#they’re gonna help Friend feel better about himself<3
dizzysilhouette · 3 months
Lionel: You’re the detective sort, aren’tcha?
Alan: I suppose you could say that.
Lionel: You showed me your board. That’s detective stuff.
Alan: I guess? Where are you going with this?
Lionel: Well, I talked with Daisy and they told me you have a sort of… “Alan Sense”, where you can tell the future, almost. Or, at least, you’re right about your conspiracies.
Alan: [nods and takes a sip of tea]
Lionel: I need you to do a board on Friend.
Alan: [sputters] What? For what reason?
Lionel: Ever since you’ve found out his old name, he’s been actin’ weird. I feel there’s something deeper there, and maybe if you and I can figure it out, we can help him.
Alan: I think it’s just because we found out his name is [REDACTED]. I mean, that’s such a depressing name. No wonder he changed it.
Lionel: True… I suppose I’ve been overthinkin’ it.
Alan: …[sigh] If you want me to find out more, I’ll do it. But I’m not gonna do a Friend Board. I’ll just talk to him, find out what’s going on.
Lionel: Thank you. I just worry about him, y’know?
Alan: Trust me, I do too.
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tootiecakes234 · 8 months
Going to the Hero Awards with Katsuki for the first time:
You and Mina had been doing prep ALL DAY. The hair, the makeup, final dress fittings, you name it. It was kinda nice, like a self pampering that was being funded by the best boyfriend of all time. Katsuki had given you his card and told the both of you to go nuts. He had to work the day of so he’d be getting home just in time to get ready and leave.
Mina had helped you pick out the cutest dress you’d even seen and it was orange to match Katsuki’s hero theme. Your other accessories being black with slight hints of green here and there.
You’re not gonna lie, you were VERY nervous. This was a big award for him. He’d ended up being number six at the last one and this was the year he breaks into the top 5.
Kats has been acting like it’s not a big deal but you’ve been able to feel how anxious he’s really been. So tonight you were gonna focus on holding yourself together and being there for him in whatever way he needed.
You were touching up your makeup just a little when you heard the front door open. He’s running behind.
“Fuck, I know I’m late. I gotta hop in the shower and FUCK! I never picked up my clothes from the-“, he was pacing around the room like a madman.
“Hey, hey.” And you placed your hands on his shoulders to steady him for a minute. “I have your clothes, they’re hanging up in the closet above your shoes. I have your hair stuff laid out on the counter and you might wanna get a quick shave in too.” You say as you run your hands along his stubble.
And he takes a deep breath. And then another.
“Thanks, I got sidetracked at work and time got away from me.”
“ ‘s fine. You’ve got time. Go ahead and hop in the shower and let me know if your need anything, yeah?”
He leans down a places a soft kiss to your forehead and then heads for the bathroom.
Yeah, this was gonna be a long night.
When Katsuki comes out of the bathroom he’s gotta towel wrapped around his waist and he’s looking a lot more himself.
You were sitting down putting on your shoes, but you stop and look up because you noticed he’s not moving anymore.
“What’s wrong?” You ask him.
“You look…… incredible” and the way you start blushing is insane. You cant even make eye contact with him. His compliments are usually never that straightforward. It shocked you a bit.
“Thanks” you whisper softly. And then outta the corner of your eye you see him striding toward you.
“Kats-“ but your lips are covered by his and you just know he’s gonna be covered in your lipstick.
When he pulls back he has a full grin on his face.
“Damn, I feel a lot better now. Gonna have the hottest woman on my arm and I’m gonna finally be in the top 5. Was worried about nothin.”
The smile that shines in your eyes is worth a million dollars.
“You’re not gonna have any of that if you don’t finish getting dressed so we can leave.” And you start pushing him away. “Go. Hurry up”
“Yeah yeah, ‘m goin” he mumbles as he walks away.
“And wipe the lipstick off your face” you shout behind him.
You guys manage to make it just before the doors close for the event and you’re sat at a table with Eijirou and Mina.
They go through the whole spiel of course before they start announcing the Hero’s in their order.
This year Pinky was number 18 which was 6 whole spots higher than last year and Red Riot broke into the top 10 sitting at number 8. You cheered so loud for your friends, but you didn’t fail to notice that Kats hand had slipped into yours and was holding on pretty tight.
He kept a straight face but he was beyond wrecked on the inside. You look over at him and give the the most encouraging smile you can muster.
The numbers continued to be listed off they’d finally gotten into the top 5. He hadn’t heard his name at 5 or 4.
“Coming in as the number 3 Hero in Japan, Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamight. “
He’d broken into the top 3!! You looked over at him and his face was as stoic as ever. Ever the cool man on the outside. This man leaned over, placed a quick kiss to your lips and then walked onto the stage to accept his prize.
“Ugh, yea I worked hard for this. It’s well deserved. Thanks to my agency and the best girl a guy could ask for…. Next year I’ll be number 1.” And then He just walks off.
Everyone else had given these heartfelt speeches but his was of course sweet simple and to the point.
Katsuki has grown up, doesn’t mean he’s changed all that much.
Number 1 ends up being Izuku for the second year in a row. When he walks past Katsuki they hug and congratulate each other. You were happy to see how far their relationship had come.
After the awards are given out, they had back to their seats and you guys have dinner. After, Everyone goes around congratulating and thanking. Most of them kissing ass really, but you digress. You’re in the middle of talking to some agent you really have no interest in talking to when you feel a warm arm wrap around your waist.
“I’m taking her now.”, you hear him say as he starts dragging you off.
“Hey, that was really rude.”
“Too damn bad. I’m number 3 hero, I do what I want” he says and you can hear the smirk on his face.
“Where are you taking me, Mr. Bigshot” ?
“Home. We came, we saw, we conquered. Now I get to have my real prize all to myself.
“And what would that be?” You ask as coyly as you can muster.
“Obviously you dummy. Wanna see how good that dress looks bunched around your waist” he whispers against your ear.
That has you walking with a pep in your step to get out to your car and home.
This had turned out to be a lot better than you’d expected it to.
Katsuki Masterlist
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girlboypersonthingy · 5 months
Could you maybe write a Sally Face One Shot, where Sal developed a huge crush on reader. But he thinks she doesn’t feel the same way. So he writes a love letter in which he puts no hope in, but then she actually tells him she does feel the same.
Does that even make any sense?😭
Yes…it makes sense and I’m weeping over this omggggg 😭😭😭 bruh this had me screaming and kicking in bed as I wrote it omfgggggg. Sal is pretty smart so I know this mf would write some pretty, thought out, poetic type shit
Notes: gn!reader, established friendship, friends to lovers trope
TW: none, just so fucking sappy and fluffy
Sal x reader- Sincerely Sally 💌
Dear (Y/N),
I want to start by telling you that you’re an amazing friend. I’m beyond grateful we’ve met. You’ve always made me feel so comfortable, so wanted, so important. No words could ever truly explain my feelings for you or the thoughts behind them, but I’m going to try.
Since we met, I’ve seen nothing but good in you and I think you’ve made me good, too. You make me feel good. You make me a better person. I don’t know who I’d be without you, but I know who I want to be now.
I want to be the one on your arm when we walk into a room.
I want to be the one you wake up to every morning and fall asleep next to every night.
I want to kiss you every time we say ‘good bye’ and every time we say ‘hello’ again.
I want to be the one you point to with a smile and say ‘him’ when talking to others.
I want to be the one to hold you when you cry.
I want to be the one to hug you when you’re excited.
I want to go every where you go.
I want to slow dance with you.
I want to head bang with you.
I want to paint with you.
I want to sing to you.
I want to hold you.
I want you.
I love you.
I’m in love with you.
And I’m sorry.
Sally <3
Sal felt like a total loser while sneaking over to your place, which was just down the street from Todd’s house, and slipping the letter in your mailbox. He felt like he could puke just from writing the letter, there’s no way he could ever say these things to your face. He couldn’t help but hesitate, staring at the mailbox as his heart beat rapidly in his chest. ‘They’re going to hate me. I’m gonna ruin everything. What the hell am I doing?’ Sal thinks to himself, staying frozen in place for a good few minutes as thousands of thoughts race through his mind, shaky hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets.
He jumps a bit when he notices the light in your bedroom flick on through your window. He ducks his head and turns to leave, not wanting to get caught lurking around your house in the middle of the night. As he rushes back home, the panic begins to set in because now he realizes he left it…he left the letter behind. It was done. No turning back. He felt sick to his stomach and like he was already grieving the loss of your friendship.
Sal tip toes back in the house, praying neither Neil nor Todd would catch him sneaking in so late and ask questions. He trudges to his room, shedding his clothes before flopping onto his bed. Sal lays on his side and after taking his prosthetic off, stares at the wall for hours thinking about all the ways this could go wrong, all the ways you could reject him, every excuse and lie he could use later to act like it wasn’t even serious, like it was a dumb joke or something. Finally, after his brain had tortured him enough, he drifts off to sleep just before the sun begins to rise.
~next morning~
‘Holy shit…’ You think as you hold the piece of lined note book paper in your shaky hands. “No way…no way!” A giddy smile grows on your face as you clumsily drop all the other mail you had in your hands, besides Sal’s letter, on the ground and take off running for him. It was early in the morning and you were in pajamas still but nothing could stop you now. His house was not far at all and you were too excited not to immediately run to him and profess your love for him.
You and Sal had been friends almost as long as he has with Larry and Todd. You’ve slowly fallen in love with him just as hard as he has with you- the issue is that you are both dummies and think the other person sees you as a friend and a friend only. You’d find yourself dreaming of Sal, not knowing he was dreaming of you too. You’d absentmindedly doodle his name on piece of paper and blush, he’d find a strand of your hair on his shirt and smile so big under his mask. You two have been pining for so long but both so afraid to wreck the relationship you already have. Eventually, Sal felt like he couldn’t get anything done, couldn’t focus on his studies or the ghosts or even eating throughout the day. His brain was full, flooded even, with thoughts of you. He just had to get it out, he had to say it to you now or he would be haunted by it forever. Unbeknownst to Sal…you felt the exact same way.
Bouncing up to his doorstep with an uncontrollable smile on your face, cheeks aching and turning red, you knock on the door and ball your fists up out of excitement. Finally, Todd answers the door, smiling at you before greeting you. “(Y/N)! What are you doing here so early? We-“ “Sal! I-I’m sorry. I need to talk to Sal.” You interrupt, your crazy smile making Todd chuckle softly just as Neil comes up behind him. “Morning, (Y/N)! Sal isn’t up yet. He’s still-“
You weren’t trying to be rude, you adored Todd and Neil but you were currently completely 100% hyperfixated on the sleeping blue haired poet behind the door at the end of the hall way and you just had to see him immediately. “I-I’m sorry…” You laugh softly as you push past them, sprinting for his door, gripping the knob excitedly before swinging the door open. The sound of the door swinging back against the door frame stirs Sally from his sleep, making him groan and glance over at the doorway. Before he can react to you being in his bedroom, in your pajamas still with bed head and an adorable love sick smile on your face, you’re jumping into his blankets with arms wide open. As you practically belly flop on top of him, he huffs softly then chuckles, groggily blinking at you.
“Uh…morning…” He mumbles just before you place the folded love letter on his chest, giving him a small smirk. His eyes open wider now, his prosthetic eye not in its usual socket. Sal scrambles nervously to sit up more, his breath hitching in his throat. He was so half asleep for a moment there, he had forgotten all about the letter he planted in your mailbox last night. “Oh I uh….yeah uh-uhm-“ Sal can’t seem to move his mouth correctly, can’t focus his brain on the words he wants to say. And he just breaks down even more when he realizes you’re in his bed, still in pajamas with the cutest messiest bed head. He can’t deal with the cuteness and his gnawing anxiety…So you speak up instead.
“I love you too.” You smile sweetly before pulling yourself up closer to his scarred face and rubbing your nose against his. Sal lets out a whiny little hum as he lets his nervous hands very slowly move up to rest on your back, smiling like a sappy dork as he hugs you softly. He’s not sure what exactly he was expecting to happen after giving you that letter but this is most definitely the best case scenario. “Let’s just…fucking kiss already.” You say with a cheeky smile, eyes half lidded as you lean in closer. Sal sucks in a breath before letting his eyes close along with yours, pursing his lips out as his hands move up your arms and to your cheeks. His big palms caress your face so perfectly, his thumbs sliding back and forth over your skin as you lock lips, gently moving your mouths together as soft sighs leave both of you.
As his hands pull your face closer, your hands wander up and down his bare arms, legs tangled up in his blankets along with him now, you couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh against his lips. “I’m glad you finally told me…that letter was so beautiful.” You whisper, lips gently ghosting against his now. Sal keeps his eyes closed but smiles brightly. “I wrote 153 of those letters.” He confesses, face burning bright red. “No you didn’t.” You scoff, looking down at him, finding this fact hilarious and also adorable and flattering.
“Oh yes he did!” Todd and Neil are leaning in the open doorway. Oops…you got so excited you didn’t shut the door behind you when you ran in. “Proof!” Neil laughs out loudly as he points to Sal’s trash can in the corner of the room, overflowing with balled up pieces of paper. You laugh as you look over, Neil and Todd laughing along with you. Sal drapes an arm over his face, trying to hold back his flustered smile and embarrassed expression. “Stoopppp.” He complains before you’re standing and playfully glaring at the two boys in the doorway. “That’s enough teasing. Shoo!” You grin at Todd before shutting the door on them and turning back to Sal.
“153, huh? Wow. That’s some dedication, lover boy.” You climb back into his bed, sitting cross legged beside him. “Why didn’t you just tell me in person, Sal? Would’ve been way easier.” You scoot closer to him and run your fingers through his tangled hair. “Uh, I totally disagree. I nearly had a panic attack just putting that letter in your mailbox and then having to walk away from it.” A laugh rings out from you as you toss your head back. “Ha! So, What? You’re afraid to say you love me but not afraid of ghosts or demons or cults?” You taunt him before leaning over to rest your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes for a second. “You’re strange. And I love that about you.” You rest there with him for a moment before a fantastic idea hits you, making you sit up and gasp excitedly.
“Can I read the other ones too?!” Before Sal can answer, you’ve jumped up and ran to the rejected pile of love letters in the corner. “No! (Y/N)! No no nononononono!” Sal jumps up and runs to tackle you, his face blushing so red from his ears and down his neck. You laugh loudly as he wraps his arms around your waist and tries to pull you away from all the other embarrassing things he wrote and considered saying to you. “They’re…in the trash…for a reason!” He laughs and huffs as you you push forward, trying to reach even just one crumpled up piece of paper. “Pleeaaassseeeee?” You plead but your strength leaves you as Sal tickles you and has you cackling on the ground instantly.
And the next 10 minutes are spent wrestling with him on the floor of his bedroom while laughing like drunk idiots and occasionally pressing a kiss to the other’s lips. Eventually, you do get ahold of a few of the discarded love letter drafts and they are either like Shakespeare poetry type shit, or so fucking dorky and corny, full of puns and shit. Larry probably tried to help him with that one lol
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pancakeszs · 12 days
I’d rather be with you
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♡ Megumi Fushiguro x fem!reader
♡ word count: 2.3k
♡ synopsis: reader’s date canceled so megumi steps up and takes her out to cheer her up instead
♡ warnings: all characters are aged up! (18+) FLUFF, confessions, making out, slightly ooc megumi
♡ authors note: this is my first jjk fic on here! i’m really nervous so i hope you all enjoy! i’m sorry if this is a bit fast paced i tried my best. <3
WRITTEN BY @pancakeszs (please do not repost or make any translations)
you were getting ready for your valentine’s day date, filled to the brim with excitement until you received a text. a text from the very man who was supposed to take you out.
date: hey i can’t make it today. my ex wants to go out w me so i’m gonna be with her instead. maybe another time 🤷‍♀️
you almost chucked your phone across the room, but realized that would just make things much worse. you felt your eyes begin to water but you blinked them back. this douche didn’t deserve your tears. taking a deep breath you dialed the number of the only person who could make you feel better.
after the second ring you heard his voice through the line.
“hey, what’s up?” megumi’s comforting voice hit your ear and it immediately made you feel better.
“my date just cancelled on me to go out with his ex.” you had to hold yourself back from screaming into the phone, megumi wasn’t the one who needed to be on the receiving end of your rage.
“that asshole, he doesn’t deserve you.” megumi meant it, he didn’t think anyone was ever good enough for you. mostly because he wanted you all to himself but he would never tell you that. he would never forgive himself if he ruined your friendship over his stupid feelings.
the line was silent for a moment before megumi spoke again “since you don’t have any plans, wanna come over? we can go to the bookstore to cheer you up if you want?”
you smiled at his offer, megumi was never really straight forward with his words but his actions let you know that he truly cared about you. “i’d like that. thank you, gumi.”
“mhm, i’ll be there in 10 is that okay?”
you suddenly felt much more nervous about hanging out with megumi than when you were going on your actual date. you turned around to examine yourself in the mirror. you wore a crimson red skirt, a white babydoll blouse, with crimson red mary jane’s with frilly socks to match your skirt. you decided to add a heart necklace that megumi had gotten for your birthday one year and the matching earrings that went with it.
after adding your finishing touches you looked at yourself again and decided that you looked good enough. even though megumi has seen you at your lowest you still wanted to look presentable, especially since it was valentine’s day.
you wondered to yourself if this was technically a date. deep inside of you, you wished that it was but you didn’t think megumi could ever see you as more than a best friend. you decided that it was just a hangout to make you feel better after being canceled on by your date.
you were startled out of your thoughts by a knock on the door. your heart began to beat faster as you walked towards the door. you opened the door to find your best friend. he was holding of bouquet of white roses, your favorite, and wore beige dress pants and a red sweater vest. the color scheme matched your outfit perfectly.
you smiled at him and megumi thought he was going to melt. you had stars in your eyes and megumi couldn’t think of a smile more perfect than yours.
“they’re beautiful megumi…” you said staring at the flowers, which meant you were too busy to notice the faint blush coating megumi’s cheeks.
he handed them out to you and you took them gently, not wanting to ruin their beauty. “come inside, i’ll put these in a vase before we head out.”
megumi followed you inside and still hadn’t said a word. he didn’t know what to say. you looked stunning in your outfit. he couldn’t help but notice the heart necklace and earrings you wore. the same ones he gifted to you on your birthday.
he decided to say something so he didn’t look like a total idiot. “you look..very pretty.” he was glad that you were searching for a vase while he said it.
you looked over your shoulder and smiled trying to sound calm but ending up stumbling over your words “thank you, you too- not pretty, but handsome. but i mean you are pretty too.” you cringed at yourself and quickly returned to searching for a vase.
megumi blushed at the compliment, seeing you as flustered as he was helped his nerves cool down.
finally you found a vase and filled it up with water. “so what do you want to do?” you asked looking at megumi.
he shook his head “no, what do you want to do?” he would’ve added that you were the one who’s date flaked out on you but decided it might’ve been best not to mention that detail.
you hummed to yourself as you thought. “well, you did mention the bookstore.” you say sheepishly as you cut the bottom tip of the stems off.
“i had a feeling you would say that. we can go there first.” he said. you picked up the vase and placed it in the middle of the dining room table, admiring its beauty.
you turn to look at megumi who was already looking at you “you ready to go?” you ask to which he nods in response.
the drive to the bookstore quiet, but not in an awkward way. it was never awkward with you and megumi. it felt natural to sit in the car, listening to your favorite artists and enjoy the ride. it was one of your favorite things that you both did together, you felt like you were bonding just by listening to your favorite songs and taking in the scenery.
megumi put the car into park and you both walked towards the bookstore. “any books you’re looking for in particular?” he asks you.
you think for a moment and then shake your head “not really, i’ll just look at whatever catches my eye.“
when you walk into the bookshop you feel like you’re transported into a different universe. the warm arm and the soft scent of vanilla made you feel at peace as you walked towards the fantasy section of the store.
megumi followed you, content to watch you skim through the books until you chose the perfect one. it wasn’t the first time you guys had visited a bookshop together, you did so quite frequently since you both loved reading.
he stood silently behind you as you read the different titles until you saw one that caught your eye. you gently pulled it out and read the back, immediately intrigued by the story.
you turn around to look at megumi, your face practically glowing with excitement. “i’m getting this one, it sounds really interesting. is there anything you want to look at?”
megumi shakes his head, he wasn’t here today for himself he was here for you. even though it wasn’t a date, he wanted to treat you to the best valentine’s day you’ve ever had. a day better than the one that douche would’ve given you.
you pout feeling bad that he isn’t getting anything but he insists that he has enough books at home. eventually you budge and you make your way to the register.
once it’s your turn in line you hand the cashier the book and reach into your wallet for your payment. right as you look up to hand the cashier your card megumi is already handing it to the lady. “megumi, i can pay.” you insist
“what kind of man would i be if i let you pay for a book on valentine’s day?” he asked raising an eyebrow at you.
“fine, but if we stop somewhere to eat i’m paying.” megumi makes a noise in the back of his throat that makes you think he’s agreeing when he’s really not.
once you guys exit the bookstore and walk back into the cool brisk february air you look up at him and thank him.
“it’s no problem.” he says shrugging it off, but he’s actually really happy that he got to buy you a book that you seemed excited to have.
“where to next?” he asks as you walk down the street with no particular destination in mind.
“how about the park?”
he nods as you both walk towards the direction of the park. that was another place you both enjoyed hanging out, you usually went there to read together. it was a little book club spot that you both had. except this time you were seeing it in new eyes, it seemed more romantic now. a secluded bench in an unoccupied part of the park. you wondered if people the who would pass by you thought that you were a couple. you blushed at the thought.
on your way to your bench you saw some food trucks and you both looked at each other and immediately knew that you both wanted something to eat.
“what do you want to eat?” you ask megumi but he shakes his head simply and says “no, what do you want to eat?”
“if i choose then i get to pay, deal?”
megumi rolls his eyes at you and mumbles “fine.”
you smile, content that he accepted your deal. you look around at the trucks and pick one that sells gyoza’s, something that both you and megumi enjoy. luckily there wasn’t much of a wait so you order pork dumplings for yourself, while megumi orders beef dumplings. you pull out your card and smile at megumi as you hand it to the man running the truck.
megumi rolls his eyes playfully and you both wait for a couple of minutes before receiving your food. once you get back to your bench you don’t immediately begin to eat. you’re thinking about your day. even though you both hadn’t been out long it was a very sweet hang out.
megumi turned to look at you, noticing that you haven’t started to eat, even though he hasn’t either. “what’s wrong? did they mess up your order?” he asks concerned
“no, i just wanted to say thank you megumi. for taking me out today. i appreciate you stepping up after that guy canceled our plans.”
you glance away after you speak, you think about the way he told you that you looked pretty, and the way that he was looking at you as you placed the flowers on the table. you could admit that you were delusional at times but today felt different. it didn’t feel like delusion it felt real. it felt like the air between you and megumi was charged with something more than friendship.
you decide to take the leap, it is valentine’s day after all. “i know this wasn’t technically a date…but today felt different. it felt romantic, almost.”
you look at him and he’s staring at you so intently, likes he’s trying to get you to elaborate so you continue speaking. “i’ve always loved you as a best friend, but i don’t know, i’ve been starting to feel something more. i think about you when you aren’t around, i see things and i think “hey gumi would like that.”, i wish that i was with you all of the time. and i’ve never really felt it romantically before, but i think that’ means i love you more than a best friend.”
megumi wanted to kiss you so badly in that moment. he thought he was in a dream, you were confessing your feeling for him. him of all people. he had thought of this moment so many times, but he never thought it would truly happen. he had gave into the thought that you would only love him romantically in his dreams.
he was silent for so long that you started to regret your words “megumi, if you don’t feel the same way-“
he immediately cut you off “i do! i really do. i was just thinking about how surreal this all is. i’ve loved you for so long but i never thought you’d feel the same way. especially about me.”
“what isn’t there to love about you?” you said softly and he felt the blood rush to his cheeks.
you were both silent for a moment and megumi looked down at your lips. they looked so soft, he always wondered what they would feel like on his. “can i kiss you?” he whispered.
“yes.” and slowly he leans in and places a hand on your cheek and his other on your waist. you place both of your hands on his shoulder and you close the gap between you.
the kiss was gentle, soft like you were both afraid to break the spell that had come over you both. but it was no spell, it was love so you took the initiative and started kissing him more passionately. his grip on your waist tightened as you parted your lips for him. he slowly slipped his tongue inside and you explored each others mouths.
he slowly brought his hand down to your shoulder and you wrapped your arms around his neck and you kissed him harder. you gasped into his mouth and there was a rumble in the back of his throat when you did so. you tugged on his shirt to pull him closer to you and he moved both of his hands to your waist.
you kissed for a while, a mess of gasps and lips and tongues. it felt euphoric, finally kissing him after waiting so long. when you finally pulled apart you rested your foreheads against each others and enjoyed the moment.
after a few seconds of silent you whispered “i’m glad that guy canceled, i’d rather be with you.”
he chuckled and whispered “me too.”
WRITTEN BY @pancakeszs (please do not repost or make any translations)
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s4lv4tions · 10 months
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innocence and the art of losing it;
pairing; kamo choso x fem!reader (modern!au) wc; 1.1k cw; suggestive content, making out, post-makeout clarity, second hand embarrassment ? lol an; no thoughts just loserboy choso. a virgin who's never kissed anyone who literally hands his heart over the second u bat your eyelashes at him :3
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Choso kisses you once — drunk, high, more teeth than lips — in the wish-wash strobe lights of a college house party, and is thrust face-first into obsession.
It’s his first kiss. Yes, he's 22, and his first kiss is a sloppy, intoxicated mess, and he doesn't care. He’s covered in glitter from when someone had thrown a glitter-bomb at the wall above his head, sweating off his eyeliner and face paint, delirious enough to wonder whether his cup is still in his hand or not. But you’re real. Firm and sweet-smelling and voice husky when you bow your head towards him, just as drunk as he is but wearing it far better. Dark kohl lines your eyes, lashes big and dramatic. The kiss is messy and bitter with the lingering taste of vodka, but he presses himself further into it, cheeks hot and ears hotter.
He doesn’t really remember the rest of the night. He remembers the kiss, and your face, and the untrained, inelegant way his tongue had explored your mouth; he remembers how you’d patted his arm after and told him you were gonna go crash in the bath tub upstairs and try to sober up — extended an invitation to him, too — before you disappeared around the corner. It was an invitation he would’ve taken if not for the sudden tugging on his sleeve.
Mahito — grinning all sleazy at the smear of lipstick on Choso’s face — steadies a blacked-out Jogo against one bony shoulder. He whines something about not wanting to take care of him, and Jogo slurs something else (most likely about Hanami, who he'd never had the courage to ask out, and was now dating a "ripped lifeguard"). They’re annoying at best and assholes at worst, but (begrudgingly) Choso admits they’re his friends. He’s never been able to refuse a friend in need.
He mournfully leaves the party — and you, upstairs, lying in the empty bath with a warm blanket and open arms — to help Jogo regurgitate his guts in Choso's apartment. He sobers up pretty quickly between retches, only left with a passing headache and a deep lethargy; still, when Jogo and Mahito collapse on his pull out couch (fully dressed, might he add), he lays in bed, bloodshot-eyed and blushing. He doesn’t know how he found your Instagram — your name’s not even in your username — but he’s staring at your pretty face and scraping his tongue piercing against the back of his teeth. He shouldn’t be doing either of those things. He’s so fucking tired, but he can’t look away.
An OOTD. A coffee cup and a fancy looking pastry. You and your friends hugging each other at a party, grinning and glitter-eyed. Another of you on your own, at a Halloween party last year — because that’s how far he’s scrolled — dressed as Morticia Addams, dark and sultry and smiling all the while. His heart is thudding so hard in his chest he swears it’ll erupt and splatter over the ceiling.
Fuck. Fuck. It’s the alcohol pooling in his stomach, he’s sure — the alcohol rushing from his head to his, uh, smaller head. The faint synthetic taste of your lipstick and the smell of your perfume — sweet and dizzying, good enough to eat — they cloud his head in the same way those incessant clouds of vape and weed had earlier. He remembers how your long, pointed nails had scraped through his hair and brushed against his scalp, shivers rolling down the hunched length of his spine. The softness of your chest against his. You’d been so funny, made him feel so comfortable where he’d normally shut down and go silent. Fuck.
He scrolls further, fixated on every detail — who’s that man standing just beside you? Why is that girl’s hand so tight on your waist? You were part of the Art Society two years ago, he wonders if you’re not anymore. That same year you visited Vienna in the summer, snapping photos in front of the Hofburg in a dark summer dress. Your jewellery makes your eyes look even more sparkly than they are in real life. He’s about to scroll further, when—
❤��� You liked this post.
“No,” Choso mutters to himself, shooting up in bed. “No, no, no, no—”
He fumbles with his phone — drops it out of his hands and then scurries to pick it up again, dread settling over him like a threadbare blanket. Nope, his brain wasn't playing tricks on him. Shamefully, he unlikes the post and turns his screen off, pressing his palms into his eyes.
A post from two and a half years ago. 30 whole months. And he’d liked it accidentally. His stupid fucking thumbs — and it wasn’t like he could play it cool. Even with unliking it, you’ll see the notification. You’ll know that he was snooping. That he was thinking about you.
Fuck. He shouldn’t have drank so much. He shouldn’t have gone to that party in the first place, he had exams to study for and this wasn't the example he wanted to set for his brothers, but — if he hadn’t, he wouldn’t have kissed you. And he’d liked it. A lot. He liked you.
Choso stares at his home screen — his brothers and him, all huddled up at one of the tables of their favourite restaurant, taken before he’d left for college. Big grins and glassy eyes and Choso steels himself. If this happened to one of his little brothers, he knows what he’d tell them — to not think too deeply on it, and that everyone makes mistakes. That it’s not the end of the world no matter how much it feels like it. He has to make mistakes so his brothers don't — and how can he preach emotional maturity if he can’t follow through on it himself? Especially over something as small as an Instagram like.
So Choso sets his phone aside and ignores the half-hard problem in his pants, shutting his eyes with a little more force than necessary. He’s going to sleep. He’ll be able to think — and have a cold, cold shower — in the morning. Everything will be fine. You probably won't even notice, who is he kidding. He's sure you get a gazillion likes every day — surely his will be lost in it all.
(Except the morning comes with an Instagram notification that pulls his heart into his throat.
[01:22] stxrgxrl: like what u see? :p
Fuck emotional maturity. Choso’s gonna be sick.)
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Candy Girl 5
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as cheating, age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: as you’re about to take the next step with your boyfriend, doubts begin to arise. (short!plus!reader)
Characters: Thor (boyfriend’s dad/silverfox)
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself. <3
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The silver-haired man bends over your engine. His name is Bucky as you guessed from Thor’s booming yawls for him. You sit on the front porch, next to the pizza on the bench, and chew your lip anxiously. All four men loom around your deceased vehicle, mulling grimly over the ruins. 
Karl seemed okay about the catastrophe. Emmanuel was looking to pick up some hours and there are enough orders that he didn’t need to worry about breaking even. You thanked him before you hung up, still numb and in disbelief. It’s not just a car, it’s your livelihood. More than just your job, it’s your escape from a house that’s never been much of a home. 
You try not to let the despair drown you but can’t help it. For all your optimism, this is just too much, the final straw. If you can’t drive, you can’t work, and you can’t get money, and you can’t hand over most of your check to get your parents off your back. You are effed. 
Before you can hang your head, Thor catches your eye. He waves and bounds over as if only then remembering you. He comes up the steps and leans against the porch railing across from you. 
“Gonna be alright,” he says and he crosses his arms, “Bucky says it might take a little but he can redo the whole thing.” 
“Really?” You bat your lashes, looking up at the awning, “hm, maybe I should look into being a mechanic.” 
“Not quite,” he chuckles, “it’s more a hobby but he’s gotten me out of a few vehicular binds. I trust him.” 
“Oh, uh, well... guess I don’t have much of a choice,” you shrug and reach into your pocket, “can you take this back?” You hold out the folded bills, “maybe it can help with the cost--” 
“Ah, he owes me,” Thor winks, “keep it.” 
“I can’t--” 
“I’ve been holding onto this favour for nearly a decade, what better time to use it?” He grins. “Please, little one, you keep that money. It’s well-earned.” 
You give a bittersweet smile, your cheeks pinching with the underlying anxiety. You won’t argue about it. You really do need the money. You sigh and tuck it back into your pocket. 
“I’m sorry to ruin your night,” you murmur as you look at the men near your car. Bucky and another argue as they gesture to the car, the greying blond man standing back to watch without amusement. 
“Ah, no, they’re always like that,” he glances over his shoulder, “eh, what more could I ask?” He stands and drops his arms, moving to sit on the other end of the bench. He flips up the lid of the top pizza box, “than to eat with a pretty girl.” 
Your cheeks tingle. He’s always a bit too cheesy. You scrunch your lips and shake your head. 
“Please, dig in,” he insists, “might as well. Otherwise, these old dogs with devour it all and be whining of heartburn in an hour.” 
You snort. You can’t say you’re not hungry. Driving around with the smell of chicken and pizza all night does tend to leave you ravenous and after the day you’ve had, well, you’re no stranger to comfort eating.  
“Just one slice,” you insist and reach to tear a piece off the pie. 
He hums contentedly as he takes one himself. He peers out at his buddies and rolls his eyes. The argument is turning heated though the silent third hardly seems fazed. It almost reminds you of Magni and his friends; people don’t grow up very much, do they? 
“It’s late,” Thor says as he leads you down the walk, “you can stay over and I’ll drive you home in the morning.” 
“Oh, but...” 
“Mm, I did have a beer or two, we’ll have to walk to mine,” he interjects, “apologies, little one, I didn’t foresee disaster.” 
“It’s... okay,” you assure him. “Thanks, again. I really appreciate it.” 
You turn onto the sidewalk beside him and slip your phone from your purse. Still no messages. You dim the screen with a sigh and put it away. 
“Something the matter?” Thor asks. 
“No, just... haven’t heard from Magni.” 
“Ah, I’m certain he’s home,” Thor insists, “you know how he is. Distracted with that bike he can’t seem to fix.” 
You chuckle, “yeah, I don’t think that thing’s ever gonna run again.” 
“I told him not to take it apart,” he tuts, “but does he ever listen?” 
“Oh, sorry, I...” 
“It isn’t your fault, no need for your apologies,” he says, “I only wish...” he exhales heavily, “maybe I could’ve done better. If I had, he’d treat you better too. I’m sorry you have to deal with such a spoiled brat. As selfishly as I’d like you to stick around, you could do better. Much better.” 
You mull his words in silence, “yeah, I... he’s... not... he just needs time.” 
You’re not sure you believe that. He hasn’t changed in the year you’ve been together. You’ve known him even longer than that and you can’t say he’d matured past his high school antics much.
Even his brother, Modi, outgrew all that. You always asked why he didn’t think about moving in with him, getting a bit of space. He just didn’t want to be troubled with the effort of it all. Just like most things. 
“It isn’t my place,” Thor raises his hands, “sorry. It is only... my thoughts come faster than I can stop them.” 
“Yeah... I...” you drag your feet. He’s just saying everything you’ve been denying. “I don’t know.” 
You walk along, staring ahead, overly aware of his looming presence. He rubs his neck and clears his throat, “anyhow, I was curious, fall will be here soon, were you still looking to go to school?” 
“Oh, uh... well,” you scoff, “my car... don’t have that much save yet and... I mean, you don’t have to do everything on the same schedule as everyone else, right?” 
Another point of denial. Another thing you’re running away from to look on the bright side instead. You sniff and shrug. 
“Not this year.” Probably not next year, either. You’re already a year behind, so what does it matter? 
“Ah, so now that Magni’s done his gap year, you’ll be okay?” 
“Okay?” You wonder. 
“With him going away for so long. I suppose you’ll just go up and visit, eh? We could make a road trip of it, if you like.” 
“Away?” Your heart plummets and you stop short, just at the corner of his street, “Mr. Odin—Thor? I thought he was going local.” 
He turns to you and inhales, chest rising and falling as he clamps his lips guiltily, “oof, I’ve done it again. Said too much.” 
“What-- when was he going to tell me?” You croak. Don’t cry. Don’t. That’s just pathetic. 
“I’m sorry, little one, I didn’t mean--” 
“You’re sorry? He didn’t even tell me,” you mope, “I...” 
You spin on your heel and storm ahead of him. You’re filled with hurt and anger. Whatever. If Magni doesn’t want to answer your texts, fine, he can sulk and be a child, but what was he going to do? Just pack up and leave you without a word? 
You sense Thor behind you, trailing after. He’s tall enough he could easily catch you but he’s holding back. You don’t care. He can’t stop you. 
You stomp up the front stairs of his house. The porch light shines yellow and the windows are lit up. You forget all pretense as you enter his home, leaving the door open. Magni’s metal music blasts from his bedroom. You barrel down the hall and burst through his door. 
You skid to a halt, at first, not understanding what you’ve walked in on. You lean back on your heel as the breath rushes from you and leaves you deflated. Your ears buzz and your eyes tinge. They don’t even notice you as you stand there gaping. Magni and Sheena, his ex, lay on his bed, tangled in each other, sucking each other’s faces like they’re on life support. 
You back out and whimper. You collide with Thor as he comes up behind you. He growls as he looks over you easily and witnesses your horror within. You push back against him and veer away. 
“Little one,” he calls after you as you flee, his hand slipping down your arm before he can get a hold of you. 
You’re already bawling, heaving and gasping for air. You’re so stupid. You can’t believe you put up with all Magni’s bullshit. No, you can’t believe you let yourself be so blind. Good things don’t just happen because you want them to. You should know that by now. 
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burn-before-reading · 17 days
hiii! could i pls request reader x joost where reader meets his friends??? (stuntje, apson, tantu etc.) :3 thank u!!
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Joost Klein x shy! reader
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word count: ill count it later
warnings: anxiety, imposter syndrome
a/n: This one got away from me. it was supposed to be shorter hahaha. idk if its what you expected but i had fun writing it :) not related to this fic but i love this picture so much Joost in skirts yall <3
also mini life update im finishing school rn so thats my focus. won’t completely abandon this blog but ill be offline a lot
RPF Below the cut ——
“We komen te laat, liefje” (we are gonna be late, love.)
You quickly slipped your shoes on and grabbed your jacket before meeting him at the door. opening your arms you do a little spin to show off your outfit.
“I look okay?”
“Yes, you look beautiful don’t worry.”
“Okay okay. Do the shoes match tho? I think maybe the black boots went with it better, and the shirt feels too fancy, gimmie like five-“
“Schatje,” he coos, grabbing your shoulders to steady you. He starts rubbing them slowly and you take a big breath in and out to relax yourself. “Its just my friends, they’re gonna love you I promise.”
“I know I know, I just wanna make a good impression.” you smile up at him sheepishly and he goes to kiss your forehead. he lets you go but moved his hand to grab yours and intertwines your fingers and tugs you gently out the door.
You make it to Tantu’s apartment about twenty minutes later, and you feel like you need a pep talk all over again. Joost feels your hesitation at the door and squeezes your hand tighter for reassurance before knocking. You can’t really say for sure why you are so nervous meeting his friends, but then the door opens and you are greeted by tantu himself. He introduces himself and immediately pulls you into a hug.
“we’ve heard so much about you. come in come in.”
The two of you walk in and you quickly scan the guests of the house party. Joost is familiar with most, but to you its a room of strangers and you feel all the butterflies in your stomach begin to turn. Joost leads you to where his main group of friends reside and you try to just focus on him and the feeling of your hand in his.
“Hey guys, this is y/n, my partner.” Joost introduces you to the group. “y/n, thats Apson, Alanis, Stuntje, and you met Tantu of course..” he takes the time to introduce each of his friends, and they all quickly wave or say hi to you. The girl you learned was Alanis stands up to shake your hand and go in for a hug as well, startling you again, but once again appreciating how friendly they are being.
“Hi, we’ve heard so much about you! great to finally meet you.” She takes both your hands and holds them. “You should sit.” she starts to pull you away from Joost and you turn and make a face that implies help? he just shrugs. “Theres drinks in the kitchen, Joost, if you guys want something.” she says and he hesitates before walking away.
“ill be okay for a second i promise.” you reassure. you see him slightly mouth something, probably in dutch, to Tantu, but he just shrugs and smirks before following behind.
You sit down and start to feel all their eyes on you. Tapping your foot nervously, you try to find the words to start a conversation, but Apson beats you to it.
“So you work at a coffee shop, right?” he asks. you nod.
“Yeah, for the last couple years or so. Its where I met Joost actually.” You see him just nod and smile, like he’s heard a version before.
“So, uh… what do you guys do for a living?” you ask and they start going around describing all their different creative jobs. Director, music production, art, content creation. The whole variety of creative jobs and it just makes you feel small. They are all so successful. Joost is so successful.
What are you doing here.
“So you and Joost have been dating for Three months, right?” Alanis asks, and you turn to her again.
“Uh, something like that. Its probably a little closer to 2 actually, but I guess we’ve been talking for a but longer than that so uh..” You feel a lump in your throat and start rapidly checking the room for Joost but he is no where to be seen. In your scan, you see a balcony that seems mostly empty so you quickly stand up and make an excuse to leave. “sorry, Uh, im gonna check on Joost.” you say and quickly walk the exact opposite direction of the kitchen and to the balcony. Two seconds later Joost comes back with two drinks in his hand and sees the empty spot where you should be. Glancing at the looks on his friends faces he just sighs.
“what the fuck, guys.”
On the balcony you try and use the fresh air to calm yourself down. Taking a breath in and out you just close your eyes in an attempt to center yourself. The sound of the screen door opens and closes behind you and you hear a voice pipe up.
“Sorry if we overwhelmed you. Joost told us you might be shy.” Alanis apologies. You open your eyes and smile at her.
“Its okay. Just feeling a bit out of place is all.” you reply and she tilts her head at your comment.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, you guys have all these super cool creative jobs, you’ve all known each other for so long it seems. Ive just barely met you all and I can already feel the talent and charisma radiating off you guys. I just make boring coffee.”
“Oh thats nonsense, you’re not boring at all. Joost wouldn’t have gone out of his way to go to your work every day if you were.” she smiles, “If we came off as overly friendly, its just because we were excited to meet the person Joost has been so taken with these past few months.”
“Guessing he talked about me a lot, huh?”
“Since day one.”
that admission piqued your interest a bit. “really?”
“Im serious. He walked out your shop that day and immediately texted Apson, ‘Just met the love of my life’ I don’t even think he had your name yet.” she laughs and you laugh a little as well learning about this side of Joost. You had known that he had been going out of his way to visit the shop you worked at as often as possible, but you didn’t know how taken he was with you right away.
“ I knew he started stopping by often, I just thought he liked our pastries.”
“He was Smitten. sorry again for being so overwhelming. Joost came back and lectured us all the second you left.” she admitted. The idea of Joost being so upset at his friends being too welcoming made you laugh.
“Its alright. Just feeling a bit overwhelmed i suppose.”
“Mind if I smoke?” Joost knocks on the open glass door before joining the two of you. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him before lighting his cigarette and taking a drag. he takes his cigarette with his free hand to lean a little closer to you and whispers. “alles goed, liefje?" (you alright, love?)
you nod and Smile at Alanis. “Yes, just needed some air. your friends are nicer than I expected.”
He nods and squeezes your waist before taking another drag and offering you his cigarette.
“I think im gonna head back inside. you two will be good?” Alanis asks and you smile and nod.
“I’ll join you in a sec.”
She heads back in. the second she is gone Joost immediately asks. “so how much did she spill?”
“only the good stuff.” you look at him and grin. “don’t worry I was smitten from day one too.”
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 5 months
Please do a no nut November with daddy larz please please please….
A/n: Sorry it's so short, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless <3 I wasn't gonna add to the NNN thing but I had to for Lars, Danish princess is so pretty <3
Warnings: Smut, hand job, public sex, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Lars had heard about this stupid challenge through some friends. He tried to shut down the idea but his friends seemed pretty into it, thinking it would be fun to try. Seeing that his friends wanted to go through with it had him thinking it over.
He couldn’t get the idea of it out of his head and kept thinking about it his whole walk home. In theory it would be easy for him, his band was just getting started which was cool but they weren’t at the stage where people were throwing themselves at them or anything. He didn’t have a partner, not even someone he’d like to have as his partner. It would be easy, right?
As the month went on he kept the challenge in mind, checking in on his friends and how they were coming along. Sure enough by week two one of them failed, only fueling Lars’ ego with how easy this would be.
He was walking around his neighbourhood, thinking about this and that and the other thing when he noticed a garage sale. It was about noon, it was fairly busy as there were quite a few tables set up all filled with things. What caught his eye was the person he saw taking the money.
He swears he’s never laid his eyes on someone so beautiful. He came over, pretending to look around while he tried to think of something to say to start a conversation with you.
He couldn’t help but stare, eavesdropping on conversations just to hear your voice, your sweet laugh. Feeling someone’s eyes on you you glanced around before landing on Lars. His face flushed and he looked down, pretending to be uninterested.
You chuckled to yourself and went over to him. “Can I help you with something?” Lars just stared at you with a goofy grin.
“Uh, no, I’m just looking.” He replied after a long moment. “Um, why-why’re you getting rid of all this?” He asked, wanting to keep the conversation going.
“I’m going to college soon and I don’t need all of this.” You explained.
The both of you kept talking and eventually exchanged numbers. Over the next week you kept talking and hanging out, getting closer and getting to know each other. Another of Lars’ friends was out but he didn’t care, he had a pretty girl under his arm.
It was the night before you were supposed to leave for college and Lars wanted to take you out for one last stress free night. “Promise to call every day?” He asked. You were sitting on the hood of his old run down car at the top of a hill looking over the city like a cheesy romance movie.
You chuckled and nodded. “Yes, I’ll call you every day.” You leaned your head on his shoulder. His arm was around you and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“And you won’t find someone else?” He asked, a hint of worry sticking in his voice. “Not even if they’re taller and handsomer?” You knew this was a genuine fear of his, that you’d find someone better. It was still early in your relationship but that didn’t mean you were still looking, didn’t mean you wouldn’t have to tease him a little either.
“Mh, maybe.” You could feel Lars tensing a bit and he looked down at you. “I might need a little...” You trailed your hand up his thigh to his crotch. “Extra incentive~” This was definitely not the time that Lars wanted to be reminded of the challenge he and his friends had taken part in.
“Um, well, I just-” He stopped himself when you squeezed him through his jeans. You palmed him through his clothes, listening for what made your favourite sounds leave him and when you found one you liked you kept with it.
Lars was squirming a bit, reaching for you while you played with him. There was a road not far away, people passed by every now and then.
Lars’ moans were getting louder and he knew he shouldn’t, there was only a week left in the challenge and you were leaving. He reached for your hand and shook his head. “I-I can’t.”
You raised a brow at him. “Why not?”
“I-it’s this stupid challenge my friends told me about, I can’t, you know, until the end of the month.” He looked up at you and you couldn’t stop staring at his pretty eyes, plush lips and flushed cheeks.
“That’s stupid.” You said bluntly and kissed him. His arms wrapped around you and he held you close. “If not tonight then when?” You asked, pulling away slightly.
You undid his jeans and pulled him out of his underwear. Lars stared in awe as you started stroking him. You wanted to go slow in case he wanted you to stop but his head fell back and he began to moan again.
“Fuck, go faster.” He groaned, glancing down at his leaky cock in your hand. You sped up your pace, once again looking for that perfect sound. “Fuck, fuck! Fuck, ‘m gonna-ngh-gonna cum.” You kept the same fast pace and watched intently for his pretty, red dick to explode all over him.
Just as his high rocked through his body a car pulled up beside you guys. You put yourself between him and the car and quickly shoved him back in his jeans.
The people in the car next to you knew what you’d done but didn’t say anything and let you both sulk back into Lars’ car.
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ellilyre · 6 months
Ive lose the ask asking for my transmasc!Leo headcanon TT but i have them written down so imma post em like that
Leo transmasc headcanon
(many things are based on my own experience. Especially the dysphoria related things (so when i talk about Leo not being a real boy it is what he thinks bc of dysphoria. It’s not true.))
(warning angst angst (but thats Leo so that was expected)
it was so obvious even when he was small. He always wanted to play with boys, wear boys clothes, ect… His mom was fine with it. She bought him boys toys and clothes and even sometimes called him hijo. She was a bit confused, but she knew it made her child happy and it's all that mattered. 
However, it didn’t go that well with his foster homes. However much he tried, they always stuck to his deadname and she/her. That was a big part of the reason he kept running away. 
There really is no story behind the name Leo. He picked that one bc it sounded cool. 
Once he got a good enough passing, he did everything he could so ppl will assume he’s cis.
Don’t ask me how he gots his hands on hrt. It’s a long and weird story.
The wilderness school was very strict about not mixing girls and boys in dorms. 
Piper was his roommate, that’s how they met. 
In their memories created by Hera, Jason has kinda always known he’s trans. So Leo never bothered to hide it from Jason (as he does with others).
But Jason doesn’t have much (any) education on transidentity… At first he assumed Leo was a cis guy, and then some things were a bit confusing (why was he in fem dorms ? Why does he wear a tank top under his shirt ? Did he just ask Piper for a tampon???) but he just kinda gave up on trying to understand, bc Leo is a nice guy anyways. And with time (and exterior knowledge on the matter) he started to put the pieces together and to understand that “ooh ok that makes sense". 
Otherwise. Leo has no desire to get out of his comfortable closet. 
He has such a fragile masculinity 
Sometimes he acts a little bit macho. He’s aware he’s acting like an asshole but he’s terrified of being perceived as feminine. 
Why does he try to flirt with every girl he sees ? Another attempt to pass better (and comfort himself in his fragile masculinity) by copying stereotypical boys' things.
He overbind so much, GODS. Man will wear his binder for 11h straight (while fighting and running around) and then have the audacity to complain that his body hurts.
Piper tries very hard to remind him to take proper breaks. 
Jason is the biggest gender envy ever. He is handsome, tall, muscular… Leo really loves him but he also is so jealous and envious. 
He is very envious of other boys in general. 
When Percy got woken up in the middle of the night and left his cabin shirtless. When Frank went to take a break in the men’s restroom…
Gods, he would do anything to just be a normal boy. To be like them. To have their bodies. To not have to destroy his body to look slightly more masculine. To not have this constant fear that they’re gonna find out. 
And to add to the reasons why he felt so much like the 7th wheel : Among the 7 there are 3 girls, 3 boys… And Leo. Forever inbetween. Not a girl, but not a boy like the others either. 
Fortunately, with time he learnt to accept himself better and to feel more comfortable with others. 
Piper helped him to go easier on himself. And he had an actual proper talk with Jason.
The first person he actually came out to was probably Annabeth, bc she’s cool and wise and nice. 
And then he saw it actually was ok. She didn’t treat him any differently, she didn’t tell anyone else. She was cool with it.
He then told Frank and Hazel, with Piper’s help (mostly to explain to Hazel all those new terms). And it also went very great ! He then also told Percy and Nico. 
He’s not entirely out, just to his closest friends and his siblings at camp. And it’s enough. 
He still overbinds, but he has ppl to (discreetly) remind him to take care of himself. He’s still very dysphoric but his loved ones know how to remind him that he is their brother, an amazing boy.
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lyrakanefanatic · 4 months
3: knox landry (tw, sexual assault)
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• closest to in the game: brady daniels
• love interest: im not too sure but im just gonna hc that he gets a boyfriend/girlfriend outside of the game
• person they dislike the most in the game: lyra kane
• personality traits: hardworking, reliable, selfless, trustworthy, creative, strong, intelligent, and independent
• negative personality traits: cruel, destructive at times, irritable, petty, hesitant to trusting people, good at keeping others away, and is mean as a coping mechanism (💔)
• he’s bisexual
• does boxing as a hobby, as well as art
• his father died when he was just a few months old and he has a step dad and mom
• was sexually assaulted when he was 12 by his uncle 3 separate times. even now, he can still feel the ghosts of his uncles hands on him. 💔
• has trouble sleeping most nights because he wakes up from the memory of being touched
• he pushes others away because of it too. he’s never really had a lot of friends since the incident or could never keep a lot because he kept pushing them away and being mean as a coping mechanism
• he’s 5’10 and 23 years old with hair that looks black but is actually really dark brown, and hazel eyes
• is very harsh on himself with his art but can draw literally anyone or anything at any given time. he’s defo one of those people who can, in fact, draw zendaya (iykyk)
• tells everyone that his favourite artist is arctic monkeys, when in reality it’s laufey 💀
• he has a twin sister who is older by like 2 minutes but he’s always acted like the older brother
• very attractive and has a crazy good jawline (and an eyebrow slitttt)
• he has an irish accent that’s not too strong, but when he’s anxious or pissed out of his mind you can’t understand a word that’s coming out of his mouth
• the reason why his accent is more watered down is because he moved from ireland to texas with his mom, sister, and stepdad after the incident to avoid his family who gaslit him into believing that his uncle didn’t sa him
• although it’s been hard, his family has always been supportive, and immediately fought for him once they found out about his uncle touching him
• lyra kane: lyra and knox are both people who can be cold and stubborn, so because of that they didn’t mix well when they first met. knox immediately saw her as an enemy and lyra was returning the favour. it wasn’t until hawthorne chutes and ladders where they really started seeing each other as people instead of just contestants that they were supposed to beat in the game. once they do get over their rivalry though, they end up being best friends and knox sees lyra as a little sister. he teaches her more efficient ways to fight and punch, and she helps the old grandpa with tech and computers. 💀 they’re very close and when grayson and her started dating, knox immediately went out of his way to piss him off just to be petty. 😪
• odette morales: knox honestly sees odette and lyra as a package deal, so whenever he hangs out with odette he has to bring along lyra too. at first odette was kind of unsure of knox because of how lyra felt towards him, but once they started warming up to each other knox and her became better friends. he loves how kind and soft spoken she is, and wishes that he was like that instead of being so “cold hearted” and “destructive” 💔 he defo taught her how to box too, (as she had no idea how to) and now she’s pretty good at it.
• brady daniels: brady and him became close immediately, and although knox would never and will never tell him, he had the teensiest crush on him when he came to the island. but once that crush dissolved into friendship and he got over it, they have the best banter and are constantly getting into dumb arguments over dumb things. although bradys way taller, knox can fight way better and has kicked his ass before.
• rohan: rohans british, so naturally, knox doesn’t like him. JKJK, but fr they get into so many arguments about the whole “british vs irish” thing, and their banter is a lot like michelle and james’ banter from derry girls. (if you’ve watched it, you know) knox sees him as a dumb cocky little brother, and finds his crush on savannah so cute. also, they definitely box together ALL. THE. TIME. like you CAN’T convince me otherwise.
• savannnah grayson: he was definitely cold to her once he found out about the whole “game master being her brother” thing, and held it against her. but he never tried to outright accuse her because he knew she was young and he was not about to start beefing with an 18 year old girl when he’s 5 years older 💀💀 they do warm up to each other eventually though, and although they don’t hang out a lot, when they do they have a lot of meaningful talks. also, like everybody else, he taught her how to box because “she should know how to defend herself in a situation where she’d need to”. (now savannah threatens grayson with the fact that she can fight whenever he pisses her off)
• gigi grayson: even though knox didn’t really trust her at first because of the same reason he didn’t like savannah (*cough cough* because she’s a nepo baby *cough cough* who said that?) he never tried to show it because he loves how bubbly and cheerful she is and doesn’t want to do anything to turn her sour. (because he knows what that’s like and wants to protect her) he definitely doesn’t like mattias and thinks he’s not good enough for her though 💀 gigi loves to paint with him even though her paintings are… not that great, and his are van gogh level good because they have a really good time. <3
i just KNOW knox is gonna be one of my favs <3
i didnt get to see any of the contestants tho because they hadn’t arrived yet 😓 (i think??? i actually don’t know why they weren’t there)
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kanerlove88 · 6 months
I am always thinking about post-canon RoyJamie. Roy moves out of his own way. All that work they put into becoming better people and becoming friends works out so well. They’re beautiful together, Roy and Jamie. Incredibly codependent and god, they’ll live under each other’s skin if they could but boy do they make it work. It baffles everyone around them but they don’t even realise it’s not normal to spend that much time around your partner. Freak4freak but very much in love about it.
They’re not perfect of course. They fight like any couple would. Probably more than most couple even. Neither of them are easy individuals. They both learned to hurt each other long before they ever fell in love and it shows sometimes. But they learn to give each other space, to take a breather when they’re furious. This understanding comes with time and a lot of therapy of course. They weren’t always so good at that but they learn to be patient with each other.
Even if talking about feelings always feels like pulling teeth, they force themselves to do it. It’ll never come naturally to them but it does become easier over time.
Anything they can’t solve themselves, they go to therapy for. They go to couples therapy because you don’t only need help when your relationship is falling apart. You’re gonna need help along the way and they know not to take that for granted. Both of them still see Dr Sharon individually too. They’re better off for it.
Jamie loves Phoebe. They get along like house on fire and it makes Roy so happy, to see his favourite people get along this way. It doesn’t take long before Jamie becomes Uncle Jamie. The next Uncle’s Day, Phoebe has two Uncles to celebrate and she tackles it with gusto. Jamie definitely will cry a little about it. That boy staring at his Roy Kent poster in his childhood bedroom could have never known that one day he’ll have all the love he could have ever asked for and it’d come from Roy Kent himself.
They’re it for each other, that much they both know. Roy worries, of course he worries. A 15 year age gap looks like a lot when you’re 40 and your partner is 25. Worries he’s too old for Jamie, that he’ll hold him back. He’s 40 and all he wants to do is stay at home and read a book cuddled up with Jamie but would Jamie want that too or would he be giving up nights out at clubs for him?
Jamie, who used to wake up at 4am to train with Roy. Jamie, who is very much aware of the age gap and has definitely thought about what it’ll be like as they both grow older. Jamie who would live in Roy’s ribcage if he could. Jamie who will choose Roy no matter what. Roy will understand soon enough. And what do you know? A 15 year age gap doesn’t look too bad when you’re 85 and your partner is 70.
Their wedding is beautiful. 2 years, maybe 3 years after getting together. Roy proposed but Jamie had a ring too. When they get married, every greyhound who has ever played under Ted will descend onto London, Ted included. It began with Roy and Jamie in the locker room, touching foreheads in anger and it ends with Roy and Jamie at the altar, touching foreheads, so in love with each other. Husbands. What a beautiful life they will live together.
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shitsndgiggs · 8 days
I loved the Jobe fic, I'll probably request something with him later on, but now, I have a request with Arda similar to that fic
Arda and the reader have been friends for long and the team knows who the reader is. But Arda and reader are secretly dating. One day, the team finds them fallen asleep on the couch, cuddled closely.
Thank you very much! I hope you'll feel better soon <3
Your relationship with Arda gets revealed in a unusual way
Arda Güler x fem! reader
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The day had been long, filled with training sessions, meetings, and endless drills. I had come to see Arda at the training facility like I always did, slipping in between practices to catch up or just hang out.
The team had gotten used to seeing me around; they all thought we were just close friends.
Little did they know that behind all the friendly smiles and casual conversations, there was something more—a secret that Arda and I had managed to keep under wraps for months.
Today, however, had been exhausting for both of us. Arda had looked drained, his usual spark a little dimmer after a tough match the day before.
I could tell he needed some downtime, a chance to recharge, and I had been feeling the same way.
So, after everyone had finished up, we snuck away to the lounge area—a small, cozy room with a big, comfortable couch that had become our secret spot.
We’d just planned to rest for a bit, maybe watch some TV or talk quietly until he felt more like himself.
But it wasn’t long before the soft hum of the TV, the warmth of his body next to mine, and the weight of exhaustion pulled me into a deep, peaceful sleep.
I didn’t realize just how tired I was until my eyes began to droop, and I felt Arda’s arm wrap around me, pulling me close against his chest.
I woke slowly to the sound of hushed voices and soft chuckles. Blinking my eyes open, I realized I was still on the couch, my head resting on Arda’s shoulder.
His arm was draped protectively over me, his face relaxed and peaceful in his sleep. I felt my heart flutter at the sight of him, so calm and serene.
But then I heard it again—the whispering. I turned my head slightly and noticed that we weren’t alone anymore.
The entire team was there, gathered around the couch, their phones out, taking pictures and laughing softly. Panic surged through me as I realized what this looked like—what they were seeing.
“Guys, shhh… they’re gonna wake up!” I heard one of them whisper, stifling a laugh.
“Too late,” another replied with a grin, nodding in my direction. “She’s already awake.”
Arda stirred beside me, blinking his eyes open as he came to. It took him a second to realize what was happening, but when he did, his eyes widened, and his arm tightened around me instinctively.
“What…?” He muttered sleepily, still half-asleep, but then he saw the team standing there, and his face turned from confusion to realization in an instant. “Oh… crap.”
I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me at his reaction, even though I was feeling just as caught off guard.
The team’s expressions ranged from amused to downright gleeful, clearly enjoying the spectacle of their two teammates being discovered in such a compromising position.
“Uh, hey guys…” I said awkwardly, trying to untangle myself from Arda, but he held me tighter, almost as if he didn’t care that we’d been caught.
“Oh, don’t mind us,” teased Viní, holding up his phone with a grin. “Just getting some evidence for the group chat.”
Eduardo chimed in, “You two look so cozy! Who knew you were this close, huh?”
Arda sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, but I could see the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Alright, alright, you’ve had your fun,” he said, his voice still a little rough with sleep. “How about you all give us a little space?”
But the teasing didn’t stop. “So, how long has this been going on?” asked Aurélien, waggling his eyebrows. “And how come none of us knew?”
I glanced at Arda, wondering how he’d handle this. He glanced back at me, and I could see the hint of amusement in his eyes despite the situation. “A few months,” he finally admitted with a shrug. “We didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
The room erupted in playful jeers and cheers. “A few months?! And you didn’t tell us?
Come on, man, we could’ve thrown you a party or something!” Jude joked.
Arda chuckled, still keeping me close. “Yeah, well, we wanted to keep it to ourselves for a while. Didn’t think we’d get busted like this.”
I blushed, hiding my face against his shoulder for a moment before looking up at the team. “Can you guys just… delete those pictures, please?” I asked, trying to sound stern but unable to keep the smile off my face.
There were a few grumbles and reluctant nods, but eventually, they all started putting their phones away, the teasing still going on but now a bit more good-natured.
One of the senior players, Luka, grinned at us. “Hey, don’t worry, your secret’s safe with us,” he said, winking. “But you owe us a story or two.”
Arda laughed, finally sitting up fully and helping me to do the same. “Deal,” he said, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.
As the team slowly started to disperse, still chuckling and shaking their heads, I turned to Arda, unable to keep the grin off my face. “Well… I guess the secret’s out.”
He smiled back at me, his expression warm and tender. “Yeah,” he said, leaning in to kiss my forehead softly. “But you know what? I’m kind of okay with that.”
I nodded, feeling a wave of relief and happiness wash over me. “Me too,” I whispered, leaning into him, feeling his arms wrap around me once more.
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oxpogues4lifexo · 1 month
Keeping Up With The Camerons
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Keeping up with the Camerons
Episode 3 - Life Inside The Bubble Wrap
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Previous Episode Here
Episode transcript (/ means cut scene, bold italics means narrator, bold means host)
Word Count: 12.5k
Shorter Episodes Here - 3K Words
Coming up!
“You even look at her and im gonna-“
“Dad I’ll be fine..”
“Because you’re my brother Rafe! And sometimes I actually give a shit!!”
“She hasn’t dealt with Rafes other side before and I really don’t want her to have to.”
“You care.”
They keep forgetting they’re on a show.. with cameras!
“Summer loving had me a blast..”
“Oh well oh well oh well oh.”
“You cover for me tonight, I’m seeing someone.”
“Who’s someone?”
“No one..”
“I’m not afraid to move you to the cut Rafe!”
“Cmon Bells you can’t keep nothing from me princess.”
Kooks. And Pogues. Two tribes. One island.
Or in this case..
The Camerons. Kildare. One family. The whole island.
I am your host Ryan Seacrest, and THIS is Keeping up with the Camerons!
This episode includes the bts footage the Camerons don’t know you can see, forgetting that there are cameras in every crevice of their life not just in the hands of my camera crew! (Written in pink)
“You better behave..! You’re with my daughter today and I’m not afraid to fire you and do this show on my own! I swear to GOD you even look at her, Ryan, I’m gonna-“ Ward grabs ahold of Ryans blazer, pulling him in as he raises a fist.
Sarah runs over, yanking Wards arm away, “Dad! I’ll be fine.. I’m with Topper today remember!” She reassures him, but the name only caused even more outrage across his face.
“Topper..” He steps away from Ryan causing him to sort himself out, flattening his blazer and redoing his tie. Ward pulls Sarah to the other side of the room, “Honey.. As far as I’m concerned, that boys trouble. I don’t like him and I don’t feel comfortable-“
“I told you we’ll be fine! I’ve already called him and he said he’s picking me up.” She raises to her toes, placing a kiss upon Wards stubbled cheek, “I promise..” She smiles softly, going in for a hug as she rests herself against his chest.
He can’t help but melt into her touch, grazing her back with his palm as he kisses the top of her head gently, “Okay.. but anything happens and you call me okay?”
She nods as her phone begins to buzz, looking down at her pocket as she takes it out, “Oh it’s Topper!” She shakes her phone before skipping off outside.
“I mean it Sarah!!” Ward yells, earning a thumbs up through the glass door.
“So it’s not a very busy day! Me and Topper are meeting some other friends down by the beach to do a beach clean, and then after that I’m not really sure. I guess we’ll just have to see where the day takes us.” She smiles, shrugging her bare shoulders.
“And you and Topper are okay now?” Ryan asks concerningly.
“Yeah we’re fine. He told me it was about John B and I had to tell him he was just messaging about Ward. It’s the only reason we ever talk so once he understood that, we were okay again.” Her lips lifted causing her cheeks to redden, the straight lies that slipped through her teeth were hard to maintain, but she managed. For the most part.
Sarah went upstairs to get ready, changing into a pair of white denim shorts and a cream halter neck. Finishing up her makeup she gets a message.
She looks down at her phone, frowning at the name that appeared.
Bella B
The message read,
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A second message came through, taking over the previous one. Except this time the name was different.
Top ❤️
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Sarah sighs, clicking the little button on the side of her phone to shut it off before grabbing her shoes and running off downstairs.
“Dad I’m off!!” She calls but doesn’t wait for an answer as she takes herself outside.
“Right you listen to me.. I hear you treating my daughter like shit one more time and you won’t want to come back here again you understand..?” Ward spits, face to face with Topper beside his black truck that parked outside the garden of the estate.
“Mr Cameron I-“ The blonde boy raises his hands innocently, shaking his head as his eyes widened through genuine fear.
“Dad??” Sarah jogs over, once again removing Ward from yet another human. “I already told you we’re fine.” She grabs ahold of Toppers shirt, holding him protectively to her side as she reassures Ward for the second time.
“I just feel like he didn’t give you much of an apology sweetheart.”
“He did. You just weren’t there. We’re fine, see!” She leans up to kiss Toppers cheek, a small blush reddening his skin.
“I’ll be checking in with Ryan throughout the day! Behave yourselves!” He waves a finger at the two kids before slumping off inside.
Topper and Sarah both look at each other for a second before snickering, “Your dad’s so weird..”
“Weird because he cares?” They lift themselves into Toppers truck; Sarah turns to him with a slight grin, “And who was the one who got worried when I faked getting hurt after the storm hm? If I remember correctly Rafe said you were my bi-“
“Right yeah I got it okay. I’m sorry.” He raises his hands causing Sarah to giggle.
His hand finds her thigh, squeezing gently whilst they drive down the coast. The wind blowing Sarah’s sandy locks around with Toppers sat fluffy atop his head.
Topper goes round to Sarah’s door, holding her hand as he lifts her out the car. “Thank you..”
He smiles, her hand still tightly held in his as they make their way down the sandy path to the group of volunteers. “Are you okay Sar?” Topper tilts his head as a dip forms in his brow. “You’ve been quiet.”
“Not really.. I just..” She frowns, taking a minute as the frustration finally catches up with her after Topper reminds her of it. She tuts, “Just.. Rafe’s been so irritated all week and it’s really starting to get to me. Like normally I could ignore it because it’s just who he is but for some reason it’s just even worse this week and he always takes it out on me.” She avoids eye contact but the squeeze against his hand said enough.
“I never noticed it Sar I’m sorry. Why didn’t you say anything when it started?” His eyes widen, watching her face as she struggles to come up with a response. He pushes the strand of hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear before placing a gentle kiss to her temple.
She shrugs, “I didn’t really notice it. But now all I can think about is Bella. What if-“
“Bella??” Topper stops her mid walkway, gripping her shoulders with a huge dip to his brow, “I thought-“
“I’m allowed to care Top..” She frowns, eyes lowering as she picks at his finger nails, “I mean.. it’s not her fault we don’t talk anymore!” Her shoulders slump and she takes a deep breath, frowning at her own words; avoiding eye contact as the cameras pan in on her.
“Whyre you worried about Bella..?” He picks up on her consciousness of the camera, taking her hand and pulling her away slightly, out of sight from Ryan; he waves them away whilst mouthing a ‘sorry’ in their direction. “Talk to me it’s okay..” He reassures, leaning down to her eye level as he pushes a strand of hair from her face.
“Just..” She looks around making sure no one could hear her except what she didn’t know was that the cameras were set up all around the island and everything was being picked up even if no cameraman was following them. “I didn’t notice Rafes attitude because it’s 24/7 and I kinda learn to ignore it but when it’s about Bella that’s when I feel like I should worry.”
“What do you mean??” Topper stands up, eyes widening.
“Hey just because me and Bella don’t spend much time together, doesn’t mean she’s not my best friend and I’m not allowed to care about her.”
“Ever since last night, Rafe’s been in such a bad mood and when I asked him about it he said Bella refused to come over today! That never happens!! Topper somethings happened..” She almost pleas, eyes squinting from the sun, as she reaches for his hand.
“For fucks sake!!!” Rafe slams around in the kitchen, not caring about the amount of noise he’s making.
Sarah was going to the kitchen for some breakfast, running in after she hears her brother screaming, “Rafe??” She stops beside the island where he was searching around, “What’s happened?”
“Get out the way..” He speaks calmly and quietly, standing over her as he reaches out a hand to gesture for her to move. His patience slipping away from him quickly.
She stares up at him, a frown pulling at her brow, “Excuse me??” Her head tilts in offence.
“Sarah, fucking move!!” He grabs her shoulders, pushing her aside firmly.
She turns to him, watching as he makes his way out the kitchen, frowning at his antics, “Rafe what’s going on with you?”
He clenches his jaw, biting his cheek as his hand meets his hair, “Why do you care??” He shouts, not bothering to stop.
Sarah squeezes her palms tightly, hesitant to her next words, “Because.. because you’re my brother Rafe! And sometimes I actually give a shit!!”
His body comes to a halt instantly, eyes squinting before slowly turning around, head tilted as his eyes lock onto hers for a moment before his shoulders drop, “Bella won’t talk to me, a’ight? She refuses to come over.” He rubs his hand over his face, “Happy now..?” He throws his hands up, speaking low and gravelly under his breath, not wanting to seem like he cares that much but the aggressive tone in his voice proved himself wrong.
“Wait what? Wait Rafe why not??” Sarah steps closer, the concern in her only growing the more he speaks. Her eyebrows dip as she awaits his response.
He squints, raising a brow as he bites a lip to hold himself back from losing his temper. He laughs, tongue running along his teeth, “If I knew Sarah.. don’t you think I would have dealt with it by now..??” He tilts his head against hers, eyes darkening as he threatens her with his stare.
She doesn’t buy it, watching his eyes, ignoring the look on his face calmly as if she’d been through this before. She frowns unconvinced, “What did you do to-“
He huffs, standing up and frowning so deep his eyes looked black, “Don’t you have shit to do??” His eye twitches at her lack of reaction.
“Whatever Rafe..” She rolls her eyes, pushing her shoulder into his arm as she shoves past him, “Sorry for caring.”
He stands there a moment, frowning and rubbing his eyebrow; confused as to why Sarah didn’t crack under the pressure of him and why she all of a sudden cares.
“I.. Sar that must be so recent! I was with them yesterday and they were perfectly fine? It could’ve happened last night.”
“Last night? What you didn’t go with them?” Her tone picks up, eager to get an answer.
“Uhh..” Topper hesitates, not realising why it was such a big deal, “No.” He scrunches his brows through confusion as he watches her face relax; eyes rest as her shoulders fall.
“Okay. Um. Well it’s not our business to deal with but I swear if it gets worse I am gonna call her! She’s never had to deal with Rafe’s other side before and I really don’t want her to have to!”
Topper doesn’t respond, just watches her with a gentle smile. It causing a frown upon Sarah’s face, “What?” She can’t help but let a small smile slip onto her blushed cheeks.
He shrugs his shoulders, “Nah nothing just.. It’s nice you still care..”
Little does Sarah know, or Rafe for that matter, me and the crew know exactly why Rafe and Bella aren’t speaking. They keep forgetting they’re on a show.. with cameras! (He chuckles at his own words) Last night and this morning we caught them on the phone together.
"Rafe..? Did something happen again.??" The girl whispers through the phone worryingly.
"I'm surprised you even answered after earlier..!" He frowns, laying back against has hands in the darkness of his room.
"Why wouldn't I Rafe? You could be my dad and l'd still find it in me to care about you. Thats saying something.." She reassures quietly, a slight laugh evident through her words.
"Uh.. I- I'm sorry 'bout earlier by the way.. I-"
"It's fine." She answers plainly, "I mean I get it right, want to be all perfect for the camera. You don't need a little leach everywhere you go. Ward told me he said to act different this week, I'll just wait it out I guess.." You could hear the disappointment across the phone even from far away.
"Bella.." He sighs, rubbing a hand across his face as his brows knit together, "You shouldn't have to-“
"It's fine Rafe.. Why did you call..?"
He takes a moment, wondering whether he should have called at all, feeling as though it's wrong to ask for her comfort after what he did, "Just.."
"Do you want me to come over..? I can if you need me to.."
He hits himself once again, digging his palms into his eyes before lifting himself against the bed frame, "No no.. don't get yourself in trouble with Callum, Bee.." He sighs, biting his cheek, "It's just my dad."
"That doesn't even surprise me Ray.. he's been a little stressed today.."
"A little?? Bella he screamed at me.. for coming on the boat earlier! That's why I was pissed off when we went out."
"Why didn't you say anything..?"
"Rafe i'd rather you talk to me then take it out on me.. I'm always here for you.. You know that."
"I know, I know." He huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sits up on the edge of his bed; resting his elbows against his knees, head in his hands.
"You didn't deserve that.. even if you were being an asshole.. you know that right.?"
Rafe hums, a silence filling the room. All that was heard were the quiet breaths from Rafe as he exhaled into his hands, "I uh.." He lifts his head, realising how unfair it is to expect anything from her anymore, "I'm gonna go okay..? Sleep well Bee I'll see you later alright?"
"Wait Rafe did you not want me to stay-"
He quickly presses end call, stopping the conversation before it went any further; exhaling deeply as he falls backwards against his bed. "Fuck!" He kicks his bedside table, causing a loud screech against the floorboards. He laid there the rest of the night, eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling; contemplating the day he had just experienced.
“Hey Bells, you coming over before work?” Rafe bubbles, taking his towel off from his waist and chucking it onto his bed, followed by his phone.
Silence held across the line, causing a furrow in Rafe’s brow. He turns around to the phone again to make sure he did actually call her, “Bella?”
She sighs heavily, staggering a breath, “Rafe.. I- I dont understand you. And I’m too tired right now. Can you just leave me alone?”
“Bells I thought we were okay again??” Rafe pleas, placing himself on the edge of his bed, frantically running his hand through his greasy bangs.
“You always do Rafe. Every little slip up and you think an apology is gonna make it all better. You don’t care anymore and I get it okay? You don’t need me anymore, so I’m stepping back.”
His head jerks up as his eyes widen, grabbing the phone as he quickly jumps to his feet, “What? Bella I never-“
“Bye Rafe..” The phone line cuts, leaving the room deathly silent.
He stares at his phone, eyes darkening as he bites down on the corner of his finger. “Fuck sake!!!” He slams his phone onto the wooden floor, a piercing crack made out loudly through the echo of the large room. “Shit!!” He throws his hand into his drawers, knocking everything onto the floor. Glass smashing and bottle lids rolling around were the only sounds picked up by the camera before Rafe left the room.
“How’s Sarah doing today Topper? I mean seeing as the other day you said she’s not really the most comfortable around the cameras?”
Topper laughs, crossing his arms out of surprise, not even remembering the conversation himself.
Ryan had pulled Topper aside; the sun had fallen past mid-day leaving the beach a golden orange as the tide had gone back out. Toppers hair matching the hot sand beneath him.
“I mean she’s still not great with them. And I don’t think anyone would be if constantly being followed everyday. But she’s open to sharing anything and everything with you today. She doesn’t mind doing her part and participating but she won’t admit how much she hates it.” He chuckles, running his fingers through his hair as he glances over at Sarah who was swinging back and forth with Wheezie, waiting for Topper to drive them home.
“Well actually, she messaged me this morning Top, but why me? You know. It’s why I’m more worried about it because it means that it HAS to be about Rafe no? Has she spoken to you, like, at all?” Sarah questions, moving her attention down to her bright blue gloves as she carefully slides her fingers in.
“No, nothing. I get what you’re saying though Sar, I wouldn’t know why else she’d wanna speak to you. I can call her if you’d like? But I don’t think she’d tell me because, you know, I’m friends with him ‘n all. Your like.. you don’t even talk to him.” He hands her a bag, keeping his under his arm to give his hands the freedom to slide his gloves on too.
“She did say she doesn’t know who else to talk to about it.” Sarah shrugs, agreeing with Toppers previous statement, running her gloved hand through her hair to push it out her face.
“Exactly! It’s probably something she doesn’t want going back to him. You’ll tell me though right? What she says.” Topper watches her, awaiting the response as if it was the most important thing to him.
“I mean yeah of course but why?” She laughs, frowning slightly as her eyes follow up to his.
“What do you mean why? Shes my best friend Sar.”
“I didn’t know you two were so close?” She looks down at her gloves, not fazed by it at all she just was genuinely surprised.
“Is that.. is that a problem?” Topper realised how bad it sounded, stopping in his tracks as he grabs ahold of Sarah’s arm.
“God no! Topper of course it isn’t. I just thought you two were just friends of Rafe.” She takes his hand in his that gripped her arm, quickly moving him forward down the path.
“Nah we grew up together Sar, I care about her. Just want to know Rafe isn’t being a dick to her.”
Sarah smiles, enjoying his thoughts towards someone other than her, which for him is quite rare; secretly happy about the fact someone genuinely cares about Bella, despite herself not exactly being the best ‘friend’ to her in the past.
“Yo, you look thirsty!” Kelce walks up to them, cutting the moment short as he shoves a bottle of yellow-coloured liquid of something or other into Toppers gloved hand. “Have some of that, baby!”
“Okay so what’ve we got here huh?” Topper opens the bottle as Kelce laughs, rubbing his hands together with a guilty smile plastered on his face.
Sarah goes over to Wheezie, pulling her in for a hug as she steals her sunglasses. “Hey!” Wheezie giggles, taking them back and slipping her arm into Sarah’s.
Topper takes a whiff of the bottle, immediately wincing, pulling back the drink to give him some space from the stench previously corrupting his nostrils. “Oh my god!” He laughs, raising his brows towards Kelce which caused him to chuckle, nodding slowly as he tilts his head towards the bottle, urging him to take a sip.
“Okay okay..” Topper mutters, lifting the bottle up to his lips as he tilts his head back, taking a huge mouthful and coughing as the liquid hits the back of his throat.
“Oh yeah! Thats how you do it baby.” Kelce laughs, clapping impressedly.
Topper chokes out, leaning over to pass Sarah the bottle, “Man.. Come on Sarah!”
“Yeah come on Sarah!” Kelce pipes up, egging her on.
She smells the drink, laughing as Topper continues to catch his breath, “What did you do to this??” She giggles.
“Yeah he is not playing around!” Topper laughs, pointing at the bottle with wide eyes.
Sarah pulls it up to her mouth, gagging at the flavour but not stopping it from dropping down her throat. Being cut short by the cup being yanked from her grasp. She struggles to keep it down whilst reaching forward towards Wheezie, trying her best to grab the cup from her before it reached her- too late.
“Woah woah woah!” Topper jumps forward as he watches Wheezie take a long sip.
“Mm- mm..” Sarah shakes her head, pulling the drink out her hands. Kelce just stood by and laughing, enjoying the show. “Since when did you start drinking??” Sarah asks, concern growing inside her as she watches Wheezie swallow the liquid without any struggle.
“Uhm..” Wheezie flicks her hair off her shoulder, wiping the excess off her chin, “Since today!” She shrugs away Sarah’s worry.
Sarah laughs, her eyes rolling towards the boy, “Great going Kelce!”
The moments cut off by the instructor coming around the corner, “You guys got it under control?” He makes his way up the sand hill.
The kids rush to hide the evidence of alcohol, Kelce stuffing it in the cooler whilst Topper distracts. “Yes sir! It’s looking good, sir!”
Kelce shuts the lid quickly, “Just clearing the stretch out!”
“Just hydrating!” Sarah smiles innocently, snapping the band of her gloves against her wrist.
“Almost finished!” Kelce rushed to his feet in time to look busy.
The man nods, smiling to them, with a thumbs up, “Great job! Keep it up!”
“Thank you!” Topper nods, pulling back on his pink gloves.
“That was a close one huh!” Kelce chuckles, smacking the blondes back before walking off to grab a litter picker.
“So Sarah whatre you doing here?” Ryan walks over, a cameraman following just behind as they step to the side to not get in the way.
“Oh hi!” She smiles softly, taking off her gloves to give the man her full attention. “I’m just picking up the litter that was left by the storm a few days ago. You know, the reason filming was pushed back!” She laughs, rolling her eyes at her own words, raking her fingers through her golden strands as she pulls them back into a hand-held pony, letting some air reach her neck.
“Ah yes! I do know trust me.” He laughs along with her. “Stupid Agatha.”
“Its nice that your volunteering! All of you.” He nods to Topper and Kelce just off the screen pulling a small breathy laugh from Sarah’s mouth.
“Yeah.. Toppers good with that stuff and Kelce likes to seem like he’s helping! You know so people like him more.” She giggles to herself, Kelce overhearing and giving her a dirty look from afar. She smiles sweetly, but contrasting with the use of her middle finger, flipping him off which causes him to laugh, biting back from saying anything whilst the cameras on her.
She smiles, knowing she’s protected, crossing her arms and looking back at the camera. “Was there anything else you wanted to ask?”
“Sarah..!!” A small voice whines through the mic, just off the screen. A hand pulls at Sarah’s and her eyes widen the second they land on her sister’s pale form. “I don’t feel good..”
“Uh.. okay okay! Hang on!” She grabs ahold of her, wrapping her arm around Wheezie’s waist as she looks up at the broad man, “Sorry can we talk again later? Thank you!” She doesn’t wait for an answer as Topper had already realised the situation. He tells Kelce to find his own way home before jogging over and hooking an arm around Wheezie’s waist aswell; securing her from both sides as they practically carry her to his car.
The car ride back to their estate was nothing short of a quiet drive. The wind grazing their skins as the song ‘summer nights’ from the movie Grease starts playing quietly in the background. Wheezie lay her head on the backseat of the car as her arm held tightly around her stomach.
Sarah’s eyes dart to Topper, the song bringing her back to one of their first dates, where they made pizza and watched Grease under the moonlight of her garden. She blushes, her cheeks pulling as a soft smile makes it way onto her face. “Summer loving had me a blast.. summer loving happened so fast..” she mutters a few of the lines to herself, elbow leant out the window as she watches the houses fly by.
Met a girl crazy for me..
Topper watches her a moment, smiling at the mere sound of her angelic voice.
Met a boy cute as can be..
Wheezies lips pull, eyes crossing between the two of them; having heard every detail about that night through and through, she knows how happy her sister is right at this very moment.
Summer days drifting away to oh oh the summer nights
“Oh well oh well oh well oh-“ Topper shouts, deepening his voice to match the singer, tapping his palm against the driving wheel to the beat of the song; attracting Sarah’s eyes quickly as she can’t help but smile, cheeks reddening.
They switch back and forth, singing their gendered lines whilst Wheezie’s stomach began to calm, distracted by the joy radiating from her sister and her boyfriend.
“I never really see them together because they’re always somewhere else, but when I do it’s normally really gross. But that was really cute. I didn’t think they had those nice moments you know. Like I thought it was all just the kissing and stuff but it’s nice that he makes her happy! I like him..” Wheezie nods, a big grin spread across her cheeks as her eyes brighten.
Wheezie gagged and choked before letting go into the toilet bowl. Sarah gathered all of her hair into a hand whilst the other rubbed against her back. “Oh god..” She grabs a damp towel, sitting beside her on the edge of the bathtub as Wheezie pulls herself up.
“What have we learnt?” Sarah flushes the toilet as Wheezie’s breathing deepens, she takes a moment, sitting on her knees.
“Never.. mix vodka, with Crystal Light” She sighs, nodding along.
Sarah smiles, “Very good-“ Wheezie heaves again, jumping over the toilet as another load comes up. Sarah pulls up her hair again quickly, trying not to watch through disgust; coughs and sighs leaving Wheezie’s mouth as she looks up at her with reddened glassy eyes.
“Please don’t tell dad..” She breathes, eyes droopy and skin pale. Her mouth sat open as she wiped her lip with the back of her hand.
Sarah’s brows raise, a smirk pulling at the corner of her lips, “I won’t..” Wheezie looks up at her, “On one condition.”
Wheezie sighs, knowing what she’s asked for already, sitting back against her feet as she looks up at her, “What’s that?” She flicks her eyes at her, tilting her head through an annoyed tone.
“You..” She smiles, running her hands along her legs, “You cover for me tonight, I’m seeing someone.”
“Who’s someone..?” She teases, poking at her knee.
“It’s no one.. do you promise not to tell?”
“Only if you tell me who the someone is!” She smirks, bouncing on her legs.
“It’s.. a friend! I can’t tell you more than that Wheeze okay? But, please promise me you won’t tell Topper or dad! Or Rafe..!”
“Why not Rafe?” Her head tilts, not seeing the problem with him that everybody seems to have.
“Because he’ll freak out! Can you just.. promise?” She sticks out her pinky, eyes glued onto Wheezie’s as she pleas for an answer.
Wheezie sighs, rolling her eyes before connecting their fingers, “Fine. I promise!” They kiss their hands to lock the promise before Wheezie sits up again, chucking herself over the bowl and Sarah reaches for her hair.
“I don’t get everyone’s issue with Rafe? He’s always so nice to me. And Bella! Oh my god have you seen him with Bella?” She giggles, her hands splayed out in the air as she watches Ryan laugh to himself.
“Yes yes we have they’re cute aren’t they.”
“Yep! And he’s so happy with her. Its why I don’t understand why dads always having a go at him and why Sarah makes him out like he’s horrible!”
This interview was recorded a day or two after the episode was filmed, so Bella had the chance to watch it back and give her opinions as we didn’t get much time after the day had finished with the rest of the family!
“Poor girl. She’s so isolated from the family they don’t tell her anything. I genuinely didn’t know how little her and Sarah speak I thought they were like best friends! I’m glad she doesn’t know about Rafe though! She looks up to him, I think it’s cute. I don’t want her view of him to change. Her poor little mind could believe anything anyone tells her. He’d be made out like a monster if Sarah opened her mouth. It’s why I’m glad she didn’t!”
Sarah takes Wheezie upstairs to bed before running off to the front door.
“Woah Wheezie why do you look so pale?” Rose stops the girls in the middle of the stairs, a glass of white wine sat perfectly in her palm.
“Uhm..” She looks up at Sarah who was holding her up, eyes wide as she waits for her to answer.
“Oh, she swallowed the sea water!” Sarah rushed, readjusting Wheezie’s arm around her neck.
“Oh honey that’s awful, are you taking her to bed?” Rose strokes her cheek, placing a kiss to her forehead.
“Mhm.. yeah.”
“Okay.. well I hope you feel better soon honey!” She presses another kiss to the girls head before walking past them down the steps, her heels clacking down each one.
They both take a deep breath, looking at one another before giggling and proceeding up the stairs to her room.
On the way to the door Sarah walks past the balcony, overhearing a conversation.
“Where’s Bella, Rafe?” Ward questions strictly, arms crossed and eyes locked onto Rafe’s, that were staring into his fathers, confused about his question as if the man was stupid.
“She’s working today. So probably at work?” He frowns at the man’s idiocy, scoffing under his breath.
“Well she’s not Rafe, she never showed. I got a phone call from her manager. It’s why I’m asking you where she is.” He states, rubbing his beard as he leans forward on his knees, shaking his head as he waits for his son’s response.
Rafe’s legs spread as his arms are removed from behind his head, meeting together in his lap as his eyes widen, “She- she’s not at work.. wh- what.. what do you mean she’s not at work, where is she??” His hand finds his hair, pushing it out of his eyes as they squint into his dad’s expression; not understanding why Ward isn’t panicking like he is. His hands interlink as his eyes dart around the area, not being able to focus now this new situation has taken over his mind.
“Shit..” Sarah mutters, checking her phone as the message from earlier reads the time, 9:46. She looks up at the current time, 3:17. “Fuck what did i do..?? I should’ve answered..”
“Rafe I’m going to ask you this once more, and once again only. Where is she?” Wards voice was stern, signifying he’s not someone to mess with at this moment. Genuine concern coating his tone, however; the irritation more of a protective thing than a pissed off thing.
“Why do you think this has anything to do with me??” His brows furrow, sitting back as he lifts a leg ontop the other. The interrogation causing a sweat to break out on his forehead which he quickly covers by shaking down his curtain bangs.
Ward takes a sudden breath, exhaling deeply as he shuts his eyes for a moment, biting his lip to stop himself from screaming; staying calm through the situation as best as he possibly can. “Because, Rafe!! She’s YOUR responsibility! Which means that it’s your responsibility to make sure she gets to work when she needs to. You’re supposed to pick her up from her house, drive her to work, make sure she gets in properly, then call me and tell me she’s there! But you didn’t do any of that Rafe did you?” His eyes shoot to his sons, a guilty look coating his face as he lists off the things he’s expected to do. “I don’t expect much from you son, you don’t even work for gods sakes. So enlighten me, how is this not your fault?”
Rafes mouth sat agape, eyes glued to Wards as he just sits a moment, before his brain comprehends what he asked. “She ain’t talking to me dad!” He pleas, looking for a little sympathy. “She told me to fuck off, I was just respecting her feelings!” His eyes bulge, his big blues now piercing into his father’s, knowing he’s in the wrong but also not exactly knowing why.
Wards brows furrow, eye twitching, “Why isn’t she talking to you?” You could hear the impatience growing the more he speaks, just wanting to know where his little girl is and Rafe playing around isn’t getting him any closer.
Rafe frowns, laughing unbelievably, “Why is that imp-“
“Because it is!!” Ward snaps, hand slamming against the table; both Sarah and Rafe jumping out their skin. Sarah peaks around the corner, having not seen what was going on and only hearing it. She watches Rafe’s eyes widen almost instantaneously, feeling a little bad as she’s never had it bad even if she’d done worse. Her brows frown as Rafe nods slowly, hand running over his eyes as his fingers meet the bridge of his nose. “What have you done?”
His eyes scrunch shut, shaking his head as his palm smacks himself; Sarah wincing and looking away, her occupying herself by biting her nails to distract herself from her brother’s guilt.
Rafe bites his cheek, looking up at Ward before reaching his limit; knowing he’d done wrong was punishment enough, but being asked to admit it was killing him. “This is bullshit..” He spits, teeth gritting together as he fidgets, hands rubbing against his bare thighs over and over; the guilt building up quicker the longer he sits on it.
“I’m not afraid to move you to the cut Rafe! Your behaviour recently has been unacceptable and now you’re taking it out on Bella too? She’s more worthy of being a Kook than you ever will be!! Now-“
Rafe rips himself from the couch, palms squeezing against his eyes before ripping them away too. He stares at Ward, wanting to let everything he’s thinking out, wanting to scream in his face and tell him how he’s really feeling, how bad he messed up. But nothing comes out and his thoughts were reasoned with, “Go. Find. Her. Now!!!” Ward shouts, his finger shooting to the door as he pushes past his son’s struggling composure.
Sarah’s body jolts once again, squeezing her eyes shut at the loud noise; hands covering her own ears.
Rafe merely nods, chewing on his nail as he turns inside, walking away with his head hung low and hands shoved into his pockets.
Sarah pulls her hands away as the view of her brother meant the conversation was done. As she noticed him, he noticed her. She prepared herself for another dig, but instead all she got was, “I’m not in the mood for your opinion, Sarah.” He gravels quietly, turning back to his previous path out the door.
She frowns once again, opening her mouth to call for him before getting blocked by the sound of her father getting up. Before she was seen she bolted for the door, shutting it quietly and sneaking off out the gate.
“So Sarah since we haven’t had much time to talk the last few days, can we now ask you a few things?”
“Uhm yeah sure!” She sits down on the kitchen stool, placing her bottle of water if front of her whilst she fiddles with the cap. Ryan’s cameraman sets up a better camera shot just opposite her.
“So what kind of things do you do when you’re not volunteering? Is it just seeing Topper or..?”
“Mm..” She frowns, looking up at him with a gentle smile as her head shakes ‘no’. “Toppers nearly always with Rafe, it’s why when he is here to see me I give him all my attention. But when I don’t have plans, I like to go for bike rides! Or take Wheezie out, things like that! I’m not much of a big people person, I don’t have many friends to go out with often.”
“Aren’t there many parties you can slide into or are they not your thing?” Ryan leans his elbows against the marble countertop, watching her eyes as he had every intention to listen to her.
“Well there’s this party at the end of the week we’re all going to!” Her face brightens as she lets a smile tug at her lips.
“Your family?”
“Ohh no no! Sorry.” She laughs, “Me, Rafe, Topper etcetera.” She counts on her fingers, dragging out the names as if it were even a hard thought to come up with.
“Ohhh okay! Do you and Rafe get along then? I never seemed to pick up that vibe from you two, that you were very close.”
She shakes her head, a genuine laugh falling from her mouth, “God no! Me and Rafe don’t talk, but if I want to see Topper more than once a week then I have to put up with him.” She breathes, still laughing quietly as her finger circles the rim of her bottle.
“Have you always been distant?”
“Yeah pretty much.. it’s a shame though, I feel like if we gave each other the chance when we were younger, maybe there would’ve been something more now! But there’s no point getting upset over it, what’s done is done.” She shrugs off her previous statement quicker than Ryan had hoped, wanting to ask about it more but felt as though it was probably the wrong place and time. Her smile plastered across her face making it harder to believe she’s lying.
“Mm..” He nods along agreeingly, not really knowing where to take the conversation from here. “Well.. what about Bella?” His eyebrows raise, hand lifting to her as more hope beamed from this conversation starter than the last. “What happened between you two?”
“Umm..” She laughs nervously, stuttering as her focus moves down to her water bottle. She shrugs along with her words, “It’s my fault if I’m being honest! I let everything get to my head! We were best friends, like she was my sister kind of best friend, you know.. I screwed it up when I believed something her brother told me and ever since then I just haven’t been able to keep friends for long!” She sounded almost disappointed with herself, her voice low and hard to make out yet it didn’t stop Ryan from keeping the conversation going.
“What did he say? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I do kind of mind. I don’t want to say. But like I know it’s not true, I just.. still walked away.”
“Why? If you knew it wasn’t true why didn’t you bring it up to her or even just stay?” He kept his voice calm, soft and a little needy as he wanted the details but also wanted to not upset her by asking too much.
She sighs, “Because! I was scared that maybe down the line it would become true. And it would hurt more if I believed it’d never happen. So I just let it be a thing and I blocked her.”
“Does she know why you stopped talking to her?”
Sarah shakes her head, eyes not lifting from her bottle as she takes a deep breath, “Sorry can I go?” She doesn’t even wait for his response as she lifts herself from the stool and excuses herself to the bathroom; rubbing her eyes and blinking away her thoughts on the way.
The sun had set, sitting peacefully against the lands edge, the water still and the air cool. The quiet was broken by a few laughs and giggles.
“Wait are you serious? Rafe actually thought you’d believe that shit?” A tanned, dark-ish haired boy questioned, spread out on a hammock as his large hand came up to flick his hair out of his eyes.
“Yep! So I told him to leave me alone. God John B I need to get away from everyone.” The brunettes eyes widen, a lightbulb flicking on above her head as she leans forward, grabbing ahold of the boys thigh tightly, “Can I live here? With you??” She squeals excitedly, the thought actually becoming a want.
“Your brother would KILL me Bells! But you’d know I’d say yes if I could..!” He speaks softly, poking her nose with a gentle smile.
“No because imagine all the shit we’d get up to! I could finally be a Pogue again, and not have to worry about being ‘Little Miss Perfect’ all the time.” She rolls her eyes, leaning back against her arms.
“Hang on what’s that supposed to mean?” His brows furrow, a slight playfulness to his voice as he raises a finger.
She giggles at his reaction, rocking his leg back and forth with her hand, “You know I didn’t mean it..”
He squints his eyes, unbelieving of her words causing another soft laugh to grace her tongue, “Yeah okay maybe I did mean it. But hey I meant it in a good way! You get to do whatever you want! I’m stuck working a 9 to 5 job and have to look after my older brother all day every day! It’s so unfair!!” She whines, crossing her arms against her chest as she slumps back in the hammock, causing it to sway slightly.
“Okay.. I don’t mean to burst your bubble or anything but.. did you do EITHER of those things today?”
Her eyes shoot to his, piercing through him. She looked as though she wanted to murder him, which in his mind was completely not surprising in the slightest if it were true.
He chuckled, a smirk tugging at his lips as his brow raised, “I meant it.” He stated proudly, owning up to his words unlike her in the moment just before.
“Right!” She spits playfully, jabbing her foot into the crook of his waist which made his body jolt and a throaty groan fell from his mouth.
He plays it off as best he could, smirking as he squints at her again, licking his lips as a small devilish laugh corrupts his mouth, “Do that.. one more time.” He lifts a finger to gesture the number.
Her cheeks redden, a soft but fearful smile taking her lips as she giggles, “‘Kay!” She bubbles, kicking him in the side again but this time he’d prepared; tensing against her foot before grabbing ahold of her ankle and dragging her along the hammock so her face was now by his waist; legs in the air, leant against the tree behind him.
“Jesus..” She chokes, hand meeting her back as she slowly rubbed it whilst trying her best not to flinch. “You gave me hammock burn dickhead!!” She flicks his temple earning her a jab in the stomach.
Their eyes lock onto one another’s, both with a look of hatred. A moment of deathening silence falls before it’s interrupted by their sudden snickers. Their laughs almost silent as they were gripping onto their stomachs, Bella sitting up and grabbing onto the boys shoulder for support.
They both take a deep breath before one look at each other caused another outburst. Whilst they had their little moment, a small blonde haired girl joined the frame, slowly walking closer to the two as she hesitated her movements. “Umm hi uh-“
Her words shocked Bella, causing her to jump and almost lose her balance on the hammock, John b’s hand quickly finding her waist to pull her back up, his eyes darting past her frame to be met with another girl around the same age.
“Sarah?” Bella finally calms down, hooking her legs over the edge of the hammock as her expression contorts, “What, what’re you doing here?” Her eyes find John B’s as Sarah hesitated to speak. John B smiled slightly, getting the point across that this was a planned thing. “Oh..” Bella hops off the hammock, brushing off her shorts as she turns back to see John B once more, “Sorry I didn’t realise you had plans. I.. I’ll go!” She stutters awkwardly.
“Bells I’m sorry I should’ve-“
“No no don’t apologise! I should’ve checked beforehand!” She stops a moment, giggling after realising the situation, leaning forward ever so slightly so Sarah wouldn’t hear, “Have fun lover boy..” She winks, skipping past Sarah. He laughs, shaking his head as he rakes his hand through his hair.
“Bella?” Sarah calls, twiddling her fingers anxiously as her gaze is met by the other girls.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah of course I am! Dont worry about me, you two have fun!” She smiles, waving Sarah away but it not working as Sarah steps closer.
“No Bella! I mean the text. I didn’t answer because-“
“Hey don’t worry okay? I understand you had an episode to film it was stupid of me-“
“No! It wasn’t. It really wasn’t, I’m sorry for not answering! What’s going on? Is it Rafe?”
“Uh yeah how’d you-“
“He’s being an asshole.”
“Ah!” Bella nods, “Got it.” Her and Sarah share a moment of gentle laughter, before the air grew tense again.
“What did he do?” She questions softly.
“Um..” Bella scratches the back of her neck, brows dipping, “He just.. I don’t know how to explain it!”
“It’s okay take your time!”
Bella pauses a minute, smiling at her ex-best friend’s gentle nature despite everything that happened between them. “Thank you.. um.. he just. He seems to have changed. Like he acts as if being friends with me has suddenly become a chore. Callum told me last night that Rafe said he doesn’t care about me and that he’s just doing what Ward told him to, to look after me. And I don’t normally believe Callum but when it comes to me and Rafe he’s never lied. There’s no reason for him to lie now, is there?”
“Well I mean.. Ward did tell him today that your his responsibility, but I do genuinely think he cares Bells. I mean if he didn’t, would he be going around slamming cupboards and screaming at everything living or not?”
She snorts, knowing that’s exactly the type of thing Rafe would be doing when he’s pissed, “Okay maybe a little..”
“Yeah just a tiny bit.” Sarah laughs.
Bella smiles, eyes glassing over slowly, “Thank you Sar. It means a lot.” She nods.
Sarah breaks into a smile, stepping close enough to reach out her arms for a hug. Bella frowns, waiting a second before smiling again softly, pulling her in. Their heads resting against one another’s. “I’m sorry he’s being like this..” Sarah whispers against her ear, pulling away to look at her properly, “Even I was worried about you and that’s when you know he’s being a dick.”
Bella giggles, nodding along, “Yeah see someone gets it!” They watch each other a moment, swaying slowly before Bella cuts the awkwardness, “Well thank you again, it was nice to be able to get some sort of answer. And I’m glad I’m not just overreacting!”
“Of course bells! And no you’re not, he’s been weird for a while. I told topper that this morning so it’s definitely not just you!” She laughs, tapping her hand reassuringly.
“Okay.. good!” Bella reciprocates the motion, them both sharing one last smile before John B coughs, “Oh right! Yeah sorry.” She laughs, nodding to him and mouthing another ‘sorry’ before walking away. She turns back once more to grin a, “Have fun lovebirds!” before leaving for good.
Sarah looks over at John B, not hesitating to go over and help herself onto the empty spot in the hammock, with the help of the boys hand pulling her up. She sits there a moment, watching his eyes, “Hi.” She blushes.
He chuckles breathily, tapping her leg softly, “Hey.”
She leans forward, placing a hand on his cheek as she presses a gentle kiss to his other. “Hi..” Her cheeks redden, her face sitting mere cm’s from his.
He grins, his hand finding her neck as he pushes her head back against his, lips finding each others for a slow deep kiss. Once he pulls away he pecks her nose, “Hey..”
She bites her lip, grazing her thumb over it as she lays back, them both watching the others eyes in a moment of silence.
The brunette sighs, pushing open the front door to her home as her shoulders fall. Taking a deep breath, she shuts the door quietly, walking through the dark room; trying her hardest to avoid her brother’s sight that was focused on the loud tv which played the movie ‘Baywatch’. Him and his friends drooling over the poor girls’ bodies.
She reaches for her bedroom door, “Where did you go?” Her brother’s voice cuts the tension condescendingly his eyes not leaving the screen.
Bella bites her lip, stepping backwards as she turns slowly, gripping her keys to her palm tightly. “Out.”
“You weren’t at work today.”
“Uhm.. mhm.” She nods fearfully, not knowing how he got that information and not being brave enough to ask and find out.
“Why? What was more important?” He spreads his legs, resting his arms on the back of the couch as he finishes off his can of beer before chucking it to the floor for Bella to clean up later.
The boys all kept their eyes on the tv because any movement from them would make the situation worse. Except for Topper who took a glance at Bella. His brow dipping when he notices her lip wobbling; her knowing that even if she told the truth, Callum wouldn’t believe her. “Um.. I-”
“She was with me and Sarah!” Topper spills quickly, snatching everyone’s attention instantly. Bella shakes her head at him but it was too late.
“Is that right?” Callum’s attention finally shifts, turning back to face Bella as he raises his brows.
“Yeah she-“
“I didn’t ask you.” He spits at Topper, eyes not taking away from Bella.
“Bella tell me the truth. Im just making sure you weren’t putting yourself in danger or anything.” She smiles, relaxing slowly at his words. Feeling more comfortable now he’s being caring again. “Wanna make sure no Pogues were talking to you today.” He reassures, but little did he know it did the exact opposite.
Her heart rate picks up as her breathing deepens, her inhales becoming longer and harder to do. She takes the biggest breath she could, nodding to herself as a form of comfort. “I.. I was taking a walk around the island. Just wanted to clear my head. I’m sorry I didn’t go into work today I just felt that if I did I wouldn’t have gotten anything done.” It wasn’t a complete lie, she did go round the island for a few hours.
“Your anxiety playing up again?” The concern in his voice warming her slightly, making her feel less stressed in the current situation.
“Yeah..” She agrees embarrassedly, keeping her eyes anywhere but on the others as it’s not something she brings up to people.
He nods, his thumb running along his nose, “So how was your chat with John B?”
The boys look up at her, her eyes widen as her fists clasp together tightly, “W- what?” She laughs nervously, trying to push it off.
He scoffs standing up which earns him Rafes attention. His eyes shooting up to him as he grips tightly to the back of the couch, ready to jump in if necessary. “You think I wouldn’t find out?” Callum tilts his head, his eyes dark as he steps closer to Bella, sucking in a breath as she struggles to find her tongue.
“I.. I-“
“Cmon Bells, you can’t keep nothing from me princess.” He grazes her cheek, a sweet but venomous smile stuck on his face like a mask, “He causing trouble?” He frowns, his voice that sarcastic caring tone that she despises.
“No..” She grumbles, frowning as if his question was obvious.
“What you talk about?” Callum watches her eyes that were glued to his, her fear pulling a smile onto his disgusting angelic face.
“Nothing..” Her eyes glistened, lashes batting to push away the evident tears. Not realising her holding her own breath, she releases.
His brows raise, eyes lightening as he chuckles deeply, “So you sat together in silence? Sounds fun.” He gives her a smile, a smile she would never believe but anyone else would.
She ignores his snarky remarks, her eyes shutting as she fakes a yawn, “Can I go to bed?”
His hands find her shoulders, gripping her skin so hard his nails were leaving indents, “Why’d you not stay?”
She frowns, shrugging the best she could under his grip, “Because why would I?”
He lets go, shrugging, realising she meant the words she said, “Just wondering.” He smiles genuinely, “Glad you’re here.” He taps her hand, forgetting everything that just happened.
She rolls her eyes, pulling away as she turns back around to head off to her room. Callum sits himself back on the couch, helping himself to another can as the little release of air fills the silence.
“Bella?” Her name cuts through the room, the blonde boy innocently calling for her knowing he shouldn’t but couldn’t help himself.
“Mhm..” She sucks in a breath, her head facing the boy again as she rubs her eyes, not to push away her tiredness but to hide the tear that had formed in the corner.
He smiled guiltily, “Sarah find you?” Keeping his sentences short to push the conversation on quickly.
It took a minute for Bella to comprehend, not knowing exactly how much her brother and the others knew about her day, “Huh?”
He frowns, “Sarah! She said she was gonna call you or something.”
She bites her cheek, quickly nodding, “Oh! Um yeah. She uh.. she..” Bella struggled to find a way to word their conversation, taking far too long.
Toppers brows furrow, his worry for her only growing as she stopped mid-sentence. “You okay?”
Her eye’s quickly refocus, darting to his, “Mhm yeah sorry. She just spoke to me actually.”
Rafe’s eyebrows raise, a smirk tugging at his lip, “Did you not just come from John B’s?”
“Yeah so?” Bella spits, eyes glassing over again at her best friend’s need to bring her down all of a sudden as if she was the problem.
Toppers eyes widen at the realisation of Rafe’s words, standing up suddenly as he shoots Bella a glare, “Is Sarah with that freak again??”
She panics, “What?? No! I-” She cant lie to save her life meaning the boys all saw right through, realising exactly what’s going on. They all remove themselves from the couch.
“Oh that shitty little fucker!” Callum snapped, reaching for the door and leaving, letting it slam loudly behind him with a bang which caused Bella to shriek.
“Callum don’t!!” She cries, tears streaming down her face as she runs to the door, pulling it open and watching her brother pull on his helmet.
Topper shoves past her, followed by Kelce. Her cheeks soggy and eyes puffy; the realisation finally sinking in of what she’s just done to all her friendships in this one moment.
She takes a deep breath, her fingers coming up to her mouth as she started nibbling at her finger nails.
Rafe came up behind her, placing his hand against her shoulder, causing her to again, flinch before calming as she sees it was only him. “Please get off me..” she pushes his hand off herself, walking past him back to her room.
“Can we please just talk?” Rafe pleads, eyes welling as he reaches for her again.
She stops, looking back at him with a dip in her brow, “No, I don’t want to talk to you!” She forces, her tone matter-of-factly. Her words cause Rafe to choke, “Rafe you just sat there and watched him speak to me like that. You always do! It’s like you don’t care anymore Rafe. Like being friends with me is a chore that you’d rather never do!” She explains, brows furrowed as another tear falls from her hazel eyes, meeting his with no emotion but pure distrust as she inhales sharply, “I’m giving you space.. can you not just appreciate that?” She asks softer now, knowing shouting at Rafe is going to get her nowhere, and she’d never want to purposefully raise her voice at him anyways.
“Rafe!!! We’re going come on man!!!” One of the boys shouts through the door, the two of them both glancing back.
He doesn’t budge, looking down at Bella with his watery blues, waiting for maybe something more from her. Hoping she’d finally crack and come back to him. She sighs, stepping closer before running outside and joining Topper beside his bike.
“I’m so sorry..” She mutters, gripping onto his shirt, breathing deeply again to stop herself from falling apart.
“Hey don’t be okay..? Just glad you’re okay..” He smiles, reassuring her as he pats her hand that rest against his chest.
She stares at him a little longer, mouth agape as if she were going to speak, “You okay?”
She nods, closing her mouth before opening it again, patting down his shirt that she only just scrunched up, “Just.. please don’t mention me! I mean I can’t- I-“
“Hey sh shh..” He takes ahold of her hands, pulling them up to his chest to hold them tighter, “It’s fine alright. I’m just gonna speak to Sarah. I don’t need to bring you into it all yeah? But then you’re gonna tell me what’s going on with you okay..?” He whispers, leaning down to rest his forehead against hers, placing a gentle kiss to her fists.
She smiles at his soft touch, her cheeks blushing without noticing, as she nods, “Okay..” He pulls her head into him to place another kiss to her skin before pulling on his helmet.
She goes back inside before pausing at the entrance. Looking right into the camera she snarls, “You’ve put cameras here too??” She looks around, eyes meeting every lens in the room, “When..??” She scowls, her brows knitting together through frustration before turning back around on her heel and heading for the door.
She jogs down to Topper and quickly hooks her leg over his bike, hands sat ontop his shoulders.
“Bells you sure?” He shouts through his helmet and she signals a thumbs up as she wraps her arms under his shoulders tightly.
Rafe watched a moment, frowning and shoving his tongue to his cheek. She always rides on my bike.. refuses to ride on anyone else’s, I’m the only one she trusts to ride with. So this was a stab right in his heart. He shoves his helmet on, waiting for Callum’s signal before they all road off down to the Cut. It wasn’t the longest ride as Bella and Callum already live on the edge of Figure Eight.
“Wheres your boyfriend?” John B grumbles, crossing his arms as he watches her eyes dip.
“I don’t know.” She frowns, “Does it matter? I’m thinking of breaking up with him!”
John B smirks, forgetting to respond as his eyes widen, just focusing on her features with a slight a blush to his skin.
She giggles, “Is that.. is that okay?” She smiles, running her hands over her thighs nervously.
“Uh yeah yeah of course! I mean.. if you did, you know, break up. What would that.. what would that-“
“Mean for us?” She interrupts softly, her cheeks reddening.
“Yeah..” He nods slowly, watching her lips curl into a smile.
“Well-“ “Sarah!!!!” A deep gravelly voice pierces through the air, singing almost, her eyes widening immediately.
“My brother..” She jumps off the hammock whilst John B tries to ‘act cool’, resting his head against his hands and whistling softly.
Rafe, Callum, Kelce and Topper all rode in to the yard. Sarah’s eyes not shifting from her brother as he climbs off his bike. John B turns to watch before his eyes catch onto something. “Bella??” His brows furrow as he pulls himself off the hammock, “What the hell are you doing?”
“This isn’t about her, asshole. This is about you and your little friend!” Callum spits, pointing at the two of them.
Topper steps forward, pushing Callum back gently, “Sarah you said-“
“I know what I said Topper! And I’m sorry but.. we’re over.” She states softly, going to reach for his hand but he pulls away.
“That Pogue’s corrupting your mind Sar! He ain’t good for you. Just come home and we can sleep it off yeah?”
“No Topper! I mean it-“
“Sarah this is not happening!” Rafe walks over his eyes shooting to the younger boy, “What the fuck did I say about her and Bella huh? You don’t get it do you?? You need to be shown I’m serious huh?? You need me to teach you a lesson yeah?”
“Rafe don’t..” Sarah spits.
He ignores her, stepping closer and John B chuckles, preparing his fists.
The small voice froze him, hitting himself in the head as he turns around to be met with the shorter girl. “Don’t do it.. please.”
“Yeah well I told you not to leave me and, Oh! People don’t listen do they sweetheart.” He laughs, stroking her chin.
“Bella I trusted you.” John B whines, the words alone causing Bella to wince. Her eyes immediately begin to pool as she looks up at him. “John B I-“
“Wait this was you?” Sarah comes over, her eyes darkened at the girl, her voice full of frustration.
“No I- well-“
“I thought you knew not to speak about this. You promised!”
“I know!!!” She cries, struggling for air as her eyes dart between the two, “Look I’m sorry!! I.. I don’t understand what you want me to do!”
“How about don’t get involved?” John B suggests hatefully, his eyes looking down on her with pure betrayal causing her heart to ache.
“I didn’t! I’m the one who told you not to do it!”
“But didn’t you get all smitten like a minute later and tell me to go for it if I could?”
She moans, biting her lip as she struggles to find her breath, tears streaming down her cheeks yet again.
“What??” Topper grabs ahold of her arm, pulling her attention to him as his brows furrow.
She holds her chest, “No!! I.. I never said that! I- I was trying to do the right thing okay??” She pulls away from Toppers grip, stepping back slightly as her being surrounded by bodies was making this feeling worse.
“Yeah well you failed didn’t you!”
Sarah frowns, grabbing John B’s hand, “John B stop..??” She tries to calm the situation, somehow being the only one to notice Bella’s struggle. Or being the only one to care for that matter.
Everyone’s eyes lock onto Bella, all shouting and screaming at her as her mind becomes a fog. She raises her hands to her ears to block out the overwhelming noise as her eyes squeeze shut in pain. All the voices mixed into one pool of words in her head, unable to make out who was who in her current state.
“We can’t trust you!!”
“You promised!!!”
“Bella who even are you?”
“I thought we were friends??”
It only gets louder, her hands now useless to blocking the noise; she rips her hands from her ears, throwing a look to everyone around her, their eyes all watching her which causes a lump to form at the back of her throat. “Okay!!! Okay, I get it okay?? I fucked up!!!” She whines through a croaky wobbly mess of a voice, “But I don’t- I.. what am I supposed to do?? Your all my-“
“Pick a side.” Her brother interjects plainly, his brows raising at his suggestion.
Bella frowns, scoffing at his words as she clears her throat, “What??”
Rafe watches her a moment, watching the way her eyes sparkled in the moonlight as a tear let its way down to her chin. He huffed, going over to Callum and grabbing ahold of his shirt, trying his damn hardest to reason with him, knowing his best friend would never pick in a million years.
Callum shoves Rafe off him, stepping closer to his sister as he plasters on a smile, the same smile from earlier, “I said. Pick. A. Side. It’s either us.” He points at himself, in a condescending manner. “Or them!” His fingers follows to the couple beside the trees, his eyes not shifting from his sister’s puffy ones. “It’s one or the other I’m afraid, you’re not a little princess who gets to have everything she wants.” He spits, standing over her with his hands shoved into his pockets. A grin forming along his face, enjoying every moment of this situation he’s created.
“Wait Callum??” John B finally realised the severity of the situation, feeling his heart hurt for her now he knows what’s really happening. To Callum it was never about him and Sarah. It was about Bella. It’s always about Bella. At this point John B didn’t care for the argument, all he wanted was Sarah.
Bella’s eyes search the area for comfort, or someone to reason with him or anything. Everyone staring at her blankly gave her the answer she needed as she bats her lashes and sucks in a deep breath. “I don’t care..” She starts, her voice deep and stern, eyes piercing through Callum’s, actually causing a slight sweat on his forehead, “..what side I’m on, as long as. You’re not on it!!” She spits in his face, shoving past him and going down the path to go home. Her facade quickly slipping away as her lips tremble, eyes squinting through tears.
Callum’s face tenses, fists scrunching as he chuckles, “Oh you fucking-“ Rafe steps in the way quickly, shoving him back slightly with a push on his chest. Kelce grabs ahold of his waist, holding him back from being able to move. All the boys knowing exactly what could happen if they let go. “YOU BITCH!!!” He screams, “I’m trying to protect you why don’t you fucking understand!!!!” He screeches through the dark yard, trying his best to wriggle free from the boys’ grips. Rafe turns his head to see Bella, heart physically hurting for her as he watches her struggle to find her breath, wiping her tears and walking away without anyone to help. He shoves his fingers into his eyes to hold back the tears.
Topper doesn’t even hesitate to run after her, pulling her in to his chest even despite her fight to push him away. He holds her tightly, stroking her head as he places multiple kisses to her temple, hushing her as she let go against his chest.
Everyone stood back and watched the situation die down as Topper slides his hand into Bella’s, taking her home and leaving his bike unattended.
“Why don’t you go talk to her? You just stood there and watched her cry! You never do that!!” Kelce states, all the boys sat around the living room, drinking in the dark whilst they review what just happened.
Kelce sat on the couch beside Rafe who had his legs splayed out and head against the arm rest, beer in his hand that hung off the edge of the seat. “Shut up..” He mumbles, shutting his eyes as his free hand squeezes the bridge of his nose.
Topper frowns, sitting up as he crosses his legs on the cushion under him, “No Rafe he’s right! We left her be because we thought you’d go and comfort her. Has she done something to you?”
His words cause Rafe to curse under his breath, sighing as he leans his head further back, dropping his hand to his lap, “No course not, she’s an angel..”
Kelce and Topper exchange a look, “Then what’s the problem??” Kelce argues, neither of the boys understanding why he’s being like this when his best friend needs him most.
He contradicts their thought, “She don’t need me anymore..” He gravels, swallowing down his beer in one to cover the obvious thoughts that he’s lying; not wanting to own up to the multiple mistakes he’s piling up.
“The biggest pile of bullshit Rafe!!!” Topper exclaims, reading straight through his lies (as would anyone if they knew Bella and Rafe) “She needs you more than you’ll ever know!! You’re just being a dick to her right now..” He sighs, running a finger along the rim of his bottle.
Kelce nods along, his eyes on Rafe as he raises a brow, “For no reason, may we say.” Him and Topper laugh at Rafe’s groan of a response.
He winces at their reaction, lifting his head as he furrows his brows, “For fucks sakes look I know her better than either of you ever will okay?-”
“Bullshit but okay..” Kelce laughs to Topper, rolling his eyes as he finishes off his beer.
He looks back at Rafe to see his eyes glued on him, “What was that?” He squints through the darkness, biting his cheek.
“N- nothing!” He chokes, burying his face in a slice of pizza.
Rafe sighs, resting back on the arm of the couch, his hand finding the back of his head as he fiddles with a strand of his hair, “I know when she’s done with me..” He sulks, earning him a groan and an eye roll from both his friends.
“Jesus stop projecting!!!” Sarah steps into the room, swinging her arms about at his stupid words. “You fucked up Rafe! And you hate yourself for it!! It’s so obvious, it hurts!!” She whines, causing Rafe to grunt in response to her ‘accusations’. “Go talk to her!” She rests her hands on the back of the couch beside his body, walking into the shot of the camera.
His brows dip into his eyes, throwing an arm over them, “Fuck off Sarah.. you literally cheated on my best friend. Why should I-“
“He did it first??” She utters, offence gleaming off her face as she frowns.
Rafe’s eyes shoot from her to his friend, sitting up quickly and furrowing his eyebrows, “What??” He watches Topper, his eyes widening as he avoids eye contact with the both of them.
“Mhm..” Sarah crosses her arms, a proud smile coating her face, “My friend Layla told me yesterday they hooked up- well my ex-friend. She said it’s because I was ‘taking too long’. So..” She shrugs, “I thought we were done!” She didn’t seem too bothered for someone who just found out their partner cheated on them.
Rafe’s expression contorts, “What the fuck bro??” He expresses, “You cheating on my sister for??”
Sarah watches in shock, a small smile tugging at her lip. “Bro I’ve never spoken to Layla before?? She’s lying Sar!!”
She crosses her arms over her chest, brows raising as she tilts her head slightly, “Prove it.”
“I wanna go back to this Bella thing! You two clearly don’t care enough about this, just break up and move on!” Kelce sighs, slumping into the couch cushions as he drinks his beer.
Rafe grumbles, lifting himself from the couch as he runs his fingers through his bangs, “Nah I’m going to bed!”
The remaining three giggle to one another; Sarah joining Topper on the one seater despite the previous tensions.
Kelce groans as he watches them snuggle into one another as if nothing ever happened, shaking his head before grabbing another bottle and a slice of pizza.
“Life doesn’t stop when the cameras are on. And I’m sorry for any inconvenience I’ve made but I’m not putting my problems on hold just because you’re filming. If anything you should be putting on hold for me. But it’s reality tv. So neither of that happens and you unfortunately get to see it all.” Bella shrugs, forcing a smile through her glassy eyes.
Thank you Bella for that little nugget to end the episode with. Sorry we didn’t get much of a chance to pull anyone aside this episode, it was a drama-packed day. But maybe on the next one!
Thank you for watching and we’ll see you again soon to join Rafe and the others, let’s see if he can resolve this before the end of the episode shall we.
Next Episode Here
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Thank you for being patient, I’m not sure about this one but thank you nonetheless for reading! Next one should come out quicker I promise!!
Taglist: @viawritesstuff @mymelodylvr @rafeinterlude @cerya @aariahnaa @42angelgirl @b1mb0slvt
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akanesheep · 1 year
How they fell for MC: Part 3
Our favorite otaku does not fall fast or easily. He’s naturally suspicious and distrusting of outsiders, even more so since his arrival in the Devildom. This normie human shows up and wants to tease their way in? No way.
The whole TSL debacle? That was negative points. If he hadn’t been stopped Lotan surely would have killed you. (Which he remembers with much regret) He’s our boy, but our boy has a temper inside that meek exterior.
When you apologized, and began to interact, he kept you at a distance, definitely watching for any signs of deception.
‘They’re cute’ he’d think and blush. ‘NONONO! Absolutely not! No normie stuff, besides, they’d be better off with someone, anyone else’
Ahh his sin. Taking all his skill, ability, and self-confidence and assurance, and stuffing it deep inside himself. All that was left on the surface was jealousy and envy. Most of the time, he only felt able to do everything through the screen of his computer. No normie human could understand how he feels.
Wait, you actually do like anime and games? Hold up, put up or shut up. He demands you prove this. Quizzing you constantly about various animes and games. You play MMORPG’s? Even better. You’re gonna be his raid partner now. To stop the constant quizzing to prove how much you actually know, you show him pictures of bookcase after bookcase lining your room in the human realm. Anime, manga, figures and games lined each one.
His eyes widened, finally believing you. He may have a good friend here. Anime nights are a constant whenever he can sneak you away.
Slowly with each visit, each round of game and anime nights, he found himself thinking more and more about his Henry. Wait… when did that become a simple fact that they were that important to them? He feels his face flush and admonish himself for thinking like a normie. Then envy takes over. He berates himself for even thinking someone like you could like or even lo-love him back? He’s not worth it… and besides, you had to hate him deep down for trying to kill you.
But you happily came over all the time… you smiled at him. Even caught you blushing at him once. He does this over and over. His adoration for you growing by the day, partially content to love you from afar as he finds himself unworthy, and his jealousy demanding action, unable to hold it all in.
You meanwhile made it obvious to everyone that you loved this glorious Otaku, this demon of envy. Finally you helped him along by kissing his cheek one night after months of build up getting him comfortable with sitting close, then sitting side by side, eventually over time into very innocent cuddles. Both of you blushing, but he looked like a tomato each time… but when you kissed him? He jumped and threw himself sideways, stammering and gesturing, even apologizing… you calm him down, and tell him you love him. He looked at you stunned for a moment, his face somehow getting redder. You wondered if he was going to reach purple when his protests began anew. His envy causing ever self doubt to gush forward, ever argument for why that couldn’t be true. How any of his brothers were a way better choice.
You put a finger to his lips, told him that you love alll of his brothers… but you love him, you have to tell him why. Otherwise he would never believe you no matter how many times you said it. You have to fight his envy and overpower it with truth.
When you finish, you lean forward and kiss his lips softly, and whisper ‘I love you’ again to him.
He stammers, then leaning forward he kisses you back, his lips tight and trembling. He can’t say the words back yet… not those specific words. So he says ‘me too’
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ithinkabouttzu · 8 months
omg feel free to ignore but can you do BoB headcanons of having a female medic s/o with big boobs 🙏
Easy co.’s reaction to having a nurse s/o with big boobs
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genre: Fluff; suggestive
warnings: Language, suggestion (sorry guys)
description: Easy company’s men reaction to you (their s/o) being their nurse and having big boobs.
a/n: Hey!! Sorry I totally didn’t see the medic part and I accidentally wrote it as nurse i’m so sorry 😭 Anywho, just a reminder that this isn’t any hate towards any itty-bitty-titty community at all! (love you guys for real!) Also, some of these might seem like they’re sexualizing the reader but please don’t take it that way, it’s all supposed to be about love!! Hope you enjoy reading <3
Taglist: @sweetxvanixlla @ronsparky @samwinchesterslostshoe @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl (if you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!)
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Dick Winters: - He tries to be the most respectful, it’s inappropriate to look at your body that way and he really respects you.
- But he also is fighting himself from blushing when he sees how your figure looks in your nurses uniform
- He finds you beautiful regardless though, no matter what your chest size is (even tho he’s had a very hard time trying not to stare)
Lewis Nixon: - his eyes get really big when he sees you in your nurse uniform, your cleavage out almost perfectly.
- His throat becomes dry, he feels the urge to drink water, lots of it from his recent thirst, but it seems the only thing he’s thirsty for is you.
- After seeing only men for the past months, and you being the first women he sees in the hospital, he almost dies flat out and he would be completely happy to do so
Carwood Lipton: - He doesn’t even notice at first, he only looks when you have to reach across his body in order to find a good vein.
- His face gets so red, one because he’s guilty for looking, another because he’s absolutely in awe of the beautiful things in front of him
- He still tries to not objectify you, but he truly finds you beautiful in general. He can’t help but get goosebumps at the thought of seeing you again
Joe Toye: - Man when he sees you in that nurses dress, after almost a year of seeing only the men around him, he gets so close to losing it
- He literally starts drooling at the mouth whenever he sees you, you’re like a dream come true, an answer to every single one of his prayers.
- When you do get close to him it’s like he can’t breathe, your body only clouds his mind with unholy thoughts and the dying urge to feel your pretty chest. He’s absolutely desperate for you and getting to know you for the rest of his stay at the hospital.
Joe Liebgott: - NOW WE ALL KNOW THIS MAN IS HAVING THE TIME OF HIS LIFE When he sees you, he actually does lose it, a big smile rising onto his face as though the girl of his dreams is now assigned as his nurse
- He’s an absolute slut for you. Like he’s gonna try his absolute best to make you his, whatever he has to do, he’ll do it. He can’t help but flirt with you any chance he can get.
- When it’s getting close to the end of his stay, he’s dreading it. Only wishing to see you everyday. He’ll practically beg to see you again sometime, or if he can write to you. And being good friends you say yes, making him the happiest man alive.
Bill Guarnere: - He’s probably the biggest flirt you’ve had as a patient. The look on his face is the equivalence of a kid in a candy store for the first time. He’s quick to introduce himself to you, bringing out his best charm for you
- “You always walk around looking like that? It’s killin’ me, doll, and you know it” He would whisper in your ear as you take care of him. It’s hard not to give in when he’s so enticing like this, his voice sending you chills when he talks to you so romantically.
- He’d promise he’d write to you once he gets better, making sure that once the war was over, he’d find you again and take you out the right way.
George Luz: -He gets so smiley when he sees you, he doesn’t mean to stare at your chest, in his defense your chest was kinda staring at him first, your uniform was a bit tight in the upper half making you a bit more revealed, but he didn’t mind one bit.
-He was actually rather joyful, whenever he saw you, you brought his hopes up a bunch. It always made him so happy to see you. Just being around a women and getting to be taken care of by you was a dream.
- He loves every second that he has with you, I could definitely see him being quite smitten with you after you taking such good care of him.
Eugene Roe: - He gets super shy around you and finds it pretty hard to make eye contact for the longest. He never thought he’d be the one to end up hurt, especially when he was supposed to be the one to help people get better, but being around you makes things a lot better.
- Sometimes he’d like to imagine that you guys are together while you’re taking care of him and when he’s really sad. just a lovely girlfriend taking care of her sick boyfriend is what he sees in his head (even tho he knows that’s not the case)
- When you ask if he’d like for you to write letters, he almost finds it impossible that a gorgeous girl like you, would want him to be your man. He’s estatic and would say yes immediately.
Bull Randleman: - It’s love at first sight for him. “Wow” is all he can say under his breath when he sees you for the first time. It’s an amazing sight.
- In the most non-offensive way possible, you’re like a wet dream come true to him. A sweet, pretty girl, with the prettiest tits known to man, taking care of him while he’s hurt.
- It’s like a dream for the rest of his time there. He waits and counts down the hours until you take care of him again, he’s just so happy to be in your presence.
Floyd Talbert: - After everything he’s endured the past months, you’re the best thing he’s ever seen. Literally a gift from God. You and your amazing top half mesmerizing him by the way you do practically anything.
- He looks forward to every-time he sees you. And when he does he’s flirting with you nonstop. “You know, when all this is over with, I would love to get to know you better.”
- He’s gotta a staring problem really bad, he tries to stop, but he can’t help it. You’re the first woman he’s laid eyes on in so long and he just can’t get enough of your body.
Skip Muck: - “Christ in heaven, you’re the best thing i’ve seen my entire life” He says when you walk to his bed, urgent for your care. “How are you today beautiful? Do I need to fight any fellas for giving you a problem?” He’s very playful with you, but there’s only truth to his words.
- He thinks you’re so pretty though, he’s like a schoolgirl crushing on her teacher, anticipating for your arrival everyday, and being a pet to you everytime you are around.
- When his stay is ending, he finally confesses his feelings to you, letting you know how much he actually enjoys spending time with you, and how he would love to see you after the war.
Don Malarkey:- He’s like a little boy around you, so cheerful and happy. When he first met you he was struck by your pretty face, and its was no surprise that your chest was perfect too.
- He tries being respectful every time you’re around, but it’s hard not to steal a glance at your pretty chest every now and then. You never fail to send butterflies down his body when you get close to him too.
-He’s extra sweet to you always, calling you ma’am respectfully, asking if he can do anything for you despite his physical condition. He’s just very happy to have a positive energy like you around him.
Babe Heffron: - “My goodness, what have I done to deserve you” He says when he sees you walk over to him, it doesn’t even matter if he’s hurt, he can’t feel it anymore. Only thing he can feel is a burning desire for you.
- You’ll catch him staring towards you a lot, he doesn’t even try to hide his staring eyes. He is truly fascinated with you.
- When his stay gets cut short, he asks you if you’d like for him to write to you, it was the sweetest you’d ever saw him. When you said yes he would grab you in a hug and swing you around with joy.
Shifty Powers: - He’s the most respectful out of all the guys. He’s well aware of how perfect your chest is, but he’s not going out of his way to make you uncomfortable at all. He’s pretty mature about it.
- But he does find you beautiful, to him, your body is obviously amazing, but you are so much more to him then just a nice nurse with pretty tits. You’re amazing girl that he would love to know more of.
- He probably would tell you how he feels later on once his time there was up, it he would be super nice and respectful about it.
Frank Perconte: - He’s like a dog to a bone, absolutely enamored with you and your smokin’ body (as he would like to call it)
- “What a dame” He’d say under his breath, suddenly in the need of water by your nice looks. He’s definitely gotta staring problem (he really can’t help it 😭)
- “When all this is over with, you wanna come home with me, pretty girl?” He would flirt with you until he physically can’t anymore
Ronald Speirs: - He doesn’t want to give you a huge reaction, but if you could read his mind, you’d be surprised about the things he’d been thinking about….
- “Doll, do you know the effect that you leave on half of the guys in this place? I can’t tell you what all they’d do just to touch you”
- In all, he’s mesmerized by your body and the way you move. Even in the most basic moments, he just can’t help but watch you do your job.
Skinny Sisk: - “You’re my nurse, wow. Is it my lucky day or somethin’?” When he sees you, he’s so happy that you’re gonna be the one taking care of him
- He’s a big simp for you, if you need anything, someone to talk to, help (if he’s physically able) then he’s more then willing to do it.
- He’s so smiley and happy around you it’s so sweet!! He tries not to stare at your amazing rack but he thinks you’re the prettiest he’s ever seen.
Chuck Grant: - “Golly, am I in heaven?” He thinks you’re an absolute angel after all of the hell he’s seen. If good looks could kill, he’d be willing to die under your watch.
- He has to remind himself constantly than your eyes are “up there” instead of anything otherwise, but he can’t concentrate on anything when you’re in the room (for obvious reasons ofc)
- He’s well behaved on the most part though, just a sweet bby who loves your chest like it’s nothing LOL
Johnny Martin: - He actually feels so much better when he finds out you are gonna he his nurse. Christmas day came early for him (a pretty girl with nice tits was for sure on his list)
- “What are you doin’ here? Shouldn’t you be performing at some show or something, you’re too pretty to work” He doesn’t understand why you’re having to move a finger tbh, you’re too precious to him 😭
- “I had a nice time with you while I was here, if you ever wanna write to me, you can, doll” He honestly gets kinda sad when he knows he won’t be able to wake up to your pretty face (and tits) everyday.
David Webster: - Tbh you’re the real reason why he’s in the hospital for so damn long 🤣 like the moment he met you he just had to be around you at all times
- He stares a lot, and has a quite bit of dirty daydreams containing your chest and him 😭
- Honestly he didn’t even think he was a boobs guy until he met you, you really changed him for the better
Buck Compton: - He’s this emoji: 🤤, actually drooling at the mouth, you look so good to him.
- He’s never been happier to be in a hospital at the moment, your presence is enough to bring him back to full health tbh
- He’s super thankful in general that he has such a pretty and well rounded (see what I did there ) nurse taking care of him while he’s down
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professional-idiots · 8 months
TBHK Ch.110–Thoughts and feelings
1. I don’t even know what to say about this. LIKE!!?!!?! Especially because Akane always said that supernaturals only ever think about themselves!!! GUYS… I wonder if this is gonna affect him as a character and his outlook on the supernatural (anyway they’re literally siblings and I was sobbing)
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2. SOOO CURIOUS ABOUT THIS!!!! What’s the significance?? Is it a functional key? Probably… and if so what does it open?? Maybe it controls the clock somehow???? So many possibilities 😭
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3. WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE HIM. This is my SON. I love him so much and I was so happy natsuhiko went to go find him 😭😭😭😭
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4. He trusts him so fully!!! He genuinely thought natsuhiko was coming to save him!! He thought they were—if not friends then at least *friendly* HE THOUGHT HE COULD TRUST HIM
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5. When I tell you my heart DROPPED (but I am excited by all this yorishiro talk—more on that later)
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6. TBHK character stop shoving strange substances into Mitsuba’s mouth challenge (level: impossible)
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8. Friendly reminder that Teru is the worst boyfriend ever (he’s actively watching Akane eat shit)
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9. I need someone with better media literacy than me to explain what the FUCK is up with these guys bc I feel like I know but like I don’t…. Every time I think I understand shit gets weird again. Like I’m following the story but I cannot analyze this
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OK THIS CHAPTER WAS AMAZING!!! I’m so scared for 111 bc WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN!!!! I have so many theories and ideas and ughughughugh it was so good (even though everything that happened was bad) 8/10 (I’m giving this rating kind of arbitrarily so don’t read into it too much)
So on the yorishiro thing: I think Kou might become Mitsuba’s Yorishiro. Now I know people can become them but can living people… I dunno. However, I think it’s really likely. I’m wracking my brain on what all this Mitsuba would have to value. Not his camera because that was Sousuke’s thing. And if not his camera, then what? Kou is the one thing/person that Mitsuba has grown truly attached to.
So I think next chapter Mitsuba will be dying, but Kou will somehow be able to break from the time thingy (either he wills himself awake—like has a power flare in defense of Mitsuba—or maybe someone helps him—but who 😭) and goes over to Mitsuba and while he’s crying and being all Kou, Mitsuba is gonna like think about Kou (maybe call him his friend for the first time) and somehow in the moment Kou will become Mitsuba’s yorishiro. TRUST GUYS TRUST.
Also on Mitsuba and Kou:
POOR KOU. He looked up to natsuhiko so much when they met right before the severance 😭😭 if he’s close enough, he would’ve SEEN everything happening to Mitsuba.
And also POOR MITSUBA. He trusted natsuhiko!!!!! The good news is that Mitsuba will probably fully shift sides now and possibly make a more direct effort to help Kou Yahsiro and Hanako. Genuinely though, his mom is hurt, *he* is hurt, his friend(ish) betrayed him. My poor baby 😭 why do AidaIro hate himmmm.
I would say something super smart and informed about the twins now, but as I said: nothing about them makes any sense to me.
Ugh I seriously don’t think I can wait till next monthhhhh!!!! If AidaIro lose it and actually kill off Mitsuba…. I don’t even know what I’m gonna do. 111 better be good or else 😭
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