck to the back of the door, eyes glued to the floor. you softly smiled at his words, making your way to meet him. you pulled his chin up, so he could look at you properly.
“you’re welcome, jeno. i’m really glad to hear that i’ve been able to help. it really does mean a lot to me” the words glided through your mouth with ease. lee jeno wasn’t as intimidating as you initially thought. he was flawed, like everyone else in the world. all he needed was someone to show him that it was okay to not be okay.
jeno placed the palm of his right hand to meet your cheek, gently brushing his thumb over it. the gesture made your heart flutter. how was he so good at this?
“y-you’re really pretty, you know?” jeno mumbled, pulling strands of your hair behind your ear. you blushed at his words, not believing them yourself.
“n-no, i’m not” you shook your head, as he halted his actions.
“why do you say that?” he furrowed his eyebrows at you, genuinely in disbelief at your words.
“i guess, i don’t really feel pretty? i don’t know. i just haven’t really been called pretty before, especially by a guy like yo-“ you cut yourself off, not wanting to finish your sentence. before jeno could say anything, there was a loud knock at the door.
“anyone in there?” the person yelled, continuing to knock. jeno turned to open the door, in which jarim, mark, mina and jaemin were all standing.
“oh were we interrupting something?” jarim smirked, clearly tipsy from the alcohol she consumed earlier that night. mina gave you a concerned look, aware of how her friend acts when she’s drunk.
“uh kinda” jeno harshly responded, mark’s eyes immediately shooting to you,
“is that true?” he questioned. you felt everyone’s eyes on you. you froze up, words unable to leave your mouth.
“aw cat’s got her tongue. were you two making out?” jarim continued to budge you both, no one responded.
“ah i see, you were about to have sex!” she slurred her words, mina having to hold her back from entering the room.
“shut up, jarim” jeno spat, causing the drunk girl to shove him further into the room. the small group all entered, jaemin closing the door behind him.
“jarim, lets get you home, okay?” mina struggles to pick up her friend.
“no no, i wanna stay. if you wanna be nasty, jeno. how about we discuss the elephant in the room? i mean, you don’t actually like tutor girl here, do you? wasn’t it all a ploy to get back at our little markie boy here” jarim exposed, chuckling to herself.
“what’s she talking about?” you finally spoke up, fists balled and tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
“no, it’s not like that, god why are you such a bitch, jarim?” jeno ran his hands through his hair, taking a step towards you. you took a step back in response, making your way to mark.
“i want to go home” you mumble to him, mark immediately taking you into his arms. he bid mina a farewell, as she apologised over and over for her friend’s behaviour. jeno tried to call after you both but jaemin held him back,
“dude, you messed up”
“i fucking know that, i have to go apologise” jeno gritted through his teeth,
“woah, you like her. you like tutor girl” jaemin was astonished, the thought of you and jeno as a couple, never crossing his mind.
“yeah, i really do. but now she’ll never want to see me again” jeno let out a defeated sigh, leaning against the door frame.
so much for a celebratory occasion.
you heard a knock at your bedroom door, interrupting your study session. you opened the door, eyes furrowed at the person standing infront of you.
“i’m probably the last person you expected to see” jarim sighed, clearly unsure of what else to say to you. you were ready to slam the door in her face, but you wanted to hear what excuse she had for coming to your house.
“what are you doing here?” you fold your arms, leaning on your door frame. jarim hesitates, handing you a piece of paper before speaking,
“i feel really awful about the way i acted at the party. i was drunk, not that it excuses what i did and said. but i hope you can understand that i didn’t have ill intent” jarim tried to defend herself, pleading for you to listen. you allowed her to continue, still holding the folded piece of paper in your hand.
“i’m sorry about making things awkward now with jeno, i want to make it up to you both” she paused, waiting for you to respond.
“i appreciate you coming to apologise and everything but jeno and i aren’t, and will never be a thing. i think it’s pretty clear how he feels about me” you try handing back the paper to her but she stops you.
“no you’re wrong, jeno likes you. he really does. he just has a crappy way of showing it. that piece of paper is an itinerary for your first date with him” jarim gave you a small smile.
“i’m confused? you’re suddenly playing match maker now?” you scoffed, fed up with the schemes,
“well yes! i think you two should give it a shot. just read through what i planned out. jeno will be at the cafe on friday night. it’s up to you if you want to go on the date or not, no pressure. i really am sorry again, i hope you can forgive me” jarim gave you a soft nod before leaving your house. you let out a short sigh, unfolding the piece of paper. you weren’t sure if you were ready to speak to jeno again, nonetheless go on a date with him. you couldn’t help but think about what could have happened between you two. would it be so bad?
on friday night, you were finishing up your shift at the cafe. mark and mina kept you company. mark was ranting about the next basketball game and mina was stressed about the upcoming cheer competition. you were wiping down your last table when the bell on top of the door rang, signalling someone had just entered. you swiftly turn to meet whoever came in, your face falling at the sight of jeno, still in his basketball jacket, staring right back at you. you walked right past him, removing your apron. mark awkwardly shifted looks between the both of you.
“y/n, can we talk?” jeno finally breaks the silence, walking closer to the counter you were standing behind. mark and mina slowly crept out of the cafe, mark mouthing a quick apology to you before scurrying off. you sighed, still unsure if you wanted to be on speaking terms with jeno.
“what is there is talk about?” you questioned, avoiding his gaze at all costs.
“the date that jarim organised, i would really like to go on it” jeno stumbled over his words, holding the folded piece of paper, identical to the one you received earlier that week.
“look, i just don’t think it’s a good idea, jeno. i mean, us going on a date? isn’t it ridiculous?” you tried to brush off any indication you were interested in him.
“it’s not ridiculous to me, y/n. just give me a chance, please?” he tried so hard to get you to look at him. you finally caved in and saw how fragile he looked.
“i can bail whenever i feel like it?” you fold your arms, hoping you wouldn’t regret your decision.
“yes, of course” jeno nodded, as you made your way to stand next to him.
“then let’s get going” you pulled your jacket and walked out of the cafe with jeno.
“okay so first thing she wrote was for us to list three things we like about eachother” jeno read off the piece of paper as you both walked aimlessly on the sidewalk.
“suddenly i can’t come up with anything” you jokingly shrug as jeno shoots you a playful glare. he started to loosen up, instantly feeling more comfortable with you.
“if you wanna be like that, i’ll go first then. i like how patient you are with me. you don’t treat me like some moron during tutoring” jeno awkwardly smiled at you, watching as your face softened. you knew how hard he was trying to get his grades up.
“thankyou jeno, that’s really sweet. i’m really proud of how far you’ve come” you compliment, watching as his cheeks start heating up. jeno moved closer to you, your arms brushing against eachother.
“i like the way you call my name, i know it sounds strange but it’s nice listening to your voice” you chuckle softly, completely embarrassed by your response. jeno couldn’t help but gush, he didn’t realise that you felt the same towards him.
“i actually think that’s cute. i’ll just keep talking to you then? even if you tell me to shut up” he smirks, nudging you gently.
“yeah yeah, it’s your turn” you tried to rush through this segment, butterflies forming in your stomach.
“i like that you’re pretty” he stopped you both in your tracks, fingers dangling near yours. you looked up at him, his eyes gazing into yours.
“i-i think you’re pretty too” you blurred, causing jeno to chuckle. you shook your head,
“ah no i mean that, i think you’re good looking? handsome? beautiful?” you couldn’t stop rambling, which only entertained him more.
“i got it” he mumbled, inching closer to you. you felt your breath hitch, never being this close to him before. you were crumbling under his gaze, suddenly pulling away from him. jeno let out a soft sigh, inserting himself next to you as you both started walking again.
you made it to the dock, choosing to sit on a nearby bench, admiring the moonlight shining on the water.
“i like you, jeno. that’s the last thing” you muttered, avoiding eye contact with the boy. jeno couldn’t contain how happy he was, wanting to pull you into him as soon as you finished speaking. but he saw how your expression dropped, a look of concern washed over you.
“i like you too, y/n. but w-what’s wrong?” jeno placed his arm around your shoulder, giving you a gentle pat.
“i-i’m scared, okay? i’ve never really been in a relationship before or even confessed to a guy. and to top it off, you and mark aren’t completely on good terms yet. so it just feels like everything is working against us being together” you ranted, jeno listening along to every word you said. he paused before responding, seeing how you were so worried about this, made his heart ache.
“hey, it’s okay. i don’t want to rush you into dating me or anything. i will work on my relationship with mark, if it makes you more comfortable. i swear, i would do anything to be with you, y/n. i can promise you that” jeno’s words brought much needed assurance to you. you finally looked over at him, his eyes dazzling under the moonlight.
“what will everyone think? i mean, i’m practically a no one. and you’re lee jeno. you aren’t scared of committing social suicide?” you dramatically point out. jeno throws his head back in laughter.
“i don’t care what anyone thinks. i just care what you think.” jeno slowly takes your hands in his, intertwining your fingers. you felt your heart race. how was he do good at this?
“how can i be sure that this isn’t another ploy to get to mark? how do i know this is real, jeno?” you mumble, still afraid of getting hurt again.
“if i could take back what i did, i would. without a doubt. y/n, i just want to be someone who’s good enough to be seen with you” jeno confesses, his words bringing a small smile to your face.
“well you should have thought about that before you humiliated me at the party! i really wanted to give you a piece of my mind, you know? there’s nothing you can do now that will make me forgive yo-“
you were cut off mid rant, feeling a pair of lips meet yours. you felt his hand gently caress your cheek, you didn’t know what came over you. you pressed your lips closer to his, if that was even possible. jeno softly mumbled against your lips,
“i’m sorry, i’ve just wanted to do that for so long” you ignored him for a bit, pulling him into you again. kissing jeno was something your past self would have beat you up for. but it just felt so damn good.
jeno broke away from your lips, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. you were intensely blushing at this point. hands now placed on the sides of jeno’s face. he looked at you with so much admiration, you couldn’t help but swoon over him.
“hate to say, but i was wrong about you” you whispered, a wide smile making its way to his lips.
“i’m all yours, y/n. i want to be there for you, through everything. i want to be the one you go to for comfort. i want you to come to my games and cheer me on. i want you to keep tutoring me until we graduate. i just want to be with you” jeno couldn’t stop rambling, the overwhelming feelings he had towards you were taking over him.
“i want to be with you too, jeno. it feels so good to finally say it” you surprise him by pecking his lips quickly. jeno’s eyes widened, he couldn’t hold back his need to embrace you. jeno pulled you up from the bench, wrapping his arms around you.
“thankyou, for everything” he mumbled against your forehead, placing a small kiss on it, as you both embraced eachother.
and that’s how you ended up dating your best friend’s half brother...it was definitely a story you enjoyed telling. dating lee jeno was filled with random rants in the early hours of the morning, breakfast delivered at your door step before he walked you to school. he visited the cafe to keep you company on your shifts, in return you would attend his basketball games, painting his jersey number in your cheek. he always searched for you in the crowd, giving you a wink before shooting the winning basket. it was ritual for you to jump in his arms after every game, whispering endless congratulations to him while kissing his cheeks. being with jeno was surprisingly drama free. he was completely loyal to you, and always showed you off every chance he could. he had also gotten closer to mark, partially due to your help. so you all ended up hanging out often, riding the roller coaster of life together.
who would have thought that the arrogant boy who despised your best friend, would become the most important person in your life?
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mihidecet · 4 years
Sbi&co: D&D AU: Rivals and Friendships
New chapter POG! This has been a long time coming, friends! I do hope you enjoy <3 Lemme know what you think, and as always thank you so so much for reading!! <3
If Dream had to be honest, he’d say that this team seems to be quite fun. 
They appear to be very close friends, from the way they rely on each other and joke around despite the huge Cloaker trying to wrap around the bard hurling insults at him. He does also remember the kid, the one he’d seen at the training grounds, and he’s happy to say that he was wrong to doubt his place in the tournament - he can surely handle himself quite well, and on top of that he clearly has a well established supporting structure built around him. 
While the tiefling makes sure to make light of the situation, no matter how much he gets thrown around, Dream still remembers how he’d stepped between the younger teammate and danger before; the half orc greatly respects that, heaven knows how many times he's stepped between something aimed at Sapnap and vice versa.
On top of being a well oiled machine, this team also knows what they’re doing, both in terms of fighting and in terms of performing; he can’t deny how he’s been at the edge of his seat ever since they first entered the stadium, despite how his body is still a bit sore from fighting a Barlgura earlier that day - who knew ape-looking demons could hit that hard? 
Sapnap's voice has been turning rougher and rougher too: he had been yelling insults at their opponent all fight, and now he hasn't stopped loudly whooping once ever since he'd seen the kid swoop into the stadium looking like a bolt of fire - the two of them would probably get along, if given the chance; that or they'd murder eachother after just a handful of seconds.
The only thing that's missing from this party is their fourth member who, if memory serves him well, is a rogue - the tall hooded figure he'd seen hanging around with the (maybe?) two tieflings. 
He has been seeing the Cloaker they're fighting flinch back from ranged attacks that seemingly come out of nowhere, but as of now they haven't shown themselves yet. Either that or their fourth party member is constantly invisible, which George has assured them would be a pointless waste of arcane energy - Dream and Sapnap agree that it would still be very cool, but they have a mutual agreement regarding trying to stay on the wizard's good side, since they convinced him on sticking around after their round to watch everyone else instead of going to rest. 
He is in fact in the process of turning towards George - he'd seen the tiefling kid surround himself in flames ever since the start of the fight and he wanted to ask if that was a common tiefling trait - when a light blue reflection catches his eye. A figure leaps from a stone pillar and disappears mid flight, as if vanishing in thin air, and reappears over the Cloaker's body, since the beast had managed to free itself from the arcane shackles that held it firmly to the ground.
In line with the dark, hooded figure that he’d seen that day at the training grounds, the stranger lands in a crouch, surprisingly stable, cape flowing behind them in a way that almost feels too elegant for the yelling-filled dirt stadium. 
One raised hand holds what seems to be a weirdly shaped dagger - it’s a bit too far away to see correctly - before it plunges into the beast’s back, tearing a furious cry from it as it shudders in pain. Its movement jostles the figure around, but they don’t seem to care that much, holding steadily their ground - it awakens old memories of afternoons spent training and refining balance with Master Calvin, because what good is a fighter if they can get knocked on their asses at the first kick in the shin, but he figures the stranger might have served on a ship. After all, that is where Master Calvin picked that important lesson from.
The Cloaker, evidently not glad to have a knife stuck to its back, decides to take matters into its own … wings? and wraps them around its body before quickly and sharply twisting on itself, probably intent on flinging the hooded figure away. 
And in its defence, the figure does get thrown off, but as their body flies up towards the sky, it follows a weird trajectory - a hand suddenly grabs his bicep as Sapnap lets out a breathless “holy shit”. That’s when he notices the thick chain the stranger is holding onto, and the weird curvature of the “dagger” they used suddenly makes a lot of sense. 
He can’t help but laugh as the figure folds on themselves in order to sail towards the ground, the chain wrapping itself around the Cloaker - whose wings are still wrapped around itself, leaving Dream to wonder how much preparation went into that, or if the four of them have travelled the Underdark and fought one before. 
Back on the ground, the kid is hopping from one foot to the other, staring upwards as his teammate descends; he then starts running and leaps, definitely more than should be possible, and grabs the figure’s leg as the chain is starting to curl back upwards, guided by its own momentum, furtherly pushing it forward. 
The two struggle for a moment as the kid climbs his teammate’s body, reaching the chain himself moments before the other lets go; then, with a sudden burst of flames, the tiefling pops out of existence, only to reappear a split second later once again over the Cloaker’s back. 
But Dream misses what happens on that side of the battlefield, because his eyes follow the movement of the cloaked figure as they fall - he expects somebody to catch them, to throw a spell to prevent them from crashing to the ground, but it never happens: the stranger lands on their feet and immediately propels themselves forward, rolling on the ground and quickly standing back up, as if they hadn’t just fallen from way too high up, and unsheathing a stunning looking shortsword. 
Before he can stop himself, Dream hits Sapnap’s side with his elbow, eyes wide open because he is so sure. He know that, he’s seen that move so many times it’s been seared into his brain - his ankles still ache with the phantom pain of trying to achieve that specific landing technique. 
Master Calvin’s pride and joy-
“That’s him- Sap!” He whispers in a hush, urgently patting his best friend’s side, trying to catch his attention; the beast’s angry screams are loud now, the chains around its body red and flaming, constricting its movements as it slowly descends to the ground again, thrashing against its restraints, but Dream can’t find it in himself to care about it that much at that moment, eyes trained on the cloaked figure that he’s heard about for years and years of training. 
Still, Sapnap doesn’t look, all of his attention focused on the actual fighting happening, giving a questioning grunt before yelling out in glee as the Cloaker crashes to the ground, its tail lashing out wildly and almost crashing against the bard’s body. So Dream insists, quickly pinching his side, instantly finding himself face to face with a very unamused monk. 
“What the fuck?!” Sapnap asks indignantly, only for his brows to furrow in confusion at his friend’s elated expression, Dream leaning forward to whisper urgently:
“That’s Techno.”
He waits for him at the exit. 
He doesn’t really know why he does, since they will be both tired and beaten up - he’ll still surely be high on adrenaline after his team’s quite honestly glorious win - but he doesn’t really want to wait, he can’t really find it in himself to do so. 
And also, he does it simply because he can. All participants have access to the same parts of the stadium, so there is nobody trying to stop him and Sapnap as they move towards the exit. Well, of course there are guards that check their identities, and guards that watch over all corridors. But still. Nobody stops them or questions them while they wait. 
Loud chatter and laughter announces their incoming arrival - a bright, almost wheezing laugh is almost completely covered by a strong and high voice quickly recounting “that absolutely badass move I pulled, they’ll be talking about it for years, you’ve got to write a song about that!” - and when they turn the corner and appear at the end of the corridor Dream can’t help but feel himself stiffen. 
Either from the sight of his hooded … rival? from across the corridor - he looks definitely much taller now that he’s not so far away - or from how the druid’s eyes zero on him instantly, pinning him down with a neutral stare and a cryptic smile. 
“And the jump! Why don’t you use that spell more often, I love it so very much... Ph- I mean Flinar?” The kid stumbles on his words as he notices the elf has stopped laughing, following his eyesight with a confused expression that turns even more perplexed when he sees him and Sapnap standing there, evidently waiting for them. 
“Oy! You two got a problem?” The kid asks, loudly, shooting looks towards the guards - counting them, making eyesight as if to check if they’re on a specific side, the kid has evidently been through some stuff - so Dream raises his hands placatingly, displaying the lack of weapons in his hands. 
“No problem at all! Just wanted to congratulate you on the fight, it was spectacular!”
Behind the kid, he sees Techno’s shoulders sag with a silent sigh before he steps forward. 
Oh, so he does know him.
It’s actually quite sweet how the whole group moves as a single unit, following behind Techno despite the fact that he probably intended to be the only one getting closer to the two of them.
Dream forces himself to display a relaxed attitude as he moves to meet him halfway - which he is, relaxed, he is calm, he has nothing to worry about, there’s nothing as normal and boring as meeting one of the best fighters there is in this whole region. 
Up this close, Techno is definitely taller than him, which is something that doesn’t really happen much, with Dream being a half orc; once again, that has no effect whatsoever on his mood, nor the confidence he has regarding this meeting. The positive thing is, being shorter than him allows him to have a clear view of his face under the hood - if he hadn't been sure before, the bright blue eyes, pink toned skin and tusks would have surely confirmed his suspicions. 
“I’m Dream, this is Sapnap. I assume I shouldn't be naming any names, right?” He quips, a smirk on his face that gets slightly bigger when the shifter in front of him huffs out a silent laugh, apparently amused, and extends a hand towards him. 
“Jerry.” He grumbles out, prompting Dream to use all of his existing willpower to avoid laughing over the clearly fake name as he grips his hand in a handshake; Sapnap has much less restraint, bursting into a wheezing laughter and doubling over - he swears he hears the bard snort a laugh too, but when he looks at him his face is blank. 
“So, who is this?” The kid asks, looking puzzledly between the two of them. 
“One of Calvin’s students.” Techno answers quickly, prompting an understanding “oh” from the young tiefling, before pinning Sapnap down with a calculating look.
“And I guess you trained with Fruit.” The monk nods with a grin, turning his face towards the youngest of the group. 
“I loved your fire tricks, I deal with fire too.” 
“Well, mines are definitely better.” The kid replies instantly, so sure of his words that Dream is immediately wheezing, leaning onto Sapnap for support as the monk gapes, shocked.
“Oh my- Oh Sap you just got destroyed by a child!” The half orc wheezes out, which is an even worse choice because the kid explodes into literal fire, flames licking at his body as anger fills his eyes.
“I am NOT a fucking child!” He yells out, furious, but what frightening factor he could have had is very much dampened by how the rest of his team is laughing about it - the bard, which at this point Dream is half convinced must be the Wilbur Soot, is vehemently agreeing, laughing as he insists that yes, that is a child, a youngster, and the two quickly lose themselves into a heated debate. 
After a moment, the druid steps in - that’s gotta be the Wandering King; they’re in the presence of legends, watching them squabble with a tiefling kid, shaking hands and playfully trading quips - placing a placating hand on each of the two tieflings’ shoulders and prompting their fighting to quiet down. 
“We should be going, it’s late and we need to rest. It was a pleasure to meet you two.” 
“Likewise. We’ll see eachother on the battlefield, then, I assume?” Dream asks, shooting Techno a glance; the man simply raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“If we must.” 
With one last chuckle, Dream turns on his heel, him and Sapnap moving back towards the viewing stands where they had previously left Eret and George. 
“We’re gonna kick your asses!” Yells the kid a moment later; when Dream turns back he’s got a daring expression on his face, but he looks excited - it reminds him of himself, and he can’t help but laugh. 
“Not if we destroy you first!”
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chilly-me-softly · 4 years
You have a son (around 3) from a previous relationship and you start dating Ben, who has a daughter from a previous relationship (same age) and when you both feel your children are ready to meet eachother, you arrange something. First time the children will meet eachother but also first time they’ll meet the new love in their parents life. Ben's daughter having some of the shy DNA from his daddy and your son being a total energetic and social person. (1/2)
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The mother of Daisy, Ben's daughter, was a constant presence in the little girl's life. She and Ben had been what people might call a mistake, but the two had taken their responsibilities determined not to make the child feel like a mistake and had become friends for her sake.
As for you, Samuel's father was there, but you preferred a thousand times that he left that day when you told him you were expecting his son. It would have been easier for you, you would have raised the child alone and you wouldn't have had to suppress the desire to kill him or the nervousness when Samu was with him. You don't know whether you're selfish or not, whether it would have been better or worse for your son not to have a father by his side, but it's not really the environment you would have wanted to raise your child in.
And that's how you and Ben meet, he manages to avoid you causing a scandal in a coffee shop while you're in line in front of him to order and your ex calls you to tell you he and Samu are up in the mountains. He was craving fresh air and brought him there, not taking medicine in case the baby had had any allergic episodes and risked giving you a heart attack on the spot.
Having a baby had only contributed to making him more unreliable than before, or maybe he had always been, but you chose not to see it.
However, Ben had somehow managed to calm you down to the point that when it was your turn to order, you were sitting together and chatting. And your knowledge had gone on for a while, especially about the kids. You were surprised and fascinated when he told you that he could understand you because he also had a daughter.
Each of your meetings at first focused on the babies, their parents and the relationship they had with them. It was clear that the children were the most important thing for you, always in first place despite the thousand commitments. And gradually your conversations had slipped into other topics, your jobs, your lives, your interests. There was a lot more to Mom (Y/N) and Dad Ben and you wanted to know what. 
Your meetings had gone on for a while, they say you have to wait six months before you introduce a person to your kid as if after that time life can't take unforeseen paths.
Anyway after meetings at the café, surprises in front of the house late at night while your son was sleeping just because he wanted to see you, real dates when you were both free, it was time. The time seems right for you to make the presentations, to allow Ben to become part of your life completely and for you to do the same in his and especially to introduce the babies.
You'd stopped to talk about it before, of course you had. Trying to find the best time to introduce them because you obviously wanted them to get along. You were quite sure that you wanted to do this despite the anxiety on your stomach, and needless to say, it was essential that the most important people in your lives get along. Otherwise it would have been difficult to live together in the future, constantly worrying about them.
You had decided to meet at Ben's house, he had told you that his daughter had unfortunately received from him his shy side but that unlike him she had not yet learned how to handle it so it would have been better for her to have a friendly environment. And you had been more than condescending about this, knowing that your little tornado would have made friends with the stones too.
Boys are usually much more energetic than girls, even when they're young, and nothing had served your recommendations of the previous days. As soon as Ben had closed the door of the house, little Samuel had started to look around and the sight of the girl had approached her without anyone telling him anything.
"Hi I'm Samu, what's your name?" a nice gesture, only he approached her a little too fast and the little girl got scared, opening her eyes wide and running between Ben's legs.
He laughed and caressed the baby's hair while you crouched down and put your hands on the baby's arms, "Samu, hey what have we talked about these days?"
"Easy, I'm not at home" repeats the child like a chant, making you smile and rub your hands up and down on his arms.
"Good, now go over there and introduce yourself properly"
The baby takes a few steps closer to where Ben is still with Daisy, stopping in front of the baby even though what he sees are Ben's legs.
"I'm sorry I scared you before, but I'm still Samu" you laugh as you look at Ben and shake your head.
"Das, what did we say to each other?" the boy gently asks smiling at the baby in front of him looking at him with eyes so similar to yours.
The baby girl then seems to take a deep breath as she protrudes half her face from Ben's legs. "Hi" a little whisper comes out of her mouth but makes everyone smile. Samuel in particular, who hurries to reach Ben's legs and protrudes like the little girl. Who oddly enough finds it all very funny and giggles.
Dinner passes very quietly, you and Ben actually do nothing but watch the children interact with each other. Samuel does his best to make the little girl laugh by his side, at some point he even gives her some chips when he sees that she has already finished them and she seems to appreciate the gesture because the more time passes the more she opens up to him.
As for you, well let's say she keeps answering monosyllables or shyly, blushing and lowering her gaze or looking at her father to ask for help but you're sure there will be an opportunity to build something special with her.
Ben has the easiest task instead, Samuel practically talks alone, about football or kindergarten or whatever comes into his head. Ben just has to stand there and nod every now and then make a few surprised faces and he's got the baby stung after a few minutes.
After dinner you offer to wash the dishes and tidy up even though Ben says there's no need. From the kitchen you can keep an eye on the kids - Samu is trying to get Daisy to tell him if her dolls have a name or ask her to play football and frankly everyone would have that lost expression on their face dealing with your child - so you and Ben tidy up calmly, a few kisses in the meantime and a few jokes about the evening.
"Oh my god how do you turn him off" you whispered lowering your head and seeing your child keep talking and talking, maybe making up stories while the girl is standing there suffering all in silence but intervening with some laughter here and there.
Ben giggles, hugging you from behind, "It's okay, she's having fun not having to talk"
"I can assure you that Das is like that when she gets comfortable"
"Samu is like that all the time" you say, making him laugh, but it's true since he started talking, it's hard to make him stop. He has a vivid imagination and a loose tongue.
And then you join them, you sit on the couch and when Daisy notices your presence she climbs on her father's legs snuggling to his chest. Ben starts stroking her hair gently, leaving her a few kisses here and there, while the baby's eyes wander over you.
"Can you do braids? Daddy can't do braids" she murmurs after a while, making you laugh.
"You have a daughter and you can't make braids?" you tease him before you nod at the girl. "Do you want me to do one now?" she seems to think a little bit before nodding, letting Ben move her on your legs.
You gently run your fingers through her hair before you start braiding it, "Do you have a rubber band?"
"What do I need rubber bands for?" Ben asks shaking his head.
"To make her pigtails. Have you ever made her pigtails Ben?" you tease him and he rolls his eyes at you before you ask Samu to take your bag. "Just a second honey, we're almost done" you say to the little girl as your boy comes back with your bag.
"That's it"
"Thank you" the little one smiles at you before she turns to her father.
"Oh, look at you! My beautiful princess" he fills her with kisses and as she giggles, your baby finally announces that he's sleepy.
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Saturday Spectacular #19
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Happy Saturday!!! So this is me thanking awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and all the time they put into their fics. ♥️ I want to recommend spectacular fanfic stories I read this week! ♥️ All posts will be tagged #saturday spectacular fic rec
Hello friends, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. It’s been a crazy few months. This semester I started college and am getting an associate's degree in one year that means I’m taking 23 credits this fall term. It’s been a bit crazy but I’ve still been read fic so this what I’ve read since September 21. It’s not going to be in order.
light upon darkened dreams by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: After the events of 8x04, Oliver remains awake long into the night, getting lost in his thoughts about his children and Felicity. It's a good thing he isn't asleep, because he catches Mia suffering from a horrific nightmare. How can a father comfort his daughter from the future from a bad dream when they're still practical strangers to each other?
Artemis by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When the Queen’s Gambit sank, two people were stranded on Lian Yu. Five years later, four came back.
Daughter of the Demon by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: What if in 1988 while traveling through Las Vegas Ra’s al Ghul bumps into a nice waitress named Donna Smoak and they have one-night stand together? A little bundle of joy named Felicity Smoak is the result. In 2014, the Demon Head becomes aware of his youngest daughter’s existence.
The Ravager by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Slade Wilson’s plan for revenge against Oliver took time, money and no shortage of lives to pull together. His plan didn’t anticipate Felicity Smoak. How will his plan change now that his lost-lost daughter is working with the very man he’s trying to destroy?
Felicity of Themiscyra by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Years ago, Donna Smoak left the island of Themiscyra and her sister Queen Hippolyta behind to live in man’s world. She never told Felicity the truth about where she came from. As a result of the Undertaking, Felicity discovers some of her Amazonian abilities and makes an interesting new friend: Diana Prince.
The Daughter That Was Left by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Before the Gambit, Oliver Queen met QC intern Felicity Smoak. When he boarded the Gambit, he left something behind. Now, five long years later someone is waiting for him.
I Scream But No Sound Comes out by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When Oliver returns from Lian Yu after five years, he comes back different. What happened there damaged more than just his body. How will his friends and family deal with this new Oliver?
The Point of No Return by @oneofthosecrazygirls-fics | Arrow | Completed
Summary Oliver and Felicity prepare for their first date. This fic is part of the What Should’ve Been ‘verse, but can be read as a stand-alone fic.
Can’t Help Falling in Love by @smoaking-greenarrow | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Collection of fluff fics based on Tumblr prompts! Some are angsty, but most of this is fluffy. Enjoy!
Let the Light Shine Through by @griever11 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Your heart starts healing and it’s a slow process. After all, it’s been in shambles; sharp, cruel pieces of rubble lying on the bottom of your rib cage for so long. Wounds heal, as they say. They’ll scar, and they hurt, but they heal.
Baby Daddy by more0rLessJess | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Bartender Oliver Queen was living his twenties to the fullest, he lived with his best friend John Diggle, and his brother in everything but blood, Tommy Merlyn just moved into their apartment as he started his professional baseball career for the Starling City Rockets. On top of that, his childhood best friend Felicity Smoak, who was no longer goth and instead blonde and beautiful, was back in town and they were hanging out again. Oliver thought his days were going to be filled with partying, one night stands, and boys weekends while also spending quality time with the girl everyone kept telling him he was in love with. Until his ex girlfriend dropped a baby on his doorstep who turned out to be his son. After a lot of thought and Felicity Smoak peptalks, Oliver decides to keep and raise his son with the help of his friends. Or the Freeform sitcom Baby Daddy AU that no one asked for but I needed to write. Aka Oliver and Felicity are childhood friends and are hopelessly in love with eachother and everyone knows but them, oh and now they're raising a baby. What could go wrong?
call me my love, day or night by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: As Mia and William are enjoying their Monte Cristos, Oliver receives a phone call from somebody who is not Curtis. Somebody who is far, far more important.
and you'll blow us all away by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Oliver desperately tries to connect with his daughter but it seems all he needed was a photograph and the memory of a woman both of them love more than anything. [Post-8x04 Oliver & Mia moment]
Fight To Live by CSM | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Post 803. Oliver's conversation with adult William and Mia does not go as planned and there is only one person that can help him. Takes places directly after the episode.
New York's Finest (Supernatural) Detectives by BillCipherpines | Brooklyn Nine-Nine & Shadowhunters | Completed
Summary: Jake Peralta is 100%, without a doubt, definitely sure that his friend Simon Lewis is a vampire. But when he sets out to prove it to his friends they get sucked into the world of Shadowhunters and realize that petty drug dealers are the least of New York's problems. But not to worry, New York's finest Shadowhunters are on the case
The Unlikeliest Places by @griever11 | Arrow | Completed
Summary: 'It all starts on an unassuming Friday evening. Or rather, if she’s being honest with herself, everything else in her life ends on that Friday.' 
An AU meeting fic where Felicity Smoak accidentally-on-purpose stumbles upon some shady activity as an IT tech for Queen Consolidated and realises that she really isn't being paid enough for any of this.
In Another Life (I could be your man) by angelicmisskitty | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Their lives couldn't be more different - and yet Oliver can't take his eyes off the beautiful blonde woman that leaves the subway every morning at 7.43am. There is something about her that makes him look up every morning - something that also makes him aware he'll never be good enough for her, or that she'd even notice him.
He had no idea how much his life would change the day he rushed over to help her...
Olicity AU - no Lian Yu, no saving the city (at least not in the way we know from Arrow :D )
Here At Last by thecomebackkids99 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: A 8x04 spec fic of what happens right after Mia, William, and Connor are transported to the bunker.
Against All Odds by CSM | Arrow | Completed
Summary: Post 3x14. Time Travel. Going back in time. Changing the future is not an exact science but he knows if anyone can do it, it’s her. If there is one thing Eleanor Queen can do, is be a hero. After all she has heroes’ blood pumping through her veins.
Lucas' Adventures by CSM | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Post 2x07. One late night in the foundry Oliver finds an abandoned baby, who he later finds out is his biological son, the only thing is the baby seems to think Felicity is his mother, which is impossible. Or is it? aka, Mia Smoak gets tired of her baby brother and sends him to 2013 where their unsuspecting parents find him. Companion piece to Impeccable Genetics.My contribution for the Olicity Summer Sizzle
“Time for a story” Drabble Series by @smkkbert | Arrow | WIP
Summary: This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. It started as a drabble series, but developed more and more into a full domectic AU. Although some chapters are still drabble-like, there are longer storylines by now.
With You by @griever11 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Post 8x03 Leap of Faith. Oliver, William and Mia have a lot of feelings and in classic Queen fashion, have somewhat of a hard time expressing them. Oliver learns about the future and his kids try to make sense of the past.
in the here and now by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Set immediately post-8x03. “Dad?” Oliver stares in utter disbelief at the trio who have appeared on the bunker platform along with him in a blinding flash of light. For a good couple of seconds, his brain just… stops functioning. He’s so astonished that he can’t think, he can’t breathe, he can’t feel anything but shock.
The Blame Game by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: After they recover from their sudden appearance in the past, what's left of FTA still need to deal with what happened before they left. Mia and Connor both seek a moment of peace and Mia's brother and father are the guiding hand she needs as she feels like she's drowning.
There Are Two Sides to Every Story by @oneofthosecrazygirls-fics | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Susan Williams and Bethany Snow are two of Starling City’s most prominent journalists...but their styles are very different.This is a series of articles written by these two journalists from the time of the sinking of the Queen’s Gambit to the present day.**set in the What Should’ve Been ‘verse**
Campfire Stories by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Samantha has finally agreed to allow William to spend a month of his summer vacation with Oliver, Tommy, and Felicity. William asks to spend his first weekend with Oliver camping - alone. Oliver is more than a little nervous to spend time alone with his son when he still feels like a stranger.
The First Time by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Every love story has a beginning, theirs started with a death.
Home Is Where You Are by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Felicity is away on business and missing home. Tommy surprises her with an unexpected visit.
The Italian Restaurant by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Felicity, Oliver and Tommy go on their first date which leads to other firsts.
Cobble Hill by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Tommy surprises Oliver and Felicity with a proposal that will mark a milestone in their relationship.
Up All Night by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: After a close call in the field, Oliver and Felicity reconnect.
Will You Still Love Me, Tomorrow? by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Donna arrives for an unexpected visit and Felicity must decide if she is going to reveal the truth about her relationship with Oliver and Tommy.
Wherever You Are, There I Am by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: The history of Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn's relationship.
Burgers & Lies by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Tommy confronts Felicity about a secret she has been keeping.
Welcome Home by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Felicity has been away for two weeks and missing her guys. Oliver and Tommy are very happy when she returns from her trip early.
Twenty Questions Over Brunch by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Thea has a few questions for Felicity about her relationship with Oliver and Tommy.
Look Me In The Eye And Make Me Feel The Truth by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: A night out in the public eye might be more than their relationship can take.
Three by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Felicity hasn't been acting herself all week. Tommy and Oliver finally confront her and they aren't prepared for what she tells them.
Practical Jokes and Other Misunderstandings by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Oliver and Tommy tell Thea about their relationship.
House Warming by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Oliver, Felicity and Tommy celebrate their first night together in their new home.
Perfect by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Felicity receives a call in the middle of the night from a distraught Tommy.
Nine to Five by @griever11​ | Arrow | Completed
Summary: The new receptionist at Oliver's office is weird, quirky and really cute but totally not his type. At all. Or so he tells himself. An Arrow/The Office AU.
keep this love in a photograph by @alexiablackbriar13​ | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: An alternate 8x01 scene.Moira suspects that there is more to her son than meets the eye when Oliver returns home from the island after twelve years.When she catches him with the photo he's carrying around of him with Felicity Smoak and a baby, a confrontation and an emotional conversation ensue.
Mothers know best by @smkkbert​ | Arrow | Completed
Summary: Since they have been kids, they have been best friends. Since they have been friends, their mothers wanted them to be together.After coming back from the east coast, Felicity takes over a position at Queen Consolidated, the company her best friend will soon take over from his father. Their mothers still push for them to be together, and they seem closer to that goal than ever because wedding bells are ringing. The only problem is that they both plan to get married to someone else.
The Legacy of a Queen by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | WIP 
Summary: Series of one-shots from a future AU where Oliver and Felicity are able to raise their children after they defeat the Ninth Circle and Oliver hangs up the hood
A Brother in Arms by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | WIP 
Summary: “I just… she really found me and sent you here?” He asks quietly and John’s face morphs from concern into a sad smile as he nods.“Oliver, you know she’d be here herself if it weren’t for Mia.”“I… it’s been a week. She said she’d find me but I didn’t expect…” Missing moment from 8x01 where John and Oliver discuss Felicity finding Oliver and sending John to Earth-2 to help his brother.
Providence by @so-caffeinated | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Will Queen has struggled in silence in the year since he was shot. But when a shadowy crime lord known as Domino targets the only woman Will’s ever truly loved, fate forces him to confront his demons in ways he never could have imagined… Whether he wants to or not. Amelia Prescott has fought to take control of her life since learning two years ago that her personal and professional worlds were manipulated by others. But nothing can prepare her for just how hard she’ll have to fight to set her own course, especially when her heart belongs to a damaged man and a crime lord threatens her every professional move… And her life. Destiny brings them together, but as chaos reigns and personal demons haunt Will and Amelia both, it may also threaten to tear them apart.
What Are You Doing Here, Miss Queen? by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | WIP 
Summary Sara Lance prides herself on knowing people, she gets them in a way a lot of others struggle with. So when a mysterious blonde shows up to help with the fight of their lives, Sara is surprised when there's something about her that she just can't put her finger on. That is until she figures out that this supposed 'Green Arrow from another earth' is actually Oliver's time-displaced daughter. [Sara sees straight through Mia's Crisis disguise, confronts her about what she's doing in the past, and forces father and daughter into a conversation that is clear they needed to have]
the true meaning of sacrifice by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Around five years after Crisis, Felicity is surprised and angry when a group of three heroes show up at her door demanding help from her.
i will find you again by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: a short-introspective on oliver in s8 inspired by the scene in the trailer as he takes a moment to remember the reason he's fighting. his wife, his children... they give him the strength he needs to be the hero the universe requires
Paging Dr. Smoak by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When Oliver Queen gets into a car accident, he meets Dr. Felicity Smoak. He had no idea how much a chance meeting would change his life.
little wonders (twists and turns of fate) by @alexiablackbriar13​ | Arrow | Completed  Summary: Oliver and Felicity's drunken mistake of a hook-up in the bunker comes with unexpected consequences in the form of a... souvenir.Deciding to remain romantically uninvolved, the two of them will have to battle all the trials and tribulations of maintaining a platonic relationship while Felicity is pregnant and the two of them are living together, coping with all the emotional baggage that they both bring to the table - and dealing with the fact that they are still very much in love with each other, but scarred by the events that broke them apart in the first place.
time falls away (in these small hours) by @alexiablackbriar13​ | Arrow | Completed
Summary: Missing scene and side-story oneshots and drabbles set within my S5 post-bunker sex AU little wonders (twists and turns of fate). (Will contain spoilers) Summary for little wonders: Oliver and Felicity's drunken mistake of a hook-up in the bunker comes with unexpected consequences in the form of a... souvenir. 
Must be what I need by Nerdofmanytalents | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Thea gets to meet the reason for her brother's preoccupation of late. Its both exciting and terrifying.
Hawkins: The Upside by allonsysilvertongue | Stranger Things | WIP
Summary: A collection of one shots featuring Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper.Recent Update: "I think you're beautiful."
Welcome to Starling Prep Elementary by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | Completed
Summary: When William Clayton and Adalyn Smoak bond over being the two new kids in Starling Prep Elementary's first-grade class, their parents are not prepared for what comes of their children's friendship. Plus, it doesn't hurt that both Oliver and Felicity are single.
Our Version of Events by @machawicket​ & @geneeste​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Action star Ollie Queen is trying to clean up his image and land parts that require him to do more than appear shirtless while fighting stuntmen. Pop star Felicity Smoak wants to be seen as an adult in time for the release of her new, grittier album. And talent manager John Diggle’s got an idea about what coverage of Oliver and Felicity’s brand new (and totally fake) romance could do for them both.
Workouts and Babbles by @elasticmonk​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Oliver comes to the rescue of one cute blonde at his gym just as Felicity stumbles upon one handsome mayor at her gym. They both have something in common, but will it bring them happiness?
Bodyguard by originalhybridlover | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Felicity needs a new bodyguard and Diggle referred her to an old friend, Oliver Queen. Unknowingly she meets the man she would one day marry.
Let me know if you want to be tagged!
@hope-for-olicity @emdee8907 @malafle @laxit21 @icannotbelieveiamhere
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slvtbible · 6 years
I should’ve walked away
[ in which he pays attention to someone else and his friends are dicks]
Warnings: tears, curse words, pure angst?
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Harry has won his first ever Grammy award two nights ago and you couldn’t be more prouder,
You were there when it happened. He took you as his date where he proudly shows you off, making you giggle through the entire evening and blushes every time he introduces you as ‘his girl’. There’s no one in this world that you loved more than your man.
Now, his friends are throwing him an after party to celebrate his victory and that of course, they invite you to join as well. You are his girlfriend after all,
However that doesn’t mean all of his friends like you. Apart from CHASM of course. Even Jeff himself has taken a strong hatred towards you, and sometimes you wonder what you did wrong to make them hate you. And you asked Harry about it, multiple times. But he always tells you to shrug it off because he is sure that all of it isn’t true,
So, you don’t bother much about it anymore, nor you have ask and rant about it as well to him. You just learn to let it slide,
“Maybe I should just stay home tonight, H. I’m tired. You go and have some fun” you give him a small smile. That’s actually not true. You just want to stay away from people who hated your guts,
He looks at you as if you’re crazy, shaking his head. There is no way he’s letting you stay at home alone. “What? Sweetheart, don’t be ridiculous. Earlier you were so excited about going to this party and now you’re not? What’s going on Y/N?”
You merely shrug, looking down at your fingers. “Just tired” you repeat lamely,
Harry scoffs, doesn’t believe your poor excuse. “You’re lying. What is it darling? Hm? You can tell me.”
Sighing, you finally look up to him. And you feel like your heart is about to burst at how beautiful and handsome he looks right now. Dressed in white silky shirt and simple dark jeans. He has never fails to swoon you,
“I don’t think your friends wants me there, Harry.” You say, pulling your knees close to your chest tightly. “They only invited me because I’m your girlfriend. Not because they like me”
After that, he closes his eyes and lets out an annoyed sigh. Mumbling something about ‘not this shit again’ before opening his mouth and say,
“Darling, I’ve told you before that they do like you. Perhaps they’re just joking around, you know how my friends are.” He says, trying to get you to believe him,
Joking? Oh dear God, you almost laughed at his answer but of course you don’t. He just truly doesn’t get it,
“Calling me a gold digger and make fun of my family’s poor economy is called joking? Harry, there are million of times where they say my mom should have gotten a proper job so I wouldn’t have to live so... poorly and not to rely on you for money.” You state, the memories comes flashing back and you have to withdraw the tears,
“It really hurt my feelings. And you didn’t seem to care at all”
With his eyes staring at yours, he almost wanted to say that you’re being ridiculous and that he trusts his friends to know that they wouldn’t say such thing,
But he knows he can’t so instead he says, “alright. I’m sorry love. I talk to them tonight, okay? Just, will you please come with me?”
With a smile, you nod your head, “of course, Harry.”
Little do you know, he didn’t mean the words that came out of his mouth
You’ve put on your best dress yet from the closet, trying to impress the people at Harry’s party because who knows? Maybe by seeing you in a dress that seems expensive will make them like you,
Throughout the entire ride, you are nervous as hell. Knees are bouncing up and down rapidly, continuously fixing your hair everytime you feel something wrong, and you may or may not have apply the red lipstick every second,
You want to look perfect tonight,
“You’ll be fine darling, don’t be nervous” he chuckles, placing his hand on your knee as he rubs the soft skin, “you look gorgeous, baby.”
With a small kiss on your lips, you’re starting to calm down a little. Nodding your head slowly at him as you look out at the windows,
You are too deep in your thoughts that you don’t even realize the car has stopped. Harry has to call out your name,
“We’re here baby. Come on, let’s have some fun yeah?” He tells you, getting out of the car and grabs your hand from the other side. Intertwining your hand with his,
The more you walk, the more nervous you get. As the two of you enter the place, there are few familiar faces who are shouting his name and cheering as he walks in,
Harry returns a smile back and quickly let go of your hand making your heart drop. But you don’t think of it as a big deal and let him greet few of his friends as you stand there from behind watching the interaction begins,
“Oh! I brought Y/N here with me. Come say hi, babe” he smiles as he turns around, extending his hand for you to grab it and you smile before taking it,
“Hi guys! Nice to see you all” you greet them with a bright smile, but all you get is just a simple nod and some of them even looks away, pretending that you’re not here, causing your heart to hurt,
Strike one,
Harry doesn’t seem to be bother by it though, to busy talking with other people and leave you standing yet again around strangers who barely notice your presence. This is going to be a long night,
You are sitting down at the table with Harry besides you and his friends, they are all talking with eachother and shares a few laughs. Leaving you completely out of the conversation and you don’t want to interfere. So you just sit there quietly sipping your drink,
“So, Y/N” you look up to see his friend, Lucy smirking as she starts a conversation with you. Also known as one of his friends who hates you,
Really really hates you,
“How’s Uni going?” She asks, and you didn’t miss an evil glint flashing in her eyes,
But you smile politely at her, silently grateful that she’s talking to you. “Really good actually. Exams are coming up though, been really busy with that studying and projects all those things.”
She hums in response, smacking her lips together before changing the subject that has your eyes wide open,
“Who pays for your tuition again?”
You look bewildered, not exactly expecting that kind of question. “Uhm, i do. Well not entirely, i got the scholarship and it covers about 10,000 so” you laugh lightly,
She looks unsure and steals a glance at her friend who you can assume, Don who shrugs and stares at you in a disgust,
“Mhmm, and it’s not Harry?”
Again, you are shock. You turn around to look at Harry and wonder if he’s going to defend him but he doesn’t. He’s in conversation with someone else,
“Of course not! He has done so much for me and it wouldn’t be fair if i let him pay for it.”
“Fair? Yeah right, like you know anything about fair.” She rolls her eyes and takes a huge gulp of her drink,
You clench your fists and are about to say something to her but you completely stop when you hear a familiar name being called out,
“Kendall?” Harry says in disbelief, but in a good kind of disbelief. He has his smile and everything before completely abandon the table and walk away to greet her,
“Hi, Harry! Congratulations on the award” she says, hugging him tightly and gives him a flirty smile, “hi guys!”
The table smiles and welcomes her, causing you to shrink back in your seat and look down, nervously chewing on her lower lip.
Why the fuck does she has to be here?”
“Oh, Kendall! I didn’t think we would see you here” Lucy fake shock, glancing at you to give you a smirk, clearly wanting to drive you up to the wall.
And God oh God you want to tear her apart. But a smile is the only thing you show, there is no way you’re letting them know that you’re a crier,
“Who’s this?” Kendall spits, looking at you with judgemental eyes making you roll your eyes, “oh, is this your girlfriend Harry?”
He nods, tearing his eyes away from her to look at you only for a split second, like he doesn’t care and continues his conversation with her,
“How are you? God it’s been so long! You look gorgeous tonight” he compliments, twirling her around making her laugh, “gosh, i miss that laugh of yours” he says again to her as she ‘accidentally’ falls against his chest,
Your heart drops again. Strike two,
“We should go out again, sometimes H. I miss you too” Kendall pouts, and he has his finger casually rubs her lip and laughs more,
Harry decides to take her a little further from the table, wanting to talk to her alone which you really don’t get the memo. Not even once glance at you as he walks away, hand clasps around Kendall’s,
You try to ignore the heartbreak and bite your lip not wanting to cry,
“Aw, what’s the matter Y/N? Sad because your boyfriend is taken away from you?” Lucy says in a baby voice, giving you a mocking pout as the rest of the table laugh except for Sarah and Adam,
“Shut up, Lucy. That’s not funny” Sarah snaps, eyes glaring at her as she pulls you closer,
She huffs, “it was a joke, Sarah. Jeez” she laughs, shaking her head
“How’s your family, Y/N? Your mother especially” Don pipes in, winking at Lucy and makes her giggle,
“Don...” Sarah warns, gripping her arm tightly around you,
“She’s fine, thanks for asking” you spit, faking a smile as you gulp your drink,
“Still stuck with the same job? That’s a shame isn’t it?” He says again, now he’s starting to get under your skin,
“Well, how on earth will your mom pays for a living when her job isn’t remotely supporting that?” Don pushes, staring at you but you don’t stare him back only looking away,
“Don... shut the fuck up”
He ignores Sarah and only continues more, “I’m just saying! I mean, won’t you get scared that one day they’ll die of starvation because your mom and dad doesn’t get paid enough?”
“That’s enough!” Adam suddenly yells, slamming his hands on the table as he stands, all of them are looking terrified because Adam is usually one of the most nicest people around and rarely gets angry,
“If all of you don’t cut the shit right now, I’ll get a security to escort all of your asses. Show some fucking respect!”
Don doesn’t seem to be threatened by him, rolling his eyes and relaxes in his seat. “Yeah right, you don’t get to call the shots here buddy. We’re under the name of Styles and so he’s the one who gets to decide wether I should walk out or not.”
Adam has his nose flaring, and if he were a cartoon character you can definitely see the smoke coming out of his ears,
“I swear to God if you let another word coming out of you I’m gonna-“
“There’s no need for that Adam” you speak up lowly, all eyes are now on you. “I’ll go. Thanks for having me” you smile weakly and start to gather your things,
“What? No, Y/N stay. You’re Harry’s girlfriend, he wants you here” Sarah persuades, tugging on your dress,
You let out a sarcastic laugh, “i beg to differ. He seems pretty occupied at the moment” you sadly smile, pointing at Kendall and Harry who are sharing a drink and are standing way too close,
“Bye, guys. See you never i guess” you mumble the last part and walk away from the table and through the crowded place,
You hope that Harry won’t see you because you don’t want to talk to him. You’re too far of being disappointed, all you want is to go home. Your home,
But Harry sees you and the smile quickly drops as he excuses himself from Kendall to run after you, leaving her all pouty and grumpy.
You’re trying to walk faster and steady but it’s hard considering the tears are keep coming out of your eyes, and it’s no use of trying to wipe them away. And you’re too hurt to even care,
Why did Harry ask you to come if the night is going to end like this? You really can’t believe it. You thought Harry cares about you, about your feelings and everything but you’re terribly mistaken. You’ve sacrificed so much for him but he doesn’t seem to care about that,
“Y/N! What the hell are you doing?” You hear him call your name but you just keep walking,
“I’m going home. Just go back inside and have fun for all i care Harry” you harshly says,
He’s surprised by your sudden outburst, not getting why you’re leaving and telling him to go inside without you,
“What do you mean you’re going home? Aren’t you having fun?”
And that is the last straw,
“Fun?” You ask as you turn around to face him, “Harry you left me! With your narcissistic friends who are talking shit about my mom and me right in front of me! But did you know that? no! Of course you didn’t. You left me for Kendall”
He looks angry at you and run his hands over his hair, “we were just talking, Y/N! I haven’t seen her in a while because you are such a jealous bitch that nags and complains about me hanging out with my exes!”
For the hundredth time that night, you ignore the hurtful words coming from your boyfriend and stand on your ground,
“Talking? Talking?! Touching her lips, flirting with her, saying how much you missed her laugh is talking? Jesus, Harry you’re flirting!”
“I did not! Stop saying shit like that! I’m not going to stop hanging out with her just because you’re insecure about everything you don’t have! Money, social life, dream profession. If you’re jealous because she’s prettier and richer, you should stop because you’re only humiliating yourself!” He yells, veins are visible on his neck,
Strike three
That’s when you know, the Harry you used to love is gone. And it feels like your whole world stopped and so does your heart. You can’t even feel it anymore because it appears to be Harry has take it away and crushes it. Without a single care in this goddamn world,
You have no idea that Harry has feel this about you. If he told you sooner, you would’ve understand and let this relationship go. Why didn’t he just tell you if he wasn’t happy? If he was embarrassed of your poor economy or how you look, why didn’t he just break things off tonight? Or months ago?
As much as you hate to admit it, all of your friends were right about him and so are the people around. They warned you about the consequences that might have come along as soon as you signed up to date a rock star like him. What on earth were you thinking? Dating a rich guy who you know for sure fits better with girls like Kendall fucking Jenner. All of this is just a mistake. And unfortunately you have to realize that now,
You stare at him in disbelief, his breathing is heavy and eyes are still burning in anger. His veins are still printed on his neck, no intention of cooling down but he stays quiet. But then he closes his eyes, shaking his head as he realizes everything he had just said was a mistake and he prays to God that you’re not leaving him,
However, you don’t care. You’re already hurt and disappointed at him, even at yourself. How could you never be enough?
“Wow” you humourlessly laugh, sniffling a bit as you turn your head around from him for a moment. “Is that how you honestly feel about me, Harry?”
He shoot his head up and shakes his head rapidly, eyes are now soft begging you to not walk away. “No, no, baby i-“
“Well, i should’ve walk away then. What’s the point of keeping this relationship if we ended up like this anyway?” You calmly say, gesturing both of you with your finger,
He steps closer to you, only for you to take a step back and his heart breaks when you do. His heart breaks even more when you let out a loud sob,
“Y/N. I’m sorry. I- i didn’t mean any of it, honestly. You know i love you so fucking much, right? That was not me, okay? What i just said to you, that was not me. You need to believe me.” He begs, clenching his palms because he’s trying everything in his body to not pull you towards him and just go home,
He doesn’t even want to go back to the club more. He wants to stay with you, he wants to go home with you and run both of you bubble bath and watch a marathon of Sons of Anarchy or Dynasty. He doesn’t care about the people inside anymore,
You shrug your shoulders, shoving your hands ln your pockets. “I don’t know which one is true about you anymore. What i know is that I’m already tired of everything and i just want to go back home. My home. I’m not letting you or your friends talk shit about me and my family again.”
He knows what you mean by that and so he moves closer to you and to his surprise, you don’t move away. He holds your hands so delicately in his, and tears are starting to stream down his cheeks when you refuse to look at him,
“We don’t have to end it, Y/N. Let me fix everything, baby please. I love you, Y/N. If you want me to leave them, i would! No doubt.” He assures you, running his thumb over your skin,
Shaking your head, you yank your hands away from his and look up to his hurtful eyes. You don’t care how many times he’s going to beg, you’ve had enough.
“No. Harry. This will never work. Not anymore. People like me? We don’t get happy endings with people like you. Commoner with commoner, high class with high class. Poor people with poor people, rich people with rich people. That’s the way how it should be.”
You wipe the tears from your eyes, and continue when he doesn’t say anything back.
“I’m sorry if I’m not rich enough for you or beautiful enough to make you feel like you’re the luckiest guy in the world. I am terribly sorry”
“I am the luckiest guy-“
“But it’s okay. I don’t blame you.” You smile softly, placing your cold hand against his stubbled cheek. “You’re a good guy, Harry. A nice one as well, I know that. But maybe, you’re only nice to those who are the same level as you. And that’s not me.”
With a last kiss on his cheek, you remove your hand away and turn around to walk away from the love of your life. He calls out your names in agony, begging you to come back. He tries to catch up to you but soon stops by girls who asks him for pictures and autographs,
You don’t belong with him. You never did
Send me your feedback lovies!
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yannfredericks · 5 years
g’day folks! It has just occurred to me that I never really spoke about the incredible yolly content I was blessed with in london this may and that is, quite frankly, a crime, so here we freaking GO
ok so I never fully explained my semi-relationship with sinead and jordan (who were playing yann and polly at the time) and I probably never will to both a) respect them and b) not embarrass myself by over exaggerating it but just know that I’ve spoken to them both several times, they’re lovely lovely people who were both fully aware of the yolly ship and just so hilarious about it all and such good sports and SPOILT THE FUCK OUT OF ME with content, so without further ado:
A List of Yolly Moments from May 2019
-yann and polly walk across stage as act 4 scene 14 begins and as they’re laughing together yann wraps his arm around her shoulder and tugs her into a hug as they walk (I very nearly screamed and unfortunately couldnt focus the rest of the show, a fact jordan and sinead found most amusing)
-spoke to sinead after the show and she said that jordan often did this sort of thing to mess with her???? hello??? where was I??? (exact words were “he’s always fannying around, sometimes he kisses me, etc...” EXCUSE ME HE WHAT????)
-jordan said he does it bc he “loves her” and was “sure they’ll be more yolly moments” to look forward to and BOY was he right
-bammy set out to murder me after that and I am forever grateful
-the night he knew I was in consisted of him wrapping an arm around her, standing by her, looking at her, talking to her ANY TIME HE WAS ON STAGE which, as an avid fan of both yolly and jordan and sinead, I can confirm was NOT NORMAL
-pretty sure in the EGM scene that sinead’s character got into an argument w someone and jordan wrapped his arm around her and started arguing too, part of me swears he called her his wife, either way it was incredibly amusing
-yann annoying the everloving fuck out of polly in the wand dance, teasing her and getting up in her space, playfully rubbing in that his spell worked before hers etc
-should mention that at one point karl wrapped his arm around polly (craig (who plays karl) ships karl and polly which is HILARIOUS to me) and she was so quick to shove him off...no such complaints when yann did it tho...I see you..
-so after wand dance polly always goes “oh poor little potter!” and craig goes “he’s so embarrassing” and that’s about it as everyone giggles and mocks albus but THIS TIME after those two comments, as they’re leaving the stage yann turned back and YELLED “POLLY!!!” and I DIED pretty sure my exact reaction was to squeak and hiss “FUCKING HELL” to my friend beside me, followed by “HES TRYING TO KILL ME” and I was not exaggerating in the slightest
-so anyway they’re in love we know this, I have never seen a boy more enraptured, no matter what they were doing on stage he was watching her
-so polly is exasperated with him in the funniest way that so clearly tells you that they’re best friends and yet she’s simultaneously hopelessly endeared and idk what to tell you if you don’t ship yolly bc it’s there!! it’s happening!
-I tweeted a bit about Yann’s handsy-ness and sinead openly stalks my acc on the odd occasion and tweeted jordan “don’t touch what you can’t afford x” which is SO HER POLLY I couldn’t believe it I love them
-the thing about jordan and sinead is that they’re best friends off stage and my god it shows in their onstage chemistry and I am so thrilled I got to see them
-continued to be husband and wife in the second EGM, incredible content and teamwork to push the staircases off stage, we stan a hardworking couple
-(unrelated but once when jordan was on as scorpius, during the godric’s hollow scene after the malfoy hug I saw sinead in the wings give him a little wave and I just-)
-at the end of this show they had their little walk and hug moment that filled my heart with love and I can’t thank them enough for going so above and beyond for me that day :’) and jordan agreed to pay for my funeral so high fives all round x
-this hug became a Thing for the last few shoes before cast change, and on the day itself I swear they just wrapped both their arms around eachother as they did the cross... :’( I’m emo and I miss them
-I will never be able to thank jordan and sinead enough for their kindness, their good sportsmanship about the whole thing, for playing along, for making me feel like a friend and for just embracing me as I am and, of course, for being the first to make yolly canon, truly the GOAT
-honourable mention goes to jordan the first time I met him for bringing up yolly and going “yesssss this is the ship!” he had my heart from the moment he was wheeled on stage and he’s had it every day since
-cast four brought us emma may and luke who are SUPERB and apparently decided to make yolly canon of their own accord, bc while I was still mourning my OG yolly legends for that first show I saw with them they ended the show crossing the stage with a HAND HOLD!!! A CANON HAND HOLD
-this was a lot to process and tbh I still cant believe that happens canonly every night
-they have such a fun relationship on stage, polly protects him as they walk past draco and they have a little gossip
-I’ve seen emma’s polly be incredibly excited when Yann’s spell works in the wand dance, I’ve also seen her throw a fit and ask why his worked and her’s didnt bc it’s “not fair” and I love both responses
-their characters also hold hands at the end of the pumpkin placing scene and they literally skip offstage holding hands?? pure
-polly is constantly trying to get yann’s attention during the DADA scene and it’s beautiful
-in many ways their yolly feels a lot younger than jordan and sineads and they seem to play a lot more games when it comes to their relationship, like real schoolgirl crushes on eachother
-I have a friend (@karl-jenkins) who described it as polly actively pursuing yann and yann playing hard to get until craig dies and they realise life is too short to not be together and that feels really fitting for them
-jordan and sinead were more two best friends who were as close as friends can be, knowing how to push each others buttons and tease eachother with all the true love and fondness bubbling just beneath the surface ready to spill and I am irrevocably in love with both of their versions
-stage door mentions of yolly include leah mentioning that she’d heard a lot about them recently and agreeing that polly doesnt NEED yann (bc shes a boss ass bitch on her own) but that they’d be a good couple so we stan her
-me telling ryan my yann’s backstory after he LIED to me about having one for him kssjsjs and jon overhearing and being more into it than any other person I’ve encountered 
-jon, out of absolutely nowhere, saying “tell me about your yann and polly fanfictions!!!” I mean...what?
-in summary, yolly is canon and the yolly shippers stay winning
-thank you for your time and please let me know if there’s any yolly moments that you have seen yourself!!!!
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bubbly-stripe · 4 years
Short Fic (4dow + Stary-Sonic)
Quick little thing..its 10pm and i forgot to do my homework :D
Also..lets say this takes place in Sonic X..? S3 tho👌
That's all the small little fox felt as she quietly scrolled through her Tumblr feed.
Why was everything suddenly so dull and uneventful ? Waking up in the morning was already a chore ! And it didnt help that Shadow wasnt around anymore.
He wanted to 'make the world a better place' so he flew back up into space with the blue blur Sonic to finish off what was left of Eggman and the Meterex.
Why couldnt he make HER world a better place !? What happened to always being there for eachother through thick and thin !?
Maybe these thoughts of hers were selfish..but she couldnt help it..
She missed her cute little hedgie.
And would do anything to see him again.
A soft knock could be heard from the front door. Since the house was already dead silent, Helena heard it and got up to answer it.
She opens the door and is greeted by a soft rabbit. Her old time friend,Me'Re.
"Oh hey...you ok ?" Helena steps aside to let her in.
"Yea..I'm ok...I just..felt lonely.." She says, forcing a smile. She sits on a sofa and looks at her shoes.
"I understand..but..I'm sure they'll be back soon !" She says as she closes the door, walking back to her respected spot on the other sofa, just across the room.
To be honest, she didnt think they would come back.
They have been gone for almost a year. She was certain that they both forgotten about the ones that loved them most.
The men didnt even bother giving them a call or sending them any letters...
Sure, Sonic has been imprisoned twice and Shadow thrown through space and falling down towards Earth on multiple occasions. But they always managed to find their way back to the ones they love.
Helena was so lost in her thoughts, she didnt hear the rabbit hiccup gently across the room.
"I-I thought they loved us Helena..."
Helena snaps out of her thoughts at looks at the little rabbit. She sighs and walks across the room and sits next to her, pulling her into a hug.
"No need to cry...its ok...maybe one day they will come back."
Stop lying.
They wont come back.
They never will...
Helena teared up alittle gripping the small girls shirt gently.
"O-Of course they w-will come back Me-Me ! D-Don't be foolish !"
They were both foolish if they think they'd come back after a year.
Face it...they...were gone.
She broke down. And it seemed like she wasn't gonna calm down for hours on end.
All they had was eachother for the time being.
No friends.
Just eachother.
Hours went by and the two had cried eachother to sleep on the couch. They didn't bother locking the front door for safety...
Not like anyone would come in..
The time read 1:55am.
The front door gently opened to reveal, yes, two extremely tired and beaten up hedgehogs.
To clarify, fighting in space was very hard for the two amateurs. Sonics speed abilities were limited due to the lack of gravity and so were Shadows chaos abilities, due to the fact that the Meterex had all 7 of them. The first plan of theirs was to beat the emeralds out of the Meterex and find them all before they could. Classic yet dumb Sonic move.
Just that alone took them months.
The galaxy was so big...and....endless...
The REAL fight probably only took them an hour or two.
They obviously win the fight. The Meterex was destroyed for good..and well...so was Eggman.
The fight took a toll on their physical forms though.
Sonics eye was scratched up, leaving him somewhat blind and his legs were damn near broken due to all of the kicking he's done. Shadow on the other hand was slightly worse. His body was weak, fur discolored. Bloodshot eyes and broken fingers. Not only that, but scars littered both of their small bodies. Lets just say...these men aren't very..pretty while angry.
Anyway, the present.
The two hedgehogs walk into the small house and sit on the couch.
"Damnit...I can't feel my arms.." Shadow growls out as he lays down.
"Haha..my legs...theyre so numb !" Sonic awkwardly laughs as he lays next to him.
They silently stare up at the dark ceiling for awhile..
"Do you think they remember us Shads..?"
"....Dont be stupid Sonic...of course they remember us.."
Sonic shivers a bit and turns to face him
"What if they're mad...? What if they dont love us anymore !? What if--"
Snoring cuts him off.
He stares at Shadows peaceful sleeping form and sighs.
"Guess we'll see tomorrow" he tries his best to shift into a comfortable position and rests easy.
Finally free.
Finally home.
Morning time ✨
It was 11am.
Shadow yawns and jolts up. He frantically looks around the room.
So comfortable...so..soothing..
He examines the room...
And his heart instantly melts.
The first thing he notices is his beautiful lover and her bestest friend cuddled on the couch fast asleep.
His emo heart throbbed at the pure and gentle scene. He tapped Sonic on the shoulder to wake him. Sonic, being a gentle sleeper after a year of constant battle, woke up instantly. He looked at Shadow and then directly in front if him.
Gah two mushy hedgehog hearts..
Sonic blushes at the sight of his baby craddled in Helenas arms. Hes quick to notice dry tears staining both of the ladies pretty faces.
And well..
Tears start to stain both of their faces as well.
"Damn..we really have been gone for a long time havent we...?" Shadow huffs out looking over at the azure hedgehog
"Y-Yea...I...I guess so" He wipes his tears away and sniffs softly.
"God I missed her" they sung in unison.
This of all things woke Helena up.
She yawns and looks down at Me'Re. She squeaks and eventually wakes up too.
"Good morning Me'Re..".she smiles at her
"Good morning.." She smiles, still tired.
"....good morning.." The hedgehogs once again sang in unison. More quietly this time however
The pair are quick to snap their heads towards the sound and they freeze.
They quietly stare at eachother.
Mind racing.
Heart racing.
Were they really here...? Alive ? Well ?
Still theirs ?
Helena is the first to stand up. She awkwardly and slowly walks towards Shadow.
She cups his cheeks and stares into his shiny ruby eyes.
God how she missed those eyes...
"...hi...Blue Stripe..."
She cries instantly and passionately kisses his slightly chapped lips.
So much love and care went into that one kiss.
One kiss. That she hoped would never end..
As the two slowly start to kiss even more passionately, Me'Re is still staring at Sonic And sonic still staring at her.
Its almost as if their brains havent fully comprehended what was happening.
This wasnt a dream.
It was a reality.
So..to make sure his mind wasnt playing games on him again, Sonic attempted to get up but fell back down due to the numbess in his legs.
He hisses and rubs his legs, attempting to wake them from their never ending slumber but, of course, failed.
Me'Re quickly gets up and runs over to him, helping him on his feet
"..a-are you ok 'nikku ?"
He stares into her eyes and analyzes them more closely.
"I dont think I'm dreaming.." He says as he gives her a gentle hug.
She's quick to start crying and hugs him back.
Shadow breaks the kiss and hugs Helena tightly, tight enough to remind himself that she was there. Finally in his arms again. Where she belonged.
"I missed you..way too much..." He whispered in her ear, a tear seeping its way out of his eye. Helena, on the other hand was a crying mess.
"Shhh..its ok..save your voice.."
They stay locked in that position. And they didnt dare move.
They needed this
They needed eachother.
Sonic is quick to pull away and stare at her again.
"My god..its the eyes I fell inlove with."
Me'Re blushed and looked away, though Sonic is quick to put a finger under her chin and make her look at him.
They kiss.
Not as long as edgelord and the artlord in the corner though.
But still sweet, nonetheless.
They break it and sit on the other couch aross the room. Sonic lays on his back and Me'Re lays ontop of him.
"Promise me Sonic..."
"Hm ?"
She cries again and looks into his dreamy eyes.
"P-Promise you wont leave me alone like that again..."
Helena is quick to look at Me'Re then back at Shadow, who simply nods his head and pecks her forehead.
Sonic looks over and Shadow who smiles warmly at him.
He looks back down at her
"I....no....WE promise."
Donee !
Hope you likey sissss ily <333
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wheremytwinwatches · 5 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
I don’t want to do this.
I haven’t seen the next/last episode yet this week, each time saying there was some conflict or other keeping me from sitting down and watching. But looking back it’s mostly pretty weak excuses.
In reality, I have to accept the main reason that I’m typing this out rather than pulling up Crunchyroll: As long as I don’t see the finale, I can avoid the truth. I can avoid seeing whatever ending Urobuchi’s cooked up, and live in blissful ignorance that somehow this all works out ok. That despite each and every time before Madoka somehow survives this and doesn’t go Witch. That even after coming to the brink of despair Homura will get a happy ending. That I won’t have to see an ending that I keep imagining gets worse and worse, except that whatever I can fear I know the Urobutcher will manage to surpass.
Goddamnit, I just wanted a cute little show! I knew PMMM was a magical girl show, and I knew that for whatever reason it was incredibly popular. Music, animation, cute moments, whatever. I started PMMM thinking it’d be a good, happy time. Jesus was I wrong.
This show has put me through an emotional wringer. All this death and despair… without any warning from you jerks!
Do I think that it’s good I’ve seen this show? Yes. The production value is excellent, the twists were very engaging, and the philosophical discussions it has prompted are far more than I expected from it. Maybe when this is done I can sit back and enjoy watching others encounter the show, contribute to the discussion.
But I sure as hell don’t want to push the play button this time. I don’t want to see the end result. One way or another, Madoka’s story is coming to an end. The longer I put it off, the longer I can imagine that she survives and is happy. Despite everything…
Damn it. I want to put it off, but I can’t. I’m here, the finale is pulled up, and I’m out of excuses.
Let’s get this over with.
PMMM Finale Ep 12: My Very Best Friend
We open where we left off. The city is devastated, the technicolor Walpurgisnacht hovers in the distance, Homura is trapped under rubble, and Madoka looks towards the Witch with the Incubator at her side.
“Homura, I’m sorry. I’m going to become a Magical Girl.”
Homura looks on in horror as Madoka calmly talks about how she finally found a Wish she truly wants granted. And just as calmly says that she’s going to use her life for it.
GodDAMN it, Madoka! Stop being so fucking calm about selling your soul! Stop being so calm and peaceful and nice and AAARGH! Stop being such a hero! Be selfish for once in your life!
Yes, thank you Homura! Use every tool you have left to stop this travesty. Guilt-trip her with the countless times you’ve tried to save her, ask what the hell it was all for if Madoka insists on being the hero each and every time.
Madoka walks over and hugs Homura as the Magical Girl music starts up. She apologizes, but says that she’s the person she is now because Homura tried to protect her for so long. And asks that Homura trust in “the answer she has found”, swearing that she won’t waste everything Homura’s done for her.
“Now, Kaname Madoka. What is the Wish that you will pay for with your soul?”
Alright. Wish time. What’s it going to be? Wish for your friends back? Wish for Homura to find peace? Wish for the Incubator to go die in a fire?
“I wish…”
Deep breath. Inhale. Exhale.
“I wish to erase all Witches before they are born. All the Witches in all the universes, both past and future. With my own hands!”
Waitwhat? What just- Can she-
Um. There’s a bright pink glow. That Wish is valid? She’s turning into a Magical Girl?!
The Wish to fucking erase all Witches is VALID?!?!
“That prayer… If a prayer like that were granted, it could unravel the fabric of time itself! It would go against the very force of karmic destiny!”
No shit, Sherlock! Holy crap, this isn’t just Homura’s multiverse-hopping, this a core aspect of all of the universes! A Wish can do that?!
Did… did I just get out-minmaxed by a pink-haired middleschool girl?
Did this seriously just happen?
Did Madoka just effectively tell the DM “Yeah, no. I’m rewriting your setting”?
“Do you truly intend to become a god?!”
Holy crap. Madoka just wished to replace the DM.
I… I can’t even…
“I don’t care what I become. All those who have fought against Witches, who believed in hope as Magical Girls… I don’t want to see them cry. I want them smiling to the very end. If any rule or law stands in the way of that...I will destroy it. I will rewrite it. That is my prayer… That is my wish.”
Don't underestimate us! We don't care about time or space or multidimensional whatevers. We couldn't give a damn about that. Force your way down a path you choose, and do it your way! That's the way Team Dai-Gurren rolls!
I did not expect PMMM to have a Badass Creed rivaling fricken Simon the Digger.
“Now, grant my wish, Incubator!!”
The powerful glow around Madoka explodes, and the screen whites out.
And then the title comes up? Showing the reset of All Time, then?
Oh, the episode title finally appeared.
Final Episode: My Very Best Friend
A piece of cake? Mami’s place?
“Kaname… do you truly understand how fearsome a Wish that was?”
Yeah, Mami’s place, one of her customary tea parties with elaborate cakes. So is she alive again, as there was now never a Witch to kill her?
“It means that for all the past and future, and throughout all of time, you will have to continue fighting forever.”
Is that how it works, then? Madoka Wishes for the power to destroy all Witches, so she has to do it personally?
“In doing so, you will certainly wind up losing all traces of your individual self.”
Aw crap. The downside. There I was getting all optimistic, thinking that “Holy crap we actually get a happy ending?” But nope, Madoka will wind up essentially a completely different person.
“Simply dying would be a kinder fate. For all eternity, you would continue merely as a concept, a principle that destroys Witches.”
Damn it Urobuchi, I get it. You can stop hammering the point home.
But of course, our Protagonist is fine with that.
“If someone says it’s wrong to have hope, then I’ll tell them they’re wrong, every single time. And I know I’ll always tell them so.”
Wait. So… she’ll keep her core? She’ll stay Madoka at her heart, with her belief of hope? She won’t completely lose herself? Can I hope for that, or is Urobuchi going to step on that again?
“Then it’s fine, isn’t it?” Kyoko! Chowing down on a slice of cake. She’s serving as the determinator of the bunch, pointing out that now Madoka’s found her reason to fight, all that’s left is to run full steam ahead.
Daw, and now Mami gives Madoka back her old notebook of drawings.
“You aren’t just giving us hope. You’re becoming hope, itself… The hope of us all.”
Whiteout again. And here’s Magical Girl Madoka, in all her glory. Homura’s all but blinded by the light, the Incubator stares ahead, and… oh yeah. Walpurgisnacht. That’s a thing.
The orchestra begins to swell as Madoka readies her bow. A great sigil appears in the sky, and Madoka shoots it to blast away the stormclouds, revealing a bright blue sky. It then shoots out ALL OF THE ARROWS.
Cut to someone falling in grass? Oh, another Magical Girl. With a dark Soul Gem beginning to crack. She looks scared and begins to cry… when a burst of pink light falls from the sky and reforms as Magical Girl Madoka? Who purifies the Soul Gem… and then the Gem disappears? Hold up, what just happened? The Soul Gem vanished and the girl looked happy for a moment before closing her eyes. Is she sleeping, no longer a lich? Or did she just ‘die’ because Madoka took her purified soul somewhere else? Urobuchi, stop distracting me with this amazing music, I’m trying to figure this out.
Ok, the girl’s body just faded away before the screen went white. So Madoka’s stopping Witches by going back to just before the Soul Gem breaks? And then does something to the soul, takes it away somewhere? If she’s powerful enough to be a god now, is she… what, taking all these girls to Magical Girl heaven?
Many, many more bursts of pink light, more scenes of Madoka appearing to siphon away despair and vanish Soul Gems.
“I won’t let your prayers end in despair. None of you have to hate anyone, or curse anyone. I will bear all of that cursed destiny for you. So, please. To the very end, keep believing in yourselves!”
Ok, two things: one, I wanna see Madoka and Kamina meet up now to try and outdo eachother regarding “believe in yourself” speeches. Two, the scenes of magical girls are including I believe Cleopatra and Joan of Arc.
Back to the present, countless Hope Arrows continue to fly about, many shredding the madly laughing Walpurgisnacht until it’s only the giant gear. And still Madoka calmly speaks to it, staying that it no longer has to hate or curse. Because she’ll go back before it began and take the burden. Which creates a humongous explosion. Homura covers her face, the screen whites out again…
Weird technicolor lights, like a corrupted Soul Gem…
Homura opens her eyes. Does a rapid turn. Is on the moon?
She rightfully wonders where the heck she is. Hmmm, who do we know who could provide some exposition on the result of a Wish?
“The universe is in the process of reordering itself, based on Madoka’s new laws.” Homura’s present because she can control time-crossing magic. And so the Incubator says they’ll see
“-what kind of end the existence called Madoka Kaname will meet.”
GOD. DAMN. IT. We were SO CLOSE. We ALMOST had a good ending, but NOPE. UROBUTCHER STRIKES AGAIN! “Let’s see, we’ll just set things up with some inspiring hope quotes, show Madoka taking on the burdens of every Magical Girl ever… yes, that should do nicely for a literal god-damned Soul Gem.”
Because yeah. Madoka took on all those cursed destinies. She brought forth enough hope to create an entire universe. So for things to balance, that universe will now be destroyed.
“It’s only natural, right?” Fuck off, Incubator.
And the Super Soul Gem cracks, creating a Witch that dwarfs even the tower from Homura’s last timeline. Welp, I know what’ll be in my nightmares tonight.
The maddened laughter begins again.
“No, it’s all right.” Wait, Madoka?! But- the Super Witch-
Oh. Oh yes. YesyesyesYESYESYES
Wait, Puffball?
“My Wish was to erase all Witches…”
New outfit? Huge white dress and Rapunzel-length hair?
“And if that prayer really comes true… then even I… should have no reason to despair… ever!”
Super Magical Girl Madoka (?) readies her bow, another friggen big sigil appears, and ALL OF THE ARROWS blast away at the Super Witch, causing another huge explosion, the Witch is blasted away, Homura is- blasted away?! Hold up- the screen whites out again…
Did Madoka just blow up reality?
Screen comes to a shifting background of pinks, purples and whites.
“Madoka. With this, your life has ceased to have either a beginning or end. No trace of your life on Earth, nor a single memory of you will remain anywhere. Your existence has shifted onto a higher plane, and all that will be left of you here is a concept. No one will ever be aware of your presence again, and you will never be able to interact with anyone. You will have ceased to exist in this universe.”
...so it’s a mix of Madoka staying true to herself, but also elements of Mami’s warning?
Homura speaks up whoa ok, glad I’m not watching this when anyone could walk in. I thought you guys said there weren’t any questionable scenes?
“What are you saying? That Madoka wished for such an ending?! You think this is a fair reward for everything she’s done?! Don’t be ridiculous! This… is even worse…than death would have been…!”
God-damn it. (Or is it Madoka-damn it now?) Madoka’s safe and free from the cycle of Witchification, like Homura was aiming for. But she’s done it in such a way that Homura can never see her again.
“No, you’re wrong, Homura.” Madoka! Please put on some clothes, this is getting awkward!
Madoka says that as she is now, she can see everything that ever has or will happen. Universes that could have been, and might be. And now she knows all Homura’s done for her, in all the different timelines.
Guys, I’m really digging this scene, the great music and colors, the culmination of Homura’s efforts and Madoka’s growth… but seriously, Urobuchi? You couldn’t have this while they were in their uniforms? I’m loving the scene, but the awkwardness has to be mentioned.
“I’m sorry I never knew until now… I’m so sorry.” Homura breaks down crying.
(Is… is it safe for me to ship again? Because if so, all aboard the MadoHomu!)
It wasn’t until Madoka became what she is now that she truly understood Homura. “To think that I had such a precious friend with me all this time…!”
Wait. God-Madoka damn it, are you really shooting down my ship with “friend” now? I think this scene goes a little beyond friendship!
Also, I think Sayaka might be a little miffed about all these “best friend”s being thrown about.
Homura raises a good point, that as sweet as this scene is Madoka no longer has a home, and she’ll be separated from everyone she loves (*cough* like her *cough*) to live all alone in a psychedelic realm like this forever.
To which Madoka just smiles and giggles. “But I’m not alone. All of you will always be with me. Because I will be everywhere at every moment from now on.” (Oh my God-Madoka, she’s Santa Claus! Or the NSA!) “So even if you can’t see me or hear me, know that I’ll be by your side, Homura.”
But Homura will still forget her… “It’s too soon to give up yet.”? After all, she managed to follow her all the way there…
So there’s a chance? There’s hope? Urobuchi’s not going to swoop in and ruin this?
Madoka unties her ribbons and gives them to Homura, saying that maybe she’ll still be able to remember.
“After all, Magical Girls make hopes and dreams come true! And I’m sure that if it’s just a little one, real miracles really can happen. Don’t you think?”
They’re floating apart now, Madoka has to go meet all the others.
“I’ll see you again one day, Homura. So for just a little while until then, I’ll say good-bye.”
Not gonna lie. Tearing up right now.
Scene change, city at night. Concert hall, person walking on stage. Kamijo? An audition it looks like, performing “Ave Maria”. An excellent piece!
Hey, Sayaka and Madoka are listening from the seats! Sayaka apologizes for causing “a lot of trouble”. But of course Madoka says that she’s the one who should apologize. Actually, seems she’s apologizing for leaving her “dead’ in order to save her. As… oh! If she did save Sayaka, then Kamijo wouldn’t have been healed, and that’s not what Sayaka would want.
Heh. Funny moment of one judge trying to talk to another, only to get a “Shush, I’m listening to the music.”
Sayaka talks about how she just wanted to hear him play again, for others to hear him play. Well, she is bothered about one thing (Hitomi watching from behind the curtains stage left). Ha! Sayaka says that Kamijo doesn’t deserve such a great girl. But she’s sure they’ll be very happy.
The two girls fade away as Kamijo finishes “Ave Maria.” And damn boy looks good older, in a tux in a schmancy concert hall in front of a huge audience. Sudden start? “...Sayaka?”
Cut to a Witch burning away, Homura snaps to along with Mami and Kyoko, the latter asking where Sayaka went. Mami says that she’s gone, led away by the Law of the Cycle. She used all her remaining power in that last attack. So from now on Magical Girls ‘fade away’ from using up their power, instead of turning into Witches? But then how do they get more Witches to fight?
Kyoko calls Sayaka an idiot, letting herself vanish just for some boy she liked. Sorry Kyoko, but Ship of Death, remember? “Idiot… just when we were finally getting to be friends…” Friends. Right. Seriously, what is with this finale and Urobuchi trying to sink my ships?
So the new rule is that before the hope of their Wish summons an equal amount of misfortune, they have “no choice but to vanish from the world.” Instead of the Incubator’s ‘balance’, we get a greater amount of good over harm then. That’s good for humanity!
Hey, the ribbons! Homura opens her hand to show the two red ribbons, then breaks down crying. “Madoka…!”
The others turn. Is this the first time Homura’s shown emotion in the new reality in front of them?
“Akemi? ‘Madoka’...?”
“Who’s that?”
We’re in a park with light piano music. WAIT, hold up. It’s the kid, the little brother whose name I can never remember! Madoka’s brother! He’s drawing in the dirt/sand, it’s a picture of Magical Girl Madoka! Does he remember too?!
Homura stops by and daw, she’s wearing one of the ribbons in her hair. That’s a good look! And yup, little bro is babbling “Madoka, Madoka!” now. Does he not remember, but Homura tells him stories about his ‘sister’? In any case, she compliments him on the drawing.
He starts to reach for the ribbon, but Dad to the rescue (with a name, Tatsuya!). Aw, but he thinks that he was about to pull on Homura’s hair. Although they seem confused when he babbles about ‘Madoka’. (Not going to cry, not going to cry…)
Later that afternoon (as Tatsuya plays with his dad in the park, guh that’s adorable) it seems that Homura’s explained that ‘Madoka’ is Tatsuya’s imaginary friend. Mother makes idle conversation about the name, how it “seems to have such a nostalgic ring to it”. (Not going to cry, NOT GOING TO CRY…) And then remarks that the loves Homura’s ribbon, that it’s almost shockingly like something she would like. Homura offers it to her, Mother waves it off, saying she’s too old for it. Maybe if she had a daughter who could wear it… (Not. Going. To…)
It’s a full moon now, and WHY?! Why did you leave the Incubator in the new reality, Madoka?! Grrr… Wait, is that Homura’s Soul Gem? Surrounded by a bunch of small black cubes, drawing darkness away from it?
The Incubator’s remarking that a system like Homura apparently just described could theoretically have worked. She idly picks up one of the cubes, says that the system was real, and tosses it back, for the Incubator to catch in its back. What, is it a mini-Grief Seed? Anyways, it seems that the Incubator has no way of verifying the story that Homura’s saying. And since she’s the only one who remembers that world, well… he puts it less bluntly, but there’s no way of telling if her memories are real or if she’s crazy. Homura just tosses back another cube.
Oh, so Soul Gems shatter now when they become “too sullied?” Which would prevent a Witch being created, and the Magical Girl dies instead of changing. But what do they fight, if there aren’t any Witches?
Ugh, but the Incubator is focusing on the “Witches” of Homura’s story, as an ‘appealing’ method of gathering emergy. But since they aren’t in this new reality, the Incubators didn’t follow that method. Instead they do something with cubes?
Wait, ‘wraiths’? So there is something about this reality for Magical Girls to fight. Is that what was burning when Homura woke up, then? And they’re connected to collecting curses?
“Just because Witches are no longer born into this world, it doesn’t mean the curses of mankind have ceased to exist. The distortions of this world have merely changed form, and now attack people from the depths of the darkness…”
Guh, white Ringwraiths! So these are the ‘wraiths’ then? Not corrupted Magical Girls, but some other sort of creature? Based from humans, or just creatures of darkness? Details, please?
The Incubator remarks that the ‘miasma’ is pretty thick tonight, the wraiths just keep coming. Homura admonishes it for complaining, and steps off the construction site for a dramatic monologue.
“Though this irredeemable world continues repeating its hatred and tragedies… this is still the place that she once tried to protect.”
Whoa, big purple wings arrest her fall, she lands and is immediately surrounded with wraiths. But she just pulls out… her weapon is a bow now.
“I remember that. And I will never forget it. That is why… I will keep fighting.”
End credits.
...wow. Just… wow.
Guys, I went into this episode fearing the worst. I was just bracing myself for Urobuchi to make everything terrible. But then, things looked ok? Then they looked awful again. Then the looked good, but with some major downsides. Up and down and up and down… and then we reached the ending.
I’m going to need some time to process all this, to write up my overall thoughts on the ending. But damn me if this wasn’t an amazing show. I- hold up, started typing this while listening to the credits music for the last time. There’s an after-credits scene?
After credits, opens on a windy black and yellow setting, one person with long hair (Homura?) walking in the distance.
“Don’t forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.”
Zoom in to yup, that’s Homura. Facing a crowd of wraiths. She holy fudge what is that. I expected the pink wings from before, but these are more like tears into a witch’s labyrinth. Homura what the hell are you doing?
Madoka’s voice. “Do your best…”
Homura smiles, and the tears spread across the screen. Camera backs out to show her with her freaky wings, she then leaps forward and then bursts of blackness start exploding everywhere. Screen blackens- all five magical girls, facing away? Sound of film reel spinning loose? Girls fade away? Final picture of a Soul Gem?
...What the fuck was that?!
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sanders-specs · 7 years
Prinxiety avoiding eachother at the Christmas party because they know patton is trying to get them under the mistletoe
Under The Mistletoe 
A/N: This was really fun to write, I have to admit. also look at me, answering prompts. Finally. Also in this situation, I’m either Logan or Patton. There’s no in between 
Warnings: Kissing, arguing 
Parings: Prinxiety, Logicallity
Read on Ao3
Tag list: @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @dan-yuna 
Virgil ducked into the kitchen, pausing for a moment torecollect his breathing before peaking back out into the party. He seemed tohave lost Patton, at least for the time being.
He let out a relieved breath, slumping against the wall. Henever would’ve agreed to come to the holiday party if he’d known that Roman—hislongtime crush—was going to be here. He hadn’t even known Patton was in any wayacquainted with the other man. Yet here he was. Virgil had taken one look athim and ran, too embarrassed and awkward to do anything but.
The whole party, Patton’s been trying to get Virgil to goand talk to him. Even more, he seemed to be trying to get Roman over to Virgilas well. Roman seemed just as determined to avoid Virgil as Virgil was to avoidhim, which Virgil couldn’t blame him for. It seemed that whenever they actuallytalked to each other, it always ended in some sort of argument. It seemed thatRoman didn’t even like Virgil, and Virgil wasn’t going to let the other man breakhis heart first.  
Of course he would,a small voice in his head whispers, you’reuseless and pathetic. He deserves someone better.
Virgil shrugged off the words. Though they were right, hedidn’t have time to dwell on them because in that moment Patton bursts throughthe door.
“Virgil there you are!” Patton exclaims. “Logan said he sawyou coming in here.”
“Traitor,” Virgil mutters under his breath.
“What was that?”
“Nothing!” Virgil says, straightening and walking over tothe island which held all of the snacks and drinks. “I was just gettingsomething to eat.”
“Perfect! You can bring Roman something too!” Patton says.
Virgil rolls his eyes. “Will you please stop with that Pat?I told you, he doesn’t like me that way.” He grabbed a handful of pretzels andstarted for the door again. Maybe if he locked himself in the upstairsbathroom, he could hide until everyone left. That way he could avoid his crushand his best friend.
“But how do you know if you’ve never talked to him?” Pattonasks in an almost whiney voice.
“I have talked to him,” Virgil defends, ignoring how Pattonwas following him uncomfortably close. “And if you remember, we can’t seem toget along.”
“That was one time, though,” Patton says.
“It was more than once,” Virgil argues back. “Just leave it,Pat.” He ducks back into the living room, leaving Patton staring after him.
Just leave it huh? Patton didn’t think so. It was so clearthat Virgil and Roman had feelings for each other, but they both absolutelyrefused to admit it to each other. It had taken weeks and weeks of questioning,prodding, and carefully placed questions for Patton to get Virgil to admit itto him. Getting him to talk to Roman, and Roman to him…
Sighing, Patton walks over to where Logan was sitting on thecouch. “No such luck, I assume,” he says.
Patton sighs again, snuggling close to his boyfriend. “Howam I going to get them to see that they’re crazy for each other?”
“Perhaps it is best left alone, Pat,” Logan says. “Afterall, it is not wise to force someone to admit their feelings if they’re notready.”
“That’s the thing!” Patton exclaims, then shoots anapologetic smile at some other guests, who gives him a concerned look. “Virgil’snever going to be ready. If I can just get them to admit their feelings to eachother, they’ll open up a little.”
Logan shakes his head. “I don’t know, dearest.”
Patton leans back, thinking. He runs his eyes over the party.People were dancing to the Christmas music, talking and laughing with each other.Roman was over by the fire place, telling a story to a few friends, and Virgilwas on the other side of the room, munching on a plate of pigs in a blanket byhimself.
Then, all of a sudden, there was something hanging aboveVirgil’s head. Their friend, Valerie, exclaimed that she’d caught him, and helooked over at her with an amused smile when he saw the mistletoe. He gave Valeriea kiss on the cheek at her insistence, and she walked away looking satisfied.Virgil rolled his eyes, but the ordeal had given Patton an idea. He shot to hisfeet, startling his boyfriend a little, and rushed over to Valerie.
“Can I borrow that for a while?”
This…was not going as well as Patton had hopped. He kepttrying to get Roman and Virgil together in a way that didn’t seem too obvious,or in a way that either of them could tell, but it seemed that once he got oneperson in place, the other would disappear. Once he’d gotten Roman and Terrancetogether, which both of them had laughed about, another time he got Virgil andLogan (Patton would rather not think about that idea. For their part, they simplylooked at each other, said “no” and went in opposite directions).
Patton tried for agood hour before he collapsed against the wall. The two boys were still on oppositesides of the room. It seemed like they were intentionally avoiding him! Well…hesupposed he wasn’t being too conspicuous.
“Okay, as entertaining as this has been,” Valerie says, joininghim by the wall, “do you want some help?”
“Please,” Patton says.
Valerie smirks and winks at him before walking over to Virgil.Patton took that to mean that he was supposed to have Roman.
“Patton!” Roman says when Patton goes to stand by him. “Fantasticparty, my friend. I’m having a blast.”
Patton grins. “Thanks! Hey, do you think you can come…”Patton trailed off as he noticed Valerie walking with Virgil over by the door.
“Come where?” Roman asks.
“Oh!” Patton says, “um…with me! To Logan. Yeah we’re havingthis debate over who’s the real hero in InsideOut. I think it’s Joy, but Logan seems to think that it’s Sadness.”
“Hmm, yes I can see how that would be a tricky topic,” Romansays. “Very well! I shall help settle this debate.”
Patton grins and starts making his way over to the couch,which was just by the door of the house. Logan also happened to be sittingthere—thank goodness he was in the right spot at the right time—reading a book.
Virgil’s back was to them, and Patton was keeping Roman distracted,so as they passed, he didn’t see Valerie ‘fall’ into Virgil, pushing him intoRoman…as well as knocking Roman’s drink onto his white shirt.
“Oh, I’m sorry, clumsy me!” Valerie says, then with a smirkat Patton, disappeared back into the crowd.
“Watch where you’re going, Princey!” Virgil exclaims,turning to glare at the other man.
Roman, though, just glared at him and turned and rushed awayto the bathroom. It all happened so fast that Patton couldn’t even begin topull out the mistletoe.
Virgil looks at Patton and sighs. “Give it up Pat,” he mumblesbefore walking away.
Pouting, Patton joins Roman on the couch. “It was a nobleeffort,” Logan says without looking up from his book.
“You weren’t even watching!”
Logan looks up at himand leans over to give him a sweet kiss. When he pulls away, Patton blinks. “Notthat I’m complain, but what was that for?”
Logan pointed up and Patton realized he’d been holding themistletoe in a way that it hung over the two of them. He sighed, setting it downin his lap as Logan returned to his book.
That rotten Virgil. Roman dabbed frantically at his shirt,hoping beyond hope that it wouldn’t stain. This was a nice shirt, and he didn’twant to have to go through the trouble of getting a new one.
It seemed futile though. The soda just would not go away. Sighing,he admitted defeat and headed back into the party, where he saw Virgil puttinghis coat on back by the door. Anger filled him. He was just going to knock sodainto Roman’s favorite shirt and then just leave? Roman could not allow that. Hemarched over to the other boy. “Where do you think you’re going?”
Virgil looked up and glared at him. “Where do you think, Princey?Home.”
“You’re not even going to apologize for this?” Roman motionsto his shirt.
Virgil shrugs. “It’s not my fault you weren’t watching whereyou were going.”
Roman’s mouth hangs open. “My fault? You’re the one who bumpedinto me!”
“Ah, but see it’s not my fault I fell back.”
“You should have been more aware of your surroundings!”
Virgil opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off
“aha gotacha!” a voice exclaims.
Roman and Virgil both freeze and look up, seeing the dreadedmistletoe hanging above them. they look back and see Patton standing on thearmrest of the couch, holding on to Logan’s hand for dear life as he stretchedhis entire body out with the stick that held the plant. Logan, for his part,was holding a book in one hand, seemingly unimpressed with the spectacle.
“Now,” Patton says, breathing hard, “You…have…to kiss.”
Virgil and Roman make eye contact for a second before theyboth drop it. “I’m not kissing him!” Virgil exclaims.
Roman straightens at that. “What? Am I not kissable? Am Inot worthy of the great Virgil Sander’s lips?”
“Like I would want to kiss you,” Virgil says, glaring at theother boy. “You irritate me, make fun of everything I like. Why would I wantto?”
“Because I am an amazing kisser!” Roman exclaims, taking astep towards him. “Most people would be falling all over themselves to get ataste of these.” He motions to his lips dramatically.
“Okay, first, ew. Second, why would I want what everyone elseis after?”
“Maybe you just don’t know what your missing.”
“Apparently I don’t.”
“Then maybe you should figure that out.”
“Maybe I should.”
Roman grabbed Virgil by his shirt and pulled him close,pressing their lips together. It didn’t take long for the two of them to meltinto the kiss, wrapping each other up in their arms.
Behind them, Patton lost his balance and fell to the floor,taking the mistletoe with them. Logan leaned over the couch to check if he wasalright, then shrugged and went back to his book when Patton gave a thumbs up.  
Meanwhile, the rest of the partygoers just looked on inconfusion of what they had just witnessed.
send me winter/holiday prompts! 
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Progression - Chapter 2
“You’re so good at this.”
Malika turns to the other woman, not at all startled by her sudden presence in the nursery. 
Smiling, she replies, looking back towards the baby in her arms, who whines when the late afternoon flickers across her closed eyelids. “When you’ve done this as much as I have, it becomes a kind of art form.”
Taking slow steps towards her new friend, the woman sits in an available chair beside the crib and begins shakily, “I don’t think I’m ready for this.”
“What, sweetheart?” Her tone sounds more distracted than she is, as she plays with her sleeping daughter’s fingers.
“This.” The younger woman gestures weakly towards the scene before her.
“You already have one. It’s a bit late to say that, don’t you think?” Malika laughs gently, face dropping a bit when she turns and realizes this is the start of a serious conversation. “You’re doing a great job with Valentina, and I’m sure you’ll do just as well with this one.”
Paulina’s face pales and she dips her chin to her chest to stare at her stomach. “Two. I’m…having twins.” The words are whispered so quietly, forced out through lips practically pressed shut, Malika almost can’t decipher them. When she does, however, she cautiously places her youngest back in her bed, and drops into a squatting position in front of the woman.
“Is that why you feel like you’re not ready? Having three children so close to eachother?” That’s not why, and she knows it, but she still asks, for the sake of manners.
“No, not really. I’m used to taking care of kids. It’d be easier if they were…” Her eyes flicker up to the woman before her, who is taller than her even when crouching, and clears her throat feeling slightly ashamed, “you know." 
Malika nods in understanding before rubbing Paulina’s shoulder. "I know this is hard for you, and I’m not saying it’s going to get easier, but it will. They’re still your children, even if you’re different than them.”
“I’m different from everybody here.” The woman digs her fingernails into the exposed arm rests of the chair, splintering the wood. “I just miss my family, my friends, my normal life, you know?”
Before responding, she slides into the rocking chair to her left and leans forward, elbows pressed into her thighs. “You’re leaving your family, yes, but you’re cultivating a new one as well. Marco, your kids, and this pack; we will help you get through these rough patches.”
Paulina leans back and wipes at her cheeks, wet with tears she only noticed had been falling. “They won’t want to see me again.” Malika covers the tense fist with her hand and squeezes gently, silently urging her to explain. “Marco thinks it would be a good idea to turn me before I have the twins, because of what happened with Valentina. He thinks I won’t survive having two babies.”
“Do you want to do it?”
“Of course not! But I don’t want to die so what choice do I have?” Swallowing dryly, she brings a hand down lightly on her dangerously swollen stomach. She rubs her fingers on the fabric of her shirt in contemplation, voice sounding distant and airy. “They’re already 7 months along and it’s a 4 week healing process, so I don’t have much longer to make a decision.”
“I can’t tell you want to do, but you have to know what you want before you can properly weigh your options, or you’ll always make the wrong choice. And it is your decision alone, whether or not you do this.” Malika sits back, breaking the intense staring contest she was haiving with the side of Paulina’s head. “How does your family feel about Valentina?”
“They’ve only seen pictures and some videos Marco took, but they want to meet her. They said if I go with them they’ll help me raise her, as a person.”
“You mean as a human. She’s already a person.”
“Oh, right, sorry. But I’d have to leave the twins with Marco, and I wouldn’t feel right separating Valentina from her siblings.”
“Your parents don’t want you to bring the twins?”
“Three is too many. We don’t even know what to do with one.”
“So you’re thinking about leaving them all with Marco?”
“It would be better for everyone. I wouldn’t be a very good parent to any of them. I don’t know anything about raising werewolves.”
“It’s not that different than raising a human child.”
“They hunt animals and eat raw meat.”
“All kids eat strange things.”
“I want to be close to them, but I can’t do the stuff Marco can with them.”
“You can still be close to them.”
“Not if I’m dead.”
“So it looks like you have some thinking to do.” The older woman stands, glancing at her undisturbed child. “Stay here as long as you like.”
Paulina waited until Malika was long gone before approaching the crib in the center of the clothed enclosed gazebo attached to the house. She stares down at the 3 week old, sleeping peacefully in just her diaper, and one hand instinctively cups the left side of her stomach. The other gently brushes up against the smooth skin of the baby’s-Dinah, she’s pretty sure her name was-arm. She can see where Gordon and Malika came together to make this beautiful being in front of her. She remembers when Valentina was this little. She is suddenly even more confused about what to do.
Normani glanced over at the clock leant up against the wall, still needing to be hung up. 7:50. Ally would be up by now, and with Dinah still asleep, and Camila out of the apartment, now would be a good time to reach the woman. Grabbing her cell phone, she pressed Ally’s contact and hoped that she wasn’t already out running errands.
“Normani, good morning!” She can’t help but smile at Ally’s overly cheerful tone, and can imagine her holding the phone too close to her mouth, her voice coming in louder than it should be.
“Morning, Ally. Thanks for the pastries.”
“Don’t thank me. You girls are my best taste testers, so I might as well send my babies some of their favorites for all their hard work.”
“Aw, you’re too cute. But, um, are you busy?”
“Nope, just cleaning up the residual mess from my lovely children. What’s going on?”
“Lauren’s parents invited Mila, Dinah, and I, and our families for Christmas dinner.”
“Oh? They did?" 
"Yeah, but I haven’t told either of them yet; Lauren doesn’t even know.”
The continuous patter of Ally’s footsteps stops, but Normani knows she’s still moving from the way her voice carries, as she most likely enters a carpeted room. “Why not?”
“There are two problems really. They came to me, instead of Lauren, and they are most likely using this as an opportunity to get to observe your children." 
"Observe?” Ally inadvertently frowns at Normani’s word choice.
“Get to know, essentially, except they kind of already made up their minds about how they feel about them.”
“And what do their minds say?” Rather than getting upset, as most parents would at this time, Ally sounds genuinely curious. That’s a large part of what makes it so easy to talk to Ally, how she actually listens.
“They like Dinah, and kind of don’t like Camila?”
“Kind of don’t?”
“Really don’t. They’re suspicious of her. They think anyone of our age who doesn’t use social media, is hiding something. Mike made me send them a picture of her because he was genuinely convinced we’d just made her up and our 4th roommate was a drug dealer or a guy. Plus, I couldn’t really answer a lot of the questions they asked me, you know, stuff about her personal life.”
Ally sighs audibly, frustrated, but understanding. Normani had disclosed a little about the Jauregui’s when she’d told Dinah about living with her and Lauren all those months ago, something she thought was fair, as they’d had their own questions about Ally. She knows how difficult it is to not try to shield your children from potential dangers and let them make their own decisions. And admittedly, Camila is a very private person, which occasionally bothers Ally still. She’d known her for 11 years, and had only even learned her mother’s name a few months ago when Maria had referred to a Sinu as ‘mom’. “I think you should tell them about this, Dinah and Mila. This isn’t really something you should keep from them, because regardless of whether or not they go, they’re probably gonna meet her parents eventually, and you don’t want this being brought up and everyone finding out you kept it secret. As for Lauren, you should tell her too, and then talk to her parents about how them communicating with their daughter through you makes you uncomfortable. You said her flight was landing at 4, right? Is she up?”
“Yeah, but she’s not home.”
“Talk to her when she gets back, and her parents the next chance you get.”
“No offense, Ally, but I could have thought of this.”
“I know, you’re a smart girl, Normani. Unfortunately, you’re also a young person, so you still need reassurance and steering in the right direction from time to time. I have to pick up a package, and I don’t want to drive and use the phone, so is there anything else you need to talk about?”
“No, no, that’s all. Thanks, Al.”
“No problem, Mani. See you tomorrow.”
It’s 8:02 when the line goes dead, and Normani decides she needs more coffee.
By the time Dinah decided to wake up, the bed she had relocated to at 3 a.m. was missing the other two bodies that had gone with her. The light from the windows is harsh on her unadjusted eyes, forcing her to roll over into one of the faintly warm areas of the sheets, face down. Camila was most definitely at work by now, but she had no idea where Normani was. Eventually, her curiosity gets the better of her and she forces herself to stretch and stand up. It’s only when she opens that door, and can smell coffee and baked goods, that her foggy brain remembers Normani has always been a notoriously early riser, and shuffles down the hall towards the source. 
“Morning D, sleep well?” Normani’s smile is bright, and tone cheerful, as her gaze lands on her tired friend. These goddamn morning people. First Ally, then Normani, at this rate, Dinah’s sure her future husband is gonna be one of those guys that gets up at 4:30 in the dead of winter for a 7-mile run.
Dinah’s eyes drift to the baby blue pastry box in the center of the table, ignoring her greeting. “Where’d that come from?”
“Ariana dropped it off when she picked Camila up. She said Ally baked these special for us.” Normani replied from behind one of Camila’s many themed mugs. This one had Snoopy and Woodstock pulling presents out of a frozen lake under the caption Gone Fishin’.
“Gross, that means it’s all healthy stuff.” Regardless, of what she’d said, Dinah flips the top and scans over the small selection of familiar bars and muffins. Just as she chooses her first breakfast item, she pauses, sniffing the air as she tenses and looks around. “Someone was here.”
Normani leans back lazily on her stool, the iron abdominal muscles of her dancer’s body allowing her to do so. “Lauren was here earlier. She left to go visit some friends about an hour ago.”
“Oh.” Dinah stuffs an entire muffin into her mouth and flops onto the stool across from her friend. “Mani, can you get me some coffee?”
“You just sat down. You didn’t know you wanted coffee before then?”
“Please? My throat…is…so very…dry.” Every couple words are followed by a forced cough that sounds kind of like air being let out of a tire.
“I don’t understand why Ally wanted you to stay at home, you’re a piece of work.” Normani rolls her eyes, but stands up anyway.
“Because she loves me.” The Polynesian arches her eyebrows, resting her chin on her palm as she looks into the box again.
“I guess love really does make people do crazy things.”
“You mean like when you dyed your hair blue, because Arin Ray told you blue looked good on you?”
The carton of half-and-half pauses in the air, a single drop falling from the lip into the dark liquid of the mug, before regular motion is restored. “Shut up. I looked damn good, and you know it.”
“You always look good, but the blue with the curls was real sexy.”
“Your gay is showing.” The smirk is evident in Normani’s tone.
“Isn’t that why you like me so much? I compliment you more than I do myself.”
“We both know that’s not true,” the darker girl holds the mug with the piano notes to Thriller out, sitting back down after it is taken from her, “but it does make you more tolerable to be around.”
“You say that like you’re easy to be around. The only reason I agreed to live with you is for the sex.”
“I’m not having sex with you.”
“Don’t you mean, 'I’m not having sex with you again’?”
“We both know what happened. I didn’t think it was necessary to add that.”
“It’s not, I just love reminding you about it.”
“I figured, since you bring it up almost every time we’re alone.”
“Well, yeah. Don’t you enjoy reminiscing about the best you’ve ever had.”
“You really think you’re the best I’ve ever had?” Normani scoffs teasingly and snorts.
“Well, I don’t mean to brag, but you were there so I don’t have to.”
“I should be the one saying that to you.” Normani’s laugh died in her throat, when she turned around and was met with Dinah towering over her less than a foot away. “Shit! Don’t do that.”
Dinah smirks, ignoring the slap Normani gives her shoulder, and leans in until she knows the older girl can feel her breath on her face. "I’m not ashamed to say no one is as good as you.“
"I guess you weren’t that bad.” Normani mumbles.
“Say it again, but real slow like.”
This time, Normani brings her mouth level with Dinah’s ear and whispers. “Your breath smells like hot garbage.”  
“Mani, that’s not the type of dirty talk I had in mind.”
“You’re dirty enough for the both of us. Seriously, when was the last time you took a shower?”
“It’s too early for hoes to be rude like this.” Dinah shoves her lightly, and stomps off in the direction of her room.
“Where you going?”
“Mind your damn business!” Dinah called back, but any authority behind her tone was quickly pushed away when the shower started.
“Where’s Zayn? He usually opens early on Tuesdays.” Camila leans against the glass of the display window as Ariana unlocks the establishment’s front door. 
“If you had been paying attention to literally anything I told you on the way over here, you would know.”
“I was hungry.”
“I know.” Ariana allows Camila entrance first, before twisting the lock, and following the younger girl into one of the back rooms. “I’ll be vacuuming crumbs out of my passenger seat for the next week." 
"Sorry. Why isn’t Zayn gonna be here?” As they round the corner into the makeshift locker room, Camila kicks off her shoes, and Ariana steers herself around them without looking, having learned to take wide turns after tripping over one too many pairs of sneakers.
“He didn’t day, just that he wouldn’t be back until the afternoon.”
“Yeah, so it’s just us until around 9 when Shawn and Alessia get here.” Ariana enters her code slowly, less than eager to be opening. 
“I thought Dan worked mornings with Shawn?”
“Ally fired him, remember?" 
She can practically hear the eye roll in Ariana’s voice, but her hands pause midway through buttoning the top half her work uniform. "I didn’t know that.”
“Shit, really? Well, aside from his regular argumentative bullshit, Zayn caught him stealing last week. He saw him take a couple fistfuls from the register, and when he searched him, he had some of Ally’s family recipes stuffed down his pants.”
“God, he’s such a fucking asshole.” Ally had hired the smooth talker and Alessia at the start of summer, having just completed their first year of college. While they are both welcomed with open arms, it quickly became apparent that only one of them was wanted there after the first couple days. 
“Well, yeah. That’s kind of why we’re happy he’s gone.” With one foot on the wooden chair in the corner, Ariana laces up the shoes she has specifically for the bakery. 
“As long as he’s gone.”
Taking note of the tension in Camila’s posture, Ariana changes the subject. “Next weekend, I was thinking you, Dinah, and I could go out, you know, to celebrate you guys finally not being infants anymore.”
“Next weekend? I already have plans, but you two have fun.”
“What’re you doing next weekend?” It wasn’t that unusual for Camila to have weekend plans, but it was most definitely uncommon.
“Maria texted me this morning. I have to go see Alpha.”
“Oh, well, maybe we can go the weekend after.” Ariana hears Camila’s locker slam shut before speaking again. “So, I’m guessing you didn’t tell Ally about this?”
“I don’t have to tell her.”“But you know she’ll want to know.”
“I’ll see how she’s feeling later.”
“Fine, just, be careful when you’re gone. I don’t think you can afford any more broken bones.”
“Thanks Ally.”
When Camila attempts to pass, Ariana grips her upper arm to halt her. “Stop it, I just want you to be safe, alright? You’re like the little sister I never had.”
“What about Dinah?”
“She’s the little sister I never wanted.” Ariana smiles, dropping her hand. “Okay, this lovey dovey shit has gone on long enough; we do, belive it or not, have a job to do.”
“Fine, I’ll start with the bread if you decorate the freezer cakes.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?”
“Nah, I’m good. Mani’s gonna be here soon.”
“Again, are you sure you don’t want me here, for moral support and all?”
“Thanks but we talked about this, any friend of hers is probably a quality individual. And just cause we weren’t the closest these last couple years doesn’t mean we’ve lost the ability to get along.”
“Whatever you say. Text me if shit hits the fan and you need a ride.”
“Love you too.” Lauren watches Lucy walk away before closing her eyes. 
She’s a bit early to lunch, so it was no surprise, punctual as Normani is, that none of her roommates were there yet. While she waits, she can feel the edge of the table brush against her stomach, the breeze in her hair, and the pressure from Lucy’s lips on her cheek. Normani didn’t appear to have changed much during their conversations recently, and for that she’s excited. Everything would be so much easier if they could just pick up where they left off, back when they were inseparable. That’s not possible, she knows that, especially since they both have new friends, but thank wishful thinking.
“Lo?” And so it begins.
“Mani, hi!” Lauren practically launches herself from her seat into Normani’s arms.
“Did you have a stint in a heavy metal band or something these last few years?” Normani laughs when they pull away, keeping one hand up and playing with the ends of Lauren’s hair. “When did this happen? 
"A couple months ago. Lucy wanted to try being blonde, and I always kind of wanted to go a couple shades darker, and then this happened.”
“Well, it looks really good.”
“Yeah, it makes your eyes look even more intense.” The unanticipated voice behind them makes Normani jump, having forgotten Dinah was even there. 
“Right! Lo, this is Dinah Jane, Dinah, Lauren.”
“Hi, thanks, nice to meet you. Sorry for going off on a tangent like that.” Lauren’s face is kind, but her tone is unapologetic.
“It’s all good, I’ve been told I fade into the background easily.” Dinah falls into the seat diagonal to where Lauren had previously been seated, and Normani and Lauren follow suit.
“From what I’ve heard, I find that hard to believe.”
“Oh, so you talk about me, huh?”
Fighting a smirk, Normani rolls her eyes. “Only to vent. It would be wrong to not let her know what she’s getting herself into.”
“Don’t listen to her. You and me, we’re gonna be good friends.”
“You like philosophy and humanitarianism too?”
“It was fun while it lasted.” Noticing the furrow of Lauren’s eyebrows, Dinah explains. “Look, I already have one booknerd friend, I can’t handle another.”
“It’s a bookworm, not a book-nerd.”
“I said what I meant.”
“Yeah, but that’s not a thing.”
“Actually, Dinah makes sense in this case. And trust me, that’s not something anyone says often.”
“This, this is the loyalty I signed up for.” Looking deep into Normani’s eyes, Dinah pats her firmly on the cheek.
“So, aside from that you failed to mention one of our new roommates is apparently a don, you’re also siding with her when she’s clearly wrong?”
“First off, the fact that I top has nothing to do with this conversation, but thank you for noticing. And she’s siding with me, because she knows I’m right.”
“Dinah, what are you talking about?”
“Why’re you looking at me like that? She’s the one that randomly brought up doms.”
Lauren blinks a couple times, not fully understanding what she was hearing. “I said 'don’, like the boss of the Italian mafia.”
“Oh, well, nevermind then.” Dinah frowns, because she is 100% sure that’s not what she just said.
“Okay, so we’re gonna ignore that obvious lie, and-”
“Hoi! Lie? Where?” Dinah slaps her hand onto the table with excessive violence, glaring in Lauren’s direction, “I don’t need to be called a bottom from someone whose topping experience is limited to her bed itself.”
“I never said I was a top.”
When Dinah pauses, Normani laughs. “She got you there.”
“You know what? I sw-nevermind. It’s too early to get into this." 
"So, where’s your other roommate? Camila, right?”
“I…don’t know? Her shift ended a good hour ago.”
“I’ll call her.” Dinah digs her phone from her pocket, and puts it on speaker as soon as she presses the call button. “Butterfly!”
“What do you want Dinah?” An annoyed voice responds several seconds later.
“Is Walz with you? She was supposed to meet us almost 15 minutes ago.”
“Yeah she’s here, somewhere. I haven’t seen her in a while." 
"Well, can you find her and tell her she’s late?”
“No problem.” Ariana replies easily, and Dinah can hear the sound of a door opening.
“Alright, see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, and make sure you bring the leftovers to work tomorrow.”
“Me? You gettin’ stale bread and that’s it.”
Lauren laughs when Dinah ends the call, but her smile fades slightly when she notices neither or her companions have joined her. “She’s being serious, isn’t she?”
“This is who you agreed to live with.”
“Hopefully, I’ll learn from my mistakes and heed other people’s warnings.”
“Hold up, y'all are lucky to be living with me. I’m a goddamn gem.” Dinah presses on when all she receives is an eye roll and a blank expression. “Okay, who moved all the furniture into our apartment?”
“You and Mila.”
“That’s right, me.”
“That doesn’t count.” Normani continues when Dinah stares at her, affronted. “You only do good things cause of Mila, she’s like your conscience and guardian angel rolled up into one, like the physical embodiment of your humanity.”
“I’ve got plenty of my own humanity.”
“Didn’t you pretend to be pregnant so you didn’t have to give up your seat on the bus?” Lauren is pretty sure Normani mentioned something like that to her prior to them asking Dinah to be their roommate.
“That is completely untrue!”
Normani leans forward on her elbow, staring at Dinah in surprise. “You balled up a hoodie and stuffed it under your shirt. Then when an actually pregnant woman came you didn’t get up.”
“Because that would have given me up? Plus, we don’t know if she was actually pregnant. If I can fake it, so can she.”
Just as Lauren was halfway through her S.O.S. text to Lucy, and Normani was looking for potential escape routes, Dinah’s phone chimed with a text of her own.
“Mila’s not here.” Normani read aloud, upside-down, in case you were wondering. Just one of her many talents.
Frowning, Dinah reads the message. “Then where the fuck is she?”
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themechaneer · 4 years
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@poisonpicked​ sent 💦 💯 💑 😳 💍 💘
sex + romance headcanon prompts
💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity?
Probably around his early twenties honestly. It’s not something he was in any hurry to ‘lose’ plus there’s the matter of opportunity? Joel didn’t actually start socializing with anyone often enough to even consider a relationship of this nature till he was in training at Bridges. Even then I feel like it was more curiousity for him and the want for closeness and to explore the chemistry he had with his first more then a genuine romance/first love experience. Still significant though.
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about this somewhere before but honestly anything that results in him being able to spend some quality time with his date is good enough to him. Ideally whtever the date consists of would be something they’d both be comfotable with and for Joel that definitely rules out anything that put them in a crowd of people. Or basically any date that’d occur within any of the cities of the UCA. If it’s something his s/o really wants he’ll gladly endure just about anything but due to his empathy and how DOOMS boosts it and his senses in genral..., crowds can be pretty rough of him especially when spent in them for extended periods of time. Honestly, he’d be happy just to walk somewhere with his date, or go for a ride, or drive, or anything that ended in them spending time just talking and enjoying eachother’s company be it his place or theirs or somewhere they both enjoy. So long as he gets quality time with them and they’re both comfotable, enjoy themselves, he’ll be happy. He’s easy to please in that regard.
💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner?
I’m not sure if he really has any concrete requirements really. He doesn’t exactly have a type so much as he knows personality wise there are traits that he likes to see and ones that he really doesn’t. He has to be able to be comfotable with whoever he’s with. Joel is both very intellectual and tactile and whoever he’s with has to be able to keep up with him mentally and be comfortable with silence, especially during the times when he’s drained socially and needs to recharge. He’ll definitely want someone who can handle him with the ‘safety off’ but also calls him out on it when the way he’s being is bullshit because it happens. They’ll probably have to be patient to some degree.
 The way Joel tends to handle things be it his own emotions or those of others is a process he’s not always keen on sharing with others and whomever he’s with is gonna have to be able to trust that if he needs them he’ll reach out. And on the rare occasion he NEEDS, whomever he’s with will have to have enough compassion and empathy of their own to be supportive during those time. I guess---- whatever I see Joel ‘requiring’ of a potential s/o before he’ll consider someone in a potentially romantic way are the same traits that he’d look for in a close friend.
😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship?
Lmaoo. That’s assuming he’s had so many to pick and choose from. HE HASN’T! As far as honest to god relationships go both romantic and sexual I can’t say he’s been traumatized by anything but he’s definitely learned about himself through each of them including what he does and doesn’t like. Also, what he actually needs in a relationship to consider it a relationship and---. 
I have to say the worst would probably be the first relationship he ever had and it started off platonic, turned romantic, and the sexual aspect followed after. Given that it was his first relationship Joel was definitely exploring himself as well as the range of feelings he had for this friend and what potential there was for something more then that and sadly there wasn’t enough for the romance to last. And in closing that chapter of their relationship together it ended their story altogether as their friendship wasn’t sturdy enough to withstand that level of awkwardness after or the hurt feelings on his friend’s behalf. The relationship wasn’t the WORST, he’d never say that. But, it lost him a friend. So it certainly stands out as far as bad breakups go.
💍 Has my muse ever had a one-night stand?
Yup. Just once, and mostly only to confirm what he’d already thought beforehand. One night stands aren’t for him/don’t do ‘it’ for him. He’s not a fan.
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
Quality time spent. It’s his love language. Joel----, SHOWS love the way he wants love and affection shown to him. He’s very ‘easy’ in that regard. Your muse will have to be observant and have enough understanding of Joel and how he operates to pick up on it but once certain patterns or lack of are noticed I don’t see his ways of saying I love you to sb without actually saying it something easily missed. He’s a busy man and is very giving of his time, his energy, his skills, his emotional strength, his perspective, his patience. He deadass runs himself ragged some days just trying to be certain he’s given enough of his time to anyone who needs it to be sure those around him have what they need which doesn’t leave him a ton of time for himself. If he chooses to use that limited time spending time with sb for no other reason then for the pleasure of their company--, if Joel goes OUT OF HIS WAY to find reasons to, or makes time specifically to be with someone because he wants to see them---- that’s a pretty obvious I love you. 
Jumping off that is if Joel is comfotable spending time with someone when he’s made it clear to others or anyone else he ‘wants/needs time alone’, and yet is still seemingly happy to spend some slient time around someone, that’s a good non-verbal indicator of love as well. Anyone who Joel can comfotably be alone with together is someone he loves. Maybe not romantically. But he l o v e s them.
Lastly is one that comes out verbally but it’s not the actual phrase “I love you.” But is arguably the rarest and most obvious way of showing someone he loves them without saying the actual words. Joel---- is not a man to talk about his own problems, his fears, his ‘failures’, anxiety, guilt, nightmares, depression, sense of uncertainty..... The world is fucked, people have enough problems and worries of their own without him burdening others with his and yeah this includes people he considers close friends. 
That being said he’s also not a man to fuck around or let these things build up or let his problems swallow him whole. He’s got shit to do. So he addresses it, deals with it best as he can, and then keeps on keeping on. MOST OF THE TIME. It’s a rare thing when the wheight of what he thinks and feels becomes too much for even himself to confront or carry. At least he’s humble enough to recognize such circumstances and the benefits of reaching out to those he’s close to. Trusts them enough to speak himself and that they wont break easing him of some of the load he carries inside himself. 
He hates it--- and normally it’ll probably take some verbal ass kicking and prodding to get him to do so. But, if he chooses to---, that kind of trust, the intimacy of letting what he hides from literally EVERYONE ELSE be known to sb because he NEEDS... To let himself verbalize how he sees himself at his worst and lowest--- and let someone see him instead of the mask he wears so well for the rest of what’s left of the world? That is love.
0 notes
missjackil · 7 years
Let’s Talk About This....
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One of the things I loved most about Season 12, was the drama between Mary and the boys. I know many of you found it annoying, but I was highly impressed. It wasn’t written as “Oh look Mom is back, lets be nice little family” or “Oh crap mom is back and she’s a zombie!” No, instead, there was a very realistic story around it, and the writers didn’t pick an easy one.  Nothing about the story, really went the way I thought it would, and I am so glad that as much as I watch this show, the writers can still surprise me. Now, Im not all about Mary hate, and I dont hate Sam Smith as an actor, but IMO she isnt nearly as good an actor as J2 are so scenes with her came off a little lobsided, but all that aside, I think the story arch was believable and well written. Continue below the cut 
My first thought was that if they didn’t make her a monster or evil, that she would be the third wheel (yuck) and favor Dean over Sam because they already established a relationship and Sam was just a baby when she died. I figured the story would develop that Sam felt left out, and early on, it almost looked like they were going that route. In The Foundry, we saw Mary and Dean sharing similarities, with the bacon and beef jerky, and putting Sam in the back seat (which hurt my soul) and cranking the radio when he wanted it turned down.  A little later in the episode, Mary stands between them, when theyre posing as FEDs, and of course to me, this made me clench my teeth. “Do NOT come between my bros!!!!” I’m not alone in that thought am I? Then much to my surprise, at the end, she wants to leave them! And really, for an understandable reason. This is something that could very likely happen in real life, if an estranged mother unexpectedly meets her adult children. Sure she may love them, but it could be very hard to wrap her head around that these men are the little children she remembers.  Now, from this point on, she seems more drawn to Sam. Not that she doesn’t love Dean, but maybe in part due to his understanding that she needs space, and maybe in part out of sheer curiosity of a son she really doesn’t know at all. They had never even had a conversation (to her recollection) before this point. She has no idea what kind of personality he has, and also knows that nothing about him, has anything to do with how she raised him. She has never spent a birthday or Thanksgiving or Christmas with him. He is a complete stranger, and yet, he’s very warm and understanding. And let’s not forget that she knows exactly why his life is a nightmare, and it’s from her own doing, and yet, he’s never even brought it up.  Now, I know many of you believe Sam doesn’t know she made a demon deal that caused Azazel to visit and start the firey chain reaction of his life, but I have always believed he does, and It SEEMS like thats the way the show is playing it, since it’s never come out that Sam DOESNT know, and there have been more than enough places that it should have been mentioned. Like when Mary told Dean she didnt know how to face Sam or what to say, because she started everything. or “Im scared, what if he (Sam) cant forgive me?” Dean didn’t say “Well Sam doesn’t know” he just didn’t say anything. However, they did leave it open ended, not confirming that he knows, so it still could go that way. It would just seem weird that it’s never been said that he doesnt know, making everyone anticipate that revelation.  For argument’s sake right now, lets say Sam doesn’t know. I’ll ask, if we should think he wouldn’t forgive her quickly? I can’t picture him lashing out, unless he found out right after something traumatic had happened. Not everyday trauma, but big, like getting possessed by Lucifer again, or somehow his powers just killed or nearly killed Dean. During S12 nothing really happened that would have opened that scar to a fresh wound. In the past few seasons, Sam has been strong and more confident in himself, and much more accepting of his life, so if he were to find out now, he’d just be shocked and hurt for a little bit, and be forgiving soon after.  My next surprise came while watching Sam and Dean reacting to their mother betraying them, The brothers have been betrayed by nearly everyone they know at some point, or hurt in some way, but this is their mother. Their reactions are a lot different than if it had been an enemy, a friend, or even each other. They had to be hurt and disappointed in someone they weren’t gonna kill or hit. Even when they have hurt each other, they could yell and scream and beat the crap out of each other, but this is MOM! The gifs above represent, such a wonderful acting scene for J2. We have seen them fight with their Dad in s1, and we wouldnt have been surprised if punches got thrown, so the anger was a lot louder and potentially physical. Here though, they’re holding back.  Both brothers express broken hearts so clearly in their facial expressions. They havent had a time before this, that they have been hurt so deeply by a woman they both love. They’re both holding back tears so hard it shattered my heart for them both. However, they didn’t cowar and hang their heads in shame while she tried to justify her actions, that she is “Not JUST a Mother” when she hadnt even tried to be a Mom to them yet. But my boys made damn sure she knew you don’t f*ck with them and walk away scott free. Maybe you’re in a safe zone where they wont punch you physically, but they’ll make you wish they did.  Dean rabid punched her in her heart with his words. He was glad she got to be haunted by Wally dying during the lake house hunt, that she felt guilty telling his wife. He made sure she knew everything he and Sam were feeling, and took away her place as their mother by calling her Mary. When she was metaphorically bleeding on the ground, Sam drew the kill shot. He doesn’t argue with her, he doesn’t cut her down, thats been done, he just delivers the last thing that anyone who loves Sam Winchester in the slightest, ever wants to hear... “You should go”.  What she had before all this, her sons and somewhere she could call home, Sam and Dean took them both away from her, because she squandered them. I was speechless. Now, if there was ever any wonder, who could get away with what when dealing with these brothers, it got answered. If you’re on the good side of Sam and Dean, you have the best protection and friends you could ask for, but nobody is safe if they cross them. And sure, they take abuse by people/monsters all the time and dust it off, but they have their limits, even with blood family.  Look at these gifs and see their faces. These men have both lived through decades of Hell. Lost eachother several times. Been tortured, beaten, shot, stabbed, and tormented by the most evil creatures ever created, but this woman, their own Mother, inflicted more pain than  any of them. Both Jared and Jensen deserve Emmys for conveying that so clearly.  Now, the guys undoubtedly fester with this for a while, but in typical Sam and Dean fashion, they cant just walk away. Sam ventures back first, but Dean isnt far behind when he hears Mom might be in danger. They dont talk about it anymore till the end. Dean is pretty open about his feelings, though he will tell you he isn’t. Sam is the oposite, he thinks he’s open and he really isnt. When Dean gets into Mary’s head in 12x22, he lays it all out to her, he tells her what she doesn’t know about him, and how her actions ruined, not only his, but Sam’s life as well. Why did he speak for Sam? Because Sam wont. Not because Sam is weak, but because Sam doesn’t want attention drawn to his issues. He’s an “other people have got it worse” kind of guy.  When Dean tells Mary that he hates her, and that he loves her, and forgives her, you know, he really forgave her. She had to know she is truly loved and forgiven. Then she worries about Sam, and maybe he can’t forgive her. With the same style, with so few words, that knocked her out not long ago, he gives only a few words to pick her back up. “You dont have to be scared of me” (ugggh my heart!) If you didn’t like this story arch, I ask that you just watch it again and see how much time and effort were spent on Sam and Dean’s reactions to everything, and maybe give a new appreciation to how well it was written, and even better acted. 
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everyonesastar · 8 years
The Unrequited
I wish I could know what to do, or how he even feels.
I just want to know, is it that hard to ask?
Maybe he doesn’t like me in that way, we’ve been best friends for so long….
Eddie sighed, contemplating on why he was even here, at the grand re-opening party Buster was hosting. “Hey Eddie! You made it!” Buster said, smiling widely. He looked so excited “Well why wouldn’t I be here? I mean…this is your party.” Eddie mumbled sheepishly.
“Well if you need any refreshments, they’re over there. Also, nice outfit!” Buster said before walking off, he was holding a microphone.
He was so stupid enough to think Buster could even have the possibility of liking him…
But even so, his heart skipped at the last few words he had said.
Eddie walked over to the refreshments table, grabbing himself a cup and pouring whatever they had into it. He took small sips and looked around him, there wasn’t much besides big groups of people chatting or dancing. Until he had noticed Buster on stage “Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Moon Theatre’s Grand Re-Opening!” He said loudly into the microphone, catching everyone’s attention.
He was standing on the moon, which sparkled as light reflected onto it. “Tonight you’ll be hearing from some of our talented performers from our last show! We all hope you enjoy the show!” He said before the lights had dimmed, the moon was raised upwards to wear you couldn’t see it and Buster was no longer on the stage, it was Johnny.
Eddie then faced his focus back on his drink he had in his hand, there was something off about how it tasted, wasn’t this punch?
He shrugged and continued drinking it until it was to a point were he had gotten dizzy, but he could hear someone laughing underneath the table. He lifted up the cloth to see Ash and Mike snickering, so they had something to do with this. “What do you two think you’re doing? Get out of there!” Eddie whispered “Come on, we just wanted to make things more interesting!” Ash said. “By putting stuff in the punch? No! You shouldn’t have do-Oh no…” He saw Buster was walking up towards them, “Hey you guys! What are you all talking about over here?” Buster asked.
“We were talking about how delicious this punch is! It’s a shame how you haven’t even drank a cup!” Mike said with a smirk. “Well, since its so good, I might as well!” Buster said while getting himself a cup, “Buster no, don’t do-“ Eddie said before Buster had already took a gulp of his drink. There was a long pause.
“There’s something off here….Rosita? Didn’t you make this punch?” He asked, practically yelling. “Oh, yes Mr. Moon! Why? Do you like it?” She asked while walking up towards them, now Mike and Ash were frozen. “I- Rosita, what did you make this with? It seems….a little off than what punch usually should taste like.” Buster whispered, making sure none of the other guests would hear him. “I bought some from the store I usually go to…the kids drink it all the time and say it’s great…” She paused before looking towards Mike and Ash.
She could already sense they did something wrong, “What did you two do to the punch?” She asked while pushing Buster and Eddie out of her way. Eddie had almost fallen over, thankfully he didn’t, he didn’t want to look like a fool. “Um…” Ash whispered while she stood still “Maybe something a little….Irish?” Mike said while shrugging his shoulders.
“Irish? What am I supposed to get from Iri- YOU BOTH PUT ACHLO-“ She was about to yell at them before stopping herself. “Don’t you two realize that there are children here?! If they drink this and their parents wonder why they’re passed out on the ground with a cup filled with this in the child’s hands then they’re going to start asking some questions….and if someone finds out, the reputation of me and everyone else here will be ruined.” She said almost as if she was hissing.
“O-Ok porky! We wont do it again! But I’m just saying, it was all spikes idea!” Mike said while pointing towards Ash. “No it wasn’t! It was yours!” Ash snapped back at him. “I don’t care who did it! You two will replace this punch immediately!” Rosita whispered before walking off, it was her time to perform.
“Ok guys, you heard her, go replace it now. Or else I wont let you both perform tonight!” Buster said, trying to act strict. “Yes Mr.Moon…” They both said before walking away and towards an exit. There was an awkward silence as Eddie and Buster stood there, “Eddie, stand here and make sure they come back with the new punch and that no one drinks the punch on the table…please?” Buster asked “Sure? I mean it’s not like I have anything else to do here…” “Thanks Eddie! I’ll see you later!” Buster said while walking off to greet more of the guests.
He sighed and stood against the table, he watched as Rosita and Gunter had performed together and as always, they were amazing. He clapped once the performance was over, he had noticed Gunter had gotten a little more show time than usual, which in all honesty was good, he deserves a little recognition.
Gunter and Rosita both bowed and walked off the stage, then Rosita ran to the table Eddie was at. “Have they came back yet?” She asked while catching her breath “No…but hopefully they’ll arrive soon…” Eddie mumbled. “Well thanks for standing by and watching the table….anyways aside from the subject, how are you? This is the first time we’ve talked since the last show.” Rosita said with a small grin.
“Oh…I’m just…” Eddie paused for awhile, he didn’t dare to go off and tell her how he honestly felt, on how he was afraid and doubtful more than ever about Buster, and how he was struggling a bit with his home life. “Things are…ok…how are you?” He asked while taking a drink of the punch, he had already forgot that it had something “special” in it.
“Well…Norman and I are becoming close and we’ve made time for eachother now and the kids. So it’s gotten better….you sure everything’s alright? You don’t look too…”ok”…” Rosita said, honestly she wasn’t really sure on if he was alright or not, they weren’t really close as she was with the others. “Y-Yeah….i’m….im going to be fine…” “Going to be? What’s going on? Are you…really ok Eddie?” Rosita asked, now something was wrong.
Eddie looked away, she was already asking too much out of him, he couldn’t trust anyone here yet besides Buster. “Look Eddie, I’m a mom of 25 kids…and I can always tell when somethings wrong or if someone’s lying…and I understand if you’re not ready to tell me yet but….you can tell me anything. I’m great at keeping secrets.” Rosita said softly. “I know Rosita…its just….I don’t know…because I just don’t want-I don’t need any more judgement on my shoulders…I already have enough…at home..” Eddie mumbled, that was the problem at home, his parents knew about how he had felt for his friend and judged him for it, they were going to send him out of the house, but some how they decided not to.
“Oh….i’m sorry…but Eddie whatever you’re going to say…I won’t judge you for it!” She whispered. “If you say so…” Eddie said while taking another drink, his mind was getting a bit blurry and fluffy. “I…” Eddie mumbled before Buster had interrupted “Hello Rosita! Great performance as always!” He walked up to her. “Aww, thank you Mr.Moon! Also, rumor has it, that you’re going to perform?” Rosita whispered “Where did you hear that?” Buster asked kind of confused. “Oh, it’s not true? Well that’s a shame, I bet you’re a great singer! Anyways, Ash nor Mike has arrived back yet….” Rosita mumbled.
“I might perform one day, who knows….anyways I’ll go call for them, if they don’t answer we’ll just put Meena on stage.” Buster said while pulling out his phone and started to walk off. “Good idea Mr.Moon!” Rosita said before sighing, “Anyways, you were saying?” “I….um…I just…” “Oh look! They’re back!” Rosita said interrupting.
Eddie grumbled and took another sip, he should’ve just put the drink down. “Yeah, it took awhile to find the right one but here…now lets switch the bowls and act like this never happened.” Ash said. “Alright I’ll help you, also Mike, I think it’s your turn to perform.” Rosita said. “Well then why is she already performing on stage if it’s my turn?” Mike asked while pointing at the stage, where Meena was singing beautifully.
“Ok, then I guess you perform after her, problem solved.” Ash said with a bored tone while Mike grumbled. “Hey! You two, backstage now! We aren’t going to let you cause anymore mischief around here!” Buster said while walking towards the two and led them backstage, though Mike sneaked off. So while Rosita was switching punch’s, Eddie stood silently and watched as people gave Meena a big applause, “T-Thank you everyone!” Meena said sheepishly before walking off stage, she was greeted with many compliments while getting off.
She walked through the crowd of people and sighed, she hated being in tight spaces. “You ok?” Eddie asked “Yeah, just too many people around me…” “Well they can’t help it…you were great” “Thanks Eddie….” There was a long pause between the two. “So, are you going to be a stagehand again anytime soon?” She asked while grinning. “Well it’s the only good thing I can do around here…” Eddie mumbled, Meena began to frown. “You ok?” She asked “Everyone keeps asking that question….” “Well because they care Eddie, and im your friend, and what you just said is….really concerning…” She mumbled.
“Well, to answer your question, no…..im not doing great or ok or even close to getting better…and you know why?” Eddie said, he felt himself getting more dizzy, why did he continue taking drinks when he knew there was something off? “Because I’m just so stupid and scared and I don’t even know why I can’t get over the fact that he-“ He froze, “Eddie?” Meena whispered and waited for Eddie to finish. “That he won’t feel the same as I do….he wont ever feel the same….not in a million years Meena….and I don’t know why I get so scared about it all the time because what if he finds out like my parents did? I don’t know anymore….” Eddie said, sulking over the table.
“Eddie….who’s..”he”…?” Meena asked, Buster was laughing loudly with a crowd of guests, why, no idea. They both looked over at him “Him…” Eddie mumbled before looking back down. There was a silent moment between them again, only filled by the laughter from the guests. “Eddie, let’s go outside…let’s go and get some air…” “But won’t Buster come looking for you?” Eddie whispered while he followed her. “If he does, well then he’ll fin me, anyways Eddie….how do you feel towards him? I won’t judge you but please…just tell me…” Meena said, practically begging.
The cold air made them both shiver slightly, “Jeez, lady how’s it not obvious?” Mike said crossing his arms, apparently, he didn’t go back stage like he was told to. “Look, I’m not too supportive over people like you sheep, but I mean why would you like someone as odd and optimistic as him?” Mike said, now walking towards him. “Who did you hear about it from?” Eddie said, shaking, what if it had gotten around the place?
“God dude are you having a seizure or is it that cold out here?” Mike said before rolling his eyes “Anyways, I don’t need to hear anything from anyone when it comes to romance, I’m a master at it. That’s why I have Diana. You just make things too obvious sometimes, especially these weirds feelings you got…” Mike said “Also aren’t you both like, best friends or something? I mean you both tell eachother everything, so why can’t you just get the bal-“ “Because mouse, I can’t he doesn’t feel the same! He won’t ever feel the same ok?” Eddie said while crossing his arms.
“God, now that’s stupid. It’s like everyone around here’s too blind to see it! Eddie just go up to him and tell the dude before he has to find out from me!” Mike said before running inside with a smirk. “Uh oh…” Meena mumbled before Eddie ran after Mike, though he wasn’t too hard to catch.
“Hey! You almost killed me with your big feet!” Mike said while Eddie picked him up off of the ground. “I don’t care right now Mike, the only thing I care about right now it you not telling him. Mike you might think you know what you’re talking about but you don’t! He doesn’t feel the same and won’t ever, ok? Now stop trying and go out and perform your song…” Mike growled at what he was saying, he knew what he was talking about.
“How dare you?! Don’t you want to spend your future with someone? Or do you just want to sit along and feel awful that your true love had gotten away because you wouldn’t listen?” Mike said with slight annoyance. “I am trying to listen Mike, but I know Buster longer than you or anyone else ever has around here and I know how he would feel if I told him.” Eddie sighed with the same aggravated look on his face. “But….how do you know for sure Eddie? Yeah you know him better than anyone else in this theatre but….how do you know how he will feel? It hasn’t even happened yet…and maybe Mike’s right…you could be losing your chance with your true love…” Meena said quietly.
“Of course I’m right Meena, I always am” Mike said while Eddie set him down on the ground. “You don’t always know until you actually do it Eddie…we’re not saying to go up to him now and tell him but-“ “Why not Meena? Why shouldn’t he just do it now and stop wasting his time? And my time especially..” Mike said while looking up towards them.
“Mike! Where were you? Why weren’t you backstage with Ash?” Buster said, he looked aggravated as well. “Well, I just wanted to have some small talk with some….people…I mean you were” Mike said “Well that’s because I have to and that I don’t even have to perform right now, but you do! The crowd is waiting for you and your taking up time!” Buster said while motioning Mike to go on stage. “Whatever you say Moon…” Mike grumbled while giving a look at Eddie, he then walked off and went backstage.
“Jeez, what am I going to do with him disappearing all the time, also why were you two outside? It’s freezing out there! I’ll go get some blankets for you two, wanna help Eddie?” Buster offered to his friend. “Ok….” Eddie mumbled while Meena whispered “good luck”.
They both searched in the backstage closet, dressing rooms, and finally they looked in Buster’s office. “So, Eddie, I just wanted to say…” He paused. “I’m sorry for not talking or visiting you much, its just things are getting tight around here a little.” “Don’t worry about it Buster, its alright….I’ve been busy too….” Eddie mumbled while he searched some of Buster’s desk drawers “Oh? So what have you been busy with?” “Just…family….” “Oh, speaking of family, how’s Nana?” Buster said smiling.
He paused, him and his Nana did get along well until she heard the news…
“She’s good….we just don’t visit much…”  “Oh? How come?” “B-Because…I…um” “Is she…..gone?” “N-No! It’s just um….” There was an awkward silence.
“Eddie, you look like you’re going to pass out…Do you need to lay down?” Buster asked, he was right about one thing, he felt overwhelmed, scared, terrified even, plus drinking the “special punch” didn’t help either. He felt himself turn red, “Eddie?” Buster said now walking towards him. Eddie’s vision became darker and darker and it seemed as if he couldn’t really hear what Buster was saying.
“Eddie? Eddie?! What’s wrong?” Buster said as he saw his friend stumbling slightly and watched him fall forward before he ran over to him, he wouldn’t dare let his friend fall on the ground. Buster kept shaking Eddie to see if he would wake up “Come on, you’re not going to die tonight!” Buster said before thinking of what he could do, he thought of the steps the CPR, maybe that would help.
He pushed on Eddie’s chest as fast as he could, then once he was done, he tilted Eddie’s head back a bit and pinched his nose. He felt hesitant at first, maybe he should just get him to a hospital….he shook his head. He had to do something, because even if he did call the ambulance, it’d take forever. He sighed “I may or may not regret this later”
He was about to cover his mouth with his until Eddie had jolted up and was wide awake, he rubbed his nose a little since Buster was pinching it.
They were both confused, what was going on?
They both sat on the floor, red face, very embarrassed from what was going on. They stayed quiet for a while, not knowing if they should’ve started laughing or just stayed quiet.
They both decided to get up instead, they were still silent, the only sound you could hear was coming from below where the party was.
“So…I see you’re ok…and alive…” Buster mumbled “Yeah….” Eddie mumbled back before it became more silent and awkward.
“God this is embarrassing…” Buster whispered while covering his face
“Well im going to make it even more embarrassing for myself..” Eddie said before pausing
“Buster…there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you..”
To be continued?????????????
Im sorry, this isn’t my best story ever but I hope you all like it!
I may do a part 2 if this gets enough notes ^^
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star-nova · 5 years
The Lives of the RiffRaff: Elsie Bolshevik-Blood
We Are the RiffRaff Rickie Johnson-The Art of War Vera Sherwood-Little Sister Kali Muburu-Hair Tracy Kwan-Vergil Franz Fawke-Hecklers James Weaver-The Preacher Mamoru Hayagawa-Three Weddings Charmain Dekker-Frankfort Talia Santiago-Queen of the City Sophia Bolshevik-Elsie’s Boyfriend
On the way to the hospital, all I can think about is just how much blood there was.
Then after that, all I can think about is how I know exactly who did this to my sister, and that I was going to beat the living shit out of him if he dared to show his face again.
While we were growing up, our father had said, “You're Elsie's big sister, Sophia. You have to guide her and protect her no matter what.” In turn, I was told that as Sophia's little sister, I had to learn from her and let her teach me all of the things that she will learn. “Mind her when you can,” our father told me, “but remember that you have your own mind.” I took it to heart, and throughout our childhood my sister was the tower of my life. We were lucky enough to be the kind of sisters that were naturally close, looking out for one-another and trading our secrets and dreams.
Now here we are, on the road to the county hospital in Frankfort, with my big sister huddled up against me as if she, or I, would die if she dared to let go. She's still crying from every kind of pain it's possible for a human being to feel—in her body, her heart, her mind, and her soul. My sister had her entire being violated, and now I have to look after her.
Except I've already failed.
I brought the guy around. I left him alone with her so I could go get a stupid pizza. What the hell was I thinking?! Somebody get me a time machine, so I can go back to that moment and say, “Pizza's ordered. Let's all head out to pick it up. We can get Orange Julius too.” Sophia loves Orange Julius. There was an Orange Julius right across the street from the pizza place. We could all be playing Diablo 3 and sipping Orange Julius right now. Actually, let me go even further back in time. I'll go back to the arcade where I picked up that piece of shit. This time, I won't even look at him. I'll walk right past him and forget I ever saw him. He'll never even know I exist.
But I don't have a time machine. I just have my sister, holding on to me for dear life in the rear of Talia Santiago's Subaru. I just have her best friend, Ellia, sitting on her other side and holding on to her, saying nothing because there's nothing that she can say. I just have a trash bag with sticky, bloody shorts and panties wrapped up inside. We're not playing Diablo. We're not drinking Orange Julius. We're going to the hospital, where they'll ask us all too many questions. I'll have to talk for Sophia, because he stole her voice when he stole the rest of her. My sister will never be Sophia Katrina Bolshevik ever again.
But I will still be Elissandra Petra Bolshevik. I'll still be her sister, who will always look after her. Even though it is all my fault...
I was the only one allowed to sit with Sophia in the hospital, and then it was only because she refused to let me go and we confirmed that I was her sister. She was given a room and they set a folded blue exam gown on the bed beside her. “I'll back out so you can change,” I told her. But she shook her head and held my hand tighter. I didn't understand what was so hard about examining her in the nightgown we'd changed her into after we'd gotten her cleaned up.
“Sophia,” I said, “you're going to have to tell them who did it.”
“I...I can't.” She had decided that her voice was for me alone.
“I know who it was,” I told her, “but you have to tell them so he can't hurt anybody else.”
Suddenly, she was terrified. “How?!” she cried. “How do you know? You can't know, Elsie!” I think she would've jumped out of the bed and bolted if I hadn't been holding her.
“Of course I know,” I said. “Who else could it have been? Sophia...I'm so damn sorry.” I held her tighter and tried my hardest to keep my tears inside; this wasn't the time for my tears, it was the time for hers. “I shouldn't have left you with him. I shouldn't have brought him round at all.”
“You can't know!” Sophia said again. “He'll do something to you, Elsie! He'll hurt you!”
Jesus Christ, is that what he told her? Is that how he managed to make his way in? I wanted to see this fucker destroyed. I wanted him to bleed from every part of his body and for the pain to be so agonizing that he'd beg for death. I wanted him alive, because death would be too kind. I patted Sophia's head and told her, “He won't do a damn thing to me, Soph. I promise. He can't do anything to me.”
Sometimes we got scared at night when we were kids. I hated thunderstorms until I was six, and Sophia's imagination tended to go a little crazy so that she would sit up until almost midnight conjuring up all kinds of ghosts, ghouls, and monsters in the dark. When this happened, we'd sleep beside eachother, because the evils lurking in the dark couldn't get us if we were together.
One night right after I'd turned six, and Sophia was almost nine, it was storming outside. I climbed into Sophia's bed and laid my head against her shoulder. Sophia felt me there and opened one eye. “What?”
“It's the thunder monster again,” I'd said, moving in closer to her. “Don't let him get me, Sophia!”
Sophia put her arm around me, tucked me into her blanket, and said, “Thunder isn't a monster, Elsie. It's just sound.”
“It's his big feet stomping,” I told her.
“No it isn't,” she said. “We learned about thunderstorms in school.”
On that night, Sophia defeated my lifelong fear with nothing but simple facts. She weaved an amazing tale of lightning bolts and sound waves, electricity and sonic booms. My six-year-old mind was enchanted by the idea of those flashy lights being so powerful that they made sound—no other lights could do that. I fell asleep comforted by the lightning sounds and by my big sister, who had to be the smartest girl in the whole wide world. She was an amazing super-girl who could defeat anything with knowledge alone.
Now, the monster is real. But when I told her he couldn't hurt me, she looked at me like she could believe it. Her weapon against my childhood fears had relied on my ability to believe. I had believed her then, so she had to believe me now.
She told me his name.
But I already knew.
I had to go back to the waiting room while Sophia was being examined.
Charmain, Talia, and Ellia were still there. None of them had anything to say. I felt like they were expecting me to be the first to talk; after all, I was Sophia's voice now. But the words were crowded out by too many thoughts. I thought about policemen and court cases. She'd be expected to testify. She'd have to stand beside that piece of shit in court, while whatever sleazy lawyer he picked up would twist everything to make it sound like she had done something wrong. How could she testify when she wouldn't be able to talk? The court won't let me speak for her. I wasn't even there when it happened. She'd have to get a lawyer. We'd have to stay in Frankfort. The last thing I wanted was to stay in Frankfort, and yet I dreaded the all-seeing eyes of Tanager's population now more than ever. They would find out. Even if we kept it under maximum security lock-and-key, somehow they would find out. She'll be too different. Her entire demeanor will change and they'll know it's because something happened. They would want to know what it was, and when they don't know, they'll pretend they do. The speculations would start, and soon they would be accepted as fact no matter what they really were. It all weighed on me so much that I started to cry. That man had fucked everything up and it was all my fault.
Charmain put her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and saw that she was crying too. Ellia slipped her hand through mine and she, too, was crying. Only Talia wasn't crying, and she slipped outside for a smoke because she didn't know what to do with crying people. I don't think Talia can cry.
Then the nurse called me back, said Sophia wanted to see me.
“Me too?” Ellia asked, but the nurse shook her head. “I'll ask,” she told her, “but she asked for her sister specifically.”
I went in. Sophia had been crying. She held out her hands for me and I took them. There was a plainclothes lady there with a notepad. She had a badge pinned to her chest. “Is she a cop?” I asked the nurse.
“I'm not a cop,” the lady said, shaking her head. “I'm the hospital's trauma counselor.”
I held Sophia close as the events of the night were reduced to clinical jargon: they said that Sophia had suffered “severe trauma to the cervix and the vaginal area that indicated forced penetration,” that she would have to stay for a few days while they “monitored her condition and facilitated her recovery,” that she would be visited daily by the lady with the notepad, finally that a call has been placed to the county police department. The words “county police department” were, oddly enough, the most comforting things I'd heard all day. Talia Santiago ate dinner with the county police department.
The first thing I thought to ask was, “Is she still bleeding?” It was the stupidest possible question, and I mentally slapped myself because Sophia wasn't of the mind to do it.
“There was some hemorrhaging,” the nurse said. “She's healing now, but we're going to keep an eye on her.”
“How long is it going to take her to heal?” I asked, then added, “We don't live here.”
The nurse gave me that look that nurses only give when they're about to tell you what you don't want to hear. But she only said, “It could take five days, it could take two weeks. Where do you live?”
“Tanager, West Virginia,” I told her.
“I'd make plans to stick around for a little longer,” the nurse said, as cold as any ER nurse. “If your sister presses charges, you're going to be building a case.”
A case. Lawyers and judges and courtrooms and everybody blaming and accusing and making excuses. What had happened to my sister would gain attention in Frankfort and in Tanager, whether we wanted it to or not. She wouldn't be allowed to lock it up and suffer in the comfort of her friends and family. I didn't want to cry in front of Sophia, who had much more of a right to cry than I did. But I couldn't just walk away from her either. She needed me more than little me had needed her on those nights of storms and monsters.
I asked the nurse and the counselor if they could send the others in, and if they could please leave us alone for a while. They didn't object. The counselor gave us both a half-hearted smile as she walked out. I took my big sister into my arms and we shared our tears.
The cops that did show up were not Santiagos. I hadn't seen any of them at Maven Whittaker's on that first day in Frankfort that seemed so far behind us now. They did seem to know Talia, but they eyed her with something like contempt rather than warm familiarity.
As I'd predicted, Sophia lost her voice completely when they tried to speak to her. Their arsenal of questions—Do you know the name of the man who did this to you? What did he look like? Was he a friend? Did you know him? Were you alone with him at the time?--was met with an impenetrable wall of silence. They grew increasingly irritated with every question she wouldn't answer, until finally, the bald-headed cop said, “Honey, we can't do anything with this guy if we don't even know who he is.” It was as if he was talking to a kid who refused to take a bath, and not a twenty-three-year-old rape victim traumatized into silence. I mean, what the hell did he expect from her? There was still a little bit of blood, for crying out loud!
“Patronize her more,” Talia spoke up. “She'll be all too thrilled to answer you then. Go ahead, keep on scolding her. I'm sure you'll get everything you need.”
I guess they really did know Talia. “Santiago,” the lady-cop said, “you intefere with this investigation and you'll see how well it ends for you. I don't care who your daddy is.”
“He left copious amounts of his DNA all over the place,” Talia went on in spite of Charmain and Ellia's attempts to hush her. “Take a look at her bloody shorts and figure it out your damn self.”
I didn't need her making everything worse. “I can tell you,” I spoke up, “if Sophia lets me.” I looked to Sophia for approval, but her eyes were wide with fear. “It's gonna be okay, Soph,” I tried to assure her, but I knew it wouldn't mean shit. That man had cast some kind of spell on her. She's such a tiny lady, and I had to kneel down in order to look right in her eyes. “He won't do a damn thing to me, Sophia. I'll be all right. You've gotta believe me, please.”
“Is that what he told you?” Baldy asked Sophia. “He told you he was going to hurt your sister if  you said anything?”
I searched my sister's eyes and there it was, the trust. It was hiding way underneath all of her fear, meant only for me, and only I could see it. I turned to the officers and said, “Yes, he did tell her that.”
Baldy was about to say something else, but then the spell was broken. Sophia's tiny, terrified voice stammered out, “K...K-Kyle.”
Lady Cop pulled a chair over to the bed and sat down. “His name is Kyle?” she asked, with a combination of patience and eagerness for all of the unspoken truths. Sophia shrank back. She had said too much already. She looked to me, and I knew what I had to do.
“Kyle Solovski.” The name rolled off of my tongue a heavy boulder. “His name is Kyle Solovski. I knew him. I can tell you everything.” I looked to Sophia. She was pressed back against the pillow, scared that the very mention of the name would summon the monster to the room. I patted her and stood up from the bed. I looked to the others. Charmain's hands were over her mouth. Ellia took my place at the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around her best friend. “Oh my god, Sophia...” She started to cry. Sophia was like a doll in her arms. She had no visible reaction.
But the look on Talia's face was something I'm not going to forget anytime soon. Somehow, while everybody else's emotions were all over the place throughout this entire ordeal, she had remained completely still and blank. But now, for the first time, there was something in her eyes. The rest of her hadn't changed, but there was something. As I walked out of the room with the officers to tell them everything I knew, Talia turned her head to look at me and I had to look away. I didn't know what that something was, but I didn't like it. It looked too much like blood...
Sophia was out of the hospital three days later.
They gave her instructions: make an appointment with your gynecologist, bring the paperwork from the hospital with you, here's a list of trauma counselors in your area, you should find one and see them every week, here's a list of crisis intervention services if you need them, test yourself for pregnancy in two weeks and test again three weeks after that, find yourself a good lawyer, start building up a case. The word “pregnancy” sent hot bile up my throat; if she was pregnant, he had hold of her forever. She would have to carry a creature made of his genetic material, his eyes, his ears, his face...the very idea of it made me want to break everything in my line of sight.
Sophia herself had no outward reaction. When she returned to the flat, she went right to our room, which was full of flowers and gifts sent by the Santiago family. There was a $40 gift card to Orange Julius in there, and I asked Sophia if it was okay to use it. She nodded, but her voice was all locked up again.
“I'll get us a pizza too,” I told her, and left her alone. Talia had gone out somewhere, but left the Subaru behind. “Tell Talia I borrowed her van,” I told Charmain and Ellia, who were sitting stone-faced in front of the TV. I knew they weren't going anywhere.
When I got back, everyone was exactly as I had left them. Sophia was lying on her stomach on the bed. I sat the pizza box down on the bedside table and set her Orange Julius on the pillow. “We should talk to Judge Whittaker,” I said.
“About what?” Sophia didn't look at me or at anything.
“He can help us find a lawyer,” I told her.
“I'm not pressing charges.” Sophia's voice was just barely above a whisper.
I felt like I'd been punched right in the gut. He was going to walk free. He'd get to sleep in a warm bed every night, walk the streets every day, passing by everyone around him who would never even know that he was a monster. He could destroy my sister's life and still go on to live his own. I was going to be sick. I knew that if I started crying, Sophia would think she had done something wrong. So I tried to swallow it all back with an Orange Julius and I did absolutely nothing.
We stayed in our room, choking back pizza and smoothies and not saying a word. I looked at all of the gifts from Talia's family and I thought about our own parents back in Mill Point. Were they going to find out? Would Sophia tell them? How the hell would they react? Did they have to know? Life had been so simple, now everything was a question. I looked to Sophia, and she looked like a doll with a blank face painted on. For the first time in my life, I couldn't read her thoughts. My sister had been a closed book to everyone but me. Now, even I was shut out, and it killed me with the worst pain I had ever felt. I needed to sleep in her bed tonight, like I did when we were kids and I was scared. I was terribly scared now, scared that I'd lost her.
Sophia must have dozed off. I nudge her and she doesn't react. I cover her up with the blanket and start cleaning up the drinks and the pizza. Somebody rings the doorbell—I know it's not one of Talia's brothers because they always bang on the door. Sophia stirs back to life then, and I say, “Be right back, kid” and go see who's at the door.
Sheriff Carlo Santiago is out there talking to Ellia. He looks over her head at me. “Hey, Elsie,” he says. “How's your sister doing?”
“'Bout as well as you'd expect,” I tell him. “What's up?”
“I just...I have a bit of news for you.” He eyes his daughter, lounging on the armchair with both feet propped up on the arm. “Mind if I come in?”
“Go ahead.” Talia nods and folds her hands over her chest.
Carlo steps in and Charmain scoots over on the couch to make room for him. I sit up on the arm beside her. Ellia stays by the door. In a dark corner of the hallway, I can make out Sophia's image. She doesn't want to be seen, and I don't let on that I see her.
Carlo passes his eyes over all of us. If he sees Sophia, he doesn't let on. “I just thought you all should know,” he says grimly, “that Kyle Solovski has been found dead. A man found him behind the old Clairmont theater and called us in. He'd been shot clean through the eyes—blood everywhere. We think he might've done it to himself.”
Dead. Found dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. The words spin around and around in my head. Kyle Solovski. Found dead. Shot. Blood. Blood everywhere. I lock eyes with Charmain, who mouths “Ta-li-a” and then quickly looks at her knees. Talia doesn't look at her father, or at us, or at anybody. She's suddenly very interested in something invisible directly in front of her nose. I remembered something, and I'm going to be sick. I have to go to the bathroom.
“Ex...excuse me,” I say, getting up. Carlo nods. I hurry to Sophia, and I find her paralyzed and pressed against the door to our room. I get down on the floor with her and hold her. “He won't ever hurt anybody, not ever again,” I say. “He'll never get to hurt another girl like he hurt you.” He isn't going to walk free. She doesn't have to press charges. There doesn't have to be court, or lawyers. Kyle Solovski was dead and gone the moment I spoke his name in front of everybody at that hospital. We think he might've done it to himself. Done it to himself. As far as the world was concerned, Kyle Solovski had shot himself. The truth was only for us to know...
The next day, Talia says we're going back to Tanager.
Nobody objects.
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sionainnshaycora22 · 7 years
HeyI hate myself omg
**Still not feeling well?
I think i'm just not cut out to have friends.I told Marina happy birthday. and i just wanted to see what she said back, i wasn't gonna open the message but it said 3 so I opened itthen I typed "your welcome " and was like fuck she's going to take the heart as sarcasm. This was on my old account. I hate myself on top of that she's probably mad at me that i got morgan to say happy birthday to leyshka.I'm not sure what to say...i'm not fit to have friends
**Why would she be mad about that?
because Leyshka hates me and wants nothing to do with me."If you keep trying to talk to her then she'll never come back."frankly if that stupid 16 year old shit face sits there and thinks"OH MY GOD SHE SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME EVEN THOUGH I TOLD HER TO LEAVE ME ALONE AND SHE HAS BEEN FOR MONTHS NOW I'M NOT COMING BACK"she's kind of a shit headand not worth it
**Ohhh... Why would you wish her a happy birthday is she didn't want anything to do with you???
because i still love her as a nice unfortunately, she hates me, and yeah i hate her too but that's not what my heart is saying. Dude It's pretty shallow if she thinks "OMG I'M NEVER GOING BACK!!!!11" over a fucking happy birthday when i haven't seeked her out in months.
**Just, stop messaging her.. it's not healthy...
**Ah, than don't bother wishing people happy birthday or whatever through another person...I wouldn't 
I'm sorry i care about people.even though they hate me. 
I spent 7 years of my life with that piece of shit KIND OF HARD NOT TO CARE
**Ah, true Still, it ain't healthy 
So sorry i'm having trouble healing after losing the people i connect to the most 
**How old is that person who had a birthday?
I just said16Ah..she's a little brat Then YUP 
**Dude.. just blast her away like team rocket..until she matures
Yeah time changes people she may make shitty decisions now "OMG SHE SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HOW HORRIBLE I'M NOT GOING BACK." now but that'll probably change when she's older.Marina is probably pissed at me for asking morgan to do that but she can fucking blast off too
**Yes..plus just think about how you are 10 years older...it's probably difficult having lil kids as friends
It's not too hard when they're awesome, Like Wonderland She's lovely!
**I have one kinda friend who is 15.. but she's mature for her age
 Guess what? Leyhska was like thatShe acted super mature for her age But never really knew how to handle me  and still had stupid insecurities She basicly left me because i told her uncle she tried to committed suicide, and the fact she couldn't handle how upset I got when she didn't listen to me. Ah..But I mean, when you're yelling at me that you hate talking about your feelings, and saying I betrayed her instead of REALIZING WHY i did what I did, and not even caring why i did what i did That's being an immature brat and she was suffering from depression Like jee i'm sorry i didn't want your mother finding you dead"You should of tried to help me find help instead" ???? I'M IN CANADA WTF CAN I DOUhh..
** not sure what to say to that,Sounds almost like she just wants attention
While I know it's all her fault, she never really listened to me and never took what I was saying properly, and we butted heads so much on so many subjectes*not all her fault we had fun but we never really jived too well aside from me being a listener but tbh it was both parties.If you wanna take feeling betrayed over feeling loved that i cared enough to tell someone thenI meanthat's her choice
**So Anything good happen today? 
No, but i'm feeling insecure cause you're not agreeing with some of the stuff i said if i'm gonna be honest >>
**Well I think ya Should try to let it go and let her go...I'm not really a comforting person..
I have been trying, it's really not easy when these people were litterally your life
**I had to let go of a friend after she hurt me... Took a couple years but now we kinda just check in with eachother like aqquintances 
Me and Leyshka didn't end on good terms and this is me letting my ENTIRE group go. The people i gamed with, the people i did projects with litterally everything without them i'm litterally left with the people who just want to text chat which is understimulating for me 
**Yeah.. that would be hard.. but look at it this way, give them a break, and maybe they'll seek you out next time
I guess but i keep fucking up, it probably was a bad idea to say happy birthday to leyshka but i'm so fucking ingrained to feel for them because it's been SO LONG I felt bad that I didn't, same for marina
**Let them cool down.. don't talk to them, don't talk about them and let them chillI get it, Painfully
And you know what i fucking thought of?There is a double standard going on Why was it so wrong for me to say happy birthday to leyshka... yet I GOT BLAMED when Kevin said happy birthday to ME and i had him REMOVED?He even had Janica tell me happy birthday Why was what -I- did wrong in Marina's eyes but what Kevin did was totally okay????????
**My best friend of like 20 years doesn't remember me, because of a disease that's slowing killing her and I can't ever hear her voice unless it's a recording
.........OW.... I'M SO SORRY..
**I do get what you mean and feel, painfully... Just, these people that you talk about seem cruel to you 
Do you see what i mean by double standard?One could argue leyshka didn't want anything to do with me but I didn't want shit to do with kevin so why is what he did right and what i did wrong?
**So yeah, I would cut them out, I won't agree with ya if I don't agree.. I'm not that 'kind'..He sounds like a brat too
Oh he's a straight A asshole I snapped at him and apologized for it afterwards.he continued to mock me after i apologized 
**I mean you could point that out to them but that totally piss them all off
Oh I'm not pointing it out, i'm pointing it out to you and asking if you see what i mean I'm not saying anything to them
**Yeah, I get it..And good
was i really wrong to get morgan to say happy birthday to her?
**Don't think about them or talk to them, Yeah, I think so.. but you did have your heart in the right place.. just, learn from this 
why is it so wrong to say happy birthday to someone ugh
**Because they don't want to talk to you
I didn't want shit to do with morgan and she kept sending me cards and stuff and no one yelled at her or thought she was wrong, it's frusterating because i never know what's right and wrong to fucking do
**She could just want to start something..and doing so passive aggressively I also have a hard time with that . I usually just ask my friend about it 
but then i do what my friend says and someone else says it's wrong I DON'T KNOW 
**You seem to have shitty friends who are very passive aggressive
No I got upset with morgan for moving and cut her off because i felt abandoned, i wanted 0 to do with her, and she kept sending me cards like oh i miss you and happy birthday and stuff like that yet when i do that to leyshka everyone is like NO YOU'RE WRONG 
**Just.. try to get them out of your mind.. when you want to message them...say out loud 'No' and look at video game videos or something. Wait, she moved and you got upset? 
I bearly play video games,i don't actively seek them out to message them shannon, i just messaged marina for her birthday and then got nervous and fucked up, and then i asked morgan to say happy birthday to leyshka for me and that's all i've done in the last month for marina and 6 for leyshka, yeah morgan moved and i got really upset because at the time i felt abandoned.i cut her off and wanted 0 to do with her and everyone was like BOO HOO POOR MORGAN and no one thought it was wrong what morgan was doing that she was sending me cards and happy birthday when i wanted nothing to do with her
**Dude, she can't control where she lives
yeah she can, she's in her 20's and could of stayed here. But my point still stands i wanted 0 to do with her and she kept messaging me it wasn't wrong for her to do but it was wrong for me to do for leyshka?i don't get these stupid social fucking shitty rules 
**My close friend of 20 years wants to move to Halifax soon, and like I am very attached to her but I cant control her
that's not my POINT SHannon, I came around after awhile and let morgan back in so that isn't even an issue my issue is, why was it wrong? why was it wrong for me to do to leyshka but not wrong for morgan to do to me I wanted nothing to do with morgan 
**Because, your friend wanted to move, did you ever ask her why she was moving? Was there a job opportunity or did she need a change??
She wanted to follow her mom that was it And no, in my eyes that's a double standard i wanted 0 to do with morgan, i did not want her in my life 
**Because she abandoned you?
I felt abandoned, yes, but i still did not want her in my life anymore
**Did you explain clearly that to her?
She knows all about it, yep. she remembers. She's in my life now, but like i said i don't understand why what morgan did was right and what i did was wrong i messaged leyshka to say happy birthday morgan messaged me all the time when i wanted nothing to do with her yet what i did was wrong?I just don't get it shannon i need to go somewhere I can learn how to socia
**A  lot of people do 
i'm not understanding
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